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No. 916183
Because ignorance is not always bliss
previous thread
>>>/ot/905650 No. 916190
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>>916188idk, why are you blind?
No. 916199
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>>916195sonic can, should, must and will take over the farms
No. 916200
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How sexist are Bulgarian guys are usually, particularly younger ones? Are they just as bad as Russians and other eastern europeans (according to other anons)?
No. 916240
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husbandofags can you give me some tips, how do you continue coming up with ideas on what to do with your husbando, or like short story/fantasy/daydream scenarios, and how can i visualize things better? sometimes i considered taking drugs but it'll probably make my mental illnesses worse tbh
No. 916254
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>>916240I like to daydream about my husbandos traveling with me to places I’ve always wanted to see or that I’ve already traveled to.
I also like to daydream about my favorite of the day cuddling with me or just talking with me before going to sleep.
I also like to think about how would they react if I was in their worlds and how would I be able to survive. It’s kind of pathetic, but nobody has to know.
No. 916352
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Ok so I've been banned from tinder on my burner account because I was looking for a plug and some faggot reported me. Now I can't even get into my old account because as soon as I open the app the only thing on the screen is the ban message. I've tried logging into a different google account and reinstalling but the results are the same every time. Also I used my friend's phone number so that's not the issue either. Tried downloading it with a vpn turned on, still nothing. What the fuck do
No. 916364
>>916305How did they remain friends if they went out with the same girl?
>Is this a weird train of thought?Kind of yeah, not really a problem imo unless you look like a spitting image of the girl
No. 916619
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What are some definitive guides for wigs (where to buy, type, quality, etc.)? I'm going to go get my hair shaved off soon but I don't want to do it without having a wig on hand since I have to interact with people at work and I don't want my baldness to attract too much attention of any kind, especially in this current political climate. I've got some beanies but they're not work appropriate
Also, anyone have any references for how 2" wavy hair looks? For some reason the search engines keep confusing 'length' with 'type'. Just want to have an idea as to how it will look when it grows out.
No. 916685
>>916666Maybe journalism? As a general skill, being able to blend in and get people from disparate walks of life to like you is very useful, and seems like it could have many applications in private sector/law work. In terms of academia, I’ve read some anthropology papers that were basically just a narrative documenting the researcher’s time spent living engrained within a specific group of people, so that might be an option.
More importantly though, I’m super curious about your history of trolling. What sort of stuff have you done?
No. 916724
>>916678You clearly didn't read my post because I said I don't harass people. I'm just really good at observing and LARPing; I have a good eye for detail
I think.
>>916685I don't want to give too much away but let's just say a large group of insane men would be mad at me if they figured out who I was. I used to do petty or silly LARPs as a kid but was able to develop morals and empathy later on as a woman which is why I don't harass people like a 'troll' does. My best was to psyop a character amongst the dredges of society, or a group of really bad people, to highlight all of their fuckery so that normies can see.
Moids over on 4chan, Kiwifarms, etc swear I'm a guy which is annoying because you know it stems from the belief that women are not smart enough to sound like men. I can't reveal that I'm a woman for the sake of my safety since the men I infiltrated and exposed are actually batshit crazy. I get a lot of support but even though I should be 'grateful' for the men who cheered me on, I get annoyed because they ALL assume I'm a guy. Like women aren't able to understand the oh-so-complex 'male-brain' KEK.
I'd love to teach some sort of course so more women could do what I did so that men get over themselves (yeah I know, like they ever would). Even the things that we think are absolutely disgusting like peak male sexual degeneracy is something a woman can emulate online (while cringing IRL) if she really pays close attention and learns the basics.
>>916689I don't want to do 'field' type of work where I have to socialize undercover or something, I meant undercover as in the ones who LARP online obviously (see the drug marketplaces on the Darkweb for an example). But fuck helping the government in any way. Also lol you don't have to be a dick about it saying that I'm "too autistic" either; I'm not diagnosed with autism (and probably never will be) but I made it pretty clear in the OP that I'm aware of how lame it is ultimately. I just wanted to know which skills could potentially transfer over to an actual career because I consider my investigative/LARP skills to be solid. So do other internet trolls and men (the latter of which claim me as their own, yikes).
No. 916745
>>916722Anon said 'enough to gain 5lb', meaning whatever amount is necessary for that individual and their metabolism, genetics.
>>916694Here's some info for you.
> No. 916804
>>916666you could maybe work for a private investigator who does things like track down and gather evidence on fugitives, people running out on debts, deadbeat dads avoiding child support, cheating spouses, suspected chomos, stalkers, hackers, trolls, ect? which now adays heavily features pretending to be someone else online to trick idiots into admitting the details of their transgressions and sharing their location to invite over a non-existent affair, child, prostitute, drug dealer, partner in crime or whatever the case is
No. 916850
>>916836Once you're with the right person who actually loves you and sees past these supposed "flaws" and kisses you because they want to be intimate with you, your fear will disappear. The right person should be able to make you feel comfortable and will show you that kissing, as well as other forms of physical affection, is simply done because you love the other so much you want to be close to them.
>>916844Ukulele or piano
No. 916861
>>916856>>916844>>916850Keyboard/piano is technically/physically not as demanding as many other instruments, and if you play with a VST and a midi controller on your computer (or just a dedicated keyboard) and headphones you can get a great sound at a low cost and without annoying your neighbors/family members/roommates! However, for playing along to basic songs (steelstring acoustic) guitar might be more fun to start out with. Don't play ukulele, it's the fedora of instruments and aside from how small and easy it feels, it's ultimately just a really pathetic guitar.
A more important question is WHY you want to learn an instrument. What kind of music do you like? What inspires/inspired you? You're probably going to stick with what you like to do most. If you want to play heavy metal guitar, start with that and not a recorder, for example.
No. 916958
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say you normally like to have your pubic hair shaved but you're having sex with a guy for the first time presumably someone you like a lot and want it to be serious is it better to go unshaved and see how he reacts or just shave it anyway
No. 917068
>>916804Thanks, this is a good idea. Also sounds like it might have part-time potential.
>>916829If I can scam men and particularly expose
abusive or cheating ones that'd be great. I'd love to make some fake
abusive PUA website and dox everyone who paid or subscribed to my email list hm…
>>916873I want to make a cult/movement for men that either leads manosphere moids to k
* themselves or makes them more depressed into harming themselves as opposed to harming other people and thus if they off themselves they don't take others with them beforehand.
Thanks anons for the suggestions, I really appreciate it considering the typical responses to this question are very hostile and condescending. Again, I'm aware of how lame my 'talent' is, I just want to find a better way to use it kek.
No. 917072
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>>917059nice try cia-chan
No. 917109
>>917099It's easier to convince a coomer scrote to jerk you off then it is a woman, some men use "Jail gay" excuses as to why they have sexual contact with other men. I saw a bisexual male say he prefers women and wants to date, women but it's easier to get sex from men and men want it more.
I just see these men as bisexual tbh, I don't believe in anything but gay, straight and bisexual. If you are a male attracted to dicks that aren't your own you are bisexual or gay.
I feel troons have blurred some lines for people. People think it's not gay because the dick they like is attached to fake tits.
No. 917110
>>917068You could always swerve into larping as a PUA. Call yourself the Masculine Handbook and put some folky esoteric art pic, or pick a super LARPY name like Bjorn Barkva or something. Start with basic entry-level shit, and then sprinkle some esoteric reading here and there to distinguish your brand. After some months publish a book or a substack or whatever to get money.
I’ve been noticing that it’s been happening to women too. Lots of girls who grew up with
abusive narcissistic mothers feel like they need a “feminine” guide or whatever. These types of grifts are usually aimed at realllly insecure women (it’s always one of the three:
abusive mothers, druggie parents, or FTMs/MTFs parents), and it’s marketed as a “rediscover your femininity” type of thing.
No. 917121
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>>917109ayrt, the idea of being attracted to a "woman" that has a dick actually makes more sense than men that present as men meeting up and jerking off together. I think it makes them gay, but at the same time it makes me think sexuality really is fluid? or is fluid for a lot of "straight" men. which honestly makes me not want to get involved with any one because it's disgusting
>>917113anonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, I want to know!!!!!
No. 917139
>>917121It's the same thing, they are just attracted to feminine men more then men who look like them. Thats the excuse I see scrotes using, "I don't like men who look like men, I like men who look like women"
The more honest ones will admit, the attraction to these "Women" with dicks, is they are males, with tits and with a dick. There's a reason why troons without penises aren't popular.
No. 917150
>>917139i agree those types of men are gay, but i think what i'm talking about is different
>>917144it really sounds like a weird way of bonding over their attraction to women except it also seems more about the situation they're in (together, jerking off) than the actual women, maybe not at the same time the first time, but every time afterwards. Like some wire in their brain makes it so their aroused to being so overtaken with horniness they don't care if other men see? it's disgusting but so interesting to me. just wtf
sage for rambling
No. 917158
>>917091I'm not Polish but I have the same: German ancestry extending to modern day Poland but dating back to Prussia, which is overall simply German. I know you didn't want any answers relating to National Socialists but their expansion towards the East sheds light on this topic.
