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No. 1120124
>>1119981Looks like it was on autosage.
Op, does this thread attract a lot of wk scrotes? Also you forgot to link his socials.
No. 1120389
File: 1609615598639.gif (3.93 MB, 600x338, comedian.gif)

Sam Hyde is a comedian. That's it.(
No. 1121233
>>1120124it attracts scrotes, period. you can tell by how quick posters in these threads are to focus on bashing/blaming sam's female
victims, even if they aren't always outright wk'ing sam.
No. 1121543
File: 1609736521704.png (29.04 KB, 880x256, 1591923611496.png)

Small info dump on a person claiming to have contacted James Price and co. and then contacting who I think is Bicflame to warn him. Pt1
No. 1121546
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pt2 about Sam's attitude toward Nick and Charls
No. 1121548
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pt 3
No. 1121554
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Infodump that came straight from Channing Creager (Cup Cup girl seen: ) and some other chick
No. 1121555
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Another Channing Creager diatribe, though warranted I think given the way Sam has proven himself to be
No. 1121559
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Correspondence dump of Sam and his step mom, these emails were put into an early version of the Jaihoo book that got leaked, not sure if Sam kept them in, but he did talk about similar things in his HW vids so they are probably real.
No. 1121560
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No. 1121563
File: 1609737390873.png (35 KB, 583x158, 3426636a9be6af24a2e6d5bddaa57f…)

No. 1121565
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last interesting one
No. 1121567
File: 1609737569197.png (1.96 MB, 1576x4600, 1431341773303.png)

Charlotte stuff, some groupie thot he flew in to assfuck (he filmed this in some hotel)
No. 1121568
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Charlotte and Marky, there is your connection making this more than just mere hearsay
No. 1121570
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Sam gave some old ex-friend of his brain damage in a car crash doing something stupid, I dont know have much info on this other than it came from a big leak of texts ( - some are from Channing, some from James Price, a little hard to decipher )
No. 1121571
File: 1609737806749.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.48 KB, 720x960, 1571346044214.jpg)

Sam made some thot cut herself
No. 1121573
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More context, dont know who it was
No. 1121577
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Don Jolly hinting at Sam running his operation like a cult and an independant corroboration about the non-compete stuff Sam did against Charls
Also full audio on Sam firing Don and trying to cover his ass about it: Sam's "public" take on secret recording fyi: No. 1121671
File: 1609759670459.jpg (5.55 KB, 165x188, no.jpg)

>>1121662what the fuck faggot you sound like sam yourself
No. 1121673
>>1121662there isnt a huge reason to defend the thots that land in sam's web imo
But the issue lands squarely on the fact that Sam has positioned himself as some ironic preachy guru that's called out other people for the things he's guilty of, falsely elevating himself to the point he has an army of white knight nerds trying to defend his purity and blame some imaginary jewish/tranny conspiracy trying to get him (see them in any thread about him on 4chan that brings up his immoral degeneracy, or sam himself actively blocking/censoring people that bring it up on his socials to keep his fake image rather than admit anything)
No. 1122223
File: 1609809715373.jpg (415.92 KB, 2986x898, 1533790464445.jpg)

Thought this was worth carrying over from the last thread since it comes from an actual person and not anonymous 4chan posts
Source: No. 1122235
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No. 1122236
File: 1609810869359.jpg (95.14 KB, 720x1280, 1538701070048.jpg)

Channing Creager posting about bounced checks from last thread:
>>695208>no it proves I lived there and I know Sam and yes I'm pissed off after 10 years he fucked me over and wrote me bad checks>>704460>never work for Sam or he will either get you to work for him for free or stop payments on checks or intimidate you into taking a lowerpayment No. 1122259
File: 1609813605774.jpg (121.6 KB, 888x485, 1591498771907.jpg)

>>1121554That infodump does more harm than good. Just looks all schizo and disjointed.
>>1121551Same issue here. No one wants to watch a 6 hour YouTube video. All these photos and screencaps need proper context or else his worshipers will just keep spouting "PROOF?? PROOF??" any time you bring up the fact that he's a grifting hebephile faggot.
I wish there could be a neatly arranged masterpost about him, completely sourced with minimal reliance on anonymous posts. Maybe Channing can come in this thread and make sense out of the clusterfuck that is It seems there's also inaccuracies at
>>1121554 (the picture itself was made by an anon, not by one of those girls).
No. 1122293
>>1094850>>also charls is a fucking pedo faggot too ask him about 'alexz-keira mercury' in his twitch chat cuz I watched him groom her too when she was 16-17.Funny this was mentioned especially given his wife is a young absent minded 20 year old from Kuwait who not only looks but also sounds like a literal child and seems clearly dazzled by his pseudo spiritual babble.
Mind you Charls is now in his mid 30s and purposefully didn't pursue or is unable to hold down a woman of his own age probably because they can smell the schizoid behaviour a mile off so he preys on young girls that spend far too much time on social media. Poor girl will probably regret leaving her own country for this dodgy marriage a couple years down the line.
No. 1122335
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>>1122304Charls Carrol was a founding member of MDE, he now does mostly small TV parts, for TV movies and podcasts. I guess he writes stuff for TV too. Lurk more.
No. 1122389
>charls marries his mail order 20 year old virgin after meeting her irl a handful of times>huge step up from samthey're both nuts, but each a very different brand of nuts
charls streams are hours long and almost incoherent at points, he espouses meta knowledge which is 'other worldly' and oh so spirtual, consistently waxes on about how time is precious but then encourages you to sit in his 5 hour stream where he plays Pictionary
No. 1122656
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>>1122293lmao he married a woman with amanda bret levels of facial self hate.
No. 1123055
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>>1122656sam is so incompetent that he can't even roid correctly, charls is bald and insane and his wife looks like dr frankenfurter
No. 1123094
File: 1609885429475.jpeg (206.89 KB, 828x2191, 15F62137-6849-4FE7-9813-D23108…)

My time to shine (?):
Here are messages Sam Hyde sent me over facebook in ~2014 when I was around 16 or 17. Sorry for the blocked out bit, it just showed my old embarrassing tumblr url. Just thought you guys might enjoy these.
No. 1123339
File: 1609899246166.jpg (1.13 MB, 1242x1478, 182627166128.jpg)

>>1123209>>1123225Attached is her birth date, she's 22 stfu
Anyone who spent most of their adult life with Sam Hyde is bound to be a predatory faggot just like him, as mentioned by the previous anon Charls has a history of grooming young girls who interact with him on twitch.
He also met his wife via twitch/twitter when she was around 20/21 and married her after meeting irl a couple times and getting her to move country which in itself is completely sus and is something only a pick me 22 year old whos essentially been groomed would think is a good idea.
No. 1123423
>>1123339ok so she is 22, but I just don't know if i agree that a 20 year old can be groomed anon, maybe manipulated and taken for a ride but she is an adult? The teenager sure that sounds fucked up but I don't see a wealthy Kuwaiti pickme as being a
victim of Charls, so much as she probably thinks this is an exciting whirlwind romance and hell he might think so too? Charls has MY permission to marry this young thot as long as he publicly denounces Sam, the much more fucked up freakazoid loser that he obviously hates.
No. 1123939
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No. 1124267
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>>1123799He wanted to fuck small girls that looked and/or WERE young because he’s creepy? (I apologize for my embarrassing response, I was young) (Yes he asked twice)
No. 1124385
>>11239391) um, ouch
2) that could be any random dude
3) whhhhhyy
No. 1124411
File: 1609993674529.jpg (66.81 KB, 1289x824, 1206f0f28525273a12c48c795d9a8e…)

>>1124385There is a thread on 8kun with more of his dick pics and one of the rooms was traced to Sam's vids (pic related), also another with the same cock and ball strap/torture things, its his.
No. 1124442
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>>1124412Wow what the fuck hahaha, if I didn't know better I'd assume her account was a performance art piece like Lil Miquela.
No. 1124498
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>>1124442She looks insane in her youtube videos. Is it a filter or something? What’s going on here? No. 1124587
File: 1610027184699.jpg (285.42 KB, 532x792, 1313214343333355.jpg)

>>1124498this is literal nightmare fuel something seems so off
also, all that money she spent on her jackson five nose she could have atleast fixed her bottom teeth holy fuck
No. 1125029
>>1124988>I also find it strange that there are no photos of them together on her IG.It is strange. I’m also pretty sure there are no mentions of him on her youtube channel. It’s odd not to mention your own husband. This all seems so fishy to me?
Also, not sure about grooming, but I wonder if part of the reason she’s with him is because she fell for Charls’ pseudointellectual babbling and sees him as some sort of genius
No. 1125074
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>>1125029What I'm specifically curious about is whether or not US citizenship played any role in their marriage. Her IG bio says based out of New England, but her shop is based out of Kuwait.
Also, she's 22 according to the shop site.
No. 1125079
File: 1610064590601.jpg (71.13 KB, 502x884, effinna2.jpg)

Found this in her Dubai highlights. This is the only evidence of her relationship with Charls on her IG. I guess it's safe to say she's a fan.
No. 1125081
>>1125074the only reason I could imagine a Kuwaiti trying for US citizenship is if her family is
abusive or she's actually insane. it's not like Tajikistan or South Africa or something, it's basically a welfare state.
No. 1125112
>>1125084>>1125088Charls literally showed off his and her wedding rings in the twitch stream he did after coming back from his honeymoon. (around 2:42 in)
At various points in the vid he also ranted about how great and worth it marriage is.
No. 1125191
>>1125153Prove that she's 30 or fuck off.
>>1125169It's pretty milky imo. Considering other anons responded to my posts about it, it looks like I'm not the only one who agrees. There's also not much recent milk with Sam, afaik. It's just the same bullshit with him for the most part.
Why do
you care if we care? You both sound like the same retarded scrotes that always inevitably come into these threads caping for Sam. Not really sure what your problem is with us talking about Charls' obviously creepy marriage, unless it's the same old scrote-tier belief that huge age gaps in relationships aren't a massive red flag for abuse.
No. 1125297
This thread started off good with infodumps about how Sam is a pedophile scumbag who fucked over everyone who ever worked with him.
Funny how quick it derailed into petty bullshit about some random girl's nosejob. What are you retards doing?
>>1125271Oh nevermind, looks like it's just his little army trying to cause confusion
No. 1125396
>>1125297Post something better then.
>>1125381>it just makes you guys seem like huge fagsThis is a woman's gossip board. Please integrate or leave.
No. 1125557
File: 1610111913365.jpg (695.24 KB, 2481x3508, 0001.jpg)

I have met Effina and she didn't seem crazy or fucked up. She is very smart. Looks like Sam and company are attempting to shift the focus. Let's talk about the time Marky dumped Sam.
No. 1125576
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>>1125572>what’s with this weird push to not talk about effina?This is a Sam Hyde thread. What's with this weird push to talk about Effina?
No. 1125583
>>1125557>>1125576Is that Sam? Lol and people say he doesnt groom girls, funny how he pretends to be trad in these communications but in reality he's the complete opposite.
Marky probably left Sam after the incident where he had her film him fucking another girl and she finally wised up to his manipulation and web of deceit.
No. 1125595
>>1125572don't know much about her to have an opinion, the plastic surgery stuff is weird but i was curious and I know a little arabic and watched some of her videos.
sounds like she is part iranian, and did a lot of traveling growing up. I don't think marrying an american is necessarily weird. girls get married young in the gulf, and kuwait is a transient kind of place. her background also probably made her feel of out of place.
No. 1125683
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>>1125576lmao at the end he tells her to watch eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
what a fag
No. 1125993
>>1125979There was no reason to call my post out in this. I literally stated that I am not caping for Sam, just that a series of massive walls of printed text that are barely legible due to being
ripped down the fucking middle is terrible evidence of anything.
No. 1125998
>>1125982Except it pretty much passes the smell test and its completely consistent with the way Sam has been known to butter up/try to charm the girls he's been grooming (when he wasn't typing with his dick in his hand)
I remember seeing the discord post here
>>1121551 and thinking it was weird for Marky to bring up the marriage/wife thing but the stuff in those papers provides context for that. A biiig stretch to claim some anon to forged those papers which ultimately shed only a little light on things and dont change the facts.
I mean, if it seems like bullshit to you then go ahead and take it apart and explain why you think those papers are fake, because fakes and hoaxes are usually obvious and called out immediately.
No. 1126026
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>>1125984Her family are incredibly wealthy kuwaiti shi'ite muslims, they have sent her to a private school aswell as funded her living in Sweden for a year and all her travels aswell as her nosejob/filler.
She obviously gets what she wants when it comes to her parents and they must be accepting of the fact that she's no longer a muslim and married halfway across the world to a middle aged white man that with mental issues who also used to be a really passionate MAGA supporter before he did this spiritual shit kek
No. 1126030
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watch out fellas, we have a REAL criminally online intellectual m'lady here
No. 1126045
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>>1126026What ticks me off the most about this girl is the fact that she claims to own and run a successful clothing "business" but literally just dropships/bulk buys aliexpress clothes and inflates the price by $80.
80 fuckin dollars. For an 18 dollar dress.
She has claimed she SOOOO involved in the design process aswell when in reality she just picks shit out from the aliexpress website and then extorts her dumb saudi fans for profit.
It's really a shame Sam & Charls are no longer buddies, cause Effina and Sam would get on like a house on fire seen as they love scamming their supporters in the name of "bizness hustle!!11!"
No. 1126057
File: 1610152382929.png (1011.66 KB, 1624x578, 15e156241566261.png)

