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No. 945538
Previous thread
>>>/ot/934156Thread pic credit
>>938654>>934169 Lana Del Rey releases a new music video
>>934178 Jamie Lee Curtis' son troons out
>>934180 Megan Trainor makes headlines for shitting with the guy from Spy Kids (on two separate toilets) but she says it was only once. She also feels the need to tell the world they pee together though.
>>934218 Adele's recent Vogue photos, which made an appearance before is once again posted, this time with anons discussing photoshop
>>934489 Judge Judy's longtime bailiff said to not be joining her on her new show
>>934742 Margaret Qualley is spotted out with manlet Jack Antonoff, who looks absolutely thrilled to be with her
>>934849 AG pics of her on The Voice are shared, anons agree she looks unnatural. Compared to a Chuck E Cheese robot, which is not far off. Stans said to edit her photos because even they hold her to a higher standard than how she actually looks.
>>935306 Danielle Bregoli (Bhad Bhabie) claims her plastic surgery look was just a joke - looks very much like she had plastic surgery done. Original pic for reference
>>935592>>935698 Emilia Clarke is described to be an anachan. Other anons disagree and say she's fine.
>>935742 Themi Lovato back with another hot take - apparently "aliens" is an offensive and derogatory term for extraterrestrials, because clearly she's an uber woke expert on these things.
>>935761 Celeb spotted out looking like a tranny paired with a 00s style outfit. Supposedly it's Bella Hadid
>>935811 Madonna is still at this age trying to maintain her youth. It's uncanny looking at this point
>>935861 Jamie Lee Curtis' son's Twitter full of weeb shit
>>935870 Anon brings up point that Emilia Clarke could be ill due to previous brain issues
>>935972 Overly dramatic pics start to surface of the tryhard couple of the year: Megan Fox and MGK.
>>935991 Billie Eilish's aging looks are discussed once again
>>936005 The sickly looking lanky boy currently in style is pictured as young Willy Wonka
>>936008 Allegedly Jamie Lee Curtis? once wrote a weird book involving a little kid having a crush on a male teacher, but this goes unnoticed
>>936095 Megan's relationship brought back into the discussion via a meme with the winning quote "I am weed" introduced to the world by aspiring edgelord MGK
>>936123 Jesy Nelson (from Little Mix) makes a song with Nicki Minaj. Leigh Ann criticizes. Minaj fires back at her for "being jealous". Blackfishing is mentioned and talk on it and tanning ensues.
>>936128 Nicki Minaj and her scrote failed to respond to his court case
>>936146 Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker show up to compete with Machine Gun Megan to be the "worst high school alt couple". Described by anon perfectly.
>>936194 In case no one noticed, MGK says he's weed and supposedly "disappeared like a ninja in a smoke bomb", doubling down on the cringe
>>936202 Machine Gun Megan's first kiss wasn't even really a kiss, Megan disappears shortly after
>>936341 Timmy boy Chlamydia shows up on the cover of Time
>>936360 Tom Cruise has aged like shit, looks weirdly puffy
>>936363 But looks a little different in this image
>>936377 More talk about Little Mix, screenshot provided but honestly I don't follow.
>>936518 Screenshot posted of MGK sperging about how a life without Megan is worse than death, wishing to meet in heaven to fuck like demons etc etc - a ridiculous display that I'm sure their kids would be embarrassed of
>>936567 Lizzo emerges looking unfortunate in a mesh dress with, get this, no shoes.
>>936622 Anon shows the class how Lizzo used to look. Others lament the loss.
>>936962 MGK once again trying to be an edgelord at Aftershock. Crowd rightfully responds by pelting him specifically with bottles and tree branches
>>936975 More old Lizzo pics
>>937259 Non saging anon who claims to hate rap culture decides to whiteknight for MGK of all people. Proceeds to get shit on.
>>937288 Megan Fox shows she's just as bad of a tryhard as her fellow "outcast" and "star crossed lover", caught in the throes of some nonsense involving what sounds to be a very unhealthy relationship, guns, therapy (supposedly), and organic smoothies.
>>937295 Takagashi Minami is married to a scrote who has no idea how to maintain hygiene and gave her cavities. Anons learn that one can actually catch cavities.
>>937623 MGK said to have hair transplants
>>937750 Tyga arrested due to domestic abuse
>>937853 Rap hating stan still goes hard for MGK, claims he's above "99.99% of rappers". Other anons counter with 1) there is decent rap out there
>>937902 >>937983 and 2) he's actually gross
>>938055 >>938069
>>938130 Themi tries to look like an instathot with a horrible filter that puts weird lines around her face, while reality shows her to be, as
>>938145 puts it, "chubby Michael Jackson with an ugly mullet"
>>938190 Blac Chyna at an airport ranting
>>938218 Anon reveals Themi and MGK were once speculated to be an item and points out similarities of Themi and Megan's behaviors while with him
>>938445 Another picture of Themi from the same time as
>>938130 is shared, one anon taking note of Paris Hilton in the background this time and for some reason fantasizing about her fucking unwashed Themi from a pap pic of them going shopping for Halloween. Other anons are confused about the lesbian claims out of nowhere.
>>938688 This year's fresh new industry plant Olivia Rodrigo shows up with Alanis Morissette on Rolling Stone
>>938750 Jonah Hill asks for people to not comment on his body
>>938782 Anon posts Seth Rogen looking like a "sexy dad". Just about all commenters disagree, except maybe one further down the thread
>>939042 Very milky old Paris content shared, some of which has seemingly been wiped from any corner of the internet that her management can find.
>>939158 Adele releases new song
>>939204 Someone named Hannah Gadsby tears into the CEO of Netflix because of Dave Chappelle
>>939253 Screenshot shared of something Paris posted on MySpace, claiming she no longer parties as of 2007, as conversation about her persists. Anons deem Paris a liar, while some have continued to stan.
>>939376 Pic of Doja Cat is posted that sets off debate - is it plastic surgery, photoshop, both, or neither? Anons share their thoughts.
>>939436 Paris Hilton and her sister said to have done some pretty horrid shit to people, a photo of her on a hockey team is also shared. Situation is further clarified by
>>939622 and
>>939840>>939464 Machine Gun Megan again being a vomit-inducing couple in an interview. Megan keeps calling him "Buddha" for some inexplicable reason.
>>939528 Doja Cat featured on the cover of Japanese magazine Egg. It's pointed out her wig isn't even laid right and still shows the lace front
>>939935 Referring back to
>>939436 - one anon's only takeaway from that whole post is that… she's lesbian. Because she played hockey. Then gets criticized and is nowhere to be heard from for the rest of the thread.
>>940576 Lizzo doing… something on live (I didn't really watch it, do so at your own discretion)
>>940708 Doja Cat overtakes Drake to become rapper with most monthly listens on Spotify
>>940818 Lil Kim looks unfortunate now, which is sad because she was very cute in the 90s
>>941106 After much Doja sperging, it's revealed Lana Del Rey has yet another new album leaked again
>>941572 Another Lizzo live vid, or is it the same one? Again I'm sorry, only saw the thumbnail. Anon does say she flashed her ass though, as a warning
>>941578 Someone decides to speak out against Themi's "aliens is a derogatory term" claim - and it's Neil deGrasse Tyson telling her bluntly that aliens have no feelings
>>941810 Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker get married, with
>>941930 pointing out ol' Trav takes his outfit inspo from Pugsley Addams
>>941990 Lanafags start analyzing lyrics and theories surrounding Lana
>>942443 Jack Antonoff allegedly isn't involved with this latest Lana album. May actually be okay>>942565 Billy Porter mad about Harry Styles being "white and straight"
>>942933 Kanye got a haircut. As
>>942966 puts it - "looks like he lost a fight with a weed wacker."
>>942956 Doja Cat mentions Lana
>>943034 Someone does a video on Demi Lovato x Aliens
>>943224 An article showing that people are unreasonably happy about Adele losing weight, criticisms of the body/fat positivity movement and their hypocrisy ensues
>>943503 Screenshots of Travis Barker's memoir, with some interesting mentions of Kim Kardashian
>>943614 Maneskin's music video, anons aren't impressed as their appeal quickly wears off
>>943645 Taylor Swift speculated to actually be conservative rather than left-leaning as she tries to imply
>>944012 Anon creates a Lana thread after much interest
>>944291 Billie Eilish creates a perfume, the bottle of course features a pair of boobs. Which leads to unnecessarily long infighting about Billie's boobs mainly
>>944303 Meanwhile anons are still discussing Adele's weight loss, said to do with reducing anxiety rather than a desire to lose weight
>>944643 Lizzo supposedly takes a shit on live - again? Really, again?
>>944664 Fiona Apple quits cocaine after having done coke with Quentin Tarantino and Paul Thomas Anderson in a private movie theatre, described as excruciating
>>944683 Lily Allen seemingly closes down her social media accounts after slamming a pizza place
>>944786 Chet Hank in his Instagram stories has offered himself up to Lizzo in case "it don't work out with Captain America". This is a fucking weird timeline
>>944789 Billie Eilish starts up a whole separate Instagram page for her new perfume
>>944976 Penn Badgley turns out to be a huge Cardi B fan, involving a cringeworthy exchange and changing his profile pic on Twitter to an image of her
>>945083 Jamie Lee Curtis in an article shows support for her son trooning out, the latter's outfit complete with fishnets, spikes, and a harness. It is too much.
>>945237 Kendall Jenner apparently being cringe, idk if it counts as news but a vid for anons is offered
>>944379 Gwyneth Paltrow decides to reveal to Ellen Degeneres (who still has a career?) that her teenage son is proud of her selling vibrators.
No. 946106
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This was posted in the last thread, this was the pizza she criticized and got mobbed for. It takes decades to get people to care about violence and rape, but a female singer saying this fucking joke is “not so great” or whatever is instantly dealt with in extreme measures.
No. 946232
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Alec Baldwin just killed a cinematographer holy shit
Link to article: (I think Variety has an article too if you reached limit for NYT)
No. 946235
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>>946232Just about to post this myself.
Did Hollywood learn nothing after Brandon Lee's death?
No. 946243
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>>946232>>946235"Lemon, I'm only going to tell you this once. There are very few shortcuts in life. And if you want to kill a man make sure it's on camera so that every one sees it was an accident."
No. 946259
>>946243lmaooo anon
ok since we're being irreverent I have to admit when I saw the news my first thought was 'thank fuck Jensen Ackles wasn't involved' cause all I know about that production is he's in it and he is a favourite of mine.
No. 946266
>>945612>>945615Thank you, was a bit worried about the length because I realized like halfway through that there was so much posted in the last thread.
>>946106Wtf is that pizza? I can understand why she was so pissed off now.
>>946232Holy fuck. Thanks for the link anon
No. 946378
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>>946232I know it's all over twitter already but apparently someone leaked the story on /tv/ hours before it hit the news
No. 946427
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>>946362>>946372I think there was a bit of a resurgence in discourse about him being possibly homophobic when the series ended, mostly in an ironic meme way because of the confession scene though.
No. 946462
>>946423she really enjoys taking nudes, huh
but in all seriousness she looks good in all of them idt there’s anything to be embarrassed about, hope she doesn’t let it affect her too much
No. 946466
>>946423There's a lot of them, geez. I don't remember any other celebs having leaks this "compromising", sucks for her.
>>946463This is dumb. Do you think people take nudes to masturbate to themselves?
No. 946468
>>946378Hard to believe this happened, considering it happened with Brandon Lee, the Crow, over… maybe 20 years now?
Anyone who handles set weapons is trained, and they do not not take their eyes off the props. They are never loaded with real bullets, because there has been documented accidents and fatalities on sets before. Since
The Crow, sets are hyper vigilant about set safety . It’s even more less likely when the production is bigger and the cast are famous. The safety on set would have an even bigger budget to work with.
(As someone working on productions in LA And east coast)
No. 946469
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>>946468Samefag, was going to pull up an article on the Crow, but turns out it did happen again…. How? Fuck I hate how this shit slips through the cracks. Like yes, let’s all be fucking morons and keep a loaded REAL gun on set.
No. 946470
>>946467I still don't think having nudes makes someone self-obsessed though.
It's not on reddit, I saw them on
[[REDACTED]] No. 946483
>>946476Hey pal, so on set there are prop people, and that is their sole purpose, managing, maintaining and organizing props needed for the day. Gun safety is overseen by someone in the Union, meaning they have the education, expertise and hours on previous sets before they handle guns on their own.
From what I know from my experience working with these guys (prop ppl) , they will not load the gun with real bullets; won’t even bring real ammo to set. Maybe it wasn’t the prop People who loaded the gun.
Absolute tinfoil, maybe the gun used wasn’t the actual prop, it was brought to set by the actor’s assistants and people?
I’m not sure how this happened, and it is heartbreaking there is more death on set that is, once again, 100% avoidable.
I rig lights and shades on set (grip /electric), and safety is paramount to success. If I’m rigging a 2k over head and it’s not secure, it could literally end someone’s life on impact. You bet your ass when I’m 10 feet in the air rigging I am triple checking my setups. Sometimes I get anxious after and will check again, just to be sure.
I can’t imagine the grief of the crew, the family, and friends of the DP shot. My heart aches for them.
No. 946494
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No. 946496
>>946483Thanks for the informative post anon. I don't doubt that people on films sets are crazy about safety and preventing accidents like this one from happening, so someone must've fucked up big time.
My tinfoil is similar to yours: Baldwin being the absolute primadonna that he is insisted that he needs to know how it's like to fire live rounds so he can fully get into character, so his people found a way to sneak a real gun on set, shitting all over safety precautions, because you don't say no to a "star". Regardless if that's what happened or not, there has been a series of momumentally stupid decisions on that set and a woman had to die because of it. Horrific.
No. 946509
>>946496No problem, any time!!
Extra blogpost, I was filming in Wilmington fresh out of film school. where Brandon Lee died on set years ago . We were shooting at Screen Gems (that studio is where Dawson’s Creek was shot), and the set I was working on had guns involved.
From what I remember, it was a series pilot for a crime show, and in the pilot there was a mentally ill dude shooting up a movie theater. The scene when the shoot out occurs is very difficult to hear, take after take.
They kept resetting and going through the screams, fake blood, all of it. I stepped out of the theatre between rolling, and I saw a table of prop guns for the shooter, the cops, etc. I picked one up just to look at it - like the dumb rookie I was- and gun prop man slapped my hand and then lectured me on gun safety, his responsibilities to safety, etc.
We ended up bondingon that set, and I learned a lot from that wise old man. He even showed me the alley downtown that the Crow was filmed, and where Brandon Lee died. I remember the seriousness of it all.
But if I was able to understand gun safety as a rookie getting paid jack shit, there is absolutely NO excuse for any sets with a big enough budget to cast well known actors to have gun safety mishandled.
Thank you all for letting me rant about gun safety on set!
Have a good day everyone!
No. 946523
>>946494Good luck building your empire on those dime-a-dozen asshole shots that look like screenshots ripped from redtube, you go girl.
Also, am I an idiot or…do celebs get a "heads up" before their nudes leak? Very confused.
No. 946525
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>>946523Her email or something got hacked, that's how she knew
No. 946559
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ahahaha. I Am Laughing
No. 946619
>>946372>>946427I get why he especially is uncomfortable, psycho fujo shippers harassed his wife(who played Ruby in the show) and made a number of wild and offensive theories about her, how she was apparently manipulating the show and poor Jared and a was preventing gay content in the show
it was ugly seeing play out IRL and its one of the reasons why I don't have much sympathy for current Fujos when they whine
No. 946631
>>946627yes they were, but around the end of season 5-6 they started being shipped with Cass(an angle) their own father, a young version of their father possessed by the Archangel Michael and the Devil
again it was pretty weird to see as it was happening
No. 946640
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>>946631>their own fatherOookay
No. 946658
>>946372>>946420reading a review of the book
>The main problem with Ship It is Claire, her attitude, and her behavior. I’m a fangirl. I’m a shipper. I’m still pretty into fandom, though not as much as I was a decade ago, when I wrote fics and made graphics and fanvids. Most of my ships are slash ships. So I get the frustration that Claire feels. But she goes about it in entirely the wrong way, and not only is she never really criticized for this attitude and behavior, she is rewarded for it.
