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No. 198225
A thread dedicated to the devoted and delusional followers of Nicole Dollanganger, Ginger Bronson, Holli Quinn, Luna Slater etc.
Pic related is Millie Doll. A Dollanganger clone, who after listening to Nicole's music, changed her whole image and aesthetic to basically be a copy of Nicole. No. 198259
File: 1479152393018.png (836.69 KB, 721x554, riigormortis.png)

this rather vile person has been long time obsessed with Luna and obviously wants to look just like Holli
also very likely racist
definitely not a cow as she doesn't have much of a following herself and she does e-beg from what I've seen but she's a lil flakey but literally looks like a holli clone No. 198280
File: 1479154478914.jpg (34.59 KB, 250x333, tumblr_oehd9ki6mo1qbi956o1_250…) Trashy Nicole fan who was posted about in the other thread.
No. 198281
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Tina Flores
She was mentioned in Nicole's thread. Dresses in the trashiest way, shows off her leg/armpit/facial hair. Recently she's switched from Nicole' aesthetic more into Ginger's…
No. 198289
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>>198286Have some low-hanging fruit.
No. 198377
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>>198340oh great she writes poetry and it's cringey af
No. 198379
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>>198340oof that tattoo.. did victoria do that?
No. 198381
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millie & patience
lol @ patience's make up, she didn't finish powdering her forehead??? also her face is shaped..differently
No. 198383
File: 1479162881531.jpg (34.19 KB, 271x480, tumblr_ofxm0ohWxI1rjnlfmo1_r1_…) one talks like she's harley quinn and looks like a mix of ginger and holli. likes to post videos of her grinning and miming to songs and photos of words or lyrics written on walls in her own blood
No. 198385
File: 1479163306222.jpg (94.43 KB, 633x621, tumblr_o75wfo8zsj1uy3egro2_128…)

This girl posts gore, talks about how much she loves serial killers, romanticized working at a fucking carnival, constantly posts photos of herself sucking guns/licking knives/covered in blood. Currently living in a trailer somewhere.
Cringey as fuck, and THEN she goes and says this
>I love my mutuals but this whole dolly/spooky nymphet/edgy little girls corner of tumblr is so embarrassing sometimes, I often feel really ashamed that I’m a part of it
So why are you a part of it then? Delete your blog and start again
No. 198387
File: 1479163439004.jpg (67.83 KB, 376x750, tumblr_og00biT1Ys1uy3egro1_500…)

>>198385dropped the link to her blog (which is titled "Bouquet of Guts & Gore" No. 198408
>>198383UGH THIS ONE!!!!!
she posted about being in a mental asylum and getting high with all her "angels" and talking about running away and she always wore these disgusting party city wigs and tried to sound like harley quinn saying "puddin" and all this other cringey shit jesus christ. 12 year old levels of cringe. this ones a real cow i can't stand her.
No. 198481
>>198480Oh haha. My bad. I just realised it was a gun, not a ribbon bow.
But the angel is still cute.
No. 198484
File: 1479174493440.jpg (158.23 KB, 540x720, ophelia.jpg) makes strange high pitched Dollanganger-esque songs and dresses like a grandma. Why do so many of these girls love grandma clothes?
I've seen her posted on behind the bows before too, lol
No. 198489
>>198486"slut for snuff"
Say no more
No. 198517
File: 1479176754895.jpg (32.08 KB, 673x648, sdfggfr.jpg)

No. 198534
File: 1479177856767.png (Spoiler Image,328.55 KB, 641x345, gross.png)

>>198532she also posted some 2edgy4u nudes covered in fake blood
No. 198604
>>198593most of them are compulsive liars, manipulators, glamorize/romanticize child sexual abuse, incest, rape, school shooters and make a fucking joke out of mental illness. the aesthetic itself is inherently disgusting. all of them are trash by default. oops.
>>198601nah nicole pretty much invented it in 2012 along with bones-of-babydolls. it was around the time cult party kei was at its high. nicole was basically thrift store cult party kei which eventually translated into vintage granny attire since there was so much lace involved. the obsession with porcelain dolls is 10000000% a nicole thing. nicole's had the stupid doll collection since before she got a tumblr. it's all very transparent and hilarious to watch.
No. 198610
File: 1479185171749.gif (836.23 KB, 245x240, tumblr_inline_nlyfjeOMGj1sdtpv…)

>>198607i love how you think it isn't obvious you're one of the girls posted in this thread lmao. sounds like you can't accept being called a nicole copycat. to make it even more obvious you're not from here, you don't even know how to reply lmao.
also, yes, hate to break it to you, but nicole did invent it. completely unbiased btw since nicole is a rude manipulative cunt. i was around before nicole even got a tumblr. everyone was into harajuku street style and dying their hair lavender when nicole was doing her thing in 2012.
No. 198617
>>198614>implying these girls are just girls into antiquesi'm sure they were also into true crime, porcelain dolls, columbine, knives, metallica, guns, catholic imagery, cherubs and pedophilia.
>>198616LMAO ikr. we should start placing bets. as if the random whiteknighting and failure to know how to navigate the board isn't a dead giveaway. what loyal friends all these cows have, i'm sure.
No. 198618
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Because hair loss due to eating disorder is so nymphet desuu
No. 198619
>>198617don't forget the carnivals and clowns!! bonus for fucking
teeth. i'm sure everyone was just casually collecting wisdom teeth and locks of hair before nicole.
No. 198629
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>>198622>that awkward moment when she wasn't even mentionedher archive literally goes back to 2012 whereas nicole had a tumblr since 2010 lmao. nice try. and her tumblr looked like this in 2012. yeah. just like nicole. she totes did it first.
really thought you were slick with that one huh. enjoy your visit rebecca. welcome to the list.
No. 198633
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>>198622thanks for mentioning godswollen that's a good one. much edge very self harm nymphet uwu
No. 198638
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Welp. How lulzy is she?
No. 198640
File: 1479188056724.png (2.68 MB, 1252x748, oh.png)

>>198635that doesn't even make sense nor does it have anything to do with the point you were originally trying to make(if you had any to make besides whiteknighting yourself). i like how you forgot to keep your capitalization consistent while pretending you
>>198622 weren't also
>>198614 >>198607
hi rebecca vol. 2
No. 198648
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>>198642it's pretty obvious it's a selfpost. they were arguing godswollen had the same aesthetic since before nicole despite 1) godswollen only existing after 2012 when nicole was around since 2010 and 2) godswollen was still a tryhard cybertard in 2014. it's illogical. especially when no one had even
mentioned godswollen throughout the entire thread.
>>198645nah you could tell they genuinely thought they made a point. it's too contrived of a method for it to be a vendetta especially since they don't even know how to reply on the board lmao.
No. 198649
>>198648cook ok some random blogger is going to be dragged because i mentioned her name
No. 198654
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>>198649welcome to /snow/
No. 198655
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Sterility makes cringy poetry like this and also cringy drawings
No. 198794
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>ur gas station dolls
No. 198842
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>>198659lonesnow is the bargain basement jess woods. is illiterate and autistic. casually posts racist edgelord stuff on instagram (pic related) and shitty melanie martinez inspired twisted fairytale art capitalizing on people with birth defects and calling them "freaks". she pretends to be close friends with anyone on tumblr with a decent following including nicole.
No. 198856
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the edge
No. 198864
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>>198383Hey, that's Jeanette from Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines and not Harley
No. 198886
File: 1479230990194.jpg (47.38 KB, 674x528, what the FUCK.jpg)

Okay WTF.
I'm all for tasteful taxidermy, and preserving specimens if that's what your into, but what the hell is this? A mummified/rotting bird? And obviously she's fucking taken it home so she can photograph it on a kawaii pastel background.
Fucked up. Alice Snow is gross.
No. 198900
>jess woodsshe's the only one who does the whole fairy nymphet doll shit that I actually like.
even though she is kinda weird
No. 198917
>>198901tbh I don't think her posts and personal style really fall into that category. She's more straightforwardly edgy/grungy, has been into her aesthetic since Nicole even stepped on the scene, and has no grandma clothes or fake ~*dolly innocence*~ lana del rey inspired shit going on with her. Even her music is a different animal altogether.
I'm kind of biased because I personally like her and think she seems nice + down-to-earth, though.
No. 198948
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Also samefag but milliedolls skin is so bad it's stressful. I can tell she's using a fuckton of creme foundation and it just looks cakey and bumpy
No. 198955
>>198943I think people on Tumblr who are just "like that" (ie those who have a sort of "faded but feminine with tendencies toward deformity and the macabre" sort of motif) just end up being blended together at a certain point, even if their "ways" are different. They intersect somewhere down the line over common themes (like insects, dolls, and cleft lips/birth defects when it comes to Trina).
If I was more dedicated to this shit, I'd make some sort of infograph, Venn diagram or chart detailing all these different aesthetics and how they relate. It's actually quite fascinating. Tumblr is definitely something that can be studied.
No. 199002
>>198943trina is really nice and makes actual art and i don't think she's inspired by all these american cow princesses at all
her persona is true and she's not attention seeking at all
pretty sure she lives in the netherlands?
No. 199132
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Who tipped a cow?
No. 199145
File: 1479257090964.jpg (69.63 KB, 548x573, lol.jpg)