>>1126045Another example, i truly feel bad for anyone that purchased her clothes thinking they were supporting a small business but infact were getting their clothes drop shipped from chinese sweatshops
Real classy behaviour Effina
No. 1126070
>>1126059Are you illiterate?
She doesn't "copy" the design, she purchases directly from aliexpress, lies and says she designed it and then sells them what she purchased for $15 for $70 instead
She even uses the same model pictures as the ones on aliexpress, meaning she just copies/pastes.
Outsourcing is a normal part of business but what kind of retard outsources from a popular platform like aliexpress (which is already available to everyone, theres NO barrier to entry for normal people to access the same dress) and then she upsells it so heinously?
Very jewish behaviour for a proclaimed "anti-semite" lmao
No. 1126072
>>1126070caveat emptor
sucker born every minute
No. 1126110
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>>1126088charls is an ugly balding schizoid ex alcoholic and she's a body dysmorphic pseudo-woke online scammer
they're made for each other
No. 1126123
>>1126074Do you wanna suck Sam's dick whilst you're here cause he pulls the same scammer shit as this retard cow.
Actually no, even in this case SAM HYDE IS ABOVE HER because he actually produces original content albeit shitty books/shirts/skits at inflated prices whereas Effina is literally capable of fuck all but extorting young girls that follow her.
So how bout you spout your oogly boogly shitty justification somewhere else
No. 1126127
>>1126110>body dysmorphia>bad, obvious photo editing>online store>scams her buyers by reselling fast fashion items at 10x the original price>vaguely elitist goth aesthetic>posts pictures of "smart people" books that you know she doesn't readanyone else getting massive felice fawn vibes from this cow?
>>1126123>oogly boogly justificationI'm fucking cackling anon
No. 1126131
File: 1610158017042.jpg (31.97 KB, 505x513, ugly.JPG)

>>1126088He is ugly anon, I don't know what you are seeing in him but please look at some of his videos ( but you will have to sit through him being proud of how uneducated he is though )
No. 1126144
File: 1610158918717.jpg (163.04 KB, 1082x682, thankscomputer.jpg)

isn't this company associated with Sam somehow? The thankscomputer yt account has a ton of Sam and MDE content. Kind of weird that Effinna is wearing this considering Sam and Charls had a falling out?
No. 1126151
>>1126144it's charls' shirt from back in the day, she's just wearing it
stick to posting actual milk about her
No. 1126180
File: 1610162065661.jpg (417.13 KB, 1242x1492, 1277771668.jpg)

>>1126057holy shit just spotted this post on her insta lol, the irony is almost too much to bare.
How can someone espouse this shit whilst
making money from chinese sweatshops ??
What a preachy fake moralistic cow
No. 1126183
File: 1610162323693.png (2.34 MB, 3500x3500, charlsohno.png)

here is charls from a while ago getting caught going after an underage girl and doing embarrassing 'damage control', he is no better than sam. hes turning 38 this year btw
No. 1126194
>>1126183reading his responses solidifies my tinfoil that charls is the one defending effinna and their relationship itt
>shes old enough to fucking think for herself and younger kids in ghettos are going to orgies, so fuck your skewed liberal nazi moralshe really does sound exactly like sam here lmao
No. 1126198
>>1126183>turning 38 this yearhe's
sixteen years older than effinna? jfc that's even worse than sam and marky's gap
No. 1126199
File: 1610163857508.jpg (814.72 KB, 1242x1263, 16527918279.jpg)

>>1126183This is truly disgusting especially that anon stating how "tiny/young" she looks and the fact that his now wife resembles a minor too (see pic related)
All Effina can do is double down on her decision to marry this freak, she's travelled across the world and given up her home life to be with his 38 year old pedo faggot meanwhile there's literally been two instances recounted itt alone of him preying on significantly younger girls and there's probs plenty more who don't say anything because charls isn't regarded as a tyrant unlike sam
No. 1126200
>>1126183Holy fuck, what an absolute trainwreck he is. He sounds like an edgy teen boy at 34.
This might be fucked up to say about a teen but im sorry she looks like a chubby british boy. Charls not only a pedo but possibly in le closet. Him and Sam are deeply troubled
No. 1126205
>>1126200Birds of a feather anon-
He spent the mahority of his life closely bonded with Sam, aware of his hebophilia and abuse of young girls yet only decided to go wah wah boo boo and cut contact when Sam reprted him to the IRA
That should tell you what charls' priorities are, both sam & charls are massive power starved pedos that can't hold down secure adult women imo
No. 1126215
File: 1610165426448.jpg (647.61 KB, 1888x3140, pedocharls.jpg)

>>1126183posts including more context i dug up (captions aren't mine)
No. 1126235
>>1126226This is either Charls or the same fan that's been defending him itt but either way i'll bite
This is the second time he's been caught doing this shit, funny that there's no fake milk of Nick or Andrew Ruse or anyone else associated with MDE but Sam and charls? Also the fact that he's 38 and has actually pursued a 22 year old to marriage corroborates ALL of this shit
-but carry on coping anon
No. 1126397
>>1126246Now that you mention nick, I had a theory about the mde dinner party sketch where nick violently pushes sam’s wife into a table and she’s bleeding would bet Sam wrote this about nick and his wife, except he’s playing Nick and nick is playing him. The actress they cast is a tall brunette with blue eyes and nick’s wife has all of these features. in the sketch Sam passive aggressively calls her “his field hockey wife”.
Not sure if it was in this thread or the last one but someone said they knew Sam and he would ignore his friend’s girlfriends and wouldn’t even make eye contact with them when they got together. Would make sense he has some weird jealousy or pent up anger toward them
No. 1126511
>>1126123Interesting theory, however, Nick (IMO) is alpha to Sam as he is confident, athletic* and "popular." Nick is genuinely likable and a good sales hustler – skills Sam admires. I do not see Nick being ok with public transgressions against his wife for the sake of a bit.
*in b4 Nick is fat and gross. Nick moves like an athlete. If you've seen the behind the scenes footage at Adult Swim, Nick is flying around on some inline skates and moves very well. I guarantee he was a well-liked athletic kid.
No. 1126753
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>>1126662I wonder how many people Sam asked to come here. Does it make you feel good to do nasty things as a favor? Are you okay?
No. 1126843
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>>1126840I don't remember where I originally got these but I have had them for years.
No. 1126864
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>>1125576>>1125557>>1126753I noticed this too. It's very much like Sam to do this kind of thing.
>>1126183Note that unlike all of Sam's
victims mentioned in this thread, we've never heard from the girl herself about these claims, and for all we know this "Chloe" might not even exist.
And if you think some other completely unrelated girl and her nosejob belongs in a thread about a guy who is accused (by named sources!!) of producing child pornography, grooming 16-year-olds when he was 30, and stealing money from basically anyone who comes within a 20-feet radius of himself…. You're just doing that guy a favor, so kindly fuck off, please, and maybe take it to another thread.
(If I'm wrong about any of this info, please correct me. Also, I don't know the context for the chatlog in pic, but I got it from
No. 1127011
>>1125557>>1125576>>1125735>>1125794>>1126753>>1126843>>1126857Jesus christ. Thanks for posting these anon. r/redpillwomen? eternal sunshine? It reads like a sketch. How is he this pathetic unironically?
Saged for no proof and blogpost but i just wanted to add since its relevant; Sam used to follow my twitter when i was 15-16 using the main MDE account at the time. I know it was him because the voice of the tweets and replies was 100% Sam. I was friends with all three of them on facebook, so I knew what each of them 'sounded' like so to speak. He never messaged me or anything but he would like pictures of me and responded to a pic with my cleavage out. It was essentially "awooga booba" iirc. I'm kicking myself in the fucking ass for not screencapping any of it. At the time, I was really stoked and thought it was funny until I was out of high school. This is all really scary to read and aligns perfectly with my memories of him. MDE sketches, specifically the ones about teens and women, are chilling to watch now.
No. 1127042
>>1126864>And if you think some other completely unrelated girl and her nosejob belongs in a thread about a guy who is accused (by named sources!!) of producing child pornography, grooming 16-year-olds when he was 30, and stealing money from basically anyone who comes within a 20-feet radius of himself…. You're just doing that guy a favor, so kindly fuck off, please, and maybe take it to another thread.I think you're overreacting. Wanting to talk about Charls' creepy relationship with someone sixteen years his junior doesn't mean we're doing Sam a favor. I don't see why we can't talk about both if there is an interest in doing so. Personally, I think any member of MDE, or anyone who has been a longtime associate of Sam/MDE, is fair game in these threads if there is
any evidence to warrant doing so. Like another anon said, where there's smoke, there's fire. Charls not being as openly impulsive and stupid in his pedophiliac behavior doesn't mean that we should just sweep any evidence of such under the rug.
It's really not taking the attention off of Sam to talk about Charls
in addition to Sam, especially considering most of the screencaps of Sam's behavior that have been posted here were recycled from previous threads. If there is anything recent with Sam that warrants all the attention, I invite anyone to post it.
>>1126875>I wouldn’t be surprised if Sam fabricated rumors to get back at charlsI wouldn't put it past Sam to do this, but again, the fact that Charls is 38 and married to a 22 year old should raise more than enough red flags to suspect that he's more than capable of pedophiliac behavior himself.
>>1126871He's a psychopath, plain and simple. He needs to be put in prison at this point.
No. 1127080
>>1127042exactly this
im not paid by sam LOL nor am i defending him in any way, he's an insane predatory piece of shit. im just weirded out by the people defending charls so hard when this stuff has been floating around for such a long time and now his marriage is so unsettling to boot.
No. 1127527
>>1127042>>1127080The point I was trying to make was that it really drags down a thread that was supposed to be about a serial pedophile cult leader if you have 50 million consecutive posts criticizing a Kuwaiti woman for having body dysphoria, selling overpriced clothes, and not smiling in her photos.
There's two posts here about a girl named Alexz that I didn't even see until just now because it was buried under all that other stupid bullshit.
No. 1127551
>>1127458Nta but I think he’s a good guy, something fucked up would’ve definitely come up about him if he was shitty and
abusive. I don’t think it’s fair to blame someone for their friend’s fucked up behavior especially when a big part of their friendship was clearly business (like working on their show together) and it’s also possible Nick never found out the full truth about Sam‘s private life because Sam is likely good at lying and fudging details to make himself look better
I think they were close friends moreso back in college and supposedly Sam had an age appropriate girlfriend back then who ended up leaving him?
Seems like Nick is focused on his work and his family, as he should be, while Sam continues to abuse and gaslight everyone he fucks and works with. Two very different paths
No. 1127947
>>1127527>selling overpriced clothesShe's literally scamming people. That's pretty milky in my book, but you do you. Again, nobody is ignoring what Sam has done just because Charls and Effinna came into the picture. For future reference, the he ctrl+f option exists if you're so bothered by content you want to see being "buried under stupid shit."
>>1127816Do you have further details regarding exactly how he groomed her?
No. 1128132
File: 1610339874907.png (2.66 MB, 1716x1255, holyshit.png)

i know there are some posters here who dont like talking about this but holy shit. found this on fb through erick 'the ceo' on WPs wife. i just..
No. 1128584
File: 1610388603209.png (1.12 MB, 1322x598, Screen Shot 2021-01-11 at 1.08…)

No. 1128800
File: 1610400171945.png (297.65 KB, 584x422, Screen Shot 2021-01-11 at 1.22…)

