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No. 49397
>>49395Nah dude, she's technically on the run atm actually.
I can't remember what the crime was, something minor, but she didn't show up for court or something so there's a warrant out for her. It's true that she's homeless. I think she's sleeping with friends in a different state.
No. 49399
>>49398It's been all over the tags for a while now.
I haven't looked at them in a while so they might be buried under a bunch of stuff but scroll down far enough and you'll find some posts relating to it.
No. 49401
>>49400Yep. She was Baker acted (held against her will in a psych ward) after beating up Mena, then skipped a court date. Now she's in contempt and has a warrant out.
Instead of doing the right thing, I guess she thinks she can continue to evade the system. That will only make her punishment worse.
No. 49402
>>49401>>49400I'm really surprised as to how somebody of her condition could beat up what appears to be a taller, heavier girl.
Wouldn't her blows just feels like leaves rustling softly past your face?
No. 49403
>>49402How tall is Mena? Michelle is like, almost 6 feet talls. And Mena is pretty thin herself. She does (or did) a lot of drugs, as well as drink, and would kind of flaunt it around Michelle knowing Michelle is/was an alcoholic.
Those two are just bad for each other, period.
No. 49405
>>49404I'd really like caps too.
>>49402That's what I was thinking. She looks like she barely weights 100lbs at 5'7"? i doubt she's very powerful.
No. 49407
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>>49406Meant to post photo too in case she deletes it.
No. 49412
She posted something yesterday about being angry with herself for not having a good selfie to post?
>>49407I wonder if her hair grew out again, or if it's a wig. Maybe an old picture.
No. 49422
>>49419because the only think about her vaguely model-esque is her weight?
other than that, her hair is like straw and the rest…well yeah
No. 49423
>>49422If she stopped dyeing/bleaching it and started taking care of it, her hair could look good.
And she did mention a long time ago that she was scouted and went to a casting but nothing ever came of it.
No. 49424
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This makes me sad D:
No. 49425
>>49423probably because, I repeat, the only thing even vaguely modelesque about her is her weight
she does not look like a model. at all.
No. 49428
>>49427True, but none of us know why. IDK, I think she has a pretty face and some potential if she gained a little bit of weight and took care of her hair properly.
You have legit ugly models like Lily McMenamy who somehow find success, and Michelle looks 100x better than that.
No. 49430
>>49428>>49429Modelling isn't about beauty, it's about having a unique, yet symmetrical face, and a body that accentuates whatever clothing and/or art is placed on/around it.
Like the focus is not on the model themselves, but how interesting they can make the actual thing or product they're modelling look, if that makes any sense. Conventional attractiveness is only sort of successful with this. You can turn on the TV and see pretty people everywhere, so it's a bit pointless to use beauty to draw attention.
That's why people like Masha Tyelna, Kelly Mittendorf and Lily McMenamy are successful. You just don't forget their faces, "ugly" or not.
Michelle, on the other hand, actually has a very normal face when you take away the damage her ED has done. At a healthy weight, she wouldn't stand out very much, if at all.
No. 49441
went to vist
her No. 49444
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Her brachial looks chunkier
No. 49446
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>>49444She looks so much like Kina from 65_Redroses. It creeps me out a bit since Kina passed away and whenever I see this girl, I just automatically think of her.
Pic related.
No. 49448
>>49447That's why it's so friggin creepy, man. They're like…doppelgangers.
I didn't know Kina personally but her sister said she passed away (she had Cystic Fibrosis and had chronic rejection from her lung transplant) and the makers of the film also said the same thing. It would be nuts if she wasn't dead.
No. 49449
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Her talking about shmegeh
No. 49457
File: 1426910713742.png (Spoiler Image,394.8 KB, 414x583, shmegbleed.PNG)

??? posted an hour ago, this seems really fucked up to me, she doesn't usually post pics of blatant fresh SI, and it seemed like she's been trying to draw less attention to herself. hope ur okay shmegs
No. 49464
>>49457Attention seeking bitch - O LOOK I BROKE THE CONTRACT WITH MY DOCTOR!!!!1
No. 49470
>>49467Kek, 16 is the legal age of consent in my country but if you seriously believe that somebody dating a 16 year old is on par with fiddling with a 5 year old you're thick and filled with hysteria.
It's icky as fuck but it's not illegal.
16 year olds are not children in the same sense. When I was 16 I had already had sex and was drinking and getting krunked to fuck every weekend. What's really important is that you do it around people your own age or similar though.
No. 49471
>>49467pedo chan is right though
in a lot of countries 16 is fine for sex
I think it's pretty awkward, trying to divide when someone becomes a 'young adult' but generally by the time someone is 16 they're no longer a child
No. 49473
>>49472There's probably something wrong with your boyfriend if he can't get someone his age.
16 year olds may not be children, but they're hardly on similar wavelengths as adults either. I say this as an underager myself tbh
No. 49475
>there's probably something wrong with your boyfriend if he can't get someone his ageWhat do you mean? I'm 23. I just don't get why I'm being called a pedophile because I said that being 16 years old isn't really the same as being a "child".
Like yes you're a child, but you're not a "child".
No. 49476
>>49475haha you're not a pedo for that. i bet the anon calling you a pedo is just bad at articulating what
>>49474 was saying
No. 49477
>except no adderallBWAHAHAHAHHA, her fucking idiot doctor was prescribing adderall to a wasting away corpse. The fact that she was just on adderall when she was trying to convince everyone she actually had the willpower to starve/was really "smart" is hilarious
Remember all the Harvard sweatshirts she used to wear
What a fucking cretin inbred bitch
No. 49478
>>49474Theres this girl I follow on tumblr who I became friends with really quick, at the time I was 21 and she was 17, but I shit you not, I thought she was older than me. I take a 2 yr break from tumblr, come back, shes 19 and dating a 34 yr old woman (long distance though), but had been dating her since she was 17.
I go on this womans page and she is a
huge train wreck, I'm talking bipolar, multiple personality disorder, gender identity issues, obese, some disease that makes it difficult to "do anything" according to her, MARRIED, masochistic, and the list goes on. The 19 yr old seems like the adult in the relationship and goes to visit her all the time, 5 hrs away.
I do think there is something wrong with the 34 yr old for persuing her, but I can understand how differences/similarirty in maturity can make someone feel its okay. I wouldn't date someone younger than yr or 2 beneath me though, and I'm 23.
Have enough conversations with people 4-5 yrs beneath your age group and the differences are pretty incredible.
No. 49482
>>49470Yeah I'm not in "your" country.
Good for you big girl. You had your big girl panties on at the age of 16. I don't care if you're physically able to reproduce, that's not being an adult. They're minors and fuckin retarded as hell and any adult who fucks with them is gross.
No. 49483
I know I'm probably responding to bait but the cut-off for pedophilia is 13 and they usually want kids 11 or younger. (wikipedia)
They like prepubescent, not post-pubescent humans.
If tumblr has taught us anything, using words with the correct definitions is pretty important, and letting it slide combined with the ridiculous, almost hysterical statements that people spit out in a pedophile related conversation only furthers the spread of misinformation and the aggressively misinformed.
A 16 year old is not an adult, obviously. But it does not make them a child either. You don't magically physically and mentally become an adult when you turn 18 and people's maturity levels can vary widely. Someone in a romantic relationship with an underage person is way more likely to be taking advantage of them in some way, I agree. Please stop using pedophile as a catchall term! Ephebophilia is the exclusive attraction to minors 15-18 (post-pubescent), but even if you are randomly attracted to a 16 year old it does not make you one.
> for more information but please get back on topic anonfriends No. 49484
>>49480Yeah, and if you tell anyone this, they try to argue against how illogical we're being because of that
one person they know who disproves this notion.
Let's say they are smarter, more mature, and in a better SES, they're still at a different stage in life. Who a person is or should be at 30 is much different than that of a 21 year old. I don't mind this particular stage difference though.
But a 15/16 year old in H.S. with a college student, one that isn't even a freshman at that? No. Sorry, but it's skeevy.
No. 49485
>>49481Lol the hysteria penentrates deep in this one.
Are you the type that sets fire to paediatricians because it has the contraction "peado" in it? Top fucking kek
No. 49496
wtf is with crazy worried about pedos-chan??
>>49434I seriously can't find tags on that tumblr there's only one thing tagged shmegeh
No. 49498
>>49493And if you actually gave a shit about actual victims you wouldn't be questioning my story which just goes to show that actually, you really don't give a fuck.
I was 9 years old and the guy was my best friends father.
He only got caught after a woman that hired him to do some work around her house walked in to find him molesting her baby son in her living room.
They found a cache of CP on his computer, but despite all the evidence and my own testimony he never ended up going to prison.
I never told anybody about the rape, only the molestation.
I was too scared at the time because I was a child and he was an adult, a person in a position of power who I had been taught to respect and trust and I was still convinced that I had done something wrong because adults only ever punished you when you did something wrong.
Experiencing what I've been through doesn't turn you in a hysterical knob like you who uses the label "paedophile" as an attempt quash any attempt at debate you disagree with. I'm a realist. I know that man attacked me because I was 9, I was underage and a child in every way, physically and mentally.
16 year olds are not children even though mentally they are still partially retarded, the vast majority still possess a body that is closer to that of an adult female than that of an adolescent child such as I was. I can acknowledge this even after all I've been through. I think the word you're looking for is ephebophile, but not paedophile which is an attraction to actual children, i.e. babies, toddlers etc.
You are literal trash and you need to leave this thread because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and have ZERO experience with the actual subject. You should listen to the people that sadly do have experience.
No. 49499
honestly this is about shmegeh and you should take this bullshit to /b/
No. 49500
Okay, I don't lurk this thread and know nothing about this girl but I was reverse searching one of Kiki's photos and the results led me to this girl's tumblr, I recognized the name from here and went on there and she seems to be pretending to be Kiki? She's probably joking or something, idk, I was just wondering and came here to ask what the deal was.
This was the page I was on No. 49502
>>49501yeah that was all a joke
I thought it was obvious that she was being extremely sarcastic but you know how people are
Harvard thing was a very painfully sarcastic joke as well
No. 49503
>>49498Nigga this isn't a pissing contest about how tragic our lives were. From the ages of 5-10 I was molested and raped on a weekly basis by men older than me. But this is an anon image board and literally no one cares about your probably made up issues here, so I don't fucking talk about it. It's unecessary. Make a thread on /b/ because this whole pedophilia argument has zero to do with smegma or whatever.
It's kind of hilarious to see someone like Ash and then someone like shmegeh. Smegma tries to pretend that her ed has turned her into a walking skeleton, whereas Ash is literally a walking skin sack of bones.
No. 49508
>>49498having an adult looking body =/= being an actual adult. Get the fuck out of here. You are an actual retard. Stop derailing the thread.
Back to shmegeh
No. 49511
>>49508At no point did I ever say that.
Obviously you're blind or too thick to actually read my post.
No. 49513
>>49498All I read was "wahhhhhh feel sorry for me. Im a victim!! Look how sad my story is!!! See I'm a victim!!"
>>49501I had a friend who did this. Wore a Harvard shirt even though he was dumb as a box of nails. I think smegheh is taking it too a pathetic level like other anon said.
No. 49518
>>49498no1 curr
>>49514I've said this 1000 times already now, but WHY DOESN'T SOMEONE CALL THE COPS?
I mean at this point just one look from a nurse, any doctor, policeman, social worker- anyone with any authority at her skinny wobbly legs and wiry frame… They would take her to a hospital to be force fed in the blink of an eye
No. 49519
>>49518oops, thought I was in the ashley thread
same applies to shmegheh though, if she still looks like OP image
No. 49524
>>49523Yeah. It's definitely corny but to me it's always been an obvious joke that I never took seriously. I'd be weirded out by myself if I were passionate about that lel.
The whole exaggerated-corpse thing was obnoxious as fuck tho ngl
No. 49525
>>49518If you tried to make someone with such a bad case of an ED eat a full meal, their body would not be able to handle it
So (in the case of Ashley) I believe theres little to no hope for her to ever get better… Her body is permanently damaged. It's really sad. And as much of an ass Michelle can be, I really do feel bad for her. Dealing with the BDD on top of severe anorexia. Scary shit.
No. 49526
>>49525I don't feel bad for Shmegeh anymore. I used to, but then she beat up Mena and keeps going after underage/barely legal girls and she's kind of a horrible person.
Did anyone see the vid Shmegeh posted? she's was drunk and crying and singing badly to some Jupiter song. She deleted it quickly though.
No. 49532
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Anyone know if this is Shmegeh?
No. 49540
>>49539I think that is just speculation because that meghan (or whatever the fuck her name is) is like 16, and mena was about 16 when Shmegeh and her became friends.
Does anyone have screenshots of Mena talking about the assault or any posts by shemegeh herself?
No. 49545
>>49543Ah shit… I take it no one saved or reuploaded them?
I was so curious about them all.
No. 49556
>>49554But Shmegeh may have been attracted to Marisa because of her size. Ironically, Ashley wanted to meet Shmegeh but Shmegeh's friends told Ashley to back off because Shmegeh was
triggered by Ashley.
No. 49565
>>49564still same effect (binging, messing up your metabolism). if you're really an alcoholic you also need more to get drunk, even at a low weight.
>> The top 10 percent of American drinkers - 24 million adults over age 18 - consume, on average, 74 alcoholic drinks per week. That works out to a little more than four-and-a-half 750 ml bottles of Jack Daniels, 18 bottles of wine, or three 24-can cases of beer. In one week. assume she drinks 200ml wodka a day (which really wouldn't be much for an alcoholic) that's 460 kcal. most anorexics I know live on 300-800 kcal plus occasional binging. I'm not saying it isn't possible I'm just really impressed because alcohol messes with your self-control and that's not what you want if you're anorexic…
No. 49566
>>49565I didn't actually know vodka and whiskey has calories.
No. 49573
>>49569She has a scar hand on her hand from purging
I feel like she posted I. jakes thread to get people talking about her. Did she also bump this one?
No. 49580
>>49571Sorry no, you're wrong there
Tea and coffee have about 4 calories per cup, but companies label anything thats under 5 calories as 'zero calories'
>>49563Alcohol has calories, but if she is sticking to spirits these have no protein, carbs,fat etc
If you eat 500 calories of protein, it isntthe same as 500 calories from carbs.
Carbs mess with your blood sugar level and they are what turns to fat in your system. Protein is harder to digest so about 14% of the calories in that 500 you just ate in protein is being used to digest that food.
What did she post in the haku thread?
I'm so curious as to how much she weighs these days, I wonder will any ex friends tell us how much she actually weighs.
No. 49581
>>49580I don't think she has any friends who are e-famous or who are aware of her presence on social media. The ones she did have were the ones who talked to the truth blogs and they seemed to make it pretty clear that they have no interest in being friends with her.
She's going to a con in august (I thin) so there will probably be pics then.
No. 49587
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Her post on Haku's thread
No. 49590
then why do people get fat when they drink so much in university
No. 49595
>>49594Well Shmegeh did substitute food with alcohol, and anything she did eat she purged.
>>49587Thanks anon, but is there any definitive proof this is her or is it just speculation?
No. 49597
>>49595It's an exact match to her writing style. She's also made posts and responded to anons using a lot of that wording before.
Also what
>>49596 said
No. 49599
File: 1430180523715.jpg (69.27 KB, 640x640, image.jpg)

