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No. 1173431
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the rodrigues' 6-year old
No. 1173432
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all of their kids look like this
No. 1173436
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here's the 4 year old with a fucked up jaw because the mother(Jill) won't take any of her kids to a doctor (mandated reporter).
No. 1173438
>>1173387Here a breakdown of the Duggar I missed some things but their fundie royalty because of their tv show
The Duggar Family of 19 kids and counting/ Counting on fame
having 19 children and 20+ grandchildren from Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar,
Living in Tontitown, Arkansas. Jim Bob and Michelle turned to fundamentalism after their second pregnancy that resulted in a miscarriage. They went to a Christian doctor who told them the pill Michelle was on was the cause of the miscarried and Jim Bob and Michelle decided to have as many kids as God would give them.
Old Milk
Josh Duggar Sex Pest and the firstborn of Jim Bob and Michelle.
In 2015 Touch Magazine published a redacted police report that showed that Josh was reported to the State Police for molesting 5 underage girls in 2002 and 2003 when he was 15 years old. 4 out of 5 were siblings (Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy, fifth
victim unknown ) Josh told his father and punished him was sent to a Christian program in 2003 and when he returned home he apologized to whom he molested, and they forgave him. And that Josh sought God and has turned back to god”
A family friend at this time work a letter of what he knew and put the letter in a book and forgot. Later in 2006, the Duggar family was scheduled to appear on Oprah Winfrey but an unidentified person emailed the show producer of the situation and later the letter was turned over to the Department of Human services who launched an investigation. Although at that point the statute of limitations has passed in Arkansas nothing happened.
When news broke Jim Bob and Michelle, Josh and His Wife Anna all released statement
They all boiled down to Josh did something bad, but God has forgiven them through his kindness.
On May 22, 2015, TLC stated that 19 kids and counting were going to be pulled off the air.
The second police Report then came out and it was worse. Had fewer redaction and indicated that one of the molested was 5 at the time. And that Jim Bob waited 16 months before contacting authorities. Josh also confessed to his sins before any of his
victims said anything.
On June 3, 2015, the first interview after the scandal broke out
Fox News aired an interview with Jim Bob and Michelle on The Kelly Files. They both just defended Josh's behavior and were proud of him for admitting what he was done.
The next interview was one Friday, June 5 with Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald, they both also defined their brother.
then on July 16, 2015, 19 kids and Counting were canceled.
Them it Gets even worse
Ashley Madison Scandal
based on reports published on august 19, 2015 Josh was not one but two paid accounts for Ashley Madison. And that he spent as much as 986.76 on the site. His wife Anna also did not divorce him but he did check himself into a long-term treatment center on August 26, 2015. So, maybe God forgave him again?
No. 1173451
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What do you guys think of the Plaths, specifically Moriah and Micah? I’m glad they escaped the family, Moriah always seemed so unhappy. I think Micah could possibly be gay but not sure.
No. 1173616
Fuck yeah love this thread.
>>1173451>What do you guys think of the PlathsI'm still not over this moment. It's soooo good, Ethan is the best. I wish more men would stand up for their wives like this against their parents when they're being manipulative, talking shit behind their backs, etc.
No. 1173738
>>1173616Holy shit, go Ethan.
I remember coming across this family via an ad where Ethan drank pop for the first time, he was so adorable and innocent, he's really matured in a short amount of time. It's awesome seeing the progress.
No. 1173948
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>>1172792oh fuck yes. anyone else been fundie-watching since the old Free Jinger days?
The Maxwell family (family blog is called Titus2) is another bunch of sad loons who think drinking Pepsi is a sin. They have a bunch of spinster virgin daughters nearing 30, still living at home with no prospects.
No. 1173980
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>>1173441This reminds me of the Turpins, why isn't this family being investigated?
No. 1173994
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I think the OP should also include some of the fundamentalist Mormon crazies, like FLDS (and its pedophile leader Warren Jeffs), and the Kingstons.
No. 1174367
>>1173994Oh shit, the Kingston Clan. I remember watching this documentary years ago.
>>1173958This was a good breakdown of the family. I think I missed something, was Kim's accidental running over of her child what ultimately made her so controlling? Like before that incident she was fine?
