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No. 1904806
After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).
For additional context, peruse the Scumbag threads. You can start from the most recent one here
Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.
This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.
The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.
Current herd:
- Colours/Laura, on whom I will not be wasting any keystrokes: Read her old thread here
>>1759128- lostallsanityx: Serial arsonist, ice-smoker, deodorant-huffer, and gleeful thief. Doctors don't feel comfortable working with her.
- Laura: Leg-lifter, sock-swallower, face-scratcher, and [insert future diagnosis here] extraordinaire. Loves being inpatient and also loves a Starbucks barista nearly 10 years her senior. Something of a Pro-Ana Scumbags graduate, as her antics have evolved and are no longer primarily related to her eating…disorder.
- Enara: Another Scumbags alumnus with BPD. Known hospital shopper and ED LARPer who overdoses and self-harms for attention. She once even called for an ambulance
before overdosing. After being discharged the next day, she totalled her car, then swallowed batteries to get back into the hospital again shortly thereafter. Has a 3rd place ribbon from a pony club and is a Very Serious Academic. You'll find some of her greatest hits here (>>1768412), but there will always be more to come because she never shuts up.
- Emily J: Headbanger and aspiring nurse that likes to physically assault NHS staff.
- Fish Shoes/Helena: A cow for the lighthearted, relatively speaking. Alcohol and substance abuse issues, has an ED, gets bird psychosis when she stops taking her meds and ends up in the hospital (she thinks birds are following her, and she has an emergency suitcase for when she's on the run from birds, fish shoes to attract cats, drawings of cats to scare birds, and a secret key to hide money in so the birds don't rob her).
Come get your daily helping of headbangers and mash, nonnies.
Links: No. 1904889
>>1904886the thing tha I love aboput you is that you're the only one who says LLL so it's easy top pick out your posts
>>1904887she fits the thread, so it's fine to talk about her. I read the OP as a starter pack, not exclusive list
No. 1905049
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No. 1905059
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Becca with(out) a tube explaining that her severe, excruciating and extreme bone pain could be cancer and not just from jumping from a 40ft platform
No. 1905097
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>>1905059Becca not realising she is ‘one of them’
No. 1905127
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(First time posting I hope I get this right)
Enara is back in hospital with a tube
No. 1905148
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Not really milk but how many clothes does Laura buy all the time?! She appears to be selling her ‘fat wardrobe’ to make people think she’s losing weight but I had no idea she had SO many clothes. I counted 14 pairs of pants/ tracksuits put up for sale just today! And it’s not as if she’s had them forever and is clearing out because she’s only been obese for a couple of years. How many new clothes is she buying all the fucking time?! And it’s not as if they’re all super cheap brands either.
No. 1905152
>>1905127Is that a tattoo scribbled all over her chest?
>>I believe youShe craves validation, it seems to have always been her life quest and no amount will ever be enough for her.
No. 1905154
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>>1905144>>1905131please sage your replies nonna. but yeah, she made a big stink about it and then reactivated her account like 4 days later. still don’t understand how she was able to put so much weight on her broken foot so quickly
No. 1905222
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>>1905199Way to go newfriend.
No. 1905266
>>1905222Thankyou for the gold star haha
>>1905229I don’t think she broke it either, it would be 6-8 weeks of limited activity and limiting pressure on the foot to allow it heal - another load of bullshit from Laura
No. 1905312
>>1905222Kek love this. This is the first and probably only thread where newfags are welcomed and it makes sense as it's a new category in itself.
>>1905097I screen recorded this but haven't converted it yet. For context, "one of them" is a headbanger. MAYBE, and hear me out becca,
maybe if you weren't such a special little retard in your younger years you'd probably be in a much better place right now. Not obese. Not crippled. Not institutionalised, and not blaming poorly patients for still being poorly and putting their episode online you backwards toenail
No. 1905336
>>1905312You backwards toenail
im crying ahaha Quick question do we think there’s room for some tiktok cows on this thread? Because believe me there are plenty on there that could bring some entertainment
No. 1905370
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>>1905351Pretty sure it's Colours. From what i gather she's seems to have got it in for Luna after she had some sort of DM exchange with her that she shared. She seems to think that Luna is the one posting her to lolcow, quite funny really. Wasn't that a narc tactic around deflection? Throw someone under a bus to distract from your dirt? She's certainly got the cry bullying to a tee to her public account, yet she actively participates here too and the whole multiple hate account thing..
No. 1905559
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poor starving enara
No. 1905625
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No. 1905701
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No. 1905733
>>1905336Totally bring the cows from TikTok.
That place is a breeding ground for bpd cows
No. 1905742
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This girl is starting to remind me of lostallsanityx kek
No. 1905920
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>>1904806A personal lolcow I follow is Hayley who I think would be perfect for this thread. She has BPD and likes to remind everyone that she’s spent most of life in psychiatric hospital (it’s even in her bio)
She’s currently inpatient and self harms regularly which is often ‘so severe she could have died’. She has a cast on her leg and is in a wheelchair from a recent self harm incident
She refuses to take accountability for herself and constantly shits on staff. She refuses to change or try to recover. Is constantly baiting suicide which garners many sympathy posts
Her TikTok is iknowyouarewatching888.
No. 1905921
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>>1905920Hayley has run away from the ward (again) tonight since she’s informal. Although not sure how far she’ll get if she’s still in the wheelchair
No. 1905994
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gonna drop my favourite bpd (and other types of crazy) headcases from tiktok, it’s difficult to find pics to encompass all of the milk but i will give a brief description with each
Alex Moorhouse (@recovering.alex8 on tiktok): been in some kind of rehab or pd unit for years, constantly “choosing recovery” then quits days later, posts a lot of depressing, attention seeking stuff, serial headbanger and face scratcher, not THE milkiest but does have some moments and i think she could be interesting here
Holly Wilcox (@schizofabulousbackup tiktok @hollyamy9 instagram): schizophrenic alcoholic & many other issues, her tiktoks are absolutely wild in a way i can’t quite describe, her friend died of a stroke and she filmed him on life support, posts tiktoks of herself drinking in the street, she was hospitalised but got out at some point and has managed to stay out but she’s been in a million times so i doubt this will last much longer as she seems to be deteriorating already but she is one of my favourite tiktok crazies
Katya (@katsrecovery2023 on tiktok) i don’t actually know the full lore with this one but she has beef with Holly above because Holly sent her money and she didn’t send it back? or something along those lines. Holly frequently makes tiktoks about how Katya is copying her and everything she does which actually might have some credibility as Katya is a massive attention seeker who seems to just jump on anything she can and repeatedly tries to get herself sectioned by calling police on herself and general antics along those lines
hope these will interest and entertain you all the way they have me
No. 1906052
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>>1905920Definitely ticking off that "lack of self awareness box"!
No. 1906101
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No. 1906122
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Is this how Laura flirts? If so, Starbucks Guy is gonna be freaked out at the 100lb+ edition.
No. 1906123
>>1905921almost crying with keks here nona. staff will give very minimal shits if a non sectioned pt absconds especially if they are known for threatening or doing stuff like that in order to get their own way. It's textbook BPD manipulation and a big reason why BPDers who've not had extensive therapy don't do well inpatient.
Good cow, too. A good addition to our Psych Ward but do i sense a hint of Munchdom? What a bonus!
No. 1906128
>>1906049(NTA) I am only speculating, but I suspect it's to prevent her from interfering with the healing process. It's incredibly hard to break your own leg on purpose. Sorry if this crosses over to PL but I knew a girl IP who spent about 3 days constantly whacking her arm off of doorframes before she finally got a tiny hairline fracture. The leg would be a lot harder than that and I can imagine even a longterm cutter wouldn't be able to bring themselves to bring something heavy enough down on their own leg.
Saying that she might have walked in front of a car or something.
No. 1906167
>>1906052Same anon but classic virtue signalling and
victim bhv. This cow is the definition of bpd. Not to mention her hard core 2010s appearance kek Borderlines aren't meant to be in hospital for long periods of time (sure you all know that) and I'm guessing she's only still in/ been in a long time because of her safety aspect? Gonna get discharged, self harm. Not being enough attention, self harm. Someone criticises, they're judgemental bitch cause I'm so special uwu
Thanks for the milk
nonnie No. 1906258
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>>1905921Ok so Hayley updated again and she’s now inside somewhere, probably back on the ward. It looks like she has something round her neck. A few days ago she was hinting about having bought something that could end her life. I wonder if this is it? Also yes she is from the UK for those who were wondering
No. 1906368
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Of course Enara does her one-sided selfie on the side with the tube, just to remind us she's such a delicate ana that she's not allowed to eat by mouth right now.
No. 1906369
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>>1906368What's the over/under on her writing this note for herself?
No. 1906414
>>1906258Wants to kill herself, still uses filter. I know that's nitpicking but if she actually dgaf and wanted to off herself why give a shit what you look like or use a filter
The harm bait on this one is large
Unsure of you mentioned their age yet
No. 1906450
For anyone who wants to catch up, here's Enara's inaugural farm post:
Laura was around for the first 15 or so Scumbags threads, but mostly as a side-character. From #16 on she selfposted, leglifted, and facescratched her way into the main cast:
No. 1906456
>>1906287Just realised it’s her string lanyard. I wonder why she’s allowed that if she’s such a high risk
>>1906414She’s 26 I believe
No. 1906647
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No. 1906684
>>1906647Ooo we already have a lurker kek
Tries suuuper hard to get too, sends herself flowers, gets questioned about the validity of card and suddenly pulls out the tube- with no evidence btw and we know she lives a good pic when she's doing the naught naughty stuff. Then she 'absconders' but stays on hospital grounds where anyone (but miraculously it was security) can find her and she she goes back to get the ng again. I don't know about you but abscondering to me would be leaving hospital grounds and if I pulled my tooby out of fight like hell for it not to be put back in.
What a nice little production for staff to prove how sik she is and what a good story for her audience. I mean it's almost like someone wrote it.
It just really pisses me off how she tries so hard to 'her them to help me' them they finally give in and give her what she wants then once again wastes a bed and resources for her dramatics. Beds in Australia are scarce and she constantly using resources that people who really need them would be so appreciative.
A wonderful example of her BPD dramatics
No. 1906808
>>1906698A pain killer for what though? Her ng? Give her some throat spray and tell her to harden the fuck up. If it was for her tube she made it way worse by pulling it out and having to put it back in.
No blogging but does anyone know of someone who's had to have painkillers after ng? And not straight after, they managed hours. She was probs just pill seeking like she does with the ambos that come to her place and give her a benzo or two
