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No. 905650
Be bold, be true, be stupid.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/893228 No. 905696
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Would you murder her?
No. 905737
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>>905713>>905715I am both of those comments and I am not the poster of the image. Also I'm female. Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a male, knucklehead. Fuck people who torture animals, conceptually, if they do. I simply do not take pity on the raping of those who rape animals and I know it's a legit industry,
No. 905745
>>905744samefag but also
>>905737 have you ever considered that rape and animal abuse are both equally terrible? two wrongs don’t make a right
No. 905752
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It's not hard, give yourself 5 extra years of life by reporting and ignoring
No. 905756
>>905744Hating someone for killing torturing animals isn't the same as only caring about animals. I'm not one of those "I love when people die in movies, but will cry over a dog haha" people. I just think it takes a generally sociopathic to harm something for no real reason and there's simply no cure for it than extreme punitive punishment, to learn by pain. The reason I specifically thought of rape is because people who do that drilling shit are raping those animals to death. That shit disgusts me more than just killing an animal.
>>905745Yeah. I didn't say I'd have court ordered rape. I just genuinely considered the concept "would you kill her?" And I thought no, I wouldn't but I wouldn't care if she were raped- as she was doing to that animal. I answered a question bluntly and honestly. I don't have empathy for people who do such things. You act like I am comparing a normal, not sociopathic person to an animal's death.
No. 905776
>>905770? What is the contradiction? Is this supposed to be a gotcha?
Both of those behaviors are male because none of it is actually about the animals but about manipulating people’s perception. They virtuesignal (look up the meaning please) because they want to appear as nice empathetic guys but they will turn around and post gore or anti-vegan jokes to punish others. God your brain must be smooth af.
No. 905779
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>>905772Problem isn't scrote hate it's the dumbasses responding to scrote bait. If you ignore them they die.
No. 905790
>>905783Okay now it’s too obvious
>>905787Ur right imma go home
No. 905836
>>905826So wait, you can smell gas in that room while you aren't cooking? Red flag. Not only cause of poor ventilation but you may have a leak.
If you smell a little bit of gas when you first ignite then that's fine. But you shouldn't be able to continue smelling gas as you cook.
The window can work for ventilation for now but it seems like a problem that nothing is above the stove to catch the smoke.
No. 905854
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I just ordered these and they’re coming tomorrow, are they good?
No. 905865
>>905854They are weaker than the OG one imo (both in flavor and spiciness), but they are not bad
The original one and the jjajjang one are still the best
No. 905874
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>>905854These are my fave along with the jjajang flavor! You can make it creamy just by dumping out the water and pouring in milk when the noodles are done cooking and bring it to a slight simmer with the white sauce packet added. Hope you enjoy them later noona!
No. 905877
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I think I left one of my favourite shirts at my exes house. I dumped him last week and was kinda immature and shitty about it bc he’d hurt my feelings. I never want to talk to him again, but I really fucking like that shirt. What do I do?
No. 905889
>>905884Yeah, ayrt, But don’t tell him that you “need” the shirt, knowing how males act, he will surely throw it away or do something petty.
Make sure that he’s home and go there with someone, preferably another guy and maybe also another friend. Tell him that you forgot something and that it will be quick, rescue your shirt and flee forever.
No. 905944
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>>905943"The default Wireless Security Key for a new Router or Access Point is generally found on the device itself. A label on the back of the router displays “security key”, “WPA key”,”WEP key” or “passphrase.” This default key helps in connecting to the Wireless Network.
Once the default key is obtained, it is mandatory to change the Wi-Fi password as the wireless network is broadcasted to all the devices which are in the range of your device. Knowing the Routers IP address becomes a pre-requisite to change the Net Security Key.
Make a note of the Routers IP Address. Most of the Routers have the same IP i.e. or Confirm the same with the details provided in the manual or can be checked on the Computer."
No. 905998
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What was his deal? Alien or retard?
No. 906027
>>906026>Panels C and D of Table 3 disaggregate our data by marital status and fertility outcomes. While the proportion in the sample who are married fell by a third over the course of our sample, and
married people typically report being happier than unmarried people, this compositional change does
not explain the decline in female happiness.
This bit right here specially makes me think so, and the fact that they can't think of what the explanation is makes it all the more laughable that men have been touted as smarter and better than women for so long
I don't even consider myself a feminist mind you, LOL
No. 906039
>>906031ntayrt but op
>so how does women being happier unmarried mean that men started it to destroy feminismit doesn't, married women being less happy than unmarried ones when before wasn't the case does imo
maybe they didn't start it but they definitely hijacked it, lol
personally i would get married IF things weren't the way they are now, and this isn't me wanting to go back to trad marriage pre-sexual liberation
No. 906053
>>906039>personally i would get married IF things weren't the way they are now, and this isn't me wanting to go back to trad marriage pre-sexual liberationSame and it's always women who also have to clean up after their husbands or take care of their responsibilities as well. I know women who still have to make doc appointments or do laundry/iron clothes for their husbands because they're too lazy. It's like having an additional child or a dog, no wonder that women are less happy then. We always have to do way more in a marriage than men. Working, cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kids and other family members etc. Even if the men also participate, it's always women who do way more and are expected to do so while they get shut down with "but I work and bring the money in!111!" if they complain.
Most of my aunts are either single or divorced and they are way more fulfilled in life than the oneswho have a family. I'm not saying that married women can't be happy but stress obviously plays a big role and as a single it's obviously a lot less and you have much more freedom.
No. 906069
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>>906053At least dogs are cute and don't talk back. My dog's a sweetheart who loves baths and is housebroken, and going for walks with her doesn't make me want to suffocate her with a pillow because she's a dog and not a pseudointellectual scrote who thinks he's the smartest most unique individual in the world.
Dogs are wonderful and I'd gladly clean up after them, men are walking reddit shitposts who fight you every step of the way and I will never marry one.
No. 906086
>>906069Yeah I know, I just meant to say that more often than not husbands are another obligation, rather than someone you share responsibilities with.
I'd want to be with someone who makes life easier, not harder and I sure as fuck don't want to have to take care of an adult like I'd do with kids or a pet.
No. 906092
>>906051im from the US and have fond memories of mr bean, my sweet little french teacher would play him for us sometimes.
my french teacher was an awesome lady, she tried so hard to teach dumbass middle schoolers french
No. 906141
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>>906117zoomers still like it, but death note is much more popular among them when it comes to anime from around that era
Also, soul eater is weirdly popular and everyone loves crona for being a weird genderless thing because it's Just Like Them!
No. 906149
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Nonnas, I am learning some mathematical theory in uni and I feel so slow at picking up abstract concepts compared to when I was younger.
I sleep 10 hours per day and eat healthy, should I just stop letting the internet fry my brain? Is it my depression and meds?
No. 906151
>>906010What the fuck how dare you
>>906051This show was amazing
You guys need to go to the back of the class and think of what you've done and your bad tastes.
What will be next? How El Chavo is bad????? Don't you fucking dare
No. 906163
>>906156I picked up running and cardio for 30 minutes every day this summer but didn't see a difference.
>>906154In my country it's very much "haha depression isn't real" even if you're diagnosed so everyone makes you keep up.
>>906158>>906160Thanks anons! I think I'll try the diet change
No. 906177
>>906163>didn't see a differenceTry adding basic weight lifting to your routine and see if it helps. Most studies indicate that weight training is more effective than cardio for mental health.
>>906163>I'll try the diet changeIt might not be grains that are causing the issue, it could be diary. Different people have differing tolerances for foods. It's worth trying an elimination diet before committing to a diet change that may or may not work.
No. 906302
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Should your fingernail polish match your toes? I never heard this before but a guy complained about my mismatched nail polish, saying all women know this rule. wtf? Am I out of the loop? I told him it was retarded but I'm still curious since google says it's up to personal preference
No. 906308
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>>906302It doesn’t matter, sometimes I like to match them, sometimes I don’t care, depends on how I’m feeling because even if I’m wearing sandals, I can just have black nail polish on my hands and French pedicure or nude nail polish on my hands and pearly pink on my toenails.
Scrotes’ opinions never matter,
nonnie, send him a picture of his new dildo.