No. 1174527
>>1173980>>1174009Insane christian homeschoolers get away with
anything. Literally, anything they want. Abuse, malnourishment, pedophilia, neglect, the works, because the children are rarely seen by anyone outside the home and are hardly ever in contact with mandated reporters, especially so if the parents have a religious aversion to modern medicine. The insane communities band together like rats and make it impossible for government and law enforces to crack them open and get the kids help. It's incredibly easy to isolate and abuse a child in this way.
No. 1174877
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Idk why but I am always really interested in their weird oppressing clothing choices,
I know this doesn't really count as fundie but this lady's blog about randomly becoming/dressing 'quakerly' has a similarly high clothing autism level someone might get some amusement out of - No. 1175544
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Nathan and Nurie Keller's cringe pregnancy announcement…
No. 1176413
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Jana Duggar might be courting (the oldest sister, she's 31)
Soz for samefagging
No. 1177139
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>>1176437Here's more info on Stephen, I had to grab the cap from Reddit because the Wissmanns locked down their blog. Highlights are traits that Jana has said she finds attractive in a man
No. 1180515
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There is no fucking way she is showing that early
No. 1185649
>>1180515Is this Nurie?
It could just be some bloating or something like that related to early pregnancy, she's so skinny I wouldn't be surprised of even the earliest stages showing in some way.
No. 1200326
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>pregnancy photo
>stuffed animal on bed
No. 1203532
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>>1200326>>1200349Yeah, that's definitely the back bedroom of an RV/mobile home. They always look like picrel, with cabinets over the head of the bed.
No. 1204765
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Sure David
No. 1217815
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No. 1219890
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Arrested for fraud by the feds. That mugshot tho, top kek
No. 1220055
>>1219890Money is on CP and laundering. With all of the kids running around those fundi homes it would be a surprise to find out that no children were involved in the crimes (as
No. 1220408
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Hearing is starting. Media cannot report until after the hearing so any minute.
No. 1220439
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Spoilered due to the nature of the charges. Fuck.
No. 1220459
>>1220439I guess the raid on his workplace was because he was using the company computer to do so then? What a sick perv.
Is this the one who molested his sister?
No. 1220463
>>1220439Oh my god.
>>1220455I wasn’t expecting this either but
>>1220440 made me look him up, he had been doing these exact behaviors since he was a young teenager to his own sisters, all of whom were young children. He’s the oldest and he was 14-15 at the time he was finally caught. A state judge had his record expunged. His father took him to see a state trooper who ended up being arrested for the same charges that came out today.
I think this is so shocking because of how often this family was on tv, with cameras on them for weeks. Cases like this are always horrible, but these charges while being so notorious and having the brand image that they do is just extreme.
I don’t know if it’s the condition of them being fundies or their family specifically that let this play out the way that it did, but this is actually evil.
No. 1220475
>>1220463Yeah, he had multiple
victims (5?) as a teen, including two of his sisters.
And I don’t really hang him being a pedo on his religion, but I do hang it on the climate of his cult. His parents knew, and blamed the
victims and told him to knock it off. And pushed extreme modesty on the daughters.
But Pedos don’t stop with their fuckery unless they go to jail, usually. But for every pedo there’s usually a group of enamblers and people in denial, which is definitely the case here.
No. 1220555
>>1220439Disgusting piece of shit. And to think the sisters he molested
defended him on national television
No. 1220567
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>>1220408According to a Youtube comment, Anna wanted to leave him but the parents wanted her to stay because Christian family values uwu
No. 1220617
>>1220588>Jim Bob told her to stay and he’d take care of her familyBecause he does such a good job with that. This whole family needs to be investigated
Anna is now looking at being a single mother of 7 with no education or stable employment history. That should scare her into leaving but idk if she'll break free.
No. 1226553
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>>1220439here are some of his bond conditions. he's staying with another fundie family (the rebers) because one of the conditions is that he can't return to the big house or his and anna's warehouse.
during the zoom bond hearing, maria reber testified that she didn't know the severity of pest's charges, had never been alone with him and was uncomfortable with the idea of it. the rebers also have a 22y/o daughter who lives at home and gives piano lessons to children on the property.
