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No. 828285
Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/820994Onision Thread Archives:
>>511709Onision Drama Crash Course:—
Admin says: If you don't read the rules before posting, don't wonder why you're banned for a few days. Do the thread a favor and refrain from responding to blogposting and bait. Check the thread before posting to avoid reposting, it isn't hard.
>>734887Don't post anti-o caps unless they contain direct milk we don't already have. A separate thread has been created for anti-o's
>>>/snow/941512Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onion flakes that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban. The flakes thread can be found at
>>>/snow/691458 Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/Gregory Daniel/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate
victims. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and former "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules:
- REPORT AND IGNORE BAIT, just don't respond. Responding to blatant bait will result in a ban.
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
Links: [deplatformed]; The "Onision Documentary" was a predictably three ring shitfest filled with irrelevant people except for Onision's dad, Shiloh and Regina.
>Greg made contact with fellow rapist Andy Dick>Gregory von der Poo streamed with attention whoring trophy wife of Andy Dick, while said Dick was stoned on the roof>Real Stream News is still trying to desperately insert Amber in this thread, fails since nobody cares, RSN still wants in on the rape action since he's a rapist>Something something Heatboss and over 9000 sock accounts all presumed to be Greg, Greg only humanly possible to run 0.57% of said sock puppets world wide.>Gregory von der Poo sold his house for way too cheap, and moves in practically on Repzions lap for some weird, unknown reason.>Angry Snail lied about having talked to Gene, no one still cares about any of these self-inserting autists.>Andy Dick will fuck Greg>Foot jealous since Andy Dick lookes younger and more feminine than her.>Greg calls Andy Dick father figure in shit stream. No. 828288
small side note:
I get it, this thread is absolute shit, its garbage and it is probably the worst thread in the entire history of all of lolcow farm. Duly noted, but we needed a new thread.
Now, if you start complaining here how shit this thread is (trust me, we know, look at this thing its garbage and simply won't do and OP should kill themselves) then, if you complain a lot, it will be full again in a heartbeat and we will need another thread which will be just as shit or more.
So please, for the love of Greg, lets keep the complaints to a minimum. We know how shit this thread is, its disgusting. It fucking sucks, and really how dare we.
No. 828290
>>828289Did you see the side note?
Thank you for starting us off on a great start.
Your letter has been read fully, and your thoughts have been inputed and accepted for better improvement. Thank you for your time and efforts.
No. 828292
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>Gregory von der poo
No. 828293
>>828288Thank you OP!
And I fully agree, regardless of what is done, every fucking thread the same whiny cunts complaining.
That's an idea for a separate thread, or a new entire sub, to be honest.
"Whiny cunts complaining about OP" thread.
No. 828295
>>828293i love these forums but having 50 ongoing threads each needing a tldr isn't the easiest to manage and "onion part 43" then "onion part 44" would work.
the only good thing about the new thread at 1200 posts is the change of thread pic
No. 828308
>>828298I'm not satisfied until he actually takes it up the butt by adult boy Andy Dick.
Billy the fridge would also be acceptable, but I have a feeling he'd offer his obese ruby starfruit readily to Gerg.
No. 828319
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>>828308John Swan would
gladly open his butt cheeks to greg to have greg pos his neg holes. To then have Greg sex piss all over his face in and in his jewfro jerry curl.
John Swan lives for that shit.
He'd be overjoyed and feel honored. he'd rub it all over himself, hold gregs tiny carrot to let it leak all over his tongue going "hmmmm yes, gregs
cum!, finally! oh fuck yess"
No. 828321
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>>828319>>828308he would have to fight Nicholas Deorio though who's been getting fat off Greg's tard-cum for many years now. I don't think Deorio would ever let go of Greg's dick in his fat ass willingly.
Not in this life.
No. 828341
>>828321This fat incel started supporting Grease just because Shiloh went off on him one time. I'm not defending her, I know she's crazy but imagine supporting a predator and dismissing all his other
victims just because you had a negative interaction with one of them, how petty is that?
No. 828355
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I think this is Greg's scheme to fix his money woes. He'll fly down to LA, meet up with Andy. Andy will eventually try to grab Gregs dick or molest him in some way. Greg will embellish the story with each telling and it will end up
>Andy Dick RAPED ME!
Greg will sue and get some sweet sweet Dick money.
No. 828369
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just some wishful thinking i guess when i saw this picture of greg standing stupid next to a tree on his smegmalands.
No. 828392
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We know Greg lurks here so he must of seen that we figured out he's in the garage of his new home because of all that shit on the shelves
>>828044He makes a joke in his latest Speaks video about sitting next to all those chemicals.
>so you can now see i'm next to the cleaning aisle.Little known fact- If you swallow two heaping spoonfuls of that "Fix-It-All" patching compound your money problems disappear, you don't have to worry about raising two kids you don't want and you never again have to listen to your ugly man-wife cry about your past infidelities.
No. 828420
>>828395No one cares about Dick boy. He's irrelevant.
That goes for the lot of them. The only older people either of them would attract are entirely unhinged and zoomers certainly wouldn't know who they are.
No. 828467
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>>828424During Laineys YouNow stream Greg walked in off camera and they had a mini argument because Greg wanted to know why she had turned the thermostat all the way up. Lainey said "we already talked about this." They tried to talk in whispers but you could still hear them. One of the kids had figured out how to reach the high thermostat and play with it.
In the police report both Greg and Lainey said that C likes to climb up on things so even though the chemicals are on high shelves if they dont watch her (which her cracked skull proves they don't) she's going to get to them.
Both are absent parents. Greg hiding away from the rest of the family to jerk off to loli hentai, Lainey scrolling on her phone in a desperate search for a tissue to replace Sarah. I can see those kids having accident after accident until it finally ends in tragedy.
No. 828485
*these questions
No. 828489
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So this was acceptable to Pierce County?
If the pending sale goes through then the answer is yes.
He literally used a sheet of paper and black marker to make the signs.
No. 828512
>>828497I shouldn't be surprised. I actually love split-rail fences and they can be beautiful when done by a professional.
But this is just more proof that Greg can fuck up anything.
No. 828514
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>>828511Is it just me or does that not sound like Greg? I get the feeling that his realtor typed out what to say and made him email it. He explained to Greg that this email had to be short, polite and to the point. In the previous emails Greg sent he rambled on and made these little snide remarks like
>Illegal photo of my property taken without my permission by Scott violating my rights/privacyall written in what looks like Chaloops font. Very professional.
No. 828515
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>>828514I'm positive that the realtor is the driving force on trying to get this piece of shit sold. If you look at the photos uploaded to Zillow and Redfin when the house was first put on the market this March there is no split rail or shitty signs to be seen. I'll bet you they got a prospective buyer, the buyer did his due diligence on the house and all these red flags popped up about the lien on the house and the title not being free and clear. So the realtor either told Greg to get his ass in gear and put up the fence, signs and plantings, or the realtor did it himself and hired some Home Depot Mexicans to slap together something that he hopes passes and he's going to add that to his fee when the sale goes through.
No. 828522
>>828490I'm terribly confused right now. Has the wetlands situation been resolved or has it not been resolved?
Now if its NOT been resolved, perhaps greg is moving thinking he can get out of it that way?
No. 828523
>>828522I don't have 100% proof of either.
Looking at this email
>>828490 there must of been an earlier email where Greg is asking why his title is not clear. Scott Sissons then emails him back on March 11 saying the reason is because he never put up the fence signs or plantings. Greg emails back the next day on March 12 saying here's proof we just did what you asked so please remove the violations and clear my homes title.
If we see a reply email from Sissons saying the work done is acceptable or if the current pending sale goes through then we can assume its been resolved.
No. 828562
>>828532Um… Yeah… No.
Police reports are usually made in a way where whatever the person says is summarized as is. That's standard procedure. Why? Because it's important to record what was said just in case any "suspicious" dialogue is found in the description of the incident reported. Especially when more than one party is involved. I don't mean to use such an extreme example here but it's the only situation I know of that parallels Greg and Lainey's narratives in the report.
In 2015, the couple Nathan Matthews and Shauna Hoare were listed as suspects in the murder of Nathan's step-sister Becky Watts. Why? Because when police questioned them their narratives and alibis were identical. Which rightfully lead the police to believe it was rehearsed. Police looked into them and eventually found that they were guilty of the crime.
Suspicious dialogue was found in Cloey’s "accident" report but nothing was further looked into due to the obvious incompetence of Gig Harbor Police. Even in the report, detective Moss found Greg's reasons for video taping Cloey strange but again nothing was looked into.
>It's likely the officer just asked if their kid was an active child and then asked for examples, possibly by offering a leading question like-If the officer did ask the questions then the report would say that the officer did in fact ask those questions. Please keep in mind. They were both audio recorded so why would the officer note or summarize anything other than what was said in those audio tapes?
I think you're trying too hard to defend what's undefendable at this point Anon. I'm all for plausibilities but that plausibility you're trying to push makes no sense when you consider ACTUAL standard procedure and the fact that their narratives were audio recorded. The summary of what was written would have been taken from those audio tapes my guy.
No. 828572
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>>828562>Suspicious dialogue was found in Cloey’s "accident" report but nothing was further looked into due to the obvious incompetence of Gig Harbor Police.Funny how you mention police incompetence because in the report Kai had said that she was not sure how Cloey could have gotten up to the window as she did not believe that the headboard overlapped the windowsill yet there is a pic of Cloey’s bedroom that shows exactly the opposite of what Kai said.
Like if the detectives took pictures and what not, which they did, one can clearly see that what Kai was saying was simply not true. Almost as if she was purposely feigning ignorance. Why didn't they call a red flag on that? Heck, Cloey's bedroom window is even open in the screenshot and that was capped from Kai's Patreon house tour video that was leaked in 2018. A whole year before the fall. What parent in their right mind has their "active" toddler's bed right underneath such a huge window? That is just asking for disaster.
No. 828574
>>828546paid promotion, because gotta buy grain alcohol and throw pillows people.
ironically theres even a throw pillow in the same fucking room. and liquor too no doubt.
fucking skinny ass skankasaurus.
No. 828578
>>828575dude literally wants to fuck everyone and masturbates to their images. bet you dollars to donuts he's also signed up for her onlyfans and jerks it twice a day to her.
mumbling to himself: "yeah take it you dirty bitch, take it!" just pulling on his tiny wiener with a pair of tweezers till his tiny little marble balls are blue.
No. 828594
>>828572Well that picture surely adds some perspective.
In Lainey's narrative she had said that the window was closed when she had put Cloey in her bedroom to watch TV.
With how the bed and window are situated, I simply can't see how a two year old would have the agility, balance and strength to stand on the thin headboard while pulling open such a large window, and then pushing out the window screen (keep in mind window screens are usually made to withstand great force).
Two year olds are active yes, but they aren't the most balanced or agile beings. I think any child’s attempt at such a feat, in that bedroom, would more likely lead to them toppling down onto the bed and then the floor than to result in them falling out the window. The whole report reeks of suspicious inconsistencies.
>What parent in their right mind has their "active" toddler's bed right underneath such a huge window? That is just asking for disaster.>>828468>Interesting that they both said the same thing almost word for word.Really hoping this doesn't lead to a tinfoil ban but if the screencap of Cloey's bedroom was dated a whole year before the incident and Greg and Lainey's narratives were identical- suggesting that they rehearsed. Could it be that the "accident" was set up over a long period of time?
I mean, in regards to their grooming of Sarah for sex, they waited 2 years (4 yrs if you count the fact that Kai started grooming her at 14) to have sex with her "legally" so it isn't far fetched that they would wait for the right time to inact Cloey's fall.
The incident took place 10 days after CPS visited their house to conduct an investigation into the grooming allegations, which again was not further looked into. In the few videos Greg would make about CPS visiting their home, it was in regards to their children. He was always gloating and smug because CPS would call bullshit and close their investigation, but in that instance they showed up for a matter that didn't involve their children.
Could it be that Cloey's bedroom was always set up for failure and they conveniently used her fall to get CPS on their side again?
Not sure how long ago it was but a couple threads back and anon gave insider information on how CPS deals with near death accidents involving children. They had said that CPS would work closely with the parents to develop their parenting skills and have them go through CPS mandated therapy for at least a year (could take way longer) before concluding the child is safe and no further involvement is needed. They'd also mentioned that Greg's narrative of Lainey doing therapy and taking meds was actually about Cloey's accident (given CPS'mandate) and not about what "Sarah did to her".
I could see them using the tragedy of Cloey's fall and injuries to garner sympathy and attention away from their sexual grooming crimes. Developing a relationship with CPS so they would seem like an unsuspecting "famous" couple who now has to deal with such a tragedy while battling totally false and not real grooming allegations.
No. 828602
>>828594>Could it be that Cloey's bedroom was always set up for failure and they conveniently used her fall to get CPS on their side again?no. this is nonsense.
please sage your tinfoils in the future
No. 828603
>>828594Greg may liken himself to Kira/L because he's retarded, but he can barely plan for the future let alone plan and hope for a convenient accident that has more chance of failing than succeeding.
retard tinfoil.
The simplest explanation is that they're both self-absorbed and not aware of basic child safety
No. 828618
I've kinda been waiting for an opportunity to talk about this and now seems like the appropriate time.
In the report Kai said Troy was watching TV while Greg says he was playing video games. Why was it easier for them to remember the exact same past events of Cloey's activities and not what happened on the night of the accident?
Okay, let's not take sources of suspicious from the actually incident.
A welfare check done on Kai was closed on 15th September 2019. Close to midnight. In that report Kai had said that she was home with Troy while Greg was tending to Cloey in the hospital.
11 minutes past midnight, into 16th of September, with Kai confirming where Greg was, he makes this tweet, >"Stand in front of the window over there. The world should see how pathetic and helpless you are. I'm going to humiliate you, and right before you lose consciousness, I'm going to destroy you."
Tweeting about humiliating and destroying a helpless individual IN FRONT OF A WINDOW when you're in the hospital with your daughter that FELL OUT OF A WINDOW is VERY SUS. It almost appears like he was gloating in the fact that he could post what he wanted about the situation because no one would know what he was talking about or specifically, what he did. I'd bet money he would have never done that had he known the police report would be leaked a few months later.
In a livestream posted on April 2nd 2020 (Onision Confronted LIVE (Full Story Part 3) at the 1:29:06 mark Greg was asked about the tweet he made while his daughter was fighting for her life in the hospital. Per usual, he doesn't give a clear answer, but implies that that was his way of coping with the situation, saying he would have to see a therapist to evaluate why he made those tweets.
Then, in a livestream posted on April 8th 2020 (Onision Confronted LIVE (Full Story Part 4) when asked about the tweet a second time at the 2:22:09 mark, Greg just says it was from a hentai, implying that it had nothing to do with the situation.
Both livestreams were done 6 days apart and he couldn't even keep his story straight. If it really had nothing to do with the situation why lie about it? That in itself, on top of the actual tweet is very sus.
In the livestream Restreaming the Killstream: Onision Edition, at 1:14:47 Greg says that the incident felt like it was “beyond your typical fall”.
At 1:18:30 Greg says that “the kid” was nowhere near the garage door when they saw her. “Like a foot or two away” which he could not comprehend as the child, according to him, tapped on the garage door.
That narrative is suspicious because that would mean 2 things:
If Cloey somehow fell a foot or 2 away from the garage door, that would mean that she got up, walked to the garage and tapped on it. Then walked back to the spot away from the garage and laid there for her parents to find her.
The other plausibility is that she fell very close to the garage, got up, tapped on the garage door then walked a foot or two away from the garage door and layed there for some reason.
Mind you, this would be all while her head is cracked and fractured in numerous place, while most likely conscious enough to feel the extreme pain.
If you pay attention to what Greg is saying, and how he's saying it, it almost seems like strategic admission of ignorance to the incomprehensible, as if to be on the side of those asking the same questions.
Just the fact that Cloey was a foot or two away from the garage when she was found suggests that she may have been placed there.
Now mind you, a foot or 2 away is actually not that far in distance (30 to 60 cms). Greg didn't need to mention that which leads me to believe that she was found much further than Greg implies.
Then there's his Super Mario Muder Mystery video that he uploaded December 10th 2020. eye cancer goes like this. Fat Princess (Peaches?) wakes up to a rabbit greeting her. The princess hates rabbits saying to it do you know what I can do to you? and that there are no witnesses around. She pushs the rabbit off a platform. Bowser saw what happened and is scared. A detective comes across the rabbit's body. An investigation takes place. The detectives pin point Bowser because he's the village monster. For some reason Bowser knowingly takes the rap for the Princess who also pushes him from the platform while the rabbit's ghost laments that there is no justice.
Now given all Greg's subliminal implications. That super funny and not suspicious video appears to just be too close to reality.
With the report, Greg's tweet, his statements and that video. I've counted over 10 inconsistencies and suspicious happenings that suggests it wasn't a mere accident. There's no doubt they're neglectful parents but there's so many red flags surrounding that isolated incident.
No. 828644
>>828603>Greg may liken himself to Kira/L because he's retarded, but he can barely plan for the future let alone plan and hope for a convenient accident that has more chance of failing than succeeding.Exactly. They're narcissists who value themselves to be smarter than the average individual and they're also criminals. That's why I think it's likely that both him and Lainey are dumb enough to plan and execute something as fucked up as that without thinking about all the failures in execution and inconsistencies that would be found out in their doings.
Why do you think they're up to their necks in criminal shit the way they are now?
Keep in mind. They don't love their children and Greg does not know what love is. He is incapable of caring about anyone but himself.
Lainey cried to Billie when she found out she was pregnant with a girl because she KNEW how Greg treats women.
Greg wasn't even there when Cloey was born. Very rarely do parents and children share the same birthday. It's usually an exciting thing but Greg didn't even show up for her birth which again points to his narcissistism because how dare Cloey be born in HIS special day.
Jessica said Cloey didn't even go to preschool and Greg would never talk to her. He even made a video mocking Lainey's "concerns" about that.
I wouldn't chastize anyone for thinking that Cloey may just be as disposable as the girls and women they abused.
In a way they're "smart enough" to commit a crime or cover it up but they're not smart enough to get away with it long term. There's always inconsistencies and suspicious patterns that slip through the cracks of the things that they do and say. And that's coupled with Greg's incessant need to drop hints on his wrong doings.
>>828632>Yeah I don't think the Onion family did anything like push her out a window like some disney villain. I do think they were negligent since I don't think putting a kid's bed up next to a window is a good idea but I wish we would put window-gate to rest.I don't see anything wrong with believing that it was just neglectful parenting that caused Cloey’s fall but to rule out or denounce other people's suspicion (based on circumstancial evidence) that foul play occurred poses a greater risk of them getting away with something that they may have done.
Yeah Greg is dumb but he also got away with soliciting child pornography on his forums, child sex tourism, violating the Mann Act, interstate travel to have sex with minors, child grooming, scamming the military for benefits and tax fraud. He got away with all those things for over ten years. He would have gotten away with what he did to Sarah had he not subliminally and publicly harassed her about the BPD she didn't even have and his false rape allegations against her. What's laughable is that Sarah was most likely gonna take what happened to her to her grave for Kai's sake but Greg HAD to fuck that up with again, his incessant need to stalk his ex's and drop hints on his wrongdoings.
No. 828649
>>828644There are easier ways to orchestrate an accident with children.
Occam's razor man. Greg is just retarded and didn't think about why it might be a bad idea to put a toddler's bed right next to the window.
No. 828688
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I saw this on my tl and immediately thought of Greg. I'm sure you all know about Jessica Yaniv. Someone plastered over 100 posters in the area she lives warning the public about her past arrests for illegal weapons, assault, death threats and inappropriate behavior with minors and attempting to lure young girls on the internet.
Its not just faceless people on the internet that hate Greg. There are people in his town that are willing to drive up to his home and vandalize it. His home in Gig Harbor was egged twice. How long until Greg and Lainey wake up one morning in their new home and see every tree and light pole on their street with posters of their faces warning the neighbors about the new sexual predators that moved onto their block. I have a feeling that the upcoming 4th installment of the documentary and Sarah's interview is going to put a fire under these people in Greg's town that hate him. One thing I noticed about the first 3 episodes of the documentary was they would do these long lingering shots of the front of Onion's house. I counted 4 times they did this. They never gave the address but it was like they were purposefully giving enough information for people that lived in that area to know where Greg and Lainey lived. If Discovery shows the new home in this 4th episode I'll know it wasn't by accident.
No. 828714
>>828618The fall from the window story is sketch af, and the additional observations that anon kindly provided push the sketchiness even further.
Some people have been losing their breath arguing whether it's possible or not for C to have climbed up the windowsill, whether the window was open or not etc, which, at this point and in terms of the big picture, is just pointless nitpicking and derailing from the more important questions that are the only remaining trail to the truth (as
>>828562 also pointed out) – there were 2 adults in the house and their narratives are straight up sus, to say the least.
Not only what they've said to the police seems rehearsed, but they've also gone on to say utter bs like C supposedly fell "a foot or two away" from the garage, but at the same time somehow tapped on the garage door, which caught Greg's attention. How is it technically possible for a toddler with a fractured skull to be tapping on the door that is 1-2 feet away from them? That would imply she's somehow stood up, walked to the garage, tapped, and walked back to faceplant into the ground like
>>828618 mentioned.
Bullshit. And why would she be tapping in the first place? Even if she were right there at the door, that is adult behavior – tap to get help. A toddler doesn't have the concept of "if something bad happens to you, call 911 or seek bystander help / assistance otherwise". If an accident happens to a toddler, they just scream-cry for help. The whole tapping bit is bs in its essence and should have been a huge giveaway.
And then again, they keep talking about it as if the fall from the 2nd story on the concrete occurred in pure silence. Fair enough, let's say Lainey had her airpods in like the other anon suggested, but Greg was "working" in the garage, and the boom from the fall wasn't interfering with his filming, but the subsequent little tap on the door was? How does that make sense? Their entire story is a load of horseshit, and I don't understand how the police nor CPS didn't pick up on it.
Bottom line is, the accident happened, probably due to neglect, but why not also with a little assistance (>>828687). At least one of them cucks knows why/how exactly that happened, and they've clearly made up this entire ~mysterious~ bs story with the silent fall, and how everyone was conveniently in a separate room and had no idea, and the aliens tapping on the door, and how they're all so puzzled and unable to comprehend it – all just to cover their own tracks. They've even filmed a little clip as "evidence" to support their story. Sick fucks.
No. 828720
>>828688I don't doubt Greg is up and moving thinking he can hide from his troubles. Funny thing is that the area he's moved to has at least 3x the amount of sex offenders which probably means it's monitored more. Neighbors would be more wary, they'd know which houses to keep their kids from, and his house is far more distinct now without any sort of privacy.
He's basically painted a target on his back for anyone who wants to find him. No privacy, close neighbors, and nowhere else to run.
No. 828728
>>828714That’s actually quite a
valid point anon, you’re correct whether she screamed or not the sound of her hitting the ground would be much louder than “tapping” on the garage door and I’m presuming he claimed the tapping happen at the time of the fall?, i can’t understand what his “tapping” adds to his case tho? What benefit is it
No. 828763
>>828572>>828687Something that's gets overlooked is that C couldn't have been in her room when she fell. The window in her bedroom faces the back of the house and there is no TV shown in the picture or the video.
She had to have been in T's bedroom at the time of the accident.
Also, could the tapping be from the window screen? Maybe it was loosely hanging and swinging into the garage.
No. 828764
>>828763i heard all sorts of conspiracies about chloe's fall, some better and slightly more plausible than others, but fact of the matter is none of us were actually there except for Greg and compLainey.
Now I assume had it been anything else that the doctor would have seen it. Hell, I've seen them notice that shit before specially on the Steve Wilko's show. If there's some fuckery involved, they see it, they see that its not consistent with a fall or what have you.
No. 828768
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>>828763>She had to have been in T's bedroom at the time of the accident.Now in the report Kai did say she had put Cloey in HER room, not Troy's, but if she was in Troy's room, that makes things all the more suspicious because Troy's bedroom window seems harder to reach (or fall out of) than Cloey's.
>>828594 said. Any attempt at standing on the headboard, pushing open a large window, then pushing out a window screen would more likely lead to Cloey falling down than falling out the window. When comparing both rooms, Troy's seems like a much harder feat than hers when you look at the situating of the headboards and windows. She would quicker fall back onto Troy's bed or fall to her left onto that burgandy seat-looking thing or onto the floor.
What's odd is there's small toys in front of the part of the window where Troy could climb from his headboard to open it, it seems like they were trying to prevent such an accident with Troy by placing stuff there but paid no mind to Cloey's window, leaving it bare. That in itself is suspicious as hell.
No. 828778
>>828764>Now I assume had it been anything else that the doctor would have seen it. Hell, I've seen them notice that shit before specially on the Steve Wilko's show. If there's some fuckery involved, they see it, they see that its not consistent with a fall or what have you.Um… Yeah… No…
To make such an assumption based on a TV show you've watched doesn't make sense in reailty. Doctors and hospitals can be just as incompetent as the police (ask Greg).
What I took notice of in the report is the doctor just explained Cloey's head injuries and concluded that it was consistent with a two story fall. There was no mention of a "second opinion" or a "second analysis" where they'd look into whether or not it may have been consistent with anything else like- I dunno- blunt force trauma.
Heck, the report made no mention of any other injuries consistent with the fall ie a dislocated shoulder, sprains, bruises, fractures on other parts of the body etc. There's no fucking way only her head was injured in that fall. Not from a two story window. Not when it's a two year old whose bones and body is still fragile and developing. There HAD to have been more.
Either an incompetent cop didn't make an effort to ask for or record the other injuries that Cloey would have gotten. Or. An incompetent doctor didn't see it as necessary to explain the other injuries Cloey would have had. WHICH IS IMPORTANT.
Now given that the report only spoke about her head injuries, it could be that that was all that was noted since it was paramount but the other injuries were recorded and filed at the hospital.
Or. Those were the only injuries she got. And if only her head was injured in the fall that would mean 2 things:
Either "gravity" just decided to fuck up her head that day, leaving the rest of her body unscathed and located a foot or two away from the garage door she tapped on.
Or her injuries are consistent with premeditated isolated blows to the head aka blunt force trauma and she was placed a foot or two away from the garage door.
Which ever way you spin it. Taking note of all her injuries would help in an investigation if ever foul play was found out but they didn't.
If there were no other injuries on Cloey's body, only her head, and the doctor didn't inspect or notice that then it can only suggest one thing. The report on her injuries stemmed from unsuspecting incompetence on the doctors part.
To me it seems like the doctor just heard the story of what happened from the paramedics/cops and was like, "Yeah, those head injuries are consistent with a two story fall" and called it a day. THAT, along with no mention of her other injuries, suggests unsuspecting incompetence from both the cops and the doctor Anon.
As with
>>828532 you should probably stop trying to defend what's undefendable at this point. Just because you saw a TV show doctor being competent doesn't mean all doctors are.
No. 828784
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>>828778>There's no fucking way only her head was injured in that fall. Not from a two story window. Not when it's a two year old whose bones and body is still fragile and developing. You'd be surprised toddler's aren't as fragile as you'd think when it comes to "natural" injuries. Their bones haven't finished fusing so they're more "malleable" and can bend more easily than older children and adults. I think this in combination with other things is why only her head was injured.
Their heads are proportionally too big for their bodies (so when they fall it's often upper body first) and then haven't mastered balance or reflexes. Knowing Greg genes, C's head could be even larger than average.
They tend to go "limp" when experiencing things like a fall. It's what their bodies programmed to do. Kind of like how older infants instinctively hold their breath when under water or how drunk drivers tend to survive car crashes more often. Some toddler's are more "floppy" than others.
It's a pretty high fall, but not so high that it becomes improbable for a toddler to walk away without multiple injuries. It's a bit surprising that she didn't have any additional scratches, but there are multiple variables that could prevent them:
>The type of clothing worn>Whether or not there was extra rubble>The height isn't enough for her body to fall at full speed>Her body weight>Falling on top of the screen>The way she fell (i.e arms and legs spread out)They're really susceptible to head injuries, but it's quite a bit harder to break legs and arms.
Excuse the shit illustration
Sage for responding to tin foil
No. 828785
File: 1616802571875.jpg (149.28 KB, 1280x720, House Tour jpeg.jpg)

