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No. 785290
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom Discourse!
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
No. 785537
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>>785529Bonus points if the answers sound like they have no clue what they're talking about or the asking OP is delusional abut their art level
No. 785686
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The artist who posted this keeps deleting comments telling her that today isn't a great day to be posting jokes about the Queen. Seems in poor taste to post it on the day of her husbands funeral.
No. 785702
>>785701They see it as justified because "those people are bad therefore it's
valid to hate them and wish them the worst". Woke twitter operates on eye for eye logic exclusively.
No. 785740
>>785684flashback to TumblrWhen will you learn
When will you learn that your actions have consequences
In all seriousness I had the impression that the site was mostly appealing to high schoolers or amateur artists instead of professionals/serious commission artists, so its not that surprising if they saw that their main audience was some uwu puritans high schoolers. Might be a bad move on the long run tho
No. 785796
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>>785767oh god
the furries
No. 785801
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>>785740Replace high schoolers with college (anime) kids who would unironically describe Twitter as
toxic and you'd be right.
No. 785851
>>785845There are literally SO many platforms NSFW artists can post on. I for one am kind of tired of them acting like when a small scale website says "no nsfw" it's somehow oppressive to the art community in general. I like NSFW art but I totally understand why as a website with assumingly not a lot of staff you would want to keep art that can range from tasteful NSFW to loli coomer shit off your platform until you get your staff together and know the problems the sites going to have with a normal amount of art content.
Everyone complains that DA is just a fetish website but then turns around and complains when an art website decides they don't want NSFW. I dont get it. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Maybe I'm also bitter that NSFW artists can seemingly do so little (like draw -insert meme chatacter here- getting fucked) and cultivate a huge audience of people who just want to jerk off and that's it. Not sure if I automatically want those people coming in droves to a newish platform especially if this one doesn't want to become the new DA kek.
No. 785884
>>785851This. Ever since YouTube commenters called deviantart a “fetish” site, so many people went on the bandwagon without even looking at the site.
Is fetish art easier to access on DA than other websites? Yes, but since the YouTube rampage, it has dialed back, yet it’s a website that continues to welcome stuff that isn’t on other sites like insta doesn’t welcome or promote as much (like gore)
No. 785887
>>785837You mean Lindsay Ellis?
Good luck to jay, because that fuck is the most hypocritical trash I think this forum has seen in a long while
No. 785959
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Lmao imagine receiving stickers that say #arttwitter on them like… what the fuck is that retardation
No. 786143
>>785851The issue is that Artfol initially allowed NSFW and then changed their mind after opening the app. If a website did the opposite, saying it was going to be fully SFW and then allowed porn and fetish art after opening, I would expect people to have the same complaints.
Not to mention, there isn't a lot. There is Twitter and Deviantart. Maybe Reddit but you can't do direct uploads on an NSFW profile, so you have to go through another website to upload. Almost no one genuinely uses DA to discover art since the mods are basically absent and the website is dead in the water. The reason people complain about DA is that it has no mods and there is no blacklist (or even extension) to try to filter some of it and IIRC, the block feature is pretty much broken. At least on Twitter, you can blacklist certain words, hashtags, etc, and Reddit is mostly contained to respective subreddits but most people suspect Reddit is going to do a full NSFW ban at some point in the future.
Not to mention, you can't even take commissions through PayPal for NSFW without being at risk of having your account removed
and PayPal withholding the money indefinatly and MasterCard is tightening their restrictions for adult content being sold that is no doubt going to affect drawn imagery. And Patreon actively monitors your off-site activity (even as far as a website like pixiv) for anything that isn't allowed on their services and will boot you off if you break their TOS on a different website.
and it sounds like bitterness cause the grass is always greener on the other side. Most artists who do that little already had relatively large fanbases and this is coming from someone that primarily does SFW with a NSFW side gig.
No. 786292
>>786228It is and I don't see that changing because there's no reason for eceleb YouTubers to haul themselves over Artfol. It doesn't take long to see that fans on Twitters are normals who place virtue signaling above skill.
>>786270The new trend HoloLive makes tags a necessity so the streamer can find you. I don't know how Fate fans succeed but I know RWBY's higher ups have an eye on their hashtag.
No. 786365
>>786315I don't care that she wants the vaccine, because who doesn't want the vaccine to save themselves from potential permanent lung damage. Aslso I might be remembering wrong but she meets up with friends and family so it's not like she's a pure hermit.
To your second point, it's not story time videos. It's EVERY VIDEO. Every video she says how the month was so stressful and traumatizing or 'it started out great but shit happened uwu boo poor me I love my patreon supporters wink' like ok is your life just constant misery then?
Also as a side note I'm still fucking confused how she draws like that with her amount of digital art experience and thinks she's doing well for herself. IDK if it's self confidence, obliviousness or both but I want to avoid doing whatever she's doing so I don't stagnate
No. 786378
>>786315I have worked the entirety of the pandemic in a grocery superstore, I had to work during the panic buying, deal with anti-maskers for months, I've had shit thrown at me because we weren't doing rainchecks, been spit on by covid deniers, etc. My cooperate overlords wanted a tax break so they went, bought it themselves, and now over 100+ of my stores staff got the shot.
Michie is a slob that sits at home all day, complains all night, and has the personality of sandpaper. She was talking about getting a part time job- Maybe if she got one, instead of saying she was as a way to manipulate people into donating to her patreon because 'it's not enough guys!!!!', then maybe she would have gotten it by now.
But then she'd just make a video about how the side effects where so awful, she felt so bad!! Oh no!!
No. 786398
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being trans is like some kind of alternative progressive lifestyle for these tumblr freaks i hate them so much
No. 786427
>>786365>I don't care that she wants the vaccine, because who doesn't want the vaccine to save themselves from potential permanent lung damage. Aslso I might be remembering wrong but she meets up with friends and family so it's not like she's a pure hermit.Fair enough then, you're right. She's not a complete hermit since she still sees family and friends. So good for her for finally getting it.
> To your second point, it's not story time videos. It's EVERY VIDEO. Every video she says how the month was so stressful and traumatizing or 'it started out great but shit happened uwu boo poor me I love my patreon supporters wink' like ok is your life just constant misery then? Yeah I don't watch all her videos, mainly just her story videos and it's just something I notice and it's to the point where I roll my eyes now whenever she feels the need to mention how she went through something "traumatizing" but "can't go into it". I'm just like "Shut up…" And again, I feel like an asshole for thinking this but in my experience with people who do this, they tend to exaggerate and I can't help but feel like Michie is doing the same thing.
>Also as a side note I'm still fucking confused how she draws like that with her amount of digital art experience and thinks she's doing well for herself. IDK if it's self confidence, obliviousness or both but I want to avoid doing whatever she's doing so I don't stagnateI try not to question her art skill anymore but yeah, her style is just mindboggling for someone who has drawn as long as she has. I get that the cartoon aesthetic is a thing, I love it myself but there's something off about her style and she definitely stagnated. And sure she may have decent coloring but it doesn't really take effect when her own style is so… Off-putting.
No. 786436
>>786378I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I went ahead and just took back what I said since she's not a complete hermit but her lack of self-awareness will forever frustrate me. Glad to hear you and your fellow employees were able to get the vaccinations, you all deserve first dibs because you're working with the public and had to and continue to go through with the madness that has been happening.
> Michie is a slob that sits at home all day, complains all night, and has the personality of sandpaper. She was talking about getting a part time job- Maybe if she got one, instead of saying she was as a way to manipulate people into donating to her patreon because 'it's not enough guys!!!!', then maybe she would have gotten it by now.Oh right, I forgot that she said she was looking for a part time job. I'm remembering how she said she wanted a part-time job that pays more than minimum wage because she "makes more than minimum wage" with her art (which I have to wonder how true that is). But yeah she was being ridiculous. She hasn't had a regular job in years and she expects to be able to find a job that pays more than minimum wage when she been out of work for a good while now? Just wow.
> But then she'd just make a video about how the side effects where so awful, she felt so bad!! Oh no!!That part just made me roll my eyes. I'm sure that if she did all the research she claims she does, she would've been ready to expect the side effects like the drowsiness which is pretty typical in general when you get vaccinations.
No. 786502
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Some people were caught selling NFTs of Quinni's work.
No. 786503
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>>786502For context, Loish was sharing that a Twinciio user was selling her artwork without permission.
No. 786701
>>786143All of this is only really an issue for NSFW artists. I dont understand how that effects all artists as a whole. Not everyone who posts art enjoys sharing a space with coomer content. Im not sure why every website has to cater to porn anyway if they're private businesses. Im not saying everyone has to use or like Artfol but this weird habit of people tearing down websites simply for the fact that they don't want porn on their site is strange to me.
I see plenty of NSFW artists thriving on twitter, instagram and reddit despite what everyone says about them "cracking down" tbh. I also don't think there's much merit to "well they were already popular before they drew NSFW" when I know of several no name artists off the top of my head that blew up when they drew NSFW animations. There's nothing wrong with drawing porn art but it's weird to me how if you're an artist you can't say you dislike NSFW art being mixed with SFW without being jumped on by other artists.
No. 786738
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>someone starts a discourse about underpricing
>kneejerk reaction from "starving artists"
>"who will buy our shit if we raise prices?"
>post gets deleted to stop drama
>this shows up picrel
am I the only one who thinks OP picrel is being opportunistic?
No. 786751
>>786738Absolutely opportunistic, but I'm tired of arguing with those "everyone should sell their commissions for almost no money" idiots. They clearly all are little rich kids or sheltered from having to really work by their parents/friends/partners and they should get what they deserve. Educating them isn't anyone's job at this point when they only choose to play
victim every time people try to. They want to widen the gap between people playing at freelance and those who treat it like a job they can feel free to destroy their wrists for about 200$ a year income.
No. 786756
>>786718Basically, since november 2019, she is in hiatus for her mental health. She promised multiples times to updates again around 2021 (january, end of march-early april, now nothing before may…). My guess is we will not have anything before 2022.
This time it's delayed because she is moving to Oregon.
No. 786780
tysm for the answer. tinfoil but it could be possible she’s lowkey getting cold feet for avasdemon. i can only imagine working on something for that long.
No. 786784
She said recently that she is going to finish it. In my opinion she is just doing too much work (her art improved, but when she started she said she wanted to do simple illustrations, and now it's way too detailled for her well being). She also faced a lot of criticisms and vendetta in my taste. I just wish she was a bit more open to not let her patreon in the dark. Her last kickstarter was highly successful so I guess she is remotivated. We will see.
No. 786787
>>786738Yeah that's shitty. Under $10 is too low in almost all cases unless it's a super quick sketch.
Commission pricing discourse pops up on art twitter all the time and the consensus seems to be "charge professional industry rates regardless of your skill and location because you deserve it". Kind of hyperbolic but you get the gist. I don't agree with that tbh. Professional artists can charge industry rates because they are highly skilled and professional, whereas so many twitter artists think it's acceptable to keep pushing off commissions for months to do personal work and take 30 mental health days a month. And the market for certain art styles like anime is just so oversaturated even if you are pretty good.
But honestly most of the time it's just a wiser choice to get a regular part-time job if you need money. Commissions are so fickle that unless you are really good or popular you shouldn't be relying on them for stable income.
No. 786807
>>786787I don't really care about the prices people are charging their clients because it's up to the customer to decide if they're being ripped off or not, but the general unprofessionalism on the artists' front is often mindblowing.
>Sorry, I haven't been able to deliver on the commissions I've been paid to do because of my mental health situation, I need to take a few months to sit on my ass playing the video games I bought with the money you already gave me and only draw my comfort characters uwu>Uggghhhh I hate drawing commissions so much!!!! I hope that everyone who commissioned me knows they're ruining my life and causing me copious amounts of stress and mental health problems!! Fuck everyone who gave me money and expected something in return!! >Opens commissions again to milk for more money despite having a backlog full of unfinished ones>When finished, hands in a shitty 10-minute sketch that has nowhere near the amount of effort as their personal art, 6 months past the deadlineLike just get a fucking job if you don't want to get paid drawing things people want. Other people are not obligated to pay you for simply existing.
No. 786853
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To add sth to the NSFW discussion, it sounds like some of you don't realize how much NSFW ban affects. Yes, it affects artists drawing straight up porn and I agree porn should be kept away from publicly accessible sites with no age limit, but it also affects any kind of nudity; Raphael would get banned for this despite his artwork being shown at schools and in the museums to people of any age because it's not erotic or pornographic. Making any non-sexual nudity a complete taboo and bannable offense is something that may even have infuence on society as a whole - I don't want to be dramatic and say "if we ban NSFW men will start raping women showing just a little bit of skin in their attire" but you sure see it's not that black and white.
No. 786856
>>786853This. I make art with a lot of nudity but it's not porn or erotic stuff, just things like your pic that sadly falls under the NSFW ban. I also always have to put a NSFW warning on sites that do allow it, which most of the time gets the piece less recognition because algorithms don't favour that kind of artwork.
>>786502Oh wow, it's almost as if NFTs are a scam.
No. 786888
>>786701As someone on both sides of the tracks, it's basically a website saying one then and turning around and doing another. Like I said if artfol marketed itself as completely SFW and then suddenly allowed NSFW content, I'd expect people to have the same complaints that it basically isn't what they signed up for.
You don't have to cater to porn or NSFW art, just don't do the bait and switch bs which is my primary issue with it tbh.
No. 786903
>>786853This is the painting where some scholars think they can see signs of breast cancer.
It's not just the tastefulness of nudity that matters. This painting is honestly fascinating.
No. 786905
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>>786888Samefag as but
>>786853>>786856I mostly draw pinup and even websites that say they allow artistic nudity can ban or remove something because they found it too sexual. They say they allow artistic nudity but don't give a guideline of what specifically counts as artistic vs pornographic nudity.
Would I be allowed to post my drawings of nude reference photos? Women who are just topless but not doing anything sexual? Would two nude women next to each other be considered too sexual? Even though nudity is allowed, to what degree? Just nipples? A vulva? Would something like what Happy D draws (Say what you want about her skills, she doesn't draw pornography) be banned or not allowed on the website even though it isn't pornographic? At one point DeviantArt said artistic nudity was allowed but you could still be banned if they deemed it "too sexual" or "too erotic" even if it fit within a general guideline of artistic nudity.
Like I've seen similar situations with YouTube, FFN, etc. where they say they allow certain content, but then still ban/censor/remove it. Like YouTube allows LGBT+ content but you can still get demonetized and get community strikes if it isn't advertiser/family-friendly and it's even extended to despite having an app specifically made for children, YT forces everyone on the primary app to be kid/family-friendly and can demonetize you if they incorrectly flag your content as "for children".
It's an issue for primarily NSFW artists yes dealing with payment processors, websites, etc. but not every NSFW artist is drawing coomer loli inflation. Some of us are just drawing regular nudity that is no more vile or graphic than paintings that are shown in schools and museums yet could still be de-platformed or risk losing access to money because of it.
>>786891And yeah basically this. It was a dick move and a lot of people had to specifically ask if NSFW was no longer allowed because they didn't notify anyone of the change in TOS. Even though no one reads a social media's TOS all the time, at least most websites make an effort to alert people to a change in TOS via email, in-app/website notification, etc. It was asked repeatedly if NSFW content would be allowed, to what degree, etc., and the devs all agreed and said yes yes yes only to change it 3 days into the opening of the app. Even though may have been largely because of Apple's bs content policies, it was also like no secret apple was like that so why would you even say yes to start with?
I think more people would have preferred the app only being on android or having to use a website as opposed to a bait and switch.
side note: the devs speak like children/teenagers and that honestly makes me want to use the app even less.
No. 787136
>>787130I never said I was oppressed, I'm just annoyed.
I fully understand not wanting to be exposed to porn on the timeline, obviously. There's plenty of filters to help with that, though, and it's not exactly hard to click a button that says "hide suggestive content".
No. 787216
>>787130if the bar for being annoyed or miffed by something is whether or not you're oppressed by that logic no one can complain about being mildly annoyed or frustrated by anything unless it systematically affects them and others who are a protected class like damn.
>>787158and yeah this. Most artists are good faith and tag their content as best they can… Look at A03 and all the weird and NSFW stuff over there, most people tag their things in good faith and if a website provides a good tagging system, a lot of artists, SFW and NSFW like that cause NSFW artists get tired of being told we don't do enough to keep our content away from people who don't want to see it short of having a completely privated account and in some cases, even that isn't enough given how many artists like badtorquoise get called out for doing NSFW on a privated account and SFW artists will never have to see or interact with it.
places like DeviantArt got do bad with porn because there is no kind of filtration system or way of blocking tags/content you don't want to see and even blocking users can be completely broken since last I checked, they still have a limit to how many people you can block.
idk why its so hard for a website for artists to have a website that allows SFW and NSFW and just have a good tagging system so no one has to see anything they don't want to. Most people tag in good faith cause it helps people who want to see that kinda thing find it.
No. 787353
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Watching Jay get ratiod by the Creator of friday night funkin.
>he deleted his tweet that calling out fnf
>Refusing to post any donation link or petiton about world issue
>Retweeting his friends comission and kofi
Proof Jay only care about himself and his friends
No. 787379
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>>787372He and his gf have a thread in kiwi. I do believe we need a special thread for Jay and his twitter friends circle jerk
>>787370Here you go anon, Most of the tweets deleted
No. 787380
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>>787370this seems to be the thread that was deleted, apparently you can't donate to games because
check notes …hate crimes.
No. 787404
>>787380 With this mindset nobody could ever spend money on anything non-essencial. Since there's genocides happening right now, and thriving trafficking rings, and a whole lot of other horrible things.
I also wish that rich people would just stop spending money on private jets and end poverty already, but I can't control their finances or guilt-trip them because I think I have a higher moral ground. So yeah, this idiot should just shut up already and open their own wallet instead.
No. 787405
>>787379>>787380I genuinely can't believe this logic. "A bunch of random people I don't know decided to spend their money in a way I DONT LIKE and now IM A
VICTIM and they're contributing to literal hate crimes and racism" ?????????
Why do they think people care about their opinion in the first place? they seem to have such a self-inflated sense of worth. Those initial tweets are written so confidently. I hate the way they list all their oppression points in subsequent tweets as if it validates anything they did/said.
No. 787431
>>787379hahaha omg, to cry about hate crimes to only plug friend's ko-fis, and instead apologizing to the creator just trying to win the
victim contest, she's unhinged
No. 787468
>>786933It' probably was because she's one of the worst examples of this. Took on a shit ton of commissions and kept adding them with "emergency commissions" that only kept piling on top of each other which bloated out her backlong.
Goes on about mental health and how she just cannot work -insert day- and needs to take time off to address it (play video games or play D&D).
I mean I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for her, her and other artists that get into situations like this only have themselves to blame for taking on more work than they could handle. And in Michie's case, she refuses to refund people who have been in her backlong for months to almost a year and yet complains about how behind she is in commissions.
If all else, people like TD should be warning of why you shouldn't take on too many commissions when you know you can't handle it.
No. 787569
>>787566She's aiming for all of the oppression points she can get. If she identified as male, she would lose a point. Read through
>>787379 again and count how many
victim and minority cards she just played.
No. 787570
>>787566He says that he is bigender/genderfluid. So, even after the ~hole for men~ thing happened, Jay is now using "latina" to get a few steps in the oppresion ladder for pity points and appear as more of a
No. 787574
File: 1618932564495.jpg (897.14 KB, 3000x2000, EzWlG-DUUAMRjNm.jpg) came back with her shallow comic and still complaining about health issues.
No. 787596
Anybody know when artfol is planning to make a desktop version? I really am not going to care about them until they get a desktop version
>>787566that's the thing with non binaries. being non binary means literally nothing, so it's the easies label to play of because you can literally pull anything out of your ass and flip flop as much as you want and then just waive it with "muh gender is weird". "He/him only" and "latinA" aren't contradictory if you're under 10 layers of gender specialness.
No. 787633
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>>787596A browsing-only desktop version is apparently ready and coming soon, but we'll have to wait for a while until more functionality is implemented since it wasn't part of their plans. They want to focus on the app first.
No. 787712
>>787512Pretty much what
>>787530 said. TD = Twisted Disaster, a somewhat sizeable art/commentary channel who was best known for being friends with Holly Brown and also involved in the zine controversy that they both got into back in 2019 I believe.
Twisted Disaster's highlights aren't really as severe as some others mentioned in previous threads, the main issues with her is her lack of self awareness and more specifically, her lack of work ethic when it comes to commissions and her being overly dramatic when she claimed she was homeless back in 2019 when she wasn't, she was just living in her in-laws garage until they could find their own apartment after they had asked them to leave.
On the commission front, she pretty much does what your personal cow does only she got a huge influx of commissions because she kept saying she had emergency after emergency which created a bloated backlog that she's slowly getting through but has the gall to whinge about it when it was her own fault and it could be avoided if she issued refunds but in her words, "I just can't do that".
And then the cherry on top was when she said she was looking for part time work but wants a job where she makes more than minimum wage to justify gas money to get to and from work but refuses to work in places like factories because she can't stand for long periods of time lest her back pains (and her obesity) or computer office-type jobs because she doesn't want to be on a computer all day and then come home to do the same thing when she's working on art. And I'm sure you can see how dumb this all is.
No. 787714
>>787633lame af
I'm tired of apps, and not having to pass digital drawings from the computer to the phone every single time would be much more convenient.
One of these days I might just go off the deep end and move myself to blogger like the internet art equivalent of a hermit. no more apps
No. 787814
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>>787379This drama attention seeking entitled kid… Karma bit him in the back for being a bitch.
Even when he was aware of being in the wrong after getting called out and being himself the holiest of thou over everyone else in the earth, he choose to disable replies because he's too afraid enough for his fragile ego that the backlash caused on him. The quote tweets for this one are entertaining enough to watch, with many people calling him out for not retweeting gofundmes or kofis for people in need that are not his friends, to another person calling him out for harassing an ex-friend of his for having a nsfw account, and a lesbian minor as well.
No. 787845
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begging for 20k for no reason……. don't these people feel any shame. one of jay's buddies. they're all fucked up
No. 787853
>>787845Of course Jay would be friends with the nutjob that ran off the Japanese artist who drew Native American anime art.
>>725341 All of her friends are just like her, they run around calling out random artist and crying "my oppression" because it's how they gain followers.
No. 787885
>>787845Okay these fucking kofi donation posts are really starting to fucking piss me off. I saw another where the poster said 'I deserve good things and I'm trans and
poc so please donate here' or the ones that really fucking get to me are the ones '[Insert pro-minority movement here] and I'm [said minority] so please donate to me to show your support to the movement' Does anything come from these posts? Like do people actually donate? Do none of these people get called out for how fucking stupid and greedy their fucking posts are? I mean shit the sheer amount of these posts that float around make me think they at least must be kind of successful or they wouldn't have so many uwu-minority ppl clinging to donation pages and shoving them in everyone's faces. What happened to offering commissions?
No. 787914
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>>787845>>787853Jay's entire friend circle are basically power tripping psychos.
No. 787952
File: 1618968855766.png (46.09 KB, 588x448, jay update.PNG)

>>787845Samefag as
>>787814, but according to his girlfriend Orquidiaart/DestinytoMoon who has been in contact with him, Jay has been rushed to the Hospital and is going to take a break from Twitter for a few days.>>787845>>787914Jesus christ. You cannot tell me this girl is in her twenties and acts this immature, to the point people support this kind of behavior when she plays the
victim on herself.
No. 787969
>>787952Calling it now, there’s going to be massive gofundme’s or kofi links…. just watch…
I bet jay isn’t even in a hospital too
No. 787981
>>787972Lurk more, and sage your posts by writing sage in the email bar
>>787976Exactly my thoughts. If you’re being committed, you can’t even have contact with your direct family.
Jay is either 1.)faking it- is just taking a break from the internet
2.) wasn’t committed, but is in hospital for a differ reason
No. 788017
File: 1618982473609.jpg (135.87 KB, 1080x785, Me737373737737373737eeyyeheheh…)

>>787952I need more context on this
He harassed trans and ace people??
No. 788023
>>787845>Hey buddy, just give me 20k. Why? I'm not going to tell you. Just hand it over bigot!>>787952Kek, when the "But I'm an autistic queer trans
poc artist!!" line didn't work she pulled the good old "taken to the hospital" stunt to avoid taking responsibility. What is she, PuccaNoodles?
>>788017Let's be real Jay has been throwing her weight around
everywhere so trying to say "h-h-he's harassing twans and ace ppl!!!" is twitterfag tier stupid since they should just open their eyes and see that this dumb bitch is a product of an environment where anyone will attack anyone regardless of background if they just disagree with them or annoy them otherwise.
No. 788179
>>787976>>787981It can vary by state and what hospital you’re in, but if a place is low-funded with not so strict rules, and you’ve proven yourself as trustworthy they can usually allow you to have your phone in the day time at specific hours.
That being said…… jay and destiny are going to use this against any
valid criticism they get now, saying how “but the bullies online made jay go to a hospital!”. Destiny is out here drawing her “hot” random girl ocs, with no extra tweets about her partner. Everything just seems so fake, it’s like destiny doesn’t even seem worried about her partner or anything
No. 788250
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>>787952Did this bitch try and commit toaster bath or something because of rhythm game drama? On god? Because people told her she couldn't just feel entitled to other people's kickstarter money? Is that it?
No. 788310
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I don't agree with NFT. But this sound very hateful and tryhard
No. 788322
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I know that loish has said that she doesn’t care that others may copy or study her artstyle- but it annoys me to hell and back when I see artists like this who are a blantant ripoff, riding on the coat tail of Loish’s artstyle who is apparent that they don’t understand Why some of the stuff is stylized the way that it is
No. 788340
File: 1619026232503.png (52.84 KB, 588x581, animelab.PNG)