>There is a lot of debate in fandom about the “appropriateness” of slash ships, which is ridiculous and dehumanizing and I won’t get into that here. There are fans who believe that questions about slash ships should not be allowed at panels, and there are some of us who – while completely respecting the right of a person to ask it – cringe when it comes up, simply because we know how it’s going to go. Very rarely do fans get the answers that they want. I’m not sure how it is for others, but for me, I’m not holding my breath waiting for my slash ships to go canon, but really, they should have just as much chance as any other ship. This is 20-gay-teen and it would be nice if just for once it was considered as a possibility. There are a lot of het ships out there where the only development was “he’s a guy and she’s a girl”. Love interests can be same sex nowadays, you know. I’d like it if, for one moment, that was a thought that went through someone’s head. Representation is important, and LGBTQ+ fans deserve to see themselves represented on screen, too. (More ace characters, please and thank you.)WTF, I thought fujos like this would have grown out of it at some point, Jesus Christ how can you be in your 20's and still whining that there aren't homosexual relationships in media just cause you have some developmental issues
No. 946676
>>946496>>946509Gun sperg here. It's reported the
victims got hit by an actual bullet and it's a western so it looks like the same thing happened that happened to Bradon Lee. On a previous take a gunpowderless dummy round managed to still be fired an inch along the barrel from not having it's primer removed, then they switch to a blank round that when fired sends the previously lodged bullet down the rest of the barrel. A mistake that can happen when filming with revolvers, like with Brandon, because for close-ups you want to see the bullet tips in the cylinder you can't get with bullet-less blank rounds.
I know they have solid metal dummy rounds for loading scenes now adays, you're not meant to just make your own out of real ones, not after The Crow, so someone on that set is in BIG trouble. Alec too if he was doing something retarded like firing at people as a "joke" between takes (the photos taken right after show him out of costume) since even a normal blank round can still kill someone from the concussive force and wadding like what happened to Jon-Erik Hexum.
No. 946691
>>946676Hey! other Gun-Set anon from earlier. Another thing I forgot to mention earlier; On set we get safety meetings the day of the shoot involving the guns. This on top, I guarantee you, Alec shot off the gun fucking around and did not respect the rules on set.
I hate him, officially.
No. 946791
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>>946781I saw it too nonna
No. 946813
>>946677Gonna add to that kek, Supernatural shippers are something else (sorry, SPN fans. I've seen too much weird shit on Tumblr and wasn't even immersed in the fandom)
Or I could double down and mention the whole 2012/2013 Superwholock trend. Fans went hard back then. Don't know about know.
No. 946827
>>946805If he was meant to fire shots in quick succession, two shots before he could tell something was wrong is believeable imo.
Depending on how bad the blank went wrong it could even be the one shot if the cinematographer and director stood close enough together but sounds like a less likely scenario. This was an old western style movie after all it should be noted. A lot more can go wrong with an older type of gun. Which something obviously did here. It's hard to say without anymore details but this is from what I know and what I've seen people in the field say so far.
No. 946938
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I love her.
No. 946950
>>946676It’s crazy to me that with how dangerous these are and how Hollywood loves doing everything digitally nowadays, that the one thing they won’t do digitally is one of the most dangerous things to be around.
I also have a question for the movie industry anons. There’s a lot of emphasis on safety with gun use in movies, so why don’t they have a safety team checking the guns after each use? I know that could be time consuming and time is money, but when lives are at stake shouldn’t that be a priority no matter what?
No. 947020
>>946340It was posted at the very end. And you read that wrong, I didn’t say
she was being dealt with violently although getting run off was probably from threats. I said that men who are violent don’t get dear with as appropriately, that kind of energy could be saved for actually dangerous people, not someone saying that horrendous pizza was “not great”
No. 947031
>>946950I'm not in the industry but yes, they do have safety teams for guns used on sets that check the guns before and after and make sure everything is as it should be. I would assume this movie production did as well otherwise this will be an even bigger scandal. Someone really fucked up.
The reason why blank shots are still overwhelmingly used in most productions is because it's still more realistic than they can make it in CGI. And if the proper experts are on set the risk is very low. Considering the last accident of this kind was in the early 90's.
No. 947044
>>946805An email from the prop master union said it was "a single live round" that went through her chest and into the directors shoulder. Maybe just an odd ricochet angle or he was bending down but maybe implies she was sitting up on the camera seat with him standing behind her.
>>946950Some gun scenes are done digitally now adays (CGI muzzle flash, smoke, ejecting shellcasings, sometimes even recoil action). Still cheaper to use real ones though. It's an under $6M budget movie, so maybe they had a younger prop person that's not as experienced with real guns on-set as they would have been ten years ago.
Apparently the camera crew walked off set in protest only six hours beforehand because there were already TWO accidental misfires but the producers just threatened to get security and replaced them with nonunion staff. Baldwin is a producer, so it's on him.
>The cinematographer who was accidentally killed, Halyna Hutchins, had been advocating for safer conditions for her team, said one crew member who was on the set.Gonna be a field day for prosecutors if Alec "jokingly" fired the gun at her over this dispute or something like that. Could have just been filming a POV shot though.
No. 947045
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>>946950there actually was crew responsible for gun safety on set, but they walked off when they were told they'd have to drive 100 miles round trip every workday instead of being put in reasonable accommodations by the production, aka the producers, AKA Alec Baldwin. those people were replaced by film students and non-union labor, and now somebody is dead because of those cut corners. the San Diego Tribune and LA Times both wrote on the disputes, but there's facebook screenshots floating around talking about how production complained that they were getting charged more than the homeless people living in the hotel crew was put in. it's all so fucking evil and proof that IATSEs acquiescence to management is unsustainable, but also shows that Baldwin is ultimately responsible for this crime. I hope he rots and spends the rest of his life paying for it.
No. 947047
>>946658It isn't just a shipper or woke thing, it's the Supernatural fandom being unhinged. The show is over and they're still harassing some artist because of fanart. See:
>>941571 >>946924Misha was the nº 1 enabler of fandom insanity.
No. 947092
>>947064I just checked an article that this source by live round is still talking about a blank shot in a prop gun. The material used for the blank is unknown at the moment.
I think the crew that left played the major role in this. There was nobody with the adequate amount of knowledge checking the blank properly left on set. They should've never shot these scenes but still went ahead and did so.
No. 947170
>>947121>Why are they going so hard over a show that they'll harass someone for about a decade wtf?Those bitches think they own EVERYTHING pertaining to Supernatural, including other people's takes on it, going out of their way to harass anyone who threatens their delusions; and so they begged for more gay shit from producers, harassed random artists on tumblr and elsewhere and kept pestering the actors - e.g. Genevieve Cortese, she played Ruby on the show and got married to Jared Padalecki, which shattered the fandom's fantasies about him lol, so they made up a wild excuse that SHE was the one who was ruining the show's plot (which wasn't that deep nor perfect).
But yeah, it really isn't that great hahah I kept watching it out of high school nostalgia and getting my weekly dose of "light" horror/spooky shit, despite being fully aware that the show ran for 15 years because it was CW's cashcow. It was supposed to end on season 5.
And now a bunch of adult women are still obsessing over it. It's bizarre.
No. 947171
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this is all very high school couple in their intro to punk phase No. 947176
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>>947171it's sad that she feels the need to change her style and personality for a man. left is from a year ago
No. 947177
>>947046go on
[[REDACTED]], they are on the front page
>>947205useless post, contribute something or stfu.
this is prob the worst sid and nancy I've seen, two rich people should do better, kourtney looks like she's trying to look like doja cat and travis looks like he's wearing a prosthetic jaw. they're both going through a midlife crisis together.
No. 947232
>>947171This is so unbelievably cringe. Two grown ass adults in their 40s dressed as murder/suicide(?)
victims. Sooo cooooool
No. 947237
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>>947171This is how Nancy Spungen wore her makeup, Kourtney's just an airbrushed disaster
No. 947330
>>947170I watched the series to its end and I agree with you, the show was supposed to end in season five, it would have been a perfect finale for the series but it dragged own for an additional 10 fucking seasons and it had anime-problem of power creep cause they already defeated the devil, so then they had to fight a species that were even stronger then the devil, then fight other gods, then fight the biblical God's older sister, random Sci-fi plots cause they ran out of ideas and then the series got way too fucking meta for its own fate
now both the actors are in there early 40's but still want a further career in Hollywood, well Jenson(Dean) does anyway, Jared seems to be content with his life in the CW and right after supernatural is starring in another CW series, a CW reboot of Walker Texas Ranger
from what I've seen its very CW-ish
No. 947337
>>947330>the actors are in there early 40's but still want a further career in HollywoodSupernatural kinda wasted their potential tbh. It was an exceptional steady job for them and they clearly enjoyed it, but if they wanted serious fame/success as big actors it should've ended earlier. They had big fanbases and it could've been a great jumping off point for them to join bigger, better projects. Now they're not as good looking and are way too well known as the Supernatural guys.
Unpopular opinion, I don't think the seasons after 5 were pointless (for the audience). The storyline got ridiculous and unwieldy but if you like the characters and their shenanigans, it had tonnes of fun and hilarious standalone episodes that made it worth watching.
No. 947342
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>>947337well I mean Jared seems to be fine with his decision and is likely gonna do other CW Shows, but Jensen Ackles had a serious acting career before supernatural
he's trying to be in feature films and is even gonna appear on the boys next season, I know the character he's playing is going to be completely different from his previous works, a cowardly man-child who thinks he's a WW2 veteran and also
gets raped by Homelander No. 947363
>>947337That's only an unpopular opinion (and dangerous kek) on tumblr and twitter, I think you're good over here. It was a fun Monster of The Week/Season show, even when it became a total mess, but like this
>>947354 anon said, it would be better pulling the plug at season 5
(even though seasons 6, 7 and 8 are one of my favorites); neatly wrapped up, imo. Could be a 00s classic, but CW gotta CW…
No. 947384
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>>947361welcome to the world of Garth Ennis comics
No. 947479
>>947035Weird for Jesy to whine about being the ultimate boollying
victim, wahh feel sorry for me, then her first solo release is about being a bad bitch who loves bad boys.
No. 947532
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>>947002and that is the only good thing that supernatural fans have ever done.
No. 947626
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>>947620kek please let this be true.
>Break-Up Rumors>According to the anonymous gossip account “DeuxMoi,” someone sent in a message with the subject “Baby Time.”
>The message read, “I’ve heard recently from a fairly reliable source that this B-C list celebrity and her baby daddy A list comedian have recently called it quits. Source is a friend who works in publicity, so make of that what you will, but she heard they’re not attempting to fake the relationship for the public, but won’t be announcing it either.” No. 947770
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lots going on here
No. 947875
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>>947171Kourtney reminds a lot of jodi arias in this picture …
No. 948008
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Old milk but if anyone cared to know. Kim Cattrall is out of sex in the city cause apparently SJP is a huge bitch to work with. No. 948079
>>947981I mean she murdered him so the situation evolved past her wanting to be picked, can you really call her that she stabbed him 27 times and nearly decapitated him
It’s weird that celebrities can cosplay Sid who murdered Nancy who was only 19, and that’s fine, but Kourtney getting compared to Jodi Arias is taboo. Where are the iconic Jodi and Travis costumes
No. 948119
>>948112What was stopping her from telling him to fuck off and leaving like a normal person? Nice
victim blaming.
No. 948122
>>948119only a scrote would string along a crazy bitch and be considered a
victim when she inevitably kills him. I don't think it's his fault but I don't know what he expected to happen.
No. 948178
>>948128She broke into his home in numerous times, hiding in his closet and interrupted a date to threaten her. She snuck in through a doggy door. She used to hide in bushes and listen to his goings on, which I can’t imagine would be of any value to a remotely sane person. She moved across the country (from Northern California to Arizona so like downwards a lot) to literally down the street from him without telling him. She would slash his tires if he went on dates or spoke to other women. She used to break into his email and threaten the women he was speaking to saying that they were “whores who would burn in hell”. She sent him hundreds of pamphlets about pedophilia. When his friends secretly pulled him into a bathroom to warn him about her behavior, they joked she was so obsessed she was probably following him and outside listening, and she was. Every single one of his friends knew it was her. The text exchanges showed he was extremely verbally
abusive to her and he did say on record that Jodi sounded “like a twelve year old girl having her first orgasm” after she convincingly, to him, faked an orgasm. Which is fucking disturbing. He called her a “three hole wonder”, and that he wanted to tie her to a tree and forcefully have anal sex with her. Travis was also sleeping with multiple women and would brag about it to all his friends. It was greatly downplayed. The new documentary “Jodi Arias Story” that came out this year shows a lot more proof of how unfairly it was reported and the case was, and also her history of
abusive relationships. She left high school to move to Oregon to be with an older goth man she met at a carnival who wore velvet in the summer and was unemployed while she worked to pay for everything who was cheating on her and was physically
abusive. Her defense lawyer who hated her and was sick of her always hitting on him and talking about her pubic hair grooming habits to charm him did say all of her behavior was consistent with sexual abuse, and that he did genuinely believe that. The other lawyer against her was a belligerent jackass who the entire court hated, and he tried to ridicule a woman who was an expert on abuse
victims and had been working for decades when she was brought up after interviewing Jodi and confirmed the abuse. Fortunately that woman made a perfect cutting remark that made everyone laugh and see through him for a moment but that didn’t stop his coked out self from sleeping with two of the jury members and getting himself disbarred afterwards, and running his sweaty geriatric mouth to another sweaty geriatric, dr. Phil. I forgot where I was going with this
No. 948184
>>948178that they were both awful awful people? and sorry but the lawyers make really no difference here. if you watch her confession to the cops on youtube, it's clear that the reason jodi lost her case was because she's a habitual liar. first she claimed that she never went near his house that day. then she claimed that she did go there but travis was actually killed by home invaders. then she finally claimed that she killed him in self defense because he was
abusive. when you change your story three times, it's hard for anyone to take you seriously. especially since she went out of her way to hide her tracks, like buying gallons of gas so she wouldn't be caught on camera on the way to kill him. is travis a stupid fucking scrote who honestly brought it on himself? definitely but let's not act like jodi wasn't a moron too who got herself convicted.
No. 948241
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Thomas Doherty has moved on from Dove Cameron. Does anyone know why he and Dove broke up?
No. 948243
>>948228…Anon was saying their BMI was a 17 not that they were 17…
No. 948268
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So, this is the armourer who was responsible for laying out the guns on the set of "Rust". Her tiktok is @cosmiccorpsehannah (yes, a corpse fan) and her twitter @corpsesomic but it looks like she privated/deactivated both today. Her name is Hannah Gutierrez Reed.
No. 948269
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No. 948276
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>>948268Picrel are her comments from a recent podcast/interview. When nepotism and "fake it till you make it" goes wrong.
No. 948277
>>948178>The other lawyer against her was a belligerent jackass who the entire court hated,YES he was a fucking asshole. I knew nothing in depth about this case, but I watched a few clips on YT and he was pissing me off. I could tell he was a douchebag.
Like I know Jodi killed her coomer ex and this was a serious case, but there was something truly grating about this man's personality and it confused me seeing people in the comments say shit like "Wow he really saw through that psychopath and didn't let her get out of anything, amazing lawyer!"
No. 948284
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>>948268I guess her dad is a veteran firearms expert in Hollywood, his name is Thell Reed. They had repeatedly complained about the unsafe gun conditions, and even staged a walk out only hours before the shooting. She’s also listed as an “ex model/actress” but I don’t know who tf she could possibly be modeling for, and the bitch is still acting.
