File: 1469481984412.png (239.32 KB, 645x320, Capture.PNG)

No. 159477"Date Outfit Ideas"
Acts strange throughout the video, the pure fear start at the 1:00 mark.
No. 159478"Question and Answer"
At the start of the video she addresses claims that people have told her she's "changed".
At 2:58 she's talking about eating healthy and she says "and rubbish foods aren't even tasting of good", she's having trouble talking.
3:54 she's talking about her favourite band "Safety Suit". She glances to the left, audibly gasps, her face drops and she never picks up the sentence again. She ends the video abruptly while staring wide-eyed at whatever has come into her view.
No. 159479"Every Day Make Up Tutorial"
4:30 mark onwards it sounds like a car and she appears to look out the window. She looks quickly back at the camera and starts talking much faster. She seems nervous.
This is the first video I saw. At the 00:20 mark she states that she will be reading quotes, looks to the right, raises her voice and repeats exactly what she just said, as if someone told her to do it again. She does this a few times throughout the video. At 2:45 she's talking about how her lifes storms have been so brutal and she wonders why people have to hurt each other and the ones who love them and she bursts into tears.
No. 159481
>>159477I honestly can't tell if everybody is just blowing this up or there's seriously something wrong with her.
You sure she isn't just taking drugs? The abuser theory is fucking scary.
No. 159482
File: 1469482922798.png (44.28 KB, 620x342, Capture.PNG)

As far as I know several people have called the police who will not do much in terms of investigating beyond saying "yeah we'll look into it".
If you look at Marinas videos a few years back you can see she is much difference. I don't know if she started taking drugs and then got mixed in with the wrong people and one of those people is abusing her but it is looking likely. She is at the very least being told exactly what to do. There are some more strange videos on her youtube channel friend (AlishaCat, seen in the Date Outfit Ideas video) has apparently also declined steadily over the last few months. Somebody commented on one of her videos on concern for Marina. Her response was slightly telling.
No. 159485
File: 1469483082277.png (782.74 KB, 601x571, Capture.PNG)

Forgot to attach picture because dumbshit
No. 159491
>>159479Holy shit, 3:36 you hear a slam or a door closing and she seems shaken up by it.
This is really quite creepy.
No. 159493 she has her hands up throwing the V sign at the camera, she's smiling. Then suddenly she gets nervous and moves to the left, as if whoever is behind the camera is telling her to move. Watch carefully how the people in the background react when this happens.
1:49 whoever is behind the camera says "turn around right here" and she twirls immediately.
2:14 she is posing in front of a Marilyn Monroe statue. I'm pretty sure she thinks he's taking a picture. She still doesn't look comfortable. The man behind the camera says "Can we" and then that part of the video ends.
No. 159497
>>159477>>159493>>159480>>159479>>159478>>159477Please god post youtube links in the youtube section so that it appears as a video instead of just a link.
If she really is being abused don't support her abuser by making us click and give views.
No. 159507
This whole thing vaguely reminds me of chip-chan in some weird way.
Honestly, I'm not getting the whole kidnapping vibe. Has her shooting location changed at all? Like it seems she has her own room with loads of things and is in a house somewhere.
But in
>>159487It says she wasn't at her last specified location and had moved 3 months ago?
I think she may just be struggling with some drug abuse and possible mental illness, possibly in an abusive relationship as well.
I read that in her latest video people were giving her the advice to draw a heart on her hand if she's in danger, but if her boyfriend/abuser/whatever has control of the channel I can see him reading the comments and making the responses for her.
No. 159508
>>159505I agree that she's on speed, talking at the speed of light, repeating herself constantly, super skinny, etc. Even when amphetimine users aren't high, they're still jittery, have weird tics, jumpy, etc. (I know someone who abuses adderall and they're jumpy as fuck and do this weird whistling tic between words.) The only thing that's off are the huge bruises, but if she goes to raves and shit, that's probably why.
No. 159509
>>159486>>159487At 0:18, just after the finger points her back into frame, she shakes her head 'no'.
She does look like she's using meth, and she does look like she's being controlled - both.
No. 159511
>>159479Holy shit, gun laws are really tight in the UK. That rifle is not normal and although I only know Aus laws, I cannot believe it is allowed to just lay around like that.
That may be an in, for reporting concerns to the police by a UK-based anon.
No. 159513
>>159510In the pull thread someone posted a screenshot of someone asking Marina's mom on FB if she was ok. Her mom replied that she was fine and that she was the one recording the date outfit video. I'd post the cap but I'm on shit mobile atm.
Mom could be covering up for the drug abuse which is clearly stringing out her daughter and the pointing/prompting could be her trying to help Marina stay focused in the video (since it seemed like she was super out of it and barely knew what was going on). The shitty editing of these videos could be Marina being too fucked up to do it properly anymore, or her mom or boyfriend trying and just sucking at doing it.
The bruises are really sketchy though. She could be feasibly getting them from raves/festivals. If she's going into mosh pits she's going to get the fuck beat out of her from being so tiny. The ones around her elbows looks like she was grabbed roughly, don't know about the ones on her back.
Hopefully it is NOT an abuse situation. Drugs suck but it's better than her being abused by her bf. Surely her mom wouldn't cover up something like that.
No. 159515
>>159476UK anon here, where's the vid with the gun in it? I could send a tip to police, if y'all think it's a good idea.
Also have you considered the possibility that she could be acting strange just for attention? The mother saying she filmed the videos sets off alarm bells in my head. She could be faking it for more views? Just a thought.
No. 159519
File: 1469520630509.jpg (61.25 KB, 1200x667, shotgun.jpg)

>>159515it's from the link posted at
>>159487"in her "every day makeup tutorial" video, you can visibly see some type of shotgun or rifle near her dresser starting from 1:43"
No. 159520
>>159516I can't speak for other anons but having used drugs myself, I have no doubt she's on them. But this appears to me to be a domestic violence issue as well. Her bruises are not normal. Being on drugs doesn't exclude something bad also happening to her.
If I have to guess, I'd say she and her bf are deep into drugs and he may be dealing or similar (the gun). I think he's taking the proceeds of the channel, and is making her work on vids bc she wouldn't otherwise due to being fucked up on drugs. Whether from the drugs or the violent bf, she doesn't have much of a future unless she gets out.
No. 159522
Woah this girl? I remember watching this video of her's back when and being sick at how much mascara she put on + how sloppy it is.
>>159506She dated VeeOneEye from what I remember, too. Lol
No. 159528
>>159523That's true but difference to this is that Margo is a lolcow. She is a milk fountain and therefore provides some kind of twisted entertainment.
I don't know about you but for me these videos have something haunting in them. She doesn't provide milk and even though she and her mom says she's alright her behaviour and bruises tell completely other story.
Worst case scenario is that her channels are monitored by someone who's abusing her and her mother is in it and covering it up.
No. 159530
>>159529This was 5 months ago and you can tell she's strung the fuck out in this. The first half of the video is her rambling on about how something terrible happened to her, and she can't even express it to people. Then she starts bawing her eyes out about how she's such a good person and how lots of terrible things have happened to her.
She's been on heavy drugs for awhile imo
No. 159532
File: 1469530222485.jpg (604.42 KB, 908x2316, marj.JPG)

In her most recent Twitter pic uploads (even the screenshot from her lolita dress video) she's focusing behind the camera.
I can understand some selfies being taken with the pop-out displays so you can see if it's a decent shot but even in the pic with the supposed ex-boyfriend, she's still looking at someone/something else.
It wouldn't make sense to upload so much stuff with bruises showing, her clearly whispering "help me" without editing it out or clearly acting shaky/fearful so often if it was at gunpoint because that's simply a pure give-away (unless her bf is completely unaware/special needs of some sort).
I can't explain the bruises otherwise though, one looks distinctly like a handmark bruise from being grabbed too hard.
Yet at the same time with the rifle and pills, I can't explain why they would be left out of the open so blatantly.
Is it a new bf perhaps?
Surely they would be internet savvy to at least search her name, thus leading this individual to the results asking if she's alright?
And even while recording you can see she's completely "off" so why bother uploading such footage in the first place?
Are they not checking the view-finder/even looking at her?
Surely if so, then she would be editing in which case this apparent abuser would also see her uploads and call her out to fix the footage and re-upload or delete the content flat out.
This is extremely weird.
No. 159534
>>159533It looked like a guy's finger to me pointing from the side of that video honestly.
You can spot it near the beginning of the video
No. 159539
File: 1469531624019.png (230.86 KB, 799x947, ,9e9e.png)

>>159529if you look up "hakuna matata rave" on UK google all of this shows up
No. 159541
>>159533She walks away with her arms crossed too, like she's upset about something.
I doubt she's being held at gunpoint tbh, that seems a little ott. However I do think drug and domestic abuse is happening which is heightening her fear and just general being high as fuck on something. I also do think there is some mental illness surfacing, most likely from whatever traumatic experiences she's been talking about
No. 159542
>>159509>>159514The shaking her head 'no' thing looks more like she's just flipping her hair to the side. I used to have a fringe like hers and that hair flip motion becomes a habit after a while, to keep it out your eyes.
I'm torn between thinking she's making it up for the views, and believing that she is in an abusive junkie relationship.
It kind of makes sense that the shoddy editing with the bruises etc could slip out - assuming the abuser is tweaking out of their mind too. I had a friend who was on hardcore drugs, and people REALLY lose their grip on reality. The abuser probably wouldn't even realize how bad the shots of the gun, bruises, her deer-in-headlights expression look to the world.
Whatever's going on, I hope she'll be alright. It's extremely weird that her Mom and friends are downplaying all this.
No. 159544
File: 1469532465501.png (231.71 KB, 1366x768, mj1.png)

Posted on the PULL thread linked in
No. 159550
>>159545this child seems to know nothing about lsd. you don't get addicted to it, and you don't turn into a haggard mess with fucked skin and afraid of everything.
it's speed that does that, or industrial quantities of real mdma, or other drugs that smash you.
No. 159551
>>159547If she takes drugs she interacts with dangerous people. So the bruises aren't a surprise. Doesn't have to be an abusive relationship. Who knows where she is getting enough money from to buy so many drugs.
Whatever is going on, she needs help.
No. 159578
File: 1469543324893.jpeg (157.74 KB, 750x820, image.jpeg)

