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No. 71408
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No. 71411
>>71407She can be rude but honestly people reuploading pictures of herself when she was sick is pretty fucked since she hasn't done anything wrong.
She's not a lolcow, take your vendetta somewhere else op
No. 71426
>>71425thats what i'm wondering…
who the hell is she and why should we care?
No. 71430
I remember back when I had tumblr, someone actually asked what she thought of kota and her thoughts on the whole thing. Nicky was totally on board with it, told jelly girls to fuck off and that what kota is doing is totes fine. But they explained about the racism/blackface/disabled/hersister ect and she said that was totally fine too, then said "girls shud love and respect each over why cant we do that?"
I highly doubt kota does that, probably puts on a smile for people but I mean not all girls are going to like each other, people don't like people, it's a never ending circle.
I think Nicole is okay, her music is okay, I like her weirdo bedroom and cute dog, though I do think these kind of 'dreamy weepy sad bad girl i like 80s horror movies and to masturbate cos its kawaii' are a bit of an act. Her parents like dolls and weird things too, but I just think it's all part of the 'cool quirky im so special sad baby girl' persona.
It's kinda cringey, cute in a way but cringey.
No. 71449
>>71448Been a fan of Nicole for years now, and I got to see her on this tour.
She's actually a total sweetheart. Her "romanticizing" crime is more aligned with her interest in horror and metal music.
I'm very happy for her that she is getting popular. Good for her that all her hard work is paying off.
No. 71451
>>71448yeah. i heard one of nicole dollanganger's songs a while ago and thought it was dumb quirky shit that would get a few notes on tumblr and then be forgotten. i'm mildly annoyed that she's popular now. her music is boring and her aesthetic is played out.
grimes' music is shit too but at least she doesn't do the ~~~fragile nymphet dolly with a sp00ky dark side~~~ thing.
sage because making shitty music doesn't make you a lolcow
No. 71459
>>71447Being interested in serial killers is not the same as being some groupie/fan club weirdo, anon. You need to calm your shit. The only released song she wrote that makes a love song out of the acts of serial killers would probably be "Nebraska", which was part of an album she didn't really want released anyway.
"Rampage" was a direct call-out on those who idolized the Columbine shooters and wish they were their girlfriends or whatever, even though it'd never work out ("My baby has a baby, but it's not me"/"It's an AK-47 semi-automatic rifle and he loves her more than he loves me"). "Dahmer and The Limbs" does romanticize Dahmer's mental illness to an extent, but it's not a love song as much as it is emotionally-charged personal musing and reflection (plus I'm pretty sure she deleted that song to the best of her ability, it can only be found on YouTube).
On her new album, she references serial killers a total of once on her track "In The Land", but never actually puts them in a sympathetic light. The song "Executioner" is targeted at that exact sort of person, too(serial killers and those who do general "bad").
No. 71815
>>71507Thing which makes Nicole special is that she naturally has a sweet voice, her bedroom has been clustered with shit and junk for years before tumblr so she had a head start liking weird and edgy things. She has a dolly face and had anorexia which again is a head start because tumblr loves people with issues and cute faces. She's forward and blunt so the sjw types will adore her cos "ooo she is so open and sexual things omg <333".
She doesn't bother me, I like some of her songs. But I do think she can be a bit rude towards people over on tumblr from what I've seen and people do lick her ass a lot.
I often wonder if she had this planned out once she realized her edginess could get her places.
Remember Dakota Rose? Sister was a boost for fame, naturally had cute doll face and could easily get followers with a gimmick?
Get a gimmick, cute face and just play around with styles until one suits you, find something for e.g Nicole it's music and Dakota it's photoshopping herself into Barbie. Once you have that then you will get some type of fame.
No. 127353
>>71444I really like her voice and even the melody but the lyrics are so cringy I just can't bring myself to listen to it.
As if neutral milk hotel hired E. L. James to write their lyrics.
No. 127548
>>71407Why should she care who says they're
triggered. Are we 5?
No. 127630
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I really dislike her for no reason whatsoever other than for some reason everything about her irks me. She seems so smug and self-important.
I'm also not surprised that she used to post proana bullshit, she has always striked me as this kind of person. I'm glad that she recovered from her illness and the unhealthy worldview.
No. 127699
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>cute punk boys who get into fights and throw up a lot
omg why
But take out her Loli singing and lyrics and her music is pretty decent. She's also pretty cute.
No. 127798
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>>127797Oops, forgot pic.
No. 127801
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I know that's probably jealous and insecure of me, but it so annoys me that Nicole has been able to become this goddess to sycophants because she's a skinny and pretty girl with well off parents that can afford doing whatever she wants. I wish I had that chance.
'A real life angel'? Are you joking? A real angel wouldn't post pictures of girls raped by bugs and other disgusting shit.
I feel that she wouldn't be that popular if she wasn't pretty. Her music isn't all that good (imho, but I'm not the biggest fan of the acoustic indie in the vein of May Jailer).
No. 127803
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>>127800And isn't the current gig poster using a My Sweet Audrina art? Correct me if I'm wrong, at least it looks like something ripped from a VC Andrews cover.
>>127802OMG I wish that I could see it.
No. 127886
>>127619don't be rude
it likely wasn't her–probably a rabid fan or someone who listened to her music once and decided it was cringe enough to post about
No. 127997
>>127988What, you think that because of the message of "please eat" that she's also only allowed to post pictures of smiling people at a healthy weight? Her blog was immature as fuck but so is that expectation, of course when a sad teenager or whatever expresses their sad feelings it's not going to be the picture of #positivity
You don't have to approve of what people post but you're wasting your energy when you can just hide a thread or tumblrsavior a tumblr
No. 128006
>>127997No, of course she's allowed to post whatever she wants, and where did I say that it has to be happy? Doesn't change that I find the post distasteful. Yeah, not at all like plenty of people romanticize anorexia and underweight bodies. I personally call bullshit on her reason for posting this, she's extremely aesthetic-reliant (just look at the photo in the first post). Bet she did it cause she knew some people will be like 'ur so strong Nicole uwu' and others will fawn over how skinny she was. Come on, her entire blog has this 'pretty but damaged angel' theme.
I had a period in my life when I used to extremely self-harm my chest. Guess what? I didn't post photos of my mutilated body for everyone (and especially impressionable teenagers fawning over me) to see as a part of dealing with my issues, ESPECIALLY with a message like 'it will always be a part of me :)'. It's one thing to talk about how you struggled with your illness, talk about the bad and completely another to post photos that look exactly like proana ~thinspo~ and basically focus on the part of your illness that's romanticized in (tumblr) culture anyway.
You're entitled to your opinion on the topic, but that's mine.
The post only solidified my opinion on Nicole. Glad that she recovered cause I don't doubt that she was ill and it must have been hell, but her entire online persona repulses me.
No. 128007
>>No. 127882Found her Columbine blog!
It's'RIP the fallen fifteen', holy shit
It was linked here, along with Nicole's past personal blog or something. No. 128010
>>128006it's time you stop obsessing over things that happened years ago
grow up, move on
nothing on this thread is relevant
No. 166433
>>71438many popular (some downright legendary) musicians aren't classically trained and don't know shit about music theory, some people just have a good ear.
that said her music is yawn-inducing and I hate her uguu aesthetic.
No. 166445
>>166425>>166428Makes me sad to read this, I like her music. Can you provide some examples of her being egotistical and rude? Abandoning her friends is pretty bad, but maybe it really is all up to being busy.
If you're right, I'm glad I didn't spend money on her album tbh
No. 166465
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>>166425I had a hunch all this time that she was the type of person to leave her old friends and I haven't even been following her for years like others have. All you ever see is her and her boyfriend and pics of Danzig or other metal guys. She is as boy-crazy as she says.
No. 166536
>>166535to add to this– I understand that fame naturally changes a person, but the issue I have is with the dissonance between the image she projects and the way she actually treats people. she swears up and down that she cares but ultimately people are disposable. it wouldn't bug me to this degree if she'd just own up to it and move the fuck on but she'll never do that because it would mean acknowledging the fact that she's a shitty friend. she'll respond to fanmail, but not to the people who have invested time and energy in her. it makes me sad to see vulnerable girls idolize her when she really doesn't mean much of anything she says. it's just a shame is all
sage for ongoing blogpost, didn't mean to get so whiny but this is a disappointing one
No. 166710
>>166465the funny thing is that she's always going on and on about how much of a "feminist" she is, how much her music is "for girls, about girls" and it's horseshit. her music is about boys. always has been, always will be. except for "sweet girl", which she clearly did for tumblr bi points.
it's funny lol, she claims that she hates the word "fan" and would rather her admirers call themselves her "friends", but the reverse is true. she loves the adoration (she literally has multiple hangouts with thirteen year old fans who worship her and don't know any better). she wants girls to be jealous of her, hence why she shoves all her hot (subjective, but she clearly thinks so) guy friends in everyone's faces 24/7
No. 166725
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>>166723I feel sorta bad for her though due to her ED but its also sad because as a fan she's let fame get to her head a bit… don't go down the lulz path please nicky
No. 166885
>>166873She is very very spoilt. Their house is fucking huge, her mother has an obsession with dolls too. Also I remember her saying ages ago how her dad knocked down three walls upstairs so her room could be bigger for her junk. She's got fuck tons of stuff nd her mother always buys her stuff too. She's constantly posting it whenever.
All her lyrics… its just to fit the aesthetic basically. We all know she lives the life of riley really.
No. 166941
>>166940Well you know this girl loved to post cocks with maggots on them and corpses… so.
Btw does anyone ever remember Nicole long before she became famous? before ED?
No. 166943
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about her dad 1/2
No. 166952
>>166944sometimes i feel like she's making this shit up
so her dad is basically an addams and her mother is some doll collector alas she also has a doll for a brother… this is some "The Boy" tier shit.
Nah I don't buy it
No. 167188
>>167001>>167056>>167143It depends on where you work and during what time. Maybe if he worked in a slaughter house. Slaughter houses are still really dangerous, but thirty years ago they were way worse. Workplace injuries, sometimes deaths, also didn't as often and in some places still don't get reported always because the majority of the work force and their families in some countries are undocumented and can be threatened into silence without compensation. Five isn't absolutely impossible if he were there for decades, and in a particularly shitty country for slaughter house cover up and under reporting like the US. But everything else put together with the butchering stuff it makes it just sound completely ridiculous.
If he were an ex gang member it'd be easier to believe he's been through that many people around him dying, but it wouldn't really go with her ethereal dolly persona.
No. 167956
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>>167812Picture of the average Nicole Dollanganger fan. This chick does not shut up about Nicole, crushing on girls, having hairy legs/pits and being "chubby but cute"
No. 167961
>>166943Yeah of course! Her real lastname is Liddell and her family died in fire too.
This kind of bullshit "artist" background sounds pretty familiar to me…lel
No. 167962
>>167956Wait, what the fuck are those shoes? For real: what are those? I can just about believe the rest of the outfit and its vibe, it's poorly done and cheap but I get it.
But the shoes are some hideous cheap as shit running shoes?? They're not even clean they're off-white! What the fuck. How is she not embarrassed to be wearing Wal-mart golf dad weekend shoes.
>shoes are important to me No. 168009
>>167967yeah. she also had a lot of thinspo like skeletor girls. back then almost all of her archive was gore and rotting corpses so tbh it was worse but probably because she was more sick and depressed.
i remember one time she posted a manga picture of a toddler giving birth to a baby and like, hugging the bloody body. but that was when she was already friends with rotting/harry lmao so she had no mental illness excuse. she's just gross and is obviously still into all that she just knows it doesn't look good for her career.
No. 168031
>>168030They're all the fucking same, I'm beginning to wonder if OP is the same author of the Ginger Bronson and Luna the Smackhead threads, like they're fans of the same aesthetic but they're just picking out the potential cows of that scene.
It's honestly starting to get boring, these girls are a dime a dozen on Tumblr, they're all slightly fucked up in some way or another and narcissistic as fuck, do we really have to keep giving them the attention they crave?