No. 948290
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She hashtagged her father in this, he was like 72. She probably did get some gun wingnuts to give her money
No. 948327
>>948310I don't think anyone with two braincells believes she killed him because of his pedo antics. He really riled her up the whole time. Play dumb games, win dumb prizes. That goes for both of them.
It's a typical case of two people that better had never met.
No. 948331
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>>948241Took me a minute to understand what’s going on in this image
No. 948541
>>948310It’s a joke not a dick
nonnie don’t take it so hard.
Anyway, Jodi did one thing right and there’s one less Mormon moid in the world now, so she’s based in my book
No. 948611
>>948546Calm down i was just talking about nonnies lack of understanding of basic math (including the one who said she's BMI 15) i guess i should have put a
TW for you since it
triggers you that much. But i ultimately agree there's nothing to discuss about a healthy looking woman's body, some people here are obsessed with labeling her as anorexic for some reason (jk i know the reason is being fat and stupid)
No. 948819
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I swear, whoever is doing Megan Thee Stallion's makeup hates her with a burning passion. I saw this on my feed and genuinely thought she was a drag-queen, but apparently this look actually is inspired by a drag queen. Just terrible.
No. 949028
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>>949023Oooh oooh ah ah ah! Me scrote! Me want asshuuuuu!
No. 949335
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Miley's new Interview shoot is just fucking nasty. Also, what's up with her and pissing in public and let people record it? This is just fucking disgusting, bitch is nasty af.
No. 949408
>>949335I truly think Miley has a good voice and she's said some cool anti-pickme shit ("When it's over it's over and you're dead to me and I move on") but like so many female celebs she's fallen into the libfem attitude that says it's empowering to get naked for pervs and act as degenerate as possible. That interview pissed me off too, unsurprisingly. They're talking about Marilyn performing for the troops at one point
>I couldn’t stop thinking of that iconic image of her, bringing people hope in the form of sexuality and wit and beauty and joy. But at the same time, she was able to offer that because she was so insulated from the experience that the soldiers were living through. She was this breath of fresh air because she didn’t have the same darkness and pain and death taking over her auraFucking excuse me? Sure Marilyn wasn't a soldier but similar to them she was addicted to drugs and alcohol and suffered from depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and insomnia to name a few. She was in and out of
abusive foster homes as a child, didn't know her parents and was married off to a 20-year-old at 16 to avoid going back into foster care. The fact that her being in the limelight exacerbated her addictions and mental health issues is well known at this point. How dare Miley, privileged from the beginning by growing up in a stable home as the daughter to a celebrity, act like Marilyn was just a shallow doll who didn't live her entire life in her own darkness?
No. 949445
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>>948241I follow Dove very closely (too closely) and it's pretty obvious that Thomas was just using her for fame
As soon as he was cast in the new Gossip Girl, he blindsided her and dumped her and was pictured with Yasmin within 2 weeks. Dove was way too publicly heartbroken about it.
but it was always obvious she loved him way more than he loved her. she was just his stepping stone
thomas did the exact same thing to the girl before dove. he dumped that girl as soon as he was cast in the descendants, and swooped down on the main character. scrotes gonna scrote
No. 949452
>>949437She was one of the first few celebrities who admitted to being
victims of CSA in one of the foster homes. While the Joyce Carol Oates book is a novel and therefore not factual (some stuff is made up so the themes or plot are stronger, Oates builds the plot on some rumors etc.), it will make you understand Marilyn more. It's also one of those "men could never understand" artworks that are about living as a woman. Highly recommended
No. 949456
>>949435She's a total shithead. I used to really like her but that interview made my brain lose a few folds.
>>949408The idea of Marilyn being a breath of fresh air through sexuality is repulsive, the poor woman had a terrible life.
Didn't she also support a rapist or sth recently?
No. 949471
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I wish I could say this didn't happen to Miley, because she always had her dad around when she was on set as a teen, but Billy Ray Cyrus strikes me as a fucking idiot who has no idea how to parent
Like when he tweeted this after Miley's salvia video was leaked. He should've taken a few pages from Joe Biden's book.
sage bc decades old milk kek
No. 949506
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>>949335 wtf is going on with her boobs here
No. 949679
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ariana is so fucking botched…that crimson chin is a nightmare. she must be thankful to instagram filters for the rest of her life since she catfishes 24/7
No. 949757
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I hope, from the bottom of my heart, you consider any of these from the art breeder thread for the new thread pic.
>>>/m/166847 No. 949943
>>949928I read this post about it recently take it with a shitload of salt but I find the writeups on that site super entertaining regardless. idc about Selena but they paint her out to be this incredibly manipulative femme fatale who ruins male celeb's lives and it's fun to read about.
No. 950244
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>>947047literally everything went to absolute sh*t when he and his character arrived on the show. I don't know how people could watch this show after season 5. Brain dead maybe? Or because of their dumb shipping.
No. 950576
>>949943whoa they actually posted the nudes of selena? those people are so nuts!
that being said, i think the theory that someone close to her who hates her but knew about the photos on her friends phone leaked them makes more sense. if there are worse photos, i wonder if they'll be released. i feel like if it was somebody who was doing it solely for money, they would've just immediately contacted selena's team to get paid into silence.
i can't speak on selena's character but this is a pretty sad event. what kind of friend takes videos like this?
No. 950604
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>>949671very true. dove cheated on her fiance Ryan with thomas, and then dumped him. pic related, it's evident that she cheated on her fiance for a month with Thomas.
Dove was definitely a sad pickme for Thomas. Even though she'd already been picked by someone else? Clearly doesn't realize her value cuz she doesn't value herself and has low morals
No. 950608
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Azealia on Chappelle
No. 950657
>>950650Thanks. Now it makes sense.
So this
>>950608 whole screed is just AB being a faghag and trying to school the kids a little… despite her comments on trannies and the gay community being just as abrasive lol but ok.
I give her three months until she finds a reason to hate Lil Nas X.
No. 950680
>>950604what a fake bitch lmao
if there was "a lot of love" she wouldn't cheat and she wouldn't dump her fiance
No. 950733
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>>949737reject modernity, embrace tradition
No. 950739
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>>950733tbh she had better style back then
No. 950745
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Meghan Trainor dressed up as Dr. Phil
No. 950831
>>950768>you have to respond when people come for youyou HAVE got to be a kid cause this is such a childish ass take…
word of advice, mami; if someone seems like they'd beat your ass/kill you, even if they were the ones staring shit, best leave it be. Even if the shit is over the internet, you never know how unhinged a bitch might get, i.e. we are literally on lolcow
both you and linax need to learn to pick your battles. his ass needs to be more wary, cause he and boosie both in the industry - there's potential for them to be at same place at the same time, that's if lil boosie doesn't go full unhinged and stalks him out first
and that's if this isn't some bullshit pr move
No. 951537
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>>951529nevermind, I found it. but yeah she def had fillers.
No. 951573
>>951557You're right, she just looks like a full blown troon, IMO she should've just stuck with chin work and hired a personal trainer and dietitian instead of blowing thousands to look ridiculous
Maybe she's upset because other celebrities often look good with plastic surgery and she just ends up looking manly? Either way the "rules for thee not for me" thing is obnoxious since she's just as plastic as every other Hollywood celebrity
No. 951578
>>951421God I'm so sick of this bitch. I don't think I can even fault her though because her team obviously acts as her keepers/caretakers because she's legit retarded. I wonder how many people will start seeing through the hypocrisy once she falls out of popularity and start calling her out.
>>951537Anon where is picrel from? Also, apart from fillers I suspect she had a lip lift.
>>951553I'm curious to find out what you think she might have had done on her body. Like you said it's hard to tell because of the way she dresses. I've always wondered why her team hasn't put her under the knife more especially now that they're trying to shill her as sexy.
>>951555>>951557She had a cute girl next door thing going on. She looked like a slightly above-average WASP tbf, I grew up with a lot of girls who looked like her. Her team knew that she would be lost in a sea of lookalikes though so they had to make the most dramatic changes to her style they possibly could, which is where her alt style came from. I'm the samefag from celebricows #31 who wrote
>>896931 if you want to hear my autistic take on who I suspect is behind her image entirely. It's a scrote named Justin Lube. I'm almost positive he's the one encouraging her to push her boobs so much too.
No. 951588
>>951578The difference is that she's so backwards and hypocritical. "Stop lying about plastic surgery and setting ridiculous standards!" As she wears corsets 5 sizes too small and makes another appointment for lip fillers, "don't sexualize me" then makes everything about the boobs, "muh original music" as she copies everyone else
At least other celebrities like her weren't this hypocritical, the sad part is she has a lot of young girls who follow her who actively see this and think acting overly sexual as a teenager is fine as well as constant lying, talking about sex, and so on
No. 951593
>>951578As for her body goes, possible tummy tucks/liposuction. Breast lift/implants, cool sculpting, etc
Maybe she uses the loose clothing as an alibi to hide signs of surgery recovery or so it's hard to tell if she's had it? She had to be getting some kind of cosmetic procedure done before 18, if she constantly wears loose clothing before it's never as obvious and she can always pull the "I was always shaped like this" card. Like I said this is all just theory and she obviously uses clothing and undergarments to alter her appearance which explains the dramatic changes in waist and breast size constantly
No. 951616
>>951593Yeah that makes sense. I've tinfoiled for a while now too that she had something done with her boobs and they're not as "natural" as she pretends they are.
With that said, I do think she probably had large breasts before and that's probably why they don't look rock-hard like Olivia Rodrigo's do, but I think she had them augmented for sure.
Additional tinfoil: Before the boob spergfest, Billie was most obsessed with her lips. When she gets a procedure done it's almost like she's so infatuated by the results that she needs to draw as much attention to those areas as possible.
No. 951738
>>950745Meghan Trainor is one of my favorite pop artists. There is range and depth to her music that I don’t think people give her credit for but that’s not what this post is about. I love her music and she seems super sweet, but people hate her. I’m gonna dig into why I think that is.
I’m not gonna try and argue the tired old reasons that her haters are bringing up here (I could, and I have in the past but it’s clear that nobody wants to listen and would rather list mild shit from three years ago and act like she’s an irredeemably bad person because of it) but here’s my personal take on it:
On paper, we should all be Meghan stans. She makes upbeat maximalist bubblegum music you can dance and sing along to, she sings about boys, she has a fun heightened aesthetic… in concept she’s everything that pop fans ask for, especially these days when everyone is complaining about the lack of traditional pop in the charts.
However Meghan combined all of the least cool aspects of pop music. She’s girly, but in a more traditional, old fashioned way that people didn’t want to respect. She’s dorky, but not in a quirky ironic kind of way, she’s just an awkward young adult. She appeals to girls, but mostly adult women and little girls, groups which aren’t cool in the pop scene. She’s innocent to the point of seeming sexless at times. She’s kind of an airhead, but not in a cool party girl kind of way. She’s earnest to the point of seeming like she’s trying too hard. She’s pink, but like, little girl pink, not Paris Hilton pink. She unironically combines all of the things that society stereotypes pop music as being about but with none of the cool factor or edge that more discerning pop fans seem to love.
And on top of all that she’s (at least during her first two eras) genuinely successful, which people always hate.
So, the typical anti-pop person on the street rails against her because the typical reasons (misogyny and hatred of fun with a side of body shaming) and pop fans resent her for the reasons I listed above, so she had to deal with scrutiny from both sides. But of course, it’s not cool to admit that you don’t like her for those reasons so people had to make reasons to justify hating her, and, moreover, why it was important to hate her.
I’m not going to dig into the controversy around “DFH,” “AATB,” and her offhand comment about eating disorders because I’m typing this all up on my phone (because if I don’t defend Meghan apparently nobody will) but let’s assume for a moment that all of the criticisms are 100%
valid. Why are we still clinging to them three years later, especially when Meghan has apologized for or explained her reasoning behind all of them and been more or less an upstanding citizen of the upper echelons of pop since then? We forgave Katy for “Ur So Gay,” Kesha for “Grow A Pear,” P!nk for “Stupid Girls,” the list goes on. Plenty of well loved artists have skeletons and controversies in their closets, but it seems like, for some reason, Meghan’s well intentioned transgressions against groups that she was a part of (women and plus size individuals) are for some reason unforgivable and we can’t have a conversation without them being brought up as some kind of trump card that instantly renders any achievement she’s ever made inconsequential.
It’s because y’all want to hate her. People hate young women and Meghan is that girl, so it’s honestly a miracle she’s been as successful as she has been. We’re conditioned by society to hate the feminine and a lot of us have worked to unlearn that and embrace it, but when Meghan shows up and flaunts in our faces that she wants boys to like her and is all “genuine not polished young woman” in our faces it’s just too much. And as long as people are holding onto this mindset they’re going to remain in the echo chamber of hate comments and never genuinely look at her as an artist or a person. She’s still that girl in pigtails and a cat dress to some people and it’s sad to see opinions of a major pop artist stagnate like this.
Not saying that there aren’t legitimate reasons to dislike her music, and I’m not even saying that everybody has to like her as a person, but it’s so obvious that she’s been singled out as an acceptable target and the hate I see launched against her for no reason is gross. Threads about her or where she’s mentioned invariably get a bunch of hate comments and 80% of them are explicitly about or make reference to things that are not her music. It’s so transparently trend chasing, just hating on the thing that everyone else hates, that it would honestly be funny if the comments weren’t so many and so mean.
So if you feel like “Dear Future Husband” promotes abuse (reaching) and that “All About That Bass” is skinny shaming (intentional misrepresentation) and that the one joke she made one time about her own experiences with eating disorders means she hates people with anorexia, fine. Sure. Live your life and do your thing. You’re entitled to your wrong opinion. /s But have some compassion people, for her and for her fans.
Don’t pretend like she’s the exact same teenager she was three years ago and don’t needlessly spread hate and promote the bashing of people’s favorite artists. Just because the majority on here agrees with you and will let you get away with being a dick, that doesn’t mean you should. People are genuinely getting excited for Meghan’s new album and it’s super disheartening to have half of every [FRESH] thread be lazy hate comments and it creates a hostile environment. We all know who Meghan is, we know if we like or dislike her, so let’s move on okay? Let’s leave this negativity in the past please.
Anyways, not hopeful that this won’t get taken down but I had to try.
No. 951739
>>950745As a Meghan Trainor fan, I feel judged by my musical taste. I'm impressed you people have the audacity to call this a "friendly sub"?? How is this sub friendly if you can't even like the artists you like??? You call her the antichrist, you call her hitler, you say she's offensive and talentless and whatever… Anyday this sub will end up quarantined mark my words!!!