In case anyone was wondering how Haku feels about Michelle.
No. 49612
>>49611Smart move, anon.
Glad Haku is moving on though and he doesn't condone Michele's alcoholic and abusive behavior. Plenty of people would of stuck to Michele just for the attention they'd get of being their friend.
Michele is probably going to still try and seek out Haku at Otakon though. I wonder if she'll also try and talk to some of Haku's friends instead of him directly?
No. 49614
>>49613gapingsores asked: Do you ever have like, deep conversations with people on here that you don't know in real life? Or have you tried that and they ended up being one of those "srsly am here 4 u eet" type people. I was also wondering what "shmegeh" means, if it's part of your name or if I'm being completely oblivious and overthink-y about it.
I’ve never tried having conversations with people on here, mainly because I don’t have time for it, and I don’t really see what there is to talk about. I don’t initiate contact. I prefer to watch people and learn about them from afar, most of the time. And I think that deep conversations in general are weird and best left inside your own head/in a therapist’s office. The whole “said too much” thing isn’t a mistake that I care to make. Though that isn’t to say that I haven’t had candid, pleasant discourse in a handful of back-and-forth messages with a few users.
Also shmegeh is my name as far as I’m concerned. Always lowercase. There is no meaning aside from it being a signifier of myself. As in, shmegeh is the signifier and the image of me is the signified. And there is no correct way of pronouncing it aloud, though there are plenty of incorrect ways. The closest I can come asks a bit of the spelling, being more like “shmeh-eh-geh”, spoken quickly with the short “e” sound as in “breath”. Not the long “e” as in “Smeagol”. It was essentially a keyboard smash so there wasn’t much thought put into it initially.
(From Michelle's tumblr)
No. 49615
>>49606haku's way too nice and polite. I would have told anon to fuck off and go back to lolcow.
>>49614signifier of the self. signifier image that is signified lol what? is that a normal phrasing in English? because to me that sounds like some saussurean shit
No. 49617
>>49614Her whole social media presence was "said too much" for fucking years.
I guess that garbled paragraph is her attempt at showing off her liberal arts degree.
No. 49619
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sorry, had to.
No. 49621
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Nah it was really bad residual wordvomit borrowed from the last few episodes of EVA.
Also probably mixed with an intensive grammar class.
That quote is mad old (I think/hope) yet being that the internet is written in ink no level of cringing and being heatedly embarrassed with yourself is gonna do anything.
No. 49622
>>49618please let's do that! A pseudo intellectual discussion in this thread would be the irony syrup in our milk. And I feel I should
mention I got it wrong, it's semiotics, not semantics but that's what happens when you internet drunk.
No. 49623
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no it's semiology >:/ I think Michelle is really trying to give off an intellectual vibe. her sidebar leads to Kierkegaard's The Sickness Unto Death. Does anyone know hers (and maybe also Haku's) social background?
No. 49631
>>49630The only thing that made me think her parents had more money than average was the country club membership. I know of some that cost upwards of 80k to join and then there are yearly dues to pay. But I'm sure that there must be some that are much cheaper than that. And who knows, the membership might be in a relative's name like her grandma or a cousin.
Not sure if this is true but I remember reading somewhere on tumblr (an ask on one of the truth blogs, I think) that her parents used up a huge chunk of their nest egg paying for her treatment/melt downs.
No. 49632
>>49631Do you have a link to any of these truth blogs?
I wanna see if there's any more info on her and mena's fight.
I do remember reading her parents paid for her flights and rehab, but Shemegehs never really talked about her dad on her tumblr. Only her mother. It's possible they got divorced when Michelle was younger.
I'm only speculating though, but creeping through her blog I only noticed she talked about how close she is with her mother. Daddy dearest could have fucked off out of her life and been paying for her to live.
But eh, idk
No. 49634
>>49632Here's what Mena posted on her tumblr a bit after the altercation between her and Michelle (later deleted it):
Anonymous Asked: Do you think you'll ever tell anyone the whole story?
i don’t even want to rethink half of it.
it just makes me really sad to think about how much i loved her and how much i thought i knew her just to have it all flung back in my face with this realization that like.
this girl is incredibly sick in the head. to the point where she can not be around other people. she needs a lot of help.
i’ve had to tell my manager why i can’t be at work this week, i’ve had to confront my family, her family, and at least six officers with “the whole story” ~really just one out many episodes~ I can’t go to work because i have marks on my arms and my neck.
i just don’t want anything to do with her anymore.
she is a pathological liar and she manipulates those around her to see her as the victim. one of her last words to me were, “nobody is ever going to believe that i hit you first. my parents will do whatever i tell them to.”
this is it like…this is my breaking point.
No. 49636
>i’ve had to tell my manager why i can’t be at work this week, i’ve had to confront my family, her family, and at least six officers with “the whole story” ~really just one out many episodes~ I can’t go to work because i have marks on my arms and my neck.
>she is a pathological liar and she manipulates those around her to see her as the victim. one of her last words to me were, “nobody is ever going to believe that i hit you first. my parents will do whatever i tell them to.”That's some heavy shit. I feel so bad for Mena. I'm glad she was able to get out early.
No. 49638
here's the whole alcholism story from shmegeh's perspective (posted on PULL):
"Two years ago I became legally able to buy alcohol.
"I could watch this movie and sit on tumblr sober……orrrrr I could do it drunk" was my entire thought process behind how I spent my time after attending classes and going to work.
For a while it was fun.
I figured out how to mix my booze so that I didn’t experience hangovers, and was able to function, in that I attended my classes on time and did not miss work.
This period lasted for about a year.
Haku can attest to having experienced me at the beginning. During my visit to New York, I look back on it and remember how my first priority upon arriving was stopping on our way back to their apartment to buy a bottle of wine.
From the start I knew I was an alcoholic.
Like. There are no delusions there.
My father is an alcoholic - currently non-practicing to my knowledge - and it was the major killer in my parent’s marriage.
I do not know what it is exactly that is missing in me - or simply backwards - that makes me so casual about something as serious as alcoholism.
I treated my own as commonplace as any other personality trait that a person has.
Like the eating disorder, it was just another thing I had going on that I recognized as serious by usual standards, but at the same time, incorporated it as just another thing about me.
Last November marks the first time my drinking flipped the switch from drinking for effect to drinking to avoid withdrawal.
Alcohol withdrawal is, in so many words, something that I would really have to hate someone in order to wish it upon them. Like, I could go on about it, but you’ve got google and no really, it is seriously that fucking lame.
I’ve never like. Been comfortable discussing “my stuff” simply because of the severe disconnect that I have when it comes to recognizing how serious something is on paper, yet when placed into the context of being a regular aspect of my life, is something that I treat as casually as having allergies or a phobia of spiders.
But anyway. Getting back to the time table.
Last November is the marker I’ve got in my head in terms of noticing the severe physical discomfort that arose around somewhere between hour four and hour six of the time elapsed since the last time I drank.
Drinking turned into what I can only really equate to a very intense coffee/caffeine regiment, or even more simply, medication.
And it’s mad easy to be like yo uhhh you should just stop drinking and it’ll be over what the fuck stop being goddamn dramatic.
The thing is though. I managed to mostly keep myself within reaching distance of a cup, and when I was continually maintaining the buzzed, drunk, blackout, repeat state of being without anyone saying anything, I carried on that way.
My routine was to go to school, go to work, buy wine - and later, vodka, because it is cheaper and more potent - mix it in the parking lot, sip on it while driving home, go in my room, crawl into bed, put on a movie, scroll on the internet, pass out sitting fully upright, wake up, go to school, go to work, repeat.
Most of the manifestation of my shit depends on the degree to which I am able to essentially fly under the radar and wave/brush/laugh things off.
Like honestly as I type this, I can say that I meant every drink that I took, and that every drink was a decision that I made. I will never attempt to play it like I didn’t have a choice.
If memory serves me correctly - which I freely admit it may not, considering that I spent the greater part of the past year blacked out - November also marks my first hospital stay in response to my first experience with severe withdrawal symptoms and DTs.
Cue first shameless and careless relapse.
Last Christmas, my first order of business after exchanging presents with my mom was to drive to pick up a handle to kill the creeping withdrawal that had been distracting me from enjoying what is supposed to be an innocent and happy holiday.
In January, the plan was that I would fly Mena to Richmond so that she and I could alternate driving my car to Florida.
When it came time to pick her up from the airport, I was visibly wasted, and my mother refused to allow me to drive to pick her up. Thus I became the twenty-two year old drunk girl riding passenger in her own car to pick up her then girlfriend from the airport with her own mother as a driver.
Like even just thinking about it now I feel a striking amount of shame which borders on despair, but at the time, all I did was laugh and wave it off and joke and go about like nothing was super shitty about that.
The morning that Mena and I were leaving Richmond to begin our drive, I was edging on blackout, and she had to take up the first leg of the trip.
The rest of the trip, I fed my buzz, but managed to be coherent and functional enough to drive. However, what stress I was feeling manifested in the form of gradually pulling out a large percentage of the hair on the left side of my head.
What I consider to be a big deal versus just being “something that happens” is complicated.
What follows is greatly redacted out of respect to Mena. I ask that you please not contact her in any way with anything about me. The greatest deal of respecting and understanding that the details of The Florida Experiment are classified would be greatly appreciated.
About a month into it I became more familiar with what it is to experience withdrawal upon going more than five hours without a drink.
I decided to go to a detox facility - The Florida House - in order to medically detox. I drove myself. On my way there I made a point of getting hammered as a “one last time” juvenile bullshit move.
After five days, I AMA’d (left against medical advice) in order to be home with Mena for Valentine’s day.
I believe I was sober for a week or two. And it was good.
My drinking has never been triggered by negative events. Every time, it has always been the result of getting comfortable and happy. As if there is something about it suddenly being okay to google when the ABC store opens in the morning simply because, for a moment, everything else isn’t as much of a shitshow.
I don’t remember very much after the week or two sober. Apparently my mother flew down to visit. I remember none of it.
Cue waking up in a hospital bed with absolutely no recollection of how I got there.
Apparently the night before, a tech from another detox - The Right Place - had driven to the apartment to pick me up and take me there. On the way - as it was told to me - I passed out in the back seat and they refused to admit me, choosing instead to take me to the hospital, where I was admitted with a .45 BAC.
The doctor commented about how extremely high that is, apparently, and could really only chalk up my lack of corpse status to my prolonged drinking and the tolerance that had built with remarkable resilience as a result.
Which in my mind was actually more of a bummer because higher tolerance meant that it took more liquor to do the job, and shit was getting expensive.
Admitted to The Right Place Detox. Which, for the record, is an extremely darkly lit place where addicts of all sorts doped up on meds lay around on a series of couches and obviously the floor (with some pillows) while zoning out to Amish Mafia.
It was one of those environments where you take a step back and just look at it and like, the only response is “dude pass that shit”. And that’s being light about the level of “wow this is the exact environment I’d choose to get fucked up in” status.
Another AMA, another short stint of sobriety.
Shit got worse.
Fly back to RVA, do a stint at Williamsville Wellness. Which, for the record, is the most beautiful, caring, important place anyone could ever hope to spend a month at. Like seriously do not discount it because I relapsed. Like, I was hell bent on continuing to drink. But that place is a dream world. Forty hours of therapy a week. Somewhere around nine or ten different therapists, each focusing on very specific things, all tailored and scheduled as seen fit by the care team once they’ve gotten a feel for what you need to focus on.
Thirty days.
Back to Florida.
About six or seven days until the bottle. I was scared of feeling feelings and generally at a complete loss of what to do with myself when left alone. I recall sitting on the couch in the silent apartment, having absolutely no clue as to what I should be doing in the nighttime hours, since it was around seven or eight when I was left to my own devices.
That is one thing that I will point out about rehab. It is a controlled environment in which your every move is basically scheduled, monitored, and watched. While I was at The Florida House, I was in one of two of the thirty or so rooms which contained security cameras. Vomiting in front of a handful of techs was a new low in the scale of “how shameless can I possibly be”.
Being hospilized, in rehab, or in detox has a way of really testing your own personal boundaries when it comes to the idea of privacy. There is none. For me, at least, that sowed the seeds of an unintentional trend, in that something about going through frequent strip searches and having someone watch you use the bathroom lends itself to a complete disregard for anything even slightly resembling intrusive. The institutionalized thing is for real.
Left The Right Place via AMA and generally causing a scene demanding my wallet and belongings less than 36 hours of arriving.
Cue rollercoaster of super awesome and super not okay Florida Experiment life.
Stay awake for the better part of five or six days.
Begin hearing the radio and television even though they are definitely - triple checked - not turned on or plugged in.
Irrationality has now exceeded previously explored levels, bordering on severe levels of YO NO SERIOUSLY GO TO BED.
Shit happens and things are said on both ends which strike a major chord, though in retrospect, was not a big deal at all.
Engage in unforgivable violence.
Apparently have a go at self in response for realizing how life ending said unforgivable violence is, believing that the only possible redemption is to ctrl+Q without saving.
Four point restraints. Which, for the record, involve a person being on their back, with their arms stretched upward, each wrist and each ankle being cuffed and attached to the four corners of the bed.
I mean I’m gonna go ahead and say it like. I was full psychological break status and four point restraints were necissary.
Though I do wish that they’d taken me seriously when I said I needed to use the restroom rather than ignoring me. To which the result was being cuffed like a starfish in a solo room with no windows and one heavy door, through which - if you say the right, nice things to - will sign the magic form to set you free.
Pissing on myself because they refused to uncuff me will definitely always be one of those “God fucking damn it” moments when you realize just how fucking ridiculous your entire situation is, and better yet, that you brought i tall upon yourself.
Part two later.
6 hours ago on November 14, 2014 at 10:31am
104 notes"
No. 49650
>>49638i like how she ended the story
with the abrubt mention of pissing herself and the ensuing shame
No. 49656
File: 1431101193757.jpg (6.1 KB, 194x259, images.jpg)