No. 168080
>>168031yeah but nicole is special
she's had ED, she's got punk boys after her, rich, cute dog, bald, kawaii voice
No. 168180
>>168080I've seen the guys she hangs out with, they look like preppy-turned-metal art and music students from college… where you can tell that as soon as they left school, they only just began to let go of mommy's apron strings but are not rebellious enough to stop accepting monetary support from them.
Her own boyfriend's eyes are so close together that he looks almost autistic, he's nothing special either.
No. 168834
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>>168825she also had a picture of river phoenix's corpse as her icon for a while
No. 168886
>>168834Jesus Christ, that's it.
Does anybody have any context to it?
Who they are, the situation? Why the picture was taken or posted anywhere?
No. 168961
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graphic photo under the spoiler but by the way this is the picture of river phoenix's corpse in his casket that nicole had as her icon for a while back in 2012/2013. it was his cropped face. i guess she realized it was absolutely vile of her to use his picture like that because she didn't keep it for long.
No. 168969
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>>168886Here's a different version of it where it was posted on vk and I keep finding it posted on russian websites. The oldest date I found when it was uploaded was August 31 2009 on some website called myconfinedspace which isn't its origin.
No. 178941
>>71408Attracting really creepy guys is a "privilege" now?
Just how starved for attention are black/brown women anyway?
No. 185166
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what in god's name lmao
No. 185184
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No. 185185
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can you tell she's edgy? i love how she never takes pictures with her female friends.
No. 185488
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I love how she looks in candids. So dolly, so nymphet… She looks like a frumpy little old woman.
No. 185489
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>>185488And her boyfriend is truly fucking hideous. (Also idk what's going on with this fan's eyebrows or facial structure. Yikes)
No. 185510
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>>185504Yeah, she has a really fucking weird hairline and her make up makes her look like she comes from Mars.
No. 185529
>>185510SHe looks busted as fuck
Everything about her is weird looking and her makeup is bad.
Sage for OT alien
No. 185540
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>>185488>>185510I am GENUINELY terrified
No. 185546
>>185510Looks like she's wearing a mask.
Her eyebrows also seem to be kind of floating on her forehead lmao
No. 185658
>>185644I can't believe she got her guy friends to do all that homoerotic shit.
The guys seem like those type of tools that call each other faggots and pour beer or spit on the socially rejected kids because it's "funny."
No. 185673
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No. 185677
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>>185673Her name is Kimmy Marie < her private one
http://kimmyxmarie.blogspot.com a lot about all the men she sleeps with and how pretty she is (!?!?!??)
Recently got into all of the nymphet babydoll bullshit, but it doesn't really suit her because she's a ghetto ass hoe
Pic related is from a modelling shoot she did…
No. 186026
>>185994>Nicole has some talentLMAO. remove her dolly aesthetic and ed phase and she would've never made it. ever. her looks is the only reason she's popular at all. some fat lebanese woman whining about columbine and elephant man while wearing a dress from old navy would've never gotten popular. nicole's music is beyond mediocre but her gross nymphet image is all her fans jack off to so they'll call anything she does a masterpiece including her i'm-bored-in-the-back-of-science-class ink doodles.
lana's music is unique production wise it's fucking good. melanie is the embodiment of the "creepy doll girl" search results on the pin up category on deviantart complete with music box samples wow much edge. grimes has been doing what she's doing since the 90s. and nicole? she admitted she has no musical talent and is a writer who only started doing music to impress her boyfriend. just because nicole sings acoustic doesn't make her talented lmao. everything she does is mediocre. couldn't stand her music before can't stand it now. maybe because i'm not a 15 year old suburban white girl who watches american horror story and reblogs the same 5 pictures of courtney love and abandoned midwest carnival signs.
No. 186358
>>186026putting aside her living nymphet doll with a school shooter bf pandering aesthetic i actually really enjoyed a couple of her songs on that album she put out on grimes's label. i've never been a rabid fangirl bc i got over my eDgY phase in high school but i played 'you're so cool' on repeat when it came out and i definitely liked that album more for her singing and the change in music style than for the lyrics, which sometimes i actually liked when they weren't on the cringey side
tbf tho this whole convo (including my blogpost) is offtopic and comes down to personal taste more than anything substantial, like I personally only like nicole's music because i'm into that pixie esque Kate Bush kinda voice and her vocal style can be much more subtle and angelic than grimes (who is much more authentic to me but i kinda have to be in a mood to listen to her music), but i get why other ppl prefer other singers or aesthetics
for being self-taught i would say she's vocally talented enough, but it's definitely that god awful overdone babydoll bugs carnival corpse aesthetic that draws in the absolute cringiest of fans of hers and makes her look worse in the long run. imo it'd do her a lot of favors to tone that down
No. 186496
i hate everything to do with this ddlg aesthetic and her music is low effort trash
i hesitate to even call it music, it's more of a scheme for getting tumblr reblogs
No. 187458
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>>187454Show me on this doll where Nicole hurt you.
No. 187683
>>187675the guy sitting on the couch in
>>185185 is matt, her bf
No. 188027
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selfie she posted on tumblr in 2013, what a fantastic role model!
No. 188212
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>>188179I think that she's pretty.
I would call Lamo plain, but not Nicole.
No. 188888
>>188212>>188876i mean i don't really know how to put this… if you're ugly she's pretty lol. if you look like cowbabyteardrops then she's pretty. to them she's #goals. she's a painfully average white woman which i guess fits with the aesthetic since they're fairly against filters and circles lenses of the such and usually have bushy brows and leg hair so there has to be a certain level of homeliness.
she's about as attractive to me as an unpopped popcorn kernel.
No. 189208
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No. 189270
>>189139because we're talking about her appearance and i can't say that she looks like an average woman lmao. she LOOKS like an average WHITE woman aka the type of woman you'll see 50 of walking through a floridian walmart. when i say she has features average for a white i'm saying there's nothing interesting going on on her face. some people look distinctly nordic or distinctly german. i genuinely can't make out her ancestry. take off her makeup and wig and put her in regular clothes and you will never remember her face. that's the only reason i even bring up that she's white, is to point out how fucking bland her face is. what is nicole's distinctive feature? her underbite lmao?
since she's average you have to be below average to find her attractive. aka ugly. more than half the time these people will be people of color because when people think of dolls they never think of a hispanic doll or a black doll. with that alone nicole is already appealing to them.
No. 189793
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>about a year ago i was texting my mom crying from a bathroom somewhere in the states because i knew i was falling badly in love with one of my best friends and it was going to be a very painful thing to get over. it was just so hard to always be so close, on long drives, in cramped motels. all i wanted to do was light his cigarettes and share drinks with him and use his shampoo so my hair would smell like him and try to get our feet to touch while we slept..any excuse to be closer to him. and then somehow—i still don’t really know how—we ended up in this dumpy (but absolutely charming) motel somewhere in new jersey, and he told me that he loved me, too, and that was it. i still can’t believe it happened.
No. 190072
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>>189793i'm surprised they didn't smoke cigarettes on the roof and look up at the stars while talking about their dreams. this really does read in a very contrived way. i'm sure this is very #relationshipgoals to her kiddie fans when they probably got together in a way that didn't fit into 5 relationship tropes at once. she really has a thing for motels in her writing, doesn't she? $20 says she got a million asks about this and she won't answer a single one except to bitch it's no one's business.
No. 190227
>>189270What nonsense. The vast majority of white people do not look characteristic of one specific region of Europe just as you can't accurately estimate which country in Africa a black person originates from. I would say Nicole's ancestry is clearer than that of most Northern Americans, given that she has very pale pink-toned skin and blue eyes, which makes it very likely that she has western, central, or northern ancestry.
The very idea that having a 'distinctive' appearance is likely to make you attractive also flies in the face of what we know about physical attractiveness. It is proportion and harmony in facial features (also known as 'averageness') which determines classical beauty, as you can tell from looking at just about anyone renowned for their good looks. Marilyn Monroe had one of the least distinctive faces of any woman in history, and this is precisely where her physical perfection comes from. When we talk about attractive people in terms of their striking or exotic looks, it is usually something minor or superficial and doesn't mar the overall harmony of their face.
No. 190238
>>71408It's hilarious when people make accusations against artists only addressing 'first world problems' when they themselves have nothing better to whine about than artists addressing first world problems. Songs are not freaking newspaper articles, folks. They are centered upon melodies, and any meaning conveyed through lyrics is emotional in nature and therefore almost always addresses personal thoughts or issues. I find it a little bit scary when people want to run art through a filter of political correctness. Art is the one medium in which beauty of form rises above politics, ideologies, social mores, etc and there are some people who don't even think that should be the case. This also applies for anyone who thinks Nicole's weath or social class should be relevant in discussing her music.
And am I the only one who thinks it's a little offensive to suggest that poor people can't fall in love or have relationship issues?
No. 190611
>>190598gotta remind her followers that despite having the voice of an "angel" and totes looking like a doll she's actually a gross tomboy who likes gore, listens to metal and is just one of the guyz. do you think she regularly punches them on the shoulder?
she's playing herself though. now she doesn't have the sweet angel act to defend her against people who call her rude and condescending. it's obvious she's just a cunt. she's literally dropped all her tumblr friends who worshipped her because she only keeps the guys around for her aesthetic.
No. 190657
>>189270whatever makes you feel better about ur skintone, bud.
>>190598gonna have to guess that he's in the bathroom with her holding the tp bc theyre just fucking around. that or the toilet paper spindle probably broke
No. 190709
>>190671Have you seen Lady Gaga pre plastic surgery? As much as she likes to stand out, she toned down her 'distinctiveness' in order to look more attractive and it worked. Just like every other woman who ever had plastic surgery (and didnt end up looking like a mutant). The other women you mentioned do look more striking than Nicole, but nobody's trying to argue she's supermodel material or anything. The main reason most people find her beautiful is because her looks perfectly complement her doll aesthetic, which brings out her delicate features. Most grown women would look ridiculous in it.
And it's fine if you find typical white features boring but I'm personally sick of this aggressive, big-lipped Bratz doll look that seems to be popular today.
No. 190724
Those with 'distinctive features' are attractive in spite of them, not because of them. That actor with massive ears is adorable so they just add to his charm. Christina Ricci is pretty so her eyes look great on her. If either of them had freakishly big noses, massive chins or ugly lips they wouldn't be considered pretty anymore.
No. 190726
>>190672gaga still has a big beak, buck teeth, a super pulled back face from her face lift, and big eyes. she looks more conventionally attractive but she's still very much italian. just a hotter looking one lol. i already said here that nicole's looks suited her aesthetic
>>188888 my point was that she's a 5/10 and if you're less than that you're probably gonna think she's gorgeous thus her hambeast fangirls who kiss her ass.
>>190724it's not about having giant ears and a fiveheads it's just… like, i struggle to describe nicole's features lmao. kendall jenner? strong nose, big narrow eyes, wide temples. jennifer lawrence? small hooded eyes, big cheeks, pointy chin. what makes nicole stand out is her chocolate brown hair with bangs and thick eyebrows. and she draws on the eyebrows. i would have no problem admitting she was pretty if i genuinely believed she was lmao. nicole's face is average and her personality sucks. for the mediocre person she is both inside and out while still being gassed up into an ethereal goddess, i can't think of anyone less attractive. she's not even a charismatic person lol. put her in a tank top and yoga pants with no makeup and you'd never recognize her walking past you in the street.
No. 190778
File: 1477876075115.jpg (29.02 KB, 500x333, eve_glasses.jpg)

