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No. 1628532
SUMMARY: Effina Hyatt aka Fotouh Al Sahlamm is a silver spooned, 23-year-old self-hating Kuwaiti and plastic surgery/filter addict who rose to z list notoriety after she married washed up has-been/former MDE member, 38 year old Charls Caroll after a whirlwind courtship of less than year.
>Effina marries her senpai Charls Carroll after years of stalking MDE despite Charls being 14 years her senior and openly fetishizing virginity, she flies out to live with him in his squalid rented apartment
>Effina is caught editing her own baby photos
>Effina’s online fashion “boutique” which she claimed included clothes designed by herself is exposed for being cheap Aliexpress sweatshop dresses which she was inflating the price of tenfold
>Screencaps found incriminating Charls for being involved with underage fans in previous years.
>Candid pictures of Effina are uncovered showing the extent of her plastic surgery/video editing and photo editing which she still denies
>Effina claims to be an uwu trad virgin waifu despite flying out to Sweden when she was 18 for dick whilst lying to her parents and Charls to this day by claiming she was staying with friends.
>Archived 4chan threads are found in which Effina posts about her hate for “immigrants”, “n*ggers” and “subhuman spics”. Effina also brags about her arab billions and details the beautiful story of her and her Swedish lover that she was seeing in secret. These threads are proven to be posted by her due to timestamps and links to her previous Instagram handle which she posted herself
>Charls continues to be schizophrenic on-stream attempts to clearpill his audience with shitty takes and then threatens his own fans on stream whilst Effina draws fan art of him in the background
>Effina features in online streams full of twitter scrotes where she’s largely ignored by moids whilst she tries to virtue signal about how knowledgeable she is concerning history and politics (she reads Jung, duh!)
>Effina posts in the previous thread proving she’s been lurking and admits to heinously editing photos, getting plastic surgery, selling Aliexpress clothes, getting fillers, lightening skin and wearing contacts. She tries to deny ever having a posting on 4chan and having a Swedish boyfriend due to Charls having a moid meltdown if he finds out she’s not a virgin.NEW MILK:
>Effina gives birth to two twin boys who remained in hospital for a month after they were born assumedly as a result of her own health being underweight and emaciated whilst pregnant and post partum.
>Charls continues to bald and schizo stream to support his new young family
>Effina continues to edit her pictures to insane degrees and looks to have lost a considerable amount of weight.
>Trolls call Effinas sons deformed and she goes on an online Instagram story sperge seemingly unable to take the insults despite being a 4chan race baiter/avid slur user a couple years ago.
>Effina opens two new business instagram accounts. One for skincare: one for jewellery: her last business venture one can assume she will again be dropshipping poor quality chinese goods and extorting her followers for more money.
TWITTER: TOK: thread and op didnt even link the last thread >>1328455) No. 1628541
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>>1628532The top pic posted by a girl she hung out with shows motherhood has not changed Effina-chan one bit. She is still shockingly embarrassed of her real face/ethnic features all whilst raising two baby boys.
She needs mental assistance, no children should be raised with a mother this self hating
No. 1628600
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fotouh is getting sloppy
No. 1628673
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Lol Effina actually saged while making 10 posts in a row saying how unmilky she is. Impressive. But the thing that surprises me most is how she still hasnt started facetuning the goblins she created with that aging schizo despite them looking like they'd welcome the sweet release of death kek
No. 1628866
>>1628741Do not ask to be spoonfed
Read the previous threads and the Sam Hyde threads
No. 1628905
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i watch charls streams. he did one in kuwait and recorded her without the filters and got deleted right away… made me feel a bit sad to think how secluded she may need to live her life to keep the delirious fantasy of being white. i guess that's the price if this is what she really looks like
>>1628600 No. 1629049
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>>1628532I didn't know if effina was starting to accept herself by not editing her face in this picture. Then I saw her legs and concluded she might just be getting lazy.
No. 1629056
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well that was fast, fotouh, haha
No. 1629282
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She didn’t even do anything problematic other than be mildly hypocritical and insecure kek…why is the internet so unforgiving to mothers? The world may never know
No. 1630598
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>>1630513ik that is such a stupid comment. but there's reason to be concerned for them because she was SO thin during her pregnancy and fetuses greatly rely on glute and thigh fat for brain development in utero. having an eating disorder like she does throughout pregnancy is really dangerous. it's fucked that she would jeopardize her babies brain health and possibly even intelligence for her own self-absorption. this is also why low WHR and curves are so attractive on the female body, and part of why scrotes who specifically go after ana chicks much younger than them seem so pedophilic even if they're with grown women in their 20s. it's nonsensical from an evolutionary standpoint to be attracted to that. women who purposefully try to stay as thin as possible are really not meant to reproduce, or anyone who cannot put their baby's interests before their own really.
No. 1630910
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i think she may be reading this thread as she usually does; posting her goblin's faces won't make them any less ugly though
No. 1631161
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>>1628600Hell, that busted comissure reconstruction makes her look like Jack Nicholson's joker
No. 1631482
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>>1630910i was just thinking that
nonnie. she covered their faces in several previous posts, today of all days she decides to post them, plus deactivating her account after this thread was created. if you are reading this effina, you should really start eating, your legs look so thin
>>1629049 that this is alarming if you intend on having more babies.
No. 1631536
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>>1629540yes haha, this picture reminds me of cringe bathroom selfies I used to take with my girlfriends feeling sexy/goddess/rebel but actually being absolutely pissed
No. 1631638
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>>1631633nta but you're not wrong. she's editing her face to be shorter and a really weird angled jaw. why? the top legitimately looks better.
No. 1632180
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>>1632162nta, babies noses don't look the same as when you're full grown anon. the nose never stops growing. i don't think she's photoshopping their faces yet, but i wouldn't put it past her.
No. 1632343
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>>1631638She photoshops herself to look more like Charls, I swear. Heavier brow & a Superman jawline. I go back and forth on whether or not she's truly milky. Her connection to Charls is really the only thing that sets her apart from a normal self-hating young woman. I do think it's vaguely interesting that her husband has seemingly no qualms about her extreme face editing, but he's some schizo has-been who should just be happy to have any woman put up with him. letting her edit all of their pictures together before he posts them is a small price to pay. I hope they take care of their children well, it always feels tense when a cow has a kid. if they do move to Kuwait it's probably better, they'd have familial support from her family.
No. 1632381
>>1632343i think when they're a self-hating racist photoshopping themselves to look whiter and giving themselves different features even post op it goes beyond just being an insecure woman who uses heavy filters, BDD is common but hers plays into more because of that and if that's the case it makes her kind of a disease. i don't know the validity to posts in the previous threads alleging she says "somalis are better than spics" and all this other shit,
>>1333240 but it's disgusting if she did that and it wouldn't surprise me.
No. 1632395
>>1632381I find her relationship with charls fascinating because there is obviously something off about it. I wonder what's really happening between them.
And she recently involved herself more or less in the Remilia Kaliacc Miya thing whatever that was about, it was mentioned in the egirl thread a few months ago. You have to wonder why she would hang out with a cult of pedo groomers as a mother of two young children.
No. 1632417
>>1628935kek i was about to accuse the mod who banned
>>1628874 of being the faggot who keeps letting remilliatards break rules/vendetta- and selfpost but this is god tier redtext. i guess everyone heavily involved with effina is a cow, both the haters and the WKs
>>1632395at the risk of summoning aforementioned retards, does anyone know what even happened, how they got involved, and why they seem to hate her now? i know miya would constantly approach emotionally unstable microceleb girls and get very angry with them if they broke away from him, was that all?
No. 1632439
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>>1632395>>1632417rohit okhandiar/krishna/miya and remilia need their own thread and i've been saying this then getting accused of being the indian pedo by anons who are probably trying to protect the indian pedo, it makes no sense. but you're right they're not new to imageboards and would just get summoned and derail like effina did in previous threads. i think their involvement may have had something to do with the fact she was in BTR streams on youtube and a lot of adjacent kaliacc ppl participated in that, but then there was the schism and she ended up talking to miya and sporting a milady, even though miya wasn't in those streams. then anons would post on the last thread about how she was using face editing software on zoom. idk if she was even in miya's groupchats she probably was and i didn't know they hated her now, why do you say that? the chick she's hanging out with in those drunk photos @mkultragoth is i guess @mkultramoney 's gf too and that guy has been in the remilia circle for years now. picrel is him with charls and bonus one of him with harvey weinstein just because lol.
No. 1632524
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the funniest part to me is that the way rohit edits his his skin to look lighter reminds me of fotouh lol, if this was a pre op pic i'd say they almost look related. at least rohit isn't changing his eye color though. this is what happens when you decide to be a cuck for neo-nazis as a brown person.
No. 1632615
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Nonnies did we just help this woman develop self awareness?
No. 1632620
>>1632524This is actually sad, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her real face, she’s a regular, cute middle eastern girl. This goes beyond the standard fare colourism that’s rife in the SWANA region
t. a light skinned North African she
really hates her features
No. 1632628
>>16326153 years ? 3 years of marriage or 3 years since they met ? damn it really moved fast. she seems completely obsessed with him now but I hope she doesn't regret this. I dont see how the relationship could be perfect considering there is Charls involved.
and I mean, there is definitely a way to use social medias without over editing your face, scamming and befriending the worst people online. I don't think she is stupid tho, good for her if she wants to focus more on her real life that's what she should be doing
No. 1632799
>>1632639wow, I don't think it's the wisest decision she could have made. I feel bad for her honestly, something sad about people who are clearly insecure about the way they look but base their entire online presence on that precisely. she finally made a female friend irl and now she has to delete her twitter because the girl posted her real face, I agree it's not a good way to live and it's nice that she is taking a break.
When she still had twitter she was liking quite a few posts about instagram and how men shouldn't be liking or following half naked women because it's bad for women's mental health, disrespectful or something. It was like a scream for help tbh. I don't think Charls can do better and he should consider himself lucky to have found a woman- any woman- who wants him but I feel like he is definitely the type to do all of this and it doesn't help
No. 1633234
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>>1628673Her poor babies are probs gonna be as blind as their dad…
No. 1633320
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>>1633272So did she come clean regarding all the racist disgusting shit she was called out for saying in previous years or did she always maintain the lie that it was her "swedish stalker"? Atonement would entail taking responsibility for all of that too right? Not just the OBVIOUS photoshop that has already been confirmed and just makes her look like a clown for denying? I think the comments are just starting to get to her more now that she has children and she wants people to stop for her own sake, which is understandable and if she stops providing milk, no one will care to milk her.
But being one of the people she's referred to as "subhuman" i think it's more than fair to consider her a cow unless i'm missing something and she's admitted to what she's already been caught red handed doing. Not to mention some of us subhumans actually have the skin/eye color you bleach and photoshop yourself to have Fotouh so maybe admit to what you've said and stop appropriating others looks for neo-nazi scrote points online. Then no one will laugh at how ridiculous you look doing it and let you retire from your career as a lolcow in peace.
No. 1633524
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>>1633320Yes, the swedish "stalker" who she maintained was just a moid that was obsessed with her to Charls & her family despite there being evidence of their romantic relationship. She only travelled to Sweden for him, had sexual relations with him and cut him off for Charls. Sorry to this man but Effina, just own up to your shit, ALL of it.
No. 1633811
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Found this photo of him on his mum’s FB
No. 1633880
>>1633854We were both
victims of that vile pig. The worst part is she was 15 at the time, I can’t imagine how much he impacted her brain. This is what he does: he preys on preteens or young teenagers online and tries to ruin them for his own enjoyment. He used to constantly call his mother a whore and was into incest lolicon, constantly talking about how he wished he had a little sister. Thank god he doesn’t
No. 1633904
>>1633809that's awful anon, i'm sorry you and others here went through that and it's sad to hear that you were
victims of grooming, i sympathize because i was groomed online at 15 too though thankfully not in person. i still don't think she's on any atonement arc if she's pinning all her racist posts on someone else even if it's a pedo groomer, it's been pretty much confirmed that it was her and the idea that he's responsible for those was debunked, but i don't doubt he played a part in turning her into the racist scrote panderer she is.
>>1222177>>1222735>>1224277>>1152662>>1152670 No. 1634029
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>>1633952He clearly influenced her but she reminds me of a woman her age i met on discord from her same hometown (Mashhad, Iran) and the obsession they have with looking whiter is insane. She spammed slurs for attention, flirted with racist scrotes online who called her sandnigge*, bleached her hair blonde despite claiming she preferred it dark (her racist ebf who had a Sam Hyde pfp liked blondes), lied about being part russian because moids she talked to openly fetishized slavic girls itc, was caught editing the same picture she'd already posted giving herself blue eyes/lighter skin. She'd talk about loving paleness and humblebrag about how she can't find a foundation light enough despite having the same olive complexion most Iranians have while saying actual white women look "basic". She begged her parents for rhinoplasty but they refused so she used snap filters that make the nose smaller. And according to her Iranian moids will even idolize ugly troons over attractive women as long as they're pale/blonde/ have light eyes. I may have the edited/original pic comparison saved somewhere.
Persians are often thought of as white but nowadays are all mixed with Arab, that + racist scrotes online + trend fetishizing "MENA baddies" on /pol are all a recipe for disaster: self-hating middle eastern women desperately trying to look whiter to appeal to these freaks, so it comes from him but also her ingrained fetishization of whiteness a lot of people seem to have where she comes from. It's a fixation you don't often see with western beauty standards, girls often apply shitty self tanner instead so it's a different problem.
No. 1634111
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>>1632965She had posted this and Fotouh commented ily why do you think her friend knows about these threads? If she does this seems kinda deliberately mean? IDK how Fotouh has a sense of humour about this, this image almost looks more like her real face than her photoshopped whitewashed ones.
No. 1634128
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>>1633986Hmm I think she’s more than milky, not only the self-hating but also her marriage to a literal jobless pedo schizo moid that only choose her because of his virginity fetish.
Her Alladin-coquette cosplay gets tiring and makes her look like a child with the face of a 30 yr old, she even dresses mentally ill
All these designer clothes yet lives in total filth in Charles smokers lounge(picrel)
I came to the realisation that every single so called "Instagram model" basically needs public validation, because they don’t get it elsewhere. Even if footy decides to step back from the game, she eventually come back because that’s all she has.
No. 1634232
>>1634128So true, I wouldn't doubt its her in here and her remiliatard friends defending her.
>>1634228Except why are you so mad that other people don't feel bad for her lol? I was groomed too as a minor, I didn't call anyone subhuman because of their ethnicity or pander to neo nazis, what part of that aren't you getting? Everyone knows she's living a facade editing herself to look white, nobody has to pity her for stating the obvious, she took 0 responsibility for anything and blamed social media. This is just a cop out and you're either retarded enough to buy it or you're Fotouh or one of her friends. Unfortunately for you there are no meds to help your retardation.
No. 1634787
>>16341110% chance that the girl who posted this pic isn't aware of these threads. Her stupid twink boyfriend
is James Healey (@MKUltraMoney/@WomenPostingLs), a deeply pathetic Sam Hyde wannabe. His shitty neckbeard podcast just recorded an in-person interview with Charls, which is probably why they were all hanging out. I watched 5 seconds and had to stop from the full-body cringe. this pic is straight-up mean girl behavior and I don't think Effina realizes it (or has the balls to call her out).
This @midwestvampire bitch is probably just jealous that she didn't snag herself a real MDE boy and had to settle for a bargain-bin knockoff.
These girls are truly on another level of pick-me behavior.
No. 1635437
>>1632615I completely forgot about her for months and then I saw the Sam Hyde boxing fiasco and looked up her insta not even 4 days ago. Obviously I saw the tagged pics between her and goth girl and was freaked out, couldn’t believe she was still editing so much. But this is whitepilling. She’s vaguing probably because this is embarrassing, shitty, awful, and
toxic. Imagine being stuck in her head lol. I wouldn’t be able to last a day. And now she has kids so it must be hard to deal with. Effina is milky in a lot of different ways but one thing I like about this board is that there are still a lot of us that root for people to get better, including her…so I hope that she does. And if she’s reading this I hope she learns to love herself and not be a hateful to herself or others and accept what she looks like because to pretty much everyone else, she looks like a normal young girl and doesn’t need to edit herself into a totally different person. It’s like, you made that mistake and now you can finally move on from it. So yeah I hope she can find her peace and be a good mom and I also hope she doesn’t make me eat these words later on kek
No. 1637903
>>1637215Kaliacc split apart and the people who started it disavowed one another over a year ago, you're misinformed and out of the loop. What's left of it is Remilia, and Remilia is indeed ran by a proana groomer. A vendetta is when someone personally has something against someone: people, in general, have issues with groomers and people who promote anorexia, those types are often subjects of threads online. People, in general, also have issues with racists, especially ones who are self-hating and edit themselves to look like another race for attention from scrotes, this too is not exclusive to Fotouh. Literally nothing about this thread indicates a vendetta. It indicates that she's in fact milky, which is why it exists in the first place.
However your comments about how unmilky Fotouh is
>>1628673 (i'm, surprised this person didn't get banned for hi cowing) do sound just like something she'd say to defend herself, or like what the remilia faggots (who are known to use imageboards) would also say. Fotouh hasn't been "interesting" (openly racist) in 3 years because she got caught, that's it. She's been photoshopping her face in the exact same way this entire time, though, and it's why someone made the new thread clearly. You are also welcome to not click it if it isn't milky enough for your seemingly very biased standards that conveniently protect these sorts of people.
No. 1638004
File: 1662417771803.webm (1.08 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cc5b2kbc77uckv0s7g…)
Reminded me of her. So sad.
No. 1638149
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>>1637903Effina still doing the one thing she knows and hawks milady like a street merchant (>>>/snow/1515922
) even after the hot pot group chat was leaked last year and she was revealed to spend her time around freaks that harass children and women online, racists, schizophrenics, scam artists, pedophiles. just like her husband!
something that went under the radar during the cancellation is Kurabbu's admission (picrel) that the kaliacc/remilia/hot pot group chat were CSAM peddlers and that material was obtained by others in the group chat. this is the same Kurabbu who groomed and solicited an underage girl in their discord server and posted photos of the other girls on imageboards and instagram:
>>>/snow/1514324so why was effina in a group chat with CSAM peddlers? this is not incidental–she had #miladysladys in her bio, was in the group chat, she wore the pfp, she has physically worn and taken a photo in a hat with a neochibi loli pfp on it months after giving birth.
No. 1638332
File: 1662432067072.jpg (404.7 KB, 959x980, 9847392.jpg)