No. 1227824
>>1227781Not original anon but we know that Josh had files named "dd" and the investigator described it as "some of the worst we've ever seen" and said one of the
victims was 18 months old. All that together points to Daisy's Destruction.
No. 1504204
>>1504005You know they seem so strict on everything but are okay with letting the girls wear "heavy" makeup.
Like how they fuck do they pick and choose what the kids are allowed to do.
No. 1504356
>>1504177They're going to address it in the new season out soon
>>1504204You think that's bad? The girl, Olivia, that married into the family is ostracized partially for using toothpaste that the parents didn't agree with. The older son she married to get into the family didn't hear a swear word until he was 15 and never had a coca cola until he was 21. Also nobody seems to wear shoes so I wonder if that's part of it. The parents also basically pick their kids dating pools by only allowing relationships with the children of other families who the parents like
No. 1504361
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Kim, the mom, accidentally ran over one of her kids and killed him in 2008. His name was Joshua and as far as I know he was about a year old. I often wonder how much if this trauma contributes to the way the family is changing. There always seems to he something there you can always pick up on that you can't actually put a finger on. You know none of them are particularly happy despite what they're saying. It's very uncanny
No. 1504393
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I watched an hour long video about these fuckers once. I'm obsessed with freak American families. I went back and watched it to gather up some background milk
>the mom has been trying to get the family on TV for years
>the mom believed the public would glorify her as a mega mom but what actually happened was massive backlash concerning her parenting style
>the mom has written a book on parenting and insisted Olivia read it before she gets married
>Kim is known to keep a stash of junk food and use her phone all day. The second oldest girl in the house, Lydia (15), is the one who does all the housework and child rearing
>the mom comes from a background of alcoholism, domestic abuse, and sexual abuse, likely contributing to her rough college days as a drugged up party girl
>there was a blog written by the mom and dad listing their farm as a B&B hoping to capitalize on their fame but they've taken the whole blog down
>The Plaths seem to run in the same circles as two other famous religious TV families (the Rodriguez & the Pearls families) indicative that they're independent Baptists, but it is never explicitly stated what their beliefs are on the show. It was only ever described as "conservative Christian"
>none of the kids ever had friends growing up. They weren't allowed. They were homeschooled, which actually causes a confrontation on the show where Micah and Moriah call the parents out on their bullshit parenting
>the family is not allowed have salt or sugar (???)
>nobody is allowed to have bank accounts or social security numbers
>nobody is allowed to celebrate holidays like 4th of July or whatever
>Micah and Moriah seem to be the only ones fully aware of their own naivety. Moriah in particular is shown to be trying to absorb things like gay people, which nearly causes a blow up from the mom
>there is a secret older daughter, Hosana, who is known on Christian TV for her music appearances. She isn't discussed on the show and most people wouldn't know she exists if they didn't know her as the best friend of a girl from the Rodriguez family
>Micah and Moriah were kicked out. Its said on the show that they moved, but revealed by Olivia in the interview that they were told to piss off when the family moved homes
>the family only moved homes because they tracked down Ethan and Olivia after they cut contact and moved closer to them
>Ethan nearly got set up with Jill Rodriguez
A LOT of what is going on here is the mom being an obvious narc maybe BPD
No. 1504396
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Ethan getting hotter as the fundamentalist Christianity leaves his body. He is literally 21 in the first picture and barely 23 in the second picture
No. 1504520
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I just started season 2 and it hurts to see how much the family puts Lydia in the "housewife/mother role". I hate how Kim clearly wants to say planting seeds of evil into the younger kids, but calling it rebellion.
Also, Moriah destroyed her lips
No. 1504690
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>>1504544It's a miracle none of them are ugly considering these are the fucking breeders
>>1504520Nonnie, would you mind posting some of her Instagram feed for nonnies without Instagram? Thanks
No. 1504737
>>1504520The way Kim bitchs at Lydia for texting with a boy? I hate her I hate her. She speaks as if Lydia is already running away to have sex and do heroin but she was just texting a boy about idk fundie things? Psycho bitch.
