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No. 80345
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I'm a casual as fuck fan. The only kpop groups I really like are BTS and Got7. I've tried to get into CNBLUE, EXO, and Infinite, but I didn't like any songs of theirs. Maybe you guys could rec me some things. (I wish I could like Infinite because I LOVE Kim Myung-Soo as an actor.)
No. 80346
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>>80345Sorry, I just really wanted to post another picture of this adorable boy.
No. 80373
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I've only listened to Peppertones, Cho Hyung Woo and Humming Urban Stereo. HUS is pretty awesome and one of those groups you could actually put on for normal people depending on the song.
No. 80384
>>80353There's good Korean music out there but it's not mainstream K-Pop.
I've also heard that mostly middle and high school kids like pop bands in Korea while the foreign fanbase ranges from 12 to 30.
No. 80401
>>80385Why are you so upset about irrelevant korean music? kek
Most people probably don't go looking for it. Maybe they stumble upon some indie band on youtube by chance or maybe they're learning Korean and want to listen to Korean music. Who knows?
No. 80429
>>80373HUS is great. I love k-indie groups to death.
As for k-pop, I love IU and Orange Caramel unconditionally. The rest of the groups only have some good songs. Wonder Girls, KARA, etc etc.
I absolutely adore Primary. It's so my kind of music.
No. 80458
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I don't think there is anything wrong if you are in high school and obsessing over idols and what not, but if you are in your twenties and spend a majority of your free time re-blogging pictures of idols or whatever, then it's pretty sad.
I know people who spend literally every minute of their free time doing something kpop related and buying things because certain artist promoted them or wore it somewhere. It's like those creepy wota guys in japan who think that girl group members are their personal girlfriend and property.
There's also a lot of older guys on youtube who review kpop and act like it's some cool and unique genre, when in reality it's the same Justin bieber/One direction crap that they like to shit on all of the time.
No. 80459
>>80458Not to mention the ubiquity of plastic surgery in Korea.
The whole country is one massive lie. Their natural looks are Mongolian looks, actually. Very big faces, tiny eyes, massive cheekbones etc. That's Korean's real face.
No. 80462
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이종현 cutie :)
No. 80463
>>80461It would be fine if you just accepted it as it was.
Instead it's this ceaseless stream of:
>K-Pop is incredible!>Korean men are super hot!>Korea is incredible! I want to go to Korea!etc.
That's what makes people hate K-Poopers, same reason people hate weebs (real weebs).
From a personal perspective I dislike it because it's literally pushed by the Korean government at the highest echelons as a way to spread their pop culture abroad, and they use some quite duplicitous means of doing so. By buying into this stuff, you're basically astroturfing for the Korean government… for free.
Finally. Koreans are generally really hostile, nationalistic people, even by the standards of the Pacific Asia region. I've never really met anyone who went to Korea who had anything good to say about them. Their 1000 year long inferiority complex is maddening when you've actually had to deal with it.
No. 80536
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>>80485>This is a thread to post/discuss anything K-Pop related.yet you get pissy when people dare not to obsess with your precious kpop?
No. 80570
I like Zion.T, Dean, Madclown, Crush, Taemin and Jay Park. There is more to korean music than just the extremely manufactured pop side.
It is no better or worse than most american music. As long as you aren't being a koreaboo there is nothing wrong with listening to it sometimes.
>>80353>>80385>>80463>>80536This is why lolcow is going to shit. You guys bitch and moan about sensitive sjws but you can't stand to even see a single thread about something you don't like. Just use the hide thread button and move on with your lives.
No. 80584
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>>80373Anon, I fucking adore Humming Urban Stereo.
I also like some indie groups like Linus' Blanket, Lucite Tokki, & Hourmelts
As for more mainstream stuff there's a good handful of songs that I like, especially by f(x) and Red Velvet, but for the most part all the groups are pretty much the same to me. I can't really understand how people get so into kpop tbh, then again I've never understood how people can get so into any band beyond the music itself, regardless of country. I've watched a lot of those variety shows and interviews trying to understand the appeal but i just find it kinda boring
I do really like a lot of Kpop choreography though.
