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No. 100787
Ginger has gained tumblr fame by "rapping" about her Hard Core Life and this sort of daddy culture tumblr buys into–so basically she's a junkie rip off of lana del rey.
Her music is beyond awful: No. 100791
File: 1457140659799.jpg (118.24 KB, 500x689, tumblr_no7bintqAo1qh6hioo1_500…)

and don't get me started on those god awful tattoos.
No. 100824
>>100816tumblr logic: any criticism of a woman is misogyny, but turning yourself into a sex object for pedophiles is feminist and empowering
…not that pedophiles would want this fat haggard bitch, though
No. 100830
>>100787She's a good girl who's had a tough life. Most of her tattoos were given to her by a man who drugged her up and put them there against her will. If she would have refused he probably would have hurt her more than he already did so don't blame her for that.
I know I'm being a wk but she's genuinely a nice person, no milk at all. Her songs aren't great but she isn't hurting anyone. As for her daddy issues, she had a fucked up past and obviously has some mental & self esteem issues.
No. 100917
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>>100891>"sex, death, freedom">"dark wood floors, white roses everywheeeere~">"fast cars, ferrari down the hill, feeling everything and then feeling nothing, smoke, city lights, stars">"I think most people think I'm like a delicate little flower…and I'm not, I think I'm very tough">trying to act high>long, red false nails>forced husky voice>overdrawn lip poutingYou're not Lana Del Rey. Stop.
She fails miserably at trying to sound poetic in a ~glamorously trashy broken inside~ way. It's super embarrassing.
No. 100926
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>>100787I really like her. She used to be very thin but that's because she was on drugs. She said she loves that she gained weight because it meant she overcame her addiction. I've followed her on tumblr for years and she always posted poetry under the username "halfbunny" I think. At one point she modeled for Saint Laurent. Her tattoos are from when she was in high school and on meth. Mostly likely she was a sex trafficking victim because they tend to brand the girls with tattoos. I can understand why people don't like her, she is a bit much. But I believe her and I like a couple of her songs. "Know Yourself Freestyle" and "Hot
* Freestyle" are pretty good to me. I don't know I don't really care if she's telling the truth. She's nice and I think she's gorgeous.
No. 100935
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>>100930If anything just lip filler, but it looks like she just overdraws her lipstick. Gaining weight can change a face a lot. I'm remembering a bit more from like five years ago. She used to go by Kayla Day. She sold a couple of zines with her poetry in them. Sometimes posted kind of scary videos with filthy hair and smeared makeup reciting poetry. Definitely on drugs and involved in crime, living with various sugar daddies all over the world. One of them got her this modeling gig I think. I remember there was an article online with pictures of her, about this photographer that called her his muse. I'm trying to look for it, can't find it anywhere. But she looked shocking in those photos and looks so much better now. I mean people can choose not to believe her crazy life but there is a lot of evidence that she is a real former junkie perhaps with BPD. The rapping was more of a recent thing she decided to do, along with the name change. Her poetry was more popular.
No. 100963
>>100926I listened to Hot Freestyle, it sounds really fucking bad. I seriously hope you were joking, anon.
Also she looked much better when she used to be thinner.
No. 101228
>>101220it used to just be a paragraph and a few lines about how he was working with the fbi to catch the paedophile ring out lol
>>101219i didn't know that ginger used to model for ysl until now, which makes soren's fake fb profile for sam even shittier: especially since he detailed the exact same 666 tat for sam to make the catfishing more believeable.
No. 101240
>>101236like i mentioned i only caught the tail end of it, but if you control + f soren you can find more of the backlash here: old urls were sicklefawn and hurtc0re and his current one is hate to do tumblr links, soz in advance
No. 101290
>>100937her poetry/lyrics are absolute shit.
try-hard edgy bullshit that sounds terrible and embarrassing for someone over the age of 15.
bitch tries to act ghetto/hood too, with lots of black vernacular which is embarrassing for a white girl
No. 101328
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>>101236I found Soren like two years ago and have kept up with them since and I have plenty of screenshots and archive links. I'm not sure if it's worth a new thread, though since I haven't heard much about it since the fake suicide.
Here's a screenshot Soren posted on their Tumblr, it's supposedly him and Sam's Hidden Wiki page (that never actually existed).
No. 101518
>>101328After reading some more on this whole thing, and having it confirmed that this whole story was fake as shit, I'm really disgusted. I feel sick.
There are some twisted people in this world.
No. 101520
>>101185I read all of this and I don't think I've ever seen bigger bullshit in my entire life.
I'm so angry at myself for wasting time with this
No. 101578
>>101496soren looks like this: and the person on that blog looks like this: KNOW THIS IS AN IMG BOARD I KNOW) so unless he's using another person's selfie, it's probably not him.
No. 104818
>>100926i've been following her since 2009 or 2010 i think, and from what i gathered she was not a victim of sex trafficking, she was kidnapped/ran away with a man named corey and was trapped in an abusive relationship with him for a few years. she has mentioned they lived in a small town in alabama, they did meth, he was very dangerous, he hit her a lot, he drugged her and tattooed her and stuff like that. she eventually managed to gather her strength and leave him, and her relationship with him resulted in complex ptsd, which she has spoken a bit about in response to tumblr asks. she used to be really skinny because she was anorexic, which she has also talked about a few times. she's also mentioned living in multiple foster homes throughout her childhood, so her life was already troubled before corey. after corey she seemed to move countries a lot and get involved with various dangerous men.
after all these years, i've never picked up on inconsistencies in her story. i believe she is telling the truth, and i'm really proud of how far she has come since i first started following her.
No. 104821
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Almost as bad as Trump with his question dodging.
I mean how full of it do you have to be to answer this to a simple, straight-forward question like "what town did you live in?" with this? It seems like she's trying too hard to convince everyone that she's a writer/artist who had bad experiences growing up. She could have them, but how she talks about them at the most inappropriate times seems too contrived to be genuine.
No. 105223
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This definitely isn't a self post.
Listen, I don't like this bitch. I've said some nasty things about her too. But I'll leave it as kitchen table talk and try to be objective.
When she was bedbones she refused to post her face for like two years because of paranoia and ptsd. She was anorexic. She lived with a dude for drugs in exchange for sex and he started pimping her out. The tattoos are definitely branded, and she's been trying to remove them for years. Very reluctantly, I think that sounds reasonable.
But she tries so hard to make everything romantic. She modeled her persona after the movie Terrible Angels and equal parts Courtney Love while pretending she didn't like her (of course when you're trying so hard to emulate her you'll want to be that aloof.) Then, she loved on to Spring Breakers. And now, she just desperately tries to imitate Lana Del Rey's mannerisms.
And yeah, Hedi Slimane took her photos.
"Previous ImageNext Image1/7
Age: 23
A few weeks ago, Slimane found Kayla, an art student and electronic musician, in the crowd at the Viva! Pomona music festival."
No. 105226
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No. 105238
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No. 105240
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No. 105241
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No. 105279
>>105251BREH I'm just some random bitch going off of nostalgia who made that post I'm not even the one who made this thread.
She's had a cult internet following of dumb tumblrtards for so long I don't see why she'd need to post on lolcow when she's too busy pretending to be in the hood and sucking black dick.
No. 105307
I would like to add up something up.
Like other people said while defending her, there are many inconsistencies in her narration. I know her since the very beginning when she was pissangel in tumblr. I met her through website (about sharing music tastes). I also was friends with her in facebook for long time since 2009. Her real name is Kayla Day, and she is from Claremont. A small city where many snob people from Los Angeles lives around.
I don't want to make this post long since I don't really care about her but since some people created this thread I would like to share as well so people can get to know for sure.
1. While she was bedbones and showing off she has the scared little girl with PTSD and not showing herself while plagiarizing sylvia plath's poetry and persona. She had her facebook account. She also changed it to Valentina Bunnybear as username at certain point where she shared many of her pictures, specially in paris where she was studying French in the Sorbonne. At the same time she had an account by her former name in modelmyhem and many of her friends were photographers. So my guess is that she was a girl who had lots of free time due to her real economic and parental situation who was trying hard to be a real model all the time but failed before she got scouted in that rock festival by Heidi in 2014.
2. While she was talking the past year about being in Berlin. She was posting pictures of herself around the same building which is in the UK. She mentioned in her facebook account her father paid for her tickets to go to Berlin while she was studying English language and literature in the UK which doesn't make sense at all if she was kind of having that kind of rampant lifestyle she was describing the whole time.
3. Do you think a person who is really kidnapped has the chance to get personalized tattoos over their body? They are not random marks, they are drawings she probably chose because her ex-boyfriend was a tattooist and back then she wanted to follow the pseudo "goth" "zombie girl" with black hair trend.
What makes me kind of sad and upset is the fact that she talked about certain things in her poems such a she was abused by her father, her brother, beaten up by an abusive guy who is Corey, that she lived in foster houses, that her best friend in childhood suicided, showing off her anorexia and a long etc of edgy-pseudo-dark-depressing things in a "eloquent" way when probably is mostly untrue. She changed her persona so many times trying to emulate certain trends and public figures at the moment such as Sylvia Plath, Courtney Love, Sky Ferreira, Lana del Rey… that is quite obvious. And for the people who had sympathy with her because they stablished a kind of bound as a valve of escape through her writing it is really sad and disappointing, because many (like me) has suffered these kind of events for real and we don't talk so blatantly about them and make them fashionable for gathering attention… because you know, when you go through these things for real you try to show you are as normal as possible like the rest of people, you don't let it see it through in this kind of way.
I have no doubts that she has been through stuff in her life but for sure she has been magnifying it for her own personal reasons.
No. 105450
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**might I add, a lot of this didn't add up to me around the time I discovered her in early 2013 I think. She had followed me for a couple years as pissangel/bedbones but she didn't post photos of herself and wrote shitty, glittery writing so I never paid any attention. I did however notice that she seemed particularly inspired by a lot of music I posted–she adopted a lot of stylistic narratives from all the Pig Destroyer content I had scanned and compiled and such. Other things too, not worth discussing or anything because it's the ghost of dumblr's past.
I kind of kept a narrowed eye on her.
I guess I reluctantly believed the tattoo trafficking thing because this heaux literally has a trampstamp that says white trash.
No. 105457
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>>105451yep. and simple google searches can confirm. She started out as pissangel, then bedbones, then halfbunny for some time where she garnished most popularity. then out of nowhere she got fat, deleted everything involving her past persona, and went on the ~my name is ginger bronson~ thing. it's hard to provide proof given she randomly deleted everything but i see I'm not the only one who has a sharp internal timeline of this. She used to sell zines of her writing as well im sure.
i found notorious photos of her using key google searches. a lot of her old stuff is still reblogged by many. but there are still many things i remember that i can't find, and am not dedicated enough to sleuth for lol.
No. 105460
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In August of 2013 she did a photo shoot where she was photographed by Hedi Slimane No. 105560
>>105307that's really interesting, her facebook is the one social media account of hers that i never saw because i didn't have facebook at that time. i'm curious about the kind of things she was posting.
corey is definitely real. after she once posted to tumblr that he was arrested i found the arrest, his full name, pictures of him, his facebook etc.
No. 105584
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This is one of her pictures as a teenager. Right, because she got the chance to get kidnapped and get her tattoos little by little in different sessions? …. Whatever.
No. 105586
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Her "goth" with black her era where she also had another tumblr addressed as ovum to just post black and white pictures and where she posted underground metal music.
No. 105603
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you guys are so much better at this than i am and I've had my suspicions since 2012 damn
No. 105614
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picture of her from back in her pissangel days
No. 105625
>>105605I was just gonna ask that. I feel like I remember her saying she turned 20 or something not too long ago
Now that I'm thinking about it, she changed her birthday a lot. I don't have documentation since she deleted everything. I remember she once posted her natal chart thing and said she was a cancer. Before that I remember her saying she was a scorpio. Then at another point leo. Possibly a way of fitting her current persona with the personality traits of zodiac signs?
No. 105636
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Actually yes, 13 of August, probably she changed other times to fit the cancer traits persona. These pictures are from her modelmyhem account when she was a teenager. Before the transition between pissangel to bedbones and she used to travel to France to learn French and try to get scouted by an agency probably.
No. 105637
on the results from intelius section (i don't know how reliable this is) it says she's 26 - i'm going by this considering she's previously said she grew up ~where twin peaks was filmed~: much for living in a trailer park in poverty, what with these (potentially) being her parents:,LMFT_Claremont_California_38827 No. 105641
okay so like i saw this thread a few days ago and i've been debating on whether or not to jump in on it bc i know she's reading it, seeing as tho she probably has google alerts on her own stage name or whatever, but i've been sitting on this for a really long time and i don't really care if anyone believes me or not.
so kayla/"ginger" and i were actually pretty close for a while. when i'd met her, i had no clue about who she was online and though she'd mentioned in passing that she had a popular tumblr, she wouldn't give it to me or go into too much depth about her internet presence. & like, suffice to say, when i finally found the blog, i could have sworn it was a catfish? i mean it obviously isn't but the way she carries herself there vs irl is shocking.
i guess that's all sort of a useless primer and none of you care abt the specificities of how i know her & why we no longer speak, but i can say this much: she's telling the truth about a lot of things, but doing it in the most deceptive way possible, if that makes sense? it's a lying by omission sort of thing. first of all, she doesn't actually speak like she's had a fucking lobotomy (idfk why she speaks like that in her videos) & she's basically been talking about the same situations and people since like, 2010 at least (the artwork for babydoll on her soundcloud is a picture of corey, to put it into perspective), and her songs and poetry will have different lines about different people in order to ratchet up the drama. not to mention, she's 26 & lives with her parents. plus while she was still living here, she was dating one of my friends who is, like, the opposite of the image she presents of herself––he writes bad acoustic music and wants to get a sleeve tattoo of the legendary birds from pokemon, to put it into perspective. & she's never been poor in her life, so fuck that "started from nothing" shit she's pushing. she doesn't breathe a word about any of this shit aside from maybe vague references, lest she tarnish her ethereal lolita lost in the hood shtick, but she's very calculated about her image & i don't think she's ever been fully straightforward about who she is.
she does lie on there though––and about incredibly bizarre things, at that. like in 2014, she posted a fake birth chart ( when she's a leo ( and when i knew her she was saying she was a scorpio and pretending that she & i were the same age… i was 19 and she was 24. i wish i had concrete documentation of all of her bullshit aside from the birth chart shit bc i would really love to pull down that curtain but i guess today is not the day that happens.
she did something kind of despicable to me last year, so, like, pardon my angry rambling, but it pisses me off so fucking much to see 16 year old kids who were unlucky enough to get sucked into warped tumblr daddy culture telling her that they aspire to be her, when in reality, she's so pathetic and manipulative and idk… i'm just glad that there are people out there who are wise to her fake shit tbh
No. 105645
File: 1458003780583.jpg (452.99 KB, 700x583, 4e011868966b1.jpg) if you scroll down you can see her profile, but it is deleted already since long ago. These pictures are dating the days of being bedones but not showing her face (playing to be the mysterious to gather attention in tumblr) while she was actually doing it everywhere else in other social medias. There were some in deviantart without any of her tattoos and being quite chubby wearing a necklace that said "daddy's girl". But these were removed already from the website. I have many of these because I have been trying to expose her fraud for very long time.
No. 105650
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Here's the picture of Corey on her Soundcloud that
>>105641 mentioned btw.
No. 105651
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I guess this is also Corey? It was also the cover of her song "Champange on Ice". BTW all her sound is plagiarized, taking her instrumental from other artists when she just records her voice all over them.
No. 105658
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>>105652Holy fuck lol. I googled C-murder and one of the first results said that he's dead so lmao.
>>105641Do you know anything else about Corey? He's one of the most interesting part of Ginger's story to me.
No. 105670
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jeez he's so unattractive. (sage for ot.)
No. 105674
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is this her on the right?
No. 105675
i don't believe the man you have been posting is corey.
after she posted about him being arrested for meth labs, i found this: tattoos match the ones visible on the pictures she has posted of him with his face blacked out.
google his name and you'll find his facebook, myspace, twitter etc
No. 105677
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>>105675I don't think he is either, I was just jokingly going off what
>>105641 said.
But if who you posted is actually Corey, just…Oh lord.
(Also, I just listened to a few of Ginger's songs and I actually kinda liked them. Ugh.)
No. 105679
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>>105675>>105677that would make sense seeing as i remember this picture of a collage she uploaded that did the rounds on tumblr
No. 105691
>>105680Not trying to get OT but I'm looking up Cory and just damn. He was apparently dating a girl named Anjelica and they had a kid together that died.
I wonder how the kid possibly could of died, ya know, with such great quotes from news articles like "[…] charged with first-degree unlawful manufacture of a controlled substance, trafficking meth, chemical endangerment of a child and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia." and "When they went with the woman to get her five month old son, investigators discovered there was a active one-pot meth lab that was still in the process of cooking and it was located on the other side of the wall from where the baby's crib was located."
Fucking tweakers, man, why would Ginger ever dwell on this guy?
No. 105710
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>>105704this one's a fucking artifact but that's her in the center
No. 105712
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It seems it is cool for her to glamorize abuse by her while putting make up to create bruises. Because the people who suffer it for real want to show it for sure…
No. 105770
>>105695I followed her for a year not really giving a shit about her music since it's definitely generic overdone sad bbygrl shit, but I assumed she was a down to earth person just seeing the way she interacted with her followers. Finding out about her lying is pretty disappointing.
>>105751>>105767I feel the opposite way like Ginger is prettier and Kayla Day seems average. It's just a matter of perspective. She does listen to rap though.
>>105677>>105679>>105708Haha holy fuck, lads
No. 105776
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>>105751Charles Bronson? Britains infamous most violent prisoner. His name was a stage name too. Just a guess if she spent time in the UK she will of heard of him
No. 105792
>>105787how do you know that?
she made collages out of the other guy… that seems like taking it a bit far if they weren't actually involved
No. 105815
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from pissangel
No. 105816
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from her old blogspot i think, also called pissangel
No. 105832
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>>105776That's exactly what I thought. Charles though, what a lad; smothered himself in Lurpak and took on 12 screws. Sage for OT.
No. 105935
>>105816oh, she was pissangel? i used to follow her tumblr when i was an edgy teen
lol that she turned into a generic fat tumblr bitch
No. 105947
>>105651That's a white guy, not a black guy like the C-Murder dude and their tattoos don't match at all.
>>105677It's this guy.
>>105679It's definitely this guy.
She's writing music about this ugly sack of bones who gave her white-pride tattoos… this is fucking hilarious!
No. 105949
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>>105704She had this heroin chic thing going on for a little while, idolizing Sky Ferreira, Courtney Love, and Kate Moss.
I found this little interview from 2014 and a few poems that she wrote: No. 105954
>>105949Yet in her other photos she looks like pure white trash, like in the link you posted for example.
It all fucking adds up now, some druggy neo-nazi white-power shitheel "kidnapped" her (re: little rich white girl) and abused the shit out of her and she grew dependency on him.
She makes up several fake personas as an escape from this boring life she's living to find some self-worth in herself. She comes to this thread, trying to throw off several anons with lies and is ultimately exposed for the fraud she is.
No. 105956
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Wonder which "daddy" is holding her in this photo.
No. 105963
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lol anon that's her arm and hand.
No. 105971
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>>105968Yes, it was posted by her and those are definitely her tattoos. The caption for it was "i miss dreaming with my eyes open
i miss you rolling a spliff while i lay watching you from the bed i touch your back i touch your glowing gold soul with mine it’s pitch black
once you cried & i crawled naked across the floor just to sit on your lap
sorry for pretending not to want
there’s so many ghosts between me
& us two but i saw your soft face i heard your soft voice & in that movie
you’re fucking me, remember how we do?
paris is the city that’s most romantic is what they tell everybody & for me it’s no different; before it was all cameras & beautiful dresses & loneliness
but you asked for a chance & i gave it i’m yours i’m a godless
world but for you i get on my knees i don’t pray but i say your name
& it feels the same"
She's always talking about getting her tattoos removed. Here's another picture of the crappy lettering on her stomach.
No. 105984
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>>105968You can kind of see the letters in this photo in case you're still skeptical.
No. 106002
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>>105977See, if you look closely at her fingers you'll see what almost looks like bruising/faded pen ink so her tattoos aren't totally gone yet but they also have probably naturally faded overtime since she's had the finger ones probably close to ten years, I'm guessing. I know for most of my inked friends that seems to be how long it takes. Keep in mind the guy who did those on her probably wasn't really a professional and he might not have gone over all them enough times which could also explain why one half of her "FORSAKEN" tat on her stomach faded so fast (I don't know much about tattoo removal so this is just an educated guess, really.)
No. 106006
File: 1458063253883.png (10.35 KB, 485x214, tats.png)