Ur all so pretentious that there's not even a Meghan Trainor flair, even though she's one of the most important artists of this decade. In fact let's take a look at all the hacks you ppl love and compare them with Meghan. Let's see how many top 10 hits those pieces of shit had in the last 2 years or so:
Fetty Wap: 3
JT: 3
Sam Smith: 3
Katy Perry: 2
Lorde: 2
Pitbull: 2
Beyonce: 2
Ed Sheeran: 2
Nicky Minaj: 2
Sia: 2
Adele: 1
Kanye: 1 and it was that shit song with Rihanna and the old Beatles dude, unless you count that panda crap too
Walk the Moon: 1
MJ: 1 and all because of JT
Carly Gay Flopson: 0
Lady Gaga: still dealing with artflop
Old Hag: 0
John Mayer: 0
Britney Spears: 0
Grimes: lol
Tears For Fears: LOLOLOL
QT: quarantined lol
Halsey: you gotta be kidding me
All those talentless hacks got NOTHING on Meghan Trainor who has a whopping FOUR top 10 hits in the last two years, and just wait 4 when Me Too slays the charts and all of you Beyonce and Sia and Kanye fans are gonna cry at her success. The only ones who even have a chance to compete with her are Ariana (6), Rihanna (5), Taylor (5), Selena (4), The Weeknd (4), Bieber (4) and Drake (4). And it doesn't matter since the seven of them are all shitheads, not to mention Beibs is now edm, Drake is rap, Rihanna, Selena, The Weak-End and A-Wanna-Be-Rihanna are r&b, and Taylor Shit is country so MTrain is still the hottest pop star ever :3
You people are all jealous, it's just one of those cases where reddit tries to checkmate feminists, since AATB is empowering to fat women, DFH lectures men on how to properly treat their wives and gfs, No teaches men on how to behave with consent, all of her songs have an important message for society. If ur male you can't talk about her songs because they're not meant for you, they're for women, we don't need your mansplanations on why she's a "fat bitch" because that's all you have to say about her. And if you're a girl and you still don't like her, there must be something wrong with you, you're probably just privileged anyway. You all wanna be her, that's what she sings about in Me Too, we're TIRED of haters! LIGLY is a beautiful song and even if John Legend isn't that good he sounds good there!
Also, Marvin Gaye is a tribute to Marvin Gaye and Charlie Puth is a sweetie, stop hating on him too, you're just jealous cause he's cute plus he's the only male star this generation that has any talent as a singer. But fine go ahead and listen to your indie crap like Grimes or whatever.
(samefagging autist) No. 951753
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>>951738>>951739which copypasta is this
No. 951965
>>951739aside from all that:
>still the hottest pop star ever :3do you know where you are or what time period you're in? half the people you've listed that you claim we like we've already shit on kek
anyway, legitimate question: why do you stan meghan but dislike carly? they're about on the same level to me tbh
No. 952264
File: 1635433187778.jpg (247.27 KB, 825x1343, IMG_6176.jpg)

drake looks extra gay here
No. 952301
>>952264he's not gay, he's a pedo
also he has "i make girls like my asshole" face
No. 952320
>>950608Anyone that complains about Dave Chapelle’s trans jokes didn’t listen to them. He questioned why it was “easier for Bruce Jenner to change his gender, than it was for Cassius Clay to change his name”, and that “black men started wearing heels just to feel safe” and not get shot at by police. He brought up issues about race, and makes jokes at his own expense all of the time, including his own racial stereotypes. His story about his trans friend Daphne who he was actually going to mentor in comedy killed herself because of the backlash she got trying to explain comedy to the online trans community who pushed her to kill herself. It’s fucked up and so gross Azalea switched up, I had the impression she always said what she thought independently regardless if it was remotely acceptable, which is cool but now she’s doing a 180 to falsely win over a demographic who probably hates her as a black woman. Maybe because she will get fans like this? I don’t know, it’s fake as fuck she is saying something so different and not understanding Dave’s comedy which is meant to make you laugh, disconnect, and think. He doesn’t give a fuck about their sex life lmao, you can be trans and your sexuality is separate from that. He does however bring up how trans people tell him they’re more discriminated against than him as an older black man, who has lived through far more racism. It’s weird how they don’t want to let him simply talk, like it’s so dangerous he’s pointing out that it’s safer to be trans than a black person. These aren’t people who understand comedy or nuance, Azalea is funny sometimes but she needs to fuck off.
No. 952335
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>>952264i already hate him bc of shitty music but i hate him that much more because of his botched lipo
No. 952338
>>952320Anon Chapelle is a multimillionaire living in a mansion in Ohio, his life is so far removed from the average american that its unreal
also he's married to a South East Asian woman
No. 952679
>>952473Nobody fucking cares. Dave Chappelle makes jokes about everyone, even himself/black people. If youre offended cut the tv off. Theres a difference between advocating for hate crimes and commenting on whats going on now.
>>952499I completely agree, he seems like the type to have no boundary if it fits his “type”. This is technically speculation but I’ve read articles stating hes sent people to threaten the strippers he’s knocked up so no one really speaks out. He’s 100% this generations R Kelly.
No. 952692
>>952679>he's 100% this generation's r kellyi don't think you're wrong, but i hope it doesn't take almost two decades for him to get the majority of the public turned on him too (guessing it took roughly two decades for r kelly but i'm not sure)
drake is still liked by many. people arguing over whether donda or drake's new album is better or whatever. people need to stop worshipping awful scrotes
No. 952693
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>>950152The girl who recorded it was Anna Collins, Petra Collins’ sister. Petra is a photographer who shot some of SG’s music videos and somehow became part of her friend group. If any of the speculation on exposingSMG is true it seems like she took those videos while Selena was shitfaced and not fully aware what was going on which is fucked up
No. 952891
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Uhm I don't know what to say
No. 952923
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>>951738Omg what is this lol, the rubber duckies on the wall while she straddles the dirty mattress with this emotionless, madonna-esque plastic face. I hate it all. She's only 4 years older than MGK, why are they acting like she's robbing the cradle?
No. 952966
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>>952891his statement.
that woman is a known crazy annoying cow and zayn is a scrote so he probably did it. team no one.
No. 952994
>>952679Did you even watch the special? The way he tells the "joke" is as an IRL anecdote, as a thing that happened. He admits to have beaten up a woman at a club. It's not just social commentary or anything, there isn't even a message to that bit. Anyway Chappelle isn't gonna fuck you, especially since you didn't watch his special.
>>952975I wish I could forget those thumbs.
No. 953098
>calls immature edgelord MGK her "daddy">does this shitIs this supposed to look like a kid's old room or something? And trying to pose seductively? This feels off and weird to look at. Just gives me the vibe like there's a lot to unpack there.
No. 953254
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>>952951Every time I hear this fucking take. Can we talk about some famous women who've actually been failed by society? Megan Fox has literally been lifted up her entire career, exactly why she hasn't even had to learn how to act properly. She's literally coasted, bullSHIT. and if you're here to say "oh but Michael bay blah blah, I don't give a shit. Blacklisted or not, she'd have the same worthless career regardless because she's a hack.
No. 953362
>>953254you know who has been failed by society?
meghan trainor
No. 953386
>>953365You're the one autistically replying to copypasta
No. 953462
File: 1635506136581.jpg (59.57 KB, 601x575, 2.JPG)

can't find the dasha thread but she just called out her ex The Walking Dead actor Chandler Riggs for allegedly liking horse porn?
No. 953472
>>953362LMAO plz no
K but seriously, i feel like this whole meghan failed by society is some attempt at rewriting old events to make her out to be a
victim, we can’t confirm for sure her career would be different if … euh .. we weren’t living in a society and we don’t know what went behind the scenes. This trend of victimising rich celebrities irks me, the fact that she’s still famous and rich tells me enough, she hasn’t lost anything she still has her connections in the industry so she’s not a
victim in my book
No. 953491
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>>953462He def looks like he's into horses
No. 953537
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>>953462Dasha you’re a miserable bitter sociopath because no matter how much you let z-list celebs fuck you they’ll never go public with you.
The irony of her whoring around degenerates like that tony dude and in the same breath berate someone about horse cum kink, I have to laugh.
No. 953616
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>>952891Idk i don't like either of them
No. 953847
>>953826Well that scrote made some good points that's if you fit in his classification of women's body shapes.
But i agree with anon we need to gatekeep women's fashion and beauty from faggots unless y'all enjoyed watching shane, Voldemort and the orange pedo take the lead on YouTube
No. 954051
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What do you think the rest of One Direction think about Zayn hitting Yolanda? Harry really plays up the woke persona, he could probably afford to say something.
No. 954125
>>954051I bet the universal response of celebs to each other's scandals is 'thank fuck it wasn't me, time to mind my business' and that's it. No doubt they all have dubious ethics and too many skeletons in their closet to be judgemental.
I still honestly kinda hope Harry is a nice boy behind the scenes though, pls no bully I have a soft spot for him.
No. 954364
File: 1635575808303.gif (1.68 MB, 245x255, lmaowot.gif)

>>954353i'm surprised there hasn't been one of these in 30+ threads yet kek
if you know any of my favs tell them 'hi' for me sista
No. 954370
>>954365They probably don’t even know what CDAN stands for.
>>954362Try trolling the scrotes at Datalounge since you’re too lazy to make an account to troll on Twitter or LipstickAlley.
No. 954372
>>954370datalounge will eat them up too kek
>>954370for as ban happy as enty is in banning users who dont agree with his qanon agenda, that faggot will never ban count jerkula or the other moid always commenting vile, misogynistic shit under their blinds
No. 954394
>>954353hey totally real celebrity this is for u
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Julliard , and I’ve been involved in numerous famous film projects, and I have over 300 confirmed fans. I am trained in acting and I’m the top talent in the entire US celebrity club. You are nothing to me but just another fan. I will wipe you the fuck out with lawsuits the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of lawyers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your site. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can sue you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my lawyer. Not only am I extensively trained in shutting down websites, but I have access to the entire server warehouse of twitter and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue, and just stop the hate and spread the love. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Your website is fucking dead, kiddo.
No. 954404
>>953556Zayn is a faggot. A curryscented faggot. kek. I can't believe this scrote is the one who essentially ended Azealia's career. Also why do people keep caling Zayn a faggot? There must be some truth to this.
And this is pretty privilege. If Zayn wasn't so handsome, no one would be coddling him like they have for years. It's not just the average scrote coddling it's more than that just because he is attractive. I hope this scrote OD's.
(racebait) No. 954435
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Nonnie you can’t even keep your story straight. First it was your friend’s lawyer now it’s your lawyer? What the fuck is a lawyer going to even do?
If you were really a “celebrity” you wouldn’t be sperging on lolcow of all places and wasting the legal fees.
It was fun humoring you but next time you want to troll for the lulz throw out better b8 cuz this is trash.
P.S. ur pure undistilled autism is cute
No. 954439
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>>954435So celebrities can’t have internet now? I’m allowed to browse and sue whatever website I want. Give me your cash app because I like to give to charities every once in a while.
No. 954452
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>>954109Imho any moid that steals conventionally feminine aesthetics and integrates them into their fake-woke pandering fashion/style is hiding some predatory shit. Gay scrotes and troons do it all the time but it’s especially more disgusting when a “straight” man does it. It’s like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Side note, I’ve never looked at Harry this much until just now but he looks like Paddington Bear to me. Am I the only one who sees it?
>>954439$begone_retard while ur at it I would also like a Rolls Royce babe xoxo
No. 954461
>>954452This pic is a fucking disaster, I've seen men wear dresses that fit them, so it's not like it's impossible for a guy to look decent in one, what is Harry Styles trying to do here?
Also does anybody have that disgusting pic where he's bare chested and wears a weird hat? Some anon here said he looked like some leprechaun Abraham Lincoln.
No. 954464
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>>954457Kek it’s a fake screen cap from a website called
You can’t seriously be this lazy Nonita cmon
No. 954467
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>>954461I’m searching for it. I don’t have it right now but in my pursuit of it I found this kek.
No. 954472
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>>954461kek is this the picture you're referring to?
No. 954474
>>954466Girl I am having way too much fun feeding your troll ass
I know I shouldn’t but idgaf I’ll go full blown retard right now and keep it up so you’re not alone
No. 954475
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what the fuck is wrong with this man, disgusting.
No. 954481
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Billie Eilish from earlier tonight as the voice of Sally in “The Nightmare Before Christmas Live-To-Concert Experience”
No. 954492
>>954475I came across a gossip site once that had “harry styles took a shower” as news and i haven’t been able to unsee how greesy he looks
>>954481He stylist loathes her wtf is this outfit she looks like a grandma
No. 954498
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>>954484>>954487Can you freaks trade e-mails or LSA or Stormfront accounts or whatever and leave
No. 954504
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>>954481How the fuck did her team ruin her look so badly? What on earth are they thinking with that frumpy momsy hair and matronly outfits, the stylist needs to be blacklisted from the industry.
No. 954506
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>>954492She's dressed as the character Sally, her dress just how her dress looks like
No. 954508
>>954506*that's just how her dress looks like
Sorry I had a stroke while writing that
No. 954518
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>>954504I still think it was a retarded decision to ditch the neon roots. It would have been super cute during her for the Nightmare Before Christmas concert imo
If she wanted to go more natural and get away from the neon she should have stuck to a dark brown or black. The blonde looks like shit.
No. 954525
>>952891The details are weird
>According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Zayn was at Gigi and Zayn's Pennsylvania home on Sept. 29 and got into a nuclear argument. He allegedly called Yolanda a "fing Dutch slut," ordered her to "stay away from [my] fing daughter." He said this, although it's hard to know why, "the fing sperm that came out of [my] fing c*."Gross, wtf
>He then allegedly "shoved her [Yolanda] into a dresser causing mental anguish and physical pain." Zayn denies any physical contact.>As for the charge that he harassed Gigi, according to court docs, he screamed at her, "strap on some fing balls and defend your partner against your fing mother in my house." Sources with direct knowledge tell us Gigi was actually in Paris, but Zayn allegedly said this to her on a phone call during the incident.
>There was a security guard on hand, and according to the docs, Zayn screamed, "Get the f out of my fing house, copper." The docs say Zayn tried to fight the guard. No. 954533
>>954525The source here is 100% yolanda kek she’s out to get him for real now i guess he doesn’t bring in enough clout anymore.
This is how i imagine things went down:
>Z: WHY ARE YOU FILMING MY DAUGHTER OLD HAG>Y: she’s not even your daughter you dense sandnigger I’m tired of you you’re not famous anymore >Z: SHE IS MY DAUGHTER I LITERALLY CAME IN YOURS YOU FAGGOT CUNT No. 954543
>>954542All I could think of too,
nonny, catching up on the thread kek
No. 954558
>>952831That makes no sense. Even if he is bi, that doesn't mean that bi people want to fuck everyone in the world.
He is a fucking opportunist with a preference for young and insecure girls, because they give him a feel of superiority. A grown woman would give him anxiety due to his deep-rooted insecurities.
He knows that there is no reason for him to kiss and fondle his fans, no matter their age. But he decides to do it anyway. He goes as far as he can (in the open) without it being too obvious for the majority of people. Because we are all (still) used to males grabbing and fondling girls and women.
No. 954566
>>953847>>953850He is a wannabe cow himself. He took work from women who already established the backbones of the types.
Someone on YT did a video about the history of body types/typing.
It's sad and annoying that it blow up under his name but not surprising. He nowadays seems to delete types randomly and whatnot. And his FB group is like a cult.
No. 954567
>>954371HAHAHAHA, this is peak comedy. Is that you, Dave Chapelle? How is the weather in Idaho?
The: I tell my lawyer!, is the new: I tell it my momma!
That's not very impressive.
No. 954573
>>954420You are not only rich and famous, you are also delusional and probably a narc and have too much time. Go take some acting classes to improve your art.
Or watch some horse porn? I mean, you can also keep blogging on here, it's quite enjoyable.
Never came that close to a true rich and famous celeb with so much influential friends. Makes me all exited. /s
No. 954625
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>>954609Idk he can't pull off existing he just likes to be gross picrel.
It's like he's testing his fans to see how far he can push them before they admit he's weird, tinfoil maybe this is a reaction to being over sexualized throughout his life yk how some people get fat or make themselves hideous after SA (which is sad, I'm not making fun of them) maybe that's what Justin Bieber was doing too
No. 954638
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>>954481>>954482She looks like Mama June, eugh. She was already unattractive, but holy crap.
>>954488Or, you're on lc, where women are tired of being both troon handmaidens or expected to praise men like Harry just because they threw on a dress and makeup. Seriously, fuck off with this twittershit.
>>953254Ayrt and yes, I agree. Just look at all the golden age hollywood starlets and the horrific treatment they went through, most of which ultimately led to them dying younger than they should have and usually at the hands of something drug or alcohol related. Picrel I usually enjoy the first channel's content, but this video wasn't it. I don't get why everyone's suddenly rushing to this woman's defense.