>>1634111she looks 10 shades darker there than in her selfies effina looks like her dad and her dad looks like old kanye
No. 1638414
>>1638332One thing I truly don’t understand about Fotouh is how she edits her skin lighter with these grey ass filters, when she absolutely has all the resources to use bleaching creams? Like wouldn’t that be more convenient for her white girl larp? And don’t even claim she’s already using skin whitening, when she’s clearly still very much brown in unedited pictures
Also Fotouh in her own thread shitposting that she’s not milky ultimately proves how stupid she really is, also stop telling anons to take their meds Footy, when your stinky schizo husband is refusing to take his kek
No. 1639324
>>1639312Oh really you think she thought this person was a female?
>>1515922 You have to be literally retarded to think that just from his typing style alone and the kinds of things he says lol. I think it's the opposite actually and remiliatards are in here defending her. Look at the people she's hanging out with, if she openly disavowed them how is that the case if James Healey blocks anyone who criticizes Milady on sight? You realize they made the same argument about nyabeat right? Even though Rohit Okhandiar/Sonya/Miya/Charlotte specifically took control of nyabeat's social media, yeah definitely just a random girl added in by other girls who has 0 idea who the people she affiliates with are. Either a wk or an actual useful retard
No. 1639358
>>1638332that pic can't not be photoshopped
nonnie someone must have edited it to make her look worse by making her nose larger holy shit
No. 1639426
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>>1634787Found this in the last thread. Her “friends” probably lurk
No. 1639447
>>1639312hi cow
>>1639363hi cow 2
Your mental state seem to be in decline since you can't get the dopamine from random coomers pressing Like on your photoshop creations anymore. Why don't you try to read up on how to properly care for your little goblins instead of obsessively posting here? Was them being preemies and then forced to drink soy formula only because youre too busy starving yourself into appeasing the nastiest moids and getting drunk with fellow pickme snakes not enough abuse yet?
(hi cow 3) No. 1640508
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>>1639363think he edited this one too? it looks like her fathers
No. 1640740
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>>1640508Wow. This is really sad. The self-hatred runs so deep with this chick. She is BROWN.
The irony of it all is that after all the photoshop, all the “I’m not brown,” all the pandering to MDE online racist pedos, her babies (who are innocent) are getting the same type of racial vitriol directed towards them that their mother spewed online when they were just tiny egglets chilling in her ovaries.
No. 1641354
>>1640962Lol. I said her kids were innocent and was pointing out how Charl’s followers turned on him for marrying a brown woman and having non-white babies. This is the sad reality of white moid-pandering, self-hating brown women, unfortunately. (And I say this as a brown woman XD)
I don’t care if her kids are ugly. This is a milk thread, so why don’t you log off “Effina” for your own mental health like you said you would?
Maybe instead FaceTime your babies who you abandoned in Kuwait while you traipse around with e-Celebs and your milk dries up?
No. 1642204
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>>1641511See, I don’t think the “atonement”-posting is legit. It’s obviously because she wants to solidify her spot amongst her MDE husband’s e-celeb friends and possibly use that clout to grift.
And it’s been evolving over time. First it was “handmade” dresses, then she started posting her food and recipes that helped her during pregnancy (I guess no one believed she was actually eating full-fat raw dairy and meats..?) to get in on the anti-seed oils SolBrah alt-lite grift. She’d also promote her husband’s twitch channel. Now the grift is kindergarten craft jewelry.
No. 1642221
>>1642204See that bit of chunky gold ring she’s wearing? That’s jewelry design and making. Gluing chains to resin crap or stones other ppl mined and polished is not “making jewelry”. Go spend two years taking a metal smithing class and come back. There’s no “craft” in that shit, it’s putting together shit she bought.
Then again I doubt women are allowed to learn metal smithing in her part of the world. I can only assume MDE sped daddy hates the brown ppl but likes how they treat women and esp likes her brown daddy’s money. Pathetic
No. 1642508
File: 1662663627668.jpeg (212.39 KB, 1170x986, FBFF76F7-7F14-4251-8B8C-65F51D…)

Now posting on a friends-only account, it seems.
No. 1642601
>>1642508She's lurking and crying and screaming and pissing and shitting and projectile vomiting on her alt twitter @effy99999999 about how unfair it all is and how much of a
victim she is. Still interacting with Milady weirdos too.
No. 1642718
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>>1642601Shes a public figure, don’t you know?
No. 1645873
>>1642508well good for her you gotta give her that, she admitted to living a lie, she created private accounts as she was encouraged to do, she is doing more than 99% of cows to acknowledge and change her behavior even if she can't own up to her racist past. at least it seems she gets that if she stops being milky, the thread will die, and others will let it die. idrc about her grift, considering most female grifters start using their social media presence to shill onlyfans she's still leagues above that as long as she doesn't sell her spread asshole, which is a low bar but it's what we've come to since that's so normalized now. every gross woman doing that by default is more of a cow imho.
and if you're reading this effina, everyone can tell when you do this to your face
>>1138482 you did it here again
>>1628541 it's why the AI can't recognize you as the same person
>>1631638 just take your much needed break, and when/if you come back, stop doing this shit and i for one think no one will have a reason to say anything anymore since the rest of your milky behavior seems to be in the past. it looks fucking stupid and the original is 10x better. don't you want to have pictures, memories with your sons that you can look back to when you're old and think of the moment they captured before being reminded of your BDD? we're all gonna get old, looks fade. you're gonna miss your real youthful face and wish you appreciated it.
No. 1645978
>>1645924i think like i said that she isn't going to create trouble for herself and openly disavow any remilia affiliated people over allegations they claim are false, why would she go out of her way to do that and turn friends into enemies when she already has so many people talking shit about her as exemplified by these threads? plus there are claims that people met her irl
>>1639426 are snaking her, who knows who she's actually close with. her main problem has always been pandering to racist scrotes and editing herself to look white (lighter skin, lighter eyes, different features) and i think that she knows is obvious and is what she intends to stop doing. she needs to learn to accept herself for who she is and not posting to pander to that kind of audience who are going to make degrading comments about her babies is a right step, as is deactivating her social media that has all of her whitewashed pictures. eating and nourishing her body that has been shrinking since she gave birth instead of pandering to proana scrotes is also a big part of that but people just see it as follow policing if you try to control who they talk to, the proana groomer is rohit and other people are other people, otherwise that's just guilt by association. she's come clean about living a lie, what other cow have you seen demonstrate that kind of self-awareness? you gotta give credit where credit is due.
No. 1646052
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>>1645978>>1645924Milady fucks need a separate thread. Being added into their gc a year ago doesn't make her a part of Remco. Fotouh is just drawn to right-wing twitter adjacent micro internet celebrities as you can tell by Charls and Eggy and that's what Miya/Charlotte/Rohit’s account was. A lot of people found Miya's account when it participated in an "egirl tournament" that included egirls who were relatively popular on rw/frogtwitter, like Sydney @custardloaf and Tara @beefwhistle so he could troll them and leech clout off their simp followers. It was set up with polls so people could vote to choose between two egirls, whoever got more votes moved on to the next round. When Miya went against Sydney for the final her nudes (which I think she said were cp) got leaked, Tara’s either were or she was threatened with it and this allegedly happened to several egirls -as leaks came out they'd get made fun of by Miya for being roasties pandering to trad/frogtwitter, who were quick to stop simping them. Miya won later claiming it was all an elaborate troll set up so he'd win all along and claim himself "queen of frogtwitter", but the nude leaks did happen. Who knows how much of this Fotouh was aware of, or whether she saw Miya/Sonya's tweets about underage girls, anorexia, caste, etc. But given the other egirls he's interacted with it's safe to assume Rohit associated with her for the same clout-chasing reasons she did. What they share in common is they are both self-hating brown grifters who sought attention and validation in racist online spaces.
No. 1646899
>>1642718>>1646867That girl literally has nothing better to do in her life than seethe about her appearance and how others perceive her lmfao
You'd think having two babies would cure that, so fucking selfobsessed
No. 1647138
>>1646351I think it’s a Remilia fag or Miya blathering about himself in all these threads. He obviously can’t handle being an irrelevant internet nobody, so he continues to insert himself into various lolcows’ threads as if anyone cares.
Hi Miya - YWNGYOT (You Will Never Get Your Own Thread) so kindly fuck off
No. 1650377
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>>1640740New pictures Charls posted with the babies and the response they received. I feel bad reading these some are so nasty and the pictures are cute but again what are they expecting with his audience and why is he playing along with the jokes about their appearance? Comments denigrating them for being mixed race from white nationalists and arabs alike, as you would expect
No. 1650654
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>>1650377My fav comment kek
it is more of a diss on the dad. babies are always ugly, and it’s normal for them to look piggish and wrinkly. I hope they didn’t get their moms nose for their sake. No. 1653165
>>1651410Her kids are fucking ugly,so? Many kids are, especially when their parents are fuck faces themselves. Not everyone can be cute and beautiful and that’s ok.
Her kids are innocent, but why post pics of them lil retards when you clearly know what type of followers you have?
I truly believe that Charles low-key likes these comments, no loving father would dare anyone speak on their baby’s in that manner.
Shizos are known for killing their spawn, specially when not medicated. Let’s pray for them godless creatures, amen
No. 1653983
>>1653165The majority of infants barely born are ugly. And they stay ugly until probably 4 months to 6 months in. That’s when features start to really be noticeable. Lots of the comments were talking about how big their babies heads were and it’s like, all infants have massive alien heads? It’s completely normal. Goes to show how actually retarded these people are.
The fact that charls and effina immediately posted their children’s faces weeks after they were born is really fucked up. First of all, why? Second, you know that most are going to say some terrible things or joke about your child. I just don’t get it. They both can be train wrecks online all they want, but don’t publicly post your children too in the same accounts that you have cultivated your insane online presence.
No. 1654540
>>1654494Effina is so ugly and painfully self-conscious that I honestly doubt they were having sex casually in the first place. I think it was all planned since it plays along with her alt-trad performance and charls' grandiosity delirium. The bad news is children are forever and highly expensive, and now they have to move to Kuwait for her parents to maintain the four of them.
How long would Effina keep dark without the need to run away from herself through her online persona? Not much, I believe; it's just a matter of time until we see her again.
No. 1654664
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hunchback and troon body haha(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1655218
>>1654664Clearly some of you itt are cunts cause she doesnt have a hunchback or look like a troon. I didn't even know she had a tiktok but upon watching the literal only impression im getting is that he is a hands on father and they seem to have fun with one another as a couple. You can point out
valid criticisms without being a total cunt! The woman already has body dysmorphia and an eating disorder which we've actively been trying to encourage her to eat and accept herself, telling her to stop whitewashing her pictures because it's stupid and doesn't make her look any better, but this really isnt the goal for some of yall. Probably projecting too.
No. 1655398
>>1655288Bro her hands are massive, like she can cover Charles fucking 8-head plus the balding I’m extremely impressed.
Isn’t fotfot tiny? Why these NBA hands? Not very coquette/Lolita of her
Her self-posting is the only reason this thread is alive anyways, like it’s that obvious.
She’s providing her own milk, that’s how retarded she actually is. Her cringe midwestern emo friends are trying their hardest as well, and probably sucking/fucking Charles on the low while she cries how brown she looks next to them
Footy stop already with that bullshit, don’t you have kids to care of? Go change diapers Aladdin and stop the fake stans, no one likes you like that kek
No. 1655408
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Shut the fuck up ugly ass moid
Fotty hates woman, she LARPs as a tradwife while fucking around in Sweden and takes pictures with literal Incel nazis and hangs w/pedos. She’s not a victim, she is a cow.
We as women don’t claim that little boy as one of us, she’s subhuman and should be send to incel parties only to get gang raped by the people she panders to
No. 1656813
>>1656096They actually do have defective sperm and babies concieved from old sperm have more of a chance of autism.
>>1655408Literally a whole other person wth
No. 1657027
>>1656937NTA but here
>The researchers found ASD prevalence was 66% higher in children born to fathers aged older than 50 and 28% higher in children born to fathers in their 40s, compared with those born to fathers in their 20s.
>ASD rates were also 18% higher among children born to teenage mothers.
>ASD rates also rose with widening gaps between the two parents' ages.
>ASD rates were highest when the father was aged 35-44 and his partner was 10 or more years younger.Also
>One study estimated that over a quarter (26.6%) of cases of schizophrenia could be attributed to paternal age. No. 1659853
>>1659477>>1659809>>1659821Disagree with both. Every time anyone types in this thread there's an anon (probably remiliafag) accusing everyone of being vendettachans and saying she's milkless, this is in fact not true as she's (a) ridiculous shopper (b) self-hating (c) racist (d) panders to a groomer art collective (e) married to MDE scrote (f) anachan who very clearly lost weight around the time she had her babies which is unhealthy too and it isn't far fetched to think that contributed to her twins' prematurity, these threads clearly exist for a reason, any attempt to say otherwise is actual whiteknighting.
However- saying she looks like a troon, attacking her babies, asking to see pictures of her family members and continuing to try and find any reason to update this thread when she's not even on social media anymore does seem like a vendetta. It deserves to exist and was made for a reason, but it shouldn't be getting updated after she literally deactivated her account. Leave her alone at this point
No. 1663273
>>1662907She edits her photos to erase all her natural features. Are you blind?
- nose shape and size is much more narrow
- eyes are lifted into a higher foxed eye lift and made larger
- color contacts to brighten the eyes
- high Cupid’s bow to make lips look fuller and more dollish
- skin whitened
- face shape completely edited to make face more angular and chin pointier
- also her features are edited to look smaller from her nose to mouth
The only thing that isn’t fake or edited is her hair color. The self hate is beyond measure in this one. She couldn’t accept one good thing about her, except maybe her anachan figure.
No. 1663565
>>1663531Nobody is making fun of the things she can’t control like her skin color or children. In fact the majority of posts are against the grotesque fan base of charls who are the ones that are actually making fun of her children. She has pandered to this crowd for years.
We are also defending the fact that she shouldn’t be ashamed of her body and her race and accept it as it is. What’s milky is that she photoshops her entire physical being into something that she is not and passing it off as the truth. We want her to be herself and not be this majorly insecure person which was only made possible because she frequented 4chan’s /pol/ and tried to pander to the worst kinds of men by being racist (including to herself).
None of this is coming from a place of hate, but would rather she just change this destructive way that she presents herself online and accept reality. If you photoshop your childhood photos and is obsessively controlling of your presentation online to the point that nobody in your irl circle can post candids of you since it clashes with your delusional augmented online self, that’s a problem.
She also claims that she is not “brown.” Why? She is, and as a brown girl, she is physically pretty, naturally. What is wrong with that? What is wrong with being brown and not having European features? There is literally nothing wrong with her natural face.
No. 1663572
>>1663531lol people already said to stop updating the thread and the moron victimizing the cow saying it doesnt deserve to exist is the one who keeps updating it. again, lots of people got groomed and taken advantage of as children. most of us aren't nasty ass racists calling people subhumans while photoshopping our skin to look like another ethnicity, ironic. plenty of comments saying she looks fine too and should stop the weird photoshop. plenty of us have stated we're against the racist and nasty comments about her childrens looks in general theyre babies. you're like the troons wanting to take down websites because some comments are a little too mean and some people are stalkers even though the site in general exposes shitty people, she's a self-hating racist anachan who panders to a proana groomer collective, even starves herself when she should be putting on weight for her babies, yes she deserves to have her own thread, no it shouldn't be getting updated if there's nothing new to add to it and she intends to change. yes there are nasty comments in here. there are also plenty of
valid ones and she clearly recognized that herself when she made a post saying she'd stop living a lie. take your whiteknighting elsewhere you're more likely than not a retarded remiliafaggot
No. 1664874
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Guess who’s back! And now- in advertising after being ran off the internet a few weeks for having her real face posted
No. 1664993
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>>1664940Is she editing her hands to be enormous? Because isn’t she like super petite??? Her hands look normal in videos but in photos it’s almost as if she edits them to be bigger than her face, sum
nonnie pointed this out but idk seems oddly uncanny
No. 1665514
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>>1661932Have you ever seen Scandinavians like pic rel during the summer or just white peoples who live near the beach? Tanning is a natural occurrence that occurs when white people are outdoors a lot.
Huge difference between a natural occurrence like tanning and trying to be healthy and active outdoors and get vitamin D, vs pouring carcinogenic chemicals on your skin, getting plastic surgery to remove your ethnic nose, shooping obsessively to look more Caucasian and wearing contacts while claiming it’s your natural eye color. That and pandering to racist poltard scrotes and generally just being a racist POS yourself.
(sage) No. 1671279
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The trad uwu idk what 4chan is girl is still as racist as ever
No. 1671408
>>1671344Her other racist close friend posts their interactions on a private account.
>>1671355Funny you try to deny it.
Seeing how her old posts on 4chan were its not surprising she still talks like this to pander to racist scrotes online.
No. 1671425
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Skip to 26:00 to hear more of her lies. was so unnecessary for her to add the lie that Charls is the "only man she's ever been with in her whole life" but she loves to seem like an uwu trad different virginal girl to these scrotes.
She uses the islamic brown culture that she hates and criticizes to push this innocent wife image for validation despite flying to Sweden to give some random guy oral sex which she admitted herself on a board because she loves attention too much. She lies about it to her own husband and family.
No. 1671431
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>>1671421Effina's online friend is Aisha AKA 'Alice'. She is another brown egirl who panders to racist white men online.
A while ago Effina tagged her on Instagram but she removed the post, the girl is still in her following list.
'Alice' had many accounts on Twitter and has a lot of Telegram channels. This is a more private Telegram channel that she shares with friends:
Check it out while it is still here. You will find proof that Aisha is Alice and the messages from Effina are real.
No. 1671447
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>>1671431This is gross lol. These whores need Allah, they should go back to the Middle East and stay in the kitchen instead of opening their legs for random internet racists with 0 racial awareness since they’re ready to throw away their whole lineage for some exotic pussy.
No. 1671594
>>1665537>orange tannerDoesn’t change the fact most white people naturally tan anyway, the chemical used in self tanner is a sugar alcohol, not exactly the same as pouring dangerous chemicals all over your skin. Look at any beach in Australia and see how bronzed even pale Brit stock white people can actually go.
>bbls Not only ethnic women can have big or perky asses you idiot. In fact, most BBL patients ARE ethnic women.
>fillersOkay so only ethnic women have lips or cheekbones or strong jawlines. No white person has that naturally, okay. Racist idiot.
No. 1671601
>>1671279disgusting, to think she may have turned a new leaf with that post about how social media has negatively affected her and she still is being this gross and hateful in secret?
I don’t feel bad for her anymore. Imagine this person as a your mom lol
No. 1671622
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>>1671431>>1671408>>1671279>>1671355Of course Effina is lurking this thread obsessively and they deleted the channel immediately but there are screenshots.
Aisha who Effina follows on instagram has the username ecoprincess123. Proof from their deleted Telegram channel that Aisha/Alice is ecoprincess123. [1/2]
No. 1671623
File: 1665408270720.png (1.15 MB, 1666x1152, 2.png)