sounds like she was getting them lasered
No. 106031
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I wonder if this "friend" that new Kayla is actually Kayla.
Then again, she'd rather shit her pants than reveal her real age and secret normalfag upbringing so maybe not. But I feel like she's definitely the one claiming she dated a rapper.
No. 106129
File: 1458078639579.png (192.65 KB, 472x678, Capture _2016-03-15-16-49-28.p…)

Oh Kayla
No. 106226
she's had the same twitter account for years and years, but when i first found her her username was feralwitchchild and this picture still exists
No. 106310
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No. 106459
>>106451This whole post is stupid, and incredibly fragmented.
"Outside of fluffing tumblr" girl Kayla is a liar. It's as simple as that. She's a liar, living in a dreamy airy deluded fantasy, and just because she utilized omission doesn't make her better than any other manipulator.
She's nearing her 30s and still pretending to be in her early 20s. She self-posted in this thread pretending to be a "friend" and claimed she was fucking dating C-murder. She's a liar.
No. 106517
>>106479Oh, perhaps you're not familiar with message boards and the MO for how people that are as manipulative as her try to self-post.
"Someone" as in Kayla herself was trying to pretend C-murder was the real Corey when everyone found out he was that gross white supremacist. She was trying to pretend C-murder was the actual person. Why would anyone else try to make us believe that? Why would anyone else try to make her look Cool and Tuff writing a rapper in prison? Very obviously Kayla herself pretending to be ~in her friend circle.~
No. 106857
>>106849That's because now she wants to be Lana and writes like an aging person pining over being 15 again.
She didn't start using "daddy" until her LDR phase and now every fucking thing is peppered with daddy.
No. 107599
>>107435Yup. Her mom is Ruth and dad Jeffrey.
I don't understand her need to lie either. The really sad part is that her little fans eat up everything she says.
No. 107873
File: 1458514573836.jpeg (22.15 KB, 640x181, image.jpeg)

Translation: acting aloof will conceal that you're a pathological liar, maybe.
No. 107945
>>107943Obviously I don't mean in the entire history of tumblr lies lol. I just mean of this whole ~bbygirl scene that she's in. We're not talking about some 16 year old mexican gore furry with a deviantart who talks about being schizophrenic who are the usuals in the whole pathologically-lying-on-the-internet-for-fun thing.
We're talking about a grown 27 year old woman who came from an upper middle class and graduated university just deciding that one day she would pretend to be white trash sold into human trafficking and was hardcore into meth. Living this entire fucking lie like. From her date of birth to where she grew up in. The fact that she's carried it out so (arguably) realistically and like, legit acting like this shit really happened to her I mean it's just… it's literally the worst thing ever. This isn't some troubled teen who likes homestuck this is just a completely privileged 27 year old white woman who is living a complete, total and absolute lie on the internet for attention. When she could've just, you know, gotten a fucking job and been a normal human being.
She's deadass like the white lady who pretended to be black lmao Kayla on some next level shit.
No. 107951
>>107940i know for a fact that she's had a few brushes with those things in the past (namely addiction & rape) but what's always bothered me about her is that she acts like she started from the bottom and somehow surmounted her circumstances? i mean, there's a clear demarcation between someone living in poverty and being a part that lifestyle because it's just your environment & a rich girl dabbling in hard drugs and getting sucked into something more than she bargained for. you can't claim it as your identity when you've always had the option of just moving back in with your rich parents in claremont when living for the aesthetic gets old.
and i don't think exposing her on tumblr is really going to do anything bc the people there will see "she wasn't actually raped" and immediately disregard it. probably not the most useful course of action.
No. 107976
>>107951Oh ok. But it's what you said it's more than just rape and drug use, she's still lying about her whole lifestyle and backstory about living in poverty and what not. Everyone can roleplay on the internet as long as they're not hurting anyone, but the thing is that Kayla is getting young teenage girls idolizing her and calling her some inspirational hero and asking her for advice. And she always romanticizes and glamorizes abuse and keeps mentioning some contrived shit about running away into the night and kissing boys. As a woman going on 30 it's just really disgusting that she would be fine with her toxic persona having an impact on young kids. She actually seems to love it and thrives on the attention. That's what's sooo disgusting to me.
I think maybe the tumblr could just put links to what's in this thread? Like her birth chart and about people who have actually met her. I don't know I still wanna do something. Mostly because of the fans who idolize her and find her oh-so inspiring. Sigh.
No. 109291
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No. 109293
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No. 109308
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No. 109310
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No. 109311
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No. 109313
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No. 109314
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No. 109342
>>109293*~starbucks and pizza~* how airy-fairy
what a basic bitch
No. 109345
>>109342Nearly every teenage girl goes through this phase anon, don't lie.
But yeah, the problem is she's 27 and fake as fuck.
No. 109354
>>109345haha, it might be because i'm british & i never did, and saw less of it irl than i did on telly / the internet for example.
yeah this whole thing about her age is bizarre; on the hedi slimane shoot she was 23 & an "electronic musician" (i actually remember her posting some songs she'd made when she went under the bedbones username), she states she's in her early twenties now & the reality is she's 27. i don't think i could keep up with such a constant stream of bullshit.
No. 109423
File: 1458702036261.jpeg (49.36 KB, 400x396, image.jpeg)

Pic not necessarily related but she actually edits her pictures a lot for someone so ~free wild trailer park dreamy~.
No. 109448
Hope I'm not completely off-topic here, but I went on that fakelikegingerbronson blog and it was tagged kottonmouthqueen or something, anyway going through my notes i found following me, is this just another ginger-obsessed tumblr or relevant somehow? seems to be taking on her way of speaking/life story
No. 109502
File: 1458719345232.jpg (262.15 KB, 682x634, jf.jpg)

No. 109503
File: 1458719552747.jpg (503.75 KB, 756x822, ff.jpg)

can you imagine raising your kid with all of the love and comfort that you can give just for them to wind up writing poetry about how you neglected them as an infant.
No. 109508
>>109505i mean mental illness and drug abuse and rape can happen to anyone regardless of literally anything at all but
she's lying about growing up poor and living this oh-so hard life surrounded by druglords and #struggling #fighting #surviving in such a #cruel world and it's like. lol she's just on her laptop in her parents' place chillin and trying to find ways to sound street as she struggles to write with her new long #ghetto nails which she claims she used to wear all the time growing up in some dusty trailer park shithole.
like nah i got no sympathy for this bitch cos mental illness ain't got shit with her acting like she's poor for attention.
No. 109510
File: 1458720541288.png (25.13 KB, 293x571, the projects.png)

>>109503that's a metaphor you dolt. at least use one of her poems where she actually implies she was abused.
No. 109513
File: 1458720979861.png (43.12 KB, 661x391, kayla1.png)

Does anyone know what this is about or who this is?
No. 109516
>>109510i know it's a metaphor but the whole thing of giving your baby coke and cheetos is still referencing that white trash abusive parent living in a trailer shit again.
but! you right you found a better poem lmao i'll use that one thank u
No. 109524
File: 1458723583959.png (30.65 KB, 306x908, -.png)

No. 109527
>>109522 In my experience, you recognize these people you describe by their teeth and nails. Whereas I haven't grown up in a similar experience to yours, I grew up in the projects. Poor people and people who have grown up poor, such as myself, have fucked up/discolored teeth and no one, not eve prostitues, have long nails.
I'm sure people will disagree on the second point, but if you have to do any kind of menial work, long nails, fake or not, will be a massive pain in the ass. And prostitues need to use their hands a lot. People have no qualms beating them up if they scratch them by mistake.
No. 109623
File: 1458746272937.jpg (71.29 KB, 600x609, CH6LEONVEAAbbfV.jpg)

>"My name is Kayla Day and I write in England but I'm from Los Angeles, California."
>"i grew up in a snow-filled town"
No. 109626
File: 1458747626114.png (1.3 MB, 1348x532, g.png)

>>109442she was nice enough to geotag one of her pics on insta. just another day at the trailer park with ginj No. 109642
File: 1458749601079.jpg (25.24 KB, 400x225, image.jpg)

>>109626those flowers
dat wrought iron gate
dem big ass windows
it's a wonderland godammit
No. 109647
File: 1458750273169.png (34.57 KB, 666x612, gg.png)

has anyone mentioned this yet? i'm surprised she got anyone to meet with her in the first place.
No. 109652
>>109647i can tell you she probably didn't lmao. she's most likely lying so she can whine about the struggles and sacrifices ginger bronson must go to. giving up fulfilling her dream of being a big music start 2 stay tru<3 only a record label interested in making an ariana grande style pop star would tell an aspiring artist to lose weight.
her rap has no fucking flow. her music sounds like it was recorded on a nokia phone. her songs don't even make it past 5k listens. there's soundcloud artists with actual talent who struggle to get a record label to even consider an interview.
and you mean to tell me that a record executive said "as a record label, your terrible music is fine. but what i REALLY have a problem with is your weight!"
yes. i'm sure. a+ lying kayla.
No. 109656
File: 1458751577023.jpg (293.44 KB, 799x686, uij.jpg)'m officially up and running you guys! Spread the word and reblog away please!
No. 109657
File: 1458751598235.png (192.47 KB, 659x606, hjkhj.png)

>>109634I agree. She'll come up with some story about how she was visiting someone that'll just so happen to feed into her bullshit narrative.
Not related, but I was looking through her tweets and saw this. Is this bitch serious? Why screen-cap her copy/pasting an uncited Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem in response to an unrelated Youtube fan comment on twitter? Is she trying to pass it off as her own?
No. 109663
>>109662Sure, it's easy to Geotag your Insta pics manually - you don't have to be there in order to tag your photos with that location. Ergo, she could've been anywhere (e.g. at home in her parent's house) and tagged it as Palos Verdes.
Honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't done it more often. Maybe she doesn't as she knows it'd be easier for people to call her out on her bullshit - claiming to be in places she's not where near?
No. 109665
>>109663>>109663Adding to this, there is also the possibility that she stayed in a cheap hotel there: tagging that pic, doesn't necessarily mean she stayed in a million dollar estate. But, of course, she'd love you to think that she's that good of a druggie hustler to find herself there randomly.
No. 109695
>>109694i know right??? there's so many people on instagram who exclusively take photos on yachts and extravagant places with nice pictures and parties and their styeld hair and perfect lighting for their faces. because they have never had that you can understand thinking like that. and then you have the people who were born with all of that who are bored with all of that. and want nothing more than to have the opposite.
imagine being this white and rich.
No. 109696
>>109669>>109694It's unfortunately not uncommon for rich brats to act this way for their own gain.
Courtney Love is a HUGE example of this… she was a trust fund baby, well off parents and grandparents who adored her, her adoptive great-grandfather was actually one of the first silver-screen actors in Hollywood.
She lied about abuse, her childhood, her background, allsorts… and she's still mega-rich today.
Also the song "Common People" by Pulp is all about little rich girls who want to masquerade as poverty striken people, because they're so fucking bored with their own lives and having everything they could possibly want already.
No. 109698
File: 1458759017706.jpg (47.89 KB, 250x335, tumblr_o4gvtlAMiu1vpnyfao3_250…)

>>109442>bbyface porcelain complexion from all those HARD drugs what a tough life i tell ya.i was just about to bring this up. smudged black eyeliner and smudged lipstick aside, her skin is exceptionally clear and smooth for someone who claims to have lived a hard life on meth and smoking and what i'm assuming is an unhealthy diet. it's simply impossible to have a nice complexion when you've done drugs even if it's in the past. just take a look at cory. even in kayla's "druggie days" she had great skin.
No. 109702
>>109676She's basically channelling Courtney Love, and I don't just mean aesthetically.
She's most likely a massive fan of hers judging by her earlier heroin-chic/kinderwhore photos posted earlier in the thread, and if she's smart, she would've already of done all her homework about her and used it all in practice already.
For anyone else who is interested in the phenomena of rich girls who thrill-seek poverty for fun; this is a good resource where to start as it follows an infamous one in particular: No. 109711
>>109704It's unfortunate because the kids who are actually lower-class who look up to these girls, think they have someone who empathises with them, when in actuality - they're just using them to get more attention and fame.
It's okay though, sooner or later they all get exposed for who they really are. Whether or not their fans are dumb enough to follow them after that, that's their prerogative.
I do however know that Courtney has a lot of ex-fans these days and the only thing keeping her afloat is the revenue and royalties from her dead husband's career.
No. 109715
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>>109698that picture is so photoshopped but still a good point
No. 109768
File: 1458769965276.jpeg (95.04 KB, 715x377, image.jpeg)

