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No. 1040262
Welcome to the 42nd pro ana scumbag thread, where we are currently in the midst of searching through Porgie's beautiful old milk and trying to decipher any kind of truth or timeline- Could a kind detective farmer help us out with this?
Last thread our farmers heard tales of Georgia's time in inpatient (highlights include her 'roommate' squelch and her weetabixy ugg boots), her enviously bony (and perfect!) hour glass figure and most importantly, her LW of 70lbs;
triggered by a traumatic incident that happened when she was 7. We've searched her tumblr, reddit and MPA for hours and can confirm she's been severely anorexic since- wait… was it bulimic?.. b/p subtype? uh, well there was definitely no binging or eating over 1000 calories! well, apart from on those 7k calorie binges.. but she rarely ever needed o eat, she actually hates eating and hardly does it! uh.. with the exception of the times she b/p 14 times a day. but APART from that- anyway, she isn't checking in on the lolcow bullies anymore so she DEFINITELY won't see this and she'd NEVER post about anyone else on here. Ever.
N2f's family holiday has brought some interesting developments (OOTD and hair aside), she's removing the fridge freezer from her bedroom and admitting it wasn't normal.. is this realisation a step in the right direction or is she trying to appease her family after whatever went down on that vacation? Can our farmers expect more sticky syrupy bedsheet pics and gag worthy concoctions or are will there be actual edible meals in store? She's just bought 1kg of sweets so there's still plenty to purge!
Weight restored recovery warrior Elzani has been picking on her fat sister, not really sure where that will lead but there was apparently no malicious intent behind it and they both found it super funny!!!! We just won't talk about how Satara stormed out of the room afterwards..
Gainer is still preparing for her show, still poses like a bony gorilla. Dharma is still eating baby porridge mush mixed with protein powder and calling it a recovery win. Unsurprisingly, neither have managed to gain any weight but don't be a hater and point that out, guys! Recovery takes time! Years and years and years to be exact.
Molly celebrated her 20th birthday in style! super scary cake and super scary snacks.. probably along with a super scary meal! Luckily she had her hilarious brother and BFF mum to help her along the way. We're still unsure of her ED timeline (anorexia and oxford in less than a year, phew! exhausting!) she remains quite a mystery, hopefully she posts another youtube video we can dissect soon but knowing her it'll be an hour of scary bagel trying and weird sibling content.
Laura is fucking around in a forest somewhere in a sia's chandelier style leotard, we marvelled over lucie_shedding_layers's salivary glands for a bit ('recovering' from anorexia into bulimia does NOTHING for your jawline.), sophiewrestling continues her shooping and has decided to stop bothering with trying to make it believable and han elizabeth scratched up her face until she resembled a plate of jam and obviously didnt clean it up before she took a picture because how would she get that sweet instagram attention if she wasn't covered in blood!?
>>1030109SOCIAL MEDIA: No. 1040269
>>1040262>A bony gorillaThat provoked a genuine lol.
Dried weetabix could be a good foot exfoliator. Might test this out.
Italian Aly is still talking about her struggle to stay a healthy weight and had a heart attack (or cardiac arrest) not long ago. Recovered, but still unbearable and hasn't moved on personality-wise.
No. 1040287
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Okay, if Dharma actually does go to & follows through with treatment I will be completely impressed. This seems like her admitting that recovering through fitness didn’t really work and that it just kept her from backsliding. Curious to see how this plays.
No. 1040292
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from georgia’s tumblr
No. 1040295
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No. 1040301
>>1040268Italian Aly did recover(?), but relapsed and now recovers again.
I don't think she did recover tho because at first she just spend time at mcdonalds and ate herself to healthy weight, then seeing that nobody cares about her anymore so she relapsed fairly thin again and eating just healthy food. Then she was at hospital for a heart problems. Now she seems to be gaining little bit of weight back(whitch is good) and back to occasionals mcdonalds.
No. 1040302
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No. 1040303
>>1040296agreed she's criticized others for not doing recovery properly when all her meals are high volume/protein with minimal calories. And has the audacity to tag/promote them as recovery wins. I suspect she's being pushed into treatment by family and if it doesn't work out she'll come out complaining about how the unhealthy food and rate of weight gain
triggered a relapse and she was doing so well on her own
No. 1040306
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>>1040301Same poses. Same neediness. Same whitening of teeth and eyeballs. She always keeps herself bang on "healthy weight" and never a pound over. I don't think she's ever let it go. There's an Aly thread, but it's rarely used. Last time I saw it was when she had the heart drama.
>>1040302She looks so much like Frida Kahlo, it's uncanny. Wonder what the sticker under her put's all about.
No. 1040310
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Not sure if this was posted last thread but it's from her 'serious journalist' blog.
No. 1040312
>>1040309I love her. Ultimate favourite. Grateful you posted because I thought the smears were on my laptop screen and was going to find my spray cleaner. That wall really is filthy. Not just the marks from god knows what, but the whole wall is dirty. So depressing.
Note the teabags stuck in the gingerbread house thing on the shelf. What's the white bread bin type thing on the wall? She needs to make her room less gloomy. And gain some weight.
No. 1040320
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>>1040318>>1040317She's too poor for cosmetic surgery and her shooping skills were never great. She always had a flat ass, now it's a bit less flat. I think it's a natural.
No. 1040321
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>>1040310kek. you literally couldn't make this shit up.
"they want the best story, the most readable and exciting one….some journalists turn to stretching the truth - and even flat-out lying - to get that story" - gotta love porgie writing an entire essay about her own dishonest behaviour in creating an "exciting" story!
No. 1040340
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>>1040331> Fritzel’s basement probably looked cleaner…Marginally
No. 1040344
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georgia can't even keep her lies straight for a few days (peep the dates)
No. 1040345
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No. 1040369
>>1040363There's fuck all to see on her fb. She made it all friends only after we starting talking about her.
The only "old" pics of here were these
>>1039406The ~recovery~ tumblr has more
No. 1040393
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So her ed started when she was 11?
No. 1040397
>>1040371Anon appears to be away atm, but this is the link:>>1040393I know the Tracey Beaker books have stories about bipolar mums and shit, but what 10 year old would happen to read a book about a girl with an ED?
No. 1040419
>>1040416I read it about 6 years ago? Similarities I guess: main character is fat, constantly compares herself to the anorexic character who she visits in an ed unit where she like, roasts the patients for having stick arms and looking weird when they dance. Lol.
Main character has no mum? Does georgia?
Main character purges a lot but says she has anorexia (or at least the people around her tell her she does.), She only drinks black coffee and then on Christmas she eats a bunch and purges.
Apart from that I can't think of any similarities but it's been ages since I read it. J wilson got lots of criticism for it though. She randomly goes into a lot of description of purging which people see issue with and it also just doesn't read like she knew what she was on about when she wrote it. A very shitty book so I wouldn't buy it if I were you, anon.
No. 1040422
>>1040419Yeah, Georgia has a mum. She's married to a woman.
Georgia drinks weak milky tea lol.
Z books is free (pirate) downloads. I download loads from there. You should check it out if you read pdfs of have an e reader. Saves one from forking out for books that turn out shitty.
No. 1040435
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for the anon doing the time line. georgia has had 3 inpatient admissions BEFORE her 16th birthday, despite her first admission being for EDNOS - a dx which she didn't have until she was 18.
No. 1040437
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so that's 4 admissions before 2017,but 3 admissions before 2018. and zero admissions when she was 18,despite that being when she supposedly got her ednos dx, and her first admission was for ednos….
No. 1040449
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No. 1040451
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>>1040449She starts a thread about this TWICE.
No. 1040455
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>>1040448>>1040435and just to clarify, this is the photo posted with the caption. "I was skinny. Big deal" I mean, she looks at a lower weight than she did now, but hardly the super underweight anorexia sufferer she claims to have been.
No. 1040467
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I don't understand what she's saying here.
No. 1040471
>>1040455She looks so much better with a fringe. Besides, she is not smiling in any of her photos she takes now? She is constantly scowling in all her photos. My understanding is that she thinks it makes her look like a poor sick baby UwU, but in fact it just makes her look exceptional. The most punchable face of them all.
On an unrelated note, I am loving the outpour of Georgia milk. I would be checking pro ana thread just to see if there is an update on her and now I am bathing in milk. Other cows make me laugh but she genuinely annoys me.
No. 1040472
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>>1038684>>1038686Weird that Georgia said she wasn't going to check lolcow anymore but some of her reddit posts disappeared! What a coincidence
No. 1040473
>>1040302Ok apart from the walls in this pic, im curious to know if that gingerbread house is real or just a china ornament! Then, what is the fit lady sticker doing placed seemingly very intentionally to cover her arm pit… ? And that is defo a bread bin on the shelf. Finally I noticed what must be a photo of her (with a date on it) where she is super spoopy…i hope that isn’t a wall of body check pics/thinspo .
Since her little revelation about having freezer in room and fearing her food was being tampered with, it’s confirmed how i genuinely feel about her and I really do feel sorry for her. That’s a very powerful and dark place to be within your ED to be thinking in that way and having zero trust in anyone, and constant paranoia over your food being sabotaged. She really needs
Proper help, it’s just sad.
No. 1040479
>>1040473Kek. I thought it was a printer but shame on me for assuming she would have anything non food related on a bookshelf!
>>1040471Not just the fringe. She looks a million times better at a normal weight! She is not remotely skinny here but I would say high end of healthy, and it suits her. This is where her body should be if she hadn’t committed herself to becoming a soooper speshul Ed warrior land whale.
And I also am loving all this new milk on her! This thread has not been so entertaining in ages!! I always thought she was just a boring person who longed for en ED to be interesting and attractive but turns out she is an absolute psychopath!
No. 1040481
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>>1040473This is the pic. It's from one of the nights she saw Lady Gaga.
No. 1040508
>>1040487She looks so awkward and uncomfortable here. Do we know how old she is? This pic is from almost 3 years ago and she looks the same, which is to say she is definitely in her 20s I would assume. Does she do absolutely nothing with her life other and crear barf worthy food concoctions.
>>1040473Gotta agree with you that the tiny snippets of her real life that she shares reveal how bad things are for her. She is a disgusting gremlin in terms of her ED but she doesn’t seem like a bad person like many of these other cows. She lies about her behaviors but she’s not a dick to her followers and just genuinely seems a little slow but completely harmless. She is really very sick and I also hope for her to get help. I mean yea it’s gross and fascinating but also really sad.
No. 1040540
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"love me some new info". kek. ofc you do Georgia, anything to make your ED stories more "believable"
No. 1040541
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sure you did! kek.
No. 1040552
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"FUCK recovery it gave me BED" kek. the lies continue.
No. 1040553
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but.. didn't she say her ed started when she was 12? you're telling me she's 12 in the first picture? nah sis
No. 1040556
>>1040553Wait… Didn't she post something a while ago about how her ed started whilst she was at a theatre? Like, she posted the theatre pic with a caption about how happy she was and then about how hours later her ed had started. I need to find that post!!
(Also in a post further up she said it started when she was 11 so that's another lie.)
No. 1040558
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For the timeline- 2014. What ed did she have at this point? Well it's the skinniest I've ever seen her look.
No. 1040564
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Her reddit is a gold mine. Dont think these ones have been posted yet:
No. 1040571
>>1040540I might just be dumb but wouldn't BED technically be bulimia without purging because it's just binging? like…she said it right there, just a few words before.
sage for non-milk
No. 1040614
>>1040558she looks 45
she could benifit from not scrunching ger forehead like that
No. 1040691
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trigger warning! A fatty lost some weight. And no, shes not boring with all this past crazy coming up
No. 1040692
>>1040682Go and look for some new cows then.
Re morven: she removed a bunch of people the last time she was talked about. Anyone still have access?
No. 1040717
>>1040691Porgie, you don't have low blood pressure. You have
high blood pressure. You're obese. Stop lying to yourself and everyone else.
No. 1040726
>>1040722Agree. Young children are not infrequently
victims of serial abuse. Just because its unimaginable doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
No. 1040787
>>1040565oh fuck off. every skelly i've seen in person with an neda tattoo spots me looking at it and then quickly looks away when i make eye contact. nek minnut she'll be claiming
a desperate mother of a child who is going through this disorder lovingly wrapped her arms around me and told me i was sooper strong kek. buy a diary, porkie.
No. 1040789
>>1040628Bitch can't remember her own storyline of what she was diagnosed with and when and yet she can remember getting her ass wiped as a two year old?
Hmm, smell that? It's bullshit.
No. 1040857
>>1040726Just a reminder that confused ohchickpea claimed SRA where she was made to eat the fetus she was carrying at 12 years of age or something. No surprise she was faking the DID.
Never forget the McMartins preschool trial where people served time in jail because a bunch of kids alleged abuse that was fabricated. Just because she's saying something hideous happened as a 2 year old, can't not question it with her history of lying.
No. 1040867
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Not sure if these old posts from Georgia on MPA have been posted.
1. Here we have another bmi/diagnosis to add to the increasingly contradictory timeline of Georgia's "ED history". Age 19 I think? ED for 9 years apparently. Also admits she sucks at purging
No. 1040929
>>1040875If a kid's a fan of Jacqueline Wilson, they'd want to read all she wrote even if it's a bit too advanced. Nothing wrong informing youngsters about MI, but I do think there are always going to be little Georgias who take the wrong thing from it if they're reading it when it's not age appropriate.
>>1040878The vile thing is lying about it, like chickpea to LARP a MI that already is controversial.
No. 1040931
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Qualified doctor Maria asks what an iron transfusion involves.
No. 1040935
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>>1040691>>1040695I think we all now know the weight loss "whoosh" that porgie's referring to. kek. as always with porgie, any drop in weight, not matter how it occurred, just HAS to be shared with all her followers, because she lives in a world where if she doesn't post it, it didn't happen. quite literally.
No. 1040940
>>1040935They refer to whoosh on mpa and Reddit. Another buzz word she picked up.
That's fucking gross. No matter how shit life is at times, thank fuck we're not Georgia's toilet.
No. 1040949
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georgia, just admit that you've never had a restrictive ed
No. 1040950
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samefag. and an r/thathappened. ok i'm done for now. sifting through her blog is mind numbing
No. 1040956
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Remember the tiny amount of chocolate and peanut butter she lost weight eating?
This is her "anorexia tips n tricks". A full jar of Nutella per meal.
No. 1041007
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Couldn’t listen to her IG stories, but here’s a screen cap of ganer looking horrifying as ever.
No. 1041018
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>>1040931Bruh, what the FUCK does this say
>>1041007ayy lmao
No. 1041028
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>>1041007Watched it. It’s just her bragging how people keep begging her to come back to YouTube but she can’t because she’s too much of a perfectionist and doesn’t want to make videos unless they’re perfect.
No. 1041038
>>1041028Ditching the shit eyeliner and cheapo lashes would be a step towards "perfect". Are her teeth veneers or something? They're too white.
Fuck me, this thread has some horrific cows.
No. 1041055
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>>1040262>>1040349I've done it
(namefag) No. 1041057
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>>1041008this comment sent me so i had to make it
No. 1041064
>>1041055Note: Georgia claimed her first admission was FOR a diagnosis of EDNOS - assuming, therefore, that was her admission at age 15,she didn't have a dx of anorexia at her supposed weight of 70lbs.
also, there is a photo of porgie at 70lbs. aged 7 years old.
No. 1041065
>>1041064which one out of the 3 IP stays before turning 16 lmao
case closed.
No. 1041073
>>1041055Stunning! Appreciate this v much, anon.
So strange she's had eating disorders soooooo many years yet not one pic of her underweight. Not one disorder helped her achieve her bonelord goal.
(Pssst. Watch out for red text rampant farmhands with the name, though).
No. 1041077
>>1041055Great job. I was getting lost in her lies (as was she lol) but it's now clear she's lying.
Side note: I think she looked ok at 15-16, such a shame she dedicated her life to living out her fantasy and LARPing as ana, which made her the hamplanet she is now.
No. 1041089
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Imo, Georgia looked her best here. No makeup and a decent weight. Obv switched her ED off for Xmas.
No. 1041106
>>1041087Kek, chocolate monos were all the rage on mpa for a while and that kicked off a frenzy where people would mono on anything and thus the Nutella mono was born.
The idea is that you only eat 1 food for a whole day (or longer) but you can eat as much as you want and the calories "don't count". I have no idea how it works, i do remember people losing loads on the first day and then gaining it back immediately after so I don't know the logistics behind it. Just another funny myproana craze, there's still loads of accountabilities on them.
No. 1041109
>>1041106I think the idea was you'd get sick of eating that one thing and not eat as much. Like I can't imagine eating a whole jar of Nutella for a meal and doing it few times a day, but I contrary to Georgie Porgie really don't have BED.
Those who preached you could eat as many calories from chocolate and never gain weight if you only sticked to chocolate were obviously stupid. I can imagine Georgia believing it too
No. 1041113
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>>1041109Threads like this got lots of attention. I've always been pretty fascinated by monos tbh, wonder if everyone's just lying about their results.
No. 1041156
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Laura's so proud of her TV appearance, she's put it on her tik tok
No. 1041182
>>1041176They show her Instagram account and talk about how dance saved her life or whatever. She dances around and they talk about social media bullies (probably us!) Then she says she gets more followers and likes when she's anorexic so it pushes her to lose more weight.
That's all I remember from watching it when it came out. Might rewatch it to bring more milk if anyone's interested?
No. 1041196
>>1041163I downloaded that because I thought youtube would take it down. Wish I hadn't bothered, though the schizophrenic guy is hot.
Yeah, she comes across really fake.
No. 1041290
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Someone got a new mug
No. 1041602
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>>1040692I’ve still got smorvy access but she hasn’t posted anything milky for a few days, this is her recent story. I’ll update with smorvy if there’s anything worth posting
No. 1041617
>>1041583This is what I don’t get about overweight (or even healthy) people who end up with their coveted tube: If they are that scared of food and weight gain that they “stop eating”, WHY are they then more than happy to accepting energy-dense calorific feed ?! Its the biggest neon “faker” sign there is. Yes in many instances, there are those who willingly accept ng feeds, but this is usually because they have to in order to get privileges or various freedoms and ultimately discharged from an IP setting. However it truly baffles me when this woman doesn’t seem to be IP & not being forced to have have feeds… too afraid of kcals to eat for 3 weeks at a time, but more than happy to trot around in the real world willingly pumping pure kcals directly to her stomach! Reminds me of the relevation in last thread that JTE emma used to whip out her PEG & feed herself ensure/fortisip through it in the middle of an Eating Disorder Support group whilst all the others sat there in stunned silence at her attention seeking behaviour. Apparently one girl had to leave when Emma arrived as she was so
triggering and competitive!
P.s Anon Who was in the same group as JTE, do you have anymore milk or an update on her. i dont follow her.
No. 1041622
>>1041617I don't get it either. From docus I've watched of real anas, they go to extraordinary lengths to avoid tubes. That little Dana was fed a drip of glucose and her mum said she spent hours with the tube wrapped around her wrist and held her arm high to stop it going into her. Then the other girl Vicky who took her parents to court to stop them having her tubed.
It must be a syndrome in itself there're so many of these flakes who WANT a tube and WANT to be seen as anorexic.
No. 1041632
>>1041622From a logical standpoint, it certainly doesn't make sense for any anorexic to want a tube. For people like Georgia, though, it seems that their real concern is simply proving to others that they do indeed have a restrictive ED. In their eyes, having a tube makes their ED "real;" it reinforces that they are sick and need immediate medical intervention.
It does feel very much like a munchie-esque thing to me.
No. 1041666
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another photo literally highlighting that tube!
No. 1041687
>>1041649> The real misconceptions that anorexics simply don’t eat and just want to be skinny like Kate moss (or whoever) remain entrenched.Whenever eating disorders are mentioned on the radio or tv, they always blame it on the media showing skinny models and that's THE reason people want to be thin.
>>1041669Because she's a cash cow. She must pay a fortune on her visits - feeds, ECT, therapy. They don't care that she's faking it and they know it.
No. 1041718
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this is so vile, why does she have all these bread rolls and jam jars etc. just lying on her bed. i don’t know why she won’t admit to her obvious b/p habits. Part 1 was a snack, part 2 is a full meal…
No. 1041748
>>1041718have we noticed that her grimy windowsill has been covered in a furry rug in her last few sets of photos? how long before that's covered in food and grime too?
>>1041720yeah, she explained it as a massive win against anorexia, because her evening meal was too small, so she had to size up her night snack. she also keeps eating sandwiches and labelling them as "dessert", which is kinda odd.
No. 1041765
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Looking good, Georgia!
No. 1041789
>>1041765Yet another terrible consequence of her super serious eating disorder! Poor delicate flower!
JFC her attempts to make a "I-am-so-sick" face make me want to punch her so much. I don't think she's ugly, she actually looked good with less weight on but her expressions and her personality make her extremely punchable.
No. 1041837
>>1041765A quick google search would've answered that for you, Georgia.
> i'm anemicYou're also delusional. Going to brag about that too?
No. 1041902
>>1041669Guessing because she’s more of a munchie at this point, and and munchies typically don’t ever get better, even if there’s intervention and treatment. And if Porgie never going to stop,. what’s the point of calling her out? If anything, that’s just going to make her ana larp harder, which makes more work for NF etc.
As other farmers have mentioned, she’s the best sort of cash cow, even though she’s infuriating. Low risk, doesn’t need much care, still brings in money. If they tell her she’s not anorexic she’ll actually starve herself just for a tube, and then they’re ethically forced to tube her with all the follow up care that requires. Or she’ll do her fake self-harm, and that’s gotta be a lot of paperwork staff has to fill out. Easier on everyone if they just go along with her delusions.
That’s what the normal and overweight wannabe anas don’t get, anyone who just refuses to eat can get a feeding tube. Doesn’t mean they’re sooner sick or speschul, just that they’re attention whores. Same with JTE, a PEG tube means nothing except that she’s a bratty attention whore who refuses to eat.
No. 1041920
File: 1600568578212.jpg (853.28 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200919-201936_Ins…)