No. 954642
>>954639ayrt and I don't know kek
People stay acting like she wasn't also a massive diva on set. Egos clash, she and Michael both act like assholes, so I don't get why she's shocked people stopped wanting to work with her for a while. But, now everyone's on this shit about her being an injured flower that society failed.
No. 954771
>>954637I take the article with a handful of salt since it's Yolanda telling news articles to write this shit. She definitely has a tight grip on her daughters public image and controlled what the media said for years. If she didn't want this out she could have shut her mouth or paid news outlets to stay silent about it like she usually does. But yes, a drug addict like Zayn definitely has anger management issues there's no question about it. It's about what he really said and if he really hit that demented old hag.
>>954488Your post has retarded harry stan vibes
No. 954781
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>>954773The pseudo-femme thing. At least he's a stage actor and is fruity/avantgarde on the reg so it's not as jarring and makes sense for him. Harry needs to give it up and continue leaning in on the 70s disco male thing.
No. 954788
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>>954469not really imo, I think certain feminine coded aesthetics might work on certain males such as eye liner, skirts and make up but the vast majority of female clothing and aesthetics don't work for males
I think both men and women clothes should stop focusing on weather something is subversive or not and rather based on what looked goods on them and not arbitrary standards of what a man/woman is supposed to wear
picrel is a young male from Wodaabe tribe where men wearing make up is not seen as subversive or anything, its just as seen as something that looks good on them and so they wear it
No. 954819
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Creepiest fucking celebrity Halloween costume yet. Not cute on any level and I love baby yoda.
No. 954826
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>>954788Honestly this looks cool
Throughout history men have always worn clothes that we would consider feminine today but harry styles was serving court jester vibes. Not weird for his time, just weird in general just point and laugh
No. 954827
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>>954788A lot of traditional male clothing from around the world is probably what we would consider "feminine" in our culture for basically being a dress/skirt, and it never looks wrong on them because it's tailored to their frame. The problem arises when they're shaped like Gumby and put on clothes that were made to accentuate women's natural curves. Celebrities scrotes could pay to have clothes custom made for them, but I guess it doesn't matter when you can just throw on any dress from the female clothing section and get ass pats for doing the bare minimum anyway.
Another thing I've noticed is that they always wear childish clothing styles like
>>954475I mean it's jarring enough when grown women dress like little girls to pedo pander, much less when it's some ugly man with linebacker shoulders and beard stubble. They don't know how to dress without looking like Buffalo Bill is their fashion icon.
No. 954846
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>>954765This only tells me that you frequent that website.
Unpopular opinion but i still thought ariana was gorgeous like few months ago, she keeps getting closer to the uncanny valley and this is her worst picture idk what’s worse, the retarded floating eyeliner celebs won’t just drop or the michael jackson nose
No. 954862
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holy based
No. 954910
>>954846She saw Fenty's success and is like "I'm a pop star too, this should be easy????"
But tbh I get the same vibe from her as the Kardashians and their makeup line. Celebrities who are obsessed with the cash and not quality, putting out shit that'll end up in clearance.
No. 954947
File: 1635633898848.png (933.7 KB, 958x786, h.png)

Which celebs do you think eat/have eaten pussy and enjoy it and which ones do you think definitely don't and hate it? Saging my retarded thoughts below
>Harry Styles is proud of himself for doing it at all but might not love it that much, but also loves it more than the other 1D boys including Zayn
>Kstew might be pretty good at eating it but currently prefers dick (no hate, I'm bi too)
>Themi Lovato tried (perhaps with Noah Cyrus or Selena) and didn't like it, so did Taylor Swift
>Ariana Grande could have a gun to her head and still not put her tongue on a vagina
>Justin Bieber isn't a fan and would probably get mad if you asked him about it
>Timmy Chalamet is French so he probably prefers rimming. insert Willy Wonka chocolate factory joke here
No. 954996
File: 1635643753278.jpeg (30.63 KB, 480x332, 3CC4E867-0D81-43F9-B543-EFC8F2…)

looks like kim has moved on to pete. there’s no way his dick is good enough to get passed around like this
No. 955010
File: 1635645760340.jpeg (1.99 MB, 3072x3072, 6E75C597-FF32-4972-AA02-B877B3…)

Harry Styles’ Halloween costume made me think of this thread, kek he looks retarded.
No. 955015
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>>955010okay this really makes me want to bring back manly men
No. 955043
>>955020Young cock rides harder. Young men are less jaded.
"I like older men" is a financial cope.
No. 955068
>>955015at this point I'd rather fuck
>>954996 than have harrys freaky crossdressing shit
so many men setting the bar in hell that pete big dick walmart skarsgard seems appealing by comparison? or even timmy. at least they dress like men. I'm tired
No. 955080
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>>955065>What the fuck? I’m team zayn. That dutch cunt was taking pics of the baby to sell her to JewsShit I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time
No. 955084
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Anya is all over ED internet as their "it" girl
Lookup at her old pics i think she's had buccal fat removal
No. 955091
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>>955084She's defs gotten a browlift. Not sure about the rest. Sick and tired of seeing women with straighter brows get weird arch browlifts.
No. 955103
>>955084Anon aren't you embarrassed to browse those ED spaces? I'd rather have it known that i post vile shit on lolcow than tell people i go on ED sites to learn how to stop being fat kek
nonnie said it best
No. 955193
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>>955089It's called Heroin Chic you philistine>>955093>>955103t.seething fatties, go back to stanning fat lizzo
No. 955215
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>>955091>>955092Gosh I felt like she did something to her face but couldn't figure out what looked different about it. You're right about the brow lift, it's a subtle one. She looked better before though
No. 955282
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>>955254kendall jenner as corpse bride… somehow
No. 955296
>>955010we need to bring back
toxic masculinity
>>954996based. i would love to see these two together No. 955308
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>>955254Ciara as Selena
>The Legendary Selena! I’ve been practicing learning Spanish and having the time of my life. So I wanted one of my costumes to reflect the LatinX culture. This was so much fun! #Halloweenhere a few more but most of them just look boring and like a everyday outfit that has been inspired a bit by some other celeb or character … No. 955311
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>>955308to add to this: hailey bieber as brit looks like damn tranny
oof No. 955347
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>>955308I thought this was really cute, she also did a TLC costume. I saw people making fun of her Spanish because she said "Feliz Halloween" (vidrel), not sure how bad it is. She still looks pretty though.
No. 955394
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>>955103>Anon aren't you embarrassed to browse those ED spaces?No bc I'm admiring tbh
No. 955501
>>955315straight eyebrows are a trend in
korea so there's that
No. 955516
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No. 955538
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>>955523you'll never look as good as this
No. 955547
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>>955538i personally think she really was kinda sexy before the drugs took over
No. 955548
>>955540Exactly. So much for starving and throwing up. They’re too fucking loud and judgmental for people who can’t keep a normal weight without starving or throwing up. Anyways.
>>955516What halloween costume is this?
No. 955571
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>>955548>They’re too fucking loud and judgmental for people who can’t keep a normal weight without starving or throwing upkek
No. 955621
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the best celebrity Halloween costume
No. 955753
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Ariana's costume is really good
No. 955797
and dalton’s a twink ur point is?
No. 955916
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>>955282Corpse bride…I’m so sorry sweetie
No. 956045
>>955307yeah but when muricans bring back the sticc trend they'll also want to keep the extremely big tits and ass thing too while expecting women to maintain being skinny everywhere else
Anyas cute but I don't think she's too skinny, it's more about the amount of work done she has
No. 956083
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You’d think she could’ve gotten a cuter/higher quality costume
No. 956095
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I like Ariana’s other costume better (Little Shop of Horrors), though her tits look like a chest plate or bolt-ons
No. 956099
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Why does Steve Buscemi look kinda hot
No. 956103
>>956095She always looks off to the side or closes her eyes and has her mouth open,
I think it’s her signature “uwu sexy” pose. She’s too boring
No. 956133
>>955797>>955891that's now how the term twink is even supposed to be used, just say skinny guy
just stop talking like faghags
No. 956189
>>955621the one thing this thread can agree on. janelle kills it every year
>>956099he was cuter when he was young, I'm surprised to see he's gone gray but I recently learned he was born in the late 1950s and not early 1960s which sent me for a loop for some reason kek. idk why I assumed he was younger than he is
No. 956258
>>954841I wanna shove her into a dresser right now. What a
toxic person. And I agree with the nonna who said she gave Bella body dysmorphia.
I wish the girls would distance themselves from her, for their own health.
No. 956286
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>>956083Britta did it better. Next.
No. 956287
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>>956099The movie Ghost World gave me a weird crush on Buscemi when I was younger, his appeal is so strange it's funny how many women are into him and think they're the only one lol
No. 956395
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>>956287I never found Steve Buscemi hot, but I do really like Bill Skarsgard and someone pointed out the resemblance once now its all I think about when I see him. I do think Bill might age like Steve kek
No. 956529
>>952320>>952473a late reply but another important thing about Chapelle is that he nothing even close to the typical middle class black childhood
both this parents were respected academics and professors
>David Khari Webber Chappelle was born on August 24, 1973, in Washington, D.C.[12] His father, William David Chappelle III, was a professor of vocal performance and the dean of students at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio.[13] His mother, Yvonne Seon (née Reed, formerly Chappelle),[14] worked for Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba,[15] is a Unitarian Universalist minister,[16] and has been a professor and university administrator at several institutions including Wright State University and Prince George's Community College.[17]so technically he's always been out of touch
No. 956530
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>>954510Topkek her costume was confirmed to be custom made designed and made by JXJ Studios. I think she also wore it for Halloween yesterday. She was styled Amanda Merten aka @mandaknowsbutts on ig, her usual stylist. I wonder why her stylist seems to not know how to dress her in a flattering way or why Billie doesn't fire her.
No. 956768
>>956099Him dressing up as his own meme is, ironically, very 'how do you do fellow kids'.
He looks much younger and less haggard with a beard and glasses though, maybe he got work done too because the difference in those two pics is quite shocking. 30 Rock ended quite a few years ago too.
No. 956833
>>956530wearing a corset makes her back fat look so prominent
also wtf is her body shape? her arms are bigger than her thighs yet she is all fat no muscle and this costume just emphasized that. She looks like a fat high school teacher who tries to be cool.
If she doesn't want to take care of herself it's one thing but she refuses to dress in flattering clothing for her body shape while trying to make her new brand be sexy
No. 956881
>>956833Her body shape is a busty apple/inverted triangle. I feel bad for her because people would dunk on her body shape even if she did lose a lot of weight because that particular shape is considered the least desirable at this moment in time. It's gotta be hard to find cute, trendy clothes that suit her body since most of what's popular right now is catered to the most desirable body type of the moment which is basically the complete opposite of her - thin exaggerated hourglass/pear shape with a bigger emphasis on having a nice/big butt rather than big boobs.
You can see even in videos and stuff when she was younger, she carries her weight more in her upper body - muscle and fat. She used to do aerial ropes which can make your arms quite muscular. Add the fact that she stores any excess fat primarily in her arms too, along with a somewhat broad ribcage, and people see her as a lot fatter than she actually is. She's not huge by any means, just not particularly toned which equates to being a fat pig apparently when you're famous
No. 956990
>>956881Come on anon, she's clearly overweight if not already obese as compared to girls who are her height and on the border of overweight and obese. Pear/hourglass is the most female dimorphic body type someone could have so it makes sense it's in right now as it's always been popular throughout history.
Inverted triangles or apples can look good and sexy if they actually put effort into their body and aren't necessarily toned. Think Bettie page, she's not toned but she looks good simply because she's not constantly scarfing food down her throat. I'm not saying all inverted triangles and apples need to workout and eat very little constantly but when you're constantly trying to make your sex appeal apart of your image you have to look the part or else you're a laughing stock
No. 957095
>>954442lmao anon this
was a joke (about chrissy teigen)
No. 957097
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Madonna's son looks either like a waiter or a drug lord in any pictures of him lol. His father is much more hot and stylish and witty idk. Such a shame he hasn't passed his genes and boy is absolutely ordinary. There is not even milk on him to be found.
No. 957155
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Barbies stylist should not only be fired but arrested. Maybe even shot. They have NO idea how to dress her for her body type. Between this and her shitty ass met gala get up I just can’t.
No. 957238
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>>956990Billie is a little overweight. Look at her legs in any pic or her forearms. They're not big at all. Her upper arms/chest/midsection hold all of her fat, which is only viewed with such intense negativity because it's outside of the dominant beauty ideal and people like to knock celebrities down a peg (that's why we're all here). Calling her obese makes you look mentally ill. A corset won't make you appear to be a different BMI category entirely. The fat's gotta go somewhere.
Here's a pic of Bettie Page in her heyday. I'm sure a lot of farmers would call her fat, think her arms are flabby/too big like Billie's, and say her cinched in waist "doesn't count" because it's the result of corseting.
>>957087Apple shapes aren't inherently unattractive imo, just not in style at the moment. I think that's why Billie reaches for vintage inspired things or complete tents so much.
No. 957241
>>954505I think her voice worked for this.
Also, why is she wearing a corset under the dress?
No. 957247
>>957245take your aspca commercial commentary tier take and wipe my ass with it
nonnie, there are plenty of anons who check the anachans and nitpickers
No. 957305
>>957247She's just pointing out the truth you retard
also this thread is shit
No. 957321
>>957308She’s such a burnout, and this is just another ploy to be uwu unique.
I wish she’d just stop performing 24/7 and figure out who she is without making a public statement on it every few months
No. 957469
>>957238Vintage clothes is easy to hide a corset under which is why she chooses then since she desperately uses the corset to look decent. Just because she holds her fat in a certain area doesn't make her not fat or overweight. People tend to underestimate how obesity actually is and if you look at pics of her without the corset such as the beige tank top pic she's definitely obese
As for Bettie page no one would call her fat considering the fact her ribs literally show in most pictures. Apple shapes have never and will never be in
No. 957471
>>956279Ariana somehow always looks like she's trying to pass herself off as sexy-but-trying-to-be-as-covert-as-possible-sexy, she's still using one of her usual poses in
>>955757. Not sure if she's the greatest example of anti-thirst traps
No. 957484
>>957308God her look in the thumbnail's almost horrifying to look at wtf kek you think she even needed a costume for Halloween?
Anyway it feels like she needs to stop whatever she's doing, take some time off for herself or something without trying to be some weirdo attention grabber under the public eye because she and the people who enable her are getting unbearable
No. 957520
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No. 957525
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>>957308are these people telling me I should take this shit seriously
No. 957543
>>957525One time I was in Joshua Tree national park at night and man I had a spooky ass situation happen but I’ll spare you my paranoia. I’m sure she was just on a lot of fucking drugs but I wouldn’t go at night, and I love stargazing.
The radio signals and cell signals drop and there’s no one for miles. I bet people get murdered all the time.
No. 957562
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>>957308Demi and her friends are so gross looking for some reason, they look waxy and like their features have been painted on. The one in the middle has especially high uncanny valley vibes.
No. 957582
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Came across one of Britney Spears' recent posts, couldn't even get the whole caption on my screen. Not sure what to make of any of that.
No. 957585
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>>957562I feel bad for Demi. She's stuck on this unfamiliar planet. Not being able to return to Romulus must be so traumatizing for her
No. 957592
>>957580that's what i thought too! i was surprised that he (matthew scott montgomery) was an actor on the disney channel - he's kind of hard to look at.
stef was actually kind of unique looking before trooning out, this guy just makes me uncomfortable.
No. 957674
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congratulations kstew! try not to get caught cheating
No. 957757
>>957582Yet another
victim of psychiatric drugs.
