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No. 870272
Continuation to discuss those ED warriors doing REAL RECOVERY and members of the ED recovery community of Instagram and YouTube
Previous thread
>>>/snow/855623 No. 870286
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>>870272God bless you sweet anon. After 12 hours I feared the thread would never be revived.
Can we please discuss the absolutely autistic caption for this video?! Couldn’t bring myself to watch the whole thing, but the parts I saw she sounds absolutely retarded. Like, legitimately mentally handicapped. Not sure if it’s brain damage from anorexia or if she’s really just like that?!
No. 870287
>>870272I lost track of the number of times she said ‘this is the first time I’m making brownies ‘.
And why are her family letting her cook dinner? Surely the control should be the other way around?
No. 870291
>>870286this video was such a cringefest. Worse than Scott's Tots and the Dinner Party episodes of The Office combined.
she looks ridiculous. and it's honestly sad that the biggest thing happening in this 22 year old's life is sperging over baking brownies and filming it… she really has nothing in her life besides looking at, talking about, or salivating over food.
No. 870367
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Excellent, I was waiting to upload this golden nugget lol. She really thinks she looks amazing, I mean it’s fine to be feeling yourself but how can she be so cocky to say she got it in one shot… kek farmers know that’s bs Georgie Porgie and u look bigger than ever, but keep up with your pseudo anorexia recovery and you’ll be tipping the scales in no time. I’m not trying to nitpick but she’s like the ana chans who think they can be healthy underweight, she thinks she can be healthy at an obese weight, both sides equally as irrational.
No. 870385
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No. 870392
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>>870367Rockin that Mama Cass look.
Good for her if she's happy being that size, but I doubt she is despite the arrogance.
>>870385>>870387Best to ignore the posts with no context. Either self posts or some autist anon who can't chan.
No. 870416
>>870392Omg the resemblance is uncanny kek, thank you. And the arrogance is what surprises me wtf does she have reverse dysmorphia where she sees herself as fit not big like wtf? I think the only explanation other than the arrogance is that she’s using this “recovery” to justify her long term binges or at least consumption of high fat, high calorie food. Like if she just tells ppl she’s “recovering from anorexia” they might give her less
”hate” regardless I lol at the picture and text she posted in that story kek
No. 870420
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Looks like ppl are calling her out again lmfao(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 870433
File: 1568891522730.jpeg (1.26 MB, 828x1478, B910D745-03CA-41C6-9564-F2D4E8…)

Da fuck is up with her proportions though? I get that fat redistributes unevenly in recovery, but she looks like a fucking muppet. Probably purposely wearing those leggings to try to prove that her legs are still spoopy (while conveniently keeping her torso covered). And why do her parents continue to tolerate being featured in her gong-show of a social media presence?!
No. 870437
>>870435Definitely not WKing Elzani (my psychologist recommends Megsy's channel and oddly not Elzani's!) BUT she's wearing what looks like some kind of lycra leggings/pants. Those things aren't flattering on anyone, plus the colour blocking's making her proportions look off. I think she's doing okay, just wish she'd piss off with her videos.
So many anas can't do clothes. I can't even think of one here who has a decent style. I keep noticing how they wear Winnie the Pooh tops after it was pointed out. Even non cows on ig hashtags of anas.
No. 870471
>>870435>>870433Given the amount of time she spends editing her YouTube videos I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d shooped her legs in some way- she must have the skills even to do a bad job.
No doubt she’ll be baking a birthday cake for her dad.
No. 870476
>>870286Can someone tell me about what Elzani was like before her ED? She is constantly saying she's never eaten X or made Y, and so many of them are common UK foods. When did she get sick? Is there a summary somewhere?
Her stupid captions make me think of Aly's "never before tried" sperging.
No. 870479
fuck, no, really? I haven't been in the shops for ages.
This reminds me of that period of time in the 90s when adults were wearing Looney Tunes crap. I was a kid and it was embarrassing when my aunt wore it.
I assumed the Disney and childish stuff was limited to anas. Is child-sized silverware also going to be a trend?
No. 870485
>>870479Yep, a lot of super childish looking things especially in primark
No. 870534
>>870476It's just what all the insta anorectics do. Recovering_mary_bxtchx does the same. Constant FIRST EVER ______ even though every single human being on this planet hasn't eaten absolutely everything there is to eat. It's usually either new products, combinations people don't tend to eat, or some bizarre snack item nobody's ever heard of. E's never needed to make brownies because her family is rich as fuck and can buy good quality expensive shit.
Makes them sound 'sicker'. If you haven't had pizza since the age of 18 months are you even Ana?
No. 870643
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I think obsessed is an understatement - they are just fucking brownies- so what?
And let’s all have a big brownie bake -a-thon ( while watching bake off on tv like E does) and all the problems of the world and eating disorders will be solved. What planet is she on.
Isn’t the point of recovery to get less obsessed with food not more?
No. 870921
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I mean, we all knew this was the case, but how are these braindead idiots fooled by her?
No. 870922
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No. 870925
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Laura has reached a whole other level of attention seeking
No. 870929
>>870925wow, at least try to be a BIT less transparent about it, laura.
at this point they just need to discharge her ass because what good is being there doing, really? she's not smol n sickly. her level of risk can't be that bad if she gets to prance around shopping and shows. I've been in wards with people like this and these behaviours only end up escalating and escalating when staff are totally over their antics.
go home.
No. 870942
>>870925i came here immediately after seeing her post. there is no rational reason to take and post disturbing pics, she's only trying to "show off" how sick she is.
like its so cringy
>"look everyone, look what ive done to myself! will any amongst you say im not sick now?" pose smile No. 870946
File: 1568997490256.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.94 KB, 629x564, john merrick.JPG)

>>870921That's a subtle way to cover up the damage on her knuckles.
>>870925Oh, Laura. You ridiculous woman. Okay, IF you did this because you were genuinely distressed to scratch away (that's a big IF), then that's sad. But y'know what? Anyone with any shred of dignity wouldn't post that shit all over the internets. Most people feel embarrassed when they have a cold sore and think everyone's looking at it. Posing for selfies looking like a chav who's been in a bitch fight is EXTREME attention seeking.
Her room looks cosy. Too cosy. That's why she doesn't want to get out of there.
Jesus fucking Christ.
No. 871155
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Nice scaring on the knuckles here
No. 871159
File: 1569030293858.jpeg (Spoiler Image,707.52 KB, 3087x3087, A3E2CBA0-E740-449E-B99F-7CD2CB…)

Jen doesn’t usually post like this but today? Wow. 1st she seems pretty proud of how her ED has DESTROYED HER TEETH and they’re literally falling out. She’s got dentures. Man it’s disgusting. So yes, please show the world & smile about it happily.
No. 871160
File: 1569030346445.jpeg (Spoiler Image,811.02 KB, 3087x3087, 873D1C35-E831-4D91-8D7F-62DA4A…)

2nd she’s body checking!! Clearly body checking.
No. 871164
File: 1569031028334.jpeg (Spoiler Image,224.94 KB, 859x1647, 9CBC017C-0BE7-4D72-B7CA-1233DA…)

She’s literally exercising on video while she talks about how high she is. Jen is what- 25-30 yrs old & has let her ED destroy her life & body. She’s clearly still happy to engage in Ed. She has no life at all. She lives with her parents. She’s never been to college. She isn’t in treatment. All she does in A day is get high and go to Starbucks.
No. 871172
>>871155Like the other anon pointed out, I don’t see any scarring but her right hand does seem to be strategically hidden behind the phone. No one presses the camera button with their hand in that position unless they’re trying to hide something. Assuming she’s right handed, those are probably her purge fingies.
More importantly though, holy shit look at the disgusting state of her room! Who the actual fuck lives like that?! Any time we get a glimpse of her house it reminds me of the show “hoarders”.
No. 871187
>>871156 As an ex purger she definitely throws up. She seems to hide her hands alot. Her knuckles do look discolored, normal knuckles don't have that.
God the room tho!!
(blog) No. 871205
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Does she think that’s something to be proud of?? Her poor kids
No. 871211
>>871159She went live a few days ago as well without dentures. I didn't ss it cause it's been so long since she was discussed here I didn't think it would be worth the effort. Her teeth are tiny nubs and it was painful watching her talk. She bites her lips with them too and I can only imagine the pain that causes without any enamel really covering the nerves.
The way she sits with her head between her knees is so strange to me too. Like a weird doll crumpled up after being thrown on the floor.
I mostly just feel bad for her. She's so far gone. She's been to all the centers and used all the resources. It's just a matter of time before people like her and Ashley leave. They've living on borrowed time.
No. 871212
>>871172There's a pic of her in an earlier thread when she's spoopy and in treatment. Her face is thin but she has chipmunk cheeks. I just take it for granted the sloppy mush she posts is a binge she's having in her room.
Also in that thread there's a pic of her room and bed in the background and it's worse than the one above.
I'd post them now but can't atm, but I'm sure it's in the thread linked above about Aly and her imaginary skin maggots.
She'd definitely look a healthier weight if she was keeping down all she posted.
No. 871247
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>>871155There is absolutely no way in hell she isn't purging that food. Did you see her "night snack"? There's absolutely NO WAY you'd stay that small whilst eating the amount and the kind of stuff she does unless she is purging most of it.
Also the constant sugary meals like, loads of chocolates and spread mixed together, bitch that's the kind of shit I was gorging myself on when I was deep in my bulimia.
No. 871250
>>871247Her pic in
>>871155 is also very body checky? I'm not sure it's responsible to post this kind of picture in a recovery focused space on Insta
No. 871254
>>871247That isn't a "snack". Yogurt, cereal bar, fruit, spreads, chocolate milk(?), nut spreads. Maybe earlier in the day, but before sleep at 1.20am? You can tell her parents pay for her food because her grocery bill must be steep. She doesn't even buy generics.
Idk why she bothers fancying up the Ryvita. One bite and all that carefully arranged shit on top would slide off.
No. 871255
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>>871247This is the pic of her with the swollen glands. Not bulimic but this is what it looks like after puking, no?
No. 871256
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No. 871284
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>>871256Who knew ETs have eating disorders too.
To the anon who posted that - if it's not a self post, please switch off the selective mutism your fingers get when you post a random without context. Thanks!
No. 871315
File: 1569078469694.jpeg (784.05 KB, 828x1422, C8EFF1C8-56D9-40E2-ADB6-0805F4…)

Anyone else think E may intentionally be making herself appear as haggard and crazy as possible now that she’s not getting quite the same attention as she used to for being spoopy? Why else would a grown woman film herself orgasming over cereal other than for attention?
No. 871352
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Has anyone seen this shit?
No. 871353
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This is horrifying
No. 871365
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This girls seems so fucking fake. Her story is so over dramatic and you can tell she just wants attention. She cut over a bitch who wanted her to buy cigs for her. And then next it’s “gonna get weed” as if she’s a stone cold stoner or some bullshit but in actuality she just started using. You can tell as she posts everything on her story
No. 871366
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>>871352I've had this with my right hand. It was RSI because I do hours and hours of repetitive work with it (not a prostitute lol).
It looked as freaky as that but not red. I reckon it's either something connected to excercise, bad fitting shoe or an insect bite. BUT I'M NOT A DOCTOR.
Must be serious if she's not posting her slop. Honestly wouldn't panic though. I'd panic if she felt unwell but big foot - meh.
In the thumbnail I thought it was her hand and she'd damaged it through you-know-what.
Img is about a hand but I suppose it'd be the same for a foot.
(stop) No. 871376
>>871369I saw those stories, she called the police on her brother and they didn’t do anything but calm her down because she was just over reacting to something. It’s ridiculous and honestly
triggering af for someone with real abuse happening
No. 871394
>>871227Not at all, normal veggies/vegans hate these freaks, you have to have a supper balanced, varied diet if you're going to to become one.
She needs a dietician to help her feed these poor kids, she's a fucking mess who has no idea about food or nutrition.
No. 871405
>>871385B…but making these vlogs is what's making her life awesome! They're better than going to uni, travelling or starting out on a career! Making brownies is awesome. It's life!
>>871394Regular veggie checking in… I don't follow her and wouldn't want to. I don't care if she chooses to eat rubbish herself but the crap she feeds her kids is criminal. There's no reason why she can't cook them simple veggie meals. She's just lazy and stupid.
>>871227 No. 871420
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Things should get interesting here soon
No. 871485
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Oh look at her finally admitted she was abusing her prescriptions. I’m glad they won’t ever put her on those drugs again, it serves her right for driving and endangering others.
No. 871543
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>>871505>>871510Clearly I have zero life, because I went and found the original thread. Kek
No. 871555
>>871547Webdoc farmers conclude she has
-oncoming cardiac failure
-edema/lack of protein
-kidney failure
-sodium edema
-flea bite
Any official diagnosis yet? She really should go to A&R or ring 911 (whatever the emergency NHS number is).
No. 871572
>>871571I think she thinks she comes across as/her ~job~ is motivation guru for recovery. I think she thinks she IS recovering. Her euphoria over food is on a level with Prader Willi people. She needs to reach that level of anorexia where she's sick of it all and even thinking about food is so damn boring.
Her mum looks like she doesn't care so long as Elzani eats and her dad looks like he's going to have a breakdown and leave his family over it all. Idk about her sisters.
No. 871597
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>>871591She makes her own room squalor. Her bed sheets stained with food and never washed. Cooking on her bed.
Img is from earlier thread. I don't think the house is filthy, she makes her room filthy. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the foot thing's related to her living conditions.
No. 871788
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She's being exploited
No. 871849
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No. 871859
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idk if this bitch has been talked about before here but I think she’s toxic as fuck. Constantly she’s saying she’s gonna “recover” and then few hrs later be back to her shit pretending to starve herself when she probably eats a normal amount. She used to post fasts and cals but now she doesn’t, doesn’t even y’all about food anymore probs cuz she realized no one actually gives a fuck. Saying she’s been struggling for years I fucking doubt she qualifies for any ED, just attention seeking like all these other insta bitches
No. 871887
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>>871849>>871885Kylie is milky – constantly using the fact that shes "about to go into treatment" to excuse the fact that shes constantly strung out and sleeping with random men that she calls her friends.
No. 871915
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Still there, someone challenged her over the hand position in the selfie pic and of course she doesn't b/p
No. 871978
>>871915She's dumped Midget Gems into her flapjack ~recipe~. Give a 3 year old those ingredients and that's what it'd come up with.
That pic gives really grim vibes, like she's living in a squat and finds her food in bins.
No. 872123
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A toad getting ran over is the most horrific event Becky's ever seen. What a delicate little flower.
No. 872327
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>>871938She hasn’t cleaned her room in literal years. It is sticky and grimy.
Going through her ig, that room has been accumulating filth for over three years without a single dusting, wipe down, or vacuuming. Her bedding appears to be unchanged for at least a year despite her preparing and eating food on her bed.
Her skin and hair look greasy af, and the picture of her feet showed a visible layer of grime a lot like dermatitis neglecta (pic related) and you can see dandruff in her hair whenever she posts to brag about how shiny she thinks it is. If she didn’t think she was so great and gorgeous she’s just be a sad dirty hoarder. Her shitty attitude kind of makes it impossible to feel sorry for her total ineptitude.
No. 872346
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I swear to god every fucking post of her is “I’m so fat I need to stop eating blah blah blah” even when it’s about her dead friend who died from ED complications… like get some real fucking help and actually TRY to get better instead of whining every single day that you’re fat so people can tell you that you’re not.
No. 872426
>>872405Did you mean to say over 13lbs? Still technically not wrong, 6kgs IS more than 3lbs…
Probably possible if someone was heavily restricting and dehydrated, but it would be water and shit
No. 872566
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Another classic supermom-recoveryqween-all-in-Kim moment: balanced lunch for the kids of processed cheese product and artificial sweeter / protein infused peanut butter on white bread. Truly an inspiration.
No. 872567
File: 1569350335407.jpeg (326.04 KB, 828x1542, 2A0B629C-2E26-4E96-A946-65EF80…)

