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No. 928754
You have the right to be stupid.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/916183 No. 928762
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At what time of the day does casual texting (so not work/emergency related) with a guy automatically count as flirting? I never knew this was a thing, but some of my friends said that texting after 10PM is automatically flirting, and others said that it’s nit flirting until after midnight. Is this a real thing? Should you only text a guy/reply to a guy after midnight if you really like him?
No. 928765
File: 1633216832549.jpg (11.79 KB, 296x337, Sarah_barnes.jpg) anons, look at the pics in that link (too many to post, none are clear, could not decide which one to post). That's "Sarah Barnes" picrel (real name Loui Batley) from Hollyoaks right? Her wiki says she sings in a band but it's not Lulabells. I am so bad with faces. What do you think?
No. 928779
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Which thread is this anon referring to?
No. 928781
>>928767I don't really see it that way.
If I'd receive a message at 4:30am from someone I just met, and it read something like "Hey, you awake, I'm bored, wanna chat?", I wouldn't find that abnormal at all. At most it tells me something about their sleeping habits.
I also honestly couldn't care less if my bf texted a girl after midnight.
If he were to flirt with another girl, he could do that literally any time of day.
Doesn't really make sense to me to be more suspicious after midnight.
No. 928820
>>928815I searched a bit on Google and the first thing it depends on, is if it actually is real bamboo or just one of those plants that look like bamboo and are colloquially called bamboo but actually aren't, well, that.
I think some places also have emergency services for animals, maybe something like that exists in your area and you could call there and ask?
No. 928895
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why don't fast food places (or at least the ones in my part of burgerland idk) sell chicken wraps anymore?
No. 928919
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what song is this?
No. 928963
>>928956if you mean can you cure them no they're not curable
like all mental illnesses there really is no cure just therapy. lots of cluster b's don't respond to meds well unless they've got another disorder that contributes to their misery that will respond to meds though.
No. 928973
>>928965"Remission is the stage where you no longer meet the specified criteria for a BPD diagnosis. Recovery is less well-defined, but suggests that you are able to function in all aspects of your life for an extended period of time. This includes holding down a job and maintaining meaningful relationships.",job%20and%20maintaining%20meaningful%20relationships.
No. 928977
>>928972But isn't a personality disorder an array of bad habits based on incorrect thinking patterns? So in theory you just have to change the belief and then the behavior
>>928973Thanks for the link but the specific pd I'm particularly interested in is dependent personality disorder. But I guess what counts as recovery is similar for all personality disorders
No. 928997
>How have they managed to be so self-reliant? It's a tiny island..
They have a large, dense population who actually pay for music thanks to strong copyright laws and citizens who like to follow rules. They've kept their physical market alive and kicking, they took much longer to catch onto smart phones and streaming than other places so it's normal to buy CDs/DVDs, and they use gimmicks and tricks to inflate sales (eg buying multiple albums to get votes for your fav idol, or buying special versions with extra songs, etc). And they have facilities for huge tours, their domes are massive and they have 5 main ones - a few nights at each dome, and an artist can make as much as a world tour would. Since they only have to travel within the country, it keeps travel/production costs down and fans will go to multiple concerts at different venues. They also sell an excessive amount of merch, at the concerts I've been too you'll see old ladies with suitcases filled with it lmao. Basically the cliche 'big in Japan' exists for a reason. If you're big in Japan, you don't really need to be big outside of it because the industry makes enough money on it's own.
Anyway that was a bit of a sperg sorry, I used to hardcore stan a group that was popular there and unpopular in their own country so I was constantly defending their earning capacity lmao. Cringe af but at least I learned something.
No. 929063
>>928820In case you're interested, the rabbit is fine. I was panicking over nothing. Seems like the one leaf she ate is not enough to do anything.
Anyway, I'll be buying hay tomorrow so she'll stop eating random leaves. Her last owner didn't know how to properly feed her, only gave her pellets and some greens and left her locked in the chicken coop, so she is a bit stressed but not sick.
No. 929133
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How do I get an icelandic spouse so I can live in a comfy country where I can soak in hot springs?
No. 929145
>>928729Kek korea is not seeking western validation.
What they're after is globalization.
No. 929169
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UK nonnas please help.
A creepy old scrote colleague of mine mentioned today that he's prohibited from owning a smartphone, I'm guessing because of some law he's broken? What crimes can result in such a sentence? Is it most likely a sexual offence or an offence against children? He's always given off really noncey vibes.
I'm annoyed that none of my other colleagues thought to mention it to me. I'm worried for myself, but especially worried for the younger girls I work with. They're not even 18! Surely we have a right to know if he's a criminal??
I've googled around but can't find any definitive answers. Can anybody versed in the laws here give me an explanation?
No. 929215
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>make a YT account like half a decade ago
>forget password
>have no way to verify that it's my account
I don't want to lose my extensive library of liked videos and 'watch later' list. Should I give up?
No. 929221
I've got a sore throat and am due to fly over and see my family for the first time in 2 years tomorrow. I got tested and it's not COVID. It'll be my last opportunity for a while. I should just double up on the masks right? The airlines say don't travel if you have cold-like symptoms. A sore throat should be OK, no?
>>929187IMO it's the most common form of child abuse. Parents with trauma externalise their issues and project to their children. My mom is/was bulimic and I swear is trying her hardest to give my brother an eating disorder by constantly trying to force food on him and guilting him on how little he eats, which I'd say is a healthy amount anyway. I'd say she's a dumbass but I mean, it's a mental disorder so she's probably all fucked up in that department and thinks she's doing the right thing.
No. 929280
>>929268>Also when I said that I screwed up with giving job hours she was like "I literally just asked for those hours and they gave them to me?"Idk anon, of course I wasn't there to hear her tone and see her expressions or whatever but if someone said that to me I'd take it as an encouraging "I just asked for those hours and got it without a problem so you can just do the same"
>she just befriended an older woman who is by all means more successful and better than her and she wants to get to know her. In that case does it sound like she actually thinks lesser of me?I truly can't follow your logic here lmao
No. 929282
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a girl i'm friends with is very clingy and kinda weird. today she sent me a message on whatsapp asking about my new years eve plans, i didn't open the message because i'm hungover and am gonna respond tomorrow when i feel better. 1-2 hours after the whatsapp message she texts me saying she messaged me on whatsapp. and now she just tried to call me.
i usually reply to messages quickly, but i'm like wtf chill??? i hate how ppl expect other to be available at all times, like maybe there's a reason for me not responding to ur message asap…
this is not normal behaviour, right?
No. 929286
>>929282that seems too pushy yeah
also this just made me realize that new years is in less than 3 months what the fuck
No. 929294
>>929290As long as he's not a midget.
Seriously tho at this point it's just a stupid meme men parrot around. Besides, wtf would you do with a guy that's 190 and you're like 160
No. 929299
>>929280No it was more condescending than you're suggesting because she knows I can't change the hours but just wanted to reinstate how 'easy' it was. By saying that it makes it seem like I made it a big deal and screwed myself over when I could have just been like [friend] who simply asked them for the hours she wanted. Which yes I obviously did but I don't need it rubbed in my face.
And also the older woman is like a case of her wanting to befriend someone intimidating. So if she actually has no problem with intimidation then is it possible she just talks down to me because she thinks I'm dumb/a pushover? Or maybe I'm intimidating because it's another context?
No. 929309
>>929290Honestly idgaf (I'm short myself) but short men ime have big height complexes that won't be solved even with ego stroking by their female partners. Even my ex who seemed really chill about his height used to make himself an inch taller because he was insecure about being 5'8 although he has no problem with women.
Short men usually have some thorn in their side that you'll never pluck out of them. There's also some research finding that they're angrier than tall men idk. I haven't tried dating but for now I think I'm gonna stick to tall men because I'd rather date a guy with less problems and complexes.
My dad is short but never thought anything of it because he was a popular dude throughout life. Nowadays short men develop a
victim complex by their teenage years thanks to the opinions of men on the internet and they think the world is truly over for them. It could be that Gen Z men are fucked up bc of this partially.
No. 929320
>>929299People generally aren't condescending directly to their face to people they're intimidated by. I'd say it's more likely she thinks of you as a pushover. You may want to stop the self-deprication around her just to be safe.
>>929308Try passwords you frequently used when you were younger if you haven't already. If that doesn't work, idk what you could realistically do to get access again.
No. 929328
>>929309I think those insecure guys take comments women make about men too personally. Just because I prefer taller guys doesn't mean I go all "oh no, you're only 5'8, how embarrassing, I would never date you" on men. It just means that I am more likely to get attracted to a taller guy in the first place. But that isn't some sort of huge dealbreaker and I don't go around measuring guys' heights lol.
Plus women are way more likely to compromise in terms of looks compared to men so idk why they're even complaining. I know a short few men who don't browse the internet much and some of them weren't even aware of the "women prefer tall men" meme. Meaning that none of the girls they dated bothered them about that. So unless you're a literal Hobbit there's a small chance your height is going to be a dealbreaker.
No. 929394
>>929212Ewww how do people even do this? Ig that scrotes are disgusting but wb the women?
I have a "body count" of 1 because I'm timid af but even if I was more extroverted I'd probably only have like 15 max? I'm 23 btw.
No. 929463
>>929451As many as it takes to soak up the entire cup of tea
jk but tea and cookies are delicious so imo 3 is showing restraint. If you're not trying to lose weight who cares and if you are just keep an eye on the calories, idky you're worried.
No. 929593
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Do eyes make you feel uncomfortable? Specially in art? Why? I have a friend who is always uncomfortable with my drawings because I like to put eyes everywhere, she doesn’t know why but it’s something that makes her feel queasy, so I want to know why some farmers would feel that way.
No. 929639
>>929633no, stop being retarded
>>929636yes, usually children.
No. 929779
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>>929169Speaking of pedos
Why Uk loves child abusers so fucking much?
>robert thompson and Jon Venables released at 18 even though they tortured and killed a 2 year oldSo how long would it take doxers to find these two child killers?. No one knows what they look like and the last pictures of them are from 93. No. 929780
>>929169He’s a paedophile. Google his name and you will find out why.
He’s not merely a rapist, they don’t tend to have bans on owning smartphones. He is 100% a paedophile and could have done anything from child rape, to upskirting schoolgirls on a bus, to looking at cp, to being caught by an undercover talking to someone he thinks is a child.
At best, he’s been looking at beastiality porn.
No. 929781
>>929779I’m from the uk and it hurts to see these scum. Literally here if you try to dox them or mention them you can get prison time. It’s absolutely disgusting. Especially since Jon Venables reoffended multiple times. My blood boils.