Elzani isn't really milky anymore but I couldn't get over this story
No. 1042028
File: 1600601357440.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200920_122922_com…)

n2f finally reveals how she makes her "scrambled" egg. just whack a few eggs in the microwave in your room for a minute aaaand DONE!
No. 1042033
File: 1600604186134.jpeg (320.96 KB, 828x1406, BCC11863-50F6-49FC-8E4B-2CEFAA…)

Looks like this attention whore decided to start down the munchie path. Australia has some real winners kek
No. 1042111
>>1042033sounds like gallstones, looks like cough drops.
thank you now pay us.
No. 1042132
>>1042033My thought is she totally made this up. Those are pieces of food she's stuck in a specimen jar. Like they'd let her take photos of something they don't want tampered with for examination? Puzzled doctors. Yeah, right. Super special.
>>1042070My suspicion is her fridge broke and that's why she doesn't have it. I'd be concerned about the electricity used in her room or all the extention leads or double plug adaptors she must use. Toaster, kettle, microwave, fridge, plus whatever else she uses plug sockets for. A fire in her hoard pit and she it'd go up in a flash.
She's definitely trying to make her photos look less grimy. Bless.
No. 1042194
File: 1600622779329.png (2.92 MB, 1914x840, 2016.png)

>>1042185Don't know her age, but looking at these from 2016, she looks around 17, which would make her 21/22 now.
Body check from '16. Her face looks really young.
No. 1042195
File: 1600622863503.png (2.08 MB, 1914x840, 1.png)

>>1042194Definitely 17/18 ?
I think her illness stopped her doing things with her life. She mentions missing Lady Gaga gigs because she was in hospital. I don't think she'll get her life together until she sorts her disorder out.
No. 1042199
File: 1600623018135.jpg (49.51 KB, 410x325, 2014.JPG)

Here's the mention she was in hospital in 2014.
No. 1042238
File: 1600627742236.jpg (44.55 KB, 556x608, Capture.JPG)

>>1042231The full 11 sec video here's incredibly cute here: bodycheck, different poses)
Hmm…her other fb's confused my age theory. The pic is from 2012, which by my last estimate would make her 13. She looks 13. Except where it mentions her education. It says she WENT to blah school. No way is she 16 in this one.
I'm sticking with her being 22 ish.
No. 1042325
File: 1600644551046.jpeg (102.69 KB, 750x520, 21B21072-5082-4B85-897B-B7F641…)

>>1041765she is just desperate for something to be wrong with her other than that absolute cancer of a personality.
No. 1042536
File: 1600678393624.jpeg (286.91 KB, 828x2584, AE7BDCB7-B52B-4248-94A4-C1CDB4…)

Hannah is determined to be sick, clearly purposely dehydrating/starving herself to create problems. She’s been losing followers, looks like people are over her bullshit. Despite her “severe anorexia” she’s still at a healthy weight. Lots of #thathappened, too, acting like she’s critically ill while she’s just an attention whore making herself sick on purpose.
No. 1042583
File: 1600695773048.jpeg (558.51 KB, 2048x2048, 3F5DDF8D-5AD4-490B-BA5F-14CEDB…)

Anabolic ice cream, a protein cookie, and a fitness selfie right before admission to an inpatient EDP? Something tells me this isn’t going to go well. Just a hunch.
No. 1042607
>>1042583The BDD when she thinks her body looks ripped.
This post is the equivalent of having a cheeky cig before trying to quit. It doesn't work because she's going to have a stash of her ~fitness~ crap somewhere.
No. 1042680
File: 1600709351239.jpg (130.55 KB, 1101x919, yum.JPG)

Here's a recipe. Low calorie, tastes like shit if we're being real.
No. 1042711
File: 1600713268421.jpg (332.57 KB, 1080x1920, 20200921_133354.jpg)

More carbs = extra breakfast biscuits and a banana cut up into small slices
No. 1042720
File: 1600713850571.jpeg (1019.3 KB, 828x1485, 9BBF9BB4-0147-4085-8666-E6164B…)

>>1042711Don’t worry though, she loves what she eats! Definitely not just typical anorexic safe foods day after day because she isn’t actually in anything even resembling recovery. Nope. Not this warrior!
No. 1042725
File: 1600714229223.jpeg (956.27 KB, 828x1450, 812EC867-676B-4032-B658-CE8828…)

Does ganer have no waist at all? It just goes from her upper torso right to her legs.
No. 1042799
>>1042711>>1042720These are really bizarre meals for a bulking diet. I guess the oats (if that’s what that brown mush is) are somewhat normal, but no eggs? No meat? Rice? Nary a vegetable?
It sounds like her “coach” knows she can’t handle an actual bulking diet. I’m not an anachan and I was miserable when I first started because of the sheer quantity of food I had to eat. I have serious doubts that ganer is putting away six high-calorie, high protein meals a day.
No. 1042802
File: 1600725230248.jpg (360.3 KB, 1073x1732, 20200921_165434.jpg)

>>1042799Here's some green beans with rice and mush!
No. 1042917
File: 1600740441572.jpg (189.05 KB, 1398x825, protein.JPG)

>>1042807This is her online coach here are a selection of his clients.
No. 1042925
File: 1600741120482.png (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 1486x724, ganers goals.png)

>>1042918…and they give cash freely for powders. £120 for a months supply of a supplement thing. Big business. How is THIS attractive? At least Ganer has the slut shoes!
No. 1042927
>>1042815Does she work? I just perused her account and it appears she lives alone in a nice apartment but does nothing other than work out.
>>1042917Wow. Her body is a million miles (lbs) away from competition ready.
No. 1042949
File: 1600745668776.jpg (19.11 KB, 290x290, vaENkQPR_400x400.jpg)

>>1041007why does she look like terry a davis in this pic
No. 1042969
File: 1600751421854.jpg (68.14 KB, 960x960, gains.jpg)

I mean she is looking better than before. Apparently this image is Sept 2018/Sept 2019/ Aug 2020.
It's just now she doesn't look like she's literally about to die, she still doesn't look healthy per se.
No. 1042999
File: 1600756441605.jpg (80.23 KB, 508x960, 35671693_2128514637178413_3625…)