Anyone else catch this recovery.chii comment before it got deleted? Not sure is chii or ganer did the deleting. Chii has done progress pics probably as much as ganer though, so it’s a little hypocritical, doesn’t look like she’s done any recently though. Idk, I laughed.
No. 872617
>>872614In the story later she goes “oh he wanted yogurt too” and the two videos later it’s “oh you want more?”
YEAH NO SHIT. You barely fed him anything substantial. Like a whole sandwich. Or fruits/veggies. You know that yogurt was probably sugar free lite diet type of yogurt
No. 872624
>>872617>>872614>>872608>>872587>>872566Quit fucking shaming the mentally ill mother for not taking care of the kids.
They have a perfectly sane father. It's his responsibility to feed the kids properly knowing their mother struggles with even feeding herself.
He's the one that should be shamed for his children's diet.
No. 872630
File: 1569358063930.png (3.53 MB, 750x1334, DBC0735B-9361-4B96-ADDF-08E603…)

lol nobody told her she was on here, she’s constantly on here, she admitted it once
No. 872650
>>872639Eating sugary garbage all day long perfectly fits the definition of not being able to feed yourself properly.
>She publicly posts things she does to those kids that are clearly damaging. There's no excusing that.Yes there is. Insanity. Unlike the father, she's completely bonkers. What's his excuse?
No. 872657
>>872650Mental illness is not an excuse to abuse kids though. If she can't take care of the kids and the dad isn't stepping in to take over and stopping the mum having control over the kidsor access - then the kids are better off elsewhere with a family that won't set them up for a miserable life. Not all of mums with eating disorders or mental health issues end up being shit parents who force their eating disorders onto their kids (and certainly not document the process online for views).
Services should step in, they certainly step in here for this sort of thing and for less.
No. 872720
File: 1569366757241.jpeg (738 KB, 750x1108, 362D298E-BAA5-4D4B-977D-5D1AEF…)

Opinions on her? Personally I thinks she’s pretty milky
No. 872776
File: 1569375900247.jpeg (19.65 KB, 675x469, received_381971766083654.jpeg)

Annoying the actual ED sufferers in the QLD region.
(From factitious illness chat group)
No. 872801
File: 1569382794912.jpeg (341.72 KB, 711x1168, 2010FA63-636D-4430-85CF-688A6A…)

>>871571>>871572Now we are getting cooking instructions for recipes.
No. 872803
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>>871571>>871572>>870291>>870435She’s put on weight and her talking is a bit more coherent but she needs to go back and listen to some of the stuff she said in her first vlog.
No. 872925
>>872890Her mum really irritates me. She's like Becky's mum, how Alys mum was and all the ones who go along with their kid's immature/unreasonable behaviour instead of laying down rules about their recovery.
If I'd had a kid like Elzani I'd make her go to therapies, tell her to stop the YouTube bs as long as she's under my roof. They might think they're doing what's best but duh they're killing their child with kindness when they need a reality check.
I'll never not think Elzani has some educational problems.
No. 873074
>>873035I notice that some of the cows befriend other cows when they find out they've been posted here. I imagined them planning some way to take down the farm (lol). I can't imagine Elzani being interested in talking to anyone about anything other than food and she's never mentioned lolcow. They definitely start following one another. We're like a friendship agency.
I just thought, Joltography's been quiet a long time. She was forever following new cows.
No. 873087
>>873083I had an ED as a teen in the UK.
Because I was already in therapy for generally being mental, I was given weekly appointments with a dietician at an ED clinic. They said that was pretty much the bare minimum they offer to people as outpatient. EDs need ongoing care, after the patient is out of physical danger and starts gaining a little weight that's the most dangerous time as it's mentally hard and can
trigger a relapse.
Has she had any professional input during her anorexia?
(blog) No. 873197
>>873087She was in the haldon unit for a while but left rather suddenly . I’ve never heard her mention therapy or cbt/dbt/seeing a psych in any of her vlogs or ig posts which is really strange . And the whole family needs family therapy .
She’s also never done any form of q and a vlog - which are always the ones from Ed vloggers who get the most views.
She really does need mental help before it’s too late and she ends up being on the same path as Maria and Katy and Paris .
Wonder what E would do if her ig fit deleted.
Her ‘yeah baby’ comments piss me off - as do most things about her .
No. 873262
>>873104For sure some of them are farmers. Georgia writes on her tellonym about Elzani exactly how we write here about her.
They're two faced bitches because when they give a ~heads up~ to someone that they've been posted here they're doing it for drama and not out of concern (and also to make the other person feel shittier about themselves).
>>873197It's tragic that her family can afford private therapies but don't and ones who really need it can't get it on the NHS. It's bad that what she's doing now she thinks is "awesome". I don't think she's ever mentioned any future plans for a job or a normal life. She's not working towards one anyway.
No. 873286
File: 1569496589490.jpg (48.48 KB, 824x640, 0.JPG)

I had to share this Halloween card with you. It's by Becky and they're for sale in her shop at £10 (inc p&p). The girl sure loves her chocolate binges.
£10. Not a typo. A tenner for that.
No. 873305
>>873286for someone who apparently hates herself, she rates her 'art' pretty highly if she's selling this for a tenner..
what's becky's shit art got to do with chocolate binges?
No. 873323
>>873287Can you imagine the scenario if someone said they didn’t like her cooking!
Maybe she’s writing a cookery book?
Sad other anorexic youtubers throw in the fact they think she is inspirational which is utter rubbish. A few threads back there was a girl Lucy something ( the one with too much fake tan)- she wasn’t milky but at least she’s made progress- she was in the HU at the same time as Elzani.
No. 873336
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>>873305>she rates her 'art' pretty highlySomeone has to, she hasn't sold a thing for weeks and weeks. The pity sales all dried up.
No. 873352
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No. 873360
>>873355Wherever she is, it looks fancy for a psych ward. They should make it less cozy so they want to get out quicker.
>>873356Yeah, she'll be looking at her phone to check that everyone's sending her messages of concern. Can't wait for the next selfie.
No. 873411
>>873360I mean that's standard NHS psych ward furniture. Those plastic sofas are in all acute wards.
FYI if she needed treatment i.e. a tube or medication against her will she'd be on a section 3. Section 2 is just a 28 day hold where you can't leave when you like but they can't make you do anything.
So in essence, she hasn't been sectioned for anorexia.
No. 873413
File: 1569526602442.jpg (7.72 KB, 319x158, true.jpg)

>>873411>that's standard NHS psych ward furniture. Maybe in the south, but not in the North! We have school room chairs and tables and carpets with stains.
No. 873475
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I don’t normally watch her videos and just skim them for the milk, but I actually sat through this one and holy shit I’ve never seen anything so disordered! She’s trying SO hard to appear to be a quirky-cool vlogger that I literally had a full body cringe. And throughout the video she’s referencing fitness / food related youtubers, confirming that she probably just watches eating videos all day long. Still no mention of her supposed part-time job. Must be nice to be able to go out and buy all these very specific and expensive foods just to emulate some other YouTuber (using mommy and daddy’s money of course!)
No. 873502
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No. 873631
>>873475The struggle is real….. which tahini to use….
why is she eating different dinners to her family anyway?
She’s so spoilt- whose mum goes with them to McDonald’s ( and no doubt pays) for a Big Mac at midnight just for the sake of a YouTube video.
Next she’ll be copying gainer gains ( or whatever she’s called ) and getting a job in a gym.
No. 873634
>>873360(Sorry about upcoming rant, tried to not be blogging)
Tbh, since I’ve been in here seeing/discussing what NHS is like, I think NHS overall would benefit from being less cushy so people give a shit about leaving… people discussing being in there for years while posting pics of their Starbucks, time shopping with friends, holidays with family, and literal vacations is killing me.
Being in a locked ward 24/7 with severely restricted outside contact and bans on phone, computer, pencils, contact solution, make-up, non-hospital bedding etc etc etc a la USA is definitely heavy-handed, but I guess as a result USA units also don’t function as comfortable places to live your life while you try to find ways to avoid discharge. For many people, wanting to see friends and family and do things like attending an upcoming wedding are the biggest motivators to do what you have to do and get out
No. 873661
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Yes they will be expecting you korey, but as a patient. No one wants you as a dietician
No. 873675
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No. 873700
>>873475>>873549>>873644>>873666I thought Paris was annoying but Elzani is a different league.
The stilted intro to the video made me cringe.
And the point to be eating a day of food of male body building who doesn’t have an ED and who is not obsessed with food , would be what? My only guess is she’s hoping people who search mattdoesfitness will somehow get to her vlog.
She lost the plot along time ago.
Interesting that none of her family featured in the vlog for once.
I’m pretty sure she’s just slipped off the nhs radar and there is no one monitoring her weight or health and her parents are too scared to do anything.
When her sister ( the one who cuts through the BS) comes back from uni it will be good to hear what she has to say.
If she lurks on here she must realise what a total twat and fool she is making of herself and how much people can see through her real recovery pretence.
No. 873701
>>873700I don't see the point in videos where they eat like that for a day. It's not like it's a set meal plan and she's going to be doing it every day and gain weight. I can't watch her videos because I find Elzani and her mum annoying. Their posh accent pisses me off as well. I really wish she'd do something with her hair.
I doubt she's seeing any therapist at all. I'd probably be more interested if she spoke about working through issues instead of all the "FEAR FOOD…EATING IT…DIVIIIIINE…YAH BABY". Like, what's the process where she's okay eating it after so long (apparently).
It's a shit channel and I don't get why she's popular. I want to think people are watching to shake their head at it like we do, but the truth is that most of her followers are
that naive. That's an horrendous though.
No. 873717
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anons thinking Addict Aly is borderline, you might be right!
No. 873718
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>>873717before this she posted a pretty bpd caption along with thinspo.
No. 873953
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>>873717remains to be seen
No. 874037
>>873634its kind of a messy line. bc on one hand you risk doing worse by the people who legitamitly need help (it can make people more suicidal, paranoid, etc what ever the issues are) but it'll sure as fuck make the attention seekers try to get out quicker… but you'll also have the ones like "oh it was so bad im a really warrior for braving that place".
honestly, blogging for a sec here, they need to be stricter on intake and literarly give a time limit to the paitients and do daily therarpy to see if they are recovering/coping/attention seeking/etc.
No. 874059
>>874038I disagree- I don’t think she wants to recover - what would she ‘be’ without her ED?-nothing !
It’s that she never mentions therapy of any form or her mental ‘recovery’ that I find so bizarre.
No. 874062
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>>874038To me this doesn’t look like the face of someone who’s going to stay recovered. The fact she’s now making a point of looking repulsive and just generally unwell in her pictures, despite being at a higher weight, suggests that she needs the validation of being sick. If she doesn’t lose the weight (the most likely option), she’ll probably transition over to being a munchie.
No. 874077
>>874030If a person's been vegetarian for years and years, you've got it all sussed out and know how to get your nutrients. If they have a child, they'd know what to feel them so they're getting what they need. Tbh, kids should take supplements anyway, but she doesn't appear to know about nutrition and what to actually eat to be a "normal" vegetarian (ie not chemical protein/sugar alternatives).
Hindus do great feeding their children (and their food's lush, but anyway…) because you can say the knowledge about food has been passed down generations.
Her mental health's pretty much to blame for her shitty food choices for her kids is how I see it. If she was a typical parent then she'd at least do research online to find out what to give them to eat, but idk if she's arrogant enough to think what she does is the right way or she cba to google.
It's really sad to see what her children eat. They could definitely be brought up meat/fish free and eat really nice, tasty, healthy meals but she opts to cut a heart shape out of processed cheese squares and plonk three crackers on their plate. I don't see any iron and wonder if they already have issues like anaemia.
No. 874116
>>874105I don't know how anyone can feed their kids trash. There're kids who're fed chicken twizzlers, burgers and chips, etc and given shit like sweets, crisps and biscuits. I'm not with the opinion that it's because these people can't afford anything better. It's quick and lazy to stick some crap in the oven or microwave or give them a KFC bucket. I'm not with the, oh people don't have time to cook opinion either because you can cook a load at once and freeze it.
tl;dr Parents should take a course how to feed their children so they're not falling asleep at school or running around like idiots hopped up on additives.
Someone above said the father's working but he sees her posts. I'm not knocking him for not doing more at home because idk his work times etc. BUT I'm really surprised he hasn't said anything about their diets. I don't care what she does to herself, but it's wrong to put her spawns through it too.
>>874108She usually looks paler, but it looks like she's still not lost her mild tan or she's wearing foundation?? Her arms and neck are snow white!
No. 874247
File: 1569702806013.jpg (26.64 KB, 337x493, 0.JPG)

Laura's obviously no longer ward based seeing how she's walking around with a Starfucks take out in stories.
Also working that unhinged look. Img related.
No. 874273
File: 1569707156063.jpg (795.8 KB, 1080x1654, 20190928_174424.jpg)

Yeah, no fucking shit. Shes gotta make sure she goes straight to social media to get sympathy from her followers tho.
No. 874277
>>874274I remember that one. An elzani Classic! I think that was the same one where her sister points out that she looks worse than when she left hospital and e goes running to mummy for reassurance that she’s “doing really really well, right mum? I AM doing well!”
Those family dynamics though. Kekekek
No. 874279
>>874273O! the sickest of the sick anas. Cry me a river.
Kidney failure. That'll be non stop puking as she knows. At least this pic adds to her other hospital ones which she'll be pleased about.
Better let mpa know so they can start writing their eulogies.
No. 874283
File: 1569709435752.jpeg (1.18 MB, 828x1519, 00E727A0-4D92-45F1-B425-4860C6…)

Do you think she’s implying that she needed her son for the photos? I mean, she basically treats her kids as props to her ig account anyways.
No. 874420
File: 1569757474761.jpg (317.05 KB, 1080x2087, Screenshot_20190929_214255.jpg)

We briefly touched on this one before for crying about her brother totally trying to kill her. But I rolled my eyes hard at this. She was dead set body checking in front of family/friends. How attention seeking can one person get? Also kek at the username change. She was @notgettingskinny. At least the last username was true.
No. 874425
>>874369I guarantee you it’s not for the movies, but her instagram ‘recipes’
We say movies here.
No. 874590
>>874547Gen X-er here. I call it "the pictures", but that's because my parents did. I also think it's a regional thing (Northern).
Fun fact:
Boomers would call the cinema "the flea pit".
No. 874603
>>873937Next she’ll be doing Erik the Electric as what I eat in a day.
At some point something is going to give ( if it hadn’t already) after eating so much food ( allegedly) to recover her weight I think she’d find it hard to go back to pure restriction , so I’m guessing she’s going end up purging and binging .
No. 874612
>>874603I hope she doesn't feel the need to restrict but if she hasn't dealt with what
triggered her ed there's always a chance she might start b/p. If her enthusiasm about food's genuine, then she's going to have to purge if she eats vast quantities.
How long is it since she's really for real been actually eating? The novelty of being able to eat relatively normally again is still there which would be odd considering she's been at this, what? THREE years?
No. 874625
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Excuse the shitty collage, it was my best attempt at capturing multiple elzani ig stories in a single image. But this is peak elzani: clearly she’s visiting uni for one of her sisters and all she can think about is the food. Here her sister(s) are, trying to become responsible, functional adults who contribute to society and elzani is trying to steal the show with “OMG LOOK AT THIS CHOCOLATE CAKE! Isn’t it diviiiiine mom? Look at me eat the cake! So good! Oh baby!”
No. 874661
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Jesus Christ, super stoner needs her weed or she’ll loose it
No. 874734
>>874661The horrible spelling and grammar usage this human possesses is appauling. "BUT MOM IM A BIG KID"
self harms bc they dont have weed grow the hell up.
No. 874744
File: 1569836057961.jpg (937.67 KB, 1080x1921, 20190930_103214.jpg)

