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No. 820866
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that.
Reminder that any discussion or drama involving SJW artists like Succulentbud, DestinytoMoon and Loved111333 must be taken to the SJW e-Artist Thread on /snow/ to prevent the thread from being derailed which the link can be found here:
>>>/snow/1220062Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse!
Recent Art Milk:
>Some users are caught trying to sell artwork made by the late Qinni as NFTs >>786502
>Artist Mutatedeye makes an angry tutorial whining about people turning to them for advice and the comments section of said tutorial isn't any better >>794300
>Someone tries to call out inesmbravo for copying their art, and it results in the OP privating their account after being roasted in qrts >>800998
>Yueko's account is suspended after someone filed DMCA reports on her >>801693
>Twitterfags and SJWs bully Veechu off of Twitter for jokingly using the expression "freed from the shackles", which they see as "Anti-Black" >>805820
>Twitter users complain about the skin color of Jimmy Olsen (the character from My Adventures with Superman) being too purple >>812465
>Ammatice is dogpiled for liking belly dancing outfits on men >>814890
>Angelmaws is getting more shit again for having an Arabic pedophile OC, then calling someone racist against her for having an issue with it >>818483Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
Previous Thread:
>>785290 No. 821291
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What do you guys think of samdoesarts? I think he's super talented and I used to be a huge fan like a year ago but now it looks to me like his art has gotten lazier and the sameface and same body keeps getting worse. My explore feed is full of his copycats though, we might have a new loish now
No. 821423
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Not that milky but it looks like acatcie is trying to branch out into merch… the character looks so bland and unrecognisable, I can't imagine this'd sell well at all.
No. 821459
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>>821423I saw she made a different design for that character and it looks a bit better? I think the problem isn't the merch, I feel like her art is just really soulless and boring in general. I'm definitely not buying anything from her.
No. 821460
>>821452Idk, for me it’s a mix between the colours, eye placement(you know, copying and pasting), and how the mouths are drawn.
To me her art looks like smug neon plumbs or just neon chickens
No. 821478
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Not surprised that these two are zionist, I hope they lose their buisness fuck them
No. 821545
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>>821460IT's weird because I know that her coloring is very odd but yet I actually do like it. It's just the style itself that looks so jarring and offputting. And yeah, I think you're right about the way she draws mouths. Like she's clearly going for a cartoony style. She says she's inspired by things like Disney and Steven Universe but yet her art just looks so off.
I just wish she'd focus more on refining her style more. O think the problem is that she tries to make her art look cute but because she lacks fundamental skill, it comes out looking much more wonky and less "cute" like she's hoping it will be.
Her friend EmpressKaiju does a similar kinda style going for something cute but striking (image attached) and I know that her style may be off putting to others here in the thread but I honestly think she has a really nice style and she's come a long way developing her style and she's younger than TD. EmpressKaiju is what Michie's style should've evolved into. Like not exactly like hers but I mean, more refined and fine-tuned.
No. 821737
>>821423She must learn some fundies, she is the biggest example of refusing to learn fundamentals then too lazy to improve (just like me in the past and i regretted it). Ah i remembered one of my mutual reshared her art by ig story but at the same time they told me to improve on shading. Lol i disliked that mutual for supporting ugly ass acatcie.
>>821459That looks good actually. Full offense that her design still looks soulless, bland, and boring yet straight to the dispose bin. Not recommended unless you are her ass kisser fan.
No. 821993
>>821890Can you give an example of artists who are doing this?
It could also be to conceal discrepancies in their stats, if they have bought followers.
No. 822021
>>821609That’s your problem. You have to give people a reason to follow you.
Would you just follow a random person who draws fantasy OCs you have no attachment to unless their style REALLY appeals to you?
No. 822103
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Bitch Hartman's Oaxis streaming service is out. I literally forgot until I saw it on twitter.
No. 822193
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>>821746Oh if TD wants to go the cartoony & cutesy route, she totally should because it can work. The only reason I made the comparison to her friend EmpressKaiju was because I remembered that Michie is writing a novel series and I was just picturing what the cover of the book would look like with her current art style and I mean… Would you be tempted to buy a book with cover art of her work? I wouldn't be enticed but thinking about it, she probably will either hire someone to design a cover or do a cover that doesn't have the characters on it.
> the faces reminds me of that inbred Charles II of Spain guy. Same weird narrow and long head, cross-eyed, bloated people.KEK Oh my gosh, you're right It kinda does look like that only more cartoony lol.
Anyway yeah, cutesy & cartoony can work but she just needs to fine-tune it more because where it's at currently, it doesn't look all that good at all in my opinion. And I agree, her DND stickers as basic as they look do look somewhat appealing and could attract the DND players to buy them.
No. 822195
>>822175I made the jump from a bamboo tablet to a cintiq and now I'm using a basic huion tablet with the cintiq collecting dust on the side.
I personally have no problems line quality or work quality wise using either one but my main issue with the cintiq is that it literally broke my back with me hunched over the tilted screen. With huion I can lean back on my chair and have the tablet on my lap and draw comfortably.
If you're gonna get a screen tablet I honestly can't recommend Wacom cuz of their godawful customer support, awful awful color calibrated screens, and honestly they're still overpriced considering the solid competition they have around. Also look into those um… arm things that hold up a screen. I was told it helps with comfort and back issues but I wasn't about to drop more money on a device that I absolutely loathed.
Oh I also have an iPad and it's.. ok. Maybe it's the learning curve for me idk but I've had it for a year now and my lines are still not as confident as they are on paper/pc. Everyone I know absolutely loves it and it is a solid device it's just me I guess.
No. 822217
>>822199off the top of my head:
you can find specialised “shops” on various platforms that repost people’s commissions/adoptable/etc. they usually have actual quality control and the artists have work ethic.
option 2 is go on toyhouse and look for characters with lots of nice commissioned artwork (you might find someone with decent taste eventually). check the sources for the pictures you like. the artists might take commissions.
option 3 try exploring foreign art communities if you want a break from your average twitterfags.
No. 822227
>>822175I have a wacom intuos M, a wacom cintiq 16 and an iPad air lol so tried almost everything. It took me a while to be fully comfortable with the screenless tablet but now that's the one I use the most because I draw for long hours and need to me mindful of my posture and wrist.
I'd say the cintiq is really nice too, the size is pretty good although I will probably get a 20 or even 24 size when I upgrade. Don't like drawing on the iPad much, screen is too small and I don't like procreate at all.
No. 822413
>>822175Screen tablets are by far superior if you can afford it. Though like
>>822195 said be mindful of your posture when using a screen tablet. I developed mild cubital tunnel syndrome from hunching my back and leaning my arm on my cintiq for hours, fortunately it went away after resting and doing stretches but you don't want to risk permanent nerve damage.
No. 822530
>>822195>>822175Nayrt but I keep going back and fourth between XP Pen and Cintiq.
I really trust Wacom as a brand personally because I am having great experience with their non screen tablets, but the posture part scares me. I wanted to invest in the smallest Cintiq, but will getting "a stand" for it make things better?
I am worried about Huion because I've seen a lot of people having troubles with this tablet, saying it doesn't live too long and stuff.
Barely heard about XP Pen, though my friends professor recommends it.
At this point I just wouldn't mind playing it safe and getting a big version of nonscreen Wacom, but I've always wanted a screen
No. 822773
>>822413Omg I think I had cubital tunnel syndrome too but I didn't know it had a name or why it was happening lol.
>>822530Depends on what kind of stand maybe?
Idk where you're from but if you can buy and then return it if you dislike it then maybe try that?
And yea I'll admit to having a personal grudge against wacom at this point. Mostly because I've owned multiple of their products, the bamboo, cintiq 13, and then the 22. The last two I had multiple issues with BUT I'm an international user so 1) warranty means nothing 2) customer support is awful and often doesn't respond 3) and this was my biggest issue is that I had to get a proper monitor to check colors because of how off they were on the citiq because of the etched screen or whatever it's called or the film they put on top. At least with the film I was able to eventually remove it but the etched one was the bane of my existence. They actually recommended a 150-300$ color calibrator thing that my studio fortunately had and did absolutely nothing lol. 4) back issues that I mentioned before and this took a while to show it's effect so this was the last straw for me personally.
Yes I use huion now but it was an impulse purchase, it was cheap and reviews were good enough for me to blindly throw money at and test it. It's worked great so far but idk about the longevity or how good the screen versions are.
Not sure about xp pen either.
No. 822896
>>822807For the most part you're right but that's just for the stuff I post online but if it's proper work like something I know will be printed or will be used in animation (I used to do BGs) then I need to know what it colors look like.
I didn't have to buy one of the super expensive monitors I settled for a decent ips monitor that's held up pretty great so far and it matches my iphone/ipad better than the cintiq.
>>822844Process doesn't matter as long as you get results you like. I've known a few artists that bought into the hype of cintiqs just to sell them a few months later because they never got used to them.
No. 823025
>>822896>Process doesn't matter as long as you get results you like. I've known a few artists that bought into the hype of cintiqs just to sell them a few months later because they never got used to them.Oh I understand, it's not the tools you have (necessarily), it's all how you use them and for myself, sketching with pencil and paper and then inking them in Sai with my Wacom Intuous 4 tablet really does get the job done for me. I think the only awkward time I had about my method was when I was in art school and my teacher mentioned that it would be beneficial to learn how to sketch digitally if I wanted to get into the industry. Keep in mind this was 2009 and I know attitudes have changed about this for the better but aside from that, I'm content.
I just feel that it would be good to eventually force myself to get used to the screen tablet because it could save me money on paper and pencils as well as paper space since I have a habit of keeping all my drawings haha.
No. 823034
>>821291he guy can draw, but took shortcut and regressed after he has found a comfortzone. The one trick pony type of artist that could do better.
But further than that he's a better business man than an artist, he knows what his consumer want.
No. 823235
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Disabled wheelchair artist puccanoodles dancing up a storm lmao No. 823270
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>Mediocre Japanese artist
>random girls doodle with wonky anatomy
That shit pisses me off
No. 823272
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>>823235I’m pretty sure she has her wheelchair because she was in a bad car accident that did major damage to her legs? She apparently can walk and move around but I don’t think she can use her legs for extended periods of time or something.
No. 823635
>>823235I saw this and my jaw dropped. I was suspicious when it came to the tiktok video but that? She's either extremely careless or she's fucking lying/exaggerating.
I am someone with the same chronic pain condition she claims to have. Dancing and jumping around like that can
trigger a flare up which is immense wide spread pain and extreme fatigue. You are bed bound and need help getting up and going to the bathroom when you're in that state. And that isn't even touching on the carnival of bullshit that is brain fog.
She works at Disney which is notorious for strict deadlines and tons of overtime and work. So she's either gotten really lucky through nepotism and 'muh disability' when it comes to staying in the animation industry or she's lying her ass off. I'm going to assume the latter.
Anyone who has been through a flare up and isn't on hiatus would NEVER do this shit.
Flare ups are SO dangerous for your career. It doesn't matter how much a studio is forced by TAG to accommodate you, they can't take your deadlines away. It's precisely why myself and a few others I know just can't work full-time, at all. Let alone be fucking story artists, at Disney no less?? Holy shit, hell no. How did she get and keep her first job?
Does anyone here actually know anyone who worked with her? Literally just one anecdote from an ex co-worker or something would let us know whether or not she's actually a munchie.
No. 823671
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Anyone have any milk on this? Apparently a metal pin designer on instagram named 9tails_pins has been sending out cardboard that's been pissed on to customers he thought were bots.
No. 823790
>>823594Same. I might sound like an asshole that i hate those kinds of people as money is their only way to life, e-begging from tiny situations to severe for example dying relatives especially without any proof/photos. If it comes from a friend or a mutual i would gladly to help them but a total stranger that replying with their tweet of their dying younger brother then asking random people to donate to them. I never believed them in the first place, it was all revealed that they used photos from google to capture people's attention and someone has made a callout thread. They were suspended twice after that.
Serves them right though.
No. 823828
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Anons, what do you think of the recent "Stonehouse Anatomy book" drama? I think the book has some dodgy content in it but the cancellation of the cortical homunculus in picrel made me chuckle.
Link to thread and archived copy because it is too long: No. 823841
>>823828It's full of cringy coomer shit and weird racist caricatures.
Good for a laugh, but not much else.
No. 823844
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>>823828I cant help but to think this is some 4chan/internet influenced pathology on race realism being treated as a fact
No. 823846
>>823235>>823635The tweet is deleted now lol, furthers the whole crazy munchie story
No wonder her boyfriend left her after she scammed 30k for a trained service dog she didn’t need
No. 823856
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>>823828I can't take this person seriously because she's honest to god making remarks about educating the reader regarding female and male anatomical differences as bigoted. Sorry biology exists I guess?
No. 823903
>>823846Oh for fucks sake? Really? How the fuck did she even get popular? I guess it's because she's in the industry and 'aww disabled woobie uwu' when actual disabled people who are in real pain get shafted by the internet and industry as a whole.
I don't know literally any artist or content creator who could get 140k followers and be a complete retard when it comes to handling their social media. Apart from maybe Glip but they groom children sooo.
Like if you're going to lie don't literally upload proof that you are lying for 140k people to see. I've seen literal children fake being sick better than her.
Are we ever going to make a thread about this bitch? Some people think she's not milky enough but I disagree if she posts stupid shit like this all of the time.
No. 823928
>>823850Kek I agree with you anon.
People are so quick to jump on drawings of Asians with monolids just because they think it's a racist caricature to have anything other than Eurocentric features.
No. 823946
>>823844Where's the "4chan influenced race realism" in pointing out that Asians and Caucasians have different shaped eyelids? Sure there are caucasians with monolids and Asians with double lids and whatever but it's based in the generalization of race-typical features. I don't get it. Should he just ignore the facts and claim that all people look like the standard eurocentric white person? The cartoon eye shapes above the portraits are just based on anime tropes and using eyes as a method of expression, not raceshit.
I swear twitterfags complaining when artists don't draw a black character "black enough" and tell them to study ethnic features for more realism but freak the fuck out whenever someone does so. And that's like one page of a thick ass book that's mostly about proportions and how muscles, tendons and joints work in the human body to help a beginner artist create more natural poses and movement in a comprehensive language.
No. 823959
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>>823946>>823928NTA, but I'd feel really weird trying to defend this, kek.
No. 824005
>>823959Lmao right, sometimes ppl try to hard to be contrary to
toxic art twitter. They're right this time and it's embarrassing that so many artists promoted this book as the anatomy standard when it's full of inaccurate racist and sexist stuff like this
No. 824478
>>823856I'll just say this. I was flipping through my Masters of Anatomy book, and damn near every example provided was just the artist own personal take on the muscular male and curvy hourglass figure lady. For $50+ dollars(I backed the original campaign) I remember being disappointed because I was honestly expecting more variety in the body types in the book. It does get old seeing the same 2 body types over and over again in numerous anatomy/drawing books(with maybe a page or corner set aside for showcasing something that deviates from the norm).
I get that the default is easier to explain to beginner/intermediate artist, but this book doesn't seem to be for the beginner/intermediate artist. And for more advance artist, probably a lot of this stuff is just going to just be things they already know, or are use to drawing/seeing. I don't know it's complicated.
No. 824495
>>824478I mean, if you look at the author’s work, you’re kinda getting what you asked for
>>823856I can’t stand this person’s commentary, “WhY aRe tHeRe nO nOnbiNaRiEs???” “Omg, SeXiSm!!” “Gross”
Like, assholes like this make me scared for the future of the medical field because they like to plug their ears and deny that there are actual biological differences between male and females- and SUPRISINGLY, that’s not as bad as these guys are making it out to be
But I just don’t get why this book, There are millions of other anatomy books out there with the EXACT same content, so why rip into this one?
No. 824626
>>824124I'm a full-time designer. Graphic design doesn't pay very well when you're just starting out, but when you have +5 years of good experience and a solid portfolio you can thinking about moving to art director positions and those do pay quite well. It's overall a fun job and I really enjoy it.
If you're concerned about money and interested in design in general, UI design is a great way to go. The market is booming and starting salary is quite good.
No. 824646
>>824478honestly the 'where are the different body types??' argument is kind of stupid to me because the focus of the book is about individual parts of the body and how they function. it's not a book on figure drawing it's to learn about bone structure, muscle groups and even some general points on human biology. like, you don't complain in health class that the diagrams aren't diverse enough lmao. even the classics like bridgeman, hogarth, loomis and hampton RARELY ever stray from one body type in their popular anatomy books and that body type is usually fit for a model almost.
just seems like most of the people who make a big deal about this coincidentally also complain about 'muh beauty standards' and roll their eyes every time a man draws 'sEkSEE WaMan'
No. 824788
>>824730they aren't wrong though.
when you are learning from how one person does something, it shouldn't be an expectation they go over the multitude of different body types that exist. No matter the body type, the underlying structure and how it's drawn will be the same, it's just a matter of how it is adjusted between fat and muscle.
there has to be some legwork done yourself if you want to learn different body types.
No. 824838
>>823591I don't know if it's just me (and I know this was a hot debate for a WHILE) but the pursing of her lips and the way she speaks through her nose suggests that she's faking her voice, I agree.
There was so much drama over if her voice was real and honestly? She should've just kept herself hidden behind a character avatar because now it's pretty much confirmed that she fakes her voice.
Ugh. I despise when people put on a "lol uwu kawaii loli" voice, it's grating and it drives me nuts.
No. 824874
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Hot take, aces are not oppressed and are often just loveshy straight people looking to include themselves into LGBT spaces. Demisexuality is snowflakey as hell.
No. 824881
>>823591>>823636>>824838The fact that people ever thought babyshit cooing was a ""natural"" voice tone is remarkable and says a lot about how mentally unwell weebs actually are.
Also she has that awful "I think it's okay to still wear 2010's scene hair a decade later" look. Yeugh.
No. 824883
>>824874I personally don't really see demisexual/demiromantic as part of LGBT+ because it's more of a "how your mind interacts with the idea of love/sex" thing rather than an actual sexuality. wanting to have a deep bond before dating or fucking someone whouldn't be that much of a deal, Jesus. People going mad and desperate to label themselves nowadays is just pathetic.
Hopeless Peaches trying for some pity/brownie points to recover some face from the massive drama she just got out of?
No. 824894
>>824730>REEEEEEEEEEEEElooks like i struck a nerve lmfao
>>824788exactly my point. then again, i'm really not surprised that most of the new 'artist' crowd seems to just want a bunch of copy material instead of putting in the effort to actually learn how to construct forms in 3d space and how the human body is built.
No. 824912
>>823591>>823623>>824838>>824881>>824898maybe i'm just not as jaded as the more seasoned farmers on here, but jfc you guys really let your inner mean girl out on here holy hell.
i get talking shit about art cows or other milky e-thots, but afaik wolfychu is like one of the most inoffensive uwutubers on yt regardless of if her voice is fake or not.
No. 824921
>>824912Omg thank you for saying this.
I never understood the hype around whether or not her voice is fake- maybe it’s because I’ve met ppl before, like older women, with this condition- but whenever I hear drama about her, it’s only about her voice. It gets kinda stale, but at least she’s not like other fuckers who invade spaces because they lie/exaggerate about a disability
No. 824925
>>824921>>824912If she didn't make such a big stink around proving her voice was real I honestly wouldn't care. The more you try to prove something, the more you look like you're lying.
I just don't like that type of voice in general though. You're right it's not too milky, it's just annoying.
No. 824955
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>Capcom Stung With $12 Million Lawsuit Over “Stolen” Photos In Its Games>Juracek (artist) published a volume of over a thousand photographs of "outstanding, vibrantly colorful visual images of surface textures–wood, stone, marble, brick, plaster, stucco, aggregates, metal, tile, and glass">Naturally, these photographs are available to whoever wants to use them for their projects, but they require a license>For example, the lawsuit relays that a metal texture was titled "ME009" on the book's CD-ROM and it just so happens to be titled "ME009" in Capcom's breached folders.>The artist is requesting the court to award her up to $12 million in damages as a result of copyright infringement, plus $2,500 to $25,000Opinions?
Personally I think its really cringe this artist is suing them for 12-13 million dollars "in damages" when no one noticed for over 15 years these textures were even being used until their database was breached, and only confirmed it because of the filename. It is likely they'll be able to prove the pictures are stolen, but will they really be compensated that much?
No. 824957
>>824955The artist would have to pay that much if it was the other way around, and they're a big company that can handle it just fine.
Bleed em dry sis.
No. 824958
>>824955The suing is completely
valid, but I find 12 million to be a bit too much.
No. 824971
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samefag and sage
I do agree that the artist has every right to sue and should be compensated, I just think the amount is overblown.
After looking at the texture comparisons (You can see them all if you google "Juracek textures") I can't believe no one noticed, because some of them are more like photos than texture scans , and these ones got turned into almost 3d objects.
However, I think the same argument could be said against Juracek, these are photos of Italian statues. Could we say Juracek has no right to claim this or make money of off it when she wasn't the artist to sculpt the statue? How can you claim a photo of an object like this when anyone could have taken this photo of the statue? Where does it end, where does it begin. The way the know it is Juracek's is because of the specific textures which have much more of a fingerprint than the photos of the statues.
I do wonder how much money Resident Evil 4 made in profits (I'm sure a ton), and I would start there to find fair compensation, maybe 12 million is an underestimation considering it was probably their best selling game.
No. 824985
>>824971>>824971Stuff like these statues is public domain.
For work like video games, to create for example fake 3d asset they've needed a photo taken from the spot where the sculpture will be perfectly in the center of camera view, straight lines kept straight, no foreshortenings from even the slightest angle. To prepare photographs like this it requires some effort and deliberate planning; to have them in high quality you need good quality equipment, be it just camera, but more often also a tripod, lights etc.
You're right that anyone could've still gone there and do all that, since the sculptures are just in that spot for everyone to see and photograph. Why didn't Capcom have anyone do that then? For that they owe Juracek.
>>824978sorry, it sounded kinda like a common male name in my language and my brain rolled with he on autopilot lol
No. 824993
>>824986I don't know, that's fair, I'm just being Capcom's bitch. After thinking about how much work it takes to do these high quality photos and how they could have easily just paid for the licensing to begin with, I guess they really did fuck up.
I wonder how many employees looked this over and signed off on it in full knowledge they didn't have the licensing rights and how they just brushed it aside. Its disappointing knowing this because those textures played a huge role in the castle design, and the castle design was beautiful.
No. 824994
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For anyone else curious.
No. 825170
>>824912>but afaik wolfychu is like one of the most inoffensive uwutubers on yt regardless of if her voice is fake or notThe voice debates have been a longstanding drama for her and her whiteknighting simps, and that fact that she still wants to die on this hill is laughable.
I disagree, this milk has just been refreshed. Probably because it still keeps her relevant at all outside of trendhopping and reusing animation memes.
No. 825191
>>824874I think the label demisexuality is dumb, in my experience a lot of people need to have a bond before having or enjoying sex. That's just a normal way to feel about sex, just as it's normal for others to like casual sex.
But she's also a young woman and there's a lot of pressure to be promiscuous and SeXpOsITiVe or you'll be called a prude so I understand why you would want a label to make your boundaries seem more
No. 825402
You shouldn’t need a label or enter the queer community to say that you don’t want to fuck or that your libido is low
No. 825438
>>824874I agree with your hot take anon. I don't want to say that there is no such thing as Asexual, I'm sure there are a very rare few people who aren't sexually attracted to anyone but most of the time I see self-proclaimed Asexuals, it's usually high school weeaboo/nerdy/Art girls who are still grasping to their childhood innocence and usually what happens is when they get into their early 20s, their hormones kick into overdrive and they start wanting to have intercourse. Again, just my own observations but that's usually how it goes.
And "Demixsexuality" is bullshit. This whole "I can only have sex with someone if I have feelings for them" bullshit. It's bullshit because nothing says that Heterosexual, Homosexual, and Bisexual people can't develop actual feelings for each other. It's just stupid pretentious Tumblr diarrhea.
As for Peaches, it's clear she's one of these straight people you were mentioning. Want to feel UWU special by playing along with this fake ass term when she's just an ordinary straight woman. Like girl stop.
No. 825570
>>825567Exactly anon. It's normal to not want to have sex in high school. I think that some kids get caught up in the stereotype which I'm sure also plays into the "demisexual" thing as well.
I didn't know that married women were claiming to be "Asexual", wth? lol Are these young women in their 20s or are we talking older women?
No. 825583
>>824874>>825443This is a good take. Demisexuality, specifically, feels like a response to hook-up culture in the queer community that was been going on for nearly 60 years. DXemisexuality feels kind of like 'bambi lesbians' from way back when. It is a subculture within a subculture.
As far as Peaches goes, I'm more convinced she read a 'List of sexualities!!' on Tumblr and saw that one and is like 'woop queer now, time to milk June for clicks and internet clout!'
No. 825636
>>825570>married women with kids claiming to be asexualThat’s all kinds of fucked up.
Also, thank god I wasn’t the only one who grew up with a lack of libido in highschool. I had friends call me asexual for it, and I guess I kinda accepted it until getting out of highschool and I kinda just grew out of it
No. 825821
File: 1623200584537.jpg (Spoiler Image,820.97 KB, 1166x1275, 1623199946231.jpg)