>>1671622The screenshots that Aisha/Alice posted of her conversations with Effina.
No. 1671628
>>1671625>>1671626All the proof was posted. That Aisha and Effina are close friends and there are interactions between them online, Aisha posts screenshots of her friends complimenting her or using racial slurs or whatever on that channel.
Funny how as soon as proof was posted, the channel was deleted and Aisha deleted her instagram account that Effina follows and you pop up to defend her.
Very suspicious lolz.
No. 1671634
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>>1671628James Charles called me the n-word
No. 1671637
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>>1671634omgz the brown james charles loves the n-word too look here
>>1633320 No. 1671693
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>>1671279How could someone so unappealing be this hateful? It blows my mind, honestly…
No. 1671931
>>1671796so true
nonnie. i get pointing out the comments and charls reaction to them because he shouldnt be joking with them. continuously posting about effina after she deactivated her ig and made a statement is pure vendetta, theres no proof any of those are real or recent. before the retard comes calling me a wk, ive contributed to this thread. by telling her to eat for one. also saying she looks fine when she doesnt do her weird photoshop, cause she does. she looks cute here
>>1671693 and this is just the filtered one her friend posted that she didnt shorten her face in. post proof that she said that or leave her the fuck alone at this point. you're obsessed. if you look back the only reason this thread was even revived is because she weirdly photoshopped that one picture and people compared it to this photo from the same night, and she looks PRETTIER in the non-face morphed one with just the filter. you nasty little cunts and faggots calling her a troon, hoping she gets raped, attacking her babies and trying to stalk her sister and obsessively reposting these need to rot and this thread should be locked, you are bigger cows than her at this point thats the last im typing here. but watch theyll have no proof and just keep samefagging reposting shit cause theres no new milk.
No. 1672234
>>1671425meanwhile she will sill bend over backwards and act muslim to get that sweet middle eastern moolah from her parents…
the real question is- does she have a clit?? her parents seem like the type.
No. 1672243
>>1672022This is so true. It has the style of a self-hating (Arab) friend who hates Effina's life decisions and her husband, but at the same time pretends to be supportive and envious that Effina got such a man.
Either this or simply a racist, traditional Arab girl
No. 1672380
>>1655408Also "nobody is doing that in this thread'
>>1672187Please read the post tagged above you imbecile. People
are wishing rape on her talking shit about her babies and calling her a troon. Just because I like to gossip doesn't mean I'm nasty and would ever wish that upon another woman or find pleasure in calling females trannies when that's literally all they want is to conflate what the fuck it means to be a woman as I said before. I wasn't opposed to this thread existing I'm opposed to gossiping among deranged cunts who wish rape on women and call them troons. You do not belong here
No. 1672455
>>1672380Look at the replies to your "proof", nobody's agreeing with that shit:
>>1655445>>1655456"People"? More like you and her other minions (including actual trannies, incels, and other variety of disgusting moids) planting shit. Maybe stop being a racist piece of shit, stop simping for Nazis, and try to find a reason why anyone with a non-rotted brain in their head would marry a man that would happily let other men shit on her own newborn babies' appearances. The truth is, there is none.
No. 1672639
>>1672439Yeah, troons take notes. Even the ugliest, scrawniest, hairiest is 100% feminine. YWNBAW
>>1671637Why so much vitriol for “spics” as someone who is Hispanic it just astounds me because she kind of looks like one herself kek
No. 1673030
>>1672649This. When that anon posted that, nobody agreed with it.
This anon
>>1663531 >>1671931 is claiming that the whole thread is agreeing on the disgusting wish to have her assaulted and harassing her sister, calling her a troon etc. Which nobody is doing other than moids trying to ruin and derail the thread. I don’t even acknowledge those gross posts because that’s not relevant to anything. And even those posts have like 3 replies condemning what they are saying? Get a grip, read the rest of the thread.
No. 1673228
>>1673102so true again nonna, zero even. theres still no proof this is real
>>1671279 like i know most women dont agree with that, still why the fuck are you bumping the thread? she's practically off social media she doesnt post photoshopped pictures anymore (the reason this thread was revived) she admitted to living a lie, what is the point of all this. shes off taking care of her babies and people itt are regurgitating the same old points about her dating the guy who GROOMED her? its years old milk. anyone can read about it in the old threads. i do think she shouldve owned up to it but if she deactivated her social media and said ok im gonna stop all this who the fuck is anyone to force it out of her mouth. there is simply no new milk.
>>1671425>>1671637reposting years old shit as if its milk reeks of the possible troon who was reposting that gif from like the first thread wishing gang rape on her. weve been over the fact she said racist shit in the past and didnt own up to it, i too find it offensive and gross considering im "subhuman" by her standards too but how do you care enough to go in circles about it? i sure don't.
>>1672639this actually sounds racist in itself considering im like multiple shades lighter than her and look absolutely nothing like her as a "spic"? we are all mixed and look like all different kinds of people she literally just looks arab which is what she is.
>>1672863and if she was jealous of thicc latinas she wouldnt be an anachan lol, like duh, you people need to get a grip.
>>1671625exactly like why don't you prove you're actually posting real milk? cause all i'm seeing are old screenshot and the same regurgitated points. just because it deserved to be made in the first place doesnt mean it should be getting bumped by vendettachans repeating themselves ad nauseam, please.
No. 1673241
>>1672455ayrt, and i was one of the people to disagree with it lmao. not her minion. learned about her by reading
this very thread because it was once posted in a server. didnt even contribute to the last ones cause i didnt know she existed then. hate the gross milady people and the ugly groomer they orbit, find her cringe as fuck for ever pandering to that proana pedo and anyone like him. but a lot of these posts are reeking of the same person who reposted that old gif and practically all thats being discussed on her since she left social media has all been said before. thinking that we are accepting whatever nasty troon faggot or cunt was making those nasty comments (and yes "should be send to incel parties only to get gang raped by the people she panders to" is wishing gang rape on someone, what she should do is stop pandering to them and stay the fuck away from them, thats it. there is 0 reason to bring gang rape into it) and gossiping with them about a woman who essentially was like "ok i give in im living a lie im getting off social media for my mental health this is too much im gonna focus on my family" you like beating dead horses? Its one thing if she was still online posting interacting with groomers while having the most obviously face morphed images, that makes one a cow. she isnt anymore. what is there to talk about on her specifically that hasnt been said before? nothing.
No. 1673265
>>1673228There is literally proof if you scroll up and actually read.
If the screenshot wasn't real and if Aisha faked it, why does Effina follow Aisha on Instagram? Why did they immediately delete the channel? Because IT IS real.
Also the screenshot was posted by Aisha recently. Anyone who searches about her in the future should find all the different updated evidence of who she is.
No. 1673269
>>1673228>>1673241>>1673254>>1673265Also I have never made fun of her husband or her kids or her family and I actually condemn that. I am only critical of her character.
I don't care that she says the n-word to her friends or whatever. What bothers me about her is that she's an insecure coward with multiple fake personas who doesn't own up to what she says. She plays different characters depending on which audience she's addressing and she goes into panic mode when these audiences overlap. She only deletes her Twitter/Instagram out of fear of being found out and also because she's a people pleaser. These screenshots are further proof of that and they are critiques of her dishonesty and lack of integrity. Not her appearance nor her friends or family.
No. 1673293
>>1673288Yes. Good for her for deleting her social media, but how many times has she deleted and restored it already?
When the first thread came up and she was exposed she went into hiding. After a while she came back and slowly started posting heavily edited pictures again and associating with the "trad circle". Then she was called out again in another thread and cowardly deleted her social media accounts again. It is a cycle.
She never admitted to plastic surgery until a famous Instagram account exposed her, and she is afraid of critique, so she made a video explaining how she got a nose job because she "broke her nose" to save face.
The cow just keeps coming back with more milk. Hopefully she repents forever and stops lying/grifting and heavily editing her photos. Otherwise, new threads calling her out will obviously keep coming up in the future.
No. 1673544
>>1673348i can understand that because the things she said on those threads are very hateful but they’re years old and to my knowledge she hasn’t said anything of the like since leaving that swedish groomer. she genuinely seems like shes trying to grow and change as a new mom. many of her friends are
poc and she is
poc herself, i think she’s finally accepting that especially since growing out of her trauma that was caused by her groomer. yes, it doesn’t excuse her behavior but she’s trying. most of the fucked up things being said in this thread are probably posted by the groomer himself and that girl that was posting her tits and promoting her onlyfans in the last thread.
No. 1673553
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>>1673544who FYI also photoshops her pictures to hell while shitting on effina and dragging other women down on her tumblr. she’s still posting on this thread and i know that because she’s the anon that doesn’t know how to sage properly. she changed her tumblr or deactivated it since self-posting in the last thread because people were pointing it out. she was extremely woke on her tumblr but calls effina a sand n
* and aladdin on here. and replied to herself on the other thread praising how perfect her body is and how she’s better than effina because she’s white.
No. 1673620
>>1673544why r u talking as if the swedish guy forced her to write those things at gunpoint?? she was an 18-20 year old woman not a stupid child and she would constantly post like that on her own. all the people she's associated atm are twitter racists. she just went through the 4chan to extremist twitter pipeline, no difference.
>>1673553this woman is no different from effina they r both insane on the same level lols. both hateful racists who heavily photoshop their pics
>>1673511post proof that it was a guy friend? effina had that pfp on twitter for a while and she would type casually in small letters at times. plus she would always claim that there are slaves in the middle east (like she did post on 4chan before that she has "filipino slaves", spams n-word and makes fun of jews) it's just smth that effina would 100% say
No. 1673740
File: 1665600107441.jpeg (576.94 KB, 1168x1870, DCCF54FF-8D47-4896-BFC2-1DA181…)

>>1673683yeah and she claimed they were together for 4 years and he forced her to get an abortion although she was with this kyle guy in 2017 (they seem to have been together for like a decade and broke up in 2019). she was saying that then started promoting her onlyfans and posting pictures of her tits saying shit like “does this make effina mad” while acting like a
victim. she was also replying to herself saying “wow she looks so young” when she’s 30 years old.
No. 1673753
File: 1665600775504.jpeg (1016.7 KB, 3465x3465, DD772F67-7AA9-4B49-ADE4-2CF404…)

>>1673744oh and she photoshopped this picture of her deceased grandmother lol.
No. 1674267
>>1673288>>1673620>>1673553>nword >n-word>sand n*Ladies, this isn’t twitter, you don’t need to censor your language
>>1673683>>1673740This is Foot’s thread, how is this ewhore relevant to current milk? I smell self-posting
No. 1696865
>>1674318That’s not how racebait works, retard
>>1696732I wish her post history would be revealed, I reckon she’s self-posting even more than we think is
No. 1697011
>>1696528Have you not now implicated yourself as below us as you're now hating on us kek
Plus Footface is definitely hateful, she even hates herself!
No. 1697053
File: 1668094265580.png (712.26 KB, 760x759, skelly.png)

should we move this thread to the pro-ana scumbags? shameless body check, plus some editing for dramatic effect. makes me feel a bit nauseated.
No. 1697079
>>1696528>write rage essay>still bump the threadkek. i forgot about this weird, racist photoshop addict until i saw this thread on the first page. good job
/pol/tard nonsense = ugly, gross mentally obese behavior btw. find god.
No. 1699264
>>1699244Ok schizo? What was the point here..? I had no interventions so i actually birthed 1800s-style as I had an unassisted pregnancy and childbirth because unlike footy, I actually nourished my body and didn’t starve my baby in the fucking womb.
Effina’s kids would have died in the 1800s since feeding tubes and oxygen didn’t exist back then. She probably tells herself the $2 million NICU bill wasn’t her fault but deep down she knows it is.
No. 1699419
File: 1668399014160.jpg (390.15 KB, 1080x1073, IMG_20221113_230623.jpg)

Her shopped face is slowly creeping out on recent pictures. Not to long until she starts posting edited selfies again. Beware.
No. 1699470
>>1698957>>1699264Congratulations, no one cares about your crotchfruit and miscellaneous tradthottery.
>>1699290Imagine bragging about your pregnancy on an anonymous gossip board, breeders are insufferable
(infighting) No. 1699646
File: 1668445005939.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1242x2168, 2E71F150-2E6B-4DA3-8986-43FCC9…)

at least she looks like her real color (brown) in recent pics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 1699712
i think its really nice that she's showing closer to a realistic skin tone and appearance rather than photoshopping. even if it isn't 100% real, its a much better route than a majority of instathots choose, and shes more or less sticking to her word if such is the case. looks pretty similar to
>>1671693id appreciate the irony of charls being the photoshopped one in this photo and effina being the more natural character, but id wager to say that they didn't do so for a laugh but rather to take any heat off of effina and claim "uh, duh, we're obviously both edited!" or something if his fans comment nasty things about her natural appearance.
No. 1700649
File: 1668545302469.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1418x1910, C208EE16-7078-4935-B059-331FC7…)

>>1699646Did she FaceApp smile him
No. 1702646
File: 1668748311455.jpeg (374.76 KB, 1283x1600, 40A3BF98-93D8-492D-8FB7-31B0BB…)

She tries to lighten her baby’s eyes to make them look blue as she’s stated before that both of them have blue eyes but they clearly don’t even with the failed shooped pics lol
No. 1705376
File: 1669016599264.jpg (264.38 KB, 1080x1362, IMG_20221121_024223.jpg)