Ya ok Kayla.
No. 109769
>>109291no sign of the swastika here
are we certain that was a picture of her, or just something she reposted on pissangel? she reposts a lot of things from flickr, etc, or her current tumblr, so it's not really out of the realm of possiblity
No. 109774
File: 1458770322161.jpeg (91.35 KB, 1280x720, image.jpeg)

"Meth use" my ass. All she did was starve and not shower.
No. 109775
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No. 109786
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>>109775I hate that she overdraws her lips on the upper right like that. Bitch is looking like John Wayne Gacy. They look spongy and retarded.
No. 109789
>>109782>Uh you don't get meth sores or whatever from the meth itself- it's from the lack of vitamins from not eating and zero self-care. It is entirely possible to be a meth user and have clear skin. You just have to take a lot of vitamin supplements and wash your fucking face. Jezusman this meth was great! time to take my vitamins so my skin doesn't rot!
sure kayla ;)
No. 109813
File: 1458774751691.jpeg (32.39 KB, 500x313, image.jpeg)

>>109807I grew up in a town that was Meth Central and I'm pretty skeptical, anon.
No. 109817
File: 1458775015201.jpeg (75.82 KB, 600x600, image.jpeg)

Stopped washing her hair again. Kek.
Also, she retweeted this account that writes exactly like her. The display photo is of a little girl that's been in CP. Fuck these stupid cunts. No. 109819
>>109817I thought she was wearing slippers before I enlarged it and was gonna ask where they were from
But how do you know the little girl's been in CP?
No. 109828
>>109819I'm not going to link cp anon.
That girls photos has notoriously made rounds on tumblr from various ages. These people are fucked up and post a lot of pseudo obscure images of girls that have been in cp. There are handfuls of awful photos of this girl performing sex acts on an adult male. I've had the misfortune of seeing them while reporting a cp Twitter, and they also end up around tumblr still.
If you want further "proof" all I'm going to say is ok Soren.
No. 109847
>>109837>looks very suspicious Given this is in a thread about someone who is part of the pseudo-practically-pedophilic side of tumblr, I don't see how.
This is why these people are downright despicable. There are hundreds of girls on tumblr who are part of this ~aesthetic~ that posts hoards of photos from cp and of cp stars. Oftentimes, if you see a photo they post or reblog of a little girl with their faces scribbled out in ms paint or whatever, it's from cp or borderline cp they've found. And even now, you will still see these ~lamb cloud fragile baby girl~ blogs posting images that have been removed time and time again involving or alluding at cp. No matter how often we have them removed, they resurface. I am a very avid advocate for the privacy of victims of child abuse and even seeing the more tame photos resurface on these blogs because they're ~edgy~ makes my blood boil.
No. 109896
File: 1458784363767.png (388.3 KB, 538x487, kayla2.png)

A self-made rapper who posts billy talent lyrics, yikes
No. 109914
She just posted a new song as 'brat rap'. I don't know a thing about rap, is this a real rap genre or an ~aesthetics~ thing?
No. 109918
>>109914lol this sounds like an autistic nerd whispering along to a rap song
do ppl actually listen to this shit
No. 109922
>>109914mute this video watch it while her song plays in the background and eric should hire her lmao.
No. 109929
>>109914she should have distorted her voice and raised the volume in the instruments a bit more so it actually sounds blended. Also her pacing isn't right for the song.
No. 109932
i'm always the first one to hate/joke-listen to something but with her.. i literally can't. i'm not kidding when i say i get a piercing headache every time i attempt to listen to her "songs"
No. 109944
File: 1458791273600.jpeg (35.4 KB, 640x243, image.jpeg)

Oh my god the world is telling you you're a pathological liar, not a misfit you crazy middle aged cunt.
No. 109947
File: 1458791655298.jpg (243.89 KB, 1024x674, 2573145779_0b1c82ee4c_b.jpg)

i found this pic in flickr many many years ago but i don't know if it is her or just looks similar.
No. 109951
>>109828Reverse image searched the pic, and you were right. There was some blog post in Korean detailing it. Pics were censored, but you still got a general idea of what was happening in them.
I feel unclean.
Pretty sure I reblogged one of the pics of her holding a cigarette at one point without knowing the context. I thought it was an innocent photo of some kid holding a cig for humor. Fucking hell.
No. 109953
>>109914That fucking hurt to listen to
>>109922Anon, thank you. Haven't laughed that hard in a while.
No. 109954
>>109951I don't mean this as condescension in any way, but this is why you should be mega wary of pictures of children doing peculiar or adult-like things. Yeah without the context it could very easily seem like a family joke or whatever, but most often especially in this case it's part of a series of far more sinister photographs. And think: why is this random child's photos being circulated around on a microblogging site, next to photos of women dressed as kids being fucked and baby teeth or lambs or whatever?
A photo of a child that age sucking on a cigarette should be especially alarming because that means an adult was there to take it. Most adults wouldn't allow there children to do something that harmful. No bueno.
No. 109967
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>>109950kayla why do you keep coming to this thread to defend yourself like we don't know it's you lmao. it's the exact same "i don't like her BUT" that's been plaguing this thread since it first popped up. no one likes your shitty music it's literally garbage you're babbling without rhythm to 3 minute noise with no melody. no one at this point is defending you in this thread. for any reason. you are truly so obvious you immediately give yourself away. it's so embarrassing lol.
No. 109990
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For those wondering whether she's the one in the swastika tattoo picture, I think this kinda shows she is. You can see the top of the "A" of her forsaken tattoo at the bottom of the image, and if you look above and below the bow part you can see black ink there. I think she's probably got it removed by now though.
No. 109991
File: 1458799571652.jpg (94.93 KB, 640x586, IMG_8204.JPG)

Also here's her white trash tattoo lol.
No. 109994
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we can't forget her past best friend, the worm winnow
No. 109996
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No. 109998
File: 1458800948390.png (34.5 KB, 542x511, kayla3.png)

Why does she answer things like this? I feel like this kind of abstract crap wouldn't really comfort anyone, but maybe that's just me. Either way, I'm becoming increasingly annoyed with these things.
No. 110075
>>109967 i like ginger's music like????
this thread tries to be so ''credible'' that anyone who comments anything but shit about her gets labelled as 'kayla' ok then
No. 110120
>>110117I've always thought that too. I remember he made a post a few months back that said something like "omg ??? i just found out hole has a song called samantha thats so cool !!!" like he prides himself on being ~the biggest courtney love fan~ but he just realized that? What a dingus.
Sage for Soren talk.
No. 110131
>>110126Is it possible that Soren actually started liking or became obsessed with Courtney because of Ginge? After all, he's been stalking her since he was around 13/14 and obviously easily impressionable by her whole persona. Since we know Sam was based heavily on Ginge and her fake story, that could be the case right?
I wonder if he researched Courtney before all of this and realised she lied about her past, put two and two together. Figured out early or had a slight idea that Ginge could be faking hers and thought that because they were both on a pedestal by a lot of people that him also lying in such an intense way like they did, he would also get the "fame" and attention they did/do? If that could be correct that could also be why he actually self-harmed because if he knew Ginge was a liar and got those tattoos to back up her story, of course he would go to those lengths to make his story seem just a legitimate. Or maybe I'm giving him too much credit and he's actually as dumb as a bag of rocks, didn't research Courtney and just decided to take things to the extreme anyway because he's a follower, just like the person he looks up to.
No. 110158
>>110148I agree, I don't feel like that's something someone would make up, especially considering the kind of people Ginge attracts, I mean the genuine people that are hurting and going through things.
>>109998 Look at the wording, when someone is seriously in love with someone and they're heartbroken because of something that had happened with them, (anon could also be mentally unstable keep in mind,) so for them to say that they're "lost" and "hurting" it seriously seems genuine and her response was complete shit to something as tragic as that. Real or not, what kind of shitty advice or rather - comment, was that?
No. 110288
>>109954can't believe i reverse searched and saw that fucking hell fuck fuck fuck
thanks for saying this though. i knew there was something…off about those kinds of photos but i could never put my finger on it. now i know. i know way too much. at the very least i'll be able to use this as an example of why the fuck people should stop doing that
point blank people should stop god damn reblogging kids they dont know on the internet in the first place. it's a child for fucks sake
No. 110293
>>110283It is not that they
want the life of an addict. People like this just want a way to appear "unique" or "interesting," because their personalities and actual lives are dull as rocks. In a superficial way, pretending to be mentally ill is a way to do that.
It is also obvious she idolizes the likes of Lana Del Rey, who does the same thing. She glorifies addiction and pretends to be trailer park white trash, when her daddy is a rich entrepreneur.
It is for image, and people buy into this shit really easily. Their fans want the
image of an addict, which is a glamorized Hollywood pretty white girl that doesn't look ill. But they don't want to see an actual addict, that looks sickly and struggles day to day to live.
No. 110333
>>110075>anyone who comments anything but shit about her gets labelled as 'kayla' ok thenThis happens in every thread, just insert a different person for Kayla. Get over it.
>>110135I agree. This is so insane and farfetched when you take a step back and fully look at their 'stories', if you will. I'm still shocked that people will come up with the most fucked up story for edge points and infamy.
>>109998This just pisses me off. If I have no advice to offer, I recommend other people or sources. Why does she have to be so tragically beautiful all the time? Can she come down and be realistic when people need her?
No. 110403
File: 1458884420708.png (19.03 KB, 285x371, kayla.PNG)

another poem where she mentions abuse and foster homes
No. 110407
File: 1458885468757.jpg (529.11 KB, 1280x1581, tumblr_ndebz4B0Vo1qh6hioo1_r1_…)

"I drew a picture!"
It just really disgusts me to know that she's been lying about everything and then makes a fucking child-like drawing about a child getting raped by her father.
No. 110408
File: 1458885899437.jpg (164.2 KB, 486x700, tumblr_mss75lSmjl1qh6hioo1_500…)

she made a book thing called "blown" which was supposed to be a collection of drawings focusing on experiences in her childhood, including this picture. if someone bought it it would be interesting if you could share what was in it.
No. 110410
>>110407i've been semi-keeping up with the GB/Soren shit, but this is just too much. I'm a CSA survivor and seeing these pictures is making me gag. Seeing all of this is so horrible.
How can anyone with a conscience glamorize this? How do people make the conscious decision to make someone else's hell into a shitty "aesthetic" blog?
No. 110585
File: 1458937318606.jpg (118.55 KB, 782x298, lmao.jpg)

Because exposing a pathological liar who uses the struggles of real victims for her own amusement from the safety of my blog is harassment lol.
Oh Kayla!
No. 110586
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No. 110587
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No. 110588
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No. 110589
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No. 110590
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No. 110591
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No. 110592
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No. 110593
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No. 110597
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No. 110599
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No. 110600
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No. 110601
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No. 110602
File: 1458939127378.jpg (96.85 KB, 708x900, FLN66ok.jpg)

>>110600am I the only one who thought she was referring to the actor Charles Bronson?
No. 110603
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No. 110604
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No. 110605
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No. 110606
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No. 110670
>>110667I mean the more you reply the more obvious it's you lol. I said I would remake on this thread hours ago. I actually created my blog over half an hour ago. But you pop up with a whole lotta butthurt for a random anon to protest my remaking less than 5 minutes after I tag you @gingerbronson in my post.
Again. lol.
No. 110677
File: 1458942620958.gif (841.48 KB, 245x190, tumblr_inline_o2vq11DEt61qeou2…)