I've been wanting to say this awhile, but I HATE feminist art. Absolutely loathe it. I dont think its empowering. I think its insulting and degrading. I hate scrolling through Instagram, and seeing coochie sculptures, and nipple brooches, jewelry dishes of big hairy ladies with bright red vulvas popping out between their legs. Bloody pad earrings, sculptures of abdomens with blood stained underwear and the word juicy on the ass. It's so embarrassing to see. Like I get were ladies, we have coochies and all. We get shitty periods, but do i fucking want a plaster cast of my ugly ass vulva? NO. I dont understand how anyone doesn't see that as anything other than degrading. I'm more than just my pussy and breasts. That art is not #empowering its #embarrasing&disgusting
No. 825833
>>825821To be honest I think the only people who like this shit are the delusional feminists who think that girl power = boob, pussy, pubes and period. I wouldn't even call those ppl feminists because to me (who's female) this type of art feels more objectifying than freeing. It's one thing to be proud of your body but it's another to literally put up paintings of vulvas up the walls because "I AM EMPOWERED".
It just feels crude. Like
>>825830 said it reminds me of stupid teen boys drawing cocks everywhere. C'mon, there are much better and cooler ways to express empowered femininity.
No. 825840
>>825830>>825833I'm happy there's other people who feel this way and I'm not just in a vacuum of my own thoughts. I guess I've just been brainwashed by Instagram to think this is what all chicks think. And yeah, I have the same feeling about all this genitalia artwork. It's no different than when dudes would draw dicks in high/middle school.
I especially hate the bloody period artwork.
I had a whole rant I was gonna do about that but honestly it's not worth it. I'm glad to see I'm not alone on this front.
No. 825857
File: 1623205433956.jpg (Spoiler Image,14.97 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.2793591248_lfmx.jpg)

