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No. 204380
Here, have one of the worst things I've ever seen on the internet. I found this blog years ago and it's haunted me ever since. Obviously this link is extremely NSFW.;dr literal schizophrenic tranny who enjoys shitting and pissing themselves, bathing in other people's shit and piss, self-mutilation, having unprotected gangbangs with random guys and pretty much any kind of degeneracy you can think of.
He hasn't posted in a long time which makes me think he died of AIDS or some kind of hideous infection from playing in shit.
Seriously don't click that link
No. 204382
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Kinda looks like onion in this pic
No. 204391
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i hate misogyny fetish people. they are so gross and awful. other kinks gross me out but misogyny makes me angry and sad
No. 204396
>>204380Christ on a fucking cracker what did I just click on.
>>204391I hate misogyny kinks because I lowkey have one. The idea of a guy "taking advantage of me" (in a planned, consensual manner) is super hot and I'm really ashamed of it tbh. It's not like the only way I can get off or anything so I usually just pretend I don't have it.
No. 204398
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No. 204399
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this guy seems like a huge snowflake tbh. and where does he keep getting all these girls from?
No. 204401
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No. 204410
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>>204401>A perfect illustrated description of the eventual and inevitable fate that awaits all feminists, social justice cowards, and gender "crusaders" when their time comes. Eventually, every single one of you man hating, rug munching, politically correct, birkenstock wearing, trigger warning retards will be held accountable for your words and deeds. You will be forced to pay 10 fold for every unkind, untrue, and vicious slanderous accusation you've made towards the males who so graciously allow you to co-exist with them. Your "righteous" beliefs and rhetoric will do nothing to save you, and you will be exactly as powerless to protect yourselves as you have always been. Up until this point the Patriarchy was only a buzzword that you used to justify you unspeakable and illogical activities. Now when you are finally held accountable and it is real, staring you directly in the face, let's see how strong your convictions are, especially when you actually feel it crashing down around you and crushing you underfoot. Just watch how quickly your change your tune then, bitches. No. 204411
>>204399Really I always kinda like him, he seemed like one of few sane ones. What's snowflake about him?
He met his subs through fetlife and events.
No. 204414
>>204411no man who gets off on humiliating a person like that as a fetish is sane. that legit stems from a psychological abnormality, just like littles are more often times than not victims of child sexual abuse. i'd run for the hills if i ever found out a guy i knew was into shit like that. i don't care how "professional" he goes about it. you're lying if you'd ever let someone like that around your kids. or any child.
this entire scene is a fucking cesspool. absolutely horrifying.
No. 204418
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god bless america
No. 204426
>>204423basically. i don't know how people can focus so much on the girls and how cringey they are when it's glaringly obvious they're dealing with trauma like no girl who's right in their mind will be into the level of degradation they're asking for.
especially the focus on outright infantilization. but the guys??? straight up pedophiles and rapists. like the reddit type. no exception. they're completely taking advantage of these girls.
No. 204440
>>204399Shit i remember this guy from when I had a tumblr
I fucking hate him. hes like 30 and he recruits girls who just turned 18 off of tumblr. sick fuck
No. 204456
>>204418What the actual fuck?
I just puked in my mouth. What the fuck is up with people.
Next people are going to be freezing their period and eating it.
No. 204466
>>204456Femminista do that, anon.
Not joking, google "period cookies"
No. 204479
Please kill me.
Seriously, this whole thread is bizarre. everything is shocking/disgusting or fucking weird.
No. 204521
File: 1480225689815.gif (1.98 MB, 350x210, tumblr_ogg2ytAc8k1qlrxh6o2_400…) is a great blog if you hate yourself
No. 204524
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>>204521if i had a fetish like this i would sign up for electroshock therapy
No. 204538
>>204534Yeah, her real name is Lauren and she tells everyone it's Luna.
She's always been batshit crazy.
No. 204543
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Photo dump of "Luna"
No. 204544
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No. 204546
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No. 204550
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This bitch always claims to be such a tortured soul and desperately wants to be artistic.
But no one takes her seriously, because she's a short/pizza faced/big beaked/frizzy haired psycho
No. 204559
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Soon trump will take away her pull ups too.
No. 204567
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No. 204578
>>204575lmfao i'm pretty sure he's serious. the other blog he links to is good too love the idea of these people jerking off to knee length skirts, loose fitting sweaters and bible quotes
No. 204608
>>204573i meant it as in bald pussies and underdeveloped vaginas are two different things! tiny labia is tiny labia but underdeveloped labia is a completely different thing which is what i was referring to and why is said underdeveloped and not just small. same with breasts a grown woman's small breasts are different from a tween's underdeveloped breasts. there's just pictures where you know it's not a grown woman you're looking at. at all. and that's why it's usually cropped.
for starter's the pigment. the anus and the genitals turn a darker pigment after puberty. not meatloaf dark but at least a tinge of pink. that goes with nipples as well. next it's the hair follicles. a shaved or a waxed vagina will still have visible follicles. but in some photos you can see that there is absolutely nothing there and it's nearly rubbery smooth. but i guess i should've just said vagina as a whole ah that's my bad.
but in general it's still uncommon for labia to be like, teenie tiny just from a standard puberty hormone point. we all know why these blogs in specific will never reblog a hairy crotch or prominent labia so for me it's gross either way(not the labia but the fact it's on their blogs!)
No. 204618
>>204608Dude, a lot of people/established porn companies Photoshop vaginas to be "more attractive" (ie smooth and blurred and unrealistic).
It's kind of sad.
No. 204636
>>204618yeah that too ugh. it's disgusting how porn companies deny how big the market for "teen" porn is. the most searched term on porn sites worldwide is "teen" along with "stepdad". the rise of the ddlg scene is no coincidence.
another one of the most glaringly obvious cp pictures for me are where they're wearing panties. right away the design will differ greatly from regular petite underwear, and the fabric will hardly be stretched at all. another thing is the size of the stitching compared to the surface area of the crotch. it will look significantly larger than normal. idk why but that one disturbs me the most i get physically sick because it's something so common you know? any little girl could squat while playing or just have fun in a bathing suit, and somewhere some old guy or fucking young guy or even a girl is getting off to that. the whole stereotype of old creepy loner pedophile is dead. now anyone could be a pedophile and it's all thanks to tumblr tbh.
honestly fuck anyone into this scene. even the littles who are csa victims. that doesn't mean you should dedicate your life to satisfying people like the ones who raped you, and contributing to a community of predators who want to normalize the idea of pedophilia under the guise that it's a harmless fetish.
No. 204669
>>204526"Daddy's lil monster"
Suicide Squad's fault I guess
No. 204676
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Just seeing abdl tag on tumblr gives me instant brain hemorrhage
No. 204694
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>>204502The fact that she's whispering most likely because her parents are in the next room. Fuck dd/lg and similar, seriously. They should all get lobotomy.
No. 204701
>>204502I've seen so much worse stuff, so much disgusting, repugnant, degenerate behavior but for some reason this makes my stomach churn and grit my teeth. What the fucking fuck is wrong with people.
It's horrible that so many girls in this thread could probably be normal girls and get caught up in 'kink culture' or groups or whatever and so desperate to label themselves they become these disgraces.
No. 204702
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>>204518Slightly off topic but I hate the whole 'I love Disney and cartoons and coloring' as an excuse/justification for this embarrassing behavior. A lot of people like those things who aren't posting pictures/GIFs of themselves in diapers, talking about swallowing cum for 'daddy', and broadcasting even more nasty shit. How can you fucking live with yourself knowing this stuff is out there with your face attached to it? These stupid kinks are an attention seeking flavor of the month most of the time, when this DD/LG thing is over isn't it going to be horrible to know you put yourself out there showing and talking about getting horny acting like a baby and wearing diapers?
Looking at this stuff is like looking into the abyss, knowing these people exist, I need to go to fucking Church.
No. 204730
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No. 204747
>>204737I know, I love Barbies, Monster High dolls and stuffed animals, and I love collecting them but barely bother anymore since I think about this stuff and it kind of gets to me, or think about someone seeing it will associate me with this stuff.
Seeing people sexualize being a baby or a toddler is the most sickening, stomach-churning thing, it's the most precious and beautiful time of your life and they make it dirty and sexual, making bondage binkies and such. It's literally about kids, I don't care what anyone says, you are associating sex with children and toddlers, and anyone, especially with a child, can see how disturbing that is.
No. 204770
>>204761Roastie detected
I'm not quoted anon but it's really annoying to have small labia and have people constantly talking about how your fucking pussy is a pedophile's dream and how women in porn with pussies like yours are stimulating pedophilia and feminists, feminists for god's sake, acting like women with huge roast beef labia are the standard for Grown Women and anything less than that is prepubescent.
I mean, even if you're an innie chances are your pussy isn't very pleasant to look at. We don't need even more shaming on top of that.
Fuck this shit, anon didn't sound braggy at all. Yes, I mad.
No. 204773
>>204761triggered much roastie? They didn't even mention their small labia until the end of the post ffs
>>204770exactly. its the same as fat bitches implying a woman who's less than 170 pounds is a 13 year old boy who will only attract pedophiles
>>204608the grossest is when you see camgirls who start camming when they just turned 18, and you can tell they are not through puberty yet because they start and their vagina is still how you described (underdeveloped) and not pigmented. and they're SO popular on the camsites
and then two years later you see them again at 20 and they have dark brown pigment and fully developed labia, and they no longer make as much money as they did when they were 20. makes you think doesnt it?
No. 204789