Here is the screenshot of one of Marina's friends talking to her mom.
Her mom says there are "issues" but that she's "got it under control." It really sounds like Marina has an addiction problem and her mom is trying to cover it up.
No. 159616
>>159477It's difficult to watch her recent videos. But I honestly think people are trying to find anything that would fit the description of abuse after noticing the bruise when abuse may not be reason at all.
I don't think she's being abused. Mostly likely she was handled roughly one time at a rave recently and it left the bruises you see in the latest video. Noticing one instance of a strange bruise doesn't mean she's been abused on a regular basis, guys… And inb4 "oh she posted that Insta heart pic to indicate she's in trouble" - that doesn't necessarily mean her fears match with reality i.e. she could be hallucinating (drug induced mental illness) that there's a troll trying to hunt her down and kill her, and ya'll are taking the heart post as an admission of being domestically abused. And with this,
>>159493 it's probably a case of her boyfriend knowing she has issues and needs help filming when she's high off her tits: and I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to be looking out for at 1:27 with the people in the background - they're reacting how anyone would if they knew they'd be in some randomer's video ho is flailing their arms about.
After seeing it happen to a family remember of mine when I was a kid, I would be inclined to believe that heavy drug use is frying her brain and possibly inducing symptoms of schizophrenia and/or psychosis - if it hasn't gotten that far yet, she's not far off it. It certainly would explain the paranoid stares and the rapidly changing behaviour as would it explain her mother's response in
>>159578 especially if it's still relatively early on and if she hasn't had Marina psychologically assessed yet - probably believes Marina's behaviour will go back to normal if they just get her off the drugs. Regardless of what's going on, Marina shouldn't be making videos right now and her mother should damn well know better than to push that on her (even by assisting with videos) while admitting she has issues.
No. 159632
>>159498all of these clothes are 100% horrible milanoo-tier shit, the lace and fabric look awful.
even as skinny as she is, those floaty empire-waist tops make her look huuuge.
it does make me feel–I guess–optimistic that she has friends with her in this video, though. you'd think that if she
was being abused, one of the first things an abusive/controlling boyfriend would do would be to cut her off from her peers.
No. 159635
File: 1469553944766.png (53.61 KB, 684x377, marinachosen.png)

>>159545That stuff about having spiritual delusions would explain the bizarre tweet she made a couple of weeks ago.
No. 159644
>>159632If you look at videos from alishacat(the girl with the harry potter tat), she seems to act similarly? She's not as nervous/jumpy but is very spacey with a everyone-love-each-other-world-peace sort of attitude. She is also very open about pot use, so who knows what else she does.
While I don't think Marina is being abused, they're definitely into drugs of some sort.
No. 159663
>>159616i agree with you on the bruises. it's actually not so uncommon to end up with bruises in weird places if you party a lot and take lots of drugs. hers look like somebody just grabbed her really hard, maybe she fell over. similar stuff has definitely happened to me when i was still going out a lot. and this instagram comment some random person left even mentions her being at some rave and being totally out of it to a point people were looking after her. not saying domestic abuse is impossible, but definitely less likely.
this would also explain why she's showing her bruises so freely. she's too fucked up to really think about this and it's also not a big deal to her because they're party bruises.
>>159544this story actually makes a lot of sense to me and reminds me of people i know or knew. london has a huge party scene and drugs like speed, mdma or even crystal are fairly available and affordable, even if you're not hanging out with "dangerous" people. and a lot of people are fine doing this recreationally on weekends. but some just get stuck on this "partying lifestyle" and then start using daily and on their own and become a mess. especially those who have some issues and don't have "normal" jobs. like, from what i understand, she's doing youtube for a living, meaning she can stay at home all day and record videos. and she gets paid for this. these are the perfect conditions for someone like this.
yeah, watching her is scary, but tbh, it's pretty clear that she's on drugs and her perception of herself and her videos is skewed by that. i assume the people who started those "omg she's being kidnapped and held at gunpoint!" rumors were likely her teenage fans who might not be so aware of what a person strung out on shitty amphetamines looks like.
also, i'd believe that her mum actually did help her film some of her videos like she claims. i mean, let's be realistic, her mum probably doesn't quite "get" youtube and might have been trying to help her strung out daughter with her videos, by giving her random directions from behind the camera and telling her what to do. or if it wasn't her mum, it could have been her bf or a friend. she only looks so "scared" because she's high and super irritable because she's mostly been awake for ages and is hearing and seeing things.
No. 159713
>>159710Was about to post this.
I'm in the camp that she's high in most if not all of her recent videos and the person filming (her bf or friend) is probably also high and they're just fucking around. Plus if she does have a drug problem she probably doesn't see her actions on videos as strange and hasn't noticed the quality of her videos dropping.
The bruises I'm not sure what to say about but tbh, if she was being abused and her abuser was the one filming/controlling everything, don't you think they'd edit that out? Like if they're that smart at controlling her channel and social media they wouldn't let something that obvious slip.
No. 159720
File: 1469571360488.jpg (275.89 KB, 508x950, 123412.jpg)

Starting to see this in my twitter feed now. Some creepy shit going on, that's for sure.
No. 159722
i think most already clarified she already had the cat emoji before that. but now people are tweeting at her to 'like' their tweets if something is wrong and she can't talk; she liked this one
No. 159751
File: 1469576074134.png (123.05 KB, 519x559, marina1.png) some girl got in contact with an old ex of Marina's and, according to the convo, he said she has (undiagnosed) schizophrenia, but won't get help for it.
I'm personally taking it with a grain of salt as 1) he isn't named 2)he admits he hasn't spoken to her in 4 years and 3) twitter convos can be easily faked. But thought I'd upload the screencaps to let you decide for yourselves.
No. 159755
File: 1469576488407.png (36.48 KB, 584x265, oops.png)

>>159476Here's another drugs and raves claim from twitter kek
No. 159757
>>159754If he's her age, then he's about 19 too. Not too far-fetched imo esp if he used to hang around with her and her crowd way back when.
>>159755A good few people are coming forward saying the same thing.
No. 159759
File: 1469576844998.jpg (8.73 KB, 329x131, twitter.jpg)

yeah, she totally doesn't do drugs…
No. 159760
File: 1469576863452.png (102.04 KB, 600x613, morningrave.png)

>>159757Samefag to say now she's inviting her Twitter followers to some morning rave (6:30am) next week in London.
No. 159767
>>159760Twitter is wild with this. People are speculating that its some sort of trap set up by whoever is abusing her to hurt people who want to help her.
Also not sure if this is recrnt, but jfc she is on some shit No. 159778
>>159771In that write up they updated with pics of Marina showing off her bruises from 2014 and crying about needing urgent help, then tweeting she's fine and don't worry after people called the police.
I really think it's mental illness/drug abuse/wrong crowd, not an abusive boyfriend.
No. 159781
>>159476Stuff I'm taking from twitter:
People are bringing up the fact that apparently there's a gun in one of her videos?
Marina has apprently added a cat face, hearts, a drawn on heart etc into photos and bios on request to show that she's in trouble.
People are uploading videos where she repeats the same sentences again and again.
I can't view her likes (i think because I don't have twitter) but some people have tweeted that they don't correspond with what she's tweeting.
No. 159784
>>159771I think that's because London was said to be targeted next after the murder of the priest in Normandy.
>>159778>I really think it's mental illness/drug abuse/wrong crowd, not an abusive boyfriend.Whatever it is, it's all going to come out soon. Now that people are linking it to all sorts of crimes, the police are probably going to show up and start asking more questions than they did before.
No. 159796
File: 1469581880971.png (39.49 KB, 579x325, update.png)

Take this with a grain of salt because people all over twitter are using this shit for likes and idk what's true here tbh
No. 159800
File: 1469582766776.png (69.46 KB, 549x611, john scarce.png)

>>159799It's about to get even more invasive because some youtube channel says he has info and hes gonna do a video about it. I thought it was strange. If you have info about something getting this much attention, would you really wait? Or even tell youtube at all? He looks like he's chasing views
No. 159809
>>159799I saw another tweet claim the police had been to her house 5 times already, just today. idk how true that it is but i believe it with how psycho people are.
i feel like this started out as general concern within her fans/ viewers, and just escalated to people using it to get attention
No. 159810
>>159803Oh god, they always have to do their own fucking thinkpieces about news and the inevitable REBLOG TO SHOW YOU SUPPORT HER
>>159804People are having panic attacks over this? I'd understand if you actually went to the meetup and then heard the theories but damn, just from reading about it?
No. 159817
File: 1469583480565.jpeg (106.9 KB, 1125x871, image.jpeg)

>>159810Just incase you need it anon
No. 159820
>>159817Thanks fam, Marina is a word that
triggers me ever since I saw a sailor misgender a boat.
No. 159832
Just look at her fucking facebook statuses. bitch is just fucking crazy
mental illness + drugs = Marina
No. 159841
File: 1469585076713.png (14.01 KB, 401x157, uh.png)

>>159839Isn't this her instagram?
No. 159842
>>159841Don't trust the comment, it was apparently changed on her 'back up' account.
screenshot here: No. 159844
File: 1469585306047.jpg (49.91 KB, 675x1200, CoVg_TOUsAA-EEm.jpg)

>>159842This is an image board, you know. Post pictures, don't link to them.
No. 159845
File: 1469585323956.jpg (30 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1469585230833.jpg)

From a friend who knows one of Marinas best friends.
No. 159846
File: 1469585344307.png (518.32 KB, 807x469, chillguys.png)

Jesus christ her fans are extreme.
No. 159849
>>159846Isn't that her brother on the left?
Man, the internet is WILD tonight
No. 159851
File: 1469585618598.jpg (28.55 KB, 552x799, FB_IMG_1469585571743.jpg)