Here in the uk it’s mainly the Indian/Asian immigrants that end up being the rapists and pedos. So many stories about them and their corner shop rape dens of young English girls.
No. 929782
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>>929779The English have a long tradition of protecting child abusers
No. 929795
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>>929792They can fucking well try kek. The Bobby’s are more likely to shut us down and lock us up for “transphobia”. His pics are all over the internet it’s easy AF to find them. Can’t find Robert Thompson because he had the sense to not reoffend.
No. 929797
>>929791I've seen "sexual supression" as a very lousy excuse cause, you know, the holy can't fuck ever /s . My guess is it's millennia of power hungry men who just keep a vicious cycle going; the
victim becomes the predator.
No. 929819
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>>929810Have another one cunt
(stop spamming) No. 929833
>>929819How could anyone be friends with him and eat with him? The fact that he did all this, reoffended and is just…walking free.
I just checked his Wikipedia page and what the fuck, he never stopped reoffending. Since 2010 he's been doing this shit, and they want to send him to NZ, Australia or Canada to protect his anonymity because they already funneled £65,000 just to keep him unknown. Why would someone like this be protected?>2017 imprisonment
>On 23 November 2017, it was reported that Venables had again been recalled to prison for possession of child sexual abuse imagery. The Ministry of Justice declined to comment on the reports.[126] On 5 January 2018, Venables was charged with unspecified offences relating to indecent images of children.[127]
>On 7 February 2018, Venables pleaded guilty to possession of indecent images of children for a second time. He pleaded guilty via video link to three charges of making indecent images of children and one of possessing a "paedophile manual" that included advice for would-be child molesters, including instructions on child grooming and evading detection.[128] He admitted being in possession of 392 category A, 148 category B, and 630 category C child pornography images, and was sentenced to three years and four months in prison. In September 2020, he was denied parole.[129] No. 929835
>>929828He himself is a rapist piece of shit and deserves the same. Not because he raped huckle, that doesn’t matter, but he raped
Someone else in order to get himself in prison. He’s not based, he’s also a pedo piece of shit.
They have him 34 years for it though which is more than they give to people who do the same to little kids. Uk courts are scum.
No. 929843
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>>929782That guy had some weird occult shit
No. 929893
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>>929891And nambla was celebrating sexual abuse allegations agaisn't jackson. WTF?
No. 929906
>>929867There are numerous documentaries on youtube that documents his fucked up relationships with boys through the years.
It's disturbing how the rest of the world choose to look the other way because he was rich and famous.
No. 929925
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>>929894Nta but it is a "artistic" photography book with boys. It has a lot of suggestive shit, even if the boys are clothed. Pedos love it cause it's basically legal CP and it's always sold out
No. 929942
>>929925so this is what that one
nonnie in the dream thread was having a nightmare about
No. 929994
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Why is Lolita fashion called like that and not literally anything else like, idk, neo rococo or doll fashion? I’ve tried looking for answers but nothing makes sense anymore.
No. 930007
>>929994Because japanese women in the late 80s thought it was edgy to do so
It's a mess. I really wish it had another name, but it's kinda too late
No. 930131
>>930121The new game cookie run: Kingdom is actually really nice and it’s kind of replacing the original game because a bunch of people prefer the story of that game.
So lots of people are talking about the new game.
No. 930164
>>930153I never saw pony cartoon posted so I had no chance to get mad at that.
I'm just tired of seeing sonic everywhere. I can't even tell the threads apart anymore just by looking at the pics.
No. 930179
Should I not meet with guy friend irl for the first time until i get some cosmetic procedures done and i'm confident about my looks? do i tell him this is the reason? make something up? wall of text incoming soz lol
i met this guy online, and he loves my personality, but i can tell he's not very physically attracted to me at the very least. it's an awful feeling bc i'm attracted to him both physically and as a person in general. he definitely makes me tingle and i don't even tickle his pickle. I think i know the feature he dislikes the most on my face, but it's one that i will never change because I don't want to. i just refuse to because i think there's other stuff that while not as unattractive, if i fixed, my worst feature will not look bad at all or at least not as bad as it would otherwise look. plus i've come to tolerate it, and don't want to risk getting botched to look generic and not like myself. anyways, right now i am a neet, and when i start working i'll need to chip in with expenses bc i live at home, plus resume my classes, which will probably extend when i start (fillers are cheaper for what i want but i want to go the natural route so i need to save alot more $). I got in a car crash for the first time right at the start of the covid lockdowns and have an injury lawyer negotiating monetary compensation and i planned on getting a car when i finally got my hands on it but now i think i'll spend it on my face. I know me changing my face reeks of desperation but i've disliked these things about my face ever since noticing them, just had talked myself out of fixing them because ~nobody's perfect~. He's more of the motivation that got me over my hesitancy. I know I would go up a notch if i fixed them and nobody will be able to put their finger on why i look better because my "unattractive" feature will still be there. He's a catch all around so i'm not willing to let him just slip past my fingers only because I refuse to put in effort into my appearance. I can see how this situation in the long run is perfect to have him emotionally cheat on his wife and i don't want to. And i'm also not willing to count on the off-chance of letting him become attracted to how i look rn and/or compromise because then if some other girl with my personality and better looks comes around, then he may leave me. and even if it ends up not being enough to put me in the attractive category for him and bagging him, i'll still be happier with myself and confident that if i meet another guy like him (i mean really, this man is an unicorn) then i'll be attractive all around enough for them to like me more than just platonicallly.
Another fear of mine is that it isn't my face at all, but my flat chest that will never make me attractive to him, gulp. that i'm never changing though.
No. 930188
>>930187hypothetical future wife lol
he's single
No. 930191
>>930188Get the surgery because it's something you've wanted, but don't bet that his mind will change for it.
Guys typically know within the first interactions if you're someone they wanna be in a relationship with and it sounds like he isn't treating you like a woman on his radar which is a bad sign. If a guy isn't half attracted to you on the basis of your personality and other features then he isn't the catch for you, imo.
No. 930209
>>930191the thing is that he seemed attracted to me until we cammed, and then since then it's like he is struggling on deciding whether he finds me attractive or not. what makes me think he was attracted to me is that he acted like we were in a long-distance relationship. He still does, but a lot less. i want to help him make up his mind and decide, but i know if i take him up on his invitation to meet up, he'll decide that he's definitely not attracted to me.
>>930199no need to be fucking rude. I'm not getting plastic surgery, i'll be getting rid of some acne scars and getting some stuff done that isn't really permanent, because it'll disappear with age.
>>930203jesus christ if you're not going to give a well thought out answer don't reply at all, don't be a bitter cunt.
>>930207I've always been unsatisfied with my looks though
No. 930212
>>930209i forgot, also getting braces
>>930210the thing is i know i already have his heart, but if i get in a relationship with him, i know he'll struggle with not cheating on me. i'm barely average in looks
No. 930224
>>930209>struggling on decidingIf he's not attracted to you, he's not still deciding, he isn't attracted to you. And he won't be after some minor "fixing". I'm not against getting surgery (especially for acne scars, I know how much they suck) but don't delude yourself into thinking this is how you're going to get him to stay. You're going to be very disappointed.
>>930212You need to ask yourself if it's even worth going after a man who'd be "struggling not to cheat on you" in any scenario.
No. 930234
>>930209>the thing is that he seemed attracted to me until we cammed, and then since then it's like he is struggling on deciding whether he finds me attractive or not.Toss him anon, at best he only sees you as a means to get a temporary relationship for validation or sex or both.
Something similar happened to me once with a mutual. My bestie was encouraging me to pursue this guy and he seemed to be really into me as we chatted and talked on video more than a dozen times. I was at a dark place at that time so it felt good to try to change myself to please him because I thought he was cute. There was another woman on his radar so it felt like he was weighing his options, and maybe I should have seen it as a red flag. He was planning to come to a party I was hosting, but one day after a vid call he just didn't seem into me anymore and he backed out of coming to visit. I thought at the time maybe it's cause he peeped a shot of my entire body and didn't like that I was fatter than the other woman. Tbh he was pretty manipulative and I'm glad he pulled away, he definitely had the markings of being
toxic. I lashed out at him and proceeded to burn the entire bridge for wasting my fucking time and getting my hopes up. A guy who really wanted me wouldn't have done that to me.
Fast forward to the present with my husband, he told me he knew from the first moment that he wanted to be with me. During one of our first video call interactions, I ate this overripe, juicy peach that one of my roommates left out. He told me it was one of the most disgusting and vulgar things he'd ever seen a woman do, but he loved me for it. Why? Because he was attracted to me and knew he wanted me. Men don't give a fuck what you do when they want to be with you. They accept you for you at face value.
No. 930242
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>>930179You're mentally ill, love. And also sound underage
Also fuck your scrote
No. 930249
>>930218every time someone wishes me negative shit i end up having a lot of good things coming my way lol
>>930224all men will struggle not cheating on you if you're not attractive. don't be naive.
>>930214he's the type to only get with someone if he knows he won't leave them. which is why i sense his hesitancy and want to make sure i looks as best as i can. if i'm wrong then i will probably cry a lot be depressed for a little while and then feel better surely? what do you think i would do?
>>930234he doesn't not like me because of how i act, just how i look, which is worse
>>930242i'm 22
also you don't even know what he's like. If you were in my position i 100% guarantee you would be at least considering the same as i am.
No. 930270
I'm a game dev looking for female-only groups that aren't full of men in programmer socks. Any suggestions on where to find these? Or at least that don't allow political discourse, porn and selfies to be posted?
>>930249Move the fuck on anon and find someone who is attracted to you. You sound completely unhinged trying to mold your appearance to fit this dime a dozen scrote.
No. 930273
>>930249>all men will struggle not cheating on you if you're not attractive. don't be naive.If you truly believe this, that makes this whole thing just plain sad. Dropping $$$ on a new face to impress a guy who's gonna cheat as soon as someone with a better face comes along? What are you going to do, keep buying new features every time a more attractive girl enters his vicinity?
>i 100% guarantee you would be at least considering the same as i am.This is untrue. It's not healthy or normal behaviour.
No. 930285
>>930268my question was if i should tell him hey lets not meet until i get braces (not telling him the rest), or hey i'm not confident about my looks and will be getting some stuff done so dont want anyone to see me until then, not including u, or not tell him at all.
why has no one suggested i meet him pre getting everything done, that maybe he likes me? and that if i still want to get them done then do it after? no one even answered my question
>>930273anonnnnnn, your reading comprehension skills, please. i'm not objectively attractive rn. not even unconventionally tbh. it's not about a tier of attractive faces, but about whether your face alone is pleasing to look at. mine isnt. all faces are attractive in a different way, no such thing as a better face. i just want to get mine to attractive is all.
it's realistic behavior anon. if you met a guy who farmers would label a nigel when you talk about him, you would totally be fixing that insecurity of yours you coped your way out of fixing
No. 930294
>>930285I think most anons aren't bothering with those questions because they're addressing the elephant in the room, which is that the guy isn't behaving like someone who's into you to begin with so it's not worth pursuing at all.
