File: 1678611020291.png (2.39 MB, 2016x1512, Pro-AnaScumbags#92.png)

No. 1787202
HOW DO I POST?NEWFAGS PAY ATTENTION> •put "sage" in the email field when not posting an image of fresh milk.> •don't hit return after quoting the >> number. This makes you stand out. Oh, so does "poast"ing…stop that.If you still don't understand, please view
/meta/ and see if another twonk has asked your question.
RULES previous thread >>1769281 Oh Holy Mother of Milk, where to begin.
Congratulations to Jasmin(/Jas) and Hannah (liveonfilmbyhanna) for graduating from the Pro-Ana Scumbags threads. In the nicest way possible, don't come back!
One anon has pointed out the spoop to slut pipeline. Duh! Once a cow, always a cow. "Give me attention" .
The thread was clogged like
Nikols toilet with
blog posts,
unsaged nonmilk and
red text.
What is a blog post? any personal analogies that are
irrelevant to the current discussion. Keep personal details to a minimum. Nobody cares how skinny you are/were.
Speaking of
Nikol, she's just as delusional as always. There's not much to update on in particular except her super
cryptic experience that she'd only open up about via DM. Understandably, none of the farmers were willing to take that hit.
Hxn went into a period of total radio silence for a bit, and popped back up with an egg on her head a few days later. Is she actually gaining weight, and now headbanging to cope? Let's put the tinfoil down and see how this plays out.
Hxn will probably give us the rundown in no time.
Niamh was finally caught self posting by putting her damn name in the name field. Don't do that, even if you're a farmer. You stand out and it's cringe.
Ganer has gained herself an injury, ignored the responsible advice of resting to let it recover, and continues to post gym content. Making it quite clear her reason for switching back to the insane previous PT who took her on in the first place. Ever heard of "bigorexia"?
Cooney started wearing butterfly nipple pasties - allegedly butterflies are a common Pro-Ana symbol. Same old stale repetitive milk from her otherwise. Why do so many cows/ex-cows slap on so much makeup? (Side-eye
Hayden…BOMBASTIC side-eye…)
Moving onto the other Edinburgh cows,
Abby and
Abby is "officially off chair rest after 4.5 months" despite showing us she wasn't obeying the chair rest for "4.5 months" anyway. Incompetency and noncompliance is nothing new for our favourite
Pokémon cow who >purges on command, allegedly
on staff at points, leading to the imagery of a >pokémon attack. Kek.
Zara got her new teeth, and from the cropped mouth pictures, has clearly gained substantial weight. Which leads to the question, why is she not posting her body anymore? She's clearly gaining, which is what she's trying to advocate for, yet was
only comfortable with pictures and videos of herself publicly online when she was spoopiest. She claims to not look >"haggard" anymore. Yes, she's gained weight. No, she's definitely
still haggard. She also got a boyfriend and nonnas speculate that
Zara was the one who asked
Nikol if you can die from sex at a low BMI.
Legliftlaura has been leglifting and celebrating her super difficult challenge of finishing an ensure with a huge, fat/calorie laden Costa milkshake-ass drink. She continues to be a (leglifting) walking contraction and, unsurprisingly, going back and forth between stability and incidents to "get what she wants". She posted and deleted an insensitive post for eating disorder awareness week, it was up for lile a day before her ass was absolutely handed to her and the humiliation of being humbled had her hiding herself for a moment. A little moment. A tiny one. Until she posted her current awareness post which was just as sopping in milk sans spoop pictures. Across the pond we have
Jaydie who gained some hotwheels for a bitu there. It didn't last long, and of course, continues to rely on her toob being in all of her content to boost views and sympathy points. Don't forget she's sooper PICU sick! Nose hose toob face discount elephant sick … and so was
Becca(don't forget,
Becca also had a tube)
massive welcome to
new cow: Dulcie who paints her eyebags to hollow them out, and has been accused of self posting in the past. So why is she welcome? Because she's also a walking contradiction (though, admittedly a
smaller one than
Laura). "Posting from the hospital is insensitive to those in recovery"…
spam posts as soon as she gets herself admitted. We got an update from
momsfavedisaplointment/Sydney, who's now on partial inpatient and looking much healthier in the face. We all look forward to the final discharge, so the next milky decline can begin. A very outdated cow from threads ago was dragged up to the surface;
Cheryl. She's the unhinged midget who openly admitted to pissing herself on social media. It's speculated that she's now incarcerated for police assault following some bizarre episode in which she put her young niece in huge danger and sellotaped graphic "drawings" of child abuse to the fence of a school playground. A bit of a derail, but milk straight from the udder. Watch out, other cows, the brainrot
shockingly leads to retarded behaviour! Oh, and
Becca had a tube !!
Enara! You've worked so hard last thread at being the most deranged, self centred, milky cow to ever exist.
To summarise her achievements this month, she called an ambulance
before taking an overdose. Posted a picture the potential gurney of an air ambulance patient with a caption saying she wished it was her. She was discharged and home by the next morning. Followed by totalling her car(it's okay, they're rich). Absolutely
I wonder which cow will win the spotlight next thread?
LINKS : No. 1787211
>>1787206Because, anon, I just spent my morning making the thread pic and writing the Recap and now I'm off to live in the real world for a bit.
You're more than welcome to get off your lazy ass and perfect the next thread if it's bothersome
No. 1787236
File: 1678619126380.jpeg (Spoiler Image,261.63 KB, 1117x2265, AD450A9D-578D-4D9B-9755-47F847…)

>>1787235found it
this should’ve gotten more attention
No. 1787283
>>1787236welcome back to a new thread, vendetta-chan.
niamh is as irrelevant as ever.
No. 1787352
File: 1678641370972.jpg (436.81 KB, 1277x2360, 333299607_n.jpg)

Look at ganer's new meal idea, which seems to consist of vomit on a rice cake.
No. 1787625
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No. 1787641
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No. 1787645
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No. 1787717
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seems like zara might have been lurking kek
No. 1787735
nonnie I just repeated what u said right above me as your comment hadn’t loaded lol
No. 1787771
File: 1678683984615.jpg (141.96 KB, 1080x1427, Screenshot_20230313_124931.jpg)

Recovery face or gland swelling?
No. 1787776
File: 1678684135213.jpg (171.8 KB, 1079x1410, Screenshot_20230313_130800.jpg)

Samefag but Laura is baiting so bad
Lurk much Laura
Gotta stay relevant
No. 1787829
File: 1678699296961.webm (1.22 MB, 576x1024, Untitled.webm)
So I saw this girl get mentioned last thread and I was looking through her tiktok, she's pretty milky but in a bpd way. I saged this because this tiktok isn't pro ana milk and it's from January 20th but she posted a video with ligature marks from an attempt at hanging herself, it's surprising this kind of stuff is even allowed on tiktok. It seems she does this alot, there were two videos back to back of her crying saying she hates days when her friends are busy because she feels lonely and then the very next day she was filming about another attempt from the hospital. I can't imagine having a friend that will try to kill herself when I can't hang out for a day.
No. 1787834
>>1787829There was a 3rd one that was removed either by her or by tiktok showing off her petechiae as well.
I saw this before she made it private/it was temporarily removed for guideline violations. Cringe behaviour, I'm surprised the health board have approved her for placement as a mental health nurse when this is what she gets up to outside of class. She still has another one up in that hospital room I'm sure.
No. 1787837
File: 1678701511998.webm (651.73 KB, 576x1024, Untitled.webm)
>>1787834Yeah I was surprised she said she was studying to be a nurse as well, although she might have trouble finding work with an online presence like the one she has. Her and her best friend Grace are both pretty milky, there's 2 other instances on her tiktok where she said her friend was overdosing and instead of getting her to a hospital she "took care of her" because she's in nursing.
No. 1787840
File: 1678702028941.png (Spoiler Image,323.75 KB, 827x933, yikes.png)

>>1787837Samefag, second instance of her friend almost dying and her taking care of her instead of immediately calling for an ambulance, spoilered for vomit in her hair in case anyone doesn't want to see that.
No. 1787849
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No. 1787864
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does nikol actually have a neurological condition.. like everything she says is just a little bit off
No. 1787868
File: 1678710043892.webm (5.87 MB, 1080x1920, BethanyMurrayTiktok1.webm)
Omg this took so long to put together I don't know how anyone can be bothered most of the time and is a HUGE derail so I already know this comes across as a vendetta but she's gotten under my skin. I don't think her uni know about her online presence, as there's no way the fitness for practice board/panel would approve her to go out on placement. Nurses do not ever diagnose / suggest diagnoses to patients and whilst this isn't something she did recently, she's openly "bragging" about "knowing" her friend was autistic before the doctors did. Perfectly okay to have suspicions but absolutely not a post I'd expect to see from an aspiring nurse. Also, Bethany, dearest…you continue to document your mental breakdown online.
At least we can praise Zara for taking her old milky tiktoks down like the cereal in the sleeve one.
No. 1787871
>>1787202Saged. Found this on Reddit. She definitely needs a thread here. how to imbed a video on here, there's the link.
Compared to now she definitely relapsed but pay attention to her body language and then her "sudden" switch. She nods at her caregiver/husband (yes they are married) and suddenly "switches" to one of her alters. I don't think she's as truthful about her condition as she says she is. Tried to find that video on tik tok and it's not there…
Weird shit.
Can't find any other info about them online anywhere though.
No. 1787887
File: 1678713724460.jpeg (92.65 KB, 750x789, 6784DA8E-0E61-4CD1-98E4-63412A…)

Nikol partaking in some classic ana age regression antics. Children's underwear too.
Kinda surprised she wasn't posting this stuff when she was at her lowest, since most anas age regress while restricting.
No. 1788058
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>>1787864I think that's just her ocd, on her tiktok she has a video where she talks about it and it's the overcleaning/germ fear type where the people with it wash their hands until their so dried out it forms huge cracks in the skin. Link to the ocd tiktok where she explains some of the symptoms: No. 1788103
File: 1678735608835.jpeg (227.59 KB, 1170x2165, 69EDA663-10CB-4CDF-9251-92F75B…)

She made some odd pro ana video
No. 1788104
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And her go to “spoop” pics are when her face was caved in from Covid and dehydration
No. 1788124
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i have no words.
also someone commented on Emilys TT about how beautiful she was and when sick and she went mad
No. 1788187
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>>1788173Her dancing days are over.
No. 1788265
>>1787876^^^^^ Ladies and Gentleman and everyone inbetween, this non presents,
toxic ignorance. Congrats for embarrassing yourself and coming off as a bitter MH cowfag
(infighting / derailing) No. 1788272
>>1788269Kek whatever helps you feel speshul
Im a seasoned farmer so go back to the school lunch room
Why so offended?
No. 1788277
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I don't know if anyone remembers Ceed, but she's apparently gone full munch and is now claiming DID, GP, cancer, mysteriously broken bones, and more.
No. 1788279
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>>1788277it's pretty fucking weird that even in posts about cancer, she's never tagged any cancer or mentioned what she actually has, what treatment she's getting or is going to get, or the prognosis. Most people on instagram with cancer will mention the type.
No. 1788280
>>1788276No, I fucking hate that shit it makes me so fucking mad! Main reason I don't have TT cause it's so infuriating. All fake-disorder illness-fakers grind my gears in innumerable ways. That bitch posted is ann attention seeking retard. I dunno what TT has bred but it's….bizarre to say the least and have ruined years of mental health acceptance and understanding, they've set the field back decades.
There's a reason why we're all here
No. 1788282
File: 1678776667395.jpg (77.86 KB, 800x800, IMG_20230312_160741.jpg)

Bump, don't scroll
No. 1788303
>Ladies and Gentleman and everyone inbetween>~toxic~ uwuOh look it's a tiktok thembie, did I offend one of your personalities? Nothing I said was untrue and it's all available online for you to read into, but you'll have to look for yourself on pubmed or nlm.
(infighting / derailing) No. 1788315
File: 1678786621675.jpg (187.17 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230314_093707_Gal…)

