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No. 1507879
Previous thread
>>1481424Last thread floated several potential new cows, but there was more manure than milk. Anons too shit the thread sperging over shoop accusations, most of which were debunked with groaning and bonerattling.
Cows of interest:
- Ash finds strength in the wake of her grandmother's recent passing to post her face more, even without the ancient wig. Everyone is spooked, but for better or worse the lich queen lives.
>>1482159 >>1495533
- Em gets accepted into a uni nursing program
>>1492340 but people without maxi pads taped to their foreheads fail the occupational health assessment for much less. Tough luck headbanger
- Meanwhile another Em uses charity as an excuse to exercise purge
>>1488860- May posts her first photo since last summer thanks to the shame of accidentally weight restoring, but only shows her legs, graciously sparing us the sight of her greasy, unwashed hair
>>1482397 Still ebegging of course
>>1485480- Laura continues to post warped pics even though she is truly spoopy,
triggering several shoop disputes.
- Anon notices Kay ran her recovery account/s at the same time as her proana account/s
>>1486939 and anons sperg over a fucking shadow
>>1497021 PSA: if you really think anyone's jealous of a cow,
go back- Self-posting spoop Cassie talks about her husband talking her out of treatment
>>1491634- Farmers praise N2F's no makeup pic as stunning progress from the feral cave dweller she was a year ago
>>1504468 but also worry about her getting trafficked by one of the snoring chavs she brings home
- scumbag Nikol gets twitter banned for bonerattling way too loud even for edtwt
>>1495550- Ham keeps stripping down to lingerie to post pics of her gut, not sure if for male attention or just to
trigger the anachans out of recovery
>>1506983- Ganer finally injures herself overexercizing, disrupting her OCD ritual exercise streak.
>>1502946- Fiona catches the rona, very mild symptoms, milks it for every last drop of sweet, sweet attention she can squeeze out of it
>>1488056 also challenges herself to reviewing several scary protein bars
- narcissist Niamh tries to be fashionable in public by wearing leather and legwarmers to the beach
>>1485019 and kicking library books,
>>1497049 graciously includes a slack-jawed pic from ip so we don't forget how spoopy she was
>>1489297 all using the same unnaturally strained leg pose.
- Eugenia poses with a stuffed Winnie the pooh bear to rest against whatever tacky garbage her mom dropped in the front yard, pooh has yet to recover from the trauma.
>>1485798 also gets banned from tiktok due to "false reports"
>>1488472- Porgie tries to host a Q&A on lolcow to say she's not on benefits contrary to vendettachan's assertion that porgie just can't keep her lies straight
>>1491048 but farmhands herd her back to her own grazing grounds, so she makes a private account to hide from vendettachan instead
>>1491156 whoever pays for it, Porgie munches her way into a home tube for her "gastroparesis" because the poor thing just can't keep enough down to sustain her morbid obesity
>>1492035- Scarlett abuses some kind of hair serum to induce infertility for a show
>>1485087 and carbo loads with 11 rice cakes smeared with a sneeze of sf strawberry jelly because that's the dream
>>1488133 it was all worth it to win 1st in class! She was the only contestant, kek
>>1491237 still screaming "no u" at the haterz for recognizing her mental illness and still an unprofessional disordered bitch
>>1504599- Zara is "consistently gaining weight" while working and attending uni
>>1488117 but anons wonder how she's not been sectioned when she's hangry and fatigued and her chew/spit purging has her looking like giga chad, so she hosts a tiktok live Q&A where she gets mad at people for asking questions like it's some kind of Q&A
>>1503962 turns out she can't take the Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement prescribed to treat her Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency because it actually makes her worse instead of better! Probably like how insulin can make some people with diabetes worse instead of better, that's just how diabulimia works she doesn't make the rules. We'll know more when she explains her latest tragic totally-beyond-her-control excuse for spoopin
>>1506782 hope she doesn't munch herself into something she can't spit out!
- and finally, Dorian (of herbs and altars) our repeat loan from the altcows thread uses masculine fashion as an excuse to show off her ribcage with an open shirt
>>1500143 and farmers dig out her old "bonespo" pics to prove she really was as spoopy as she says
>>1501376 >>1128073
New cows:
@mary_yy_a (tt/ig) posted a clip bravely proving that being anorexic doesn't mean you can't bite into an apple. Incredible!
>>1501301 @littlelivruns (ig) hard-core overexercizing muscle spoop with sh scars up the arms and a half-healed headbanging scar like a gunshot wound. Milk too scary for my taste but certainly meets bizarre criteria
>>1483498Socials: No. 1507919
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This is a Grade A thread, so thanks to the anon who created it!
To start us off, Fi is unsurprisingly “at rock bottom”, taking it ~one day at a time~.
The wheelchair is not going anywhere anytime soon apparently. She is no longer allowed to choose what she eats, as she was not finishing meals.
Same old same old.
So she has willingly decided to increase her mealplan surprisingly.
No. 1507934
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Enily giving N2f a run for her money with the grubbiness, someone needs to teach her to clean under nails
No. 1508011
Excellent thread, thank you nona
>>1507934Wtf, her natural thumb nail peeking out actually looks rotten. It’s straight up brown
No. 1508019
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zara is currently on live and looks awful i truly don’t know how she hasn’t been sectioned
No. 1508061
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This is mayyybe one raspberry spread out between nine pancakes. Such health for Ham!
No. 1508073
>>1508019i wonder why her family doesnt throw her in there,
>>1508061you know, if you want to eat yourself fucking fat in the name of recovery, atleast eat good food.
not this absolute joke of pancakes
No. 1508120
>>1507879Too much life stuff to be around for a while but look forward to catching up. Good to see Ash here and lol about May.
Idk how old Ash's gran was but possibly 80s? Longevity in her genes explains that question that prolongs her life.
No. 1508309
>>1507879best thread summary in a while, cheers
nonnie>>1508019no clue when scottish uni terms end but I feel like she’s heading for hospital once school is done. cannot understand how she continues to function
No. 1508365
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Laura was too focused on her weird hand position to fully censor the name of the hospital
No. 1508462
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Haha why make a new tiktok account to reupload the same crap that got you banned when you can make 3 accounts to reupload the same crap that got you banned?
No. 1508464
File: 1650603308236.webm (5.92 MB, 576x1024, VictimofPotato.webm)
Of all the garbage she thought was important to repost, this.
No. 1508545
>>1508503narcissism knows no boundaries. Tiktok is just another opportunity for her to play the
victim, and freak orbiters like "1hangryjack" will probably throw her some fat tips on twitch to make her feel better about being so horribly cyberbullied that any attention is lucrative for her. Dude gives me the creeps but creeps are her target audience. Gotta keep those skelly fetish simpbux rolling in
No. 1508566
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and a fag for heath
No. 1508590
>>1508566>>1508587>>1508588>>1508589calm your tits, y'all.
she's just grabbing some attenshuns.
No. 1508598
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Laura's uwu fashion account either got hacked or she's lost the plot and is involved in some bitcoin scam. I thought it was probably hacked, but then she posted a video of herself talking about bitcoin to her story (which could be a deepfake, but who would go to that effort?)
No. 1508635
>>1508464this the funniest fucking thing I've seen in a long time but not in the way she intended
>>1508566>>1508019why does it always look like a self post whenever zara is mentioned?
No. 1508789
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Cece's newest video addressing the comments on her body check vid kek she's so condescending. And also such an eye sore. Those bug eyes and buck teeth truly give me the heebie jeebies
No. 1508800
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>>1508789Everytime I see her face I just wanna…
No. 1508981
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>>1508789She reminds me of this bitch from Chicken Run
No. 1509216
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>>1508789She actually looks like she had that disease that makes ur eyes bulge. Like surely it’s not normal
No. 1509221
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>>1508789Kek, clothing askew so she can pop a little collar bone. Cece has such an unfortunate face, she only gets uglier when she loses. Without cheeks she looks like somebody shaved the charm off Sid the Sloth
No. 1509335
File: 1650711267182.webm (3.64 MB, 1080x1914, WeekendAtLauras.webm)
>>1508598Here's the clip if anyone wants to see for themselves. The filter glitches at the end but
>>1509298 seems more likely than someone going through the trouble of believably deepfaking a bespectacled spoop
No. 1509343
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I really hope no one says this is body checking. She is just existing taking photos of herself sitting in the most comfortable, not at all contorted positions. This is a very healthy thing for all of her followers to see.
No. 1509349
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Ganer giving a creepy wink. Whole caption was
>When you eat more in a day than you used to in a week
What's most fucked up to me is she tags this Calum trainer of hers in every post, so he knows that she's been eating the same carbon copy daily meals for months and clearly he co-signs it. Great ad for your coaching business.
No. 1509354
File: 1650713111259.jpg (526.96 KB, 1047x1524, calum_teamprocoach is a twat.j…)