No. 49657
File: 1431102661087.jpg (210.79 KB, 899x615, 1.jpg)

not gonna lie. her current aesthetic suits her better. this whole albinobleached skeleton look.
No. 49663
>>49659what do ya mean anon
models are pretty anyway
they just have 'interesting' and 'unique' faces
No. 49665
>>49664 said. shmegeh has bad bone structure. her chin's was too long, her nose is crooked and her upper lip is very thin. her eyes and lips only stand out because she's so thin. also her face looks more triangle shaped due to being skinny. before it was a rectangle. but I mean, you're right, there are weird looking models so maybe she could be one. but not the plain type.
No. 49672
>>49665The man face is why she poses with her mouth open and her hand covering her mouth
>>49656Pete Wentz's sister?
No. 49675
File: 1432383119269.png (1.12 MB, 1066x620, shmurgerr.png)

looks like she's lurking the thread
No. 49679
>>49676i didn't even consider the haku thing.
regarding the timing, it just looks like the posts of this thread (her old pics) are an incentive for her recent posts. If she ever has posted any of her "older" pics prior to that on that tumblr, she must have deleted them long ago.
No. 49685
Noticed Shmegeh had 3 fan sites pop up recently: would you admire this anorexic, abusive woman?
No. 49687
File: 1445568290208.jpg (629.44 KB, 894x1193, tumblr_nwjixoYyCM1uewr7vo1_128…)

They do. Kids' clothes or super stretchy jeggings. For example, I might be wrong because her proportions are all fucked up, but I'm pretty sure she's wearing the jeans super low here - probably because they are a kids' size and way too short for her
No. 49691
File: 1445587173557.png (320.21 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-23-08-56-12…)

No. 49692
File: 1445587203268.png (354.83 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-23-08-56-18…)

No. 49693
File: 1445587230170.png (334.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-23-08-56-24…)

No. 49694
File: 1445587254095.png (310.44 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-23-08-56-40…)

No. 49696
>>49695Yep, noticed that a few days ago when I was lurking through her blog and suddenly it came up not found.
I hope she's doing okay, Mena seems to have a good future for herself.
No. 49697
>>49690Its shooped?
>>49687Yeah sorry I deleted my question, I didnt want to come across as insensitive but thanks for your reply anyway :)
No. 50972
>>49507There's nothing wrong with community college, unless you're a snob. Great way to knock out basic classes cheap/free, just make sure credits transfer.
& I thought long long ago she posted about passing out in front of VCU's library, falling down steps, and breaking a rib or something.
Harvard was an obv joke, but she kept it running a little too long.. maybe it was her real goal.
No. 51047
>>51017I believe this but I really don't think it was the only cause lmao.
You all need to stop baiting me with this shit, I used to be a little obsessed with her. Not that she'd ever talk to us mortals back then anyway.
No. 51478
>>51386Yep. Plus, isn't she like 5'8" or 5'9"? She might be scrawny but she's still got some size on her.
>>51463Yup, that's exactly what happened. The girl is She might have taken the pictures down, by now? I think she might actually spill some tea on Michelle, if someone were to ask her.
No. 51488
>>51017>>50998relatedly, people close to her have said she did the same thing with dieting, as in she deliberately forced herself to have an "eating disorder" and it was more of a deliberate extreme diet and/or BPD kind of thing. she liked the ~damaged aesthetic and the attention she got for being thin.
she didn't actually shop afaik, but she used concave mirrors, angles, the low-slung jeans, etc to exaggerate her thinness by a shitton. you could tell when you'd see her in pics other people posted at cons etc. she was thin, but not shockingly so like her pics would suggest.
she intentionally crafted the ~ana queen persona and then lashed out at anyone who asked her about her weight.
No. 51492
>>51486Wasn't Mena drinking, too? If both parties were intoxicated, I can see why Michelle would be able to overtake Mena. Especially if it was age aggravated by alcoholism.
Slightly OT, but about drinking:
I had a neighbor who had three kids in a husband. The neighbor had a PhD in chemistry and was a professor at a local college. Her husband died and the wife couldn't cope, so she started drinking. Eventually, the kids were taken away and they all lived in separate homes. One day, the mom was drunk, smacked her head, had an aneurysm and died.
I know Michelle made it seem like being an alcoholic is no biggie, but it is.
No. 51509
File: 1445993542519.jpg (89.11 KB, 500x500, candid shmegz 1.jpg)