>>828777>That's what I always thought, that it was Troy's bedroom she fell out of. From past videos and the furnishings it looked like his room. Perhaps why they both have conflicting stories about troy watching TV or playing video games, he probably was in the room cloey took the tumble from.To be honest I don't really like the tinfoils of Troy being responsible for Cloey’s fall because if Greg and Lainey were responsible and they were ever found out by law enforcement they'd probably blame it all on Troy like they blame everyone else for their wrongdoings. Troy'd be their scapegoat and it'd be easy to blame him too because the witnesses attesting his violence towards Cloey.
With that being said however. You may have a partial point because in Lainey's House tour video you can see that the kids bedroom doors are clearly situated on opposite side of each other:'m sure the police (as incompetent as they are) would have noticed the difference in their bedrooms and would be able to tell that "Cloey's room" at the front of the house was actually Troy's room based on the gender scheme we see in
>>828768 and
>>828572 (girlish vs boyish look).
The only way that wouldn't be noticed is if Greg and Lainey switched the kids rooms. Making Cloey's room situated at the front of the house while situating Troy's at the back. This had to have been done because Kai said Cloey fell out of her bedroom window and as noted in the report, she fell out of the window right above the garage. That's at the front of the house.
Now if Cloey's room/window was still situated at the back of the house. That would mean that the 2 year old, with multiple skull fractures and internal brain bleeding, got up, walked all the way around to the front of the house, tapped on the garage door, then layed down a foot or two away from said garage door for her parents to find her. That's HIGHLY unlikely to have occurred.
Which begs the question. Why would Greg and Lainey switch the kids rooms? And is it just coincidence Cloey fell right where she needed to be for Greg and Lainey to have their shocked reactions captured on the ring door bell footage, with Greg handing that over to police as if it adds some merit to their innocence. Very convenient if you ask me…
And given that they had that proof of their "innocence". Why would Greg then need to record Cloey injured and in pain, bringing up the decade old Shiloh incident that he recorded as if to add more proof of his innocence?
Sane and caring parents would've scooped their child up. Jumped in their car and speed to the nearest hospital. If not that, then they would've called the ambulance and stayed with their child, talking to them and comforting them through the shock and pain until help arrives. But what does Greg do? He immediately pulls out a camera and films his dying daughter because God forbid they ever suspect he had anything to do with it.
>>828777 is brand new information for me and it does bring some merit to what
>>828594 said. This would have had to be planned. Maybe not over a long period of time, but planned nonetheless.
No. 828786
>>828785Troy's a minor though, the blame would still lie with the parents and probably more involvement with CPS if the kids also demonstrating bad behaviours rather than just a freak accident of a toddler falling out of a window.
The kids sleep with their parents, do Greg and Lainey stay in the kids rooms with them or split up like they did in the mc mansion with them both have a double bed each. They've such a weird family dynamic. Like I'm stuck on Grease mentioning he thought troy would have been outside. Maybe he fucking tapped the garage for someone else to come out and deal with it.
No. 828791
>>828786Jessica the girl that Lainey was stringing along spilled the beans all about the kids on twitter and livestreams before Sarah and the other girls told her to shut up.
One of the things she mentioned was that Lainey cosleeps with Cloey in one bedroom and Greg slept with Troy in another.
No. 828807
File: 1616816883749.jpg (127.32 KB, 720x726, Cover Up 1.jpg)

I took the screencap of Troy's room and layed it out with another screencap of a kid's room in their house.
From Kai's angle opening the door and the angle where Greg is standing in front the door, you can clearly see that it's the same room based on the position of where the door is. Kai said she put Cloey in her room to watch TV but here's confirmation, comparing the two rooms, that only Troy's room had the TV (cropped out in pink).
That would mean that Kai lied to police. Cloey was not in her room. She was in Troy's room like
>>828777 said.
Now that screencap at the bottom where you can see Greg standing was from a video Greg posted to his Onision channel on September 26th 2019.
"The Truth About Onision" don't have a mirror and don't know how to mirror, it's not like he's getting money anyway, that channel's demonetized, plz don't ban me I'm on a roll here).
That video was uploaded 14 days after Cloey fell from that bedroom window.
Now what you'll notice is that the wall posters below the TV changed from a boyish poster to a girly My Little Pony poster (both circled out in blue). That brings some merit to what
>>828785 said. They didn't necessarily switch the rooms per say as Troy's bed remained but they decorated Troy's room and put Cloey's stuff in there to make it appear like it's hers. That's probably why the cops didn't notice the gender scheme difference and assumed the room was Cloey's.
Now this right here brings some merit to what
>>828644 said. They're fucking dumb but they're criminals who commit crimes and they get off on getting away with it. They're just not smart. Greg didn't even think NOT film videos in Troy's Room or any of the children's rooms for that matter.
No. 828808
No. Sam "the camera-person" saw Troy complete the act, he pushed Cloey off the couch and then got reprimanded by Greg because she gasped and reacted to the little girl slamming onto the floor.
No. 828811
File: 1616817541903.jpg (118.78 KB, 720x718, Cover Up 5.jpg)

>>828807Same anon here.
On September 27th 2019, fifteen days after the "accident", Greg uploaded "I Did Something Awful" to his channel. title of the video, if you ask me, is kinda ironic given that it's being used as evidence he and Kai may have covered up a crime.
Now in that video there were some things that I notice they did. They switched the kids rooms to make it appear as though Cloey's room was Troy's
As you can see in this pic attached to this message. The boyish wall posters were switched out with girly posters (circled in green) to make it appear feminine yet the bed remained the same.
No. 828812
File: 1616817726125.jpg (110.33 KB, 720x718, Cover Up 4.jpg)

>>828807>>828811Me again.
They'd switched out Cloey's tall giraffe poster from her old room and put it in Troy's room.
No. 828813
File: 1616818131730.jpg (143.37 KB, 720x723, Cover Up 2.jpg)

>>828812>>828811>>828807Hi, it's me again.
They took Cloey's blue storage container/seat (circled in yellow) and put it in Troy's staged room (Notice the My Little Pony poster on the wall. Plus you can see the cord where the TVs plugged in.)
You can see the storage container isnt Troy's because if you look at the picture of his room, you can see his own is identical, but the color is burgandy.
No. 828815
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>>828813>>828812>>828811>>828807I'll go away I promise.
Notice the bookshelves circled in purple? At first glance you'd think they were the same but they're not. Troy's bookshelf has khaki colored wooden sides while Cloey's has burgandy/red colored sides. That brings more proof that the items in their rooms were switched.
Again it's suuuper coincidental that they, for some strange reason, switched the kids bedrooms only for Cloey fall out that bedroom window, conveniently close to the garage door, where she got up, taped on it to alert Greg, then walked a foot or two away from it to lay on the ground all while harboring a near death head injury. I mean it total wasn't planned that way so Greg and Kai could get the ring footage capturing their feigned shock and "innocence". Oh no no no.
I mean let's be real. Fate would have it that Cloey's original bedroom window was situated at the back of the house so how else were they gonna capture their innocence for the cops if Cloey fell at the back of the house? Gotta think ahead for when "fate" deals such tragedies, right Greg? Right Kai?
What was that tweet Greg made again? You know, the one he made while his daughter was fighting for her life in the hospital. Something about destroying and humiliating a helpless individual in front of a window right before they lose consciousness? Oh yeah that's just how he "copes". As all loving non-homocidal parents do when their baby daughter falls out of a window. /s
No. 828834
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I don't understand why every rard freaks out about Greg's 'sex tweets' while Clot was in hospital, when the money shot is this tweet right here.
He tweeted this the day after her fall. If he didn't actually push her, he at the very least delighted in the situation, which isn't much better.
Why else would he tweet this?
No. 828838
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>>828833Yeah… No… I think you're the one mixing things up buddy.
Sam specifically stated the gasping incident was related to Troy pushing Cloey off the couch.
No. 828840
>>828834>I don't understand why every rard freaks out about Greg's 'sex tweets' while Clot was in hospital, when the money shot is this tweet right here.I think the freaking out would have something to do with all the other suspicious shit surrounding said tweet. Given the new information in this thread and everything else that happened, ya know? The alarm bells should be considered reasonable at this point.
>He tweeted this the day after her fall.Nope. It was four days after her fall. While he was with her, she was in the hospital fighting for her life btw.
>If he didn't actually push her, he at the very least delighted in the situation, which isn't much better.
>Why else would he tweet this?Maybe because he was involved in the situation and was gloating in the fact that he got away with it?
Like at this point I don't see how the concept of them doing something so heinous is beyond comprehension given all the curcumstancial evidence seen in this thread.
No. 828841
>>828838Thank you. I spent half an hour searching for this message because I wanted to make sure I remembered it right.
>just fucking landed on their head full force.This poor little girl. She keeps taking hits to the head.
No. 828843
>>828784No offense but going this far to prove Cloey's fall was an accident is pretty sus my guy. Like you took the time to illustrate this.
I'm gonna have to take that with a grain of salt because my little brother. At age 3. Fell off what was like a 7ft balcony onto concrete. He bussed the back of his head, got a small fracture and a mild concussion. He sprained his shoulder and an area on the back of his upper torso was black and blue even though he had clothes on.
Given what I know I find it very hard to believe that a two story fall onto a concrete driveway only resulted in injuries to the head and nowhere else.
No. 828848
File: 1616832322771.jpg (62.78 KB, 720x380, Greg AntiOnision2 (fucking sic…)

Okay with the screenshots and templates that these anons are providing. I really don't think the conversation should be about Troy and his temper towards Cloey at this point.
Think about it. If Troy had pushed Cloey out of his bedroom window and Greg and Kai realized that. There's no way they'd be able to switch around everything in their rooms before calling for help. Shit like that takes time. We're talking removing wall posters, placing new ones. Switching carpets, switching bookshelves and tables, moving toys etc.
They would've had to set up the rooms prior to the "accident".
And there's proof to suggest that. In Cloey’s "new room". Look at the posters on the walls. The toys and books in the area. Nothing is crooked or messy or "out of place". That suggests that they had time to prepare and the rearrangment wasn't rushed. The set up of Cloey's new room was most likely premeditated.
If that's the case. Another thing to note is that in the livestream Restreaming the Killstream: Onision Edition. At 1:17:47 Greg said that he was not sure what he was looking at (when he saw his daughter) because “the thing he saw” was covered in debris from the driveway, with grass and “stuff” surrounding it. This was never mentioned in the report and that suggests that Cloey may have been out on the concrete of the driveway for a long period of time. If the fall was premeditated it would mean that they left Cloey out there in hopes that she would succumb to her injuries because her death wasn't instant. With too much time passing they may have opted to initiate a type of “plan B” which was to cover up the alleged attempted murder as an accident.
The reason why I'm inclined to believe this is because of that tweet Greg made from his AntiOnision2 twitter sock. I know it's been debated a million times whether or not he has socks but the screencap released showed that Greg didn't crop his tweet properly and it exposed the near top of the profile pic of his main twitter account Onision. Proving that it was his sock. When people called that out he shut down the account immediately. Then he had his other sock Brock claim to be the who got the account taken down by reporting it. But that's all besides the point.
What he said in the tweet and I quote:
>Onision's daughter should have kept quiet when she fell from the window, maybe then it would have been easier to ignore her so she could bleed to death.
Now there's no way in hell any "Anti-O" would speak that way about the kids, unless this account was specifically made to slander the "Anti-Os" as terrible people which is not beneath Greg.
Now that dialogue comes across as very personal which is telling. Mind you there was no record of Cloey screaming from either Greg or the police report but this "Anti-O" somehow knew that that was the case. It's very telling and suggests to me that they did throw/push her out of the window in hopes that she'd bleed to death. It also tells me that while she was out there covered in debris and grass, she wasn't tapping the garage door or groaning. She was screaming. Making it very hard for them to ignore her bleeding to death. Her screams would've eventually alerted the neighbors to what was going on. So maybe they inacted that door bell footage and video tape for innocence plan. Shit didn't work out as expected. Onto the next scheme.
No. 828850
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No. 828854
>>828843I didn't say that couldn't, I'm saying it's definitely possible for her to fall like that and only injure her head.
I'm just showing what I've seen and learned working with little ones professionally. I'm not arguing that the cause goes back to Greg or the situation is weird. The most likely answer though is it was caused by him and Lainey being shitty negligent parents though, not hatching some scheme hoping she'll happen to have an "accident". It's just such a huge stretch to think he could be so elaborate.
It's not that unlikely for a little kid that can walk to lean up against an open window.
I am pretty certain, based on the reports, she fell from that window.
More than likely she's done it before and the swamp fam didn't discourage her, just like how they don't discourage T from punching and pushing people.
I don't think Gurg would have really cared if she died though because he's a shitty person.
No. 828855
>>828850Spoil this in the future. Billie is useless and I think she gets off too easy with a free pass. Fag is useless. Complainey is useless. Billy the fridge is useless. All the orbiters of past and president are useless
Cunts. Madison the entire works. But too often Billie a high school dropout who couldn’t be bothered to get a driver license,
Job or GED before, during or after dating grease gets away with being a do nothing bitch. I have sympathy that greasy probably did mind fuck her in a lot of ways but she met him a year after she failed out of high school: why wasn’t she attending hs or driving at 17? By the time she met grease she was a year out of school working at target and being a nobody. She still hasn’t gotten a GED, job or license. Don’t like the girl at all
No. 828857
Doubt! If it was a a planned attract C would have just been attacked by the noxious weeds around the swamp! If grease harmed c deliberately wouldn’t it have been far more beneficial to blame it on the blackberry bushes thorny weeds out back?
No. 828858
>>828857Or the road, or the water. I'm just saying there needs to be moreedical proof that shows she wasn't injured from a fall to hold the tinfoil that it was set up.
I could almost believe the one where people think she was hit by something/someon, but even then there would be no need to set up the window shit and again, the conclusions and details included in the report suggest she fell from the window by pushing on the screen frame.
The tinfoil that this was all deliberately set up doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Again, most likely a case of it being an accident caused by negligence.
No. 828863
>>828853Why do Billies uncensored nudes always pop up when there's talk about how suspicious Cloey's fall was?
>hey guys don't look at that, look over hereThis.
Everytime Cloey's situation is brought up. You could literally unload tons of evidence pointing in the direction of definite foul play and they'd just be like, "There's other easier ways of attempting murder so I know for a fact that they wouldn't do it that way even though there's evidence pointing to the fact that they may have done it that way."
"Yeah there's copious amounts of suspicious curcumstancial evidence of abc but here's some mere probabilities of xyz that TOTALLY debunks that."
"They're too dumb to commit a crime like that even though there's proof they've committed other heinous crimes like soliciting cp, grooming minors, having sex with them and not to mention the sex trafficking! But no! There's deeeefinately a line they won't cross because clearly they have some form of a moral compass and aren't psychos! I mean- wanting to brand they're
victims with degrading tattoos, demanding they shave their heads, chain them in basements- that was just a gesture!"
And not to mention everybodies favorite, "They're just neglectful parents. Fuck that curcumstancial evidence! Fuck those suspicious happenings surrounding Cloey's fall! Quit tinfoiling already! Geez!"
Like you would think Billie's nudes popping up the moment shit with Cloey gets too real is a sign that Grug's making another shit attempt at distracting us from that talk. Heck, some of those "it didn't happen" post might very well be him.
That in itself is suspicious and should make us question all the details surrounding Cloey's fall even more but nope. It's just neglectful parenting that caused the fall despite aaaallllll the shit that shows otherwise. It couldn't be anything else but negligence.
How stellar.
No. 828864
>>828863The Billie nudes are sus, I give you that, but the tinfoil as it is with the evidence provided really isn't enough to make such a bold claim anon.
Again, the simplest explanation is usually the answer. The kids really should be taken away before the shitty parenting actually leads to the shallots dying.
No. 828865
>>828864>Again, the simplest explanation is usually the answer. The kids really should be taken away before the shitty parenting actually leads to the shallots dying.That's fair to say but with reading through all the messages about Cloey in this thread. I've counted not one, not two, not three but SEVENTEEN suspicious happenings and inconsistencies that do not link to "the simplest explanation" of negligence.
Why were the kids rooms switched around?
Why did it appear to be switched around the time of the fall and not long before then?
Why did Kai lie about the headboard not overlapping when it did?
Why did Kai and Greg have the same narratives when questioned separately?
Why did Greg film Cloey to protect his innocence?
Why did he give the cops the ring footage when it couldn't add to solving what happened? The only thing it could really do is add to his and Kai's innocence.
Why did he then make that tweet while in the hospital with Cloey?
Why did he lie about why he made the tweet in two separate livestreams?
Why was Cloey found a foot or two away from the garage door she supposedly tapped on?
Why was there no records of other injuries to Cloey's body? Why only her head?
Why are Billie's nudes always posted when new information on the topic is brought up?
I get the philosophy that the simplest explanation is usually the answer but if you were to apply that to why Kai got power of attorney over Sarah. The simplest explanation would be that Kai was just helping a minor, a friend. She cared for them and wanted to get her away from
abusive situation and homelife by housing her until she was old enough to be on her own. That's the explanation they gave. It was simple. The answer however, was wrong.
As with Billie. The simplest explanation was that Kai wanted a girlfriend to explore her bisexuality in an intimate way, so Kai sought her out and they fell in love and became girlfriends. Simplest explanation. But again the answer didn't correlate.
I believe Cloey's situation doesn't boil down to a simple explanation or answer. And that's because it never does with Greg and Kai. There's always some more and that's what I think people should consider.
Just the fact that they're perpetually neglectful towards the kids should show just how much they don't care about them. So is it really far fetched to think that they're just as expendable and disposable as anyone else in their lives?
No. 828869
File: 1616843633983.jpg (29.65 KB, 1217x255, 2021-03-27 12.11.55…)

>>828850Should there ever be any doubt about who's buying and posting these…. he leaks them on this forum, i looked it up. someone thanked him and he responded with this….
hmmmm now
who do you think would purchase and leak both billie's and ayallah's pictures? out of some sort of warped sense of revenge?
having looked up this leaks forum and read it i also got a strong sense that greg is even sock puppeting on there.
No. 828871
>>828869Of course its Greg. What anon would go out of their way to pay for Billie's nudes just to post them here when C's "accident" is being throughly discussed with new information and citings too.
Just the fact that he would do that to distract from these tinfoils makes me believe that they may not just be tinfoils after all. Say what you want but it's gotta have some standing if he's gonna go this far.
No. 828880
>>828871There's no new info, just sperging and tinfoiling because there's no milk. Anons are desperate to turn the accident into some kind of murder mystery or something and it's depressing. It's like watching all the armchair detectives in true crime community coming up with bullshit attempts at CSI: Autism.
>>828878Sage your boomer nonsense, no1curr
No. 828881
>>828880The room switching is sus imo, I'm just glad other farmers noticed it was originally Troy's room she fell from, I thought I misremembered.
Troy had that burgandy toy box right up against the window, honestly seems extremely plausible to me troy pushed cloey out that window. Also to the anon that said it was a lot of effort to switch rooms, they literally moved like 4 posters, switched two toy boxes and switched two small book cases. That's like a 5 minute job lol.
>>828869Greg's such a freak. I bet he's got discord channels as well for leaking their onlyfans, he is obsessed with them.
No. 828882
>>828878>No harm in being a slut. Nothing wrong with being a hoe.If someone wants to be a slut thats fine, but realize its still a shameful thing even though people are trying desperately to change that.
Hold a 100 slut walks, hell hold a million mile whore march, doesn't change anything. Its shameful and they should feel that shame.
No. 828885
File: 1616857450726.jpg (147.27 KB, 720x650, 20210327_095551.jpg)

