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No. 1181069
We continue to be immoral as we observe and critique the online activity of the pro ana tendon tensers and LARPers.
Last thread, concern about n2f's appearance intensified. One farmer described her salivary glands as "the size of fuckin golf balls". Anons tinfoiled where she hides her puke bags.
We won't be hearing from LegoHead© Sharni, as she is currently incarcerated for unknown criminal offense at a MSU and is without access to her phone. Harsh.
Ham continues her ana LARP, informing us that her ~Ed voice~ is called Millie. Fortunately she manages to stuff pizza, chips, her pov food nightly snack plate foods and other grotesque items into her tiny belly.
We wait with baited breath for her upcoming YouTube channel. Her mum let her create one. She's SEVENTEEN.
Currently skinwalking a lower class version of Molly and awaiting her 6k fake follower celebration #challenge.
Georgia v.2, Grace, is battling her atypical anorexia. Checked into a treatment facility.
Molly returned but is now leading a life of filling her head with knowledge and her body with posh food. Good luck to you, Molly.
We are very pleased to see Ganer has actually made good gains at last. We are concerned she is still of fragile mind and do not want her to fall back into her full blown anorexia. Whatever it is she's doing right now ain't healthy, but at least she doesn't look like a corpse.
Currently counting down the days to gyms reopening.
a_wintergirl_thawing_2 has been posting many bodychecks. Nobody is concerned about her weight, the concern is she'll give herself a hernia sucking in and popping out those collarbones.
Georgie is unusually quiet. Watch this space.
Anna, ro and Dora are being insufferable idiots over their tiktok accounts being banned-unbanned-banned again. Anna's hypermetabolism is proving
problematic as she eats 10,000 calories a day and gains nought.
Lee is at NF. She can't stand the thought of downing Fortisip, so ordered a feast from Dominos.
Ovi appears sporadically. Recently pictured planting a Walmart bottle of crushed peppers onto a patch of grass as a hex against her "abuser". Such witchery.
Eating Disorder Awareness Week came and went, but we are here to stay to raise our own pro ana awareness.
If I've missed anything out, post below or forever hold your peace.
Some links may be missing, so post those as well.[ thread:
>>>/snow/1168484 No. 1181090
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>>1181082I think you're onto something there.
>>1181077No probs.
No. 1181111
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>>1181101Fundraiser? Halfway she could try Whole Earth , although Manilife is very sloppy and I imagine many residents of her awful town would benefit as it disperses.
Unfortunately, she'd have to upgrade her cheap white bread.
I can't face her bu'uh and fish n chips videos tonight, but I'll watch her strop face/bliss face transformation tomorrow. We need Hammum's words of #truth. Look how well she's raised her daughter, dammit!
No. 1181127
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This was very briefly talked about toward the end of the last thread. She hasn’t been talked about in years, but has anyone heard how Kelly C died? Dani (self proclaimed worst anorexic in New Jersey) is so dumb and dramatic that it might be hard to get the full story out of her
No. 1181150
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Lol Anna Made a story saying she’s gained followers so keep commenting love that these cows are basically admitting they love the attention also learn how to fucking spell for Christ’s sake I’m embarrassed for you
No. 1181189
>>1181127All we knew was that she was at that Lori woman's house and OD'ed on fentanyl(?) When she died, we dropped Kadee
because the milk was no longer forthcoming out of respec'
No. 1181191
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>>1181189She was at Dani’s apartment, not Lori’s house lol this is already like a crazy game of telephone. This is Danis post and there’s no reason to think Lori was involved.
No. 1181195
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>>1181150I don't understand why they want to know someone's name. Why does it even matter?
Dawney Lopez is as legit as Ham's followers.
No. 1181200
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>>1181191Samefagging but for reference, this is Dani’s TikTok (lol) and she mentions finding Kelly dead in comments. I haven’t seen her mention a cause of death.
No. 1181229
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Behold the queen of try hard herself Amber
Amber here mods discord’s for skinneh teens despite her being an ancient bag of bones. Her discord now has hundreds of women who want to be oh so skinneh and she helps them by bullying and spending all her time on the server. You all probably remember her weaseling her way into the last thread, I made my way into her server and the milk is a flowing. Will be back with actual milky updates once I get more screenies.
No. 1181235
>>1181229Her body check pics are really grim. I don't even mean because she's in the shot. Take her out of it, and the place she lives is like a description of somewhere dodgy in thriller novels. Someone gets murdered by a pool cue in the eye kind of thing. Add an ageing, half naked pro ana and there's another book waiting to be read.
Are those girl shorts or has she wrapped a bandage around her crotch area? Her undies need burning, or at least an overnight soak in bleach.
No. 1181257
>>1181201 Please reread what I wrote. I’m not talking about Kadee, she’s been dead for years and I’m not arguing those facts. I am asking about Kelly “Palette Face” Carragher, Kadees old BFF who just died. Kelly was (I guess) living with Dani M. and died in her apartment.
I’m asking if anyone knows what the hell happened with Kelly C. We know what happened to Kadee.
No. 1181258
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Concerned that Twin Maria hasn't posted for a whole week.
Img not related. It's my project.
>>1181256Just seen this, Soz, I'm a spaz. Yeah, I always confuse them. Idk, but I'll look.
No. 1181534
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We have another Grace .. or maybe another Porgie. This chick was toobed in November-December now she's getting it again because she refuses to eat. Her tiktok is full of (full fat) milk and people calling her out for attention seeking, she reported even her favourite nurse told her she was attention seeking. I can't work out her age or location, though she seems to be an Aussie.. what's with ausfags getting the toob so easy?
No. 1181544
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No. 1181578
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Sage bc new and not very milky. But this girl irritates me so much with all her weird body check poses. What it is about TikTok fdoe and the need for these anachans to obsessively body check?
No. 1181585
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anyone seen this cow? Friend of good ol munchie Shay. They were on ng feeds at home for ages and they’ve been throwing a hissy fit now that their tubes been pulled and keep getting kicked out of hospitals
No. 1181586
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crazily, they genuinely look really good. Good, as in, they don’t need their precious toob back. For reference, ‘Ryan’s rule’ is this thing in qld where you can call if you’re being neglected or mistreated in hospital. If Ryan’s rule says you’re fine, then I’m sorry bro but you are quite literally fine.
No. 1181612
>>1181586Its actually for families to raise concern about their family member that they think is deteriorating or not getting better as expected. Its not to complain about treatment or wait times etc.
They're really stupid for calling it because their nose hose got removed. Wonder if they will end up at new farm with her bestie shay
No. 1181624
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saging for the absolute nitpick and lack of milk but ovi using a metal spoon on a pan is driving me insane
her food looks pretty high calorie, i dont know much about """atypical anorexia""" recovering, but shouldn't they be teaching her how to eat well, and therefore she should be losing weight? she looks as hamplanet as always if not more
No. 1181638
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>>1181544I CANNOT with this cow. So many comments are calling her out for being obsessed with/showing off her tubing.
“Id die if I didn’t have the tube” kek
No. 1181639
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>>1181638Samefag but AND she’s a headbanger? This new cow is very milky. Of course she has BPD though. And that’s coming from someone who personally has BPD.
So many people on here ED LARP as a result of their BPD, it’s funny how obvious it is to us and likely their nurses too and yet they have the world fooled thinking they’re soooo spooper suck.
No. 1181649
>>1181642To add:
BPD and genuine EDs do frequently co-occur. It's possible they picked it up from other ana BPD people?
It might be a way to avoid abandonment/ seek attention (possibly more HPD the BPD but might be relevant)
Might be a way to compensate for lack of sense of self/ shifting self-image
Impulsive binge eating is common in pwBPD. Maybe a way to try to balance out that/ avoid the shame which comes with it?
Just tinfoiling here though
No. 1181652
>>1181646That makes me…very angry. Sage for potential blogpost but BPD is very complicated and obviously not one size fit all, but binge eating, doing excessive drugs, having promiscuous sex, etc. are all common symptoms because of the underlying issues of attention seeking and
victim behavior. EDs and BPD do often overlap, but it is typically associated with binge eating or bulimia. People with BPD also have an unstable image of self and are likely to cycle through different styles, interests, and phases. Many of these cows are in their ED LARP phases it seems. They want ana because admitting they binge isn’t spoopy enough. They want to show off to others on the internet, it’s a competition to see who’s the sickest. There are typically underlying causes of BPD that stem from abuse, but lots of people on tiktok are treating it like a trend and WANT to have it for some fucking reason.
I personally have BPD so I feel I can speak out on these issues and with medication/therapy these symptoms can lessen. But the longer these cows pretend they’re anorexic, the longer they’re ignoring the more prominent mental disorder that will be with them for life: BPD.
Again sage for blogpost, don’t want to get kicked for blogging, just want to try to provide some insight?
No. 1181785
>>1181774Exactly. It makes it seem like everyone who has BPD & an ED are faking the ED for attention when in reality there are some extremely unfortunate people who suffer with both.
These cows are only perpetuating stereotypes by making the world think that everyone with BPD is a head-banging, show-my-sliced-up-arms-to-the-camera-like-it’s-normal, attention-seeking freak when in reality so many people with BPD are kind and genuine people. These cows will likely never get medicated for their BPD since their ana-LARPs are their primary concern and because of that, they’re only going to get worse.
Self harm is scary to people, but when it’s under the guise of an eating disorder it’s weirdly more palatable to those unfortunate enough to not be educated about their manipulative behavior.
Sage for blogging, just a bit angry that these cows are wasting resources for EDs when they could be addressing the real roots of their issues. I can’t stand Laura but at least she’s finally in a BPD clinic.
(blogpost) No. 1181830
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Another sniffler recording herself . Not too sure what to make of the eye decorations though.
No. 1181917
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A year ago TODAY, covid-19 situation was given the grand title PANDEMIC.
Gloomy to think about, so let's laugh at those squares over at mpa. Kek kek kek.
No. 1181942
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Anna came joint first in her exams
She says :
Last term she was doing average (but still made a top 5% TikTok)
At least at my uni they never tell us ranking, only grade (1st, 2:1, 2:2 etc) maybe I’m just jealous of genius Anna but I am terrified for the future of this country if she is the best St Andrew’s can do
No. 1181944
>>1181942Unless she dumbs down for sm, I don't believe for a second she does well at her studies. Anyone can say anything, can't they.
Back at my old uni, we never had ranking either. The only way to judge how you were doing was a guestimate on grades from coursework mostly. That's what the personal tutors did.
She's just so THICK online, it's hard to imagine she's any different in class. Especially with the bs she writes about MEDICAL ISSUES.
No. 1181982
>>1181837Nope not a self post- and I don't have/do tiktok ( I know I'm in the minority!- I just stick to YouTube )
She had a full face of thick make up on today to do a home work out.
No. 1182001
