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No. 1239227
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>>1239220sometimes satire mirrors reality unintentionally. the Y chromosome is a sad aberration that will cease to exist in time.
No. 1239234
>>1239221I consider myself left-wing (not liberal) but I absolutely agree that most leftists should be more critical of trans shit. I understand that they accept it because otherwise they would alienate a lot of people who would see leftists the same way they see racists, or whatever. Leftists don't wanna look mean and bigoted (plus they want to prioritize fighting against the capitalist class before everything else). I don't think it's something they can fight against easily, though, since these days, the idea that males are women if they get hard wearing skirts and take hormones, and vice versa, is considered universally true. It's like if you tried to gain support in the Middle Ages and said God isn't real. kek
>>1239217Shut up idiot
No. 1239251
>>1239244There was a screenshot about same sex marriage being "looked at" as well
Also, to all lurking anons: Two moids so far in the thread, one just softly nudged the other to blend in better. Both will kill themselves. Be careful when you read some suspiciously low-IQ shit
No. 1239254
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>>1239251clarence thomas suggested that the right to contraception, same sex intercourse, and same sex marriage should be reconsidered (see: overturned). that was in his opinion today. No. 1239265
>>1239261no one uses "desu" on lolcow
>>1239260the birth rates are not too low, this is manufactured outrage and is easily solved by immigration anyways. they DO want more expendable obedient workers that lower the value of labor, however.
No. 1239281
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No. 1239330
>>1239325>thinking a rich politician woman would never do something like thislol
>>1239329>this is exactly what lead us to this pointHow so?
No. 1239335
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>go to lolcow to circlejerk/commiserate with other women about the ruling
>thread is packed to the brim with incelposting, pickmes, concern trolling, mass shooter roleplayers, boomer schizo rants about covid, pedo rings, russia, etc.
>concludes with radfem mainfesto fujoposting (i respect the hustle)
can this new thread please be less polluted with the biggest retards the internet has to offer?
No. 1239336
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No. 1239339
>>1239336rare jodi. thanks for posting.
>>1239281cringe even in dumb bitch context. unfunny sorry.
No. 1239342
>>1239230Overturning Brown vs. Board is the one thing that would lead to an all-out racial conflict in the US. There's no way it'll happen anytime soon. Unfortunately, they're still going to make many country-destroying decisions in the meantime- look up West Virginia v EPA
>>1239241Thomas conspicuously didn't mention Loving v. Virginia in what's up next, but there's now grounds for overturning it.
No. 1239347
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this is the kind of unhinged shit conservatives in their 50s are posting on social media today.
No. 1239371
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thembies are unbelievably stupid. she goes on to complain about how this suggestion deeply affects and traumatizes her as a disabled trans POC that is related to colonized peoples. sex strikes are surprisingly effective. if it produces results in kenya, liberia, and violent areas of the phillippines, i'm pretty sure it could have some result here, not to mention at this point it's not even about producing results, it's about fucking preventing widespread pregnancy, which i recommend every woman considers her primary objective at this point, especially when PIV is boring and pointless for most women (75% of women cannot cum from PIV anyways). obviously the supreme court justices themselves don't give a shit, but enough men losing nationwide access to free sex does affect things. and rape already happens regardless. sex posis are a cancer and i hate the way thembies act like they're the only ones who have been raped and like no women suggesting this has ever been raped.
No. 1239377
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i cannot wait to see all the celebrating moids malding over child support. broke chauvinist men on the verge of suicide soothes the soul.
No. 1239401
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No. 1239435
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No. 1239439
>>1239228They've been chomping at the bit for Roe to be overturned since it happened, so those are less likely but not off the table.
I was posting in a chat earlier about the failure of Democrats to do anything about Roe, and how its used as an issue to get voters to come out. A gay moid told me "That's how democracy works". I told him I hope he still feels the same when they start coming for same sex marriage.
No. 1239451
>>1239441Don’t kill yourself kill men
American women need to do something radial. Either start killing men or shut the society down. Don’t go to work. Stay home where they think you belong to. See how healthcare, education, retail etc works without you. Mass protest now. Your goverment doesn’t wan’t to give you anything, so don’t give anything back. Don’t work , arrange states wide stay in protest now.
No. 1239485
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I chuckled
No. 1239533
>>1239260A tinfoil theory I heard is that there's a shortage of white babies in the adoption system and they want more in there. Snatching up foreign orphans isn't trendy anymore or some other insane bullshit. But surprise, retards, there's going to be a surge of babies in colors they don't want.
Can't wait to hear what the pro-life idiots have to say once dead newborns begin popping up in trash cans again. You simply cannot expect 100% of parents to give unwanted children up for adoption.
No. 1239535
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Report and ignore scrotes
No. 1239544
>>1239499None of that income would go to the IRS. None of that income would pay towards mortgages, debts, and the rest of the garbage that banking systems set up as long-term debt traps. None of that income would go towards consumerism. Consumerism driven by huge, psychologically driven marketing schemes by large corporations in bed with those same politicians.
How much money are those guys going to make anyone being a butt bitch in a private prison cell for a few months at a time?
No. 1239548
>>1239544Adding. They'll still get money from women regardless though, because no matter if we're fucked and destitute with unwatched kids attached, someone will pay for the formula, diapers, clothing, well visits, etc. We would just become their forced consumers, required to purchase infant, toddler, and childhood products. Whether we pay, some scrotoid pays, or the government pays through tax funds, those companies are set.
No. 1239551
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Get out now
No. 1239582
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Why are so many women pro-life? Does anyone have the answer why?
No. 1239583
>>1239260It's not even an attack, it's merely a return to the status quo and had the democrats not abused the supreme court to force through pro abortion/homo legislation in the first place they wouldn't be in the situation now.
Nothing in the constitution says that you should kill your babies or marry your own gender, that was always a nonsensical stretch and should never have been signed into federal law. Now the states and elected officials determine abortion legality again which is ultimately how a democracy works.
No. 1239585
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An overview of abortion legislation and the expected impact of the court’s decision in every state. the State of abortion rights around the world if you are interested nonas. It's important to know your rights. No. 1239587
>>1239582a.) Handmaidens memed into serving men under whatever circumstances may come
b.) Bitter mothers who regret having kids and don't want any other woman to have the choice to avoid their fate either because misery loves company
c.) They legitimately think abortion is murder and are horrified of killing babies because they've been marinated in the propaganda for possibly decades
No. 1239589
>>1239582Im pretty sure its in part cause straight women are indoctrinated in a cult like society that presents any womans final goal as being a “mother” and even if they themselves aren’t or cant be a mom they refuse to let other women have any other choice cause they project a lifetimes worth of brainwashing unto others.
Pro-life women are professional cock suckers who never gained sentience outside of their echo chambers until something detrimental happens to them where they either bury their heads deeper in the sand with coping or finally peaks themselves.
No. 1239598
>>1239582This might shock you, but normal woman that socialize and don't spend their entire day spazzing out about B-list celebrities they never met have a natural affection for babies and enjoy childrearing.
Lolcow is a cosmopolitan lesbian echochamber and does not represent the average woman in the slightest.
>>1239599What the fuck kind of backwards logic is this?
>yeah but listen anons you see we can stop being dirty whores and men can actually start respecting us!!!! nevermind women being entitled to enjoying their sexuality as they please and having access to life saving abortions, this is a great chance to return to the trad lifestyle that never existed and never will exist!Go back.
No. 1239605
>>1239599>This could increase more authentic and real long term relationships and marriages like before when people used to be with 1 person for 20+ years.What lmao like before we could divorce men for abusing us? Oh yeah what a dream.
You're right though, ending hookup culture would be great. Hopefully dating and marriage die along with it and women learn to live happily alone without men instead. It's sad as fuck that you hold up long marriages as some grand achievement we should aspire to when primarily it hurts women and benefits men.
No. 1239607
>>1239601umm women benefit greatly from marriage. Its a legally binding contract that demands loyal and responsibility from a man. It's an insurance, too. You can GET what you're entitled to money wise if it ends in divorce. If you're just a girlfriend you get NOTHING.
>>1239603I'm a female conservative who is actually pro-life. I don't agree with banning abortion but looking on the bright side there will be some good societal changes to this ruling.
No. 1239618
>>1239610NTA but how do you think OF girls posting nudes and dildoing themselves on camera will be in any way affected by abortion being banned? Or do you really think that banning access to abortions will lead to people having less sex? Read a book for a change, people will just kill the babies in secret or die trying homemade abortion procedures.
>>1239607You have to be over 18 to post here. Get some female friends too.
No. 1239624
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>>1239604Then we go back to the way things were as well, back when they murdered rapists
No. 1239640
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so true
No. 1239646
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>>1239640Imagine, if men didn't exist or at least were locked in cages we would have 95% less violent crimes.
No. 1239652
>>1239584>>1239551>>1239534A real uncanny valley feeling to see you react like this to what has been all the reality I've ever known.
Welcome to hell.
No. 1239657
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Tradthots and incels are already raging at the mere concept of a sex strike
>W-We don't want you bitches anyway!!
No. 1239664
>>1239657god you just know that if these faggots were having sex they'd be pro choice
kind of unrelated but is there a reason conservative American women always fry their hair the same shade of unnatural platinum blonde? is it in the Bible or something kek
No. 1239665
>>1239656chop chop, say goodbye to your nuts if you can't behave
and that's a good 90% of moids
No. 1239667
>>1239664Imo they want to look as Caucasian as possible
Blogpost but from experience i'm white, have super white features, pale with freckles and colored eyes, yet when I have my natural dark hair I get frequently asked my ethnicity and when I respond "English and Irish" most people say I don't look white "because your hair is so dark". The amount of people who think I don't look white and I must be hiding something "exotic" is astonishing because I have the most stereotypically white facial features ever– Americans legit think only blonde hair and blue eyed people look white, everyone else must be mixed race
Some weird Hitler shit
No. 1239676
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>>1239662Never saw her before now, but mother of god.
No. 1239681
>>1239654Poland, in my lifetime abortion was never an option that you could taje just cause you needed it but shit has became even worse recently. Truly shocking to imagine that this wasn't (isn't) a reality to some women on Earth.
At least abortion will still be legal in some states, here there is no chance of getting a legal abortion.
No. 1239688
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God I cannot ever imagine being one of the pro-life tradthot idiots. Fucking gender traitors. Children are being forced to carry their rapists' child, congrats
No. 1239716
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>>1239713reminds me of this
No. 1239746
>>1239741Still fuming from the last thread, huh, microdick?
You already said rape isn't "that" bad, so you should actually be castrated and brutally killed
No. 1239754
>>1239677Pale skin and dark hair is "unique" in the sense that it looks more striking than pale skin and light colored hair
I can't imagine a lot of people assuming that that anon is ~exotic~ just because of dark hair, though. (Most) Americans know what NW European looks like
No. 1239772
>>1239762not American but
>you claim to care about this cause but you are not willing throw your life away and go on a suicide mission for it… heh>>1239763 said it best kek
No. 1239776
>>1239767This is bloggy, but people absolutely can not be at peace with people opting out of sex permanently, especially men who were brought up during half a century of "free" sex in the West.
I did the same thing you did, remained sexless for most of my life, after I was hit with the realization how sex isn't actually as riskless as it is portrayed in media, and did not want drugs or medical devices installed just to avoid the risk of a man "changing his mind". People will think you're insane if you talk about your reasons honestly, because women as societally
supposed to take the risk even if they're completely aware of how it could throw their whole life off. Lefty men will offer sympathy for how awful hormonal BC is, but it is implied that you
will take it to have sex with them.