Continuation of the convo w her friend.
No. 159852
File: 1469585657004.jpg (12.07 KB, 546x350, FB_IMG_1469585575089.jpg)

These are all from a girl I'm friends w on Facebook btw
No. 159857
>>159845>>159851>>159852First, learn to censor your friend's name from your picture.
Second, learn to reply to your previous posts to make it seem more coherent
Third, go and be a filthy casual someplace else, you aren't contributing anything groundbreaking.
No. 159859
File: 1469586245623.jpeg (105.5 KB, 1125x763, image.jpeg)

>>159856Yup the internet is crazy with the conspiracy theories tonight- twitter is really getting out of control with this shit…
A ski mask reflected in her eye, supposedly being worn by her kidnapper/ camera guy. The same mask was in the background of another video.
No. 159862
>>159856While amusing to see happening, some of the 'evidence' is really stupid.
At the same time I disagree with people who just brush this off as 'meh no big deal" because that girl needs help.
No. 159863
File: 1469586430952.jpg (55.44 KB, 600x337, CXBubt-WEAAQJ1i.jpg)

Her boyfriend has that meth user kind of look to him
No. 159866
File: 1469586482181.png (266.05 KB, 491x927, sfdsafs.png)

>>159855Maybe she has schizophrenia and still wants to make videos because she enjoys doing it, and a family member/friend is helping her with them?
Her FB statuses are seriously nutty…
No. 159867
>>159862The "bars" on her bedroom window looked like vertical blinds to me but everybody is using them as proof of abuse
The police are supposedly telling callers that they're already looking into it. I hope people chill a bit because they're tying up the lines.
No. 159871
>>159807Not sure why ppl think lonely girl got blacklash. It made the series very popular, it used to be the most watched YouTuber back in the day before pewdiepie.
I doubt this is as legit as a web series using YouTube as a platform. Just a girl who is on drugs and people now notice.
No. 159872
>>159866Goddamn that's some crazy shit.
And I heard the schizophrenia theory a lot, though the internet loves it's armchair diagnoses so I'm taking it with a grain of salt.
Regardless. even if a family member is helping her out, why? Like okay it makes her happy but without any context her videos are creepy.
Like I don't think it's not possible, but something just feels very off about the situation that isn't her just having a bad trip and/or mental illness.
No. 159873
>>159868It seems the area is going to be filled with police, or so says some twitter users.
I'm chalking this down to Marina is just a 19 year old kid with depression and maybe schizophrenia who is just going too hard on the uppers to cope with her depression.
No. 159878
>>159872>if a family member is helping her out, why?& they must have seen the various comments. Why would you continue making vids that just make everyone think Marina is being abused?
>>159874It's pretty early in the UK. She might not even be awake rn. Imagine waking up to this.
No. 159882
>>159878Farmer from the UK here.
It's 3:35am
No. 159883
>>159882I don't even care about this chick. Why am I staying up until 4am to read about her?
>>159877I laughed
No. 159884
>>159878Exactly, it's impossible for them not to have noticed all the comments etc. that have been happening for a while now.
Why still help her make these videos? Why not issue any sort of statement other then a vague "she's fine".
Why not in her recent QA video just have her say "oh yeah I'm doing fine btw I'm just having fun!" or I don't fucking know, but at least something.
No. 159885
File: 1469587101452.png (599.93 KB, 1124x645, still up.png)

>>159879Nope, her FB page is still up
No. 159889
>>159884Or like make a seperate video addressing the rumors? All she would have to do is say "I'm fine, I'm just tired, thank you all so much for caring about me"
No true youtuber would miss a chance to make that juicy clickbait
No. 159892
>>159885That mascara is horrifying.
I know the discussion is on something far more serious, but this girl's makeup, hair and clothing choices hurt my soul.
No. 159893
File: 1469587363408.png (342.14 KB, 850x372, 231523.png)

>>159885Guess she has multiple accounts…this one seems to be gone: No. 159894
>>159889Even all the post from her real life friends are so vague "yeah she's fine".
You'd think at least one person would just go "she's abusing drugs but we're all there for her" or something?
And like you said, just one video or even a tiny bit of it, addressing the concern, would have been more believable.
No. 159896
File: 1469587561114.png (434.12 KB, 520x385, blindmag.png)

>>159885>>159892Got that blind mag mascara going on…
No. 159897
File: 1469587577143.jpg (17.28 KB, 480x240, Vertical_127_light_filter_blin…)

>>159895I thought they were blinds
No. 159902
File: 1469587700306.jpg (54.08 KB, 750x422, marinajoyce3.jpg)

>>159895Look like bars to me, and they're only on window which is strange
No. 159905
>>159902If she's mentally ill like her ex believed, they could be to stop her falling out.
>>159903Click the number of the post you want to reply to.
No. 159912
Joke. But the police aren't gonna do shit. A controlling relationship would be very easy to hide, although I'm surprised they didn't book her for obvious drug influence.
No. 159914
>>159908True, but why only one window?
I mean it probably has nothing to do with her current situation but I'm just questioning their blind placement choices
No. 159923
>>159916Yeah I'm kind of worried about the aftermath of this for her.
However it's not like there hasn't been any chances before this to have somebody say SOMETHING to clear this mess of a girl up.
No. 159926
>>159903 last part was meant for
>>159921but I was slow.
No. 159927
>>159925Oh ok
Sorry I'm tired XD
No. 159929
Believe the local PD
>>159899 over 'anonymous'
>>159911 No. 159931
File: 1469588385787.png (71.25 KB, 619x313, 2395ew.png)

>>159911Definitely bullshit, that account is full of crap.
No. 159934
>>159930I"m amazed that nobody from any direct source has just cleared things up at least a bit.
I mean after all that police stuff, there has to be at least someone going "maybe we should post a statement" to calm things down?
No. 159939
File: 1469588663337.png (305.93 KB, 837x448, pancakes.png)

It's 4am and I don't know whether people are being serious or not anymore
No. 159941
>>159937The one where she mentions helping her out with videos? Because that's still a shitty fucking statement.
>>159938I know but I mean the police has visited already. Obviously she and whoever else is with her, is awake. They have to be noticing the worldwide trending hashtags and probably thousands of notifications right?
No. 159946
File: 1469588852031.png (129.09 KB, 527x528, shitstafon.png)

>>159944Everything is real and nothing is
No. 159950
Ok, so I think the "meetup at 6:30 AM" thing is related to this: tweeted about it and linked it right before the other one.
It's just a weird morning rave. She didn't mean, "let's meet up at 6:30 tomorrow morning", she meant, "let's meet up the morning of this rave so we can all go together". Makes more sense.
No. 159967
>>159934As she lives at home i imagine her mother is now well aware of what is going on and probably has been contacted by friends/family, but from her statement about Marina she seems to in a slight denial over her daughter's mental health and probably thinks sweeping this under the rug while bringing Marina to her twice monthly psych appointments is going to fix everything.
>>159935It wouldnt surprise me if it was on mainstream brit tv news tomorrow because its fucking snowballing so much. Now I work in mental health services but this whole situation is annoying me so much because it is most likely going to fuck her up permanently.
No. 159975
>>159967Ugh a psychologist I'm friends with would tell me about how parents will just drop off their kid thinking that they don't have to do shit to make sure their little Jonathan will function well.
But I agree this shit is going to mess her up even more. I feel kinda bad but at the same time this is really interesting to see happening.
No. 159978
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Can anyone confirm this?
No. 160004
>>159997People are so fucking weird on social media. It's all about who cares the most or who gets the news first.
>>160001She's meant to be meeting people in two hours
No. 160011
>>160003If I were one of her friends at the beginning of this whole ordeal, I could see myself not wanting to air my friend's dirty laundry to the internet.
At this point it's pointless to remain silent though
No. 160015
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No. 160016
'I will put details soon FOR THE DAY' by beforehand, she means she will meet up at 6AM rather than 6:30 etc.
No. 160024
>>160018I honestly don't think we'll ever top serial killer/dedicated lover
>>160019but these ridiculous people believe she's being raped by her family and held hostage by her boyf so spilling a few beans is probably the lesser of two evils
No. 160027
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No. 160028
>>160019I mean it in the sense of protecting her against herself.
At least one of her friends must have noticed the amount comments (before today) asking if she's fine.
I'm not saying they should spill the beans, but maybe get in contact with her, tell even something as trying to get her mom to post a statement. Fuck if I know. It's better then people saying she's fucking dead and lying in the thames river.
No. 160033
File: 1469590665466.jpeg (106.75 KB, 1125x920, image.jpeg)

