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No. 145748[Reply]

To stop the whining in the aly-surrealrecov thread for MOAR ASH PLIX, I'm making this one. Also hoping the mpa skels from aly thread start to discuss their issues re "fat" people here instead.

Latest news:
Ash is now wearing specs
Ash still posts sickly pink kawaii pics on her tumblr

Mental health videos which were her project never happened and her iphone case business went the same way.

Tumblr: http://shred-my-anxiety.tumblr.com/
Tumblr (2): http://guts-spilling-over.tumblr.com/
public & anon-enabled (both)
Instagram: http://instagram.com/ghost.in.my.pocket
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No. 155081

fuck, beaten lol

No. 155084

No. 155141

Ash and her posse have been too quiet lately. I really want to stir the pot a bit.

No. 333666

I have a background in medicine & I messaged her once on tumblr saying why she begs for so much attention when the only thing wrong with her is neonatal progeroid syndrome & she blocked me.

She has neonatal progeroid syndrome. She receives disability & that's why she always has money to blow at target and doesn't work. It's the same disorder "the ugliest girl in the world" has. Notice all the similarities. She can eat as much as she wants & will not ever gain weight, or weigh much more than 60 pounds. She is not dying. She's just a blood sucking leech attention whore. She has no eating disorders and is a shame to people actually suffering from eating disorders.

No. 352296

Looks like Becky got some boobs and moved to Vegas. Not kidding. Isn't Ashley in Mississippi?

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No. 153223[Reply]

Here's why she's lolcow material:

1. She claims to have many mental disorders to get pity from her "army" and some examples are depression, bipolar, multiple personality disorder, eating disorder, etc.

2. Like the famous Spoopy Skeleton Queen (see: all Ashley threads), she makes her "army" of minions buy her stuff

3. She blocks/kicks anyone out of her Facebook page and Facebook group of you disagree with her, point out her bullshit, or just say something she doesn't like. In other words, she weeds out the people who don't kiss her feet

4. She loves to create drama with other people and pages

5. She's basically (in her personal group) encouraging all her fans to drop out of school because she had a bitch fit about her exam scores

6. She will ALWAYS take the opportunity to bring up her *~mental illnesses~* when given, ex: my deppreshun

7. She mostly gets attention from fedoras for being a hawt gamurr gurll even though she claims to be gender fluid
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No. 154047

What's some of her drama?

No. 154068

This thread needs to move to /b/. Like I said before it just seems like some weird highschool drama.

No. 154368

Let's see her try and be a youtuber lol

No. 154673

The same threads for the same rejects… no one learns to be unique

No. 154717

Moved to >>>/b/21250.

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No. 137479[Reply]

Previously on KKKrazyTV >>127490

Kaka is apparently moving to Japan with Taco-chan to get married and achieve her kawaii dreams. But the haters are stalking our precious Nippon vegan Bambi princess again! Will she ever be able to live her perfect Mother Earth anti-cruelty life in peace?!?
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No. 152538

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>implying she's one of the most popular girls online
Yeah, okay Kaka, keep dreaming.

No. 152540

why is she even talking about pull anymore
the forum is deader than dead

No. 152543

>other pop girls

Without us, you wouldn't be anything.

No. 152547

pulltards keep tweeting at her and other cows their new site

No. 152549

tbh she was popular before any of these sites. thats how u kno about her duh. we're not making her any more popular. dont be big headed like her

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No. 138635[Reply]


Spoony thread?

>>Bitch spammed /cgl/ with self posting

>>biggest attention whore besides Flan, derailing many threads to talk about herself
>>claims it was cyber bullies pretending to be her, even though she used a fucking trip code
>>"wheh wheh i want to be out of the spotlight so bad"
>>"i just want people to forget and stop talking about me"
>>continues to self post on lolcow
>>self posts some more after being banned from self posting
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No. 152099

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>I really want you to die
>I'm not a bully

Have I got news for you Anon…

No. 152106


No. 152109

>implying I didn't save that image from Google

No. 152110

n00ds plox

No. 152117

Moved to >>>/b/20297.

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No. 76718[Reply]

Ashley Thread #6 Grim Reaper Edition!

Tumblr: http://shred-my-anxiety.tumblr.com/
public & anon-enabled
Instagram: http://instagram.com/ghost.in.my.pocket
**Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodbye_atticus

Current Events:
Ashley was reported to Adult Protective Service again. She plans to show her ~independence & strength & courage~ by getting a job and writing a book.

Also, theforestcat, ashley's beloved white knight, is revealed as a pro-ana wannabe, and supports Ashley in hopes her ~anorexia~ will rub off on her. Good luck theforestcat!

