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No. 1199903
23 year-old ‘mysterious’ edgelord musician/rapper and YouTube horror narrator whose only characteristics are being an emo fuckboy and having a deep voice. Has a retarded fanbase of horny teenage girls and a growing hate-base.
Possible identities:
"Randall", Ice Poseidon, Slavic Joshua, Lil Xan, Dahvie Vanity lookalike, "Hi-Tech Hustler" Gregory D. Evans, some fat fakeboi, Leafy
Last thread:
> CSI anons comb old tumblr posts and "search ppl websites" compiling a list of suspects> Discourse over whether or not anything Corpse has revealed is true, including but not limited to a strand of hair, his birthday, age, and name.> Corpse claims to be from Virginia before moving to California, and to have worked at an auto-shop. Claims to be 23, and named "Randall". >>1196644> An "OG fan" of Corpse on tiktok claims that he used to show his face very early on and there are fans that do know what he looks like. >>1195997> Corpse makes various claims that his celebrity look alikes are Andy Biersack, Joji, and Lil Xan. >>1198231 > Appears on Anthony Padilla's show and insinuates some of the much more flattering fanarts of him are "scarily accurate".> Gives Sykkuno his personal (size Large) hoodie to stir up the fangirls. >>1193620 >>1192770> He and "asexual lesbian e-girl" Emma Langevin post pics of him choking her to social media, seem very close. >>1198616> Sperg anon larping as Corpse spams thread with low tier bait and self harm photos.Summary:
>Super shy emo uwu guy with social anxiety that never shows his face>Began on YouTube in 2015 narrating horror stories on his channel, had his music debut in 2016>Got recognised outside of his music/ horror audience in 2020 after playing Among Us with the likes of Pewdiepie and Pokimane >>1059619>Friends with the likes of Boyinaband, Jacksepticeye, Loeybug, Glam&Gore, Sykkuno and Pewdipie>Constantly sadposts on his socials and gets thousands to millions of likes for posting singular emojisMilk:
>Makes horrible music with shitty lyrics that only appeal to horny/edgy teenagers, with creative titles like ‘E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE’ and ‘Cat Girls are Ruining My Life!’ >>1059724 >>1059933 >>1078775 >>1135034 >>1135035 >>1182561>Posts pictures of his veiny hands/arms to appease begging fans and to quell rumours of having 6 fingers >>1056622 >>1058464 >>1076069>Flip-flops between hating his e-fame and stan culture loving it, constantly whining about it and then perpetuating toxic stan culture by applauding fans for clapping back, gloating “if they shove me, you shove back ten times harder” >>1159287 >>1078699>”Chronically ill”, claiming fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet syndrome, GERD and depression. Searches for pity points often, says his illness has been “so bad that I couldn’t lift a spoon to my mouth” >>1135930>Claims his GERD has made his voice deeper >>1159287>Is such an edgelord he wears an eyepatch because screens hurt his eyes >>1159287>Releases song and puts a random tik-tok e-thot that reacted positively at its release on the album cover without her consent >>1059200>Has a drinking problem, saying he’s “ruined every drink for himself” and that he’s “never felt more like doing drugs in my entire life” gets sad and plays VR drunk >>1135287 >>1135311 >>1159287>Has claimed to be of several different ethnicities, claiming Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, then decides he’s Mexican, Native and Irish >>1134888>Incorporates fragments of Spanish in his raps to try and keep up the Spanish heritage lie, is learning Spanish in VR >>1135636>Posts autistic violent outbursts where he smashes glass, screams and stabs tinfoil, laughs manically to questions about his mental health, loves “inciting chaos”, tells BrookeAB to “shut the fuck up” in AmongUs to the discomfort of everyone >>1056626 >>1134060 >>1134088 >>1159287 >>1134102>Peaks his creepy factor by posting a soundbite of himself breathing, fans go wild and it trends on Twitter under #onlybreath >>1128060>Close friendship forms with Loeybug - posts cringe screencaps with her and Corpse calling each other “baby”, visit each other in ACNH to sit on a bench and “boot feets”, says he texts her more than anyone else >>1133215 >>1133245 >>1136002 >>1159287>Claims to be in debt on his mom’s side and his own, says he grew up extremely poor and that he dropped out at the age of 12 and proposed if he wasn’t big by age 21 he’d kill himself >>1187999 >>1187436 >>1159287>Glorifies self harm, cut his face with razorblades 10 minutes before Among Us streams >>1159039 >>1186404 >>1186460>Is confirmed as fat >>1138161 >>1138186 >>1138202>Shoves Valkyrae in last-minute for the Daywalker music video because he doesn’t want to be filmed, said costume & manicure staff were on-hand, she does a “making of” vlog for it and shows no staff were present has to do it all herself, visibly annoyed & uncomfortableLinks:
YouTube (main): (gaming): (music): Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: No. 1199942
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E-girls went gold?
No. 1199943
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>>1199942There's no way this guy isn't a neckbeard
No. 1199971
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Found this on a fan’s account . It could be him. The fan seems to know a lot about him based on their tweets.
No. 1199987
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Because yes, this is going to age well. Apprently, Corpse even liked the tweet.
No. 1199989
>>1199971How young are you cunts to not know who Dan Howell is. Get fucking banned for your retard tinfoil.
>>1199987No one gives a fuck about random mentally ill stans. This is not a calf thread. Post Frog only newfags.
No. 1200029
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The good, the bad, and the regrettable.
No. 1200038
>>1199954topkek anon
>>1200009The autistic identity tinfoils are giving me life. Definitely more entertaining than Corpse's lame edgelord bs.
>>1200029>The good, the bad, and the regrettable.More like the bad, the worse, and the regrettable. Only a couple of these are well done, but just imagine when CH's inevitable "he groomed minors" scandal drops or they find out he looks as bad as Cry. lmao
No. 1200066
Thread anon, great work but your summary is a little bit off.
Corpse was joking about his name being Randall and being from Virginia.
He did not say the flattering fan art looked like him, he said there was one that looked like him when Anthony asked him.
>>1200005I absolutely agree. At this point I could post a random man suggesting it was on a website, and 2 anons would argue the rest of the thread that it was actually him.
It’s sad.
No. 1200096
>>1200066My bad, I kind of skimmed the last thread and might have taken some posts a little too literally. Thank you though!
>>1200087Ngl, he strikes me as the kind of guy who is a "male feminist" but generally "stays out of politics". I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't voted.
No. 1200116
>>1199903>"Hi-Tech Hustler" Gregory D. EvansDying at the thought of him finding this thread and wondering wtf is going on
Corpse is a weeb right, did he mention ever going at a con pre-2020?
No. 1200203
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This one is the worst
No. 1200276
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Some confirmation about Corpse sending shirtless pics. I think people did save it but was so long ago that they didn't think to hold onto it.
No. 1200289
>>1200276Sort of on the fence about this because it's still very odd for a guy with a following to be sending his fans such stuff, plus the fans not saving it doesn't automatically mean that it wasn't remarkable
There's a few instances where shit happened that would now probably be seen as grooming and would have been 'normal' back then or during the time that Corpse talked to his fans
What sticks out to me is some random fan (someone posted in last thread) that said he asked her to show random stuff around her house. It's weird, and really if they continued he could probably lead it on to 'send me a pic of your body' with the behaviour being seen as normal because of the previous texts + their 'friendly' relationship
I also wonder what fucked up shit he did for him to see a face reveal as damaging, beyond obviously being ugly af
No. 1200306
>>1200029how can someone enjoy having fans like this?
i'd die of second hand embarrassment just knowing that these are the kinds of people that glorify me.
No. 1200317
>>1200029Oh, Oh no.
So many of them look like they were done by scratchers. I feel sorry for those with the big ones in dumb places, those are going to be a nightmare to either cover up or get removed.
No. 1200352
>>1200276>he would be in a compromising position if his face is shownthe more I learn about corpse the more i tinfoil he’s probably some “canceled” content creator or influencer trying to rebrand under a failed old alias he already had in the works
I really don’t understand how a dude who is reading creepy pastas or spooky stories and having a smaller audience goes from where he was to having extremely high profile youtube and streamer friends out of nowhere
sage for absolutely insane tinfoil but I really have a feeling he’s someone already established outside of his CorpseHusband brand
No. 1200368
Sage for dumb question, but why are they so many anons questioning his voice, how could he fake his voice during the interview with Anthony Padilla ?
I'm asking this because of
>>1200352, if he was a canceled content creator then we would at least recognize partially his voice (even if it was lowered because of alcool, drug or whatever sickness he claims to have)
No. 1200373
>>1200352it seems like he's been friends with boyinaband for a few years, probably same goes for jacksepticeye. they were the ones who invited him to play with pewdiepie i think?
>>1200368he's been friends with anthony's gf (the fat horse pic is one he took for her) so it's not impossible that they'd help him cover up
No. 1200380
>>1200373Any anons know of any of their friends that suddenly disappeared?
Assuming he is a cancelled content creator, he must have had a bit of an existing following already
No. 1200387
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probably a reach but we could try and find the touring schedule of this band in 2016 and see if they were even in california. maybe someone recorded bits and pieces of the show?
No. 1200390
>>1200352>>1200352I’m going to disagree on this one anon, the thing is that he’s genuinely just butt ugly. By keeping his ugly face out of his brand, he’s given ample space for girls to project whatever fantasy they want onto his voice. This is why his popularity has grown. He’s terrified of showing his face for the simple fact that he knows he’s so ugly it will ruin the fantasy he’s allowed to build up. This is also why he’s spent so much time training and damaging his vocal cords—the voice is literally all he is.
He’s so paranoid and hung up on being ugly that all he does is sit inside and drink, and I’m assuming that’s all he’s done for years now.
No. 1200397
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>>1200387I don't know if this is the same group but we have a match for Salt Lake City
No. 1200402
>>1200394I’m thinking that’s a plan of his anyways, but covid put a wrench in it. He’s probably even paranoid about the doctors recognizing their work however, I’m sure he’s probably went over his options a million times in his head. I think he’s doing dental work right now though, it takes longer but generally has more natural results and will do gradual, subtle work that simply getting double jaw surgery can’t do. I’m thinking he has one of the newer dental devices. Probably playing the long game.
….Or alternately, he’s so paranoid that he’s scared to even get work done. He seems that counterproductive and dumb.
No. 1200423
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>>1200276Seems like this is one of the only consistent things about corpse.
No. 1200453
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>>1200419I tried to look for Seshollowaterboyz and I found this
Also what did he mean by "saw all of SESH live" Does it mean he went to several shows ? Because we have 4 shows in a row in California
No. 1200454
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>>1200387>>1200420Ah yes, a concert.
Nice agoraphobia you got there corpse
No. 1200457
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another thing from his twitter. it's likely lies knowing him but worth putting it here. i don't think there is a list of people shot?
No. 1200458
>>1200453He probably went to all the ones in CA
Defo went to the one in San Diego
No. 1200460
>>1200457Yes anon, I saw this tweet too but no, there's no list of the wounded only the people that died.
There was a wounded woman named "Evans" who gave an interview about surviving the whole ordeal + another guy with Evans as a last name that helped
victims there, but they were both from the UK
No. 1200492
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>>1200467They also found his ugly mug from when he was 13, the associated Twitter account just got restricted today, kek. I wish all you corpse anons the same luck
No. 1200502
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God I wish this was him.
No. 1200503
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Haven't seen this mentioned anywhere. The phone number associated with his Steam account using "" ends in "30" and the email associated with the corpse_husband Soundcloud account is Saged for uselessness but good luck.
No. 1200506
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>>1200467>able to locate dream’s house just based on his kitchenmfw the only thing that we have is part of his living room in black and white + his kitchen having a marble counter
No. 1200510
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>>1200503double post but found this
No. 1200514
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>>1200510Then this.
Geolocation of IPs isn't 100% (doesn't exactly pinpoint someone’s location), but the accuracy is pretty good
>>1200513sure imma try
No. 1200517
>>1200510>>1200514Don't forget the Google headquarters is in Mountain View.
Idk if it's possible to find someone's location based on email.
No. 1200522
for and
> (Florida - Tampa)and yeah
>>1200517 probably not worth a lot, but here you go anyway
No. 1200528
>>1200480I was thinking this too
Whoever his old horror friend was from like 2015 is in his 30s today. Them being close back then seems a bit odd even if they're technically in the same profession
I was wondering who else he would have been friends with back then since someone suggested looking into his past friendships, it seems like he wasn't as private when he started out so I reckon they'd know what he looks like or would have possibly let something slip
No. 1200688
>>1200569 18tween anon here. I feel bad for us too.
>>1200522 Ngl, searching into the IPs made me more confused. They're in the same place right now: Kansas. I used some other tools, but the locations were hella vague and stuff.
172: to the place: 37.751 (lat) / -97.822 (long) and yes, the location is from today, now time. Leads to the Cheney Reservoir.
No. 1200702
>>1200593speaking with vocal fry hurts more than just speaking normally though?
nonnies like you listen to
>>1200381 and start finding all the excuses in the world for his voice to go from relatively normal to OmG SO DeEp totally REAL guiz he has GERD in just 1 years time kek
No. 1200724
>>1200453It’s not out of the realm of possibilities. Hardcore fans do tend to follow their favorite bands/artists depending on how much they love them. It’s kind of a flex or a more unspoken true devotion within various music scenes. It’s weird, I know. But it happens.
>>1200522>>1200688Given this day and age, and how private Corpse wants to remain I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s using a VPN. If he had a brain, he would.
Also, unrelated to the above, it appears that the Facebook link that came up in Joshua Grants tumblr was a bit of a theme function auto set up, but the kid obviously didn’t delete it. It never had an external link.
No. 1200738
>>1200724 I hope he isn't so we can track him, but he has… half or so of a brain. Maybe a quarter.
This is a stretch, but if we get specific concert days he went to and if there are videos recording the crowds, it's possible we can use manpower to find the fag. That is if we find any.
No. 1200757
>>1200569Peter Steele and that massive boner did it for me back then too. But so did his voice. Of course the mental image of that sword cock was always behind it.
I have nothing to add about this corpse guy. Just validating Peter Steeles cock. I did admittedly just start liking this E Girls.. song after hearing it on the film Promising Young Woman. Didn't realize dude was a cow until now.
(you're on /snow/ not /ot/) No. 1200801
>>1200757Based anon.
I can see this dude getting exposed in like 5 years like Dahvie Vanity. Turns out when you demean women in your lyrics you also like doing it in life
No. 1200807
>>1200802I can't speak for every autist in this thread but I think most of us just wanna see his face. We don't care to dox his address or tax info or whatever the fuck. I guess you can boil it down to the fact that the more that someone hides something, the more people wanna know.
It especially doesn't help that he used to tout the idea of doing a face reveal eventually and was a relatively normal creepypasta reciting youtuber but is now a tryhard mythomaniac who cries about how hard his life is and how the world is too meeeeeean for him to be himself. he isn't the worst cow on here, but stirring shit up in fandoms we aren't a part of is a group past-time here on lolcow dot farm
No. 1200889
>>1200887Nope can still access it
>>1200724it is a vpn
No. 1200896
>>1200802Fuck off back to twitter, retard
>>1200892Like most faggots he’s a misogynistic piece of shit too, I’m sure he and ch have a lot in common
>>1200724If he doesn’t use a VPN then he’s an even bigger sped than we think
No. 1200973
>>1200892Guilt by association, huh?
And where did you get the impression that they're "best buds"?
No. 1201052
>>1200506All of CH's tiktok videos and the Sykkuno meeting have a certain kind of carpet in them. You can see a little bit of the room that they are in: also think that tumblr pic and the foil video were made in the same room, but that is still a theory. The set-up is too similar to not be the same place.
No. 1201180
>>1201118He lives somewhere in SoCal. His PO box was in Murrieta, he claims to have been born in San Diego, and in a livestream he says he lives in SoCal.
inb4 CORPSE LIES!!!!
No. 1201220
>>1201165ah it's too late to delete it now
it's not an active acct but thanks. sad that I have ruined that username though
No. 1201476
>>1201347I think an anon pointed it out before but that could still make him 23. I myself was a scene middle school kid with that kind of internet knowledge and I'm 23 now
I consider him to be older but not because of the above reason, his hands look too old to me, he's hiding his face which could be another sign and the boyinaband thing. Him being a failed 33 year old emo kid would be hilarious though and I'd love for it to be true kek
No. 1201491
>>1201347Blog but I’m 24 and went through the scene phase as a middle schooler.
There’s no correlation here.
>>1201319His videos from 5 years ago all match to what he claims now, unfortunately.
No. 1201535
>>1201490>telling someone owning you in a precise and simple way to calm downHave you no reading comprehension? As anon said, of course the thread is going to have cringe. Literally anyone can post here. The man has embarrassing, cringey, mostly underage stans. I’m going to agree with anon and tell you to get over it, you sound like KF whining about the lack of quality of lc threads when again genius, literally any person anywhere can post without making an account. Relax
>>1201491Context clues. There’s too many factors that lean toward him being older. It’s not like that is the only one ie his voice when he isn’t trying as hard to change it, his hands, his innate paranoia, his doughboy body, like …everything about him.
No. 1201571
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>>1201535I mean even the KF thread is a bit… dull.
As on his age, someone posted his old horror-channel friend last thread - his name is urmaker - who's 34 at the moment. That's a huge age difference if we consider the fact that they were friends as early as 2015. Just seems awfully odd.
Also, it seems like the guy also took the white shirt picture?
Cropped a part of the picture because I'm too lazy to edit out my profile pic
No. 1201601
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>>1201571Not milk but Urmaker has made some posts over the past year about Corpse not talking to him anymore since blowing up. Apparently they were good friends before. They've done collabs on youtube as early as 2019, seems like Corpse is a shitty friend unsurprisingly
No. 1201644
>>1201607>>1201637But that's the point. Corpes' appeal is that he 'appears' to be a bit older rather than younger. When you're 30, the 'daddy dom' vibe just isn't the same if your fanbase is on average, and if we're being kind, only 18-20.
Plus, if he has talked to his fans on snapchat in any way, including asking for pictures of their rooms or whatever, that's also a bit more of a yikes than a 18-19 yo talking to people similar to his age.
Also, if the age tinfoiling is true that reflects really badly on all his friends
No. 1201674
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>>1201571It's an obvious joke you fucking retard, he's implying that this meme with dicaprio is in fact Corpse. Why the fuck those CH threads are magnets for unironic autists?
No. 1201700
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>>1201689it's still funny to think people are cooming to this mf lol
No. 1201747
>>1201743its makeup + good angle + shitty webcam
just by doing eyebrows you can change a ton in your apperance and in that pic his are nonexistent so yeah
No. 1201806
>>1201700KEK. The thin hair.
>>1201607 His fans would definitely stan him less hard. It's like stanning a known manlet. Knowing someone is 30 and doing shit like this is infinitely more disgusting to teen girls (and that's all his fandom is) because 30 is officially old man status and is hella creepy.
No. 1201994
>>1201973Nah, he just uses a filter that smooths his skin, makes him paler and then actually fills in his eyebrows and does his hair.
There's so many programs that can help people smooth their webcams these days, no need to spend hours on make up.
No. 1202123
So what info do we have since we ruled out Times Square being Emmas friend? (Haven't actually got any photo confirming whether it actually is him or not?)
>>1198942The only concrete thing we have is his chubby body on Anthony Padilla.
No. 1202178
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No. 1202287
>>1202191They are not gay, they are all rainbow-haired fat e-girls who pretend to be bisexual or pan for attention, lmao.
It's like a weird conga line of mentall ill zoomers with daddy issues.
No. 1202362
>>1202178…imagine a 'celebrity' doing the bare minimum and being accepting of lbtq folks when it's already pretty acceptable in the West
Wow, absolutely earth shattering
Also, I love that people never call these people out for queer baiting, which is what this weird friendship between him and 30 year old soft boy is
No. 1202484
>>1202362“pretty acceptable in the west”
> conversion therapy > hate crimes > gay bars being shot up > religious folk preaching against them > discrimination within health practices Just because the gays are able to marry, doesn’t mean the US is a magical place of acceptance.
>>1202178Was this trending outside of the UK?
No. 1202491
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how did this GERDtard even make it onto jimmy fallon’s radar
No. 1202622
>>1202517Pretty sure most if not all of the tattootards in
>>1200029 are above 18 kek
No. 1202632
>>1202491can an amerinon drop the link when this trashfire airs? also god, they shill millie bobby brown so hard, if it's her I'll kek.
(side note, the thread pic makes me genuinely cackle every time I see it, well done anon well done)
No. 1202644
>>1202484Yes because a man giving his audience a “safe space” online is really going to change how things behave in the real world
Online, in most Western countries at least, LGBTQ stuff is respected and catered to by most “celebrities”. Sure you have a bunch of idiots who don’t like it but that goes with everything and they’re easy to block or ignore. However, Corpse (and many other celebrities) is doing literally nothing against these irl issues
No. 1202736
>>1202723y'all feeling bad for him or something? it's only a matter of time before he fucks himself over and gets cancelled for something,
nonny. idk, consider this an anticipatory thread
No. 1203030
>>1202723I’m not with the doxxing personally at all, or constantly accusing him of very serious misconduct, but him as a cultural phenomenon is pretty fucking funny. I’m not understanding all the hate, he’s so random and people making the choice with their own free will to believe his voice and turn him into somewhat of a sex symbol because of it is so goddamn funny. He’s just a dork with the worst possible music that’s winning with typical issues of people in their 20s of substance and identity issues. Idk I really can’t take him seriously and don’t understand literally any extreme reactions to him, or why he elicits them so much.
Also random but he loves SoundCloud rap and suicideboys made a pact with each other that if they weren’t successful by 30 they would kill themselves. P sure he copied that, and my theory is this all started because he tried to imitate/recreate bones’ deep voice lol. I also think he’s older, because really why would a male who already had apartments and women who loved him enough to live with him die at 21? That age wouldn’t make sense, and most likely if he was below that age and such an edge lord (while obviously not being really suicidal) we all know he’d pick 27.
No. 1203123
>>1203030>>1202723>>1202855Literally nobody cares newfags this isn’t /ot/
go cry over there
And maybe brush up on your vocabulary and comprehension because how are we doxxing if we don’t even know his name
No. 1203134
>>1203076Right lol and that’s how they got their group name, from that pact, and unfortunately based on how they described their lives and issues I believe that they likely would have actually done it, and 30 gives the illusion of enough time to make that decision to someone in their 20s. Corpse just does internet edgelord shit that isn’t actually believable or fitting at all to people that live it, but other edgy gamers wouldn’t know. Hardly anyone is “successful” at 21, and him voicing scary stories or whatever isn’t exactly a great thing to bet your life on. Maybe try fucking rehab before then idk.
He’s so late to the kind of music he’s doing and it’s clear he thinks being omg drunk is an excuse for it sucking when everyone in the first wave was a straight up addict. If he was part of that younger age group he would know that too. The fact that is as big as he is also perhaps literally is so funny I can’t get over it. Idk why people can’t stand him and want actually bad things to happen to him, it’s literally not his fault people Stan actual idiocy and can’t let themselves laugh about it. He’s such cultural commentary
No. 1203136
>>1203042What a shit show at the end especially, Jimmy's staff ruined the game for everyone. They all kept their mics on the whole time, and in the last round valkyrae killed questlove as imposter, so questlove just immediately started loudly whining that she was the killer. In the middle of the meeting the dead players took over the conversation to chant her name and Jimmy actually snapped at him for ruining the game by naming the killer.
Incredible how video games turn grown men into 5 year olds. dude was technically on the job too, what an unprofessional look
No. 1203261
>>1202723He’s not going to fuck you, sis. Take your salt mine back to the camwhore or instathot threads and seethe over there. Wanting to out this loser for being an ugly 3edgy5u incel larping as a cute eboy for the sole purpose of getting asspats from mentally ill girls doesn’t equate with doxxing, you absolute sped.
>>1203178Not soon enough, anon
>>1203136Jesus Christ, this summary alone gives me second hand embarrassment on behalf of anyone who was involved. At the risk of asking a question that’s both stupid and rhetorical, why the fuck does this cringelord scrote have any fans at all? What is he contributing to the world? He has no discernible talent. He’s fat. He’s almost certainly fugly. What’s the appeal? I don’t fucking get it
No. 1203275
It's wild to me Corpse is going places. He's been interacting with mainstream celebrities lately, Halsey, Machine Gun Kelly, Lil Nas X, Logic, Jimmy Fallon, the Stranger Things kids. Not to mention he's hanging out with top YouTubers and streamers. Maybe I sound bitter but I really don't get it. This random dude with no talent, no entertaining personality traits, nothing special about him is getting all this clout just because he has a deep voice. I don't understand why legitimate musicians are associating with him, he can't rap or produce and his songwriting is absolutely horrible. Every verse he's written is very try-hard. He needs to tone it down with the most cliche anime and fetish references, it's really cringy
No. 1203277
>>1203273>>1203275His only remarkable skill is his grasp on how to market to angsty teens online. His choices of anonymity are pretty smart on his part because a large amount of his following would lose interest in him over the loss of mystery and the high possibility of him not being a real life anime boy.
His references really are always the most cliché stuff possible, making me think he's probably only ever seen like 1 anime in his life and just using weeb shiit for the convenient aesthetic
No. 1203605
>>1203474what the fuck lol? yes sir, right away sir
post something fun yourself, anon
No. 1203685
>>1203275Sage for blog, but I’ll speak to give a little insight as a former fan.
It’s embarrassing, but his edginess is attractive if you’re a degenerate that never grew out of your edgy phase (me). His music is appealing because his voice isn’t like anything else and his music is obviously marketed to very relevant things / current times which makes it a little more relatable. I can’t imagine listening to it as a 14-15 year old because I would’ve loved it as I embarrassingly loved Broken Cyde/ BOTDF/ Jeffree Star.
People like the feeling of rebellion and listening to shit that isn’t super PC or pop-esque. It’s embarrassing but he has a monopoly on the market for streaming and music solely because of his voice and elusive behavior. That naturally draws people in. Is it talent? No.
His screaming vocals are decent but nothing revolutionary.
It’s stupid, I’ve seen the light but hopefully that gives you and others a bit of understanding.
>>1203170Jimmy is debatably more embarrassing than me. I can’t believe he’s playing video games with a bunch of young kids.
No. 1203735
File: 1617854496934.png (701.59 KB, 1280x948, Screen Shot 2021-04-08 at 12.0…)