For anyone who is unable to sleep tonight - the internet is here for you. Let's all get through this together #savemarinajoyce
No. 160036
>>159902If you were holding someone captive against their will you would have to be pretty fucking stupid to show the house they're being held in, even if it's for a split second. Video was uploaded 4 days ago; concerned friends and family would be all over that shit immediately unless they were compliant to whoever was keeping her hostage. Though I agree that it almost looks like she's taking cues in her latest videos, that just might be her looking into her viewfinder instead of her camera.
I'm for the "drugs exacerbating mental illness" theory.
No. 160051
>>160040So far we have
>ISIS>ski mask>serial killer>love troubles>drugsI smell a romcom
No. 160062
>>160056I'm guessing not.. once someone is addicted to a drug like speed, it basically kills you slowly. Your mind becomes completely fucked and you have no perception of reality. My guess is she is just super high and believes that she's in trouble..although she isn't…
And those are the effects of drugs. Stay in school kids
No. 160063
>>160056Her problem will be a psychosis brought on by drugs (rather than one caused only by drugs). Aka, if she is not medicated, she will be forever unstable, even if she quits. You can have drug-induced psychosis (like when people go crazy on PCP or cocaine), but hers will last imo. The damage has been done, she needs to get clean and get medicated.
>>160059She wanted to meet people next week.
No. 160065
>>160063Thanks for the answer anon.
Man that just makes it all the more sad to me.
No. 160072
>>160056I had a friend suffer through a drug induced psycosis when they were around 18-19 from doing tons of psychedelics for a few years prior.
They ended up on the psych ward of the hospital for months before they were stable enough to be released again.
Now almost 5 years later they have a home nurse visit daily to ensure they take their meds, can't get a job or do much of anything because they have hallucinations daily. Basically they live scared shitless or completely doped up most of the time. Very grim stuff.
However, there was a high chance this person was already predisposed to developing mental illness later in life but the drugs sped the process along and intensified it quite a bit.
I'm pretty sure that's what's happening with this girl.. she's losing touch with reality does need help- not from the internet though.
Sorry it this is too long but hopefully you find my experience interesting anon.
No. 160073
>>160065No worries. A friend of mine suffered a break after smoking too much weed when she was 12 and now has schizophrenia. Unfortunately, it's something she will have forever.
Drugs can cause physical and mental problems if they are abused, like the Australian guy who took too much MDMA and developed a full-body tremor. Some party drugs can be fun, but you shouldn't dose LSD or MDMA more than once a month or else, well…
You see this poor girl.
>>160069She probably takes drugs with other druggies. They don't care about your come-downs, just how you are when you're high. You usually don't get this fucked up doing drugs on your own, since they require a bit of a network.
No. 160075
That was one of the first thing I thought when I saw the bruises / rope mark picture lol.
No. 160077
>>160053I see where you're coming come. I guess it would be possible for her parents & friends to know where she is, that she's alive, just not know what she's going through so there would be no real cause for alarm. Or if her mother and friends are in denial of her lifestyle, just using the old "it's a phase" justification to help them sleep.
This shit is getting outrageous. Will someone just come out with a definition of Fine so the internet can calm its tits already?
No. 160081
>>160079It can
trigger underlying psychological issues.
No. 160091
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Holy shit the fucking reach
No. 160096
>>160089Like I said, cocaine, heroin, pcp, ard drugs can all
trigger an outburst, but those are usually fast and hard. this girl has been fucked up for months now. It's permanent. Drugs damage chemical receptors in your brain and prolonged abuse of any substance (or even one time) can destroy something necessary to normality.
No. 160098
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Why is this the first time i'm seeing this.. wtf. What is going on then?
No. 160102
fucking reach for the stars
No. 160112
>>160089It could- depending on the drug, the individual and their own experience. For example, some people feel depressed or anxious weeks after coming down from a high off pure MDMA. But they eventually get on with life and return to normal without regular use.
Other anons were mostly refering to drugs speeding up the onset of a mental illness a person was going to develop, with or without the drug use.
No. 160117
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>>160115an ISIS member wearing a mask tbh
No. 160123
>>160118No it can't "make you" but it can
trigger and speed up the onset for those who are already predisposed to the illness (genetics, etc).
No. 160128
>>160120We can go deeper's the ghosts of the people that died on the tube accident 73 years ago. They converted to ISIS and now they're controlling a scene kid by giving her and her boyfriend excessive amounts of MDMA
No. 160133
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I'm pretty sure this hasn't been posted yet. I saw it on twitter and thought it was interesting. not sure if it's real.
IF it is real, i kind of think she might be taking this outrage and running with it? Or maybe it's all making her feel like she is in danger, like someone mentioned earlier in the thread.
No. 160136
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No. 160143
>>160136because the "meetup" is in August lmao.
that poor dude
No. 160145
>>160136he's fucking early
like, one week
No. 160149
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Jesus christ i don't know what to believe anymore
No. 160159
>>160149I wonder if she's actually fine and she's just having fun with this to mess with people
I know people can do things like that
No. 160169
File: 1469594564192.png (341.34 KB, 498x858, jkjsbgkjs.png)

Saw this one earlier, satanic cult can now be added to the long list of conspiracies twitters come up with
No. 160171
>>160156I'm leaning more towards this now. I think she has a drug problem/mental illness situation going on, but she's seen all of this shit now and is going with it. I know I've never paid any attention to her prior to this.
but now here we are.
No. 160182
>>160172fair point. i'm leaning more towards schizophrenic whose symptoms were made worse by hardcore drug use, though, especially from everyone close to her refusing to divulge information as it's "not their place."
but it does strike me odd that police would go to her house and not do anything about her very blatant drug use, but i don't know anything about police procedure in england.
No. 160184
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if you see this video don't post about it, ignore it altogether. Can't be spreading misinformation
No. 160186
>>160166Maybe it wasn't meant to be a scheme… they film and post like they always do, her brain slowly sizzling from whatever she's on, then they wake up to people asking her if she's being held captive as a pawn for ISIS.. so in a moment of lucidity (enough to quickly delete tweets anyway) she decides to fuck with people…
I do agree that it's unlikely, but it makes more sense than skimask ghost Islamic terrorist cults
No. 160191
>>160186i mean, it could be. she could end up being a horrible person, but then that doesn't really explain the creepiness of her videos.
the thing that really freaked me out, in all honesty, was when she was excitedly talking about her favourite band, called "safety suit," and just stopping abruptly and ending the video. that still has me fucked up.
No. 160197
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what the fuck
No. 160198
>>160169 Satanic Cult
This just in Marina Joyce is all apart of an advertisement for the new suicide squad movie in which she will be playing the enchantress kek
No. 160200
>>160196Signal boost this
No. 160202
>>160197Is this even real anymore?
Is anything real?
No. 160206
It's a fucking publicity stunt.
subscribers and going high as fuck've had more complicated/detailed arg in the past. this isn't something new
fucking hilarious this it working "oh shit it's so scary oh my god the aliens kidnapped her & the order of illuminati is controlling her"
No. 160216
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I know this thread started as a serious inquiry but holy fuck all these replies are killing me
No. 160225
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Sage because I'm a dummy and forgot image
No. 160232
>>160224what if the abusive boyfriend was just a metaphor for our absent fathers
who are ghosts
No. 160238
File: 1469595872628.png (15.56 KB, 435x175, Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: when asked "Where were you on the night of marina joyces youtuber career, conner sent me THIS
No. 160256
>>160248Margo in a skimask behind a camera like, "WEENOOS, TWIRL!" "My name is Marina" "NO TALK BACK TO MOTHER WEENOOS"
Hell, I'd be whispering "help me" too.
No. 160261
File: 1469596351773.png (18.64 KB, 435x175, saveconnor.png)

>>160238the truth is out there
No. 160265
>>160261spread this like a fucking wildfire.
No. 160270
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UPDATE: he's looking for the streamer in an attempt to get rid of him…. we have to stop conner
No. 160279
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>>160271>>160276Conner and Marina confirmed for time travelers
No. 160301
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No. 160302
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No. 160303
i have so much school work to do. i can't look away from this thread
No. 160312
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>>160308You'll never catch her
No. 160317
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Conner is still there… ffs conner get your shit together
No. 160321
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>>160313>you can see she's got lazy eye going onSymbolism fam
No. 160325
File: 1469597422809.png (87.06 KB, 522x487, okwow.PNG)

are these people fucking serious
No. 160340
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>>160332yasss bitch turn up
No. 160341
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>>160332this is a fuckin bop
No. 160347
File: 1469597803507.jpg (55.76 KB, 800x804, 1440555908597.jpg)

The fact that Marina is probably just sound asleep meanwhile millions of people are having panic attacks over her safety and it is now rumored she's been kidnapped by ISIS, luring people to an ambush, or found dead.
No. 160351
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Mission accomplished
No. 160354
File: 1469597968972.png (210.28 KB, 800x867, isis.png)

Shitty and rushed connor fan art your welcome anons
No. 160364
>>160351O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You’ve fallen cold and dead.
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
No. 160366
>>160351Roses are red
Violets are blue
Connor, you're fucking stupid
And I love you
No. 160370
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>>160363can you fuckers post images and not links?
No. 160375
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>>160370Conner back at it again, either fucking bythbusting all these theories, or he is the actual abuser..
>notsurewhattothink No. 160384
File: 1469598768245.jpg (15.63 KB, 281x350, 1466444978767.jpg)

does the 'official' anonymous twitter somehow not know the meetup is not until next week
how is this happening
No. 160387
File: 1469598825212.png (153.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-27-01-52-02…)

>>160375mr. insanityy was in the car! Connor confirmed for isis ghost who abuses scene kids to further his chinese clothing line?
No. 160394
File: 1469598962711.jpg (29.16 KB, 480x458, ja acabou jesca.jpg)

No. 160403
File: 1469599265889.png (151.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-27-01-59-09…) …
this person is also claiming to be there.
Oh Connor, why oh why won't you live stream your bravery and prove everyone else wrong?
No. 160410
>>160406Some random guy who went to scooby do all over the place and see what was happening
(also a ghost)
No. 160422
File: 1469599725094.png (10.03 KB, 417x91, Capture.PNG)

It's like he's returning from the war… he acts so different.. Ever since the Bethnal Green incident, he hasn't been the same
No. 160424
>>160421Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
In London and in earth
Give us this day by saving marina
No. 160428
>>160422Time travel isn't easy on the body
More proof he's in the future
>No car>Different weather No. 160437
File: 1469600679260.png (213.65 KB, 500x500, shittyconnermeme.png)

No. 160440
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My hero
No. 160441
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No. 160444
>>160441Honestly this sounds way more plausible than anything else
On the other hand
No. 160449
>>160447Its how i found it m8 relax.
Also, dont believe that @theanonnmessage account. fake, trying to get followers, has no idea what the fuck is even happening.
No. 160457
File: 1469602468951.png (366.58 KB, 1184x1316, Screen Shot 2016-07-27 at 2.52…)

a call with the police about her is being uploaded but i think its just the cops saying that they already checked and they are really reluctant to send more cops back out
No. 160488

