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No. 1914617
The milk is thin, though many of our cows are not.
Previous Thread:
>>1902426Pro-Ana Scumbags Index:
>>1906589New Sister Thread: Cluster B(itches) - BPDs and Wannabes
>>1904806Cluster B(itches) is the new home of Enara, Laura, Colours, lostallsanityx, Fish Shoes, and Emily J.
This thread has some crossover cows who either LARP EDs or have an ED, but is reserved for cows with personality disorders and whose milk is not primarily related to eating disorders. Several nonnies have contributed their favourite headcase cows, such as Alex Moorhouse, Holly Wilcox, Katya, Hayley, and Allyson. Nonnies with a particular interest in BPD cows are invited to contribute and/or lurk the psych ward.
Stef - Desperate enough for validation that she reached out to SnapchatBot to talk about her feeding tube (
>>1903870 ). Really loves her tube, and also Jesus (
>>1911542 ). A stint at ACUTE is confirmed (
>>1911889 ). In her mid-late 20s acting like an abandoned child (
>>1912741 ).
Niamh - Turned 18 in September (
>>1906317 ). Voluntarily in an adult inpatient unit (
>>1906918 ). One astoundingly retarded anon posted a nude Niamh posted on Reddit…before she turned 18 (
>>1909747 ).
Fi - Busy making sure she's nice and spoopy for Halloween (
>>1904625 ). Plans on returning to uni but keeps vagueposting about her mental state (
>>1906514 ).
Nourish - Really and truly flourishing (
>>1909036 ).
Bun - A screenshot of her Twitter account ends up in a YT video about ED, since she's such a dedicated EC reply-guy/apologist (
>>1906048 ). This prompts her to encourage her followers to abuse YT's report function (
>>1906145 ). Is begging other edtwt users to post her bodychecks in thinspo threads, but is kind enough to make it easy for them to do so by adding them to her highlights (
>>1910117 ). Was detained (
>>1913572 ) and then pooped her pants (
>>1914512 ).
EC - Your YT recommendations and FYP were probably full of asinine and performative speculation videos when the whole crisis team thing went down. Nothing came of any of it (
>>1907132 ).
Rachel - Claiming to be in recovery, carrying on with the wannabe EC act (
>>1907789 ).
Ash - Somehow still alive (
>>1906811 ).
Abby - Back on her bullshit, headbanging away and standing on her dresser to show off her "shoes" again (
>>1908387 ). Joins Niamh in posting disturbing bodychecks on Vinted (
>>1909727 ).
Kate - Seeing a 36 year old coke addict and skinny fetishist who, within a week, gave her a UTI that turned into a bladder infection because she was purging too often to take antibiotics (
>>1902468 ). Went off Trazodone cold turkey, then landed herself in the ER within two weeks after overdosing on Trazodone and suffering just a smidge of alcohol poisoning (
>>1909295 ) and got upset when the ER doctor didn't try to cure her eating disorder (
>>1912105 ). Decided that edtwt was the right place to cry about Israel and post Ben Shapiro videos, with milky results (
>>1914357 ).
Lyss - Enrapturing photos of Starbucks cups (
>>1904752 ). If any nonnies are looking for a new apartment, why not join Lyss in the apartment her awful father hooked her up with (
>>1907538 )? She's having a great time (
>>1909310 ).
May - Officially left medical school and ended her "medical career" (
>>1908016 ).
Em (Emily Victoria) - In hospice (
>>1908980 ).
Elzani - A new fitness era sounds alarm bells for some nonnies (
>>1908652 ). Posted a YT video about her inpatient meal plan (
>>1913181 ).
Han - Recently diagnosed with ADHD (
>>1909723 ) and thinks bee pollen will magically make her boobs grow despite chronic malnourishment (
>>1911197 ).
Zara - Possibly looks better, possibly doesn't (
>>1904145 ). Still can't drive.
Sydney - Possibly looks worse, possibly doesn't (
>>1907911 ). Throws Stef a little side-eye (
>>1907971 ).
Miru - Claims that any rude, cocky, pretentious, or vain behaviour is just how she masks her…
possible autism (
>>1910189 ).
Frances - Has the lowest BMI in the world, like, ever, maybe (
>>1911675 ).
Marie/Elise - Also has the lowest BMI in the world, like, ever (
>>1905223 ). Nonnies speculate about her childish presentation (
>>1912244 ).
Becca - Celebrates her tube having been removed "42 weeks ( 295 days )" ago, which is objectively less interesting than her teeny tiny little no-lip mouth (
>>1911778 ).
(Mostly) New Mentions:
Emma - Another anachan just using Vinted and Depop to post bodychecks (
>>1911680 ).
Itziar Sanchez Guardamino - IG NEET anachan, constantly posts spoopish nudes and then bitches about shadowbanning, has countless accounts: classicnymph, itziarevangeline, ancestralnymph, ancestralglimpse, and a Telegram (
>>1911536 ).
Jaycie - 16 years old. Possible Porgie 2.0 with a tube hooked up to nothing (
>>1908041 ). Constantly live on TikTok and sobbing on camera about her severe anorexia when she doesn't meet the criteria for AN…or A-AN, for that matter, as she hasn't exhibited significant or rapid weight loss (
>>1909554 ).
Chiara - Alleged recovery faker, and overall unsettling filter abuser (
>>1907712 ). Blatant bodychecking of ribs and stomach in public (
>>1912415 ).
@q0rpz3 - Goes out of her way to bodycheck in videos, but gets incredibly defensive when her ED is mentioned in the comments (
>>1906487 ). Award-winning bulimia cheeks.
@laurasylv - Another faux recovery warrior (
>>1904701 ).
finding_lexiem - Fattie with a nose hose that she doesn’t even connect to a feed (
>>1907247 ).
jen.peach - We've got another allegedy recovered health coach in the mix who's transforming "food addicts into fit frugivores & entrepreneurs" (
>>1913879 ).
Emily Cooper - TikTok ED therapist who constantly bodychecks in her videos (
>>1914232 ).
A Special Mention:
One nonna resigns herself to cowdom via an appeal for advice and/or a reality check in hopes of avoiding a realapse (
>>1914159 ). Such a misguided post should be a reality check in and of itself, so good luck with that,
Links: No. 1914635
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Are we absolutely certain Em in hospice for anorexia and not old age? She looks 90
No. 1915168
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Lyss announced her third Facebook account by denouncing her father despite the fact he hasn’t cut her off at age 33. Stef must be jealous. For her security question someone should message her: “what is the correct response to your doctor recommending a feeding tube?” Then we will know for sure if she’s been hacked again
No. 1915179
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1/2 she’s been brought up before but _youve_got_this_ is now claiming to have eaten 12,000 calories without binging and tells people that eating like this won’t cause you to gain a bunch of weight
No. 1915180
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2/2 metabolism and digestive system is so healed that she just magically doesn’t gain. Yes, that’s exactly what’s happening…
No. 1915207
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She seems so blind to the fact that she isn’t just a chronic anorexic. She’s someone that struggles with using social media for attention and asspats, and who feels she needs to get sick again when the asspats dry up. She hasn’t even tried giving up social media which is obviously the huge problem. She can go to treatment and pretend to go through the motions of recovery, but if she’s still using her socials in the same way she won’t get better. She’s partially doing it to herself and her parents must see that. One of her therapists must have already identified the BPD attention seeking component of her illness, so I’m surprised they haven’t tried to change her social media use , or maybe she just ignores or refuses
No. 1915308
>>1915207I don't think Stef is a chronic anorexic as much as she is a chronic attention whore, tbh. People like her will happily return to treatment the second they're even slightly underweight and love being tubed bc they think it makes them sooper sick & speshul.
True chronics will either avoid seeking care until things are objectively dire or just refuse it altogether until they die (i.e. Kelsey, the Campbell twins, Sydney or Laura Ingram).
No. 1915366
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This actually seems like a lot more insight than usual from Zara. She's still a little defensive about it, but seems to be finally publicly admitting that she wasn't being truthful and to have some genuine remorse about it. As much as I love snarking about Zara, it's nice to see her gain some more insight.
No. 1915440
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Yikes at Lyss' mother encouraging her unhinged reaction to a long layover. Does it kind-of suck? Sure, but sometimes travel is inconvenient. Walk around. Leave the airport. Bring stuff to do. Also, it's totally possible that he was told it couldn't be changed without a large fee and decided he didn't want to (or couldn't) spend more money on her travel. It's not some huge drama.
No. 1915441
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1) Wow, poor Lyss, so neglected while on vacation.
2) Insane that she has to reference her break-up.
No. 1915444
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>>1915441Also, that comment about nobody trying to make the trip good is super bratty, given that it followed immediately after her posting about a ton of breaking bad stuff that she saw/did.
No. 1915449
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>>1915448>>1915446in case you didn't see it at the end of the last thread, nonnas, the reason she hates her grandma is because she asked the usual old person "are you going to get married soon?" question and Lys interpreted it as a dig at her break-up that happened ten years ago
No. 1915529
>>1915449Once again, EVERYTHING with lyss is "the absolute worst," "crying hysterically," and "beyond what she can articulate."
>>1915441Her old profile had lots of posts begging people to pay for a "desperately needed" massage and once bitching none of her friends had hot tubs.
No. 1915600
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That's a hell of a lot of mental gymnastics to do so she can claim she never lies while admitting to a shit ton of lying by omission
No. 1915612
Saged bc this milk is a couple weeks old, but seeing Jaycie happily tucking into a burger, fries and a milkshake while tubed is so cringe. I get that people with EDs still eat or else they'd be dead, but why the hell does she need an NG if she's fine consuming 1000+ calories in one sitting? Not very ~fragile dainty ana queen~ of her, kek
No. 1915675
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Comments on this post seem to all agree that it's about EC.
There was a blind item reveal about her being in the hospital this summer as well
No. 1915691
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Sage because not necessarily creamy but this is Francesca.casanova (from Italy)
Her elephant trunk tube is what caught me eye. She's been ip since may with the ng. She didn't eat anything for 6 months. She was ip (and friends with) valeriaraffa (who has been posted here before a super skelly that goes ip, gets out still uw and then loses anything she had gained). Francesca hasn't posted since August so I'm curious if she's still IP with the trunk. I wouldn't think so considering how physically unwell she was.
No. 1915692
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No. 1915693
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No. 1915700
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Samefag example
No. 1915770
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>>1915524The second post is a reference to her layover/being reminded of her ex of ten years. Very devastating as always. And the best place to get salads is a grocery store lol why is she always looking for ways to spend money she doesn’t earn. I’m glad she got hacked because now she can never delete all the cringey stuff on her old accounts
No. 1915773
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Poor Lyss, victimized by free wine.
No. 1915784
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>>1915782Stef: "I'm just existing on the internet as someone with an eating disorder! How could anyone call my posts unhelpful?"
No. 1915889
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Cara has the right idea x
No. 1915995
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Most embarrassing cow right now in my opinion. Claims to have severe ana yet can set up her own tube feeds to keep her weight at the high end of healthy. Nobody who actually has treatment resistant anorexia would voluntarily tube feed themselves.
No. 1915999
>>1911680Is she lying about the pants fitting and is holding the hip area taut with her hand and the legs…idk fucking clothing pins or something?
Is it edited?
Did she buy it from another anachan who had it tailored?
Or do brands really design skinny jeans for anachans?
Even kids'/teens' don't have legs this slim.
Maybe they would stretch on someone with bigger legs, but jeans fabric isn't that stretchy even if it has elastane I think?
No. 1916022
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>>1916018Not even slightly imo. This girl is just as bad. It’s been going on for years. She went to erc then rosewood and had bounced around center to center never being very underweight. She had fits online bc she was discharged or refused a tube or various medical procedures she wanted. Eventually she went full munchie. When she was at erc it was all videos of her and the girls playing games at the center like a sorority house. It was appalling.
No. 1916077
>>1915788Agreed, wondering if she borders on sociopathy or just has no empathy for others because she really doesn’t give a flying fuck on who she affects. She creates a
toxic echo chamber on her tiktok by deleting any comments that call her out and blocking them. The only people left in the comment kiss her ass and claim she’s oh so helpful (I.e.
triggering their Ed), which normalizes the disgusting online behavior she does. It’s not fucking normal for an almost 28 year old to be posting body checks from before she started weight restoring over and over again to a young ed audience and blocking all criticism, it’s despicable. Sure some people keep posting body checks after being called out a bunch, but with Stef she refuses to admit it at all and tries to make it so “sneaky”. She does it in ways to make it seem like they’re just a picture to put on her picture slides on tiktok, or that it’s just a vacay video, so that she still thinks she has room to argue against the body checking accusations. But it doesn’t make it anything less obvious or harmful.
(learn to sage) No. 1916113
>>1915761Just follow her private account where she goes live literally everyday and you’ll know. She documents it.
I’m sure you can guess though.
No. 1916122
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Saged because I’m quite new and not sure who’s been talked about here already or not but this girl just posted her Halloween/Cosplay costume? And it’s Ellen from To The Bone..
Excuse the French under the picture, I kept it so you guys could have her username.
No. 1916143
>>1916142simmer the fuck down and eat a snickers, does
>>1915995 look like a SEED patient to you?
No. 1916207
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I think she’s been posted before but talk about pro ana content
No. 1916321
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hxn is extreme living proof that anorexia makes you retarded
No. 1916360
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>>1916207Not to mention the way that her YT profile pic is giving early 2010s Tumblr thinspo, kek
No. 1916465
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In her usual form of oversharing other people's shit on the internet, Stef keeps posting about a friend who had what sounds like a suicide attempt. I can understand the initial post when she was missing, but goddamn Stef have some respect and take it down and/or don't post extra shit once she's been found and is being taken care of. Way to air someone else's dirty laundry on your social media.
No. 1916665
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Marie, you are 20. Your birthday is in January. That’s literally almost 21.
No. 1916685
>>1916665Ig since 21 makes you legally an adult in the US (correct me if I am wrong), this one could be especially hard for her?
She had no issue saying she's 19 in an old post on IG.
When I first saw the tweets about that creep and her saying she's 14, I thought her pretending to be a minor was a misguided attempt at desexualising herself. If someone grows up very sheltered I could see how they don't realise it'll attract creeps, rather than repel them.
But not so sure about that anymore.
No. 1917278
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Saged cos no milk but has anybody else seen/follow this girl? She’s frighteningly frail
No. 1917295
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Okay she really is thin but why does she do Halloween makeup every day???
No. 1917299
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I actually love that all of her comments are hate comments and not “ooo you’re so pretty! Wish I was u!!”
No. 1917304
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No. 1917609
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>>1917599fuck it, i'll take the low quality bait. has she considered shutting her eyes? walking away from the screen?
No. 1917610
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>>1917278>>1917299>>1917295HOLY SHIT a shmegeh wannabe in this the year of 2023. i thought the shmegeh wannabes had all moved on, but we got a live one here.
shmegeh thread for the newfags
>>49394 No. 1917622
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>>1917610That's exactly what I thought too
No. 1917626
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>>1917622YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME LMFAO, that's shmegeh's phone case too! holy kek of the gods, this one's a mimic lolcow. a rare spawn. all the shmegeh mimics died out over the past decade
No. 1917631
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marie has been talked about for years and she’s known it, but it’s the one time someone calls her out for being older than she pretends to be that she has a breakdown? trying to guilt trip by saying “every thing they say is another day of starving” kek maybe she is mentally 12 after all
No. 1917635
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>>1917631Never mind it seems she has recovered very abruptly from the hate
No. 1917661
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>>1917655Her Twitter. She also posts photos of "her" pre ed with literal stock photo watermarks. I don't think she deserves hate but some of her claims are OTT.
No. 1917697
>>1917678Indeed, i don't know if it was a "fail to launch" or if she eventually had posts, i remember her being brought up
>>1871903 a few months ago and it was under question as to her age. Maybe self-posting for round two?
No. 1917727
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>>1917661Her thighs dont look like that at all tho, i know its hard to see but here you can see she isnt such a spoop
She’s just a tryhard
No. 1917820
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further proof that frances’ parents are batshit- her mum is blaming cosmic events (a fucking meteor shower) for people’s medical issues. some people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids , what an imbecile, no wonder they let her get so sick. lack of intellect and critical thinking probably makes neglect much easier
No. 1917873
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Who the fuck is that?
No. 1917898
>>1917873That "lbmi:8.6(don't do it)" is pissing me off so much. From all I've seen this disorder is super competitive, no way people with it are going to read this as a warning sign rather than as motivation to go lower.
I thought she was just misguided when I first saw her mentioned.
But if she really was as sweet and concerned for others as she likes to present herself, she would at the very least not have such a huge
trigger in her bio.
Her pinned tweet doesn't bother me as much because that one is at least a properly gruelling read. I think/hope very few people would be inspired by it, and it might actually deter people from going there and prevent some harm that way.
But having that in her bio is just so irresponsible.
No. 1917934
File: 1698019672749.jpeg (Spoiler Image,860.6 KB, 1125x1831, IMG_2130.jpeg)