Shut the fuck up with the infighting.
I came across this cow on tiktok and had a look at her page … (1/2)
No. 1788318
File: 1678786704593.jpg (193.5 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230314_093651_Gal…)

>>1788315And LOOK at the warning tiktok has put across the bottom of her video. KEK! (2/2)
No. 1788345
File: 1678791886937.jpeg (334.05 KB, 1284x2017, C1105E95-3DED-4AB2-B503-CFB156…)

Fi is posting a lot about this new documentary on the BBC that she is part of, talking about autism. I noticed that the image from the presenter is back at a spoopier weight, but not the one from right out of hospital. So her most recent relapse, I’m guessing, coincides with these interviews. Wanting to appear on tv as a spoopy ana whilst she talks all about her ED kek
No. 1788356
>>1788345Well, let her have that fifteen minutes of fame, then.
She's gonna fall over sooner or later.
No. 1788405
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How is this even allowed to be filmed. Embarrassing.
No. 1788443
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No. 1788452
File: 1678812972755.jpeg (384.39 KB, 1170x2030, 47E4DF24-4055-4B23-9B66-4AE964…)

Fi is going to be in a documentary! about Autism ofc. This girl is living off attention
No. 1788512
>>1788452it has been posted eight messages ago.
fuck you. read the board.
No. 1788525
File: 1678821862014.jpeg (247.55 KB, 1170x1462, 410E3D66-C164-4AC0-8089-94C2E4…)

>>1788458>>1788512oh look Fiona is gonna be on a documentary
No. 1788530
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No. 1788537
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has this one been posted before? havent seen cheekbones this visible before.
No. 1788585
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>>1788549Yes this UK cow is the same. BPD off the charts then grifting like crazy because plain ol' NHS treatment isn't good enough for her.
No. 1788595
>>1788303Ntayrt, but big kek.
"Nothing I said was untrue"-false,nearly all of your statements are utter bullshit.
"All available online for you to read into" -no need to, got a degree in that field.
While the tik tok cows come across as faking fuckwits (as usual), DID in itself is scientifically proven (f.e. can be seen in brain scans),psychs are working with these patients who are not even that rare. Obvs they don't present themselves as retarded as our snowflakes here. And everytime they are brought up the medical bullshitters appear. Worse than the ones who tell you "Split" is a good movie…
(unsaged infighting) No. 1788676
File: 1678836840392.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1342, Screenshot_20230315-003016.png)

she looks like an ill child.
No. 1788684
File: 1678837841363.jpeg (66.19 KB, 750x715, 97C7ADD8-0DDC-453B-9B65-C6534E…)

I thought nikol is asexual but now she’s saying she’s waiting till marriage?
No. 1788688
>>1788684It's always so ironic seeing virgins give out sexual advice.
Also, yeah. At first Nikol said she was a lesbian and always posted about how much she hates men, and how repulsive they are to her. But she's currently sexting one of her male followers and posting about it.
She also said she was asexual but replies to porn posts.
No. 1788892
File: 1678862652526.png (936.44 KB, 1284x2778, B516B777-77DF-48DC-8003-873E23…)

Could Darcy strain her neck and face any further without causing an aneurysm Jesus christ?! 1/2
No. 1788893
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And this hardly is the best way to demonstrate the issue, you can hardly see it. The only thing it’s good for is flexing and attempting to show off how ‘spoopy’ she things she is 2/2
No. 1788911
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No. 1788920
>>1788911If she's done with some traveling, then I guess it's time for a new suicide attempt. Enara is so predictable.
Also, dang, she needs to take care of her feet. If she's developed any insulin resistance from being so overweight, she's going to end up with serious problems.
No. 1788934
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>>1788903Just made it private but most of the milk is still up.
Who tipped the cow? Anyway the farmers follow you doll that's not going to hide your milky ass.
"I was sooper sick"
yawn. I hope someone from her uni stumbles across the thread and refers her into the fitness for practice board
No. 1788972
File: 1678877582881.jpg (253.73 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230315_105102_Tik…)

Oh yeah Beccas tube was SO for her chrohns and not for anorexia at all
No. 1788984
>>1788808chill tf out
nonnie, this is the only thread i’ve ever lurked on lolcow so i don’t know how the rest of the site works
No. 1789093
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I don’t think that is true quite yet. She might be a couple kgs away from a bmi of 18
No. 1789108
>>1789093I saw this and wondered if someone else had, as well. This girl is nowhere near a healthy bmi. Props to her for
finally gaining some after lying about it for like two years but the max I would give her is 16.5-17. She barely has any muscle to distort the scales, too. I don't understand why she wants to portray her body as healthy when it so clearly isn't
No. 1789109
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>>1788684Coincidence she posts this after the thread was discussing it?
Hi Nikol
(hi cow) No. 1789165
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No. 1789170
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lest ye forget
No. 1789173
File: 1678907272462.jpeg (383.87 KB, 1170x2306, 3F7A2AC4-75A8-47EF-80B9-31E614…)

The body checks all start the same kek
No. 1789205
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No. 1789224
File: 1678912012403.jpeg (99.86 KB, 750x1217, 34754AE5-5C20-40AB-B623-D2CD76…)

baffles me how anyone would want to date a bpd-ridden cow who’s been in hospital for 4 years
No. 1789252
>>1789217she thinks it's not messy and everyone will reply to say "no, you're so clean!!"
Looking for asspats, basically
No. 1789265
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No. 1789266
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No. 1789293
File: 1678918281115.jpg (95.38 KB, 489x741, wtf.jpg)

>>1788579Latest 'challenge:' trying a new type of 0 calorie herbal tea. She'll be looking like that hairless cat for a while yet, though perhaps a little less dehydrated.
No. 1789440
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No. 1789441
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No. 1789450
>>1789394I low-key love her for her based & unhinged manhating posts and for
triggering all the edtwt wannarexics, she's an evil version of Lucinda to me kek
No. 1789518
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No. 1789524
>>1789440To be fair to her, it is a vendettachan posting her. Nothing about her is proana anymore, it's just hideous facepaint.
As for her local MP. KEK!
No. 1789568
>>1789523Thanks for taking one for the team,
No. 1789592
>>1789524I agree with you
nonnie. It's refreshing to see someone recover and gain an interest in something outside the ed / recovery kween persona
No. 1789641
>>1789523sounded as though someone vaguely mentioned autism and she immediately researched all the potential symptoms etc to list in a ten page letter explaining how every single one applied to her, all reinforced by her parents so her psych felt they had no choice to diagnose her, in the same way she previously attached other diagnoses to herself and feinged symptoms to fit the criteria.
nobody else but Fi would receive an autism diagnosis and immediately appear in a documentary on the topic. and also very noticeable that she didn't gain weight until after it was filmed, so during her talk about having an eating disorder she would appear as sooper sick as possible, with claims that her ED has never been about weight, it's always been about texture and struggling to try new foods - changing her symptoms to fit a diagnosis of autism and more #ARFID criteria, when previous posts she's written make it very clear that her ed WAS about weight. same with the "rigidity" relating to food, numbers, eating rituals etc - a symptom of anorexia, which she has exploited and twisted to land herself an autism diagnosis.
No. 1789687
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>>1789658Fiona (/Fi's) old Tumblr blog:
No. 1789726
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I know she’s been mentioned before but after watching this she is seriously getting on my nerves
No. 1789728
>>1789641what is the documentary called?
have they uploaded it on youtube yet?
No. 1789776
File: 1678994759025.png (548.55 KB, 1080x1559, Screenshot_20230316-202332.png)

han has a job?
No. 1789795
File: 1678997514783.jpeg (247.1 KB, 2048x1488, 897AEC0C-F9E5-4A55-9E58-AD293E…)

What ever happened to her ?
No. 1789796
>>1789794Wonder why the US never does anorexia documentaries anymore.
I’d love another one like Thin.
No. 1789841
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Clearly not
No. 1789847
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>>1789841It's mystifying that this is apparently the body she's nostalgic for. Truly the height of anachan.
No. 1789851
File: 1679004443694.jpg (231.18 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230316_220513_Gal…)

More from Becca; this is so unfair. WHERE is my chauffeur? Hire more staff! I need my attention…I'm important too! I can't believe I'm being made to wait for a lift back to the ward (when clearly I've shown I'm more than capable of travelling solo since I take several coaches each weekend for my pass home. That's different though, because I need staff!!)
No. 1789863
File: 1679005364165.jpg (296.89 KB, 2048x2048, bhammell.jpg)

has ballooned up a fair bit since the attempt in like 2019 but even at her lowest she was never a true spoop.
No. 1790017
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No. 1790018
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No. 1790019
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No. 1790020
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No. 1790021
File: 1679022729068.png (808.78 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230316-091059.png)

No. 1790022
>>1790020"well done Em"
as if she really did something by starting a useless petition. After all these years, surely she'll be the one who makes it illegal to make fun of stuff that people post publicly
No. 1790089
>>1789767Agreed but I honestly don't know about the seeming sweet part given that she purposefully used to (and still is) post
triggering content even though people kept asking her not to.
No. 1790162
File: 1679055067482.png (50.05 KB, 429x684, Screen Shot 2023-03-17 at 7.10…)

This is a completely serious question: what help is out there that Enara hasn't had? She seems to get an enormous amount of support from various services and use a lot of resources and it's genuinely hard to think what more she could actually be offered.
I know it's just the endless BPD desire to feel cared for, but goddamn.
No. 1790163
>>1790160Look, anon, nobody thought you were a regular here. We just want you to fuck off with your uninteresting drivel.
For the most part, people have actually been pretty complimentary towards Emily lately - lots of comments about how well she seems to be doing with her ED. There's just one random anon who seems really butthurt about her make-up and acne. Convenient that you ignored everyone telling them to stop vendetta posting and ignored any vaguely positive comments about Emily.
No. 1790166
>>1790164She gets a lot of messages on her Instagram whereas I know she would see the message here. If I were in her shoes I would appreciate it
Anyway im done here
No. 1790181
>>1790158You also could get on with your life by messaging your pal directly instead of bringing traction to the "
dealthy " site.
Also, the way you saged? You're not new here.
No. 1790212
File: 1679062476889.jpeg (645.4 KB, 3222x3222, 226F2CCC-44E3-4051-B3A5-3930F0…)

This cow is constantly getting sectioned but somehow gains no weight, and posts really attention seeking vids that also happen to be body checks. Love that double duty. Also hints at abuse or a traumatic home life but gives no details
No. 1790294
File: 1679072111304.jpeg (178.18 KB, 1170x1901, 750E6EAA-928F-4C78-ADCF-959995…)

Does she actually think she / her outfit looks good!?
No. 1790299
File: 1679072350092.jpeg (216.14 KB, 1170x2189, 645CBA8F-4E19-4820-A926-0721B7…)

Oh the horror how DARE the NHS provide her with a bathroom?
No. 1790300
File: 1679072749330.png (403.25 KB, 828x1792, 5949CC4F-C24E-48FB-9E4F-D401D3…)

Ok has this cow been brought up already? her posts are literally painful to watch. Constantly bodychecking … like straining her neck in every vid?? I can’t handle it.
No. 1790333
File: 1679076497320.jpg (19.48 KB, 399x225, rYReXpTICNSAtCH-400x225-noPad.…)

>>1790319Omg I think you're right. Nobody has been paying attention to the vendetta posts so it's not unreasonable to assume she kicked up a bigger stink.
And this is SO the work of a farmer, it's
beautiful No. 1790346
>>1790299I can see where she's coming from though, having an ensuit bathroom when you're trying to avoid purging is a terrible situation to actually be in. You have to just suck it up and try and spend time away from your room post meals i guess. Given she's said psychward, also shitty because then you have to integrate with others who are really unwell.
>>1790018 Troons couldn't take and keep down the farms with all the high end stuff - including getting tier 1 ISPs to block the sites, I doubt a simple whining petition is really going to do much in retrospect to that. Close your eyes and walk away.
No. 1790384
File: 1679082568716.png (465.85 KB, 1080x2094, Screenshot_20230317-154901~2.p…)