>>110673>i'm not even saying it's not kaylayou're not denying you're kayla lol how did that defense sound good in your head
you just continue to prove my point lol. thread was ghost for 3 hours until i @ed you kayla. then you decided to pop up and randomly come at me like i hurt you i wonder why. i mean do you tho if coming at me anonymously helps you feel better lol.
No. 110686
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is there anyone except this person (that isn't on anon i mean) who responded to the callout blog on ginger/kayla?
No. 110687
>>110684i posted about kayla getting me deleted and how i was gonna remake a whole 4 hours ago. got one reply praising that and then no one else was in the thread for 3 hours until i got home and started posting the pics from my computer here. then i remade on tumblr. an hour later i made a post @ing kayla about how i remade.
then, within 5 minutes of that post where i @ed her, we get a butthurt snarky anon crying at
me for doing something this entire thread is all about. it's obvious kayla ran to this thread to throw an anomyous hissyfit at me like i'm supposed to care it's hilarious lol.
No. 110690
>>110686i sent a message to fairywomb but they didn't care and defended kayla. i got all my new followers after i started doing a back and forth with neopetsgirlfriend until they realized i was telling the truth. pretty sure there hasn't been anyone else who knows about my blog.
>>110688sorry buddy but that's not me! i grew out of that scene in 2013 lol i have a 90s tech-y aesthetic blog on a completely different account. why do you think it was me tho did they say something.
No. 110706
>>110690Neopetsgirlfriend didn't sound like she saw the light tbh, she was just like "oh well ginger seems really nice though anyway/we can't tell for sure if she's been abused or not to some degree anyway/she should apologise for the tattoo she had for sure but looks like she got it removed anyway"
She's hardly spreading the word lbr.
No. 110708
>>110706oh no she messaged me privately. she apologized for coming across hostile but that she was defensive because she said it was a hard pill to swallow because she looked up to her.
i don't think she was spreading the word i think my asks just got ppl curious and they visited. i got a few followers during our back and forth thing.
No. 110711
>>110708Nah she didn't sound hostile or anything, I just saw you sent her a bunch of asks that she answered publicly and she wasn't acting like it was a "tough pill to swallow" she seemed more like "huh… Well I guess she should address some of these things but I look up to her blah blah"
I'm just surprised there hasn't been more response to this calling out. Maybe she's just not as popular as her old days? Feel like back in 2012 this would have been huge
No. 110713
>>110711"Yeah no prob thank you for messaging me. Sorry if I was hostile this is just hard to hear :("
that's what she told me! and idk my blog only started getting attention last night before kayla got me deleted this morning lmao. imoooo i think this has the potential to get big but maybe i'm just not playing my cards right. she's definitely popular. i'd have to put effort to get people to pay attention and honestly i don't know who to message to get this shit seen? it's effort definitely and i've got irl work to do though so i won't do that for a while.
No. 110742
She used to be friends with rabbittongue in her halfbunny days. her in 2014 once she decided to be a fat ghett0 bby to the surprise of no one. I can't imagine just dropping friends for the sake of an online persona. She's got some issues to treat her relationships with real human beings like things for her to use and then throw away.
No. 110798
>>110793from prostitute to sugarbaby oh kayla is just such an inspiration. what a strong girl she's really fighting hard and i'm so proud
she has come such a long way what a survivor :')
No. 110800
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she's hustling so hard she hasn't had the time to get her swastika tattoo removed or even covered up at least six years later
No. 110806
>>110593so now she was a stripper in alabama oh boy. anorexic and high off her ass on meth and working a pole every night too. putting aside that it's physically impossible but she is implying she wouldn't be a bloody eyesore on stage.
>>100935who would wanna crumple a dollar in that thing's unwashed coochie???
No. 110813
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>>109626remember when she was hanging out in rancho palos verdes? she was probably visiting her rich ass grandma.
No. 110824
>>110818well yeah to start her new ginger bronson persona. she used the excuse of "my past is
triggering i want nothing to do with it" and then deleted the posts to cover her tracks. she knew her story would be inconsistent. she never thought anyone would pay enough attention to connect the dots and realize that none of it added up. who knows maybe she has a new persona coming up.
No. 110849
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No. 110874
>>110873i can tell you it looks like the set of any other pale lamb lolita blog like. no one who's actually broke puts that much effort with pretty lighting, posing so perfectly, ambience and a fucking wine glass to film a q&a video. especially with the perfect winged eyeliner with false lashes. i mean i look at this video and i don't think for a second that she's poor and struggling to survive with sugardaddies. it's way too theatrical to look legit.
compare this video to the rest of her brick wall alleyway flash pictures with overdrawn lips, shitty makeup and clothes with holes in them. this video makes it look like she actually got her life together lol. she took note now she hovers the camera over with her hand with her wet hair while she lies down on the bed and acts high.
No. 110881
>>110850Transcript for anyone that can't handle the cringe.
>>"So i thought i'd make a video talking about my tattoos. a lot of you have asked about them. my ex boyfriend gave me my tattoos. well, he wasn't really my boyfriend.. but there isn't a word for it that doesn't sound crazy. anyway he was my first love shitty trap music begins and.. he was in a gang.. a very dangerous person to know. some of my tattoos are gang related. um. i've never really liked tattoos it's just something that happened. and um, he would make sure i was inebriated. and would give me whatever tattoo he thought i needed. long pause as she circles her wine glass with her 10 inch nails I was kind of surprised at some of them. once in a while i was aware of what he was doing. well like i said he was dangerous. psychotic, really. so i just kinda let him do his thing. one tattoo i did ask for is the 666 on my arm. I guess I just feel connected to evil shit. but, i was too fucked up to realize what was happening. and too naive and in love to care. story of my life."on paper it's not quite bbygurl enough for me. rehearse harder ginge.
No. 110883
>>110850Jesus, I couldn't even get twenty seconds in before the cringe way too much.
The music, the weird twitchy eyelid flutters, the voice, the wine glass fondling. It's too much.
No. 110886
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No. 110896
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"my ~~sugar daddiez~~ wouldnt giv me my allowance so im beggin u 2 donate pls giv me $$$ bcuz my parents - i mean my sugar daddiez r so mean & hit me & also my heart a dying bird made of diamonds & bullets & that shit xoxo"
No. 110913
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No. 110916
>>110915isn't PULL down?
if you truly want to get word out just send the info to a mutual with a significant amount of followers.
No. 110919
>>110916i made a tumblr because when i linked to this thread to tumblr blogs they immediately started crying that lolcow is bullying trash and that they didn't believe aaaanything here lol. and tbh the whole thread is kind of hard to follow it's super long and you have to really dig around to find what you're looking for. that's why i wanted to make a tumblr that was very #informative and non-lulzy to try and convince people. which worked for that whole day i had my blog lol i was surprised genuinely that i got people to care at all.
but ngl this bitch really pissed me off so i truly have no reason to be civil about properly exposing her. posting about her on pull is more or less what's already going on here? except you'd have to introduce her all over again so.
No. 110921
>>110920she is TRYING and STRUGGLING and RECOVERING!! she has no money have mercy… she'll suck DICK if you don't give her money!!
wouldn't be surprised if she's just pretending to not have money for the sake of conflict in her own scripted show tbh
No. 110928
>>110919Don't put her name in the URL. Credit all of her photos, poems, videos, even screen caps at the bottom of every post and put her blog link in the source.
Your blog is protected by free speech laws and covered from DMCA laws by the fair use and the right of comments and criticism and parody without the copyright holders permission.
No. 110931
>>110928hm thank u i'll try that next time around. although tumblr is run by fucking twats so who knows i might just get deleted again lol.
>>110925FUCK please do.
No. 110974
>>110972pull is a discussion board tho wouldn't it just be having the same conversation here on another website? although their threads are always quick to appear when you google the names of the people they're about so it might be a good idea actually. that's all i care about really. it's like we have so much unbelievable dirt on kayla here exposing her to be such a narcissistic piece of shit but it's still very underground. i just want it to blow up.
>>110972>Maybe that anon could use pastebin to put all the info in one do i go about doing this?
No. 110984
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No. 110993
>>110984ah yes during her "did i mention the abusive bad boys i'm around are black" phase. that was when she started using poor grammar and wearing long nails too. sus as fuck and soooo lol considering she's got a fucking swatstika tattoo between her tits. now you
know she didn't fuck any of those guys.
No. 110998
>>110993But apparently she fucked a guy she called "Papi" who she talked about. He was black I believe.
She deleted those pictures and that post. She's deleted a lot from her Berlin days
No. 111001
>>111000>I got a new guy in my life his name is Papi n he’s from Portugal we met up on Friday n he took me back to his apartment n ate my pussy on the couch he says he’s never fucked a girl the day he met her but that I’m a very beautiful girl..we spent the weekend togetherN once he stopped fucking when say my name that song came on just stayed still in me I knew what he meant the night before he was fucking me said tell me u love me I said no he kept asking n everytime I said no he did it harder Til I said yes after we sat by the window the wind was soft and cold I said I think ur crazy he said no it was just for fun he said did u say it just to say it or from ur heart I said I said it for fun
He said I know u need friendship for love. But sometimes u know who u love
His cousin B came over yesterday he’s from the Bronx n I like New York voices so when Papi left I let him f
me he kept saying who’s daddy so I said his name a thousand times that night Papi came back I was naked on the bed n he didn’t seem to care n I said I was goin home cuz nothing was goin on B said I’ll give u something going on I went to the bathroom he came in n I told him 2 go buy something to drink he wouldn’t let me out the door so easy so I got on the floor n let him f me like that cuz that’s what he wanted n then I would get what I wanted Papi came in n I stood up n walked out I’m a good girl deep down
On the bed later it was quiet I said whyd u let me fuck w ur cousin he said what am I supposed 2 do its over he looked away from me a lot n said he doesn’t care
If I fucked w a thousand men he wants to stay with me everytime.
But he is crazy. Earlier on the train a man called him the n word so at the next stop he got up n kicked him out the door n the man flew across the street in a somersault he has so many scars in bed he sucks my titties Til I cum they r all bruised up n he’s so big all over when he gets close to u u feel all that power I said ur so aggressive not thinkin about it just meant b soft n he turned away n said I hate it to be called aggressive u think I’m a baby u think I don’t know about the world I’m a gangster I said see I don’t like that. Gangster stuff. He said u think that means to be aggressive to a girl never I hit a girl. He called me a bitch he said I fuck every boy how did he know it so I turned away n made a sound what I like about him is he turned around so quick n grabbed me n my face to see if I was cryin
It was hard
To walk across the railroad tracks w my heels on so he picked me up n carried me like a little girl bought me an orange slushie my pussy is torn in half n the cigarette burn my ex gave me is still there but I don’t put the bandaid over it anymore someone likes me even all messed up n crazy n I will learn how to b good for him buy flowers 4 his kitchen someday cook him a steak I needed to feel small again thank u for teaching me that I don’t need to defend myself I’m not harmless but I’m a child I love how u can tell
No. 111016
>>111001>dangerous>bronx>hard sex>aggressive>hits her>eats her pussy, tears up her pussy with his huge dick, etc>neglects her>gangster>blackIt's like a walking racist stereotype lmao fuck outta here. It's like she discovered the trendiness of black people for the first time. You can tell she's never had a black friend in her life living in fucking upper middle class California with mommy and daddy. Guarantee you half this shit didn't happen especially with that fucking swatstika tattoo on her chest you can see she still has here
>>110800I bet "Papi" isn't even called Papi fucking Clarence ate her out while she kept her shirt on and she took a picture to go along with her *~newfound inspiration~*
No. 111052
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>4evr a sweet girl w a wild soul n my life is a luv letter 2 every bad boy who Ever took me along 4 tha ride <3
>U ain't got nowhere 2go take ur time
Still going at it. Look, another flash photo in the night against a brick wall with a red nose. She's really poor, you guys!
No. 111063
>>111057Because she has no other choice. She's poor. This is all she can afford. Those $100 bills she had stuffed in her purse went to the rent and some abusive boyfriend probably. Her sugar daddies magically disappeared. She survived off sucking German dick for a year but… don't make her go back to that lifestyle. Can't you see, she can't even buy herself decent clothes. She's all alone out on the street at night, having some dangerous stranger take her selfies to upload onto Twitter and instagram. Her eyes look hazy oh no the poor thing.
Donate to support her Soundcloud! #FreeGingerBronson
No. 111068
This was posted a week before
>>100891 and she sounds so different, she talks much faster and less…pretentious. Lol @ "my favorite song is mine" tho.
No. 111075
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she even has one in pink
No. 111077
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>>111075if her mom had eyebrows kayla looks just like her r.i.p.
No. 111117
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>>111001This is like a fucking word salad, how do any of her followers even know what the fuck she's going on about?
No. 111128
>>111096anyone notice how they cut out footage and she got way less screen time than the other models even though their walks were fucking terrible? we didn't even see her turn. she was walking way out into the middle i wonder if she tripped over someone and fucked up the show. would explain why her modeling career tanked despite clearly being heidi's muse. it's like she'll dwell on the tragic and
triggering past of abuse and drugs but she never mentions modeling like she just hates that experience so much. makes you wonder why lol.
No. 111129
>>111128I agree. I almost think the footage is sped up. she's moving in this really bizarre/unnatural way.
I feel like the only reason she'd omit this part of her past is if she's trying to hide something about it.
No. 111134
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she admitted in her own gingery way that her modeling went nowhere because she gained a ton of weight but tried to brush it off like she was too cool for it anyway
No. 111144
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>i have "white trash" tattooed across my lower back, do you think Chanel would like that?
She already modeled for ysl that's at the same posh level of chanel? Clearly they liked her 666 tattoos and white trash look. And you don't need to model for chanel to be a model anyway. Fashion is changing and there's a lot of looks to squeeze models into.
And cole mohr's got a shitton of ugly stick and pokes and he still got high fashion work because he was a damn good model. He's almost 30 now so that's why his limelight died down. So kayla can fuck off with that pity party shit.
No. 111146
>>111144Chanel and Saint Laurent have totally different looks. Saint Laurent has been turned into this ultra hipster fashion house where Karl (even with his awful taste in models
coughcaracough) would literally die before he let Chanel do the same.
No. 111168
>>111128She is not Hedi's muse (for the love of god, if I see it spelled 'Heidi' one more time in this thread…)
Hedi's entire career has been seeking out and photographing teenagers around the world, then casting them to walk in Saint Laurent shows.
Most of the kids become lol-worthy because they then think that they have a chance at a career in modeling or a long-term relationship with Hedi but that is literally NEVER true for no one. These kids are not his muses, he just knows he can make money off 'streetcasting' a bunch of edgy-looking rich kids who want to play at being druggies or white trash.
You get a nice participation credit for walking in the SLP show and then never contacted again.
No. 111170
>>111001this reminds me of lana. she was obsessed with singing about sex and her pussy and then it turned out that she was a virgin.
i too doubt she's been sleeping around with so many people on account of that swatstika tattoo. no way she slept with this black guy with that tattoo. he probably gave her head and that's it.
No. 111190
>>111171He's still using teens, which is shitty of him. If you know nothing of the industry, why WOULDN'T you assume you have something of a chance if some random dude with connections started bigging you up?
Sketchy fuck.
No. 111223
>>111213my thoughts exactly. she seems to be especially fond of cutting people out of her life for the sake of covering her tracks. if she became friends with some high profile models and went out to lunch she'd absolutely break character(from the video) and probably get picked up by her parents at some point lol.
models will always be in high demand. if you walk one runway you're gonna get an agent working for you immediately helping your career. it's just good business for them. fashion constantly needs new models. it doesn't matter if you're a shit model as long as you're skinny and tall. not everyone will work for marc jacobs or gucci so no one really cares. new brands come out all the time.
No. 111353
>>111352Very innocent/Alice In Wonderland vibes here.
Stark contrast to her metalhead phase, her Courtney Love meth addict phase, and her current hip hop Wal-Mart "princess of cheap stuffed animals" phase. Wonder if she had her tattoos back then.
No. 111354
>>111352it says the first post was posted january 30, 2012 and the remaining three were posted april 25, 2012.
>>111353she acted really innocent like this in her bedbones/early halfbunny days, so 2011/2012
No. 111356
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>>111353yeeah, she had her tattoos
(her wrist)
No. 111358
>>111352damn her poetry really sounds so nice
she truly shot herself in the foot with this stupid "im s0 poor n mysterius" shit now she looks like an idiot when people found out she has money. how did she think this was going to play out honestly… did she think no one would find out…
No. 111359
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>>111352>i have not eaten in four days. my father says that i have a tiny waist & a gorgeous figure. he says that i am wasting away. he tells me that bananas are a fattening fruit. he tells me, " elegant thing, you need to be nicer to others. ""elegant thing" jesus cringing christ
No. 111650
the first person i felt close to hung herself in the bathroom in the hospital because she heard i was leaving soon but before i went to where they send girls not even the doctors want to see with my donation box panties we would always take two cherry desserts at dinnertime because they were fun to throw up, she wrote about angels who only felt pure when covered in dirt on my pink & white sneakers & that was what we were & her telephone number, she made my hair messy with her hands on her tiny white just-like-mine mattress, she smiled in my face, i let my head touch her bed frame, she had red watery eyes that looked bruised inside, like if you committed arson in an ocean so the flames came & the deep dark swallowed it, blistered forever & the waves just hit her & since we both shaved our heads we were already best friends & she was warm she was soft in the hallway she told everyone my daddy used to fuck me & my brother both, fire opal soul, girl filled with fresh coal & we were alone & because we thought they’d never send us home we kissed with our tongues in front of the grown-ups who never did watch us & i never called that number when i stopped seeing her because i knew nobody would pick up but at least i know what it feels like to fall in love; whenever i run away now it’s for her, when i close my eyes i imagine they burn"
No. 111683
>>111650i can see where soren gets his inspiration from.
>>111675lol exactly - with her "donation box" underwear (can't bring myself to use the term 'panties', gives me the creeps for some reason), perhaps she paired it with a shirt similar to this one:
>>111052 'cause you know, that's what skint people wear. ugh.
No. 111787
>>111650>>111675This is so funny. I just watched Girl, Interrupted yesterday so I can find some more parallels.
>the first person i felt close to hung herself in the bathroom in the hospital because she heard i was leaving2 girls mentioned in Girl, Interrupted hang themselves. Jamie was only mentioned, as she hung herself with a volleyball net when Lisa ran away and had been gone a week. Daisy hangs herself in her bathroom when Lisa and Susanna run away from treatment and hide out in her house. Lisa torments Daisy until she commits suicide.
>angels who only felt pure when covered in dirtSomething about this line reminds me of Lisa, who is often seen wearing light colored clothing that often looks dingy or dirty.
>she smiled in my faceHow many times in the movie does Lisa invade someone's personal space with a scary grin? That's a bit of a reach, I will admit.
>she had red watery eyes that looked bruised insideIn the movie when Lisa is reading Susanna's journal she reads "Lisa's eyes, once so magnetic, now just look empty."
>she told everyone my daddy used to fuck me & my brother bothAs
>>111693 pointed out, Lisa pushes Daisy on how her father fucks her and everyone knows.
It's VERY obvious this whole post was written with Lisa as inspiration.
No. 111845
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pretty sure kaula saw the heart is deceitful above all things too. the similarities are pretty fucking obvious. i haven't watched it in years but one of y'all should and report back here with comparisons for lulz. same bleach blonde trailer park meth addict "my baby is bad" "mama" prostituting for money child abuse combo.
hilariously enough, the story which was originally said to be an autobiography by jt leroy when published, turned out to be just be entirely made up by this lady called laura albert who said she was inspired and made up the whole persona book thing. she even hired a person to show up at book signings as jt leroy lmao. white women.
No. 111897
>>111845 this whole situation is literally the personification of 'everything is a copy of a copy of a copy of a made up persona' lol it's like a fucking onion
(ps thanks 4 mentioning the movie,I googled & MM is in it, so now I am gonna watch it)
No. 111905
>>111845It's great because the director/star Asia Argento was super close with "jt" and had to do a whole teary "I DIDN'T KNOW" press conference when shit hit the fan.
She's been relatively quiet ever since that moment.
No. 111907
>>111845I guess all rich, boring white women fantasize about being trailer park trash at some point lol??? Lana did the same shit during her Lizzie Grant days. Someone should do a documentary.
This is what happens when you don't pay attention to your kids! Seriously though this is all it is. Rich, boring kids whose parents don't pay attention to them growing up and they end up so starved for attention and excitement they do stuff like this. Fantasizing about having no money and living life on the edge and going through struggles to survive. But just what they see on TV they don't actually want to live a hard life. They hate their parents anyway for not paying attention to them so they have no problem writing about how they abused them and mistreated them.
No. 112001
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Because poor girls can afford real furs that still have faces, right?
No. 112030
>>112001her nails are acrylic now. no longer walgreens press on lol. those nails are minimum $50 plus $15 for touch ups. she also got extensions. compare
>>110849 to
>>111052 just one year apart.
>wears $3 walgreens shirt>buys $200 24" human hair clip in extensions>gets $60 acrylic nails>wears real fur coat with animal heads
>"i dont hav money pls donate 2 support my soundcloud <33">takes picture of pack of $100 bills in pursedoes kayla know how to poverty? NO let me guess she such a reckless and tragic soul that she doesn't know how to manage the THOUSANDS of dollars she gets from sucking sugardaddy dick the poor thing :( rooting 4 u mama!
donates to paypal No. 112034
>>112030Not sure about America but you can get cheap furs in a lot of second hand vintage stores, atleast here in the UK anyway. £50 ($71) for pretty decent furs, and stoles are pennies. The furs could also be a hand me down(which it looks like), but then that obviously doesn't contribute to the "my parents abused me i'm poor" persona.
Also let's not forget about her fake eyelashes, cheap ones over here are like £5 ($7) and let's not forget the fact she uses a pretty decent camera for her videos. She'll have had to pay for whatever app she used to make music in or a studio.
I'm not sure how any of this adds up to being poor and a meth head but whatever
No. 112097
>>109775>>110586hilarious, she should have gone with heroin instead, she had that whole ~dope junkie~ vibe going on anyway, she makes me sick.
>>109914this is the most pathetic shit i've ever heard. mediocre rich girl pretending to be hood, give me a break. bad shit can happen to anyone but she capitalized on situations that she was never in and that's bullshit
topkek thread farmers
No. 112104
>>109914I just sent her an ask suggesting she match the cadence and rhythm of her lyrics to the underlying beat, or even just practicing with a metronome. Let's hope it helps because that was a mess.
She could actually gain a wider following if she fucking tried.
No. 112113
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Is this it?
No. 112123"I want it to look like I've been through some shit"
There it is, the confession guys.
No. 112131
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>>112123>>112128She looks so much like Courtney here
No. 112152
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No. 112155
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>>112148I have no idea if that post is originally by her but I always thought Meth doesn't quite "suit her".
No. 112156
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>>112148Moar old photos + posts
No. 112203
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No. 112204
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No. 112242
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No. 112245
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also a lie, considering from the screenshot above she was still studying way past high school, and she tries to imply she didn't finish it at all
No. 112266
>>112245high school is four fucking years. if she was so absent that she couldn't remember anything from those entire four years there's no way she could've ever graduated. i was hospitalized for half of the 9th grade. they gave me all the schoolwork and exams to do at home. guess what, i couldn't do them. i had to take summer school and they literally kicked me out of school because they didn't want to go through that "inconvenience" another year.
not only did she graduate high school and go to university, she fucking studied abroad for university! her grades would've had to be excellent to study abroad not to mention HELLO HAVE MONEY!!!
No. 112297
>>112295plot twist all of the asks she gets of people imitating the way she talks are actually just her sending it to herself lmao. god i don't know what's more embarrassing.
>I luv u sm n I show u to all my friends n when i wanna go out w the boys who hurt me I listen to ur songs n remember that I shouldn't n you inspire sm of my art it's crazy I hope I get to meet u one day
>thank u for all the things you do for us girls i cant wait to have a big sleepover in lil sheer babydolls and stay up all night it will happen one day i can feel it love u mean it <3it makes my ass itch reading that.
No. 112302
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she changes her whole image so fast jc
No. 112311
>>112308she says she got her tattoos done against her will by cory in alabama because she was hardcore on meth.
better explanation on the time period. pics go back to back.
>>110586>>110587>>110589 No. 112324
>>112311hmm so according to this
>>110586she got them in 2011/2012 (?)
but she already had them in this video
>>110169 in 2010
No. 112342
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No. 112498
>>112480we have concluded that being a white girl with rich parents who don't pay attention to them breeds the same desire to be abused trailer park trash. fascinating! some specimens include: courtney love, lana del rey, laura albert, kayla day and now emilie autumn.
melanie martinez lowkey does the same nasty shit with her crybaby "persona" who grew up with an alcoholic mother and was sexually abused and abducted. at least she admits it's made up i guess….
No. 112503
>>112498OT, but IMO in Melanie's case she's actually doing something creative and interesting without trying to embellish herself as any sort of survivor.
If she fits in with those examples, then so does every concept artist ever.
No. 112509
>>112506No one said "kill whitey", but this seems like a trend among popular, affluent white women/girls for some reason.
Of course it's not only white girls (Soren does the exact same shit), but it's jsut a thing for that group and I don't know why. It's the same way black weeb girls on Tumblr tend to be fat, insane SJWs who secretly want to be white or Asian (see: Micky, Himeka, etc).
