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No. 1328455
SUMMARY: Effina Hyatt aka Fotouh Al Sahlamm is a silver spooned, 23-year-old self-hating Kuwaiti and plastic surgery/filter addict who rose to z list notoriety after she married washed up has-been/former MDE member, 38 year old Charls Caroll after a whirlwind courtship of less than year.
>Effina marries her senpai Charls Carroll after years of stalking MDE despite Charls being 14 years her senior and openly fetishizing virginity, she flies out to live with him in his squalid rented apartment
>Effina is caught editing her own baby photos
>Effina’s online fashion “boutique” which she claimed included clothes designed by herself is exposed for being cheap Aliexpress sweatshop dresses which she was inflating the price of tenfold
>Screencaps found incriminating Charls for being involved with underage fans in previous years.
>Candid pictures of Effina are uncovered showing the extent of her plastic surgery/video editing and photo editing which she still denies
>Effina claims to be an uwu trad virgin waifu despite flying out to Sweden when she was 18 for dick whilst lying to her parents and Charls to this day by claiming she was staying with friends.
>Archived 4chan threads are found in which Effina posts about her hate for “immigrants”, “n*ggers” and “subhuman spics”. Effina also brags about her arab billions and details the beautiful story of her and her Swedish lover that she was seeing in secret. These threads are proven to be posted by her due to timestamps and links to her previous Instagram handle which she posted herself
>Charls continues to be schizophrenic on-stream attempts to clearpill his audience with shitty takes and then threatens his own fans on stream whilst Effina draws fan art of him in the background
>Effina features in online streams full of twitter scrotes where she’s largely ignored by moids whilst she tries to virtue signal about how knowledgeable she is concerning history and politics (she reads Jung, duh!)
>Effina posts in the previous thread proving she’s been lurking and admits to heinously editing photos, getting plastic surgery, selling Aliexpress clothes, getting fillers, lightening skin and wearing contacts. She tries to deny ever having a posting on 4chan and having a Swedish boyfriend due to Charls having a moid meltdown if he finds out she’s not a virgin.TWITTER:
CHARLS (her husband): No. 1328465
File: 1632080171296.jpg (285.42 KB, 532x792, 1610027184699.jpg)

she "injured" her nose so she needed a whole new one.
No. 1328471
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No. 1328473
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Her and Charls in a picture I bet she didn't think others would see.
No. 1328476
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No. 1328477
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Just casually editing her baby pics.
No. 1328480
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No. 1328481
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No. 1328482
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Effina and her husband Charls.
No. 1328484
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No. 1328519
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She looks bizarre in every pic/video
No. 1328537
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Her husband is a disgusting troll who thinks he is funny. Here is him exposing himself on his twitter. Um barf.
No. 1328545
File: 1632085801657.jpg (658.63 KB, 1920x1080, Wtf.jpg)

They are both cringe.
No. 1328557
>>1328477Yikes. She was likely super cute in these photos too. I laugh tho at the hee-hee MK nose on these photos. Most kids this age don’t have a well defined nose bridge. And a lot of times kids just have a little button nose until they are a tween. Like, your baby photos aren’t going to have your exact face but an obvious resemblance. Such a weird thing to alter.
I wonder what it’s like to hate yourself this much.
No. 1328647
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Jesus, seems like she became an antivaxxer and COVID denier as well… fucking hell.
No. 1328654
File: 1632100480941.jpg (390.83 KB, 1954x1540, 20210919_180927.jpg)

Charles is literally so ugly and Effina doesn't even look real at all. You can always tell by the way she lifts the corners of her eyes with photoshop. Just your average American couple here, nbd.
No. 1328666
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>>1328663looks very good.
No. 1328825
File: 1632113312857.jpg (175.38 KB, 1079x578, effex.jpg)

Here's Effina/Fotouh with her Swedish ex.
No. 1328833
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Here's some proof of her now deleted "Effina Shop" and how she cheated her Arab followers by purchasing cheap dresses in bulk that she falsely claims to have designed. The dresses were purchased from AliExpress, then she hacked up the price by like 80%. That's ethical business practice in Effina's mind.
No. 1328834
File: 1632114692571.png (1011.66 KB, 1624x578, 1610152382929.png)

No. 1328843
She changed her domain today.
Her new twitter is It's not effinahyatt anymore. And she changed her name to Effina Carroll on Twitter instead of Effina Hyatt.
No. 1328891
why are you crying for her? her parents were already very rich, she could have went abroad to study and immigrated with a job, but instead she chose to be with a 38 year old ugly misogynist and lay in her bed photoshopping her pictures 24/24. She's no war
victim or homeless or poor muslim woman that was pressured into marrying to leave her shithole by lack of other opportunities. She already had a lot of money and she could have done anything else with her life but she chose this
>>1328663 No. 1329002
>>1328891I feel bad for her as much as I do any other ex-Muslim woman, I don't blame her for wanting to leave Kuwait and abandon her family(good chance they would actually kill her if they see her again)
I just think she would have married an average westerner or anybody else other Charls
No. 1329068
File: 1632147884369.png (456.47 KB, 667x818, what.png)

have you seen this deluded shit? we all have seen the fugly restaurant picture and the latest three loosers podcast one. funny to see how none of Charls' friends liked this psy meltdown. what if you make Charls retwit it, Fotouh?
No. 1329173
>>1329121Uhh, have you SEEN the man in question
nonnie? He’s lucky if any woman on earth would have him. Marrying a woman who edits her photos on social media is the least of his concerns lol
No. 1329322
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Sounds like he depends on her to fix him and he's 20 years her senior and they have been together like a year. Very healthy. What exactly is the path of destruction? Can't believe she got involved with him, sounds like a very smart and safe thing to do. What a way to throw your whole life away, to get married to some alt-right, has-been, actor and become a pseudo-spritual tradwife instead of an architectural design major and an Individual. It's crazy to watch how she has thrown her whole life away and she doesn't seem to realize it yet.
No. 1329336
>>1329121he’s an ugly deranged shambling fuck
she’s a plain woman who edits her photos to look prettier and makes up stories about herself
she’s still the better catch imo unless he has tons of money
No. 1329340
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she deleted a twit talking about "hambeasts" in case you were wondering about all that spiritual awakening crap had actually made her a decent human. the answer: no.
No. 1329416
File: 1632173445586.jpg (138.01 KB, 555x1018, 88LBS.jpg)

>>1329340I wonder what she considers to be a "hambeast" when she weighs only 88 lbs. She used to talk about fasting and never craving food on her instagram stories. Uhhh sorry…that is called an eating disorder.
No. 1329451
File: 1632177148764.jpg (271.87 KB, 872x1168, E_uqsvxX0AgmQ6s.jpg)

>>1329068What a crazy bitch. I knew she was mad but i never knew she was this fucking schizo. She is trying to pass off picrel as the UNEDITED version?? LOOK AT HER FACE. It's distorted to shit, her nose bridge is non existent and her teeth are clearly edited on. How stupid does she think her followers are and more importantly how mentally ill is she to persist with this shit??
No. 1329454
File: 1632177411489.png (217.71 KB, 630x514, 567ikbsygysyu.png)

She's saying that she's never used video face editing software and uses the fact that she appears on scrote podcasts as proof. As if hoes on twitch don't stream with face editing software all the time. She's really ~seething~ tonight. Cope harder Fotouh you lying pig.
No. 1329462
File: 1632177588019.webm (675.35 KB, 553x630, Video 11-08-2021, 07 20 25.web…)
>>1329068>>1329451>>1329454Actual video proof of her using face editing software. Look at the scissors distort and her lips distorting as she moves the scissors to her face interrupting the filter. What a cow lmao
No. 1329471
File: 1632178052749.png (568.2 KB, 1639x764, meltdown.png)

>>1329462She deleted all her youtube videos by the way (including that one). Clearly loosing her mind; being close to Charls may be contagious
No. 1329559
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>>1329451The pic on the right is clearly the original. She's saying someone just edited on her bad teeth and wrinkles and droopy eyes and skin texture. The one on the right has texture and she has dried skin on her lips. What the fuck? Her skin is totally seemless and hard to even see in the one she is claiming as the original. It looks highly shopped and chopped.
No. 1329590
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I laughed at how forced her smile was in this video.
No. 1329634
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LOL you think she expects that sort of thing from her schyzo husband as well? hhahaha whaaat??
No. 1330242
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Of course, Fotouh…
No. 1330307
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oof, the arab base is catching up
No. 1330505
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She is getting exposed by many accounts. She used to follow this one
No. 1330540
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>>1329559this is all I can think of when I see Charls' hairline kek
No. 1330549
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No. 1330770
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>>1330505This account supposedly contacted the actual Doctor who performed surgery on Effina.
No. 1330771
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>>1330505he looks exactly like luna aquaphine
No. 1331406
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>>1330789Basically most people are not buying her bullshit they know she edits her face and uses filters. One of her followers asked her why she unfollowed that plastic surgery account since they posted her, she said i'm sorry they are misinformed I've never done surgery just my nose.
No. 1332331
File: 1632417219044.jpeg (Spoiler Image,215.8 KB, 826x1194, 42FD2DC1-566B-47C7-B485-B26EB4…)

Wtf is he even trying to say?
No. 1332879
File: 1632479748531.jpg (295.78 KB, 1867x1080, lol.jpg)

She looks very different in every picture especially the ones others have taken of her.
No. 1333117
>>1332953imagine being rejected by an online hobo
No. 1333165
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sage for no milk, but, i am reposting this.
why did she admit to it and now she goes back to denying everything?
also, I noticed Charls blocks and deletes comments calling out fotouh on his last post.
No. 1333169
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>>1332787They don’t seem happy at all. He’s being forced to post about her and in response to her damage control. That can’t be enjoyable for either of them.
No. 1333220
File: 1632505023889.jpeg (Spoiler Image,226.59 KB, 2208x1242, E_bsqSXXIAAp2Bw.jpeg)

why is she trying to justify herself so much? She should accept not everyone is eating up her bad PS, damage control at this point is making it worse. She could have used her parent's money to go to school and get a career, but she married this ugly, bald, schizo scrote. Her life is a dumpster fire. Did she delete her Twitter? Very good. Her husband seems like the type to murder her if she divorces him.
No. 1333240
File: 1632506068275.jpg (269.11 KB, 1086x1056, 1620070230433.jpg)