>>825821>CoochieJust say vagina ffs. This is completely OT I hate that this word will probably be imported to my country via American television, it sounds gross, and personally reminds of of the equally American word cooties. I also don't understand the use of cookie for genitals, fucking weird and overly childlike.
Anyway, vagina art is lame but it at least serves some kind of purpose. As long as this stuff is being rehashed and showing up on explore pages, girls will see that vulvas aren't all porno perfect, they will know periods can be messy for all of us, they know hair is normal. This kind of art is boring and cringe because we've seen it all before but there is always a fresh generation of girls that need to discover it for the first time.
Stuff like pic related is funnier though
No. 826162
>>826026you don't need to be "brainwashed by patriarchism" to feel uncomfortable that an art movement is reducing your body, your identity, to nothing but nipples and vaginas. yeah many things related to the feminine body got screwed up on a conceptual level by patriarchy but to imply that "if you find this gross then you're brainwashed" is not a good mindset to have either. it's not so black and white.
you can be feminist, proud of your body and embracing its aspects considered gross by society and reject patriarchy while finding this type of art degrading. like some anons in here said before there are many other ways to embrace your body without having to reduce it to disembodied genitalia.
No. 826250
>>826249People mostly do it for the sake of being nice or to potentially build a friendship/network.
Plus most internet artists nowadays can't handle critique or anything less than praise, so.
No. 826267
>>826026A lot of that sucks but really doesn't have to do with conveying this perfect image.
Blood is shown as blue because it would make the rating higher… I can't think of any commercial that shows blood as red. Even urine is represented with water or a blue liquid. Most people in commercials are already shaved because they're actors and you can't do repeated takes on shaving because the hair doesn't grow back immediately.
This kind of art really doesn't do anything for the fake marketing image. Who actually likes having blood-stained panties or blood between their legs? Not only does it feel gross but it is unsanitary as hell. You don't empower people by encouraging them to just piss their pants or have pee running down their leg because going to the bathroom is some coomer brainwashing.
OT but not everything has to be because coomers and scrotes. Commercials are meant to push a product. The "perfect female image" generally comes from other women who degrade others for having a different body type whether it be because they're too fat or too thin, too short or too tall, have big tits or small tits, etc. Even if you remove men from the equation, you still have conservative women who think showing your ankles means your a slut, mothers that body shame their daughters, god awful diet culture, among other things. It'll be the same shit different chapter. You can't use ""brainwashing"" for everything because it otherwise implies women have no choice other than the ones that you have, in an ironic twist of fate, chosen/approved for them.
No. 826279
>>826052Link to her messages: to based admin’s post/Response:
>>1244574 No. 826306
>>826267Nayrt and hard disagree, anons speak up all the time that they thought they had an ugly vagina because they had been brainwashed by male-oriented content. It's not just about tampon adverts it's also about heavily photoshopped underwear modelling photos and the constant prevalence of porn itself, this stuff all plays a part in forming an idea of what breasts or vaginas are meant to look like.
I will gladly put up with all the fimo clay vagina brooches, crosstich and candles that esty throws at me if at least one girl sees something that lets her know her vagina is normal.
No. 826417
>>826390Agreed on the lighting. Also, the shirt keeps going haywire every time the model moves. I had no idea you could do animation boil in CGI, astounding.
Also, the lyrics are VERY uh…Disney channel-esque? I guess? There's not many metaphors and it sounds like a paint-by-numbers kind of song where it's incredibly literal and there's barely any thought put into painting a story. He's a Minecraft influencer so he has to appease children, the lowest common denominator, but I wish there was a little more substance cuz he's not exactly terrible at singing - his voice is a pretty nice pitch though it does have some Blink-182 lack of tonal differentiation - though I'm betting there's a lot of editing and possible autotune in there).
No. 826666
>>826661OP here and I was JUST thinking about all of this too.
There'd be those who hate you just to be cool and different–as much as I don't give a shit about any rando's opinions, when it becomes a mob of people the fear of them just coming after you and the people you know gets worse. And yea! Holy shit. I've seen so many "cancellation" movements happening to artists who may have said the 'N' slur or had done some small shit once. But that was cause enough to start up a movement to not only ruin their career but their fucking life.
Also, yea, fuck I hate disgusting scrotes that suck up to you because you're a girl. Gross. I've had run-ins with those who just want to get with you so you'll draw them free shit.
No. 826676
>>824650Ayrt, probably just some woke fucks being perpetual
victims as always.
No. 826869
>>826618I used to be semi-known in my country (not internationally) but intentionally killed off my internet presence due to this. I went viral accidentally and gained a big following so I wasn't even actively looking to have a followerbase, it just happened. I experienced an insane stalker, couple of really dedicated vendettas and of course these kids who had intense admiration. Parasocial relationships were the worst part of the deal, like you said their admiration is so intense and scary they outright do not perceive you as a normal human being with flaws and emotions. Which sounds fairly harmless at first but when they muster up the courage to send you a message or hit you up at a convention or something and you're not the best buddy they built yourself up to be in their heads (because they're a stranger to you) they do a complete 180 immediately. In their humiliation they turn from an intense fan to an intense hater.
A lot of anons on Lolcow exhibit these same traits when discussing cows to be honest. They obviously hold a personal grudge against someone or, like
>>826661 mentioned, are just tired of hearing some popular artist's name and want to lash out at them for that. The latter seems to be the case for a lot of obsessive people complaining about Meyoco's work and popularity for example. And we always hear those vague "She was rude to me at her Artist Alley table" stories that leave people to fill in the gaps as they please. Sakimichan is a prime example of how to handle internet fame as in never interact with people, only tweet art stuff, never take part in political discourse, pander to coomers who will whiteknight you when needed. Yet even she gets people obsessively stalking her Twitter likes and rake through her tweets from 10 years ago to dig up dirt on her because they're desperate to get her cancelled solely due to petty jealousy. When your social media popularity has peaked it's just a countdown to cancelation at that point. Someone will find that one DeviantArt journal entry from 2010 in which you used a slur and which you completely forgot about.
No. 827002
>>826869Their personal grudge is either jealous of popular artist's success or dislike their personality. Take cyarin for example, despite being popular by having over 1 million folls on IG, the Netherlands community itself dislikes her but she had fame on her mid so she can walk away.
Like anon said in
>>826942, i understand that being popular is every artist's desire especially for their career but expect the worse to come. At this point I'm too afraid to attract weirdos/haters
No. 827510
File: 1623373330758.png (170.05 KB, 596x665, deadline.png)