And where the fuck is her poor dog? Back with her case worker I guess
No. 1906964
>>1906961The bitch can't curl, she
is the curl. No need to curl into a ball on the floor when you
are a ball. I'm absolutely loving the pushback from enara to get back into PAS kek
No. 1906965
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Kek Bitch where??
Tell me you’re delulu without telling me
No. 1906967
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>>1906368Imagine sending this to your mum and she just tells you to get your eyebrows done
Even her family are sick of her behaviour
No. 1907006
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>>1906967to be obese and have your blood work be awful because you only eat garbage is too funny. she's worried about empty calories in the feed when that's all she chooses to eat anyway? kek
also this is an old article, but i only just read it and she's such a trip. i didn't appreciate enara enough as a cow before this thread. No. 1907084
>>1907079And like a lot of GI surgeries they tube people to control the food introduced into the recently operated on gut.
But anons are right. Such severe Ed claiming from Enara but so little change in weight. Doesnt compute
No. 1907143
>>1906967Kek this made me laugh so hard
>I'm in a larger bodyIs called being over weight/fat. The pressing she uses to try to deny yet prove her 'ED' is laughable. Last time she told us what rate she was on, but now the rate has gone up she coincidentally doesn't mention it even though that would encourage ass pats?
Requested psych eval cause she wants to be IP so bad, where of they actually do admit her, she will demand her therapy dog be with her. Freaking out means more benzos. She's got everything planned to a T
No. 1907146
>>1907145And after d/c she will write an article about her 'breakdown' and go to conferences where she'll blabber on about herself again saying how hard it was and her SEED had been for (
calculates) about 20yrs. I wonder how many times nasogastric tube would be mentioned. IP gives her a whole new set of nurses and patients to tell her tall tales too. She'd be in dopamine overload
No. 1907223
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No. 1907227
>>1906967Something about the eyebrow things tickles me. What a weird thing to randomly obsess over then turn around and rant about your sooper serious ED. Her mom doesn’t give a fuck
>>1906606 that’s the fun part tho anon… it really is..
No. 1907543
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Enara has got to be reading this thread, the comment about 'tube selfies' is basically straight from our commentary. It's also bullshit that she just happens to be taking a selfie while she's tubed because she almost never posts pictures of herself normally and now she's posted several tube selfies. I sort-of believe her when she says that she doesn't want to go to the MHU, though, because I think the environment isn't very coddling and so she doesn't feel looked after by people there and it doesn't feed that need for attention.
No. 1907545
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Does anyone here remember Allyson from forever ago? She finally popped back up on instagram a while ago, still munching and larping an ED. (If people are interested, I could recap her for those who don't know / remember her)
No. 1907571
>>1907543Kek Has a toob for essential refeeding for 2 days! (Or something) and pulls it out and is now being introduced to oral feeds?
>you are sick enoughShe lurks so hard
She wouldn't want to go to MHU because you don't get individual ass pats there and they don't take your shit. She can't LARP as hard there and they'll know her background. She'd rather be in a small unit with a nurse that has 4 patients and can spend time with her and create her little scenarios to validate to herself that she's sahh sick. And just cause a nurse is nice to you in the room doesn't mean they actually think you're sick, they know malingerers and 'hate' them because they do take up beds and resources.
Oh and suddenly a toob pic but not one without it even though that would have corroborated her story.
I stg a whole Fiction book could be written about her BS. That's probably what she's doing in her head anyway
No. 1907578
>>1907545Yep - for years she was a constant topic in r/ifgw, r/munchsnark and the like. She's one of the most pathetic and inept munchies I've ever seen. She's larped autism with a side of being nonverbal, fakes an NG using anything that remotely looks like medical tubing, has a weird, sexless relationship with some guy she met on Tumblr that moved her in to "fix" her, and she is the worst narrator that can't keep stories straight even just hours after she posts them. Also the skyler in her username is one of her alters, well in the days she remembers she pretends to have DID. Oh, and she posted a, I won't say bowl, a vat of oatmeal she ate, forgetting she said she 'has' gastroparesis - which, if she did actually have, would basically blow her asshole out. She's pretty harmless but Weapons-grade stupid.
No. 1907591
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>>1907571"about to start an oral diet" my ass, pic rel. I frankly do not believe that she would be given a coffee drink for low blood sugar while hospitalized and supposedly NPO. Wouldn't she be given glucose tablets or similar?
No. 1907592
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>>1907591She was also drinking this while claiming she's supposedly not allowed anything by mouth
No. 1907640
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>>1907612She is indeed still with Alex and still using him as her "service human", it seems. There's no way to know 100% for sure, but I would be shocked if the ng tube were prescribed.
No. 1907641
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She also claims to have EDS now and did some LARPing around having to wear a neck brace that she claims was prescribed, but like … that is so clearly something she bought from amazon or wherever, not an actual medical device. Like, look at it.
No. 1907642
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This is super cropped because I didn't want to include the person she's with (who seems to be an innocent person who just had the misfortune of being her roommate while in ED treatment), but notice that Allyson is not tubed while in treatment for her "restrictive eating disorder" and the tube only reappeared a while after discharge.
No. 1907643
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She also got discharged from therapy for LARPing too hard. (Last post for now, I don't want to flood the thread with Allyson and she honestly hasn't posted that much more on this account anyway)
No. 1907653
>>1907640Could this be another Porgie
And kek to the 'welp' in your lower post
No. 1907714
>>1907565That shit is expensive though, not to mention that she seems like just the type to neglect caring for wounds anyway with all the bullshit she pulls
Kelly was just a very extreme version of intentional infection, you see lesser degrees of it in the self harm community plenty often.
But yeah money's more on her just neglecting to take care of shit considering her self care seems kinda non exitent
No. 1907757
nonnie, I literally replied to the post that said so in an "image".
No. 1907947
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Kek ofc Enara would share this article on her LinkdIn? I think. I'm sure she's told whoever she could how traumatising having an ng placed and remain is (don't know if she mentioned to them pulling it out because most clinicians would be put off by it)
No. 1907952
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No. 1907957
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These are for newfags who don't know a lot about enara
We all remember her miracle recovery from suicidalty just in time to fly to UAE for a conference. She couldn't find any resource drinks cause she couldn't eat but ended up at Maccas
No. 1907963
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Last one for now
No. 1907964
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>>1907958You think that's wild
nonnie …. this pic is on her linkdin profile
No. 1907965
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Such passion
No. 1907967
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Much study
No. 1907969
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No. 1907996
>>1907986Don't think that's her first appearance but I could be wrong. I'll probably go back threads a bit and grab anything worthy, unless she has her own thread link or another
nonnie has them
No. 1908000
Never posted a link before and it's an article not a video. Do apologies for my autismfaggotry if this is wrong
"Suicide and nursing more common than you think" No. 1908060
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From 1yr ago, think it goes back another year or so, but her recent one in the last 8mtjs have been creamy
No. 1908063
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Wow how lucky! A dx of SEED and a new car right out of hospital!
No. 1908065
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I looked up the grant she's always bragging about winning to attend that nursing conference and the website says that it's just for the registration fees, so not nearly as big of a deal as she was making it out to be.
No. 1908066
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This other one that Enara bragged about was a $500 award. My slight blog is that I have been in charge of organizing academic conferences and giving out travel money before and this is an amount of money that you might give to everyone who applies and is qualified for assistance, out of funds designated for students. I almost guarantee that she gets a lot of these small grants because she can always say she's a student and conference grants usually have a chunk of funds reserved for helping students attend.
No. 1908072
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the seed is so strong and enduring
No. 1908073
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Yes, she stole a hospital blanket and took a sleeping photo of herself then ended up in ED that night for 'staples' All this is within the same month
No. 1908106
>>1908063oh please, this fat bitch isn't actually worried about future employers, she is never trying to actually work again, she thinks she'll live off the government or whatever she gets forever.
also is it normal in australia for a dealership to put a bow on a new car or did she pay extra for that? lmao i can't
No. 1908149
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I think this pic sums up Enara pretty well
No. 1908153
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Left:1 yr ago Right: 3yrs ago I think
No. 1908156
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Ran out of Hospitals and treatment centres back then too
No. 1908159
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Some people collect squishmellows, some people figurines, Orr maybe plants, but Enara has her own collecting niche
No. 1908190
>>1908000> suicide and nursing more common than you thinkThis is a misleading headline for a start - her mental illness doesn't appear to have anything to do with her nursing 'career' although I'm sure any minor stresses in the job have her reaching for the aspirin and the ambulance.
>tried to kill herself 40 times in a yearBULLSHIT.
No. 1908527
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Whoop there it is
No. 1908528
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She'll do a 'Kelly'
No. 1908539
>>1908529The question is
valid and she's using sarcasm/joking to avoid the question. She's well aware of what she does so minimising it, using sarcasm and hyperbolies gets her out of answering truthfully. Obviously the Kekly thing is a joke. And lk I think she would 'want' to do something serious to be in hospital for a length of time. 40 attempted ODs speaks to that. There's always a grain of truth in sarcastic answers
No. 1908543
>>1908529She's so almost self aware.. but so not..
I have been thinking about how many cows try to avoid the BPD label and excuse all behaviours on a more "acceptable" diagnosis, but since enara is so far deep into the PD identity and open about the attention seeking, deliberate self harm, wanting to be a permanent patient and chronically mentally in crisis due to care seeking and validation. Why doesn't she just go balls into admitting she has munchausens ? If she's unwilling to recover and willing to blame every single thing on her mental illness because it "makes her act that way", wouldn't being a munchie just give her even more fake self justification?
The only thing that would make it hard would be the stigma and any munchie flags on a medical file would probably get her refused care more, is that why she dedicates it all on BPD? even though at this point many medical professionals dismiss it just as much, I'm sure she could feel so sooper special being a self aware, treatment resistant munch lol
No. 1908695
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>>1908054Or the very rare cases of it being inserted into the brain because they pushed so hard or the patient had a skull or nasal fracture
No. 1908737
File: 1696420293879.jpeg (275.12 KB, 828x1454, AA35B755-8098-4D55-AB81-E00191…)