>This is so upsetting, i’m so sorry you and these other precious angels have to face such things for absolutely no valid reason.>??? Lmao im so confused cus youre so perfect like how is anyone about to come for you on ANYTHING??even the calves have dedicated followers
No. 199146
>>199134LMAO you actually think they struggle??????????? i suggest you take a look through ginger bronson's thread so you can see how the musty girls you worship can very well be frauds
>>100787 while you're crying about how she's a trailer park prostitute who was on meth and raped by her dad, she's actually living in upper class california with her BOTH her parents who are a psychologist and a lawyer, who funded her university and continue to support her unemployed nearly 30 year old saggy ass.
No. 199151
>>198806i wasn't going to post in this thread because it's petty, reaching, and belongs in /manure/ imo but 'nobody does old school lolita anymore'? u best be trolling. do you even know how much rare/popular old school pieces go for secondhand? sure, less than new brand releases, but old school is very much not dead and it will probably never die as long as lolita is alive, no matter how unpopular the fashion is as a whole. there is an entire part of tumblr devoted to old school street snaps, modern old school coords, and keeping the substyle alive. /cgl/ regularly has old school threads and sure they're slow but that does not reflect on the fashion being alive or dead. sorry you have shit taste anon but old school is still very much a thing and will continue to be a thing for a very long time.
yes, i'm mad. if this was bait it was good bait for someone who loves old school. 10/10
No. 199174
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>i’ve been making a kind of song using excerpts of lots of songs / lines of song relating to abuse
Because that isn't romanticizing abuse at all.
No. 199421
>>199340The problem is not that they are into these things, it's that they all try SO hard and their existences are so fucking contrived it's disgusting and fake as fuck.
Is it a coincidence that 90% of them have been 'abused'? Is it a coincidence that they all collect teeth and hair? Is it a coincidence that they all romanticize "bad boys" aka serial killers, school shooters, pedophiles?
Don't try to act like they're all into these things because they genuinely enjoy them. They're doing it for their sick little aesthetic, it's like a competition - who is the most nymphet? who is the most broken and fragile? who is the dreamiest? Who is the dolliest of them all?
Absolutely pathetic. And you sticking up for them just screams that you're into the same bullshit as all of these girls too. Even people with similar interests still like different things, but all of these birches like exactly the same shit: knives, horror, dolls, motels, 70's movies, death, pastel, overly feminine things, cigarettes, motels, the highway, catholicism, thrift stores, true crime, trashy novels. I could go on, but it's a running theme in the interests of all of them.
Nasty, fake bitches.
No. 199431
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This girl is like a combination of these ~*damaged babydoll*~ chicks and Yumi King. about:
>please take care of this CRYBABY>bruises easily. if found in tears, please violently beat into quiet submission; there’s nothing a little coaxing won’t solve. No. 199434
>>199426It's not just about seeing their blogs. Outside of Tumblr they're still the same. I've met two of them in person and they speak with the fakest high pitched drawling voices. The way they all interact with each other is cringe worthy. "Baby angel, sweet dolly, dreamy girl" etc. it's fucking stupid. They all type in exactly the same way, they all take the same kinds of photos in the same kinds of clothes. I understand that they all DO share a common interest, but so what? Liking the same things does not suddenly make you become an exact copy of everyone else who likes the same.
I'm not saying some of them haven't experienced trauma, but literally all of them act like they have, traumatic eating disordered earth angels who need to be protected. Fuck off.
You are the one who doesn't know a thing. Why are you so defensive? Did you get mentioned? Your friend get mentioned?
No. 199454
This whole fad, to me, is really gross.
Liking vintage dolls, teeth, lace is fine. Those are interests that don't impact anyone.
Liking older men, violence, and promoting eating disorders is not.
Almost everyone into this aesthetic promotes a kind of fairytale Lolita (the novel) relationship with older men. They realize that they're followers are young, naive, sexually curious and they promote this type of shit.
Older men date younger girls for a reason and isn't because these girls are brilliant and can debate philosophy. They want you for sex and control.
Speak to anyone that's dated someone a few years older than them in High School. Speak to anyone that's dealt with sexual abuse and you'll see the real side of these things.
The fact that Tumblr promotes this sex positive, daddy + lilgirl shit is horrible. Sex positivity makes it a lot easier for young kids/girls/boys to be coerced into harmful sexual situations. It hardly benefits the younger person in the relationship. Let's be real here.
Ugh, I feel really gross now.
No. 199473
>>199132Lol, I swear, every time someone on here finds out that they're on here, they say the same exact shit:
>they want to ruin peoples lives>they're bullies who tear people apart for no reason>they're psychotically obsessed with talking about their victims and have nothing better to do>there are better ways of using your time >they pick on people just for being different>I hope they grow up/move on with their livesFirst of all, when you put yourself out there on the Internet, you are inviting yourself to being criticized, made fun of, talked about, etc. you don't get to be special, if you don't like it, don't put yourself out there, everyone is fair game. And it's not like it's hard to make fun of you people, that we're 'obsessed', as if it takes hours of dedication to do this. We just go on whatever SM site
you use and put
yourself on, save it, post it here, and comment about it. It's really not hard or time consuming.
If you can't handle the heat, stay out the kitchen.
No. 199495
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>>199487Policing what they enjoy? Not allowed to like antiques or creepy dolls? What the fuck are you talking about?
>hurr durr if they were scammers then it'd be okayPeople are just giving their opinions on these girls, not every lolcow thread is like exposing some awful person, sometimes we just point and laugh.
>doesn't give you the right to completely tear them downIs having a thread on lolcow the equivalent of busting down their door and confiscating their dolls and granny clothes? No. They're doing what they want, we aren't stopping them, we're just talking about how stupid we think they are. If they didn't want it to ever be something that would happen, they shouldn't post themselves in the first place. And they wouldn't even know about it is their 'fans' didn't tell them in the first place. Talking about them is not harassing them, sorry these special, fragile, damaged little snowflakes can't handle criticism.
>tumblr is a coping mechanism for usBoo hoo, no one fucking cares
No. 199496
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>>199487>i have disgusting interests but u cant make fun of me for it!>ur jus jealous xDDD>i'm sure it's not different for the girls posted in this threadSo which person that got posted are you? Welcome to the rest of the internet where no one else gives a fuck about your hugbox. You sound pathetic as fuck and delusional. How are you going to get a job and make it in the real world?
No. 199510
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>>199507>But is there any actual milk?Sometimes the milk is brought to us.
No. 199520
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>>199487>>199507>or purposely posting triggering material>You're just going after easy targets and it's really quite pathetic to see.So laughing at people who can't even see it is horrible and
triggering but romanticizing rape and pedophilia along with being in a community that often posts actual CP is just peachy?
No. 199522
>>199507>God, there is literally nothing more infuriating than getting accused of being one of the people posted.I'm sure it is, which one are you though?
>it's really quite pathetic to seeSo is romanticizing abuse, murderers, cutting, and sugardaddy relationships. And then when you get called on it you call people jealous. No one is jealous of these pathetic little piglets hopping on whatever tumblr thing is in now.
No. 199526
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>>199524In retrospect it should've been obvious. 9/10 tumblrina impression for the first bit though.
No. 199542
>>199487As someone who quite using Tumblr years ago (>>199454 is my post) I disagree with what you're saying on how Tumblr is a positive outlet.
If you've ever had an eating disorder or suffered sexual abuse you would know how toxic Tumblr can be. Even the ed recovery portion is full of competition, relapse, subtle thinspo (fitspo) reblogs and more.
Sexual abuse survivors constantly have to deal with people fetishizing power imbalances like the older men + young girl trend. Or the sexualization of little girls, or girls who look a lot younger (pro tip: the models you reblog are often in the age of 13-16).
To say that people can't be critcized because Tumblr is an outlet is fucking ridiculous. People get called out all the time for misogyny, and racist comments, but we can't call out people who are literally fetishizing sexual abuse and glamourizing drug abuse and mental illness? Come the fuck on.
No. 199559
>>199555You realise there are multiple people in this thread, right?
99% of the fuggos posted are tubby as fuck, only are and the Asian chick are relatively thin.
No. 199561
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>>199559Aine C. is actually ana-chan goals, I have to admit
No. 199568
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>>199561Too bad about that face though.
No. 199627
>>199557Who are you?
No. 199746
>>198948If those are acne scars I feel bad for her because they're near impossible get rid of. Even celebrities with tons of money can't get rid of them
>>199134I mean I'm sure there's some who have been through some trauma but there's even more who are just hopping on the bandwagon for attention
Anyways which one are you?
No. 199788
>>199524>>199781if you actually understood what lolita was about you wouldn't be into this cheesy fragile angel babydoll uwu shit
i doubt you've even read the book, you probably just reblog quotes of it lol
No. 199793
>>199780I never post in this thread but had to pop up to say that Lolita is a fantastic book and Nabokov was a literary genius (sadly most folks only know him because of Lolita).
Too bad asnine edgelords have to ruin things and glamorize even Humbert's sick mind. But what should I expect in a world were morons glamorize everything from suicide to school shooters? Don't blame the book – Nabokov made it pretty clear Humbert was not a normal person and he is the only narrator which proves he's not reliable.
sage for slightly ot and rant, sort of.
No. 199809
>>199803This thread wouldn't exist without Kayla and Nicole.
Half of these girls dress like fucking toddlers, go look at photos of them in pinafore dresses and mary janes with their hair in twintails tied up with ribbons. Some of them even wear bibs and pacifiers.
No. 199855
File: 1479338302051.jpg (145.57 KB, 500x333, large.jpg)

jess woods who had a mental breakdown over a child "copying" her isnt original whatsoever. she copied the "sad baby doll" thing for years.
No. 199863
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jess woods
No. 199887
File: 1479341330964.jpg (55.4 KB, 560x434, 1534942_look6.jpg)

>>199877No she photoshops herself to be skinnier so anorexics will admire her. She gives food advice all the time on how to lose "worthless fat".
No. 199895
File: 1479342025098.jpg (39.27 KB, 500x353, tumblr_mr58mrPtri1qmiv1wo1_500…)

Jess Woods is more disgusting than all of these girls combined for posting this alone.
No. 199927
File: 1479343390474.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.63 KB, 500x424, img_tumblr.jpg)

more of Jess's "art"
No. 199929
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>>199877Lonesnow really isn't that tiny. A thing i've noticed she does is wear clothing slightly too big, which makes her look smaller. But look at the size of her arms and you see the truth. Nice waist to hip ratio, though.
No. 199938
File: 1479344079103.jpg (22.98 KB, 500x372, 7d532b1cc21c6bb55c881e43f017de…)

Jess Celebre as a 21 year old fashionista. Photo taken in 2007.
No. 199954
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>>199952I spent so long thinking she was some beautiful, tiny, doll-like girl.
When really she looks like this. Wow
No. 199956
File: 1479345116302.jpg (65.13 KB, 540x359, tumblr_o0pqk6g9F31ucc2d5o1_540…)

>>199954here's a more recent one
such a tiny fragile nymphet dolly
No. 199959
>>199956Ok, but how recent? Because she sure is skinny af in the newest pics on her blog.
>>199954Is she jewish?
No. 199967
>>199956>>199954Dem thunderous thighs.
Welp that sucks she had such a nice pear body shape here
No. 199973
>>199967It's the same girl in
>>199895>>199855Which is even more shocking tbh
No. 199977
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>>199814>Once again, who on earth is glorifying child porn?This is Robyn aka body-of-bugs aka rottinggirlsrestingplace
No. 199983
File: 1479347543581.jpg (41.55 KB, 380x555, princess porn star.jpg)

>>199977that description
>>199981someone tipped off Alice Snow, it's earlier in the thread
No. 199985
File: 1479347817510.png (49.25 KB, 1070x418, 20161116_205557.png)

How she went from such a happy, carefree blogger to this pathetic attention seeking is beyond me
No. 199991
>>198225>>199809>>199812>>199820>>199984they do not post the ages but there are usually at least people under legal age having sex or nude on their page. some of them might not be like fucking 5 yrs old but ITS STILL CP also those pics of them dressed up all infantile and touching themselves??? that's just a legal loophole honestly it is PORN WITH THE SUBJECT OF CHILDREN so fucking gross like i'm not completely biased that dd;lg thing can work but you both must also know in your mind you are consenting adults it's NOT cute for either of them if they they they're living out lolita.
also, we don't post underage people on here. it's one of the rules (gosh why does no one read the damn rules?).
But underage kids take nudes ALL THE TIME since the beginning of the internet they have been posting them on blogs and image boards for attention but it is still CP
sage for rant but
>naked under 18 = cp>nudes/porn/pics with the guise of sexualized children>>199977>>199895is just legal cp
and they all love it and post it and post pictures of impoverished children who are dirty and sad and without their moms.
god it's like ya'll have never watched law n order dam
No. 199993
File: 1479348659410.jpg (55.81 KB, 709x524, rdyfhjdefr.jpg)

Jess knows about this now too
No. 200000
>>199991ew i take back what i said about dd;lg
i mean i call a few people daddy but they pay me thousands of dollars
No. 200009
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>>199993Also want to know why the person telling Jess about this thread is calling them artists when some of them make shit like this
No. 200018
File: 1479351256707.png (401.03 KB, 499x493, 2016-11-16-003.png)

can we talk about this girl ugly "art" lmao.
No. 200040
>>200018What the fuck is this?
Gothic baby jesus giggling at a snowflake on fire?
No. 200046
File: 1479354857699.jpg (85.4 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1479220755914.jpg)

does sterility fit in thos category? the creepy guy who makes childish drawings with inappropriate things written on them, and who asks girls to send photos of themselves drooling etc… i found his facebook & this is him with his girlfriend (very surprising that he's not gay), british teeth and all
No. 200047
every time
No. 200073
File: 1479361957845.png (125.73 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0866.PNG)