No. 957775
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Heard about the People's Choice awards for this year and got curious so checked it out. Too many nominees and categories to list them all but kek at many of the choices. People like Addison Rae, Halsey, Bella Poarch, Chris Pratt have been listed, as well as Grey's Anatomy (that's still going?), The Walking Dead, and Lucifer included in the top picks for shows. Maybe it's because I don't even hear much positive feedback of any of those things but it's funny they're up there. Just providing a random screenshot from one of the categories.
No. 957852
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all billie has to do to take her industry plant queen crown back from olivia is lose weight, dump her fug 30 y/o clout chaser boyfriend and make more songs like happier than ever…there’s literally no downside to it, it would work like a charm. unfortunately everything went wrong for her this year starting with showing off her less than impressive matronly body on vogue. picrel is billie if she lost weight
btw nonnies i didn’t waste time photoshopping this. its just some other girl who looks like a skinny billie
No. 957864
>>957852I think she's afraid to lose weight since her sudden breast growth that she seems to be obsessed with is mostly due to her weight gain (and helpful push up bras/ possible work done but I don't feel like infighting over that)
if Billie loses weight the first thing that is going to go is most likely her breasts which are already saggy and she would also be covered in loose skin, and since she made her personality revolve around boobs then she will have nothing but to rely on her talent and she seems to be running out of material. She also wears corsets all the time yet her waist looks average compared to her body, corsets on average girls make your waist look ridiculously small meaning that billies natural waist/stomach is most like covered in fat if she has to wear a corset to look normal
her weight gain also made her already gaudy features look more gaudy and made her facial features look smaller. She has been losing collagen in her face since she was supposedly 18 so I imagine any sort of weight loss would turn her into a grandma
No. 957867
>>957852It’s fucked up that if Olivia is meant to replace Billie, she’s anorexic (based on her bmi) with implants so young. Nothing wrong with implants or being a lower weight, but if she’s being skilled as a pop star she should have a team keeping her looking more healthy. It’s sad, I know it’s not new but still. I also don’t see why it’s weird to hold Billie to any standard, she’s always put in the worst fitting clothing and does not have any muscle tone at all. Her legs look geriatric and she’s young, it wouldn’t take much effort to have a normal routine like everyone should.
Tbh if Billie had that hair color and style it would fix a lot of her problems. And if she had someone run her social media, I don’t know why celebrities subject themselves to that.
No. 957870
>>957867She does look a lot older health wise than what the media claims
I do believe she is lying about her age though or she has an autoimmune disease
No. 957872
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No. 957875
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>>957867>It’s fucked up that if Olivia is meant to replace Billie, she’s anorexic (based on her bmi) lol no she isn't? how do you even know how much she weighs? besides, she's put on weight recently, you can see it in her midsection in this recent pic. she probably was eating and exercising more when she was working but now things are calming down for her she's gaining some of it back. this ana-chan sperging is just as bad as the fat billie sperging.
No. 957882
>>957867>It’s fucked up that if Olivia is meant to replace BillieIs she, really? Olivia seems old news to me by now. Just another irrelevant girl.
Billie seems to have permeated pop culture at least a little, but she's also on her way out.
We need "it" girl now, probably by february 2021
No. 957885
>>957873>between the periods she loses weight and gets a boob job she will have a significantly reduced breast sizeShe could just avoid the public eye or wear padded bras, it's not that difficult to hide a temporarily reduced bust as she gradually loses weight. The majority of her fanbase is from back when she wore massive baggy clothes that hid her body anyway, I don't think she's gained any significant fanbase from her new look - maybe some guys fapped to her, but that doesn't sell music.
But really, these details don't really matter. It's just obvious that anyone in her position (celebrity, constantly surrounded by stick thin women, always being photographed, always being judged by the public) would want to be thin. She's not going to value big boobs, something she can easily fake, over a conventionally attractive, slim body. It's 10000% cope.
No. 957888
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>>957775Well then, I'm voting
https://www.votepca.comTell me nonnas who your vote goes for
No. 957892
>>957885she already fakes having bigger boobs so it would be even more difficult to make them looks larger while they get smaller.
>She's not going to value big boobs, something she can easily fake, over a conventionally attractive, slim body. It's 10000% cope.a lot of chubby and fat girls get extremely imbedded in this thought and will refuse to lose weight/gain even more weight for the sake of boobs and moids who fetishize freakishly large breasts will encourage this as well. I grew up around fat people obsessed with big tits and many fat girls think like this and will actively try to make themselves fatter for this reason. You're right she has more access to things like coolsculpting, skin tightening, etc but that doesn't mean she won't eat up the
toxic culture built by the western XXXL breasts obsession
No. 957904
>>957892It's not a culture, it's a psychological defence mechanism. Weight loss is HARD. Pretending you like being fat because you enjoy the big boobs is easy, and getting attention for your boobs is instant gratification with zero effort. All those fat chicks you know were also coping.
Billie has absolutely nothing in common with those girls though, she's in Hollywood and the standards applied to her, the people she's surrounded with and the situations she's put in are totally different. She won't be 'eaten up' by this poor, white trash culture you're thinking of when she's already totally consumed by celebrity culture.
No. 957926
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>>957585anon, you made my night.
No. 957928
>>957888I voted for A Quiet Place 2 and Emily Blunt in the movies section cause it was one of the only 2021 movies I've seen (I just watched it earlier today actually, it was great). I also voted for Britney, Naomi Osaka, Simone Biles
and The Rock cause why not and some other people. A lot of the nominations weren't that good though.
No. 957957
>>957933Extremely large boob worship is almost non existent compared to the simultaneously worship of thin women and hatred of fat women. Are you flat chested and insecure about it? I've got small boobs and don't feel bad about it because I see similar boobs on female celebs and models all the time.
Sorry anon, I know I'm nitpicking your arguments but I just think you're dying on a weird hill. It's nonsensical to think she's somehow susceptible to this barely there, niche beauty standard (fat + big tits being ideal) which has massive negative stigma, more than she is to being conventionally beautiful by celebrity standards - something she's no doubt pressured to fit into behind the scenes as well as by the public, regardless of her own preferences. And it's even more absurd to think being a slave to that niche beauty standard is the reason she's fat, rather than the more obvious reason - that eating massive amounts of hyper palatable food (and drinking alcohol presumably) is enjoyable, easy and hard to quit in favour of unpleasant restrictive diets.
No. 957983
>>957957I'm not insecure about my body and I don't have small boobs but I grew up in an area that valued large boobs a lot and a lot of people in my high school at the time encouraged women to be fat for the sake of big boobs. You're right thin is better in terms of society but that doesn't mean Billie isn't falling
victim to this mindset and that's just what I'm predicting which is why she doesn't seem to be trying to lose weight but relies on corsetting and push up bras for a figure. This is just my own theory
As for her diet she said she's vegan and a lot of vegan substitutes are overly sugared, salted, and processed junk and she's probably also downing soy substitutes which encourages estrogen at first but unless your constantly drinking it your body will naturally stop producing estrogen as much which explains her
masculine fat distribution, since people with high e naturally tend to gather fat in their bottom half. If she's vegan she's probably not getting a lot of protein or carbs either which is leading her to eat way more than she needs in order to feel full. As for drugs she looks strung out in a lot of photos so it wouldn't surprise me if she is following in Demi's footsteps which explains the premature again, extra fat, and very little vital health signs in the face, arms and legs
No. 958016
>>957883Olivia sucks.
There. Now what?
No. 958121
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So apparently this is the girl who was in charge of keeping the guns safe. she wasn't even professionally trained, she got the job cause of nepotism as her father was also a Hollywood armorer, also apparently tied to another "accident" that happened with her friend No. 958122
File: 1635932846711.png (28.19 KB, 666x480, 11.png)

>>958121>Gutierrez-Reed previously downplayed her inexperience as an armorer. Speaking on a recent “Voices of the West” podcast just a month before the “Rust” tragedy, Gutierrez-Reed said that while she had picked up some details of the job from her father, she described working on “The Old Way” as a “really badass way” to start her career, but said she learned on her own the process of loading blanks into firearms, calling it “the scariest thing.”
>“It was also my first time being head armorer as well. You know, I was really nervous about it at first, and I almost didn’t take the job because I wasn’t sure if I was ready, but, doing it, like, it went really smoothly,” she said in September. “The best part about my job is just showing people who are normally kind of freaked out by guns how safe they can be and how they’re not really problematic unless put in the wrong hands.” No. 958167
>>958151 and yeah, the vegan girl i know is just stupid. she's also a 'picky eater' and feels proud of herself for eating one tomato a month. she mindlessly trusts companies like b&j's but also claims to be antifa and has acab plastered all over her social media, while coming from a privileged aka super wealthy background and calling the police on her neighbors if they are loud after 10 pm (law dictates that people have to be quiet/not make any loud noise between 10 pm and 6 am in my country). she's a typical consoomer who just does identity/label cosplay and right now it's being super anticapitalist, vegan and ecofriendly, while she also loves capitalism and buys the most useless shit to underline her dumbass identity. also ofc she's a themlet.
sorry for ot, i'll stop now.
No. 958413
>>957926all the anons being the wheezing guy/OMG SO FUNNY meme at this romulan reference are worrying me. you guys are like small town cashier ladies absolutely losing it at the "funny" employee's non-joke.
>made my night>my SIDEScalm down
No. 958414
>>958167picky eaters with no shame about calling themselves such should be gassed
idgaf, jump of a cliff or go see some actual hungry people, stfu about "muh texturrre can u cook some chicken fingers for me at ur dinner party because i caaaan't eaaat anythingggg"
No. 958563
>>958125Billie has classic pre-diabetes body, she's pasty pale, top heavy with a big belly.
Eating (junk food) vegan is awful for insulin resistance because it's impossible to get dense protein and keep your carbs in check wwithout medicine
>>958150Didn't know this about Lizzo kek, why do DeathFats live to lie about being vegan?to try show people they have self control?
No. 958811
>>958684>She probably is neglected by everyone around her such as her family and team so she uses food to copeThis, some bit of her lyrics in one of her newer songs suggested so, "sitting at home, trying not to eat" or something alike. As for her family, she has her mother to thank for the whole vegan thing. her mother has a whole instagram dedicated to vegan diet though, weird that Billie doesn't use her vegan recipes.
I think Billie breaks her vegan diet sometimes though, she's been photographed with some kind of chips/snacks that weren't vegan (Cheetos?) and people pointed out
(sorry totally not an expert on chips)
No. 958894
>>958770PCOS, diabetes, heart issues, etc
People who gather fat in their midsection already have a lot of issues, and women start getting other diseases and facing the side effects of obesity if their waist goes past 30 inches, Billie's looks well past 34 and she corsets
No. 958934
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>>958911I must say Shinji has better hair though
No. 959139
>>959136Taylor Momsen is ok now, she clearly tries to stay out of the spotlight and she's fine with playing in her band. she was one of those top teen stars in Gossip Girl days and she was a bit of an edgelord (she was 16 at the time though) but now she's pretty lowkey. i don't keep up with her though, hmm boomerish vibes?
>>959138ignore them anon, there's no talk with stans. they'll see in a year or so, just like people are realizing just now that Billie isn't some revolutionary "dark pop" rebel like they thought
No. 959341
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Ariana gets away with having a fridge waist because she had a pretty face
No. 959364
>>959341She has a typical skinny girl body, on top of that usually cameras can make you appear a lot more boxy than you actually are which I assume is the reason why so many celebrities resort to having bucket lists of plastic surgery since the wrong angle can make girls with nice curvy bodies look like boxes
On top of that she's usually being compared to girls with surgery which is why she seems so boxy compared to them, it's nice she doesn't get extreme plastic surgery like most celebrities
No. 959370
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>>959364she knows she has a boxy waist since she always wears super high rise clothes that hide half of her waist so it looks less boxy.
>>959363oh no i made the ariana f@goet stans mad.
No. 959378
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>>959364>>it's nice she doesn't get extreme plastic surgery like most celebritiesShe looks one plastic surgery away from being botched wdym.
No. 959399
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jesus christ what the fuck is this
No. 959405
>>959399Look, she married her dealer and he's also a moth ok. He gets hungry.
The fact that they even tried to pass that guy off as a luxury real estate agent or whatever.
No. 959406
>>959384Wrong anon? I'm on your side
I sarcastically said all female celebrities should get surgery to be extreme hourglasses since nitpicking female celebrities for every little thing is going to to more harm than good for normie women. Normie women are already expected to be fit with boobs and butt and spend money on constant cosmetic services. Ariana is skinny, constantly polished with a nice butt and boobs (pls don't start infighting over this, I said she has them not that they're very big/small, they're just considered nice to most people since both her boobs and butt look quite perky and round/toned)
I also mentioned before cameras can make women look more boxy than they actually are which would explain why her waist looks quite defined in some pics and others not so much, and there's always bloating which is why in all the "gross boxy and manly"! Pics seem to be coming from off the stage since most people usually eat lots of junk at concerts
No. 959407
>>959341most celebs have fridge waists lbr. the ones who don't got it lipo'd or they use spandex. the second you see them in a swimsuit, it's box city.
this looks like a pretty common body shape today
No. 959424
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>>959408Obviously you only consider body modifications extreme surgery's so you dont consider ariana making her face unrecognizable to be extreme surgerys.
Her 2014 already had surgical procedures like nose job, brow lift and filler and in 2021 it looks like she now even had more work done and her nose got even more smaller.
>>959417some of the anons here are obviously biased
No. 959441
>>959431>are you retardedWhy do you keep on repeating that, did you hear that alot growing up.
You really think if someone didnt have body work then its not extreme lmao ok i see your projecting with the retard questions.
Africana granola looks even more botched in pics without makeup.
No. 959451
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I cannot wrap my mind around the idea of women being dickmatized by Pete Davidson. Kate Beckinsale, Ariana Grande, Margaret Qualley, and now Kim? I think Pete is just 'fine' as a comedian but good lord, the bar is SO low for men.
No. 959453
>>959447yes i was making a comparison. but what the hell was
>So she's wrong if she gets plastic surgery for something she was commonly bashed for before hand, and now she's wrong for not getting plastic surgery for whatever body type you like right now? What are you trying to say exactly? Are you just upset you can't control what plastic surgery Ariana grande chooses to get in the moment?who said any of this?
No. 959454
>>959413plenty of women in other places have small waists without corsets or exterior help. I think the box shape is just common in western countries since that's where I see it the most. It's really usual for women to be so boxy tho, I think it's the diet and hormonal shit messing up things. the western diet is notoriously trash
>>959436my bad but yeah. That shaping underwear does wonders.
No. 959470
>>959444samefag pic is here
>>949679but she's totally recognizable guys
No. 959487
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>>959454No? I've been to Europe and Asia before and plenty of women there have similar body types to Ariana Grande. Once you leave your house and go to beaches and stuff you start to realize how the female body actually looks. Your theory also doesn't explain the amount of art pieces focused on women's bodies from other cultures during ancient times and why they would be considered boxy and manly today
No. 959494
>>959437Audrey had work done too. When I saw her before pics, I was pretty shocked lmao
She was cute but she wasn't The Audrey Hepburn. I think most famous beauties had a few things tweaked.
No. 959495
bone rattler sperging please begone
>>959451hes tall, hes funny, and he has allegedly has a big dick I guess
and women keep saying I can fix him. but it's not like he's the only comedian who has these traits so why he'd be the one who was singled out by women? probably arianas impact, she's the one who said he had a big dick in the first place
No. 959499
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>>957562She and her friends should chill with the self tanner ugh
No. 959503
>>959487I live in Africa where the curves get crazy and my family comes from Asia and Europe so there's tons of diversity in my life. I've seen it all and your picrel, did you guys forget how often they used men to model female figures? lol
saying a box is normal is a cope. the female figure has always been noted for the waist being thinner bc estrogen makes the weight sit on the hips. menopausal women get boxy bc their hormones change.
you're def the one who needs to see some real women, not 'artistic interpretations' from homos and not boxes with fucked hormones from shitty abnormal diets lol
No. 959505
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>>959499Virtually no one who is naturally pale look better with a tan.