>>1042969I have mixed feelings about ganes. On the one hand she has made progress. If you look back through her FB there's evidence of spoopiness dating back at least 7 years but consistant progress from last 3 years or so. It's definitely not a perfect recovery but better than going down the road of constant relapse/hospitalization etc, kind of like how the aim of treatment for SE-AN can be more learning to live with it. But she also posts everything to social media and promotes herself as some sort of fitness/nutrition coach as well as recovery inspo which is kinda fucked.
She probably needs someone to step in and suggest she at least takes a step back from social media and consider getting some hobbies/interests other than the gym and food. Unfortunately she's unlikely to get that from the fitness community and her family is probably just glad they no longer feel like they're living with a real life extra-terrestrial
No. 1043065
File: 1600770805827.jpeg (903.38 KB, 828x1711, 267F3553-C0AB-4FEE-901A-5E3180…)

Back to our regularly scheduled Porgie admissions to the emergency department, demanding people tell her she’s sooper sick. Her need for attention at all costs (except actual weight loss, obviously) is absolutely pathological.
No. 1043069
>>1043065Has she given a reason for her ED visit? Or is the BP reading + vague caption supposed to
trigger a flurry of concerned responses?
No. 1043071
File: 1600773601455.jpeg (1.09 MB, 828x1499, 22763769-E110-4D54-AC12-42E4C7…)

>>1043069I’m guessing her job interview went too well and she got nervous that she might soon be expected to actually work and function like a normal 22 year old, so she larped at her dietician appointment about not eating and hiding wheetabix in her uggs.
No. 1043084
File: 1600776230623.jpg (599.13 KB, 1080x1740, Screenshot_20200922_130332.jpg)

ngl, i still can't quite get over n2f's constant attempts at "cheesey pasta" which always consists of the driest looking pasta topped with a cheese triangle. an attempt was made. (and don't even get me started on the concept of topping pasta with mushy peas)
No. 1043089
File: 1600777544530.jpg (313.63 KB, 1241x2152, STOPYZh.jpg)

Is this a normal LinkedIn for this type of job? I work in a totally different field. This place may actually suit Georgia if she can get her shit together
No. 1043111
>>1043084How did she “cook” this? I’ve seen teabags sit in water for longer
>>1043065This porker is like the mental illness version of hapless munchie Amanda/Ren.
No. 1043114
>>1043084Mushy peas pickle cheese pasta? A vomit inducing combo from N2F.
>>1043111I’m assuming I’m the microwave or she pours boiling water from her kettle over it. Both would equally render dry, quasi cooked pasta
No. 1043131
File: 1600787269653.jpeg (370.76 KB, 1125x2436, 59138DCB-F311-44F4-AA4E-4E1D9F…)

Didn’t even make the end of September - seriously - get your shit together woman! There are people dying everywhere around the world and you’re playing games, but you’re not only fucking up your life, you’re fucking up other people’s too.. time to grow up Georgia, the sick games are over
No. 1043139
>>1043131She wants us to talk about her here or she'd send this to ~close friends~
Well done on fucking your results up to stay in hospital AGAIN.
No. 1043182
>>1043178Even with it mostly covered up it's too much.
Betting she really knocked back the laxatives to fuck her potassium up.
No. 1043186
File: 1600795649956.jpg (255.12 KB, 612x408, cooking-with-kids_612.jpg)

>>1043174Kids are better at cooking than n2f. They know to use more than 4 pieces of sweetcorn.
No. 1043213
File: 1600798591003.jpeg (410.68 KB, 1125x1973, FA3A5CE4-F145-45CC-B9A1-4B09FB…)

She’s probably doing the old don’t lay flat to keep her bp low - anything to make her “sicker”
No. 1043214
File: 1600799030285.jpg (768.74 KB, 1080x1440, 20200922_141933.jpg)

Sage for not being particularly milky… But what the fuck. Empty unwashed tuna can, on a rank blanket, with filthy walls. I'm legitimately horrified how someone is comfortable living like this and sharing it with the world.
No. 1043224
File: 1600800728394.jpg (223.79 KB, 1080x1734, 20200922_135131.jpg)

Who wants to bake - I mean, microwave along with n2f?
>>1043214No fridge freezer on her room means pasta all the time and proves she doesn't leave her room to eat with family
No. 1043251
File: 1600802542706.jpg (51.15 KB, 564x423, meatloaf foot.jpg)

>>1043224I thought all her meals were Halloween themed. Happy plsnning!
No. 1043272
File: 1600804344288.jpg (474.04 KB, 719x1276, IMG_20200922_205248.jpg)

She looks pretty smug about it
No. 1043337
File: 1600811009966.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x1695, Screenshot_20200922-164353_Ins…)

This looks like a huge stomachache. If she were to keep it all down, of course
No. 1043368
Hi. I’m a cow. Risking ban for this, but maybe it would help me get better anyhow. I discovered this site many years ago when I narcissistically googled my name. Someone had posted me, but I was deemed not milky, and OP was subsequently chewed out.
I give myself NG tubes at home and pay for them myself.
I only feel safe if someone is taking care of me.
My life could be amazing but I waste it all comparing myself, being sick, and wasting money.
I am a drain on my family, employer, and partner.
Not posting social because this is not a follower gaining ploy. This is a self-call-out for being an awful human being. Please, enjoy the gossip, and if you can, teach me how to move on w my life and stop being a cow.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1043415
>>1043213"I just want to go home"
then admit to the staff that you're a psychopathic malingerer, roll yourself out of the emergency department that you undoubtedly drove yourself to and get a fucking life.
No. 1043417
>>1043415S l o w c l a p.
>>1043368You have got to be trolling us.
>>1043378It is not her anon. Poster knows internet/Chan culture lingo perfectly. That girl is hella religious. And also yes she is spoopy but she is not milky and never posts pictures with a toob.
No. 1043437
File: 1600824756240.png (7.38 MB, 1125x2436, D5257B0D-4866-4579-99E8-6CA60E…)

Next minute - ng toob selfie’s
No. 1043453
>>1043443Messing her potassium up before dietician appointment was her plan to be taken seriously by her doc who stated she didn't need ED treatment because, well, she doesn't have one. What a sad cow.
>>1043299She lives with her 70 year old dad and younger brother. Therefore leaving 13 year old brother to help dad with everything. Selfishness personified.
No. 1043484
File: 1600831080611.png (6.62 MB, 1242x2208, D1C57D3B-9E42-4F5D-A8F9-F3030C…)

we called it
No. 1043488
>>1043484I didn't even recognise her for a second she looks even more fat and bloated from this angle.
Serious question, how is she causing this? Is she taking something to fuck with her blood pressure? This is all way too convenient.
No. 1043491
File: 1600832152426.png (813.61 KB, 720x1102, Screenshot_20200923-043402~2.p…)

>>1043489Thanks for sharing. Have fun. Don't forget stacks more pics of drips n shit!
No. 1043504
>>10434913 step: the amount of exercise she's gotten in the past week
Also, damn her fingers are fat. Inverted knuckles and all
No. 1043522
File: 1600835461601.jpg (127.54 KB, 1395x735, download (15).jpg)

>>1043491How fucking fat is she? Her finger looks like a bockwurst.
No. 1043539
File: 1600840789784.jpg (506.31 KB, 719x1290, IMG_20200923_065726.jpg)

My heart bleeds
No. 1043553
File: 1600842585949.png (918.32 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200923-072826.png)

>>1043539Massive chomp on that sarnie
No. 1043554
File: 1600842638126.png (1.04 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200923-072843.png)

>>1043553And getting more nose nose pics in
No. 1043562
>>1043551Private hospitals will always give tubes and shit at the patients request because it’s more money to charge and basically no risks. Georgie wouldn’t be tubed in public care because she doesn’t need urgent feeding, she’s over 85kgs and short. She needs a meal plan to prevent her ballooning to amberlynn size, but she’d be fine even if she refused any food at all for a couple days.
The tube is only because she’s paying for it.
No. 1043571
>>1043556Maybe she was like 600lbs before she started? It would take a long time of being anorexic to become underweight if you start out fat.
But idk anything about this one, she definitely doesn't look like she needs a tube. You can just give her a couple of vitamins.
No. 1043576
>>1043539jesus christ, what is she taking that makes her pupils so damn huge? she looks like she's just taken a load of molly.
i know her pupils are usually bigger than normal but this pic is giving me the creeps.
No. 1043578
>>1043571She probably begged for it. I feel so bad for the people at that facility, most doctors and nurses loathe people like that and talk so much shit the moment the door is closed. Georgia looks like a stuffed pigroast.
(I’m dead serious btw, I just know they make fun of her but she has money they can milk)
No. 1043580
>>1043571Anon just read the rest of the thread ( and the previous one, highly recommend it 10/10 full fat milk)
>>1041055 she was actually normal weight before this all started. She's obese now and still getting tubed.
No. 1043597
File: 1600848511087.png (4.27 MB, 750x1334, 12507602-1609-4EF9-A007-18649E…)

What medical staff in their right mind would give her an ensure plus?
No. 1043606
>>1043597but anon! she is on the brink of starvation! our dainty waif needs all the nutrition she can get! she
only had a sandwich
and a juice for a snack! she must be so hungry!
No. 1043623
File: 1600854199027.png (3.73 MB, 750x1334, 8D59BBC8-0A56-4445-A35E-906F13…)

>>1043497You were completely right anon
No. 1043646
>>1043640probably as a way to ensure she avoids actually getting one of those jobs she's been so excitedly attending interviews for!
>>1043638and yet she apparently almost DIED from re-feeding syndrome! there's no way that the hospital would be giving her a full-sized meal and a sandwich snack if she'd been starving herself. and i bet she was so hungry she drank that ensure as well as eating the meal. "oh, i just thought it was a chocolate milkshake!" or at least wished she could! gotta keep up that ED FACADE to keep her nose hose!
No. 1043696
File: 1600868809678.png (1.36 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200923-214457.png)

Queensland once again proving it is the place to go if you want a nose hose - Shay's gf is in hospital with one
No. 1043715
File: 1600871552419.jpeg (243.76 KB, 640x942, 771DBC5E-1C9A-4252-B23A-5104F2…)

JTE back in hospital as predicted. We know she’s going through grieving for her Mum so it’s kinda expected she’s turned to her ED. It’s sad that she’s struggling but it’s also her going back to pure attention seeking overdramatising all her updates and pics; “back to nearly dying” “in 10 days i was blue lighted 5 times“. “Unconscious” “more lines than i can count”. It’s sad and embarrassing that she still strives to be ‘the sickest’ after these years.
No. 1043720
File: 1600873089280.png (873.33 KB, 1001x630, tf.PNG)

sage for lack of milk
but i found this @bunniesrecovery and couldn't help but kek at the quality of the shop
No. 1043721
File: 1600873240065.png (1.85 MB, 976x894, tf2.PNG)

>>1043720her ig is pretty boring tho, just the good ol' child cutlery those ana-chan's love so much.
also varying sizes of thighs and waists in pics that are supposedly taken a day apart (nitpick)
No. 1043760
File: 1600877811291.png (8.69 MB, 2048x2560, 4 months.png)

I was going to do a year in pictures of Georgia's recovery. This is the last quarter of last year. Three IP admissions. After that I lost the will to live. Goes without saying, the rest of the year is exactly the same.
No. 1043797
File: 1600881339393.jpeg (293.57 KB, 1280x1280, 1599949652015.jpeg)

>>1043661>>1037706Probably was lying but laxatives might have been what threw her potassium off, as another farmer said
No. 1043811
File: 1600882045770.jpg (47.91 KB, 866x460, shitz.JPG)

>>1043805Well we know she can't purge enough to lose weight, so I'm betting my life on her downing the laxatives. Silly girl, should know by now it's water weight you lose duh. Definitely did it in advance to get hospitalised.
No. 1043848
File: 1600884808755.gif (2.17 MB, 480x400, jen.gif)

>She’ll claim it makes her the sickest.The other patients (including a favourite actress of hers, Jennifer) would be like…
Remember Laura told us she shit herself at a dance class because of laxatives. So much lack of shame.
No. 1043896
File: 1600888916871.jpg (334.51 KB, 1080x1855, 20200923_142245.jpg)

Shocking that all that sugar would fuck with you
No. 1043914
File: 1600890269719.jpeg (715.5 KB, 828x1529, F5913B91-1A26-422F-AF0F-AF630A…)

Ganer is to the fitness community what Porgie is to the restrictive anorexia community: a total joke. When she looks in the mirror does she really see a buff, lifter’s body? I think she’s getting smaller.
No. 1043915
>>1043623Why does she have a 1:1 or ‘special’ as they call it in Aus? Is that part of standard ED protocol at that hospital, or did she threaten suicide?
>>1043641Totally agree. We were getting multiple food pics on her story just days ago, but now suddenly her “body isn’t used to all this food” and she’s needing encouragement from her nurse and special just to have a bite of sandwich…
>>1043832Agreed. JTE definitely thrives off medical attention and it’s pretty plain to see. There was a point a while back (maybe a yr) where she suspiciously kept getting sepsis whilst she had a central line… literally every time she became well enough and they suggested transfer or discharge, suddenly she’s septic again and needs ITU. She does have Ehlers Danlos or whatever its called, which makes her way more susceptible to consequences of ED and being physically unwell in general. I think she uses that to her advantage and messing with her lines to make her deteriorate when she wants and her way of coping is being sick in hospital and being in a patient role. Saged for armchair psychologist
No. 1043920
>>1043623I know her goal in life is to appear as pathetic as possible but I can’t get over how truly pathetic she looks with that tube. Imagine someone trying to tube lich queen, she’d probably put a curse on their entire family.
>>1043635Think Dr Now needs to have a word
>>1043896The fact that she clarified she can spell “would” endears me to her a bit
No. 1043936
File: 1600892565347.png (89.73 KB, 740x387, download (1).png)

>>1043896Sounds like she needs a chromium picolinate supplement.
>>1043914She still has a really bad anterior pelvic tilt. If she was actually lifting heavy this would have corrected itself by now.
No. 1043946
File: 1600893360060.jpg (43.46 KB, 987x211, Capture.JPG)