Lukascout is showing off her new spoop spine and scaring her followers. Spoilered cause bone show.
No. 1918092
File: 1698054254976.jpg (542.01 KB, 1920x1920, InShot_20231023_170030672.jpg)

Sage cause not super milky but this cow was on my fyp. Jasmin_blackgold She claims to be about 'fitness' and encouraging others to get a flat tummy but get whole page is body shots and body checks. Same pose basically infront of a small mirror with a piece sign. She clearly knows she's small wearing the leggings and rolling down her active wear shorts or whatever. I'm just so over these cows being uw and using fitness as an excuse. Gymfags are the new realcovery as has been shown on here. So yeah rant over
No. 1918095
File: 1698054467162.jpg (312.13 KB, 1920x1920, InShot_20231023_173137074.jpg)

Samefag but forgot to mention, I think she does it for the fetishists? She doesn't have any normal comments from normal people just creepy old dudes leaving love hearts and fire emoji and simping. An example of some of the creeps who follow and leave messages on her posts
No. 1918143
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>>1917873This is the girl Marie has in her profile picture, she’s on TikTok and is super spoopy (probably a puker if you look at her cheeks) does outfit ideas and stuff all the time while showing her super skinny body. Don’t know if she has talked about having an ed or something but yeah. I also don’t know if she has been brought up or not
No. 1918219
File: 1698081378917.jpg (318.27 KB, 1080x2159, Screenshot_2023-10-23-19-13-24…)

samefag, lukascout has a blog and she's open about her anorexia
No. 1918312
File: 1698092118024.png (170.86 KB, 720x742, Screenshot_20231022-202851.png)

sage because old milk. but did anyone notice that our 'graduated' cow kween Zara has THIS pinned in her tellonym ? kek. why does she feel the need to prove how sick and frail she was?? she wants the sickest anachan award ? never forget she pulled herself out of FUCKING single digit!! on her own!! she's sooooo brave and STRONG!
No. 1918315
File: 1698092292781.jpg (238.25 KB, 1080x1702, Screenshot_2023-10-23-22-07-53…)

Looking through Luka's mom IG, found a lot of comments like this.
Like she said in her blog, she's treatment resistant so there's nothing more her mum can do. Also, in her blog Luka explains her problems with her biological dad and I think there's a relation between that and her ed.
The thing I can't understand is how you can post almost nudes to IG when your family is following you and it's obvious she's proud of her emaciated body and loves the pervert fetishist comments
No. 1918320
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luka apparently asking people for their bmi now…. odd
No. 1918336
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She keeps changing her pfp to random girls lmao
No. 1918428
>>1918315If treatment resistant means not even engaging with treatment, then sure. Luka thinks she is such a sweet person then manipulates and
triggers everyone around her
No. 1918467
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>>1917934Speaking of Luka, she's going around asking other known ana influncers their bmis. Unhinged behaviour
No. 1918546
>>1918297>>1918195It is because it was a block, or range, if you prefer, of IP addresses, like say blocking x.x.x.1 to x.x.x.100. This is to combat someone generating a new IP, wherein only the last octet of numbers are the ones to change, to evade a ban.
Best to use /meta/ to discuss it further (if necessary).
No. 1918663
>>1918546That's interesting.
Literally I don't know how to generate a new IP. But I know the perma bans also run out. But I will shut up now.
No. 1918664
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>>1918662And this is her after it blew up definitely not enjoying the attention she got
No. 1918668
>>1918662I just gagged up my chicken pot pie, that is the hand of a 65+ moid. What the fuck, how old is the girl?
>>1918666>I want to tell my brain that is her dad and he's concerned for her.Kek, no that's worse!
No. 1918683
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>>1918320This was luka's follow up message kek I actually find this hilarious
No. 1918687
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>>1918683And she also asked the same to Marie
No. 1918722
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I know this girl might’ve been brought up as a vendetta, but she does truly post some wacky stuff
Like who posts this on their normal Instagram story, where family and friends and coworkers follow?
No. 1918724
File: 1698166244763.png (5.15 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5988.png)

>>1918723Also on the same day as those two posts, a body check kek
No. 1918730
File: 1698167068647.jpeg (317.71 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_6755.jpeg)

According to her discord Kate is now trying to recover. Good for her, honestly, i hope the hospitalization and everything helped her to clean up her act
No. 1918745
File: 1698168730065.png (5.88 KB, 545x94, Screenshot (20214).png)

While we're on the topic of Kate I've had this screenshot saved since like late May and I know it's way beyond stale milk at this point but I'm finally clearing out my screenshots so I just wanted to post it here like I intended too in the summer and get rid of it. Right after Kate got reported to CPS by another edtwt user and her followers dogpiled the girl with remarks about deportation because she wasn't born in the US I saw this comment in the "get it off your chest" thread. It could just be a coincidence but the timing lined up perfectly and it even looks like something Kate would post, and I wouldn't be surprised if she lurks/posts here. Anyway ignore me if this sounds too tinfoily, I just thought it was an interesting coincidence considering how many cows have been caught posting here
No. 1918765
File: 1698170503764.jpeg (135.61 KB, 1290x1092, IMG_9293.jpeg)

>>1918730Looks like she made a new discord? I don’t expect this ~era~ or whatever will last if she’s still going to be active in these communities still. But that said I do hope for the sake of her family that she’s had a real wake up call.
No. 1918829
File: 1698182924612.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1057x1648, IMG_1208.jpeg)

well fiona looks shit / goblin-like again. that recovery lasted
No. 1918915
>>1918829She’ll be back in hospital before Christmas .
Poor sisters yet another year revolving around Fi.
I can’t take any more elf outfits or teaspoons.
She’s more irritating than Paris
No. 1919015
>>1918992Wait until they get into their 30s, if I behaved like any of them in my late teens I’d want to put my head in an oven.
Not to mention all the time they’re wasting, imagine being 35 living at home with your parents because you can’t get a decent job due to your lack of education and life skills because you spent 10 years of your life being a spoop.
No. 1919127
File: 1698246534732.png (2.97 MB, 828x1792, 198AA82E-3CE3-4BB1-8D37-E2F806…)

I have noticed our red talker has been really quiet on tik tok, She hasn’t posted in two weeks gaining concern
No. 1919312
File: 1698271487250.jpeg (181.5 KB, 1170x1197, 195B4BE4-A0AD-47FF-9308-66CC47…)

A little bit of shame would go a long way for Lyss
No. 1919351
File: 1698279313402.jpg (1011.04 KB, 1080x1560, Screenshot_20231026_074351_Ins…)

Anyone know what this vague post is about?
No. 1919352
File: 1698279443418.jpg (441.43 KB, 1920x1920, 081657129.jpg)

Possible admission coming up?
No. 1919413
File: 1698291435444.png (35.8 KB, 470x133, Screen Shot 2023-10-25 at 10.3…)

No. 1919448
File: 1698298249569.jpeg (667.37 KB, 1290x2794, IMG_0077.jpeg)

Skim milk, bordering on water. She thinks she’s a soop and posted a long rant about how she was expecting to be admitted to res after discharging from a week long IP stay, but the doctor told her she was fine and could go back to school. Body checks in all her videos. Literally just wants to live in a treatment center. TikTok is recoverwithme18
No. 1919516
File: 1698313369002.jpeg (260.95 KB, 750x624, 12A1CB15-024A-4A61-975F-A24725…)

Saged because not a regular cow but these twitter ed cows have got to be satire at this point why are people genuinely promoting shoplifting
No. 1919539
File: 1698317629872.jpg (839.36 KB, 1079x1678, 017492110.jpg)