>>826319Samefagging to say after perusing the KF thread on Dream (because I'm a drama whore and need my fix) it turns out this bastard only gave an incredibly amateurish 3D modeling team who've only done Minecraft styled animations before this–a whopping MONTH to produce it. And I guess he thought that was okay???
So with all this in mind, I don't necessarily blame the production team for this shoddy work. Dream is just another normie asshole who doesn't know how art works and doesn't care as long as he gets more money.
No. 827532
>>827520do you need your pills
No. 827568
>>827517Their art is complex and/or relatable to the preschool demographic that they attract. That’s why they get attention in the first place
>>827510> because I'm a drama whore and need my fixAnon, ain’t we all?
Also, thanks for the find, that’s pretty nasty that dream would have a team to produce an animation under a month. I know the vid is 3 mins, but the work that goes into a single movement. And as you mentioned he hired a crew who is use to making Minecraft vids, shame on him
No. 827610
>>826618I mean if I were to do it
>make content that appeals to kids (minecraft, fortnite, whatever)>rake in as much cash as I can>gtfo in 6 months or less to avoid any manufactured dramaBut making that kind of shit feels so degrading to me. if you were to try get appeal to that sort of fanbase, you'll be heavily censoring yourself or be forced to act like a cartoon character than an actual human being. And there's just something uncanny about it; adults working with kids isn't a bad thing, neither is working on entertainment toddler show for them- but something about youtubers being the next Seasame's street rubs me the wrong way. I wonder if anyone else feels the same.
No. 827695
>>827690Anon, it's okay to have a cutesy mascot-avatar without being a '''vtuber'''. People's been doing that long before it became a thing in west. Just don't call yourself a vtuber and you are fine. If someone manages to ask, u can always say no, you just like your avatar and whatever. Not everyone with avatars or mascots automatically become vtubers.
And good for you, this shit is the same as old utauloid community, only ten times worse.
No. 827704
>>826618No. I have an 68k twitter and a patreon with 820+ current subscribers (don't try to find me on graphtreon, my subs are private). I trace other artists every now and then, especially one artist in particular, and was once caught and called out by a very angry and relentless person who tried to out me by showing the comparison pics they made under all of my comments. I have severe anxiety and overreacted to it, like fast heart beat, shaking, heavy breathing, nearly crying and all. But when i got the bravery to look at the replies, i found my followers were actually going off on this girl. most of them were blindly denying i did it (i didn't trace 1:1 i did change some things). i did have a few that believed it and were expressing disappointment, but the other followers would reply to them pointing out the differences and they seemed to cast doubt. the girl tried to fight her position very aggressively, but they outnumbered her in the replies and were being completely obtuse to anything she said to convince them, so she stopped responding after some back and forth. i just quietly deleted it after a few days and never mentioned it. so no, art simps that think you can do no wrong or place you on a pedestal that you don't feel you deserve don't bother me. i wouldn't have cared if they sent her hate either.
No. 827711
>>827704Damn, you're awful. I suspect you already know but don't care. I'm not saying this because you're making money from tracing, but for that last line you sent.
>Inb4 "no rules only tools" "I didn't trace 1:1!!!" "You're just jealous" copesWhy would someone with "severe anxiety" out themselves like this on lolcow though? Some way to relieve repressed guilt? Maybe you should stop tracing, anon.
No. 827730
>>827726i'm a girl, if you're insinuating otherwise?
>>827725i don't think that'll happen. i'm more careful now and this experience showed me normies will give me the benefit of the doubt even in my most obvious blunder (that incident). also i'm not as stupid as Shexyo who just dug himself a bigger hole when he got caught. i really believe i would be smart with how i deny it and that's all you need to sway most people.
No. 827760
>>827740no i'm not a furry. and the rest of what you said is still more fear mongering BS that is just deadass not real. i've been in this a long time and know a lot of cooms. you can't make shit up like "you'll replaced by fresh competitors" that just doesn't happen lmao. people (crabs) have been saying that about sashimi since 2014 and it's never happened, even as her art deteriorates (aka she gets lazier), she still gets richer as time passes. there will always be a higher demand for coom than there are coom artists, so everyone can have their share as long as they 1. appeal to people 2. have a high follower count and 3. post consistently. i know you holier-than-thou artists hate to believe that, which is why you're pushing this cope, but it's not true and life is unfair.
>>827739>tracers are no better than pedosmy feelings are so hurt by your morally confused ass
No. 827795
>>827765that's a whole lot of dramatic finger-jabbing accusations. i'm not doing any of that. i just replied to a comment like others did, and answered questions, calm your milk sacks.
>>827770not a deflection. it's the truth. soulful art will get you my income (which is patreon+gumroad+commissions) only once you have 15 years experience and work for a big shot company. soulful art will get you sakimi's income in exactly Never years.
No. 827838
>>827795Well, then.
Post something you’ve done. Something old so we can’t recognize your style. Or something you haven’t posted anywhere even.
No. 827851
>>827833A ton of retarted artists love to lurk on lolcow constantly and since it's anonymous they'll use the chance to play the narcissistic arrogant role and boast about their follows and numbers and how much money they make even though if you met them IRL they'd cry and have an anXIeTY aTtAcK at the first critique.
Just look at what happened to Creepshow art. Same shit. These artists' ego is much bigger than their sense of self preservation it seems.
No. 827927
>>827690Vtubers is just a general term used to describe video makers who use cartoon avatars to 'represent' themselves while doing games or whatever. It's not exclusive to uguu kawaii anime waifus, from what I know those are categorized into groups like hololive.
Also there's artists out there that represent themselves with mascots etc. like Deep Bilzzard's probably more out there too.
But you don't have to call yourself a v-tuber if you don't want to. Just don't sperg out when some kid asks if you are a v-tuber, politely correct them.
No. 827966
>>827704OP here.
Jfc you're disgusting. People can do what they want with their money, sure, but it's your fucking responsibility to tell them you're profiting off of other artists' works.
I'm sorry but people like you are absolutely atrocious and your advice and shit holds no water. I can't believe you allowed your fans to attack someone when you did something wrong!
You should've come clean to them and the fact that you have no remorse is actually quite sickening. I don't give a shit if you changed some things, a trace is a trace and you're presenting it as your own damn work. Karma will find you soon. Go the fuck away.
No. 827970
>>827794Someone photobashing a building in the background off a stock photo isn't really comparable to tracing someone else's character illustration, keep coping.
>>827851kek exactly, tracer-chan here acting all big brained master hustler and bragging about patreon bucks gained by tracing while admitting to having a mental breakdown over a justified callout. Sad and pathetic, and incredibly shortsighted as well. They might've survived the previous accusations but even as we speak someone might be gathering a fullblown google doc outing their bullshit. Who knows, maybe someone monitoring this thread realizes who it is.
No. 827990
>>827962Honestly anon, I've been wondering the same thing ever since DeviantART became on the brink of death from a social perspective compared to how it was in the early 2000s. Really I think that Twitter as horrible as it can be is our best avenue to try to find art friends.
I feel the same way about Instagram, it can be hard to bond with people there because of the way it's set up. It feels very follower oriented. Twitter seems to be more open-ended but like you said, it can be a hellhole but I'm more than confident that there are people like you there who just want to socialize and make friends while sharing art and it's not all about commissions.
I've tried a few Art/Fandom discords as well and they can help too but I don't really hang on Discord all that much compared to Twitter or even DeviantART.
No. 827997
>>827962Tumblr can be a good place, surprisingly. Most of the shitty people left for Twitter so nowadays Tumblr isn't so bad.
Twitter can work too but you have to be careful to not step into whiny woke 'pls donate11!!' territory.
No. 828032
>>827704you decided to out what you did, got mad when anons didn't tell you 'get that coin sis' like you were probably hoping for and most likely your art is fucked up because coomer consumers have no standards. and you don't even know how to fucking draw. instead of of just leaving you decided to argue with anons and push your moral grand standing because your ego got hurt and yet you think you're smart enough to keep getting away with it fucking kek man please sleep with the anxiety and growing dread of one day eventually being called out. it probably won't end your career because fans will defend to the last breath but its gonna be embarrassing like it already is now
to the anons who can actually draw without crying about it being too hard and stealing another artist's work to trace, what makes you actually like an artist enough to commission them or subscribe to their patreon. style? attitude?
No. 828050
>>828032Style, attitude, and content they draw. I haven't commissioned an artist or subscribed to any patreons QUITE yet because I'm a poor ass bitch–but the ones I have in a list to commission in the future I usually look for those things.
If I know the artist will draw my bastard characters with a canonical character or something, I usually jump on the chance.
If the style is something I've admired for a long while and look up to or it's a style so unique and opposite of my own (something I can't just do myself) then I keep them in mind.
A friendly disposition and honest communication is a definite plus! I'm socially awkward so having someone keep me updated on things, showing me progress and asking if I want anything changed throughout, is really helpful!
I usually steer clear of artists whose artwork is something I could draw better at my current skill level. It takes the rare few for me personally to want to commission someone because of the whole "Well if I want it, I could just draw it. Why pay someone for something I can do myself???" thing.
No. 828083
>>828032I commission artists that have a sense of characterization. Personally, if I see an artist portraying out of character in fanarts, it's an instant turn off.
Also I'd recommend to be clear with how long it is going to take. Don't promise a 2 week deadline and take 3 weeks. I rather know the queue is 1 month and for the commission to be ready in that time frame.
Dunno if it'll help but those are my main pet peeves.
No. 828155
>>828148I'd say go for it, get yourself some cash. Let the coomers bleed out money for their disgusting shit. It comes at the price of your sanity though, and the possible coomer obsession once they find out you're a girl drawing lewd shit.
Personally, I wouldn't do it. As easy as it is to draw massive thighs, boobs, etc. I'd be afraid of incels coming into my DMs or email or whatever contact in order to send me creepy shit. It's just not worth it.
No. 828176
>>828148Coomers want crass porn, not tasteful nudity or softcore. They want that giga boob and giga ass with realistic rendering with a cute animu face with pouty lips. I don't have the sanity to draw such deformed bodies for the sake of fapping money.
I personally don't find it worth it because I'd rather work my ass off and have a half decent fanbase than to be surrounded by nothing but perverts. Plus if I were to do that type of art I'd create a completely separate pseydonym/persona to reduce the risk of it sticking to my image in the future. Too much stress. But if you really need or want the money then go for it I guess.
No. 828230
>>827966>You should've come clean to themWhy would I do that? How would that benefit me? That’s not how real life works, sweaty. that's nothing but counterproductive to ME.
>you'll be cancelled>your time is coming>karma will get you>god will deal with youyeah, yeah ok lol.
(unsaged autistic infighting) No. 828234
>>828155>And the possible coomer obsession once they find out you're a girl drawing lewd shit.>I'd be afraid of incels coming into my DMs or email or whatever contact in order to send me creepy shit.Yeah, this is shit I'm afraid of. I would probably lie about my gender because of that.
>>828176>Coomers want crass porn, not tasteful nudity or softcore.You're right, but still, they will fap to everything that's even slightly lewd.
I wouldn't mind drawing nudity but drawing full tentacle loli shit porn would break me.
Yeah, the more I think about it, it really isn't worth it. Perhaps I would have done it if I had been in a really bad financial situation.
No. 828242
>>828230you sound like a teenager who thinks that they're invincible and the master of getting away with everything. yet you came here to expose everything you've done for what exactly? attention? from anons on lolcow? doesn't that sound a bit pathetic?
but sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.
No. 828257
>>828230I don't know if you meant to say sweety or if you're trying to insult me, either way thank you for the light chuckle.
You would do that if you were a decent human being, and it would benefit your psyche–but if you see it as counterproductive go off I guess.
Listen, I don't know why you decided to reply to my post and what you thought you'd get out of it. You just sound like a child who told a lie that your parents believed and so you think you can do it forever and never receive any backlash for it.
If you want to argue benefits, what does replying to the post with your own little blogpost do to benefit you? What did you hope to gain? What did you ACTUALLY gain from it? Because as I see it, you're getting whatever it is you deserve.
But whatever. You provided a little laugh but your blatant narcissism and overall childishness is boring now.
Good luck with whatever the hell it is you're doing, cuz it's not art.
No. 828261
>>828148>>828234it's only worth it if you actually want to do it. If you hate doing it, or think it would break you or taint your image then don't do it ffs.
there is no type of art that'll save you from obsessive weirdos or possibly getting doxxed. I do sfw and NSFW and trust me there are obsessive weird fucks on both sides especially if you do fanart.
so just draw whatever art you want to fucking draw. or don't. There is plenty of NSFW shit you can draw other than tentacle loli porn which is so fucking niche idk where the hell you anons get this idea that it's what every NSFW artist is drawing. Even if you dont get obsessive weirdos if you draw art that you hate doing for dollar signs you're going to want to fucking kill yourself either way.
No. 828293
File: 1623447423757.png (166.65 KB, 591x580, callout.png)

>>827704Sofia Samara? The patrons seem to have dropped since this thread was made, but the twitter followers were almost the same. Notice how she says "I have an 68k"… like a typo on "had."
No. 828308
>>828303googled and found two links but they were deleted.
>>828305alternatively this tinfoil
No. 828327
It's so funny how people are mad at this person, but mostly not for drawing porn (which is indeed bad), but rather for "making money off other people's work". If thats your first instinct, its telling that youre more jealpus of the money than you care about the porn. $5k a month isnt even much, yall are going crazy over her $60k a year? damn go be a teacher or nurse or smth then, they make more than that after a couple years. They paying rns $100 an hour right now. in america anyway.
>>828293Youre really going to start some callout shit based on this reddit tier sleuthing? People complain about twitterfaggots going bananas on no evidence but look what we have right here. If youre wrong youre starting a fucking nightmare for some random artist so maybe do a little more before posting "Uuhhh THIS MIGHT BE HER GUYS the numbers are kinda close???". Brain rot behavior. I dont give a shit about you or her this shit is just cringe. Tracing art, thats the scandal of the fucking day?? God damn. And i have never had a twitter so dont accuse me of being involved here. Just want you all to shut up
(calm down) No. 828340
>>828327If you insist on bitching so much, leave. You don't have to post here or read anything.
No. 828391
File: 1623452565576.jpg (99.65 KB, 1242x1246, EybkgaDUcAAB2MR.jpg)

>>828293Her art looks traced as fuck and if it's the anon who keeps on going about photobashing (i.e. tracing over shit) being totes legit then it would fit. The rendering is fine but all the facial features and limbs are super off which is immediately explained by tracing over real life photos. Kek at her saying shit like this out loud though, did she think people wouldn't leak it?
>>828303The callout post mentions that she draws NSFW on her Patreon, the numbers are also private like original Tracer-chan said. I think we have a match, nonnas.
No. 828399
File: 1623453732160.png (502.05 KB, 641x680, Eyb561RUcAIWA83.png)

Not sure if that anon is Sofia or not, but her art makes me so uncomfortable. It's so creepy.
No. 828402
>>828399jesus christ he has the skin of a bacon strip
those lips remind me of those cheep cheep fishes from mario
No. 828459
>>828453she doesn't need a twitter account to be stupid on lolcow, anon.
plus, "harassed"? lol she's the one who decided to be a bitch and trace art thinking nobody would notice. she deserved it.
No. 828526
File: 1623470604146.jpg (90.87 KB, 828x740, Eyc92YjWUAEDakG.jpg)

