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No. 455506
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread: >>472802
Facebook: Twitter: & Snapchat: mariahmallad
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>”body positive”, but photoshops her body. Resorted to getting liposuction to keep some semblance of figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >so laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon>Spends chunks of her Patreon income on food, drugs, alcohol, etc. rather than on actual cosplay>pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the sameHighlights from the Last Thread:
>Announces on twitter that she's paid off all her family's debt like the saint she is>Hops on Nigri's dick every chance she gets; buying a sonico figure, claiming she wet the bed, christmas Ahri cosplay>Still insisting on establishing her "OC" with photoshoots in different costumes >Showing how she's turning her kitten Guzma into a POS>Shows she's done over 50 trash cosplays/photoshoots where she's made about 5>Admits she's spent $50 on a Fate mobile game>Argues she's allowed to use patreon $$ on whatever she wants when she's failing to deliver on rewards>Twitch was temp banned, her ig was temporarily gone>Claims she used to self harm for pity pointsNow:
>After ghosting cons, she goes to NYC without vamplettes to boast about her Star Wars knowledge and “buy presents” for herself>Got evicted/kicked out/or just moved out so she is moving somewhere>Cosplayed Sonico, that came out pretty worse>People are still drawing fanart of her acclaimed “OC” >Advertising her old photo shoots because her patreon is lacking>About to do a nurse Joy cosplay, which will totally fail miserably No. 455517
File: 1514504108343.jpg (228.62 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20171228_143201.jpg)

Carrying over: she bought a latex suit from Kitalyst Latex and looks like rotting kielbasa
No. 455524
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>>455518>>455518Funnily enough, the shop is the same people who made ItsBoobaFett's swimsuit Cammy and Kelly Eden's Sailor Moon outfits. They have experience, she does not. Also, see chart lmao she paid more than 100
No. 455539
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On DEPOP, she listed the Harley Quinn she said she was going to do. Looks brand new, she was probably too fat for it lol
No. 455541
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>>455539Just the gauntlets.
No. 455551
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No. 455553
>>455517That ass is about of shape
Also lol at how her arm is as wide as her photoshopped belly
No. 455554
>>455553*so out of shape
God damn it
No. 455600
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>complained about spoilers
>drops a major spoiler
No. 455603
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No. 455645
>>455603It annoys me that she watches it dubbed, but leaves the subtitles on it like she was watching it in Japanese.
You can switch subtitles to match the English dub, Moo. Netflix lets you do that.
No. 455651
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Totes moving house my dudes
No. 455691
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That thigh gap was bothering me. And her dead eyes. I tried fixing them… not perfect but better than the person she's currently employed. Saging.
No. 455712
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Return of Cumilla ??
No. 455756
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No. 455763
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No. 455804
>>455763Binding???!!! This was 80 pounds ago, we all know your “assests” are just lard.
I need to find that old screencap of her saying abs don’t count if you’re skinny and big boobs don’t count if you’re fat.
No. 455890
>>455517can you guys imagine… her lubing… to wear this?
but she obviously didn't so it makes this even more disgusting
No. 455900
>>455772It was more than a year ago anon. It was her before all the drugs and weight.
>>455712Ugh she talks about fake Fate fans but she's a fake fire emblem fan. Her whole knowledge of the fandom seems to be from fanfics she makes in her head. She knows nothing about Camilla. I'm glad Yaya outshined her. It shut her up and made her do a stupid kimono version that showed off her lack of talent. She didn't even bother making it herself. I would love to see her try Camilla again just for her to make excuses like when she wore it for only an hour because of the heat or some shit.
No. 455907
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I'm guessing her listing for removed on ebay. It was 202 on eBay but sold on depop for 200
No. 455908
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No. 455917
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Vein-Chan looking bluer than usual
No. 455923
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That is absolutely a new lipo mark
No. 455928
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No. 455931
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>>455908There's no way, after all the weight gain and the lipo, there's no way her measurements could have fluctuated so little.
No. 455939
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>>455763holy shit maybe she wasn't lying about this…what a dumbass
No. 455945
File: 1514525242662.png (156.63 KB, 695x374, nice padding my dudes.png)

>>455939this was a year before she did the sakura shoot in question but also that's not 'binding' that's actually taping to make boobs look bigger and better. If you look carefully you can see where she has a chicken cutlet or some kind of padding in there. She's just been on her 'i'm so beautiful and curvy my dudes it's sooooo hard'
No. 455947
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About Arbys
No. 455948
>>455517what was the point in hiding her face?
mariah, no one cares about your face but us.
No. 455949
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No. 455952
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>>455931samefagging from padding post to add that although it should be obvious there is no way she's only 2 inches bigger anywhere. I tried comparing by head and eye size. The angles are different so it's hard to show it exactly but even with angles this isnt 2 inches.
No. 455959
>>455756>>455762Did she seriously sign the fucking shipping boxes??
>>455907I don't think eBay lets you sell dirty clothes.
>>455917Something looks wrong. I'm guessing she had trouble getting out of the latex.
No. 455994
>>455959signing the boxes and not a nice note inside the package instead….smfh
also yes totally agree with you it looks like she ripped her skin off trying to get out of the nurse joy latex.
No. 456005
>>455923I FUCKING CALLED IT IN THE LAST THREAD! I told you guys! Her love handles are magically gone and her waist is slimmer on the sides on her lower abdomen, but her stomach still rolls and sticks out like a fucking lard.
I fucking God damn knew it.
>>>/snow/454609 No. 456017
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>>456012I think she's referring to the art Arby's marketing put out on social media like pic related
No. 456038
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>>456032Moo selling her shit cosplays to "pay back" a new surgery? Rich
No. 456040
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No. 456047
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>>456042Was this what you were talking about??
No. 456064
>>456062I have no doubt she is going to try to pass this off as “tire flips my dude”, “just dieting bro” and “hitting the gym so hard”. I thought she was done getting lipo after getting found out the first time. Silly me for not realizing she is a lazy sack of shit that will always take the easy way.
How long will she try to lie about it this time before one of her “friends” stupidly blabs about it?
No. 456086
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Holy shit she just keeps scamming. 55$; doesn’t come with the string.
No. 456088
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I can literally have it brand new WITH THE DAMN STRING by noon tomorrow for 35$.
If anyone with a twitter or insta wants to let this poor girl know she was scammed it might not be too late for her to get a refund
No. 456096
>Moomoo's mind: I am like the best businesswoman ever because I can sell my old cosplays for more money because of my name!Little does she know that by doing so cheapens her brand. It also cheapens her as a person. She doesn't think other cosplayers can do this? Heck has she thought about why not even Jessica Nigri does this? Because I can guarantee Nigri would make way more selling her higher quality cosplays with her bigger name. But she doesn't. It's because she's better than that. She doesn't want to be known as the person making money off of hand me downs. It's even worse for Moomoo because she is straight up conning people. It also comes off as desperate and maybe she really is trying to pay off another lipo surgery. She's really destroying her own career. It's both amusing and pathetic. This is a new low for her. Like has she thought about why other better known cosplayers don't do this?
Momokun forever the cosplayer who rips off her own fans.
As much as I don't like her, her whole cosplayer journey is a train wreck. As much as I hate to admit, she is one of the more known cosplayers even if it's not for the best things. She could have actually used her influence for good and spreading positivity like she always claims to do. But instead she has time and time again shown the world how lazy she is, no longer even taking the time to learn to further her skills as a cosplayer. She has shown us how toxic she is by burning bridges, playing victim, and going after people. She has shown us what a liar she is by not sending rewards on time and with her hiding her lipo, and possibly a newer lipo procedure. Even after all of this she just continues to reach new lows.
Momo, Moomoo, Mariah like it's great you're making money and all but if you don't feel even a little guilty about where your money comes from, be it the people you scam or the neckbeards who beat their meat to you, you're even more terrible than we already think you are. You're always trying to act like you're a good person and constantly tell others you are, but have you actually taken a good look at yourself and all of the deeds you've done? I get it, we all make mistakes, the only difference is you never admit to it and when you do you still don't. You merely tell people what they want to hear and it's obvious because you backpedal constantly. IF YOU THINK YOURE THIS OH SO IMPORTANT PERSON WHO IS A ROLEMODEL TO OTHERS, THEN ACT LIKE IT.
No. 456108
>>456096As much as I agree, I also don’t. People like Jessica don’t sell their costumes because with her ridiculous bust:waist it wouldn’t fit anyone anyway. Moo should be critiqued for selling her scraps for $$, nothing wrong with the legit costumes she sold (except the higher price)
Unrelated but why is it everyone still fear saging? Saged posts were only strict because mods were threatening to move to snow. We’re here now and constantly falling off the front page because people are saging relevant posts like they did on pt
No. 456114
>>456108You should've saged because you are talking about another cosplayer, stating facts that aren't adding to anything, and then the added part in the end.
Opinions and tinfoil get saged too. Its not anything conrete that matters.
No. 456125
>>456096>Heck has she thought about why not even Jessica Nigri does this? I think it's more hilarious that you don't know JNig has already done this and plans to do this in the future.
Or that this is a great way for titty cosplayers to make money.
No. 456207
How come before she was all "Lipo helped me!" And "There's nothing wrong with it!" And now she's hiding it again? But then in her apology "video" she was like omg I regret it so much. And now she's done it again! Guess all her fans that she was "so sorry she let down" don't really mean shit to her. She's lying to them, scamming them, being rude them on pateron, like who fucking does this???
I've also noticed everytime she gets Lipo done she starts posting more revealing pics (like the first time when she was showing progress of her "con-body") so this would make sense.
The saddest part of it all is even when she gets lipo done, she'll never looked like she did 2-3 years ago. Because she was just healthy then. She really needs to see a doctor and get a nutrition plan or something, cause this is just getting really sad. Lipo is for like when you're trying to take off a little excess, not trying to go back down 4 dress sizes. I just don't get why she can't do it, I really can't imagine a person being so lazy that they would pay thousands to get small amounts of fat sucked out of them when buying healthy food and working out it so much cheaper. She is the human form of all 7 deadly sins. So prideful she gets Lipo but refuses to admit it (or backpedaks anything really), gluttony for obviously reasons, lust the way she plays to her neck beards (omg I totes didn't notice that nip slip), greed because she's all about that money, wrath for when she "calls ppl out" aka bullies and have her fans rip that person a new one, sloth because hello, shes still sending rewards out from JULY, and envy of every successful cosplayer there is because when she sucks up to them they give zero fucks and she actually wants to wear Jnig's skin. I can't. Fucking. Stand it.
sage for ranting/blogging but seriously what the fuck
No. 456221
>>456207lol, everyday of her life is fucking cosplay anyway. so why not this.
also, maybe shes addicted to lipo now.
No. 456293
>>456113Even if Jnig is selling her cosplays, at least a good number of them are custom pieces that can't just be bought at a store. Meanwhile all Mooriah is doing is selling is stuff people can find on amazon and eBay for a lot more all because she sweat it in.
The people who buy from her are all idiots. If they want her sweat on themselves so bad just go to a con where she's at. She's usually drunk off her ass groping people anyways. Maybe they'll get lucky.
No. 456316
Jessica makes her stuff, and it generally looks quite nice. There is no reason not to sell it for a good price, even if she didn't have the "name".
Moo buys shit on Amazon/Aliexpress/ebay, wears and stretches it out, probably leaves it unwashed in a pile, and then sells it for more than she paid. This would not fly for someone without the "name". People would straight up call her out. Granted, I'm sure it's just neckbeards buying it for nasty reasons, but still. This shouldn't fly.
No. 456339
>>456048>>456058Her boobs, jfc.
Her body looks so grotesque from all the lipo on her stomach while the rest of her upper boddy just gets fatter.
No. 456400
>>456207Momo had a personal trainer and her father was a pro weightlifter. She knows what not to shove down her gullet. She just has zero self-control and has an addictive personality type. She is probably addicted to all the salt and sugar in processed food.
Instead of lazy tire flips all she has to do is 60 min of cardio a week, no booze, drink water and cut down on the junk. She can shed pounds if she didn't give up after one-week cuz tubby needs her sodium and lipo.
No. 456498
>>456432Why? He raised a spoiled brat with her mom and their other daughter seems fine and skinny. It isn't genetics like Moo talks about making her have a 'big build'. We've all seen her skinny photos. She just eats like shit because she was pampered and a bully in school and when she was a kid and thus saw herself as untouchable. Once she got free money for taking off her clothes, she turned into Trisha. He is just as much at fault for not teaching his OBVIOUSLY HARDCORE RELIGIOUS daughter to not be a fucking fuckwit, a selfish piece of shit, and lardass all while preaching to people how good she is and how everyone needs hugs and hate is bad.
I have no sympathy.
No. 456512
>>456400>>456422Her body is permanently wrecked at this point… if she lost weight she'd have weird saggy skin in certain places, and then the weird rolls like she does now.
Should have just watched your calorie intake Moo, you'd look a lot better and it would have been a lot cheaper. Lay off the drugs, booze and lipo.
No. 456551
>>456539It's almost worse now than before, simply because she's been name dropping the gym to trick people into thinking she HAS been working hard, where as before she just would look physically different with her dropping her weight numbers around. These "tire flipping", personal trainer nonsense posts, she REALLY needs to be knocked down a peg. She was stupid enough to post those instastories showing her NEW lipo marks she's been photoshopping away, bitch needs to be put in her place as a lying piece of shit.
As far as how much lipo she's had in only a year, are doctors even able to do that many procedures on the same person in such a short time span? I can't believe a doctor would willing do as such with how shit her body looks, unless they're blinded by money like she is.
No. 456552
File: 1514585262580.png (38.15 KB, 714x186, oh the irony.png)