You should only get plastic surgery because it's something you want. I mean, meet up with the guy and find out? The worst that happens is that he thinks you're hideous and he continues to treat you as he has been–disinterested.
No. 930320
>>930316I want this to be true because
I want to believe there are women out there being more retarded than I was with men kek.
No. 930321
>>930294i never mentioned what our "friendship" is like at all. youre getting my interpretations of said friendship, which may very well be wrong.
>>930303moids with potential to be a nigel will not be a nigel if they somehow end up in a relationship where theyre struggling not to cheat.
No. 930374
>>930357Could be! A serum with tranexamic acid, glycolic acid or vitamin A will help - just make sure you use SPF.
I used the inky list night treatment once every two days and nip+fab glycolic bubble mask once a week to get rid of a long line of flat redness from a healed cut on my cheek and you can't even tell anymore.
No. 930533
>>930512I never thought about that. My boyfriend has a funny high pitched cry-laugh when he finds something super funny and I always liked it.
Now that I think about it more, the men I've met tend to have pretty quiet laughs unless they're in a group having fun. Never crossed my mind people would laugh to get attention so now I feel naive? Or like I never noticed something important.
No. 930560
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Is highlighter still a thing or did it fall out of fashion? I don't wear makeup but I don't notice it on people anymore
No. 930706
>>930699It’s honestly difficult, I even tried looking for “budget makeup” and it’s all drag queen shit that makes you use 300 products.
I would go for the basics like usual, a bb cream, powder, some eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick, maybe eyeliner if you got enough time to make it look nice.
No. 930844
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Is this type of keychain a common weeb thing, with how it's printed onto plastic? I'm getting stalked and someone is leaving weird letters and keychains outside of my house for me to find and it's quite grotesque.
No. 930857
>>930849>>930851thanks nonnies, I tried searching for the specific character and couldn't find it, I don't watch anime. Was wondering so I had an idea of what type of person to watch out for.
>>930852Kind of creeped out, they leave poetic notes about my appearance and leave weird shit like that, knitted crafted stuff that smells foul too. I live alone so I ordered some security cameras. I'm a shutin that works from home with no friends and only go to the store so idk.
No. 930867
>>930862Oh that makes it alot more terrifying, I googled it and that's disgusting. I wasn't going to contact the authorities because I thought they wouldnt take weeb love notes seriously but that's concerning and I'd like to have a record of it
>>930866I thought it was a crude vagina monster
No. 930869
>>930867That’s insane,
nonnie, call the police, that faggot or insane woman could be trying to harm you, specially if he/she is into anime personalities’ archetypes, you could get seriously hurt if not murdered.
Please lock your doors and windows properly and maybe contact a neighbor so they can help you in case that fucking retard even tries to approach you.
No. 931085
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>>931060try doing this for a while
No. 931091
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why don't so-called 'introverts' not feel drained from online conversations even though the whole point of introversion is that they feel drained from social interactions? Is it because, if their feed/friends were replaced by AI chatbots, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference?
No. 931104
>>931098Anon that sounds really awful maybe you should just stick to masturbating and stop putting yourself through hell for someone else. Idk why you keep doing it if it makes you feel so bad but no one is entitled to your body.
My dumb question is do grandmas and grandpas in japan actually wear robes like traditional dress at home? I feel like I've seen a good amount of shows where that's the case but with all those layers I highly doubt they're waking in the morning to put it on
No. 931107
>>931091I get drained from online conversations too, like sometimes I have to close a group chat and go do something else because I just don't have the energy to "talk" to that many people, or if I get private messages (that aren't about anything urgent or important) I sometimes take some time to respond, even if I'm not particularly busy or anything. But online conversations are less draining though, with irl conversations there are so many things going on at once, like body language, tone of voice, eye contact, you have to respond almost immediately and don't get as much time to think about what you're going to say, also you can't just get up and leave mid convo, go take a 20 minute break and then come back to continue the conversation like nothing happened.
>>931090Not at all. There is no fixed timeframe or age for when you "should" learn to draw, because it's something you can keep doing for the rest of your life, all you need is to just be able to hold a pen and not be completely blind.
No. 931119
>>931060I went through this last year anon, first you've got to accept that the obsession is unhealthy and even though this thing feels like a global emergency only you can deal with, the truth is that the topic doesn't matter. It could be anything, and if you go cold turkey on tranny hate content you'll just replace the obsession with something else. Your brain is fixating on this for a reason, and you've got to dig deep and face the truth or it'll never get better.
I don't know you, maybe you have OCD or something you need professional help with. For me, I realized that I started obsessing over GC shit and posting on radblr every day when I lost my job, and it became a way to distract myself from my spiraling into NEETdom.
>inb4 reddit screenshots this as proof that terfs are all broken losers, I've got a job and I'm making more than ever, genuinely loving my life, still think troon ideology is a crock of shit I saved myself by blocking all my radfem haunts from my browser, and focusing my attention on things I could control like applying for new jobs. It didn't happen overnight but I stopped thinking about it eventually. Now when I see GC talking points (mostly on here) I find it so boring because it's repetitive, I know all the arguments,and the whole culture war thing seems so static and pointless when you see it from a detached perspective.
You can get better anon, but you've got to put the work in, by yourself or with a therapist.
No. 931126
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If I get dried lavender, do I need to do anything to it to maintain it? I like the looks of plants but hate taking care of plants
No. 931197
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>>930844nonnie I'm really scared for you, you really need to file a report asap, those keychains are a real warning. Please, keep us informed and stay safe.
Also, what other keychains did he left? maybe we can identify the characters too.
No. 931286
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tech anons what would you recommend using to clean up your computer's system in order to speed it up, without it deleting any important files or installed programs? I know there's sites for this but idk which one to trust I'm tech illiterate. I'm on windows 10 if that matters
No. 931305
>>931297kek, saw that picture and thought you wanted to cclean the cows here
that being said, I use that one, too, for years now
>>931286 No. 931349
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Why am I not satisfied with being with being loved 'normally' and having a healthy relationship? I would do anything in the world to have a man be so obsessed with me that he doesn't look or even talk to other woman beause his attention is fully focused on me and that he will be forever by my side. I just want to feel this toxic obsession and jealousy someone has over me as I experience it with other people. The thought makes me feel very comfortable and very loved and I can't stop thinking about it. Why is it so appealing and also can you make someone obessed with you?
No. 931350
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Low self-esteem high self-loathing. You'll grow of it. Yandere bf is only hot in 2D. No scrote irl is attractive and mentally competent enough to pull that off without abusing you kek
No. 931359
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>>931349Why would you choose that? instead of unhealthy obsession and yandere syndrome. I would be sweet and energetic, unafraid to show my love to the boy, being openly flirty and caring.
No. 931373
>>931349>obsessed with me…his attention is fully focused on me and that he will be forever by my sideI like the idea of this, but it's usually accompanied with controlling/
abusive behavior. That ruins it completely for me. If I had a bf like this but who would also respect my boundaries and would rather kill himself than make me feel unsafe/threatened, then I would marry him.
No. 931377
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>>931362Yup. instead of wanting him to obsessed with me. I would cook him a meal everyday and even feed him (that would be cute af).
Sometimes I imagine a cute blonde bf holding me while we listen to the sound of the rain outside
No. 931383
>>931349I'm like this but it's because I've been the obsessive one before and it hurts so much to have it unrequited that I want to "help" someone else by returning their feelings. In my fantasy, it soothes them and they stop being so crazy lol. In reality, a yandere would probably end up committing a murder-suicide so no thanks.
I just want someone to explore my haunted house and like me anyway, and vice versa
No. 931394
>>931359>>931350>>931377I don't mean in it in a yandere 'I will kill every man I see that has laid his eyes upon you'- type of guy but rather in a obessed way where he wants to know every single detail and thing about me, is clingy, overprotective, wants the best for me and only wants me for himself, doesn't care for other woman, admires me for everything and showers me with compliments and affection constantly and shows me off to show that I am only his'- type of guy. I know it sounds really retarded but that's literally the only way I would feel truly loved and cared for. I am currently in a relationship and I really love showering him with love and making gifts or baking him stuff but if I don't receive his full attention I get super jealous and angry for not being his first choice and him rather talking or interacting with other people instead of me who is in front of him.
>>931366I was pretty badly (phyiscally, mentally, emotionally) abused by my parents and never had a stable relationship with either of them. We would always fight and I would always get beaten up by them but at the end of the day they would apologize and promise me 'they would never do it again!!! since they love me so much!!!. I always wanted to be loved by someone but it never happened and I think its one of the main reasons for my obessive relationship desire. Especially since I was trying my best to keep them satisfied and tried almost everything to make them love or atleast not beat me but it never worked out.
I also obsess over people because I almost have no one in my life and try holding onto them as lang as possible because it's one of the ways that makes me not feel so lonely and depressed.
No. 931430
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>>928754What's the difference between race sperging and discussing a less than palatable aspect (female perspective) of either dealing with or being a part of any ethnic group, including european? The brief non-white inceloid entitlement topic in the Reddit Hate thread seemed ok to me, and nobody seems to have gotten banned for that, but I was wondering when does it become bannable? Like when is the absolute most just too much
No. 931432
>>931394ayrt I have a similarly messed up dynamic with my parents being emotionally
abusive so I understand you, sorry to have asked you to reopen the wound. Definitely feel part of my obsessive tendencies stem from my experiences with abuse. My father is more neglectful and my mother was the directly
abusive one, but they are both emotional vampires who've spent years draining the life out of me. When my father is around he's also overly critical, but not in a cruel and demanding and directly demeaning way like my mother is. I'm not sure what's worse, the kind of emotional abuse that's subtle and shits on your existence covertly, or the kind that directly states you would been better off dead. They both cut like a knife.
>I also obsess over people because I almost have no one in my life and try holding onto them as lang as possible because it's one of the ways that makes me not feel so lonely and depressed.I would say I do this as well. Certain people more targeted than others. For example theres this one person in my life who's annoying the shit out of me and a bunch of people are ghosting me, so I attach myself to ideas in lieu of being mistreated I guess. Right now it's like nobody really understands how much I need them so I'm just attaching myself to shit parasocially to avoid accessing my fullest level of insanity. I feel so weak.
No. 931557
>>931546kek anon
>>931548can you be a coomer if you’ve never had sex?