No. 959517
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>>959503Africa actually has a higher W:H ratio on average than American and European countries,-The%20mean%20(SD&text=In%20this%20study%2C%20the%20mean,0.85%20for%20women%20%5B29%5D.
Average in Africa was .87
Average w:h ratio in America is .79,3%20inches%20off%20her%20waist.
Higher W:H ratio = less curvy, more boxy. Example if your waist/hip ratio is 0.8 then your waist takes up 80% of your hips, the lower it gets the more curvy you are. Pic rel
No. 959518
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>>959454Africa is huge and WHR varies considerably by ethnicity. Contrary to stereotype, the majority of African women have narrow hips, short tubular stomachs, small breasts and long limbs. They have data, so I don't know why everyone keeps arguing about this. I'm surprised how few of you bother to look up research literature considering how obsessed you are about it.
No. 959523
>>959503>Waist thinner because estrogenAlso no
African women have higher PCOS rates and black women in America on average tend to have higher testosterone. It actually became an issue in the Olympics since there was a rule against women with high testosterone and it would have disqualified a lot of black women - not calling black women manly or anything, I'm just saying you're very very ignorant about statistics
No. 959657
>>959523The "black women" discussed for having high testosterone in that story are literally intersex being passed off as women. One is a literal troon, not even a woman
Also, werent there like two studies that said black women actually have higher estrogen? They were posted in some MtF threads way back but I didn't bother saving. This is so off-topic but I'm sick of racebaiting and tranny shit in every thread lol
No. 959663
>>959581you're right, amy did do it better. takes me back
>>959139late response, to the second part of your comment. i won't lie, it's annoying and hard to ignore since
the weird olivia stans keep going after people i actually think are fine and do follow but i don't feel like dealing with an potential infight about them if they did their research on the other party involved they would see that what they're blaming them for isn't even really their fault, but their management was actually pushing the issue. i also don't think that the problem is even worth staunchly shitting on either party (aside from maybe management) and just wasn't fair to either olivia or the others.
No. 959683
>>959546Lmao that chin. But why are anons arguing about Ariana's surgery when she's obviously had work done particularly in her face, made especially clear by that major eyebrow botch we've seen in past threads. Maybe we won't know for certain if she's had other work done in other areas because she clearly won't say so maybe it's pointless to argue, but if she keeps going it will get more extreme eventually. And she likely will keep going in an attempt to stay looking youthful. Imagine if she gets to Madonna's age looking like the state Madonna's in now kek
No. 959685
>>959657Studies are mixed but plenty of studies say African American women have higher testosterone and some say otherwise. Of course it has a variety of other factors but race does not have a lot of correlation with hormones
>>959659This is my first racial discussion on lolcow, having high t doesn't mean those women are bad or even unattractive, but claiming all non black women are low-e bricks is ridiculous
No. 959722
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Pretty messed up
>a shitty card, my new wife and my beautiful HEALTHY daughter are the greatest treasures in my life <3
I wouldn't be surprised if he starts acting like jack doesn't exist.
No. 959745
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To add onto that as well, here's something I came across, which is the deleted post that was addressed
No. 959749
>>959683Well madonna didnt start getting plastic surgery until her 40's
Meanwhile ariana is in her late 20's and she already has alot of sculpting fillers, brow lifts, two nose jobs and lip fillers.
So she will look worse than madonna when she reaches her age.
No. 959750
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>>959708It’s not the corset alone it’s the corset during a performance for me. How the fuck is she gonna sing while restricting her breath, just shows her priorities. And she doesn’t have to be skinny… just be normal is that a foreign concept nowadays?
>>959683I almost said no one is claiming Ariana didn’t have ps then i scrolled up and saw the comment WTF i didn’t know these delulu stans actually exist outside if twitter.
Anyways here’s a jumpscare
>>959745 man do i feel bad for her, seems like most people celebrated her fall because they hated her guts sm, just hoping she won’t turn out like madonna i can’t stand that hag
No. 959761
>>959722I feel like he's trying to pass himself off as a himbo but it's not working anymore. I get he's probably joking when he says
>"She helps me with everything. In return, periodically, I open a jar of pickles."
>"So if I don't get her anything, I'll tell her to look back on this post."But it just sounds sad because you know he'll still get "aww"s on his post for writing some nice lines about his wife and how she does things for him and is as equally treasured as his dumb card, even though he's outing himself as doing the bare minimum. A 6 week old post for her birthday and nothing else? Romantic.
No. 959783
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Is anyone else tired of Lil Nas X’s whole “deal” or am I just an asshole
No. 959818
>>959799he's just become trash (and if he was already trash, then more trash) ever since he went hollywood. i used to think he was endearing on parks and rec and thought he and anna were cute.
obviously, not anymore. he's a fucking joke now and he's just continuing to make a fool out of himself. this out of touch low effort shit he's posting isn't helping him but will appeal to those who think minimum effort from a man is cute.
No. 959821
>>959798You sound seriously unhinged. I didn't claim you said anything. All I said was that her weight is normal in her country, and that her work would generally want her to be skinny, and now you're losing your mind over what? I also said nothing about any BMI, it's you who seems to think "skinny" means dying of anorexia
I'm 105lbs lmao, "BMI 30" okay. I changed my mind, don't take any pill, you probably had too many already because you're hallucinating
No. 959962
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Why the fuck are rich people always so unfortunately styled? In particular blue suit to the right, he couldn’t have been bothered to iron or steam out the creases in his suit?
Billie looks like she commissioned an outfit from Torrid and requested they make her something in the vein of a mid 70s Hannah Barbara character using materials from one of those discount Santee Alley fabric stores. All that’s missing is the cold shoulders… It’s not plus sized it’s “goddess” sized kek… What’s sad is that it’s one of her best outfits from recent memory. I do like the head piece though.
Dakota Johnson looks okay I guess, her outfit is a little too 2010-2015 imho.
The fruit on the far right looks like something straight out of a Shein sponsored tik tok haul. Not extremely insulting but nothing spectacular either. The chest hair peaking from under the vest makes me wretch though.
The point of my sperg was to say that I never knew Gucci could look so cheap. Not that it’s a stellar brand, I feel like they have really declined over the last few years so I guess these looks are on brand kek. Autistic rant over.
No. 959973
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No. 959975
>>959962This picture is making me nauseous. Guy on the left looks like he just threw on the first thing he could find when people show up at your house unannounced, Billie's outfit is giving grandmother of the bride, and guy on the right looks like a last minute groomsmen who needed a quick suit to fit in with the wedding party. I don't know why this picture reminds me so much of a wedding lol but Dakota looks ok I guess. Going with my wedding analogy she looks like someone who was out partying the night before and decided to make a quick appearance kek.
With MY autistic analysis over I do agree about how cheap brands like Gucci have become. Over the years they try to appeal to a more "trendy" culture, meaning they start putting out shitty clothes that look like you could buy them from some fast fashion website, but then they stick their logos on it so that people still know it's designer.
No. 960008
>>959971exactly, the whole ensemble is poorly mismatched. they all look like they're dressed for different events, and mostly not even dressed in a way suited to their looks.
the common thing they all share is they all look like they're playing dress up, like a costume closet was raided, all the best pieces were already snatched up and this was all they had left to work with.
No. 960013
>>959979I have my own reservations on cancel culture and sometimes feel like it isn't used in the best way. But when a public figure says anything against it more often than not I find they have some shit to hide or don't want to own up to. In a way it feels like an inadvertent invitation to look into the person's history, and it's kind of a double edged sword because I think there are some
valid criticisms about cancel culture to make but doing anything will incite something if it gets enough attention, just a matter of whether or not how bad the fallout would ever be for the person and if they make it out unscathed. Not sure if that made sense kek
No. 960035
>>959783he's a redneck who got rich, he'll run out of money and disappear soon enough
probably spending it on boots and designer puppies as we speak
No. 960041
>>959975from left to right, it's 1995, 2012, 1979 and 1985
it's very confusing, they should have called each other ahead of time to coordinate
No. 960047
>>960043i don't think any of us would even
want to know or acknowledge the potential existence of petey fanfic anon, sorry to disappoint
No. 960059
>>960052yeh no that's the opposite of what I want in a man, pegging no no no bad no. femdom anons no no back to containment thread
but I get why women would be into a tall comedian with an allegedly big dick, not into petey but have been into tall + comedian + allegedly big dick
No. 960109
>>960098he's a flash in the pan bro. i bet he'll go broke like a pro athlete in retirement
a listers run out of money all the time too though; grace jones, nic cage, marvin gaye are prtty well known for it
No. 960113
>>959510There's plenty of evidence for nude female models, even from the likes of Michelangelo.
Praxiteles' Aphrodite is the first known sculpture of the nude female form in Greek history, and the model was very, very likely his muse Phryne.
No. 960123
I know this is stupid but the Kristen Stewart marriage proposal annoyed me. How can you be so flippant about proposing to your beloved girlfriend being like, "Nope, jk Im going to tell my gf how I want it to be instead and have her propose to ME"
Like how do you makeup plans and then change your mind? She eventually says that her first interview with Stern was her kind of proposing and now it was her gfs turn to propose to her. Its pretty halfassed for a girl who said she had so many cute ideas and was gushing about proposing and then didnt.
Here's the second interview where she talks about her gf proposing No. 960235
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>>951739>>951738>coming back to this thread and seeing someone stanning someone as boring as Meghan Trainor.She's literally just another industry construct with a completely inorganic following where you never meet anyone who is genuinely a fan of theirs, like Rita Ora or Jessie J.
No. 960248
>>960227And that tale doesn’t make sense. Seems like a rumour someone started and now everyone is treating it as a fact
Ariana’s family had very powerful connections and lots of money i just don’t see how she had to suck a fat dick as a kid to get that role like normies do. It’s interesting that no one brings up the fact that it’s her mom who could have done that to boost her career. However i agree he and the whole crew were very creepy towards them, probably touched them on many occasions. Gathering kids to molest on set is more believable than molesting kids to gather them to film some boring tv show that’s not guaranteed success.
No. 960267
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demi used to look kinda Asian imo
No. 960281
>>959707And honestly this was so weird because you posted no statistics. You racebaited while posting an inaccurate article that lists trannies as women, the original anon didn't even mention any particular race but you sperged about black women specifically (and ones in the US as well, not even Africa)
I know this is old but I hate seeing stupid shit
No. 960282
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>>960274>her career exploded out of literally nowhere. Not organic and also not something her nobody parents could make happen alone.People will have forgotten by now but Ari is another one who was a complete who for her first few singles. Nobody cared. Nobody asked for it, it was all boring and done. However, because she is so pretty they were able to throw enough money at her to the point where she is now icon status. (the ponytail is branding that makes her into almost like a human logo)
>>960235and many other failed projects by media elites
No. 960283
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>>960267She and Miranda Cosgrove had similar features, I wonder if they're distantly related. Ezra Miller has the same look
No. 960290
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>>960013>some shit to hideIt's not exactly hidden but Dakota's father, Don Johnson, was 22 when he hooked up with her mother, a 14 year old Melanie Griffith. They moved in together a year later and though it didn't last, Melanie wasn't the last teenager DJ was involved with.
No. 960293
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>>960270Her best era was when MySpace was a thing and she had this faux rocker/emo style
No. 960295
>>960095do you not have any interaction with normal human beings, many terminally online are obssseded with people having "top energy" or "bottom energy" over anylzing random photos and seeing whose the dominant one or whatever, its so fucking stupid
Pete Davidson is just another slacker druggie looking guy and he probably has normal missionary sex with oral with his female partners just like most normal people
No. 960302
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>>960297I have never dated someone as crusty looking as Davidson but I have dated some burnouts, druggies and well "losers", the think about dating a loser burnout whose decent looking and has no ambitions in life is that they allow you to be free by being the worst possible version of yourself, suddenly you don't feel like doing shit, you just wanna relax
I think that maybe Davidson's appeal
No. 960314
>>960284I’m not an ari stan and I’m tired of you nonnitas labeling anyone with a slightly different opinion as such, how fucking childish are you, then you unironically write a wattpad sob story about our poor loli princess and her tragic fame story, “hates herself” she can’t eye fuck herself any harder or she’d cum all over her phone. hang yourself schizo.
Anyways, I’m just saying if she fucked someone into fame it’s most likely scoots.
>>960274She didn’t explode out of nowhere she had scoot as her manager -the same man who still have justin on top despite alll of his controversies- also, not all of his clients are as famous as her and justin so clearly they’re favored for SOME reason, most likely sexual.
The fat pedo doesn’t control her career nowadays yet she keeps catering to him it’s most likely that he has dirt on her and her family IMO.
>>960276No one is doubting that he’s a pedo i was saying it doesn’t make sense that he would molest kids to allow them on the show, it’s most likely that he allows them on the set THEN molests them. I worry for women with this level of reading comprehension and intelligence. No pedo would out themselves to the hundreds of kids coming with their parents in the casting office ffs
No. 960317
>>960284>>960282>>960291>>960301it seems like we're all kind of agreeing on at least some similar things, so are we somewhat agreeing she rapidly shot to fame and is now currently hogging the limelight partly because of things that could have gone on behind the scenes?
(other part being that she's already accumulated a legion of braindead fans now who think she's done no wrong)
No. 960325
the Dan Schneider thread for anyone interested
>>405637Enjoy the light reading
No. 960326
>>960321samefag as
>>960323, didn't see this response until after it was posted. i do especially agree with the last bit tbh.
No. 960329
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>>960323Exactly. It happened after getting scoots to manage her not after getting molested. She got #1 on the hot 200 with my everything then fired scoots and shaded him on dw (jason’s song) but it didn’t do as well so she hired him again. Feeling like a celeb is “shoved” down our throats is a consequence of intense advertisement by their management.
In the end i just disagree with nonnies that being molested by a pedo is what made her famous, not denying it happened tho. And not denying she’s doing shady shit behind the scene to be stay relevant and remove all dirty rumours about her off the internet, the fact that she viscously supported uncle joe and obsessively hated trump (even made two songs about him and talked about him in her first netflix documentary) yet got married to a family of trump supporters + the fact that she couldn’t speak on israel like she would usually do as a SJW BLM kaween tells me enough: it’s not as simple as fucking a pedo as a kid because
victims of pedophilia get thrown away uncared for after they get used enough times and grow up. Moving on
No. 960334
>>960323I think it was a mix of a few things. The Manchester bombing happened and she went quiet for a while obviously, then when she announced her return with No Tears Left To Cry and the Sweetener album she was praised for her response and comeback from the bombing. Then her breakup from Mac Miller, then engagement to Pete, then Mac overdosing, then her breakup up with Pete. She attracted a lot of media attention from that and once again people wanted to see how she would respond to that storm of events, which she did with Thank U Next.
Not that I doubt there was any payola or anything. Scooter definitely had an influence like
>>960329 says. I find it hard to believe that so many of her songs went #1 in a row. I don’t really know what she’s doing now though because her being in The Voice and starting a makeup brand makes me think she’s ready to be done now, like other celebrities like Selena and Rihanna or something.
No. 960363
Ok i lied, let me sperg a little bit more about areola. I dislike her- not because of her fake ponytail princess loli pick me attitude (she’s/was pretty and I’m shallow) hear me out:
> Manchester happened and she came back with songs about her, her and her pussy, no tears left to cry FOR HER but I’m sure parents of the kids who died and the fans who got injured will mourn the tragedy for a life time. She had exactly (01) bee and (+1) min of silence as a tribute for such a traumatising event for a lot of people, couldn’t come up with at least one song for them, ok.
> her public persona didn’t really change she was the same playful little ponytail princess.