I dont think it was mentioned, follow up comments from animelab on their search for 20k plus followers artist to comission. The amount of bitterness and entitlement in the comments is astounding, I don't really get why, because if they need an influencer then ofc a 100 followers and barely active genius creator will just not do, even if their artwork is better than anything else. No. 788349
>>788310Jay reminds me so much of Phoebe Tickner. A pathetic bully dressed up in woke language.
>>788340I didn’t necessarily find it wrong for them to seek popular artists, but “this is a paid opportunity” is kind of poor justification tbh. Just say you wanted the project to have more visibility.
No. 788419
>>788322It's just so… cheap? Tacky? To copy another artist so blatantly. I'm glad loish can be chill about it because if she wasn't, she'd be going crazy. Every other post in my explore page is some loish clone but lotusbubble is one of the most shameless ones. With loish she does the cute stylized girls with bright lighting but you can tell she has all the fundamentals down and is good at other things too. While the clones seem to be unable to make anything but sparkly girl portraits.
It's true that art style theft isn't really a thing but this is a pet peeve of mine, probably because it's everywhere now
No. 788516
>>788310"do what you will"
I wonder what she meant by that
(le literally using your influence to "indirectly" tell your followers to go bully specific people on 4k)
No. 788553
>>787379to be honest i dont see anything off with jays original post except the part they started
victim complex fishing after receiving ninjas response. he shouldve stuck to his guns and stated he distrusted him (apparently this person is a girl or some shit) instead of whining about their race. fnf's creator is a faggot himself and i agree that hes not going to deliver after receiving that large sum of money to continue this abomination.
No. 788567
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I wonder what will be next of Jay's saga of drama? Other than that I laughed when I saw this tweet.
No. 788569
>>788556Context of deleted post?
>>788567Jay probably bullying random artist or having meltdowm because callouts
No. 788691
>>788340Honestly the problem is not that they wanted a big artist, the problem is that they said it out loud. In art industry it's very known that companies usually want to use artists that have more name to their belts in order to garner hype, hell this happens in zines all the time, where the bigger names have better chance of getting selected. The thing is though that even though some big artists get chosen only due to their numbers, smaller artist aren't barred out completely from applying and still have a chance of getting chosen if their art is deemed as good enough. This just flat out "bans" smaller skilled artists.
I would also add that this is kinda tacky anyway since you basically want art + influence for a price of a single commission, where usually you would need to either hire separately for these positions or offer a higher pay to accommodate for both of these things. Sure we don't know how much the commissioner is getting paid but assuming that it's a flat price you're basically trying to have your cake an eat it too. The better way would've been to open commissions for all and then just choose those higher follower count artist without flatout stating that. Everyone already knows it's being done, it's like an unspoken rule everyone understands and accepts even if they don't like it but that doesn't mean it should become acceptable criteria. It's like a collage openly admitting that they only want kids who's parents make certain amount of money. It happens regardless but shouldn't become a standard.
No. 788714
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>>788678The creator joked about making rape stimulators and games where you could kill non whites. Also he just generally talked like a 4chan edgelord faggot which soldified my hatred for him futher, so idk how you couldnt hate him at this point. Im not into cancelling people but something rubs me the way about using a game with (a bad imitation of) rnb/funk music and aesthetic while hating the people who created that genre and also sending out a half assed apology.
No. 788765
>>788714Who cares. Seems like a pretty undramatic person who keeps their head down and he already addressed this thing from years ago from the looks of it so what more is there to even discuss? I don’t even know the game in question but this just seems like a dumb reason to sperg out about him.
The reason we hate Jay is because she’s a horrible person and a bully with no self awareness and that’s milky.
No. 788843
>>788752ThEy'rE jUsT jOkEs AnOn
This is the salt thread. Let them be salty over some edgelord scrote. Being disgusted by this dude's behavior has fuckall to do with jealousy.
No. 788905
>>788841Because it’s funny af. Bring some other salt to the forums otherwise
>>788900It’s not so much as defend, but a laugh at the op who posted stuff from 3 years ago, where for all we know could’ve been cut out it edgy bad jokes? Yeah, but the anon wants to cancel them for that.
Also, the guy is apparently not “some random scrote” they made that popular rap game rn, so receipts are bound to pop up when ppl get popular
No. 789027
>>788906I don’t care about him/fnf personally but it’s genuinely weird kek Defending a scrote who thinks doing shit like that is funny? The same shit that gets maleposters banned on the principle of being male? Even with 3 year old context plus an apology, anons should be free to hate him imo. NLOG brainrot must be bad if it causes you to bark in defense of rapey scrotes in the art salt thread and accuse anons of jealousy. But pointing out the sperg anon’s hypocrisy is not the same as defending this scrote.
>>788738Jay is art twitter’s resident narcissistic sperg, she’ll write up long threads about how x person is bad regardless of context and send her mediocre herd of retards after them.
No. 789058
>>789027The thing is that Jay has made people leave Twitter, either temporarily or permanently, because she felt like sabotaging their accounts with unhinged followers and the same kofi links to help her “friends” you could even say it’s some sort of scam:
>slander an artist for something >get a group of people to join>post kofis and GoFundMes of “friends”>probably get a profit from them It’s probably a farfetched possibility but it could happen.
Meanwhile the edgy retard making a beep boop game has retarded takes that will get him organically cancelled like any other person with an edgy 2000’s Twitter account.
No. 789231
>>788714IIRC this whole thing didn't just begin and end at a bunch of edgy tweets. He actually went through and made a shitty little game about a white square shooting black squares with phrases like 'Stay woke!' popping up when you kill them, etc. little Twitter non-apology years later is pretty funny considering it can be summed up as "I'm sorry you got mad at my obvious joke". I feel like he'd address that game and not just the tweets themselves. Like all other popular NG creators, he's just another stunted manchild permanently stuck at the mental age of 12. Going off of his recent tweets it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to call him going full lolcow in the recent future. Having a 1 mill project on KS and one of the most popular NG games has gone straight to his head and I highly, highly doubt he's going to deliver.
No. 789259
>>789253Bait and switching to "Actually this isn't racist I was just kidding lol everyone is equal and
valid" isn't an excuse.
No. 789272
>>789259Holy shit are you OP of
>>788714Just drop it already and find another thread/go on Twitter about this. I’m tired of reading your posts, about a rando’s actions 3 years ago
No. 789276
>>789272Samefag, but op is on crack, like, I literally just played the game (that is very apparent
>>789231 didn’t)
And honestly, if you want a fucking game review OP, you dumbfuck, it’s abstract but it’s literally about Twitter culture and mob culture and how
toxic it is.
From my interpretation it’s about those who’s ideas differ from the “mob” are beaten down into accepting the idea, that minorities are still being silenced by those who believe they’re doing justice by hurting others. The title sucks, yeah, but OP you are the dumbest fuck out there to not even do your own fucking research
No. 789283
>>789276Not that anon, but
>Title game "Kill all Blacks.">Have it be a bait and switch and instead be about how you think the real genocide is how cancel culture is "killing individuality"Imagine making a shitty game comparing genocide to that of not being able to state your totally controversial opinion of La La land being a good movie. It was a dumb and poorly thought out concept to begin with. I don't get the issue with people not liking this guy he sounds like a pretentious hack.
No. 789286
>>789283The fact that people are arguing about this and trying to defend him is even more proof that this thread is infested with scrotes/coomers from Twitter here to defend other scrotes/coomers. I know there are already also obese furries and the typical SJW non-binaries/troons running loose, but some of the other kinds of cancer are getting too comfortable with themselves. They're all Twitterfags.
Also, his "game" isn't "Kill All Black Men", just "Kill All Blacks". Don't know what that one anon thought they were doing when they tried to liken farmers' misandry to this incel scrote, kek.
No. 789376
>>789276nta, but apart the creator jokes, what youu described sounds exactly like the game made by a 4channer about things he hate under the blanket of ''look who is the real villian, minorities!''
let's just leave it, it's going nowhere
No. 789490
File: 1619181321987.jpg (281.6 KB, 1417x1417, 887789778996678898.jpg)

Does anyone feel this drawing give a huge racist caricarture vibe. Is Destiny and het minorty pandering.
No. 789579
>>789529Maybe it's exaggerating
Antonia Banderas's Eddie Murphy's slight tooth gap? I don't think the design is that bad, just a fuggo art style
No. 789621
>>789526NTA, but the drawing is just fucking ugly. The features would look wrong with any skin color. It's that shitty bean style you also see in Steven Universe. It doesn't look like any non-deformed black or white or Asian person I've seen.
If the artist can't draw some races of people normally, that's a problem, lmao.
No. 789653
>>789490I think it's basically what
>>789526 and it's just her art being ugly, but I kinda agree with
>>789529 too.
This is actually a thing I have noticed, that for some reason these woke artists will have a thing for putting big tooth gaps on their black characters. Idk why woke artists keep doing that, it looks ugly as sin, makes their characters look like hicks, and they have no excuse to be surprised when people think it's weird/suspicious that they do that mostly with black characters.
Also, I think the dragon's clothes could be a bit salvageable with some alterations, but donkey's clothes are just awful wtf is that shoulder thing supposed to be
No. 789656
>>789638>>789642>>789643All the same person again kek. I'm pretty sure this and
>>788553 are the same anon and is just some twitter dipshit that's trying really hard to blend in by using as much lingo as they have knowledge of. I don't even fucking like Fnf and have never played it and never will. Not my cup of tea. Stop projecting your own insecurities onto everyone else.
>Callout posts are your thing, not ours.Not even gonna bother replying to that because the jokes write themselves at this point.
No. 789662
>>789656Nope, I'm
>>789643 and
>>789286. Not even going to bother reading the rest of your tinfoil drivel. Take your obsession elsewhere already, let the thread move on.
No. 789823
File: 1619204912848.png (324.17 KB, 337x471, Racist Art.PNG)

>>789653As someone who is Black, I don't think it's racist to give black characters features like bigger noses, thicker lips, or very afro-textured hairstyles, these are traits that full Black people tend to have. It's very easy to see genuine design of a black character and a racist one. If your character doesn't look like the attached photo which is meant to be offensive, then you have nothing to sweat in my opinion. But yeah the tooth gaps really do take from the art. Yes some people do have them but if you're only giving them to your non-Caucasian characters then yeah, it does look sus.
No. 789836
>>789832I personally only do those once I reach a follower milestone of sorts, but I'm not a merch artist so I can't say much about that.
I suppose once a month should be fine? Schedule a special day for it, maybe around the end of the month.
No. 790095
File: 1619228605297.jpeg (514.49 KB, 750x1071, 42EEF58D-7889-4F50-AF06-A9AFEC…)

Retarded children and antis are cancelling another artist (scepterno) over drawings
No. 790117
>>790095This thread is getting infested by scrotes.
Antis may be reactionary moralfags with nothing better to do but pedocopers aren't any better. The way I see it, it's just two sides of the same retarded coin.
No. 790194
>>790160>>790095>>790165Is that supposed to be oscar and ozpin from rwby?
Also has anyone else noticed that the pro-ship/anti-ship people only ever talk about gay male ships/porn? And they mostly only go after female artists (or genderspecials who are bio women), I never see them go after male artists who draw porn of female characters. I also it's primarily shounen anime related. Nobody gets mad when someone draws nsfw of the magical girls. For example two artists could be drawing nsfw art of characters from a popular shounen anime, but one of them is a man drawing a female character and the other is a woman drawing drawing a male character. Which one do you think is going to get cancelled?
No. 790241
>>790095say whatever you want, but saying in bio 'my oponions are muy own'' and ''pro-fiction'' is just other way of saying ''yes, i ship kids with adults''.
anyway, imo it's not worth cancelling because noone cares about them anyway, it's no-name artist
No. 790262
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No. 790264
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No. 790267
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File: 1619254492503.png (202.55 KB, 783x419, 20210424_105319.png)

>>790160Depends on what you think is vanilla. One is 100 years old other is 14 or something.
No. 790278
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>>790271Lol what the fuck are those proportions.
No. 790285
File: 1619256135495.jpeg (36.29 KB, 411x194, EB624386-0666-4EC7-9DD7-FEA34E…)

How the ever loving fuck am I supposed to deal with deranged teenagers DMing me and commenting on my posts asking what my pronouns are. Why does it even fucking matter. I’ve ignored them until now but more and more keep asking every day, what the hell have I done to deserve an audience that asks me my pronouns constantly. Their retarded bios have shit like “they/she/he” “any pronouns” what is even the point!!! What do my pronouns have anything to do with my art, why have I attracted trannies! I can’t even rant about this to any mutual sin fear of outing myself as a “terf” and having my art career cancelled
What is this fucking timeline.
Sage because personal internet art bullshit.
No. 790288
File: 1619256630174.png (57.32 KB, 300x273, troll-sincere-troll.png)

>>790285I literally fear this happening with my art once I get down to business again after my hiatus
feel for you, wouldn't want to be in your situation because what a pain
I hope you're doing well otherwise tho
No. 790311
>>790285To be honest, I'm the exact opposite to a
terf and I can't stand that kind of behavior, forcing others to tell your pronouns or any perfomative activism. My art account is for my art only, I don't give a fuck about issues that doesnt concern my work…
No. 790333
>>790332I don’t want to humour any of this though, I just want it to go away. It has nothing to do with my art, and I want absolutely no part in it
I honestly just needed a place where I can rant about it
No. 790407
File: 1619268522662.png (63.09 KB, 1080x532, 2021389349.png)

>>790376Don't forget you have to put your race too. I have seen enough tweets demanding people to put their race in their bio, especially if they're white, and honestly I just really don't want to lmao. Not because I'm trying to hide it, it just looks stupid.
No. 790408
>>790376I think a lot of it is an American thing- I don’t believe other countries have the need to publicize private info in a social space.
This kinda reminds me of when that wwe wrestler was ‘canceled’ for being iffy about having her pronouns on her online accounts(when it’s obvious for what she goes as), only for her coworker (I believe he plays as the Mandalorian) to be praised otherwise because he supported a family member who came out.
So it’s like this unofficial thing, that by putting your pronouns in your bio, you publicly support trans?? Maybe someone can explain it better for me
No. 790443
File: 1619271582354.jpg (312.31 KB, 419x610, 1617916749755.jpg)

>>790376>Tinfoil but I genuinely believe the reason I'm not as popular is because I have none of that information readily available on my bioUnironically post your work. Legit no one reads bio's and yet you think it's one of the sole contributions to your works unpopularity?
I have never seen that many people request that info. You most likely spend to much time on this thread
No. 790460
>>790376While I think it’s stupid we’re expected to put things like race/gender/disabilities/whatever the fuck on our bios, I agree with
>>790443 Because a lot of these kinds of people interact with Japanese or other international artists who don’t put that information on bios. Maybe you just draw from dead fandoms or don’t have interesting ocs? I would go out and say that you’ll get more sympathy follows if you’re
poc and draw black-washed characters probably
No. 790563
>>790460Just because an artist is (xyz) doesn't mean that they want to necessarily draw those topics and I think that's what's wrong with the art community at large. In that over compensating for "inclusiveness", everyone gets pigeon-holed into only drawing (xyz) because you gotta 'share your stories!' and 'be heard!!!'
Representation is pretty important but of course if that's all people are gonna know you for, then who else are you except gender/race/sexuality? I'm so sick of it.
No. 790606
>>790600That hasn't been my experience so far, but it's probably only because I'm only following mutuals I already know.
It doesn't matter where you go, the art community is always going to be filled with drama, you just need to tailor your experience with what you want to see. Easier said than done though. If artfol doesn't improve I'm out.
No. 790622
File: 1619285609604.jpg (195.19 KB, 1080x1918, Screenshot_Instagram.jpg)

I actually like most of this person's art but this is hilarious to me
No. 790634
>>790376Are you sure about that
>>790443This anons right if your work was good it would speak for itself. Maybe quit bitching and improve on your own ability instead of whining about a blurb most people end up scrolling past anyways
No. 791078
>>790095At this point I don't even care if some random online artist is a legitimate shotacon, just into shipping anime teens, "minor-coded" adults or whatever the case. I don't care about the explanations or mental gymnastics to turn it around into something it isn't. Let them draw that fucking underage ship art, don't look if you don't like it. Come back when they're caught harassing actual kids which is never because they're not scrotes.
>>790194Male artist have a huge whiteknighting army behind them defending their coomer cervix prolapse porn and tearing everyone attacking them apart, female artist lose all their friends the moment they're called out for drawing a cute puppy boy and they're left alone to take the punches. Guess which one is more satisfying to cancel to these people.
>>790209>He/Him on bio>Gay artIt's a woman, anon. For further proof it took me 2 seconds to look up a tweet where she talks about being a "trans femboy" and that self insert dog boy of her is a canon transboy.
No. 791194
>>791148What are you talking about? That's the fucking truth, none of these virtue signaling dumbasses attack male coomers drawing heaps dodgier porn than any of these "pedo females" combined because they know their male coomer audience will stomp them to the ground and snip out all controversy. Female artists with a predominantly female audience lose their support immediately and have to come up with these retarded "actually I was abused as a child which is why I like this anime teen" posts and basically lay out their whole mental health history in their desperation to soften the blows even a little. The people attacking them feed on that shit, they know it's easier to bully female artists because women are socialized to avoid conflict. It is what it is and in case it's never recognized it can never be fixed.
And in case you're instead referring to the fact that the Artist Of the Day receiving cancellation is actually a male then you should know it's a FTM troon i.e. a woman
No. 791326
File: 1619370221642.png (40.15 KB, 665x351, 1c84ec26ca025e901d0792aeaeb4d4…)

eruri artist Columbo, who's apparently iraqui and lgbt, got outed to his homophobic muslim family over some tweets by some gringo "anti". he went priv on his main account and had to delete all of his art without warning because he might be in danger.
gringos are the most entitled, self-righteous piece of shit people i've ever encountered on the internet. i wish someone would quarantine them in their own corner of the internet so we wouldn't have to deal with them anymore
No. 791327
File: 1619370331994.jpg (101.75 KB, 1125x1309, Ez1O9uDVkAMbsX-.jpg)

>>791326from what i gather the people who outed him are minors who privated their accounts the minute they got backlash and are crying over being misgendered or something.
No. 791369
File: 1619373270841.png (115.87 KB, 544x302, vbgreaz.PNG)