No. 80621
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I'm a straight girl and I love girl groups. Can't get into boy groups for the life of me, they're just really cringey for some reason.
I like Nine Muses, Stellar, and Exid. They're pretty western pop friendly too.
No. 80644
>>80638"As a white guy"
shuuuut uuup
No. 80728
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You should go to asia and see for yourself that white fever still massively, massively outnumber weeaboos/koreaboos
You're making a fuss over a insignificant number women (imo, more black than white) obsessed w/ kpop
>Not sure why hordes of koreans are going nuts over some white boy in a suit?
No. 80729
>>80718Are you kidding?
You think the white girls who obsess over super junior are the same ones who were part of the popular clique at school?
Ordinary white women find Asian men unattractive.
No. 80746
>>80728>obvious bait That guy is some British actor. Foreign movies and celebrities sometimes promote in Korea since they're popular over there.
White fever exists but this doesn't prove anything.
No. 80749
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>>80746You're making a mountain out of a molehill. Weeaboos are insignificant compared to 'westaboos' globally.
No. 80763
>>80749? I did agree that white fever exists but I guess people want to talk more about weeaboos because of personal experiences or something.
>>80750K-pop groups are generally called untalented, except by blind hardcore fans. There are some outstanding singers and good dancers but the rest are just fillers, meant as eye candies. Plus, it's hard to see someone's talent if they're part of particular big groups.
No. 80801
>>80617Wow so above kpop. Much edge.
You're asking people to convince you to like it while passive aggressively hating on if? K
No. 80808
>>80803If we had an influx of tumblrinas then we'd expect to see a lot more positive k-pop comments.
Anyway, I don't hate k-pop as a genre, it's generic crap but no more generic and crappy than any other pop, I hate the fans and their ethnic obsessions with that soulless country though.
No. 80816
>>80814I thought you said:
>"thread needs more bots"And that reminded me that hallyu began, literally, as a government sponsored psy-op.
No. 80823
>>80728never claimed white women were the ones who are primarily obsessed with Koreans
(I'm white myself), I see this across every racial group
No. 80874
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>>80871Boyfriend is so underrated, I love their music. Even their newer stuff. I appreciate how artful their music videos are.
My guilty pleasure will always be wolf by EXO. Terrible song, but catchy.
No. 80970
>>80808Some of the posts above, about plastic Mongolians and white fever, were probably made by 4chan dudes.
>>80871Trespass from Monsta X is a guilty pleasure for me. It sounds awful at first but I like the dance.
No. 81025
>>80946>>80946Pretty much just seconding what the other anon said! I think your best bet is to just check out all the songs that have music videos, and then if you like their overall style, look into their other songs. Kpop is very visual, so I find watching the videos to be the best way to immerse yourself into the music.
Witch is good, the music video is really corny in a "vampire anime from 2011" kind of way, but the choreography is interesting.
Bounce is my favorite, the music video is Alice in Wonderland themed and it's gorgeous.
Obsession is Peter Pan themed and catchy.
>>80970I don't think so, we have several regular lolcow members who are determined to hate on anything involving Korean/Asian men because they want to show off how ~different they are from the lolcows posted here. It comes off as suspiciously specific denial to me.
No. 81235
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>>80335No dickwad, I wanted to see if maybe there was some Korean pop group someone could suggest that isn't so…generic (I think that's that right word). I'm sure not all of it is that super mainstream stuff. And I never said I was above it. If I really thought that I wouldn't have posted asking for suggestions/conversion.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that really mainstream mindless kpop I'm thinking about. Its just not something I could really get into and listen to all the time. Only when I want to really turn my brain off. There's nothing bad about that. Another anon explained it really well…
"ooo such edge" stfu
No. 81309
No. 81368
>>81353>because they hate themselves for being white and want a korean bfI've seen this before and I just don't get it. Even when I liked j pop and was a huge weeb I didn't get it.
Do these girls just have low self esteem and hate their own race to begin with?
No. 81372
>>81368Its honestly probably a combination of the two, i think when people who are already kinda shut out and lonely engross themselves in a world that idolizes and obsesses over a different race they end up thinking that same way.