> started dating pete and titled a song after him. Pete: 1 - Manchester: 0
> RIP Mac, ari still with pete who was feeling proud his gf was felt up at that funeral.
> broke up with pete and only then did she drop the loli image and her personality shifted into this strong independent grown woman persona, even started dressing and talking more maturely. Dedicated almost the whole ty,n album to pete, even when she was singing about mac’s death, she was singing about how pete was affected (ghostin). Pete: 1 - Mac: 0
> still name dropping pete in positions while only subtly talking about mac in the context of HER finding a new boo (let’s not talk about her tribute by adding cockroach sounds in the background i will kms).
> back to her loli shenanigans after getting a new man, pick me life is hard.
> doesn’t mention Mac or Manchester anymore on their anniversaries, only when there is something coming up to promote: an album, a performance, a beauty line, a marriage…
in conclusion: she used the tragic events that happened to other people to boost her music by clickbait headlines. But she clearly was more affected by publicly breaking up with a man than by a bombing/ an ex’s death. I totally think she got married to shift the attention from the bombing trauma kaween staying silent about palestinien kids getting bombed since she was getting sm heat.
No. 960386
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>>960384Boohooo did i disrespect your queen and your ticket?
No. 960387
>>960269demi is half hispanic
>>960302true there's something appealing about a man who's supposed to be better looking falling into a period where he looks gaunt, dead, and drugged up. maybe it's just my "I can fix him" instinct kicking into overdrive
No. 960401
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>>953254>>952951>>952943I'm not a fan of Megan Fox and her weird thumbs and weirder bf but did you all collectively forget where she spoke about all the gross sexualisation that Michael Bay put her through in the Transformers film and pic related? Saying Hollywood failed her is nothing new
Inb4 some nlog anon serves up some reason why she is bad, remember it's scrote logic to only classify women as perfect Madonnas or whores
No. 960402
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Muh PTSD brain scan defending Pete for his insensitive jokes that hurt Manchester victims when it's not his trauma to cope with, not showing an ounce of sympathy towards bombing victims in Palestine and talking over victims of feet pedo dan Schneider praising him and having the AUDACITY to propose filming a new episode of victorious, suggesting her friend cosplay as a dead child… Yeah she actually doesn't give a shit about Manchester or anyone else change my mind.
No. 960483
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looking uncanny & purely plastic again what’s new
No. 960543
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Did anyone bring this up? Saw rumors that they're starring in the same film/ tv series so obvious PR is obvious. Also lizzoooo how is she gonna cope after being ignored by drake LMAO I'm predicting another meltdown and that's why you must have dignity girl
No. 960559
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>>960550>She was a pretty girl, should have stopped playing with her face in 2018She should've stopped in 2014. She already had work done, but she looked like a better version of her Cat self, and was cute and youthful. This was also the look that spawned a million copycats, so it was obvious that people really liked it. I really can't imagine why she would mess with her face past this, the BDD must be insane.
No. 960583
>>960543Selena and Chris are both good people, I hope they're dating
Lizzos narcissism is what does it for me. Also didn't Lizzo body shame Miley, Chris's ex? And now she's simping for him? Kek. God she's so bitter
No. 960614
>>960583when did Miley Cyrus date Chris Evans?
Also I bet it's just PR because they both have projects with Disney (Selena with OMATB, Evans with Lightyear)
No. 960630
>>960583>Chris is Miley's ex>Lizzo body shamed MileyNone of this makes sense or sounds unfounded otherwise I'm sure someone would have already brought this up (especially with us talking shit about Lizzo).
>Selena and Chris Evans are good peopleI don't really care for Chris but how is Selena a good person? I thought we established in these past threads already that she treated her organ donor like shit. And Miley is Liam Hemsworth's ex, not Chris.
No. 960634
>>960543this reeks of pr and would feel similar to the hiddleston/swift nonsense if true.
also this headline sounds very dumb. just because someone's best friend follows some girl on instagram doesn't necessarily mean that someone is dating that girl lmao since when was that kind of thing
valid evidence? clevver news sounds like they're grasping at straws because this pairing was basically unheard of and not a concept known to any of us until they made it a thing kek. if they really are starring together then yeah i bet it's pr.
No. 960675
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>>960661I'm the second anon you were replying to. Miley never went out (publicly, if so) with Chris Hemsworth or Chris Evans. The connection of both Chrises being costars is right, but you seem almost as confused as the other anon. When you search up "Miley Cyrus and Hemsworth" Liam's name is what comes up because they were once engaged. IIRC I'm pretty sure that Miley and Liam were costars once which was how they met? I'm not as solid on that last sentence. But if you're also trying to correct other anon on the mistake and pointing out how she could have gotten mixed up between the two Chrises, then yeah.
No. 960702
>>960684I'm pretty sure I must have misunderstood on some level because I thought that was directed at what I said. Sorry anon.
There are too many freaking Chrises in Hollywood. I'll say that.
No. 960709
>>960661did you maybe get
>>960630 mixed up with
No. 960739
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>>960641The things you people forget is that Ariana wasn’t even present when the bombing happened so she only had to deal with the aftermath publicly and I’m sure it was hard but she exploited it without showing genuine concern IMO. Like did anyone bring up the ptsd scan kaween collaboration with the scammer company that’s betterhelp? Affiliate links to sign up for (1) free month to be ignored by this company, just for ari’s mentally ill stans !!
No. 960777
>>960661>>960675>>960684>>960691I think you both lacked some reading comprehension even if
>>960691was right in the end. Should probably go over your replies and who/what you’re replying to.
>>960706You’re not wrong kek
No. 960785
>>960401I hate all that "Megan was such a
victim" thing. It's Michael Bay who should apologize to Megan, not all collective "WE". it's not like the whole world owes her something.
I know it was fucked up to be this young and sexualized, i know. however she cries about this avid sexualization and how she's more than her looks but what is she doing now though? she's posing as a sex object/accessory for her brainless high school rap boyfriend.
She's always been an NLOG. she's lucky that people are crazy about 00's now or else no one would remember her and her one role in Jennifer's Body
No. 960810
>>960790Yeah because… she probably didn't do that much in between tbh. cause what was she really doing in between? i thought she took a break from acting for long years and was happy with her family etc. She was "forgotten" for years but she said she's happy. but that was long time ago. she was brought back to mass attention with MGK fling.
she's just not a good actress, so we don't hear about her as an actress but rather as a celebrity
No. 960814
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>>960559agreed. used to be a fan. her eyes were really pretty. now she has so much shit going on in her face her eyes are the last thing you notice. i think all the filler makes her eyes look beady/small or something.
also crazy she always got compliments for looking young. which some people just have that. but with all the shit she did to her face i think she looks older, or just not like herself. its a shame i think shed look fine today if she hadnt gone full retard. she had a sweet face back then.
No. 960818
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taylor swift announced a short film to accompany the release of her 10 minute long all too well song. all too well is a song about the end of her relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal. some people may find it whiny but it's her best song with heartbreakingly vivid imagery imho. i'm excited to hear the final cut version.
tay isn't taking any prisoners when it comes to casting pic related and i'm living for it. she was 19 when she started dating jake who was 29 at the time. their birthdays are a week apart. drag the scrote sis fuck age gaps in hollywood
No. 960838
>>960818Oh man I skim read your post and didn't realise they're just the cast, I was getting upset thinking I'd have to cast DOB aside as one of my favs for being a creep.
Tswift is pretty pinkpilled imo, she might have been naive but seems to have significantly improved with age. People always drag her for being an insincere white feminist and an evil snake but idc, The Man was real shit. She dragged age gaps in the music video and even made fun of Leo Dicaprio by name. Sis clearly as a preference for good looking men of an appropriate age and I respect that when so many famous women compromise on both for god knows what reason.
No. 960869
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>>960837decided to go and look at recent photos of him to see and uh what the fuck kinda fake eminem shit is this
No. 960907
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Kek azealia is shit talking the hyperpop troon Arca on her IG story, basically called him a gay white Spanish man trying to use her to advance his own music career
No. 960980
>>960976Nevermind, I also saw she did this shit where she kisses another woman for attention.
I fucking hate reggaeton. Literally ruining Latin America.
No. 961005
>>960980>I fucking hate reggaeton. Literally ruining Latin AmericaBased, it's true and you should say it, i despise that shitty """"genre""". Its very obviously a pysop to lower IQ rates and endorse teen pregnancy
>TokicshaAh, that mentally ill pick me who did that awful collab with J Balvin that got them rightfully canceled, that "Perra" song is literally a compilation of everything bad with latam: extreme misogyny, racism…what a shitshow.
No. 961019
>>961005I recently got into an argument with a now ex friend who basically said reggaeton is good and empowering. I wanted to blow my brains out.
I hate this shit.
No. 961022
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People died at Travis Scott's festival. 11 confirmed deaths as of right now with many more in emergency care due to cardiac arrest and other injuries. No. 961030
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>>961022Seems like they suffocated? This is awful, apparently one of the
victims is 10. Was there no security or anything?
No. 961036
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>>960821>>960827>>960856>>960837a tinfoil(that I actually somewhat believe) is that child/teen actors are given hormone blockers either by studios and or by their own parents so that they retain a more youthful appearance and secure their acting roles
picrel Gary Coleman and Emmanuel Lewis, both were child actors who played sassy child characters, both also conventionally started suffering from conditions that kept them short which was great for their respected shows as they could preserve the status quo
No. 961043
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>>961022300 people were treated on the scene with a dozen people having heart attacks. Authorities aren't saying why. This doesn't sound like a normal crowd control fail. I know NY Post is a rag but they say there were rumors of people being injected at the show. I know that's probably fake like the guy on Instagram stories saying he saw "hundreds of dead bodies". But it sounds like there was more than just a rowdy crowd. You don't get a heart attack from being shoved in a crowd. I think there was some domestic terrorism shit going on, think about it if you pump
toxic gas in a crowd at a concert through a smoke machine nobody would blink, if you wore a mask people would just think you're being cautious. This is extremely weird.
has Travis Scott pissed off PWB lately? No. 961047
>>961046It seems way too common though and the when I see their family members they often look normal tells me something's up
I do think something is happening that fucks up their bodies in the long run
No. 961055
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There's a lot of people on twitter who went to the concert talking about how horrible it was, and how Travis refused to stop despite seeing medics and the crowd chanting to stop tbf, I don't think artists can hear the crowd during performances.. There's even a video of him briefly stopping the concert because someone passed out. Apparently some people were also selling laced drugs (and I mean, it's a Travis Scott concert so I wouldn't be surprised). Afaik, Travis concerts are notorious for being crazy so it's not a complete surprise that something this bad would happen. What a mess.
Picrel, under the last tweet is pictures of people passing out and receiving CPR, cut those out for obvious reasons.
No. 961058
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>>961055Samefag, here's one of the videos of people jumping on stage to tell the staff that people were dying. This just proves how bad security was.
No. 961071
>>961055>tbf, I don't think artists can hear the crowd during performancesTrue, but not an excuse. Artists usually wear isolated in-ears to protect their hearing and to actually hear the music they're performing to instead of thousands of people screaming (usually off beat). So if one or two people got hurt it's fair he didn't know about it.
But it was a huge problem that security, management and production team definitely knew about. So they either didn't tell him, or he knew and chose to keep going. In the moment, the idea of refunding those thousands of tickets probably scared him or his team more than the PR damage of carrying on.
Money is a bad master. No. 961088
>>960838>>960818This movie is obviously just another money grab for Swift, Like everything else. She's never done something genuine and not actually for her own (financial and social) gain, plus no one truly cares about someone being 19 in a relationship with a 29 year old. Stop victimizing yourself for cash, swift. Seriously.
>Tswift is pretty pinkpilledNot at all, and IMO the only reason she acts differently than many of her female counterparts regarding men is because she's heavily rumored to be a closeted lesbian. Men most likely aren't even her target objective as she likes to claim. Tswift made a "pinkpilled" song to make money off her stupid "I don't own my masters" quarrel with scooter (when in reality no one with a label owns their masters, idiot swift). She made a "feminist" song to make more money off her stupid situation is all…the only thing tswift knows how to do is make more money, and she's been privileged and wealthy her whole life so only knows comfort. These are the worst people to take inspiration from anons.
>The Man was real shitthe Man was laughable and honestly, an unrelatable and uninspired soggy white bread take, another money grab to go with her scooter fued. Her whole career is so carefully mapped out this way.
No. 961121
>>961088Taylor built her whole career victimizing herself for cash, there's no way she's stopping now. Her stans are so blind too - they're the most boring whities you'll ever meet, the Live, Laugh, Lawsuit types. I get the vibe she's run her course music-wise, she's not musically creative and writes lyrics and verses like a teenager would…she almost bored everyone to death last year with not one but two embarrassingly bad "folk" albums. She ran out of artists to copy without it being obvious, and she can't emotionally handle not automatically winning AOTY every single year, she has a perpetually fragile ego due to getting everything she wanted her whole life, so I guess movies are what's next for her. Tswift is a clown, glad some other anons at least see it but I'm sure there's more stans here than not, knowing the type of anon this thread attracts.
No. 961139
>>961134>>961136Drunk on Colbert?
Whatever the case I'm sure the alcoholism rumors are something crafted by pratt's team to make her look bad and him innocent…he's a prick.
No. 961187
>>961142Seemingly it's weird but if you look at the nature of addiction, it makes perfect sense.
I'm still in the camp that does not believe her "alcohol issues" ruined their relationship. Pratt obviously dropped her for someone else and she was devastated. She does look like she's on coke in the Conan vid though.
No. 961274
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>>960334>>I don’t really know what she’s doing now though because her being in The Voice and starting a makeup brand makes me think she’s ready to be done nowShe is not done by choice lol her recent music singles havent been doing well so she is resorting to other things.
No. 961288
>>960976This woman is so boring I can't understand shit when she sings, her songs sucks, she looks like a bloated child and I'm glad she's fucking up so bad with her new music. Also ugly Spanish thinks she's Latina as if she was born and raised in fucking Colombia or something kek. Europeans gonna Europear
I will rest in peace when I never hear her "la Rosalía" again
No. 961350
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>>960971I have no idea but picrel is so hilarious to me
No. 961365
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>>961022Travis released a statement about this event.
What a fucking idiot, he really tries to save his ass now bc people died after HE told them to ignore security and shit. Now he had too many people in too little space and people died because of it. Just saw a vid of him doing the roboter on stage while a fan was on the edge of dying just right in front of him. Play stupid games and win stupid prices.
No. 961371
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>>961365took him long enough, guess he was too busy deleting tweets and ig posts mentioning that the venue was at full capacity but he still wanted people to sneak in
No. 961390
>>961388oh my bad then, i thought the organizers allowed that because alot concerts are overcrowded.
I wonder if Travis will face a future lawsuit for this.
No. 961399
>>961088>unrelatable No shit, it was literally a song about her personal experience as a female celebrity. Is there something wrong with that?
It sounds like your biggest issue is that she wants to make money… via her job. No wonder she has to bitch about men having it easy in the industry when she can't even try to be successful in her career without being considered the worst of the worst by people like you.
No. 961453
>>961380I saw this video, thought "Damn, his music must be
good, then", so I tried listening to 2 of his songs. Neither were good at all
I swear there has to be some kind of mass brainwashing or smth at work here. No one can naturally go this insane over some dishwater penis yeeyeeyuh songs
No. 961461
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Travis Scott was literally singing “yeeeeh yeeeeeh” and doing the robot as people were being wheeled away by EMT. No. 961464
>>961399Where did you come from?
She's a millionaire with no sense of reality (equating male privilege to being able to piss on a subway, she's had it real rough), definition of unrelatable. It's pathetic if you look up to celebs, it's a cow thread, stan your fav somewhere else if this stuff sets you off
No. 961469
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>>961461I'm so glad that he gets dragged for this. What an idiot.