I guess she just keeps to her discord, patreon and ig, I don't think she's trying to hide the fact that she traces or eyedrops her references pixel by pixel since some of that process is in her youtube, the discord twt thread is really a good read though apparently her own mods can't stand her
>>828471ok this is hilarious
No. 828575
>>828327You missed the entire fucking point.
>>828399Someone should tell her that anime faces don't work well with real life proportions.
No. 828669
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So did anyone saw that megat0nraid/kristia suarez has been profitting off of tracing persona art again.
Why do they never learn
No. 828761
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>>828669She is getting ridiculous now jfc. Does she just like pain? Does she like going through this routine of callout and cancellation? What a fucking masochist.
No. 828998
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Have any of you watched this yet? It just got recommended to me so I have yet to watch it but it sounds really bad.
No. 829008
>>828998I honestly don't understand all the anons who talk about how hot Emily is, she's ugly and I can see why it's low hanging fruit to say she looks trans. Like, Shannon is ugly ASF too, but Emily is a different kind of ugly that I'd equally be ashamed to be.
Apparently this woman was abused by Shannon's husband (this woman's ex) and both Shannon and her husband stalked and harassed her extensively.
No. 829094
>>829087I love how all the newbies are like:
“everyone was tricked, even those on lolcow were swayed by her!!”
Like, fuck no. Every single person called her out each time she posted here, the only reason why she was never talked about here is because everyone got annoyed by her self promotion/her getting off on every single mention of herself.
Hell, most of her earlier content was ripped from here, word for word
No. 829350
>>829344ok, Adobe
I'm seeing $21 a month. $240 in a single year is a lot for a program. Especially when I can't make money off my art yet and I plan to use it for many years. Plus its the principle I will die on.
>>829344>>829331But yeah, I never heard of Affinity. Thanks a bunch!
No. 829355
>>829327I use Krita for drawing. It's free, updates fairly regularly, and has some animation and vector tools (though I haven't messed around with the vector tools too much)
I'm super burned out on adobe tbh. I was getting good student prices for the monthly plan until they went up to like 50 bucks a month. Yeah it gave you all the programs but I was only really using like 3 for my classes. The only program I've used that doesn't have a good cheap alternative is after effects. I won't be using adobe again unless I get a job that pays for it.
No. 829404
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What do you guys think about adoptables ? I like some of them but would never buy one. I really like this artist (Yukibuns/Yukihomu), her auctions bids gets so crazy (over $1000). I remember seeing the purple one was sold for over $2000. Someone has bid $1800 on her latest auction. Wish I was more creative with characters designs.
No. 829464
>>829404There's nothing wrong with selling adoptables. If anything I admire people who manage to get successful in doing those because it takes a lot to actually put togeher a design that someone will be willing to pay 1K~2K dollars for.
What I tend to find bullshit though is the whole closed species thing, like the protogens/primagens. I get liking a design enough to want to buy it, but not being able to design a character with specific characteristics yourself because said traits are """""" rare """"" in the species and therefore you'd have to buy a """"rare"""" design just for that? Bullshit.
No. 829489
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Not sure if I ever heard either of these two ever mentioned on here. Thoughts on YT art critics?
No. 829493
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>>829404adoptables are fine I guess, what I would never understand is how people pay so much for shit looking closed species. Picrel sold for 545usd
No. 829501
>Someone who's not interested in all that will just make a regular satyr character and that's it.I'm not sure if this still happens since this was a thing back when DeviantART was still big, but I remember people would get seriously flamed if they made a design that looked like it belonged to a closed species even if they stated said character was just a random design.
I think the problem is that those closed species people were (or still are, again idk how the community is nowadays) too overprotective of some design traits and stuff.
No. 829520
>>829489kind of useless. Datfpina used to be a shitty artist who traced, which is probably why he's so obsessed with tracers himself. His voice is very annoying. I don't understand the backlash against him and bernie for making videos about johnbob though? Everyone makes videos alarming the public about predators in the community like cosmodore and get a pass, but you can't talk about johnbob because his ex-friends and
victims want the situation to go away.
Solar sands as moved on to bigger topics so good for him, but his approach remains very surface-level, and his research is bare-minimum.
No. 829712
>>829677I've participated in it and in my humble opinion I find it fun. If you enjoy art trading or drawing other people's characters, it's really enjoyable. Plus, you can technically pick which designs you want to draw or if you'd like to draw the character of someone who's drawn something for you.
Also, it's enjoyable to draw someone's character who may be a little younger or less experienced than most of the other user's on the site purely for their reaction!
All in all, it depends on what you enjoy doing and if you like to have a competition aspect tied to things in order to keep you motivated. Though be warned, sometimes the site can get incredibly laggy or just not work.
No. 829730
>>829323From my experience I’ve never found a software more user friendly than Sai. If you bought a license than you can upgrade to the 2021 version of Sai2 where with a bit of tweaking you can put .abr brushes into sai. It’s tedious but it’s really worth it. Also Sai is able to not only open photoshop files but also save in that format as well.
I found that Procreate kind of comes close to sai’s simple UI and usability but it’s missing the stabiliser and seamless buttery blending that sai gives me. Same thing with clip studio, although clip is a really good alternative, especially if you’re into comics.
Sorry I’m not much help anon.
No. 829899
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The "improvement"
No. 830225
>>829899Shit this is sad. The before one is pretty cute. Then she got fillers and microblading. I guess that’s realistic tho
Anons what series are popular right now? Jujutsu kaisen? Is BNHA still a juggernaut? Do people still go for sailor moon? I’ve been out of the loop this year and I want to get a sense of where the high economic activity is occuring
No. 830228
>>830225Genshin Impact seems to be still on the high, Uma Musume too.
No idea about anime though, I haven't watched any this year yet.
No. 830248
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I like this artist (although I'm tired of seing GI) and they have a big following. I wonder why they never finish their drawing. The face is always a little bland cause they never shade. I like their composition through. It might be kinda nitpicky but they always draw tiny feet. It look sometime weird with the body.
No. 830275
>>830248some of the shoes in the bg look traced or at the very least heavily referenced ngl.
have you tried checking if they have another account? maybe they post finished drawings in another social media.
No. 830292
I want more molcar art
No. 830318
>>830275Take a closer look, the sneakers on the wall were drawn once and then copy/pasted. Then each copy was painted differently.
>>830225JJK is in right now, it's getting a movie this year and Megumi, Gojo and Sukuna are good characters to draw for fan artist.
BNHA is still going strong but it is heavily populated by the woke crowd so proceed with caution.
Hype around Chainsaw Man is beginning to build and MAPPA has a PV planned for the 27th so you may be able to jump ahead of the curve and establish yourself in that fandom.
No. 830321
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>>830275Well no other account is linked in their bio so I'm assuming it's their only account and with the speed they're posting, I don't think they have time do do other drawings. They are posting almost everyday 4 drawings like these. The art is nice but I just wonder what a more polished version would be but these kind of drawing get a lot of likes (around 30k-60k).
No. 830361
>>830343I'm one of those small accounts who started dabbing into genshin art some time ago (because I started playing as well). I can't deny the attention it brings and would never dream of this engagement coming from OCs and niche fanart. That said, likes and shares are fast but people quickly forget it after a day then they'll move on to the next shiny art they'll see. I decided to sell small stickers for snack money and they're the only reason I'm even getting sales. Six months later, found my art was already bootlegged on aliexpress with 50-300 sales from different sellers. Now I just feel so empty inside.
>>830342ngl I'll usually notice first thing the way shoes and feet are drawn/angled and I'll often remember good artists that way. Though meticulously drawn toes are pretty sus and the artist is likely a footfag.
No. 830438
>>830343I started drawing genshin impact fanart after seeing pretty much all of my art friends and a handful of followers jump into it. No lie, it did get me a handful of followers.
But just like
>>830361 said genshin impact fanart is treated like fast food almost. That and new characters pop out all the time in the game and because of that people's preferences for certain characters keeps changing super fast. It's hellish if you want to keep up because then you have to be always in the news to know which characters are the current loved ones in the fanbase (and will give you numbers and potentially money) and which ones have fallen from glory. I do get your vibe though, it does get tedious as fuck to see nothing but genshin on my tl all day even when I follow people with other interests.
No. 830607
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i thought cyarin was a professional but this looks…not great.
No. 830951
>>830225it's already expected of twitter, but genshin impact and jujutsu kaisen, though popular, have
toxic fanbases filled with bored teens who will call you racist and fake screenshots just to get you cancelled. if you're going to draw for those, then be careful because even innocently using the word "shackles," will get you called racist.
No. 830989
>>830607work lately, imo, seems sort of rushed and slightly tacky.
But also it may be some style choice for things to look sort of incomplete? Idk. Some anons here made good points
No. 831027
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>>830997Jennygin2 on twitter
No. 831153
>>830607I actually like this one.
Anons saying it is messy, 1) Where? and 2) maybe that was on purpose if you see it that way? The special was messy on purpose, so art being messy to embody it makes sense. It is fanart, so I guess recognizability is low if you haven't seen Inside yet, but I knew it was Bo. Maybe adding those circular sunglasses would push it even further into recognizability?…
No. 831328
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>>830437They look like barbie doll feet.
No. 831660
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I- I don't know what to say anymore…
No. 831703
>>829323clip studio is absolutely the best for comics and pretty good for anything else as well, but afaik it has no real liquify tool yet so if that‘s super important to your workflow maybe procreate is more to your liking. But you can make your own auto actions in csp which is a great feature and saves a shitload of work if you know how to use it.
>>829730seconding this advice, Sai is very good. Krita ain’t bad either although it doesn’t run as smooth as the others in my experience.
No. 832227
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(posting it here since ic is an awful place) I want to start a family and have children, so i know that being an artist isn't a good choice for my family's future. Instead of pursuing an art career, i decided to study STEM (especially the computer science part) since I'm quite good at maths and informatics on a general matter.
However I still feel bitter about letting aside my artistic dream for well, a less selfish dream. Of course I'll still draw for fun and as a hobby but telling myself I'll never be able to pay my bills for a household feels bad. And I'm not even mentioning all my art friends that see me as a traitor for not pursuing my childhood dream.
How to cope when you know you're NGMI on an industrial level?
(also not posting in vent thread since even if i put my grain of salt I wanted to start this topic for hobbyists and hear them out
No. 832236
>>832231I live alone, with how much I save on a monthly basis I believe I would have no problem supporting a child (I'm saving about 50% of my monthly pay); in general I imagine if you planned for single motherhood and dreamt of being a freelancer, that could be too much stress to have; with a regular industry job though it really is doable; athough programming jobs which I guess you could pursue with what you're already good at will have much higher starting pay than art related jobs. It all comes down to you weighting out whether you prefer to choose slightly more stable and better paid job you may not love and later regret never pursuing the career you dream of vs accepting a little more steep career ladder but actually doing what you've always wanted.
Ultimately, you can always go for computer science related job and continue learning art on the side, and only try to change careers in the future once you feel more confident about your family's future.
No. 832381
>>832227if it is important to you you'll always have a bitter feeling about not pursuing it because you'll always be wondering about what if. Some pros don't get their first industry job until they're in their 50s. My suggestion if you want a compromise between following your dreams and persuing art is to have programming as your day job and then do art on YouTube, Twitter, etc. and basically build up your following and portfolio and when you feel you've landed a solid art job that can support you, leave programming.
>>832323How did you manage to get your job? I just graduated not too long ago and wanted to focus on character art, character illustration, etc. and basically pre-production stuff. I've been looking on art station and I feel with my current art skills I wouldn't be able to land a job at a place like Riot or Blizzard so indie evs doing mobile and gatcha games could be up my ally since I play a lot of mobile games anyways. I'm just having a hard time finding job openings.
What is something that you do in a production/post production job? Is it primarily animation?
No. 832458
>>832227I’m in a weirdly similar situation, except I’m not planning on having kids. Getting into the art industry was my dream as a teenager but idk if I could survive in an unstable career path. I’m currently trying to learn programming to see if it’s a viable career option for me because it seems more lucrative and stable, and I don’t hate the idea of coding. It also seems beneficial to keep art as a hobby because it puts less pressure on me to be an amazing artist who can constantly pump out soulless content. I’ll be able to draw whatever I want at my own pace in my free time. Plus I’ve wanted to learn how to make games for a while, so I could definitely use my art skills for that instead of hiring someone or using premade assets.
I am a little worried about regretting this in the future, but I’d rather do a job I’m not super passionate about and enjoy myself in my free time instead of go broke for my passions and possibly start hating art. And I guess I could always change my mind later.
No. 832543
>>832381>I just graduated not too long ago and wanted to focus on character art, character illustration, etc.I'd broaden the search to include animation / preproduction studios here, not just gamedev. Don't feel discouraged if you don't see an opening on a studio careers page; send them your portfolio, ask if they plan to look for someone with your skillset anytime soon and what advice they'd have for you if you were to be hired by them. You will not always have an answer, but you may and even if it's not going to be a job offer, it will be valuable. Another thing, don't be afraid to apply multiple times to the same place, of course not immediately one after another but as long as every time you send a new application they can see some upgrade in your portfolio, it will be considered a plus, because they'll see both that you continue improving and that you're dedicated. If possible, participate in industry related events, like game jams - you will meet a lot of industry insiders that can advice you and maybe in the future remember you which will give your application a boost. I don't know where you are from exactly, but in my country theres a dedicated specific site only for gamedev job openings, and several big facebook groups, so maybe try looking for these, as you may find openings that were not posted anywhere else.
If your endgoal is triple A studios like Riot or Blizzard, learn 3D; gamedev rarely ever hires people that do only 2d art anymore, no matter how good they are.
>What is something that you do in a production/post production job? Is it primarily animation?Post production will be mainly animation or any further marketing of a finished product; preproduction will be concept art, storyboards or animatics, and I feel like pre-/production may really fit what you're looking for; don't discount studios doing very corporate stuff like explainer videos too, they could be excellent places to learn. I don't know where you're from; to show you studios from my country I know for a fact that always look for 2d artists and you can take this as a reference where you could look for a job too, look up Studio Pidgeon or DashDot Creations.
>>832438>Is not being good at drawing digitally that much of a hindrance if trying to get into these kinds of jobs?I think that unfortunately to some extent yes, because time is the essence and going with traditional, scanning and only then getting to the digital part will most likely slow you down. It's very important to be versatile with what you create and often times you may be asked to redraw your art in a way that would be very similar but different enough for you to be forced to start from scratch; and that could be harder to do in traditional medium than straigh up digital. Personally I don't know anyone that would need to scan their work, and to be completely honest, I have no idea how a potential employer would react to it; probably be worried about the main issues I've mentioned. I do know a lot of people though who sketch out their ideas on paper first and then just recreate a polished version of it in digital, so that would be a norm. I'm sure with enough practice you can get good enough at digital only and use sketchbook only in the primary rough concept phase; someone mentioned drawabox earlier in the thread, line exercises there would be excellent to get you to feel more comfortable with a drawing tablet.
All that said, there are always outliers, and it's not impossible that you'll meet someone that will actually look for an artist that is most comfortable with traditional mediums, but I don't think it's a good idea to limit yourself in hope for that.
No. 832713
>>832543thanks. if not for an anon board I'd email you to ask a few more questions such as where you live. I'm in the US, though nowhere near cali where it seems a lot of studios are located.
I'll def expand to looking into pre-production studios and trying to find some. It'd be nice if there was a job board for gamedev, animation, preproduction, etc. that was relatively used and good for catching openings.
pre-production does fit what I'm looking for so I'll try to look for more studios like that.
No. 832767
>>832713nta, for the US most companies use linkedin and glassdoor to post their job openings now. Gamasutra's been kinda dead but that used to be the place to look. It's actually worth getting familiar with glassdoor because a lot of salary estimates get posted there if you look for specific titles, and it gives you a better idea of what you're likely to make going into a given company if it's big enough. Another one that's getting a lot of traction for indie/startup gamedev is I just recommend looking up the company site when you see job postings there because it's easier to apply through those than trying to do it directly through the bigger sites.
>>832227As the other anons have mentioned, you can always change careers later once you're more financially stable. I just switched back to an art related job recently after doing some time in more writing/systems related work that helped to raise my salary level, but I did keep up with doing digital art on the side with classes and artist alley throughout so switching wasn't nearly as rough as I had imagined it'd be.
No. 832803
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>>832768nta but I'm from Poland too! I'm learning how to draw and maybe I will continue my career on this path, but I think I choose this corporate crap art (pic rel) as a future profession. It's easy, fast and stress free to draw.
Btw, is it a competitive field in Poland?
No. 832815
>>832768true though i'm also living with my boyfriend now so it's a bit difficult to relocate just for me to find a place to work while maintaining one for him as well.
>>832767I have a LinkedIn but honestly, I really hate using it. I've always been super private online and I've always been careful about crossposting anything from my online life that could be linked back to my personal one including art. It's why for a long time I didn't really want to make an art station because I didn't want to put my actual name where people could just find it and tie it back to my online pseudonym. Weird but it's just how I am.
That said i am going to make an attempt using linkedin more often
No. 832974
Anons, which programs do you recommend for ipad? I tried procreate like everyone else but I didn't quite like it, I love CSP (on desktop) but I cannot afford the subscription based model. Do you suggest any other programs that are one-time-buy?
>>832810Some people are def looking for praise instead of critique. If they ask for critique and the critique isn't filled with praise people may just give backhanded replies or straight up be rude. It really depends on the person asking.
No. 833034
>>832803>Btw, is it a competitive field in Poland?It is, I think as everywhere nowadays, especially on so called "higher tier" so all the sought out best companies; but at the same time there's a looot of work available to do in general so just to get a job in the industry and climb your way up is totally doable with some dedication. Big cities (especially Warszawa, to a bit lesser extent Kraków and Wrocław) are best to choose because you'll have it easy to switch between different companies especially in the beginning, which is the best way to get your salary to a comfortable level.
>I think I choose this corporate crap art (pic rel) as a future profession. It's easy, fast and stress free to draw.You'll be surprised lol
No. 833270
>>833034I'll probably freelance for now and see how things turn out. Honestly, I don't have big ambitions, I'm willing to draw anything (but not porn) and get some money. I'm not really into working for big companies, but thanks for the tips!
>You'll be surprised lolWhy? I mean, drawing this corporate crap is easy and fast in itself. But satisfying your boss or customers can be stressful lol.
No. 833345
>>833270Yes yes, I meant meeting the expectations; if it was about just doing what you like and animating it - easy job; but from my experience I have yet to witness anything in this simplified corporate style that was not either, as other anon just said, done in a tormentous crunch because deadline is ASAP, or didn't went through insane amount of iterations; sometimes both of these two at once.
Good luck with your freelance work! Look into polish zine scene, or the biggest illustration / poster contests, they provide a nice visibility and all of my succesful freelancer friends have participated in both. Maybe you can also look into tattooing if that's your thing?
No. 833413
>>833345>>833281>done in a tormentous crunch because deadline is ASAP, or didn't went through insane amount of iterations>they always want you to draw them the same day that it needs to be deliveredOh yeah, that's problem. But like with any other job, there will always be some pressure sigh …
>Look into polish zine scene, or the biggest illustration / poster contests, they provide a nice visibility and all of my succesful freelancer friends have participated in bothGood idea! I'll keep an eye on it!
I guess for freelancer visibility and popularity are as important as skills.
>Maybe you can also look into tattooing if that's your thing?Oh fuck no, I wouldn't have been able to properly draw under pressure and leave an ugly caricature on someone body.
Besides, learning adobe is a must in your field? Is affinity enough?
Is it more profitable to learn 3D modeling than just drawing?
What do you mean by animation? Do you animate your drawings?
Sorry if I'm asking too much. You anonette seems like you have quite exprience in this area, it feels intimidating lol.
No. 833464
>>833413>But like with any other job, there will always be some pressure sigh …Honestly, depends, there are some more demanding than the others, I personally prefer some ocassional outside pressure than stress of freelancing but it's a matter of how you like to work really
>I guess for freelancer visibility and popularity are as important as skills.Popularity actually maybe less than you'd think! You just have to make sure to be visible to the right people that may want to hire you, establish professional relationship with a few customers and you'll be ok. None of my freelancing friends have more than 1-1,5k followers on social channels and things work out for them just fine; then again that depends on what kind of customer you'll be looking for.
>learning adobe is a must in your field? If you freelance I suppose no one will care what you use, otherwise knowing Adobe is a must to get a job. I've never been expected to know anything else and last time I've used anything other than that was in college, so yeah, if you want to work for someone in the future you must know your way around at least Photoshop and Illustrator, ideally also After Effects and InDesign but then again, depends on a job!
>Is it more profitable to learn 3D modeling than just drawing?Again, depends, but then knowing 3d is worth it even if you stick to 2d illustration; creating rough block out of a composition and setting up the light which you than can render and use as a base from any angle you want can really improve both your workflow and quality of the end result. With Blender resources being very easily accesible to use and learn everywhere online it's just silly to not try it out at the very least. As for actually getting a job in 3d modeling vs 2d illustration, the level of competition is similar. If you know both you'll often have an upper hand over candidates that don't; and if you want to pursue bigger gamedev, it's a requirement.
>What do you mean by animation?Ah sorry, in that case I referred to animating these simplistic corporate illustrations, because they're rarely ever NOT animated, so I did that mental shortcut in my head that if you want to pursue this aesthetic you'll have to know how to make it move as well. I know a little bit how to animate but in my job I was never required to do anything more to my illustration than some small floaty or glitchy effects that you'd be able to just learn on the go really.
For some reason dislike calling myself "an artist" somehow, but I guess I can say I've been working in an art industry for 7 years; it's kinda crazy to see people still have the outdated idea that art and creation is just a pastime and somehow less valuable career choice than idk, science, or medicine, or law. Everyone I was studying in art university with is working in the art industry now and I don't think it's that common for people majoring in something different to say that all of them stayed within their own pursued industry. So yeah, I'm really happy to help with any questions you may have as a beginner and maybe give you a small confidence boost, as it's totally doable to make a good living with it, there are just SO many ways to go.
No. 833916
>>833656Generally thanking them for asking and respecting whatever decision the artist makes over it?
>>833690Basically this. Repost pages that ask for the artist's consent (and respect if they get a "no" in response) and credit them accordingly via whatever links the artist provide is different than one that just reposts it and says "credit to the original artist".
With the former, if someone really wants to see more of someone's artwork they have a direct link to it. Not to mention, if they share it they also share the link to it, it can be helpful for artists who don't maintain multiple social media to have more people see their art and follow it back to their main page.
With the latter, whoever looks at it has to do the work of trying to find the original artist if they want it… and most people are less inclined to do that especially since a lot of people don't know how to use something like saucenao.
No. 834025
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>>833464>it's totally doable to make a good living with it, there are just SO many ways to goYes, that makes me optimistic!
Thanks anonette for ALL these answers! I really appreciate taking your time to write it all down for some random anon!
I will continue to develop my drawing skills!
No. 834532
>>833893"Neocolonialism" is international megacorporations exploiting developing country resources or predominantly taking foreigner workforce rather than locals leaving people scrambling for work in their own country. Equating it to a bunch of online bullying about
problematic depictions of anorectal violence is pretty fucking stupid. That's just microagression bullshit.
No. 834579
>>834570Likewise the same happens in leftist circles, treating gender/race/economical relations and relevant talkpoints are the same as in the USA when they’re not. Like trying to introduce the concept of slurs into languages/cultures where that’s not a thing that exists. It flattens out a lot of cultural nuance by enforcing the american worldview.
A good example is orquidiaarte who put stuff like “white passing afro-native-latina” in her profile which ,while it might mean something in the usa, in latam it just means you’re white. You’re not an oppressed minority since almost everyone here has close black/native descent, your grandpa being black is inconsequential to your privilege and experience, you’re in the privileged majority. But by using languge that is representative of the different race relations in the usa, you present your experience (in this non usa place) as something it’s not.
No. 834601
>>834579>It flattens out a lot of cultural nuance by enforcing the american worldview. Exactly, and it's textbook cultural colonialism plain and simple. Out of online pressure the people in my country have picked up American terms so strongly tied to American identity politics and discourse that they don't even have a translation in my language so you'll have to read blubbering posts littered with ridiculous anglicisms that don't translate language- or cultural wise.
>Blahblah ableistic blahblah person of colour blahlblah gender identity blahblah fascist white supremacy blahAnd it's not just some marginal twitter group at this point anymore, journalists working for mainstream news outlets have started using these terms and always have to add a whole ass paragraph explaining what it means and it's usually related to American cultural history. The people on Twitter don't even have the courtesy to do this, they expect you to know all the nuances of
American cultural history and cultural relations and conform to those instead of preserving the rich, unique history of my own country.
No. 834628
>>833916Reposters are so annoying, it's so hard to fight them when they have a huge stash of content to post and game algorithm. Sending DMCAs are a joke too.
>>834579Filipino art Twitter is like this and sometimes I wish I can't read.
No. 834697
>>834579You're so right anon. I'm a non-white person living in europe and last year I was really happy at first to see discussions about racism come up because we sure have our own issues with racism to deal with. But people were just applying american viewpoints onto our countries where it just didn't work, and it made the discourse largely pointless due to that and also due to racists being able to refute everything with saying "yeah but that's only in america, not here". Like people were using the term BIPOC which makes sense in the USA due to its history, but certainly not in central europe where the native people are… White europeans.
It's annoying when americans demand everyone else to bend to their standards but to be fair a LOT of people in my country love everything american and engaging with americans online, so it goes both ways.
No. 835089
File: 1624237550991.jpg (215.71 KB, 717x716, 20210621_004406.jpg)