Someone’s been facing scratching
No. 1908779
File: 1696426401973.jpeg (190.61 KB, 750x1168, 1672836C-BE73-4ED7-BA87-94A5AE…)

Ok…..I want to try to introduce someone but I don’t know if they really belong itt or if they’re milky enough. Some people might remember but way, way back this person was well known in Ed circles (Anyone remember the Purgatorium?!) And had a lot of drama. Now seemingly recovered (good for him) but constantly marking anniversaries almost Becca style. Californian (explains a lot). Trans F2M and now apparently back the other way. Used to be a LOT of Ed milk and aggressively openly hyper sexual so a lot of just weird milk. I personally think HPD but see for yourselves if you’re interested.
Honestly he is/was a decent seeming person but a LOT of drama. I guess see what you think now. I’m going to upload a few pics so sorry in advance and if nobody’s into it I’ll leave alone.
No. 1908781
File: 1696426533587.jpeg (229.53 KB, 750x1192, 21A0FDBF-343B-4C6B-9089-9A236B…)

>>1908779Male (trans) for the last 20 years or so.
No. 1908787
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>>1908779Sorry I know it’s a lot of pics. If I knew how to make them into one I would but I’m trying to give a brief idea of this person and it’s kind of impossible to be brief. There is so much. But anyway now he’s not on T anymore and I’ll post ONE pic showing how he looks now. (She?)
No. 1908789
File: 1696427143342.jpeg (239.54 KB, 750x1206, 81CAC326-8159-47A1-AFB4-7F8D8E…)

>>1908779Last one I promise. I’m fascinated but if people think he doesn’t belong then that’s fine.
No. 1908824
>>1908779Blast from the past, Johnny is still going? I remember when he had the whole desirenotdemise website, does he still dress up in tutus in public? Good to see he's still kicking given Jeremy Gilitzer passed, (It felt rare to see chaps with EDs anywhere on social media a decade ago).
And the whole recounting of him fisting himself to pull out literal shit to the point of constant bleeding & prolapse is etched in my mind, fucking nightmare fuel. The oversharing and unintentional bragging about how sick he was was wild-removed part & reposted after googling - I always thought Johnny was a male since birth, didn't he have poems about/talking about male parts in regards to sexual abuse? Mandela effect? But it seems like others online clocked he's a female. I'm blind and awfully disappointed. I always thought he/she/whatever was just a twink.
No. 1908829
>>1908824He wasn’t shy about talking about being born female. I always knew him as male but knew he was trans. It’s wild to me that he is now transitioning/transitioned back.
I thought he would be dead honestly by now. He was really messed up but he - she - apparently is very much alive. And doing pretty well. But seems nobody is really into her, him - urgh I don’t know - So ok. Just thought I’d see.
No. 1908971
File: 1696457731529.png (567.04 KB, 428x697, Screen Shot 2023-10-04 at 5.15…)

Enara is too dainty to eat a whole yogurt and serving of cereal at breakfast
No. 1908977
>>1908975They're individually portioned and hygienically sealed. I guess that's to be expected in hospitals (and hotels etc).
If they'd given her a Starbucks she'd have taken it without bitching lol
No. 1909974
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>>1908975I couldn't help but laugh at this tell that someone sent Enara. Cow behavior on both sides.
No. 1910003
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according to lolcow. and by lolcow, did you mean…the scale?
No. 1910034
>>1909974More sarcasm so she doesn't have to actually answer the questions. More and more people are calling her out so in order to not admit 'I'm LARPing and wasting resources'
I mean her statement is technically true. Maybe she just needs some McDonald's from UAE
No. 1910036
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She's beached as bro
No. 1910040
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Pretends to be upset by her Pdoc telling her she Atypical kek
Sah special
Give proof by the email and I'll believe. I also don't believe that the Pdoc just have that up without Enara saying what the criteria is. She would have been jizzing her pants when they said the magical A word
No. 1910042
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IP DBT course? Kek The whole point of DBT is to stay out of hospital and not become institutionalised. It's about doing the work yourself (with support) and learning to self regulate in your own, not go cry to a nurse every minute that you feel suicidal or want to self harm. She doesn't actually want to get better she enjoys hospital too much. She'd also have to admit to behaviors in order to stop them and create healthy ones. She's once again be wasting resources. The fact she wants an IP is hilarious
No. 1910086
File: 1696636410528.jpeg (391.87 KB, 750x1334, C79ECF98-EBCD-4698-B419-93CF3B…)

reposted from PAS (nice thread, nona!!) but ever dainty enara showed us how she spent $10 on a screensaver app for her smart watch, good use of governmentbucks etc
No. 1910168
File: 1696646531546.png (693.76 KB, 800x578, 9386948523.png)