>>1333237She is not only fake but a rampant racist. Now a covid denier and antivaxxer. Disgusting through and through.
No. 1333252
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>>1333240She just liked this post. Why she seethe so hard about white girls?
No. 1333279
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>>1333262It was reveleaded in the Sam Hyde threat that Fotouh was a regular 4chan user, posting AMAs about herself while living in Sweden and exclusively having anal-sex with her ex because
virginity>>1221169 No. 1333318
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>>1333273You cam trace it from her likes; it's just about time until she starts lecturing us about epidemiology.
No. 1333330
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>>1332787 This is how the girl react to love of her life (Charles) taking a video of her. They seem not attached in Charles' zoo video. Seem like a act for Charles to say he is worthy of love from a young model. Her model pictures from Kuwait are fabricated. They seem so strange.
No. 1333426
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Wh-why did she edit his face like this lol
No. 1333427
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Not that he looks better but still lol this is a normal pic of him
No. 1333524
>>1333427Whoah, look at how tiny his eyes and face look through those glasses, and how much of the background forest you can see through them. He must have a dioptre of at least -12, but probably more. That's incredibly bad eyesight.
>>1330239>>1328545Look how thick the lenses are on the glasses. This guy is legally blind (not a joke, a genuine observation, and that's the proper term for such a high diopter).
No. 1333602
>>1333422> don’t understand why she wants to look light skinned and palebecause she’s a self-hating racist married to a white racist
this is not difficult
the irony is that she’s merely plain and stupid, while he’s actively hideous and deranged
so much for white supremacy
No. 1339032
File: 1633111349945.jpg (124.17 KB, 720x1106, IMG_20211001_130136.jpg)

Well well well, if it isn't the white supremacist fanbase trope Fotouh has been simping for through years, now insulting her own cultural heritage…! BUT HOW…!
No. 1340506
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She has an option on her Twitter for anyone to send money directly to her bank account. Who would be that stupid to send her money and for what exactly? Does she enjoy being an e-beggar like her husband?
No. 1341368
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Charls seems to be having some health issues. Something about his criptic slurs tells me he may be having a mental breakdown. What an idyllic honeymoon for Fotouh haha
No. 1341372
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>>1341368HAHA what a joy this marriage must be, damn!
No. 1341652
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>>1341645TOP KEK, seethe harder
No. 1341679
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>>1341659LOL. She is a liar AND a rampant racist that believes to be superior to anyone else - had in the past talked about american women as hambeasts. Also, she is a crook that re-sold cheap sweatshop dresses for up to 300% its price, saying they were designed by her ( kek). All this while lying to her arab fanbase about her virtuous life, never revealing she actually lived in schizo's apartment as her maid and concubine.
No. 1341747
>>1341741>95% of the posts are made by a deranged person obsessed with her yes
>and most of the before pictures are fakeno
No. 1341748
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>>1341741sounds like the same fucking person, doesn't it?
No. 1341765
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>>1341747i didn’t know who she was before seeing this thread either and yes her pics look touched up but this doesn’t even look like a real person, are you telling me this cgi fan art of her is real? some of the pictures look like actual “before nose job” pictures and she posted those herself but man some of these look like they were generated by cgi. this thread keeps being bumped because the psychotic retard doesn’t sage any of her posts and none of the posts are milk. even if she did shoop her pics so does every other insta thot, it’s not new and it’s not milky. this whole thread is an obvious personal vendetta and it’s very shitty
No. 1341947
>>1341741Effina this is so embarrassing, please stop. Also I can assure you there are many people posting about you, just like how you went out of your way to attack women of other races.
Also the first time I saw an unedited pic of you, I thought it was this Mexican girl who I went to high school with. I mean yall look EXACTLY alike, even the smile lmao, which is a good thing because she was kinda pretty, but you’re obsessed with photoshopping yourself into a tranny (that sharp asf jaw line facetune thing you do is horrible). I wonder what it’s like to look like a group of people you were racist to on 4chan. Really makes you think huh.
No. 1342453
File: 1633544674837.png (12.8 KB, 597x147, 1633539680299.png)

lol wheres my paycheck
No. 1342844
File: 1633579342868.png (155.02 KB, 573x591, Bottles_01.png)

>>1342453> evil thoughts into my eyesas if jackshit can enter his eyes. Probably was a smart move for Effina to hook up with the MDE member least likely to tell she looks different than her pictures. Effina if you ever need to escape from the psychotic racist you've married just steal his glasses while he sleeps and you're free.
No. 1343179
File: 1633628706579.gif (1.97 MB, 640x384, charls-scanning.gif)

>>1342453Where's my money you fucking gorilla
No. 1344662
File: 1633830656881.jpg (1.33 MB, 1920x1080, لماذا.jpg)

It makes no sense as why a young girl would want a withered old man like this. It would seem that there is grooming and mental games in this relationship. He was born in 1983 and her birth year is 1998. 15 years apart isn't that wrong to me but it is a man who calls himself a doctor with no degree. A very strange man with bad energy just through the computer screen.
No. 1345251
File: 1633937911683.jpg (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, انثي خنزير.jpg)

If you can not see her editing you are blind.
No. 1345254
File: 1633938395465.jpg (978.22 KB, 3840x2160, مزورة.jpg)

No. 1345258
File: 1633939041646.jpg (301.35 KB, 1440x1054, charles.jpg)

Wtf is actually wrong with his hair though?(sage your nitpick)
No. 1345809
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No. 1345863
File: 1634055753592.png (540.11 KB, 415x876, 56721537267324.png)

>>1345848Then why did she hid Charls from her instagram until just a few weeks ago? There are a bunch of Charls pictures there that were just re-published after she "got married". It doesn't add up.
No. 1345916
>>1345906She said she couldn't get married if she was in the scholarship and they got married around 2 years ago. And she posted about being graduated this year
And we never saw her degree or the graduation, just words from her, She probably lost the scholarship after getting married to Charls and never finished
No. 1345925
File: 1634065510651.png (161.57 KB, 1364x392, effinna.png)

She uses an alt instagram account where she posts 4chan memes including ones of Charls and MDE from wayback:
You can tell it's her because her close friends follow her on there and everything she posts is relevant to herself.
She even follows ED and insecurity fuel accounts on there like Plastic Surgeons, a Madison Beer hate account, Beauty and Photoshop accounts. Follows herself and Charls too.
Check the account before she sees this and decides to private or delete it haha.
No. 1345951
>>1333318The amount of holistic bullshit that’s been popping up on my timeline because of the woman’s likes is so concerning and ironic.
I went down a black hole of trying to figure that community out and I feel like Charls doesn’t match the “breadwinner who maxes their testosterone and sperm count by consuming raw milk and offal meats” and having kids as young as possible archetype. I think I saw some shit trashing IVF and that women shouldn’t mate with men with sperm that aren’t strong enough to fertilize an egg on their own too LOL.
What’s Fotouh trying to be here? Hope these holistic babies make it through her the homebirth and her antivax ass can travel to her parents without spreading disease to an entire country.
(sage) No. 1345973
File: 1634070662649.jpeg (115.52 KB, 827x1348, 1693A56A-3890-4E8D-B091-240783…)

>>1345925it’s private now. but more proof that she lurks here lol
No. 1345978
File: 1634071018575.png (973.86 KB, 1847x891, 326478326482368436463.png)

LFMAO schizo loosing his mind already on twitch hahaha
No. 1345987
>>1345978Why is he begging for money to have kids wtf is wrong with him. Imagine having a dad who begs for money online and says he wants to buy things for his kids instead of him actually going to work, I will be so ashamed of that.
Just stop embarrassing yourself and being pathetic, be a man jeez. I'm so annoyed with people asking for things and never have a real job
No. 1346017
>>1345901Effina’s parents could’ve paid?
I’m sure they would for the mere promise of grandkids
No. 1346041
File: 1634084948102.jpg (162.06 KB, 602x1019, effina.jpg)

>>1346038According to this, She is.
And there was other photos she was tagged in taken by people showing how unhealthy she looked
No. 1346051
>>1346045if they come out white with blue eyes that means her racist husband forced her to do ivf and he doesnt accept her or the fact that he is in a biracial marriage
it must be really hard for her to keep up with all the pressure to pretend you are something else
No. 1346296
>>1346256you can pick the embryos that test as having the genetic variations that make blue eyes possible
doesn’t mean they’re going to have blue eyes, might be green or hazel
No. 1347009
>>1328872Sperg harder, nobody feels bad for her or any of the rich Khalijee women who never have to work a day inn their life.
Nobody gives a shit about spoiled whore ex-Muslim women like Rahaf Mohammed who bootlick and beg the west to accept her so she can make an OnlyFans or Effina who desperately wishes she were a White European.
No. 1347042
>>1347009For fucking real. She gets no sympathy from me.
As a Christian middle eastern woman we often have it even harder than the Muslims in our homelands which literally forces us to flee. She clearly can’t be too desperate to escape Islam when her page is filled with Quran excerpts and she’s posting shit like this gigacringe caption
>>1345809 No. 1347100
>>1347007Yes I was going to say, who gets an ultrasound so early in pregnancy? Never known anyone who got pregnant naturally who got their first ultrasound that early.
her struggling to get pregnant naturally could also explain why she was so depressed in a twitch clip. in the Sam Hyde mde thread a while back. She said something like “Only my parents care I’m sad” implying schizo charls didn’t care about her sadness. I bet the schizo didn't care she wasn’t getting pregnant because he didn’t want kids as much as her
No. 1347148
File: 1634200179633.png (940.51 KB, 1242x2208, 7A1A7DA4-3A8C-42FF-833B-31E75B…)

called it anons
No. 1347150
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No. 1347152
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No. 1347154
File: 1634200323638.png (3.98 MB, 1242x2208, 9D93CD9D-6FA6-413D-8659-B11285…)

which one of you cow tipped?
No. 1347156
File: 1634200706828.png (3.51 MB, 1242x2208, 6C9AAA8B-097C-4240-9E45-077B98…)

post screenshots if you see anything milky before her stories disappear, don’t be like the anon who forgot to take screenshots of that meme account
No. 1347170
>>1347150Does posting a random Pic with no name or anything online means it's her true record lols
Someone who faked everything can fake this too we are not that stupid lol
I can easily find a Pic like that and post it too
The fact she actually need to explain means more, it was IVF that's why too soon ultrasound cuz doctors will monitor it more carefully, get over it effina
No. 1347174
I don't think anyone cares about her enough to send her questions about that. Most of her followers didn't even know she was married lols
>>1347154This is a proof she is here on this thread and posted these for us here as if we will believe more bullshit
, what a sad cow
No. 1347276
>>1347273>>1347274You wanna add anything else foutoh?
The fact you actually lied before and said you legally changed your name to effina yet it's still fotouh. Pffffft lol
No. 1347279
>>1347273And you can create a new account on the app anytime and put your information that aren't true so it doesn't matter what bullshit she posts. It said no information if she didn't have any procedures it will say none
Go learn how the app works and come back
No. 1347289
>>1347288Where do you think I'm from Lmao .stop lying effina you are making yourself stupid rn
You probably thought Arabs are only here.
No. 1347292
File: 1634217715790.png (Spoiler Image,143.9 KB, 512x339, B312520C-AB66-4B36-A213-D714D9…)