No. 1239778
>>1239762The main annoying comment I keep seeing online is people saying
> Someone please think of trans people during thisI mean yeah if you're born female but call yourself something else and still have your womb intact you're still part of the group most affected by this.. people know. But why do we need to separately stop and think about that? Are regular ole women not distressed enough during an unplanned pregnancy? Is gender dysphoria really what's meant to compel people to care more
No. 1239784
>>1239775I know, but anon said
>you can buy a gun whenever you want. You can take up arms against your government (… ) but you don't. Why? Cause you don't actually careit's retarded to accuse people of not actually caring unless they take up arms against the government
No. 1239833
love to fuel revolutions in other countries, then it's a good thing. That's people fighting for their rights. But a revolution by it's own citizens? That's hurrdurrection, that's terribad. Fighting for your rights in the US, that's so joker cringy.
No. 1239835
>>1239634Exactly, and on top of that liking babies doesn't mean wanting to take care of a baby 24/7. Blog but I love playing with my friends and family's babies, I even enjoy babysitting and changing diapers. I enjoy those things specifically because I get to go home afterwards and chill the fuck out by myself. Being an auntie is great, I do not want to be a mom tho. A lot of women feel the same way.
And some women just do not like babies and that's fine too
No. 1239852
>>1239833Protests are a fun movie trope to Americans, not something to do in real life. The only protests they have are fake totally-not-government ones that somehow
only ever destroy their own towns and small businesses with violence only breaking out between citizens (BLM, antifa, etc). No cops harmed, no places of political importance occupied or attacked
No. 1239855
>>1239837Just willfully intolerant self centered assholes. There are so many credible reasons for an abortion but some people are just vindictive and petty narcissists that want to control how others live.
It's pure garbage the want of policing womens bodies yet its treated like a hate crime by some to criticise the parenting abilities of some. Do we care about the nuclear family or not? Why not just put cctv in all of our bedrooms so the government can watch who we fuck and be involved right at the possible point of conception.
No. 1239945
>>1239920Samefag, but I also want to add that a lot of the non-Americans in this thread seem to think there hasn't been any kind of protesting at all. There has been, long before and after the overturn.
I'm just kind of sick of seeing people who aren't American be like "well, why just do this, this and this!" because it's either genuinely not that easy or we're already trying.
No. 1239960
>>1239949I kind of agree with you, but like
>Why do you think rightoids didn’t bat an eye about a black person being squashed by a pig in a cop uniform until protestors started burning down and looting their precious businesses?The thing is, they still don't care. Black people burned down and looted multiple black-owned businesses. BLM is/was such controlled opposition it's not even funny. All the recent American protests are fake shit to make you buy stickers and pump money into "muh trans rights". Where are the real ones?
No. 1239970
>>1239941That's fine, but it's still nasty to come into a thread about American women's right just to insult American women. I don't have any problem with women from other countries engaging in this discussion because I know this can affect other countries, but if I have to be honest I think a lot of you don't fully understand America. Seeing the things thrown around here is probably what incites the "not American? Don't care" posts.
>>1239950Not true, stop spreading this lie.
No. 1240132
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thank you jannies
No. 1240156
>>1239212Either take the pill or put a fucking condom on and shut up complaining
And also I’m sick of hearing about American news
When was the last time America gave a fuck about other countries? As a Brit I’m tired of hearing about America’s shit
If only liberal ugly faggot women gave a shit about child sex rings and organ harvesting among kids
Oh wait kids don’t matter
And since the young gen is becoming more and more sluttier and skankier by the decade it’s not surprise why everyone’s crying for an abortion
We got 12 year olds in America fucking thanks to the shit media is churning out
Nothing surprises me anymore
Males are such a lost cause i hope women across the board consider a sex strike. Having sex with a man is TOO RISKY especially now. They do not deserve the sex you could give them anyway, just let them fuck each other on the dl instead… all males are too degenerate and horny to be 100% straight anyways. Not to mention how tribalistic men are in general anyway.
>>1240154Based and true.
No. 1240171
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i mean there are just no words
No. 1240178
>>1239858I fully agree we need to take big action and NO it will not be comfortable. I doubt be we will because when people were being asked to come into work for no pay during the pandemic and being evicted from their homes our pathetic population cooperated like fucking worms. Everyone wants to cry about any relatively minor inconveniences caused by riots when life is complete shit already why would we want to continue with this life? Our foremothers were brave, yes they
starved themselves (LE GASP) until the police were forced to shove feeding tubes down their throats, then they got out and rioted again! I’m sick of everyone being so pussy these days.
But I will say I find it hilarious that in the Russia thread anons were swearing up and down “m-most Russians are against Putin!”. I asked why they don’t strike or revolt and I got absolutely piled on and called a heartless burger retard. But now all the non-Americans are in here with that same logic patting themselves on the back kek
No. 1240224
>>1239607>You can GET what you're entitled to money wise if it ends in divorce.Wanna know how I know you've never been through a divorce?
The literal only reason I would consider marrying a moid is if he has no family or other next of kin, has money/assets, and is close to passing so I can inherit everything. Marriage is not worth your time or energy otherwise. Too much rape, too much abuse, as a woman you gain nothing from it. The cons outweigh the pros by a long shot.
No. 1240226
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No. 1240247
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these moids looks so evil and hideous
No. 1240249
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Even with our rights behind stripped away from us, men will still find a way to blame us for it.
Granted, it pissed me off too that so many white women fall for this shit but exclusively getting mad at them (and you know, not men in general) is just an excuse to be misogynistic.
No. 1240252
>>1239762So let's see.
>Claims to be "on your side guys">"…But I just don't agree with the extreme!", extreme being a completely sensible fear of female bodily autonomy being reversed>Tries to create a loose connection with troons to cause an association with something every anon here hates>Suddenly accuses everyone "not doing anything" because in order to really stand for something you need to be outside doing legwork around the clock, everything else is """"virtue signaling"""">Just shoot the government if they piss you off so much lmao!Yep, that's a shitty astroturf if I ever saw one.
No. 1240263
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>>1240249Never forget that the "white" part is always silent. They just want to pit women of all ethnicities against each other instead and the "white women am i right" shit is an excuse to drop misogynist takes.
No. 1240305
>>1240280>normal hetero sex is just diet rapebased
nonnie>>1240258also based
nonnie No. 1240309
>>1239441>>1239451I wish more women took out men before killing themselves, we're too nice as a sex fml
>>1239555TFW you look white but you have significant jewish heritage (and last name) and in alt-right "day of the rope" ideology it means you'd be killed. I'm also in a southern state so i've had people people just assume I voted for trump bc "53% of white women" or whatever. We can't fucking win lol.
No. 1240312
>>1240280This hit me earlier. I live somewhere where abortion only passed a handful of years ago. Most of my dating life has been me avoiding PIV but being very upfront about that and about the reasons behind it.. which men agreed to, initially.
My relatiosnhips no matter how deep and no matter how supportive they once were.. they end in situations where I'm told I'm lucky they hadn't just forced their way into me. I've never admitted that. I'll openly say that the lack of piv sex contributed to both my major break ups but the reality is even harsher than that. It's thinly veiled rape threats once their resentment meter has been fully reached.
No. 1240313
>>1240249In every instance that black men sperg about white women like this it's because they're pissed that they can't fuck/marry a white woman. Go through his history and I guarantee there's some proof of him thirsting over random white women. Probably also has a past of being colorist as well.
I wish black women who claim race solidarity and live for black men dragging "Becky" would see this for what it is. Black men like this hate white women simply because the ones they want are not interested in them and the ones who fetishize black men are typically trashy af.
(racebait) No. 1240378
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Kek my sister is a zoomer but a farmer at heart
No. 1240395
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>>1240387>>1240391It's a tranny babes
No. 1240430
>>1240335Even if they want to use this as an L on women, remember, retard rightoids: These are the women you're blocking from having abortions.
If you want to go full "raise children with your values", you could easily argue they'll raise a generation of children who will hit back even harder against handmaiden/conservative bullshit because they'll know how their mothers suffered. Their thirst to punish and control women can easily be reversed on them
No. 1240443
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>>1240440This. It's so characteristic of trannies to take a women's issue like abortion and try to make it all about themselves, too
Funny to see them trying to accuse people of grooming lol
No. 1240447
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famous new york socialite and former friend of ivanka trump tweeted and deleted this morning calling ivanka out for having gotten an abortion (unclear as to when, could've been in high school or after with their support) but staying completely quiet while her pro-choice father pretends this is a great thing and that god willed it. i do love to see it.
No. 1240449
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Do not reply to the scrote. Report the scrote. Do not give the scrote the attention he's begging for.
No. 1240457
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andy kim was on the house floor when the decision to overturn roe was announced. he realized it when the losers in the GOP started jumping and high fiving. they then said something like “let’s keep this going now.”
this is truly only the tip of the iceberg
No. 1240458
>>1240447I almost,
almost feel bad for her. If she had posted pro-life BS, this would've been deserved, but she was probably staying quiet for a reason
No. 1240557
>>1240548I'm not even the original anon who called her a groomer, I only defended her. Reading comprehension is critical.
>>1240538I'm saying that at 23 she has learned to form her own opinions and it probably has little to do with you "indoctrinating" her like the other anons said.
No. 1240599
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andrea dworkin, "right wing women"
No. 1240605
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No. 1240633
Pro-life women deserve to suffer because they betray their own gender. They claim to be pro-woman while at the same time wanting to control our bodies and telling us what to do with them. They don't believe in a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body, and they want to force us to have children whether we want them or not. They say they're pro-life, but they're really just pro-birth. They don't care about the child once it's born, and they certainly don't care about the mother. All they care about is pushing their own agenda.
These so-called pro-life women are nothing more than hypocrites and self-righteous hypocrites at that. They claim to be pro-woman while they're really just trying to control us. They don't believe in a woman's right to choose, and they want to force us to have children whether we want them or not. They say they're pro-life, but they're really just pro-birth. All they care about is pushing their own agenda.
Well, I say enough is enough. We women deserve better than this. We deserve to be able to make our own choices about our bodies and our lives. We deserve to be treated with respect, not judgement. And we certainly don't deserve to be forced into motherhood. So, to all the pro-life women out there, I say this: you don't speak for me. You don't represent me. And I will never, ever support your agenda.
No. 1240832
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Piece of shit scrote police officers are now assaulting women for protesting. Even just speaking out, no fighting needed, makes you a target for them. No. 1240839
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>>1240335Well, at least it's not like picrel.
No. 1240878
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Can't stop thinking about this post I saw earlier. I'm sure he really thinks it.
No. 1240962
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I mean it is accurate though kek
No. 1241005
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>>1240832Cops and scrotes
No. 1241045
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This redditor is a pro-trump pro-life retard who's giving lolcows name away on reddit so we get more users like her. Well Lauren Mary Okenica, you shouldn't do that. You also shouldn't post on your accounts if you have your name and address on them.
No. 1241056
>>1241049Please go back to your website and then check if you also doxxed yourself. This girl is so stupid, imagine not only doxxing your name but also literally having your address online, I didn't even doxx her because this is the info she willingly put up and I didn't have to do anything to acquire it.
>>1241051Yeah. All redditors I know doxx themselves lol!
>>1241054She links it to her website and she has her name on there. If you Google her name more of her information comes up because she's that dumb.
No. 1241070
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I stumbled upon this image from a VN and if it wasn't NSFW I would use it as an anti-scrote meme.
Disclaimer: No dicks were actually harmed in the VN scene.