Was the Youcis relationship real? They're close in age.
No. 1128960
>>1128800Christ he actually looks normal here. How old is this photo?
>>1128833Who is this and what does he have to do with Sam/MDE?
No. 1128961
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>>1128960pressure sure it's late 2016
No. 1129025
>>1128798i really doubt erick haydens wife edited it. could just be default samsung beauty filter but thats it, its her without all her filters
>>1128960frank hassle is sam's new buttbuddy he does vids and garbage with
No. 1129547
>>1129542Not according to the audio, it was Don's failure to read the room while at work.
The email attributed to Don does complain about the "policing" of relationships.
No. 1129609
>>1129605*Sam told Don. I don’t know if you’ve ever met a narcissistic controlling type, but that’s clearly what went on there. Seems like Don made one silly mistake or misstep and psycho Sam canned him.
This is the same guy who got himself and his friends blacklisted from working on mainstream tv with his shitty actions. Think about it
No. 1132037
File: 1610683424287.png (3.54 MB, 2322x1479, wowee.png)

shes walking a thin line by livestreaming on twitch when the filters could give way at any time. i dont think shes shown her face on any of charls streams, this is all so weird. theres a lot of young girls in her chats and social media saying they look up to her, which is bad enough, and i wouldnt be surprised at all if charls shows up in their dms.
>>1131629the Marky shit is messed up. these guys definitely zero in on the vulnerable.
No. 1132201
File: 1610709091047.jpg (74.81 KB, 500x616, tumblr_8bacd3896106322840b82e2…)

>>1132119>>1132093>>1128576She has had a nose job and eye surgery you dumb fucking niggers. That's why she looks uncanny valley/frankenstein mode.
No. 1132284
File: 1610721822821.jpg (118.78 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20210115_093747.jpg) Williams recreating the famous Sam meme image. Of particular note is the girl on the left, Alice aka Hollie, a neo-Nazi tradthot and MDE fan best known for starving her dog and fucking Baked Alaska. No. 1132618
File: 1610746127848.jpg (58.6 KB, 500x607, tumblr_50d13593d482b306a9a986b…)

>>1132381>>1132585I'm sorry that you're too fucking autistic to understand that I'm not defending a hybrid mutant frankenstein alien botched monster.
(avatar fag) No. 1132713
File: 1610752188093.png (1.9 MB, 1372x1146, stillweird.png)

>>1132201the pics from
>>1132037 were taken in the same month and these pics were taken in the same night months later
No. 1133272
>>1132618are you fucking slow? she had her nose jobs before meeting charls, she now heavily filters all her posts and even youtube vids.
Her face is always this toilet seat shade and her nose is so small it looks incapable of breathing out of. It makes sense she doesn't show her face on Charls' streams despite sitting off camera and interacting with chat, he doesn't use face altering filters so it's a no go for her. I have no idea how the people around her aren't completely embarrassed for her, they must truly not give a fuck about her cause any normal friend would tell her it's cringey behaviour.
To the anons who are digging out these candids, i would love to see more
No. 1133279
File: 1610823224781.png (38.01 KB, 606x384, 16877625618299.png)

>>1126254Atleast Sam is a straight up freak and pretty much anyone who watches one vid of his can guage this, but Charls is far more sinister.
He is a complete narcissist who disguises his self supposed authority/grandiosity under pseudo spiritual platitudes. This chick is a Grade A idiot for falling for it, her twitter is essentially her being his parrot/puppet.
Her naivety is glowing.
No. 1133787
File: 1610864892984.png (938.4 KB, 2619x396, notgood.png)

>>1133272Did a bit of digging through the google. The second chan post in this picture is obviously a bit crass but it lines up with the other post. Apparently she posted on fa and tumblr but I cant find anything, and can't find any more candids atm. I completely agree with the anon that said Charls is really sinister and a total narcissist.
I'm sorry that happened to you
>>1133498 but we are kinda running on old milk with Sam and we have some fresh milk in these two. If something interesting happens with him by all means post it, we are in the "Sam thread" after all so we all hate him too.
No. 1133948
>>1133498>i juat think the hate about her physical appearance is retarded This. Hate to keep repeating myself but it's REALLY difficult to sift between those cringey posts and the posts where people are sharing actual information about crimes and abuse. Quality > quantity.
>>1133782You do realize that posts like these only discourage people from coming forward about Sam and the other degenerates from his circle? It's like you want this thread to stay boring and shallow.
>>1133251 >>1133853
>>1133777 >>1133815
Look, the fact is that her connections to Sam appear tenuous at best, and there seems to be more than enough interest and content to merit her own thread. I think you should go ahead and make it already.
No. 1133950
>>1133787This completely lines up as she lived in Sweden for a year 1/2 and claims to speak Swedish. I've never seen someone simp for white male attention this hard, you can tell she's a white man pick me from a mile off it isn't surprising at all most of her identity is curated to pander the imageboard male gaze from her looks to the "opinions" she so "uniquely" holds.
It's quite sad she hasn't had the chance to form an actual identity as she's been too caught up appealing to twitter tard pedos
Also the fact that she stays stationary when recording videos screams editing software. Even in her "vlogs" you won't see her pick up the camera and move because the software would understandably glitch in and out.
No. 1135130
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>>1135125She even posted her gnarly man feet in the thread when someone asked for feet pics.
No. 1135538
File: 1611038562481.jpg (133.13 KB, 804x588, charlsimdb.jpg)

>>1135534"longtime girlfriend" my ass.
No. 1135545
>>11355385'10 my ass, Charls is much shorter than that. And Effina is as much an instagram model as any woman who posts on Instagram is.
Unrelated but someone mentioned in the last thread that the short guy with a stupid voice in Sam Hyde's "Women" video is part of Worldcorp.
>>1104062 Any more deets on that? That whole thing was creepy as hell and I wouldn't be surprised to find a connection between them all, and I guess greenshirt's dad is on r9k too.
No. 1135760
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God, she is a complete retard.
No. 1135761
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>>1135283She lied to her parents so she could see him.
No. 1135861
File: 1611075155727.png (30.49 KB, 806x342, 125678o76542313.png)

>Somalis are really dark so you can't see their filth
holy shit.
No. 1135877
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>>1135861also exposing her pre surgery face in the thread kek for beta compliments
No. 1135921
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>>1135545She’s 5’3 allegedly
No. 1137267
File: 1611178209610.jpg (169.9 KB, 657x1264, 6df774d44496a072d016a8aa448592…)

Hello lolcow, I saw a video of marky singing and I really liked it, if you have more videos of this girl singing it would be appreciated. Also if you have a social network or something to search for this kind of content. No. 1137415
File: 1611189872866.jpeg (174.77 KB, 828x1082, 0B7AA443-567F-4B4B-9BC8-DE0D4D…)

No. 1137636
>>1137415So not only are spics subhumans and somalis filthy but american women hate her!1!! Poor you!
The reason why people talk about you is because you lie repeatedly online, from your 'business endeavours' to your LITERAL face, you can't be honest about anything. You're a lolcow, accept it.
And darling no one gives a fuck you're dating Charls Carroll, most women of age in RI have avoided him like the plague for a reason. His schizo balding ass is all yours. Have fun being with a man that supported Sam Hyde during his peak child grooming days, oh wait- you seem to have a history of pandering to incels just like that and now you've married a man who also has been documented messaging impressionable teens. (Hint hint you're also one of those stupid teens) Truly a match made in heaven.
Now show your face without a filter girl.
No. 1138482
File: 1611270221688.gif (141.44 KB, 408x338, 4ur3gn.gif)

A side by side of two pictures she posted herself, the before pic is from a screencap of her old instagram @kaiserwalzer which is already edited and the after pic is from when she posted the same pic on her insta a couple months ago and edited the pic even more.
No. 1138658
File: 1611282730997.jpg (42.07 KB, 640x640, 141043322_131277105498834_2614…)

I refuse to believe she looks nothing like this alot of girls seem to believe she's a natural beauty it's sad
No. 1138666
>>1138658Her shoop is crooked and weird, she fails to consistently edit all her pics the same and you can tell by simply scrolling down her feed and seeing her face mutate.
Really embarrassing.
No. 1138771
>>1138760What droop?? Her nose looks so tiny and kawaii right?? lol
Is she essentially just admitting on vid that she edits the living hell out of her nose cause there is 0 evidence droop to speak of in vids or pics. But in her candids you can obviously tell.
I don't buy her story of it being broken in the first place. She's a big nosed, olive skinned middle eastern by blood. Why not accept this and move on with life? As opposed to lightening the appearance of your skin with filters and going to backalley surgeons to shave down your nose cartilage to the point where you'll do severe damage. All in an attempt to run away for your ancestry.
She talks so much about spirituality, metaphysics and love but you can see from how she lives (and HAS lived) that these concepts are completely foreign to her. She is merely a mouthpiece that espouses what sounds good at the time. Lest we forget she was calling people dark skinned and filthy on 4chan 2 years ago like the xenophobic rat she is.
No. 1138867
File: 1611304275742.jpg (51.47 KB, 510x498, 1611282730997.jpg)

>>1138818and a chick who tries to pass this face off as real isn't?
No. 1138882
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>>1124597she reminds me of Momo
No. 1138968
File: 1611317869561.jpg (126.47 KB, 720x706, Screenshot_20210122_141647.jpg)

Same dress different faces lol she needs to calm down
No. 1139058
File: 1611324098253.png (1.01 MB, 1716x1255, 5A3A028F-1641-49DD-9BC3-962FAC…)

>>1139020What’s her real name? And yes I know she hasn’t but anyone who isn’t an low iq brown Arab like her can see she’s riddled with plastic surgery and despite that she’s ugly and needs to photoshop her pics. She even bleached her skin but still has a yellow/brown hue. I wonder how she copes with the realization of never being able to change her genetics.
She’s also tries to be pseudo intellectual, but makes herself look even more stupid but I guess you can’t expect anything better from a sandnigger
No. 1139091
>>1139084Yeah right lol!!!
Effinna is the proof looool
No. 1139132
File: 1611330868428.jpg (23.74 KB, 252x414, 1611282730997.jpg)

>>1137415i wonder if she seethes every time she looks in the mirror?
No. 1140128
>>1139964she says the BMI system is a bogus system which fails to interpret you muscle and fat content which is true, but regardless she is is still very UNDERWEIGHT you can see she has little fat and muscle content on her body and her body essentially runs of the little food it gets in her 8 hour feeding window before she goes and fasts again for 16 hours.
If any of you want to see how intermittent fasting looks on the body, just look at her. It's not pretty.
No. 1140131
>>1139964What's really sad is that she's passing this off to clueless girls.
She keeps saying she's healthy, bitch no you're not
No. 1140314
File: 1611435053347.jpg (63.08 KB, 636x960, ufssc8y12hz31.jpg)

>>1135079No. Thats a scratcher tattoo artist and Hyde orbiter named Raven (@louisvuittoncrouton) she used to self post on /r9k/, /mu/ and /soc/ i'm pretty sure. Athena Raven Rapp pulls up some of her bullshit on google. Autist and friend of that one weird Ann Frank girl, negativexp and a few other cows. She probably tried to get "in" with MDE like Marky and others and failed No. 1141289
>>1141163lmao you sound weird as fuck, there's literally no milk on sam to speak of atm that hasn't been discussed in depth in previous threads hence why this retard chick is getting traction because she's a massive underrated cow
>go get your own husband's ladiesyou do understand no one here is jealous of this chick beyond the half brained arab tweens that idolise her, no one gives a shit that she's married either it's the fact that she's not only married to a pedo but she also previously dated one
I'm certainly sure that the fact that she shoops her face to look like a little anime schoolgirl has nothing to do with the kinds of incel white men she wants attention off
also learn how to sage if all you're gonna do is defend this thot, mkay?>>1141163
No. 1145110
File: 1611922465611.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1011, marky_drool.png)

>>1142528Like 3 months, him cheating on marky is the reason she got on antidepressants etc.
Marky messaged Sam on facebook saying she loved his content and he instantly saw her location, realized she lived extremely close to him and squirmed his way into a sexual convo. Marky had a part time job at the time after school (her school was only 3 hours a day or something) anyway –
She met him when she was 15 and i think they got fucked or he groped (?) her in the car right after seeing her. They ""dated"" shortly after he took her virginity, it was a week before she turned 16. He would get hotel rooms for them to meet and Marky would lie to her parents about still having her part time job ETC
He basically was cheating on her the entire time and even had an older girl who was 20 have a 3some with them (which marky hated)
After her mom found out they broke up, her mom tried to get marky to get the cops to file a report but marky refused to do it (since she was in love with Sam)
There's a lot of details I'm missing, marky told me all this around 3-4 years ago over a Skype call. I know Sam stalked her irl friends and sent her a bunch of letters asking her to marry him when she got accepted to that college in aslaka. Marky also got kicked out for awhile when her mom found out about Sam
Also here is Markys discord username - mir#9329
if you add her don't mention you came from this website lol she will block you, be genuine and ask her for her side of the story. I got her discord from a server I was in a couple weeks ago.
She also uses twitter a lot if you want to DM her, but she might block you No. 1149023
File: 1612252067328.jpg (222.56 KB, 1078x566, SmartSelect_20210202-024633_Yo…)