Greg is back to having literal convos with himself using sock puppet accounts (not that he ever really stopped I guess). He's attempting to make memes of himself based on things "fans" have said about him. He uses the most Aids filters and pics he can find. This pic is a catfish. He looks nothing like this. He can't let the retarded fake eye lashes go…not to mention he's fat, balding and his wrinkled brow slope is sliding off his face.
No. 828887
>>828881Just wanna throw in another tinfoil. What if T is a little slow (hints for that were discussed here before) and confused the rooms after they had been switched up, got angry at C for being in "his" room and pushed her?
I don't want to blame anything on T, he's just a little kid and his parents should have reaised him better, nor do I want to say that this is what happened. It's just another possibility since we're already takling about C's fall.
No. 828889
>>828808>>828821OP here, I must've missed that part so apologies! I thought he just tried and I guess Sam stopped him or something.
I'm not going to speculate over everything but the Onion household is fucked up all around and the one getting the short end of the stick is Clot. Trot has anger issues, Lainey is an accomplice and bad mother who can't even keep a house clean and sacrifices her kids wellbeing to be Greg's sukmi gal, and Greg is an
abusive pedophile. Sure, he might argue that it's hebephile or whatever the fuck he wants to call it but if you've normalized having sex with your kids in the room or even in the bed with you, you're a pedophile.
Greg has gotten away with everything legally up until now but I still firmly believe his undoing is going to be CPS related. Maybe not any time soon but his kids are getting older and they're going to start saying stuff in school that raises some eyebrows and gets CPS called because they're normalized to whatever sick shit is going on in that house.
No. 828890
>>828885His "memes" are easily debunked considering the Hallmark Greeting card inspirational-tier messages he writes on them is often shit he likes to say about himself almost verbatim.
I'll give him that, his memes are like his career, unfunny.
No. 828896
>>828853yeah pretty sus as probably greg is the one to horde nudes or lewds of almost every woman he has interacted with and has a only fans.
>>828855only greg would really say that, truthfully I am indifferent to shit like that every body has a right to live how they wish even if it means being a slut and making money off their body and working at target.b only greg or another loser pay pig simp would be that interested in some random girls
>>828869Its greg, if any one honestly thinks that its some one else, then they are retarded as greg has done dirty shit.
No. 828900
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Why is he like this? Pushing middle age and still can't keep anything to himself. Highly doubtful it's really from Shiloh, but what he says about footface is hilarious. He can never answer what's so great about foot. He always just says 'she an angel', 'an amazing person' top kek
No. 828901
>>828889Unless the kids are being beat or sexually abused (as in the kids say it or there is undeniable evidence), cps isn't going to remove them.
As long as they're properly fed (i.e not eating dog food or starving), getting medical care, go to school clean, not being left alone in the house, and have proper clothing it's not happening.
CPS won't remove children who are having their basic needs met. At most they may be assigned a case worker who'll monitor them for a bit and get them to take some parenting courses.
Contrary to popular belief, CPS always prioritizes keeping the children with their families unless they have reason to believe the children are in danger of dying.
Unfortunately inappropriate and creepy conversations and posts aren't enough to do that.
Maybe if the kids continue having suspicious accidents, but Gurg is a pretty paranoid guy so I don't know. I'd also rather not wish harm on the shallots, even if it fucks the pedos over.
No. 828915
>>828901>>828902Oh I'm sure it'll take a while but I do have hope. A munchie-by-proxy who had her kids diagnosed with mental illness and filmed them for Youtube (and had sex with her boyfriend with the kids in the same room) finally had her kids taken away after years.
It won't happen overnight but CPS already has a record and while I don't wish harm on innocent kids, we all know it's going to get worse the older they get. Especially for Clot which is why I can't take anyone seriously who depends Lainey and makes her out to be a
victim. She's point-blank said she puts Greg over their kids despite her fears over having a daughter because she knew what would happen.
No. 828916
I was on the side of C's fall just being an accident. Reading through the posts however got me on the fence because anons were proving what they believe made good points. I'm still on the fence though. There is a lot to show that many suspicious things happened before, during and after the accident so it is fair to believe that foul play could be involved too. Like some anons said. They are criminals after all.
An accident, in my opinion should only have about 2 or 3 suspicious things happening that could be pure coincidence. To me Kai and Greg not getting their story straight on what T was doing that night could just be them not thinking on it too much. He was in front of the TV so they could've just said what they thought he was doing.
Kai and Greg being captured on the door ring footage… Well I'm sorta convinced it may have been set up on the mere basis that they gave to police because it does appear like they were trying to prove their innocence. But hey. The camera was already there and they did come out through the front door to see what was going on.
I too do not believe that T had anything to do with it and if he is, everything is still on his parents for covering up something so terrible. I agree with the anons that think we shouldn't implicate him in the accident because if by some odd happening we ever find out that C's fall wasn't an accident. Kai and Greg will try to blame him. There's never been a time where they have taken responsibility for their actions and it definitely won't happen in a case of an alleged murder attempt.
To the anon that pin pointed the switching of T and C's rooms
>>828807 Bravo. Those videos you linked are over a year old. Like you just remembered those videos off the bat? That is scary impressive. Good detective work even.
What still has me bordering the side of parental negligence is the fact that there just doesn't appear to be a clear motive or motives for that matter. Why would they attempt to hut or kill C? If
>>828863 could shed some light on that it may just help to further the discussion/perspective in a practical and logical way.
No. 828932
>>828927>This was right around the time where all the grooming stuff was taking off. It could have served as a way to change the conversation, or maybe make sarah feel bad and not want to cause more problems for them. That's how greg prob honestly thinks.If that's the case I think you're partially right. They may have done it to change the conversation but not with or for Sarah. Remember no one was aware of what happened until the report was leaked. So they most likely did it to sway CPS.
>>828594 said.
>The incident took place 10 days after CPS visited their house to conduct an investigation into the grooming allegations, which again was not further looked into. In the few videos Greg would make about CPS visiting their home, it was in regards to their children. He was always gloating and smug because CPS would call bullshit and close their investigation, but in that instance they showed up for a matter that didn't involve their children.
>I could see them using the tragedy of Cloey's fall and injuries to garner sympathy and attention away from their sexual grooming crimes. Developing a relationship with CPS so they would seem like an unsuspecting "famous" couple who now has to deal with such a tragedy while battling totally false and not real grooming allegations. That to me seems like a pretty good motive. CPS is outdated cyberwise. You can't even email proof of child abuse, it's always over the phone. Their grooming crimes mostly took place over the Internet which makes implicating them to CPS much harder. Plus by the time CPS showed up to the house Sarah was gone. Just the fact that they showed up to the house to investigate tells me they were looking for physical proof of grooming and when they didn't find any they left.
Greg and Kai could've sacrificed Cloey as a preemptive measure to keep CPS preoccupied with their needs instead of their crimes. Given their criminal mindset. That makes sense.
No. 828936
>>828869If it is him leaking stuff god I hope he really gets hung out to dry legally for posting revenge porn like that.
>>828900Either way it’s from almost TEN years ago (July 7, 2012). I don’t know the timelines with them but I would bet if it did come from her it was during a period where they were on and off still and she hasn’t processed the relationship fully at that point.
No. 828937
>>828928>they probably switched the kids' rooms after the fall. jfc. greg is a creepy pedofile, but i really don't think he tried to murder his kid. There's a few things wrong with the point you're trying to make.
Firstly, Kai said that she had put C in HER room to watch TV. But there's evidence that T's room had the TV in it as seen in those pictures those anons provided previously (good eye btw). C's first room was the one situated at the back of the house. In Greg's videos soon after the accident you could see that T's room was decorated to look feminine and I say that because T's bed remained. They didn't switch the beds. If Cloey was in "her room", aka the one with the TV on the night of the accident then there's no way they switched the kids rooms after the accident anon. It would've had to have been prior to the fall.
However I do have reason to believe the switch occurred soon after the fall because T's bed remained in the room. That's a sign it was rushed or staged to look like it was originally C's room because if they had switched the rooms weeks or months prior. Why didn't they transfer C's original bed too? Why only her stuff? If the room was still T's and he pushed her, the bed would be too much of a hassle to move in between the "accident" occurring, them rearranging the rooms, Cloey's alleged screaming, rehearsing their story, coaching Troy, staging their shock for the door bell footage and calling the cops within a times frame to save C's life.
Greg did say she was found with debris and grass on her, which suggests she was out there for a while which also suggests that they did need time to prepare everything.
With that being said I don't think that T had anything to do with it because we need to remember that these are lazy, sloppy, dumbass criminals we're dealing with here. They probably planned that shit but didn't switch the beds because the police don't monitor their videos or their lives like we do. Pretty sure Greg and Kai never thought that Sherlock Holmes ass anon would figure out the switch but here we are. Now if the police were to find out about this along with all the other skectchy shit these anons highlighted. I'd like to think a case would be reopened.
No. 828938
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Okay so when the tinfoils about C were being discussed an "Anon", for no apparent reason, posted Billie's nudes.
It's the next day. Clearly the topic of C's fall hasn't died down yet. More brand new information is even being found out. Now all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, Greg changes his Twitter name to Onion King and his pfp is now him kissing Shane Dawson. With him constantly retweeting Shane's old tweets and tweeting shit about him.
I dunno about you guys but it's starting to seem like
>>828853 has a point.
Why you tryna distract us Greg? Is there something about C's fall that has you nervous? What else might we find out?
No. 828939
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>>828900Greg never changes, He's so pathetic that he's willing to show an e-mail from 2012 to 'prove' how great and innocent he is, but of course he'll never show the 100s of upset/angry e-mails he got from Sh.
No. 828940
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This is what his gaming streams look like. Eight fans, and Im positive that 2 of them are the moles posting leaks of whats going on in VC to KF. The support and love is incredible. What if there was a plot twist and we find out McRetard was in for the long con.
No. 828942
>>828714>The fall from the window story is sketch af, and the additional observations that anon kindly provided push the sketchiness even further.>>828916If
>>828863 could shed some light on that it may just help to further the discussion/perspective in a practical and logical way.
Thanks anons. I had much more to show and say last night but I kinda just gave up on trying to speak tbh. Like I can reference videos with timestamps, I can dechiper changed environments, suspicious dialogues, inconsistent narratives. I can compare changed environments. I can pin point Greg and Kai's sketchy behavior and provide evidence and screenshots of all of this. Yet somehow a one or two paragraphs of "It's just negligence" trumps paragraphs and paragraphs of practical and circumstantial evidence pointing to something much more sinister.
If it makes any of the other anons feel better. I don't know if I'm right. I'm just not looking at the situation as is. Everything has details. And it's a good thing to look at the fine print of the situation before coming to conclusions, you know, what the police failed to do in the report of Cloey's fall. Even Detective Moss asked Greg why he filmed Cloey. That's probably because she found that suspicious. She had even noted that she found his reasoning strange yet they wrote it off as an accident and called it a day because hey. It looked like an accident so it must have been an accident, right?
I really don't mean to come off as angry (plz don't ban me) but you guys might as well be Dective Moss. Noticing things that are strange and suspicious but still ruling it as neglect because hey. They're neglectful parents and the cops ruled it as an accident so it must be neglect despite all what we're aware of now. Right?
I appreciate those who are willing to approach the discussion a non condescending way because with more and more information being provided it becomes less of a tinfoil and more of a reasonable suspicion.
No. 828943
>>828942Okay anon. You come in here with these tinfoils as if you're more competent that the police who concluded the accident was indeed an accident.
You weren't even there when it happened but apparently you know more than CPS and the cops. You know what happened based on all your "evidence" which you're so kindly shitting up the thread with.
You claim you don't know if you're right but you're going on and on and on about how this 'foul play' definitely happened.
>>828916 said. Kai and Greg would've had motives for what they supposedly 'did'. Why aren't you mentioning those motives? I mean you're writing all these text walls of 'evidence' without mentioning a clear motive. Thats probably because you can't even find a motive and that shows all your autistic manifestos are indeed tinfoils. Keep that nonsense off the threads man. You're embarrassing yourself.
No. 828944
>>828943>Why aren't you mentioning those motives? I mean you're writing all these text walls of 'evidence' without mentioning a clear motive.Uhhh like I said… I was gonna post more stuff but I gave up because of anons like you and I know if enough people attack me I might get banned.
And there's literally no need to be that hostile dude. It's not like I'm just saying shit, I'm providing screenshots, links and references to back up what I say. You're talking as though I'm just making shit up when I'm not.
No. 828945
>>828943To be fair, CPS does fuck up. In my state, there have been plenty of cases where child abuse is ignored, but only found out after the child dies. One example was a little boy who got beat to death by the mom's boyfriend. Another horrific example was a little girl getting drugged, raped, killed, dismembered, and set on fire. Both children were failed by CPS. It's not a perfect system unfortunately.
With that being said, I would hopefully like to believe that onions daughter did indeed fall out of the window and not something more sinister. Onion and his wife are clearly neglectful to have let it happen in the first place.
No. 828947
I'm actually pretty impressed by that anons keen eye for details.
No one who've known the children's rooms were probably switched around the time of the fall if it weren't for them.
>>828944Is there anything else you may have noticed or observed that may be sketchy about C's fall?
No. 828963
>>828959Again, stories about cps being over kill are highly exaggerated. If the kids are clothed, clean, fed, and there's no clear evidence of on going abuse (or claims from the child), it's incredibly difficult to actually remove them.
The system has too many kids for the amount of resources given. If they think the kids won't be killed in the home, they're going to work to keep the family together.
No. 828965
>>828963i think it probably depends on where you live. obviously after all these high profile child abuse cases, some cities and counties are going to change their policies so it can seem like they’re repenting for their mistakes. like Gabriel Hernandez.
but in huge cities or small towns, CPS is definitely not going to separate the kid. and if they do, they give them to the grandparents or aunts/uncles who just give them back to the parents.
No. 828976
>>828971Please 23 is hardly neet years and truthfully I don't see why living with her parents is an issue, especially given the whole hansen stream and a brief view into her mental health, probably permafucked by greg from the years in which she was living him and he coerced her into being sexually assaulted then blaming her over and over again, that has to take some sort of toll on her pysche, and only to be humiliated by him after? it's like your convienantly forgetting that she was technically raped by greg over and over, and instead of being apologized too she was blamed, and your surprised after this cycle of abuse she decides that lol lets do an only fans? Alot of rape and sexual abuse
victims tend to take to various aspects of sex work, as sort of a way to reclaim their sexuality, after their own sexual autonomy has been taken from them. So billies onlyfans may be less business motiviated and more about coping with the fact that greg at some point took her sexual autonomy away from her and this is her way of reclaiming it. I am no suprised that greg targets young possibly drop out girls, as they can present the most dependance on men.
No. 828982
>>828976>Alot of rape and sexual abuse victims tend to take to various aspects of sex work, as sort of a way to reclaim their sexuality, after their own sexual autonomy has been taken from them. So billies onlyfans may be less business motiviated and more about coping with the fact that greg at some point took her sexual autonomy away from her and this is her way of reclaiming it. A lot of sexual abuse
victims turn to sexwork because they are fucked in the head from shit they went through and think it's all they have to offer. They default to that even though it harms them. So I wouldn't be so sure that Billie selling porn of herself to creeps (including Greg, if he wants to pay) from her mother's basement is some empowering moment. Looks like the opposite of taking charge of her sexuality, to be honest. Especially since she started from relatively chaste photos and now she's showing her pussy to the world. She clearly needs the money.
No. 828990
>>828986>>828987What the fuck are you talking about? I am not the whore anon. This is my only post on the topic. I wanted to point out there is another reason why sex abuse
victims turn to sex work since buying into SW as peak female empowerment is incredibly naive. TBH IDK why are we talking about Billie instead of Onion, but the ignorance of the common psychological pattern of revictimization irked me. I do not think the normalization of Onlyfans is good, but I did not intend to shame Billie. Should have phrased it better, since my negative judgment was for the sex industry's conveyor belt pushing women to show more and more to get that money, and them throwing them away like trash when they get too old rather than Billie herself. Especially since I am aware she might be not in her right head. Let's get back to roasting onion now, please.
No. 828997
>>828990no I said your pussy footing around calling billy a whore, even still with the normalization of only fans it still doesn't literally make it right to shame her for doing only fans after she hit peak revelency. How else would you capitalize being fucked and abused by greg with out him saying "SeE I wAs RiGhT"? you even fucking double posted and magically deleted your double post, because unless your actually retarded or your internet is retarded, you might have this fucking thread on 2 open tabs, then its obvious sus, Onlyfans is basically user generated content so its really up to the user on how much skin she can show, and its not like signing up for brazzers and facial abuse to do porn. while I do understand some revictimization is a thing in the adult industry, given that billy is making her own content independant of any porn company on a platfor where users have the control on what and how much they publish I highly doubt it's her feeling like thats all she's good for, and more about reclaiming herself given the fact she has an obvious choice to do what she wants in terms of content. I've seen the dark side of sex work first hand I can tell you unless she's been kidnapped by the russian mob, cartel, or somewhere in china then she'd be doing a hell of alot more than just only fans, the point is the fact is shes on a platform for user generated content, not sucking dicks on the street, or being forced to do amatuer rough bdsm porn hub videos or live streams for hours on end, self revictimization is a thing too, but not everybody in the sex work business is either victimized of self revictimizing themselves, to say that she's self revictimizing by taking nudes and lewds on a user generated platform, is legit an insult to people who actually been revictimizing themselves, or have been
victims of human trafficking, I've seen some shit and you haven't nightmare fuel, and its insulting when you talk down as if you know the sex industry when its obvious you never experienced real exploitation and know fuck all about it.
No. 829001
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>>828998i'm sorry it just fucking irks me when an obvious boomers don't get the nuances of exploitation; it's like nigga, you've never been forced do 8 hour live streams on chaturbate then getting beat up for not having enough money made. Nigga self victimization is tame compared to actual exploitation, gtfo out with that she doesn't value herself shit, atleast she had something I didn't have free fucking will to do it. Thats the difference free will, not being beat over and over again into doing some fucked up shit for shekels, you want to talk about getting chewed up and spat out then talk to me because been there done that bought a tee shirt, but quit shaming billy for doing something that pretty much every woman does to make coin out of her on free wil; no shame in that game, back to le onion roast.
(derailing) No. 829008
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>>829001>>828997I deleted and reposted because there was a typo. And I did again just now to add that this thread isn't about you and whatever sexual exploitation you went through. Please seek therapy and stop projecting yourself on Billie. The thread isn't even about her, and yet you keep sperging about Onlyfans, clearly having a horse in this race. You sound mental as hell. Also just because sex trafficking is bad, doesn't mean that everything else is harmless just because it isn't as bad as sexual slavery.
>(Onlyfans being) something that pretty much every woman does to make coin out of her on free willWhat world do you live in? Jesus
No. 829009
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Okay so… Thank you to
>>828960 and
>>828962 for the kind words. I appreciate that you guys think my posts are thoughtful. It kinda gave me the courage to come back now.
I really don't wanna infight or upset anybody. I just wanna show what I know and observe. I know tinfoils are ban-able so I tested the waters to see if it was okay. I assume what I'm doing is somewhat acceptable because I haven't been banned yet.
For those of you who seem to be curious and are indulging in the discussion, I'd really like to keep hearing what you observed surrounding Cloey's accident as well. It's super helpful because if it wasn't for
>>828763 and
>>828777 I wouldn't have found evidence the rooms were switched. I had always thought Cloey's original room was at the front of the house. Not the back. That jogged my memory to Greg's videos where I saw a My Little Pony poster in what looked like a girls room but it didn't look like
>>828962>the discussion of the circumstances around Clot’s fall is pretty pertinent to this thread imo Greg made a dead child joke 9 days after his daughter almost died.
The video is titled "I'm Innocent" and it was posted September 21st 2019. 5:51 there's a picture of Jesus looking over a sleeping little girl. Greg reads the text of Jesus saying,
>I know you're innocent and all but I'm letting you die tonight to test your parents faith, lol. He doesn't seem too enthusiastic about the joke but he had 0 reasons to put that in the video after what happened and he did anyway. Mind you this would be 5 days after his suspicious window tweet. The audacity of it all. It's like he really didn't anticipate the accident report going public.
No. 829142
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Tinfoil-Chan here again.
There's curcumstancial evidence that suggests the fall was staged. Disclaimer, this is mostly hypothetical. I didn't want to leave out anything important, it's worth the read but it's long so buckle up.
The window circled in yellow is the one Cloey supposedly fell from. She fell onto the area circled in green. The area circled in orange is where the ring camera would've been but pointed away from where Cloey fell.
The report made no record of whether or not Cloey sustained other injuries to the rest of her body. An isolated head injury does suggest that it could have been consistent with something other than a 2 story fall.
Let's say that it wasn't an accident, let's say that she wasn't push. If gravity didn't do their dirty work for them, they could have hurt her with items like a frying pan or a baseball bat. That too would cause near death head injuries to a 2 year old. The aim (obviously) would've been to kill her (allegedly).
Small side note, the window tweet wasn't the only sus as fuck thing Greg posted while in the hospital with Cloey.
He also said this,
>I don't want to blindfold you. I want you to see what I'm going to do to you.
>Promise me you won't pass out. I want to hear you scream.
>Your eyes are beautiful. They'd look even better rolled in the back of your head.
One deliberate swing would get the job done since a two year old is practically still a baby but if you ask me. The cops showing up to a dead child in a driveway could've led to a more serious investigation than if she had just succumbed to her injuries in the hospital. That'd be bad for business with their seemingly rehearsed narratives and that convenient ring footage of their innocence. The fact that Cloey wasn't dead when they arrived may have registered to the clearly incompetent detective/cops that they didn't try to kill her.
There's nothing to suggest that they had tried to learn how to injure her in a way where she'd be found alive by the authorities but would pass away in the hospital.
With Greg's statement of her being found covered in debris and grass, that suggests she was out there for a while so her death is probably what they were hoping for regardless of where it happened and Greg's tweets does raise the suspicion that that's what he was still anticipating.
If that welfare check on Kai wasn't done at the right time, at the right moment. If Cloey died in the hospital days or weeks later. No one would've known the sick fuck was with her when he was doing what he did. Coping mechanism my ass. No concerned or remorseful father would EVER post shit like that while in the presence of his severely injured daughter. The. Sick. Fuck.
Cloey tapping on the garage door then being found a foot or two away from it suggests that Greg may have been lying about the tapping.
She may have been placed in the spot she was found, partially on top of the window screen they may have rigged, and there's a pattern of curcumstancial evidence that brings proof to the likelihood of that.
If you look at the areas circled in pink and peach you can see that those are back entrances/exits to the house. They could have easily went outside through one of those exits, passed around the left (their left) side of the house and placed her near the garage door, right on the window screen they could've broken themselves all while remaining detected by the ring footage. Entering back into the house from the back, they could then go to the front porch to stage their shock at "finding her" the way they did.
Now here's the kicker. CPS and a police officer showed up to the house about ten days prior to Cloey's fall (Case No. 1924501647). It wasn't Detective Moss who showed up with CPS. It was someone else, who, at the time of accident had went to the house, but did not enter. In the description of the report they saw the scene then went straight the hospital to assist Moss in interviewing Greg and Kai after she had asked them too. Moss, Deputy Mancuso and Forensics Officer Anderson went to the house after the accident to take pictures but they only went to the room on the left of the end of the upstairs hallway. They only examined and took pictures of "Cloey's room".
The factual evidence of them switching out Cloey's stuff from her room and putting it in Troy's, but leaving his bed, does suggest a level of rushed premeditation and sloppiness (how surprising). The cops wouldn't have known the bedroom was originally Troy's so Greg and Kai probably didn't bother going through the hassle of switching his bed too.
Now with two different sets of authorities showing up at the house about a week apart, with none of them being the same person. And only photographing "Cloey's room" in the end. They would've NEVER noticed that the room switch happened. Kai and Greg got EXTREMELY LUCKY.
Keep in mind, the 911 call happened at 7:08 pm and it was late in the year (earlier sunsets). This means that they may have attempted this at night because they are less likely to be spotted by nosy neighbors or people passing by rather than if they did it in the daytime. The secluded area they lived in would make the staging of the alleged crime easier too.
So although this is all hypothetical. There appears to have been some levels of premeditation involved.
Now this may be unrelated but I found it to be strange as well. If you look up The Swamp Shack on the most popular "House for Sale" websites. You'll see that there is no picture of the back of the house when there used to be one. I had to source the pic from the other farm. Why would Greg and Kai remove that? Wouldn't potential buyers want to see the back of the house too?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 829143
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No. 829144
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No. 829145
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Greg is sporting the sad middle age dude comb over. He literally has a receding hairline and won't let it go. Shave that greasy shit, Greg. He's also posting that he 'misses being L'. Nothing at all creepy about a 35+ year old man posting that, nothing at all.
No. 829156
>>828943> as if you're more competent that the police who concluded the accident was indeed an accident. just google the percentages of cleared crimes by police, the numbers aren't great. CPS is pretty notorious for half-assing cases that result in child abuse and murder too. I can think of so many cases that have been all over the news, but the one that stands out to me the most is Gabriel Fernandez.
I'm not saying that the Onions did toss Clot out the window themselves, but to think that the police or CPS don't consistently fuck up (or simply not care) is incredibly naïve.
No. 829217
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In other non-tinfoil related news, Grugly’s going after Jesus-hating Jaclyn with multiple tweets and emails. Yikes!
No. 829290
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someone earlier in the thread (sorry i'm too lazy to go back through) mentioned that C didn't have any other injuries listed in the doctors report, but there was this in-the-wild pic of greg and C at lowe's where it looks like C has a boot on her leg, like for a cast. i'm not sure when this pic is from in relation to the fall but i saved it in january 2020 so presumably this is after she fell. i imagine this would be a related injury, but it seems strange that something like that would go unnoted. unless she hurt herself in another incident? or, alternatively, i suppose she could just be wearing real fuckin bizarre shoes lmao but uh that seems doubtful imo. if we have an explanation for this that i've missed at some point forgive me, but i thought it was worth posting the pic again for anyone who might have missed it the first time around.
i'm not really certain why some anons are so committed to shutting down any tinfoiling about the accident, i get that you think it's dumb but like… literally nothing else is happening, there is no milk, it's not like it's a distraction from anything. and that anon pointed out some admittedly strange shit, regardless of how spergy they did it. idk i'm not saying that i believe anything one way or another but the hostility that this specific tinfoil is being met with is odd to me. especially considering that nobody saying that this tinfoil is retarded is providing an explanation for why every time it gets brought up, someone posts billie's nudes for no reason. it's pretty consistent, and even if you think that the fall was 100% an accident, you do have to admit that it's a very strange coincidence that every time someone starts to talk about C's fall, like clockwork, billie's nudes are leaked here. it's not like this is kiwi, we're not a bunch of coomers, so why would anyone here be posting that shit in greg's thread out of nowhere, with no context? i dunno, i'm not saying i have any answers here but it does absolutely seem worth at least spitballing about. this thread is like 90% infighting at this point lmao christ, i'm just not sure why we're trying to shut down the only conversation that isn't rehashing shit we've already talked about a million times.
inb4 accused of being CSI sperg-chan, i'm just vibing here and enjoying seeing some conversation beyond "greg and lainey are gross and bad and dumb eheheheh" bc yeah, we know, but it's not beyond the realm of belief that they would also be legitimately evil people; look at all the people they've hurt with no regard whatsoever.
No. 829295
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>>829290>looks like C has a boot on her leg> suppose she could just be wearing real fuckin bizarre shoes lmaoI'm guessing that you have never seen toddler shoes before? That just looks like a standard toddler shoe with Velcro straps. The pic is pink, but shoes come in a variety of colors.
>i get that you think it's dumb but likeBecause some of it is so fucking stupid you put others in the position of having to defend these to slime bags. No one wants to do that, but some of this shit is beyond full retard.
No. 829301
>>829295honestly no i'm not at all familiar with kid shoes so that could be my mistake, it just looks like, disproportionately huge for her body. again though i don't know shit about toddlers so maybe that's just how they look, i'm not around kids much lmao. i just recall that the thread had a lot of debate about it initially and there was a lot of speculation at the time about whether it was an injury. and i agree that there are tons of tinfoils about absolutely egregious shit, but that doesn't necessarily negate some of the more
valid observations. i get not wanting to defend them tho, that's fair, i guess i just don't see the harm in speculating when there's nothing else happening anyway. these threads have always ended up with some degree of tinfoiling, which sometimes end up being true. i guess i'm trying to say that there's sort of a middle ground between saying that onion bashed his daughter's head in with a baseball bat and saying that it was 100% an accident, solely the result of neglect. there can be a grey area that's not exclusively "attempted murder" or "tragic accident." i do get where you're coming from though.
No. 829309
>>829301>>829302It does look much bigger than a regular toddler shoe. The anon that suggested otherwise either has never seen a toddler themselves, or they've birthed bigfoot and thus can't relate to the normally proportioned population.
It looks like a toddler shoe with some thing on top of it, or an odd enlarged boot of some sort, maybe medical, but maybe not. Maybe C's gonna go skiing, who knows (unlikely, but you get the point)
No. 829314
File: 1617131367459.jpg (66.81 KB, 720x582, legbrace.jpg)