Since some anons here are talking about american mentality taking over non american spaces, one thing that has been peeving me lately is spanish speaking people making "meet the artist" posts half in spanish half in english.
To be fair, the part of random phrases in english is just a personal pet peeve of mine and I know it's for humour so it's not that bad, but the one thing that really gets me is Spanish speaking people putting specifically their pronouns in english.
Why the heck not write "Ella"?
At least if she were a "she/they" I would understand the reasoning ("they" as singular just isn't a thing in spanish grammatically, so writing it in spanish would stop her from getting that themlet attention check), but this one is just pointless.
Idk if I'm tinfoiling but whenever I see this it makes me smell Americanised brainrot
I only notice this with spanish speaking people, do other anons see this in other languages?
No. 835111
>>835089I kind of get making your posts in English because we all know that Spanish speaking consoomers are scarce, specially when it comes to art.
But this really reeks of permanently online loser, she’s either trying to virtue signal or she’s genuinely retarded, like anyone who spends way too much time hanging out in english speaking online spaces.
No. 835166
>>835147Because it's an American trend and fellow people from LATAM are just American wannabe bootlickers.
We mysteriously never had any needs for neutral pronouns until now on the recent years. I wonder why.
No. 835525
>>835147I think it’s honestly just the
>Look! I’m inclusive!Mating call kids do nowadays to get attention and make friends, but I also kind of feel like they do it to avoid getting cancelled in the future like
>I-I put my pronouns, pls don’t hate me No. 836018
>>835711Out of place in what sense?
I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but I was looking at Speechie's channel and her speed paint videos have a sprite that imo looks weird because she kinda tried to render it slightly and tried painting the nose to have actual nose shape/volume but that pink color she used just makes it look like a tumblr nose, and because it's not a cartoony style it comes out as kinda uncanny valley to me.
it's actually worse in the thumbnail than on the video because for some reason she decided to use some weird overlay that makes the shading look super saturatedI occasionally see artists that have an overly rendered style but draw their characters with certain cartoonish characteristics that unless very well executed can easily come of a jarring mix or as uncanny valley.
I can't really think of a dated style tho
No. 836049
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>>835711When I think of outdated art styles my mind immediately goes to early 2000s anime art. It has a nostalgic charm but does seem a little out of place compared to current anime art. That and the early Tumblr art style when most of the artists on there were going for semirealism and somewhat sensical anatomy, before the Steven Universe plague (although this is where “tumblr nose” originated).
No. 836144
>>836063I think his tech reviews might be decent? Plus his production quality for his YouTube videos is excellent and his voice is pleasant to listen to.
His art sucks though. No idea why this guy is out there giving art advice and then has people praising him for it.
No. 836176
>>836063I watch him interested in his development
he know that he is still an intermediated artist and practice a lot
It is fun to draw along and heard his though
there is a ton of already pro it is more interesting to see a student improve along with you
he barely teach anyway
No. 836321
>>836163Most of them suck. The trick for me has been finding ones run by bigger artists who are either still present in the discord (in my experience most leave it after a few months to run itself) or who designated a bunch of other good artists as mods before they split. The ones that are being modded by crappy fans or nobody at all aren't worth your time, even if they have a few good artists in them they'll fall apart eventually. And the ones that are really, really huge or are aimed at pros in a wildly different area than what you want to do are also not a great option.
I wish I knew how most people find good discord servers, it took me a really long time to find just two that I like and are genuinely helpful and places where I'm not the only serious artist. I don't recommend sticking around the ones full of babies and beginners. Just leave them as soon as you realize that's all there is and move on to look for another. One thing that can help is if you find cool people that you're talking to often in one that you're thinking about leaving, DM them and ask what other servers they'd recommend or ask on somewhere like twitter.
No. 836480
>>836457Sorry but I don't want to post a public link for safety.
>>836462yea the couple I'm in are invite only atm, We've had issues with trolls in some of these so that's why I don't want to post public invite. I wouldn't mind sending it privately to people but I'm not sure what would be a good way to contact anon's here, without outing breaking the rules.
No. 836797
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I was scrolling through amino(yes I use amino) and found this. I know that Twitter can be a huge shitshow, and this person has a ton of red flags. It just made me wonder, would it be worth it to follow this person? I honestly dont really want to, but it just made me wonder if I found a person who's art I liked, but I knew they were like this. Should I do it?
Also I hate people who play that whole, "follow me and I'll follow you, let's support eachother!" Bc to me it seems like they're going to have a lot of baggage and I'm going to be forced to deal with all of that when following them. And if I dont support them when they want it I'd be a bad friend, eventhough I have a life I live and it's not through social media.
No. 836808
>>836797i always found it weird how some people just go "let's be moots!" because to me it sounds like someone just going around saying "BE MY FRIEND!" without any previous bonding.
sounds more like they want a guaranteed fanbase or just a way to build a bigger following faster.
No. 836879
>>836797 >would it be worth it to follow this person? I honestly dont really want toThen don’t
> I hate people who play that whole, "follow me and I'll follow you, let's support eachother!" Bc to me it seems like they're going to have a lot of baggage and I'm going to be forced to deal with all of that when following them..??? can’t you follow a rando without interacting with them? If they’re being obnoxious, unfollow?
Is there any actual milk with this creator?
No. 836934
>>836839I'm in the industry and I have not seen a trend like the thing you described… Like a little blurb to go along with the art?
Most artists I know just come up with whatever pops up in their heads first just to fill the description, don't read into it too much lol
No. 839365
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I hate when artists with same face syndrome get popular. And I hate how this same big lips, same big eyes, same narrow noses and jawlines is the status quo with most character art nowadays. Absolutely hate this trend and it's boring as shit to search for new artists to follow and wade through hundreds of accounts full of art that are carbon copies of each other.
This person uses real life models sometimes and even then he/she changes their features to fit that same old boring mold.
No. 841742
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>>841524KEK they think this place is 4chan
No. 841994
>>841524what a little bitch i'm howling. this guy came off as an edgy holier than thou funnyman from the few videos i watched from him but here he is crying about people thinking his art sucks (which people are allowed to do, grow up ethan) i guess the comments about him fetishizing black and brown bodies hit a nerve.
the anon defending him on the bad art thread was probably him self posting, so he could've been lurking there and maybe even posted about people's bad art. dishes it but can't handle it
No. 842286
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>>841520Maybe so. Though i've seen video from an anon on /ic/ who took an original photo and after 5 minutes in photoshop their creation looked almost the same as Iraklinadar's, just without filters. I don't trust artist who need full photo "references" to draw anything
No. 843096
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Hello my fellow depressed, pathetic and disgusting single cell organisms.
No. 844164
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>>843959NTA but, do it! Early 2000s anime style is actually still very well received (picrel is by unxi, whose popularity skyrocketed when they shifted to this style) and I think it's cute as hell.
No. 844229
>>844210I find artbreeder quite useful for getting the look of a character down, used to have a subscription because you're incredibly limited unless you pay
also to add one of my friends sister recently claimed she was taking commissions in a discord server out of nowhere plus her not showing any intrest in art beforehand at all, turns out she was trying to scam people by using portraits she'd made in artbreeder, so I messaged the mods and they quietly deleted her messages about it, but i've seen multiple accounts pop up on instagram/twitter claiming to be real artists but just scamming people by charging £40 for something they've made in 5mins using an AI
No. 844261
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>>844164This reminded me of the time I had picrel as my desktop wallpaper. Loved this style so much
No. 844265
>>820866Why are people here so obsessed over literal who eceleb drama?
Are all of you guys women or something?
(shit bait) No. 844277
>>844265It’s a genuine question
I honestly don’t get it, you’ll never see these people irl, it’s just a waste of time.
I honestly don’t get the obsession over celebs
No. 844305
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I hope it's this deformed anatomy we should avoid at all costs
No. 844313
>>844227You could argue that humans don't really create anything truly original either and that we're also just combining our various influences.
Right now it's way too bad to actually replace someone of course. Through sometimes I do wonder how popular an instagram artist could become who just posts pretty artbreeder faces, while pretending that they painted them.
No. 844335
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>>844261>>844164>>836049what artists can i find on deviantart that draw like that ? i remember seeing the style but i can't remember any besides emperpep who has a watercolour spin on the style (which is more modern).
No. 844336
>>844210i'm not disheartened by artbreeder personally, I'd recommend watching BoroDrawing's video on it cause he makes some good points. if anything, it should be companies/clients who fear artbreeder and hiring "artists" who take advantage of them by just convincingly using AI. artists will continue to thrive, don't let the capitalist boogeyman of automation dishearten you further.
>>844305marc brunet is so hilariously bad and it makes me cringe seeing his comments filled with anime tiddy dudebro artists circlejerking his "pro skills". he posts regularly in Level Up on fb and constantly gets praised for this wonky ass anime girl anatomy that defies of the basics of perspective.
No. 844364
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>>844359she scrubbed her DA but thank you, that's a lead !
No. 844373
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>>844164I'm totally gonna do it, anon! Thanks for the encouragement!
I think I appreciate it more at this point because of the level of technicality that goes into it, too. Lots of detail to the point where it just hits the line at over-the-top, but still very coherent like your pic and
>>844261>>844335Haven't found anyone who does it full on like 00s style on dA, but there's people who embrace it in spirit like tactoki and starlipop.
I also came across skunkyfly, who seemed like a kawanocy clone, but their art has more of the 2000s spirit in terms of layout.
It also made me notice how much of a strain the current online art scene has put on this style. It isn't a super-slow style, but part of the fun and the appeal is taking your time with it as an artist, and digesting all the details as a viewer.
>>844359I remember being so jarred by how nice this style was, but how so many of the artists were lolcows. Now I know it has nothing to do with the style itself; it just made the contrast even more startling.
No. 844374
>>844305I'm so tired of this type of artstyle that you see all over artstation. The semi-realistic anime girl with exaggerated and broken body and long ass legs usually with either some slutty fantasy outfit or some equally slutty steam/cyberpunk outfit with some """"""badass"""" pouty expression to feign that the character has a silver of personality other than blowup sexdoll. Usually the background is also nonexistent because these people seem to be only able to draw the same pouty anime girl.
it's really popular in the industry nowadays too, i hate it.
No. 844389
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>>844373thank you ! i also just remembered Kaoru-chan / luleiya, had it on the tip of my tongue !
No. 844501
>>844335you might like this artist she's been posting online since the early 2000s and her style hasn't changed much
No. 844504
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>>844305>>844336>>844374Surprised to see so much Marc Brunet hate, his stylization is not everyone cup of tea and with it the anatomy gets a bit wonky sometimes and I get why it could be disliked for that reason, but he really is good at teaching technical details and rendering, especially understanding the 3d form of painted object and relationships between color-composition-light. No surprise his stuff is liked regardless of anatomy, because it's just well finished. I sound like a shill now and i know it but it legit is one of the most educational digital art channels on yt so if anyone is interested in it I really recommend to look past the style and check him out.
No. 844585
>>844504It's mostly because his anatomy is wonky.
I find that here people tend to heavily shit on artists if they have wonky anatomy, no matter if it is hugely wonky or just sometimes vaguely. Really i don't think there is a single artist who has 100% perfect and accurate anatomy for every single piece of artwork they make.
fwiw, he is a good teacher and good at rendering and most other skills. I find that his videos are a lot more helpful than others for changing how I study art as well as some just general portfolio tips.
No. 844708
>>844227This. It would be amazing if CGI could be used to generate detailed in-between frames for 2D animation and offer various shortcuts to allow intricate designs yet detailed movement. AI will never replace artists because like the name implies, they're artificial and unable to be experimenting like a human mind.
>>844504Are you whiteknighting
that quality? It's not horrible but it's just mediocre overrendered coomer scrote art. Butch space marine power fantasies and beautiful skimpily clad neotenous women in photobashed fantasy settings. It's weird how his studies look okay but the actual art pieces never seem to correspond to them.
No. 844784
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>>844335Fiyunae has an art style reminiscent of old anime. Not quite the style you are looking for but you might still find it nostalgic.
No. 844787
No. 844941
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>>844506You’ll have to pander to coomers with waifu fan art if you post on Reddit. Skill doesn’t matter as long as there’s something for coomers to make disgusting comments about. Pic rel got 1.1k upvotes (a decent amount for the sub it was posted in).
No. 844954
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Does anyone know of artists with a style similar to @janrheeee’s? I really like the romantic feeling of their art but they’ve been inactive since 2019.
>pic rel is their art>>844335If you’re not specifically looking for active artists, Kenneos’ (on DA) style resembles early 2000s anime. She passed in 2016 so obviously she hasn’t posted since then.
No. 844961
>>844954Looking through their art, Amei Zhao comes to mind instantly also for the way the character are stylized? It's always upsetting to see the artist we like disappear, hope these fill the void at least a bit.
No. 844995
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>>844335the mangaka who wrote puchi hound is a good example of this art style. they shifted their style a bit, but their designs are still cute. their twitter is inactive though.
>>844954@Diesel2b or @sayhanawork has a slightly similar vibe i think
No. 845056
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How cucked are the AX2021 artists gonna be now that it's a remote event? Lord knows the staff is gonna deem the ecelebs as more worthy of the time.
No. 846406
>>846399Nta but I guess the idea of art in general is that everyone tries to get out of their comfort zone, once something is over saturated, why not move on to something new? Maybe using those rendering skills to create something different would be nice. An artist doesn’t even need to change how they dress the sexy anime girl of the week, but at least they could make her
do something instead of having her standing here or posing there.
I don’t know, maybe they could make the sexy anime girls smoking from a cool looking device to practice drawing smoke or jumping on a puddle of water, something that makes the design less forgettable and gives it a bit more of a personality.
No. 846422
>>845743Doesn’t AX grandfather popular artists in? Shunao’s art is crap but she’s pretty popular so I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s one of the grandfathered artists.
>>846399Not a trend but I love seeing artists who draw whole scenes with characters interacting with the setting and each other. I haven’t seen a lot of artists draw those since drawing a ton of characters and a complex bg is time consuming, and they could slap the same characters standing facing 3/4 on a solid background.
No. 846441
>>846418If you're too tired to then just don't practice? Just draw when you feel like it, it's supposed to just be a fun hobby if your skills are not at a point where you can make money from it. Sometimes when life gets busy or I'm in a slump, I won't draw for weeks because I just don't have the energy, but I know I can always get back to it. You can just mindlessly doodle while watching a show or try to fit in 5-30 minutes per day for some quick gestures/studies. I know that some artists wake up an hour or two before their job starts so they have a specific time for drawing every day, which might be hard to do if you're also in uni but it's a possibility.
I don't think you have to work too hard to get better at art though, it takes a long time to develop your ability to see mistakes anyway, you can just take your time and draw what you enjoy! If you ever get the opportunity, you might want to try out some in-person classes or live figure drawing. Having a good teacher that can point out flaws in your drawing and how to fix them will help develop your skills a lot quicker than going at it on your own.
No. 846467
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>>846422how complex are we talking though? especially with so many 3d tools making the process less daunting than before. a simple coffee shop scene goes a long way compared having to draw an entire market plaza and all it's current inhabitants.
No. 846527
>>846418when I was working FT and Uni FT I was so burnt out on life that I only drew when I had a moment to do so – it was all offline, because I would keep a journal in my bag or just draw on what was available, I was probably at my lowest point art-wise during that time since I can't multitask worth a damn and needed to focus on studies
Now that I'm only working FT, my nights are freed up and that's what I use to draw with, it was actually the pandemic that made me consider making it into a nightly detox from work, and eventually it turned into a rhythm
best decision I've made, my skill had absolutely TANKED and was rusting away kek
>>846441 is right, this should be a fun hobby meant for you, don't force yourself to draw, you won't like the results
studies though, studies are always good
>>846422>Not a trend but I love seeing artists who draw whole scenes with characters interacting with the setting and each other.augh SAME, I just love worldbuilding in general, sell me a story
No. 846538
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>>845743Kind of, turns out people don't care about store updates or attempts to sneak her alt account's art onto her store if her answer to being a rape accuser is to pretend to bail.
And before you ask her alts BaelCypher and Furuya Mari have abysmal numbers too.
No. 846664
>>846429Bit of shade, but I have never heard/seen a
actual good artist that uses 100 layers.
Personally, as a person who primarily only uses 2-3, idk how ppl can use 100 layers, like, wtf are they doing with all those layers??? I’m genuinely curious
No. 846752
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>>827704daftpina made a vid about sofia samara, she was brought up a while ago in this thread and was apparently self posting so I found it funny
No. 846786
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>>846757I don't see any new GG here besides the doujin. Though
>7 years into being a convention artist>No meta awareness to at least have one Vivy and one Mushoku Tensei to sell>These picks are expected to put food on the table No. 847052
File: 1625563477328.png (185.53 KB, 767x458, D5hrxe6WwAE0w5B.png)