Just a reminder this is their marital bed…
Yes, we are so jealous
No. 1149344
File: 1612289554252.jpg (914.3 KB, 3024x4032, literal cuck.jpg)

>>1121662I don't blame them entirely. They're young and impressionable. But I think it's a good example of how these girls (Marky in particular) and their characterization of misogynistic men as exclusively physically unattractive (think the neckbeard stereotype) will get you. Allow me to explain:
Sam is, or rather was, an attractive man. He's tall and he's big and he's intimidating. That's what these sorts of girls like. Because we've spent years telling ourselves that misogynists come in one physically repugnant basement-dwelling flavor, it often means girls like Marky Jane Thompson and co will see a guy like Sam, that they're instantly attracted to, and never assume he could really be the same deep down. Perhaps they just all write it off as "irony", but that's weak. The truth is, the most misogynistic men are attractive psychopaths who fail at life (remember Sam would be living out of a gutter if it weren't for his parents and BTC), feel embittered and angry, but have an outlet for this bitterness in the form of young women who adore them. Genuinely happy men don't abuse women.
Also, the only reason I say "I don't blame them entirely" is because I think guys like Sam are an exceptional case. Again, let me explain what I mean by this:
As you can see from the screenshots on this thread, it's not like he's some MASTER MANIPULATOR pretending to be loving and romantic to get an in with these girls (that really gives this failed art school dropout with low IQ too much credit). He's hitting them up in Facebook Chat demanding they cut themselves and do degrading things for him right off the bat. I definitely reserve more sympathy for young girls who were taken in by more subtle, genuinely manipulative predatory types who slowly ratchet up the abuse. It's one thing, an entirely sympathetic thing, when a man with no known history of abuse comes to a troubled young girl and pretends to be her friend and confidante - that's something I could have even seen myself doing. But when it's a man whose first message to you on a social media site is "I want to see your tits", before talking about how he wants to do anal with you? And given that this man already has/had a massive online papertrail of pedophilia and abuse? It's really fucking hard to sympathize with someone so stupid they fall for this. A part of me thinks a lot of these young girls are porn addicts obsessed with sexual masochism and stuff tbh.
Finally, the weirdest thing to me about Sam is that most millennials, even most of the guys on /pol/, hate him as a grifting pedo now. His gumroad fanbase are exclusively edgy zoomers.
No. 1149350
>>1149344wow that's a big essay for this gorilla man.
imo i don't think these girls are "stupid" (trust me, i don't actually understand either), rather they were abused earlier in their lives (or are currently still being abused) and subconsciously convinced themselves that abuse was good, actually. they also most likely have no self esteem and don't believe they could get a good man. at most, they see themselves with a guy who wouldn't want to hit them outside of the bedroom. what a dream!
No. 1149439
File: 1612295010823.png (61.7 KB, 1278x474, marky x hyde.png)

lol this is how sam hyde met marky. Str8 form her mouth..
Sam must've been really horny for a 15/16 year old fangirl pussy
No. 1149441
File: 1612295036196.png (16.09 KB, 895x138, lol poor marky.png)

No. 1152552
File: 1612492010368.png (13.92 KB, 1366x210, 1531657879189876.png)

>>1152494>>1152494>>1152188This is a load of shit and definitely sounds like a story she's spun herself and told people to make herself less culpable for the dirt that's been found on her.
She literally posted her feet on the boards
>>1135130 and went into intimate detail about Kuwaiti life and her general opinions on things such as religion. If it truly was a psycho larper he would have been alot more outrageous and bait as opposed to talking with channers about gulf politics which is EXACTLY the sort of thing she would do.
Picrel she even talks about her favourite authors, the exact same ones she tweets about now, no crazy stalker would go into this amount of detail about super mundane shit on a board where minimal people would see. It's her and she's embarrassed for being a racist retard.
She almost certainly lost her virginity to this swedish guy and broke up with him not long after. He may have made sock accounts to harass her and Charls out of jealousy but it's 100% obvious that it was her posting on those boards.
No one believes your silly coverup Effina, why tryst someone who still claims to this day that this
>>1138867 is their unedited face?
No. 1152577
>>1152552yeah i agree, it sounds more likely that she dated this swede guy (hence her literally moving there) and then dumped him for Charls. The timespan between her dating him and then dating Charls is miniscule, so i can see why he'd feel incredibly vengeful and make accounts to harass her. From her 4chan posts she says they planned on marriage so it definitely wasn't a small thing for him. But it seems she saw a chance to level up in terms of white dick status with Charls and she took it.
It's funny she's trying to make everyone believe this stalker story, especially with it occurring during 2016-2017 when her account was tiny and she had 0 level of social media presence.
She can't be honest about anything lmao her web of lies will eventually consume her
No. 1152582
File: 1612494210993.png (620.92 KB, 740x488, 162562728672.png)

>>1151585her filler is migrating badly she needs to take it easy
No. 1152638
>>1152629yeah maybe they weren't official but i'm not buying the fact that she didn't post in those threads because the poster is way too on the nose for it not to be her.
How did he get her to post feet?
>>1135130 force her foot on the screen?
The guy in your VC may well be some other Scandi guy she was toying with whilst in a relationship with the swede
It seems entirely nonsenical that a stalker would larp as her in a thread viewed by a couple people during 2016/17 back when she was a nobody, unless you have caps of him admitting to making those posts. It's her.
No. 1152662
File: 1612500777242.jpg (2.11 MB, 5440x3440, 1505701924659.jpg)

>>1152643>>1152629>>1152188>>1152654lmao so excuse the pseudo detective work but i just thought i may aswell prove it's her to put this back and forth to rest.
On the left is the timestamp she posted in her thread, notice the beauty mark under her thumb and on the right is a cooking instastory she uploaded and notice the exact same beauty mark under her thumb. In this exact thread she says jews should die, islam is cancer, greeks are master race and spics are subhuman AND admits that she infact does have a Scandinavian boyfriend.
Are you gonna say he decapitated her hand and faked that now too?
So to put a long story short, yes it was her in all those threads and yes she really is that retarded and now is desperately trying to cover her tracks.
No. 1152670
File: 1612501593445.jpg (2.01 MB, 3024x4032, 1505702562153.jpg)

>>1152668Haha so he also got her to change it to /int/ because she was just oh so naïve and none the wiser??
Why are you so defensive unless you're actually her or one of her weird followers
No. 1152678
>>1152668link the stream where she
explains this atleast?
>>1152676>guywhy have you just outed yourself as a scrote holy shit
No. 1152699
>>1152679>>1152680>>1152686>>1152678why are you simping for this alien looking bitch so hard unless you're actually her, no one beyond this thread gives a fuck about her degrading spics on 4chan but you sure do seem adamant on sucking her ass and making her seem holier than thou
she's not untouchable and subject to the same scrutiny anyone else gets on this site, does this concept baffle you retard?
Also the fact that you won't post the stream where she literally proves her innocence that it doesn't even exist kek
No. 1152726
File: 1612503902117.png (33.04 KB, 784x709, 1599112949000.png)

>>1152719The only one seething in this thread is you Effina. Enjoy your already loveless marriage!
No. 1152745
File: 1612504678518.png (36.25 KB, 896x618, 123452222478.png)

>>1152668More proof from her threads that it was actually her, in the first thread from 2017 she links her old insta (@kaiserwalzer) and says she changed her recent post caption to "hi int" to verify it's her.
In the second thread, created a couple months later, she whines about being doxxed but a poster calls her out and says she did change her instagram post to "hello int" like she said she would.
There's really 0 doubt the threads are her at this point but she she's probably going to reply to this and say the Instagram account linked was fake? Keep reaching girl.
No. 1152760
File: 1612505289264.jpeg (100.79 KB, 828x680, 1611189872866.jpeg)

>seething>go seethe somewhere elseSound familiar you guys? Looks like someone found the thread
No. 1152774
>>1152767why are you blogposting about your feelings? no gives a shit. post milk or don't post at all.
>lets shit on charls gf because she puts a filter onhave you read the thread at all?
No. 1152834
>>1152668You say the OP of the post you're replying to is "insane and obsessed with effina" yet you're the one replying to every post critical of her with this elaborate stalker story screaming her innocence. OP is providing literal proof whereas all you have a story based of hearsay and a stream you refuse to link?
I know who looks like the actual delusional one here.
No. 1153682
This thread really does attract some fuckups, guess that's what happens when you talk about MDE shit in 2021. It's pretty clear somebody is trying to rewrite Effina's background into sweet nice tradwife perfect for newly traddier Charls, rather than her initial 4chan /pol/ persona. Whatever personality she adopts is one designed for maximum pathetic scrote attention, and recently they've liked uwu pure girls more than they liked redpilled channer chicks, so she transitioned accordingly. Either way I'm sure she is, or was, happy to be with the balding little guy for awhile but it looks like it's fucked up now. That clip from her stream was kinda sad, she's pathetic in a lot of ways but I don't want to see anyone trapped far from their family in a loveless and unsupportive marriage. But it is also 100% obvious that she was the one posting on 4chan. Nick's wife knew him before MDE and was a local girl anyway, you don't fly across the world to meet a washed-up alt comedian because some friend in high school mentioned his show in passing. She wanted Charls, and she got him. Now she's probably found out being with a schizo self-obsessed itsy bitsy nazi isn't so fun when you don't have a normal life to escape. When your life is just the fuck up freakshow, he's not a fun diversion anymore.
No. 1153912
File: 1612610566391.jpg (142.01 KB, 1080x808, SmartSelect_20210206-062244_Tw…)

Her photoshopped pics are indeed stunning… in an uncanny valley sorta way
No. 1153913
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Pretty sure Effina isn't her real name at all. It's just more proof of her obsession with greek people/greek dna. Strange person
No. 1154120
File: 1612634999829.png (31.18 KB, 473x458, 123452222478.png)

>Replies to posts saying gulf girls are down to do anal and blowjobs but not vaginal sexYou still gonna claim she wasn't sexually intimate with her bf? This girl is far from innocent. The shit she's said about races darker than her denote how far this chick will stoop for attention, the fact that her parents paid for her to stay in a hotel with her white bf and you think they didn't do anything is literally delusional.
No. 1154184
>>1154180Do you know where you are lmao this isn't a self help group, it's a gossip board retard
You really think you're gonna kill a pathological liar with kindness? No. She'll just carry on lying and be all the more happy her detractors are now licking her ass.
No. 1154187
>>1154184You bring up a good point. My bad.
I guess it is hard to bring someone into reality when they constantly lie not only to the world but to themselves.
No. 1154866
File: 1612709015819.webm (334.84 KB, 1280x720, 1612708195505.webm)
Look at how hard Marky mogs that plastic shitskin Effina
Marky doesn't even need Makeup
No. 1155187
File: 1612732285543.jpg (164.8 KB, 751x396, SmartSelect_20210207-161028_DU…)

Look at how fucking depressing their apartment and life together looks. I kinda feel bad for Effina
The entire video Charls was passive aggressivy explaining how cheesecake should be made to his 20 year old bride. Like fuck off dude? She made you a cheesecake. What a psycho
No. 1155189
File: 1612732328484.jpg (179.35 KB, 844x418, SmartSelect_20210207-161054_DU…)

Last pic of how dirty their life looks
No. 1155222
>>1155211lmao are you retarded? you're clearly a newfag and don't know how threads work, everyone in this thread and beyond know sam hyde is a pedo. In order to keep this thread alive new milk needs to be posted, you can't just repeat sam hyde is a pedo like this idiot
>>1155219 and expect that to work, previous threads have coherently documented his behaviour. Now the milk has dried up, the topic of charls (an almost 40 year old man) who's groomed some 4chan tard brain impressionable girl to marry him and live in the states in their ratty apartment whilst he does 5 hour streams talking in tongues and contradicting himself into oblivion as his child bride edits her face to look like Momo in the other room and convince Alt twitter she's the perfect virgin cheesecake baking wife is gaining traction on this thread instead. It's got fuck all to do with smoke and mirrors. Sam's pedophilia is well documented in other threads.
No. 1155241
>>1155198This is fucking lolcow. Keep making it more obvious you're her or a wk. Why are people defending her?
She's a scam artist pseudo-intelectual who just happens to be ugly without photoshop.
Oh right "people" aren't defending her. It's her and her one other internet friend
No. 1155243
File: 1612737801078.jpg (156.05 KB, 451x523, SmartSelect_20210125-081444_Fa…)