In contrast to the lands awarded to the restored Polish state by the Treaty of Versailles, the territories lost after World War II included areas which were either contained mixed Polish-German population with German majority (Posen-West Prussia Border March, Lauenburg and Bütow Land, the southern and western rim of East Prussia, Ermland, West Upper Silesia, and the part of Lower Silesia east of Oder), or were almost exclusively inhabited by Germans before 1945 (rest of East Prussia, the part of Lower Silesia west of Oder, Farther Pomerania, and the parts of Hither Pomerania, Lusatia and Neumark awarded to Poland). The German population of the territories that had not fled in 1945 was expropriated and expelled, forming the majority of the Germans expelled from Eastern Europe. No. 917161
>>917155same anon, and if they happened to be in my room when looking at hunky guys i think them being in the room would be enough to NOT make me horny lol
gosh i really despise men's brains
No. 917205
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what do you guys think of slowly converting the threads in cc into a series of generals, similar to what we have on lolcow? I dislike how so many threads are basic, and only have a small prompt for the OP, so the thread doesn't really have that's interesting to say
No. 917270
>>917118/m/ best boards /ot/ has seen better days
I forget /w/ exists and that’s a good thing
No. 917295
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>>917292I've checked out their "ideal partners" thread and they describe themselves so arrogantly, like "yeah, my interests are guns, politics and history (probably only war history)" "do have hobbies and interesting things to say when you contact me, don't be a whore", reminds me of this meme
No. 917344
>>917118best /m/, i just wish it was more active
worst /g/, the rs advice thread alone makes me sick
No. 917358
>>917295Overlooking the totally sane and totes adorkable mention of guns, if a moid says that they’re interested in “politics or history” run in the opposite direction and do not look back, especially if you have a background in polisci, history, international affairs, or god forbid ECON like me. Non-econfag moids talking about econ actually make me wanna rip my hair out ever choosing this discipline. I swear if I didn’t have my education and wasn’t in grad school I would assume that these scrotes knew what they’re talking about because men are always so confident in what they say even if they have no evidence to support it or are just guessing. Moids in econ hate the average person’s “opinion” on the economy as well but it’s worse for female economists because non-econfag moids mansplain US extra hard despite whatever PhD you have from a R1 school. God forbid most people ever learn that most economists are sorta center-leaning and that a huge number of foreign professors come from communist countries with really tragic life stories that lend no support to communism. All of the communist-born economists seem to be center-left ime (not specifically like democrats, we just end up sorta in the middle because econ teaches you to see the pros and cons of all economic systems).
Sorry for econ sperg but hope this helps women who didn’t study econ and might feel intimidated by some loudly opinionated moid who most definitely has no idea what he’s talking about. I certainly felt that way before I started my studies.
No. 917361
>>917118/ot/, /g/, and /snow/
mostly /ot/, and /snow/ because of the mtf threads
I don't have a least favorite board
No. 917407
>>917381i'm not one of those dedicated anons because i'm not good at the stuff, i was thinking of just making a board using a board webring site, but i figured that would be a bad idea
Am I right? if not I'll go make it
No. 917453
>>917118favorite: /m/
least favorite: /w/ (i don't use it)
No. 917455
>>917118/m/ has so much potential, i don't understand why despite the amount of complaints it's pretty inactive.
/g/ is hell
No. 917458
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Anons, which are some signs of an incoming 41%? Most specifically in TiFs? I am worried about someone and don't want to get banned in the /snow/ thread if this comes across as blogposty.
No. 917499
>>917205I don't really understand why so many farmers feel we have to "colonise" CC and think that CC basically has to turn into LC 2.0
I think it's good that CC is different because that way it's own thing and it kinda has it's own separe "raison d'être", ya know? That's why each board has it's board culture.
>>917446 is an example. Just let miners have their own thing.
No. 917560
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>>917518you don’t /have/ to but yeah you’re playing russian roulette with raw yolks if not
No. 917568
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Gore awaits you do not scroll!
No. 917569
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Alice is here.
No. 917574
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It’s gone but everyone should look at Alice
No. 917595
>>917471I will try to look deeper into suicide awareness stuff, is just that I once tried to do it for her, and while she followed it for a while, it became pretty aparent that she stopped and began to fall deeper into her depression and dysphoria, while trying to hide it from me.
>>917472She disappeared from the Internet without a warning, all of her accounts got deleted but I do remember that her last posts before closing were about not feeling well and being scared of everything, the last one I saw had something among the lines of "I will not commit the same error again". I tried to contact her friends to see how is she doing, but they also deactivated their accounts not long after. The only ones who knew her and are still active are pretty passive-agressive people and almost impossible to talk to, so I couldn't get anything out of them.
I'm sorry if I am paranoic, but she is genuine worrying me, it's being months without any signal of her, and the way her friend group are avoiding anything related to her is making me think on the worst conclusions.
No. 917623
>>917595It is pretty weird that their friends won’t say anything to you about her.
Well, there was a moid I talked to for a while who’s girlfriend disappeared for months and he even went to look for her at her state, it ended up being that she was just studying a difficult career and didn’t feel like telling everyone about it.
Maybe she wanted to start again or something like that, and then she cut contact with her friends that are now salty about it and won’t talk about her, I’m being optimistic though, it’s better to show her that you care about her.
No. 917651
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>>917646now it’s a murder/suicide
No. 917656
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Is it weird I don't get the appeal of luxury products? My family is really well off but my parents are still really frugal and just buy normal stuff. Like don't get me wrong, I guess if you're making six figures and are hitting your financial goals with money left over, do what makes you happy. But I feel fine having a more modest lifestyle with putting money towards travel/retirement/family goals.
Just seems like the push for a luxury lifestyle is really damaging towards women and encourages them to be consumers while not encouraging real wealth building. Maybe I'm just jealous because my income isn't the highest and my net worth is only like $10k in my late 20s.
No. 917669
>>917656I don't understand the appeal of luxury products either. Most are just slightly above average quality marked up, but sold with known names or shilled by influencers. I find the current modernist aesthetic to be tasteless; blocky bags that look like plastic, beige body-con dresses.. bleh. It seems like a desperate attempt to feel socially savvy or above others to show off a certain lifestyle. Those who live true luxury don't post staged photos because the cost of what they buy is irrelevant. I was raised around a man who never asked the cost of things, simply bought when he liked it. He'd take his relatives on exotic vacations, fly to New York and back same day just to see a play. He regularly went to restaurants you had to pay to be a member of, one where the Rothschilds have ate. He knew many influential Hollywood types, he took my mom to meet Rhianna. That man is now in prison because he burglarized a house while high on a cocktail of drugs.
I have some pretty high end things that might be considered luxury to some who actually know what my shit is, but only because I'm selective about what I own so that it remains store of wealth or investment.
No. 917675
>>917670I reread my comment and I know how retarded I sound. I was raised around this man because he was my mother's childhood bestfriend. They both grew up dirt poor, and so did I. I grew up in a dirty barred-window apartment outside of LA. Whenever he was free, every few months he'd take us to Disneyland or something because the companies he was contracted under would take us. If my father was being an especially
abusive ass, he'd let me stay with him or his family for a while and I got to see how he lived.
No. 917710
>>917669I grew up in a wealthy family, and yeah, your post is pretty much what it's like. You don't really need to flex, it's more that money isn't a problem. You can just get what you want without having to think much about it.
My lifestyle isn't really like that now, but I still can't relate to the whole luxury obsession (unless the person is partaking in a specific hobby or something). It's boring, kind of samey and seems pointless. Like, you're still a fucking animal who shits and pisses and rots. I just don't see the value.
No. 917738
Anyone has experience with neurofeedback? I've been offered free sessions (in a respectable hospital) and I'm thinking of doing them because I'm depressed fuck.
>>917731For me it makes a big difference, my skin looks like shit if I put on makeup and didn't moisturise a day or two before. Very flaky. But when I lived overseas, it didn't make much difference. I think it depends on where you live, if the air is dry or moist.
No. 917769
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is there another way to view deleted reddit comments other than removeddit and ceddit? those two are not working for me
No. 917880
>>917849>"oh thank fuck she finally stopped snoring" - my cat>>917851I don't have a particularly regular sleep schedule, but it could be the second one
Follow up question, presuming that it's breathing changes or rustling, how come I don't have that superpower to detect someone's waking up? Or could I learn too if I started paying attention? Do you know of any humans who can?
No. 918014
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what brand headphones is he wearing
No. 918046
>>918039if it's light red blood you probably have a tear somewhere, especially if you were rough
it's fine though, maybe don't do any penetration for a few days and it should heal up, but if it continues bleeding for a long while I'd get concerned.
No. 918163
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So this dress
>>918153is neon yellow, right?
And it's the same color as these things Eugenia Cooney wears, right? Because she's keeps calling them green and I wonder if it's me that's mistaken or her.
No. 918193
>>918191Do you also think this
>>918153 dress is green?
No. 918207
>>918163Michaela's dress is neon yellow, Eugenia's dress at the top is more in the direction of neon green, the ones at the bottom are more neon yellow, just a little bit paler.
That's what I would say, but monitor calibration isn't the same for everyone, so some colours appear different.
No. 918211
Thanks guys. I've just remembered I've always had trouble agreeing over the colour of tennis balls, which is basically the same dilemma, and one Google search gave me this
>>The unmistakable shade of the tennis ball is officially called "optic yellow" by the ITF. But a Google search for "optic yellow color" leads to the online color encyclopedia ColorHexa. There, the shade is listed as #ccff00 and marked as "Fluorescent yellow or Electric lime.">That slight, blurry line between analogous shades led to the great internet debate: Are tennis balls yellow or are they green? Glad to know I'm not the only confused one.
No. 918462
>>918451>Is it judgemental to talk about how their behaviour affects me?No.
>Am I allowed to say "please don't do that thing that you promised me you wouldn't do?"Yes.
