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No. 916432
What ails you my
Previous sins:
>>>/ot/892755 No. 916530
>>916524being a stacy probably
is what happened to them
No. 916532
>>916529yes woops, *ftm. my bad
>>916530honestly yeah. i imagine they just broke beneath the stress that comes with being beautiful + female
No. 916606
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>>916567my thoughts exactly (I will seriously miss /ot/ though)
No. 916774
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>>916567>>916769This. Why pray for the site's deletion when you could just be less of a cow? Sounds like a personal problem.
No. 916776
>>916761similar to you anon but its because everyone online and irl just seems busier or doesn't care to message, call, whatever back.
im honestly tired of being the first one to message i wish the people i knew would even just send dumbass pics from their day.
No. 916857
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I love watching men like femboys and trannies seethe and throw their incel tantrums about about women. Shit makes me feel so smug knowing these men are so pathetic that they spend their entire lives obsessing over women, because they know they will never be them. No surgery or hormones will ever come close to natural women and they know it. I hope they continue to seethe and women continue to be their natural based selves.
No. 916868
>>916857Me too. My favourite is when they make those stupid posts comparing a woman with no make up in a candid pic where she isn't posing and posed picture of a moid in full makeup, as if it's some kind of own to have to be professionally done up just to "pass" (and even then they're all so clockable).
"N-nooo see we pass and we look like women better"
No. 917184
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Sometimes I wish I could go back to being a teenager, only so I could wear all the silly fashion I love again. Of course there are many more perk to being a adult, but I hate that you have to "dress serious".
No. 917197
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>>917188>>917190You guys are way cooler than me, I don't think I can handle being the 30 yrs old woman who still dresses like an angsty teen. Maybe in my next life.
No. 917224
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anon i know you deleted this post but i still want to know the story behind
>roleplaying alien egg laying
No. 917227
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>>917225>dildos that lay gel eggs in youwell now i'm more confused
No. 917278
>>917268Yes. I have dated women in the past but I haven’t had sex with any yet. Women are so soft and beautiful. I like the idea of men but the not really sure about having sex with them.
>>917271Understood, Anonette. He’s mentioned that he’s really eager to eat me out so maybe he won’t be terrible in bed? We’ll see.
No. 917311
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I'm a virgin at 28 and I can't tell if I'm just not interested or really scared of intimacy. Either way I'm too lazy to find out.
No. 917335
>>917247idk what's wrong with OP's statement. Like it kind of sucks for the sister but it's just better for everyone in society including the sister? I would be happy too
(samefag ) No. 917374
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back from like 2008-2010ish was the height of my neopets addiction, i was on there 10+ hours a day. i was a sort of "well known" person on the neoboards, specifically the avatar chat board. i pretended to be from the UK for almost my entire neopets career, i still don't know why. i'm from europe but nowhere remotely near the UK. so back then someone decided to make a youtube channel where people from the avatar chat board could upload a video introducing themselves and i submitted a video of myself and i was speaking in a FAKE ENGLISH ACCENT. and NOBODY CALLED ME OUT ON IT? i'm so embarrassed when i think about it holy shit but it's just crazy that i managed to "pass" i guess as a brit lmao…
No. 917405
>>917374Reminds me how I used to pretend to be from spain on myspace. A really nice girl that was actually from spain even said jokingly "you talk like my grandma" noting my overly formal writting kek
Idk how I managed that, I understand spanish but barely speak it and I'm not even from europe
No. 917413
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>>917389you’re gonna be taxed so hard KEK
No. 917426
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>>917416she's a mega cunt but i love her
No. 917821
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>>917389I’m glad you’re doing great,
No. 917846
>>917837I just like being nice.
It’s so retarded when people get divided over such a thing as “muh wealthy kids” or “muh poorfags”.
No. 917879
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I liked Angel Beats more than Haruhi Suzumiya.
No. 918418
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>>918410Made me kek, I can feel this meme.
>tfw you tell him that you love him No. 918469
>>918458I hear ya
Nonnie, (but also I hope doggos are safe and getting some love from whoever crosses their path).
No. 918518
>>918446Uhhh, can't you just ask the kitchen staff for some shit at the end of your shift? Or before?
t. chef's kid
No. 918589
>>918470Yeah I sometimes worry about that too though I already got two Moderna shots.
>>918481Just be cautious about it and don't get caught. I covered and stuffed leftovers in my apron pockets while cleaning then take a couple bites in the restroom before heading back out.
>>918495True that but if it were a hot guy I'd be making out with him. Totally fine with an pretty woman too. I've shared foods and drinks with friends before.
>>918493Tired of home food and kinda in a penny pinching situation right now. I don't do this all the time since most people finished up their food.
>>918496You're not wrong though the restaurant is located next to a gym so I assumed they're healthy-looking or perhaps fit and attractive.
>>918509I hope you stay strong anon though I would stick to buying grocery foods. Takes time to cook but you get more at home and your money's worth than out there.
>>918518Most of the foods aren't for free other than a bowl of rice, regular fries, 3 pieces of garlic bread, and garlic noodles with 4 pieces of shrimps. Quickly got bored of them and spending with 15% discount for purchasing other meals doesn't seem worth it to me.
>>918571Not seeing or having any signs of that.
No. 918594
>>918579only if he's a celebrity i'd actually want to fuck, or a near doppelganger of one, otherwise nope
>>918587tfw used to have model type body during ana phase but no longer an anachan
No. 918691
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Sometimes when I feel bad about my chub + unfortunate inverted triangle body with huge hip dips, I'll go on the plus size section of Shein and just look at review images and remind myself of how much more unfortunate my fat distribution could be.
No. 918764
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>>918579anon, please love yourself.
No. 918915
>>918902I feel the exact same way, id totally donate my uterus to women who want kids.
I’m really cool with skipping the whole parenting thing
No. 918934
I really enjoy playing Yandere Simulator (mission mode) during study breaks, as it requires planning, timing, and it's a thrill.
But now I see how Ayano hallucinates whilst she's stressed, it makes me sad. I haven't hallucinated in like two weeks. No spooky whispering, mumbling voices, shadow people or spiders on me. Not even the feeling of an evil presence stalking me. It made me feel like an anime main character, and helped me relate to Yandere Chan.
I'm sorry if it sounds retarded, but I feel like hallucinating added a little spice and a little thrill to my life, and now it's gone. It sounds ungrateful because some people have it really bad, but I miss feeling like I had secret powers.
No. 918940
>>918934I'm so sorry, anon. I've never hallucinated, but I want to bash my head in because of how mundane reality is.
Yandere Simulator is somewhat playable now? Stopped following it 2 years ago or so
No. 918943
>>918940Yansim is visibly unprofessional, and you can tell an autist made it, but that's what makes it a little more fun. It's funny, and you have a lot of leeway with how to get away with stuff.
I stopped following to because the developer is lazy and won't get the game out on time. But keep your expectations low and it's really awesome. Might even make life less mundane for you lol
No. 918957
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>>918952Congratulations queen
No. 918983
>>918952I almost dated a ftm a few years ago, but it was so difficult to navigate their emotions and insecurities. When I told them I thought we should stick to friendship I got called a transphobic. They proceeded to bully me by telling mutuals how much of a transphobe I was too.
The irony is, I didn’t want them to feel like a science experience for me, a white straight female. I really liked them at first, but they showed their true colors.
Glad you’re out of that anon. I hope you enjoy being single and loving you!
No. 919071
>>919010I had really low self-esteem when we started dating. She insisted that I'm bisexual (to be fair, I just really appreciate the female body but I only see myself in a romantic relationship with men) I try to have a lot of empathy towards trans people but deep down I know she'd take a TIM's opinion over a woman's safety
sage for blogpost
No. 919080
>>919010I guess straight isn’t exact; I was very forward about never dating outside of men (but not opposed to trying); the sad part is, I really liked them for their personality (at first). I had all the lame butterflies.
This person ended up, right after I asked to be friends, hooking up with one of my closest pals and then ghosted them.
I dodged the bullet, that’s for sure. The FTM did not age gracefully, so I guess their personality shown through after all.
Also, it really made me apprehensive to try dating outside my norm again, because after I did feel like I was the problem.
No. 919098
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No. 919104
>>919103You sure as fuck did anon… a lot of companies like Whole Foods or Target are hiring help through the holidays. Try applying to places like that.
You’ve done work to not be a druggie, so keep moving upward. You got this. Ps, if your old job was a corporate situation, please report them. No one else should work in that room environment.
No. 919109
>>919103You absolutely made the right decision. Quitting to protect your sobriety was an extremely brave choice to make.
Just don't let it get you down, and start looking for other jobs ASAP! Don't let boredom from unemployment drive you to drugs.
No. 919110
>>919105Out of all the ships from the anime which one do you prefer
No. 919131
>>919011What are your hallucinations like? And do you never get used to them, like you always find them scary even if they're common? Do you ever have ones that are just random and not even scary? Like seeing sparkles everywhere?
Also do you sometimes feel like strangers are secretly people who want to murder you and know your secrets? I experienced that and when I saw nemesis chan in yandere simulator i just thought 'omg shes literally me!!1' lol
I have never taken meds and never will. But I think I noticed them more when stressed or sleep deprived. Do they get worse with age and are you scared of them getting worse?
sorry for word salad but i feel a kinship with people who hallucinate, like yeah we found each other lol
No. 919263
>>918597I have to agree with you on that though stupid me thinks it's acceptable. I'm pretty gross in general like I would lick off spilled sauce on my kitchen counter or quickly eat off a piece I dropped on my floor.
>>918685Those sound good though sneaking to keep them for yourself seems messy.
>>919116It's a bad habit for me but thanks. Hope I don't get sick.
No. 919273
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I used to say for years that I don't need a bf and would never want one but the truth is I really want a bf just to have sex with him all the time. I regret pretending I never did and making myself appear as unattractive as possible for so long. I'm not even that horny anymore these days, although my libido decreased a lot all of a sudden and that's mostly because of some health issues I should definitely look into, I'm just severely touch starved and curious. I'm a virgin from a family of crazy assholes who are kind of religious so I can't just try to get a bf like it's nothing, this is making me feel insecure and socially retarded. I feel so out of place when women my age talk about their bfs, or ex bfs, or husbands and kids like it's nothing.
I can already see anons telling me to just get a dildo because men are trash and all that but I don't care, I'm still hoping I can find a decent good looking guy who won't abuse me someday. I'm also not downloading any dating app just yet, I live in a fairly big city but I keep running into family members and people I just know in general when doing the most basic shit nearly everyday so I have no privacy.
No. 919284
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>>919273As a late bloomer who got a bf just to see what it was like: it's humiliation and being used as fleshlight, if not abused in some cases. Go and do it, but don't come back months later to complain about how shitty it is. And touch starved? You know you can get hugs and cuddles from friends right?
Ps men can sniff out virgins, no well adjusted non scrotey man will want to go near bc they know how easy it is to hurt and manipulate virgins, and to men with empathy that vulnerability is a turn off.
No. 919314
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one of my friends is getting so obsessed with phoebe bridgers that it’s become extremely cringey to me and i don’t even want to talk to her anymore because she’s literally talking about her so much. it’s weird and annoying like we’re in our 20s come on now.
No. 919318
>>919306I still have a libido, it's just very low these days. For all I know it's because of my diet, because of when I was sick with covid last year because of the timing of all of this going on, because of stress, because I'm tired, because I'm sick with something I don't know about, because I'm not getting laid and masturbation isn't enough anymore… I honestly don't know. Despite this I still feel frustrated, but not frustrated enough to ask a friend if we can french kiss.
>>919308I'm a straight woman and all my friends are straight women. And on top of that they're like sisters to me. I believe you but this doesn't apply to me.
No. 919328
>>919314I get you, anon, my best friend gets obsessed
for years over different actors or famous people, first it was Harry styles, now it’s some pretty formula 1 boy.
She has sent me every meme about formula 1 that you could imagine, but I love her so much that I don’t want to tell her that I don’t get a single thing of what the memes are talking about.
No. 919488
>>919456 >>919456i would be elated but sadly i dont think so kek. i have definitely thought about it
>>919475sure thing. im sure it wont play out as awkwardly as i imagine since its not like the topic would be brought up at all. i just hate the pretense.
No. 920403
>>920399i love you anon
>wrong petnamesi hate that so much, especially when the characters are japanese and the american authors just make up the worst nicknames for them that don't even work with japanese syllables.
at the beginning of the year, when i had a cringe belated snk phase, i read snk fanfiction and the characters called eren 'er' or referred to mikasa as 'kasa.' what the fuck.
No. 920497
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>>920474>>920479yes my fiancé made fun of me for watching it just now. plebeian.
No. 920501
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Since last December/Jan, I’ve been stalking two qts. I have gathered enough information about them to draw an accurate profile. I know their names, what they do for a living, how many siblings they have, and their family situations. I know where they went to college. They’re sooooooooo cute but their opsec is truly pathetic. Anyway good for me. This is all really shallow info of course, but I’ve got a real thread on one of them. I didn’t go after it because that might be too much.