No. 112518
>>112503that's why i said lowkey. it just rubs me a weird way that someone would find roleplaying a character like that with those subjects interesting. just personal tho.
>>112509lol exactly. not saying that rich white girls are the only people who lie on the internet about who they really are. we're just talking about a specific group of people that pull the very peculiar trailer park meth shit that evolves into ghetto street trash. people have been bringing up examples all through the thread. they've all been rich, white girls who are born well off and bored starving for attention. it's hilarious.
No. 112645
>>112622Ohhh ahh I'm sorry for interpreting it as hostile then! It just seems like theres so much in-fighting lately I was probably on a hair
trigger. Sorry for reacting in a snarky and sarcastic way myself.
Also I didn't even think about the whole Melanie Martinez thing. She's fostered such a fucking cult it's insane.
No. 112662
>>112645i always thought her style was tacky as shit. it's like those 50s loving goth girls who do pin up photoshoots on deviantart except melanie does it with a bib and binkie. also she does that hipster girl voice when she sings which is why i can't stand her music in general lmao.
but she has a very sus way of approaching child abuse whilst simultaniously doing lingerie phtoshoots with baby clothes and a binkie like. sexualizing infant shit. she said she was never abused you can't say it's a coping mechanism so then she's just entering fetish territory. now just think about why she is so obsessed with children being raped and abused and sees it as a source of inspiration. it's disgusting.
No. 112674
>>112668melanie's song tag you're it is about a child being abducted, raped and killed.
Rolling down your tinted windowDriving next to me real slow, he said,"Let me take you for a joyrideI've got some candy for you inside."Running through the parking lotHe chased me and he wouldn't stopTag, you're it, tag, tag, you're itGrabbed my hand and pushed me downTook the words right out my mouthTag, you're it, tag, tag, you're itCan anybody hear me? I'm hidden under groundCan anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself?Saying, "Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it."He's saying, "Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it."Your mother said to pick the very best girlAnd I ambut also
>This album is about Cry Baby, a fantasy version of Melanie Martinez when she was a child, and a representation of her vulnerable and messed up then??? why is she singing about being fucked??? if she's singing from the pov of a child?????
Love everything you doWhen you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I doWanna ride my bike with youFully undressed,No training wheels left for youI'll pull them off for yougrossgrossgrossgross
No. 112678
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her favorite musicians according to her
i love her (real???) music taste so much, its sad because i think she is herself an interesting person and she really didnt need to make anything up 4 people to like her
No. 112680
>>112678I feel like that's what caused this whole 'exposure'. No one cared if her story was false or not, she made nice poetry and she was pretty and basically the entire opposite of what she is now. she was quiet, soft, those kinds of things. now shes all in your face, loud, vulgar.. with no apparent cause or a gradual change or anything. just one day she was someone else. everyone liked kayla and ginger is just
problematic and annoying.
No. 112683
>>112680 i dont care about her being loud and vulgar, in fact, if that's her being herself i support it, i was trying to say i wish she could show herself as herself. the 'quiet, soft' etc Kayla she was portraying to be b4 wasnt real here either (from the things posted in this thread)
i dont think i have quite managed to correctly explain what i meant, but i was trying to say i sense ''real'' her would be liked by people too, and i find it so sad she is so insecure to not believe so (imo this is mainly what led her to create these personas, not 'bored rich girl')
No. 112687
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just take a look of the music she listened 2 in 2011. this is absolutely amazing shit
No. 112701
>>112687Only four good bands here are Burzum, Acid Bath, Lifelover, and Agalloch. Tchaikovsky is of course a classic. The rest are pretty embarrassing except for Drautran, though.
>>112691All of those bands are extremely different genres. Save yourself the trouble and don't listen to Pig Destroyer. It's shitty core music.
No. 112707
>>112674She said that the theme of the album's tracks is adult topics sung and referred to in a childlike way, and that Cry Baby is based on her, but never said that it's meant to be "her as a child". Whoever wrote that Wikia article really shat the bed.
Also, in "Tag, You're It", the person being abducted isn't killed, they kill their kidnapper.
You should probably stay off Tumblr, buddy.
No. 112714
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>>112707uh she wrote a children's book portraying "cry baby" as a 5 year old child lmao. cry baby is the persona her album is based on and
she embodied her as a child she literally made the drawings. not me buddy.
>adult topics sung and referred to in a childlike wayhow is this still not ugly lmao she's sexualizing infant shit when she was never even abused it's literally pedophilic. using symbols of childhood as metaphors for sex, rape and murder is tasteless as fuck. especially when she doesn't see it in a serious context and just uses it as a gimmick because she thought it was edgy.
tumblr has nothing to do with me having 2 eyes and not being impressed by a grown woman sucking on a pacifier with a bib while she wears lingerie and sings like she should be playing a ukelele in a sundress. 2+2 simply = 4.
anyway this thread isn't about melanie so discussion over lol for the thread's sake.
No. 112715
>>112709i think flowerwomb has been around since bedbones. like they were part of the same scene. flowerwomb stood the test of time tho. never heard about cygnum but damn she's really copying flowerwomb hardcore.
a copy of a copy of a copy. wild.
No. 112722
>>112716Aight phew lmao
I'm actually starting to feel like this messaging them thing is a great idea lol i wanna see their reactions so badly
No. 112732
>>112722i was thinking of remaking my kayla expose blog and instead of announcing it here, getting up in her tags and @ing kayla(making myself susceptible to deletion #3 once she reports me lol) i'm just gonna quietly have everything in the blog ready with receipts and then mass message people. by the time she finds me a good amount of damage will be done. if i get deleted again at least word will have gotten to a lot of people. i've found that people generally don't respond well to lolcow and write everything off as bullying slander lol. my petty ass has the time and drive to make one nice big cohesive blog with receipts and such.
but that's later on for now receipts are piling by the day(no pun intended) and i'm just gonna chill for a while and be lowkey when i remake. i bet kayla is reading this and getting hives as we speak lmao.
No. 112741
>>112740Holy shit i'm laughing
I'm looking thru the notes on that post and flowerwomb reblogged it with that whole "dw little star bby sweet petal xoxo<3" are they friends??
No. 112747
>>112743Pfft more like she's afraid they'll ruin her image by revealing what they know about her which will no doubt contradict her current one. Kayla is incapable of
not begging for attention every waking minute of her life. So she's left an embarrassing amount of evidence of all of her phases. Careful and secretive my ass she loved interacting with her friends until it was time to move on. She wants her crowd to legitimize her persona.
>>110984These probably aren't even her friends but they paint a picture that makes her seem legit doesn't it? That's how she works. Pathological as fuck!
No. 112753
>>112749>Tf was she implying by saying that?Aaand this is how Kayla works. You'll never get an answer to that question. Her online life is a constant show of persuasion and omission. Her followers have an image of her built up like putting together puzzle pieces she leaves behind. If I put myself in their shoes, I'd probably think Kayla is in danger probably dating someone dangerous or involved in illegal activity. Oh, what hints has she mentioned in the past? Let me think!
No doubt she loooves that.
No. 112755
>>112751I don't doubt that she's at least had an ED and other mental illnesses.
And yeah, it's so sad…not to mention, a lot of these kids really look up to her and she's giving them bad advice! She makes it seem glamorous to cheat on your s/o and be heartless. Minors message her saying they are in love with an older badboy and she tells them some vague shit instead of saying what they need to hear which is "stay the fuck away from older men if you're a minor" ugh
No. 112756
>>112751yeah i definitely believe she's suffered from mental illness. people come up with personas all the time i think it's natural in… human nature tbh. on the internet it's easy to portray a life you want especially tumblr. but kayla just went too far. she entered scammer territory. she put herself in a position of influence and hope and idolization to people and the fact that her pedestal is made up entirely of lies is disgusting. these are very vulnerable people looking up to her, whether because they're young or because they're actual victims themselves. it's shitty as fuck to find out that your idol is a complete fraud which is what kayla is. she knows exactly what she's doing. mental illness or not there's no excusing capitalizing on a fake history of abuse, drug addiction and neglect and leading people on for the sake of a rap career lmfao jesus christ of all things.
>>112755also seconding this.
No. 112760
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we're gonna see kayla like this on tv.
i'm lowkey evil i hope she gets really famous and ends up publicly humiliated like that lady who pretended she was black for years until it blew up in her face lm ao. i am going to have such. a. laugh. the bigger the crowd the better.
No. 112762
>>112757some poor people can mismanage their money and kind of splurge on "normal people things" like if they had money. kind of keeps you from being insane in a way lol. not to mention some smartphones can be stolen. where i'm from people steal iphones all the time and you can get them really cheap, unblock them and put in a prepaid card. but that's for us poor people who wanna look good, have money some day and actually wash our hair twice a week lmao.
>>105949since she was pulling shit like this i really doubt she wanted people to look into how she was photoshopping her pictures and taking iphone selfies.
No. 112766
>>112761it still blows me away when i read things like this. i never really knew the extent of her influence until halfway into this thread when shit got real. and kayla knows she's hurting people i made a tumblr with a collage of all of the messages like this from this thread and i @ed her on tumblr. all she did was go on this thread and throw a hissyfit at me like it wasn't obvious it was her lmao. she's a complete piece of shit she only cares about herself. she got my blog deleted twice for "harassment" like. honestly.
>>112764> I'm glad I saw someone answer an ask about the exposing blog on my dashayyy that was me!! <3
No. 112771
>>112766How is it even harassment though? Much worse things stay up on tumblr honestly. Usually it takes a long time to get a blog deleted. It's not like anything on your blog was untrue either.
I wish she would just address the issue because she clearly knows a lot of people are aware and want answers now.
No. 112793
>>112786Off the top of my head: abattoirette, ninfolessia, pillowstars
Theyve seem to have been idolizing her for a long ass time and they all seem to have a relatively large following as well
Atleast pillowstars seems to have distanced herself from the scene a little bit though, but i would still like to see her reaction. I doubt she knows what Kayla's been doing these years.
No. 112794
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>>112793From pillowstars' blog, anyways, i still don't know for sure if she actually still looks up to her anymore
I know it sounds fake as fuck but im actually concerned for her and all these other girls who idolize/used to idolize Kayla? abattoirette used to reblog all of Kayla's selfies iirc and tagged them stuff like 'angel' 'queen' 'goddess' and ninfolessia still reblogs from her i think. Im 99% sure none of them know Kayla's been lying to them and profitting off of them.
No. 112798
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story of ginger's life.
ofc is too veridic for her to be in her blog anymore. :)
No. 112808
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>>112807SO GLAD IT'S NOT JUST ME! if i can compile enough sources i'll make a thread for him when i come back from town later today, or someone else can if they despise his ~aesthetic~ as much as i do. yeah, "send me pictures of you with drool coming out of your mouth & spit-bubbles that look like jizz & i'll use them for my art despite only making shitty crayola pictures for the next five years, underage girls."
>that and his writing No. 112816
>>112814i don't want to be a omgstopselfposting!fag but this sure smells like one, apologies if not.
>>112815he is revolting; i'm putting a thread together now, while i've got the rage in me to do so.
No. 112819
>>112815Oh lorddd i just checked and i was still following him on one of my old accounts, jesus
does the shame, shame hand gesture thingAnyways. Moving on lmao
No. 112822
>>112817i liked antiheaven waaaay back in the day (we're talking 2010 - 2011ish? here) when she was florettevna & posted more ethereal content i liked the look of (then again i was still in secondary school, so if i went back & saw it now i'd probably cringe), but the whole ~tar angel princess i'm a sex addict but also tough as fuck~ thing she started bored me. i still have a look at her blog every now & then because - beyond the edgy cutting pictures and "omg i SO have aspd don't question me!!11" i was quite fond of her. she sounded like she had a pretty rough time when she was younger - that is if she's being honest, because in light of kayla's bullshit it proves you never can tell.
>>112818isn't he? the offer's still open to anyone else if they want to make a thread, i'm literally a diagnosed sperg so i'm not entirely sure whether my description comes off as good to anyone else or it's just word salad, i'd post it but i don't want to shit up the thread any more than i already have.
No. 112835
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Trying to pretend she's a poor girl thrusted into a rich people world
No. 112837
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No. 112869
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>>112726 cygnum gives me secondhand embarrassment
No. 112901
>>112875Then post that stuff instead of just saying things AND NEVER POSTING PROOF
And this:
>>112869>>112818>>112820>>112822>>112823>>112837Has barely or even nothing to do with Kayla
No. 112913
>>112910Depersonalization is a real thing though. It's v common with bpd where your sense of self identity is so erratic that you barely feel like a person depending on how severely you're suffering from it. My mother unfortunately suffers from this. And it's terrifying to see them so fucking disconnected and like, when you're laughing together and having a good time and then they randomly at the end of the day they tell you that they don't feel like that happiness is theirs and deep down they don't relate to those emotions and shit it's so fucking scary.
All the more reason why I fucking hate these ~sleepy lolita~ tumblr bitches writing fake deep poetry about feeling separate from this ~realm just as an interesting excuse to why they don't wanna say their age or where they live lmao. It trivializes feelings of depersonalization and mental illness where people just write it all off as a show because that's what these girls are doing: putting on a show.
No. 112915
>>112912i think people got sidetracked because this was the first instance where discussion on these tumblrs have ever been brought up so i guess people let their opinions run loose a bit since it was the first time? i doubt it'll keep going i think people got it out of their systems. everyone! let's stop now.
tweet from kayla:
>I've never wanted what society wants 4 me…I could never just b good. Always been something wild in me. Like I got a baby tiger 4 a soulis…. is this her trying to acknowledge that she's a rich girl pretending to be poor and abused for attention lol. is that how she's phrasing it.
No. 112917
>>112913Shit, sorry, i didnt even think of that.
Actually, is it possible that this person / these people are just like, having some kind of DPDR episode and confuses their personality (ive heard about 'inprinting' or smth but im not familiar w mental health stuff so that can be a totally wrong term here) w that of someone else? ive heard that ppl w BPD often mimic things they like about their FPs, even though they remain otherwise as 'themselves', if im making sense? for example pillowstars seems to have diagnosed BPD, not too sure about these other blogs though.
No. 112926
>>112917when they're so stereotypical and cliched and reblog so many "relevant" topics like the black swan or talk about hospital wards and shit it's like. there you go lying lmao. also when they bring up trauma or abuse and again, seem to have the whole theatrical package that only serves to tell the background to their story. their poetry is always autobiographical lmao their focus is on their fabricated persona they want you to have a clear image of what a torn and very aesthetically pleasing person they are.
>i feel like i’m trying to take my core self out of my head for me to see but what comes out is distorted & frightening, it doesn’t have a heartbeat & it doesn’t hear me at all. it feels violent & wrong>& a life that sounds like art i was born for hearing my blood>rushing through my head when i’m hiding in the pile of dirty clothes, & crying instead of answering questions, & holding my two fingers on my neck trying to guess whether i’m afraid or in love,>i feel like i am most likely twenty years old, must be, my nana came from another world to this one because she lived in a loud painful place & she escaped from there, i feel like she survived but my mother didn’t,like she's just so obviously got an image in mind that she wants to portray to people. it doesn't come from a genuine place she's literally writing fiction.
i've seen rabbittongue make posts about feeling disconnected and it reads very genuine and almost does it in a very dry humored way. very un-aesthetic lol. and if you look at her tumblr it's just. houses and pictures of animals and even funny posts sometimes. i've seen her tag a picture of house as "me". she talks like a normal person and expresses her depersonalization as such.
>all thats in my head is like when you leave some washing out on the line n it rains>everything i say sounds like something i think i should say>people standing like outside a bar or a club or whatever talking to their friends is like the exact opposite of me or like any group of friends is just so strange lol >for awhile i thought i might be pansexual but i really just have no concept of myself at all loland again her poetry focuses on things other than herself or leaving clues about her life.
>here the black pool and its freedom. tiny castles isolated where a fallen tree dips into the water. an ethereal, new, clean world. the sun has set and the almost silence has betrayed you. a blizzard of snow, over the unbroken white of the hills can be deceiving. i once saw a herd of deer and crawled down into the deep, soft snow.that's how i can tell the difference at least. and when she posts her poetry she actually acknowledges it's poetry where she'll say things like "idk it's not that good" and shit.
>>112919exaaactlyyy. she's a fucking fraud and she doesn't understand how immensely harmful that is when she's in a position of influence and idolization to vulnerable people. to her satisfying her ego is worth lying to people like that. these are suicidal, delicate people going through a lot of shit. finding out their hero is a fraud is literally ripping away hope for them it could mean life or death??? like whyyyyyy would you be okay with that she fucking knows what she's doing she lurks this goddamn thread. there's different ways of getting attention??? but she chose to play saint kayla the sacred martyr, savior of child abuse victims, recovering drug addicts and people living in extreme poverty when she's living here with here
>>110590 with her parents. she's such fucking scum the more this thread expands the more it sinks in. this was lulzy to me at first but now i'm just disgusted.
No. 112929
>>112922>since i dont recall anyone posting actual proof/receiptsi gotchu. here's what we've got so far on berlin.
>While she was talking the past year about being in Berlin. She was posting pictures of herself around the same building which is in the UK. She mentioned in her facebook account her father paid for her tickets to go to Berlin while she was studying English language and literature in the UK which doesn't make sense at all if she was kind of having that kind of rampant lifestyle she was describing the whole time.>She was studying English in Leicester UK. Berlin just in holidays with that she probably met in UK. Many times she said she was living her adventures in Berlin she was just still in UK since her pictures were there with other of her friends in instagram. Also i doubt she even completed her course and get her diploma because she seems dumb as fuck. Probably went there with parent's money to have fun and waste herself and travel around.does anyone remember what selfies were posted during her berlin era? i'm positive she was blonde
>>106310>>105960was this in berlin or alabama lmao
No. 112936
>>112927I will take this to my grave but the swatstika and white trash tattoos Kayla has will forever be the permanent indicator of her personality to me. Fake persona or not no one gets a permanent tattoo of that for shits and giggles. It's not uncommon for racist white girls to suddenly develop a fetish of their animalistic and violent view of black men. Considering her whole adventure with "Papi"(who i'm positive was not even his real nickname because papi is spanish and black guys don't even like being called daddy) is one of rough sex, drugs, abuse and his violent behavior. It made me so fucking sick.
I will admit I was a little bit racist before tumblr, because tbh that's just the way our society is unfortunately and I never saw myself as racist. So yes, I did hop on the Ferguson thing but from there I grew the fuck up. I was a 15 year old racist who said the n word for shits and giggles. I never got a fucking swatstika tattooed on my body?! You have to be a fucking neonazi to do that! She was
about that racist lifestyle it was the only part of her that wasn't a phase. It makes her whole hood aesthetic all the more disgusting because it's obviously deep rooted in racism.
No. 112942
>>112939No that's what I was saying too! Ferguson was a wakeup call to a lot of people but Kayla never actually gave a shit about black people beyond that post that happened to coincide with her Papi adventures. It's like she pretended to care as if it affected her because she wanted people to believe she
knows real life black people and
cares about them. I wouldn't be surprised if she got a gush of inspiration when she saw how many people were feeling sorry for the black community and all the fucked up shit they were going to and she wanted to attach herself to it in some way.
No. 112949
>>112906Stop typing like her.
~U shuld not feel compashun 4 a compulsive liar.~
No. 112951
>>1127141. That illustration looks like a fucking doll, and nowhere does it say she is a "5 year old"
2. You don't know what pedophilia is
3. >>>/tumblr/
That's all I wanted to say, now the discussion's over.
No. 112956
while looking for that berlin photo i posted a second ago i found this old poem of hers on yet another aesthetic blog that seems to eat up everything kayla posts:>what about girls who let him come inside because they never learned the word “no”? & girls whose fathers say “you deserved it” or “no wonder he hit you” & “i never did, what an imagination” i am talking about girls whose mothers call them liars & leave them in homes that are not their own girls who ate in elementary school bathrooms until they stopped eating who undressed on the playground at thirteen for ten wide-eyed open-mouthed boys because love means being naked & seen since age three the girls who will never be the thorn in anybody’s side, girls with smiles that are too quickly given & hands that shake forever they are earth-angels, little bones for big hearts they know how fingers around the throat & between thighs can cross you out of your own life their arms are made of want — if you would only let them hold youthere's a few more in the archive; i'm not gonna spam all of them in this post & shit the thread up, but they're all the same sort of trauma-y poems soren used to write.
No. 112963
>>112956FUCK FUCK FUCK im so pissed??? this was way worse than i remembered??? i cant believe i actually used to look up to this person to cope??? 'whose mothers call them liars' after this im actually 99% sure she rips off half the shit she writes from the anon asks she gets bc i remember sending her something distressingly similar 2 this whole ~Ooh Fragile Fairy Baby Poem~ shit right there when i was in a bad place n when she didnt reply i just assumed she was too
Triggered to but god i can see where all my Emotional Confessions actually went????? fuck me sideways
No. 112968
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I doubt with every bone in my body that she's this way because of depersonalization. I know, some of you used to be obsessed with her so you want to see good qualities in her desperately, but all the photos of her with friends show that she wasn't anything like this outside of her tumblr and Twitter. She lived a separate fantasy life. She is a liar. Point blank. She does this knowing wholly what she is doing. You've been punked bitch.
Also, everyone else disregard this but Demi, shut up.
No. 112982
>>112973>none of this is realMake it more obvious that sone redirected you here via your shitty ~aesthetic~ tumblr blog, champ. We all notice.
Back 2 our Aryan cum princess mama.
No. 112988
>>112980tumblr shits are just as bad as neckbeards. you can't just be ~~~
triggered~~~ by 'male here' and let shit like ??????? after every other word slide, anon. it will ruin the site. i kind of wish we had a tumblr containment thread but they are too hard to spot or contain…
No. 112991
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Depersonalization isn't nearly calculated enough to be a valid excuse for her actions. She even said, as quoted by her ex-friend on IG, that she wanted to look like "she's been through some shit." That is straight from the horses mouth. She created a character of what she thought a traumatized poverty stricken ~angel~ should be, and began dressing like an actual retard because for whatever reason, she thought it's what a poor girl looks like apparently. I wouldn't be surprised if she sold Hedi Slimane a whole sob story because she wanted money and adoration for being so strong and amazing. In fact, given how she only started dressing that poorly out of the house around late 2012-early 2013, she's probably gotten sympathy money while prostituting herself in her ~dirty poverty fragile hole filled~ ballet slippers. She's really trying hard to sell herself as a victim and survivor and it gives out a very wrong message.
No. 112996
>>112988i just really don't see how that's so serious that you get upset over it lol. kinda seems easier to ignore and move past. we're all having a good time here. i'm not even mad or defending myself because there's no offense here because the concept you're arguing about sounds so bizarre to me. you can't control the speech of everyone that comes on this thread especially when everyone who knows about her is from tumblr. so what's the point right now. you just keep posting with the same concern when i really don't see how it's working out for you lol.
feel free to ignore me right now tho it really doesn't matter lol. i'm just talking out of my ass.
No. 112999
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>>112991Just looks like she is straight up copying Courtney Love-Cobain circa 1993.
No. 113003
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>>112985I was a total different person you actual retard. Go reblog pictures of dripping honey and Merzbow if you're really going to stray this far OT.
No. 113004
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No. 113006
>>113003do you realize that you people spouting shit about "go back to tumblr! go back to your blog" sound equally as stupid as the people typin like dis. pls stfu uwu.
you're all awful.
No. 113007
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No. 113009
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So zef so fresh.
No. 113011
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No. 113012
>>113001i doubt these ppl are gonna stick around tho if thats the concern. they come for kayla and leave the board. if it's so obvious they're underage tumblrfags who aren't native to the board then they're not sticking around. and if they do the common board lingo sticks. i know because i was on r9k before tumblr in like 2011 lol you truly assimilate after a while. i'd ask what is this great 4chan death you speak of but damn we'd be going waaaay off topic lmfao. better to just drop this so. feel free to not even reply lol.
>>113006lowkey this is what i'm saying i just don't see how complaining from either side does anything to "stop" said annoying behavior. i just see it as bitching which is more annoying for the board? all i said was to chill anyway lol but i see now that that really doesn't go anywhere either so tbh i'm at fault too.
No. 113014
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Sorry if any of these have been posting before, just dumping and deleting.
No. 113015
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No. 113016
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No. 113017
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No. 113024
>>112966>implying dolls are not modeled after childrenSo all portrayals of dolls or doll-like cartoon characters are now children, got it.
>implying melanie did not clearly state cry baby was a human child and not a dollSo "Dollhouse" was never a thing? Okay. And no, she never did state Cry Baby was a "child", just that she was a character based on her and her experiences.
>implying being obsessed with sexualizing children's things and sucking on a pacifier in lingerie when you were never abused is not pedophilic and is just an expression of artPedophilia is the sexual attraction to children. Whatever the fuck you're talking about is more suited toward ageplay, which is something that actually can be applied to art. Go write a callout post or something, you're full of shit. Bye.
No. 113029
File: 1459357414104.jpeg (96.13 KB, 640x427, image.jpeg)