She sounds way too happy to be "in hospital, sectioned and safe"
Peep the casual flex of her scratched up face and hands. What happened to cutting and burning? Nowadays it's all about self harming in the most visible ways possible. These ~brave warriors~ are struggling and they want everyone to know it!
No. 874755
>>874669That’s exactly what I thought too!
>>874727No that’s the strange thing- she never mentions things like that or what kind of therapy she has ( or more likely hasn’t) had- most of the genuine recovery vloggers talk about therapy /psych stuff or do q&a things but all Elzani ever does and ever has done is do videos or posts about food ,food and more food- there is nothing else .
No. 874767
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Elzani’s breakfast…I understand “extreme hunger” and whatever, but this isn’t recovery! This isn’t a sustainable, healthy way of eating. She’s literally just bingeing out on crappy foods. What’s she going to do when she no longer needs to gain weight and has no idea how to feed herself in a way that’s conducive to maintaining a properly functioning body? I see relapse or bulimia in her future for sure.
No. 874781
>>874773We really know nothing about her life pre ED apart from her swimming on her old ig account she's only on holiday or messing around in class with schoolfriends. I don't think there's much to her.
No. 874786
>>874273I am literally lol at this, she’s in the most chill kidney failure possible
She is my favorite cow. Is it just me or does her life right now consist of regularly admitting herself to ERs, then talking about how she doesn’t like to be there acting like she’s headed toward involuntary, and when she’s discharged instead of admitted makes up some reason other than they didn’t think she needed to be in an EDU, then tries again a few days later in a different ER
No. 874796
File: 1569860486045.jpeg (313.03 KB, 750x560, 8D50CF1B-37DA-4F2E-B9F2-A4A4E3…)

“I have a very unique and particularly severe form of anorexia where I don’t want to gain weight” (also, “the people on my treatment team are not specialists and aren’t even really clear on the concept of an eating disorder”)
No. 874803
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>>874796Strange. She said she was living in a hospice waiting to die soon.
No. 874810
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Kek. When cows try to body check after gaining weight.
No. 874947
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just yuck! I was just about to have my dinner and saw this, any body else nearly throw up in their mouth just looking at this girls food(Emojis)
No. 874960
File: 1569884030875.png (97.78 KB, 263x275, 1564360859475.png)

>>874947 that's actually fucking vile, not only the sugar content but the combination of foods. Also fyi, emojis are banned here.
No. 874962
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>>874796“ i’m not sure if i could handle gaining weight” well no shit. but guess what? you’re going to fucking have to. i swear she wants to be in hospital but the moment they mention she needs to gain weight she leaves and acts shocked like that is such a surprise
No. 874964
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>>874911this is her body check slash suicidal quotes account .. kek
No. 875000
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No. 875010
>>875000She sounds annoying but looks less than stated here >>874999 I've never heard of her though so idk if she suddenly lost loads of weight and really does have anorexia.
Why do loads of these girls have beige carpets?
No. 875031
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>>875023Not milky? I call bs, all she posts are posed body checks and claims to be anorexic when she has never even been diagnosed . Her BMI looks like it’s around 18 yet all she can talk about is how underweight she is.
(bmi number) No. 875049
File: 1569901694206.png (405.01 KB, 626x479, tumblr_n0bhftzbdY1reugqko1_640…)

>>874767SCREAMING Muffy sis…………..the carbs
No. 875075
>>875031Very cute cat though, so worthy of posting if you ig ore the stretched out wanna lying on the floor.
Any sightings of kelsey?
No. 875150
>>875135She knows she's posted here. She knew about it when she was posted a few years ago and recently she asked that we ~respect her privacy~
She's always wanted to be seen as spoopier than she actually is so no change there. Her behaviour's become more unbearable though.
No. 875228
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Dare I say Laura actually looks like she has lost some weight?
No. 875266
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Becky’s “broken” yet again but for the low low price of whatever she’s hawking her naff ~arts~ for you can put her back together again! cmon, you know you want to…
How does nobody call her out on these blatant attempts at manipulation???
>>875228Christ this is like Tina/Anelise (anachan munchie) climbing windowsills in ICU
Why is this silly bitch in hospital again? No way is it “anorexia” because uh
No. 875298
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Still got it. She keeps making it ridiculous coats. It looks depressed.
No. 875313
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Jesus christ. This is rediculous.
No. 875318
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How can it be "much needed" when literally all she's done since being admitted is act like a clown in Starbucks?
No. 875323
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>>875318Same shopping trip, found on her friend’s IG and cropped because I legitimately see her friend as trying to recover so I don’t want to name and shame her, but does this stupid twat ever put her leg down? I honest to god don’t know how anyone could tolerate that degree of attention hungry fuckery irl.
No. 875324
>>875318Becky's dog's more depressed than her. Clothes shopping, Starbucks, gymnastics
>>875323No she doesn't and it's fucking annoying.
I wouldn't mind if she was nipping out to replace toiletries then back to the ward, but she's having a fucking social life.
No. 875330
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She's sitting on the cafe table with her ass germs
No. 875334
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>>875330And did the splits on the floor
Under 5's don't even do that
No. 875472
File: 1569992500048.png (43.69 KB, 1660x363, Capture.PNG)

please. google is free. 90% of these cows do not have BPD, are not diagnosed or even say they have BPD. Stop trying to diagnose them as such.
No. 875506
File: 1570004734827.jpeg (278.03 KB, 1024x1024, 2F64DA88-D193-44D7-BE3B-B0C5DA…)

She back and claiming she’s gaining weight. Good on her if she actually does.
No. 875744
File: 1570058545487.jpeg (72.67 KB, 750x1184, C48C0E90-16BA-48EC-89A3-E7C518…)

This account has been up for awhile with no posts but the icon is Kelsey. Sad she hasn’t reappeared since but she probably won’t if she hasn’t been back on ig yet
No. 875762
File: 1570061397014.jpeg (1.99 MB, 1242x2022, 378070BB-DA7F-4AB8-AB19-2BBFA1…)

Definitely explains a lot of her “I need to be thin like I used to be” antics
No. 875768
>>875473I was thinking the same thing, I would get real tired of a friend who used every picture of us to showcase herself… especially with the gd scratches on her face.
And I don't mean to go off on the health care system where she is but the "treatment" these people are in seems more like a lowkey group home… if it weren't for this site, I would have never believed that there are eating disorder/regular psych treatment units where people get to leave, shop, chill with friends, blog.. how can you be sick enough to be hospitalized but still functioning so well you can pretty much do whatever you want and are still interested in doing so
No. 875790
File: 1570065151850.jpg (581.51 KB, 1080x1945, surejan.jpg)

Taking bets on how long it takes her to repeat her b/p- woe is me - admits self to hospital cycle
I give her a week, and that's me being generous.
No. 875896

>>875771No, Laura lives in the UK
It’s totally normal for patients to be allowed To leave for a couple of hours a day, when they are not perceived to be in immediate danger to themselves or the public, or they’re an informal patient and not being held under the mental health act. Laura is always with friends or family too so the psych staff know she’s not going to kill herself.
This is OT, but if you’re interested to see what it’s like in a UK mental health ward, I stumbled across this YouTube channel called ‘life with lydia’. She is a great example of someone who abuses the system for attention. She’s diagnosed with BPD and treats her hospital stays like holidays. She’s allowed unescorted leave all the time yet claims to need to be in hospital in order to ‘feel safe’. Slightly related - she does claim to have an ED as well and will only drink ensure during her hospital stays (for maximum attention). Her videos are terrible quality but it’s still interesting to see what life is like on a UK general psych ward. She has a whole playlists called ‘hospital vlogs’
No. 875899
>>875798the criteria relating to moods in BPD ie. Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic
dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more
than a few days)… inconsistent with Bipolar II as Bipolar II requires elevated moods or depressive moods to be for some time or an actual episode…otherwise it would be RAPID CYCLING.
(armchair) No. 875913
>>875896Thanks for the suggestion on YT. Im going to watch some after life stuff today.
If there's even a chance she'd self harm (Laura) or an hero, there's no wY she'd be allowed off ward without a member of staff accompanying her somewhere on hospital grounds. If not for her safety, then for the nhs to cover their arses.
I don't get the feeling she's in any danger at home (from parents) because she goes home to visit. It's a mystery how she's winging it to stay in hospital, or why she wants to be there. All that bothers me is her bed hogging. It's like she behaves herself for a few days then kicks off to stay there.
No. 875989
>>875899No 1 curr
Move the fuck along, you’re not her doctor.
No. 876033
File: 1570120747911.png (3.92 MB, 828x1792, BDA7210F-D22A-46B2-82F0-D2ACCF…)

Just a little reminder that this recovery-warrior still exists. Eating her cauliflower breakfast sandwiches, adding non fat plastic cheeze product and calling it “all-in-recovery”. Don’t get me re-started on this shit she’s feeding her kids.
No. 876035
File: 1570120982824.png (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 1079x1482, Screenshot_2019-10-03-19-41-11…)

guess who's back
No. 876102
>>876078I take it as fact that kelsey drops her latest account name here. It's not like there're any anons who're that close to her they'd know where she moves to all the time.
Not that I'm bothered. I like how ludicrous her slenderman shoops are.
No. 876168
>>876035Okay, I am just done. There is no way it’s just a girl with some problems doing these. It’s got to be some old dude with a fetish. Or a troll who’s gotta be some sort of insider bc who the hell else would spend effort trolling The Recovery Community
If it’s a troll though, good on them- this is a pretty funny little scenario they’ve got going on
No. 876195
File: 1570155291706.jpeg (1.07 MB, 828x1699, DCCEC2C9-16E7-4AF2-9BAD-280F0A…)

She certainly does think highly of herself…
No. 876357
File: 1570201173608.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1125x2436, C95C6E9C-F589-493F-861F-F67247…)

Please tell me someone is following this cow. She’s just changed her username and I can’t remember the old one, but she complains about being fat BUT thinks she’s skinny BUT is average. People comment on her meaty fugly body checks (trying to suck in as hard as possible but still got stomach bulge) saying she’s thin and goals and she loves it, accepts the compliments. Her face fucking annoys me, I think it’s the fish lips. I want to unfollow because she’s annoying but she’s so embarrassing to herself I follow to have a good giggle to feel better about myself.
No. 876457
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What the fuck
No. 876495
File: 1570218653383.jpg (952.15 KB, 1080x1660, 20191004_205042.jpg)

Is she actually eating broken up rivita with shit mixed through it? Is this a thing? Her food combos are so disordered hidden behind I craved it so I had it!
No. 876579
File: 1570232729923.jpg (780.18 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20191005_094249_com…)

Okay, the place Laura is at seems so fucking cushy? And surely she can't be in a place that's too high risk if there's like glass panels everywhere.
Sage for blog post, but the only psych ward I've been on had the TV bolted to the ceiling, and no glass anywhere except for windows in case of self injury. Not to mention her having her phone?
Yeah she's clearly so at risk to herself. I'm genuinely confused as to how homey these places look. Is she in a private place and it's all insurance paid or is she actually leeching off the NHS?
No. 876599
>>876579only NHS places I've been in had no glass like that, though it was general psych not ED
but my friend was in an NHS EDU and it was stripped down too. not even allowed knitting needles because of the self harm risk!
(blog) No. 876641
>that’s pretty standard for a lot of wardsI have to disagree strongly. That room looks better than the shabbier Priory hospitals. I'd have a stab at a guess where she is going by her last location status, but it's irrelevant and erm too weird.
I have nooo idea why she's in there. It's not an ED ward/unit and she's being allowed out although initially she was there to stay ~safe~.
>>876495Why break up the ryvita? She's got a thing about them atm. How can she make a salad pitta look so dull yet she makes her desserts look like rainbowland?
No. 876696
File: 1570266479545.jpg (491.51 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191005-015307_Ins…)

No. 876702
File: 1570272837237.png (1.14 MB, 750x1334, A8991064-4158-4826-B0B2-AFD0D1…)

And here we go again
No. 876703
>>876641It's a standard NHS acute MH ward. It's not glass it is safety plastic so if people throw shit the TV doesn't break.
Idk why she is on section but also allowed so much escorted leave but the staff there are going to be familiar with lots of people like her!
She is probably at St Mary's/ similar south west/ west London adult MH unit
No. 876851
File: 1570315537362.png (5.35 MB, 828x1792, A69DF269-7648-40C3-BA5C-88643B…)

All-in-Kim literally spends her days buying, hoarding and photographing food that she subsequently likely throws in the bin, all while guzzling diet soda and hard liquor. Someone please explain why brands continue to think she gives them grEeeEAaT promotion? Someone please explain why she has so many followers that seem to believe this is any form of legitimate “recovery”?!
No. 876866
File: 1570318505866.jpg (25.12 KB, 332x582, 0.JPG)

More fun at midnight on the MH ward.
No. 876901
File: 1570321023720.jpg (45.96 KB, 220x513, 0.JPG)

>>876895Looks like she's wearing this thing…
No. 876962
>>876696Is that an EDU…? Anyone know how long she’s been there? I didn’t think state hospitals treated eating disorders
>>876914Food blogger, that’s great
No. 876963
File: 1570341076797.jpeg (599.81 KB, 750x1095, 7A69AC76-3A51-4123-B788-D040C1…)

This isn’t milky on its own, but she seems like she’s in such a better place here and it was only three years ago. Always sucks to know what people used to be, the twins being the prime example of course
No. 876997
File: 1570359385056.jpeg (841.96 KB, 828x1495, E4BF4481-54B0-40FF-8F1E-ECAB80…)

Brace yourselves, more obnoxious flexibility pictures at the mall from this super sick Ana fairy are coming.
No. 877015
File: 1570368437884.jpg (572.27 KB, 1080x1921, 20191006_142640.jpg)

I think I might have found the motivation behind her face scratching. Drug seeking.
No. 877021
File: 1570370935493.jpeg (492.35 KB, 731x1189, BD001C0D-DC9F-4ADB-BCB9-984EBF…)

How many photos/videos of one brownie do we need? And why can’t she type/talk like an adult?
No. 877031
File: 1570373114311.jpeg (930.1 KB, 828x1722, 1C3612EC-2A59-428C-A764-D6E903…)

What a ~*~warrior~*~
No. 877054
>>877050And if that's theparrotsbeak stop posting so many pictures of your kids on a public ig. Especially ones of them in the bath. Learn to parent.
>>877052>utterly cluess and ignorant you are to the workings of the adult mental health system and actual mental illness.Some of us are too well versed in the workings of the MH system. That's why we can smell BS a mile off.
No. 877057
>>877052y'all I think Laura's little friend came to wk for our uwu fwagile faiwy
learn to sage and gtfo wee daft cunt
learn to make friends with people who aren't massive attention seekers who would rather exploit their mental illness and relish in it for asspats rather than grow the fuck up and move on with their lives
apologies for my sperg but I am just sick of these bitches coming here whining about "boolying" and how pathetic we are when they haven't mentally progressed past 14
No. 877060
>>877057>apologies for my sperg No need to apologise, anon. We have the feels.
Their behaviour pisses all over REAL mental illness and real struggling. They think it's a laugh on a MH ward and getting £ off their mummies and daddies to pay the over inflated prices for sugary milk every day.
No. 877063
>>877062>amusing>hilariously inaccurate>hilarity inducingKeep laughing! Nice to know what we write here about your little bean doesn't offend you to the point where you might make multiple posts on here to defend her.
Life's hilarious, isn't it. We're ~obsessed~ about Laura because we envy how strong she is. Total role model. On your way now.
No. 877073
>>877069Nope not abovewater__ but good try.
Also, you've really been following this pathetic little bully fest for 3 years, bloody hell that's sad.
And how about we don't wish traumatic events upon people we don't know, just a thought ey. Since you're so well versed in mental illness and all that. Cause, as I pointed out, you've no clue who I am or what my life is like so you may be disappointed to know that someone already beat you to the stalking, nuts and threatening and all. And I still hold these same opinions. Soz
No. 877074
>>877073> you've really been following this pathetic little bully fest for 3 years, bloody It IS sad she's been pulling this shit for so long when her friends at the time have sorted themselves out.
Again, we don't care who you are.
PS This (youtube) is stalking. Looking at Laura's posts isn't. Glad to help.
No. 877075
>>877073No one gaf about your tragic life that you're desperately trying to insert on here.
Laura is a bullshit liar and an attention seeker of the highest order. People are dying on waiting lists and being told that services are full and beds in wards are not available to take their case on despite presenting with symptoms a lot more severe than pushing out their arse for a thigh gap and scratching their face for sweet sweet benzos. Laura has zero empathy as I'm sure she is aware of this and continues to roleplay as the world's sickest ana for medical attention and nightly stretching photoshoots without a care in the world for how her bullshitting is preventing others from getting access to treatment.
No. 877077
>>877054>>877060>>877072>>877075Yup, pretty much covers it.
abovewater or whoever you are anon it's bold of you to assume people here have no idea how the system works. Do you have any idea how much these beds cost the NHS, even just a bog standard non-specialist unit? How many vulnerable people desperately need beds right now? Shoo. Begone. Don't forget your 400kcal Starbucks monstrosity on the way out.
No. 877091
File: 1570384439798.png (2.54 MB, 828x1792, 1702F50C-E746-4A2B-8F29-6F6363…)