i think corpse's face will be something like this. (stock photo, it just best illustrates what i'm picturing for him)
No. 1203835
>>1203685It's interesting but I feel like there are a fair amount of artists who now walk that 'edgy' line and are fairly mainstream. Plus, they're more talented than Corpse will ever be
Suppose it's not enough since those artists are showing their faces/are a bit too mainstream, but man at least you'll have the chance to see them live
No. 1204063
>>1159287 it’s somewhere in there. The whole q&a is as edgy as it gets.
No. 1204226
I think corpse is a thing mostly because of the scary stories and seeming vaguely with it because he bites SoundCloud style that was a thing years ago, but kids would think is edgy. Way too many sheltered idiot girls on Twitter stanned tf out of that killer guy from You, Bundy, etc, and romanticize
abusive relationships to be edgy, he just fits into that and serves as an avatar for them. He really can be anything they want, it’s just a very misguided attraction to safe danger. Only he’s not dangerous like at all, just has meltdowns and likely imagines himself as an actual anime villain. There’s no way he’s had an altercation with a man. I think the pandemic has people attracted to insane shit tho too.
>>1203735Idk who that is but add black hair dye and nail polish and I’d fully believe it. Curdled milk mf.
No. 1205776
>>1205713Sage your shit.
He supposedly left school from bullying. Apparently the others made fun of his voice because I they thought he was on drugs. Sounds like BS to me but it’s earlier in the thread.
Lurk more.
No. 1208718
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>>1200381Reading all the comments from his simp whores makes me want to blow my brains out.
No. 1208901
File: 1618477142971.jpg (43.14 KB, 567x496, th-12668186962-567x496.jpg)