>>1043896I thought everyone knew this. It's why doctors say zero Coke etc is bad for dieting.
No. 1043975
File: 1600895557196.jpg (644 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200923_221257.jpg)

seems like n2f is taking a break from all that pix n mix candy, as a result of her blood sugar havoc presumably.
No. 1044017
>>1043760lmao don't give up anon, i'd love to see your complete collection by the end of the year. Give this (>>1041055)
anon a run for their money
No. 1044116
>>1043611So she purposely went somewhere where they aren’t familiar with her larping, and faked shit to get admitted (I’d guess laxatives, purposeful dehydration, or messing with medication), now is refusing to eat and telling them she’s “anorexic”. Cool story, bro. Anyone with functioning eyes can see that Georgie is not starving. IMO it’s unethical of them to tube someone her size who isn’t in a coma. She’s going to die young at the rate she’s going, not from anorexia or bulimia but from heart disease secondary to obesity. I’m surprised she doesn’t already have type 2 diabetes with how much weight she’s gained in the last couple years. Or she does, but isn’t telling.
>>1043915JTE doesn’t have EDS. It’s the favorite illness of munchies to claim because all they have to have a little bit of hypermobility, and sometimes not even that. Even if she did, it’s not a reason for her to be constantly hospitalized and needing a feeding tube and central line and whatnot. She’s got a G tube, so clearly her stomach works fine. She’s an ana chan-turned-munchie who’s just an attention whore who found a “rare illness” to latch onto that she could fake for even more asspats. Her post reads like a caricature of chronic illness, that’s not how EDS or POTS works, and if she’s trying to claim she needs a feeding tube for gastroparesis, a G tube she can dump Fortisip into means her GI system is fine. If her kidneys are fucked, that’s because she’s been purposely dehydrating and starving herself for years. Same for her low blood pressure and passing out. Don’t let her fool you with her sob story, anon. She’s full of shit. And no, losing a parent isn’t an excuse. If anything, her mom’s death just gave her an opportunity for more asspats and to learn more munchie tricks. Notice how she barely mentions her mom’s funeral, it’s all about Emma still. Sad, but because she’s too much of a selfish ana chan to think about her mother’s memory, instead she’s faking sick for asspats on the internet.
>>1043980They absolutely do. Look how many now have munchie illnesses after IP treatment with each other. Amy Fisher, JTE, Georgia, Shay, Shay’s gf and a few others have made the rounds in the same hospitals (albeit on two separate continents, but Amy’s been IP on both). They have IG and FB groups and chats to share tips too.
No. 1044182
>>1044116shay literally holds her shit in for as long as possible so she can be admitted for "chronic constipation"
No. 1044215
>>1044214Oh but it’s oh such a terrible bowel disease that she has right.. pretty sure if she did what the fuck she was supposed to do (and let’s be real - she’s probably joined the laxative abuse club which has fucked her bowels) than she wouldn’t be parading around with all these bloody tubes and being oh so sick…
Also - anyone else find it incredibly suspicious that our dainty georgia has all of a sudden gone quiet from IG today…
I wonder whether a dr walked in, took one look, laughed and discharged her immediately..
No. 1044266
File: 1600934720534.png (7.57 MB, 1125x2436, 6A0B0FE2-D073-4E46-89AE-BDEDAB…)

Clearly wasn’t getting enough attention … spoke to her eye roll
No. 1044289
>>1044266:I have more important things to do than be sick"
right, like taking laxatives? not drinking water for 24 hours? faking an illness? driving yourself to the ER for attention? wasting medical resources? putting extra strain on the healthcare system? irritating the shit out of your family? getting rejected from jobs? bragging about a piece of plastic being shoved up your snout? faking an illness for absolutely no good reason apart from the fact that you're a fucking useless human being? counting down the days until your next new farm admission?
go on and live that super important life, recovery warrior! what an inspiration!
No. 1044337
File: 1600948121731.jpeg (126.37 KB, 1001x1001, 679325678gh.jpeg)

>>1044327I’d be willing to collaborate on something if you want, anon. I’d love to make it a christmas thing, like imagine a 24 days of georgia christmas calendar. Aiming for december gives us plenty of time. You sift through what you’ve collected and make sure to provide proper upload-dates and sources for everything. Make a (temporary) dump of it on imgur (or the like). Then i can be in charge of the structure and design.
Maybe other Georgia farmers would like to submit their favourite milk for the calendar too?
No. 1044338
File: 1600948272896.png (392.07 KB, 720x933, Screenshot_20200924-125000~2.p…)

Got to post Molly's first crying selfie. No snot bubbles so not very recovery warrior.
No. 1044342
File: 1600948801506.jpg (546.91 KB, 1080x1906, Screenshot_20200924_125831.jpg)

literally HOW is that a protein shake? it looks completely solid!i seriously don't get n2f's flavour combinations, like a chocolate orange protein shake with added biscuit syrup. earlier she posted a chocolate spread covered bagel with maple syrup flavour skinny syrup poured on top. just WHY?! also note how she's started using sparkly filters in an attempt to conceal her grimy surroundings.
No. 1044345
>>1044338No snot bubbles or tears or wet face kek.
>>1044342I have to assume it’s because she doesn’t actually eat any of her concoctions.
No. 1044348
File: 1600949646036.jpg (598.14 KB, 1080x1431, Screenshot_20200924_131425.jpg)

raw, unpeeled carrot obviously smothered in burger sauce because she can't eat anything without a layer of sauce or skinny syrup. YUM.
No. 1044354
>>1044348That is the stingiest beans on toast I've ever seen! Must be only a couple spoonfulls of bloody baked beans and a sprinkling of cheese on each slice.
Cheesy beanos are meant to be stodgy comfort food, this is just wrong.
No. 1044361
>>1044348Why bother toasting it. That's a crap attempt at toast. That sauce would totally kill the joy of beans on toast.
Do you think that furry thing is to soak up condensation on her window ledge? I think she ran out of plastic toys.
No. 1044472
File: 1600965895458.jpg (584.79 KB, 1080x1631, Screenshot_20200924_174416.jpg)

dry, uncooked pasta sprinkled with sweetcorn and the most meagre, barely visible topping of cheese. such a #recoverywin! kek.
No. 1044530
File: 1600971836615.jpg (34.18 KB, 173x304, Screenshot_20200924-132133_Ins…) chewing and apparently having trouble swallowing for 20 seconds
Also, the reply was deleted but it definitely looks like there's some food thing on the floor
No. 1044545
File: 1600973195642.jpg (86.73 KB, 900x1200, 3b841f62e3de06c075f011ff261116…)

>>1044530Looks like egg yolk.
Why prove she eats? It's keeping it down we don't believe.
No. 1044551
File: 1600973449387.png (662.28 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200924-195037.png)

>>1044530Well…that looks very much like she's eating in her room.
Her face eating her disgusting food.
No. 1044560
File: 1600974484525.png (643.83 KB, 720x987, Screenshot_20200924-200758~2.p…)

Found some things.
No. 1044562
File: 1600974817566.png (654.85 KB, 720x1117, Screenshot_20200924-201158~2.p…)

No. 1044578
>>1044576Idk if it's common knowledge that her account's BUT found them on her friend's account because there's but she only follows the friend AND the followers are all ana chans.
No. 1044580
File: 1600976024579.jpg (402.28 KB, 1080x1895, Screenshot_20200924_202939.jpg)

yep, a display of carrots and mushrooms in your bedroom. totally normal behaviour. removing that fridge/freezer from her bedroom did nothing in terms of encouraging her to use ahe family kitchen! aaaand ofc het recent shopping haul features a majority of foods that don't require a fridge for storage - lots of microwaveable carb options (microwaveable mash, noodles, rice and literally every colour of pasta possible which will obvs be microwaved/raw in true n2f style) which can obvs be hoarded in her room, plus a wide variety of loaves of bread - four in total, which will surely go mouldy before she gets through them all. unless she's planning to continue having jam sandwiches for "dessert".
No. 1044581
File: 1600976080297.jpg (49.39 KB, 469x616, 26th august 2020.JPG)

No. 1044587
File: 1600976606572.png (1.66 MB, 1380x642, kels.png)

Last of the Kelseyennedy spam. The first pic is from July. Should've blanked faces out previously soz.
>>1044580Are those potatoes on top of the apples? WHY IS SHE EATING FRUIT?
No. 1044645
File: 1600981069322.jpg (724.64 KB, 1080x1686, Screenshot_20200924_215623.jpg)

looks like she took that "you need to eat more fruit and vegetables" comment to heart! actual decent portions of orange, grapes AND strawberries, in comparison to the one or two grapes she used to add to her plate to make. a pretty pattern. and as predicted, that bread stash is being put to good use, eating jam sandwiches at every possible opportunity!
No. 1044655
>>1044289Damn, I was about to say.
I don’t keep up with this girl but every time I pop into this thread, all she’s doing is looking absolutely well fed, pretending she needs medical attention. What could she possibly have “to do” besides laze about like a beached seal and take toob selfies? She doesn’t have a job or chores or a kid to maintain (at least I’ve never seen mentions of any) and wastes her own time with being fake sick. What could she possibly need more hours in the day for?
No. 1044669
File: 1600983178597.jpeg (172.59 KB, 640x1060, 2BB2B2A2-DCB5-476D-90BD-481CA4…)

>>1044654Maybe this is how Georgia achieved her low potassium?!
No. 1044726
>>1044511It’s a total shit show to be honest (No puns intended re: old mates lax abuse and miraculous recovery on the medical ward). As a previous patient at the clinic, essentially (depending on your psychiatrist) they will do whatever the hell means more $$$ for them. So if you have private health in Australia they’ll use it to their advantage and play along with “oh severely depressed you need TMS and ect” or “oh you’re obese and struggling with food, here’s a nose hose to validate your existence and some ass pats”.
Personally, having been on the ED program WITH Georgia, I was mortified to see her waddling down the hall as I walked in and all I could think is that’s what’s going to happen to me.
No one willingly admits themselves to hospital unless they’re asking for attention or they’ve just got nothing better to do with their time - new farm is a revolving door of the same patients years after years after years. It’s honestly the most f’ed up place!!
No. 1044792
File: 1600991750453.jpeg (1 MB, 828x1617, EFCC96F5-B118-491F-B6B0-A37E8C…)

No. 1044830
>>1044726The doctors/psychs at NF know how to play the game to their advantage. Take Porker for example, she clearly has some kind of attachment issue and likes the comfort/attention from the nurses. They lure her with the idea that she's sooper sick and needs urgent medical care - bingo, theres a thousand bucks in the bank and the pig gets what she wants. Then she gets discharged but oh no! The dietician says she has struggled with her meal plan! Get this cow a hose whilst we mooch a further three thousand dollars from her bank account!
The only thing Georgia is 'starving' in her life is her savings account, kek.
No. 1044853
Seriously though. Where did her face go that she needed to get it back?
No. 1044998
File: 1601019342814.jpg (475.24 KB, 720x1447, Screenshot_2020-09-25-08-35-43…)

Hospital admissions don't count unless you post about them on instagram!
No. 1045038
>>1045030Münchhausen/ maybe munchhausen if you don't know Umlaut
I mean she might be malnourished and sick, but certainly not because of starvation. I just don't get why nobody (as in: no nurse, no doctor) seems to tell her
No. 1045063
File: 1601037563586.jpg (745.27 KB, 1080x1719, Screenshot_20200925_134000.jpg)

those mushrooms and tomatoes don't look "roasted" as n2f claims. guaranteed they've just been whacked in the microwave.
No. 1045069
File: 1601038513051.jpeg (619.47 KB, 828x1485, 6BEED517-024D-4A26-B46B-974421…)

No. 1045077
File: 1601039572606.png (308.27 KB, 720x1018, Screenshot_20200925-141308~2.p…)

>>1045070It's a facial hair remover.
No. 1045081
>>1045047If Georgia falls on her way to New Farm and there's no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?
(Yes, yes it does. A. because she's a attention seeker and whines about it and b. because the earth shakes when she hits the ground)
No. 1045095
>>1044669You joke, but the only way I can rationalise an overweight person getting a nose hose is if they defiantly refuse to follow any nutritional advice given to them and eat lots of calories but nothing even remotely nutritious. Maybe Georgia does live off licorice and coke, eating enough crap to make her waistline expand whilst eating so little nutritious food she's deathly pale, stringy-haired and has fucky blood work.
From what other posters have said though, it sounds like the Australian mental healthcare system is just such a joke I can't actually comprehend it.
No. 1045098
>>1044958Generally speaking, having a dysfunctional family (or some other trauma) can leave a person feeling powerless and so eating disorders which develop under these conditions are often a way to regain some control.
The issue is that once someone has learned that restricting makes them feel in control, especially if they started at a young age, they are very likely to return to this behavior again once the going gets tough.
If the person developed an ED to try and deal with troubles at home, you can imagine how the situation would only become more strained once they are found out/diagnosed/hospitalized.
The sad truth is that the family may not care about the wellbeing of their ill family member or have been through the grief of relapse enough times to have already mourned and figuratively buried them.
Private medicine is diabolical as is, but somehow it hits extra hard in the case of NF as they are targeting these very vulnerable and relapse-prone people. I doubt porgie has an ED, but I don't doubt she has family issues.
Sigh, its all just so sad. At least we've got some quality cows out of it.
No. 1045099
>>1045063ever since someone pointed out her food is cold I can't unsee it - if either the mushrooms or the carrots were still warm they'd be melting that cheese triangle somewhat. The sweetcorn and the beans look direct from the can.
imo the tomatoes look like they've seen an oven, but she sometimes eats oven food. Usually its hideously under cooked tho, I assume because she's trying to get out of her family's sight asap.
No. 1045139
>>1044338She will get bored of making videos or posting on IG soon- they all do.
Elzani may be weight restored but by the amount of baking she does she is still very very obsessed by food and feeding it to her family.
No. 1045165
File: 1601053520271.jpg (515.38 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20200925_180622.jpg)

that well-known favourite - cauliflower on toast!
No. 1045203
File: 1601058545109.jpg (556.5 KB, 1080x2560, N2f.jpg)