I wouldn't rule out the leg/ankle injury tbh. When anons first saw the photo they immediately thought it was a cast or a brace on C's foot, which do look similar to kids shoes. That was seen long before the accident segment in the Killstream where Greg did say C still had 'a little limp' despite a full recovery. A limp is pretty on par with a leg injury so they may have guessed correctly. And if the accident happened in September 2019 and that Lowes photo was taken January 2020. By March 2020 (when the stream was recorded) her leg would have already healed significantly enough for her to just have 'a little limp'.
It would be consistent with the fall too. I still don't think only her head was injured so it probably just wasn't recorded in the police report for whatever reason.
The possible brace appears to be on her left foot though. Did the report specify where she made impact? Would it have been on her left side given the apparent brace and confirmed limp? I can't see the impact on being her right side if her left leg/foot got injured.
>>829302The thread was No. 752485
No. 829335
File: 1617142998150.jpg (98.77 KB, 720x428, ImpactOnRightSide.jpg)

Not trying to tinfoil, just pointing out what I looked into (Google is your friend).
>>829314>Did the report specify where she made impact? Would it have been on her left side given the apparent brace and confirmed limp?The doctor said she had multiple skull fractures but singled out a skull depression that was on the right side of her skull. It was pushing into her brain, unlike the other multiple fractures. The sentence right after that implies that her injuries or specifically that injury, was consistent with a two story fall.
If you Google skull fracture depressions the articles tell you that it's usually caused by high energy impact to the skull. In that same livestream you mentioned, Greg said he found her looking up to her left. You can only do that if you're laying on your right side so that, and the doctor not noting depressions anywhere else, kind of confirms that depression is where she made impact.
I wanna ask why the boot was on her left leg only if she fell on her right side but we can't see the right leg so no one can really say only her left leg was injured if it was. However, a limp does imply only one leg was affected. If it were both legs she would just have trouble walking. That might just be a red flag.
This might stir the pot but it's factual information and should be considered given all the suspicious shit that was pointed out.>"Depressed skull fractures, as shown in the image below, result from a high-energy direct blow to a small surface area of the skull with a blunt object such as a baseball bat. Comminution of fragments starts from the point of maximum impact and spreads centrifugally." (would explain the other multiple skull fractures she got). >"A depressed skull fracture is a type of fracture usually resulting from blunt force trauma, such as getting struck with a hammer, rock or getting kicked in the head. These types of fractures—which occur in 11% of severe head injuries—are comminuted fractures in which broken bones displace inward.">"It may be difficult to differentiate abusive head trauma from accidental injury since accidental falls are common occurrences in infants and children. In addition, falls or accidental injuries are frequently offered as explanations when abuse has occurred.">>828965 is a good example of shit going unchecked far too often.
With all this being said however. Like the article above says. Accidental falls are common occurrences in infants. So unless more suspect shit starts popping up- like- to the point foul play really can't be denied. Who the hell really knows what happened.
No. 829337
>>829217god he wants to fuck her so bad, he's so angry she didn't fall for his shit
I don't like jaclyn at all because she's fucking annoying and cringe, but I do love how angry she makes him by existing
No. 829340
>>829217>bestieOf course this pedo is trying to use kid's lingo. Literally every kid on tiktok says bestie now. He's probably going to try and use it in every goddamn sentence now.
This is more cringe than when he overused the word 'lit' when it became popular with the kids.
I won't be surprised if he starts trying to use AAVE like 'chile' or if he starts putting sparkle emojis around his words too. What a loser.
Its funny though because he still tries to type smiley emojis like :P when no-one has done that since 2004. He's showing his age.
No. 829349
>>829337He's wanted to fuck her and Eugenia for about a decade.
I'm kind of surprised he hasn't appeared to harass that girl who wears rainbow sweaters in ages.
Some of that might be due to him never meeting her in person.
No. 829358
>>829301see this shit
>>829327Zero evidence of this tinfoil but some anons treat it as canon. That's part of how these threads got so notoriously bad in the first place, too much fake milk.
And then it leads to
>>829335 where 'factual info' is presented to a bunch of folks who aren't qualified to analyse it by some random asshole who also doesn't have any qualifications.
No. 829365
>>829358>Zero evidence of this tinfoil but some anons treat it as canon.What is there no evidence of anon? The brain injury or the limp? Or is it the correlation of the two that's not canon? Because the report highlighted the brain injuries pretty clearly and noted no other injuries to her body, and Greg said she had a limp, which brain injuries can cause so…
>And then it leads to >>829335 where 'factual info' is presented to a bunch of folks who aren't qualified to analyse it by some random asshole who also doesn't have any qualifications.So you're telling me the info. That was first analyzed, contextualized, and provided by legit websites, from both medical and educational sources. For common folks to have access to. Is somehow not written in a way to be comprehended by common folks? Like the sources just wanna fuck with us? Or you think we're to dumb to understand what's being said?
It's not armchairing mental illness. It's an injury. And the information is in english. If there's words that aren't understood, like the anon said, google is your friend. It doesn't take genius or even a doctor to understand that high impact on the skull = fractures that push into the brain and likewise other fractures associated with the initial fracture.
What qualifications would we need to interpret that?
Like what's the point of starting an infight over this? If you wanna talk about something else you know you can do that, right? Nobody's forcing you to take part in the conversation.
No. 829371
File: 1617164651620.png (651.42 KB, 2048x1203, Screenshot_20210331-002236.png)

>>829335Fwiw to this tinfoil, your brain hemispheres control the opposite side of the body. So an injury to the right hemisphere could potentially result in a limp/mobility issues in the left leg
No. 829374
File: 1617168057421.jpg (249.44 KB, 2048x1751, Exwz-l_WgAYGbzX.jpg)

This gives me hope. Matt Gaetz traveled to fuck an underage girl years ago when he was single and the feds are still pursuing him. The age of the girl was 17 and it doesn't matter the age of consent in the state involved. Once traveling is involved then the the girl has to be 18. Yes he's a hated Pro-Trump politician so he has more eyes on him and people going through his past looking for things to ruin him and that could be the big push that got the DOJ involved. But I can see the crazy Anti-O's pushing just as hard.
Greg thinks he's in the clear because what he did was years ago. But it looks like traveling to fuck an underage girl and getting charged for it doesn't have a expiration date.
No. 829375
>>829371Thanks anon. I appreciate you bringing in that point across without being condescending about it. That changes my perspective of what resulted in the injury being on her left side.
I no longer register it as a direct red flag but if you ask me. There's still a 50% chance that the apparent leg brace was a result of her leg getting a physical injury. There's also a 50% chance it could be from her brain injury.
Either way it's not necessarily paramount, however I do think it's a good thing
>>829290 noted it because that's now out of the way and it helped bring up new information as well.
I think the discussion really lies in whether or not any of her injuries were a result of a fall. Which can still be debated as long the arguments are reasonable and there's a continued flow of new information that pieces together known information.
>>829157 said. This is shelf stable milk. Some can drink, some can choose not to. No one should judge either side for their choice in what they choose to do with it.
No. 829376
>>829350Lainey likes to pretend she's 14 so it was probably her using it.
She's just as cringe.
I can just imagine his next cringey stream or discord chat with his paypigs 'Kai made me this veggie burrito and it's bussin'
It's hilarious how out of touch and cringe it makes him look.
No. 829392
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No. 829396
>>829392Love the comb over he's sporting. That reminds me of the crazy guy on Kermit and Friends that proposed to the female host.
Greg's hair looks as bad as his cheap wigs at this point. He should really work out a better hair washing routine instead of lecturing
POC. lol
No. 829413
File: 1617208618091.jpg (17.02 KB, 250x250, MI0003613690.jpg)

>>829392All he needs is a gold chain with the turtleneck.
No. 829513
File: 1617269549276.webm (1.32 MB, Andy Dick-Elisa Jordana-Wendy …)

It looks like Greg's new buddy is talking shit behind his back. In a private discord chat between Elisa, Andy and a couple of their friends they discuss Onision and the allegations.
Elisa tries to defend Greg
>but he's not with children though
Andy responds with
>but they're underage
Andy then calls him a pedophile.
I really hope Greg thinks he's found a kindred spirit in Andy Dick and flies down to California to collab and Andy does something outrageous because he thinks Greg is a pedo.
No. 829517
File: 1617271814560.png (283.08 KB, 672x650, upi_andy_dick.PNG)

>>829514I think this was "behind closed doors" talk. They speak about Onision one way in public, and are more blunt and truthful when they're talking among friends in private.
How tarnished is Onision's reputation that Andy Dick (who has been arrested and convicted of sexual battery and molestation numerous times) thinks Greg is a disgusting human being and is "done with him, he's a pedophile."
No. 829562
i don't know if this has been brought up before in a previous thread but it was news to me: onion has a tiktok lmao's a mess, i love it
i'm having trouble downloading any of them in browser to post here but if anyone is interested enough i can download the app and do it from there (unless another anon more familiar with tiktok would be willing to do so)
No. 829564
>>829562imagine being 36, trying to appeal to the kiddies. in order to take their money and fuck them.
dude's a pedophile approaching
that is all.
No. 829567
>>829562He's annoying as fuck because he doesn't even try to do any of the tiktok trends and instead just posts snippets of unfunny skits of his from like 10 years ago.
Imagine thinking your old shit videos make any sense to the zoomers on the app nowadays.
No. 829572
File: 1617294051457.webm (2.05 MB, 576x1024, 82599883620.webm)
>>829562>>829569FYI it's very easy to download and upload the videos to lolcow! It just requires a moment of your time. You can do it on your phone without any specific apps.
>grab a tiktok url>go to and paste it>after downloading, go to and upload your file>go make yourself a coffee or tea while it converts >upload webm to lolcowOn another note, wtf is he singing there? Am I supposed to understand, is that the joke? His skin looks horrible, like a wax doll with pimples
>>829571>This wasn't even funny or entertaining.Wtf have you expected, we are talking onion here
No. 829574
File: 1617294379942.webm (6.56 MB, 576x1024, D13aOR8kD8.webm)
>>829572Onision literally playing himself
No. 829575
File: 1617294555950.webm (7.55 MB, 576x1024, 86562401522 (1).webm)
>I'm disgusting for doing sick shit? Ackchyually it's you guys being disgusting for egging me to do disgusting things!!!
No. 829576
>>829572>has a multitude of instruments he hardly ever plays>waaahhhhhh i'm brokeOwning instruments doesn't make him a musician like he so proudly claims everywhere that he is. The same thing applies where inserting autotune in his every "works" doesn't make it good either.
At least, he can't purchase talent. He really can't. He's broke.
No. 829611
>>829562You can download TikTok videos by using if you want everyone to suffer more from his awful TikToks, kek
No. 829694
File: 1617345193464.png (884.26 KB, 1012x844, back to the cum cave.PNG)

I went to check out his TikTok and I saw something interesting. We already know he's set up his desk, cameras and video equipment in the garage next to the cleaning supplies because of these posts
>>828044 >>828392But if I'm not mistaken that's a bed in the background. First photo is obviously the garage because of the roll up door. The rugs he has on the floor in the first photo are the same rugs in the second photo. Its really bright and kind of washed out but that looks like a mattress in the background.
>>828429>He went from living in a mcmansion with like 6 bedrooms to living in a barn and having to record videos in the garage next to cleaning products and a water heater tank, how SAD.That post by Anon breaks it down perfectly. You just have to add that he sleeps in the garage too.
I'm positive him and Lainey are living separate lives. The only reason they wont divorce is because he doesn't want to pay alimony/child support and she doesn't want to move back home with mom and dad saying "I told you so."
No. 829702
>>829699When it leaked that he was selling the Swamp Shack it made sense why he was living and sleeping in the garage. He had to be out of the way while they did repairs and prepped the house for sale. But now that he's in the Cow Barn he's back to working-living-sleeping in the garage when there is no actual reason except Lainey doesn't want him around.
Do you think they still have sex?
No. 829710
>>829702nitpick but I'm tired of this discussion point being used as milk.
It's pretty apparent that this is his tax write-off. The dude tried to write off an entire fucking house as a film set so it's not past him to do so. He probably doesn't "live" in this garage insomuch as he works there. Same instance with his basement bed.
I mean he's a fucking degenerate but he's gotta tug his dick on onlyfans away from the kids somewhere. This is his somewhere lol.
No. 829712
File: 1617356932710.png (92.85 KB, 456x474, 652390564.png)

>>829710>has a mattress in the garage and is only seen there in videos & streams because he's selling his house and has to be out of the way of the workers so he works and sleeps in the garage.He's already in the new home. There's no workers around or prospective buyers dropping by. Why is he still spending all his time and sleeping in the garage?
>he's using the house as a tax write offHe's sleeping in the garage as a tax write off? I'm pretty sure Greg has learned not to fuck with the IRS and play word games to get around paying his dues.
>he has a bed in the garage for his OnlyFans contentHe hasn't uploaded new photos or videos for months. He's only logged into both his accounts so they wouldn't be deactivated. The KF user Heatboss that leaks all his OF photos/videos has verified no new content for months. He needs a bed to tug his dick? Most of his OF content was him kneeling on the garage floor, sitting on the office chair, or railing himself in the bathroom. You are correct that he's hiding away from the kids to jerk off to his loli-hentai, but he doesn't need a mattress for that.
There's only one reason he has a mattress in the garage.
No. 829718
File: 1617359988241.jpg (53.46 KB, 1080x442, Screenshot_20210401-104632_Twi…)

Aaaaand we're back to the Christopher Weston Nolan 2008 Harvey Threeway Batman Dark Knight Hero villain quote again. (Word-salad Greg versions, that is)
I swear to fuck this motherfucker is autistic.
No. 829723
File: 1617360403639.jpg (238.28 KB, 1158x953, 1617165072280.jpg)

No. 829725
>>829721Amazing isn't it? Its kinda like Gary Glitter ghosting Jimmy Saville.
>>829722Yup, big brain Greg.
Man, I wish I coulda been there when he saw The Dark Knight for the very first time. I mean sure it was a nice movie and back in the day it was big as shit, but it left quite an impression on our little Gregory.
I can see him now, taking notes writing down "you either die a hero…." "MAN THIS IS SOME GOOD SHIT, IMA DRESS UP AS TEH JOKER AND SAY THAT SHIT OH WOW"
See, thats why you need to pay close attention to the shit you let your kids watch. Since if you have little retard waterheads, this might happen.
No. 829731
File: 1617363123858.png (675.24 KB, 640x1136, 1478316537090.png)

>>829717>I wonder if he ever reminisces about the mcmansion.Lol of course, that's where he lived the happiest time of his life when he had a bunch of teenagers walking around the house. He will never have a mansion again and will never have an harem of teenage girls again. I bet it makes him feel miserable when he remembers everything he had and lost.
No. 829732
File: 1617363540470.jpg (79.1 KB, 640x427, 1247626135478.jpg)

>>829731reminds me of Chris-chan when he was very briefly in the prospect of some possible china.
It never happened of course, but still, same stupid grin.
No. 829742
>>829683>TikTokers have already become aware of Greg. A tiktok went viral a few threads back for raising awareness on Greg shortly after he joined up.I'm pretty sure that's why he made this awful video
>>829569. He's playing the 'woe is me, I'm so misunderstood uwu' card hoping for another teenager that thinks that everyone deserves a second chance and/or you need to find out for yourself what kind of person a notorious groomer is instead of listening to people warning you to avoid him. I don't remember which one of onion's
victims thought so, but at least one admitted to making the mistake of disregarding the warnings (was it Maya? Maybe the Polish camera girl? I genuinely do not remember, there were so many)
No. 829764
>>829731I still can’t get over that he called Ayala ugly kek. He wanted her too, fucking creep.
It did warm my cold farmer heart that she was there for Billie, if only Laimey was there for her “bestie”.
No. 829790
>>829764Ayala is absolutely gorgeous.
And no I don't mean that in a thirsty way, I just think she's beautiful.
Greg should look at his own foot wife.
No. 829791
File: 1617395488148.jpg (228.17 KB, 1080x610, Greg_Don Quixote.jpg)

Greg is Don Quixote now, fighting made up enemies of his own making.
take on an army? dude you cry when your nose bleeds. you run inside when a car comes down the street (fridge interview). you don't dare to open when Hansen is at your door. Who the fuck do you intend to fight? dude you hid in a room because that hobbit Shiloh was after you. You checked in to a hotel because you thought her dad was gonna beat you up. Bro, you spazzed out in front of your CO stripped down naked because u couldn't kill a bunny rabbit. you? fight an army? shits hilarious.
No. 829868
>>829816Well, anon, Grugly might be a retarded, verbally, emotionally and sexually
abusive man-child, but these girls aren't perfect, either. What right do they have to call him out on anything after doing all the things he browbeat them into doing?
No. 829898
>>829868"These girls aren't perfect…" blah blah blah. Good job anon.
Victim blaming 101. There's a huge difference being a teen girl who is doing stupid shit for all the world to see and a 30+ year old man who is doing incredibly skeevey and sketch stuff- not to mention illegal stuff involving the girls. Greg turns these girls crazy. I'm definitely not White Knighting for any of the girls. I can't stand any of them personally, but they were still abused by Greg and Kai. The entire thing is a shit show but a shit show where Greg is the ring leader.
No. 829916
>>829683Even if he didn't end up doing all the creepyshit in his past, I don't think his popularity would have ever lasted and gen Z would have ended up hating him anyway. He doesn't fit the format of tiktok, doesn't even try.
If 'I'm a banana' was released on tiktok today, I reckon the comments would be telling him to go back to 2006. There's some dude that makes cringe Jim Carrey faces on tiktok and his comment section is filled with hate, I could only imagine.
The problem with Greg is that he will try again and again to be funny and even if people don't find it funny, he just blames people for not having a sense of humour instead of changing his material to suit the times.
No. 829950
File: 1617509211347.png (71 KB, 846x660, onisiontiktok.png)