Some days she wants to be an inspiration? To what? Shit your pants by eating so many artificial sweeteners? To corrupt and exploit your kids be feeding them nothing but processed carbs then posting them naked in the bathtub? Who / what is she inspiring, because I really wanna know!
No. 877143
File: 1570391812528.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, 12144E0C-6376-4EC2-B0A6-F9A271…)

This most milky pasteurised creamy semi skimmed Starbucks ana wee daft baby
No. 877168
File: 1570396744628.png (9.13 MB, 1242x2208, 346413BA-619D-4057-BD08-B9674E…)

Lmao imagine your parents dropping $$$ not once but TWICE for treatment and yet she still can’t seem to learn anything from it besides that she can claim new mental disorders now.
No. 877172
File: 1570397168457.jpeg (116.2 KB, 1200x1600, 6B8452E8-5608-4EBF-A116-57F370…)

This most milky pasteurised creamy semi skimmed Starbucks ana wee daft baby
No. 877197
File: 1570399575744.png (9.05 MB, 1242x2208, 70EAD05C-8DC8-47A2-BFAD-1CB2C2…)

“Made” lmao that’s called microwaving or baking in the oven. That’s not cooking.
No. 877199
File: 1570399836334.jpeg (995.43 KB, 1242x1539, F64E1B57-BCBA-4E05-8D1B-A8D8BD…)

>>877195She’s mostly archived all her posts so there’s nothing milky except her stories. Here’s one post of hers that makes me lmao
No. 877202
File: 1570400332072.jpg (54.9 KB, 960x1706, tMS5ayC.jpg)

god she's so insufferable
No. 877211
File: 1570401400394.png (239.92 KB, 601x676, ermmm.PNG)

>>877172Not to be that anon but are you self posting you "wee daft cunt"? Because I'm wondering how you got the original file (and posted in your now deleted posts) instead of IG versions? Something smells fishy, and it aint just your spread legs.
No. 877346
File: 1570437612144.png (18.8 KB, 585x130, backsosoon.PNG)

She must have checked back at breakfast/meds time this morning to see if anything was said about her, and ban evaded again. She posted this shit again and then deleted it (probably partial sent from last nights derp session). What a tard, part of me wishes the staff knew what shit she's getting up to - might be detrimental to her ~recovery~ and take away her electronics, certainly because it's enabling her attention seeking behaviours.
No. 877363
File: 1570445575630.jpg (866.09 KB, 1080x1855, 20191007_124658.jpg)

I have absolutely no idea how people can think she's "inspiring" I mean look at the caption… I'm curious how her future is going to be
No. 877368
>>877364She actually is 22 or 23
What a sad life
No. 877376
File: 1570451362794.jpg (430.04 KB, 719x1139, Screenshot_20191007-082801_Ins…)

No. 877379
File: 1570452015591.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1125x1891, FDF87029-6C9F-4EB0-861E-C227EA…)

unbelievably milky. account got deleted and she claims to be not pro ana yet her whole account is body checks and her story is full of what she ate/didn’t eat/purged pls can we talk about this bitch
No. 877380
File: 1570452113293.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x1855, CF374A00-8A64-4328-99C8-BDD5A9…)

continued (pls tell me someone else has followed her and this crap, she’s joined some BS pyramid scheme now too)
No. 877387
File: 1570453185244.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1125x2009, 4D7C7273-9103-454A-993F-D02011…)

think i’m gonna be sick, wtf is this
No. 877424
>>877387The grey thing with the food on it looks like a jacket! There're zips on it. She actually uses her clothes as a tablecloth on top of her dirty bed linen.
I'll admit that it's been a bit of an obsession to browse ig for food that looks more repulsive/room more squalid than hers. So far, nada.
No. 877498
>>877484I can see her getting with a dull guy in the near future and having a humdrum life with him. He'll think her lack of life skills are cute for a while and then it'll really piss him off but they'll stay together because they're both useless alone/can't find anyone else.
She might spawn and dump the child on her parents most of the time.
No. 877513
File: 1570469103242.jpg (664.48 KB, 1080x1737, 20191007_182412.jpg)

Everyone's favourite delicate ana fairy back at it again with the face scratching for unlimited ativan!
No. 877524
File: 1570469696802.jpg (26.48 KB, 255x330, 0.JPG)

>>877513She's doing it because she thinks it'll get her to stay in there. She obviously hasn't got the willpower to starve, so she's seeing how long kicking off sporadically works. Looks like she's gained weight.
>>877517Prediction! A psychic prediction! I've done it before on here and been 0.5% successful!
No. 877538
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No. 877641
File: 1570484138047.jpeg (1.14 MB, 828x1731, 267E58D9-2ABB-405A-B72F-69C8CC…)

Sorry? Seems like it’s pretty standard dinner fare around her house. Too busy taking pictures of diet peanut butter to actually cook something.
No. 877710
File: 1570490666383.jpg (501.21 KB, 1080x1624, 20191008_002225.jpg)

God I wish whatever unit she's in would stop validating her chronic need for attention and discharge her already. I've had enough of these crotch shots and this clownery. What a waste of resources.
No. 877712
>>877710I'd love someone to send me a message that they love me accompanied by a photo of them spreading their legs in front of themselves. (j/k)
She can't leave. Shes very sick. Almost in a coma and..and…SHE SCRATCHES HER FACE! Very, very ill. Poor bean, i love you and i care about you and you're strong and brave and ooo so flexible.
No. 877717
File: 1570492516588.jpg (717.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191006-152028_Ins…)

is that underwear in the background? Mixed in with her jags and shit?
This picture for some reason grosses me out even more than her usual. How can she eat in that mess?
No. 877780
>>877710anyone else pissed off by her and don’t know how you’d handle being in treatment with her?
she just needs to sit and stop fucking moving and eat. i think she’s doing it to “exercise”. i feel bad for the other people on the unit who are dedicated in gaining and recovering and see this poor sick sick angel bean running around and taking pictures jesus christ
No. 877880
File: 1570533877367.jpeg (762.43 KB, 828x1494, 278CF656-952F-41E7-B1A0-C9F858…)

>>877795She definitely did. This is a pic taken the same day with her friends where I guess she didn’t have the time / quick thinking to claw up her scans and shmear the blood around a bit
No. 877884
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No. 877887
>>877513FFS this cow is a mobile biological weapon. Smeared blood all over her face - it’s 100% going to be all over her hands and being transferred onto anything she touches, grinding her butt and its fart particles onto whatever she’s doing the splits on (I don’t care about the crotch shots but am grossed out by the possibility of fecal matter), and then sitting on tables and putting filthy feet on something that people will want to eat food upon. That’s pretty damn disrespectful and selfish, grotting up public spaces for a whimsy uwu pic for the gram. And I can’t stop wondering how many people she’s accidentally kicked in the head doing the splits in a manic pixie girl spontaneous
burst of fuckery.
No. 877937
>>877887You're okay with the vaginal discharge?
Ward rounds are once a week, so maybe Monday's the day she sees her specialist so that's why she decided to give herself some nail cuts.
They'll get sick of her, and she won't be getting ativan too regularly. If she's not normally prescribed it, they've really cut down hard on dishing out benzos willy nilly.
She's just in there for a laugh with her dickhead mates.
No. 877975
File: 1570554659756.jpg (14.15 KB, 201x229, 2013.JPG)

>>877973If it's not a gash on her face she's showing off it's…okay, I won't say it.
There aren't any photos of Laura spoopy or even underweight. Closest is muscle/tendon tensing. This is her the year she was apparently on an ED unit.
No. 877978
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No. 877981
File: 1570554973573.jpg (598.77 KB, 1080x1519, Screenshot_20191008-181105_Ins…)

Idk I think Laura has started to loosen up on her 'uwu so sickly thin' game and is now moving on to 'look how bad my 'self harm' is!'
Shes not trying to pop her collar as she was before
No. 877986
>>877981You know she'll never scratch deep enough to scar her face.
I hope she goes back to dancing soon. Those clips she used to post were, as her friend would say, fucking hilarious.
No. 877991
File: 1570556178967.jpeg (233.26 KB, 750x1164, E1374B42-E632-422D-A6D7-6441A7…)

C'mon Georgia
No. 877999
>>877991Recovery's amazing when you have nothing to recover from. She would've been feeling depressed and tired because of her intake of shitty food, not lack of intake. Why is she still banging on about having an ed anyway? Like, okay, we'll pretend you were anorexic (lol) but now's the time to drop it.
Is that what a fatty thinks is ~skinny~? Obviously she thinks she looks underweight.
No. 878001
File: 1570558197620.jpg (24.65 KB, 299x336, oversize.JPG)

Speaking of unbearable cunts. Taking the baggy clothed anorexic to the extreme.
No. 878116
>>878082I think we share the same repulsion, anon. Not ocd at all, but you know when people sit on kitchen worktops? Don't get me started on toothbrushes without covers.
The blood she likes to smear is more concerning in general. Doesn't the hospital know about transmission of hepatitis, etc? Wounds are generally dressed asap but she has time to do some arm flailing thing. They didn't even stick a pad on it this time. Not even a panty liner.
No. 878181
>>878163It's kind of hard to tell with a shoulder up shot, but her face looks rather.. err.. and bulky shoulders.
And i've got a feeling Laura didn't address the self posting at all? These are the sorts of people i hate being discussed, but that's personal preference i guess, they use this place as their own little attention hub. That's why I have no qualms with sharing any publicly available information on them (self posters), if they want to be tied to the farms for their crappy behaviour for anyone who wants to google search their name - so be it, they can get what they want.
No. 878209
File: 1570605465261.jpg (30.76 KB, 272x582, crotch shot.JPG)

>>878163I honestly don't think she looks underweight. She's 5ft 2in and petite. Her size is fine for a shorty.
>>878181Not sure it was a self post. I know some anons have kept checking in on her since she was first mentioned a long time ago. I've been wondering how Gracie turned out. She was one of the trinity with Laura and Emily who were always fighting with each other online. I think she'd started to make progress. Good sign that she's not on the cowdar any more. Emily's looking happy, more mature and beautiful with her cute little kid. Who would've thought she'd turn it around and Laura would be the one to turn out to be an enduring cow.
Another day, another ludicrous leg stretch, eh.
I think that today I might look up cows mentioned at the dawn of the proana scum threads and see what's happening with them.
No. 878212
File: 1570606813841.png (255.09 KB, 616x731, erm2.PNG)

>>878209It's just with the recent pictures with her on the TV, there were multiple "full-sized" versions of the photo accidentally uploaded and quickly removed, that were never shared on IG (example image attached). So it's either who ever took the photos for her and had the original on their phone, or her herself (if it was her phone). The timing was so weird with the WKing, claiming not to be the friends named, using the overly done scottish writting and ban evading.
No. 878216
>>878212Ohhhh, yep that was definitely a self post/friend post thing. Apologies. I thought you meant the original post about her somewhere in this thread (?) saying she began farm life as a self post. Oh yeah, I'd like to hear what she says about the splits on the tv post but she won't say anything, of course.
Someone should give her a book or some crosswords to do or something.
No. 878280
File: 1570632503474.jpeg (Spoiler Image,402.87 KB, 1024x1820, 27D90166-0E2F-4B8B-9F61-2007D9…)

i don’t know if she’s been mentioned before but i stumbled across this account and it’s so, so disturbing. “i love my bones”…i usually feel at least somewhat sorry for these spoops but i’ve never known anyone so outwardly LOVE being that way?! fucking hell (spoilered image cos idk about y’all, i’d rather not have seen that)
No. 878289
>>878280She's been mentioned before but never discussed. All I know is that she's extemely pro. I'm not a follower, but the skinny fetishists post her on vk.
I know all bodies are different, but it's weird how she can move around whereas Ash is pretty much stuck in her wheelchair or sat on her bony ass.
No. 878292
File: 1570635054520.jpg (37.76 KB, 796x472, m.JPG)

>>878289adding, idk if her teeth are false, but they're in remarkable good shape for a spoop.
No. 878308
>>878303Yeah. I'll never understand how someone can make their life so miserable and not want to look for recovery. Not matter how difficult it'd be, it's going to be hell on earth for that level spoop year after year that you'd think they'd want to fix it.
Her binge urges must be phenomenal and non-stop if she doesn't purge. I can't even give her any empathy because she really is choosing that life whatever anyone says.
No. 878342
File: 1570643770497.jpg (198.21 KB, 719x767, Screenshot_20191009-195512_Twi…)

No. 878370
File: 1570647538589.png (5.21 MB, 828x1792, 3BF88CEA-C9CD-4A79-858D-23BE51…)

This beautiful stirfry sauce as brought to you by a woman who claims she wants to be an inspiration re recovery. K.
No. 878399
File: 1570650927844.jpg (448.9 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191009-205508_Ins…)

No. 878411
File: 1570654233843.png (1.77 MB, 1334x750, D96AC179-F00B-4E78-8362-67EB55…)

She’s back- all she seems to have done is make brownies or cook and eat for the last month . But she’s definitely not eating as much as she used to and her eyes have that sunken purging look. Vlog is 40 mins of drivel really.
No. 878509
File: 1570670250291.jpeg (333.25 KB, 750x1334, 9C9BD198-040B-4C4D-AA61-82BEAF…)

“whilst me and my loved ones try to fight this” oh so NOW you’re serious and not dancing and stretching everywhere because you’ve been caught doing some shit.
No. 878530
File: 1570676089975.jpeg (251.87 KB, 750x716, 521700B7-FCCF-4D95-8180-189360…)

>>878209*treatment center. made me think of our dainty little dancing bean kek
No. 878606
File: 1570695269792.jpeg (292.66 KB, 750x783, B4177D69-7727-471E-821C-D461DE…)

Her first ever peanut butter sandwich - in 22 years - yeah baby!
At around 20 mins her sister specifically asks her not to film or to put it on you tube of her …. so what does Elzani do… film and put it up for 35k people to watch . Great sister.
No. 878612
>>877387What grown-ass adult eats Spaghettios? With mayonnaise on them, no less? What is that circular thing at the top? It looks like a dirty sponge.
Jfc does being an ana-chan just nuke your taste buds?
No. 878640
File: 1570717117012.jpg (447.85 KB, 1080x1080, 20191005_191327.jpg)

This reminded me of a certain un-nameable
No. 878645
File: 1570719152188.jpg (368.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191010-102932_Ins…)