No. 1241112
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No. 1241131
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>hurr durr i'm gonna get my tenth abortion
>if ur raped its ur fault whore
Even a ten-year-old could make up a better bait. Don't respond to the retard nonas.
No. 1241142
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Do anons think that the overturn of Roe v Wade will influence the reproductive rights of women in other countries?
Also borzoi to cleanse the thread of baiting moids and Redditoids
No. 1241166
>>1241154There was not much outrage this spring when intentions to overturn the law were leaked. Well, not much more than the usual Twitter outrage at literally everything. Nobody did anything substantial about it.
They felt the pulse of the people, and the pulse was barely there.
No. 1241172
>>1241154Women's issues are much lower on the totem pole than black men's issues. And I'm saying that specifically because black women killed by police don't get lots of media or protests.
Besides, women are naturally much less destructive.
No. 1241182
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>>1241045Same town same last name. What a shitty family
No. 1241211
>>1241142it's gonna empower the global anti-abortion movement for sure. it's a powerful and well funded movement too
>>1241049fuck back off to plebbit we don't want you here
No. 1241219
>>1241203I'd a friemd years ago who took the pill despite it affecting her in plenty of ways that just wouldn't seem worth it to me. She piled on weight as soon as she started it. Then she got pregnant while taking it exactly as instructed.. the only theory on why it failed was because 'she was a bigger girl' and it fails more often in larger ladies… she wasn't large til she went in it. Being in a catholic country she kept the baby. She could've travelled to the next country over to abort but her parents stepped in and put pressure on her. The kids dad ran off despite his promises not to. She piled on even more weight while pregnant and had to live with the stigma of being a single mom even after doing the good cathoilic thing of keeping him and single handedly raising him. He turned out to be autistic. A few years later she met a new guy and thought her life was looking up… it all repeated itself. She felt too bad to abort so kept another pill baby that the dad had ran away from. Her life is bleak.
Alot of it where I am is rooted in the thought that women need to pay for their sins but… when do men pay for their 50 percent role? Why is only one parent expected to be saintly and life sacrificing?
No. 1241226
>>1239212>>1241219>the thought that women need to pay for their sins but… when do men pay for their 50 percent role?because it's all about punishing the woman, forcing to give birth and live with the decision/mistake/accident/etc. No one cares if the father runs off. No one cares about the quality of life of the child and mother. No one cares about shitty foster care life. Christians who scream that the embryo has value are the same ones who are always against welfare, WIC, food stamps, or any tax money to helping them. They only care once its born, after that fuck them because now they're "leeching off the system". Makes no sense.
Women always bear the brunt.
No. 1241234
>>1241226this, but also - to many "pro-life" people, the response to single motherhood due to the father running off is "well, he SHOULD have stayed and supported his child."
well, yeah, duh, but he didn't. saying he should have acted respectably is simply a way of them ignoring the problems at hand.
No. 1241249
>>1241203And even BC can fail for numerous reasons, such as another medication (like activated charcoal) causing the pill not to function properly. And because the quality of the American sex education is atrocious many teenage women are fooled into thinking that they can't get pregnant via retarded hodgepodge methods their partners tell them such as withdrawing before ejaculation. Besides full on complete castration and simply not having sex there is no birth control that is 100% certain and the absolute majority of abortions are done after the first method fails, not as a primary form of "birth control".
>>1241226Yes. As much as I don't generally like Dworkin for being an autistic polilez she's still right every now and then, this
>>1240599 being one of those times. It's all about punishing the mother for killing a theoretical male fetus the conservatard scrote projects into because he knows he's a burden to his own mother and she probably would've aborted him if she had a chance.
No. 1241282
>>1241243I was reading a discussion about this under a news clip lately and the comments from men were 50 percent
>women need to suck it up and pay for their damn mistakes and 50 percent
>I resent having to pay child support and I can't just walk away from that obligation so why should you be able to opt out, huh? Um guys.. a woman opting for an abortion gets you out of your obligation too… how the fuck is anyone so short sighted that they'll screw themself over all to make a point that doesn't even make sense and that hurts everyone in the long run. More abortion means less 'child support burden' for these fucks. They can't even see that.
No. 1241340
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>>1241325It will be sabotaged
No. 1241382
>>1241351Try talking with lobbyists, ask them whether they can arrange a something. Or try talking with your representatives
>>1241344Don't you remember what happened 2 years ago, nonna?
No. 1241452
>>1241435when I saw a thread saying they basically won't march because
Becky's who look down on us but want BBB(Big Black cock)I basically checked out. Given I think they weren't given a good reaction, but there's a lot of people on there, some women/some gay men, surpisingly, the few straight men that lurk there aren't being that annoying or are on their "Black woman" accounts.
It's too much. When my misoygnstic male family members are like, "this shit is fucked up" but a site thats supposed to be full of BW are acting this way and agreeing with scrotes, yeah. I don't know. I kinda hurts man. It's not even one or two fonts. It's a huge chunk of people acting this way.
No. 1241475
>>1241467Did you see their plans? They’re hopeful because they know they can continue pushing towards making women and
poc slaves again and stoning homosexuals
No. 1241484
>>1241196Non-Americans should absolutely be worried about what's happening. Americans don't understand that what happens here causes a domino effect and other countries quickly follow suit.
>>1241344It's implying that the bricks were intentionally planted at that location for people to grab and use for rioting. Chances are there's no construction happening there.
No. 1241492
>>1241473Again, on LSA I've seen some women have this narrative that it's only women sleeping around or something. The amount of "Maybe women will have better pussy management, well stop fucking men".It's almost as if some pick me's and of course scrotes, think this is punishment towards those women.
I fail to realize why it matters? As much as people whine and cry about single mothers, I'd think they'd be happy that some women go get abortions. I'm just so fucking bothered this morning.
No. 1241497
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Im loving that these politicians are telling on themselves. Apparently she isn’t even the only girl and his son has done this with multiple women.
No. 1241499
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>>1241497have fun putting out the flames on this one Ducey
No. 1241552
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>lefty moids: hm, how could i make myself and my fellow males look like one of the good innocent victims in this case, while pitting everybody against somebody else…
No. 1241582
>>1241568Could also be why she is in a feminist subreddit to begin with, having had enough of
abusive scrotes. Dunno about her comment history though, what does it tell?
No. 1241590
>>1241045Damn, posts like this just remind me how easy it is for people to find out information like your full name and where you live. This is why I don't share much here or anywhere else with farmers
especially because jannys have been more petty lately.
No. 1241616
Based if true:
>Pro-abortion protesters in Portland, Oregon charged through the city Saturday night, damaging and vandalizing property following the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.
>Damage inflicted by the rioters included broken windows on several banks and coffee shops. Protesters also vandalized a pregnancy resource facility, the Mother and Child Education Center, and broke the windows of and spray-painted a van owned by Portland Public Schools.
>“If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” a flier advertising the march read, Oregonlive reported. This slogan has, especially in the last month, been loosely associated with Jane’s Revenge, a collective of pro-abortion terrorists that has allegedly targeted dozens of pro-life pregnancy centers nationwide with firebombing and arson.
>Earlier in June, activists claiming to represent Jane’s Revenge promised to unleash a new rampage of violence on clinics providing an alternative to abortion, announcing it “open season.”
No. 1241709
>>1241616Why would this be based? Unless they know for sure that those business owners are pro-life, it is not their fault and their business should not be damaged. Why not go after the homes and businesses of politicians that are pro-life instead?
Vandalism towards unrelated people is not ok just because they are defending something you like.
No. 1241732
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>>1241616This Jane's revenge shit has always seemed like a false flag to me. Their first one was very suspicious. Cursive graffiti and a completely random anarchy symbol? Seems fake. I have no real issue with vandalism to make a point but all of this is extremely sus. Picrel is the first one from months ago iirc
No. 1241789
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>>1241755This is the kind of mealy-mouthed tripe that was being published in The NY Times during Amy Comey Barrett’s confirmation hearings. Unsurprisingly the author is a pro-life Catholic adult convert handmaiden herself. No. 1241885
>>1241801Pretty much, that's why there's been so much glowy accelerationist shit like that Jane's Revenge thing. No way that's not some kind of false flag
I'm split on it being actual, literal Alphabet Agency shit or it being prolifers themselves pulling a false flag+insurance fraud combo. Especially since aren't fundies usually as up to their eyeballs in white collar crime as they are crimes against women and children?
No. 1241925
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Never a bad time to remember a conservative woman's opinion is worth more than the one of a liberal man. Quoted tweet has 225k likes wtf
No. 1241933
>>1241925why do you keep shilling this shit, most pro-life women have the same views about women like male incels do.
You think women who ae worshipping johnny depp and saying that women are whores…..are worth more just because they are the same gender.
I will keep on calling out pickmes.
No. 1241953
>>1241941Once again, they were actively doing that anyway. And there was no more conversation about police reform before the riots than after.
Acting like if only all those uppity black and women had just sat down and stayed quiet, the parasite class would have voluntarily given up the police to serve us instead of them… Are you high?
No. 1241957
>>1241941They would have found another reason if the riots didn't happen. I'm sure the right is happy that they convinced you and others to blame the protesters tho
When a people is mistreated and unhappy, they rise up and riot. It's as natural as the weather and has happened everywhere throughout history. Sometimes it
triggers changes and sometimes it doesn't. Can't blame people for being justifiably angry.
No. 1241959
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>>1241925nah fuck him, he didn't have to kick her.
I hate moids so much it's unreal, especially liberal males.
No. 1241964
>>1241943i agree but there is was a agenda of the person who made that post.
Im guessing scrote or pickme
Now why doesnt she share all the videos of conservatives pro-life men beating women which is far more common than this.
No. 1242006
>>1241997The fact that he feels entitled to hit a woman because she has a different opinion makes me worry about the women in his life tbh.
However in the grand scheme of things, this man is 1 idiot and there are idiots everywhere. And like other said, male pro-lifers are violent way more often. Their opinion about abortion is inherently violent, people have been killed for performing abortions, violent crowds in front of abortion clinics is a common thing. Fuck this one guy who hit a pro-life woman but also who cares
No. 1242012
>>1242000noo dont you see pro-lifers shooting someone to death is OKAY.
Meanwhile handmaidens always post that same roundhouse-kick GUY to make pro-choicers look bad, like i see what you retards are doing always posting that guy for the past 5 years.
Still doesnt change that CONSERVATIVE GROWN PRO-LIFE MEN go and assault teenage girls who go to get abortions at the clinic.
No. 1242017
>Before 2018, most women in the Republic of Ireland were able to get abortions only if they traveled to a clinic in England or Wales or had a self-managed abortion at home, but figuring out how to do either of those options was difficult.
>Information on abortion was censored in the first years of the ban, which took effect in 19831. Certain books were prohibited, and even the Irish edition of Cosmopolitan magazine had blank pages instead of adverts for British clinics. Meanwhile, those who sought abortions faced isolation, stigma and limited help from medical professionals. And for the few who were able to overcome those barriers and somehow reach one of the feminist networks that could help with information, logistics and fundraising, they still might pay hundreds of pounds or more for the procedure, transportation, meals and a hotel.
>Fiona de Londras, the chair of global legal studies at the University of Birmingham in the U.K., told me that Irish officials would question women on ferries and in airports “if they looked young and kind of pregnant-y.” If you were pregnant in Ireland, you might not have access to medical care that could potentially affect the fetus, even for something like cancer, de Londras said. “The only thing the woman [was] entitled to from the state is that she’s not dead at the end of the pregnancy,” she said. “Apart from that, the state’s obligation was to the fetus.”