That color is ugly as hell and she keeps editing her fucking eyes
No. 1705385
File: 1669018886193.jpg (201.03 KB, 1080x1196, IMG_20221121_031805.jpg)

She is also back at Twitter, with no selfies but retweeting fanart of her photoshopped face. Which means she is pretty much back at the same place. Go back offline, Fotouh, or at least show your real face and stop deceiving people.
No. 1708956
>>1702646great to see her dogshit ugly sandnigger genetics are really coming out here.
before we know it they'll look like the middle aged arab men selling cigarettes at the corner store.
(racebait) No. 1710128
>>1708943>>1708956Imagine having nothing better to do on Thanksgiving than to post about Effina on this sad, sad forum.
Don't you have anyone who loves you anon?
File: 1669685174999.jpeg (79.81 KB, 719x543, EE0124A8-3CA6-4F2F-B3A3-DD6B11…)

No. 1713162
File: 1669687739596.gif (3.25 MB, 480x204, CB77B0A1-5C61-4027-9CCA-273F21…)

>>1713115Anon, how dare you say that
No. 1713328
>>1713114baby inherited her original nose lol.
how will she spin this later when they get older? is she going to photoshop all their photos too?
No. 1714278
>>1713286>>1713415Yes she shoops herself to have different eye color and skin color and changes a lot about her face it wasnt just one surgery and everyone else is pointing out its because of self hatred
nonnie one surgery isnt the same thing but she still cant accept herself obviously from all the other shoops after her surgery in these threads that it's not any specific feature its the whole face. Its like how some people use some filters that will make it look like they had multiple surgeries and fillers but add changing eye and skin color so ethnic inferiority is a part of it
No. 1714433
File: 1669801038346.jpeg (393.56 KB, 1125x1862, 93AA802C-3611-458C-9036-B10175…)

No. 1715053
>>1714433Oh god, here we go againnnn
Her eyes and nose are STILL photoshopped. After all this time being away from social media, she just can't be saved from her own shallowness. A very lonely one.
No. 1715784
File: 1669905117164.jpeg (85.29 KB, 1170x1252, 553F96B4-A691-4574-A8EE-2BCB8F…)

>>1714591At least she is kinda self aware. Kinda hard to sustain life when you’re living with a full blown ED. Hopefully she doesn’t reproduce again, for the child’s sake.
No. 1716062
File: 1669928988219.jpg (52.54 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1713114He looks just like his father!
No. 1717343
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No. 1717541
File: 1670090631174.png (71.53 KB, 275x155, 1620615378866.png)

>>1717471It's her pedo ex lover.
I wonder what she tells Charles about the context of these pics. "Oh he's just a good friend" lmao
I don't think if he was just a good friend that he would have made those accounts with pictures of Effia and him together after she got with Charles. I wonder if she feels bad about leaving the Swedish Pedo for the American Pedo like that.
No. 1717624
>>1717343People itt are creepy fr. Why are you trying the anime AI bot on this woman and her pedo ex bf? Thats gross.
>>1716863Also imagine being pregnant and sitting here talking shit about babies appearance.. gross women.
No. 1718300
>>1718115Which is what?
Disgusting psychopath white men, who are probably pedophiles?
Seems fitting for someone as awful as her, she probably knows that she's bottom barrel.
No. 1728090
File: 1671131152414.png (818.32 KB, 742x960, alejandro.png)

>>1714433this is the girl who had "persian sumerian princess" in her twitter bio and posts about how she's "not brown". only thing she inherited from her persian iranian side of the family are her eyes and love of plastic surgeries. her big nose tip (even after 2 nose jobs), big lips, tan skin and long face really make her look african arab more than anything else. peep the jawline it looks drawn on
>>1711215i remember seeing that aisha girl. she sends thirst traps for white scrotes online and she only ever posts pictures of herself as a toddler. she does have big frizzy hair, thick eyebrows, a big nose and no lips. like effina, she only posts about how much she hates jews and browns (both races that they resemble strongly). birds of the same feather?
No. 1728104
File: 1671131855609.jpg (72.38 KB, 816x719, effy.jpg)

>>1728090not to say that she's ugly but it's pretty contradictory to look down on ethnicities that you look like you may belong to.
No. 1729379
>>1728090i dont believe the persian ancestry larp, i do believe shes arab/saudi/kuwaiti admixture though.
any persian ancestry is likely ajami people which are sometimes are shia muslim ( unsure if effina is shia or sunni) and have admixture from arabs in gulf countries they settled in ( might be inncorrect here).
even then she doesnt look like gulf ajami people.
she does look run of the mill kuwaiti/gulf arab.
many who are very pretty not saying this as a diss.
No. 1729380
File: 1671260200208.jpeg (416.95 KB, 959x980, 16EDF734-3ED3-4B15-9128-B85144…)

>>1728090pictures ive seen of her dad looks like he has black ancestry mixed with arab.
No. 1729472
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No. 1729473
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No. 1729482
>>1729380I feel sorry for her dad. Imagine having a daughter, loving her, and she ends up hating any resemblance to you and speaks badly of your African ancestors because she wants to be cool to some 4chan scrotes.
Similar thing with Gigi Hadid, she was influenced by her racist mother to change her face so that she doesn't look Arabian like her father.
No. 1729510
>>172938040% of Gulf Arabs have maternal African ancestry(due to the slave rape) This is a typical look for gulfies and it wouldn't considered "black" in those regions like the west
>>1729482He's probably just as racist as her, she just extends the gulfie racist to her own kind
No. 1729522
File: 1671291911224.jpg (561.53 KB, 828x1423, RI.jpg)

>>1729472>>1729473Living in the U.S. gave her a reality check. She went from photoshopping herself to look whiter and claiming she isn't brown to meeting people who mistake her as the "spics" and South Asian "browns" she hates so much.
No. 1729528
File: 1671292216523.jpg (399.12 KB, 996x1003, Screenshot_2022-12-16-07-30-05…)

ring ring Hello Fotouh, this your father calling you to tell you to stop denying your heritage. click
No. 1729541
File: 1671293631829.jpg (2.22 MB, 4096x2730, GridArt_20221217_080309253.jpg)

>>1729380She has photoshopped and plastic surgeried away all of her supposed "Persian" features to look white. This picture looks like two people of different ethnic origins, definitely not father and daughter. Her mom is Iranian for crying out loud, you're telling me she has zero Arabic features like the nose and the skin and yet she has slanted, light eyes too? I don't think so…she really must think other people are below her and actually, "intellectually challenged".
No. 1729590
File: 1671301875933.jpeg (406.69 KB, 797x787, C92E29B3-80BD-4556-B524-DDB8E3…)

>>1729588Sorry samefag forgot to include the pic
No. 1729688
File: 1671315618872.png (6.48 MB, 1242x2208, 60DCB857-7127-4BF3-A17B-51F371…)

>>1729541That’s just most Iranian girls though, they are obsessed with plastic surgery and hate looking ethnic. They have a weird complex about being ‘Aryan’ because it’s a Persian word and origin theory. At the very least most of them get a nose job but in Tehran you’ll see women who have had so much surgery they look like western bimbo pornstars. That whitewashed yassified look might be considered
problematic in the west but in Iran it’s so common that nobody bats an eyelid.
No. 1729690
File: 1671315767645.jpeg (26.81 KB, 345x345, A5772BE7-7E4E-4D99-A7E3-CE9919…)

Another example of a bogged whitewashed Iranian woman. Fotouhs obsession with surgery is honestly mild compared to many of these women.
No. 1729714
File: 1671318540040.jpg (2.45 MB, 4096x2730, GridArt_20221217_150557441.jpg)

>>1729690Yeah guys Effina only got plastic surgery to not appear Iranian and used Photoshop to appear white in a mild way, so it's okay. kek
No. 1729895
File: 1671342494502.jpg (106.87 KB, 450x568, Lurs.jpg)

>>1729688>>1729690what's even weirder is the fact that these same women look down on the few ethnic groups in Iran that do have these features that they desire, simply cause they are poorer and don't speak proper persian
No. 1729963
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No. 1729983
File: 1671362449590.png (112.07 KB, 300x300, lol.png)

>>1729688>>1729690ur wrong about that. fotouh makes herself look just as cartoony as her iranian cohorts
& trust me she knows exactly what aryanism is and deluded herself into thinking that shes some persian-aryan indo-european goddess.
No. 1729986
File: 1671363430052.jpg (403.06 KB, 3454x3100, teehee.jpg)

>>1729482>>1729541she has so much self hatred its unbelievable. hangs around people who post about truth & beauty, both things are foreign to fotouh. it doesnt even stop at plastic surgery & photoshop.
she doesnt even like her given name and replaces it with an alias instead. doesnt identify with her race, ethnicity, family, religion NOTHING. she is a terminally online herd woman with no real identity outside the internet.
No. 1731880
File: 1671955819079.jpeg (890.02 KB, 1242x1674, 3A084062-C351-4CF1-8201-8E2408…)

she did the ai art thing where she looks 5 shades lighter than her real skintone again
No. 1733141
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No. 1733829
File: 1672340034453.png (13.41 MB, 3048x2014, fotouhai.png)

>>1731880Made some with her more natural pictures and closer to her real skintone and eyecolor. Happy New Year Fotouh!
No. 1733976
File: 1672355681787.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3465x3465, D081E9AB-03BD-419A-9024-295911…)

Sage for autistic tinfoil but
Am I the only one that thinks Fotouh wants to look east asian rather than white, instead of photoshopping traditionally european features I think she shoops east asian ones. I mean, look at the comparison. Her style is even more in line with the elegant korean "Ulzzang" style than any style that white girls wear (Which is why footy randomly wears vintage dresses.)
No. 1734019
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No. 1734075
File: 1672368698916.jpeg (95.06 KB, 720x720, FEA632E6-AF37-4DCA-AC0A-F7CFED…)

>>1734043Sorry I couldn’t remember her name but I remember now. It was Negin Vaand. She was popular in like 2017. She would have identity switches like only uploading selfies and outfit pics with one kind of aesthetic, then suddenly deleting all her posts and starting all over again with a completely different aesthetic.
Couple years ago she had a kpop phase, went to Korea, took lots of pics there and would hang out with only Korean girls, as far as I know she tried hooking up with Korean guys and even had a Korean bf for a little while, then he dumped her and she posted some rant about racism in Asia then deleted all her old posts and started posting a different aesthetic again.
She would intentionally whitewash her pics and put the palest filters on them as well as trying to do her makeup more Korean style.
No. 1734080
File: 1672368957259.jpeg (422.56 KB, 1242x1053, 77CEE7FB-1329-42D8-8F67-343D64…)

>>1734075It’s hard to find milk on her since PULL was deleted, I did find this post from another forum though which confirms my memory of it. She would frequently lie about her race and background, at first pretended to be Chechen and even said her dad died in the Chechen war in the 90s which was completely false lol, then she started larping as half Korean for a little while.
I think it is quite common for Middle Eastern girls to latch onto Korean standards because they share some ideals (skinny, big eyes, neotenous, pale skin, straight black hair etc)
No. 1734742
File: 1672466339861.jpg (55.17 KB, 768x704, kek.jpg)

>>1734651More like picrel. Your pic needs a trans flag pin and it would be more accurate.
No. 1734856
>>1734801Samefag as
>>1734853 but you must be a newfag to think that is a women.
No. 1739014
File: 1673059423106.jpg (729.92 KB, 1080x1919, IMG_20230106_214229.jpg)

Footy is back at her usual deceivings. So long for all that time for reflection, I guess.
No. 1740520
File: 1673295099053.jpeg (711.39 KB, 828x1555, 9CFF4AFE-0FF9-4386-BCC3-443816…)

ah yes! was definitely waiting for the racist who spent the majority of her life photoshopping herself into looking white and having green eyes to preach us about racism and self hatred! thank u fotouh
No. 1748386
File: 1674162647347.png (1.35 MB, 1440x1140, 1.png)

>>1628673sage for child bullying
No. 1751899
File: 1674639224945.jpg (774.6 KB, 828x1359, mozlim.jpg)

>>1751706>>1751876She larps as a believer of different religions every few months depending on what's considered based on 4chan.
This is a pic she posted in May 2019 in Sweden, when she was still with her ex boyfriend. It was during Ramadan (holy month for muslims where fasting is mandatory during the day) and she posted this pic of herself drinking in broad daylight lolz. Her muslim followers were confused in the comments because it's a sin not to fast during Ramadan.
No. 1757235
>>1756415I think it’s common for certain nonwhite women (especially those deemed ‘spicy whites’ like pale East Asians, ‘white’ latinas, pale Arabs etc), and especially those who are dating white men, to start believing and feeling like they are white by association with their white scrotes and hope as long as they ‘look’ Caucasian enough they will never experience racism.
Sometimes they become arrogant and try to bully and look down on other ethnic women who don’t pass as white so much. I’ve actually seen this a lot, I know Arab and Pakistani women who are racist towards black women and call them racist names, I’ve seen and overheard NE Asian women being racist towards SEA women and other brown/black women etc.
However, 9 times out of 10 these women will eventually end up being racially profiled, abused or attacked for being ethnic and it serves are a wake-up call to them that they are not actually a protected white class and can indeed suffer from racism.
With Effina it seems like she thought she could larp as white, but with all the online shit, especially with people saying how ethnic she looked before surgery and how ugly her kids are, calling them mutts etc).
Finally it hits them and they eventually they realize that they will never truly be white and they start lashing out because their delusions of whiteness and their safe space of whiteness has been shattered. Often they end up becoming more anti white or larping as SJWs. But they still usually retain that nastiness and superiority complex over other ethnic women, they just start to hide it more while playing the
No. 1757236
>>1757235Also, I saw this happen a lot recently particularly with whitewashed east Asian women. A lot of these women thought as long as they hang out in mostly white spaces and only date white scrotes they can eventually fuck and schmooze their way to being white.
Then there was an explosion in attacks against East Asian women during covid and its almost like it made them realize they really ARE ethnic again and will never be able to escape being racially profiled for being Asian, and I think realizing this made many of them deeply uncomfortable because they realized they will never be white. Effina has probably had the same realization recently with the amount of hate she got.
No. 1758476
File: 1675280465614.jpeg (972.45 KB, 828x1357, 2F50F173-FBC4-4B5F-8169-5CC1BA…)

jumpscare فتوح ردي سوي فوتوشوب كسم خلقتج يا تكرونيه
No. 1759073
>>1758476the most “real” looking photo of her yet.
I don’t get why she wants to change herself so much. She looks fine naturally, despite what any nonnas say here
No. 1759317
File: 1675356680533.jpeg (698.26 KB, 828x989, 93E02868-BA2F-4ED0-8C5E-013EC0…)

very much the same person(emoji)
No. 1760042
File: 1675426161540.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x2058, F9BCD4D4-6175-4BA3-B029-35865D…)

>>1759947Honestly from what I’ve seen she is most embarrassed of her jaw/mouth shape. Even more so than her skin color. This is why EVERY single shopped photo of her has the weird angular jaw and cherub lips. She has a slight overbite maybe? Or a protruding maxilla… I don’t know exactly what it is, but without fail this is the feature she hates the most. She is posting her natural color more often recently but hides her mouth area. Pic related.
(It’s also probably not easily fixable with surgery.)
No. 1761123
>moids of other cultures are shit, so i will abuse women of those cultures! i am very smart!Get your chromosomes checked
No. 1761280
File: 1675559333063.jpeg (341.57 KB, 1242x780, BC3A89FE-5C37-4ACF-B2F7-57E848…)

>>1761274this. just go on /pol/ or right wing twitter, enslaving women again and legalizing pedophilia is what all racist moids fantasize about.
they don’t believe women should have rights, want to marry 11 year olds, and think all unmarried non virgins should be stoned to death.
polcels bitch about how muhammad married a 9 year old in 620AD, which of course is disgusting.
but remember the age of consent in the USA was 10 years old up until the late 19th century, and just 7 years old in states like Delaware.
JFL if you think a certain nationality of scrotes are different.
No. 1764458
File: 1675962826875.jpeg (516.69 KB, 2048x2048, C8EB1E9C-AB0B-4019-8523-1C174F…)

The one thing Fotouh inherited from Charls was a false sense of elitism. That was, until he just embarrassed her on IG eating food he described as “something so good you could never find it in America”.. well how good is it?
No. 1764481
File: 1675965647383.png (11.13 MB, 1284x2778, 6A907D14-6232-4411-9C4C-B65003…)

>>1760042oh gosh.. you all don’t know about about the fotouh underbite
No. 1766607
File: 1676226280227.png (1.71 MB, 1546x758, beforeafter.png)