No. 920533
>>920506I admit: the stalking is a retarded habit I developed as a child shut-in. Like most girls here, I had zero social skills and was terminally online from a young age. I stopped it around 18/17, but it flares sometimes.
I like a challenge, so they’re almost always anon. If they facedox, they do it like once or twice a year. Let me tell you: if you’re going to stalk someone, look into their interactions with other people; that’s when they reveal the most about themselves. It’ll be something like “I graduated in 2019” (now you’ve got an age and you know what class to search in uni), or “This area is always so crowded in the morning” (so he has to pass but it going to work/uni every morning, which means they lives near by, which also means it’s time to check the neighbourhood’s Facebook groups for a quick search). I never go this far, of course, but I know I can.
Something about them is endearing, to be honest. Like something’s endearing about their mild autism. One of them puts up pictures of cats irl everyday with detailed accounts of their meetings, or they’d sperg about how to make a salad. Write a full on novel about it and argue why people who don’t let their salads sit for 2-3 hours beforehand deserve the death penalty.
As for fantasies, I used to have them back in March/April. They’ve stopped since though. It feels like a weird secret, especially since I’ve put in effort to act “normie” in recent years. I mean, I’m no longer texting girls in my class with pictures of them photoshopped with dictators thinking I was Norman McDonald and they’d want to be friends with me. No wonder I was never invited to anything.
No. 920635
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I've been longing for a cat for years, petting extensively each one I came across and even sometimes crying when seeing cute pics, but now that I finally have the opportunity to get one I'm terrified. I've never had an animal before so I'm extremely nervous about taking care of one. I fear I'm not going to be good enough, that I'm going to forget to feed him and be available enough for him. My brother has even given an ultimatum, if I don't get my cat by the end of the year he'll get one for him instead. I know my fears are a bit dumb because cats are pretty easy going, and if Luna can "take care" of her cats I can do it too, so if you could give me some advice or reassure me I would love it.
No. 920641
>>920635anon you’ll be a great cat owner, like
>>920636 said your cat won’t let you forget to feed it. cats are pretty easy to take care of, just clean the litter box every day so it doesn’t stink. i also recommend putting bowls of water in different places around your house for your cat, i’ve heard they don’t like their water next to their food.
you’ll love having a cat, they’re so sweet and goofy, i’m really happy you have the chance to get a kitty after wanting one for so long!
No. 920643
>>920635Each cat is individual but I think the biggest factor among good and bad owners is fully knowing their body language and respecting it. Literally 90% of complaints people have about cats is due to disregarding one of those.
If you do both of those and make sure to play a lot with it so their (sometimes chaotic) energy goes somewhere else, you will be fine. Also make sure to give it clear positive and negative reactions/words immediately after it does something good or bad so it learns to recognize them.
No. 920773
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I used to be anxious about getting old and out of touch, but now that it's actually happening all I feel is relief. I don't know a single top 40 song and haven't seen any movies released in the last five years, and I couldn't be happier. At some point, I realized that paying even a token amount of attention to pop culture was just pissing me off - it's all steeped in zoomer memes, race politics, tranny acceptance and sex positivity stripper shit anyway, so it really doesn't feel like I'm missing anything.
I've started culturally regressing really badly since I've lost contact with modern media, and that too feels surprisingly nice. I'm rebuying my entire aa wardrobe from LA apparel and listening to basic bitch edm again, I'm ready to embrace becoming the millennial version of the ac/dc boomer meme.
No. 920813
>>920773Based anon.
I wish I could pull the plug on the internet in general, but it's too hard.
No. 920842
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>>920838Oops here’s the burn sorry
No. 921019
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I keep fueling petty drama in this tiny niche community I'm a part of, behind an anonymous ask box, just to cause chaos. It's also really funny to bully a bunch of adult babies who are terminally online and take this shit way too seriously.
No. 922076
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>>922062Shit, sorry for clogging the thread, here’s the culinary route. Good luck birb
No. 922729
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>>922628I love dogs, and I understand rats/mice are a plague, but this video is so sad. The dogs' abilities are impressive, how quick they catch the rats and such, but damn. The rats are so scared. Specially sad when you see them shaking the poor thing.
I wish rats weren't so smart and just lived dumb lives in the forest and didn't scavenge on cities. Like wild hamsters and hedgehogs and whatnot.
No. 922736
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I'm going to sound like I'm terminally online, but I have developed this fear of being mistaken for a transwoman.
I'm tall, have wide, low set cheekbones and my thyroid gland are permanently swollen due to hypothyroidism and could almost look like an adam's apple.
I mean there is no doubt that I am a woman when you look at me and I would like to think of my face as very feminine, but having friends through the years jokingly compare my looks to male celebrities (when I was a teen I got confused with a somewhat androgynous looking male singer that was a popular in my country A LOT to the point it turned into a meme among everyone I knew) and how anons are so desperate to clock trannies they call out anyone that doesn't look traditionally female makes me feel pretty insecure at times.
No. 922833
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rats are lovely
No. 922922
>>922729>>922628Rats are disgusting and ruin people's hard work and were literally the cause of millions of people dying from plague. Even one of the commenters said they lose baby rabbits to rats so I only imagine they burrow in there and eat their young. Yeah in vegan paradise you'd let them spawn indefinitely and
be happy but that's not how real life works. I grew up poor and in a shitty apartment where you can hear them running around and see their shit everywhere the nest morning, if you have any real life experience whether agriculture or wanting to keep your home and garden nice you wouldn't be singing kumbaya with rats.
No. 922940
>>922877The guys in my grade threw semi LAN partis pretty much every long break, and honestly, it seemed like fun. I wouldn't mind it too much,
No. 922942
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>>922744>>922729based, I understand that 'pest' control may be a sad necessity (even though I hate it), but I cannot imagine willingly watching this kind of content and enjoying it
No. 923005
>>922991this this this. its the same when people call pigs dirty and disgusting. if you gave a pig a choice between a nice clean sty and literal filth and refuse itll choose to be clean, but human keepers oftentimes do not give a shit about looking after their animals. rats and mice will make their homes in messy and dirty environments because they see an opportunity for food and shelter amongst the waste that humans in urban environments create. i dont believe that everyone should be expected to love rodents, but ffs if you look at it from their eyes humans are the gross ones leaving filth in their wake. they are just trying to survive, like we are, but because we're a stronger species i guess we think its okay to kill them off instead of maybe just securing our areas to keep them out
sorry for the spergery anons i had to do it
No. 923019
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>>922922I am the anon that said I wish rats didn't live in the city and hey, dumbass, I've killed rats before and saw my cat killing rats too, because I live in a huge city plagued with rats (lost count how many times I just casually saw mice on the streets, train tracks and getting out of sewers), and in a house with a big garden full of hiding places for them. I still don't feel good about killing such intelligent and social creatures. Obviously my family safety comes first, but like I said, it's really sad and I wished that wasn't the case.
No. 923062
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>>923019Oh my god, look at that cute little fellow, it’s so cute.
No. 923064
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not involved in this tard fight just wanna say insects and bugs are superior. that is all.
No. 923085
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>>923075well whatever you call them, arachnazoidz or whatever, they're based, and actual bugs too
No. 923086
>>922991Kys retard. Go fuck a rat like the subhuman you are since you're so willing to ride for their filthy asses
No. 923089
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>>922922literally the cause of millions of people dying from plague
Pangolins did this too and they ain't one bit sorry about it
No. 923097
>>923085>or whatever It's not whatever, I love spiders, some of my best friends are spiders. Insects, especially mosquitoes, I
haet and want exterminated.
No. 923105
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>>923092i just think they're neat and should be defended more. they're one of several animals wrongly hated,much more harmless than rats
No. 923114
>>922922Terrier anon here, I agree completely. They gnaw through almost anything and destroy homes. Nice old houses that never deserved to be infested by rats.
>>923105I actually like tarantulas. I wouldn't have one myself, but I'd like to hold one someday. Old worlds are vicious bastards though, lol
No. 923167
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Jesus Christ I can’t believe there’s people out there still shipping these two.
It brings me back to the time I had a best friend who I would constantly sperg with about this ship, it’s funny because we ended up creating two whole ass characters based on these two little animals.
We would larp as them, I was the Flippy and she was Flaky.
It was so retarded, I still can’t believe that I kept my character based on dumbass flippy, I might use it someday for a story, I guess.
No. 923170
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>>923167I thought that was Shrek…
No. 923177
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>>923159>jumping spiders make great roommatesfor me, it's the humble house centipede.
No. 923194
>>923177Nope nope nope
No. 923292
>>923287See a psych. You do not under any circumstances want to start self-medicating with alcohol; it will make your mental health issues much worse and add new ones to boot.
t. knower
No. 923319
>>923295pangolins are linked to covid-19 being able to infect humans.
idc though theyre still cute
No. 923369
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>>923343Miis have went too far
No. 923436
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i know az banks is insane but i do love how unapologetic she is about it.
No. 923453
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I actually really like the way my body is shaped but it disappoints me that I’m hairy all over my fucking body like a werewolf it’s so embarrassing. What black person would benefit from all of this hair?
No. 923458
>>923456Do what you must
nonnie <3 good luck
No. 923573
>>923570Because a man doesn't have to worry about being ugly since society doesn't condition populations to tie male attractiveness to value in the way that women are.
You're terrified to be ugly as a woman because there are real consequences to being an ugly woman. An ugly man gets away with it–nay, praised for it–and especially so if he has money. You're upset because deep down you know the hideous scrote doesn't have to spend a penny on his looks and yet still walk away with other people's respects. Men don't kill themselves because they're ugly, they prefer to kill the ones who laugh at them for it.
No. 923647
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I stuffed my bra for the first time when I went out recently and my cleavage looked fucking awesome. It was a kneesock in each cup. I've always had big tiddies so I thought bra stuffing was a meme, but holy shit it made a huge difference without having to buy a ridiculously expensive pushup or boob tape or whatever. Literally picrel. I've always been a bit shallow set at the top so I liked the rounded cleavage effect.
No. 923656
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>>923647I'm happy for you anon but I have to admit whenever I see tits pushed up like that this is what comes to mind.
No. 924026
>>923747You're obviously
not her friend and need to get yourself checked out because what the fuck.
No. 924152
>>924131Just realize that even you know it's your addiction speaking when it tells you you have "earned" the high. I used to use that reward system, too. Of course you're not going to be right back where you were at in your addiction while it was at it's peak, but it is the slippery slope that leads right back to it. You think it won't lead you back to banging h, but we love to fool ourselves into thinking it will never be as bad as it was before. I understand you are seriously ill, believe me I have been there too, but at this point you have already begun to acknowledge you are abusing it. It's not even being taken for the medically necessary reason. This can only lead down one path and soon if you don't nip it in the bud immediately. Please, call your sponsor or a friend. Let SOMEONE know of your struggles. I pray you get back on track soon,
nonnie. Too many have been lost to the opioid epidemic, don't become just another number to add to the death toll.
No. 924254
>>924223Never had one
>>924232Back to front cleans up my asshole better
>>924239I think they don't use water after wiping which is why they worry about shit particles
No. 924296
>>916432Absolutely love that my ex is balding and aging like milk and still working a shitty job in the same town. Every now and then I hear about him and it really gives me an ego boost.
Love seeing Karma in action
No. 924681
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i don't like most autistic people yet i am on the spectrum as well. mostly aspergers and i can pass as an awkward normie with seizure and axniety issues. but i can't with other autistics. it's like they don't even try.
>barely express emotions
>flat and boring tone
>rants of boring topics
>only shallow compliments if any
>disappear for long periods of time then act as if nothing happened
>rigidity in the most useless ways
>no expression of appreciation for your efforts in keeping your friendship, remembering personal details and being thoughtful around their needs and for special occassions
>bringing up uncomfortable and sexual topics after me saying its uncomfortable
>unavailable on social media or dont have it
>after all this complain and cry to me of being rejected and lonely
>doesn't express appreciation for me always listening
>get offended and disappear if i try to help
>say unfiltered offending shit to me randomly
and many more. i am not perfect and not a saint but this is a pattern with non normies.
No. 924759
>>924703I'm the other anon you responded to and "not physically addictive" is a fucking cope. I've seen a lot of psychedelics users fall into a habit with them and fuck their life up just as badly as a user of physically addictive drugs would. Granted, the majority of people that use psychedelics don't fuck their lives up but that doesn't make them any less dangerous. They can still be habit forming and a lot of people end up like
>>924735 with horrific trips and side-effects too. I'm not judging you for doing that shit (not that I'm in any position to judge you anyway kek) but it's dangerous to act like it's harmless fun and that people won't form a habit with them simply because it's not
physically addictive. Hell, physical addiction is the easiest thing for me to get over. It's the mental connection and desire for that same high that's dangerous and long lasting. If physical addiction was the only pitfall I wouldn't know so many former potheads and psychedelics users through my work.