>>51489this was just what i found very quickly and i know there are better examples out there, but here are a few, all from the same 2-week period in may 2013. this is candid, posted on marisa's blog. kind of hard to tell bc it's bleachy, but her thighs look slim but not spoopy
No. 51510
File: 1445993601784.jpg (142.04 KB, 540x740, candid shmegz 2.jpg)

>>51489and a second candid from the same con, different day. again, slender but not turn-your-head-wtf-ana-queen:
No. 51511
File: 1445993647172.jpg (151.5 KB, 540x810, semi candid shmegz.jpg)

>>51489and one more semi-candid where you can tell her body and face are slender but not horribly emaciated:
No. 51512
File: 1445993728804.png (461.82 KB, 509x683, posing shmegz 1.png)

>>51489as opposed to this pic from the same time (about 2 weeks earlier) posted to michelle's blog, using her favorite concave mirror, hips back pose, flexing, and low-slung shorts to imply a lower waist and therefore thinner upper thighs
No. 51528
>>51524Never compared that self obsessed loser to Michelle, rofl.
Ember is a wannarexic, while Michelles illness is completely legitimate. Not to mention, Ember stalks girls like Michelle and even said how she wish they could meet up lmfao.
Could you imagine Ember, the preppy, superficial, two faced cunt, hanging out with Michelle, the emo alcoholic?
Yeah, me neither.
No. 51552
>>51543She's not
shockingly thin there, though. She's certainly slender – the anon calling her chubby has issues – but that's considered quite normal outside of countries like America.
No. 51557
>>50974Michelle's abuse extended beyond a single incident of drunken physical aggression.
Michelle lied about court orders, and was never a "fugitive" in any way.
She went to treatment after she assaulted Mena, and left AMA fairly quickly, but she was free to do so. She did spend one night on the "streets," but she was never homeless or "on the run". Her parents brought her home after that one night because of her lack of safety.
When Michelle was posting pictures of herself and her friend apparently drinking and making out, while she was claiming to be ~on the run, that was not the case. Michelle was already living with her parents at the time, and was either allowed to leave or at the very least was not prevented from doing so. She went back home again after that, and back to treatment.
I know nothing of what happened after that, other than what Michelle herself has posted. I don't know anything about the status of her sobriety.
I've gathered from her creeping on the green haired girl that she is still working her job at Hot Topic; most of their pictures together appeared to be taken at a shopping mall, and I don't know where else they'd meet because Michelle obviously doesn't have a social life.
No. 51558
>>51557yeah, but that's the shit all of us already know.
People are always cryptically hinting that there is so much more to the story and it's annoying af that they never mention wtf actually happened, claiming they don't want to start "drama". Yeah right.
No. 51646
>>51610I hear you. I know she's
problematic but I kind of like her because 1) she never discussed her weight, 2) she never pretended to bea good person, 3) despite being an alcoholic, she finished college and has managed to hold down a job for quite some time.
It's a shame she was violet toward Mena. I don't even care about the pretending to be homeless/on the run, but domestic violence is serious. I am surprised Michelle wasn't court ordered to go to rehab to fix her ED. (Or was she?)
No. 51651
>>51610this is because she doesn't have a traditional ED. she basically just white-knuckled her way to a low weight, because she wanted the look. it wasn't a compulsion like it is with most ED girls.
she was always big into flaunting her body, even when she was overweight in high school.
she used to be a theater kid and it shows. she's got that classic theater kid look-at-me don't-look-at-me thing down.
No. 51657
File: 1446041776609.png (368.68 KB, 408x596, tumblr_my3qq3GGQG1qzt48xo1_500…)

I've always suspected that her small size in photos was down to her taking advantage of a good focal point.
In the graduation photo she posted on Tumblr, the first thing I noticed was the F in PROOF was slightly warped and smudged, suggesting she'd used some sort of liquify tool to narrow her face.
No. 51714
>>51704yeah, and she doesn't have the facial structure or the frame for modeling. she's skinny but her shape is a little off and her face isn't classically pretty OR the striking/interesting look. she's just jowly and blah.
i feel like that entire story was made up and she just used it to justify going to an open call at a local place (richmond is not exactly the fashion capital of the world). it came on the heels of lots of fawning fangirls being like "omGG shMegeh you're so skinnY and pretty u should be a model like svetaaa" or whatever and i think it got to her head. but she had to be "scouted" so she could keep pretending to be so apathetic and "not caring" to suit her image, although clearly she cares A TON about everything, particularly the shit she pretended hardest not to care about.
No. 51717
>>51707Yeah, VCU is a very average school. There are some exceptionally good public universities in Virginia (UVA, William & Mary, etc) and she would've gone to one of those if she'd been as "smart" as the fangirls pretend she is.
I have plenty of friends who made it through VCU doing very little. It's not a BAD school and you can do great things there (the med school is pretty good, actually). However it's very possible to phone it in and graduate, especially if you stretch it out by an extra semester or two and take a very generic major. She did both those things.
No. 51723
>>51707Most colleges in the US require a 2.0 minimum GPA. If you get under a 2.0, you're put on academic probation for a semester and if you don't get your grades up, you get expelled.
I don't know how VCU works, community colleges might have different standards than 4 year schools.
No. 51816
File: 1446068236447.jpg (1.11 MB, 1728x2304, 1408901070930.jpg)

>>51489This one is the clearest. I don't think she's "chubby" whatsoever (and this is coming from another anorectic), but I think her BMI would probably be ~15 here imo.
No. 51822
>>51817Nah son, I have to disagree. I may have a super unfortunate body fat distribution, but my bmi is right around 19 and my arms are like, almost twice her size (inb4 disgusting fatty scum, I know, I'm working on it.)
She looks more like about a 16/17 bmi there? She does look slightly underweight, but I don't think it's like, 14/15 status.
Anyway, I have a bit of a softspot for shmegeh. I really wanted to buy one of those silly ass Gerard Way shirts from her shop back on tumblr during 2012/2013, but was never able to. I think she's made a lot of mistakes, and abusing someone, especially physically, is inexcusable. But at least she stepped off the internet and seems to be working on her problems. Does she have BPD or something? I can't remember.
Michelle, if you're reading this, I'm sorry for never buying one of your shirts.
No. 51828
File: 1446069437368.jpg (60.58 KB, 338x600, IMG_0425.jpg)

>>51816I wonder if she was ever talked about in shmegeh threads before.
This girl is a literal shmegeh copycat, to the point where I think she's begging to be called out on it.
I know she reads PULL, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's here. No. 51831
>>51825Yeah, you're right. Every body is different I guess? I have a really small frame and short limbs, so my fat accumulates really quickly.
like a butterball.I guess we can't really accurately pin down her BMI (not that I suppose it really matters, and seems a little weird to try to do I guess.) Did she ever say what her weight was in the first place? I didn't think so. I know she's pretty tall.
No. 51837
>>51828Holy fuck, I literally thought that was Michelle for a second lmao.
Just checked out her Tumblr and other selfies, 90% of them she's trying to pose and act like Michelle, she's not even subtle about it.
No. 51887
File: 1446074908845.png (2.78 MB, 2048x1533, PhotoGrid_1446074834234-1.png)

>>51828Oh yeah, I remember her. She looks nothing like Michelle in her candid shots but in her self portraits, the resemblence is remarkable.
No. 51889
File: 1446075063838.png (2.28 MB, 2048x1623, PhotoGrid_1446074664465-1.png)

>>51887At first glance, you would think this was Michelle but nope.
She even wears her pants/shorts really low too.
No. 51892
File: 1446075454891.jpg (52 KB, 473x553, tumblr_mszbydNFih1rjkzwho1_500…)

>>51891idk but here's a photo of her from 2013
No. 51893
File: 1446075475585.png (468.61 KB, 925x554, Screen Shot 2015-10-28 at 4.37…)

this photo is enough to tell me shes ana queen
No. 51909
File: 1446076475729.jpg (1.08 MB, 2045x1526, Pre-shmegeh diet.jpg)

>>51891Looks like she got thinspired
No. 51913
File: 1446076722178.jpg (1.05 MB, 2038x1537, Tumblrofficial.jpg)

>>51904She's calling herself agender now
No. 51924
>>51889oh my god.. I totally thought the image on the far right
was shmegma.
Especially with the fashion "sense" thing, this is a 100% copy of Michelle. Fucking creepy.
No. 51934
>>51924This girl is apparently 27 or 29?
She's also 5'11", it's no wonder she lost weight so fast.
No. 52001
File: 1446090828375.png (1.3 MB, 2048x903, PhotoGrid_1446090540262-1.png)

>>51889Screenshots from a video she made
No. 52005
>>51657She was so fucking happy (and according to her, drunk) here, it makes me smile.
Just look at how wide her grin is, it's genuinely adorable (to me).
No. 52344
File: 1446169172792.png (564.88 KB, 885x626, hegrha1.png)

I digged up archives from 2013
pt 1
No. 52345
File: 1446169236464.png (491.31 KB, 869x645, hegrha2.png)

pt 2
No. 52346
File: 1446169298436.png (251.11 KB, 853x643, hegrha3.png)

pt 3
No. 52348
File: 1446169341416.png (281 KB, 863x651, hegrha4.png)

pt 4
No. 52350
File: 1446169403311.png (550.56 KB, 872x625, hegrha5.png)

>>52349Forgot the last image.
And done.
No. 52437
File: 1446196021433.png (133.99 KB, 913x708, lumpyknees.png)