No. 906332
>>906319>nailpolish on your toes lasts AGES for some reasonIt's just because you don't move your toes as much. Your hands do a lot of shit so the nail polish is constantly being put to test.
>>906302Never knew anyone that matched both. Aside from pornstars that match the french nails with french toenails.
He's probably a pornsick footfag.
No. 906355
>>906302males are dumb and can’t even see different colors anyways.
i like light colors and glitter polish on my toes, bright or dark colors on my fingernails.
No. 906401
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Nonnies, I am really worried about my grandfather. Few months ago he had really strong stomach aches for a few days to the point of fainting and had to be transported to the hospital. They had to quickly operate him because his appendix literally exploded inside his stomach and was leaking. They stitched his stomach up but still to this day he has some stomach aches and this weird bloated minecraftblock-shaped stomach. He was talking about it like it was not a big deal since his doctors told him that this is 'normal after surgery' and 'will go away after a few months'. He has had mutiple scans at mulitple doctors and all of them said the same thing, and that there was no risk or anything to be found that could be dangerous. How the fuck can everything be okay when his stomach looks like this? It looks absolutely horrifying and every family member told him to do something quickly about it since it seems and looks really fucking suspicous. Can a medical Nonnie please give an opinion to his? I am really scared that this might be something dangerous and the doctors are not caring because he is in his 60's and lives in a rather shady and small eastern european village.
No. 906411
>>906401I'm not a medical
nonnie but my grandma's stomach looked exactly like this before she died of stomach cancer
No. 906439
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>>906430I used to do a 100 squats every other day and it did nothing except grow my thigh muscles, but doing glute bridges helps tighten your lower stomach and I did see improvement after doing 50 every other day. Do exercises that require more stretching as those help elongate muscles and can help with how fat is distributed around your problem areas! Hope this helps anon
No. 906446
>>906430Bellyfat is the last place most ppl lose fat, work on your core and back muscles,
and cut down on simple carbs and sugars. also make sure your posture is good, lots of ppl have a pooch due to poor posture.
No. 906463
>>906461then you'll definitely see results! Good luck
nonnie, I'm rooting for you
No. 906516
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No idea where to ask this. What does sleeping on a natural (wool, horsehair) mattress feel like? Do you prefer it? Does latex make it more comfortable? They have flatter tufts. I do not have a spring base bed frame, just slats (if that makes any difference). Is it annoying re distributing weight and flipping regularly?
No. 906537
>>906525There are people that do, and you guys, together with intrusive thoughts people, are the weirdest to me.
You are your body. And you create your thoughts. How do you get so disconnected from yourselves blows my mind.
No. 906545
>>906525Me too. Always knew since I was younger that my body (and also my name) never belonged to me. I don't think I was meant to exist physically and dissociated often as a child even though nothing
triggered it.
No. 906552
>>906540Idk, tell me please
>>906542I blame Plato for popularizing the non-existent body-mind duality. Science was doing so well before that prick showed up. Democritus was proved right.
I'm sad and mad that that moron
still has an effect on everyone's lives millennia later.
No. 906563
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>>906552Also picrel but cringe, atheists really need you to “love your body” and “love life” in accordance to capitalism, consumption and selfishness and religious people need you to love yourself and love life due to their obsession with hierarchical values and authoritative control. Atheists and religious people aren’t different, they perpetuate the same shit, let me dissociate in peace without some science shill always constantly telling me and other people that they’re invalid for the way that they feel because apparently it makes them trans when there are people who actually have DPDR.
No. 906577
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>>906514Girl wtf are you a cyborg
No. 906585
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>>906580imageboard smorgasbord
No. 906664
>>906627No tats but I have 20 piercings if that counts for anything
>>906630Damn the Lucy tattoo sounds kinda cool, not too big on face tattoos though
No. 906737
>>906522Ah thank you. I was just wondering
>>906498I was just thinking about what the differences could be between a person who, let's say, lived 40 years without forming romantic relationships and another person who is the same age and had several. Like, what is person nr 1 missing out on, what do other people who successfully formed relationships have what person nr 1 doesn't have
>>906516I thought that was a picture of a giant sandwich with cottage cheese and salad in it and I was both disturbed and intrigued lmao
No. 906769
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>>905877Hey everyone, lost shirt anon here. Just thought I’d let everyone now that after unblocking and telling my ex to find my shirt and give it back to me, I just found it safe and sound in the trunk of my car.
New question: how do I cope with the embarrassment?
No. 906790
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>>906783Oh tranny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
No. 906796
>>906794Says who? The doctors agree, the physiologists, the psychologists, all feminists and activists, social media, big business, little business, politicians…
But then again this seething femcel on a chrischan website doesn’t? Oh no I’m sooo defeated. You may identify as a woman but you’re biologically stupid kek.
No. 906859
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Should I get normal Babyliss Quarts (25mm, C451E) or go for BaByliss PRO Titanium Diamond Extra Long (BAB2473TDE) ?
First time buying curling irons from this brand. My hair are long and thick.
No. 906960
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Why do men complain about women not caring about their mental health, but when one shows kindness or whatever and she's not what they find attractive, they speak ill of her or are a complete ass to her?
No. 907155
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so we know selfies distort our faces because of the lens and distance and yadayada, but what about webcams? are they more accurate or do they work the same way? the article i read made it sound as if camera face distortion was unavoidable until a software was to be developed and implemented into the camera so idk
pic unrelated
No. 907168
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>>907155To some extent all lenses distort your face, with the specific type of distortion depending on the focal length of the lens. This is especially true of cameras on phones and laptops, because the lenses are really small and therefore have to be wide-angled to capture more of your face and surroundings (the top left portrait in picrel has the shortest focal length/is taken with a wide-angle lens).
So yeah, software that takes into account the focal length of a lens and then compensates to get it to match the eye's natural focal length is as close as we're going to get to solving the problem.
No. 907192
>>907188lol i think so, it doesn't look bad
>>907168 here imo
No. 907326
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>>907323samefag, this is the piercing i have but for whatever reason in my retarded burgertown nobody can agree on what its called
No. 907340
>>907334what kind of content do you make anon? if you dont mind sharing.
i’ve been trying to create content and gain a following but haven’t really gotten anywhere, trying to decide if i should give up or keep trying
No. 907349
>>907345i personally dont care if people shoplift but i do think it’s satisfying when they get caught and get in trouble. i hate being in public with a mfer that steals everything.
my ex best friend started doing meth and would beg me to drive her to the grocery store so she could steal wine and makeup, we went to the mall one time and she spent a fucking hour in VS stealing panties and refused to give me a single pair. dumb tweaking ass cunt.
No. 907358
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How can I fix a hammer toe? Pretty sure I inherited it. Which kind of surgeon would I need to go to to release the tendon that makes my toe curl?
Spoiled for gross toes
No. 907371
>>907358farmer feet
farmer feet
No. 907438
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>>907368anyway, I don't completely agree with psychiatric diagnosis and evaluation. I think your symptoms need to be quite severe to have it, but they seem to diagnose even "odd" individuals which is not the case.
No. 907458
>>907373 I know, I have trouble painting them because of this. I get pedicures when I can afford it.
>>907388 how can I take care of them?
>>907396 I don't know why it curls, both of my pinky toe nails have always done that. It's super difficult to paint them.
>>907404 I'm a masochist I guess
No. 907462
>hiiiii nice to meet you~ how are you today~?It always works for me.
No. 907463
File: 1631391453153.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 2282x2282, 61B811B8-1D25-4AF1-A5DB-F7E525…)

this is my other foot, better quality pic. honestly dont think my toenails are as medically horrifying as some of you are saying though. i will trim and file them, dont worry.
but you can see here that my toe isnt curled on this foot, only on the other one
No. 907481
>>907467 sorry anon, at least i spoilered, i wont post more kek.
>>907470 yeah i do, i’ve always known my toenails look weird as fuck though so it’s not news to me
No. 907482
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No. 907509
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Is my mom gaslighting me?