Who takes the photos of these cows sleeping and pretending they don't know it's being done?
No. 1919568
File: 1698322707346.jpg (842.58 KB, 1080x1854, Screenshot_20231026_201722_Ins…)

No. 1919569
File: 1698322938866.jpg (473.52 KB, 1080x1880, Screenshot_20231026_201734_Ins…)

No. 1919697
File: 1698337624242.png (6.75 MB, 1170x2532, 45DDB6DD-E27A-4432-B275-715488…)

Jaycie on live doing a feed rn. I know nothing about ng tubes but that looks like a hell of a lot of calorific liquid for an already overweight person kek
No. 1919699
File: 1698337685767.png (7.71 MB, 1170x2532, C8651081-319D-4A19-95AB-93DF25…)

She is so proud of herself lmao
No. 1919720
File: 1698341058590.jpeg (Spoiler Image,789.78 KB, 1170x1666, IMG_6770.jpeg)

Marie posted a new bc on twitter and its a doozy
No. 1919767
File: 1698344575801.jpeg (429.44 KB, 1170x2155, IMG_6044.jpeg)

How many videos is she going to post of her low weight at vacay and still expect people to not think it’s body checking? Kek
No. 1919769
File: 1698344623605.jpeg (95.74 KB, 478x875, IMG_6041.jpeg)

>>1919767And the way she tries to stare at herself in the videos sneakily is so funny
No. 1919933
>>1919519some types of feeding tubes actually go to the intestine (njt tube for example).
and regardless, feed is obviously easier to digest than real food so even if its a typical ng tube its still stomach rest.
No. 1920071
File: 1698388132101.jpeg (805.08 KB, 828x1453, IMG_0485.jpeg)

Not milk because she’s famous but have any of you seen this actress before? Her name is Antonia Campbell Hughes.
No. 1920097
File: 1698396876971.jpeg (125.89 KB, 900x1832, received_683792983485304.jpeg)

Abbys new tiktok
No. 1920098
Sorry for double post I was having an arse ache with resizing No. 1920112
File: 1698399564827.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x2005, 01AEEA59-D64F-4076-9165-E84548…)

rachel’s not dead lol. she liked ganer’s pic from 2 days ago
No. 1920131
File: 1698404590358.jpg (839.98 KB, 1170x2080, 08F19E51-7A93-4351-8743-51B944…)

>>1920123hair's definitely thinner in the top 2
No. 1920169
>>1920071Pretty sure this was for playing a concentration camp
victim in a movie.
No. 1920180
>>1919699The fuck is wrong with her? Having to do that shit is horrible, why are these people so happy and proud of their tube? It's such a sickening inconvenience that I have a hard time with these cows that want it so bad. It is such a "look at me I'm sick" stupid flex. You're not sick. You don't need feeds. You need to get over yourself and eat some damn food.
The tubers, man. The piss me OFF.
No. 1920227
>>1920201Nta but you must be new here, people passively wish death on the cows in these threads all the time, it would be more out of the ordinary if people didn't
Also you should sage if you want to avoid getting a ban
No. 1920237
>>1920112I have to admit seeing Ganer's face filled out is much more preferable to the super spoop she used to be. Wish she were more responsible about her workout/nutrition habits. Hoping we get to see some bodybuilder shots soon, if she did manage to get yuuuge I think that'd be rather comical.
>>1920150Be careful nonna don't cut yourself on all that edge.
No. 1920247
>>1920169NTA - it was 10 years ago she dropped so much weight, for playing Natasha Kampusch who is an Austrian kidnapping
victim (held for over 8 years from age 10-18).
No. 1920271
>>1920227Sorry. Learning. I thought I read all the rules but sage was under a different link I missed. Thank you I found it.
It just seems a little extreme imho.
No. 1920331
>>1920309According to Wikipedia she wasn't:
"She was in good physical health, although she looked pale and shaken and weighed only 48 kg (106 lb); she weighed 45 kg (99 lb) when she disappeared eight years earlier. Her body mass index had reached as low as 14.8 (normal BMI: 18.5 to 24.9), and she grew only 15 cm (5.9 in) during her captivity."
They don't link any direct source for it and I cannot be arsed to research it, but according to the article, it says in her biography that she was starved by him, so it's likely she wasn't a healthy weight when she escaped.
Obviously doesn't mean the actress didn't use it as an excuse to go spoop anyway.
No. 1920457
File: 1698452403270.jpg (Spoiler Image,530.57 KB, 1080x1896, Screenshot_20231027_093853_Ins…)

Spoilered because jump scare
Strong_balancing_brianna came up on my fyp page. Think she's legit sick and not milky but the affect her ED has on her face is scary
No. 1920463
File: 1698452771156.jpg (Spoiler Image,557.79 KB, 1080x1849, Screenshot_20231027_093945_Ins…)

They haven't posted since 2020… so I hope she's OK…
No. 1920473
File: 1698454085312.jpg (640.5 KB, 1920x1920, 86609_84445424.jpg)

Resident Ausfag Alysiaconditsis doesn't seem to be making much progress despite claiming she's getting help. 'Getting help' is a pretty broad statement I guess
No. 1920474
File: 1698454397727.jpg (247.17 KB, 894x1069, Comments.jpg)

Some comments left
And oh man I clicked on the fitness_future_inspo and it's crazy. Photos to come
No. 1920480
File: 1698454912813.jpg (738.52 KB, 1079x1895, 22595528_0574226.jpg)

I'm not sure if this/these are an actual person. At first I thought so, but looking at the faces of other pictures they've used a filter on her face but some almost look AI generated
No. 1920481
File: 1698454991740.jpg (958.49 KB, 1079x1978, Screenshot_20231028_083158_Ins…)

No. 1920485
File: 1698455061123.jpg (505.54 KB, 1079x1459, Screenshot_20231028_083300_Ins…)

I don't know what's going on with this pose but her face doesn't look real
No. 1920490
>>1920486I think it's the symmetry that's the tell. If you look at
>>1920480 her body is totally symmetric in all the pictures, which human bodies just aren't
No. 1920493
File: 1698455496669.jpg (410.65 KB, 1079x1709, Screenshot_20231028_091047_Gal…)

They follow some familiar cows
No. 1920497
File: 1698455879517.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.05 MB, 1079x1554, Screenshot_20231027_083448_Ins…)

So this was all from a late night deep dive rabbit hole just looking at friends and commenters and I found a seriously fucked up guy who is a 'photographer digital artist' (fetishist) and jfc. He takes spoops (many from vk) and digitally imposes them in weird scenarios and places. I've screen shot a bunch so you'll have to bear with me but he did our resident Ganer… and I'm spoiling because of the major kek
No. 1920502
File: 1698456214204.jpg (Spoiler Image,347.22 KB, 1080x1210, Screenshot_20231027_083306_Ins…)

The next few need to be spoilered
No. 1920503
File: 1698456241054.jpg (Spoiler Image,168.95 KB, 1080x1233, Screenshot_20231027_084829_Ins…)

No. 1920505
File: 1698456308338.jpg (Spoiler Image,783.94 KB, 1079x1214, Screenshot_20231027_083614_Ins…)

This was definitely taken from vk
No. 1920510
File: 1698456634649.jpg (Spoiler Image,380.3 KB, 1080x1875, Screenshot_20231027_095054_Ins…)

This is his page
I'd suggest being cautious while scrolling. He also follows a bunch of underage (most pre-pubescent) girl pages
No. 1920512
File: 1698456644043.png (630.95 KB, 489x749, Screen Shot 2023-10-27 at 8.30…)

I will never stop finding Stef's weekly identical tube pics funny. I wonder if the people who work near this brick wall recognize her by now.
No. 1920514
File: 1698456768042.jpg (Spoiler Image,249.3 KB, 1080x1908, Screenshot_20231027_091957_Ins…)

Spy the banner
No. 1920517
>>1920514This is all AI right?
Don’t post minors even if it’s fake.
No. 1920518
File: 1698457093917.jpg (469.15 KB, 1080x1523, Screenshot_20231027_095129_Ins…)

He's used clara_stocker
No. 1920521
>>1920517It's not AI, it's real peoples photos he gets off websites and Sm apps and makes digital art of them.
Admin can hopefully delete the one I was unsure about but it was mostly too slow the exploitation with the fact he's selling copies of what he's making
No. 1920523
File: 1698457397944.jpg (403.08 KB, 1080x1477, Screenshot_20231027_095204_Ins…)

No. 1920526
File: 1698457538498.jpg (469.87 KB, 1080x1223, Screenshot_20231027_095140_Ins…)

No. 1920528
File: 1698457609186.jpg (569.76 KB, 1080x1489, Screenshot_20231027_095357_Ins…)

We've got Kennedy by the poolside
No. 1920534
File: 1698457705408.jpeg (976.55 KB, 828x1177, IMG_0489.jpeg)

Some of them are funny
No. 1920536
File: 1698457751342.jpg (210.09 KB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20231027_092029_Ins…)

>>1920527And the fact he's going to vk to get photos and especially the most shocking ones it's disgusting and he's definitely making money of these digitals. He has a Deviant Art account where you can buy them
No. 1920538
File: 1698458080219.jpg (521.38 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20231027_095225_Ins…)

No. 1920540
File: 1698458175132.jpg (495.43 KB, 1080x1990, Screenshot_20231027_094532_Ins…)

I mean the fuckwit follows shmegeh's old account wtf kek
No. 1920541
>>1920539Yeah done that
I'm sceptical that he'll either just private account or if it gets banned, start a new private account and continue business as usual
No. 1920616
>>1920117Yeah she identifies as she/they now whatever you want to call that and she got diagnosed with adhd and I think is looking to get an autism diagnosis.
Getting kinda annoyed of attributing every single thing she does as a symptom of her adhd.
Can’t really comment on the weight thing. Looks normal and thriving tbh
No. 1921147
>>1921145Thank you! I never knew her origin story.
Also off topic because she doesn’t have an Ed, but I honestly can’t tell if this is satire or not. I saw her interacting with Lucinda. is an image board. post caps) No. 1921193
File: 1698590137761.jpg (949.55 KB, 1080x1996, Shmegma.jpg)

>>1920886There's definitely still Shmegeh wannabes
No. 1921222
>>1921193That looks like
cream …has this cow been spoken about before?
No. 1921271
File: 1698606396186.jpeg (401.78 KB, 1170x1745, IMG_6040.jpeg)

>>1921257samefag but the only thing i found mildy interesting is that she has some weird possibly fetish orbiters who comment on every single one of her posts and sometimes she responds to them in a rather friendly way
No. 1921397
File: 1698623920990.png (8.23 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_5512.png)

Stef posted this the other day but appears to have deleted it since. Seems like one of the first few times she posted herself actually socializing with peers. I wonder what she’s like to be in treatment with
No. 1921432
File: 1698628831452.jpeg (1019.89 KB, 1290x1529, IMG_0379.jpeg)

You just KNOW the bitch chose this pic to post on purpose. What a terrible friend.
No. 1921574
>>1921432I'm not even trying to
rattle rattle here, she doesn't look thin at all. Average, healthy built. What is the point in all these miachan behaviours, they're not paying off
No. 1921714
>>1921703This. It also seems telling that as soon as she struggled to lose and started gaining again she’s switched to recovery.
(I also suspect she thought her little ER trip was going to get her a lot more asspats from people in real life, but it just backfired completely. )
No. 1921715
File: 1698690001217.jpeg (2.41 MB, 1170x2036, IMG_6545.jpeg)

No one is making it a competition, Stef is truly delusional. People just are not impressed with her acting helpless like she can’t control any aspect of her disorder while posting constant body checks online that obviously fuel the Ed. At the very least she could try a social media break, since it makes her even more attached to her disorder as her only identity (other than Taylor swift), but she can’t cope with that because she wouldn’t get the asspats anymore that she gets on tiktok
No. 1921831
>>1921733The link won't embed for me so I wonder if that's why nobody's shared it yet
This is it though, right? No. 1922019
29 and 2 years into a relapse and feel this on a profound level. It's no way to live. These people need to get the fuck off social media for their own good
(blogposting) No. 1922067
>>1921787I think it’s Emma vlogging, then having her family and staff for it when she was too sick still do it. That’s what gets me. I don’t believe Emma wanted to live. I think she was either planning failing or sincerely doubted herself. That’s why she had it in camera. She wanted a legacy left behind. She wanted to be famous for her ED bc she achieved nothing else. I bet anything she used the documentary to
trigger herself. She probably reminded herself internally if I don’t eat … or lose … or do … then people will judge me on the videos as not being sick enough. It was really twisted how intense she was they must record her. People really trying to get better aren’t videoing every second. They’re not focused on being known. They wouldn’t enjoy rehashing times in their ed. I think she planned to give up all along, & I don’t know how family & staff could actually sit & video her.
No. 1922075
File: 1698746394513.jpeg (222.1 KB, 1170x752, 35747B35-9958-49AF-962C-B26B1C…)