Old, but it'll always be a favorite of mine.
No. 456558
If she makes as much as everyone thinks she does, she has spent close to $15,000 dollars on Liposuction if she's had it done 3 times.
"The price for liposuction will vary depending on the technique used and the extent of the surgery. The average cost of liposuction in the U.S. for the most common body parts are outlined below:
Abdomen: $3,000-$7,000
Arms: $2,500-$5,000
Buttocks: $2,500-$4,000
Chin: $2,500-$4,500
Inner Thigh: $2,500-$5000
Outer Thigh: $2,500-$5,000
Hips/Waist: $2,500-$5,000"
Taken from in Las Vegas
No. 456573
>>456567Or eaten right. Coupled with actually working out and not being a lazy fuck.
>>456561Is that girl serious? topkek
No. 456596
>>456578The failure to sage was an accident. Apologies. I'm not this serial non-sager of whom you speak.
>>456575Eh. I don't know who most of the fucks on lolcow are. I'm mostly here for moo, Kelly Eden, and the altcows threads. She doesn't look like someone I should care to know about.
No. 456628
>>456047Holy goddamn shit her body proportions are so fucked. Also does she really need to post like 30 insta stories in an hour? And the worst thing about the new lipo is that she came up with the excuse of writing it off as "body modification" which is "completely fine". No, it's fucking lying when you're trying to pass your weight loss off as the result of your arduous tire flipping. And people believe this bullshit.
Just what kind of a quack doctor agrees to do lipo 3 times a year on a fat pig that simply refuses to diet and looks for lipo as an easy answer for weight loss? The more fat cells she sucks out of her stomach the more fucked up her other body parts will become. The backdoor surgeon needs to have his medical license revoked. And Mariah lurks here anyway and we've been through this a million times, why doesn't she learn? Does she think her quarterback shoulders are sexy to neckbeards?
>>456379It's just like last time: only cosplays covering her midsection for a few months, brags about going to the gym for a few times, then boom - suddenly she's busting out the bikinis like crazy. It's so fucking frustrating how much she repeats her retarded behavioral patterns.
No. 456778
>>456561It’s amazing to me I used to think pt was so fat and nasty, yet she’s half the size of moo. dang.
pt was too ahead of her time.
No. 456857
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No. 456859
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No. 456865
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No. 456876
File: 1514618082130.jpeg (217.45 KB, 1242x716, 1CD43BC8-C647-40AA-BD00-AE6C98…)

She doesn’t have money left for her cats vet bills so she’s selling her dirty, old cosplays for a ridiculous price. Classic moo.
No. 456882
>>456879But she can find time to ship out stinky soiled costumes
Lmao this bitch is a piece of work
No. 456908
>>456896i didn't take into account her moving, so you have a good point.
sorry for catfagging but we're in snow so who fucking cares anymore idk how to post in this thread anymore
No. 456912
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Pic is fat Lois
No. 456915
File: 1514622360616.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, 88E36C09-A1B5-4403-A0FB-B5275A…)

> Complaining how she keeps getting “little things” (acne) on her face
> Proceeds to touch and rub both pimples with her grimy ass fingers
No. 456924
File: 1514622995598.png (1.03 MB, 750x1334, F22EDE14-6E6E-4AA9-AD4D-620683…)

> “it’s been holidays so I haven’t been eating the best, decent but not the best, but I need to cut out all the candy canes and all the sugar because it’s con season and it’s time to get fit”
> “I need to lose 5-9 pounds in the next month, not because ‘new year, new me’ but it’s con season and I want to feel good about myself”
> “my roadhog cosplay is going to be VERY revealing and also I have these horrible back fat rolls that need to go. BYEBYE”
> “was that too open???? Is that why I’m single??”
> “But dude I’ve been seeing hella definition, especially in my calves. My trainer has been working my legs, I haven’t been able to walk up the stairs right in like weeks”
No. 456946
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>>456924She always looks like she's on the verge of a breakdown in her stories
No. 456967
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>cleaning all night long
No. 457058
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>>456552Thank you for posting this anon, now I'm going to have fun in MS Paint
No. 457175
File: 1514652343578.png (807.89 KB, 1236x700, 1496883505959.png)

>>457019>>457040dug through the old threads to find this and I'm pretty sure she's gotten lipo at least twice since here since she got lipo before the chun-li shoot as well so she's gotten it done at least 5 times even if you count possibly doing the legs at the same time as the stomach
No. 457184
>>456965Let's not forget she commissioned the mask and is likely buying the hook on eBay or something. I think the worst part about her is that because of her blind following she doesn't even have to be the best anything. Like her neckbeard fans are so blind and horny that even if she buys all the cosplay pieces and looks terrible in comparison to other people doing the same character they still stroke her ego. Look at her Overwatch short Mei for example. The hair isn't even correct and they worship her. Her roadhog without a doubt will be ugly and disgusting and the parts she will be making herself will be obviously lazy but you can count on her fans to worship her.
The annoying part is she likes to think having neckbeard thirst followers and a lot of <negative> publicity also means she's an amazing cosplayer, which she is not. There are plenty of amazing people who are not famous and some of them by choice. Keintastic for example seems to do pretty good work but he doesn't have much of a following.
No. 457196
>>456924Top kek, this Bitch acts like she only needs to lose a few vanity pounds and not an entire person just to get back into the top bracket for her BMI.
You just know these 5-9 pounds are coming out of the fat she's going to get sucked out of her back.
No. 457201
File: 1514654521917.png (71.67 KB, 881x486, 303030.png)

Her complaining on twitter that Guzma is acting out when he probably doesn't get constructive play time regularly
>>457019She's admitted to getting lipo done on her stomach and inner thighs, so the theory of her getting lipo a few weeks ago would be the third time.
Also, hasn't moo been talking about packing and cleaning for weeks now? If she's moving soon after new years how will she have time to send out her late prints
No. 457203
>>457201i feel like the parasite is gonna result in her ditching guzma
could you imagine if she had a child lmfao
No. 457215
>Lipo RecapThe first was most likely sometime between The Valentine's Day shoot and Wondercon. In the Valentine's Day shoot she had a VERY obvious gut. She also did the Mei pov around that same time and you can also see her gut. She also wore Camilla 2.0 around that same time I think? And her chest piece apparently broke or something but it was probably from the worbla not being able to contain her gut. Anons have been realizing that her stomach area seemed thinner at Wondercon. Before Wondercon she started spamming her social media with Fit Tea and after Wondercon she started to be overly confident in her stomach. Like it was something she never did before and it was only a month and a half or two since the Valentine's Day shoot and somehow she managed to get "abs" (or at least what she tried to make them look like). Her stomach looking like that within that time span and lack of any signs of dieting, anons saw it as a red flag. She also forgot to blur out or shop the scars.
The second one likely happened around the same time as her first one because she had very hammy thighs at Wondercon. There is a picture of her Shampoo somewhere and her thighs were bigger than most people's waists. After Wondercon people noticed "thigh freckles" on her leg and even her fans did so (but they actually thought they were thigh freckles). Her thighs also seemed noticeably smaller compared to the photo of her Shampoo.
Since then there had been no confirmations of another one BUT a few months ago people called her out on it. She kept denying it or stayed quiet but her friends (Sabrina, Matt, Roxy) outed her by saying that it was public knowledge, which it wasn't. Also, Alyssa Mayhew (LxM Duo) a photographer who shot a lot of her stuff and I guess formally close with her stated in a comment on a fb post that Mariah did indeed get work done. She also claimed that Mariah showed her a video of her holding the fat bags that she got sucked out. Mariah, cornered into a wall and unable to being on the other end of bullying (even though she is THE biggest bully), finally confessed. According to her, her reasons for getting it were insecurity and pressure. She also claims to REGRET it and said people should make the same mistake as her…. HOWEVER, ever since confessing to it she began endorsing lipo, likely to make her feel less guilty about deceiving her fans and people who unfortunately look up to her.
>Present dayRecently anons began theorizing her getting another round of lipo because of the same habits she expressed during the last two times she had it done:
>posting nonstop about working out on social media.>posting about her so called diet even though she eats like shit 99% of the time.>she had been posting less shirtless photos.The biggest red flag was a new scar on her stomach and her suddenly flashing her stomach again. Yeah, she has a gym membership AND posted a few videos working out, but her work out schedule seemed inconsistent. Within the last few months, she has been out of town and because her membership is to a local gym in Vegas, that means she had no means of working out all those times. Furthermore, she's gone to the gym 3 times in one week at most, but most times it seems like she goes once a week (especially with her BUSY schedule). Anyone who has ever dieted and exercised successfully will tell you that 1-3 times a day a week even if it's "tire flips" will tell you that's not even to lose the amount of fat she lost in a short time. She also has not been keeping strict to her diet (thank you Mariah for posting every meal you have on social media). So lack of proper dieting, lack of regular exercise, and a terrible sleep schedule = zero fat loss. AND ALSO she has been claiming on social media that her "linebacker shoulders" and trouble losing weight were due to her father's "body building genes". ESPECIALLY if you add that into the equation there is NO WAY she could ever have lost the amount of fat she has within a short time period (1-2 months - just like her last procedures). She also lost a lot of her love handles and any quick research on the internet will tell you that for a woman, fat in those areas are especially hard to lose.
With all of this evidence, did Mariah get another round of lipo?? 100% yes. Will she deny it? Of course she will. It's disgusting of her to get another procedure done especially after being caught and saying she has regrets about it. How lazy can someone be that even with all the free time she has, can't even properly diet and exercise?
No. 457225
>>457215 She is also living in the "now" moment, and not thinking about how her body will be affected in the future (hell, its being affected now from it). She is only 22 years old, and has had 3 lipo suction procedures all over the main parts of her body. The flab, terrible diet, no sleep, its all taking a toll on her. Most people comment on her posts and photos in shock she is only 22 years old and think she is older. Usually the common and most WANTED confusion is that people look younger, not older. Her eyebags, acne, huge, flabby arms, her back fat, all of it is going to distribute even further and look terrible as she gets older. Plastic surgery is NOT the answer for weight loss unless someone drastically need help to get started with eating right and exercising, or losing excess skin. Based on the chart and prices I posted earlier, I can't imagine how much money she has wasted on these procedures as well.
The magic number is 22, she has a LOT of life yet to live, and she is so stuck in her now moments that she has NO idea how rough it's going to be for her when she has to enter the real world. This cosplay/patreon train isn't going to last forever.
No. 457226
File: 1514656894759.png (421.43 KB, 750x1334, 018053DE-6754-4B00-BCA1-D4032A…)

The first ebay posting went all the way up to $610… why would she post it for a buy it now price of $200? Do you think she feels bad knowing that guys were the only ones bidding on it to smell it and was hoping a girl would buy it instead?
No. 457230
File: 1514657216434.jpeg (132.45 KB, 750x1000, AA9D43CC-496B-4F30-8A5B-6B0DE1…)

>>457215Pic in question. Thigh is bigger than both other girls waists.
No. 457233
>>457226She may have had more than one suit? And "relisted" even though it was a separate suit trying to get more money.
Or the buyer might not have paid, that's a problem with ebay.
No. 457246
File: 1514658653375.jpg (56.2 KB, 489x750, IMG_0817.JPG)

>>455756Why would you sign something you didn't have anything to do with other than wearing it? She's so up her own ass with this stuff. Thinking this shit is worth to upcharge so much just because it touched her fat body. I guess it worked for her though.
No. 457302
>>457215Thanks for the recap anon I appreciate it.
I always thought she got everything done at once at the beginning of the year so I only counted that as 1 time lipo.
Anyways thanks again this cow can be confusing witz everything going on lol
No. 457306
File: 1514661849254.jpeg (172.91 KB, 1437x1348, 1DBF8BBC-5325-4966-AA5A-C8CA1B…)

No. 457316
File: 1514662687838.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, 29213AC3-EEB5-4718-92C5-AEE1C0…)

Looks like she gave up on Midoriya?
No. 457319
>>457226Nooo. Surely someone who degrades herself as much as she does would be okay with guys sniffing her worn out clothes while jacking off.
I mean, she did say she was aware of guys using her pics to jack off to and said she was okay with it, acting like she was some kind of saint providing a service to the less fortunate.
No. 457341
>>457040I think in general we don't really count her breast reduction since that was a few years ago and didn't have anything to do with weight
>>457175yeah that looks about right. time to update the chart.
No. 457342
>>457215I'd also like to add that's it's super fishy she is suddenly trying to hide and shoop/crop out her lipo scars when she never bothered to do it before (with the one exception where she posted a dark bathroom selfie early on, but immediately after its like she stopped giving a fuck. You know it's apparent when her dimwitted neckbeards point it out). Since she already admitted it there's no point in trying to backpetal and cover it up… unless there is something you want to hide.
Honestly my guess is that she's trying to get in the habit of covering up signs of future procedures because there will be more. Also, given that she seriously thinks so little of her followers, she might believe that if they can't see any lipo scars they'll all eventually forget she ever had it done, thus going back to being a body positivity spokesman since that was the only thing really going for her.
No. 457404
>>457316Well MHA isnt "in season" anymore
So the hype is gone and ahe doesnt care
Plus, the suit didnt fit her lmao
No. 457430
File: 1514671441263.png (380.03 KB, 674x738, 20171230_140205.png)

Yep. The marks are 100% new and look just like her attempt to hide her upper abdomen ones.
No. 457431
File: 1514671468844.png (335.51 KB, 675x739, 20171230_140123.png)

>>457430Uncircled close up too
No. 457477
>back fat rolls Oh gee golly! I wonder how they got there?
If she had just lost weight naturally she wouldn't have to worry about this. Is she dumb? Lipo sucks out fat from isolated areas so getting lipo in her stomach and thighs won't get rid of fat elsewhere. Her back fat is a reminder of what the rest of her body should look like without the procedure. It's so sad.
No. 457481
File: 1514676561685.png (1.51 MB, 1334x750, IMG_6854.PNG)

Here's a reminder of what she should look like now if she didn't get lipo. What a whole year of bad eating, being lazy, and drugs get you.
No. 457523
File: 1514678247405.png (98.16 KB, 720x536, Screenshot_2017-12-30-15-56-18…)

Tru gamur grill
No. 457549
File: 1514680148565.png (1.37 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171231-012614.png)

Haven't seen anyone capping her eyebags yet so here ya go everyone.
Srsly for how long do you need to be awake to get these monsters.
No. 457552
File: 1514680194059.png (1.32 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171231-012618.png)

No. 457554
File: 1514680258747.png (997.19 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171231-013015.png)

Last one I don't want to spam
No. 457605
File: 1514683551632.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171230-185451.png)

Got this one when she actually fucking zoomed onto her eye, feat her disgusting outgrown nail.
No. 457625
File: 1514684930080.jpeg (265.22 KB, 1152x2048, 3337D91D-CE73-451F-9DBD-FFAA2F…)

her ass is just one long flat asscrack
No. 457633
File: 1514685419444.png (916.39 KB, 1185x720, Screenshot_2017-12-30-17-52-22…)

No. 457635
File: 1514685472896.png (1.77 MB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2017-12-30-17-52-12…)

Regrammed this in her instastory
No. 457675
File: 1514688834146.png (567.41 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-30-18-52-55…)

>>457633So Keintastic is at her house
No. 457676
File: 1514688902598.png (1.04 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2017-12-30-18-51-21…)

>>457675New Asian slave making her easy items
No. 457691
>>457675He's so tiny! She's going to crush him!
You know, you'd think after losing kbbq she would at least step up and spend the time to learn how to make simple things at least. Instead she just finds other people to do her dirty work so she can lay in bed and look up other plastic surgery procedures she wants done on herself. Honestly if she at least used her free time for something productive I'd be less peeved but instead just…does… nothing.
No. 457728
File: 1514695878243.jpg (63.82 KB, 560x728, 7465486465165198561.jpg)