>>870272Any one got milk on this one? eerie.moth, her cousin Kassie has been posted on here before as petite.peachtw and they basically have the same diagnosis. I wonder if this one's also got a habit of birthing malnourished children
No. 878722
>>878280>>878289 I am
shocked she hasn't been discussed here- I haven't been around long but I assumed her lack of coverage was because she had been done to death the Ash/smegh/etc.
>>878292>>878300>>878302They're 100% fake
No. 878746
>>878728Im still trying to figure out what BCs are.
>>878743Nah. Lurk moar and learn to sage. If you're faking an illness then learn the correct spelling of it. Dissociating.
No. 878856
>>878422>>878534Can she just be discharged because she's doing this stuff for kicks rather than being driven to in any way? I wish so badly I could be a fly on the wall in their unit's rounds discussing her case… not to be like, "when
I was a young cutter", but… when I was in treatment for it, pre-Insta era, absolutely everyone was self-harming in the way least likely to be found out- like cutting somewhere entirely hidden, or switching to bruising or slapping for plausible deniability, etc. If someone hurt their face, it would've been because they were psychotic, not just trying on a new brand of public sadness. There is no other way to explain these self-harm trends other than just social contagion. It must be so unbelievably frustrating for treatment centers. I know it's frustrating to me, lol
No. 878878
>>878856Also bloggy, but back in the early 90s there were only TWO self harmers on the ward (that were out about it anyway). I honestly believe that it's a trend/fashion accessory for the majority of ig ~self harmers~ Idk if it's still the case, but if you were a self harmer, you had to have a female nurse accompany you into the shower if you wanted to shave your legs/pits (nobody shaved their pubes back then lol). Perhaps they should pull her fingernails out?
Back to Laura, not sure what story she's spinning to stay in. It's not like she needs to be transferred to an ED unit and she doesn't display anything that needs specific treatment units (ie DID), so…idk. Apparently she only has anorexia and depression.
No. 878889
>>878280Dark Ashley
She's not a cow because she keeps to herself and doesn't engage in, "I'm such a tragic warrior" Instagram drama, but she is fucking strange to look at.
No. 878930
File: 1570760955150.png (2.21 MB, 750x1334, 6E52EC1F-3C11-493F-9144-D4E605…)

Spaceship is back and apparently doesnt enjoy writing her dumbass fake philosophical long posts anymore kek
No. 878931
File: 1570761156218.png (9.85 MB, 1242x2208, CC4743E3-14BB-43C8-B7D1-BDD0E1…)

Here we go, more nonsense from Allegra fresh from treatment. It’s sad that she apparently hasn’t learned anything and still wished to be spoopy. This just screams “tell me I’m not fat”
No. 878948
>>877363can someone explain how someone who eats this many pointless carbohydrates every single day and doesn't go off to work and break a sweat and doesn't go to the gym and workout can be as thin as she looks?
a fuckin muffin AND a pancake (with syrup!) AND 2 pieces of white bread AND 2 potato cakes? how does 1 person carb load like this and then sit around all day and not have a f-n gut? EXPLAIN
No. 878951
>>877991HEALTHY weight? this is technically overweight, my dude. this is the body of a chubby woman.
imagine being so obese that you look back on your chubby years as "i was soooo thin, my gosh!"
No. 878977
File: 1570772793495.jpeg (189.13 KB, 1019x1019, BB010662-1577-4487-B2BA-2F1FA5…)

Ffs even nourishs phone is covered in shit. Also look at her swollen glands.
No. 878983
>>878948You must be new here.
She doesn’t let it stay in her stomach or exercises the calories off
No. 878985
>>878977She must've scaped her knuckles somewhere. Oh dear.
She doesnt look well at all. This is flourishing? These ana chans have a he least self descriptive usernames, dont they.
No. 878988
File: 1570778039283.jpeg (365.41 KB, 750x1066, 21FE9F0C-FF1D-40FD-9216-4F857B…)

This is going to sound inconsiderate as fuck, but could she really not handle a fucking leave? Do you think she did this for attention? I think people on the ward got tired and bored of her prancing so she did something to make all the attention fall back on her
No. 878990
>>878977my gosh she looks like she has
all the mental illnesses in these pics.
No. 878992
>>878983I am, but I've read back a few threads. I am aware she lives with her family, and I really don't know if I believe they would sit around and allow her to binge eat and purge. there are videos of her eating with her mom, don't you think her mom would notice if she F-ed off to the toilet and possibly intervene?
like how can you have a youtube channel based on your recovery if it's all just a lie and you're still engaging in behaviours you claim you've left behind
not trying to argue, I'm just trying to understand and make sense of this situation. I find this girl interesting
No. 879002
>>878997They try to do that with PDs, but that's why she went out and took an OD. They most likely started talking about discharge and moving forward so she hurt herself so they cant (otherwise it would be seen as neglect).
The UK mental health system seems like a playground to the American system. I'm from the UK and the American system looks strict AF
No. 879054
>>879016She also said she stood on the edge of a bridge but PDs have a knack of making it LOOK like they're 'about to do something serious' but help intervenes magically at the last minute, every. Single. Time.
I hate saying that to people because it sounds like I dont care if people kill themselves, I do care.
But people with PDs constantly strange of the edge of danger to get their attention kicks and be the sad, poorly spoop.
No. 879057
>>878985if the username has words like tiny, petite, angel, etc its always some overweight girl trying to become anorexic. if the username has fighting, recovery, or similar "motivating" words you can bet its some proana who refuses to change her ways.
remember when
>>878930 was "spaceshiptorecovery" …. that was rich
No. 879065
File: 1570802362802.png (2.12 MB, 750x1334, 919E5D88-694F-41F9-B52E-68C6C2…)

how much we wanna bet her jumping town was because she was stupid and posted her real name and we found her?
No. 879129
File: 1570813203822.jpg (927.43 KB, 1440x2543, 20191011_124909.jpg)

If this chick tries posing any harder to get a thigh gap shes gonna break her back. What is the pose on the right though, honestly.. looks like she smuggled something in her ass and is trying to not drop it.
No. 879180
>>879176Did you mean she leaked the private account username? because she certainly wasn't the anon who leaked Aly's full name and arrest info here.
Did she brag about it on instagram or something? because that's certainly a weird thing to brag about (and to claim in general).
No. 879183
File: 1570818227949.jpeg (Spoiler Image,869 KB, 750x1185, 046EF737-0ABE-479B-877E-A15B57…)

Kelsey’s back at it
No. 879198
File: 1570819877595.jpeg (370.11 KB, 750x1082, 887351CB-DB94-4B34-BB13-32666B…)

>>879195am i the only one who kinda thinks this is real?
No. 879223
>>879183This looks real and definitely someone anorexic but I don't understand how there's no discolouration of the toenails or signs of bad circulation.
I still believe the majority of her clothed shots are shooped, and even this is taken at an angle to emphasise/elongate her legs.
For sure she should be having treatment, whoever it is. I still don't understand why this person does what she does and I'm p sure it's her who keeps giving us hints to her accounts here.
Imagine wanting to post yourself so badly you make multiple accounts because of numerous bans.
Puzzled by how healthy and even her skin colour is though.
No. 879296
>>879234Only the big toes. The others look healthy pink.
>>879238Sitting doesn't really affect bad circulation. My toes are always blue because I smoke. It's the fact that apart from some crepey skin from weight loss and veins from lack of fat that her skin quality is so good. Checking out spoopy ana chans extreme on VK, she's kind of an outlier to actually facially not look unwell and has shown no signs of circulation problems (think Cooney with her purple legs). Maybe I'm overthinking also and I know bodies are all different.
>>879260A few things look a bit iffy to me, but can't deny that whoever "Kelsey" is is in bad condition, even if some shopping's being done. She's been tubed before, and I don't understand why she hasn't been back for treatment.
No. 879321
>>879183>>879198This is is absolutely montaged onto that background, and possibly out of different parts. The carpet is shot closeup compared to the picture laid over it, and there's a very clear photoshop layer drop shadow around the cutout hand, all at the exact same depth and angle, which you can see most easily around the fingers but notice how it's on the legs at the similar angle and depth and sharpness too. The hand and the legs have probably had their colours fixed up.
imo this is either a fetishist - or a fantasist - or a spoop with a fantasy account - who has access to some spoop's images and that they are recolouring and making their fantasy montages out of.
No. 879329
>>879321I feel ridiculous for giving her the benefit of the doubt. I knew something was off apart from the colouring (the hand looks okay, but the legs look like she's wearing tights). I don't own PS so have no idea about trickery, but this all makes sense. She looks like she's levitating.
Absolutely agree with the last sentence.
Thanks for that info.
No. 879362
File: 1570866556105.jpg (267.15 KB, 1440x2560, 2152781343956410893_957105559.…)

>>879345Because she's never shopped.
Georgia is relapsing, oh no. Running on diet coke.
No. 879396
>>879390occams razor bro … its probably a little bit photoshopped but to that extent? even the best photoshop ive seen couldnt create THAT skeleton from a body that didnt look horrific to begin with.
i have seen the evidence of kelsey's photoshop in other pics but what youre claiming is a stretch
No. 879418
>>879396I'm beginning to think that there's something up with her room. Trying to blend a body into an edited environment would have pretty much the effect we have seen on her pics, but with the circumstances it's been easier to assume she's batshit enough to add extra skelly.
This is why she's my favorite cow. She's a human plot twist.
No. 879426
>>879418>>879419She's my favourite because she's ongoing in the way that other person who shopped some tumblrgirl into an avatar fantasy (forgot the username) isn't.
The carpet usually isn't that magnified. I had a theory that maybe this gir "Kelsey" recovered but hated it so did these shitty edits to relive her glory days. That would explain why she uses photos from the same shoot a year apart when posting.
Now I'm with the theory it's either a fetishist (I know at least one who lurks here), or someone doing the graphics thing at school.
If she genuinely looked skeletal, her previous edits wouldn't be so bad.
Whoever it is, I'm tinfoiling, is the anon who gives us leads to where her new account is. I'm not complaining because I look forward to a post from her more than any other cow. It's…interesting.
No. 879471
>>879439another red flag is that she’s supposedly a sophomore in high school & the only way that you could get away with being that thin at that age would be if you’re homeschooled by eugenia-level
abusive/neglectful parents
No. 879488
File: 1570917754442.jpeg (265.97 KB, 564x571, 5D1F6994-D04A-43EB-B937-301D7D…)

Can we all take a moment to thank coffee, water, and all her loved ones for helping her miraculously gain weight on psych. At least she won’t need an ED bed, although that is what her ‘loved ones’ are pushing for apparently. She is trying to pull the whole “I’m not being admitted to an Ed ward because I’m suicidal now, not because I’m not dying of anorexia. Explains the random bridge moment. No Laura, you just don’t really have anorexia. face palms
No. 879533
>>879396I just don't see how people don't think she's shooped.
The body on that photo looks very real, but it's definitely two pictures layered together.
My gut says it's someone else's legs. Because maybe the legs are shooped, but how could KELSEY photoshop the boniness of her legs to be like that?
Super sage for blogging/tl;dr
No. 879535
File: 1570928026349.png (547.91 KB, 1080x1349, 1546301804181.png)

>>879533She's posted her legs (or someone's legs) before. I'm more inclined to believe that whoever Kelsey is (if it's real lol) looks more like this although still looks elongated.
No. 879576
File: 1570939304086.jpeg (373.73 KB, 750x1215, C6FA5B4A-AB1D-4D45-A054-209DF8…)

New post from our favourite
No. 879586
File: 1570944222198.png (3.53 MB, 1125x2436, EA6A5EC3-659E-4653-AFC6-E5610F…)

thinks a petition in her bio is gonna close down a website lol
No. 879591
File: 1570946861650.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1242x1971, 6C043B73-137F-4ED9-939C-60733C…)

This user @siwwygirl formally @medik8lyn who you can look up on google, constantly has a go at her followers for “romanticism” of her ed and a go at men for messaging her dirty dms when she posts pictures constantly showing of her legs/stomach and how thin she is? If you look her up on google images, all that comes up are her in skimpy outfits showing of her body. She romantizes herself. I’ll start taking screenshots of her story’s cause they’re milky. Thoughts?
No. 879597
File: 1570947769052.png (1.37 MB, 750x852, Untitled-1.png)

>>879576so much about this photo is a mess. you can see the lines in the carpet where the retoucher got sloppy and only cloned inside the selected lines of where the original legs were. the right shelf on the right side of the mirror is completely warped, and the retoucher forgot to finish the bottom (lolol!!!) of the shelf. the dresser is a mess. the closet is warped. the line down the face, if you zoom in, there are 2 completely different mouths pasted together. not even blended into one another, just a cut and paste of 2 mouths down a straight line. the hair is badly photoshopped. the dimple is superimposed, as well as the anorexic "features" in the legs and neck. the entirety of the hip area is a mess. these are MULTIPLE photos blended together pretty terribly.
i would post some of my work here but i think that would be a ban. but i used to do this for a living (and sometimes still do for fun). except i'm way better at it than whoever is editing these photos
No. 879600
>>879576Her journey. Okay, yes, she's on a journey. Her face looks so healthy.
>>879580Yep. He's quieter these days but i noticed he'd start following our recommendations. Also noticed how much he pesters Ash. His vk page makes me vomit, his captions are so repulsive.
>>879586Isn't that the same petition the managermom of Lillee Jean keeps asking people to sign? Oh no! KF and lolcows days are numbered.
>>879597I really appreciate these debunkings. P sure your work would be okay to post in /ot? Shooping is interesting, especially when its obvious there's editing but it's more subtle than the ones you n the bad Photoshop thread.
No. 879607
File: 1570950924583.jpg (63.25 KB, 1108x613, rb.JPG)

>>879587> Imagine if someone did an illustration like that of you. Don't let Laura flatter herself so much. Nobody "did" that illustration of her. It already existed. It just so happens to be throwing the same pose as she does every single post.
No. 879616
>>879587Well, tell laura to stop self posting or getting her friends to post her. Someone had her original phone photo files and shared them here (that weren't shared on instagram). So either she's posting here for arse pats, or the friend who took her photo for her is doing her dirty. She's not some innocent
No. 879646
File: 1570977921454.jpeg (98.37 KB, 750x684, 36A7A4FF-A888-4034-936B-6E9A5C…)

>>879091>>870476The whole family of Elzani is fucked up- does her mum not realise that it’s not normal to video all your food and eating and make vlogs out of it or get excited that 35k people are subscribed to watch your daughter make a tit of herself.
No. 879698
File: 1570991478578.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1326x415, nn.png)

>>879695She's done similar before when her whole body looked twisted. There's a lot of collage work going on.
Her bikini shots (the ones lying on a beach towel) always reminded me of the ones dead spoop Nana Karayianni had taken. It's like she uses Nana as some photoshop inspiration.
There are pics of Isabelle Caro that look as if parts have been used by "Kelsey".
No. 879708
File: 1570994918988.jpeg (743.33 KB, 750x1223, 13B1A3E4-2B4F-42D0-B213-754FE2…)

why are her for arms so damn long??
No. 879717
File: 1570996224381.png (Spoiler Image,385.45 KB, 929x411, Untitled.png)

>>879708Why are some part surrounded by a dark line and others blurred?
No. 879733
>>879728Good question. Selfie stick in mouth? Lol, I have no idea.
Those shadows are definitely fake. Thing is, it's possible that's her hand and wrist but why all the other BS?
No. 879804
File: 1571019990899.png (Spoiler Image,4.83 MB, 750x1334, 03EE4E63-FF0B-4201-B571-099723…)

Idk if y’all saw this :/ at least we know that foot long thigh gap she has is fake( :/)
No. 879873
File: 1571048897482.jpg (366.1 KB, 720x1049, 20191014_112358.jpg)

I've never seen her look so healthy
No. 879879
>>879875 its the opposite actually. Shes
triggered af and wants to lose weight. Probably because she doesnt feel sick enough to deserve hospital like her sister.
No. 879910
>>879889Her sister is vegan?! Since when? Doubt E will tolerate that for too long. She’ll either make a big wahwah fuss to mumsy about how ~*~
triggering~*~ it is OR decide she wants to go vegan too, because she can’t tolerate someone else’s eating habit being more noteworthy than hers. I predict a “what I eat in a day - ToTaLlY VeGaN?!!?” Vlog title in our future
No. 879933
>>879875>>879873>>879879The pair of them are so entangled with each other - the competition must be huge even if they are in separate clinics etc. They are the two who show off their skinniness ( and I’m pretty sure their heads are too screwed to be able to edit photos other than snapchat addons)- they want the world to know they are the skinniest. Sadly they are not. They are a mess. If she’s put on 10kg by herself…. sounds a bit unrealistic but you never know. You’d think they’d get tired of going in and out of IP and having zero life.
I can see Elzani ending up like one of them.
No. 879937
>>879881Her younger sister definitely is bigger bodied and I’m sure she has food issues. Her mum ? Idk- maybe she’s just too naive and will do anything to pander to Es demands of what they will eat and do.
If we knew the cause of Es ED or what she is playing at things would be clearer . Like why did her parents discharge her when she was still sick? Why no family therapy ?- they could damn well do with it.
No further mention of her job.
Naturally if she’s built like either her mum or dad then the amount she supposedly eats would mean she should have a much higher bmi than she does now - she’s still not weight restored. But who the fuck eats that amount of food- most of it high calorie and doesn’t put on significant weight. The only answer is she’s purging most of it. But hey her family can afford for her to borrow in Waitrose or m& S food.
Eventually she’ll get bored of YouTube and IG - then what?
No. 879972
File: 1571074852693.png (472.27 KB, 444x565, anachan 1.png)