Check out the description of this video (too long to copy paste, huge wall of text about hidden Bible codes, the GOVERNMENT spying and interfering with energies by making your ears ring, all kinds of crazy shit, including this bit:
"Laminin is an atom in our bodies that God put in our bodies at the beginning of time because He knew that people would be able to discover all the atoms in the body and this is part of the periodic table aswell, there are such and so things in the Bible that are relating to the existence of Jesus Christ :3 "
This is one of the videos before the boyfriend tag video and she still sounds "normal" here but is going off about crazy new age horseshit. She mentions new age in a few other videos, kundalini meditation, etc.
I can't find the video but it's a newer, creepy rambling one where she mentions wanting to go on an ayahuasca trip. This has to be some drug induced ego death thing going on with her.
Or schizophrenia, the only schizophrenic I knew rambled endlessly about bible codes and the antichrist, kind of eerie the overlap in interests. But that's anecdotal.
No. 160491
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>>160488Yeah, I don't want to armchair diagnose but her rambling nonsensical Facebook statuses/video descriptions/comments really read like schizophrenia.
No. 160494
>>160488Also she uses this same meditation song for this video and the "CURLING WITH A STRAIGHTENER" video and maybe more. someone in the comments of the straightener video asked the song and it's a song called "Freedom" which includes lyrics "being forced" feeding into the "abusive boyfriend" conspiracy.
Also the weird ass descriptions, this one's is just "SUBSCRIBE TO ME" instead of a proper description with social media links. the "CURLING WITH A STRAIGHTENER" vid with the same shitty/unsettling music has the description "This video is about LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE".
I'm more concerned about how her mom claims she's fine but she's going out in public acting like a fucking lunatic with this dude filming? is the whole family a bunch of nutcases or what? Who is looking out for her?
No. 160499
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tweet in question… why retweet this and not tweet yourself just explaining the situation? Why does she 'like' all these tweets about needing help? who is running her account and why won't anyone close to her just fucking make a statement? Driving me crazier than the actual videos.
No. 160500
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No. 160503
File: 1469607494305.png (47.79 KB, 586x162, Screen Shot 2016-07-27 at 4.17…)

She's doing a livestream later…
No. 160509
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No. 160510
File: 1469608217220.png (51.85 KB, 591x198, 8789235.png)

It's really weird that she's liking some of these tweets.
No. 160511
>>160503Someone has to remember to hop on and record that shit, it's going to be a strange fucked up explanations for sure
i cant wait for the stupidity
No. 160516
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No. 160517
File: 1469608684430.png (19.45 KB, 614x126, ffff.png)

No. 160518
File: 1469608771300.png (15.58 KB, 592x115, yjhgf.png)

she also liked this tweet
No. 160527
>>160521People are talking bout her. I literally ne ver watched a video of her before reading about this drama and i never knew who she was before finding out about this drama.
I hope she is okay but to me this girl looks like high af weird girl with a yt channel nothing more and nothing less…
No. 160529
I just read this whole thing. Jesus fuck.
I know it's pretty much confirmed that it's a drug thing, but in my opinion we can't knock out abuse as a factor as well. From what I've seen, she's always had some sketchy shit happening to her when it comes to dudes– her thing with Veeoneye for example, when we all know his deal. And, y'know, that she's actually been raped in the past, apparently. I don't know, it seems like she falls into a cycle of co-dependency and unhealthy relationships often, due to her past. I mean, she's extremely vulnerable right now, as the schizophrenic drugged up mess that she currently is.
No. 160530
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>>160332It's 2:08 AM and I have to do things tomorrow but this is all so much. Who is this girl? When and how will Connor find out that the meet up is next week and will any other idiots show up with him? You know there will be statements made and celebrity reactions. I'm truly at the edge of my seat.
No. 160535
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>>160532Connor deserves a hashtag, where's his younow worry cult?
Is he home yet?
No. 160543
>>160541she's crazy af.
I'm convinced she's on drugs, and that's the extent of it.
No. 160550
>>160079ok so i have schizophreniform disorder (on the same spectrum as schizophrenia) and lemme tell u substance-induced psychosis is a thing, if you are already predisposed to any form of illness involving psychosis smoking weed can
trigger its onset earlier in life. for me smoking weed caused the onset of schizophreniform disorder when i was 15 where was i would have probably gone on to develop it in my 20s if i hadn't anyway. it essentially just speeds up the process i guess but idk im not a doctor i just know (firsthand) that its a thing
No. 160560
>>160552The bruises are a personal story she doesn't want to tell
She confirms her mother was the one in the video
People keep calling her phone
She's asking over and over again for Wisdom quotes
She is refusing all drug allegations
She has only answered one question about Sam Pepper
She denies needing help
Gun is fake
"something happened to me that is a really sad story […] and I can't really explain the bruises, because the story is a sad one."
No. 160580
>>160569Because she takes it as them worrying about her.
Jesus, we've had friends and her own Mum confirm she's not in danger, and she's been reassuring everyone constantly on the stream. At this point if you believe she's being held captive it's just what you want to believe out of milk desperation. She's abusing drugs and definitely needs help, but she clearly has plenty of people in her life looking after her.
No. 160600
File: 1469615610703.jpeg (177.27 KB, 1117x1441, image.jpeg)

She's in serious danger you guys.. where the fuck is Connor now??
No. 160601
>>1606001) She was playing with her before that.
2) She was also asked to do a heart on Facebook, after she was doing a heart sign.
No. 160606
Not that anon but need to quote this because there's still delusional people in this thread.
>Watching that livestream made me realize she's so obviously okay, it's not even funny. Who even started this whole "She's being held captive!!" thing and why? Even in her videos she looks fine, just annoying and wide-eyed. It was probably the drugs or her unfortunate appearance making her seem "off", or both. The gun in her room is probably also a hunting rifle, which are legal in the UK with a permit.The amount of energy people on the internet will put into solving the non-existent mystery behind some random basic chick's YouTube videos could be used to find actual missing people. Jesus.
No. 160617
FUCKING HELL, this is what happens when people are too thirsty and jump onto a bunch of fantasy drama made up by teenagers with no sense of the real world. i guess that's the problem with these adult youtubers who mainly have an audience of young girls. instead of going, "ok, she's obviously on drugs and has some mental issues, let's contact her friends to make sure she takes some time off", they jump to bizarre conclusions.
i'm absolutely baffled by the whole thing. especially that part about the "meetup". in her delusional and possibly euphoric state, she invites her followers to go out CLUBBING with her, to some lame-ass alcohol-free hippie "rave" NEXT WEEK (probably not even realizing that most of her "fans" are literal children). yeah, this was weird, but how on earth do people misunderstand a super obvious "let's meet up and go to a party together" as "OMG ISIS ATTACK BAIT!!!! don't go there or you will die!!!". these people should all get of the internet immediately, fucking hell.
The lack of rational thinking that led to this whole craziness is literally mindblowing.
No. 160624
File: 1469617866049.jpg (165.23 KB, 960x1280, CoXZSDAW8AAPWI5.jpg large.jpg)

She said she wasn't going to do a peace sign on stream because she's fine…. she recently posted a picture doing a peace sign.
No. 160630
She's obviously fucking with these sensationalists who want her to be abused/kidnapped so bad.
Put this shit back in the box. There is no danger here, just a living, breathing cautionary tale against drugs.
No. 160632
>>160618maybe, but the target group is still young adults and these events are typically designed to be a ~healthy~ version of a regular club night, not an event for kids.
what i was trying to say is, most of her fans seem to be very young and not familiar with any type of clubbing culture, drugs and partying (which is cool).
maybe i'm overanalyzing here, but this kinda stuff actually happens a lot with young youtubers and even celebrities who "grow up" and start partying too hard. their fans are usually younger than they are and see them as their older "idols" and "inspiration". this puts the idol in a pretty weird position, because as they get older, they can't or don't want to keep playing the role model and "perfect teenage girl". their interests and activities are totally different from those of their fans while their fans are unable to interpret what's going on. i think this is exactly what happened here.
No. 160639
File: 1469622385262.jpeg (159.17 KB, 1083x1208, image.jpeg)

That you Connor??
No. 160643
>>160642i'm super pale too and while we pale people do bruise easier it still takes some amount of force to have such a bruise like that. Considering im vampire white shade I feel like I know that she is clearly bullshiting. There is no way her skin would be like that without force. Falling over seems to be false too due to the busing wrapping around her arm. It really does look like someone grabbed her..
Either way, she needs drug help that i'm almost certain on.
No. 160652
File: 1469625587076.png (798.64 KB, 632x639, 5792a8a15540392f77b153da85438d…)

No. 160661
File: 1469626089606.jpg (24.9 KB, 460x276, stipe.jpg)

>>160652I suppose Michael Stipe was domestically abused too…clearly!
No. 160667
>>160642Given that she literally overreacts over everything (instant crying when thinking about killing animals) i guess she'd totally call a simple "omfg i accidentally ran into something and fell"-story as a "sad story"
Stop reaching.
No. 160690
>>160683yeah that was kind of bizarre? i guess she could have been just reading off the comments but still wtf why
also at 11:00 a commenter pointed it out her cough sounded like
help me - i though bullshit but after another listen it kind of does. the pausing is a bit awkward too.
No. 160698
Bros thinking she liking certain tweets means anything:
She will like any and all tweets sent to her. Even if they are one-word tweets, or tweets in other languages. It's likely done automatically to create the appearance of interaction.
Go check for yourself. She literally has more likes than she has tweets No. 160703
>>160683Hey dude did you miss part where less than a minute later she says she's didn't mean to do that and says she's safe? Also is using the heart to signal that she's SAFE. (She probably misread one of the 'draw a heart is you're not safe' commntes)
Guys, she was raving/doing drugs (even in the live stream she's still touching her nose and talking about Buddhism, two signs you're a drug sniffing hippie) She's probably been going through a form of psychosis (which is super obvious to me as I've been through it too) and is hopefully just recovering from all of it now. It's not gonna be an overnight change back to normal.
No. 160718
>>160624She's also wearing a heart necklace…
Seriously this girl is just on drugs and has some form of drug induced psychosis or some sort of mental illness like schizophrenia. It also can be explained as her "forgetting" to take her anti-psychotic meds.
No. 160727 "don't come here its a setup, they took 3 people"
Can someone explain this to me? As someone who's on drugs even right now I can see and accept it in her, But this video alone has kept me hooked for 6 hrs
No. 160731
File: 1469639937920.png (14.38 KB, 285x177, case closed m8.png)