>>931551coomer means sex pest or whore of any sex to me, they’re so preoccupied with sex that they lose any sensibility in their mind
No. 931562
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>>931558I’ve said it on lolcow before, but watch Three Idiots.
No. 931566
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A coomer is a porn and masturbation addict.
No. 931573
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>>931558The Sunset Limited, not really a relaxing movie but watching two really good actors at their A game is such a treat.
No. 931576
>>931558pretty in pink
the breakfast club
neverending story
bram stoker's dracula (technically "horror" because of the dark gothic aesthetic and it's about vampires, but it's more of a romance/drama and not scary at all)
No. 931590
>>931558Empire Records
Less Than Zero
Fish Tank
Or maybe something with Audrey Hepburn in it, like Sabrina or Breakfast at Tiffany’s
No. 931616
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why does night have to be so much better than day when I'm supposed to sleep at night
why is it only then that I feel motivated and inspired to do art and things
No. 931698
>>931373>>931383Yeah this is cluster B shit, you're only going to get another cluster B to want to do that. A cluster B scrote is going to inevitably end up
abusive. I get obsessive in short bursts when someone interests me and tickles my brain, so to speak. Then I have to have everyone fuck off from me for a while to recharge. I know only other cluster B's would put up with me, but I also know I would
trigger another woman's abandonment anxiety with my behavior, even though it's temporary and a predictable pattern. I only want to date other women and abusing women doesn't fit in my code. Harming women is disgusting and pathetic and the last thing I would want to be is like a scrote. I have noticed that when I'm in a relationship with a favored person, not a favorite (don't have those), I have more a drive to be prosocial. I will listen to her counsel and she can dissuade me from some of my stupid impulsive ideas. I will even apologize to other people for her, even though usually I would rather jump off a bridge than do that. I even let my ex go when I realized I couldn't give her what she needed and I think letting her go was love? Also I don't know what's wrong with me to also have a higher likelihood of getting obsessed about other cluster B women, when single.
No. 931762
>>931758 said it can be both. I call myself GNC because I'm butch but also because most of my hobbies would be deemed "male". I think appearance is the main thing though because even if you have the most stereotypically "girly" hobbies you'll still get treated like shit for how you dress and how your hair is cut.
No. 931773
>>931753Both, it just means breaking any (current) stereotype or norm for your gender.
Some things that are considered nonconforming are: long hair on men, women being interested in oily cars, men wearing dresses, women being bossy and loud, men being shy, men being into flowers, girls not liking dolls etc
Many subcultures are pretty much excluded since they are nonconforming to society to begin with, for example it's standard for metalhead men to have long hair so it's not seen as a nonconforming gender stereotype, it's instead expected of these men to have long hair.
What's nonconforming obviously change over time, for example no one bats an eyelid over a woman wearing pants, and short hair hasn't been synonymous with being a boy in over 100 years (despite people acting like it is, just look up trendy female hairstyles from the 1920, they're all short), and men wearing long dress-like garments used to be the norm too but now isn't.
No. 931896
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How do women (esp celebrity women) who do this not feel embarrassed? Are they mentally ill? Racebending lol
No. 931897
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>>931896Samefagging, before pic
No. 931905
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> think "it would be so cool to play guitar!"
>buy guitar
>pay for lessons
>go to lessons and practice a bit
>get angry at how slow i am at it
>procrastinate practice until class
>struggle in class, embarrassed
>stop going because of excuses
>maybe it's better to go at my own pace!
>never touch guitar again
why learn if it sucks to learn?
No. 932049
>>932027afaik, the NHS provides free dental treatment but not orthodontistry or anything else cosmetic. I feel like they just genetically have more crooked teeth, possibly due to having small/weak jaws in general.
They're obviously really sore about it lol. If you mention anything having to do with teeth whitening or cosmetic straightening in any context, you immediately get some british anon charging at you.
No. 932077
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I'm broke but I want a sex toy. Has anyone used a lube bottle to get off? How is it? Is there something else that I can use that's similarly cheap?
No. 932095
>>932087Nta but my last ex cheated on me and I look back and feel stupid for not getting there first. I know it's a fucked way to look at it but he got to go on holiday with his parents for 3 fucking weeks safe in the knowledge that I was home all alone doing nothing. I watched movies and ordered take out and wasted the height of the summer that year while he vacationed.
Then he went well out of his way later on to find the time to cheat on me. Thanks
No. 932096
>>932070But last time I went to my doctor with random pain she acted so annoyed and said "okay what do you want me to do about it?"
I'm sure she has MUNCHIE written in red ink on the top of my file. I don't blame her because I had about a year when I was there every month with something new, I felt at the time like I really was suffering but looking back I should have just gotten over myself and I was using the tiniest sicknesses as an excuse to not try in life. But maybe she gaslit me into thinking there's nothing wrong because she's a lazy bitch
No. 932130
>>932085Fuck yes nona! I've wanted to out my retarded ex so many times for his gross coomerism and abuse but didn't at the time because of the "be the bigger person" bullshit forced on us. Since it's been a while if I did it now I'd just look petty. Love that you outed him, they are
very sensitive to their image and public shaming and will often put on a tough act until you actually go through with it
No. 932145
>>932130"Be the bigger person" is so trash and lets shit men get away with everything. Revenge is underrated. I never bought into that bullshit
It's never too late to out an
abusive coomer
No. 932314
>>932310Ew why would I even want to be sweaty and sticky? I don't want to be sweaty and sticky. My sex is clean and the perfect temperature. Just take a piss after, you
have to take a piss after.
No. 932323
>>932310No, sometimes it just happens so I'm not showering everytime before it lol I've washed just my vulva/legs when my bf asked to eat me out though, because sometimes I can get a bit self conscious about it, but it's not every single time.
Sometimes I shower afterwards, but even if I don't shower I'll at least clean my vulva and legs again. Very rarely I'm just tired and I sleep, but it's been a while since I was so tired I couldn't get up and clean, so yeah
No. 932327
>>932310Depends on who I'm with I guess. With one guy we didn't shower before or after, but we also didn't go down on each other. He didn't smell gross, mostly of his cologne, so I didn't mind it at all. A different guy I had a bath with afterwards. Last dude I had sex with we showered before and I made him clean his dick.
Also, please please please yes piss after you have sex. UTIs are the worst possible thing anyone has to deal with. Showers are negotiable, pissing after sex is NOT.
No. 932556
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I finished my college degree in graphic design but I figured I just want to be a masseuse.
Did I waste my time and money? Am I stupid and a retard? What do I do now? Will it be a useless degree now?
No. 932560
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Who is Isabella Loretta Janke?
No. 932585
>>932567there was a news story in my country about a similar site, that was just a front for prostitution. and on another one, they had to shut it down because too many girls were getting raped, sexually assaulted, stalked, and harrassed
i would post a link but i can't find anything in english about it, sorry
No. 932591
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>>932585Nothing is sacred, how shitty, everything has to be about sex.
No. 932624
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>>932616the original japanese
Ring from 1998 is scary as shit.
Noroi (2005) too.
>>>/m/154724 probably has some more recs if you look
No. 932672
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>>932616The Innocents. Profoundly creepy, thought provoking, and literally no gore since it's from 1961.
No. 932727
>>932713Makeup "storytime" videos on youtube about brutal murders that pay no mind to
victim are crossing the line. It's one thing to want to learn about certain things but it's another to devour half-assed podcasts/videos to the point where you have a ~favorite murderer~.
No. 932770
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Any cute ideas for decorating a plain wall?
No. 932835
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Anons who have become asexual/sex repulsed due to trauma and recovered: how did you do it? What did help you? I want to believe that this is possible
No. 932842
>>932835Got small amount of counseling, cut all ties with
abusive asshole, stopped watching any form of porn, cut all ties with any kind of orbiters and found medication that doesn't make me feel like a zombie. It's been about four years since I did all that and now I can't believe I ever thought I was asexual
Take it at your own speed, if you feel like you need to become sexual to validate a relationship then you're only going to traumatise yourself further. It's better to be single than feel pressure.
No. 932860
>>932584oh wow, thank you so much for sharing
>>932585i definitely felt like the idea was too good to be true. i wonder if there is any option to cuddle exclusively with women. i think there are a lot of women who would appreciate this.
No. 932878
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>>932770Maybe too boring of an answer, but art! I bought frames for art I've commissioned (of my dog kek) and I like to hang them like picrel. I don't like it when things are all lined up, it feels stiff as fuck. I also like collecting postcards and put them up the same way. You can also zigzag a long piece of twine and get some cute clothespins and hang up polaroids (or get photos printed out of you with friends and family, or pets, or scenic places you've been). Typing this out made me realize what basic bitch taste I have kek.
No. 932928
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>>932927I'm ESL and was taught the same. McDonald's is obviously ignoring this rule kek
No. 932930
>>932927You can say it if it's something temporary, but it implies you're unfamiliar with something and don't run into it normally.
For example, a song you love.
"I love this song." (You already know the song)
"I'm loving this song." (Implies you are unfamiliar with the song but love it)
Idk if this makes sense at all. Maybe some grammarfag can explain it better than I did.
No. 932957
>>932952See that's what this 90s article I read implied, but it's still odd to me how…normalized it is. There are so many cases of male surgeons ruining women's bodies and telling them it'll fix itself, to the point where it's clear the surgeon had malintent. But still, women keep going to them and trusting them. It's weird
>>932954Uh, why would I feel superior? It sounds like you took some kind of offense to this question, though it wasn't aimed at you. I just don't feel comfortable having men treat my body for something like cosmetic surgery, and I was wondering what makes other women so likely to trust them.
If you can't really answer, but you feel a certain way about the subject itself, that's probably a personal issue, maybe go to the vent thread. Won't even bother with the "It's all for scrotes anyway" lol, that sounds very personal, find peace please anon
No. 933054
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Is it possible to make digital art look like real art? Has anyone seen art where you couldn't decide whether it was made digitally or not?
No. 933060
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>>933054You can get very painterly brushes, but I feel like there will always be this flatness to digital art that is obvious.
No. 933070
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>>933054>Is it possible to make digital art look like real art?yes, but it's very hard.
>art where you couldn't decide whether it was made digitally or not?digital has a very distinct look, but just because you can tell it's digital doesn't take away from good brush work that makes traditional art soulful, picrel
No. 933125
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One of the anons posted a cute looking anime boy in one of the hornyposting/husbando threads, but I can't seem to find it. I think it was posted either today or yesterday and the character's name was 'momo' or something?
No. 933153
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>>933151This? It’s basically a spread made of cookies, like Nutella but It’s cookies.