>>791327minors are so dumb
No. 791379
>>790724This. So many of you conflate marketing skills and follower count with artistic skill.
It was mentioned in the past and mostly during tumblr's pre-purge, but a lot of "rising" artists (strong skill, middle-ground follower account that was on the rise) would often get hit up by the woke police to see if they could sink their claws into them early.
No. 791386
>>791326>live in shithole country>gets snitched on by some twatter kid>run real possibility of being jailed or killedHonestly feeling great not having a twitter as a fellow shitholer myself
>>791327>>791369Kids will be kids, they'll endanger someone and then when they get jumped on they start crying and throwing tantrums because they got caught. Why is the CEO of twitter actually retarded? You can't let kids prance around like this, this is what they do.
No. 791403
>>791148>looking excuses for themYou're either willfully ignorant, or successfully avoid scrote artists to be able to say this sincerely
>>791194>>791330It's fucked up. The only time you hear of a male audience being canceled is when they go as far as Shadman did and drawing cp of real children.
>>791326Fucking brats. I always get "The White Ribbon" energy from these shitty moments. They learn from
toxic adults on the internet who show them it's okay do this over a fucking cartoon pairing.
And twitter makes it an act of god to report minors. They want to keep that sweet brat ad revenue for as long as possible.
No. 791427
>>791403>They learn from toxic adults on the internet who show them it's okay do this over a fucking cartoon pairingThat's the thing. These kids are attacking (mainly female) artists left and right over muh cartoon characters and won't rest until the earth is scorched black, and they're learning it from the adults grooming them to be their personal attack dogs. There's always some adult behind their actions telling them that they're one of the good ones, they can be trusted, see how much they care for your kids' safety by calling these
abusive racist pedo bitches out etc. In reality they're most likely mentally ill, narcissistic, terminally online sad fucks who can't function with their peers and have to exploit minors for validation and admiration. They always have a graveyard of skeletons stuffed under their beds and probably an anonymous diaperfur account nobody knows about but it doesn't stop them from telling kids online that they should look out for anyone shipping their NOTP because that's the sign of a pedophile.
It's dangerous in both giving out false information on how to actually recognize red flag behavior and also because inevitably they're going to piss off the wrong hombre and end up ruining their own lives instead. But no, it's always about "letting pedos know their place uwu" while discord groomers run free behind their backs.
No. 791505
>>791427>>791386worst part is when columbo quoted a tweet of someone celebrating him having to deactivate (for his literal safety because he could very much get killed for this) and people "scolding" him… because he's "much older" and shouldn't send his "rabid followers" after a kid. the man got fucking OUTED TO HIS MUSLIM FAMILY over tweets, i think one thing far outweights the other.
i swear these entitled kids and the mentally stunted retard adults behind them make me sick
No. 791548
>>790095RWBY lore says that the old man Ozpin is actually Ozma who's several 100s years and after his death in Volume 3 his soul went into the new kid Oscar. It literally isn't incest.
Also CRWBY implied that Ruby x Oscar is pedophilia by calculating her age to be 18 in volume 8 while Oscar is still a minor.
No. 791631
>>791553>25-30 middle agedNah, to these ‘minors’, 19-23 is middle aged, 25-30 is when your foot is practically in the grave. If you even associate with them in adult spaces, you’re grooming them despite them being told to not enter 18+ spaces
>>791427I don’t particularly think it’s adults,(ok, maybe a little when you have Shannon/TD and other drama outlets running around) I think it’s them taking adult situations and misinterpreting it/abusing it to install a sense of superiority.
No. 791634
>>791620I heard that too, so I avoided all the
trigger words.. I went to check other people's account, took awhile to find someone who is shadowbanned too. Their pics appeared again after they stopped posting for one week?? I made a new account because my last one was banned even after one week. Stopped using hashtags because I heard that's what
triggers it lol. Heard that you can't follow too many people or tweet too much. I only followed one person and tweet every 2 days. I guess one pic every two days is considered as spam?
No. 791635
>>791427Honestly that's the thing that gets me. they always say any artist who draws some demented, fucked up shit is doing it with the intention of grooming kids even if they go as far as blocking minors, saying their accounts are NSFW/18+ only, etc. it just ain't enough for these children yet I've seen more adults who are against fucked up fictional porn get outed for being legitimate sex pests or fucking weirdos.
and most importantly, it is false info on how to recognize red flags and
abusive/predatory behavior like anon said. like i dont understand the disconnect between showing censored ""cp"" to your majority underage audience but then calling the artist who drew it in the wrong even though if it were legitimately cp they wouldn't be able to post it censored.
No. 791825
>>791658The fact that these people think that cartoon characters have more rights to respect than living breathing people is disturbing. Is no one going to tell these children that their comfort character isn't fucking real?? They're attempting to destroy the reputation and lives of actual people to defend what amounts to pixels on a screen. No one even wants to say that though in fear someone will take them saying "calm down its just a drawing" to mean "I love rape/incest art and I wish there was more of it". Its fucking insane.
I'm not saying I agree with the weird porn fandom artists draw but whatever happened to just… clicking away when you saw something you didn't like? Actual predators like Sh*dman exist on twitter producing the most vile content but these teens and wokesters just want to attack artists that are "attackable". Morality is moot. There's no point in attacking someone whos fully accepted their degenercy but they'll drag someone who actually cares about their reputation through the mud for the thrill. Honestly fuck them where are there parents while they sit doom scrolling through 18+ NSFW twitters anyway?
No. 792083
>>792064NTA but yes? BL is extremely popular with lesbian women, the fandom is filled with women.
>>792081Saying you can't be a lesbian because you like yaoi is like saying you can't be a lesbian if you use a strap-on for sex since it's "still a dick imitating a male body part". If anything lesbian stuff is more of a sign of a male AGP transbian fetishist at this point, it's completely overtaken by heterosexual scrotes and BL is literally the only genre they can't sexualize under male gaze.
No. 792094
>>792083That analogy isn’t so good though…The strap-on is for the feeling; yaoi, at least the kind with relatively manly men like Columbo draws, uses the whole muscular male form. So much art focusing on muscular male bodies. I’ll believe lesbians like this kind of yaoi but I too cannot grasp it lol.
I can grasp the bishie mode stuff. I’m not so experienced but from what I remember in my younger days there wasn’t a focus on anatomically accurate bodies.
No. 792115
>>792094Yaoi is about exploring sex/relationships with the absence of women, female sexuality is so policed that a lot of people would rather explore themselves via fictional men, because they don’t typically face the social stigma women do.
I don’t know why body types are being brought up, Columbo is an artist so naturally they’d be interested in drawing muscles?
No. 792165
>>792142Yeah, but how many actually go to jail, and for what? Bullying a rando online that lives in another country?
I get that the lengths that they go through is harassment 101, but honestly, who’s going to send these ‘special’ kids to jail because their guardians aren’t checking up on them. I just hope they’ll start cracking down on ppl like Shannon/other dramatubers/media that weponizes the crowd mentality
No. 792179
>>792160>>792174Statistics say straight women prefer lesbian porn over straight porn. By your logic, that would make most heterosexual women lesbian or bi. But since the reason is that in lesbian porn the attention is solely on pleasing a woman, that's actually more appealing than watching often male-oriented straight porn where the woman gets choked, slapped, fucked raw without protection etc. The same applies to BL, it's all existing in an universe created by women to appeal to the taste defined by the experience of growing up and living your life as a female.
I'm not trying to fight you on your little headcanon because it's futile, unless you're a lesbian fujo yourself you will never understand the sum of variables that lead you to the lifestyle but attempting to take away someone's sexuality card based on the fictional media they consume is a step beyond retarded. Most fujos aren't interested in gay shit because "squee two males how wonderful", the experience is created by a tight-knit network made of other women with similar experiences, free of male presence and oppression, free of expectations based on female sexuality including the objectification of women in erotica. That's also why these "antis" are conditioned to see fujos as the archetypal evil, they're women who dare to explore and establish their sexuality without feeling ashamed.
No. 792203
>>792197To be honest I think it would have been the same whether the person was from any other country as well, though now the consequences were more serious compared to being outed somewhere in Western Europe for example.
Most of the people outside America are very aware of things that happen in America but it's not like us constantly talking about those things and doing perfomative activism would change how things are, if Americans want a change they need to it by themselves.
No. 792206
>>792181People are trying to make this about race soooo hard, as if non-americans don't know that antiblackness exists everywhere. So they sic their token black friends to go "ArE yOu CalLing me A MonkeYY???!!" every five seconds while non-american people are just trying to have a fucking conversation. Nobody's talking about race, everyone has been trying to talk about nationality.
No, bule/gringo/westerner are not slurs, but we can make them slurs real quick if the twitterfags want it.
No. 792238
>>792171Sage for samefag, sorry about the name input. It must have slipped with my clip studio commands.
>>792222They're always obsessed with their bodies and how beautiful they are too, which I understand but I don't know why people think gay men obsessed with pop stars is OK but lesbian women obsessed with BL or even kpop idols is weird and must be faking it.
No. 792281
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>>792259>They're obsessed with their bodies and beauty because they're projecting onto them/ idolize themBut like, what do you think lesbians and bi women are doing when they cosplay/ERP as the guys in BL and act out scenes with each other? Most guys in BL look very effeminate. The "top" characters look like tall butch lesbians, while the "bottom" characters look like tomboys, and I don't think that's a coincidence. In Japan, it seems like actual gay men are into bara. Wouldn't most fujos just force their way into those spaces if it was really about creeping on gay guys?
Pic related, two "male" characters.
No. 792290
>>792281I discussed this topic with my lesbian friend yesterday, and we think that:
No scrote actually acts like 2D men
In fact, 2D men act better than actual scrotes, they're emotionally capable, and fun
Anime girls have zero to no personality in most cases, they're blank things for scrotes to project their fetishes
So what do women do? relate to the 2D men
And now a very big tinfoil that I'm lazy to explain: 2D men are butch coded. This is why butches like 2D men.
No. 792296
>>792293Right, and it's incredibly obvious when most BL porn is barely explicit at all. The relationship itself may be deep,
toxic or whatever, but the actual porn is barely drawn, and mostly focused on the emotion and faces they make.
No. 792301
>>791427AYRT but I remember adults as far back as LiveJournal would try to get kids to brigade for them over the same shit. My first online experiences involved an adult who carried on in a similar way, indulging in her ships and politicizing them.
With Tumblr and now Twitter + lockdowns making it so much easier to rally the base, these sick idiots are having a field day. I wonder where the breaking point is??
>>791541>>791553I'm guessing this where the "21 year old minor" comes into play. They want to keep that status for as long as possible.
>>792263I actually think the more dull/sexless yuri is made by straight women, now that you say that.
>>792281That's honestly the reason why I was into yaoi. The guys looked like butches and baby boidykes, the writing had a ton of female energy behind it. It was easy to not give any shits about the content.
I knew "straight" women who'd do "yaoi" scenes in cosplay with other women. They had an internalized lesbphobia and probably didn't realize it.
You're right; in Japanese media, bara is associated with gay men. The absence of feminity = gay.
>>792290Mine and my friend's theory, too.
>>792292The stealth scrotes and straight women are going to keep denying this. It's interesting how they are incapable of processing it.
No. 792303
>>792290>>792281Don't 2D men act as romanticized men? It's fiction, men and women both act in an exaggerated and unrealistic way. People say they act like women, but I've never seen real life women act like that.
Also I think they look "feminine" because they're based on how pretty japanese/asian men look. Like k-pop guys. Iirc the typical shoujo BL look that was popular in the 70s and 80s is inspired by a very pretty western actor though.
No. 792315
>>792310>real life romanticized men meanLike, straight girls describing their perfect boyfriend, or straight teens making 1D fanfiction or whatever. It's romanticized, but based on real men.
There's BL of all kinds, where they both act like girls, where only one of them does, and where neither do. It's because BL market is so big, there has to be something for everyone to relate and consume, straight girls, gay men and lesbian women.
No. 792360
>>792179and yet no one believes that a guy who watches gay porn is straight.
why is it always female sexuality and lesbianism everyone has these weirdo explanations for, actually lesbians like watching muscular dudes fucking eachother in the ass because of reasons and women who totally, totally are straight actually prefer watching lesbian porn because being turned on by females having sex with eatchother sure doesn't mean you're a lesbian but liking to watch two guy fucks sure does
No. 792365
>>792319I disagree, because men have never been shamed for being attracted to women, while lesbianism and bisexuality are typically shamed or outright erased.
Plus, most guys into traps are just coomers who fried their brain on so much porn that they need the added novelty of a woman with dick to get off.
I'd argue BL is a proxy for often shamed, repressed female/female attraction and sexuality. It's almost euphemistic, and the male bodies aren't even accurate to actual male bodies (self-lubricating asses lol). Actual female desire is downcast and seen as dirty (especially when it's not in service to males), so the "solution" is guys-but-not-really-guys acting out the fantasies women would be able to express if they were given more freedom/safety. There's no such nuance in "trap" hentai, OTOH. It's pretty straightforward faggotry and coomerism.
No. 792372
>>792368but the anon i was replying to talked about straight women preferring lesbian porn, which i assume meant real porn
>>792369columbo doesn't draw like that
No. 792374
I think a lot of confused anons don't understand that BL community is filled with
women who write decent romance light novels and stuff. I am not a BL consumer but I've read two Japanese, BL romantic light novels that had a great chemistry, plot and tension which made me cry a river. And they were written by amazing women.
In the end at least the Asian part of BL seems to write the best male characters, better than the ones we have IRL.
>>792366> Claiming said anons are bisPlease, calm down.
No. 792375
>>792360Because male and female sexualities developed differently. Men don't have to be subjected to objectification, fetishization and sexualization since early puberty while also being repressed and shamed for it. They aren't disturbed by being thought of as sexual beings. They aren't being reminded of how they're expected to be sexually subservient to their partner of the opposite sex. They don't have to be afraid of being raped or sexually abused. They don't have to go through these experiences during their youth and young adulthood which are amplified tenfold if you're not heterosexual. Men can enjoy porn of their self-insert power fantasy avatar fucking a mountain of women because they feel immensely powerful being sexual. Women don't have that privilege. The ones with the most traumatizing experiences regarding their gender, especially the non-genderconforming ones, usually don't like inserting into the sexual situations in media. That's why they prefer reading erotica with male only characters that are still feminine enough for them to resonate with. I really, really don't understand why this is such a far-fetched idea to people other than maybe men themselves.
Not all lesbians like this female-created gay genre. Not at all. Some enjoy lesbian media only because they don't find the appeal in male characters. But almost all of those who do like this very specific, niche, fictional, romanticized genre are lesbians.
No. 792388
>>792384>>792377I personally have this shitty theory, that is very shitty because as a woman who loves women it fucking sucks:
The fakebois and aidens
know they're women
And no guys actually like yaoi
But what is the next gayest thing they can do?
Kiss and date other women who pretend to be yaoi anime men
So instead of genuine attraction, it's a fantasy for them, of becoming a gay man because all the romance they've been looking at is between gay men. It's like autoandrophilia
No. 792403
Alright, I'm really into BL, I love seeing men drawn with male anatomy, I love seeing dicks, I just really like men physically (unfortunate, I know), vaginas, tits and feminine body proportions turn me off, but I guess I'm a lesbian because I like BL. I enjoy if the men are written to be more romantic, fluffy and charming, like the perfect guy a woman would want, I like the equal dynamic the male characters can have so I can "experience" a healthy relationship through fiction and I guess that makes me even more of a lesbian. Didn't know you could be a lesbian while not being sexually attracted to women. Cool!
No. 792408
>>792320>Do you think its mostly “straight” women into gay shit?Uh, yes? it's actually really common for straight and bi girls to be exclusively into m/m ships, i thought everyone knew this? Like it's one thing to say some fujos are lesbians but you can't seriously believe that
most are
No. 792415
>>792320Yeah. Know plenty of het women (even married) invested in anime gay ships, BL and slash fanfiction. During my time in weeb fandom, hetero fujoshis squealing about kawaii ukes being nailed by semes were the most common ones. Also this
No. 792419
>>792411>>792412Some anon above said that it's mostly lesbians that are into BL while straight girls are only into otome. Also that since BL dudes act like women then you're really attracted to women. It doesn't make sense and it's just not true.
>>792413I'm not self-victimizing, the fuck are you on? I'm just making an example because some of you keep saying things that contradict each other.
No. 792422
>>792383i would if most yuri manga and comics weren't just focused on wholesome 100% pure or mary sue characters, often set in high school. yuri about adult women with an actual plot is rare and people seem to be allergic to writing/drawing female characters with flaws or interesting dynamics, and when they try it gravitates to rape or sexism and i'm already sick of those issues irl.
>>792375fucking thank you anon, that's exactly it. the dynamics of relationships in BL are very different and it's a breath of fresh air to not be sexualized for once and actually focus on the fiction and romance without the baggage and expectations that comes with being a woman
No. 792425
>>792414>>792419>almost allMajority of straight girls are more into heterosexual ships, that's a fact, and otome and fujo fandoms often overlap which causes the confusion. And even that put aside, one has to wonder why someone is so ridiculously
triggered at the thought of being associated with a medium popular with lesbians when discussing the question of why a lesbian woman would be into BL. Sorry someone called you a nasty dyke I guess?
No. 792427
>>792419The whole conversation started because someone was implying that lesbians aren't into BL.
And yes, guys in BL are pretty feminine in appearance. Only you know your own sexuality, but like…let's call a spade a spade.
No. 792451
triggered but okay. I just made a kinda sarcastic post and you're acting autistic. BL is only a little popular with lesbians now, in the 00s it was a niche that straight girls and some gay guys were into and most creators are straight girls (a lot of popular og authors were even married) who like seeing two men fucking. I'm not saying there aren't lesbians enjoying fluffy BL, I'm just saying that the majority of BL fans are people strongly into men.
>>792427A man isn't feminine just because it isn't a buff hairy ape anon. And liking some "feminine" men certainly doesn't make a woman a lesbian, especially if there's sex scenes with dicks involved. If it does for you that's cool, I just don't think that's how it works.
Also, tell me how big bony dudes (yaoi hand memes, anyone) are even remotely feminine. The stereotypical ukes are also depicted with full male anatomy, their faces are just pretty and again, mostly based on asian features that tend to be a little softer or beautiful western young actors.
No. 792455
>>792451>A man isn't feminine just because it isn't a buff hairy ape anon. Can you name some actual guys who look like BL characters? For personal research purposes, of course.
Also with assholes that lube themselves, no need to shave their bodies, etc etc. There's a reason actual gay guys in Asian countries are into bara instead of BL, and it's because the latter is pretty unrealistic to actual males, even with their soft features.
No one called you a lesbian just for pointing out that the 2D characters are feminine, by the way. Chill.
No. 792468
>>792455>Also with assholes that lube themselvesthat's just for plot convenience or the mangaka being retarded. Doubt she wants to secretly portray women and if she is, she needs to get on some meds or therapy.
>no need to shave their bodies, etc etcMost women into weeby media are also into bishonen/biseinen. Liking men with 'feminine' aesthetics doesn't make a woman any less het.
>>792451>BL is only a little popular with lesbians now, in the 00s it was a niche that straight girls and some gay guys were into and most creators are straight girls (a lot of popular og authors were even married) who like seeing two men fucking. I'm not saying there aren't lesbians enjoying fluffy BL, I'm just saying that the majority of BL fans are people strongly into men.I don't know where those zoomer fujoshis are coming from. They clearly don't know the history of their favorite genre (at least in the western world, though the point about mangakas being het also is… interesting). No, the 00's fujoshis weren't into women at all, in fact they usually despised female characters (why is a matter for another topic, but they sure weren't interested into rehabilitating them). The trope of 'evil ex girlfriend' trying to break up the gay couple was extremely popular kek. The loudest fujoshis were girls/women getting off on kawaii bishies fucking each other. Literally nobody would even consider that they could be bi/lesbian based on that since their interest in males was obsessive and sexual/romantic. This is some bizzare rewriting of history.
Anyway imagine being a lesbian, being able to cut of men from your life but still deciding to obsess over fictional males. Couldn't be me.
No. 792470
>>792455K-pop and J-pop singers? Lots of asian models? Actors they use for historical chinese and korean dramas? Bjorn Andresen, who inspired the old shoujo boy look?
And I love how you're taking some ridicolous cases where the asshole lubricates itself for plot convenience or ignorance as the standard for all BL works. Now hardly any BL uses that shit unless it's some trash drawn by some teen girl. No need to shave is present anywhere in fiction, it's not only a BL thing, but a lot of works depict body hair despite stylization.
>>792462Sure, it's just that this argument started with lesbians so I'm talking about that. It makes complete sense that bi girls would be into BL among other things.
No. 792476
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>>792470Bjorn Andersen literally looked more manly at 14 than 99% of shoujo boy characters and grown-ass men in BL kek.
You're attracted to feminine features in fiction on guy characters. Doesn't make you a lesbian, don't know why you're mad. That's it.
No. 792480
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>>792476very manly, indeed
>>792474claiming that fujoshis are mostly gay/bi is retarded though
>>792479because bi women are a minority and BL/yaoi has always been a genre that mostly attracted straight women
No. 792486
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>>792483Yeah, okay. I'll pretend that this picture and that look the exact same.
No. 792510
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>>792476You have bad eyes then anon, because he looks very much like your regular shoujo boy or a pretty prince character in some historical BL. No, he doesn't look manlier than grown ass men in BL (picrel, totally feminine). I also didn't say I was attracted to the features of your picrel who scrotes like to call feminine, I'm just trying to explain things. Either you're baiting or you're a zoomer who doesn't know what they're talking about. I don't want to derail the thread now.
>>792486Stylization, anon. It's called stylization. Also clearly inspired by another type of look.
>>792502You're spouting bullshit. Literally anyone who was into BL and yaoi in the 00s remembers how mysoginy in the genre was rampant and how women characters were only used as some villain or a plain supporting character. The grown female authors made them that way. No one self inserted in them because they were bad and boring characters, instead girls who wanted to self insert would do so with the "uke" who was still a male but a bit softer in looks and personality.
No. 792519
>>792511No one has any sources here, we're all just shooting the shit.
IMO, a genre of androgynous, feminine males being in love is kind of bi-pandering in itself because it combines aesthetically pleasing characteristics of both sexes,
and it provides a level of detachment that both lesbians and straight women can enjoy, but it's a zero-sum game of just hetties vs lezzies in this war I guess, kek.
No. 792521
>>792511I mean, I feel like it's common sense that
most fujoshis aren't lesbians? right? Considering how small the lesbian population is + that it's male on male pornography (ie geared towards people who are attracted to males), there's just no way, right? Like it seems so obvious to me lol am I crazy? I'm not saying there are no lesbians into bl btw just that they're not the majority. Just like I'm sure
most people watching lesbian porn are straight men, even though straight women do watch it
No. 792529
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>>792500>Since BL fans are already a small minority, it's kind of presumptuous to make wider assumptions that they are mostly straight, especially when the content itself doesn't match typical het conventions and the characters are more androgynous.I guess it's mostly Bi/lesbian women watching lesbian porn in that case
>>792514There you go, some sources on BL being mostly a media consumed by het women (but also popular among bis and gay men) one is interesting but I don't feel like reading it, posting for other anons: wikipedia (click for sources)
>The female readership in Thailand is estimated at 50% as males also read gay manga,[5] and the membership of Yaoi-Con, a yaoi convention in San Francisco, is 50% female.[1] It is usually assumed that all female fans are heterosexual, but in Japan there is a presence of lesbian manga authors[6] and lesbian, bisexual, other or questioning female readers.[7] Recent online surveys of English-speaking readers of yaoi indicate that 50-60% of female readers self-identify as heterosexual.[8][9] It has been suggested that Western fans may be more diverse in their sexual orientation than Japanese fans and that Western fans are "more likely to link" BL ("Boy's Love") to supporting gay rights.[9] Much like the Yaoi readership base, the majority of Yaoi fanfiction writers are also believed to be heterosexual women. The reasoning behind this trend is sometimes attributed to patriarchy- that women who write yaoi fanfiction are in fact acting out heterosexual fantasies through these male figures.[10],this%20percentage%20at%20about%2010%25.
No. 792530
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>>792529Another one, ctrl+f "heterosexual" of research confirms BL/yaoi was mostly a hobby of het women. I wouldn't be surprised if more lesbians/bi or FTMs are into it nowadays, but I doubt that there is more of them than hets.
No. 792532
>>792531cause the other anon said
>it's kind of presumptuous to make wider assumptions that they are mostly straight, especially when the content itself doesn't match typical het conventions which makes just as much sense
No. 792542
>>792539So, the answer is yes? I was referring to
>the lesbian BL anons who are in denial about it being a genre mostly consumed by straight and bi womenCould've just said "straight" instead of switching around, lmao
No. 792546
>>792399>"well written" I laugh every time they say that kek.
Agree on all counts.
No. 792547
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Can we get back to the actual salt. Jay is out of the hospital and is mad at people posting pictures of her/his/it's face and speculating why.
No. 792565
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They didn't even try to hide it
No. 792581
>>792565"That's a whole OC!!" Lmao yeah right
>>792474The only
valid post tbh
No. 792587
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This circlejerk of ko-fi shilling is so goddamn annoying. The sheer entitlement from these two is mind blowing tbh.
No. 792609
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>>792574>>792581I actually believe it’s an oc
No. 792622
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>>791326the snk fandom on twitter actually has a lot of cows lol. there's this one artist called hanpetos who has "ptsd" over the ship levihan, and unironically said that her hair started falling out when she had drama with a levihan shipper
in that bottom tweet she also somehow made columbo's whole drama about her, since her and that columbo girl are friends and interact sometimes? who knows how she justified it in her ptsd-riddled brain
No. 792633
>>792622She's genuinely the biggest retard ever. She's been beefing with this Levihan shipper since fucking 2013 and their drama is still ongoing to this day. She legit claims to have PTSD and anxiety from it, how all the harassment online made her stop eating and she even had to go to the hospital over that,… which is so pathetic because this is all literally over a bunch of Attack on Titan ships. Just get over it and accept that there are people out there who will ship what you don't like, jfc this woman is around 23+ years old too. Whenever something happens, she's very quick to make it about herself, in this case it's the Columbo drama. Columbo got doxxed and of course Hanpetos had to run to her account to say how she's "scared for her life". Literally no one cares about her except for the imaginary people who harass her on a daily basis.
The Levihan shipper who frames her to be some "abuser" and "stalker" is pretty retarded too. Kins Hanji to the extreme and has an entire furry OC made after her where she self inserts hardcore. She thought that Hanpetos called her a retard back in 2013 which started the entire drama and here we are, two grown ass women claiming to have actual PTSD, depression and anxiety over fictional ships.
>>792625Snk just has a very retarded and extremely
toxic fanbase. Nearly on some Bnha levels type of shit. That's all.
No. 792641
>>792625They didn't go after columbo because of the ship, columbos ship is pretty much as non
problematic in aot as you can get. It was because of some badly worded tweets.
No. 792647
>>791326>doesn't even have her irl name anywhere, just has her age listed on the profile>keeps calling herself an asian even though she's just a middle easterner>she's a lesbian who goes by male pronouns but doesn't even say anything when people keep calling her a real guy>but then suddenly she also goes by female pronouns and is fine with that even though she larps how she's a guy and doesn't even correct anyone>confusion.jpg>has a nsfw acc which is literally so fucking easy to find, especially with her art style being very recognizable>even retweets the art of her main to her nsfw account>claims that her family follows her on that main so that's why she has that nsfw acc where she posts the "gay" stuff>but she also posts normal fanart there and she also gets 30-50k likes and rts without even being private? how is she going to hide that from her family who follow her main when her art is literally all over twitter>makes everyone swear to secrecy to not reveal her being lgbtqjwqrioowqrqw+ to her family which is ??? if you don't want them to know then don't fucking reveal anything to your audience you retard>acts retarded on her account where she has a 100k following>interacts with "proshippers", talks with them, kinda defends them>writes a very poorly worded post about racism which gets easily taken out of context>gets "doxxed" to her very muslim iraqi brother who apparently already knew about it but she still acts like she's going to die and about to get hung from a noose any second now>doubt because what kind of iraqi muslim brother who lives in the middle east is fine with his sister being some lesbian fakeboy>claims to be in actual trouble with her family>even though she said it's only her brother who found out and he already knew too>has been tweeting daily and hourly since the "outing" happened even though she said she was going to delete asap>keeps threatening to delete and deactivate but still won't fucking leave>gets a fucking #ThankYouColumbo hashtag trending>very embarrassing because all she did was draw eruri fucking and reiner with a gaping asshole like every other aot artist but people legit treat her like a deity who brought blessings to this world>suddenly tells people that she'll be active on her other acc despite saying how she'll never post her art anywhere ever again because SHE IS SO SCARED!!!11!!!!1! sorry for long post but honestly she's very retarded. my tinfoil is that she's lying about getting outed to get some
victim points. it makes zero sense, especially with how she never shared her face or irl name anywhere and has been going as "columbo" since she started that account and i doubt a bunch of random 15 year olds have the power to actually find all that info about some random nobody artist. sorry if it's all true but good for her if it's all a lie though, i hope she'll be able to shake those annoying minors off since everyone is already attacking them for O-OUTING A QUEER IRAQI TO T-THEIR FAMILY!!1!1!!1!!
No. 792662
>>792647is it all about some shipping drama? you're a bit retarded yourself to type all of that, let her go
>>792657hahaha and she lowered the price on it too from 0.25 to 0.1. Can we go even lower?
No. 792705
>>792115pretty much. Yaoi/BL is filled with women (for various reasons) including lesbians. You can draw something because you find it sexually appealing or just because it's fun, interesting, for exploration, etc. not everything has to be because you just want to bone it.
like I'm bi but at some point I lost interest in BL and just didn't find it appealing anymore. Not because I'm not attracted to guys, but because BL specifically didn't interest me. There's more that goes into the interest of this stuff than just sex appeal. One reason I used to be into it was because it could have some raunchy or straight-up
problematic shit in it without anyone raising a stink or fuss had it been het or lesbian.
>>792263Yeah yuri made by women tends to be rather dull. Citrus was the first
problematic yuri I had come acros sin years and it was a breath of fresh air yet everyone got called out for liking it because they called it fetishistic. Anything that is wlw but anything beyond gentle and sweet handholding and uwu cuddles is unacceptable so most people just don't make it because they aren't trying to be harassed just for enjoying it.
hell no one can enjoy anything
problematic w/o people thinking you're fucked up or genuinely want it to happen cause people don't separate fantasy from reality anymore. No I enjoy
problematic fiction because it helps cope with the emotions of semi-trauma and negative emotions from my youth and i'm in a place in real life that is perfectly safe and I can explore dark and possibly traumatic shit without endangering myself.
>>792289It depends on the kind of men a woman prefers. Honestly I prefer bara > yaoi boys because I actually like huskier and more masculine men.
>>792441In my experience I've had more sexual shaming from women than I have men to the point of being groomed into hating myself due to my attraction to men and thinking that I actually deserved terrible relationships with men despite the number of
abusive and
toxic women in my life that fed that nonsense to me
and abused me on top of it.
>>792455Any guy from a boyband (I.e Jonas Brothers, BTS, etc.) will probably look close enough to BL characters. It won't be 1:1 because real life duh but you get some not hyper-masculine guys. And most gay asian men seem to be into both relatively equally. It just depends on if they like twinks or if they like hunks. the gay guy ik irl likes both while i (bisexual woman) prefer bara. I just like men with little more meat on them.
>>792622why are people literally this invested in ship drama? If a ship causes you so much stress your hair starts falling out you fucking need therapy.
>>792624It's because people try too hard to relate what you like to explore or enjoy in a fantasy to be what you're sexually into when sexuality for both men and women is extremely nuanced and complicated and there is barely any research into it due to the fact that scientists cannot get funding to study sex because people think they already know all there is to know.
>>792647You don't need to have your IRL name listed anywhere. Asians can be middle eastern and vice versa. If your family literally doesn't search any of that stuff or follow accounts related to fandoms it's pretty easy to go undetected with the massive amount of people and things on tumblr. Even if her brother already knew it's still terrifying and doxxing to have someone you know say internet strangers managed to get in contact with them.
My god this is what happens when i don't check this all day and dont want to same fag post. One big ass post
Tldr: Sexuality is nuanced,BL is made by and consumed mostly by women though a lot of asian men like bara adn yaoi relatively equally, I prefer bara > yaoi, a lot of yuri is dull because it will be attacked if it is anything less than pure, fiction is for exploration and it's oversimpliication to make assumptions based on what kind of fiction someone consumes and why, women like a variety of things and there is no one size fits all. Some like bara, some don't some like both or guys that are more shounen average and you don't need to have a lot of information listed to get doxxed.
No. 792732
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Jay is having an exciting night
No. 792733
>>792647Even if Columbo is lying about being doxed literally they obviously come from a country/family where drawing "gaping assholes" can put them in danger. You're underestimating the weaponized autism of people on twitter attacking something they don't like. If someone even threatened to dox them or joked about it they deserve to be put on blast. That's not shit you joke about publicly for anyone to see and minors/fanart crusaders get away with a lot of messed up life ruining tactics because they do it under the guise of moral superiority.
Even if Columbo lied which I don't think they did considering how easy it is to dox someone in 2021, its not far fetched to believe someone could have taken that callout post and decided to do it just for fun because they saw some gay shit they didn't like, like 4chan moids do. People making call outs need to understand how dangerous weaponizing a group of anonymous strangers on the internet are. How are they going to verify every single person going after this artists intentions?
No. 792734
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>>792510Most of the shit that was popular in the 2000s was shounen garbage, where the female main is almost always just a generic love interest with barely any personality to speak of.
No. 792759
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>>792647This is you anon?
>>792691Someone failed geography class kek
No. 792780
>>792748That, and women are just in general considered easier targets.
like the pattern I'm noticing w/ all of these callouts against artists is that they're always disprivilaged or viewed as weak/easy in some way. Women, LGBT+, neurodivergent, non-white/american, ESL/Not knowing English at all, etc.
For all the bitching and moaning they do about men and male artist, straight artists, etc., they only ever target anyone who is male, straight, cis, neurotypical, etc. It's because women, LGBT+, etc. artist are supposed to be "better" than that and therefore they view harassing– I mean "calling them out" or "bringing awareness" to the content they draw public is only meant to educate them or their mutuals who for some reason they feel the need to control who they (their mutuals) follow because their mutuals are not allowed to enjoy things that they do not enjoy.
So it's basically a combination of A. Viewing non-majority people as an easy target, B. Feeling that non-majority people should be "better than" the x-majority people, C. Wanting/needing to control who their mutuals follow because god forbid your friend like something
problematic that you personally find disgusting. D. Neo-puritan culture E. Using being online "Activists" and hiding behind "educating" and "just warning" people to be media watchdogs and bullies, F. An absolute refusal to hold themselves accountable for anything they do and splitting hairs over-celebrating someone being hurt vs deactivating (I.e "I'm not celebrating them being outted just celebrating them deactivating") as well as shifting the blame of their own actions/fault in any situation where an artist gets harassed because of what they started and only taking responsibility for the bare minimum if that, and G. Getting groomed by adults who think what someone draws is an indicator predatory behavior rather than actual actions.
No. 792819
>>792816super ot
but when I was in fandom, noticing this pattern even with "mlm anti-fujo" fakebois is what peaked me that they were not men lol and vice versa. such a larp to pretend there isn't a gender divide in fan behavior. both can be pretty cringe though.
No. 792839
>>792745I forgot that Lindsay Ellis vid- it was a rough watch, but damn, congrats to her- I’m just surprised how well spoken she was despite the topic/how hard it’s been for her
I hope more people talk about the subject, so ppl know that they don’t have to involve themselves in such drama/know the red flags/actually use their brains
No. 792877
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>2 months since inception
>Art theft is already running rampant
Is Artfol secretly a ploy to give artists free victim points to tweet about?
No. 792910
>>792647Apparently they have said the "I've been doxxed to my conservative Muslim family" a few times before? So that makes me a bit suspicious.
Obviously it's severely fucked up for people to contact their family and they
could be in actual danger if that happens. But I'm not sure if that is actually the case here. Tbh they would be better off leaving twitter or ignoring the haters because it seems to be a regular occurrence. Even if it's not their fault some Twitter users will always try to stir up drama so it's not worth it imo. Especially if you already had it happen a few times
No. 793094
>>792866"Proshippers" are the ones obsessing about the issue instead of the people who are willing to literally ruin lives over cartoon ships? You can always say Just Close Your Eyes Walk Away From The Screen HaHa but it's a lot harder if you're for example an artist whose portfolio and work is online and your income depends on your reputation, or someone manages to doxx you which isn't exactly hard since our lives have been moved largely online.
It's one thing to be cancelled in a ship war as a 16-year old but an entirely another when you're an adult who has a career and has to pay for your own rent, utilities and food. Not to mention the previous case about some artist being outed to her homophobic conservative muslim family in a country where homosexuality gets you a death sentence. As someone who was targeted online by a psycho mental case who later did jail time for a violent crime I honestly wish I was as oblivious as these people who think it's "just proshippers being overdramatic and enjoying the thrill".
No. 793154
>>792748You can really see that with the drama with sashley's bf, which is considered normal behavior among Male spaces. The funniest part is that Ashley also got cancelled for her bfs actions, really showing how easy women are in terms of targets.
But I do see female spaces being more prone to cancellation. Compare Jeffrey star to Pewdoepie or Jontron in terms of drama. The former was sent off the internet while the latter are protected by fans if even one person criticizes them.
No. 793181
>>792866I think you’re completely right. Neither side knows how to ignore the haterz and keep engaging in this shit. I’ve seen proshipper fan art accounts “egg on” antis by mistagging and putting the “x and y are dating” and similar type memes all over it. Or they draw something that will clearly attract antis like a controversial ship fucking, with all tags. How do you not expect retards to flock to you? And
>>793094 I’m sorry that happened to you, and I’m sorry that women are consistently the most targeted with this bullshit. I hope in the future more artists consider their digital footprint and stop making their livelihoods so accessible to strangers for the sake of fictional shipping art. Honestly I don’t understand why most women online wouldn’t think to practice this already. Especially regarding shit like this.
No. 793205
>>793181I’m sorry, anon, but this
> I hope in the future more artists consider their digital footprint and stop making their livelihoods so accessible to strangers for the sake of fictional shipping art. Honestly I don’t understand why most women online wouldn’t think to practice this already. Especially regarding shit like this.Sounds like “well you wouldn’t get harassed if you covered yourself more”
I get that it’s quite retarded to say everything about yourself on the internet, but some people have friends and sometimes you just want to share snippets of what’s going on, like when they go out traveling or when they post their favorite doodles.
>but you posted it knowing the consequences1!1!! So now I’m allowed to go to your workplace and get you fired!1!!No, specially if the person in question only did some retarded drawings of shit like an aged up character or a gay ship they like, holding hands or hugging, because some of these retards will see red just looking at two characters they don’t like together hugging.
It’s schizo shit and that kind of shitty person should get sent to jail for harassing, stalking and slandering a random person on the internet because they did a fucking drawing of two characters.
I don’t understand what is this clown world in which we’re living right now, in which we have to wonder whether the harassment of a person is okay or no.
Like, sure, kick them out of your ~*comfort*~ platform, creepy children, but let them live their life, you don’t need to kick them out from -every- platform, you don’t need to look out where they work so they get fired, you don’t need to talk to their family and friends, that’s fucking creepy and it should be penalized properly.
This is why vigilantism doesn’t work, specially nowadays, kids are kids and they will stay retarded until they hit their 30’s if you’re lucky, everyone can just say whatever the fuck they want and it won’t be double checked because I swear there’s tiny hive minds everywhere. This is also why there’s so many
actual pedophiles doing whatever they want and getting their ass licked.
No. 793233
>>793205Yeah I agree with you anon.
>>793181 I think that yeah, you're right, people should consider their online footprint and stop oversharing to the degree that they do because it's way too dangerous now, but you're not really considering that for a lot of people that's not an option. That may be possible for younger artists who have barely posted but for ones who have a large digital footprint that's not possible. The internet was very different even just 5 years ago and it's very short sighted to say "well, those people should have been smarter" when a whole generation of people were lulled in to a false sense of security and then had the rug pulled from under them. People will dig through years and years of someone's posts just to find a single scrap of anything to run a smear campaign on someone simply because they don't like them and the fact that a lot of artists are in that position is not fair.
As well, the accounts egging them on or whatever are not artists, they're randos who can just delete their accounts and move on if they want. For artists that's not usually possible and artists are easier targets because there's little social media attention to be gained from starting a harassment campaign on someone with 30 followers. To compare the two is being a bit deliberately obtuse, being fair.
The problem with the whole proshipping/anti thing from what I can see is that the rules are constantly changing as to what is acceptable. I dislike loli and shota shit personally but if I'm being honest the vast majority of artists getting cancelled don't draw that. Most of it is just aged up characters or anime teens who look like adults anyway but some terminally online weirdo decides to throw a shitfit because they kin that character or something and then they convince their minor minions to harass people in droves. The issue is that a lot of this is never any tangible complaint, it's always something extremely vague, saying the artist is a pedo or whatever but current discourse has proven that that can be anything from being a groomer, to loli/shota, to anime teens aged up or a minor coded adult or whatever they decide falls under this bracket.
Most of this is not being said in good faith and is done solely to catch artists and harass people for fun because they've decided they don't like them, and it's almost always women who are targeted. I really don't see how drawing some Jojo ship or something is justification for people stalking you to the point of breakdown or getting you fired or something, and lets not pretend that the former doesn't happen as a result the vast majority of the time from these harassment campaigns because they do.
>>793094 sums this up well.
No. 793262
>>793181No, anon. It's not a "both sides are dumb" kind of issue. The other side is minding their own business and the other is attacking their real life being over drawings like a deranged terrorist. Being butthurt over fictional ships and characters is retarded and it
should be ridiculed so that people understand it's not something a sane, mature, responsible person should practice. Speaking up about all of this isn't "asking for it" or "dwelling in it", it's raising awareness about an issue people aren't taking seriously. To the cancel crowd it's just a fun game with no consequences because their immature brains can't think two seconds ahead and others believe it "couldn't happen to them because they're careful about their online presence and never do anything controversial" before it happens to them.
No. 793270
>>793205>Sounds like “well you wouldn’t get harassed if you covered yourself more”ata and it really doesn’t. You can post all the stuff you mentioned without posting your real name, your DOB, where you live, or anything detailed about your family and real friends. It has no accurate analogy in real life harassment, where the consequences and actions are all instant and occur in real life.
>aged up character or a gay ship they like, holding hands or hugging, because some of these retards will see red just looking at two characters they don’t like together hugging.You’d hope the freaks harassing artists would be going after them for worse but it truly doesn’t take much to set them off.
>>793233>That may be possible for younger artists who have barely posted but for ones who have a large digital footprint that's not possibleAs much as I’d want to agree with this, I can’t. It sucks and it’s terrible, and no one is smart when they’re a 14 year old retard drawing shit online they unknowingly might regret later, but internet safety awareness existed back then and that was my entire argument. I don’t think lack of self awareness 10 years ago when you were in 9th grade is justification to be stalked now. The mob will attack you for anything so really what exactly an artist does shouldn’t matter, what I’m saying is artists can make an effort to untether themselves from a former digital identity if it’s putting their lives at risk. You can fight off antis and proshippers for your entire online career or what fucking ever, but your personal safety should be your main priority. If you can’t abandon an account because that’s your job(and you’re actually making good money off of it), then honestly you’re SOL because the mob isn’t going to magically go away until these kids get tired of themselves. Change your name, move towns, do whatever you have to. But if it’s a personal account, fucking jump ship and don’t post shit that jeopardizes your real life again. If your art style is so identifiable then change it up every few posts, write in a foreign language, change fandoms or change mediums. There’s so many fucking artists online right now, if you’re not a big account you’re really not that important. I don’t think this is being obtuse, it’s merely harsh if not objective.
No. 793306
>>793270Well anon I mean, I agree with you for the most part, if you're in the shitter then yeah that's what you should do. However I do think you maybe misunderstood what I was saying before slightly. I wasn't saying anything so much about internet safety, what I was trying to emphasize moreso was the fact that only a few years prior to now, the landscape of the internet was quite different. Even something harmless like genderbend art is deemed in a completely different light nowadays and is a cancel worthy offense. So lots of people will have ammunition like this that can be used against them unfairly because the rules have changed and who knows when you'll get another rug pull when the rules change again. What I'm saying is, it's difficult to keep up with and it's not as simple as people whining, as you were claiming above.
On the point of internet safety though, you are sort of ignoring the fact that for the past decade, social media has become increasingly more predatory in terms of what they want people to share online and our privacy in general. For example, how if you use a fake name on facebook they'll lock your account and demand a scan of an ID and force you to change it to your real name. Rules like this have largely normalized and encouraged people en masse to overshare their data online and I don't think it's entirely being fair to point at them and blame them for this.
Changing accounts is also not that simple for this reason and I say this from experience. One time I made a new account on instagram that was not attached to anything I had previously used, no same email, no phone number, no other accounts logged in, nothing. Yet I was still being recommended to follow people from my old facebook and I was being recommended to them, too. Social media takes note of factors such as your IP address and device serial and logs them and links all of your accounts together and will recommend new accounts of yours to other you knew before. Go on to the app store right now, Apple have recently started implementing rules in their app store that will tell you what all data these apps collect and what they will do with them (linking identities, etc).
The same thing happened to me on twitter too, a brand new account and it magically knew my birthday, my location (even though I used a VPN) and was recommending old accounts I used to follow. If someone is stalking you it's a matter of time until the algorithm decides to suggest your account to them too because it encourages engagement. As I and other anons are trying to explain, I think you're looking at this too naively and you don't understand how difficult it is nowadays to untie yourself from older identities. Not to say it can't be done and again I agree with all of the steps you've outlined because at the end of the day your personal information should be protected at all costs. Just that it's nowhere near as simple as you're making out because of all of these factors involved.
No. 793472
>>793306What you're saying is true anon. I've dealt with the same shit on twitter. Brand new account with fake name, new email, totally out of topic of my other accounts yet it still recommended to myself my old accounts (one dated back from 2015!) and my IRL friends accounts. To my followers too :/. I had to abandon this account and recreate one on a computer that was barely used and had no email or twitter accounts ever logged in. Imagining that I said one "
problematic" thing, and that they somehow get my real name, they can get my real address since my internet provider decided to put it on an online phone book (and that it's been 2 whole months since i made an appeal to them AND google to remove it).
All this to say that, even if you're cautious the algorithm can suddenly fuck you over. I feel that you must take more and more steps to be truly anonymous, or hell, not get fucking doxxed on the current web. It wasn't like that in the early 2010s.
No. 793498
>>793472Yup, that's what I experienced, too. You can't even easily hop accounts because social media even keeps hashes of the images you post and tries to identify you that way, too… it's so creepy.
That's without even factoring in that all it would take is someone managing to get in to an old account of yours from a data leak or something (which are becoming increasingly common now) and suddenly they can compromise many of your accounts/data and you'll find yourself doxxed because websites force you to submit so much sensitive data and logs things such as your location that anyone with access to your account can see.
Facebook only the other week had a gigantic breach that exposed hundreds of millions of people's names, numbers, email addresses etc. All someone has to do is send a password reset for your art account and if it's successful when you put in the address from the leak, then those people know your real name, phone number, location, where you work etc. People think this would never happen to them but if you have stalkers it's a whole other ball game. Look at how KF operates, when people are obsessed they /will/ spend the time combing through shit just to mess with you.
I also forgot that in places like the US, as you mentioned people's addresses will just be publicly available (and I don't understand how that's legal).
Like you said, unless you are extremely proactive as to how you use the web (fake details, TOR, randomly generated passwords, no repeating emails/use only disposable emails) which lets be real, most people are not, you are liable to fall
victim to being in a bad situation.
No. 793551
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The jpn artist that revolocities and his fans drove off tumblr some years ago posted some vent tweets before going private just now. (urct/uracata)
> tl;dr They're reflecting on how they felt pressured to accept his apology back then bc his friends and fans were harassing them to do so. They're also upset revo's apology made it sound like they were friends in order to take the heat off himself and now the misconception stuck with english fans.
I've heard about revo plagiarizing and selling commissions of urct's art style, but the UTAU design theft is news to me. Which ones are they talking about?
No. 793595
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>>793580yeah I feel awful for the artist. According to them, the attacks and shit-talking from the revo's cult followed them to twitter and were so bad they had a script set up for years that auto-blocked anyone with a private account or ever went private.
They briefly talked about it on their (japanese patreon) after lifting the script in 2020 and explaining their reason. revo and his friends were only referred to vaguely as "certain popular artists". The artist's post leads to a 404 page now so all i have left is a discord link's preview text
No. 793604
>>793580I run in mutual circles with rev, everyone knows hes an ass hole. No one legitimately cares because he draws the hawt yaoi ^.^.
I remember a fan drew him fanart once, and rev hated it. In response, he made a guide how to draw gift art properly and used the fanart as an example of what not to do.
The artist apologized and redrew the gift afterwards.
No. 793606
>>793551Hasn't revo been discussed in past threads before and said to be milkless? On that case, this is new then.
I was never really a fan of his UTAU redesigns. I don't know, always came off a bit as him "fixing" the designs or making it seem like his' were better than the originals (probably because of his fans rather than his own actions).
No. 793639
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>>793604what an ungrateful asshole. unsurprising it comes the same guy who basically ended his "heartfelt" apology post with '#anyway now that i got that over with, i have more important things i need to go do!!'
(The characters in pic related is revo and urct's ocs. Imagine having your art ripped off and then the same dude draws your character with his oc as if they're bffs lmao)
No. 793649
>>793604Idk rev but I know his friends and they are the snakiest people. At a con a fellow artist asked his friend xtine for a manu source and I overheard xtine give them one of the notoriously awful companies to work with. Why not just say no? Why go out of your way to be awful?
Not looking to going back to conventions, so many two faced people there
No. 793664
>>793649Kek, I hate this fucker. Some other milky events
>made a body pillow of his OC shitting himself as a "joke." People found it weird, and he immediately wrote a letter insinuating that sexualizing his scat porn was homophobic! Stop bullying me you bigots!>one of his dumbass friend got hacked, and hacker leaked out revs priv tweets (they were mutuals) where they made fun and taunted an autistic mutual in the vocaloid community>constantly redesign old OCs. When people point out how he got no permission + he flaunted his redesigns he claimed it was a homage :pleading_face emoji:>really into humanizing everything. Even his own car. Made nsfw of his car and himself in a butler/master trope>decided to play Pokemon RSE. Names his pokemon as coon. Everyone is offended and he insisted he didn't know it was a slur.>in a tarot zine for a mobage(it was fgo or granblue i cant recall), he was assigned a character he didnt like. At the last day of submissions, he drew art of his favorite character, then left the server.>did I mention, dude is legit into scatMisc
>family are rich chinese filipinos that live in socal>originally wanted to be a dermatologist, parents made him go into nursing. He went into artI wish I documented all of this but I never realized it would be an important topic til now.
No. 793668
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>>793666Nta but I googled it and wtf why lol
No. 793675
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The coon situation
>>793666 No. 793679
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>>793668Revolocities's response to the scat discourse
No. 793803
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Farmers, are there artists that no longer post that you miss? Edarow was one of my favorite artists, and Im sad to see what happen with them.
No. 793826
File: 1619613684369.png (2.15 MB, 2000x2000, thousand skies.png)