"Not ugly"
No. 1155261
File: 1612739302899.png (1.63 MB, 926x1158, effina.png)

i did a little digging and found another unedited picture of effina from a fashion designer she modeled for, she untagged herself from it lol No. 1155266
File: 1612739671649.jpg (119.24 KB, 750x937, effina2.jpg)

>>1155261from the same desginer's page, i don't think these are heavily edited probably just skin touchups (i'm a photographer and i do some fashion shoots, we never edit the face and usually just touch up the skin) but she does look quite different from her own ig photos
No. 1155285
File: 1612741076731.png (898.75 KB, 1000x1245, lessfilter.png)

>>1155273i agree it seems as though those are from her in-between stage of filtering like pic rel. theyre still edited heavily just less so. the recent pics taken with charls are what she really looks like and its quite different to these
No. 1155287
File: 1612741091654.png (86.62 KB, 192x282, A1D791CF-D288-4AA7-AF68-7D0482…)

>>1155243Yeah I think this is just a bad picture of her. I remember seeing this pic of Marzia and thinking she looked completely different but it was just a bad angle which I think is the case for effina in that pic
No. 1155330
>>1155317You can actually recognise it's her tho i don't know why she's being compared to this self hating cow. This pic of marzia is candid, poorly lit, taken by someone clearly without her knowledge from a weird angle, whereas this
>>1155243 one of effina is taken head on, with great lighting, with her knowledge and she's even posing with charls. The pics are incomparable, why're you reaching.
No. 1155583
>>1155582also, if no one has noticed, these threads always attract r9k orbiters/stalkers like
>>1155499 who delusionally believe Marky is their soulmate.
No. 1155931
File: 1612801342400.png (419.15 KB, 708x804, 123452222478.png)

>>1155847Before/after of her lightening her skin ad changing her eye colour. She abuses contacts and passes them off as her real eyes. I've never seen someone not only hate every natural feature they've ever had but lie till they're blue in the face about it.
She even edits her baby photos.
No. 1156585
File: 1612842193551.jpg (338.02 KB, 1079x1339, SmartSelect_20210208-224316_Yo…)

This is the video with less filters? Lol
No. 1156732
>>1156373>>1156375>>1156377Wow this is fucking hilarious, you really just outed yourself and corroborated everything that's been said here about you. Turns out you're not just unfortunate looking but you're also thick as shit LOL.
Exposing you wouldn't be this funny if it weren't for you coming here and sperging out about it, if you think this is bad you really have no fucking clue in terms of what an internet smear campaign can actually look like.
>beckyAlso what's this delusion that everyone who hates on you is a white american woman. I'm not white and neither are multiple posters in this thread who have offered to translate your videos, you're universally gawked at.
>8chanYou found that thread about you aswell? Look at you! What a little busy bee you are! Some would say you're nothing but a sad self hating basement dwelling rat who screeches at every mention of her name, i almost feel bad for you.
No. 1156736
>>1156585Waiting on the day she lets us see her honk in all its droopy glory, but then again she'll probably use mommy and daddys money to hack at it some more before coming clean.
Also 8 ads on a 10 min video, she's truly a tramp with no regard for her supporters
No. 1157679
File: 1612930329839.png (1.24 MB, 2628x308, 8chan.png)

>>1156732get ready for some 8chan MDE fans to come here because she called attention to this thread there. We are 'attacking her for some reason' and are all Sam Hyde.
No. 1158274
File: 1612985368499.jpg (291.65 KB, 1080x1072, SmartSelect_20210210-142835_Tw…)

Even effina's likes on twitter point to her feeling unloved by Charls lol
Truly a marriage to envy
No. 1158282
File: 1612985661969.jpg (277.94 KB, 1074x743, SmartSelect_20210210-143220_Yo…)

Anyone else think that Effina and Charls are superrr broke?
It seems like they live in squalor in Charls' tiny Woonsocket home.
Nothing is cleaned, effina wears the same clothes then buys shein, are always going to friends for good dinners, never go anywhere as a couple besides to see friends, charls always looks dirty and unwashed and seems very frugal. sad
No. 1158306
>>1158282Yeah can confirm, Effina's family are unbelievably wealthy. Her mother owns a big home in Germany as well as Kuwait, she studied at an expensive private school and went on multiple all expenses paid trips with Charls using her parents bucks
Charls on the other hand has fuck all to his name and lives off the pittance he makes on twitch. Effina probably doesn't realise this right now, but a large reason why he pursued her into marriage over the multiple other more attractive/more local pick-me underage fans in his DMs is because of her generational wealth.
No. 1158308
>>1158305No doubt she's slumming it with Charls now though, I wonder if they are or are not sending her money. It would depend on whether or not they support the marriage. If they're halfway decent parents, they probably don't. Charls is a fuck-up who comes off as deranged to anyone who isn't enamored with him or his history with MDE.
>>1158239 was Joel the collaborator known as trappped? always thought he was one of the most talented in that group, at least with editing.
No. 1158313
>>1158308Her parents fund almost everything she does because she has no income/savings of her own. Her parents are paying her student fees for her to study Architecture at university in RI.
They're definitely also wiring her cash for living expenses because she makes nothing off her glorified aliexpress website or off her twitch and those Shein clothes won't pay for themselves- and i don't see Charls even throwing so much as a dime her way.
No. 1158356
File: 1612990286407.png (323.7 KB, 558x702, 123452222478.png)

>>1158331Must be a culture shock for her living in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, with no sheets on her marital bed and charls wearing the same crusty shirts/sweatpants day in day out.
He's the quintessential middle aged American man that has very little regard for his personal appearance and sports a round belly, small man boobs and shrimp sized arms. Dude can't even be arsed to get a haircut that suits his balding 40 year old head. It's especially ironic given how concerned Effina is with how she looks to the point of obsession whereas she's married a slovenly old man who doesn't even make an effort to appear attractive to her. How she isn't regretting her decisions that led her down this dark path i have no idea.
No. 1158614
>>1158246>bdsm and weird shitWhat weird shit?
Was it forced on you or did you say no?
Not judging, just trying to get past the oblique rumors.
No. 1158712
File: 1613016354048.png (187.63 KB, 437x413, 1511201880427.png)

>>1151585If this is a face filter she has on to look like this, it's a really good filter. I want to say it's just a ton of makeup, but her nose in those Ms Hayden pics is just way too different.
No. 1158780
>>1158712How good is a filter that makes you look like a special needs themed blow up doll?
Charls is fucking hideous thnx
No. 1158923
File: 1613054634404.png (435.87 KB, 766x422, 123452222478.png)

I truly can't believe a man who is almost 40 lives like this. He acts so holier than thou on twitch but he can't even clean his grotty apartment with his child bride. The mcdonalds really adds that final touch
No. 1158933
File: 1613056078109.png (581.78 KB, 768x720, 1589703483793.png)

here the 30 min long video of marky talking if anyone wants to watch lol No. 1159152
File: 1613072327390.png (540.56 KB, 762x613, EkIrek6XkAAKQwJ.png)

this image says everything about the type of dudes she hangs around and panders to
No. 1159168
>>115916080% of people in this thread have levied genuine issue with her with no use of shitty language but you're gonna ree about the 20% of posters that called her a sandmonkey. Alright.
Also if you consider pointing out how painfully middle eastern her features are pre-op as "racist" then we're all fucked i guess
No. 1159193
File: 1613074788120.jpg (553.99 KB, 1616x1536, MDdKsVH.jpg)

>>1159168"A Guide for Dummies: How to change your ethnic face from middle eastern to European whilst also claiming to be proud of your heritage. By Effina Hyatt"
No. 1159201
File: 1613075165873.png (304.99 KB, 640x1136, unnamed.png)

she follows people like this on twitter and insta. just straight up creepy incel tier guys that openly post about how much they hate women
No. 1159224
File: 1613076281258.png (34.22 KB, 973x239, kuwait.PNG)

this is a comment on one of charls stream where he's in kuwait with her. he actually liked this fetishy 4chan comment. he's basically admitting that its a fetish virtue signal thing
No. 1159232
>>1159224The dissonance between them is astounding. Charls approves of the eastern gender dynamic which is essentially the subjugation of women and confinement of gender roles whilst in Effina's interview she's complaining about exactly that and saying feminism is needed there the most instead of the west?
What a pair of retards.
No. 1159233
File: 1613076786846.png (35.63 KB, 759x251, doomsayer.PNG)

bruh she follows freaks like these on twitter. this woman needs to use those kuwaiti bux to get some damn therapy
No. 1159247
>>1159236>If he ever ditches her she'll fade back into nothingness and that probably keeps her up at night. She feeds off the cool girl points she collects, it's her entire identity at this point.Do you think she'll ever realize how stupid it was? How do people like this ever reintegrate back with regular people even if they wanted to?
>>1159241I think she knows. In a way she likes the validation that she's ''one of the good ones'' probably.
No. 1159254
>>1159241She used to get treated like a brown female immigrant in the /pol/ and /int/ threads she posted. The white mde incels would often call her slurs and tell her she had no place speaking on topics. But NOW she's the wife of Charls Caroll no one touches her and her opinion is actually heralded, the same mde fans who used to shit on her now like her pictures and say "tfw no kuwaiti gf". She knew what she was doing.
>>1159247When she hits her mid 30s and realises she's built a life with a 50 year old man who fetishes her existence, surrounded by an audience of white pseudo trad nazi larpers and once she's had a kid that looks more like a Mohammed than a Marcus Aurelius, that's probably when she'll lose it.
That if Charls hasn't got sick of her by then.
No. 1159356
File: 1613081851096.webm (196.23 KB, 1080x1266, 1445342656787.webm)
I'm super creeped out by this. She looks so weird and uncanny?? Almost like there's an overlay on her face?? That Lil Miquela AI insta thot looks more realistic wtf
No. 1159633
>>1158796might be nitpick but thank god someone mentioned her fake voice. its so obvious, its shakey because shes constantly having to consciously raise the pitch and speaks from her throat instead of her stomach.
and tbh as much of a cow she is, i do have a tiny amoutn of pity, i think she knows that dumping charls would bring her hate from MDE fans. but it'd also ruin the pure uwu trad waifu facade which im sure shes more concerned about lmao
No. 1159635
>>1159386>His fans have some sort of Stockholm syndrome bond with himSounds about right. It also seems like a lot of his fans feel sorry for him, and support him out of pity at this point. Most of the comments on his videos post-2017 or so are sentiments on what a joke he's become.
That being said, I think you'd have to be pretty lacking in morals to feel bad for Sam at this point. He's a genuinely unstable and dangerous person, particularly because he tries to pass off these traits like it's just part of his comedy persona. Like it's one big in-joke. His behavior is such that I'm honestly shocked he's not in prison yet. I can only say I'm glad he never skyrocketed to fame to the point that he had much of reaching influence over the public, and it's only a small, niche group of dudes online who look up to him these days.
No. 1159866
>>1159670You're probably new here, but cowtipping is against the rules have a funny feeling Effina knows about this thread anyways
No. 1160790
>>1160313People in this board need to stop reiterating things like "sam is a pedo!@^@*@(" "charls is schizo@(@^#(" "effina is poor uwu
victim of charls and photoshop!^#$(@" "effina is badd"
Like true? But let's add some milk to it
No. 1161886
File: 1613355230464.jpg (718.98 KB, 1078x1756, SmartSelect_20210214-211235_In…)

She unarchived a few older, slightly less edited pics
No. 1162038
File: 1613372031792.jpg (2.69 MB, 2560x2560, 21-02-15-01-54-20-142_deco.jpg)

This freak edited her baby pics
No. 1162239
File: 1613405952306.jpeg (518.81 KB, 744x1328, 8B8A9452-66BF-445C-9B37-9496BC…)

>>1159855Markys nose isn’t massive lmao effina has a typical sand nigger nose and it still looks huge with the tons of surgery she’s had.
Here is markys side profile
File: 1613407893072.png (322.56 KB, 474x428, wtfisthat.png)

she really needs to stop with the filler, unless when her face is completely stationary (which you'll notice in every pic it is) she looks fucking insane
No. 1162281
>>1162247Markys grandpa is a polish “Jew” with blue eyes. Marky is Scottish and English and grew up going to church every Sunday. She’s not Jewish at all.
However effinna is a literal sandnigger with shit brown eyes who edits her pics to look white (something she will never be)
No. 1162296
>>1162281In this video
>>1158933 she explains exactly how jewish she is.
No. 1162518
File: 1613431951810.png (364.57 KB, 1088x1828, insufferable.png)

him and effina are such arrogant pseuds its unbelievable, how do people worship this guy?
No. 1162553
File: 1613436378661.png (323.45 KB, 613x366, 123452222478.png)