>>1509349I know Ganer acts a fool. But it makes me so angry this ugly roided out gorilla is making money from exploiting an OCD woman to the point of encouraging disordered eating and letting her exercise on an injury that sent her to hospital a week ago. Calum Raistrick @calum_teamprocoach is a bad trainer and a scammer. Ganer might injure herself permanently because this oaf prizes his paycheck over the health of his clients.
No. 1509405
>>1509048Brace yourselves
nonnie, ugly crying Fiona content flood ahead
No. 1509406
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Oh Cece. Her increases IBS narrative makes me wonder if she'd going to start munching.
No. 1509407
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Relapse baiting on tiktok lol
No. 1509467
>>1509406She’s been light munching for a long time, she claimed POTS and celiac before iirc. And let’s not forget the time she claimed, as a normal weight outpatient, that she had bone marrow failure. She’s a habitual liar who’s life goal is to be the sickest snowflake of all time, so I would absolutely not be surprised if she eventually drops her “chronic anorexia” arc for full munching.
And since she’s such a basic bitch she’ll probably go for the munchie favs of EDS, POTS, MCAS and gastroparesis, and aim for all the munchie toys too since bish loves her toobs. I kinda wish she was an Aussie so we could have a Cece-Porgie cow crossover. I’d pay to see that, it’d be like an ana chan larper/munchie soap opera complete with terrible acting and ridiculous plot holes.
No. 1509618
>>1509354Is this just based on her tagging him in posts? How do we know he encouraged her to keep training through injury? If she hasn't been spoopy for a few years and eats sufficiently if monotonously, is there sufficient criteria to decline a client?
He does seem like a giga douche based on eyefeel but so does everyone in the body building world including Ganer.
No. 1509650
>>1504861>>1504752>>1504426>>1504425Anyone else think it’s Georgie vendetta chan just talking to themselves here? Idk what’s more embarrassing - your desperate Georgie fixation or your insane proana commentary
No. 1509674
>>1509335Those are her regular glasses I'm pretty sure they're just "trendy." She's genuinely emaciated/skelly but the bitcoin fiasco is hilarious.
>>1509406Cece g-tube and port saga when?
No. 1509717
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Stay tuned, Fiona simply cannot fathom the energy to update (just to post several stories.)
No. 1509765
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Anyone know what “accounts” Zara is referring to in her recent story’s? Sure the website is this one but I haven’t seen any posts outside of here calling her out? All I see are people worshipping her as their recovery queen
No. 1509768
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October vs Now
No. 1509769
>>1509761How dare someone love fitness and exercise. Lets all just be lazy fucks instead and spend our nights chatting shit about people we don't know and assume things about them to make us feel better about our sad lives that are going nowhere.
Also please speak in proper english, you sound like a fucking freak putting chan on the end of words. Grow up. Learn some social skills and maybe society wouldn't reject you so badly that you have to talk anonymously on forums.
(quit sperging, retard) No. 1509772
>>1509768Gotta love how she only posts body checks on her “recovery” account and never on her personal where she doesn’t have a bunch of vulnerable followers to
trigger. She needs to grow up it’s embarrassing at her age.
No. 1509855
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>>1509406She looks like Ben Elton.
No. 1510004
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her genes made her retarded
No. 1510168
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There are, no words
No. 1510216
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Saging for maximum autism and "hi cow" but I think I've got a bit of proof that Zara is self-posting. It was a slow day for me and she needs to stop being so fucking full of herself so I'm calling the silly bitch out.
Now bear with me because this looks really messy at first but basically I've taken some Zara-posts/replies and compared them to some of her instagram posts and there are a lot of similarities in the writing style. I think she tries to shake it up and throw in some Capital Letters when replying to herself but I'm sure most of these (if not all) are her, because I just don't believe she has this many white knights who give a fuck about her this much.
Everything in Purple is her weird typing style, including lack of capital letters
Orange is the random capital words she throws in when trying to emphasis something
Green is her repeating letters
And Red was just a really good question that started me on this whole tomfuckery
Also notice that the Zara posts never contain insults that aren't pointing how how frail and skelly she is?
I had so many more screenshots of anon comments and insta posts for comparison but it was already getting too cluttered but literally look at any Zara post or reply on here and pull up her instagram. It's her.
No. 1510224
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>>1510216Not saying shes never posted here, but there are a lot of accounts on tiktok always complaining about her in comments of videos calling out people in fake recovery so i think she has enough people wanting to post about her. One of these posts are mine so thats the only one I can know for sure. With the tiktok video, i think she just saved a draft and posted it on her instagram, this is the screen recording from her insta. I think shes too proud and wouldn't want her name associated with a website like this, but you never know how much people are dying for attention so i´m not ruling it out.
No. 1510250
>>1510242she’s never given me self-post vibes and it’s clear given the replies that that anon perhaps has too much time on their hands.
i don’t think given her career aspirations she’d be self posting here and she seems to freak out at the slightest mention of her name anywhere out of her control. she absolutely and certainly lurks though.
No. 1510289
>>1510216Firstly, you assume way too much.
And it's quite obvious that you've got too much time at your hands.
No. 1510331
>>1510266Awfully suspicious? Sorry but this is turning into pure cringe how serious you're taking it.
First post on the Zara topic, so don't come at me. Just get a life
No. 1510352
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Fi makes her mum fetch her her bowl, cutlery, cereal and milk so she can record herself pouring milk on her Weetabix for TikTok
No. 1510388
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Mary passed out
No. 1510813
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Aidel please that is not the look for you
No. 1510956
>>1510939And yet you bumped it straight to the top of snow so everyone can see it, well done.
Never change, newfags.
No. 1510977
>>1510939Yep, I stand by it. Fiona is a useless, ugly goblin who sucks the life out of everyone around her and provides no value to the world, despite demanding resources and constant attention. If she’s really struggling that much, she should kill herself. She should be put out of her constant misery. The world will be a better place for it and it is one less parasite that working people have to pay tax for.
Also you should kill yourself too.
No. 1511002
>>1510997Unless one of them is Fi?
I know she lurks but has she ever posted?
No. 1511018
>>1511002She does love to have that ‘hard done by’
victim complex,
nonnie. I guess we’ll never truly know and have to just keep considering the possibility “one day at a time”.
No. 1511089
>>1510216At first I thought hmm, not convinced but good effort…
>>1510222>>1510244>>1510241>>1510235>>1510224Then not one not two but five comments within 2 hours saying "you must be wrong, one of those posts is mine". Nothing to see here folks!
>>1509758Latefag but wow, imagine wanting to suck this
>>1509354 microdick if it even works anymore after all those roids. Heterosexuality is truly a curse.
No. 1511110
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>>1510229Sorry for my boomer-esque screenshot but I was looking through this girls tiktok and thought it was funny she has such a hate boner for Zara when she does the exact same thing.
No. 1511114
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>>1511112Why are all these anachans brainfried hypocrites?
No. 1511182
>>1511036Or smorven.
The person I don’t get is Paris - she doesn’t seem to get anything help wise - probably doesn’t want it .
No. 1511192
>>1511189She was in Rhodes Farm with Nikki.
Fundamentally Paris doesn’t want to gain weight and just likes to wallow in self pity weighing strawberries and lettuce.
No. 1511260
>>1511114You answered your own question. It's the fried brain.
Dare I say, hypocrisy might just be a symptom of anorexia
No. 1511340
>>1511022I’m not a Tory kek. I love how you think it’s perfectly acceptable to tell people to kill themselves but you draw the line at people not liking useless, parasitic leeches. Of course I’m not gonna say the same about a genuinely disabled person. At the end of the day, at least the tpries can tell you what a fucking woman is, unlike anyone in the Labour Party.
No. 1511399
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what even is this supposed to mean?
No. 1511417
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when she says “edit” wtf does she mean? because nothing in her tt or yt seems edited, at least nothing that needs more than 5 mins and the bare basic skills
No. 1511488
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kek, so petty but watching the cows accounts get deleted over and over is hilarious. this is the photoshopping scottish one friends with niamh
No. 1511544
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> The world will be a better place for it and it is one less parasite that working people have to pay tax for.Sieg Heil! (I don’t care for Fi either but this is what you sound like, btw.)
No. 1511874
>>1510977These anas are dumb cows with no prospects or lives, they're great to watch and groan
over their antics, but that doesn't mean mentally ill people shouldnt be treated as people dude
No. 1512062
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Poor Georgie wasting away and debating whether to run feeds
No. 1512516
>>1512189>>1512262Asked as I only came across her when she stared YT.
Did her parents get her off?
No. 1512820
>>1512646>>1512674>>1512745Friendships made in ED units are never real ones , they are based around the ED and either acknowledged or denied competition. The ED is about the only thing people have in common.
It was looking through Fi’s friends on FB and so many of them are revolving door patients.
No. 1512993
File: 1651053402469.jpg (710.4 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220427_115152.jpg)

Hams rapidly approaching obesity
No. 1513004
>>1512993I'm convinced this new underwear era is a cope after quitting college, she failed so dismally at real life that she's determined to be an influencer by any means because she has no career or prospects to make money now (I might be wrong about her quitting I don't follow her private account)
>>1512062Are we sure Porgie hasn't nicknamed her overworked heart Eddy?
>My Eddy doesn't want me to run feeds No. 1513216
>>1513212She's not morbidly obese, but the bmi threshold for obesity is honestly probably not that far off. People who are obese look smaller than we expect because we've all become so used to morbidly obese people who weigh like 400lbs.
Honestly, what's happening to Ham is one of the unrecognized big risks of all the recovery bullshit that you can find on social media. Some of it has really crossed the line to normalizing unhealthy overeating and unhealthily high weights. There's more nuance to "it's not necessarily unhealthy to weigh a little bit more" than these bloggers/viewers realize.
No. 1513251
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Why would she post this when all she does is whinge about how miserable she is and wants to recover and hates herself? Obviously quite proud of her spoopiness despite everything she says to the contrary
No. 1513265
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She really fucked up her face with this shoop
No. 1513383
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>>1507879I don’t know if this girl belongs here, but she popped up on my for your page. Very underweight and argues with people in the comments that don’t kiss her skeleton ass, says she doesn’t want help but cries how sick she is all the time. All around cow behavior.
No. 1513499
File: 1651094334848.jpg (Spoiler Image,526.49 KB, 1080x1894, Screenshot_20220427_221535.jpg)

The baked beans in the broken ramekin though
No. 1513529
Her brain is mush she gets confused often between BPD and BDD - she has them both but blames them for the wrong thing.
She must have some medical input as she says she’s on anti depressants.
No. 1513740
>>1513265I think pretty quiet. Still skelly, still in hospital. Uneventful tbh.
>>1512993So much rattling about Ham. She's probably overweight but not porgie level by any means. I'd imagine mildly.
No. 1513804
File: 1651117939840.png (7.54 MB, 1170x2532, 8BA51742-EF5A-44EC-9670-ACEDCC…)

lels in treatment yet still posting abt how ~*~tiny~*~ she is
No. 1513824
File: 1651119806593.png (3.33 MB, 1284x2778, 6E9CC345-DFFB-4FF6-8332-7E86A5…)

No Nikol, being skinny isn’t the whole worlds focus. Love how she speaks for everyone just because she was born into a demented family
No. 1514045
>>1513522Her sister /brother is trans
Her mum does nails- she has an IG account ( which she also uses to comment on what Paris posts , which is even more weird and creepy)
No. 1514126
>>1510266I’m with you
nonnie on the Zara self-posting tinfoil, and obviously anons were gonna pop up in response to your image saying “that was my comment so I know it’s not her” bc that’s exactly what she would say if someone called her out. I think she feels safe doing it bc she knows everyone thinks it’s so out of left field for her
No. 1514197
File: 1651163559858.png (1.74 MB, 1170x2532, 6767FA6C-0A85-494B-9FB7-E7552A…)

ok but i’m really curious as to why she’s talking about how sexy skinny girls are with her cousin? this honestly reads like he’s a male and asking her for the exact kind of photos you’re thinking of
No. 1514417
>>1510997"you can't come here and be shocked when people have opinions like…"
proceeds to be shocked when people have an opinion about the opinion
No. 1514586
File: 1651193878186.jpeg (775.51 KB, 828x1566, EEB11A7F-2B0B-4977-955A-B1F06A…)

Looks like someone’s been lurking
No. 1514760
File: 1651204192669.png (1.11 MB, 776x1348, survivingnowffs.png)

Not terribly exciting, but this cvnt annoys me to shit, anorexic vegan food tour guide in Belfast who posts many before/after selfies which are just emaciated+sad vs. emaciated+smiling+makeup. People give her money IRL to show them skinny people food.
No. 1514867
File: 1651212759833.jpg (728.42 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220429-160743_Ins…)

Preshus princess
No. 1514877
>>1514840There's a post here 5 months ago:
>>1367763Her facebook profile picture was updated just before Christmas so she's probably still kicking I assume.
No. 1514914
>>1514180>Oh shut up. I was one of the anons, check the IP addresses they’ll all be differentAh but that's just what a selfposter with a VPN would say… kek
>>1514133>>1514548>>1514275>>1514229Here's a free lesson on imageboard culture. When you don't like the discussion, you hide the thread and move on. You don't call people cringy retards for "obsessing" (posting) about a cow on a thread about cows.
It makes you look like a sperg at best and a selfposter at worst. This is not your tiktok feed tailored to your every desire. Threads like this are self-regulating. When a cow is milky there is more discussion, when she's boring nobody cares and nobody talks about her. But when you try to control the conversation, it always makes people more interested in topic you hate seeing.
TLDR close this site and have a snack
No. 1514944
>>1514914I'd like to assume you replied to my post by mistake since saying Zara just didn't want to get banned on tiktok like EC and every other tt spoop was more of a contribution than your braindead lecture about imageboard culture. I'd like to. I actually enjoyed the tinfoil even though I don't think it holds water. So here's another free lesson, and its not just for you:
if you have nothing to contribute, don't fucking post. Milkless opinions like posting just to say "ditto" are not the valuable insight you think they are.
Regulate yourself, retard
No. 1514961
File: 1651226066883.jpg (2.76 MB, 2915x2602, Neckbrace.jpg)

>>1514698Imageboard, newfriend. Please post pictures, not just written descriptions. At first glance Alice seems like a regular zoomer who isn't solely focused on her ed. When she posts outfits they seem like regular zoomer fashion, not just awkwardly strained body checks trying to look skellier… but what is this neck strain on ig? These are all from this year. Why
No. 1514968
>>1514938It is bad for your health if you under 75 which ham is and she's closer to the mid to upper overweight BMI range, she has gained a significant amount of weight in a rather short amount of time.
Also can you recover from an illness you never actually had?
No. 1515093
File: 1651233736500.jpg (412.17 KB, 1440x2483, Screenshot_20220429.jpg)