>>1910160>>1910162>>1910163Left: A few years ago. Right: A few days ago.
No. 1910176
>>1910175She just knows how to meet the QUEDS guidelines, which
triggers a protocol with an ng tube (guidelines for treating EDs in her area). She probably just dehydrates herself to get an orthostatic bp drop and heart rate increase when standing.
No. 1910200
>>1910198 was just commenting in relation to
>>1910178queensland makes it easier for cows to get tubed
(learn to sage) No. 1910499
File: 1696721951015.jpg (524.43 KB, 1080x1802, 32_Chrome.jpg)

I wonder which category Enara fits in to. She thinks she's a Cat 1 but really she's Cat 5-7. She presented to ED for being "suicidal" and waited like 5+ hrs and complained it was taking so long to be seen. This is why! And with the multiple presentations and no actual harm to self she was triaged correctly. Someone who is suicidal will not wait 5+hrs patiently then complained about it. Calling mental health services/ ambos cause you feel lonely is selfish af.
Enara is apparently a nurse who speaks to people about 'lived' experience yet she loves to act ignorant to simple procedures and protocol. She's the definition (by the state) of wasting resources and putting other people's lives and wellbeing at risk
No. 1910502
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No. 1910719
nonnie this thought was the first one I had too! I often think this about the non-UK cows. Here we legit have unwell old people in A&E corridors for 12+ hours, people sat on the floors, sleeping in chairs etc bc of lack of beds/staff/waiting times. They’d crumble into a histrionic sobbing mess under the NHS guidelines kek
No. 1910742
>>1910719Our capital cities and large cities are like this too. Not too big but a friend stayed 3 days on the ED floor waiting for a bed (for a bad physical ailment) it's fucking gross what she's doing. The entitlement is of the charts. Cairns population is a lot smaller so there would be
more beds available. Her LARPing because she's lovely or thinks she needs refeeding is disgusting. They were probably forced to take her and ng her (laws and shit). She needs a reality check
No. 1911756
File: 1696965031896.jpeg (382.95 KB, 1125x2024, IMG_7555.jpeg)

Don’t forget I had a toob you guys I was so sick.
Also the amount of storage this cow must use just on photos and videos of her, ahem narcissist, self.
No. 1911762
File: 1696965489229.jpeg (595.9 KB, 2048x2048, 49F7A619-A74D-420B-92C5-9430B5…)

>>1911690Top left - what she started with
Bottom left - what she left with
No. 1911796
>>1911769Unfortunately I don't have the pic but I remember her posting a selfie basically asking that same question, something along the lines of "why is my face like this?"
Some people have facial asymmetry that looks almost like a twist. If it doesn't harm functioning or erode teeth, there's no reason for docs to fix it.
No. 1911799
File: 1696971398195.png (358.41 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20231010-165141.png)

am i confusing her with someone else, or didn't enara post in the proana scumbag threads before to address us and try to defend herself? i mean she literally told us it was her, it wasn't just her pretending to be a white knight. i swear she did, but maybe i'm thinking of a different cow. either way, she's beyond corny for trying to act like it's hard to post here. especially for someone who constantly reminds us that she's very intelligent.
No. 1911947
>>1911799"Checks it occasionally" kek
If occasionally was all the time. She's too full of herself to not check, especially because she baits. The toob probably went back in after she refused to eat a meal and cried her SEEDed heart out
No. 1911954
File: 1697021211612.jpg (946.03 KB, 2206x898, WhatTheDogDoin.jpg)

Kek, Colours thinks her namesake twin wanted to copy her hairstyle.
No. 1911977
>>1911954Wow its like they're twins and LLL follows her every post.
Omg colours has hair!but I have hair! Stop copying me!
No. 1912420
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No. 1912961
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No. 1912962
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Wants to go home and then complains when they let her go home the same day she pisses me off
No. 1913006
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Hayley’s new account.
Wonder if the new name is setting the scene for a DID larp
No. 1913075
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saged bc not milk but these boots were on sale for $45 on the actual doc martens website lmfao
No. 1913352
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No. 1913889
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>>1913352She's more Histrionic with this type of shit not Borderline (still a B(ITCH) The more she huffs the more brain cells she loses which seems to be tracking. Another resource waster
No. 1913892
File: 1697379703802.jpg (335.1 KB, 1920x1023, 0231015_221659187.jpg)

Samefag Posting criteria so others who don't know the difference can. Mods delete if unnecessary(unnecessary)
No. 1914008
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>>1913017Actually fuck off at this point. Surgery for what? Girl if you don’t stop with this attention seeking behaviour
No. 1914095
>>1914034Yeah my guess is batteries too she wouldn't be game enough to do anything that could hurt her in the short term. I'm thinking it's a few so they have to go in to get them but I'm wondering if 'surgery' means an endoscopy to retrieve them. I've doubt they'd put her fully under and slice her. She's going the way of munch. I hope the Drs and nurses see her history and give her the minimum care needed. What a selfish p.o.s. A
nonnie needs to make Enara Bingo. This bitch is pathological and we know she lurks here so she knows exactly what she's doing
No. 1914290
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No. 1915026
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No. 1915198
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>>1913006Hayley is currently in the general hospital for possible surgery for recent self harm. She once again has never wanted to give up more than now even though she says that literally every two days. She’s been super active on her new account and suicide baiting constantly
No. 1915199
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>>1915198Just an example of the suicide baiting. The audio is ‘I don’t want to fight anymore I’m just too tired’
No. 1915202
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Does anyone else follow Shannon? She’s been inpatient for three years after jumping from a bridge and breaking both her legs. She claims she wants to get out of hospital but will act up when discharge is mentioned. Possibly a milky option if other cows dry out
No. 1915253
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>>1914849“Hey guys, I’m Enara, just had to let everybody know I have a cast and am in the psych ward again. Don’t have the tube back yet so no selfies, but until then it’s gonna be pictures of my cast so everybody worries about what I did to myself this time.”
No. 1915499
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No. 1915841
>>1915006Her name was Clare Murdoch. Enara claims to have been best friends with her. It was a one sided relationship tho, Clare never said a word about Enara.
Enara always wants to make herself the centre of attention. She was recently vague posting about losing another best friend, Genevieve. The reality is she was hardly a best friend and didn't even know she had died until like a month later kek.
No. 1915853
>>1915422Huh… that's actually kind of fascinating.
>>1915199Was there lore on this one posted anywhere, or is she pretty basically what we see here is what we get/self-explanatory kind of cow?
No. 1915882
>>1915856Sage your shit
And in respect to Claire we (other anon hopefully) won't speak about it again
No. 1915918
>>1915829That was different people posting.
You do realise that probably most people itt have been in wards themselves right? So nobody needs your blogging and bragging to enlighten them about the subject.
No. 1915938
>>1915300Not high enough kek
>>1915853As far as I know she hasn’t been posted anywhere else which is surprising considering she’s been like this for years. It’s a shame her old account got banned because you could scroll down for hours and see the same shit posted just with different coloured hair.
She’s already admitted to being institutionalised which is obvious at this point. She knows exactly how to self harm severe enough to need a lot of medical attention but never actually attempts. She complains that the nurses say her issue is behavioural rather than mental. The truth hurts I guess
No. 1915979
File: 1697729950670.png (678.64 KB, 488x874, Untitled.png)

Hayley with a 40 second video of her lying in hospital bed with this thing in her mouth (could a medfag pls enlighten me?)
No. 1915980
File: 1697729978068.png (511.83 KB, 498x855, Screenshot 2023-10-19 163728.p…)

samefag but also both legs in casts? jfc
No. 1915993
>>1915979That’s gas and air,
nonnie. Used as a painkiller, you see it a lot in childbirth actually! I also had a friend that got given it by paramedics when she’d dislocated her hip and they had to move her onto the bed thing- Think it’s what others refer to as laughing gas (correct me if I’m wrong though idk!)
No. 1916187
File: 1697768415390.jpg (840.31 KB, 1170x2068, IMG_6224.jpg)

who thought it was a good idea to do a 2 day admission every 2 weeks until christmas? enara is going to be thriving off all that attention. claims her ed is super super serious and then gets angry that she isn't allowed out of hospital unless she follows her meal plan for 48 hours. what is she expecting
No. 1916195
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No. 1916396
File: 1697822147840.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 9C946CFC-561B-44FF-89AB-3868D1…)