>>1921955her most recent tweet. she seems to be active, the last tweet she liked was from 3 days ago
No. 1922092
NonnyI can recommend a book called " Anorexics on Anorexia"
Mods please don't delete this for Blogposting, my intent is to show the real reality , such as wetting the bed each night etc night or sometimes in the day, The pangs of guiltof guilt for what I put my family to.
(blogging) No. 1922125
>>1922093And which cow are you exactly?
The ana brainrot is still showing, please integrate and double check what you're typing before posting
No. 1922317
File: 1698792713626.jpg (256.15 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20231031_224934_Vin…)

>>1922303Kek okay so the most recent vinted review was a week ago, so she's still alive. The seller only has UK size 8's up, so I think niamhs bought some bigger clothes
No. 1922346
>>1921398Some treatment centers do night feeds specifically for weight restoration for patients who either need both meal increases and additional calories, or patients who would rather do any meal plan increase via a tube.
The former is typically emaciated patients, not some like Stef who’s underweight but not anywhere close to spoop levels (remember, ACUTE takes patients who are not seriously medically compromised as long as said patient has a diagnosable ED, some sort of medical symptoms, and the right type of health insurance. Medical symptoms are not hard to induce, even a person without an ED who goes without fluids for more than a day or two will have serious symptoms as a result of dehydration. And for a dedicated professional patient like Stef, both purposeful dehydration and a week or two without eating will make her look like shit visibly and medically).
The latter are very often patients like Stef, attention whores who’ve made their EDs their entire life and who will choose a tube 100% of the time when offered one, not because they need it but because it makes them look like the sickest snowflake ever. It’s the same type of patient who will restrict specifically to get a tube, and who will pick their treatment center over if the center tubes and under what circumstances. Notice that Stef never goes to centers that rarely or never tube. She gets a tube for refusing to eat and keeps it for as long as possible.
It’s a pretty good indicator that she plans to continue her cycle of treatment and toob for as long as she possibly can, not actually attempt to recover.
No. 1922370
File: 1698803447909.jpeg (230.52 KB, 1078x1936, IMG_1216.jpeg)

funny how much better abby looks when she’s not photoshopping herself in her room. still fucking weird to film yourself in the toilets of your ED appointment outpatient but hey ho
No. 1922383
File: 1698804606240.jpg (207.93 KB, 1080x1894, Screenshot_20231101_095419_Ins…)

I can't tell if this is filtered or not
No. 1922436
File: 1698814711224.jpg (94.46 KB, 977x374, Screenshot_20231031_205946_Tik…)

Uh oh.
No. 1922474
File: 1698819645710.jpeg (1.4 MB, 828x1419, IMG_0535.jpeg)

What do we know about this girl?
No. 1922488
File: 1698823434042.jpeg (516.67 KB, 1284x743, IMG_4869.jpeg)

She doesn’t need ip like she honestly just taking resources for people at unhealthy weights like she looks pretty alright to me
No. 1922501
>>1922488Who is this?
Also inpatient takes anyone regardless of weight. You can be medically unstable and not be underweight.
No. 1922519
She wants another ng tube for the TikTok’s
No. 1922540
>>1922016>>1922021Do you mean proana bloggers or just people with EDs in general. It's a mental disorder that can be
triggered by different things not just feeling "boring".
No. 1922563
>>1922540Anorexia can also have a strong biological basis, just like there are genetic mutations that make people always want to eat. Like you can
trigger anorexic behaviour (not eating and overexercising) in lab rats too despite they don't have twitter
No. 1922607
>>1922563Kek! My first reaction was to laugh at rats not having Twitter. But animal experiments are evil.
Sorry, ot. Shutting up.
No. 1922812
>>1922641Could have started after exams. Niamh also made sure to eat (absolute minimum)during exam season and
then went downhill. I don't think it's hard to believe she kept herself together for the academics and then lost any motivation for anything. A bit like ganer and exercise
No. 1922848
File: 1698880452505.jpeg (185.78 KB, 1032x722, IMG_1227.jpeg)

abby changing her name or just trying to un-associate herself with her embarrassing internet footprint…? remind me to update the thread links.
No. 1923043
File: 1698925258050.png (1.21 MB, 1761x1323, Screenshot 2023-11-02 223843.p…)

so im not sure what to make of this cow crossover… but is im_powering AND porgie admitting to having intrusive thoughts about fiddling kids?
No. 1923045
File: 1698925420548.png (1.19 MB, 1724x1338, Screenshot 2023-11-02 224225.p…)

>>1923043i wonder what story she read in school that made her think that she is a pedo. lol
No. 1923102
>>1923064I feel like that's pretty common. I've heard the same about girls seeing a video in health class about EDs and using it as a guide. But I think you have to be predisposed by genetics or environment for you to be affected that way.
>>1923050She could have made the video without even including Eugenia in it considering she didn't include the clip and barely talked about her. Total clickbait. Just extra annoying considering her moral grandstanding in the last video about her.
No. 1923142
>>1923119she literally said don't eat in front of anachans if you're fat because you'll
trigger them
No. 1923175
File: 1698953146191.jpeg (257.13 KB, 1120x1520, 8DCF376E-7F77-4F74-8973-95CF77…)

Peep the NEDA tattoo on her foot
No. 1923206
File: 1698958148825.jpeg (263 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_6892.jpeg)

Kate is back in her ed discord, she’s back to purging and complaining about how hard fasting is again. She posted a video of cuts around her mouth but I can’t figure out how to convert it. 1/2
No. 1923207
File: 1698958198107.jpeg (220.99 KB, 1169x1431, IMG_6893.jpeg)

2/2 talking about weight gain, kek who was that anon talking about how she doesnt actually have an ed and has to force herself to do it?
No. 1923210
File: 1698958595703.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1047x1895, IMG_1228.jpeg)

>>1923169still looks 80, still cryptic pathetic posting, nothing new
No. 1923212
File: 1698959113517.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1096x1927, IMG_1229.jpeg)

she’s delusional.
No. 1923217
File: 1698959858993.webm (2.3 MB, 1080x2090, Screen_Recording_20231102_2109…)

As I'm not certain if Becca With a Tube was officially banished to Cluster B(itches) I'll put this here
I've shared the rest of her story on that thread and will put this one here to tie them together and work out which thread we collectively want her in now
Please NO hate !
>>1923208 No. 1923248
>>1923212Is she in the Uk?
It’s nice they give a notice. In the US, they go “oh your insurance cut. You need to leave in an hour.”
No. 1923369
>>1923356I saw a tiktok of someone's hot take (which is starting to feel less and less hot) that Eugenia is coming close to the end and Jeffree wants to put himself in a position for when that happens and he can be like "I was the only one there for her! Nobody else was on her side and I was there for her!" but in reality he's so obviously annoyed by/dislikes her.
I could really see it tbh
No. 1923382
>>1923375Yeah they're both awful and I don't think it's really picking a side to say that his treatment of Eugenia is weird and condescending. Saying that doesn't imply Eugenia is "pure intentioned" or anything, just that he was rude to her.
>>1923369I could picture that too, he obviously is just hanging out with her for clout and maybe even future clout because when she inevitably passes he'll be able to say he has "inside information" and "tea" that no one else does because she stayed at his house. He's truly a disgusting person.
No. 1923385
File: 1698994618929.jpeg (431.43 KB, 828x1086, IMG_0548.jpeg)

Does anyone know the age of this girl? She posts some questionable things but I don’t want to post her on here if she’s under 16.
No. 1923398
File: 1698998104384.jpeg (708.62 KB, 828x1340, IMG_0549.jpeg)

>>1923395I thought so but these are her tags. I guess she’s pedo baiting? Her “old pics” don’t seem like they’re that old if she really is 31.
No. 1923400
File: 1698998243864.jpeg (932.53 KB, 828x1511, IMG_0550.jpeg)

Her classmates appear to be teenagers so maybe she is a teen
No. 1923403
File: 1698998384158.jpeg (144.47 KB, 828x645, IMG_0551.jpeg)

This is the guy that commented
No. 1923405
File: 1698998676624.jpeg (482.73 KB, 828x1738, IMG_0552.jpeg)

Nothing against this girl, but these comments are disgusting. She is 17 years old. All of her followers are pedos..
No. 1923435
File: 1699003517272.jpeg (465.4 KB, 828x1162, IMG_1527.jpeg)

holy shit, this girl is milky. She’s so proud to fit in child‘s clothes and apparently she has a daughter, so her being 31 checks out.
No. 1923436
File: 1699003545645.jpeg (407.78 KB, 828x1004, IMG_1528.jpeg)

and this is her boyfriend.
No. 1923466
>>1923356Well she still likes to shit on Jackyln Glen as "not a true friend" even though Jacklyn hasn't mentioned her in years out of respect. This is the company she wants, that's the company she gets.
I also get a low key vibe that Eugenia hates other women.
No. 1923511
File: 1699019926218.jpeg (240.96 KB, 734x699, IMG_3389.jpeg)

it wouldn’t be surprising if this recovery rebrand was just kate laying the groundwork for a comeback of sorts. if she drums up tons of support before she becomes “the worst [she’s] been,” she’ll garner plenty of sympathy and it’ll become yet another instance of her being absolved of all of her scummy antics; it would be the evolved version of her classic “i love you all so much you’re all angels and i promise i am a very nice and sweet angel too” + pleading emoji tweets.
what indication has she given that she’s actively working towards recovery other than baking (something that people who are actively disordered often do to get to enjoy being around food and feed others instead of themselves)? eating more is not recovering in and of itself.
I guess it’s a tinfoil but this situation reads to me like “I can’t stop reactive eating after losing weight rapidly so I’m just going to call it a recovery era”
No. 1923554
File: 1699028904487.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1529, IMG_6745.jpeg)

Self obsessed much?
No. 1923583
File: 1699036520139.jpeg (335.32 KB, 1170x2179, IMG_6759.jpeg)

The way Dulcie is getting called out on tiktok is cracking me up. At least she doesn’t delete all the comments like some creators I guess
No. 1923586
File: 1699036733248.jpeg (998.66 KB, 1170x1952, IMG_6761.jpeg)

>>1923584“Guysss I’m not a recovery account just block me “
Proceeds to tag her videos with Ed recovery and Ana recovery
No. 1923597
File: 1699038196306.png (2.47 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20231103-150258.png)

No. 1923604
File: 1699038943509.png (1.79 MB, 853x1416, Screenshots_2023-11-03-14-23-3…)

No. 1923615
>>1923604>>1923610>>1923613I love her growth, it's inspiring honestly. I wish her nothing but the best. Although, I'm super curious what crazy name she's gonna give her baby lol.
No. 1923643
>>1923206i want to believe that she’s just exaggerating about “literally” shoving her whole hand in her gaping maw, since the lacerations at the corners of her mouth could easily be caused by repeated irritation from enzymes/acids, but given her dependence on laxatives and diuretics, i have to accept that she’s just…
that bad at vomiting. not that i’m advocating for her to be
better at it, kek
No. 1923697
File: 1699057054672.jpeg (550.32 KB, 1165x2115, B26E2797-6899-4BE1-9B11-C4A67F…)

I just don’t get what the hospitals in Scandinavia are doing. Like she’s been tubed and hospitalised for what feels like years, surely this ‘treatment’ is not it. Like do they just let them fully engage in their ED while IP but also scratch their heads like why aren’t they getting better
No. 1923698
File: 1699057098562.jpeg (652.2 KB, 1170x1895, FC231A35-F064-47B8-8653-A936BE…)

Looks up pro ana scumbag in dictionary
This chick pops up
No. 1923747
>>1923597Wow she’s still around! Remember her from years back.
Who/ which other account is she talking about?
No. 1923788
File: 1699077311415.jpeg (991.7 KB, 828x1326, IMG_0556.jpeg)