She quickly found out about being posted on here, cowtipped before even becoming a full blown cow. Looks like she's going for it though
No. 1515175
>>1514961shes absolutely gorg. been following her for quite some time. Even if she still struggles with anorexia, it doesnt seem to be t
her center of her life
No. 1515201
File: 1651246925966.png (6.85 MB, 1170x2532, 8B8B38FD-A1D3-4A03-92A3-C4B9B4…)

It seems she has to show off how sick she was in every post she can we get it you looked VERY skelly she’s also been in a program for like 6 months now and went into another one. At this rate she’s gonna stay a revolving door patient with her looking at her sick photos and shit(emoji)
No. 1515202
File: 1651247111869.png (6.64 MB, 1170x2532, 7234BA53-4456-4A3C-8921-461601…)

Another spoopy anachan that’s “in recovery”. Body checks for daysssss queeennn
No. 1515206
File: 1651247604388.png (2.99 MB, 750x1334, E7131DED-F8AF-4D2C-9464-659B73…)

Abby (shitty shooping head banger who’s besties with Niamh) finds any excuse to post botched photoshop body checks:
“Why do you always check your friends have eaten” “cus nobody did for me boohoo”
using EDrecovery hashtags as if it’s not blatantly pro ana
No. 1515209
File: 1651247751225.png (9.32 MB, 1170x2532, B0440F29-9EAE-4198-A4B0-A2009F…)

She says she’s “thriving” but idk doesn’t rly look like it. And then she gaslights her audience that she hasn’t been able to gain bc of refeeding even though it’s been a YEAR LMAO
No. 1515535
>>1514877>>1514877>>1515519It's Bethlem not VS
Still IP. Claiming she's desperate to get out but not under section. When she was kicked out last year she was there voluntarily for months and in total a year.
Major binge purging stuff with shop lifting and hoarding. Her room in hospital will be FULL of stuff and she always has bags and bags with her.
Acts super innocent like she can't understand why people don't like her but deliberately is
triggering to patients genuinely just trying to recover/ get on with treatment.
No. 1515545
File: 1651270363529.png (177.15 KB, 299x289, dear god.png)

Jesus fucking Christ Ganer's form is bad. I can't believe she's posting about hitting PBs as if she's some amazing athlete when she's rounding her back like this because the weights are too heavy for her and they're pulling her shoulders forward. Have fun with that kyphosis you dumb bitch.
I'm actually embarrassed for her, hanging out with serious lifters when she's just pathetic at everything. I've never seen someone try so hard at something yet be so unequivocally shit at it. She has little defined muscle and she can't even lift with proper technique, yet spends her entire life believing she's dedicated to training. What a sad little person she is.
No. 1515551
File: 1651270740845.png (27.33 KB, 440x111, ffs.png)

>>1515206she posted this comment, clearly trying to flex. Luckily everyone else is not having it, she is getting roasted pretty hard.
No. 1515585
File: 1651272636016.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x2172, C00517AE-3C86-46D4-8222-BF8F37…)

>>1515551lmao she looks bigger now anyway, though granted the amount of photoshop makes every photo of her look stiflingly warped. comments are a kek.
No. 1515591
File: 1651272825483.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1170x2142, 32E21F83-8BF6-4542-BBAC-AB0341…)

it’s like she thinks we all believe she is built without a skeleton..?? the proportions are awfully edited
No. 1515599
File: 1651273079659.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1029x2133, E70FA3F6-D4F1-4C4C-8497-C16550…)

she’s certainly not spoopy looking in the face. i reckon she’s underweight enough for a standard inpatient admission, but certainly nowhere near deaths door like she was implying. bmi 13 /14 at the absolute least.
No. 1515722
File: 1651283023312.jpg (266.51 KB, 1080x1798, Screenshot_20220430-112722_Ins…)

Cece you're 30, you don't have birthday months… In fact nobody has birthday months. They're called birthDAYs for a reason.
No. 1515724
File: 1651283181497.jpg (389.58 KB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20220429-205821_Ins…)

Coffee cats recovery has gone full DID
No. 1515814
File: 1651287588464.jpeg (771.1 KB, 828x1493, 690ED3A8-DCFA-49D8-AEB2-BF1F75…)

New calf to watch. Looks like she’s 12, actual age is 19.
Claims to be four foot seven. Posts videos of herself swaying to music, actually just body checks.
Reading through her tellonyms, some of the things she types just sound so unnatural. She’s trying too hard to sound proper and perfect. I believe she has another account, but I can’t find it. Could be worth a watch.
No. 1516144
File: 1651329520428.png (5.42 MB, 1170x2532, F3CDB345-FDD7-42E7-A5D7-5CA6AB…)

cece showing her “recovery” glo up. oh and SO subtly flexing her SOOOOO severe sh scars and how sick she was
No. 1516205
>>1516144I understand and know that there are pictures where you can't crop out self-harm scars and people shouldn't have to hide their scars, but that isn't one of those pictures and she at least could have cropped it somehow to cover the not faded scars as those might
trigger others and her following consists out of mentally ill people. Wasn't she the one throwing a fit about being
triggered by other patients?
No. 1516234
>>1516205Things Cecelia has been
triggered by: other patients watching birdbox, her parents exercising, sex toy adverts. It’s one rule for her and another for everyone else
No. 1516248
>>1516205Oh calm down
nonnie, they’re healed scars, not likely to
trigger anyone
No. 1516275
>>1516234thanks for the summary, kek.
>>1516248as someone who has self-harmed and knows many who also did, I know that not faded scars can
trigger some people and I only pointed it out because she has always been the one whining that other people's behaviour
triggers her and that even from things that aren't common
triggers among mentally ill people.
No. 1516316
File: 1651343216750.png (2.99 MB, 750x1334, 40A10E98-FDD8-45B4-95A2-17D384…)

Cecelia what is this
No. 1516329
File: 1651344283158.png (5.54 MB, 1242x2688, B1782B13-CCC7-4D50-9EE4-F53041…)

This girl looks worse and worse each day how is she not dead? Honestly how has no one stepped in it acc baffles me how her uni is not doing something
No. 1516334
File: 1651344512326.jpg (686.85 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220430-194712_Ins…)

Wild to think this was her a year ago. And she was still skelly then! She probably isn't gonna last
No. 1516396
>>1516329I don't get why she wants to look like this. She looks uncanny and like an extra in a crypt keeper's film. The university might not care or take what she says for face value.
>>1516334Who knows. The body is oddly resilient.
No. 1516400
File: 1651349176144.jpeg (318.53 KB, 828x1458, DEADF6A4-D829-43BC-A563-F48C11…)

For a lighthearted intermission in the Zara-is-about-to-keel-over show, have Scarlett tagging someone to let them know she thinks they’ll do badly in a bodybuilding comp.
No. 1516457
File: 1651354894882.jpeg (Spoiler Image,505.48 KB, 1170x1593, D23BB050-41B9-4FF0-9DC6-31A1BD…)

No. 1516487
>>1516275Dumbfag, but does anyone know why the word
trigger is always written in red?
No. 1516503
>>1516457lol, N2F looking beefier and stronger than Ganer… things I wouldn't ever believe 2 years ago.
Imagine the jealousy and rage that Ganer must have rn, being outperformed by this casual scrub while she is literally tearing muscles off bones while over-exercising for no visible progress.
No. 1516548
>>1516487Ditto with "
nonnie", and what does "
nonnie" even mean? I've been keeping up with these threads for months but I still don't get it.
No. 1516594
File: 1651367395690.jpeg (413.13 KB, 827x921, 21826CD0-ECCB-4BCC-BD9F-3EC5B4…)

ok but has anyone heard of this waif before? seems to be chummy with cardamoncollie. I followed her on her old running Instagram. She was severely emaciated and then disappeared for a few months. Honestly thought she died. Apparently she almost did of refeeding syndrome, per her Instagram. Unlike the other anas here I do genuinely pity this girl and hope she can keep getting better. can’t understand her puffy face but toothpick legs though
No. 1516603
>>1516594hypothyroidism probably, not terribly uncommon in normal women actually, but considerably more common in people with fucked up hormones, say, from not eating properly
t. fat shiba inu head ana-chan
No. 1516619
>>1516594I’ve noticed that there are three different types of skellies:
Ones that flaunt their illness for attention like Cecelia
Others who are in denial and preach recovery like Zara
And some well…some I just feel straight up bad for because they obviously don’t want their illness or try to glamorize it.
No. 1516682
>>1516334Jesus christ that's Zara? She's SO pretty when she's not killing herself. What a disgrace! Maybe she's not been reported cause nobody recognizes her
Also do you faggots even know how to sage your nonmilk? Please type "sage" in the email field, or just don't post your noncontributions at all. Do you even know what "sage" means or what it does? lurk more or go back ffs
No. 1516722
File: 1651389849731.jpg (338.44 KB, 1080x1691, Screenshot_20220501-092242_Ins…)

Hams disgusting bowl of sugar.
No. 1516749
File: 1651396638715.jpg (715.33 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220501-101551_Ins…)

>>1516329Can we give the Zara hate boner a rest and let it go flaccid for a while? The girl is clearly close to death so she must feel like utter shit anyway and she is getting cow tipped every time she's mentioned which seems to be sending her over the edge. I must be getting soft in my old age but I'm starting to feel really bad for her.
No. 1516765
>>1516487It’s written in red to highlight how fucking dumb it is like 90% of the time it’s used. Are you “
triggered” or are your feelings hurt/you’re mad? This is a prime example of why the word is highlighted in red
>>1516275 No. 1516805
>>1516742Yes, I know how long it takes for some scars to hell. I think people don't understand where I'm coming from, I don't care for her or anyone's healed scars, but Cece has always been the one whining about other people not taking care about her feelings and again and again she is showing that she after all doesn't care for anyone else than herself, she is only online to show everyone how serious and bad her case is.
>>1516804thank you, find that discussion about the severity of self harm scars very annoying, hurting yourself is bad enough, you don't need to reach coldnessinmyheart level…
No. 1516863
File: 1651413507012.jpeg (901.37 KB, 1170x2391, 4EB0A784-8294-4A1C-AA53-60AD7F…)

Fiona keeps reposting the same stories just in case someone missed it and cant tell how sick she is
No. 1516918
>>1516802We should actually maybe stop commenting on Zara on this thread. Yes, a part of her may dislike the attention on her disorder, because it equates to more scrutiny and the potential that people IRL will intervene. However, her disorder is DEFINITELY basking in the attention she receives, and is DEFINITELY super happy that she looks way more sick than she did this time a year ago. I wonder what she would do if we all stopped giving a fuck. This is her identity and each time we post about how 'skelly' she is on here, the more and more it becomes cemented as who she is, the more her disorder receives validation. And furthermore, she's actually an absolute idiot right now for letting herself go, because sectioning for anorexia is far more common in Europe than it is in the States. Instead of recovering on her 'own terms' which she insists upon doing, she is literally bringing herself to a point where she will most definitely be hospitalized…I mean she's definitely NOT medically stable at the moment. Obviously, ED recovery isn't all about weight…but acting like she is a magical fairy princess that can remain emaciated yet recover is absolute bull shit. It's pretty simple. Calories in, calories out. If you are actually recovering, you will be gaining. I also have a suspicion that the reason she isn't in contact with her family is because she's pushed them all away so she can continue to get sicker, or is resisting their attempts to help. If her mom is a GP and aware that she is in this state, it is actually just child neglect, considering she went to medical school and supposedly understand the longterm health damage that is happening to her daughter. Her pancreas doesn't work yet uses that s a lil ED 'flex.' It's the saddest fucking thing. Wished she would be shipped off to ACUTE and stay there for a good six months in the US.
No. 1516960
stop your whiteknighting,
nonnieand sage non-milk
No. 1517037
File: 1651428033535.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20220501-114732_1.p…)

My god she is so self absorbed
No. 1517186
File: 1651436646998.jpeg (248.83 KB, 1170x1979, 59723C18-6329-4403-97FD-ABBCBF…)