Found a ana-chan who is also a nursing student…kek. Thoughts?(self-post)
No. 879974
File: 1571074965027.png (321.78 KB, 370x574, anachan 2.png)

another 2/?
No. 879975
File: 1571075048258.png (702.02 KB, 550x534, anachan 3.png)

No. 879979
File: 1571075145854.png (436.29 KB, 457x560, anachan 4.png)

the ''look how sick i am'' kind of post 4/4
No. 879989
>>879972She's been posted here before.
No thoughts about her really. She keeps getting spoopier and will probably die. Not much to say.
No. 880094
File: 1571091616329.jpeg (865.31 KB, 828x1546, 86936E73-5858-4C74-ABAF-C1B822…)

>>880091Sorry no. Anyone who posts blatant body checks WITH THEIR WHEELCHAIR is a proana scumbag. A person can have legitimate anorexia, be very very sick, and still be a cow. Look at Paris, elzani, chii, etc. All legitimately sick but also all get dragged frequently in here. Stop wk’ing.
No. 880097
>>880091>this thread is losing it ffsI suppose that thread dwellers are thirsty for new milk but it's as if these true pro ana scumbags have declined in number since we started 3 or 4 (?) years ago.
I mention vk here often because I'm finding my own thirst quenched and repulsion at the pro ana comments there as opposed to actual anorexics out for asspats.
Sophie posts a lot of bodychecks and hospital shots because that's what EDs do to loads of people. It's not even milky because it's one of the things that go along with their disorder.
SO…what we should be posting are fake recovery people, scamming/money grabbing/gofuckme anas, all out drama creators, wtf wannarexics, and wtf anorexics who claim to be nutritionists yet eat crap, and whatever the hell category Kelsey comes into, lol.
I look for newbies most days but don't find anyone new on ig who qualifies as a cow. I think some jumped on the munchie wagon and went the EDS/gastroperosis route.
Suppose we just have to have some patience and ignore self posts.
Today elliemayrecovery posted how she'd missed her Pepsi Max. I kinda feel bad knocking her though despite the tendon tensing. She's obviously deep in it, although a post about chugging Pepsi Max isn't really great considering she's in treatment.
No. 880098
File: 1571092552087.jpg (85.76 KB, 800x623, judge_jerry_photo_from_nbcu_cr…)

>>880097Soz for wall of text. Went a bit Jerry Springer there. I don't mean to sound like a gatekeeper, but we've got to get a grip sometimes.
No. 880115
>>880108I wasn't going off on one, just an opinion. I'm not going to knock your definition because, yeah, a lot of them promote spoop but if there's no other milk all that'll happen is posts of her latest leg pic.
have been scammers posted here. The ones who've posted for cash for treatment or ones like Becky who pity post for free things. Ashley was the OG for tapping people for free shit. Those are the manipulative ana chans and I hate those more than the ones who think being a spoop is something to embrace. Only my preference, like, but I could spam with multiple pics from different accounts where skeles are bodychecking. Only thing is that's as far as their milk leaks.
No. 880122
>>880118The fact her profile's public and she uses hashtags like #outfitoftheday shows she likes the attention. Not going to do her much good when she's paralysed with a stroke or some shit.
How many have we seen who want to be nurses/nursing assistants? Three or more? They must get addicted to hospitals.
No. 880128
File: 1571096548695.jpg (302.76 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191015-004138_Ins…)

Gotta make sure everyone knows she wears Kids clothing
No. 880176
>>880128that is terribly illfitting. weird flex but ok.
btw i'm just curious as to why Kelsey keeps being posted? Theres no milk its just photoshopped freaky images.
No. 880179
>>870272This one was kind of milky now she's pretty quite. She claimed her and her bf were splitting, came out as a lesbian, then when she was going be kicked out she said She's asexual and now they're in a poly relationship.
A side from being the normal attention seeking "I'm not pro" type, she's boring
No. 880190
File: 1571103650180.png (4.39 MB, 750x1334, 50544FF0-DD28-4F3C-9713-204693…)

thane_of_windhelm on her vent said she wants to start T but not be a man…? That isn’t how it works lmao
No. 880198
Took me almost a month to find the new thread and these cows have self posted 10 times already lol
>>880190You have low t because you were born female Bella. If she wasn’t such an attention seeking brat I might consider what she’s saying. Lots of queer people develop EDs to deal with the emotional struggle but Bella is not one of them
No. 880225
>>879937I definitely agree her younger sister (satara) has food issues. Her mum - not too sure.
Does E really believe she is helping people by her IG and YouTube?
She reminds me of a girl way back on I.g - Annie something, English, used to post loads of food shots and ravings about how wonderful food and recovery was but she was still skinny. Can't remember her username.
I just really don't understand E or her family.
No. 880252
>>880190Awww now she’s drinking tranny koolaid?
Instead of languishing on that stinky futon in her undies, she can do it with chest hair, a breaking voice, zits, and uterine cancers.
Great decision Bella.
No. 880253
File: 1571120201554.jpeg (855.46 KB, 2048x2048, 760BCD85-D8A3-4E17-9D87-037F58…)

tinybakedbean keeps going on about how she’s going to be doxxing any anon who sends her hate on Tellonym. I mean getting rude messages on Tellonym isnt fun at all but threatening to dox & ruin their life? Kinda extreme.
No. 880259
>>880253I don't know why but I'm finding the kid hilarious, delusional and completely crackers. It just reminds me of some sad little preteen wannabe hacker from back in the day, "i can hack teh interwebz and ruin your leif!11" uhuh. I highly doubt they actually did any sort of "hacking", she probably already knew the people whom she harrassed IRL or information was publicly findable via simple google searches (i.e. have a persons first name, last name, age and area and it's easy to look them up in online directories etc). Facebook ties a lot of people together too.
Sorry kiddo, but you aint no hacker. There's no way that they're an adult right?
No. 880315
>>880122Yeah, I don’t find her over-milky necessarily, but definitely deeply annoying to the extent that I had to un-follow.
Also, any anorexic going into a job that will allow them to work in a hospital is absolutely doing it because they’re addicted. I’d love to see the stats on anorexics career goals when they’re sick vs. actual career after ten years of solid recovery.
No. 880316
File: 1571143870594.jpg (326.78 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191015-081955_Ins…)

No. 880317
File: 1571143939986.jpg (268.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191015-082318_Ins…)

No. 880373
File: 1571153659606.png (1.8 MB, 1242x2208, BF165C0B-6248-427A-849B-2E112B…)

>>880370Lmao and now she has a “friend” who she admits committed fraud at her university? Bitch sit down no one did that for you or you’d be in jail.
No. 880412
File: 1571161717833.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1125x1649, 98E540C2-ABA0-4077-9DC3-609BA5…)

scary is right…what the heck is that
No. 880417
File: 1571162275339.jpg (623.24 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191015-193329_Ins…)

imagine spaceship as a psychiatrist….
No. 880419
>>880412My guess. Canned kidney beans/chic peas/ 4 slices of carrot (WHY?), chips, some kind of fried beetroot chips?? pasta. Kinda intrigued what the thing that looks like beetroot really is.
>>880416She's classy.
What makes this spooky other than it looks like something someone possessed would vomit?
No. 880421
>>880417>career pathWhy does this make me lol?
Idk about classes but she should read up on how to deal with dry hair. Beige carpet.
No. 880464
File: 1571168636645.jpeg (635.42 KB, 750x1077, 6A5DFAC3-CE74-4DAC-B8AB-27E5E2…)

You know you’re in the right place when you’re ordering dining supplies to your hospital bed while on 24/7 tube feeds and NPO
No. 880495
File: 1571174515074.jpeg (611.76 KB, 750x1088, F5E64A07-9125-4B6A-B6ED-CC6535…)

Am so the only one who doesn’t see any shopping marks?? Is she getting better at this or am I just stupid
No. 880501
File: 1571175037019.png (849.25 KB, 1117x595, Untitled.png)

>>880495It's all painted. Just zoom in and you can see the patches.
No. 880538
File: 1571179535960.jpg (78.35 KB, 1080x543, kels.jpg)

>>880495This Instagrammer says it better than me.
No. 880565
>>880464Morven still trying to give herself a brick-wall lobotomy? She was too annoying to follow.
>>880474Permanent childhood. The more toddler crockery and stuffed toys they collect, the easier it is to keep themselves in their deluded bubble.
No. 880583
>>880495pls … spoiler this spooky-ass shit
>>880501i trust your analysis even if it goes over my head, ive never seen shooping this advanced
No. 880632
>>880412whenever this girl's revolting fucking meals come up in this thread, it's honest to god sickening. i've legit gagged at her photos before. ironically enough she's terrific thinspo bc she puts me RIGHT off eating.
like i know this has all been said plenty of times before but fuck, can you imagine what her BO must be like? i just imagine she herself smells horrific bc her surroundings are a pigsty
No. 880657
File: 1571192373412.png (844.34 KB, 1323x532, cheeese.png)

>>880651Bragging about stealing a load of cheese and someone being impressed.
What a sad sadfuck.
No. 880658
File: 1571192433862.jpg (34.9 KB, 802x259, 0.JPG)

>>880657Final one. Some of his hints for fasting.
Soz if nobody's interested, he just ruffles my jimmies and tbh he is a cow.
No. 880758
File: 1571209251048.jpeg (81.19 KB, 750x750, 18FEC54A-1048-4606-9F9D-0D84B0…)

>>880732He actually ended up completing a 48 day fast and lost like 50lbs or so. He updated daily & included stats, weigh ins & before and after pictures so he definitely wasn’t lying. IIRC he’s also said he has binge eating disorder so he gained all the weight back afterwards & he says this 84 day fast is going to be his “last extreme fast” which… seems pretty unattainable, but it’s been done before. I’ve been following his journey on MPA recently which is how I know all this shit, just skimming through his threads. I’m just kinda fascinated, if anything.
No. 880767
File: 1571216781214.jpg (748.23 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191016-110256_Ins…)

ok but what the fuck is going on with aly?
No. 880816
>>880771Lmao we get it, you just learned what "pay pig" and "findom" means and think you can be a domme lmaooo
Do your goddamn DBT workbooks, Aly, this is majorly cringe inducing.
It's like she took the BPD diagnosis as permission to act an absolute fool
No. 880820
File: 1571234312936.jpg (685.78 KB, 1069x1902, 20191016_145845.jpg)

>>880724Not those anons but yeah, she's still IP and stagnant as can be. Every day is more of the same unbearable can't take this they've broken me snotty NGT selfies (as pictured lmao). She posted a while ago that her support work agency will no longer work with her so she'll likely be IP for a while.
No. 880826
>>880768She signed up at and she's pissed off some guy didn't send her his bank details after an hour. These people might have a kink, but they're not that fucking stupid.
>>880758I'm wondering what his reason for not completing this time will be. Iirc he ended his last attempt early because he said he had flu. I'm not arsed if he wants to fuck himself up, but at his age he should know better than to encourage the mpa wannas to do his stupid fasts. He's the embodiment of all those old pro ana sites from the 90s.
No. 880893
File: 1571246387132.jpeg (237.82 KB, 750x1199, B784FF1B-422B-4BF6-8E76-6DF1D2…)

No. 880894
File: 1571246573081.png (90.14 KB, 750x1334, 94F7859B-A89A-4DDA-B15F-094636…)

“Recovery” girl tells everyone to back off because everyone’s recovery needs are different. I punched in the numbers I don’t think 700 cal a day counts as recovery..
No. 880896
File: 1571246871020.jpg (44 KB, 532x232, heres chuckles.JPG)

>Nothing can be doneHere's a word of hope, Becky. RECOVERY.
You know everyone in her life is thinking the same. It's not like she's skeletor tier. Stop being a prick and ooo spoopy model and sort your body out ffs.
>>880894Calorie counting. In recovery. Nope.
No. 880919
File: 1571251430272.jpg (929.94 KB, 1076x1575, Screenshot_20191016-204112_Ins…)

the weirdest body check ive seen
No. 880937
>>880896Does Becky actually ever have a ‘good’ day? Kek
She’s tried treatment……once? If she can admit things are unbearable she can suck it up and try again, if not for her own sake than her mum’s. She SHOULD feel guilty. Her mum should be enjoying her own life, not walking on eggshells around this snivelling burden.
Go inpatient, Becky. Gain some weight. Try proper therapy, not woowoo bullshit. Learn to be independent of your mother for more than five minutes at a time.
So much could be done.
No. 880947
>>880225I remember her too! @tinyrecovery
Turns out she's pretty much weight-restored, got fake tits and started a fitspo ~health guru~ journey lol.
No. 880962
>>880935Idk that person, but it's good she's trying to eat what she can I suppose. Options must be difficult even though it's low cal.
>>880937Every single fucking day she's complaining. She won't go ip because it gave her ~ptsd~ last time. Seriously, it's shit, but fucking eat and gain weight and then deal with the other shit. If she can't feel any worse then I don't see the problem. Her mother attachment's worrying.
I think she didn't bother doing the floatation thing, went to one hypnosis session and one meditation session. She's in a better physical condition that loads of spoops here, it's her fault and yeah, she should feel guilty. She's too into being mentally ill with an ~assistance chihuahua~ and pity stories about her ~carer mother~. Ffs, early 20s and she lives in garden centres.
No. 880985
File: 1571263610008.jpg (336.01 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191016-230602_Ins…)

No. 881026
>>880919Agreed. I think her inflated ego and narcissism is why she thinks she’s this delicate queen ana. She doesn’t look underweight or unhealthy or “spoopy” she looks properly fit making them body check photo AND upload strange. She apparently just came out with having being diagnosed as borderline. She’s so all over the place now for example wtf
>>880767>>881008I agree too Bc in one her million story posts she mentioned how “her BPD” makes her keep everything inside and then hurt herself instead kek. Yea eating a healthy diet, sleeping regularly doing self care, hair and makeup makes to seem really functionality impaired… not!
>>881010 also agree with this she totally wants an excuse for any ridiculous or questionable behavior.
No. 881055
File: 1571270099289.jpeg (Spoiler Image,743.14 KB, 750x1044, EB3C157C-A69B-4C05-8B1E-267F41…)

notice anything weird? i’ll zoom in. also spoiler because someone got mad last time
No. 881057
File: 1571270159295.png (Spoiler Image,4.61 MB, 750x1334, 5DFEA511-FC72-48FF-B5C7-5763B5…)

why does she have boobs all of the sudden? at this weight she should be completely flat chested or close to it. this looks weird
No. 881068
saged, since it is a comment and not milk
>>880937I don't want to validate Becky at all, but it's clear the Chihuahua isn't doing any good. Some of the recent badly lit photos of her show her sunken face and the top of the cheekbone protruding in a way it didn't used to. She must filter and blur her bathroom face photos extensively to hide the way she really looks.
If she can afford a dog, she can afford real therapy. It's a real shame that her mom and everyone else prefers to enable her and watch her die instead of give her some hard truths and tough love. She could have a future. But we're all gonna get to see her waste away, probably, and then we'll get another story in the news: "iNsTaGrAm KiLlEd My DaUgHtEr"
I know she's an adult, but she wouldn't be the first adult to be given an ultimatum about her ED. I can forgive her ED and mental health obnoxiousness, since her brain is clearly starved and impairing her ability to make better choices. I can't forgive her entitled begging and fake poverty. Maybe if she gained some weight, she would realize how disgustingly manipulative she is, but somehow I think this is a permanent aspect of her personality.
No. 881129
>>881055Eyes not sunken at all, no dark circles.
No lanugo, veins, cyanosis, or mottled skin.
Cheeks not sunken in, no facial features you see in cachexia, which an anorexic in the state she’s portraying would have.
No. 881199
>>880985I can’t understand why you’d scratch yourself in a way that makes it look as though you’ve got injuries from a noose?
No. 881210
File: 1571311552599.jpg (9.79 KB, 118x136, Capture.JPG)