No. 1790393
>>1789641Fuck Fi and her shitty documentary. The number of BPD ana cows I've seen suddenly self-diagnosing and deciding they're autistic just to get special accommodations and get their ana behaviors validated makes me sick.
Whole point of that documentary was to whine on about women supposedly being under-diagnosed with autism when the lot of them have no struggles related to it. Like, autistic mothers' support group. How? How the fuck can you cope with the sensory nightmare of pregnancy and babies if you're autistic? But mostly it's ED cows using autism as an excuse. I know #actuallyautistic people (seriously can that # just fucking die already) and they are nothing like these bitches. They can't wear a shitload of makeup, go out all the time, run in crowded races, go to packed theaters and so many other things. And they'll get no support now because it's all being crowded out by anas fucking muscling their way into underfunded services.
No. 1790414
File: 1679090102797.jpeg (347.31 KB, 1242x1534, 1654264752181.jpeg)

No. 1790426
>>1790423Oh fuck off you ungrateful twat kek if you want to see something, farm it yourself.
I picked them because she chose the shit squat and I'm not spoon feeding from all threads
ever so took a handful from there.
No. 1790430
File: 1679091989106.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1100, Screenshot_20230317-182607~2.p…)

No. 1790431
File: 1679092197249.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1100, Screenshot_20230317-182813~2.p…)

No. 1790432
File: 1679092233873.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1098, Screenshot_20230317-182916~2.p…)

No. 1790451
File: 1679094655441.jpeg (811.96 KB, 4000x2280, 282EECF9-B0BB-4D1A-98E4-415105…)

Just fancykrabbe claiming to have gained and it’s good and she’s not mad about it or anything as it was her “choice”
No. 1790454
>>1790431God's work ty
Also she looks like abby in this one
No. 1790606
File: 1679135883875.jpeg (79.86 KB, 429x823, 76B9E14D-77EF-4EC3-BC1A-D32458…)

Doesn’t have a period yet runs a half marathon
No. 1790610
>>1790609Nah autistic isn't just socially awkward and weird. She had arrested development and comes across as not that bright, like genuinely slow. She has no sensory difficulties, goes to concerts, has repetitive noises all around her like that bird in her living room that drives me nuts in all her videos, makes eye contact all the time. She has zero autistic traits that can't be explained by her anorexia, and the one thing I'll give her credit for is not LARPing autism like every other cow under the sun does.
Her boyfriend is just as fucking strange and retarded as she is. Doubt he's supposedly autistic too. They were both fine on busy trains, crowded shops and markets etc when they went to London for xmas.
No. 1790614
File: 1679139895500.jpg (139.45 KB, 1079x1046, PhotoRoom-20230318_114410.jpg)

>>1790608Gosh that reminds me of a certain someone …
No. 1790626
>>1790614anon you killed me!
you are right Laura no2 in the making
No. 1790638
File: 1679147392584.gif (411.09 KB, 480x600, ganer_pump.gif)

our gorl still hArD aT wOrK
No. 1790771
File: 1679172296435.jpeg (250.11 KB, 1169x2147, E21C5BB5-B158-49DD-8228-8C6FD5…)

Kiyah is just soooo “deathly ill” that she’s posting TikToks of herself jumping around… Definitely on deaths door like she pretends to be
No. 1790773
File: 1679172534300.jpeg (110.98 KB, 1170x1146, 887CDFE0-B871-4597-9398-90E573…)

Acts like she’s deathly thin and poses to try and make people believe she’s severely underweight where in reality she actually isn’t even underweight
No. 1790797
File: 1679175741141.png (3.56 MB, 1170x2532, 05828309-9E50-4BD2-8B24-7504D3…)

no words needed
No. 1790823
File: 1679178931142.jpeg (264.42 KB, 1170x2051, 97F761EB-DCA4-4B9A-86EC-82E96C…)

What’s Enara swollowed now to get herself “surgery”?
No. 1790825
File: 1679179351555.jpeg (214.82 KB, 1170x1992, 5999E909-0697-40A3-920B-4972EA…)

when cows collide..
No. 1790847
File: 1679182863382.png (207.56 KB, 1170x2532, 99B0C6D7-BFCF-483F-A837-A5AC42…)

but where will she get all the attention from now??
No. 1790850
File: 1679183243575.png (711.53 KB, 1170x2532, 9E248D16-76EC-4630-AFC4-7FB1D0…)

got removed a second later tho
No. 1790854
File: 1679183643525.png (8.45 KB, 285x298, nonna.PNG)

>>1790850Nonna, your PFP is showing…
No. 1790886
File: 1679185749556.jpg (112.38 KB, 720x1254, 336378989_786247556390471_4300…)

This is her… The hypocrisy
No. 1791051
File: 1679196565004.png (799.51 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230317-150637.png)

No. 1791103
File: 1679199501788.png (877.39 KB, 694x695, Screen Shot 2023-03-18 at 11.1…)

Genuinely, why?
No. 1791200
>>1791051You guys stawppppp I'll kill myself!!!
That's what her whining sounds like.
No. 1791212
File: 1679219055782.png (489.88 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230319-044321.png)

No. 1791234
>>1791220it just means that they put her on a standard diet aka no restrictions
still curious why she needed surgery if she "hasn't self-harmed in a year" (blatantly false) like she keeps claiming. Maybe she swallowed something again and only considers cutting to be self-harm?
No. 1791236
File: 1679224155450.png (854.53 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230319-070352.png)

No. 1791242
File: 1679225412793.png (Spoiler Image,354.32 KB, 828x1792, 4E6707C4-6E22-4AA1-B943-7BE878…)

it can always get more ridiculous with paris lmao
No. 1791274
File: 1679229423341.gif (910.69 KB, 274x280, E6675711-AB5C-4DAB-948E-388F2D…)

kek. I can’t be the only anon sitting here like picrel just waiting for it to run out of steam
No. 1791275
File: 1679229490796.jpeg (10.43 KB, 480x360, 915011A8-B4C3-42EA-BF78-ACBC60…)

back tracing info to the cyber police are ye
No. 1791283
File: 1679230004152.jpeg (49.07 KB, 650x434, C560B6DB-AD7F-42CB-9FA2-0558B6…)

Oh no! See you all in prison nonnies
No. 1791292
>>1791236She is actually screaming to be posted here.
she created a new ig because she couldnt cope with the hate yet she does multiple lives per day creating questionable looks on her public one talking all the time about lolcow and every now and then laughs and says “you might be posted on lolcow”.
Yeah Emily keep crying afterwards for sympathy and attention while you are begging to be posted. I bet that you will cry more if farmers (as you keep saying) stop posting you here like S
No. 1791308
File: 1679231158330.jpeg (47.71 KB, 491x720, 9F7507F4-0907-4072-A242-70637C…)

No. 1791310
File: 1679231542001.gif (1.4 MB, 384x270, je.gif)

No. 1791317
File: 1679231935253.jpg (46.3 KB, 360x450,…)

Still waiting on this name posting, screen shotting, 1337 H4x0r extravaganza.
No. 1791325
File: 1679232218351.gif (3.4 MB, 498x343, do-you-know-what-this-is-know-…)

>>1791309No one here is getting in trouble. You're only compounding your problem by going on this cringe cyberwarrior vendetta. This is a relatively unknown corner of the internet. How self absorbed do you have to be to come in here, track down your "cyber boolies" and go on a full blown tantrum. This problem is as simple as… not coming over here. Private your social media. The police are going to tell you this, you are literally wasting their time with nonsense if you show up with this. Dum dum. No one is threatening or harassing you. Just discussing the silliness you post online, publicly, on the regular. YOU are the one making threats to expose people, YOU are the one hurling homophobic slurs and being vile. YOU are showing everyone here you're not a good person. Congrats. Enjoy your own special little solo on the world's smallest violin. No1currs.
No. 1791339
File: 1679232621648.jpeg (105.24 KB, 1170x833, 35026170-7BA3-4961-9662-C05DAA…)

No. 1791370
>>1791361just Emily believes that all of us are brits and police can press charges on us and playing the detective of law and enforcement finding names from IP addresses and giving it to the police. She also forgets that one of the rules of this website is “no threats” and that the website can expose her as it happened with Creepshow Art.
Let her have her moment
No. 1791382
>>1791287>>1791280> a coding hacker> but I’ve been tracking this site for months Isn't that a little
more sad than people anonymously snarking about context folks post publicly online?
Farmers move content from one platform to another, and anons discuss it. We don't do it in their comments, and we don't cow tip, because we
don't bully or
harass anyone. We reshare content that the original poster wanted public, and created a board for people with negative opinions to discuss them without the cow directly seeing it (they have to be looking for us hating on them to see it. Do you know how easy it is to just close your eyes?)
bully : a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.
"he is a ranting, domineering bully". We don't aim to harm, we don't aim for them to see it at all. A-logging is "wishing harm on someone", which is against the rules of the site.
harassment : aggressive pressure or intimidation.
How can we
intimidate any of our cows (
intimidate: frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.) When the farmers who post about them would
never cowtip. In order to be intimidated by someone you've got to know who they are.
You're not scary, none of us are quaking in our boots.
PLEASE madam hacker, post a screenshot of any of my socials with your IP autism.
No. 1791390
File: 1679233737878.gif (117.4 KB, 220x293, ohnooooooimsoswcared.gif)

me and my friends are laughing at you rn
No. 1791397
>>1791392Hahaha KEK, it's the FBI from the first time the site was reported
finally catching up to all of the farmers. Oh no! Nonnas, grab your emergency kits and spare keyboards we have to go into hiding asap.
No. 1791421
File: 1679234352718.jpg (23.91 KB, 399x225, ProAnaScumbags#93draft.jpg)

Who's story? As in, which farmer? Me please !
- thread OP
No. 1791457
>>1791448Even if they do "hack the mainframe" the majority of farmers use VPNs. Also, imagine if every single farmer around the world got 6 months in jail for bullying/harassment because some spotty scrote from England made an online petition. Where would they put all of us?
We won't all fit in the pasture…
No. 1791476
File: 1679236686717.jpg (489.07 KB, 2048x2048, Benw0zh3r4.jpg)

I hereby sentence you all to 6 months in the Pasture with LegliftLaura and her coffee milkshakes and ensures, for bullying and harassment. Because im the world wide web police and you've broken the Internet laws by bullying / harassing mongos anonymously online. Tsk tsk.
No. 1791499
File: 1679238574353.jpg (28.75 KB, 480x360, Pokecow.jpg)

>>1791487Abby used
purge attack, it was highly effective. The guard is now confused and you have broken into the jail. Press Y to continue.
No. 1791516
>>1791051I hate how cows act like hey are being harrassed. Nobody is in their DMs or comments talking shit to them. No one is stalking or doxxing them. But thats how they want it to seem. You have to go out of your way to see your "bullying" emily. You have to open a new browser, type in "" click enter, find your thread and read. You are putting in effort to FEEL attacked and like a
I have a theory that ayone who complains about cyber bullying has never been actually bullied. Has never had someone rallying people to make fun of their name or nationality to their face or physically touching and disrespecting them in a humiliating way they cant escape. If they had ever been really bullied they would never become over sharing-over posting attention seeking weirdos online. That would have kept them humble and with a true fear of being bullied. Geezus arent these little snowflakes so lucky?
No. 1791517
>Please stop posting me on lolcowPlease stop being so milky
No. 1791545
File: 1679245611604.jpeg (330.11 KB, 2318x2305, 52AD85E7-3DE9-4A59-9215-AA0E1C…)

