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No. 395336
>Tripfag who posted tit and ass photos for r9k to jerk it to.>Known for spamming boards (4chan, /cgl/, etc) with posts about herself yet claims to want out of the "spotlight".>Likes to send robots after boards who ban her.>Permabanned from lolcow, had over 10k posts at the time.>Even moot hates her.Latest drama
>Banned from Crystal Cafe and of course robots have invaded the site>Anons have found her social media, but since she's watching the threads she's closing them as soon as they're postedPrevious thread
>>>/snow/57737 No. 395344
>>395336Is that really her??
They look like mother and daughter, really. Not a day after 50!
No. 395366
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missing a tooth?
No. 395374
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No. 395378
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i’m not terribly familiar with spoony lore but looking at pics of her, how did anyone think she was attractive? not only are her style choices questionable (those fucking brows) but she is genuinely homely as fuck with a lazy eye. her face looks like someone de-aged a grandma. mystery is no looker but it’s fucking hilarious she was insecure over spoony of all people. holy shit
No. 395384
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>>395378She did cosplay at one point and looked somewhat decent years ago. The thick eyebrows and weight gain did her in.
No. 395407
>>395369Jesus she looks the same age as my mother…
And she's 48.
No. 395437
>>395384her face still looks pretty plain. her body is ok, but i think thicc girls are cute.
>>395430this, i can’t find anything documented about this.
No. 395446
>>395375Same. I didn't know who she was, only thought farmers hated her just because of her attentionwhoring, which is annoying but not very milky. But what she did to is extremely petty and immature and ruined it for some people who went there to find a comfy board. And knowing that it's not even the first time she does it, but a consolidated habit of hers, makes me understand the true reason of the Spoonyhating.
Also fuck me, I thought she was cute before seeing the candids.
No. 395456
>>395430here’s the mystery thread
>>>/pt/368493from what I can recall, mystery.jpg was a batshit crazy, super insecure girl who hated all women yet also wanted to be them. Very similar to Spoony herself in that she tripfagged on 4chan to get attention and validation. Mystery.jpg got copious amounts of plastic surgery in order to try to fix her body dysmorphia. Mystery fixated on many girls as objects of obsession, and was particularly drawn to Spoony (my guess is that she unconsciously detected their similarities.) mystery was afraid that she would be forsaken by her boyfriend for Spoony, who she thought was beautiful and better than her (which is mostly due to her insecurity and BDD.)
When mystery.jpg was revealed as a poster on lolcow and discord and was shown to be a lolcow herself, Spoony took it upon herself to act the victim about all of this and was afraid of Mystery.jpg basically becoming her skin walker. What Spoony does not realize is that she is not the first, nor the last, girl that Mystery will objectify, deify, and obsess over. Spoony is just something for Mystery to project her own insecurities and unhappiness with herself onto. I don’t know if Mystery is reading this but please gurl, I understand what you’re going through, please get therapy.
But again, Spoony chose to play the victim through all of this, because it’s the only role she knows how to play. Spoony has put herself out there on the internet for years and still hasn’t learned her lesson to just stay out of it. It’s possible. But Spoony is mentally ill and doesn’t understand how to move forward with her life.
If I got any of this wrong please feel free to correct me guys. It’s just what I can remember without going back through Spoony’s thread, Mystery’s thread, and /cgl/‘s archives at the moment.
I think a lot of posters here find it ironic that Mystery was so obsessed with Spoony’s “beauty” when Spoony’s real appearance is that of a 45 year old auntie. Karma hits hard.