Lmao of course you're okay with copycats. You've single white femaled Nicole to the point where i wouldn't be surprised if you ended up killing her and wearing her skin. But how sad is that other girl? She's a copy of another crappy copy.
No. 200098
>>199156Ophelia outed herself in a thread on cgl because "a friend told her about it." she selfposts all the time. she's not some clueless angel who doesn't know what the mean side of the internet is. adding to that, her coords are shit and her more experimental ones are borderline not lolita
sorry you got posted, Ophelia
No. 200364
>>200074I'm so creeped out and disgusted by this photo, because she looks like a 13-14 y/o girl that is trying hard to look cute for her 20 (really 50) y/o online "boyfriend".
She reminds me of this one chubby blonde girl that my ex-friend dropped me for when we were all 13.
I bet that the tumblrina would be proud of herself for grossing me out
No. 200386
>>200074>apocalyptic sunshineanother chick that's into cutesy shit but is ~sekritly edgy~ because she talked to freakscircus once and now she loves metal!
man they're all into the same shit in this community.
No. 200396
>>199812i agree that these claims should be supported with proof (no i'm not advocating posting cp put away your pitchforks) before being spread but jsyk cp blogs are very much a thing on tumblr, sometimes bots but usually not, and they don't get taken down until a popular post is made about it and yahoo is forced to do something about it or be known for allowing cp
see also: literal neo nazi blogs being huge on tumblr and never getting deleted. obviously not the same as cp but yahoo doesn't really care about moderating the site that much and these blogs are proof
No. 200400
>>199981i'm a lurker here and i've seen most of them get an anon tipping them off about this particular thread, but i wouldn't be surprised if one of them sent the anon to themself to act shocked without outing themself as a lurker
>>200000suuuuuuuuuure they do, bbgurl. sugar babies don't even make that much for sex unless they've been in the game a while, try a more believable lie next time
No. 200410
>>200372Wouldn't that be funny?
>be Tumblr clone>want to find other Tumblr clones>make thread where you pretend to make fun of yourselves>meanwhile, you're really all just self-promoting>send yourselves asks about a "horrible forum" talking bad about you to get asspats/sympathy from all 8 of your followersSurprised someone else hasn't done it.
No. 200456
File: 1479405092530.png (136.52 KB, 1140x1297, IMG_1186.PNG)

>>200417this, this shit is so creepy
No. 200467
>>200464Because she's white anon. As much as tumblr jacks off to POC, relatively plain cute white girls still get significant amount of notes.
Not trying to racebait but trying to point out tumblr's hypocrisy
No. 200505
>>200499>expect me to reblog themKek what? Do they message you asking why you don't reblog them, or do you just get irrationally upset whenever you see black selfies?
You should just unfollow your black mutuals and be open about your racism. Just be true to yourself, you'll lose a few followers but you'll amass a wide selection of white supremacist /pol/ fanboys for being Caucasian, feminine and not fat. :^)
No. 200520
File: 1479410709247.jpg (48.79 KB, 500x400, tumblr_lwm27d4w9d1r5o169o1_500…)

"people compare me to ariana grande all the time tehehe"
No. 200526
File: 1479411183518.jpg (56.38 KB, 750x562, heathers3.jpg)

Ariana is that you?
No. 200561
>>200526I alway thought jess was extremely skinny? Does she ps or is she ana now?
No. 200565
>>200556Google Jessica Celebre.
>>200564I always wondered if she wore a wig
No. 200649
>>200646lmao literally the whole thread is "omg she's so ugly wah wah"
ok cool but what did they do other than adopt a clone mentality and a stupid aesthetic
No. 200661
Okay, I know this is hypocritical/two faced of me to say because my aesthetic (I like the color pink, the look of dolls, churches, cemeteries, old movies, vintage "granny" clothes, etc..) is pretty much the same as a lot of the girls mentioned on this thread and I like Nicole Dollanganger's music (However, I will admit that some of it is cringey as hell. I mean, just listen "He Hit Me (And It Felt Like A Kiss)"…gives me chills and NOT in a good way). But to be frank, I agree that a considerable amount of bloggers on the pink morbid side of Tumblr are disgusting and seem so fake.
I've unfollowed/blocked so many people because the ~*~Sad Gorey Bby Doll Angel Girl Nymphettes~*~ LOVE to glorify/obsess over BDSM, DDLG, the Columbine shooters, pedophilia, eating disorders, drug addictions, etc. yet try to make themselves seem like pure angelic beings that can do no wrong. It's vile and I am ashamed to share a lot of similarites with these types of girls.
I'm considering deactivating my Tumblr to be honest. I don't want to become just another clone. Plus my blog attracts an extremely tacky, fucked up audience.
No. 200721
File: 1479448156765.jpg (215.5 KB, 1296x972, DSC030641.jpg)

Girl is tiny, even with heels on. Is she a midget?
No. 200724
>>200721She claims she's 5'0".
Honestly she looks cute in this picture, I have no idea why she looks so ugly in her own pictures, what a photographer.
No. 200908
>>200901>Why is everyone else there so old?when you become a librarian, you pretty much have a job for life.
How tf do you get a job at a library?
by having a a degree in library science and/or being a lucky bitch. it's pretty much the comfiest job of all time, but positions are super hard to come by.
No. 200952
>>200544I'm inclined to agree that none of these tumblr girls invented this aesthetic. I mean look at all the common threads between them and what you typically find is a whole host of movies and manga.
It's all posturing. They all read Nabokov's Lolita, they all emulate feminine bad girls Audrey Horne from Twin Peaks and Mallory Knox from NBK, they all secretly harbor this notion that if they had met Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris maybe they could've changed their minds, they all fixate on the same handful of Junji Ito manga scans. They mostly want to seem tough and unapproachable to the wrong people, but feminine and pretty to the right ones (read: cute /mu/ boyz~).
The natural outcome is going to be the same type of person because we're all an amalgamation of the media we expose ourselves to. Nicole is just cashing in on something that always existed.
These people remind me of Juggalettes in a weird way?
Sage for blogging
No. 200966
File: 1479501640710.png (306.12 KB, 500x417, tumblr_oefwudNBTk1tcaeiqo1_500…) lovechild of sterility and Jess.
Makes the same type of art with similar subject matter to the former, and her photos are basically indistinguishable from those of the latter.
No. 200971
File: 1479502855909.jpg (73.46 KB, 540x467, tumblr_og7d1hmXUt1u206y4o1_540…)

>>200966is there a single photographer on this side of tumblr that doesn't rip off jess? i'd be pissed if i was her too.
pic is by babyaddams. she also steals from sterility and jess with some kooter thrown in.
No. 200973
>>200971Someone should make a game where you have to identify which "photographer" took which photos.
Spoiler: No one would win. They're all copies of copies.
No. 200978
File: 1479504160933.jpg (31.24 KB, 500x396, __.jpg)

Aspergers Snow or Jessicunt Woods?
No. 200991
>>200954this is so true also courtney was the original to claim kat bejelland(from babes in toyland) was copying her lmao
also i forget where we post about holli but this person seems to know an awful lot posted this on her instagram with literally no prompt?? i smell vendetta but who knows
No. 200992
File: 1479505358030.png (328.68 KB, 1241x1662, IMG_1206.PNG)

>>198225Millie is especially creepy with how hard she tries to mimic Nicole. I wonder what Nicole thought about someone trying so hard to look like her, even down to getting the same bridge piercing kek
No. 200993
File: 1479505420892.png (38.39 KB, 386x540, holligoestoprison.png)

>>200991fuck forgot to post the image i'm the worst
No. 201010
>>201003>>201004she got out. posted a selfie on ig, deleted it, now she has up this pic of a Scream mask and people are talking about how much they missed her etc.
Someone is pretty sure she's wanted for a felony in multiple states (said they found it via the LA sheriffs office? i don't know too much about it but also I believer her tumblr is active again but she's not posting personal stuff/talking about where she's been etc. I imagine she's been in jail and finally got out and has a court date (if she has a felony, those usually mean like a year in prison) so she might be keeping a low profile since the cops are after her and she's probably scared shitless from jail and I bet she looks even worse than normal.
No. 201077
File: 1479519570222.jpg (84.19 KB, 1097x648, jesussss.jpg)

She looks the same in EVERY photo, does she make any other facial expression.
And lol at the gun… so edgy
No. 201099
>>201077trying to coppy nicole's grumpy expression. much like she's copied her makeup.
does she live alone or with her parents? if she's never explicitly said then she lives with her parents lol. who's guns are those even. does she just buy bb guns as a selfie prop? #goalz
No. 201105
>>201101oh my god i've been waiting for someone to mention her! i'm mutuals with her. she thinks she's hot shit because she's asexual and tries to come across as worldly in her pretentious, rich-girl rambles. also has a soft spot for shemegeh – who had her own thread here: /snow/res/49394.html – even after learning she'd physically abused her ex-girlfriend. she also recently jumped on the nicole-is-
problematic bandwagon after dollbruise had made posts about it as a way to seem different from the rest of that side of tumblr's crowd.
No. 201155
>>201147i don't like her as a person but it's nasty how many people are attacking her weight in this thread. she's ridiculously thin now and i hope she can get back the weight she was before. she looks much more healthy!!! plus she won't be paraded on ~thinspo forums and
trigger people with anorexia.
No. 201461
File: 1479598891859.png (34.42 KB, 802x239, edgy.PNG)

No. 201463
>>201462>tfw you've been running in these girls circles long enough to remember that blog fuck me
also never connected that that was jess
No. 201506
File: 1479604742892.jpg (45.7 KB, 531x363, oh my god.jpg)

Is she actually fucking serious?
Waahh I'm not gonna be snowflake enough any more! Even though my entire life is dedicated to copying someone else :'(
No. 201562
>>201077the gun thing is so weird to me
like that other granny looking girl with the cherub tattoo with the guns..
like do they ever go shooting or anything? I don't understand. why do these girls have access to arsenals.
No. 201634
File: 1479635636275.jpg (190.16 KB, 1280x934, 7e755bb8-a606-4e33-a325-2dd5a7…)

>>201632Was about to post her, thanks
Not sure why these blogs are so obsessed with drawing shit in crayon
No. 201711
File: 1479653514000.gif (1.51 MB, 250x250, AXPG8rR.gif)

milliedoll is a joke. her pictures are so uncomposed and derivative. her style sucks and she's trying so hard to pout, but pouting on her looks like an angry retard.
That being said I'm sure she is a very nice person.
Also JFC that tattoo??!! bleh
No. 201726
>>201632why does she type like a homestuck
I feel like i'm back on deviantart
No. 201734
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>>201726>why does she type like a homestuckholy shit she does
No. 201759
>>201738i can see this.
my grandma was sort of the same– lived in the rural deep south out in bumfuck-egypt and she had a single room in her house that she filled with knick-knacks and doilies and little statuettes of angels and shit. it was a bedroom, but she didn't sleep there, it was basically like…a really poor woman's show-room of 'nice things'. it was the only room in her house that had carpet. it reminds me a lot of how these mentally unhinged tumblrinas collect cheap lingerie and ugly porcelain dolls and things in pastel colors.
as a little girl, i used to really like to spend time in there when we visited her, but now that i look back on it…probably the result of some weird psychological shit. grandma had a hard life.
No. 201762
>>201758then it's not for you and you shouldn't care about it lmao
like, i don't bitch about not liking Tyler Perry movies, because they obviously weren't made for people like me
No. 201764
>>201763Obviously the aesthetic is very real and so are the feelings and nostalgia it brings. That isn't the problem. The problem is these embarrassing girls who milk the entire aesthetic, even though most of them live in cities miles away from this none-existent ~lonely spooky southern rural township~ that they're all so obsessed with. they show off their thrifted clothes and dolls and pose with guns and dead animals and try to act like that's how their life is, when really their life is average and middle class and nothing like the image they're trying to portray. it's like spray painting a shit pink and calling it icing. it's not icing. it's a shit trying to be something it isn't.
there's nothing wrong with appreciating this aesthetic at all, it's quite beautiful. these girls are ruining it.
No. 201827
>>201758I was going to basically say what
>>201763 said. I'm the exact opposite of all those things and this aesthetic still appeals to me and makes me "feel" nostalgic (even though I relentlessly make fun of how fake and samey all these bloggers are). No need for this much butthurt.
No. 201881
>>201762>>201763>>201827you asked if anyone else felt that way and all i said was that not all of us were white lmao. i'm not even black i was born in palestine.
how many of y'all are actually the ones who run these blogs to be this defensive over your lame aesthetic.
No. 201906
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No. 201911
File: 1479685725654.png (751.71 KB, 962x613, millie.png)

ya'll, she's..actually..milk.
No. 201912
File: 1479686174675.png (332.44 KB, 425x484, mildred.png)