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>>1181982She's a twat. I don't have tiktok either. Can't be arsed to watch people dance around their room like a moron.
This is her ig No. 1182003
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>>1182001and this looks to be the day she had a meltdown
No. 1182006
>>1181981Brace yourself, anon:
Her dream is obs and gynae or palliative care
No. 1182020
Palliative care, though? I can just imagine her telling some cachectic cancer patient not to worry because her BMI was once 13 and don't you know she's a ~fighter~ herself!
No. 1182037
>>1181942It's 1st yr so she doesn't do any actual 'doctoring'. She's memorising bones and covering each system of the body. It's learning methods that are required at school (memorisation).
In future years they will have to problem solve, reason, consider ethics etc.
Essentially she's really good at memorisation. First year of undergraduate medicine is nothing like actually being a doctor. Some med schools have short placements where students can observe or take obs but I don't think St Andrews does as they can't have placements in St Andrews primary care and there isn't a teaching hospital.
No. 1182489
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Looks like even at home Remi has to play the “I’m so ill card”. Instead of making her bedroom in her bathroom, she has gone to her closet. She drove home from NFC but states she needs a carer for things that are too difficult, which begs the question, why is she allowed to drive? And the OCD diagnosis? Anyone else notice how it was never an issue before NFC? It is almost like once she was given the diagnosis she started the LARP OCD to the extreme. As for the angles she takes videos and pics - clearly body checks. You need to grow up Remi. Stop posting about needing to go buy non-disordered food while posting about the foods you bought that where disordered to fucking high heaven. Remi is so fucked in the head I’m not surprised her marriage didn’t work. Her ex must be so relieved to be out of the relationship!
No. 1182669
>>1182564I didn’t mean to imply that Remi is a
victim because her wife left her. I’ve no doubt that Remi pushed her away. But I can imagine Remi using that situation as a way to victimise herself. Regardless, I don’t think we need to discuss her ocd / ptsd posts because they aren’t related to the thread. The ‘I’m so weak because anorexia took away all my muscle mass and now I can’t walk by myself’ posts are funny though
No. 1182680
>>1182676Dude stop gate keeping. If you don’t like Remi and think she’s boring then just ignore the posts. There are cows in here that I find boring too but I don’t complain about it or try to stop people discussing who they want.
Why don’t you bring some new milk instead of complaining
No. 1182686
>>1182682Ok well let’s not have 100 posts about whether anons think she’s boring or not.
If the mods don’t think she’s suitable for the thread then we’ll stop discussing her. But otherwise she’s fair game. I think she’s milky and definitely a pro-ana scumbag and there’s at least one other person who thinks so too. So maybe you should just ignore her posts and move on?
No. 1182692
>>1182669Yeah, for someone who can do runners, no way does she have muscle weakness. I bet she does a quick shuffle to her coffee shop "challenges". I don't think her aspie brain would let her to rely on a wheelchair.She will soon accuse her ex of being
abusive probs to add to her cptsd kek!
No. 1182704
>>1182669I was never under the impression the not being able to walk was because of muscle weakness - I thought it was FND (her videos look a lot like FND).
Also don’t think she’s milky. Comes across as very BPD and seems like she’s trying to get her life together
No. 1182721
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I’ve been a hater in the past and I certainly don’t think Ganer is doing the recovery community any favours with her twice-weekly(++) ~*~progress pictures~*~, but homegirl is getting appropriately fluffy for bulking season.
No. 1182735
>>1182669no she said its from her muscles wasting from her "severe anorexia" (bullshit)
she is milky, she greatly exaggerates her ED and mental health for social media attention. someone seriously distressed wouldnt be able to pump out more tik tok videos than a playdoh fuzzy pumper.
No. 1182751
>>1182704Trying to get her life together? You must not be looking at the same account we all are. She’s still stuck in the mindset where she needs to show off her self harm scars and body checks on an app filled with teens so they can all see how *~spoopy~* she is.
This post isn’t saged, it absolutely REEKS of self post. Remi, if you want to make some improvement, stop posting about your problems on tiktok and actually make some proactive changes in your life. And stop obsessively scrolling through Lolcow.
No. 1182756
>>1182704Lol no absolutely not a self-post. Also I thought I did sage it (I put sage in subject field?)
I’m a doctor and I’ve seen people with FND. She is a classic case.
No. 1182850
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Molly uploaded a new video, nothing milky, slightly disordered that 2 out of her 8 suggestions where to make food for other people but otherwise the video was quite cute. I hope that it gives her something to focus on, maybe move on from her ed, go down the ruby granger type video route.
No. 1182892
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Ham has uploaded 2 long videos sets of her usual routine. Crying "oh this is really nice" and "i'm so proud of me". In the cake vid, you can see she's a very normal, average 17yo. Ham, you dont need to gain. Not to tinfoil but the fish and chips one - smaller than her normal portions. Is she tryna improve her LARP?
No. 1182895
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Yes you can be fat and be very malnourished, but can any medfags explain if that makes you medically unstable? And if she did get medically bad, eg from purging, a hospital can section you so I really dont get what she's trying to say
No. 1182900
>>1182892Why celebrating 5 months? She sounds like one of those irritating girls who say, Me and my bf are celebrating our 6 week anniversary.
Might watch it later if the murder channel's full of repeats.
No. 1182914
>>1182895It would take her more than 12 weeks to become really malnourished and she’d have to eat barely anything in that time. Dehydration is more of a risk so if she wants attention and a trip to the hospital she should stop drinking for a few days.
Why is it that she’s so self-aware that her eating disorder is getting worse and she claims to want treatment for it but she won’t do anything to help herself now? She doesn’t need to wait 12 weeks to start trying to recover - not that she even has an eating disorder to recover from in the first place
No. 1182960
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No. 1183002
>>1182945Yup. I mostly watch yt on my laptop (adblocked) but wasn't arsed enough to boot it up for Molly. 4 ads is insane.
>>1182994I think they just want to go up as part of the experience. Unless you're an outlier like Aly who avoided hospital like the plague.
No. 1183160
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Sophie really mastering those photoshop skills, almost unnoticeable(don't use emojis)
No. 1183198
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Bless Ham, 5 months (years) of stuffing her face with exactly what she wants. A true inspiration to us all.
No. 1183200
>>1183198"Sod off"
God, I hate the English kek
No. 1183250
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>>1183200So do I seeing shit like this. Is her mum…you know, “ok” ?
No. 1183355
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>>1183250No. She buys her daughter a birthday cake to celebrate 5 months of LARP. She's proud of her for it. She encourages it.
I like how Ham half dresses up. A feminine top paired with joggers.
I'm calling some inbreeding has done something to the Blackburn genes.
No. 1183372
>>1183370no, thats her smug "omg! that looks amazing & delicious and i cant wait to eat it but i cant appear to want it too much due to my pretend ED, so i better not try to smile" face…
… too bad you can tell she is ecstatic about the prospect of all the calories by smiling with her eyes. a true anorexic indeed.
trust me, once you see it you cant unsee it. she pulls it in almost every video right as whatever 'challenge' she is about to eat is before her.
No. 1183407
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How can Anna honestly believe she was ‘so unwell?’ and say that to a community full of people who genuinely are? (Not in a bone-rattler way) she has also self-discharged from the ‘anorexia nervosa intensive treatment team’ (her words, because we wouldn’t understand IOP or whatnot) why was she even with them in the first place? And why can all these cows pinpoint their rock bottom to the hour?
No. 1183412
>>1183407Diff anon, also not to wk but the ANITT team I
think is the only team in St Andrew’s that treats AN? And she was referred from her London team. (If I remember correctly they actually weren’t going to accept her because they only take BMI<13 but they made an exception because she was medically unstable)
Inb4 selfpost this is NOT Anna just remember that saga
No. 1183448
>>1183426Fife in Scotland is particularly bad. There is no treatment (outpatient included) until BMI is severely low.
In the rest of the country it is normal to be able to access some level of outpatient ED support at higher BMIs. Including many outpatient teams that won't have outpatients below 14/15 in their service (they have to go to day/ inpatient).
Additionally Anna's inpatient medical care was in a children's medical ward based on the tube tape. She is also from an area of North London covered by the Royal Free. You can Google them but they are also covered in No. 1183456
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Ovi is still talking to the guy she hexed and was choked by.
She told him how she passes out at work because of her ED.
No. 1183465
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>>11812586k tomorrow. Big hugs to her fake followers. She gets to do a big food challenge.
No. 1183533
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>>1183462Both of them suck imo
It's all hard to follow
No. 1183557
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>>1183533damn it anon i was making one too, adding mine including her og tweets, talk about lack of self awareness
No. 1183577
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Ham posted her first tiktok, does it remind you of anything?
No. 1183579
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>>1183577I think the only reason she celebrated 5 months in "recovery" was to make this tiktok becuase i've never seen her mention anything about being x months or days in recovery (unlike anna). Think she was inspired by Ro's views especially
No. 1183600
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has anyone else noticed the weird way shes eating it? like putting her teeth on the fork? idk but it seems like shes trying to copy the way ro and other anorexics take small bites
No. 1183664
>>1183638i feel sorry for them but at least they’re not living with someone who is / has ever been actually spoopy or
triggering so could be worse
No. 1183667
>>1183600She started doing that when she was called out here for heaping up her fork/spoon and shovelling it in.
I hope her mum gave her permission to have a tiktok account.
No. 1183714
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>“first eva slice of cake”
>conveniently forgets october
(now watch her scramble to delete it, kek)
No. 1183757
>>1183638The thing that annoyed me is someone asked if they
triggered each other and Anna said the other girl 'is much further along in recovery so no', seeming to imply that Anna is not
triggered by the other girl. Does she not realise she may herself be
triggering even if the other girl is doing well at the moment ? Am I reading too much into this/ being too harsh?
No. 1183778
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>>1183714Don’t forget about this one too anon
No. 1183783
>>1183714>>1183726>>1183715I think ham is saying thats her first time to cut a piece of cake. Like that would be okay, maybe just weird because who hasnt sliced a piece of cake when you are already 17?
But who knows what kind of bubble she is living
No. 1183799
>>1183783I do think Ham is definitely LARPing
Cutting yourself a slice of cake 'how much should I cut? is this too much? what is everyone thinking? how much is everyone having?' is a legit ED fear IMO…just not from Ham because she doesn't have an ED…
No. 1183813
>>1183783I doubt Ham's never cooked herself a meal. Her mum does everything.
>>1183799It's okay she did skimp on that slice. It's bigger than a slice at a cafe and she'll have finished the cake by now. All of it.
She got her 6k on IG and is already buying tiktok followers.
No. 1183817
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Gosh, how unexpected.
No. 1183874
File: 1615674445563.jpeg (713.13 KB, 991x1448, 59152CE0-2888-46C3-AE38-E7A45B…)