No. 395490
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Summary of the drama:
>Spoony joins a new and obscure imageboard>fills an already slow and boring site with TL;DR humblebragging about her nosejob, richfag boyfriend who pays for everything, complaints about roommates, veganism>instantly recognizable by her holier-than-thou attitude and writing style which she refuses to change up despite being so scared of internet attention>repeatedly recognized as Spoony, spergs about "keep this lolcow shit out of here" in response despite being the most active lolcow user of all time>whiteknights Mystery in the lolcow thread>gets a job interview at LUSH, a company she adores for their products and ethics which she is very knowledgeable about>blogs about each interview stage excitedly>gets to work a trial day>rejected for not doing enough demos>spergs out about LUSH being greedy retail jews who are fucking evil and predatory for encouraging sales>they sell literal acid that will melt off your face>Anons criticize her for being naive about retail work>"My entire existence is funded by my partner, I never actually needed to get a job in the first place, I just thought a part-time at my favourite overpriced soap repositry might be fun and something to get me out of the house.">"Damn fucking right I'm comparing the manager to a greedy Jew stereotype, what she did was actually reprehensible and I'm ashamed of myself that I didn't tell her to stick her job up her arse then and there. If you genuinely believe that decieving innocent customers into harming themselves physically is an acceptable practice, regardless of your financial situation, then you're just as bad. idgaf how hard up you are, that's just fucking evil.">decides to go volunteer at an animal shelter instead, more virtue signaling>Anons realize it was Spoony all along>more sperging>Spoony gets banned>the same day, is mysteriously raided by 4chan /r9k/>to this day, robots are spamming shitposts, dicks and gore on>Spoony comes to an unofficial Discord to clear her name with another rant even though users tell her to let it go and move on because she dindu nuffin wrong>her lolcow thread is revived>Farmers discover that she uses the same "real life" name everywhere contrary to her insistence she's trying so damn hard to keep a low profile>Spends all night doing damage control, spamming lolcow with emails and reports and deleting social media profiles mere seconds after them being posted in her thread>Admin-senpai notices her >>>/snow/394577 No. 395499
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>> Admin already said she won't do it.>>395492>>395495I want to see Spoony's posts too but marking ten thousand posts sounds like an inhuman feat.
No. 395500
>>395499>bad precedentHow? I mean, it's not exactly abused on lolcow even. It's reserved solely for people who bring chaos to this website, selfpost, false report, and piss people off.
That's really lame.
No. 395501
>>395500They seem to want to be a safe space where you don't have to fear being officially outed.
No. 395507
>>395501c.c is a kawaii uguu hugbox, only us vile bitches on lolcow would out our sugoi sisters.
if spoony has such a perfect life with a perfect boyfriend who "funds her existence" then why is she still such a miserable attention whore? despite the boyfriend she must be incredibly lonely if she needs internet strangers to validate her. her and mystery are so fucking pathetic. jeeeeeeeeeesus.
No. 395509
>>395500>>395507Isn't it enough that she was banned? A ban shouldn't mean complete exposure. If she ban evades and keeps stirring shit then I'll be all for it. But even on lolcow exposure doesn't happen unless you did something extreme.
The Admin has said it's not intended to be a safe space and has allowed Spoony to be roasted as well as a lolcow thread which was only locked when users abused it by posting dox and death threads (which is forbidden on lolcow too) with the promise that a new one could be made as long as there is no dox or threats.
It's not an anonymous board if you get outed for everything.
Saged for whiteknighting crystal-chan.
No. 395510
>>395503>all these posts on fat subs>berating fat people when she's obeseK E K
never change spoony
actually wait please change, you're fucking annoying and pathetic
No. 395519
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>>395510Well Spoony has grown to have a better respect for fat people, now that she herself is a fat vegan. Pic related.
No. 395520
>>395513This is genuinely fascinating.
She’s also the living stereotype of obnoxious vegan. As a vegan myself, I’m kind of embarrassed by her behavior.
No. 395523
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So much for her fanfiction of her boyfriend buying all-new furniture, "and none of that flatbox crap either"
No. 395524
File: 1506812451682.png (217.78 KB, 1198x524, spoony explains her veganism.p…)

>>395520One for you, anon.
No. 395529
File: 1506812909729.jpg (783.53 KB, 1920x5218, ilSCP2l.jpg) subreddit she posts the most comments in is Random Acts of Amazon (124 comments), but most of her karma is in /r/Overwatch.
Her most upvoted comment is "Ooh, scary!". Quality posting.
She's complaining about
still getting new bans from 4chan boards, pic related.
No. 395533
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No. 395536
>>395529Wow I think I remember seeing this argument too. I'll have to find it on rebeccablacktech just so we can see the whole thread and look at what actually went down.
>arguing with people about vintage fur Ugh.
No. 395537
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>did I mention I answer phone calls in Japanese to troll cold calls?? lololol
No. 395543
File: 1506813538607.jpeg (305.64 KB, 750x1251, 6C86B5A3-A6EB-4424-9040-9AA410…)

im Just going to be dropping whatever I think is relevant.
No. 395546
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No. 395547
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No. 395548
File: 1506813607895.jpeg (387.38 KB, 750x1253, 9D62BAF8-4F6D-41F5-A559-3C17F1…)

Spoony talks about her depression.
No. 395549
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No. 395550
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No. 395555
>>395366>>395336Omg is that really her?
I didn't ever remember things in she's got only one sameface angle, which is what some girls do to hide shit.