>>1208654Learn the word femcel and sage your shit instead of bumping a thread that didn't get any new posts for the last 4 days. The thread has no milk, it's mainly spergs and tinfoils, which is fine.
So far our best bet would be to find an appartement in SA/southern California looking like this
>>1200506 so yeah, good luck with that. That'd be proper poltard "capture the flag" level of tism.
No. 1209151
File: 1618505160440.png (291.47 KB, 1474x1209, A273612A-E5FF-4AAC-9DA7-66A607…)

i went to his old website ( on the wayback machine, but if you try to go to it now it's now owned by a record label called buttery records. could anyone look into this further?
(also the layout is fucking atrocious)
No. 1209530
File: 1618534011214.jpeg (52.22 KB, 640x441, FF150AE4-999C-45EC-A507-80862B…)

Someone on KF pointed this out, lmao:
“Corpse may have paid someone to write up a Wikipedia page for him, which is apparently a no-no.”
No. 1209801
File: 1618578572868.png (11.23 KB, 271x124, image-3.png)

what a loser
No. 1212264
>>1211720The comments basically saying he deserves his fans because he's depressed
Great reasoning, time for like half of the population to start faking a deep voice? It's just so stupid
If there are any fan lurkers out here or past fans, explain to me why this dude actually deserves his 'fame' and what notable things he has done outside of his shitty music
No. 1212644
File: 1618882592727.jpg (229.68 KB, 1080x806, Screenshot_20210419-213525_You…)

>>1212592very rational people
No. 1212803
>>1212592do you think he realizes that some people are catching on?
Catching on to the fact that:
1) GERD does not lower pitch of your voice
2) someone with GERD who takes their health seriously doesn't brag about getting trashed on a regular basis
>>1212773Even the doctors were getting sick of this mf kek
I forgot which livestream but he said that at some point, doctors thought he was faking symptoms just to get pills.
No. 1212898
>>1212644Doctors have confidentiality agreements surely?
If a doctor was to leak something and he was able to prove a part of it/all of it (idk the laws in America regarding this) he could get money and basically ruin someone's career
It's more than likely that he is just faking stuff and doctor's have caught on
>>1212803 No. 1213021
>>1211720>>1212592I had a semi mental breakdown myself just looking at those comments. I can't believe we have this many retards alive on this earth.
>>1212803>>1212908>>1213015What bothers me most is how much the retard plays into the whole GERD thing as if it's some type of cancer, yeah. I have it myself, it's not as bad as he makes it seem, pop in some anti-acids at the first sign of heartburn, it will help alleviate symptoms. It took it seriously and started avoid shit like alcohol, sparkling water, fizzy drinks and lots foods that I know might
trigger the acid reflux because I DON'T want it to get worse. This moron just goes out of his way to make it worse for himself by constantly getting drunk and exposing himself to the exact type of thing that will make the acid reflux worse.
And on top of that, your voice won't get damage to the degree he claims it to be. I'll have a hoarse voice mainly in the morning when I woke up IF it happened to have acid reflux while I was asleep, because you know, it comes up in your throat and it irritates your vocals chords, but then it goes away after that. The whole thing is completely manageable and any serious or permanent damage is very unlikely to happen unless you've gone with it untreated for years on end.
No. 1213153
>>1213021Nta but GERD is serious if not taken seriously. Knew someone who had their stomach acid eat a hole through their esophagus. But yeah you're completely right. It's manageable and
trigger foods can be avoided. Dude is just a dumbass who wants pity points for making things worse for himself.
No. 1213849
>>1213664He isn’t even actually a beaner. He’s white.
>>1213516His name is Eric
No. 1213864
>>1213849How do you know his name is Eric?
Man, imagine if Corpse Husband turned out to be an alter ego of Internet Comment Ettiquette Erik.
No. 1214120
File: 1619094486698.jpg (111.35 KB, 1200x675, average fa meetup.jpg)

>>1213849I know this is bait, but that would be hilarious considering how cursed edgy white men named Eric are
No. 1216909
Not really milky but,
Corpse uploaded this to tiktok think it’s him
No. 1219335
File: 1619664040087.jpeg (31.68 KB, 564x680, fake_corpse.jpeg)

>>1219323This is an image board. The picture originates from Instagram (don't know which account specifically) that claims to know him. Highly doubt it's him though
No. 1220839
>>1219335no way that's him lmfao
dude looks like a 15 yr old
No. 1222092
File: 1620015276989.jpg (295.55 KB, 1080x1906, Screenshot_20210503-001145_Tik…)

I've had this guy pop up on my and he does the corpse voice. I can't help but think that corpse is crying bc he wished he looked like this guy kek
No. 1223417
File: 1620153502873.jpg (279.49 KB, 2590x1024, tinfoil.jpg)

>>1222979If we wanna talk about Corpse and fans then I'll bring this one up.
Someone mentioned forever ago that there were fan rumors about Corpse having an alt to interact with fans. Here he is liking low follower e-girl selfies on his alt.
If it only goes as far as a like it's still weird, but it makes you wonder what else he gets up to on his alt.
No. 1224898
>>1224860yeah, tinakitten when they break up lol
no but seriously, it can happen any moment
No. 1224979
File: 1620338124054.png (810.36 KB, 758x758, Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 5.54…)

>>1224908wow i've seen pictures and gifs of this girl and 100% thought she was some new famous porn actress. people unironically watch shit like this play games and think they have any claim to dignity?
No. 1225576
File: 1620421552352.jpeg (114.13 KB, 828x335, F99E6322-E779-4F20-A846-0ABEDA…)

>>1199903we need a thread for corpse fan cringe. there’s an abundance of it.
No. 1225666
>>1224695>>1224711>way into asian girls with cutesy high pitch little girl voice>oni-chaaaaan~Idk but I’m kinda grossed out by the mental picture of this. Mouth-breathing otakus with Asian fetish piss me off.
>>1224979Not your fault, she is deliberately playing into the amateur porn aesthetic. Japanese porn actresses look like her.
No. 1225676
File: 1620429969175.png (4.07 MB, 828x1792, EEA5AA27-5692-47B5-91C8-CFD259…)

>>1223999>attractive and not fat girlfriend Max’s girlfriend is a cow in and of herself, granted she isn’t as freakish as loey
No. 1226098
File: 1620505896647.png (6.97 MB, 1242x2208, 094E1B01-2991-45CB-AB5C-DA2394…)

>>1226024So special we must feel so bad for her that she needs a brain scan to see how depressed she is… give me a break.
No. 1226114
File: 1620508598719.jpeg (313.63 KB, 828x1464, 6E1B587B-65DA-4B0C-A659-EEAEB0…)

>>1226098So cringe, this bitch has such cow potential. I’m cautious of bumping this thread unnecessarily, is there another thread she fits better in? Maybe e-girls or YouTube general?
No. 1226543
>>1226485if that's the right time stamp she says "rope? we need rope" and he responds "alright uh"
there's nothing there that sounds like babe. is it at a different time in the vod?
No. 1226552
>>1226543it's sort of around 1:59:05
sounds like "hey babe, can I get back?" or like "hey but can I get back?" and autists in the comments are arguing lol
No. 1226592
File: 1620585116579.jpg (1.87 MB, 2898x2898, PicsArt_05-09-11.28.57.jpg)

If loey quit pigging out maybe she would finally be corpse's dream e-girl and her friends wouldn't have to edit themselves into pictures because her fatass took up most of a bench. Not sure if she is genuinely proud of being morbidly obese or if she's trying to cope
No. 1226676
File: 1620591446232.jpg (Spoiler Image,81.1 KB, 586x739, H23594df963634c7b9173a790a8309…)

>>1226592She looks like a proper Innsmouth critter, I'd be desperate for some deep voiced loser attention too
No. 1226698
File: 1620592610491.jpg (188.64 KB, 700x987, weirdershadows-illo-fb.jpg)

>>1226676excuse me NO she looks nothing like everyone's favourite little sea monsters
No. 1226966
File: 1620619694908.jpeg (760.52 KB, 1242x1238, CFB1E16E-A881-4C02-93F4-383190…)

>>1226961>>1226676not trying to derail but just had to point out how sad it is that her fat is consuming 40% more of her face at this point. She also just made herself more attractive back then.
No. 1226992
>>1226966Wow she went from
>30 year old beauty blogger and mlm advocateTo
>Twitterfag teen egirl larper No. 1227242
File: 1620667113497.png (130.31 KB, 1076x539, PicsArt_05-10-10.17.32.png)

Will corpse go into hiding now? Or better, will Paulina hide her man?
No. 1227501
File: 1620694323869.jpeg (769.46 KB, 828x1540, 2F93389E-1636-4888-A8CB-7CB816…)

Speaking of Paulina, I know this video is semi-old but does anyone else find the way she and Max live fucking nasty? When you look at her ig stories or tiktoks it looks like they live in a gross dingey room, further evidenced by her letting his dog put its slobbery chew toy all over their bed. I mean, I love dogs but this is rancid in my opinion
No. 1227640
File: 1620711050963.jpg (34.96 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg)

have you seen CH's new (alt) twitter handle? definitely his apartment, same light switch/floorplan it seems. what a cringy mofo
No. 1227742
>>1226468I’ve actually followed MamaMax from his Content Vigilante(?) days, which was basically an edgier version of Content Cop. He already had quite the “saviour” complex then, but I didn’t mind coz I genuinely found his content entertaining.
I also remember he dated this girl from NZ during that period, and I remember their breakup wasn’t a very amicable one. I also remember his ex also did a fundraiser for a boob reduction lol
anyway sage for non-milk
No. 1228825
>>1228270Yes! Please!
Has anyone come across new milk? He did stream resident evil village. One of the parts is over 5 hours long. Who on earth sits trough 5 hours of this guy and tinakitten?
No. 1228931
>>1214120It's always E names like eric or Ethan or J names like Jared or Jason
>>1226592Didnt have a husband in the military at some point? I remember something about her army wife life she had early on then he just completely disappeared and she never mentioned it again
No. 1229073
>>1228982I mean that's his whole shtick at this point and he has to be kinda aware of it.
He's a one-trick pony on his own and he has to have someone to play off of, it's even better if it's a girl so he can turn on the e-charm and give his female viewers a self-insert lol
No. 1229604
File: 1620945374037.jpeg (794.79 KB, 828x1480, C9E462E9-B2EA-42BD-AB1A-AEBFF3…)

Cry me a river
No. 1229947
File: 1621003840782.jpeg (562.83 KB, 828x1449, 216D6001-FE6D-413F-A33E-84AAC2…)