…did she steal her name from a tombstone??
No. 201935
>>201927congratulations on forgetting that countries exist outside of america lmao. a thrift store in palestine or barbados is gonna be a lot different from one in the united states. that was my point, mostly. deer don't exist in the caribbean. you're not gonna find coney island post cards in a turkish thrift store. my point is and always was that this is an aesthetic that, culturally, can't have a wide range of appeal for being so tied on the nostalgic factor of one specific country/race. a lot of these girls love bragging about stories about their grandmothers and childhoods so i assume you'd basically have to lie about your heritage if it doesn't suit the scene.
and i wasn't even saying it as a diss lmao. just a 20 word answer to a question about if anyone else felt nostalgic when going to their blogs. interesting you got buttblasted though. but i guess since most of these girls(you) feel so speshul they get butthurt at the idea that not everyone thinks they're cool.
>implying telling me to go back to tumblr somehow makes it less obvious you're a calf obsessively monitoring what people say about you in this thread No. 202012
>>199542I realize this post is old, but I just wanted to comment and say how much I agree with you. I stopped using tumblr three years ago because it's honestly a toxic, disgusting environment where everyone competes to be the sickest or the most damaged. Who can be the thinnest, who can eat the least, who can cut the deepest– it's fucking sickening and my life would have been a lot less self destructive if I had never discovered that website at such an impressionable age.
Tumblr is a haven for pathetic people.
No. 202013
>>201996americana is coca cola, drive in diners, pickup trucks and elvis presley. it's classic iconic memorabilia that spans out through movies and music. the nymphet babydoll aesthetic ties into american suburbia mixed with childhood nostalgia aka the insistence that all of that is 100% your life. that seems to be the biggest emotion they strive to evoke, a tragic nostalgia that almost always ties into childhood sexual trauma. not very relatable lol. how are you gonna be surprised not everyone relates to that when it's purposefully meant to appeal to a specific and minor demographic for extra special edgy points lmao.
someone in the thread asked if other people also felt nostalgic looking through their blogs and i merely stated no because not everyone had that upbringing. is that really such a
triggering statement.
No. 202015
File: 1479702982134.jpg (20.41 KB, 640x462, 1467577902178.jpg)

>>201935Im from a south america shit hole and this aesthetic its pretty common in old people houses: cheap porcelain decor, frilly and flower patterned pillows, statuettes of cherubs and Mother Mary, paintings of 1910s kids and so on. I guess its common in westernized countries. No need to be that butthurt. Sage for blog and bad grammar.
No. 202026
>>202023>one has to wonder if you're actually jealous you can't relate to this gay ass aesthetic0/10 read rip
>>202025>So none of those things exist anywhere except America? no, i just said it doesn't exist everywhere lmao. learn to read. i thought y'all liked reading and poetry? hunting deer and soft serve ice cream isn't a big thing tied into childhood nostalgia for middle easterns or even people in asia, actually. the weather…. also changes in different countries. is it really such a
triggering statement.
>This thread is not for youactually it's for making fun of cows like you. i guess you don't know what /snow/ is since you come from tumblr.
you're the one butthurt enough to keep replying to me lol. i'm not forcing you to. ask and i'll keep answering. tends to happen.
No. 202029
>>202026kind of funny you're calling everyone "butt blasted" and "
triggered" when you're the one furiously responding to anyone who slightly disagrees with you and accusing them of being posted in this thread. sorry that you tried to get into this aesthetic but you were too ugly and they kicked you out of their club or whatever happened that made you so hurt but feel free to take it to your journal instead and stop annoying the shit out of everyone here
No. 202030
>>202029it's a dicsussion board lmao. i'm just talking about how the aesthetic is tied in with a certain culture. you're the one genuinely upset i keep talking about it while responding to you. i don't know what you're trying to get out of coming for me personally like it's gonna affect me as if i'm not a weeb who only started lurking your blogs when the thread was created.
newsflash: we made this thread to make fun of you. i'm not even right now lmao. all this drama cos i said this
>>201758 kek
No. 202042
>>202040the samefagging is ridiculous lets get back to making fun of them for their disgusting fetishizing pedophilic broken nymphet act.
>>200971it's like a pokemon morph. someone should make a diagram of the interlapping calves and what aesthetic comes out.
No. 202056
>>20204899.99% sure it came from cassie or whatever from skins who said it aaaall the time. since she was blonde and dolly and
ANOREXIC of course.
No. 202059
>>202054>I'm not posted in this threadprobably because you aren't relevant enough
No. 202068
File: 1479708687071.gif (1.88 MB, 500x383, 2mo8nk2.gif)

>>202020We hunt deers in Argentina, have coniferous forests, foggy and cold weather, and Im sure in Europa and Asia too. These elements alone don't make the aesthetic, and while its americana influenced, mostly elements are more europeans.
>>202028the continent
>>202027I have a soft spot for old folks, they always have a story to tell or knowledge to share.
No. 202082
File: 1479713135435.png (371.27 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_7476.PNG)

Millie confirms that her mom is retarded… Or she's lying again
No. 202182
>>202097yikes. i actually feel bad for her. all she has is her aesthetic and she didn't even come up with it herself. no wonder she's so defensive of other people ""copying"" her. she has nothing else.
stay in school, kids.
No. 202243
File: 1479748387135.jpg (55.24 KB, 736x570, 3e0b149a73b9f25bd6d36e55a89e1e…)

heres another one for the pile.
name: Maja
tumblr: funny is i always used to laugh at her for ripping off Jess Woods so much, but after seeing what Jess actually looks like I bet she would kill to look like Maja (basically like a 8 yr old lol). she is what i imagined Jess would look like but no.
No. 202269
>>202264omg what if i'm accidentally bar wench core!!!
seriously tho this hitler youth, aryan army shit is what these chicks are reppin
No. 202289
>>202264Tribal goth / afro punk is a thing. Forest punk sounds like those alt girls who do "fairy" photoshoots all the time.
I'm surprised cult party kei or the like hasn't gained more momentum what with it's name and aesthetic.
No. 202354
>>202289you see it's not that it didn't gain popularity, it's that most girls over here massively misunderstand it and think its just plain pink dress + peignoir and flower crown
also it's died in japan as well as dolly kei
No. 202481
File: 1479779893514.jpg (70.16 KB, 640x805, IMG_6637.JPG)

rotting-angel-blood, not sure if she's been posted yet but
No. 202531
File: 1479793040612.jpg (182.59 KB, 640x822, tumblr_oh0x7aJFaP1uajvwdo1_128…)

good fucking god she could've at least used a teeth whitening app beforehand
No. 202603
File: 1479822894712.jpg (190.89 KB, 960x960, uggo.jpg)

>>202481i thought this was for a moment. they really do all copy each other
No. 202629
File: 1479831275210.jpg (77.29 KB, 696x697, twat.jpg)

Yes, there is a name for blogs like that… "Shit" "Contrived Babydoll Americana Aesthetic" "Tryhard Cunts" "Nicole Dollanganger Wannabe Blog"
No. 202631
File: 1479831333619.jpg (94.7 KB, 715x705, twatss.jpg)

>>202629part 2
Look at the amount of blogs full of the same shit
No. 202670
File: 1479843952272.png (21.7 KB, 287x187, Screen Shot 2016-11-22 at 7.39…)

>>202667Flood detected; Post discarded
No. 202686
>>202683they really are identical
also they're so psuedointellectual. like they read one book one time maybe and it was Lolita and that's so longggg and foreign like come on grlz you just stare at your phone all day in your parents houses and don't go to school or make efforts towards anything besides their ~aesthetics~
or if they do go to school it's for art or criminology and they drop out after a week.
No. 202688
>>202687lol aw i actually went to mortuary school and have been in the business for 7 years it's hard honest work
fucking posers
No. 202690
>>202688but come to think of it there were always weird kids at the beginning of each year who dropped out after they had to embalm a body ahhahaha
i actually fainted my first time and i'm ~goth~ or whatever but i like to think i'm holding up the stereotype pretty well(as in like, i'm an actual person who works hard) hah
sage for double blog post
No. 202703
>>202700impressive considering most these girls are NEET
which one is it i wanna sit its blog
No. 202802
>>202797>>202798>202799what's pathetic is how at this point in the thread you think you're convincing anyone that you aren't just butthurt people posted about you in this thread and dragged you while you obsessively samefag.
i'm totes jealous of an unemployed loaf-faced loser scribbling crayola on construction paper and posting upskirts while obsessively keeping tabs on the other girls you're so desperate to out-frail. you run a blog on a website. you've truly gotten so used to getting your ass kissed by your 12 year old followers that you can't believe you're a joke to the worldwide audience this board attracts.
sucks 2 be u. feel free to let out your rage and angst at being permanently humiliated by reblogging a dead rat on a doily.
No. 202806
>>202804fyi that's never saved anyone from being accused of samefagging
which you are btw
No. 202821
>>202818no i know they're unoriginal but there's certain ones who say it in such a personal way that makes it obvious they've followed them personally and are more or less venting what they've always felt. usually when they call them on a first name basis.
oh no yeah a lot of these girls are casual lolcow users lmao. i have no doubt about that. they like to pretend they were tipped off but in real life they probably stumbled here years ago thanks to the kotakoti, ginger bronson or nicole thread. they were probably horrified the tables turned and now it was their turn to get exposed. a lot of them have basic understanding of how to navigate the board but when it comes to pretending they aren't samefagging they're terrible because they're obviously stressing out and keyboard smashing defensive nonsense.
No. 202830
>>202603Everyone knows that when you're sexually abused as a child this is what happens to you :''((( Basic psychology ppl!!!!
God just look at people like sterility. Supposedly chimed in perfectly to this broken sexually abused child shit wow much relatable to all these girls because so tru trauma!! And it turns out sterility is just a guy who's a pedophile.
No. 202831
File: 1479878182003.png (697.89 KB, 800x805, so pale desu.PNG)

when you need to wash your selfies out a ridiculous amount to make them fit your blog's ~ghostly~ aesthetic
anyone else here remember pale blogs? the trend's died out but this current movement is almost like a continuation of it
No. 202837
>>202835i genuinely got upset reading that. these people are just shitting all over real traumas and using them as accessories. the fact they had like a town hall meeting to give it a name like it's a PRIORITY speaks fucking VOLUMES about what they're all about. i'm disgusted that the mental and emotional disturbances of real human beings are used by cunts like this, acting like it's mutually exclusive to reblog their aesthetic and be mentally ill. it's so fucking tryhard and stupid and unnecessary, and just makes them feel important and righteous and intellectual for what they do as if they're different from any other person posting pictures on a fucking website. they act like it's so fucking important. IT IS A WEBSITE.
>all cultural movements have had their symbolic hallmarks: the renaissance with its fusion of hellenistic and biblical symbols, the aestheticist movement, with its sunflowers, blue china pottery, peacock feathers, and japanese screens. dadaism, with its obsession with clocks, shocking, absord juxtapositions, and other trappings of the new, modern era.SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP OH MY GOD!!!!!
No. 202838
File: 1479879263008.jpg (11.78 KB, 350x271, tumblr_inline_o0l988XQ771qlw5k…)