Anon, was there ever a time in your life where you did something and you were embarrassed to tell someone about it, mostly because they’d see you completely in a different light? They would “pin you down” immediately, leaving no room for ambiguity. Say, you cheated on an ex, and you really want to confide in your friend, but you’re hesitant because your friend wouldn’t see all of the grey area (it’s always white and black thinking for her—never grey) and she’d just stuff you into the Evil Bitch box. You don’t feel safe admitting uncomfortable things to her because because of this. She’s really critical; she doesn’t try to give people a break or understand why they are the way they are. She also constantly makes it known because she has something to say about everything. Your friend is judgemental.
I would say it’s appropriate to share how you feel in good timing. It’s not judgemental to do so. Being judgemental would be calling them failures who brought this on themselves and who don’t know how to take responsibility of their own actions, or a lesser (and nicer) version of that.
No. 918559
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Who is this referencing ? also where do I find a bf like this
No. 918586
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>>918578> manhating radfems sometimes end up with self hating skinny male bfsi can’t wait to give this lamp post a nice shower because he looks like he needs it
No. 918719
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growing up I had a very decent relationship with my older brother and sister, I don't think anyone of us ever even fought but we each moved out of home separately at and have barely interacted with each other in almost a decade now. I sometimes think about contacting them every now and then but I wouldn't know what to say
is this weird ? not keeping in contact with your siblings even though you had healthy relationships without any sort of drama growing up
No. 918739
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People just call "in between" shades of colors differently depending on what they think of as the "standard". Some people think of yellow as a more warm/orange color like the sun, so this neon looks "green" to them
No. 918763
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>>918736>>918740This is just sad, as much as I dislike Dojacat at least she's consistent with her persona, she knows what she has to say and what she has to do too appeal to her audience(male and female)
Nokia just tries to act out so many personas at the same time it ends up failing
>The Spicy Latina>The no nonsense black girl from the Hood >The Spiritual Indigenous woman >The Bi-sexual feminist Who she really is might be impossible to tell, I do feel bad for her cause she can't ever be anything close to her real self
No. 918788
>>918780Looking into people’s eyes is something you can try practicing, I’m an autist who had to learn how to do so to intimidate people and seem assertive.
It takes time but it’s possible, the mirror will be your best friend, just try looking into your eyes more often.
No. 918824
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>>918810I went to a doctor and she told me that it’s okay to use pic related as much as necessary, like, once a day forever.
No. 919033
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>>918950not a tech anon but if you google similar questions theoretically case is yes if using employer devices, but most probably are not specifically checking what emails you're getting. just don't do so on work devices if you're that paranoid. Unless you have some real freaks at your office I don't think anyone would be surprised you're still getting those emails when you just got a new job. No. 919085
>>919077Are you a cougar?
How does one prepare for middle age? What subcultures were you into diring your teens/twenties?
No. 919161
>>919133Go to a doctor and find out? No one here can really tell
My father thought he had a pinched nerve in his lower back and it turned out it was cancer destroying his spine, so you never know.
No. 919185
>>919085you animals have no respect for your elders!
>>919077cool. post some guys us youngins won't know in the unconventional male attractions thread please!!
No. 919201
>>919077That's cool, I didn't think we had a gen x anon here. Wish we had a more varied age palette in general. Glad to have you here
No. 919202
Ik heb prinsjesdag volledig genegeerd vandaag lol
No. 919213
File: 1632259081194.png (1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 34343.png)

>Invalid username or password.
I can't access my Ovarit account, I'm using my exact passward that I have written for a hundred times and since I used a proxy email to make my account I can't talk to them
WTF do I do Nonnies please help me ?
No. 919218
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Would you describe yourself as:
-agreeable taker
-agreeable helper
-disagreeable taker
-disagreeable helper
No. 919322
>>919277Where are you here though? The concept of this board goes against Islam’s teachings. Isn’t gossiping haram,
No. 919336
do any of you beautiful nonnies know what this song @4:59 is? have autistically been searching for months, shazam is no help
No. 919347
>>919342holy fuck im blind i forgot youtube does that, thank you. i'm going to binge all the royalty free youtube songs now.
you're beautiful, your eyeliner is perfect, may you eat good cake
No. 919355
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I'd ask this in the celeb thread or on /snow/ but I don't want to be insulted so… how did the drama between Azealia and Grimes first start and how do they feel about each other now? Is it mostly just a publicity thing or do they really hate each other?
No. 919360
>>919355I thought they were friends? I know shit went down last year when grimes baby was born, something
triggered banks to air out their(Elon/Grimes) dirty laundry. I guess it has something to do with that
Banks has always been fucking nutso, practices irl blood sacrifices and witch craft shit. It's unfortunate she's fucking whack cus some of her music is actually good.
No. 919361
>>919347thank you anon! enjoy!
>>919355it started because they both tried to fuck elongated muskrat. azealia hates grimes and regularly wishes death upon her, and it's assumed grimes feels the same (though not to such an insane extent, because this is AB we're talking about). i think there are some really good articles and posts and stuff online that'll explain it in depth with lots of receipts if you google something like 'grimes AB drama timeline'
No. 919379
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Does anyone know of any online stores that offer mooncakes on sale after the mid-autumn festival?
No. 919388
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>>919355picrel is basically the cliffs notes
No. 919404
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>>919379If you’re in the US, I’ve seen yamibuy put mooncakes on sale after the festival. I highly recommend that site overall, it’s really cheap and has a huge selection of chinese/korean/japanese snacks and condiments.
No. 919440
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Just got Discovery+ (free trial) is it worth watching the Onision doc?
No. 919453
>>919449you can't compare shayna to onision whatsoever when it comes to what is considered "milk" though. she's just not interesting enough. onision had a fucking documentary done on him kek.
not saying that the /pt/ threads haven't devolved from what they were when the cows were first moved there, but shayna just isn't really doing anything different than what every other literal who degen sex worker is doing on twitter these days.
No. 919457
>>919453Are Taylor and Luna doing anything different than what every other junkie is doing?
Not saying you're wrong, it's just that "legacy cow" is a very very loose category.
No. 919527
>>919404Sweet, thanks
nonnie I'll check it out!
No. 919607
>>919600depends on whether you use the same email and enable the app to access your contacts or not
if you don't want to be found don't allow the app to access your contacts or phone number
No. 919726
>>919723How the fuck did i not get that
Anyway I dont know, I was actually going to ask the same question one tume but forgot to
No. 919958
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Anons help. I need to give someone I work with in a group project for uni feedback. I need to name two things she did good but I literally can't think of anything lmao. She doesn't do shit, never has ideas, always waits for other people to take the lead and give her tasks and the few tasks she gets she does OK at best. Lmao what are some credible "positive points" I can name for someone like her?
No. 919980
>>919958She is reliable at least it sounds like that she would get the work done…
Reliable, CONSISTENT! I mean, consistently sub-par but you can leave that part out. Maybe does she use proper grammar and punctuation? Idk that sucks tho lol
No. 920146
>>919980>>919992Thanks, that's actually a good idea!
>>919999Ugh I know you're right but I'm afraid of it being turned around against me, like I'm the overly strict, whiny bitch who should've said something earlier or something like that you know. I also know I won't be backed up if I speak up about it because almost everyone does nothing, it's just me and one another doing 80% of the work.
No. 920165
>>920149haven't doc martens been pretty trendy lately too
if I think 2014 I think denim shorts over black thighs
No. 920290
>>920262Are you sending an email or talking over text/in person? Over email I'd probably send something like
"Hey ___! How have things been for you? (general life question about work/covid/etc).
I'm actually at a new job, ___, and I was wondering if you had the time to write a reference letter for me? I'd really appreciate it!"
Something along those lines. It always feels bad reaching out just to ask a favor but I'd lean into it directly and early on. I think if I was in her position I'd appreciate it more than mindless back and forth before you finally coming out and asking what you want. If it's in person/over text idk man
No. 920332
>>920310NTA and not always, no, but people who are actually serious about their death take precautions to avoid interruption.
>>920299i can't tell if you're autistic or so in the throes of despair that you can't think clearly. your question boils down to "what's the difference between choosing to eat an apple and choosing to eat a razor blade? you're still making a choice!"
in any case, you have every right to be suicidal. life is hard and sometimes it's impossible to find any reason to continue on. i'm glad that you have the energy to debate ethics on lolcow of all places. i hope you will stick around a while longer. always fun to see suicide discussion in /ot/
No. 920334
>>920273For one thing, it's just more pragmatic to prevent people from jumping. If a person successfully jumps, the city has to dispatch a bunch of emergency services to find the body, check if they're dead, and potentially handle cleanup.
There's also a fair number of people who, upon surviving their attempt, report that they immediately regretted their decision as soon as they were falling. Add to that the possibility that a jumper is on drugs/experiencing a psychotic spell, and intervening is just a safer bet. After all, if someone has really made up their mind and is dead set on killing themselves, they can just try again.
No. 920445
>>920402-you can seriously never go wrong with the Louvre, but you gotta book in advance.
-Most museums ask for advance bookings now bc they have limited capacity to comply with Covid rules.
-the Marais historical district (around the Saint-Paul metro station) is really great to walk around in if you love old architecture. loads of gorgeous 17-18th century buildings.
-Avoid the Champs-Elysées, overrated tourist trap. Also avoid the Cité district (the island in the middle of ther river) bc Notre-Dame is closed and the Palace of Justice is locked down bc theres a terrorism trial going on.
-If you like gardens, the Luxembourg is really cool. the surrounding dsitrict is great for bookstores and lovely architecture.
-The Galeries Lafayette department store is full of tourists but the rooftop has an amazing view for free. Their food section is also pretty incredible.