Not Veronica with the red bracelet!!!
No. 1923919
File: 1699116433077.png (841.32 KB, 574x702, amalie9.png)

>>1923879I don't follow her but I looked at her insta and she doesn't look bad at all. At least not like someone who could drop dead any second. This was 3 weeks ago
No. 1923921
File: 1699117539290.jpg (1010.18 KB, 1078x5468, Rich lux.jpg)

I hate this fat fuck so much. Clout chasing scumfuck using Eugenia Cooney as clickbait. This whole Jeffree, Rich Lux, Eugenia arc is so revolting. But she's getting the attention she so desperately wants right now.
No. 1923925
File: 1699117683729.png (317.2 KB, 793x902, tara.png)

>>1917278By sounds Tara is in hospital now for what it's worth, looking at her account she posted about suicide, did a "room tidy" post and went MIA worrying people. Hope she accepts the help, she's young enough to be able to pull out of it if she puts her mind to it. Though thinking about it, a little sceptical about how on earth she communicated without having a device, unless it got taken after the fact.
No. 1923988
File: 1699130189745.jpg (691.7 KB, 1079x1494, Screenshot_20231105_042914_Ins…)

Sage cause not really milky but found a new baby Macaque monkey. She just does selfies and a non descript comment basically
No. 1923989
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No. 1923991
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No. 1924088
File: 1699144478143.jpeg (1.12 MB, 828x1534, IMG_0565.jpeg)

No. 1924089
File: 1699144504962.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1421, IMG_0566.jpeg)

No. 1924163
File: 1699154857193.jpeg (398.75 KB, 828x1249, 114A5706-0B27-4B41-AD20-525127…)

Apparently not restricting and “going all in almost made her die. Just so many excuses to not recover
No. 1924192
>>1924163I don't know anything about her, so I have no way of telling how truthful she is here.
But regardless, it looks like she is just replying to some recovery influencer here and uhm.
Maybe don't take medical advice for a serious and very individual illness from random people on the internet and run with it?
I get not everyone can consult a doctor for a plethora of reasons, but there's ways to do your own medical research and maybe if you don't want to or can't consult a doctor, don't engage in such extreme measures?
I mean, okey, people with eds usually struggle with doing things in moderation, but then that's the illness' fault?
I just don't see why she thinks she can reasonably blame "people like" that person, unless those people were selling themselves as a trustworthy medical source (say, fake doctor's degrees for example).
No. 1924243
File: 1699175098659.jpg (496.03 KB, 1920x1920, 20231105_170244014.jpg)

I dunno wtf is going on here
No. 1924244
File: 1699175130424.jpg (439.95 KB, 1080x1877, 231105_141330_Instagram.jpg)

No. 1924270
File: 1699184174989.png (1.44 MB, 736x1344, Screenshot 2023-11-05 223309.p…)

ganer is in hospital. dunno if its to do with her fucked up leg again or…
No. 1924271
File: 1699184238907.png (922.9 KB, 745x1357, Screenshot 2023-11-05 223436.p…)

shes looking pretty fucking smug.
No. 1924290
File: 1699190382910.jpg (1.03 MB, 1079x1751, Screenshot_20231105_194724_Ins…)

Definitely not infantile or attention grabbing
No. 1924374
File: 1699212858139.png (3.07 MB, 1080x2066, Screenshot_20231105-192500.png)

>>1924271>>1924270Funny how every injury of hers is from mundane every day movements (allegedly). She must feel physically awful when working out
No. 1924418
File: 1699218601668.png (182.39 KB, 797x1380, Screenshot 2023-11-06 080434.p…)

>>1924379>>1924374>>1924388fr, and the fact that the femur is both the thickest & strongest bone makes me believe that she was doing more than "walking up stairs".
most likely she looked up quad strain recovery time, then halved the MINIMUM recovery time = 2 weeks, then jumped straight back onto a machine and SNAP!
also, who tf self diagnoses a quad tear/strain without even seeing a Dr. and getting an MRI to confirm??
No. 1924430
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No. 1924432
File: 1699221224175.jpg (112.24 KB, 1080x864, Screenshot_20231106_054306_Chr…)

Her femur bone didn't snap in half
No. 1924433
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No. 1924434
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No. 1924436
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No. 1924440
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No. 1924526
File: 1699237783739.jpg (756.98 KB, 1079x1770, Screenshot_20231106_102916_Ins…)

Hans face looking a lot less full
No. 1924530
File: 1699238195407.jpg (489.71 KB, 1920x1160, Bc.jpg)

We got ourselves some not so subtle body checks
No. 1924605
File: 1699258230675.jpg (578.34 KB, 1080x1887, Screenshot_20231106_161034_Chr…)

For those who are dumb like me
No. 1924631
>>1924627From what I recall from old videos - yes, she has had confirmed osteoporosis w/ density scans for years now.
Her hope (or delusion) was that weight training would improve it.
It's very similar to her approach to hormonal treatment - she has confirmed medical tests showing it's utterly fucked but she will do nothing except hope bodybuilding magically fixes it.
No. 1924647
File: 1699273194532.png (610.62 KB, 1080x1857, Screenshot_20231106-121750.png)

Very sad but I believe she will resume bodybuilding/working out as soon as she is out of the hospital, and continue wrecking her body forever.
No. 1924686
>>1924647So this is the health scare we all knew would happen… I'm sorry she's in pain, but crossing my fingers she finally starts being a fucking lawyer and stops with putting her discipline into slowly killing herself for an illusion of success and recovery.
But man, I guess this forced rest will hit her psyche like a train.
No. 1924698
File: 1699286493444.jpeg (401.65 KB, 828x1403, 77E7E509-BCA2-4CB7-8BD4-4257A7…)

Rachel’s explanation on why she was gone it’s like 6 stories long b
No. 1924699
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No. 1924701
File: 1699286699206.jpeg (383.89 KB, 828x1370, B0D1AC61-8B83-4748-9AB4-0606AE…)

Long story short she blames people trying to make her actually recover for going to the hospital instead of admitting that she is just not actually recovering and being enabled to stay sick
No. 1924773
File: 1699297121847.jpg (559.46 KB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20231106_115906_Chr…)

>>1924755i think she's referring to things like white carbs. donuts, white bread, candy, things that you can't consume with hypoglycemia. it does add up despite being fucked.
No. 1924782
>>1924701Oh how fucking convenient. I swear these anas lies just get more and more blatant by the day. The very illness that means you can't eat the things people are telling you to so you have an easy out on recovery and an excuse to be orthorexic.
Anyone who belives a word she says is a fucking moron.
No. 1924814
>>1922848Good call, nonna. I'm wondering if the links to Laura's, Enara's and Emily's accounts should also be removed now that they've been relegated to the Cluster B thread?
>>1924374"In the clear" my ass - she obviously just behavior swapped anorexia for orthorexia and obsessive exercise, giving her body absolutely no chance to heal from years of damage caused by malnutrition.
No. 1924882
>>1924878Wasn’t this posted 2 months ago here
>>1888105 ?
No. 1924883
File: 1699313634637.png (650.68 KB, 828x1792, 07DC7E14-A6C5-4970-A5CC-0D2385…)

May hasn’t been posted for a while despite being her normal cow self. Constantly complaining about how bad her ED is yet cannot comprehend when the consequences come back to bite her. Constantly complaining about how bad everything is yet won’t commit to therapy properly or ask for a more intensive programme. Also, the constant overuse of emojis?? Grow up.
No. 1924913
File: 1699319761994.jpeg (20.92 KB, 236x263, IMG_6712.jpeg)

>>1923210>>1923211bitch knows she’s gonna ruin christmas for her family again, that’s why she’s out here smirking like the damn grinch. just look at it!
No. 1924927
nonnie, didn't catch that.
The poster speculating about the cause seems to be correct.
No. 1924955
File: 1699328447623.jpg (849.07 KB, 1080x1528, RR.jpg)

>>1924954>>1924947Sorry hit reply too soon.
No. 1924978
>>1924611In my non medical professional opinion she’d already be dead from it. Even if far more survivable if not detected early, if she’d ever had her liver function checked they’d have known something was up. All glycogen storage disorders are inbuilt, present from birth and start fucking your body up from day 1 just with differing severity.
I don’t refute the reactive hypoglycaemia though, that’s common when starting to eat normally again. Even people recovered for years find they have issues with it sometimes.
No. 1925033
File: 1699343082358.jpeg (762.34 KB, 1169x2021, C0CEE37F-9761-47BC-B1AF-0A6273…)

Rattle rattle
No. 1925036
File: 1699344011716.png (527.97 KB, 424x760, Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 2.00…)

Em is finally admitting to her relapse after insisting that she was in the hospital for months on an ng tube for chronic lyme
No. 1925045
File: 1699350771500.png (417.08 KB, 766x1351, Screenshot 2023-11-07 205136.p…)

lol, the delulu is strong in this one…
watch this space as she will no doubt go back to her usual batshit-crazy routine and fuck herself up some more!
No. 1925055
File: 1699353808938.jpg (460.91 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20231107_103718_Goo…)

>>1925045A nurse, any fucking nurse, needs to detain her on an s299 until she can get a psych Eval, given her history of anorexia
and the injury itself and still laser-focused on returning to exercise immediately.
You cannot, shouldn't,(and I do not believe she was told otherwise anyway) return to walking and cycling immediately after an ORIF
She actually just has to be fully lying. There's no
way any staff of the hospital have told her this. Maybe a porter with no medical knowledge?,for%20up%20to%2012%20weeks.
No. 1925088
File: 1699364268008.jpg (188.13 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_n5qf7r4cMT1sua21uo1_128…)

>>1925087sorry forgot the pic.
No. 1925100
File: 1699366090792.png (284.61 KB, 606x441, Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 15-04…)

>>1925093no this was when she was sick. ray of hope was her insta, not a lolcow but she had a lot of followers. here is a more recent pic of her from a recorded lecture she did.
No. 1925136
File: 1699373339492.png (81.49 KB, 720x649, Screenshot_20231107-184222.png)

why's ganer putting these hashtags in her posts? is the state she's in one to be called "strong"? she's the farthest from strong. delusional af
No. 1925212
>>1925175I can't imagine the recovery timeline is true . I fractured my tibia and was offered the same kind of surgery with the rod fitted. It's a quicker process than being in a cast but not
that quick and there's physio involved, not just jumping back into your old routine.
No. 1925292
File: 1699397178863.png (2.91 MB, 1170x2532, C0074BBA-543A-4368-B87A-FB96BA…)

For Christ’s sake how is she not embarrassed to beg for shit when she lives in the most expensive city in America. I wish she would sell her phone so we wouldn’t have to see another smiling tube picture
No. 1925317
File: 1699399477523.png (76.18 KB, 668x372, Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 5.24…)

Sounds like her parents may be taking the "tough love" approach and finally cutting her off, which is honestly probably what needs to happen for her to stop fucking around. Wasn't her job working a clothing store? How much disability can she be getting from that? If she's only asking for $3000 she better not be planning to go back to NYC
No. 1925348
File: 1699405672551.png (472.04 KB, 428x630, Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 7.08…)

chii is so obviously gaining zero weight
No. 1925352
>>1925045This is just plain incorrect. If she has actually broken her femur (very hard to do) and a rod is being implanted there is no way in hell she can be walking and cycling 'immediately after surgery.' She won't be able to put any weight through it for many weeks; probably completely non weight bearing for 6 weeks at the very least, could be 2-3 months if it's a bad break and needs a cage. And that's if it all goes well. They'll be drilling into osteoporotic bone so who knows what complications there will be at this point.
A simple fracture of a small bone eg in the foot usually requires at least 2-3 weeks completely non weight bearing, maybe up to 6 weeks. Sometimes you can get away with having a boot like Laura (what all happened with that?!) so you can walk but you're meant to stay off it as much as possible for up to 6 weeks, not go FOR walks, just a few steps from one room to the next and then gradually load with literally a few minutes of exercise a day,repeated a couple of times with rest in between. That's a simple, small bone.
A femur with a rod in it will not be able to take 'light' gym training in a couple of weeks. Either she misheard the professionals, her injury is not what she made it out to be, or the professionals are somehow insane.
No. 1925353
>>1925352This recent study ( showed no difference in successful healing rates between those who immediately began weight-bearing as tolerated and those who waited. So it seems possible that her doctors may favor immediate weight-bearing as tolerated, although obviously they don't mean "go the gym" and actually mean "work with a physical therapist who will probably have you only doing partial weight-bearing at first, etc"
No. 1925370
>>1925369she says here
>>1925317 that she's on short-term disability. I'm surprised she had that benefit, but she could still be on it. Policies can range from a few months to like a year.
No. 1925448
>>1925352Hun clearly not a medfag cause you have no idea what your talking about. She’s got an oesteoporotic fracture, not like she broke the middle of her femur or like a kid breaking their ankle.
I am a medfag and they do get people weight baring just days after surgery so she’s right there. She should be walking (Albiet slowly, with a walker or frame) and not very far within a week. And probs on an exercise bike very slowly and gently after a week too.
Movement is obvs limited a lot initially while it heals.
No. 1925490
>>1925448Fine, this might be true, but what everyone else I'd saying is she's misheard that. She's not heard
maybe able to do
light exercise on a stationary bike or walking with crutches as
>me go back jim now hurhur doctor said I can Someone needs to explain to her that even if she has been given this advice that she shouldn't fucking be sharing that to her followers who are probably mostly sick in the head too.
>I snapped my femur IN HALF walking up stairs because my bones are so brittle. They're putting a rod in my leg. I'll be cycling and back at the gym in just a few weeks!No girlie that's not going to happen you delusional bowl of goop
No. 1925629
File: 1699461586122.jpeg (Spoiler Image,668.75 KB, 2048x2048, E3BF3FFC-BFC5-417E-84AB-0D2EB9…)