Another loey indirect maybe? Her astrology obsession is so cringe and delusional
No. 1230261
File: 1621027276738.png (4.85 MB, 1668x2224, 435CFB3B-13ED-4201-B3D1-EC79C7…)

Found a sound cloud profile under the name Joshua Randall Drake, images show possible match to a small chin large nose, dark hair guy. Went down a bit of a rabbit hole No. 1230277
File: 1621027932342.jpeg (173.78 KB, 428x539, F38298C0-6037-4A4B-B177-71552F…)

No. 1230289
File: 1621028906269.jpeg (1.95 MB, 1443x1903, B75633BE-C269-4443-8EDA-EBD0D0…)

The kid is a bassist, they played a gig at rocket town in Nashville TN not sure how that matches up with locations
No. 1230309
File: 1621030455441.jpeg (598.28 KB, 1665x2132, 4ED8B1D4-2D8C-4FB8-BEC5-D28AC2…)

Found a Pinterest account under Joshua Randall, interesting pins , could be a total confidence though. Or the beginning of anonymous face art inspiration
No. 1230328
File: 1621032019684.png (8.86 MB, 1668x2224, 372122C0-0A5A-413D-8D99-6ED3EA…)

Can anyone confirm or not whether this is the “scary accurate” art talked about ? Because it’s similar to those photos
No. 1230357
File: 1621034429280.jpg (25.4 KB, 538x411, 235f0d28cef23e6a293187be1f9fe0…)

>>1230309>the beginning of anonymous face art inspirationnonnie, you genius
No. 1230361
File: 1621034965267.png (461.53 KB, 700x720, qfghj.png)

Am I stupid for thinking that these two look similar ?
No. 1230751
>>1230493Anon, you obviously haven't heard of the guitarist Buckethead. He has stayed pretty much anonymous his whole career but I guess it's easier when you are extremely talented.
Corpse doesn't have anything going for him so outstanding that warrants keeping his identity hidden long term. He should just reveal his face now while there's still interest, if he does it when the intrigue dies down it's just going to look like he's trying to stay relevant
No. 1230909
>>1230826Agreed. He's currently the same thing as Alex from target. Brain dead teens hyped him up, thirsted for him and then he was forgotten.
Except corpse is the edgy and average Alex from target.
No. 1230991
>>1230751if he’s ugly he’ll lose fans
He should stay hidden imo
No. 1231011
File: 1621125992954.png (51.6 KB, 691x278, 3486305863245.png)

Since a lot of CH fans that have been following him for awhile claim that he did a face reveal in one of his old videos or live streams, I think combing through his old videos on the wayback machine might be the best shot we have at exposing his mug. Right now I'm looking at an old archived live stream that seems to have been privated on his YT channel when I enter the URL into the address bar, and I think if he really did do a face reveal in the past he probably would have privated the video after he blew up to keep his face a secret.
No. 1231893
File: 1621257314483.jpeg (478.01 KB, 1242x1195, 61EFE6A7-94F0-47D1-907A-B75F6E…)

If Loeys tweets are about Corpse, they’re creepily obsessive and aggressive. Any one else agree? This woman is almost in her 30’s and constantly posting about a guy who has said he doesn’t want a relationship multiple times.
No. 1231991
>>1231959so far the only clue we've ended on is this one
>>1230277wonder if anyone can trace this pic and find out more about the guy
No. 1232051
File: 1621278150507.jpg (31.18 KB, 750x373, E1iTNJgXsAQl6K9.jpg)

>>1230277yeah seems accurate
No. 1232247
File: 1621291489247.png (2.02 MB, 1242x2208, 842B2BB0-ECF9-4423-B96F-317198…)

No. 1232248
File: 1621291511058.png (1.33 MB, 1242x2208, E92E1D58-F9CB-466D-B8A6-FC4890…)

2/2 oooo she really gottem
No. 1232518
>>1232513Man, sykkuno tries too hard to be an uwu soft boy. Can't stand when he covers his face while giggling like a retard
>>1232252Because some anons suspect that she's chasing after corpse's chode. Paulina is being discussed too, so..
No. 1232849
>>1232846It'll be amusing if he ends up being just being a chunky average looking guy who thinks he's too cool for school due to the forced vocal fry. He should just come out already before he gets exposed. It'll eventually happen
If not because of us, someone else will spill the beans.
No. 1233118
>>1232973he used to do creepypasta and 'true horror story' readings all the time for other channels, it's how he even got a following to begin with, so you're point is… they're the same person?
the first one isnt him, very obviously someone else (the channel creator) who knows how to speak normally and has a very different way of reading. it's much softer and he has different inflections for his words and you can hear the difference in
>>1232990 a collab he actually did for the channel
the graveyardgirl one was before CH forced the vocal fry all the time so the frog voice isnt very prevalent, yet, but still pops up from time to time
No. 1233189
File: 1621384561044.jpeg (123.68 KB, 910x809, 0D87F9C2-03A6-4075-8AA9-A8E0F4…)

found this on twitter, could it be him?
No. 1233203
>>1231651I heard it in a rando yt video but googled it, it’s on this page/shrine:
> One day, somebody knocked at the door of Corpse Husband's house. His mother opened the door where she met a stranger who claimed that he was affiliated with a gas company and needed to get inside. His mother let him inside and he left shortly after. When Corpse Husband came home, his mother told him what had happened. He then called the gas company, who stated they weren't aware of the situation.>The next day, Corpse Husband and his family were out. When they returned home, they noticed somebody by a car parked in their driveway. The man acted like he was checking out their car then left shortly after. The next day, when Corpse Husband was in his room, he heard loud talking outside his house. He and his family brushed it off when suddenly they heard a crash. They went to the backyard and saw a tattered up couch. His family started freaking out when somebody started kicking the front door. At the same time, cars were driving away and people were screaming outside of his house. When he and his family opened the door to confront whoever was doing this, they were gone. Since then, there have been multiple other occasions in which people have stalked his house, and every time one of his family members come out of their house, they speed off. Since June 2016, Corpse Husband hasn't mentioned more incidents like this.Idk if true but people are fucking crazy so I believe it. It would make sense for him to not talk about further incidents though because jealous and edgy incel worms would try to outdo each other. Which is sad because it’s just a vocal fry lmfao.
No. 1233389
Has anyone here dealt with a stalker? What if he did have a stalker? I know there’s no way to verify that but it would feel low, even for lolcow, to expose him (unintentionally) to other crazy stalkers. It just seems like one of those things where lolcow detectives might provide best milk but then he gets outed to people who might legit want to harm him? Maybe he’s so paranoid about it because he has a criminal history or something, or fucked someone over in his personal life, or someone is actually obsessed with him / threatened to hurt him.
Even with self absorbed people, it any of that was a possibility, I don’t think that CH would expose people to that information just to get attention/monetize it. So, probably no proof beyond a story, and if showing his face did actually present a threat to his personal life, he probably wouldn’t post about it…
I don’t even know where I’m going with this, you know what I mean anons?
No. 1233397
File: 1621407695143.jpeg (129.19 KB, 1835x1217, 0829604B-A3ED-49DD-B4F1-1FB3B3…)

>>1233189Found this on twitter as well, could this be him?
No. 1233444
File: 1621416971366.jpg (177.21 KB, 1024x1024, 20210519_023520-COLLAGE.jpg)

>>1233189Newfag here so apologies for my retardation, but I really believe this is him imo; similar stocky build, same hands with bulging veins and stubby ogre fingers/nails, brown eyes, Hispanic looking, curly hair, he tweeted that he looked like a pelican which this dude comically does, and, I'm stretching here, but the muscle definition on the arm and the amount of arm hair is similar as well. On the question of the clear skin tone difference, take a gander at my nifty collage I made; dude doesn't leave the house and has fattened up so it makes sense he can be as pink as a rose, but it could also be lighting. Wonder if the resolution on that certificate can be increased to read it, might have his last name.
No. 1233473
File: 1621420012640.jpg (81.39 KB, 1024x566, 20210519_032354-COLLAGE~2.jpg)

>>1233444-Hand comparison. The same?
No. 1233490
>>1233444>>1233473While the body matches up, this guy has a very pointed chin, albeit rather small. Doesn't fit the descriptions of his chin/jaw issues at all. Unfortunately, "this man has similar man arms" isn't really proof enough. Are there more photos/evidence or is this it? lmao
No. 1233493
File: 1621423013681.png (299.65 KB, 611x408, realcorpsehusband.png)

>>1233397Anon. You cracked the case.
No. 1233511
File: 1621425234557.jpg (88.79 KB, 522x1024, 20210519_044942-COLLAGE~2.jpg)

>>1233490He said he has small airways, do we know if this causes a recessed jawline or just a small chin? (Internet comes up with nothing except sleep apnea). I do see a bit of Joji in this guy (with the narrow eyes), and a little Andy Biersack (I'm sorry Andy, I'm just reaching!) with the small chin, sharp jawline, long nose, and eyebrows. No lil xan though, but maybe if we saw the guy's face in front-view.
No. 1233518
File: 1621425728811.png (182.26 KB, 388x426, lill.png)

>>1233189fucking kek, pretty sure if he looked like an absolute copycat of Ramirez he would have boasted about it, especially considering he's an edgelord.
>imagine being so ugly that your only brag is looking like Lil Xan No. 1233519
>>1233511andy biersack and guitar guy from twitter look nothing like lil xan.
These guys are very diffrent types. I mean lil xan has very soft features like a chubby toddler who got a bunch of temporary tattoos
No. 1233520
imagine that weird long nose, small chin thing andy biersack has going on with those droopy eyes and missing cheekbones like lil xan
No. 1233536
File: 1621428977898.jpg (204.91 KB, 905x1280, tumblr_o3p3ca2hnn1ucmywio1_128…)

>>1233524Both Lil Xan and Andy have a weak chin, might not be as shocking with Andy since he has an actual jaw.
Lil Xan has the typical mouth breather profile caused by type 2 malocclusions. I know this has been already said but
>Corpse complains about breathing issues>Malocclussions give you breathing issues and lead you to breath through your mouth>Corpse says he looks like chinless guys (and tries to cope by also comparing himself to Joji)>Malocclusions and breathing through your mouth gives you that classic chinless profile>Conclusion: Corpse is Leafy No. 1233537
File: 1621429102415.jpeg (94.25 KB, 581x385, main-qimg-adb9f13b3f4c2254ab0d…)

>>1233524I see it too, his nose bridge looks kinda flat like a brontosaurus and sorta hooked, can see it being slightly flared. I've seen like 1000 Mexican guys who look like that, nothing to physically retch at but sure as hell ain't no Richard Ramirez
No. 1233581
>>1233570wanted to respond to master tinfoil
>>1233561also, who'd be retarded enough to think that GERD gives you a mouth breather profile? I know his fanbase is braindead but come on. Breathing through your mouth (because of a jaw issue or not) can however give you GERD
>>1233576I just think he meant he was light skinned
No. 1233592
File: 1621432426646.jpg (56.87 KB, 611x676, 1.jpg)

Fucking dead, I was browsing reddit to find realistic fanarts other than
>>1230328 and
>>1198261and found picrel. Which one of you did that
No. 1233631
File: 1621435599471.jpg (248.82 KB, 1300x1099, 510022.jpg)

>>1233620Well anon, idk
>The layout of blood vessels, arteries and veins, are almost consistent in all people. There might be slight variation based on genetic heredity or environmental factors such as nutritional deficiencies or diseases. But for the most case the structures are the same from person to person.Also no idea if Corpse plays the guitar like Ramirez bro, but he has guitarist hands.
No. 1233663
File: 1621438542528.jpg (88.71 KB, 1024x566, 1621420012640~2.jpg)

>>1233620I'm not sure, I didn't really see it so I tried color-coding the parts that I think look a little similar. Lighting and slight variant in position should be taken in account.
No. 1233665
File: 1621438574352.jpg (20.07 KB, 275x232, 1621435599471~2.jpg)

>>1233663I color-coded the other random hand as well.
No. 1233706
File: 1621441021960.jpg (69.65 KB, 614x862, corpse.JPG)

>>1233668Archived it in case the account gets deleted. No other posts at all, no followers, I call this is fake
No. 1233738
File: 1621443268455.jpeg (39.3 KB, 480x588, night-stalker-suspect-richard-…)

I know it's him, he's even in California.
No. 1233745
>>1233712>>1233706It's probably fake.
If it was some angry ex or friend from his past, there would be more context for sure, but it would explain why the pics look old
No. 1233777
>>1233745if it was him he looks to be in his mid/late 20s in these photos, and we still have no idea if he's lying about his age or not or when these where taken
this could be anyone, hell these could be from crappy quality facebook videos of some rando hanging with his friends and someones just trying to bait fans or us
ill believe hes richard romirez before i believe this is him
No. 1233848
File: 1621449545775.jpeg (80.56 KB, 640x579, 56B92C09-39C5-45A7-A792-8A39F8…)