>>793803oh no, I didn't realize they stopped posting! Cancelled for cultural appropriation huh…I'd be honoured to see my culture represented in such a beautiful way…damn.
I wonder if anyone remembers Thousand Skies/Elda The/Ethe? She didn't really stop posting, but she might as well have kek. I used to go on her online gallery Thousand Skies and felt like I was taking a portal to another world. I loved her fantasy illustrations so much and looked up to her a lot. Even the name of the site felt like something grand and amazing to me as a kid. She still has the site thousand skies, but it's now more of a merch store and just doesn't live up to its name. In picrel on the left is the type of art she used to do, on the right is the type of art she does now. Just feels generic and unmemorable to me.
No. 793869
>>793864they are actually doing more harm than good since the history books have been trying to basically delete native American history and culture for centuries now. their no better than the biggots kek
I want to encourage people draw more art like
>>793803it's beautiful and I'm sure the only people who were upset by it were white
No. 793920
>>793668Cancellation protocol: Obvious scat lover
just ignore that red stuff around the character’s head that insinuates death/violence. Twitter is so weird, You never know what it’ll cancel you for (minus pedophilia, because you always have to had the spice to get more of a reaction from ppl)
No. 794005
>>793836I hope we won't be in this weird loop where along with this bs not drawing a culture is considered also
problematic. Trying to navigate with twitter's landmine: representing a culture through a drawing is bad, but not doing so is also bad (in the long term, the question "why are you not including x?" would arise). The only way is to make it extremely performative which feels wrong and artists would refuse to do so, but that enough would be cancel-worthy.
I'm not really eloquent for this kind of talk No. 794090
>>793803A ton of native/mixed people I know including myself found the drawings really cool, I hope they come back in some manner. It's always a treat to find a talented artist taking influence from native american cultures. If anyone knows similar artists, please recommend them.
>>793869>it's beautiful and I'm sure the only people who were upset by it were whiteI mean yeah, it was all race larpers and CEOs of indians "i talk to my tribe chief every day you bigots"
No. 794194
File: 1619645897548.png (358.75 KB, 594x614, redraw.png)

I really like this artist and been following her for many years, and while I've noticed her style change, until this direct comparison I haven't realized how much more generic it became, this is so sad.
No. 794211
File: 1619649437310.png (Spoiler Image,402.54 KB, 718x588, 1565968722954.png)

>>793679'obviously i don't sexualise minors' >literally calls the character a child while drawing them being molested and undressedthe character is one of his utaus, whose age is listed as 'young man'. if he's a young man why were you drawing shotas??????
picrel is their drawing of arakita from yowamushi pedal who looks aged down compared to his actual appearance.
repost cos i dropped the pic like an idiot
No. 794262
File: 1619654626160.png (7.74 MB, 2889x3024, 49836379693.png)

>>793664This was rev's piece from a different gbf zine. I remember seeing it for the first time and it just felt… half-assed. Especially since everyone else put so much work into their pieces in comparison. It looks like he submitted his first sketch and doesn't resemble his usual style at all (if you zoom you can see it's just rushed brush blotches)
No. 794300
File: 1619661830564.png (14.85 MB, 3232x3280, 74856789437.png)

please don't tell me i'm the only one who saw this eyesore on instagram, it costs $0.00 to be courteous to the people who look up to you enough to ask for art advice, or you know, just ignore repetitive questions. grow up lol
No. 794307
>>794300what a cunt
are the comments complaining about the attitude?
No. 794310
>>794300jeez I can't put it to words how I freaking hate this type of atitude that a lot of artists have.
A lot of artists get so freaking salty at such basic stuff. I really hate how it's basically accepted in internet art communities to somehow take people triying to appreciate you or even flat out just complimenting you and spinning it to be about woe is me somehow. Same thing with artists that will treat you like hitler if you say you like their character because it reminds you of something you like, people that somehow make about you "devaluating their effort" if you say they have
talent, and artists that spend more time doing psa's about how saying you can't draw a stick figure is worse than the n word than doing actual art.
Like bitch fuck you too, now go back to being a depressive cunt
>>794303the last meet the artist she did she was 23
>>794304>passive agressiveanon there is no passive here lmao
>>794307I checked and not really. this type of attitude in artists is really just seen as quirky if anything
No. 794354
File: 1619666443841.jpeg (1.19 MB, 3464x3464, A71FFF78-D600-4CEF-84CF-3D1954…)

>>794300What a fucking asshole, what the fuck is this shit? I hope this retard gets called out or something, but noobie artist and boot lickers love this shit.
Shit cropping, but most comments are like these.
I mean, if you’re somewhat popular, you will obviously get people asking what are you doing and how, because most people want to either do something nice looking as well or they really want to learn how to do stuff but with some sort of advice.
If this idiot can’t handle having people asking for advice, then might as well disable the comments in all of their posts, because there’s always going to be someone that feels curious or wants to have something to talk about with the artist they follow.
No. 794356
>>794300God damn, I know the questions can be annoying but they’re asking YOU on YOUR art process, not google.
>>794354> I hope this retard gets called out or somethingGo back to Twitter please. Like, I get the person was being an asshole, but Jesus “I hope a public spectacle happens from this person whining about getting tedious comments and acting UnPrOfEsSiOnAL.”
No. 794359
>>794323that was my first thought reading this
>>794300I get why it can be annoying but this just gave me second hand embarrassment
No. 794409
File: 1619672370531.jpeg (136.71 KB, 750x595, B78D1ACF-4B88-4DAD-9186-CFCE7F…)

>>794323you were right anon
No. 794413
File: 1619673080062.jpeg (78.59 KB, 750x378, 94C77A2D-56A8-4A2C-8AB1-3F0AD0…)

>>794300seems like she's (?) always been super immature when it comes to these questions
No. 794440
>>794413God what a cunt
>>794379It takes 5 seconds to reply and 0 to ignore. I definitely would not have the numbers I do if I thought the way you and the cunt artist thought. Just be thankful someone likes your art enough to be interested even if they’re a kid.
No. 794453
File: 1619682980335.png (168.73 KB, 603x580, 8086756466746748.PNG)

here we go again
No. 794461
>>794300Whatever people say about this, the artist clearly took a look of time to create this thing that answers some of their most commonly asked questions even if they did go out of their way to be obnoxious about it. It's immature and cringe, but they did lable it as salty and the artist clearly has that as their schtick, anyone that was upset by this is a child.
Social media has enabled ridiculous levels of handholding and made it mandatory to respond nicely to brain dead comments so even though I wouldn't do it myself it's kind of funny to see someone respond like
>>794413 for a change
No. 794504
>>794300Don't see the problem. She answered most of the questions, took the time to draw it and it is kinda funny.
Sure, it doesn't take long to reply once but if you have to do it more than 10 times or 100 then it gets stupid.
No. 794589
File: 1619707580712.jpg (272.05 KB, 720x1017, 20210429_153828.jpg)

No. 794636
File: 1619712941085.jpg (573.68 KB, 675x900, 20210429_101241.jpg)

>>793803I love this piece a lot because you can tell it's inspired by the west coast of North America. It's really cool because you can see the same tribal art everywhere in BC.
No. 794674
>>794636A genuinely unique art style and now it's gone. sad.
It kind of makes me think about the fact that most art centered around a specific culture are usually East Asian or European. I always wanted to see more African or Native American culture become a subject matter for anime-style artist and see it be just as normalized. Kind of sucks that most digital art surrounding them is either abstract gallery art or some low level DeviantArt/Tumblr type shit.
No. 794692
>>794453Guess it looks like he hasn't even learned anything since he was in the hospital last week after his girlfriend let her followers know about his current situation. And now here we are at it again, beating the dead horse. Not to mention his name says he's on a "hiatus" while he continues complaining about everything. It looks like that Twitter is the only place he would consider his own "safe space" as if he never heard of logging off and shut up for once.
>>794589Glad that there are people who are noticing this. She has been constantly changing her labels to make herself more special and be included in other spaces since last month. Has the audacity to label herself as neurodivergent, disabled, transgender, and even afro-native/mixed/white-passing BIPOC; then suddenly quietly deletes it from her bio as if no one of her followers would notice the change.
Also, it looks like Orquidiaarte/DestinytoMoon's followers have been decreasing since the callouts she has gotten in her name. Last night, she was at almost 21.9k followers, now it has been dropped to 21.5k as of now and counting.
No. 794722
File: 1619720924088.png (38.53 KB, 598x553, Screenshot_2021-04-29 JAYnder …)