Please someone with skills make this into a worthy site banner. Em/Ben/Zara/rando has bit spittin fire in this thread.
No. 1791555
File: 1679246870089.jpeg (196.9 KB, 1170x1773, 803C695F-278E-476F-BBC4-63F6F3…)

I hate her with a passion. Her content is literally just , I’m in the hospital for sewerslide, oh I’m gonna self harm I want attention, oh I want to desperately have my ED back but now I’m fat, etc. she also has that joker scar from cutting her face open in the hospital and then later was like yeah I did it got attention and now I regret it. It just irks me amount of ppl who comment on her shit encouraging her behavior etc. She argued with me on her post and then blocked me all cuz I called her out for attention seeking. She deletes comments too unless they’re coddling her and saying “Aww I feel so bad for you ;((((“(cowtipping)
No. 1791560
File: 1679247962739.jpeg (39.67 KB, 1170x689, A1094FCB-DAEB-4707-A91F-F690CF…)

Does anyone ever talk about this girl who always posts videos of herself lowkey body checking, always talking “what I eat in a day” vids but then when people ask if she actually did eat it she deletes the comments.
No. 1791574
>>1791560yes previous threats!
i dont understand how people are falling for her shit! she is ben claiming recovery for over a year yet she hasnt gain anything. she eats with toddlers utensils and forks and never replies or engages in any way
No. 1791589
File: 1679251882653.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1821, Screenshot_20230319-144212~2.p…)

No. 1791591
File: 1679251932125.png (409.39 KB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_20230319-144846~2.p…)

No. 1791652
>>1791589Does paris even know what the word recovery means?!
She doesn’t want to recover or change.
No. 1791752
File: 1679274346966.png (231.1 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230319-205954.png)

No. 1791763
File: 1679276423553.png (22.81 KB, 503x855, Screenshot (19104).png)

Damn the edtwt bitches are spiteful little cunts, this is Nikols tiktok for anyone wondering
No. 1791877
>>1791763The spite is deserved. Nikol was a rampant narcissistic bitch that actually does deserve to be grounded back to reality.
She recently posted on twitter, bragging about how she looked up to katekusmina and then became friends with her because she "got thin".
And yet, back when katekusmina gained a little weight, Nikol had no problems pointing out that her arms looked fat. Some "friend".
She's just getting back the attitude that she put out. Karma actually working for once
No. 1791887
File: 1679292649232.png (204.82 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230320-020401.png)

No. 1791890
File: 1679293747844.png (33.32 KB, 599x504, Screenshot 2023-03-19 11.27.32…)

Part of me feels bad for hating this girl as much as I do but she's 107 days into "recovery" and not only has she not gained any weight, she constantly humblebrags about being used as thinspo and how low her BMI is. Not to mention the annoying babytalk and posting about eating a fucking rice cake like she's challenging a fear food or something.
No. 1791917
File: 1679298421890.jpeg (152.07 KB, 985x1883, 02133DF8-2078-4E2E-8952-4FA053…)

Kyiah obs found out she was being posted and changed her tiktok name in hopes she wouldn’t be found lol
No. 1791929
File: 1679299357542.png (647.16 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230320-040122.png)

No. 1791933
>>1791913at 7:04 it sounds like shes saying "this fuckin OG video" but im pretty sure its actually "this is like an OG video".
not sure if thats what you mean. im going to keep on watching because i hate my life… ill update you if i find another
No. 1791950
>>1791947yep, sorry to dissapoint you anon, but again its just her terrible diction.
She says "im sucking them, im sucking it" as she rolls back her eyes in bliss as she sucks the chocolate off the popcorn.
you really talked this up i was expecting something more… i dno… epic.
No. 1791951
>>1791947God's work, nonna. Thank you!
>>1791929Don't let zara know she's using cute tape for her tube omg she'll have an aneurism
>>1791887Does this bitch keep time stamps for
everything? I wouldn't be surprised if she logged the time of her shit at this point
No. 1792006
File: 1679318210667.png (Spoiler Image,569.58 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230319-053754.png)

I know Amy reads here but how fucked in the head do you have to be to believe that this looks better than the weight restored version. She looked like a Holocaust victim
No. 1792007
File: 1679318289445.png (516.48 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230319-053804.png)

She's in IP but can't stop binge and purging long enough to actually get out. I hope her mom sends her back
No. 1792009
File: 1679318336792.png (625.94 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230319-053745.png)

Weight restored version of Amy now
No. 1792013
>>1791236so upset. lets take a picture and post it on the internet….
anyone truly upset does not do this sweetie.
such an attention whore
No. 1792056
File: 1679323123820.jpeg (266.98 KB, 1170x2024, 228E691E-10F9-41F0-83DB-BE2C31…)

Another cow posting themselves crying
No. 1792104
>>1792007>>1792009>>1792006Her mom isn’t gonna send her back to the hospital, she’s an enabler. She mentioned that her mother bought her B/P food during her hospital stay.
God I can’t stand her. This is karmic justice for posting before-and-after pics with the body positivity hashtag
No. 1792176
File: 1679337884251.jpg (Spoiler Image,86.99 KB, 1000x1000, RDT_20230320_14435244911026615…)

I thought "Ben" was going to harass us every day, ruin our threads and sic the cyberpolice on us. So disappointing. Oh wait and weren't there two of them or something? Kek
Anyway EC has been boring since the whole Amouranth party. She did do a spring outfit haul, she's looking pretty crunchy.
No. 1792228
File: 1679344011645.png (584.05 KB, 1080x2103, Screenshot_20230320-162505~2.p…)

No. 1792230
File: 1679344048635.png (105.48 KB, 1080x2086, Screenshot_20230320-162524~2.p…)

No. 1792251
>>1792098Rattle Rattle
Learn to sage
No. 1792261
File: 1679348223682.png (749 KB, 1080x1964, Screenshot_20230320-115716~2.p…)

No. 1792272
>have a blessed dayI will now, thanks pet!
No. 1792329
File: 1679356197361.png (316.27 KB, 537x425, Capture.PNG)

>>1791270They got me guys its over
No. 1792394
File: 1679363643334.jpeg (261.1 KB, 1169x1987, D11540A7-C565-4D72-B8EB-357760…)

Whatever Enara did requiring whatever “surgery” she had really mustn’t have been that bad at all if she’s already home…
No. 1792408
File: 1679365441737.png (1.01 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230320-221955.png)

No. 1792438
File: 1679369574705.png (782.4 KB, 1170x2532, F4236F99-59A6-4057-938B-71CB83…)

han actually looks awful, not spoopy just like ??vitamin-deficient ? and yellow
No. 1792473
File: 1679373851904.png (1.7 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230321-004347.png)

No. 1792526
>>1792508if you were less stupid and learned how to sage and reply, the world would know who you're telling to commit suicide
(I imagine you're one of the InstaWarriors who've descended on us, so maybe you should also think about whether it's hypocritical to bravely strike out at cyberbullies by telling people to kill themselves)
No. 1792569
>>1792508you first
No. 1792606
>>1792586Quandale Dingle
Daquavious Bingleton
No. 1792615
>>1792587It sounds like they are just making up names kek. Ill play
Ana jones
Shaquanda williams
Jimmy smith
Fox mulder, fbi
No. 1792626
File: 1679413833929.jpeg (204.41 KB, 1170x1936, F9DB8A0A-5E22-46BE-993B-81F85C…)

This one popped up on my fyp. Has she been talked about before?
every video is a bodycheck
No. 1792660
Suzan Smith
Marie Brown
Amanda Jones
John Smith
Anyone here? police is coming for you.
No. 1792668
File: 1679416980026.jpeg (Spoiler Image,225.83 KB, 1170x1971, 5891CA89-ED34-4FC8-83E2-A92936…)

speaking of body checks
No. 1792692
>>1792668She is absolutely disgusting. She's grifting hard, swindling ppl out of money to supposedly pay for 'treatment' (i.e snake oil nutritionist who will let her 'recover' as a bodybuilder) and lying about being rejected by legit facilities. Then she posts this completely unecessary image which she knows will
trigger every other person with an ED. Yet ppl think we're the baddies for pointing this out? Blows my mind.
I first came across her on when they had those transformation stories. She 'recovered' as a vegan bodybuilder then. Well that approach obviously didn't stick so what is going to be different this time? Sweet FA she'll just relapse again. Everyone giving her money isn't helping her, they're enabling her. So many cows on here with toobs and yet she's wandering around in this state when she should be forced into treatment and toob fed. Oh, and she should have to give all the cash back too since she's taking it under false pretences.
No. 1792739
File: 1679423749685.jpeg (102.29 KB, 750x1187, 15BB83D5-D7A4-49C0-8636-93F012…)

>>1792692I’m pretty sure this is Tinytitan…. The coach who ganer started with and is using again…
Cow cross over.
No. 1792746
File: 1679424330998.jpeg (Spoiler Image,303.16 KB, 1169x2150, C6C8B16B-E5D5-46C6-97A3-230B6A…)

Don’t know if she’s been posted before but does anyone remember this spoop(please spoiler shit like this)
No. 1792757
File: 1679425400038.jpeg (52.88 KB, 540x531, 0AA401DB-A57D-4D9C-8331-7A0B91…)

>>1792586Aww, it’s back. Do self posters count in your little crusade or ?
I’ll start with one: Laura Banks
Nonnies feel free to join in
No. 1792823
File: 1679432391654.gif (407.2 KB, 886x296, 20230321_111632 (1).gif)

Shared this to the banner thread earlier but thought I'd show it here too since this is her home thread
No. 1792852
File: 1679436605332.jpg (135.19 KB, 720x1600, 336603030_547746940827124_7238…)

just nikol nikoling… this girl is truly something else
No. 1792889
>>1792586Joe Smith
Ann Jones
Jane Doe
Jack Sprat
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
No. 1792921
File: 1679446871800.jpeg (715.81 KB, 3222x3222, 405D6C8B-A1CA-4B19-83C8-279F30…)

More attention seeking from this one
No. 1792932
File: 1679448079663.jpg (1.34 MB, 4096x7285, InCollage_20230322_142119038.j…)

Saged as doesn't speak about an ED but she sure as fuck loves to show off her "anorexic looking" body. The amount of body checks are embarrassing.
Her tiktok is @danmeghan
No. 1792957
>>1792956no, no, you have to
trigger them by saying that you're a female
No. 1793045
File: 1679464465744.png (620.57 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230322-015247.png)

No. 1793107
>>1792876female is an adjective, woman is a noun
"female image board" is simply the correct way to put it, I hate that the internet convinced people simply using the word "female" is sexist.
No. 1793132
>>1793130Says the bitch martyring herself (telling anons to kill themselves) over the discussion of some laughable anorexic cows PUBLIC POSTED narcissism. What great thing to dedicate
your time to! Time which could be better spent learning how to reply and sage on the image board you insist on a-logging anons on
No. 1793175
>>1792908Seymour Butts
Mike Hunt
Buster Cherry
Chris P. Bacon
Alotta Fagina
No. 1793185
>>1793154Hi Abbey
You're dumb
No. 1793186
File: 1679495861296.png (686.4 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230322-103734.png)

No. 1793199
File: 1679497767134.png (64.78 KB, 1440x1176, Untitled.png)

Spotted Maureen in Rachels comment section, kek
No. 1793362
File: 1679514213411.jpg (Spoiler Image,248.26 KB, 1080x1955, Screenshot_20230322_194250_Ins…)

Don't forget, Ganer used to be a spoop. We were overdue a throwback picture !
No. 1793364
File: 1679514333220.jpg (150.94 KB, 1080x1996, Screenshot_20230322_194459_Ins…)

She's truly lost her marbles, does she think she looks good? Pippi Hosenose
No. 1793365
File: 1679514374072.jpg (260.25 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230322_194431_Ins…)

…so you?
No. 1793556
File: 1679541873936.png (45.39 KB, 427x673, Screen Shot 2023-03-22 at 10.2…)