>>190766or, alternatively, leave the thread.
No. 190917
>>190916**and did
it's 6 am and i can't form a coherent sentence if my life depended on it
sage bc typo idiocy
No. 190921
>>190920yes, i am salty because i can't type a paragraph without making 36 typos, fixing them, and finding 12 more
but in seriousness you all can talk about her as much as you want but imo this thread is boring & i don't see what's so milky about a rich white edgy singer
like once you've established that what else is there?
No. 190930
>>190927if you're talking about me i dndt make the salty comment lol
i don't talk to myself srry
No. 190988
>>190726Again, why are you so hung up on "standing out"? Is a carrion flower more beautiful than a daisy because it looks so much more conspicuous?
The distinctive thing about Nicole's face is that her features are chiselled and still babyish at the same time. Her oval face, large eyes, small mouth, straight nose, and high cheekbones coupled with baby fat are her characteristic features. And no, I certainly can't think of many girls in their early to mid 20's who have retained such a girlish appearance. I can however, think of about 100 girls who've come anywhere from southern Europe to the middle east who are interchangeable with Kendall Jenner.
No. 191326
File: 1477983014374.gif (1.97 MB, 500x207, tumblr_ofuefaMwA31vjo37so2_500…)

i used to be a fan but she's really lost her charm. from comababy in her bathroom to the neckbeards headbanging in the background while she plays the electric guitar is cringey. i guess she had to ditch the cult party kei thing to fit in with ~the boyz~ which would explain why she doesn't hide how she's rude as fuck now.
No. 191335
File: 1477983803032.jpg (20.68 KB, 250x228, 1394943775353.jpg)

>>191326are all her concerts just her playing two chords on her guitar while the inflatable car dealership tube men flip their hair in the background for every half note of the song? christ.
No. 191721
>>191458nicole fan detected
and yeah her boytoys look fucking stupid in that gif.
>>191472it's already begun. my first thought when i heard her 2 newest songs (have you seen me and beautiful in bad) was that they're straight up chelsea, but more simplistic with weaker melodies. she's a documented cw fan but i never thought she'd rip her off that blatantly
No. 191726
>things to never forget (for better or for worse): the aftertaste of dessert flavoured vodka, matts sleepy morning smile, kids watching and cheering leigh on from trees while he skateboards at a gas station, cigarettes and their burns, the smell of a flooded basement, leigh’s guttural laugh (the best laugh in the world), stained acid washed jeans, gas station coffee, screaming for leigh and wandering down a busy interstate, sleeping 3 to a tiny bed, unforgivable fleece, dan saying something like “it could happen to anyone!” or “well pardon me for being human!” when he does something embarrassing, liquor soaked jeans festering in the van corner, the man who gave us his dead fathers drum sticks and a crude pirate painting that spent the rest of the trip clacking against the wall, 50s songs, heart shaped sunglasses, the way leigh kissed the hanging skulls, 3 dollar bottles of wine, woody (and mr jones and all the other halloween trash we traveled alongside), lots of blood, communal sweaters, leigh’s eternal restlessness, drunk in a park midday, dan’s scowl (perpetual), watching leigh vehemently rolling down the manual window to screech something at a driver, christmas tasting pancake puppies, the way dan and leigh fist fight (and also hug each other), a motel tv clicker, spiders, fastening on dan’s choker every night, trevor discovering several cursed boxes, holding hands across the console, white sauce pasta, bebop (always our collective object of adoration), black docs hanging from the side of the door, cleaning up a busted forehead the best u can, beer cans, a gas station rose, picking off matts plate at dennys, coconut shampoo, glitter, leigh’s black eye, a night drive to chicago with my true love staying awake shotgun the whole ride (and feeding me bites of cold leftover broccoli), the very far and few between times where dan and i didn’t fight and hugged out the bad times, gross socks, cigarette holes put out on the floral bed sheets, falling asleep in the back between dan (sprawled obnoxiously) and leigh (curled up in corner), ceiling tiles, a broken bed frame, fake eyelashes, reading dans poetry while he writes on the road, cups full of gin, a desolate gas station with no road to get to, double flash photos, shirts tucked into pants and high black socks, passing on the right side, the exhaust leak, how we felt when we saw leigh at the first show (thank u rob), buying dan a bus ticket and crying abt the short loss it would mean, the last night drive home.
tag yourself i'm unforgivable fleece
No. 191764
File: 1478046514512.jpg (21.5 KB, 400x267, 9.jpg)