This is beyond a bizarre way to react to someone reporting your hospital pics wtf
No. 1925657
File: 1699465850791.jpeg (Spoiler Image,842.56 KB, 828x1278, D649C8E3-BCE6-4090-A24F-8D9128…)

Spoiler for jump scare from May. She’s sooo super sick but also thinks that eating more for one week will cure her
No. 1925708
File: 1699474360805.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x2191, IMG_6912.jpeg)

So confused on why she’s being starred in a show for her anorexia
No. 1925818
File: 1699492480878.png (242.22 KB, 431x727, Screen Shot 2023-11-08 at 7.14…)

>>1925817she's never going to make it to be an actual nurse, she's barely hanging onto part-time work as an assistant / baby-cuddler / whatever
No. 1925867
File: 1699504695440.png (1.95 MB, 853x1554, Screenshots_2023-11-08-23-38-2…)

what boss?
No. 1925870
File: 1699504923131.png (824.68 KB, 594x749, Screen Shot 2023-11-08 at 10.4…)

>>1925867Her friend took her to the store in a hospital gown and wheelchair to get slices of chicken because the hospital food was too low-protein. This girl.
No. 1925914
File: 1699525688196.png (183.65 KB, 428x637, Screen Shot 2023-11-09 at 4.28…)

Enara is literally trying to train other people to say exactly what she wants to hear when she goes to A&E, kek
No. 1925954
File: 1699532066362.jpeg (726.3 KB, 1284x1014, IMG_4890.jpeg)

Why was she sent home with a tube? If she can setup her feed then she should be able to eat the USA is so werid
No. 1925955
File: 1699532259972.png (1.15 MB, 761x1379, Screenshot 2023-11-09 231521.p…)

well that should settle the debate. it appears to be a rod from both her pelvis and straight down the leg too.
(also am i a perv for thinking that was her vagine showing?)
No. 1925963
File: 1699533269207.png (1.35 MB, 1710x1341, Screenshot 2023-11-09 232614.p…)

also, she posted a video on her feed of her "walking" to the toilet.
not quite the type of walking & cycling the day after surgery she was expecting no doubt.
(repost with diff pic without the nurses face in the bg)
No. 1926068
File: 1699554218560.png (1019.5 KB, 1080x1492, Screenshot_20231109-181926~3.p…)

Think I saw thks ex cow mentioned a few weeks back, used to post a lot of obviously body checks but hasn't for a while. Seems to be starting again and constantly complaining about her treatment but makes it damn clear that she isn't following their advice
No. 1926097
File: 1699559470614.png (3.62 MB, 828x1792, E3B4CF6B-9ECC-4512-B813-5760F4…)

I’m assuming Niamh is home on some sort of pass because if they let her out when she still looks like that then they’re as fucked as she is. Body check queen even after being in hospital gotta bend those knees out to get the biggest looking thigh gap(don’t use emojis/ emoticons )
No. 1926109
File: 1699561463645.png (8.88 MB, 1170x2532, AC68C2FE-A44A-4A2D-A6FE-91DADE…)

Jaycie is back again gunning for more asspats. Whats with the tube in her mouth kek
No. 1926112
>>1926097it pisses me off how careless Niamh is with all the expensive stuff her mum has bought her. That's a bottle of ren skincare on the radiator.
She's looking a bit better at least
No. 1926130
File: 1699566659533.png (374.91 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_6945.png)

Interesting that being cut off has suddenly made her
1. Be super confident about recovering after years of her posting that she thinks she’ll never get better
2. Drop the arfid diagnosis she’s used to make excuses for fucking around in treatment for months with a tube, since she can’t afford to do that anymore
Honestly it emphasizes truly how much her “chronic” anorexia was just her fucking around in treatment because she didn’t want to get better and have to get a big girl job instead of having people on the internet be sorry for her and her toob
No. 1926219
File: 1699576496150.png (231.17 KB, 1080x2086, Screenshot_20231110-003358.png)

Ganer is somehow a medical miracle? She is probably bearing her teeth through the pain like hell
No. 1926268
File: 1699581717943.jpg (4.4 KB, 203x248, download (2).jpg)

>>1926247looks normal to me. google femur radio you'll see that's what it looks like.
No. 1926297
File: 1699585500272.png (398.35 KB, 487x692, Screen Shot 2023-11-09 at 9.05…)

I can't laugh hard enough at this teenage melodrama. Stef is a grown ass adult posting pictures of "tear drops" on her journal page.
No. 1926617
>>1926496Don’t drag Vinted anon, you can find some nice stuff on there! These braindead teenagers just have no idea how to dress (pick any random noun out of a hat, slap ‘core’ on the end = profit???)
Anyway to avoid derailing I will say
>>1926297 picturing her sprinkling water on it trying to get the drops to plop down perfectly ~aesthetically~ is like something a melodramatic 12 year old would do, before conveniently leaving it out next to a blunt razor for their parents to see. I usually ignore Stef posts but this gave me a chuckle
No. 1926639
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No. 1926670
File: 1699659783962.jpg (570.08 KB, 1440x1800,…)

No. 1926689
File: 1699663295462.jpeg (1.21 MB, 3222x2682, IMG_0567.jpeg)

Who is em.sorge making proud at an underweight stature FIVE YEARS LATER. The answer is NO ONE. Such a joke. Em, they probably just plan to make a published medical paper about you when you finally die.
No. 1926803
File: 1699684403991.png (719.77 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20231110-215709.png)

bitch you're not 5 years old wtf
No. 1926818
File: 1699687840825.jpg (278.94 KB, 1080x1266, Screenshot_20231109_154941_Ins…)

Funny how when she doesn't have the tube she chooses to take a picture from the other side
No. 1926835
>>1926833Learn to sage newfag
No. 1926836
File: 1699695072105.jpg (1.22 MB, 1079x1919, Screenshot_20231111_173039_Ins…)

That's what happens when you have a target on your forehead
No. 1926867
>>1926617Vinted anon here
I was just kinda joking.
I actually got a 400 dollar mj tour jacket for a tenner. Its not bad
>>1926810Did you read the list anon? "Some of it's a joke"
No, I doubt that. The only times she's ever out of IP is for holidays abroad so Canada and Amsterdam are almost definitely on the 2024 cards. A kitten? "It help Muh mental helf" so I don't think that's an unrealistic ask, either.
You've got to remember they live in Leith, one of the most affordable areas of the lothians, so I assume they do have a fair sum of disposable income given the amount of shite she's accumulated over the years. The blackout tent is a godsend though, I hope to fuck we never see her in her drawers or cupboard again.
No. 1926904
>>1926836Not to wk but she isn't really wasting a bed because she definitely needs it, it's not like she's a fattychan larping and taking a bed. A better critique would be taking a bed while not taking recovery seriously
>>1926902Kek same
No. 1926963
>>1926892They live in portobello. And actually Leith is pretty expensive nowadays, it’s not Livingston or niddrie
But still yeah lawyer dad and teacher mum so they’re not poor
No. 1926982
>>1926904It's pretty wasteful to take up a bed when you have no intention to recover though, you can get medical treatment in general wards and go home to continue your contortions and purging. I think the palliative care thing was a good move but that's definitely a sidetrack.
>>1926963Christ, niddrie. Yuck.
>>1926966Leith is definitely a more affordable area, I feel like most anons read "Edinburgh" and assume the cow lives in the castle itself (or at least westend/oldtown). I think the only cow who's ever been central Edinburgh is Zara, judging by the rooftop she used to sit on at her dads. But of course, we have to believe she's emancipated and self supporting.
Anyway, it doesn't change my point too much. The mortgage will be relatively low which is how they have so much additional disposable income to spoil their little ratty brat, and that list isn't satirical, she's expecting everything on it.
No. 1926998
File: 1699731539964.jpeg (353.73 KB, 828x1471, CA89D341-6554-443C-82A0-BA26AD…)

aw poor cow can’t donate blood because she’s too small
No. 1927094
File: 1699745964116.png (611.86 KB, 420x678, Screen Shot 2023-11-11 at 5.37…)

Even with a roommate, I don't see how Stef is going to be able to afford living in NYC without help from her parents. Most people with roommates are still paying 1200+ per month, more if they want to live in Manhattan. She's only asking for $3000 on GFM and her retail job can't pay that much above minimum wage and didn't even seem to be full time. She's going to have to get a job that uses her degree or face some hard truths about where she can afford to live.
No. 1927095
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>>1927094also, she posted a car selfie on a non-sunday, so I wonder if she was just discharged and that's why she's ramping up the gfm grift and her emo posts
No. 1927097
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>>1927095she really has the emotional maturity of a teenager
No. 1927098
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>>1927095Maybe not, actually. I think this vague post is about Stef.
No. 1927126
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Is her degree really in dance? That's not going to make finding a job any easier for her. Can any dancefags tell if she's good enough to be a ballet teacher for little kids or something?
No. 1927142
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No. 1927163
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>>1927126I watched this performance on YouTube She's better than LLL but that doesn't say much. She looks like she probably started early teens. Too late to be anywhere close to being professional but clearly did have a bit of training. She's not good though, not great technique, no artistry, can't do more than a single pirouette on point. She could teach at a rinky dink dance school but probably would make more money in retail
No. 1927167
File: 1699756678946.png (608.48 KB, 430x703, Screen Shot 2023-11-11 at 8.37…)

Aidel constantly complains about her digestive problems that require a gj tube (and has legit GI disease) yet is eating meals that consist entirely of broccoli
No. 1927186
File: 1699759484710.jpg (356.73 KB, 1080x1875, Screenshot_20231111_155202_Ins…)

I can't tell if Amelie is joining the knuckle gang or the diaper gang
No. 1927279
>>1927275She’s 5’2.
Maybe that’s what she meant by ‘size’ though.
No. 1927322
>>1927158Abby is niamhs age (I don't think they're still teenagers). She worked as a gymnastics coach at tumbles in porty and I think it's quite obvious why she no longer has that position.
Edinburgh Leisure and Enjoy Leisure both have great staff policies where she could even be getting an income from them (although I doubt it) since she's off for "medical" reasons.
this is a tinfoil I think they still have the position open for her to return to, meaning she's not looking for other work in the meantime
No. 1927366
File: 1699799099335.png (4.52 MB, 1170x2532, 4C53851A-79C3-44A2-924D-1F2105…)

It’s only “right” because she’s 5 feet away from a public toilet again. Post-purge selfie?
No. 1927385
File: 1699802617228.jpeg (353.98 KB, 1169x1994, B929D1C0-CF15-4754-8A4F-24565A…)