>>202835>the idea of aestheticizing things that are broken, ugly, or abnormal is also not new, and has a long history. the idea of wabi-sabi in asian art seeks to find beauty in things that are broken, asymmetrical, or deformed. likewise, in western art, the baroque movement (named after barocco -imperfect- pearls) rebelled against renaissance rationalism and perfect symmetry with raw, asymmetrical compositions filled with passion and emotion. sound familiar? the only difference is that most of the major players in art movements like the baroque were men. with men, the products of their emotion, irrationality, and imperfection are treated as ART. with women and girls, our aesthetic languages are written off as cringey, overly biographical, overly subjective emotional garbage. men are given much more license to be ugly, strange, and mentally ill. they become, to the general viewer, complex, morally ambiguous, compelling people, while women who struggle with the same or similar issues are seen as the ugly ex, the crazy ex, the girl who was raped, or the girl no-one listens to because she’s not pretty. and now, that girl has a blog. No. 202840
>>202838can't believe she's comparing making actual art to reblogging someone else's photos
like how pretentious are you
No. 202856
>>202851the great majority of real child sexual abuse victims who wish to regress and find comfort in a childhood that was robbed from them find comfort in pictures of actual relics related to their childhood ie kindergarten classrooms, glitter, crayons, stuffed animals, vhs tapes, nickelodeon shows etc. things from the 90s and early 2000s which is when they were children. not antique dolls, pacifiers, lace curtains and maggots with the screen filter put over them on photoshop. the people who run kidcore blogs often aren't even child sexual abuse survivors themselves. because child sexual abuse doesn't shape you into some solid contrived single aesthetic, especially not a dolly hunting-rifle-bearing one that drives you to cut your fringe straight across and listen to nicole dollanganger and metal music. just like schizophrenics don't wear pigtails with smudged eyeliner and sing victorian lullabies.
how uninspired and unintelligent you are. i don't know how you can argue that actual psychological trauma has anything to do with your blog aesthetic when this
>>202835 dumb cunt literally just compared it to a carefully constructed art movement like baroque and dadaism.
No. 202860
>>202856>the people who run kidcore blogs often aren't even child sexual abuse survivors themselves. This is literally all you had to admit to not look retarded. Instead, you tried to look like you weren't spouting bullshit by regurgitating information everyone is already aware of. Embarrassing.
And I never argued that the ~*babydoll aesthetic*~ or whatever it is has anything to do with actual trauma at all. All I did was mock you for associating kidcore people (who are literally the exact same as any other Tumblr aesthetic) with "actual CSA". You sound like an actual blogger from this "group" who's trying to overcompensate, KEK.
No. 202863
File: 1479881624464.png (112.08 KB, 1074x924, 20161123_011038-1.png)

$20 says she sent this to herself
No. 202865
>>202860>All I did was mock you for associating kidcore people (who are literally the exact same as any other Tumblr aesthetic) with "actual CSA". except it does 100% attract the interest of child sexual abuse survivors. you don't have to be into psychology to just visit their blogs and read through the dozens of asks they get from child sexual abuse survivors gushing about how much they love their blog. i said "kidcore blogs that post play-doh and nickelodeon commercials
are where actual child abuse survivors go to find safe spaces from their traumatized childhoods" never that they ran them. mayhaps if your reading comprehension was a little bit better you wouldn't have made a fool out of yourself by taking it out on moi that you can't read.
No. 202867
>>202859>>202856>>202865It displays a lack of understanding to only believe in the most stereotypical of coping mechanisms. For example, I know of a girl who's CSA survivor, and says she actually enjoys CP because it "comforts her", and know a male CSA victim who feels sickened by it (like most reasonable humans) and also finds "kidcore" blogs creepy as fuck. It doesn't make either of them fake.
Claiming that "actual child abuse survivors" would only veer to a specific "type" of childhood-related aesthetic over another is moronic, especially when all this shit looks creepy and retarded to a lot of people. All the "DD/lg blogs do not interact" banners in the world won't make it look any less off.
No. 202871
>>202867i never said i only believed that there was only one way to cope with trauma. i just said that the majority of people who wish to
regress do so by looking at pictures actually associated with their childhood that aren't followed by albino rabbits and autopsies. congratulations to your friend for enjoying the sexual abuse of other children and essentially being a pedophile. it's as stupid to believe in only one acceptable coping method as it is to believe that any kind of harmless coping method is inherently creepy and retarded as if the nature of child sexual abuse isn't that it fucks you up and you find comfort in things people who weren't abused find stupid.
>>202868it isn't. i was just saying it as an example for people who can't grasp the concept of child sexual abuse survivors finding comfort in blogs dedicated to posting 90s/2000's nostalgia pictures.
No. 202876
>>202871>just said that the majority of people who wish to regress do so by looking at pictures actually associated with their childhood that aren't followed by albino rabbits and autopsies. There are different methods of regression. You literally said "actual child abuse victims" too, not just "the majority" kek.
>it's as stupid to believe in only one acceptable coping method as it is to believe that any kind of harmless coping method is inherently creepy and retarded as if the nature of child sexual abuse isn't that it fucks you up and you find comfort in things people who weren't abused find stupid.Just because there's a valid reason behind something doesn't make it any less creepy and retarded (which is why I mentioned the girl who likes CP after being abused herself). Who knows? Maybe a small minority of the calf bloggers were actually victims of abuse and saw lots of fucked up things, and since it's all they knew, it comforts them in a disgusting way. It obviously wouldn't make things any less edgy/stupid/exploitative, but it's a "thing".
No. 202877
>>202876yeah, the majority of
actual child sexual abuse victims who have a genuine need to regress, not tumblrinas who want to be edgy and make up some tragic excuse as to why they reblog the shit they do. the trouble truly seems to be your illiteracy.
>Maybe a small minority of the calf bloggers were actually victims of abuse and saw lots of fucked up things, and since it's all they knew, it comforts them in a disgusting way. nvm i now know exactly where you're coming from lmao
No. 202879
>>202877Your line of logic is literally "It's only an actual coping mechanism if I can understand it/it doesn't annoy me". All of this shit looks dumb. Edgy Nicole Dollanganger wannabes are way too into childhood to not at least have some foot in it.
>nvm i now know exactly where you're coming from lmaoLol, tell yourself whatever you want, I guess.
No. 202880
>>202879>Edgy Nicole Dollanganger wannabes are way too into childhood to not at least have some foot in it.OH BOY you really almost caught me for a second I thought you WERENT' just another calf selfposting
Better luck next time eh?
No. 202884
>>202880Jumping on the "You must be one of them" train won't make your "only REAL CSA victims remember this!" any less dumb, anon.
And do you even know what "selfposting" means? I seriously feel like you're one person from that tumblrsphere who's been obsessively following this thread after one of them sent themselves an ask. Pity tbh.
No. 202888
>>202887Joke's on you, if
>>202880 wasn't you, then you responded on their behalf and basically told me exactly what you were getting at. You're trying so hard and just making yourself look like even more of a tool.
Are you the same Palestinian person from the middle of the thread, by any chance?
No. 202909
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No. 202916
i hate the tumblr bruise/blood obsession. "oh, we're just so damaged that we love bruises. normies don't like getting hurt but we're broken and beautiful", like… no, i've NEVER spoken to any other abuse victim that loved bruises/thought they were cute/aesthetic. i've been dragged down flights of stairs by my hair, choked on a weekly basis as a child, and given split lips and black eyes by my dad as a child, had to deal with CPS and the turmoil and bullying and embarrassment that came along with coming to school crying every day, failing grades despite my best efforts, which partially condemned my adult life – NONE of it was aesthetic or cinematic or cute, and these pieces of shit with enviously normal lives who think liking dark shit makes them "mentally ill" (honestly, as if being diagnosed wasn't just a simple survey, anyways. i don't give a shit if they are diagnosed, mental healthcare is mostly a joke) think they're special for romanticizing something they've never experienced and had to suffer through, stuff that literally ruins lives. these girls are so spoiled that it's sickening.
it's like slum tourism but for abuse.
No. 202935
>>202933Are you one of those people projecting or something? You sound fresh out of Tumblr.
Post your kidcore blog
No. 202937
File: 1479903411376.png (533.08 KB, 1008x948, mild concern.png)

I vaguely posted about this already but
>tfw you started one of these blogs as a joke from when people were posting parodies of Ginger Bronson's poetry in the Ginger thread
>tfw you started making actual OC
>tfw the meme worked too well
>tfw you gathered a good amount of followers
>tfw you've been looped into this shit for the long haul
How do I exploit this for laughs? I guess I could try getting closer to the more popular ones and leaking anything milky they tell me, but that might prove dangerous since they know about the thread. Any ideas?
No. 202942
File: 1479904259119.jpg (30.24 KB, 305x152, JESSWOODS.jpg)

>>202914How are you surprised that someone with this face is bitchy. Seems like everyone who strives to appear as an innocent ethereal goddess online is just trying to convince themselves they're not a bitch, as we have all witnessed in Keekers recent escapades.
No. 202951
>>202945I'm really curious as to who this
triggered calf is. Anyone actually follow these girls to know who's currently posting on Tumblr?
No. 202960
>>202951I'm not a
triggered calf. That particular anon has just been salty all thread for some reason. They derailed it with racebaiting earlier on.
No. 202977
>>202972>blond hair, blue eyes>both skinny and not unattractive (a rarity in this group)>(possible) rape victim (Danny Cespedes saga)>actually has abusive parentsOmg it'd be perfect. She'd be able to entertain her more fucked up/goreposting tendencies and act like she has the moral high ground at the exact same time. This would suit her perfectly.
Kiki, if you're reading, get on this shit.
No. 202979
>>202977Samefagging but holy fuck, imagine the drama she'd get into with slutforsnuff
>>198387 aka the only other conventionally attractive chick involved in this scene.
It'd be glorious.
No. 202985
File: 1479915302507.jpg (282.86 KB, 1280x854, 6fcec3f5-8ab9-42c2-8b98-5a579b…)

Got another
No. 202986
>>202984Ease up Playdoh-san I know you're
triggered but nobody cares about your kidcore vendetta.
No. 202987
File: 1479915586405.jpg (28.18 KB, 454x453, jf8oc0vls7rrv0s8.jpg)