>>881055Lol, that doesn't even look like her face!
Blurry fuckery on her arm here.
>>881199The bad thing she did was probably try to hang herself - ie put some material around her neck and rub it to look like she'd tried to swing. Fail,
No. 881211
>>881068> it's clear the Chihuahua isn't doing any good.Thanks, anon. This gave me my first laugh of the day!
Oh, she's never bother to recover and drop dead before 30. The fake poverty pisses me off. She buys Chanel on ebay, asks for free makeup because she ran out yet suddenly has new palettes, lipsticks, etc. Still has new clothes.
oOPS, didn't mean all the caps, but yeah. Poor, my ass. Nobody loves Christmas if they're fucking skint.
No. 881231
File: 1571320844329.jpg (340.46 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191017-150027_Ins…)

No. 881239
>>881199Could be a rather pitiful attempt at pretending to attempt to severe the carotid artery, "don't discharge me, i'm suicidal! neglect!". Got a feeling you'd need some serious determination to even manage it with fingers though.
She had leave, if that's what she was going for i'm sure she could have found something sharp enough and did more than swallow a few tic tacs and stare longingly at a bridge until someone noticed something was off and thought to call for help.
No. 881259
>>881239It's easy to kill yourself if you really want to. How much attention does this one need ffs.
Nobody who shows ~concern~ on ig comments care really. They're just random internet people. The people she knows either roll their eyes or they're naive and she's making them worry for nothing.
What a twat.
No. 881400
>>881282There isn't one cow I think I could be around for more than 30 minutes. The childish hyper ones would be worse. Elzani has the added fuck all to talk about factor as well. Hell is being stuck in a lift with Laura, Elzani, Becky, Paris and Smorven. Nourishtoflourish also because of the stench. At least Kelsey wouldn't take up much room. In her shooped self we could slide her up the vents to get some help.
Becky posted something about how she's featured in some mental wellness magazine. Ironic. Notice how she references her BPD when she talks about mental illness and never her ED.
No. 881526
File: 1571356401723.jpg (603.31 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2019-10-18-09-52-47…)

Anyone else reckon she looks exactly the same as she does now
No. 881567
File: 1571361297823.jpg (90.49 KB, 831x600, ll.JPG)

>>881526I wish a follower would tell her it's AGO not A GO. How can she get that wrong?
Idk why she keeps comparing herself to old pics. She's all made up and not making herself look purposely ghastly for them.
Saw this img and thought of her.
No. 881568
File: 1571361507180.jpg (Spoiler Image,172.2 KB, 880x1259, jenny lopez.jpg)

>>881055Remember when people used to take photos of celebs and try to make them look like anas? I wonder if that's where Kelsey took his/her inspiration from?
Img example.
No. 881641
File: 1571379241630.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x1933, 4958372A-D46F-4D28-9E54-DE5B42…)

found this comment on elzani’s latest post a bit funny. it isn’t so hard to stay up late when you spend the night exercising to burn off all of those pesky calories you just consumed for a video.
No. 881660
File: 1571389887418.jpg (944.7 KB, 1080x1480, Shaydoesnfc.jpg)

Shay managed to find her way to new farm clinic. Same place as georgia. Ironic. Seems to be loving that tube life when the nurses let her put one in at night for non compliance
No. 881700
File: 1571408610574.png (4.24 MB, 1242x2208, CEF104DB-8DA5-4CFA-A8BC-C0D663…)

Emaciatedfairy is trying too hard to be sick..
No. 881701
File: 1571408659923.png (3.85 MB, 1242x2208, E63A8EDE-9B88-459C-9448-535AC2…)

She’s milky as fuck
No. 881712
>>881641What has having a bad back got to do with staying up late? You’d think she could come up with a decent excuse.
Nighttime easier to purge without anyone else hearing or noticing.
No. 881717
>>881671The face that "Kelsey" exists (as in
was ip at some point) isn't the issue. The thing is, is someone using someone else's pics to make the spoopy pics? Back in the old thread there's the tubed pic and her banging on about yay recovery woo! but a month later there're badly shooped skele pics of her.
(Also, don't fill in the name or email field)
No. 881719
>>881641>>881712She's never mentioned a bad back (?) but if she has one then it's difficult to sleep with pain or lying still. Not defending her because the comment about her racing mind makes more sense. She's so hyper in general, I wouldn't be surprised if it affects her at night.
She sounds desperate for views. Look at my new video! Ideas for new videos! New camera!
No. 881748
File: 1571419389448.jpg (764.87 KB, 1059x1883, 20191018_191845.jpg)

Elzani posted a few photos with literally the same pic - only different angles. Just image her taking these photos. What the hell
No. 881821
>>881810I know. I meant she never mentioned it
before writing it in that comment posted, ie it's the first time she's mentioned having a bad back.
No. 881847
File: 1571433747280.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1125x1891, 0CAD0162-AA17-4ECA-A788-D23398…)

what happened to your "goodbye, ED" omgilovefoodsooomuch act, Aly?
No. 881889
>>881847>>881859Oh she’s definitely stretching it to the max but to be honest, based on her other body check posts from recently, this doesn’t even seem like a recent photo of her… I could be wrong but like if you look at the other rib flexed ones she looks much more meaty, surely she hasn’t lost that much weight in one week to show this noticeable of a difference. I’m calling her bluff this
>>881847 has to be an oldy when she was more “spoopy” even though she’s never really been spoopy kek
No. 881959
File: 1571445254342.jpeg (234.04 KB, 750x988, 44A60259-0D50-4B5C-AACA-4BFC2A…)

>>881748>>881781How many photos of crumpets do we need?
No. 881961
File: 1571445786740.jpeg (291.02 KB, 828x634, 408B510F-BC3B-4471-B737-6F2A9E…)

she sounds completely retarded. Not in the insulting way, in the legitimately mentally handicapped way. Brain damage or stupidity?
No. 881963
File: 1571445981532.jpeg (115.36 KB, 750x926, C904B6B4-D45B-4008-B5FF-FA9EED…)

>>881641>>881959>>881748Another video saying I’m not relapsing but actually I am and from now on I’m going to try REAL RECOVERY and GO FOR IT , and now I’m going to try even harder and challenge myself even more, blah blah blah…. I remember a similar video not too long ago.
And why can she still not talk or write as an adult not a child.
‘Get ready for me becoming the best version of myself’ …. oh god please no more.
No. 881992
>>881969True and if she was really medically stable and on the road to recovery why Isint she looking into school work or volunteering? By now shouldn’t she beyond the point where food is 100% the focus she’s shown us eating regularly and challenging herself for ages isint it time to start some real life shit now? She’s either too scared to let it all go or she’s admitting she’s in quasi recovery here
>>881963 I’m going to say it’s a combo of both Bc at this point and where she is with her eating she should be more weight restored, mentally stable and doing 20 year old shit. It is hard to tell Bc I didn’t know how she was before. Although some farmers posted some old pics of e healthy and she looked like she was having fun doing normal people things so I would attribute her mental status to her nutrition. Wonder if she’s purging or just over exercising at night this
>>881641 is a red flag, she’s definitely doing something at night be it purging or exercise. She’s never mentioned a bad back, and a “bad back” ebbs and flows she’s up EVERY night. Come to think about it sleep deprivation could also be contributing to her looniness
No. 882001
File: 1571450806679.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, 0D757AF2-1BF8-4E53-9AF6-8A8EE3…)

>>881847So skinny much anorexia kek. I’d love to see a photo where she’s not sucking in, shed look dare I say it… normal! Lol you can’t look spoopy when u suck your stomach in if u have thighs like that aly, she acts like she’s just lifting up her shirt to show her ribs that constantly protrude when really she sucks that belly in for every photo lol. What a fool. Is she still claiming to be underweight?
No. 882007
>>882005I said she looks normal… if you think that normal equals
big head on back to MPA anachan
No. 882012
>>882010Ok bye aly stop self posting and calling yourself underweight. Your trying too hard. This seems like you too
>>882005 because no where did I say she was big, I said normal and
you thought big Bc your aly and you think your big, kek. You really need to work on being more inconspicuous when you respond to posts about yourself lol this is laughable but nice try!
No. 882015
>>881889>>882001Not the same anon but are you seriously that pissed you got called out?
"Lol you can’t look spoopy when u suck your stomach in if u have thighs like that aly"
What do you think you were implying with that bullshit? Even if she's not a spoopy skeleton, she's obviously underweight with those thighs. Are you a jealous anachan?
No. 882021
>>882015Allegra please this is getting out of control. No one would be jealous of that ok, just relax and recede back into your insta hole.
Also if your not aly and just a newfag you want to sage this non contribution and wk
>>882015 ffs this is lolcow, Not the great debate of whose underweight, stop not picking the op comment and move on. you broke like three rules in 1 post but I’m not going to minimod. this is annoying and I’m not replying to aly or any of her minion followers anymore. As obvious as it is to point out let’s all just ignore obvious Austist Allegra self posts
No. 882023
>>882021Sad that the worst thing you can think to reply when somebody disagrees with you is to claim they're Allegra and
reeee they broke the rules.
No. 882026
File: 1571456391013.jpeg (62.39 KB, 767x573, image.jpeg)

Here we go again…. She admits she's not been being entirely honest about her REAL RECOVERY and how great she is doing - basically spouting a load of BS - no doubt a few months from now she'll make another one saying the same thing.
No. 882028
>>882026Read the fucking thread, anon. This has been posted twice already.
>>882027 Give it a rest, retard.
No. 882033
>>882028Thank cheezus there are still logical farmers amongst us.
>>881961Forgot to answer this directly before but I do wonder if she’s chronically sleep deprived from exercising late each night, maybe that’s why she has a bad back, has barely gained weight and acts like a loopy crack head all the time. Weird things happen to the brain and a persons behavior when they don’t sleep a lot, I’m no medfag but surely it could explain some aspects of elzanis behavior
No. 882041
>>882038Exactly. I'd like to think we have some semblance of common sense on this board. We have to be less deluded than the pro anas and that means not pretending they're a healthy bmi when they obviously aren't.
Georgia is fat. Kelsey's probably a fucking sim. Scarface is average. Aly is thin but not dying.
No. 882043
File: 1571458704204.jpeg (114.79 KB, 484x186, 301B74FA-4F04-4BE5-AD51-5B4879…)

>>882035I really think now that the cats out of the bag about her sleep hygiene it must play a role. I have trouble believing someone would act this obnoxious without being drugged, malnourished or sleep deprived kek. I wonder if she’s going to reveal what really goes on at night, it’s obviously not just her back keeping her up.
>>882038No ally as much as you beg your just too damn ridiculous and clogging the thread up with your damn self posts. If farmers want to talk about you they will, you put your bait out, no ones biting so just get lost. Next time you post something milky I’m sure someone will post and talk all about you to feed your new
BPD diagnosis
>>882041Kek at Kelsey being a sim, I agree aly is thin but not dying. I like Scarface but she looks more like Freddy kreuger to me especially when she does the super wide eyed crooked creepy mouth smile I mean is this not a dead ringer for Laura kek
No. 882044
File: 1571459254526.png (378.63 KB, 1090x578, bombshell.png)

>>882043>>882041Speaking of Kelsey, the sim has quite a band of pro ana fans!
>i cum each time I see a photo of herick.
As for what these cows look like, Aly looks like the kind of woman you see in magazines as "beach models". They always look a bit on the thin side with ribs sticking out and look like they only eat mango and cucumber. She must be getting periods if she's thinking she's pregnant. I don't find her interesting at all tbh.
No. 882047
File: 1571459351907.png (310.9 KB, 595x258, the power of christ compels yo…)

>>882043Throwing in another horror icon comparison…
No. 882056
File: 1571460916942.png (761.66 KB, 1048x523, re.png)

>>882052>You're telling me that I should take my daughter to a witch doctor? Is that it?(at a meeting regarding Laura's future treatment)
Imagine all these cows and how they would've been burned at the stake a few hundred years ago.
No. 882070
File: 1571464270837.jpg (47.63 KB, 556x492, Capture.JPG)

>>882062There's some blurring on there as well.
No. 882078
File: 1571465230284.jpeg (257.86 KB, 750x1177, 2E4B3C85-0B09-494F-8FD9-35BE0E…)

Lmao, one of her knees is facing up???
No. 882079
File: 1571465257560.jpeg (228.77 KB, 750x1192, 8834F0A5-9311-4E5E-9464-EB641E…)

Photo no. 2
No. 882087
>>882026she looks like a ghoul. i can't imagine how utterly soul-crushing it must be to live with someone like her. this whole family must be sick to continue to enable and desire to be around this good-for-nothing creature.
there's no reason this adult woman shouldn't have her shit together. there are actual disabled (both physically and mentally) adults at my college taking classes. there are adults with severe intellectual disabilities who work at my local grocery store bagging groceries. meanwhile, this ghoul is sitting around obsessing about food and doing nothing to grow as a person or contribute to society
kick her out, let her sleep on the curb or throw herself off a tall bridge. she's never going to change. she has nothing to offer this world, nothing to offer to anyone as far as relationships go (everything needs to be about her). her family needs to disown her, completely ghost her and move on with their lives
No. 882217
File: 1571502690296.jpeg (756.42 KB, 1125x2076, 95F37C87-52AF-4273-8A6E-69CE10…)

I wanted to post about her before but there wasn’t too much milk, and I noticed her account recently got put on public.
She’s got a long history of being incredibly overdramatic and asking followers for money. Her latest drama is a mild heart problem is that she might oooo SUDDENLY DROP DEAD. Makes a huge deal out of her inpatient admissions that lasted approx 10 minutes. One minute she’s sad and suffering and her ED is killing her, the next she’s so grateful for recovery and will never look back!
No. 882229
>>882217is this the same molly that ran away from home, got her crisis team to out her up in a short term emergency hotel room, did loads of coke in the room and invited men back for sex and then ended up getting raped and contracting chlamydia
her family are all large scale drugs dealers apparently and she would complain about her family members getting arrested, despite them having like 20k worth of cocaine plus guns on them
No. 882231
>>882229yes exact same one! although she claimed she didn’t run away, she was “kicked out”. it’s hardly being kicked out if you’re over 18 and being a drunken
abusive addict. poor parents
No. 882233
>>882231i forgot to mention it was anal chlamydia too because she was literally inviting randoms off the street to party with her…… apparently she’s horrible to be around in real life, when you meet up with her she constantly talks about how bad her rapes were, and how they’re so extreme and graphic, even in normal conversation she tries to bring it up. to the point where it was difficult to be around her because all she would talk about is trauma when she knew the people she was meeting up with were also rape or abuse survivors. she always has to be the saddest sickest craziest most pitiable twig despite being the nastiest most hateful bitch. i don’t know how she presents herself nowadays but she’s always just going to be rotten to the core, a completely
toxic person.
No. 882238
>>882233I didn’t know she did that! That’s horrible and manipulative. I know before she has alluded to her PTSD being mostly a result of an event she has never opened up about. The recent one she definitely didn’t keep it zipped, even posted a photo of the police taking her DNA I believe.
My theory is that the only reason her team haven’t discharged her is because she’s so manipulative, they wouldn’t want to risk being a
victim of her behaviour. Manipulated into thinking the services failed her, when really she just wants to be the Most ILL
No. 882242
File: 1571505526000.jpeg (3.28 MB, 4032x3024, C88E227E-BE8E-4CB6-9BBD-4493E3…)