Anons, do you remember the drama that involved w_enniedesu and kuno? When they both shit talked about some random artist on stream, who ended up blowing up because of it.
What do you think about these people now? The streamer probably is still an asshole, broke up with his gf (blaming it all on her). But he is not as relevant as w_enniedesu anyway, and is at least open about being an asshole compared to w_enniedesu. I will not be surprised if she is a farmer or ex-PULLtard.
But on the other hand, I can't help but not stand w_enniedesu ever since. She kept trying to appear as a 'soft victim' and still wears this image through this day, seeming fragile and terrified of everything, while going 'uwu m-my mental health'. Ever since she's been striking to me as 'that bitch who pretend to be soft and cute while talking shit behind everyones back'.
No. 847330
>>847052Kuno is still drawing albeit you might hear some Discord / Twitter fags say "I'll never forgive him" if someone links his art?
Honestly though, fuck YouTube and the literal thousands of people for deeming this worthy enough for the coverage when some of the artists mentioned here do far worse things.
No. 847427
>>846752I still have no idea what she thought would happen if she posted and bragged here.
>>847052I know kuno's still thriving, he makes persona commissions and makes bank of it as well as classes to teach people from what I remember.
>>847356Is there something similar to western art hastags?
No. 847494
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Recently met a twitter/youtube animator, Teleporte. Honestly I didn't know what I was expecting. Overly horny but nice enough. Most of the conversation was about sex. But can I be mad? No, I knew what I was walking into based on his content.
No. 847635
>>847501don't wanna say too much but I said hi to him and he was super nice. It was a long conversation. Can't even complain about his art either. He improved so fast, tries to improve his anatomy.
Imma yeet myself out however because this is the artist salt thread
No. 847707
>>847442On your topic, anon, lot of these insta/Twitter artists makes me want to make a separate account that follows the trends, uses the most common artstyle/clout to see how fast those accounts grow/to have some revenue.
What scares me tho is that I could be called out for being “fake”, and it could destroy my actual art account
No. 848029
>>847442I know what you mean, my full time job is killing me.
>>847707Try to develop another art style and make sure you don't interact too much with the same people. Don't even say too much either, just post art.
No. 848424
>>847707 I second
>>848029Practice another art style and make it as different from your original art style as possible. Draw LGBT fanart of whatever couple is being shipped at the moment and maybe draw some furry stuff too.
My furry alt account has been going pretty strong and no one (to my knowledge) has attached it my main account.
No. 848490
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ok for the ladies who use the ipad to make art - which stylus do you use? i recently got an ipad from a friend and i’m interested in using it for art but i don’t want to bust my wallet out for that stupid apple pencil because im a cheap bitch
No. 848936
>>848424*forgot to sage before
I've heard furry art makes good money, do you get commissions often? How does it work for you?
No. 848975
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nothing to bitch about, I just want to express happiness at finally buying a color printer! I can't wait to make stickers and little notebooks and zines without the hefty cost of a middleman. The printer's on the cheaper side ($200) but fingers crossed it holds up. How do anons feel about at home printing? Is it a worthy investment if you do conventions?
No. 849240
>>849075How did you promote your furry account on Twitter (e.g. what tags do you use)? Help a poor artist out, anon.
>>848975Which printer did you get? Some cheaper printers have jank print quality so just make sure the print quality is good. Having your own printer is a good investment and I like being able to print/cut products on demand instead of sitting on loads of backstock.
No. 849243
So Ang politepuppet got into more Twitter drama and this time shes getting shit for defending user siblingbonds ( and supporting IRL incest. She's trying to backpedal by saying she thought it was all roleplay but I'm not buying it, especially since she told people to mind their business about "consenting adults" and other family fuckers came out out of the wood works to defend them thinking it was the real deal. Archives for context. No. 849247
>>849243I’m sorry but who is this?
I don’t want to defend the person, but are ppl really getting riled up by a person who retweets Lowkey fetish/porn of a toy story character?
No. 850508
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>>849240this one! it has a tank system instead of cartridges so hopefully the ink lasts longer?
even the $500-1000 range printers i looked at had negative reviews, printers in general always have mixed reviews. so i decided to spend less for my first printer instead of risking so much on a more expensive one, i know shit about printers, there's so many different brands and options
No. 850901
>>850508nta but i used to own an earlier generation of this printer and now I own almost the same one (just slightly different number and iirc it's just a country/region-specific numbering system?)
It's okay-ish to decent for entry level con merch like stickers and prints just get good paper and a fixative spray/laminate because the prints aren't water resistant
No. 851752
File: 1626064888070.jpg (894.69 KB, 780x1300, aaa.jpg)