>>794692Samefagging, but wow. Looks like Jay has been either reading this site or his girlfriend's Kiwi Farms thread by proxy. "Putting a trans person in danger" is where it's crossing the line, DestinytoMoon/Orquidiaarte claimed to be transgender and then removed it from her bio and no one had an eye on it. Will be digging for the archives of her twitter.
No. 794731
File: 1619721983852.png (533.33 KB, 485x873, Brice de Nice.PNG)

>>794717Really enjoying seeing french twitter tear into him and spamming Brice de Nice
No. 794751
>>794731I hope Jay stays angry at Kinoko forever so I can enjoy seeing French people jump him whenever he tries to attack her again for clout.
Kinoko is blessed for having this much support.
No. 794752
File: 1619723438552.png (699.94 KB, 1656x1084, Orquidiaarte Label History.png)

>>794722Last one for today, unless she tries to change one of her labels again. This took me a while to write while finding the archives, so here you go for those interested: (March 1st. Claimed: Intersex, Lesbian, Trans Female, "Mixie" (assuming she meant she's a mixed white person) (March 31st. Claimed: White-Passing BIPOC. Notice how she removed three of her labels aforementioned before.) (April 1st. Claimed: Trans Female (again), LGBTQIA+, Disabled. White-Passing BIPOC label still intact.) (April 4th. Claimed: White-Passing Afro Native (so she's not longer BIPOC. How interesting to see things change.)) (April 8th. Claimed: Lesbian, Trans Female (third's time the charm), Genderless.) (April 13th. Removed all of her labels from the 8th expect for White-Passing Afro Native.) (April 25th. Now a White-Passing
POC. I'm sensing a pattern here.) (April 25th, ten hours later. Replaced the
POC part with BIPOC.) (April 26th. Claimed: Mixed, Lesbian (probably for the purpose of participating in Lesbian Visibility Day, then she removed that label once it ended), LGBTQIA+) (April 26th, four hours later. Added the White-Passing part next to mixed.)
No. 794761
>>794748>>794760Yes but the character is also a 30 year old man-child that goes around breaking stuff and insulting people while thinking they're awesome.
Essentially, jay's attitude towards Kinokorp and others reminds them of Brice.
No. 794780
File: 1619725309792.png (184.59 KB, 492x866, JaynderMeltdown.PNG)

>>794766I think the account was suspended. Jay's having a meltdown over it.
No. 794807
>>794752you know she's a basic white girl when her race changes a dozen times holy shit. these latin american whites who claim to be
poc remind me of white americans who claim to be native because they have 1% native blood in them. i also love how she was disabled for a hot second lmao
No. 794812
File: 1619727631863.jpeg (168.15 KB, 1980x928, 8D34125F-2231-406D-BED8-480D3D…)

Apparently destiny is doing self harm
No. 794830
>>794812I have such a deep hatred for people who can dish it but can't take it. It amazes whenever these types have absolutely no problem sending their followers after other artist but the very second their target bites back they run away crying like they're a
No. 794939
File: 1619736320673.png (91.46 KB, 736x660, 1619735844966.png)

>>794812Aaaaand suicide bait from Jay. Really, if you want to be charitable and give them the benefit of the doubt they aren't just doing this for attention (which is the most likely case), they really need to get off the internet if they can't handle it.
No. 794948
>>794943like 3 twit accounts with under 200 followers are mildly critical, and both already threaten self-harm/ suicide. not even the people they love to harass and cancel jump to this with more shit put on them.
I can't tell if this is manipulative or pathetic
No. 794951
File: 1619737333265.png (351.31 KB, 512x384, 1470.png)

>>794780I find it hilarious that he still has the balls to end his retarded rants by e-begging
I hope this cow keeps giving because he has 0 reservations about making a fool of himself
No. 794970
>>794939I'm not even being snarky and not gonna comment on it being suicide bait or not but 100% seriously if twitter drama
actually gets you like this you absolutely should get off of social media and there is no reason for you to stay on it and stay so ultra engaged as Jay does. Proof that social media is brain worms.
I really wish people like this would have some introspection on their relationship with social media.
>>794948Not to be an armchair psychologist but in Jay's case it might be because he's actually been getting hit quite a lot lately. French people weren't taking any shit (both times), he had that oopsy with the accidentally mysoginist comic, then he got a bunch of shit for that that take on FNF, and then someone made a twitter account just to drop tea on him (tbh if I were him I'd be stressed by that one too). Maybe suddenly getting the rug pulled from under his feet this much is causing him a shock.
Either way I reiterate what I said. Being this emotionally atached to social media is bad.
No. 794973
>>794939So, Jay gets to bully people on the regular and send her 20k followers after her
victim of the day, but the moment it's her facing some shit from randos with no influence she wants to die?
She makes people feel like this on a regular basis for no reason other than she's a sick and bad person who gets her jollies from seeing other people who have never done anything to her suffer.
I wouldn't get any pleasure out of finding out she died or anything but at the same time she won't even learn any empathy for others from this anyway so I have no sympathy for her.
No. 795016
>>794812>>794939I understand how internet drama can get to people when you're already stressed, in a bad mental space, people are accusing you of things you haven't done and all that but i dont feel sorry for Jay or Ivy.
They caused most of the drama, have made other people feel suicidal or have to deactivate cause of the drama. It's karma coming to collect it's debt.
No. 795058
File: 1619745367193.jpg (2.72 MB, 1788x4549, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-7cVO…)

Lmao speaking of race LARPers
No. 795064
>>795048Im not sure if mods would let but I wish we had a threat targetted towards genderspecial e-artists. They sre so rampant in grifting, begging for reparations, and harassing other
poc for racism.
No. 795080
>>795067if you go to the the art cow thread you'll see a summary with some other people from that gang (the summary is from the time of the Javi draws drama). It mentions Angel Face/loved111333 too, and if you scroll down you'll also see Melonyn (now moonwave_) that is one of those types to do 3 rants per day, and greatgalactika who is also involved in a hilariously cringy game project called ValiDate.
Imo a lot of them haven't been very relevant in a while so maybe not worth being given top spot in the thread but you could consider them too
Link for you if you'd like to check out:
>>>/snow/1147217 No. 795107
>>795058Damn Destiny and Peachieflame really be the lele pons of the art community. Just white girls speaking spanish and thinking that make them Pee-oh-cee for that lol.
And iirc, wasn't peachyflame also one of the retards that cancelled an artist for making le hot native american original character (and that was somehow racist)?
No. 795268
>>794939So I'm a bit confused by what's going on overall so correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the situation just this
>racefaking autistic SJW harrasses actual artists on a daily basis for drawing and posting their art online>said artists have their online stores and social media accounts deleted, which is a big problem for their career/sources of income>people tell her to stop being a bully and to fuck off>"waaah I'm bullied I'll commit suicide right now I can't anymore, also give me money"Because if so, then she's a pussy.
No. 795689
File: 1619821246847.png (346.64 KB, 476x597, tumblr_5c2a9fb19c789af07485465…)

>>795572"feminine" men are the most attractive to younger women, it's why boybands get popular. very muscular men are actually gay coded (look at bara and tom of finland) but i don't think it's some conspiracy. pretty/young men can look like butch lesbians naturally. that's a young ralph macchio in the photo, he looks like a woman lmao but when you put a pretty kpop boy next to a kpop girl you can see how masculine they are. anime main characters are drawn as pretty as possible so they'll look more feminine than real men, but it's not deliberately butch coded. when actual butches are depicted in media they are drawn more masculine than real women imo, or ugly fat and unnecessarily hairy. i hate it
No. 795774
File: 1619832605238.png (434.6 KB, 450x598, mikusona.png)

Sage for not really being milk but does anyone know the artist for this? I found it a few threads back and haven't been able to find it but I think the style is really cute.
No. 795786
>>795774I was able to find it by putting it on one of those image search sites and looking at the Yandex results
it's @zarashii on twitter No. 795807
File: 1619836328674.jpeg (364.06 KB, 1669x1667, 0E08C529-A002-4B13-BE1D-F92182…)

Saintcake having the nerve to tell people not to make a call out LMFAO
No. 795815
File: 1619837141991.png (81.43 KB, 485x835, BE6350FD-6E92-42A8-88B6-9CFEE8…)

>>795811 user was Sa1ntcake before they locked their account. Constantly involved in fandom discourse. Went private after catching flack for picrel.
No. 795818
>>795815 Added context, a teen committed suicide due to harassment that Sa1nt and their following participated in by retweeting and subtweeting multiple callouts about ‘
problematic’ fanfic.
No. 796029
File: 1619877437920.png (778.47 KB, 750x1334, C556E294-E20D-4C7F-907C-30E232…)

Did anyone catch what happened to Alice?
No. 796037
>>>/ot/796017Posted this to the previous thread like a retard not realizing it was dead.
To TLDR a popular webcomic artist goes bat shit insane by converting to fundamentalist christianity and makes a tone deaf furry comic and tells her loyal following that they're all sinful and need to repent.
No. 796043
File: 1619878442259.jpeg (370.96 KB, 1125x1132, E42A7F9A-A45C-47E5-8566-0AD341…)

I’m sorry if this is a bit off topic to the conversation now as well, but I noticed this artist MawsPaws. She was mentioned/on locked down for a bit for throwing a tantrum over a design that barely looked like hers and is known to be friends with a few cows mentioned on previous threads before.
I’m not a fan of her but it’s one of these moments where looking through twitter for the next ‘scandal’ brought me to her phase.
I couldn’t help but be curious to WHAT situation she’s talking about? She full on had a tangent about white people.
She basically said in her current tweet that she found out she’s mentally ill and taking a hiatus, but it’s weird how she went from “Do not follow me if you’re below 16” to “I’m mentally ill and crying over situation. Ever notice wyt ppl always talk about so and so.”
No. 796142
File: 1619888966273.jpeg (233.38 KB, 1186x1478, 90BD7765-7E6A-4C7A-AC18-28B6CC…)

>>796043My guess is Angelmaws finally found out she’s been posted to KF with all the wyt sperging, and she’s upset she’s being rightfully called out as creepy for encouraging minors to draw nsfw art of their fursonas.
No. 796169
File: 1619891838445.jpeg (523.29 KB, 1125x1581, 0FC7BD12-E51E-4661-9786-852D39…)

>>796142I was thinking more of the Tajmark situation where a user tried to get her fired from her job that set her off on the ‘wyt ppl’ rant.
Not to mention the kf situation was posted around March. She did retweet something from that artist ironically.
That and ever since the topless situation she put “ suggestive 16+ (gore/nonsexual top nudity)” as a bio. Though there is one question that should be raised, why is she getting all up and offended about a situation that isn’t her place to begin with.
Do these artists on twitter just seek attention even if it has nothing to do with them? It’s like you break a bone or close to dying and these artists will try to make you mourn for them instead lol, it’s hilarious yet stupid.
No. 796233
> Do these artists on twitter just seek attention even if it has nothing to do with them? It’s like you break a bone or close to dying and these artists will try to make you mourn for them instead lol, it’s hilarious yet stupid.Yes. Their entire clique is full of attention seeking grifters. They’re constantly trying to find reasons on why you should feel bad and pity one person over the other. Seems like from the taj drama they’re finally imploding on each other, dividing their cliques and picking sides instead of being adults and talking shit out in private.
It’s to be expected when you have a group full of narcissistic spergs tbh
No. 796608
>>795572Don't know why so many straight anons always lose their shit over this claim, both viewpoints can coexist. They can see their husbandos as the tender and beautiful boyband moid of their dreams and lesbians can interpret them as vague portrayals of butch lesbians. They're lines on a paper so there's a lot the human mind has to fill in subjectively.
>>796037Did she really say that "you're all sinful and need to repent"? The disclaimer of her comic was just rambling about muh dystopian health pass and how she's really into Christianity now. Weird nevertheless, I wonder what made her go full bible thumper so suddenly. The comic was really good sans the weird Christianity stuff though.
No. 796820
File: 1619970903212.jpeg (159.49 KB, 640x448, 59273926-5023-49E5-9237-5B3EB4…)

How does one not improve at all yet get slightly worse over the course of 5 years?
No. 797215
>>796822Naw I actually hate this bitch (lollibeepop). She's fugly, has a fugly boyfriend and has an onlyfans despite drawing (shitty) kids comics. Trainwreck of a person.
Also made a comic about her getting molested as a kid after another artist made a comic about her sexual assault to piggyback off the clout.
No. 797240
File: 1619996269231.png (428.08 KB, 591x592, Screenshot 2021-05-02 175702.p…)

>>796820Didn't know this artist before, but I took a look through her stuff. 32k+ followers on twitter and 416k on IG, so she's not a nobody. She has a cute style and makes "omg so relatable" mental health comics and on-trend illustrations. I dunno why she chose to redraw this picture in that manner because her recent art looks nothing like that.
No. 798013
>>798000Consider Pixiv requests.
If normals are so enamored by you that you get 50+ replies per drawing and the "I don't usually like anime but this one is special!" comment they'll follow you there.
No. 798014
>>798000I personally bite the bullet and use Paypal with my IRL name in it. Never had any problems regarding that though, me and my clients just pretend that we haven't seen each other's real names.
Pixiv also has a neat commission feature but i haven't gotten to try it.
No. 798071
>>798000I can't promise this will work or is smart but I managed to set my paypal name to a shortened version of my middle name and last initial, which was private enough for me. I just set it as that when signing up and it was never called into question, but my reasoning was that if it did get flagged by my bank I could just say it's what I go by IRL. It's not like they can reasonably disprove that.
Again though I may have just been lucky. This was years ago that I made the account, like late 2010s, so it may be stricter now. No idea if it's strictly legal or whatever but I never made more than $300 a year so it probably wasn't worth pursuing either way I imagine.
No. 798084
>>798000I use ko-fi because it adds another layer of name protection. I've tested it buying from other artists and I'm not able to see anything other than "payment to [username]" even when I go into the paypal transaction itself. Ko-fi doesn't take a cut and it's honestly easier to use than paypal invoices. Unless I'm wrong, I think it's a pretty safe bet if you need to keep your irl name separate, but I've tested it myself a bit because I have an easily doxxable name.
Also, I have ko-fi send the payments to my business account. Then I transfer the money from that account to my personal, that my bank is attached to. Just to be extra careful.
No. 798103
>>798013Thank you for the recommendation! I checked it out and it seems pretty good, the only thing I don't like is that you're not allowed to talk to the commissioner at all, so no possibility to send updates and revise if need be.
>>798014Ok, that is comforting to know. I'll just hope no one will google my name then lol
>>798071Yeah you got lucky. Right now paypal only allows me to change a single letter in case something was misspelled, bigger name changes have to be proven with documents.
>>798084That's good to know, ko-fi does seem very user-friendly and I would prefer it but I've also read that people were able to see the names through paypal anyway so I'll have to test it out. I've considered making a second paypal too but apparently it's against their guidelines and could get you locked out of your account? But then again, it would only be small amounts of money so maybe not noticable
No. 798138
>>798084Really now? I've heard otherwise since it's paypal that handles the transactions and people could see the person they purchased from's name. I'll have to test this out too. I like how it seems more simpler than Patreon.
>>798130Same here. Some advice I got was to keep interactions to a minimal and post art without clogging up your feed too much with retweets and weird shit. If you really have to say something, just make another account not associated with the art account whatsoever.
Also, block stupid "problamatic"™ accounts like no tomorrow. So much people have said just this has made their feed look so clean and less dramur from dumbasses with no life/jealousy.
No. 798149
>>798084They must've all been artists with business accounts, because ko-fi does not hide your name. People can see mine during the payment process and in the transaction details.
>>798000I had a business account for commissions twice, and both times PayPal ended up getting on my ass asking for stuff that proved I actually had a registered business. The first time I was able to work around it, but the second time they got more specific with the things they asked for and I obviously didn't have them, so now I have no option but to use a personal account. It bothers me but it's how it is.
No. 798154
File: 1620086060989.jpeg (496.3 KB, 750x822, B6FFC2F1-D725-4309-A7CF-832A22…)

This isn’t really a complaint, just something I’ve been wondering but wasn’t sure where to ask. Why do digital artists sometimes post their art like
>screenshot of finished drawing in an art program
>photo of finished drawing on a screen
No. 798156
>>798154It must be so It’s more difficult to steal or something, specially if the picture looks like it has a really low resolution or if it looks unfinished/unpolished. So when someone traces it or reposts it in order to make money out of it, it won’t look nice enough for a customer with more than 1 brain cell that wants to buy art.
I don’t know thought, this could be more of a tinfoil than anything else. Maybe the artist is just lazy and/or can’t make the picture look nice in the format of the app they’re using to publish their stuff.
No. 798505
>>798458Would you mind sharing your experiences anon? What kind of thing did they call you out over? Did you have much trouble with it resurfacing again or anything?
>>798130Only post art and nothing else. I found it was too difficult to background check who is trouble as a mutual and who isn't so now I don't follow anyone I don't already know. It's safer and less shit ends up on your feed anyway.
Unironically, copy the sakimichan model. People have tried to call her out for years and because she sticks to only posting art it never works.
People who cancel don't care much about people who they know won't react so it's less likely you'll be targeted if you give off the impression that you're someone who doesn't use the internet except to post art and log off.
No. 798815
>>798745Oh wow, thanks for sharing anon. I had some similar worries and figured it was a matter of time until some attention seeking loser made a callout so I jumped identities entirely and cut ties with anyone I knew beforehand. Sorry you had to experience all of that but I admire your strength in being able to deal with it all. I hope you're doing better nowadays.
Sadly, I have noticed the same thing when it comes to callouts and harassment campaigns. It's true that women are mostly targeted but not enough people appreciate that it's also women who are doing the targeting. It's an unfortunate truth, men just don't really get involved in this sort of thing and they don't seem to care very much. I suppose that's another reason why someone like sakimichan is so hard to cancel, her primary audience is coomer men.
No. 799027
>>798745I think a lot of people can relate, a decade ago I was an edgelord who couldn't keep my mouth shut and was involved with some dodgy people. I've matured and grown since then, cringe at everything I did during those times and learned from past mistakes but the people I was acquainted with are still around and could dish a ton of shit on me that would get me cancelled in an instant. And I'm pretty sure almost everyone has done something
problematic in their past. It's so frustrating that people don't believe in redemption or people growing past their teenager phase or that things were held to different standards 10 years ago. Especially with the steep, sudden rise of the cancel culture past 2015 many things that were considered acceptable in 2010 are now cancel-worthy.
No. 799115
>>798745This story really resonated with me. I was called out for similar behavior when I was a high schooler as well. But the thing was that I was hanging out with 20-30 year old fedora neckbeards who hated anything but WASP men.
Obviously, people insisted "well I wasnt a racist that age!" Or "abuse doesnt excuse it."
Eventually I sought out therapy and realized that none of this mattered to me. I drew for fun, not for business so I moved on eventually. I was a big artist (10k+ followers on twitter) and I lost like 80% of my friends.
You learn to let go of it when you realize how unhealthy it was for me trying to please 300 mutuals and meet these peoples standards. Obviously, I am not a racist now. But I realized a lot of my self growth should be for improving myself. Not pleasing my friends with 20k followers.
No. 799116
File: 1620171934586.png (1.64 MB, 1276x2048, Screenshot_20210504-163648.png)

How is nft relevant? Twitter artists amaze me sometimes
No. 799152
>>799116Sakimichan made her first NFT so I'm guessing that's what it is about.
Tbh I'm over the NFT arguments. If someone wants to put their own content to be sold as an NFT, regardless of how shady I think it is, a scam, etc. it's their prerogative… Don't fault someone for chasing a bag as long as it literally doesn't rely on actively hurting others.
No. 799288
>>798130It helps to temper your expectations that people will care about you. Like someone else said, you can always just post nothing but art and that helps a lot. If you're scared of the vulnerability sm enforces, then don't do it. The kind of followers you get from being overly personal about shit are the kind who are low-key voyeurs or looking for personal cows or they've been trained by the cows to expect that kind of behavior from artists.
You dont have anything to give those kind of people if you don't give them drama and boundary-breaking bullshit, you attract fewer of them. The few you attract will not be your followers, for the most part, just weirdos who want to knock others down a peg. They're easier to ignore as a result, and they'll have very little dirt on you that's real.
No. 799347
>>799152But is…
It’s literally harmful for the environment.
No. 799361
>>799356There’s A LOT of established industry artists that are against it, just look outside of the nft shill twitter for a day. Your argument of “only bad artists don’t like it” sounds like a massive cope. Also, some people care about personal morals and the environment more than a nebulous opportunity to make money, just because you can’t personally fathom it doesn’t mean everyone else is insincere about caring.
NFTs are a scam anyway and most people involved are bottom feeding and barely making any money out of it. Frankly, having seen the numbers, they would be profiting more and making more steady money by doing $30 comissions.
No. 799369
>>799358How is the NFT market any different from the gatekeepinng of the usual industry? All the big cashouts have been either set up by big outside players (beeple and christies), professional gallery artists (james jean) or by artists that already had big fanbases on twitter/ig/AS (naked_cherry). Most other nobodies spend their every living hour on twitter self advertising hoping to not lose the money they spent to open up their ETH wallet.
Also the energy spent with social media and public services you NEED to survive in society like cars, food and travel is falsely symmetrical with nfts and just a bad faith argument in general. Yes it spends a lot, but the proportion of people using it is gargantually larger and if you were to break down the total carbon footprint of running twitter by individual user you’d get a very small fraction of the individual carbon footprint of crypto. Also, I don’t know how to tell you that a persons car has long term real world use, unlike your fake pepe tokens.
Also, learn to sage before coming to shill your techno cult in here.
No. 799372
How are NFTs a scam? What makes it a scam? People once said the same thing about Bitcoin, and Doge. As usual, most artist are very financially ignorant, and don't see the bigger picture of why crypto is being so heavily pushed. Sure there are some who may genuinely care about the environmental impact, but why weren't they saying anything before? Cryptoarts been around a while, but no one said shit until Beeple raked in a fortune, and some bigger artist decided to jump on board. That just makes the whole caring about the environment argument seem like fake outrage, and sour grapes, and attempts to discourage more talented, or their completion from climbing higher than them. Also, commissions are a very unstable market, and even if you are a great artist, there's no guarantee that you'll get a line of commissioners waiting and ready as soon as you open slots. NFTs are a risk, dealing with the blockchain and all, but the potential payouts are much more rewarding. I personally know several Crypto artist, including one who crawled his way to the top, and is currently making a good, stable living from it. Even for small time artist jumping in, hoping to ride the way, like all things, it takes time, but the reward are definitely greater. Why should anyone stay down and broke, trying to appease a salty, gatekept industry, when those same group of people won't hesitate to throw you under the bus in the blink of an eye?
No. 799375
File: 1620197953314.png (160.72 KB, 1212x790, NFT.png)

Enviromental shit aside my biggest gripe is that people's art gets outright stolen for NFTs
No. 799400
>>799372I think it comes down how NFTs were marketed. NFTs are basically the MLM of art community. The nfts were sold as "savior of small artists" or a way "for small artist compete" but in reality the only people making a bank out of it are the already successful artists who got the connections and the money. These big artist also toss the ball to each other by basically bidding to each other's nfts to boost their worth and get them sold for higher price. The biggest nft websites are also invite only so it basically becomes a rich people hangout while smaller artist who try to get into nfts have to pay some sort of fee to partake in these websites that are usually also less popular.
Now I'm not saying this to shame either, if I were these artists, hell I would totally do the same shit if it got me such an easy money but you cannot ignore the fact that nfts really are just rich people's virtual trading card game where the small artists are just to feed into the system without seeing any of the benefits of it.
No. 799469
File: 1620211447202.jpg (8.48 KB, 250x176, 250px-Fude_pen.jpg)

Ink brush pen anons, what type of paper do you prefer for illustration? I've been using mixed media paper since forever just because I had a huge pad of it at home, but it's running out now. What are your picks? I'd prefer something not too textured (so I guess hot press) so that when I put it against a sketch on my lightpad, it doesn't blur the sketch underneath too much. Are there any brands or terms I should keep an eye out for? Or should I stick to my mixed media paper?
No. 799525
>>799496Yeah, I’d like to keep a pad of mixed media paper around but I’m finding it hard to find the particular brand I use online, weirdly enough
>>799504I’m not in the USA, but I just checked and I can buy stonehenge here, so I’ll definitely check it out, thanks!
No. 799541
>>799477Anon exactly this kind of retarded shilling is why people don't like it lmao.
You stand to benefit by shilling your coin/making nfts more mainstream and you get real defensive when someone suggests others should stay away. People don't believe your claims for the same reason they are sceptical of door to door salesmen.
No. 799650
>>799427there's literally nothing wrong with nfts, the only entry barrier for small artists atm is paying $eth gas fees. but this will eventually be a non-issue once gasless listings become more popular/or it's paid on the buyer's end/art marketplace's end. it already happens on certain exclusive sites which you need invites for.
anyway, eth carbon footprint has always been significantly less than other crypto, such as btc, otherwise nfts wouldn't even be a thing. not doing research about crypto/nfts now will not benefit you if you want to get rich off your art in the future and not have to wageslave for the rest of your life. this literally is the frontier
even if you're not minting nfts, simply opening any kind of crypto donation for your art will benefit you in the long run.
No. 799683
>>799650>Yeah just pay for it now, because it will be free soon!That's the most retarded logic I've heard so far.
Real talk through, having the buyer pay cuts like 90%+ of the sites profit. The invite only sites work because they only allow artists with buyers.
Also sage your shilling.
No. 799713
Why was it so hard for me to find this lmao
No. 799778
>>799548It basically has a similar climate to NFT.
You have to be invited, only artists with potential buyers get invited, money laundering and market manipulation among other things.
No. 799852
>>799776>>799683the problem with both your thinking is so narrow, i’m not just talking about right now, i’m talking 5-10 years. this is literally just the beginning of nfts, and even crypto as a concept is still so young & it’s not going anywhere.
but whatever, if you don’t want to listen to me that’s fine. i just wonder if you’ll have the same mindset as everything continues to progress and the technology evolves.
No. 799881
File: 1620252826403.png (1.04 MB, 1443x835, h&a.PNG)