No. 924774
>>924759Hey nonita I'm the anon that responded to your original opioid post and your tagged post, it's good to see you again I hope you are doing well today! I agree with your post 100%. You don't want to be a piss diaper wearer, trust me lol. Lsd is man made chemicals, and tbh a lot of the time what you are getting isn't even pure lsd, but research chemicals. And it is very true that the physical symptoms of addiction aren't as gripping as the mental pull to do more. If you are wired that way, it's just bound to happen that you are going to want to chase that high or "enlightenment" over and over again. People fry their brains with this shit, no joke. Never met one? They're basically schizoid after extensive use. Sometimes one really bad trip is all it takes and you are fucked forever. Point is, you can become 'addicted' to anything if it sends your dopamine spiking. And even though shrooms are natural and I like them and haven't had bad experience with them (yet), I've heard of many an ego death that ends up crippling people with depression. Any anons who want to experiment with psychedelics, ease realize they too carry addictive qualities. Always have a clear mind and have a buddy system. If anything traumatic has happened to you in the past several months please avoid using them. And as always, stay safe!
No. 924782
>>924774It's good to see you posting again,
nonnie. I haven't woman'd up and told anyone about slipping into abuse yet but I have at least knocked the recreational shit on the head for today. I'm hoping I can just quietly recover and slip back into "normal" mode like nothing ever happened but deep down I know I'll have to speak about this eventually so it doesn't burden me as a secret. Baby steps, I guess. I hope you're doing good too, anon! ♥ I know what you mean about people frying their brains on psychedelics. An old friend of mine from school is a fucking zombie now because he got hardcore into pot, mushrooms and LSD. It's given him serious mental health issues and it's now affecting him physically through him barely ever leaving the house and neglecting his health. People are always shocked that I, the heroin addict, am doing better mentally and physically than him. I wish more people knew the risks like
>>924769 and exercised caution with these drugs.
>>924780At what point did she state she was a conspiracy theorist, dipshit? You sound like one yourself if you think that the only possible reason someone could have a negative reaction to psychedelics is because there's something wrong with them to begin with.
No. 924788
>>924774when people have some kind of retarded belied that psychedelics "show you the truth of the universe" or whatever the fuck, of course they get obsessed with getting all the "enlightenment" they can. they go back for more for the same reason people go back for more therapy: their "enlightenment" was actually just a coping mechanism that let them deal with their life that they hate for a while, but eventually it stops working and they need another "epiphany" for the next three months, because they still hate their life.
if you don't have some retardation about acid "changing your life" or whatever the fuck, it's just a cool experience. ooh, swirly trees! ooh, it looks like the earth is breathing! it's a good time as long as ypu're not stupid enough to think the earth is really breathing lmao. take a breath. you aren't seeing some "really real secret reality"…remember it's just having wacky eyes for a while and you'll be fine.
No. 924807
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>>924681I know how you feel. I have 'suspected autism' but won't get the assessment for 2 reasons, one is I'm in my 30s already so why bother at this late stage.. and the other is I know I'd beat myself up because I've seen so many cringy internet tists and met so many creepy male autists irl too. I know it's a wide spectrum and all but I still don't want to think I share any traits with them lol
No. 924857
>>924152>Just realize that even you know it's your addiction speaking when it tells you you have "earned" the high. I used to use that reward system, too. Of course you're not going to be right back where you were at in your addiction while it was at it's peak, but it is the slippery slope that leads right back to it.Not that anon and I deal with much less serious issue
(BED), but your comment has been so helpful. Something clicked in my mind. I'm nowhere near healed, but I feel like I will remember that the next time I want to buy unhealthy food
No. 924885
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When i was 19 i dated a guy who was 24 and had an upcoming birthday the nect month. Anyways hed always try and flatter me because i was young, petite, and a virgin at the time and because of that i was better than most women his age. I didnt understand why he hated women his own age, but i was dead set on humiliating him for saying that to me…and for thinking id ever have sex with him lol. So anyways id constantly start issues out of nowhere just to stress him out for funsies. The day of his birthday i dumped him because he was 25, therefore too old. He then threatened suicide and i told him to go ahead and do it because hes old and worthless to society since hes sooooo old. He didn't do shit, but i know i made his life hell for a month.
No. 924918
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>>924875>seems like you're entitledShe's just tistphobic against tists with more tism points than her. There's a whole hierarchy of autism and only tists get it.
No. 925031
>>922736it's alright,
nonny. I actually don't have any words of advice but I can relate. Ever since I was a little kid I've been teased a lot with the fact that I look like a guy for my wide brows and dumbass face structure, lmao. It's alright though. As long as you acknowledge you are a woman.
No. 925160
>>925040You’re not pathetic, nonna, it’s okay to have something to keep you afloat
as long as it doesn’t harm you nor harms anyone else . during most of my life I’ve also kept my husbandos as my raison d’être to stay alive and to avoid killing myself, so you’re not alone. I hope you can find true happiness.
No. 925161
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I swear I’m not psychotic or manifesto-chan but this woman was iconic. And no, she isn’t transgender
No. 925231
>>925161I agree and yes it does make me feel guilty.
>>925182take your meds
No. 925257
>>924795yeah most of these were male but i also had an autistic girl tell me randomly how she masturbated with various objects
>>924807if you have a job already i don't see the reason in getting one either. i am in my 20s and undiagnosed but i share many symptoms of aspergers.
>>924875i don't want asskissing, anon, i'd just like some effort towards our friendship. i put in tremendous amount of effort around normies and learned a lot, the hard way. i also make sure to accommodate my autistic friends and make them feel seen and loved but eventually they just tire or piss me off because if i ever were to talk about my own problems, or ask them to listen to me a bit or comfort me, it is so alien to them it makes me feel worthless. it is also hypocritical from them to problem dump and vent to me, but zone out or change the topic when i want to talk about my problems. i know it's not as interesting as talking about yourself, but ffs, friends are supposed to help each other.
>>924918yeah it's many symptoms rather than a scale but there is undeniably a scale from tist to sperg, the amount of normie functionality differs. normies don't like to admit this because it's ableist but i can guarantee you ask any autist or aspergers person and they don't give shit, neither about the "person first" and other virtue signalling language.
>>924995what irks me the most is that i was never diagnosed, and spent years hating myself for being different and constantly misunderstood. i became very good at observing and masking. but most of the guys who were diagnosed as a child don't try the least and seem to use their autism as an excuse to act insensitive sometimes straight up assholes.
>>925003love you too
nonnie No. 925277
>>925257If you're not even diagnosed
and don't share those defining traits you listed of tist/spergs you're most likely not a tist/sperg. I don't trust self-diagnosers tbh, the autist label is becoming too trendy for anyone who's slightly awkward.
No. 925378
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I remember when I was a teen, like 15 years old or less, how I heard about girls selling their virginity for a lot of money to some weird ass men with virginity fetish, and I really wanted to lose weight quickly so I could sell my own and help my family, until not too long ago I thought about it even if I’m already “too old” to be considered a “sexy, young, virgin”.
I think I also cried while thinking about it as a teen, because I hated the idea of having sex with some random guy for money, I preferred thinking about the random crush I had at the time, doing the whole “missionary position while holding hands” thing.
The weird part is that at home, I wasn’t particularly told to be a “good wife” or some shit, I was never told to save myself or anything, my parents always told me to just fall in love and take care of myself, because I would ask them if selling my virginity was worth the hassle.
I still cringe about how I used to think that I had to be married at 15 to be happy, because at 9, I wanted to meet a hot 18 years old guy so we could know each other properly, then I would get married at 15 and have my first child at 18.
I still don’t know how my parents never sent me to some psychiatrist or something, kek, I’m glad I was too much of a pussy, and too self-conscious about being overweight to try pursuing scrotes at such a young age.
I kind of wish I didn’t care about scrotes at such a young age, but then again, it’s not like it could’ve been avoided, I swear I was born to be lovesick.
No. 925385
>>925379It’s honestly so weird, I can’t even blame 4chins like the kids nowadays, because I didn’t even speak English by the time it was created, and I started browsing it when I was already 18 years old.
I’m so glad that I don’t give a fuck about being a virgin or being a perfect trad waifu anymore.
No. 925573
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I’ve seen two homeless people, a man and woman, panhandling around my neighborhood for months and i always remember them because they have a cat with them on a leash. One of them is a physically disabled woman, but I have only ever seen the cat with the man or with both of them, never alone with the woman. I’ve asked them about the cat before, if they plan to get him neutered, how he stays warm, if he has insect and parasite preventative care, how they would pay for an emergency vet bill…all the things you would wonder about. They’ve told me that they’re going to breed the cat so they won’t be getting him fixed (how or why I don’t know) claim that everything is going to be fine for him and that they have plenty of food and avoid my questions about their lack of responsibility. They also claim to live in the woods in a tent which checks out for the city I live in but still isn’t a good place to raise a domestic cat. Even if it could be argued that the cat will be just as well off being feral you cannot convince me that cat shouldn’t be neutered. And yesterday when I saw him he was filthy and showed signs of fleas. I don’t know why but that put me over the edge. Also this time for once he was alone with only the disabled woman. I went up to her and she didn’t remember me so I asked her again what I usually do about the cat, this time even offering her money for the cat and promising I could take care of him. She told me she was offended. I had been petting the cat and I reached to unhook his leash. I was only a few blocks from home and could run if necessary. I was gonna take the cat. She started screaming and before I could get him all unhooked she grabbed at his halter and we both held him while she kept screaming hysterically at me. Tbh I was very dumb and several people came and encircled us, telling me I was out of order. One man said I couldn’t take the cat because I wasn’t law enforcement lol. Like they ever would give a fuck unless someone was actually killing an animal. I still hate myself for being so dumb and the whole situation took the woman punching me on the head for me to let go of the cat. People were still horrified at me because it looked like I decided to fuck with a disabled person and steal their cat. I hate myself and have no faith in humanity. Oh, also even after I let go of the cat and walked off a woman followed me and asked me why I did it. I told her my explanation and she chastised me, saying the disabled woman’s life was more important than the cats and that I should have tried to help the woman find a home before the cat. I just don’t feel any kind of understanding for a person who would knowingly put a cat through that and claim they love it. I wish I did and I hate that I lost control enough to botch the situation so horribly. I wish removing memories was a real thing.
No. 925576
>>925575a place called vertigo. give me something I can feel your love teaching me howowowowowow how to kneel. kneeeeel. yea yea yea yea yea. yea yea yea ayeay
you never heard that one?
No. 925583
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I get off to the most embarrassing shit. Not like, anything truly disgusting (furry or Lolicon or anything like that). Just incredibly cringe ships and fandoms and situations. If anyone found my fanfic bookmarks I’d KMS
No. 925588
>>925573Maybe the cat is the only good thing in their lives. Just cause they are homeless doesn't mean you can steal from them. Cats are used to outdoor life anyway (well, maybe except for winter - how severe are those where you are?). I think you were a cunt for trying to steal the cat.
>she chastised me, saying the disabled woman’s life was more important than the cats and that I should have tried to help the woman find a home before the catBased. You wouldn't give a fuck for the woman potentially freezing her ass, but uwu gotta help the cute cat!!!
>>925579Which says a terrible thing about humans and society, even though I love animals
No. 925614
>>925596You are a cunt for all the reasons lmfao. The woman was right to get offended. I bet that from her perspective you were a rich bitch that can have any cat, but HAS to have her cat and thinks that everything has a price.
The winter part is concerning, but I'm with
>>925602 on that.
>Sorry I didn’t bring her into my house like you would anon.Wow, you are an legitimate autist to boot. If you care, go adopt a cat that has noone in their life. Pick up another stray from a shelter, or a street.
No. 925623
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I don't think CH is THAT bad looking, he looks like every other Mexican rando moid running around in Cali
>>925573Your intentions were good but the execution was poor. Also kind of dumb of you to touch a cat that doesn't have it's shots and possibly has fleas. That woman will probably end up getting worms or who knows what from the cat anyway.
No. 925710
>>925687I have a crush on a guy (irl) and I have listened to this guys depressing life story because I'm trying to figure out whether he'll want to fuck after a while. I'm not the most forward person so I'm playing the long game and seeing what happens (if anything) He's attractive enough that I'm happy to do that but I feel very 'nice guy scrote' as I'm doing it because honestly.. I don't care about this guy and his million traumas. Or I wouldn't if he looked different.
Someone being supportive and listening to you all because they hope to someday fuck you isn't all that nice of them really.
No. 925715
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>>925573The execution of your plan was bad but your heart was in the right place. Like it was a bit retarded but also really brave at the same time kek. I would unironicaly love to be your partner in crime. I'm so sick of people who are so egotistical with pets, I hate how society forgives people like that. I once got blocked by someone because I told them that they shouldn't keep kittens because they didn't have the means to take care of them. I tried arguing with logic but nothing workes with those people because deep down they are just selfish. I totally understand why someone would try something like you did. Anyway, I hope you can help some shelters around you, it could be a good way to feel like you are being useful without getting in trouble kek. I'm wishing you the best
nonnie, it was a mistake but nothing to be ashamed about imo ( I can't get over how weirdly brave it was of you to do that in a street, that took some guts kek ). People like you are my favorite kind of people.