Lydia's Instagram looks like what fundie mother of 15 would post, even her clothes, is so sad. At least she spends time with the siblings who left, so maybe she can find independence
No. 1504792
>>1504361Oh jesus.
>As Kim recalls on the Plath family website, it was fall 2008, and she was busy moving trees using the family's Suburban. "I looked for our 17-month-old Joshua, saw that he was away from the vehicle, then pulled forward to get the next tree. In a panic, I realized what had happened. I ran over our Joshua," she admitted."I know this must have been traumatizing for the family, but why the heck was she driving around while a 17-month-old was running around alone? Couldn't she have had him sit in the car instead?
No. 1505526
>>1505304Yep. I'm a former fundie and they sure don't like those of us who don't follow the "perfect ex-fundie script". Honestly, that stickied post about "spotting
terf dogwhistles 101" could have been written by Gothard himself if it was a different topic.
No. 1505605
>>1505526>>1505304WOWW. I just checked that post and two of the "
Terf Dogwhistles" are, I kid you not:
- "Women only spaces: this is a bit of a hard one because there are spaces that should be for women, yes, but terfs usually use this with other dogwhistles."
- 'Science says this!'/Biased study: if a
terf brings in studies, they are most likely either going to be read completely wrong by them or be incredibly biased."
No. 1855421
>>1173439The Rodrigueses are a fundie/quiverfull family who for a while were in the same social circle as the Duggars but as far as I know they have not gotten any TV specials/series or anything of the sort. The mom Jill is very active on social media and I think has something like 10k followers?
Regarding the children's gaunt appearance I think it is pretty obvious what is going on here: Like many fundamentalist families with too many children they are hard up for cash so meals are scarce or just meagre. But in Jill's case there is an additional, very insidious element with her food issues stemming from previously being very overweight. She sells Plexus and and several times I saw screenshots of her praising her older girls for how "trim" they are.
So in my opinion I think it is a combination of simply not having enough to feed their children adequately, and not really thinking it's a big deal because in Jill's mind thin=good.
No. 1861842
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With the current happenings in the fundie community, this thread deserves a necro.
For the uninitiated, here's a quick rundown on some of these families that haven't gotten one yet in the thread.
the transformed wife/Lori Alexander
>Posts really dumb takes on her blog and twitter
>Admits to physically abusing her kids and encourages others, including her own children, to do so as well to theirs
>Says women should stay at home with their kids and take care of the house with no assistance, had a maid and nanny when raising her kids.
>Says women shouldn't go to school or work, went to public school, college, and worked as a teacher. Her daughters work, too.
>Says women should rely on the charity of others if they fall on hard times instead of being able to work, but brags about never donating or tithing while being rich.
>Her husband cheats on her and instead of blaming him and leaving she says that she wasn't submissive enough and tells women to do similar of their husbands cheat
>Has made posts about women burning in hell right after they died so their grieving families could read it.
>Doesn't wash her hands
Derrico Family
>Deon and Karen have a show called "Doubling Down with the Derricos"
>They have 15 biological children from 6 pregnancies, one being a set of quintuplets
>There is an adopted son, Derron, formally named Jasper before the adoption, who no long wants anything to do with the family because they allegedly committed identity fraud against him and ruined his credit
>There was another son, Juan, Derrick mentioned having from another relationship but has never spoken about him since
>Karen was found guilty of welfare fraud in 2018. Karen and Deon were/are not married and Deon claimed she was an unpaid intern at their house that was claimed to be a nursery in order to gain SNAP benefits.
>Deon faced 13 felony counts and one misdemeanor for real estate scam in 2014. He went to trial and was acquitted. His partner in the scam pleaded guilty. He would pay to use someone's deed, or forge the owner's signature, in order to take mortgages out in the owners' names, turn their properties into slumlord rentals until they were foreclosed on, and then when they were put on the market at a reduced price he would buy it. He is proud of this and views it as an investment.
Collins Family
>Karissa met Mandre while going clubbing in a god honoring way.
>Currently have 10 children
>They don't change their kids' diapers and one of the kids, Anthym, has had at least two UTIs that have gone septic. Recently had a picture of Armor with a very full diaper and was very dismissive and "it isn't even that full yet".