Anons start talking about Onision trying to "get big" on TikTok and Greg uploads this an hour ago on onision net
Coincidence I'm sure.
No. 829954
File: 1617510557391.png (112.79 KB, 1347x539, onision new site contributions…)

>>829950>A lot of you guys have been donating like… 7 people
>I'm launching my own video platform.He's starting his own YouTube/Storyfire site with $200? I hope he dumps any money he got from the Swamp Shack sale into this just for the milk when it fails.
No. 829973
>>829972Remember when some popular twitter account or a reddit post he was featured on for not good reasons and a whole slew of people that didn't even know about him started ratioing his tweets. That's when he leaned into it with his "please dont retweet me" bullshit. Well during that time he had a discord chat with his paypigs and he was talking about all the activity and engagement his twitter was getting and he was really happy, even though it was all negative. And at the end of his boasting he says
>they don't realize they're upping my engagement, do you know how much I'd have to pa…and he stopped himself. I thought it was very telling. He knows the going rate of paying for views and engagement and he almost outed himself.
No. 829987
>>829950This gave me flashbacks to when he was boasting about being "Youtube's perfect supervillain". Why is he complaining now? Oh because hardly anyone gives a fuck and therefore he doesn't get money? Well tough shit, onion man.
I fucking hate onion's habit of speaking in third person about himself. I know it's partially for seo, but he has always been doing this shit in a really cringey way.
No. 829996
>>829980The video has 600k views but only like 3k likes soooo it’s pretty much people hate watching. No comments because he’s deleted them all. So no one is engaging positively.
He’s not gonna become a star again by having people hate watch him
No. 830099
File: 1617594339017.png (22.16 KB, 634x475, imdb.PNG)

I was looking through his IMDB page and laughing at some of the entries.
Wasnt Julia his sex doll?
No. 830111
File: 1617605027449.jpg (107.2 KB, 720x541, TrishaKaii.jpg)

Excuse the shitty screencaps but does anyone else get the feeling that Greg is subliminally taunting Kai through bashing Trisha Paytas?
I find it odd that he's bringing up age old inappropriate tweets she made when Kai was literally doing worse. Like Kai literally showed proof she was grooming Regina and Sarah on twitter while Trisha, although still inexcusable, was just making inappropriate tweets/a video towards a minor with no tangible evidence of actually grooming them.
With Kai MIA most of the hate is still flooded in Greg's direction and if he has all this shit to say about Trisha, what does he have to say about Kai and her wrongdoings?
If Trisha is James Charles, isn't Kai James Charles too?
No. 830116
>>830113>That's his safest option right now. Keep Kai quiet, feign being on her side and point fingers at other people. its funny that you say that because i believe greg is the one keeping kai quiet. not that she would want to stay on the Internet after getting exposed as a predator, its just that each time she got the shittier end of the stick in previous situations she always went against him.
take cuddlegate for example. greg was gonna leave Kai for billie so she exposed him on twitter. she had said more than once that it was him who pressured her into bringing other women into the relationship because he got something out of it and the archives are there. thats practically a confession that greg was using her to lure in women because kai strictly told billie it was just supposed to be between the two of them and greg said he wanted kai to have a girlfriend so she could explore her bisexuality. yet when billie arrived greg was engaging in sexual acts with her and had even pressured her into exclusive sex after the fact.
thats sex trafficking; orchestrating and executing the recruitment of a person or persons for sex under false pretenses.
if police were to get a hold of those archives greg would be implicated in a human trafficking scheme because kai made clear statements that it wasnt her initial decision. it was gregs. she just went through with it.
then theres that video greg made after kai went on twitter saying greg wanted to divorce her, and that he and billie were doing shit to hurt her. i think the video is called we broke up, our marriage is over and it just reeks of damage control and low blows at kai for airing out their business yet again.
i think after that greg put things in place to deter kai from leaving or exposing him. the whole 'kai said he would leave me if i spoke about the allegations' thing back in january 2020 might have just been greg making it seem like kai eventually staying and keeping quiet was her doormat decision when it wasnt.
i get the feeling that kai finally wants to leave greg for the same reason she left david. the relationship wasnt serving her anymore and better prospects lied in leaving. david wasnt famous, had no money and was beating and raping her so when the rich and famous greg started grooming her she jumped to her twisted happily ever after with her groomer twin flame the moment she could. except it wasnt the happy ending she had hoped for.
the reason their marriage lasted so long is because kai is just like greg. she was only loyal to him because she was loyal to her narcissistic desires and urges which her marriage enabled and he was only committed to her because she enjoyed grooming minors and luring women into their relationship when he aged out of being able to do it on his own. now theres no money, theres no fame, theres no nannies or maids to take care of her responsibilities. with no more girls and females to groom to satisfy her sick and twisted urges of validation, manipulation, exploitation and emotional abuse. she would want out.
shes now exposed as a criminal and might be facing legal repercussions because of it so better prospects lie in leaving greg the same way she left david. even fleeing to her parents with the kids isnt a downgrade at this point. its a chance at freedom
thats why I think greg could be blackmailing her into staying.
its not farfetched to think he has secrets on her the same way he had personal information on billie and sarah. and her secrets are probably far worse and more exploitable from a legal standpoint so she would be stuck in a catch 22 situation. if she leaves, he will ruin her. her best bet would be to hope they never get arrested but if they do itll just make her look even more guilty and participatory in the crimes they committed.
and the sad thing is. even if kai tries to take the fall for him as the scapegoat (least he exposes more dirt on her), theres just too much information out there directly linking greg to their crimes. he will expose her secrets even if she stays because the end game will always be to make his partners and others look worse once its over for him. thats what hes always done. and if they get arrested. thats what he will do to her
she is so fucked.
No. 830127
>>830116Very interesting and fair remarks, anon. Taking my virtual hat off.
And yeah, she's fucked, but rightfully so – she's just like Greg, like you pointed out yourself, and deserves every little bit of it. They should rot. Together.
No. 830131
>>830111There's a bunch of theories and I don't wanna go around here tinfoiling, but here's my own suspicions:
Whenever I see a Greg sock puppet come up, and whenever the suspicions that is Greg are at its absolute peak and everyone pretty much agrees that its Greg, they are posts just dripping with hate for both Lainey and the kids.
You make of that what you will, but they just ooze hate, particularly towards Lainey and what an "ungrateful lazy dumb bitch" she is. That aren't my words, those are the words of
whoever is making these posts.
At face value, on his Onision tweets he's showering her with love from time to time, but under these sock puppets that get called out they are always, without exception, vilifying Lainey to the core.
Make of that what you will, I'm not saying one way or the other.
No. 830172
>>830116Yeah no. Again with trying to make a narrative to fit a conclusion. Lainey will never leave him unless forced to, she's made that perfectly clear over the years. It's why she groomed the girls and why she threw them under the bus. And when she did lash out at him, it was an attempt to make him swing back to her.
If she was going for 'better prospects', she would've gone long ago.
>>830127>Taking my virtual hat off.this isn't reddit
>>830131He's been doing that for years, nothing new there.
No. 830178
>>830172not the same anon, but all this salt in you vag is seemingly making you unable to comprehend that it can easily be BOTH. Those aren't really mutually excluding 'narratives', you know.
Lainey is obsessively clung to her Greaseman, yes, and will do anything and beyond to keep him to herself. However, that is partially due to her own narcissism as
>>830116 mentioned,
as well as inability to let go of that fantasy life with a ~famous bf~ that she had long envisioned for herself. Plus, accepting that she's just a dumb entitled bitch who fucked up royally as everyone indeed 'told her so'. Her ego is too inflated to take the defeat.
Greg really was her best shot at what she's aimed for, and she's never actually had any 'better prospects' after him. So, it wouldn't be all that odd for her to want to keep her trophy manlet at all costs, granted her personality. But bet you, if tomorrow all the allegations magically disappeared and some dude from one of her favourite bands DMd her saying 'you're my uwu soulmate prince, let's run into the sunset together', she'd jump the gun and leave. But she knows that ain't happening, so she clings to what she has, hoping it'll somehow unfuck itself back to the early days.
And at the same time, none of this excludes Greg blackmailing her to stay either. He's long sick and tired of her, but he's gotta secure his arse, make sure he doesn't have to pay child support, and likes the convenience to fuck a living body on demand since he can't have anyone else right now.
Not saying that all of this is exactly how it is, none of us can know for sure. But one can't entirely dismiss it either, because it's not that unlikely.
No. 830191
>>830172> Lainey will never leave him unless forced to, she's made that perfectly clear over the years. He must resent her for it. As much as he needs someone to be as pathologically loyal to him like Lainey if he had picked Billie this last time, he would be the one that had a joint onlyfans with her that would actually get attention and even have a real reason to rotate through girls “for content.”
I wonder how he will find a way to get a new girl in now. The cameraman route again? Sarah was the only person Lainey couldn’t say no to on the basis of trustworthiness but what’s next?
No. 830199
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Something to laugh at during this time of dry milk and walls of tinfoil in the thread
No. 830210
>>830172>Lainey will never leave him unless forced to, she's made that perfectly clear over the years.>And when she did lash out at him, it was an attempt to make him swing back to her. Kai told a Patreon about how Greg was verbally
abusive. That Patreon released proof of that conversation and spoke about their phone calls where Kai would always be lamenting.
Kai told Madison how Greg would never help clean up around the house, Madison even livestreamed about experiencing his
abusive ways first hand. He was screaming and cussing at Kai in front of her and Sam, in front of her child and his own two children, while Kai was breastfeeding too, then that abuse was directed at Madison for sticking up for Kai, telling her that she deserved to be raped.
Kai had video calls with Adam who would hear Greg screaming at her and the kids, with Kai constantly flinching throughout the calls.
Most of the people at the house attested to how uninvolved he was with his kids and cleaning, and how
abusive he was towards Kai.
Kai allowed Greg to abuse Sarah as a minor in front of Billie and Ayalla. Even Sarah said on Twitter that what Greg puts Kai through is torture. Even after exposing her as a grooming pedophile too.
Kai being abused by Greg wasn't just her doormat-syndrome.
Kai knew what she was doing when she allowed all those things to happen.
She gave Greg room to show his true colors so she could build her alibi. I call it "battered wives insurance". She would feign fragility when Greg abused her in front of others. She would even set up conversations while he was being
abusive, so others could see it and hear it. Whenever she spoke about the abuse friends would believe her because they already saw it first hand. That's genius.
And that's low-key what she did with David too. When he was
abusive to her she would go tell her friends. Some of them even witnessed it first hand, saving her from him at some points but then she would go right back to him. When her ticket to her desires came there was enough witnesses and screenshots to show what a maniac David was. People believed she actually left him because he was
abusive when in reality she was already priming herself to a demented abuser. That's genius.
She's always been planning. Take her My Nighttime Routine video for instance. At 3:51 she recorded Greg on camera using her phone and the dialogue they had about it was more than suspicious. Greg, being the fucking idiot that he is, said,
>“I wasn’t texting anyone… You’ll never find out. It’s the best place to do it. You would never check your own phone.” He laughs maniacally then says, “While I’m telling you all this right now it’s a problem.” That was filmed in 2017. Two years before shit hit the fan. That acts as proof Greg did have access to her phones. She could easily claim he was the one talking to those minors she lured in for him. That's genius.
Another thing I noted too was how Kai allowed Greg to run his mouth about the Maya situation in the livestream she did January 5th 2019 when the grooming allegations first came out. Maya does act as proof of Greg's direct involvement in sex trafficking women because his narrative doesn't not match up to what Maya said she experienced. It's clear they tried to pull another "lure in a woman under false pretense" tactic like they did with Billie. This time by lying by omission. Making Maya believe she was just there for Kai, not telling her Greg was a part of it, with Greg forcing a kiss on her on Christmas Day to her shock. That's sex trafficking and the fact that she's from Canada and they flew her in from where ever is a Mann Act Violation.
At 1:09:40 the dialogue about Maya starts. Pay attention to Kai's demeanor throughout it. She's not defending Greg or hinting to him to shut up at certain points where he's incriminating himself. At one point Greg tried to imply that he didn't kiss Maya until after Kai had already kissed her but Kai adamantly refutes that, even after Greg got visibly angry with his insistence of Kai kissing her first.
At 1:12:24 the conversation about Maya ends, and Greg is about to leave, but what's interesting to note is that at 1:13:14 Kai says to Greg,
"[inaudible] speak for things that you have done.
Although I don't know if it's going to benefit you."
That in itself shows that Kai
knew Greg speaking about Maya would be incriminating, it wouldn't benefit him and she still let him talk anyway. Kai even kept bringing up the hard questions the viewers had for Greg. She sees he's struggling in-between his lies and defenses yet she kept letting him put his foot in his mouth like the two-faced bitch she is.
It's almost too perfect because she technically doesn't even need to testify against Greg's crimes or show her own proof that she was abused. The archives, videos, statements and testimonies will do that for her.
>>830178>And at the same time, none of this excludes Greg blackmailing her to stay either.When I think of Greg blackmailing Kai I think of their cryptic dialogue in Kai's video Revealing The Truth To My Husband. At 7:10 Greg brings up the fact that he knows Kai has "bragged" about him to her friends in the past but the way he says it kind of implies that he was upset by Kai constantly telling her friends stuff about him aka SNITCHING,
When Greg, visibly upset, says,
>"I know you've bragged… For a fact." Kai gets all defensive like,
>"What the fuck that's supposed to mean."Greg replies,
>"Meaning I've been talking to people and they've been telling me that you bragged."That alone is a sign that Kai isn't as loyal towards Greg as she portrays herself to be. She's is not loyal to anyone outside of herself and Greg knows this.
Madison attested that she told Kai private info then later on when Greg was talking to her, he brought up the same info only Kai would know. Kai is a snitch and she snitches for her benefit. She snitches to Greg to build info against their soon to be
victims, to seem loyal to his cause. Then when it suits her "battered wife's" narrative she snitches on Greg for herself.
That's why blackmail shouldn't be ruled out because why else would a self-serving snitch not snitch in a situation where freedom and sympathy is on the table? Think about it
Greg knows what she is capable of and probably knew that for a very long time. So wouldn't he get dirt on her that would cancel out her alibis of abuse and indoctrination? Wouldn't he prove she's a monster in her own right? If it is blackmail that has her staying, quiet and complicit. It must be ten times worse than what we already know. Knowing what maniacal psychos they are, it could be something that would have the public asking for Kai's head when Greg exposes it.
And when I think about that I think of Greg's video admitting to demanding Billie sign a contract to be chained up, branded, and shaved bald as a punishment for smoking weed: 6:57 he says, “But I already said in a previous video- yes I did tell this girl to do those things. And you know why I told her to do these things?
Because she fucked us so
she had to sacrifice something to prove that she was worth a relationship.”
If he could demand Billie make such a sick sacrifice for something so small, imagine what he would force Kai to do for inevitably fucking him in the process of fucking herself. Especially in a situation so criminal. Kai was technically the one who fucked them by giving the public direct evidence of their crimes against Sarah and Regina. For all we know he could have forced her to make a
sacrifice, doing something so fucked up to ensure that she'd keep her mouth shut.
Greg is stupid but he would make sure Kai couldn't cross him or leave, especially when he knows her loyalty is a farce.
>>830178 said.
>one can't entirely dismiss it either, because it's not that unlikely. (no1curr) No. 830213
>>830116Let's be real, they both have plenty of dirt on each other and it's one of the reasons they're actively stuck with each other. Besides, they'd both have a difficult time finding anyone else to take them at this point. Greg is lucky to pull someone who even looks as grubby as Mcfly.
>>830191Honestly, the relationship with Billie would never have lasted. She was in it purely for his name, fame, and money. When it ended up being more trouble than it was worth she bailed and never looked back. Only Lainey has been stupid/desperate enough to give him kids, incriminate herself, and generally be an absolute doormat for our detested greaseball. I do think she's probably pretty fed up with him to a point now, but feels stuck due to all the circumstances.
I don't know though, time will tell? I get that milk is slow, but what's the use in essay long tinfoils?
No. 830220
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>>830210Please go outside and touch some grass, anon
No. 830221
>So wouldn't he get dirt on her that would cancel out her alibis of abuse and indoctrination? Wouldn't he prove she's a monster in her own right?>For all we know he could have forced her to make a sacrifice, doing something so fucked up to ensure that she'd keep her mouth shut. It is hard for me to not think C's accident could be it. I wanted to say this when the conversation was still fresh but the negative reactions made me not bother. C's fall happen two weeks after Sarah exposed them and Kai was as silent as a mouse after that. Greg talking about the fall in the police report and that live stream anons keep mentioning has too many inconsistencies if you ask me.
Based on that skull fracture information mentioned in
>>829335 we can now understand that the impact occurred on her right side.
>>829335>In that same livestream you mentioned, Greg said he found her looking up to her left. You can only do that if you're laying on your right side so that, and the doctor not noting depressions anywhere else, kind of confirms that depression is where she made impact. What that skull fracture depression tells me is that C fell onto her right side and was found by Greg looking up to her left comfirming that she was found on her right side. That is suspicious and here is why.
Greg is saying that his two year old fell from what could be 12 to 14 feet onto a concrete driveway depressing the right side of her skull. She then got up or crawled to the garage to tap on it. Then walked or crawled a foot or two away from that garage only to lay right back down on the side that was impacted by the fall?
I know she was an infant but human instincts and excruciating pain would make anybody automatically roll onto the next side or at least their back or front. She made significant movements to the door, then from the door then went right back in her initial position? That is bullshit. I only read the report and thought she fell very close to the door because the police said the screen was beneath it. I thought she fell right near the door so she could have got to it to tap and fall right on the spot. Even so falling on the same side that was impacted by the fall still does not make any sense.
The only way she would have been found on the side that made impact is if she never moved in the first place.
In the report she was found partially on the screen of the window too. That must have been found a foot or two away from the door as well right? So what happened there? Did it land there? Did she just crawl partially on top of it? Did she drag it with her?
That live stream adds a whole new narrative of confusion.
I want to believe. I really want to believe it was just an accident but Greg and his stories sound like lies when you flesh them out with practical thinking and logic.
With this theory of Greg forcing Kai into blackmail and C's fall happening very close to the time Kai went silent. And all the inconsistencies and suspicious things anons rightly pointed out before during and after the fall.
Could C have been the sacrifice? One anon had a theory that C's bed and window was set up for failure for a long time but another anon had a theory that they did it to get CPS focused in their needs instead of their crimes after they had showed up to investigate the grooming. What if its a mixture of both? What if it was set up for a long time but the urgency of their exposed grooming to authorities seemed like a good enough motive for a sicko like Greg to blackmail Kai into silence by forcing her to hurt Cloey as the sacrifice?
They get CPS on their side and Greg gets to hold extreme leverage over Kai. Kill two birds with one stone. If Greg were to expose something like that people would be out for blood against Kai because how could she do something so inhumane against her own baby?
No. 830222
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We're going to have to take a huge grain of salt with this because its coming from that Anon Gene sperg but milk is milk and Id love to see what the police report says if he can actually get it through this request. I'm sure the cops thought it was really fucking creepy that a twenty something weirdo was in a hotel room with a 17 year old and there's video equipment everywhere. Id like to see how they described the scene and Greg and Shiloh's statements.
No. 830224
>>830222well first of you said it yourself, its from fail gene.
second of all look at the fucking font it looks faker than Mia Khalifa's tits.
bad shoop is bad. no wonder he had to claim credit for those invoice shoops.
No. 830260
>>830248Still got to take it with a big grain of salt. He used a form freely available online. Anyone can fill out the form for anything and never send it.
Second that supposed email blacks out the recipient's email address. Why? They're e-mail address as a public official is public. In fact on the page there's a link to a database to search to make sure you get it to the correct officer. So, again, Why hide it?
Or at least show that it was actually mailed to someone with an email address which all the "Agency Open Records Officers" have.
That is proof of absolute fuck-all. Filled out a freely available form to someone (quite possibly and bogus sock email, hence the need to hide it).
Going to have to try a lot harder.
No. 830267
>>830210Are you high or just delusional?
Footface has no backbone. Her entire "flinching" nonsense was to get attention. She did it deliberately. The girls in the house said she did it all the time. She flinched on Billie who is far tinier than her. She saw people commenting on it and used it to further her 'smol uwu' wannabe persona.
No. 830277
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maybe he saw the critique on his shit shaite here..
and yes greg, your webshait is still shit.
No. 830282
>>830260lolz, sure Jan.
Keep believing it didnt happen. Keep trying to make others believe it… and when the reports are reviled? What then? Gonna call me a faggot..
Eat shit, poser…
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>>830284Top kek. Ultimate skinwalking fail
No. 830295
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>>830289This entire era was so freaking funny. It was never ending and she was so pleased with herself. Don't forget her blue wig. Everyone in livestreams would asked her if Greg forced her to wear it when he banged her doggy style. She would get to snarky and defensive. Greatness.
No. 830303
>>830282>>830283if you're gonna post here genefail, at least have the common courtesy to sage.
>>830295I don't get why she's trying to be a tranny when she already looks like one with zero effort.
No. 830329
>>830290People called her out for it in live streams and she would get so
triggered. She actually said, "I don't want to be this small. I hate it" lol She's not even small. She's an average sized woman. It was freaking hilarious. She even said she had to see a doctor because she was so underweight. Everyone was dogging her. She said she wore children's shoes because adult sizes were to big. It was hilarious. No one was having it and kept calling out her lies. Reminiscing like this makes me almost wish she still did her retarded live streams. I actually looked a few up earlier and they're so bad. Pure cringe.
No. 830330
>>830221It wasn't just two weeks after Sarah spoke out– C actually fell the day after Shiloh went public with her story on Twitter iirc.
Here's my thoughts, truecrimefag. Considering that this time period brought a groundswell of testimony from all the girls who'd gone to the Swamp Shack over several years, I think it's just as likely she fell due to neglect as it is that they tried to kill her. Greg was probably in his little cum cave furiously emailing everyone who was talking about him while socking on three different accounts in between masturbation sessions. Since both adults (used loosely) in the house had just been exposed as pedo groomers they were too overwhelmed with seething and crying respectively to think about how dangerous the open window could be. They were used to having a nanny harem to spare them from most of their household responsibilities.
Also, It just doesn't make sense to me that Greg would intentionally draw CPS's attention. Greg wouldn't want any outside evaluator to determine he's a failure of a parent, his narc brain would need to protect him from that feeling of inadequacy. It's why he's never shown his kids in a video or tried to pivot to family vlogging. He knows his kids look like shit and when they're that young he can't control for what they might do on camera so instead he gets to brag about preserving their privacy– even though under the cover of privacy his son's teeth are rotted out of his skull and his daughter was speech-delayed and now potentially brain damaged.
Greg DID however
1. Not notice anything had happened for a very, very long time.
2. Film her bleeding out so he wouldn't be incriminated in something that could easily be explained away as a household accident.
3. Write the "stand over by the window so everyone can see how helpless you are" dom tweet while in the hospital.
4. Fantasize about his whole family dying in a fire in a tweet by one of his socks that was indisputably proven to be him.
There is a lot that looks very wrong there. He is a creepy predator who is undoubtedly traumatizing those kids with verbal and psychological abuse every day he's in the same house with them.
(autism tinfoil) No. 830364
>>830210God I am so sick of the whiteknighting for lainey, krai holomaka obviously has the upper hand, and can probably leave and pin it on greg, but she didn't. If she was so motivated to flit from relationship to another based lol resources a relationship would probably bring her she would of left when the irs stuff happened.
we get she is possibly being abused, but her victimhood stops when she choose actively to drag others into the fire with her, take from who was tied in the woods and left to exposure of the elements for saying no too grooming a 16 year old for a similiarly
abusive prick, theres a breaking point normal empathitic people get to into these
No. 830365
>>830210sorry internet fucked up, theres a normal breaking point for normal empathtic people get to no longer tolerate to their
abusive circumstances, kai isn't normal nor empathetic nor a good person, so even if shes being abused it still doesn't absolve her given she brought other girls into a waking hell with her.
No. 830390
>>830369MuH KrAi Is A
vIcTim ToO gUize!
No. 830518
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No. 830533
>>830506I think Footface chooses shitty men on purpose so she can be a uwu
victim and receive sympathy when she secretly bitches about them to her friends and family. For example she started dating David AFTER he leaked her underwear photos to the entire school, she talked about it in a video. There's something seriously wrong with that bitch. Unfortunately for her doing that with Grease backfired on her tremendously.
No. 830649
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on behalf of the internet: Shane, please fuck Greg in the ass already so we can get this over with.
This is just tragic to see.
No. 830679
>>830663>>830674I apologize for beating a dead horse right now but thats all they ever do. Lie. Its ironic how Greg once accused Shiloh of that in his stupid song going "lie, lie, lie, lie", "stop lying", it was one hell of a self projection really. It's easy to see when Greg and Lainey lie, they open their mouth.
The funny thing with them is how they are sometimes "caught in a truth". Meaning they accidentally let slip a truth. Very unusual for them, but with them it was especially the whole Sarah & Billie thing. People were already suspicious and then Lainey lets slip some shit, after which Greg slips a ton of shit. Which is why I think she isn't allowed online anymore.
Normal people sometimes get caught up in a lie, like you call in sick for work because fuck it, and a co-worker sees you shopping. that type of shit. with greg and lainey its the other way around, they sometimes get caught in a truth. they accidentally slip something truthful, and it gets them in to shit.
and then of course greg implicating himself more for like 17 hours with all those stupid videos he made talking about the situation. he slipped some accidental truths in there as well. he really needs to stick to what he's good at, which is lying. his whole credo with "the most honest youtuber" thats already a lie, and its his mantra. "I'M ONLY BEING HONEST". alright i'm sorry i will stop beating this dead horse now. i mean its dead, its buried, all thats left are some smoldering greg ashes.
No. 830711
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>>830649Seems like Greg lurking the thread is what inspired this second Dawson manifesto.
>>830113>>830210 No. 830712
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Saw a really shitty thread on /wsg/ (worksafe gifs) board on 4chan that was nothing but the banana song.
It was probably a 12 year old posting them but it wouldn't shock me that much if it was Gerg selfposting lol.
No. 830713
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>>830711Laughing my ass off at the zero subtly laced with insanity.
Does every single thing get under his skin that much?
No. 830722
>>830711>>830713that is a
very good catch.
good job.
No. 830726
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Greg had a discord chat this afternoon. I recorded it and edited it down to what I thought were the interesting parts.
>Greg is outraged at Elvis marrying a 14 year old.
>Its okay to have sex with an underage girl as long as you marry her and stay married.
>Michael Jackson joke that shows how cringey his fans are.
>Greg displays his great knowledge of age of consent laws once again.
>An 18 year old girl wants to do an OnlyFans collab with Greg.
>Greg says a 35 year old man having sex with an 18 year old is "fucked." Why didn't he have this thought with Sarah?
No. 830731
>>830726I can't really elaborate but I think he's referring to PlaymateTessi as the "18 year old that wants to collab for onlyfans with him."
Don't ask me how I know this.
No. 830732
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>>830731>infamously known for making fun of a patient with Leukemia and abusing her cat.I couldn't understand why any legit OF girl would want to collab with Onision but reading up on her history they seem a perfect match.
No. 830736
>>830726>Greg says a 35 year old man having sex with an 18 year old is "fucked." ahaaahaaHAAA
bitch, this you?
No. 830737
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>>830732 really hope Greg changes his mind and collabs with this trainwreck of a girl. She gives off major crazy vibes. I'm sure Lainey is going to love that transphobia. If Tessi calls Lainey a tranny Im sure Greg would laugh along with her like when Crazy Tami asked "who's the tranny" when Greg tried to inform her that there was a transgendered person in his family.
No. 830746
>>830730i love the depths of his delusions
netflix will contact him to make a documentary
No. 830751
>>830745She’s an attention seeking BPDfag who would almost certainly still be tethered to Shreg if he hasn’t tossed her aside, don’t kid yourself into thinking that money and exposure isn’t her primary motivation for speaking out against this rancid pus filled grease trap and his ugly footfaced, herp ridden wife
>>830732My sides, this dumb bitch is a cow in her own right, surprised she hasn’t been mentioned on /snow/
No. 830760
>>830724It's the conspiracy anons trying to do their thing again.
>>830745Because she never gave up on making it work with him. Even when she was clowning with the courthouse photo etc, she was pretty obvious that she was just playing the scorned sperg and would go back in a heartbeat. That's why the laptop saga happened - she never actually wanted to bust him, just hurt him back for rejecting her.
No. 830767
>>830760lol nta but how is it a conspiracy? all the
victims have behaved like cows and shot themselves in the foot. if discovery hadnt picked up the story everyone would have forgotten about it by now (except autists like us, obvs.) it’s not outside the realm of possibility that sarah did have a lengthy conversation with onion. regardless, there’s no conspiracy. hating grug and criticizing the brave warrior kweens are not mutually exclusive
No. 830780
>>830724how is that a good catch? it's just common parlance?
>>830760It's the conspiracy anons trying to do their thing again
Its so weird how whenever someone calls out Greg's clear pattern of lurking the thread there's always a playa hater jumping to his defence.
Like sure, the idea of Greg lurking the threads is sooooo far fetched at this point. Greg would NEEEEVER do that. It's just super coincidental that that anon could point out 4 hints to Greg mimicking words and sentences of what was said here and flipping it to suit his narratives.
Nothing but a big super duper conspiracy there anon.
No. 830782
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>>830724>how is that a good catch? it's just common parlance?>>830760>It's the conspiracy anons trying to do their thing again. >>830780>Its so weird how whenever someone calls out Greg's clear pattern of lurking the thread there's always a playa hater jumping to his defence.That
anon writing it off as a conspiracy isn't just a playa hater my friend. Like I said before, zero subtly.
No. 830803
>>830727Am I wrong saying that this story about Skye's sister and a friend trying to pull his pants down is new? I wasn't around during the Skye saga but Ive been around long enough to have heard all the stories (I thought)
Is this just another convenient epiphany Greg had like the story about AJ saying her dad raped her. I had never heard that one but he suddenly remembered her telling him that while he was showering that morning.
No. 830824
>>830737Well, Footface thrives best when she gets to whine around being a perpetual
victim. Too bad she still doesn't do cringey live streams for hours or vague Tweets babbling on about where's muh sympathy.
No. 830831
>>830727He seems to think little girls everywhere just want to rip his clothes off to force him to have sex with them.
He's not a pedophile, he's just too weak physically to stop 100lb max girls from raping him! Cut him a break you guys.
No. 830832
>>830826>Alicia said the attempted kiss really happened, except it was Grugly who tried to take advantage of a drunk Alicia. What if this also really happened, but all in reverse?That's exactly what I was thinking. There's video he made in the beginning of 2020 talking about what happened immediately after that even. He talked about laying down next to Alicia and holding her hand throughout the night until she woke up freaking out about it. Greg painted it as consentual and had even implied that she wouldn't remember the event correctly because she was drinking the night before.
With him saying she woke up freaking out and that she was drunk… Could it have been him pulling down her pants down then? It would explain her freaking out as she woke up.
It's no coincidence that this story is brand new too. It's almost like he knows he can't use the
Alicia tried to kiss me lie because she confirmed to the public that not only was it a lie, it happened in reverse.
It's also pretty convenient how none of those stories happened in his timeline of "fame". He can just claim this now because "it happened" without mountains of evidence to debunk it like all the other things he's tried to claim against others during and after his timeline of "fame".
He's using Alcia silence to his advantage again. If she were to come out and say that did happen but in reverse. He'd have inadvertently digged his criminal hole even deeper because Alicia was 15 while he was an adult.
Just the fact that attempted sexual assault on a minor happened with that attempt debunks his claims that he's not into minors.
If anyone can find the video or clip of him talking about the Alicia situation that'd be great. It was during the time he uploaded a of series of manic videos defending himself and Lainey against grooming allegations in January 2020.
No. 830839
File: 1618077373741.jpg (206.07 KB, 720x722, predatorfashion.jpg)