-The Plais-Royal is worth a gawk. You can grab a bite to eat and a boba in the Asian shops behind it and then sit down in the gardens. For boba, try TeaYammi rue des Moulins.
lmk if you need restaurant recs lol
No. 920682
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Gore in /snow/ and /ot/
No. 920748
>>920677ive heard of many such cases.
hot take: men push hormonal contraception not only because they hate condoms, but also because the unnecessary extra hormones unbalance women's mental health and make them feel like they need a more stable-seeming partner. and then when you're yourself again, without the hormones, you realize you dgaf about the guy, and then they try to make
you feel bad for having a low sex drive. like, no…that's natural. it's natural for men too, if they weren't being constantly overstimulated by porn.
No. 920843
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which one of you is the sonic schlicker
No. 920894
>>920871What an insane amount of cope. Even if produce is sprayed with pesticides, it doesn’t add calories. Minimally processed foods like dried rice, oats, and beans (the type of stuff that you should be eating anyway) almost never contain additives. Depletion of certain minerals in soil is a real concern, but it’s one that affects europeans and americans equally - if anything, most of europe has been intensively farmed for longer than the us has.
If americans are fat solely because of evil american food producers, why is the uk nearly as obese? Stop looking for new things to take the blame for what the disgusting anglo diet has caused.
No. 920897
>>920670The thing Americans (and Brits) call "bread" is nothing like real bread.
>>920871>but I'd like them to come here and try not gaining weight.Years ago we had this conversation on lolcow and consensus was that moving to another country would be an effective weight-loss strategy for most obese Americans.
No. 920922
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I have multiple questions:
1) Does what you use as a food container effect your food? If so, what bento box/food container would anons recommend. I have to pack my own lunches in containers, and have no time in the morning make lunches. My current cheap, plastic food containers always make my food taste cold, slimy and not very good, even if I put in foil
2) To what extent does what you make affect how good/bad your lunch tastes? Even when I had tuna sandwich lunches, the tuna would eventually taste off over the course of the day. What food would you guys recommend to make for lunchboxes?
No. 920959
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How many eggs are too many eggs? I'm at like four a day right now, which feels like a lot, but I've built up a tolerance.
No. 920982
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>>920962I thought I heard that cholesterol studies had been mis-reported, like, too much cholesterol is REALLY bad for some people, but not so bad for most people. Could just be wishful thinking.
No. 921071
Has anyone ever experienced something similar to this? A long time ago (>10 years ago) I got sick and prescribed some medication to help with my vomiting. I went out with my family but my head kept wanting to turn on its own, like it would slowly drift to face the right. At some point in the day, my eyes kept drifting too, they would drift upward and I'd have difficulty controlling it. At it's peak, my eyes were stuck staring to the upper right of me, with my head turned to the right and locked in position. I could speak, see, listen, and hear just fine, but my eyes and neck were frozen.
We had to go to the hospital and a doctor helped my eyes stop floating off by having me focus on his finger as he moved it. Can't remember how my neck got unfrozen but it did. Does anyone know what the fuck this is called?? It took place over the span of like 12 hours or some shit and it's never happened again to me. Also no I don't know what medication I was first given, only that it was to help me not vomit (and after visiting the hospital I was prescribed different meds and told this time that one of the side effects was I might vomit, so I spent a lot of time dry heaving afterwards kek).
No. 921248
>>921187I cut off contact with my mom a few years ago, and as a result lost contact with the rest of my family as well. Things were pretty dramatic for about a year, but everything's settled down significantly since then. I don't regret the decision, but I do still worry about them at times.
From a practical standpoint, make sure that you're logistically clear before doing it. My parents still have my birth certificate and social security card, which has been a complete pain in the ass to replace.
No. 921317
>>921316I don't know who the fuck this is but I
need to know
No. 921325
>>921316>she wrote this wall of text about how she would eat his vomit and would let him kill her if he was realjesus christ, what is it about sonic that brings out the autism in people
>>921319lol one of the posts you replied to is about dashcams, calm down
No. 921339
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>>921316Turns out I was thinking of Alix Henriol. I found the forum post I was thinking of, from what I can find online she's still fucking insane but has gone relatively quiet.
No. 921692
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>>921682Because he takes DRUGS
No. 921804
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i have naturally curly hair that i've been flat ironing for like 15 years. i wanna stop doing that because i think it's the reason why my hair won't grow past a certain point (i used to have really long and curly hair once but now it just doesn't grow past my shoulders) but… i also hate how hot my neck gets when i don't put my hair into a bun or a ponytail. should i even bother letting my hair recover when it's too hot for me to wear it open anyways??
No. 921807
>>921800it's just default 4chan format, in 4chan you can tripcode which is a series of letters that can't be duplicated that
prove you are the same person. These are called tripfags and nobody likes them
subject is used for creating new threads
No. 921813
>>921805Lmao it's okay. I knew it was stupid that's why I asked it here
>>921807Thank you!
No. 921892
>>921682Fucking kek, the smiley mask was under a
trigger warning?
No. 921905
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should I report this craigslist ad
No. 921917
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This sounds probably really dumb but do you ever get crazy just before you get your period? Im two days before and I’m so angry. I want to eat a ton and i literally cant make decisions. I feel the strong urge yo just buy something but I can decide what and when i think i found what i like i hate it the next second. I know it’s pms but idk how to handle it the fucking feelings man
No. 921937
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>>921922>>921925Lets suffer together Nonnys
No. 921974
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What should I say to a store employee that keeps making conversation with me and trying to get to know details about me and telling intimate things about themself? I am so uncomfortable with him yes it is a scrote of course it is, anyway I don't care what it is, it can be a nonsequitor. I just want this freak to stop so I can shop in peace.
No. 922071
>>921974In the past I've waited for an oppurtunity and been like "oh yeah my ex gf was into that too" My hair is super short so that prob helps me play the part. But yeah the flow of conversation slows down dramatically after that gets dropped in.
>telling intimate things about themself?How intimate are we talking?
No. 922228
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Help my socially retarded ass guys. I vented about this before but I just want to know what this sounds like to you:
So there's a mentoring system at my company and I'm not sure what exactly my role is in it and how much should I harass my mentor. In the beginning I wrote to him for help once and he implied he was busy but can give me 10 minutes. (Btw the problem was that I couldn't run a program which enabled me to reach another application) I quickly realized that if I do this every time I need help, I'm gonna keep him up in his work. So I stopped. But every once in a while, he asks whether I and mentee #2 can run the program. The conversations ALWAYS go like this:
'So can you run X (the program)?'
'Brilliant. And [mentee #2]?'
'No, he still doesn't'
And he literally writes the same thing with slight variations. No hi or bye, no question about any other work or non related stuff if you scroll back on my chat window, it's the same thing like 3 times. Other than this we don't talk at all. I cannot comprehend this. Is this a passive aggressive way of trying to get me to initiate a conversation? Or is he just aggressively checking off the 'ask mentee if they need help' obligation he has as a mentor?
I would genuinely love to just…chit-chat with him since we've never talked but I can't see initiating any sort of non work related conversations at work and if he's just checking off items from a list I would just look like a fool if I asked him if he had time for chit-chat. We're not in the same office, so the only way to interact with him is through chat
No. 922265
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What are good appetite suppressants? And it has to be appetite suppressants, not hunger, because I barely feel hungry anyway because my metabolism is so slow. I just want to stop craving delicious food
No. 922322
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>>921109men's wall is at 23
No. 922447
>>922407You can’t really get doxxed with just an ip address unless they also have corroborated info tied to you irl. It’s like user#84106 is a heroin addict in Sometown, Arizona.
Kf leak might suck for faggots using personal emails and powerleveling constantly. If they did anything that warrants a target on their backs then they deserve it for not having opsec to begin with. But yeah get a vpn anyway and practice the usual precautions, don’t click sketchy links with your tits out.
No. 922455
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Should I get a mole removed? I think it has gotten smaller, it’s on my asscrack so it’s not like I can check on it often.
I also have one on my belly, I love it, but today it looks weird, it was itchy and It’s bleeding, it also looks dull? Like, it looked kind of like the mole on my face but today it’s like it has a layer of transparent skin that it wants to shed or something.
It would hurt me a bit to remove it because I like it a lot, but I’m kind of afraid of skin cancer.
I’m also kind of sure I’m just being paranoid to some extent because cancer is pretty common in my family, different types but like, it’s there.
No. 922616
>>922608Basically all nurses are bpd, narcs, or some other
toxic mental health issue. She fits right in.
No. 922618
>>922592Kek I’m a knower, you know your friends would only act concerned out of obligation and moral performance right. They’ll distance from you again as soon as they “checked in” thus fulfilling their “duty”. They think you’re an emotional vampire and a burden, a black hole in truth. Chances are they’ll just pretend to not notice lmao Also your bmi isn’t even that bad. I hope you lose your job though.
Damn baby bpd-chans always have delusion about their manipulation skills, when are they gonna realize that they’re actually bad at it. Their
victims are always willing hostages and equally ill. No one remotely well adjusted wouldn’t see right through this shit.
No. 922752
>>922717i realized quickly that being an anachan was not my natural stasis or body type. with the thicc trend it's now acceptable to be a white girl with an ass, but having grown up in the period where anorexic bodies were praised. alongside family members who were naturally built like anachans and an unforgiving climate that condemned me for going through puberty I got lulled into the ed craze for some years. I ended up getting severely sick when the ed degraded my immune system and that's when I opted to eat normally again
like don't get me wrong im still insanely insecure about and sometimes disgusted by my body, dysmorphia comes back in spurts, it never really goes away. I just cannot hinge on the idea of ruining myself more than I already have for the sake of maintaining a meager bmi. I've got other mental shit to deal with that affects my perception of reality. vanity is a lesser concern, I'm as pretty or ugly as I want to be based on the energy I project and I won't be any prettier if I lose twenty pounds and all my confidence goes out the window with it. it's about giving a fuck by not giving one
No. 922984
>>922955I don't understand part of your answer. Head hair, as in the scalp, does not add up to millions of hairs when added with pubes despite having millions of follicles on the body. You can notice when you have lesser hair or newer hairs in a region, too. They do not always blend together smoothly. But I understand the rest of your answer. Thank you.