>>457625her face really looks like the queen's in this pic omfg
No. 457738
File: 1514697078983.jpg (489.15 KB, 2896x2896, 20171230_230956.jpg)

No. 457744
File: 1514697516202.jpg (464.35 KB, 2105x1405, fml.jpg)

just wanna ask how the fuck her legs are oriented in this image? kek
No. 457749
>>457744Castlecosplay comes across quadruple amputee Moomoo by the side of the pool. She looks at him with longing.
>You know, I've never been fucked…He throws her into the pool
>Now you're fucked lol No. 457760
File: 1514699208324.png (679.08 KB, 720x896, Screenshot_2017-12-30-21-44-38…)

No. 457761
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No. 457762
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No. 457763
File: 1514699334499.jpg (311.93 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_20171230_214810.jpg)

That's not how stomachs work
No. 457766
File: 1514699408839.jpg (304.17 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_20171230_214756.jpg)

>>457764Thanks for half the set Mariah!!
No. 457769
File: 1514699540045.png (169.17 KB, 720x917, Screenshot_2017-12-30-21-51-09…)

No. 457787
>>457357thats actually a myth, you can get doms no matter how often you train. doesnt mean moo isn't lying about it tho.
sage for fitspam.
No. 457793
File: 1514701295404.jpeg (112.2 KB, 742x708, 22A8C5E1-3D63-4ED1-8729-93B45E…)

can anyone explain to me what’s going on in the area between them here? Is it the way her body is angled or terrible shoop? it looks like they took her stomach in and left her thigh the same size? And then her arm behind them? Idk
No. 457805
File: 1514702200861.jpeg (143.91 KB, 750x950, FBA810C4-F911-486B-83D2-654AA8…)

>>457793Someone posted basically the same thing to her saying “they photoshopped your thigh totally wrong in that picture” her response
No. 457811

>>457808Gels are the coloured filters that go over lighting rigs.
Sage incase this isn't what you was asking.
No. 457837
File: 1514705834994.png (314.84 KB, 720x908, Screenshot_2017-12-30-23-34-22…)

No. 457839
>yourDon't you mean "you're"??
Sorry it's annoying when she tries to school people on their grammar and reading comprehension when she cannot even get this correct.
No. 457841
File: 1514706039768.png (785.36 KB, 720x944, Screenshot_2017-12-30-23-38-16…)

No. 457842
File: 1514706073475.png (749.74 KB, 720x954, Screenshot_2017-12-30-23-38-27…)

No. 457846
File: 1514706419949.png (849.4 KB, 720x1144, Screenshot_2017-12-30-23-44-25…)

No. 457880
File: 1514713879451.png (419.82 KB, 600x724, dontstopmedontstopme.png)

>>455698oh my god, anon I can't unsee this now. This is physically painful lmfaooooo I can't.
No. 457908
>>455691I stared at this for a moment but,her thighs well the inner thigh, is definitely colored out and burned/dodged a little as well.
Does she shop her own pics?
No. 457966
File: 1514736501159.png (101.35 KB, 382x727, Capturemomoculo.PNG)

No. 457981
>>457966lol implying she'll be able to get a wig before the hype disappears
The hype for MHA was around for months and her fat ass couldnt get a costume done then. This planet stuff is already dying down and the wig would require actual effort
It WOULD be hilarious to see her cosplay a planet cause it's the closest thing to her actual size
No. 458024
>>457981>>458003she had most of the stuff to do a MHA cosplay, but most didn't fit her so she gave it away or it's nowhere to be found
from old threads:
>>410043>>420490>>403403 No. 458102
>>458096probably lol
gr8 excuse for moo
No. 458134
File: 1514754519289.png (1011.03 KB, 720x1198, Screenshot_2017-12-31-13-04-04…)

When your dashes are tiny dots you did too much to show off
No. 458135
File: 1514754546768.png (962.76 KB, 720x1045, Screenshot_2017-12-31-13-06-50…)

No. 458136
File: 1514754707308.png (225.28 KB, 720x930, Screenshot_2017-12-31-13-10-17…)

No. 458155
File: 1514756747268.png (82.65 KB, 233x230, 20171231_154130.png)

This poor boob
No. 458156
>>458135Bitch is acting like she made all of his every week.
Cracking open your Amazon prime shipments don't count as real effort.
No. 458163
File: 1514758454029.png (247.45 KB, 750x1334, 246622E1-D533-41AF-9F3B-667232…)

No. 458164
File: 1514758474538.png (589.85 KB, 750x1334, 9418C15B-43F5-447B-99D9-0DC43E…)

No. 458165
File: 1514758494353.png (684.37 KB, 750x1334, 15E1B4EE-3958-4FCD-917E-060930…)

No. 458170
File: 1514758780978.jpeg (332.43 KB, 750x866, 5F5F4147-733B-4792-9933-DC9C98…)

No. 458171
File: 1514758793153.jpeg (325.56 KB, 750x984, 7CFE028D-49EB-4FF5-B8BF-8AE8FD…)

No. 458231
File: 1514764244461.png (492.05 KB, 720x700, Screenshot_2017-12-31-15-42-12…)

No. 458233
File: 1514764275842.png (166.39 KB, 720x857, Screenshot_2017-12-31-15-43-04…)

No. 458238
File: 1514764863301.png (320.83 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2017-12-31-15-57-39…)

No. 458240
File: 1514764926604.png (892.73 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2017-12-31-15-58-20…)

Guzma tried getting away and Mariah gripped him tighter like leave your cat alone
No. 458274
File: 1514768736162.jpg (8.82 KB, 150x150, 38d340c922514318c88c14d812c1f7…)

>>458136>I wasn't awake until 2pmDoes she even say it proudly
No. 458352
File: 1514775177618.png (641.18 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-12-31-18-49-20…)

Crusty-kun came out again
No. 458355
File: 1514775288349.png (610.7 KB, 720x1181, Screenshot_2017-12-31-18-49-32…)

Didn't she wear this last year? And she exclaimed she's not wearing a bra
No. 458361
File: 1514775686091.png (707.44 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2017-12-31-18-59-23…)

>>458357>>458360You're being too gracious
No. 458387
>>458240Holy shit that cat is getting so fat
Also Vamplette kept saying "hes so chubby"
Like YEAH, dont you think you should feed them a better diet?
Saged for cat bullshit but I seriously can't fathom how shitty Moo Moo is as a pet owner
No. 458460
File: 1514782484301.png (31.73 KB, 441x265, Screenshot 2017-12-31 at 8.52.…)

No. 458533
>>458460At this point people must want to leave comments like this just because it’s certain she ALWAYS HAS TO SAY SOMETHING BACK lol
Meanwhile her “fans”…. (crickets)
No. 458664
File: 1514790635263.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.33 KB, 666x1024, IMG_7436.JPG)

guys look it's mooriah's next 100% original OC do not steal
No. 458723
File: 1514796035441.png (837.05 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-01-01-00-32-32…)

No. 458724
File: 1514796091350.png (806.21 KB, 720x1166, Screenshot_2018-01-01-00-32-46…)

>>458723Looks like she went with antares
No. 459045
>>458135This is so stupid because she also counted some more than one time.
Like she got two pictures of the Android chick in this collage and counted it as two cosplays.
No. 459080
File: 1514841773384.jpeg (43.87 KB, 472x472, 46C5E286-5540-48FC-A824-500498…)

Knew I saw her somewhere
No. 459132
>>459095>>459092You're fine anon. Just seems other people didn't read the rules about how saging works.
Also… So much for 'working out'. If she is as serious as she says she is, photoshopping out all her scars, photoshopping herself smaller, angling herself just enought to look skinnier, I would assume she wouldn't be drinking. At all. Like seriously.. One night a week when you boast SO HARD about how working out is changing you… Bitch, shut up. Moo, we all know you got a third installment of fat removal. I tried to call her out and immediately got blocked via Instagram. What a coward.
No. 459140
File: 1514849716503.png (39.84 KB, 184x123, 9166f550f2e8e395c7a7ff88c1a0b1…)

>>458724Jesus is watching your nasty ass
No. 459234
File: 1514856443381.png (672.08 KB, 517x702, moomoo.png)

I like how she didn't include that crusty ass black widow cosplay she made for that one youtube channel on her cosplays for this year.
No. 459251
>>459176Like another anon said, she herself was the one who said they weren't cosplays. Cosplaying is just when you dress up to represent a character be it a real one, fictional one, or an OC. However SHE said it was just her dressing up. The difference between costumes and cosplay is that when you cosplay you're becoming a character. For example, you wouldn't call some random guy in a 70s disco costume a cosplayer. He's just a dude who's in a costume.
I don't understand the point of her trying to milk even her costumes and bikinis as being cosplays. Most well known cosplayers make and wear about less than 10 cosplays a year. Does she think doing 56 cosplays in a year is supposed to make her seem like a more credible cosplayer? I don't think it does. It just shows me she's lazy because 95% of them were of even made by her. And even if you don't factor that in, most of the pictures were from her lewd sets and bikini sets. 3 of those photos are her "OC" Moomoo in different outfits. If she wants to be taken seriously as a cosplayer she should sit her ass down and work on something actually worth being called a big project and try doing it herself. If her "career" is being a cosplayer (as it says on her patreon) it's only fair she can accomplish at least that. If she can't she should just stfu and shoot porn.
No. 459279
File: 1514861716031.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, 6B9DC053-3815-4EB8-927C-2CA40D…)

Went through her tagged pics and found this. Her life went to such shit lmao she used to be kind of thin and apparently was supposed to play lacrosse for Michigan State? What happened there lol
No. 459315
File: 1514865191250.jpeg (151.33 KB, 750x1092, AD40ACB7-CE4A-4CA6-8FFE-845EEC…)

No. 459328
File: 1514865999680.png (757.64 KB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2018-01-01-19-57-36…)

>had to order 500 more prints because she miscalculated
>took off prints from Patreon for November and is adding older sets? I didn't understand this one
>talks about big builds (lol) and how she gets down on herself until she actually makes it.
>asked her basement dweller following what they want for the new year
>wants to do more daily vlogs
>her cheek crease getting worse. Aging like a beast
No. 459329
File: 1514866128672.png (1.02 MB, 720x1173, Screenshot_2018-01-01-19-58-22…)

>>459328"I love it when you say misogynistic things about my over sexualized cosplay!!!!"
No. 459341
File: 1514866933179.png (119.45 KB, 720x710, Screenshot_2018-01-01-20-18-22…)

About Logan Paul video where he found a body in the Suicide Forest
No. 459386
File: 1514871074293.png (338.63 KB, 720x806, Screenshot_2018-01-01-21-27-59…)

Posting this 3 times doesn't make it suddenly funny
No. 459425
File: 1514875871970.jpeg (32.49 KB, 443x332, 2607E236-4996-4615-BD9C-59A521…)

>>459422I know :/ ive always had cats and I’ve always been very affectionate with them (sorry I like playing with paws, holding them and kissing noses) but she’s full elmyra.
No. 459426
>>459425i think everyone harasses their cat to a degree. but i know if mine squirms or is clearly done with my shit, i let them go
im surprised she didnt de-claw him. i used to have a friend whose whole family harassed their cats way too much, and i suspect its because they didnt have claws.
No. 459440
>>459426I think a lot of it also comes down to the cats own personality. Some cats like being rough handled like that, they think its play time. They will let you know if they do not want to be touched like that or messed with and to be honest, Guzma seems like a hyper kitten and might be that way as he gets older. I have two cats who love being rolled around on the ground and get all hyped, run away, then run back and repeat.
I really wouldn't blame all the fault on her. She's still a shit person, but some cats love that type of rambunctous, rowdy play.
No. 459443
>>459440yeah in the end she
does know her cat best and we’re all just tinfoiling. what a civil catderail we just had.
No. 459466
File: 1514879902424.png (902.55 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-01-01-23-54-26…)

Eating next to her prints
No. 459467
File: 1514879929487.png (1.64 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-01-01-23-54-44…)

No. 459468
File: 1514880069405.png (1.35 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-01-01-23-55-22…)

>>459467Forgot to mention these are reposts but damn
No. 459501
>>459466The fuck? Is that one of the recycling plates?
What trashy household does not have any plates.
No. 459534
File: 1514894457774.png (303.43 KB, 476x592, Screenshot 2018-01-02 at 3.59.…)

No. 459535
File: 1514894481833.jpg (54.54 KB, 722x960, 26169017_1233157400162540_7318…)

>>459534anndd the full size of her shoop
No. 459552
>>459534>"everything made by me"Lol sure Jan, your new Asian fuckboy totally didn't make most of your shit
And a bra tutorial from her
"Make sure you buy a bra a few sizes smaller to suffocate your tits, and don't forget to add a nip slip to really get people's attention!"
No. 459593
>>459279>>459300In a previous thread anons found out her stats and apparently she wasn't even good as a goalie.
>>459329This expression reminds me of the one Onision pulls in those pictures where he's trying to look like a little boy
No. 459613
>>459426>>459440>>459443Is this a logical, sane, and mature discussion about a cat? Snow really changes a thread man.
>>459467You tried that already and were too fat for it. Stop trying.
No. 459632
>>459534>bra tutorial for girls with big boobs Yeah but that doesn't even fit you right sooooo….
she just made it into the same shape nigri used but her tits are so naturally bit that nigri's designs will not work for her.
No. 459643
>>459535did she do a poor job editing her boob vein lmao
i thought my screen was dirty
No. 459783
File: 1514921499499.jpg (44.08 KB, 959x868, gross1.jpg)

Dumb bitch posted this on facebook to show how with a cup looks and without a cup looks and the comments involve things like "Nice almost 6 pack! I need to get back to the gym too!"
No. 459795
>>459534>>459535Is she going go to cons in this? It's so ill fitting that it looks like even a whole package of boob tape won't stop it from slipping up.
>>459783Holy fuck, that slippage in the rightside. This doesn't even look erotic.
No. 459816
File: 1514923571162.png (621.35 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180102-150506.png)

Liposculpted abs before/after
No. 459866
File: 1514926355106.jpeg (Spoiler Image,188.84 KB, 800x1132, 4CC297A7-78F9-473E-8DAD-AB97E9…)

here’s to momo trying more accurate pochoco cosplays in 2018. I mean the more I browse the more I start to think this is the best character for her, nearly every picture the artist draws has her eating
No. 459884
File: 1514927380274.jpg (464.61 KB, 800x1132, 20180102_160829.jpg)

>>459880>>459874That's better actually
No. 459887
>>459868i noticed the sonico figs gaining weight
this explains it
No. 459889
File: 1514927703358.png (169.51 KB, 720x749, Screenshot_2018-01-02-13-10-34…)