>>202972>>202977she was basically already into it with her angel wing lace lingerie kitten swan shit which was basically her trying to copy dollymilk(yeha's sister i think). except instead of giving herself a dark twist she just decided acting like a "relatable" retard was better for… some reason.
i guess the movement attracts the same breed of cow.
No. 202990
>>202987Eh, that shit was a bit too light-hearted to really fit into the aesthetic. It was more like a super-sanitized version of it with attempts to fit in with pastel goth and the retro anime scene (if you've seen how she styled her videos back then/the graphics therein).
If she'd learned how to use Tumblr, maybe she could've gotten a proper fandom who would give her free shit (much like Luna) for being a struggling babydoll uwu.
Girl really half-assed everything she ever got into.
No. 202991
File: 1479916306571.png (113.64 KB, 500x293, 1473271827456.png)

>>202984I'm not even the same anon you fucking sperg. Feel free to hold that ten hour
No. 202997
>>202989The anon who's really mad about kidcore blogs further upthread
I don't like kidcore blogs either, but I find them annoying at best and slightly cancerous at worst
No. 203004
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Nicole copycat or Millie copycat? You decide No. 203006
File: 1479919324468.png (453.04 KB, 449x344,…)

>>203000the holy trinity of selfposting whiteknights
No. 203009
>>203004Jesus Christ, what the fuck. How can that be someone's face? I feel sad.
On closer inspection, that particular photo is nowhere to be found on her blog except as her display picture. Selfpost?
No. 203017
File: 1479920897928.jpg (10.49 KB, 236x314, every calf's default expressio…)

>>203004obviously a millie copycat with her clown-lips pout. i'm just wondering when she'll get her bridge pierced and how badly it'll accentuate her horrible nose.
No. 203032
>>203023of course they're lurking. they're throwing a hissy fit on their blog about this thread with a bunch of long ass tldrs that no one cares about.
i love how a few people in this thread managed to make us look like sjws though. just more feed to attract the wrong crowd.
No. 203037
>>203032>>203033At this point crying sjw is just a way to invalidate actual criticism about their pedo catering tryhard ways. Sjw's like to cry about muh privilege and cultural appropriation and nitpick over the pale movement or whatever.
But for the most part these girls are just pretending to have eating disorders and masking their pedophilia as a coping mechanism while also posting mutilated corpses. Anyone with a brain is gonna drag them.
No. 203057
File: 1479924774863.png (266.3 KB, 540x417, tumblr_ogjjc9WwWv1u15o7bo2_540…)

idk how to feel about her face…lmao
No. 203064
File: 1479925003582.png (272.16 KB, 1075x1441, 20161123_131601.png)

>>203062>>203060yeah nvm i just changed my mind about her. definitely a special snowflake
No. 203069
File: 1479925073828.png (257.67 KB, 1242x1421, IMG_7506.PNG)

Who the fuck would want a copy!?
No. 203132
>>202838These people need to take a history lesson. Or at least learn what fueled art movements in the first place.
I can't believe they're comparing their lives to the lives of artist's in the renaissance or any other period of history.
Hmm being killed for opposing religion and having to hide your real opinions and thoughts in paintings is so relatable to collecting dolls.
Women and other minority groups being burned at the stake or hung is exactly like hoarding vintage antiques and wearing lace dresses.
No. 203136
>>202909So you don't take responsibility for posting sexually-implied pictures of children or people pretending to be in a child + adult relationship, or women/young girls being taken advantage of because it's your fetish?
So sick of this "nothing can be shameful or criticized because I have a mental illness" trend.
Hate to break it to you doll, having a mental illness is still considered to be shameful to the rest of the world. I hope none of you nymphet-broken-dolls have you full name and face attached to your blogs where you talk openly about your mental illness, disassociation, drug usage etc.
That's just the truth. Employers WILL look up your name and see if you're mentally stable and a professional. If you want a job that pays well at least.
Want to be a teacher? a psychologist? therapist? criminologist? Better scrub your blogs and online identity. Even if you run a recovery focused blog your future employer WILL judge you for having an eating disorder, schizophrenia etc.
Before I get attacked for this I've recovered from an anxiety disorder and currently recovering from an eating disorder. I don't have any social media accounts or a blog to vent about my frustrations because I want to be in a respectful career in the future.
No. 203216
>>203206damn i was thinking more an irrelevant calf who hasn't been posted
you said it not me Kek
No. 203241
>>203220my fav is when people come here just for one thread and never look at any other threads for like context about what this place is like how do these people go about life in the world, being so unobservant? none of them show any intelligence i really wanna see one that actually reads books or the one that apparently goes to medical school (more so than mortuary school, criminology etc because you have to have your undergrad, pass the mcat AND get into med school)
If any of them showed even a ounce of individuality or god forbid intelligence I'd be thoroughly shocked at this point.
ugh idk if off topic cuz i think this person is a flake but maybe its a personal thing IDK but they also said they were "enrolled in mortuary school" for like a year and never took a class.. hasn't used her tumblr in a while shes on ig but she's really good at covering up horrible things with her really sweet cassie-from-skins anorexic smile. She's gotta be rich with calves though cuz she has a large following and they give her money without her even having asked hahaha
No. 203246
>>203244It doesn't take much time or effort to "stalk" these girls.
The post all their information on Tumblr or Instagram.
Most of the people here just pop in for a few mins a day or once a week. It doesn't take that much time out of my day tbh.
No. 203250
File: 1479952889386.png (Spoiler Image,178.35 KB, 706x1159, IMG_4506.PNG)

No. 203252
>>203209Give it up, anon. I got accused of being part of that tumblr scene ITT for even dumber reasons lol.
Some of the people in this thread seem autistic/paranoid. I hate the "ur just jealous" argument, but the pure salt behind some of the posts (obviously not the ones that are just laughing at edgy/ugly chicks or being blunt) really smacks of that. Some sort of bitterness. They seem like members of that group themselves. Either that, or they had some experience with Nicole Dollanganger fans that isn't just a matter of them simply being sad/ugly tryhards, and veers into vendetta territory.
No. 203254
>>203250This one doesn't even fit the aesthetic. She's total cyberghetto/generic pastel "aesthetic" pink circa 2013-2015.
Someone go make a thread for basic/annoying Tumblr/IG girls in general instead of shitting this one up even more with popular girls they don't like who happen to be vaguely feminine. Christ.
No. 203260
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No. 203261
File: 1479953783554.png (66.55 KB, 467x251, Screen Shot 2016-11-23 at 8.14…)

like idk she just doesn't strike me as a shitty person (millie) shes just popular and people are desperate. YIKES about patience though, i didn't see that. changed my mind!
No. 203265
File: 1479954345581.png (181.46 KB, 750x1199, IMG_4115.PNG)

Why do all these girls like to rub up on gravestones?
No. 203272
to all the calves who think they're being slick by selfposting to whiteknight themselves and derail the thread, please have a look at the sperg-chan thread
>>154930 the ones where the girl in question was defending herself like you all are have been marked with a banner.
yes, we can do this to you too. we know exactly what you're doing and you're not clever. it happens all the time.
No. 203273
File: 1479954716504.gif (991.21 KB, 300x229, UEkosbR.gif)

this thread
No. 203284
>>203283Oh, and "looking into it" basically means, cows!
No. 203287
>>203282Pretty sure Jess posted here
>>199766 and then scampered off when she saw people posting her with her face full of busted-looking drawn on eyebrows and less of a ~thinspo goals~ body, then one of them came here to try and accuse everyone of "stalking" them here
>>203249, then there's the cringy anon who keeps posting gifs and one sperg who types in all lowercase and thinks everyone who disagrees with them is most totally deffs a calf. The last two might be the same person.
Regardless, mods and admin don't seem to do this shit on request anymore, though I think they did it for that one cancerous pro-ana IG thread (RIP). If this was a /pt/ thread with a main snowflake as the focus, and not a collective catch-all thread for tumblr wannabes, then maybe it'd happen. Identifying which calves are posting what would also probably be impossible, since more than one of them appears to be getting whiteknighted.
No. 203292
>>203287 100% jess, who else would call someone a "drama cunt" lmao
>>203291 link?
No. 203298
disregard my previous post about millie as well, I didn't need to look into her blog's archives very far before I found a dead animal she stuffed into a jar.
Also, has anyone mentioned yet? too lazy to read the whole thread and find out
No. 203357
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No. 203370
File: 1479968333150.jpg (79.7 KB, 720x960, IMG_4512.JPG)

this one is Jewish and is obsessed with nuns No. 203382
>>202798>>202799>leans into micWrong.
>>202865Why would such a large number of CSA survivors all express themselves in the exact same way? Yeah, I'm sure a lot these chicks are mentally ill, but so is everyone else born in this generation. It's an aesthetic; Not a coping mechanism.
No. 203447
>>203400Sitting on/around gravestones isn't illegal. Vandalism is, though.
Please don't waste the police's time based on your own feelings.
No. 203470
File: 1479994735869.png (81.59 KB, 640x1036, IMG_6658.PNG)

Can we talk about how Millie and Patience have the same exact tattoos
No. 203512
File: 1480003730231.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.74 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6831[1].JPG)

does anyone know if some of them are from sweden? seemes to be, anyway a few years ago a book came out that popularized this "look" along with selfharm, drugs.
>>198408she wrote about getting hospitalized over and over , selfharming and doing drugs along with her friends who she called her angels, it sounded so familiar when i read it so wonder if she got it from her.
under the spoiler is a pic of the book im talking about. She got quite the following by girls and women who tried to imitate her.
No. 203660
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No. 203689
>>203687of course i'm sure she loves having a side kick to take pics of her rubbing her pussy on grave stones of dead children
she's like a prop, like the rest of everything in their lives.
No. 203847
File: 1480094312798.jpg (279.31 KB, 960x1280, rottenangel.jpg)

this has to be the ugliest one, i feel bad, she looks fucked up No. 203854
File: 1480096001116.png (539.42 KB, 605x602, Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 5.44…)

>>203853Yes, I'm totally her. You got me.
Did some digging on her IG, she really isn't ugly. Unflattering haircut and fat, but she could easily surpass Jess and the rest of the girls ITT (except maybe slutforsnuff) in the looks department if she lost weight and wore wigs.
No. 203859
File: 1480096986518.png (389.95 KB, 602x452, Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 6.02…)

>>203857She's not ugly, deal with it.
Looks like Laci Green tbh
No. 203861
>>203859Underbite and needs chin implant. Looks like a mouth breather.
Confirmed uggo.
No. 203862
Sage for correction.
No. 203867
File: 1480097676968.jpeg (42.38 KB, 665x430, g65EIe9.jpeg)

>>203860Laci Green is pretty far from ugly, honestly. Off-topic tho
No. 203951
>>203948does she just say "charity" and not like a specific cause?
lol ok
No. 203952
File: 1480112690068.png (559.78 KB, 1000x563, tba.png)

pic related
No. 204424
File: 1480214455819.png (319 KB, 498x569, Screenshot 2016-11-26 at 8.31.…)

No. 204465
File: 1480220019463.png (259.33 KB, 502x508, um.png)

also girl… i'm not so sure about that
No. 204481
File: 1480221805593.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-11-26-23-42-21…)

This can't be a healthy coping mechanism, she should get some serious help
No. 204554
>>204491"I used to like the blood aesthetic / bruises and all that but now i hate anything with a sexual undertone that may have a “bdsm ” essence to it and is suggestive to any of those kind of things so its not my thing anymore and im very very over it. That stuff only has 1 connotation now (thanks tumblr! Ha fuck u) and i dont want to be part of the carnal side of life because its not who i am. I just wanna be a pure and genuinely artistic person who has something deeper to express at all times and never has to resort to any superficial/primitive elements to be deemed “valuable” or “beautiful”, because i want to transcend that completely . i dont want to be like everyone else who does that to get attention. I can be above and more real"
could you get any more pretentious? lmaoooooo
No. 204630
>>198225>>204491shes all "i want to be ugly, i don't want to be sexualized"
but all that means to her is thin??? made me think of Ash, I doubt she wants to be
that sort of ugly. she should get on testosterone or something that would actually affect her looks and make her look less like a child/girl whom is
highly sexualized like why be on camera in your underwear then???
its all full of airy fake bullshit
No. 204740
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No. 204768
File: 1480272624792.jpg (59.22 KB, 600x471, 15253460_362005114150060_12509…)