I know we don’t wanna talk about Zara but she is just a whole…. other level. She says not to post about her yet posts recovery shit/comparison to a year ago when she is clearly very ill RIFHT AFTER her post crying about being posted. I don’t get her.
No. 1517190
File: 1651436826344.jpeg (316.24 KB, 1170x2180, 09B7187D-677A-43BD-B4C0-6C57E3…)

Thoughts about this anachan ?
No. 1517288
>>1516879How long has she been ill?
There was a debate a few threads back as to if SEED or SeAN was an actual thing.
It is . Not sure Fi fits it though
No. 1517296
>>1516918the more responses about Zara I read written like this, the more I start to believe that tinfoil-anon here,
>>1510216 , was correct and that we are dealing with a self-poster.
It's the random capitalized words for me…
No. 1517318
>>1517235Just watched that video, god she is detestable. She looks so smug when she admits that her TT is basically just thinspo to
trigger other young women. It sounds like she's suffering badly so I really hope she does get better, but why try to drag others down with her in the meantime? She knows exactly what beast she's feeding with all the bodychecking nonsense but is too addicted to the validation to stop.
No. 1517358
File: 1651449208252.png (7.07 MB, 1170x2532, D33F1FC1-F774-4D44-B69E-724BBE…)

Porgie still eating a full diet on top of feeds like the land whale she is. If she actually had such super severe GP she’d be vomiting that tube out her mouth every other day with the shit she’s eating. Magical that her dysfunctional stomach is tolerating heavy feeds too, such true gastroparesis warrior
No. 1517408
>>1517358Sorry if this has been covered but does she have an NG or NJ tube?
Because if it's an NG then hard lol no on the gastroparesis, she'd just be grateful to keep the soup down and leave it at that!
No. 1517504
>my mumis from USA
>hopes, dreams, endless imaginingscenter of everyone's universe from day 1
>lover of sciencetoken non-princess thing
>baby Ceceliathird person cringe
>bright and kind, gentle and sensitiveIs a massive karen with no insight
Her posts are so infuriating yet emblematic of this thread, every line is like a window into a cow factory
No. 1517583
>>1517552Yeah that smells like utter bullshit to me. If you potentially vomit up every meal (and risk the tube coming up too) then be happy with the soup you've kept down.
I get sporadic stomach issues and it's miserable when I can't eat. I can't imagine how bad actual gastroparesis is. Maybe Porgie is faking it in order to lose weight with a crash diet kek
No. 1517649
>>1516329She has been deleting all the comments explaining
why her content is
problematic (preaching recovery while looking like that) but not the ones just expressing concern about her weight. She knows what she is doing.
No. 1517829
newfag but I've lurked for some time now and wanted to ask what the fuck is it with all the WK-ing for zara?
>>1516918we get it, she's sick, but being a spoop doesn't void you of responsibility for what you post and the way you act online. i just don't/can't feel bad about her being posted here. if anything, this should serve as a reality check for her.
No. 1517858
>>1517829Frankly, the Zara WKs should realize that being called out repeatedly, rather than enabled, is actually better for Zara. If she exists in an echo chamber, then she'll never have any reason to change.
So if they really cared about her wellbeing, they would be in favor of people pointing out to her that her behavior is hypocritical and unhealthy. Instead, they just want to virtue-signal.
No. 1518145
File: 1651539135281.png (5.69 MB, 1170x2532, BACC4C9B-C125-4B60-9D1D-4C8223…)

Lurk more porgie, now you suddenly have been puking up the tube?
No. 1518193
>>1518190bone rattle somewhere else, a 200 calorie bar is definitely fine as a snack
the real reason the anachans love them is because they can tell themselves it's healthy while partially satisfying a craving. That's why they all lose it over the chunks of chocolate.
No. 1518333
File: 1651563214648.png (1.29 MB, 1084x1434, Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 3.32…)

Nikol's Asian fetish?
No. 1518335
File: 1651563275601.png (2.03 MB, 1038x1303, Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 3.32…)

No. 1518414
File: 1651575070256.png (8.29 MB, 1170x2532, 38539BC0-B1BA-47F1-A3B6-8A4FAF…)

Why does she still have a tube up her nose? Also love the weird arm body checking
No. 1518450
File: 1651579429035.jpeg (537.46 KB, 750x1092, F485BCA7-DB1D-4B99-A87D-602927…)

Looks like Abby got hacked, kek.
No. 1518555
File: 1651590992547.jpeg (975.1 KB, 977x1806, BAC817CF-EC60-43A5-8823-E518D0…)

>>1518145There, Porgie, I fixed it for you.
No. 1518645
>>15167352 days late but that part wasn't directed at you hence the reddit formatting and bitching about shit you didnt do love u nona appreciated the throwback
>>1516802Zara deserves to be posted here but not cowtipped, its against the rules for good reason. Shes been known about the thread and lurking hasnt helped her yet, why would it suddenly help now? Are the cow tippers really dumb enough to think theyre helping or are they just being bitches? Not wking I just don't buy the moralfagging
No. 1518653
File: 1651601356402.png (7.3 MB, 1125x2436, 55DED4F7-624C-4B70-B3C6-8005A6…)

Recovery kween posting pictures of her shiritaki noodles and mushrooms. At most 100 calories. Such recovery.
No. 1518686
nonnie, shiritaki noodles are better for her pancreas!!!!! didnt you know she was gluten intolerant?!?!
No. 1518845
File: 1651616663288.png (2.85 MB, 2469x1590, Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 4.23…)

Ash selling their posessions to support themselves? Aren't they on welfare and subsidized housing? Medicare is also pretty good to people on disability compared to medicaid so they can be taken care of elsewhere
No. 1519070
>>1518845welfare for people who have never worked is less than $1,000 a month
even with subsidized housing and health care she needs to sell shit so she can buy shit, her one true joy besides starving
No. 1519192
File: 1651652494218.jpg (265.25 KB, 1080x1751, Screenshot_20220504-091401_Ins…)

Why would you consciously choose to upload such an unflattering pic?!
No. 1519250
File: 1651664439582.jpeg (363.38 KB, 1170x1569, 5E181A79-5D46-4A7C-A0CD-13512F…)

Ham, please put your arse away and concentrate on college (added some bonus delusional commentary because kek)
No. 1519254
File: 1651664893600.jpg (511.56 KB, 1059x1738, Screenshot_2022-05-04-21-35-12…)

This Monique Aussie loving her munchie life using taxpayers money to feed her eating disorder
No. 1519263
File: 1651666392091.jpeg (1.89 MB, 1170x2082, 22F1C73D-AB4D-4FCF-806B-5949F0…)

this countdown for birthday gives me 5 yr old vibes
No. 1519384
>>1519250The comment calling her thin feels like a sneak diss. She is objectively overweight and gaining.
>>1519192I can hear the mouth breathing just looking at this pic kek. She’ll have a foodie beauty style deformed palate from never keeping her mouth shut at this rate.
No. 1519447
>>1519263It’s almost jarring to see Fiona continue to maintain weight (or even lose, visibly) while purporting to eat a weight gain meal plan for the past 6 months.
It’s so clear that she is just
casually omitting the details of her obvious decline. She is obviously aggressively exercising, secretly purging or manipulating food somehow. And I suspect waterloading for weigh ins.
Why does nobody in her family call her out on it? It’s so blatantly obvious after all this time.
No. 1519461
>>1519263and still all that compulsive bodychecking.
no lucky bowl/spoon in the world won't change that idiotic posing, fi.
No. 1519469
>>1519447Her parents may be enablers who want her to stay their little girl forever. She dresses, acts and lives like a spoiled elementary schooler, while her sisters fucked off and don’t even come visit for the holidays. There’s some serious family dysfunction here.
Same with Porgie’s family, I can’t think of any other reason why parents would go along with the massive overfeeding and brain zapping unless they want a retarded eternal child daughter that will never be able to leave them.
No. 1519511
>>1519467That's why she's complaining about the stressfulness of her appointments.
Doc sees no progress at all, then begins to ask uNcOmFoRtAbLe qUeStIoNs aBoUt hEr eAtInG.
No. 1519582
File: 1651691051833.jpeg (1.89 MB, 1170x2278, A8711F43-B605-4067-91F8-6893C6…)

How can her parents afford a whole ass wheelchair for someone that just needs to be in hospital/can walk soon? Feels weird
No. 1519644
File: 1651695302549.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1170x1571, 94B81401-C605-42AE-9C5E-0B3BAD…)

Found a new cow lmao. I can’t believe tiktok is keeping up the extreme body checks.
No. 1519718
>>1519597Yeah, the fact she actually
uses the wheelchair speaks volumes. She revels in making her family push her around like an invalid and take 567823 pics of her gurning for the ‘gram, but it’s not like it’s being ‘enforced’ in any way. The garden centre trips make me laugh though. They’re super popular with pensioners (at least where I am) and you can bet Fi thinks of herself as ~frailer~ than 90 year old Doris by the perennials with her basic ass walking stick
No. 1519766
>>1519447>>1519511Now shes not being told her weight will be interesting . If she was eating all she claims to then she would have gained weight by now .
There is no one stopping her from walking or forcing her to use the wheelchair - she likes the sympathy vote - she could walk if she wanted to - probably spends the day walking up and down the stairs or pacing.
Probably purges - must know how to after so long in treatment .
But she’s definitely not telling yt or ig the full story about what she eats. Oh I’ll have s meltdown so mummy won’t make me finish dinner or snack .
No. 1519800
>>1519766>have s meltdown so mummy won’t make me finish dinner or snack pretty sure Fi would have a “meltdown” over anything as long as it got her attention. She tried LARPing psychosis for a while but that didn’t work out too well. I’m wondering the same as
>>1516891 tbh
No. 1520096
File: 1651722505357.jpg (1.26 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220505-134655_Ins…)

Sweet sweet milk from the gods
No. 1520128
>>1520096is she really asking that? Cece, honey, work on your
triggers, not everything is about you and you surely don't care for other peoples
triggers. Maybe that woman doesn't have a spare minute in her day except for that 2 hours? Still, I hope she brings it up and we will all get new milk.
No. 1520152
>>1520128Tbh I’d be
triggered too, 2 hours on the treadmill is excessive even for someone without an ED…
No. 1520232
>>1520181I’m losing my damn mind at this, everyone is off video and on mute so Cece is…
triggered by the audio of the treadmill whenever the person unmutes themselves?
No. 1520244
>>15202431) learn to sage
2) fuck off and stop talking about yourself
No. 1520649
>>1520549I’m glad you brought this up
nonnie because she’s always tried to present herself as the “perfect” most “restrictive” type of anorexic and it’s bullshit. She’s a mess
No. 1520864
>>1520820Are you kidding me, Cece is the most overcontrolled bitch out there. Chronic depression, inflexibly thinking everyone should cater to her
triggers, refusing tube feeds and getting on room isolation over and over, her ocd around counting and her weird clothes/no colors ocd. Classic overcontrol, RO to a tee
No. 1521008
File: 1651788448269.jpg (575.49 KB, 1079x1811, Screenshot_20220506-000458_Ins…)

Zara casually telling her followers that they "don't need" their psych meds.
No. 1521066
File: 1651791756850.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x2003, 64D10CF8-9B60-4199-93E1-403E30…)

Ahh, another one of the tiktok skellies that claim to be in recovery for several months just to excuse body checking. In her case 8 months I think.
No. 1521394
>>1521268Much recovery.
Wonder if it's the same with her other meds that supposedly don't work .
No. 1521454
>>1521419A total fun sponge. These cows always expect the world adapt to
their needs, fuck everyone else. Can you imagine them all on a ward together it’d be carnage
No. 1521482
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In other news, apparently our old friend Laura’s been causing so much chaos on her new ward that she’s been put in segregation.
No. 1521494
>>1519644Another neuroscience anon?
>>1521482Damn that's bloody grim, i miss the keks prior, but seeing stuff like this just tinges it. Would have said it looks like she's normalized in weight, good for her, but it's probably the medication.
No. 1521618
File: 1651851717173.jpeg (454.58 KB, 1170x2126, E372400F-EDF1-4F65-A50D-14090C…)