No. 1162570
File: 1613437187033.jpg (269.11 KB, 1086x1056, 1612610566391.jpg)

No. 1162580
>>1162553Former flagrant internet personality, turned low effort twitch e-begger, that gained all of his notoriety off the back of pedophile Sam Hyde tells YOU his opinion has "weight" and yours is meaningless because his edgy take of the day got retweets.
Oh and he's 2 years off turning 40 years old.
What a world.
No. 1162612
>>1162518>how do people worship this guy?He's a narc surrounded by other narcs who think that they'll gain some form of clout by associating with him. They also likely admire the fact that he's practically married to a child and getting away with it. They see uneven power dynamics as commendable and wish to emulate them. For these fans, it's a mutually beneficial relationship that lacks any form of substance or authenticity.
Granted, some of his fans are potentially still blind at to what a seedy guy he truly is. His pseudointellectual/pseudospiritual drivel may come across as deep and provocative to those who aren't accustomed to that kind of cultish language. He's also a bit better at keeping a low profile in comparison to Sam. Frankly, I think that's just be because he's more introverted and prefers to stay "in the shadows." He'd probably still be like that even if he wasn't an awful person.
No. 1162667
File: 1613447931862.png (248.7 KB, 838x406, samlena.png)

Don't know if this has ever been brought up in any of the threads here (it's news to me, anyway), but according to an active thread on 8chan, Sam and Lena Dunham dated sometime around 2009. Anons are speculating that Adam Driver's character in girls is based off of him. Would be milky as hell if true.
I've seen at least one video where Sam ranted about Lena and even went as far as to say he'd kill her if I had the chance, or something along those lines. Didn't take that to mean he actually knew her personally, much less dated her. I just assumed it was a general hatred for Lena Dunham.
No. 1162668
File: 1613447995168.png (317.61 KB, 667x360, lel.png)

Thread also had a pic of Sam in high school, which I'm posting for no other reason than it being hilarious.
No. 1162801
Sam hates fat chicks
No. 1162943
File: 1613486919383.jpeg (60.62 KB, 600x400, 37170C47-AEC6-4BEF-A530-8F748D…)

>>1162801I mean if their relationship or whatever ended badly, she could be part of the reason he hates fat women so much. Also back in 2009 she wasnt as heavy and she had long hair, tends to make you look thinner
No. 1162950
File: 1613488374653.jpeg (462.85 KB, 750x678, C8720F48-8168-44C0-8F26-F3A23B…)

>>1162949Yes. such soft featured women. Uh huh. Most mena bitches got honkers, get over it
No. 1162959
>>1162950>they have big honkers get the fuck out scrote you may be entirely confused but this isn’t a thread where you can reveal your disgusting sex drive
>>1162949Also hi Effinna, if you want to successfully lurk try not using emotes and integrate retard
No. 1162973
File: 1613490213353.jpeg (78.87 KB, 536x634, 7BD849CE-8D2E-4880-A1EB-B347B0…)

>>1162570It’s hilarious how this is charls ideal woman (porn star Sylvia saint) Effina looks nothing like this, just drives home that he married her for her money and “virginity” (she def fucked the Swedish guy she got the hotel room with). What a sad marriage
No. 1163237
File: 1613512248709.jpg (655.26 KB, 1024x1211, 2021-02-16-16-51-27-025.jpg)

No. 1163284
Sam Hyde definitely didn't date Lena Dunham, he's made a point of dropping hints and info on basically every woman he's ever fucked (real alpha chad shit, having to brag about every piece of pussy you ever so much as looked at) there is no way he would've resisted saying she had a stinky asshole or some equally nasty thing about her in some tiny text on one of his rant videos. Also wrt
>>1161822 I would say the likeliest situation is that either she fucked Sam or he tried to fuck her, because she looks a lot like his "type". Also does anyone else remember some picture that was promoting a tshirt or some other Sam Hyde thing shortly after the show got cancelled with a girl who looked a lot like Makenzie posing in an arcade with a gun? I tried to find it and couldn't.
No. 1163415
File: 1613531326899.png (54.03 KB, 882x232, Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 9.27…)

Charls just got hammered again onstream, waving a cigarette at Effina all the while, and ultimately absolutely blowing up at a longtime fan (Cabster). I'm not sure what it was over but it's fucked up regardless considering he's probably one of his only loyal fans over the years besides Baldanders. The only thing I could see in chat that could've
triggered it is picrel. Sorry I am not good at clips the blowout continues at 5:30. Charls is an absolutely fucked person. No. 1163419
File: 1613531727866.png (79.68 KB, 660x434, Capture d’écran 2021-02-16 à 1…)

>>1163351how has this insta comment not been posted?
No. 1163424
>>1163415hooooooooly fuck imagine being almost 40 and raging at a camera like this.
that's ALOT of emotion for a guy who keeps repeating "I DON'T CARE" (i think he might just a lil)
Effina really lucked out huh, that naïve girl has got herself involved with a man who's level of narcissism she does not even comprehend
also LOL at how fucking scary he tries to make himself look, it's the funniest thing he's attempted in years
No. 1163435
File: 1613533375379.png (19.9 KB, 558x252, 13456223456783.png)

>>1163415He's got that thousand-yard stare, glad to see he's still a piece of shit alcoholic as always.
It's extra funny cause Effina morally grandstands about morality lacking in the West yet her husband is the embodiment of everything she proports to not like about it.
Classic hedonist, narcissistic traits, fame hungry, sexual deviant who sleeps with pornstars/grooms minors, i could go on. She married the literal opposite of what she says she stands for, they are just as fake as each other.
No. 1163462
File: 1613536490228.png (700.7 KB, 922x596, Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 10.3…)

>>1163415Another moment from tonight where he lashes out at another fan. What a night! No. 1163474
>>1163462He literally told a fan to stop polluting his chat case "there's nothing in the world that you could know that i already don't".
Previously i would have genuinely assumed he was trolling by saying that but judging by the fact that he literally tweeted this
>>1162518 to someone unironically is very fucking eye opening. I can't believe people support this uncouth foul mouthed pseudo woke maniac.
No. 1163497
File: 1613539243248.jpeg (15.82 KB, 263x192, 1596089489688.jpeg)

>>1163415This can't be real. The way he stares
directly at the camera while threatening his fans…I cannot stop laughing jesus fucking christ
No. 1163544
>>1163537Seems likely to me, she looks like the kind of girl he goes for. Great find anon. That Charls thing
>>1163462 &
>>1163415 is too hilarious, whatever happened to mr positivity? I haven't watched one of his streams in years (I wasn't into how not funny they were) but from what I remember he was always pretty upbeat, albeit in a schizo way. Couple his dickishness to his fans with Effina's sad little stream about no one caring about her besides her parents and it seems like trouble in paradise. who would think a relationship between an aging, balding alt comedy never-was and a teen bride from the middle east wouldn't be a match made in heaven?
No. 1163656
File: 1613560512938.jpg (546.23 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210217-035852_Chr…)

No. 1163657
File: 1613560536190.jpg (397.91 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210217-035752_Chr…)

>>1163656Charls is on cameo lol
No. 1163658
File: 1613560561431.jpg (544.34 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210217-035825_Chr…)

No. 1164230
File: 1613608305366.jpg (2.12 MB, 2048x1534, 21-02-17-19-31-29-792_deco.jpg)

No. 1164341
>>1164230oh my god anon this is amazing lmao the only thing i would add to charls' list is his porn star fetish, underage grooming and "smarter than you will ever be" complex and for effina mention her racist comments and posting her Instagram on 4chan for literal bottom of the barrel scrote attention, but now she's a born again trad queen who hates western fehmanizm uwu
With that included this defo contends for an Effina/Charls thread pic.
No. 1164777
File: 1613676426225.jpg (461.32 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210218-142549_Ins…)

She's still lurking here. Directly referencing the meme I made yesterday lol
No. 1164802
>>1164774Even when MDE was working on their comedy Nick was easily the most normal and genuinely funny one from the group. His jokes weren't riddled with innuendo to his real life and feelings about people.
He used to resell antique items through a storefront but had to shut it down and start booking by appointment only due to fan harassment.
Now you can tell whenever he does videos with Charls or Sam he seems minorly annoyef by how attention whorish they act. You can see him cringing internally as he tries to make whacky jokes to distract from how pathetic his friends became.
That video of Effina and Charls at Nick's for dinner is a good example. You can hear his annoyance in the way he responds to Charls' incessant narration of events.
No. 1164864
>>1164845Yep. No tagged photos with friends or pro photographers. Justuncanny selfies and self timer phone pics she took in their living room. Even the pic of her and Charls looks super edited. I'm assuming it was taken on her phone, shooped, then sent to whichever Hayden posted it.
She honestly could make a decent amount in modeling based on her following. Not many companies even care if the model looks exactly like her pics as long as they make money.
No. 1164919
File: 1613690520634.jpg (66.94 KB, 1113x420, Photo 18-02-2021, 23 17 33.jpg)

Cow gets defensive when someone talks of her abusing filters yet in her makeup videos she says shit like "I don't like heavy makeup uwu" "I prfer the natural look uwu" "I only use angles in my pics uwu". Pick a side you silly girl, you either want your face reconstructed or you're an au naturel trad queen, stop contradicting yourself queen
No. 1165075
File: 1613703897233.jpg (787.54 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210218-220341_Ins…)

>still posts pictures like this
No. 1165088
File: 1613704487983.jpg (801.44 KB, 2560x1920, 21-02-18-22-13-42-719_deco.jpg)

This cringey retard actually liked this comment on the only pic Charls posted of them together. What a sicko
No. 1165092
File: 1613704846022.jpg (574.44 KB, 1080x1616, SmartSelect_20210218-221801_In…)

No. 1165143
File: 1613710632437.jpg (203.73 KB, 1242x1543, Photo 19-02-2021, 04 45 18.jpg)

As if she couldn't make it any more obvious that she lurks here, since she's been exposed for being a sweatshop supporter she's deleted all her 'effinashop' insta posts and wiped the site clean of any aliexpress proof
No. 1165591
File: 1613764663525.png (281.51 KB, 720x610, 88abd2ea-9214-4d0d-ae0d-e967f2…)

>>1165073she looks like this
No. 1165594
File: 1613765017721.jpeg (244.99 KB, 640x969, 1D241C0E-1145-4A5B-A8C9-884748…)

More proof she’s seen this thread? She privated her twitter account
No. 1165696
>>1165610Imo, there's no way she isn't already aware of this at least on some level. I don't think it's possible to enter into a relationship with someone like Charls and not have some idea of what you're getting into. She's probably very naive, full of herself, and thinks she's going to be the one to "change" him, or has convinced herself that she's so special that he won't treat her as horribly as he treats everyone else.
Then again, if there was heavy lovebombing/manipulation in the early days of the relationship on Charls' end, she might still be too blind to see him for what he really is, and still believes that the person she fell in love with is the "real" him.
No. 1165831
File: 1613785509285.png (41.06 KB, 440x542, 12ytr55678jyu.png)

>>1165594Aaaand she went public after you posted this also lol at her kissing Bittany Venti's ass when she's the exact type of self hating cow Venti would make a subpar takedown vid on
No. 1165908
File: 1613790828891.png (467.95 KB, 640x1136, 9ECA8B6D-E583-4565-B633-6AD0B6…)

The irony of her participating on a podcast about women posting their L’s online when she’s the ultimate woman doing constant L’s
No. 1166001
>>1165988Chill out. I said most. They send the product to the person and they take it themselves.
The fact that Effina doesn’t have any other deals is weird and shows something is up with her followers. Or maybe these brands just think her photo quality is shit, maybe that’s more likely
No. 1166157
>>1166033>>1166001In this vid
>>1158796 31:41 onwards she explains how she got her following, how 85% of her followers are middle eastern women and that shes signed to an agency which is how she gets her "brand deals". She even said shes worked with major fashion brands for modelling but there's literally 0 sign of this so take everything this girl says with a pinch of salt.
No. 1166169
File: 1613799643087.jpeg (685.97 KB, 750x1026, 302FE2FE-0726-4C44-8123-BF464D…)