>>1233189Thats Joe Hawley
No. 1234066
File: 1621466198030.png (749.73 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210516-010039.png)

No. 1234076
samefag from
>>1234070i'll also add lazy is british (?) and sounds NOTHING like CH
No. 1234209
File: 1621480758809.jpeg (662.63 KB, 828x1551, 9807470E-6E19-49A9-913E-40F9D5…)

Has anyone been keeping up with Paulina’s tiktoks? They’re super unhinged, she’s sitting on the kitchen floor whining about being asexual and everyone hating her, and in another says her boyfriend is concerned about her substance abuse. Almost makes me feel bad for Max for having to put up with her kek. And what is it with every bitch on tiktok with no personality claiming to have BPD now?
No. 1234319
>>1232533lol that's fine, i didn't think to screenshot dude's stories five years ago to post them on lolcow in 2021. silly me i guess.
>>1232754>>1232846back when he was posting from what i recall he was decent at it, but not the best. there might be something there if there were parkour events in the murietta area during the 2016-2017 timeframe.
he also seemed to be a lot thinner back then based seeing pictures of his body now. so i'd hazard a guess that the girl left him, he got fat, stopped doing the parkour and started claiming muh fibro when really he just needed to go outside.
No. 1235397
File: 1621633547915.png (37.27 KB, 896x246, YIKES.PNG)

whos gonna tell them
No. 1235457
>>1235397"flips knives"
the bar for scrotes really is this low huh
No. 1235514
File: 1621645362887.jpg (55.1 KB, 720x720, DEVDAr8XcAAaEgG.jpg)

>>1235397The man USED to do parkour. All I'm hearing now is he's an emo piggie in eyeliner with a smoker's voice. Whew, watch out ladies!
No. 1235690
File: 1621681390578.jpg (43.85 KB, 725x219, copium.jpg)

>>1235397Comments are as funny
>friends said he looks like an anime characterKekd so fucking hard, my god
No. 1235799
File: 1621701543963.png (73 KB, 1591x748, corpse store.PNG)

(saged for nothing useful)
thought id run a whois on corpse's online store domain, can anyone make any sense of this lol like can we get any info out of this?
No. 1235872
File: 1621711403350.png (146.92 KB, 978x1270, Screen Shot 2021-05-22 at 3.22…)

>>1235799nope nothing useful here. his domain registration is private, so all personal information is redacted from whois databases and replaced with default info
No. 1236212
File: 1621776085355.jpg (36.66 KB, 340x620, pattern.jpg)

>>1233620This is a great suggestion anon!! Forensic scientist Sue Black has a ted talk on exactly this!
>>1233692No they aren't. This is a perfectly fine way of confirming identity, it is even being used in forensic science. Please look up vein pattern recognition.
No. 1236406
File: 1621799518386.jpg (91.18 KB, 1073x1091, huh.jpg)

thoughts? he is that really him? he looks thin but that was 2 years ago after all, anyone wanna investigate this twitter account?
No. 1236571
File: 1621817813032.jpg (172.92 KB, 1024x1024, 20210523_093506-COLLAGE.jpg)

>>1236212That's great news, anon! I made up another collage to compare Joe Hawley's (the guy who the other pictures from the account are of) hands/arms/veins with mystery 'Richard Ramirez look-alike'; pretty distinct difference with Joe's lean arm muscle mass, taller build, skin tone (that's neither Corpse's tan nor peachy pink), vein placement, and even his arm hair seems finer (which may also be in par with Corpse being of Hispanic descent, that he would have thicker darker body hair). So maybe there's still a slight chance it's Corpse, considering no origin of the photo. Sage for obsessive tinfoil, don't worry.
No. 1236671
>>1236212You guys are using vein analysis to identify a fat mall goth alcoholic u “totally don’t care about or understand the crazed fans stalking him”
I hate to break it to u but you’re fucking fans
No. 1236728
File: 1621844353452.jpg (396.08 KB, 1079x1130, agony.jpg)

>>1236571>So maybe there's still a slight chance it's Corpse, considering no origin of the photo.Anon, pls.
>>1233928 >>1233848
No. 1237343
File: 1621914717627.jpeg (160.32 KB, 1600x1200, 48C0E743-137F-46FF-A6C0-A4092C…)

I’m willing to bet corpse was an onionson fan at some point
No. 1237439
>>1237435I predict he'll face reveal to save his dying brand
Unless he's had some real big lies that will be revealed with his identity, in which case he'll be in an interesting dilemma figuring out what to do.
I think downpitching his voice isn't a big enough secret for him to let his fame die.
No. 1237629
>>1237610What he’s saying now is that he’s also avoiding physical therapy because of his fear of being recognized.
If I were him, I would have moved away from Southern California already, without mentioning it publicly. That way I could go to the doctor in Montana or whatever, and no one would out me because they don’t expect me to be there.
No. 1237907
File: 1621975364037.png (27.84 KB, 851x168, cringe.PNG)

fucking cringe, someone help this attention seeking cow kek
No. 1238478
>>1237907At this point it’s giving very much “I am clearly in love with this scrote please everyone ship us”
Like I lam openly loving with my friends but the way she goes on and on and ON about him?? Calling him Bunny and shit, it’s just cringe how she says she doesn’t want him then posts things like this.
No. 1238596
>>1238488Anon it is possible to have different loves of your life without it being romantic. It would just be a different variation of love. But I agree the relationship is crazy confusing. I’d say he’s more consistent with what he says, while she is all over the place.
>>1238478She comes off clingy AF. If he had/has any interest in her at all he’d probably back out quickly. Especially if she’s being forceful with him, which is always a red flag. Ever since she moved to LA she’s been going on and on, it’s ridiculous and desperate. Might as well get a tattoo on her forehead.
No. 1239344
>>1237629Avoiding medical care because of fear of getting recognised… in southern California? There's nearly 24 million people in southern California. It's the same population as Taiwan, a whole fucking country. He's just not that famous.
He's either lying or a moron or maybe both.
No. 1239431
>>1233684but he wants to be a musician or singer of some kind, right? pathetic lmao
he clearly wants to be a musician if he compares his face to joji (forever only filthy frank to me…) and lil xan
No. 1239493
>>1238668kek no turning back now.
>>1239452>>1239462Don't forget the picture of himself with wine spilled. I can't remember which livestream but someone said he should visit Ireland and his idea of a good time in Ireland is getting drunk in the woods
No. 1239971
>>1239953As if he would have any shred of relevancy if it wasn’t for the hoards of teenage wattpad dwellers autistically stanning his fatass. Scrotes gotta scrote, got offended because of the implication of having only female viewers.
Also why does his voice…… is getting worse. Somehow.
No. 1240031
File: 1622147675562.jpg (41.5 KB, 662x1106, corpsebdy.jpg)

Alright so i found this, and idk how useful it could be but it's the first time i see it. Thought it would be good to just keep all the real life pics of him in one place here
No. 1240258
File: 1622165471871.jpg (12.26 KB, 258x245, 1500811831555.jpg)

>>1239953Corpulent is really forcing that voice so hard it sounds like he's talking while burping.
No. 1240564
>>1240032Fat midget tier hands.
I really do hope his real name is Gregory Evans, he would be our official Pregory II
No. 1240634
>>1240564I'm not a fan of the guy but people clown him for the weirdest shit. They're literally normal sized hands. Anyways…
has everyone given up on the corpse husband tumblr pics being him?
No. 1241179
File: 1622277784341.jpg (42.38 KB, 1195x192, 1.jpg)

>>1239953Really tired of seeing this argument pop-up everywhere considering it's being used as a shield divert any kind of criticism. Ironically, it also applies to teenage boys
>fortnite>pewdiepie>redditIt's not only teen girls' interests, every fanbase made of teens are deemed as cringy. Also as someone working in marketing the "teen girls are trend setter" thing is absolutely wrong, it's children and moms, kek. Pandering to teens esp teen girls is a terrible idea considering their interests and tastes fluctuate constantly + fashion trends are set by young adults, not teens
No. 1241256
>>1241179I agree but the annoying thing is that men just a few years ago were drooling over egirls like belle delphine,neekolul,pokimane and whatever..
And now they are making fun of women who are also drooling over an eboy and calling them cringe and stupid I'm not defending corpse stans I think they are absolutely mental however these egirl worshiping men have no right to talk considering they are no different or better.
No. 1241283
File: 1622301336128.jpeg (619.15 KB, 828x1473, A35842F9-90D4-4C74-AF57-8060DB…)

God what a weirdo
No. 1241315
>>1241283i know it pisses off some people that paulina/max are discussed in this kinda unrelated thread, should talking about them be moved to youtuber general?
as much as i like MamaMax's videos something about him read as having a savior complex or just a cow-ish personality in general. i dont care if his gf thinks like your pic related, its embarrassing to POST that… wonder why he is with her. i just know they must be so cringey to hang around and likely are immature as fuck freaks. max, wtf? reel in your bitch lol
No. 1241316
>>1241283This is attention seeking retardation. She’s trying so hard to have psychosis or something kek.
As funny as it is, can it be posted in another thread? Like YouTube general or something?
No. 1241320
>>1241283>>1241316>YouTube generalseconding this. also, didn't max say his gf has been the "child voice" in some of his predator vids? i recall it being in the description, that's how i found her instagram, but that was maybe a year ago and she seemed normal back then.
tinfoil: was she a CSA
victim or something? that might explain why max makes those artsy, over the top parts in his predator videos of him "killing" "predators". like max she is just crazy break up with her lol its great you feel sorry about what happened to her but just give it up, people who post shit like
>>1241283 publicly LOVE being seen as crazy, you wont fix her bro
No. 1241470
File: 1622322931412.png (491.29 KB, 486x440, chexposed.PNG)

I made this, I can't get over his name being randall (supposedly) kek
No. 1241478
File: 1622323685591.png (17.31 MB, 5112x4616, ch exposed again (2).png)

>>1241470here it is in better quality with chains and nail polish, excuse my shitty paint 3d skills
No. 1242330
File: 1622402489074.jpg (135.66 KB, 799x735, lidl tess holliday.jpg)

>>1241478>them legsdoes Loey have a thread? Just saw this massive cope on her insta
No. 1243472
File: 1622534274774.gif (970.16 KB, 320x240, 1457146556.gif)

>>1243423Same energy as picrel
No. 1243523
>>1243472fucking kek'd anon
>>1243488never doing a face reveal. or at least not doing it until he has to get surgery when his young fans inevitably get bored of his stubs I mean hands
No. 1243546
>>1243488Its a Balisong/Butterfly knife, basically a yoyo that can cut you if you really fuck up but he is just twisting it around like a spastic.
Pretty cringe but harmless hobby, obviously corpse is an exception and just wants to be dark and edgy with a knife.
No. 1243553
File: 1622546059029.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, 07B701EC-24EB-4318-8767-1FA816…)

Uhh did he..draw a line on his hand to make it look like a vein? KEK
No. 1243572
File: 1622550692459.png (356.08 KB, 700x620, Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 13.27…)

>>1240031>>1240032confirmed he's got some kinda distinct hand freckles
No. 1244319
>>1233444>>1233473>>1233663You all realize that you're comparing opposite hands right? Imo you have a better shot of identifying him by his moles
This is his right hand
>>1243572These pictures show his left hand
>>1233473 >>1233444
Seems like his left hand doesn't have any moles and his right hand is the more distinctive one
No. 1244439
File: 1622667818183.png (620.6 KB, 754x613, cc.PNG)

>>1244436Are you talking about her? If so I got that vibe also. Even though I would be kind of shocked if he publicly interacted with someone he was messing around with because his fans might lose it.
No. 1253633