No. 925777
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>>925573You're straight up retarded, there is no way you don't have a developmental disorder. The cat lady should have punched you some more tbh.
No. 925809
>>925779That's so fucking dehumanizing. Even the offer of buying the cat was entitled and inappropriate (why not help with idk, registering or vet visit? I may be out of my depth here, I admit). Homeless people are one of the most vulnerable members of society (are they even considered a part of it, though?).
They get fucked with and murdered because they have zero power and nobody cares about them. It must have been fucking awful to be offered money for a companion/friend, and then having someone try to take the pet away anyway.
that's textbook behavior of a villain from a cheesy movie I cannot imagine the lady not getting the message "you are homeless, so you have no rights and we can do whatever with you, including taking away what little you do own". Glad that other people chimed in and defended the lady.
No. 925912
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>>925573>it looked like I decided to fuck with a disabled person and steal their catThat is literally what you tried to do though. You thought that you could take off with the fucking cat because you saw the disabled woman alone, but you rightfully got falcon punched instead. Anon got beat up by a disabled woman lmfao.
No. 926141
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>>926105>she doesn’t like Megatron Just say you’re into generic anime guy #128482 and leave.
No. 926146
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I want to get vampire fang implants. I have sharp canines and an ex once told me I looked like a vampire when I laugh and it's cute and ever since then I've wanted to get fangs to make them a little more than just subtle.
No. 926151
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>>926146Something like this would be cute tbh, but you would have to make sure that the dentist isn’t leaving stuff half assed because when a tooth is just a tiny bit taller than another, it hurts like a bitch.
No. 926157
>>926151Reminds me of when I got a cavity filling and it was overfilled, but I couldn't even tell that it was until much later when I went to eat. Pain was absolutely awful.
>>926154Yeah probably. I have fake fangs I put in for Halloween and it does give me a bit of a lisp.
No. 926216
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A few days back I went to a musical with my sibling and niece for the first time in literal years of seeing a live musical and also after being 1 year and a half without going to any theatre and the likings due to the corona. I was so overwhelmed (in a good way) that I kept silently crying nonstop for a good chunk of the first act lol Good thing the venue is completely dark while the show is happening and also that I was using binoculars, because I felt pretty stupid for crying in a whimsical E+ rated mostly comedy musical lol
No. 926433
When I was 9 years old I started getting suspicious SMS messages like
>good night, cutie!
I only responded once saying "You got the wrong number." The guy said I dialed his number by mistake a few weeks back and he was captivated by the cute voice. The messages continued and luckily never got sexual, but I never told anyone.
I regret not telling my parents,I felt like they would shame me or blame me, so it was best to ignore the creep and stay cold. But now it seems so terrifyingly stupid, this was before social media, but he could have found my name if he called the central to get caller info.
Then, years later my little sister started getting such messages. She also didn't want to tell our parents but confided in me, it was only one message so I told her it must have been the wrong number, I also told our mom this time iirc. Tinfoil hat, but at that point I started thinking it was some adult from our music school or middle school which had phone numbers on record. I also wondered if our parents were such paranoid fucks they decided to "test" us (since the messages were sfw), but they couldn't afford a burner phone or an extra sim card back then.
No. 926556
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I love riding dick, specially reverse cowgirl on a chair or sofa. Thing is, I'm currently a bit too overweight for doing it comfortably and confidently. Of course I'm losing the weight for all the reasons that are important, but damn, I can't wait being able to ride again.
No. 926646
saves porn to their phone? So bizarre and stupid.
No. 927184
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I'm really sad I didn't go to a Justin Bieber concert in like 2010-2011. I think it would have been a fun childhood memory (I was 11 at that time). I guess he still does concerts but it wouldn't be the same as during the peak of Bieber Fever.
No. 927195
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>>927184I kind of wish I would’ve been a belieber, I would’ve been relatively happier than as an emo weeb. Mostly because I would’ve had at least a few friends into the same guy instead of some bitter children who just live to hate on the girls who were just having fun.
No. 927207
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>>927195I used to be in that scene, while we disliked Bieber cause his music was "pop" we never hated him, just didn't talk about him but for whatever reason the entire male portion of the internet(including fucking adult men) just hated him so much, it was insane
memes like this were everywhere
No. 927246
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>>927212You gotta do what you gotta do anon. I live a normie, happy life to spite all of my uwu depwessed friends from college who I no longer talk to. I don't have them on social media anymore so I can't even humblebrag, but just
knowing that I'm doing so much better than them in life (even though my life is objectively mediocre) makes me feel better about myself.
No. 927273
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>>927207Ntayrt but it was even more pathetic when it was adult men doing it! I guess they were angry that all the little girls were paying attention to a moid around their age instead of them.
No. 927293
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Should really ask mods for a permaban, but deep down I know I'll just find another VPN to post from.
No. 927894
>>927886Me too,
nonnie, I used to fantasize about cute over the knee socks but egirls, webs and trannies ruined them, there’s no way to make them look cute for me anymore, they will never look elegant.
No. 927915
>>927896kek really? i dont think i have ever seen a tranny wear them…
i feel you both on this though, i love over the knee socks but they really do remind me of weebs and
No. 928237
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I was in a meme group chat and (I’m 20) I kept getting hit on by a 16 year old, it flattered me I obviously did not reciprocate or even think of it but I was so flattered is that normal I feel gross and ashamed but also flattered even though 16 year old boys like anything that moves and he probably has no standards .
No. 928303
My charade of being mentally okay is falling apart. It has been for years, but the last 2 years specifically kicked started it into hyper drive. It's funny, as an elementary school girl, I was well adjusted and happy. Then I entered middle school. It wasn't the kids or the teachers that put me in a nose dive, it was my mother. She got very emotional abusive towards me. I don't remember her being that way when I was much younger, but she could have been; I may have been too blinded by normal kid activities and never noticed. My mother got nasty towards me, made comments, wouldn't take to the doctor/ER when I got hit in the face by accident (little to no blood but couldn't breath well through my nose which is still messed up. I didn't get an ambulance because I told the office no and wanted my mother to take me. Mistake of a lifetime.), and got shitty with me for not wanting to do volleyball/sports in general (I tried a myriad of sports as a child, never really like any. My mother played a few and acted like she was really good. She wasn't, lived in a small town until mid to late teenage years. She didn't make any teams in a bigger school. Kek). She got nastier when I was in high school, and I got the added bonus of my maternal grandmother starting to be nasty towards me too. Forced me to play golf, lasted 1 year thank goodness. Wouldn't let me take driver's ed right away because I was too "immature" but made sure my older brother did. Didn't get my license until almost out of high school, I had to drive with her if I wanted practice/hours for the most part. There's a lot more, but I don't want to continue. I had a therapist once, but she's in a different state. I never told her any of this, I just kept to a different incident that happened in uni. I have no insurance to pay for another one. The worst part of all of this, I remember every stupid detail of all the incidents. My memories are on re-run all the time. I'm also still around my mother because stockholm syndrome.
No. 928436
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My fantasies must involve good dick with a good man on the end of it but the focus is always on the female character and the mind blowing sexual gratification she receives. Yes, I get off more on the idea of a hetero pairing where the attention is all on the woman, the guy character must be hot but he’s more for decoration and a prop to move things along until I imagine her having world shaking orgasms. No guilt, no shame, luv my imagination.
No. 928437
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>>928436Honestly things would be so much less complicated and we'd have less degenerates, kinkfags, ddlgers, fujos, tifs and faghags if there was more media/erotica featuring what you described
No. 928571
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Since I've been using my stationary bike to exercise a lot over the past couple years my ass has really developed and at first I kinda hated it. I'm butch with a fridge body and shit for tits so it felt weird seeing a noticeably female trait on myself. At first I figured it was my "dysphoria" but then after really thinking about it and discussing it with my partner I realised it was just my bullshit hang ups about gender presentation. I was more concerned about how other people view me rather than how I view myself. And y'know what? I actually think I look great now! Fuck what other people think.
No. 929029
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I love watching the fall of my skinwalker abuser the more she ruins her own friendships and life by exposing herself as the nasty basic bitch she is
It is satisfying
No. 929075
>>929068Libra homie, if it helps, my dad’s life completely changed in his mid 30’s. He didn’t expect it, but he changed careers and now is his own boss. (Left restaurants and started real estate.) He went from broke ass to building a business over 30+ properties. It started with a rundown house and a lot of work, and at the beginning of this new endeavor he thought he was the moron for even trying.
It’s never too late for a fate twisting curveball. I hope you take some risks and try to change the path of your course- you may be happier because of it.
Happy birthday, and I hope to see more posts from you!
No. 929103
>>929079It’s more of people saying they’ll stay with me but then go off when they meet someone new. Or I get ghosted. Or leaving when I turned out not to be the girl they wanted. It gets to you after so long and you experience the same loss multiple times. It makes me feel like hey maybe I just don’t belong here after all. Maybe I was just a throw away Sim to practice mods with or somthing lol.
I know there’s more important things than relationships with other people. It just gets lonely and hurts when you thought you met the one and then they just fuck off from your life like you weren’t this important person they made you out to be. That they said they’d never abandoned you. And then dump you like a broken toy when they met someone else.
No. 929153
>>929103Nta but
oof this sounds a lot like my life. I actually still somewhat plan to off myself at 30 because shits hard. However, I find "knowing" how much time you have left motivating to actually go after stuff I want. Not people, for the reasons you said, but work, hobbies, stuff etc. It eases the pain a bit.
No. 929300
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i would probably have an heroed if it wasn't for this site and you anons. 3-4 years ago i was extremely depressed, lonely and really struggling. this is embarrassing but i spent the entirety of the summer of 2018 on lolcow because i didn't have anything else to do. i'm now in a much better place, i have recovered and am now living a very normal life where i'm mentally stable, have good friends and a full-time job that i really like. i don't think i would have been able to accomplish those things if it weren't for this site tho, as it made me feel a sense of community in a very dark and lonely time in my life. kek this is getting too sappy, but i just want to say thanks to all the farmers. i don't have enough time to be on lolcow these days, but this toxic site holds such a precious place in my heart. i love you guys sm.
No. 929312
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>>929300I get you nona, there is a lot of negativity here but farmers can also be kind and really funny. And you can write about a lot of topics here that you might be able to discuss elsewhere.
No. 929385
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Very I ccasionally I will go on rule34 and look up porn of things I like purely because I think it’s funny. My favorite is one of picrel performing sex acts on the rest of the Oneyplays crew in the same exact style. I genuinely will never understand the people who need to pornify literally everything.
No. 929450
>>929430>my mental healthWho's
triggering you?
No. 929461
>>929455Scrotes memeing the "genius businesswoman" thing just to avert from the realization that their gender is retarded coomer brains
Any time they're salty about a woman making tons of money from porn, it's too much to think critically about who's paying her.
No. 929601
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Every single time I visit /cgl/, I get genuinely upset about its state. It's now overtaken by the exact people gulls used to make fun of a decade ago. Back then browsing and posting was genuinely fun and it felt like a little community (but still part of 4chan) but now I can't even read it for a few minutes without feeling the same dread as browsing social media. It's the same insufferable demographic. I want my gulls back.
No. 929638
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>>929601god I miss /cgl/ so much, I only started browsing in 2013 so I'm not a true oldfag, but the memories of that place are so good. We can never go back.
No. 929916
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Sometimes I get angry at my bf because he’s so wonderful and understanding. I just want to pick and fight and seethe and yell but I have no ammo, I have no reason. I grew up in toxicity, so being here makes me feel so alienated. He doesn’t raise his voice ever, and yet I want to pick a fight regardless.
I know it’s self sabotage but some times I just want to disappear, change my name and disappear into the mountains. I didn’t mean to find love when I did. In fact, a few days before I met him I was in a gallery and considering ways to off myself.
Am I resentful towards love and patience? Perhaps.
No. 930205
>>929916My Nigel is a good one too. I grew up in a
toxic broken family who didn't cope with their anger well. Meanwhile he grew up with the standard two-parent upper middle class lifestyle where no one really ever got angry. They had their problems to be sure, but they weren't as extreme as what I faced.
Apparently one of his critiques of me that he finds comical is how my anger flips "on a dime," like I'll be swearing at myself and seething over a work file not uploading, but in the next moment I'll be distracted by something cute on my computer and go awwww.
I'm rarely angry towards him yet I still struggle with my own frustrations.
When he says that it makes me mad because he doesn't understand how I've had to compartmentalize my feelings like that. My parents behaved similarly except they weren't bashful about yelling at me for several hours straight and then taking on a cheery and lovey tone when they had to perform as parents in front of guests or out in public. It was normal for me to witness psychotic anger episodes and then pretend like nothing ever happened in the next hour, if I didn't, there were consequences.