My mom knows I'm extremely self conscious of my body, had some bad experiences you can probably guess what, I'm just very aware of my body and other people staring at it
My mom herself is extremely like, not appropriate with her boundaries, like she has always stared if I forgot to put on a bra or didn't have a bra on for some other reason, she dried my vagina with a hair dryer until I was like 4, I have memories of it and feeling creeped out/uncomfortable even at the time
So my mom told me today, apparently my grandpa thought I was dressed to provocatively while I was visiting with him, what I was wearing was a turtleneck and leggings, completely covered, but I admit that these are spandex clothes. I wear it be cause I have really gross looking eczema, which is embarrassing to have people see, but also it get irritated by so much stuff, it's a lot easier to prevent breakouts by always being covered, and you have to wear tight clothes to keep allergens and shit from just blowing up your sleeves or pant legs
Alright anyway, so I started asking her about it, like I got upset because it's gross and embarrassing, even if I don't know exactly what he said, and she got this nasty fucking look on her face and told me "I knew I shouldn't have told you, nothing can just be easy with you, you have to make a thing out of everything, I knew you would pull this."
And I'm like, everything else aside, that's gaslighting, right?
She said she knew how I would respond, did it anyway, and then reprimanded and shamed me for doing what she says she knew I would feel
I don't think I reacted outrageously at all, I just asked her like what did he say and that I really don't even feel like visiting anymore because that just makes me feel so uncomfortable, which is a me problem, but like, it's still true and honestly I feel like she should have had compassion or understood or something, like she knows I'm fucked up over being looked at, and all I did was ask a few questions, I didn't even raise my voice, but my face probably did look wrong
No. 907548
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>>905650My feet literally look like picrel and Idc. I rock a pair of sandals in summer and don’t even bother painting them. I like the gnarled , witchy look. However, if I stare at my long second toes for too long I do get a very persistent urge to cut them off with a pair of garden shears. they are absolutely disgusting. Fascinatingly so. Like the finger of an aye-aye.
No. 907578
>>907564foot anon here, i didn't make the sad post, don't worry anon im not upset or offended. feet and toes in general are pretty nasty, especially my tiny weird shaped toenails.
if i had posted my face on here and got roasted i would definitely be upset, but my toes getting roasted, eh.
No. 907590
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>>907567My toes ARE curled. My little toes curl underneath the toes next to them. My ultra long second toe is very curled, and when I straighten it with my finger you can see just how freakishly long it is. That’s why I compared it to an aye ayes finger. My toes and feet are ugly for a multitude of reasons, mainly as a knock on affect of having very narrow feat and (I may not have made this clear yet) a fucking massive second toe. I pretty much always have blisters on my feet because no shoe truly fits. I have corns and bunions, hammer toes and very, very curled and crooked toes. My feet are literally so fucking ugly. The only thing I have going for them is no foot odour because I at least bathe them properly and regularly trim my nails. Mainly as an excuse to spend at least 45 minutes gawking at how truly disgusting my second toe is.
I don’t really care if others see them, though. I’m allowed to have 1 ugly feature so they can all go fuck themselves.
No. 907620
>>907575>nowWe've had multiple… special anons for years.
From the top of my head: lonelita anon, finnanon, diydildo anon, pitbull anon, komaedanon, victorian anon, necessaryspeed or whatever it was called, amandaanon, etcetc
No. 907623
>>907556i feel like it's different on an anonymous imageboard. i'm talking about people that just casually belittle others in daily convo and such, or embrace 'bad bitch' culture. can people not lift themselves up without putting other people down?? i just hate it
not even referring to myself here, because of covid i haven't been outside in literal months. but i do see shitty behavior on twitter/discord too. sometimes i wanna pop people in the mouth
No. 907630
>>907345KEk this is the cringiest thing I've ever seen, how poverty stricken are you to risk a shoplifting rap for a fucking can of Monster?
>it's okay to steal from H&M cos they're wacistOh Gen Z, got to have the moral high ground even when literally stealing.
No. 907681
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>>907627Let’s alll be friends
No. 907774
>>907741Dont tell him you're a virgin or he will go around bragging to anyone and everyone that he "took" your virginity. Males are so fucking sick.
My ex hit me up out of nowhere to brag to me he took some girl's virginity, probably thinking I'd be mad or jealous, but it just made me see him as the pornsick disgusting scrote that he is
No. 908099
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>>907729You would think but the only footfag I dated was a jerk and he made me cum like 2x in our entire four-year relationship.
No. 908112
are porn addicts
at least in my experience
No. 908144
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>>907706The part of their brain that deals with genital attraction has an "error" where they also see feet as genitals.
No. 908172
can mean either or both
why? because medical industry, that's why
No. 908214
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>>908170I don't mean to
trigger the calories in calories out spergs, but it usually messes with metabolic and hormonal processes so your body stores more energy from your food as fat. You won't become suddenly deathfat but it can effect you up to ~15 kg.
No. 908248
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>>908230NTA but it's by an artist named Inge Löök, she has a whole series on those cute old ladies
No. 908257
File: 1631424229038.png (86.58 KB, 520x466, D1599D56-4907-406D-A88B-40E0B5…)

yeah when I was like 12
No. 908395
Nona I'm bpd chan too, I chimp out, I cry 34 times a day, I'm a neet. I have a boyfriend and never had problems finding men. You have to understand that you have to stop feeling guilty (if you do, I know I did) thinking about how you are going to ruin their life without even noticing with you bpd ass. They are adults, at max you can warn them in the beginning ( they usually are not going to believe you, thinking you are exaggerating - projecting the drama queen mindset on you, or they could romanticize that shit too, but I promise you their monkey brains won't make them care . The difference for you is that they are going to fall in love with you or get obsessed more easily since you are bpd, and it can be great if you don't care too much about their feeling. Problems will arise only in the case you fall in love with the scrote, then you are allowed to feel a monster and you will have to find a way to deal with your monster-ways. So, fucking exploit your bpd until you catch feelings, queen
No. 908449
>>905708People got mad at you for this, but IMO, in a correct world, all these people would get every single thing they inflicted on others done to them. The woman in that picture (Ayudar), the zoosadist scrotes/Kero/actual pedophile SnakeThing/"Woof", Jankes, etc.
I'm not going to defend a smiling puppy rapist just because it's a female third worlder, sorry.
No. 908792
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How rude is it to get an adoption application approved but tell them you can't officially pick up the animal for another week? I was expecting this to take quite a while based on past experience but the shelter got back to me 2 days later essentially saying I could come get the animal when I'm not yet ready. I feel dumb.
No. 908802
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>>908711>I have found it doesn't help to divulge the fact you've cast a spell like this.Oh my God lol
No. 908842
>>908384that sounds really funny and made me rub my eyes, sepia tint would be annoying
>>908360>>908372It's weird because when they comment on my eyes or anything they always refer to them as "pupil" and I have to correct them and say you mean iris? maybe people just confuse the words and not that they see my eyes as huge pupils, but it happens every single time
No. 908893
>>908842Let me guess, you have a limbal ring? I have dark brown eyes with a limbal ring and people always comment stuff like "your pupils are huge".
I mean a very thick limbal ring. That's what causes the people to comment. But since they're dark, the ring can't be differentiated from a distance, and people see something's unusual but don't know what exactly it is.
(Deleted and reposted because of clarity and typos)
No. 908903
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>>908894W-what does this mean? Is husbando Jesus real?
No. 908944
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>>908937He hates me wish I could know Gods
No. 908945
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>>908931Personally I've always been a fan of the 70s unbuttoned shirt look.
No. 908950
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>>908931the 70s were the sluttiest in terms of male fashion
No. 908951
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>>908931A mankini perhaps?
No. 908961
>>908950>>908953This is a legit handsome style.
>>908954Yeah it looks gross, I didn't notice it at first. All other pics was of Borat, ugh.
No. 908978
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>>908970Who is this
No. 908999
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Me and my boo Austin Osman Spare
No. 909048
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Nonas, how do you turn jelaousy into motivation?
I always just get sad and want to give up.
No. 909194
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>>907323One of my weirder ones is a vertical industrial like picrel, I also really like rook and forward helix piercings. If you want a
really unique look you can order custom jewelry that goes through multiple piercings, like an industrial bar that splits off into a trident shape. But that's a bit expensive and I think healing it would be a bitch.