>>799852NTA but topkek, cryptoart is around early 2010s and in these few years it's only proven that rising popularity makes it worse for everyone but sure, we will see in another 5-10 years
in meantime, everybody's favorite Honey and Absinthe's NFT got yet another discount, at this point she will probably be paying more than she could potentially make from it
No. 799899
>>799881Top Kek
It’s because it’s soulless
In their latest podcast they both fully admit they hate drawing
No. 799955
>>799942It's not just twitter, that's basically a lot of social medias such as Instagram if you kind of pay attention to other social medias and their description as well.
it's also not really anything special, it's just artists either trying to say, "Look guys!!! I can make my sketches and doodles realistic!" or a mistake in calling their drawing a doodle/just trying to say "Oh, I made a drawing!"
No. 799979
>>799957I'm confused too, Columbo and so many people were saying that their life was in literal danger? And then I read a tweet that said that the exact same situation has happened before?
I mean it could really be dangerous to be outed as LGBT in certain countries and I'm glad they're ok but it doesn't make sense to me
No. 799987
>>799852It cracks me up that you’ve been here for a whole day and yet every argument made against your nft shilling is replied with either “hurr sjw nonsense
repeats thing you said 4x already” or “well in the future it these glaring market problems will get better because I said so!!! Just trust me!!!” Can we start to ignore this scrote? It’s clear he’s just going to keep doing circular arguments and replying to every good faith counter argument we have with the same dumb, slightly rephrased points. It’s a waste of energy. He still hasn’t learned how to sage too.
No. 800069
File: 1620281386843.png (32.78 KB, 714x282, Illustration11.png)

yup guys, she is totally laughing and not crying at all
No. 800112
File: 1620286230834.jpg (86.83 KB, 808x1010, Screenshot_20210506-092158_1.j…)

>>799469I recommend Mondi Color Copy 350g for anything ink related. We always used this paper in ink class bc it's very cheap and sturdy. Oh and the surface is super smooth. You'll get 125 sheets (A4) for 14€ or 125 sheets (A3) for 16€.
No. 800137
>>799634Late to seeing this - thanks for the suggestion, anon! I actually have a couple huge sheets of bristol board at home, I just never thought to use them for brush & ink since they're quite thick and I'm used to lower gsm. It'll be an interesting thing to try out. Thanks!
>>800112I have to admit that before this thread I was missing the forest for the trees (rather, focusing too much on the trees that were large sketch pads because that's what I'm used to) that I didn't stop to consider looking at paper that came in reams/smaller sizes. This has been a very helpful suggestion and I'm excited to look up this brand.
It's been so nice hearing anons' suggestions for paper, thanks all!
No. 800313
>>800281then i suggest trying a different approach. as
>>800309 >>800279 stated it can easily make you seem like a humblebragging idiot instead which i agree. out of all times i've seen people pull that move, 99% of it i thought the person was trying too hard to look good or cool rather than undermining themselves out of fear of rejection.
if you feel insecure, it looks better to say that the drawing was an 'experimentation' or saying that you're 'trying new things' instead of claiming it's a sketch. people may understand or go easier on it and won't think that you're humblebragging.
No. 800371
File: 1620318321179.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, 69B691A5-1DE7-4DE0-9BE9-80B32F…)

Someone reignited the Eda drama again. This has firmly solidified my decision to never depict Native American themes, lore, culture, etc. in any of my works. It’s too much from drama from these jackasses.
No. 800374
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>>800371Samefag for second screenshot
No. 800380
File: 1620319171734.png (681.01 KB, 615x648, 1.png)

>>800374I'm surprised because her art is ok for a 19 year old, usually these types have horrendous art.
I guarantee she is actually white because she's so invested in calling herself native every other tweet.
No. 800383
File: 1620319445293.png (64.94 KB, 600x248, 2.png)

>>800380>All of the violence against you from these commenters hurts my heart.The comment section is the mildest thing ever, they're just asking her to remove the art? She literally started this. Imagine starting a fight and baiting people, then claiming any push back is "violence against you".
No. 800461
>>800384>her art is wonderfulNo it isn't. It's amateurish tumblr weaboo garbage. I wouldn't even care about it if she didn't flaunt it like an insufferable
toxic cunt.
No. 800564
>>800371So she reposts and insults pretty art just because she, probably a white ass girl, thinks it's offensive for native people, then the artist politely tells her not to repost her art and now everyone not agreeing with her is a racist nazi and she's the
victim? She's either literally retarded, a schizo or a narcissist. Or all of them.
No. 800578
>>800564Well, just a tiny peek at her twitter and you can see she draws herself a whole fucking lot and kisses her own ass constantly. She's definitely a narcissist and a cunt.
She also draws herself pale. Wouldn't be surprised if she turns out to be some suburban white bitch with 15% heritage larping hard.
No. 800602
nonny, whatever makes you feel better lmao
No. 800604
>>799852You're some idiot scrote who can't even figure out how to sage getting apoplectic and coming back over and over again to whine about how we're not falling at your feet to thank you for your bullshit advice, don't oversell yourself.
If NFTs were actually the incredible investment opportunity you think they are, you wouldn't be trying to get a bunch of other people in ahead of the curve with you. You're just like all those tiktokers with their fake daytrading numbers - if this was actually the incredible opportunity you claim, getting more people in would just dilute your earnings. But it's not, it's a pump and dump, so you want as many fools as possible to buy in to support your own bad investment.
No. 800610
>>800609Yeah, if I'm dumb enough to doxx myself on lolcow.
What I can tell is that my work is very conceptual, it's not like illustration or fanart, which is cool because crypto art offers a very experimental space for artists who don't have a "popular" style like drawing pretty girls for IG.
No. 800614
>>800611Lmao, keep trying.
If you believe me or not is not my problem. I'm just giving my perspective on the matter, you choose to believe it or not.
No. 800638
>>800596>>800602>>800610>>800614Holy shit this fucker is back, can a mod kick him already?
There’s already a NTF/crypto thread, that the person can go to
No. 800881
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All the social justice circlejerking makes me nostalgic for the kind of inane drama there used to be on Deviantart back in the day. It was all about people accusing each other of stealing OCs, tracing, recolors, self-insert shipping, copying each other's "styles," etc. These days, slapfights over art are politically charged to the point that siding with the wrong person makes you a ~literal Nazi~.
No. 800991
>>800798Ordinarily I would say /ic/ but at least those know how to quote. We might be showing up in the search results of people frantically googling how to get into the digital monopoly money art market?
>>800979That absolutely happens but also Instagram generally has terrible engagement right now, especially for older accounts. You will see larger accounts whining about their engagement all the time but they're not completely wrong, Instagram has been limiting reach tto push advertised posts. No wonder it's dying
No. 800998
File: 1620375187572.jpeg (204.32 KB, 597x956, 7C831130-1C89-4DC2-BA3C-A13A6E…)

So someone tried to call out inesmbravo whole thread is like 16 tweets long but basically it turned dumb really fast and op is getting roasted in the qrts
No. 801001
>>800998Wtf is this stupidity… Throwing under the bust for and with nothing…
I bet they argued or something. I guess artist community is nothing but a bunch of either assholes or jealous people
No. 801012
File: 1620376268420.jpeg (4.93 MB, 3264x3264, 0B5DD5A5-13EC-4E74-A06C-835150…)

>>800998Some more screenshots. This was considered worthy of a callout
No. 801016
>>800998lol holy shit, imagine having "long standing friendship of 8 years" with someone and waking up to this. I agree with
>>801001 that there MUST be some personal drama behind this. OP made a total clown out of herself though.
No. 801019
File: 1620377165843.png (35.35 KB, 598x286, 863524.PNG)

>>800998>>801016Ah alright, I've read the thread and of course. Given all the comments there I'm surprised it hasn't been deleted yet
No. 801024
>>801016>>801019What part of "you are the company you keep" does this sperg not understand? Of course there are going to be similarities between the art styles of two people who hung out for nearly a decade. JC Leyendecker and Norman Rockwell were close friends, and laypeople mix up their work all the time.
I would even go so far as to say that these two Twitter artists have less in common than two friends typically would, and that most of their similarities are the result of both of them being generic Instagram anime girl artists. It's fucking retarded to accuse someone of copying what was really generic to begin with, especially with such scant evidence.
"Art style theft" has got to be the most petty, vendetta-driven thing someone can get angry at another artist for. Here's a thought: if your art style is that easy to imitate well, maybe it wasn't a very good style to begin with.
No. 801028
File: 1620378290581.jpeg (155.35 KB, 1163x813, E0vnZUMWUAEZBKL.jpeg)

how is this even a comparison….
i can see why she was cut off, this person gives off such negative vibes. i'm sure her favorite past time was "helping" and giving advice where it wasn't needed and being completely overbearing while seething with jealousy on the inside because her friend had 20k followers. i actually like this girl's style better than her exfriend she called out but she just showed what a narc she is. being good at art means jack shit if you're a terrible person
No. 801031
File: 1620378657356.png (91.4 KB, 592x821, hm.PNG)

>>800998Seems like this drama has a potential of developing so fingers crossed
No. 801149
>>800998>>801028What's funny is that the said artist (ines) may have been inspired most of the time but it was done the good way: a single detail into an entirely original piece. At least in the examples she mentionned, so as
>>801031 user in pic said she could've digged actual plagiarized evidence (if there's any) but now she looked like a clown
No. 801150
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>>800998>>801129Here’s the rest of the thread for those who missed
No. 801205
>>800429It's not her fault Amerifats are annoying and stomping around like an elephant in a china shop being completely oblivious to their ignorance regarding other countries and cultures. As an ESL artist I often fake not being able to speak English just because I don't want to deal with them.
>>800998But. None of these comparisons are legit. They look nothing alike. What the fuck? Can't people just sort out their petty drama in private instead of going scorched earth and airing their dirty laundry out in the open. How old are these people? 16? It's harrowing to realize that someone you've had a decade-long relationship would just dish out your personal things like family issues for all world to see out of the blue but it speaks a lot more about NettleLemonade than the person she's attempting to call out. This is on par with the people who write 50-page google docs about their discord friend group drama and share vent DMs, outright sociopathic behavior.
No. 801230
>>801149I doubt
>>801031 had any evidence considering she was suggesting to bring up “the OLD shit where she was directly copying”. Like, if OP had any solid evidence, they would’ve used it instead of wasting her own time and having it all backfire on her.
Also, who cares if nesmbravo is older now and she doesn’t trace anymore- that shit is already thrown out the window.
It just seems like another cesspool of people not getting along and wanting to use cancel culture to bring down a person because “they hurt my feelings and everyone needs to know how bad they are for it”- it’s nasty
No. 801251
File: 1620408116811.jpeg (710.83 KB, 680x1035, B6327A01-F62A-4A74-8DBD-A86361…)

The artwork isn’t even inesmbravo‘s, in the red circle that’s Peacchip’s and the one lines blue I’m pretty sure it’s Manda_AMSBT (though not quite sure).
No. 801564
>>801552The only other platform for comics I know is Tapas, but never used it so I don't know how good or bad it is.
As for the ads, from what i've seen 3 times out of 5 the comic may be popular but is actually hot trash (such as lore olympus). but yeah, some webtoon ads look kinda cheesy.
No. 801583
>>801552Webtoon is pretty much the go-to place right now for webcomics if you want to reach more people, at least as far as I’ve seen. A few years ago I heard about artists leaving Tapas because they didn’t like some terms of service changes but idk how things are there nowadays. When I was first getting into webcomics I used to love Smackjeeves but it’s kind of dead/dying now… Making your own website used to be more common but that would probably be too much trouble if you’re just making something casual.
And yeah, Webtoon ads can be cringy but I guess they just haven’t found a good way to advertise comics in a video, and I think it’s also because they’re trying to reach a mainstream audience so they decided to be clickbaity. Only once have I checked out a webtoon because of an ad because most of them are annoying.
No. 801595
>>801583>>801564To be honest sometimes I fear that if I make a webcomic on webtoon and it somehow manages to get video advertisements or just instagram adverisements, it'll completely slander/go against what the comic may stand for or focus on the cliche romance stories than the whole plot which worries me a bit.
I never really use webtoon as much simply due to a lot of stories just really not appealing to me or getting me hooked at all. I feel like I need to at least like the site before I post things otherwise I might just regret making any project on there if that makes sense? Maybe it's that overthinking part of me and the side of me that just dislikes so much of the art style and stories there.
No. 801641
>>801595I’m pretty sure the ads are only for comics that have been officially sponsored by Webtoon, not just anybody on there will get an ad made for their comic, so unless you get super popular and decide to partner with Webtoon then you shouldn’t have to worry.
Webtoon is pretty great if you like cheesy romance stories, but there are also some hidden gems not focused on romance if you can find them, though it might take a bit of digging. Personally I feel it’s better to read the already completed ones so you don’t have to wait for updates or risk the comic being discontinued when you’ve already invested in it (not usually a problem with sponsored comics since I’m pretty sure the creators are contracted to finish them eventually). As for art style, a lot of the sponsored comics are translated from Korean so they’ll have the art style that’s popular there, that cutesy anime-esque style, not a problem for me but I can see how others wouldn’t like it. It’s either that or Tumblr/Twitter style comics by Americans. Again, you can dig around for something different but those styles are most popular on there right now.
No. 801693
File: 1620470679884.jpeg (126.86 KB, 750x1047, 764AC48D-496A-47E9-AE24-A01EFE…)

Looks like someone kept filing DMCA reports against Yueko and got her account suspended.
No. 801717
File: 1620474951720.png (359.01 KB, 1080x1516, 21050835122.png)

>>801693>>801694Bitcoin scam? Also another big artist (orangesekaii) got suspended as well.
No. 801747
File: 1620477499992.jpg (223.83 KB, 720x1324, 20210508_143831.jpg)

>>801693Happened to another artist during the same day
No. 801821
File: 1620487410512.jpeg (26.57 KB, 325x360, E0o_fx9XsAgN38X.jpeg)

I don't know if this technically counts (I think it does since this youtuber makes art of his oc or used to), but there is currently a war/storm around the youtuber Commodore.
Cosmo was a YouTuber who first got into trouble when it was found out he was grooming a minor age 14-15 and stated the age of consent was 14 while being 20. Yes, old news.. But surprisingly a few days ago Cosmodore would return to youtube and twitter with an announcement that he 'relapsed' into grooming minors again and ADMITS to it.
I can't tell if this man is having a mental breakdown which is causing him to try to make this situation a "Haha look at these people be sensitive snowflakes" or something else. He came back before this as well trying to blame the victim still and make excuses as well when the victim wanted to move on.
My mind is just blown at the fact that this guy keeps digging himself in a deeper hole with his situation.
No. 801824
File: 1620488076208.png (149.41 KB, 720x983, Screenshot_20210508-113324~2.p…)

Adding on.
I'm sorry for a while I was struggling to add the right screenshots due to the problem of cropping, the full thing can still be found on his community tab.
No. 801844
>>801837What's more weird is when they always say, "I'm getting therapy." He has stated he got therapy before but then comes back to do things like this.
This man has admitted and supported a friend and stated it as well. He supports his friend who is 30 dating a 13 year old due to age of consent which is just beyond the point of saving.
Some people are currently trying to make this a case where it's false accusations and SJWs are disliking age gaps again but holy shit, this is beyond that at this point and someone who doesn't know when to shut the fuck up about cases.
No. 801954
File: 1620504059462.jpeg (259.1 KB, 750x593, 0D81524C-508B-43A2-BE55-0A5238…)

>>801717>>801737Op confirmed it’s not just nft supporters
No. 802015
File: 1620512122775.png (1.92 MB, 828x1792, 34D030B4-CC23-4741-A0C8-EE645C…)