Classic Enara
No. 1793557
File: 1679542110093.png (50.87 KB, 463x577, Screen Shot 2023-03-22 at 10.2…)

Ham straight up shook her thighs and arms on camera for the internet
No. 1793588
>>1793557How long has she been "recovered" for? She's just trying to Validate herself with the weight she's gained. We know what's normal so stop jiggling and grabbing your rolls, no one wants to see that.
She needs to get a life already
No. 1793616
File: 1679551270535.png (696.19 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230323-015301.png)

No. 1793618
File: 1679551358589.png (147.23 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230323-015512.png)

No. 1793644
File: 1679560430800.png (397.51 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230323-042723.png)

No. 1793657
File: 1679563447359.jpeg (812.24 KB, 3490x3490, 6014CBEF-050A-4DAC-A1D1-38C034…)

I hate this bitch so much she literally can’t and won’t shut the fuck up about her ed and all her tt’s are so attention seeking
found while looking for new cow material on tiktok and she looks familiar so i hope she hasn’t been posted.
Bonus for the audio on the first one being Effy from Skins saying “there’s a LOT you could have noticed, mum!!!” lmao @ her making it everyone else’s problem that she never got spoopy enough for anyone to notice her sooper serious anorexia so she had to check herself into Walden’s Fattening Farm for validation
No. 1793659
File: 1679563545257.jpeg (797.44 KB, 3490x3490, 71B35173-54BD-4A07-BD09-79F9F1…)

I mean… come on.
No. 1793672
File: 1679565724618.png (297.17 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230323-052522.png)

No. 1793673
File: 1679565658601.png (297.17 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230323-052522.png)

No. 1793706
File: 1679577069847.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1080x1908, Screenshot_20230323-090733.png)

No. 1793707
File: 1679577462190.jpg (275.61 KB, 1080x1905, Screenshot_20230323_131656.jpg)

just n2f being n2f! living her best life in an ill-fitting bikini!
No. 1793747
>>1793557Ham straight up faked an ED for the internet, her flab is probably the least egregious thing about her kek
>>1793707Absolute queen I love her
No. 1793906
File: 1679596744553.jpg (305.14 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230323_183839_Ins…)

Yall tell me why her baby picture has headbanging marks too lmao. Riveting life as always dear
No. 1793908
File: 1679596789360.jpeg (220.13 KB, 1170x2142, 717D71F8-6495-4153-AE7C-2AADFC…)

Does she give to anyone else Ro vibes?
i swear half the spoops on Tiktok attempting recovery are Ro’s wanna be
No. 1794006
File: 1679610020869.jpeg (172.27 KB, 808x1423, C02BD182-D2FD-40F7-B1A3-C8FC8F…)

>>1793908 Got to get that collar bone in clear view of course
No. 1794091
File: 1679620065384.jpeg (96.83 KB, 828x1422, 13599D13-744E-4BD1-AE2A-2C0660…)

thanks Abby that’s great
No. 1794096
File: 1679620836789.jpeg (84.61 KB, 750x912, E5AAF7BE-77A7-4E32-9B4A-D4AAA1…)

don’t know who the girl in the photo is but how can these edtwt anachans keep watching girls with ed drop dead and still encourage ed behaviour .. even calling her “queen of bonespo” wtf
No. 1794231
File: 1679645301940.jpeg (90.88 KB, 750x1294, 1F466DC5-3FF0-4B27-9D9A-49694A…)

Has anybody ever mentioned this tik tok cow? Shes blatantly bodychecking and denies having an eating disorder in her comments. The user is moonlivhgt and her account sceeams pro ana
No. 1794336
>>1788443Sad. But also who the fuck thinks " my sister died. I'll put a pic of her Naked ass on social media" ??!?! (One of the pics on that ig slide)
Also didn't even know nose cancer was a thing?
No. 1794357
File: 1679664968839.png (2.32 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230324-081800.png)

No. 1794362
File: 1679665708136.jpeg (114.75 KB, 750x1196, 3DB9DE44-3335-4433-AA4E-F84C3B…)

>>1794096The girl in question who passed. Super spoop and was constantly posting content for fetishists
No. 1794421
File: 1679672115877.png (377.22 KB, 750x1334, 9DAE8737-3821-4580-A8AA-52509C…)

>>1794362One of her weird fetishist photographers posted this on his account. She died 2 days ago I suppose. Rip
No. 1794458
>>1794231I agree,
nonnie. This girl promotes eating disorders like they are some life changing blessing. She is horrible take a look at her comments. Gives me Nikol vibes
No. 1794480
File: 1679680968066.jpeg (97.52 KB, 750x1207, 61561BB1-20FF-4279-80EA-2F45C4…)

>>1794469absolutely devastating. I found a post from one of her friends and it is extremely disturbing and sad
No. 1794560
File: 1679688413350.jpeg (255.96 KB, 1116x1874, 87369DDC-CE26-48D1-9385-04F137…)

Well this feels grim (and attention seeking) after Wiki news spreading
No. 1794627
File: 1679693511698.jpg (59.77 KB, 720x1188, 336598836_586965580019182_6749…)

yeah starving yourself is not going to help with the short life expectancy.. and acting like this ridiculous video isnt a blatant bodycheck
No. 1794651
File: 1679696113599.png (696.85 KB, 1080x2100, Screenshot_20230324-163508~2.p…)

No. 1794694
File: 1679701924859.png (374.14 KB, 474x743, Screen Shot 2023-03-24 at 6.51…)

She's pathologically unable to stay away from hospitals
No. 1794725
File: 1679706501807.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.12 KB, 750x670, A91688D4-5D3A-4B53-85D0-A7A459…)

>>1794096Imagine someone in supposedly the same ED community as you dying and the first thing you do is post fetish photos of them
No. 1794771
File: 1679713297099.png (Spoiler Image,159.56 KB, 1080x1060, Untitled329_20230324230021.png)

>>1794725Looks like she's started hiding the only sane replies too
No. 1794775
File: 1679714336264.png (915.95 KB, 1170x2532, 69EB9933-D453-4257-87F1-6CE4EA…)

Ngl nourish is looking good without the spiders on her eyes
No. 1794788
File: 1679715890792.jpeg (266.75 KB, 1125x2073, A3848F73-4E6B-4017-93E9-06D7E4…)

Nothing says “ad for contacts” like far away pics full of red eye and glare. She never does close up face pics now that I think of it.
No. 1794826
File: 1679728755587.jpeg (57.89 KB, 750x929, 37A83B0F-284A-4B87-8461-337B0E…)

>>1794771the one replying is another retarded ana-chan. Had a look at her account and it shows how demented she is
No. 1794827
File: 1679728820105.jpeg (82.33 KB, 750x1073, 9ADAE182-08A6-47E8-AE74-72F602…)

>>1794826Proud of eating 2 weeks worth of food in one sitting? KEK
No. 1794828
>>1794827How embarrassing. Why would you post that?
Yeah nikol’s followers are insane. Definitely milk there, but most people don’t post photos of themselves on Twitter.
No. 1794830
File: 1679730714116.jpeg (78.13 KB, 828x904, 4606540F-9854-4E85-8927-E4E68E…)

Weird flex
No. 1794833
File: 1679731335004.jpeg (79.65 KB, 750x849, A49D5A9E-EF99-4DC2-98F7-0E2434…)

>>1794828 don’t know if I’d say that “most” don’t post pictures of themselves, but maybe it’s just that the ones that do…do it incessantly. nothing tastes as good as asspats feel
No. 1794834
File: 1679731530949.jpeg (104.76 KB, 828x1076, 42ED56C6-FA95-4FC2-A372-7C6462…)

No. 1794837
File: 1679731695104.jpeg (125.22 KB, 750x1206, BBD473A0-5F8A-4EB0-B8A0-52CACB…)

>>1794833and when edtwt isn’t enough, one can always post in the intermittent fasting subreddits for more (and get their posts removed every time).
this cow has been a personal favorite of mine. I’ve been waiting for her to pop up but it just hasn’t happened yet!
No. 1794839
File: 1679732050845.jpeg (131.76 KB, 750x1292, 4309B8C2-33C5-4E41-BD2A-6B80B2…)

>>1794827The hashtags are insane. She claims that she has recovered from a binge eating disorder and lost the weight healthily. She seems rather milky
No. 1794841
File: 1679732206958.png (285.52 KB, 1600x900, D6BC0B3D-C835-46A3-836C-FE0216…)

>>1794836Kate’s pinned is a thread of her own bodychecks (one of several she has made). She also got herself into a good bit of drama by posting a slew of faux self-pity videos on tt using recovery tags, which would seem like a more understandable attention-seeking tactic if she was 15 and not 25.
Her pinned is fun because she forgot to remove pictures of her kids, her followers tried to let her know, and she ignored only the replies mentioning her kids and liked every other reply (even from ana fetishizers) on every other pictures. Didn’t want to break her high-engagement thread to remove the pics with her kids faces lol
No. 1794845
File: 1679733214576.jpeg (90.33 KB, 750x856, E1D668C8-D3EA-4B68-8F1A-5AE223…)

Realistically I don’t think it’s a danger issue within this subtwt so much as it is…tactless? Not something so extreme as to call CPS over, especially since they were the small camera roll pictures I censored.
The kids might not enjoy their learned behaviors in the future though!
No. 1794882
>>1794841thanks nonna i've personally been waiting for this cow to show up on here. kate is constantly posting about how she just wants a man to starve for kek… imagine being that desperate.
remember when she made an OF and advertised it to all the kids and skelly-fetish males who follow her on edtwt? what a great example to set for your daughters
she's milky for sure, i'd say definitely has cow potential. not sure if she has an ig but i know shes on tiktok bodychecking for all the kids on there too!
No. 1794886
File: 1679749853253.jpeg (34.45 KB, 1125x520, AFE8840F-BBCF-42BE-98F0-05D824…)

>>17948852/2 not to bonerattle but does this loser really think she’s skelly enough to appeal to anorexia fetishizers… “support your local ana” try getting a job k8
No. 1794902
File: 1679752022290.png (576.3 KB, 1125x2436, A9DBFAFF-9AC6-4C48-8954-B45920…)

>>1794886last post for now as i don’t want to spam the thread but kek “i forgot i lost 100lbs!!” how is that possible kate, because you certainly won’t let anyone else forget …
something about her smug face is so punchable
No. 1794907
File: 1679753342860.png (492.89 KB, 828x1792, A4144A90-774B-4973-A551-87F6B4…)

Thoughts on this one? Attention seeking rexie whos always in and out of hospital. Loves to show off her (kinda) spoopy body. Tiktok is cptsexyd. Sage cause idk if she's milky enough
No. 1794912
>>1794907I feel really bad for her, to be honest. She posted a few months ago saying she was torn between being miserable and healthy or being happy and skinny and a lot of the comments section were egging her on to "lose it healthily" as if that's possible for a rexie. I don't think she'd be posting the content she does, like struggling to eat a yoghurt, if most of her followers weren't proana and giving her the attention she craves for it.
She has become very milky though, my point is just that I don't think it would have happened without the encouragement of random counts on the Internet
No. 1794919
File: 1679755941109.webm (1.89 MB, 576x1024, 306bfeaedb15a68d6923374fe49b9e…)
>>1794917official *new cow
* alert No. 1794924
File: 1679756689513.jpeg (126.9 KB, 1429x900, 065BDD39-9D91-4AB3-B940-46A2BC…)