>>204770i totally get what you mean but it's true that the obsession with innie rubbery smooth plump vaginas in porn totally stems from the "teen" fetish aka thinly veiled pedophilia. because while it's completely natural for some women it's not common, and not all of those women do porn you know? just like not all women with huge gorgeous tits do porn. bleaching your genitals and labiaplasty are practically standard now in porn. your agent will set you up with an appointment for free. and you know what? breast implants are becoming less common. that really says a lot. super disturbing. it sucks that a petite woman is now so closely associated with sex AND pedophilia at the same time like? what a fucking time to be alive. some colonial shit.
pornstars used to be huge fake tits with heavy makeup and huge hair. the market for that is dying out. now the most popular ones are the ones who look like teenage girls. amateur ~~feminist~~ camgirls masturbating with binkies and toys in their bedroom are what porn looks like now.
No. 204807
>>204793Some of them definitely were, they had their face as their profile picture (talk about stupid) and they had beards and were obviously older than 25 for sure
I hate how people deny that a lot of older men are closet pedophiles… I was in a relationship with a guy for many years and we broke up because I found CP on his phone. Like, real actual CP not the shit posted in here.
>>204785 is a good post. We should never forget that a large portion of men (not all men!) are pieces of shit.
No. 204810
>>204802yeah she made some very obvious self posts here a while ago
stuff like "omg guys have you heard of brat grrl she seems like a bitch but she's rlllly cute here's a link to her blog"
she's a typical attention whore
>>204803lol yes that's the one
No. 204836
Binkie princess anyone? She had a documentary made (or someone approched her to make a documentary about her/her "lifestyle") and it made a huge fuss. She made like a 30 minute video talking about it called "Dear Ignorant People". The comment section of both the documentary and that video is pretty insane.
Her youtube: tumblr:
No. 204856
>>204789Yeah, I totally get it and it's fucking disgusting. I just think it's counterproductive to attack the "aesthetic" itself and the women who fit into it instead of the industry (and the men who support it). It's like attacking thin women in order to fight "oppressive beaty standards", except it's worse because, innie or not, I've never met a woman who was not ashamed of how her vagina looked.
Thanks for being civil, by the way. That's becoming rarer and rarer around here.
No. 204887
>>204396I feel you, anon.
Ever since I was like 6 years old (yes, six) I've had sexual fantasies of being tied up and 'raped'. Being treated like a thing by someone that I love is the only fantasy that turns me on. Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't sexually abused by someone in an early childhood, but pushed the memory out of my system.
Doesn't mean that I'm not disgusted by those kinkshits. Wanting to get hurt because of low self-esteem, sexual abuse and other issues is a MUCH different thing than wanting to hurt others in order to get off. I hate it when people on tumblr are like 'well you can't help your kinks!!!'. You can literally go to a sexuologist in order to work out why the fuck you need to hurt your partner in order to get your dick hard… or at least try not to engage with your kink (not run a blog and not consume porn related to it) and seek more healthy ways of expressing your sexuality.
The second part is what I do, I try to avoid content focusing on sexual violence and degradation. Seeing this kind of stuff does turn me on, but also makes me cry and want to hurt myself. Deep in my heart, I see myself as an object to be used, and not even pretty enough.
I hate myself so much for being so fucked up.
No. 204919
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Just because its kink doesn't make it not abuse jfc
No. 204927
>>204925it's incredibly retarded
i imagine they think "shaming gay people for their sexuality is bad so it must be bad to shame anyone for any sexual preference!"
except there's a difference between wanting to fuck someone of the same sex and wanting to rape and abuse people
No. 204928
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I love when these blogs respond seriously to joke posts.
No. 205426
>>204887ANON! I'm so glad someone else has this! I have been sexual since the age of 4. I used to touch myself because it felt nice but didn't understand why. When I grew up I wondered if I'd been molested but I doubt it, I think it's just a naturally high sex drive. I too have rape fantasies and love the idea of being submissive lol. Sage for blog post but relieved to find someone else like me, would never share this irl (not even with a partner, I find it too shameful.)
I hate the ddlg trend. Men are stupid and if you start acting like a baby/child during sex then you're basically training them to be pedophiles. Sure, it's fine if you're around to provide their kink, but what if after a year of age play you leave him? And sex with a new partner doesn't turn him on like age play? What if he decides to go after a little girl next? It's just disgusting and I hate it. And I hate how young teenagers are playing into it because it's trendy.
No. 205460
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>>204927It happens all the time on tumblr.
I hate how normalized this shit is on there and you're not allowed to point out how it's enabling pedophiles.
No. 205470
>>205467Oh, I love this game! "Don't agree with us so you must be one of them".
I wrote this from my grown up bed. Did you think of this from your dry, "sex is just an obligation" pussy?
No. 205481
>>205478Laying on your back and doing nothing sounds very fun, you're right.
Sorry you can't imagine two consenting adults restricting their personal bedroom preferences to the bedroom. ): You must be around a lot of dysfunctional adults with no self control. Or one of them.
No. 205483
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>>205476>>205481we're not talking about a sexual position. we're talking about wearing binkies and children's panties, speaking in high pitched voices, emphasizing their "tiny" bodies, using baby/child vocabulary, a constantly using children's toys as props during sex. wearing animal masks and walking on all fours while barking and sleeping in a cage enables zoophiles. being tied up, choked, abused, dehumanized, "enslaved" and being mutilated with knives and plastic bags enables serial killers and any other human being that wishes to harm another.
>two consenting adults restricting their personal bedroom preferences to the bedroomjust like pedophiles restrict their personal bedroom preferences in their room when they masturbate to child porn on their computers. just because it's in a bedroom doesn't make the paraphilia justified.
No. 205486
>>205464>>205481personally i enjoy having a smooth easy orgasm while lying comfortably on my bed.
imagine bragging because you need extra effort to get off. y'all are like the sexual equivalent of those people on infomercials who can't cut potatoes or open jelly jars without some $30 device you have to keep replacing cos it's poorly designed.
No. 205489
>>205483not anon you're referring to but I think you're talking past each other. You oppose this stuff on principle, it sounds like the other anon is saying that as long as no one is hurt and everyone properly consents it's nobody's issue.
Same shit that comes up every time there is fetish drama.
No. 205493
>just like pedophiles restrict their personal bedroom preferences in their room when they masturbate to child porn on their computersExcept the difference in this situation is that children aren't being harmed. Can you genuinely not tell the difference between consenting adults essentially playing pretend and children being forced into something they can't consent to?
If there's any proof that these people's kinks are being carried over into non-consensual and harmful situations, you might have an argument but I don't see any proof of that happening. All I see are people reeeeeing at other people, oh god, having unconventional tastes. I bet you think video games incite violence, too.
No. 205496
>>205487>>205486>>205484Why are you ya'lling at me and, again, assuming I'm one of them because I don't get overdramatic about other people's kinks?
I can count the times I've had sex on one hand, and I'm not into any of this. I just don't understand what the problem is if no one is genuinely being harmed. Safe to assume most of these people wouldn't have public blogs displaying this shit for the world to see if they had intentions of actually hurting someone.
No. 205499
>>205497Which is it? I'm either one of these people who likes to be fucked by a bunch of old men and called a whore, or I've hardly had sex. You can't choose both.
But, I'm sure if I said I had a bunch of sex, you'd be calling me a slut. I think
ya'll just like complaining for no reason.
No. 205504
>>205499i mean really, you just sound like an unsocialized kid whose ideas of sex are warped from looking at internet porn
if you had a normal relationship with sexuality you would understand why most people find it offputting to see adults sucking on pacifiers and pissing in diapers for sexual pleasure
No. 205505
>>205492Are you still talking about the ddlg fad? The idiots are spreading it all over the place, but that's not inherently exclusive to ddlg. It could apply to any fetish out there.
There's a difference between calling people out for posting it publicly and calling them out for liking it in the first place. Shouldn't conflate the issues.
No. 205509
>>205504Oh, yeah, you caught me. I'm a 14 year old who likes having dog collars on my neck and wears diapers and has never had a normal relationship…
All because I said there's nothing wrong with having a kink as long as it's consensual. Jesus, lol.
No. 205513
>>205493>Can you genuinely not tell the difference between consenting adults essentially playing pretend and children being forced into something they can't consent to?yeah it sounds like the guy can't get their hands on the real thing and are just settling for second best which is a hairless teenage girl he can pretend is a child when he closes his eyes. read the comments on this video of a little expressing her love to her "daddy".
>>204782 the majority are men referencing fucking actual children. these are the "daddies" you're catering to. pedophiles who are grateful they found a way to act out on their fantasies while justifying it under the guise that they're using an adult to aid them. there's nothing unconventional about pedophilia and there never will be. sucking smegma out of foreskin is unconventional. eating shit is unconventional. fucking a pickle is unconventional. squirming like a baby while wearing a diaper is pedophilia.
>>205496>I just don't understand what the problem is if no one is genuinely being harmedit's catering to pedophiles. this "kink" specifically. any man into a petite bald/colorless pussied girl speaking in a high pitched voice and wearing children's clothes while roleplaying about living their lives playing with toys, wetting their diapers and taking naps is. a. pedophile. a
smart pedophile. using an adult girl to act out on their fantasies is the next best thing to using a child-sized sex toy from china. they can take their fantasies one step further without being put in jail.
>>205500THIS! scroll through their archives and chances are you'll find a post that was removed for child porn. or those blogs that have numbers at the end like daddysslutbaby4 because that usually means they were already terminated for posting child porn.
No. 205514
>>205508You're right, I was confusing your post with someone that said they shouldn't have blogs at all.
No, they shouldn't be reblogging minors, that's not okay. And they don't fall under my point that kinks are fine if everyone's a consenting adult. I'm sure you can report them to tumblr if they're involving minors, though.
No. 205515
>>205507honestly have no problem with kinks. I just draw the line at powdering a grown women's vagina, putting a diaper on her, while people are taking a picture of it.
That churns my stomach.
Yeah, you're all consenting adults, but you're still sick fucks.
No. 205516
>>205493Sexualising things meant for children (like binkies, toys, Disney films, etc) is still fucked up and will have negative effect on them.
Why is this a controversial statement to you.