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No. 88058

for the retarded


No. 88151


Holy shit we get it, you made a new Ashley thread and want ass pats for the grand ingenuity.

No. 89514

This is pretty fucking depressing

No. 151890


No. 151891

Did anyone hear from erika? Her accounts are deleted…

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No. 151461[Reply]


We have come together to STOP Internet Bullies. These are the Three biggest website out there dedicated to Cyber bully people are 4-Chan, 8-Chan and Kiwi Farms.

Here on this Web page we intend to Expose the Real Person name, behind their bully Screen Names. So that we are on the same playing field together.

No. 151462

I've never heard of kiwifarms

No. 151463

Moved to >>>/b/20206.

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No. 150741[Reply]

MFC camgirl

gorgeous but a sloot

what do you guys think about her
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No. 150880


No. 150881

Aside from sjw-ness, she is fine. She doesnt cause drama online and she has Crohns or IBS, so she became vegan and lost weight. She's against pro-ana and pro-ED sites and encourages people not to follow her if they are recovering.

No. 150907

at most her "sjw" side is tweeting about social issues like racism and sexism. but if that is all that makes someone an lolcow then you might as well persecute half of the rational people online then.

as long as shes not insisting that sparklegender is a real identity, that bunself is a real pronoun, and that white people cant eat sushi, shes not really a lolworthy sjw

No. 150913

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>this thread's lack of drama

No. 151127

Moved to >>>/b/20092.

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No. 148558[Reply]

So, let's talk about the genius behind this cosplay:

It's been reported that several people at the Naruto cosplay meetup/photoshoot at otakon had personally addressed to staff that they didn't want her showing up, as well as people on tumblr "harassing" her. Anyway, below will be the long response that one of her friends had typed out due to her getting "bullied"

Twisted Cosplay thread, I guess.
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No. 150402

I went to otakon and attended the Naruto photoshoot to take pictures for my friend, who was also cosplaying from Naruto. I honestly dont understand why this girl is being supposedly bullied because she was not disruptive [at the photoshoot] at all and her cosplay was entertaining. Idk why this is on lolcow

No. 150425

Naruto is sooo 2006-2008

No. 150485

God this place just got interesting today. I think the reason why people are annoyed by her is because she is an attention whore through all of facebook with her believing that she's cosfamous because of that ridiculous cosplay. She would get all butthurt if things don't go her way and even if you try to give her some advice she would get all pissy with you. I believe she's Pixyteri potential.

No. 150494

Plus I look throughout tumblr and not once have I seen any 'bullying' posts about her. So its either deleted or she was crying wolf to grab people's attention.

No. 150522

Moved to >>>/b/19920.

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No. 150379[Reply]

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No. 150389

Nobody cares about your duck.

No. 150422

FFS go take your shit to /cow/, they've already got a thread on the foxdicks. No one here cares.

No. 150454

Pretty sure this is not actually CartoonFreak666, and is someone pretending to be her to start more drama and make people further dislike her. Don't feed the trolls. This is some personal vendetta shit.

No. 150464

….that's a girl?

No. 150480

Moved to >>>/b/19886.

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No. 88442[Reply]

I wanted to start a thread where we can talk about little-known cosplayers who don't warrant their own thread. Been finding a lot of lolcows recently that I wanna talk about, sure some other people feel the same.
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No. 136796

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Have some sub-par warhammer 40k cosplay. This is from a thing called Aurelius' Armory. The person is a total sjw, and makes cosplay that looks like you can buy the shit at Target for ten bucks.

No. 137656

That cosplayer is gay.

No. 138254

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This girl comes to cons her in Texas all the time. Go back where you came from.

Starts drama at every turn
Makes friends with people only to use them/stab them in the back when they cant be used.

No. 142388

Oh boy, this girl was banging on about how lots of people recognised her recently at some local cons. Well, if you're sitting constantly whoring your name out (including making several pages, one involving your baby for obvious attention), then yeah maybe a few idiots will know who you are.

It's not the worst i've seen, but I can see what you're getting at. If you're gonna do 40k, go big or get out.

No. 149227

Oh I know her!! LadyKitKatie, doesn't make her own shit but that's the worst I can think of about her….. why is she here? I know she kept hunting down most flogged for her commission money back. Other than that shes a really sweet girl.

Now her ex girlfriend on the other hand has issues.
Goes by Star but is known to change her name like every time she finds a new word she likes to say a lot. She goes around her facebook to tell them Katie was abusive in the relationship and then her friends send nasty messages asking Katie to remove pictures of the two together and how Star gets PTSD at the mention of Katie.

What is it with Girls being so into impotent vendettas? For somebody with PTSD you think they wouldn't want to think about the person let alone talk about them a year after a separation.

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