>Karissa makes the kids scream prayer at all hours of the day and night. She had them also do this when she was in the hospital for her miscarriage in order to try to bring the fetus back to life.
>When the kids get sick, it is because they have sinned. One of the kids had a sore throat, most likely from scream praying, and was yelled at to confess their sins and what they have been lying about.
>The kids are not ever supervised. They break each other's bones and have almost completely cut off one of the toddler's fingers. That child had/has to have physical therapy after it was reattached.
>Karissa edits images of her kids to have lighter skin, hair, and eyes.
>Karissa homeschools all the children and only spends 15 minutes of lesson time each day for the kids. She does not teach them math because "they learn enough math at the store with me". None of the kids are literate.
>Mandre can have time away from the kids, but Karissa can not. Karissa wanted to cut the grass to get away from the kids for a minute and he said she was abandoning their children.
>Will probably end in one of the family members getting killed or murdered
>Friends of Shaq
Rodrigues Family
>Jill and David have 13 kids and have a traveling ministry and printing business.
>They are currently on the run from West Virginia CPS and hiding in Ohio.
>Jill will point at everything she takes a picture of. This has been dubbed The FingerTM
>The RV they use has a baby cage
>The kids are all anorexically thin.
>Janessa had a stroke in utero causing her to not have a corpus callosum. It is speculated this was caused by the copious amounts of caffeine Jill was consuming in Plexus, the MLM Jill shills
>Timothy, the eldest son, went to Christian pilot school and got engaged to a classmate. Jill did not like that and made him go back to live in their RV. His classmates alleged Jill screams and throws objects at the kids.
>Nurie is the golden child and all the other children, except of Janessa, are not Nuries. She will find any excuse to bring up Nurie when talking about her other girls.
>A redditor who claimed to know the family made allegations that Dave will keep the kids up all night with sermons and Jill will make them write letters about how great of a mom she is as punishment. They will also withhold food from them as a form of punishment.
>Shiny Happy People came out at the beginning of June and all the fundies are bitching about it and blaming gay people.
>Kaylee, after having to take care of her grandmother and younger siblings so Jill could gallivant around, had complications with her pregnancy and has delivered her first son, Gideon, prematurely. Jill has taken it upon herself to shove a camera in Kaylee's face at the hospital.
>David Waller, husband of braindamaged Priscilla who sister to Anna Duggar, is accused by one of the victims in the Shiny Happy People docuseries of helping Bill Gothard take advantage of people.
>Maranatha is allegedly getting a divorce, along with her daughter, Bobye.
>Girl Defined's brother, the eldest Baird child Michael, went on reddit and talked about how their mother was dismissive about the sexual abuse he suffered as a child. She is currently trying to convince him to stop going to a nonchristian therapist who "only wants him to be in a perpetual state of victimhood".
>Timothy is in a courtship and might have an engagement announcement soon
>Renee might have lost her courtship due to Jill not respecting the guy's privacy
>One of Karissa's kids is injured again
>Karissa made a post about "leaving your womb open while raising your children" basically just treat yourself like an incubator.
No. 1862518
>>1861842Thank you nona!! Amazing summary on these miserable fucks
I hate lori alexander so much, evil fucker.
No. 1894563
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Reviving with recent Collins news(necro)
No. 1895461
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From Karissa Collins’s Instagram account. Let’s not be the nagging wife ladies, the husband doing bare minimum is already too hard on him!
No. 1895464
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>>1895461“He can parent and discipline as he likes to”
Did Karissa just admit to letting her husband abuse their children?
No. 1895465
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>>1895464Karissa is only 38 years old. Fundie lifestyle ages you.
No. 1895467
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No. 1895468
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>>1895467Karissa would rather die as a martyr during childbirth than be a present mom in her TEN kids’ lives
No. 1895957
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Karissa may have a spinal issue after birthing ten children. Her posture looks so awkward in her reels, does she have scoliosis?