Lee announces her autism diagnosis. Makes me wonder if she’ll start to drop the Ed stuff, considering how weak her ana larp has been lately. The extent of her Ed seems to be complaining about ‘scawwy carbs’ once a week while having a full wine glass glued to her hand
No. 1183897
>>1183892Not very. She's so desperate to get herself into that clique. It aint gonna happen.
Surprised she hasn't made a big deal of her Six Fousand.
No. 1183968
File: 1615683200744.jpeg (697.98 KB, 828x1276, 0EE99615-6DBD-47D1-A879-D46FAC…)

dharma asks what we recommend for muscle growth! personally i’d say Food. i know that’s controversial though
No. 1183978
>>1183726I swear that when she first posted it on Insta her caption said she was having cake for her ‘5 month anniversary’ because it was the first thing she ate in recovery? But I think she edited it out because the caption says edited
She also conveniently added in a part where she acknowledges that 5 months is an odd number to celebrate
No. 1183993
File: 1615684890019.jpeg (430.31 KB, 828x663, 54B48778-9CB2-407C-9A5C-85B4B5…)

that seems smart, to let two people who clearly still have eating disorders meddle in each other’s recovery meal plans! got to love an official cow crossover
No. 1184019
File: 1615686100289.png (1.28 MB, 828x1792, F36C2DC9-8FA6-453A-BC88-93D3D4…)

sage because no milk and i’m p sure it was decided that this account isn’t cow status- but which one of you sent that top tell kek
No. 1184139
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>>1183778Major Aly energy kek
No. 1184163
>>1184161@recoveringmau, IIRC pretty sure it was never her in those spoopy leg pics because she refused to post any date/timestamps/other proof she exists other than them twiggy stick legs.
nothing posted since xmas last year…
No. 1184169
>>1184163That's worrying. I remember her posting often. A select few of the people posted here over the years I just genuinely wish the best upon, recoveringmau being one of them. She was obviously quite ill, regardless of the legitimacy of her photos in regards to the time she took them.
Hoping to hear an update sometime, if not milk or pics, just a confirmation she's alive.
People like Ham just make me really sad, but for very different reasons. It's entertaining if nothing else.
No. 1184187
File: 1615715802410.jpeg (424.94 KB, 750x1244, 7BF4F77A-C1E2-4EE5-BC14-B3CD30…)

>>1184163I’m 99% sure this is her food review account. She sometimes posts to her story on her main account but does link this one at times.
So she’s still alive at least..
She actually comes across as quite a nice person on IG imo.
No. 1184193
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>>1184190Idk. Her recovery account only has 27 posts and goes back to March 2019 so I’m not overly surprised. She usually posts on her story from what I see.
The bios of both accounts both have the ‘speaking Finnish English’ (plus the other flag I’m too dumb to work out) and they follow each other?
No. 1184212
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>>1184193She has posted sporadic updates, I think she stopped regularly posting on her recover account in order to focus on weight gain and recovery but I still see her likes on other accounts and yes the foodreviews is her.
No. 1184219
File: 1615721797004.png (1.12 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210314-113450.png)

>>1184213I thought about this and concluded she'd made a big deal of it to her mum l, like how people tell you it's their birthday all the time weeks in advance. So her mum bought the stupid cake.
>>1184215Ganer ate this apparently.
No. 1184235
>>1184220Can anyone give me a quick summary about this Aly or kindly point me to a thread Shes mentioned in?
I tried looking back at old threads but they’re so unorganized compared to now, you can’t tell who’s in a thread or not unless they’re mentioned. Have been on here for two years and honestly don’t remember her.
No. 1184238
>>1184235First mentioned here, but had many many threads
>>101160Basically she was a spoop who claimed to be in recovery but somehow maintained a BMI of ~10. Said her weight gain was invisible because it ws going to her organs and hair. Would post photos of all the fancy, high-calorie food she 'ate' but clearly didn't. Some young, impressionable girls would try to follow her meal plan and got upset when they gained rapidly.
Eventually she did gain, but then she started doing creepy underwear photoshoots on her parents' bed below a picture of the Virgin Mary or something. If I remember correctly she would threaten suicide if her posts did not get enough likes?
No. 1184319
>>1184219i have no idea what is filling those chocolate eggs but id destroy one of these anyway.
im rooting for gainer these days, hopefully she'll be able to graduate from cow school before long.
No. 1184347
File: 1615739965871.jpeg (437.42 KB, 750x1328, 3D5997DB-C55A-47D2-8E50-94F805…)

dora stop lurking when this thread isn’t even about you anymore. jfc go get a job or something i’m sure subway is hiring
No. 1184352
File: 1615740448794.jpeg (646.07 KB, 750x1302, C71F30A6-AEC6-4A42-94AA-DE67CE…)

we forgive you dora, just go get that cavity in between your two front teeth fixed. i think you already called yourself posh, i’m sure you’re not lacking the finances for a dentist
No. 1184439
>>1184438dora stop lurking and sage your shit
>>1184434anon stop a-logging and sage your shit
No. 1184476
>>1184471That's right! But it will stand that kind of abuse only for a limited amount of time.
It's pretty likely EC and Ashley won't make it into their thirties if they continue like that.
No. 1184518
>>1184513Thanks. She's never not posted for this long. I won't picture the worse case scenario because a cat cannot survive on canderel alone.
>>1184453Didn't watch, but if this is new, someone should tell her it's gone Christmas.
No. 1184553
File: 1615752388007.png (3.93 MB, 828x1792, 3148BF46-18DA-4108-A169-6E16CA…)

no one here endorses suicide. sage for blog post but the impression i get from anons here is that they’re no nonsense ppl who see through the bs. lurkers, fuck off.
No. 1184570
>>1184566First lockdown I know Maria was still out for hours. I think then you were only allowed an hour a day, now it's anytime
>>1184568 just popped up. I think they're missing Costa more than anything.
No. 1184574
>>1184352Bit of a nitpick considering most of these cows are orthodontically challenged
>>1184364Nah, no need to resort to violence. Ham needs a good slap but looking at those bulky shoulders I’ll stick with boolying behind a keyboard
>>1184438Go puke then. Nobody’s making you read
No. 1184578
File: 1615754431501.png (15.2 KB, 551x47, deathformula.png)

If I can collect enough data I will give it a go. I'm sure this formula is very imperfect but my math is too shitty to take into account any other factors
No. 1184592
>>1184471Ash is gonna outlast everyone. Who knew spite and bile could be so nourishing
>>1184578This would be super interesting anon, go for it!
No. 1184593
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>>1184591lol that’s why I deleted it sorry anon. You know the lore, every time someone says it adds more time
No. 1184630
File: 1615759193694.png (2.96 MB, 1536x2048, 0D8522AA-3471-4F86-A692-69D611…)

Not sure if he’s been mentioned before but… video of him in hospital for Ed but then also posted a video saying it was because of COVID vaccine.
No. 1184645
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>>1184292>>1184643Probably not too far off tbh.
No. 1184653
File: 1615760610346.png (4.59 MB, 828x1792, FF35918A-526A-4122-AB11-2A76D3…)

bored with ana posted about how the service made an exception about her bmi- now deleted (that’s odd? kek)
No. 1184802
>>1184797 said, it's just the perspective of the photo. Have you ever even seen someone genuinely very thin?
Surely this girl isn't the same 'soph' as the soph.ventiing account? I've followed Sophie W. for years, really don't see how she fits into this thread at all.
For a better topic, does anyone have any info on Erika, sometimes known as 'fluffykittensandbunnies,' Ashley's Florida friend? It's been like six years now but I still find myself curious sometimes.
No. 1184872
>>1184831I dislike Sophie but I don't think she belongs here. She doesn't use recovery tags and I don't believe she alters her images other than face filters. She does not often claim to be in recovery, it is mostly her whiteknights in the comments. Sure she isn't actually recovering and is body checking but I don't think that is really interesting as it has been the same story for years now.
I feel bad for her, she has a history of CSA, BPD, a lot of medical complications and probably a ton of other stuff and whenever she is in hospital she is not made to gain weight. Probably doesn't have long left tbh.
No. 1184882
>>1184802Erika was last seen on FB looking in a better condition physically and mentally. At that point (a few years ago), she was definitely in recovery. Idk how she is now, but it's good she distanced herself from the lich, her ex and internet ED accounts. It'd be great to see an update, but it was promising to see her looking good.
>>1184880Oh dear, grumpy miss.
No. 1184920
File: 1615808270505.jpeg (1.33 MB, 4000x4000, 231A48A1-622B-478E-8EA7-00473A…)

Here we go again. Been in treatment for months (most of the last 12 months really). Says anorexia has caused all this damage which is causing her to not be able to walk. Then does this dance. Admits it was too much less than 24 hours after posting about listening to her body and taking it easy when her body needs rest. As for the TikTok dance - major body check right there! Let’s show off my rib cage to the world while I do what I said I shouldn’t do. And then get sooper unwell with the inability to use legs thanks to anorexia. She is playing her illness so bad. LARPing so she doesn’t have to return to work and have a lifelong income thanks to the tragic accident that caused ptsd and her relapse with the anorexia. Remi is honestly a joke.
No. 1184945
>>1184920>>1184926just another weight restored anachan who misses the attention and identity of 'sick little girl'.
the milk is flavourless
No. 1184985
>>1184953agree. she is milky because shes a hypocrite with a
victim complex. all her "points" she makes she contradicts eg. disaproves of bodychecks but posts them, toob pics, general inconsistencies like this
>>1184946 No. 1184991
>>1184982But if remi wants to stay ill, doesn’t that just make her even more of a cow/scumbag? I don’t get why she’s seen as boring when she’s batshit and desperate to be the sickest ana ever. I get that not everyone will be interested in all of the cows here, like I couldn’t give a shit about middle class Molly and her recovery, but it’s annoying that every remi post is shot down as boring.
I mean the milk is so dry lately that people are even discussing ash and Eugenia who are both supposed to be banned.
No. 1185005
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>>1184991Ash isn't banned, she has her own thread. Cooney's own thread was banned because she's dull af. Remi's dull, Molly's dull. No need to force the thread if there's no milk. Wait for it instead of squeezing a dull's leathery teet.
>>1184920 rib cage doesn't mean spoopy. Anyone slim with their arms in the air have it in their silhouette.
No. 1185026
File: 1615822215138.jpeg (249.6 KB, 750x1021, E9414F8C-0289-45ED-9631-483CBB…)