More discount food for n2f.
>>1045177"cheese spread& 3 mini cauliflower clouds"
No. 1045215
>>1045069GEORGIA, YOU FOOL! You aren’t supposed to tell anyone what your wish is or it won’t come true. You have literally just proven with solid fatty evidence that one must
never disclose their 11:11 wish, or else.
No. 1045224
File: 1601062478796.jpg (48.96 KB, 919x334, lolcow.JPG)

>>1045215Never come between a fool and her superstitions. It takes more than a "wish"because the clock says what time it is to change your life.
No. 1045247
File: 1601064914561.png (90.35 KB, 1169x566, Untitled.png)

>>1045240(Looks like I'm here 24/7 but coincidence! PS I'm here 12/7 lol).
I was curious about her account because I didn't have a username. As soon as I typed KENNEDY her account showed up.
Oh as
>>1045244 just said, directing to the post.
It looks like a few of her irl friends were following her at the beginning (from the place where she lives/school), and then it's taken over by ana chans. Might be the reason she abandoned it, idk. Not bothering to try to get to follow her other account because she's just going to block.
No. 1045251
>>1045247AND DON'T TIN FOIL THAT I'M GEORGIA!! I was looking at her latest when I saw the post
>>1045240What puzzles me about the "new" pics of Kennedy is how this is meant to be 2019
>>1044562 but she isn't as spoopy as she was when she was posting the ridiculous shoops at the time. Unless it's an old photo. Anyway, was it her doing the shopping anyway? She's definitely still into her skinny body because her dresses reveal a bit more than they should at her weight
>>1044561 No. 1045293
File: 1601070927212.png (2.59 MB, 1618x1193, Screen Shot 2020-09-25 at 5.55…)

At first I thought her apple was VERY, VERY rotten even for her but then I realized she had placed an eyeball gummy candy on top of it. Why??
No. 1045294
File: 1601070972501.png (1.81 MB, 1623x1190, Screen Shot 2020-09-25 at 5.55…)

Other image from that post
No. 1045333
File: 1601075582055.gif (436.15 KB, 247x200, pork.gif)

>>1045069cue the sad violin music.
No. 1045357
>>1045293I find it morbidly cute that she (I think) tried to make the tangerine look like a pumpkin by sticking a fizzy worm in it.
>>1045315You'll be seeing mostly n2f's posts if it looks like a 6 year old's sweet stash. I get you though. It's like Elzani and that Molly eating absolute crap and thinking it's a great way to recover. Some vitamins would help besides all the fucking Biscoff spreads and whatever shit they're putting on bread.
>>1045337M8, there's always a farmer who spots really obscure things and says it's a self post/cow post. Can't blame me for being paranoid.
What's going on with spaceship recently? Is she still rockin' those Trump fake tattoos and baseball boots?
>>1045344We've diagnosed her problem with potassium as her taking a load of laxatives to shit herself sick enough to require some loving care from a Mamma Bear nurse.
No. 1045440
>>1045420Risking the nazis of the thread (>>1045379)
freaking out, I think you're totally right anon. It's not where the edit profile button appears in the app but it is where is appears on desktop. We all knew Georgie 1) is a hardcore lurker and farmer and 2) is an absolute door nob, so seems about right.
No. 1045443
>>1045420Well damn, you're right. When you look at someone else's profile there should only be a blue Follow button there. When you look at your own profile there will be a white Edit Profile button next to your name.
God she's dumb.
No. 1045446
>>1045420So does this mean this post
>>1045357 is also the one and only Georgia K. Collings?? If so seems to prove she is stirring the pot about herself here. Wonder if it’s time to ban her. She obviously thrives off of this thread talking about her.
No. 1045449
File: 1601089879867.jpg (48.47 KB, 854x336, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-0fuE…)

>>1045420>>1045443I have nothing else to do so I checked it out on my browser. It could be the Message button and their font/browser sizing is different. Or it's Georgia. Maybe we'll never know.
No. 1045536
>>1045520Just like every other ED or Psych Unit…ffs we get it
We aren’t here for your analysis on how NF may be a godsend for some. We are here for the milk it produces.
No. 1045550
File: 1601113826546.jpg (747.15 KB, 1080x1874, Screenshot_20200926_105118.jpg)

n2f takes biscoff spread to a whole new level - she's literally adding chunks of crushed digestive biscuit to her toast!
No. 1045567
>>1045566Are you daft? You pay for your insurance so it most certainly isn't free.
Unless you are mooching off your parents policy
No. 1045578
File: 1601123918527.jpg (399.49 KB, 1080x1915, Screenshot_20200926_133904.jpg)

*vomit stains. total #recoverygoals. kek.
No. 1045581
>>1045578Doesn’t the fact that n2f still insists she doesn’t purge (even after she found out ab the mean lolcow bullies calling her out a few threads back) make anyone else curious?
Also, the videos she posts of her eating don’t really look like she’s having a bulimic episode, more like she’s forcing herself to chew/always looking disgusted.
I know, i know, her b/p outfit +hairbun and overall crazy excitement ab insane food combos do look like irrefutable evidence, but do we actually believe she consumes this amount of sugar? Or long expired food?
Maybe she’s just playing with the food? Maybe chews and spits as well as over exercises ?
Any other theories?
No. 1045661
>>1045619Also some of the things she posts would be impossible to purge. All those gummy sweets, raw carrots- a bulimic's worst nightmare.
>>1045631I can't remember her mentioning anyone other than her german internet friend who sends her sweets
No. 1045699
File: 1601137223242.gif (Spoiler Image,13.11 MB, 600x1067, ezgif-3-ff8a4c11c0cf.gif)

>>1045578N2f using boomerang to show us how she does it
No. 1045705
File: 1601138793302.gif (10.68 MB, 600x1067, ezgif-3-e80b89f8422e.gif)

I decided to gif this n2f screen recording, too
No. 1045723
>>1045699Magickal purging. It comes out solid!
>>1045703(Hi cow!)
No. 1045767
File: 1601148476457.jpg (485.93 KB, 719x1272, Screenshot_2020-09-26-20-28-28…)

Hilarious Jamie is back at it again! Does his craziness know no bounds?!
No. 1045773
File: 1601149018929.gif (2.8 MB, 478x350, jamie is so weird.gif)

>>1045767Oh wow, that is so weird. A hula hoop dipped in spread. Like…mind blown. Kinda hilarious. Totally deserved to be featured in stories. I wish he was my brother. Life would be full of lol awesomness!!! /s
Actually, this is a combo weirder than anything by n2f /okreallys
No. 1045842
File: 1601155618356.jpg (365.07 KB, 1080x1728, Screenshot_20200926_222747.jpg)

i mean, n2f's weirdly yellow and lumpy hot chocolate looks like it's already been binged and purged tbh.
No. 1045966
>>1045520the problem isn't whether or not NF actually gives legitimate treatment. it's mire the fact that it enables fat munchies like Georgia to come and go as they please, bragging out their super duper serious illnesses that they've only been 'diagnosed' with and 'treated' for because they have money and need constant attention to feel like a
valid human. It's those fat pricks that ruin it for everyone else.
No. 1046006
>>1045996Learn to read, retard. I said ruin it for everyone
else. They ruin the system of treatment with their constant bed-hogging and waste of resources. And no I don't "brad that I was diagnosed and treated because I actually have anorexia" - spoiler alert, not everyone on this thread has an eating disorder. Check urself b4 u wreck urself.
No. 1046118
File: 1601174142846.jpg (757.06 KB, 1080x1918, Screenshot_20200926-210353_Ins…)

Mask barely covering mouth but she cannot. Fucking. Breathe. Oh god. (Internet sucks so I had to reup.) No. 1046148
>>1046118Why is she even bothering? I know there are debates about her effectiveness of masks, but I don't understand why idiots don't cover their nasals.
Does she even go out?
No. 1046335
File: 1601210989739.jpg (609.68 KB, 1080x1622, Screenshot_20200927_135101.jpg)

n2f's version of egg on toast! why is the egg YELLOW?!
No. 1046337
File: 1601211186608.jpeg (1002.03 KB, 828x1519, D7302066-D1C9-4F44-9310-DE4FDB…)

She made it a whole three days. Wow. Really gave IP a good shot, eh dharma?
No. 1046344
File: 1601211713832.jpg (293.35 KB, 1429x1199, Screenshot_20200927-140123_Ins…)

>>1046118> Saged because old commentbut this is funny as fuck, yea i'm sure people staring at Ash are just jealous. These people are delusional and the worst arse kissers
No. 1046349
File: 1601212420229.jpg (747.31 KB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_20200927_141336.jpg)

n2f's attempts to eat fruit didn't last long! she's back to her chocolate and pick n mix breakfasts because CRAVINGS. interestingly, her breakfast this morning is almost identical to last night's snack - gotta get through those 4 loaves of bread somehow i guess!
No. 1046372
File: 1601215931538.jpg (599.62 KB, 1080x1692, Screenshot_20200927_151219.jpg)

more uncooked, pasta and old tomatoes! perhaps she thinks that adding water to pasta, like you do with cous cous, cooks it? or perhaps she just loves crunchy pasta? or, more likely, SHE DOESN’T EAT IT.
No. 1046400
File: 1601219219333.png (467.11 KB, 610x1107, Screenshot_20200927-160713~2.p…)

>>1046335Is this her pillow?
No. 1046413
File: 1601220136615.png (495.88 KB, 694x1109, Screenshot_20200927-162042~2.p…)

There's some kind of rusty chain on her wall. Am I the only one who focuses on her environment rather than the food first? Imagine the smell - boiled egg, sardines, tuna, puke…
No. 1046462
>>1046451Tagging this post because original's hours ago BUT I don't think someone has to have a particular disorder or disease to get pissed off when people who fake it get treatment. I get pissed off at all the new fakebois who get their tits lopped off on the NHS when they're the kind who get posted on the fakeboi thread.
>>1046461This posted while I was typing. Wonder how old that recent egg is? I think those eggs she used are ones that were labeled as "pastel eggs". I remember googling it when I saw her packaging. They're some fancy eggs. The hens must lay coloured eggs…but it's probably just old and been festering in a drawer for a week.
No. 1046487
File: 1601225679025.jpg (71.14 KB, 977x426, your common egg questions.JPG)

>>1046478My inquisitive brain made me google eggs. The yellow could be because they're posh chickens that were fed a lot of corn.
No. 1046510
File: 1601227335180.jpg (439.58 KB, 1080x1962, 20200927_122319.jpg)

Another recipe from n2f! Anyone want to try it?
No. 1046512
>>1046497Corn fed =/= expensive
Smh, city slickers, I swear,,,
No. 1046515
>>1046487See, that could be possible if the eggs were uniformly yellow. But they're not, they've just got yellow splotches.
It's decidedly not a posh egg but a bad egg.
No. 1046524
>>1046497I think she keeps the eggs down. She likes protein and so she'll be okay with an egg. Really don't know why they look so funky, but everything she shows us is rank.
>>1046510Fwoargh. That sounds amazing. Protein powder and zero calorie syrup cake. Yum.
No. 1046532
File: 1601229076907.png (362.6 KB, 1485x560, promo by n2f.png)

They're £2.25 for 6, so not expensive for free range.
She @s the company. Why don't they regram her pics? Hm…
No. 1046540
File: 1601229236906.jpg (154.93 KB, 696x820, Capture.JPG)

Fuck, just looked at the actual thing she baked.
No. 1046545
File: 1601229490084.jpg (210.4 KB, 1391x822, Capture.JPG)

One of the people who "liked" her post makes cakes (img). Pity like?
No. 1046554
File: 1601229790103.jpeg (798.58 KB, 828x1555, 674540C1-22AB-4891-BE1C-0D5CDA…)

>>1046541It’s practically doable. Someone please try, I beg you!!!
No. 1046563
File: 1601230114731.jpg (36.76 KB, 494x694, cake mix.JPG)

>>1046554£15 for the cake powder. I'll pass on that one.
No. 1046569
>>1046563But it's marked down from £25! What a deal.
How much you wanna bet n2f got it from one of her discount places?
No. 1046582
>>1046574Gotta figure out where to find "zelf raising flour" first.
I have one of the ingredients available to me (the water) and I'm not sure I want to spend a bunch of money on stuff I'll probably never use again…but at the time time I still want to.
No. 1046618
File: 1601233152500.jpg (494.92 KB, 719x1292, IMG_20200927_195947.jpg)

Anons… I can make this recipe tomorrow?
No. 1046623
File: 1601233281944.jpg (263.45 KB, 719x1080, IMG_20200927_200120.jpg)

>>1046618I don't have the raisins and I'm not wasting chocolate spread on it but I think the key ingredients are the weetabix… Never heard of a weetabix cake like this so it should be interesting. I'll do it tomorrow and if people are interested I'll go out and get the protein powder so I can make the other recipes? I kinda wanna taste test n2f's cuisine.
No. 1046626
File: 1601233396772.jpg (340.99 KB, 719x684, IMG_20200927_200416.jpg)

>>1046618Samefag but this is another pic of it. Should I do it?
No. 1046627
File: 1601233622298.jpg (989.06 KB, 1080x1632, Screenshot_20200927-140655_Ins…)

I couldn't figure out where the egg was initially. Under the pasta? Mixed in? Nah, it's the lumpy yellowish part.
>>1046626Yes! Do it. I want to hear how bad it is.
No. 1046635
>>1046574I've never even used protein powder. I get protein from actual food.
>>1046623Yeah, this is cheap enough. Could even buy generic weetabix. It's kinda like a flapjack thing.
>>1046626Yeah, I'd like to see what it should look like. There's nothing too vile in the ingredients to make it a waste of time. Idk where you get protein powder cheap from, but I've seen Home Bargains sell it.
No. 1046640
>>1046633See the catch is- I have gingerbread flavoured skinny syrup which I feel like is good cross over? She uses that so often so I think it'll be N2F approved!
>>1046627>>1046635I'll do it! I enjoy baking and I have a pretty strong stomach so maybe I can make more and go down as the n2f shadow baker! I'll go to home bargains tomorrow and see if I can get some lemon flavoured protein powder.
No. 1046660
>>1046640Good luck, o bravest of farmers!
I'll be looking forward to your report and praying for your health.
No. 1046680
>>1046640wow anon, you're really taking one for the team! 💪🏻 #warrior
seriously though, I am very interested to know what the baked creations on n2f's recipe account actually taste like. is a cake made predominantly from skinny syrups, protein powder and water really a winner?! please be careful for your own health!
No. 1046684
>>1046640We all KNOW if she had the gingerbread syrup herself she would've used it!
If it tastes good I'd be interested in making some of the weetabix things. It SOUNDS like they'd be tasty - weetabixy crunch with carrot cake thrown in. I'd probably put a crushed up ginger nut in instead of drops. Might skip the jam though.
Anyone know where she pinches the recipes from?
No. 1046697
File: 1601238088431.jpg (771.59 KB, 1440x1660, 20200927_162225.jpg)