There are sane people who like kpop but the crazies are always the loud majority as is with anything.
No. 81439
>>81363>>81368>>81372Pretty much, the ones I knew were actually pretty girls but i guess having 24/7 access to wifi so you can obess more over something can probably warp your views.
Also, has anyone else been to a kpop concert and thought the asian fans were really closed off from socializing?
No. 81556
>>81439ive been to a couple
the koreans tend to only speak to other koreans for obvious reasons which doesnt really bother me, but man they can be fucking brutal if you get in between them and their oppa
If you mean asian-americans, I've seen a mix between them hanging with white girls and them only being with other asian-americans
No. 81573
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>>80836Never like her American releases to be honest. Well, her Korean solo wasn't that bad, until that "The Baddest Bitch in Town", or whatever it's called, then it goes downhill.
Anyway, I don't follow K-Pop as much now, but from all recently debuted girl groups, I like Mamamoo the most. Their live performances are so fun to watch!
No. 81610
>>81439That's why I was wondering about the implication above: Koreaboos = unpopular, socially maladjusted women.
>>80632 Because many of them (who are not teeenagers) seem quite normal and look pretty, except with an unusual obsession of pop music and its people from another country. The Koreaboos I've seen are not like your stereotypical overweight weeb with no social skills or fucked up people like Sere.
>>81573Mamamoo has a lot of charm and stage presence. I enjoy the retro, jazzy (?) feel to their songs.
No. 82015
>>81818I don't know much about Japan (actually I've heard Japanese women occupied a higher position than Asian women on the mainland historically, but not sure of the truth of that), however one thing I can say for certain is that the status of women in China is really fucking low. It has actually declined since the early communist days in many respects. It's also one of the only countries in the world where female suicides outstrip male suicides. Korea in some respects is an even more strictly neo Confucian society than China, both historically and in the present day. Something like 30 percent of men there admit to losing their virginity to prostitutes and over half have paid for sex more than once in their life. It's a common thing for Chinese and Korean married dudes to visit hookers and a lot of them expect their wife to tolerate it as a man's privilege. And if you think western male entitlement is bad, you've seen nothing. Chinese and Korean men literally believe they're entitled to women whether or not the woman desires them.
This is partly why I think the "nice guy" routine of a lot of Asian guys (especially overseas) is an even more transparent act than it is with MRA types and I'm not sure why anyone familiar with Asian culture would believe Asian men are any "nicer". It's like taking neckbeards at their word with the m'lady stuff.
Just because someone disavows overt masculinity of the fratboy variety doesn't make them some sort of gentleman. In fact I'd probably say the likelihood is that the fratboy holds more healthy views about women than the Asian guy in most cases.
tldr: don't know about Japan but the concept of Asian men being more gentlemanly because they're less extroverted is bullshit.
No. 82029
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>>82015>I want to generalize a whole population of hundreds of millions of men into a single stereotypeBelieve what you want, but you're describing no more than 1% of the Asian population at best. The vast majority of married Asian men are pussywhipped as fuck, if they can even afford to marry someone
Rich men are same everywhere. They have plenty of women chasing after them and they can continue on with their fratboy/playboy lifestyles without negative consequences
No. 82030
>>82029The figures for married Korean men who regularly use prostitutes was something like in excess of 40 percent. And their cultural values are just different. I'm not saying one or the other is better, but there's a much less foundational idea of romantic or courtly love in Asian cultures. Much more attention is given to pragmatism.
You'll also notice I stated I didn't know enough about Japanese men to comment fully. Korean and Chinese men I'm more acquainted with.
No. 82112
>>82101Eh yeah.
On the venus/margo thread I mentioned that the marriage between venus and her Japanese husband wouldn't last and that he seemed creepy and I was set upon by his fangirls, who apparently view the guy as a knight in shining armor.
No. 82125
>>82030i asked my korean bf if that was true ad he dumped me for being racist
thanks anon
No. 82201
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>>821251)You are a racist if you don't see people as individuals instead of stereotypes
2)It's better that the relationship ended since apparently he's not good boyfriend material
>get a husbando and call it a day