He's right, it's
toxic but sometimes old habits slip out. Sometimes it makes me wish he were
toxic too so he wouldn't call me out on it, but that's stupid.
No. 930262
>>929916I've 2 ruined relationships behind me because of this. I had no idea what was making me act the way I did, no awareness of where it came from. I thought it was depression related. One of the guys in particular I'm still kicking myself (for a decade now) over the fact that I lost him. He had the patience of a saint and I still drove him off eventually. I didn't see the warning signs that he was done either.
Him leaving was a wake up call to get my ass in gear and explore my weird behaviours in relationships. I looked at my upbringing and pieced it together. I almost had a breakdown trying to get through describing my childhood at weekly appts. In my next relationship the guy had similar issues to me but hid it well in the beginning. I was trying to be better (and I was getting somewhere) but this time it was him being the tard who wouldn't seek help or ever chill tf out once he was upset. I got a taste of what my first bf was put through.
I have some bitterness over the list of things wrong with me that go back to an upbringing of neglect, abuse and parents who gave each other the silent treatment half the time and screamed the other half of the time. I don't know if I can face trying to date again. I don't know what to fear more.. the possibility of becoming emotionally
abusive again or being on the receiving end again. I see those 2 relationships as me learning lessons the hard way but damn I'm ready for an easier love now lol
No. 930391
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>>930383this is what i want
No. 930478
>>930459I don’t punish him and I don’t treat him like garbage. I’m expressing my frustration here but not at him. I tell him all the time I’m pretty sure he’s extraterrestrial because his love and patience doesn’t seem humanly possible.
I appreciate all the other anons sharing, it helps to know others get like this too. I’m in therapy and working on it, but I suppose childhood abuse takes so long to undo.
No. 930529
>>930514Thank you kind anon! It makes me feel a bit better. And I hope your collection of plushies keeps growing too!
>>930515> I've had the same little plush since I was a baby and it's a raggedy old thing now but damn do I honestly have trouble sleeping if it isn't on my bed with me kek.I know that feel all too well. I've got a teddy bear like that but I try to give it some break so it doesn't fall apart lol. And your entire post is completely relatable. The comfort that some of these plushies give me is immense and when I had to move country, my few plushies made me feel less alone. It's a familiar face that doesn't judge you. It's hard not to get attached to it. I just thought that after a certain age, I should stop relying on them for emotional support but hey, if it works, it works.
No. 930671
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I want to be unironically straight up killed, hack-and-slash murdered like a cheesy horror film.
No. 930689
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>>930515I know that feel,
nonnie, i have this doll which is permanently sad, it’s literally pic related, my grandma gave her to me as a gag gift when I was a toddler and ever since then I would keep her around.
I still travel with her even if I just keep her in my purse, and I have to keep her around my room in a comfy place so she can be confortable too.
It has been quite hellish nowadays because I left her in another continent, I hope my parents don’t throw her away because I would legitimately kill myself, she’s extremely important to me.
No. 930724
>>930689> I have to keep her around my room in a comfy place so she can be confortable too.God I feel this. I will tuck my plush in or keep the blankets off depending on the weather. When I leave for the day I give it a hug and a kiss and say “i love you” and if I walk back into my room to get something I have to repeat this (it feels like I’ve disturbed its sleep). My mom thinks its stinky and doesn’t like it but my dad will sometimes come into my room and take it to smell because we both like the weird smell of it, its comforting to us lol. As much as my parents tease me for it, they know I’d lose my mind if I didn’t have it anymore. I forgot it in their room once when I went back to college and they offered to mail it to me but I was horrified at the thought of making my plush even live through the mailing system (never mind usps’s dumb ass potentially losing it!) so I had them leave it at home and I just had to suffer til I went back home kek.
I hope that you’ll be reunited with your doll soon. Can you not ask your parents to keep it safe for you? It really sucks not having it around and fearing for it. I don’t care if it makes me a big baby, I really care for my plushies, especially my favorite one!
>>930529> I just thought that after a certain age, I should stop relying on them for emotional support but hey, if it works, it works.I feel like my plush is my one and only link to my parents, and when they’re gone at least I will still have my plush. It’s just a random baby shower gift from an aunt that they put in my crib for decoration, and my tiny baby brain got attached to it and my parents were like “oh fuck what the fuck” but didn’t bother taking it away from me lol. I’ve read that adults having comfort items is common, and potentially helps adults adjusting to new situations more than adults just having to adjust without a comfort item. Or maybe I’m just pulling it out of my ass. Either way I’ve given up the idea of growing out of it. I fear the day I get a partner and have to explain “yes this is my raggedy little plush, it means the world to me and I will sleep hugging it probably more than I’ll hug you.” There’s a fear of whether they’ll think I’m a freak, or arguably worse, dating a psycho who could potentially destroy my plush for any given reason. It’s extreme but my plush really feels like the embodiment of my family and our love and I would absolutely kill/commit serious bodily harm over it.
>>930596The power of pure childhood innocence…
No. 930760
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I think I might’ve started the trend of Carreyposting in the Unconventional Males Attraction thread but I’m definitely not a Carreyfag. I think I created a monster.
Pic related is my post. I think it was the first time he was posted in those threads but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong
No. 930776
>>930768>spoiler Excellent taste,
No. 930790
>>930760the fact that you're still here warms my heart and also fills me with rage, what monster have you created
and why am I one of them>>930768I agree. my curvy average height ass wants to be embraced by a tall dark haired skinny weirdo who can perfectly mimic a praying mantis, it would bring me such strange happiness
No. 930832
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I saw my brother in Law’s bara tiddies today. He was walking around with no shirt on and pajama pants he’s got long hair and he’s pretty hooooooot. I was trying not to look but those tiddies were bussin, he had chest hair too. He’s pretty cute facially too. Kinda reminds me of Johnny Depp
No. 931434
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i primarily use lolcow to argue. i'll pretend to be things i'm not just to fight for points i don't believe in, and i wastes my time in this manner because it entertains me. it makes me feel insane but whatever
No. 931496
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>>931434I don't argue, I just drop a spergy and inflammatory post then come back later to observe the mess.
No. 931520
>>931489I used to work at Whole Foods and I was stocking product when this Amazon Woman of my Dreams walks by. I mean I got dizzy, she was so beautiful. I had to walk passed her to stock a shelf and I blurted out “Wow you are so beautiful I can’t handle it, whew” and kept working and she was so nice about it. After that I got goofier when she would shop, and it was an on going joke. I say keep complimenting people. Some people will really appreciate it. You may make someone’s day. (But stay respectful ofc)
If you’re reading this shopper, you made me feel very gay and overwhelmed e v e r y time I saw you. I hope you are still out there, giving everyone cardiac arrest. Lawd mercy
No. 931530
>>931523Ig that dunking on trannies isn't productive but you
hate radfems for it? lol what on earth…if we're being completely serious, trans stuff is changing women's healthcare as we know it as the most funded civil rights movement in history despite only assembling approx 10 years ago. It's also a major movement that brainwashes young girls and female children who cannot actually consent to medical transition.
No. 931534
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i have never subscribed to a youtuber before and never will. if i like someone's channel i'll just bookmark it, specifically the videos section. i don't want to be notified of shit
No. 931708
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So I'm having doctor's appointments over the phone, especially after covid it's just seemingly stayed that way. I'm pretty happy with it because I get called and they're usually pretty short, and I don't have to go through with getting dressed, appearing somewhere and being physically around people. For me, hearing a person and their voice is much more important anyway.
But here's the kicker. Now, because there's nothing distracting me I notice immediately if a doctor's voice is ridiculously hot. And I'm relentlessly attracted to that. Like sir you don't need to prescribe me any more meds your voice has literal ecstasy in it. Like tell me about your day or something, I'm all ears baby.
No. 931717
>>931711it took me a year or two before I realized
nonnie was a nickname for anon, you're not alone
No. 931730
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>>931711>>931717I kinda like '
nonnie', it's cute and disarming in a good warm fuzzies way
No. 931782
>>931761Yeah I wish we could essentially piss out our periods in one go. When you look up how many mls of blood come out it's so little but the misery it manages to cause..
I remember years ago a tweet (I think?) went viral. A teenage boy thought women should hold in their period blood instead of 'being lazy and needing period products because you won't just hold it in'
No. 931928
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I’ve been developing an odd fascination and love with a celebrity(?) to the point where I’ve been searching our birthday horoscope compatibility and I can’t help myself, anti-zodiac spergs can seethe it just makes my sad obsession much more fun and indulgent
No. 931937
>>931898It really does feel hopeless, but I think it just takes one person to inspire another. Fast fashion is so, so tempting. I love seeing cute clothes, I love imagining how I'd look in them. But how realistically, how they'll feel on my skin? How they'll sit on my normal person body? How they'll potentially shred in the wash? I'm so sad when I walk into a F21 and see something cute that tempts me, but when I touch it it's paper thin or rough or just feels low quality.
I applaud you for trying to live your best environmentally conscious life. It's not easy to do and it really does make you wonder if in the long term it's even worth it at all, but I think it is. I hope someone might see your actions and it might inspire them to take a step in the right direction. That's what kickstarted it for me, was seeing a friend do it. Progress is slow but I think it's important to show to others that being living a low waste life is possible, even if they just want to take a small step in the right direction.
No. 932368
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I think about that nona with the cowboy dirty talk boyfriend at least once a week.
No. 932532
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Pretty sure I’ve stepped into eating disorder territory now but I’ve lost 10kg over the year and while I’m not proud of it- I am happy about it. I guess I’ll suffer the consequences eventually.
No. 932539
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>>932465I literally found this picture of her on the rate me subreddit a long time ago and I was drawing a satire of a pickme girl because I found her photo ridiculous, this was when I was an autist drawing on my phone kek
No. 932625
>>931967nope, that would be me
and i hate horoscopes with a passion. happy for ayrt though! wonder who her crush is.
No. 932887
>>932627>>932539I'm the
>>932465 anon who asked, and things such as
>the urge to use her as a reference for drawn satire>this difficult to explain emerging hatred when seeing her interact onlinesound like some funky tier foreshadowing (or maybe I'm just watching too many movies lately)
No. 932902
>>932898Nta but if drinking too hot or too cold stuff can hurt you, I’m guessing that taking a whole dick
assuming it’s long enough to get “deep throated” could be at least harmful for your throat, I think I read once that you can get polyps from hot stuff, so I wouldn’t be surprised if dicks could cause them too because of the constant friction.
That’s also, of course, assuming that a dick, long enough to reach the throat, would be getting deep throated daily for a long while, which implies the guy would have to be able to handle getting deep throated for more than 5 seconds.
No. 933786
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I want something like pic related so i can punch it when I’m stressed.
No. 933834
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This video made me hungry and I kind of want to try making these cheesy noodles (minus the obnoxious blue dye and insanely large deathfat portion size)
No. 933875
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I cannot stop cyberstalking my coworkers
No. 934035
>>933511I'm jelly
nonny. I've had my period for 3 months. I totally understand the fear that something is irreparably broken. Hopefully we are both OK. But get yourself checked out. Doctors are crazy busy right now, I had a waiting period of 3 months to see my GYN.
No. 934573
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Sometimes I’m glad I never had absolutely anything I wanted and that I know how to abstain myself from buying random shit.
Mostly because I spend a lot of my time sending pictures of cute clothes or stuff with my best friend and we’re always like
>I would murder my whole family for this frog sweater.
But we, of course never buy such things because it would be retarded, so we’re mostly longing for them.
We even sent each other some cute stuffed toys we liked and we were like
>sometimes I imagine how my house would look like if I bought all of this shit
Virtual window shopping is fun though, no one is looking at you while you’re looking at their products so you don’t have to like, but anything out of embarrassment for lurking around.
No. 934834
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>>934831You need Jesus, hun.
No. 934991
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My grandpa was hot when he was young and before he died. If I ever run into a man who looks and acts exactly like him I will make him my significant other.
No. 935150
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I want this shirt so fucking bad
No. 935206
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>>935176Please tell us what happened.
No. 935246
Don’t hold back, tell her
No. 935257
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Every now and then I get a craving to shoop lolcows for fun. I still maintain PT just came onto the cosplay scene before her time. With a little bit of Snow catfishing combined with her HAES opinions, she might have been popular today.
No. 935288
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i know queens shouldn't fight, but
sailor moon feels like an inferior show when put against cardcaptor sakura.
No. 935290
>>935274I do natural bodybuilding and like the natural female shape, but I cant get huge and massive like man can. And the female roided physique is just gross and looks wrong, plus I'm short so it would look even more repulsive. Its just not big in the same way.
I just really like the conan the barbarian, 80's action hero shape. Still gonne work out and do the most with what I have though, have my red sonja moment
No. 935320
>>935316Don’t think like that
nonny, that’s just how they want you to think.