Side-by-side comparison of the picture that made her famous and her recent picture.
I am sure she is embarrassed enough about her editing past and is remedying that but it's something I wanted to touch upon. Do you guys think she would have been as known as she is now if she always posted real face? What constitutes beauty in the digital world if it's not fillers/surgery/photoshop? How do we stop average women from trying to compete with actual beautiful models on Instagram?
No. 1766699
File: 1676234614919.webm (5.79 MB, 1080x1080, EffinaandCharlsTurkishDrunkRag…)
Turkish Bar crawl goes wrong and in the midst of consoling the schizmoid breakdown, Effina is able to stop triggering Charls by becoming triggered herself
No. 1767902
>>1767814how would it bring down sam?
he's just finally saying everything he's bottled up for years after years, and she's encouraging that, might honestly not be the worst for his mental health to experience catharsis.
No. 1767996
File: 1676393242049.jpeg (827.82 KB, 1284x1000, 67C76CBE-75A1-4E4D-AD25-D63F73…)

>>1767184That nose is like a natural canopy
No. 1768005
File: 1676393880595.png (249.12 KB, 552x350, hahahahaha.png)

>>1767996the fucking lies, man! that chick is so ugly !
no brainer charls is pissed haha
No. 1768036
>>1766699i thought this was ai generated by a
nonnie here to troll but she actually said those things about herself on stream. she didn't mature in the slightest, how is she going to raise her kids to love themselves at all?
No. 1768044
>>1768036Tip: it will justo get worse.
By the way, her father looks like he stinks of sweat and piss.
No. 1768709
File: 1676477129652.jpg (126.66 KB, 1080x516, IMG_20230215_110505.jpg)

Apparently, not perfect enough.
No. 1768953
File: 1676494235885.png (16.13 KB, 945x175, 1676266634643.png)

Sam Hyde is based for making that retard Charls spazz out. It all started because he saw how much money Sam made from his streams. 2k-4k for 2 hour streams where sam does nothing kek
No. 1772274
File: 1676862259888.jpg (457.36 KB, 1080x1001, IMG_20230219_220209.jpg)

Photoshopping is back. She even added hair to Charls head kek. Embrace yourselves.
No. 1772693
File: 1676920153925.jpeg (817.74 KB, 1284x1618, F40584C4-600A-44E6-A89C-ED36F9…)

Poor kiddos.. their parents truly believe a country like Kuwait is going to be a better off place to start than THE land of opportunities vs. a place their own mother is discriminated against(unsaged nonmilk)
No. 1772729
File: 1676923667930.jpg (532.94 KB, 1080x1360, IMG_20230220_150111.jpg)

Attempting another photoshopped identity to the new WP2 scrotes, the ones that may not know about her yet. Wonder if not mentioning his wife is going to be in Charls' contract.
No. 1772748
File: 1676924589514.png (517.22 KB, 794x630, 564367462874.png)

>>1772729uh oh
(learn to sage) No. 1772750
File: 1676924755290.jpg (62.39 KB, 720x720, Mt3xprkHfIaXSgzD.jpg)

>>1771556I dont even like Fotouh but damn, even unshooped she looks way to pretty to be with that balding uggo. I feel like her insecurities played a huge factor into choosing him. No sane person would fuck this short cuck.
Fotoh posted how her sons are already so tall, which they are, but being taller younger means that they won't grow much when older. It's science. She's coping extra hard since charles and her are below average height kek
>>1772302Shut up "Eff", if I was you I'd be more worried on how not to become a single mom of 2 with your aging shizo hubby. Once he'll get that WP2 money and hype he'll find a new self-loathing pick me he can impregnate. I really feel sorry for them boys. You choose this life for your kids.
>>1772729Damn at least it's her natural skin tone, we've come a long way kek
Pic of charles cuz he's too ugly to not be posted
No. 1772756
>>1772734No I’ve read the whole threads and done my studying but the thing is that this isn’t even abnormal behavior on a global scale kek like wow so surprising some imaanchan is racist, mentally ill, and popping out babies for some old guy.
Wait until you find out about harems!
No. 1772764
>>1772756Yeah but are you really comparing a rich old pasha in a harem with broke ass infertile charles?
Why is she with someone who'll be most likely completely broke by 50? He's a burden. For Footys family and her kids. She doesn't gain a single thing from being with him, not even financially.
>>1772755Yeah people tend to forget that, she's no saint whatsoever.
Also…as long as she still calls herself 'Effina' and teaches her sons to call her that….she's a self hating brown gal with internalized racism. I dont buy her 'omg im less edited so pls dont bully me on lc' scheme
Stupid lil fotouh hasn't changed much. Also I could swear she bullies Belle Delphine on here, she's that type of person
No. 1772785
>>1772779Calm down
nonnie kek this was most likely fotouh herself so the part about not eating was kinda true
(samefag) No. 1773221
>>1772764Infertile? The man had 2 kids!
How many have you got?
(sage your garbage) No. 1774129
File: 1677068776893.jpeg (856.18 KB, 1125x1392, 86217777-522D-4B43-AD68-A4417C…)

She actually looks beautiful here, is it edited? I can’t tell.
No. 1774236
>>1774129she looks great if unedited.
>>1774145I think she’s only had her nose done and maybe lips, but that could also be the application of how she uses her lipliner and over lines a lot
No. 1774322
File: 1677086388307.jpeg (135.74 KB, 828x1472, 4D1C5716-3952-487B-98BE-564B82…)

here’s an edit fail that i love lmao
No. 1775253
File: 1677179417335.jpeg (384.98 KB, 582x940, 72934AFF-B9E8-41C9-89DE-AB5B64…)

>>1774343She’s looks part camel. Gross
No. 1775444
File: 1677198884405.png (9.19 MB, 2778x1284, CFD17CFD-51C3-4652-B946-ACB0BD…)

she just went live and gagged all of y’all here LMAO. she looks gorg and even though she might slightly edit her pictures all of these other “exposing” pictures here are obv way far fetched.(sage your wking)
No. 1775485
File: 1677202138809.jpeg (680.82 KB, 2697x3465, B95BE7CB-34DC-44FD-9AF7-C78E97…)

>>1775444i dont even think her editing is extreme at all anymore and its much more natural than say snapchat and ig filters which lots of insecure girls use and nobody bats an eye even though it changes their entire face shape nose and eyes, but just because you look at this and think gorgeous doesnt mean thats a fact or that most agree with you i dont find this attractive. i'll hand it to her that now pictures like this one look the same as her face
>>1758476 No. 1775488
File: 1677202730246.jpeg (13.48 KB, 169x201, 68EE6E44-A47F-479B-A5E7-3DEBDA…)

>>1775485>>1775444this is the kind of beauty that makes me gag, fotouh could never. this girl had nose surgery too and she has the real skin and eye color fotouh edited herself to have for years. fotouh looks like a hideous goblina next to actual gorgeous girls, don't lie to yourself to whiteknight a cow kek
No. 1775711
File: 1677242357508.png (1.18 MB, 974x1134, Screenshot_20230224-063748.png)

>>1775184I want the return of discount Vin Diesel kek. It seems more like Charls is just lazy. I bet if he had his hair shorter, instead of whisped out and untamed, his balding wouldn't look so bad.
No. 1775713
File: 1677242454790.jpeg (218.78 KB, 701x624, 1D64F493-BD94-4402-9F43-43B639…)

>>1775485Looks better from this angle at the end of the stream
No. 1775762
File: 1677248351065.jpeg (86.99 KB, 900x900, 15E646DD-F764-48A1-B937-ECE75E…)

>>1775485She looks far more attractive in her edited photo. What a loser
No. 1775804
File: 1677254049224.jpeg (90.86 KB, 482x246, FCE16D72-492E-4F6D-8758-11CBCB…)

The princess edit next to the toad reality
No. 1775865
File: 1677258216006.jpeg (1.2 MB, 3318x3424, 66F2769E-C8DF-4EE3-BF19-C6E83F…)

>>1775713you can try to find a good angle and that still wont make this person attractive these are also from the end of the stream. what cracks me up is that everytime she smiles shes quick to cover her mouth because if you remember when the threadpic of her smiling was posted she went crazy posting a photoshopped version of it saying people edited her to make her look worse, but her face looks the same when she smiles during the stream
No. 1775892
>>1775876There is no vendetta. Don’t drastically lie on social media about your appearance then you won’t be made into a cow. stop white knighting this freak
>>1775888No it’s not 80%. Most women don’t drastically change their face shape, nose, eye color, and skin color on purpose for years. She is a cow. Sorry if it hurts your fee fees
No. 1775938
>>1775934>>1775929the thread should be closed because there's just never any new milk.
aside from the edited photos (which everyone and their grandma already knows about) - there was a few racist posts on 4chan, made by an anonymous user, and it seems like that user MIGHT have been Effina. that was like, what, 2 years ago? since then the threads have been nothing but bunch of sad vendetta-chans circlejerking about how ugly Effina is, how ugly her husband is, and gloating about how ugly the children will be. what's the point?
No. 1775979
File: 1677267122522.jpeg (468.01 KB, 828x1720, AC8A2459-8198-40D1-B81E-D0811A…)

>>1775938wdym might, if it wasn’t her she would’ve denied the subhuman comment and wouldn’t know what i was talking about
(do not cowtip) No. 1776088
>>1775986i didnt watch the entire stream, i watched the last 15 minutes fast forwarded to the end where its fullscreen when anon i replied to said she looked better there. she was lying about that being edited to make her look uglier i realized when i saw how it looks when she's laughing, she posted about it with a photoshopped version claiming that was the real one. this happened after all the racism on 4chan and after she got plastic surgeries
>>1775892its not 80% here but in iran where she was born and shes part iranian, i grew up with a lighter persian friend so ive heard her talk about it many times, its very common for whiter girls to look down on girls who look more arab like her, its why the she lightened her skin and wore colored contacts for so long and got multiple surgeries. here plastic surgery is common but people dont change their eye and skin color on top of it. thats more common in countries where the majority are her skin color or darker, opposite of self tanning that is the trend here. maybe she didn't realize that would make her a cow because so many girls do it where shes from, so china and korea isnt a good example, but its normal where she was born
No. 1776361
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No. 1776405
File: 1677319632555.jpeg (33.55 KB, 583x616, 5D0CC4FB-4400-48AF-B6E7-A92B6B…)

>>1776060She’s desperate for approval from her white husband, 4chan scrotes and mde fans. Picrel is mde fans trying not to call charls a race-mixing traitor
No. 1776459
File: 1677331209346.jpeg (159.49 KB, 485x617, 57FE939F-8C88-48B4-9D3A-FC9AF8…)

Next thread pic?
No. 1776490
>>1775485She really does not look good here, so no unfortunately I haven’t been “gagged”
>>1776397I have no idea what MDE is or why anyone would care about that but if you were obsessed with her pedophile baby daddy before you knew about her and made this thread I think that’s a bigger issue than her being a pathetic racist anorexic “housewife” who just sits in the groupchat all day
No. 1776539
File: 1677344162015.jpeg (79.24 KB, 837x885, BD9A052A-6A21-41D1-849D-196D15…)

It’s funny how this creature is trying to come clean so we stop trolling her even though she hasn’t really changed since her 4chan days, she still photoshops not only herself but her kids too, constant racist innuendos in her earlier streams, videos, group chats etc. this is just her personality, that’s how she is and forever will be.
No. 1776547
>>1776500nta but i agree and i've talked shit about her on here, mainly because i am a "subhuman spic" and she edited herself to have light skin and light eyes while i actually have those features i'm very pale with blue eyes and i found that pathetic, to insult other ethnicities that even fit the eurocentric beauty standards she tried so hard to look like because some of us are actually mostly european despite being mixed, while she is brown, but im surprised she admitted to it. people are "wking" her because we realize she did change and there's no more milk. and now that she stopped blaming the swedish pedo for things she clearly said, i have nothing else against her. i'm in favor of locking the thread and letting her continue to grow as a person and mom. i know that people here continuing to spread lies mixed in with real information and comment on things they don't know about must be stressful. to just try to go on about her day and see the thread has been updated again and again with no new milk and the same people tearing her appearance apart calling her husband a pedophile, who i actually think seems like a good and caring dad and husband from what ive seen and theres no proof of any pedophilia on his part. i don't think she's ugly and i have insecurities of my own, i'm sure all of us here do. that is not enough to warrant a thread, especially if you've come clean about everything else and actually feel remorse. i don't know if farmhands will actually honor the results but here is a poll: vote yes. let's leave this woman alone she addressed everything and if these anons carry on this is harassment at this point
No. 1776598
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No. 1776613
File: 1677349826049.jpeg (217.91 KB, 750x984, A4403DBF-A811-4596-B20B-004741…)

>>1776598Isn’t she supposed to be rich? How did she not have braces earlier?
No. 1776616
File: 1677350312707.jpeg (187.1 KB, 646x678, EA66C0A0-53A8-4B1F-A8C1-35F94F…)

>>1776361>I don’t wish I was whiteSure
No. 1776621
>>1776579you don't have to say it to her directly, you're adding nonmilk to a thread she knows exists in a gossip site where the subject has admitted to everything that once made her milky. how is repeating the same opinions about her looks milky? it isn't, she's been very honest while like the other anon said, she could've continued to deny it. the point of this website is to troll cows who have no self awareness, she's very aware and remorseful, and actually looks like herself in her pictures now. what the fuck is the point? there is none. not to mention all the horrendous things said about her babies. leave her and her family alone. harassment can be defined as "the act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks and criticism" she's taken the criticism, owned up to it and changed. if you're trying to force her to delete her socials or continuing these attacks that she's already owned up to, that's harassment.
>>1776616i believe her. i self tanned and i didn't wish i was another race. it's the same thing but the other way around in middle eastern countries, almost everyone has dark skin and dark eyes and she wanted to stand out. let her learn to accept the way she looks.
No. 1776641
File: 1677352514333.jpg (484.17 KB, 2266x1178, Capture.JPG)

From today's livestream
some suspicious shapeshifting going on
No. 1776647
>>1776641not saging nonmilk again. those are facial muscles and bones moving. you are retarded.
>>1776642i'm ugly because i self tanned? i see beautiful women self tanning all the time lol. what an obsessed loser you are my god. you can't be attractive at all talking like this, attractive women don't get off on this type of stuff. talking shit about her after she's admitted to everything must make you feel better about yourself because you're unhappy with your own appearance and life.
>>1776639i'm not effina, and again i've criticized her on here before too. i'm pleasantly surprised with her honesty and now i can tell those of you who can't stop have a personal vendetta and obsession.
No. 1776675
File: 1677355347066.jpeg (268.39 KB, 623x793, A1B569A8-CCDE-4191-ACFA-82259E…)

At the stage of a baby’s life where it’s supposed to be the cutest, little tyke looks like a Turkish shop owner(dunking on a baby)
No. 1776764
What about any of this is funny, idgi
>>1776644some random bitch ran a grift like 5 years ago, and you're mad why?
(learn to sage) No. 1776783
>>1776768Nobody is jealous that they don't sleep with an ugly balding skinwalker cryptid man. He looks like he's on familywatchdog. He probably smells like hotdogs and milk on a hot day.
Of course she thinks Latina girls are jealous of her. Not everyone is a gross mde pickme who hates themselves for being anything besides white.
No. 1776817
File: 1677369714707.png (4.29 KB, 860x42, 34857839.png)

>>1776749>>1776750>>1776775>>1776755imagine being so disgusting and miserable that when you realize most nonnas don't want to keep this thread going because there's no milk you resort to making fun of a baby. misery loves company, if they don't lock the thread you few vendettachans will get to circle jerk in here talking shit about babies like the nastiest skanks i've ever seen who should never reproduce because after her apology anyone with basic decency and common sense is not going to agree with you. and you're breaking the rules, not only are you not discussing drama, you're involving a baby who wasn't even born and isn't at fault for anything she said in the past and already told the truth about. i hope you rot
No. 1776886
File: 1677375617443.jpeg (176.75 KB, 342x406, 4000F27C-296A-4E57-9375-E996B8…)

If effina looked like this, how she wishes she looked, maybe her baby wouldn’t be so hideous
No. 1776895
someone end this thread. it’s the same 4 miserable cunts posting shit like this
>>1776886please get a life
No. 1776956
File: 1677377284725.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1777, 5394CE7E-DE23-424A-8A6B-D225EE…)

>>1776901> drop dead gorgeous blondethis is an average looking woman without filters that shes using, and one woman's beauty doesn't take away from another's. why do the same few anons who want to keep this thread going sound way more racist than effina? i've seen ethnic girls 100x prettier than this one. you ran out of things to talk about so now you're dunking on a baby, dunking on her face over and over and comparing her to random blonde tard wives, what a sad way to spend your time. she confessed and apologized, let her move on
No. 1777131
File: 1677381581487.png (151.46 KB, 342x304, effinaa.png)