Besides… Orgasms are a powerful conditioning tool. Imagine a previously normal dude getting a raging boner cause he saw an actual little girl sucking on a binkie.
No. 205521
>>205511Yeah, I love it when people are like "there's nothing wrong with beating your partner during sex if it's safe, sane and consensual!!!" and "cutting yourself is wrong and unhealthy!!! You are sick and need to get help" in the same breath.
After all, I'm consenting to slashing my wrist with my own hand and I take care to clean and bandage the wound after I'm done. So which is it? Apparently self-harm is A+ okay when it allows a gross dude to get off.
No. 205527
>>205519the nature of sexuality is that it's always evolving. the stimulation will eventually die out like batteries, and you'll need something stronger to get off. someone into hands on their neck will end up wanting to get choked. someone with an 8 inch dildo will eventually want a 10 inch dildo. someone into being spanked will eventually want to be whipped. now take that exact same
essential and
default law in regards to sex and apply it to someone into barely legal girls sucking on pacifiers and speaking in high pitched voices while they beg their daddies to fuck their "teenie tiny" pussies. what do you think is the next level in 20 years? that's what we're getting at.
No. 205533
>>205519Personally I have nothing against kinks if they don't involve glorified (if consensual) abuse and pedophilia. For example, nothing wrong with foot fetishism, even if it's not my thing. By all rights go and buy that Vajankle, I don't care.
I don't oppose certain kinks because I'm a *~prude~*, it's because they enable abusers and pedos.
No. 205538
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>>20532It's not even THAT tabu, our entire culture is vaguely pedophilic, even though we like to pretend it's only Japan that has issue with grown men masturbating to teens and kids.
No. 205540
>>205532I already explained that it seemed like a lot of the posts here were condemning all consensual kinks. I'm not into girls pretending to be children…or girls at all.
And I still don't think there's a lot wrong with some light slapping and choking or whatever.
No. 205548
>>205540do you think it's normal and healthy for someone to inflict pain on themselves?
if not, why do you think it's ok as long as there's another person involved and they call it bdsm?
kinks are fine as long as they don't involve self harm/degradation or normalizing harmful practices (i.e. rape and pedophilia). jacking off to feet or leather or pantyhose is a kink. wanting to be abused is a mental disorder
No. 205551
>>205548The same could be applied to what someone just said is fine: light choking, slapping and then whipping, though.
Is it okay for someone to be choked, hit, or whipped in a regular setting? If not, then why is it okay with another person involved?
No. 205560
>>205555>>205544And, then neither is whipping or BDSM by definition even though you just said it was fine in
>>205537Which, shouldn't be your place to say when the whole point of it is that there's consent, trust, respect, self control, and the agreement that either party can stop. It stops being okay when it stops being consensual, but to say it isn't okay in the first place because you assume that it can't possibly be consenting or that there can't be self control is ridiculous.
And it's weird to categorize light slapping under slicing your own skin open which exposes you to actual danger that you can't safely back out of.
No. 205564
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>>205545>But then where are you drawing the line between "acceptable" abuse (whipping) and "unacceptable"? It's a little hypocritical to say "x abuse" is okay but "y abuse" isn'tisolated whipping and spanking comes from a pain kink mostly. and physical pain isn't necessarily abuse by default. kind of like those people who like putting hooks through the skin on their backs and hanging off the ceiling. but it's all a very thin line and needs to be approached carefully. as far as i know the bdsm community has been around for decades(around the 50's specifically) and there are very strict rules and guidelines around it. if practiced strictly around those rules it never escalates into something unsafe or harmful to either party involved. and since so much of bdsm revolves around rules and discipline it doesn't happen often. this creates a safe, consensual environment to carry out kinks centered around
mild dominance(which can be acted out by both men and women which is important) and
mild submission(again, which can be acted out by both men and women.) it shouldn't be extreme enough to warrant a therapy box or a comfort box, which is what a lot of these amateur tumblr supposed bdsm enthusiasts do, with a lot of people from the bdsm scene have criticized for going against their rules. (although disclaimer i'm not into bdsm at all)
abuse is defined as "treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly" and "the improper use of something" notice how it says cruelty and improper. bondage and discipline isn't violent and it isn't cruel, really. in
my opinion the so-called "hardcore" gangbangs with just a lot of grunting and spitting and hair pulling and pushing with emphasis on calling the girl a filthy slut or a whore seems extremely abusive to me. that's what i see abuse as. it's abusive
behavior. it's the kind of thing an actual abusive man does to a girl. spending 30 minutes tying a girl in some intricate japanese rope position in a perfumed red room to afterwards spank her 10 times? not really.
>>205548>do you think it's normal and healthy for someone to inflict pain on themselves? if not, why do you think it's ok as long as there's another person involved and they call it bdsm?depends on the pain. tattoos inflict pain. piercings inflict pain. scarification inflicts pain. spanking and whipping the bottom often times falls into the same category. especially when spanking is never meant to scar you permanently and in bdsm it's not "tradition" for it to be on the face. again, not all physical pain is abuse. and it 100% depends on the context! sex is all a gray zone. calling your boyfriend daddy isn't always about pedophilia it depends on the context. beyonce calling jay z daddy isn't pedophilic. just like drake calling girls baby or babygirl isn't. but when you're pairing it with calling a girl tiny and putting her in a binkie and you call her things like baby and kitten, well then it stems from pedophilia.
>jacking off to feet or leather or pantyhose is a kink. wanting to be abused is a mental disorder100% agree. a lot of abusers will mask their abusive behavior as bdsm or just having a dom or a sub but that's not what it is at all. for example i saw on some supposed daddy dom blog that "you must always listen to daddy. he knows what's best for you. if you disobey or challenge daddy you will be severely punished". like first of all daddy isn't standard bdsm vocabulary. second, bdsm isn't a lifestyle it's a single encounter that never in any way bleeds into regular life.
>>205560that's not me lol. i'm confused about what you're saying there. not sure if you'd like to continue the discussion with me or anon!
No. 205565
>>205560i'm not >>2055337 or
>>205544 dummy, there's more than one person here who disagrees with you
it doesn't matter if you consent to be abused or degraded, it's still unhealthy. if you saw someone 'lightly slapping or choking' themselves you'd immediately think they were mentally ill, it's no different when other people are involved, and in fact having some random creep from a fetish site do it to you makes it less safe than doing it yourself
No. 205568
>>205566you can tell it's me because i write in huge paragraphs rip. but anyway i'm
>>205544 and
>>205564 in regards to the bdsm conversation.
No. 205571
>>205565I'll let you read
>>205564 because it basically says everything you're not grasping in your effort to banish kinks you don't agree with.
No. 205591
>>205590>this thing of an actual dom being like, a person who never stops being controlling and wanting to discipline you You are aware that there are different types of doms, right?
You can easily keep BDSM in the bedroom and out of your personal life, which imo is the healthy type. On top of that, the sub has to consent with anything the dom does in the bedroom, unless they're doing CNC which is only done when trust has been established.
Then there's total power exchange in which the dom is controlling 24/7, and if he ever tries to do this without any consent, he'll have just revealed that he knows fuckall about BDSM.
And this may sound arrogant, but the ones that agree to that type of power exchange are the ones that need help. I had a particular rough time in my life a few years back, and thought it might be nice to go into that type of relationship, where I won't need to think about what I wear, eat, or do, cause he'd be in charge of that. I was extremely depressed, suicidal and just wanted someone to take over my life so I wouldn't have to think for myself anymore. It's an easy way of living when you don't have the mental energy to consider how unhealthy that is.
No. 205594
>>205591i'm just so used to the so-called daddy doms of tumblr that the whole 24/7 dom personality type just rubs me the wrong way. even when it's all consensual. it just feels like a red flag that a guy would want to treat a person like that for an extended period of time. because then it bleeds into household activities and lifestyle stuff and it's like, i feel like that could easily go into a very bad place. i agree that the healthy type of bdsm is the one that stays in the bedroom, like most if not all sexual relations.
yeah i can understand that. that's where it seems off to me. in a situation like that it's rooted in mental illness for you, but it's still about just getting off to the guy. that to me is irresponsible. that just feels like taking advantage of the situation. so many of these guys come across that way. (i hope you're doing better now btw.)
No. 205599
>>205585>Fake domsI'm sorry, but isn't it a No Real Scotsman logical fallacy?
Those ARE real doms, sadly.
No. 205601
>>205594I'm doing great now, anon. I was stuck with the wrong (kink) crowd, got much better after I cut 2/3 of them out of my life, and since I recently cut contact with the last batch I can say that I'm actually feeling genuinely happy now. Wish I had juicy stories to tell in this thread, but sadly this whole thing could fit into a big novel with how much drama these idiots have caused over what is essentially a sexual act and nothing else.
But yes, absolutely. I consider the whole 24/7 total power exchange a massive red flag as well. It -can- be "healthy" if you're both at an age where you fully understand what you're going into. For instance, back when I was active on Fetlife, I came across multiple 40+ couples that had a 24/7 thing going. Their writings were still cringy as fuck (seriously, middle aged women calling their boyfriend "Master x"….), but at that point I feel like they've lived long enough to know what they've agreed to, and are responsible enough to stop if it needs to come to that. But I'm not convinced that the tumblrinas and their daddys are all that aware.
I only really popped into this thread because I read all of this as people who don't understand the difference, but I'm relieved that I might have misunderstood that.
>>205599Fake doms is what you call the guys that are in it for the easy pussy and control and don't necessarily understand that BDSM =/= abuse. You could argue that more of these has popped up since 50 Shades of Grey became a thing.
No. 205707
>>205686>old news article from 2003 about how she locked her baby in a room and let it starve to death. this lady was messed up from head to toe.WHAT
No. 205749
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>>205686anon, pls be lying
for my sanity's sake
No. 205754
>>205728according to the article she had nine-month conditional term to be spent at her mom's house, followed by 27 months of probation, plus counselling, prescribed meds, and wasn't allowed to be around kids. article says she didn't have a curfew or perform any community service though. probably played the "post partum depression" card to avoid jail time.
>>205749i wish i was. imagine my position having to work next to her with this knowledge in my brain.
No. 205774