>>830827>She called herself a '12 year old fuckboi' constantly. She tried to look like a 12 year old boy to pull in super young girls.It's uncanny how she slowly started presenting herself as prepubescent to her audience after presenting as a teen.
Given that Lainey started grooming Sarah at 14. I'm almost pretty sure she was gearing up to rope in a prepubescent girl once she used Sarah up got rid of her.
Her Power of Attorney tactic would've made that easier too.
>"I'm a uwu Foster mother now. I just love helping out disadvantaged little girls via my social media influence. Only disadvantaged little girls though." No. 830841
>>830817>>830803He's told the story at least once before about 2 years ago. It took some digging but I found the original post where it was transcribed.
>Like, ok. So, I’ll give you another story, right? These two—I think they were 14 or 15 at the time—but I went to this park … I went to this playground because you know how teenagers like hanging out on playgrounds. I was like 18, or I think I was 18 or 17. Maybe I was 17? I was probably 18. So, we went to this playground and we were just hanging out there. Myself, my girlfriend, who I think was also 18, and her sister and her sister’s friend. They decided that they would wanna try and take off my pants. And so I was running away from them to try and keep my pants on, and then I ran up to the top of the basketball hoop and they were unable to take off my pants. These are two 14 or 15 year-old people who tried to do this and I had, like, a four year age gap with them. So, they tried to take off my pants and that’s what I’m talking about, alright? So, yeah. They didn’t get my pants off, and I was able to run away from them. If I did that to somebody at that age people would call me a sexual predator, but it was these girls doing it to me. And, you know, I forgive them because they’re girl. It’s just how sexism works. I’m sexist as fuck. Why he feels the need to bring up the story again I will never understand as nothing about the story or even his retelling sounds the least bit sexual. Honestly just sounds like they were bored and wanted something to do.
No. 830847
>>830841>I ran up to the top of the basketball hoopI call bullshit just because at no point has Grease been physically fit enough to climb a basketball pole.
It's also skeevy as fuck that in all his stories it's "These kids tried to undress me. If someone saw, they'd claim I was a sexual predator even though the kids did it!"
It's like setting up an early alibi. "You see, yes you found me naked with this barely legal girl but SHE took MY clothes off. Arrest her!"
No. 830850
>>830841>Honestly just sounds like they were bored and wanted something to do.Anon omg it obviously didn't happen. I agree with
>>830847. It feels like such a common fantasy of predators that it's actually the children/minors that want to fuck/undress/seduce the pedo and not the other way around.
No. 830855
File: 1618086950423.jpg (205.26 KB, 720x721, laineyboyishpredator.jpg)

Same anon as
>>830839Forgive me for going off topic but I just wanted to know what other anons think.
I think the fact that Lainey actively infantilized herself in a boyish way proves that not only was she determined to prey on minors, she enjoyed it.
I believe Lainey was groomed yes, but it's hard for me to believe she was brainwashed. I always wonder where that predatory mindset truly started with her. Maybe even before she met Greg?
It's easy to assume teens are brainwashable because of their youth, naivety, and lack of real world experience but they're still people, and people can be terrible in spite of those things.
Take Greg for instance. As a teen he preyed on his cousin in her sleep, kissing her at age 13. He also preyed on Alicia when he was 18 and she was 15. That begs the question. Could Lainey have had the same predatory urges towards children even as a 15/16/17 year old?
She's unlike all Greg's other teen partners as none of them ever joined in on his predation even when groomed or manipulated (Shiloh, Billie and Sarah). They were just
victims of his abuse.
I know Lainey was obsessive and had a top 5 or top 3 list of famous men she would tweet at constantly. It's clear she likes men but I wonder if she actively narrowed in and focused on Greg because she saw how fucked up and predatory he was with Shiloh and thought
Yup. He's the one. We're perfect for each other because we're the same and want the same things.Like a Harley Quinn to his Joker. Except they only prey on underaged girls. And who knows how far she was willing to go with her predation. I could see her wanting to groom young boys to get the same satisfaction Greg gets from a 'straight' perspective but there's no way in hell that would be allowed because it doesn't feed into her pimp's sick desires so Lainey sticks to grooming girls/females.
I could be overthinking it but it's just a thought I had given all the circumstances surrounding Lainey's predatory personality.
No. 830864
>>830855Predatory urges can go beyond the preferred sexual attraction. Especially when restrictions are applied.
Take Karla Holmoka for instance. There's nothing to indicate that she was into women (or her little sister that she raped and killed) but she still partook in the multiple kidnappings, tortures, rapes and murders of teen girls because that's what her husband Bernardo would allow and she was subordinate to him. If Bern wanted or allowed her to rape and kill teen boys I'm sure she'd have indulged all the same because it's the sick and twisted acts committed against other human beings that people like Karla get off to.
It's not that extreme with Greg and Kai obviously but the same rules apply. If Greg had zero restrictions on the sex of their
victims, Kai would be grooming young boys too because:
1. She's straight.
2. She's a pedophile.
3. It's easy for adult females to groom underaged males.
4. She's an all-round predator. She sex trafficked adult women (Billie and Maya) into her relationship for Greg, not just an underaged girl (Sarah).
I agree with you anon. I think her predatory ways were restricted because of her subordinancy to Greg so she only indulged in preying on females. Simple as that.
As for Kai being a teen pedophile. She started grooming Regina soon after she married Greg and she was only 18 then while Reg was 15. That's the same age gap Greg and Alicia had when he preyed on her so yeah. You're correct in thinking Kai was always fucked up.
What people should pay attention to is that none of the other girls ever said Greg told them to solicit child porn or groom females for him which could only mean that he never told them his MO. The fact that Greg felt comfortable enough telling Kai his exploits, only for her to then execute it on his behalf, speaks volumes to what her psyche already was. They're two peas in a filthy rotten pod.
No. 830882
>>830864These reaches make me yawn
Is onion boi still making porn in his basement?
No. 830921
No-one forced her to do anything.
She loved that YouTube attention and only left because she couldn't handle the heat over grooming a child unlike Greg who is used to the shitstorm consequences to his behaviour. If the Sarah thing didn't blow up, Lainey would still be out there trying to thirst trap teenagers. I wish people would stop feeling sorry for her. The only people I feel sorry for in the onion camp is their children.
No. 830934
>>830913Ikr, it’s always the same. Some anon makes a massive paragraph post about Lainey and then ANOTHER discussion about if Lainey knew what she was doing starts again…
Can we just ignore the anon that keeps doing this? It’s getting old now and it’s not milk
No. 830973
whoever this white knigh anon for lainey is, let me make this clear:
LAINEY WON'T FUCK YOU. there I said it, I don't care if she had been abused, I lost hearing in one ear and got legit ptsd from a very abusive situation, and I still managed not to groom any teens or barely legal girls to be fuck meat for her husband.
its not to ignore the fact that abuse victims emmulate their abusers for various reasons, but a majority come out with hands clean; any one who cries so much about my lainey I can't personally stand because I literally have no hearing in one ear because of the extent of the abuse I endured which would equate to a living hell compared to what ever shit lainey goes through, and still managed to not groom people who are vulnerable.
stop insulting abuse victims with your shit white knight anon, what lainey is going through is a hell of her own making, shit even my dumb gullible self at 18 would have saw the red flags and ran away; I mean I don't mean to make an essay, but that pisses me the fuck off, it's like every thread its MUH LAINEY DIDDIN DU NUFFIN WRONG, for ages.
no she's just as culpable and truthfully if I saw her in person I'd like to punch her face in for doing all that shit; she had every chance to opt out with face still intact way before sarah but not only chose to stay but bring other girls to be fuck meat for greg; at that point she's betrayed others and deserves to be beat the shit out of in prison daily for her crimes. but it won't happen, and I am fucking tired of this rhetoric you can both be a victim as well as a repressible for your horrid crimes.
go do a flip in minecraft white knight muh lainey anon.(sperg)
No. 830988
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Instead of fighting with the autist, focus on actual milk:
Onion claims he got hacked and some retarded group on discord lead by a tiktoker decided to spam his Twitter with #cultofstrawberry ala cuck and creamy meme dude.
No. 830989
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No. 831022
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>>830988this is relating getting spammed by the simps of a fat british shitwhore influencer wannabe:'t get me wrong i do think its funny, anyone shitting all over Greg is a win in my book, even if they're british and fat.
No. 831023
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>>831022I'm sure this has nothing to do with her wanting her 15 minutes of fame in the ham-light.
"I didn't know what was going on you guyz, i'm just at home being chubby, you guys, teehee!"
No. 831024
File: 1618228077052.jpg (166.86 KB, 1097x1445, 2021-04-12 13.47.25 kiwifarms.…)

Captain Dumbass is on the Christopher Nolan Hero / Villian autistic spergin' again. This time he's also superman, she says.
I'd offer up a drinking game for each time he mentions Christopher Nolans "Hero / Villain"- Harvey threeway line and / or his own word salad variations of it, but I don't want the responsibility of causing people here to become raging alcoholics.
No. 831029
File: 1618232257363.png (257.24 KB, 457x598, 1598228376580.png)

>>831025Did someone say Jodee Norene 2.0?
She does seem to like to be showered with attention.
>>831027It's funny how Greg denies being a narcissist while everything he says and does fits perfectly in a narcissistic personality disorder. Including the "hero-complex". Don't be fooled, this is a fake hero complex they feel is real yet its them running someone in to the ground.
Then again, no narcissist will ever admit to being a narcissist. Ever. No. 831032
>>831030Lets talk websites policies, like Youtube anti-harassment policy, where he pretty much vilified everyone like Shane, Billie, Shiloh, Eugenia Cooney, list a mile long I can't even name them all.
Or how about using bots and misleading shit to get views. How about underage girls in their underwear on his shitty forum and then showing those in videos, and not removing them when family members ask him to.
Well, I don't need to go in details, hell its not like there isn't already a 3 part documentary on the old media with more parts on the way.
Why Youtube hasn't banned this waste of humanity the minute he set foot on there is beyond me. I will never understand it. You or I could say as much as "poopy" in a video and be banhammered off there in a day.
Greg must have a baby carrot made out of solid gold or he can make it dance or some shit, otherwise I don't understand Susan's logic. She's even been confronted about it by Hansen yet she does
nothing about this hyperactive freak.
It's fucking insane.
No. 831034
>>831032Moreover, might I add that people probably report Greg all the time, since everybody hates him. I bet since the documentary even more people mailed Youtube about him, yet nothing is done.
Its the biggest question I have regarding this whole Greg situation:
Why oh why is Greg impervious of bans?Twitter too, no matter what he does, onlyfans, same story. He never ever gets banned. So far Twitch and Patreon are the only ones that ever banned Greg. And hell, Patreon was due to his own stupid mistake.
And I just. plain. don't. get. it.
No. 831036
>>831035And they had to make a full 3 part documentary on Discovery+ in order for them to do that. Yet, they still haven't banned him.
I'm just interested can I get a show of hands here if you've ever been banned off of Youtube? (Don't need to give your channel name, just a simple yes or no will do)
Also, if you have been banned, or got a strike, what was the dumbass reason for them to do so?
Just interested. I bet people here have been banned off of youtube once or twice too.
No. 831038
>>831037what in the fuck are you even talking about? how is this even tinfoil?
follow your own advice, you jackass.
No. 831040
>>831039Should I contribute like you do just yelling and hurling insults at people trying to have a conversation like some autistic Karen, like you do?
Would that work for you?
I mean so far your contributions have been
golden. Look I fat texted again, now kindly fuck off. Thnx.
(infighting) No. 831046
>>831041>>831045Here's the thing though, when you look in to other notable youtube bans: even at one point banned the entire government of Pakistan.
Is Greg somehow more important than that list of people?
No. 831050
>>831040So another person starts a fight, they reply and tell them to stop, and THEY'RE the one infighting?
How you figure that there, mod? Friends of yours?
Just sayin'….
No. 831051
>>831040oh plus I'M the one that reported that person to you, yet again, i'm the one getting banned.
GREAT modding you guys,
clap clap clap awesome job. And before you ban me, you bet your ass I already "took it to meta"
(ban evasion) No. 831059
File: 1618248876402.jpg (527.04 KB, 1080x1377, HansenReg.jpg)

Regina posted a photo with Hansen. Maybe we'll be getting news about episode 4 soon.
No. 831061
>>831059heavens to betsy.
he can eat around that face?
No. 831082
>>831071According to Greg. I can't really see discovery putting money into the previous 3 episodes for a
victim to come on and discredit the others lol.
No. 831099
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>>831094U rite. Crocodile is cuter and has a higher chance of ruining your life kek
No. 831120
>>831069She was definitely as fug as Regina back then but she’s less of an eyesore now.
>>831087Finally someone who agrees with me! Every time it’s brought up the conspiracy theory retards like boldfag start screeching about how suspicious it is and/or adding it’s Greg self posting. Sarah is trash who had a threesome with a couple whose child was in the same bed, she would 100 per cent would still be getting fucked in the ass literally and figuratively by Greg.
No. 831121
>>831120No need to samefag. This thread reads like Greg's trying to cope whenever Sarah gets mentioned or that episode. If Grease and cunts itt really think the worst of Sarah and that she's a fame whore attention seeker then truly since she absolved herself of Grease and got the support of the Internet etc I'm sure she gets much more viable attention from men that don't look like a Thing from the Swamp Shack. The thing about Greg is, is that he's stuck with his queer wife and life while all his
victims do eventually get to move on to much better and brighter futures. Greg's a retard. Never forget. He married himself to a teenager he didn't even love to spite Shiloh. He doesn't think long term. It's why he's not very calculating. The only reason he doesn't face a judge over all his sexual misconduct is because no one is bringing charges against him. He is a dunce
No. 831126
>>831106They were talking about Regina. Lainey is pretty average, Greg is weird looking and Regina is pretty ugg. Sarah is also average-cute.
Mic drop
>>831059Is Regina related to Chris? Why tf is he at their family dinner? Is she just hungry for fame and trying to get it through Hansem now??
No. 831134
>>831131Pardon my autism but i havent been following smegs thread since his dick pics traumatized me so im a bit out of the loop.
So tldr Regina is still trying to insert herself into a situation that has nothing to do with her?
No. 831141
>>831135>> she fucked them while their kid(s?) were sleeping next to themI mean that is fucking disgusting and there is no excuse for that, they are all gross for that.
I also still think the video that was supposed to have been filmed right after she defended lainey was filmed way after because it was a totally different room/angle.
No. 831144
>>831140The new Cow Barn has about the same size as the Swamp Shack
>3 bed 2 bath 1,800 sqftThey figured out a way to fuck Sarah in the Swamp Shack so if Greg can wrangle new teen poon he'll figure out a way to fuck em in the new place even if it means doing it in the unfurnished cum cave garage.
No. 831151
>>831148That anon said
new teen poon, learn to read.
No. 831153
>>831141>I also still think the video that was supposed to have been filmed right after she defended lainey was filmed way after because it was a totally different room/angle.That comment right there makes you sound sus as fuck.
Its already been proven that that video where she breaks down (she called it "bloopers" It was more of an outtake) was filmed the same day probably within the same hour. One video was in one room of her mothers house, the second was in another room of the same house. And the video image was reversed in one not the other. Her hair color is the dead giveaway both videos were filmed the same day not months apart.
Greg brings up this argument regularly.
>look at her hat its not the same way in both videos, look at the room its a different room. No. 831155
File: 1618279348671.jpeg (48.62 KB, 666x424, B8AE5CD0-58AF-4D32-BB06-1A5628…)