Bitch you ATE the full meal, the buffet and 20 snacks. Looks like you keep reserves in that pocket you call back fat too
No. 459890
File: 1514927736392.png (102.89 KB, 720x423, Screenshot_2018-01-02-13-09-45…)

No. 459910
File: 1514930394956.jpeg (292.85 KB, 750x1088, 59D83F61-C838-4A05-AD12-9AAB5B…)

Retweeted a short clip of Mei getting titty fucked by Soldier 76 (actual porn on her so professional my dudes twitter account) and implied the porn was based off her shitty POV set
No. 460096
File: 1514941127910.png (4.77 MB, 1242x2208, 37B71FBC-2FD0-4F91-8A26-15CC60…)

No. 460180
File: 1514946362153.jpeg (555.04 KB, 727x1155, EEA5C0D3-E4A3-41D1-8116-A59351…)

I thought she was supposed to be moving???
Posing in these again for no reason
No. 460183
>>460180lmao silly anon the 7000$ lipo she is showing off is reason enough. she has to flaunt the newly made "waist" ASAP before it disappears again.
Pro-tip Mariah….it's not working.
No. 460204
File: 1514947787993.png (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 1080x1920, 20180102_184736.png)

More proof of newest lipo. 100% 3rd time. This area had no marks up until she started showing off her body again.
No. 460241
>>459534hah tutorial
for me to laugh at
No. 460268
File: 1514953153795.png (818.81 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-01-02-20-10-02…)

Anon forgot the most important shot
No. 460269
File: 1514953203783.png (611.83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-02-20-11-51…)

>>460268Must be reading hate comments again
No. 460270
File: 1514953233379.png (1 MB, 720x1175, Screenshot_2018-01-02-20-12-12…)

No. 460271
File: 1514953269174.png (166.74 KB, 720x920, Screenshot_2018-01-02-20-14-12…)

>only twice
No. 460274
File: 1514953314784.png (151.81 KB, 718x884, Screenshot_2018-01-02-20-14-39…)

No. 460320
File: 1514955945558.png (193.31 KB, 588x1119, DEXATI20180103000344.png)

>>460305I can just see it now
No. 460346
>>460337>>460324i'd say 'thirst' should be written in katakana as an english loanword bc the meaning doesn't translate 1:1 with the actual meaning of the word thirst.
>>460320fuck that face ruins everything, pls shop this onto pics of her main cosplay characters
No. 460363
File: 1514958204201.png (727.4 KB, 629x1119, DEXATI20180103003548.png)

No. 460384
>>459341wait logan paul actually showeda dead body on youtube? i dont follow him but everyuthing i hear about him is more awful than the last..
File: 1514962834440.png (840.23 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2018-01-02-22-58-48…)

Out eating with Vamp again
No. 460409
File: 1514963124123.png (206.44 KB, 720x915, Screenshot_2018-01-02-23-03-06…)

No. 460415
File: 1514963493647.png (124.64 KB, 316x303, Screenshot 2018-01-02 at 11.10…)

Sage for Vamp but what is this edit she did on Vamp's ass???
No. 460422
File: 1514964040316.png (50.14 KB, 327x336, Screenshot 2018-01-02 at 11.19…)

>>460411Mariah, didn't you write this for your Hunniecon profile?????????
No. 460431
>>460409Doing shitty tire flips once a week doesn’t count as working out Moo. Not to mention you practically bragged about how you are like shit throughout this entire holiday season. So you can just fuck off with that.
>>460411And you can fuck off with this bullshit. The only reason you stopped calling yourself “body positive” is because everyone called you out for what a lying piece of shit you were. No because “Oh, I just didn’t want to call myself that anymore”.
It’s just so hilarious seeing her think she is outsmarting everyone and several steps ahead when she is really sitting with her thumb firmly planted up her ass without a clue. She thinks she is totally off the hook because she “admitted” to getting lipo and any further accusations are just flat out false. It is always blatantly obvious when she gets work done because she is always so quick to try to show it off and brags about how she “is totally crushing it at the gym my dudes”
No. 460442
File: 1514968777849.png (82.66 KB, 442x559, Screenshot 2018-01-03 at 12.37…)

No. 460451
File: 1514970716281.png (893.58 KB, 720x1171, Screenshot_2018-01-03-01-10-20…)

No. 460457
>>460451Kek I wonder how deformed is the tat now
>>460453That's from a year ago
No. 460484
File: 1514977392205.png (188.54 KB, 1280x709, 25861-107jpg-png.png)

>>460363Not to insult a magical game, but she's reminding me more and more of above pic. Especially since she's taken on 'cow' as her new identifier.
No. 460488
>>459947google your own offtopic facts
>>460149nailed it
No. 460523
>>460411>>460422Mariah you're a lying sack of shit.
You wrote your own Hunniecon profile and if you didn't I'm sure you still had a chance to proofread it. I don't know when you "stopped" associating with ~body positivity~ but Hunniecon was only a month ago? Are you trying to say that you stopped associating with it when you first got caught for lipo or last night when Hanashimada was questioning your ass? Didn't you also write a super long comment on instagram to a company about how they weren't being body positive also? You also made a long post about body positivity when Gabby was apparently attacked for her size. So tell me Mariah, when EXACTLY did you stop associating with body positivity? Because you seem to still do it. If you no longer embody body positivity then stop trying to act like it in your posts and jerk your own ego by sharing the oh so many good deeds you do for the cause. I'm sorry but the only thing you'll ever be positive for are STDs and diabetes.
Ugh dumbasses like her get on my nerves. If she's going to lie she should at least keep her stories straight.
No. 460615
File: 1514996451413.png (373.38 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180103-081918.png)

Yo, farmers on her twitter, chill the fuck out. Youre WAY too obvious. Youre bringing up shit only brought up here.
No. 460635
File: 1514997897818.png (314.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180103-084304.png)

Whoooo boy. Dropped 200 again. She really cant keep an audience.
No. 460647
>>460619lmao, i mean paying upfront in full, debit like anon said. doctors have no obligation to get medical records from other offices, i worked in insurance so i know how it works, even for high regulated drugs, people would always slip through the cracks. one woman was being prescribed 3x the legal limit of adderall and generic by diff drs going to different pharmacies. obviously selling it, she didn't even have add or adhd diag, it was 'inattentiveness' which is almost a bs diag.
sage for insurance-fagging, but moo can very easily being ps hopping to get her lipo, especially around vegas/cali.
No. 460789
File: 1515010956342.jpeg (303.81 KB, 1242x1828, 4FFDBCF1-3F93-4B13-AEED-955462…)

Her fans are as delusional as she is.
No. 460832
>>460830i assume lipo is usually 2 spots to keep it even, hence one procedure
not that it even matters on this monster
No. 460871
File: 1515018497423.png (52.1 KB, 624x379, cherrypicking.png)

So Moo will answer questions she can cherry pick ,or don't "Make her feel uncomfortable" This is ripe for asking her the real questions people want to know about, like the charity prints, lipo and her lying about it, or any other things she's skirted around the past few months.
No. 460880
>>460871What she doesn't understand is that even if she tries to play the, "mature, serious" card right now, she's not going to be able to gain back her credibility and atone for her shitty attitude overnight. She can try all she wants to come up with weak excuses and pretending that she's "no longer that person", but it's only going now because she's desperate to have people think that she's honest and sincere so that she could gain back her followers.
I think at some point early on people actually did root for her turning over a new leaf and not fall into all the fakery. Her old interviews show that she was a mess but wasn't that far into the hole as she is now. Even if she tries crawling out of it though, she has clearly shown that she doesn't think that she has to pull her weight and work her ass off as a better person. A better reputation isn't entitled to her, and shouldn't be easily given out to her anyway considering how she's done little to nothing in this community anyway.
No. 460882
>>460356Good news is we have proof of her lying about this new round, so when it finally gets revealed she had it done there will be no talking her way out of it.
>>460834She probably did multiple spots in those sittings. Seems like the first time she got her gut sucks out, so above the pelvic bones on either side and then also under the breasts on both sides. As well in the love handles on each side. Which equals to about six spots. Then she got her thighs done, and again to keep it even its about once on either side of each thigh so again, equal to four adding up to ten total. Like in this graphic
>>457175 No. 460928
File: 1515022065272.png (335.05 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180103-152605.png)

No. 461187
>>461120That's exactly what I mean. She's a thankless person. Vamp has done a lot for her because she's the one that introduced Mariah to the Vegas group and even took her to cons. But Mariah still insists Vamp didn't open doors for her. How shitty is that? Meanwhile Mariah goes around telling people that she got Vamp famous, or promoted her patreon, or got her more followers. It's very shitty.
>>461145Since we don't know who this person is we can only speculate. From how he is talking it seems like he was close to her at one point or at least on talking terms. and it does not seem like donations were the main issue. The main issue is Mariah basically cut ties with this person and continues to be a cunt. It could be anyone since she's burned bridges with so many people. It will come back to bite her. You can only burn so many bridges until you're stranded on your own little island. If she really wants to be this ~positive~ person she advertises herself to be she should make amends with the people she's hurt or cut out. But obviously her ego is too big for that so we can all watch it come back to haunt her.
No. 461221
File: 1515039778321.png (1014.19 KB, 720x1155, Screenshot_2018-01-03-20-19-52…)

Cleaning her garage which is a pigsty. She did not clean the fake blood from how long ago? I hope her deposit is taken from her…
No. 461224
File: 1515039813729.png (791.34 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-01-03-20-19-36…)

>>461221Sorry for the blur
No. 461327
File: 1515046403962.png (163.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-03-22-11-55…)

Lol, how long did it take for you to donate your money raised from your stream?
No. 461330
File: 1515046472793.png (136.37 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-03-22-12-01…)

>>461327Also, where are the donations for the photos your were also raising money for? No mention of giving the money at all.
No. 461332
File: 1515046588854.jpeg (154.83 KB, 640x1136, DD968D2F-C5FE-4E58-8C77-983D8D…)

So I guess she shipped out her “punk” Mei?
She’s REALLY picking and choosing what she wants to ship out then lmao
No. 461333
File: 1515046640435.jpeg (166.2 KB, 640x1136, 4913F44B-F44D-41DB-966A-66BB0E…)

No. 461362
File: 1515048042497.jpeg (742.98 KB, 1242x1388, D6B0A379-B057-4705-9B6D-1E7781…)

No. 461363
File: 1515048065232.gif (1.15 MB, 320x240, hulk.gif)

>>461356>Punk Meishe looks like Hulk at the beginning of transformation from Bruce Banner
No. 461380
File: 1515049376920.jpg (514.46 KB, 540x1756, mm hmm sure.jpg)

I totally don't party at cons guys all I do is play board games and have a few drinks
No. 461437
File: 1515052568866.jpg (323.69 KB, 1112x1891, IMG_6901.JPG)

>>461412She's a fucking idiot. It's not a matter of it being a pink haired cow girl. It's the fact that she literally used THE SAME EXACT COSPLAY that she used for a shoot based on the Milk Party and even said that it's a Milk Party cosplay AND THEN wake up one day and say "lol guys it's my OC my dudes." That's not how making an OC works Moo. To top it off and prove that the cosplay is based on Milk Party, she copied very specific details. For example, she's wearing the SAME FUCKING ARMBAND. It's a small detail but it's one that's specific to Milk Party and NOT ANY OTHER COW GIRL. Sure Sonico has armbands but she has two and they are red with bells. Only the Milk Party girl has ONE BLACK ARMBAND like she did. She also tried to make the same fucking bell. Even though she plays it off as being based on cow girl Sonico, the similarities to the Milk Party girl is too much to just ignore. And again, it's the SAME FUCKING COSPLAY she wore for her MILK PARTY SHOOT!
God fucking dammit. She's such an idiot it is infuriating.
No. 461448
File: 1515052874628.jpg (82.14 KB, 350x467, cover.jpg)

>>461412For those who can't see it (no I will not cap it because it's ridiculous) she basically goes to her Sonico Holstein figure and points out that even though both her """OC""" and Sonico look the same, her """OC""" has black bands on one arm and no bell on the bands. She also said Milk Party's cow has no horns and hers does. Um, do you not have fucking eyes.
She then does a slide show presentation where she probably googled "pink haired cow girl" that brought up various images to her instastory including one by a furry artist. I don't understand why she feels the need to differentiate her cosplay of Milk Party but whatever. Must be too much THC and lack of sleep killing her brain cells.
No. 461449
File: 1515052885852.jpg (144.72 KB, 800x500, Efi.jpg)

>>461412the only other pink haired 'cow girl' I can find is Effie from Astarotte's Toy and it looks nothing like the OC and sonico doesnt even count because Sonico having a 'cow costume' doesnt count as there being 'pink haired cowgirls. Cause in that case her OC should be blonde since most cow girls are based around the american 'cowgirl' stereotype.
No. 461458
File: 1515053572281.jpg (160.22 KB, 750x744, IMG_6907.JPG)

> but the Milk Party girl doesn't have horns my dudes
>I have one black armband so it's totally original my dudes
Please just fucking give up and take the L Moomoo.
No. 461462
File: 1515053942536.jpg (235.8 KB, 2048x1536, PicsArt_01-04-12.13.13.jpg)

>>461461Please kill yourself this isn't deviant art. By the way her deviant name is M3rkat
No. 461467
File: 1515054595616.jpg (12.29 KB, 582x386, Point_over_your_head.jpg)

>>461462Samefagging but whatever. The problem is, Mariah, is that you are LYING about the source of your "inspiration".
You can make a OC to fit the archetype of whatever monster girl you wanna make them. You said over and over again that this cosplay was for a Milk Party set. You could've chosen a variety of different hair color, clothing, ear tags, horns, whatever accessory but you chose Milk Party, smeared your piss on it and called it "your OC" because you have 0 imagination, you skank.
No. 461471
File: 1515054808729.jpeg (151.17 KB, 750x1150, D714655D-FB58-4A9C-BA52-4ED65B…)

>>461462Ahahahaha! Her gallery…oh man….
No. 461472
>>461461No Mariah. You stole from Milk Party and you're only using Sonico as a scape goat so you can say "there is more than one pink haired cow girl guyz". It's a very pathetic defense on your part.
If she is your OC, then tell me why you're using the same exact cosplay you used for you Milk Party shoot? Follow up question, if she is original, then why use pink hair? You have many different wigs and you have a blonde wig that you've worn over and over again. Why not just use that one?
Yes, an OC can be inspired by an already existing character, but you just straight up plagiarized. Being inspired would be you using a cow girl theme like Milk Party and building a whole new character around it. Not make a knock off cosplay to do a shoot based on the hentai and then just say "guyz she's my OC now." The longer you drag this on, the more of an idiot you seem. I'm pretty sure that even you know that you copied. You're just in too deep in the lie to back pedal.
No. 461476
File: 1515055933554.jpg (102.09 KB, 720x944, PicsArt_01-04-12.50.58.jpg)