>It took almost a decade for the broader Irish public to become aware of the dire consequences faced by those who are denied abortions. In 1991, a 14-year-old girl was raped by the father of one of her friends. The attorney general filed an injunction prohibiting her and her parents from traveling to England to seek an abortion because the law compelled the state to protect the life of the fetus. During that time, the girl was expressing suicidal thoughts, and a clinical psychologist testified in a court hearing that the girl was at risk of killing herself; ultimately, the Irish Supreme Court decided to set aside the initial court ruling, thus allowing the girl to get an abortion because there was a real threat of suicide.
>The girl’s case sparked widespread protests both for and against abortion rights, but in the end, de Londras said, “It was maybe the first time society as a whole understood the extent of the restriction the Eighth Amendment actually created in Irish law.” As a result of the case, referendums in 1992 established that Irish citizens couldn’t be prevented from traveling abroad for a legal abortion or from learning about abortion services in other countries.
>Another turning point was in 2012, when 31-year-old dentist Savita Halappanavar started to have a miscarriage at a hospital but was denied an abortion because a fetal heartbeat could still be detected. Despite her pleas for treatment over the course of several days, she developed sepsis, experienced multiple organ failure and died of cardiac arrest. The doctors almost certainly misunderstood the law, but Halappanavar’s death gave more women in Ireland space to talk about pregnancy care and abortions, and movements started for women to share their stories anonymously.
>Fiona Bloomer, a senior lecturer in social policy at Ulster University in Belfast, who has conducted many surveys, focus groups and lectures on abortion, estimates that around this time, in the final years of the Eighth Amendment, only about 10 percent of the population was strongly against abortion. “The anti-abortion voices dominated, and they were loud and strong and hostile. It created an environment where people didn’t want to talk about abortion,” she said. That began to change, though, in the aftermath of Halappanavar’s death, and it became clear that most people wanted reform. No. 1242057
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>>1242043imageboard Moid manifestos are all the same snd unoriginal, it's crazy.
No. 1242125
>>1242005NTA but just admit you're a conservative or give it up, it's very obvious that you're biased towards the right and want to demonize the left. My conservative dad argues this exact way with the faux-concern so it's very recognizable and infuriating.
>>1242000Yep not to mention the other attacks on abortion clinics after the wave of televangelism in the 1980s. The 90s was full of abortion clinic bombings and shootings by anti-choice freaks.
No. 1242142
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No. 1242167
>>1242152yeah, true if you like to pigeonhole black and brown women into poverty demographics. are you implying that
woc cannot be wealthy and white women cannot be poor? (yeah, you are)
No. 1242188
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>>1241732and there is an anarchafeminist symbol, which they didn't use, so the anarchism symbol is probably added by someone who thinks it's edgy and "what the kids do"
No. 1242208
>>1242200almost all if not all of the
trigger states have no exception for rape or incest, and certainly not defects. read more.
No. 1242210
>>1242200not the
trigger states see what
>>1242208 said
No. 1242222
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Reminder that only 33% of American women are anti-choice. Don’t let anti-choice scrotes or their handmaidens try to make it seem like more women support their cause than is actually the case.
No. 1242236
>>1242230what are you talking about, so saying its only 1000 people makes someone a moid.
Please you are too mentally disabled for a imageboard if you are going to call anons moids over that.
No. 1242241
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i would expect someone from the other farms to be not so damn ignorant about human nature and history, but that thread just keeps proving me wrong
those cheering retards really fucking believe that before abortion and (women's rights in general) life was like fundies preach it. they have no idea how shitty it was for anyone that wasn't an adult healthy man. they have no idea about the pedophilia, rape, babies smoothered in the crib because they would be handicapped, all those gruesome things that offend the oblivious male sensibilities. they really believe that in olden times, in their beloved rural and god fearing communities, abortion was a sin, and not something that all women (and any men with a brain between his ears) knew as necessary part of life. specially in rural communities, where people are catholic and abortion is a sin, but life is a hard and people are harder.
They have no idea that their grandmothers (and mothers) probably had abortions, or helped someone have one, or knew someone who had and kept it a secret. Of course granny is not going to tell her childhood secrets while raising her grandchildren, but granny (and grandpa) is going to tell some harsh truths to any adult grandchild who asks and LISTENS (not those retards, obviously).
in a way i envy how naive they are, but in a way i almost pity them. they like to larp about their trad ideals and life, but it shows that they have never in their life talked in trust with someone who lived that life.
No. 1242248
>>1242241That reminds me when I saw the post on Twitter about a woman who was raped by her uncle and got pregnant at 12 from it. Do they think this vile shit doesn't happen? Or do they just want to rape kids.
The woman was in her 50s, her grandma took her out of state to have to get an abortion. It's not just women who are willingly getting abortions, it's teenagers and barely pubescent girls who are raped
No. 1242254
>>1241282men are honestly about as intelligent as chimpanzees. and why are they so fascinated with punishing us? on my own i don't even think about men, but men do nothing but seethe over women existing. no matter what we do for men or how much we sacrifice for them all they do is hate us and want to punish us and turn us into slaves. i simply can't stand men anymore. they're hateful savages who need mandatory vasectomies since they all seem to see their penis as a weapon used to punish women. the male-female sex dynamic is absolutely fucked up, it's a hundred times worse than slavery. at least a given race might be up one century and down the next. with men-women it is always men oppressing, abusing, punishing, murdering, raping, objectifying, gaslighting, manipulating, and enslaving women. meanwhile what have we done to them? the worst they have is, 'waaah no one wants to be my gf and suck my penis while i play video games!' like actually what the fuck kind of exchange is this. not even the used car dealer fucks me that hard.
No. 1242264
>>1242257moids really think that pregnancy and childbirth is just like taking a large shit. not only do they not understand the trauma that occurs to a womans' body, they don't want to learn, and would scream in rage if you tried to tell them. and these ignoramuses want to force you to endure that trauma at age 10 so your life is permanently ruined, because anything else would imply they might have been wrong about something and their ego can't stand it. they're true evil. they care more about their ego than about human life (living human women who don't want to birth a child they don't even want.)
i have medical issues that would be made so much worse by pregnancy/birth that i would legitimately commit suicide if they did, indeed, worsen from it and make my daily life even more of a hell than it already is. but they don't care about that. they want me to destroy my body so their toddler-like worldview isn't challenged by anything. and then when i'm sobbing in agony they wouldn't even care and would kick me out of the hospital if i didn't have money to pay for treatment. "pro life" is a joke.
No. 1242325
>>1242310>closeted bisexualKEK I KNEW IT
he has that vibe
No. 1242350
I wish women would stop trying to think of cringe ass ways to "get back" at men. JUST STOP HAVING SEX WITH THEM. Tell your friends and younger relatives that that they don't owe men sex, they don't owe men shit, sex won't secure a relationship, and most men are just looking to use you as a free alternative to a whore.
>>1241152Wilful ignorance, because every woman who isn't desperately out there trying to secure a scrote is one less scrote with a free house slave.
No. 1242470
>>1242125>just admit you're a conservativeI'm not even American so I doubt I would even fit into an American identity politics pigeon hole. The left in America is incompetent and is increasingly impotent. It needs to change because the consequences for women will be severe. Refusing to stand around clapping while the left expends it's political credibility does not make someone a conservative.
>>1242125>demonize the leftCriticism is not demonization. The left needs to be able to be an effective opposition, if it can't do that then you will see the rights of women in America be eroded by the right. Acknowledging this isn't conservative thinking, it's reality. The left needs to have mass appeal to voters so that it can put it's politicians in power. Riots and trans rights aren't going convince anyone, increasing the living standards of the working class and protecting human rights will.
No. 1242476
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Remember that these moids hate you and enjoy seeing you suffer. Return the favor when the time comes.
No. 1242515
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>>1242476his yt feed makes him sounds absolutely unhinged. The thing about most conservatives in general but especially men being on the same side as gc feminists is that they don't understand gender ideology as well as us because they have never taken the time to learned about it willingly, they havent formed their opinion from personal experience and knowing trans people irl, it's just an extention of their disgust for gay and gnc people and anyone considered deviant. Like I might even agree with Matt walsh on a lot of issues but I can't imagine sitting and watching a grown man be as condescending and annoying as humanly possible about "Leftists CRYING and SHITTING and THROWING UP over PRONOUNS (Blue Haired Tiktoker Cries)" it's just too stupid
Btw he has always had a problem with women see picrel
No. 1242516
>>1242241My grandmother gave birth something like 15 times in her life. Half were born dead and they just don't know why, half were born alive and the first one… she wasn't married yet so she had no choice but to birth it and then hand it over to a 'barren couple' whether she wanted to or not. She was put into a home for young girls, flogged, had it beat into her that she was a sinner, they were made to work hard labour while heavily pregnant and then post birth you're shipped home babyless to pretend it didn't happen.
Surely we're not that far removed from being able to hearor figure out why women back then would do such things.
No. 1242535
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>let's use an issue that affects all women to divide people and as an excuse to hate on women too
So tired of this shit
No. 1242538
>>1242525This was ireland too. They found a mass grave with babies remains in it a few years ago which outed some of their secrets (looked it up and there was 800 bodies that they could recover) There was always talk that the nuns were 'doing away with' any baby that came out with signs of a disability. That there was personal grudges the nuns had against any woman who put up a fight and their sadism didn't end with just punishing the mothers.
>In its first year of operation 60 babies died out of a total of 120, a fifty percent infant mortality rate, more than four times higher than in the general population at the time.Right from the beginning they were just killing some of them anyway. Post birth..
No. 1242563
>>1242561true. especially american women, they are a whole different breed of spoiled.
i find it weird that the women you speak of who say BC will work and they won't ever need abortions, are also the type of women that would so willingly take BC in the first place? isn't BC known to fuck you up?
No. 1242571
>>1242563>isn't BC known to fuck you up?Works well for me, I had cramps so strong that I would be unable to stand up and call for help, my family would just find my collapsed. Now I just have a little bit of bleeding once every 3 months.
Cons: I am less horny
No. 1242582
>>1242561My peers growing up seemed to think they were the first to ever discover the pullout method… that they were untouchable and that they didn't need any other methods. The pill must only be for people who are big into creampies right? We grew up in an area with the highest rates of being on benefits, being a single mom, being an underage mom etc. Their parents would offer to go get them put on the pill or to supply condoms and they still had that teenage attitude of knowing more about sex than their moms.
They couldn't even plan to put a condom on or take a free prescription that was offered to them.. but being in an abortionless country they had to get their shit together and somehow be responsible for a newborn just months later. It's kind of a bleak area I come from. Getting out of there childless is considered beating the odds. Alot of women who had kids young are stunted by it in a weird way. You'd expect them to grow up faster but they don't. I mean they single handedly raise the child which is something but they come off as lacking in growth at the same time. It's as if they get trapped at the age they lost their childhood.
No. 1242599
>>1242579The most restrictive laws don't allow exceptions for rape, incest or age of the mother, so yes, rape/incest
victims and raped little girls will be forced to give birth. In Texas, for example, abortion is outlawed after 6 weeks with no exception save for life of the woman, but even then it may not be enforced; multiple women have had to be flown to Colorado to abort ectopic pregnancies(never viable) or incomplete miscarriages, since if the fetus still has a measurable heartbeat doctors will be hesitant to act. This is what killed Savita Halappanavar.
No. 1242603
>>1242515I'm almost certain this is the guy who, many years ago during the Obama administration when his daughter was only a baby, he wrote an oped on how rape-fetuses were holy and he'd force his daughter to give birth if she were ever raped.