>>922963I forgot newer hair has thinner ends and blends in easier regardless of length. Thank you.
No. 922988
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have there been tradwives online that complain about/hate these men who claim that they want a trad lifestyle but just want a mother-substiute that'll accept all his shitty behavoir
No. 922992
>>922988>tradwife >complainingNo, they’re brainwashed thinking that if a man wants to be mommy’d, It’s because he “works so much!!1!1!1!” And is sooooooo stressed!1!2!1!2!1!2!2”
So even if she got divorced, she will think it’s just because men are just like that and not because they’re eternal children who need to keep their MommyWhoreCareerSubmissiveGirlBoss alongside or they will explode like ants under a magnifying glass.
No. 923013
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>>922986Japan literally has a penis festival called Kanamara Matsuri where everything is dick shaped. But a Japanese artist Megumi Igarashi/Rokudenashiko made a kayak modelled after her vagina and had to go to court over it. And she was fined for distributing the plans for it, but it was ruled that it was ok as "art". Take from that what you will
No. 923018
>>922993I have pretty similar issues and going to a psychologist/psychiatrist didn't do anything for me, outside of temporarily making me feel like I was taking control of my life (which is pretty nice, honestly). If you've never tried it before and have the spare money, I'd still give it a go - everyone's different, so it might be a good thing for you.
The only thing I'd be leery about is taking part in an ED specific program. I was in a 4x weekly ED outpatient program for a while, and it fucking blew. Nothing will make you want to kill yourself more than having to eat a big meal and then anxiously sit there while a bunch of highschoolers talk about their teen angst. One on one sessions are way nicer imo, and it's all the better if they don't hone in too hard on just the cbt aspect. The best experiences I've had were with a psychologist who mostly did psychoanalysis.
No. 923024
>>923013Kek, that's what I thought. Though that's expected from a coombrained libfem.
>>923020No, like historical pornography that would be considered art now. Someone I've argued online claimed that plenty of women created pornography in Japan, like shunga. I found zero information about female shunga painters.
No. 923051
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Can someone explain to me what is notable/funny about this picture?
>>923024Of course not. I'm calling a coomer libfem the person I've been arguing with, who pulled women being prominent pornographers for centures in Japan in order to defend shit essay about pedophile cartoon porn.
No. 923059
>>923051everyone on phone
we live in a society
No. 923068
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>>923051every generation has something to complain about probably
No. 923094
>>923047's kind of confusing because there are many different types of creative commons license that the google filter puts into the same category. Broadly speaking, cc licenses are used to grant the public the right to use a piece of media, but the strings that come attached (whether you'll need to credit the creator, whether you're allowed to use the content in something you're charging money for, whether you're allowed to remix/alter the image or if it can only be presented in its original form, etc) is going to come down to the specific license type.
If the image you're looking at is on wikimedia or the creative commons site, there's usually a little information box that will have some information about what you are and aren't allowed to do with the picture.
No. 923160
>>923051I always see a line of people on their phones at the train station, tbh any time I see someone not on their phone… sure enough they start talking to me when I'm really not in the mood to chat with some old random scrote.
I know a guy who recorded some lil rap song about people being slaves to their phones or some shit like that… he's on every social media site you can think of promoting himself and his music. He made a lil video to go with the song and he has a phone in each hand to play the role of 'phone sheeple person' but he owns those two phones already. The irony. Excuse the pun but.. the phoney fuck pretending he's not just as bad as the rest of us lol
No. 923175
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>>923094Thank you. You're right when I clicked on the little license box on the image, it took me to a site that said what the license was. But I found a great site while searching, with free photos to use so I don't have to worry looking for a license for each image. No. 923214
File: 1632598041976.jpeg (36.22 KB, 480x457, 46A1BC5A-260E-4C7B-9091-948B71…)

What does Onvre mean?
No. 923242
>>923228You mean mods doing a shit job at moderating? The last posts there are them accusing me of and banning me for being their pet teenage cow. Which of course I'm not.
I was severely disappointed with that. Made me doubt all their recent outings.
No. 923262
>>923254Both the mods and the anons have been
triggered into acting stupidly by that chick.
It's one thing to laugh at someone for doing stupid shit, but they began doing stupid shit themselves in response.
If I were to guess, I'd say they crave the high exposing Creepshow gave them and let that get into their heads.
No. 923311
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>>923298I think about stuff like this lots. Crazy drivers, faulty elevators, pitbulls, home invasions, etc. I have a plan for everything at least. Familiarize yourself with your local stations structure and maybe recognize where to hide if someone pushed you. It would be faster than asking for help to get back up, the way people are nowadays you don't even know if they would.
No. 923332
>>923326During rush hour there are so many people waiting for their train, you would basically be undistinguishable on a crowded platform, especially if you wear dark clothing and a hoodie. Pushing a guy on the tracks would cause a commotion, thus allowing you to make a swift escape while everybody is focused on the unlucky
No. 923359
>>923335I don't think there's any way to make them stop, keep in mind that dreams do not reflect what you genuinely desire, I had way too many sex dreams about
my brother and I always felt disgusting about it, but all I can do is go on on my day and hope it won't happen again.
No. 923457
>>923449The whole “little” bullshit is a shit quality copium that pedophiles and autopedophiles use to show their degeneracy to the world while being like
>t-this is just to copeNah, fuck off, if you want to cope, you go to a therapist, if you want to stop thinking about your day to day life, meditate, there’s a bunch of actually helpful videos about it.
“Littles” often have “caretakers” what are the caretakers coping with? Tell me, do you really think a “caretaker” is trying to fulfill some sort of duty?
no It’s all a grooming technique to keep mentally ill people and gullible idiots, pretending to be little kids for their own sexual gratification.
At first they just type like a wetawd uwu to cope, then they start talking about how they got an uwu caretaker, and then they start talking about how fucking in “little space” is totally used as a coping mechanism.
TL;DR: your friend either got memed into pretending to be a child for scrotes to jack off to her, or your friend is pedopandering.
No. 923580
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Can you get a tattoo while having a Yeast infection? I'm about to take Monistat 3 and have a tattoo appointment tomorrow… I heard you can't take certain medications or antibiotics if you're getting a tattoo. Has anyone done it before/is it safe?
No. 923723
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what's this facial type called ? and why am I attracted to it
No. 923738
Where big man ass?
No. 924014
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Anyone here is familiar with Domestika and if so what's your opinion about it?
No. 924069
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what's a good first credit card to get? I'm very financially illiterate and easily confused but would like to start building my credit (whatever that fucking means). am a burger. I already have the super basic debit card from chase.
No. 924076
>>924069My first one that I still have is Discover. You get double cash back for the first year I think, then 1% in cashback after that. I mostly have this card as a backup now (will charge like one or two things a year to keep it active). Discover also doesn’t have a fee for international charges, but it can be kind of card to find places that accept it. My main card the Chase Freedom Unlimited. They have two freedoms, one is 1.5 points on everything, the other 2% max but is based on shopping categories. I can’t be assed to keep up with what qualifies and what doesn’t so the freedom unlimited is good for me. Neither have annual fees.
If you get the Chase Sapphire in the future, the points all pool into the same place (for travel, cashback, etc). Whatever card you get, don’t pick one without any sort of reward system. Be careful not to spend just to accumulate points, but it’s nice to get points/money back on things you already spend on like bills and groceries. Only Chase’s Sapphire cards have no international fee (but have annual fees), the others do, which sucks lol. I also have Chase as my main bank, so it’s convenient having everything in one place. TL;DR Chase Freedom Unlimited.
No. 924101
>>924069I'm the same as
>>924076. Discover was my first credit card. They have 5% cash back on certain purchase categories throughout the year, which can come in handy if you buy a lot from Amazon or go out to eat in the spring/summer a lot.
My second credit card is a Citi card where you get 2% cashback on everything. I don't spend a lot of money so this card is the most financially lucrative for me.
If you spend a lot of money, look into Amex. They have a $75 fee or something like that every year, but the rewards are great. I would have gotten this card if I spend more money.
No. 924172
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Any anons here that have sold their old phones (mainly smartphones)? Which selling platform worked for you the most?
No. 924204
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how dark/light is the skin color on the left by animu standards/compared to these other colors? or is it inbetween?
all I know is it has warmer undertones. the colors on the right I picked from screenshots of other characters. although if I put the left color next to a tan character it ends up looking lighter so idk. it gets even more confusing depending on how I angle the screen
No. 924250
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Can someone help me find this phone case? I tried image reverse search and checking amazon/ebay but only super plain pink heart phone cases come up.
No. 924516
>>924472>they often assume that I'm a shy fragile little thing that needs to be protectedsounds like men
>OR they see some sort of hidden animosity and act in a passive aggressive way towards mesounds like women who are jealous that men respond to you in a protective way
No. 924672
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how do i stop hanging out with people who still make me feel lonely when we hang out? but i hang with them because i am lonely
No. 924712
>>924708Fortnite V bucks card.
Extra points of he whines that he doesn't play that. Should have said what you wanted then faggot.