>>1916303It’s mad that she’s doing all this while still inpatient. Maybe she’s trying to get back onto 1:1 or to be re-sectioned.
I agree that the casts are there to protect cuts just from her previous history of needing casts for that reason. She’s had them on her arms too at different times.
Well the recent hospital stay hasn’t affected her too badly according to the newly died hair and selfies kek
No. 1916616
>>1916521The way lostallsanityx describes her support workers it sounds like she has drop in support for a set amount of hours a day or a week. They’d use their car and take her to appointments and things she can’t miss, apparently unless she cuts her neck to get out of it. Probably help her clean up a bit, encourage her to buy actual groceries, go pick up her medication. Try to get her to do something normal for once. She’d be funded through the NDIS and through some support service. It’s lucrative as fuck in Australia so there’s a million to go through.
There’s a duty of care and if she’s in danger there would be a specific plan in place. Call the cops, report her missing, call the 000 and tell them Daylia is needs some more attention and is at her favourite Chemist Warehouse. Minimal engagement with the behaviours so they don’t inadvertently encourage her. Just document it in their notes and hang out at her hovel until the shift is over if she’s not there.
There are more of these crazies living like this in Australia than people think. Free range to go out and do their thing then come back to their support worker who has cleaned the house (or has sat there playing on their phone for $40AUD an hour, I can’t blame them if their client is like this). The NDIS pays for this, lostallsanityx is free to spend her money on deodorant.
No. 1917126
File: 1697911402217.png (6.99 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9703.png)

Does anybody follow Jordan? Trans male, forever calling ambulances for one thing or another, adhd, BPD, autistic, in ED relapse etc etc. Not much milk tbh but then again there hasn’t been much from the others in here lately
No. 1917181
File: 1697912600300.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, 587A4A39-67DD-47C8-85FE-B3D004…)

Hayley is back in the general hospital. This must be a record. Claims she nearly lost her life…again. I wonder if this near death experience will make her change her ways and encourage her to start recovering but probably not
No. 1917195
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>>1917181Even her followers are starting to get fed up and call her out. She’ll probably delete them though
No. 1917268
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>>1916508picrel said she started seeing a new therapist. but apart from that just selfies/timehop pictures from years ago/reposts of unfunny reels
No. 1917784
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No. 1917794
File: 1697999147129.jpeg (1.61 MB, 2438x2001, 98F3CEC5-D02E-4F62-AEF0-FFB124…)

>>1917628Didn’t get it?! Has she lost her memory? She’s had absolutely everything possible and the nhs paying for her entire life for years and years.
No. 1917797
File: 1697999475958.jpeg (76.41 KB, 419x745, 0618B54F-A57E-4B9D-830D-E5E381…)

When someone else takes a picture of Laura it’s very different from the heavily edited and filtered ones she takes of herself. (Obviously everyone is going to choose and edit their photos to show the best image of themself but photos like this show her actual size when a lot of her selfies don’t really).
No. 1917798
File: 1697999526286.png (6.84 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9708.png)

No idea if anybody wants these posting, but yeah
No. 1917907
File: 1698015495337.jpeg (3.23 MB, 3264x2448, 3E49E039-48F0-42D9-9BE5-BE3BD5…)

Laura is still at the post and delete. Posted 2 TikToks the other day but deleted this one. Still confused as to why her mouth/ jaw appears to me always shifted sideways and not aligned with her face. Was it always like this?
No. 1918037
>>1917952Nona, nobody here cares about gender bullshit and you will stand out like a sore thumb if you keep that up
>>1917798I'm interested in where this leads, please provide at least an @
No. 1918100
File: 1698056500144.jpg (629.8 KB, 1920x1920, Moo.jpg)

Think I've found a new cow @ messy_indy (aka Chloe Louckx 26yo from Belgium They/Them)- don't post hospital name bands with your details on them) Their page is full cream. Self admittedly has BPD. Has had a tube almost constantly with her weight fluctuating quite a bit but still has the tube at higher weight (thinking she b/p) ofc SH, pictures of inside ambulances, crying photos galore saying theyre trying, has had 3 birthdays IP, they basically tick every criteria. They're out of IP atm but says they're not good and was lieing to people. A lot lot more but cbf typing everything out rn, go lurk there and see what I've missed. Got a bunch of photos coz image board.
No. 1918101
File: 1698056573046.jpg (585.7 KB, 1920x1920, Moo2.jpg)

No. 1918102
File: 1698056645184.jpg (692.68 KB, 1080x1841, Screenshot_20231023_175301_Ins…)

No. 1918104
File: 1698056686539.jpg (851.08 KB, 1079x1857, Screenshot_20231023_175354_Ins…)

No. 1918105
File: 1698056746386.jpg (802.98 KB, 1079x1871, Screenshot_20231023_175714_Ins…)

No. 1918106
File: 1698056826303.jpg (1.03 MB, 1080x1807, Screenshot_20231023_180037_Ins…)

29.5kg on the left? Kek sure Jan
No. 1918107
File: 1698056882274.jpg (698.51 KB, 1079x1541, Screenshot_20231023_175419_Ins…)

Last one
No. 1918110
File: 1698057237302.jpg (272.24 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20231021_103435_Ins…)

250 days IP
No. 1918141
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No. 1918187
>>1918171They love to virtue signal. I hate when they write "I can't believe im admitting this" or "I'm going to share this for awareness" no bitch, no you're not. And tbh (and this goes for any cow) of you're well enough to take photos in an Ambo/cop car and make a coherent post then you're not in a severe crisis.
'I can't believe I'm in an ambo going to the hospital..' they say after ringing emergency services abs then being non-compliant so services are obligated to take them and treat them. And 200+ days IP worth 100 being tubed…wtf? It seems worse there than Australia
No. 1918189
File: 1698078104307.jpg (677.55 KB, 1920x1920, Moar.jpg)

Here's some more for you
No. 1918191
File: 1698078336758.jpg (841.51 KB, 1080x2340, Justno.jpg)

Ambo example
No. 1918194
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Gotta love the video of getting your ng removed. Why do they feel the need to do this
No. 1918196
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No. 1918257
>>1918252whole board is transphobic
(unfortunately so imo, it's gna kill the board, but it's not a battle worth fighting until there's new admin). use whatever pronouns you want but stop derailing.
>>1918245i could see that argument if there weren't plenty of other freedoms that are restricted in the interest of medical care. doctors don't take the harm social media/the internet can perpetuate seriously.
No. 1918294
>>1918191In what world are these ‘happy pictures’ ?! This one definitely needs her phone taken away.
The whole idea of ‘awareness’ for mental illness is just flawed imo. Awareness for things like heart attack or stroke is useful to the general public but ‘mental health awareness’ has just been hijacked by people using it to virtue signal or try to justify attention seeking and
triggering others/ get sympathy. People with mental illnesses are already very ‘aware’ and the general public doesn’t gain anything from ‘awareness’ posts of spoops with feeding tubes or people in ambulances covered in sh cuts. It won’t make anyone understand mental illnesses if they don’t have them but it will fuel and
trigger people who do have them. The only people who could maybe benefit from ‘awareness’ are some actual drs and healthcare professionals tbh.
No. 1918300
File: 1698091361400.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, 1B110118-C63D-4EBC-A8FA-6483B6…)

Enara is somehow still in hospital and really acting up and upsetting everyone. I can’t even keep up with what she’s in for or where but seriously wtf kind of hospital is allowing her to keep self harming and being such a general pain in the ass?!
No. 1918303
File: 1698091539708.png (3.15 MB, 750x1334, FD333908-9696-40B1-92FC-B9A4B7…)

>>1918300How does she go from travelling to UAE alone and not having any ‘incidents’ at all to this rampaging around she’s been at for the last few months?
No. 1918358
>>1918303'Less like
my voice in my head' cue attempts for feigning psychosis in 3,2…
No. 1918376
File: 1698099121206.png (3.74 MB, 750x1334, E2BCC671-79D3-4558-BA4A-529096…)