This clown isn't GC, he just hates troons.
No. 1242607
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>>1242584Alright ladies time to buy a gun, if you can’t get rid of the fetus you can at least get rid of the man
No. 1242620
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No. 1242627
>>1242560No i got you anon. Honestly lowkey based, make scrotes take responsibility for wanting to coom instead of having minimum self control. Something tells me scrotes would all out of sudden become pro choice if progressive cowards in western society stopped pinning everything on women as well as the responsibility not to get pregnant. Not that I want to sound like a tradthot neither but I'm just tired and sick how women in our society are expected to carry all the goddamn weight of not getting pregnant and if they do, to get an abortion (no matter how traumatic the ecperience can be sometimes) and all you hear that people tell men in the other hand is to put a rubber on or to pull out instead of behaving like responsible adults.
Our society babies men too much and then we wonder were all these hyper infantilized, irresponsible men in their late 20s that only want to play videogames and behave like teenagers come from.
No. 1242639
>>1242610I was helped by the pill in my teens. Later when I went to take it as an adult for actual BC reasons… every form seemed to kick my mental health problems up a notch which I wasn't willing to fuck around with. Even the brand I had taken years earlier didn't suit me anymore? My mom died of a form of cancer where docs now don't even like giving me hormones. The older I get or the longer I take the pill the more my already increased risk of cancer would go up.. I had to weigh up risks and admit its just not an option for me anymore.
I have friends who'll just commit to implants and iuds and are fine for years. I'm happy for them but men expect we'll all take on the burden no matter what. They've no clue some of risks like clots, high blood pressure and cancer rate increases in already high risk groups.
No. 1242643
>>1242493Men want to have their cake and eat it too. they want to force women to live like in the "olden times" where they were essentially a slave. But ask men to put away video games and pornography, get in shape, get a real job and work their ass off to earn enough money to single-handedly support their family, expect them to serve in the military and defend the town and family, expect them to go to church and live honestly? suddenly they want nothing to do with tradition. They only like tradition insofar as they can use it to punish women for not sleeping with them. I find it funny that when a moid is upset a woman won't sleep with him he calls her a whore. I hate men so much it's unreal.
Just asking for a shotgun wedding so men can take one ounce of responsibility for what they do with their penis (whereas women have the other 15 ounces of the lb) men perceive it as some kind of cruel and unusual torture, a "ball and chain". That's how serious men are about responsibility and tradition and good moral values. As soon as the same is asked of them (and let's be real, men live on tutorial mode), suddenly they want to run away and cry to the internet that it's too haaaaard for poor scrotey-wotey, everyone is out to persecuuuute him.
No. 1242651
>>1242643The best solution is to let them die as the weak, videogame addicted incels, manchildren, and criminals they've made themselves into.
They want women to be bangmaids for them and their sons (more like their brothers, the level of maturity is roughly the same), so just leave them with their onaholes and porn lol
No. 1242654
>>1242607I have 2 already. Any woman without a gun is asking to be raped and murdered when a gronk moid breaks into her apartment. Rape can happen anywhere, even in your own home.
>>1242626We really don't even have sex education in this country. I was a top student and still everything I learned about pregnancy and childbirth/care I learned by myself. They don't want you to know how bad it is because then you might refuse to do it. Ignorance is a weapon against women. Make no mistake, if they can teach you calculus they can teach you that a baby can rip your kitty from your asshole to your clit, collapse your pelvic floor, take your teeth out of your very jaw, ruin your hormonal balance, break your pelvis, etc. and then the fucker won't even let you sleep afterwards and will want to suck your breasts every 2 hours for the first several months. And in america you get no affordable universal healthcare, you're expected to give birth at a time in your career that neither you nor your boyfriend/husband have a good enough job to give you decent medical coverage, and after you give birth you have to go back to the office the next week. This country gives us nothing and takes everything. They want to force women to endure birth of unwanted children but are unwilling to even make her medical care during pregnancy and birth affordable. I looked at WIC requirements. Even mcdonalds pays too much to qualify for it. This country views us as slaves, who pay taxes and pump out soldiers and disposeable future wageslaves, while the rulers live in luxury and mock our suffering. Fuck america. I almost became homeless because of medical expenses, and this country wants me to do jack shit for it? If not for the 'rona jab requirements to fly abroad I would already be gone. Hopefully I can skip out on repaying those student loans, too. Fuck this place.
No. 1242661
>>1242543Young women don't fully realize how rotten men are until they've been played a few times. I dated a "good" scrote for years, by most measures better than the average trash. I completely trusted and loved him, and thought he would propose to me soon, instead he shut off his phone and skipped town without ever even saying a final word. I didn't even know what had happened to him.
>>1242516When my grandfather was a boy, the new baby got sick, his parents had about 5 kids and no money for a doctor. There was nobody who could help them, baby just died at home. That was America in the thirties. On the plus side, the trauma made him a deeply loving person, so I guess the solution to scrotes is lifelong trauma from childhood tragedy.
No. 1242675
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Yeah they’re not even trying and anons are still taking it.
No. 1242734
>>1242680Good on the french.
I know how you feel anon. It sucks being a poor woman in this damn country.
With these events I've grown to despise american men whereas before I was just ambivalent.
I just know that muder rates among pregnant women will start to sky rocket given that men have shown to do absolutely everything in order to avoid paying child support and thats even if the courts actually get them to pay.
Tbh anons, the only appropriate punishment for such a crime would be the death penalty seeing how much they "care" about the fetus's life to consider its termination murder but we all know the moid collective will throw massive hissy-fit should anyone dare to suggest a thing.
No. 1242748
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Moids are getting sex dolls because of muh sex strikes nuuuuhh. I firbone hope more of them get a hunk of silicone and leave us alone. No. 1242783
>>1242774It's always funny how they project on anons here, especially when he's going out of his way to visit a female image board and get
No. 1242789
>>1242785Oh no, I wholeheartedly hope every single one of them gets a doll and leaves us alone. The seething at sex strikes was funny though - shows they work.
However, the way men treat the dolls is terrifying, and makes me wonder of they get bored of the doll and find a real woman to assault. We had a sex doll brothel here and the men tore limbs off the dolls.
No. 1242813
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No. 1242816
>>1242808That's why I stated the testing needs to be invasive and intrusive. The moid would need to be approved to even be considered for re-introduction to society testing. But, alas, since the world hates women the moid will most likely get a government approved sex toy, destroy it, get bored and move on to the women in his area.
Then we'll all act shocked and surprised.
No. 1242821
>>1242801With a Magic Gun,
>you don't have to spend many hours gaining proficiency to be able to use it successfully>you never hesitate to kill a human being to save yourself despite a lifetime of brainwashing that instructs you to do otherwise>ammo is free and guns maintain themselvesThey're also 100% child-proof and it's impossible for your male partner to use a Magic Gun against you if he finds it in the home you share!
No. 1242826
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>>1242680There are a few potential avenues nonnies can take to leave, poor or not, though it's difficult regardless of the route. I spent nearly a decade working towards my exit and am only now moving abroad, but it's worth it to avoid spending the rest of my life in this shitheap.
Some options:
>Heritage citizenshipSome countries offer citizenship for diaspora, but usually there are limits to how far removed your ancestor is, and for the ones that don't have limits there might be additional conditions (e.g. for Hungary you have to learn Magyar). For black anons, some relatively stable countries like Ghana have programs for descendants of slaves, though you'd of course have to make sure you're willing to make a different set of sacrifices.
>TEFLGiven that lolcow is heavily populated by weebs, I'm sure everyone knows that this is an avenue. TEFL programs have become extremely selective in most Euro and East Asian countries, but there are other less competitive options e.g. in South America. Probably the second-shittiest option because you'll be at the bottom of the expat food chain
>Student visaMany Western countries give foreign students a few months of leeway to find a job after they study there, e.g. Canada, UK. Germany is a very popular choice because their graduate programs are cheap and many are in English. Definitely the easiest option if you don't have an attractive profession but have 15k+ in savings and/or can take a student loan, but you'll need to get a degree that's attractive enough for employers to sponsor you after you graduate.
>Skilled worker visaIn most countries you can get a visa without a company sponsoring you if you're in a profession where there's a shortage, like nursing, but even for software engineers there's a usually backlog of applicants so it'll take some time. If you're a code monkey with an attractive resume you may be able to get a company to sponsor you, and if you're a professional who's not a code monkey (or you are), you can aim to get a job within a big multinational, apply for an internal transfer to an office abroad a year or two in, and move within a matter of months. The latter is probably the least painful route if you can't get heritage citizenship but obviously doesn't work for everyone.
>Entrepreneurial visaMany countries allow US citizens to migrate with the intent to open a business or become an independent contractor. This is probably off the table for most of us, but the funds requirements in select cases (i.e. The Netherlands) are extremely low. Worth looking into if you think you can make it as a freelancer or small business owner.
>Marriage visaI mean, if you're
that desperate…
The following visas don't count towards permanent residency:
>Au pair/nanny>Digital nomad>Inter-company transfer (you need to get the dedicated skilled worker visa) No. 1242878
>>1242788> I'm not sure where you got "blaming women" out of that>Any woman without a gun is asking to be raped and murderedAre you an idiot?
>Saying "but this is wrong" doesn't prevent the moid from raping youNo fucking shit but a gun might not prevent it either. You act like if you have a gun all our problems will be solved because we are all ternimators who always have a gun close with us even in our own apartment and have a super good reaction time and will not hesitate to shoot someone immediately. So stop fucking blaming women for not having a gun and that they are "asking to be raped".
No. 1242893
>>1242748A woman who hasn't had sex in a while.. maybe buys a lump of silicone roughly shaped like a dick.
A man who hasn't had sex in a while.. I need to buy a whole replica of a woman and pretend it's alive and she loves me and she's cool and sexy and likes fashion. I'm going to make her hair all pretty before I introduce her to my family. But first I need to get her a wheelchair because my weak body can't carry her dead weight.
No. 1242951
>>1242254Because they hate us. They hate that they need us to extend their lifespans and increase their life satisfaction. They know deep down that we are more competent while they remain the bumbling idiot apes that they are. Women are more risk-averse and careful. Women are more likely to be medium-high intelligence while men are at extremes on the IQ. Let me tell you that high IQ for moids means nothing fyi because I've met 'genius' scrotes who write papers that something stupid like weather makes men want to rape (to prove his own agenda pushing for environmental activism, how narcissistic to use an epidemic of violence against women that no one takes seriously for such an agenda).
Men especially hate smart women and women achieving things while they can't because they believe us to be lesser than them. Remember in movie and tv that we are the props to make male protagonists' lives better/worse. Thus they assume women are all dumb bimbos and must be receiving some pity or life on easy mode assistance like affirmative action if we're smart. They simultaneously seethe because if we're smart AND attractive then we not only can do the same job as them but we also look way better doing it. They're challenged with the reality that women are not objects but are more well-rounded people than themselves. They know deep down that dehumanizing women and upholding a male-dominated society is just a cope but they need to believe it because if they don't, they have to confront the truth that they really are just animals who occasionally can be good at math or science but are critically, emotionally, and socially stunted.
I'm in academia atm in a male-dominated field and I'm telling you that every genius moid I have ever met is a biased towards other males and is full of retarded moid takes on women's issues. These 'genius' moids cannot think critically the same way the few women in the department do. I cringe thinking of how shit the world is because these rape apes prevented women from holding jobs and positions of power when women are far more fit to make decisions for others.