>>191726>dan saying something like “it could happen to anyone!” or “well pardon me for being human!” when he does something embarrassingoh
dan! you are a riot!
No. 191879
>>191876that's because theyre both from the same part of tumblr and the little clique going on all just steal each others ideas.
>>191777ok cool blog, tumblr
No. 191912
>>191726i'm dan's scowl (perpetual)
god can she make it any clearer that she wants to fuck dan? she mentioned her actual boyfriend like once
No. 191925
>>191726Aaw yeah boys see how she's totes dreamy and ethereal and shit??
Such a kewl kid
No. 191938
>>191726holy fucking shit i take my whining about there being no milk back
also i'm pancake puppies (what in the wild wild world of sports is a pancake puppy. i image a puppy-shaped pancake sculpture. that's me irl)
No. 191953
File: 1478067815560.png (16.04 KB, 584x113, nb.png)

>>19072I think that her obsession with motels can be Lana Del Rey inspired. She has the song Mermaid Motel, after all. I can be wrong though
No. 192034
>>192032I'm laughing cause Lana is like 30.
This reminds me of a similar list that Soren has written.
No. 192067
>>191726i'm a broken bed frame
or the exhaust leak
can't decide
No. 193151
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No. 198224
>>198207clever anon, i like that.
lets round up the calves!
No. 198734
File: 1479208229180.png (189.02 KB, 640x695, IMG_6539.PNG)

she is so ugly oh my lord
No. 201130
File: 1479528464260.png (96.77 KB, 640x786, IMG_6588.PNG)

Nicole on her affinity with Beverly Marsh
No. 201269
>>201144I'm gonna have to agree with this. Lighting and angle is everything. Selfies are always much more flattering than if your great grandma jo decides to unexpectedly take a picture of you in a dark restaurant from 13 feet away with flash on.
>>201137Why's she so obsessed with River Phoenix's corpse? It's so out of place.
No. 201289
>>201283was phoenix raped? i thought his family noped outta that shit and moved to hollywood when they heard about the abuse.
sage for ot
No. 201295
>>201289i mean it still happened. his family was in a religious cult and he was raised there. he talked a lot about how it was a horrible environment that fucked with him. and in one interview he said that he lost his virginity when he was 4. he struggled a lot with drugs and depression over it which lead to his overdose.
it's pretty annoying how transparent nicole's interest with him is. if he wasn't sexually abused and died young she wouldn't give a shit about him or his life which is fucking annoying and gross. i'm surprised she wasn't into kurt cobain, but i guess that's too mainstream.
does she still pretend to give a shit about daniel johnston?
No. 202224
>>202111lmao what the fuck kind of job do you think she has?
plus she has a plethora of little girl followers who probably shower her in donations and gifts and I bet she got paid a least some sort of pretty penny for touring with Grimes?
I'm sure the bitch isn't starving. or I mean she probably is, but on her own accord.
No. 204085
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No. 204089
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No. 204092
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No. 204094
File: 1480142955023.png (1.53 MB, 640x1136, IMG_6589.PNG)

A current pic. Couldn't stop myself from laughing
No. 204606
>>204094i almost wanna empathize with her now because she looks as bad in unflattering candids as i do
except i don't constantly hide behind a pouty dolly fragile desu facade so idk
No. 204959
>>204643idk about cheeky op but im laughing at her boyfriend's stupid face.
has anyone else noticed how she's always posting about the two other boys she tours with and how much she loves them but rarely says anything about her boyfriend? she even wrote a song or two about danny. i bet she crushes on them hard. oh and does anyone know what the scoop was on kevin? why she broke up with him…?
No. 206377
File: 1480468005596.jpg (52.53 KB, 500x375, IMG_5517.JPG)

i'm just going to leave this here.. also, someone who followed her way back in the day needs to revive this thread because nicole is incredibly milky.
No. 206531
File: 1480483987858.jpg (48.78 KB, 564x553, 032f7c8a235b66b55aba495c9e886b…)

look at her hideous fucking boyfriend
No. 206738
>>206593ok nicole or whatever dollanganger doppleganger you are.
No. 206865
>>206811I don't really follow her but I'd say that she's of above average attractiveness, though I haven't seen her without shoop, so who knows. Definitely better-looking than the beast she's dating, which isn't saying much.
Being a cow doesn't inherently make someone ugly. Esp compared to the guy Doppelganger is dating.
No. 207049
>>193468>>198096I think she prob asked just because she was on tour with teen sui reticently. They constantly(& kinda desperately lmao)ask for drugs on twitter, especially addy.
I don't know a lot about her but her aesthetic seems free of the drug narrative a lot of the other ~bby girls~ push.
No. 207077
>>206738omg lol
ur right i'm nicole, i've be caught
No. 207141
>>207106While this is very true, I'm on something similar to Adderall and I had to go through a bit of testing so the doctors could make sure I didn't have an eating disorder. In reality I'm anorexic so I just lied about everything and convinced them I wouldn't use it to aid in weight loss. Honestly, doctors will give you just about anything if you're a good liar.
(Sage for blog post)
No. 207159
>>207141Honestly, that's pretty shitty. shame on you anon. Or maybe I'm just extra
triggered about people lying or exaggerating to get meds..
No. 207178
File: 1480624833157.png (321.21 KB, 600x800, nd_teardrops_tee.png)

So she's opened a shop with merch and I find this crap soooo narcistic.
This is subjective, but I don't feel like she's big enough to be selling people t-shirts with her face on it…
Also, lol at the nurse t-shirt - obvious Trevor Brown rip-off.
No. 207189
>>207159>>207162It's not shitty at all of me because 1. I actually genuinely needed it for my severe ADHD and 2. I didn't even know it had anything to do with suppressing appetite until my doctor told me it did on the same day he prescribed it to me. Anorexia aside, they honestly probably would have given me the medication regardless since my ADHD was effecting just about everything in my life to the point of not being able to function properly. I don't abuse it at all and my dosage is strictly monitored. The appetite suppressant effect for me is more of a positive side effect if anything. I wouldn't have even been on it if it weren't for my parents and all of my teachers at the time saying I needed to be on something for the ADHD but my life is a lot better that I am.
No need to email me or anything, I take Vyvanse - it's a bit like Adderall but with less side effects and harder to abuse it because it has a timed release.
(Sage for blog post)
No. 207201
>>207191I feel that the art itself is cool, it's wasted on Nicole.
I'm laughing so hard at her official website.
>dat disgusting gif>dat edgelord font that looks like it got ripped from Death Note No. 207203
File: 1480629291774.png (892.95 KB, 1023x438, aaa.png)

>>207201Forgot to upload pic, oops
No. 207218
File: 1480632329914.jpg (71.14 KB, 500x500, brown_asobimasho2001.jpg)

>>207206Wasn't Brown drawing this kind of stuff since 90's? Doubt that Saccstry's art was older.
Maybe I should have called it influenced by Brown, but I'm sóo annoyed by Nicole's edgelord crap.
No. 207782
>>207780oh yeah i remember that cripple
yeah back in 2011 i remember they were besties and she wrote a song for him "harry" about how sad and hard it was for him being in a chair with a wee bag attached to him
No. 207831
>>207760That song came off so ugly and insensitive to me back then, i'm surprised he was okay with his disability written about in such an
aesthetic way and trivialized like that. But yeah she pretty much used him for his followers and tumblr fame like she did with a lot of other famous tumblr people in that circle, then dropped him as soon as she got that attention. If you ask some other "friends" about her (like lunareum) they get really mad because she used so many people in that circle for attention before she got known.
No. 207874
File: 1480748428931.jpg (81.39 KB, 480x270, giphy-facebook_s.jpg)

>>207761literal vomit came into my mouth
did she go this far to emulate the saga where her names come from? One of the main themes in Flowers in the attic is an incestuous relationship between brother and sister, and features a secondary incestuous relationship between cousins. I guess she has no brother so had to go for the later kek
No. 208141
>>207975these are the lyrics
tried to bend your kneecaps and they shattered, tried to move your legs but they bolted your joints together, and the more you tried, the more you knew, this had been the way they’d built you, in the body of a ball jointed doll, you’re so fragile you can’t move at all
but i just want to touch you and i promise i won’t break you, if you would be my doll just for a day, then i would put you back into, back into your case
pieced your limbs together with chalk-ware skin, painted the cupid’s bow above your lips, you’re so beautiful but so delicate, the porcelain cracks up your back and neck, in the body of a ball jointed doll, you’re so fragile you can’t move at all
but i just want to touch you and i promise i won’t break you, if you would be my doll just for a day, then i would put you back into, back into your case No. 208384
File: 1480875128249.png (87.63 KB, 568x334, nicole.png)

cringe at her making memes out of her own lyrics on twitter
No. 208394
File: 1480876750894.jpg (59.91 KB, 564x375, 5ee3456fdd5ba1e1b3c1c595167dcc…)