>>204424T-This is… a legit dead rat??
No. 207065
>>206958They're so pathetic.
Seeing the Nicole description written by some suckup in
>>71407 makes me want to die from secondhand embarrassment every time I see it.
The level of gushing is unbelievable.
No. 207158
>>204630lol this bitch should have her own thread. goes on and on about being
triggered by blogs that are even remotely sexual but doesn't tag any of her pro ana content. has about 12 bitch fits every day. her blog is hilarious
No. 207308
File: 1480636112537.jpg (183.39 KB, 750x1052, IMG_2565.JPG)

how do I get around "flood detected"? I tried opening a new tab and refreshing the page
No. 207323
>>207308Who could follow this girl… she is absolutely fucking annoying? I love how she's allowed to nitpick at porn blogs and bitch about how
problematic they are, but the second someone calls her out on her shit, it's no big deal. Also it's funny how she puts on this anti sex front and doesn't want to be sexualized when she usually wears lingerie in her selfies/gifs lmao. This girl is a hypocritical mess.
No. 207498
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>>207071>>207084Can't believe that she got a piece drawn by Risa just for her
No. 207562
File: 1480696123993.jpg (Spoiler Image,286.14 KB, 1034x1280, tumblr_odrwaja3rs1u15o7bo1_128…)

>>204491>>204554>>207323Good god I was able to browse her blog for less than it took me to write this post. When I first saw her manly lady gaga horseface, fried hair and awful makeup I thought she could not get more puncheable but
> compares herself to trump because they're "misunderstood by the public" when the later is literally the president of the USA and shes a bratty womanchild with a blog who doesn’t know shit about politics, who lives with her parents and gets like 20 notes on each of the selfies she calls "art". also she defends trump and putin… while living in Canada> does shitty MsPaint job adding quotes to photos in fucking Courier New like "i want to lose weight i want to become air" "i wanted to become smaller until i disappeared until i weighted nothing" (literally first page of her tag /my+writing if you want to check it. you don't even have to go deep into it lmao)> calls aforementioned thinspo "my poems" like lmao bitch it doesn’t rhyme or have any metric structure whatsoever. I know there is such thing as "modern poetry" but generic proana and black/white depression blog-like babblings do not have artistic value > "but I don’t promote anorexia!!!" yet this absolutely doesn’t correlate with the fact she wants to kill everyoneMy two cents the only reason she doesn’t want others to have anorexia is so that she can be the thinnest ana queen lmao
I'm surprised she isn't thinner, though, given how obsessed she seems to be. I'm not saying she's fat. I'm just saying she's obviously not Ashley tier, not shmegeh tier…not even alyrealrecovery tier, if anyone remembers her> loves eric harris and dylan klebold > is asexual because that makes her a transcendental angel above humanityI don’t find her rants on sexual people nearly as bad as this.
As an asexual myself this is one of the most secondhand embarrassing things I've heard anyone say. You're asexual if you don’t feel sexual attraction towards anyone, wtf is this shit about wanting to make some sort of spiritual ulterior statement of how you are "above primitive desires" through it? This is as bad as straight people claiming to be bi for oppreshun points.
> hates nicole dollanganger and I find this funny given what this thread is Image related. Its her fucking nipple
No. 207586
>>207562she is a huge cow omfg.
she says she deletes 80% of her messages but I don't buy that for a second. being asexual doesn't mean going on multiple long ass rants in one day claiming to literally be better than other people because she doesn't have "carnal desires to fulfill" and her posts about how much she hates weed bother me so much lmao. she says it's "the worst thing ever" and hates how she feels when she does it but I saw her answer an ask on like Tuesday saying she does it sometimes? is someone holding you down and forcing you to smoke pot like I don't get it lmfao
probably doesn't like weed bc it gives her the munchies and then she would have to eat something besides soup and tea
she is approaching trashley level delusion and her attitude is just as bad.
how is "I want to lose weight" a poem lmao ?¿?
also like what do you do all day? she doesn't eat, doesn't seem to have friends, doesn't do anything that could remotely be considered sexual. does she work? there has got to be more milk on her but I can't handle being on her blog lol
No. 207600
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it would be fun to make a thread about ABB and you kno she'd throw a fit look she already did
#checkmyIP lolz
No. 207647
>>199454Lol, because men in their 20's usually date girls for their intellectual brilliance and philosophical perspective (and definitely not sex)? Older men are far less likely to be driven by blind horniness seeing as their sex drives peaked long ago.
If you think sex positivity enables child sexual abuse you either don't know what sex positivity is, or you throw all sexual relations you don't approve of under the umbrella of 'abuse', which is an insult to real abuse victims.
And to anyone who thinks 'daddy/little girl' dynamics are somehow pedophilic, do you also think attraction to goths is necrophilic, or furry sexplay a symptom of bestiality? Seriously, use some goddamn common sense.
No. 207650
>>207647Survivor of pedophilia here. DD/lg glorifies and normalizes pedophilia. The comparison between goths and necrophilia is a false comparison because goths as a whole do not claim to be dead or even representative of being dead. Some do but it's not a universal claim or representation. Pale makeup doesn't automatically make someone representative of a corpse. There's really no other way to interpret appropriating children's clothes and accessories though, especially when used in sex. Those items are consistently used to represent children and innocence in youth. There is no comparison since one has a much wider range of interpretations, whereas the other has a very limited scope and is routinely used in porn to represent youth.
I refuse to touch the furfag topic, someone else can respond to that bullshit.
No. 207653
>>207647so yourself a favor and read
>>205513 as well as the whole thread.
No. 207654
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No. 207656
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>>207652Older men are obviously more mature and not sex crazed at all, anon. How on earth could you be so silly?
No. 207675
>>207664If they're not representative of corpses, I fail to see how you could draw such a false comparison. Which was kind of my point. False comparisons that make no sense try to reduce the opponent's arguments to ridiculousness, which is an effort that failed.
>just like actual rape victims do not get sexually excited and provocate sexual interaction like BDSM fetishists doActually, some do. Hypersexuality after sexual assault or rape is a fairly common phenomenon. Doesn't mean it's a healthy response.
>The use of childlike objects and imagery are symbolic and not used in an attempt to suspend disbelief.I hear this argument a lot. What are they supposed to symbolize exactly? And how are those symbols different from how they're being used by actual minors? How do adults into this kink differentiate between when it's portrayed by adults and when it's portrayed by minors?
>I can understand why this would be an extremely hard subject for you to come to come to terms with and I don't expect you to understand itYou immediately assume that I do not understand something because I disagree with it. I understand it fine. I used to use these things to "reclaim" what happened to me. I criticize it because I've seen the damage it can cause first-hand.
>but as long as people engage in consensual and safe sex, accusing them of "normalizing" abuse is plain wrong.Problem is that this community routinely involves minors in their kink. Read the other thread. It's not safe, sane and consensual when it's involving minors that do not consent, and when it preys on CSA survivors who have not healed from their abuse.
>Not merely because it's a false accusation, but because it gives abusers the chance to use fetishes like this as scapegoats, the way Ted Bundy also accused hardcore porn of turning him into a sex monster.Abusers are going to use things as scapegoats regardless. They're pretty good at that. Doesn't mean we need to hand them the tools to do so, and dismiss it when it's pointed out that they're going to do that anyway. People use this kink to prey on people that are either minors or barely legal, who haven't finished developing and who have not had enough life experience to know what they're getting into. When adults flaunt that mentality as if it's perfectly okay and even attractive, younger individuals (including minors) that don't know any better will emulate it or aspire to it. That's really fucking dangerous.
>>207670So it's meant to represent "youth" and "innocence" but somehow this "youth" is not meant to represent actual children. Yeah okay. That makes total sense.
No. 207681
>>207676no offense but this is OT and the discourse is boring. someone take one for the team and look through ABBs terrible blog for more milk. I posted screencaps already but I cringed so hard I pulled a muscle when I was on her blog so it's someone else's turn.
isn't there someone here who has followed her for a while who knows about something good?
No. 207690
>>207675Goths based their aesthetic on death and its characteristics (pale skin, hollowed eyes) but they don't actually want to look dead. Dd/lg fetishists base their sexual kink and aeshetic on childlike characteristics but they don't actually want to look like real children or have sex with real children.
I was not referring to hypersexuality but responses to rape. While it is possible for rape victims to get physically aroused, they do not express sexual desire toward their rapist during rape or provoke the encounter in any way, something that BDSM fetishists often do in the context of rapeplay. Dd/lg fetishism works in the same way.
I'm claiming that you don't understand it not because you disagree with it but because you're drawing plainly false conclusions. Your notion that daddydom is supposed to "represent" either real children or real child sex abuse being the most obvious one.
Again, just because some pedophiles hide behind Dd/lg fetishism does NOT mean that most members do. Virtually all pederasts are either gay or bi, and any attempts they make to hide behind the LGBT movement does not make them representative of the movement.
If you honestly think that those who engage in safe and consensual sex AND clearly state this are still "handing tools" to abusers, I don't know what to say. If you can't see the apologism in that logic, I can't point it out to you.
Since when does youth equal children? Believe it or not, people stay relatively young for longer than 13.
No. 207691
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No. 207693
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No. 207694
>>207685You do understand the diference between getting aroused by having or submitting power and abusing/manipulating a power dynamic to exert control over someone, right? Plenty of women are aroused by fantasies of being overpowered, btw. If that's "fucked up", so is anything beyond the missionary position.
I didn't say men in their teens/20s are generally immature, I was responding to someone who claimed that older men generally just want sex.
No. 207703
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>>207690> Dd/lg fetishists base their sexual kink and aeshetic on childlike characteristics but they don't actually want to look like real childrena quick look at any ddlg porn will prove you wrong, for example pic related is odette delacroix whose entire career is based on looking underage while technically being legal. this argument might work for a big titted porn star wearing a "slutty schoolgirl" costume or w/e but a large amount of ddlg content is nothing more than simulated child porn
No. 207712
>>207691how does she say she doesn't run a thinspo blog? all of her personal posts and even a lot of her reblogs are about how she is losing/gaining weight, what she eats, pictures of thin girls, pictures of herself in poses that make her look thinner, complaining about her body, why does anyone follow her??
also curious that she has such a problem with blogs that are even remotely sexual following/reblogging from her but has no problem with pro-ana/ED blogs following her.
No. 207715
>>207703She doesn't look like a child. How fucking old do the kids were you're from look, jfc?
Also, adult babies are not the same as dd/lgfags.
Your sentiment isn't entirely wrong, though.
>>207706>If she looked like a REAL child, she wouldn't have gained any popularity in the first place.Look up Monroe lol
She's extremely famous and looks like an actual child.
No. 207716
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>>207714She's clearly a grown woman tbh
No. 207730
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>>207719So this is what a typical woman in her late 20s looks like to you? Really?
Considering the fucked up description in this pic I found just by looking up "Monroe", somehow I doubt I'm alone in thinking she looks young. And she's older than me, so somehow I doubt that I'm "bitter because I look old" lol.
(stop derailing) No. 207739
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No. 207741
>>207734You're right, I'm done.
>>207736had me convinced, though lmao.
No. 207745
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No. 207758
>>207739this is such a fucking lie and she knows it
does she want to be disfigured? or like Ash??? really? nah girl
you wanna look like a thin pale ~faery~ in make up
theres SO MANY ANONS on her page it's hard to actually get through omg but i saw one and someone asked something like "would you get top surgery (breast removal) because of your dysphoria/obsession?" (i dont remember what word they used)
she replied saying she'd rather spend money on a camera but like didn't answer the question or act all "deep and analytical" which she wants to be soooo bad but she's like dull as a butter knife