Sorry for the excessive ellipses, this faggot talks too quietly. Here's a half-recap of his timeline:
>His eyesight, at 19, was apparently going out. When he got prescriptions, he was told he had 20 20, but he apparently gets 'snowballing' and can't see what he's reading.
>Has been in and out of doctors 40 to 50 times in the past six months
>Got worse Oct/September of 2018, CH started getting brain zaps and his vision would go.
>Went to the hospital, was told he had to get checked for a brain tumor, but he didn't have insurance
>He didn't know how to get insurance back.
>"Just turned 21, so he didn't know how" bonus sympathy fagging
>Eventually got MRI and tests, but was cleared off brain tumors and left wondering
>Eventually diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but doctors were saying he didn't. ("You are a young and shaped male, you are the lowest demographic.")
>Tries saying he was right because women have it
>Fast forward to February, talking about depression and how if he didn't post/upload then he wasn't justified posting on Twitter.
>"I was just this fucking anxious mess that lived alone. I stayed in my apartment for months and started GrubHubbing food to my house everyday. I'm losing thousands of dollars per month, and like, I lost track of time completely. I was just in bed for days and days and days."
>February, he woke up one day and couldn't feel, lost feeling in arm. ("Like, I don't want to say lost feeling completely because I could still move it and everything like that. But it started in my right wrist really bad. And I was like, oh fuck.")
>Goes to the doctors, is told "We don't know what's wrong with you, as usual… We don't know why this is happening." but he couldn't click or type. Docs test for rheumatoid arthritis because it traveled from his hand to his elbow, and it was getting so bad he couldn't use it. Gets CAT scans and x rays,
>"It felt like no matter what I did, no matter how many doctors I went to, I was going to appointments every single day. No matter how many I went to, they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me."
>It traveled up to his shoulder, but he was so "fuck it, but motivated because I'm gonna beat this and do good" and "I'm gonna do this shit with one hand"
>TL; does everything with one hand
>At that point, his eyesight was fucked so he couldn't read the stories, couldn't click so he couldn't edit that well, he was in bed every day and he didn't have anyone there, and he was losing thousands of dollars per month, people were worried about him, but he's was too scared to post
>Posted in March on snap saying he can move his arm, says he's gonna post a video that month, he's gonna get through everything and do it
>Middle of March, woke up after recording something the night before, and lost feeling in his entire left arm.
>"Not just in the wrist up like it progressed before, but now I couldn't move both my arms"
>"You can imagine how frustrating this was because they had no idea why it was happening. I had no explanation besides, "You're young, why is this happening? We don't really know. Maybe it's tendinitis." Tendinitis only happens if you aggravate it. So why did I wake up and not have feeling? I didn't make any sense"
>Still doesn't know why it happened, thinks it's a neck injury
>Goes to multiple hospitals and gets an offered an arm brace because they don't know, "It progressed in one week from my right wrist to my entire arms. And you're telling me you'll have a brace for me in three weeks for one of my arms."
>Whines about how he's trying to move out of his apartment, but he can't because he can't lift things up.
>Ends up buying braces off of Amazon
I only went til 9:28. Sorry, but this faggot is absolutely insufferable.
No. 1253759
>>1253633>>1253682Sorry to medfag but he sounds like a typical psychosomatic pacient.
It's not that psychosomatic patients are making it up, their brain legit 'forgets' how to see, some people can lose almost all their hair, some people faint or lose feeling in limbs. But it's caused by mental health problems and usually fixable by therapists/psychiatrists.
He says he had anxiety, is depressed mess and so on. If all his tests were okay and he visits so many doctors in a few months I'm surprised his doctors didn't suggest this.
No. 1253778
File: 1623498780156.jpg (21.45 KB, 350x250, qlnsje8gwha31.jpg)

>>1253633I'm thankful for the summary anon but oh my God. insufferable. a hypochondriac munchie with a possible pinched nerve.
No. 1253887
>>1253759that's what i'm thinking as well. i think doctors would have suggested it but he probably doesn't want to believe that something so serious could be caused by his mental state and not some rare life threatening disease. even his retelling of how bad he has it fits. he says in feb he was depressed and stopped leaving his house -> gets anxious about being a lazy shit and spending money -> wakes up one day not being able to move his arm
he knows he can milk this for sympathy more if he makes it seem like he is seriously ill and the evil doctors won't help him rather than admitting that he doesn't want to get treated by going to therapy
No. 1253988
File: 1623517429342.png (120.44 KB, 1737x656, dsfaf.PNG)

>>1253954In the comments people mentioned that he was talking about Lil Nas X. However, that guy graduated from Lithia Springs High School in 2017, which is in Georgia. The other person on the stream he could be referring to is H20Delirious, but even that guy is from North Carolina. His narrative doesn't really add up
No. 1254088
>>1253633so CH is just an edgy "anonymous" munchie lmao. and he lives in the USA, yet isnt on his parents insurance?
he is a stupid fuck. i dont feel bad for him. it sounds like he lies about symptoms and suuuure drs are like "omg we have no idea whats going on" bitch they know you're fake as fuck and think you just want drugs.
>MUH GERD!!!>MUH FIBROMYALGIAAAAAA>>1253988kids are so fucking dumb. the only reason annoying tards on the internet like CH have fans. i wish kids were legally banned from going on the internet, it would help so much
No. 1254207
>>1254167Or he's the white trash for not buying insurance. He can afford it.
Or he's lying about the whole thing for sadboi points and attention.
No. 1254519
File: 1623542611479.png (28.63 KB, 1272x145, chrome_2021-06-13_03-03-03.png)

>beautiful personality
No. 1254742
>>1254503kek, yes
>>1254579>>1254581>pays his mother's rentthis sounds like fanfiction too, what's next, he goes out at night in character and fights crime?
No. 1254934
>>1253988Im laughing so hard this guy is such a pathological liar wtf. finding his actual identity and face is going to rely solely on his digital footprint. has anyone tried putting his emails and account names into those database checkers where they cross reference leaks from data breaches? i wonder if his fans are already doing this considering what dreams “fans” did recently.
>>1254743ntayrt but you’re not making the point that you think you’re making kek, you’re agreeing with the anon except the anon was giving relevant advice. ofc he’s such a fucking liar that he might have been told he’s a munchie already yet is lying about it. anons need to remember that our own perspective is limited as this mfer is a moid so he’s going to be taken seriously quicker by doctors than a woman would. they’ve probably moved hell and earth for him compared to what they would have done for a woman with the same symptoms.
No. 1255663
>>1254581Anon, I think you’re forgetting that he’s been talking about his doctors not helping him or even knowing about the possible condition(s) he might have for years now. It seems like every time he opens his mouth he’s complaining about everyone around him not helping or even caring to. It’s annoying, I can’t believe his stans haven’t caught on to it.
I also do agree with the other anons here that it seems his problems are more rooted in his mental health.
Setting up his insurance shouldn’t be a problem either; he’s a white straight man. I have no idea why he even thought to bring that up, it’s not like he doesn’t have money. And yes, bitching about insurance that he could pay for but chooses not to for some reason while also casually mentioning he wastes thousands on take-out while the much poorer American is doing everything they can just to get by during the pandemic is incredibly tone-deaf to me.
No. 1255682
>>1255663To be fair, he complained about the insurance problem years ago, before he was so popular, and before the pandemic.
Why the doctors can't help him now that he has money is another issue.
No. 1255773
>>1255671I was thinking about this too. even if he was invited and turned it down because he knew there would be group photos taken, or even if the organizer reached out and said "I haven't invited you because I understand your discomfort having your photo taken and we're going to be doing a ton of that," that still hurts. To know all your ~super famous streamer friends~ are hanging out, partying, being hot (or at least trying) and getting attention for it and you're conspicuously missing from the group.
It's the first visual confirmation that he's being left behind. No more quarantine to justify hiding inside. He's gonna have to get comfortable leaving his house if he wants to stay relevant.
No. 1258301
>>1258296We need clip for these types of claims.
But it would be funny asf if he did say that. Nigga so soy that he needs T or is it just another munchie thing?
No. 1258535
>>1254100>He's probably over the age of 26.currently yes but i was under the impression from
>>1253633 that this happened under the age of 26.
>His eyesight, at 19, was apparently going out.>Went to the hospital, was told he had to get checked for a brain tumor, but he didn't have insurance>He didn't know how to get insurance back.>"Just turned 21, so he didn't know how"like ??? did his parents disown him lol? im 22 and have no probs with my parents insurance i just bring my card with me… maybe his parents are poor? would explain the attention seeking behavior from him… for money or fame/attention he never got? to feel like a higher class person?
No. 1258557
File: 1623919869384.png (141.95 KB, 747x920, corpse.PNG)

Does anyone have a decent list of all the "facts" he's provided about his life? Ik the credibility would be questionable but I have no other ideas of how to figure out his actual identity. I'm a neet who enjoyed watching dream go down and thought I'd try to take a crack at unmasking CH.
- KF has already looked into his emails. I found nothing for a young "Gregory D Evans" (name linked to in SoCal.
- I tried combing through his following lists on Twitter and Instagram to see if there were any normie accounts that looked like they could belong to someone he knows irl. No one fit the bill except a woman who turned out to be Bones' mother (the rapper) and then there are some rando fans he follows. He follows a number of accounts that were fans of him back in like 2016-2017.
- I tried looking up his PO box to see if there was any leaked public information as to who technically owns it. I pursued a lead with a woman's name until I figured out that she owned the PO box in 2009 for like a year. There's no record of anyone after that but there is a law in California that if someone is conducting business with a PO box then you may request information. That could potentially work?
- I tried looking through apartments in Murrieta (PO box location) and San Diego to see if I could find an apartment with a similar layout or appearance to his recent photos. I feel like that will take forever and is too much for one person, so I can compile a couple screenshots of his most recent apartment which other bored neets like me can refer to if you wanna unmask this pornsick incel.
Also I think this is potentially his side account. He follows a lot of smaller accounts that were fans back in '16-'17 but this is obscure with no mention of CH and has a few similarities like the horse meme, the typing style, similar interests, similar follow list, etc. No. 1258637
>>1258557the twitter acc responded to corpse once.
What's interesting is that they follow Tyler the Creator. The Tumblr some anons found on waybackmachine had some tyler the creator references.
Again: all of this is probably tinfoil, cause every edgy poser eboy has the same "personality"
No. 1258793 needs to pay the stans in the comments claiming to have a clip of CH from his early streams on their hard drive, to leak it.
How is it possible all of his early fans refuse to grow the fuck up
No. 1258914
File: 1623962801208.jpeg (209.67 KB, 1242x504, 884847FB-8C8D-4873-971D-E15210…)

Anybody hear about the fact that Keemstar has “credible” sources of Corpse’s and Dream’s identity?
No. 1258996
File: 1623968133960.png (414.79 KB, 1034x1380, questionable.png)

>>1258637>>1258651Nvm my bad, thanks anons. This means that he likely has no irl people tied to the CH account then. Well at least we know that he follows Pornhub kek.
Something I found interesting was limited evidence of one of his megafans who went to San Diego in 2017. He followed her briefly before then and liked a bunch of her tweets, she probably thought she had a chance or smth. I don't know if she actually met up with him, probably not because she's still a fan to this day.
No. 1259005
File: 1623968674506.jpg (700.61 KB, 490x787, OwsZDjC.jpg)

>>1258914 Keemstar also has a Corpse hoodie that was sent by Corpse himself, so I don't think he'll leak his info maybe they're on good terms
No. 1260806
>>1260717There are tweets he made talking about going to see Bones. They’re in the thread somewhere. I think it was Karl (?) that said he’s too scared to mosh and CH said, “well when we go we’re going to change that.”
I don’t know if his phobia has gotten worse since then or if he’s exaggerating all of his health/mental issues.
No. 1261313
File: 1624284026514.png (375.35 KB, 608x533, Untitled.png)

What do you people think about tinas post on her alt?
No. 1262036
File: 1624372026674.jpg (69.25 KB, 437x403, 1624371539116.jpg)

>>1199903>Possible Identities >Ice Poseidon, Lil Xan, LeafyYou can't be serious
(newfag) No. 1273388
File: 1625733946077.jpg (45.29 KB, 576x528, E5pAfl2XEAYBWRW.jpg)

one more picture from twitter, people say he posted it years ago, just adding to the pile
No. 1276869
File: 1626317684627.jpg (14.46 KB, 344x185, Screenshot_7.jpg)

I noticed that he's always trying to be closer with Grimes and Elon. Liking and commenting a lot of their posts. They had some interactions too. It may even happen that Grimes and him collaborate. This is weird, why that amount of interest in them.
No. 1279393
File: 1626594348273.jpeg (84.58 KB, 500x578, E13IpV0XMAMxxGf.jpeg)

The KF thread recommended KageKamaara, another emo-whore genre guy, as a candidate for Corpsery. Kamaara is shown to be logged into Corpse's twitter, has similar music, sounds near-identical when pitched a little down, and Corpse's music is credited to him. Either he's a ghostwriter, team manager, or he's Corpse. (Picrel posted by Kamaara.)
Can the vein analyst anon do a comparison with this guy?
No. 1279438
File: 1626606403126.jpeg (309.66 KB, 1242x1553, 38132865-A9AF-468F-852E-69055D…)

>>1279393I totally understand that sleuthing online can take a bit of time or be annoying.
But this wouldve taken you literally 4 seconds to look up.
This person has hairy hands, and their hands look NOTHING like Corpse Husbongodrums
No. 1279548
>>1279445"all the" it's a single pic you fucking retard. There's plenty more evidence in the KF thread that I didn't post.
>>1279438Not everyone has insta, and half of the thread sleuthing is from me anyway. It's almost like I asked other anons to do it… for a fucking reason. People can shave, so the only verifiable comparison is veins. That's why I asked.
No. 1281214
>>1279393Nah. This dude is certainly not cringe husband, his voice has a completely different tone. Most likely he is just cp's cringe ass business partner or whatever (they work in the same genre as mentioned after all)
Sorry for posting this earrape btw.
No. 1281219
File: 1626828110131.jpg (326.72 KB, 1080x1587, IMG_20210721_033300.jpg)