No. 395556
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More Spoony vegan rage. She could give Kiki a run for her money.
No. 395559
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No. 395570
File: 1506814618501.png (665.45 KB, 1366x4090, screencapture-reddit-user-vene…)

>>395566If you still have your tab open, you can go back and still see everything you looked at. I ran a screenshot extension just in case.
No. 395580
File: 1506814846779.png (23.36 KB, 1018x147, 2005.png)

She's been using 4chan since she was 13/14
No. 395581
bless you archiving/screencapping anons, i didn’t think she’d delete in the span it took to take a shower.
>>395533>maintaining my aesthetic veneer>many would assume I’m a healthy, happy, relatively attractive young womanthe delusion is real. and it’s fucking hilarious she makes her bf out to be rich and spoils her rotten but she was sleeping in a sleeping bag in her unfurnished apartment. she really lives some sort of illusion online, it’s sad.
No. 395583
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No. 395586
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No. 395587
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>>395503kek she's a 9/11 truther
No. 395588
>>395548>>395552#1 This proves she hasn't been dating rich whoever for 10 years.
#2 What kind of partner is she dating that wouldn't be questioning her silence and seeming public disappearance as of March of 2017?
Holy shit.
No. 395592
>>395336>>395366she looks really, really, really English in these photos
No. 395593
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Found this while looking through r9k archives.
>goddess who deserves all the adulation she gets
yeah ok Spoony
Boyfriend's name checks out as well.
No. 395594
File: 1506816237871.jpg (252.63 KB, 872x1548, 1425593042959.jpg)

>>395378once upon a time she wasn't quite the hambeast she is now
No. 395611
File: 1506818327870.png (185.31 KB, 971x434, veneaux.png) has some weird skincare rant
does anyone remember that SkincareAnon(?) tripfag from cgl a couple years back? I'm wondering if that was spoony
No. 395614
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>>395611Isn't it 2 am in the UK? Take Admin's advice and go to sleep Spoony
No. 395626
>>395614Spoony never sleeps, especially not when someone is talking about her on the internet.
Real talk, I do feel bad when I see her talking about her depression. I feel bad that she has to construct this persona on the internet that is the opposite of who she really is irl, just to get some sort of validation from absolute strangers.
I get the feeling that Spoony is actually a very lonely person and she doesn’t have any real life social interaction, which is why she feels the need to seek it out from the internet.
No. 395848
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>me reading this whole thread
Wow spoony, it must have really been worth making that r9k thread, huh? kekekekekekek
No. 395955
>>395369>>395374…that's spoony? Holy shit.
>>395524Not to blog but I've been a vegan for 6 years and there's nothing worse to me than people who have been vegan for 5 minutes and think they've suddenly gained moral absolution and superiority for their ~100% cruelty free~ lifestyle. Yeah the bandwagoners are annoying but just let them be, fucking hell. Be glad that almost every place has a vegan option now because more people are interested in veganism.
Sage for vegan sperg
No. 396635
>>396599>I guess date night at mcdonalds every day and splitting the 1 dollar kids menu counts to her as her man "taking care" of her.I lol'd.
This anon
>>394240 was so right about her.
No. 396667
ebony darkness dementia raven way whyte
>>394460>>394587holy fuck these are such underrated posts. i kek'd
No. 396760
>>396697>fembot boardwhy is everyone who uses 4chan now so retarded? I mean they've always been retarded but now that it's so popular, all these newfags are mixing up basic imageboard site terminology.
i can't tell if they actually meant femanon site or if they genuinely think a "female robot" board exists somewhere lmao
No. 396860
>>396851>>396856Shooping and angles.
Spoony's been fat for awhile. In fact, I think the main motivation for her going vegan was a bid to lose weight. Women who have weight issues and EDs are known for switching to 'healthy' diets where calories and fatty food groups are heavily restricted.
There's a name for replacing an ED with "healthy dieting," but I don't remember what they were calling it.
No. 397175
>>396859She sold the "NEET" lifestyle so Robots would notice her more. That and robots are so stupid they'll fall for any photoshopped cow that beaches on their shore.
>>396860It's not even Spoony's fatass that's unattractive. She looks haggard. Her skin is really bad and her jowls are on the floor practically. Unflattering glasses, horrible eyebrows and a haircut that doesn't flatter her fat face. She's a mess. I love how much spoony tries playing skincare expert when you can tell her skin is thirsting for sunscreen and moisturizing.