>>1926689Who is taking medical advice from someone who looks like this? Gonna need a kids Halloween costume to find a pair of scrubs that actually fit
No. 1927474
>>1927031A bit ot but there are a bunch of random reasons people could be refused when they try to donate blood. The weirdest one (apart from being a gay man which is just discriminatory) is it seems that every other country (certainly European countries and N America) does not want Ukfag blood if the person was alive during the Mad Cow Disease outbreak in the 90s. (Lethal cattle brain disease that spread to humans who consumed infected offal. Made cows and humans go crazy and then die). Apparently the whole world thinks ukfags are all infected, still!
On second thoughts I guess a lot of these cows are too young for that. Wow.
No. 1927507
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>>1921575Samefag - I just noticed this post has actually conveniently been added to the highlights of her Instagram. Kek, please don't forget how poorly I was! ♥ (you still are)
No. 1927558
File: 1699828630261.png (301.13 KB, 421x543, Screen Shot 2023-11-12 at 4.37…)

Foreshadowing a full-on relapse due to her "pancreas issues"?
No. 1927605
File: 1699833373696.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 1125x1879, IMG_2664.jpeg)

Dear lord, whether she shooped herself extra or not, Lukascout’s spoopiness jumpscared me. Apparently she’s married (or went to someone’s wedding??) and this was the pic she chose.
No. 1927660
>>1927605it's time to coom
>>1927627shut up fatty
File: 1699845889091.png (582.87 KB, 477x641, Screen Shot 2023-11-12 at 9.25…)

A rare tubeless Stef sighting
No. 1927837
File: 1699875130390.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1179x2018, IMG_6850.jpeg)

Not exactly milk, but another cow has bitten the dust. Thought some might be interested.
Karen Owens (mentioned in thread #40/41 cant remember which) of the Owens Family has died from anorexia.
A lot of nonnie’s were horrified by Karen. She was the mother who had a severely disabled child who passed away…adopted four more kids who also had severe disability. One of them drowned. Karen then “suddenly” developed Anorexia and health issues related. Users thought of her behavior as rather munchie.
I do hope her family heals. The oldest daughter just graduated high school and her entire life has been filled with death.
No. 1927839
File: 1699875251404.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1179x2003, IMG_6849.jpeg)

Same fag as above, here was the announcement
No. 1927846
File: 1699877108699.jpg (6.6 KB, 150x150, zara the baboon.jpg)

>>1927838after years you should know to lurkmoar and not request to spoon fed.
but here comes the aeroplane: She's still resembling gollum despite having weight "restored", still claiming to be self supporting (but no longer emancipated as it was her dads birthday yesterday and posted about a sibling), still claiming to be studying law remotely from home. We're expecting a full swing relapse caused by her "ptsd" and "pancreas". she plans to learn how to drive when she reaches a BMI of 15, so we know she's at least still under that.
No. 1927854
File: 1699878804015.jpeg (458.94 KB, 1179x2091, IMG_6851.jpeg)

>>1927844I feel horrible for her family. They adopted all of those kids after their biological son passed away. They said it was because they had the knowledge/resources and didn’t want it to go to waste after his death. She began to spiral around that time. Some people felt she may have adopted the kids or went down the route she did for attention. I don’t really know what to think outside of feeling sad for her daughter more than anyone. That girl has never had a sense of normal because of that mother. A lot of farmers felt she wasn’t exactly milk because of the kids involved.
Another one of her adoptive kids passed away. Maybe a few months before she did. Seemed to be the precursor to Karen dying.
No. 1927857
>>1927850quite a while ago, she said that weight restoration was individual to each person and considering her health conditions she was "where she needed to be" or something to that effect. I think it was text added on her story, after she answered the tellonym. Her tell replies from last night aren't posted, you can easily scroll up the thread to posts from 24h ago and check, then post them yourself if you think they're thread worthy.
I also don't mean to come across as a wk but I personally think she looks quite healthy in some recent photos, although I think it's because the only comparison I have is of her literally on deaths door.
No. 1927909
File: 1699894821305.png (732.89 KB, 1501x558, Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 17-56…)

she just bought a new car from her investments kek
No. 1927934
File: 1699897768330.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1179x1900, IMG_6865.jpeg)

>>1927926Not sure, when Karen was first mentioned, she was in a wheel chair and claiming some sort of half body paralysis and her major tonic spasms. She says it is her fault, so I am assuming related to her Anorexia. This is why people thought she was munching (aside from her children situation). She wasn’t a death spoop by any means. Not sure what happened as most of her posts were about grief or the things wrong with her body.
You can see where she was first mentioned here
>>>/snow/1030316Be aware that it is highly disturbing, even for a cow.
Pic was right before the death of her daughter (not the one pictured)
No. 1927935
File: 1699897840817.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.56 MB, 1179x2005, IMG_6864.jpeg)

>>1927934Karen Owen’s last photo
No. 1927942
>>1927474It's not just the Mad Cow Disease stuff.
If you are a Britfag and had a blood transfusion since 1980 (until present day) you cannot give blood. Mostly this is due to the long period which in the UK sourced its blood products from the USA because they were cheap and often taken from prisoners and paid donation clinics - this resulted in many people in the UK, mostly boys with haemophilia who needed regular blood products, getting Hep C or HIV through infected blood. It's a whole scandal.
Anyway, the 1980 rule covers both the infected blood period and the risk of any prion diseases appearing later on.
No. 1927951
File: 1699900824427.jpg (871.77 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20231113_184037_Gal…)

Not sure if Daisy is still proana or cluster bitches, but this one is aaaaall 'bout her poor, weak, frail heart. Would she like a medal for being so poorly?
No. 1927959
>>1927947Not discrediting that the grief she went through was very real, and very hard. I was explaining what other anons in the previous thread had thought. Her situation is an odd one, a tragic one, and heart breaking. Personally, I think it was just very complex. Not really milk, but other deaths have been shared. Horrific seeing the consequences of electrolyte imbalances if they did indeed cause a stroke.
I was going through old threads for a nostalgia trip and had been curious on what ended up happening with the family, figured others may be curious about it.
>>1927954 I have no idea. Photos like this were why other nonnies felt off about it. No. 1927961
File: 1699902217819.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1900, IMG_7089.jpeg)

Her situation is sad and it’s still milky to make sure your gtube hangs out of your shirt in every picture
No. 1927969
File: 1699903597160.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2106, Screenshot_20231113_192713_Tik…)

>>1927963Samefag for context
No. 1927976
>>1927961I almost felt like a jackass for posting about her but pictures like this are exactly why she had been posted in the first place.
Not only milky to do that sort of attention seeking behavior at health appointments for your children…but I just think it’s incredibly selfish to slowly kill
yourself after taking on the responsibility of not only birthing children, but adopting them as well. That father is left with nothing but grief. The daughter will only have memories of her mother dying when she should be celebrating incredibly important milestones. Instead, she was obsessed with her frail body until the very end. Very much prodeathspo behavior.
No. 1927993
File: 1699907795784.jpg (928.38 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20231113_203446_Tik…)

>>1927973Daisy. She pops up here and there but the milk is boring, repetitive and vague so she doesn't get a spot in the recap. She's been inpatient since, like, 2020? And hasn't gained a pound. She has such severe and complex "lore" that she can only posts hints to tiktok without blowing everyone's tiny minds about how hard her life is. She has a Russian mum and was an illegal immigrant or something like that.
Pic of the first tiktok on her current account showing absolutely no progress. No. 1928004
File: 1699909784208.jpg (652.63 KB, 1080x1976, Emrelapseconfirmed.jpg)

Em relapse confirmed
No. 1928008
File: 1699910071960.jpg (1.15 MB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20231113_211431_Ins…)

Samefag, sorry for spam. Vague posting all round from all cows today
No. 1928009
File: 1699910110079.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20231113_211444_Ins…)

Oh, please, miss. When are you not in a
No. 1928075
File: 1699919424458.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1170x2007, IMG_6686.jpeg)

Is this amount of weight gain normal for uk psych wards or is becca just special
No. 1928084
>>1928015Classic Fi. Back in the early days of previous accounts and Tumblr, her life and identity revolved around eating paracetamols and being in A&E every other fucking day, sh’ing, constant CAMHS appointments, her actual self-confessed BPD diagnosis and ‘antics’, the anorexia that she used to describe purely based on her appearance and weight, calories, being ‘fat’, incidences of b/ping… but now she’s got the ‘tism diagnosis malingered and her ED team wrapped around her finger, she must’ve forgotten all of those years and years worth of BS kek) the super scary psychosis and PTSD she used to say she’d developed during a stint in the CAMHS and Adult psych wards (must be the same sudden psychosis LLL has!)
However since the 2.5year Glasgow priory admission that her parents cried to the UK media about, her whole identity has literally been around her super serious and unique anorexia , even more so now she has platforms dedicated to her pathetic attempt at recovery #100. Without the ED she’s no one special. She would just have to be a fully functioning tax-paying adult responsible for themselves, like the rest of us (and like her poor sisters)
No. 1928106
>>1927961Especially when said G tube is flushed with water and clamped, but you’re pretending to be hooked up and running feeds.
That being said, a sad and tragic story of an ED and the selfishness it causes. Karen was a normal woman who experienced a lot of loss, but imo that doesn’t excuse a conscious decision to refuse to recover. She was provided a ton of support and resources that are financially out of reach for the vast majority of Americans. She left her husband and teenage daughter to take care of multiple children with severe disabilities while she made herself sicker and sicker. While she didn’t choose to have a stroke (if that actually happened, imo no concrete evidence thats what happened), she chose over and over again to be sick, including the tube she never used (except probably to purge, why ED patients shouldn’t be given surgical tubes) and the mysterious and always-on-display piss bag and catheter. Her husband and daughter experienced those same losses, but they had to carry on and take care of the kids and Karen as well. And that was before her daughter graduated high school, which made Karen even more selfish imo.
Very sad for her family, but I have a hard time feeling sympathetic for a grown woman who documented her own long-term suicide via intentional disabling of herself without regards to anyone else, including her own teenage daughter, who she dumped all her mothering and emotional responsibilities on while playing the lone
victim on social media.
No. 1928163
File: 1699928673590.jpg (224.73 KB, 1080x1685, Screenshot_20231114_102048_Ins…)

Sven_ja_1992 made 7 posts in minutes of eachother including a scale video
No. 1928164
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No. 1928165
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No. 1928172
File: 1699929632470.jpg (748.37 KB, 1079x1669, Screenshot_20231114_103900_Ins…)

Oh it was her creepy Darlings' bday yesterday. Maybe her gift to him was getting to a weight of a small child
No. 1928179
>>1928084So accurate, she jumps around from illness to illness based on what gets her the most attention, asspats, and most importantly, an excuse to not partake in normal life
>>1927969Her "lore" is probably just bullshit stories she makes up to make her life seem somewhat interesting
No. 1928231
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No. 1928235
>>1928231oh god yes! please tell me she has over-exerted herself by tyring to walk again and has caused further damage (not just back for a routine check-up).
although the emoji at the end gives me a vibe this is an unplanned hospital visit.
No. 1928272
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What she did with her degree: beg for people to pay her rent in the most expensive city in America on gofundme and then complain her parents are just now cutting her off in her mid twenties with a degree and full ability to work
No. 1928384
>>1928151As I said in another post, I’d meant she wasn’t seemingly deathspoop to the point of disability when the disability occurred. Just accidentally implied the photo you replied to wasn’t horrifying. Just included the most recent photo while explaining the background on Karen.
If you look at her old photos you’ll understand what I meant. She’s clearly sick, just not a skeleton like Ashley or Daria or the Romanian who died. More like canceresque which made the whole eating disorder aspect wild. Clearly she was starving herself to play role of severely disabled
No. 1928389
File: 1699983693270.jpeg (2.02 MB, 1620x1921, IMG_0137.jpeg)

>>1928199Same fag, hit reply on accident. Not sure how she died, although Karen herself was a horror cow, her kids were innocent. Her daughter was severely disabled with cerebral palsy and a genetic disorder called 1p36 deletion. One of her adopted wheelchair bound sons also drowned.
Soz for derailment. Some new milk to replace the curdled. There is a cow I’ve noticed because of her disgusting “fluff” obsession and fake recovery content (reviews of Walden farms and using her dog to body check). Constantly begs people to buy her zero calorie slop and talks her very codependent relationship with her father. She’s also 30.
Body checking on Amazon is a new one. If anyone is curious, I can post some more. 1/3
No. 1928390
File: 1699983927131.jpeg (Spoiler Image,268.57 KB, 1164x1414, IMG_0138.jpeg)

Cinnamon toast ice cream…tfvg version!? 1/2
No. 1928391
File: 1699984064848.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 1376x1897, IMG_0139.jpeg)