No. 461497
File: 1515058904270.png (858.74 KB, 720x1033, Screenshot_2018-01-04-01-38-27…)

No envelopes. Its been a week? Has it?
No. 461498
File: 1515058990785.png (960.72 KB, 720x1178, Screenshot_2018-01-04-01-39-23…)

Wants to cosplay this
No. 461511
File: 1515061342529.jpeg (270.18 KB, 1242x1772, 280E00A3-9ACD-4AA9-A147-7735F2…)

A bunch of cute comments about her Cat Guzma, she likes no ones comment but this one.
She’s truly trash.
No. 461546
File: 1515067834308.png (1.35 MB, 1078x1683, 20180104_061014.png)

I just want to say ita 608am and i just woke up for work and this girl is up making roadhog tires? She's crazy
No. 461580
>>461327this bitch makes ~10k a month, and shes all shocked 4k "only" helped 12 people.
thats like ~330 each. what are they supposed to do, give less? its already probably nothing compared to the money problems these people are facing.
No. 461621
File: 1515080080358.png (179.12 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2638.PNG)

Something an "experienced" cosplayer would know… or anyone that's made their own shit before.
This should really be considered her first cosplay, lol.
No. 461672
File: 1515085227707.jpg (43.55 KB, 656x456, IMG_1499.JPG)

>>461458>>461461They all look exactly the same.
You would seriously have to be autistic be able to notice "so many differences my dudes" but to just glaze over the fact that this all looks identical.
No. 461675
File: 1515085494084.png (297.38 KB, 1080x1799, 20180104_180256.png)

No. 461676
File: 1515085739770.jpg (58.48 KB, 550x550, IMG_1457.JPG)

>it's my OC
>it's the sonico costume
>it's the milkparty costume of anyone says this isn't a cosplay
Bitch what the fuck? That explained nothing. If you really think this makes sense put the damn vape down.
Grow a backbone. Use it. Just being a bitch doesn't count as having one either.
No. 461677
File: 1515085811141.png (255.18 KB, 1080x1797, 20180104_180332.png)

It was 8am when she replied.
No. 461681
>>461675>>461677. . . What the fuck is she even talking about? This doesn’t answer anything. Again, she was the one that said it was a cosplay from that hentai. Then a few weeks later she tries to claim “Its muh oc my dudes”.
Seriously, what the fuck is she on?
No. 461716
>>461713It’s just more bullshit she is making up to get out from under all the criticism she is getting. “I totally planned this character from the start you guys!!! I didn’t steal it!!”
Not once in all of this has she ever mentioned getting the idea from another cosplayer. She is just saying it to seem like she had always planned on making this an “original character” and all the talk of her stealing it from a hentai is just false, coming haters who are looking to bring her down.
No. 461726
>>461677What is this incoherent foolery? This doesn't even make sense.
>It was a milk party cosplay but then I decided to make it my OC>I said it was a milk party cosplay but it was inspired by the sonico Holstein>But I still called it a milk party cosplay because it looks so similarSo…she's admitting she ripped off the Milk Party girl?
No. 461727
>>461721That’s all that really needs to be done. Someone show her the comment where she says that it was a cosplay from Milk Party. The one where she tried to clap back at someone calling her out. No mention of getting the idea from another cosplayer or it being her “oc”. She is literally the one who said it and now she is trying to act like “lol no I never said that. It’s an original character my dude”.
She is either delusional or actually retarded.
No. 461769
File: 1515091734004.png (386.43 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0921.PNG)

She's so fucking stupid doesn't she know the shit is poisonous to cats she's going to kill them
No. 461782
>>461769Why does she even have cats? Can even take care of them right.
>>461498She likes any character with big boobs so she cosplay them terribly for neckbeard money
>>461437I’m suprised that she didn’t make Camilla her oc because she changed the eye color. Holy fuck she is really that stupid. Even claimed the cosplay to be from Milk Party.
No. 461795
File: 1515093019357.png (382.57 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180104-140852.png)

>>461769A quick Google search would tell you that although you should never use them on cats directly, diffusing a diluted solution is fine unless she keeps the diffuser in the room the cats are kept and they are unable to get away from said diffuser…
(sage) No. 461802
In the screen shot it clearly says that she cosplayed from the hentai. The word "inspired" is nowhere in the screen shot. Furthermore, she even made Charlie (castle cosplay) dress up exactly like the guy from the hentai! She even did shots that were based on the hentai itself.
Heck, for argument's sake I'll try to believe her claims of only showing the Milk Party girl to quiet people saying it's not cosplay. If that was the case, it still doesn't prove it's cosplay. It would then just be her in a costume. So what? If people call her bikini cosplays as not being cosplay, is she going to show people anime characters in bikinis and say "it's cosplays guyz!" ???
Also, based on HER OWN WORDS (lies) she admits that she knew there were similarities since the beginning. Then, as a GREATTTT business woman like she claims to be… why didn't she make sufficient modifications to the design so people wouldn't call her out on it? She could have literally just done a different hair color, lose the "totally not Milk Party" armband and make more personalized armbands, and add on more stuff to the design?
Mariah isn't going to slither away from this one. She literally copied the design of the Milk Party girl. She even said in her progress photos that it was for the Milk Party girl.
No. 461816
>>461782This might be a new thing with her: Taking characters with minute changes and claiming them as her “oc”.
Surprised she hasn’t tried it with Mei. The the contacts aren’t the right color and the wig is all wrong. Shocked she hasn’t tried to call it “Winter Moomoo” or some stupid shit like that. Or her Camilla with the wrong color contacts could be her “Dragon Lady OC”. Or her Chun-li with the worn out Calvin Kline underwear could be her “Training Girl OC”.
Nothing is off limits when you are looking to steal other people’s work to claim as your own.
No. 461840
>>461816She does do it with Mei. She thinks that
she is Mei, the one and only, the original.
No. 461863
>>461856it's cause she got backlash for milk party from us and from fans. her spergy fans like the one commenting here
>>461437 want her to be a kawaii waifu cosplayer that just happens to do lewd stuff sometimes. which is why he thought it was vulger. her 'real' fans just want to see more and more of her body and don't care what she cosplays as, dresses as or takes photos as, as long as she's showin the t&a. but those people never comment negatively, and also don't care about her 'great works' n shit.
the thing is that she -needs- to clap back on people, so she was upset about getting called out and unlike her other cosplays, there's not an abundance of variations for her to use as a defense, like she did for hotd and higurashi and shit.
No. 461865
File: 1515096661740.png (548.09 KB, 861x571, IMG_6908.PNG)

More proof it isn't her OC??? Here you go
No. 461871
File: 1515097106182.jpg (275.43 KB, 640x344, 1507099814618.jpg)

>>461461she got a fucking way off fanart of her shitty cosplay for comparison? use your own cosplay moo, then we can talk
No. 461891
>>461461>>461462This is like claiming an obscure coloring of a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure character is OC. Just because you use green pants instead of blue
or pose standing up doesn't make your Johnny any different from the original.
No. 461945
File: 1515100852198.jpg (265 KB, 1652x1652, IMG_2644.JPG)

Direct opposing statements.
Oh what I would give to see the pic of her friends cosplay which "inspired" the rip-off milk party girl.
No. 461949
>>461865oh shit anon
good work
No. 461957
>>461461So instead of ripping off one character, you're ripping off two at the same time.
Got it.
No. 461961
>>461677 so….her new scape goat is that it was inspired by the Sonico Holstein cow girl, and her variation on it HAPPENS to be identical to the milk party girl?? Oh no wait, the tails are different colors! (give me a fucking break lol.) And all references to hentai throughout her progress of making the costume is also purely…coincidental? Okay… right. What the fuck lol
In my personal opinion that sonico looks like a rip off of the hentai or vice versa, but I digress.
No. 461965
she literally copied poses/ scenes from the hentai for her cosplay. man whatever she's on must be wild
No. 461973
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No. 461975
File: 1515102285983.png (64.34 KB, 714x395, Screenshot_2018-01-04-13-40-43…)

No. 462045
>>461961She has never mentioned Sonico once until recently.
Also, her arguments don't make sense:
> Didn't use the Milk Party girl as referenceBut she clearly says in a post that it was based on her.
> I should say it's the Milk Party girl if someone says it's not cosplay.She said in a post before posting pictures of her in the full outfit that it was based on the Milk Party girl. Remember, that post was made long before anyone asked questions or said it "wasn't" cosplay. Besides, she's never used this kind of defense with her other stuff like her bikini sets and lingerie sets.
>I was inspired by Holstein Sonico.This remark is the most of sinful of them all. She literally says in that same comment thread that IT STARTED OFF AS BEING THE MILK PARTY GIRL!!! So which is it Moo? Was it based on Sonico or Milk Party? Because you also say in the same thread that the Milk Party girl had nothing to do with it. WHERE IS YOUR LOGIC??? She's only using Sonico as a convenient scape goat because she happens to be another anime girl with pink hair in a cow outfit. If it really was inspired by Sonico, would it make more sense to use Sonico as a defense and referring her to all the "haturz" instead of the Milk Party girl? Also the shoot itself was based on Milk Party. Like what the fuck Moo!!!
She needs to just stop and come clean. The longer she lies the harder it will be to backpedal.
No. 462061
File: 1515108309912.png (873.27 KB, 750x1334, F3F77D6E-8A9A-48E1-8489-B8A311…)

capped this off her instastory so I could read it better, I know it’s supposed to be her edgy~* middle school oc but lol at “far from Mary Sue she has DID and kills herself.” surprised nobodies tried to turn this into an ableist issue yet.
No. 462148
>>462127Trying to get a narcissist professional help is incredibly difficult. She'll continue down a path of destruction before it's too late.
Let's be legit here, Momo is a very lonely person who heavily relies on being acknowledged by her fans and asskissing anyone else who's well known in the geek universe to make her feel like she's wanted.
She lacks real friends, only manages to date fuckbois who are just as shitty as her and has one bestie who she's neglected over time in favor of chasing after her cosmom. It's very sad.
No. 462229
>>462206It’s so obvious she is full of shit. She wants to be seen as this “innocent, down to earth wholesome girl who doesn’t get invited to parties and and hang out with all the cool kids. so she sits in her hotel room forever alone”. You know, despite the fact that her instastories are plastered with photos and videos of her getting completely sloshed out of her mind. She spends way more time at parties than actual cons, which makes sense because she doesn’t even get invited to those and has to resort to ghosting.
It’s all another desperate attempt to seem relateable and obtainable to her neckbeards. That, and she doesn’t like being thought of a trashy party girl who gets embarrassingly drunk at every party she is at. So now she is trying to shift the narrative to “Lol no. I’m such a loser who never gets invited to parties. I’d much rather sit in my quiet hotel room and just hang out with my friends”
No. 462244
File: 1515118736119.png (332.59 KB, 1080x1920, 1506873697168.png)

Ok ya'll I did some digging in the last threads to get some more evidence that she os lying about the 'OC' crap.
Now she is saying 'moomoo' already here (name of """"OC"""") but also admiting that they have been recreating the milk party hentai.
Why u lying?
No. 462351
File: 1515123803050.png (175.83 KB, 720x920, Screenshot_2018-01-04-19-40-27…)

Stop. Tipping. The. Cow.
No. 462354
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No. 462356
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>>462354Not sure if old repost or she went to sushi 2 days in a row
No. 462357
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No. 462444
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No. 462445
File: 1515130975775.png (128.53 KB, 750x952, IMG_6912.PNG)

No. 462447
>>462444Who does she think she's fooling! She asked for a bathing suit like Sonico. But it doesn't prove that it was inspired by Sonico. For all we know she asked for a bathing suit like it because it's pretty much the same as Milk Party but she likes the shape and fit better.
OR the people she commissioned it from also made the bathing suit for the Sonico girl so she asked them for the same one.
>taking my words out of context.She's taking her own words out of context. She went from "I only said I didn't use her as reference for the appearance. She keeps adding more to her alibi which is a big tell when someone is lying.
No. 462630
File: 1515164756303.png (4.52 MB, 1242x2208, 15C07E3D-78DA-400A-9B3E-8822EA…)

She's finally shipping out her charity prints. Also every single dash in her story after this is literally fifteen minutes of her spouting off Fate bullshit about how she makes people understand the series and characters by explaining "not all the good guys in series are good people" and how that's apparently mind blowing.
No. 462672
>>462061Top fucking kek, I went on her dA and this was posted in 2012 so she was
17 years old. Most people grow out of this edgy bullshit by the time they turn 14/15.
No. 462785
File: 1515181277829.png (Spoiler Image,997.55 KB, 1080x1920, gotofuckingsleep.png)

nightmare fuel
No. 462886
File: 1515188404645.png (5.97 MB, 1242x2208, F39C4CA1-FC02-41FD-93D8-78BC21…)

No. 462890
File: 1515188551141.png (4.49 MB, 1242x2208, 4D0044EE-F717-47E5-8D0B-9912A8…)

>>462886Not only is her snatch gobbling up her panties, but she’s got gross dirty underwear on the floor.
No. 462892
>>462886 Fucking kek.
>Wearing a thong that's too small for her >showing off that lipo bellyReally desperate to keep your fans Moo?
No. 462905
File: 1515189208822.jpeg (Spoiler Image,910.52 KB, 2457x3072, 3E4E9FC4-6618-44D7-8858-DE48FB…)

This disgusting bitch has her whole pussy hanging out on her Instagram story. What the fuck
No. 462908
>>462903work out lines
anyway ppl think she went for lipo sculpting this time
No. 462920
>>462896she showed lips off in her blurry autumn witch mirror selfie
if i have to retain that memory, so do you guys
No. 462932
>>462886>>462890>Gym timeDid she mean
>Lipo time>>462905Report it to instagram
No. 462944
File: 1515191619393.jpg (8.92 KB, 264x191, images(2).jpg)

>>462886Did she show this image to the plastic surgeon?
No. 462995
>>462905Just shows that the less insecure she feels about things on her body the more she's willing to show.
I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, more power to her I guess.
No. 462999
>>462991theyre new-ish, she was covered up in the fall. so any weird rolls prior were just weird rolls.
arguably, these are still weird rolls.
No. 463029
>>462955I would believe this. I feel like she also had some more work done above her knees because they are looking less hammy and prolly got that back fat sucked out too. …Unless she turns to the side and her sports bra is still cutting her circulation off. Maybe in her mind if it isn't a "big" area the lipo doesn't count.
Either way its disgusting. I'm betting she went straight back to sitting on her ass stalking lolcow and Nigri instead of actually going to the gym. Some fucking role model. You do not have a gym body, Mariah. And slamming down a couple k for a back alley plastic surgeon doesn't get you one either.
No. 463164
File: 1515206611383.png (822.24 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2018-01-05-18-31-53…)