Okay okay… if you have gotten to the bottom of this thread still thinking she's being controlled, you should take a drug abuse class.. I agree with everyone saying Marina abused acid/speed earlier in her life. I don't believe she's doing it anymore. I think she is one of those cases where she had an underlying mental illness, and abusing drugs just triggered it faster.
I also think it's disgusting her parents/friends are protecting her. I think it's gross that they're letting her make videos. Perhaps it's her way of coping with her situation? But her family and parents should not be supporting her, only because of all the talk that's going on. They should've stopped a long time ago.
No. 160736
>>160733Our hero is resting now.
May he find harambe on the way.
No. 160740
>>160494She is out of her mind in this video.
She makes no sense at all, blinking rapidly, her arms never stop moving, the random heart signs.
She is drugged out.
The editing is really bad and weird too, especially at 2:04. She looks kind of worried and bugged out, and then he says he's filming. She has a super delayed reaction which could be another sign of drugs, and then instantly snaps into being happy and excited for the camera. I don't think she edited this either, it's just edited so randomly and badly. The video makes no sense as a whole.
No. 160760
File: 1469643119266.jpg (68.78 KB, 734x551, wtfdude.jpg)

>mfw i think we killed conner what is going on
No. 160763
File: 1469643227317.png (58.63 KB, 1064x620, Capture.PNG)

>>160760I didn't believe it
No. 160771
>>160762I'm sorry what. I can't even begin to fathom how you came up with that. As
>>160765 said, dudeface. Her nose and jaw line are just too powerful.
No. 160772
>>160769reported stab wounds, mfw i notice 911 call LOL
Maybe author messed up? the article is real, though
No. 160785
>>160763>ConnerHis name is Conner
>911 callthey live in England
His facebook is still up too, and nothing indicating he has died. Fake.
No. 160790
>>160779It's not real they spelled his name wrong and that screenshot is from the US huff post, it would've been UK if it were legitimate.
I'm still wondering about marina's deleted 4am tweets, no-one seems to be talking about it on other websites
No. 160793
>>160777Objectively, she has manly features. Are you really whiteknighting this girl? I'm not saying she's unattractive. She's cute, but not conventionally pretty. I don't know where you're pulling these 'i have only one set attractiveness criteria from' assumptions from. Chill.
Also are people legit musing over that huffpost screenie
No. 160797
>>160762>estrogen-saturated world of scene kidsAnon it's 2016 what are you smoking
I have no idea what is populating this thread, but it's not regular users.
No. 160801
>>160797I think it may be a mix of randos who found this thread and PULL
The Connor humor is very reminiscent to the Aly thread though
No. 160810
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No. 160812
She seems pretty happy in that livestream
I really, honestly think she's just a girl who got into drugs and/or possibly has some kind of mental illness
Case closed
On the other hand, DO WE KNOW IF CONNOR'S OKAY!?
>>160810Do we have any proof that this isn't faked?
No. 160816
>>160812 no but it's interesting, the twitter handle is correct at the very least.
this video is weird too No. 160820
>>160810Translated for you, slimes:
That tweet is fake since it goes over the 140 characters, don't believe everything you read on the internet
No. 160826
>>160822I was being sarcastic anon.
If it were a serious situation, the screenshot would be better and not obviously fake.
No. 160829
File: 1469645946680.jpeg (4.42 KB, 216x122, images.jpeg)

>>160819didn't think about that, so riveted by the drama all logic has evaporated.
>>160825i did read though the thread but haven't seen that particular image posted nor have i seen a discussion about it
No. 160835
File: 1469646549710.png (76.24 KB, 598x571, 9428e70dd5f3ff68480be61904795d…)

They apparently have confirmation.
No. 160837
>>160835It was nice while it lasted.
The drama, the intrigue, the plot twist!
No. 160862
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No. 160875
File: 1469649934802.png (477.09 KB, 587x560, ee448e2d440230305792a48874973f…)

>>160870Starting to think she is too. She liked this video tweet Keem made.
No. 160887
File: 1469651343167.png (175.13 KB, 294x292, Capture.PNG)

Welp, nice knowin ya
No. 160894
File: 1469652177430.png (98.14 KB, 341x241, Capture.PNG)

No. 160912
File: 1469653431678.png (746.96 KB, 600x739, Capture.PNG)

She seeks help.
No. 160924
>>159476The whole kidnapping drama seems sensationalist, the boring truth is that drugs cause brain damage, they slow your reactions and weaken your immune system. The bruising could be explained by dietry deficiencies, poor physical health or being restrained for a legitimate reason. The person filming her is supposedly her mother, not some kidnapper or abusive boyfriend.
Honestly, her appearence and behaviour exhibits those seen in substance abusers, plus the claims of poor mental health.
No. 160942
>>160938Really? I can see a difference, but there's also different lighting.
>>160936More makeup, nicer, clean hair, no eye bags, pupils looking average for a photo taken at night
>>160933Looks like she hasn't washed her hair in a week and then tried to fry it with a toaster, her makeup has probably been wiped off by sweat, face is pitted, expression is wild. Also there's a noticeable weight loss.
It's only a few weeks, according to OP, so I doubt you're going to see her teeth falling out or anything serious.
>>160940b skinni no matter wut!!!1!
No. 160963
>>160953how fucking could you make me watch this
who told this creature he's funny
why is he still on tumblr
why is my life hell
No. 160981
>>160953First time ever agreeing fully with Onion on something. I feel unclean.
>>160976>>When someone's mental break becomes another video reply bandwagon to jump onto.I do honestly wonder how many Youtubers made videos because they actually give a shit about her or are just doing it for the views/money.
No. 160989
File: 1469666201322.jpg (104.28 KB, 1272x829, skinpills.JPG)

In regards to the shotgun/pill cap
She has the same pills here much closer (though out of focus) to the camera.
They look like your generic "health shop" bottles.
No. 160990
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No. 160997
There's so much flooding the net that anything new is hard to find
No. 161002
How do I download a Twitter video? vid here. "By my viewers"
No. 161005
>>161003I still personally believe drugs and illness… but it should stop all the abuse/ISIS/kidnap/??? BS from continuing.
She clearly won't admit if it was drugs, so she might as well deal with it away from all this hyped up drama.
No. 161020
>>161015Use the youtube link jfc.
It's the lowest input on the reply form.
No. 161022
>>161021She still seems a bit off, and the way she speaks doesn't really sit well with me.
On an unrelated note, she reminds me of cassie from skins.
No. 161034
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>>161030Not the best idea, Bryce
No. 161062
File: 1469676557667.png (9.6 KB, 980x139, ripconner.PNG)

>>160763Are we just going to ignore the fact that Conner was found dead?
No. 161069
>>161021She's way more calmed down, but god she makes no sense. She answers a question by ranting for a minute about how she hasn't changed, the way people see her has changed, trails off, and ends the answer with "
giggles yeah. I don't know."
No. 161074
There are a lot of newfag posters ITT who can't seem to stay on-topic. Constantly complaining about mods outside of
>>>/meta/ is also considered a form of derailing.
No. 161077
>>161074Id expect even more soon. I don't even think it's worth banning considering it'd be like playing whack a mole.
Anyway back OT, the whole fiasco should be named "How to get 1 million subs in a matter of a day". Too many of you watch too many lifetime movies. Yikes. This girl is not abused or captured. If she was, do you seriously think the abuser would go "lolz lets put subtle hints that aren't subtle enough for teh viewers to guess & leave our IP open!!" Drugs? Maybe. Mental illness? Possible. I do think she's okay and I'm not sure what anyone wants her to do because whenever she comes up with an explanation people go "That's what an abuser would want her to say! Please, breathe through your nose for help! We are praying for you!"
No. 161085
don't fill in your name dumbass
No. 161101
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No. 161103
>>161095I don't get it either. Her makeup is shit and her tutorials are painful as hell to watch wether you're a professional MUA or an ametur. Put liquid foundation on, followed by powder then put even
more liquid on and put white eyeshadow on to the point where it's so much and cakes up, then some eyeliner and 10 layers of mascara!
Who the fuck likes this shit?!
No. 161132
>>161129She didn't really admit anything. But judge for yourself . I guess that's the video he meant:"by my viewers" she probably just wanted everyone to shut up about it already
No. 161150
>>161021This is honestly the most lucid she's been in any interview I have seen. She mentions that she had a talk with her manager so I'm guessing they'll be monitoring her very close right now and make sure she's off the drugs for good.
The way she kicks off the interview with "I have over 1 million subscribers now and I'm SO happy!!!" really makes me think she has no idea how big the situation is. Does she not understand that the police being called to her residence for a fake kidnapping is a big deal?
Someone mentioned that she reminds them of Cassie from Skins, I say she's more like Luna Lovegood. Kind of loopy/not mentally well, possibly high out of her mind and a new-age hippie.
No. 161157
>>161154It's disappointing but hardly surprising. These are the same kids who were convinced she was being held hostage and forced to make videos despite it being obvious that she's on drugs and likely mentally ill to boot.
I feel bad for her. I still don't buy that it was all a publicity stunt and think any suggestion that it is is probably her/her management trying to get people off her back. She needs help and probably to stay off the internet for a while.
No. 161160
>>161152Literally nothing new said here. All just things that have been debunked already. I smell self posting
sage for samefagging
No. 161167
File: 1469707768881.jpg (388.52 KB, 640x640, 8daf0fcc0180cf4350083f5a94b501…)

Wow. I just realized who this bitch is. Didn't recognize her because she used to always have her hair in that "scene kid" style and raccoon eyes. She was friends and did videos occasionally with this other guy called veeoneeye. This was only about 3 years ago. I guess they were trying to bring scene back or something. This is actually a good picture of him because you can't tell that his hair is teased to hell and back. Anyway, sage because I'm assuming you guys probably already knew/don't care about all this.
No. 161178
File: 1469710342532.jpg (51.63 KB, 471x694, 1046.jpg)