Latest post, sorry hun where you getting this money from since you’re begging strangers for money? and what about this supposed heart condition she’s so worried about? Pathetic(selfpost)
No. 882250
>>882248Tries and fails to upload original pic of takeaway boxes without making them go sideways, ie not a screenshot.
Few followers.
Follows cows mentioned here in order of us talking about them - tinybakedbean, Bella, Nourish, starchild, aly, kelsey, kim, laura, ghost girl, smorven, solos
Typical self post response "she's pure milk" when there's no milk.
No. 882251
>>882250oh and the original
>>882242 is cropped more than original.
No. 882258
File: 1571507355303.png (9.16 MB, 1242x2208, C552E5A2-2AE6-4F69-8705-5B2566…)

It’s really pathetic how much she lurks here for how much she apparently doesn’t care what is said about her anywhere, if you’re so unbothered why the fuck do you keep talking about it? Laughable. Careful Allegra, you’re gonna pop every single blood vessel you have straining yourself to look skinny. She’s really milking the BPD diagnosis, with her bullshit impulses she acts on so she can post on insta 5 minutes before she actually does it.
No. 882268
File: 1571507999497.jpg (39.32 KB, 661x325, Capture.JPG)

>>882267Example, deleting as you did here.
No. 882274
File: 1571508524607.jpg (56.27 KB, 977x626, Capture.JPG)

>882270The takeaway evidence. Original ig post v self post here
>>882242 Ig post cropped.
No. 882295
>>882258remarkable amount of cringe every time u say "allegra"
like we get it, u know her name, wow so cool and edgy
Aly is boring, it's the same five body checks and thot posts about how she got dicked down by some random and "ugh, I miss getting high :(((( btw I need money for pregnancy tests even though I'm gonna post in an hour about dropping $30 on vape carts", no one cares
No. 882335
File: 1571518516988.png (817.56 KB, 1335x595, Untitled.png)

>>882327You mean like this person? He does weird skinny pretend people too. Bit more advanced than Kelsey's efforts.
No. 882434
>>882373Nope. Anorexics can do this until the (lol)cows come home.
Also is there a reason Elz only wears the one shirt?
No. 882436
>>882373May be calorie counting. She's okay to eat crumpets with spreads because she might have a fixed amount of cals in her head for the day and no particular food is off limits. Kinda like how some anas restrict eating two or 3 chocolate bars a day. If she films a video and she's over her quota, she could hold back on intake the next day.
We all know dhe should be gaining faster and it's only her that knows why she isn't. Meanwhile she gets paid for recovery inspo on YT when there's something not very recovery going on.
No. 882470
File: 1571545445596.jpeg (587.24 KB, 750x1179, DB46BF84-2668-425D-BD62-74EEE1…)

torturing seems a bit OTT for just thumbing through old sheet music kek how dramatic. How is she so uwu thin and posing wannabe spoopy then happily posts pics of her decent and round rump?
>>882258Whether your aly or not lol, I agree she his milking the BPD diagnosis. Her behavior is so up and down and erratic one minute she’s lying about her weight the next she’s all body positive posting an ass photo for compliments and male attention I would assume. She just changes with the seasons, whatever will get her attention at the time she will.
On her live today she pretended she use to be an opera singer, proceeded to incorrectly and poorly “explain” the different voices used in music and sing COMPLETELY flat, forgot the words to a song she fucking chose, it was hilarious. She even tried and failed several more times with claims
oh this ones better for me. I felt like I was watching a Britain’s Got Talent Worst Auditions Ever video. It was so cringe because even she knew it was bad. Honestly I wish I recorded it because she’ll probably never do it again unfortunately. I don’t get why she couldn’t just say she was in the chorus she had to say “classically trained opera singer” she really set herself up to fail kek
No. 882472
File: 1571545933946.png (527.5 KB, 750x1334, 11ACF123-B9E1-41E4-A1D7-A33A86…)

How does someone of Georgia’s size “find volume difficult” kek. This whole response is just hilarious. Also wtf does eating a calorie deficit of only McDonald’s have to do with thermodynamics lol?! Georgia: “You can lose weight eating nothing but McDonald’s as long as you eat less calories than you burn”. Also Georgia: “Drinks only Diet Coke” from McDonald’s every day, continues to gain weight rapidly. Idk I guess she’s got it all figured out then lol
No. 882505
>>882503Question under the McDonald's one here
>>882472She works at Dymocks bookshop in Crindale. she said the McD's is in the shopping centre she works at.
All the personal info people put out there, eh.
No. 882523
>>882498>>882472She clearly eats burgers and chips too. Shes even spoken about eating the fries multiple times.
Did you see how she said you can lose weight eating only mcdonalds?? Kek
No. 882525
File: 1571569886010.jpeg (841.09 KB, 828x1522, C5C4125B-1BDB-4CB5-B9B5-53F5AC…)

>>882520But look at how beautifully she writes! She’s clearly got a future as an author / recovery coach (pretty sure she mentioned wanting to be a recovery coach at some point a while back.)
No. 882527
File: 1571571400360.jpg (1.13 MB, 1080x2065, 20191020_211306.jpg)

BPD mode engaged. Shes losing wt at a rapid weight already guys
No. 882528
>>882527>RelapsingYou don’t die because you refuse to eat for one day and then get hungry and go back to eating a lot, that makes you gain weight.
Your weight would not be a problem if not the fact that you pretend to be anorexic and fish for attention. Just start being open, say you have problem with binge eating, and you need to lose weight to be healthy.
It’s quite fatshaming if you if you choose not to be honest and instead try to pass off as a
mentally skinny girl, because you’re ashamed of your lack of discipline and your body. You are doing this and making fat people’s problems shameful, not us.
No. 882530
thermodynamics for you:
If you starve, you lose weight.
If you’re malnourished despite being fat that means you have junk food addiction, not that you’re anorexic.
No. 882535
>>882530Not necessarily, you can be malnourished vitamin wise due to restriction at high weights. You end up being eventually underweight over time - if the restriction keeps up til that end. Let's not pretend that obese people can just simply starve and magically be healthy on the way down, it's why they always say that medical supervision is needed on vlcd.
As for Georgina, I kind of feel bad for her. I do wonder if she should have been diagnosed with bulimia or EDNOS though, she said before she purges. Wonder if she oscillates between binging and restriction, which would have her fall into bulimia/EDNOS bracket. She probably sees herself as "relapsing" when she restricts but fails to see the other side of her coin is also disordered. She needs to treat the whole problem, not just one side. Personally, she hasn't seemed milky to me recently, it's why i wondered if shay is back playing tricks on here given what's going on with her.
Though damn, her saying about losing weight only on mc donalds.. yeah it's possible (CICO and all) and probably expensive, but you'd get really ill and have reprocussions with it eventually.
No. 882539
s conveniently relapsing right now as she's got a planned admission in the next week or two. Brace yourselves for a ngt in the near future
No. 882551
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This is so sad
No. 882553
>>882547> every time someones posted someone new everyone has called them a self postIt usually is
>never looked into the milkIt'd help if people posted public accounts
> they aren't willing to go looking for itI look for new milk daily, but what I find is patchy or there isn't anything new.
>>882552Kelsey's shoops aren't nitpicking. "Kelsey"s milk IS her photoshopping. I like to see her posts because they're so ridiculous.
We can only work with what's out there. Until we find someone new the same old people are going to be posted. I'm not interested in some of the regulars, but other people are. These threads aren't as good as they used to be, but that's because the cows were found over a year ago. There just aren't any new ones around atm.
No. 882559
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If farmers are really hungry for a new cow I don’t know why Kim hasn’t caught on more. She pops up on here from time to time but come on! She heralds herself as some amazing, inspiring recovery warrior while actively promoting tons of diet products for profit, documenting her daily gym sessions, parading around in her favourite “fuck diet culture” shirt (while literally peddling diet peanut butter and sugar free protein bars), subsisting on aspartame and vodka and passing her eating disorder right on to her kids with her lazy, selfish parenting. She is, in my humble opinion, a milky goldmine.
No. 882565
>>882552tbh those posts don't bug me, but I'm sick to death of the constant, "wow look what this idiot eats, it's so gross" posts
I forget the name of the cow bc I don't care enough, but there's only so many disgusting meals you can see before you stop giving a shit
No. 882571
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I was in two minds as to whether or not to post this one, but…
Obviously has an ED. Got out of prison May 2018 and dropped a load of weight. Started being a woman. Divorced and not allowed to see his/her two young kids, asks for dates on ig, is called Celine because of a love of Celine Dion, chronic oversharing. idea what his crime was, but sounds iffy.
This is not a self post lol.
No. 882575
>>882573I skimmed through his YT channel but it's not mentioned why he was in prison. It's a serious thing that he has no parental rights to see his kids. Not casting aspersions, but it's all a bit weird.
Apparently was diddled with by a priest as a child and raped by a man who said he was a transwoman.
What he writes makes it seem his ED is pretty severe, but posts that the local authorities won't classify him as having one.
No. 882576
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>>882571why are trannies like this?
No. 882578
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>>882576The trannies in the tranny thread are younger than this one as well. It's sad that a 39 year old tranny's still going the cutesy girly route.
He's trying to integrate with young tranny ig people and not with actual women. Not sure women would accept him as a woman.
I'd say, oh well at least he's happy, but all he talks about is suicide.
No. 882586
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>>882525>>882520And did you see she has a new word to go with divine - the halloumi was ‘exquisite’.
Obviously she’s been up at night sitting and reading a thesaurus - not sure exquisite is right for halloumi. We have lots of photos of the food but never her eating it.
No. 882593
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No. 882601
Struggling isn't Costa coffee every day. It's weird to see her showing a (bit of) a sense of humour. It's sad as well because of the potential she has to be an interesting person that doesn't fall on her being kooky with an ED. Her body must be knackered internally.
No. 882607
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>>882574I'm getting pedo vibes.
No. 882609
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>>882607There's definitely an issue with him being around young people.
(scuse the wonky name blackout i'm in bed)
No. 882616
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>>882613Yeah definitely will be.
Blogging here but based on this tweet - prison time implies the "one thing led to another" was quite serious. A friend of mine had the police raid her house due to her partner downloading child porn, he didn't get a prison sentence despite it being classed as extreme material and still has (supervised) contact with the kids. "Caitlin" must have done something pretty awful.
No. 882617
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He got kicked off fb. I know they get rid of sex offenders. I kinda felt a bit sorry at first but NOW … hope he chokes on his purge.
No. 882618
>>882616Sentencing really varies but yeh to not get in to college (you can't fail the interview unless you turn up and say you don't want to be there. It isn't like a job interview. It'll be their criminal record meaning they can't be around children or vulnerable adults).
Could really be anything.
But tbh let's all be pleased they don't have contact with their kids and also… don't have anorexia!!!
No. 882624
No. 882627
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Just to top off how puke this guy is - his old twitter account has only one tweet. He has been recently pestering young asian girls on twitter too - is it cow-tipping to anon report this guy to his local police? He shouldn't be allowed social media.
No. 882628
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>>882627Google his real name and there's a photobucket of his wedding to a Filipino girl. There's a google pic of him with his son as a baby. Also img.
No. 882629
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He gives people with EDs a VERY bad name.
No. 882687
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>>882683A screenshot of the tweet comes up when you search Raibearch Ogasawara on google images.
Tbh she's come up as a youtube suggestion video in the past a few times but I didn't watch any of them.
No. 882723
>>882070>>882071I find this constant "ITS PHOTOS HOPED!" obsession kind of weird you farmers have. I think shes put filters on some photos and smoothed things in some at most but im really not finding any evidence of major body warping and photo overlaying. I dont think this girl is that tech savvy and honestly this obsession with trying to prove shes not a spoop or not even real is fucking yikes like give us some milk instead of trying to point out that shes totally photoshopping and tinfoiling her existence.
half of them are just shit photos taken by a shit phone and thats why they look that way, you're looking for things that aren't there.
No. 882744
>>882724Hahahahah I was thinking something along the same lines!
>>882535“As for Georgina, I kind of feel bad for her. I do wonder if she should have been diagnosed with bulimia or EDNOS though, she said before she purges.” Georgia has been candid about her OFSED, there’s no more “Not Otherwise Specified” mental illnesses in the dsm. Get with the times and get that Georgia boner out of my face she’s always been milky, and will always be milky until she comes clean about her true past and present ed struggles.
What’s this planned ip admission everyone’s talking about for Georgia? Is it another one of those concierge facilities where she pays to get tube fed?
not saged Bc asking question No. 882796
>>882724>>882744Feel free to sage your twatage, and go back to MPA if you think that just because someone has a different opinion than yourselves they must be overweight.
>>882744If she's been "so milky" why has there not been anything really shared recently? I only see what's here, and it's been very on the meh side (other than the planned admission).
No. 882842
>>882805No idea, was going by what
>>882744 said. I assumed something was shared and I must have missed it or it was deleted. I think i vaguely remember seeing a post saying that it's convieniant that georgia is trying to restrict now she has an admission coming up (don't remember an image with it), but i've been unable to find it again.
No. 882849
>>882842Literally just scroll up, it's still there.
"She's conveniently relapsing right now as she's got a planned admission in the next week or two. Brace yourselves for a ngt in the near future"
They're speculating and saying, "she must be planning to go IP again"
gotta work on that reading comprehension, I'm tired of the fake milk.
No. 882872
>>882846>Georgia is just overweight and begging for attentionThis for sure. She's playing at having an ED. She's doing all the cliche ana chan things for ig - ip, tubes, miraculous recovery. relapse. Posting how she's having a zero coke for dinner's begging for concerned comments.
It's like she's using the excuse of having an eating disorder for being overweight. She can't go on a regular diet because she doesn't have the willpower so she says she can't go on a weight loss diet because she's eating disordered. She's the one who's most bothered about being overweight or she wouldn't bring all the dramatics on and get on with being fat.
No. 882896
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"Fighting anorexia hard."
Yeah for sure.
No. 882900
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I guess this explains the latest influx of self posts.
No. 882903
>>882901The text is German, so maybe not a self post, but I always think hers are self posts.
Why do bulimics always call themselves anorexics? She's a barfer yet she's fighting anorexia.
No. 882906
>>882900Yeaaah, she
just found out about us. Suuuure. "Cowtipping or whatever you guys call it." Who wants to bet she is an active lurker here and has been for a while?
No. 882910
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>>882906And she has the balls to think of MY PRO ANA as a ~safespace~ when they have threads dedicated to calling each other fat fucks, 80 day water fasts, and on and on., but um okay.
>do you feel guilty for giving tips?>i personally do not feel guilty because i feel like if u dont want to recover, then no one is going to force you and we all know we are all already in this haha No. 882936
File: 1571681783371.jpg (9.98 KB, 168x300, download.jpg)

Searching her sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole too! She apparently made a video with the nonce about coming out, but now it's deleted. Someone wrote in a tweet about how she's nuts. In a tweet on one of her accounts (only see these from google image search hence bad quality img post) she's saying the nonce is following her around to troll her. Idk if he wrote the one I've posted.
ED, BPD, depression, chronic fatigue.
She has a patreon for her YTs (haven't watched any, the thumbnails put me off). Reading the "community" page makes me think, yeah, she's a kinda mess.
NOT a self post.
No. 882937
>>882936Quality so bad I'll transcribe for ppl with bad eyes
Why would anybody want to support @lifewithlydia she's a fuck up. she's a mess obviously. She belongs on a mental health unit til the end of her sad little life.
No. 882981
>>882979Starving DOES make you lose weight. FACT. Laxatives make you lose WATER WEIGHT NOT FAT. FACT.
You seem to be new, learn to sage.
No. 883258
>>883257>>>/snow/883248I have problems with links too. Farmhand called me a pure autist for it fucking up when I made a thread. Cheeky mare.
Very season appropriate pic!
No. 896416
>>877981I know this thread is old but holy fuck would someone wearing some ballet outfit in the psych ward would creep me out major..
imagine being like "oh, gotta back my dance costumes to prance around the loon bin"
saged, i had to get this off my chest.
No. 941187
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this is a girl who followed me on instagram telling me to eat more when she literally edits her pictures so she doesn’t look like a fucking cow. maybe she needs to eat less before coming for me. her @ is @anijaee go attack her(not your personal army)