>>1347289Sure honey. We can totally tell English is your first language based on your impeccable vocabulary and grammar skills
No. 1347302
>>1347284He got catfished, what's good about that?
Do you think if she used her real pictures he would be interested in her. No way he would be, and that's interesting.The only hypocrite here is Charls. He is two faced
No. 1347316
>>1347302I was referring to the post where people called him a groomer, creep and whatnot because of his age and looks. Your response is directed to something else.
It's not like she has filters while being around him in the house, ultimately people can't know the reason he likes her.
No. 1347321
File: 1634221172227.png (3.39 MB, 1945x2048, Screenshot_20211014-101852.png)

>>1347302Are you male? You really think this guy can afford to be choosy?
No. 1347330
File: 1634221936679.png (2.3 MB, 750x1334, E204D056-DF46-405A-943B-6BB6D5…)

>nothing wrong with IVF I’m just very young and fertile uwu
No one believes you except for complete gullible morons. What a dumb bitch
No. 1347405
File: 1634225098548.png (45.93 KB, 657x527, d2e.png)

footo show feet as proof
No. 1347410
File: 1634225336502.jpeg (254.62 KB, 750x862, 64C042D6-FFA9-4A6E-A4EE-9066CC…)

>>1347360Read and learn. Unless she went through the process of having all her IVF records transferred to an out of the network gyne-o or other doc, she could simply lie and say it was an accidental pregnancy. Most fertility doctors don’t operate in the same network you fucking idiot that’s why you need to request to transfer records to the new docs or they won’t even know you did IVF
No. 1347448
File: 1634227111860.jpeg (304.66 KB, 750x836, 79CE8670-C178-4441-A9F7-F6CA09…)

>>1347433Sure foot. You never had your IVF records sent to your new ob when you transferred from your fertility doc to your obstetrician, you told them it was an “accident” and they believed it, they don't know you're a compulsive lying twat
(hi cow) No. 1347452
File: 1634227237548.jpeg (208.13 KB, 750x800, 5B9C6746-630F-4F32-A96B-1035D6…)

More proof it’s a DIFFERENT doc. Unless she actually got all the records and did it properly, the ob WOULD NOT KNOW. You could easily lie, and footfuck is a compulsive liar
No. 1347461
>>1347452This is what a true fertile vibrant healthy woman look like.
I always assume she has a dick and fucks Charls with it lols
>>1329590 No. 1347467
>>1347448My mom had IVF to conceive me, and one of my best friends around my age also had IVF to conceive. She used an app similar to that of Effina’s or Fotoo or Foot or whatever the fuck her name is. Also, just to lend credence to that other anon - you are clearly not American and English is not your first language. I’m assuming you have very little experience with the medical “industry” as you’re too fucking low IQ to do anything other than screenshot the same article from the same one or two websites. Because you’re painfully unaware, doctors do not usually take supplementary medical records from the hands of patients. They will contact the referring doctor or ask the patient to ask their doctor to fax or email the records directly to the new doctor’s office, thereby eliminating any chance of there being possible confusion. That way, the information is coming from the source, which in this case, and I know it must be insane to realize this, is not the patient themselves, but pathology/the lab/the doctor who wrote up the orders for the patient. This thread turned into such an embarrassing shitshow as soon as you started posteeng li,ke dis becas you cunt spiek any fucking the Ingrish.
Also, why do you care? Is birth control the only form of contraceptives in your mud hut country? How does an anonymous poster embarrass themselves this much?
No. 1347491
>>1347473You are literally crazy if you think I’m Effina LOL the paranoia in this thread is real. I wrote the ~paragraph~ with just oh so much dedication
nonnie because it’s super obnoxious that someone who’s borderline illiterate and surely has little to no experience within the medical field or medical procedures would speak about it as if they actually know what someone’s medical history is when we literally have 0 idea if she did IVF or not. As shitty as Effina is, that’s an absolutely retarded way of going about it and you know it too.
>>1347475Are you actually this stupid? Seriously, I want to know “lols”. I’m saying that I’m familiar with the process of medical records regarding IVF because I know people who got IVF to conceive. I’m familiar with the app that Effina is using as well. I’m not comparing their reasons for WHY, I’m telling you that your evidence for Effina faking her medical records is questionable at best. You’re obsession with proving that a screen recording was altered is proof you’re more whacked in the head than your beloved little hack nose job Foot is.
No. 1347501
>>1347491They should have included 2 nose job in the medical records lmao
That why it's just a bullshit she faked it
No. 1347504
>>1347495this ivf stuff is cool and all but I don't really care cus her body is going to be destroyed by having twins on her first pregnancy anyway.
I'm more interested in seeing more pics of her unedited self bc that shit is crazy how different she looks. I knew something was up when I first saw this girl on twitter but I didn't think it was THAT severe lol.
No. 1347520
>>1347506her proof of effina getting ivf:
1. husband smokes
2. skinny
No. 1347522
>>13475203. Compulsive liar
No. 1347529
File: 1634231009019.jpg (101.01 KB, 720x528, IVF.jpg)

>>1347520She had her ultrasound on 5 weeks. You should probably stop lying and embarrassing yourself
No. 1347541
>>1347535She called her own people lols
Stop self hating fotouh you are brown and pregnancy will make you get darker and darker , too bad having a nose job didn't change your ethnicity
No. 1347555
>>1347549You actually think that a middle aged man doesn't dream of having children and create a family? His only reason to marry effina is so she can give him the dream he wants to make a family so he doesn't end up alone and be called a loser.
Most middle American men will love to get married and have kids but it's hard for them with whiye women so they go around and look abroad like in Philippines. You must be naive to think he didn't want kids
That's for sure why he posted on Instagram and Twitter to show off that, he must be really not wanting kids lols
No. 1348094
File: 1634285527339.png (411.35 KB, 720x1300, e.png)

Please for your own sake stop lurking on niche internet forums. Stop editing your face to resemble a whitewashed Asian woman with a compressed face. You don't have to constantly come up with justifications for your pregnancy or for editing your pictures and such. You are just adding more fuel to this. Take a break from the internet and take care of yourself.
No. 1348213
>>1348209She spent too much energy on explaining it, for what reason?
I also believe it's ivf because of how she took it too personally as if ivf was bad lols
She can never take accountability for anything and will always find excuses for her bullshit. What a mature woman lol.
She is pathetic tbh
No. 1348218
>>1348216Yeah. She created her own drama. She probably thrive on it. She always wanna act as the
victim lmao
No. 1348219
>>1347535Fotouh, your skin is going to become so much darker than it already is. Including your nipples, and the rest. You will not look like the white girl you wanna be.
It is time for you to stop being racist against yourself..
No. 1348482
I definitely believe it was ivf , the way she went out her way to show proof and shit makes it sound so desperate and cornered. Also the fact that it’s twins … convinces me even more. I did some research on what the chances of having twins are , and those who are more likely are Women who are older than 30, women who have already had a child, taller women, and overweight women , underweight women have a less chance of producing twins naturally . Effy meets none of these categories. Also her husband is balding pushing 40 and looks in terrible shape , male Sperm quality starts to decline around 40-45 , at this age it’s statistically harder to induce a pregnancy and takes more time . and if the mans lifestyle is not healthy (drinks , junk food, doesn’t work out) , it’s even worse. So yeah the chances of her getting ivf is way higher than her conceiving these twins naturally
No. 1348542
>>1348482Yes you are right.
Also how she said that she is "fertile" its very strange way and cheap word to use. Fertility issues are not only due to women they more likely happen due to men. Also She just wanna show that oh I'm young and fertile when she is completely the opposite
I do not think she wanted kids now. I'm pretty sure Charls forced her to get pregnant because he doesn't wanna wait longer till he is too old to function. That's when the age gap causes issues
No. 1348546
>>1348542Seriously who would go online and call themselves fertile, She is soo low, very gross and not classy.
Not a nice wife material
No. 1349379
File: 1634460662230.png (1.95 MB, 1868x1190, tajmelia2.png)

She liked this post on the same plastic surgery instagram account that exposed her before.
Caption on the pic: "Did you maintain your body appearance after birth or did you have excess sagging?"
Are appearances literally the only thing this girl cares about? Maybe start exercising and eating well to birth healthy babies instead of incessantly scrolling through beauty accounts and worrying about your looks.
No. 1349410
File: 1634466119801.jpg (158.31 KB, 800x743, twinskin.jpg)

>>1349379Well she is a super insecure young woman and she is going to look very different in just a few months. I would be worried about my perfect body too. Has she never heard of "diastasis recti" of "twin skin". Her perfect image will be shattered. She will have no choice but to actually fully depend on scrote Charles because without him she is nothing now, nothing but a single mother with two children. She is bound for life. I hope Charles accepts her new body.
No. 1349875
triggered moid, no one would be defending this dumb cow if you weren’t here sperging and shitting the thread up 24/7
No. 1351679
File: 1634699583302.jpeg (743.81 KB, 1242x1348, 6BC46A13-6A57-460F-8949-07A3AD…)

Wow, she finally showed the stomach!!
No. 1351965
File: 1634739672122.png (31.45 KB, 759x310, 564654656546444.png)

Found this incredible unpopular tweet that Charls had to delete since it upset his incel altright fanbase. Honestly, what do these people even believe in?
No. 1352942
>>1352939Plz don't make fun of your own name lol.
You made a joke about I can't wait to have kids and a YouTube video when your nephew died. You weren't sensitive at all. So I'm not sure if you can keep lying. It's all on the internet and will never be gone
No. 1352991
File: 1634829662023.jpg (15.05 KB, 320x320, 2018 افينا.jpg)

Saudianon here. Much before she met Charls she was already had a huge following from middle easterners. I remember she used to do Q&As where she would post long deep answers just to seem intellectual.
The funny thing is after she met Charls and they started following each other, she posted those same Q&As with the same answers as if they were new questions being asked by people again. If I had known I would have screen-shots on both occasions. Its a small thing that just goes to show how much she cares about her image and fakes a character
No. 1352996
File: 1634830509228.jpg (165.07 KB, 552x690, effina with charls.jpg)

What lie did she tell her followers about this?
Is this also Photoshopd by someone who hates her kek
No. 1353160
File: 1634846326472.png (573.23 KB, 649x853, Foot.png)