I guess bringing Aly up stirred up the ol asshats. Haven’t seen a hater post in a minute
No. 1185114
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No. 1185115
File: 1615828928311.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1140x1392, A9348A5C-36DB-4EC1-8C18-3C0DCA…)

>>1185114what a sad flex. also she looks like an ancient alien
No. 1185153
File: 1615831164284.jpeg (193.01 KB, 828x347, 628FE4A7-2CDD-45B3-A660-F97630…)

>>1185143is this a thing? i didnt think malnutrition could affect your teeth, any anachans/medfags care to explain?
No. 1185155
>>1185150your teeth are bones, if you don't get enough calcium they could thin out and that can cause other complications
No. 1185157
>>1185153If you want a source: bullet point under "DENTAL EFFECTS OF EATING DISORDERS".
But yeah, basically calcium + vitamin D deficiencies can lead to tooth decay. You can also get other gross complications from iron and vitamin B3 deficiency.
No. 1185187
>>1184298She is probably my absolute least favorite cow. Would love if she's in treatment and comes out and actually responds to her comments and owns up to massive constant lying. While not having chipmunk cheeks.
>>1184495 I always appreciate medfagging. I by no means want Ashley to die but just don't get how she's functioning so well.
No. 1185212
File: 1615834928684.jpeg (867.79 KB, 828x1478, C72B4BA8-2DA1-4CC6-8E6D-9F91CA…)

No better tribute to your mom than to yet again remind the world how spoopy you were, right?
No. 1185214
>>1185212She still thinks that having a mental illness is "disappointing" to her mother? She needs to work on that.
Cue repost because she complains this was given a strike.
No. 1185337
>>1185114i cannot understand that personification of anorexia, it sounds so fucking retarded
>>1185155>teeth are bonesanon…. no.
No. 1185375
File: 1615846619639.png (37.22 KB, 350x250, Correct-Brushing-Technique.png)

Aye, pre-medfag anon…are you going to study at St Andrews by any chance?
>Teeth consist mostly of hard, inorganic minerals like calcium. They also contain nerves, blood vessels and specialized cells. But they are not bones. Teeth don't have the regenerative powers that bones do and can't grow back together if broken.
Whatever, she has janky teeth. Img is for you, Ro. Use it.
No. 1185382
File: 1615847547734.jpeg (246.99 KB, 750x1188, E27822C5-199A-43C2-92D0-88B89F…)

I’m so confused by what she is trying to say here? Is she acknowledging her privilege in receiving treatment? Is she defending the methods CAMHS uses? Does she not understand most of criticism they receive is for the criteria required to get help, not the ~trauma~ they cause? I don’t think she had mentioned treatment trauma before either. it’s not particularly milky but my brain is clearly too small to comprehend Anna’s intellect.
No. 1185386
File: 1615847716531.png (3.1 MB, 828x1792, 6095732E-42F4-4205-A90F-062787…)

anna now jumping on the treatment trauma route… munching for a ptsd diagnosis??? from her posts at the time she was pretty normal
No. 1185393
>>1185386She also claims she has 'trauma anorexia' aka it was
triggered by trauma and she literally woke up one day unable to eat …
No. 1185421
>>1185387I feel that way. They've devalued what actual trauma is. Question why they were ~traumatised~ by their parents saying no to a sweet 16 party and you're saying their pain isn't ~
No. 1185462
File: 1615856805699.jpeg (202.16 KB, 750x1540, 2D480DC9-E72E-4A51-BF31-BC9E9A…)

found this cow. she might be the worst one yet. another one of the normal weight bpds larping an ed
No. 1185464
triggering anorexia is so common these days. So many cows and AN people are using it an as excuse for their illness. Personally, I think they are using it as an excuse to larp the illness and do what they want without contributing to society.
No. 1185602
>>1185538can also depend on the ph level of the stomach acid. some people have a naturally lower ph level which allows their teeth to remain somewhat un-tarnished for longer.
soz for medfagging.
No. 1185674
File: 1615897253927.jpg (3.2 MB, 750x1334, YPlToNz.jpg)

Did anyone notice that Anna's snack yesterday/day before was cucumber on ricecake
No. 1185676
File: 1615897301879.png (3.66 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0531.PNG)

my bad i cannot do this image thing
No. 1185677
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No. 1185695
>>1185674yeah that seemed kind of disordered to me
tiny blog :
however, I used to eat rice cakes with my great-grandmother. They'll always remind me of her. Of course #notallricecakes are disordered choices.
Cucumber on rice cake is pretty suspicious though.
No. 1185697
>>1185694idk the whole "I'm being sectioned" then "jk going to scotland!" and now every single post talks about ~med school~ like it's some amazing accomplishment to get into a med school and not immediately fail out.
I can't even explain why I find her interesting. I guess I need to catch up on porgie.
The last time I paid attention to this thread was for elzani and previously Aly. I left bc n2f grossed me out so much.
No. 1185711
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>>1185700latest creation .:
No. 1185713
Why is there so much blogging going on in here. In the words of our fave LARPer: ARRGHHH
>>1185674Anna. Shut up. Just shut up. You are not the authority on ~~all things ana~~ you are a typical middle class brat who starved herself for a few months.
Why doesn’t tiktok just ban her permanently?
No. 1185734
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No. 1185944
File: 1615917562633.jpg (498.53 KB, 1170x1275, image0 (2).jpg)

> mfw barely seven posts about her stale milk
No. 1186073
File: 1615926801692.png (258.07 KB, 330x360, 2222222.png)

not even a zero calories monster? what a lazy ass relapse is this
No. 1186105
>>1186047But then in other videos she says she is scared of weight gain and wants to be small to 'feel safe' or smth. She just wants to be relevant.
>>1186050I think you need to have a fear of being fat/weight gain and to have cognitive distortions to meet AN criteria. Not wanting to eat comes under EDNOS or is a side effect of other illnesses like depression. I think that is what Greta Thunberg has?
No. 1186308
File: 1615944910508.jpg (361.5 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20210316-022410_Tik…)

Gracie and Porgie 2.000000
This girl is unbelievable. Got fired from working at fat camp for not losing weight but keeps counting the days of her recovery from her ed. Also went inpatient.
No. 1186311
>>1186308ja, does she claim anorexia too though? not to white knight, but BED is a
valid form of an ED
No. 1186331
File: 1615947005713.jpg (471.06 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20210317-020557_Tik…)

Not directly no, but she does seem to be implying it by "not feeling like she deserves to recover because of her size". If she was talking about BED surely that would be exactly why you would "recover". Theres definite milk if you look through.
No. 1186334
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No. 1186441
>>1186420oh shit, my apologies. I actually thought it was BED, I hadn't followed her on insta, just tiktok. Even still, bulimics can be any weight… and well.. I guess some people just binge more than they purge.
That would explain why she thinks she doesn't deserve recovery because of how she looks. As she is trying to stop herself purging.. it will mean she will likely gain weight initially?
No. 1186473
File: 1615970402704.png (330.88 KB, 371x595, annathin.png)

Anyone know what Anna is doing in this TikTok
The audio is BoJo saying ' my friends I was too fat. I've since lost 26 pounds and you can imagine that in bags of sugar' but she has replaced fat with thin and lost with gained. Such an attention-whore
No. 1186659
File: 1615994435211.jpeg (283.74 KB, 1600x1600, DFE8D38F-7701-4BD2-A75A-768C99…)

>>1186334why’s she shaped like one of these god that’s tragic
No. 1186721
>>1186420I feel like there are lots of people with bed who claim bulimia because it sounds more "serious" and the general public sees bed as just "overeating". so anyone who has ever attempted to purge claims bulimia. kind of how on the other end, bulimics/osfed larp as anorexic.
I know many bulimics are normal/overweight but this person is supermorbidly obese, if someone were purging/compensating regularly (which is what makes bulimia…bulimia) they wouldn't maintain such an extreme weight.
this sounds like gatekeeping but I more mean it like it additionally stigmatizes BED when everyone with BED tries to claim bulimia instead. it's an extension of the ed "hierarchy"
sage for sperg
No. 1186732
>>1186729It would be like that anon who went to Anna Organic's event all over again! (aka FitVeganGinger)
I'm tempted to go but TBH it feels like that might be crossing a line personally; although I am very interested to know if she is as insufferable irl as over social media. I also want to know how she responds to any upfront confrontation about her '
problematic' posts
No. 1186779
File: 1616006355704.jpg (450.58 KB, 2880x2880, 20210318_073739.jpg)

Sage for same old Hams LARP
No. 1186784
File: 1616006548351.png (127.17 KB, 1412x637, Screenshot 2021-03-17 at 18.40…)

Sage for no real milk but i find it bizarre that molly finds ruby granger an inspiration when ruby is somewhat larping at having anorexia these days lol
No. 1186796
File: 1616007083781.jpg (174.33 KB, 1080x1537, Screenshot_20210317-234531_Ins…)

Bless, she's sending herself tells now.
No. 1186801
>>1186779A crying video for tiktok. Like she needs some McDonald's sugary shit. I know her face is pudgy, but her head in general seems really large.
Her cholesterol needs checking.
No. 1186803
File: 1616007348196.png (569.94 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210317-184055.png)

>>1186794She thinks about how Elzani and Molly haven't noticed her.
No. 1186807
File: 1616007781057.jpg (68.7 KB, 1079x1313, cow to cow communication.jpg)

MentalhealthwithK has some support from melly.moo - for those not in the loop melly.moo LARPs DID and has a toob but I'm unsure if she belongs here as she mainly LARPs DID whereas her being an ana-chan is secondary
No. 1186808
File: 1616007782103.jpg (335.55 KB, 1080x1882, Screenshot_20210318-074932_Tik…)

>>1186800And she's pulled the medication card. (I know meds can alter metabolism and hormones etc.. but to gain as much as she did its gotta be more than just meds)
No. 1186815
File: 1616008262822.jpg (366.1 KB, 1280x720, 6-40.jpg)