The ‘I’m free’ happiness videos and then the ‘I wanted help and never got it, poor me, look I used to have a nose hose’ videos just go back and forth, over and over.
No. 1918377
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>>1918376She’s singing ‘So This Is Christmas’ btw.
No. 1918404
>>1918257>spoilertextThe only reason lolcow is still relevant is because it's the very last female-only space where you don't have to pretend biological men are secretly women because 'woman' means carrying the essence of ditzy retard porn fantasy bullshit. (This has made many oldfags unhappy who remember when imageboards were great).
Why don't you go use tattlelife or gurugossip where they say the rosary for JK Rowling is a
TERF every other Bernadette Banner thread; you'd fit much better in there. But then again they don't like mocking the mentally ill.
No. 1918419
>>1918416wonder if she's taking inspiration from
>>1915980Also, funny that we were blessed with so many ng tube selfies but no cast selfies
No. 1918519
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I don't know if any of you follow @heysharownmaxwell. She's one of the many obese women on instagram who claim to have had terrible restrictive eating disorders for years without losing any weight and just reeee about fatphobia if you point out how little sense that makes. Her latest drama is that she needs a hysterectomy because she's having menstrual issues that she insists have nothing to do with her weight and she's busy blaming it on doctors who wouldn't stop hurting her feelings by telling her that her periods would probably become more regular if she lost weight so her BMI wasn't over 30. (more pics incoming)
No. 1918520
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>>1918519how could they not acknowledge her obviously real anorexia
No. 1918521
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>>1918520boohoo, science that shows some medications/treatments are less effective in obese women is fatphobic
No. 1918542
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>>1918539can't believe you would imply this woman isn't anorexic, as confirmed by the new york times magazine
No. 1918642
>>1918539I came here to say that! Is it 10 years of no periods or 160 days of period? This woman makes no sense. Either way, given her obvious obesity she probably has period issues because of PCOS and/or possibly some kind of pituitary gland issue such as a growth on the gland (as Enara claims to have). Like it or not, period problems are often related to weight, either being underweight or overweight.
All things considered, that surgery is not hugely, hugely expensive either.
No. 1918644
>>1918425I don't remember her entire lore but yes I do remember the car incident now you mention it. I'm not sure that's what caused her to recover. She also had a heart attack but that was at a healthy weight I think.
I guess I was just thinking all anachans are exercise obsessed when that's not necessarily the case.
No. 1918654
Nonnie. That's why the diagnosis of anorexia should be kept as originally defined imo, ie including 'significant weight loss', 'refusal to maintain weight in a healthy range' etc. Because actual AN is extremely dangerous and often fatal so the diagnosis shouldn't be used lightly. Significant weight loss should certainly be part of the criteria for AN so it would technically include someone who started off at 200lb and is now 125 or something due to restrictive behaviours……But honestly I'd still call that EDNOS until they actually become underweight. (Unless they're extremely tall and of muscular build, making 125lb clearly very underweight for that person. If that makes sense).
No. 1918660
>>1918570How is she self harming so much IN hospital that they have put her in casts! And how did she manage to cut her throat in a hospital too?!
I don't see how these cows get access to anything in hospitals that they can cause serious damage with that warrants putting them in casts! Like what is there? Anything glass like tvs will be boxed in. Windows are not breakable. Anything plastic like pens (but then they have bendy ones) can be broken or shattered if you throw it about or stomp on it but surely staff know all this, especially around known self harmers? Even those plastic shards are not sharp enough to cause more than scratches really.
No. 1918667
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No. 1918761
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>>1918667kek how is her face a literal circle??? Between her and Legohead we’ve got half of “My First Shapes”
No. 1918882
File: 1698193062471.jpeg (331.4 KB, 828x824, IMG_1113.jpeg)

>>1918520>>1918521Ntayrt there’s more slides that weren’t posted. She says she had amenorrhea for 10 years and then got her period back in 2018 and was just diagnosed with adenomyosis.
No. 1918884
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>>1918882how dare her meanie doctor suggest obesity might be a factor
No. 1918888
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>>1918884Her doctor didn’t. She said the adenomyosis was caused by the amenorrhea.
No. 1918918
>>1918882This is what happened to Amberlynn Reid. She was bleeding constantly for two years and sitting on puppy pads while freebleeding all over the house. Turns out it was cancer (likely caused by being supermorbidly obese).
>>1918521Amberlynn had a hysterectomy. She's nearly 600 lbs. I'm calling bullshit.
No. 1918938
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No. 1919169
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No. 1919174
File: 1698252245444.png (3.96 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9732.png)

There’s been a good few posts but they’re not really very relevant, just about getting a new kitten and an Asda food shop. Can continue to post if anybody wants these?
No. 1919175
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No. 1919296
File: 1698269576462.jpg (1.18 MB, 3088x2316, image.jpg)

>>1912441Since I’m an attention whore and you are apparently a doctor diagnosing me with cluster b how about you stop obsessing over me and a bunch of other people with issues and go live your life instead of documenting me and other girls/boys lol, I’d be grateful to have everything about me wiped from this page as I’d prefer no part in being a zoo animal here getting “attention”, I’d happily go without it as I’m supported in other many ways excluding (yes I agree) my dumb arse Instagram, so don’t give me attention and delete my shit unless you want to be feeding “this bitch”, me.
No. 1919339
>>1919319you guys really are obsessed, its unhealthy i think deleting this whole site would be beneficial for your mh and the
victims you post about, im not going to undermine my actions we can all agree they are horrific and theres no excuse but life is such and if youd like to sit behind a phone/computer screen finding out EVERYTHING about a bunch of "attention seekers" then thats your decision but id suggest just calming it down and put your energy into something a bit more positive, unless you'd like to write an biography about a bunch of random girls/boys/they-thems with clear issues T-T… i said id leave it and i will but damn you need a little education, its called !Dont Bully People Because Humans Are Sensitive! but clearly you dont give a fuck, Honestly Yes theres little remorse for my arson/theft actions but when it comes to friends/family they deserve happiness and i will do anything for them, kindness matters, i read alot of shit on here about me how i abuse my health care workers, thats bullshit, i respect them and if you knew me personally you wouldnt be writing these things because my instagram just makes me look evil af (youd say I am) but if only you knew, ok ill leave it there
File: 1698285303666.png (1.79 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6414.png)

Because this makes so much sense
No. 1919382
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Really weird that they're discharging her tomorrow if she's on 2:1 right now
No. 1919386
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No. 1919388
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No. 1919431
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No. 1919491
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No. 1919497
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Cluster B crossover kek
No. 1919555
File: 1698320786152.png (1.15 MB, 817x854, IBC.PNG)

Daylia, why did you dox your own email (daylia4dogs)? You don't need to post your email in a field just because there is a field. Kek. Good on you for doing the ice bucket challenge, did you have a scene phase?
>>1919538So many cows lurk here, i can imagine these sorts of threads feeding BPD'ers and NPD'ers alike.
No. 1919604
File: 1698327875508.png (Spoiler Image,2.48 MB, 1531x891, dafuq.PNG)