This is FUCKING cringy
I can't believe there are people 18+ buying into this stupid publicity stunt
This is just a reminder to never overestimate the average human's stupidity
No. 161257
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No. 161261
>>161257Her makeup is shit now.
If this is all just some publicity stunt then I must say she's a great actress.
Personally, I don't know what to believe but I am certain it isn't some bullshit "kidnapped" story.
No. 161283
>>161274Also she has said that she used to be a Christian and she now is "Buddhist". And that's why her behavior changed.
It's far reaching but a lot of self proclaimed "buddhists" (that have actual never even bother to study the literature or take in active role in their "faith") tend to go into extremes into this ultra-bubbly, energetic, i-love-everyone type of personality/mania. Ironically, the majority of Buddhists (depending on the sect you follow) believed drugs, and extreme left/right thinking isn't very buddhist.
No. 161317
>>161314she says in this video that her earliest memory is her breaking her arm, which I thought was kind of funny because her mom was saying she did that not that long ago.
obviously it's possible that she may have broken it more than once, but I just found that a bit odd. maybe the drugs fried her brain pretty hard.
No. 161350
Comment on the youtube vid about her near death exp: "It definitely sounds like she had a really bad acid / shroom / hallucinogenic trip. Everything she is saying about "life changing experience", "experience deep sadness after so much happiness", "near-death experience", "the beauty of life", "feeling of oneness" etc. all fall in line with a strong, overwhelming trip. Ego-death, spirituality, the meaning of life, the beauty of life, etc. all are common thoughts and experience with a strong trip… this is the SIMPLEST and most LOGICAL explanation for all the changes in her recent videos, ESPECIALLY her looping of sentences / thoughts (thought spirals are very common with trips…). I hope she can recover fully from this."
No. 161389
>>161387**for jesus
I spell for shit
No. 161481
>>161474This whole thing is fascinating to me… I do hope she gets/is getting proper help, though. It's like when Amanda Bynes lost her shit, but more realistic and relatable.
Can you elaborate on the Near Death Experience video? I'm intrested in your 2 cents if you wanna type it out fwiw…
No. 161506
You know, you can be in an abusive relationship and take drugs. It's not like they are mutually independent. You can also be forced to take drugs in an abusive relationship. Hypothetically speaking, she could be forced to take drugs by an abusive partner which in turn makes her i) more fucked up ii) manipulated to the extent of not being able to tell the police in fear of repraisal about drugs, iii) fears of being cast off as a liar etc. A lot of people have a mentality of brushing it off - "Oh, she's just on drugs", but really no one can know for sure. I would lean toward the takes too many drugs/psychology issues as given, but these actions can often be produced by abuse - whether she suffered in her younger years (alleged rapes) or even today and the results are born. Also it must be remembered that mentally ill people are easy targets for abusers, can be easily manipulated and also dismissed by people outside the looking glass of being "Just another basket case, nothing to see here" - the amount of abuse that is brushed over with this mentality is common. My point being, it is dangerous to rule out abuse, though it is also dangerous to blame individuals who may be innocent, such as the boyfriend.
No. 161512
This bollocks is so painful to read jfc. No one knows shit about the situation but everyone wants to talk as if they do.
>>161350People who probably never took drugs or know someone who did try to analyze her "drug problem" makes me laugh so hard.
>>161432 That photo was discussed everywhere already and it's Karim who took it. He and his friends even made fun on twitter of all the people going wild about this picture.
>>161465Nah it's not, she would have to be hell of a great actress to pull that off. Besides, if that was acting , it would take months of work for her because you can see how she slowly changed from video to video.
No. 161614
File: 1469821197317.jpg (390.59 KB, 2056x1536, thedress.jpg)

the whole marina situation right now
No. 161824
>>161813Not seeing her admit anything was for views from this, Anon
Only that she never put any questions to rest
Which in all honesty, she did the same in the "Near Death Experience" video.
Just said a whole lot of nothing.
No. 161838
File: 1469897360324.png (78.18 KB, 624x295, Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 17.3…)

I'm not a regular in this thread but I was looking at her newest video and that creep who makes the minecraft porn is going full buttmad autist in the comments and I found it so funny I had to share.
No. 161849
>>161838>>161846He's so mad that he made a video about Marina
(also he disabled ratings on it just now because he was getting more dislikes than likes)
No. 161850
>>161838He should complain to the other YouTubers that hit 1M in the few months they've had their channels then, not just her because her fans blew it out of proportion lmao. I can't believe he's mad she got subs in a short amount of time lmfao.
if he really makes Minecraft porn then I see why he doesn't get subs. who honestly watches that?
No. 161856
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This fucking guy
No. 161914
>>161838This guy has to be autistic. The dude's comment and his channel's content
scream it. Funny as hell.
No. 162835
>>162811I agree with this video.
I don't understand why the people around her like her mom thought it would be a good idea to let Marina continue to post videos in the state she's in and to help her record them. I feel like when she gets well again she will be embarrassed by her behavior that's now forever online. I get at first maybe they helped her make videos because it would make her happy and help with the income but viewers have been talking and speculating about her strange behavior for months online.. I would have taken that as a sign that she should take a break until she becomes well again. Too late now I suppose.
No. 163181
>>163171Also I honestly would not be surprised if we were all being chipped through vaccinations etc, like its not exactly a crazy idea. I know plenty of people who had the cervical cancer jab & it fucked them up, myself included.
Saged cause I already posted above & this is p. irrelevant.
No. 163234
>>162811Of all the people who made reaction videos this is the one who actually had anything knowledgeable to contribute. Thanks for posting it!
Btw wasn't she going to do that meetup on August 3rd? I wonder if Connor went…
No. 163243
>>163234She's also suppose to upload videos every Thursday, and that didn't happen today.
Maybe her family is finally intervening.
No. 163470
File: 1470461019250.jpeg (32.33 KB, 375x420, 1461979269638.jpeg)

>>163462It started off as typical for Marina Joyce, complete with heart symbol hand motion. Then that awkward dance fashion show happened.
No. 163650
>>163462What the fuck. She's not even looking at the camera(s). And the editing… oh boy. In the beginning she hardly blinks and talks like a robot, while stumbling over her words. I'm not even going to point out the dancing/"modelling."
>1.2 million viewsInstead of cashing in on this mentally ill girl, how about actually getting herself some help? I get that the money will stop, but it's better than her hallucinating and possibly hurting herself or others if her delusions and hallucinations get worse.
No. 163804
>>163244this video is super cringy jfc why does she have to stare like that
also when she talks about the ghosts/spirits thing, that screams schizophrenia to me idk
No. 163830
>>163184It's not that easy anymore, because of cuts to the mental health sector. It's extremely easy to get antidepressants and so on, but harder for other stuff.
Even if she did have a diagnosis, it's difficult. I have a schizophrenic friend and there aren't any resources to give him treatment other than anti-psychotics, and seeing a mental health nurse once a week. This is despite the fact that he lives alone and is fixated on killing himself, having attempted suicide several times. He has no family or friends anymore, however, it was expected that they would look after him. It's really sad.
Also, the waiting list to see a psychiatrist something stupid like 6 weeks. She isn't a threat to herself or others, so they probably aren't rushing this.
No. 163923
File: 1470603322751.jpg (10.95 KB, 264x395, marina.jpg)

Marina posted this on FB and Twitter
"Marina, The Goddess of Love
I wrote on my Twitter that I wanted to be a God like Buddha and that I want people to call me Goddess Marina from now on
There is a special particular reason behind this
I found a couple secrets about the After Life and I know that I can still contact humans during the afterlife and I want to become this because I want to one day Create a Temple and a Shrine where I am known as God of the Shrine because I would like to spend my time there with people drawing art, doing meditation, understanding people, helping them with their problems, finding them extreme spiritual help and guidance, bringing them closer to Spiritual After-life Gods which can help them to produce magic to do incredible things, so that you're guaranteed a safe spot in the after-life and you're promised spiritual protection moreso than being a religious person, sacred symbols to represent this, chanting and many fun activities for lots of people to join in on! Crystal healing too, and strong connection with energies, how to fix spiritual danger and to create the most Holy Sacred place on earth due to my magical spiritual connection with spirits :')
This Temple will be build in Peru, I am thinking Machu Pichu but im not too sure where to build my temple
Could everyone leave comments telling me, explaining to me how exactly I would build this temple, how much money I would need, how I can get someone to sculpt a statue for me and paint it, I want a statue representing the Divine Love and Spiritual Guidance
Also, proving to others that these spirits exist will be easy with my retreat! It will be a Kundalini Yoga Meditation retreat too so you will have a strong energetic force flowing through your body and you will become one and peace with nature
I want it to be an eco-friendly temple and also i want geometrical patterned pillars and paintings painted throughout the walls of the whole temple so it will be an incredible sight to see
The reason I call myself a "God" is because i believe everyone is a God but particularly my work as a God would be to enlighten and help other people and to call myself one now would be for later in the afterlife so when i pass away, I can spiritually contact all the people and appear to those with magic who'm I choose to speak to
The Power of God is to help other people, and this is my will to help others on Earth and then we can create a community of higher intellectual beings who can change the world with a click of a finger, to save the world, to save poverty, to save animals from being slaughtered, to save the world from any problems that may occur or are occurring
This is my will forever so I can be alive on Earth forever
So could you please write requests on how to help me build a Shrine Temple Retreat in Peru
If you would like, you could even help me build the Temple in Peru if you're willing to earn money to invest in building a temple with me and you'd gain money from the retreat after it is built"
No. 163936
>>163923So… does anyone think she will actually get enough money to fund this little project of hers?
I mean it seems like literally no-one cares about her well being enough to get her the help she needs and she now has over a million followers watching her and probably even more people who would donate to her "cause" if she were to put up a gofundme or something like that.
Well this become the next cult?
No. 164034
She definitely has some kind of mental illness like schizophrenia/psychosis whether it was brought on by drugs or not. This chick
>>162811 pretty much nailed it.
Seriously upsetting to see that her mum is allowing her to make videos and post these demented rants for everyone to see. But then again, what can you do, I suppose. Marina is too old to be forced to get help, as far as I know, and is adamant that she's absolutely fine. I assume she lets her still do YouTube because it makes her happy and somewhat stable. Who knows how she'd react if her mum took that away from her.
This whole situation reminds me of Asha. It's super sad.
No. 164046
File: 1470661551267.png (149.79 KB, 604x523, Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 8.04…)