This is hilarious
No. 1046712
File: 1601239221372.jpg (526.96 KB, 720x1283, Screenshot_2020-09-27-21-39-22…)

Speaking of molly- the mystery continues! She said she's been neglecting her grandma's baking for years but according to our timeline she's only been anorexic since oxford? Ahh I wish she'd explain
No. 1046720
File: 1601239955988.jpg (602.63 KB, 1080x1918, Screenshot_20200927_215152.jpg)

why does everything n2f creates have to include so many flavours? eton mess AND white chocolate AND jam AND protein powder AND birthday cake AND peanut butter AND sprinkles!
No. 1046742
>>1046712what is it with cows and referring to themselves in third person lol
maybe they think illeism will get others to infantilize their way of interacting with her? its the best i can come up with.
oh smol bean Molly, too sick to grow up and go to college so granny has to baby-sit her instead.
No. 1046743
>>1046735I think it's immaturity. That's all I can think of.
>>1046736The thing she posted doesn't look spongey at all.
>>1046540 That's the actual cake. It looks like a piece of dried overdone toast with a brandy snap stuck to it.
No. 1046754
File: 1601242715920.jpg (266.6 KB, 1417x840, Capture.JPG)

These companies should have her muted or something.
No. 1046827
File: 1601251578810.jpg (569.88 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20200927-190419_Ins…)

>>1046723Surprisingly normal ingredients.
No. 1046830
>>1046803The mini sandwich could be made of leftovers from this sandwich (I doubt she eats a tenth of what she posts)
>>1046335She's known to reuse yesterday's food in today's pics.
While you'd just grab that leftover bite from the fridge, she stuffs it with a tomato and sees it as a photo opportunity.
No. 1046917
File: 1601263323432.jpeg (173.02 KB, 828x1472, C73B295C-AD14-4A8E-BE1C-EF8977…)

Our beloved goblin gets her beauty rest before sabatoging another attempt at independence I
No. 1046922
File: 1601263464622.jpeg (209.11 KB, 1080x1920, F3B3441E-4FEA-4B1D-AD94-3F940F…)

>>1046917Our beloved goblin keeps her parents at bay by pretending to work towards independence II
No. 1047021
File: 1601276781909.jpg (2.06 MB, 1920x2560, 20-09-28-16-50-29-403_deco.jpg)

Saged because I never got a clear gauge on whether this one had cow potential but behold, more side by side comparisons of s00per severe ~anorexia~ where the only difference is that in one there's a smile and in the other there's not.
Also featured is a very Kaydee-esque marshmallow nightmare.
No. 1047092
File: 1601285400096.jpg (2.3 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20200928_102543363.j…)

So… I did it. This was very sad to eat, tasted like warm weetabix with carrot. Surprisingly not very sweet actually but I didn't choose a recipe with loads of syrup- 40ml of maple syrup doesn't go a long way when you overpower it with ginger and carrot. Wayyy to liquidy (she used a lot of milk) I wanted to add more flour but I decided to trust her and basically it meant that the inside was really gooey and never really baked (I left it in the oven for 20 minutes longer than she did but it didn't make much difference.) I had to scrape it off of the parchment paper because of how gooey it was even after cooking. Oh yeah it was the most disgusting mixture I've ever used, it doesn't show up on camera but it was a weird orange colour that looked like puke lol.
Very underwhelming experience! Tasted like baby food in all honesty, I was hoping for something really disgusting or surprisingly delicious but I got …. carroty weetabix. I took a picture next to a window rather than hanging out to pay tribite to N2F; the woman who made this all possible!
(Also excuse the insides for being kinda nasty. I understand why all of her pictures are grim now, her baking is gooey and disgusting.)
No. 1047127
>>1047092Thank you for your service bakeanon!
That top left pic looks nothing like a proper cake mix, I'm surprised the cake even held it's shape when baked. I'm also surprised it tastes so bland, now the spreads over it make a bit more sense.
How much do you think you could eat of it? It's one thing taking a bite to try, but is it edible enough to eat it like regular cake and not get sick?
No. 1047133
File: 1601294983813.jpg (308.23 KB, 1080x1838, Screenshot_20200928_130528.jpg)

Saged as she's not that milky anymore. But this made me laugh, especially coming from someone who used to poorly shop pictures of herself. I wouldn't put it past her that she's about lolcow and done her reading on porgie
No. 1047134
>>1047092WOW! This is very special. Ty for your dedication!
I was so sure it'd be okay flapjacks carrot cake, but being a baking virgin didn't know the ingredients would make it disgusting. I thought it was a real recipe she'd messed up, but looks like she actually created this abomination.
Yours LOOKS better than hers, but how disappointing.
>I decided to trust herI was duped too, so no shame.
Does she still review her own baked? Didn't she have a wordpress blog?
I hope the process was fun even if the eating wasn't. Best post on these threads ever!
No. 1047156
>>1047127Honestly I have a strong stomach and I couldn't really eat it like a cake- it's not disgusting it just tastes like carroty weetabix which is sort of unpleasant. I don't think it'd make me sick but it's just depressing kek. I didn't eat it with all the jam on so I can't really say if the toppings help but I'm leaving them on display for my family to taste test so I'll let you know how other people feel about them.
Honestly I don't know how it managed to taste so bland? The most shocking thing was that it really didn't taste sweet. Rip her teeth, all that maple syrup and gingerbread drops for no reason! No wonder she packs on the toppings.
>>1047134Haha thank you! It was a fun process tbh and It's really made me want to try the other recipes because this was the nicest looking one and yet it still ended up so wrong! She still has an instagram page where she reviews her bakes yeah, it's the one I posted screenshots of last time.
I'll bake one of her other (grosser!) recipes if any anons are interested! Send the one you wanna see the most and I'll get the ingredients for it- perks of being in lockdown, unlimited time to taste test Nourish's recipes.
No. 1047213
File: 1601304309272.png (936.02 KB, 720x1059, Screenshot_20200928-154218~2.p…)

>>1047195Ok, looked at her bakes. I chose something that doesn't have ingredients that you'd have to fork out a lot for or obscure things. I like oats and so would possibly want to make these.
If you prefer more challenging items, I'll remember that for next time but I'm wondering are these things jaw breakers or a good affordable substitutes for brand energy balls? They're probably like bird fat balls so apologies in advance.
No. 1047215
File: 1601304493316.png (1022.99 KB, 720x965, Screenshot_20200928-154829~2.p…)

Second choice
No. 1047235
File: 1601306880669.jpg (483.68 KB, 720x1244, Screenshot_2020-09-28-16-21-16…)

Another bake already? She never usually posts these yet right after anon tries one she quickly posts a new recipe.. you think she's teasing us? She's gotta be reading this
No. 1047243
File: 1601307848034.png (Spoiler Image,745.19 KB, 720x905, Screenshot_20200928-164114~2.p…)

Too old to be doing this shit
No. 1047244
File: 1601307894843.png (138.43 KB, 720x864, Screenshot_20200928-164341~2.p…)

>>1047243She wouldn't write T W if she was pro ana. Hmkay.
No. 1047276
>>1047243so she knows her photos are gonna
trigger people and she knows she looks bad, so why post the photos? anorexia does not compel a sufferer to publicly share their body. that's a personal choice. her explanation is bullshit. she obviously wants the comments and attention.
No. 1047307
File: 1601312911331.png (Spoiler Image,1.85 MB, 1914x867, bones01.png)

1/2 Her entire account is bodychecks…
No. 1047308
File: 1601312950928.png (Spoiler Image,2.07 MB, 1914x867, bones02.png)

…and justifying them.
No. 1047311
File: 1601313077796.jpg (656.14 KB, 1080x1720, Screenshot_20200928_181138.jpg)

n2f has four loaves of bread to get through, ofc she's gonna be eating more sandwiches! i'm not sure how she's gonna fit them in though, since she is currently eating sandwiches for every meal and most desserts
No. 1047343
>>1047092>>1047156Sorry to nitpick anon but it looks like you forgot to add hair? Obvs it’s gonna be bland!
(srsly tho this is excellent, please do more)
>>1047133Aww I remember her ~BMI 14~ shoops, those were fun. Munchie/ED crossover cows are a breed of their own
No. 1047387
>>1047368Looks like it. I've had that same bloomer but the seeds never look green like that. Something's not right.
I had a thought. N2f barely rinses her plates. I can't imagine she'd bother to clean a baking tin. Those things she bakes must have crusty remnants of bakes of yore.
>>1047377I won't post her again, but age doesn't excuse her pro-ness. She likes that the fetishists found a home on her account. Her words. But yeah leave her to it.
No. 1047421
File: 1601322385834.jpg (661.3 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20200928_204657.jpg)

okay, i would legit love for one of n2f's "cookie" recipes to be tried. these supposedly nutella mocha cappuccino peanut butter cookies seriously have the texture of cake.
No. 1047430
File: 1601323352868.jpg (444.2 KB, 1079x1918, 20200928_150205.jpg)

>>1047421They've been decorated! Can't wait for the recipe.
No. 1047436
>>1047429Her last bake was nearly three months ago and even when she posts them she takes over weeklong breaks in-between, she posted one last night and then someone in this thread recreated it and suddenly
She has another 2 up in less than 12 hours. The timing seems too coincidental to me, that's all.
No. 1047445
File: 1601324517862.jpg (1.62 MB, 1440x2431, 20200928_162253.jpg)

🤢 found on N2F personal
No. 1047452
>>1047445oh, i saw that. it was her version of. a banana split, only with pb replacing the ice-cream, and a cutesy "banana boat" label. note how quickly that plan to eat more fruit went out the window - she's back to using a couple of grapes for decoration, or eating bananas ladelled in chocolate and spread.
>>1047430does she even know what a cookie is? that's literally CAKE.
No. 1047563
File: 1601337468163.png (234.66 KB, 750x1334, D5537B43-8D51-4FE2-B7F9-40E64B…)

>>1047524Apparently more like dank, from its weed origins kek.
No. 1047584
File: 1601339373123.jpg (35.22 KB, 434x431, cow.JPG)

>>1047563>>1047579I've never heard anyone say it at any time. Idk if it's a regional thing she picked up on or what, but no kid in the north west ever said that. Any weed related slang is pretty chavvy innit.
That banana thing probably did taste good, but it'd be easier to eat by spreading the pb on bread or toast with sliced bananas.
Btw, looking through her personal account, she's definitely not a pov. Bose headphones, cash on her bed, etc. She could really afford to buy some nice handwash or a plastic tablecloth.
Surprised she has some artistic talent.
No. 1047624
File: 1601342443018.png (1.98 MB, 828x1792, ECEDD9BE-820D-48BD-8643-C7DA08…)

I mean like… you sure?
No. 1047698
File: 1601349469691.png (1.35 MB, 1602x1180, Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 1.17…)

Another aussie cow. Account is basically body checks, tube posts, pictures of her shitty minimal intake and descriptions of how she purges every ounce of food she eats. Even the inpatient team has given up trying to make her gain weight - she's admitted to stabilise her vitals and then sent off on her merry way to cry about drinking cordial and bake shit for her family.
No. 1047781
>>1047772Ok but is she pouring brekky into her slippers? Is she really morbidly obese and stealing photos of sick women for an obsessive larp? Scamming anyone? Sabotaging other patients?
Or just another anorexic boring bitch with an instagram and no hobbies?
Since when is being a pathetic person milk?
No. 1047782
>>1047698Yikes leave her alone. At least she has anorexia and is in the hospital trying to recover. You clearly dont understand the thread anon.
Documenting fails/recovery =/= larping AN/ED and constantly dehydrating yourself for NF milk
No. 1047787
File: 1601363943805.jpeg (904.71 KB, 828x1488, 6B1CD266-4002-4343-8158-B8F575…)

I’ve got no words
No. 1047795
>>1047782Kek nice white knighting. Want to kiss her ass some more while you’re up there? An attention whore like her’ll even let you do it for the ‘gram, so you can get a share of those fake recovery asspats.
Attention whoring ana chans are bread and butter of this board, whether they have actual eating disorders or not. Documenting recovery doesn’t require body checks, medical porn, and bragging about how sick one is. That’s ana chan behavior.
No. 1047811
File: 1601368862308.png (144.1 KB, 1320x335, Untitled.png)

>>1047698lol I think this is the first time I've seen an ana puff out her cheeks, instead of biting them to look spoopier? Very odd.
She looks really haggard for an 18 year old, is her bio outdated?
No. 1047836
File: 1601376789812.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x2013, F52A8DD1-5792-4B9F-B1FB-C12A0D…)

Had a look on this account and im pretty sure this makes her 21 turning 22 next year? I remember talk about her age and not sure if anyone figured it out
No. 1047891
File: 1601391315259.jpg (135.25 KB, 912x754, cookies apparently.JPG)

For our baker…
No. 1047903
File: 1601393779872.jpg (215.46 KB, 1080x1724, 20200929_103659.jpg)

Did she send this to herself?
No. 1047911
File: 1601395177985.jpg (495.47 KB, 1080x1918, Screenshot_20200929_170012.jpg)

note how n2f has started calling her "cookies" cookie cakes, weirdly since it was mentioned on here that her cookies look more like cake…
No. 1047916
>>1047911Idk if I'm having some kind of episode, but that actually looks okay. Sounds good, no protein powder, not rock hard. I'd actually try that. Has to dip it in yogurt for extra flavour.
N2F, if you do requests, please can you make something with coffee in it. Thanks in advance.
No. 1047926
File: 1601397174080.jpg (586.41 KB, 1080x1699, Screenshot_20200929_173415.jpg)