No. 207998
>>207730This reminds me of an Australian classification board banning pornographic content of small-breasted actresses who looked young, even if they were confirmed to be over 18. Who is that supposed to be protecting?
While I certainly agree that Monroe's face looks underage, the point is that SHE isn't. The reason we have laws regarding sex and minors in the first place is not to implement thought crime tactics but to prevent minors who are too psychologically immature from either being coerced or making decisions which have consequences they don't understand. For this same reason, D-cupped 15-17 year olds who look to be well into their 20's (and who "normal", non-fetishist men would find attractive) don't get any special rights that allow them to enter porn early.
No. 208008
>>207998>>207685if a girl is no longer a minor and still isnt mentally strong enough to prevent herself from being manipulated, the age of her manipulator is totally irrelevant. unless you think older men are more likely to be abusers, which is pretty discriminatory.
also, girls do NOT get emotionally/mentally abused by men because theyre kinky and into dominant guys. 'safe and consensual' is a reference to bdsm sex, it does not mean that manipulating people is okay.
No. 208043
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No. 208061
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No. 208063
>>208053If you actually care about that conversation, take it to the DD/lg thread and stop derailing this one.
>>204373But if you're only here to derail this thread like I suspect and keep people on an unrelated topic so people won't talk about featured calves, then you're O/T and no one gives a shit. The fact that you all are only posting in here and not in that thread suggests you don't actually care about the subject and are only using it to bait people. Cut the shit or take it elsewhere. Admin already told you all to stop derailing. You're baiting and people aren't biting anymore.
No. 208066
>>208064more like "my actual mommy and daddy will buy me whatever i want and need"
rich dudes don't want dumpy black girls lmao
No. 208072
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>>207758>but she's like dull as a butter knifeYup. Watching her attempts to sound deep and like an artistic free spirit/lost girl gives me secondhand embarrassment.
No. 208094
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I don't know this cow but she showed up on apple radio. Really not impressed now that I hear her music so thumbs down.
No. 208361
>>208072This doesn't sound like she's been to France at all. French people who work in the service industry are pretty accommodating to most nationalities, and yeh it's a pain and they don't enjoy speaking outside of their mother tongue it's PARIS. They don't last long in their jobs if they're not accommodating.
It just sounds like she's looked at the most stereotypical reviews of Paris and copied them.
No. 208900
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No. 208917
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No. 208920
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No. 208923
>>208917>>208920Christ, she's
profoundly stupid.
No. 208925
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>>2089204/4 "I didn't know it was a pro ana blog !!!1! I just looked at like 5 pics and reblogged that" hmmmmkay
No. 209056
>>208942if you feel bad for her then don't post. she's just as bad as any other pro ana on here, it's the ranting and lying about not being a thinspo blog that makes her a cow
I wonder if she edits herself to look smaller. I wouldn't be surprised
No. 209088
>>208942jsyk the only reason she's so sad or w/e is because she knows she can't & never will be able to afford this $22,000 camera that her entire life revolves around for whatever reason so
don't feel bad lol
No. 209133
>>209098Now that everyone in that ~aesthetic is pretty much sick of each other, she realizes she can't milk this out anymore.
She was just some ugly punk girl who jumped on the damaged babydoll bandwagon.
Also now that she's leaving the internet, what's gonna happen to her music? kek
No. 209287
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lol @ both of these
i didn't know where to post this someone make this snowbitchflake her own thread
No. 209313
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>>209296she must really love this attention how has she not turned off anon yet? she answers literally every single one somehow always avoiding the actual question and talking herself up..
she has to have NPD
also she want's to look PREPUBESCENT
I know Taffy is Luna's thing but omg Eva reminds me of her so much
No. 209317
>>209305This is what I found:'s a Russian blogger/photographer. Everyone is obsessed with her "skeleton grunge" asthetic. New way to justify pro-ana I guess.
No. 209911
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i can't believe tumblr user slorg hasn't been mentioned yet. idk if she's active or not but her old posts are super weird and nasty.
No. 209912
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No. 209913
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probably not with this "daddy bf" of hers anymore but
part 1
No. 209914
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part 2
No. 209919
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and the final part
No. 209960
>>209912>>209913>>209914>>209919>>209911She's not a Nicole Dollanganger clone lmao. This thread went downhill after someone started posting acidburnbaby.
Is this just one tumblirte anon's personal dumping ground for Tumblr people they don't like? Christ, what a shitshow.
No. 210139
>>210119I don’t get why they think they invented something new. I knew girls who were into granny clothes and pretended to be chilliike/asexual while whoring around, collecting dolls and watching twin peaks in 2004 (yes I’m old). Back then they used blogspot to publish their cringy poetry and share their made up traumas.
It’s not a subculture it’s how the daughters of teachers, dentists and lawyers deal with being average and living a boring life.
It’s a trope. Reversed manic pixie dream girl.
No. 211237
>>210139To be fair, many if not most subcultures are full of painfully average kids trying to express how rebellious/individual/alternative they are. Most kids born to well off parents don't bother coming to terms with their averageness, or just have brief phases.
I still like that people are at least trying to expose themselves to alternative scenes, despite the amount of tryhards and poseurs.
No. 212887
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…in what world
No. 212910
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i'm kinda surprised kimmy hasn't been posted here yet, for the sheer creepiness of her face alone
No. 212933
>>212910What the fuck is up with her face
More pics?
No. 212943
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>>212910What is going on with her hairline? She's literally wearing a mask of makeup
No. 212961
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>>212938I feel like she's trying to mimic that one Ukrainian anime girl that was being hyped online a while back during the "living doll" craze. Her natural facial features a little more narrow/harsh though which makes it even more garish/awful on her.
No. 212980
>>212962Honestly, that girl deserves a whole thread to herself. She's fucking mental. But
>>212968 is right, that's not Valeria.
No. 216773
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Who is she?
No. 217583
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>>202243editing or puberty?
No. 217641
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>>216773retarded attention seeking white girl
No. 217644
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she recently attempted suicide. posted a bunch of weird shit saying she overdosed and was waiting for her parents to finish eating dinner to ask to be taken to the hospital. out a day later.
No. 218853
>>218841bonus he had a snailmail (ex)fangirl on tumblr and she confirmed that he constantly asked her for pictures of her in a bathing suit from when she was a child so she confirmed he was a pedo for the fangirls who wanted to argue he wasn't.
it sucks you can't say you like serial killers anymore because these tryhard twats wanna romanticize them for edge points. really serial killers are a fascinating topic that offer incredible information about the human mind. and our society has constantly been obsessesed with murderous bad guys because often times they're more fascinating characters in comparison to the gary stew protagonist. and really that's all it comes down to. but the glorification and general fetish tumblr teens have made of them have basically destroyed the belief that you can like serial killers and not romanticize them.
always hated school shooters tho. you see the personality type on reddit and 4chan all the time lmao if these girls really wanted their own dylan/tate all they have to do is actually go on reddit and pick one from the ball pit. guarantee their boner will die after hanging out with one and realizing why no one liked these musty white boys in the first place. i swear they all think they're like tate from ahs? lmao
No. 218865
>>218853Yeah I can relate, my mother has always had a great interest in serial killers and is very knowledgeable on the topic, Dahmer being the one she spent the most time analyzing. She even considered buying one of Gacy's paintings way back when he was still alive and selling them from his cell for a hundred bucks each (but she was in her late teens and poor lol). Not once has she glamourized/romanticized any of them while speaking on the subject, so I have a deep respect for people who have an innocent curiosity towards learning about serial killers and who don't do it for the edge points or the sake of fan girling over Richard Ramirez (who is way overrated imho anyway lol). I feel like if you're a girl on tumblr who shows any sort of interest in serial killers, you're just gonna get bunched up with these dunces which is really sad… like how much shit do they have to tarnish lol. The vintage toy collecting and granny clothes aesthetic wasn't enough but now they've infiltrated the true crime realm. Oh god… and clowns. They're all infatuated with clowns too.
But anyway mass shooters are so dull and none of them are even cute anyway? Like I really think they have to force themselves into this obsession with Columbine, ect. because it's really not interesting, and those two guys were just nerds and too edgy for their own good. Btw I'm hollering bc yeah Tate was probably their gateway into tru crime lmao…
No. 218870
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>>218865i love the ones who are obsessed with t.j. lane and his edgelord theatrics because they leave out so much shit lmao. they have like 2 photos of him looking smug and the iconic "hand that pulled the
trigger" quote but fail to reblog 1)his pathetic face when one of the moms of the victims called him a cowardly loser who will rot in prison with no glory and 2)the sweet irony of "the hand that pulled the
trigger now masturbates to the memory" because according to his cellmate who writes back to all of tj's fangirls, tj is a prison bitch with a boyfriend and now he's the only thing he's using that hand for is giving handjobs and busting a nut while getting fucked in the ass. uwu what a cutie~!!
basically these nymphets think they're edgy because while normie plebs are liking teen hearthrobs they're fangirling over ~*serial killers*~ see
>>210114 but lmao as if they're not just regarded on the same cringe level as furries and bronies on tumblr. like? this is 2016 no one finds you scary or fucked up just embarrassing.
No. 219812
>>218792Ok but of all those men anon listed Ramirez is the most handsome. Like 6'1 w those cheekbones? Plus the kawaii-edgy satanism?
It's like he was made for theses girls to drool over.
All the other men who do this are gross average-to-ugly would be channers, Ramirez prob would be too but he'd def be chad
No. 219861
>>219859no, just a farmer who has no pity for people who lack the common sense that tells them not to stick their dick in crazy
unironically loving dollanganger raises a huge red flag
No. 230560
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Bumping this thread because Millie came back. Bet she only left so she could dedicate all of her time to new sadbbydoll photo shoots with Patience
No. 230563
>>230560making that face all the time does her no favours.
on the other hand, hey, Patience looks nice
No. 230983
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>>230663looks slightly better than her goth/deathrocker phase
No. 231038
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>>231023She reminds me of Violet from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
No. 231160
>>231140Why am I not surprised she was a scene kid. She really jumps on any trend and this one is the only one who got her any sort of popularity.
Can't wait for this phase to end and she's going to be stuck with those retarded tattoos for life.
No. 231204
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>>230663Y'all I think Patience looks even worse than Millie
No. 231221
>>231204Her make up is honestly a joke lol in candids you can see she doesn't make up to the top of her forehead/hair line and she pulls her hair back lmao
And the eye brows are almost unusual enough to be considered creative(why are they gray? Her hair is not gray?) but still hideous and she could cool it with the bright red overdrawn lip.
Does she have a good archive somewhere? I imagine she deletes everytime she changes trends
>Millie's face Reminds me of when my mother would say "If you keep making that face it'll stay that way" and that must be what happened to her
No. 231224
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laughing out loud yes google has done her good
No. 231228
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>>231204idk man they fucking compete
>>231221>"If you keep making that face it'll stay that way"best description
No. 235150
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>>231228where'd she get her hairstyle from
No. 250474
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