Daylia makes sims pr0n in her spare time too? (last year). Cows certainly have strange hobbies, can't quite tell if she made herself a character.
No. 1919619
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No. 1919620
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No. 1919640
>>1919491Oh sweetie, that's not how Australian law works even if free speech isn't protected here, it's not even libel if we're sharing screenshots from YOUR account.
>>1919618You do know that different wards work differently in different countries right? I'm assuming we're talking about Enara. I know people who've smuggled weed and other shit into the pysch ward, Queensland is really fucking lax in some instances.
No. 1919751
>>1919668KF has been back up on clearnet for months so truly, only TRUE and
VALID stunning 100% stealth transwomen get websites taken down
No. 1920335
maybe a tinfoil but i feel like the first anon who posted disorded.dude was her friend or at least someone who knows them. the account was private with only 30 followers when first posted, also this post
>>1918252 is pretty suspect too
No. 1920365
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Wait for it…….This cow really makes me angry with how much she thinks she’s entitled to. And how much she gets indulged and given it! 2 days planned in hospital every single week! And it’s still not enough. This was 10 hours ago…..
No. 1920367
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>>19203658 hours ago……… Want to bet where she is now?
No. 1920372
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No. 1920380
>>1920372Kek, yet Laura posts here, contributes and has MULTIPLE instagram accounts shitting on people like Enera, Fairy, Han and co. And she's playing the
victim of b00lying? topkek. Bet she posted about LASx too, keep friends close and enemies closer eh.
No. 1920416
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>>1920367Nah she WISHES she was in England so she could be Laura and live in a PICU forever. Hopefully she’d instead be someone who gets no help and kicked out on their ass to die because they’re not an nhs favourite. I’d love to see her last half a day there.
No. 1920417
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>>1920367Don’t you think other people need SO much more help and resources ‘than they can access in the community’ Enara?! Don’t you think other people have no help at all and can’t get any while you’re sat up there bed blocking every single night because you called an ambulance to get some seroquel?
She is such a spoiled brat I really don’t understand how the professionals come to these decisions. They just give her exactly what she wants every time.
No. 1920422
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>>1920367Just come to the UK and watch them ‘refuse to give psychiatric care that is necessary’ on a daily fucking basis! For years. Forever. So people die! This bitch doesn’t even know she’s born, she’s so spoiled.
No. 1920426
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>>1920367Occasionally my ass. Every single night! I guarantee you she’s back there already since she last posted those stories and she’s sitting up there right now, gloating.
No. 1920431
>>1920429A lot of it comes down to postcode lottery unfortunately,
nonnie… unless you have parents like Fi’s who went crying to Sky news, and papers like the Telegraph slating the NHS bc how dare the NHS send their daughter to a specialist hospital in Glasgow for ED treatment where she spent 2.5 years, after copious inpatient admissions for her now all forgotten about BPD and overdoses, and years under MH services as a child, whilst others die waiting for a bed. These cows are truly the most hard done by warriors, kek.
No. 1920447
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They're second and complex
No. 1920452
>>1920447Try ‘having complex diagnoses and feeling so hopeless’ but also……. Guess what?! You get no help at all. Nothing. At all. Ever. Nobody will help you and everyone tells you you’ll just die. Nobody even bothers to section you because they’re so against giving you any chance at treatment and living……..Try that! See how ‘exhausted’ you are then while everything is done for you while they ‘don’t know what to do with you.’ YOU’RE the lucky one.
And OP learn to write.
File: 1698457659172.jpeg (612.4 KB, 750x1284, 146C6AC8-850A-4377-AB37-EB34D8…)

No. 1920575
nonnie mixture of ADHD and autocorrect
No. 1920576
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apparently Enara has ARFID now
No. 1920578
>>1920530That pic is not unfiltered or unedited. Another anon posted a tagged photo and she looked hideous
No one has that smooth skin no matter their skin routine
No. 1920660
>>1920452Colours, being sectioned doesn't equate treatment. Holy hell. And even in your letters you shared, you actually have access to crisis help. But even with the suicide hotline, someone that was doing their job, you shot down the person trying to help you with a massive rant about nothing. "Why'd i tell you?!" no one wants to help someone so combative to help.
Why don't you go a gofundme or use some of your benefits money - that you're wasting on kids clothes to squeeze in to - to pay for BetterHelp and do something with your days instead of whining, holy heck.
No. 1920920
File: 1698527115344.png (211.11 KB, 374x651, LauraYourPostHereKEK.PNG)

>>1920912Sit down Colours, you're not above
anyone here given what you do on a daily basis kek. A shocking amount of posts and stories every single day over MULTIPLE accounts about other people. Why don't you go back to posting some more photos of you narcissistically eye-fucking yourself to sad music? And the fact you shared the change petition, when you
actively post here is a laugh.
>>1920856Glad I'm not the only one, had to bite my tongue so much as to not shit up the thread.
No. 1920937
>>1920920Well I've never posted about her except to say she's not a cow and I somewhat relate to her and I'm rooting for her. You all accuse SO many times when it's not actually me. Go find out who made the post and you'll see, 'twas not me. Because I'm not 2 faced like that. I hate who I hate for a
valid reason and I'll hate them until they stop treatment hogging or I get actual help so I won't care about them anymore. Or I die. Maybe.
No. 1920976
>>1920974you talk about not working on here all the time, you retard. And we know you're not getting therapy because, again, you never stop talking about it. But it's pointless to give you advice because you don't actually want anything to get better - you just want to be a
victim. That refusal to actually use help is probably part of what pushes clinicians away from you.
No. 1920996
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>>1920989Then talk about this:
No. 1921003
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>>1920999Sounds like she’s admitting to needing a bariatric bed. Hilarious. If the whole world didn’t revolve around her and getting her all the care in the world at the expense of everyone else. Well the Southern Hemisphere at least.
No. 1921070
>>1921003Not to white night but this is related more to the criticism of wandi that Enara saying she needs said bariatric bed. There was a news report recently about the fact that wandi advterise that they have a bariatric bed when really they shouldn’t be distinguishing like that cause it’s weird.
But I do agree weird that she brought it up in that way.
No. 1921071
>>1921041Tbh she needs a weekly conference more than a weekly admission.
Also she’s basically blacklisted herself from every private hospital now because of her serious sh they won’t take her so
No. 1921139
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>>1921070do you have a link to the news report? Googling "wandi nerida bariatric bed" didn't turn anything up and the blurb about BED on their website doesn't mention it
No. 1921169
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No. 1921561
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No. 1922027
File: 1698733113332.png (2.05 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20231031-021241.png)

cool. i'm so happy for aussie cops that shit is so mellow over there that they have unlimited time to waste on this fucking retard.
No. 1922385
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No. 1922609
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Laura really has quite a gunt going on here.
No. 1922610
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>>1922609But remember she used to have a tube. How long before this TikTok disappears?
No. 1922650
File: 1698855718975.png (437.77 KB, 671x739, MoreFliesWithHoney.PNG)

>>1922610Have you ever thought you get more flies with honey than with vinegar? Who's going to want to help someone that's constantly slating the NHS? And if the unit can't help you - they can't help you. It's not their fault you're unhinged and a threat to all involved.
No. 1922668
>>1922385Looking unhinged as ever but I do appreciate her for bringing us Porgie back then
>>1922610She had the tube for like 3 days, she wasn’t underweight, she wouldn’t even have been given it if she wasn’t in a PD unit (a general medical or ED service wouldn’t dream of entertaining that attention-seeking bs or validating uwu her non-existent “anorexia”). So not really the ~~achievement~~ she thinks it is
No. 1922758
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>>1922609Don't say that! You'll
trigger her ED!
No. 1922840
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>>1922816Still doing well: ‘absolutely miserable to happy’. It will probably be taken down again soon in her post and delete pattern.
No. 1922844
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>>1922816Oh never mind, still posting sad videos romanticising her supposed Ed.
No. 1922845
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>>1922844‘Look how sad I was.’ (Look I wasn’t obese).
No. 1922962
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>>1918522She posted a gross ass post-surgery follow up where she's showing her catheter / bag of piss. 1) Why would you post your urine on your social media 2) if your urine is that brown, drink some goddamn water
No. 1923013
>>1922855It's colours, she posts shitty pictures like this all the time on her accounts. She probably is using a few from when she was banned here for her recent sperg out and needed to sperg dump.
>>1922898No one wants to be associated with being anything like Laura Bestow, kek. That's why "so?". The hard-on for Fairy is real, some people really come off as a dumped scrote.
No. 1923208
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Can't remember if becca was officially moved over to this thread or not but this has intrigued me. What do you mean one headbanging incident has depleted your chances of leaving hospital? You've been in there for years? Surely they want you the fuck out.
No. 1923213
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>>1923209This girl is genuinely jarring
No. 1923263
File: 1698969037751.png (1.8 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20231102-194854.png)

they're not your friends dude. they just don't want you to burn down their building.
No. 1923291
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Thought she’d been quiet. And who is ‘we all’ who thought a transfusion would improve her mood?
No. 1923292
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>>1923291She’s basically been given a free pass to hospital 2 days out of every 7 for the next 2 months. And that’s not good enough for her.
No. 1923303
>>1923298it will never stop being funny that Enara is actually being allowed to speak / be a co-author on stuff because right now it's trendy to have "lived experience", but she thinks it's because of her actual academic abilities. Like, girl, you're there because then they can write about having x number of people with lived experience involved.
Sorry that I didn't screenshot it, but she posted about signing up for another course a few days ago. Because it's definitely the right time to start a new course of study when you need weekly admissions.
No. 1923368
File: 1698989676321.jpg (723.39 KB, 1440x1800,…)