>>1186779Hammity Ham kept LARPing for all.
Hammity Ham was never ill at all.
All of her followers and none of lolcow
Accepted her LARP when she looked like a sow.
No. 1186822
>>1186808That was Georgia's excuse.
>>1186815Wow, that suits her.
No. 1186826
>>1186420>>1186721I think we should leave this person alone. She clearly has a hard enough life as it is. It's very possible that she has some bulimic behaviors and they aren't effective, or whatever. Bulimia is hardly some uwu fairy disorder. It's more shameful than BED really.
I hope she gets better.
No. 1186829
>>1186827Well, do you honestly think she's influencing people to be like her, or milking for sympathy? I guarantee she gets more hate than nice comments solely because of how she looks. idk why we need to add to that, personally. She knows she has a problem, I hope she fixes it.
I prefer to laugh at cows who invent their own problems in life.
No. 1186834
>>1186803Since when did Eating Disorder Recovery become a title? Why can’t you say ‘I’m recovering from an eating disorder’?
I guess the former makes it a full time occupation and the latter means you have to actually live your life at the same time.
No. 1186845
File: 1616010377347.jpeg (728.26 KB, 750x1325, 51BF2749-3ECA-4911-BA52-BC8685…)

nice bodycheck there dora
No. 1186849
>>1186833>>1186840>>1186844Ruby is hilarious to me. It's funny to see someone try to larp as a smart person based off of a stupid kids' book series. Studying 14 hours a day isn't what smart people do. I hope she learns that reading (fake or real) and information-gathering isn't intelligence. It's learning how to ask interesting questions and research the answers. I guess I should watch some more of her vids but up until now, I've never heard an interesting discussion of a text come out of her mouth. I can wait, she's still in her first or second year I guess.
ellanortonnnn on IG has copied her a bit but she goes more full-on fake Emma Watson. But the same "here are the books I've read, here are summaries copied from websites" - no actual interaction with texts.
Ella hints that she had an ED too, but she (unlike Ruby) is dedicated to photoshopping or faceswapping Emma Watson's face onto her own, taking after Stefany Lauren / preferablystef / preferablyellie.
(reposted bc I forgot to sage)
No. 1186859
File: 1616011022754.jpeg (811.92 KB, 750x1238, 2CFDB3D1-3AC0-46EC-B8AA-8EF932…)

>>1186840Foods that scream eating disorder
No. 1186860
>>1186853please do LOL
she definitely has a control complex, or is larping at having one
No. 1186864
>>1186859Not really? Most restrictive types avoid peanutbutter due to calorie content. The coconut and PB has a lot of fat. Eating healthy like this isn't ED.
Plate of veggies and fruit? Shallow bowl of cereal? Yeah maybe.
No. 1186867
>>1186864manilife is something I've never seen outside of ED "recovery" accounts
I thought you lot didn't like peanut butter. When I was over there I got endless shit about it.
No. 1186918
>>1186815hampty dampty puts on a facade
hampty dampty is a retard
as all of her followers - oh wait, pardon me
as all of those bots and all of lolcow
know she's faking ED like a big greedy sow
No. 1186925
>>1186815>>1186918Hampty exists off off pudden and cake
her LARP is atrocious and full of mistakes
she’s oh so excited to stuff her round face
only losers would choose anorexia to fake
No. 1186927
File: 1616016566485.jpg (593.16 KB, 2880x2880, 20210318_102922.jpg)

>>1186810Oh sorry the tiktok was "why I developed a restrictive / purging type eating disorder!" So she blames it on her medication making her gain weight and other things.
No. 1186928
File: 1616016682548.jpg (322.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210317-213003_Ins…)

Does anyone know what this is about?
No. 1186930
>>1186928nope but hope someone does
why does she make her 'friend's' deaths all about her
No. 1186963
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Watching her videos is like driving past a horrible accident - I want to look away but I just can’t.
No. 1186983
File: 1616023326211.png (547.2 KB, 424x765, arghhh.png)

get ready for full length videos farmers! we should play bingo
No. 1187013
File: 1616024476127.png (975 KB, 806x740, all this for one spoonful.png)

>>1186983She really thinks people are interested in her youtube videos.
Got to say, I watched her last McFlurry or w/e the fuck it is, and her acting is getting worse. Those "tentative" spoons into her mouth. Oh, Ham. You silly billy.
No. 1187167
>>1186957there are low-cal feeds for people with malnutrition who don’t need to gain or maintain
and vitamin ivs exist as well
giving fatties full feeds is lazy dumb medicine
No. 1187288
File: 1616060417236.jpg (473.74 KB, 2880x2880, 20210318_223704.jpg)

She actually thinks she isn't obese. Darling your BMI is over 30. It looks over 30, by a long way. You don't count as an elite athlete with lots of muscle. You don't even count as a leisure athlete with a high % of muscle. You ain't lean. BMI was made for people like you.
No. 1187319
File: 1616067300810.png (1.5 MB, 1028x850, admission.png)

Grace going for an admission and complains about her dietician
No. 1187453
>>1187449It would be my pleasure. I only learnt about her yesterday so have likely missed out a bit. Basically:
- she styles her content on early Hermione Granger (think pre-troll incident, at her most insufferable) Her surname is not actually Granger and she used to do 'how to be like Hermione videos.' This attitude is relevant to her milk.
- She seems to think studying inefficiently (up to 14 hrs a day) equates to intelligence and promote this sort of work ethic to a large (young) audience who often express feeling like a failure because they don't meet these unsustainable standards
- In January, on Holocaust Memorial Day she posted an paid advert for a Holocaust Memorial charity on her instagram. Obviously people did not take well to the fact that she, a very well-off non-Jew is profiting off this. She then said she was 're-investing' the money in Holocaust education. Surely it would be sensible to just turn down the money and let the experts deal with what to finance?
- Borderline ED content? It doesn't ring any alarm bells for me but she is a vegan and posts some tiny meals (although surely she would be much smaller if they were all she ate) and complains about being cold all the time (but that might be because she insists on wearing thin victorian nightgowns while arseing about in the snow)
- Claims to be clever but her book reviews are very surface-level. She misinterpreted a pretty basic quote from 1984, despite being an English student.
-Is generally really insufferable and has a 'not like other girls' attitude. This is most evident in her book, which is comparable to a self-insert fanfic:
Erimentha Parker's To-Do List (yes, really)Here is a link to a few excerpts won't go into it here but basically the main character is very condescending towards her peers and can do no wrong. She does not grow throughout the book nor realise you don't need to harass your teachers for extra work in order to do well academically. This seems to be similar to Ruby's attitude
No. 1187468
File: 1616083605781.jpg (39.7 KB, 400x248, HAN NAH HAN NAH HAN NAH.jpg)

>>1187453> studying inefficiently (up to 14 hrs a day) equates to intelligenceWhat a waste of university. Don't students go to get away, smoke weed, have parties, stay in bed and do their essays the night before deadline anymore? Why is she at an ex Polytechnic and not a "better" uni if she's so into being clever? (not a uni snob, just an ex Poly ex student who was made to feel ex Poly's are "lesser".
That Holocaust Memorial thing, fuck. Thanks for that. I'll take my time at tattle and work my way through. She's insufferable. She needs a thread.
>>1187459I see what you did there and that's the truth, eh. I just looked who she's following and it's a surprise she only just started following Grackle. Being such a fan of E and Molly, I thought she'd be incorporating more of her into her videos.
Ham's youtube premier tonight, can't wait. /S
No. 1187472
>>1187194actually there are low calorie tube feeds, most often nutritionally complete in 800 kcal. This isn't some specialist shit, you can find these on any geriatric ward and care home. TPN isn't "IV vitamins", TPN is total parenteral nutrition aka complete with fats, proteins (ok more like lipids and amino acids) carbs, minerals and anything the person needs. IV vitamins is a yellowish solution added to normal saline or glucose saline, it's basically no calories on its own.
Know your shit before you start correcting others lol (I know, no1curr, medfagging yadda yadda)
No. 1187480
>>1187473Oh right. I'm geting confused there. I remember getting a prospectus for the place but must've been somewhere else in Exeter.
>>1187475Oxford meh. It's like saying you eat Manilife PB. I'm proud of my SunPat old ex Poly.
No. 1187568
File: 1616092920208.png (425.43 KB, 421x749, ARGHHHHHH.png)

bad news guys
No. 1187596
>>1187589>leave this kid drowning in her own lies by herself.She isn't. Her "audience" are genuinely fucked up kids. She's faking what they have. I sure as shit wasn't doing this stuff level of idiotic behaviour at 17.
>>1187594learn2sage or fuck off
No. 1187618
File: 1616095552923.jpg (32.83 KB, 1337x174, 0.JPG)

They even have a Ro thread at mpa.
No. 1187652
File: 1616098872936.png (296.03 KB, 521x315, xylobones.png)

>>1187618Speak of the devil ….
No. 1187657
>>1187453>>1187468I followed ruby for a while before her endless positivity and self improvement annoyed me. But I never thought she had an ED.
How about Holly Gabrielle? She's admitted to having eating issues.
No. 1187812
>>1187572She probably just has really slow broadband.
>>1187573Hannah? Hannah who? Sorry, I don't know who you're talking about. Oh, did you mean HAM? If you think a 17 year old is off limits for criticism, you're as insufferable as she is. It's not like she's going to "relapse" and waste away at the sight of any criticism, is it?
No. 1187823
>>1187822It's a turd*
Okay, missed sod off - check.
No. 1187867
>>1187822>>1187823Fake tears, greasy hair, oily unwashed face, dressing gown, everything either fast food or beige, big mouthfuls, arghhhh, “ea’in disorduh” …
I’d probably still play tbh but for the sake of my own mental health I never watch more than a few seconds, I find her LARP fucking abhorrent. Genuinely one of the most detestable cows in these threads imo. Age is irrelevant.
No. 1187981
File: 1616138930467.jpeg (1.32 MB, 4000x3559, 85DB1D46-B568-47E4-BDC4-D90937…)

Films a story not about her ed, but then runs in the video despite having just mentioned that she hasn’t been able to walk properly due to her sooper severe muscle wastage due to the ed!
No. 1188063
File: 1616156996795.jpeg (188.99 KB, 657x1168, 1BA2723A-BC9A-457A-BB0B-D8DE14…)

Anna is on her story talking about extreme GI issues. She puts a TW because ‘it isn’t ED related but involves weight loss’ but then does not talk more about the weight loss. Obviously I’m sorry she is having issues and am glad she isn’t going into a tonne of detail but why did she even need to say anything about losing when ‘ I am having a really difficult time with GI issues’ would suffice.
No. 1188065
>>1187652I cant sit though her vids cause i end up hyper focusing on her gel-combed freaky eyebrows and wondering how much better she'd look if she just had them noraml, but at least she doesnt do the whole baby-voice molly thing where she needs her parents approval for every bite she takes. However the bodychecking is pretty
triggering in general…
No. 1188072
>>1188070I think she is trying to be more relatable by hiding her poshness, no?
>>1188065I don't understand how all her comments are fawningly positive. Elzani was called out quite consistently and I think that Ro has a similarly sized audience to Elzani at the beginning. I cold be wrong though?
No. 1188123
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>>1181069ew check her page, what the fuck are those concoctions
No. 1188129
File: 1616163299674.jpeg (563.54 KB, 1242x1463, D5E3BB8D-E3B5-4536-88C4-223522…)