No. 933292
>>933280>Is it actually that common for people to travel all the time? Depends on the needs and desires of a person, I particularly love traveling.
>how do people have the money to do that every year You can just not buy certain stuff and save some money for traveling, it isn’t that fun but then you get to relax somewhere else.
>or every few months? That’s tougher because you would need a nice income and/or help from someone else, but it isn’t impossible. There’s also people that get their trips paid by their workplaces so they can do business stuff.
You can also cut some expenses by staying with a friend or family member who lives where you want to go.
>Are most farmers actually richer than I thought? I guess, depends on what you consider “rich” traveling isn’t exactly as expensive as you might think, like, a maid that used to work for my family used to travel at least twice a year to meet her family, she would travel by bus, go to her family’s home and she knew how to move around her home country, so of course she ended up saving more money than you could expect.
>Also doesn't anyone care about how planes effect the environment?I guess, but unless you got a new and efficient idea for me to visit my parents in Africa that won’t get me killed, I will appreciate it.
No. 933312
>>933280I don't know anyone who isn't either a
>retired boomer>career travel hippie/digital nomad>just a straight up rich kid who doesn't have to work at allwho travels that frequently.
For normal well off people getting time off work can be an issue even when they have the money, I'd say it's common to have one overseas trip a year then maybe a domestic trip or two.
No. 933330
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Is this jacket worth 74 of my Canadian dollars??? Should I get it?
No. 933335
Can I get one in the uk
No. 933341
>>933330if you think youll actually wear it more than once, its worth it.
if its one of those things where you think it looks cool but when you actually buy it you never end up wearing it because you dont feel like you can pull it off irl, dont do it.
(for the record i like it and id probably compliment someone irl if they wore this, its pretty cool)
No. 933345
>>933341It's totally my style, I'd probably wear it almost every day, it even matches the colors I like wearing the most.
>>933340It says cotton polyester
No. 933505
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would being high on a cns depressant help you hold your breath underwater? like if you were accustomed to a certain dose, but prior to swimming had dosed right up to the threshold where your tolerance was. would that cause you to take/need less breaths overall therefore being able to hold your breath longer?
No. 933593
>>933330You should slap a cute kitten applique over those ugly tags. Otherwise, absolutely.
You also need to share the brand and where to get one of these, nona. I need one, too.
No. 933705
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>>933702Yeh, there ain't a single thing sexy about Undertale. Except Mettaton, he very much wants to be sexy.
No. 933718
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I need to know why twitter defends pedos,zoophiles and animal abusers so much.
A furry,leftist,antifa member by the name of onebiggrumpyrat has been openlly advertising his status as a zoophile and created a zoophile podcast about how fucking animals is okay (zooier than thou"). I have links to his twitter and youtube. I like to warn you all though his twitter is littered with some disgusting as hell tweets about animals and sexual content. No. 933756
>>933724>>933718>>933718 is getting normalizied,this is fucking terrifying
Protect your pets from these freaks
No. 933913
>>933882>it would be okay to wear high waisted pants over it for working out and such.Yes, some people have no issues with weaeing leggings etc over them. Just make sure the jewelery is not too long so it won't get snagged.
>do you think i could take out the piercing to work out and be able to put it back in after or would it close up?This depends from person to person. But if you want to keep it then don't take it out.
No. 934061
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Why do so many zoomer girls say they're bi?
Is it all just one big larp to "enjoy their youth" because they think this somehow adds to their persona?
I can't even see myself with another woman emotionally, let alone have sex with her. A guy I dated recently was genuinely surprised I wasn't into girls at all, yes, really.(stop being retarded )
No. 934073
>>934061It’s honestly retarded and I can’t think of a good reason to pretend you’re attracted to something you just don’t like.
It has to be updoots and such, because like, you’re only attracting the kind of attention you don’t want.
It’s like saying you want to fuck old men but you actually find them repulsive.
No. 934094
>>934071Does this mean we'll have a generational wave where all of the previously self proclaimed bees will revert to saying they're straight again if (unlikely) people ask? Will we all turn into our moms and tell our little goobers the same stuff they did about growing more conservative with age?
>>934073I don't think there is much room for comparison because people people nowadays think being bi is the norm for cool girls so maybe they just want validation.
>>934081I mean I get it but why not say "Well, I'm still questioning" instead? Saying you're bi when not knowing is just conditioning yourself & scavenging for brownie points.
No. 934101
>>934089I'll put it here then.
How would you make a hairstyle look smooth/sleek and playful at the same time? when I try to google ideas it just shows regular straight hair.
If I make the entire thing straight cut, combined with the hair color I'm using it would give off too much of a 'serious' vibe, but I cant make the whole thing messy either because it won't go with the overall silhouette I'm doing. I'm thinking of having the general hair look smooth but making the bangs choppy or spiky, good idea or no?
No. 934103
>>934061We're living in a time where everyone has to have some sort of special identity to cling onto and slur word to reclaim. Fake bis are just too cowardly to take the tranny/they/them pill (thankfully).
Do you guys think this all started from Black burger politics or lgbt bugers? Imo it's the former.
No. 934132
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>>934105>>934081Sometimes I feel like my bisexually is just a product of coomer brainrot. Even though logically I know I’m fully open to an emotional romantic relationship with a woman.
I feel guilty being turned on by women a lot. It’s like “Was I simply trained to sexualize her because I was extensively exposed to the male gaze??” It doesn’t help that I got porn/hentai addiction at like 15, recovering.
Even innocent situations like getting a crush on a streamer or finding myself admiring a woman’s physique makes me feel guilty. I get upset thinking about how by just liking a girl I don’t know and having sexual thoughts about her makes me the same as scrotes and makes me wish I was straight. I feel extremely guilty about liking yuri(bait) manga and anime.
No. 934148
>>934145Yeah if it’s detrimental to your health and not something you’re passionate about then by all means switch
nonny. Gotta say, you’ll face bullshit from pickmes and queen bees in other fields too…
No. 934540
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sewing anons, is there any way to shorten the straps of a top that are like a cord like picrel?
No. 934548
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if i dressed like pic related every day, would people think i'm insane? could i still find a boyfriend?
No. 934554
>>934548>would people think i'm insane? Nah, It’s pretty a pretty tame style tbh, if you went out wearing a monokini with crocs and a feathery boa,
that would make people believe you’re insane.
>Could I still find a boyfriend?Yes you could, I think a nice boyfriend would think you look neat.
No. 934583
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Nonas please help me make a hard decision.
I have two sketchbooks and I need to pick which one to draw in first.
The first one is pretty on the outside, but is thinner (like a notebook) with not so good paper.
The second one is not pretty but it's thick as hell and has nicer paper.
No. 934654
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Has anyone had experience recording their study sessions with the Xbox games bar recorder? I often enter a state of flow, or just goof off on a different website for like 5 minutes and I honestly don't want to constantly note down how much I study, so I've considering screen recording my study sessions and then measuring how long I study vs goof off later on
No. 934669
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Can a kind anon translate the pic-related comic?
No. 934684
>>934669Girl: [finally] the part time job is over~
Boy: yes, good work
staresG: what?
B: since you're wearing little makeup, your mood/feel is completely different (you're always doing it black)
G: is it weird?
B: it's not weird, you can show it to me
No. 934685
>>934684domo arigatou anon!
Thank you so much!
No. 934711
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This might be very stupid, but why are 2 bars 130 calories and not 140 calories? These are the Outshine lemon fruit bars if it matters.
No. 934736
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fellow autist anons, how do i flirt with someone without accidentally saying/doing some goofy shit and making myself look like a complete retard?
No. 934740
>>934736I guess by giving compliments, I’m also autistic so my instinct tells me that I should block and ignore the person that I like until he tells me that he likes me after the Virgin Mary slaps his face with the holy grail.
But you could try giving compliments, sending pictures of stuff like
>haha these two cuddling doves got me thinking of us hahaAnd planning shit, like
>oh interest of mine, we should totally go to next year’s art expositionTo show that you see her/him with you in the future.
I think those tactics are not useful against dense people, but if nothing happens by the second year of talking every single day, go full retard and say that you two would look amazing with your tongues interwoven under the moonlight.
No. 934751
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>>934747Well, that’s true, in any case you could say
>haha these two cuddling doves are cuteAnd if they say
>haha they look like usThen it’s a good sign.
No. 934792
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I know Disney doesn't allow cosplaying after a certain age and only allows Disney bounding, and I read somewhere that this is to keep the image of their characters intact with trained staff because of the kids and such - so is genderbent cosplay also forbidden?
No. 934901
File: 1633844064287.png (2.63 MB, 2540x1610, ahamilk.png)

what's up with this??
No. 934917
>>934901"[It's a] nice [and] cold
Ice cold
No. 935003
File: 1633864053121.gif (1.03 MB, 300x100, 10A3F477-26BB-444D-BDE4-2A9FDF…)

Who/what is this banner from?
No. 935059
>>935054If you can, bathe her in coconut oil. You can Google how to get rid of fleas with coconut oil, I find it works very well and even keeps them away for a long time after.
I think you could take the cat to a no-kill shelter, if there are any around you. Whatever happens, don't put her up for free on any listing site or app or anything. It's 4chan, but the board /an/ could offer some help too, especially based on where you might live. Tons of people go there for help with stray animals they can't keep.
Also, thank you for helping the cat, anon, I'm sure she'll remember it. I hope everything goes well
No. 935081
>>935003This is a dumb question on lolcow because she is so infamous for sperging out on here, but I love you for it, anon.
The woman in that banner is Dakota Rose's sister, Kiki/Kaka/Kikikannibal/Kirsten Ostrenga. She went by Lilou Vos for a little while when she was trying to get into acting; the banner is from her being in a very low-budget (we're talking Z-tier) horror movie.
No. 935314
>>935298It comes across as entitled and presumptive, like if they don't find her hot there's something wrong with them.
Obviously the fact that she's fat and thinks she's hot is what's driving the outrage though, any other context might cause no offence at all.
No. 935337
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I want to buy an analog camera but I am clueless about which one to get. Do anons have advice on which one is good for beginners? I thought about getting a praktica like pic related but I am still unsure
No. 935375
>>935361No it’s not normal, but once you get in the habit of doing that you have to train your brain in order to stop. Make an effort to notice whenever you feel yourself going down that road, stop, and distract yourself with something else until the feeling passes. Even if you
did have your fly down or lipstick on your face or whatever, noticing it and feeling bad about it has 0 benefit to you and makes you feel worse.
Speaking from experience here; I’m in a lot better shape socially once I learned not to engage in those thought patterns.
