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No. 678298
>>677917I started practicing demonolatry a few years ago and it turned my life around.
I want to add a disclaimer by saying I despise all of the witchy aesthetic girls on tik tok. They clearly have no clue what they’re doing and just think it’s cool.
Basically I work with a specific demon, I keep an alter to him in my house, and I meditate to him, leave offerings daily, and draw his sigil.
I know this sounds totally insane but there was a direct correlation between my life turning around and getting involved in demon-worship lmao. If I want something and meditate/pray on it to him it works out 99% of the time, even if it’s something totally unrealistic
No. 678300
>>678298Did you make it up? Is their material i can read about it?
I'm interested and willing to try anything at this point.
No. 678304
>>678298How did you study this? I think witchcraft is really cool and wanna get more into it, even if I don't end up actually practicing it. I'm not tryna sell my soul to a demon, but I'm still curious.
What happens if you stop giving him offerings and worship? What does he do for you in return?
non-believers don't make fun of me No. 678307
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>>678298Anon if you're trolling I still appreciate you deeply
No. 678313
>>678300No, there’s lots of material. If you research goetic demons online you can find plenty of resources. I’ll link a few here.
You can work with different demons depending on what your specific goals/interests are. Some demons are very eager to work with people, while some are more selective. I work with mammon and Lucifer primarily. Mammon is notoriously difficult so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend him for someone just starting out with demons. Lucifer is good for beginners and while I haven’t personally worked with Bune Or Baal both are strongly recommended.
This website has an archive of resources on goetic demons No. 678316
>>678304Most of my goals have been financial and related to gaining energy, motivation, and beauty. I leave sigils and meditate for advice. I have had more financial success than I previously thought was possible since I started working with demons.
It’s fairly different from traditional Wicca/witchcraft because the whole philosophy behind working with goetic demons is different.
No. 678318
>>678304Depends on the demon. Some will punish you, some will just stop helping you.
I would recommend researching heavily before getting involved with any particular demon to understand their temperament. Mammon (the demon I primarily work with) is strongly associated with financial success but he’s not one you would want to break commitments with.
I leave offerings for him every night, and I have for the past 2 years or so.
No. 678319
>>678298I have q's anon pls:
Do you have to sell/alter your soul to work with demons? I watched some vids and apparently the stuff in demon texts makes you lose your mind and soul. (Not being edgy, I don't want to become a vindictive person because I got some power)
Do you have to do stuff like moon water? (I find that stuff really embarrassing and silly tbh).
No. 678389
>>678319No: I don't use moon water. Almost all of that tiktok witch stuff is BS. It's just girls who think it's cool and edgy to mess around with witchcraft and try it as an aesthetic. Also, moon water et al is wiccan/witchcraft which is very different from demonolatry. Witches worship the earth, not demons.
You do not have to sell your soul. That's an outdated reading on Christian mythology. You just develop a relationship with a powerful entity, in exchange for an output of energy.
>>678318No, I practice something closer to Modern Demonolatry, but I do use sigils in my practice. this pdf outlines everything pretty well, but it's very long.
I do practice some of the rituals that are outlined in the pdf, In my experience meditation, connection, energy, and intention are the most important things when developing a relationship with a demon.
No. 678398
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one of the things that made me not dead inside anymore is having actual goals that you're looking forward to do. Save enough money for that one phone or jewelry, saving enough money for a trip. Urban exploration, or moving in general can help reignite something. Also the whole philosophy of absurdism forced to put me into perspective of it all. Being dead inside is usually a phase people usually go through, and it takes a bit of time to gain a sense of life back. It usually comes along with the feeling of lack of autonomy, lack of goals, and lack of motivation- so you need to gain both of those back.
also as a skeptic I am very weirded out about the witchy stuff going on in this thread but whatever makes you happy anons
No. 678408
>>678397Ok, so, what is a demon?
The literal meaning of demon is 'replete with wisdom' and it comes from the greek term daimon which means 'divine power'.
Demons have been around since pre-Christian times. For instance, Lucifer was the pagan sun god, but his image was perverted by the Christian religion. (at least that is what I personally believe)
Demons are just ancient gods, devils are the actual malevolent spirits. Since I don't believe in traditional Christian Mythology I personally don't believe in angels.