No. 924718
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>>924708Socks? Socks are nice, get him a pair of socks, bonus points if they’re socks with cakes.
Or get him a cake shaped like a sock with cake drawings.
But seriously, maybe a tie? The men I’ve talked to usually complain about not having enough ties to go to work with.
No. 924724
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what do americans mean when they say "fudge"? whenever I see fudge sauce or fudge cake it's always brown like chocolate, but fudge to me is pale like pic
No. 924776
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>>924760picrel is really the only option at this point unfortunately
No. 924777
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so i've recently realized i have a priest fetish, can anyone else relate? granted it's only the attractive younger ones, but typically i would see an attractive man and go, "yeah, he's nice to look at. anyways" but take the an average man and dress him in a robe and i am instantly insanely aroused. i'm not religious either so it's very wtf…. maybe because i consider them to be so pure
No. 924793
>>924777Same. I am also not relligious, but I did grow up in a very catholic place so that prolly influenced me.
Anyway my town used to have a 20 something priest who loved to work out outside in shorts. He was a sight for sore eyes and I blame him for acquiring this kink.
No. 924818
>>924789ayrpt, yeah sometimes i get angry thinking about how selfish priests are. they could have made great husbands and fathers probably but NOOOOO
>>924792keanu reeves? lol seriously?
>>924793i was raised catholic, maybe my upbringing influenced me too, but i never felt this way when young, just now that i'm an adult and agnostic, ironically.
No. 924864
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Can somebody recommend me studytubers?
No. 924877
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>>924818> keanu reeves? lol seriously?I mean if i saw a priest that would look like Keanu Reeves I’d be attracted to him not that the pic from the anon looks like him
No. 924907
>>924727I’m sorry nonita I will never say f*dge again
>>924732Oh… I feel dumb for not thinking of that
No. 925102
>>924877idk, i just really dislike the way he wears his hair and just his facial hair
>>924846ok now you guys cmon lol
No. 925123
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How do you come up with fantasies?
No. 925124
>>925104I'm binging rn
No. 925156
>>925123You have to create a scene and pretend you’re the actress or director of the movie or play.
You can even start with just simple actions, like
>Going to the beach is funAnd then you try to imagine or remember a beach or
>I want to go to a party And try to think of the music and the sounds of the people.
Listening to audios or movies, but not looking at any pictures, is a good way to develop an imagination, or at least I think that’s how it works.
No. 925348
>>925325Yep you beg for it but like
>>925342 said the issue is not actually men having trouble comprehending your needs. They don't need things explained to them five different ways, they understand, they just don't care. My exes were amazingly coherent when they realized I was distancing myself and wanted to sucker me back into the relationship but ultimately they felt entitled to my physical/emotional/financial labor without putting in even a quarter of the effort themselves. They completely understood it was unfair and even explicitly said I deserved better on some occasions, but it didn't stop them from later abusing me and trying to keep me under their thumb.
No. 925376
>>925342>communication is almost never the issue even though it's the one and only advice women ever get. Women communicate constantly, men ignoreMore women need to realise this. Men don't operate verbally. Male brains don't even register women's speech the same way they register men's. Women need to stop telling other women to "communicate more and better", it's absurdly useless. Men say it themselves sometimes too; that women are all talk and no action.
Men only understand action. The only way to make a male's android ass understand what's up is
doing something or
not doing something. If women are unsatisfied and their men won't keep their ears open, all that remains to do is to do something about it.
Protips: Stop talking to him, stop the sex, stop cleaning and cooking, set his car on fire, hide his shit, spend his money, throw out his food, pack his shit and send it to his parents. Whatever it takes. Cut off is dopamine and break the routine. If everything stays the same, he thinks everything is
really the same. Show him it's not. If he's disrespecting your boundaries and disregarding you after you try to have a conversation the only thing you say to him is "fuck you", "don't touch me" and "I fucking told your retard ass didn't I".
No. 925425
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so my period came really early today (like 3 weeks early, it only finished a week ago) and I have no clue why, so I'm posting here just in case any anons can help me figure this out because I'm mildly upset (more like genuinely depressed I have to be on my period again). I have two theories - the first is that it's because I got vaccinated around the same time my period ended, but I also started getting treated for iron deficiency anemia, so maybe that would affect my cycle? I don't really know. I can't find much genuine information online for the whole "fucked up menstrual cycle" of getting vaccinated, and most anecdotal accounts are just minor early periods like 4-5 days, not 3 weeks. sorry if this is all over the place, I'm mildly freaking out lol. Ty in advance for any help
No. 925466
>>925460As with other animals, it should be connected as closely as possinle to the issue or they'll go all ztupidpissrage. For example in the common case of man never cooks, happily eats your food but will never make his own, and if asked to help will either make frozen food or buy a pizza or just eat straight steaks - stop cooking, ask him to cook, tell him what you want, do not cave, of he buys a pizza or some other manfood shit throw it out. This will start shit but you're so clearly in the right, because one can not eat pizza/manslop every day and he has heretofore only survived by other people making him real meals, and if he denies that he's just a fuck face.
This particular infantile disorder really pisses me off, especially in guys who are well out of college and way too fucking old to be living like that. It's a big part of why boomer men literally eat shit and straight up die if their wife leaves or dies.
No. 925496
>>925482I think if you're aware that when you whip yourself into doing well, people praise ypu for it, you're already in a reasomably good place. When people say not to be hard on yourself it's more meant for people who are mean to themselves and also constantly worried that everyone secretly hates them or w/e. And also to recognize when you are overdoing it and take breaks for your health's sake - i wpuld just say ypu shpuldn't see being an unproductive blob on pccasion as so bad, that's your little vacation from being hardworking so you don't burn out or w/e. You can be on sometimes and off sometimes, it doesn't have to be all hard work all the time or all selfcareblob all the time.
Often, people who are insecure about their own work ethic will cope by telling you ypu're working too hard, even when it's well within healthy for you, because it's more tham they can work or like to work.
No. 925507
>>925482it's a dificult thing to learn, and different people respond to different approaches.
Most of selfcare and kindness advice that i've found online (specially on social media) are not practical, very childish, and ime not good at making me feel better. While constantly pushing yourself with no respite, and hating and punishing yourself can burn someone out, constantly reassurance, rest and coodling can leave you like a child, which is really not an option if you are not stupid rich.
imo, being kind is recognising when you are dog tired and need to take a break, reward yourself for good work, and coping with failure without breaking down. To be kind and not coddling you have to recognise your limits, but also be honest about your effort.
You sound like you work well underpressure. Like, when you bully yourself do you hate ou punish/harm yourself? And how do you feel after performing well? Do you feel proud, relieved, or you do it for other's appraisal? Do you find meaning in your study/work? When you do selfcare, you do it because you're tired and need it, or do you just want to indulge?
No. 925541
>>925537I'm currently bulking until January, following the PHUL program. I just want to be muscular lol
There is a fitness/diet thread in /g/ if you are looking for advice.
No. 925571
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how come I can easily wake up at 8am and sleep at 11pm, but waking up at 7am and sleeping at 10pm to be brutal? I know sleep cycles are a thing, but I feel like sleeping at 10 pm feels so unnatural and awful (the reason why I want 9 hours of sleep is that it takes me like 30-40 minutes just to get to sleep)
No. 925626
>>925600For years I've had this issue where any penentrative play within the week or so before my period… will kickstart some breakthrough bleeding that stops as soon as the play stops.
I still don't know if it's 'normal' but I've exhausted my options when it comes to what my doc will offer in terms of looking for causes. I had 2 scans years apart for the same issue and nothing was ever found.
No. 925689
>>925652probably the First Gentleman since Kamala's husband is the Second Gentleman
Lord is too bri'ish
No. 925708
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I know that in America there's a general idea that cities tend to be filled with rude people, and those from the country tend to be nicer. This seems to be the opposite in England though, with people being kinder in London, whilst people outside of London are often rude. Does anyone else feel this way? what are you guy's experiences?
No. 925718
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>>925711bellbottomanon and i have no idea how many terms are there for jeans that the hotties in the 70s wore!? when i was a kid 70s fashion came back for like 2 seconds and then BOOM skinny jeans ruined my whole middle and highschool life lol. I just want to fulfill my 5 year old fantasy that was taken from me! I WANT MY MONARCH BUTTERFLY BELL BOTTOMS BACK!
No. 925735
>>925720I think it’s because I have a fro I always gravitated to 70s fashion also because it was just so daring and kooky how can you not love it!! But my style is pretty bland now due to feeling like I’m too old to try new things when I was like 22
eyeroll which is why I’m trying to horde all the bell bottoms before they go out of style again lol but flares sounds cute too I’ll use that as well
No. 925748
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Do you think there is such a thing as ghosts? Do you think your dead relatives are looking at you?
No. 925813
>>925748No I don't believe ghosts are real and I get irrationally
triggered when others think they've encountered one because it sounds so dumb to me
Not sure if my relatives are looking over me. Hopefully not because they'd be disappointed
No. 925820
>>925819>All this hype and moralfagging…*… over corpse husbands face dox
Sorry, I thought I typed that but I guess my brain's being retarded today.
No. 925827
>>925826I once read that it's damaging to
only play with your pet with the laser but it's fine if you give them something tactile they can catch and actually feel and only use the laser sometimes. Give him a reward or a squeaky toy afterwards or something
No. 925840
>>925819There's tons of YouTubers who don't show their face and nobody minds that or wants to expose them or anything.
It all comes down to content and audience.
I watch a lot of pop-sci channels, and relativly recently Atlas Pro did a face and name reveal, and everything is as chill now as it was before. Nobody asked for it or made a big deal out if it, dude just did it when he was comfortable with it.