I find her reasonably cute but sitting here debating on it isn't milk and that's all this thread is when they're not fixating on her babies. She would be far cuter with several more pounds on her, remember to have a healthy BMI ladies because as you age that facial fat loss isn't going to be doing you any favors unless you're overweight, the blonde is cute because her face is plump. I know those braces will fix her teeth way before any of you bitches talking about her children will ever fix your souls. God knows we could all sit here and compare each and every one who types itt to a girl we find more beautiful as well as pick apart your insecurities and anyone with half a brain realizes that doesn't count as drama.
No. 1777545
File: 1677399607696.jpeg (307.96 KB, 750x814, 5C0895B9-56F4-41D6-B359-369175…)

>>1776956Still better than this creepy little Arabic boy
No. 1777576
File: 1677405140960.jpeg (179.6 KB, 750x507, 6E18BCF8-97AD-4FC1-9257-C0FE42…)

>>1776675He doesn’t look like his dad at all. Charls seems like the kind to get a paternity test
No. 1777587
File: 1677406372384.png (121.47 KB, 257x275, F9E5B631-88F1-4B17-A4D1-701EB7…)

The 500 faces of footy
No. 1777629
File: 1677417119441.jpeg (782.24 KB, 1170x1788, A8C47298-3038-470B-A311-C4F23F…)

>>1776539you really think you have the audacity to call others racist when this is how you talk
No. 1777907
>>1777577She's doin' them on 4chan as well.
I mean at least dont make it that obvious? It's extremely embarrassing footi! But I secretly live for her self-posts kek
No. 1777908
File: 1677443374656.jpg (1.23 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_23-02-26_21-22-10-292.…)

Top kek
No. 1778364
File: 1677509650556.jpeg (213.89 KB, 682x394, 9A19DF3E-AE1F-4ADC-8CB7-AE5E2F…)

Hey Fotouh. This is a member of Remilia. We are not happy with you. Please come clean on your social media that you deceived people with video editing software, as shown by screencap on right. If you can’t come clean about this on your social media, thread stays up. Do it for the sake of your sons.
No. 1778375
File: 1677511090380.jpeg (162.49 KB, 522x350, 3DAB2810-AFBB-4FDA-AC5A-2EF26A…)

>>1778364>refuses to accept her true race and ethnic name>continues to use deceptive video editing software on her current streams to this day She has deceived kaliacc and we are not happy. The thread will commence until she apologizes to us
(autism) No. 1778378
From what I could gather people on Charls' stream are getting tired of Footy's face and cringe personality pretty quick. How could you not if you regularly sound this retarded., I get a weird dynamic between them. He sounds tired of listening to her mickey mouse voice. Fucking depressing.
No. 1778388
>>1778378>From what I could gather people on Charls' stream are getting tired of Footy's face and cringe personality pretty quick.i didn't see anything indicating that
>Also, I get a weird dynamic between them. He sounds tired of listening to her mickey mouse voice. Fucking depressing.he just sounds tired after streaming for 4 hours and wants to go to bed. i think you are trying to find milk where there is none.
No. 1778395
File: 1677512311325.jpeg (311.44 KB, 632x759, 002CAF8B-257E-441F-A2C3-28EA54…)

>>1778378She looks so weird
No. 1778477
File: 1677519308245.jpeg (186.26 KB, 1241x920, DD8970CB-E304-4522-B9EE-B3B1D8…)

>>1778395Reminder of how she edited herself at the time she met charls. He must have enjoyed the beautiful wife compliments so he didn’t tell her to stop. I’ve never met anyone in my life who would alter their face so much. Disturbing
No. 1778545
File: 1677524628763.jpg (152.46 KB, 1207x933, Picsart_23-02-27_19-57-01-653.…)

>>1778378Aww poor footy she put on a ton of make up and such and still managed to look utterly unhygienic, oily and musty. Her hair has been a mess lately, her overlined lips with the muddy brown color really made her look like she ate ass kek
I have a question for OP, do you know she is wealthy or "silver spooned"? She seems middle class, not super rich. Some nonnas need to clarify
No. 1778551
File: 1677524941393.png (Spoiler Image,150.26 KB, 352x358, Picsart_23-02-27_19-29-58-438.…)

>>1778388He's such a hard worker, streaming and chainsmoking all day n night, laying in bed after work must been soooo rewarding for him.
Jumpscare warning!!!!!
No. 1778552
File: 1677525100598.png (19.08 KB, 985x163, 673689473874923.png)

>>1778542i am sowy i hurt your feelings
No. 1778566
File: 1677526084216.jpg (218.45 KB, 1430x1080, Picsart_23-02-27_19-39-01-909.…)

>>1778056Sage for child bullying
No. 1778568
File: 1677526359355.png (313.73 KB, 1478x523, charlsclips.png)

>>1778553The stupid youtube shorts and clips you make for Charls are cringy and fucking embarrassing to look at, Foot. Seeing you so full of yourself would be funny if it wasn't humiliating.
No. 1778572
>>1778567>accusations of vendetta posting in this threadAccusations? There's clearly at least 1 poster ITT who's obsessed, posting screengrabs of Effina's face over and over again, as if we haven't seen it already:
>>1778551>>1778545>>1778395>>1778375>>1778364>>1777545>>1776641>>1776598>>1776539>>1776459>>1775865>>1775804>>1775485^ this is what mental illness looks like
No. 1778662
File: 1677536228159.jpeg (287.5 KB, 727x467, 1AF56A22-E5A0-43B3-8EFC-785325…)

>>1776616A very honest person
No. 1778715
File: 1677542497502.png (793.27 KB, 680x659, 1519765824290.png)

>>1778364you mean a member of this pajeet pedophile's friend group is mad she ditched them? lol
No. 1778719
>>1778581Interracial divorce varies greatly by couple. White women have increased divorce rates in interracial couples while White men have lower divorce rates in interracial couples.
Age gap is for second marriages.
(sage your shit) No. 1778721
>>1778711then why does this pic
>>1778477 have bad lighting but somehow she looks good? The beauty is fake. She is a beast that abused photoshop for years. Don’t cap
No. 1778726
File: 1677544182801.jpeg (139.59 KB, 750x413, 4A177790-75A7-4384-92BC-4430A2…)

>>1778719There is nothing about second marriage and people from different cultures have high divorce rates even w/out the added age gap. charls is an unstable creep who messaged underage girls in the past. He chose Effotuh for her young age and “virginity”. not out of true love. He will begin neglecting her or treating her like shit soon if he isn’t already. If they don’t divorce i maybe he will snap and end up killing his family or himself
No. 1778762
File: 1677547801690.jpg (467.64 KB, 1080x1633, IMG_20230227_202855.jpg)

No. 1778912
File: 1677558786930.jpeg (115.35 KB, 750x194, 5560960B-339B-4734-A96B-E10C3B…)

>>1778762They’re not being very nice
No. 1779421
File: 1677616827356.jpg (156.68 KB, 1080x619, IMG_20230228_153408.jpg)

>>1779361Everyone thinks she is annoying. If she doesn't back off I predict a new schism.
No. 1780191
>>1779670Seriously retarded behavior, imagine this is your life. She thinks she won the prize but all I see is a musty niche streamer who peaked a decade ago.
Why is fotouh so hyped for WP2 anyway? Does she really think millions of people will watch it and they'll get famous and rich????? People on 4chan really need to touch some grass, no one cares about the 1% of overweight white autistic males that spent 20+ hours online.
Also doesn't Sam secretly hate Foot?
>>1778797Tbh they seem fine imo, ugly, sure but not retarded. I'm forever mad at the boring ass vanilla names she choosed for them. Noah and James really don't work for them at all. Incels often have a fucked up race identity.
No. 1780198
File: 1677703962483.jpg (295.36 KB, 1673x1080, Picsart_23-03-01_21-51-27-402.…)

Sage for lulz
No. 1780612
>>1780562nta but probably because charls has talked shit about him, because sam is a pedophile and racist and shes a grown nonwhite woman who used to photoshop a lot and just easy to hate on for those reasons as you can tell by the entirety of this thread which has been milkless for a while
>>1780191i think because her unique ethnic name gets made fun of a lot and vendettachans call her footface she learned to give them boring names. i would try to get a name that works better in her language too, arabic or farsi, and also in english, there are many persian and arabic names that work in english but maybe she didnt like them as much. i do agree that whitewashing your childrens names may just fuel inferiority complex shit but she could just think it will make them fit in better when they move back here.
No. 1780620
File: 1677742320461.png (2.42 MB, 2000x2500, 1669153190684.png)

Bump for cp
No. 1780878
>>1780819 she says something and he goes “ I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s like you’re not speaking English” she babbles more, he goes yeah sure whatever
1:06:59 he rambles about “paying for cunt” as she fixes his hair and he moves away
1:08:15 “I’m just a fucking loser no one gives a shit if I live or die” she says stop
1:16:30 she says you’re coming across wrong he goes I don’t give a fuck
1:23:30 he tells her to get him one more drink she says no no more. he says “one more or ill break your neck” with a serious face. she gets upset he says he is kidding it’s a quote from straw dogs
More rambling then he starts going off about Sam being gay toward end. Yes, very happy marriage. How will efftard try to cope with this one
No. 1780879
>>1780792He just hung out with Adam Friedland, a Jew, like two days ago…
>>1779670I bet she's hoping Charls will deep down pay attention to their children without being so online. I bet she's hyped for WP2 because it'll get him to do more things IRL and she gets to see him use his creative skills rather than just zone out next to a mic and 3 screens for 4 hours straight.
No. 1780892
>>1780882u cows don't even know how to refute things without accusing everyone who disagrees with u here as effina self-posting.
conflicts in marriages happen, people express love differently, men can get frustrated with their wives & vice versa. the fact that her family accepted him & how they were able to integrate into each other's lives & how they speak of each other indicates that they're happily married to me.
even if we go with your assumption that they aren't, how does it make her a lolcow if her husband 'doesn't respect' her?
>>1780891wow u must care so much about how effina feels & how her husband treats her. it really shows in this thread
No. 1780896
>>1780893ur original deleted reply: "Why do you call anons bitter losers but not her husband for being a bitter loser while disrespecting her in front of a live audience?"
why not make it a thread about charls then? again, how does the way he treat his wife make her a lolcow? my agenda is that there is no milk anymore & she's happy with her life & husband atm. that's why anons here are bitter losers for trying to continually smear her name & overanalyze every single aspect of some micro-celebrity's life
No. 1780900
>>1780878Bro wtf this was extremly hard to watch, almost unsettling. I've never seen such odd behavior from a married couple let alone from two parents. I could be wrong but Foot seems extremly uncomfortable and embarrassed by his behavior. At least.
>>1780881Look Fotouh, I get that you're young and you weren't raised in the west but I guarantee you his behavior is not normal at all, by any standards. How is this even a fun activity to do while on vacay? Depressing. Sitting around in a bar and babysitting this drunken idiot.
No. 1780906
>>1780897again, ur overanalyzing & making up imagined scenarios of their marriage from a few clips.
sure he hates his wife. why would he introduce her to his family & closest friends. if he's such an abuser how did her family accept him into her life & are happy with him & their children? if he hates his wife so much why does he defend her online & post on streams with her, why did they go through long distance together, etc. it doesn't require a lot of brain cells to reach that conclusion
nonnie>>1780899>>1780900more proof that u cows are mentally ill & can't find milk anymore. now that she apologized & repented, ur trying to find leftover scraps to criticize her on & the last "milky" thing ur hanging onto desperately is her husband bc there isnt anything else left to criticize
No. 1780918
File: 1677783195258.png (905.6 KB, 1514x1080, Picsart_23-03-02_19-49-25-053.…)

>>1780906Stop Footoouh! You have the nerve calling people mentally ill when your husband is a drunken shizo. Don't project your own insecurities onto other people, footface. Also go change some diapers.
No. 1780921
>>1780915>>1780918can't refute my point about her husband & now ur panicking & reaching for more leftovers like her name. ppl can use aliases online & not reveal their real names
nonnie <3 they're also allowed to change their name legally if they don't like it! keep whispering to urself that it's somehow milky &
problematic No. 1780986
>>1780976it's ur first time coming across this thread & ur assuming i spend months on here posting vendetta like other nonnies. i used to occasionally come here before to laugh at her & now i can see that the milk has expired & anons are acting more ridiculous.
even if someone's relationship is a facade to delusional ppl, that doesnt excuse constantly posting/spamming old milk & random hate & it's still an assumption. post evidence of REAL abuse & then we can discuss but so far i just see name-calling & low quality trolling
No. 1781033
>>1781021You actually sound very poetic
nonnie I like it haha
>>1780921Cmom Footouh we all know you hate being a brown woman from North Africa. That's why you constantly claim different races as your own, you are not Iranian, greek or anything european. Leave us outta your racebait. Instead embrace your rich culture and don't pander to racist basement dwellers that see you as beneath them. You have to accept that marrying a edgy shizo streamer will attach you to that lifestyle of neo-nazism. You manifested this life, accept it.
No. 1781050
>>1781047nta but ashkenazi jews are only a minority of jewish people, and sephardic and other jews are definitely nonwhite.
with that said, and as someone who used to post here, this thread is filled with vendettachans. she made a very honest and heartfelt apology. posters who can't let go are bigger cows, this woman is just trying to raise her children in peace.
No. 1781147
>>1781135Trust me, I know far more than you do about Arab social media and she has been trending way before she met Charls. Even after she stopped editing she still gets thousands of likes and compliments from those same Arabs following her. Most of them turned a blind eye to whatever you Americans are posting here about her real face and whatnot.
Let me in on how their marriage is milky though. I know she was a fan of MDE then got to know Charls online and married him. Personally I am against race-mixing but their age gap, kids, and streams are not milky honestly.
No. 1781153
>>1781148Free speech, love. Going by your logic, everyone in this thread should refrain from posting for their thinking.
Using racial slurs as a teenager is not a big deal. This is not different behavior from the 2015 stan Twitter girls trying to expose a celebrity for saying the N-word a millennia ago.
Oh, if the body count and age part hurt your feelings, the truth is most men do not find an aging ran-through woman desirable. Cheers.
No. 1781190
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>>1781153Certainly more desirable than a photoshopped monstruosity. No wonder Charls hate her guts as clearly shown on last streams.
No. 1781561
>>17811761 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 years does not make a difference. People with big age gaps will keep getting married and you can do nothing about it. Deal with that reality.
>>1781190Not real milk love this is just schizoposting.
>>1781191Well, the fake face catfishing stopped. You are applying 'American standards' to something that happened in the past. Is there any other real milk?
>>1781305Where is evidence that she starved herself during pregnancy? I did not find any pro-ana posting from this woman. She posted about meat diets, taking vitamins, and mentioned that she gained lots of weight during pregnancy and then lost it.
You might not understand this since obesity rates are very high in America, and you are probably a fat American yourself which explains your anger, but skinny women exist anon.
No. 1781772
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>>1781690God I love your self-posts, if you don't want ppl on the internet to form an opinion about your shitty life, then just keep away from it? Its really that easy. If you really don't want to be an cow just delete your instagram. The way you force yourself into charles streams will definitely not help. You are extremely ugly and annoying on top of your shitty personality, so it's just too easy. Also footy, this is just the beginning, you inserted charles back into Sams disgustinghands so there definitely will be future milk. Can't wait for WP2, where Sam calls u an ugly deformed mutant while Charles giggles and agrees.
No. 1782382
>>1782358How did she end up getting married then and how is this milky?
The most 'controversial' thing she has done I found (besides the catfishing) was how she cheated on her Swede ex and immediately moved onto Charls, but this seems to be a common femoid thing
No. 1782439
>>1781819No one will miss you, whether it be your parents that you are completely financially dependent on, or charles when he finds a younger prettier version of you. I dont even think your kids miss you, when you take your sugerbabe charlie on vacays, to spoil him as a thanks for giving you two deformed ivf sons. You are a desperate pickme with zero self-awareness. Stop posting on here, instead go make Charles a drink, or he'll snap your neck in half kek.
>>1782382I really need to contact this swede guy kek I feel like he has a lot of dirt on you, that's why you blame him for all your troubles. He did not force you to be racist. Anyone knows his @? (Foot don't be
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No. 1782467
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No. 1782487
>>1782439I don’t think he will replace her, he is way too mentally ill and she taught him a a lesson in getting catfished. he will be too suspicious of egirls to do anything. he will continue to treat her like shit, she will act like their marriage is great. Maybe she will hit a breaking point in a couple years and run off to her parents. I don’t see it happening unless he starts being physically
abusive though
No. 1782503
>>1782466>>1782467who are these girls & how are they relevant to this thread anon?
>>1782439i'm literally not effina check my ip + ur a textbook case of a schizophrenic & u must get treated asap
No. 1787821
File: 1678697642378.jpg (259.38 KB, 1080x1809, Screenshot_20230313-095147_Ins…)