No. 909218
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>>909194NTA but I love vertical industrials! I'm just worried that the healing process is going to be shitty because of the long bar or do they use a bar for each hole and let it heal separately?. I'm thinking about getting one like picrel.
No. 909444
>>909424That's so true, it does get nudged a lot which is annoying. My mom smacked the fuck out of me on the side that I have my conch, that shit hurt.
I wonder if it would help to put a stud or barbel in it instead of a ring.
No. 909577
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Can ib mods and admins see my post/file history when threads are deleted?
No. 909649
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>>909631I'm actually not, just curious
No. 909702
>>909682A lot of chronically online types are on disability, but outside of that there's a patchwork of financial arrangements and unusual jobs that allow people to keep weird hours. Some people are on workman's comp, some people have an insurance claim/lawsuit payout, a pretty large number of people are just neets with overgenerous parents.
There are also people who work but just have weird schedules. A pretty large number of jobs are seasonal, and coding/design/finance freelancing is fairly common. I'm online a lot during the day because I get to set my own schedule for my job, but I'm always kind of worried that my neighbors think I'm a deadbeat lol
No. 909821
>>909414I got mine with a hoop. Like you and
>>909424 said, it's the problem of hitting the piercing. I'm a side sleeper and while I did my best to prevent myself from sleeping on the pierced ear side, it was futile because I'd end up sleeping on that side anyways. Because I had a hoop and it would get nudged constantly the piercing took forever to heal.
I think people say that you're supposed to get a stud in it but the place I got mine done at wasn't super professional so they didn't even say anything about that lol.
No. 909909
>>909897cute boys who cant leave the screen
nonnie, although some of yall are teetering on the edge of real pedophilia
No. 910056
>>910001Most people will rate themselves as above average looking. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you tend to automatically assume your most flattering position/expression and your best angle. This can make people think they always look the way they do in the mirror. On top of that, the more familiar a face is, the more positively people tend to rate it, and your own face is (almost) always the most familiar to you.
When it's the type of person to be obsessed with their looks and constantly take selfies/videos of themselves I can imagine that will exacerbate the influence of those two factors, explaining Gabbie Hanna types.
No. 910082
>>910076>well you can't choose to pee if you don't already have to, right?Really? I feel like unless my bladder is absolutely empty I can always choose to pee even if I don't really feel like I have to. It'll only be a little bit, but the only time I really can't make myself pee is right after I already went.
Apparently for women, having sex will help to fill up or put pressure on the bladder as well, which will make it easier to pee afterwards.
No. 910088
>>910082If I focus really hard on tensing the right muscles, I can force a little bit out, but it's quite the effort and pretty uncomfortable.
I definitely can't just sit down and let go pee whenever. That would be super practical for when I need to go places though!
(Heck, sometimes I can't get anything out even when I have to pee. And then I just sit there for 20min waiting or give up and go again later. So annoying.)
No. 910188
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Would it be inappropriate/weird to wear a dress like this to a wedding? Are black-based dresses out of question?
No. 910294
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please give it to me straight.
Am I crazy for breaking up with my boyfriend over him thinking this meme is funny? my friends say yes, but truth is every bit of affection was immediately replaced with disgust the moment he showed me it.
No. 910322
>>910237I feel like my cervix gets hit during doggy style even though that shouldn't make sense.
However like other anon said, it can be pretty hot if my bf collapses onto me to kiss me, and it feels more comfortable too. If it's just him standing upright it feels weird
No. 910323
>>910304imagine how i felt having my ex show me it
i felt like i had been stabbed repeatedly with the end parts of a bunch of different red flags
I even wished infertility on him, that i feel bad about
No. 910330
>>910294fortunately, my brain just does not want to compute the speech bubbles so i understood none of it
i support your decision anon, i couldn't get along with someone who finds this remotely funny/witty, let alone be in a relationship with them
No. 910368
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How likely is it that I'll step on a massasauga in the mud along the shore? It
s something that's fucking me up a bit and now I found a rattle outside just tell me I can't fucking pitfall into a venomous snake den mere inches beneath the ground
No. 910416
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why do people act like 'sensitive vulvas' are a good thing, all I feel is pain. Even washing it uncomfortable
No. 910418
nonnie, I can always pee
No. 910604
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How cringey would it be to get a shirt like the gal on the right has in picrel?
No. 910608
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Ok who dis? Did my usual routine where I search "lolcow" on Twitter and found him. Do I ignore what this moid typed and move on?
No. 910626
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>>910604Ew anon, gross.
I like it too. Though just be careful wearing it outside. No. 910669
File: 1631575712690.jpeg (107.63 KB, 640x640, 49762CAD-4A86-4E0F-88D9-C16B99…)

>>910593Thank you, I thought so! My next stupid question is this: what should I write about to bulk up my CV? Maybe book reviews. Been reading a lot lately.
>>910626I love this pic omg
No. 910932
>>910834Anon I love you so much, you made me remember that a friend is having her birthday next week. You just saved me
Now back at you, I'm honestly shit with birthday dates, as you can see, I sometimes forget the exact day for my best friend of 10 years. 3 months is kind of soon to forget it but I'd say it's normal
No. 910986
>>910834I forget birthdays all the time and don't expect anyone to remember mine outside my immediate family. Most people rely on facebook to tell them bdays afaik, I deleted fb hence always forgetting/being forgotten.
I'm not the sort of person with really close friends though so it's whatever to me, if you've got a really tight knit group then maybe it's fair to say it's inconsiderate.
No. 911262
>>910834Completely normal. I have a ton of good friends whose birthdays I never formally learned until Facebook told me about it.
No. 911400
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Girls I'm trying to hang dry flowers and the process seems so self explanatory but my flowers keep wilting and I don't know what I'm doing wrong, they're hanging up upside down in a closet that gets very little sunlight. Could it be not dry enough of an environment?? Seriously what am I doing wrong here? So far I've tried drying gerbera daisies and hydrangea both with similar results, if anyone can help I am willing to send you some of my (successfully) dried flowers as well as a piece of my heart.
No. 911437
>>911436I was attacked actually
But she quit when she realized i was dry down
I feel like a pedo
No. 911440
>>911437>>911437Also same anon.
Can anyone save me? I can’t stand up for myself because I was manipulated by my sick mom to tolerate abuse. I need help and I feel sick.
No. 911534
>>911524“Putting yourself out there” could be going to a social event alone, scouting for the most interesting looking person in the room, and going up and saying hi. Or going to class and inserting yourself into friend groups: you get up, say hi, ask them how did they like this class, what are the names, etc. Or going to the park and walking to those three girls who look close to your age and making conversation with them. Even just asking for a lighter from another person on the street and talking a bit.
It can be hard for some people to do this though, because A) like some skills, it just takes some people longer to learn , B) they’re too niche now, like a special cocktail cute normies want to have every once in a while but don’t really know how to act around, and C) since they’re too niche, they aren’t able to find a community of similar like-minded people (except online), so even if they succeed at socialising they aren’t interested, and the question becomes: OK, how do I put myself out there so that other weirdos find me?
No. 911584
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>>911529>>911534Ah right, I shouldn't vent in the stupid questions thread but back in high school and college I did try to force myself and stuff, but still I never integrated, in the end I end up being the person who never gets invited to go out with the group, I quit college and none of my "friends" noticed lol. I felt like a fucking idiot lol. I used to take foreign language classes but people were ther to do their stuff and leave.
No. 911700
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How do I stop being afraid and grossed out by bugs? I went out to a nice trail on my vacations and it was honestly nice, but I’m still squeamish around insects. I can tolerate some of them, but the moment they’re close to me, I scream.
Is there a way to stop this?
No. 911966

>>911946oh yayy!! If you don't forget and feel like it, please do share how you found it!! It is not precisely like chocolate but very comparable to praline and, as I said, cookie dough. Embedded is a video that shows how to make it. Again you will most likely want to play around with it so that it is most delicious for you. Don't give up if it is not perfect after the first try. I had to practise a few times when I first started making is myself as opposed to letting my friends do it, haha. Just be sure to use RAW dairy products. Pasteurised will most likely give you digestive problems.