>>831153I can assure you im not Onion but back to the point, the blonde is more grown out in the blooper video, see here(my shitty screenshots i just took)
No. 831161
File: 1618279775777.png (481.4 KB, 545x340, pending.PNG)

>>831158>>831155>>831156Really Anon? Im not going to argue this. Its already been proven they were taken at the same time. I hope this gets called out as derailment and other farmers don't take the bait.
While I was looking up the square footage of his new/old house I saw that the Swamp Shack sale is still pending. The house switched from for sale to pending on 03/19/21
>>827737 Its almost been a month since someone put a bid in on the house. My only experience in home sales is my parents and sister both bought and sold a house and it only took 2 weeks until the keys were handed over. Could the buyers have cold feet? I bet you its over that shitty fence and the lien on the house.
No. 831163
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>>831159Anon, me having eyes and seeing her hair is obviously more grown out in her blooper video does not mean i am defending onion. That video doesnt even change anything, it was obvious that she was forced to make it to begin with, and they still treated her like shit. I just dont understand what purpose her second video had at all and find it stramge that she pretends that it was filmed in the same day when its obviously weeks apart.
No. 831254
File: 1618330578124.jpg (348.47 KB, 2880x2880, Gross Grease hair.jpg)

Jeah, Sara's hair grew suddenly so definitly not the same day!! Very fake although she showed proof it part of the same video. Gregs greasy hair also grew during the Kermit and Friends interview so it must have been conducted on separate dates!!
Just in case Grease reads this and feels supported, I am being sarcastic.
No. 831314
>>831304In the statement vidya she released, there's an extremely blurry filter she used to quote, unquote "hide the fact [she] was crying earlier". The blooper release didn't have the filter, was filmed in a different room, and her beanie was shifted in a different angle.
If you want to hate on Sarah, there are plenty of other things to hate on her for. This is one hell of an autistic hill to die on. There's no way you're not a shitty troll.
No. 831315
>>831304do you not understand how cameras work?
>>831306ilu, tysm
No. 831320
>>831141It's actually quite peculiar, that in the midst of joining them for sex, while being fully aware of the kid in the same bed, she didn't have an issue with it. Otherwise she wouldn't do it, right? It's only suddenly become 'awful' and 'disgusting' once things went sour between them.
Same with the multiple junk to rear sessions in Foot's chair. She let that happen, without lube, and knowing well enough her bff is vehemently against it. And it was done specifically in Foot's fav chair for a reason too, and she couldn't have not grasped that. But she went along with it anyway, because that's what she wanted. Like
>>831107 said, it's not just due to her being young and impressionable, and Greg's mindgames. There's gotta be something else on her part too. And again, it only became wrong all around once they've fallen out.
Of course, none of this erases that Grease and Foot are sick paedo fucks that should rot in a jail cell, and they've messed Sarah up big time. But it's still kinda eerie to think that, hadn't they fallen out, there's a good chance Sarah would be still down for doing all those things with no issue.
No. 831323
>>831320If I remember correctly, didn't Greg and Plainey toss Sarah's clothes out of reach during one of the incidents when the kids wandered in?
You still can't discount grooming being a factor as well. Sarah was barely legal and had been exposed to stuff for YEARS. Lainey would have her sit in the bathroom while she bathed while Sarah was underaged. Greg has always been hypersexual so they probably fucked around Sarah often and they don't care about fucking in front of their kids anyway.
It doesn't make it right but you do get desensitized to stuff, especially when it's the same behavior for years. You only really find out how fucked up something is when you get out of the situation and find out not everyone else behaves like that.
No. 831341
>>831320>Otherwise she wouldn't do it, rightyeah anon, she was GROOMED to think that was normal behavior
>>831323yep, she said that greg threw her underwear to the other side of the room.
No. 831342
>>831320Yeah it's almost like she was groomed from the age of 14 by this couple or something and that's why her perception on healthy sexual interactions was skewed. /s
Get off this "why didn't Sarah see a problem with a kid in the bed?" It's Greg and Lainey's fault. Groomers push boundaries to desensitize their
victims. Sarah probably felt wrong about it at first but with their years of manipulation made her gaslight herself into thinking "well if it WAS wrong they wouldn't be doing it so it must not be wrong." Greg pulled her into doing it. They're the sick fucks.
She only realized it was wrong when "things went sour"? Or did she realize it was wrong when she finally got away from them mindfucking her daily after so long?
No. 831344
>>831320Sarah was coerced into the sex, maybe you're comfortable putting yourself in her shoes and deciding how she should have handled it but it comes off very weird how focused you are.
Junk to rear. Like are you onision who the fuck calls anal that apart from an absolute spastic. Onion did rear to rubber dildo for shekels on the Internet what in the absolute fuck are you going on about him fucking Sarah up the ass for? What context are you trying to place it in? Because she had anal sex she's discredited Wtf is your point
No. 831352
>>831320>>831343Fucking all of this, anon. I don’t think being groomed is any justification, she’s an adult. She knew it was wrong but she did it anyway. She’s a
victim but she’s still a degenerate.
>>831351No, but thinking it’s “normal” is degenerate. Stop defending this shit.
No. 831355
File: 1618358366651.jpg (177.32 KB, 720x720, Greg Manipulated Sarah 1.jpg)

>>831141>>831155>>831156>>831158>>831163>>831198>>831213>>831231>>831304You anons can go fuck yourselves.
Sarah had already showed enough texts proving that Greg pressured and forced her into making that video defending Kai so there would be no reason for her to create false evidence. And like the other anons pointed out. She showed the timestamps showing her distraught was filmed the same day.
To even imply she made the video up is to imply Greg didn't pressure and she created proof to go against them in the long run. Which, given all the evidence provided, is a complete bullshit narrative.
I was really trying to avoid a hi cow ban but it's hard to believe anybody but Greg would be spewing this nonsense still given that that was the same excuse he created against Sarah once that blooper was released. Only an idiot like Greg would point out something so small and insignificant to defend himself and discredit a
>>830783 >>830782
>>830713 >>830711 is starting to seem all the more plausible with these sudden groomer whiteknights and
victim hatetrains.
No. 831357
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No. 831361
>>831358Billie was a success story for other delusional girls to try and get money from greg. She got ten grand to be his best girl and she got to fly to Europe with it with her stoner boyfriend she took immediately after ditching grease. No wonder he hates British people so much. Billie took his money and showed his emails to her british boyfriend who made a video that inspired the infamous fax machine video.
Congrats Greg and Lainey for successfully having sex with like what, 2 girls after all their years of going on about the fucking trinity and how amazing being poly is. Wishful thinking that anyone wants to fuck those two ugly freaks nowadays. Sarah was the start of the end of Greg, her exposure on Chris Hansen got a TV show made out of Greg being a freak. He's demonetised on the website he has thanked many times for saving his life. Die mad.
No. 831362
>>831358That's part of grooming. Lainey knew that Sarah liked her romantically and the idea of a relationship was teased continuously. Of course Sarah would get jealous when she felt that someone was taking her spot. Often only after being separated from groomers do
victims start to realize the extent of manipulation they endured.
No. 831364
>>831356They groomed her, yes. They started it when she was 14.
No 14yo who was blessed with at least 2 brain cells and has had access to at least basic school education doesn't NOT know this is very wrong, and no amount of grooming can convince them otherwise. Yes, you logic will apply to the ones groomed since a very young age in childhood, but not a 14yo. Unless you're a complete degenerate to begin with, like
>>831352 said.
No. 831368
>>831364You really think kids just hitting puberty know it all and can't be convinced over years of daily exposure? Kids that age probably think porn is realistic for regular sex and having someone like Greg and Lainey as literally the ONLY role models in your life can't help either.
>>831365>if THEY hadn’t decided THEY didn’t want to continue on with HER
>she amassed a following of over 30k followers on Twitter in the space of a few daysAh. Well that clears up what all of this is about. I suspected but now it's pretty damn obvious.
No. 831380
File: 1618360186800.jpg (136.8 KB, 588x1191, SarahLeft.jpg)

>>830864>>831358>>831364>>831370 >Yes, you logic will apply to the ones groomed since a very young age in childhood, but not a 14yo. Unless you're a complete degenerate to begin with, like >>831352 said.
>She would still be with them if they hadn’t decided they didn’t want to carry on their degenerate arrangement with her. She’s a grown woman and she’s manipulative garbage.
>That's not the point, the point was her being "coerced" into sex. She was more than willing to slurp on Foot's arby's and have Grease's deformed dick inside her pooper
>Sarah kept “dating” Greg. No one continues in a consensual anal-only arrangement unless they’re dedicated to it. It only stopped because Greg called it quits for whatever reasonI feel like you're taking notes from
>>830855 and
>>831320 where they talk about Kai's MO from a young age but instead you're twisting it in a way to project that onto Sarah to demonize her "Anon".
For a know it all you seem to be leaving out the fact that Sarah actually left them for months and it was Greg who was pining and manipulating her into coming back. Again, Sarah shows proof of this.
What happened to Sarah was not her fault. She is not to blame unlike Kai who showed symptoms of actually being a degenerate at a young age and continued that into adulthood. Sarah, like the rest of their
victims, left. Greg "broke up" with her when he made the false rape claims but that was obviously so he could claim he kicked her out of his life before she could leave again once she finally woke up and saw them for who they were.
To imply Sarah is anything like a degenerate seems like a very Greg-esque narrative.
No. 831383
>>831370And then all of a sudden she was conveniently "coerced" kek.
>>831368That's the thing though, she wasn't exposed to that shit "on a daily basis", she didn't even live with them all those entire 4 years. She'd come to visit, stay for some time and go, sometimes with months apart. She's had more than enough chances to have her "moment of revelation" being away from the manipulators, yet it changed fuck all as far as her perspective goes.
And yeah, teens don't "know it all", but one can already get a legit jail sentence starting the age of 14, so you're expected to "know a set of things" by the time you get to 14. Stop acting like she's a baby.
No. 831385
>>831382>If it is not Grease villifying Sarah, it must be his minions. He has been very active on his discord lately and @everyoned them half an hour agoAh yes. When you get caught. Just blame the minions.
Is that the same strategy you got planned for Lainey?
>>831383Two posts in a row?
Making good use of those VPNs you talked about huh?
No. 831387
Just give up man. Making it seem like it's more than one anon on this
victim vendetta isn't going to work. Nobody else has these opinions but you. You already exposed yourself.
No. 831390
>>831385What two posts in a row lmao? WHERE?
I've just caught up with a seemingly heated discussion and replied to a couple anons in one post, wtf, VPNs? Haven't used, or even felt the need to use a VPN in my entire life lol.
Anon, you need to chill and touch some grass, you're hallucinating hardcore.
I've got a good kek out of your retardation and paranoia though, ngl.
Sage for non-contribution.
No. 831391
>>831384>Billie was another dumb bitch who kept going back after he publicly humiliated her several times.There you go changing the facts and timeline of events, Slosherman.
As someone who reviewed the Billie-gate saga extensively, I can tell you, Greg only spoke about things that should have remained private in the relationship while she was back and forth between flying out to her home state and Washington.
Matter of fact, Greg had humiliated Kai more than he did Billie throughout their threeway "relationship" because Kai was doing everything in her power to sour it.
The humiliation of Billie only came after Greg couldn't get her to agree to a sex trafficking styled branding, balding and basement chaining, and when she left because of the manipulation and abuse only then did the full fledged humiliation insue.
It's not wise to paint a false narrative when there's mountains of evidence proving otherwise. Some of us are actually paying attention "anon".
No. 831395
>>831394See this is where you are wrong, you are assuming everyone posting is Onion boi with a VPN. I have barely interacted with this thread except asking about Regina and Hansen, and sharing the screenshots showing the difference in Sarahs roots and said that i belive the videos were weeks apart. I wasnt the anon saying that Sarah should have her own thread, i dont think shes milky or interesting enough, i just thought that her lying about the videos was pretty odd and wanted to point it incase someone missed it and hear anons opinions as to why she would do that, because to me that blooper video didnt add anything to the situation, she was still forced to film the first video in the first place, her crying on camera later doesnt change that in a good or bad way.
>>831161I wonder what their plan is, new house or are they gonna rent a shitty small apartment? I would imagine their relationship is gonna get even more rocky if they are forced to be even more confined together. I’m just said that Lainey left the internet, i loved when she spilled milk on onion on younow, the milk is so dry now…
No. 831396
>>831393It’s very telling that you only call Sarah a “degenerate” instead of the couple that had sex with their own child in the room.
That is magnitudes more degenerate than anything Sarah did.
Also, the same couple that considered Sarah their “foster daughter” and had legal guardianship over her previously.
That’s super fucked up, Which degenerates did that?
No. 831398
>>831393>The discussion about her video is relevant to the onions so is the relationship with them and her having a fuck show with the onions infront of their children,Agreed, what isn't relevant however is trying to use her video as a statement to say Sarah created false evidence when there's already evidence of her claims.
Her having sex while the onions had their daughter in the bed is relevant. What's not relevant is claiming she's a degenerate for that, putting the blame on her or pretending she wasn't groomed into thinking that was normal.
Did you not see Sarah's reaction to saying that happened in her Chris Hansen interview? She genuinely looked perplexed when she got an adverse reaction.
Did you not get the memo that Sarah walked in on the onions having sex with T in the room when she was still underaged?
Not desensitizing children to a sexualized and incestuous environment is the parents responsibility. Not the responsibility of a teenager they groomed into thinking that was normal or acceptable.
No one is trying to police what you talk about but don't be surprised if you get negative reactions for spewing such villainous bullshit against Sarah when all the evidence points in the direction of the onions being the true degenerates. An 18 year old that went through 4 years of grooming is not responsible for the kids. Their parents are.
No. 831403
>>831393Lemme ask you something "Anon".
Is Sarah were to call CPS in Washington state and give them that "fuck show in front of the children" information, along with all proof that they did have Power of Attorney over her, groomed her as a minor and then had sex with her once she turned 18.
Who do you think they'll quicker arrest for sexually abusing the kids? Her or Greg and Lainey?
If your answer is the later then you have your answer as to why you, and the rest of you predator whiteknights, should shut the fuck up.
No. 831405
>>831396I’m the anon who called Sarah a degenerate and I’m not
>>831393Believe it or not we are capable of having opinions that differ from yours. You, on the other hand, samefag up a storm with your walls of autism; you’re clearly the anon people are complaining about for abusing boldtext. And you wonder you get banned for 3 out of 5 posts. Let people have their opinions instead of trying to force your autism on everyone.
No. 831412
>>831408You can't just assume she was aware of the opinions she had.
You're acting like what she did didn't have a domino effect of negative happenings on Greg and Kai's lives when it did.
Again. She still isn't to blame for anything. And she wasn't attention whoring on twitter either. She exposed relevant information that would help prove the onions groomed her.
Your hateboner for Sarah makes zero sense my guy. You seem to have more to say about her than the actual predators this thread is about.
No. 831417
>>831415Precisely, they’re all fucked. Greg and Lainey are disgusting pieces of shit who should be in prison but their grooming of Sarah doesn’t give her immunity from
valid criticism. I don’t know why that’s such a hard concept to grasp.
No. 831420
>>831413>Let’s not forget the ebegging for money to buy a new computer because her old one was supposedly handed over to the cops months after the fact and as it transpires wasn’t handed over to the cops at all. Hansen lied to Sarah about handing the laptop over to the FBI and the laptop was returned. When it was, Sarah made a tweet saying she handed it over to the FBI office in Michigan herself. What Greg always fails to mention in his laptop spergouts was that she had handed over her old phones too. Somehow that's NEVER EVER mentioned. Almost as if it's convenient because the laptop was technically Kai's but Greg would've obviously been communicating with Sarah on those old phones she handed over so he keeps that out of the narrative.
>All the brave warrior kweens are clout chasing BPDfags. If they weren’t so preoccupied with their internet fame and fucking around with grifters like Hansen and Nicotra there’s a good chance Grugly and Foot would have been charged already>>831419>How many anons are apparently shitting on Sarah? More action than the flakes thread has seen in a while. Its almost like it's one anon desperate to engage with active posters otherwise the flake thread would have more discourse.It's so weird how this anon claims they have BPD and that they did what they did for clout. Those are the same things Greg accuses his
victims of to discredit them.
Would I be hi cowing if I had reason to believe that this hate train anon is the Greaseman himself?
No. 831426
File: 1618373076240.png (191.23 KB, 827x495, Capture.PNG)

Nice to have definitive proof that Sloshnoggin follows Lolcow just as hard as he follows Kiwifarms.
Discord VC chat summary from KF.
No. 831428
>>831415Make sure there's no tapping at the garage door.
I dont recall anyone saying that any person is perfect and you're lit just looking for a way to discredit her abuse. It's not even tinfoil to say you're here to do exactly that.
No. 831429
>>831426The proof that convinced me was from Gregs own mouth
>>823273>I was browsing over lolcow and they're fucking brutal to her. Like they really just go savage against Regina.He was so determined to prove to the fags on that Crows Of Judgement podcast that Regina is hated on lolcow he let it slip he lurks here often. These alogging posts come in spurts. Last time it was against Regina, now its Sarah. Maybe its a mad scramble because her Discovery interview is probably going to be released this upcoming Monday.
No. 831447
>>831417Why is it so hard to grasp that no one here cares? There's a separate thread for it and the fact no one goes there only speaks to how deeply boring this all is.
Compare everything you accuse Sarah of to the decades of retardness that Onion has left in his wake. Him and lainey aren't going to just grow out of it. Maybe if Sarah goes on to do more shit, our collective interest will be more piqued and then we'll come to you, but until then, go seethe alone in your boring obscure containment thread.
No. 831449
>>831448The sperging about whether Sarah is a clout chaser or whatever other nonsense anons are seething over is autistic (some comments are not entirely invalid but they don’t warrant talking in circles and shitting up the thread) but you raise an interesting point here re: the people on social media supporting Sarah and wanting what’s best for her. I don’t think this is the case, I think the majority of people who engage in the YAAASSSS KWEEEEN #DEPLATFORMPREDATORS nonsense really do not give a flying fuck about the well-being of any of the girls, they’re using them as a proxy for their own vendettas and hatred of Ogreg. Most of them are former paypigs who started cringey tumblr hate accounts once they outgrew Gerg and when Sarah came forward that tumblr “anti o” community spilled over onto twitter in a much more visible capacity than it had been previously. People got excited about the prospect of Gerg finally meeting his demise and once the seeds of discord had been sown within the group of his
victims themselves (e.g. shiloh being a disingenuous bully, Regina’s close association with that psychopath Vince, Sarah divulging the details of the sex in presence of shallot situation and crowdfunding a new computer because she believed hers had been turned into the FBI, etc.) the people who had been vocal supporters did a very abrupt 180. It’s no wonder Sarah made her account private after spending months being gassed up by people who were invested in her story solely because they wanted to see Greg brought to justice only to have them spit the dummy when justice wasn’t served in the way that they had anticipated.
No. 831457
File: 1618400923205.jpg (191.78 KB, 720x809, topkek.jpg)

An attempt at subtlety was made.
No. 831459
File: 1618402075901.jpg (120.08 KB, 720x488, afailedattempt.jpg)

Another failed attempt.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 831461
>>831459>>831457Your posts read like someone that attempted a psych degree, failed, and now spend all of your time on lolcow trying to have a crack at who Greg might be.
1. Read the rules, suggesting someone is a cow is generally against said rules.
2. Go outside and touch some grass maybe
3. Literally nobody cares about your highlighting bold text bullshit.
No. 831463
>>831458It's only Greg and old man Vince that over use the yass kweens lingo that isn't prevalent here until the boomers kept posting itt and the flakes thread trying to stir hatred towards the
Who fucking cares if thousands followed Sarah's twitter to get the details about Onision being a groomer directly from her. Onion's career on YouTube was monetising the private details of his relationships plus the banana song which his ex wife is mostly responsible for.
Greg knows he is nothing without a woman to piggyback off for relevancy. I'm sure the spastic is seething that no one gave a fuck he had a connection with Andy Dick's Lainey looking ass. Any attention is good attention for the water brain. He's been on lolcow for years lurking and posting. He's such a retard he believes if he posts his takes a multitude of times it'll be taken into the Onision Canon since lolcow has been documenting his fuck ups for years. You'll never get the narrative changed you absolute cunt, you're completely out of your depth.
No. 831464
>>831463I think it’s less about how many followers Sarah has (like literally who fucking cares) and more about the fact that the Anti-Onision hugbox assembled around her and the others only to have said hugbox turn on them when things didn’t go according to plan with the investigation. People wanted to see Grot and Thot on trial and when that didn’t happen, no thanks to Chris Hansen making an absolute cock-up of it, the peanut gallery needed someone to blame and apportioning it to the
victims was easy. But, at the end of the day, he’s still fucked. He might think he is being big brained and using the inadvertent indiscretions of the girls to change the narrative but he’s still fucked. He might not go to jail, but he’s still fucked.
No. 831465
>>831464The only other spastics thst turned on Sarah were the cunts making money off of monetising the drama. The naive retards made a stink about anyone going on a TV show getting money from a production team. As if none of the cunts were making money off of a situation that none of them had a literal hand in.
Sarah is a
victim. Sperging about her hair and that she took a selfie outside of a courtroom is hardly a scandal.
No. 831469
>>831467They may be naive, but that's due to age and experience and they'll gain so much more than Greg in the long run.
>>831449All I've noticed is that after Vince got the sack from Hansen boomer posts were on the rise on lolcow and attack on
victims became frequent. Then onision, Vince and his retarded sister actually colluded together lmao. Tumblr and twitter fags are irrelevant too, Sarah locked her twitter after all the drama channel orbiters started harassing her over going on the TV show because people had raging hateboners over Chris Hansen. Wonder if Greg and Vince would have any animosity against Hansen? Remember when Vince would basically flirt with Regina. Do you think he'd have a particular dislike of her now? Uwu, poor old man. Remember when he got drunk and sperged and then blamed his family lol? Grow up Vince.
No. 831481
>>831465Sarah can be a
victim and a shit person, anon. She was happy to go after anyone for the onions because jealousy. `She fucked around with reporting anything and the laptop and etc because she just wanted the attention and drama. She was months away from her own thread that people had been waiting for. So yeah, downplay it if you want but it wasn't that simple. (what is this, like the third or fourth thread where this wking shit starts up)
No. 831496
>>831481Exactly. Anyone who was been around prior to this shit being made known remembers how much of a cow Sarah was and how the only reason why she never got her own thread is because she was under 18. No one is denying that sage is a
victim. She is also a huge attention whore. They are not mutually exclusive.
No. 831507
>>831500They are trying to gaslight lolcow lmao even back then anons would get clowned on for talking excessive shit about Sarah. They skimmed through maybe on or two threads saw some bitchy anons and really thought they weren’t gonna come off as newfags and will totally blend in with their retarded Twitter terms. There’s vendettafags and then there’s brain dead vendettafags that will sperg about there being “
valid criticism” but examples? Debunked bullshit or shit from years ago that literally no one cares about because it’s not anything remotely big, interesting or fucking relevant. How much onion cum do you have to swallow to think anyone is interested in going over the same laptop and selfie saga
No. 831522
>>831511>You can stop repeating that over and over for the 200th time now, we get it.Obviously not as you keep repeating the same debunked bullshit over and over for the 200th time. When you learn to come up with
valid, non-debunked stuff. Someone might give a shit. Until then, fuck off.
No. 831532
File: 1618431784422.jpg (9.75 KB, 644x73, Image1.jpg)