Sakuems is big mad that nobody gives a fuck about her
This comment was pretty lol (ft the signature lazy eye)
No. 802192
>>802015>>802084idk her I had to google and only watched the first few minutes and she doesn't sound "big mad" more like frustrated.
I think she fell behind on times and is having a hard time understanding why or how to get engagement back up.
I normally don't have an issue with mocking artists on this thread (it's why I'm here in the first place) but those people are usually out of their mind or attack others but she seems to just be doing her own thing so making fun of her and her appearance in particular is uncalled for in my opinion.
No. 802198
>>802084Don't forget the ~aesthetic~ yt artists.
>>801224This would fit better with the western animation thread on /snow/, than here.
No. 802286
>>802015Sakuems does these kind of pitty rants every couple years by now. She lost passion for youtube and barely uploads, and If she does, she thinks everyone is just waiting for her.
She lost the track a long time ago and I think she doesnt even want to improve, she just wants people to buy her sad art.
Like that comment said, she was a king among beggars back in 2012, but now Youtube is flooded with good artist and she is drowning
No. 802463
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i do kind of feel bad for Yueko since she lost like 180k but she thinks she's being singled out when its a whole bunch of artists that were targeted and not all of them are pro-NFT or "bitter jealous people". Her ego is bigger than her following
No. 802498
>>802463Honestly, I don't really read this as her saying she was singled out. It seems she's only mocking the people who're celebrating her account getting taken down and honestly in this instance, I think she's right.
If some loony got my account taken down and bunch of people were throwing a party over it, especially for someone who's relatively drama free, I cannot really say the motive for that would be anything other than jealousy. I also think she was just pointing out the irony of the timing.
No. 802901
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>>802646What happened to her is super sad and I feel bad for her, but her response is super bitchy and basically just “you mad I’m better than you??”
No. 802908
>>802463Not to mention, in order to target artists with false dmcas you have to be pretty bitter and/or jealous.
>>802901NGL I'd respond the same way if I had to handle false dmcas. This seems like a nitpick or trying to start drama where there is none. There's no real reason to file enough false dmcas to get someone suspended other than because you are mad about something they did.
No. 802921
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>>802646nta but I feel like its not just them, seems like alot of people just don't like her.
artist I follow that is in that whole circle retweeted that thread about yueko getting banned for DMCA as if in support but then on her alt/private account she said yueko deserved it because she supports NFT.
posted image because image board but this person is pretty much a nobody now since they have an mmo addiction.
No. 802927
>>802901Even before NFT drama Yueko always acted like a passive aggressive "high on a horse" type of a woman. People started actually showing that they can't stand her micro aggression anymore and ego only after NFTs support.
She would oftenly tweet that it pisses her off when people get disappointed in her, thinking that she is softie when in reality she isn't the "cute" type.
No. 802955
>>802927Yue is talented, but being "in" with big name artists, like Zeronis and ONE, and making a lot of money through art really went to her head.
It's also offputting how she publically puts her parents on blast, like her tweet about how she one-upped her dad by becoming a rich artist when he wanted her to study cs instead of art.
No. 803022
>>802927Yueko and me used to be mutuals. She used to reply to my posts before I broke mutuals because I lost interest in her art. When she found out, she unfollowed me, which I thought was funny.
I think this whole situation is awful but im surprised to see so many people reveling in it.
No. 803387
>>803208Honestly, I don't quite understand "mutual culture" on websites. or me, if someone follows me and i follow them, it means we mutually like each other's content… Not that we are friends or anything.
Some people treat losing or breaking mutuals to mean they just don't like you or like it is losing a friend and idgi
No. 803951
>>802084I think her art itself is decent enough. Nothing great but it's serviceable and I like some of the color palettes she comes up with. Her stuff is on par with plenty of other arttubers (Jazza especially comes to mind since her generic pretty watercolor girls are kind of like the genderbent version of his generic beefcake comic book guys lol)
The presentation, narration, and editing is just super boring
No. 804022
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>>789286The FNF guy is revolting, he defended a pedophile who draws porn of real children and only backtracked when he started getting shit for it. Also he's a trans rights activist now so Idk why people here are sucking him off when he doesn't even have the guts to stand up for his unwoke beliefs (no way an edgy man from newgrounds who wanted to make "kill all trannys: the game" actually believes transwomen are women). His opinions just change to whatever is most profitable at the moment, I bet if someone working on his game was outed as a "
terf" he'd fire them.
No. 804148
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>>804022the dicksucking of shadman is utterly bizarre. I've never seen such a stronger case of someone being jacked off only because he's got popular friends acting as a barrier around him. Even if you put his edgy content aside, his art is painfully mediocre and messy as fuck.
No. 804167
>>804148Yeah seriously, ignoring how he draws porn of actual living breathing kids, his pieces are painfully mediocre. Weird mix between a western rendition of anime and the modern disney artstyle. And also his rendering is really bottom of the barrel basic. Like hell, any nsfw pixiv artist with an over average following can do 3 times better.
I also feel like people defends him due to the weird offensive wave of meme during 2016-2017, because iirc, that's when he started to become really more popular (idk if you see what i mean)
No. 804200
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>>804167he made a name for himself back in 2008 newgrounds by being the only public figure in western art to draw degenerate shit like futa, scat, bestiality and his mum naked. He got a renaissance in 2016 by drawing edgy comics, loli and incest yes. But I think him being friends with oney and psychicpebbles plays a huge part. Fans of these two attacked that dumb tranny who made a "pewdiepie being robbed is good, actually" comic but won't flinch an eye on shadman drawing kids porn. Why? Because their idols decide shadman is not a bad dude. Shadman also makes use of the fact that he isn't snarky and doesn't write gotchas like the average twitter idiot that goes against that group. The way you present yourself and talk is fundamental. That's why language like pic related is so hated, even if the person makes a good point
No. 804337
>>804022Seeing some of the degenerate porn on news ground, it doesn't surprise me the person who sucks the websites dick and boosts it's popularity is defending him. A lot of newsground popular artists have defended him and still a lot of people today due to the fact 'its fiction' and truthfully no one knows about the fact he made a lot of pieces involving a lot of real life children and actors.
Ninja muffin is just a weirdo to me though separate from newsground and shadbase. I will admit that the game he worked on is an entertaining game, but the way he promotes and goes with things is weird.
The fact that he tries to boost all the woke shit and agree with stupid head cannons such as gay shipping and when people speak out against the ship he just spams them with gay artwork to 'troll', the fact that he types like an average teenage girl but is actually a grown man, and of course his past that involved with him saying things but to be honest; that was in the past and Newsground is known for shady things.
No. 804347
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Wait on topic for Ninjamuffin, what the hell even happened.
They really deactivated their accounts due to people talking about either this or Ninja's past?
Isn't that unprofessional or bad business for the game? Also what about the artist for the game, did he do it too or now is left confused by their random decision?
No. 804354
>>804337>no one knows he used real children and actors I mean, that’s pretty much the crux of it. I think it’s been like, 10 years? At least as far as I heard since the last controversy of Shad drawing porn or borderline porn of an actual child. If you weren’t around at the time or never heard about it, I don’t quite fault people for not knowing and defending his art. Cause without knowing he’s done porn of actual children, there is nothing that’s exactly illegal about his art. Degen and ugly but those aren’t crimes in and of themselves.
It’s the people who acknowledge he used real children and defend that is what I side eye. It doesn’t help that a lot of the accusations (which have a measure of truth to them when it comes to Shad) get drowned out because when people point it out, the first thought is that he drew porn of a
fictional minor because idiots who think characters have rights have conflated genuine cp with some fucked up art so much no one cares to investigate.
“Shadman drew actual cp/borderline cp.” doesn’t draw the attention it should when cp can range from porn of characters who are minors, aged up minors/turning the characters 18, to adult characters with an age gap especially in fandoms where shipping is common. But rarely is it something that involves an actual child. I’ve seen cp used to refer to fictional shit more then actual children in like 95% of the time and it’s both infuriating and sickening.
Seriously a ship between a mid 20 something year old and a 30/40 year old got called cp and pedophilia… no wonder fewer people take accusations of it seriously.
No. 804373
>>804359He drew cp more than one person actually:
child actresses Dafne Keen, Millie Bobby Brown and Jullianna Rose Mauriello, an 11 year old YouTuber, and the kid son of actor Leiv Schreiber.
No. 804386
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Looks like some new NFT art place has jumped on the scene and they're trying to subvert outrage by marketing how eco-friendly they are but it doesn't seem to be going over well.
No. 804460
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>>804386This time it's so obvious all the big artists who have been scared about their reputation before are jumping on the train to cash out and clinging to the "b-b-but it's eco-friendly NFTs!!!" line
Love how sinix is clowning them though
No. 804472
>>804466so true anon. it's also annoying how nft dorks start talking like it's a really revolutionary tool to "decentralize art" or "make art accessible to everyone"
just say you want stacks of cash and go
No. 804500
>>804460 Crying about ruining the planet to artists has to be one of the least effective ways of actually fixing climate change :/
Guess its easier to tweet mean things to individual artists than convince entire societies to change and fight the actual heavy hitters of carbon footprints LOL
Sinix is a shit artist only other shit artists take seriously anyway.
>>804472And who the hell is lying about making money, everyone wants to make money. Almost every artist I have ever met irl wants to make money, although we've chosen the worst craft to do it in. Better than e-beggers imo
(no emotes, newfag) No. 804586
>>804527And good for them lol I think any artist should be making money off their art from whatever source they can get.
It's already hard as it is and some wanna cancel out another option?
Crazy to me how artists consistently shoot themselves + community in the foot in regards to income, esp when you got dudebros doing 99% of the damage using ethereum blockchain(unrelated usage to art btw) and not getting their bottom line affected at all.
But it's only for big artists? Even if you make 1 sale at 1 ETH, it's still money in the bank, and I've also seen people comment that this new one has no gas fees. So why not try and make some money off these "annoying" dudebros?
"Most won't make money" but like duh? 99.99% of artists also suck at art, so what?
No. 804704
>>804354You hit the nail on the coffin. It's why I can't take and get so mad at proshipper vs antishipper shitstorm that is fights over fictional minors with adults arguing with children and children arguing with each other.
At the end of the day, I'm more concerned about the sick people who go out of their way to draw real life minors in sexual situations and try to post AND sell it, not fictional characters.
I don't even think there should be a label of proshipper and antishipper if someone is trying to call out a person who drew cp or encourage minors in sexual positions with adults (in their words), you don't walk around in real life calling these types of people antishippers and proshippers.
It's worrying and makes me a bit frustrated at the fact that people overshadow serious situations such as an artist who ACTUALLY received cp and drew a minor in sexual positions, trying to sell it with fictional characters that the creator themselves a lot of times do not care if they get lewded go off on.
I remember daftpina making a video about the artist Otako Studios who was known for creating the second season of Panty And Stocking actually getting arrested for abuse of a minor and sexual deeds, even confessed to it at that point. Currently that video is deleted but before it was it seemed like there was very few views on the serious situation of an artist abusing their powers other than fictional characters.
No. 804739
>>804704 sorry for sperg but
>you hit the nail on the coffin you mixed
>hit the nail on the head>final nail in the coffin No. 804747
>>804586I half agree with you. In one hand, I do agree that artists really should embrace any chance they get to make money. It's already hard as it is, so why not.
However, when it comes to NFT's case in particular pretty much the only people making any money from it are people who either already have money themselves, or are established in the industry with a stable job, or have a massive platform- or all three. 99% of artists doing NFT aren't even getting that measly 1 ETH, hence why many say that NFT is just an echo chamber. It's really only a select few.
Besides, it's a risky game for new artists as well because of public backlash. It's undoubtable that stating publicly that you support NFT will get you a handful of backlash and unfollows and most artists who don't fit in the "big artist" label aren't willing to risk that because that can seriously break them in a platform.
NFT really just comes off as a game that only the big ones can win even if it's just for 1 ETH, it's too risky for artists who don't already have everything under their feet stable.
Sorry for the long ass sperg but I wanted to give my two coins on the subject.
No. 804750
>>804737I would honestly have more respect of they just said that. But it's always about "revolutionising the digital art industry" and "eco-friendly" blah blah, when it's clear they couldn't give a shit about the rampant art theft, smaller artists who will lose money trying to get into NFTs or the environment. And yes, if one single NFT consumes more energy than a large number of american households there is individual impact and responsibility.
Like rossdraws has a successful youtube, 5k patrons, art books and his merch sold out almost instantly. And now he's jumping on the NFT train. I can totally understand wanting to make money but yes at some point you're just greedy. They can do whatever they want but I don't think the backlash from their audience is unreasonable or unexpected.
No. 804827
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>>804739Aw, just like Ziva David
No. 804939
>>804914I'm definitely not tech-savvy enough but part of me figures it's just really hard to find a way to mine crypto in an efficient way without needing an entire warehouse full of computers sucking energy 24/7. I think it would demand a revolutionary discovery in technology, and most likely an expensive one, too. At the moment I think the ones in charge just don't see such change as "worth it", after all even with public backlash you'll still see huge brands, celebrities and people with deep pockets cashing in on crypto while completely ignoring the carbon print. If the people who pay don't seem to mind it, then there's no motivation to change it.
It's a shame, because yeah I can see crypto being part of our future, just not in the way it currently is.
No. 805041
>>805029It's risky because unless you're rich, established or have a big following you're not guaranteed to have your work bought and get your money back.
You have to pay to mint your work and people might not even buy it, that's pretty much throwing money away. Money that most artists out there aren't willing to lose. That's why people see it as risky.
No. 805069
>>805029Imagine you're an artist with a small or moderate following working a min wage job or living off commissions. You don't have much money to spend, just enough to get by and maybe buy some videogames or merch every now and then.
You try to get into NFTs because you were told you could make a lot more money through it. You pay to mint your first NFT. Nobody bids on it. you lost that money. Money that maybe, you couldn't afford to lose.
Economically, doing NFTs is a lot riskier for the average artist because you're losing money for the CHANCE that someone MAY place a bid, which 90% of the time doesn't happen because you're not a big name in the industry or platform. You're way safer doing regular commissions or setting up a Patreon. The way it currently is, NFTs are a playground for people who have the means and money to fall back on if they don't get bids only.
What some people don't understand is that NFT bidders will pretty much only bid on works done by big names. If you're a random Twitter artist your chances of getting your NFT bought are close to 0, hence why it's just not worth it.
No. 805226
>>805215I think it depends who you follow… I mostly hang around in the digital art community where people do drawings and paintings in a semirealistic style, so not anime. And most seem to be 18-26 or so.
The professional industry artists I follow have a larger percentage of 30+ people but I kind of see TD's point that it's mostly younger people who have the time and energy to put into social media.
No. 805274
>>804939I can only tell you about bitcoin so this might not apply to other cryptos. Around every 8 minutes a new block containing transactions is added to the chain, if your the one to add the block, you get a reward. In order to add a block you play a guessing game with your GPU, this is called mining. In playing this game you are competing with everyone else, and the games difficulty increases the more GPUs are playing.
The thing is, it needs to be this way. The only reason it's secure is because it takes so much power. It's literally in the name of the concept "Proof of work" you have to proove you dumped power into this to have your work be accepted. This is why they want to switch Ether over to "proof of stake".
Personally I don't see how crypto is the future, it's never going to be as efficient as having a centralized payment processor. And the pros of being decentralized and and not being connected to a central bank have niche appeal at best. It really feels like a gold rush more than anything else. Then again I could be wrong, I also never understood why we need NFTs to sell digital art, in my mind the connection between the token and the artwork is really weak. But to others, having this token attached seems to make the purchase feel more real.
No. 805292
>>805286Milking for attention.
Anon, get a grip or leave this website before it rottens you
No. 805419
>>805286Apparently IG put two strikes on her account for talking about it, so that's pretty fucked.
The constant harassment over something so small as skin color was pretty terrible in general, not sure why anyone would call it a non-issue.
No. 805506
>>805215While her critique isn't invalid, I think largely for TD it's because her art is very amateur/ low-level for how long she's been drawing and her age group.
Over 10 years doing digital media and almost 30? Most people are much more polished.
Similar art skill-levels group together, and Obviously with her skill her fans (people worse than her)/ the people she hangs out (people around her level) with are going to be younger,newer to art, less-skilled people aka why she complains there's only kids around.
No. 805701
>>805612Yeah I think people don't realize that instagram doesn't have an actual support system with real people, it's all algorithms and computers. That's a problem with instagram themselves… So it makes sense that they would take down a post that contains offensive images and slurs, especially if they get a lot of reports.
It's awful what Thumin had to go through but they are 100% milking this, advertising their merch every time they talk about this and trying to get clout off it. Not the worst thing though, I think it's ok for them to get some support now and it's eventually going to die down anyway
No. 805779
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>>805215I think she's absolutely right about there not being artists in their 30s.
The difference is that people who are 18-22 are going to be focusing on their "art career" but really they're just planting the seeds, going to art college, starting their social media etc. So if you go to college or are in that age group you see a ton of artists.
But if you're 30 years old you're just not going to see these people around you anymore. No one who is around 30 is dreaming of being an artist, their dreams are kind of dead.
The only reason why you see 30+ artists is because they're just very seen in general. They're the rare few and its literally their job to be seen- they make art- people need to look at it.
No. 805790
>>805544This is almost word for word what TD said, and I disagree because it still limits how many 25-30 year old artists(from 40+ it gets harder) I see on Twitter/insta.
But onto the same subject, perhaps it’s branding related? Most 30 year olds artists, outside of the industry, unlike TD prob actively avoid talking to kids in the art community/try not to pander to said demographic specifically. Most 30 year old artists outside of the industry who I follow generally work on nsfw (not porn but horror elements), so hence why news of their work may not reach an audience that spends most of its time online- so my experience may be hella bias
No. 805831
>>805215I'm glad someone else posted this video. As someone who is turning 30 this year and is still doing art and posting it on social media, I'm a little conflicted with this video. On the one hand, she's not completely wrong because I've noticed that a lot of the artists I follow on Twitter happen to be in their early 20s with a few who are even 18-19. There are only about 3 or 4 artists I watch who happen to be in their 30s+ So she's not necessarily wrong with that.
However on the other hand, TD hangs around on Twitter, DeviantART, and recently TikTok, the latter which is an app mostly used by teenagers. And it doesn't sound like she follows much of any officially trained and graduate professionals in the industry. Like
>>805224 pointed out, a lot of the artists in their 30s are professional illustrations or animators and I notice that the good few I follow are in their 30s as well and while some of them do have a Twitter, a lot of them are on ArtStation, you know the site that a lot of these younger artists find too intimidating to be on? I'm more than sure they feel that way because a lot of the artists on there are professionals. But just saying, want to find older artists past 30? That's the place to go.
>>805226 brought up good point, it really depends who you follow. Like if you ever come across professionals on Twitter and you follow them, you'll start getting recommended other artists like them who may also be professionals as well. Also the art style comment, I agree with this too and I think this also plays a part in why TD can't find older artists.
A lot of the professionals who happen to be older do draw in a semi-realistic style. I hardly see any older artists who draw in a straight up anime style, I'm sure they exist but I just haven't come across many but then again, I'm not really into the anime style.
>>805248> I've noticed many young artists don't follow older professional artists because they're likely intimidated by them.Right and this is the kinda attitude that you see with these kids towards ArtStation. A lot of the artists there are professionals with lots of skill and this intimidates them.
>>805262That's a fair point. There were a few artists I watched who as they got older and art wasn't their career or that they made money from, they did tend to up and disappear from social media. One I follow that comes to mind who I first discovered on DeviantART back in like 2007, she now posts like once every 4-5 months but for the most part is inactive.
I myself though, it's funny you mention how writing would be easier to scribble during a work period because I do this with drawing at my job. I work retail/customer service though, not an office job but I still manage to sneak in some time to doodle something and I just finish it later when I get home. But I do see your point.
No. 805850
>>805831> A lot of the professionals who happen to be older do draw in a semi-realistic style. I hardly see any older artists who draw in a straight up anime style, I'm sure they exist but I just haven't come across many but then again, I'm not really into the anime style.Same anon, totally forgot to explain on this bit.
Anyway with TD's art style, it's no secret that her art style is very polarizing. She lacks technical skill and her art style looks very awkward and "off" a lot of the time. I remember someone saying in a previous thread that her style is not all that great for her age for someone who has drawn a good long while now and I feel like that's the case here. Like I get that she wants to have a cartoon(?) style but because she doesn't practice on her style itself (she mostly just practices on coloring and line work), it's making her style look off-putting.
So because of this, older artists may not be drawn to her work. If I didn't know who TD was and I came across her art randomly, I wouldn't be inclined to follow her art social media because I don't like her art style. And it's not because I don't dislike cartoony styles, quite the opposite as I do like that style, Jin Kim is one of my top 3 favorite artists. But TD's style lacks polish. The only decent thing she has going for it is decent enough cell-shading but that's it. And I know that a lot of other artists feel the same.
So anyway, while TD may not be good enough to entice older artists, her art fits right in with younger artists who are still developing their own styles and are typically below the age of 25. She even says in the video that one of her friends recently turned 21 so I think that should say something. That her art only appeals to teenagers (usually weebs) and early 20s. And because of this cycle she's in, it clouds her perception around her of what it's like for older artists because she doesn't know many nor gets to interact with them and is stuck mingling around with people below her age.
No. 805852
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twitter is a good place full of mentally sound people
No. 805870
>>805790Yeah I've noticed this as well. I'm not gonna pretend to be a saint, I look at and follow some NSFW artists and a lot of the ones I follow happen to be in their late 20s (past 25-30) and early 30s. A lot of them also have IRL jobs but manage to juggle both because they have things like Patreon and still take commission work.
I remember TD mentioning in a previous video that she prefers to not look at NSFW content because it's not her thing and that's
valid but that will also play into why she's not noticing other artists in the 25-35+ age range because a lot of them do transition to NSFW type content.
No. 805882
>>805215>This isn't sponsored.FUCKING. STOP. No one thinks you're sponsored. If you're sponsoring something, say so. If not, STFU. I'm sorry, even with a topic like this, she still manages to sneak in a "I'm not sponsoring" line. Bitch, you're not that important, stop.
Also am I the only one who gets really annoyed with how much she has to reinforce that she's an adult? She always says things like "I'm an adult" or "Adults do this/that" or "When you're adult" and so on. I'm sorry but whenever she does this, I can't help but feel that the reason she says this is because she's insecure AF. No secure person in their late 20s would feel the need to constantly remind people that they are an adult.
I'm wondering if it's because she knows that in the eyes of her peers or people older than her, they see her as juvenile and might look down on her.
I mean it's not a big deal that she's trying to make a career in art. She's not doing a great job but she's doing something at least. But on that note, I wish she would just be more transparent about her situation. She blabs about how she's "lucky" to be in a position to not have a IRL job but notice how she never specifically says why. It just wreaks of Holly Brown whenever she tried to be serious and it was just cringe.
Like just say it TD. you have a husband who is okay with supporting you because he has a good job that pays enough to support two people. It's not that hard, just be fucking honest. She can blather that she "pays her bills" with her art and that might be true but I'm willing to bet that it's just enough to pay for things like her phone bill, internet, and maybe a little of the rent while her husband pays a more significant portion of the rent and electricity.
And I had to roll my eyes when she brought up the looking for part-time work thing again. She says that sometimes artists who are trying to make it have to do things they may not like but she doesn't seem to take her own advice. She bitches about how it wouldn't be worth working a part time job that pays minimum wage because she wouldn't be able to have enough money to put gas in her car to go to work. But she also won't commute like take a bus. And that's fine, first world problem but it's fine. What gets me though is that she expects to be paid more than minimum wage when she's been out of work for like 2 years now. And with the jobs that do pay above minimum wage, she says she can't do because of her health problems and obesity and it's just… You have to choose one or the other or just continue doing what you're doing now and stop mentioning it because it just makes her excuses a lot more noticeable to people who aren't her gullible younger fans.
No. 805991
>>805904You put my thoughts into words. I hate her 'i googled shit and asked one friend so now i get to make a whole youtube video about it and pretend my viewpoints are 100% factual and
valid' is peak dunning kruger. Conisdering her education level i really don't think her 'friend consultants' are academics on complex and potentially touchy subjects
I especially hate her ' i took low-level community college child education courses and dropped out so now i am an expert and can discuss anything regarding child rearing and even psych as if I have a phd' is real old. no TD, no you are not an expert and pretending you are just highlights how stupid you really are. Also Doesn't help that her audience are young and dumb teenagers so obviously they don't vet her opinions/ say that she's mature. I wouldn't be too upset if it was just her talking into a void/ deluding herself but she has a mostly young audience and if they buy into the 'i google shit for 2 seconds and asked a friend so i'm
valid' mentality, well that's how you get shit like qanon and twitter hate mobs who all think they're
valid experts.
No. 806023
>>805831>A lot of the professionals who happen to be older do draw in a semi-realistic style. I hardly see any older artists who draw in a straight up anime style, I'm sure they exist but I just haven't come across many but then again, I'm not really into the anime style.There are plenty of artists in their 30s drawing anime style. Kurot and Joodlez from the old deviantart days are still active. Every anime artist alley I've been to has had older artists selling. The reason you don't see tons of artists in their 30s is because most people stop mentioning their age when they leave their 20s, especially in fandom spaces where being over 25 means you need to go offline and take care of your kids, so older fans won't be vocal about their age.
I'm in my 30s and rarely do I interact with young people in my professional work, everyone is in their late 20s or older
No. 806032
>>805779This one's pretty close - there are a lot of us over-30s still working in art, but the percent of people working in art versus just looking for attention shifts heavily between 25 and 30. People who never got any better and who are just in the scene for asspats mostly leave and pick up other hobbies, except for the truly delusional. Those who are on their way to making a living in it start quieting down and spending more time working in art and less time in talking about art as a result.
The art community online is less about working artists and more a collection of people who think if they don't take 30$ full-body commissions or post a new half-assed scribble every two days they'll stop mattering. Those attitudes just kind of look dumb as hell to a 30 year old, and most of us aren't attracting a bunch of kids as a result. A few discord servers I'm in have people my age who are still hobbyists, but they're more serious and less obnoxious than the kids (with a small percent being so obnoxious and delusional they get run out fast). They don't stand out to people whose entire lives are fight-or-flight drama. Their art is better than the average 20 year olds but I doubt the 20 year olds even notice them half the time because they're not posting all the time and starting shit with everyone, and that's what being an artist is about to them. Those kind of people leave to go have more irl meltdowns at their mcdonalds jobs by 30, in my experience, or continue to only make friends with 20 year olds, and to either never mention art again or to swear that their dream was stolen from them and never mention that they drew like a 12 year old up until they were 28 and realized they'd never become a famous artist.
No. 806217
>>806032I'm only in my mid-late twenties, can relate to your point though. I feel like we're the last ones to have experienced the "old internet" before algorithms, twitter fallouts, oversharing and constantly churning out new artwork every other day to not be forgotten or irrelevant were a thing. At least not as much as they are now.
I sort of - reluctantly - play the stupid algorithm game because it feels like I have to, but it all feels so dumb and pointless sometimes and I hate that this is the state of social media now. For me I'd much rather read text posts and view artwork on my PC or laptop than have to make tiktoks or use an app for everything, and all of these combined have made me step away from instagram and twitter a bit.
No. 806395
>>805979Anon you replied to. Okay fair enough. I thought she was doing it to gas herself up and make herself sound more important than she actually is. If what you said is true then okay, I'll just try to ignore it form now on, no matter how pretentious it can sound lol.
>>805991It's not just that. Most of her friends are kids, under the age of 25 and with some of the things she talks about, you just know her friends wouldn't have that experience at all so her using her friends as resources is laughable.
> I especially hate her ' i took low-level community college child education courses and dropped out so now i am an expert and can discuss anything regarding child rearing and even psych as if I have a phd' is real old. no TD, no you are not an expert and pretending you are just highlights how stupid you really are.Agreed so much. She acts like because she took one or two classes on Psychology that she didn't even finish makes her an expert when it really doesn't. Not saying that dropping out of college is bad if you genuinely just don't feel like you can finish but if you've only been in school for like a year while getting your bachelors or Masters degree, don't act like you're some professional.
No. 806397
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>>806023I understand. My bad, I don't follow anime artists since I'm not into the art style all that much but cool to know they are a thing.
> I'm in my 30s and rarely do I interact with young people in my professional work, everyone is in their late 20s or olderOh cool. But then how do you manage to find other artists around your age? Or do you just stick with the artists you've already known?
>>806032Man what you wrote towards the end was so depressing to visualize… kek
>>806217+1 as another older artist. Turn 30 in a few months and I feel the same way. I hate how when it comes to social media, specifically art social media, it's all about algorithms and how if you don't upload every day or at least every other day, you'll get more or less left behind.
I remember being on DeviantART back in 2006 to about 2009 and while my art was shitty back then, it still managed to get some engagement and I wasn't uploading on a frequent basis. But DeviantART is now dying and Twitter and Instagram are the places to be now but unfortunately I came too late and it's snowball's chance in hell if my work gets any views or engagement since I don't really have a following.
> For me I'd much rather read text posts and view artwork on my PC or laptop SAME HERE. I vastly prefer browsing art sites and viewing art on my laptop than using my phone. I still use my laptop to this day for art and art viewing. I don't really ever see myself giving up my laptop honestly kek.
What you said though with how we mid-late 20s and early 30s people are the last generation to experience "old internet" back during the DeviantART, MySpace, AOL Messenger, MSN Messenger, and Geocities site to look at fandom-related stuff, it really does make you feel like a relic sometimes, at least that's how I feel anyway lol.
No. 806492
>>804750Tbh I hate the argument “there is a point you’re being greedy” just because an artist is already successful.
The reality is that a lot of artists are at the mercy of social media. If Twitter decided tomorrow they didn’t want to allow nsfw or adult content, they should shut down Sakimichan’s entire account or force her off. Same for Patreon if they tried to pull the “your creative works belong to us” they tried with a few other artists that forced them off the platform or even just decided they wanted to fully be a sfw platform.
YouTube’s “child content” algorithm could flag all of Ross’s videos and completely demonitize the channel and/or a large number of videos as well as kill any engagement on them. Hell, Yueko and Orangesekaii were falsely suspended because of targeted DCMA reports and many other artists get suspended on Instagram, Twitter, etc. because bots handle reports and will just suspend the account if they get enough.
Sure you could just sell your own merchandise and run your own website but then that’s be the only thing you could do. As an artist, you should never put all your eggs in one basket. I’m not surprised artists are wiggling into the nft even if they already are successful because tomorrow, they may be out of an income from another platform. Sure, it comes off as paranoid but that’s the reality of the digital landscape and relying on social media for your reach and monetizing your content. At one point tomorrow you could be targeted whether by false reports or a change in TOS and just swept off the platform.
No. 806607
>>806397>Oh cool. But then how do you manage to find other artists around your age? Or do you just stick with the artists you've already known? I couldn't tell you because I don't go looking for artists my age in particular. I am very detached on social media, so I follow artists because I like their styles, not to connect with them on a personal level, so age doesn't matter to me.
If you want to meet older artists irl I'd suggest attending life drawing sessions (whenever pandemic ends) or getting a table at an artist alley. Any art space away from the social media bubble will have people of many ages
No. 806611
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is anyone else annoyed with ergo josh praise just because he has a popular youtube channel. all he knows how to do is draw boring instagram girls but he's treated like a top industry professional
No. 806635
>>806616You don't have to explain anything to anyone, if some twitard somehow try to call out you have the mute button. Or block, really what else can they do, you're the one running your account not them. At worst if you really want an excuse I don't know play the sjw and pretend you head they said something
problematic/ableist or some bs.
No. 806664
>>806611Ergojosh is a good youtuber and a bad artist. People need to stop conflating the two.
His videos have very good quality and editing, he has a nice voice and is good in front of the camera. His art still sucks and he just draws the same instathots over and over
No. 806677
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Does anyone here use a Simbans PicassoTab?
I recently got it and installed the Android version of ClipStudio on it and it just feels so weird to use pressure wise. No how much I tweak the pen pressure or stabilizers my lines always come out really slow (and if I turn down my stabilizers even slightly it acts like it's been set to 0), weirdly has super long thin trails, requires me to really push-down to have the lines show up, it's nothing like on my Gaomon tablet (even if I manually copied the pressure settings from my PC version to said Android version.).
Is it just my tsim talking and it just takes some time getting used to because I've been spoiled by my Gaomon, or is because of the tablet?
No. 806691
>>806635This. If you don’t want to attract that crowd, or if you just don’t like a person, whatever reason, it’s your reason to block. It’s not whoever else’s account.
If they or other people notice that you blocked them and they are pressed, and/or willing to make a call out post. who cares, if anything it’s very revealing about their own insecure asses
No. 806716
>>806702The problem isn't the stuff he draws but how he acts regarding it. He acts like he's the big shit, the big ass artist who's insane good and who gives the best art tips, when actually he's not that good- hell he's pretty average.
Ergojosh is a mediocre artist, but his marketing is excellent, so people believe that he's a great artist.
Besides I'm pretty sure he made a video telling people to "stop drawing pinterest instagram models" one day and never even followed his own advice.
No. 807897
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Twitter minor steals then edit art (1/4)
No. 807899
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No. 807901
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"Art style ugly tho" (3/4)
No. 807903
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Video of them tracing the art (4/4)
No. 807953
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Does anyone know what this kind of art is called? Or rather, the coloring style?
No. 807962
>>807903It's kinda interesting, because i guess it was referenced as the proportions are identical but at the same time there's nothing original about proportions, the pose is extremely generic, the outfits are similar in style but not the same at all so I feel like it's really hard to argue "tracing" here. Inspiration at best.
>>807953I don't think everything has a name anon. It's just a flat coloring with some gradient to spice it up.
No. 808017
>>806492> sure you could do all these things that successful artists have been doing for years but having multiple avenues of revenue besides social media seems like putting your eggs all in one basket!Artists like Sakimichan could get banned off of Twitter tomorrow and still have streams of income. They're mainstream marketable artists (even Sakimichans nsfw is tame and sellable compared to a lot of the more gritty stuff out there). Not only are their names already known in the industry but they have other avenues of income already. Your point that NFTs give vulnerable artists a way to make sizeable income would be accurate if it wasn't for the fact these artists streams of income aren't in danger. The main reason why they're even participating in NFTs to begin with is because they have a reputable name and an "in" into the system. This is not something your run of the mill Twitter artist can achieve, in fact, their work is more likely to be stolen. Art by Rossdraws sold by someone who isn't Rossdraws will immediately be seen as a red flag but a random Twitter user that gets their art swiped is basically shit out of luck unless they have someone who sees their art being sold.
So yeah when you boil it down to "only successful artists can profit off this system" (artists who already have thousands of followers on their patreon and sell prints/merch already mind you) and "this system wildly destroys the environment almost double that of any emissions a single human can contribute in their lifetime" it does sound fucking greedy. Don't care about artists making bank, I do care however about the ethics of hearing "hey this is shitty for the planet and literally everyone besides yourself" and hearing that and going "hmm… well I guess I gotta try it out then!"
No. 808125
>>808017That wasn’t the point. You can sell your own merch and run your own website but not everyone is cut out to do that either by logistics or the sheer amount of time and space it would take to house the merch.
My overall point was that artists can’t rely exclusively on social media websites with how finicky they are and how easily you can be targeted. I’m think the “greed” argument is weak when it comes to artists shouldn’t do nfts because people consider other things to be greedy too. Hell, people called Sakimichan greedy when she was selling her own merch and art books and that was before nfts hit the mainstream If people call you greedy over everything, it becomes a weak argument. This isn’t about whether you should or shouldn’t do nfts, I just get why some artists do it if given the chance to basically sell original art in a medium they’re good in without it having to be a commission.
No. 810649
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Wow, you sure showed op with this amazing example…
No. 810656
>>810649oh dear
if this person is any older than 13 this is unforgivably arrogant
No. 810664
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>>810649I feel like it's pointless to call this person out bc it's just so shitty and she's completely irrelevant; at the same time the tweet she was replying to belongs to this thread even more, artist that barely scraped the concept of realistic anatomy whining her very amateur attempts are not received with as much applause as stylized cartoony art.
No. 810706
>>810664Amateur artist: realistic = good
Amateur artist: it’s just my style
Some of these people are really just so blind
>>810311This vid reminds me of the vid where these art students were ripping on Hartman, saying shit like “I’m a good artist”, “I know a lot about art history therefore-“, when their art wasn’t any better.
No. 810740
>>810664this person is a troll btw and everyone fell for his easy bait
like every artist I follow is "dunking" on this
you sure showed this dude I guess
No. 810848
>>810694lmao this doesn't apply to the low art twitter/ig cartoonist world. Picasso wasn't a "genius" he was a guy copying his friends and experimenting in a way that really resonated with the western high art world amongst people who were getting bored of perfectly realistic landscapes and pretty sitting portraits.
You mean digital drawers who just make fanarts and anime. they all do have to follow the arbitrary cartoon rules which are basically to make everything shiny/sharp/cute with bright colors or else other people who like pretty cartoons wont follow them.
No. 811290
>>807903I don't understand what the fuck is happening anon. Like, legitimately. What do these series of images have to do with anything milky?
The video isn't a video, the two images seem like they're out of order, I'm incredibly confused.
No. 811314
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Quite honestly, I am sick of these types of posts.
No. 811347
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>>810688Reminds me of benthelooney when he constantly talked about how great stylization is compared to realism when his art looked like this
No. 812069
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Not sure if this is about an artist? But saw an artist on twitter I follow like this
No. 812076
>>812069That's not really a big deal, a lot of artists do that. "If you follow this person or like them unfollow me."
It's the classic 'I wanna be a big baby about someone else's opinions and likes'. When an artist is jealous or dislikes someone and when they possessively stalk their followers to know who they're following, they say that.
The same tier as artists and people in general who checks who unfollows them/their social blade everday and tell people who followed them and who didn't.
I suggest just not following artists who do this or red flags that raise like them constantly talking about drama and bitching about oppression, they're not an artist or not really a serious one (I meant as in they make art a lot and doesn't post about drama and more constantly like Jay).
Also, can I add that Instagram is the best platform in my opinion when it comes to avoiding annoying talks? Sure they can do it on their story or in descriptions, but you can ignore them and casually scroll through their profile, but with Twitter you have to constantly scroll retweets and drama like this just to see simple piece of art.
No. 812144
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>>812069 it's about a vtuber who was recently exposed for being a nasty ass scrote No. 812180
>>812161He forgot his dms weren't 4chan and acted as any 4chan user would,
plus he would roleplay as a little kid for gross dms.
No. 812466
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>>812465samefag, the screencap they're complaining about is from the new superman cartoon
No. 812473
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>>812465Lmao do they not understand how undertones work?
No. 812490
>>812465These people will literally
never be satisfied.
No. 812557
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>>812529Yes she is and is very much apart of the anti-cancel culture crowd which is why this tweet was surprising to me. I looked at other tweets and it seems more like she made up a complaint to try and call out hypocrites and defenders of those who cancelled Japanese artist that get accused of whitewashing.
No. 812641
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>>812465And in the same screenshot, the hair and eyebrows of Clark Kent (which are usually black) are also a shade of purple. And so is the hair of who I'm assuming is Lois Lane. And her mouth, rather than being dark red, is more magenta/purple. The grey pants on Jimmy Purple seem to also be, you guessed it, a purple-leaning grey.
Is it creative liberty in color choices? Or is this the bleak state of modern purple-washing? You decide nonnies
No. 812643
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>>812641Kind of surprised she didn’t get an aneurysm over Lois
No. 812650
>>812648I think where she's trying to get is that usually in western cartoons badass woman characters tend to be designed or written either in a way that's more masculine or in a way where their femininity is reduced, while in anime you get ultra feminine women being badasses and shit.
ofc it's one hell of a generalization though.
No. 812793
>>812784To them:
short hair = man
long hair = women
Thats how their woke infested brains work, so woke that you go back to misogyny.
No. 812807
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>>812780I think she’s more like the opposite of Jay’s crew. They both say dumb shit but rainbowsquidink’s supporters seem to be all anti-sjws. Progressive artist circles hate her too (btw m00nlithalo in pic related is sa1ntcake’s new account)
No. 812920
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Designer applied for Converse internship in 2019, was asked to prepare concepts for a new collection; she came up with National Parks inspired collection but ended up not getting the internship. Just now Converse released a collection that looks like this. What do you anons think?
No. 812944
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>>812920This explanation sounds reasonable. It sucks, because I don't think she will be able to do anything with it anyway
No. 812954
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Not very milky, but dream stans are as good in cheating as him kek
No. 813013
>>812648It's basically about the fact that in almost every western comic/cartoon, the strong female has short hair while demure/weak women have long hair. It's basically a hair version of the "Real women don't wear dresses" trope where femininity is treated as a weakness rather than just a personality trait which for some reason western cartoons are relying on more and more even though it is outdated as fuck.
>>812641Tbf it really is only the hair and eyebrows that are purple leaning. As far as Clark and Lois's skin, there doesn't look like there is a hint of purple on them. So it really does look like they decided to color this guy purple-based/red skin which a lot of dark-skinned characters get in cartoons where they're more red/purple than being dark oranges or browns. If anything, it looks like the purple is just stylized black rather than lighting.
If it is the lighting, why isn't there a hint of it on either Lois or Clark's skin but on Jimmy it's like they put an overlay on his skin but not on theirs?
which could beg the question of why it seems like black characters in cartoons are generally more red/purple because it seems like they're trying to avoid a mix of "But not too black" but also just being afraid to use genuinely darker skin tones.
No. 813065
>>813013> which could beg the question of why it seems like black characters in cartoons are generally more red/purple because it seems like they're trying to avoid a mix of "But not too black" but also just being afraid to use genuinely darker skin tones.What is up with this conspiracy level shit?
Easy answer: aesthetically pleasing/easier to read the character for animation purposes
God, they’re not trying to erase “blackness”, like you can still identify that the character is a black human man without misinterpretating his purple skin and thinking he’s not human.
No. 813070
>>813029Ntsa, but I think the phenomenon happened more around the early 2000s to late 2010s.
Because all the females I see who fit this trope were from shows around that time. It also doesn’t help that animation a female with short hair is easier than animating one with long hair
No. 813172
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>>813029"tvtropes boyish short hair" has more examples of this. A little off topic but I've been binging sci-fi shows recently and it's become so obvious an apparent that male writers do not know how to write women. Currently watching Buffy and it feels like she was the ass kicking "bimbo" every scrote dreams of same with the Nevers protag she's a rough and tough victorian lady that will beat up men/drink and sleep with whoever she wants (kind of the same with wynona earp). This is 2021 when will strong women characters not be written as "men as women" or some writers fantasy girlfriend. Losing hope lol.
No. 813222
>>813172 bunch of the western animation examples are stuff like PPG, She-Ra, SU, MLP, ATLA, and Voltron which already have “strong” female characters with long hair. Another example listed just says that 6teen “inverts” the trope by having the dainty feminine girl have short hair. And another one of the examples is Velma from Scooby Doo who’s just a nerd with a bobcut…? And I’m not sure how the other western cartoons listed contribute to the “strong female has short hair while demure/weak women have long hair” issue that
>>813013 talks about
As for western comics I don’t really read much of them, but the section on tvtropes lists superhero comics, and doesn’t that genre already have a bunch of strong female superheroes with long hair like Wonderwoman, Supergirl, Storm, Jean Grey, Batwoman, Batgirl, Ms. Marvel, etc? It’s not like having short-haired female heroes would negate all of that, it’s just adding a little design variety, so I don’t see how there’s an issue there.
No. 813258
>>813172i've never given a shit about how long a female character's hair is, long hair was never coded as weak or sexual to me. all the animated female characters i've loved with ridiculously long hair didn't make me pause and think "hmm how is this lady kicking ass her hair would get in the way" bc cartoons are built on exaggeration
i agree that sci-fi and comicbook bros don't know how to write strong women without sexualizing them as a fantasy gf
i think Ellie from the Last of Us is a strong female character with a feminine appearance and practical character design.
i hate the trend of short hair=strong woman, extremely short hair styles take just as much work to maintain irl (you have to constantly cut and style your hair to keep the look) like extremely long hair. a medium cut can be quickly put in a bun ponytail or braids. but stylish short hairstyles are coded Strong Woman instead of ponytails and braids for some reason
No. 813364
>>813329It comes from character design shorthand. Just like if you want a character to be read as firey or temperamental you give them red or orange-colored hair. Of course you can subvert, invert, etc. or do whatever you want with them but generally a lot of writers tend to write women with short hair as the more masculine and by extension, more capable women.
Which is why I said it is more like the "Real women don't wear dresses" trope as opposed to boyish short hair trope.
No. 813466
>>813065Never said it was a conspiracy. I'm just pointing out that making him purple-based and claiming that it was "lighting" when there was literally not a hint of purple on anything else other than Clark and Lois's hair and their pants is just kinda weird. It isn't even on the walls or their skin. Just his. Which comes off as weird since he's the black friend to two white people and people who make cartoons now tend to pride themselves on being progressive.
It just reads as trying to make him dark-skinned but not wanting to actually use dark-skinned colors… especially when the white characters are typical/generic peach/yellow based. It isn't saying that he comes off as not human, it comes off as them being too damn afraid to actually use dark browns/oranges for darker skin and using purple and claiming stylization or lighting when it isn't apparent in literally any of the other characters or setting around them.
No. 813608
>>812972This, a lot of male characters with longer hair do it too due to Asian symbolism. Has nothing to do with gender.
>>813534It's always been apparent that a lot of the anons posting in this thread aren't artist themselves since they have no idea about even the most basics of basics and instead scurry here to post about Twitter drama. The whole scene is undoubtedly purple hue including the white character skintones, this shit edit right here
>>812803 makes it really obvious. The hue is really off with the rest of the scene after trying to force this yellowish brown tone to it.
No. 813973
>>813901A person who is 21, watches Dream, and traces.
Adulthood in the future is going to be hard for this generation.
I keep hoping that people who are at least above 20 wouldn't go through this teenage phase like many other artists and just grow out of it, but man. Seeing 25-26 year old artists practically act like babies, sensitive over simplest things and have
trigger warnings for things as simple as PayPal and I kid you not- Taxes.
It makes me want to see where the adults acting like this ends up when they're in their 30's and what the 15-16 year olds on Twitter end up when they're 20 due to their 'safe-spaces'.
I wonder how many rejections from art companies they'll get rejected from due to their portfolio having nothing but traced art and social medias filled with them crying over small situations. Even if they do get a job, I highly doubt that they would be able to keep it or make enough money to move out of their parents house.
No. 814519
>>813973This is maybe a little off topic, but I really do wonder how adulthood is going to be for a lot of these people going forward. It seems that in these spaces it’s more acceptable to have childish hobbies/behaviors into adulthood because in their minds, you shouldn’t have to give up childish things when you’re older if they make you happy. In some ways I agree, but you can be an adult with childish hobbies and still gain maturity in how you manage your own life and treat others. Also, a
trigger warning for taxes is fucking stupid.
No. 814890
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Popular Warcraft fanartist ammatice is currently being dogpiled for the "crime" of enjoying belly dancing outfits on men because it's considered racist now.
No. 815050
>>814890Like people have stated before, many reasons not to use Twitter and even if you do: Block comments for a bit and ignore them, watch the drama die off and them attack someone else.
Making fun of someone for their grammar and them being 'russian/Ukraine' as the comments are calling it isn't right.
Personally,I think the way they responded pushed the immature little crowd to try to dig into her more due to the fact she said '
poc in my dms'.
We all know that if you mention pic or anything bad about them: They will of course attack you sadly. Also it's funny, since everyone added these types of jewelry to their elf, dungeon and dragons, and more original characters- But now that a popular artist did it, it's automatically fetishizing.
These are the types of people getting mad over everything for brownie points but become hypocrites like that one artist Noralities who tried to shame others for fictional characters/minors and how anime lewd them only to lewd BNHA and Hanako Kun-A 14 year old boy from an anime.
It just all sounds the same to me at this point when it comes to people getting butthurt over something they do.
No. 815077
File: 1621909169141.png (107.41 KB, 584x584, unintelligible sjw…)