Here are some other alternatives I heard of but never tried myself:
Chocolate mousse:
- 3 tbsp gelatin
- 3 tbsp caco
- 6 tbsp maple syrup
- 3 cups raw milk
- heated over a stove
I personally would imagine raw honey also works, but I never made this, so I cannot promise anything
Salted caramel:
Medjool date sliced to create a slit. Fill the slit with grass-fed butter of raw milk and add seasalt.
Chocolate gummies:
- Raw milk, cacao, maple syrup, grass-fed gelatin.
I do not know the recipe for this, only the ingredients. However, I saw people making gummies for all sorts of things, especially collagen intake or so. I am sure if you find a recipe for making just any type of gummy candy you can try it and substitute the ingredients above.
Another friend of mine recommended Birchwood Farms ice cream with some dark chocolate chips and maple syrup, alongside homemade pear sauce and raw cream to her own taste! She enjoys eating this when on her period.
At the end of the day, you can play around and create a lot of fun and delicious dishes that satisfy your cravings as long as you use proper ingredients. I advocate for this raw, grass-fed, and so forth approach myself as well. Calories are not bad, overly processed foods are, and your body will thank you if you feed it nutritious foods! I hope this helps. Do not be afraid to try new things and ask questions! If you are doubting about raw dairy, I encourage you to explore various sources and advocates to come to your own conclusion. <3 good luck nonnyyy
No. 912021
>>912002I do not really know. Sometimes things I think are weird are actually very normal or common. I have always plucked my eyebrows and body hairs, so I was not sure where to draw the line.
>>912006hahaha yes it does end up hurting the neck but it is so worth it, i eventually do not even feel my neck anymore. but i do feel autistic and embarrassed about it
>>911852no, you do not have to be worried. it can be caused by numerous things. try lukewarm water with salt first and swish it around. do that about three times a day for a few days and see if it helps. also maybe floss more. but don't worry, it does not have to be anything severe yet. i have irritated gums occasionally when i eat more sugary foods or do not brush my teeth as attentively as i should.
No. 912040
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If I had an opportunity to get a full scholarship at a good Chinese university, should I take it
even if I don't know a lick of Chinese? I applied to multiple unis in different countries and got a few replies back but still want to consider my options
t. bilingual
>>911852What the other anon said, get a soft bristle toothbrush. Helped me immensely
No. 912151
>>912115i don’t see how it could be considered
No. 912169
>>912115I think it's
abusive to try and make your daughter diet, wear makeup, pierce their ears and dye their hair. It's sexualization and objectification and teaches the child that their body isn't theirs to control. Mark of a bad mother.
No. 912224
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Someone explain the joke to me
No. 912313
>>912253it's just kind of dumb considering it's a choice to wear earrings, the kid might grow up and decide that they don't like earrings but they're stuck with holes in their ears. like yes they are tiny and inconsequential but at the end of the day you're causing unnecessary pain to your baby for a cosmetic reason which they might not even want. why not let them grow up a bit and decide for themselves if they want their ears pierced?
>>912255not really? like if they're running away they obviously don't want their ears pierced enough to sit through the pain. why force shit on a kid when it's something they can make their own choice about
No. 912359
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>>912345I like this stuff
No. 912379
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>>912370Can't relate tbh, I drink almond milk cos it's low cal but blehh. It's watery as hell, the flavour is ok but it doesn't make up for the (lack of) texture.
No. 912389
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>>912379Kek that pic is me tbh I trained myself to like it. But I like to treat myself to sweetened soy milk too.
No. 912400
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is it okay if i mix these two together and drink? i'm afraid i might get poisoned
No. 912412
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Does it actually make a difference to practice sleep hygiene? Do I really have to put all screens away for a whole hour before bed??
No. 912529
>>910237I think it depends on the dick and the depth of your own vagina. I had an ex that had a really big one which would sometimes hit my cervix in the wrong way and leave me keeling over for 30mins in pain.
Current bf goes to that position immediately for some reason, and I don't like it with him bc again,
monster dong No. 912583
>>912533Thanks for taking the question seriously, I've never been around actual alcoholics so I don't have a point of comparison and that worries me.
I don't feel like I need it to live and I can go weeks without drinking if necessary, but I do use alcohol as a coping mechanism and can finish a bottle in 2-3 days, which is why I try to limit myself to only a bottle every 1-2 weels. I don't particularly enjoy the taste, I just love the feeling of being relaxed and not giving a crap about anything.
No. 912608
>>9126001. Social climbing if they're intelligent.
2. For the stupid ones, it's that they're stupid. If they only have looks they will milk those looks until they're old.
No. 912671
Do digestive enzymes actually work?
I want to buy a new protein, it says it has enzymes in it. Will my lactose intolerant ass be fine?
>>912667Break up tasks as small as possible and take some rest between them
No. 912695
Pickmes aren’t ugly. Thing is, they’re not gorgeous either. They tend to be 6s or 7s. Cute, but not pretty enough to justify deranged behavior. The seething stems from the fact that gorgeous women can be deranged and still get what they want. And so, these humble 6s and 7s overcompensate by performing for male attention. If they can’t get it for their looks, then they sure as hell can get it by repeating 2000s manosphere takes.
If you’re talking about online female personalities, though, then I’m very honored to tell you these women aren’t pickmes. They’re just failures. All of them tried to have a go at the career woman lifestyle—found out they didn’t have the stamina, intelligence, and dedication, and then failed. They failed at being career women, they failed at starting families young, and now nothing’s easier than to kick back and blame it on being female. If they’re not college drop outs, then they were terrible at what they did. Instead of humbly admitting they weren’t independent-minded enough—that they were always weak and prone to social contagion—they go “muh female brain!!!!!!” Trust me, it’s not a coincidence that they were once libfems.
The next step is to monetize your retardation. It is true when they say male attention is the most abundant source on the planet, and these women found a way to make money out of it. Now, they get to enjoy their career money by being retarded online—something that requires little to no stamina, unlike an offline career—and finally have kids. I mean, thanks to male attention, they finally have the money to have kids and buy expensive handbags and get their hair done everyday. Too bad their male audience don’t realize they’ve been paying for their lifestyle and for their child’s pampers. It’s not a coincidence that they were libfems, true; and it’s certainly not a coincidence that they all had children in their thirties. If you remove the embellishments, you’ll them for what they are: career girls, just exploiting another niche.
The ones I feel sorry for are the ordinary, insecure ones, who finally find a refugee in these kind of spaces. They’re insecure, and they depend on male attention to validate them the same way a mousy female student will constantly try to be noticed by her teacher as the best in class—realizing too late the validation will run out, and misery can only ensue.
No. 912723
>>912695and I have to contradict you. A pick me can be any woman, no matter how beautiful or ugly she is. There's plenty of gorgeous pick me's that center their life around pleasing men. And why do you say they were once libfems?Are you one of those tradthot spergs? A woman can be a pick me no matter her political affiliation even is she is apolitical. Career and successful women can be pick mes too.
Your post is a bit unhinged. Because you keep repeating "they were once libfems" "they were once libfems" "they were once libfems" like it has any relevancy. Your post doesn't explain the pick me phenomenon, it just explains why you hate tradthots. A pick me can be a woman from any socio-economical background with any political affiliation that cares more about pleasing men and getting their attention than she cares about herself and her own needs and desires.
No. 912748
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why is porn always shoved into gore sites? I'm aware "extreme" porn exists, but it's still so unsettling that they shove it in with pics and vids of people's deaths.
No. 912824
>little to no staminaYes, and this isn’t good. Hard work is important. Being lazy isn’t something to be idealized, unless you think so.
> I mean, thanks to male attention, they finally have the money to have kids and buy expensive handbags and get their hair done everyday.(your words)Anon, this was supposed to be sarcastic. This is not a good thing. I was making fun of it. Not idealization at all.
No. 912884
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>>912870My mom makes lentil dal! It’s one of my favorite meals
No. 913050
>>911700I watch educational YouTube content about bugs, where the hosts actually handle them and show them off, and I often see comments along the lines of
"Oh, I am so afraid of [insert animal], but this video helped me be less scared!"
So maybe that could help?
Channels I would recommend are "Clint's Reptiles" and "Snake Discovery".