HOW is that scrambled egg?!
No. 1047930
>>1047891On it! I'll probably be able to do it on Friday- high hopes for these because they don't actually look disgusting.
>>1047922/>>1047916I'm already making the batch normally so I can always half it and make a portion with coffee for you lil coffee anon
No. 1047933
>>1047922Yeah, the amount of water's a bit much. I'd even sacrifice some of my special Skullcrusher coffee if these turn out good.
>>1047926It's scrambled egg that's been made in her room using improvisation. Gross. Wow at her embracing carbs!
No. 1047947
File: 1601399810130.png (607.25 KB, 496x730, haircut.png)

I'm sad she didn't do the holiday meet up in Norwich with Madzemoji. That would've been special.
I gave N2F a virtual haircut and condition because her bakes are a delight.
No. 1047965
>>1047953Self-neglect in other areas isn’t uncommon with EDs but it’s the way she’s almost…proud? of it that baffles. Like she obviously spends time arranging all these gross ‘meals’ but doesn’t brush her hair, wash her hands, plates, bed linen etc. Then acts like people should be…idk, in awe or something? (see: “and here I present you….” + past freakouts after followers suggested hair conditioner)
Is she completely deluded? Is she deeply in denial? Is she just an arrogant twat? Is it a combo of all of those? She reads here yet still has zero self-awareness, it’s fascinating
No. 1047970
>>1047965I don't think she understands what acceptable means. Idk if it's bad wiring in her brain. She posts pics of herself wearing underwear in the garden or in her cesspit of a room, she wears see through dresses, puts stained vest top selfies as her fb profile pic, does weird things like the video in the GP toilets to get in shot, doesn't care about presentation. I really think she doesn't get it.
Looking back to 2016 she wasn't as bad with the hoarding/dirt.
I'm p sure a lot of us can relate to having let standards slide with depression or MI, but it feels shameful and you don't post it on ig. She doesn't see how gross it is. With the food, I think she has hoarding tendencies, but again, hoarders are generally embarrassed about their living conditions BUT they know it's not "normal".
So many questions I'd love to ask her. She really is interesting for the wrong reasons.
On a subnote, she thinks a Lady Gaga gig is going to happen in a month's time. Something's wrong. Idk what, but …
No. 1047976
>>1047926It looks like a boiled egg that she mashed with a fork. I've made scrambled eggs in the microwave before. They've never turned out like that.
>>1047947I don't understand how she thinks her hair looks healthy or that it's "thick"
No. 1048007
>>1047965Honestly I give it 2 explanations:
1- She has Aspergers or is on the Autism Spectrum
2- It was said before she could be an alcoholic and be hiding it, which would explain the weird concotions and the lack of self care. But maybe I'm tinfoiling.
No. 1048055
File: 1601414038903.jpg (704.15 KB, 1080x1719, Screenshot_20200929_221510.jpg)

her sheets are just VILE!
No. 1048064
File: 1601414633966.jpg (343.92 KB, 720x1059, Screenshot_2020-09-29-22-21-40…)

The only time she's ever posted a pic with someone other than her family/ lady gaga! They don't follow eachother anymore though. God I wish there were no rules against interacting with cows and people they know because I have so so many questions for this girl kek.. imagine being friends with nourish. Must have been wild.
It's kinda sad though that in 6 years she's only managed to take a picture with one single friend. Can't imagine how lonely she is.
No. 1048086
>>1048007Alcohol would help if someone had to eat her food for a #challenge. This
>>1048055 is more than half the shit students gather together for a drunken snack after a night on the lash.
No. 1048129
File: 1601423904309.png (1.16 MB, 1666x788, Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 9.58…)

>>1047782Ah yes, because planning to escape the ED ward and load up on laxatives is the epitome of recovery.
No. 1048257
>>1048129She's not doing what loads of people in psych/EDU do. She'd b e better off writing it all in a journal. She's as interesting as May really, which is not very.
Vendetta or self posts are always zzz.
No. 1048352
File: 1601456587514.jpg (2.15 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20200930_100140949.j…)

Not milky but this is what a year and 8 months of recovering from anorexia into BED looks like. Fully what I expected to happen to elzani, tbh. If you scroll through her account the change from underweight to very overweight literally happens in like the span of 4 posts it's kinda wild
No. 1048390
File: 1601464391144.jpg (376.76 KB, 1079x1722, IMG_20200930_211120.jpg)

No. 1048392
File: 1601464576485.jpg (377.96 KB, 1079x1494, IMG_20200930_211656.jpg)

Not only selling binging to her followers but bikini brands…
No. 1048393
File: 1601464608614.jpg (323.39 KB, 1079x1606, IMG_20200930_211710.jpg)

No. 1048398
>>1048374Oh piss off, I literally brought flourishingjessie an hour after that and she seems to be a topic of discussion now. Backseat farming my asshole.
>>1048371Very much not a self post. This is why nobody brings cows forward kek, they immediately get called a self poster.
No. 1048399
>>1048371Who the fuck is
we, bitch? I'm interested.
No. 1048408
File: 1601466713233.jpg (692.64 KB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20200930_125129.jpg)

n2f just cannot resist plating every aspect of her meals together on one single plate. toast and spaghetti and cheese and chocolate and gummy sweets. also, those literal carrot gratings - that is legit the grated skin from a carrot!
No. 1048410
>>1048403I actually agree with you when it comes to flourishingjessie, I thought that post was still pertaining to
>>1048129. Sorry.
Anyway, I think it's annoying when anons scream vendetta/selfpost every time someone new gets posted. Still don't think she belongs here.
No. 1048413
>>1048410Listen i have no horse in this race, i just want to resolve this so we can get on with it.
Assuming the majority of the active posters in this thread are rational people, how about we start to actively frown upon people who automatically reply "self-post!!" to new cows posted?
And by frown upon, i mean lets maybe just stop interacting with said poster(s).
People who post new cows and provide adequate evidence of milk get the attention they deserve, boring non-milk, the occasional blatant self-post and the people who feel the need to call out the self-post get lost in the thread as we continue to ignore them.
Thoughts? Trying to act as intermediary here.
No. 1048420
>>1048417She's not even 20! jfc
These threads are forever, i mean search porgies name and lolcow is just a few clicks away.
Why is everyone after blood today?
No. 1048423
File: 1601470412680.png (6.97 KB, 803x60, Untitled.png)

>>1048420Cry harder faggot, its not against the rules. Nobody's even posted her real name, if she's going to be applying for jobs under "Anorexiadiaryy" then she belongs in this thread.
No. 1048427
>>1048413I agree.
Like, even if it's a self post, if it brings milk and joy, why should we care? They're the ones being laughed at.
No. 1048445
>>1048441I wonder why she doesn't eat what the rest of the family do. I mean, it's good when kids at home make their own food, but whoever does the family cooking at her place isn't going to be serving gummy worms and chocolate sauce on bread.
I used to want a documentary about Maria and Victoria, but now I want one about n2f. Much more fucked up even if in a different way.
Btw, you know the chocolate bars are garnish that she removes and doesn't eat.
No. 1048473
>>1048445Probably because it's just another ED behaviour to eat alone in your room. Unless her family are as weird as her?
I would 100% watch a doc on n2f. We all know it's gonna be freaking disgusting.
No. 1048474
>>1048352Elzani is well on her way.
What's milky/interesting to one person might have no interest to another. Just scroll through the bits you don't want.
Has anyone ever hear Smorven speak?
No. 1048478
File: 1601480404900.png (773.95 KB, 508x868, here we go.png)

Time for some ECT eh, Georgia.
No. 1048496
>>1048492This is true. She doesn't even have time to brush her hair between interviews!
Hope she doesn't ~attempt~
No. 1048517
File: 1601486626595.png (141.34 KB, 1640x742, hi mpa.png)

OOps, last post sent itself like paranormal shit.
Here it is complete:
Hey, fellow basement dweller unlovable cunt males - we have a thread about us pop up on mpa. Most are appalled, some enjoy us (the ones who get it). Gets me thinking the ones who hate us are actually cows themselves.
No. 1048523
File: 1601486942853.jpg (183.78 KB, 720x556, what mpa thinks we are.jpg)

>>1048519Yep, expected. They get put to pasture quick and they're amusing. Wonder if it was Georgia's account they saw.
>>1048520Yeah, cos women are nice and polite and would never speak out about things and cause any fuss.
No. 1048545
File: 1601489107903.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1125x1914, 9199041E-0738-496A-90B4-A15C29…)

could Jesus turn the ice she eats into wine? i beg you jesus, turn her water into wine, she might not be so goddamn DULL with a few units of wine in her
No. 1048555
>>1048544I think she had been gaining a bunch before but hiding it with clothes and angles, then she discovered ~HAES~ and started stripping down and posing to make herself look larger. If she was inpatient they probably
did put her on antipsychotics, a lot of these places hand them out like candy.
No. 1048564
>>1048536has she ever actually been active on ig? i know she has a reputation for
triggering others and hating meat eaters but her account is so dry
No. 1048573
File: 1601491387283.png (3.72 MB, 3828x866, a year.png)

>>1048544This is like she was eating how people do over Xmas and New Year non stop for a whole year.
No. 1048579
File: 1601492069318.jpg (245.31 KB, 1827x776, Capture.JPG)

>>1048573That came out really small so can't see the dates. Try again…
No. 1048635
File: 1601498200210.jpg (489.26 KB, 1080x1989, 20200930_153630.jpg)

High risk of long-term damage!
No. 1048651
>>1048544shes probably shugging empty calories like there is no tomorrow, to "challenge " herself.
her diet reminds me of aly when she started -really recovering, all sweets and no vegetable in sight
No. 1048652
File: 1601500422107.jpeg (1019.75 KB, 1125x2180, 4351E7E0-C94C-4908-BF73-CB1D13…)

ik we don’t mention tiktok cow here that often but i literally can’t with this bitch she’s like a tiktok version of georgia but 10x more delusional and also claims NOT to have BED but is obese
No. 1048657
>>1048652"why i drink ensure"
with a face like that?
georgia has more neck than you
No. 1048662
>>1048635Definitely flourishing (that word again!) on the right. No filter. Really can see how glowing and alive she looks.
Well done for stopping playing at anorexia!
No. 1048674
>>1048652Good content anon.
Now this is what I come to lolcow farm for, kekekek. Part of me almost thinks these people must have feederism fetishes, theres not way they're NT and this delusional.
No. 1048678
File: 1601502927250.jpg (437.99 KB, 720x1326, Screenshot_2020-09-30-22-49-34…)

Obligatory tube selfie.
No. 1048715
File: 1601505577692.jpg (530.47 KB, 720x1438, Screenshot_2020-09-30-23-39-33…)

This is so fucking funny it literally sounds satire. I love this cow already! I'll sum up the highlights:
She was naturally underweight so people didn't notice how sick she was- she's european and "they're naturally thin" which is why she was too
Middle school soccer was triggering because there was so much pressure to perform well that it made her hate it, also she was so underweight she kept getting knocked over and so she couldn't perform well. (She had to humble brag that she was actually a super good player but because she was suuuuu anorexic she couldn't play anymore)
Moved to a bunch of inpatient facilities but they couldn't treat her so she had to take recovery into her own hands and join a substance abuse programme bc apparently it's the same thing
She can't possibly provide any pictures of her when she was younger because she doesn't wanna trigger people!!! It's definitely not bc she's never been a healthy weight in her life
She's overweight rn, NOT OBESE.
She's been living in a group home for 3 years now, too sick and frail to leave I presume
The icing on top of the cake- she's gained all this weight because of a mysterious unknown medication and it's so hard to lose it bc she's not allowed to the gym (fragile ana girls aren't allowed to overexercise!) But don't worry guys she hasn't purged in 6 weeks and she's been eating atleast 2 meals a day!
No. 1048740
File: 1601506724104.png (433.99 KB, 785x504, scuffed raini.png)

>>1048652Anon you've done it! You've found the golden cow. She's 24- so literally what Georgia will be like age and weight wise in two years time.
Gotta say, i love how she's posting the values from her blood test and moaning about how hard it is for her being so malourished and all… on 9/11. Kek.
Added bonus, she kind of looks like a scuffed Raini Rodriguez.
No. 1048741
File: 1601506842191.jpg (130.16 KB, 720x1225, Screenshot_2020-09-30-23-58-59…)

Laura's just making sure we didn't forget about her being in that documentary! So considerate of her. Don't worry Laura, we remember last week's tiktok about it. You can give it a rest now.
No. 1048757
File: 1601507717034.jpg (2 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20201001_001543478.j…)