>>1166157She’s most likely lying. Here is an example of a brand deal (notice says paid partnership on the top). This woman has about the same follower count as Effina too. So why is Effina not getting deals like this?
If she was getting offers, i have a hard time believing she would turn them down if her “small business is struggling”. So yeah, something weird is going on there
No. 1166809
File: 1613848675027.jpeg (100.34 KB, 750x1290, F8B74A69-C79A-45AF-9096-EDC65C…)

>>1165177 The mutual is an art world person (RISD or whatever not the tumblr/deviant art world) that I interacted with like once in my life years ago, wouldn’t have thought he would have any connection to tard politics but idk. Again, unsure if real profile or troll. I have zero interest in the groypertard world or Sam Hyde and barley know anything about him other then five seconds of skimming this thread
No. 1166813
File: 1613848967420.jpeg (308.79 KB, 750x1153, 7B154E4C-633F-4D65-A5C0-00FF88…)

>>1166809The account it links to
No. 1166819
>>1165876"Always the bridesmaid, never the bride"
Charls literally has to beg on stream to buy a new PC, he doesn't have the money to play with stonks. And I doubt Effina would let him play with her parent's allowance.
Hence the weird sour grapes "Im above it all" bitterness. And the veiled attacks on Sam when he goes on his rants on how the right wing grifters out there are rich and throwing their fans under the bus to keep getting richer (like he wouldn't do it himself if he could get away with it)
No. 1168144
File: 1614020519829.jpg (216.05 KB, 1080x981, SmartSelect_20210222-140114_Tw…)

Hilarious advice coming from the absolute retard himself
No. 1168882
>>1168867>Charls, a 40 year old and still targeted someone 20 years his juniorWoman in the eyes of whom? A toddler? She's only a couple years into adulthood and has the mentality of a literal teen, what with the scamming and face editing. To call this girl a woman is giving her a title she doesn't have any clue about.
Also Sam mainly hits up chicks who are 18+ (usually early 20s) who have short heights and are physically reminiscent of underage girls, which is exactly what Charls married. A girl in her early 20's who has the body and voice of a preteen who's also pure virgin uwu, which definitely has nothing to do with his pedo fetish.
No. 1168898
File: 1614116458083.png (717.99 KB, 1100x684, 1609737569197.png)

>>1168892Do you enjoy making things up, she stated her age herself
No. 1169816
File: 1614214322036.jpg (371.75 KB, 1669x2048, Eu4C-pKXYAU6Vg4.jpg)

Her "art" depicting her obsession with Chuck is the most cringe inducing shit I've seen, she's making 14 year old fan art for the dude she married lmao why base your entire identity around your partner, at least make it less obvious you were a longtime fan before he solicited you
No. 1170012
File: 1614238829339.jpg (467.2 KB, 1200x1797, 05_Suehiro_Maruo-1200x1797.jpg)

>>1169816"Heavily inspired"
No. 1170179
File: 1614268924053.jpg (257.06 KB, 1242x1583, Photo 25-02-2021, 1158 42.jpg)

Ridiculous waist shop in her recent pics, isn't she embarrassed?
No. 1170296
>>1170012Woww lol directly copied. I mean aall of her artwork looks very stiff and has poor composition so most of it is derivative af.
>>1170223If she was just skinny in this pic then the dress would look baggier and wrinkle over her waist. It wouldn't wave inward lol. Idek why she bothers if her frame is petite anyway. Perhaps she is putting on weight from her new Americanized die. Charls' love for mcdonalds and excessive amounts of vitamins is probably doing a number on her system. They also seem very inactive and she probably doesn't walk around or get up as much as she did in Kuwait.
No. 1170351
>>1170323Where did anyone call them fat? Lol no one's coping, just speculating.
Why are you so mad at the mere speculation that they're unhealthy?
Unhealthy doesn't equal fat. You can be skinny and look like shit, ana-chan. Calm down and go find a corner to seethe in because you don't look as malnourished as this skinny queen.
No. 1170361
>>1170323Lol omg why do you keep replying with unsaged posts about how ~extremely skinny~ she is?
Effina… is that you? Did you come back?
No. 1170443
File: 1614288813338.jpg (72.41 KB, 1140x95, Image 2-25-21 at 9.32 PM.jpg)

Does anyone have any idea about this pedo that she dated? This was brought up quite a while back but no one really expanded on that and I'm quite curious.
No. 1170548
>>1170443Looked through the archives to find some more info on this and I think I found another one of her Kuwaiti AMAs. timeline matches up the only thing is the two pictures in the thread don't look like her (not sure if she was using some other girls pictures when she first started posting herself or if she really looked that different when she was younger). However, if this is her could explain a lot with the girl posting in the thread that she's "highly schizoid", has BDD, and not really able to connect with people (even her own family). When she was 18 her bf was 21 so they started talking when she was around 16/17 and he was 19/20.
No. 1170931
File: 1614331014801.png (431.91 KB, 1312x1208, 1345672343567.png)

Her tirade against immigrants continues despite her family consisting entirely of them, (immigrants of Kuwait). Her hate for darker skin is also weirdly prevalent, using slurs against somali's and mexicans including calling her house cleaners/maids slaves and claiming she doesn't look brown lmao she's actually disgusting.
No. 1170943
File: 1614332401694.jpg (49.88 KB, 1280x558, 1607972029808.jpg)

No. 1171354
File: 1614374238328.jpg (500.87 KB, 1079x1270, SmartSelect_20210226-023936_Ch…)

Another interesting highlight lol
No. 1171363
File: 1614374574275.jpg (598.58 KB, 1080x1719, Screenshot_20210226-162215_Chr…)

Also this pic was posted in one of those threads lol
No. 1171473
>>1171465woahhhh she's so well read??? Her opinion doesn't sound exactly like that of someone who forms their opinion on topics based on internet subcultures maximised to get attention off of white men!!
my favorite bit is when she says muslims are hypocrites and then goes on as if christians are exempt from this
No. 1171485
File: 1614385482333.jpg (33.7 KB, 586x254, Image 2-27-21 at 12.22 AM.jpg)

No. 1171846
>>1163415I didn't see this stream what the fuck was Cabster saying now?
That fucking moron has been simping for charls for years throwing money at him. Baldanders too. Imaging trying to pay that guy to be your friend and he makes a fool of you on stream.
No. 1172085
File: 1614456260814.png (253.72 KB, 387x340, cup.png)

>>1171363The image is flipped/mirrored despite it being a candid photo, lol, she can't even handle seeing herself flipped. Look at the starbucks cup btw, here it is flipped. I assume this is her real name, instead of Effina. Hard to tell what it is though, might be "Api" or "Apy" with the barista editing the name last second because the last letter was wrong.
No. 1172452
I find it surprising that she was able to marry this guy tbh. as someone whose familiar with the customs of mena/muslim people because of my own background, muslims are generally really strict with who their daughters marry, has to be from a good family name, good family reputation, good reputation overall. if the girls family is rich well then the standards are even higher, not only does he have to be all of the above but rich as well. if he is a foreigner, the marriage is already rather unconventional, so the standards have to be even higher. its preferable that he's extremely successful, mature and upstanding , has ability to provide, is of a good reputation and background and morals, and also ready and willing to convert to islam. charls doesnt really make the cut on any of this. im just really shocked and curious as to how her family reacted to this. i know some persians are really mellow when it comes to religion and stuff so maybe her family is just really liberal and lenient? Even still though , they are really protective and selective when it comes to things like marriage. She must be really spoiled/given leniency her whole life it seems. Good for her though, many girls like her have to risk their lives to date non muslim men and other freedoms. However she took her privilege for granted and went for someone like charls just for e-clout from weird meta trad guys and talks about how the west is culturally bad and modesty is so nice n trad while moving to the west and being an ig thot.
No. 1173710
File: 1614643807996.png (3.76 MB, 4012x1896, Photo 01-03-2021, 23 03 06.png)

>when you can't figure out what shape nostrils and nose bridge you want so it changes every shoop
No. 1174035
File: 1614670050735.jpg (446.59 KB, 1078x810, SmartSelect_20210302-022703_Ch…)

I don't think this one is super edited at all
No. 1174036
File: 1614670099596.jpg (503.33 KB, 1078x1312, SmartSelect_20210302-015856_Ch…)

Found a few more random pics on 4chan
No. 1174043
File: 1614671931474.jpg (730.34 KB, 1078x1325, SmartSelect_20210302-015646_Ch…)

>>1174037How many faces does she have? Lol
No. 1174044
File: 1614672111771.jpg (514.31 KB, 1078x1727, SmartSelect_20210302-030139_Tu…)

No. 1174627
>>1174624broken bird syndrome
on that note kill all submissive women
No. 1174630
>>1174627I've noticed sub women have basically no standards providing the guy is "into kink", is six foot plus and somewhat big. That's it. He could be smoking crack on their first date and they'd still let him fuck her.
Sub women have absolutely no standards whatsoever beyond a couple of superficial physical ones.
No. 1176536
File: 1614917520033.jpg (450.33 KB, 2128x992, Photo 01-93-2065, 009.jpg)

maybe the reason why shes racist toward indians/mexicans so much is cause without her skin lightening meitu beautyfilters, she looks exactly like them
No. 1176994
File: 1614970152936.webm (4.26 MB, 966x1350, Video 05-56 -0088 18 90 15.web…)
Why not say '40 year old husband' instead of 'friend', is it cause her teen followers would be thoroughly freaked out by the degeneracy?
No. 1177099
File: 1614978062233.jpeg (190.6 KB, 1000x1500, nick.jpeg)

How did Nick end up normal after being involved with these mentally ill freaks for years?
No. 1177131
>>1177099Probably because he's not interested in being famous or fucking teenagers.
He's successful af and has a great life it seems. Normalcy ftw
No. 1177651
>>1177099Nick is rather down to Earth moved to venice actually tries to have a sustainable income not ebegging from naive wagies hasn't played videogames since the 90s,does stand up comedy, just has anger problems but at least he is funny he sort of seems like he has a swinger fetish though some of the old vids they deleted he was joking with Sam, his wife in the chair about hoeing out his wife to make a deal, then another where he is telling her too spread her legs for the fans then she giggles does it and he is great at reading people Sam even said Nick destroyed him when he first met him.
Sociopaths like Sam or Charls want easy targets not people who call them out and can physically fuck them up. Nick honestly I think was the star of the show looking back and the least try hard. Nick was also the one that got them the adult swim deal he has some loose hollywood connects. Tim Heidecker only had office beef with Sam because he tried to mog him in person then by taking up the editing room and skipping queue lines for equipment over Tim, an didn't think Tim Heidecker being a narcissist who had soft power would harm him and Sam basically dragged them all down with him by continuing it at office events/parties instead of just eating the small L apologize and get approved for a second season because Tim was busy with his own show.
No. 1177860
>>1176587LMFAO janet jackson.. youre so right
>>1177099this is such a cute pic, im kinda skeptical of nick just because he was so close to charls and sam for so long but i hope hes actually normal and doesnt have skeletons in the closet
No. 1177944
File: 1615064964388.jpg (161.3 KB, 748x924, Photo 06-035557, 20 37 47.jpg)

>>1177294>>1177315her face is straight out of some creepypasta shit and it freaks me out even more that she purposefully made herself look like that with two nose jobs, fillers and editing cause she thinks it looks pretty…. BDD is really something, she looks terrifying but at this point people aren't even gonna tell her otherwise
No. 1178448
File: 1615131402818.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, 80825B3A-E7F0-4A88-A156-F1B801…)

on effinas tiktok referring to charls. blatant lie
No. 1178535
>>1178509>educated she went to some of the best schools in the world growing up, her doing well in tests was essentially handed to her
>well readah yes the couple books she tweets about for pick-me clout "zizeks jokes" lmao
Everything else, and i mean EVERYTHING else this girl has done suggests that she's as vapid as the thots she so dearly tries to differentiate herself from. She has the same sad tendencies as them but she appeals to a different audience. Not a shred of intelligence to be found.
No. 1178559
>>1178545Are you on crack? You're saying my post is unsaged when mine is SAGED and yours ISN'T hahah. Fucking hell lolcow needs to be rid of fucking retards like you, imagine sperging out cause i called this bitch stupid and you don't like it. I'm merely responding to posts calling her smart and pointing out all the evidence in this thread proving otherwise. Why simp for her so hard.
>>1178547>>1178554>>1178557>i agree>lets stop nitpicking>she knows so much about young/lacanAll these posts are unsaged and posted in the space of 20 minutes, this is the same poster. Not many people even lurk this fucking thread so stop making it so obvious you're here to defend yourself effina, you absolute sad case.
No. 1178565
>>1178563All you have to say in your defence is pointing out an autocorrect error hahahah fucking hell Effina, i thought you were meant to be smart!!
Also please learn how to sage girl (or scrote), you might integrate better and stick out less like a sore thumb.
No. 1178577
>>1178526>ownes expensive designer bagsSo she's a typical thot..check
Why does she wear clothes that look like they come straight from a Chinese sweatshop then? She looks like she buys her clothes from zara/forever 21 despite being "wealthy" if anything its just a indication that she has bad taste and no ethics. I wouldn't dump on poor ppl for wearing sweatshop rags but this a girl who calls herself a "sumerian princess" and she looks like a tacky wanna be. It would also be different if she didn't try so hard and take a billion pictures of her fake face for incel attention points but she is obviously as vapid and vain as the next instathot.
No. 1178601
File: 1615145651925.png (7.33 MB, 1242x2208, BA69AE7A-0A5B-4C42-99AE-4E718F…)