Just found this golden gem in /meta/, this autistic sperge thinks all people using bold text are one person.
Remember to bold text for them often, its easy. 1 asterisk for Italic and two asterisks for BOLD.
Just put those before and after whatever you wish to bold or italic. Have fun.
To the autistic who posted that in meta, again: DO IT, FAGGOT
No. 831533
>>831532Oh and for the mods: I will
gladly and
proudly take my derailment ban for that post, and wear it ask a badge of honor.
(stop being autistic) No. 831539
>>831533>>831532anon, i say this with love: go outside and touch grass.
they're very obviously talking about the single anon that's been posting 5000 word essays about their tinfoil speculations, not about every 2head autist that uses cringey markdown.
No. 831572
File: 1618450413598.png (635.43 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210414-212517.png)

>>831571Sorry for sameposting. The screenshot didnt appear in my post.
No. 831584
>>831507I'm not gonna hi cow, but come the fuck on man it's obvious that your narc raging and the lack of attention has gotten to you.
Sarah isn't a shit person, why? because she got onision to a position where he can't prey on any young impressionable teenage girls, it may of not lead to an arrest with buttfucking in the showers by big bubba, there may have been fuck ups, butt lol, mission accomplished, greg is unable to chase teen pussy openly and is on the fbis radar, I don't care if the cost of that is giving the
victims clout and money, see a normal person thinks in terms of benefit versus losses, sure supportive people may have sent money to her and other
victims, but really is that so bad that people wanted to donate to her out of sympathy for the situation that she have been through?
We're talking years of psychological trauma years upon years on top of any outside baggage shes been through. I don't even think a grand amount of money is recompense for the trauma that onision made her endure at such a young age.
No. 831587
>>831572I would guess most likely a troll but the fact that they chose a “flattering” picture makes me think it could be him, what a pathetic existence. Maybe hes luring little girls to his house so he can drink virgin blood and live forever?
>>831584Stfu already, this isnt a hugbox, Sarah is an annoying attention whore and you crying and spamming isnt gonna change that
No. 831589
>>831587if this a gayop done by an onision fan, your either too fat, to old, or too unattractive for him to fuck you.
go to the flakes thread and talk about sarahs attention whoring then, instead or reeing about here, theres an appropriate thread for that shit. I go there to rag on tamara the dog fucker.
No. 831607
File: 1618461146878.png (810.42 KB, 842x569, Kermit And Friends Elisa Jorda…)

>>831606Andys annoying beard didnt help with this laughable comparison.
No. 831635
>>831481All these posts shitting on Sarah just sound like the autistic Lainey white knight who keeps getting btfo every time they try to claim Lainey is a “uwu
victim”. They got their feelings hurt no one agrees Lainey is innocent and totally a
victim so now they’ll write paragraphs about how degenerate Sarah is.
No. 831639
File: 1618478739391.png (782.11 KB, 1004x1704, 1618366898935.png)

Here is the funny thing about Greg's little "hack", shall we call it:
9 out of 10 times wannabe influencers have this happen because they installed a shitty app promising them tons of hits on their socials.
We all know Greg is prone to using bot-services, and with him being dumb as shit and not having as many shekels anymore I wouldn't put it past him at all to have fallen for one of those shitty fake apps.
No. 831646
>>831617Yeah exactly, i doubt hes retarded enough to think that no one would recognize him. Probably a troll.
>>831635Sarah is a whore, cry moar
No. 831768
>>831635Hope Sarah picks you.
>>831664still better than
>unsaged>water head No. 831774
>>831768Fucking kek, “water head/brain” and “slosh noggin” should be redtexted like “
victim” is.
No. 831801
File: 1618552438226.png (1.14 MB, 1688x1024, 1.png)

Creepshow made another video because Greg went on an early morning sperg and started emailing her and the usual suspects. I wonder if she's going to be his new target since the rest of them either ignore him or tell him to fuck off.
No. 831818
File: 1618562474052.jpg (204.81 KB, 1074x1431, Grease discord.jpg)

He is definitely looking for new meat
No. 831826
>>831802Fuck she's embarrassing. Does she not wonder why no one else engages him anymore? I'm grateful for the milk and all but she seems like the type to argue with old men who have a car for their Facebook profile pic in the comment sections of news articles.
He's still pushing the sexual extortion angle I see. Yawn.
No. 831828
>>831801>>831802>>831803This reads as Shannon trying to show off to Jaclyn and the others also tagged in the group e-mail tbh. Imagine wasting all this energy continuously responding to Greg first thing in the morning.
>>831805Ngl, this made me laugh.
No. 831846
>>831828spot on, everything shannon does is her hoping the other people in the emails will read, and it gives me intense secondhand embarrassment.
>>831826lmao, this. anything to be seen & heard giving her edgy uncaring opinion. she's like a much wider, even more unlikeable and insecure readytoglare.
No. 831848
>>831801Greg should spend time with his family or learn how to be a productive person, or learn anything at all instead of writing novels to people who don't want to interact with him.
The only thing he's halfway capable of doing is screeching into the void and crying about being a
No. 831871
>>831857He seems to think it vindicates him somehow. "Oh, look guys, all the proof is there on my website. I'm not trying to promote myself by exposing some crazy teen poon I was after. By the way, buy my onlyfans."
It feels really weird that he keeps addressing his bullshit actions from a third person view as in "I didn't break the Ming vase, mommy. Onision did it". His logic is that his character and person are supposed to be separate unless it's convenient for him. Otherwise, I was just totes being a character ha ha el oh el so randum. Also, giving he has a fucking god complex and wants his little harem of tweens on Discord to follow him at all times. I doubt he never really gave up the idea of making a cult/sect. He "rebranded" the purpose of it at best. He still wants to be a focus of attention. He wants to be worshipped by tweens by hearing made-up dream stories about him so he can jack off in the shower for another 4 hours and do nothing else in-between.
Otherwise, being a penniless pariah of the internet. you'd think he'd try to earn a living somehow but not even being a parent can grant him the strength to overcome his mortal fear of getting a job. He is that entitled and prideful. Even Chris-chan makes an effort from time to time by filling commissions (where applicable). Gurg just want to shove a dildo up his ass and call it work.
No. 831886
>>831877Even if a random anon would emasculate in front of millions, he is too thick headed to even consider that maybe he is making an ass of himself up to this point.
And honestly, he does a fine job on his own filming himself playing with sex dolls/toys rather than fucking his uwu husbando. I'm also 300% certain that he only says he's gay for the "merit" of shaming people when they come too close about finding weird shit about his behavior. Never once he said or talked about having feelings for men. Aside from obsessing over shane dawson to promote his faggotry on his channel, I'm pretty sure he was never interested in actually sucking his dick or taking it up the ass from him. Never once, he actually slept with a dude or bragged about it. Not even Luka Magnotta would be desperate enough to want to sleep with that faggot in order to be famous.
I'd bet too that if you were to talk to him about doubting his so call "gayness", he'd spaz the fuck out going "huurr duuurrr, he's a homophobe guys, don't listen to him, bigot."
He used to complain about ED having a page about him but now, a fucking television channel is making a 4 part documentary on him and his creepy escapades and it doesn't make more of a dent cause he just resorts to flail his arms around like Kermit the frog on coke and scream because somehow it proves he's the
victim. Not even a cage match against Ethan Ralph would make him pass as a less effeminate pervert.
No. 831904
>>831857All of that nonsense is shit he either can’t prove (“she apologized for raping me!”) or blown way out of context (“she admitted to to extorting me!!”)
He doesn’t seem to realize that his reasons for why he is innocent and Sarah is the villain are paper thin. No one would ever think Sarah making a joke about his bogus NDA was “admitting to sexual extortion”
And it’s really sad that he believes in his weird ass narrative so strongly that he’s willing to personally email people about it.
No. 831946
>>831587God this thread has seriously gone to shit. I don't know why all these anons think we're a hivemind. The beauty of onion drama is that it's always been a full circus. Repzion, Jaclyn Glenn, Stevie Wolfe, anti-os, all the girls, even Chris Hansen are cows.
>>831818I think he's trying to salvage whatever money he can get from those brain dead monkeys.
No. 831995
>>831946Because a lot of the time it is a bit hivemind. Look how active the threads used to be. The attrition of conspiracy fags and the yass queen squad drove most people away, and who is left?
>>831984Or it's just going to be more of the same.
No. 832006
>>831995I honestly think we should let the thread rest as long as there's no new milk.
It only emphasizes how Greg's getting more and more irrelevant, so not only will there be less infighting and instigation to hardcore tinfoil but it'll also be a big "fuck u" to Greg.
No. 832015
File: 1618673974158.png (21.71 KB, 681x456, tiktokonisionprime.PNG)

Another platform has told him to eat shit. And he was boasting about how popular he was on there. Getting close to a million views on one TikTok and half a million on a couple of others. Of course the likes were pitiful. I hope he freaks out on Twitter once he wakes up.
No. 832018
>>832015Your message and the way you said it too "Another platform has told him to eat shit" had me in stitches.
My sides are in orbit.
gg TikTok. When the fuck is Youtube finally gonna follow? And onlystans?
No. 832041
>>832015This screenshot
>>829950 aged like milk and makes his ban even funnier. I bet he was thinking Tiktok would revive his dead career and make him "famous" again. Another infallible plan of his that failed miserably, lol.
No. 832064
>>832049Pure speculation on my part but I suspect it was because he had used bots to up his views. I mean its pretty much common knowledge he does and then he boasted about it like a jackass:
>>832015Had he not done that maybe he woulda flew under the radar with it. I'm sure people reporting him for it, because his view counts where odd.
No. 832082
File: 1618716081484.jpg (51.4 KB, 585x888, 7E8AD053-1C8D-4595-8F31-661ED7…)

>>832049>do we know why this happened? Is there a chance he'll be backSomeone at KF caught the ban early and screenshot it. Its not a temp suspension its a permanent ban. He's not allowed back.
No. 832090
He's running out of platforms to fish for new fans and teen poon/trinity candidates. I hope this TikTok ban puts a fire under his ass to start that Onision-Tube site he was talking about 2 weeks ago.
>>829954>>I'm launching my own video platform.He's only gotten a couple hundred from his fans so if he's really going to try this he'll have to use his own money. His funds are limited but I can see him dumping a shit load of money into this just to spite his "haters."
No. 832091
File: 1618717632939.png (110.62 KB, 598x746, jamescharlesonision.PNG)

No. 832151
File: 1618769772593.jpg (575.95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210418-191532.jpg)

State of that
No. 832159
File: 1618772076152.png (609.34 KB, 534x896, 0C7A31C6-C547-4C39-95AD-6F2049…)

>>828285Saged for nitpick, but it really is wild how much Lainey and Andy Dick line up in the thread pic. Social repose is the only other person close to resembling our favorite space prince
Of course all parties mog Combover Greg. Maybe he can’t afford rogaine/hair plugs anymore. We really are in the dankest timeline
No. 832175
File: 1618777588332.jpg (240.88 KB, 1025x918, Capture.JPG)

From the other farms.
More feeling sorry for himself.
More proof that he absolutely 100% believes his own bullshit extortion story and is completely baffled why no one else believes his undeniable proof. There is no help for this man. He is delusional.
No. 832182
>>832167Yes. Her
No. 832193
File: 1618783963769.jpg (23.27 KB, 291x173, 20210418_171142.jpg)

The one time he was honest on his wordpress…when he said he was dishonest.
No. 832231
File: 1618800538813.jpeg (5.33 KB, 300x168, images (2).jpeg)

>>832159God I hope Richie and Lainey both lurk, the 2 for 1 insult of confusing a photo of one for the other is just too perfect
No. 832254
File: 1618812092761.jpg (6.67 KB, 620x330, image.jpg)

heres another good picture of Social Repose, or was it Lainey?
Oh well, one of them.
No. 832269
>>832175I don't know why he's so butthurt about being banned from tiktok.
He never partook in any of the trends or humour on there, doesn't appeal to that demographic, plus he barely got views. Even if you do get views, it's extremely hard to make money off that app.
Cry harder.
No. 832285
>>832175>… I want to offer you all this gift…Delusions of grandeur.
Even if the tries to sound meek, he still slips up. I can't with this old dude…
No. 832292
>>832271If he still had the touch, then yeah it would be the place to go to groom teens. But he's not 'cool' anymore. The last phase of teens that found him cool were around the time Billie era. The new generation of teenagers (especially the alt kind he goes for) are a lot more internet savvy, obsessed with calling out pedos and
abusive relationships and know about his dodgyness. Even the ones who know nothing of his fuckery wouldn't be interested because he's ugly and unfunny. The shit he would upload to tiktok was unfunny and made no sense. The format of memes has changed and the man is stuck in 2007 but not even in a good way.
If he ever blew up on tiktok it wouldn't be for a good reason.
No. 832339
>>832151I feel like he probably likes being an adult baby in private and wears diapers or something.
He keeps trying to make himself look like a toddler.
No. 832350
File: 1618869919930.png (396.87 KB, 601x875, grasping.png)

Does he really think this is going to make him relevant? The people that follow the Paul Brothers have no idea who Onision is other than some vague idea that "he's that old dude who fucks underage teenage girls and Chris Hansen busted him."
His video is full of weak schoolyard taunts.
>He could use the PR boost I think fighting me
>I'm pretty undisputedly more hated than pretty much anyone on the internet and finding someone who is more hated than Jake Paul is an incredibly difficult task
>unless of course you're afraid you'll lose in which case I understand if you don't want to do it
I think at this point Greg reveals in what he perceives is his well known villainy. When in reality he's an old dead meme.
No. 832372
>>832357If he's gonna get his shit rocked by a youtube boxer, I want it to be KSI.
>black british so gargoyle can be mad about skin colour AND accent>won't rise to any bait because he never really seems to know wtf is going on>has successful books, tv appearances, music and youtube channels to rub in grease's face>rich as fuck>has a bunch of youtube friends that will pump out the roast videos for us all to enjoyNgl though, anybody that wants to punch him in the face is fine with me.
No. 832418
>>832350On one hand I'm desperate to see him get the water knocked out of his megahead but on the other hand I hope hes just completely ignored, can't decide which would be more humiliating for him.
He HATES that big YouTubers/semi relevant people etc ignore him.
He's like a toddler jumping and waving their hands and begging for an adult to pay attention to them.
He's just getting smaller and smaller and less noticeable as time passes. He's a shitty cringey autistic little fly and nobody cares enough to even swat at him anymore
No. 832426
>>832378Exactly. It’s only a way to gain relevance, an actual fight never really was on the table.
This will be a good benchmark for his decline though because he did get some attention from trying to challenge Shane to a fight but so far no one has reacted to this. It might have something to do with him restricting his comments like crazy but still.
No. 832435
>>832371Mitchell Davis is his name. He was her nr1 lol. And he's actually gotten somewhere in life in terms of career eversince then, so double lol at Foot.
>>832426Yep, that's why it'd be especially hilarious, if some jackass like Jake actually did accept it and punch him in the face.
I get the whole reasoning behind ignoring him, but honestly, it'd be 'therapeutic' for once to make Greg eat his words.
No. 832450
>>832350oh god please yes.
i want to see this happen. jake would literally kill his pasty ass. we all know though when push comes to shove Greg will make stupid silly demands like 9 million dollars for foot until the whole thing doesn't happen anymore.
greg is such a pussy, i doubt he has any plans to actually do this.
plus his big fat watermelon head will be a pretty hard target to miss for jakey paul.
No. 832467
File: 1618935428561.gif (17.91 MB, 600x338, in this corner-GroominGreg.gif)

We got a taste of his boxing prowess years ago when he challenged Shane and did a few videos of himself training. His technique is laughable and he's out of breath after only 3 punches.
If he ever did get in the ring I can see Greg throwing a couple of haymakers and then sucking air the rest of the round, asking the ref to "just be human" and let him have a time-out to catch his breath.
No. 832486
>>832467Damn, he is notably unathletic/uncoordinated. Did he ever play any kind of organized sport?
Never put two and two together but his hatred of sports probably stems from struggling at them as a kid
He’s no Floyd Mayweather, but Jake Paul has more natural talent than the average bear with world class training. If he agrees, there’s zero chance Greg wouldn’t take a knee in the first round
No. 832487
File: 1618940471829.gif (6.33 MB, 316x238, Onision Abdul-Jabbar.gif)

>>832486>he is notably unathletic/uncoordinated>his hatred of sports probably stems from struggling at them as a kidspot on
I wonder if he does a little hop with each punch he throws. And raises his leg like a dainty lady being kissed.
No. 832598
File: 1618981583631.jpg (126.68 KB, 744x944, EzdJNeKUcAErXaN.jpg)

Found on twitter. Old milk but Ive never seen this ss before.
No. 832599
File: 1618982765255.png (103.26 KB, 684x758, 4202021.PNG)

I don't think Jake is purposefully ignoring Greg he just doesn't know who this washed up YT "star" is. And neither do Jake's fans.
At this point Greg is about as relevant as DarkSydePhil.
No. 832611
File: 1618991168979.jpg (66.37 KB, 1023x274, 2021-04-21 09.45.58 kiwifarms.…)

cucky the clown sold the shit shack. underage daughter pavement head blood comes free with the swamp shack ensemble and makes it look very rustic.
No. 832663
>>832611Won’t the feds and shady brokers come after him next?
I really wanna believe this jet fueled Johnny guy
No. 832715
>>832663Greg is awful with money and right now he's pretty desperate. hell he even resorted to trying to get jake paul's attention and they have no idea who the fuck he is.
>>832636pretty sure they are going in dry. the wetlands may have let us down, but the IRS surely won't. the IRS never fails to stretch out someones anus.
cucky the clown will go down, only a matter of time.
and his ugly foot wife too.
No. 832787
File: 1619062121321.png (313.41 KB, 624x1337, 54.PNG)

Did he pay Keemstar to tweet this?
No. 832792
File: 1619062979963.png (233.26 KB, 584x433, 78.PNG)

>>832787One of my favorite replies. They think Greg is Dan Schneider. I guess all pedos start to look alike.
No. 832794
File: 1619063226475.jpg (116.75 KB, 739x947, A.jpg)

Found on twitter
No. 832795
File: 1619063336207.jpg (143.38 KB, 744x944, B.jpg)

Found on twitter
No. 832796
File: 1619063430504.jpg (163.25 KB, 739x943, C.jpg)

Found on twitter
No. 832839
>>832832Gene is seriously starting to bug me because he's been caught making fake documents on more than one occasion and he spams them EVERYWHERE.
recently he made a fake screenshot from twitter admins asking about Greg. but of course no one could find the actual tweet.
what is he trying to accomplish? he only makes greg seem more like a
No. 832891
>>832888I don't think its a good idea to call Anonymous Gene a "twitterfag."
He'll make a horribly shooped Discovery+/Blackfin invoice with his Babies First Shoop® program and attempt to get you cancelled.
No. 832926
>>832900and you sure as shit didn't make that Blackfin invoice someone else did…. so whats to say really?
you're a lamer? ah yeah thats right. you're a lamer.
No. 832961
>>832937As far as present times go, T is in school, so they prob didn't want to (drastically) change that, and C's medical stuff / financial aid is also connected to a particular area. Plus, there were talks that Foot is in some assigned therapy program to get her parenting shit together, which is also (originally) region-based. That all can be adjusted, sure, if a family were to move, but they hardly have the bother and the brain resources to do so.
Totally get your point though, anon. But probably nowadays it's easier for them to stick to the same location. Don't know what stopped Greg from traveling places back in the day though, when he had all the resources for it and no obligations.
No. 832980
>>832961My guess he’s just an ignorant man. He lives in a location with beautiful walks and hikes and only went outside when his teen-poon-poon needed to get out the house (and probably begged him to go outside)
Didn’t he also live in Korea? That would make some interesting content to milk with will the k-pop stans about. But alas he was too stupid to leave his house. The real world doesn’t have hentai and young girls feeding his ego. What a sad life…
No. 832985
File: 1619243324077.png (284.15 KB, 1253x345, dumbass.PNG)

>>831639Is it really considered "hacking" if you willingly give your password to some sand nigger and he fucks your shit up?
No. 832990
File: 1619257850344.jpg (74.92 KB, 550x688, 84810909.jpg)

looks like they arrested Greg
No. 832998
>>832937I live in ga outside of savannah, and at max I've seen houses go for is 200k and a trailer at max can cost 100k but these are athe most luxurious top of the line ones, you can get a decent sized one for 20k, 500k would probably if your frugal last 7 to 10 years and that's assuming if you have your house paid off and taxes paid.
but he hates rednecks and plus theres gunzzz and shit.
No. 833004
>>832985Wow, he really is completely fucking stupid… You'd think being on the internet this long he would know that giving a random unverified person access to your account is a terrible idea.
>>832796This isn't really milky and anonymous gene should be completely disregarded because of his boringness, irrelevance and desperation to be paid attention to. You failed at being hax0rman and you're embarrassing. Pls go awae
No. 833063
File: 1619297186027.jpg (2.05 MB, 3021x3954, gpa.jpg)

2.19 GPA is not a smart person.
No. 833066
>>833055Not only that, he made Sarah and Billie take it too. Sarah's was actually higher than the Foot's or Greg's by a lot. After Sarah scored higher, Greg tried to back track by saying it didn't mean anything because it was an online test. Lmao
The most worthless couple ever.
No. 833072
>>833063Non-US fag here.
Do I read this correctly that it converts to a C? would have just been a B student in regard to writing, but always praises himself as a literature genius, bragging about how his teacher thought he had a special talent. According to the chart she only gave him a B, though. LOL
No. 833079
File: 1619308634058.png (1.18 MB, 1334x750, 38EEA5D3-675A-4A31-B691-C5B3AA…)

Shit, I am excite.
No. 833081
>>833079If this is gene being a cringe pissbag faking shit again to pretend he's in the know I stg
Clips or gtfo
No. 833083
>>833072More like C-
I feel like you have to try to manage anything below a C+ in highschool barring more severe issues
No. 833087
File: 1619313472951.png (914.21 KB, 932x624, 323 65 43.PNG)

>>833079is this suppose to make us all say
>OMG! the documentary editor is posting ss for all of us. how exciting!You could of at least shoop'd something together that matched the leaked ss of Sarah in the interview chair and maybe used something other than a $19.99 editing program.
No. 833092
File: 1619314486615.jpg (218.52 KB, 675x1200, game.jpg)

Onision, now in the pages of gameinformer.
No. 833095
File: 1619315247765.png (1.1 MB, 1334x750, 98E60AB2-C4C7-45C6-8E2B-A63C26…)

>>833087The editor uses Avid. I don’t know if that’s a cheap program or not. I didn’t shoop it at all. He also posted this last month, when the show was airing.