>>1353132The pic is not allowed on her instagram, so whatever foot.
No. 1353909
File: 1634940411447.jpeg (Spoiler Image,52.66 KB, 750x562, black.jpeg)

Foutoh reminds me of this . She probably thinks she is white and dissociates alot. I have a feeling this was her
>>1353022 lmao
No. 1355355
File: 1635145654596.png (158.5 KB, 605x448, Charls-Carroll.png)

Charls is so fucking ugly
No. 1358129
File: 1635527007757.png (220.19 KB, 520x410, lol.png)

photoshop edition is getting shittier
No. 1359263
>>1328471Both photos are edited.
I'm not sure what is the comparison. Fake and faker lmao
No. 1361469
>>1361362the only good milk was
>>1329068she belongs in the ridiculous photoshoppers thread
No. 1361646
File: 1636048326709.png (88.28 KB, 738x662, effina.png)

She's literally talking about her husband's entire fanbase and half the twitter accounts she herself follows. Are these people even consistent at anything? Must be tiring to redefine your entire internet persona every two months.
No. 1363485
File: 1636267742086.jpeg (759.2 KB, 3072x3072, B0B58846-0232-46D5-85CD-321D29…)

Guess this is her pregnant body that no one else posted
No. 1363765
File: 1636310163160.jpg (122.21 KB, 466x1300, door.jpg)

>>1363721>>1363485yep, it's subtle but the door frame doesn't follow a straight line.
It's just sad at this point. I wonder if she will delete this one as well.
No. 1364429
>>1361646It is currently a trend among her Twitter friends to make fun of these trads she used to like. She is just going with whatever is trendy on the Internet as usual.
Islam is bad? Becomes atheist. Islam is based? Becomes a born-again muslim.
Racist atheist Swedish boyfriend who likes Jung and Peterson? Becomes an anti-immigration racist atheist obsessed with a country she does not belong to and is into philosophy/psychology and thinks astrology and religion is pointless.
Eccentric streamer husband? Becomes interested in religion and astrology and conspiracies. Suddenly believes philosophy/psychology is evil.
Classic Effina.
No. 1365357
>>1365094From one of her archived threads (about her Swedish ex):
> I've never had a boyfriend, friends or a relationship with any family members. I'm highly schizoid and I've never had a connection with anyone except him. It's really difficult to explain my relationship with him. I don't consider him only as a boyfriend, it was even difficult calling him that in the beginning. He kind of makes up for the parent and sibling part. I've always felt like he was an older brother to me, we even said that before we started showing attraction towards each other. It's really difficult for me to have any kind of relationship with anyone and I doubt I'll be able to have this kind of connection with anyone else.(
She does have some kind of issues yes.
No. 1365793
>>1365360cant believe she said that. u cant look more brown than this
>>1341652her mouth and nose are big and they protrude forward similar to an aboriginal african. her eyes are brown and she wears lighter contacts to hide them. she has big dark bushy eyebrows and dark hair. her skin tone ranges from light brown to darker brown. the natural outline of her lips is dark which is common on brown people. u cant look more brown than this effy.
(sage) No. 1366101
File: 1636562362854.jpg (427.02 KB, 1920x1383, بقرة .jpg)

She looks like a real person with her real skin tone in her latest instagram story post, compared to this Caucasian rendition of herself that she edited.
No. 1366109
>>1366101yeah a real person apart from the eye editing, the nose editing, the lip editing, 0 pores, jaw/chin edit, atleast she left her skin tone slightly more accurate, she looks like this
>>1341652 , she admitted that even her phone camera is feature changing
No. 1366117
>>1366101samefag but here is an earlier video, you can see the steering wheel glitch from how hard she filters in a video where she claims to only use the skin smoothing tool
>>1228345 >>1222143 , in reality she looks like this
>>1266164 No. 1366236
File: 1636572720191.jpg (13.15 KB, 436x237, lips.JPG)

>>1366101Someone needs to teach her how to apply lipstick. This doesn't follow the shape of her lips at all. Looks goofy as hell IMO.
No. 1368255
File: 1636822497008.jpg (38.56 KB, 720x1181, IMG_20211113_115436.jpg)

uh oh…
No. 1369061
File: 1636939218244.webm (1.41 MB, 720x1280, 23 hrs ago.webm)
>>1368255>>1368710>>1369022This thread is so bizarre, you’re acting like she has disappeared from the internet? She’s still on Instagram
No. 1369297
>>1369143It's sad that she doesn't exist beyond the Photoshop.
She can't come clean to her Arab fans either and that's probably too much pressure on her right now. She only can lie, create stories and never take accountability for her actions. Also She looked horrendous with the Asian filters in her youtube videos good thing she deleted them.
No. 1370865
>>1328484not even women with real natural large eyes look like that.
this is just so terribly sad. she simply can't even accept the smallest things about herself. it must be so exhausting to edit every single photo and maintain this persona constantly. at some point you have to give in. her real face isn't even bad / ugly
(learn2sage) No. 1370935
well she's a sociopath , i'm a Kuwaiti and i can tell , she literally trying so hard to look paler more asian and that's kinda pathetic , but we don't have these standards in kuwait the standards in kuwait is more like tanned boy or girl , wears a lot of high brands and ofc look elegant all the time and she doesn't have any , she's persian more than kuwaiti i think that's why , plus she got caught saying f*ggot to someone once ,plus i dont know why she chose to marry a 38yr old man and got pregnant next month i wonder why lol , people say its because she wants to run from kuwaiti men true lol but kuwaiti women aren't that oppressed we can travel alone and study abroad we can drive if we dont want to wear hijab we won't wear it , so why she married him? she wants a white baby with blue eyes lol that's it , plus she's not that rich maybe for americans but in kuwait she's considered middle class , plus there is a lot of teenagers that follows her and she's giving them a wrong idea of how women should be too skinny and too pale and have straight hair , her hair is also curly , and the plastic surgery thing is common in kuwait but for 40 or 50 yr old women not for her lol(newfag)
No. 1370939
>>1352996that's a lot of ugly people in one photo.
>>1361362where did all the samefagging white knighting come from? kek
No. 1371433
File: 1637289205473.jpeg (38.18 KB, 447x461, lol.jpeg)

>>1371255nah, she looks like any basic brown girl, but she isn't hideous.
also how does she expect people to overlook her sloppy photoshopping?>>1371255
No. 1371585
File: 1637315397719.jpg (166.58 KB, 600x327, Kuwait.jpg)

>>1371575I hate this thread sometimes for making me defend Charles, but No on average arab men are just as bad as Charles if not worse
basically imagine who've never exercised a day in their life, have no concert or recreational exercise and grooming and the worst diets you imagine on a societal level
kuwait especially has one of the highest obesity rates in the world
Charles is awful and bottom of the barrel by western standards but you have no Idea what rock bottom looks like in the arab world
No. 1371646
File: 1637328438122.jpg (49.01 KB, 600x425, 686430.fig.003.jpg)

>>1371637Yeah I understand making fun of her for being with Charles and her self hatred but arguing that staying in Kuwait and marrying a Kuwait would be good for her is just dismissive
the middle east sucks for women so much that even being with a dreg like Charles is better in comparison
No. 1371687
>>1371680It's just an act where she manipulate the truth to look like the
victim that's all
No. 1371965
>>1371637You're either self-hating or racist. I'm not Arab and I think tons of Arab, Turkish, Persian men are handsome. Look at Britney Spears man.
>>1371668 Kuwait isn't Yemen lmao, you Ameritard. Tons of rich gulf Arabs send their daughters to study abroad. Most dont even need a job, they can just stay home and pretend to be bloggers with their house maids doing all the chores.
No. 1371966
>>1371961yes, while scamming everyone involved around them, right? (effinashop, photshoping baby pics, selling the benefits of a tradlife and quickly peddling back on that as well)
just everyday girl stuff.
No. 1371980
File: 1637357324405.jpg (974.66 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20211119-132155_Ins…)

>>1371609Old or fat white American women are going to North Africa to go get with young Arab Chads.
You guys act like most white guys look like Chris Hemsworth or some shit lmao. At best the average looks like Kyle Rittenhouse or Yung Lean.
No. 1372004
You actually made me sick in my stomach from what you said. I hope she get filled with the mother shit ,I'm grossed out. Also what happened to her saying that the pregnancy was accident lols. Obviously she had to get pregnant so Charls stays with her.and full fill her mother fantasy lmao
No. 1372014
>>1372004Have a career so you can consoom and travel the world for your instagram photos, then come home and drink yourself to sleep.
Y'all really think life is like an episode of Sex and the City. Most women want kids. Get over it.
(learn2sage) No. 1372189
>>1372014First off effina already is an Instagram girl ,
And plenty of women get education , work , travel and marry and have kids. it’s not a dichotomy. Some women want kids , yes , when their settled and mature and feel secure about themselves and know who they are , not when their a 22 yo photoshop addict who switches beliefs based on niche internet trends and married a guy she met over the Internet after knowing him for like 6 months, you seething bitter moid.
No. 1372233
>>1372053while I agree, but like many people still have kids without the means, and their kids come out alright and have their emotional needs met, without the material needs met.
some of the kindest most humble people I know come from lower ses backgrounds, etc
>>1371667there's more to life than being a successful "girlboss"
(learn2sage) No. 1372263
>>1372233theres truly no hope for muslim/ME women.
Inshallah may they be kept away from the rest of us and make sure to take your schizo scrotes with you
No. 1372619
>>1372304And you must be an extremely sad boring person to think that women are bored and miserable if they dont marry or have kids. Why is it that crusty trad moids like you only think In extremes of 20 yo housewife mom vs 35 yo single lady? Im around effinas age , want to get married someday , rly don’t give a shit about a cubicle type career , I’m more into freelance and side hustles , but want to at least have work experience so I feel confident that if I was ever left alone I could support myself. Before marrying I’d like to actually figure out who I am and become secure in myself. And even if a woman doesn’t marry life’s not over ? You can adopt , do Ivf, marry a divorced guy who already has kids , be a great aunt , travel , volunteer , make art , start side projects , write a book, learn languages , sell crafts . There’s plenty of stuff to do lol. If I married and got impregnated by my ex of 2 years my life would’ve been hell rn
No. 1372654
>>1372619>And you must be an extremely sad boring person to think that women are bored and miserable if they dont marry or have kids. I don't think that, and I never said that.
Didn't read any further.
No. 1373469
File: 1637559418383.jpg (139.42 KB, 720x1330, choochoo.jpg)