No. 935415
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>>935413pic related, my latest find
No. 935423
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I wish I could be taken apart and put together back again like frankenstein or some mutated robot demon with an entirely new brain and appearance.
No. 935510
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>>935493sending love to you
No. 935614
>>935540In case you're not an undercover scrote I agree with
>>935550 . Clearly you don't despise women enough not to hang around an imageboard that's mainly for women and having a dick gets you banned, so you need to learn to hate the misogynist stereotype of a woman instead of women themselves.
No. 935823
>>935610there is no in between on this website
>>934902Why do you think you're becoming schizophrenic? When I hear the word schizophrenic I think of a car that goes really fast, like lightning mcqueen I guess. Like the word schiz, just sounds like whoosh, I hear a car going fast, and then phrenic sounds phrenic. So I hear fast and friendly. But have you considered enjoying the hallucinations?
>>935530queen moment
No. 935866
I hate my brother so fucking much. He is loud for no reason, is smelly, misogynist af, lazy, dirty and constantly lying. Having him around is the worst and him moving away was the best fucking thing ever because my mental health has improved ever since I do not have to interact with him so much. I also hate the fact that my mum tells him that I miss him and bs like that. No, I do not miss him nor do I want to spend time with him or visit him. I even told him that but my mum got upset about it that and told him that I'm just tired from work, wtf. My mum also tells me that I should buy him gifts for no reason because "Why not, anon??" Idk maybe because he is a hoarder that treats everything like trash?? I could throw that money straight into the garbage bin, it would have the same effect. Did I ever got gifts from him? Of course not. On birthday or christmas you get a 5€ grocery shopping card that's all. He is such a manchild. He rather spends all his money on suicide club poster and other garbage than on food that he needs, so he ends up bagging my mom to borrow money from her in order to have something to eat. Of course my mum gives it to him because he suffered so, so much as a child!!1 I was also abused by my dad but never got the pity points from it, but when it comes to my brother he always got a pass for being sick, mentally or physically.
No. 935906
>>935862lmao, being detrans sounds messy and terrible but I would love to have a scary man voice. I practiced my 'man' voice for ages to try to get discord gfs but people just thought i was ill or something.
Also can you do a girly voice if you practice, seeing as your voice used to be more feminine? Switching between the two would be very cool.
No. 935988
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Super long confession incoming
>Went through a bunch of trauma I'm my youth including rape
>Went through a horrible manic pixy dream girl phase in late teens very early twenties
>Slept around a lot and cheated
>Hated myself and would cope with depression by having affairs
>Starts to dawn on me that I'm a huge PoS
>still early 20's Starting to get better, already cheated in current relationship but have stopped
>Always had a huge crush on one of my coworkers but I don't shit where I eat so ignore it
>Quit my job but leave a letter to coworker telling him I always.thought he was super cool and I used to make up dumb reasons to be near him
>He knows I'm in a relationship but asks to hang out with friends
>I am an idiot and leave the door open for him to make a move
>He never does because he's a good person, we get past our crush and become bff's
>Hang out all the time worst that ever happens is we hold hands once when we're both too drunk
>I break off my relationship because surprise but cheating doesn't create the strongest level of trust
>I move and see the bff less because distance and college is starting to get tough
>Eventually I break my rule and date a coworker at new place
>Bff tells me it's gonna end badly
>New relationship goes great, I don't ever cheat but my bff says weird things like the current boyfriend is a immature, etc.
>School gets super tough and I do an out of state internship. During this time I get engaged and my bff slowly stops communicating but I don't notice.
>I invite him to the wedding, he rsvps but is a no show the day of.
>Ask him what happened he says his mom cut her hand and he had to take her to the ER
>I say it's okay, it clearly isn't and we stop talking completely.
>I move back and buy a house in the area he lives in. I visit the store he works in and we pretend not to see each other.
>My husband says it's for the best and that the guy clearly wasn't over me.
>I secretly think about the bff all the time and like his posts on social media, he occasionally likes mine.
>Have dreams of sleeping with bff and wonder if I should reach out to him
Ive turned around my life so much that I feel it would be a mistake to talk to him again.. but I just want to write him a letter and tell him how I feel and that he broke my heart (in a platonic way). Idk what to do but I miss my best friend.
No. 936015
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>>935988He shouldn't've been roundabout about having feelings for you, what a fucking faggot, he could've just told you and asked you to make your move but instead he bitched on some miscellaneous bs about your boyfriend. You could've called him out for sure, but it's understandable that you didn't, since you were getting serious with another person. It's also human to wonder about him, it's the what ifs and the remnants of intense energy from him being so meaningful to you. You'll be fine, it's just something you have to live with for a while.
Sincerely, an ex-manic pixie insufferable cunt
gf who's currently a married dumbass having a major retarded crush on her male friend for a year. You're not alone at all. Just gotta try to live with these feelings for a while.
No. 936038
nonnie, We can stay on the straight and narrow together.
I am glad there are other ex-dumbasses out there I always feel so alone because my past is so garbage I don't feel like I can tell anyone. Sometimes I lightly fantasize about being a widow or something so I could slut it up without feeling bad but I love my partner so much and I'm so proud of the life we have that I could never jeopardize it. Shout out to all my friends who think I'm the perfect wife and super innocent.
No. 936051
>>936038I feel everything you say in my soul. The whole shitty past really strikes fear into my heart, it's a nightmare I want to leave behind. But I'm still the idiot who gets into people, does the absolute most to understand what's interesting about them and catches feelings. This specific crush though started after my husband had started ignoring me (he's fixing things now, and so I gotta try to let go too), it was extra easy to recognize how absolutely attractive my friend is to me.
I just see compatibility and I can't ignore it. It's frightening actually. Especially when my ass tries to dignify these relationships by being the ultimate best friend that's there to offer support and validation. I know I chose my husband for a reason to begin with, but God I want to utterly sperg out about this beautiful person whose presence rejuvenates me in a way. If I'm not fantasizing about being with him I manifest him a girlfriend who's so possessive he's forced to quit being so close with me. Trust me, you're not alone.
No. 936054
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My mom asked me to sew a ragdoll for her and I am already doing the pattern and stuff, but I feel like crying.
Not in a bad way, I guess? It's just that my mom always give me so much, and she had a rough childhood, for her to ask me a simple doll like that… shit i'm crying, I hope no one sees me like that
Anyway I'll try my best and I'll try my best to make her some cute dresses as well
picrel is my inspo, but I'm gonna make it a tad bit bigger (1:4th ish)
No. 936061
>>936054This is so sweet
nonny, your mom sounds like an amazing woman and I think it's really cool you're making a doll for her. It's always the simple things with (good) moms, they deeply appreciate knowing you put your love and attention into something for them
No. 936064
>>936058Thank you for being so truthful and sincere. I wish you too everything good, maybe I'll some day be able to do as you suggest. I honestly see it as a bright possibility, just not an immediate probability in my exact situation. But it'd be a wise road to take, that's for sure.
Get over yours, I'll get over mine, queen. Be blessed.
No. 936166
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I look like the female version of picrel just with perky breasts and a darker pigmentation
No. 936230
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My sister's tattoos are ugly as fuck. Especially the stick n poke one she did on herself, but I don't want to say it to her face and hurt her feelings.I'm just really hoping she doesn't get any more.
No. 936465
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>>936223Anon this might be a late reply but stop hating yourself so much just because your boyfriend is staying with you after your bpd rants. He clearly likes it there, let him be. If he wants to deal with it, it's his shit. Just enjoy the ride.
No. 936528
>>936269but I completely overlooked the fact all these years that I was chasing him maniacally laughing and screaming "wee whoo wee whoo I'm the border patrol"
10/10 made me snort
No. 936640
>>936461That's great though! Sleeping with coworkers is a bad idea anyway.
I had a wet dream if Bob odenkirk… Help
No. 936673
>>936058>>936038>>935988A slight update I realize that my libido is just out of control because I got my IUD removed and am getting off of some other meds that diminish sex drive at the same time and my husband can't have sex right now because of a separate medical condition.
(But I fucked up and refollowed my ex bestie on social media)
No. 936733
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I wish I wasn’t deathly allergic to cats so I could have a cat and a dog who love each other and are best friends.
No. 937122
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I’m straight so I don’t wanna post in the “women you’re ashamed to say you’d fuck” thread cause I wouldn’t, but I think I have a girl crush on Ashton, help
Idc how much of a cow she is/was in the past, she’s so cute
No. 937220
>>936465I guess, it's so crazy to me how similarly to the pic you posted he cooks for me really good food, he cleans for me, he gives me a lot of sex, I mean, this guy really wants to make me happy. Yet sometimes he cries because of me and I hate it, like I'm not as sensitive over little fights or spats, but he is. I wish I could protect him from my feelings. I am a lot better than I used to be, but I have more to improve. Thanks for trying to cheer me up. I just feel like shit when I see people bitch about good men staying with bpdfags. Idk why that's such a phenomenon, I think men secretly like dominant, emotional women.
No. 937238
>>937170I’m sure she’s been posted in the trad thot thread before, so many would consider her to be a cow. Ashton Birdie/Whitty worked for Info Wars at one point and dated Baked Alaska and had a very public mental breakdown online a few years ago. Now she seems to be rebranding as a libertarian lol I actually saw her are some event and wish I befriended her
Idk I hope she’s genuinely doing better now. She had a reputation for being kinda psycho after her public breakdown.
No. 937261
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No. 937264
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>>937238>and dated Baked Alaskathat alone imparts cow status.
No. 937273
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>>936640You are a damaged individual anon. What was his cummies face like?
No. 937278
>>937261Surprisingly(?) it's actually not that difficult to get away with murder. 40% don't get solved and that number goes up if you target rapists in shitty communities that are already overwhelmed with crime. ( The fact that you are not a known acquaintance/someone directly connected with the
victims is already a huge plus in your favor, as you won't have any history with these criminals and cases usually rely on witness cooperation. If no one sees you or knows who the hell you are as a part of the neighborhood, then it will be tough for other people to care or figure it out. Especially since people don't typically like having those types around in the first place.
All in theory anyway, I like the idea but don't throw your life away anon.
No. 937283
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I use the neet thread as hardcore motivation to not become one, I know I have the potential of becoming one and I'm scared that I would fall into this delusion I know that some anons there are ill and that it's not their fault though
No. 937386
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>>937338he looked incredibly good in Dune, don't know how they did it but he looked pretty submissive and breedable
>>937365true, in normal photos you can see the way he's curdling in room temperature
No. 937394
>>937365i like his eyes and jaw and dark hair and eyebrows. very hot
his also a tall skeletor which is…the ideal male body type
chalamet is hot imo but he will age poorly like all pretty boys do. my bf is less pretty boy than chalamet and has god tier bone structure. he is a king
>>937386he seems wayyy better looking in motion than in still photos. probably bc you cant focus on the weird parts when hes moving around kek
No. 937526
nonnie!! I love the vibe of concerts, especially high energy ones, even if I don't know the artist. Otherwise, why am I here?! Not many other situations where you can yell and jump and dance while surrounded by hundreds of other people doing the same thing. I'm there to have fun!
No. 937532
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>>937479Your friend sounds like a drag to be around. As the other anon said, you are doing everything right during concerts. Concerts mean to be places to go wild and crazy, that's the reason why I love this shit too. I would also go with you just to have fun and be silly, because this is the best part of concerts. You sound like the perfect concert buddy, anon!
No. 937608
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>>937273When he's good he's good, also I'm unhinged
>>935988I wrote this letter to him in my notes based on some doping advice I read online… It didn't help but I'm gonna post it here instead of actually sending it.
>HelloI don't even know why I'm sending you this, this is trashy, You broke my heart (in a platonic way) and I'm still not over it. I go months without thinking about you and then all of the sudden something reminds me of you and sends me into of a spiral of unfollowing/re following you on social media (sorry for the notifs) and I feel so stupid. I've talked to my husband about it and he just says that you probably never had any interest in staying my friend and I need to get over it but I can't, of course moving back to our town doesn't help because I am surrounded by things that remind me of you. I am aware that I'm writing this out of selfishness for my own closure so I'm going to address some of my own shitty behavior to relieve some of that guilt.
1. I should have never told you I liked you, that's not how you start a successful friendship, sorry
2. I shouldn't have become distant after I moved
a. (I hated asking you to drive out to see me but never bothered to ask if you cared.
b. I fell into a deep pit of depression after I broke up with my ex that lasted for 3 years and did a bunch of unhealthy things like became a total jerk and I put you on a weird pedestal and decided I was too much of a degenerate to talk to you you (again this could have been resolved by idk talking to you?)
3. I was a dick about the husband situation… Idk what else to say but sorry. I wanted you to be friends because you two have a lot in common …. But I mucked it up by being an immature a hole also you calling him a man child didn't help but words were said
4. As we became more distant I felt more awkward and again should have just talked to you
Back to this letter when I got married I was pretty heartbroken that you didn't show up and that you gave me the excuse you did I wish you just talked to me but I suck at communication too. Anyway I'm sorry I was a shit friend and I miss talking to you and making fun of shit online with you and being gremlin friends but I also don't know that things can ever go back to how they were. After some SM stalking I'm really happy with how you've changed - so proud of you fam. I take solace in that some alternate reality we are still besties and talk about [insert shared interests here] all the time. Keep being amazing and I just want to close this chapter with good comfy vibes and also I'd like to go to [insert his place of work] without feeling a wave of panic.