No. 935457
>>935448It is inappropriate. Not only because it seems like it's rubbing you the wrong way but it's also extremely disrespectful to being sexual towards other people immediately after breaking up with their long term partner (and even more so while with)
+ We all know most men think a "break" is just to be able to morally fuck around until they can benefit from their original partner financially or emotionally again. If I were you I'd try to step in and shut him down ASAP, I know way too many girls who were extremely emotionally damaged by that, and one who caught an STD while her and her boyfriend were on break and he was the only one messing around. Please shut him down before it gets messy, if he's talking to you like this chances are he's probably harassing or being creepy to other girls too
No. 935475
>>935457Thanks anon! I do enjoy talking with this friend but next time I'll be sure to shut it down, good to know my gut was right. While I appreciate that he's trying to better himself while they're on break, it sucks he's just like any other man out there (but am I really surprised? not really).
I did tell him that I did feel jealous that his girlfriend and him love each other so much that they're taking time away from each other to work on themselves and things that were straining their relationship (to me, it felt like a conscious act of love and wanting to do right by each other), but he said he wasn't even sure if they were going to get back together since they aren't the people they needed for each like they were when they first got together, so that threw me in for a loop… Otherwise, shouldn't you just break up? I guess that's why he thinks it's okay to make the comments that he has.
No. 935689
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>>934844My husband in real life.
No. 935693
File: 1633951362037.jpg (Spoiler Image,299.84 KB, 782x2048, 20211011_132039.jpg)

Why the fuck is this girl's ribcage so wide compared to her shoulders, photoshop to make her waist look more skinny?
Warning: mentally ill ana-chan pic
No. 935703
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How likely is it that type 1 diabetes caused my ex's erectile dysfunction? He was 21 and couldn't stay hard. I believed him at first but now I'm thinking it was because of porn addiction.
No. 935711
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Can we ship and kiwifarms like this?
No. 936119
>>936098From what I’ve understood whenever an anon spergs about femcels, it’s basically a woman who won’t suck any man’s dick just because he’s a man.
If you don’t think all men are kings or some shit, you’re considered a femcel.
No. 936196
>>936187I do feel unsettled as well, it’s weird, it’s like the equivalent of “loli” or barely legal or something like that.
What makes me feel annoyed is when retards will try to gatekeep “twink” characters or even people like
>omg But he’s a twink!>what happened to the twink?!?!?1!?2It’s so weird and kind of gross.
But then again, it’s probably just used for characters and famous people. Right?
No. 936205
>>936196I find it gross too like in those uses you paraphrased. It has weirdly sexual undertones
>>936203I don't know it reminds me of ancient greek pederast dynamics
No. 936254
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What is this matrix thing that's replaced the discord?
No. 936264
>>936216Yeah it's not wrong to have tastes outside of burly geriatrics. Also men everywhere are like
>um akshually it's normal and natural for men to be most attracted to 14 yr old girls because that's when women are the most fertile and they have no eggs after they hit the wall at 20 then you've got anon like
>hey guys, doesn't this word that could potentially be a vague reference to attraction to a 17 year old boy seem fucked up to you??No offence to anon, I know it's from the goodness of her heart, but the contrast is comedic and I don't think the poor suffering twinks really need a wk.
No. 936296
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I'm reposting this from the vent thread because I need advice
I changed my phone number for the pettiest reason today, so no one of my old contacts talks to me every again. i dont care. The number is prettier and easier to recite too.
I just am not in the mood to keep in touch with some people from my college. I graduated this year, but haven't seen most people more than 2 years ago, thanks to covid on one side. But now I'm just, not feeling it. Which is dumb because old me always wanted to make a bunch of contacts and be nice and whatever. I feel much more like an hermit now and it makes me feel guilty. But sometimes you outgrow people… I wonder if I'm not just being paranoid though. Truth is I want new friends.
Please anons let me know what you think, idk anymore. How to stop feeling guilty about not wanting to keep in touch? feels wrong
No. 936342
>>936296Funny, I've done stuff like that and never even thought twice about it.
Realize that if these people were not close enough to you that you would tell them about your number change in person, they probably won't care much in the grand scheme of things. You're not obligated to keep in touch with everyone, and for them you'll just be another uni friend they were vaguely friendly with for a short period of time that now moved on to something else. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
I just now re-read your post and you haven't seen them for 2 years. It's really no biggie anon, no need to feel guilty about it at all. Covid made a lot of us grow apart, so I don't think anyone would ever resent you for it.
No. 936356
File: 1634026875243.png (776.66 KB, 1200x733, imagen_2021-10-12_032110.png)

Is it morally wrong to find him attractive? honestly one of the best looking links. I'm asking for real here
No. 936371
File: 1634027480639.png (974.71 KB, 1024x768, imagen_2021-10-12_033141.png)

>>936359Whenever there's an "adult" link, it means he's only 17. I learnt this not too long ago. The only real "legal" link there is, is the one from BOTW because he's like, 117 years old (or… still 17 because he's literally in a coma chamber regenerating his body for 100 years, whatever)
Pic related is twilight princess link, also 17
No. 936374
>>936359Samefag, but it's also weird because adult link is regarded as an adult by the fandom in every iteration ever where he's tall and clearly not a child. His official illustrations also depict him in a very mature way. People have been "lewding" link since forever and I see no one being upset at this or anything like that
But also, characters like the ones from Hero Academia that also look "adult-ish" but in a cartoonish way are seen as morally wrong to find hot. I don't really watch that so I don't care. In the same vein, I think the characters from Naruto Shippuden aren't 18 either but everyone was making porn fanarts of all of them when that thing was at its peak.
I just want to know what the moral implications are here and why does everyone seem to have a different standar for these things? What's
problematic, and what isn't? Where is the line drawn?
No. 936441
>>936374>What the moral implications are here and why does everyone seem to have a different standar for these things? Well, I think it’s a matter of context, while during the Zelda games, adult link is being teased for being “barely legal”, you kind of forget about him being underaged because he does lots of mature things and looks mature while doing so.
Sure, he shouts like any other anime character and such, but he still has a mature air around him.
Sounds like groomer shit, but he’s a fictional character, so it’s not the same as saying that an ugly ass real teen is mature.
>What’s problematic, and what isn't? It’s
problematic still, nowadays you have lots of people seething at those making porn of link because he’s
l I t e r a l l y a minor, technically, most anime, cartoon and video game characters
are minors and therefore, nobody should be creating porn of them.
But you do get a lot of people justifying stuff like Link with different ideas, like saying that since you grew up watching him, it’s okay; or that since the game was released, he would be an adult
this one is popular, you basically celebrate the characters’ birthday and assume that your favorite character is now an adult or that because he looks mature he’s basically an adult but that the age the developers use is just for relatability issues.
>Where is the line drawn?When the setting makes the characters feel childish.
Like on the first naruto series or my hero academia, they’re teens going to high school and they’re learning how to be productive members of society.
Anything within a school setting should technically not be considered fit for creating porn of because it’s clear that the characters are underage.
But if the characters are outside a childish setting, you can ignore context clues and consider them adults, like in Genshin impact and TLOZ, in which the characters are too busy saving the world to be worrying about growing up as teenagers.
No. 936462
>>936449Yeah, I think Naruto was given a pass because of the
>Well, I’m the age of the character, therefore it’s okay for me to look at porn of themKind of logic, which is kind of fucked when you think too much about it, but they’re drawings so eh.
Naruto has been so popular for so long, that people from the time before tumblr’s popularity would create porn of the characters for shock value, so you could even say that the Naruto porn has been normalized to the point that It’s expected to see it if you like the series.
I honestly don’t really get why it’s okay to somehow create naruto porn before the time skip because they’re actual minors with actual adult selves, you can’t pretend that they used to be adults because they weren’t.
I guess it’s because naruto is considered an “old” anime so nobody really cares about it anymore?
Maybe zoomies are too busy trying to shove many trans headcanons into newer stuff to care about naruto.
No. 936482
File: 1634037904785.png (916.93 KB, 1400x700, imagen_2021-10-12_062506.png)

>>936441>But if the characters are outside a childish setting, you can ignore context clues and consider them adults, like in Genshin impact and TLOZ, in which the characters are too busy saving the world to be worrying about growing up as teenagers.But what about skyward sword then? Link goes to school with zelda in the prologue of the game
Also dunno, for me genshin impact looks too childish, and there's many girls there that look like the "loli" stereotype
I dunno. I'm not someone who watches cartoon porn to begin with, but I think Link is very attractive in many of his (adult) iterations. Is it bad to like him?
No. 936506
>>936482I never played skyward sword tbh, so I don’t know just how much it would influence people into thinking that Link is a teen in that game.
Like, if you like a character and find it attractive, you won’t go to jail, specially when the character doesn’t look like a kid with child proportions who acts like a kid.
Saying that Link is hot as an adult isn’t the same as saying that young link is hot because they’re different, one is literally a kid and the other looks like an adult and acts like an adult.
Also, don’t forget that people will get mad at you for liking hot anime guys because some retards never got a good tard wrangler to keep them away from the internet to sperg about their cwoomfort chwaractwers being sexualized.
Yet you will see faggots creaming their crusty underwear for anime little girls who are going to school, but no one bats an eye at that at best, or will joke about it at worst. Ie: Maid dragon’s little girls.
If you want your social media to know about your undying love and lust for your favorite characters, just create an alternate Twitter handle with a random e-mail so nobody bothers you.
No. 936524
File: 1634040763822.png (1.23 MB, 1200x848, imagen_2021-10-12_070108.png)

>>936506>I never played skyward sword tbh, so I don’t know just how much it would influence people into thinking that Link is a teen in that game.I don't really know honestly. I guess he's just like any other adult link there is. I didn't play the game either, honestly he looks kinda ugly and acts too much like a dumb anime character, so I never found him remotely attractive
>Like, if you like a character and find it attractive, you won’t go to jail, specially when the character doesn’t look like a kid with child proportions who acts like a kid.I guess this is the case with link then. He is always acting mature and does combat stuff and doesn't look childlike at all. He's the only husbando I have really. Like I said my favorite one is the BOTW one and he's 117 so I think that might be okay??
>Saying that Link is hot as an adult isn’t the same as saying that young link is hot because they’re different, one is literally a kid and the other looks like an adult and acts like an adult.Ewww god no. It's like saying the link from wind waker is attractive. It does not sit right with me.
>Yet you will see faggots creaming their crusty underwear for anime little girls who are going to school, but no one bats an eye at that at best, or will joke about it at worst. Ie: Maid dragon’s little girls.God I hate that type of retard. They always get away scold free. It feels so disgusting that most anime fans are like this.