The cows that put recovery tags while obviously relapsing r such terrible people, who do they think they’re fooling?
No. 1521749
>>1521618this one gained a huge amount of followers and attention when she was severely underweight last time.
i suppose is a great reason to be uw
No. 1521814
File: 1651865481791.jpeg (606.1 KB, 1170x2532, 4BF4BA78-1830-4AE5-A18E-DF3425…)

Do you think she gets these things from a random positive quote generator?
‘You’re doing better than you think you are’ kek imagine saying that to her followers with actual EDs who might have just been told they’ve got to go IP
No. 1521851
File: 1651868139931.jpeg (533.71 KB, 828x1080, C42447C5-0027-4B17-961D-3FE8F9…)

I just saw this comment on Circe’s post.
No. 1521965
>>1521790I do too. She must be genuinely really mentally unwell to be getting up to all this shit. Bpd chans can be manipulative
and truly suffering.
No. 1522053
File: 1651889611268.jpeg (340.33 KB, 1170x2023, 1633C9A8-F9E9-400A-BFA6-002936…)

The IP streak is gonna have to end if she doesn’t wanna die from her Ed
No. 1522061
File: 1651890367132.png (563.06 KB, 1074x508, Screen Shot 2022-05-06 at 9.25…)

major kek that this larper who likes to post pictures of herself with ng tubes has started tagging her posts with #fatanorexic
No. 1522067
File: 1651890681544.png (998.99 KB, 1230x564, Screen Shot 2022-05-06 at 9.29…)

>>1522061Here's a post where she claims to have literally eaten nothing between July and when she went back to treatment at the end of september
No. 1522068
File: 1651890737716.png (1.01 MB, 753x748, Screen Shot 2022-05-06 at 9.30…)

>>1522067truly the face of someone who fasted for three months
No. 1522073
>>1522069ayrt, oh fuck, yeah, I see that now. I read it as the idiom "haven't eaten a grain [of food]" but now see that I was just being dumb
but yeah, basically the american porgie.
No. 1522074
File: 1651891519645.png (668.7 KB, 603x620, Screen Shot 2022-05-06 at 9.44…)

>>1522073last post about her, but she also shares pictures of these hilariously gross looking meals that she's "challenging", along with videos of her eating
No. 1522129
File: 1651897748374.jpg (390.03 KB, 1080x1209, 20220506_232831.jpg)

Laura appears to be home and is still very spoopy
No. 1522169
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No. 1522171
File: 1651900505406.jpg (Spoiler Image,345.81 KB, 1080x2073, Screenshot_2022-05-07-15-05-11…)

When you upload your 8th hospital admission….
No. 1522200
File: 1651905046534.png (16.34 KB, 768x171, flourishingfxiry meds.png)

>>1521494These are her meds, according to her tellonym. Neuroleptics make you fat, but topiramate makes you thin, so it might be a wash. Both also massively fuck with your cognition, combining both probably makes her borderline illiterate at this point.
No. 1522243
>>1522169They can't talk about you by name for privacy reasons, idiot. If you overheard it so could someone else. You really want everyone on the ward to know your name and how sick you are for what? A crumb of validation?
>>1521456I'd give my right tit to watch this
No. 1522244
>>1521977Drug induced worms aly is pushing up daisies.
>>1203376 tried finding the post on these threads but couldn't. I thought it was talked about again in the past thread or so.
No. 1522263
>>1522259Ah, my mistake. That definitely makes more sense
>>1522261Na, they broke up (on pretty bad terms I think). Just a few months back iirc. Probably for the reason you said. Laura lives in a hospital.
No. 1522310
>>1522129this is so profoundly shopped. bones don't work this way no matter how much weight you lose. look at someone like ash and the difference is obvious—her proportions and bones are still human size and shape whereas Laura looks warped and plastic. it's impossible to tell what she looks like or even if she's spoopy irl bc her PS is so bad and she's always posing. i agree with
>>1522177 that all the posts screaming about how SHE JUST REALLY IS THAT THIN are sus. just bc there aren't warped walls everywhere doesn't mean she doesn't PS hard, just the anatomy makes it transparent. it's been years since we've seen an unedited pic so we don't even know what she really looks like. there is no evidence she's any more than an average underweight malingerer like fi
No. 1522327
File: 1651933528132.png (10.06 MB, 1125x2436, 913E1D6C-82B6-4CA8-B989-8C9E32…)

I suspect all the annoying WKing several threads back was Laura as well. Also check out the coffee cup, dead giveaway of shoop
No. 1522353
>>1522129I don't think anyone really believes or is even saying she's isn't spoopy/skelly. Just that she's a textbook case that won't ever change. Not really anything to argue.
>>1519597Agree seems odd that an exercise addict would grin like the Cheshire cat being carted around by mummy and daddy. But that's Fi for you.
No. 1522441
File: 1651943703654.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1170x2023, 475D7345-47AC-4F65-9050-AC7A43…)

More relapse baiting with hating “feeling full” and dieticians
No. 1522444
>>1522364It's not derailing. She was a pretry popular subject a couple years back. Not
all farmers are straight sociopaths. I don't think she deserves isolation.
No. 1522504
>>1522502don't have to be spoopy to get a tube. See examples like
>>1522068Cece has had plenty before because she just refuses a few meals/snacks until the center's protocol requires a tube.
No. 1522535
File: 1651951483741.jpg (Spoiler Image,275.33 KB, 1080x1449, 20220507_142206.jpg)

No. 1522541
File: 1651952047128.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1170x2124, 8E0C10E3-31EB-4B02-B130-900CBC…)

poor baby she “just wants to feel better”
No. 1522552
File: 1651952573826.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.94 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20220507-204119_Ins…)

Only matter time before she has a of
No. 1522576
File: 1651954974392.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1798, 65001E6B-5786-49E3-9B66-6B1BF3…)

it’s so nice to see niamh looking genuinely normal and posting actually attractive photos. maybe she’s finally going to grow up and grow out of her anachan persona
No. 1522656
File: 1651963934999.png (5.45 MB, 1125x2436, F438272C-A9ED-429F-A0F3-EAE372…)

more relapse baiting
No. 1522692
>>1521805what’s her issue with bird box? sandra bullock is
No. 1522745
>>1522739I did but Im on mobile so its weird.
I was refering to this one
>>1522327 No. 1522757
>>1522692They forced us in teenage hospital unit to watch a 40 minute film about a kid that wascompletely paralyzed from drunk driving. That was super
triggering…why is Bird Box so bad? Its even less scary than A Quiet Place
(no1curr) No. 1522781
>>1522765She is absolutely relapsing and has lost a lot of weight since her discharge. (I think the photos were on the last thread) but doesnt need to wave it around in the air
Then again, maybe she just likes them. When youre on your period, stressed with school, or not eating full balanced meals anything salty like condiments and jarred pickles are the only thing you crave
No. 1522792
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Not much milk, but Fi sounding like Han is cringey to read.
These people need to realize recovery involves filling your life with things beyond posting and thinking about food or positive affirmations. For the love of god please I hope they stop posting about their EDs and get a life, even havinf social interaction or a vacation that has nothing to do with talking about "how far I've come" and being in tears not being able to find their yogurt at the store.
No. 1522816
File: 1651983047086.jpg (68.03 KB, 500x500, artworks-000513068865-up0kgo-t…)

>>1519358I've been calling for months, never trust lovebombers, all of them, are straight out narcs, unless they are truly insecure depressive people deep down. Wich she isn't.
I call it out when she suddenly started soft-posting her body more often, she was testing the simping grounds and men will simp, no fail.
Her entire person it's completely fabricated, on top of that I will not disregard the notion that "mum" was on it all along for the easy IG cash grab as well.
Maybe in the next months, she will be no longer on this thread, instead she will be in some OF snowy post. It depends on how desperate she is for attention and money at the end.
No. 1522920
File: 1652007584408.jpeg (464.03 KB, 828x1439, D8E12B84-4659-4A48-AA88-CB0982…)

>>1522656You forgot this gem as well. In all her coffee pics she has a latte or something similar. But got to let everyone know ‘black Americanos’ are her favourite because she is just naturally an ana prodigy
No. 1522924
>>1522415Could be: she’s hurt staff either accidentally (in restraint or throwing things) or on purpose on more than one occasion so even 2:1’s don’t feel safe, her incidents go on for so long it disrupts everyone else’s care (others can’t access a space because she’s in there/staff are all having to deal with her and can’t safely support others/she’s loud or verbally
abusive which is
triggering for others), or has been trying to abscond and hurting people trying to enter or exit the building whilst trying to get out. Those are just a couple examples of when segregation would be used over 2:1.
No. 1522932
File: 1652011057876.jpeg (279.05 KB, 1169x2051, 3A067821-BECE-4BD0-B3BF-25BD3F…)

Anyone know this tiktoker than nikolels shared? Making some weird barely put together statements about women or something. I think her brain is made of porridge.
No. 1522940
>>1522129Her skelly fetishist boyfriend should he taking her to a hospital not fucking around with cats and hello kitty. She's going to keel over and get a creepy burial with plushies. Christ.
>>1522920 Cecelia is the single most embarrassing human being on the planet.
No. 1522963
File: 1652017743660.jpg (Spoiler Image,244.74 KB, 1079x1919, Screenshot_20220508_144547.jpg)

Pixyteri I'm pooping vibes
No. 1522977
File: 1652019162357.jpg (Spoiler Image,289.31 KB, 1080x1921, Screenshot_20220508-084839_Tik…)

>>1522932Please spoiler this bitch, @lukascout is as shameless as EC (and shares her love for baggy diaper shorts). Her whole tiktok feed is bodychecking in her underpants. She has a blog with a section labeled Eating Disorders, and what little I read was so cheesy and pretentious its probably worth reading more for a laugh
No. 1522978
File: 1652019226372.jpg (428.47 KB, 1080x1638, Unravelled.jpg)

>>1522977Sample of Luka's shitty writing
No. 1522988
>>1522932After having quick peep at her tiktok, i've concluded that this:
>>1441375 must surely be sarcasm
No. 1523063
>>1523007Is it Dasha/Daria Parxom out of curiosity? Just randomly searched the threads and the closest names I could find.
>>1372866 Still kicking i believe if so.
>>1424169 No. 1523107
File: 1652031955922.png (76.97 KB, 223x447, 4A3A5D35-051D-416D-9B6D-FF823E…)

>>1523074It’s a good job she’s asexual because she is sinfully ugly. She reminds me of that sad dog from loony tunes
No. 1523112
>>1522963Part of me think “leave her alone! She’s just working out she can wear what she wants!”
The other part of me thinks
“Holy fuck. She is bonkers”
No. 1523128
File: 1652034468748.jpg (383.38 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220508-192625_Ins…)

Christ, that GP is gonna get a shock seeing the state of her walking in the door. Sounds like she hasn't seen a Dr in a while. Maybe they'll actually attempt to do something.
No. 1523130
File: 1652034567180.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1151x2121, 67595CF4-5B9B-44CF-956A-E9D796…)

it buffles me how they can be so unwell yet still manage to take a pic in the a&e for the world to see
No. 1523229
File: 1652042025860.jpeg (377.36 KB, 1170x2348, FD4EDF38-F24D-4349-9146-25A6F7…)

While we’re on the topic of TT bodycheckers. This one got called out and still pulls this move every vid
No. 1523263
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Scarletts been fairly quiet recently but revealed in the 2(?) years she has been ‘training’, her compulsive bodyche- sorry, posing practice has fucked up her back to the extent she can’t stand up straight anymore. The delusion needed to justify that as being OK is pretty impressive
No. 1523279
File: 1652046366776.jpeg (436.02 KB, 960x1765, BE9A8666-DB64-4146-B989-3A6895…)