>>1371433You just haven't been to Kuwait or seen their magnificent train stations yet. The walls are always crooked and the men always turn out kind of deformed in background of pictures. It is not Footoo's fault. It is simply a problem many Kuwaiti girls have to deal with. Maybe her camera was just excited. Footoo if you're here reading this, please clarify why this picture looks so terrible and awful.
(sage) No. 1373586
File: 1637571981052.png (9.86 MB, 1242x2208, 548E38C2-B5A0-488F-8456-9F9C98…)

>>1373574Literally took me less than a minute to find this picture and I’m not obsessed with this bitch like you are. The background looks fine kek. I know I just commenced a mental breakdown from this certified nutso retard
No. 1374109
>>1374045anecdotal therefore barely relevant lol meds not to mention ur description of ppl with kids' pasttimes seems unrealistically specific in order to benefit to ur argument
>>1372678meds now for you too anon is right just bc you have fallen into new age traps regarding girlbossing doesn't mean other people have and you will call women who didn't moids to cope
effina is milky due to chronic photoshopping and past ties to nsfw 4chan boards not because she is pregnant lol
No. 1374458
>>1374045>>1374041>most parents I’ve come across are so busy with taking care of their kids and supporting them that they barely have time for hobbies or have any mental energy left over That's true for the first few years, when the baby is still just an incoherent crying shitting mess. After the child is grown enough to handle its' own basic functions (potty training etc.), and communicate using language, parenthood becomes much easier. This is around 3 years old.
So you have 3 difficult years of dealing with a toddler, and then you get to interact with your child, help it develop its' own personhood, share its' experiences etc. which is one of the most fulfilling things in life - probably way more fulfilling than any "hobby" or "side project" you can come up with.
No. 1374469
>>1374458>> So you have 3 difficult years of dealing with a toddler, and then you get to interact with your child, help it develop its' own personhood, share its' experiences etc. which is one of the most fulfilling things in life - probably way more fulfilling than any "hobby" or "side project" you can come up with.try to accept that many people don’t want to parent and would find parenting the exact opposite of fulfilling
kudos to people who parent well and find satisfaction in it, but the idea that it’s the only possible human calling is pants on head retarded
No. 1374514
>>1374469Of course, I accept that. There is no "one size fits all" way of life that will satisfy everyone. But with regards to the argument of
> "parents are constantly busy with their child and don't have time for themselves!"I think it's a matter of instant gratification VS delayed gratification.
Think of going to university. You spend years stressing out over assignments and exams, in hopes of one day getting a job which they like. Of course it would be more immadiately gratifying to just relax and participate in hobbies.
Or losing weight. You spend a year (sometimes multiple) on a bland diet and often feeling hungry, so that one day you can have a body which looks and feels good. Of course it would be more instantly gratifying to just eat a delicious cake.
Same thing with parenting IMO. You have almost a year of pregnancy, and then 3 years of wiping poop off of a screaming toddler, but eventually you get the joy of raising a child, with all the love and beautiful experiences that come with it. Of course it would be more instantly gratifying to just book a tropical vacation.
At the end of the day it's everyone's choice. But please keep in mind that many (not all) people who go childless end up regretting their decision later in life, when their bodies start to deteriorate and friends aren't available anymore. I've seen this one statistical analysis from Sweden which said that elderly people with children are way less likely to off themselves:
> having one child was associated with a 58% lower risk of suicide, and having two children and having three or more children with a 70% lower risk, compared with having no children. No. 1374614
>>1372257yeah, having a nice job is nice, but it will never be meaningful. in this exact situation with effina, she should have financial stability, but like it's not everything and it wont solve your problems. I can state that will full confidence and experience. It's not all that great once you have it.
you seem either super young or retarded, or both.
No. 1378981
File: 1638290425409.jpg (403.06 KB, 3454x3100, teehee.v1.jpg)

She seriously over-did her nose in here, to the point it's just two holes in her face. Guess pregnancy is really doing nothing for her :((:()
No. 1379613
>>1378526I’m not thinking in absolutes , it’s the pro family types that think in absolutes and say anyone without kids is a miserable lonely alcoholic without meaning in their life and I’m refuting that notion. Yes people can have hobbies and passions with kids , and they can have it without them too. Kierkegaard, Florence nightingale, Simone Weil , frida khalo, mother Teresa , Nietzche , Jane Austen, Stevie Nicks, Da Vinci we’re all childless to name a few , it’s just ridiculous to me that anyone would think these people lived lame or boring lives
No. 1379942
File: 1638325227749.png (2.87 MB, 750x1624, F903475B-9BCD-4209-8420-BF453E…)

She’s posting snaps of him playing video games lmao. While she’s carrying not kms but two of his kids. A grown ass man. How tf could you get pregnant with a grown man child who giggles at his game screen and gets income from twitch? That you’ve only known for what a year? She has zero standards and this is just an irresponsible decision.
No. 1380464
File: 1638364118989.jpg (45.8 KB, 1086x911, 1638290425409~2.jpg)

>>1378981>>1379626Yeah good catch. Her iris is not round, but instead stretched and misshapen towards the outer corner of her eye. Lousy editing.
(nitpicking) No. 1380468
>>1379942When your wife is pregnant you're not allowed to play videogames anymore? What kind of weird nitpick is this?
I'll definitely be playing videogames all throughout my pregnancy to pass the time and I don't care of my partner does either. It's a hobby like any other hobby.
No. 1381131
>>1380693>>1380652> does nothing but sit at his fucking computer as his pregnant wife orbits him and begs for attention> play games all day long and not spend quality time with your loved onesFirst of all - for Charls, playing videogames is literally income. He has over 20,000 followers and ~150 live viewers watching at any given moment. That's obviously not comparable with PewDiePie (who makes a million dollars a MONTH) but it's enough to make a modest living.
Secondly - how the fuck do you know what they're doing when Charls is not streaming? Are you stalking them 24/7?
No. 1381152
>>1381131It's just obvious. If they had shitty relationship online they must have much worse reality. She showed him playing games while he wasn't streaming
>>1379942, not my fault
No. 1381215
>>1381181Exactly. Also marzia never posted racist things online and she is the sweetest woman I have ever seen, she's nice and delicate. And both of them are wise and they seem to respect people. Marzia is beautiful with nice beautiful personality that matches her.
But oh man effina….
No. 1381316
>>1381302>>1381271Likes can be easily bought. What's more significant to me is comments.
I just Google-translated a bunch of random Arabic comments from her latest photos, and they're making references to pregnancy etc. - it's not the generic stuff that bots would send.
No. 1385093
File: 1638660445294.jpeg (876.05 KB, 1125x1295, 03FD79AB-AF56-4512-9A7F-D5A37A…)

wasnt she like 4 months pregnant? is this some kind of prank?
No. 1385122
File: 1638662328105.jpg (38.53 KB, 674x404, ultrasound.JPG)

>>1385093WTF? Charls posted the ultrasound to Twitter on October 12th, which wasn't even two months ago. I'm just hoping there is some explanation to this and she didn't miscarry.
No. 1385139
File: 1638664200936.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1125x1794, CA8D0192-9441-48CF-86AB-8DF28F…)

looked somewhat heavily pregnant in recent few pics but no where near ready to give birth for one baby let alone twins. something is iffy, you think it was all some sort of experiment?
No. 1385140
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No. 1385163
>>1385155thats what i thought too? maybe because they know alot of people are watching and in some middle eastern arab cultures its discouraged from anouncing a pregnancy early on especially a potentionally high risk one like twins to deflect any potentional evil eye/envy energy,( which many believe can cause miscarriages) and would only anounce it when theyre in " safer pregnancy territory" usually into 2nd trimester?
but i doubt its whats going on in this specific instance,something is suspicious as fuck.
No. 1385169
File: 1638666930878.jpg (71.41 KB, 1433x808, charls1.JPG)

BTW, where are they even? Charls posted this photo where the languages are Spanish, Arabic, Polish, and… Indonesian I think?
That's the randomest combination of languages I've ever seen.
No. 1385183
>>1385181regardless of some of her antics annoy me ( i mostly like her minus the ethnic background faking and refusing to admit the extreme pic photoshopping).
i really hope the babies are doing okay and she had a safe labor and recovering well.
and the " they came early" meant the expected kind with twinbirths, will pray for her and the babies.
(sage) No. 1385487
>>1385476It’s both their fault because Charls decided to marry and impregnate someone who fakes their entire life on the Internet and irl too. It will reflect on their children as well.
Its dysgenic
No. 1385503
>>1385489Yup, she definitely will edit her kids pictures. She will be disappointed IF her kids don’t have coloured eyes, light skin.
It’s more so because she has showcased her entire personality on the Internet around her being a “Mena Baddie” who married one the MDE guys which in her fringe circles is deemed as unique and cool
(learn2sage) No. 1385574
File: 1638718706897.jpg (84.39 KB, 720x403, effinaIvf.jpg)

No. 1385725
File: 1638729713869.png (360.51 KB, 828x1792, 12727934-D5D4-4FEF-B202-0D9EB0…)

What did he mean by this? What does he know? Is he a prophet?
No. 1385830
>>1385725this is some ongoing schizo narrative he has
it’s connected to Bill Gates in some way
No. 1386424
File: 1638808218085.png (49.94 KB, 645x973, F88406E9-A0D2-4BB3-86A3-495B4C…)

This seems dumb. The only thing even slightly degenerate seeming is her potentially lying about her reason to visit Sweden, but I haven’t really seen any actual evidence of this posted here. Like “OH MY GOD A WOMAN USES FILTERS ON INSTAGRAM!!!!1!”(>even slightly degenerate seeming back to /pol/ with you)
No. 1387373
File: 1638904524239.jpg (26.25 KB, 524x341, reddit.JPG)

BTW, even on Charls' official Reddit people are pointing out Effina's photo editing. I wonder why I never see any comments about it on Twitter. Are they censoring?
No. 1389638
>>1387294do people in the US usually announce pregnancy as soon as they know? i thought it was typical to not announce until the mother is at least three months along (that's when the worst risk for miscarriage is past, so it's partly superstitious, partly practical)
to me it seems more likely that they just chose not to announce the pregnancy for 6/7 months, and they've been posting old photos for whatever reason (maybe she didn't want to post pictures of her with a larger belly)
No. 1389684
>>1389668>a boyfriend doesn't accept her mental issues and tries forcing her to be normalWaaaaah he's so judgmental, he doesn't even try to understand her, what an asshole
>a boyfriend accepts her mental issues and doesn't try forcing her to be normalWaaaaah he's an enabler, he's part of the problem, what an asshole
Seems like you people can never be satisfied.
No. 1389713
>>1389706That's what I was talking about. Either not embarrass yourself by acting like a scared monkey or just be like normal and show face. The way she did it it's so cringe and sad.
>>1389692Back to this anon I think he should have acted liek she doesn't exist lmao
No. 1389716
>>1389713It's not an easy situation. Charls only had two choices. He could either:
> pretend she doesn't exist, keep his marriage and children secret from everyone (which is emotionally draining)Or:
> tell people about his wife, and thus reinforce her mentally-ill antics No. 1389718
>show her real face and not encourage her delusionThe truth may be that Charls is actually milking his wife arab dollars, while at the same time pretending to be a somehow functional member of society, at least to the minimum.
No. 1389724
>>1389718>>1389716>he should have posted her real faceThat's just not feasible. They are living together, and you expect him to just go out on a limb, suddenly exposing her publicly as a total fraud? Have you ever been in a long-term relationship?
BTW Charls was clearly reluctant to post these edited photos. It was like a solid year of dating before he uploaded any image of Effina's face to his own social media. She was probably nagging and begging him for so long that he eventually gave in.
No. 1389733
File: 1639152238305.jpeg (1 MB, 1242x1229, 8B0C8C74-FB48-4FC6-B839-04A997…)