>got new glasses.
>rant about not sleeping
>Collette (Vamp) is getting her own apartment and Mariah is waiting to see if she'll move out to another house or not (she said "maybe April" because she has "shit to do")
>says she wants to figure out herself without someone else.
>Says living with a best friend is hard
>if she ever moved out she said that she'd want white walls, dark floors and "open [space]". That would make her concentrate more
Kind of reinforced the idea that Vamp is sick of her shit.
No. 463219
File: 1515210447155.png (250.56 KB, 974x1516, 1494707890310.png)

>>463198The thread itself isn't there anymore on 4chan but here's a screencap from thread #15.
No. 463246
File: 1515213770547.png (148.44 KB, 720x838, Screenshot_2018-01-05-20-41-00…)

No. 463286
>>463164Didnt she say that she already had a new place to move into that she was excited cause it was an older fancy home for her super srs plans for umineko? Sounds to me like the place she was going to move into did a background check and didnt want the home being destroyed like her current one and denied the rental inquiry.
She was probably planning on the 'omg u guys i have to move so fast' to get more money into her patreon and it didnt work so she stopped caring.
No. 463291
>>463286I was wondering, wasn't sure if she had mentioned that 'vintage' house she was moving to had been mentioned even recently. I could have sworn she said she would be moving at the start of the new year and had been making "busy cleaning and packing!!" posts for weeks.
But then she posts this
>>462890and her room looks the same as ever?? Like it doesn't look like she's moving
No. 463294
File: 1515219935866.png (496.3 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-01-05-22-24-23…)

Foot fetish pandering
No. 463328
File: 1515223042045.jpg (668.98 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180106-001632.jpg)

The ol Race Card has been summoned
No. 463345
>>463328Her playing the race card is expected. What’s really fucking annoying is this obnoxious ass attitude she has, trying to act like she is the mature adult when everyone knows she will sperg out and screech at someone the second they try to call her out.
Not to mention her still sticking to the “Its all lies!!” bullshit. And that annoying fake ass “I want you guys to call me out on shit. It really helps”.
YOU MEAN LIKE YOU FUCKING STEALING SOMEONE ELSE’S ART AND TRYING TO CLAIM IT AS YOUR “OC”?! How well has that gone for anyone attempting to call you out for it? Oh yeah, more bullshit lies lies and excuses and trying to clap back at them. So how about you just fuck off.
And then there is the passive-aggressive “Just stick to calling me fat lol”. So fucking obvious she is trying to play it off like “It doesn’t bother me that I get called fat”, yet any time someone mentions her weight she is so quick to list off how many times she pretends to go to the gym a week or how she is dieting like crazy now or how she is apparently totally crushing her workouts according to her trainer. Despite all evidence showing she is a lying sack of shit.
But of course no one is calling her to the carpet. Just the same “you go gurl” and “fuck that other person for coming at you. You are a perfect angel”. Which is why she will continue to get away with this shit. She never has to deal with any sort of consequences and just waves off everything as “lies being made up about her” or “jealous bullies”.
No. 463351
File: 1515227759868.jpeg (98.42 KB, 500x750, C3FC46CB-48EC-4D7C-9FD8-1F07FF…)

>>463219If this is real it's 100% her, Moo's one of the only people this could even apply to. Man, it honestly makes me really sad for Vamp.
Imagining her learning how to sew, improving her cosplays, making friends at cons, enjoying and loving her hobby all for over a decade only for Mariah to waddle in and make her feel insecure and less than for all of it.
Imagine having to see that mess of a person fuck around and succeed in something you're actually passionate about and have put hours and years into, with no effort or even actual interest. Having to see that flabby little Hank Hill butt wander around your house blaring anime, getting in twitter fights, yelling into her phone, getting plastic surgery, going on disney trips, buying useless shit without a second thought while you work your ass off every day.
Knowing that your malformed friend can get naked and make stupid amounts of money every month, and when you finally decide you have to do the same just to keep up, you don't get even half as much of the recognition as she does.
Vamp is comparing herself to Moo every day and can't understand why she can't compete with this ugly, lazy, miserable cow of a woman. It's gotta be absolute shit for her self esteem and I feel really bad for her guys, god damn. I genuinely hope she gets out of that house and out of that friendship, that she builds her confidence back up and can enjoy her hobby as just that - a hobby, not a competition, not a business, and not a means of measuring her worth.
No. 463377
>>463351>Vamp is comparing herself to Moo every day and can't understand why she can't compete with this ugly, lazy, miserable cow of a woman.Maybe she should foster a healthy sense of self-worth instead of trying to sieve self-esteem from being comparative and competitive to others when that's not a realistic thing to do in the first place.
This isn't a mindset that Moo is to blame for.
I see this in cosplay all the time and it's so petty. Some cosplayers who don't "deserve" the recognition and money are going to get it anyway out of sheer luck or advantage. Life is unfair like that.
>inb4 dogpiled for telling the truth No. 463390
File: 1515238436684.jpg (101.06 KB, 574x568, Untitled.jpg)

I follow Nigri and didn't even know she had been doing a charity print sale since October…guess we know now where Moo got the grand idea even though she was already so far behind her rewards.
No. 463408
File: 1515242592015.png (1.85 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180106-131645.png)

Her story froze so I got this lovely picture of hers
No. 463409
>>463377Well, she needs to be realistic about where to improve. First and foremost by cutting toxic people out of her life. Then getting work done on her teeth and nose, lifting weights, eating healthy… it’s totally doable, and her reputation will go up. But instead shes been going for the quick and easy way to “success” like moo? I got no sympathy for that. Colette, you know what you have to do. Get the hell out.
Sage for sperg
No. 463411
>>463386Thanks anon that's something Inwas thinking about as well.
Also I don't know why people feel so bad about Vamp.
She could easily walk away from this friendship or just have less contact.
It's her choice to stick around she's a grown ass woman.
She doesn't even have to start shit if she is afraid of moomoos follower, just quietly go.
Obviously she is still hanging out with her bc of things she is getting out of this friendship and/or she still likes her enough to show her face next to this meatball.
No. 463427
>>463391I think it's because she genuinely has a low IQ. If someone else showed her this costume and a picture if the MilkParty girl, she'd believe them without question that the costume was a completely original character. She thinks everyone is as stupid as herself, so she can get away with it, when even the stupidest of weebs know to at least change the hair color of their recolored Sasuke oc.
On a side note, I'd love to see how she'd react if a popular cosplayer used the same outfit and wig and claimed they were their own cow girl oc. You know she'd blow a gasket and suddenly see it as wrong.
No. 463464
>>463411Na, this logic is like saying you can only have an unhealthy/abusive relationship with a S/O. We get it, she is grown and needs to wise up and leave. Their friendship is a toxic one, however, and
that's why Vamp won't "just leave". The relationship wouldn't be so toxic if it wasn't effecting Vamps ability to clearly do what's best for herself in the long run, and I see it has, with her giving in and turning toward costhotting and all. I can see how Mariah has gotten to her in other ways. She tolerates Mariah because she seems to want to believe Mariah about how close they are, and their 'match made in heaven' connection as bestfriends. I sympathize with that, because Vamp must have been lonely and vulnerable, leading to a lapse of judgement in indulging Mariah's whim/offer for companionship. I'm betting she has had her good times with Mariah, but i'm also suspecting things have been/ or will be bad soon enough for those 'good times' to not be able to save their relationship, and things only progressively worsen between them. Wouldn't be a proper toxic relationship without highs and lows.
Anyway, don't know why this angle is so difficult for some people to comprehend. This isn't unique, and i've seen plenty of people fall into toxic friendships. So what even if she mooches off mariah? It's not like she has 0 work ethic, and not saying mooching off someone isn't a bad thing, but that would also be mariah's problem. (I still don't know how farmers know Mariah pays for everything, or, even if she does, that they didn't make any arrangements for Vamp to help out in a different way.)
Sage because not Vamp's thread
No. 463469
>>463286She was actually planning her BIG SET UP!!!11 of Umineko for her current home. That was why myself and I assume others were surprised she was running away from current home ASAP.
But yes, she said she was moving to a "vintage home" just like her parents aka it's probably just a normal fucking house from the 80s or something.
No. 463497
File: 1515258073280.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180106-085841.png)

"I feel like I'm everyone's best friend… y'know? Uuuhhhh guuuuurrrrlllll"
Jfc.. This instastory bullshit is so ugly. Shes 100% the most self centered pos. Even during fucking shootings in HER CITY.
No. 463498
File: 1515258168406.png (916.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180106-090059.png)

You can see how much she is trying to hunch and suck her stomach in..
No. 463564
>>463434I mentioned that it
might have been Vamp. Do you know who else it might have been?
No. 463569
>>463521This could be it too. It's like artists who say that they've been drawing all their lives but only started taking it seriously after a certain time.
Didn't she start taking it seriously when Patreon popped up?
No. 463597
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No. 463598
File: 1515269373008.png (187.9 KB, 540x960, 1505288015699.png)

No. 463600
File: 1515269408152.png (153.91 KB, 540x960, 1505288036995.png)

No. 463606
>>463598>Rent is $1500. Mariah pays for itThat's one thing that I refuse to believe. Mariah takes credit for
everything and this would most likely be just something Mariah told her.
Hell, some of these things sound like things that Mariah made up. A going away party for being late too many times? Really?
No. 463608
>>463606Well, yeah. Her sister basically denied Mooriah was doing anything pornographic because
>muh sister is just not like thator some BS.
>>463596Thanks for having these screenshots. I was searching for them a few weeks ago and had no luck.
No. 463610
>>463598Whoever made this post was an idiot because she just confirmed many assumptions we had about Mariah. Better yet it seems like this person knows her well because she confirmed the lipo and confirmed the 2 sessions long before Mariah herself did. This post PROVES that Mariah is not as religious as she claims and she never wore the hijab she proudly talks about wearing as a child. I'm so sick of her dumb ass constantly using being ~Muslim~ and ~Lebanese~ as her POC card and her defense whenever she gets hate. Like "you guys can't bash on me because I'm 100% Muslim my dudes."
Like look at this! I have never met anyone with this much lack of self awareness.
>>463328She practically asks for special treatment all the time because she is "POC". Whenever she makes a racist statement she always says "I'm not white guyz. I'm Muslim so I can't be racist."
Mariah please seek help! I say this as someone who has family with depression and bipolar disorder. You obviously need it. You claim to have a history of mental illnesses and suicide. You're a danger to yourself and others until you get the help you need. Stop being a narcissist for once and get help.
No. 463611
>>463606Do you really think Vamp pays for anything? She works a part time minimum wage job and barely makes anything on patreon. With her wage, there's no way she could afford all of her cosplay supplies and convention fees.
This further proves that something is going on between them if Vamp is willing to give up free rooming. But hey, Moomoo will likely post about it on social media sooner or later. Guess Vamp will also disappear off the internet.
No. 463635
>>463610Seriously. She only plays that “I’m totally Muslim and Lebanese” bullshit whenever she is looking to get out from critcism. Or trying to play the “oppressed poc”. Or she thinks it somehow excuses her from being racist.
It’s practically a get out jail free card for her with how much she uses it. It’s so obvious that she is full of shit and uses it only as a shield.
No. 463657
>>463611I think Vamp makes decent money at her job. She probably works close to/ just under 40hrs a week and has a management position. If she is moving out by herself its probably somewhere she can afford.
Wouldn't be surprised if Mariah wanted a nice, big house even though it was out of Vamp's price point so Mariah just said she'd pay for it because she thinks she's a baller.
No. 463663
File: 1515274065841.png (82.86 KB, 703x484, Screenshot_2018-01-06-13-24-31…)

>>463611>American retail store>assuming she isn't sleeping at work at this point of employmentMost managers who have shitty places to work at will have more than 40 hours to work with. Trust me.
No. 463670
File: 1515274508552.png (761.36 KB, 720x1154, Screenshot_2018-01-06-13-31-52…)

Her fucking eye area was turning PINK is that normal for Shiseido creams?
No. 463672
>>463611She's a manager, so I doubt she makes minimum wage. She probably makes decent money, and cost of living is cheap in Vegas.
I can see Moo paying for shit for cons and stuff to have Vamp with her. Like if Mariah pays for the hotel Vamp just has to pay for the badge (if they don't just ghost). Mariah may have paid for her flight/hotel to New York to have someone to go with. I can see that because it suits her needs. I also agree that Mariah would have used it as something to brag about/defend herself ("I pay all the rent because my poor roommate can't afford it with her sad retail job, also I support my parents who are out of work").
No. 463674
>>463663what's sad is that even being behind on 6 months of rewards should have only taken a week even including the printing of the prints
not several months
No. 463694
>>463674It shows how little time she spends on her "work". We all know she's going to be all "excuse you haters. I actually spent many days without sleeping for weeks to catch up!"
We knows that's a lie. She's traveled out of state multiple times within December alone. The fact that she was behind for so long is proof of her laziness. All she has to do is sign prints that she orders and gets delivered to her door, and then ship them out. If she spent even an hour or two just signing these. She could ship out a month worth of rewards in a week!
She does not understand that people hate on her work ethic because she does nothing with her time! She doesn't workout everyday. She practically goes 3 times a month. She doesn't make her cosplays and when she does she spends a day, then show off how fast she is despite the poor quality. She eats out regularly, so she probably doesn't cook at home. She doesn't even clean. She has no excuse for being behind on rewards. And she's going to say "I'm busy planning out cons." As someone who goes to cons myself, it does not take a lot of time planning out a con. Hell, planning out shoots take about 10 minutes at most. It doesn't take much effort to say "hey do you want to shoot me?" Furthermore, she doesn't host panels or host events within the con, so there's no reason why her "planning" out her cons takes her more than an hour.
No. 463704
>>463598>online collegeKek.
I understand if you're actually working full-time and this is your only way to get a degree, but there is no reason why Moo can't attent college with her patreon bux and how little she actually works on cosplay.
No. 463902
File: 1515296172422.png (28.27 KB, 480x298, lipo.png)

Oh Moo, be in denial all you want
No. 463915
>>463911holy shit those jowls…
Needing a facelift in your early 20s…. yikes
No. 463931
File: 1515300139563.png (733.89 KB, 720x1023, Screenshot_2018-01-06-20-38-36…)