How are we not talking about Anna DeBeer ‘s new porno promo
No. 1523308
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The way she's pulling up her panties looks uncomfortable. Also, why.
No. 1523374
File: 1652056490556.png (715.87 KB, 1099x511, Screen Shot 2022-05-08 at 7.34…)

Why on earth is she being encouraged to eat four donuts for breakfast while in residential?
No. 1523590
File: 1652072370621.png (8.96 MB, 1170x2532, A998D605-3434-4E04-80C5-6BD4AA…)

Porgie seeing a new GI specialist today looking like a fucking land whale. She’ll be laughed out of the office
No. 1523674
File: 1652080365208.png (2.1 MB, 851x1473, moo cow milk.PNG)

>>1523590also on the topic of Porgie, check out her NG at home supplies. A fucktonne of calories that she clearly doesnt need AT ALL!
No. 1523706
>>1507879>>1523698whats even funnier is she still manages to hawk down huge steaks.
She's trying to blame an ED on her super serious gastro issues when its likely pre-diabetes related health problems.
Time for a Glucose Tolerance Test Porgie.
No. 1523963
>>1523674You'd think it's physically impossible to binge through a tube but Porgie is trying her best.
>>1523590The proportions of the door behind her… Is there a skinny filter on this whole photo? And her legs have too crisp an outline compared to other lighting in the photo. Unless she carries wait like an alcoholic man (all belly) I think she's shoopin.
No. 1524067
File: 1652108374330.jpg (646.49 KB, 1079x1891, Screenshot_20220509_155855.jpg)

not really milk, just the most punchable face I've ever seen
No. 1524272
File: 1652116293966.png (2.19 MB, 992x1561, Screen Shot 2022-05-09 at 11.1…)

The strained acting is really painful to look at. If you were this nervous you'd be an anxious wreck unable to take selfies. College will mess your mind up
No. 1524409
File: 1652125499964.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1821, 103E6647-05B6-4CF9-81DD-0A2C9A…)

Her face is actually starting to look kind of bad
No. 1524561
File: 1652138532094.jpeg (288.53 KB, 828x1415, E1A54D55-6A43-4B2C-B374-D837E9…)

crossover arc
No. 1524615
File: 1652142859059.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1170x2124, 297DFFA9-6516-454D-9F4C-DE767D…)

Mmm some more Ed recovery with a side of strained neck/collarbones
No. 1524674
File: 1652150035369.png (262.73 KB, 340x578, neigh.png)

No. 1524706
>>1524674So obvious she took 10 photos to get her arm at the smallest angle. She hasn't mentioned being SEED in a while, I guess she's realized she oversold how sick she was and now her only means of damage control is to lose weight (briefly… or do coke and b/p again).
How do employers not google her and see this stuff? I guess this site would have too much jargon in it to make sense. But I would not be keen on hiring someone whose social media clout hinges on their self-induced dysfunction.
No. 1524865
>>1524272>>1524067Nobody tell Ham the chubbier her face gets the more ludicrous her Pixar dreamgirl expressions become. I don't think she realizes what she'll lose (no pun intended) by becoming truly overweight if she stays on this path. She's young and pretty (imo) and she's eating it away.
She's already too big to be an inspiration to ana girls who want to be normal but still attractive, looking at her as the "recovery after" is scary to them. And she's not thick, she doesn't carry weight in the way a plus size model does - no matter how high she hikes up her undies.
Good for her for carrying on her education though. Hopefully she'll make like Molly and grow out of this phase.
No. 1524886
>>1524865Ham's always been a cautionary tale
against recovery: a normal weight turned overweight wannarexic, aiming for obesity and calling it recovery? There's a lot of fear around trading one ED for another so if you don't know what you look like to other people and see "anorexic" looks like this chunky bitch, how the hell do you justify further weight gain? Why trade the health risks of anorexia for the health risks of obesity?
Ham's whole social media presence is poison to recovery and I'd think she was doing it on purpose if she understood the thought process behind the disorder, but she's just a munching fraud
triggering imposter syndrome in a mentally ill population she wants so desperately to fit into and can't, pun intended.
And I agree, Ham actually is pretty in a plain, girl-next-door sort of way so it's a screaming shame she's such a cloutsick scumbag. It's clear why she has no friends but she could stand to get a hobby so the larp isn't absolutely all she has
No. 1524893
File: 1652184625909.jpeg (1.78 MB, 1170x1997, E75A1936-22F6-498D-B2A6-A0FA59…)

our “just breathe” queen might be in a competition with Niamh as to who's legs are furthest apart in each photo
No. 1524924
>>1524916No offense anon but of course she looks strange, she's starved herself half to death, there is no way to look normal when you're this spoopy.
Same goes for any other subject ITT, some anonitas are a bit too quick to cry shoop considering the tragic state of their bodies.
No. 1525075
File: 1652204084935.jpg (606.78 KB, 1080x1904, Screenshot_20220510_183146.jpg)

If your messy closet is bothering you why wouldn't you clear it out instead of making whiny posts about it? As though it's something completely out of her control, instead of something she could easily fix with an hour's work. It's not like she's got anything else to do but post creepy eating/dancing videos with copy-pasted sadgirl captions. She's so wilfully helpless and it's infuriating.
No. 1525269
>>1525204it's really easy to find people on social media, phone number, names, names with cities, like nonna above said. If it's important for you, that the people you employ fit your company, you will have a closer look and today there are people that put their public social media account even into their application
>>1525205damn, I had a look at her linkedin and that wall of text is killing me.
No. 1525279
File: 1652222183656.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x1889, 82DD8435-B095-4334-B184-81FFDD…)

oh dear. somehow the poses are even more infuriating when she’s a normal size.
No. 1525427
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No. 1525428
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No. 1525480
File: 1652244470165.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1145x2071, 89B1D953-4348-4943-920E-587CF6…)

Inspirational music while she eats a tiny sliver of cheesecake
No. 1525521
File: 1652252037565.jpeg (327.2 KB, 640x819, 2AB34282-35A2-404D-907D-6B9ACE…)

>>1525279Kek go watch the full video it’s so funny.
Just wtf are these poses? She looks special needs. No. 1525570
>>1525447Did she self-post before? Feels odd she's trying to get inserted again. Good to know she's changed from using @starvingcat though.
Oh wait no, she posted about this person
>>1519644 kek. She yeah, she probably has self-posted.
Foound her instagram because she tried getting another lady to drop her Instagram so she could have it. Is she actually studying neuroscience? No. 1525733
File: 1652281360983.jpg (132.68 KB, 720x706, Screenshot_20220511-085802_You…)

Bringing up a certain type of veganism as it is basically forcing your body on a famine diet… these raw foodies spread proana ideology in their youtubes
This one is TannyRaw who lies about her botox and fillers on her face at 50-60… proudly touts that she lost 100+ pounds eating nothing but raw food to sell her book.
No. 1525739
File: 1652281660313.jpg (81.67 KB, 720x526, Screenshot_20220511-090630_You…)

Get Fit With Natasha also spotting a full blown body check in their recent video enough to get banned on TikTok but not YouTube
No. 1525757
>>1525752Theyll all be feeling the effects of 50 bananas a day when they get osteoporosis and B12 injections. This ex-vegan shared how the raw food hippie cult affected her and her children very well.
Unfortunately these gremlins were able to breed and now force their low fat, fruit only diet on their babies. Their kids starve while they do body checks and talk about how much "life and vitality" they have slowly starving to death on Instagram.
No. 1525768
File: 1652284035276.jpeg (336.44 KB, 1170x2158, E62F6792-8D46-4DEE-BAFE-E42B52…)

When will she stop posing like this oh my god
No. 1525775
>>1525736this is no great revelation
nonnie , it’s not a secret that most anons on this thread have EDs.
No. 1525983
File: 1652296695577.png (4.21 MB, 2190x1150, Screen Shot 2022-05-11 at 3.14…)

>>1525883if you look at her instagram you can basically track the progression from normal thin girl to the kind of thin that would make someone question an ED like the other anon. i understand how it's an expectation of the job to be in shape, and it's probably more just her trying to be employable than actually having serious eating issues, but i have no idea why she thinks it's a good thing to talk about on her social media. talking about diet and a rigorous exercise routine is naturally going to raise questions.
the other thing i don't get is she seems to be more of an ecomm/instagram brands model than a runway model, so she doesn't actually have to be as thin (and toned) as she is. maybe she's trying to get online fame for her body? i honestly can't tell.
No. 1526028
File: 1652299339127.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x2036, 84DFFF48-1830-4D88-B6A0-ECC5DD…)

wth is she talking about?
all i read/see is notice me, feel pity for me
No. 1526076
File: 1652303010034.jpeg (416.49 KB, 1170x2143, 926987B6-2AB0-42DD-B48F-6EB18C…)

Not S trying to convince us she’s only now gotten to a healthy weight as if she wasn’t on admission
No. 1526102
File: 1652304776434.jpeg (2.13 MB, 1170x2259, 45FF3E60-B4EA-4484-922C-19F15A…)

did Fiona mentioned at all that its her birthday next week?
No. 1526120
File: 1652306421249.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1170x2127, 78A68204-DB3F-43B3-B814-D28A23…)

lurk moar, niamh
No. 1526165
File: 1652309447620.jpg (789.84 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220511-183710_Tik…)

She did a dance tik tok and you can clearly see she is trying to relapse.
She looks unhealthy now
No. 1526177
File: 1652310288911.jpg (1003.75 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220511-190434_Tik…)

Such a punchable face
No. 1526198
File: 1652311527587.png (734.61 KB, 526x927, asdghjkl;lkjhgfds.png)

Cece awkwardly angling her arm to look as spoopy as possible, in the process making her tits look like they're sagging to her belly button. She's late 20's right? How much longer does she think her body can put up with these rapid weight fluctuations. And for what? Validation from strangers online about how ~sooper serious~ her ED is? What a waste of a life.
No. 1526216
>>1526199She really won't do well with this in her 30's. Hope she's prepared for hair loss, gum recession and bone loss, premature aging, joint problems, worsening digestive issues. And eventual heart/organ damage from the constant stress to her body. I literally can't wrap my head around her motives. Some of these cows I get it, they feel hopeless and without purpose, people like Fiona. But Cece is smart, well educated, financially stable, has a career that will probably always leave her with job opportunities in her field. She has everything these cows need to succeed, why not just get a different hobby other than ana larping? Her antics leave me completely baffled.
No. 1526277
File: 1652315703989.png (653.36 KB, 674x851, kjhgfdswertyhujk.png)

>>1526222I kind of feel bad for her, I mean this is just embarrassing. "Influencer" lol
No. 1526281
File: 1652315887116.png (679.05 KB, 651x847, lkjhgtfrdsderfghjk.png)

>>1526277And it's creepy how the article highlights the fact that she's a barely legal teenager, scrote culture is gross.
No. 1526283
File: 1652316001776.png (43.16 KB, 665x519, kiuytresdcvfbhnjm.png)

>>1526270The comments on the article don't offer much praise lol
No. 1526364
File: 1652320487465.jpeg (1.02 MB, 828x1474, 202C599F-07A2-4941-890E-B50A2C…)