No. 1242955
>>1242900A gun
might be appropriate to have locked away in case of a home invasion, and even then you're still banking on an unarmed intruder and the element of surprise. Confronting someone outside of the home is just asking to get shot or shoot a bystander. The funny thing is that the firearm black market is fueled by guns stolen from these hero fantasy morons.
>>1242948There's really no getting better from here on out.
No. 1242971
>>1242651Tbh I think one of the biggest acts of rebellion that we can do is not date, not marry, and not have kids, even with a sperm donor. Full separatism with no motherhood involved. Yes I know pickme women will still appease these men but these women aren't even the ones that trad scrotes want. Seethe lurking tradthots! Look up what a "unicorn" is to Red Pill Men and you'll see that the women they ultimately want to 'tame' are us.
Do not allow these genetic defect men to carry on their legacy and add to the population destroying the planet. Don't produce more kids for them to sexualize, rape, and murder. Do not interact with them and let them die alone. Even if they try attacking, raping, and murdering us, the biggest waste of their life is not settling down with a woman from their perspective. Dying alone is the ultimate failure for moids.
No. 1242974
>>1242826Nice resource
nonnie. There are also ways to be sponsored for a work visa if you have relatives who have good jobs in other countries, for example in Australia.
No. 1243000
Hi, I am a fellow south american who lives in a religious country where legal abortion was always denied. Let me tell you what awaits:
Back in 2013 a 9 year old was abused (since age 6) and got pregnant:
> Pro lives wanted her to maintain the child and then to set up for adoption
> They spread gasoline in her mother and almost set her on fire in retaliation for her 9y old getting a legal abortion;
> The church excommunicated everyone involved in the process, including the doctor.
Recently a 10 year old (now 11) got pregnant, also victim of abuse by a half-brother who happens to be a teenager
> The kid went on scrutiny by the judge
> Judge allegations were that she could hold on a little more and than make a family happy by setting the baby up for adoption
> Pro lives decided that since the r*pist was also a minor, probably wasnt really a rape
> There was a giant commotion for this 11 YEAR OLD to keep this baby
A celebrity was abused, had the child in secret and set up the baby for adoption:
> People claiming that she was inhumane in giving up her own child
> People doubting her story of rape, since she didnt took the case to the police at the time.
It's not about life, it's about control. They don't want women to have choices of not only their own bodies, but in their lives.
This is NOT GOING TO SUFICE. Soon, they will do everything to put victims of abuse under hard scrutiny and humiliation for wanting to abort products of rape.
Giving up the child to adoption is also not seen as a good act in their eyes, they will judge you regardless. And even if you comply, they will judge you for being a single mother.
There is no win in this for women. It will only go downhill from there, trust me.
No. 1243006
>>1243000is this brazil,
nonnie? thank you for your perspective. you're absolutely right it's all about control and the EVIL this highly partisan and wholly immoral supreme court possesses (aside from the 3 sane ones with little power that continually dissent)
No. 1243063
>>1243000You wanna know what awaits you in a large scale, from another nona from a religious south american country where abortion is illegal?
>the poorest part of the population will not be able to abort>in turn poor women will start having 5-7 kids>those kids will grow in poverty and with bad education>thus the boys turn into crime/drugs/sex, girls turn to sex/prostitution/drugs>they become mentally ill abused adults>crime rates soar, abuse rates soar, teenage pregnancy rates soar>now adults, they follow their parents' footsteps; young mothers with 5 kids, young absent fathers with 10 kids >ultimately this creates a mentally ill population where it is normal to be a teen parent and have many kids>your society degrades into poverty and crimeAnd this is what destroyed my country. The worst part of it is probably the rampant child abuse, where 7 out of 10 kids are sexually abused. And this is already pretty bad in the US, can you imagine how worse it's about to get? Please leave if you can, my parents should have left. Instead they stayed and I did not have a good life.
No. 1243174
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>>1243063Funny how a first world developed country is choosing to go back to this. These moids always act so surprised when their dumb ideologies have serious long-term consequences. What you've said reminds me of one of my favorite papers/theories in academia that the United States is regressing in development if you look at a wider range of indicators. annoys me that we have academics who have been warning us but economists can't actually influence policy unless they stick to whatever billionaires and politicians want. I'm a woman but also can forecast quantitatively that our country is going to be a hell hole and it doesn't matter. Soon enough the majority of children will not have the education I do, or they will have loans that their Amazon salary has yet to pay off.
No. 1243179
>>1243063Samefag as
>>1243174 but I forgot to say that I'm very sorry for your experience. Thank you for sharing and I wish the best of luck to you.
No. 1243330
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>>1242563Late but I probably was the spoiled American woman AYRT was talking about, and yes hormonal BC in college was almost seen as mandatory a decade ago. This will make you want to kill yourself so I'm sorry, picrel is from Total Frat Move (TFM) which was a pre-Reddit social media of sorts for "fratire." A generation of men who would whine about condoms because they "don't feel good" but women were labeled as "immature" and told to "grow up" if they didn't want to take HBC. Not to mention if you partied at all, ever, your likelihood of getting date-raped was sky-high.
This is also why you can and should sex strike, ladies.
No. 1243491
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A lot of people defending this ruling make it very obvious that they have never taken care of a newborn baby in their lives or know anything about pregnancy. It’s embarrassing
No. 1243492
>>1243491Oh and they don’t know anything about fertility either
All the resources at your fingertips and they are still pushing the same old myths
No. 1243504
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I know kiwis are retards by default but there are some really deranged incels in that disaster of a thread lol
No. 1243510
>>1243491Most of these people have never had pregnancy inconvenience them in the slightest. While one person has an easy happy pregnancy like my cousin… it's hell with my friend who almost died from morning sickness, or my other friend being forced to carry a rapist's baby and be forced give them custody of your child.
I also remember one of our teachers in our now banned religious state tell us when we were teens: "I dont think birth hurts that bad, movies and TV exaggerate"
They only care about themselves, incapable of empathy for others
No. 1243554
>>1242826>Some countries offer citizenship for diaspora, but usually there are limits to how far removed your ancestor is, and for the ones that don't have limits there might be additional conditions (e.g. for Hungary you have to learn Magyar). For black anons, some relatively stable countries like Ghana have programs for descendants of slaves, though you'd of course have to make sure you're willing to make a different set of sacrifices.Abortion is not fully legal in Ghana
it is legal in South Africa, Mauritius and Mozambique though.
honestly just move to canada
No. 1243558
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>>1243549Scrotes love making up their own retarded fan fiction about what’s going on kek
No. 1243565
>>1243539They are mostly men but I've seen countless conservative women, and some so called feminists or rad-fems, cry about how they're turning into Saudi Arabia because of this abortion stuff when none of them cared about women in third world countries before they got their own rights removed.
If they willingly supported the radicaliztion their leaders caused in other countries, they shouldn't be surprised when their leaders choose to radicalize their own country the same way. If they had spoken up about their country's questionable politics before instead of waiting until it was too late, they wouldn't have lost their rights. I'm not going to feel anything towards American women if they supported other women's abuse for decades, we both know that the truth is majority of them never cared. This is a perfect opportunity for them to understand how we felt when their country fucked with us, though I'm sure they'll forget about us and go back to mocking us once they get their rights back.
I'm sorry but if you didn't care when your leaders took away other women's rights and caused havoc in their countries, you can't expect the same women to support you or feel empathy towards you.
I want to clarify I'm only talking about the women who knowingly mocked other women's suffering. If they didn't support their government and their ill ways, which most did and still continue to do so by mocking any non-american/non-european woman by saying we're the ones who radicalized ourselves as if we asked to be second class citizens ourselves, then I genuinely feel for what they're going through right now.
No. 1243573
>>1243504>KiwisI thought you meant people from new zealand at first lmao
>>1243555I am so sick of conservatives. they don't want to change gun laws even when children are slaughtered, yet aborting a fetus is "murder". they have plenty of empathy for 6 week old fetuses but none for anyone else.
No. 1243577
>>1243573They hate women and love men,that's the basis of their logic. The guns can't be evil no matter how many kids die because of them since the perpetrator of shootings are often men, on the other hand abortion is evil because it's done because of a woman's choice.
They want to punish women for much smaller matters while forgiving and excusing men who kill kids like it's nothing.
No. 1243584
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never posted in any of threads, but this ig post is so dumb; It's not always about trannies or annoying attention whore non binary fags, people need to support actual sane, normal women! People are insane, yes if you're non binary you can get pregnant but jesus christ, can trannies stop invading women spaces and now movements?
No. 1243586
>>1243504I hate when I read posts like this about relationships and sex and I have the absolute certainty op has experienced neither.
Anyway blaming abortion for this is retarded since birth control and permanent sterilization exist
No. 1243653
>>1239461anon you rly think this is the only thing they're gonna take away from us? they're gonna come for our right to vote, use contraceptives, work etc.
they just want women to be baby incubators period
No. 1243694
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>these are the type of "people" you are forced to share a country with
No. 1243704
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>>1243510>>1243491you can very literally die from pregnancy complications in the US at an alarmingly high rate; the US has the highest pregnancy mortality rate of any developed country. it is a combination of not focusing on the mother's health and giving all attention to the baby, resulting in such barbaric things as a woman suffering a blood clot after giving birth and literally dropping dead on the spot. this is an actual case that happened.
No. 1243820
>>1243780this so much. spitting facts
if someone hit a passenger and the passenger needed an organ transplant because of it they would never force the driver to donate an organ or even blood just because he caused his injury.
but women somehow have to supply a fetus with oxygen, blood, and nutrients at the expense of their own bodies being ruined just because they decided to fuck a scrote and he finished inside.
this isn't about women being irresponsible and they know that and that's why they try to
victim blame and shame women.
No. 1243822
>>1243806they believe that men actually get more attractive by age and body count and muh smv increases for guys and a guy could NEVER be too old to date/have kids.
delusional as usual kek
No. 1244204
>>1243863I tried looking up information on this. A LOT of medications can cause birth defects or miscarriage.
I wouldn't be surprised by anything at this point though.
No. 1244276
>>1244216At this point it's sad and telling that they can't just admit that women need abortions because white women are included in that; I've noticed that whenever AOC mention womens she always has to specify that it's some minority group and literal MEN who need abortions for people to care. It's because people don't accept that women are oppressed. And don't get me wrong, maternal mortality is definitely more frightening to chance if you're a black woman but it's so telling that some liberals manipulate this gender bullshit and whatever other buzzwords before just saying women because ultimately, sex-based oppression doesn't exist and therefore white women are equal in power/privilege to white men. Thus whatever problems that happen to white women are good because it's deserved and they're snooty, uppity bitches who should be raped.
I swear the "snooty, uppity" bias of modern-day women is really a reaction of resenting women in education and in power.
No. 1244527
>>1244509Samefag, the voter suppression that happened in the last two elections is a great example at how vulnerable the system is. You can't have blind faith in voting. People need to remain vocal constantly, the people have the right to criticize their government, and that doesn't have to be exclusive to the voting booth. Conversation is important, so instead of trying to shut people up because you don't agree with them, how about you have a discussion about the issues people are
supposed to be voting on.
No. 1244533
>>1244520I didn’t benefit at all from it, really, aside from the boost to my social sphere. I was elected by popular vote. Most local elections are by popular vote. Judges are elected officials, elected by popular vote in some states. Judges have the power to block these bills that are coming in, see
>>1244518. Alabama, Illinois, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas all have partisan elections. An Ohio judge recently upheld a heartbeat bill with no exceptions for rape or incest. Ohioanons can literally vote that judge out of office and replace him with someone who will block that bill with over 50% of the popular vote. That’s in their grasp. Please don’t dissuade them from making that difference.