>>71407>>204094her arm is so fat. no wonder bitch was anorexic. her calves are abnormally fat too
No. 208506
>>208156her lyrics are so bland and uninspired, she has to throw in phrases like 'i masturbated to you' or 'your cum is like warm milk' to give them that 'deadbbygurl' edge but that coupled with her high pitch voice just makes her music so uncomfortable and embarassing to listen to.
do people enjoy her music or is it criteria to be part of the 'clique' so they have to at least pretend to like it?
No. 208815
>>208156>>208506bitch can't sing for shit
sounds like she's running out air every 2 words
No. 208820
>>208779raisins look like little bugs & are sweet i guess lmao
also one of her urls was bugsinricepudding
No. 208837
>>208820What a shit url tbh I wonder how long it took her to think of that one. She's such a try hard.
Never listened to her music until recently, and oh my god the lyrics are so awful. All of her songs sound the same, too. I'm starting to think a lot of her fanbase just pretends to like her either to fit into this whole aesthetic, or bc she's just an obscure artist and everyone on tumblr thrives on being so different from everyone else. But jokes on them because you really can't differentiate between who's who. They all reblog the same stuff, dolls, cemeteries, abandoned houses, ect. and bitch and whine just the same. And it might just be me, but I've noticed that all of these girls claim they have borderline personality disorder? I'm not even exaggerating, mostly every single one of them says they have bpd.
No. 208922
>>208897omfg I was just thinking of this while I was trying to imitate her one time after hearing against my will one popular song of hers. I, or every female in the world actually, can just force a high pitched voice and it will sound EXACTLY like her. No vocal chords genetics, no training, nothing is needed.
Reminds me of that time someone made a parody song of Ginger Bronson's music because she's also naturally untalented and has predictable cliché lyrics. Someone who can pull out a few guitar chords should do the same with Nicole Dollanganger!
No. 209015
File: 1480961103114.jpg (83.14 KB, 540x360, IMG_4466.JPG)

When grimes paid for this billboard I thought it was a joke. But it looks like she hasn't done a real promotion for Nicole since walking dead.
No. 209020
>>208988>>209012yeap, I was referring to Chapel in
>>208922but w/e they all sound the same
No. 209040
>>209015HOLY SHIT
tbh it sounds really sarcastic to me lmao
No. 209327
File: 1481002153750.jpg (103.09 KB, 400x300, nicoles entire life.jpg)

>>209295lookin' busted. lookin' like a 50 yr old grandma wanting to get back into the dating game. so she put on her laciest camisole and rolled out the compact jvc camcorder to film herself a little audition tape.
No. 210015
File: 1481124576593.jpg (11.3 KB, 589x122, shut the fuck up you boring bi…)

She must type this shit out thinking "time for my hourly edgelord update!! gotta impress my 13 year old fans"
No. 210076
File: 1481132127343.png (3.05 MB, 1883x944, averagetumblrgirl.png)

idk why this made me lol so much
No. 210477
>>167954wtf i just found out i've met some of her friends before
she seems absolutely insufferable. those guys only hang around with her because they think she's ~*kawaii u3u*~ and want to bang her. how did she even meet them? her ugly music keeps running in the punk/hardcore circles. get outtt
No. 211051
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>>211049"Come bend me over, your cum is my life source"
No. 211061
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No. 211077
File: 1481293553775.gif (220.3 KB, 280x199, 0e7.gif)

>>211049Fuck, those lyrics are awful as shit. Half of it doesn't even rhyme. I bet the song sounded terrible even to her ears which is why it's deleted.
>>210965Don't forget that classic line from "Mother".
>>210543 was right lmfao
No. 211414
>>211303hey now, don't sleep on the short guys… he may be packing.
>>211049this makes me want to kill myself
No. 211561
File: 1481390997246.jpg (55.83 KB, 658x433, bbda174b.jpg)

okay I don't know shit about heavy and I only listen to trash pop music and Jbieb, but is this the guy in question that Nicole wants to fuck? I mean… he's probably a "legend" and all that… but what is WRONG with this girl and her calves unironically being into guys that are x3 their age
No. 211575
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>>211561He was quite sexy back in the day
No. 211745
File: 1481414544644.png (156.59 KB, 625x786, IMG_6809.PNG)

Nicole talking about how special she is for being so in love with a dead guy
No. 212124
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>>211779here's the shrine she was talking about, the infamous clipping and all
No. 212186
File: 1481496178729.png (Spoiler Image,620.74 KB, 900x932, nicole1.png)

straight up I have been lurking this thread and I have never posted before so bear with me but I went on the wayback machine and found some stuff. here's some very graphic drawn nude gore and what looks like art of 2 kids having sex? (blocked out the penis)
No. 212189

>>212186this next one really bothers me! This girl, to me, looks to be 11-14 (maybe 15 or 16) and her skirt is just completely up. I blocked out private parts as I don't know the girls age but she had 0 pubic hair, which I know she could have shaved, but the frame is so young looking. And I know that in other countries the age of consent is 13-14 so maybe the picture was legal were it was taken but still Nicole reblogged it
Tldr; does she look really young to you guys or I am being crazy?
No. 212462
does anyone still have that picture of the columbine wall in her room? she posted it a long time ago (i think on her instagram) with some of the names and faces blacked out in paint and a caption about how her mom made her a jewelry box with ryden's artwork or smth like that.
>>212455i'm honestly surprised (considering how much her 13 year old fans like to stalk her and collect any and all information pertaining to her online existence) that this thread isn't flooded with white knights defending the poor sick angel bby nicole. btw, someone asked her about her babylarvae blog and she told them that she posted so much fucked up stuff purely because she had an eating disorder. don't know how an ED equates to being attracted to child porn and gore.
No. 212466
>>212462She posted that stuff on pinkcum too, her blog from 2011 before she was apparently sick.
Also not sure if anyone remembers but she went out of her way to track down and buy a columbine yearbook. I wonder how much she paid for that.
No. 212571
>>212569lol the username
she wishes she was 1/20th as talented as joanna newsom
No. 212585
>>212200are pictures of little girls exposing themselves also "child porn"? do you consider drawings of murder scenes to be snuff material?
yes, posting pics like this reeks of attention-hungry edgelordism, but I'm pretty sure no one was being abused here. I highly doubt someone managed to snap a photo of a prepubescent girl who just "happened" to be flashing in her schoolgirl uniform while her friend was sticking out her ass.
No. 212588
>>212585>are pictures of little girls exposing themselves also "child porn"?yes they are you fucking moron
go to jail
No. 212596
>are pictures of little girls exposing themselves also "child porn"?what the fuck are you talking about???
of course it is!
No. 212608
>>212600here's a guide for you
picture of naked kid at the beach in a family photo album= not child porn
picture of naked kid at the beach posted by some creep on tumblr with no relation to the kid = child porn
No. 212645
>>212642I'm not sure about that cuz I saw an episode of law & order where a guy gets arrested for running a database of just those types of images
No. 212649
>>212642Lol you're objectively wrong.
>Family photos of naked children, viewed objectively, generally do not have as their “dominant characteristic” the depiction of a sexual organ or anal region “for a sexual purpose”. Placing a photo in an album of sexual photos and adding a sexual caption could change its meaning such that its dominant characteristic or purpose becomes unmistakably sexual in the view of a reasonable objective observer: see R. v. Hurtubise, [1997] B.C.J. No. 40 (QL) (S.C.)I guess you know more than the judges though!
No. 212656
File: 1481566304883.png (22.87 KB, 540x517, tumblr_oghs6hUoCO1r5n34uo1_540…)

>>212189>mfw this is the picture that derailed the entire thread…Lol, anon, I guarantee those are paid, 18+ (probably older) porn actresses in a "public shoot".
When did this place get infested with people who think everything is pedophilia, CP or dd/lg?
Also, age of consent has nothing to do with the legality of pornography. Even in Japan, the thing about the age of consent being 13 is only true in one specific prefecture. The ignorance is real, jfc.
No. 212683
File: 1481569599420.png (556.82 KB, 540x540, tumblr_ohvobkhNjj1w00eevo1_540…)

she has one of those confession blogs now and this was one of the first posts. looks like this thread is starting to catch on No. 212731
File: 1481577583174.png (5.14 KB, 342x96, oh.png)

>>212683something interesting in the notes.
No. 212974
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No. 213174
>>213132>>213127Just because you managed to navigate to Lolcow because someone mentioned your fav singer Nicole Dollanganger doesn't make you not a newfag and generally dumb/naive.
Screaming "pedo" makes you look even more retarded too.
No. 213213
File: 1481652659306.jpg (79.75 KB, 500x634, IMG_6146.JPG)

>>213126that's her cleavage lmao. i'm assuming she's trying to push her tits together to make it look like she has any.
No. 213995
>>213982i agree, i think she needs to improve musically and expand on her lyrical subject matter or else she will be indeed forever to fans on tumblr.
she's not totally hopeless since she's a bit in the spotlight right now, so she has a chance to continue an upwards trajectory. however i just feel like she doesn't have much of a work ethic or her music would have improved already.
No. 214627
File: 1481813836665.jpeg (86.69 KB, 720x960, image.jpeg)