>>1794906Her sycophants defend her against “mom-shaming”…and also defend her right to insult literal children. When “fuck them kids” basically becomes your tagline…
No. 1794929
File: 1679758534931.jpeg (125.41 KB, 871x1303, E9EDA953-56A5-43EF-88FB-83E86F…)

kek i would’ve deleted this tweet too, how embarrassing
No. 1794933
>>1794924how is this woman 25 years old and insulting children / getting salty over a tiktok comment about her ribcage
the narcissism is rampant in this one
No. 1794949
>>1794775Kek there is nothing good about this,
nonnie. The outfit, the hair, the tan. It's all fucking awful. She's also getting chubby. I will await the onslaught of comments calling me an anachan and telling me to stop bone rattling, but it's true.
No. 1794967
File: 1679763255902.jpeg (224.69 KB, 1170x2023, 1E5F85CE-D0A3-40B6-8C13-0866EA…)

leaving this here
No. 1795056
File: 1679778505796.jpeg (Spoiler Image,124.7 KB, 828x959, 01919B92-F1E0-41BC-86F4-24DE5F…)

What is skinnyfans? Is that only fans for skinny people?
No. 1795251
File: 1679797171193.jpeg (95.03 KB, 750x1004, 818CA23F-8954-4D90-99CD-CEE63A…)

>>1795056someone replied to that post saying the ones in the pics aren’t even wiki lol
No. 1795286
File: 1679801439423.webm (1.23 MB, 576x1024, 6df77d91b4b51cd190211572719b93…)
Cheryl? Is that you?
Why are they never embarrassed by their incontinence issues??
No. 1795287
File: 1679801492300.jpg (218.12 KB, 1079x2275, Screenshot_20230326_043145_Ins…)

Bets on how long until its back in:
No. 1795301
File: 1679803554982.jpeg (106.46 KB, 750x838, 842BCEC0-038E-42B8-9120-B8E186…)

>>1794942Speak of the devil
No. 1795318
>>1795301just had to flex about being so sick she’s had rfs kek
i wonder if someone cowtipped or if she is just a hypocritical farmer
No. 1795374
File: 1679829125683.jpeg (45.03 KB, 473x1024, FsHvbXxWIAAeBlI.jpeg)

>>1794929People are still shitting on her for posting that.
No. 1795429
>>1795389Tiktok takes down accounts after several reports and showing an NG tube is considered promoting an eating disorder.
Things like "
trigger warning", "ed", "SH" also get flagged
No. 1795453
File: 1679840736495.png (654.72 KB, 1132x676, lolcow.png)

No. 1795604
File: 1679854729929.jpg (309.41 KB, 1080x2276, Screenshot_20230326_191833_Ins…)

Our rexies really ARE flying out to New York to eat oatmeal or apples x
No. 1795665
File: 1679859891460.png (1021.05 KB, 1600x900, lolcow.png)

>>1795453I was thinking of another fish, but that one is way too accurate
No. 1795675
File: 1679861034576.png (1.05 MB, 1600x900, 6133449e1f145-6029-4124b77-b22…)

>>1794933the narc is truly narcing
No. 1795680
File: 1679861553907.jpeg (33.04 KB, 1184x412, 264C1A47-F276-4107-A1C1-3FFE07…)

>>1795675she thinks it’s quirky or something
No. 1795684
File: 1679861670378.jpeg (111.36 KB, 1199x1257, CBCD8796-5026-451A-AFFC-91E106…)

not sure if this bitch knows how tiny an XS from shein is but she’s going to be sorely disappointed when it doesn’t fit her… also why are you shopping on shein AND bragging about it (1/2)
No. 1795686
File: 1679861819238.jpeg (147.55 KB, 1125x1519, 42537187-9428-4987-BD46-B31DA0…)

>>1795684sage for bonerattle but let’s be realistic here, she’s 5’7 and definitely not a “shein xs” kek
body dysmorphia must suck when you’re an anachan who thinks she’s a spoop
No. 1795693
File: 1679862344443.jpeg (91.85 KB, 1167x904, 76FE3FB6-9E24-418C-98C0-32AF5D…)

sorry for the milk dump, leaving this here in case anyone thinks ol’ kate isn’t pro-ana/doesn’t belong on this thread
imagine being 25, a mother of two, and trying your hardest to be an anorexic “influencer”
No. 1795718
File: 1679865124122.jpeg (771.85 KB, 3464x3464, 0B9EAE86-88A2-4CBC-B1AB-8F2EDF…)

sorry if this has been posted already but new nikol shenanigans
No. 1795766
File: 1679869936555.png (561.13 KB, 936x1520, Screen Shot 2023-03-26 at 5.31…)

No. 1795883
File: 1679885946820.png (68.69 KB, 597x800, filt.png)

>>1795821it's all those filters she uses. they've totally fried her brain and convinced her that she's a spoop. sidenote: new pfp almost every day. a nitpick i guess…but it's so weird
No. 1795893
File: 1679886617117.jpg (174.96 KB, 1062x2201, FsHBU6WWAAIJn8J.jpg)

>>1795718She's on a roll for off the rails shenanigans here, 1/2
No. 1795895
File: 1679886965771.png (116.47 KB, 579x882, Screenshot 2023 .png)

>>1795820there are plenty of people on edtwt who are still on their ~weightloss journey~ who eat it up and are inspired by her. her rapid drop only recently hit a snag so she's still running on the high of not being fat anymore. she'll be squeezing every last asspat out of the "before and after with tips" threads for a good bit. this tip summary from one of them ends with a gem: "join the GC"
No. 1795899
File: 1679887549260.jpeg (Spoiler Image,143.77 KB, 1125x1877, AFD77FBF-1078-4700-A87A-A787E0…)

>>1795842for an american woman maybe 28 is avg but bmi 18 is hardly on deaths door. i digress, the point is she clearly thinks she is on the same level as someone like eugenia re: her “is this the so called ana face” delusion and buying xs clothes from shein that would likely fit best on a petite or extremely thin american.
her brain is so warped because people keep fuelling her delusion of being “tiny” in her comments. doesn’t help that she does the most ridiculous bodychecking poses/angles to make herself look thinner, even considering how ridiculous all anachans look in their poses
girls gonna bust a hip trying to force that thigh gap
No. 1795900
File: 1679887631175.jpeg (169.66 KB, 1124x1576, FC1B31E5-4CFB-4B17-BE7F-2EA1DD…)

>>1795899picrel. iirc she got super defensive and narc-raged about this comment kek
No. 1795905
>>1795895this is a complete tinfoil that i can’t exactly prove but something doesn’t add up about her weight loss, how does one go from being a sedentary fatass recovering from giving birth to magically running 5k a day, 4x a week, and fasting 5 days in a row while doing that AND raising two small kids? idk, it sounds like she was at least helped by using some kind of drug or maybe a weight loss surgery like the gastric sleeve. yes, she has an ed but even most fat ppl developing anorexia don’t just suddenly stop eating, it’s a gradual process? and certainly wouldn’t have the stamina to run so often on no food. either she’s lying about how she lost the weight or she isn’t being 100% honest about what crutches she was using to do it.
maybe there’s more to that “me running on meth” tweet someone posted above kek
No. 1795933
File: 1679892370080.webm (5.15 MB, 720x1280, NCPp98RXL41UJdJq.webm)
>>1795918she barely seems to have any loose skin for how much she lost. she credits genetics and working out
No. 1795946
File: 1679893556466.png (17.84 KB, 727x404, soundsfake.png)

>>1795905her comments in the fasting and waterfasting subreddits (industrial scale validation farming) are inconsistent. in one thread she said that she did "3/5days fasting break and repeat. Just tried to get 10k steps everyday and light workouts before."
but in another thread (picrel) she said she'd "do a 5k 4-5 times a week and try to get 10k steps everyday"…in addition to the 5 day fasts (and being a single mom with an 18 month old and a four year old). something is not adding up here
No. 1795949
File: 1679893677355.jpeg (136.18 KB, 828x1327, 723BD615-693C-4716-96B1-29B98A…)

No. 1795961
>>1795905I am also wearing the tinfoil hat of her lying about her weight loss in some capacity but purely because she’s an attention seeking wannarexic and not for any concrete reason
>>1795842i mean she LOOKS painfully average in every capacity: personality, weight, style… there’s nothing striking about her and she’s trying SO HARD to make up for it. Not like she is The Average weight she’s just a boring
average girl
No. 1795963
File: 1679895187179.jpg (196.18 KB, 1079x1365, Screenshot_20230327_131931.jpg)

And by the looks only the Mum will end up eating it. It's interesting the contrast between the two
No. 1795973
>>1795943i know anon, when i said the meth thing i was joking because somebody shared a screenshot above where her picture was used in a “me on meth” tweet.
tbh i don’t actually think kate is on street drugs or even adderall, her tweets don’t have the erratic vibe that comes with abusing stimulants in that way. my best guess would be that she got her hands on some trendy ozempic after pregnancy, got one of the lower-intensity weight loss surgery procedures, or she restricted heavily while breastfeeding as another anon mentioned. breastfeeding burns something like 500cal an hour, so if she did that for 30 min 3x a day she would potentially be burning the same amount as running 5km. but saying “i used my child’s feeding needs as an easy way to lose weight” doesn’t have the same ring to it as “i fasted for 110 hours every week while also running 20km weekly because i’m the best widdle anorexic”
and, if she was running, why doesn’t she have much visible muscle? i’ve never seen someone who was both HEAVILY restricting and running a moderate amount have such a high bf%. girl is bordering on skinnyfat.
No. 1795989
File: 1679900245436.png (253.06 KB, 750x1624, 339AD737-C4F2-444B-805A-4CDC60…)

>>1795977She sucks in in most of her photos/videos (pic included) so no doubt she’s lying/exaggerating about how she lost weight too. Anything to be the Best Little Girl In The World.. literally, as in Casey Powell aspirations of fictionalised anorexia princessdom, and figuratively, as in being
that self centred
No. 1796034
>>1796022>>1796026wrong earlobes
missing moles
wrong teeth
No. 1796054
triggered every time I see that her mom is a fatass.
No. 1796055
File: 1679914052283.jpg (70.2 KB, 480x837, Screenshot_20230326_191819_Ins…)

Zara from yesterday
No. 1796203
>>1795893potassium overdose?
was she drinking potassium to fix her levels? ive heard many anorexics “overdosing” on supplements before blood tests.
Thats sad
No. 1796267
File: 1679942336779.jpg (373.32 KB, 1080x2131, Screenshot_20230327_193905_Ins…)

Becca had a tube BTW I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned before
No. 1796304
>>1796205there's a lot that goes into it. hormones, collagen, elastin, genetics and family history, diet, hydration, how long someone has been overweight, age, sun damage, etc.
exercise is just one piece of the puzzle.
based on how she claims to have done it, she really did luck out (100lbs in 9 months is insane)
No. 1796307
File: 1679945915367.png (95.81 KB, 593x792, Screenshot 2023.png)

>>1795973nta but i searched for "5K" and turns out this LARPer calls taking a 5,000 step walk "a 5K"
No. 1796310
>>1796205she’s also had two kids kek, i think she either hides the excess skin well or she’s had cosmetic procedures. she’s definitely vain enough to get a “mommy body makeover” so she can still look hot for the random tinder guys she obsesses over until they ghost her
and she doesn’t exercise excessively, if she does it’s not showing.
No. 1796311
File: 1679946366936.png (607.78 KB, 965x674, Screenshot 2023-03-27.png)

>>1795986kek you were right
nonnie she didn't start out fasting for 5 days at a time (picrel). absolutely fucking nauseating reading her proana tip threads but she gave all the kids a play-by-play!
No. 1796314
File: 1679946730978.png (319.31 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230327-154404.png)

No. 1796328
>>1796316NTA but i figured whoever said this is unfamiliar with the metric system and can't work out roughly how long/how many steps 5k takes
>>1796314Excuse me, ma'am. The leglift wannabe role is already filled by >Laura so sit tf down
No. 1796337
File: 1679947936932.jpg (314.76 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230327_211241_Gal…)

as if she's edited her post to add the time stamp of exactly when she had her nose hose removed.
Don't forget folks, BeccaHadATube and it was removed at 12:12!
No. 1796383
File: 1679951662037.jpeg (185.4 KB, 828x1473, D03AFBD7-4B76-4EA8-9654-CD0120…)