>>205543yeah the west definitely has a huge problem w/ it.
look at japanese porn (not the 2d stuff) and tell me how it is even remotely vaguely pedophiliac. the women are all usually sporting bushes and gravure models usually have tits. thats the most popular japanese stuff out right now.
look at the most popular western porn stars right now. stuff like 21naked of nubiles. the girls are all shaved, have innies, are 90 lbs or under, and have barely no tits.
we are just as bad if not worse. i'd say japan has it pretty rough but at least they are not so blatant? in america it seems as though we are TRYING to be as degenerate as possible.
to make the image i googled for "teen porn" in american and japanese ones respectively. and then i looked at streaming websites and porn companies for both.
the american stuff i saw… i need to go bleach my PC. i'm pretty sure if you just google "teen porn" and go through the top links you'll stumble upon real CP. all of the pictures here are 18 year old actresses tho. but they definitely dont hide the availability of CP and remember that most men ARE googling "teen porn" (it is the #1 porn search term)
anyway after doing this little experiment i pretty much hate ALL men for being so fucking attracted to little kids. evil. i need to go bleach my brain out.
WARNING: highly nsfw
No. 205783
>>205780its what men are attracted to. all of the top earning cam girls are 18-19 and borderline prepubescent.
i don't know what happened and how we went from big tits and asses being what men want, to men wanting… that shit.
but if you ask men under the age of 35 honestly and unanimously how young they would go, i bet many of them would want girls as young as 11-12. most men online (i.e. reddit etc) talk about wanting to lower the age of consent "if you can bleed you can breed".
it's honestly no surprise to me. the fact that people ignore it in the west is what is so shocking. you get bashed over the head with it constantly.
if we woke up tomorrow and there was no age of consent in the west, i would guarantee you the popularity of child porn would dwarf regular porn.
No. 205790
>>205789ok thats just as bad. although a lot of them still have big boobs.
either way it seems to be a "male" problem. they are the ones consuming rampant amounts of CP… not women (obviously)
child porn market = 3 billion $
regular porn market = 10 billion $
No. 205801
>>205790Fucking this.
I'm terrified of falling in love with someone and finding out that they're a pedophile.
No. 205802
>>205783Men in general are pigs but you can't use reddit as a base for how young the average dude would go.
I'm pretty sure 15 or 16 is the youngest most guys would go if they could get away with it.
Still gross but the average dude still seems very into chicks who have some sort of T&A.
at least I want to believe most guys aren't that skeevy No. 205804
>>205802 again
>>205783nvm I didn't see the most men >online
No. 205807
>>205802most of our generation is online tho. at least the "education" "intellectuals" are.
they used to consider pedophiles as 3% of the male population. but now i think if you expand that definition to include hebephiles and ephebophiles (basically the men we are talking about ITT), we'd be talking about anywhere from 15-30% of men "of this generation"
that's… a lot.
No. 205815
>>205802I remember a news programme did a segment about online grooming and set up a fake profile for a 13yr old girl on a website. It got hundreds of messages from guys, when "she" reliterated she was only 13 they said they didnt care. Made me real depressed.
On a more thread related note I left the bdsm scene after too many doms were trying to make me into a "little" cant stand that shit personally.
No. 205817
>>205815i think a lot of us have similar stories from when we were younger.
when i was 12 my parents were shitty and i was basically allowed a computer in my room and w/e. and i would go on forums and chat sites and tell guys i was 12… they were always so thirsty. fuck i remember being 12 and a 30 year old guy would message me links to some BDSM profile of his and tell me about how he wanted to take me to the playground. im fucking scarred for life just thinking about that LOL. i remember trying to contact the fbi about him but im 99% sure they didnt take me seriously at the time because law enforcement just kind of ignores this kind of stuff largely.
its always been in-your-face. people just deny it, i dont know why. you have tumblr as a textbook example now - 15 year old girls run rampant and hook up with 30 year old "daddies" - barf.
No. 205821
>>204887YO anon, I'm in the same boat as you. I recently opened up to my husband about having a consensual non-consensual fantasy. Thankfully he said it's weird but he said he's down to try it. We already have a dom/sub relationship ONLY in the bedroom not like these sick fucks where they flaunt it on the internet.
(sage for blog post)
No. 205826
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>>204760>>204763>calling this creature hotself-poster confirmed
No. 205861
>>205774Can you post that photo again?
I've been looking for that actress for hours now
No. 205862
>>205838She really does. I've been thinking about making one for her forever. She has a steady supply of milk, lies a lot, and causes drama while acting like she's above it.
Tinydoll/Prettylittlevictim/Baby-pig needs one too.
No. 205865
>>205862Honestly you could just lump them all together and it would be steady milk and more people could be added.
>>205861Stop asking for barely legal porn.
No. 205895
>>205873she claimed not to do anything bdsm-related in front of the 4-year-old so for all i know they were just on the wall for the party? idk, it's not like a kid is going to know what they're for if they're for decoration and not being used. i imagine she had to do some sort of mandatory counselling or something when she had this kid. the kid looked happy and healthy so idk. i had talked about it with my other coworkers and getting involved with cps seemed like a bit much. we figured there had to be more we didn't know if she didn't get jail time and had a second kid.
>>205885then google it? you don't even know what country this happened in, what would you google?
No. 205969
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these ddlg bitches are all posers
Pamperchu is OG
No. 205980
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I was browsing ddlgforum earlier today for funsies and came across a discussion on whether or not it's a potentially destructive fetish, and this post was surprisingly insightful regarding some of the toxic aspects and potential of the lifestyle.
Pretty much everyone in the thread seemed to miss the fact that the kink probably draws in toxic people far more than it creates them, though.
No. 206009
>>205969jesus fucking christ I thought the sperm popsicle was the worst but this…..
>>205774I've noticed this too actually. Most of the popular porn stars are now skinny with small tits, shaved innie labia and a very youthful appearance. It's pretty disturbing how somehow the society seems to be pushing the "blooming" age to be lower and idolize the idea of a woman peaking at 14.
No. 206027
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Imagine being this elitist about fetish shit.
No. 206039
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>"Daddy" has deep fucking rootsThere's something just really funny about that.
>Actual queer leather people who do Daddy I'm imagining fake gay people made out of leather with little families. Like leather dolls. Kek.
No. 206041
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>>206032whippets are a muscle relaxant that some people use to loosen their sphincters for anal sex.
No. 206316
>>205969Pamperchu ended up getting Hodgkin's Lymphoma as a result of his disgusting little kink. I
think he is in remission now, but I'm not sure. He and that whole scene really freak me out.
No. 206320
>>205481>They keep it in the bedroomThen why do they blog about it, share pictures about it, brag about, go into public showing it off, etc. etc.
More like keep it in the bathroom
No. 206353
>>206333 made this video about his diagnosis; he didn't say that the dirty diapers were the cause, but I think anyone with a basic knowledge of biology will probably arrive at that conclusion.
The dumpster diving/microwaving/wearing soiled diapers completely wigs me out, as does the whole daddy/little scene. I don't know really anything about him (nor do I want to) so it's possible he could have done some horrible things, but as it is Pamperchu doesn't seem like a bad guy – just weird – so I feel bad for him. And I think it's bad juju to wish death on him.
No. 206512
>>206027I….what? I need bleach for my brain. That physically hurt reading it.
>>205492That's a big reason why I deleted mine. I never got into certain kinks for private reasons and it hit me one day that teens are going to read it somehow and it made me think "no…you have teen shit to do. Learn who you are as a person and stay away from shit like this"
No. 207115
>>206885Is it bad that the thing that bugs me about most of this is that they own lolita clothes and no matter how hard non-kinkster lolitas scream it's not ageplay, ageplayers wear it.
>>204521but this person has Angelic Pretty stuff (or replicas, I didn't pay the best attention)
No. 207116
>>207061omg anon that is fucking horrible does she still have this shit up?????
what a nasty thing to do omg, she totally fits in with these cows. i would never be able to forgive her. i hope she gets what's comin..
No. 208285
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>>206027Thank you for lightening up this otherwise depressing thread
No. 209591
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>>206282Just looked this up. I don't know if they are permanently fucking up their vaginas (they think they are) but this sounds scary.
No. 211824
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its always this type i swear to god
No. 212416
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>>209592For those not wanting to click it here is a sfw gif that shows whats going on.
No. 212445
>>206885Fuck. I was a little for a while (yea. i know, but just listen) and now its just fucking disgusting to me. I have some pretty deep psychological issues that have affected my sexuality and no doubt does this girl too, based on what she's said herself. It was not healthy, and was just making it worse, let's not mention all the creepy 30-40 somethings that I was with either (and for some time I was still a minor while I was with them, which they were aware of). The only part about it that was nice was the "im gonna treat you nicely and care for you" aspect, which wasn't even true of 99% of my "daddy's" and tbh the abuse I suffered made being in a normal relationship really difficult. This is not good, not even for most people in the community. I gag every time I see this kind of shit, please stop for fuck sake.
Sorry for the blogpost, I guess this
triggered the fuck out of me or something.
No. 295328
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Anyone remember Sheena? Her tumblr is
She stopped posting frequently because people kept posting her photos on vk
No. 295337
>>205556I have, they all have ugly ass faces and awful bodies, prob the only reason why they get into ddlg, they can't get into normal healthy relationships with non pedophilic men