No. 52473
>>52344she commented about her copying in a post me the jibblies
wonder how she feels about her russian fans who worship and emulate her?
No. 52495
>>52437Ngl they look normal here, but you could take a screenshot from a video and find a better comparison.
It is 100% likely the focal length is different, at least compare two things taken with the same camera.
No. 52497
>>52484agreed. it was so crazy to me for that period of time (in like 2013?) when the ~truth bloggers were kissing her ass and talking about how she "wasn't posting thinspo" and she was "so self-aware and smart."
uh. she did post thinspo. her pictures were deliberately set up to exaggerate her thinness and capitalize on it to a dumb teen pro-ana audience.
and she was never self-aware about anything…and the fact that she believed herself to be self-aware made it worse. she made so many long embarrassing text posts and answers where she'd spew those ~deep thoughts and she was like 22 sounding 14 seeking validation from actual 14-year-olds.
it seemed pretty obvious she figured out she couldn't impress people irl with her ~intelligence, and she doesn't seem to have been popular or pretty (and definitely wasn't thin) in high school. so she was rewriting her high school life by turning herself into this object of adoration for clueless preteens rather than moving on toward any real goals in her life.
can you tell i'm procrastinating
No. 52499
>>52498imo many of them aren't dishing bc they think she'll reincarnate herself and they want to be on her good side if that happens. she still has an audience, based on the notes she gets with her occasional posts.
and the rest of them (like marisa and mena) are old enough and smart enough to be moving on completely from it instead of joining us here in the seedy underbelly of the interwebz
No. 52525
>>52475Not the OP of that but I would like to have dated that dysfunctional her. I am also an extremely reckless and manipulative person, I think it would be fun. Like a game. I like winning.
If her blog entries are to be believed she seems to be a very vulnerable person. I know I would just be destroying her. But it's kind of like an itch you want to scratch, to want to do that to her.
No. 52529
>>52525Huh, I like her partly because she is an abusive manipulator/dysfunctional cuckoo but, I don't think I am myself.
but yeah, 3edgy5me and all that.
No. 52546
>>52525sorry but tbh all i can see is a game of thrones quote in sparkly 2005-era blingee text
enoby dark'ness dementia raven lannister
so ambitious, so malicious
No. 52560
Of course, it's an edgy subject. No matter how I phrase it I'm going to sound like a teen rebelling.
No avoiding it. I don't mind though, I'm anonymous and I like the opportunity to be honest, no matter how it sounds. R
No. 52585
>>52576For her to go to these extents for attention is for a reason. She is 'damaged', she is (or was) manipulating for attention. Whether that is average or not doesn't really matter.
It's not like I'm going to go hunt her down and try to date her, kek.
I like these kind of things. They're exciting to me. I don't get significant feeling from much else. (In b4 'that's even edgier, Anon!')
I've always come here - and /cgl/ when it was still bearable to watch these kind of people. Like anyone else.
No. 52589
She was the queen of romanticizing mental illness, she wasn't as fucked up as she pretended to be and you're delusional to fall for it and romanticizing your own abusive bullshit.
No. 52593
>>52589For real. Talk about arrested development.
Not to mention her gross attachment and pining to be asuka and that drunkard from that one movie I can't be bothered to remember. I just hope she's sober now and can see what a try hard she is.
No. 52597
>>52589I've read the thread, Anon, I'm aware many of her 'issues' are of her own exaggeration. It's clear she is still a vulnerable and manipulative person who thirsts for attention due to her own short comings.
I think you need to get over that people are interested in her, kek. You need to push why she's so plain or so average. Is it because you feel like the ~○•°true snowflake°•○~ and she doesn't compare to your '☆reel mental illnesses'?
Did you get abused as a child, Anon? Is that what it is? It doesn't live up to your own trauma? Is that what makes this personal, for you?
No. 52623
File: 1446249646780.png (81.66 KB, 228x200, image.png)

>>52597Bet you dying to post your photo fag
No. 52698
>>52608i don't know, i think saying you can tell she's gained weight by that pic/video is reaching.
She's still thin and you can't really see her body all that much, and she mentioned in a post under the tags that she was trying to be happy, but that didn't include "body stuff" (which is ridiculous if she thinks she can be even remotely happy without fixing her eating disorder)
plus her face has never thinned out all that much even at a low weight, and she used angles and expressions to make her face more gaunt than it was.
No. 52702
Those big old sharpie stripes.
OT for Fordervet! You should do a Cruella Deville costume.
No. 52838
>>52698She has gained weight. Why do you think she hasn't posted any full body photos in a long time? You can see it in her arms and face.
She is intentionally hiding her body I'm all recent photos of her. She is still thin, but not as underweight as she used to be.
No. 52919
File: 1446357007856.png (1.51 MB, 1009x1108, shmegeh 1-11-2014.png)

>>52862I don't know, but I remember when this (pic related) happened and it creeped me the fuck out. It still does. Sorry for the tiny text.
No. 52953
File: 1446381396565.png (1.09 MB, 1009x1108, 1446357007856.png)

>>52919I thought I was the only one who noticed
No. 53119
>>53113So she actually abused Mena regularly? I thought she just lost her shit once and beat her up.
Yeah I don't really see what other worse things that she could have done… So maybe it was sexual abuse, or some really fucked up mental abuse.
I feel kind of bad gossiping about this tbh
No. 53142
>>49634 for why Mena stayed for so long.
Michelle is/was a manipulator. She manipulated Mena, just like she manipulated all her followers.
No. 53147
File: 1446431939390.png (55.79 KB, 484x794, shmegeh-junky-business3.png)

i think this sums shmegeh up perfectly.
No. 53354
>>53147yeah except JB didn't "see through" shmegeh until the abuse story broke. she was a dedicated shmegeh stan for way too long for someone who claims to have "seen through" her the whole time, and by the time she posted this, the same had already been said on other sites.
still true though.
No. 53438
>>53420maybe i'm thinking of another truth blogger then? i get all of them confused tbh, it's an echo chamber and they change their names pretty often.
maybe jb was the one who loved emily (thinsquids)? idek and idec anymore…
No. 55314
>>54879she was young and I can understand what she was feeling. it's understandable, mostly.
My mom was the same way, and it's very common among sufferers of mental illness to have parents who are skeptical and think everything you feel is overdramatic and ridiculous and easy to fix at the snap of a finger.
No. 65561
File: 1448764108805.png (281.95 KB, 450x600, tumblr_nyjxp8tTaE1uewr7vo1_500…)

Is this a recent picture?
No. 68177
File: 1449397605906.jpg (21.91 KB, 640x640, B_ZOY-sU0AEcwAk.jpg-large.jpg)

Fuck guys. I don't know, I really miss 2012-2013 when I found her tumblr. It was ~~le maGicAl~~… not really, but I would look at her tumblr everyday. Not just because of her skinny body, but the throwback slightly-emo-goth anime-loving cosplay theme going on and the fact that she loved paris hilton. When she was friends with Marissa and the "formerly known as Haku who is now some russian guy".
I'm pretty normal looking myself and don't even watch anime anymore, but I loved the "aesthetic" of her blog and her outfits and look. I imagined myself getting as tiny as her and taking selfies at forever21. LMAO
Sound pathetic and ~proana-y as fuck but idc. I was just really intrigued.
Sucks how everything unfolded. Is she like 25 now? 26?
No. 68178
File: 1449398033097.jpg (345.21 KB, 846x1128, tumblr_mff57r4Ddq1qzt48xo1_128…)

;_ ;
No. 68186
>>68182>as everyone should have imaginedw0t?
I meant that she ended up being abusive and that she stopped posting pics, stopped cosplaying, and (assumingly) gained weight.
Toward the end she was getting very ill/"crazy" and playing off certain characters too much (the alcoholic chick from that movie) but meanwhile just her shopping around taking selfies and posting other dumb shit and pics of her smoking, hanging with friends, random shit going on in her life…
; _; oh well…
No. 68190
>>68186Wow my writing is atrocious. I mean aside from that and the way she ended up being…
Anyway, here's another pics.
No. 68427
File: 1449454542580.jpg (86.89 KB, 632x650, odbs.jpg)

No. 68506
>>68432i still like her lol
fuck i have tons if slow release adderall i should use that shit
No. 68573
>>68509No, I just figured she was trying to get a script
I had no idea she did it before this+that one post where mena mentioned her crushing up adderall
No. 68963
File: 1449550189184.jpg (161.84 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

i found an old post of her actually talking about her diet.
No. 68964
File: 1449550274782.jpg (198.4 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 69109
File: 1449613068090.png (228.88 KB, 640x960, adderall.png)

>>68886well, a screenshot of their text convo that she posted a while ago
No. 69132
>>69129Honestly I'm tired of the "Mena was innocent, poor Mena" attitude, because she practically enabled Michelle. I still recall that one day where she posted a picture of her and Michelle on their way to a bar at like 2AM shortly after Michelle's first or second try at sobriety.
No, Mena didn't deserve to be knocked around but she damn sure didn't seem to do much to help her addict partner recover.
No. 69144
>>68178Has she got rickets?
Also I only had a look on her tumblr for a short while some time ago, there was a slightly pedo vibe to it which really creeped me out.
No. 69152
File: 1449623066574.jpg (28.24 KB, 236x595, 71a52a6d31f20e819fc5f2ac507fae…)

Anyone know where I can find shoes similar to these? they're awesome looking.
No. 69154
File: 1449623121872.jpg (3.31 KB, 260x194, melissa.jpg)

I haven't seen her shoes but do they look like these?
No. 69157
>>69156Ew. I've got a pair of these in black
>>69154Uncomfortable as fuck.
No. 69208
>>69132Mena was also a 19 year old girl out on her own for the first time, with an extremely manipulative adult woman, already in an emotionally abusive relationship. Mena always handled her drinking and drug use well, I have a feeling Michelle got her to go along with what she wanted because Michelle always gets what she wants.
Innocent? Probably not, but despite being mature for her age, Mena was still pretty inexperienced at "adulting" and Michelle is a master manipulator. Like, is it fair to ask a 19 year old girl to totally rearrange her life for the fuckup addict who essentially just moved in with her? Nah, Michelle should have gotten her shit together or moved out and let Mena enjoy her youth.
No. 69219
>>69208Yeah, I understand Mena was young and inexperienced, which would be fine had she not constantly posted about how she was in control and on top and all of that stuff. Don't get me wrong, I adored Mena, but I seriously think she wasn't as nice and innocent as people think.
Again, I know Michelle was rotten to her (I'm not going to demonize her because I believe people can change), but I wholeheartedly, sincerely think they fucked each other up equally.
They were practically together for years before ever meeting in person, and by the time they did meet in person it was a recipe for disaster. Mena likes to do drugs, she likes to drink. Michelle was deep into her drinking problem by then.
Mena preaching control and being all "I know when to stop and she doesn't", imo, was a dick move. Some people can't stop, but for some reason despite how much she claimed to care she eventually just let it happen over and over.
They were just so terribly bad for one another.
No. 69221
>>69219Well duh, opposites do not generally attract. Sure Mena was no where near as bad as Michelle. They were both a little fucked up. Mena seemed like she had her shit together at least and could come out of it soon though.
She's not an innocent little flower no, but people like Michelle see that and like it. Like all narcissistics she picked someone who had a litte something "wrong", someone who was vulnerable.
Michelle didn't do fuck all to help Mena either.
In the end, Michelle beat the shit out of her, not the opposite.
No. 69225
>>69219Samefag, but:
>They were practically together for years before ever meeting in person, and by the time they did meet in person it was a recipe for disaster. Michelle is a lying, fake, manipulative disaster. Mena definitely did not "know" her one bit before her drunk ass had to be driven by her mother to pick Mena up from the airport.
No. 69226
>>69221>>69224I know, I'm sorry. You're both right, I just get really frustrated with the whole thing sometimes, maybe it's the sheer lack of details that makes it harder for me to personally grasp. I'm not good with emotions and connecting them so I can only take what is written and make assumptions, you know?
I didn't mean to go all devil's advocate up there, I just get a little steamed about a lot of Mena's contradictory posts. I guess in the end I wish them both the best.
No. 69340
>>69244Honestly their interactions always seemed kind of odd to me, like if Mena wasn't really feeling it.
Or may be it was just her normal way to behave, but still
No. 69872
I keep coming back to this post because it feels so full of weird inconsistencies and insincerity.
>I figured out how to mix my booze so that I didn’t experience hangovers, and was able to function, in that I attended my classes on time and did not miss work.Like, as a recovering alcoholic with an ED myself, been in treatment many times with similar people, all I hear is "I learned how to purge excess booze often enough to function without being caught."
No. 69874
>>69872Yeah, trying to sum up your life in a post tends to come across as insincere.
I don't think it's anything against Michelle, really. When I'm self-posting on forums, I find that there are huge inconsistencies depending on what I'm talking about. I'm not lying, it's just that certain thoughts and memories have prominence at different times, and when you're trying to find the origin for actions you've taken, it can be quite difficult to pinpoint them with any degree of consistency.
There's a difference between Ember Whann lying about every detail of her life and her eating disorder, coming across as insincere because she makes up a new story every day, and someone who has a hard time pinpointing their sense of self and is just kind of trying to fit everything together. Idk. I just read people's posts while thinking it's never really the reality that they're discussing, but just their own thought process on things that happened, which is incredibly prone to insecurities and psychosis. The overall intent is more important, and the way you get there is just as valuable.
No. 69883
>>69875If your drinking kills you, you're not a "functional alcoholic."
There is no such thing.
No. 73322
File: 1450365816837.png (278.92 KB, 390x496, shmegeh.png)