From your shitty ex bestie,
I copied/pasted this from my notes app sorry for the formatting
No. 937617
>>937479This sounds like my ex, fucking lame. Always brought down the mood when I started off having an amazing time.
>>937583 is right. People like this have no self confidence and feel threatened when those around them do, so they try to make you feel as self conscious as they do. Just do your thing anon and I agree you should just go alone in the future if not drop her entirely. Friends should build your hype not kill it
No. 937686
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I think bare nails look so much nicer than polished nails.
No. 937701
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>>937686I tend to agree, but I either like natural nails the other extreme of longer nails with japanese nail art. But to be honest, usually my favorites also have a bit of natural color showing (or some nude very close to it)
No. 937709
>>937701I love having fake nails this long and picking my nose with them. They are the cutest most efficient booger scooper and they are also great at removing outer ear goobers. Natural nails can scratch and metal picks are inefficient. I know it's gross to use your nails for this purpose but I don't care, I wash under my nails before and after so no one knows unless they catch me in the act. Being goober free is an awesome feeling.
>>937704Didn't you post this same thing yesterday
No. 937712
>>937704posts like this is why i'm anxious to befriend other women sometimes. but
>She constantly makes fun of random ugly men who are basically her looksmatch and treats them as though they are far beneath her.she sounds based
No. 937716
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I honestly think this anon wrote this post about me, I have a sister too and I wouldn't be surprised if she knows about this website. Even if it wasn't about me, it describes me and I frequently think about it when I'm lazy because it gives me motivation to do better.
No. 937718
>>937712Hard agree. No woman no matter how ugly should feel pressured to lower her standards and give an ugly man her attention.
>>937715You don't need to tell her she's beautiful but you are a shitty friend for hanging out with someone you're embarrassed of and implying that she should lower her standards and date men she isn't attracted to based on how ugly you find her. She's unlucky to have you in her life.
No. 937735
>>937718You're right, she might be able to date up. My thought process is probably mistaken that she can only attain certain men if she's willing to let go of some of her standards.
>>937719I do try to help her with tips and resources on dressing for her body and makeup styles, but she makes some bad decisions.
>>937724She's pretty based and shares a lot opinions that would be welcomed on lolcow. Unfortunately this tends to go hand in hand with an unstable personality, social awkwardness, and chimping out the moment someone annoys her instead of playing it cool and moving on like me.
No. 937760
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>>937726Nothing. She is good to me and would be good to me regardless of her appearance. In the end I know this is indicative of my own high standards for myself and the kind of friendships I wish I had (which can obviously include her. I just want a hot friend to feel proudly hot next to instead of being the only hot one in my groups).
>>937727pic rel is what she reminds me of. Those old drawings of the moon or sun with offbeat looking faces. There's no facial definition from the front or side except for a masculine Eastern European nose.
I think she looks much better without makeup to be honest, casual and soft styles suit her much better than the sultry trends of instagram.
No. 937780
>>937765Honestly, probably true. idk about male standards so much as it is general societal pressure for women to look perfect, including the standards enforced by other women which are often higher than what men actually want. I'm continuing the cycle myself evidently, but my point is that's what's informing my value system to some degree.
And lol you can only be put on a pedestal by ugly friends so often before you start thinking you want more hot friends. I'd prefer to be with hot (but intelligent) people who are blasé about common hot people experiences. Ugly people tend to make a whole song and dance out of whether or not they're dateable, and just going to the damn club.
No. 937785
>>937760You probably know on some level already, but it seems like you have some lingering insecurities, like you know you're attractive but you feel like it would prove something if you were also surrounded by other attractive people rather than people like your friend. It's normal to feel cringe when someone acts awkward in public or dresses poorly, but you seem to ruminate on it a lot even afterward and I think it's that you're more embarrassed with the effect it has on how people see you than just being annoyed.
You said she's antisocial but she's still dressing up and going out with you and obviously putting in effort to do so, even if the end result doesn't look great to you. You should try to focus on having fun with her during this stuff instead of being so preoccupied with what other people must think of her and consequently yourself, and if you can't, then why don't you do something else together that doesn't focus so much on appearance?
No. 937797
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>>937760Don't let anons make you feel like a monster, you're just being honest and I think it's kind of based to acknowledge that she's cool but has this weird blind spot that makes her awkward to go out with. But I don't think you should gas her up and tell her she looks cute when she doesn't. Why hugbox her and then complain that she's got delusional grandeur about her looks?
I picture her as one of those girls who wear crop tops to a barbeque even when their stomach is round and bulging out, thinking skin = sexy. When you said she doesn't have hot girl grace I instantly thought of picrel kek.
No. 937798
>>937775I wish anon, she's literally been bullied for it as well as her other features. Let's not pretend some things don't look better on some people than others, I believe everyone has a style that complements their natural features the best. But you're right that confidence goes a long way, I'm being too pessimistic.
>>937777Insecurity? Probably. Jealousy no, and pick me? Nonna being hot is not just to garner male attention but social capital for women especially. My life is materially better by being attractive and socially competent, and if we are speaking romantically more attractive women literally have a larger pool of suitors to choose from if she desires.
But you're right, I don't have internalized confidence since I just go off of how other people treat me and compliment me as an indicator that I'm attractive.
No. 937804
>>937785Thank you for the insightful post anon, I think you're right. Typing all this shit out has made me realize my perfectionism and fear of public failure manifests itself in lookism too. When it's drilled in from childhood, it's hard to let go of the pressure to be approved in the eyes of others.
I will try to swallow my pride and just enjoy nights out together even if it might make me cringe a bit sometimes. Thank you.
No. 937816
>>937797I try to support her in a level-headed way, but what do you say to someone who is insecure about their looks and then gets more insecure if you try to compliment their personality or something? She finds no comfort in the idea that "looks don't matter" (I've tried saying that).
I don't think there's much I can do but just leave her be and let her come to terms with her appearance in her own way. It just makes me cringe sometimes.
>>937801She's very outspoken which I think is based to an extent since she ends up scaring people and driving them away even when they haven't said anything offensive or inflammatory. I think it's her attitude which made me harsher with her tbh.
>>937808Thank you anon, this sounds very logical to me and I think trying to remove some scrutiny on myself will make us both happier too. I'm hoping I meet some other stacies by going to more events and expanding my hobbies as well.
No. 938266
>>937704>>938263>makes fun of ugly men>makes fun of men Are we friends or something? She sounds like me tbh and she also seems like a pretty interesting friend. Who cares if she’s butt ugly? A hundred ugly women are worth more than a bunch of poor whittle manwhores with “feelings and emotions”, also
>looksmatch Kek, get off the internet please
No. 938325
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I feel weird because I just remembered a song that made me remember this friend I had in pre-school, it’s weird because for a long time during my teen years I would think about her a lot, wondering if she was okay and such.
And then, when I was already 23, one of my grandmothers told me that she was friends with my friend’s grandmother, and that she told her that my friend died of leukemia not too long ago from that day.
It’s just so weird, I wonder if it really is true because like, who dies of fucking leukemia in my closest social circle? How dare that trope-y sickness kill someone I knew as a child? It’s so baffling.
I’m just not used to hearing of young people within my circle dying, it’s strange to say the least.
And I feel bad because I really wanted to reconnect with her, I even remember one time that I tried to find her, I was already like 14, I didn’t have any friends in my school, I wanted to pretend that we would get along again.
But I never found her, I wonder if she thought about me at all, I feel like a creep.
No. 939012
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>>938908Not sure how much I can take being educated and being able to read and decipher things I really need to go retard monkey mode and just stop thinking stop perceiving stop everything because of you, it’s all your fault
No. 939052
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I had this dream two days ago and when I woke up I was so horny and I have continued to be that way since. I can't stop daydreaming about it and I'm not sure if maladaptive daydreaming is a meme or not but I literally think about this shit whenever I have time. When I'm reading for school or watching videos I'll start to zone out. I'll just get these periods where I'll be so horny for days (usually lasts a week or so) and sometimes it's triggered by a dream sometimes not. I used to think maybe it had something to do with my period, but it happens too infrequently for it to be that. I feel like a coomer-tier degenerate. I even daydream during class because it's the perfect time to space out and I always get self-conscious that people can tell how turned on I am, which is so gross. then when i was on break from class nonas started tedposting and that triggered another round of horny daydreaming in class like what the fuck. do i need help?
No. 939080
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I’ve never had a romantic relationship with any male. Every platonic male in my life has either harmed me or if they weren’t harmful they disappeared/died. I’m 31 years old and literally made out twice in my lifetime, my only sexual experience is a single incident of being touched as a kid.
I don’t think I even have the ability to form a crush on anyone anymore. I’m trying so hard but it just doesn’t happen, but I’m still sexually attracted to males so I ship a lot of slash pairings. I know it’s pretty cringe to be yet another spergy sexually stunted fujo but I literally don’t know what it’s like to be in a romantic relationship, but I like romance. If there are only males the pressure is off me.
I spend so much of my life in hyperfixation and intense maladaptive daydreaming. I have a different self insert character for every fandom and 99 percent of the time it’s being the child of my current ship. My parents were incredibly mentally damaged so I just want to daydream about being loved and cared for by my ship, but without ever having to be sexual in any way.
I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever be able to give up doing this. At this point I think I’m too old to start having sex with people because I’m stunted and incredibly emotionally fragile. Surprisingly I do have a lot of good female friends and a decent social life, but that can’t replace a partner. I’m getting older and facing a long stretch of life alone.
No. 939092
>>939085she's talking about an actual relationship, not just sex
>>939080 see
>>939087 No. 939093
>>939080If you had experience with good relationships and know that you're just the sort of person who really enjoys having a partner, that would be fair enough. But your only experiences with men have been bad, you can't even convince yourself to crush on one, you don't seem to feel any desperate drive to spend time with them or be in romantic situations. Why are you so sure a relationship is what you need or want?
I get how you feel, I'm in a similar situation and I admit I worry about being single sometimes. But I know that I'm not afraid of living life without a man, I'm just afraid of stigma and judgement. I don't buy into the idea that being single is a death sentence. It is not inherently lonely, there is no reason other relationships can't make you happy. If you never find a partner, chances are you will just get peace of mind and total freedom to live your life as you please instead of the doomed miserable existence men have been threatening single women with since time immemorial. Statistically, you'd have dodged a bullet - marriage improves men's lives and health, but not women's.
No. 939098
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>>939093I might have exaggerated—I don’t have close platonic relationships with decent guys but I know decent guys —most of the women in my life are in really good relationships with (so far) really good dudes. Obviously I do realize that this is entirely anecdotal evidence, but what I see all the time makes my emotions and loneliness override my critical thinking skills. I’m not actually a solitary person —I don’t like feeling lonely so much that I have endless cringe daydreams to try and “fix” it.
I do have amazing female friends but the ones who are single and not desperate are still pretty openly lonely / looking for someone. They want that security of a healthy relationship, being someone’s first priority and having someone to trust when you’re vulnerable.
Or even just splitting the incredibly high rent or help running a household—being single is so fuckin expensive in a high CoL area.
Sorry for rambling.
No. 939115
>>916432i was genuinely annoyed when my female best friend got a boyfriend. it was 3 of us, we were all single, talked every day. she was always different from the other two of us because she had had boyfriends in the past. then she got a new one for the first time since we met and now all she ever talks about is him and what they do together. i know i'm a terrible friend but it just makes me really annoyed.
maybe it's because i'm jealous and chronically insecure but i just really can't be happy for her at all. nowadays we only exchange a few messages every other day or so (as a group of 3) and i think i'm gonna slowly distance myself from them. i'm not exactly great friend material so it'll probably be in their good kek.
No. 939168
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when I saw this picture I was like "this is so perfect for lolcow" so this is why I went ahead and used for the tinfoil thread and now I hope you girls liked it!!!!
No. 939261
>>939086Tons of regular people have been molested and abused too, they just have been explicitly told by others that if they fail then it will be entirely on them and no one will help or give a fuck about their trauma because clearly they're not "troubled" enough even though that's bullshit.
But had they stuck a needle in their arm and then turned to crimes to fund the habit, well, then they deserve the social coddling.
>>939097Because there's a penalty and punishment associated with never having been a fuckup before and trying to seek help. There's people like you who seriously believe struggling and doing the right thing is a type of privilege.
It's pretty fucked up that people can make conscious decisions to have been shit people and come out better for it or even profited over someone who's always tried to avoid those paths.
No. 939305
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>>939168>ratIf you know, you know
No. 939370
>>939261LMAO where did I say that, stop projecting your stupid ideas on me.