No. 1244535
>>1244533So you're essentially a politician and instead of listening to the
valid concerns that nonnies have about the corrupt US political system, you just blame them for the state of affairs and accuse them of nitpicking? Politicians are all the same.
No. 1244565
>>1244553Somehow this guy's married? Let's see wtf is Wiki says…
>Davidson met his wife, Lisa, in 1991 while he was entering West Point and she was serving as a missionary setting up Backyard Bible Clubs for Ohio churches.Yeesh
No. 1244783
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No. 1244814
>>1239212>>1244668because he can't do anything, all presidents can do is choose justices. McConnell blocked Obama's choice during his time. Trump added 3 and tipped it.
To add more justices like you want, you need 60+ votes for the proposed bill. To codify you need 60+. Not 50 democrates with 10 moderate democrates who don't want to rock the boat. Senate is barley hanging on to 50 with Manchin and Sinema who constantly get in the way. Can barely hang on because most young people don't care about state elections unlike fucking loyal white baby boomers.
No. 1244982
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it is beginning. plan b is not a chemical abortion but areas in states are already taking it off the shelves for fear of criminal prosecution. i expect to see this spread throughout these states near fully or fully, due to the liability. No. 1245008
>>1244982Isn't plan B only delaying ovulation?
>>1244992Conservative Christian white supremacists causing the percentage of white Christians go down with their retarded policies will never not be funny.
No. 1245065
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>go vote!
B-but muh both sides bad!!
>there are protests happening
Those are completely ineffective
>economic strike!
But that’s too inconvenient!
>sex strike?
but I like dick umm rape?!
>then riot!
Wtf that’s too mean
Y’all so full of shit with your posturing about shooting men in self defense, you don’t have the guts.
No. 1245067
>>1244512>>1244523Sorry to derail but I'm an economics graduate student so this is my area ig. I've never heard of this guy–my thought was that he's not that important. Well it turns out he has NO EDUCATION in economics whatsoever. Bit of background information but conservatards always do this where they hire people with no education to be fellows or at best a 4 year degree to be senior directors of their policy institutes. Typically you need a MA or PhD to be considered at lefty or apolitical roles. Let that speak for itself for the state of 'conservative economists' and their thinktanks.
From his wikipedia page:
> as was the family of David Rockefeller, his godfather.…
> Gilder attended Hamilton School in New York City, Phillips Exeter Academy, and Harvard University, graduating in 1962.[5] He later returned to Harvard as a fellow at the Harvard Institute of Politics, and edited the Ripon Forum, the newspaper of the liberal Republican Ripon Society.No mention of an economics degree but given his connections to Rockefeller and some famous grandparent I think he's likely a legacy and got the fellowship through nepotism.
> In Wealth and Poverty, Gilder extended the sociological and anthropological analysis of his early books in which he had advocated for the socialization of men into service to women through work and marriage. He wove these sociological themes into the economic policy prescriptions of supply-side economics. In his eyes the breakup of the nuclear family and the policies of demand-side economics led to poverty, while family and supply-side policies led to wealth.So he weaved his nonsensical misogyny where women are providing unpaid labor into his belief that unregulated 'supply-side' capitalism is not only practical but the moral thing to do. Given his lack of education, I'm like 99.9% certain this guy is only popular with people who are conservative and don't study economics.
> In 1994 Gilder wrote that the poor in America are “ruined by the overflow of American prosperity” and “moral decay” and that they are in need of "Christian teaching from the churches."Uh yeah this is just wrong and you would be laughed the fuck out of econ for suggesting a solution of Christianity hahahah. refer to this
>>1243174 post I made where an economic historian explains the actual reason for poverty and crime in America from actual professors/economists at R1 schools such as MIT. Conservatard economics really have no basis except for men with no quant skills making theories that are debunked.
Let George Gilder be an example that if there's one thing men have it's the audacity. This man is an excellent example of making a career talking about something he hasn't studied in his life. Embarrassing.
No. 1245492
>>1245104Tbh I think I'm the only anon here who ever talks about econ so it might just be me. I'd love to start a discord for women in it if anyone else is in the field, we do actually have so many sexist incels in econ although they lean left or center-left.
>>1245427Yep, I just don't think that conservatards should be able to influence economic policy while hiring people who have actually no idea what they're doing. No economist is able to support conservative economics with the data which is why they hire people with very little education who don't typically author papers or code. I wish more people knew the state of 'conservative economics' without talking over actual economists on the matter.
No. 1245711
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I’m going to a protest and want to bring a sign with the feminist power symbol. Do you think that would be enough to tip people off to my radical feminism? I want to make it clear I’m a radfem without saying anything inflammatory. And I want a slogan about women/female bodies, so preferably the symbol will carry the radfem message. Any ideas?
No. 1246162
>>1242629I've been prescribed the pill for a dermatological problem and I am the same with the pain and weird periods.
I just wanna be prescribed Accutane already but noo, apparently that has awful side effects for women. If I was a guy, I'd have been given it right away.
I hate that I have to take them for 6 months at the least when I told him I've tried it and it didn't work. BC is awful with weight hormones too, and I'm always paranoid that I'll get permanent issues from it.
No. 1246183
>>1246168ayrt, yup. I'm not a burger so there are definite differences in the healthcare system but seeing the US having this shitshow is gonna affect EU too, it's always been this way for some reason.
I had taken BC a while back for its… intended purpose, but got spooked when I had skips in my period. Before I had taken it the mf was like a swiss clock, but ever since it's been waay more unpredictable, not to mention cramps and other symptoms ramping up when they didn't before.
I'm afraid that by taking it I fucked my hormonal balance permanently since a relative had hormone issues that they have to take meds for permanently.
No. 1246897
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Men really do think they have it worse
No. 1246919
>>1246897The fact that war wouldn't exist if men weren't so stupid and violent.
Both problems are caused by men.
No. 1247253
>>1247200Do they think scrotes won't cheat on them and leave them single mothers or beat them if they talk back??
the idiocy of western women never fails to amaze me. trust me i've lived in the middle east my whole life where women are not first-class citizens and you'd be blamed if your husband left you for a 14 yo girl and you have to be a single mom.
no one will help and you can't even get a job cause your only purpose is to be a wife.
I hope these pickme bitches get what they wish for lol
No. 1247310
>>1247275so you want women who voted for raped little girls to be forced to give birth to have a good life??
I just said I hope they get what they wish for so they understand how shitty it is.
I hope they realize that they gave up their privilege and safety for male validation.
you don't need to wish good things upon these demons. they want you to be a literal slave to men so…
No. 1247762
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Here's a nice list of all the states with no exceptions for rape. So fucking bleak. In each and every one of these states, sexually abused children will be forced to give birth.
No. 1248156
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>>1248138wah wah wah me me me me
why do you make every thread you're in about yourself
yeah right ok you're the most oppressed
victim ever, now sod off. it's not about you
No. 1248460
>>1248215"Most women are pickmes" is a route I was hesitant to believe, until I realized that women are not keen on aborting male embryos and fetuses.
Scrotes make up the vast majority of violent and/or sinister crimes, including rape which has women as the majority of
victims. Men traffic both women and girls for manual labor and for rape. This is just scratching the surface. Scrotes create so much devastation on women, it's not even a joke. It is an uncomfortable fact that both scrotes and many women are not going to own up to. Moids are humanity's greatest parasites, and the Earth's biggest zits.
I don't want to believe that most women are pickmes, but when women are aware of the sexism in this world and still actively choose to have male offspring, literally producing more of the problem, it becomes clear that too many women either do not care, or still manage to believe that moids really aren't as bad as they really are. Think about it: If you knew how bad scrotes were to women all across the world and regardless of race and culture, wouldn't you want to avoid giving birth to a moidlet? How could any woman who has truly grasped the monstrousness of males still bother with giving birth to such things? The fact that more women aren't actively preventing the birth of the XY proves that too many women drank the Kool-Aid and genuinely believe that scrotes are "just normal people like women".
No. 1248533
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>>1248460Honestly I think they just do it out of fear. I can’t blame women for standing behind men purely for protection from other men. And sometimes it’s all they know. Also, I can understand wanting to live in ignorance because facing the reality is genuinely depressing. Listening to back to back stories of women getting raped, tortured, murdered, forced into marriage as a child, forced to have children they don’t want, become targets of tranny/incel manifestos, just takes it toll on the mind.
No. 1248569
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>>1239260>>1239533This a fun theory but an abortion bad would literally go against that supposed plan(for the US) cause despite being a minority,black women have far higher rates of abortion then white women, in Ohio more black babies were abortion then born, abortion has effectively kept the black population stagnant
No. 1248583
>>1248558What you on about? There are women that live and die for men that don't have too. I'm western. I see women mostly boomers just spouting off bullshit their sons and husbands told them.
Yet regarding the anons you replied too, uh, it's fucking unethical to abort a child because of gender. I know female embryos have been aborted in favour of men, but they're usually under the thumb of some mental thought police type shit. Are these anons suggesting women should terminate a pregnancy as soon as gender is known. I'm for abortion but I'd like to think women wanting a child is prepared to be a mother to boy or girl. Finding good men is hard enough why not if your intention is to be a good mother, be a good mother idk. There could be 1000s of arguments against this.
Still don't know what anon I replied to is on about
No. 1248584
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>>1248558I’m not a radfem LMAO also I wasn’t only talking about western women
Why is it that everytime someone points out issues that women struggle with there’s always an anon complaining about western women? What’s the point of this? It’s not a competition of who’s suffering the most .
No. 1248591
>>1248584how do you not understand the basic that 99% of women would find it offensive, if you were to tell them that they should specifically abort there male children
>>1248570I literally state that I am part of the top 15% of my nations country(a country of mostly feudal peasants) but my family is still half tribal and very regressive, they will kill me if know I am not a Muslim anymore, it is part of there values and culture, also I am not to be married to my cousin, I am going to live with them and HER spouse
btw I am sorta pissed off these days, due to the economic crisis and riots there have been frequent power outages, yesterday from 8:00 PM to 5:30 the power was out, the day before that it was 8 hours the entire day and before that it was 5 hours and today again its going to be from 12:00 to 3:00, so I am pissed off and irradiated a little these past few days
No. 1248614
>>1248558I'm sorry, do you think we're posting our run for a political campaign on an anonymous fringe imageboard? Or maybe we are just posting our opinions, Pickme Paki-chan? Why not try arguing against those instead of sperging out about "tribals" in your gay country
>>1248460Anyway, I completely agree. I don't want children but if I did, I would abort a scrote fetus without hesitation. Every boy I ever knew in my childhood grew up into a piece of shit if he wasn't already, no matter what his upbringing or social circumstance was. I couldn't raise a male knowing more than likely he will become a sexist porn-soaked rape ape. What's the point?