I know some anons said she gained weight but IDK, her fingers are so boney.
No. 73329
>>73322if she were still spoopy, she'd post a picture that proved it. the only recent-ish pics of her had her going out of her way to hide her body when she really loved showing it off in her thinnest days.
the lack of evidence is the evidence.
also, who knows if this picture is even recent? she posted several old pics in relatively recent months, clearly trying to quell the rumors that she'd gained.
No. 73353
File: 1450379980350.jpg (5.7 MB, 5312x2988, 1450379878604-1129185399.jpg)

>>73351Photo evidence of ugly ass man hands
No. 73357
>>73322wtf are those nails. they're not even the right size….
i would believe she gained some weight back.
No. 73358
>>69883i think there is a thing as functional
insert any type of addict herethere are plenty of anas floating around. they are addicting to restricting/binging/purging but not all of them do it 24/7. hence functional
No. 73727
>>73683I actually thought shmegeh was Russian herself before i heard her talk, she looks it. If that makes sense..
>>73707 yeah but how the fuck do they find all those "rare" pictures of her?
No. 75048
File: 1451021210175.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.58 KB, 400x266, image.jpg)

anyway, lol.
I just want shmegeh to start "documenting" her life again. Posting pics, anime shit, her job, cat, writing shit. She was interesting as fuck.
And she kindof became what she supposedly "wanted". Someone said here that she wanted to be like the celebs paris hilton or some shit, and in a way she was. Talked about a lot, fans, haters, skinny, and there are people talking about her today still.
I have tons of adderall and bar hop a few times a week, wish she would just come to Cali with and we chill in this trashy shit town.
I don't think it's sad/weird, I don't know any other somewhat-weaboos who like to drink and like paris hilton/lindsey lohan, have a semi-feminist attitude, know about hf models, try to be not-fat (serious cows here) and all that shit.
And we're well aware her and Felice were the more interesting of the tumblr-fame girls. Now everyone's just ugly and boring af.
No. 75050
>>75048that wasnt supposed to have the spoiler thing on it lol
oh well
No. 75051
>>75049that was the quickest reply jesus.
Also no, lol.
I get that it comes off as kinda sad, but it has to make sense to some extent too
No. 75067
>>69902if you take it from time to time, maybe. but taking adderall and drinking combined increases neurotoxicity, anxiety, depression and so on.
the combination also makes you highly aggressive.
adderal or amphetamine in general suppresses the effects of alcohol to some point. but when you cross that point suddenly it hits you all at once and you pass out.
if Michelle was taking addeall while drinking the whole time I’m seriously surprised how she managed to keep her brain from melting completely.
No. 75072
>>75067so that's why my psych said not to drink and take addys..
thought it was mainly because i wouldnt be able to measure how drunk i truly was, like doing cocaine and booze..
No. 75076
>>75072same goes for cocaine and alcohol tbh.
alcohol is a neurotoxic substance which increases dopamine and serotonin release. combining it with any other neurotoxic substance (amphetamine, MDMA, cocaine, most antidepressants) = increased neurotoxicity.
most of these substances are fine on their own if you watch the dosage and frequency of consumption. but as soon as you combine them the risks are unpredictable.
people who die or become crazy because of stimulant abuse? mostly poly drug users who don’t even realize what they are doing because they think alcohol isn’t a drug since it’s legal. or they’re stupid enough to combine it with a third drug.
there’s absolutely no point in drinking and taking stimulants. either the stimulant cancels out the alcohol impact or you get completely wasted and damage your brain.
apart from that there’s also the typical risks that come with being drunk like being irresponsible and poor in judgement. I get dexamphetamine on prescription and got drunk once while on it. after a while of partying with my friends I thought I lost all my pills and panicked. well, next morning I realized I had taken them all because alcohol makes you dumb. on top of that everybody had noticed I was drugged while I thought I was so high and mighty…
sage for OT
No. 75133
>>75076jfc how many pills does that mean you took roughly that night?
damn reminds me I had the worst hangover of my life when I was given bunk molli aka just shitty meth and kept pounding shots until half the handle was nearly
gone- and since then I feel a little off. idk. thanks for the reassuring reply though I have friends who snort cocaine and drink in intervals throughout nights of partying and i say hey doesnt it cancel out and they say yeah so you can get drunker !! ^_^
top kek
(^_^) No. 75154
>>751335 pills in a couple of hours in addition to the three pills I should have taken that day. so 8 pills total. thankfully, I didn't have more pills on me otherwise I would have gobbled down all of them.
molly in the U.S. = meth? I thought it's mdma. is there a general drug/substance-abuse thread so I can take my OT there?
No. 75156
>>75144They used to be all over Taobao, have a look there.
Sage for OT.
No. 75299
>>75289cut MDMA with meth? that’s weird. thank god I’m from a town where MDMA is as pure as it can be. people here take amphetamine to end their MDMA trip. I imagine meth would cancel out completely the nice, warm, cozy feeling you get from MDMA.
>dont touch it anyone thoI would highly recommend to touch pure MDMA in a save environment at least once. it’s a life changing experience. there’s a reason why some psychiatrists want it legalized for treatment of PTSD. take it on a regular basis and/or in high dosages and it will fry your brain so don’t do that. also don’t do MDMA with meth. I can’t believe shit like this exists. that’s fucking nasty. and dangerous.
sage for OT
No. 84379
>>69893Mena was a young teenager when Michelle started pursuing her, their entire relationship was conducted online until they moved in together, at which time Mena was still only 19 and found herself stuck with someone she loved, who had issues way too big for her to handle, and manipulative & abusive tendencies to boot.
Mena isn't perfect but she's practically a saint in terms of people who find themselves in relationships like that. Mena never slandered her, was really cooperative with Michelle's parents to help the situations, didn't press charges, and didnt encourage any hate towards Michelle. She never played the victim in any sense, even though she absolutely was one.
No. 97986
File: 1456370177641.png (Spoiler Image,541.53 KB, 1440x2560, tmp_2790-Screenshot_2016-02-24…)

You guys see this? Sorry if it was already posted.
No. 99230
File: 1456772823000.gif (236.86 KB, 332x214, image.gif)

>>99228Fuck off, bonelord.
No. 99263
>>99234this smells of self post
lol no you don't look like her bye
No. 109946
File: 1458791575493.png (303.93 KB, 2048x1536, image.png)

I saw this signature on someone's comment on mpa. Look familiar?
No. 152904
>>152877yeah I know the assistant manager part from her tumblr, thanks for the reply though but I was wondering if anyone has seen her irl at that hottopic and what she's really up to? I assumed she got think because of adderall that was prescribed to her, which also made her "crazy" (anorexia and prescription meth will do that to you, especially prescribed at a slightly higher and above dose than needed over an extended period of time, ugh trust me -_-)
she still in florida?
No. 152905
>>152892I think a lot of people liked her, and still are interested/miss her, but I assume just because she was e-famous and some of the whack shit she did. I mean, I miss her.
Also don't feel bad about bumping old thread, most other threads here are shit nowadays anyway, i dont see other shmegeh threads
I also miss looking at her friends' tumblrs. Haku (who's now goig by a russian name), Marissa, Mena, and that other girl. Mostly shmegeh though. Yeah I know it's pathetic, but for whatever reason they were interesting- although I'd bet it involved their skinniness of course, but also the anime/gothic/rainy-metro-city vibes? idk
No. 152950
>>152904I'd assume she's back in Virginia, but who knows.
>>152905Yeah. I think I like her most because she was in bandom and at the time I was, too. I miss her YouTube channel, I wonder if the videos are out there some where?
No. 153201
File: 1468116975256.png (143.75 KB, 500x333, ECxTQp8.png)

>>153198Same anon but if she weren't so obsessed w herself she wouldn't come off so fucking dumb.
Bitch looks like she has a mean case of underbite
No. 153227
File: 1468121343209.jpeg (81.26 KB, 450x750, image.jpeg)

the way you guys type about her is so poetic.. lol
not in a bad or good way, but very psychoanalytic.
I honestly think the interesting thing about her was who we didn't think she was- meaning before we got a glimpse of her real personality and life and bullshit, what was i teresting was her as thinspo images, such and this
No. 153275
File: 1468134360259.jpg (89.26 KB, 640x480, tumblr_losppiFhTk1qzt48xo1_r1_…)

>>153036In the beginning she really seemed nice. Back when she was hanging out with babymaria and just having fun. There wasn't this whole persona/show she was putting on, she was just being a young adult. It's no coincidence that she started to significantly change once she turned 21.
No. 153311
>>153198Damn. She looks fucking wasted.
Does anyone have a link to Mena's tumblr/Instagram?
No. 153334
>>153332oh my christ
k thanks anon
No. 324823
File: 1496103878376.jpg (120.37 KB, 720x960, 1495911912145.jpg)

Reposting this picture and comment from someone in /pt who meant to put this here…
" anyone remember this girl? I used to follow her Tumblr and Instagram pretty closely because I liked her style and she lived about an hour away from me. she destroyed her body by starving herself and consuming only sugar-free cranberry juice mixed with wine, former friends and SOs came forward with allegations of emotional abuse/manipulation and physical abuse, she went to rehab, then just went dark on the internet in around late 2013 or so. since then people have swarmed her Instagram (which is still up) speculating over whether or not she's dead.
anyway, I found this picture of her with her father at Universal Orlando. it's from around this time last year. she doesn't seem to have lost her old ways at all – in typical shmegeh fashion, she found a way to hide her body under a Hogwarts robe, but I think based on her ankles and face it's pretty obvious that she's beefed up.
I'm still trying to find more pictures, but I just lucked upon this one and probably won't find more. I remember the last time people could track her down, she was dating a girl under 18 and looked like she'd gained weight in those photos as well (but had, again, figured out a way to pose so that it was harder to tell).
crazy how she was once the Tumblr thinspo attention-whore queen to rival Felice Fawn and now she's just… whatever this is. am I so old and dusty that I still am interested in what these people are up to after they just drop off the face of the earth?? (yes)"
No. 324894
>>324836iirc it was this girl
>>49444 but that's all I remember/could find
No. 326692
File: 1496289880928.jpg (120.92 KB, 375x500, 4326308225_fe6dac57b2.jpg)