There absolutely are people who worship angels as deities, and archangel Michael is a common one, that just doesn't line up with what people who are involved in Demonolatry believe to exist.
No. 678442
>>678389How does hell look like?how do demons age?how do they die?can you trust them?
Apologies for overwhelming you with questions
No. 678491
>>678442Demons present themselves the way they want to be seen. So the way I see a demon is not the way you would see the same demon. There tend to be similarities, eg most people I've spoken to say that Lucifer, in particular, is very handsome.
I don't believe in hell, and I'm fairly certain that demons do not age or die. They're eternal beings full of wisdom, knowledge, and power.
Also: If you are genuinely curious about this subject please don't get advice from girls on tik tok with black hair and heavy makeup wearing ridiculous pentagram jewelry. I personally don't share the fact that I practice demonolatry with anyone besides my significant other, and even he doesn't know the full extent of it. The kind of people wearing 'I worship DEMONSSSSSZZZZ' on their sleeve for cool points are probably not the people you want advice from.
(also Lucifer and Satan are separate demons, but that's a whole different discussion.)
No. 681236
>>681220I have been trying it as did someone I know. It didn't work for them. for me, I think it played a role. The key effect i ascribe to it is helping me think from different points of view. That's my theory at least. The relief gave me hope that I am capable of less anxiety/depression, while obviously shouldn't seek it in drugs and part of that is the "high" feeling, it still gave me hope. When you're doing it, it feels different every time in terms of your thoughts and feelings. a lot of times I thought about philosophy which sometimes went good or bad. But there was this one time I felt true self-love. I could think of every past mistake I hated and instead feel overwhelming love and compassion. I guess I should explain it like this: for me at least, those different ways of thinking affirmed my belief that our minds are very subjective. Yes I was high but even in terms of religion, whatever you believe is your reality. Along with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy teaching me that my constant negative thoughts were not based in reality, I think that caused a breakthrough. I want to attain more productive thinking in a normal, sober state. And even though I was high that time, I felt more compassion for myself afterwards. I also found new perspectives on many other things.
Like I said, though, the other person had no help from it. Also, I'm not addicted but I notice I look forward to doing it very much. So please keep in mind it could be dangerous that way. For me I don't think so but it is in my mind as something to avoid. Also I'm paranoid about it affecting my physical health (no issues but still) but if it truly helped me as I said then I guess it's worth something.
Lastly (this got long sorry) about losing the effect, I was off it for a while (too tired to recall how long but months, after an incident where I was sick and had too much in me) and I didn't have any huge relapse. Things were just lagging. I went back only when I learned what truly went wrong and my friend said he thought it had helped me be more cheerful. I got back on and since then much better. You have to stay put while you do it and keep calm, content. You mold the experience. I think that since I have new beliefs and openness to help, that relapse is not so big a worry. I'm collecting the tools in therapy and life while I'm ahead, to support me going forward. I hope this helps. Whatever path you end up on anon, I really hope you can find relief, and I doubt there is only 1 answer but boy we know they can take a long time to show
No. 681244
>>681226Because the practice I follow is literally called demonolatry, and the rituals/beliefs I follow would all fall under the demonolatry umbrella, not the pagan umbrella.
While Lucifer is a Pagan God, some of the other demons are not Pagan Gods so it would be generally misleading to call it that. For instance Mammon, the demon I primarily work with is not a pagan god.
No one besides my boyfriend even knows I work with demons (and I've lived with him for 2 years so it would be impossible to hide) so I don't really care about 'weirding people out' people don't know about it.
>>681229yeah the goal of this was not to convert lolcow. If anything it's nice to talk about because I don't feel comfortable sharing it with my co-workers or family.
>>681226I see an image when I meditate, but I have not had a demon physically present themselves to me outside of meditation. There are people who say they have, I'm just not one of them.