People reacted positively on meeting the person behind the channel. We got to see his living space too. It gave a personal touch to the videos, but by no means anyone ever pressured him or even wondered about him because his content is what made us subscribe and we were there to learn something, not diddle our privates.
But he's also much better looking than Chonk Husband kek
No. 925864
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How do you know when you're truly trying your best?
No. 925869
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Are there any good Tumblr blogs left? I miss scrolling through nice aesthetic pics and cool art. I've been wanting to start one up again for funsies/inspo, but I'm not sure where to start, it's been so long. Any recommendations for blogs or even just tags you like would be nice.
No. 925918
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what's having sex with a blind man like ?
I could see a blind man having a better appreciation of your body and wanting to touch and feel you as you are, It seems it could be really hot
No. 926044
>>926042Right? College already makes us broker everyday I can't spend money on a study when I'm not even sure if it's The One.
>>926043Thank you so much! I'll check those out.
No. 926277
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I don't know if I should post this here or on the vent thread but:
Yesterday I called a friend to help me out with some work I have to turn up soon (design/illustration related) and told him I would pay him a sum that honestly doesn't ammount to the hours/stuff he helped me with.
He's a friend of mine that has been in my life for quite some time now, almost like family to me.
Thing is yesterday he was such a fucking asshole to me. He:
>said my dreams of becoming an artist are an utopia
>acted out a bit when I told him what to do
>was on his phone all the time
>didn't help me that much
>just had overall scrotoid behaivors, I think you know which ones I'm talking about. Kinda like mansplaining but, you know. You just know.
Does anyone else regret having male friends sometimes? even if you love them. Thats my question. This makes me want to impulsively get away from him tbh.
No. 926371
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Would it be possible to develop some sort of automated painkiller dispenser for when periods get horribly painful? Kind of like pic related
I thought about it as I suffered because of a horrifyingly painful period i had some weeks ago, like, maybe it could be refilled laparoscopically.
No. 926376
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>>926371Have you tried electricity therapy or some kind of deep tissue massage for that area?
No. 926471
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Aliexpress nail polish: Safe? Dangerous? I really want some translucent gel polishes but can't really find any other than on aliexpress so I'm wondering if I should take the risk for picrel
No. 926515
>>926490>>926500aaaah alright, I figured as much. thanks for the idea about making my own jelly polish. I'll try it out for sure
>>926496fucking kek
No. 926860
>>926858I mostly hear that in the context of women as perp, not other men.
Probably the idea that men are horny 24/7 and would always want a woman.
Or the law in countries like the Uk were rape means penetration with a penis.
No. 926892
>>926860I’m from the UK and yup, rape here is penetration with a penis but if the perpetrator is female and the
victim is male then it’s sexual assault.
They’re supposed to be treated equally in court but yknow… it’s the UK…
No. 926940
>>926921Hide all his chargers
Throw out any food he leaves in your fridge
Take his sheets & pillowcases and put them in the hamper/dirty laundry "because they smelled" (but don't let anyone do it for him. For extra points on this one hide the detergent that I'm sure he didn't pay for)
Hide anything he leaves around - phone, keys, wallet, papers, etc - by putting it in a normal drawer like you're "helping" him out
Turn all the parental controls on on his phone/tv/computer and pretend ypu know nothing about it
No. 926969
>>926527Wear 100% cotton underwear only (or at least 100% cotton where the crotch is)
Take probiotic supplements meant for women and with at least 30 billion CFUs daily
Wear chlorine-free and fragrance free pads or tampons during your period. Do not purchase the typical brand shit because they are bad for you.
Make sure your sex toys aren't cheap Amazon shit and that they're made from body-safe materials
If all else fails, tell your OBGYN. She may tell you to use a boric acid suppository or something
Signed, someone who has also struggled with chronic BV and yeast.
No. 927015
>>926996all buttshit is nasty and only memed by men who need to teabag a bear trap to get off
too bad women believe the shit and brainwash themselves into "liking" it just like they gaslight themselves into liking the "good kind of pain"
No. 927057
>>926858It does happen but it's usually by other men LOL. Female perpetrated rape of a male rarely happens and the few that happen are limited to few instances where women might actually have power over a male
victim like pedophilia (age advantage, strength potentially if the
victim's a child) and drugging the
victim (physical disadvantage is gone). Not to mention how many men are straight up lying about being raped which personally I would never accuse a man of since that is actually traumatizing to experience as a legit rape
victim. BUT we can't overlook how men collectively constantly accusing female rape
victims of lying which women seldom do (aside from pickmes) because of how little men personally regard of rape's severity, as if rape is truly so easy to lie about when the trauma afterward can lead to suicide and even if you are to report it then you've got 2% of convictions here on your side in the US. Men go ON about false rape accusations simply because they would do it themselves if they had the chance (see trannies and how many MtFs are actually lying about being raped and making rape threats against women like the sick males that they are).
Men are by default crazy strong, even the most lanky 14 year old boy could subdue the average woman, which is why men literally have to be incapacitated (usually by drugs/drinking or major disabilities {disregarding that disabled men have raped non-disabled women}) and near passed out to not be able to fight the average woman with her average female strength successfully. Even if men are raped by drugging/drinking, they could likely hardly remember it except "we had sex" which they would see as a power move where the man gains what the woman loses. See how many women men will sleep with just to fuck a woman (but won't date her). It is highly likely that some guys who have been raped while passed out don't even regard it as such even though it was non-consensual. Biologically as well when you consider how traumatizing female rape is with male strength, penetration, and patriarchal institutions that basically guarantee your rapist to walk free, PIV rape for men is not as traumatizing as being forcefully penetrated as woman. Pentration is logistically worse and men seldom encounter it when raped by women. Rape for males is only truly as awful as ours when men are forcefully penetrated, preferably by another male so they can feel the inability to actually fight off an attacker like a woman would. That's why I don't regard female-perpetrated male rape the same as ours; it is not the same and never will be.
Anyway can't really say I care for the issue considering how the current distribution of rapes stands.
Just remember that adult men go through life subconsciously aware that they are more likely to be a rapist than be a rape
victim. Men will only develop some empathy regarding how traumatizing rape actually when they start ass raping each other in droves. They need the humiliation, penetration, and the potential backlash of patriarchy to work against them. If any other based anons want to see that happen so men will have a chance of realizing how predatory they are then someone's gotta pitch the 'kink' to MindGeek and get the coomers all over "grown man with innocent virgin ass VIOLATED RAPED and UTTERLY DESTROYED by massive monster cock" so men will see the pure art and beauty of violating each other's asses! There's no bigger power move than actually holding strength over someone your own size–moids it's very weak for you to naturally go for the most oppressed groups.
If you think it's too "out there", remember that trans/sissy shit blew up via porn and that hetero men are by default man-loving so there's really no excuse as for degen limp-dicked coomers from getting into this porn category as well kek.
No. 927121
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>>927104okay, but why do they resemble cults? Also, additional question, have there been specific eras of what sororities looked like? I doubt sorority girls had bleach blonde hair and tans in the 1920s
No. 927209
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this isn't shayna when she was skinny, right? i see this banner all the time.
No. 927248
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Have you ever tried nice creams? Specially those made with avocado, I’m curious about how they would taste like but not curious enough to make some at home in case I don’t like them.
I know the other fruit based ones are just like regular fruit ice creams, but those avocado ones are intriguing.
No. 927274
>>927057>someone's gotta pitch the 'kink' to MindGeek and get the coomers all over "grown man with innocent virgin ass VIOLATED RAPED and UTTERLY DESTROYED by massive monster cock"Fuckers at MindGeek absolutely hate women though, good luck pitching this shit to them when they align with the goal of keeping women subjugated, trafficked and objectified. Plus, there aren't many male pornstars actually willing to commit through a heterosexually implied gangrape scene as a substitute for a female
victim. They'd only be able to hire gay actors, acting out gay stuff and it'd devolve into
kings asking each other whther they want this hawt cawk. I'm saying it's impossible to get the same energy into the scene where men rape a man, because we live in a society.
Other than that, yes, I think it'd serv porn-watching men right that they'd be regularly exposed to the idea of being violated, sodomized and injured. I agree with you but it's hard to see it happening in this society and climate.
No. 927317
>>927248I haven't tried avocado nice cream but I think it would taste pretty good? Especially with chocolate.
I always make banana nice cream but I hate the texture it gets when it starts melting, so next time I'm trying the avocado one.
No. 927346
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Tips for essay writing when essay planning isn't enough? Even though I'm on a medication that helps me focus and I use organizational tools like the pomodoro technique and essay planning I find it takes me way too long to write down even just a few paragraphs. It's really frustrating and makes me wonder if I'm doing the planning part wrong.
No. 927465
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Can someone explain to me what the fuck squid game is?
No. 927504
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>>927476Kek reading this, it might actually be
No. 927557
capitol of wyoming, and I’ve had some side eye about it before
No. 927692
>>927678Because we’re humans, if we weren’t, we wouldn’t give a fuck about humanity and if we kept on being humans without rationality or morals, we wouldn’t give a fuck about humanity either and there would be so many murders that humanity could be no more.
I guess it’s a matter of fear too, like, if we didn’t care about humans, other humans wouldn’t also care about us, which means anyone could get murdered just because, it would put us in dangerous situations more often than we do.