granted, some normal bdsm girls are pretty cute, but the ddlgs are full of uglies
No. 295368
>>295328Oh man, I haven't thought of Sheena in ages. I wonder what she's up these days.
This post got me thinking back to this one Australian girl on tumblr (Slorg-something?) I think she used to call herself Pixie? Her blog was a fucking trip. When she was underaged, she'd like constantly post nudes and her doing drugs and arguing with her parents. I vaguely recall her boasting about having sex in a stairway and posting the video on pornhub? I felt sort of bad for her cause she seemed legitimately fucked up. I think she mentioned actually being autistic.
No. 295373
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Figured Screamkiwi/Brittany belongs here
Got a new bf who isn't a fan of cats, but loves dogs, and changes her entire persona around him. Suddenly gets into puppyplay instead of kittenplay. Got rid of her old cat because "he is too much effort", and plans to get ferrets and huskies like they aren't much more work than a cat. Her ex offered to take the cat, but to spite him she refused. Even called him a stalker for contacting her about the cat. Suddenly loves her dogs, even though she previously hated them and complained about them all the time.
No. 295395
>>295368I know who you're talking about. Her blog got deleted for CP after a while (funnily enough, when she was just about to turn 18).
She still goes by "slorg" on Tumblr. I actually unironically liked her in that "era", I was even younger than her and she seemed like an interesting person, despite all the bad stuff.
No. 295711
sage for blogpost, but a couple of years ago when i was 17 i worked in an ice cream shop. a couple walked in, the typical ddlg couple- man in smart clothing, girl in frilly dress and pigtails, etc. they walked in right at closing time, so the shop was empty, and i was alone. they wouldn't talk to me, (customer service required me to say a set script), only the man held a finger up to say wait or something, and they talked to each other. i tried to busy myself cleaning or something, but i heard snippets of their conversation, basically shit like "daddy can i get a strawberry ice cream!"
anyway when it was time to order they did so and were leaving, and when they were almost to the door she exclaimed that her shoe was untied and knelt over to tie it, exposing her diaper.
No. 295849
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>>295523I don't follow her on ig, but maybe someone else does. I'm curious what she's up to nowadays myself
She also seems to have taken down her mygirlfund page. Can someone with an account confirm? She used to go by Sheetiva on there
I've always wondered whether Sheena is her real name, since Sheetiva/Lestrange obviously isn't.
No. 295986
>>295849She took that down a while ago.
But if anyone is followning her on IG, feel free to post pics. I kinda miss her..
No. 296130
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She isn't as active online as she used to be, but has anyone heard of Isibella Karnstein aka TheLittleSkylark?
>left rich family and school in England at age 18 to become a pet for old 45+ aged master who works for NASA in Colorado
>lives with 3 or 4 other girls in "the chateau"
>master paid for her to have some monsterous implants
>in charge of online kitten play magazine
>posts of general inner sufferings and depression despite having a life of luxury
>love torn between master who won't "collar her" and other old rich dudes
>now in polyamorous relationship with the Father Sebastian, a fang smith of the vampire community
There is a lot of past milk of her
No. 298787
>>296426She's only about 25-26 now if I'm recalling correct.
I know her main master is at least double her own age.
No. 299393
>>299096I always got that's impression about him from the way she talked about him. I think he sees a lot of the women he's around as possessions that show off his financial status. He takes a groups of them on trips a lot. While Isibella seems to be one of the favorites I can tell he hasn't committed to her the way she wants him to. The way he doesn't want to fully commit to women that would bend over backwards for him is sad, but no one is making them stick around I guess.
I think that Isibella clings to these types of men because she's known nothing but luxury her entire life and has never really obtained anything herself. She claims that she runs an event planning business and has her own money but I think she has a lot of assistance for it. People have also said that when she met her master that he was struggling financially and that she agreed to help use some of the money her parents gave her to support their livestyle if he became her master.
She lives a very interesting life but I can't say that I have a lot of respect for someone who has gained most of what they have through fucking old rich dudes. She would be nothing without them.
No. 339350
>>339347Police here suck, I live in a southern state, its literally the exact opposite of what mgtow or meninists preach how the police force favors women, if a woman defends herself after being groped, and someone sees, they report her, and she gets in trouble, its rare for actual rapists, perverts, etc to get into trouble, sadly I've seen iy happen way too often, men who beat the ever loving shit out of women, rape them, sexually assault them,get into little or no trouble, and the court will stretch their cases like crazy because there's "little to no proof" even if there's a damn video, where as women get into trouble so much easier, it's sad, the school officals saw him do all this stuff but refuse to give him any punishment because they feel bad for him, even one girl I knew use to get beaten up almost everyday when she rode the bus by guys, but when she tried defending herself and broke a guys phone, she got into trouble and not him despite her having a nosebleed
No. 340063
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>>204380>>204382>>204665ok, I'm a pretty practiced internet stalker, so I invested some time into that blog (horrifying experience) and I've found out this thing's real name as well as the real name, Facebook, occupation, and current blog of its "Mommy".
what I've gathered from my research trail is that some time after "Catie" stopped posting a few years ago, he was hospitalized. There are some posts that briefly mention being admitted to a psych ward (I'm guessing involuntarily) "for [his] schizophrenia/fetishes." I'm guessing that's what happened. After that he abandoned the blog. At some point in the past "Mommy" completely deleted her kink blog which was mastermommyrebecca. I think after Justin's hospitalization or major mental breakdown or whatever happened, they decided to cut the extreme shit/piss/vomit/torture/24-7 ABDL lifestyle stuff out of their lives. Towards the end of 2013, Rebecca made a post on her "normal" Tumblr noting that they had "taken a break from kink to focus on normal adult things." From what I've found, they don't seem to have resumed the kink lifestyle to this day.
In 2015 Rebecca seems to have developed a severe depression, and in 2016 their marriage (yes, these absolute freaks of nature are married - if I calculated right she was only 18/19 when they married and he'd have been 20/21) was close to divorce. At one point they were living separately. 2017 has mostly been feeble efforts to keep it together. she posts a lot about how the spark is dead and she misses how it used to be. They seem to be stuck in a state of permanent misery.
both of these people are extremely mentally ill and would have made for fantastic cows if they had continued to post about their depravity publicly. Their relationship is extremely unhealthy and I'm amazed it's held on this long.
I'll post the links to their info and stuff along with relevant caps if anyone is interested in doing their own looking around.
I do have to say that while it's clear they did make efforts to cover their tracks and conceal their disgusting lifestyle, they weren't careful enough. It took me less than an hour to find all the info someone could easily use to totally ruin their lives, tell their families, friends, workplace about all the incredibly immoral and depraved and gag inducing things they have done.
Be careful and always double check your social media security settings and internet footprints, guys. Even if you have nothing to hide, people like me have no trouble unravelling the trail to your real identity, so if that's something you care about, be smarter than these shit-gargling (literally) retards.
No. 340101
This thread reminds me of this dude:
https://cumtodaddy-myperfectslut.tumblr.comHuge sexist. Has no age preference(eww).
No. 340961
>>340063kek anon, you are fantastic.
Can you post the caps of the "mommy" complaing about the relationship?
No. 341122
>>340101Jfc these types terrify me, however I am not surprised by this blog. A lot of men who hate women seem to use "kink" as an excuse to be public about their fucked up views. There was a guy on fetlife who wanted all women's teeth to be pulled out and heads shaved, sorry but I'm not buying wanting to permanently mutilate a woman's body is simply just kinky.
Also, I'm not vanilla in the slightest, but I've seen the difference between your regular dom….and whatever the fuck these degenerates are.
No. 349221
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No. 360773
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>>339549the difference is jarring
No. 360800
>>360773Jfc her legs and arms are so meaty
What's up with that kek
No. 360830
>>296130What's some of the past milk on her?
>>360773All these replicas and poorly constructed lolita dresses.
No. 366500
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I just found this ddlg variation if ddlg wasn't enough rancid. This is a blog ddlg/puppy play/furry/leather daddy. I don't know how to explain it but is basically a gay couple, one of the guys like to wear diapers and be a little while being a leather puppy. They defend the puppy play in front of little children. Also, they piss in public because that's what dogs do amrite guises?
Beware because is a lot of hardcore furry content>>340063Anon please come back
No. 393347
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>>340063>>340961>>361289>>366500Oops. Sorry, friends. I somehow forgot all about this until I came across all the screencaps on my phone. I very much want this horrific shit off of my device, so get ready for a hefty dump incoming.
"Mommy" is a woman named Rebecca Dallmann.
Tumblr:'Catie'/Justin doesn't seem to have a Facebook, but you can see him in photos on Rebecca's if you look.
The following are a bunch of relevant screenshots, highlighting what I found amusing or interesting. Mostly about their relationship and personal lives.
Pic related, from a really bizarre video where Rebecca burns Justin's thigh with a lit cigarette and he sits there moaning and pissing himself.
No. 393349
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>>393347This is a photo of Rebecca and Justin around when they first met - before he started dressing up as a scat/vomit fetish full time baby. As I mention before, they met and married super young.
No. 393350
File: 1506485198694.jpg (97.82 KB, 640x434, IMG_0826.JPG)