Zara just because you’ve managed to go this long without dying doesn’t mean you’re fine. You get worse by the day. I actually like Zara, I think she has great potential, but she is deeply in denial and needs to grow up and realize she needs help.
No. 1526386
>>1526355She has in the past (and probably will again in the future) portray herself to be far more severe than she is. She is not SEED. She was not acute level. And she has not been at an unhealthy low weight for the majority of the time that she claims to have had an eating disorder (pretty much only the last year or 2 IIRC). But she does obviously have a real ED, which she absolutely loves and has made a core feature of her identity so I doubt we’ll ever stop hearing about it or that she will recover. So she might actually become her coveted SEED diagnosis after all. Also she is just the worst and is extremely
toxic and manipulative online.
No. 1526431
>>1526321I work in media, we always specify the age of the people who are the main target of the articles. It isn't creepy. Her pic is just not a good one, but she is wearing the same amount of clothing she would at a public beach.
No. 1526447
>>1526426Pretty sure mommy and daddy are paying her rent and helping her pay for appointments.
>>1526398Post pics or shoo. Scales are easily manipulated just like her height that changes depending on the day
>>1526443Flooding of unsaged posts? Not suspicious at all!
No. 1526450
File: 1652327340703.jpeg (Spoiler Image,703.43 KB, 828x1170, 66BA38E4-E14A-4956-AEE5-2C41E0…)

I can’t recall Cece admitting to purging lately but I noticed what looks like Russell’s sign.
No. 1526503
>>1526431Go back to reddit if you want to cape for scrotes; did you write the article or something? Talking about a barely legal teenage girl's changing body and showing photos of her in her underwear is absolutely fucking creepy and if you can't see the pedophilic undertones in that context you can fuck off. There are 2 reasons that article has no "before" photos:
1, are they really gonna show an underage girl in her underwear or can we all agree that would be inappropriate?
2, she was never underweight. Any images of her at her lowest would be much less shocking than whatever readers can imagine, but inviting people to imagine an underage girl's body is still gross.
At least if poor Ham was posting that crap to onlyfans she'd be making money off the embarrassment, but instead she's giving her lewds away for nothing but exposure. Clout is a disease
No. 1526595
File: 1652351801617.png (9.41 MB, 1170x2532, CFDEA9F3-9FFE-4843-AACF-77D092…)

i hate the term body checking but come on lol
No. 1526684
File: 1652364879306.jpeg (231.48 KB, 750x914, BDB72D93-E899-4E9B-818F-439510…)

Didn’t see this coming kek
No. 1526691
>>1526439I agree, it is weird to write an article about body positivity and use pictures of an 18 y/o in her underwear, you can’t really deny that. Especially with that comment from happyboy123 (probably an old scrote) saying he’d sooner look at her than Victoria Beckham or whatever.
>>1526532>>1526536Yes, he said those things and even more shit like men shouldn’t wear condoms, bragging about how he has never worn one and that real women should have 20 babies in their life.
Nonnie if you actually have watched him for years you should seek mental help and maybe check your colon for cancerous growths if you actually listen to him.
No. 1526765
>>1526758Back in the day? Chii is still doing that shit.
Also kek- still can't believe chii outed herself here with vendetta on nik
No. 1526777
File: 1652373999220.jpeg (202.45 KB, 640x680, 78505FEE-39FE-466F-82A8-0A710F…)

>>1526222The comments lol
No. 1526790
File: 1652375434849.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1170x2163, 870A4183-6BA2-4BAD-A6E1-C6A5D6…)

God it seems like almost no recovery insta is safe from sick body checks
No. 1526930
File: 1652383835491.png (7.83 MB, 1170x2532, 3A04B949-67C0-472D-B81A-1BE264…)

im surprised Erica hasn’t been talked about. Every video is her in her hospital bed being oh so sick, except when she dances with her legs pushed apart. Literally all her videos are the same boring shit, “oh no it’s hard to see the scale go up”, “oh no I’m struggling so much”.
No. 1526953
File: 1652385962980.jpg (167.68 KB, 720x1416, Screenshot_20220512-140407_You…)

Fi's full recovery breakfast is a large bowl of oatmeal and a few slivers of banana. Your body needs protein, good fats, fruits, and veggies every meal not this nutritionally deficient sluge.
No. 1527055
>>1527050spooky scary skeletons
send shivers down my spine
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul
Seal your doom tonight
File: 1652397051569.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.93 KB, 720x1413, Screenshot_20220512-170706_Chr…)

Update on Eatglitter, no longer selling her vegan date, lettuce, and tomato diet…but now selling 200$ set of skimpy underwear with FREE thinspo under her new brand!
Because of EG I'm almost glad Han is advertising underwear and might get paid for it with her follower count.
No. 1527215
>>1526756Cece actually is pretty sick anon, theyve lost a looot of weight since discharge. Its noticeable in side by side pics.
>>1526536Yes, he made a video titled "A woman's purpose" to mirror his obsessive pregnancy fetish and stated it's not wrong to be physically attracted to budding 15 year old girls.
His raw vegan interviews are great but the other mysoginistic, transphobic rot is still there.
No. 1527221
>>1526281Han is very pretty, I hope nobody takes advantage of her, may not be a problem since she is with her mom a lot.
She still has a lot of time to move on from posting about her oatmeal bowls and ED every 3 seconds
No. 1527296
>>1526790Dani is a clown, but not really in the same league as the ones in this thread.
Dani, you can recover. See a doctor and a therapist and stop paying Instagram influencers to give you workout plans.
She’s just a bit…stupid?
No. 1527374
>>1527215Stop being a wk for Cece. She lies about how sick she is. The end
Oh,and if you give a fuck about "transphobia" then you're in the wrong place. Take it to reddit
No. 1527418
File: 1652432413858.jpeg (Spoiler Image,384.74 KB, 1124x1989, BD5E1699-5472-479C-9B6F-D0933B…)

Porgie’s sooper severe gastroparesis causing her to waste away and not be able to eat anything. Spoilers cause no one needs to see that much lard!
No. 1527431
>>1527418Table tits has returned…
How how HOW tf can professionals actually look at that land whale and think that she is malnourished; my brain feels like it’s imploding trying to figure it out.
No. 1527435
>>1527418HAHAHAHAHA!! another fine example of a tagged photo reality vs a staged/angled self-upload!
with a double chin like that, its easy to see why Porgie constantly pulls it back and pretends she is resting her face on her finger. once you see it, you cant unsee it.
No. 1527437
File: 1652436512500.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, C5E3B63D-86A8-40D5-9537-AD0072…)

>>1527150Speaking of acting like a toddler kek, after a big panic attack and meltdown and being super cold. It’s okay though because even as a woman in her mid-20’s, her parents helped to ‘wrap her up warm’. How is she not embarrassed saying all this on public videos.
No. 1527442
>>1527215>cares about transphobia>can't spell misogynisticAre you a scrote or just dyslexic? Don't answer that, this board is for women.
>>1526673He was obviously hunting for food when he stabbed those people nona, that's not bloodlust he was just hungy
No. 1527689
File: 1652461341953.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x2029, AFE7A62C-18EE-48CC-B09A-764891…)

she is actually pretty without the toob
No. 1527775
File: 1652466371299.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1319, 4C49FD3E-3724-4BF4-8782-C63C87…)

are the girls in Glasgow competing who gets the biggest head injury?
No. 1527794
File: 1652468086597.jpeg (323.79 KB, 1170x2190, 37443F81-6C50-4838-A189-D8B3D3…)

The fact that she has the audacity to post recovery content, pretending she’s in recovery , pretending she’s fine etc, spreading a terrible message to young girls that you can be near death and still be “in recovery”. Yet still complains about ppl bothering her about it. just stop being a terrible person online and being a pathological liar and then people will stop
No. 1528036
File: 1652483116765.png (2.22 MB, 828x1792, 31832596-0D33-450F-ACA2-CF0026…)

>how dare you all say I’m unwell, I’m doing great in university
>I couldn’t do my homework to my fullest ability because I’m unwell
I can’t tell if this is conscious attention seeking or just her cognitive dissonance
No. 1528144
File: 1652488164009.jpeg (416.22 KB, 1169x2414, DE3CDDF4-47E6-4250-B91A-D2CC9F…)

Don’t understand how she is still so spoopy.
No. 1528377
File: 1652504824083.jpeg (351.34 KB, 825x1378, 03162C41-A5A9-46B4-84C6-85C8B6…)

What the fuck is going on with your forearm, Georgia?
No. 1528394
>>1528377kek shes trying too hard to werk them angles to appear slimmer than the manatee she is, that she forgot about her arm.
those legs are squished tightly together, placed daintily one behind the other, and her back is so curved&twisted to "hide" her girth she'll have scoliosis in 2 minutes.
No. 1528417
File: 1652512099586.jpg (188.37 KB, 1084x1262, 0358308538.jpg)

>>1528404as an adult woman this is quite horrifying to me. like what do you as a 22 year old woman have in common with a literal child, other than your ED i guess. not to mention that she probably is
triggering the 14 year olds ED.
No. 1528426
File: 1652513635244.jpg (311.75 KB, 1080x1869, ItsValidation.jpg)

>>1528141Why would you assume the "harassment" is one person cowtipping? It's not. Zara's pulling the same crap as Eugenia passive-aggressively whining that every comment that isn't kissing her gaping asshole is cyberbullying. Zara's just more smug about admitting how flattering(validating) she finds the comments about how crippled she is
No. 1528431
one account was harassing you why wouldn't you block them, retard? For someone who acts like she's so above it all Zara engages a lot of negativity. And the person she's posting is an ED account. Naming and shaming someone as mentally ill as you are and probably a child isn't very compassionate perfect ana butterfly of you Zara
No. 1528503
>>1528417what the actual fuck. meeting up with a 14 year old? the other people were adults too. that’s really fucking weird. that must be so
triggering for the child, god.
No. 1528538
File: 1652532188740.jpg (602 KB, 1080x1864, Screenshot_20220514-143612_Ins…)

imagine equating eating disorder recovery to your feelings about cheese. she has no idea why people become ana.
No. 1528628
File: 1652544899424.png (1.45 MB, 1080x1849, Screenshot_20220513-105052.png)

Cecelia has a brain tumor? I thought she didn't have savings because she kept messing with her vitals to go inpatient over and over.
No. 1528654
File: 1652548588101.jpeg (479.57 KB, 828x1792, 4775B5E7-811A-4551-9BCC-EB3FCB…)

Not to wk, but @emsinrecovery seems to actually be in recovery. No more bodychecking or boasting about how sooper sick she is, but she’s released a podcast! There is hope for these cows.
No. 1528693
>>1528538That melted brick of cheese would make anyone who isn't into fatty oily crap vomit immediately. Panic attacks over cheese in the past, lol. Wasn't the crying over pizza video the one that was specially scripted and she had to go and calm down in her bedroom with a mascara stained face?
Look at all that pure fat dripping out of the thing.
>>1528565She's thick as shit, but I reckon she's self aware enough OFF THE INTERNET to be insecure about her body. Nobody praises someone for flashing their stretch marks, spotty arse, etc on the street (okay, nobody sees it on the street, leave that to N2F), but it must feel lonely in the real world without her fake internet friends and bought followers. When she starts to engage with people, they won't be kind when she's doing this online.
No. 1528892
>>1528628>>1528721>>1528775She has a pituitary tumour - a prolactinoma. She said she had blood tests because her hormones were off and her prolactin was high which could be ED/risperdal but in her case it was a prolactinoma.
Technically it is not a brain tumour but a tumour on a gland on the brain which causes the gland to secrete more of a hormone.
To my memory she didn’t attribute the tumour to her ED.
Sorry if this was too much info I am a medfag autist kek
No. 1528911
File: 1652570065279.jpg (318.91 KB, 1080x1645, Screenshot_20220515-085658_Ins…)

>>1528892Only the sickest of the sick get sectioned in the US
No. 1528915
File: 1652570112080.jpg (412.19 KB, 1080x1714, Screenshot_20220515-085728_Ins…)

>>1528911And no binging for the purest ana
No. 1528953
>>1528911>>1528915…she’s sent these to herself, hasn’t she
>>1528916Bingo. Impulsively necking a few tylenol just isn’t on brand for our “restrictive” ~over controlled~ qween. If she had ever been committed for ED reasons we wouldn’t hear the end of it
No. 1528959
File: 1652572966642.png (384.07 KB, 611x503, lolz.png)