No. 397277
>>397246It would take me literally all day long, given she has over 10,000 posts on the site, but there are a few things she consistently always posts about that I pointed out in the old thread about her, I can't find it right now but will link when I do.
and I want to say I have felt like one of those doomsday guys preaching about spoony for years whilst everyone ignored me. If you let her on your website, she will systematically ruin it, there is no other choice than banning her as soon as you know she's there. She's a fucking psychopath and will not stop until there are real world consequences, which is why I'm considering contacting her uni (believe it's Leicester) with some of the anti-Semitic shit she posts, (I am joo) now you've all given me actual account with this shit it's possible because they'd probably ignore anon posts.
Her real name is either Ebony Butler or Ebony White/Whyte, she goes to Newcastle university and is either studying east asian studies or film studies. She constantly brags about her uni's status as a russel group uni
No. 397420
>>397277It's university of Sheffield and she doesn't even go there anymore
I really doubt anything would happen anyways. A guy at my old uni got busted on /pol/ and nothing happened. Granted, his comments were much more tame.
No. 397580
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>>396851>>396854She used to look like pic related, you can tell the distorted grain in her elbow/waist area, but definitely not the hambeast she is today.
No. 398545
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>>395378Yo why she lookin like Mr Telomeres here?
>>397277>I want to say I have felt like one of those doomsday guys preaching about spoony for years whilst everyone ignored me.that's how i feel about another cow that's been busted on the site before for posting then DMCAing her old pictures.
anyway unless she's got her full name literally next to the post, like FB or something, it's gonna be a tough sell. i think most universities won't care
No. 398568
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>>398509considering her penchant for body modification and spending money she doesn't have, it makes me wonder if the bigger breasts are just her getting fat
No. 405225
I feel like she's fucked off for good now and will do a better job of hiding herself. I doubt she'll want to resurface now that we have these lovely candid photos kek
No. 406945
>>405225Damn, I remember her from /fa/
Used to post as a tripfag
No. 408160
>>408144Fucking England and their welfare, this bitch earned a college degree, has housing, and has shit paid for and hasn't worked a day in her life.
During college I was literally one car repair away from poverty. While working and studying then stressing out over getting a job after graduation…no saftey net for me. I'm pissed again
No. 623495
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is this spoony?
No. 626196
I suspect spoony and a few other chan cows still post. like the anon that polices the lolcow farms. read the soundclout, venus, marge, and whites in japan threads. that's a cow trying to police the boards. chan cgl is unreadable. I think a cow is a mod.
>>395646just fyi and sage. in most usa states a tenant would go to court and put the money in an tenants escrow until repairs are made. now the parking and lunches would be settled in landlord/tenant court, arbitration, or just cut a deal with the landlord. If she just stops paying without an agreement than they could give her the boot.
No. 753467
>>753450>>753445It's truly astonishing.
You think that growing up with 4chan, you'd become MORE anonymous as you age and care MORE about your privacy but she just keeps spreading her personal information out there.
Maybe it's because she started on /cgl/. I feel like they had a higher proportion of tripfags and attention whores from day one.
No. 753559
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>>753530>>753527>>753493c.c admin's response to the possible spoony posting.
i somehow highly doubt that. maybe spoony is traveling for the holiday, good for her!
No. 753734
>>753733Because several anons there called me spoony and I didn’t understand what they were talking about
>>753731Yikes I didn’t think the internet would remember me to this extent
No. 753776
>>753734glad to know c.c has two girls named ebony who are total spergy attention whores shitting it up.
fuck off out of lolcow now thnx.
No. 753858
>>753701The ridiculous reason is that it's her legal name you idiot.
>>753731We're talking about interpersonaly, not in a job application sense. It's not as embarrassing as being a white person with a stereotypical black name which comes with all of the bad shit black people get with the added cherry on top that when people see you're white they think your parents, and therefore you, are actually retarded. Double if also wrong gender.
t. someone who's name may as well have been Tyrone
No. 753863
>>753858I dunno, anon, when you've literally been raped and then told "You deserve to be raped with a name like
that, this is what you were born to do" from a very young age, I think the mild embarrassment and occasional raised eyebrow someone like Spoony might get pales in comparison (no pun intended).
I don't think this is worth arguing, anyway. There are two Ebonies on LC and CC. One is some annoying white British chick who's obsessed with Dakota and shits up every board she touche, the other is a self-hating black American girl with a depressing history. Case closed.
No. 753875
>>753776I’ll do what I want you stupid bitch.
>>753858Well she has a retarded name. It sounds like a stage name. And no, I really doubt that the mild confusion as to her name, given she’s white, really compares.