No. 681251
>>681244were you ever afraid of demons in the past (aka seeing them from a Christian-type perspective) and if so, how did you overcome that? what changed your view of them not being bringers of certain doom?
thx for answering us. I'm not sure what to think but am intrigued. the catholic guilt will probably keep me away kek
No. 681303
>>681244kind of expanding on what
>>681251 is asking, did you feel any concern or fear about receiving negative consequences when you first started your practice?
No. 681350
>>681303Yes, the concept definitely freaked me out at first. I grew up in a Christian household and had a lot of fears and misconceptions around it.
I didn't start off doing rituals and working with specific demons or drawing sigils every night. I started getting involved with some more mainstream occultism, and I saw positive changes in my life. So I dove deeper into occultism and found demonolatry, and the more I practiced it and developed a connection with certain demons the more dramatically my life improved.
No. 681542
>>681375She already linked upthread
>>678313 and
>>678389 (unless there are others that would be worth mentioning too, but quite a lot in the first one)
No. 681887
>>681350Is there a way to safely stop worshipping and making sacrifices to these demons? You mentioned that a demon could punish you if you were to stop, and that the one you work with is hot-headed. What if you only started making sacrifices to reach one specific goal?
I hope this doesn't sound snarky (this is also a genuine question), but do you think it's worth it to do this everyday for the rest of your life? I honestly would get tired lol
No. 682035
>>681895Please rekindle your relationship with Jesus before it’s too late. Those demons are not going to save you a throne to sit on while in hell when you (hopefully not) get there.
The devil/Satan/Lucifer is known to deceive its prey - us, and you’re falling for it.
Your “blessings” may be nice and abundant for now but there is always a price, and you may not keep your soul.
I am so sorry your relationship with God/Christ didn’t work out the first time but he still loves you no matter what! He will always love the sinner but not the sin. He will not punish you for your involvement with the occult but will welcome you back into his arms and forgive you just like he forgave us sinners who came back.
I will understand and respect your wishes to continue to do as you please but it’s never too late to come back to him, anon. Your soul is still yours/his so there is always a chance! Just please be careful with those things because as I said, those demons
will ask for more than you can handle.
God bless.
No. 682095
>>681883Nta but I tried to get into demonolatry once and some sources say there isn't even a need for a physical sacrifice. Some mention drawing sigils and putting something of yours on it (blood, saliva, hair, other liquids) or some items you value, doing something that would appease your specific god/demon (I recall it had to do with their element) and then burning or burying it. Of course though some books mention killing animals, or just doing something while thinking of them, as if you're offering what you're doing to them (can be eating, having sex, masturbating, meditating). The thing with demonolatry is that there aren't just one or two sources that explain everything, it's a lot of books and interpretations by various people.
And you shouldn't treat them as your servant, they won't do what you ask and then disappear. You have to be in a firm and strong mindset while approacing demonolatry.
No. 682127
>>682103>>682105I mean the Jesus anon is no more right/wrong/cringe/whatever than the demonolatry OP. She just voiced her concerns in a respectful way.
>religionIt sucks that there is conflicting lore and nobody even knows for sure if anyone is actually right.
No. 682137
>>682135I am not the Jesus anon, what shit are you on?
Also I replied to the exact posts I wanted to. IDK what's your problem.
No. 682157
>>681350Can I ask where you started off? I'm doing birth charts and meditation rn, it seems to be good so far.
Heard about spirit keeping which is like getting a spirit companion, but it seems like its a coin flip on whether the seller sends you what they promised.
No. 682210
Anons, I had a good laugh with your talk about demons and all. Don't get me wrong, you do you, whatever breaks the routine and makes you happy. As long as you don't actually hurt yourself, then who's gonna know?
My 2 cents: break the rules sometimes. Without getting caught, without doing something truly risky. Try and don't get addicted to anything, anons, better a life of boredom than a life of addiction.
I would personally second this
>>677979 No. 683942
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>>683228this made me think of that otome game with those bishie demons called mammon and asmodeus but honestly idk if you talking about fuking actual demons is better
>>683342i wonder if i should ask if it's possible for me to be prescribed ketamine.i haven't tried any anti-depressant drug in years but i dont seem to come around and it's been too fucking long and i keep failing in my life and not moving forward