Despite what the names suggest, both channels have videos featuring insects (but CR more so than SD, I think) and the hosts are really pleasant.
No. 913074
>>912378Depends. If it's more of a short laugh or giggle, I usually cover my mouth with the part of the back of my hand where my thumb joint is.
So it faces down and slightly away from me.
If it's a loud/sudden laugh or a laughing fit, I will usually cover my mouth + somewhere between half and all of my face with the palm of one hand.
No. 913080
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>>913074i wish some of my unconscious mannerisms were cuter. i cover my mouth when i'm eating in front of people but it's very stiff like picrel.
No. 913084
>>912558>>912887I once read that some monkeys pre-chew food for their babies and then transfer it mouth to mouth, and that kissing in humans may have evolved from that behaviour somewhere along the timeline.
Not trying to debunk the other anon, just adding what I "know".
No. 913091
>>913082Congrats on the brainwashing.
>>913073That's just plastic surgery propaganda. There's no unbiased research that supports anything close to "preventative" botox.
No. 913099
>>913082>fuck off bitch, im not planning on getting anything done until my mid to late 30’syou're fucking twenty (20) years old and already agonizing over aging; that's absolutely fucked. If you don't address this then when you hit middle age and actually start getting wrinkles you're going to regret wasting your youth worrying about your natural imperfections. Many such cases!
>i was just curious if there’s a specific agethe 'specific age' mysteriously gets lower every year
No. 913114
thank you to the one anon who answered my question
>>913058 the rest of you just sound mad as fuck for no reason. if you don’t want botox or cant afford it thats on you
No. 913133
>>913114i'm the one who simply doesn't get it. foreheads are supposed to wrinkle, that's how facial expressions work? why does it need to be smooth
>>913127lmao no it automatically says anonymous, you don't need to type anything
No. 913134
File: 1631738363654.jpeg (2.85 MB, 2122x3765, 1628830002061.jpeg)

I remember watching a vid about how filler doesn't go away it just migrates in your body. I wonder what Botox does? No respect for ppl who literally risk their health for a quick beauty fix.
No. 913153
>>912400Lately I took vit c (with iron) tablets like this in an energy drink. It fizzed up like crazy and overflowed the cup.. but I drank what was left and was fine.
I had no access to water before someone calls me dumb lol
No. 913171
At least twice a day anon.
No. 913196
File: 1631741397240.jpg (107.51 KB, 588x828, the-walten-files-fan-casting-p…)

Is the walten files guy ftm? He apparently facedoxxed briefly but nobody caught it. He draws like an ftm.
No. 913274
>>913195Honestly I used to consume sugar just because I'm a a pig, not even for energy kek but I might include coffee and see if it works, I never drink
>>913197I hope so! Thanks for the advice
nonnie No. 913311
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Why do (adult) femcels seem to always listen to either goofy pop music very explicitly aimed at 10-14 year old girls (such as boybands) or straight up fucking raw black metal? This seems to cover 99.9% of femcels. Any femcels here who can weigh in? It’s such a bizarre dichotomy.
No. 913324
>>913320Wasn't a thing before pull shut down and twitterfags found LC through creepshow or tiktok.
t. Been there since the start of babydash saga
No. 913356
>>913351didn't she say she
wanted her fans to die though lol
No. 913360
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>>913353>autistic weirdono, no one gives a shit about weirder personality types irl. more often i see normies ignore whatever "weird" "autistic" thing people do. the "pretty" women here can't be saved because they suffer from debilitating mental illness known as "staying with your scrote bf at any cost". i'm so fucking sick of reading
>my partner is a piece of shit and ignores me and i waste half my time crying but i DON'T WANT TO LEAVE him, why is he like this?every single day 20 times a day. uh leave? you dumb bitch just leave? you aren't shackled to him.
No. 913365
>>913360Nothing makes me madder than girls who come on here and reddit to ask for advice about their shitty, god awful
abusive bfs and then completely ignore any advice that involves the only real solution - dumping him. Just don't bother if you're just gonna ignore sane responses and wait for someone to tell you what you want to hear (that you can change him, that he does love and care for you deep down despite all his actions showing otherwise, that it's worth it to be with him). idk what they want to hear, like you aren't going to be able to CoMmUnIcAtE him into loving and respecting you when he clearly doesn't.
No. 913415
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>> is a free country
No. 913468
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as imageboard regulars have any of you ever dated a “normie” guy that didn’t really have a clue about internet culture at all? was it weird because they don’t understand niche internet references or just nice to be able to tune out of that sometimes?
No. 913473
>>913468No but I would gladly, I don't think I
could date a guy who's as into internet culture as I am. I wish I could lobotomize it out of my own brain tbh
No. 913482
>>913473i’ve only ever been with guys that were at least semi-aware of internet culture (no 4chan or reddit fags thankfully) so i wondered what the general opinion was. nobody could stand up to me either probably as far as onlineness is concerned but i could see it being refreshing to have someone naive to all that
>>913478see this is my issue. i think if i was with one i would unintentionally indoctrinate him and you know how they get when they feel like they just discovered the internet.
No. 913513
>>913468Ive dated a degenerate channer and redditor and pretended to be completely innocent of the internet partly for shits and giggles and partly to get him off of it. Truthfully I was on 4chan in 09' and remember when advicedog memes got overrun with insanity wolf instead. As well as the rage comics. And when r9k was new and interesting. Honestly it was pretty amusing hearing him act like he was so undercover edgy for frequenting one of the most popular websites on the internet.
Internet references mean nothing in a relationship and if anything I don't want that type of guy but I can at least immediately tell if he spends his free time in internet shitholes now
No. 913539
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wtf does this quote mean, I've read it like 3 times and still don't understand it
No. 913544
>>913540You answered your own question, kek. They're bony trannies and would look ridiculous trying to pull off everything else.
Though, it's still kind of a tough sell because even heroin chic was focused on the female body (albeit in states of frailty and sickness).
No. 913555
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>>913468Yes. This guy isn’t just a normie, he’s like a martian, I’ve never met someone his age that’s completely uninterested in the internet. He doesn’t use reddit or discord or listen to retard podcasts or twitch faggots. Apparently he has been entertaining himself with books, retro games, movies and playing music, never felt the desire to sperg about it with others. Most interactions he has with modern internet culture is curated by me. I supply him all the dank memes he will ever need. The only anime he’s seen and like are ones we watched together. I don’t show him lc but he knows I browse it. Sometimes I put on a movie and he’d say did you hear about this from your feminist forum friends? It’s the best. I don’t think I’ll ever date internet savvy men ever again.
No. 913600
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Bump, cp warning
No. 913613
how creepy am i?
crush told me something they posted on a site when i asked them about it, but didn't directly show me it from the source. later i type in some keywords with the site name he gave me like, site: and badabing, i find the post and his username, and proceed to read all his posts and comments. nothing
too bad. but now i feel guilty, because he obviously didnt want me to know his username, otherwise he would have shown me the post. so i've invaded his privacy
should i confess to it? it's eating me up inside.
No. 913617
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>>913615Idk why you're anemic, so I can't get more specific than this. Sorry,
No. 913623
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Is there any specific term for women that have a attraction /fetish towards Jewish males ? I swear I knew three women all of whom had a seemingly bizarre attraction towards specifically Jewish males
No. 913637
>>913623I think attraction towards Jews in General has a lot to do with their perceived "foreignness" and exotic features" most Jews in Europe and American have varying degrees of Semitic Levantine and European ancestry, so some look Middle Eastern, some completely white and others more mixed, this makes them stand out for better or worse
with Jewish boys its rather interesting, in Media and popular culture you can argue that Jewish males are often emasculated, either helpless
victims in WW2 films and in general media Jewish boys are often stereotyped as nerdy and portrayed as weak, nervous, skinny, shy, not particularly masculine and awkwardly dressed
I don't think it ever dawned on the men making these films There were plenty of women who found these traits and characters more attractive then the stereotypical action figures
>>913630Can I ask why ?
No. 913643
>>913637Physical attraction wise I like swarthier men with slim facial features and coincidentally a lot of Jewish men tend to look like that. To add to that, in high school I developed this weird crush on Kafka despite him being a borderline incel. Recently I noticed a ton of girls still love him online to an obsessive degree and a lot of them tend to be ftms, make of that what you will.