>If you want your social media to know about your undying love and lust for your favorite characters, just create an alternate Twitter handle with a random e-mail so nobody bothers you.Tbh I don't have social media and I keep my love for link secret lol. I don't even look at porn of him or anything but he's just very cute and very handsome to me. So I wanted to know if it was morally okay. For example I used to think Deku from Hero Academia was very cute without having watching it but then I learnt he's still a teen and it ruined it for me. I assumed he was in college or something. But now I just don't find it morally good to do so. I also had a slight crush on Bakura from yugioh growing up, but he does progressively age as the anime goes on (I think he might be 19-ish in the last movie he was in and cannonically he was born in 1979). So yeah this kind of insight is important to me.
No. 936543
>>936540Kek that's pretty good, I'm taking from
>>936536 to remove the "cis women" and make it "AFAB cis/nonbinary" and come up with
>Polysexual queer sapphic lesbian with a preference for AFAB cis/nb and trans men No. 936546
>>936543Kek, sounds perfect to me
>>936539Why in the fuck do trans shitheads police other's sexuality? it's supposed to be lgbt not tttt. I swear to got it's a cult
No. 936547
>>936542samefag but I just had an epiphany when re-reading my sentence.
why is it that having fetishes in the LGABCD is good.. and kinkshaming is bad.. but my FETISH FOR VAGINAS is bad?
its my fetish. don't kinkshame for it.
No. 936549
>>936547Because they hate women. They have to shoehorn their dick in every situation.
>Literal furry piss scat kink? = GOOD and VALID!!!!>Wearing BDSM shit on the street near families?? = EMPOWERING!!!!>Recolecting women's tampons and putting them inside their hairy assholes? = omg YASS queen. Love that gender euphoria!!But the moment you say
>I like vaginas.They're like
>>936542Isn't the correct response to that just "Ok if I have gynephilia, then you obviously have autogynephilia"?
No. 936732
File: 1634056754642.png (13.53 KB, 462x367, 1634056543352.png)

Is there some (love)story behind this pic?
No. 936737
>>936735They pee candies and lose a foot.
t. Doc. Nonna
No. 936738
>>936735Their blood insulin rises a lot and this causes a lot of complications to the body, like taking longer to heal wounds, bad blood circulation, brain fog, blindness, pancreatic failure, etc
Source: dad has it
No. 936847
>>936732Nonny fell in love
No. 937014
File: 1634072878684.jpg (23.1 KB, 380x380, 8001841091587_PHOTOSITE_202107…)

Eurofags do you have an anti-dandruff shampoo that works (for a monthly use)
No. 937051
>>937014Agreed with
>>937018 (well, the anti-dandruff variant).
No. 937156
File: 1634085900003.gif (360.41 KB, 300x198, 5871DA6B-9B5B-4ABC-9C05-60A398…)

>>937149Nta but whenever I want to download some music, I just:
>go to YouTube>find music I want>put on a VPN of a country that doesn’t have any annoying laws about pirating>put on my pirate costume>give poly a cracker>search for YouTube to mp3 converter>YouTube link of video in active YouTube to mp3 converter website >download>insert in iTunes>sing “you are a pirate” No. 937213
>>937135hmmm I don’t know about ISP because where I live piracy is the norm (I’ve been pirating ever since I was 9, pirated Sony Vegas Pro lmao and songs to put into my iPod) BUT if you’re looking for songs I’d suggest blogs, specifically blogspot, for music. Sophie’s Floorboards is great for emo bands. Also (go to the search docs link) and soulseek. I’m always too lazy to torrent so I just download whole albums from vk or blogpost. Invest in a VPN if you’re worried.
Can you tell me what are you looking for? Maybe I’ll help.
No. 937219
>>937213Nta, but just use this only instance where Reddit is useful tbh
No. 937258
>>937251samefag but I'm assuming when most people find someone sexually attractive, not just drawings anyone at all, surely they imagine having sex with them at some point right? which means picturing yourself and your body with them. So who's being cucked?
>>937257I feel like if I elaborate too much it may cause a massive shitstorm/infight, so I'll just say to those who do say that, if they're reading this I want to understand their point of view
No. 937379
>>936356Context matters in everything. Take for example two series about magical girls, Sailor Moon and Madoka. In both series the girls are aged 14 but in Sailor Moon they could easily pass for adults due to their design, behavior, interactions, choices and how their character models barely differ from the actually adult characters in the series. Usagi looks almost exactly like her mother who is supposedly at least 20 years older than her. Even the canonical adult versions of the characters from the future look identical to how they do at 14. But in Madoka the girls look like 10-year olds tops and are much more naive to the world around them, Madoka is obviously very shorter and has a smaller, shapeless body compared to her mother who's also portrayed as being much more well-versed with the real world. So in my opinion finding Madoka sexually attractive would be much more of a red flag than it would be with Sailor Moon even if they're both canonically the same age. The same applies to Naruto, the characters are supposedly 12 but seeing how they interact with others, how they're treated as equals with adults including the viewers and how much fucking muscle and shape they're given the age makes no sense and doesn't have any actual value.
And let's be real unironically acting like finding a muscular 17-year old male vidya character sexy is exactly the same as a moid being obsessed with lolicon porn depicting child-bodied toddlers is being disingenuous and they know it.
>>936506>Yet you will see faggots creaming their crusty underwear for anime little girls who are going to school, but no one bats an eye at that at best, or will joke about it at worst. Ie: Maid dragon’s little girls.Female sexual interests get policed for a single anomaly while scrotoids get to walk free being out and loud pedos and degenerates, how curious!
No. 937388
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>>937379>a nuanced take on underaged anime charactersBless you, I only ever see people argue that it's evil pedophilia without exception and can't be justified OR that it's totally ok to jerk off to loli because they're just drawings. It depends on the style but you can generally tell which underage characters actually look like children or adults. There is usually no meaningful difference in design between a 16 year old and a 30 year old, maybe they'll add a couple of wrinkles to middle aged characters but overall a generic anime face lacks detailed enough features to indicate age (or race, or gender). Bodies are a better indicator but are usually aged up if anything, like teen girls with huge boobs or ripped teen boys.
Posting my high school aged husbando to emphasize that last point.
No. 937403
>>937376not to mention that i've never seen male coomers with different tastes infighting over that, while anything women like is scorned and considered
problematic in some way or another even by other women
No. 937405
>>937403Exactly, men want us to like generic anime guy #13948292 who is eternally stuck in high school, because he’s
literally them. But the moment you like any well written character, it’s dumb or somehow wrong.
And I particularly despise when you get idiots being like
>muh you have to be better and show them you’re superiorFuck off, it doesn’t work, it hasn’t worked, it will never work, might as well just like what you like as long as it isn’t utterly degenerate.
No. 937406
>>937403It's interesting that moids have too much solidarity about their gross coomerism but there is more infighting among women.
Perhaps it has to do with the sex-based discriminated we grow up with.
(It's okay to not like something and to be critical of things of course.)
No. 937436
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>>928754Is it selfish to use the pronoun 'I' (or 'me' etc.) a lot when explaining something I'm going through, from my perspective, without divulging in too much info about the people who're possibly involved?
Does anyone else here feel self-conscious about how much they talk about or address themselves (online or offline)?
No. 937464
>>937424I think because this is a gossip site for women, and women are raised to see our bodies as our worth, so almost every woman has strong negative feelings about her body and by extension other women's bodies. From there you get the anachan vs body positive dichotomy depending on your psychology. If you have an internal locus of control you tend to have anachan feelings because you think everyone is master of their destiny and a bad body is a personal failing. If you have more of an external locus of control, you see weight as more of a random fate that happened to you, and you gravitate towards body positivity because you think nobody is to blame for their bodies, it's more about genetics and circumstances. But what do I know I"m high.
>>937425Actually autism is co-morbid with digestion issues, which is why clean eating was touted as an early 2000s cure for the 'tism in kids. IBS is still poorly understood and linked to depression and autoimmune disorders (correlation not necessarily causation) I think it has to do with inflammation in the body. If you notice (actual) autistic people tend to have pouchy, fleshy faces, it's not always fat it's actually inflammation like water retention swelling that makes them look like that. Lupus suffers have the same thing but to the extreme. It's an interesting rabbit hole to go down if you're feeling like diagnosing yourself with some incurable shit.
No. 937585
>>937500it does not tarnish when you constantly wear it, the oils of your skin keep it clean. (Why is tarnish even a concern? It's not like you can't clean it easily at home). I think a bigger concern should be scratching, considering sterling silver is relatively soft.
>>937517Don't use anons to try to get a justification to not go, we don't know better than your therapist does. You have a bmi of 14 ffs, plenty before you have died at that bmi, listen to your therapist.
No. 937592
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Is there a manual for like…how to talk to people? How to talk about yourself, how to tell stories in an entertaining way, what not to say to people, how to say things etc. Genuine question by a social retard whose sarcasm is lost on people and who sometimes accidentally comes off as condescending
No. 937593
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any funny female youtubers farmers can recommend? preferably someone who gives off 'chaotic retard' energy (but not in a "randum" way?idk) but i'm open to other suggestions too
No. 937598
>>937587Yes, unless you've gotten your midshaft and ends dirty or have just finished a chemical process, you don't need to put shampoo on them. Your hairs themselves don't produce oils, skin flakes, sebum or sweat that the surfactant in shampoo is meant to remove, All of that happens on your scalp, and your ends especially need your natural oils to stay soft and healthy. You will dry out your hair by pulling it through every time. The run off from rinsing is usually enough to remove any residuals from daily activity or styling. Conditioner helps your hair to feel soft when you've dried it out by stripping out all of the natural oils that get carried down by your brush, but you can use just conditioner on your ends like you would shampoo on your scalp to help remove styling products if shampoo run off isn't enough.
>>937591It's real. It was normal when I was a kid, not sure if it's still done today
No. 937654
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>>937648pic related (warning: not safe for life)
No. 937774
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>>937648There used to be an image-hosting site called imageshack that had a 'new uploads' page and my SO and I would play a game where we'd refresh and send each other all the weird shit that would pop up. Once I refreshed and found some CP featuring what looked like two 7-10yo brothers. Sent the link to the FBI and never played Imageshack Roulette again.
No. 937999
>>937955Did you come here from the dumbass thread? If not, that's a big coincidence, cause I just posted there about disliking high fantasy stuff and talking about other titles that are not high fantasy at all.
Call of Cthulhu
Star Trek adventures
Star Wars Saga
Vampire: The mask
Cyberpunk 2020
Mutants and Masterminds/Villains and Vigilantes
Boot Hill
etc etc
No. 938038
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Can someone please explain this joke to me? what's wrong with drinking water?