Kicked out of ERC Denver
She’s hopeless.
No. 1796388
File: 1679951915814.jpg (213.72 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230327_221618_Gal…)

KEK abby you're a fucking failure of a human being. TWO DAYS! Two fucking days.
No. 1796430
File: 1679954869815.png (342.03 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230324-204631.png)

"Ip had taught me that eating food makes me fat". Here we go again. I guess Amy is done blaming her parents for all her bullshit and is now blaming IP. Yep because it has nothing to do with the fact that you refuse to excersise and are dumb enough to think your skin will snap back like that when you went from 100 kg to 45kg. For someone who loves the act hard on the Internet she sure as hell can't tak responsibility for herself and her actions. So fucking immature
No. 1796437
File: 1679955423926.png (248.28 KB, 1000x800, 17BF6AE1-A024-47B7-B929-C92634…)

>>1796313she was even kind enough to keep the door open while she was “recovering” on edtt
No. 1796439
>>1796389i’m with you nonna, i think the point is getting lost here in this dumbass argument about km vs steps. 1) she stated in the tweets that she is talking about her step count, it’s easy to gather that from context clues and 2) no1curr if she walked 5km or not, the point is that katie here is trying to come across as a super ana addicted to exercise when in reality she’s walking 15k steps a day which isn’t hard to do if you have the time. her language is making it sound like she’s running every day and i can’t tell if she’s doing it intentionally to exaggerate her ed or if she’s actually just that dumb
bragging about taking a 45 minute walk after dinner as if most people don’t do that… even old people take an evening stroll. it’s hardly over exertion or the type of compulsive exercise seen in actual anachans.
No. 1796520
File: 1679961501024.webm (660.98 KB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_719261846316320691…)
>>1796352She posts shit like this with 'dont give up #rec0very #anarec0very' as the caption, and then goes on twitter to give detailed tips on starving. Cringe.
No. 1796639
File: 1679969802054.jpeg (87.64 KB, 812x736, AAC14C56-408D-4852-BA87-0B51B0…)

>>1796520she didn’t choose to be the best anorexic, anon. the responsibility was thrust upon her. heavy is the head that wears the crown.
No. 1796645
File: 1679970253052.png (342.27 KB, 427x675, Screen Shot 2023-03-27 at 9.24…)

>>1796639Aidel is still wearing her hospital bracelet after flying to California. She's such a blatant attention-seeker.
No. 1796765
File: 1679979743706.png (469.05 KB, 1051x581, Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 12.0…)

gotta get a hospital selfie for the road!!
No. 1796801
File: 1679983108792.jpg (319.23 KB, 1080x2276, Screenshot_20230328_065833_Ins…)

Riveting, Jaydie. Truly.
No. 1796819
File: 1679986729448.png (92.44 KB, 422x673, Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 1.58…)

Maybe it's because you're morbidly obese and could safely lose weight on a very low calorie diet under medical supervision.
No. 1796835
File: 1679989228829.jpg (296.08 KB, 1079x2122, Screenshot_20230328_084033_Ins…)

>>1796801Something to celebrate! Woo
No. 1796878
File: 1679997142451.jpg (149.51 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230328_105213_Gal…)

Could be a BMI of 25 for all we know! She doesn't post her body anymore
No. 1796962
File: 1680005869540.jpg (110.72 KB, 1080x1665, FB_IMG_1679514104010.jpg)

>>1796944OK but the point is that she hid from the Internet for months after starting to gain weight clearly showing how insecure she is about it. She doesn't have to remain "haggard" to be a cow
No. 1797081
>>1796972nta but just because a cow is milky does not make a priv instagram account with no accessible content, itself, milk.
if there's a post you want anons to see, screenshot it.
No. 1797153
File: 1680019983634.jpg (174.37 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230328_131730_Gal…)

>>1796972Literally fuck off with your link, we can't all go follow her at once which means most of us have no idea what you're seeing that's "milky"
No. 1797252
File: 1680026620574.png (159.07 KB, 637x872, bfr.png)

she makes so much more sense now
No. 1797264
File: 1680027952040.png (245.76 KB, 1080x1889, Screenshot_20230328-192406.png)

who knew that posting a skelly malnourished body could get you banned?
No. 1797318
File: 1680032926051.jpeg (218.09 KB, 1170x2024, 6FB0105F-2EBE-4563-8BDD-2982EA…)

she is the biggest pro ana for me
No. 1797427
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No. 1797490
File: 1680041985548.jpeg (200.68 KB, 1169x1442, D89B8D29-B967-4F5E-85D5-721BEC…)

Honest n2f truly looks to be doing good and I’m happy for her.
No. 1797623
>>1791894Newfag here I honestly just lurk, I hate buns with passion. She eats like 0.3 grams of ice cream then has a whole tantrum online. Like I’m not reading that shit if you wanna get better like get off
Edtwt and stop begin trigged. Like all these ‘ recovery’ accounts of foodtwt aka edtwt saying how they get
triggered like are they actually retarded?
No. 1798006
>>1797934when you're rich you can get anything- specialty stores, expensive EU brands who cater to super thin sizes, private tailoring etc. even still, DIY adaptations exist to make clothing fit better, eg. sew-on clasps,
shortening a garment's waistband elastic, or a good old fashioned safety pin.
No. 1798021
>>1797879It's so boring. Sloan basically licking EC ass and get saying "exactly". No new info. Nothing revolutionary. Skirts around her health, only mentions the 5150 but never gets into why, never mentions EDs or anything. It's EC throwing Sloan a bone to get his channel recognised. It's super cringe considering what he's said about EC in the past.
She does day she likes Shane and is still in contact and she likes Jeffery too and says they're uncancellable. So definitely not an ally and seems she's OK with pedos and nazi sympathisers.
She has her shit eating grin on the whole time. Boring af
No. 1798061
File: 1680097130490.png (288.78 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230329-082954.png)

No. 1798062
File: 1680097183395.png (729.45 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230329-083050.png)

No. 1798064
File: 1680097709941.jpg (141.53 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230329_144901_Gal…)

Tube in, out, shake it all about.
No. 1798098
>>1798021Yeah after making videos about Eugenia for so long, they became bffs apparently. He asked how long she was in treatment twice and she came up with some bullshit answers every time. She’s like “oh yeah I could get 5152 which is two weeks but I didn’t” “yeah they can hold you for 48 hours”
Bitch you were gone for months. You didn’t gain all that weight in 48 hours.
No. 1798103
>>1798080Mary Mary quite contrary.
Zara is far from graduating cowhood
No. 1798287
>>1798076Stoner smile? Have you ever smoked
nonnie cause that's just a smile
No. 1798465
>>1798064It will be back tomorrow.
>>1798062She looks drugged drugged out in this. Why would you post a photo of yourself like that and go the extra mile of a filter…? She clearly loves all the attention as per the post above so….
>>1797490Still can’t believe this is the goblin that was holed up in her room, taking photos of her weird slops in a bowl in her window with a surplus of sauces and syrups. Idk why it still doesn’t seem real but. Out of all cows to turn out I didn’t expect her to tbh.
No. 1798471
>>1798297Kek a cow smile? And your evidence
is she smiles like other cows who smoke? Righto non
No. 1798541
Samefag responding
>>1798297>>1798408I just meant it reminded me of those other three.
>>1798471Im also not the nona who made the drug comment idc if she smokes.
>>1798421I just have never seen anyone smile like that. Lol dang and yes i have a job and get out. But everyone wears masks so idk. Sorry to blog
No. 1798617
File: 1680150280830.jpeg (124.95 KB, 828x1190, 229B7833-24EE-4BDD-861C-32DF8C…)

Has anyone seen him before?
Does he have an eating disorder or is he sick?
No. 1798705
File: 1680159194001.jpg (159.51 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230330_075343_Gal…)

>>1798226Don't use tone tags, you're gonna get red texted as soon as farmhands see.
Anyway, if we post n2f despite not being a cow now then Zara certainly meets the standards. Acting like a recovery advocate when all of her new posts were ones she wrote whilst looking like
this and claiming to be doing "SO WELL!" in her recovery. She's not addressed this and has even made posts saying that people who are still sick shouldn't be promoting recovery
No. 1798764
>>1798705She makes me so mad. She was constantly posting her skeletal face when she was at her lowest but was claiming that it was because of her chronic illness. Yet her Facebook post showing throwbacks of her selfies explains it was, as we assumed, because of her ED. Now that she has restored a tiny bit of weight she no longer plasters her face everywhere and she thinks she can preach about how good at recovery she is. Her and Hxn are the same. It’s no wonder they are besties. No remorse for how
triggering she was, no regrets or apologises. Just responds with blunt rude answers when someone questions it but makes posts about how
triggering other people in the community are. Ok rant over
No. 1798769
File: 1680177039863.jpeg (Spoiler Image,190.02 KB, 1179x1295, 6BB074DD-3ACA-49BB-A378-FB6167…)

>>1798764This was posted in sep 2022 and if the weight loss was because of her pancreas problems like she claimed, she wouldn’t be posting these
triggering pictures with that context. She loves the shock value
No. 1798832
File: 1680185573759.jpeg (544.02 KB, 1284x2280, 4A40A905-43A4-4E6F-8BFE-7B1D49…)

Did someone really buy this attention seeking cow somthing. Yk what she should do is wake up get help from actual professionals and stop asking people for money you look desperate
No. 1798846
>>1798818Can you read? Lack of accountability, gross sense of superiority, pretending to be
mysterious and keeping her body "off of her recovery account" whilst having her body so very easy to find publicly online.
No. 1798848
File: 1680188153179.jpg (342.49 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230322_220424_Fac…)

Confirmation that Zara lurks - her public spoop post from Facebook has been privatised/taken down.
>>1798769That's a shame, it had so many likes and asspats for her
No. 1798855
File: 1680189018463.png (572.19 KB, 1079x1679, Screenshot_20230330-160854.png)

saged cos not really milky but im dying at the picture she chose
No. 1798933
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so EC apparently doesnt have an ed
No. 1798951
File: 1680196997695.jpeg (238.65 KB, 1284x1884, 05157A77-75C9-431E-BBD0-4915B4…)

I have tried to do research on this topic, but I’ve come up with pretty much nothing What with the head banging, if it’s a way of self harm it’s a pretty dumb way just imagine all the neurological disorders you could cause from it. The only thing I could think of is the just doing it for attention, and want yo copy others. Or also, why do people scratch at the face? I might be very naïve of this topic, but you’re literally scratching or and self harming a thing that people will see everday
No. 1798962
File: 1680197574837.jpeg (311.11 KB, 1271x1745, 4439B94F-2E11-460A-817E-1878B7…)

Why is she still in inpatient, when she looks pretty much recovered. 101 days in care. I’m thinking she was on track to getting discharged. And her having a ng tube begin her whole personality decided to magically relapse
No. 1798970
File: 1680198412312.jpeg (Spoiler Image,258.68 KB, 1284x1593, 8A4938DE-B007-4E6E-A4B5-25FF17…)