If you're going to continue to rant off-topic (because we all know you're the same person) either move it to /b/ or sage it and move on. Or please, continue so you'll get banned.
>>113022We get it. Shut the fuck up. You're offering up no useful discussion.
No. 113032
>>113028Second this I'll bet my ass this is one of those "stop kink shaming u guys!! age play is my SEXUALITY :(" kinda ppl u see all over tumblr esp w the whole "bye binch!!" ending
anyways sorry OT back to KayKay
No. 113033
>>113024Ageplay is disgusting. Getting sexual gratification from pretending to be an infant is fucked up. I know for a FACT a lot of littles are victims of sexual abuse and find comfort in pretending to be toddlers, but what's the excuse for the men who play their daddies and jerk off to buying their littles training potties? And in any case Melanie is mot a victim of child sexual abuse. It just got in her head that binkies and highchairs are sexy and anyone with common sense can see why.
Anything can be applied to art dipshit it doesn't make it not fucked up. I suppose I'm kinkshaming Melanie as well?
No. 113034
>>113032No, I'm just not retarded and can tell the difference between aesthetic choices and actual exploitation.
I'll stop posting on it now, promise.
No. 113036
>>113034>aesthetic choicesdon't tell me im the only one shitting myself over this anons choice of words cuz
age play is apparently an Aesthetic now
seriously anon if u don't get ya ass outta tumblr rn i oughta
No. 113039
File: 1459358113911.jpeg (89.12 KB, 600x600, image.jpeg)