>>1389706Fuck that is genuinely just so sad..
Ive known effina and her antics since like 2018 I just thought it was funny how arabs fell for her heavily filtered posts but god as amusing as it is seeing her completely fall apart like this makes me feel empathetic towards her…
Who would’ve guessed this 19 year old, in a few years, would be married with children to an old jobless schizo in his broke depressing house walking backwards in the middle of his stream because she’s that deeply insecure and troubled and doesn’t want anyone to see her real face
None of this would’ve happened if she just went to therapy
No. 1389736
>>1389724agree. it's still embarrasing, though. he knows she doesn't look like that, and it only takes two minutes online to figure out all pictures are fake. it's like he became one of the characters MDE made fun of…
the costs of feeding effina's delusions are becoming deeply inauthentic -his most valuable asset to his fans- and meeting the very minimum expectations of a husband -a happy picture, children, a recycled present for christmas. it must just all be very sad, though, once the camera stops recording.
No. 1389738
>>1389736>>1389726>>1389733They are both mentally troubled individuals.
Charls never fully recovered from his AdultSwim show being cancelled, and went really deep into the esoteric conspiracy theory rabbithole - "history is all fake, science is all fake, powerful people are sacrificing children to Satan" kinda thing.
Meanwhile Effina developed body image issues so severe that she's literally terrified of showing her real face, probably sprinkled with some self-hate of her own Arab ethnicity.
It's sad to look at. I wish they can both find some inner peace.
No. 1389744
>>1389738Charls is a lost cause so I feel nothing towards him but effina is so young she’s a deeply disturbed 23 year old who is nowhere stable enough to be making these type of life decisions
Honestly this used to be funny now it’s just hard to watch.
No. 1389746
File: 1639153939554.png (1.15 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20211210-112917.png)

>>1389744I find entertaining that Footy is at her own in hospital, opening all sort of presents from all people but her husband, and Charls is at home writing nonsense and wanking.
No. 1389790
File: 1639157885004.jpeg (319.92 KB, 1170x2051, 1639096174520.jpeg)

>>1368255Reposting because I worded it a little strange last time. Forgive me. Did she run off twitter cause she was in that pro ana cult group chat? It makes no sense for her to just delete it out of nowhere but keep everything else. I know this was a bit ago, but someone in another thread shared the members of the "kaliacc" group chat. A bunch of weird weebs and terminally online people basically came together in a group and formed a "cult". Its full of questionable people, namely pedos and schizo racists. So it's unsurprising she was there, but also a little jarring considering she is clearly very insecure and swayed by men's opinions of her body; on TOP of being a young woman in a mostly male group. This pic is from the following list of members. to chew on I guess. Any theories? I feel like maybe she saw how that footprint and proof could be damning to her future with her family or something.
No. 1389830
File: 1639159963010.jpg (58.71 KB, 1323x625, kali acc.jpg)

>>1389827 is the only remaining site up with any info, they have a tight leash on whats out there except for whatever group shared the screencaps and member list.
No. 1389835
File: 1639160272964.png (356.59 KB, 774x541, wtf ugly doll.png)

>>1389830Do you know if it has something to do with this cringy avatar creator? Footy used to have it in her bio.
No. 1389836
>>1389827a girl who’s joined and fell for an ana cult group chat of chronically online freaks grooming teenagers is now a mother. Terrifying.
What, was she joining the BMI discourse while being 8 month pregnant? She’s so fucked in the head. Like beyond repair there’s no saving her
No. 1389864
>>1389835Shit, I just confirmed it on another threat; those ugly dolls are run by the same kaliacc pedo groomers >>1353565
It's honestly hilarious to imagine Fefina falling for this shit. Most of their deluded discourse sounds pretty much like her husband's though.
No. 1389920
>>1389910What? What are you even saying?
Normal people are aware the rich are sicko pedophiles but that retard schizo Charls and his schizo audience think of it as some sort of Satanic religious cult pizzagate conspiracy theory bullshit
No. 1389930
File: 1639168732244.jpg (555.09 KB, 1080x2012, Screenshot_20211210-203331_Fir…)

>>1389830>>1389827A little off-topic but I've been fascinated by kaliacc for a while. I just did a bit more digging and found this, which I thought was interesting. is from sunny/@vedic_cybergod/@ariosophy.
I'd also stumbled across a series of sites which seemed to be dedicated to kaliacc's particular brand of esotericism ages ago, but I can't find any of them anymore. Some of them used to be linked at the bottom of alongside the remilia collective, back when the site still had a chatroom, but it seems that since starting the milady maker project they've scrubbed all traces of kaliacc from the site. Sorry if this is irrelevant, I just found it interesting.
No. 1390402
>>1333240unironically based
>getting upset about covid/vax issuesFaggot
(idiot) No. 1390657
File: 1639259492970.jpg (48.81 KB, 337x819, ai generated.JPG)

Uh-oh, Charlsbros…
No. 1390843
>>1390657Does any Charls follower take that as esoteric stuff, humor or something sane?
It just looks like a mentally ill person's airing out his crazy fits online. It's really not the sanest of things to do.
No. 1391017
>>1391002Cope harder, Karen.
The idea of a “MENA” baddie has become a thing in mainstream circles. Also, you see many HV white men with Arab-Christian wives.
No. 1391091
File: 1639326952010.jpg (65.43 KB, 1080x1013, whitebabies.jpg)

Those kids look white ass hell
No. 1391185
>>1391164Seriously holy shit
Ive been on this thread for a while it’s pathetic how these retard race anons always derail the thread sperging about brown skin and white skin like you can tell they have internalized issues about that lol
No normal well-adjusted person speculates about the skin color of newborns (no matter how milky the mother is) these anons are just as fucked as effina tbh
No. 1391188
They’re not white they’re mixed.. is this your first time seeing mixed babies anon
No. 1391203
File: 1639338873830.jpg (38.65 KB, 621x650, newborn.JPG)

>>1391164>>1391175This. Newborns (especially premature ones) are a reddish-pinkish color like pic related. People analyzing the babies' race based on 10 blurry pixels of forehead are mentally ill.
No. 1391284
File: 1639344536154.jpg (63.03 KB, 1065x763, karyogram.JPG)

>>1391234You clearly have very little idea how genetic recombination works.
The child's chromosomes are spliced together from parts of the parents' chromosomes. This is why children acquire traits from both their parents.
The only exception to this are the sex chromosomes, in which the son inherits Y directly from dad and X directly from mum. But these are each only ONE out of 46 (FORTY SIX) human chromosomes.
Pic related is a male's karyogram. The part in red was inherited directly from Effina. The part in blue is directly from Charls. All the rest (so almost everything) is spliced together from both of them in unpredictable ways.
I can't believe I have to debunk genetic broscience in a thread about a random lolcow LMAO.
No. 1391389
>>1391379you think so. okay!
just a reminder for the mena baddie you are defending LMAO
>>1328455>>1328473>>1328482>>1328481>>1328476 No. 1391440
>>1391433It’s a
hospital retard of course you’d have to wear a mask. No one care that you’re a raging karen sage ur shit
No. 1392675
File: 1639495080670.jpeg (231.53 KB, 1242x1381, 65BE02FA-936F-4495-964A-861B7C…)

Disappointing she didn’t name them Arabic names instead chose these bland ones but then again fotouh legally changed her government name because her white friends “can’t pronounce it” lol
No. 1392678
File: 1639495292590.jpeg (198.19 KB, 1242x1255, 7EE8587D-D342-40BA-8D2C-7FA3FB…)

>>1392675Arabic speakers will get how weird this sounds lmao
No. 1392686
>>1392678Is this about his mom choosing the babies’ names? I’m learning Arabic but I’m crap at it, please help me
nonny x
No. 1392698
>>1392686Charls actually chose the name James but in this pic she got an ask about which they should call futouh since it’s common in arabic to call a mother “___’s mom” as a polite form
“James’ mom” just sounds really off in arabic
No. 1392763
File: 1639502345975.jpg (351.47 KB, 1200x1047, noah.jpg)

>>1392738Noah is a biblical name anon… he built the ark, member?
No. 1393106
File: 1639537399669.png (591.3 KB, 1242x2208, A1295BDE-607A-4A9E-BF9D-9838A5…)

Answer to what the kiddos look like
No. 1393284
>>1393106She's a pathological liar. Why would anyone believe what she post anyway
In case you're wondering, she also had colored eyes as a kid lols
>>1328477 No. 1393717
>>1393131God as stupid as Effina is I really do hope she doesn’t post the twins faces
I already sympathize with the poor babies they have a schizo father and a delusional disturbingly insecure mother. the least these babies can have is some privacy
No. 1394822
>>1394666Yeah. I only care about her lies and how she still hate her race and how when we talked about them having black hair it
triggered her and how she obviously posted this to show us
>>1393106 She is just a cow lols. I doubt anyone cares about the babies hair color or eyes more than her and Charls
No. 1397318
>>1394221>>1394186>>1394183>>1393797Someone asked about the babies' appearance on Instagram. She answered that they got their mother's hair and their father's eyes. This is really nothing weird or controversial to say. I've heard lots of parents saying things like "oh look, she's got your nose!".
Meanwhile people ITT are going like
>LMAO these babies are gonna be sooo brown! What a loser! they're literally gonna look Mexican LOL, just wait until their eyes get darker, how will she ever cope?This just gives off really creepy racist vibes.
No. 1397334
>>1397326She was either pandering to her Arab fanbase or had some 'spiritual awakening' because being religious is based among her circle now. I am sure it is the latter.
In one of her old posts, back when she was an atheist and with her Swedish boyfriend, she posted a picture of her holding sparkling water during Ramadan and the comments were filled with Muslims asking why she wasn't fasting.
No. 1397657
>>1397348only in this thread..
>>1397356she’s done it to her own family members before. personally i’m guessing she won’t photoshop her children since it would bother charls.
No. 1398136
File: 1640057673025.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x2068, 4F88E25F-8AFD-464D-AEE1-C2E0AA…)