lmao daylia got her support worker to post on here and then talk on her story about how fucked up this site is. wtf!? try worrying about all the crazy shit your client does right in front of your incompetent asses
No. 1923370
>>1923368The sad/weird thing is that lostallsanity is someone who's been posted that, in contrast to most subjects of the thread, is clearly a sincerely troubled case. She's much more like a traditional lolcow in this respect yet also sympathetic compared to Chris-chan or pixyteri. I was actually an anon in another thread defending her.
I don't think she realises that the majority of anons don't even really seem to have any antipathy towards her beyond abusing the time of authorities (no idea how she hasn't been told off for by the cops), Colours and Enara attract more negative attention, and the threads themselves are just documenting bizarro social media behaviour (be it pro-ana or bpdchan antics). But now I've typed this out, I've realised that lolcow has become another source of attention for lostallsanity that she tries to get from cops, pharmacists/shopkeekers, carers, etc., which she has to act out to get. She's only going to get posted here if she is acting out after all. So maybe she's one of those who need a moratorium though honestly her case is so complicated they've written fucking scientific articles about it. I sincerely hope she's okay and she stops reading the farms. If you get hurt by what nonnies here say, you have to remember where you are kek.
No. 1923587
>>1923370agree with all this, i feel basically the same about lostallsanityx/daylia as i do about lucinda.
>>1923561>>1922027>>1922028do any of you understand how public services/incarceration works? it would definitely be a much bigger waste of everyone's time to try and put her–and every other young person who acts like this–in jail for what are ultimately minor public nuisances. this seems like more or less an appropriate allocation of resources, minus the fact that daylia definitely needs some kind of therapeutic help. that's part of her whole stated reason for acting out, prison was the only place she felt like she received help and made progress. idk it's a complicated case for sure, but deeply troubled people are also human and capable of being charming, funny, kind, smart, etc., and people who are drawn to work in social services probably understand that well. all that to say, i don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that some of the people/workers she interacts with genuinely like her to some degree, but aren't able/don't know how to truly help her, so they're left on their own to do what they can. which might mean just trying to be kind. nothing lostallsanityx has posted has indicated that she's cruel, without a moral compass, or a liar.
No. 1923648
File: 1699045985260.png (1.46 MB, 853x1546, Screenshots_2023-11-03-17-13-0…)

girl you're not even a little bit independent gtfo
No. 1923812
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the level of participation in her did lap from mosaic's wife is insane.Despite the fact that they already got married again and had a wedding, she … proposed again to a "different alter".
No. 1923913
>>1923812You underestimate the level of control a narcissist like mosaic has, I think her wife is just another
victim falling for her lies and manipulation. She always idolises and makes a person the centre of her attention so they do what she wants then when they grow tired or do something she doesn’t like she moves onto someone else. A wife is a massive step up but if it gets her to Canada with a personalised room and 90+ gifts from each proposal…
(delete and repost when you forget to sage) No. 1924253
File: 1699178861646.jpg (869.72 KB, 1071x1844, Indy.jpg)

I guess she was struggling with negative vibes. Again a photo of a cow mysteriously taken of them while sleeping
No. 1924307
"Can we go out to steal some deodorant pls?"
"Sure, I love free stuff!"
No. 1924824
File: 1699303859954.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x1917, Screenshot_20231106_205101.jpg)

Convenient to get the bandage in the picture, Em
No. 1925021
File: 1699340593431.jpeg (598.38 KB, 828x1198, 9B4BB3FA-B854-4F7F-B2BF-A6301C…)

Laura you’re mistaken bc there’s threads and threads from this time period with screenshots of your very public and obvious antics. Any chance to post photos of herself covered in bloody scabs and cheap fast fashion.
No. 1925083
File: 1699361946026.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1284x2196, IMG_3759.jpeg)

Enara not only decorates her room with hospital bands, but appears to have made a garland with med bottles. Someone needs to lock this munchie up and take away the key to prevent her from wasting anymore resources and taking them away from people with actual medical issues who need it! Disgusting.
No. 1925127
>>1925083Every hour? Goddamn. And if she could physically hurt herself more than she could, she'd be in hospital like wtf kek. I think she mixes up actual mental distress with distress of not having anyone to baby her or comfort her or coddle her, that's the part she can't stand, the part where no one is aware what she's feeling or doing because to her it doesn't make it
valid, only if someone is witnessing her 'in distress' does it count for her, hence that post aswell. She's a living double- slit experiment, only when she is being observed does her behaviour change.
Her histrionics are entertaining though. I mean her psychopathology outside of an acute setting would be pretty interesting to study. Or just morbidly fascinating
No. 1925159
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lmao i just can't with her.
No. 1925257
>>1924497She's got that munchie thing of refusing to let go of childhood. It's a children's pony club! And yeah, she's too heavy to actually ride them but she could be spending her time looking after the ponies and teaching the kids how to stable and groom them properly.
Also she's a qualified nurse, with specialisms on top in diabetes management. She could be doing so much with her life, but she stays where she's comfortable - wallowing in self pity and asspats. It's frustrating as hell to watch especially for others who have managed to pull themselves out of the BPD cycle.
No. 1925300
>>1925259That movie fucked the movement up. TWLOHA was a great company (can't think of the word) with the best intentions behind it, and was doing good things for awareness then they made a movie… like fuck why'd you have to ruin something that had potential. I'm sure Enara has the posters up because of the movie but even so, this isn't 2010s Tumblr kek and she has 3 of them, that's commitment to buying and Still displaying them. And kek at your John Green reference
nonnie, spot on
No. 1925340
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Was anyone else surprised that Laura has an actual job now? (Although who knows for how long as she’s apparently been off sick…..)
No. 1925365
>>1925159surely this must be bait. there’s no way she believes this. i’m begging it to be bait
>>1925340good to see her working! the bar is so low and she’s actually far exceeded it.
No. 1925523
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>>1925506Her Tell made it seem like she’d been working recently and had been off for a few days but I think you’re right
Nonnie, she’s talking about her job from about 5 years ago and considers all these years of hospital ‘being off sick.’ She said ‘I work in a Danish bakery’ as if it was current but I think you’re right and that was her old job before all these years of IP. This whole time she still considered herself to have that job?! Kek.
No. 1925524
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Laura is also apparently straight. Definitively not gay and not bi. But I swear she said she had a gf for years and used to talk about her all the time.
No. 1925527
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>>1925524Not that her sexual orientation matters but it’s just another thing about her that changes by the day and she lies and misleads people about. I don’t know why she said she had a gf for so long and obviously lurking here would know that people believed that. Now she decides to come out as straight and say she never even had a gf, after spending years saying that she did.
No. 1925539
>>1925534Had to leave because of her “eating disorder ? bitch what, she was mildly underweight at her worst and obviously functional enough to fuck around dance classes and Starbucks. I’m sorry I don’t want to armchair but I just don’t believe she’s ever had full blown anorexia nervosa. Anyway, this 5 years thing is wild. I wouldn’t call bouncing around every low secure and locked rehab in the country for
half a decade “off sick” but good luck I guess? I doubt they even remember her
No. 1925540
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Again, she’s just lying. She was dating that girl, I think there’s caps in old threads about it. She’s just lying through her teeth. How long till this (why tf would you post this, she looks 50) gets deleted and she posts a “throwback”.
I agree with you nonnas that the way she phrases things is ridiculous. “Off sick” bitch you ate a sock with 2:1 supervision after 4 years.
No. 1925542
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No. 1925546
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Laura we know you read here. Please do not bleach your hair again. The hairdresser is lying to you for money. It’s over processed already, you need a deep salon condition with sealing oils, to colour it darker, and get a fresh bob so it can grow out and recover. If you get anything from your lurking let it be this.(fan letter)
No. 1925551
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"people just assumed" Yes for good reason, you heavily implied it.
No. 1925553
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Also who tf posts anniversary dates with flowers if you're just friends? Not even the most codependant friends do this.
No. 1925562
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>>1925560So stop cutting it!
(samefagging) No. 1925568
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>>1925540She doesn’t need tipping. (And it’s ‘you’re’).
For what it’s worth I hope she does get back to work and it goes well. (Maybe I’m going soft). But as she admits to b/p maybe a bakery isn’t the best work environment? She likes clothes apparently so maybe a clothing store would be a better option honestly.
No. 1925774
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>>1925764Under 30 is still young anon, it's not like she's middle age unlike the other Laura who is now larping DRPD. Is the next step full-blown DID? Why stop at two wolves after all?
No. 1925775
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it took me two seconds to find this in the pro-ana threads (shout out to the nonna who made the index). laura if you just shut up no one will notice this stuff jfc. pic rel is from laura's gf's tumblr, old thread is linked.