Guess who's addiction of editing your jaw to look like a square is making a comeback
No. 1788168
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Fotouh shows 'muh real skin' to prove some point, as much as I like her fake honesty, it's really not the point.
I get that you utterly hate this thread Foot, but the only reason people still talk about you, is because of u. The amount of self posting in all your threads, is just mind-boggling, I do not now a single cow who'd post so much in her fucking thread as you do.
Also, if you really want to be "open, relatable and honest" start with real issues, like your mental health or how hard raising kids is while your partner is chain smoking in the adjacent room.
You defend Charles so much, especially in here, yet he never showed you the same energy. I'd honestly b embarrassed kek
No. 1788475
>>1788168Her acne legit looks like razor bumps kek
Her hair also looks dry,frizzy and oily per usual. Footy needs to stop straightening her hair with the airwrap, and go to a real salon and get it professionally done.
No. 1788489
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She constantly eye fucks the camera while streaming its so annoying and creepy, kek at this lil arab boy thinking it's serving Angelina.
Her make up is so tragic …..for a self proclaimed insta model…SMH
No. 1789024
File: 1678887342242.png (66.95 KB, 944x532, Screenshot_20230315-083511.png)

>>1788168Brittany Venti seething
No. 1789550
>>1788489What on Earth, this is not edited?! The difference between this face and the one she wants to have is so extreme…Charls is really
abusive for supporting her delusion and agreeing to her posting edited pictures, especially their selfies. If everyone expects you to look in a certain way based on pictures, it a nightmare to try to keep up with it as someone who already hates their appearance. No wonder she has such sad eyes on the streams.
No. 1789678
>>1789550Charles dgaf about Fotouh, she's merely his cum rag, and perhaps his sugar mama.
He has mental health issues that are more important to him, like acute schizophrenia and short man syndrome.
Fotouh just lives her white arab fantasies through photoshop. Remember when she used to edit her goblins kek she's definitely lost
No. 1789912
File: 1679011130554.png (129.9 KB, 772x476, rqwtrt4444.png)

>>1789550Whilst i think it's better she's come forward with her real face, I agree with you that the difference is startling. It also gives an insight into her inner psyche- she has no shame to speak of. The only reason she's given up is because she's been cornered by anons for over a year now and the evidence is so overwhelming she has no excuse but to give in. Has she actually made any progress? I'd say no. You don't just get over the level of body dysmorphia this girl had instantly by all of a sudden posting your real face. She has incredibly serious deep seated issues.
The amount she has posed, modelled, defended herself and edited herself is SO embarrassing. I get second hand embarrassment for her, like who tf does what she did. Who edits their face whilst pregnant with your babies, whilst smiling with your husband, whilst hanging out your friends. That is so shameful, cringey and above all, mentally disturbed. She needs to log off and seek psychiatric help for her unsettling behaviour as i get the feeling she thinks her years of delusion and lying will wash away now she's "honest". No. Effina, you're not well and it goes deeper than just editing your face. Delete all your social media and be you for a while, go seek help and gain weight. Go be a mother. Your behaviour is so alarming and just coming clean isn't enough. Your justification of not feeling good enough doesn't wash, so many girls feel like that but they don't do what you did. What you've done is sick, unhinged and skin crawling really. You wore the face of another woman for years in pictures with loved ones. That is heinous. Seriously, go offline and get therapy. You will never recover otherwise.
No. 1789978
File: 1679018309115.jpeg (158 KB, 828x1472, BE70ABCC-5F50-4BBD-BCBD-FD2E4B…)

Am i supposed to believe that she stopped editing her fuck ass face?
No. 1790255
>>1790093Yeah without a doubt, she would have carried on until oblivion but then again threads like this were inevitable because her shoops kept getting progressiveley weirder whilst she simulataneously hid her face from Charls' streams. Dead giveaway.
>>1789978She always edits her face to appear softer although she has no real femininity to her features. Her jawline is enhanced and masclinely sharp, her eyes are hooded and shapeless and her nose is large but botched alongside her bushy eyebrows and large lips. Now she could work with these features as there are many african women and indigenous women with masculine features who do their makeup to compliment and enhance it but she wants to eliminate these features and paints her face as if shes uwu dainty. It really doesn't work and makes her look ridiculous.
No. 1790301
>>1789978The uneven nostrils really get me all the time kek, she looks deformed and her upturned ski slope nose really don't work with her features, her OG nose was waaaay to big to be sloped like that. Her surgeon botched her fr
>>1790255Idk man I've seen WW with masculine ass faces as well, it's not a race thing at all, e.g footys sister looks very feminine and pretty, compared to her. She's just a very plain looking arab woman.
No. 1790306
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Here we go again, also why is she clinging to her cheap ass contacts so much? Her eyes are almost pitch black, not even medium brown. Why would she shoop them hazel all the time is beyond me. Also kek at her long ass witch nose
No. 1790318
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Just a lil comparison smh
No. 1790322
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Not to spam but she follows this site kek, you can't even make this shit up.
What a pick me loser, I shud send this admin a few of footfoots L's and photoshop fails, and how she catfished herself into a relationship. Your not a tradwife fungus! You can't even cook or clean. Remember how filthy charles apartment looked, even when you lived there for months!!!! Nasty ho
No. 1790429
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>>1790318What that moufff do footface
No. 1790440
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>>1790429Are you the same person editing Belle Delphine’s pictures? Seriously? This is from the same stream. You go as far as to edit screenshots from streams when they’re on YouTube? Really pathetic. Get help.
No. 1790686
>>1790440>>1790546>>1790593Shut the fuck up Fotouh, you're not intimidating anyone with your skimpy unwashed arab fingers and your short middle aged man kek. You guys are merely extremely below average looking losers that love to document your disgusting parasite lives on the fucking gram. Let us have a little bit of fun and call you out on your photoshop fuck face.
I dare you to post a video of you in 4k…without any filters or snow app. Show the real foot for once and all.
Also don't play hard online, we all now you would shit your adult diaper when confronted w/some "haters" irl.
Also I "found" the Swedish guy you used to fuck kek
He's still on 4chan calling you hairy an all
(hi cow) No. 1791154
>>1790686Hate her for trying to look white but shit on her for being arab, absolute schizo.
Arab girls are usually top tier in looks so why so much hate?
No. 1791432
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(global rule #7)
No. 1791443
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Same lower third as effina(global rule 7)
No. 1791463
File: 1679235517354.jpeg (158.67 KB, 563x1088, F5E4661C-2D53-4FDF-B494-2749B5…)

Here’s a quote from a Sam Hyde AMA where he specifically calls out immigrants and Saudis for wanting to perpetuate Sharia law and destroy the US the way they destroyed Europe. Sam probably sees Charles as a race traitor and says racist shit behind Footouh’s back about her and their mixed children. How can Charles work with a guy who is racist to his own wife? That’s sad for her
No. 1791469
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>>1791443It's also known as Hapsburg jaw. The Habsburgs didn't have any African ancesry. Vlad The Impaler (pic related, strong resemblance to Effina) had it, too. Romanian. Very strange to attribute this to African, but I know the thread is full of weird Hyde followers who are racist themselves and/or want to
trigger and troll the thread subject by insisting she "looks African" or "looks Hispanic". She doesn't look like either of those things, she looks like Vlad or an unfortunate Arab woman.
No. 1791473
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Emperor Komei, Japanese
No. 1791474
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>>1791432Is this an Indian powerpoint? KEK
No. 1791480
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>>1791469Why is Footouh so desperate to be white? A lot of arabs have African ancestry, which is what we can observe in her phenotype. She has similar nose, lips, eyes and prognathism as this black Saudi prince. He looks exactly like her father. Even Berbers are brown arabs but they’re from North Africa. Effina hates her African facial features and is stigmatizing them
No. 1791490
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>>1791484Because neither she or her family look caucasoid. These are average Saudi women and Effina looks way more prognathic and less Caucasian than them. She needs to stop shopping her skin tone and facial features because they look nothing like her. I’m not saying Footouh is fully African but she definitely has some DNA that is black which would show up in a test. If she was white like she claims she is, her babies wouldn’t look 100% Arab like they do and completely erase Charles DNA
No. 1791494
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>>1791484Pre-nose job and surgery Effina looks biracial/black. Her whole life has been spent trying to erase her African facial features
No. 1791509
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>>1791494She looks like an average Indian or MENA woman. No offense, but biracial and black people look nothing like that. Just because someone doesn't look European doesn't mean they resemble Africans, they have their own sets of features.
No. 1791526
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>>1791449Before you feel bad for Effina, just remember that she bragged about owning African, Indian and Filipino slaves
No. 1791608
>>1789978I'm just curious.
Did she get a third nose job?did she mention that anywhere? because her nose looks wayyyy bigger(as swollen post op) and the tip is sooo much shorter and her columella almost gone now and she used to have columella before which now is making her philtrum longer . I guess this is why they went on a trip to turkey.
No. 1791614
>>1791604That's what I got by Googling "average biracial women", sorry. Not sure where you live, but biracials look black and white, not like MENAs. Black people are varied, too, there'd be too many phenotypes to try and represent them all.
>>1791490 also isn't how most Saudis look ("average saudi women" - uhhh…), but Fotouh definitely looks more like them and like
No. 1791692
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>>1791484Her dad is really ethnic looking. Not sure what her mom looks like but judging from her pre-nose job pics, she must have a honker too
No. 1791739
>>1791639She looks like she has black African admixture.
Googling "biracial" will bring up pictures of west african/northern euro biracials, which doesn't account for every instance of a person having various degrees of black admixture see: latin america
No. 1791938
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>>1685109>>1671623>>1671622somebody should show thalia/anne these threads
No. 1791976
>>1791739Fotouh doesn't look like Afro-latino people, either.
If she "looks black/biracial" like some posters have been claiming (she doesn't), most Arabs do (they don't). It's just a massive reach.
No. 1792081
>>1791976She looks more indian than black imo, none of her OG features scream african. But I dont get her iranian claims at all. I'm from Iran and the women here don't resemble foot at all. Even Pakistani woman are way lighter and less ethnic looking than her, without any race baiting. She looks like a regular Kuwaiti MENA woman, not mixed & not racially ambiguous, just a normal brown girl from northern Africa.
>>1791608I think she just edits her nose differently. She used to edit it very tiny and sloped and probably realized that her shoops are too cartoonish, and choose a more natural nose shoop.
>>1790429Damn, Fotouhshoop is mentally ill, I can't belive how this woman claimed to be a princess let alone filthy rich. Her whole mouth looks infected, I don't think braces will work on her bite. She needs extensive jaw surgery.
No. 1792086
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Sage 4 uggo(edit-chan)
No. 1792248
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>>1792081She says she’s Iranian because some people believe them to be white. Didn’t she say she was Persian once too? I think it’s funny with whatever work she’s had done, she will never escape her brownness
No. 1792476
>>1758476Checking in on this thread after like 8 months, glad she’s eased up on the editing. Never thought she’d get any better tbh.
>>1791509The largest country in Africa is Algeria which is literally Arab, are you forgetting that not just black people live on the continent, and that even the phenotypes among the black people in Africa are extremely diverse? Many (if not most) Arabs in African countries have plenty of “black” DNA from nearby countries like Niger, Ethiopia, and Sudan, and so do many Arabs in the middle east, outside of Africa. Effina is very obviously part Somali in particular. The photo you posted is of Americans who are over 50% European/White, and I am not sure why you think they would be at all comparable to people from MENA countries like Effina.
No. 1792519
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>>1792476Algerians also aren't black. I already stated there are several black phenotypes. Someone was insisting she looks black or biracial. She doesn't. There is no biracial person that looks like her, she is a normal MENA woman. Half-Sudanese women don't look like that, half-Somali women don't look like that, half-Ethiopian women don't look like that. This is what a mixed Somali woman looks like. What's with the lack of education in this thread? Kek
(race derailing) No. 1792553
File: 1679396491409.png (127.14 KB, 527x818, al.png)

Black Algerian woman. Fotouh looks desi.
No. 1792599
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No. 1792657
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>>1792631I was very clearly talking about black people (who make up the most significant portion of Africa racially - Arabs/North Africans are the exceptions, not the rule), not not North Africans, and responding to the person claiming she looks black/biracial. Bringing up Algeria was irrelevant to the discussion. Nobody calls North Africcans biracial unless they actually do have admixture, which is always clear, like with Algeria's beauty queen (who got racially abused by people within the country because they hate black people and know they're not black, kek). It makes more sense to call Fotouh Caucasoid based on her features, hair texture, etc because that's what she is closer to. Like it or not, she is Arab.
(race derailing) No. 1792763
>>1792599Her mom is pretty, edited or not. But she definitely resembles her dad more. Poor Fotouh.
Are they still living with her parents in Kuwait? She talked about moving with her kids back to NE but honestly I doubt that. She's too overwhelmed handling the kids alone.
>>1790546It's not just her being ugly, it's how she acts so holier-than-thou with her fake tradwife bullshit. She vehemently feeds her kids organic food, yet jobless charles chain smokes indoors for hours. She's the biggest hypocrite, and the cherry on top are her anti female pick-me antics. She's not a woman if she constantly picks women apart. That's moid behavior, therefore foot is a dude.
No. 1792952
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There’s simps in the comment sections of Charles’ live streams thirsting for Effina and he liked the comment. I think he feels proud when incels call his wife beautiful. A lot of men are down bad these days and looking for a brown tradwaifu
No. 1792961
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He looks like such a creepy old sex tourist! And his body language towards her is so “eww, get off of me” while she’s all over him. I feel bad for her because Fotouh seems to really like Charles but he seems less interested in her now.
No. 1792963
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It also appears she is using a weird beauty filter in her and Charles’ latest live streams. The first picture was from their first streaming session ever, and the last is one of the most recent where her skin color appears noticeably lighter and her features appeared morphed into an anime meitu character. Even charles’ skin looks unnaturally smooth now.
No. 1792966
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>>1792946What the fuck are you talking about? She’s still editing the shit out of her pictures. Look at the difference between her real and ig photoshopped skin tone. In real life she and Charles are two different colors, but in her fantasy Facetune she makes herself as white as Charles. LOL
No. 1793068
>>1628541 woman is his girlfriend. Effina is friends with both of these cows. She follows the womenpostingLs account on all social media platforms.
She was also on a podcast with him and a bunch of other scrotes showing off her trad pickme waifu personality to them (with a face changing filter on) and lying about how she wasn't with any man except Charls while they kept calling her based. Context: No. 1793071
File: 1679470850224.png (273.69 KB, 1420x674, filter.png)

Fotouh on livestreams before and after
No. 1793095
>>1793068I don’t have time to watch a 4 hour livestream. Condense the milk and post the bits where she’s lying about being a virgin tradwaifu.
>>1793037Editing less than she used to, but still change her entire ass skin color from yellowish-brown to sickly ghost white. Sounds legit. It’s
No. 1793101
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>>1792979Midwestvampire is way prettier than Foot but James Healey is way uglier than charles. No wonder Foot felt threatened enough to heavily edit their photos together, but the Sam bitch exposed her after LOL. Also how does Charles not cheat on Foot when he sees other incel podcasters have hotter gfs? This Sam bitch has low self esteem dating this subhuman just because he has a pathetic attempt at being an incel influencer.
No. 1793102
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>>1793034Imagine letting your fat ugly incel boyfriend call you fat and having no self esteem. “Tradwife” women are abused dogs who need mental help…
No. 1793193
>>1793102Definitely and she laughed at women who call out her man for encouraging misogyny. It wouldn't surprise me if years later she cried about how
abusive James was even though she allowed all the shit tier behavior happening as well as joining in herself to crap on women and blacks constantly
No. 1793239
>>1793095nonnie you know two things can be true at the same time right? those statements aren’t contradictory
>It’s kek
No. 1793435
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I feel bad for her brown sons who are going to grow up raised by a self-hating mother who edits her skin color
No. 1793497
File: 1679530675956.jpeg (7.01 KB, 214x290, 69209755-16D2-4C78-9D6D-F18A51…)

>>1793101Ewww. He looks like a female 2 male tranny. Why’s it always the faggot looking guys emotionally abusing women?
>>1792963She is 100% using some strange video filter, I think it’s designed to make her jaw look smaller/more angular? Her face looks way different at different points in the stream, it’s crazy
No. 1793508
>>1793435Her son's will be fine. Plenty of ugly white women in the US who can pretend they have an Arab fetish so they don't die alone.
How short is Charles anyway? Effina looks borderline midget like 5'2?
No. 1793521
File: 1679533352140.webm (1.79 MB, 480x774, mkultrafaggot.webm)
>>1793101a truly hideous creature, ironic that she's the woman posting her L by posing with her fat ugly bf, and here he is laughing about "queen elizabeth getting raped and railed by george floyd in hell"
No. 1793527
>>1793521This closeted twink moid tries so hard to be Sam Hyde and constantly dickrides him on Twitter. He's a deeply pathetic MDE pick-me.
Charls was a guest on his incredibly shitty and unfunny podcast, which seemed low even for Charls. can smell these people through my computer screen.
(newfag, sage, embed) No. 1794489
>>1794330Bro it's not even about their height, they look hideous. And they keep looking extremely fucked up. I've legit never seen uglier kids/twins, and this has nothing to do with them being brown or short.
And I doubt they'll grow into their features, how old are they? And still extremly disfigured.
Tinfoil-> are charles and fotouh even legally married? Can't remember her posting a wedding dress, or their rings ever. Did charles even proposed properly with an engagement ring??? She looks like the type of woman who planned her trad wedding for years kek, so pls nonnas correct me
No. 1794748
File: 1679711158625.jpeg (38.95 KB, 572x325, FC1C8653-1A5F-40B4-98F5-11AC03…)’s must be her channel
I wonder why she’s doing this ?does she wnat be part of mde
No. 1794786
File: 1679715619325.jpeg (203.34 KB, 750x1334, D27E382F-3232-421B-9C15-5167D1…)