As you said there's definitely the portrayal of Jews in modern media as weak and feminine, due to the fact that for a long time they were seen as a people without a place to call home. I can't deny that might have influenced my attraction to them but in the end a male is a male and I don't let my so called fetish influence my decisions. Especially now after Israel became a thing, Jews over there love to see and portray themselves in this hyper masculine aggressive way which I don't find appealing at all.
>>913641Thin but also really tiny.
No. 913658
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>>913555Where did you find a great guy, anonancia? I kind of want one too.
No. 913662
>>913654There’s lots of possibilities to explain why
>the artist doesn’t want to be recognized for their art at their workplace >doesn’t feel like their art is appreciated >doesn’t want their family to find their art account >doesn’t like doing art anymore and wants to stop being recognized for that>has older art or comments that could be considered pwoblematic and doesn’t want to get #cancelled>doesn’t like the attention that brings their art to them >wants to create a new art account but doesn’t want others to know of their older styles and/or themes>doesn’t like social media and how it affects their art and lifestyle I feel like those are the most common reasons why.
No. 913664
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>>913643Its a definitely a thing in the west. Jewish men aren't viewed as "feminine" like Asian men or as creepy like Indian men but they are mostly a joke
even when their the protagonist their always portrayed as meek losers, combine the fact that their an example of Schrödinger's minority simultaneously being both considered white and non-white in western society and with that you get men who are both the "Awkward Nerds" and the "swarthy foreigners" at the same time
No. 913707
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>>913683Maybe books like Magnus Chase’s adventures, Harry Potter, you could even try just browsing the library or a bookstore in the English section or any book that catches your attention that isn’t too mature or like, with heavy themes so you can try downloading it in English for her to read.
That’s if she likes reading, of course.
Maybe you could tell her to try writing some poetry or short stories, or even what she has done during the week or what she wants to do in the future, like a diary with pictures that she can print or draw herself, it would be nice.
Then you could do your corrections on post its so you don’t scribble over what she wrote as you explain what can be bettered and such.
Or you could correct on another page or put a shiny sticker if she got everything right. Like pic related.
No. 913710
>>913708i just put the toilet paper down to keep the public toilet water from splashing on my ass, that gives me heebiejeebies.
honestly just own the wind noises, wtf is anyone gonna do about it?
No. 913712
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If my acne only improves with birth control does that mean I have hormonal imbalance?
No. 913729
>>913721It’s not a scam, but whether you should have a life insurance plan is very context dependent. I’ve seen a lot of people who unnecessarily have one as a young person without dependents, in which case there usually isn’t much of a point.
Of course, life insurance companies are as scummy as any other type of insurance provider, so they’ll try as hard as possible to find a reason not to pay out after a policy holder dies. That’s pretty much the norm though for all types of insurance.
No. 913735
>>913721No, but you don't need it unless you have dependents.
I have it because I work in a foreign country to support my mom and grandma back home, and here I don't qualify for any kind of healthcare so if I die, they get the money.
No. 913756
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What is "policel"? A polyamorous incel? I feel like I've heard this term before but I can't recall what it means
No. 913810
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>>913684did u remain friends after they told you?
the way I justified what I did in my head is by thinking about how disgusting men are and that I needed to know what he was really like in case anything changed down the line, really that was the only reason I checked too. But now I know tmi like what type of women he likes and I’m afraid my behavior will change to fit that, although a lot of the stuff he said I’m already like, I feel i will overdo it and he will find me obnoxious. I just wish he hadn’t told me at all ugh but then it’s not his fault I can’t be a freaking normal trustworthy person smh I feel like becoming religious just so I can confess to anyone but him
No. 913816
>>913787Snatch him anon
>Does have some troubles expressing complex feelings out loud though.Easily remedied with a back and forth feelings journal
No. 913838
>>913555Sounds like this guy I know except he IS knowledgeable of internet culture but is critical of it on top of being critical of consumerism. Never thought a man could be that pure, I feel like
the scrote when I’m around him
No. 913852
>>913847Yeah, I was at the mall trying to get some gifts and I was talking to myself like usual. Some man talked to me like
>sorry What?And I looked at him and just told him
>ah sorry, It’s not with you, I’m talking to myselfAnd he was like
>ah, okayAnd I left to keep doing my stuff.
No. 913950
>>913925I always have to do it because I managed to get a t-shirt all fucked up when I didn’t separate them.
Now I separate clear colors from dark colors and those are subdivided by hues, white and pitch black go on their own.
No. 913973
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Has anyone overcome an addiction by herself? I'm not just talking about alcohol or drug addiction but also Internet or binge eating, etc. How did you do it, what was your method?
No. 914050
>>913973Look up all the info on "how habits work", basically is a method of identifying your
triggers and trying to avoid them as well as replacing that habit you're trying to overcome, with a healthier one
No. 914139
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>>914135i'm an international super spy
No. 914267
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I'm bpd-chan, and I chose to isolate myself from making friends/relationships because I know I'm at real risk for hurting people I care about, but I've become so lonely that at this point, I absolutely must go back into the world for awhile
So my question is: What kind of person would you enjoy hanging out with? Please feel free to add as many details as you want, I'm going to try to build a facade of a personality around this advice, as I do not have an actual personality of my own
No. 914335
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>>914318Maybe it’s the way you act? It’s possible that you’re doing anime poses and mannerisms that you haven’t noticed yet.
I used to read a bunch of manga, and watch some anime so I was never a full fledged autist doing kawaii hand poses or flapping my hands like and idiot, but there was some guy who did all of those things and even sat like an uwu anime girl, he did all of that unconsciously.
Are the people around you like, trying to kill people into anime or something?
No. 914345
>>914318How old are you if you're like 18-21 anime seems to be popular so it shouldn't be a big deal. The main thing that gives it away is just attitude, you can usually tell if someone is a femcel if they start obsessing over other women are getting clingy and talking about others a lot. As for physical appearance as long as if you aren't trying that God awful anime/doll makeup or wearing ddlg gear you should be fine if you don't get an unflattering Tumblr haircut.
I'm legit diagnosed autistic and usually distract myself since I'm so fucking awkward and can't relate to other people to make friends at all so I just took a bunch of classes and joined a bunch of clubs at school and work full time just so my schedule looks full and I seem smart since I'm the vice president of a STEM club, in the honor society, and I play volleyball and it keeps me worked most days of the week hoping people never catch drift of how cringey I truly am. That's my biggest issue at least
No. 914358
>>914333>phone wallpapersgood point, i still have to change that.
>>914335i actually worry about that. i don't act like an anime girl, but i think my expressions are always a little exaggerated from being parked in front of a tv from the age of 5 onwards? idk. how do you stop being too expressive??
>>914345i'm almost 30 and starting grad school in a few weeks.
my main motivation for this is that i just don't like being associated with weebs anymore. i made three good female friends during my undergrad years and they look completely normie. one is a hardcore gamer but looks like a normie, one is slightly into kpop but looks like your average minimalist/zero waste/vegan normie, one is into tumblr-y nerd stuff like star wars, hamilton, spn but looks like a normie. i just made the experience that normies/normie looking people with weeby/nerdy hobbies are 10x more bearable than visibly weeby weebs. there was one hardcore weeb (think greasy hair, galaxy print aliexpress skirt and constantly mentioning cosplay) in my major and she was the most obnoxious person. everyone in my major was very open minded re: nerdy hobbies, but that one weeb was not liked by anyone and when people mentioned her, they'd always laugh awkwardly and call her 'very special'.
i also find it much more pleasant when i see someone who looks like a well adjusted normie and then i peek at their phone from the seat behind them and they're watching anime. i happened to walk home behind a girl with a haikyuu itabag the other day and i just felt embarrassed on her behalf. i don't know, i guess i just want to look as well adjusted as possible.
No. 914365
>>914358I understand,
Well, to avoid doing anime or uwu kawayiyi poses, practice at home, when you start noticing that you’re doing something like flapping your arms or moving your hands like an anime character would, stop yourself and keep your hands to yourself.
Like, cross one of your arms, put your hands on your hips, hold something, check your phone.