No. 1248677
That is not the point I was making, how do you people always miss what I try to say, my point was that 99% of women wound find your comment offensive and not even listen to you, if you want to specifically abort male fetuses you can do but you have to realize that appealing to masses is what matters the most, its the only thing that matters in politics, even the fucking illiterate goat fuckers understand that basic fact, that's what makes so dangerous, they can tone down their Islamism depending on the audience, they mix it with nationalism and historical revisionism, when feminists in my country protest they don't send out the men to confront them, they send out women with sticks and rocks to beat them to a pulp and throw rocks at them
I can not stress this enough that these people are mostly illiterate, they don't know why the sky is blue and why fucking their cousins for six generations creates inbred tragedies but they have more political sense then you, when I see feminists, leftists, communists in the west acting like morons, managing to piss 99% of regular people for the sake of there moronic worldviews I cringe and I feel disappointed, because if those tribals can understand that basic fact why can't most of you
No. 1248739
>>1248715kek if you think this is not what they wanted. THE THEOCRACY WANTS YOU TO OBEY THE RELIGIOUS RULES AKA WOMEN KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED LOL!!!
also yea I'm a middle eastern woman commenting on this issue too like pakichan and i wanna say that a lot of women seem to think that it's just gonna be one or two "rights" being taken away but soon it's gonna be everything so fight for your lives ladies!!
you need to push for laws that restrict the male rights and present it in a religious way. this is the only way men will give a fuck and women cannot fight against a facist regime alone and this is why they started with women's rights.
kek at men thinking they're safe from consequences I hate them so much. get them girls before it's too late
No. 1248883
>>1247762Just read about this. Any Ohioanons wanna fill us in on why your state is so massively gay?
No. 1248894
>>1248885not for much longer with the way the scotus is going about it. coomer barett and alito are basically xtian taliban
and they have the gop behind them
No. 1249040
>>1248558So basically you have no counter-argument as to why women shouldn't feel bad for aborting scrotes?
Listen, honey. You may be some dick-riding, cum-guzzling, middle eastern, American-hating pickme, but because I'm a patient person, I will allow time for you.
>I truly do wonder what sense of reality of western radfems like you live inI live in the reality of domestic violence being a common occurrence where my family grows up. In every generation, there is some scrote in my family abusing their girlfriend, wives, and/or children, and that's not even getting to the outside world where it's damn near legal to rape women and children in some countries out there. A world where men, even men who grow up in a family full of women, still grow up to spit malicious intent towards women who have never done anything to them. To women, when as a class, we have never caused as much destruction on men as they have to us. Women and girls are sex trafficked and if there men in America can't get away with it here, they go to other countries to get the work done. If you're this angry at me talking about aborting male embryos and fetuses, where the fuck is your brain? Oh right, it's in the gutter, focused on attacking me for suggesting a lowered population for your precious scrotes.
>you are the literal definition of this meme where you say shit that 99% of people find weird and absurd and then act surprised they call you an unrealistic moronIf by 99% of people you me dick-riding you and all your little cock-worshipping sellouts, then yes. Sure. Call me a "moron". My point still stands. Men, as a whole, are destructive and it's absolutely fair that their population gets greatly lowered. Do you think all these wars are normal? All these rapes? All these misogynistic attacks on women and girls by cartels and even men from their own families? Do you think it's stupid to believe that men should have their population cut when you have countries like South Africa featuring women who are killed every six fucking hours?
You are a heartless, traitorous, jealous, bottom barrel bitch who represents the side of the female population that keeps us down. You don't give a shit about women other than yourself, and all the men you suck up to on a daily basis. You don't think about ways to get women an advantage in this world. You have no edge, and no sense, so don't act surprised when the women who actually are aware and do have brains call you out for being a cocksucking fuckhead.
>like how can you act dumber than the literal illiterate tribals in my country who have no formal education and only read the Quran their entire livesThat is projection. You're middle eastern, no? Tell me more about how a man who's probably your brother, grandfather, or dad likely tried to fuck a five-year-old while preaching about how it's in "Allah's will". You haven't picked up a single study on how men actively destroy women's lives through the means of the justice system, or through the primitive use of beating her senseless, so please tell me more about how I'm like your own race of illiterate religion-tards. Oh wait, you can't. You have yet to spill any research or sensible argument as to why scrotes SHOULDN'T be aborted on a massive scale, and instead, you're just focused on attacking me. So much for calling others "illiterate" when you have yet to read a single fucking article on what I'm talking about, or even discuss it.
>cause those literal illiterate people Literal illiterate? Bitch, you're missing chromosomes. That would explain a lot.
>to have enough sense to try to have as much mass appeal as possible so they can get allies and gain powerAnd what are YOU doing? Absolutely nothing but arguing with me. You're trying to call me a loser when you're sitting up here defending a bunch of religion-obsessed freaks with "they have allies!". And? Do you think radical feminists never do anything to obtain allies? No protests, no boycotts, or anything? Western women and girls tend to obtain a higher level of education than boys and men. More and more of us are getting into the medical field, where women will eventually have more power and voices when it comes to such practices. Do you really think no radical feminists are getting their education, risking their safety in the streets by protesting despite cops throwing tear gas, creating petitions, or are attempting to have a secure place in the media or in politics? Of course you believe none of these actions are happening. Of course you don't, because it's clear that you know nothing. Even if there are more misogynistic, middle eastern religion-worshippers, that just tells me that there's more of your retard civilians than there are of the women who should be in charge.
On top of being retarded when it comes to how men are in this world, you are incredibly retarded in the sense of how western societies work. Do us all a favor, quit wasting out time, and sit your dumb, jealous, middle eastern pickme ass down. No white boy will fuck you, and I can probably kill a hundred flies if I punch you in your crusty, cum-stained forehead, sweetie.
No. 1249178
>>1248883Most of the state is rural and they vote conservatively because there is nothing else to do here besides love Jesus and be retarded (especially so for men). That's why women and girls have no rights and we live in Hell. Hopefully we can make changes soon at a state level because this is sickening and shameful. There is no sympathy for anyone, a lot of people are
victim blaming a child. General male logic that shows you have deranged everyone around you is.
No. 1249193
>>1248890I joined thanks anon for letting me know!
>>1249040Anon I love you so much
No. 1249230
>>1249178That's terrifying that they would
victim-blame a child, fucks me up that they're shitting and crying over the unborn when we have perfectly good existing children who they really do not give a shit about.
I read a lot about fucking Amish communities and the ways they shame their rape
victims (who are often
victims of their fathers or brothers) and it reminds me of how brain-dead that shit is. Disgusted with humanity's ability to tell a little child it was their fault they were raped. I hope every woman gets out of those red states and provides a better future for their daughters should the unimaginable happen.
No. 1249264
>>1249040Pickme does not seem to realise that scrotes oppress us no matter how subservient and coddling you are because it is about the male ego and reproductive anxiety. All coddling scrotes bring is troons and declaring that saying there is a male violence problem in society is not real feminism and feminism is for everyone, as in women shouldn't be able to speak about, advocate for, and address issues which solely or mainly affect them like reproduction and health care and domestic violence. Scrotes will never support womens freedom because it means actually having to invest in relationships and not only thinking of themselves and catering to moids at every turn. Men benefit everywhere from women being fucked over, they don't care and no matter how you try to sell it, will never give an inch unless they benefit, such as with the recent adoption of pro-prostitution and 'sex work' because men want to buy women, same with communism and wanting UBI for being a discord coomer tranny who doesn't want to work only coom. Even before the troon and 'sex work' divide, men still screeched Not All Men and called even the most milktoast 'I think there are some areas where women are unfairly treated' feminazis. It's like saying if women want men to care about female specific issues, they should use troon 'inclusive' language so they get more allies. Trick is they aren't allies, they just want you to stop reacting to societal issues because it limits their chances of low effort and acquiring a live in bangmaid.
No. 1249294
>>1249264Thank you. From the MENA handmaiden to random giggling pick-me rodents crawling from the moralfagging woodworks to agree with her idiotic mentality of "giving scrotes a chance", I was afraid it would turn into an internal misogynist shitfest.
Scrotes beat us, stalk us, rape us, kill us, and straight up sell us, but it hits especially sinister when a woman joins the scrote and bothers to defend his place in this world. There is something especially gross about handmaidens because in the name of defending our largest threats, they wind up as traitors. Did you know that in " Destruction of Daisy", there was a woman helping the sick fuck who organized the abuse of those girls? As much as I do value women above men, I have to admit that there are particular women who do make me look at them the same as I do scrotes. Handmaidens lose my patience with every dumbass attempt they create to convince me why I SHOULDN'T root for the population of scrotes dropping from suicide, selective abortion, and the males' own poor hygiene. If the handmaidens in this thread love their scrotes so much, they can shut the fuck up and die out as well.
No. 1249436
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>>124888310 fucking years old, I hope they find out who did it and castrate him. God, I also hope she can terminate it. Poor kid has been through enough.
No. 1249867
>>1246897The last time there was a draft, my parents were in college, and my dad 74 now. So much oppression for fat ass men under 35.
>>1248460An essential problem is that most women have children before they realize just how fucked up males really are, and then they're permanently tethered to their sons and the fathers. Most don't get clarity unless they have the time and space to really separate and process things, but there's always a stray scrote begging for you to take him in. American women also get fed constant male hero propaganda through media, and assume that men are trying to live up to those ideals, when men just don't. Meanwhile, women are out there genuinely feeling guilty if they don't live up to a standard of "just believe in love" behavior they saw in a damn Disney movie.
No. 1266791
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This picture needs to go in a history book. Even though it's cringeworthy, it's just says a lot.
No. 1266795
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>>1266791samefagging but i feel like this would not have happened women's history was not taught more. I'm ashamed to be one of those people that thought abortion was a modern thing even though women have been doing them for centuries. I did learn about roe v wade but I did not know about the Jane collective or women crossing states to get abortion. Nor did I know most religions outside of christianity do not consider it a sin. I didn't even know that it started out as a health issue not a moral issue. I hope threads like these continue to exists and more women share important history. Because there are too many women like me from religious backgrounds who are ignorant about abortion. I wish women's history got more value.
No. 1266809
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>>1266795okay but the old testament(torah) does forbid abortion, because the hebrews were obesseded with keeping their numbers high to fight off other Semitic tribes, the talmud however(which has a much larger impact of Jewish theology and culture) does create some loopholes to justify abortion, but the old testament is very much anti-abortion cause it was written by iron age tribal semities who fucking slaughtered entire communities that were next to them
picrel is the oldest depiction of Yahweh as he was, a tribal war god now the God of a over 3 billion human beings
No. 1266825
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>>1266813its defeat in detail, I am not an american but my understanding is that evangelicals technically are united, they will support each other regardless of political position, they have unity so that makes them majority, in my shithole EE country, the left outnumbers the right by a wide margin but they can't ever work together, even the feminists are disunited on so many arbitrary issues, the equivalent of our democratic party gets criticized by our progressives more then anyone else for not being woke enough, the right wingers don't have to lift a winger cause the left is comically divided, I fear a similar thing is gonna happen to the US, more and more wokies will simply not choose to vote for the democrats and in any sort of regional election and the right wingers will gain more and more power
No. 1266883
>>1266825The Dems are new world values with the same level of corruption in the states as the right. The right is actually three factions united under one cause. The Catholics, the evangelicals, and the Rinos (who are actually Maga labeling everyone else that.) Part of the problem is even voting and electing the Dems won’t save us. We have to get them out after and replace everyone in office. It’s hard to motivate people to do it and when the Dems are paying to promote the worst Republican candidate in some places to help “encourage” people to vote for them in the actual elections it’s hard to take their wanting to protect democracy seriously. They’re rich outdated elitists in an ivory tower who refuse to come down and return to working class and it’s why their losing the vote. Women in prison can’t get abortions, Dems are the ones putting men in womens prisons like the two raped women in NJ who will now have to carry those children. They don’t fight for us. We’re in an absolute shit situation where women lose short term regardless and are being told to sacrifice for the men again. I’m so tired Noni
You’re right though ultimately the republicans will come together with their loyal 16%. It’s the rest that’s up in the air. For example the trump guy only won a seat on the East coast because 2/3 of their party didn’t vote in primary. There’s a lot of change going on they’re hiding.
A lot of the left wants to pretend voting for the “right” person is enough. It’s not.