No. 463933
>>463902Doesn’t matter if she keeps lying. Eventually one of her “friends” is going to slip up and out her again since it’s nearly impossible to keep up with all her lies.
But still. You ain’t fooling shit Moomoo. Nothing other than lipo could be reason for that monstrosity you call a “body”. No tire flips. No “dieting”, no “muh genetics”. Anatomically, you look like a complete mess. You are either high or just fucking stupid if you expect people to believe otherwise.
No. 463956
>>463931ah yes because her last collaboration with that hack of an artist did soooo well that did wore it once and then sold it off to this poor sap
>>461333cant wait to see how poorly designed and shitty this one looks
No. 463996
File: 1515307536731.png (611.32 KB, 767x555, uhh'.png)

Is it just me or does her head look too small
No. 464016
File: 1515309336765.jpg (267.11 KB, 767x555, 201801071292861403.jpg)

>>463996What on earth do you mean, anon? Her head looks completely proportional.
No. 464087
>>463596>>463597>>463598>>463600This was first posted in some Mariah thread here but the "it was her sister" meme was never confirmed. I don't even know where it originated from, the writer of that post was never outed. It must be accurate because it holds up and the lipo thing matches what Mariah said when she admitted to it months later, but we still don't know who wrote it.
>>463506Like the other anon said it could be to throw people off, or it could mean that they started cosplaying more actively during that time. I've seen a lot of people who have done a few costumes here and there but count their years of cosplaying from the time they started doing it as an actual hobby. Or the post could be a troll and full of shit, we might never know. Spergy anons just had to ruin it with "OMG HI VAMP LMAOOOOOO" replies before anyone could carefully milk out other information.
No. 464109
File: 1515327754824.png (844.41 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-01-07-04-18-59…)

>smoking a blunt
>watching anime
Wow your life is so great
No. 464140
>>464111Mariah…I got a skin tip for you…put down that fucking blunt (you do realize blunts use tobacco leaves and tobacco is TERRIBLE for your skin, right!?) and go to bed at a fucking decent time. Get a full 8 hours. It's not hard to do.
She really must be following these threads closely. I mentioned Torrid as a brand here MONTHS ago that she should be buying her lingerie from and now it's all she uses aside from that ugly CK set she'll never let go.
No. 464200
>>464109>>464110seriously, i dont even use masks and shit, but arent you supposed to not use it every single night???? i thought it was like twice a week tops or something idk
i use Noxzema face pads, and i love them so much, but my friends couldnt use them consistently as i did (we're all no make up losers so idk if that makes any difference)
No. 464201
>>464200you can use them every night but you don't need to, it's a waste. i use them two times a week sometimes 3 and know people who use them every other day.
the paper masks are different than the wash off masks tho.
what she really needs to be doing is cleansing her face, putting on night cream and fucking going to bed.
No. 464203
>>464200yeah a lot of masks will say "use once or twice a week" because too much use will fuq up ur skin - not sure about those sheet mask ones but either way - wearing a fucking face mask at 3:00am isnt going to do much for you. it's shocking how much SLEEP alone will rejuvenate your skin and make you look less dull and tired. its just fucking sad, shes an actual wreck.
she never ended up making that skin care routine video right?
imagine how fucking funny that would be
>wait until witching hour to put on your facemask, it works faster if you smoke a blunt at the same time getting the smoke caught up in the mask <3 No. 464204
>>464202everyone i knew just used cig rolling papers
>>464203i kind of wish shed make more youtube videos. mariah pls bless us with your lovely vlogs on yt
No. 464211
>>464109>>464196Hey I can't deny smoking a blunt and watching anime is a good time. Mariah is a really shitty kind of weed user where she's probably only been smoking since she started cosplaying the last few years and doesn't know how to keep her priorities straight so weed made her super lazy since she's constantly high which lead to her being a huge oblivious lazy fatass. Sorry for weed sperg but being a responsible functioning stoner cosplayer in these threads sometimes drive me nuts
And yeah usually with blunts are rolled with tobacco leaves, you buy those swishers in two packs from the grocery store and empty out the tobacco and fill it with weed. That being said if she's smoking an entire blunt by herself, that's hella nasty since they hold a shitload of weed and will get you ridiculously high and her house probably reeks like weed cuz blunts make the smell stick. In her case with her skin so bad she should just stick to joints and pipes
No. 464215
>>464087That's not what a meme is
and you can see right in the first image under poster name it says ""
No. 464221
>>464206>>464211hahaha obviously im not a smoker myself
the onion temp stoners are so loud and annoying
hmm…. mentioning the smoke tho, im kind of surprised none of her neckbeards mentioned the smell
but i guess she takes so long to ship shit, maybe thats part of it
is pot even legal where she lives? im not american.
No. 464234
>>464221Recreational weed smoking in Nevada is legal, can confirm because I’m American.
But still doesn’t excuse the fact she tries so hard to show it off that she’s smoking it.
No. 464242
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>>464109Girl over there looking like The Cannibal from Dead by Daylight.
No. 464250
>>464234not only is it legal, dispensaries are everywhere and many of them are open until 1-2AM. you can't smoke in public places, including cars, only at home. hotels tell you not to smoke there, but they won't do shit about it unless you're giving them a reason to want to throw you out anyway, to be completely honest. the legal limit is 1 oz per person per transaction and there's a biweekly limit on how much you can buy overall, but it's a crapton of weed for one person. i have a strong feeling that esp with vamp gone, that's all she's gonna do all day and night.
protip moo, pick up some indicas so you can get some fucking sleep jfc
No. 464253
>>464250>you can't smoke in public places, including cars, only at so she breaks the law all the time
not to mention her distracted driving
i hope she totals her car in a way that doesnt injure anyone but herself tbh
No. 464258
>>463291tbh all she has in her room is clothing and shit. she could put most, if not all, of it into those big black garbage bags.
and i guarentee she would, cause shes so fucking trash.
i feel like cleaning my room now lol
No. 464262
>>464253more than distracted driving, it's a DUI. but it's honestly pretty common here, people will smoke right in the parking lots of dispensaries. getting caught is pretty unlikely unless you're already being super suspicious.
besides, screw the car crash, play the slow game. 24/7 munchies are gonna make her balloon and the mess will just get worse around her. if she gets (psychologically) addicted, it could really fuck her life
No. 464278
>>464269this is the girl who uses spray paint, etc with no proper protection or ventilation and is already killing one cat due to it. we shouldnt be surprised. im almost embarassed i am lol
>>464262honestly, im fine with her having a slow burn as long as she continues in this seemingly endless downward spiral.
No. 464292
>>464202You've never smoked weed, have you?
Not that you need to but you clearly don't know what you're talking about. they don't put tobacco in joints and blunts lmao
No. 464294
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>>464292No more weed derail
No. 464298
Can we get back on topic now, damn
>>464162Now that you mention it, it's definitely likely that it was her mom. Wasn't she arguing with people over how kind, loving and undeserving of hate on Facebook not too long ago?
No. 464327
>>464298According to Moomoo, her mom reads all the mean comments her daughter gets and wants to have words with their parents. This was also around the time Moomoo was constantly going on about how much her parents support her.
Which, if her mom still defended her daughters bullshit despite all the proof of what a toxic, lying cunt of a bully she is means she really did fail at raising her. No wonder Moomoo turn e out how she did if she had a mom who always gave her a pass for her bullshit.
No. 464341
File: 1515354247594.png (17.41 KB, 578x154, cardio.png)

Maybe if she lies to herself everyday she'll convince herself, and everyone else she's actually taking care of herself. The only cardio she gets is when shes huffing and puffing to get to the next restaurant before it closes for the night.
No. 464385
>>464294I can assure you dispensaries don't do that lmao. And that's most likely where she gets them since it's legal there.
Only trashy dealers do that, it is not commonplace in marijuana at all. And with the rise of dispensaries, it's even less common.
Also you really shouldn't trust the featured answers on google, that's should be common knowledge.
I feel like I'm explaining things to a child.
Sage for derail, but cmon. Do actual research before you claim you know shit.
Especially if it pertains to Mooriah and her shit skin. It's not from smoking, it's from her shitty diet and "skin care" routines.
File: 1515360824157.jpeg (132.72 KB, 736x933, 9F5E697B-6FB9-4EB3-8AA6-D2661B…)

back on topic, she’s having a dress shirt made for her. Sometimes I don’t understand her logic on make vs buy, out of EVERYTHING whatever Cosplay this is will have she’s having someone make the one thing that no one would shame her for just buying? this is a plain white button down.
No. 464429
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>>464409same, I keep looking at the neck area and I feel like it’s way too small but the angle on the picture doesn’t help.
any guesses on what this could be for anyway? school girl Tomomo is the only thing I can think of that she’s mentioned lately but if her tits are gonna be out I guess it doesn’t matter if actually “fits”
No. 464469
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This sad fuck's comments on Moo's instagram post where shes heating foam with zero protection.
No. 464490
She should know that after all she's done it's hard for people to believe what she says. She lied for months about her lipo. She tried to frame it as natural weight loss by suddenly posting about Fit Tea and working out. She told people her weight loss was due to exercise and dieting. She keeps saying she never publicly said she didn't get lipo done, but even if you believe that, she clearly had the intention of covering it up with Fit Tea posts. She's a psycho. She's a manipulator. She's okay with lying to her canvass and those around her. She only cracked once enough people came out about it. That's the sad part. She would have kept quiet about it to her grave if she wasn't caught.
Besides the lipo she's lied about many other things like commissions, charity, and even "business partnerships". She tries to twist anything she does with anyone as her being sponsored. She was claiming to be sponsored by the work out clothing company until they said she wasn't a sponsored athlete and in the end it was her over hyping something little (as usual). She's even still lying about Milk Party being her OC!!! She's mental.
Mariah please. If people don't believe you, blame no one but yourself. You've lied many times and don't think for a minute that you don't deserve it.
No. 464493
>>464327lol ok so i showed my mom kanadajin videos and was saying shes a retarded bitch, and i forget specifically why i brought her up. but my step dad got so mad hearing the audio and was like calling her a dumb cunt
so yeah moos mom, im sure my step dad would love to talk to you about ur precious princess pls.
(blogging) No. 464504
>>464501my point was more just cause someone is a parent doesnt mean they arent gonna tell you youre kid is trash haha
and yeah, mira is a fucking retard but still is somehow a better muslim than a "real muslim". its not rodi, but congrats miranda!
also confession, sometimes i get these cows names mixed up. theyre names arent even that similar so i dunno why.
No. 464517
did moo ever reply to
No. 464533
>>464482I'm guessing armored eon't ever happen.
Tbh, I'd have been surprised if she'd even find a saber dress to fit her arms, without movement just ripping the seams.
Or maybe she's waiting until after her arm lipo.
No. 464535
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>>464532Saber's sleeves are a bit different than a bought shirt, but not so much so that anyone would notice.
No. 464545
>>464538Stuff not looking right on moo is just standard.
I really can't wait for the OOC lewd Saber sets with badly styled wig, wrong colored contacts, and laughably inaccurate cosplay. Tbh it's more like one of those discount cosplay pornos.
>inb4 moomoo tweets "But it's a eroge my dudes!" when she gets shit No. 464586
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She deleted her clip of her wearing a face mask and dancing from her instagram
No. 464592
>>464580That makes sense. Didn't she pretty much mention doing Saber at the start of her Fate sperging?
Plus, she can't really show her tits with the armor on.
No. 464614
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Updated her Etsy watchlist.
No. 464619
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>>464616Top left her new Mei beekini? She didn't mention anything, just speculation
No. 464631
>>464614LOL THE MOANA.
rip all hope of her SuPer SpEsHuL Mama jnig armor style Moana officially now. we knew she wasn’t going to make it.
No. 464686
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No. 464714
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No. 464721
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Saged because I'm probably reaching but Moo was my first thought with all that OC shit. SS and Bunny and Tenleid are the biggest and only cosplayers I can think of that are putting out OC merch, SS specifically working a lot on promoting her figure and game and whatnot.
No. 464727
>>464721what does SS even do that's that original though? she doesn't seem that unique, she has kind of a butterface and ass/tit implants like so many other girls out there. I don't get it.
sage bc not about moomoo but idk why people lick her ass, even if she has a fairly nice body
No. 464739
>>464727It's exactly that though, cosplay modeling is oversaturated with sexy woman doing the same thing. They have to actually put in work now to make themselves stand out from the others, because even getting your boobs done is pretty standard in the industry now, even compared to just a few years ago. You have to find new ways to market yourself so that neckbeards are choosing to interact with you and give you money as opposed to the hundreds of other pretty girls vying to keep their attention.
Susu for example coming out with a mascot, figure, a game, doing collabs with Shad and Fakku, even little catchphrases like "lewds before nudes" or whatever, it's all marketing to widen her fanbase and it's working for her. It doesn't matter if she isn't even necessarily the most conventionally attractive of them all, because the work she puts in makes her stand out and be more appealing and relatable to a larger crowd than the average cosplay model.
Her being upset with Moo attempting to do all of the same things (including trying to even get Shad's attention) wouldn't be just as petty and simple as "Wahhh she's copying me guise!!" Being upset at someone attempting to steal your marketing ideas (and thus stealing potential fans/income) is legitimate, to me at least. Sage for rambling but I don't think it's absurd for her to be upset, plus Moo is incapable of being subtle about literally anything and her sad attempts at copying would have caught anyone's eye a long time ago.
No. 464740
>>464727>what does she do thats originalPlease name another cosplayer or model with their own figurine and video game.
>ass and tit implantsHer ass isn’t even huge and her breasts are obviously real.You sound really bitter and jealous of her.
>>464722Yeah, exactly. Mariah ripped off susu and now she’s trying to make merchandise for a stolen OC after she announced a figurine, body pillows ect.
No. 464795
>>464639Yet she hasn’t even mention that armored moanna design she paid for.
>>464774The game was funded by fans and recieved double the necessary funding in 2 weeks on kickstarter. Anyone can see how much a kickstarter makes, you’re obviously talking out your ass. If you’re so bitter and want to cry go to the calves thread linked in OP.
No. 464810
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>>464795>The game was funded by fans and recieved double the necessary funding in 2 weeks on kickstarter. Nayrt but there's games that have managed that in far less time. Iirc, Shenmue surpassed it's goal within two days of being announced.
Back on topic, Momo can't be arsed to clean her place but she can go fly out to take pics of her musty snatch next to another unwilling victim. I'm so sick of her trash priorities.
No. 464832
>>464739Why would you bring up working with shad like that's worth anything? Shad is a disgusting creep as is anyone who clamors for his attention. Shame on both of them.
The whole "lewds not nudes" thing is pretentious BS anyways, you make content to be jerked off to. You make porn. Stop trying to make it "classy" already.
>>464619Jesus Christ I hope we won't have to see moomoos crusty ass in a Tokyo mew mew set
No. 464841
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>>464832That was mariah’s bullshit slogan she stole and poorly re-worded to sell with this whitty mei fanart she claimed was herself cosplaying as mei. The other girl calls what she does sex work. Mods have already mentioned to stop the derailing with petty bashing on succubus so if you can’t help yourself, go to the calves thread linked in OP.
No. 464853
>>464841I wasn't bashing on SS, the majority of what I said was distinctly about Mariah, because that's how she carries herself while posting pictures of her wearing the same crusty Calvin Klein underwear etc
Also holy hell that art is terrible. Jfc.
No. 464854
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What the fuck is her body
No. 464872
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Lol she thinks people who fap to her pics want to be her friend
No. 464874
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No. 464876
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No. 464885
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No. 464895
File: 1515400525522.png (75.35 KB, 507x434, bitch.png)