Weird attention seeking and body checking on Reddit unrelated to eating disorders. 3/3.
No. 1928396
File: 1699984987066.jpeg (54.9 KB, 442x784, IMG_0141.jpeg)

>>1928392Emilytheskeleton, maybe not Romanian. First mentioned thread 22.
No. 1928402
>>1928396oh I remember her, but I'm almost sure she was czech. whatever, RIP.
(looked at her insta now and she has immortal in her bio… embarassing)
No. 1928405
>>1928254Just like Zara's:
A starved baby monkey.
No. 1928595
>>1928528You don’t go from healthy full face to naked mole rat in a month or two or however long she’s claimed her hiatus has been. She’s being relapsing since the day she weight restored, posting old photos repetitively to make it seem otherwise, while she poorly faked recovery with her “thick toast” claims on the thinnest piece of low calorie bread with a half a tsp of spread. She’s pathetic. I don’t feel bad for her enabling POS parents but her sister is the real
victim in all of this. Give her what she wants already - Lock the xmas llama up for good and throw away the key.
No. 1928653
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Lyss, still acting like she's in recovery.
No. 1928655
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>>1928653and her dumbass followers are actually giving her asspats about it
No. 1928714
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No. 1928750
File: 1700034937702.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1620x1644, IMG_0142.jpeg)

>>1928708Someone else! I actually took a screen grab of her Amazon wishlist. Was super grossed out when I noticed her ebegging for Walden slop on one of the eating disorder food subs. “For my birthday???” When she’s constantly bragging about spending hundreds on diet food alone. Taking advantage and manipulating mostly sick teens for your diet food is a whole new low.
Reddit was where I first noticed her- actually, in a subreddit completely unrelated to eating disorders. She posts a lot spoop pics in the subreddits related to the food service industry, tattoos, china, and even posts body checks on recovery subreddits. Brags about her low bmi and organ failure. Shared proana recipes that have bad and potentially dangerous consequences on the GI knowing she could cause others to become sick…but it’s okay because now she is “sorry”. There is a lot more but she just disgusts me. Don’t even get me started on how hypocritical she is about recovery influencers.
Social media names for those curious
No. 1928752
File: 1700035262494.png (612.4 KB, 1620x2160, IMG_0162.png)

>>1928708Her wishlist including ash tier requests
No. 1928754
File: 1700035392320.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.79 MB, 1620x1832, IMG_0160.jpeg)

Makes me miss n2f
>>1928752 No. 1928802
>>1928714I call it "Hours of Fail".
Blood clots are her least worry, since the next (last) femur bone can break as well.
But let's all assume that Ganer's too iNsPiRaTiOnAl to realize that…
No. 1928828
File: 1700057827337.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1937, IMG_7151.jpeg)

She has to remind people every other post how she “speedran” to a low bmi kek
No. 1928829
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>>1928828She’s also very self obsessed for such a bizzare brain cell less person
No. 1928889
>>1928009"A blur in my mind", yeah, we can call it like that.
She's got some nice concentration camp wrinkles, there. Must have been one helluva relapse.
No. 1928897
File: 1700068059906.png (474.79 KB, 501x812, creepsmile.png)

>>1928009We get the message, Fi.
No. 1928925
>>1928897Spoiler that jumpscare
nonnie, kek
No. 1929019
File: 1700081489996.jpeg (585.9 KB, 828x1437, AA9D5115-A12D-4B46-8B4B-84CB53…)

Of course May has dropped out of yet another treatment and is claiming that it hasn’t worked. She puts in absolutely no effort into recovery yet complains about every single opportunity she’s been given
No. 1929279
>>1929271The US doesn't tube nearly as much as it seems on social media. Some treatment centers are liberal with tubes, others don't tube at all, and others tube very sparingly. The cows almost always go to places where it's easy to get a tube (ERC, Veritas, etc) and then do exactly what will
trigger a protocol to order a tube.
No. 1929284
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No. 1929309
>>1929284lol, that is the face of someone who has just been told the actual recovery time and is so unimpressed shes about to neck herself!
we all knew her initial recovery timeline was bullshit, why couldnt she??
No. 1929318
File: 1700122754040.png (51.7 KB, 683x179, Screenshot 2023-11-16.png)

>>1929284Translation: "I will hit the gym again as soon as possible and fuck up my body even more!"
That smugness in the face of misery to come…
No. 1929324
File: 1700123107423.gif (2.01 MB, 400x224, boss-gatsby.gif)

>>1929284Never change, Ganer. Never change.
No. 1929330
>>1929325You are right, of course…
It's "vegan" in the sense of "bland shit that no one ever would touch, least of all on a daily basis".
No. 1929338
File: 1700124538821.gif (10.35 MB, 600x750,

oomph, oomph…
No. 1929362
File: 1700129069679.png (184.18 KB, 440x331, gcrack.png)

>>1929351that one needs a redo
No. 1929371
File: 1700132132459.jpg (221.11 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_2023-11-15-22-23-42…)

Niamh is back on TikTok posting unflattering pictures of herself.
No. 1929378
File: 1700133447550.jpg (679.73 KB, 1080x2182, Megan.jpg)

>>1929347I'm sorry but this Megan spoop has Ganer beat. Nothing screams recovery like eating popcorn, pickles, banana peppers, tajin, and nutritional yeast with chopsticks. No. 1929380
File: 1700133911890.jpg (618.14 KB, 1080x1602, Megan 3.jpg)

3/3 spends her days handing out recovery advice and cutting on recovery influences. Milk for daysssss.
No. 1929390
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>>1929383It's still better than her signature pouty face
No. 1929418
File: 1700141097857.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 1179x1752, IMG_6901.jpeg)

>>1929378love u Nona I’m glad someone else thought the milk was flowing with this one! It’s like a mix of darma and ganer with some n2f or tfvg mixed in.
Her obsession with eating microwaved banana peels and salad with literally anything (and I mean anything…even her “ice fluff cream”) disgusts me so much. She is a
toxic bitch who should be ashamed of herself.
Food looks like she already purged it up
No. 1929419
File: 1700141153473.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1179x1547, IMG_6906.jpeg)

Maggots and grapes? No, just shirataki rice. She says it’s “immaculate”
No. 1929421
File: 1700141407603.jpeg (403.2 KB, 1179x1986, IMG_6904.jpeg)

>>1929384Same fag as above but missed your question
she started eating microwaved banana peels out of fear of bananas. The first time she mentioned it she made a mix of it with warmed lettuce.
>>1929415She does brag about lack of ass and horrific farts
No. 1929458
File: 1700145427553.jpeg (720 KB, 828x1332, IMG_4789.jpeg)

>>1929378So glad to see other people can’t stand her. She also has a reputation for creating alt accounts to harass people on and deleting them when she gets called out. One of her alts that’s still up where she posts more disgusting oat fiber pics and tried to be an onlyfans girl
No. 1929462
File: 1700146335050.jpg (114.81 KB, 1080x845, Megan4.jpg)

>>1929458Died laughing when she called out Rachel.Rising for her pancakes. Like Rachel's bad but girl. What.
No. 1929534
File: 1700154231366.jpeg (784.9 KB, 1125x2133, IMG_6994.jpeg)

Ooft cow crossover i didn’t see coming
No. 1929552
File: 1700155402533.jpg (418.16 KB, 1440x1309, Collage_2023-11-16_12_21_12~2.…)

oh FUCK off ganer. you are not seriously doing this to help anybody. if you would get a grip on reality and actually let your body heal and be HONEST, that would be helping people. this is purely you trying to feed your ego and prove that you're some kind of super human, and it's going to blow up in your face you stupid cunt. laugh now, cry later.
No. 1929561
File: 1700155689999.webm (14.06 MB, 1080x1920, 1000006942.webm)

Tiktok links are still not successfully embedding for me, so I've compiled Niamhs tiktoks and converted to WebM for cataloging and your viewing pleasure.
No. 1929607
>>1929552Totally agree, this is not Ganer helping others, but Ganer helping Ganer herself, bolstering and polishing up her nonexistent self-worth.
It's back on track, straight to the gym and then from there to the hospital, again.
Ignoring the warning signs of your own body is one of the most stupid things to do. She'll learn, some day. Maybe she's got to get a permanent ride in some NHS-sponsored wheelchair first.
No. 1929644
>>1929561Thanks for this
nonnie. Her saying I saved her, as in past tense, implies she's done with recovery.
No. 1929697
File: 1700175013850.webm (2.43 MB, 576x1024, 2d11d0a0-bd25-46e8-a009-5c21b0…)

>>1929371You guys really gotta learn how to post videos, especially with chronic deleters like Niamh
No. 1929728
File: 1700178860967.png (83.25 KB, 422x486, Screen Shot 2023-11-16 at 5.54…)

Poor May, there's just no therapy out there that will give her adequate asspats and tell her that her behavior in the workplace is appropriate. No help for May, except all the help that she's been offered and has quit.
No. 1929732
File: 1700179044730.png (292.2 KB, 426x696, Screen Shot 2023-11-16 at 5.57…)

I can't tell if this means that Stef is discharging and on her way to the airport or if she hasn't bee discharged yet because she doesn't have anywhere to go
No. 1929816
File: 1700193232713.jpeg (714.01 KB, 828x1531, IMG_0821.jpeg)

Pretty sure Tara is a dwarf or something…
No. 1929870
>>1929697KEK anon it's already been posted, alongside two others, literally
right here >>1929561Quality dropped just to keep them all together and not spam, and under 20mb
No. 1929877
File: 1700207142383.jpg (Spoiler Image,309.92 KB, 1080x1843, Screenshot_20231117_204432_Ins…)

oh dear lord jesus christ. Jen. No. Someone needs to get her off the internet.
No. 1929993
File: 1700237240846.jpg (169.09 KB, 1080x1079, 372903770_n.jpg)

>>1929911>sHoW cOmPeTiShUn fOrMWould be a shame not to see some of those any more, eh?
No. 1930080
>>1929993She's third from the left, btw.
Now that would be hard to do in a wheelchair.
No. 1930202
File: 1700261642698.png (6.66 MB, 1170x2532, CDAA01C8-F44C-4E67-8DC6-0FE33B…)

No. 1930214
File: 1700262884088.png (1.24 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_0478.png)

>>1914617>>1928172>>1928172ok for the second time, THIS IS A FAKE ACCOUNT RAN BY A PEDO.
and the worst part is that is HER DAD. and she is in recovery! she documents her recovery on telegram, common in Russia since you need a VPN to use instagram in. Russia now. her telegram is, and there is a German man going into Russian girls telegrams, taking their photos and videos, and making fake insta accounts pretending to be anorexic girls. they all use these similar set of hashtags, I messaged her and she was shocked.
report and disregard these accounts this man is clearly sick in the head.
No. 1930223
File: 1700264055189.png (1.61 MB, 853x1533, Screenshots_2023-11-17-18-34-0…)

No. 1930288
File: 1700273596790.png (384.93 KB, 510x700, Screen Shot 2023-11-17 at 8.13…)

>>1930202She's in a nice-ass bathroom for someone who is "homeless" and needs money from the internet.
No. 1930415
File: 1700304815953.jpg (704.14 KB, 1920x1920, Moo.jpg)

No. 1930438
>>1930410As the other
nonnie said, thanks for bringing awareness about people like this. Say what you will about the farms, but we do have decent posters like yourself.
No. 1930463
File: 1700319493117.jpeg (589.94 KB, 960x1097, IMG_4006.jpeg)

Where’s the ana hashtag?
Needs GFM money for ~SeVeRe aNoRxiA~
No longer ‘homeless’ now it’s ARFID
Ok. Got it.
No. 1930465
File: 1700319625435.png (124.26 KB, 220x326, Screen Shot 2023-11-18 at 9.00…)

Why did Stef pin a video of herself eating chicken fingers in a hospital from two years ago?
No. 1930498
File: 1700325418357.jpeg (546.95 KB, 2048x2048, 429BD864-7D77-458E-8D04-0A58D6…)

She grinds my gears so much. She doesn’t appear “homeless” at all, where is all the go fund me going? Maybe to her Ubering through NYC because that shit is expensive af , she could just take the damn train
No. 1930499
File: 1700325514434.jpeg (246.04 KB, 1015x1833, IMG_7304.jpeg)

>>1930498Also here’s her mandatory body check for this video