She mixes chicken with strawberries and tahini mixed with water to make it more watery? EW
No. 1188134
File: 1616163500500.jpeg (159.99 KB, 1242x718, 8D66F52B-6BE8-4352-804D-7AEBCE…)

She has tagged herself in one of her posts and she is definitely anorexic / orthorexic. This is her personal page and the f00odz is her “food” page if that’s even food
No. 1188146
File: 1616164564711.gif (6.21 MB, 480x354, giphy-downsized-large.gif)

>>1188123>>1188129f00odz getting ready to eat like
No. 1188148
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No. 1188149
File: 1616165085824.jpeg (599.2 KB, 1242x1408, B0F3B4F7-FA60-4539-9FDC-2BE52E…)

she refers to this sh*t as “melted praline”… do people really hate themselves this much? this is literally water with cacao powder lol
No. 1188151
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she also posted an image on her story of an oxygen tank?
No. 1188219
>>1188134Thought this was Becky the beg for a sec! Clearly not as haggard though
>>1188151>thinking about itYeah right, the daft cow’s eyes prob lit up as soon as supplements were mentioned - some sweet new props for her ~smol n starving~ act. Why do most of these cows have such weird features? Idk if it’s their behaviour that’s clouding my judgement or what but her & Ham’s moonfaces are just so soooo punchable
No. 1188293
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NOT A FDOE!!! Link but I cant be bothered to watch a full video of her poor acting
No. 1188302
>>1188293i'll watch it since im bored
feedback soon
No. 1188311
>>1188302update im a few mins in and cant take it anymore kek
- Starts off with multiple clips of her eating toast w Nutella, beans on toast, basically the usual load of crap
- Eats what looks like a chocolate turd with fake hesitation
- In the intro she says “ I’m in ed recovery from anorexia, I need to rekindle my relationship with food because right now I is not healthy because I have a lot of fear foods that I avoid and I am scared of”
- “You’re always
VALID and deserving of help”
- Says she hasn’t poured her own cereal before, says she NEEDS to know the cals and hanmum approves her by constantly saying “yup”
- Hanmum makes regular appearances in bathrobe
- Usual “omg that was actually really good”
screencaps coming
No. 1188312
>>1188063Does she mention specifically what GI issues? Because if she says something like gastroparesis it’ll just be another way to claim she’s trying to do all in recovery ‘but just isn’t gaining any weight guys!’ or ‘it’s not medically safe for me to eat solids whoops gotta be toobed!’
>>1188151Jesus she’s one of the most punchable cows on this thread. She could make a post saying her arms had been ripped off in an accident and she was typing with her tongue and she would still have the same dead behind the eyes fat-faced expression.
No. 1188318
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>>1188315sage for mild milk but here are the comments so far
No. 1188347
File: 1616181048515.jpeg (248.49 KB, 1284x759, 44D1098E-BA81-460A-8A22-4A502A…)

BREAKING NEWS: Ham finds out the same choclate she eats everyday still tastes good!
No. 1188395
File: 1616184403602.png (2.97 MB, 1804x847, ham fan club.png)

A gift for you all.
No. 1188399
File: 1616184785022.png (133.85 KB, 239x275, hummus.png)

aaaaaaam sorry but this doesn't look like a girl needing to gain weight for anorexia recovery
No. 1188401
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>>1181069who gives a sh*t if she spent her money? are her followers obliged to pay her pack for her irresponsibility?
No. 1188404
>>1188401the trend of anachans obsessively selling and buying their / each other’s clothes is bizarre to me.
also, if she’s in need of money, a £200 clothes shop is a pretty fucking stupid move ?!
No. 1188412
>>1188315The braids aren't doing her any favors.
>>1186826 Bulimia is awesome what are you even talking about
No. 1188414
>>1188404it seems like it would be quite
triggering and whenever you wore x skirt you knew it had once belonged to spoopy Sarah etc. Especially bc they usually sell s/m stuff and not their XXS/ 8-10 years old stuff
No. 1188415
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no niamh no one wants a canvas with paint triangles that aren’t even coloured within the lines?? ffs
No. 1188456
File: 1616188854184.jpeg (133.05 KB, 828x170, C0D4BA37-1C5B-4CE3-A6B0-8D35B8…)

this girl needs to get a fucking grip kek
No. 1188490
>>1188481p sure she fucked them up by purging and then got dental work but i think she might have damaged the ‘fix’ as well
>>1188489armchair but i think it’s just from being underweight, you quite often see ASD type symptoms in people who are underweight that disappear once theyre weight restored. obvs not the case for everyone, but hard to say for sure whilst shes still a spoop.
No. 1188503
>>1188502spoopy scary skeleton
also sage your shit newfag
No. 1188526
File: 1616194369364.jpeg (428.5 KB, 1242x2208, 5FC3A3C4-3C05-464E-A7F8-E58075…)

Have you guys seen this girl? Dora and roe wanna be I think
No. 1188528
File: 1616194467959.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1089x2069, 4D0368B4-C01F-4777-9DD1-0B8E6C…)

Her body checks are so blatant. Look at her tik tok and see what you think for yourself @edenssworld
No. 1188533
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im_powering doesn’t get discussed much but this made me laugh - I think she’s about 20 and is envisioning 70 year olds getting excited over wine, pizza and a gossip
No. 1188551
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this shit is so embarrassing
No. 1188561
File: 1616196276448.jpeg (86.48 KB, 828x335, EF8AAA4C-0825-4422-8508-9F6637…)

shit anons, we’ve been told! we should refrain from ever discussing dora or her gal pals ever again incase we step on lego (god forbid)
No. 1188566
>>1188561I dont think they understand that lolcow is far less pernicious,
toxic and harmful than 'ED Recovery insta'
No. 1188776
>>1188756>>1188731>>1188654>>1188740Here’s a hint newfags
Put ‘sage’ in the email feild when replying so you don’t refresh the feed and piss everyone off.
Just sage your shit if you don’t have milk
No. 1188812
and its her writing style. its her. the levels of unsagedness in this thread is fucking irritating. just write sage in the email field
No. 1188830
>>1188819I'm sure she is not actually planning on gaining, it is so much harder to be TikTok famous when you are weight restored. Pre portioned snacks are probably not unusual for a uni student though.
Type sage in the email box of your comment if you do not have any new milk. Why has the thread gone to shit in the past 24 hours?
No. 1188844
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Body check!!!!!
No. 1188847
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Lol sure thing ham, that ten minute walk you did after McDonald’s was SH. She needs psych help but for her wannarexic bs and attention seeking
No. 1188869
>>1188844Popping her collar bones harder than Laura. She admits her behaviours are still disordered af but she continues to display them all over social media. She has no right to lecture anybody about
triggering content anymore
No. 1188870
>>1188864don't act like she's some
victim anon. she saw what molly and elzani were doing and decided to copy them so she could get some attention, it was her choice.
No. 1188871
>>1188864anon what are you on about, hams no
victim of a munchie parent, she's a lonely autist who wants an excuse to binge whilst gaining a following online.
No. 1188885
>>1188864Emancipate herself from what, prepackaged snack plates? Ham's feeding herself and the only part of it that's forced is acting like she's scared cake might not taste as good as it did last week.
Hammum's not abusing her by being useless in the kitchen. Ham could challenge herself to well rounded recipes instead of "fEaR fOoDs" and learn to cook nutritious meals, but she probably has no free time left between homeschool, filming her larp for internet asspats, and managing the obviously vibrant social life she's built by posing as an influencer in the recovery community.
No. 1188888
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ham’s “valid” rants are catching
No. 1188917
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Nikki Grahame has gone downhill… shame shes using these pictures for donations considering she used to work with beat and against emaciated pics etc.. gets her more donations but not sure what to think of this. Very questionable when she knows how much photos like this affect people and they are now going around all over the place. thoughts? She has an undercover ed instagram too which verges pro ana. Very sad.
No. 1188924
>>1188920>>1188919Keep it here, but it's my_edhell
She now weighs 24.3, her BMI is below 10 for sure… she got admitted last may or so but recently got discharged as she got worse and is now deteriorating at home. Pete Bennett has gone to help her at home and apparently they have raised enough for her to go private on monday.
No. 1188942
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Check out the hashtags on this one…
I'll post a couple more but don't wanna spam the thread. Let me know if you want more.
No. 1188960
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It's all very sad..
No. 1189064
>>1189035I wonder if she’s really deluded herself into believing she has one or on some level knows how entirely full of shit she is. For her to read here, see the pure hell people like Nikki are living in and willingly choose to claim anorexia to barge her way into one of the most
toxic communities makes me think she’s a psychopath. Yeah I know there are differences in severity blah blah blah but she fits none of the criteria. NONE. Such a garbage person.
No. 1189081
>>1189072to be fair anon i kinda see where you’re coming from, but no one should be acting like that at 17. 13/14 yeah maybe. i know a lot of girls that faked anorexia at that age.
im incredibly nosy and i wanna find out what her secondary school experience was like and why shes not in education anymore.
No. 1189152
nah, you're right: I don't belong here.
no, I'm not dora, not even anyone you talk about on these boards, just someone who has suffered with an ED for the past decade, and tbh, it's people like you that make the world shit lmao
just like you, I'm entitled to an opinion, and yeah, I realize this is a different sort of platform, but GEEZ are you people hateful and spiteful
do you have ANYTHING else going on in your lives?
anyways, I'm done here, last post from me, last post on this forum, but y'all might want to re evaluate yourselves and realize that you're just pathetic
No. 1189155
File: 1616275686403.png (1.28 MB, 990x770, motiqween.png)

"Marinated cooked chicken breast fillets in a barbecue sauce with bacon lardons and grated mature cheddar cheese, served with herb and spiced potatoes"
>17% Chicken
>Smoked Bacon Lardons 1%
Worth recovering for. Mmm.
No. 1189158
>>1189152if you’re to sensitive, stay off the chans. end of.
>its people like you that make the world shitoh like the insta recovery community is any better?
No. 1189160
>>1189152Do you realise most of the people commenting on this thread have suffered with an ED? And do you also realise that larpers like Ham, Porgie, Grace, actually do more damage to the
anorexic community if it can even be called that, than boards like this? We're niche, at least we acknowledge that we sperg and we're honest. We don't directly harass/bully/dox/whatever. You're not special, and having an ED for a decade doesn't give you a heightened self awareness we don't have.
No. 1189175
File: 1616277256260.jpg (1.39 MB, 1536x2048, Inkedlydialolcow_LI.jpg)

>>1189166>>1189163>>1189161this is it, fukn good spot anon. top kek indeed!
No. 1189178
File: 1616277389160.png (2.8 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1866.PNG)