No. 1895959
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Absolutely qualified to homeschool ten children.. I wonder if those kids can read or do simple math
No. 1897547
>>1173980you called this one anon. they were finally caught
13 Children Neglected For 30 Years In A House Of Horrors | The Turpin Family No. 1897633
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>>1897547NTA but the Turpins were convicted and sentenced years before anon made that post. I believe those anons were talking about the Rodrigues family and saying it reminded them of the Turpins. Hopefully the Rodrigues parents meet the same fate and the children are better off than the Turpin children in the aftermath, because the Turpin children were pretty fucked No. 1898000
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Motherbus / Americanfamilyroadtrip just announced her 8th pregnancy. For starters the family of 9 lives on a bus. The older 6 kids sleep in bunk beds on the back of the bus while the parents sleep in a bed that lowers from the ceiling in the main room of the bus. It’s uncertain where the youngest one sleeps. They drive all over US but Texas and Florida are the most frequently visited locations. They don’t even share nice scenery like some van lifers do.
No. 1898001
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>>1898000Eyefuxking the camera KEK
No. 1898026
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Karissa continuing to film with her sick and injured children. Child using crutches has to be in her video.
No. 1898652
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Her husband cheats on her, karma
No. 1898653
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No. 1898717
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Some updates on the Plaths:
>Kim and Barry are divorcing. Kim is dating Isaacs (3rd oldest son) flight instructor. It's possible she cheated on Barry with him. Flight instructor had been friends with the family, was at their house for dinner with the entire family including Barry.
>Olivia accused Kim of stealing money from Ethan and participating in a mlm. Moriah and Micah post a statement in their moms defense and cut off contact with Ethan and Olivia.
>Olivia says that since Moriah is out of her life, she finally has time to connect with her sister Lydia Grace. Lydia has a strained relationship with Olivia and compares her to Kim, says Kim and Olivia are a lot alike and that is probably why they don't get along. Lydia Grace and Moriah used to be best friends until Olivia and Ethan got married and Lydia says she felt like Olivia chose Moriah over her.
>Barry is jacked now
No. 1898732
>>1898698That fundiesnark subreddit had a lot of info on her, her brain tumor, how she basically went to college, had an education and a job and baby trapped her husband so she can stay home and be lazy. She didn’t raise her kids besides hitting them, just had nannies and maids to watch the kids and clean the house. Her hatred of women that work, vote, are independent I think comes from how her husband cheated on her with a woman from work iirc, so in her mind, this wouldn’t have happened if all women stayed home. She also hates that women can divorce and leave
abusive husbands when she thinks it’s more godly for women to endure all the abuse and rape. She doesn’t look healthy but idk how long she’ll stay alive since her brain tumor isn’t cancerous
No. 1898782
>>1898698Not a TLDR but the motherlode of info about her is here:'s so extremely online the freejinger gals can trace her every move.
How surprising (not) that her "ministry" arose from spite, rather than love for the Lord.
No. 1899097
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>>1898732More like men prefer to have extramarital affairs with a colleague kek
This woman is so sad and depressing. I wonder how much the brain tumor contributed to such a sad, spiteful life. In her fantasies husbands stay loyal to submissive broodmares but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Men find truly Biblical women boring and they chase independent women with actual personality and try to change them into a housewife
No. 1899655
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When your kids stop visiting kek
No. 1899657
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Karissa hired Christ as a midwife
This is a full blown mental illness
No. 1900222
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No need to use our brains nonas
No. 1900223
>>1900085The kids are frequently sick or injured with broken bones
Most of the child rearing is done by her oldest daughter
No. 1900309
>>1899657Given how often she's given birth already baby will probably be out in one sneeze.
Now I'm all for homebirth but not even having a midwife there is nuts
No. 1901228
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She posts exploitative photos of her kids in bikinis, again. Many people have been reminding her the dangers of predators and pedophiles lurking online yet she ignores these warnings.. this reel was particularly off putting as she deliberately highlighted the child’s revealing outfit.
No. 1901229
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Karissa singing to infertile women at an event. If you trust God with your wombs you might have a God honoring uterine rupture someday nonnas!
No. 1901328
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>>1899097Is this image sincere or satire? I have not laughed this hard in a while
No. 1902277
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More gold from Karissa.