Three years apart. Not at all milky just sad- been checking up on some of the cows and this one always depresses me.
No. 1048759
>>1048751All it’s doing is making her fatter faster. It’s actually not common at all to be overweight and malnourished, despite people screeching that it happens all the time. So much food is fortified that unless the person got obese by eating an incredibly limited diet of only a handful of foods and is a vegetarian it’s not going to happen. Essentially, if they don’t have ARFID it’s not possible to be overweight and malnourished.
Fatties crying malnourishment are almost never actually malnourished (unless you want to count extremely common vitamin d deficiency as malnourishment)
Sorry for the sperg but this has been repeated in here a lot lately and it’s a load of bullshit.
No. 1048761
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Want texture in your manicure? Don't wash your hands for at least a week and paint over the dirt! Chic.
Also, the candy is dirty…
No. 1048848
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This shit is gold. thank you anon
No. 1048854
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This video is mostly just her crying to the camera about how people keep telling her she's doing a good job for losing weight. Quote:"People keep commenting on my weight loss and saying I'm doing a good job and they don't understand that I'm literally killing myself. My eating disorder isn't even about weight anymore, I literally can't eat. My therapist said I'm now considered chronic"
No. 1048855
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Gaze upon the frail, malnourished body of an eating disorder warrior!
No. 1049007
>>1048897poor healing is often seen in super malnourished people - Ashley Isaacs had an open sore on her face for nigh on a year
it doesn't look as obviously self inflicted as Laura's
No. 1049017
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poor Porgie thinks she’s on the brink of poverty. Wonder how long til her next new farm holiday??
No. 1049027
>>1049017She's actually such an insufferable cunt.
Up until this point since covid started before March, Australians have been getting approx. $1100 biweekly, which is probably how you got those savings porgie. Not to mention the $750 bonus at the beginning of covid.
That has dropped as of 1st October to approx. $800 biweekly, and they've reintroduced asset testing to make sure people aren't accessing welfare who don't NEED it.
> If you have savings or other 'liquid assets' over $5 500 you will have up to a maximum of 13 weeks to serve a “Liquid Assets Waiting Period”. No. 1049093
>>1049017Her level of entitlement is insane. Complaining that she’s going to have no money because she has too much money in savings? Selfish, greedy bitch. She shouldn’t be getting any money from the government as she’s not disabled or actually ill. She needs to grow the fuck up and stop acting like she’s the
victim at every turn. What a truly insufferable and self-centered cunt.
No. 1049105
>>1049017worked damn hard for her savings?! WHEN??? when is the last time she held a job?
porgie you didn't work for those savings. they were given out to everyone in the fucking country you lazy slob.
get a job you lazy cunt and stop using your "mental illness" as an excuse to skip out on interviews.
No. 1049110
>>1049017Doesn't she live with her parents? my guess is they probably let her eat their food too. Apart from her alcohol and take-out food- why does she even need money? Its like she wants to live as a NEET and live off of her parents charity AND receive benefits for her refusal to work.
Can't have your cake and eat it too, porgie. But then we already knew you were greedy.
No. 1049111
>>1049109wow. could you post the story?
That's so classic georgia- complain about how money is tight and then go out and blow money on an expensive meal out.
No. 1049114
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>>1049111>>1049109iknorite!! and by the look of the menu it is Grill'd, which sells burgers that are roughly $20-25 with chips.
not to mention that 500ml cider she is drinking is $13…
but sure thing you gluttonous cunt, have another whinge about losing your benefits.
this bitch… i cant even!
>>1049111here you go
No. 1049121
its an aussie thing. causes much mental anguish when trying to convert kj to kcal on products that dont have the latter on the labels as well.
No. 1049131
>>1049110Yeah, she lives with her dad.
Other anons, she worked in a bookshop but it closed down. Hard work selling books. Shouldn't have to use her wage for paying rent or bills. She didn't ask to be born!
No. 1049132
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No. 1049158
>>1049142>>1049132it appears to be another beveridge than the cider tho.
if i had to guess it is probably one of those asian bubble teas based off the design of the cup/lid, and the massive straw to suck up the jellys.
which, if true, only leads to more mystification how she can happily chug down one of these sugar-laden drinks, yet freaks out over eating veggies while IP.
No. 1049181
>>1049017I see. Her plan is to become one of those morbidly obese infinifats who can't do anything but roll around in their beds and whine about not getting enough free stuff. Keep packing that stomach, Porgie. You're almost there.
Btw, is she actually morbidly obese now? I'd believe she's a 30+ BMI or damn close to it
No. 1049194
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a dairylea based "cheesecake" - i, for one, am interested to see this recipe!
No. 1049202
>>1049194ohhh god, laughing cow triangles instead of creamed cheese? that sounds honestly disgusting. Well I'm bakerfag, i'll try it!
as an update i DID make the nutella and pb cookies that were literally cakes but i left them in the kitchen overnight and when i woke up i found them gone kek so family must have enjoyed them or they threw them out. i'll interrogate them when they get home, pics of the bake will come tonight!
(btw if baking nourish's recipes isn't very interesting for you guys i can stop, i dont want to spam the thread with unnecessary stuff)
No. 1049208
>>1049205(However, these things
>>1049194 can fuck off lol. SO want you to make them though).
Any reaction quotes for the first protein powder cake you made?
No. 1049209
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Btw, on her personal account she's showing us her beautiful snot green nails freshly painted. She states Rimmel are good quality polishes. In fact, they are terrible.
No. 1049284
File: 1601566526691.png (905.6 KB, 1129x683, scary like mollys food.png)

It's October. We need to start putting our Oct 31st party outfit together. Which ana chan would you be? What accessories would you use?
Ofc I'd want to be n2f but she looks a lot taller. I'm the same height as Georgie, so fat suit, horrible brown baggy sweater, tube and…something to dilate my pupils? I'd totally do this. laura would be my first option really, but I can't do the leg thing.
No. 1049307
>>1049284Haven't been frequenting this thread for that long, did yall actually dress up last year? Sounds fun.
Smoven would be easy in that you'd just have to hide in a cupboard and quote a bible verse now and again.
No. 1049313
>>1049307Nah, we could all go out if we wanted to in 2019. I'm doing it on my own behind my screen BUT I decided not to be Georgia after all. Thinking about how to do her hair and face depressed the fuck out of me. I'm being n2F. Already own a grey vest top. Just need some fake vom stains.
>>1049293Hahahaha, this is like a high school drama improv. Not that it matters, but what's her heritage. Her second name is Italian (?) but she looks kinda native American.
No. 1049315
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>>1049293Again with this infantalism shit, what is it with ed-warriors and bringing their stuffed animals//toys everywhere?
No. 1049318
>>1049315Idk but it's like how some gay men start being camp when they hang out with camp guys. Maybe it's to be accepted as one of the herd (anas). That brown bear's cute tho).
Are her snacks called BiGS? Doesn't she find that
No. 1049327
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Elzani update!- oh.. I mean molly!
No. 1049329
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>>1049327Jeeeesus. Single white female.
>>1049324img related
No. 1049361
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Located the biscuits! Here's what my family thought. My mum also told me she ate one but wouldn't elaborate so I assume she didn't like it but didn't want to hurt my feelings kek.
There was no butter or brown sugar in them so they were never going to come out as biscuits, it was actually cake batter but because there wasn't very much self raising flour or baking soda in they didn't rise much so she got away with calling them biscuits. They tasted okay IMO! Just mushy texture. I didn't put her topping on because this already has peanut butter, chocolate and coffee flavouring so I thought adding biscuit spread on top was a bit overkill (plus god knows I couldn't decorate as well as her)
Also to the anons asking about what I told my family /their reactions- so far there have been no laxative side effects so no questions there and I don't let them see what goes into the batter!
No. 1049375
>>1049361You've gone above and beyond! They look nicer than n2fs, but that goes without saying. I like really moist biscuits so I'd probably like these. I can understand they'd get a bit monotonous to chew, but…I think I'd like these. Bless your mum, though. She's probably worried about your disintegrating baking skills.
I wonder what n2 actually intended these to be when she slopped all her ingredients together. Don't see why she called them hot cross buns when there's no hot cross bun cinnamon or anything, but Noel Fielding might think it's different or something. Paul Hollywood would probably flirt with her because she's wearing a barely there dress.
>>1049362Your bedroom drawers aren't as well stocked as n2's. She must click on every single baking product on her Morrisons/Tesco/Asda online shopping cart.
Please don't stop making these. It's magical!
No. 1049387
>>1049327i don't know this brand or w/e, but… is she really just sat eating peanutbutter out of a bucket?
Recovery win i guess… there's about 100 calories in a tbsp lol
No. 1049424
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>>1049387It’s a 1kg tub. I like peanut butter as much as the next amerifag slash recovery warrior but eating straight out of a 1kg bucket is gross.
No. 1049555
>>1049424Same vibe as drinking out of a communal milk carton to me. Double dip and that. These recovery Chan's are so desperate to use the same brands. Instead of beauty ig-ers who MUST own and prefer ABH eyebrow pomade, the MUST eat and be ~obsessed~ with fancy name pb or w/e. Buy some Sun Pat from Poundland and take your head out of her arse. It all tastes the damn same.
Molly's really showing a new freakiness by treading on Elzanis patch. Does she.actually need to gain? She looks petite in a healthy way. Not into a year long ED PLUS RECOVERY giving advice. Ok we don't know her suffering but cmon, blink and you miss the whole ED downtime.
Why is a rich kid wanting free peanut butter?
No. 1049613
>>1049604Very expensive.
A box of cereal will go for $9. If it’s a slightly better brand, up to $15.
No. 1049651
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I think she must have changed her bio and added the “I look 12 part”…I mean maybe it’s not totally inaccurate but weird thing to highlight
No. 1049663
>>1049132so let me get this straight
a week ago she was struggling over a hospital meal - a BALANCED hospital meal - and larping on about how difficult her life was in terms of ed thoughts n whatever
yet now she's here chugging high cal drinks and shovelling her face with burgers without any struggles or posts before/after about how much she is dreading a meal that is commonly seen as unhealthy or a major fear food?
No. 1049820
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>>1049729But this looks like when a dog's been fed bad dog food and given it a jippy stomach. Nuts is nuts.
Going through some of their tagged pics, seems this manilife is eaten with a spoon from the jar.
No. 1049889
>>1049820It really doesn't look good.. it's got oil settlement like those natural pbs you're supposed to stir before you eat to mix it all together but they've forgotten to stir. To be fair though, it doesn't look too bad when elzani puts it on her food so I guess it's about presentation?
There's a million brands of PB though so I don't know why these cows are desperate to be sponsored by this particular one.
No. 1049904
>>1049631sage for derailing but I believe 9 AUS dollars is equivalent to 5 pounds. still ridiculous money
No. 1049952
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She was mentioned a little while back but she's in recovery now. I don't understand why her calorie counter is set to 5000 calories in the first place?
No. 1050041
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Liquid calories again?!! Look at this warrior go!
No. 1050047
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>>1050041She's still working on putting it out there that she has an alcohol problem? She could pass easily as an alcoholic slob. She should stick with that rather than larping anorexia.
No. 1050052
File: 1601650853572.jpg (290.04 KB, 1080x1907, Screenshot_20201002_160156.jpg)

mmm jacket potato with mushy peas or rice with mushy peas? decisions, decisions!
No. 1050054
>>1049620All alcoholic drinks include an alcohol tax in Scotland, that cider here is £2.20, well at least in Tesco, don't know in restaurant type setting.
>>1049604 $13 is insane, why would you ever drink out with those prices
No. 1050062
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6 biscuits just isn't a normal serving though. Someone needs to teach these cows how much to eat or they'll all end up like flourishingjessie
(Inb4 "you're an ana-chan!!!" Yeah I know people snack but she's eating peanut butter from a litre tub, biscoff spread from the jar everyday and now snacking on way above the serving size of biscuits. It's a lot.)
No. 1050064
File: 1601651486960.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.03 KB, 400x298, snail#.jpg)

>>1050060Tuna flakes makes anything look gross. Christ though, tuna and mushy peas with a spicy curry sauce.
I often think n2f thinks she's like Heston Blumenthal and all experimental. Has she ever topped his snail porridge (img. will spoiler).
No. 1050085
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>>1050084But anon have you forgotten this selfie!! She's soooper scared!
No. 1050091
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repost: didnt mean the spoiler
No. 1050167
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One good thing about winter is Dasha has to cover up. What the fuck is this though? Is this killafashion in Russia? When I saw it I thought it was cosplay.
Still doesn't look like whatever it is would keep her bones warm.
No. 1050171
>>1046154ok im convinced now. n2f isnt a bullimic, but a chewer and spitter.
all her food is far too dry to purge and her portions are huge. the stains in her room and on her clothes are further evidence, as id assume a bullimic would only wreck havoc in the bathroom.
No. 1050199
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One with impending diabeetus?
No. 1050200
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>>1050199The fatty/chewspitter deleted this.
No. 1050202
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>>1050052I pick C
>>1050167She looks like an Oblivion NPC
No. 1050208
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>>1050202Definitely a cosplay vibe. She wouldn't fit many arrows in that Louis Vuitton quiver though. I'd say she's being a paladin.
No. 1050212
File: 1601664423249.png (865.24 KB, 711x533, lets play.png)

I had to do this.
No. 1050256
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>>1050251Yes. I also got a screenshot
No. 1050458
>>10504392 Digestives - 142 cal
chocolate digestive - 84 cal
custard cream - 58 cal
3 Lotus - 187 cal
471 cal
I had to look the values up, so impressed by the estimate.
Not so concerned about lack of nutrition, it's the sugar these warriors consume. Not even tin foiling that refined sugar's really bad for a person. It's not as if it's a one off, they eat it all. the. damn. time.
No. 1050463
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JTE back in medical, moaning about how detrimental her treatment is to her and how she doesn’t want it …but this is the same grown woman who kicks up a fuss and claims she’s going to die every other week because of the system and poor SEED treatment pathway when she’s not getting treatment. Can’t please her. With her I don’t think she’ll ever really recover because she’s so obsessed with her identity as a super severe chronic anorexic who is the sickest of them all. She loves the attention of being this way and she elicits care by f-ing up her electrolytes & refusing to eat or drink. What a waste of resources.
No. 1050722
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tfw a kitkat just isn't enough without a thick layer of nutella and biscuit spread layered on top!
No. 1050724
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just couldn't slurp it down fast enough, eh porgie?
No. 1050746
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>>1050743Here's a close up. There's something black lodged at the side of a nail. Looks too dark for chocolate, but no idea what it could be.
No. 1050752
>>1050747She must be keeping something down to maintain her weight and I guess it's the stuff that's quite bland and less revolting (half cooked things that look closest to a normal meal). I think it's 20% of the calories of something is ingested when they chew spit. With all this sugar, she'd still be getting a lot of calories on that 20% estimate.
Of all the anas on here, her life seems the saddest. Her whole day and night is eating (or w/e) and maybe puking. She doesn't even take a break for hospital admissions or posting anything except ugly food.
No. 1050771
>>1050747sorry to blog but in my experience it's extremely hard to throw up spreads like pb or nutella because they're so sticky especially if there's lots of them
those skinny syrups are throat lube for sure though.
(Blogpost) No. 1050900
File: 1601746606830.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.84 KB, 806x761, e.JPG)

First time I've seen Elzani posted by one of the vk skinny fetishists. Hope she enjoys the thought of a pervert whacking off to her bony arse.