A friend on Facebook posted a photo of her and Nicole, they found her at a Turnover concert. Aside from the dress I think she looks kinda cute here
No. 214644
>>214641but hasn't she cleaned up her act?
I'm afraid it's no longer viable to report her for it…
No. 216533
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No. 216543
>>215934People bitch about what kooter and kaka did anon, that was like 7 years ago now but it still haunts them.
Nicole was around 21/22 when she was reblogging child porn. She was grown and knew what she was doing regardless of her ED which was also glorified to fuck on tumblr.
Koot and Kaka got away with their actions because they were teenagers.
No. 216547
>>214929Thats true too, her mother collects weird shit too and thats another factor she used to use in order to seem unique.
Does anyone else remember back in 2012/2013 when the feminist fat ghost loving pastel hair thing was a trend on tumblr? That girl Landlockedmermaid or also known as Ghostshipp who was best pals with Ari her user name was Moonbrains? They used to lie how they were sisters, never tell anyone where their clothes were from because they were Enid Coleslaw try hards and Ghostshipp used to lie about how Jack Nicholas was her dad? Until she was caught out.
No. 216594
File: 1482079100348.jpg (76.68 KB, 620x545, 1899435.main_image.jpg)

>>216547literally who?
what the fuck am I reading
No. 216613
>>216599Im half white anon and privileged tbh lol
But lets be honest the whole quirky folk with weird families and them bragging about it is annoying.
Its just that Nicole took it to the next level
No. 217261
File: 1482157445064.jpg (80.01 KB, 1254x594, trend.jpg)

having fun with Google trends, thought I'd share this for y'all trying to predict her future popularity. I can't tell where this is going either. Her Walking Dead peak didn't last long but she's definitely reached a superior level since the Grimes tour.
No. 217749
>>216547i hate myself for knowing EXACTLY the two tumblr girls you're talking about
never knew they weren't actually sisters tho
No. 220139
>>217749You remember those two too? Ari and CJ Alberts lol CJ isn't active online much anymore she has Instagram, her style is all minimalist now and she doesn't brag about being a carny anymore.
That was another brownie point she used to sound weird on tumblr - her mother was in the carnival on the rides and her dad was a biker. She used to lie how he was Jack Nicholas though and how she was related somehow to the girl who played Matilda.
Ari is still a fat weird fried pastel haired croon but she resides mostly on Instagram now.
No. 221111
>>212170just constant photos of herself and a snotty attitude
always bragging about being tumblr famous
can't really remember much but i remember she kept making out she was chronically ill and a tragic dying swan because she had acid reflux
the OP pic is from around this time
No. 221463
>>221399>>221400>>221421No but they stand as pillars of support to a system that trivialises and exacerbates those kinds of things, grinning hysterically whilst they do it.
Glorifying school shooters is no worse than the endless product placements etc. (There are a load of pop turds endorsing Shell at the moment). I think what she's posted is disgusting but she is no more garbage for it than Taylor Swift.
I'd be interested in hearing her answer questions about her columbine references though.
No. 221468
File: 1482687986794.jpg (54.51 KB, 500x500, meghan-trainor-makeup-121-500x…)

>>221463samefag; I just think ragging on Nicole for her depressing aesthetic is not the milk, like at least it's making some kind of allusion to a depressing reality. It's better than just grinning and twerking.
this jelly nest is almost saltier than the koots thread
No. 221581
>>221503the CP is a reach, there's one disgusting upskirt shot that's it.
>>221511the reason people shoot up schools is
because of shit like moschino and the mindless engagement with it by sheeples. they're both equally terrible things to perpetuate.
No. 221601
>>221595>that shit is for sale in every bookstore in JapanChild sexual assault is also on the rise in Japan. It's almost as if normalizing the sexualization of children results in children actually getting hurt. Who would have fucking thought.
Anyway go bait and troll elsewhere. You're derailing and the only person trying to defend this shit.
No. 221704
>>221202i've followed her since 2011 and she never mentioned anything about being raped or sexually abused. you're obviously just making that up so people will pity her and stop making fun of her.
which is basically the logic behind every nymphet who claims rape/trauma.
No. 221997
File: 1482778065338.jpg (27.24 KB, 229x229,…)

>>221960Oh my God anon… You're right. You've cracked the case!
Bravo, Bravo!
No. 222256
File: 1482799338752.jpg (62.81 KB, 462x428, IMG_7123.JPG)

>>221579i have a lot but idk if there's a point in posting her high school pics here, she was an edgelord back then too. i mean, her username was pinkcum, so.. not much has changed
No. 222278
>>222256i'd post them
(also i notice her eyebrows here & how thin they are, because back when she started to fill them in to what they look like now she "claimed" her eyebrows were naturally big and she didn't do anything to them)
No. 222362
>>222357Samefag but
It's kinda like Ginger Bronson syndrome like "yes we realize you can act like trash but you're actually just a huge brat with mummy n daddy to depend on"
No. 222372
>>221587I got curious so I looked through her archive…
…who the fuck glorifies small chilren with severe burns and disabilities. How messed up do you have to be like "yep this child with severe disfigurements in pain fits my aesthetics"
No. 222717
>>222465>>222713Ok y'all this is quite the reach maybe she used to tweeze the shit out of her eyebrows and that's why they look so thin in that old pic lmao.
>>222256She looks like one of those trashy girls who you went to highschool with who ended up being a teen mom.
No. 223008
>>222461Omg musicians putting on a fake persona, wow shocking…
(Most musicians do that)
No. 223033
>>223030She says she wants to live in Flordia in a trailer and be like Tiffany from Bridge of chucky with a ton of dolls
Lmao as if
She will miss her doll house too much
No. 223169
File: 1482954835549.jpg (182.29 KB, 640x853, IMG_7194.JPG)

>>222475you can see a bit of her columbine shrine in this picture, but i believe there was a photo floating around of an entire wall that was covered in clippings, magazines and such. i hope someone still has it, nicole can't keep saying that she was "just" invested in the case because she wanted to do her own research and understand why they did it or some other bullshit she keeps spewing in order to deny her obvious obsession. i mean, half of her fan base found her music through the columbine ep that was constantly posted about within the true crime community.
No. 223183
File: 1482955978568.jpg (123.81 KB, 640x640, IMG_7201.JPG)

>>222475nvm, i just found a photo where you can see a bit of that wall on the right. not the one i mentioned, though.
No. 223248
File: 1482962981965.jpg (73.49 KB, 640x480, IMG_7191.JPG)

couple of the year
No. 224023
File: 1483069863238.jpg (92.68 KB, 540x540, tumblr_ofbyeieR7A1suhrj1o1_540…)

from her show at the senior center
No. 224093
File: 1483078711136.jpg (27.84 KB, 312x232, IMG_7121.JPG)

sorry for not posting these sooner, but these are the earliest pics i had - all are pre-ED and around her high school years
No. 224095
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No. 224097
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No. 224098
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No. 224099
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No. 224102
>>224099remember upthread when people were saying she's retained her youthful appearance? compare this to
>>224023. so haggard but i guess drinking and smoking all the time will do that to you
No. 224104
File: 1483079431512.jpg (75.22 KB, 640x480, IMG_7120.JPG)

this is the last one I'll post, don't want to clog up the thread too much. since she most definitely lurks, do any of you think that she'll try to contact the admin and get them to delete the thread? didn't she have a pull thread that got taken down before?
No. 225014
>>224570wait explain?
all i remember is that she just deleted the blog
No. 225527
File: 1483244532848.jpg (50.59 KB, 640x432, IMG_7196.JPG)

>>224887this one is the worst lmao, just a wall of text on her thigh. furthermore, it's a fucking quote from robert frost's poem which was written as a joke and wasn't meant to be deeply analyzed and taken seriously.
No. 225840
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No. 225842
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No. 226114
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No. 226183
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No. 226185
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No. 226189
File: 1483330032980.png (604.22 KB, 600x604, peepants.png)

Nicole posted this on instagram with no explanation or comment. Guess Matt peed himself? or another one of her "~~boys~~"
No. 226204
File: 1483332209422.png (204.3 KB, 500x278, tumblr_nto8r2swER1r4ht6ho1_500…)