Wish more people voted cut (+ deviousness)
No. 1427836
File: 1643245636118.png (322.98 KB, 754x583, footoh.png)

footoh back at twitter, beware the wacko-trad shitshow for some entertainment
No. 1427900
File: 1643249897477.png (690.58 KB, 1397x877, 632783427843.png)

photoshop nightmare continues(nitpicking)
No. 1428227
>>1427888Honestly, good for her.
I think this cow is pretty non-harmful and can still turn out to be a functional person in spite of her schizo hubby.
hopefully she outgrows her BDD and then she really has a chance at true happiness
No. 1428617
>>1428541Please. Vibing into spreading covid misinformation and conspiracy theories, now masqueraded as authentic concern for traditional values.
Once a grifter…
No. 1430160
>>1429203I feel like you have a vendetta, she's not the best but she isn't really guilty of the things you're blaming her for. Worse she has done is scamming, which every influencer honestly does.
>Charls is actually a loser here, marrying and having children with an instathot who hates her own ethnicityShe may have suffered in her home country and now wants to move away from their misogynistic virtues and values. Even if she lived a good life there, don't forget that in most middle eastern countries, people try their best to appear western and appeal to European beauty standards. It's the norm and reason why nosejobs, skin lightening creams and, light colored contacts hairdyes are so popular.
>adjusts her beliefsA lot of people do this.
>Hides his husband to please stranger men.She doesn't even hide him though.
No. 1430456
>>1430250A woman from a Muslim country trying to detach from her old misogynistic ideals isn't excuse. It's the reason behind her actions. She's not an angel but you can't blame her for trying to run away from her roots when it's clear how women are viewed there.
>Everything you said doesn't sound like a good mother's traits.Everyone can have kids sadly. Most mothers aren't angels nor do they need to be. Don't enforce weird necessities on women for them to be able to do a natural function of their body.
No. 1430675
>>1430160She is guilty of all the things I mentioned, read at least some of the thread before correcting people.
Just because every influencer (she is not even one) scams people doesn't make it alright.
>She may have suffered in her home country and now wants to move away from their misogynistic virtues and values.She said life is good in Kuwait and she can't imagine living anywhere else. Bad experiences (which she didn't have) don't excuse calling non-white people filthy and subhuman, she clearly wasn't sick of racial prejudices Kuwaiti people might have. She called Islam and religion cancerous, but now is trying to present herself as God-loving, traditional woman who takes care of children while her husband is a breadwinner. The only thing she escaped is having (by her choice) an Arabian, educated boyfriend her father accepts.
>don't forget that in most middle eastern countries, people try their best to appear western and appeal to European beauty standards.It's awful, but luckily most of them don't care that much about their appearance to go through dramatic plastic surgeries, not to mention it's a sin to alter your appearance according to Islam. Even if you do something like that, it's understandable, societal pressure, pretending you always looked in such a way and denying ever looking differently however, speaks volumes about how you perceive your roots.
>A lot of people do this. And it makes them insincere, deceptive, and bad partners.
>She doesn't even hide him though.She presented her husband as a friend so her Arab simps wouldn't lose interest in her.
No. 1430956
>>1428446Aksjdjs “take the first step” girl WHAT are you talking about. Effina is a scared person in general. She catfished him, his friends, and the rest of their online fans. Sam even said she looks like a piece of poop irl lol. The fact of the matter is is that Effina was absolutely desperate - she wanted a white man and to get out of Kuwait. That’s not being brave, that’s called doing what you have to do to secure the bag out of desperation and fear, except in this case, she got with a man who she wouldn’t have even looked at if he didn’t have the small bit of internet clout he has.
Anyway, to any single girls out there or wtvr, please don’t follow in effina’s footsteps or listen to anon’s like this. You’d have to be a complete fucking retard to not understand the difference in what I originally said. Standards vs “she took the first step” my ass lol.
No. 1431285
File: 1643613971737.png (940.91 KB, 1295x833, footy.png)

As ugly as usual, footy still avoids being caught by any other camera but hers haha
No. 1431302
File: 1643616312172.jpeg (70.08 KB, 275x208, 1620170175422.jpeg)

>>1431295NTAYRT but Marky, Sam Hyde's groomed ex girlfriend, talked about Fotouh briefly when asked about the time she was dating Sam, once on her on discord. She said Effina was, and I quote, "ugly as hell"
No. 1431315
>>1430675>It's awful, but luckily most of them don't care that much about their appearance to go through dramatic plastic surgeries, not to mention it's a sin to alter your appearance according to IslamThis alone makes it clear that you do not have knowledge in this at all. Plastic surgery, especially the ones that remove ethnic features or excessive grooming like women waxing their whole faces, even their cheeks, bleaching their skin, lightening their hair etc. to pass as European are super common in middle eastern societies.
Also its not haram as only things directly mentioned in Quran can be considered haram, changing your looks with surgery isn't one of them. Even the prophet calls out for Muslims to change their looks with the help of makeup and groom to look their best.
I'm not interested in white knighting her but you should understand that Muslim countries aren't ever great to women, even if they're wealthy enough to live comfortably women are always considered second class. Only worthy of marrying off to strange men who will most likely abuse and hurt them and their parents won't take them back because she's not a virgin anymore and it'd dirty their honor. If you don't believe me just look up domestic abuse statistics, even the educated "good" men end up becoming violent with their women if laws don't protect them.
>Bad experiences (which she didn't have) don't excuse calling non-white people filthy and subhuman, she clearly wasn't sick of racial prejudices Kuwaiti people might haveAlso Muslim people being racist is caused by the colorism of their countries that favor lightskin over dark, no matter the race. It's no different than koreans or asians in general being considered racist because they prioritize lightskin. It's a
toxic thing either way but identifying the issue is the first step to solving it, which by calling it racism you're making things harder.
Effina is a shitty person but she's not pure evil or shouldn't be forced to go back to her country or live as a Muslim if she doesn't want to. I've heard and seen a lot of people who went to Europe and none of them ever wanted to return to their oppressive Muslim country because why would they?
No. 1431325
>>1431316Most of these posts on the thread are racebait about Muslims and how they're trying to be white or how they're terribly guilty for escaping their shitty countries and god forbid dating a non-middle eastern people. I simply think it's not a good look on a women-only website to mock a woman for making choices to try and escape her shitty life. Effina is mentally ill most likely but being this cruel towards a woman who's trying to live her life to the point of mocking her baby's looks is weird!
>>1431317I don't understand why people dunk on her so much. I'd get it if it was only about her plastic surgeries and how she's trying to pass off as natural or her scams but like I said above, most posts are raging about her "pretending to be white" or how her babies will be brown like her. I mean yeah, they will because they're literally her children? I just don't understand how any of this is considered milk when most posters are simply making fun of her for her race and shitty life choices which were influenced by her Muslim culture.
No. 1431331
File: 1643623578628.jpg (173.81 KB, 822x799, 1632506068275tytt.jpg)