>>393349This is a picture of them with a former fuckbuddy who was the 'Daddy' in their relationship for some time. Not sure what happened there. He looks like a creep, but they're all freaks, so they probably belonged together.
No. 393353
File: 1506485344689.png (1.64 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0868.PNG)

>>393352Justin has served in some capacity in the US Army (hence the buzzcut and partial fatigues) in the past.
No. 393354
File: 1506485414207.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0875.PNG)

>>393353>You are my best friend, my partner, the holder of my heart, and the person whose mouth and asshole I regularly shit and vomit intoFixed
No. 393355
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>>393354Rebecca has a Twitter too
No. 393357
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>>393355Facebook screenshot for posterity
No. 393358
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>>393357Can you imagine these two freaks, who spent years on end indulging in violent, dangerous, and disgusting fetishes where one of them was a baby and the other was its 'Mommy' having an actual infant of their own? Jesus fucking Christ.
No. 393362
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>>393360Trouble in Paradise
No. 393366
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>>393363Anyway, I'm done dumping. Lots more to explore in Rebecca's Tumblr. Enjoy, Anons.
No. 394687
>>393363Oh shit, did Catie find a new scatmommy?
I'm just curious if Rebecca was as into this nasty stuff as Catie was. Rebecca's a sick fuck but at least she sounds relatively (?) sane.
By the way, thanks for the milk anon <3
No. 411502
>>340101guys like this make me laugh. imagine being so weak and pathetic that you sit around blogging exclusively about something you apparently hate and think so little of. Realistically he's obsessed with women and can't ever get them, or he's secretly gay and can't deal with it, so he's become an angry little incel-type Trump-lover who spergs on Tumblr. Fucking losers, kek
Sage for noncon
No. 421452
File: 1510457878905.jpeg (800.91 KB, 2560x1920, AB75284F-4F0F-473E-B910-C3746A…)