Minus the terrible makeup she used to make herself look sicker, her face was way cuter as a skelly than at a healthy weight. Maybe aging helped too though.
No. 326729
>>326692her insane side profiled hair and eyebrows are doing the most damage to her face, along with the harsh eyeliner having such light features.
You can get botox to slim your jaw and it's considered cheap for how long it works. I don't want to say her legitimately life threatening illness in any way made her look better, but yeah she could've styled herself better with consideration to how strong her features are. But she's also a piece of shit who constantly physically abused her ex and is fucking minors so0o0o0o0o0o….
No. 326766
File: 1496302192840.png (70.45 KB, 508x751, 5A4E0F41-DE27-4B75-AFCD-D1CE17…)

there's a lot of pics of her when she's chubby and when she's spoopy but there's a few of her at a middle range if you go deep in her tag
No. 326771
File: 1496302294709.jpg (91.43 KB, 480x640, 88E0EB17-666C-484D-BD98-B1BA8C…)

>>326769tbh it's weird seeing her with eyebrows.
No. 327098
whoa holy shit.
i guess michelle used to post a lot more personal stuff on tumblr, here is a post from Dec 2010 that I think gives a lot of insight. idk i thought it was very interesting. No. 327382
>>327357it's still there…
feel free to screenshot it cause i'm not. that's a novel right there
No. 327445
>>327098>I want to be special. I want to make a difference or an impact somewhere. Something. Anything. I play with the idea of “what if I was famous?”. I’d love to be famous. I’ve always been fascinated with it, since I was a kid. I’ve always been such a performer, wanting to be in the spotlight. I feel like I could do so much with it without ever taking it for granted for even a second. lol
>>327196She has only a few video like this and is several years younger than shmegeh (probably was around 18 then) + in her friend circle so it's to be expected she is easily influenced. I don't think she was consciously copying her nor doing that all the time.
>>327397Yes. She gained weight because of antipsychotic medication (that shit makes you hungry and lazy) and she doesn't even look like that anymore.
No. 327523
File: 1496399701950.jpg (68.73 KB, 385x257, waaambulance.jpg)

>>327098all i read is WAAAH WAAAH WAAAH. she types like my friends who found out what borderline personality disorder is and tried to act like they have it when they were 16.
No. 330956
File: 1496865240261.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1920, Shmegeh.png)

reposting from >
>>>/snow/243674What shmegeh looks like now. 1/2
No. 330957
File: 1496865275890.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1920, shemegeh.png)

some things never change
No. 366988
File: 1501941369779.png (1009.87 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

she lives and is healthy
from october 2016
No. 412120
File: 1509403960320.png (950.1 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5960.PNG)

No. 414766
File: 1509764623912.jpeg (Spoiler Image,239.65 KB, 2048x2048, A303C39A-5456-473F-BB2D-43B44F…)

>>414686Agreed, this is creepy and weird. It's obvious she's lessened her social media presence on purpose, but this kind of stuff could actually leak into her real life. Whoever runs hers store's page would probably question her about this. Shitty.
No. 1026352
File: 1597968758415.jpeg (223.02 KB, 828x1519, 0B3B28D9-ACEB-481E-A70E-91131C…)

Her ex mena has a podcast now and she posted on her Instagram that she’ll be speaking about her .
No. 1026361
File: 1597969344745.png (371.65 KB, 2048x940, Screenshot_20200821-022207.png)

>>1026352Will be out on Tuesday apparently
No. 1026363
File: 1597969484013.png (707.77 KB, 828x1792, 09113584-64D3-4D12-82E5-013A33…)

She said it will be up on her YouTube channel Tuesday . She told someone in the comments that shmegeh is the worst person to walk the earth so it’s gonna be interesting .
No. 1026418
>>1026352whew, i was reading this cow's thread some days ago on a nostalgia trip, what a coincidence. i know these are old, but i'm baffled remembering takes like
>>69893>>69132were ever posted on this site.
this was one of my first cows i discussed in this site so this is very exciting! but seriously too many people itt would worship this
abusive pedophile just because she was ana queen. i hope mena drags her like she deserves.
No. 1026558
>>1026418To mean anons’ credit I always questioned how much physical abuse Michelle could actually inflict. Brittle-boned waif that she is.
I guess we’ll find out though! Feels grim to be excited for the “tea” about someone’s abuse but I’m a tumblr oldfag and I live for cow reboots.
No. 1026588
>>1026352I'm as excited for the milk as the next person but damn, that's one way to get clout for your newly started podcast.
I thought she made the right decision back when it happened when she chose not to be public about it. Made her seem mature and dignified, but I guess she might have had no choice considering shmegehs enormous and crazy following at the time.
It would be fun if this could lure out shmegeh to come defend herself and tell her side of the story.
No. 1026624
>>1026606Same here, re: her just fucking disappearing, but I think old-school cows had less of a problem just moving on. I think it's because most of them are from before people really started making money from their following, so it wasn't as much of a loss. Yeah, you had people like Felice that scammed and somehow still had a following, but for the most part, it wasn't a big deal. I wonder if anyone would be interested in a thread for some of the older cows. I'm still a member of some of those old LJ groups, so a where are they now type of deal would be fun.
>>1026612Pls share caps, I don't remember this.
No. 1026652
If anyone is more tech savvy and can search through her 1000+ page blog for the word ephebophile you'll find the post. It wasnt a tag, but she does have a tag for children…which isn't all that creepy.
She posts a lot about her attraction to children somewhere between page 1200 and 1500 i think… that will take some time to sort through.
She also has pictures of young Leonardo decaprio and other celebs with tags and comments like "uunnnfff"
No. 1026668
File: 1598030603772.jpg (667.29 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200821-122411_Chr…)

No. 1026670
>>1026652Yeah I’m gonna need you to post those kid diddling ss because from
>>1026665 and thirsting young DiCaprio just seems like 2010’s edgelordery
No. 1026671
File: 1598030690910.jpg (755.76 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200821-114335_Chr…)

>>1026665Yes that might be it.
I dont remember exactly what it said but thats probably the one I'm thinking of unless there is others.
Also this is from her blog.
No. 1026800
>>1026588Anon I thought the exact same thing. Her channel has 14 subscribers in
>>1026363 and I’m so interested to see her SocialBlade at the end of next week. I mean of course she deserves to talk about her experience, but like. Damn.
No. 1027355
File: 1598141440326.jpeg (740.81 KB, 1142x3176, DA080B84-51DB-4D99-B8A1-391CD9…)

Yup she’s back
No. 1027592
>>1027583Pretty sure she’s also a BPD fag, so yeah big attention whore.
She still has pics of her and mena up on her IG. Tinfoil but with her batshit insanity, I wonder if she’s been stalking mena all these years. She found out about the podcast real fast
No. 1027615
>>1027406I feel like a dick saying this because obviously Mena is a
victim of horrible abuse and it makes sense she would need time to talk about it, but this feels like such a blatant attention grab. It's been almost 5 years, I doubt someone like Shmegeh can change and her suddenly posting on IG after the announcement is so cringy but finally telling the story after everyone has fully moved on with their lives and lost nearly all relevancy (including Mena) seems like a desperate attempt to get attention and a cheap way to force people to listen to her podcast because she is not interesting or high profile enough for anyone to care without name dropping Michelle.
No. 1027617
>>1027615shes jumping on the callout culture bandwagon like all the Onision
No. 1027647
File: 1598197178102.jpg (206.08 KB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20200823_163925.jpg)

From Mena's Instagram stories
No. 1027677
File: 1598202256072.png (94.3 KB, 1438x392, Screen Shot 2020-08-23 at 1.03…)

>I inflict so much physical harm upon you
No. 1027699
>>1026588>>1027615>>1027685>it's been x years why is she talking about it nowIt takes time to process these things, you have to safely distance yourself from your abuser, re-learn what's normal and then have enough space that you feel you can unpack it all to work through it. If someone had an older abuser they will gain further awareness of how fucked up the situation was when they reach that age themselves.
Haven't you noticed that people who were abused in their youth will usually only be able to come out about it in their adulthood? That's how this works.
>>1027693>>1027617>jumping on the callout culture bandwagonKys. She has every right to talk about shit that has happened to her on her own podcast and make some gains on that pain, plus you're here so it's exactly what you want her to do anyway
No. 1027769
>>1027712I think it was supposed to show everyone and Mena that she's watching and aware. Mena's instagram story
>>1027647 seems to show she's also interpreting it that way.
Maybe Michelle's got some dirt on Mena that she's saving for after the podcast goes up? Posting could backfire on her too, because now she can't pretend that she doesn't know about it and is just living her life unaffected at hot topic. Guess we'll know soon enough.
No. 1028036
File: 1598270370389.jpg (450.25 KB, 1080x1726, Screenshot_20200824_135818.jpg)