Ha Scarlett's facial expression. WTF is this? Just shows people think being a model is easy but girls like her and EC look like total fucking morons when they try to pose. She's attempting fuck me eyes and ends up with catatonic psych ward patient.
No. 1529178
>>1528888Seeing Zara is probably genuinely
triggering for Ro
No. 1529309
File: 1652602465078.jpg (232.02 KB, 1080x1740, UncomfyJammies.jpg)

>>1528911>>1528915You can blot out the time without cropping out who posted it you know, Cece's too bland to just automatically know its her
Anyway who the hell wears a bra to sleep on purpose? Is she just mad at her nipples and trying to punish them?
(weird bra nitpick) No. 1529376
File: 1652613615129.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1170x2039, CCFB6071-6E18-4120-B816-10FA04…)

Yeah, very “nourishing” Ham
No. 1529442
File: 1652624201167.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1170x1664, E80FF830-D8EA-4E5F-8103-DFB475…)

Not Fi gazing down at her plate with a giant fake smile like Italian Aly used to
No. 1529470
File: 1652627928471.jpeg (2.61 MB, 1170x2013, 67ED7FA9-2540-4FCF-8F47-DBF0A7…)

No. 1529612
File: 1652639513233.jpg (554.58 KB, 2208x1336, stare.jpg)

>>1529442another rEcOvErY wArRiOr appears..!
No. 1529723
File: 1652648687831.jpeg (261.28 KB, 1170x1132, 975B4D6B-876E-4082-B980-0A2150…)

submission for next threads cover 🫣
No. 1529814
>>1529636She moved out of her parents' place so now she can purge. She's psyched to be able to b/p plus get tons of social media attention for it, though of course under the guise of a "recovery" account so she can maintain the moral high ground.
Also new relationship, so the adrenaline has probably squashed her appetite for the moment.
I bet she'll try to stay out of IP until she gets that holy BMI of 12.whatever with actual proof so she can feel
What annoys me so much about her (today) is that she needs to project this image of being a dainty restricting ana who has to bravely fight to get every calorie down, but she just wants the positive attention for her looks that she never got.
I actually think she's cute. She could totally have a successful lifestyle gramma-chic-whatever blog instead of this dysfunctional garbage.
No. 1529847
File: 1652656592859.jpeg (926.92 KB, 828x1451, 4F613711-63BF-46FE-B0AC-CFAFEF…)

Sick veins, Marie.
No. 1530272
File: 1652670128304.jpeg (102.47 KB, 892x850, 409F178F-7F78-46CA-AD17-E68DB7…)

>>1529847The coconut head haircut really does it for me.
No. 1530507
File: 1652684774827.png (3.68 MB, 1242x2208, 1BD162B4-448E-406A-B4BC-18279F…)

someone section her. promoting recovery while actively admitting you fit in the same clothes you did when you were 11
No. 1530567
File: 1652688073883.jpg (784.46 KB, 856x1394, Sick Victorian child .jpg)

>>1530520She changed her name, she’s mariesdiarie on Instagram now, as per
>>1529847 No. 1530640
>>1529769Some may, yes, but obviously not everyone does. Those noodles are pretty awful and costly, and with like everything there's so many fads in the wannerexic communities. It's swings and roundabouts. If you're sticking to EDtwt for your information you have a poor overview of actual anorexics. Also FYI the noodles do have calories, it's just it's assumed that you can't fully digest them.
And hell i can't find it, i thought this thread someone shared that someone posted butter in coffee and it being diet culture, i had a lot of laughs thinking christ we're back to the old days of the pro ana butter diet. Didn't realize til today that there's legit people out there putting butter in coffee for weight loss kek. It's come full circle.
No. 1530681
File: 1652705661143.jpg (100.65 KB, 613x412, 08-mary-wife-harvest-moon.jpg)

>>1530567Girl, we all could be a mousy harvest moon character about to be given the blue feather but it's just not realistic.
No. 1530730
File: 1652711572749.png (1.03 MB, 2675x1141, Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 8.33…)

>>1530640Butter coffee is a Keto Diet trend
No. 1530766
File: 1652715683263.jpg (6.02 MB, 5000x5000, pixlr_20220516163128202.jpg)

poor ickle porgie - just dreaming of a world where she could eat normally! sure porge, but you wouldn't be happily tucking into that meal if you were struggling with out of control vomiting. and absolutely any opportunity to ensure her toob is visible in every single photo she shares - porgie is absolutely loving life, with the ability to dramatically increase her intake pouring calories directly into her stomach, in addition to all the food she eats - whilst visibly drooling at the way she can use her toob to pretend she's a sooper sick fragile waif on the verge of death by malnutrition, yet happily shoving entire meals down her throat in public. how is she not embarrassed?
and i'm no medfag, but surely a diagnosis of gastroparesis would result in an NJ tube, not an NG…
No. 1530786
>>1530730irrelevant but I hate that butter coffee became a diet trend because it's actually really good (the proper way is butter and condensed milk)
>>1530766Georgia truly fascinates me with her food/ed habits
No. 1530805
File: 1652719653675.png (8.25 MB, 1170x2532, 6598ED7C-EDDB-46C0-AFF2-945764…)

Kinda funny how em has en Ed recovery podcast giving other “advice” while she hasn’t gained a gram and runs marathons
No. 1530876
File: 1652725018742.jpg (34.53 KB, 515x504, 2550571f809ff23a9ff2166b7c8db4…)

Honestly I think Fiona looks like Carisi from SVU.
>>1530832Maybe she's gonna munch her way to an nj tube so she can purge and actually lose weight.
No. 1530901
>>1530786That actually does sound good anon, thanks for the suggestion
>>1530861That sounds like it would be a piece from Han, not Cece
No. 1530910
File: 1652727295251.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x1467, 4D6673CB-9B45-4FA0-8C80-AA3C1C…)

totally ok to walk in London but cant walk at the beach. makes so much sense.
No. 1531062
'well earned break' just a slap in the face to everyone who actually works and has to pay bills instead of being carted around in a pushchair by Mummy and fed snacks by Daddy
No. 1531076
>>1530910damn, I could use a well earned break, guess my depression has to wait until it can just have a chance to breathe.
I sometimes think her parents love caring for her and are afraid what happens if she really would recover and therefore become independent.
No. 1531269
File: 1652754886756.jpeg (90.08 KB, 460x695, F5B89C48-48E3-4DA4-8861-71605D…)

Found Scarlett looking absolutely grotesque on my Snapchat discover page. She totally showed those bullies, it’s not like she replaced Anorexia with Orthorexia and a gym addiction or anything…
No. 1531303
File: 1652758791038.jpeg (245.89 KB, 1206x1280, 5696BDD9-D404-4CD0-BCF5-44BA32…)

>>1529470new thread pic kek
No. 1531305
File: 1652758841888.jpeg (152.82 KB, 640x774, 6543893C-4D48-4CF6-9C2B-EB85B3…)

No. 1531395
File: 1652769355455.png (Spoiler Image,2.34 MB, 841x1477, n2fneverchange.PNG)

no words…
No. 1531435
>>1530910a 'well earned break' from filming yourself while eating a meager bowl of porridge and a granola bar, then crying.
now that must have's been qUiTe sTrEsSfUl, fi!
No. 1531456
nonnie, we have to be grateful that our life is nowhere near as stressful and tiring at Fi’s, can’t imagine how difficult it is for her kek
No. 1531602
File: 1652797994864.jpg (509.17 KB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20220517-162918_Ins…)

Her hair looks horrible. Her face also. I don't know how people can think she looks "cute"
No. 1531717
File: 1652804881576.jpeg (202.76 KB, 828x1631, 50B9218C-4D5D-46AF-893F-2C401D…)

>>1531603This you?
(Caption said something along the lines of “I’m really struggling with my ED”)
No. 1531762
>>1531732hey anachan turned anachan-athletica, glad to see you're less of a spoop.
first off, read the fucking rules. no one is going to spoonfeed you as to how this board works. you're also an idiot for outing yourself. if you couldn't already tell, all the posters here are anonymous.
>i get angry seeing spoops perpetuate their acting and habits into everyone else like they’re interestingyou say that as if you've never done it yourself. body-checking, promoting exercise purging, and let's not forget your claim of being 46lb… KEK.
No. 1531778
File: 1652809671835.jpg (Spoiler Image,434.82 KB, 1080x1350, 280559156_1362652544247806_161…)

the absolute state of this girls forehead, spoilered for anyone squeamish
No. 1531801
>>1531762If you think this is actually Dharma you’re really dumb. Do you think she would really say this stuff? Of course she wouldn’t, she has zero insight. Don’t be stupid.
>>1531778Emily has turned the saturation right up. She wants you to see her forehead in all its glory. And pin point pupils don’t always mean opiates or other meds. It just means she’s got a light shining really brightly on her face for better quality photo.
No. 1531824
File: 1652812191291.png (3.3 MB, 828x1792, 349AFFDB-AC34-4848-BAC6-F0EA63…)

Infuriating how this gag gets so much funds yet won’t even check in with hospice bc she’s terrified of REFEEDING. Or eating anything other than like what vegan tuno? Why has no one talked about this money hungry old woman. I’d donate to her caretaker mom for pity(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1531845
File: 1652814331560.png (5.35 MB, 828x1792, 56985DBA-54E8-4288-8E2F-F4A23F…)

No. 1531949
>>1531801>Do you think she would really say this stuff?literally yes, how the fuck am i dumb for assuming that a cow (whose brain is likely mush btw) lurks here and is an absolute newfag? get it together
>>1531762definitely not chii. i just find dharma and other ana-athleticas like ganer, dani, etc. extremely annoying for trying to tell spoops that exercise purging solves their problems.
No. 1531999
File: 1652826781606.png (548.47 KB, 720x1031, Screenshot_20220517-172822~2.p…)

Anyone else curious how looney Laura still is allowed a phone??? It just seems like she would maybe get a little better if she didn't have a following.
No. 1532014
File: 1652827786623.jpeg (773.77 KB, 828x1433, 2299F317-5E98-4021-BE84-D6E6B0…)

He could lift her in one hand
No. 1532358
>>1531999Only place you really get them taken are IP rehabs, as they want to iscolate you from the outside world for treatment. Oddly they let you keep devices in psych wards (but the onus is on you to keep items safe, kek.). I agree though, terminally onliners and those who thrive on
triggering themselves with attention really would be better off without them, but i guess it has to be a part of some sort of a treatment plan.
No. 1532666
File: 1652897220149.jpeg (2.08 MB, 1170x2178, 3806EC69-DEE1-4418-B813-FD8CE7…)

tell me you want attention and people to feel sorry for you without telling me.
Fiona managed in a short TikTok to show so many times her skelly legs and her adult stroller
No. 1532713
>>1532358The only time someone gets their phone taken away it's when they're phoning the police.
Unless you post pics with other people on them, or they're dicking around, it's OK (on general psych so I've heard). A twat on TT kept doing it at two hospitals and was kicked out for dicking around and family g "psychotic episodes" (loopylaura).
How long has this Laura been in hospital now? Terminally institutionalised. They should be sticking her in a halfway house or helping her find a flat like they did with the fake DID one (ohchickpea) whatever her name is now? What's this hard work?
No. 1532726
>>1532666>>1532719I was just about to say I'm getting desensitised to her legs, they look pretty fine to me
Not normal, but not spoopy
No. 1532731
File: 1652901490743.jpeg (Spoiler Image,780.88 KB, 750x1252, 7ECBD248-B260-469F-9CC5-3BDA6D…)

>>1531778It looks like she has a vagina om her head…..Yikes.
No. 1532778
File: 1652905139233.png (4.18 MB, 828x1792, EFBFE167-AED8-49D1-90FC-106945…)

Breads so challenging when you don’t know how to take a bite.