I guess her "be kind to everyone" attitude has already come and gone. Two faced bitch.
No. 464898
>>464872In this week's episode of Mariah rocking back and forth in a corner crying, "Let's all be friends and ignore the haters" while acknowledging the haters.
Her followers must all roll their eyes every week when she does this shit like a broken record.
No. 464909
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Still with that lousy UNLV excuse I see… Marketing was it? LOL
No. 464945
>>464909>dabsHoly fuck.
Also considering how much of an oversharer she is, how come we never see any instastories or 7 AM twitter rants about professors, essays, or exam week? Lying about going to school is pretty fucking sad.
No. 464989
>>464895Funny how that “be kind to everyone” bullshit goes right out the window with her the second someone says something she doesn’t like. How long do you think she spent stalking this guy’s profile looking for something to throw back in his face to make fun of him? What a hypocritical cunt.
>>464876Guess she is self-loathing again and needs another self-esteem boost. This bullshit “Omg I love you guys so much. I get so much hate but the love you guys have for me totally outweighs it” only comes whenever she is feeling down on herself and needs to hear some positive feedback.
>>464909First of all, it’s so sad and pathetic that she is still sticking to this lie about being in school when multiple anons have confirmed that she was kicked out a while ago for multiple unexcused absences. How sad is it that she has to lie about being in school to retain some illusion that she is actually making something out of herself and not just solely relying on neckbeard Patreon bucks.
Also, yes Moomoo. He is better than you. By virtue of him actually going to school for school fornsomethinnf and making something of himself, as opposed to lying about it for attention and validation. Also, stop acting like you are some kind of fucking patron saint for selling pics of yourself for losers to jack off to. You are just that, fap material. You aren’t fucking providing some kind of charitable service.
>>464854Oh look, it’s her weekly “I totally go to the gym my dudes” bullshit pic. It is completely obvious that she is wearing a waist trainer, seeing how as she suddenly has an actually defined waist. I have to wonder what she actually does when she gets there. Does she just pop in, take a few selfies and leaves? Or does she lazily do a few “workouts” for a few minutes and then leaves? Either way, I’ve never seen someone put so much effort into appearing to go to the gym, all just to hide lipo. It’s fascinating.
No. 464990
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“Totes serious and about to graduate my dooooods” - still awake at 4 and 5 am…blowing party blowers??? Grow tf up girl.
No. 464991
File: 1515418922883.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 53573BF1-DD18-463E-A54E-04C230…)

She’s literally talking about her shoulder “definition” in her story right now and looking like this
No. 465000
>>464991As someone gaining weight I am pleased but also not to announce those under eye bags can very much be caused by weight gain in your face. I had them, lost a good bit of weight and they lessened drastically, and now they are returning. It's worse if you have bigger/sunken eyes.
Sage just in case but still relevant.
No. 465020
>>464984It's doing her absolutely no favors. She looks like a fucking goomba from the Mario Bros movie.
>>464991Her lower half looks like it belongs to a baby and face looks like it belongs to an elderly woman. Wtf
>>464988The only time I've seen people like this, is when I'm doing cardio t the gym. And even then, they're usually wearing tracksuits, so they can take off the top half if they getting hot.
No. 465057
>>464909Ya, I call bullshit. She'd 100% bitch about coursework, about tests, about professors, etc. If she has high scores she'd be bragging about them. Posting pics. So she's either lying (most likely) or she's barely passing and is too ashamed to talk about it. But I still think it's a lie because she would complain about school if she was actually doing it.
And Moo, if you start complaining to try to convince us, you'd better post syllabi or something to prove you're not just making shit up.
No. 465061
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>>464895From the dude who got called a cuck.
No. 465066
File: 1515430226217.png (271.41 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180108-084749.png)

>>465061Her fans are so wk and little bitches. This is why people hate yoyu and your fans moo. You let them attack people. And you DONT stop it. You preach and preach and the harass someone and your fans follow. Youre trash.
No. 465082
File: 1515432966242.png (1.39 MB, 750x1334, E0AA566E-0B5A-468F-8B6E-C7B6EB…)

Her arm is so fat it has rolls… why does she post stuff like this? How do the neckbeards see her posting things like this and still find her attractive? Looking at her deformed body makes me want to go to the gym
No. 465086
>incredibly creative and skilled>works hardAre we talking about the same person? Nothing about her is creative. She can't even make an OC without ripping off another character. She copied SSS catch phrase and tried to tell people it was her idea all along. She lacks any and all attention to detail.
She's also not skilled. She's been cosplaying for 2+ years now and still has the skills of someone who barely started. I'm not saying cosplayers have to be skilled but this person is calling an unskilled person skillled. She's so unskilled that she has to commission even the simplest pieces because she can't do it herself. Has this guy seen her Black Widow video? She didn't even know what she was doing. My 8 year old nephew could do a better job with plastic scissors than she can. Her sewing has 0 talent. She tried to claim she was some master seamstress but she can't even sew in a straight line.
She's no hard worker. When was the last time she made a cosplay that was 70% made by her at least? She's been late on prints for 6 months and she barely goes to the gym. She doesn't even bother to go to school and claims to be doing online classes. She's probably failing them since she doesn't say a word about them. Also, not all upper division classes are offered online so if she really plans on graduating she would have to go to school in person at some point [which she obviously will never do].
Tl;dr her fans are all pathetic idiots who bought into her lies. They're so blinded by it that they really don't care what she does. They're going to protect her so they can get her attention even though she cares little about them besides their money.
No. 465096
>>464909I’m kind of glad she’s lying so publicly about this. I can’t wait for people to call her out even more when it comes time for her to “graduate.”
Also, I hope she never falls off the face of the internet like Felice did. I want to see what kind of low life she becomes. I’m so curious and I doubt she’ll become a better person. Ever. She only keeps enablers around her.
No. 465146
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>>464962UNLV anon here, UNLV doesn’t offer associate degrees. If she isn’t lying about going to school but is getting an associates, she could possibly be doing it at the community college here under the guise of still attending UNLV. That is it to say she isn’t lying about still attending school, but I don’t trust anything this maniac says because all that comes out of her mouth is garbage to make her appear better than everyone else.
No. 465162
>>465146I’m pretty sure I remember an anon a few threads ago claiming she was kicked out months ago for constantly missing classes. Which totally adds up.
Either way, I still wouldn’t believe anything this bitch says. This mention of school only comes up when she gets comments about her being nothing but a trashy girl who takes off her clothes for money. She always comes back with “I’m actually in school for business so nuts to you because I’m actually going to make something myself while you’re nothing but a bitter hater.” It’s always just a defense to say “I’m actually making something of myself”. It’s the only tangible thing she can point to that signals any kind of future for her.
No. 465205
>>465155UNLV is an absolute shit school made for rich party kids to still get a degree even if they fucked it up in high school. if you have the money, you can get into it. nevada's school system is awful.
there are a lot of online classes though, i'd believe she was apathetically working her way towards a degree by taking a handful of really easy things online at a time. no bitching about professors or classmates bc there are none, just her and her computer as always
No. 465209
File: 1515443300070.png (802.47 KB, 635x884, Casual Saber.PNG)

There is no way she is going to fit this.
No. 465210
File: 1515443318253.jpeg (405.01 KB, 750x1127, 2BAC890B-1C31-4AE8-B3D7-E89C41…)

>>465082The crease of her armpit looks like a pussy.
No. 465216
>>465205Someone made mention of her sister actually doing all her schoolwork for her, which may be why she never complains about it, because she isn’t actually doing it.
Again, in this bizarre cacophony of nonsense it’s hard to tell what the truth is with her at any given time.
No. 465220
>>465216well the one thing we do know for sure is that moo lies about everything, so it's not that ridiculous that she'd lie about this.
>>465209this looks bad, but not construction-wise, proportion-wise.
No. 465223
>>465209This is going to look bad.
So I guess a OOC dick hungry manic turtle face'd Saber and Shirou set will come out.
How soon will Saber become her OC?
No. 465278
>>465209What's going on with the back of the skirt? Why is the center back shorter than the sides?
And yep, this looks like about a size 10 dressform, so 36/28/38 and the costume fits it quite well. No way it would fit Moo.
No. 465296
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>>464909>Just cause you go to school doesn't change that you're a jerk to peoplePot calling the mother fucking kettle black.
What are you going to school for? Business? Whoa. You're really killing it out there gurl.
No. 465299
>>465296I love how she thinks she is this super smart and capable businesswoman when literally everything she has done would have gotten an actual professional fired instantly. And then she immediately tired to walk it back when she gets called out for her behavior with her bullshit “This is just a hobby my dudes” excuses.
She only wants to claim to be a “professional businesswoman” when she is begging for handouts and sponsors or when everyone points to her being nothing but fuck meat for gross losers to jack off to and how she has no future going forward.
No. 465309
>>465299As any sort of person entering the job market these days, she’s fucked. Every job or potential boss nowadays will do a quick google search on you because they want to make sure you’ll represent their company well, and if they find something unsavory on you with a quick search, they know their clients definitely will. Especially if she’s trying to get into business, communications or marketing. It’s all about networking and being professional, timely, diligent etc. “You” are your brand. And with a search showing literally dozens and dozens of half nude pics, ass displayed, grabbing her tits etc, smoking weed, etc it’s laughable how much she’ll struggle once those precious patreon bucks dry up. Speculation- Maybe she’ll end up working with her mom or dad, or some other family member (if the rest of the family hasn’t disowned her yet). Only way she’ll get an in anywhere. Or by sucking dick like her usual backup plan (Funimation anyone?)
No. 465332
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No. 465333
>>465309Funimation looks like a nope, since her only in to that company just recently left. And I get the distinct impression that everyone there hates her. Look no further than when she was a part of one of their photoshoots and the sea of negative comments she got, which was pretty much isolated to only her. And did anyone stick up for her or at least try to quell the comments? Nope. They just let her hang by her own noose and let the wolves have her. Now that she doesn’t have any friends on the inside giving her handouts I don’t see them working with her ever again.
Not to mention her idea of getting a job is openly flirting with guys on twitter, basically exchanging pussy (most of the time implied) for a job. Which I won’t even begin to explain how fucked that is in today’s political climate. But the bottom line is that she doesn’t believe she needs any skills or qualifications for a job. Just simply wanting to work somewhere super bad and pretending to want to suck a guys dick is enough for her.
So yeah, she is fucked if she tries to get any sort of proper job. A quick google search will show that she is radioactive and to be avoided like the plague. If she isn’t doing porn in the next few years I see her living paycheck to paycheck doing minimum wage jobs. She’s made no effort to seriously develop any sort of skills or talent to the point of transitioning into any sort of career. Her crafting skills are so shit that she resorts to taking credit for other people’s work when she can’t make something. She is neither a photographer nor and editor. Hell, she can’t even do makeup correctly. She doesn’t have anything she can use to pivot into a career when no one wants to see her gross ass on camera and the Patreon well dries up.
No. 465337
>>465299>>465309I currently work for a reputable company that is known for its games. I'm part of marketing and I will sometimes deal with doing partnerships and deals with public figures. You are right when you say that companies use google and do a bit of social media stalking when it comes to choosing candidates. How else do you think I found out about this site? My coworkers and I do not think she has any sort of professional credibility behind her. Whether or not she thinks all the negative feedback towards her are rumors, there is no doubt that her actions do not do her any favors. The way she responds back to people saying anything negative about her is unprofessional. It goes against the interests of many companies if they sponsor someone who continues to have a bad track record of doing this. Furthmore, especially after seeing the Funimation fiasco, we realized that she only caters to a small group of people, while disliked by the community she claims to represent.
Do not worry, many big companies are aware of her actions, and I doubt she will find many sponsorships besides the ones she has an insider for.
My department appreciates receiving complaints about a possible candidate for sponsorship/partnerships because it gives us a good idea of how the general public will react to us working with them. I have no doubt that other businesses appreciate such concerns as well, so I encourage everyone to not be afraid of speaking out about Momokun to businesses because it will do more good than harm.
No. 465360
>>465337Yeah. I don’t think anyone sees her in any sort of professional capacity. She is an amateur who is lucky to get the handouts she constantly begs for. And I no doubt that companies have her in some kind of burn list if they are even remotely aware of her and have no issue with dropping her in a moments notice when made aware of her behavior.
Which is why she only goes after small, unknown companies. Ones she can bully her way into sponsorships with by publicly putting them on blast and shame them into giving her a handout. Which I’m sure does wonders for her reputation.
And she wonders why she doesn’t get invited to shit.
No. 465377
File: 1515454531630.png (334.94 KB, 500x509, nero smug.png)

>>465345she can even buy a Nero swimsuit off the Internet and look terrible in that, too
No. 465411
>>465399It’s weird that she feels the need to keep lying about it. She could have been the mature adult she claims she is and just admitted that school wasn’t for her. But nope, she has to use it as a thing to rub in everyone’s face and how she is going to become a “successful businesswoman” and “fuck the bitter haters who think I won’t have anything after this”.
Either that, or she is afraid of telling her parents she flunked out.
No. 465432
>>465324I know schools here in CA (where I attend), if you are absent more than 3 times without an excuse, you are dropped from the class.
Same kinda goes for online. If you don’t turn in your work or participate on the boards, you are dropped.
No. 465444
>>464874>>464888I'm not surprised in the least, but also not impressed at all.
When you pay for FB followings, it gets highlighted in Latin America. You have to pay pretty high amounts for your reach to get beyond that area. So many no-names and mediocre cosers get invited out there. Also way less costly than getting someone from overseas. It is her main audience, though- a sausage fest that only cares about tits and ass.
There is a guy in South America that has been making a lot of fake conventions to scam badge sales, so it will be hilarious if that's her invite.
No. 465501
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Apparently she’s been invited to Fan Expo Peru.
No. 465553
File: 1515464001741.jpg (147.43 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMTIwMzgxNTQzNV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

I knew her fugly mug reminded me of someone but I couldn't put my finger on it but then I got it… (no offense to Miriam Margolyes who is super talented)
No. 465626
What cultural differences.
The hell are you talking about.