can someone tell me why she looks so ita? is it because she should have worn a blouse under the OP?
No. 422590
File: 1510546671470.jpg (87.73 KB, 745x961, tll.JPG)

>>421452her '''daddy''' omfg!
gag No. 423452
So many of these cringey daddy doms on Tumblr write like incels, and their obsession with fucking butts (saying vaginas aren't tight enough, what in the shitting hell) makes me think they're closet gays in furious denial, maybe that's why some littles look so unfortunate for a female and have weird body proportions
>>422590His eyes are saying "give bob and vegene"
No. 431080
>>429993most of them know nothing about anal too and assume all womens assholes are going to be clean, bleached, shaven, douche/emptied, and lubed up at all times then complain when their dick hurts or they have shit on their dick
it's kinda hilarious tbh, it's like they think they live in a porno and don't know the hours to prepare for anal, coming from a woman who likes anal myself. Doms are big babies who think actual sex is like porn then cry when its not
No. 433530
File: 1511856306858.png (7.34 MB, 1125x2436, 42635FCA-C3A4-4443-A848-BFF7E2…)

>>422590is she not wearing a petticoat!!!? omg is she getting off on being ita i s2g
No. 433592
File: 1511874269273.jpg (69.12 KB, 657x960, KakaoTalk_20171128_135811623.j…)

Everthing she wears looks cheap af
No. 442325
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No. 442333
>>442325it's a retarded pic overall but those dirty socks really do
trigger me
No. 472780
File: 1516149617491.jpeg (903.87 KB, 1125x1891, 73E44C61-D605-4D24-BB39-E0D4F8…)

That internet girl has a thread here she calls herself a “bunny” and her Splenda daddy won’t give her anything so she has to beg online.
No. 473371
File: 1516197016308.jpeg (501.46 KB, 1124x1998, 6FD05F97-5A62-4A73-8E84-497F69…)

>>442325>wearing a JSK with a crew-neckwhat is wrong with her???
No. 473376
File: 1516197604809.png (467.44 KB, 505x599, Screenshot.png)

He looks old af…
No. 473386
>>473371if you think that's bad.
>>473376this fucking waist bow as a headbow shit is newb as fuck. i hate girls who wear this as a fetish.
No. 473826
>>205594Having known someone who was in a 'doll/master' relationship in which her boyfriend was a dom 24/7, the abuse is blatant.
Example: he would force her to wear clothing she hated, control what she ate, control how often she left the house and with whom, and show her off sexually to people that didn't fucking want to be a part of it, myself included. It was creepy and bizarre; we'd all be chilling and suddenly he's rip her skirt up and show us her panties or jam his fingers into her mouth. It was obvious she didn't enjoy it, but her previous relationship was worse according to her.
No. 473848
>>473826So I guess can give some input on this as I am/was in a cglg relationship.
1st rule of bdsm is not to make it public as it would involve people unwillingly.
No consent =\= .
All of these girls will have issues trying to find a job when their tumblr daddy finds a new flavour of the month girl.
It’s not about the kink for them they just found a different way to humiliate their girlfriends and make them more as a child so they can “control them”
No. 474456
File: 1516289665828.jpeg (476.19 KB, 1124x1999, C535C5E6-C5D7-4B78-8854-78D377…)

why does she edit her hand so much it looks broken???
No. 474797
File: 1516311421379.jpg (51.32 KB, 640x458, mpreplica.jpg)

>>474757that's not a waist bow that's the memorial cake headbow in sax
>>473371>>474720also I can tell her angelic pretty prints arn't replicas because the details are correct, replicas are usually really obvious because they often use the wrong lace and the overall cut is often off.
>>433592 vs replica in picture here. If you're familiar with the look a dress/print when you see a replica is usually very obvious
sage for ot
point is, She's even more disgusting for spending so much money and ruining brand to be a degenerate
No. 482546
File: 1517049645008.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.9 KB, 395x750, tumblr_mn0yeuf92r1rbkfsgo1_500…)

This thread just ruined some part of my mind.
From the very first post (pictured) to the ever so catchy "cummies song"… microwaving and wearing used diapers found in the dumpster… interspersed arguing about the fetishism and normalization of rape and pedophilia being okay… POV "little girl" routines…. semen popsicles…
I just don't know anymore. This has to be cursed. The mental illness is festering, oozing.
No. 482560
>>482546Wow, I wish I had never clicked on that spoiler.
I'm generally of the opinion that two consenting adults can do whatever the hell they want, but DDLG/CGL is becoming so genuinely gross and degenerate to me, especially with this new wave of online "littles". I'm way more tolerant towards letting someone suspend you from a ceiling and whip you for 2 hours or halfway choking yourself to death for kink than pretending you're a 7 year old being fucked by her dad.
No. 482595
>>339446OT but I noticed all the sex-related documentaries have seriously low ratings and no explanation for it, incl the one you mentioned. I'd watch them to find out but I'd find them seriously depressing and I can't bring myself to do it.
Is there anything about them that warrants the low ratings? Or is it just that men are pissed because people are exposing the horrors of the industry??
No. 482596
File: 1517060315682.jpg (96.71 KB, 1206x1206, 24132074_2093587704198210_5371…)

>>204380>>393347Justin reactivated his Facebook account. This is his recent picture.
No. 485200
File: 1517236342380.jpg (Spoiler Image,202.38 KB, 1080x1530, IMG_20180129_152847_499.jpg)

Is it normal to have such weird boobs with 19?
No. 490571
>>485200Tons of women have lopsided or disproportionate boobs.
Is it common? Yes.
Is it something you find aesthetically pleasing? No, obviously.
No. 507432
File: 1518983370566.png (2.07 MB, 1864x1112, Screen Shot 2018-02-18 at 2.45…)

This little bitch showed up on my explore page the other day so I did some digging. I'm surprised no one here has mentioned her, considering she's got 36k followers on Instagram.
>Goes by the name Simone.>Apparently 17 but shoops herself to hell and back to look 5 in order to attract pedophiles.>Batshit obsessed with Lana Del Rey, as evidenced by her entire look being based around Lana's Lizzy Grant days.>Now interested in knives and soft gore – possibly a baby Yungelita in the making.>Seems to be getting into that white trash abusive relationship romanticization Nicole Dollanganger aesthetic about 3 years too late.>Was kidnapped by her admittedly disgustingly abusive 20-something-year-old boyfriend when she was 16 around late 2016, has been milking that trauma ever since.>Her next boyfriend was a confirmed (by her) neo nazi that painted nazi cartoons. He was also abusive like the last one.>Unsurprisingly, she herself is a bigot at her best and a racist at her worst – she posted a video of her drawing swastikas in the sand, shared Hitler memes on her second account, and told an Inuit "fuck culture" when the girl was explaining why her people wear fur.>She and her friends openly bullied a girl on Instagram for "copying" her aesthetic (when the girl told her that DDlg helps her cope with her CSA, Simone called her a liar and a fake)Her ig: tumblr: Her lengthy PULL thread: No. 507437
File: 1518983561131.png (133.62 KB, 396x500, wow.png)

>>507432dropping screenshots of her messy ass. here's hitler.
No. 507462
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>>507432bullying some random girl for daring to have a similar aesthetic to her already-overplayed one.
No. 507470
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>>507432neglected to mention that she denies being into DDlg and then posts shit like this.
No. 507502
File: 1518986050682.png (1.5 MB, 886x881, Výstřižek.PNG)

>>507432wow wtf. what i find creepy is how she posts pics of actual children as well, thats weird af. she seems weirdly obsessed
No. 511513
>>422590Oooh these two, they're in the same anti-ddlg fb group I'm into, always defending their "kink". The girl seems a bit more mature, while the guy is a total asshole and spergs out all the time. Overuses the [
triggered] meme in 2018 (when he's actually the
triggered one) and even called a woman "pedophile" because she likes to have her tits sucked during sex. The irony
No. 517516
>>511513That group is cancer. It wasn't anti-ddlg at all, it even says in the group description they're not pro OR ANTI ddlg. All the anti people came in though and now they spend more time bitching about how awful the ddlg defenders are than actually posting relevant ddlg stuff to laugh at.
To be perfectly honest these two weren't even that bad. The boyfriend was pretty gross and annoying but the girl was fairly chill.
No. 517683
File: 1519919015918.jpg (97.87 KB, 1250x703, 160825_1v5k4_dickens-mcewen-ac…)

I think these two suit this thread perfectly. From Toronto. Jason Byrd Dickens (retrodeviant) and Dylan MacEwan (dirtydoll/prettybitterpill)
Anyone who remembers the original Degrassi, might recognize him as Scott the abusive boyfriend. Also both 'big' in the Toronto scene. Busted for possessing and making cp and bestiality. Tumblr famous for some gross hucow pic. 2 kids that they were allegedly involving with their shit somehow. And yes, he has a Daddy kink. No. 518330
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No. 588805
File: 1526772744844.jpg (160.74 KB, 900x1200, DcMRG3AW4AAn27y.jpg)

There's this thot on Twitter called Kuru who lies about her age and panders to pedophiles, I know there's a bunch of egirls now but I keep seeing her come up and it only takes a quick scroll of her tweets to smell how badly she reeks of "insecure little loli wannabe who needs validation of neckbeards"
I hate fake uwu egirls who pretend to like hentai and kinks for attention and money, it's gross. No. 588811
File: 1526772887129.jpg (139.57 KB, 900x1200, DcMRGCWWkAUqQFJ.jpg)