>>1189166That insta story is a repost of doras tiktok, so it was her who had the tab open, which is nothing new.
No. 1189184
File: 1616278410086.jpg (87.37 KB, 487x696, Capture.JPG)

I wondered where she was and checked her fb to make sure she hadn't croaked. This was her 22nd in January. She looks worse.
No. 1189185
>>1189170Oh, naive anon. For as long as the ~community~ has existed people have lied about their intake. They are most likely:
a) filming over multiple days for one FDOE
b) purging or exercising it off
c) not eating the stuff shown, especially if they just wave an unopened packet of something in front of the camera
d) filming other peoples food
e) reusing footage (especially in Anna's case)
f) probably choosing the lowest calorie options such as almond milk, low fat yoghurt etc and bulking up their plates with lots of veg
g) straight up chucking food in the bin after they have filmed it
No. 1189193
File: 1616279450723.png (5.5 MB, 828x1792, A2DE60E8-C12C-452E-90B3-55BEF6…)

thread’s been such a chaotic stupid mess over the past day that i cant tell if anyone posted this yet but lol at
‘i don’t check these sites but i happen to know exactly what they’re saying’
says we’re accusing her of being bulimic when all anons did was rightfully point out that 1. dental problems especially in younger anas are usually from purging and 2. most anas end up having some variation of b/p tendencies after awhile
at least in her heart she ‘knows it’s not true’ that she tries to make herself look smaller in pics :) that arm flexing and collarbone pop must be all natural! other spoops want what ro has!
and of course, she’s so very strong in the face of all this cyberbullying, and she knows no one else is as strong as her for putting up with such hardships. round of applause for ro everyone. next time i’ll definitely think long and hard about ‘chatting shit’
No. 1189201
>>1189193fair enough if shes never struggled with bulimia, good for her.
ro, calling you out for obviously bodychecking is not 'chatting shit'. you should know 'in your heart' thats what you're doing, even if its subconscious. a lot of anachans do it, myself included, but just try make a conscious effort NOT to do it. its
triggering to your audience.
doras already come on here and spoken to us directly and we've all kinda agreed not to talk about her anymore, i suggest you drop this too and you can move on with your life.
No. 1189203
>>1189193She might honestly not realise she is tensing because it has become second nature to her but ro if you are reading, ask yourself:
why do you always wear tops that show your chest bones, arms or both? even when it is cold in the UK at the moment? would you feel comfortable in a top where viewers could not see how thin you are, even though it would probably help more vulnerable people comparing themselves to you? do you show your bones in thumbnails to get more views and does that ~align with your values~ and how you want to portray EDs to people outside the recovery community?
No. 1189213
>>1189212ganers actually made some gains finally
n2f is up to her usual antics
No. 1189214
File: 1616281969525.jpg (16.31 KB, 214x282, ham.jpg)