>>815074nice, i love it when they don't back down. and you can see all of the butthurt spergs seething in the qrts kek
No. 815093
>>815079It goes to prove how sad these situations are.
All could have been avoided by simply ignoring the comments or blocking them/muting (although I understand getting riled up and annoyed by false accusations) and let her defenders defend her. I saw a lot of people defend her before, but due to the fact that she said the thing about
poc, she lost a lot of support.
No. 815511
>>814890I've actually been wanting to draw a character wearing a belly dancer outfit but figured something like this would happen
>>815074Eesh, I don't think what this artist did was wrong but they're digging themselves deeper acting like that
No. 815562
>>815543Honestly all she should’ve done was switch the
poc with sjw- and her response is totally based. Like, Idk why anons here act like she deserves the backlash with her response. English doesn’t seem to be her first language and prob thought that
poc and sjw were synonymous.
Ig the twitterfag crowd is rolling back here with Twitter “milk”
No. 815585
>>815562yeah she even says "
poc people" so clearly shes not entirely aware of how the word is used. a lot of people expect anyone with basic english skills to grasp all the details about american race and gender dynamics but its hard.
No. 815642
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Has anyone heard about this situation? I was wandering on twitter and saw a drama with the whole pro ship v anti ship situation. What made it different to me is the fact that the account that expose Vee (The artist who drew odd fanart of the daughter and son from Mitchells And The Machine) and how they were mostly getting shit from it.
The account in question is a locked account that was posting nsfw in public, sure there's some people who wants to support 'pro-ship', but there's people who seemed to be mad at the fact that the person who exposed them is 25 and exposed the locked account to their minor audiences.
I felt like I wanted to get people's thoughts on this situation since it seems like a shithole. I wanted to wait until a new thread was made since I can't exactly make good threads myself, but the artist seems to be digging themselves into a hole with each passing second.
No. 815660
>>815649This. It looks like the person who made the art put it on an 18+ account, and the person who made a call out took their art and made that shit public.
These dumbasses, trying to call out private accounts dish out shit that I don’t want to see.
No. 815665
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The artist had been called out a lot of times before that for many things, it was mentioned in the Hazbin Hotel Kiwifarms thread and a tumblr thread. In one account, they faked DID to not take responsibility for something lmao.
But despite all this to be honest, the account that called them out seem weird themselves for following an account that was originally locked. Why did they follow them in the first place?
No. 815902
>>815660What's funny is that the person calling them out is using the excuse the art is innocent-looking and not NSFW and therefor they are just warning people.
Even though even if the art isn't pornographic, it still comes from an 18+ account. It still wasn't intended to be shared with minors. The account is listed as 18+, the description says everything you're gunna run into on that account.
people wouldn't "accidentally run into it" if people didn't repost art and share it while trying to call someone out because of moral superiority.
No. 816138
>>815781The account seemed to be privated before if you check the call-out, there was a vague tweet about it but the account was private due to people attacking/going after her and her 'trying to please the mob' and more. I don't know why she unprivate though?
I get she was originally a public account by the looks of it, also she has many other art accounts if you search up her Twitter handle polite puppet, one was aqua something (I'm sorry I forgot the full handle). There's just been so many accounts she has to the point it seems like she rebrands herself with each suspension and fallout.
No. 816143
>>815902It reminds me of the badturquoise situation all over again where a minor went onto a locked 18+ account and try to make a callout- despite them exposing their age and the fact they follow these 18+ accounts in the first place.
It just seems like these type of people are projecting, a lot of art drama sadly now and the only milk that has been consistent is the fact that these people like to have a moral ground when it comes to fictional characters and art while hiding their secret desires and more deep inside. I can't express how many times I rolled my eyes at 15-23 year olds expressing how they're so innocent and like babies that would never show nsfw or see nsfw, but then have an account like that on the sidelines.
No. 816164
>>816143Quick tangent, but seriously, these kids look up nsfw stuff (you know, most labeled 18+) find out that the creator is in their 20s/30s and
gasp likes/or simply draws a 15 year old fictional anime boy who doesn’t act like a rl person of their age group and draws smut of the character aged up, the audacity of this ADULT.
Like, listen, I get it if the character LOOKS young and BEHAVES like a kid, but let’s face it, most anime’s don’t show that. You can barely tell the age of most characters.
No. 816408
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>>815642I knew I recognized that username, it's a mutual of jay and ivy lol so of course i'm not surprised at this type of behavior from them lol.
idk i feel like whenever someone is "called out" over shit like drawing weird art, it does nothing bc 1.) you're drawing attention to it (And possibly directing minors to possibly upsetting content) 2.) most of the times these r18 accounts do not use search terms and want to exist in their own space 3.) i know everyone as a kid looked up shit like this or even worse stuff and i think being online you unfortunately cannot escape that kind of content unless you just straight up don't use the internet. kids younger than 18 shouldn't be on twitter imho
i agree with the anon here
>>816143 a lot of these artists stand on this moral high ground but if you look hard enough you find their r18 accounts but it's just as degenerate as the people they're calling out. reminds me of this one somewhat popular artists who's r18 i managed to stumble upon where they post nothing but bill and ted porn
No. 816451
>>816408Honestly, I can't help but feel like Twitter will get in trouble or get too many complaints, it's just that itch. The same reason why Tumblr shut down can happened to Twitter or at least- The fact that they advertise the website on the app store as 17+ but go on to say kids younger than that can be on there not only contradicts their point but makes things confusing.
Now I know that kids tend to search and go through adult websites anyways, but mixing the two or just allowing kids on your website when it has NSFW material? Sure it has warnings, but at this point you can still get in trouble for that if I am not wrong.
What's crazy about the call out is the fact that Vee's page although is public- Had a warning when I clicked on it explaining that the user has sensitive content. Now I'm not defending this weird shit, but it's stupid to make a point of protecting minors when you go on and post this account and screenshots. Speak of the devil, seeing Jay and Ivy's mutuals made me remember that I think I saw Bug Enthusiast comment on another call out for polite puppet.. love that one comment that calls the pictures grooming and censored out grooming by saying 'Grxxxming'. I thought it was a younger teenager getting the term wrong or being stupid but it was a whole 19 year old who barely knew what the term grooming meant. Also some 26 year olds throwing around the term kiddy porn.
Nitpick, but I hate when people call art kiddy porn but then proceed to show it as if it's not ilegal. If it's child porn, you can't show it even if you are reprimanding the person in question, you can clearly go to jail no matter what for that especially since you would also be spreading the material around. Twitter truly ruined a generation, you can't even have normal adults use their brains to think for a moment.
No. 817199
File: 1622105668123.jpeg (426.37 KB, 485x1042, BECBC40D-5DE7-48C3-AD88-D326F8…) sure how milky they are but it seems like people here and on twitter have issues with this angelmaws person
No. 817294
>>817266Do you mean on artists stories or dedicated accounts for commentary? The Instagram accounts I've found have all been focused on social justice controversies of larger ggalleries like racist hiring practices or financial links to oil companies. So much NFT discourse.
I just want to laugh at idiots with big egos or talk shade about techniques in the mainstream scene, /ic/ occasionally has threads but they don't go anywhere because d/ic/ks are only interested in coomer loli art and earning furry bucks
No. 817425
>>817199All these Twitter callouts sound the same, whether or not they’re true. Always trying to go with the emotional manipulation by saying things like, “I’m so scared and have xyz disorder, but I must get this out there” “I was disgusted” or the- to break down the whole controversy- “they hurt my feelings”, and then they say ‘oh, but you don’t have to unfollow them/attack them, I was just informing the community’.
Why they trying to hide it when we all know why ppl do these callout posts is to hurt the other party- like, wtf
No. 818298
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is this serious…
No. 818339
>>818298 is clearly a style change. It would be a downgrade in my eyes if the artist is incapable of producing work as detailed as the left side but the right side image doesn't tell me whether they can or cannot produce work of that quality anymore.
No. 818376
>>818325Maybe as a concept artist?
I agree though, there’s obviously skill and marketability in the second style even if it’s not as detailed/realistic. The artist could’ve gotten burnt out and decided to draw in a simpler style to save time and have more fun.
No. 818417
>>818386> nor does anime take less skill to look good than realismDebatable, but yeah, 100% agree with the rest. You can’t really judge which style is better because they both contrast greatly(apply different principles), it’s just up to preference at this point.
Arguably, I would say that the person has a lot of skill because they can pull off both styles effectively
No. 818426
>>818308You don’t just “loose” a skill. You can be rusty, like riding a bike or sewing, you know the movement but it’s just getting back into a rhythm.
They most likely just found that drawing in an anime style is much more rewarding especially when they need to profit
No. 818483
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>>817199’t know what the issue with the second image is, but Angelmaws is getting more shit again for having an Arabic pedophile OC, then calling someone racist against her for having an issue with it.
Also, Angelmaws has now locked her account.
No. 818625
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>>818483slightly OT but the "I can't be racist, I support BLM" is hilarious
No. 818629
>>818298My issue with this isn't that it's a style change to something more simplistic, that's whatever, who cares. The thing that put a bitter taste into my mouth is the obvious shift to something extremely marketable and bland. You can argue that realism is bland too, but on the left you can see some nice experimentation with brushwork and lighting that could have been pushed further for something interesting and unique.
The animebux calls for us all, I suppose. No disrespect to the hustle, I get that you have to make money. And in the fine art world similar stuff happens too, you get pushed towards what the market favours. I guess there's no real way to make art freely if it's your career, unfortunately.
No. 818636
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>>818483>>818487>>818625they always eat their own
No. 818860
>>818483Second image OP says in the comments is the character that the "pedo OC" in the first image assaulted at 14 which I guess why there's a 14 year old version of them on the reference sheet
Maws is incredibly milky though. They rebrand every other month and are a huge scammer. They had a commission queue of like 200 people at one point and just kept taking on more. I'd feel sympathy for them but the amount of times they've sicked their fanbase on artists for "copying" them has been too many times to count now. They have a self admitted "God complex" and have no problem with fueling drama unless it comes back to bite them in some way and then their all "uwu I'm wholesome".
Their Kickstarter will probably be very milky when rewards need to be delivered I expect.
No. 818885
>>818667I don't know; why can't some of us appreciate the technical skills that come with graphical illustration? I'm sure the person could redo the old picture in that same painterly/realism style and it would look even better from what they've learned.
Why do people think the style on the right is somehow easier? It's more simple, so line placement becomes even more important.
Some of us actually do this shit for a living, so get over it that we'll appreciate it (or deprecate it) differently than 'buh buh muh realism gone'
No. 818998
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…3 million likes
No. 819018
File: 1622326753339.jpeg (202.07 KB, 1059x1465, 1871420A-4A4E-4DE5-A6B6-903852…)

I’m so over this art style?type? where the artist draws a generic looking anime girl, adds one or two references to an existing anime character, and calls it “(character) as a girl!”
>pic rel is Mahito from JJK.
No. 819023
>>819018Same. I always hated genderbends with a passion because more often than not they're done in very lazy ways.
This trope though is done mostly for numbers/money than anything, though. It's much easier to get big numbers if you just draw semi realistic Anime Girl with some funky/slightly sexy outfit and shiny rendering than to actually draw the male character.
No. 819030
>>819024these artist almost never draw the background. it's either a photo or a 3D asset.
the only thing i dislike about this drawing is how the lightning and shadows on the girl are too light and don't fit with the background at all. like i get it, the artist went for lighter shadows to not "hide" the girl and to keep her as the main focus, but it looks unnatural.
No. 819075
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>>819018I don’t watch jjk but turns out it’s a thing to draw genderbend fanart of Mahito because of the anime? Still think the original male design is more interesting though imo
No. 819094
>>818298so. im the original anon who posted this in the first place, and this was my first post of this type i didn't post the other ones. initially i wasn't going to say anything else but i figured i'd give some two cents since the discussion afterwards got pretty heated which I didn't expect. there was a lot of discussion about realism vs anime style and i want to point out that it wasn't my intention for that to be the focus. My original intention was how putting these two images next to one another felt ridiculous because they're so hard to compare as such vastly different styles. I just didn't understand what I was suppossed to be looking at. just wondered what the point was and so i pasted the image without thinking. that's it.
but as an add on. i think that because these art styles are so far apart i dont think we can objectively argue which is better or worse and that should've really been the end of it lol
No. 819251
>>819018I'm more peeved by these budget sakimichans who obviously paid for her Patreon tutorials and just started overrendering big titty anime girls. But since they're doing it for the money I guess I can't really care that much, it's not like they're creating high art but instead something quick scrotes can pay to coom to.
>>819094So some artist posted a comparison photo of how their aesthetics have changed in a few years and you just slapped it on here with absolutely no context because "you didn't understand what you were supposed to be looking at"? This isn't your personal blog, anon.
No. 819500
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>>819018speaking of. I don't get this logic?
No. 819501
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>>819334I see the same thing a lot too. A lot of times, the artists will just trace over a kpop star’s face, like Yueko’s famous “Ahri” which is a trace of Taeyeon. These artists get a lot of engagement from both kpop stans and comers, which leads to more people doing it.
No. 819629
>>819501To be honest to me this type of art is what I personally consider the laziest possible. There's skill behind it? Yes, for sure. Even if it's painting on top of a kpop face there's still painting skill being used.
However it's just so lazy, there's absolutely nothing to this type of art other than pandering to the kpop and coomer groups and looking impressive to mediocre normies. It's just so empty.
No. 820178
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>>819018Mahito has an actual "genderbend" version in the anime but i get your point anon. Picrel is definitely more of what you meant. I mean the art itself isn't that bad but this is apparently female Albedo from Genshin Impact…
No. 820510
>>820178As an Albedo main I find this gender bent incredibly boring.
The Artist just gave her a blue blouse, a small braid and called it a day.
No. 977837
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>>805820>>805827>>805832>>805852>>805860>>805864For fuck's sake leave her alone ??
No. 1088015
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Seems like someone call Maws bitch ass on more bullshit