>>588805I forgot to add this but she claims she's 22, abuses filters and Shoop, and makes buttmad posts for attention as well
No. 617892
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Oh, boy, have I got a juicy one for you guys.
It’s old milk, but I don’t think it’s ever been shared anywhere here or KF or any other lolcow discussion websites. I present to you Sid and Penny: A Tumblr Romance.
Penny (cuntzillaa on tumblr) met Sid (degenerate-cowboy/facet-of-faces) through mutual porn and kink communities on tumblr. With she being addicted to pain and he being a sociopath, they naturally got along well. Things went into dangerous and extreme territory pretty quickly and soon Penny started cutting herself up at his requests, inserting knives in her vag, hitting herself in the face etc. It got even worse when they met in real life. And then it turned out he was cheating on his wife.
this drama all played out in such a niche part of Tumblr’s communities that it may have gone totally unnoticed if it weren’t for someone who put together an 8 minute documentary of sorts and sent it to efukt. It was published January 2018 and taken down pretty quickly. but there are dupes of it online and it is equal parts hilarious, horrifying, disgusting, and fascinating.
Here is the video someone pieced together, which is NSFW and NSFL. Knives, self harm, physical abuse, obvious emotional abuse, rampant mental illness, general disgusting acts:’s hard to stomach watching it.
bonus reddit post about this video with some interesting discussion in comments No. 640978
File: 1532002236818.jpeg (302.14 KB, 1162x1879, 62784AA9-A5F1-4B1C-B31C-F95849…)

Surprised nobody has mentioned this milk goldmine
-has her full name attached to her nasty ass hardcore stuff
- 250+ pounds but a “diagnosed anorexic”
- sperged for weeks about how ‘triggering’ someone saying her Bitmoji was thinner than her
-changes starting weight a few pounds heavier on fitness account every few weeks
to make it seem that she’s made more progress
-porn filmed in parents house on old iPod (lmfao) a few hundred veiws at best.
-abounded her premium Snapchat over the skinny Bitmoji drama, no compensation
She’s way too milky, she deserves a thread in snow
No. 640983
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>>640978Wtf this fatass is gross as shit
No. 697870
File: 1538006143637.png (8.22 MB, 1125x2436, 880E2067-DB55-4A07-9C0F-7A2753…)

are these two doing this in public? a CHILDREN'S playground???
>>693567lmao just noticed her hands
No. 701446
>>701153wow this retarded bitch. AP makes some great socks and their cardigans are cute AF??? like sorry bitch, they're probably falling apart bc you're fucking up the seams.
>not knowing that it's called ACRYLIC when it's yarn, not polyester.
>not knowing that cotton yarn 100% pure isn't really used for apparel items anyways. dang, it's good this girl has a sugar daddy, because shes such a retard theres no way she can live on her own. acts like she's some some hard expert on brand but doesn't know what fibers are actually good for what purpose. bitch fuck off.
No. 702723
>>588805Late reply, but I'm very familiar with this cow as one of my best friend was horribly dumped by her boyfriend when he started to gravitate around her and her clique, he even used some of my friend's money to go visit her (I don't think anything happened between them though).
She's just a shut-in neet who spends her day on Twitter, she's the kind to go "stop sending me explicit messages, I'm not here for that" when she posts a lot of "sexy" pics of her thighs, plays a lot with the "loli imouto imagery" and constantly references hardcore hentai. She lives with a beta orbiter who pays for the apartment of course, and I've been told that she'd send nudes for free, she's so desperate for attention that she can't even sell them. She's also a very nasty person, constantly shittalking other women.
No. 702915
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Shielastretch used to be a feedee, is obsessed with wrecking her vagina, and has rape and abuse fantasies. But the worst part is she fucks her dog and got tattoos to mark her as a dog fucker. She's a crazy delusional bitch who got an animal purely for the sake of fucking him, and her boyfriend/husband seems equally bad if not worse.
No. 702944
Also jesus christ. Just googled that woman and her Tumblr is a fucking hive of degeneracy. Someone rescue her poor doggo
No. 760531
File: 1546894918715.png (Spoiler Image,380.93 KB, 581x420, yuck.PNG)

>>760528Milkwebs is disgusting
No. 760534
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Actually, I scrolled a few more tweets down on milkwebs to see if that was the best example, and jesus h. christ this girl is fucked.
No. 762366
File: 1547155959628.jpeg (913.68 KB, 1242x1786, A000C713-2D66-443E-A4C0-ADC0A7…)

maybe I’m just a prude who doesn’t ~get it~, but saying “this is home” next to a picture of her getting waterboarded is pretty grim.
I’ve always found the whole bdsm positivity thing kinda cringy tbh
No. 762539
>>762366lol this isn't waterboarding. how is this supposed to be rough - a comfy shower with a flannel on your face? you can try this it's not uncomfortable.
Waterboarding is when the subject is lying down and tilted beyond flat so that the lungs are above the throat. Water thus pools in the breathing tube (and cannot be coughed out due to the cloth) and it feels the same as when water is in the lungs (drowning response)
No. 763241
>>763174I admire that you're able to recognize so clearly what's happening in the picture, as we basically only see her head and it's hard to tell what her exact position is.
Anyway, I doubt that a person like her, who drinks people's piss, would be just up to some "comfy shower".
No. 766236
>>765129"dragging Lolita into DDLG"
Oh you sweet summer child…I remember back in ye olde days of livejournal EGL when the admin MissMeganMaude turned out to be an adult baby/DDLG model.
No. 766619
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No. 766620
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No. 766622
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No. 766626
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No. 766628
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No. 766629
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No. 766630
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No. 766631
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No. 766633
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No. 766635
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No. 766637
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No. 766639
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No. 766640
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"fan art"
legit this one has proper dogfucking so be warned
No. 766645
So, the worst parts that I found out are:
- she has at least one child
- she's had her tubes tied (she calls it "slut surgery")
- she mods r/holewreckers and there's a discord for it ( NSFW/NSFL obviously
- she's into dogs and horses
- she's a vegan and into sustainable living (dunno if that's bad, but I thought it was an interesting tidbit for a dogfucker)
-she wears large vaginal plugs daily and can orgasm when it's pushed out of her
-she has a surrogacy and childbirth fetish
-she has a long term partner who… is okay with her and the dog
No. 781102
File: 1551112321870.jpg (8.02 KB, 300x225, misc09_anonib_zps445f4da5.jpg)

>>766645>>766640>>766639>>766637>>766635>>766633>>766631>>766630>>766629>>766628>>766626>>766622>>766620>>766619I can't fucking look away, what a car crash. Her poor dog…
I went on a deepdive and found an old photobucket with feet pics as well as pic related. That may be her or maybe just tattoo inspo?She's very active on reddit but really boring - just rants about veganism all the time. Looks like she's in some sort of hole wreckers discord too.
No. 781107
>>781102Found her website. No mention of dogfucking here.
No. 898877
>>204887>Ever since I was like 6 years old (yes, six) I've had sexual fantasies about rape
bullshit, you're either a dude larping, lying, or you have false memory syndrome.
It's IMPOSSIBLE for a child to fantasize this type of disgusting shit unless they were exposed to porn at a really young age.
I know this because I WAS exposed to porn as a toddler. Sadly, as an result I use to fantasize horrible shit I saw from the porn. But, as I'm older I realize that I was a child that didn't comprehend anything and merely imitated from them.
If you're truthful, then you must of imitated from it. Like all children, you were an innocent impressionable child that didn't understand shit!. Like children kill or torture animals because they don't have the brains to comprehend what they're doing. Children don't have secret rape agendas, WHY do I have to obvious about this!!! Children do have secret espionage agendas tho, damn you Timmy that drank my Capri-sun when I wasn't looking.
Or the other option that makes sense and logical - that you're a fucking creep that's lying to gain sympathy points and have us be more understanding to pedophilia or sick kinks. You're dog whistling pedophilia, essentially. Fuck off, pedos deserve the bullet.
(necro) No. 900646
>>898886no problem, it was to draw attention to that retarded 3 year old pedophile comment.
Although, whatever makes you feel good about your attraction to children anon.
Also thats gold, most posts on snow are anons bitching, what makes my post any different besides necro. I thought this site was for milk and discussion.
You realize you replying to me also brings attention to yourself? You had to bump my necro post with yours just to make yourself feel edgy and super cool. Fuck off.