Lmao this girl is definitely on some drugs. LOL
No. 164047
>>164046I hope her mum has her credit card safe.
Imagine her calling some poor builders to "build her a temple in Peru" or wasting all her money on buying useless crystals
No. 164302
>>163923I think this is totally serious and in-line with her behavior long before this blew up. Maybe her friends and family see it as not harmful since she's always spouting about love and peace, but she actually has a god complex and it's been out of hand for a while now.
>>163934Does she have a thread? There's so much I can say about her.
No. 164331
>>164302Tila has a thread in b
No. 164338
>>164294Oh come off your high horse please. If it's so "tragic" to you, then why aren't you doing anything about it?
People don't have to care about randos in the street, no one is obligated to. It's sad there are people suffering and everything but your thought process is ridiculous.
By that same logic, at least those mentally ill people on the street aren't starving in africa, those people are the "true" sufferers!
And obviously people are going to care more about helping Marina, a person who is easily accessible on youtube who you can just watch from afar, than approaching irl smelly homeless crazies who might stab you and steal your shit (not trying to shit talk these people here or anything, but presentation wise that is exactly the average person's thought process). You don't even actively have to know Marina or step in to her life to help, you can remain totally anonymous.
The fact Marina is well off makes it easier to help her, too. They know their effort may pay off and helping is a realistic endeavour.
There are tons of stories about helping people with mental illness and a lot of the time it's not possible to help these people, it is a waste of everyone's time.
There was a story a few years ago in my country where some kids threw this homeless guy's pet rabbit in to a river and he jumped in afterwards and saved it, it was all over the news and everyone was talking about it. Well afterwards, that guy got offered a job taking care of animals on a farm and a place to live due to his new found fame, he took it and all seemed well. A few months later I see him back on the streets (with his rabbit and dog). Turns out he legit could not handle living like normal people, he could not handle working, he could not maintain his house (turned in to a shit hole) so he just came back. This is not that uncommon of a story for homeless people with mental illnesses (almost all long term homeless people have mental issues and that is why they are on the streets).
The problem is, the average person cannot actually help these people. They just don't have the resources. But with Marina, she is not as bad. People care because they feel it's something they can actually make a difference with.
Sorry but this is just so obvious, the internet isn't acting ridiculous, it makes total sense for people to be talking about Marina but not giving a shit about the numerous faceless homeless people with mental illness.
(sage for off topic)
No. 164378
>>164046I would kill to see some of the comments. Could some kind anon post responses but blur out the people's names?
I want to know what her "fans" think about this.
No. 164380
>>164338Didn't bother reading past the "homeless smelly crazies" part. I get where you're coming from (ie you're a dick).
Good luck ~reaching out~ to this sparkly youtube random. More stupid theories that she's Madeline McCann, etc will do her the world of good and fix her up in no time. LOVE YOU MARINA! DM ME IF YOU NEED HELP!
No. 164386
>>164380"If you can't help every single mentally ill person there's no use in helping ONE person!!!!"
Look, anyone in the mental illness field can tell you that you'll never be able to save everyone. Also that every hospital, psych ward are already filled with mentally ill people. What do you want them to do? Magically pull funding and beds out of their ass?
The reason why most people are trying to get Marina help is because she can afford to go get help through the private route (aka paying for it herself) and be a success story. This how thing is even shining light on illnesses like schizophrenia and psychosis.
Also since you seem to somehow know more about this subject, what do you propose people do? Let's hear your plan to get the several thousand mentally ill people the help they need.
PS: If you actually want to do something try making a detailed plan and set a meeting with your local council/town hall/whatever is your equivalent to getting funding for said groups.
No. 164392
>>164380Yes, lets "not bother reading my argument" because you know you can't refute it as everything you said was utter shite.
Mhmm, just call me a bad person (which is so funny because your comment makes no sense had you just finished reading the sentence, even 4 year olds can finish reading sentences they started anon).
If you feel like actually having a discussion, then stop being an autist and read the comment I made and deconstruct it instead of leaping to names and assumptions because I hurt your fee fees. :(
So, where's your plan to help the numerous mentally ill people in your community because you find it so tragic everyone is caring "too much" about Marina? How's that coming along? I'd LOVE to hear how you could, as a single person, realistically help these people on the streets in a way that makes an actual difference.
Come on, I'm waiting to hear how you are so superior to all these people who dare to send a supportive message to a sick girl in a time of need.
No. 165108
>>164051cry me a fucking river.
"read the thread before posting" shut your whore mouth, asshole.
No. 165493
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No. 169798
>>169785Watching this with no sound is an actual horror movie.
>When will she be saved.Never, her friends and family clearly give no shits.
No. 173390
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>>160727The video is fake, 27th July it would already be daylight at 6:30am in London
No. 851149
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This is trending. Bump?
No. 851168
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he’s a fucking dick. The police don’t care about her needing “privacy,” Brandon.
No. 851173
>>851171 >>851172This dude’s whole persona seems to be about Marina. Seems like a possessive asshole. He doesn’t use twitter much, but all his liked tweets have to do with Marina (from months ago). The only tweet he has liked recently is one from a few hours ago that’s being supportive of him and Marina’s “privacy.”
They’ve been together since 2016.. when Marina’s last scare occurred.
No. 851175
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Someone reached out to him on twitter. The girl who messaged him screen recorded herself going onto his profile and opened the messages between them so these are legit.
No. 851178
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No. 851182
>>851180he sounds like a complete freak so I wouldn't rule this out.
he gives me Borce Ristevski vibes (Australian murderer) No. 851189
>>851168This story has been picked up by Metro, The Sun and international news sites including Newsweek, it's a big deal and he's an idiot if he thought this would make it go away. His instagram says he's 19 though so maybe he's just young? Also, if that's his current age then he's 3 years younger than Marina and they started dating when he was 17…?
>>851183I don't know much about Marina's situation but thought the same, like maybe she wanted to stop taking her medication and her family was forcing it on her or something so she ran away
No. 851197
>>851156"You have my word for that."
Oh well, if we have the unimpeachable word of this very trustworthy and well-known personality, that's OK then. Call off the search.
No. 851202
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Seems odd that she's still on the Missing Person's website when her boyfriend's put it out there he knows where she is. If the police spoke to him and they discovered she's okay, then it'd be taken down.
No. 851226
>>851224nta but
Why are you sperging so hard over this?
It isn't just that he's shady, it's that he says she's fine and ISN'T missing despite everyone else saying she's missing, and won't give proof to the contrary.
That's different than simply being shady by characteristic.
>saying it’s “obvious” that someone is fucking DEADbtw the "obvious" was prefacing anon saying "elephant in the room" which means obviously some people are wondering about it. Jesus.
Like honestly I wondered if he was covering up her being dead before I had read other anons state it. Is it an extreme outcome? Absolutely. Is it possible? Also absolutely, given the information we have.
>not sure what you think you can even contribute to the situation anywayThis is just a weirdass thing to say tbh since you follow it by saying this is an imageboard and people have different opinions. So stop jumping down anons' throats and gatekeeping the thread?
>insisting you know what’s going on.Literally no one is doing this. You're making yourself sound unhinged and suspicious.
No. 851227
>>851209That's sketchy. If she really is fine why not just contact the police. It's pretty easy and painless to just say "Yeah im okay I just don't want to talk to/see XYZ" when someone calls a wellness check on you and they just drop it. Not sure if it's exactly the same with missing persons but I imagine it's similar.
Just makes me wonder what reason she might have for dragging things out and not wanting to talk to the police.
No. 851247
>>851227I wouldn't be surprised if she's in it for publicity now too. The hashtags are trending, media has picked up on it and her videos are probably exploding with views.
I think it's a repetition of 2016 - where something was genuinely somewhat wrong but she played on it for a few weeks and then months to 'release' what was happening.
No. 851264
>>851209> he never said he spoke to the police. he specifically said marina doesn’t want to speak to them. in order to close the file they’d have to have verification she’s ok, not just a phone call to her boyfriend or whatever.Brush up comprehension skills.
I didn't say he spoke to the police. I said IF he had.
"They discover she's okay", ie they visit her and see her in the flesh, NOT a phone call. Fucking hell, I'm not as bad at life stuff as you are at understanding.
No. 851280
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Ok, move along. Nothing to see here.
No. 851285
>>851280Only took the papers to pick up on it before she was found lol.
A massive lol at the anons that jump to all the worst conclusions. See you all in 3 years when she's doing this again?
No. 851558
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Marina’s possessive boyfriend has an instagram account purely for their cat and he uploaded this pic on the 7th august.. THIS was when marina was still APPARENTLY classed as ‘missing’. she went missing on the 31st…. He seems heart broken for someone whose girlfriend was ‘missing’…
No. 851584
>>851558Jesus Christ people can still post cat pictures with cute captions even when they're sad.
I don't think her boyfriend did anything because… well, there's no proof? Sure dude was being a bit weird but I doubt he would have said anything like that if he genuinely harmed her because as seen here, that makes alarm bells ring.
No. 851965
>>851771She's capable of making a mini internet celebrity for herself across emo kids since 2009 or whatever, just to make an even bigger celebrity of herself with her fake scare videos, but can't just go out and mention something like "guys I'm fine"?
There's some shady shit going and marina definitely isn't as braindead as some people make her out to be, whether this be a case of a girl who is scizophernic and acting out this way because of it,
abusive boyfriend, or just plain trying to get attention, I just hope it gets dealt with
No. 860554
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Leaving this here