This thread was actually very enjoyable, tumblr visitors and all, until this singular person swooped in samefagging about Melanie Martinez and making multiple posts in a row.
No. 113042
>>113040why do y'all keep saying i'm all of these people lol.
>>113038>>113035>>113028here i am. if it's that annoying then let's move on. who cares.
No. 113046
File: 1459358626795.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1156x1560, image.jpeg)

This is so rough kek. Also very pre-surgery young Courtney Love.
>>113042Shut the fuck up!
No. 113051
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>>113046I'm not saying it was intentional but my god lel.
>>113047Yeah, that's one of hers.
No. 113065
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old storenvy
No. 113068
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This had the caption "&I hate that I'm always so young" o rly Kayla?
No. 113069
>>113065lmao ofc she removed that 'moonet' garbage
didnt match her aes anymore
No. 113071
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No. 113074
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No. 113075
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No. 113076
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The only thing she's capable of keeping vaguely consistent is her handwriting.
No. 113080
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different anon
this one is by far the worst, how does she not cringe writing this garbage?
No. 113082
"to everyone i have ever loved:
you need a girl
who has a life story you can stomach
someone who will bring you pretend magic,
a girl who hasn’t ever really been
cut in half, you
need a girl, not a witch
but there is nothing i am that you can pull out of thin
air, i am not that cheap
or easy, you need
someone small enough to kill
a girl whose mistakes come with receipts
but i will bleed
all over your bedroom floor
& you will never find a box big enough
to send away the mess i make
you need a girl who can kiss you quietly,
a girl whose want isn’t a ten ton
truck crashing into your body at four
in the morning
for you: someone who doesn’t like the way
gasoline tastes,
a girl who won’t set herself on fire
hoping you will fan the flames
for me: a boy who knows that burning
is what i do only
because i do it better than anything,
a boy who keeps the same
matches in his pockets
the girl that you need
is one whose heart is a hole that has room
for more promises & whose words
are a white sheet you can sleep with comfortably
you can’t wrap your mind around me;
spoiled, dirty
you can’t climb a mountain just to jump from it
but i need a boy who isn’t afraid of
falling down
& down
you need a love like a television set,
need to know what comes next,
remote in your hand if it gets too violent
& i need a love like white noise, so
that it hurts just to be around"
lel so full of shit
No. 113083
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No. 113086
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No. 113087
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~angel too pure and poor for shoez~
No. 113091
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No. 113094
halfbunny (or halfbunnyhalf???)
n so on
nothing interesting came up on waybackmachine atleast tho but maybe someone here has more info?
No. 113101
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>>113095Yesssss, image-documenting time.
No. 113104
File: 1459362702831.jpg (50.5 KB, 500x424, 1394349055353.jpg)

fam this thread isn't even about me and i'm already feeling the anxiety i truly am feeling the heat of this tea y'all found ever ything g
i'm living
No. 113106
lol i'm reading all her old poetry on sickmindd and honestly questioning why i liked it in the first place. subjectively speaking, it's fucking godawful. literally:
>hit me daddy cigarettes glitter booze booze booze alcohol with a cigarette butt in it big cocks + watch me rip off pig destroyer>>113101dat facepowder, holy shit.
No. 113113
File: 1459362992851.png (410.29 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nhh38fgDOw1qh6hioo1_500…)

>>Dat edge
No. 113114
File: 1459363067009.jpeg (133.56 KB, 668x880, image.jpeg)

Oh god
No. 113118
File: 1459363488040.jpg (107.26 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ncy195hLhQ1qh6hioo1_500…)>>It’s my party
>>(in this picture you can see the scar i got from when a man threw a glass at my face for fucking another man in his bed in berlin it wasn’t my fault the guy before talked to me on the floor i said what do you do he said insurance i liked that i hate the bad boys all the time i said really i believed him he said to be honest i’m a criminal i fucking knew it he was only allowed out for a week before they sent him back to prison in another country no one would tell me the story i woke up at 5am to “he wants to eat your pussy” i let him he licked his hand said you taste like nothing it’s like my own skin my boyfriend left he went to the bathroom i wasn’t supposed to fuck him but i did i snuck it he came back & said kayla i didn’t understand i turned around he threw a glass at my head it hit the wall & left a dent i was on top of him his hands went to my face & he said the word blood in german so then i knew & what the fuck is wrong with you but he didn’t mean it hours later he left he said >>you don’t ever have to be afraid of anyone, here’s my number call me if anything happens >>if you have any problem>>what could you have done>>you’re so beautiful)Wat.
Thank you, anon, who found this goldmine of a tumblr!
No. 113119
File: 1459363505274.jpeg (536.23 KB, 1280x1707, image.jpeg)

Here's a Berlin post I was wondering about:
"It’s my party
(in this picture you can see the scar i got from when a man threw a glass at my face for fucking another man in his bed in berlin it wasn’t my fault the guy before talked to me on the floor i said what do you do he said insurance i liked that i hate the bad boys all the time i said really i believed him he said to be honest i’m a criminal i fucking knew it he was only allowed out for a week before they sent him back to prison in another country no one would tell me the story i woke up at 5am to “he wants to eat your pussy” i let him he licked his hand said you taste like nothing it’s like my own skin my boyfriend left he went to the bathroom i wasn’t supposed to fuck him but i did i snuck it he came back & said kayla i didn’t understand i turned around he threw a glass at my head it hit the wall & left a dent i was on top of him his hands went to my face & he said the word blood in german so then i knew & what the fuck is wrong with you but he didn’t mean it hours later he left he said
you don’t ever have to be afraid of anyone, here’s my number call me if anything happens
if you have any problem
what could you have done
you’re so beautiful)"
No. 113121
File: 1459363631723.jpeg (124.57 KB, 540x723, image.jpeg)

"Once in California a boy fingered me in his car while I said no & I don’t know why he bit me & if he fucked me I can’t remember but after I took these pictures & I don’t need you to comment, for some reason I just thought they were important"
No. 113123
>>113118Oh my god, sorry anon I made this post having no idea you just posted this and can't delete it
>>113119but great minds and whatever I guess
No. 113125
File: 1459363990028.jpeg (393.13 KB, 691x798, image.jpeg)

>this is how teh poor ppl dress guize
No. 113126
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No. 113127
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No. 113128
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No. 113129
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No. 113130
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No. 113141
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No. 113147
File: 1459366223751.jpg (70.05 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mxd6dd1DcC1qh6hioo1_500…)

>>weed leggings
>>too poor to shower
No. 113155
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"poems" from her "book"
No. 113159
Ok i had read all the comments here and i will say i do believe she was abused/did drugs/had a hard childhood, etc.
If you read her old bedbones and halfbunny poems you can see that she indirectly mentions being abused by her father thousands of times. and i don't see why would this be imposible i mean being a rich lawyer doesn't mean being a good person or father. and being a therapist doesn't mean being a good mother. I think her father abused her, her mother refused to believe her (maybe he would hit her, she has written about seeing her mother's blood) both didn't care about her and maybe she was sent to foster homes or to psychiatrics because of the abuse symptoms. When she became a teen she started to be autodestructive and do stupid things. THERE was when she met Corey her lover, who kidnapped her, introduced her in drugs (shooting & selling), made her live in very poor environments and in the projects, abuse her, gave her her tattos (including the nazi symbol), etc. She had said he is a very violent and narcissist and dangerous man (and it seems true if you search some information about him) and the cause of her ptsd. It is very normal that children who where abused get involved in violent and submissive relationships. In one of her recent songs she talks about corey and says smt like having his hands around her neck and he reminding her of her father. I think she left corey (or was left by him) and then came back with him lots of times, maybe while she was trying to become a model, until she finally left him forever and had to struggle with ptsd and eating disorders and start writing and probably living with her parents again (i think only with her mom because i almost sure her parents aren't together). She was probably still using drugs (but not meth) and drinking.
Through her poems and songs you can also see her relationship with corey started when she was 13, 14 or even less. That means all her meth/being poor/robbery/hood/ etc period was when she was in her early teens. AND SHE HAS 27 NOW. That is why her skin is undamaged now, and also why all about her sounds so strange; she constantly writes about certain past events mixed with the present. There's no chronological order and there's a lot of omission and mystery, which can be pathetic but doesn't mean she's lying. She has never said her parents were poor. I think she had a poor lifestyle at some periods of her life because of the lack of balance of this, and the multiple non-common situations she was into. Actually I remember her writing that her father once read her some rape documents (you can deduce he's a lawyer or smt like that) and that her mom would always buy her all the clothes she wanted (she has money) and would give her her pills despite the obviously not very good relation they have. She also posted a picture of a very pretty washbasin tagged as mom's house or smt like that. There are still some strange things like "they fill my babybottles with cocacola" or saying that her mother married in las vegas. but, who knows? there are a few holes, but the story is solid.
Anyways, most of the dangerous, traumatic and "trashy" events of her life hapenned long ago. Not while she was being photographed by her friends on instagram, or going to collegue (?) in UK or modeling in Paris some years ago. While her life was continuing, she put in her blogs all her old traumas, sadness and ptsd symptoms, and I don't think that's bad. a lot of people separate their inner world form real life, specially on the internet.
What I absolutely hate about her and that it's very different of "lying about her life" its her recent transition into a pretentious and vain bitc, possibly due to 2 things:
1 She realised all the stupid fanatism (based on romanticizing, idealization and idolization) that her persona caused in her followers and started to use it as a way of satisfy her ego and
2 Altough she could overcome eating disorders and stop doing drugs her mentality and ptsd is getting absolutely worse (if she doesn't have another psycological disoders). I mean, she has 27 fucking years old and she makes songs about her teenage years, about the drugs that she did and the man who kidnapped her who is a total psycho and make her have ptsd! she's totally obsessed with him and with her own past life and use this past life and all that is related to adolescence/childhood/innocence etc because she DOESN'T HAVE A REAL SELF. She also uses men, sex, money and "power" in order to do this. She romanticizes her past suffering and shows herself like a "babygirl with a machine gun" bad and sweet and sexual and into prostitution and big money and gangsters in order to crate a character, altough she also acts like if that is because now she accepts her life and loves herself. but I don't think that's true. when you truly love and KNOW yourself you don't post lots of photoshoped pictures and make 100 songs about your appearance and how sexy and mean you are with men and write about your aesthetic all day. She used to be quite mental and now she's all material (and fake). She lives in this fucked up crazy little bitch who don't give a fuck aesthetic world that it is not true, and the reason is that she can't move, she can't get over it and change and do new things, can't get a job or start a career (prob. because she's lazy and dumb), can't have long safe relationships which involve feelings and honesty, can't even write properly anynmore (i think she prob. can't even cook her own dinner with that long fingernails) and she ABSOLUTELY CANT do art or help people like she believes she does. we all know she actually does the opposite. she just continues depending on (probably dangerous or stupid) men in order to buy pretty dresses and think her life is cool because she sings about it. All that is fucking sad and pathetic in my opinion.
I wrote all this because I think there are diffrent reasons why peple don't like her and i think if we want to expose smb whe have to separate things and be objective. She's a bitch, but not a big liar as soren. I think se wasn't looking for attention when she was bedbones and halfbunny but trying to get rid of all the shit of her life. Then lots of people started liking her and validating her life and all she could possibly say or do and she started with the character. Because she now thinks everything she does or says its ok, and needs her followers to continue lying to herself and feeling powerful. But she has a pathetic lyfestyle and it will became worse as she gets old. She can be a ~fucked up little fairy~ forever. It's ovbious. So I think we all should stop talking about her so-called life. That way we're doing what she wants and making an exposin ginger bronson tumblr will only make her more "famous" and that her dumb followers defend her fiercly. Teenagers who want to idolize her and that are under her influence will not change if some people say she's liar or just a dumb girl because they wont want to believe it ot think about it. They want to be hypnotized.
Sorry about my horrible english :)
No. 113162
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No. 113163
>>113152This indeed brings back faded memories of her, miss Kayla, posting on that faithful, stormy afternoon this truly heart-breaking photograph of a female stranger that I cannot recall… Ah… Only am I able to remember her lolitasque appearance and the sad, sad look in her empty eyes as the cameras encaptured her apparent distress… If only my Anonymous friend in the mystical depths of the everlasting Interwebs had le receipts on this melancholy yet captivating occurence… If only I wasn't posting on mobile after an rather pleasantiful evening with my old friend I call white wine… Surelifulically, I had long-forgotten her mannerisms afterforth, although I, as the 'drama hungry messy bitch' as they say, kept 'lúrkíng' on her like the animal that I am… I can only ask, W, and Y and also D. Oh, pardon my unwieldy choice of words, m'fellow.
No. 113165
>>113159Usually i'm pissed of at
pushing enter
literally eve-
but now all i wish is
that this person
knew how
to push enter
even once
No. 113166
File: 1459368684602.jpeg (299.5 KB, 525x700, image.jpeg)

>>113163Please go brush your teeth with that hot breath.
No. 113173
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>>113101It's kinda like she's trying to do messy old stage makeup like this but it makes her look even trashier than usual.
No. 113175
>>113159>Teenagers who want to idolize her and that are under her influence will not change if some people say she's liar or just a dumb girl because they wont want to believe it ot think about it.actually the evidence is undeniable and none of her fans who have come to this thread and sat through this thread believes her current persona anymore. you're literally the first person to try and defend that maaaybe she wasn't lying as much as we think she was. there's people who are mentally ill, drug addicts and are survivors of abuse who can see the cliched theatrics of her story which is full of countless plotholes. i suggest you read through this thread again tbh. kayla is really a shitty person.
by the way your english is good!
No. 113181
>>113175i KNOW she's a shitty person i actually said that in my comment. i read everything and i don't think there's too much evidence but some old photos and the fact her parents are a lawyer and a therapist and her grandma has a big house. how can you tell me she was not on drugs i mean did you see corey's face?? it fucking scares. and she was her girlfriend/victim! i just don't see too much evidence against. i mean how can you prove she has not been abused? one thing is lye and other is to exploit your life to get attention
and people who are in this thread are not their influentiable/dumb teenage fans, are old followers who already disliked her how thought something was strange about her.
thanks :) (for the english thing)
No. 113189
File: 1459371912449.jpg (611.03 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_njh92m9lbn1qh6hioo2_128…)