Who cares if you parentify your oldest kids and your homeschooling doesn’t meet basic standards. Who cares if your body is giving a bunch of signals about back to back pregnancies not being healthy but you can’t stop talking to sky dad and sky son.
No. 1902278
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>>1902277“My children prefer sharing”
Is it because you haven’t given them any other option and they’re not allowed to socialize with children from other backgrounds?
No. 1902292
Imagine giving birth to a dozen of kids and then blaming your parentified child for what’s supposed to be your own responsibility!
No. 1902868
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She asks the kid to ask god about the baby’s gender. Kid replies, mom isn’t convinced he actually “asked god”. The kids hesitates and pretends to ask god as he is coerced by his mom. Fundies just teach their kids to not think for themselves and convince boys every idea that appears on their mind is God’s word. This is child abuse.
No. 1904495
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I wish she stopped after the second paragraph so we would just laugh at Karissa “not being like the other girls.” This is beyond disgusting. It is so disturbing to read her post about her underage children’s fertility and her writing about their reproductive organs.
Karissa is so obsessed with her uterus aka “womb” that she doesn’t understand how awkward it is.
I know she doesn’t care about protecting her kids from predators online but talking about their fertility is taking it to a whole next level.
No. 1904496
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>>1904495It’s like a confession and a proof of her internalized misogyny. And how she sees other women as “emotional and dramatic”.
No. 1904672
>>1904496Sad to see how far down "besties" and "empathetically emotionally healthy" are on this list behind being wombs, servants, and belonging to a patriarch.
Retard bitch setting her little girls up to be eaten by sharks.
No. 1904720
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>>1904500She also has 3 boys, she just decided to single out her daughters in that post. Also: they all have the dumbest names ever in history.
No. 1904846
>>1904720i thought anchor was bad but then
>aynjelwhat in the mckaiyleygh hell
No. 1904908
>>1904495>seven financial burdensImplying that it's free to care for male children? Do you just leave the boys in a field to be raised by wolves? Also like. Women can still earn money, even in fundie cults.
>seven hormonal time bombsBecause men don't have hormones or go through puberty. As we all know, they come out of the womb as fully formed, miniature adults.
>seven wombs to give to the LordThis makes it sound like she's planning to use them as human sacrifices.
>seven empathetic emotionally healthy girlsI like that this implies that men are empathetic and emotionally retarded. Kinda true tbh, I'd have seven daughters over one son any day.
>seven future bestiesYeah. Maybe like. Two future besties, and the rest only call you when they need money or someone to babysit their own kids.
No. 1905732
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Karissa thinks every idea that pops up in her mind is God’s word
No. 1905734
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It’s almost like purity culture is bad for you
No. 1905808
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Bell family on instagram are sending their son to a fundie college, people in the comments are calling out this shit. Feel bad for the kids, with this many there's no chance they get a good education.
link: No. 1905929
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Karissa Collins was always one of the more interesting fundies to me, because she has a black husband. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, but most other fundies have a "white nationalist" bent to them. So it just seems really out of left field. Especially since her husband doesn't seem to care about the daughters, only the sons (typical, for a religious scrote) so them having 7 girls is a real travesty. Also: Karissa is that type of racist who sees her husband as "one of the good blacks", but doesn't seem to understand aspects of blackness and black identity (idk how better to describe it. One example, she doesn't know how to style her daughters's curly hair and just leaves them looking frizzy and matted) so their kids will grow up either extremely self-hating or lacking an identity. Again, a travesty.
What a trainwreck, honestly. Also, are there no black women fundies? I know of a few more black male fundies but they are all married to white women.
No. 1905934
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>>1905929Also, gigakek at "I always had a love for hip hop music and dark skin" and the fact that they had their first date in a Walmart.
No. 1907254
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Totally not regretting having so many kids
No. 1911966
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Karissa loves her daddy.. I mean her God
No. 1911967
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Are we surprised Karissa, someone with lots of internalized misogyny has started to play favorites and compare her children to each other?
No. 1915034
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Making sure her daughters grow up with zero self esteem
No. 1985403
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Motherbus is drooling over her “handsome husband” and alluding to their seggs life. Aren’t fundies supposed to act modest?(learn2integrate/sage your shit)