>>1794662I don’t want to be mean but seriously her babies are NOT cute….
No. 1795051
File: 1679777668340.jpeg (70.65 KB, 1200x630, B8C54019-9265-4B68-95D0-02AAF0…)

>>1794748Yes, this is my theory. That she’s obsessed with Sam/being in his orbit, and obsessed with being seen as an uwu based trad MENA baddie wife. She posted a pic of her wearing the RIP Epstein shirt that Sam released in 2020 so she obviously follows him and buys his merch LOL.
She knew Charls was the most single and eligible bachelor of the crew, and sunk her claws in. Is anyone else familiar with how they fell in love? It was super fast and basically he slid in her DMs or vice versa. Charls, buddy, you gotta vet better. This is why the “get married right away” trad LARP talking point is so
toxic. Nothing wrong with dating for several years to ensure you’re a good match. Otherwise you’ll end up like Charls and footie and Pic related
No. 1795070
File: 1679780485702.png (442.47 KB, 750x1334, 486CAEEE-ECCA-4488-8AE8-316A29…)

>>1794493Foot’s dad must be paying for everything. He seems like a nice man, too bad his daughter turned out so self-hating.
No. 1795075
File: 1679780727041.png (459.88 KB, 1920x1080, chuckcharls.png) is wondering why her complexion is darker than expected. Chuck Charls figures out that this is the result of the camera's positioning and angle. Effy wishes to obtain reassurance on whether the skin whitening filter is still on or not. Since they are both gnostic esoteric freaks, they communicate subliminally through secret gay-ass occult and freemason type symbology, etc. The White Power™ hand symbol corresponds to the skin whitening filter being on. Chuck Charls then dogwhistles that he is actually following the left-hand path (Luciferian via Gnosis, i.e. bearer of light, enlightenment, knowledge). Of course, he then proceeds to do moe illuminati and eye of Horus type shiet. could Chuck Charls make such an insensitive joke when he knows full well she struggles with BDD?
Works Cited:
{2023-02-25 009 Effina Mario and Roblox} - Chuck Charls and Effina Mario and Roblox Youtube Livestream on Gumroad
They probably removed it from YouTube because it was cring.
No. 1795325
>>1795324I mean, there's photo evidence. she was super thin throughout the entire pregnancy.
>inb4 nausea morning sickness etc etcgiven her history, just no.
No. 1795707
>>1793497OP really needs to add this pic for the new thread header kek
"Effina" is milking herself too damn good these days
No. 1795755
File: 1679868804893.png (2.66 MB, 750x1334, F2C64A45-9767-4DF4-805A-7510AB…)

Foot just bought her sugar baby a new gift
No. 1795762
File: 1679869510783.jpeg (333.54 KB, 1170x1839, 42AB71E9-B77F-477E-A6AA-ABBC96…)

>>1795756Apparently they both “work”
No. 1795860
>>1795762I doubt they’re working. Charles’ income from streaming is pathetic. Probably less than 20k a year realistically. It’s probably Foot’s parents who are paying for everything since Charles is a broke loser who refuses to get a real job. Life in the USA most likely got too expensive due to inflation, so the couple ran back to Kuwait because Charles’ white trash parents don’t want to help them out.
And with the babies crying and refusing to sleep you just have to leave them alone in the crib and let them cry until they stfu and fall asleep. There’s no other way and if you spoil them and act weak like Foot the babies will never learn routine.
No. 1795861
File: 1679881514465.jpeg (56.85 KB, 750x918, BE2A254B-6184-4B9F-A12D-91F365…)

Charles looks soo damn ugly when Foot isn’t editing his face
No. 1795864
File: 1679881794593.jpeg (39.77 KB, 750x264, 96F0A273-7168-4CBD-BAE3-0BF40D…)

>>1795323This is why her babies were premature. How selfish are these types of cows to continue their ED when they’re negatively affecting another human life?
No. 1798330
File: 1680128420832.jpeg (27.16 KB, 739x415, C330025C-BC7A-4D93-B487-B80DFF…)

>>1797919Charles is no gigachad but he’s still a decent looking white man with a good jawline and blue eyes. He may be a balding midget but his children wouldn’t have looked as bad had he not procreated with Foot. Genetically, she has nothing to offer except ugliness which she tried to mask with plastic surgery.
(sage your shit) No. 1798331
File: 1680128642939.jpeg (144.48 KB, 750x931, F53FBC53-280D-4497-9A0F-052949…)

Now he has children which look nothing like him, and Foot is editing these poor babies pics to have smoother and lighter skin
No. 1798458
>>1798388I swear this thread is populated by self-loathing brown femcels who are jealous of Foutouh for landing an ugly white American man. The “b-but he’s
white with
blue eyes, he can do better!!” shit is sooo telling. No the fuck he can’t lmao
No. 1798829
>>1798591Having money and not being mentally ill doesn't mean anything, that's the bare minimum and considering how ugly and bald he is, he'd need more to make up for his shortcomings.
This thread is filled with jealous femcels who'd fuck anything that moves, that's the only explanation to the amount of simping this man is getting.
No. 1798928
>>1798546Kek nobody even said that Charles is attractive/hot, but you browncels get
triggered if anyone mentions eye color. The point was that as ugly as Charles is, he’s still out of Foot’s league. Look at her ugly Swedish ugly incel ex. Foot is the self-hating curry who is fetishizing ugly white men just because they have blue eyes and white skin. She should be married to an Arab man who looks like a camel but instead she’s obsessed with whiteness.
File: 1680361715805.jpeg (86.13 KB, 828x1357, 804C4A88-9A08-4893-88F8-FA8602…)

i love how her face is two different lengths in each pic and how people are noticing her new photoshopping style haha
No. 1805779
>>1804579Imagine being
triggered enough to repeat yourself 3 times.
No. 1806096
>>1805779Imagine being so
triggered by BBC porn that you try to make your own forced meme version that nobody outside of /pol/ has ever heard of kek.
No. 1806169
>>1795051That story was fake the pic related one
she had her career ruined over that fake news too
No. 1806480
File: 1681157162689.png (261.99 KB, 750x1334, 178CE109-43A0-4C32-8DCE-F1BC0A…)

She’s trying to cope with the fact that she got pregnant so young and ruined her life and future because she procreated with a broke 4Chan user
No. 1806970
File: 1681228396676.jpeg (133.76 KB, 1170x1895, 29C3616C-8801-4BDD-B69E-29FECB…)

>>1806867I can’t wait until she Yoko Onos MDE2 by trying to insert herself. She’s the least entertaining person I’ve ever seen.
Why does she make this weird face? Embarrassed of her smile?
No. 1807118
>>1807113Congrats, I am a mother of a 5-month old and her answer stood out to me as regurgitated babble from momfluencer accounts. My family member is a mom of twin boys (now grown) and each time she speaks about the baby/toddler stage it’s always with longing and she never talks about how hard it was. I get it, motherhood is hard, but she couldn’t be positive at all?? To me I think she’s regretful because the twins cut into her time trying to become a turbo MDE waifu side character. Her priorities right now are being photographed with minor niche e-celebs.
Lol Watch in a few days she will gush about how much they’ve grown and how beautiful motherhood has been, blah blah blah.
No. 1807133
>>1807113>>1807118Nobody gives a fuck about your miracle babies, tradthots. The ask was about
her life with the twins she's allowed to vent. Your mom brains has deluded you into thinking you're so happy and grateful but you seethe at any other mother who dares to speak out about her real experience kek
No. 1807329
nonnie-who-does-not-have-kids thx for sharing your stance about what you think of motherhood
No. 1807647
File: 1681331908689.png (342.5 KB, 750x1334, E9264F2A-F179-4F01-93D8-180D66…)

Why is she still editing her eyes to look green when we know they’re dark brown? You can literally see the Facetune pupil superimposed onto her actual eye color
No. 1807649
File: 1681332150716.jpeg (87.31 KB, 750x933, 6F56D95E-DC3E-478D-B85D-79FBF3…)

Foot’s excessive self-hating delusional Arab face editing reminds me of the other wannabe influencer Negin Vand. It’s like Arab women have nothing better to do than to edit their skin color and photoshop themselves into this weird Korean Meitu anime character which they look nothing like. The narcissism and BDD is terrifying. And the editing is so awful and fake.
No. 1807706
>>1806970Ngl she looks insanly old here,I almost can't believe she's so young. If she would claim 30+ I'd definitely belive her. Why would she proudly post that awful pic???
Can foot stop spamming her insta account with her ugly ass "kids'. Absolutely disgusting watching her pampering these retarded grunting creatures like that.
How old are her boys anyway?? They don't seem well developed for their age, still behave completely retarded like newborns.
No. 1807710
File: 1681340079846.jpeg (298.9 KB, 2048x2048, 900A1957-F859-405C-B62B-BB022C…)

>>1807649negin isn't arab she's persian/iranian. effina is only part iranian from her mothers side she looks more like her dad who is full arab and it gives her a north african look, her old photoshops were more reminiscent of negins but shes toned it down. negin is lighter and looks more caucasian than effina, but as you can see from these candids she has a collapsed nose from multiple nose jobs and she still photoshops, effinas second nose job is more natural. however filtered images of negins they are no different than her photoshop so really not more extreme than the average instagram influencer and i always find if hypocritical when women who use those types of filters criticize ones like negin. she doesn't really change her skin and eye color too, even in her before nose job pictures her eyes look like a honey color
>>1138838 .
in her old PULL threads there was so much on negin pretending to be russian chechen, according to what this anon found at one point she larped as part korean,
>>1734080 i had a persian friend who also edited her skin to look more pale and at times wore contacts and always used those snap filters that changed your facial features and make the face appear shorter, just another case of middle eastern women having inferiority complexes
No. 1807716
File: 1681340807899.jpeg (562.13 KB, 1749x3465, A5ED2FE6-FD6D-4DCF-BE3A-12A342…)

>>1807710meant to tag a pic in another thread where negin was mentioned but it didnt work, heres a pic that shows it though. negins real eye color actually is rareand effinas is a darkest brown color.
No. 1807947
File: 1681379518626.jpeg (72.46 KB, 750x750, 9D3A402D-9964-441B-A88F-AF3D67…)

>>1807716The “before surgery “ pics are clearly edited too. Attached is her actual skin texture. I’m not sure about her eye color, but Negin edits every single facial feature just like Foot. Middle Eastern influencers seem deeply insecure
No. 1807950
File: 1681379787677.jpeg (58.88 KB, 750x933, 3110E5A3-1F84-40F9-A7F9-A79311…)

How is Charles okay with getting cucked like this? She’s supposed to be the uWu trad Muslim waifu but instead she’s taking pics with and touching some random ugly white guy. In Islam it’s punishable to touch a man who isn’t your father or husband. I wonder if Charles took these photos. Also I hate how Foot edits her jawline and nose bridge every time. She wants a ski slope nose so bad but the editing is so weird her forehead looks pointy and protruding here and doesn’t connect with her nose bridge
No. 1808342
File: 1681435435015.jpeg (350.59 KB, 1408x2048, FtnNCa4WIAEJNnL.jpeg)

>>1808206Your friend is retarded, she clearly still photoshops her face to oblivion. The reason why she uses her mutt kid to cover herself here.
No. 1808344
she probably edited them herself and sent them to him. also lol at her nose bridge in picrel w/ baby being nothing like how she shoops it to be
No. 1808373
>>1807649I mentioned her earlier above. Afaik Negin always had BDD but started shooping herself hardcore and lightening her skin when she got into kpop and started liking Korean guys. Everyone knows Koreans are super judgmental about everything from skintone to jaw shape to eye tilt so she tried her best to shoop herself to meet their beauty standards and earn praise from Koreans.
Unfortunately I think despite all this effort they still deemed her too dark/ethnic looking and so she probably got depressed over it and decided to switch her aesthetic to something else. I heard she also got pump and dumped by some fuckboys in Korea which didn’t help her self esteem much.
And there was already so much worship of white features in the Middle East to begin with. A few people have green or blue eyes, so everyone starts coveting them and seeing them as extra special. Same with nose jobs which have been mainstream in Iran since at least the 1970s. I think a lot of Arab/Persian influencers struggle with their racial identity and self esteem issues. You’re never white enough, nor exotic enough. Just being in the middle is tough.
No. 1808488
File: 1681473220108.jpeg (408.87 KB, 3770x2122, 0A9CD92F-BED1-445B-9AAA-735317…)

Why aren’t any of Charles’ “based” followers pointing out the fact that his wife has severe body dysmorphia, racial self hatred, delusion and mental illness? I just don’t understand how this woman can be so mentally fucked up
No. 1808491
File: 1681474055245.jpeg (167.86 KB, 1170x1813, DFCD4E66-7AEF-4B9B-A8EF-9FD978…)

>>1808488Because they’re fuckinf retards. These kids are going to be weird looking manlets. Imagine being so stupid you think a 5’6 male and 5’1 female will produce football chads
No. 1808494
File: 1681474925637.jpeg (605.99 KB, 2449x3265, 1744E09B-8DEC-4626-A5F7-4BC062…)

>>1808373On Instagram, Negin presents herself as some flawless IMVU character with no rough skin texture and an almost non existent nose. In real life, she has acne scars, nasolabial folds, a botched nose job, and overly injected lips. And she blocks anybody who calls her out for shopping.
She dated a rich Asian guy called Edmond Luu, and when they broke up he said she heavily edited every pic and looks nothing like that irl. She freaked out when he posted an un-edited pic of her on his story. Also he said she cheated on him. People think Negin is a high-end hooker in Dubai who lets rich Saudi dudes poop on her in exchange for Louis Vuitton bags and luxury vacations, and I wouldn’t doubt that. Her friend Shirin supposedly arranges this and pimps her out.
The difference between Foot and Negin however is that Negin actually dates non-white men, refuses to date broke losers, and looks way better than Foot does without Facetune. Foot could never make a living in UAE as a hooker because there’s way prettier Middle Eastern women doing that already, and she would also get rejected by Arab men in her own country. The only people who think Foot looks pretty are desperate poor white men from western countries.
No. 1808552
>>1808494She's so pretty without photoshop, it's so sad women who look this pretty photoshop themselves to the point they're unrecognizable. I think she was talked about in /g/ and someone mentioned she had body dysmorphia.
Anyway she's based for cheating on a loser man who was paying to have her around and post on his social media without her permission.
No. 1808589
>>1808507yeahhh he should but i doubt he will, and the rest of her circle is full of spineless losers. they would rather pretend and live in delusion that she's some pale middle eastern baddie than help her to embrace her real appearance, especially charles i feel like. lmao even this anon
>>1808206 said this dude in pic said she looks the same irl which makes me kek. i've seen moids say that before about women who look nothing like their pics and it always lets me know that they're extra retarded and delusional
No. 1809402
File: 1681606684181.jpg (91.7 KB, 828x1015, plastic.jpg)

2 or 3 rhinoplasties, lip filler, jawline filler, cheek filler, photoshop, filters
women are suffering from social media
No. 1809507
File: 1681617807481.jpeg (115.42 KB, 828x1472, 0F17F034-BD01-4A27-BFA7-834EB7…)

3 nose jobs, an eating disorder and 5 different tiktok effects later and she’s still as niggery as ever lol her dad’s genes are strong as shit(racebaiting)
No. 1809508
File: 1681617747294.jpeg (115.42 KB, 828x1472, 0F17F034-BD01-4A27-BFA7-834EB7…)

3 nose jobs, an eating disorder and 5 different tiktok effects later and she’s still as niggery as ever lol her dad’s genes are strong as shit(race baiting)
No. 1809738
File: 1681649967496.png (426.08 KB, 750x1334, 17A98CDB-A803-4DFF-8E66-7A507B…)

She edited her armpit LOL. What else was shopped: eye shape/canthal tilt, brows (is she now trying to base her shops on Mr Spock?), lips/Cupid’s bow, lightened skin color, nose bridge and slimmed face shape. Using a filter is one thing but this bitch is totally out of control
No. 1809739
>>1809402Is that really her? So she and Charles really just went to Turkey for her plastic surgery. That’s why they left their offspring behind.
>>1809594Kek the only femcel here is Foot and those defending her. 99% of women can bag a man way better than Charles, someone who isn’t a balding broke schizo midget. Foot is the one spending her entire existence placating ugly white men. This thread is just a running joke for us observers, but it’s sadly her real life.