very poor princess who affords an iphone
No. 113195
>>113181>how can you tell me she was not on drugsrefer to
>>110586>>110587>>110587yes i saw corey's face. his face is permanently fucked up from meth use and it will never get better because the effects are irreversible. the effects of meth can be seen within the year. see here
>>109813kayla was not abducted by corey when she was a child. on her old formspring she was asked about her high school experience and she said she was mostly in hospitals. not in a trailer park in alabama. see here
>>112266 on why the hospital story is bullshit too. she attended university in england as funded by her parents and went on vacation in berlin as funded by her father. she stated this on her own facebook. so she graduated high school and got good enough grades to study abroad. if she had such a rampant, troubled foster-to-foster life bc she says she never listens and is a bad girl who hates authority, it would've been difficult to have an impressive enough gpa to be accepted into a uni in england. see here
>>112929 for more about that.
most of the reason why no one buys her abuse/drug crap is because her timeline doesn't add up. her list of tragedies has increased with every passing persona she said she was born and raised in alabama. then she said she was kidnapped and taken to alabama. during the time she said she was abducted living in alabama she was actually here
>>112132>>112131>>112130being a pleb with her pleb friends goofing off about justin bieber. she's also claimed to be a stripper in alabama
>>110593it's just a lot of pathological lying. her story became more tragic as her image changed. first she was just hospitalized and missed high school. then suddenly she grew up trailer park trash in alabama. then she was raped by her dad and beaten by her wino mother. then oops nevermind she was kidnapped on the front porch of her mama's alabama house and taken to a meth house to live with cory. then she was in berlin living off sugardaddies and sucking dick for money which is impossible see here
her story has evolved and changed frequently depending on her persona. she very well could've been abused by her dad and mother you're right. but that's not all there is to her story. it's so much more than that. her "story" makes several references to movies(see here
>>111693 >>111694) songs and other survivors of abuse. which, again, has constantly changed until she became the most ultimate victim survivor in history which is fucking ridiculous.
also no there are a few former fans who came to the thread and realized once they visited she was a liar.
>>112764>>112761>>109535>>105765also i had a tumblr exposing kayla and i got a few anons and private messages from fans who were disappointed to realize that she had been lying about a lot of what they admired about her. so it's not a spite or revenge thing that we hate kayla.
sorry this message is messy as shit lmao
No. 113197
>>113191>>113193well she could just sell off her shit like her iphone if she was that strapped for cash as she claims.
you know, instead of whining about what a poor baby princess she is and begging inpressionable teens for donations.
No. 113204
here, i came up with an approximate timeline to clear up some confusion. she's never really been explicit on when she lived in alabama but it was definitely post-high school.
1989 - born in l.a.
grew up in twin peaks, near san bernardino
claims to have lived in san bernardino* too
*(honestly i doubt that, sb is low income and diverse. her dad may have worked there but none of her family is listed as living there at any point)
2003-2007 - high school
claims to be in a group home in long beach and hospitals for most of school
has an alum profile from claremont high class of 2007
(since cory was from alabama, unlikely she was with him before this)
modelmayhem photos probably from 2007-2011
2008 - ???
2009 - probably lived with cory in alabama, broke up with him at some point
"god knows I haven’t been scared since 2009 face covered in snot just like how C used to get me or the time he left me at home & was with A" (from a 2014ish poem, probably c and a are cory and anjelica)
"29 Sep 2009 Tired as fuck. Annoyed with ex girlfriends.. impress me, broads." (only tweet on cory's twitter, which has a photo of him with another girl)
i think she started up pissangel in 09/10
2010 - pissangel/777fm
mentions being in the states on 777fm (possibly michigan?)
anon who knew her mentioned she's been talking about the same situations since 2010
fresh looking tats
"i miss taking pills with you, i miss having someone else to crush mine up for me, hate it. hate you though. remember those fifty methadone and how we couldn’t sleep for a week off of them and we ————-. literally could not feel anything that wasn’t good, who wouldn’t miss that. fucking miss it when we lived in that apartment, nothing bad happened there." (from 777fm)
no mention of meth as far as i can find
2011 - pissangel/bedbones
"kicked out of the projects & lived in a trailer & cooked up & 4got who God was & fell in bad love" (from her twitter)
travelled to/studied in france before pissangel/bedbones transition
during bedbones phase, had fb/modelmayhem accts and showed off photos of her in paris
2012 - pissangel/bedbones/ovum/blossomed
living in l.a. or claremont?
hangs out with whatevaasclevvaa so probably living wherever she's from
2013 - bedbones/halfbunny
still hanging out with whatevaasclevvaa
"Slimane found Kayla, an art student and electronic musician, in the crowd at the Viva! Pomona music festival"
ysl ss14 show
2014 - halfbunny
studying english in leicester
trips to berlin, paid for by her father
"lived in a house that was so cold i took 3 showers a day & ate oatmeal 4 every meal n recorded songs on a $30 microphone" (from her twitter)
2015 - halfbunny/gingerbronson
implies she lives in berlin (possibly still living in england)
moved back in with parents in claremont
No. 113205
No. 113209
>>113204I'm totally convinced she met cory when she was 12, 13 or 14. she once said she started doing drugs at 17.
she can also had repeated lots of high school years.
No. 113217
>>113205>THERE'S NO EVIDENCE SHE WAS GOING TO COLLEGE IN ENGLANDlol you didn't read the thread
"My name is Kayla Day and I write in England but I’m from Los Angeles, California. I’ve published two books: “BLOWN” (a collection of written work/drawings) and “Violetly.” I blog/sometimes post poems at" who were friends with her on fb can verify she studied abroad. Please do us all a favor and take your for an email address ass back to tumblr and reblog more Kayla pics instead of whiteknighting like a dumbass here.
No. 113230
>>113221>SORRY for not being as cool as you and don't knowing all about kayla as literally said you read through the whole thread and read over all the evidence which is why you commented yet, here i am, linking you to posts from early in the thread to explain to you shit you're clearly uninformed about. information you would have known if you, you know, read the thread like you said you did.
0/10 on pretending to not be a fan of kayla's who just came on this thread to whiteknight lmao how embarrassing 4 u
No. 113234
>>113230i think u are embarrasing for acting annoying with a person just because it's the internet and you're anonymous? i think that's fucking coward. i never insulted anyone (except her). i made a comment in wich said i disliked her and WHY. i can't see the relation between this page: and she studying and graduating from collegue and i hadn't seen aything about friends of her saying she was studying. and now i am a whiteknight? i don't defend her idiot, i posted my opinions, something you will be too coward to do because you will worry of not being anti-kayla enough for the thread, ugh
No. 113239
>>113234>i hadn't seen aything about friends of her saying she was studyingwow. just a few posts into this thread that you obviously did not read
>>105307>I met her through website (about sharing music tastes). I also was friends with her in facebook for long time since 2009. >While she was talking the past year about being in Berlin. She was posting pictures of herself around the same building which is in the UK. She mentioned in her facebook account her father paid for her tickets to go to Berlin while she was studying English language and literature in the UK which doesn't make sense at all if she was kind of having that kind of rampant lifestyle she was describing the whole time.and kayla lived with kate who lives in england she is posting a photo of her physically writing in a notebook with kate who lives in england.
No. 113243
>>113237congratulations, you are the kayla-fans hunter of the thread :) i bet u feel powerful for catching the bad ones who conspire against it
oh, and i didn't say anything about her not being in england btw. just the collegue and graduation thing ;)
No. 113249
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>>113245>>113239I don't think she lived with her, they just met up after meeting on the internet.
No. 113254
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old stuff from twitter or blogspot or somewhere i can't even remember
No. 113255
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No. 113256
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No. 113258
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No. 113259
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No. 113260
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No. 113261
>>113238It's really not that hard. You've been shitting up this whole thread with your wannabe ~kewl tumblr street vernacular fam~ and all your posts are top-tier obnoxious so you really don't deserve that position on your high horse.
Doesn't take many brain cells to debunk this bitch but nice try.
No. 113264
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No. 113265
>>113255Holy fuck, are those tattoos actually SS bolts.
Yeah, they're definitely SS bolts. This bitch had not only one but two nazi tattoos I'm shitting.
No. 113266
>>113071Is that her hand?? I mean, it must be because of the nails, but why is it so red? More importantly, why is it so BIG. Like that is HUGE FUCKING HAND. It's not just me right? Like, that is a huge fucking hand?
>>113098I see your point but moleskins are like 3 bucks each for the thin floppy cover ones at target. I think it's like ten for a three pack.
(Also I'm the one last night who asked about the whole Melanie Martinez thing and I am so so so sorry you guys I came home to such a shitfest on here I had no idea it would blow up omg)
No. 113271
>>113267I've done similar to a woman who had bolts tattooed behind her ear and a 14/88 tramp stamp, more common than one could ever hope for.
But back to our Aryan Cum Mana, then white supremacist didn't fit her aesthetic so she changed it to baby boss. I'll be damned.
No. 113276
>>113271Off topic but:
>14/88 tramp stampLmao. Weren't the Nazis in favour of sexual purity?
No. 113280
>>113273lmao seriously how is this blowing up this much
if u wanna drag me thru your weird ass "I KNOW YOU BETTER THAN YOU DO ANON" crap (SERIOUSLY where tf did you pull bpd from all of a sudden) do it but like otherwise chill and freaking move on dude??? literally no one cares???
No. 113282
>>113280You care a hell of a whole lot. Shut the fuck up. Seriously. Shut up.
>>113278Are you suprised? I'm totally not lol.
No. 113283
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>>113281Stop samefagging you insufferable negro twat.
(race derailing) No. 113284
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No. 113297
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She actually looks pretty in these polaroids.
Also I'm waiting for this tumblrette to stop sperging and samefagging but I guess this is their mission of the day. I guess it's not the first time we've seen the likes of these shrieking and stomping their feet for attention :^)
No. 113298
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No. 113302
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No. 113307
>>113300is literally all you.
This is also a board of women, but nice try.
In fact. Try harder. It'll result in a ban and our personal satisfaction.
No. 113310
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I mean, there's also your therapist mother who has most likely tried to reach out to you for ages and you live in her house still but this works I suppose.
No. 113311
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No. 113312
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No. 113315
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Can someone report that samefag losers posts until they get b& because it's derailingx1000 at this point.
No. 113319
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>>113316Hey, at least you're honest lel.
No. 113320
mfw when
>>113315>>113316are 1 person whining about samefagging
dude youre the one who got sidetracked calling people racial slurs in the first place and refusing to chill
No. 113323
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>>113322someone messaged cygnum. she didn't answer the message but she made an annoying vague fragmented text post about it.
No. 113326
>>113323Hmm, do you think they're the person who came here a bit ago making those mega long posts and apologizing about their English? Looks like there's a lot of probability.
Also mfw I realise there's a single entity in this thread refreshing every 10 seconds and making desperate constant derailing posts in hopes of keeping us off track :^/
No. 113327
>>113326Lol i seriously doubt that there's only two people on the entire face of internet who speaks broken english…
Also i'd like to hear your uhm. Theory about this Mysterious Hostile Entity, which also doesnt sound paranoid at all
No. 113329
>>113326lol i am still here asshole
im not cygnum hahahahahahhahaha
No. 113335
>>113333I got a chuckle out of this but
kindly please! don't! Interact! With! The! Samefag!
No. 113337
>>113335MFW when im the samefag but literally just capitalized some letters
literally my dudes are you new to this
AAANYWAY back to kayla now
No. 113340
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"At the trap house like"
Suuure, Jan.
No. 113348
>>113344I feel like I could write her lyrics for her
"I smell like vanilla
Daddy daddy daddy
Do you think I'm crazy
Gunmetal rose baby dream angel wild
Fuck me I'm not an average girl"
That one is free Kayla
No. 113357
>girls who re like meRich girls who pretend to be trailer trash tweakers? What a great audience you've got there, Kayla.
We're not wondering about your life, the details of your actual life are easily findable. You can stop acting mysterious now.
No. 113360
>>113348Oh, Whoo
I luv You
Put ur arms around me me
I hear the bees bees
I have two knees knees
But when daddy scream
Darling bug baby, i dream
I wake up in a grave & eat ice cream
Kill my pussy with yr laser beam
Mmmh daddy whats that sound
Im hypnotizin u all around
Im sitting baby on the ground
Bitch mother fucker! I'm a killer
Pissing in the school yard yard
Spending my money on lip filler Aah!! ugh GASP
Make ya dick go hard hard
No. 113364
>>113362Yeah, so was mine as demonstrated here
>>113344>>113353 She's actually incredibly easy to replicate, shocker.
No. 113365
>>113361fuck thank god
>>113363STOP LMAO
No. 113366
>>113364gskdudhekd i'm so stupid i thought it was an actual song lmfaoooo
oh man 10/10
No. 113368
>>113366"Dollar Tree Queen," Ginger Bronson, 2016:
"So he eats my milk tears like he's swallowing my fears I'm like papi my blood runs cold he says princess you're too young I'm too old
Nicotine acrylics he moans says he's into it he stole me a case from the corner store I said thanks daddy but I need more"
This shit has me spitting top-tier bars when will this bitch hire me as her ghost writer.
No. 113401
This is the best and some of these are really good. This thread did such a good 180. Proud lol
>>113389Those first two lines actually work really well together so this is way to good to be ginger hahaha
okay here goes for mine:
bleached hair like the sunset
cherry lips you know i'm wet
got your name as a stick and poke
got the taste of you in my throat
mini-skirts, thigh highs
cheap lies expensive wine
chiffon summer, lexus top down
daddy, can i be your baby now?
Hahaha this is so bad I'm so sorry
No. 113407
>>113401I love it
We should make a parody blog lol. Doesn't have to be anti Kayla specifically, but just mocking this scene in general
No. 113469
the way she talks about berlin makes it sound so fake and unbelievable that she ever actually lived there or even stayed there for longer than a weekend. like, i haven't really seen photos of her in obvious berlin-specific places and everything i found from her talking about the city is all just "i'm in berlin" and some cryptic nonsense. which is very strange, because for people like her who come here, berlin and its ~edgy~ crazy lifestyle is incredibly easy to romanticise. so i'm very surprised she hasn't milked this into eternity.
also, this whole gangsta white trash thing she apparently kept up while in berlin makes it seem even more fake, because it's all just her american fantasy. yes, the equivalent of "white trash" certainly exists in germany, and even in berlin, but these groups of people and parts of society are not very inclusive and wouldn't be accessible to her as a foreigner (does she speak german? probably not.) similarly, there are gangs and people in gangs, but they would do not match her aesthetic at all (aka that american black thug gangsta stereotype). the reality woudln't have gotten her any tumblr cool points.
i'm also very skeptical of her "hooker in berlin" narrative. like, the way she talks about all of these things is just SO american and stereotypical, like a teenager sitting at home in their room imagining edgy stories from some foreign place without actually having any real cultural insight.
No. 113480
>>113469Thank you. I didn't want to say anything because this sounds like a crazy theory but I always thought about this.
I've been to Berlin a lot and she would have posted millions of pictures and videos and everything. Everything there would have been her
aestheticAnd her
aesthetic would have changed to be more like…. Berlin. I don't really know how to explain this but everything she said sounds so stereotypical and if you ever been to Berlin, you would have seen so much non stereotypical things to talk about that this sounds just wrong. She would have written more about the "culture clash" aspect of things… But idk
No. 113506
>>113469I feel like she just watched a lot of movies and took bits and pieces from every single one of them.
Christiane F is about a 14 year old drug addict in Berlin, do I need to say more?
No. 113509
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No. 113549
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shitposting, this is an idea i had for the parody tumblr
No. 113561
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Did she ever actually have anything influenced by this guy or did she just use his picture?
No. 113572
>>113571it'd be like any teen girl who copies kayla lmao. kayla's tumblr isn't registered for copyright you need legal documents for that lol. and i won't acknowledge her existence so tumblr can't say i'm harassing her.
the point is so make a parody account disguised as a cygnum style copycat 4 lulz. see if her fans get butthurt of if i get admirers lmao.
No. 113595
>>113575You guys are ridiculous… get a life. sitting on the internet attempting to dig up information on a person, because you don't understand basic concepts of metaphors, or art? kayla is cryptic as fuck with people she doesn't know. sometimes reactions have to do with movies she has watched and adored, random things that pop in her head, going through about ten years of stuff on the internet and trying to get information from people's personal accounts and trying to piece them together with opinions and down right ignorant theories, hahaha. your 'facts' and timelines of things aren't correct, and your theories about people and relationships with her are false. she is a human being. human beings change and grow. bringing her family into this, and her background with them (that are false assumptions as well) is pathetic. were you someone who creeped her out and she blocked you? you're literally internet stalking her, and obsessed with her and whatever idea of her you have in your head. you have no idea what she means when she cryptically explains situations very briefly, i know corey, i know her other boyfriend, i know her family, and this is truly disgusting and hurtful to read. whatever motivation you have to be sow low as to do all of this weird shit, maybe you should focus on yourself and do something with your time, other than hurt other people. you need to get mental help if you think treating people like this is alright. kayla has the biggest heart on the planet, to the point to where it's very troubling for her. you have to be really boring, stupid and miserable with yourself to spend your time and life trying to stir up twisted shit and taking every word she says literally and making shit-storm versions of it. and the funniest part is you all giving a shit whether or not her parents paid for anything, or about her in general… worry about your own life, really. worrying about someone else life is really sad and a waste of time, and it must be very lonely for you if you feel like really harming someone to make friends or get attention or makes you feel inferior or better about yourself . it does not make you relevant at all. you're all a bunch of little lazy, pathetic twerps. you will never amount to anything unless you change your entire view on the world and learn to grasp the meaning of things and learn what is important and what isn't.
No. 113608
>>113598aight heres what i know
1st of all dont tag it anything general like “writing” or “words” or “thoughts”. if u HAVE to tag it, just make it something like “personal” “[name/inital]” or something cryptic like “drool” or “baby pictures”. tagging isnt the thing thats going to get you followers.
follow as many similar blogs as possible, sometimes they follow back n reblog shit from you and itll get you more followers.
participate in ask memes (like those ‘send me an emoji’ kinda stuff) + compliment the people you follow off anon. esp if u can come up with some creepy “your world is so fascinating to me” “your words make me sigh” “i wish i could see things the way you do” “you are truly angelic” etc. you know. basic stuff.
obviously you also have to have a tragic backstory and ongoing drama.
No. 113616
>>113607no one is jealous of a boring white girl who fetishizes black people, manipulates victims of drug abuse and sex trafe into giving her money and pretends to be poor for attention. did that comeback sound good in your head. jealous of this
>>113340 you say? thank u but i will truly pass lmfao.
No. 113618
>>113614when you lost the argument and have nothing better to say.
am i supposed to be angry mandie i am truly having a good time watching you struggle to take out your frustration on my anonymous ass like i'm supposed to care lmao.
No. 113631
I made it a sideblog first, but your idea about following similars/sending asks is really good so I'll make a throwaway email and turn it into a standalone one.
Do you think it'll look sus if I churn out a shitload of this poetry in one day?
No. 113640
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HUGE s/o to whoever linked 2 sickmindd tumblr!
i finally got the confirmation that Kayla is ''woke'' about a lot 'social justice' & such & just pretends 2 be clueless & aloof
really, thank you, i have been waiting 4 something like this for a long time
No. 113646
>>113640she's the only one obsessed with bringing up girls/women in the context of weakness tho lol. "we're STRONG women can be stupid and weak but fuck that i'm not gonna tell you to cry" okay but… ain't nobody was saying i wasn't lol? she's the one calling girls weak in the first place for not handling break ups well not anyone else. right before giving them advice on how to be strong sure but the concept that she has of weakness/strength is ugly as fuck. do you know what i mean?
people fall in love and cry and obsess over and feel like shit over people of every gender. every time she brings up romance and break ups and crying over people and insisting that you aren't weak or shouldn't be hung up on people, it's girls/boys every time. the girl is weak and can't let go, the guy is a bad boy who's no good and she's telling the girl to be strong and cold blooded like her. does she think she lives in a harem of 14-24 year old white girls? of wait i forgot she's a wolf. mama preaching to her girl pack.
it's shitty advice anyway. only she would be narcissistic enough as to assume the position of leadership when she's a fucking idiot.