>>1281214Dude also whiteknighted corpse and is in collaboration with him (this explains why ch's songs are credited to him - mentioned here
No. 1281235
File: 1626830281170.jpg (268.9 KB, 1080x1728, IMG_20210721_040018.jpg)

Kek corpse has posted videos about his new ugly song on tiktok (which apparently consists of him whispering I meant singing """"high"""" in it). has /picrelated/ guy in it (he has chonky legs too). Is this our guy? What do you think farmers?
No. 1285520
ok this is majorly autistic. BUT I've been able to trace the tumblr back to it's current URL further prove, just compare the posts on wayback archive with these just search the tags.
No. 1285756
File: 1627442829648.jpg (60.97 KB, 365x750, tumblr_0d8e29c329ec0e187567683…)

From the tumblr tagged "me" in 2019. Where's that hand vein anon at?
No. 1286729
File: 1627575792779.jpg (66.1 KB, 576x1024, media.jpg)

samefag, I totally forgot until now, but I found another pic of him on twitter the other day. He purged all his old tweets, but he can't purge other ppls. Someone had screenshotted his snapchat and posted it. No. 1287024
File: 1627605335620.jpg (377.3 KB, 933x1920, tumblr_0e324df39529f04917acde8…)

>>1286729Similar clothing style. Taken from the tumblr under the #me tag
No. 1287026
File: 1627605381342.jpg (322.59 KB, 933x1920, tumblr_37ef020b018b56a1a6e9b5e…)

One with a neck tattoo, same tumblr and tag
No. 1287594
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>>1287581true true
>>1287026Corpse have brown eyes, I had a doubt so I had to check
No. 1288034
File: 1627747806514.jpg (772.24 KB, 1075x1817, Screenshot_20210731-090450_Duc…)

I had hoped it was him, but I doubt it. This guy has skinny arms with tacky tattoos. Unless these tattoos are fake, or Corpse shooped them out of his pics and gained a shit ton of weight.
No. 1288074
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No. 1288213

Found and old livestream from March 2016 with Corpse in it, I tried to pick out the highlights (there are not many). The only milky thing he says is that he is 18 and still in school, so confirmation he lied about dropping out. (~2:31:44)
Sorry in advance for fucked up timestamps or if I missed something, its an almost 4 hour live stream.
-youtubers urmaker, eden, lazy masquerade & corpse were all friendly and used to live stream together.
-(urmaker uses a blaccent throughout the vid, be warned its cringe and hard to sit through honestly)
~2:04:00 mentions something about corpse almost puking after eating six bowl of macaroni, mentions corpse was juicing. (possible ED?)
~2:14:20 corpse didn't puke after eating 5-6 bowls of macaroni, says he is "used to it by now"
~2:16:30 No one believes that he is 18 online or in person, looks and sounds older, supposedly gets offered alcohol at restaurants.
~2:18:00 despite being notified about he stream beforehand, he says he was "thrown into it" and told everyone in his house to "shut the fuck up".
~2:21:20 "mad mike" lives 40 mins away from him (idk who that is), mike is national guard? corpse grew up where he[mike] lives, then he moved. (which checks out with growing up in San Diego, I believe there is a base there)
~2:23:00 "hates being in the spotlight of anything, that's why I don't have my own stream"
~2:31:44 talks about being IN SCHOOL.
~2:45:00 talks about snapchat, worried he might accidently send something.
~2:47:00 almost showed his face on instagram, has a personal facebook and a business/yt facebook.
~2:50:30 doesn't use his legal name, even with his friends he uses different names/nicknames. Eden who is "close" with him doesn't know his real name
~3:20:00 is irritated when people say he changes his voice
~3:22:30 says he eats a lot (we know)
~3:23:30 urmaker talks about he and corpse both have GERD. (kinda interesting, if corpse does have Munchausen I wonder if this is were corpse got the GERD thing from)
~3:38:20 talks about how he eats so much (we know)
~3:40:20 music tastes likes MGK (who he ended up collabing with), Hopsin, Tech N9ne, Logic, Twenty On Pilots. Hair is dark brown/light brown and curly.
~3:44:00 says eyes are light brown, then when urmaker says his are green, brown and gold, corpse says "yeah mine too" lol
No. 1290623
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>>1290509Using Google is much more difficult than making a long winded post about them damn Amurricans and zoomers, right
nonny? Kek. Literal autism
No. 1290650
>>1290623nta but
>longwinded>anon's post is 35 words longSorry you only have two brain cells,
Nonny No. 1290690
>>1290620Then it just means that tumblr likely isn’t his. That’s already been said. Let’s move on.
Also learn to sage
No. 1294553
File: 1628453411509.jpeg (910.37 KB, 1242x2197, 8B0DDFD0-8DD8-4C9B-A955-EC60C8…)

already checked all their stories, no other photos
No. 1294848
File: 1628459286708.png (447.26 KB, 956x1096, tinacorpse.png)

>>1294553>>1294715He just uploaded a video of Tina doing knife tricks and them giggling. I called this in another thread after she broke up with Jummy and Corpse started hardcore flirting with her. Jummy said every girl he ever dated cheated on him, so… the timing is lining up. No. 1295452
>>1294873It’s so funny to me when people “ship”
him with one of these girls. If you mention their names to him he says the same thing about every one of them. “I love her sooo much”. It’s kind of weird. He’s the only dude I’ve ever witnessed talk about his female friends the way he does and nobody takes it weird. At least not in public.
No. 1296092
File: 1628527202609.jpg (42.24 KB, 415x739, images.jpeg-195.jpg)

>>1296016iirc anon there's more to it than just the spankie personal issues, mykie had posted so many at the very minimum insensitive things on the internet and never stopped after told by her fans that she shouldn't, and still defended her "reverse racism" takes until she left the internet.
No. 1298015
>>1296975Yeah they talk about it on this livestream of hers. I have the vid saved in case it goes down, but it starts at 48:00. Also I was wrong about their ages, I think they're 10 years apart.
They flirted all the time, like he does with every girl he interacts with. That man is sexually frustrated imo
No. 1299082
>>1298489The people who have definitely seen his face are Mykie, Anthony (Corpse said he’d take off his mask after the first interview, plus surely the guy has seen Mykie’s selfies with Corpse), Jacksepticeye (they had dinner together), Dave / boyinaband (filmed a video together in which Dave compliments Corpse’s face as Corpse sits off-screen beside him), and Loey (like Mykie, they’re longtime friends and used to Snapchat a ton before he deleted his snap).
It’s probably a safe bet that Sykkuno and Emma have seen his face too, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if he kept his mask on the whole time even though he’s met them multiple times.
Tina and Karl may or may not have seen him maskless on his birthday. I don’t think either have talked about it.
No. 1299591
File: 1628900349188.jpeg (298.73 KB, 1242x765, ECBB71BF-BC98-4676-BAAE-4CACE7…)

Can we talk about the president of his delulu Stan fan club, Vero? Some Russian bitch who dickrides all his streamer friends hoping it’ll make it look less sus she’s trying to grab his attention and be his new Tina
No. 1300113
File: 1628975644413.jpg (958.24 KB, 2880x2880, 20210814_141147.jpg)

Loey seems to be trying really hard to get his attention. He didn't like her birthday post, or the pics she posted wearing his merch, she tagged him on both platforms.
No. 1300125
>>1300113Wow, I never saw loey's body before…
looks at the rest of her instagram oh no
I don't get why she'd put all the effort and time into makeup, hair, video making and editing and still eat like shit.
No. 1301556
File: 1629161139063.jpg (69.8 KB, 585x512, tumblr_13d507e2dd1ab14ba3f8392…)

emma? found on tumblr randomly
No. 1305479
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>>1305040those thighs beg to differ kek
No. 1311282
File: 1630261880470.jpeg (101.49 KB, 1125x1500, E96vFGSXMAkx1cm.jpeg)

Some delusional stan made this 3D rendering of corpse lmao. I know it's not meant to be what he actually looks like, but damn are they setting their expectations high! No. 1315464
>>1315430He already has a character on NoPixel called Crops Gus but he barely played so I don't think you have to worry about that. I think he said the amount of talking you have to do for RP is too much for his GERD or whatever.
Not sure what streamers you are specifically referencing but he's friends with a lot of people from NoPixel already from Rust or just from Sykkuno. I don't think much could change their minds.
No. 1315526
File: 1630754118512.png (Spoiler Image,3.26 MB, 3315x1535, Corpse lead maybe.png)

Potential lead? Friends with Eden and has a few similarities to Corpse.
No. 1315688
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I went to see this guy's likes on twitter and half of them are nsfw or suggestive
No. 1315769
File: 1630782140469.jpg (884.55 KB, 3464x1949, PicsArt_09-04-11.58.55.jpg)

He's literally crying on twitter rn about not being above Drake and Kendrick Lamar lmao. How arrogant is he that he think people listen to him over worldwide famous musical artists?? No. 1315776
File: 1630782741537.jpg (740.02 KB, 3325x1949, PicsArt_09-04-12.11.37.jpg)

>>1315769samefag, and this is the kind of shit he is liking. He even liked his own tweet on his other account kek
No. 1315814
>>1315482i know, a lot of the egirl audience pretend to be into the bdsm shit too. i just think it's creepy how he does it and sad that girls buy into it
>>1315777this is what i mean.
No. 1316003
>>1315882>>1315900even if he said he does or doesn't, why are we taking his word for it? he's a proven liar.
Sadly I don't think we're gonna find him based off of his own descriptions tbh.
No. 1316341
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I've never seen any rapper beg for streams like this… like if your music is good it will actually get played, don't beg for shit you don't deserve.
No. 1316342
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>>1315900oops i don’t really keep up with his tattoos. i don’t think this is him/his tattoo though
No. 1317456
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Thoughts on this video and “eboy from tiktok”? Can’t find this person anywhere else, no evidence of savage gasp hanging out with him elsewhere, no tags etc. Look at the necklaces and rings heavily resembling corpse. Might not be anything, but I remembered I had this from a while back. Video might still be on gasp’s tiktok
No. 1317503
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The type of “hot” demon girls Corpse attracts. Kek.
No. 1317505
File: 1630979491407.jpeg (1.5 MB, 3464x3464, 226FE046-E38D-4694-A6AE-97B2EB…)

His “fanbase” is majority white, ugly, fat, mid -20s women with mental illnesses who actually love this creep’s shitty music and think he’s so uwu edgy.
No. 1317573
>>1317002He doesn't want to visit a doctor because "they might recognise" his voice. I doubt he'd go to a studio to get a tattoo of his ~sUpErSeCrEt~ persona.
Then again he has this massive ego for literally no reason so who knows lol
No. 1318233
>>1318095>I would love to know his secret because most people would've fully fallen off by now.His audience sticks around because they're hooked on the mystery of a persona that CH crafted through an unhealthy parasocial relationship with them.
He gave them bits and pieces of personal attention ("flirting" with fans), allegedly hung out with people who like his content (cultivating the illusion that fans have chance of seeing his face), peppered his streams with details about his oh-so-tragic life, then hypes himself up with trash soundcloud-tier music. He's the typical "harmless bad boy" fantasy that any young woman could be infatuated with… Moody, edgy, mysterious, allegedly a good person with nothing incriminating.
CH isn't a mastermind and he didn't do much to achieve this devotion from his fanbase. He only strung them along with some stories and his voice, it's his anonymity that holds it all together. So long he doesn't say anything
problematic, they can project whatever the hell they want onto his persona.
And he's gonna let them do it.
No. 1318251
>>1318241"Friends". Friends don't let you wreck yourself with alcohol and rot with crippling anxiety (or whatever he has). These are all clout chasers, bet they don't even watch/listen to his shit and so they think he's a sweet angel. kek
They noticed his e-fame and latched onto it. It's free publicity and he's popular with zoomers. CH probably jumped at the opportunity to boost his e-fame as well but I bet he's just as fake with his "friends" as he is online, considering how paranoid he is.
No. 1318286
>>1318261He's paranoid, imo. No one who's ever met him said a word about his physical characteristics, so he must've told some sob story. I have nothing against anonymous creators online, but I can't shake the feeling his whole thing is
Dude may be protecting his identity for security reasons, he (allegedly) had a stalker before and his fanbase is chockfull of insane stans who probably wouldn't even care if he's a fat neckbeard or a manlet with no chin. He's also maintaining his mysterious persona for business reasons, so the †emoedgyboy† fantasy doesn't crash and burn.
Or we can go full tinfoil and assume he's a FTM or he has a rap sheet. kek No. 1318337
>>1318293It's so many lies that I wonder for how much longer his devoted stans can stick around. It's not like his trash music is catchy…
>I remember at one point, years ago, he said he couldn't show his face because it would put him in a very compromising situation.This fuels my tinfoil that he has criminal record… and he's ugly and older than he claims.
>>1318300Doubt he respects anyone at all. He treats himself like shit and he's sounding more and more like a garbage disposal, had spergouts on stream and randomly drops associates/friends like a bag of rocks after they're no use for him.
No. 1318369
>>1318345Honestly, I'm just gonna sit back and wait. His mysterious persona is unsustainable the more famous he gets.
He's surrounded by clout chasers and stans, all it takes is just ONE getting into his circle and then leaking stuff out of spite.
No. 1318400
File: 1631063353932.jpg (680.78 KB, 2160x3840, 20210907_180917.jpg)