>>1431325very convenient to bypass her blatant racism as well. well done, footy.
No. 1431338
>>1431331I'm not effina but someone who knows well about the blatant colorism in middle east. It does fit better with colorism rather than racism as in colorism dark skin is considered dirty and she always seemed to talk about filth, that's why she hates herself as well. Also most Muslims dislike Jews because they seem to think anything wrong is caused by them. Especially Arabs. It also doesn't help that Jews are also middle eastern yet have much better living standards and face less scrutiny than Muslims. She's just like most middle easterner Muslims on her views on different races.
>>1431332You're right. I didn't know she was that young, she should've gotten education instead of marrying a random scrote but I guess that was never a part of her plan since she was raised wealthy.
No. 1431363
>>1431315My knowledge of it just comes from seeing Arabian people and Muslims in the UK and Sweden, they simply look Arabian. Perhaps all the altered ones stay in their countries. Plus most people in the Middle East likely can't afford nose or jaw surgeries, they aren't all vain enough to do that either. Smooth skin is universally desirable and Arabs were depilating since the dawn of time, it's not to look European and it's not as dramatic as her altering photos to make her lips smaller, wearing contact lenses, and claiming she is white. I also wonder why Arabian women would bleach their hair every month when the hair is meant to be hidden under a hijab most of the time anyway, and not all Arabian husbands are obsessed about blondes.
>Even the prophet calls out for Muslims to change their looks with the help of makeup and groom to look their best.Make-up and grooming are nowhere near to changing your God's given body, See verse 4:119. The consensus is that it's haram to have unnecessary surgeries and trying to alter something that is good.
>I'm not interested in white knighting her but you should understand that Muslim countries aren't ever great to women, even if they're wealthy enough to live comfortably women are always considered second classShe comes from a rather secular Kuwait, it's highly westernised, she wouldn't have to marry a stranger, her father would just have to accept her boyfriend (give them his blessing) which isn't abnormal in Western countries either.
>Also Muslim people being racist is caused by the colorism of their countries that favor lightskin over dark, no matter the race.Favouring light skin and calling non-whites filthy subhumans are two dramatically different things. She also said casually they have Indian and Filipino slaves. Did you mean she said those things because she was raised to like fair skin? That doesn't make sense at all, especially since you proposed she wanted to escape her
toxic culture.
>Effina is a shitty person but she's not pure evil or shouldn't be forced to go back to her country or live as a Muslim if she doesn't want to.And who says that here…?
>I've heard and seen a lot of people who went to Europe and none of them ever wanted to return to their oppressive Muslim country because why would they?By her own words, Kuwait is great and she couldn't imagine living anywhere else, and she planned to with her Swedish boyfriend and essentially advertised the country to 4channers. She also said that her compatriots visit non-Arabian countries for fun, but never want to live there.
No. 1431377
>>1431363>My knowledge of it just comes from seeing Arabian people and Muslims in the UK and Sweden,Next time don't comment on stuff you dont know. You're not even in a middle eastern country and it looks like you've never even had a Muslim friend since you assume all women wear Hijabs, none have plastic surgery or dye their hair, etc since it's haram. Also smooth skin being ideal is one thing but Muslim women are berated for having any hair to the point they use lasers and other medical methods to remove even peach fuzz on their cheeks and backs, which is arguably much like plastic surgery which you very much are against. They're both making permanent changes to a perfectly fine bodypart while putting the patient in unnecessary risk while using medical technology.
Also not all Muslim women wear even hijabs as the topic of hijab is a controversial one and while some say it's mandatory, others say it's only mandatory to cover your cleavage. Even Hijabis take it off when at home or with female friends which is why they do take care of their hair,dye or style it.
>Favouring light skin and calling non-whites filthy subhumans are two dramatically different things. She also said casually they have Indian and Filipino slaves. Did you mean she said those things because she was raised to like fair skin? That doesn't make sense at all, especially since you proposed she wanted to escape her toxic culture.It's not racism. It's colorism. I didn't defend her but simply state its a very common part of middle eastern culture, just like Asian. Arguably just like internalized racism, her colorism makes her hate herself. That's the point I was trying to make.
No. 1431399
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LOL, Effina is pretentious as fuck, first larping as a red-pilled intellectual (picrel) assfucked by her schizo boyfriend and now as a chaste "trust the plan" barefoot tradwife. Regarding of what persona she decides to perform, she just cannot shake that revolting know-it-all attitude characteristical of a silver-spooned childhood and shitty personality.
Also, since then talking about "indian slaves" is colorism and not racism? Do you even read yourself? Seek help.
No. 1431416
>>1431315>Plastic surgery, especially the ones that remove ethnic features or excessive grooming like women waxing their whole faces, even their cheeks, bleaching their skin, lightening their hair etc. to pass as European are super common in middle eastern societies. Also its not haram as only things directly mentioned in Quran can be considered haram, changing your looks with surgery isn't one of them. Even the prophet calls out for Muslims to change their looks with the help of makeup and groom to look their best.I don’t know who this girl is, best wishes to her, but I’m wheezing. Where are you from? Because cosmetic plastic surgery
is haram. That’s unarguable. And let’s say you’re one of those and you ignore millions of scholars and hadiths and interpretations in favour of following only the Quran. Cool. Would be considered heresy by many schools, but cool. Thing is, even if you were only to go by Quran, it’s still haram because cosmetic plastic surgery is considered an unholy intervention upon God’s creation.
Rather than call upon Him, they call upon goddesses, and call upon a rebellious Satan145 (4:118) upon whom Allah has laid His curse. He said (to Allah): 'I will take to myself an appointed portion of Your servants146 (4:119) and shall lead them astray, and shall engross them in vain desires, and I shall command them and they will cut off the ears of the cattle,147 and I shall command them and they will disfigure Allah's creation.'148 He who took Satan rather than Allah for his guardian has indeed suffered a man-ifest loss.
>Even the prophet calls out for Muslims to change their looks with the help of makeup and groom to look their best.Kek. Where did you get this? The
nonny Islamic school? The only thing that “was called” by the prophet is shaving one’s underarms and practicing hygiene. Men and women wore kohl, as some of the tribes in the gulf still do. But the prophet never called for the use of make up, kek. It’s even funnier knowing that wearing heavy make up is a highly argued upon matter. And wait, how did you know that the prophet called for grooming? Through hadith, right? So it’s cool for you to for to use hadith to back your claims but then you go on and say:
>Also its not haram as only things directly mentioned in Quran can be considered haramWhat about the things that are haram in hadith? Your arguments are very inconsistent. You either follow the Quran alone or follow the Quran and hadith; you can’t hop in-between according to whenever it suits you.
No. 1431421
>>1431416>cutting off a helpless cow's ears is the same as getting plastic surgery! So haram! But get epilation because that's totally different… Even though it's an unnecessary medical procedure harming and destroying natural hair in your body for vain reasons and men's tastes. See how you sound?
>let’s say you’re one of those and you ignore millions of scholars and hadiths and interpretations in favour of following only the QuranQuran is supposed to be the only unchanged book which has God's own words. Taking scholar's words instead of Allah's is against that and is pure blasphemy. I'm not very religious but even then, your views are warped if you believe random men instead of your own God, no matter your religion.
No. 1431439
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>>1431432what color is this to you?? blue??? if you think her eyes look blue here you need to get your eyes checked
No. 1431452
>>1431439I can see the contacts there. I'm not sure why you can't see them
>>1431302 this is with no contacts
No. 1431467
>>1431421Understanding the Quran needs historical and religious context in addition to properly learning the Islamic sciences, none of which you’re properly schooled in. It’s pretty easy to deduce this from your literal interpretation and misrepresentation of the ayah, which is ignorant at best and deliberately fallacious at worst. The ayah is a warning to those who meddle with God’s perfect creation (which is echoed is surat el bakraa) in permanent manner:
We have created man in the best design;
We have created man in the best mould; whatever translation suits you best, since I’m sure your Arabic is rusty.
>But get epilation because that's totally different… Even though it's an unnecessary medical procedure harming and destroying natural hair in your body for vain reasons and men's tastes. Who said that? Are you arguing with yourself now? You either have shit comprehension or you’re strawmanning me on purpose.
>Taking scholar's words instead of Allah's is against that and is pure blasphemy. Yes. It’s blasphemy when it doesn’t suit you and not when it does, as evidenced by your hilarious “the prophet encouraged make up use!” bit. Maybe someone who makes up hadiths as she goes along shouldn’t think herself properly qualified to argue misinterpretations of the Quran.
>I'm not very religious I can tell.
(derailing) No. 1431689
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No. 1431703
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>>1431689Are they keeping a potrait of her edited face at home???
No. 1431731
>>1431399Lmao why is there so many effina defenders under this post? You’re right effina is a spineless mentally ill 23 year old with no real identity she switches up every year with what’s considered in by her weird online circle. She literally had children with a 45 year old man because it’s what schizo trad larpers on twitter said she should do
This woman is single handedly fucking up her life
(unsaged infighting) No. 1431754
>>1431731Also, anon here
>>1389790 found about her recent involvement with the kaliacc cult. She's still liking content made by the same recruiters.
Perfectñy normal & pretty hillarious.
No. 1431764
>>1431751They're vendettaposting at this point. If she was pretending to have blue eyes I'd get the hate but talking and obsessing about her baby's look to the point they mock how dark the baby's skin is or how his eyes aren't blue is just like the racism they accuse Effinea off.
Also it should be noted that baby's can have lighter hair, skin and eye color and have it get darker overtime so it's pointless to make assumptions about the child's looks this early on.
No. 1434220
File: 1643948320118.jpg (76.28 KB, 1164x741, interview.JPG)

I know this isn't technically a Charls thread, but a lot of people are talking about him, so may as well post it here.
So basically iDubbbz just released a documentary about Sam Hyde, where he also talked about MDE as a whole. The video got 1.5 million views in one day which is a pretty big deal. Turns out iDubbbz also reached out to Charls for an interview, but Charls ignored the offer… what a fucking wasted opportunity. I guess he really prefers to keep preaching about astrology to the same old 300 followers.
No. 1434282
>>1434257They don't have to show Effina. iDubbbz did an interview with Nick Rochefort and didn't show his wife.
It seems to me like Charls on principle avoids anything related to Sam, even if it could give him a huge amount of (mostly positive) exposure. I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with it, but now it's not just about him, now he has children to feed, and I'm not sure if he will be able to support a family of four purely on his 200 viewer Twitch stream.
I'm just hoping the best for them.
No. 1434287
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>>1434282Yeah, I guess you are right. Nick's wife was chilling around in the background, though. That would be highly distressing for Effina considering she walks like this when she's not infront her own camera.
Regarding Charls, I think his delusion about every media-related people being a satanic pedophile may explain his decline from participating in the documentary. He's just not fully there, you know.
No. 1435081
>>1434363I always assumed his weird schizo rants were at least 70% a bit. I think he's kinda copying Sam in that way. Dude clearly doesn't actually believe half the crap he spews, but manages to teeter that fine line of seeming to "mentor" his fans when he's actually making fun of them. This allows him to have one set of fans that love him because he's constantly trolling the fuck out of everyone, and another that views him as some kind of hideous alt-right father figure because they're too naive and/or dumb to realize they're being played.
Don't want to give these guys too much credit, but I think they're fully aware of what they're doing. These personas are part of their brand.
No. 1438186
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Is this the father?
No. 1438193
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Nice schnoozer
No. 1439417
File: 1644483162291.jpeg (361.27 KB, 1284x1284, 8EBC333A-AAF6-4931-9E64-6AE2CD…)

The Trifecta
No. 1440011
>>1438186No way to talk yourself out of this scenario. Something sexual went down here. Guess she'll still say she way a technical virgin pre Charles but no doubt she at least gave oral.
The guy in this photo is definately in this thread.
No. 1440165
>>1439062what? have you not seen the hundreds of thousands of filtered images of people in general commented on by their family? it's extremely common
the other answer could be that they aren't edited, or at least not heavily. it's pretty obvious what's straight up bait being disseminated
there's not a lot to talk about here
No. 1440362
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>>1438193Lmao the ethnic self hate is still going strong these snow app filters will never make you white effina…
No. 1440588
File: 1644589765437.jpg (24.97 KB, 1080x584, lol.jpg)

Effina admitting that she is not mentally stable after one of he followers asking her how she love her husband he doesn't seem to be mentally stable
No. 1440604
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Miss girl pick one skin tone
No. 1440619
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No. 1440620
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No. 1440621
File: 1644591929708.jpg (186.37 KB, 1080x925, rhode Island slut.jpg)

No. 1441306
File: 1644655539691.jpg (27.32 KB, 620x413, cope.jpg)

>>1441291Foot u need to cope no one wants a crusty old schizo man
No. 1441672
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She just got ratioed on her baby photo lmao
No. 1442605
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No. 1442700
File: 1644839332666.jpg (229.59 KB, 1736x1003, effy.jpg)

Anons in this thread started talking about her relationship with father on February 6th, and suddenly on the 8th she starts making Tweets about how much she loves and misses her dad.
If this isn't proof that Effy lurks in this thread, then I don't know what is.
No. 1442766
>>1442701negotiate a payment plan with the hospital or declare bankruptcy, yeah
something like 60% of bankruptcies in the US are because of medical debt
No. 1444593
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Wtf Foot? You have hospital bills to pay (supposedly $1.4mil, lol) and the fragile babies to look after, but instead Foot will spend all day online shopping and begging from the parents for useless materialistic shit… guess some things just never change!
No. 1444664
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>>1441356second tweet: “how did they fit in my stomach”
lmao having kids to humble brag about how small you are yeah she’s never going to recover
thank god she had sons not daughters
No. 1445506
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>>1445279Its about the behavior… not the shoes..
but yeah… defend that… LMAO
No. 1627935
File: 1661665964181.jpeg (255.23 KB, 828x1265, 09E4BEF2-C67F-4F4C-8FE5-C8C35E…)

Not much new milk but I wanted to bump because the difference in the top picture posted by Sam @mkultragoth and the bottom posted by Effina made me lol