Don’t put your hands in your pockets because that will make you seem extremely unapproachable though.
There’s going to be a moment in which you won’t act like an anime character.
Look at yourself in the mirror and look at the way you act, a great way to do so is seriously going to a gym, you will be focused on working out but when you catch a glimpse on the mirror, you will notice if something is wrong or not.
No. 914452
>>914318Owning “Kawaii” items/Sanrio(if you’re Asian you can get away with it imo), dyed hair especially if it’s that half and half style or colorful wigs, e-girl make up, knee high socks, button badges on purse.
Some of these things can depend but if you want to avoid being clocked as a weeb just keep your wardrobe simple and don’t have over the top reactions or mannerisms.
No. 914464
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Is it a woman or a man? This person goes by they/them in and while my troondar is usually on point I'm a bit skeptical for this one (I wanna say woman because of the interests but you never know).
No. 914524
>>914516Look, smell, taste
If its fine, its fine
No. 914665
>>914664Zero impulse control and their brain deteriorating from fat and unhealthy diet/lack of exercise
Srs. Being fat is one of the most dangerous things for your body. I honestly don't know how so many people fetishize being overweight and defend someone killing themselves
No. 914667
words will never express how grateful i am to this anon who posted her in /m/ years ago. she truly is great.
No. 914677
>>913911Not that related but I love that people only see the eyes, it's ironically so easy to do facial expressions to me now. Without mask I never know when to smile or not, if my smile is natural enough, if I don't look sad or angry when I don't smile during a conversation and so on. Now you just squint your eyes a lot and people's mind will fill in the most friendly and natural smile.
Same with other people, they only have 3 expressions now: smile, neutral, shock. Very easy to read and not overthink their involuntary face movements.
No. 914690
>>905662not sure about that since i havent heard of it… honestly i cant tell which polls are the least biased in the first place
my question: why do some people always smell good to the point where theyre walking up to you and its like a perfume smell? even when theyre outside? like i dont get how people get to smell good all the time like to an overpowering point does anyone know what i mean lol
No. 914691
>>914678this is my playlist as someone who’s been seducing normies into “getting” her:
1. leaving the city
2. easy
3. sprout and the bean
4. only skin (yes it’s 16 minutes long)
5. esme
6. sapokanikan
she’s amazing. musicians like her is why i picked up music in the first place. lots of cool girls in music, from musicians to engineers
No. 914726
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>>914714>>914719my bad, I always assume it's hungarian when I see the 'sz'. I wish I could actually learn the language but I'm too dumb. the question still remains tho
No. 914854
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Since lolcow has currently reached 1,000+% on their ko-fi, does that guarantee that the site will be up for at least 11-12 months?
No. 914914
>>914895Mm yes
>Ouah listen while I brag about my trip to here and here and here for the 500000 time>Now listen while I talk about my perfect life with my perfect family in Paris, are you jealous yet ?>Do you wish you were me yet ? I am great, no ? Give compliments pleaseIts both men and women that do this, too annoying
I wish I could ignore them but I was working with people like this, idk how to say this in English but they always brag and try to show their life as perfect as possible. Bitch I don't care
No. 914960
>>914925Actually Irish from the Republic of Ireland. AIROI
>>914926I have factored in potential alcoholism, yes.
No. 915039
>>915027anons have been very boring today
>>915037this i can get with. maybe after i do something with my family. still dont know what though
No. 915050
>>915011You could eat something nice at a restaurant with your friends or maybe do a sleep over mixing the champagne and movies that the other anon mentioned.
Or you could go to a nice brunch.
No. 915064
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>>914893follow up question: what are your experiences with English guys? How are they different from men of other nationalities? Is it true they tend to cheat?
No. 915078
>>915067I knoooow, that's the part I spent the most time on actually! But putting the keys higher was off too, so I decided on this one.
>>915070>>915077It is, thank you so much!!!
No. 915370
>>915340use a teeny tiny bit of hair gel or a gel serum on an old toothbrush and just brush them into your hairline/the part if you’re obsessed with it looking sleek. like
>>915366 said, shaving it won’t look normal. personally i have baby hairs around my hairline too but i think they’re cute.
No. 915372
>>915340i think some people just dont have them
i used to hate mine and cut them when i was a retarded teen and it looked weird for a while, like a wig
No. 915396
>>915387i looked this up really quick because i’m bad with words
> Baby hairs are fine, feathery hairs that rest right on the hairlinei have these “baby hairs” all over my hairline, always have, but especially right in the middle for some reason. they’re almost like bangs kek.
No. 915401
>>915394I literally have zero interest in it.
It bores
>>915396Probably depends on hair type.
No. 915435
>>914814pretty sure thats how most french ppl/quebecers are
>>914768>>914799thanks nonnies!! ill keep this in mind. i have diffusers im hoping thats okay?
>>914854i wondered the same + also if we donate is our personal info exposed?
No. 915443
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so, i am quite confused rn. i send my friend a cute funny video and then soon after he sends it back to me via another messaging platform…… i ask why he resent it and he said it didnt send the first time… i ask what he means since i was the one that sent it to him first and he was like, you did? and seems confused and then i just drop the subject
is it what i think it is? really liked him ngl
No. 915548
>>915485>what's the big deal?I'm asking myself the same thing, what's such a big deal about having meant to send it to someone else that he felt a need to lie about it? I know you were asking me, i find it a big deal because if it is that, the fact he felt he needed to tell a white lie over something so inconsequential means he's proooobably most likely a compulsive pathological liar. and again, i like him still, unfortunately.
>>915525uh no, i hadn't even thought of that, but that possibility is easily discarded bc what he resent was a video, not a message I sent.
gosh I sound really unhinged and he's not even anything of mine other than a friend.
No. 915717
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Why is this woman’s back like this? At first I thought it was just stupid anachan posing but now I’m wondering if she has some sort of condition.
No. 915726
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>>915722>>915721>>915717>>915719and here I thought that the monster high doll backs were insane
No. 915743
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Isn't Elizabeth Breunig that one girl whom the internet, or parts of it, fawned over because she was so cute and especially "childlike"? Maybe that last part is especially only from a small portion of the web, but I knew people who adored this girl because she looked so young and like a "loli" or whatever still. Now I see this name in the left cows thread and I wonder if it is me drawing wrong connections or if it is really this person I am thinking of, because she really doesn't look so cutesy or young at all
No. 915846
>>912870Oooooh I love lentils
They're dry lentils, right? I would cook them with some onion and garlic, and spices like paprika, cumin, coriander, sometimes I put cardamom or tumeric in there, then add some kale and about 3:1 veggie stock. At this time I usually put some veggies to roast in the oven.
Now when your lentils are done, I add as much
vegan butter as I like and add some fresh parsley, salt and pepper to taste if I have it. Then serve with roasted veggies. If I'm roasting potatoes with the veggies I'll normally chop and par-boil them first so that everything is cooked at the same time.
No. 915853
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>>912870Rice with lentils and fried onion
No. 915854
>>913630It's ok, I feel you.
nonnie it's not that deep I just like a guy with angular features, a huge nose and curly hair.
No. 915962
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>>915853i need the recipe
No. 916026
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Sorry for the newfag question (I've only been here for a year or two). but do I have to sign up to join the up coming townhall thread? If so, is there a way to do so without a google account and anonymously?
No. 916036
>>916033no bc humans are incredibly vain and also driven by the desire to show off to others that they are successful, happy and popular
it takes some mental fortitude to not have any social media
No. 916087
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Nonnas I'm doing some research to make myself feel better so please be honest. How long has it been since you last had sex? 2 years this november for me and in my friend circle this is pretty much considered turning back into a virgin, which isn't exactly helping me cope
No. 916117
>>916101it's not bad I'm just personally a lonely bitch starving for affection
>>916102wish I could get on your level nona I agree it's wacky and nasty but I still miss it fml
No. 916132
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What the hell is going on in meta?
No. 916169
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Are Portuguese people considered latin, hispanic or white? I've heard different people say different things
No. 916177
>>916132It's a cow with a crush on admin who's begging for attention because her thread isn't delivering enough.
>>>/snow/1191408>>916139No that's a different one, tsundere-anon.