another tattoo she had matt do
No. 226384
>>226266I reckon so too. I mean she spent all her time singing in her bedroom with her dolls as her audience for the past few years on tumblr before ever reaching a proper audience with real ass life people.
How did she meet Matt and the army of goons anyway?
No. 226843
>>226689>>226807uh… these pics give it away. not news
>>224093 >>224095
No. 227445
>>224104trust me, no one can take down a thread on lolcow. every single snowflake has tried to get the site shut down by calling cyberbullying or slander. but ultimately this is just freedom of speech. so post away.
also in case anyone is interested, you can make a nicole page on encyclopedia dramatica which is guaranteed to NEVER be taken down and by default appears on the first page of whoever the page is written about.
No. 227453
>>227445What can even be said about Nicole though
>She reblogged/posted guro, Columbine shit and torture porn on her Tumblr a couple years ago>She jumps from guy to guy and dumps all her friends>She exaggerates stories to seem coolI like to read up on the gossip about her too, but there isn't much to go off of outside of relationshit and the fact that her blog content might be objectionable. I dunno, anon.
No. 227578
>>227479Three threads, you say? Where can one find the other two
ED is just shitty trolls making bad jokes, but it is a decent way of keeping all of this information around forever
No. 227605
>>227578no there aren't yet lol. but when this thread reaches a maximum amount of posts it'll be locked, and then you'll have to make a new thread, and then more etc.
i know personally i've stumbled upon snowflakes before but they only exist on lolcow, and there's way too many threads for me to read through when i just wanna know the basics. i know tumblr deletes expose-esque pages because of #cyberbullying(but not gore or nazi shit but i digress) so i can only think of ed to keep receipts in a completely untouchable place.
No. 228152
>>228142Is it the non-existent stage presence? The special needs toddler cooing?
People paying to see her live?
No. 228172
>>228142I cant.
Dude the little punk boiz playing like theyre actually 13 being off key and way too excited,
Nicole can sing pretty and maybe if somebody in her good graces mixed a good instrumental (piano / soft acoustic guitar) it might be a fun cover for her fans but this is atrocious.
You barely hear her and she cant keep with the rythm of the actual song cause she has to go off and run her notes like the smol sheep she is and the way she looks behind / around at the other band members instead of keeping the crowd focused makes me wanna shoot myself.
It plays like a High school talent show, not something you pay for.
Go home.
(Also tbh nicole is too dead inside to cover shit from bands like mcr or anything that takes actual energy… shes fucking dead and no amount of pretty voice takes away from the fact that she owns zero originality or presence its all just the same slow dope drivel fuck i got
No. 228415
>>228142the instruments make her voice sound straight up bad. it doesn't mesh well and she keeps moving around awkwardly instead of focusing on the crowd.
>>228406its ok, anon. most people on snow are under 20 so they dont really know anything about music genres and their roots. anything alternative is considered punk to them. makes me laugh that someone up in the thread didnt know who danzig is or how to google him
No. 228421
File: 1483681603066.jpg (63.68 KB, 480x480, IMG_8530.JPG)

how the fuck do you go from being an average girl to this in just a few years
No. 228431
File: 1483684058893.jpeg (5.07 KB, 240x240, stash-1-1744505952881589b.jpeg)

>>228421>black mary janes with pastel socks>star wars sweatpants>olive jacket with metal and punk patches>that gollum haircut>crawling on the walmart floorher goofy looking ass and her beastfaced boyfriend were made for each other. she looks like a cousin fucker wearing these clothes so im sure dan can join in for a three way
No. 228482
>>228142How the hell is everyone off fucking beat in this video.
Her voice annoys me it's so fucking whiney like her imitation of a nine year old singing
No. 229103
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Guys… wtf
No. 229129
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>>229115yeah and was like "ew I don't want to be associated with him….
Uhmmmmmm ok yeah not like you don't worship school shooters or anything
Also I remember seeing someone make some fan art for her on Instagram of Richard Ramirez and she replied with "Richard Ramirez is garbage I love true crime but I don't condone anything he did so don't associate me with that.." and that girl deleted the post..
No. 229155
File: 1483798591985.png (971.79 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2860.PNG)

Looks like someone's been reading this thread again..
No. 229166
>>229163Earlier in the thread they were talking about how she shuffles awkwardly and looks at the guys to stay in key\rhythem
And she commented that today
No. 229168
>>228431Erm I just assumed she made a light night run to a store at 3 AM?
I could be wrong but you know some people have friends and they like to goof off and hang out and get like, chips and salsa or what the fuck ever at some ungodly hour in a Walmart. Who cares? Pajamas and a coat.
No. 229210
>>229197Agreed, I remember when I heard her first album and it was really something. It wasn't amazing but she had a charm. I already knew about the gross shit she once posted like the worms on cocks, corpses ect and how she was nasty in messages to anons/people who asked her shit.
But her music then was nice at least.
Now is just seems ruined… she even looks bored in her performances.
No. 229211
>>229168But snapping pics of her looking like shit anon…
It doesn't mix with her music at all. The grimey band boys, raggedy attitude and ugly wig doesn't go at all.
No. 229295
>>229197>she's putting her friendships and relationships ahead of her music and it's now become just an excuse for them to hang out, tour and get drunk together.100000% this
>>229278it's not about being alone. joanna newsom's performances are really special and comforting, and it's
because she's all alone and she knows how to translate her sincerity and share it with a crowd. nicole was never made to do music she said so herself. it's really starting to show now. she said she's a writer who only started doing music to impress her ex boyfriend. she's completely lost on the stage and doesn't know how to get herself out of this mess. you can tell she regrets it.
No. 229299
>>229295Nicole's old music in her room reminds me a lot of Meg & Dia who were these two girls that started off on Myspace back in the day with their own home made stuff before getting into a band. They were so raw and real too.
But apparently they were also bitches from what I've heard back stage.
No. 229971
I don't hate Nicole. But I have to admit that she was a catalyst for the romanticizing of Columbine/ddlg/abusive relationships. I've been a long time fan and I thought her music was unique and calming.
I was maybe 13 or 14 when I got into her, and she brainwashed me a bit into being "into" Columbine and I made a complete ass out of myself. I thought I was so cool for living in Colorado (where it took place) but then, after my cousin was involved in a school shooting here in Aurora, I realized that school shootings aren't at ALL cool to be interested in, and it's fucking damaging. He had trauma and couldn't go back to school. I felt awful.
Recently, I think her new style is total shit. Now, because she's involved with those ugly neckbeards, she's taking this edgy hard rock angle when that doesn't fit her at all. At least she's (sort of?) dropped the odd, unneeded sexual lyrics.
She also has a tendency of copying personalities and such from books/movies she likes. Take Observatory Mansions the book for example. I read the book, and the main character is a guy named Francis who likes to collect things "previously loved." She has used that exact quote on her myspace, "I collect things that were previously loved" and it's so unoriginal to someone whose actually read the entirety of Observatory Mansions.
She can also be very full of herself. I always imagined her as being some kind, softspoken girl when I first listened to her music without checking up on her social media personality. When I saw how rudely she would respond to asks (anons especially) and how offended she would get when people would ask wtf was up with her Columbine ""fascination,"" it killed my thoughts of her being nice and made me view her a lot differently.
I could add a lot more but I'm not going to ramble on. I just wanted to give my input since I've known of her for such a long time.
No. 229993
File: 1483909241839.png (882.86 KB, 773x518, 0.png)

There's a lot of old pictures of here here, some from 2011 and earlier's so weird to see the old her, she's changed a lot. I know it's natural to change as you get older, but it's like a complete 180 from her bedroom hermit days. I don't know about her other fans but I don't think I would like her as much if I found her today instead of a few years ago.
No. 230060
>>230054Thank god i was getting so annoyed by all the repeats of
'she would be amaze if she dropped the boiz!'
'she was promising in the start'
'I think she could be popular but shes ruined her image'
The bitch is uninspired, a plagiarism on legs and is still to this day a try hard, unemployed cuntlord with awful hair who happens to be able to sing
sort of She can mumble a song, but as you hear with the disaster Helena cover she doesnt actuallt have a range.
>>230066>GG not understandig the irony behind the word(A+ never knew who she was until LC thread but whatever makes you feel better about all that cp and school shooter dick sucking but lemme guess thats
less irritating than the boys she hangs with now)
No. 230082
>>230080im super shook buddy, her shit tattoos give me night terrors.
(Sage for 0% contribution)
No. 230220
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No. 230284
>>230268Yeah Their whole house probably looks like that too, from what she described.
She posted a picture of her mom's office once and it looked just like her room..
No. 230341
>>229992to be honest the only followers she has left are her ass kissing 13-year old army that discovered her music after grimes started promoting her. the people who supported her back in 2011-2013 are all gone (including myself) since they realize how much of shithead nicole really is. i don't even see her talking to or mentioning any of her "best friends" from that time and the very few of them that still want to get in contact with her get absolutely nothing because she never gave a shit to begin with.
>>229982the one i got (one of the first ones she put out) is even worse. one of the pages has a boy with a shotgun who looks a lot like eric harris and a crying girl with "NBK" on her chest, a bit lower is a drawing of tara calico lying in bed with her mouth duct taped shut. the resemblance is uncanny, though it's hard to tell what she tries to portray at times since her drawing skills are pretty garbage. I'm assuming the only thing that made her pay attention to the tara calico case is the v.c. andrews book that was next to her on one of the polaroids.
No. 230379
>>230284Her room is actually made up of three rooms. I remember Nicole saying her dad knocked down walls to make it bigger for all her junk.
Because in one area she has her bed which is a day bed, I thought it was a couch and its just full of push animals.
Another part of her room is where the TV is and it has all her shit gathered around it. Another is where her vanity table is and on another side, another room its where her music stuff is? Idk its pretty fucking big.
No. 230380
File: 1483969496870.jpg (281.52 KB, 900x1200, ^8858FA590904066F961F53659BF59…)

>>230345I'm not
>>230341 , I am
>>229982 I also have a zine with the NBK girl anon was talking about. Pic related is the image. I'll also post the ones from the other zine.
No. 230385
File: 1483969682815.jpg (334.83 KB, 1280x960, tumblr-nix23z52iD1r4ht6ho1-128…)

No. 230388
File: 1483969828593.jpg (334.54 KB, 900x1200, ^8EBF35466A5F4931952EE9D90B684…)