>>1178584She’s wearing a $2000 Versace watch
No. 1179498
File: 1615234752562.jpeg (188.6 KB, 750x1060, CE0D6C04-A62C-4541-AF6B-0A3A60…)

>>1178601Is this the same one? I don’t know she might’ve gotten it secondhand. But like others said if she spent 2k on a watch, would explain why she wears shitty clothes
No. 1179517
File: 1615236461356.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1836, 11F277F3-D965-426D-8B8E-7B4996…)

>>1179498$1480 LV. I don’t know why you’re trying to prove Effina lives in poverty, she’s obviously ultra wealthy. There’s no such thing as a poor gulf Arab they’re all oil rich, her dad is probably an oil tycoon
Source for the bag No. 1179552
>>1179517Why do you come here and obsessively comment to combat any criticism of her looks/wealth/lifestyle/weight??
And you don't even sage your shit.
Effina, log off lol
No. 1179563
File: 1615239992396.png (195.25 KB, 388x356, Photo 01-03-2021, 23 02 57.png)

>>1179054Haunted dolls is exactly what i thought, it's nightmare fuel. You can tell she's edited her jaw smaller and there's this weird distortion around her neck.
No. 1179697
>>1179517>comes here to flex her wealth>tacky, cheap LV bag >gaudy versace watch that looks like it's worth $200 not $2000 No one cares that you oen designer when your fashion sense and lifestyle are still trashy. Why not just hire a maid if she's sooo wealthy? Or do a designer clothing haul?
No she lives in a dirty home and tries on shein clothes for her aging perv of a husband.
I'm so jealous
No. 1179713
File: 1615250377831.jpg (481.99 KB, 1079x1637, SmartSelect_20210308-193911_Tw…)

She was liking stuff on twitter 34 minutes ago so it's safe to say it was most likely her sperging out on here
No. 1179714
File: 1615250432810.jpg (154.97 KB, 1080x691, SmartSelect_20210308-194013_Tw…)

Also lmao Charls didn't even like this
No. 1179718
File: 1615250623212.jpg (421.13 KB, 1080x1472, Screenshot_20210308-194328_Twi…)

No. 1179719
File: 1615250726166.png (635.43 KB, 2792x766, effinadamagecontrol.png)

>>1179714oh lord the cope is insane levels of delusion bahaha i was gonna post this. she is definitely here, she posted this and deleted it a bit ago. there's LOTS of lies to unpack here
No. 1179726
>>1179719She's just proved she's been lurking here for months. This exact excuse is the one recounted by an anon months ago
>>1152668 which we all knew was her. She just confirmed it.
The fact that she denies the 4chan threads actually makes my blood boil. Just own up to being a racist edgelord, your persona of being cutesy and innocent is up. You said disgusting things about immigrants to get cool girl points from scrotes, admit it. The fact that over 8 threads have been found recounting the same info, not one of them doxxed your info or said sexual things like you'd expect a stalker to do. Instead you just talked about what a sad sad life you lead and virtue signalled about politics to appeal to degenerates. You even posted time stamps and changed it from /pol/ to /int/ when you were asked to do so in the threads. You changed your Instagram post caption to "HELLO INT" for fucks sake. Only her stupid sap fans and charls would believe this convoluted story of her being duped by this swede. She knew nothing about 4chan yet married a member of MDE, give me a break. And those threads stopped exactly around the time she started speaking to Charls, when she finally got the attention she craved.
No. 1179727
>>1179719Lmaoo this dumb bitch lied about everything to a bunch of people who don't really care.
Where was this comment posted?
No. 1179791
>>1135545can confirm this
he is called jet neptune and his father is called johnny neptune a looong time shitposter in /R9K/ who brags about how he fucked everthing when he was a teenager
No. 1179862
File: 1615264217773.jpeg (219.65 KB, 750x514, E35FCFE5-26D1-4103-A654-A7FE61…)

Charls “joking” about killing women. What’s the chance this loser is severely closeted and resents women as a result? Lot of closet cases are hardcore misogynists because they secretly envy or want to be a straight woman
No. 1179888
>>1179719It’s funny yet sad that she has to lie about having been “just friends” with the Swedish guy to make Charls think he bagged a virgin. Some anon said Charls ranted on Twitch a few years ago about he would “only marry a virgin”. Fuckin psycho
Anyway I just really highly doubt some guy she met briefly through friends would become obsessed with her and harass her for so long if they did nothing physical. She probably fucked/dated him then dumped him for Charls so he got pissed off and started harassing her online. But she can’t say the truth because she’s afraid schizo Charls would flip out and potentially divorce her. Weird ass couple
No. 1180129
>>1179719I like the indirect confirmation that basically, yes Sam fucked over Charls and there is a huge rift between them. Otherwise (in a damage control post of all things) she'd be defending MDE's legacy for Charls and try to downplay things, or clarify any glaring falsehoods.
So my guess is yes, Sam went off on Charls when he and Ruse try to pitch their own thing to Adult Swim without Sam. Had people working with him sign shit not to work with Charls. Yes he reported Charls to the IRS. Yes he paid off people to spy on Charls when he went to E3.
I do wonder why Nick has refused to take sides in all of this.
No. 1180261
>>1180129Whoa you connected the one point I missed!
Didn't know charls and ruse pitched to AS without Sammy involved, Hah any creative opportunity for financial growth aside from his (Sammys') own SIMPLY cannot exist. Damn!!! That is so scummy, now I understand why Charls makes a point of intensity with the IRS/'reporting' and the social puppeteering. Literally everything Sammy has preached in his paywall vids he has gone against himself, again and again. This perfectly illustrates the same sort of scummy behavior he displayed toward Don Jolly (when he was secretly recording their business split despite sammy saying himself nothing is creepier than secretly taping somebody, ironically jej). Fucking shitty, disappointing, and fuckt.
No. 1180287
>>1180268That's so fucked up that despite everything, sammy will continuously see Nick as like the highest form of being and essentially perfect or whatever. Sammy has always had this little brother-like infatuation for Nick- so it's
even more telling of how awful he is towards Charls by his scummy actions. Why would Sam make the tweet @ Charls to try to 'patch things up' tho?
No. 1180421
File: 1615331775513.png (17.68 KB, 1366x210, 1612492010368.png)

>>1179719It wasn't her in the 4chan threads guys! the swede who she definitely didn't fuck just randomly happens to know the exact makeup products she uses, not suspicious at all
No. 1182220
>>1179719I might be stating the obvious, but she emphasizes that she meet the swedish guy when he was visiting with her friends boyfriend in 2018, but the archives shows that ama was posted in 2017.'s the original thread that was first posted on POL No. 1183158
>>1182220Yeah good point she was posting on 4chan way before her apparent 6 month trip. I think this story
>>1179719 or excuse i should say, is the same one she gave her parents and Charls in order to exonerate herself when the swede was contacting everyone and doxxing her out of anger cause she essentially dumped him out of the blue. She must have been terrfied he was exposing the fact that the sole reason she was in sweden was to pursue an intimate relationship with a guy they've never heard of, so this storyof him being a crazy stalker arose as a means of covering everything up. Just another lie in the life of Effina. Any normal person would feel guilt for betraying an ex boyfriend like that, especially claiming they were never an item. It must upset him.
No. 1184442
File: 1615746136914.jpeg (198.36 KB, 750x1060, 51F64765-34E5-47F0-AA60-3E3999…)

it’s a fake dupe watch the one she’s wearing LOL
No. 1184445
File: 1615746314773.jpeg (158.72 KB, 828x657, A7233CAC-DD55-4043-BD97-53C4A2…)

Look carefully at the dials, they don’t match and different colour too.
No. 1184585
File: 1615754837830.jpeg (134.54 KB, 827x1042, D1B11E7D-122D-4A3D-A2C0-5BBA8C…)

Oh look she took down her shop and the Instagram page of it too. Maybe she got suspicious that people are finding out that her dresses are fake or maybe there aren’t even lending orders and she’s just making up everything at this point. It’s so sad
No. 1184587
>>1184577>>1184585Can you lurk harder, that's already been posted in the thread
>>1165144 and she's explained why here
>>1179719 stop posting unsaged replies about stuff that's been covered
No. 1185879
File: 1615914246154.jpg (563.48 KB, 1078x1924, SmartSelect_20210316-130402_Tw…)

Lol yikes
No. 1185880
File: 1615914388872.jpg (357.21 KB, 1052x1184, SmartSelect_20210308-205328_Tw…)

Charls actually posted this version of
>>1179862 first but ended up deleting it. He seriously is a fucked up, unfunny cunt of a man. Posting that shit on Women's Day is annoying. Effina probably didn't even say anything and pretended it was hilarioussss like every other try-hard joke he makes
No. 1185881
File: 1615914478187.jpg (118.73 KB, 1080x393, SmartSelect_20210316-130803_Tw…)

>binge drinks and chain smokes daily
No. 1185883
File: 1615914559836.jpg (354.94 KB, 1080x1233, SmartSelect_20210316-130853_Tw…)

This explains why he knows little to nothing about actual history and just spews bs from whatever philosopher Effina is pretending to read that month
No. 1187149
>>1185883What does he even mean by "psuedo-history?" How does psuedo-history relate to non-fiction? As much as I dislike Sam and Charls, I fucking live for these utterly absurd spiritual quips they put out from time to time. They're just so funny to me. They
have to be aware on some level of how retarded this shit sounds.
No. 1187267
File: 1616056035317.jpeg (633.6 KB, 1170x774, 0605721C-23DE-4AB2-9ABB-5248BE…)

Saw this in another thread, thought it was about Effina lol.
No. 1187342
>>1187272>shitting on charls for personal reasons>recounting PUBLIC information about himI think you're just trying to cope that he's a pedo faggot just like sam and has been for a very long time.
Also you're the same unsaged anon who jumps in this thread to derail and whiteknight charls. He would literally spit in your face if he had the chance, he has no respect for anyone let alone little minions such as yourself. You must like how he talks to you like shit and gets you to suck him off on stream "YOU'RE SOY SMART CHARLZ" hows his ass taste?
No. 1187540
>>1122998>>1123005Wow this topic seems to
trigger some people hard
No. 1187654
File: 1616099033952.jpg (231.78 KB, 1063x629, SmartSelect_20210318-162344_Ch…)

No. 1187664
File: 1616100086904.png (31.55 KB, 1272x340, 13w324256765432.png)

>>1187631This bitch is completely fucked. The fact that she's still on the internet after posting this shit when she knows full well that people have had their careers ruined for way less is so naïve of her.
She can't even make the excuse that the Scandinavian did this cause those posts were made a year before her Sweden trip where she apparently met him for the first time.
She says the nastiest shit to look cool in front of literal scrotes that post gore and identify as Nazis. I would feel bad for her but she's the same sick pathological liar today that she was then as she is now.
No. 1187669
>>1187667why are you on a gossip forum lmaoo retard
>rent free in your headgo back to instagram cunny
No. 1187960
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No. 1187961
File: 1616133515118.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1085x1140, 28749344-C133-41D4-BE81-CDC0B1…)

No. 1187962
File: 1616133559035.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1013x1253, E4CA3A49-6762-465A-B9E4-03F32B…)

No. 1191102
File: 1616505355891.jpeg (61.31 KB, 827x454, 6CF0418A-EEB4-4305-868B-6917D9…)

No. 1191104
File: 1616506195545.jpeg (46.49 KB, 571x547, 2682CD8F-83A6-4829-B2C7-891CA7…)

can’t wait to have kids
No. 1698800
File: 1668313788628.png (415.06 KB, 432x443, Capt.PNG)

>>1698797caught up on this thread