Hasn't she posted this before? Seems like an old as fuck picture. If she honestly still looks the same as whole 5 years ago that's just sad.
No. 1028105
>>1027769Considering they both agreed to not talk about it at all when it happened, I'm positive there is dirt on both ends.
>>1028095No anon, that's quite a reach to expect. I think all of her friends have quietly moved on and none of them seemed to be involved with any of the stuff with Mena. They are all also in their late 20s/early 30s, so they should know better than to dive into this drama pit either way.
No. 1028116
>>1028105The world was a lot different five years ago tho, Upthread you can see so much
victim blaming 18 year old mena. I know I was a teenager that still wanted to side with Michelle even though I knew she did something wrong. maybe mena just didn’t wanna get attacked by a mob.
Airing out how someone with a following abused you wasn’t a Common accepted practice back then either She prob woulda just gotten called dramatic or an attention seeker if she tried to talk abt it.
No. 1028160
>>49394Obvious attention-grab from Mena. Yes, "it takes years to process abuse," but doesn't it seem far healthier to process with friends, a therapist, family, I dunno … people who currently know you and are a part of your life? Not to make an announcement, build suspense with an audience of strangers on the internet, w/teasers, and freakin podcast? That doesn't sound like processing to me. That is sensationalizing and exploiting your own abuse because you want attention.
And of
course shmegs is coming back at this exact moment. She's probably nervous af about what Mena is gonna say, and is returning to her old ways of finding solace and comfort: validation thru likes, reassuring herself she still has an audience.
This is gonna be an awesome shitshow. I'm stoked.
No. 1028188
>>1027949the post you're referring to is just speculation
>>51707>>1027914yeah, she talked about school all the time and how much work she put into it. i think she graduated with something pretty useless like women's studies
No. 1028440
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>>49394This & a countdown in her bio. She's really milking this.
No. 1028784
>>1028770the only thing i didn't know was the running at mena with a knife and blood on the walls shit. that's fucking demonic.
but yeah podcast sucked. waste of time. screen cap anon probably could have told us that
No. 1028802
>>1028791I wonder if this
>>49444 is the alleged 16 y/o rebound?
No. 1028805
>>1028800that dude is such an autist.
i wonder how shmegeh is going to address this whole thing, and if she even watched it. seems like mena purposefully exaggerated a few things, like their age difference. shmegeh is obviously not 34 lol.
No. 1028812
>>1028811>There was a time when Mena brought Michelle to meet her other friends. When Michelle wasn't getting all the attention, she started cutting herself in front of everyone Holy shit.
>When Michelle was getting Baker Acted by the cops: the cops were trying to cuff Michelle while she gyrated around saying "Do you wanna fuck me?"Kinda based tbh.
No. 1028822
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No. 1028848
>>1028822Post that in the mena thread.
Oh wait it doesn't exist because there isn't any milk
No. 1028870
>>1028810Five years ago she made this post
>>49638 and said she became legally allowed to buy alcohol 2 years ago, putting her between 28 and 29 now.
No. 1028881
You wanna witch-hunt her? Jfc until there’s proof Shmegeh is milky today who really cares? She successfully stayed away from social media for a long ass time, that in itself says something.
No. 1028886
>>1028881Wtf no. Shmegeh chose to come back to social media on her own so idk how it’s a witch hunt. I just think it’s funny that tumbler fags’ fav special ana queen is an embarrassing, bald, violent bulimic. Her being mentally ill doesn’t give her a free pass to be an
abusive asshole
No. 1028887
>>1028886Yeah for sure no one gets a free pass for being
abusive, but I think everyone already assumed shmegeh was all of these things. The ppl who praise her are probably more milky than she is currently is my point.
No. 1028903
>>1028886Before she started drinking heavily she always claimed trichotillomania was her drug of choice, and after they broke up she publicly admitted on her tumblr to physically abusing Mena. This all happened five years ago, so no, none of this is new milk. The details are lulsy, at least, ignoring the fact that Mena is an unreliable narrator given her inability to do simple math when it comes to their age difference. Sexy bush cop times made me kek.
No shade to you, anon. I think a lot of people are just pissed that Mena hyped this up so much to provide literally nothing of substance whatsoever.
No. 1029029
>>1028969Lol Exactly. Her and her FouR pOinT ResTrAinTs. Just like how she was obsessed with Charlize Theron's character in Young Adult. It's so fucking cringe worthy.
I hated how people on Tumblr would shit on Felice but would kiss Shmegeh's flat ass for literally doing the same shit. Felice would post a normal pic and everyone would REEEEE about thinspo but Shmegeh would post LITERAL thinspo and show off hospital pics and her self harm and fucking Freelicers would be "Man she's just so cool n unique uwu" Fucking hate Tumblr and glad that cesspool of a site died off slightly. Of course they'd worship a psychotic,
abusive pedophile.
No. 1029106
>>1029029Don't forget her skinwalking Asuka from NGE during the part in her story where she's at her lowest and worst, she (Asuka) runs away for a week, then is found naked, emaciated and catatonic in a bathtub. I remember Smegma posting anachan shit in her plugsuit and wig talking about how much she identifies with Asuka.
As for the podcast "reveal", I think what happened is Mena hyped up Smegma being a POS too much and ended up burying the lead. Maybe the milk wasn't creamy enough to justify the buildup so she tried to play it off?
No. 1029615
>>1029586kek at the fact that mena's talking about some dark and serious shit and bo comes on the live like "mena i can't see myself, i can't see whether i look beautiful or hideous uwu i washed my hair today it's kind of a thing"
apparently she's still surrounding herself with narcissistic attention-seekers who have no self-awareness
No. 1030235
>>49394caps of michelle admitting her being older than mena/their relationship being "illegal"?
ik shes posted about it through dumblr text posts and asks. but im too lazy to go through that shit again
No. 1030280
>>1030202For a second I thought you were talking about Madi, also in that banner and “schizophrenic,” who is not at all normal since she’s still twans and kin with like 400 anime characters in her late 20s.
Anyway I have a hunch that like a solid half of the flakes who were posted about here 5+ years ago ended up silently becoming farmers once they realized how insufferable they acted. Wouldn’t surprise me if she came from this thread.
No. 1030325
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>>1030235Some old interactions between Michelle and Mena.'s birthdate is 9/22/1991, what's Mena's?
No. 1030336
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>>1030308>>1030319If Mena just turned 26 like anon said, then Smeg is only 3 years older than her?
So Mena was calling her a pedophile (I’m guessing Smeg liked loli shit and teenagers, whether for attention or not like how Grimes does) but was doing the same “Omg this person is too young for me >.<“ crap as well?
>#William Beckett The others are weird, but this is less so because it seems like just thirsting over an emo band member who was born in 1985.
So 19 and 16? Like how teenagers normally date? Both of them are as much an attention-seeking, pathological liar as the other. Smeg just clung to her persona of Manic Pixie Scene Girl so she was violent and ridiculous to Mena (Which I do feel bad for Mena about). Besides that, what’s different here from other Tumblr couples who break up and then write a call-out?
No. 1030375
>>49394smegma is 28 turning 29 on september 22.
in regards to casting, she got turned down.
No. 1030394
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I'm not sure what this photo could have been, but it's removed now.>>1030356Thank you for the context, anon. It was a pretty dumb thing to include without context.
No. 1030403
>>1030397This, even in 2008 Ryan and William were 22 and 23.
The “I’m a cradle robber” joke was very of it’s time. She’s clearly being an edgelord, it’s cringey but the “she’s a pedo” narrative seems to not really amount to much.
No. 1030729
>>1027747Lord, I miss the 1st generation of ana cosplayer fakebois + shmegeh on tumblr, they were so entertaining…
I wonder how young the people falling for the "shmegeh is a pedo"-thing are, those jokes were pretty normal for internet famous people during those times, back then they tried to be as edgy as possible, nowadays they try to be as woke as possible.
I always saw it that way: many girls followed or even secretly admired shmegeh but mena was the only one dumb and trashy enough to actually get close to her irl lol She likely wants to try and kickstart her new career as streamer, influencer or whatever by getting a bit of clout as the
victim of a former scene queen.
No. 1030982
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>>1030369I remember this happening too. god I was so deeply interested in her life this is all so clear to me lol, embarrassing
No. 1030999
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>>1030982> seeing the wall of polaroids made her want to work in the industry and somehow "magically be one of the people in charge of picking through/wrangling the girls"Sounds super predatory in hindsight, as though she fantasized about being able to leer at underage girls for a living like Ashley Arbaugh in Girl Model.
No. 1031019
>>1030998That is a what I don’t get. Mena wants to paint herself as a
victim and say shmegeh is the worst person in the world. And yes Mena did get hurt and that isn’t her fault, but like, she had to have had an idea of what Michelle was really like. I mean, one look at Michelle and you can tell she wasn’t eating, trapped in a fantasy world and had terrible hygiene.
I guess the only credit that can be given to Michelle was that she knew she was a hot mess and pretty open about the trich/lack of hair.
No. 1031049
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fucking hypocrite lmao
she has tags like these which aren't inherently sexual but it's fucking weird to collect pictures of ~pretty children~ on your blog No. 1031052
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>>1031049samefag but especially when their features coincide with that of the type of model you're attracted to.
(she always struck me as lowkey racist too, but i guess she just has a "preference" idk.)
No. 1031475
>>1031052The racism thing is a really old rumor from back when the freelice community was still going strong on tumblr. IIRC no one took it seriously back then because she was Mena who very obviously wasn't a white american.
>>1031437I don't think she's gonna be around on instagram much longer. She probably just came back because of the podcast drama and I don't think she has anything else going for her online right now. I think she would be better off ditching the shmegeh persona forever rather than trying to clear her name. Nothing about shmegeh works in 2020.
No. 1031558
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>>1030999she was obsessed with Girl Model, so it checks out.
No. 1032097
>>1031378>>1031558>>1031559This is why calling her a Predator~ is such a catch 22, any personality she has can literally be attributed to some piece of media she consumed so it both renders her text posts as fantasy while also provides “proof she is a predator”. Either way she gets what she wants, and funny enough Mena gets what she wants by way of this.
Smegma comes off as someone who “doesn’t want to be seen as a
victim” but still wants all the romanticized traits of one, Mena comes off as someone who wants to be a
victim and will literally lie to continue the narrative. Surprised they aren’t still together, tbh.
No. 1037377
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Idk if she’s a predator or not and only caught up with the new stuff today but I went digging for an answer to an ask I saw years ago (2013) that your guys’ comments made me remember. I don’t think she’s ever elaborated on this when she says it but it sure is a weird thing to say.
No. 1037505
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relapse or another old picture from her internet golden years?
No. 1037537
>>1037533Yeah it looks like she might have gotten that top surgery because she always had boobs even as a skelly
>>1037505Her hand and arm aren’t skelly. Tsk tsk giving herself away like that because she has to be edgy and get the cigarette in the shot
No. 1037586
>>1037505Definitely a new photo. None of her old pictures were ever this high quality. Also, looks as though she’s had some sort of mastectomy or top surgery. That, or she’s binding with tape.
Doesn’t necessarily mean a relapse? Not sure though
No. 1037798
>>1037714> it doesn’t really matter though her glory days are way overYeah I can’t figure out why she came back. Is her life that boring and empty? It’s hard to tell from her posts, but it seems like she’s been stagnant for a long time: same terrible style, same crappy mall jobs, same edgy vague posting
>It’s like that old IBS thinspo hag who tries to get validation from pro ana teens.OT but who is this? I see some older ana chans discusses in the pro ana scum bags thread, but I don’t know who you’re referring to
No. 1144629
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>>1074424>>1074923Not sure if this is her, but she’s never used other usernames afaik. No. 1276358
File: 1626253869043.jpeg (557.36 KB, 1125x1735, 3D49DA74-A21E-441C-8A09-D9FA3F…)

She posted on her ig again
No. 1285568
>>1276392You don't miss her?
God I wish she would just f*cking come back already. I'm hard into weeb-emo nostalgia of the early 2000s.
( No. 1285784
>>49394Michelle was one of those messy ana-chans some of us followed, kind of like Felice. Although unlike Felice, Michelle only started updating her instagram last year because she knew that Mena was coming out with her side of the story about their relationship.
It's a cat picture.. so. Take it how you want I guess.
No. 1299964
>>1285568I still go back and look through her blog, just for the nostalgia of that time. Even though tumblr marked it as a nsfw blog, making it incredibly hard to search through.
I always felt I related to her just on interests alone. Those old MCR obsessive teen years, and the anime boom of the early to mid 2000s.
No. 1327897
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>>1287103There’s this new girl on the block megsuperstarprincess that’s doing zoomer Michelle it’s a trip to watch
Anyways michelle posted a new photo
No. 1685904
>>1684769why are you obsessed with Mena? she literally dated michelle when she was like 19 and got abused by michelle, i doubt she bleached her brows bc shes trying to
trigger her
abusive ex whos ghosted social media years ago
No. 1687853
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maybe shes thinking about those failed dumblr famous ig lives she was working on after the shmegeh podcast did so well
No. 1687942
>>1687853is this Shmegeh looking for drama? or a lost fan looking for something that isn't there. This is literally split colored hair and bleached brows. Half of fucking zoomer population bleach/shave brows rn and act "messy", are they copying precious Michelle too?
this thread is filled with weirdest ppl, from rabid Shmegeh whiteknights, to idiots who blame Mena for getting abused "b-b-because she did drugs! so she's worse!". and now "Mena is copying Shmegeh" anon. Don't make this thread a second shmegeh PULL thread. (which was totally unreadable btw with amount of idiots praising her for being skeletor and cutting herself for attention.)
No. 2043242
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i wonder why she even bothers making these one-off posts every few years