Also funny how you didn't even deny what I said kek, you like torturing people after all. Keep struggling.
No. 939762
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>>937608So I ended up sending it to my ex-friend and idk he was really nice but I'm going down a dangerous road and I know it. I told my husband we were talking again and he was understandably pissed (having watched me cry over the broken friendship, etc). Husband was basically like "this guy was obviously in love with you and you think you can be friends?!" But idk I just want to go back to how things were and have someone around who likes all the weird stuff I do.
My ex-friend said he was really sorry for everything and he missed our friendship but has been acting kinda weird… I think if things are going to get resolved we have to meet in person but I know my husband would be so mad if I did.
Because of all my nerves around this my texts to him have been kinda cringe and also I've been so horny (I know I don't want to sleep with him, but like nerves + social idiocy are making everything weird)
Also I think my husband is starting to get sis of my love for better call Saul. I would let Bob odenkirk destroy me in a heartbeat.
No. 940030
>>939762Nonny come on. I know this isn't the advice thread but this is like watching a slow moving trainwreck. Both you and your so called friend clearly have feelings for each other (doesn't mean it would actually make a good relationship) and you're not just dating someone else now, you're actually married. Your husband is totally in the right to be upset and god forbid you actually go see this guy.
At least update again when things inevitably blow up so we can enjoy the milk.
No. 940073
>>940030>>940030I was posting here so someone could enjoy my shit show/I could share it with someone, but also so I could have someone yell at me. Before reading this I did realize that I am in fact a
toxic emotionally
abusive idiot and scheduled a therapy visit.
It dawned on me that I've sabatoged every single one of my relationships that I wanted to end in the past similarly.
Should I move the advice thread or keep posting my slow downfall elsewhere?
I also scheduled a trip with a friend who was going to the place my ex works and I know I would run into him if I went and am now wonder if I should cancel it.
No. 940126
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>>940073I'm the
>>936015 nonnie and returning to this was a whole read. I would yell at you 100%, as a married woman to another married woman. Stop giving into your self-sabotage, right now. Cancel anything that carries the risk of you running into your ex friend. Patch things up with your husband, he's clearly at least trying to understand what you're going through instead of just pulling away. At least try to appreciate your connection with your husband before you intentionally throw it away only to regret it later.
I'd suggest you move into the advice thread, if you want nonnies reacting with advice or just blasting you with verbal ice water. It's good that you scheduled a therapy visit, but you need to actively keep a physical distance to this other dude for now, perhaps for a longer time. Perhaps for good.
You absolutely can and should come to your senses. I, too, was able to make a small breakthrough by understanding that I probably fantasize about my friend because haven't been hurt by him yet so I grossly idealize our dynamic and compare it to my current dissatisfied state. Maybe you're experiencing something similar within you, like an urge or a habit to escape reality? Confront this.
Don't cheat on your husband. I know I won't, but don't you do it either. You don't want to.
No. 940142
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I'm just going to say this ONCE… I want to smell musky balls. I want to smell big musky balls on my face as they teabag me. Mmm like I can just imagine a guy just dropping his big massive droopy balls on top of my face and me taking a whiff out of them. I want to know what balls smell like. Are they pudgent? dirty? stinky? I need to know. I'm a virgin but I love man balls. I masturbate to videos of guys shaking their big balls and I am ashamed but not surprised. I have to be in the mood though, because I also watch videos of guys cumming inside seethrough onnaholes. I'm antiporn but it's okay because it's solo male and men are retards and they do it for fun. Like I can't imagine a guy being trafficked to make videos where he shakes his testicles. Anyways back to balls. I just imagine myself latching onto someone's boxers and smelling his balls through it, being like "aaahhh" but like it has to be someone I love of course because otherwise I think their balls must stink badly. But the potential man I love I bet his balls smell nice and I bet he washes throughly. I fantasize about the smells, a bit of wood a bit of amber and patchuoli… I think sleeping with my face resting near a guy's balls might be nice, kind of blissful. hopefully they find it nice too.
No. 940354
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Sometimes I don’t know if I want a boyfriend or if I just want a dildo and a body pillow of my husbando of the week.
No. 940382
>>940354real men are vastly overrated but the one thing they have going for them is their dicks are warm. I have owned many dildos of various textures (no super fancy ones so I might be missing out) and the texture can be perfect but temperature is always way too cold and is an immediate turn off bc can’t turn off ration enough to just enjoy it.
whatever fantasy you have of a man being your BF will always be better and less stress. at least you can put your daki with the strap away when you’re tired of him. just having a warm dick is not worth it.
No. 940385
>>940313anon thats prostitution dont you think they might have herpes or something? what if they start doing things you don't like? be careful please
>>940354do the husbando option so you can have as many boyfriends with different dicks as you might like, you can even be like "hajime has a big dick, but komaeda has small dick so I have to put a small dildo on his body pillow" etc
No. 940422
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>>940382Nta but some people put their dildo in warm water before insertion. I've never really bothered as I find silicone toys just warm up quickly once they're inside you. I used to own a toy that changed color though as it reached your body temp. It was silicone too. Dunno how they do it but it must be handy for people who do the water thing first.
No. 941642
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Sometimes I want to kiss someone on the lips without it turning into something sexual, like a friendship kiss on the lips.
No. 941645
>>940851except she said "he" afterward in the same post in reference to the same male, hence it was probably a brain fart. or maybe she meant moids' actions in general at first. either way this is dumb
>>941269mental images I didn't need
No. 942206
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I don't mind when one of my socks starts to fall down because it makes me feel like pic related
No. 942419
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>want to eat stuffing for dinner
>make stuffing and add butternut squash
>"i'm making butternut squash casserole."
No. 942687
>>942679Just call them a retard if you get rude responses. Usually I'm pretty mellow and try to avoid unnecessary infighting on here, but if someone replies to me in a rude way I'll match that energy.
>I hate when I argument in good faith, explaining my POV and supporting it with facts, but the other side just shits on me.This happens a lot, which is why I've learned to just post my opinion and leave it at that in heated infights
or at least that's what I usually try to do. It's unlikely you will try the mind of anyone here, so it's not really worth it.
No. 942692
>It's unlikely you will try the mind of anyone hereI meant change not try, oops.
No. 942699
>>942687I'm not trying to change other anons, especially since lolcow has the opinion of a place where women can be unhinged and stop being nice for a moment like they are socialized to. I understand that but I don't enjoy infighting or farmers being split in retarded groups that cannot accept their differences and move on.
>in b4 someone says then leaveI think there is still more good than bad on the farms, so no
>This happens a lot, which is why I've learned to just post my opinion and leave it at that in heated infightsI wish I could do that. I know I have nothing to prove since we are all anon here, but I feel like if someone spergs out at my post or writes something retarded and get no reply, they "win" the argument.
It doesn't help that not all bans are red-texted, so it seems like people derailing etc. may not even be stopped Feel free to change my mind, I would like to look at this stuff in a different way
No. 942707
>>942679My fave responses are when anons just start guessing unflattering facts about someone based on no supporting info. Just stabbing away in the dark with random 'I bet you're' statements
> oh yeah well I bet you're smelly and ugly and your bf cheated on you and then left you and all your friends hate and you your mom regrets having you and you still haven't learnt how to tie your shoelaces yet cos you're that dumb. Oh and fat and you're wrong and dumb.Like reel that imagination in and just call them a retard.
No. 943461
>>943256I make a point of casually saying it online but avoid it irl. I get the pushback against it, but I also feel like it's misguided. Retard is one in a list of many words for mentally handicapped that has turned into an insult meaning stupid. Words like moron, dumb, imbecile, idiot etc developed exactly the same way until they were totally divorced from the original meaning. Given enough time, retard would go the same way and become inoffensive with another clinical term taking it's place, but woke culture stopped it in it's tracks and it's going to stay a slur.
The words themselves aren't really the issue, it's that people look down on intellectual disabilities and see it as the most insulting way to describe stupidity. Unless that attitude changes the words will keep getting used as insults.
No. 943484
>>943472It’s funny because when I would meet with my friends, we would use gay instead of “cute” and homosexual instead of “beautiful”, Dunno why though, I was also the one who started doing so and everyone started copying me.
Teens are so weird.
No. 943501
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>>943472I'm the same. How am I supposed to say that some shit is gay without actually saying it's gay? It just rolls of the tongue beautifully. No offense intended.
No. 943662
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top surgery scars make me feel nauseous
No. 943675
>>943256True adulthood is seeing that the old slang that used to make you edgy and hip is now being taken seriously by others who think you're using it to be an actual bigot.
It sucks. But eventually we just get too "old" for people to think we're kidding.
No. 943677
>>943676samef to add that the only thing i can think off that has the weight of retard is mong. maaaybe sped. but those are even more
No. 943714
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I'd probably not have made it far in the army. I'd be so horny from being talked to like trash that I'd end up stalking one of my superiors and being yandere for them.
No. 944268
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I look down on people who mention they have more than one husbando. I know, sorry
No. 944378
>>943742There's a lot wrong with this, morally.
This isn't nice to do to him or your spouse.
Why do people like you even get married in the first place?
No. 944787
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Did anyone else have a character that they crushed on as a kid that manifested as an extreme fear/discomfort of said character? When I was a kid I had a crush on a really goofy cartoon character, but in my imagination he was sultry and brooding. I avoided media he was in because my heart would jump and my head would feel hot when I saw him or god forbid heard his voice. I tried to push thoughts of him out of my mind because he made me feel so bad and weirdly aroused.
I should give some backstory to this, I started having sexual thoughts at a crazy young age, literally 5 years old or something, I didn't even know what sex was but felt arousal at a lot of characters and dreamed up situations with them. I wasn't molested or anything, I didn't know how to masturbate so I'd lie down in bed and play these scenarios in my head until I felt like I had to pee really bad, then I'd stop. I don't know what was wrong with me, lol.
So this particular character invaded my thoughts randomly every day. This was early 2000s and every time I heard a sexy rap song I'd imagine him singing it and dancing around with half naked women, almost like he was taunting me or something. I'd imagine him in romantic scenarios with girl characters because apparently I was incapable of self-inserting until later in life. I remember imagining a movie about him growing up in my house and brushing his teeth in my bathroom every day(that's a weird tidbit I randomly remembered). It came to a head when I was 8 years old and I had a dream about him that terrified me in the weirdest way. I was at my school, a bunch of people were brushing my hair and spraying me with perfume and husbando comes up to me and kneels down so he's at eye level(I guess I imagined myself accurately…gross) and has a short discussion with me, I don't remember what he said but I asked him why I was there and he said we were going to have sex. I freaked out and ran outside, he became enraged and chased me to the playground. I was only slightly faster than him, I climbed the monkey bars and looked back at him and he was super pissed off climbing after me. There was a bunch of people watching and they were all kind of…rooting for me to get away? There was this guy that was a janitor or something, he was leaning on his mop(outside, lol) and he looked a lot like my dad and was like "I hope you get out of this one, anon" and I felt so much weird shame. Then I woke up. That dream scared the hell out of me for YEARS. Whenever I saw this character or even his name mentioned on the internet I'd close the browser. Anything that reminded me of his I had to look away. When I was feeling weirdly masochistic I'd quickly scribble a really basic drawing of him, I did this in my girltech journal my mom bought me for christmas because I knew I could keep it secret kek. Worst of all and absolutely bizarre I started to fear that men in general and male relatives (including my own dad and brother) were him in disguise trying to kidnap me. I remember once my brother saying some weird joke to me and I got uncomfortable and wouldn't talk to him for a few days. My dad only reminded me of him because he used to be a heavy smoker and the rental store I rented a game with this character in it at smelled like smoke. I got over the real-life paranoia quickly but now I think back and I'm like…..what the fuck.
I thought I got over this fear as it kind of faded away as I grew up, but when I was thirteen I bought a magazine that happened to have ONE picture of husbando in it and my heart stopped, it was the same sensation of pure fear as I felt as a kid. I guess it was some real ingrained shit. By the time I was sixteen the fear faded and was replaced by weird discomfort from my memories and (subtle) attraction. I watched the show character was in and liked it. I felt proud for getting over my childhood fear. I forgot about it all as I was into sexy anime husbandos at that point so I left it behind me until a few years ago when it all came back.
Thinking back on the whole thing it felt like I was afraid of my own sexual thoughts or something so I made them scary in my mind. It's bizarre that I used this character to terrorize myself, especially seeing as he is…not written like that at all. I still like him. My heart still pounds and I feel a bit shy when I see him mentioned. I find it funny how when I was a kid I was so scared of the idea of him wanting me and now I'm a retarded husbandofag and I'm like…if he was real would he even be attracted to me?
Just needed to get this off my chest. I didn't mention who the character was because he's a bit obscure and I don't want to be known even anonymously as that girl that thought [funny cartoon man] was a sex god. But really, did anyone else have something like this happen to them as a kid?
No. 944798
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Ready to go into so much debt and scam the goberment so I can buy a car.