No. 938041
>>937593swell entreianment
emma chamberlain (I'm for real here)
No. 938043
>>938038It's not really funny but I think it's just a dunk on the twitterfag OP for seething about a white person drinking water as though that's not something all life on earth does to survive. I guess they were more
triggered by the jug but I don't really get why, it's just a container but twitterfags can spin anything as racism.
No. 938066
Undyne is hot. She's my lesbian hero.
No. 938078
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>>938075Mainly black and white photos of geisha
No. 938175
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what character is this?
No. 938509
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Is there a website where I can see a rundown on global world history from prehistoric times until now?
No. 938610
>>938602I have no idea but I'm going to go out on a whim and say big chocolate has it out for us to lull us into a false sense of sugar security kek. But really, I think it's because nutrition facts are dictated by the FDA, not the AHA. According to this, FDA says no more than 50g of added sugar, based on a 2,000 calorie diet, per day.
Meanwhile I found this for the AHA:>The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting the amount of added sugars you consume to no more than half of your daily discretionary calories allowance. For most American women, that’s no more than 100 calories per day, or about 6 teaspoons of sugar. No. 938621
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>>938610Ah, that makes sense!! Thank you for such a detailed response,
No. 938630
>>938621No problem
nonnie! It was an interesting question and fun to look up!
No. 938717
>>938706That's a good question, looking back the most effective method is just writing the thing I want as if it's a normal to-do item in my journal lol. I used to write long fantasy first person journal entries about the things I want but it didn't work as well, that creates some emotional distance because a part of you knows it's not real (yet). Simple yet detailed is better. Like recently I wrote down the salary I wanted, broken down into hourly, daily, weekly and monthly payments in different currencies. It was more than double what I'd earned before and i had a few other criteria like working from home that I wanted. So I just wrote it in my journal and then would refer back to that page while looking for jobs, to remind myself not to settle. No cap it took less than two months for me to make it reality.
Obviously I've always wanted to make more money! But I was never so specific about it like that was like I sent the universe a nice detailed brief lol.
No. 938835
>>938815NTA but I had somehow
never heard this phrase until about a month ago
No. 938891
>>938886Have you considered your BF just wants to power trip/make himself feel superior by guilting and upsetting you? Not to be one of those "dump your bf" anons but literally yelling at you over edibles??
That said 100mg would be too much for me but I rarely do more than one marijuana.
No. 938896
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How do I politely tell my bf that I don’t want to hang out with his friends who has these loud dumb fucking kids that has never been told “no” their entire life
No. 938906
>>938891Stupid because honestly he is normally not like this something is just off today I guess
>>938895Yea I smoke a lot so it's normal for me and medical but I don't know a "daily mg" thanks guys
No. 938911
>>938906>>938907Yeah I definitely don't think it's a "throw the whole thing out" situation. If you smoke regularly then 100mg is not a high dose. But it probably sounds like a really big number to him because he doesn't know that much about weed tolerances. Will probably be resolved by just educating him. I mean some places sell 100mg doses for people with higher tolerances, you could probably show him that and make him feel more at ease. Don't feel bad
nonny you didn't do anything wrong.
No. 939330
>>939321Same (
valid) reasons harry styles is disliked
No. 939642
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If a guy discloses his salary even though he wasn't prompted to by you, is it a good sign that he's interested in you or insignificant?
No. 939651
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Anyone else craves a corndog when they see this pt banner?
>>939642It's probably a way to catch your attention
No. 939911
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Is there a way of achieving picrel aside from plastic surgery or hardcore starving yourself? I've been cursed with that little pouch of fat under my chin almost my entire life, the only time it wasn't there was when I got severely underweight. Muscle excercise maybe? I'm looking into those Korean chin lifting masks but they seem a bit scammy.
No. 940280
>>940276Shit genetics?
Seriously tho I don't think there's a foolproof way. Some people smoke all their life and do all sorts of shit that's supposed to cause cancer and still never get it
No. 940293
>>940276a shitty history of cancer in your family
t. anon waiting for her turn
No. 940331
>>940322i find his videos enjoyable and relaxing, and i like that he doesn't have this overly hyped up labrador energy that other youtubers have. also no annoying intros/outros, just getting straight to the case.
>>940325>i like learning new silly wordsme too, nonna. also sometimes i wonder if he ever flubs his words and then does a retake, because sometimes he does flub a little but it's barely notable and he just keeps going/doesn't even edit it out.
No. 940335
>>940276basically most exposure to carcinogens give you a higher chance of cancer but it's statistical. there's no 100% guaranteed way afaik. you have chainsmoking alcoholics who never get a thing.
eg. being exposed to certain radioactive material at vertain doeses gi es you a good chance of getting leukemia or thyroid cancer but it's always a probability, not a certainty.
it's probably a pretty easy way to gt cancer but yoy'd have to find a radioactive source, and you might also get burns that don't heal, your gut rotting or your skin falling off.
You can look up 'stochastic effect' if you want to know more.
No. 940430
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I want to make a thread about women with this energy but I have no idea how to call it. It's just women who have this very cool vibe of not giving a fuck, does anyone understand me?
No. 940451
>>940346damn, i didn't know that. i haven't watched him for a while though, i think i was really into him around the time when the goat simulator video got insanely popular and then i didn't watch anything moist for actual years until just recently.
>he looks like an unwashed nerd who's never lifted a day in his lifegod i wish he'd cut that godawful hair.
No. 940463
>>933330that's cute anon, if I saw you in public wearing this I'd definitely compliment it
>>933338dumb redtext. pic was linked literally 3 posts above
No. 940516
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What do women with narrow hips + hip dips look like when they work out their butts? I have pretty small hips (32 inches at widest, including my belly pouch) on top of hip dips and I'm curious what somebody with my body type would look like if they actually worked their butt. I've heard that their butts end up looking boxier, rather than full. It seems like all examples of women who've exercised their butts nowadays are when women have already wide or moderate hips.
No. 940538
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>>940521Eh, it's anatomy. I carry a bit of fat in the lower part of the butt and pic related, the upper part of my butt isn't standing out as much naturally so it looks "bottom heavy"
No. 940867
>>940704This is the best version and it ruined the movie scene for me.
>uuh Aragon>Yeeeaaaaah…?gets me each time.
No. 996638
>>977164La Belle Personne
It's free on YouTube
No. 997240
>>997227i have that too, but only when the cring is really intense (ie ugly crying face, not just some tears).
i think that's what sobbing is, it's your throat contracting.
No. 997252
>>997227Yeah that's a normal reaction, crying and any other body reactions to "get the pain out", throats and other respiratory systems can get swollen up to get the liquids out. That's why people do get swollen eyes after intense crying too.
I'm sorry your parents scrutinized you for that anon. I had my own experience being yelled at when crying and couldn't explain myself when I got into troubles and such… sighs.
No. 997263
>>997227I used to hyperventilate when I cried as a child, I literally couldn't speak without my words shaking when someone asked me what's wrong. My mom sent me to a child psychiatrist for this. Luckily now I am good at crying pretty silently now.
Also was it normal that I always cried after I vomited? I still do to this day, I don't have a fear of it happening but I hate the sensation it just makes me tear up everytime.
No. 997542
>>997360He's my older brother. I was very tired when typing that so I forgot some details. Namely, we were extremely close when we were little, but when puberty hit, he would have moments of literal blind rage where he "choked" me (it never left bruises but it was still scary and made it hard to breathe) that he genuinely has no recollection of. It didn't happen often and stopped after 2-3 years, but the distance between us has been readily apparent (though it got a little bit better since he was put on antidepressants, started therapy, and got a job, but I'm pretty sure I'm more conflicted about this than he even considers). The jealousy about hugging happened after the "choking" stopped, but he was still hyper-aggressive then (holes in walls, and in one instance I saw the choking yhing happen to some dude he got in a fight with), so I think it only stopped because of how hard I avoided him. The other thing I want to mention is he's clearly coombrained, and has been since puberty hit. I once searched his room for a video game when we were little and found a massive stack of printed out porn, and now he's secretly a furry. He's also super pro-trans and once or twice argued with me when I talked about all porn and "sex work" being bad and contributing to misogyny and female oppression.
No. 1025013
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Why does everyone insist that fluttershy and rainbow dash are best friends? Is just bronies being retards or did I miss something in the show? They only knew each other before the rest because they’re Pegasi and had to go to flight school forcing them into close proximity.
It’s pretty clear that rainbow dash and pinky pie are best friends. They have an entire episode about them becoming best friends ffs. And, they have that same-colors-but-eye-and-body-switched thing going on that immediately clued me in that Starlight and Trixie would become bffs
No. 1025015
>>1025013to be fair you would find better answers on /mlp/ but at the start of the very show (s1) people assumed that rainbow and shy are best friends, considering how much she supports fluttershy to become a better person, plus they both are flying ponies.
also the purple twilight clone pony on picrel sucks
No. 1028297
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>>1028276Therapy or at least picrel if you cannot afford it ATM. But wait, maybe spending on therapy would help you stop buying useless crap. Sounds to me like you have a buying/gaming addiction and possible alcoholism. Maybe a book for gambling/alcohol addicion would be a better match, IDK. You definitely need therapy because you will circumvent any measures meant to stop you from spending. Though I recommend trying Blocksite for blocking access to mobile apps.
No. 1029448
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what's my eyeshape? is it hooded or round or downturned or what? i've never been able to figure it out
No. 1029603
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>>928754How do half Indians end up in UK? We know hapa asian always seemingly end up fucked up more often then not but half indian/pakis seem to appear white passing most of the time
No. 1029681
>>1029603> We know hapa asian always seemingly end up fucked up more often then not Where does this stereotype come from anyway? I know there’s the whole elliot rodgers thing, but the vast majority of school shooters/incels are just regular white guys.
The handful of hapas I went to school with were insanely popular, either tennis playing jocks or cheerleader types. That’s obviously a small sample, but it’s kinda hard for me to believe that they’re fucked up in a statistically significant way.
No. 1029685
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why type of architecture is this called?
No. 1029692
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>>1029681Yup white guys, right
No. 1029702
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>>1029685>>1029689>>1029693I would love to know this too…maybe brutalism? Picrel seems to be similar and it was designed by Brodzki who was a brutalist
No. 1029717
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>>1029693>>1029702Samefag, it is brutalism. The last building you posted is actually the building I found when I googled brutalism. It is the CBR building in Brussels
No. 1029751
>>1029698idk, maybe mass shootings have more to do with untreated mental health disorders, socio-economic status, education and employment opportunities than race but who knows.
>>1029702There's a building similar to this in the region capitol where I live. It's been home to the regional council offices since it was built. Now they're planning to demolish it so they can build a another soulless shopping centre.