>>230380>>229982The vine's story is basically about this pedophile in the carnival who's trying to fuck the little girls, so the little girls send the clown after him, albeit showing their butts and deepthroating hotdogs the whole time.
No. 230397
File: 1483971317426.png (542.37 KB, 720x376, 125435.png)

>>230391>>230341>>230345It was so small, thanks for pointing it out. I'm surprised you noticed. All of those little scribbles blend together at some point.
Anyway, here's a hastily made side-by-side comparison. You were right.
No. 230429
>>230427Maybe, but that's a bit of a stretch. It's blatant sexualization of young girls, regardless. She's a very sexual person, when it comes to her songs, art, even conversations with boys/friends. Either way, portray it as you like. The drawings are unsettling.
I was embarrassed after I bought it because I didn't realize just how sexual it was. I felt guilty owning it honestly, I was afraid my mom would find it, because I was underage at the time (maybe 17 or 16? Don't remember) It's fucked minors were able to order it in the first place. Many can argue that it's art, but when does "art" cross the line of being immoral?
No. 230457
>>230429It is pretty vile when you come to think about it…
Can no one report this shit?
No. 230533
>>230521No word about it being 18+. On the website where it was being sold (bandcamp, along with her music and shirts) the only photo shown was the girl sticking her tongue out. Unless you ACTIVELY checked her social media would you see the preview drawings.
I'm not sure if her even warning her fans about it being 18+ would make the situation any better. In fact, it would make it worse, because she's pretty much admitting to making a zine specifically for adults about little girls in sexual and provocative scenes.
No. 230696
>>230429>>230457Why not go a step further and just burn books?
Jfc I thought we were here to laugh at shady cows with bad social conduct, not to start moralfagging over drawings
>>230533Sure ok she should have given warning or an age rating, but her lyrics are literally stories about being raped etc, what were you expecting?
No. 230728
File: 1484050413962.png (Spoiler Image,69.92 KB, 634x617, IMG_8747.PNG)

something she posted in 2012
No. 230754
Dakota Rose copies Audrey's work more than Nicole
Nicole steals some Japanese girl's work I herd
No. 231190
>>231182sage but I love all of Lars Von Trier's films.
and maybe it's a nature thing with her and she was born fucked up.
No. 231280
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No. 231331
Some crazed fan is gonna amputate her limbs and it's gonna be alll her fault !
No. 232145
File: 1484261526451.png (166.71 KB, 750x1051, IMG_1861.PNG)

lmao she still has the river pheonix coffin photo/shrine up…
No. 232218
>>232212she was.
>>232205get your head out of your ass, it's not 2012.
No. 232232
found the interview talking about living in the middle of nowhere. also, sorry, it was "have you seen me?" not "in the land"… wrong kidnapping/murder song oops!
"He was living in this disturbing white 1970s bungalow out in the middle of nowhere. He had four roommates and they were all wild truckers and bikers; they would ride dirt bikes through the house. We were living in the basement, kind of scared all the time but also kind of enjoying it. No TV, no internet. You're like miles from anything. It was very cut off and isolated, which created this weird atmosphere. We started working on the new demos there. The stuff we created in that house is weird and cool and it has, I think, a very particular vibe. "Beautiful and Bad" and "Have You Seen Me?" both went down there." No. 232268
File: 1484277271226.png (73.77 KB, 640x953, IMG_7625.PNG)

the awful candids of Nicole on Dan's instagram account are to die for wow
No. 232283
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No. 232927
>>230385The first thing my eyes honed into was the doglefox plush on the third shelf down, right cabinet. How I miss my teenage Neopets days.
sage for literally nothing of worth to contribute
No. 235520
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some old posts from her babylarvae account back in 2012
No. 236364
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No. 236373
>>236355this like legitimately startled me i hate when dudes fucking yell like this
i mean the girls sound pretty annoying but like CHILL and maybe don't isolate ur fans and call them 'dogs' lol
No. 236384
need context here… why did he call them dogs???
they don't sound like teens, they sound like grown ass women. there's always that one fat bitch in her early 30's at the front of shows trying to relive her childhood
No. 236468
>>236375To be fair anon, if she's touring in a shitty van, she doesn't exactly have an entire wardrobe to bring along with her.
A lot of musicians have 1 performing set of clothes so they don't have too much luggage in already cramped space
Sage for blogpost
No. 236912
File: 1484787783324.png (406.45 KB, 600x800, lol no.png)

>>236907Walking Dead song licensing money aside, she has a website full of overpriced ugly merch. That's where she's probably making the bulk of her income. $30 for the shirt in the pic.
No. 236992
dont know if this has been posted but scroll till you find nicole: carry dry shampoo when you wear that same shitty wig, why pack all those dresses you won't wear because that ugly unflattering black dress is all you wear and how edgy and quirky you are by bringing those little trinkets with you when you're nervous, fucking yawn
No. 237021
File: 1484801875002.png (433.75 KB, 431x642, IMG_7709.PNG)

>>236996This is him. Taken from the nicoledollangangerconfessions Tumblr account. Pretty entertaining account too I wonder who started it, this thread is mentioned there a few times
No. 237031
File: 1484804060285.jpg (112.16 KB, 856x1130, 4fa592caf2999fe76fc284f9e5cfc3…)

>>236912i'd laugh my ass off if i saw someone irl wearing that shirt. how does someone fuck up making a bm longsleeve that badly? her name is too long to print it like that and the retarded anime looking girl doesnt suit metal styled long sleeves at all. totally fucking goofy looking and clash of genres
No. 237041
>>237015>>237003Given her metal leanings(in aesthetics if nothing else) I thought the suicidal tendencies patch was kinda weird.
Burzum & bathory r basically the first hits when you google ~black metal~ A darkthrone(another big bbys 1st kvlt band) patch would have made way more sense & been thematically relevant.
But w the Danzig pins I would maybe think she's being cute & mixing influences. However, the exploited are a fucking 70's oi band from the U.K. tho which makes 0 sense anyway you look @ it.
That patch alone makes me think she's prob more insincere about everyone else on her jacket than I thought before.
So that's one weird subgenre autists perspective
No. 237094
>>237041how would a darkthrone patch look any more relevant than a burzum patch considering the patches of both bands are black and white and the music consists of the same exact second wave black metal themes. or did you just want to mention how darkthrone (a classic) is "babbys first kvlt band" and show off your almighty knowledge of genres? you sound insufferable. also,
>>237086 is right, genius. pick your game up.
you can enjoy different genres at the same time. as we all know by now, nicole listens to danzig, type o negative, and suicidal tendencies all of which are nothing alike. maybe you should relax.
No. 237414
File: 1484884928110.png (127.68 KB, 640x958, IMG_7728.PNG)

Who the fuck would pay $50 for this ugly ass windbreaker with Nicole's face on it. How narcissistic can she be?
No. 237422
File: 1484885558358.png (101.93 KB, 632x619, IMG_7729.PNG)

I like how she has to put on a pound of makeup, wear a cheap wig and cover half of her face with her hand in order to take a decent looking pic of herself lol
No. 237810
>>237702no, she's 26
her bday is in 1990
No. 238043
>>237967Why on earth does she communicate with mostly children? Her music is not for little kids and she ignores her older fans and
"friends" wtf
No. 238052
>>237930The part about your friend sucks but like… Why would you expect her to talk to you via text? That's really fucking weird.
She doesn't know you. You're not her friend. You're one of her thousands of fans. Are you going to text like.. George Clooney and get mad if he doesn't reply to a text saying "Happy Birthday!!"??
I don't like her at all but getting buttmad over someone she doesn't know initiating contact and her not responding is pretty dumb.
No. 238464
>>238456Damn. Me too. I wanted this not to be true so badly. And to make it worse, 90% of the ghosted ones are good, solid people. Not enough worship I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wtf happened to Kevin? Same shit?
No. 238470
>>238443Yes and that is in no way Kikis fault
Nicole fucking uses her for attention so much and the poor thing just doesn't have a clue and clearly doesn't get enough attention at home so she's looks to Nicole for help
And that fucking bitch told her herself "you can come to me for anything anytime I'm always here for you!"
And she still believes her
It breaks my heart like ok don't make empty promises to you "friend" fans unless you plan on filling them
Are you a celebrity or an internet persona? You can't be both
No. 238481
>>238473She refuses to awknowledge it
She said it "gives her a bad name"
No. 238553
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Does anyone know anything about nicoleballanganger? It's probably the same situation
No. 238559
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Why would she abandon him after that long? Something probably happened during the tour. I do remember that post that hinted at a three some but that probably didn't affect his expulsion from Nicole 's life
No. 239360
ik this isn't concrete evidence or whatever but I used to stan Nicole, and I was doing lots of little fan art things, and she clearly saw them and never gave me time of day, but then I had a dream that I'd met her, and she was kinda bitchy and then turned the tables and cooperated when I asked for a photo, and it left me with the worst impression. After that, I didn't really care to idolize her lol. As for her like connecting with younger fans, idk, even when I was up her ass, there seemed to be something off about her, and knowing about her Tumblr archives with that gore kiddie porn shit, I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being that she has something for preteens TBH.
I can still listen to her music, but I don't care to support her anymore. Her merch is shit but her little minions eat it up because it's so ~damaged uwu beautiful~