I’ve had many discussions with my IRL friend she has DID. One thing I’ve noticed between my friend and the people online who have this disorder. As many people online refer to themselves as we. Whilst my friend or whoever fronting refers to themselves as
I because there is not two people fronting if that makes sense. Also a drastic difference between the people online and them. Is that people online say they have 200+ alters while my friend only has three. She explained to me that their alters were caused by traumatic events throughout their life. So to gain 200+ alters is suspicious.
Sorry if this lengthy it been on my mind for way to long
So what have you learned is altered are created from repeated traumatic events at young adolescents. My friend is very normal like doesn’t do all the shit I see on TikTok. What I’ve seen from DID in real life is that people don’t have 200+ alters. Like you need another event to happen to develop another alter.
No. 1798990
>>1798951disclaimer Technically not a blog post as it's an answer to a question.
When I got frustrated as a child I'd sit against a wall and bang the back of my head off of the wall rhythmically to "release the pressure" and catch my breath from hysterically crying because I'd literally be knocking the air out of myself.
My family say they don't remember when it started, I've just always done it. I first got seen by the mental health service when I was 8 but he said to my mum it was just early puberty because I had also "started my period". Been tested for Autism at around 13 when I went back to the mental health services. It's not autism/any other sensory issue. (Or "early puberty").It's literally just a shitty coping mechanism for a big emotion that I was never taught how to handle. Still to this day at my grown age I feel the need to do it. Literally like my head is a balloon that needs popped to get the frustration out of my head. It's very difficult to describe.
Of course it was brought up at 8, 12, 14 and 16 when I was referred back into the service (revolving door I know) but they always unironically said "well I can't see any marks on your head so it's fine for now." The only time someone else was in the room is when I was 8 and my mum remembers being confused by that too. She was literally too confused to ask for clarification and I was too young to want to "question authority" the times going forward.
It didn't click that the reason they had been saying that was because I
wasn't using my forehead. So, at least in my area, it's been a pretty notable form of self harm. It wasn't until I had my first inpatient admission and saw someone doing it that I realised I was doing it "wrong" to get it taken seriously (mental illness innit). You can tell from the forehead scabs whether someone is headbanging for maladaptive self soothing or for attention by the shape of it. It's literally the rattling sensation that's soothing so it has to be off of a hard, flat surface. If it's a line or you can clearly see the edge of furniture, they've done it to get a mark on their head and split the skin for more drama.
REAL headbanging is of course, as you say, so fucking dangerous. That's why these other inpatient cows do it. Because it gets taken seriously every time because you can't be too careful with the brain. Becca is a real one that comes to mind. There's this tiktoker who's face looks like a huge cunt the way it's split in half but who clearly did it for attention but I can't find her just now.
Now I'll let you put the pieces together. Frustration. Early "periods". Not a form of neurodivergancy. Just good old PTSD from csaSorry nonnas I know it's giving no1curr but I'm posting it anyway.
(technically, a blogpost) No. 1798995
File: 1680201133088.jpeg (430.67 KB, 2048x2048, 4CABE094-CBE4-45DB-AEC8-63E0E2…)

>>1798988there is though a big difference i weight between then and now for someone whos tube fed
No. 1799167
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for any nonnas interested in healing.the.mosaic - she apparently has a fiancé now who lives in canada. still talking about having nj surgery with donation money, implying she can’t eat. she’s a bizarre cow to me, laura tier. screencap is a retarded photoshop her “fiancé” did of them kek. anyway i’m still trying to understand wtf is going on with her
No. 1799169
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No. 1799475
>>1799271I dont think they are friends anymore. Coffeecats accused mosaic and her old friend cj of stuff but who knows if it is true. Mosaic and cj didn’t post anything that I saw about what happened so there is only one side of the story that I’ve heard.
Coffeecats is a bit unhinged in my opinion. What she is sharing doesn’t make any sense and she keeps contradicting herself. She really needs help.
No. 1799482
File: 1680248950998.jpeg (Spoiler Image,128.35 KB, 828x1121, 764FECBA-A458-4FDA-AA6B-22B586…)

Does anyone know what happened to her? She hasn’t posted in years. Does she have a new account?
No. 1799571
File: 1680258420634.jpg (268.62 KB, 1080x2276, Screenshot_20230331_112535_Ins…)

Side eye…
No. 1799572
File: 1680259330096.png (1.75 MB, 949x2000, lolcow.png)

>>1799571Same shorts as before and she's clearly desperate for us to talk about this smoothie bowl she keeps showing off so I'm biting.
Can't wait to see you back in hospital with a nose hose you ugly rat
No. 1799579
>>1799571Aw this is sad to see, she's so young and she's throwing her life away to appeal to pinterest obsessed anachans and fetishisers. Hope it's worth it to her for a lifetime of premature age related illness, malabsorption disorders, bone loss, higher risk of dementia and alzheimers, stunted brain development, stunted physical growth, alopecia, hormonal imbalances. God the list goes on and on, especially for those who started anachanning at a young age like her, I hope she can pull it together soon she really doesn't deserve a future like that and it's obvious she has no idea what's in store for her if she continues down this path.
No. 1799607
>>1799555>>1799567Coffee.cats locked down her accounts after the falling out with mosaic and cj. Lost access after that fallout sorry nonnas.
Mosaic is out of control
No. 1799709
File: 1680280433748.jpeg (107.62 KB, 750x1076, 3DE473F5-59DD-4FA2-9CB7-4F05D5…)

The queen ladies and gentlemen.
The mf queen.
No. 1799773
File: 1680283494858.jpeg (106.6 KB, 828x1139, 6FC71E84-2EF3-45F0-A1E3-F78956…)

I still follow italian Aly, and for a while now, she's been posting stories about going to the indoor pool to swim almost every day. including the data from her fitness watch (distance, calories burned) and body checks in her swimsuit. possible relapse?
No. 1799847
>>1799094Yeah like waaah feel sorry for me, pity me,
cough cough buy me stuff. It's so blatantly manipulative.
No. 1799985
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No. 1800026
File: 1680306567648.jpeg (326.19 KB, 1125x1905, 058A2867-A066-4F64-90C2-D22730…)

Paris is basically just auditioning for a stage version of Girl, Interrupted or something at this point. All this pathetic ana shit is her demo reel.
No. 1800045
File: 1680308860794.jpeg (143.36 KB, 750x1142, 6EDAD21A-14A6-48CA-9842-A929ED…)

Laura selling a ton of her old small sized clothes that definitely don’t fit her anymore kek
No. 1800051
File: 1680309445858.png (235.82 KB, 1464x924, gfdsfghjkml.png)

Sage for very old non milk but since Niamh was getting talked about I thought I'd post this, apparently that girl Beth was in inpatient with Niamh. She didn't share any details though unfortunately, but I'm sure they both have some stories about eachother we'll hopefully hear one day.
No. 1800190
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No. 1800283
>>1800272I agree. She seems to be doing really well for herself and managing in the community.
We really don’t need to post her if she’s not being milky
No. 1800365
File: 1680341925648.jpg (106.07 KB, 484x779, cry me a river.jpg)

Awh look guys we made the ickle baby cry.
Srsly, I hope she has no siblings because cows like her ruin the lives of everyone around them. Manipulative attention whores who want to look fragile because they think then no-one will dare criticise them or question anything they do.
Like, she can exist in online spaces. It's the same argument Dorian made about EC just loving clothes when it's obvious they're just a disguise for body checks. If this cow wants to be pro-recovery, no-one needs to see her spoop body. She doesn't need to contort her hideous face into the worst straining expressions possible to make herself look even more skelly. No-one would report her if she didn't deliberately post this kind of triggering content and then play the 'innocent' victim.
No. 1800369
File: 1680342756997.jpeg (227.69 KB, 1170x2354, 02CD1AF7-76BC-47E3-810B-B9F63A…)

someone said that she is her fiance because she keeps buying her stuff
No. 1800389
>>1800382I'm losing my mind as they all seem to have deleted or privated their old psych ward content.
But there's one selfie in particular where they all have tubes. Grace, the one that Beth nearly killed when she had alcohol poisoning, was in it too.
No. 1800397
File: 1680348904452.jpeg (50.76 KB, 643x847, 1664450814982.jpeg)

>>1800382Niamh and Zara from 6 months ago
You'll have to take my word for it that they all met inpatient kek
No. 1800400
File: 1680349160026.webm (2.05 MB, 576x1024, d1223a31e7d2e6e21084d17f7bb41d…)
>>1800397Samefag, Zara and Beth.
It's pissing me off so much that I can't find the one where the three of them are together kek
No. 1800405
File: 1680349469667.jpg (351.3 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230401_124458_Gal…)

>>1800400Okay samefag last one of spam I promise
I just want to say I'm not doxxing about it being Edinburgh. Zara has posted it. [NHS Lothian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services]
No. 1800418
>>1800370Oh yess, puh-leeeze do that for us, will you?
Just do it, you drunk junkie Scot asshole.
No. 1800472
File: 1680358183231.jpeg (163.17 KB, 1125x1273, 4F74FBD0-4E8E-442E-9AB8-152C33…)

Just Nikol reminding us that you need to be thin a beautiful to be happy.
No. 1800481
>>1800472Like she’s isn’t a fat fuck herself she deadass look 8months pregnant but refuses to get it checked out. This girl needs a reality check so hard get help and leave social media
Not saying pregnant women are fat.
No. 1800497
File: 1680363045296.jpeg (194.77 KB, 1277x1928, 90E04D33-E407-44CA-9ED8-294AC1…)

Fucked up face for views and likes
No. 1800555
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No. 1800569
>>1800560>i don't get whyobviously a hambeast who wishes they were frail and sickly and pitiful so they can feel safe and beloved, like everyone with a hateboner against spoops existing. they're
triggering. as in, they
trigger these BED ridden wannarexics into reinstalling the fasting app knowing it'll end in failure.
welcome to the anorexia thread on lolcow.
No. 1800627
>>1800397That's kind of a weird friendship, isn't Zara in her mid twenties and Niamh is in her late teens?
>>1800428Holy shit, did this one slit her own throat? Jesus that is so sad. We really need a tiktok bpdchan thread but this one isn't even milky it's just horrific and I'd feel bad talking bad about her. Hope she gets help I can't even imagine the headspace one would have to be in to do something like that.
No. 1800633
File: 1680383119921.jpg (850.78 KB, 4096x5120, GridArt_20230401_230207326.jpg)

This cow appeared on my facebook shorts. She was the girl bodychecking on tiktok, I forgot her name. A "transformation" video. The video consists of her looking sick, her hair being extra messy for the vid and overly dramatic stuff. What even is this… She was portraited as a poor girl that always looks messy and in her tiktok vids she never looks like this. Pathetic
No. 1800637
A ~frail and sickly~ anachan who's "safe and beloved" uwu
You're a burden, there's a reason anachans usually grow out of their disorder as they age into maturity, the one's that don't are either the 1% that are genuinely sick or just didn't get the memo that starving yourself is how a child gets attention and to drop the antics before they reach adulthood. And before you call me a hambeast who binge eats try to remember not everyone is food and body obsessed (like you) and normal people exist, who eat when they're hungry and don't care what they weigh, shocking I know. But you can keep lying to yourself that everyone else is as food retarded as you if that's what helps you cope.
No. 1800666
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just why 1/2
No. 1800667
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No. 1800674
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No. 1800768
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Han showing off her most recent arm bandage, I mean her new clothes.
No. 1801091
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She’s joined the pad head club!
No. 1801793
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Enara has once again manipulated her way into hospital this time by swollowing batteries. Of course she’s thrilled about the (apparent) potential of an NG tube. This girl is such an embarrassment
No. 1806132
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>>1799193Holy shit that reminds me of Ria. It’s both maddening and terrifying that this girl got a surgeon in CANADA to give her a PEG tube because she supposedly was not keeping any food down and NEEDED tube feeds and claimed she had too much weight to restore for just an ng tube. Meanwhile when she was admitted to “stabilize” (in a GC she kept saying she would go to ER and they’d send her home because they couldn’t find anything wrong via bloodwork or ecg etc., so there was nothing to stabilize) before getting her peg, she posted photos every day of processed refined carb foods WHILE she had an ng tube (i.e. was not able to purge and somehow suddenly was able to eat foods that should be scary without purging and while already having higher calorie intake since she was on feeds). most of her stories are seriously fucked, she posts things with supposedly sad text but with a smiling selfie, complains about tube stuff forgetting that she literally CHOSE to have the tube kek I could go on forever tbh but I’ll shut up and let you creep her
No. 1807623
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kate on private because she thought this tweet was about her bird bodycheck and reacted accordingly in the usual kate fashion
No. 1818041
>>181798693 is locked already and nobody posted a new thread beforehand, idiot
94 is posted now tho nonnas