LMAO his fanbase found out about this thread, they're crying on twitter rn.
No. 1318413
File: 1631064582941.jpg (748.63 KB, 2880x2880, 20210907_182832.jpg)

samefag, more pics. I hope they all get a good read of the threads. There's a thread on kiwifarms too girls! xoxo
No. 1318419
>>1318400Kek glad I hit a nerve fatty. Imagine caring about a edgy retard with a frog voice in you mid 20s instead of having a life…. Couldn’t be me….
>>1318413We aren’t men, retards. This is a women’s forum
No. 1318432
File: 1631065741222.jpeg (789.87 KB, 1242x1689, F47FAC9D-FCD7-42DC-9A05-46A34C…)

they’re literally autistic
No. 1318434
>>1318432lmao, ofc they are. They're confirmed mentally unstable.
Also I hope this means he sees the threads too, his head simp Vero posted about it, so I'm hoping its gotten to him by now.
No. 1318442
File: 1631066348787.gif (1.14 MB, 250x250, reversechuckle.gif)

>>1318400>>1318413I bet it was PULL discord that cowtipped.
I found more whining on twitter, they're speaking as if we've threatened their parents or some shit.
>>1318432Nice, now the current profile for a CH stan is: white, ugly, fat, mid-20s women with mental illnesses and autism.
Corpulent Husband is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
No. 1318443
File: 1631066396914.jpg (326.58 KB, 1080x1881, Screenshot_20210907-185737_Twi…)

its honestly sad they think he cares about them?? like y'all devote so much of ur time n energy on a man who y'all will never meet??
No. 1318446
File: 1631066677917.jpg (45.58 KB, 1080x148, crymorelol.jpg)

btw corpse stans, you're streaming parties aren't working, he's down again on the charts. not even u guys can save his dying music career lol
No. 1318449
File: 1631066904125.jpg (6.06 KB, 191x186, 1444212482578.jpg)

>>1318443>we got bossman and he got us back>being this naiveHe ain't paying you.
He's not gonna fuck you.
You're never gonna see him.
If you do, you're going to be disappointed because he's ugly and fat and not your pristine white skinny emoboy of your fantasies.
He doesn't give a shit about you.
You're nothing but zeros in his bank account.
He's making money off of your pathetic loneliness.
Wake the fuck up.
No. 1318452
File: 1631067208956.jpg (331.52 KB, 1070x997, SmartSelect_20210907-220948_Tw…)

Get a load of this dumbass his music career is dying and she wants argue that it's not. They need to stop simping he's not gonna fuck em with all that ass kissing
No. 1318455
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No. 1318457
File: 1631067348262.jpeg (561.13 KB, 1242x1403, AE5299C7-DAE4-4CC4-BF13-F44678…)

They want to take down the site
No. 1318458
File: 1631067398316.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1504, EB98364E-1AFC-4F05-BC1F-326C1E…)

Gross they’re lurking
No. 1318464
>>1318457Consequences will never be the same.
>>1318458Hi kids! Did you know your beloved Corpse is older than he claims?
>>1318461>lots of positivitylmao nona…
No. 1318465
File: 1631067875495.gif (3.09 MB, 384x216, 4221EEC8-C035-4268-B2C3-7380F0…)

>>1318458Not another creepshowgate.
No. 1318466
File: 1631067877952.jpg (477.8 KB, 2160x3840, 20210907_192328.jpg)

>>1318458no 1 gonna kiss u bb, go make more sad edits so maybe that fatass will notice u.
No. 1318470
File: 1631068166139.jpg (581.96 KB, 1080x1796, lol.jpg)

run and hide bb
No. 1318472
>>1318443All of these mentally ill Twitter heifers thinking corpse cares about any of them. In reality, corpse is so busy carefully crafting his online persona to suit the social media confines so that he doesn’t accidentally slip up and get cancelled. He’s terrified of this just as he’s terrified about his music dropping lower on the charts, or people forgetting him after his 15 minutes is up. He’s different in person, and not as PC as his beloved teenaged simpettes believe he is. Meanwhile, he’s steadily banking off of all of these morons and collecting his cash. You’re not going to be the next song cover, and he won’t give you anything more than a like on Twitter. Ever. All of the fake support everyone glorifies for each other there is also a comical thing to witness.
The sooner they realize the truth, the better.
(learn2sage) No. 1318474
File: 1631068635498.jpg (527.33 KB, 1080x2066, SmartSelect_20210907-223415_Tw…)

@omnomcharlie didn't go priv apparently she celebrated the rest are pussies I hope she enjoyed that amazing link
No. 1318475
File: 1631068676457.jpeg (743.8 KB, 1242x676, FB3EF5F0-361D-4108-972D-9566ED…)

>>1318472Facts anon, this is embarrassing….I’d give them a pass if they were 12-15 year olds but these are grown adult women.. If these retards are
triggered over this site now is the time to step away from uwu corpse twit and get a life, make some friends, apply for a job, find a boyfriend, and stop simping over a fat neck-beard degenerate who makes shitty music
No. 1318480
>>1318474All of them should just go to 4chan, I’m sure they will listen to them and they will be really happy to be called “4chan daddy”.
But seriously, what are these losers expecting? Nobody will get out of their way to actually talk to them, Bloated Corpse man is the actual cow and he’s really boring out of the tinfoils about his appearance and his shitty, dead music career.
No. 1318484
File: 1631069641884.jpeg (1.01 MB, 2160x3084, 113E8DA7-8F43-45F3-B0DB-C1C785…)

I’m guessing this is another ddlg bdsm corpse fan since she liked the post about the lolcow thread on Twitter. Yikes. Imagine this being your fan-base
No. 1318487
File: 1631069977774.jpeg (603.57 KB, 1242x1147, A4565D86-D421-4797-826B-A44EEF…)

Kek the Corpulent Husbando fans need their own thread they are acting like they’re famous because they are being posted here, when anons won’t even interact or hate follow them because social media is retarded. They want to be oppressed so bad. Go get a gym membership fatties!!! Xoxo
No. 1318492
File: 1631070439274.jpg (323.55 KB, 1047x1091, SmartSelect_20210907-230512_Tw…)

"This not like other girls" simp even talked about the site she thinks she "calling us out" I bet she's a fatty behind the screen. All of them need a gym membership.
No. 1318494
>>1318484You should post her at the Pedo Panderer thread if she's milky:
>>1316004>>1318487There's a selfie day, how adorable. kek
I'm not gonna follow these womanchildren. Too much cringe, CH is just stringing them along and they're too retarded too realize it.
No. 1318506
>>1318492It’s funny because the people doing the doxxing are they themselves by posting cringe selfies and live tweeting every single thought they got while their full name is somewhere around there attached to their accounts.
Well, it was a fun thread while it lasted, see you when they stop posting gore, because you know that’s what newfags love to do.
No. 1318508
File: 1631071598543.png (32.35 KB, 595x431, grass is needed.png)

>>1318498What are you talking about? ALL fans are hot demon girls that Cancer Husbandu would totally date/fuck/marry, they're not dumpy white girls projecting their lonely fantasies onto a faceless man with a garbage disposal voice, no, ma'am.
No. 1318519
File: 1631072318122.jpg (359.23 KB, 1080x1137, lull.jpg)

y'all we're "ruining lives" keep it up ladies
No. 1318525
>>1318518Yeah, I'm done. I spotted a few clusterb-chans switching between "REEEEE STOP" and "YEAH ATTENTION" in a short time-frame.
What a beautiful fanbase, truly the paragon of sanity. It's not gonna be absolute trouble for CH at all in the future.
No. 1318550
File: 1631075381180.png (86.7 KB, 1180x354, kek.png)

The jig is up, girlies! We need therapy for pointing out other women stanning a misogynistic, lying creep who is likely to be the next Onision!
Also I'd die if this got made into a banner.
No. 1318551
File: 1631075405143.png (109.64 KB, 1502x676, wrong choices.png)

>>1318532Considering he's constantly farming for clout, I give him 2 years until an e-thot he mistreated comes up with allegations or a bpd-chan goes scorched earth and reveals his identity because she was ignored for a couple hours a day. kek
>>1318533>Why is Corpse so obsessed with topping the Spotify charts?Getting out of soundcloud trash music "career" and getting the attention of a music industry exec… I guess?
>>1318538His social media interaction went down the shitter because he isn't producing content anymore (no, ocasional twitch streams don't count). Picrel, comments from his last horror narration. He severely restricted his target audience… for what? 18-25 year old female attention? lol
No. 1318552
File: 1631075695427.jpeg (1.64 MB, 3000x3000, A25E22ED-3D41-482C-81C9-5FDFC6…)

Lol @ him throwing a tantrum about the charts, meanwhile his followers are all inhaling grade A copium after finding the thread.
In his own mind he’s experiencing the comedown.
What did he expect if he rarely posts content, only sometimes, and never interacts with anyone other than a like here and there. It’s not all going to just fall into his lap, and to think he’s even upset about that like a child is massively embarrassing for everyone.
His ego went to his head because all of these obsessive 20 somethings built him up based on his voice alone. It’s only a matter of time before he realizes he’s not anything special and goes back into hiding.
No. 1318564
>>1318552KEK This should definitely be the next thread pic.
A beautiful portrayal about his attempt at being more than e-famous and how oblivious his stans are to his bullshit.
No. 1318572
>>1318567Perhaps the "stanning Onision as a tween/teen to stanning Corpse Husband as an adult" pipeline IS real!
Corpse even has a Death Note reference in one of his songs.
No. 1318587
File: 1631077407195.jpg (Spoiler Image,206.62 KB, 1409x1080, corpsefacereveal.jpg)

real corpse face reveal. he even has a death note poster…
No. 1318668
>>1318400KEK. Ams is tweeting making it all about them, that shit is hilarious.
>feel bad for me All these girls are the same, grabbing any crumb of attention they can get, truly embarrassing. I remember being like that at 14, 11 years later I still look back and cringe.
No. 1318670
>>1318519>I'll be damned if I'm gonna give some neckbeard loser in his moms basement-thought she was going on about corpse here kek
Imagine thinking this is site for males.
No. 1318820
File: 1631110927904.webm (11.84 MB, 1920x1080, cringe.webm)
>>1318638>>1318805>>1318814>Sykkuno talking about the game>CH suddenly interjects saying "6 million"lmao what was he thinking? Was he trying to ~manifest~ these streams? What's the point of lying about this shit LIVE?
No. 1318864
>>1318863this always fucking bothered me when i used to be a fan (ew) last year
his streams are so fucking cringey and it always bothered me how he used other ccs to just ignore them and make the gameplay stale since he was too busy sucking on his fans donos
No. 1318875
>>1318870 ? lol im not a fan anymore just because im offering a theory u dont agree with, also not sure why you think being involved in drugs/crime is cool
maybe u should stop tryin to be an edgelord because where im from its cringey as fuck
No. 1318890
File: 1631116501885.png (4.91 MB, 1125x2436, B3615B61-2995-48DE-B37B-01E3A8…)

Stream Hot Demon b!tches Near u!!(namefag newfag)
No. 1318894
>>1318874>>1318877All I noticed is that he's doing the same thing he does to any member of his audience: notices them for a while, drops them.
That's a stupid move for a guy who wants to be anonymous and maintain his career.
No. 1318900
File: 1631116730852.jpeg (128.58 KB, 946x2048, A69B340D-325A-444A-BFB5-DB1A33…)

Stream it!
No. 1318901
File: 1631116736552.jpg (308.69 KB, 1080x864, loey.jpg)

its even more fucked because all she's been doing lately is talking about how sad she is. what a good friend he is
No. 1318902
>>1318893 >>1318894i wanna know why he dropped all his 'friends' back from his narration days
also interesting that none of them interact with him or at least not that im aware of
No. 1318928
File: 1631117322358.jpeg (215.4 KB, 1078x1739, 8FFF6825-1BF7-46F2-982D-05EC67…)

This is corpse husband and his gf pls believe me
No. 1318933
File: 1631117391742.jpg (816.92 KB, 1080x1578, Screenshot_20210908-120846_Twi…)

Yeah, alright hot alt girls kek
No. 1318949
File: 1631117678294.jpg (30.72 KB, 938x172, Screenshot_20210908-121425_Gma…)

>>1318929>jigglesthe fatties have arrived
No. 1318950
>>1318934The tragicomic part about all of this is that he's spreading his influence among the thirsty, mentally ill and lonely… and all it takes is just one insane bpdchan to ruin everything.
Dude is his worst enemy.