>>1189137No one here is denying that you can have an ED at any weight. An issue I have with Ham is that she's so focused on showing that she is 'terrified' of food. The video clips of her trying to eat are almost exact imitations of Elzani. If this is her 5 months into 'recovery,' can you imagine how terrified of food she would have been at "her worst?" Anyone who was THAT scared would have lost a lot of weight. There is no way a person who is truly that scared of eating would maintain a healthy weight. Ham probably does have self-esteem problems, but there clearly was a normal amount of food consumed throughout her 'eating disorder', and that's not anorexia. OSFED/EDNOS is a bitch to live with, you can have a fucked up relationship with food and still be really unwell with an ED even if 'severe restriction/emaciation' isn't actually a symptom.
pic just for fun.
No. 1189223
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>>1189222Pt 2. It was a video so not the best quality screenshot but her stomach looks much less concave to me.
Also I thought she was having huge GI issues to the point she couldn’t leave her flat yesterday? Why would you go swimming if that were the case?
No. 1189237
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>>1189222she’s perfectly healthy looking, let’s not give her the validation of speculating if she’s underweight now.
No. 1189290
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>>1189222God she’s sucking in hard. Well, it’s pretty obvious to see she’s not the ‘dainty waif’ that she claims, standing next to some one who is comparatively the same size. She really outed herself with this one
No. 1189298
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Ash update. She lives!
No. 1189313
>>1188917I agree using emaciated photos for "look how bad my ED was" is shitty, but using them for showing how much someone needs help is a bit more legit. Mind you the way she's looked recently even fully dressed you can tell she's relapsed badly.
>>1188925She's been anorexic since before she was 10. I feel so bad for her, she's not had a life at all. When she was on Big Brother and for a short while after, that was the window of her life when she was living. The rest has just been anorexia, treatment, relapse and repeat.
No. 1189357
>>1189346Perhaps they didn't include them then, but every time the link has been shared it comes up as the photos come up with the GoFundMe link.
So all the celebrities, news channels, etc have shared it and automatically the photos come up on their tweet. Go to Twitter and type nikkigrahame, the photos are plastered.
No. 1189393
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and you’re all saying she is not chubby… hmm okay
No. 1189436
>>1189399>>1189404I think it's pretty cute and much preferable to skeleface. It's clear she's not chubby. The weight can also redistribute itself if it's kept for awhile. Not sure how old she is but that might be a factor too.
kek, as I'm typing, I see another farmer called it cute. I'm not that farmer.
No. 1189444
>>1189438slight derail but ive thought this for so long - the line between disordered eating and full on eating disorder has been blurred way too much. i'm not just talking about ham but the sudden influx of "you are
valid" instagram self help posts and ed infographics have convinced half the population that they have a proper eating disorder. i wish people would realise that lurking on pro ana tumblr and restricting for 2 weeks is NOT a mental disorder.
No. 1189447
>>1189438Imagine going IP for AN and seeing someone like that with a tube. Don't these fakers scare people who actually are suffering?
Actually, there's a great quote in J. Shute's _Life-Size_ about another patient (who probably isn't "fat" but merely restoring weight. I have to post it here, it reminds me of all these "all-in" people / larpers:
>Climbing on to one of the exercise bikes is a pudgy blonde I’ve never seen before, dressed in gray sweats like mine (except hers are much snugger around the hips). She waves and calls again. “Josie! Hey, Josie!”>I glance at the nurse, unsure. Why is this stranger calling me? How does she know who I am? Instead of explaining, my jailer tilts her chin and cocks an eyebrow in the direction of the bikes, implying that I should go over there. I don’t want to but I do. There is something familiar about this face, after all (a fugitive taste of honey, almonds). It’s puffy and bloated, with chipmunk cheeks and pouchy eyes, but memory, trawling, stops at the mouth. A wide mouth, a mouth that might eat everything in sight.>She has, by the looks of her.>It’s Cathy.>So this is her, without make-up, with her hair grown out to a nondescript dirty blond. Fat, grotesquely fat, deformed by a thick new deposit around her waist. Where she used to be slinky, now she’s all pumped up, every part of her: her neck, her wrists, her ankles, each porky little paw.>They let her eat. They let her eat everything she wanted, and this is what happened. No. 1189450
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>>1189446supposedly she was being threatened with going IP, this post is deleted now
No. 1189488
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No. 1189489
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>>1189478Ham wouldn't understand what aesthetic is even if she googled the meaning.
Brings me on to a follower of hers. A real one. Well, two really. Both these are "online" professionals. A "weight loss nutrition coach" (lol) and an ED online psychotherapist. Both commented on her last post.
Is this legit or are these people scammers. Or am I a moron for even thinking they might be legit? I looked at the guy's fb page and he's well sketchy.
No. 1189503
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another blatant arm check. this girl clearly has no respect for her audience if shes gonna continue to bodycheck after getting called out for it multiple times.
No. 1189508
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I know we said no milk on her, but JESUS CHRIST is Zara annoying. So many people calling her out for being triggerIng and Invalidating and her response is to guilt trip them. She’s not even like Anna just ignoring the so called haters, she flat out insults them back. Kek
No. 1189564
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No. 1189575
>>1189564Of course we must be fatties because we are the villains here and all the
victims are fragile innocent waifs.
No. 1189607
>>1189564>>1189488Did you really post yourself on here and then send yourself fake messages that you were on lolcow????? KEK
You're not milky and no one knows who you are sweetheart why would you WANT to be on lolcow?!?
No. 1189614
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this is the funniest shit ive ever read in my life
No. 1189616
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>>1189614this sounds like an anti bullying campaign for primary school children i cant believe anyone is taking this seriously
No. 1189653
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>>1189635And gracie. Speaking of whom… part 1
No. 1189657
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Pt 2
Think she's on her way out someone should inform medical
No. 1189658
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No. 1189659
>>1189606I could maybe buy that she has ARFID, which is basically just being a pathologically fussy eater with aversions to various tastes and textures, but that's because her diet resembles that of the average 7 year old living in a council house. I've seen her eat one meal so far that didn't come out of a packet.
And no, I don't think she actually has ARFID either.
No. 1189660
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>>1189657Everybody hurts, Gracie. Hold on. No need to go all out Winehouse just yet.
No. 1189661
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I know she's been mentioned in older threads but Sorcha is at it again. Posted this looking normal 2 days ago and then on her story yesterday said her dietitian called her to say she is getting sectioned next week because she's "the worst she's ever been". She is getting a whole load of shit on tel about it as she's clearly talking balls but she's admirably sticking to her story and insisting she's the most ill of all anas ever
No. 1189666
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>>1189654Not to PL but my friend's sister died from the effects of chronic anorexia. She was in her mid-30s and looked like a withered old lady. Ham looks the picture of health even before comparing them.
No. 1189668
>>1189666Ham would first of all say she was the same weight before she was brave by recovering, then she'd say the phone her pics are on was "lost".
I bet she doesn't even get what point anons try to make posting things like this.
No. 1189670
Even Becky (solostinmymind/plantsandpepperminttea) was on here all the time and agreed with p much everything said here… yet she is probably still laughing at the wannarexics from above.
No. 1189671
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Advice on recovery from Those Who Know…
No. 1189676
>>1189668She'd just say "my illness is just as
valid". I mean, I know that you can be anorexic and look fine, and you don't have to be literally skelly to be suffering. The point is, she's not AT ALL. She might have tried a crash diet for a week and got scared when she got a bit dizzy. That's it.
No. 1189677
>>1189667I'm not an expert but the category was invented so people can be offered palliative care or harm reduction instead of aiming for full recovery which will inevitably lead to a relapse-hospitalisation cycle.
There are no proper criteria but it is generally seen as being ill with little or no improvement for over a decade, having received multiple unsuccessful attempts at treatments in the past, not having motivation to change and being ill enough to have a very low quality of life (so someone who was in quasi and maintaining a BMI of ~18 and could function normally probably wouldn't be classified as a SEED patient)
No. 1189684
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JFC can you imagine the scene when k refuses to eat her meal and security guards have to jump on her. They must get such a laugh out of it. Of course you want it K.. because it draws the attention onto you.
No. 1189707
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Check 'em
No. 1189716
>>1189702‘I just felt supported by the talks from your parents’
‘Whenever you post it makes me feel so happy and makes me want to eat and recover’
‘It’s reassuring hearing them motivate you’
Gtfo with your selective reading
No. 1189719
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>>1188586>>1188585Dante was the hero of all Aly threads.
And about the good old days, ember, tilly, gracie and laura etc who ever belonged to that group. It was so nice about 5 years ago. Now its just so boring.
Idk. I would give my right leg for some good fresh milk like in those old days.
No. 1189723
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>>1189698hammum is delusional
No. 1189733
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Samefag as before sorry but I find her fascinating. Openly saying that she holds validation on the internet responsible for her recovery. If you look at her next story she says people are only hating on her bra cause “their bitter their ED isn’t at the same point as mine” KEK. These cows love to call everyone else out for triggering and competitive but when it’s them it’s all boohoo poor me
No. 1189734
>>1189725She might have lost a few pounds on a crash diet. If anything, she was actively trying to be anorexic but recovered as soon as her parents showed concern and now she gets to preach about her recovery journey and what a warrior she is.
I thought I was immune to this stuff after being inpatient and seeing people appropriate each others behaviours and skinwalk other disorders out of boredom but she makes me so mad. Hannah, go back to college and do something useful before you wind up a proper hambeast still bleating about being sick enough.
No. 1189739
>>1189733That bra comment is one of the most blatantly pro things I have seen outside of MPA or 2014 Tumblr. Another example of 'the real world doesn't have
trigger warnings but please dont be mean to me' What a pos excuse for a human.
>>1189725AFAIK all numbers are technically banned but generally the mods will let it slide if it is relevant to milk. For example, when Anna claimed to have been BMI 13 or adding up how huge Ham's snack plates are
No. 1189743
>>1189719Dante the priest. Moistness. Old proana lolcow was like Big Brother before the people in it knew what it was. After a few series they twigged that they needed to act up for attention and it spoiled it. (Nikki Graham reference there with BB). The new breed are stroppy kids who need to grow up.
>>1189716Thought you said Ham was annoying.
>>1189724Early proana is better looked at in retrospect. It's funnier now than it was then. Also didn't like the Olsen Twins on all their thinspo pics.
No. 1189749
>>1189653this was unironically hilarious, the fake crying, the lip-sync, i love her
i respect ham more than gracie because AT LEAST she did some research on what she was larping, even if she's ridiculous she knows anorexia=something with not wanting to eat, grace just says "my eating disorder hurts" and calls it a day
No. 1189755
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Becky's thoughts on Laura. If anyone's bored…
No. 1189759
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ovi looking dainty as ever
No. 1189761
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No. 1189763
>>1189759Sage for irrelevant but why are Americans drinks always so fucking huge do they know there's other sizes than venti?
Also, I forgot about ovi.
No. 1189782
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Don’t know if it’s good enough for new milk but that lydialearnstoeat girl is mentioning lolcow properly in her stories now
No. 1189786
>>1189784Don’t know it’s in a YouTube video tomorrow I think.
Been following her a while, she gained weight then lost it again and seems slightly under like anna but definitely exaggerating
No. 1189789
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>>1189761 since Becky has been brought up, I wanted to share this photo taken of her not long before she died. She deleted all of her photos basically, but a friend posted this.
No. 1189809
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>>1189763no wonder, she's pretty boring these days, tried to stay relevant in the thread with the sooper scary choking incident and trying to get her followers to come here (what a surprise no1currd enough).
won't shut the fuck up about kpop and random trashy stuff she does
ovi you're disappointing, give us something interesting
No. 1189813
>>1189763Everything's two sizes up in the US. Their medium t shirts are UK XL. I think everything's supersized over there. Only going off purchase history from Americans. Never been there. (Oh, and their drinks are shit loads sweeter).
Okay, Amerifags, bash me but you know I'm right.
No. 1189828
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thought this was funny for new thread pic, lmk if i should add anyone else
No. 1189837
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No. 1189873
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>>1189865(Going to include this, if anyone might be interested in reading it
No. 1189945
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a real spoop @madsmentality
No. 1190086
>>1189729Maybe instead of shitting on all the newfags every time they make a mistake, post the rules clearly in the original post - e.g. tell people they have to put sage in the email field or LINK the rules page. This site is fucking confusing to follow if you're not used to it, you cannot just tell a newbie to "sage your shit" .. they're not going to know what that means. And stop being all anal about people bringing up old shit, you can not expect people to lurk through 1200 posts x 53 threads to check if they're allowed to discuss a cow. You are all so brutal to the newfags, how about you just be more clear with the rules.
Walking away slowly.. need to protect myself from the bashing I'll get for posting this.
No. 1190099
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In what year did Porgie claim to be "severely underweight"? Because I've just looked through her entire Insta and there are NO underweight pictures…. This post from 2014 she was even overweight. I highly doubt she has ever been a healthy BMI, let alone underweight…. Plus, even those "anorexics" who USED to be underweight but are now a normal weight or overweight love to still share their underweight photos with the world… And I have never seen an underweight photo of Georgie Porgie…. Anyone else???
No. 1190110
>>1190099I doubt she's ever been underweight, probably been years since she's been a normal weight. Gosh I remember her looking like that now, crikey. She looked pretty.
P.S to reply to someone just click the post number then a box should pop up, or put >> then the post number you want to reply to. Also, when replying, in the email box put 'sage' so it doesn't bump the thread!
No. 1190130
>>1190118I'm a long time user and I don't need anyone to be nice to me. But you clearly failed to get my point. This site is confusing as fuck, you can't expect newbies to do it right, you can't expect them to KNOW they are meant to lurk. They probably can't even find the rules. So.. unless you're happy for the unsaged posts and responding arguments to continue consuming all the posts.. I'd recommend you try make it clearer for them.
I don't mind being nice to newbies who are just trying to participate. Sorry you're such a miserable fuck.
(genuine retard) No. 1190157
>>1190099To directly reply to someone click on the number above their post (the first one if there are multiple) The number should then appear in the comment box. To sage put 'sage' (no quotation marks) in the email box
Here is a timeline which disproves Georgia's claims:
>>1041055basically, she is full of shit. She claims the phone on which she had her underweight photos is broken but everyone knows that is a lie.
No. 1190201
>>1190129Just because cows keep tipping each other doesn't make it standard practice for farmers. It's against the rules for good reason.
I've seen so much whining about how these threads are so damaging they'll make people relapse (kek), do you think those are the same people intentionally sending content they believe is
triggering (this thread) to people they believe are vulnerable? How is cowtipping any better than offering thinspo or binge food or posting your shitty body checks while preaching recovery then? (Looking at you Ro, you know what you're doing, you just don't want to stop. Scumbag). So have the cowtippers really convinced themselves that violating site etiquette is somehow the noble thing to do or are they cowtipping in hopes of bringing harm to the people being discussed here?
I guess if we were dealing with decent, rational people there would be nothing to discuss though. Cows will be cows.
TL;DR you're not a good person for cow tipping, you're just a self-righteous retard. Stop it. Get some help
No. 1190237
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Stop fighting farmers.
Enjoy the latest tiktok from Gracie.
No. 1190238
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Let's see what the professionals have to say
No. 1190270
>>1190125 She had been IP so many times, tried pretty much every treatment option out there. There wasn't anything more they could do for her, especially as she didnt want to recover. It's very sad they would give up on her when she was so young. She wasn't even unwell for that long compared to most SEED patients. Perhaps if the NHS wasnt so underfunded, they wouldn't have stopped treatment?
The main difference between Becky and the twins/nikki is that theyre compliant. This is why they continue to get treatment despite being unwell for far longer.
No. 1190291
>>1190286 her mum also had an ED but recovered enough to be able to function (Becky's own words, but I don't think I have the cap anymore.) I know her sister distanced herself from the family because she couldnt deal with Becky's illness.
Ultimately it's probably better for them that she died, as awful as that sounds.
No. 1190299
>>1190292If she was so determined not to recover I don't see why the NHS should be obliged to continue treatment. I know there is an issue with whether anas have the capacity to refuse treatment but at ultimately reducing suffering should be the most important thing if multiple attempts at treatment have failed. Wasn't she in a pretty bad physical condition (lots of broken bones,) after her suicide attempt? And I've heard she was very non-compliant and tried to
trigger other people so an inpatient unit probably wouldn't be the best place for her anyway
No. 1190300
>>1190292I do agree that if she didn't have any desire to recover then treatment was redundant. I followed Becky over the years but never closely so never knew what she said in terms of her being in palliative care. I can only assume she was assessed as having capacity to be able to effectively choose to end her life through starvation.
>>1190291 - It does sound awful but yeah, it's probably true. The constant worry must have been unbearable and severe anas aren't exactly known for being pleasant to be around. Nature of the beast I suppose.
No. 1190308
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She has gained weight. She says it’s from yoga and it’s just muscle mass (and that she is eating less than she used to) but I doubt that. Even muscle in order to grow needs food.
No. 1190330
>>1190322Yes yes agreed she is insufferable in the way she talks to other people. So full of herself going on about feminism and helping the homeless but anyone who gets
triggered by her is “literal scum” and she goes on to blame others for her supposed self hatred. She’s so full of shit.
No. 1190340
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>>1190322anon i’m so sorry but you’re wrong- as much as i hate to defend someone this thread gets detailed enough without people making it up. this is on her highlights- she spent her 16th bday actually in hospital, and i had been following her for about a year beforehand anyway.
No. 1190355
>>1190336She romanticizes her younger self and all the different messed up phases she went through, from the ed to drinking a bottle of whiskey a day to even heroin use. I think she's just incredibly stunted for this stage of her life.
35 odd years old and constantly telling tales of what she did at 20? She's been hauled up in her room for about a decade hardly living. That's why she's does it imo. She needs to do something with her life. Move out of moms house and get a dayjob or a goal in life.
No. 1190387
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not that anyone cares much but n2f has a new acc
No. 1190558
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>>1190192>>1190201Carrying on the Dora Ro thing- apparently lolcow is disgusting
No. 1190565
>>1190559Youtube is a platform where you kind of need to ride the dick of larger creators to grow your channel.
My question is, do these guys even want a life outside of their ED? Isn't the goal to recover? Their channels are all so fixated around food and anorexia, they literally have no personality outside of it. Its unfortunate
No. 1190608
>>1190599I found some scrap of motivation and I started it. Don't be offended by the red text. At one point these threads were all given shit thread. I can see it happening again soon.
Gimme half an hour or something. Multitasking and I don't have the brain for it really.