No. 927699
nonny how you have to realize that even humans don’t care about other humans kek
>>927695>under communism human life has little value lol ok sure
No. 927784
>>927695>>927699you can just cancel out the communism part and come to the consensus
>human life has very little valuewhich it does, we're all just a meat network connected by a string of veins or whatever
No. 927785
>>927699I mean, if all humans ignored other humans, we wouldn’t have a society
trademark and even if you’re doompilled, you just have to understand that there’s at least a single human out there who cares about other humans.
Sure, there’s sets of rules and laws that humanity use to keep themselves under control, but like, why listen to some paper? You could just go out of your room and find the first human you see just to kill her/him, but you don’t, because the idea of stabbing someone who will scream makes you feel queasy, you don’t kill someone because the idea of chocking someone with a rusty wire makes you feel uneasy, even if you don’t want to, you care about other humans, just like some other humans care about other groups of humans, with different levels of care, from caring to just noticing, but it’s there.
And of course there’s people out there who only care about themselves, it’s unavoidable, like absolutely any type of personality you could imagine, they’re capable of harming anyone just because, those are retards who deserve anything bad that happens to them.
No. 927799
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Does giving tantric massages for money make you into a whore or prostitute? Or is it a good therapy option for people with sexual problems?
No. 927831
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>>927448Are there anything else I should follow other than Procreate?I'm about to download it and wonder if there are things I should know.
Thanks again,
No. 927877
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is adapting the 50-10 method of studying to 50-20 bad? I enjoy watching YT vids during my break and it feels like 10 minutes isn't enough
No. 927882
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How the hell do you achieve this hair wrapped around an elastic trick without it unravelling? I have really thick, heavy hair - as in I have a lot of hairs on my head and the individual strands are themselves thick. Maybe I'm too retarded to understand how bobby pins work but they can never keep my hair in place.
No. 927901
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>>927882Buy a small hair extension
No. 927967
>>927904The Motorola G series are what I always suggest. Reasonably priced, reasonable cameras, great amount of storage space, run perfectly and have amazing battery life.
I've had the G7 Power for almost two years and even with a disgusting amount of screen time (around 8 hours a day, albeit a lot of that is just reading e-books) a full charge will still last me about a day and a half. If I didn't abuse the battery constantly, it would probably last at least three days; my mom uses the same phone and one charge can last up to five days for her. I cannot recommend it enough to you and anybody else.
The only downsides are lack of waterproofing and a lack of choices in cases compared to iphones, but I managed to find some really cute ones on aliexpress, and when you're saving hundreds on buying a cheaper phone, you can always just cash out to buy custom cases anyway!
No. 927970
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If I wanted to put myself into a sleep aid coma for a few days could I take melatonin until I wake up, then take valerian root until I wake up again, then something else, and repeat the cycle? Would that work for even day?
No. 927973
>>927970No, natural remedies like that only aid your natural sleep cycle.
Also thats a retarded idea.
No. 928002
>>927970you'd need something way stronger, and even then i think it would be difficult to pull off. certain antipsychotics might work, i was on them for anxiety and found it impossible to be awake on them.
>>927996kek, my thoughts exactly.
No. 928039
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How can I stop self sabotaging? I feel like I'm denying myself happiness by taking harmful decisions wrt myself, I've stopped talking to people I considered good friends out of shame, I reject kindness directed at me and I just isolate instead of socialize. I'm pretty sure the lockdowns have set me back because I wasn't like that two years ago, I feel like my high school loser self again.
No. 928056
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i blew up on someone for something that turned out to not be a big deal a year or so ago, but had it been a big deal my reaction wouldve been warranted. anyways, now they lie about the smallest of things, everything, and it makes me feel miserable and like a person that no one can trust. how do i make them trust me again?
No. 928058
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>>928040Pushing an agenda and justifying the existence of their agency by orchestrating whatever they want. They do this IRL and they do this on the internet, this isn't tinfoil anymore.
Picrel, scan from a briefing of a dumbass fed on 8chan. has a large userbase made of unhinged and undersocialized people who can easily be manipulated, feds would be (more) retarded if they weren't all over it.
No. 928061
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>>928051Yes, and whenever I feel miserable, I start doing anime kawiwi poses. I don’t get it. Maybe it’s so your brain doesn’t break down or something like that.
No. 928091
>>928064It's not
>>927209Not Shayna either
Is some irrelevant chick that self posted years ago and she would also samefag, hence the "drink bleach newfag" "all of this because I'm new to imageboards yadda yadda", it was her replying to herself
No. 928152
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>>928151Maybe get a poke bowl? Since it’s kind of like sushi with the raw fish but not really because it got other stuff.
No. 928213
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>>928206I'm pretty sure the Kubrick stare is meant to be menacing instead of sexy
No. 928456
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What is the best platform to publish a new story?
I am writing a "book" and I really want to put it out there, but I don't know where. I wouldn't mind having it on fanfic sites, but I fear it wouldn't get many readers since it would be an original story.
Self publishing on Amazon, maybe? I really have no idea where to start.
If this helps, my story would be an adult drama with some erotic elements lol
Like I don't wanna be a bestseller or anything, but some feedback and interaction with readers would be nice.
No. 928520
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I have a pair of leather boots (not doc martens) that fit my feet perfectly, the leather is soft and they are really comfortable. But because of my thin ankles they fold and crease like you see in pic related. I treat them with a leather conditioner and a protectant spray and use a shoe tree when I'm not wearing them to keep the shape. Any other tips on how I can maintain them so that they folding doesn't get too severe? I don't want them to get slouchy looking cuz they're more of a chic style of ankle boot, not rugged or utilitarian like doc martens. Are there any options other than wearing thicker socks with these shoes?
No. 928528
>>928456I think if you just want to self publish a book it's pretty easy to do that on amazon, if you want it to do well though you'll have to market it which can be a lot of work.
I recommend checking out Katie Wismer (katesbookdate) on youtube, she has a lot of videos about self publishing.
No. 928530
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>>928520You can get socks or calf wamers that start at the ankle and end under the knee. There's various types of them for different purposes ranging from very thin to very thick.
No. 928587
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if bi women are statistically more likely to be obese than lesbians and straight women, why are bi women always prettier than women of different sexualities? it seems like quite a paradox
No. 928590
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can you get a virus if you download an episode from an anime streaming site? i already did it anyway and yea i know that was retarded, just curious in case something happens in the future (haven't noticed any issues so far tho). should i just delete the file?
No. 928592
>>928566It's actually for laundry and I get what you mean, it is a steep price for a minor task, but I end up using it a lot around the house for various tasks as the sodium percarbonate does a lot of heavy lifting. Following this thread to see if anyone else has grandma tricks for tea stains, as nothing other than oxyclean has worked for me
>>928588Nayrt but I honestly don't even think a washing machine would take out the very stubborn tea stains on ceramic, unless the steam of a washing machine does something.
No. 928598
>>928590No if you use an addblock I guess, I download mines from gogoanime
Try next time I guess
No. 928637
>>928602She's right though
>>928587Often times stereotypes have nothing to do with reality and have more to do with people's assumptions and/or projection. For example there is a stereotype that women are bad drivers but young men are actually the most dangerous demographic when it comes to car accidents.
No. 928638
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>>928624This was something I was curious about as a girl and the interior structure of breasts are pretty cool, kind of like flowers where the petals are our milk glands. You are probably feeling the glands (called lobules) which are naturally kinda lumpy, and there are also lymph nodes, fatty nodules, normal tissues and more which are all natural but can be noticeable too. As always if you're concerned please don't hesitate to have your doctor do a breast exam, but if you have no family history of breast cancer and everything else has been fine, you're probably okay!
No. 928666
>>928662lmfao!! i’m sure you’ll be fine, change that filter asap!
honestly no filter is probably better than a really dirty one
No. 928699
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At what time of the day does casual texting (so not work/emergency related) with a guy automatically count as flirting? I never knew this was a thing, but some of my friends said that texting after 10PM is automatically flirting, and others said that it’s nit flirting until after midnight. Is this a real thing? Should you only text a guy/reply to a guy after midnight if you really like him?
No. 928712
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I hope this doesnt come off as racebait but I am just curious.
But why do so many western (usually white it seems) people get so obsessed with East Asia, especially Japan? I know it's because of anime a lot of the time, but sometimes it isn't.
I used to think it was just men fetishizing EA culture/women but sometimes women do it too. I don't think I've ever seen it happen with anywhere else like the Middle East or India or South America. It is always either Japan or Japan, China and Korea or other SEA countries.
No. 928719
>>928712It's far enough removed from their own culture to be different but still not different or bizarre enough for it to be too much for them ex. bollywood movies compared to anime shit.
White moids especially like the women because they think they're easier, submissive and will give scrotes the power imbalance they seek. It's usually true, especially with glorious nippon where pickmeism is practically injected into veins from birth. White women I've mostly only ever seen into the fashions cene, anime or the kpop plastics which mostly speaks for itself and I don't think is strictly exclusive to white women in general.
No. 928728
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>>928712Because of the longest racist theory from western nippon fans that anime characters are really white people all along and that japanese people honor white people as the “highest and most dignified” race over all, ignoring that stylization is very important in anime. My theory is that most of them don’t genuinely respect or even understand their complex cultures, they just find it “cute” or interesting in a very demeaning way like how a colonizer enters into a territory they clearly don’t belong in, like the conquistador scrotes going to early America and find their customs and ways of life interesting but still ultimately inferior to there’s. It’s hard to explain but it’s very typical of millennial hipsters who are obsessed with enriching themselves with ethnic cultures in the city but they hide in the nicest, cleanest and gentrified areas.
No. 928748
>>928699Sounds like absolute bullshit to me.
Last I checked, the nature of a conversation doesn't solely depend on some arbitrary time slot.