am i missing something or is this person trying to sell a character design for $80 that they ripped off from the lackadaisy webcomic? No. 852676
>>851752I actually follow this artist (but only because they’re mutuals with someone close). They mainly only sell adopts that are extremely sloppy and frankly, uninspired. Like the pic you posted. I saw it come up in my feed and thought it was fanart as well. They charge a ridiculous amount more for other adopts as well that look like they were slapped together in 5 minutes.
>>852135They have an 18k+ following on twitter…
No. 852867
File: 1626184597954.png (1.63 MB, 964x6056, uploader.png)

Not sure what thread to put this in, but is anyone else following the drama with YD (Lezhin artist who works on Blind Play) and one of the fan translator/illegal uploaders?
No. 852868
File: 1626184644934.png (3.03 MB, 1242x7300, tweet1.png)

>>852867expanded images from the first tweet
No. 852869
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>>852868Other expanded images. I'm trying to compile tweets from YD's twitter but there's a lot and they're all in Korean so it'll take a bit.
No. 852874
>>852869I'm interested in seeing how this plays out
Obviously the author is barking up the wrong tree but I don't think the uploader should get to beg for sympathy online about this
People have been saying for years that the webtoon and animation industry needs to take a look at the modern streaming models, people don't pirate tv or films half as much now.
No. 852889
File: 1626186165688.png (2.22 MB, 1820x5276, yd.png)

>>852869A small fraction of tweets from YD. There's a lot more I didn't include. There's supposedly a story floating around about how YD DM'd someone who made a fan edit video, asking that person if they were a legal reader and to send proof. Supposedly the person who got the DM was suspicious (YD's official IG doesn't have many followers, and doesn't have any Blind Play art on it, icon is just of a cat) and took a while to respond. After she responded, YD accused her of lying.
There's surprisingly a lot of support for the uploader too lol.
No. 852899
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>>852889Found more tweets about it.
No. 852900
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>>852899I didn't go through all the tweets for YD's replies so there's probably more but I'm starting to get a little lazy
No. 852902
File: 1626187735218.png (1.49 MB, 778x3960, fan edit3.png)

>>852900Expanded images from the tweet from gwihxn
No. 852904
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>>852902aaaaaand the photos posted by YD
No. 852967
>>852889Damn, what a situation. Like, I feel bad for YD because it’s their work that is getting reposted, and they’re loosing money for it. But then again, they sound unhinged, saying shit like:
>“let’s sue each other”, >“I’ve won countless cases” >“I know the law better than you do”>“I will pay anyone 1,000 to find their home address”> “I’m an executive of Korean webtoons union”(this one made me chuckle a bit)Like, ok, I get it, you can’t move from your position or give ppl who repost/uploaders leverage when you want your work taken down, because they’ll take advantage of that and simply not take down the post
No. 853225
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>>853208I finally checked out her IG page and found this apology about it. I wonder why YD DMed her in the first place? Did someone tip her off that she was an illegal reader, does YD ask everyone who makes fanedits, or did YD just happen to randomly ask? Oh well, bad luck I guess lol.
No. 853229
File: 1626208747969.png (319.58 KB, 1228x930, cinnamelx2.png)

>>853225She also uploaded this as proof but it looks like none of the DMs they posted ever show the date so I don't know if these were purchased immediately after being asked by YD for proof or not (or they could be screenshots she got from someone else).
No. 853232
>>852899The translator didn't do anything wrong. The creator needs to calm down and realize this is what happens with all comics published online.
"You're killing me" - How fucking overdramatic can you get? And doxxing? Targeting fans and accusing them of being "illegal readers" was very shitty, too. This person would be cow-tier if they posted in English.
No. 853239
>>853232Going on the third image in
>>852902, why does she use two accounts anyway? It looks like the Haemi Jung (I believe the handle is lofty_cat1314) account doesn't have anything that pertains to webtoons or anything so I'd also be suspicious if that person was really YD or not. The first message is fine but then the second one being super accusatory makes me laugh.
Webtoon artists are entitled to their pay and I see a few that I follow occasionally tweet about how much they hate pirating sites/fan translators which they can definitely be mad about, but YD's playing a losing game and seems off her rocker.
No. 853243
File: 1626209485794.png (237.58 KB, 1392x721, cinnamelx3.png)

WAIT I missed a post. What the fuck, a video call?? Lol
No. 853519
>>853243>I demand to see your parents.Holy shit, this just keeps getting funnier and funnier.
Hey OP, got a link to the thread ?
No. 854146
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>>853988She even confirmed it kek, she wants to be him so bad.
No. 854327
File: 1626316551379.jpg (133.94 KB, 986x1114, E3uGSIkXoAQMZF3.jpg)

I stumbled across this twitter artist I used to follow a couple years back and decided to take a glance at their new art. I honestly thought this was a joke at first like what the fuck am I looking at
No. 854669
File: 1626350129080.jpg (103.8 KB, 762x593, received_531710124617944.jpg)

>>854388absolute degeneracy. putting this here for any other anons interested
No. 854715
>>854333holy shit anon that's hilarious
>>854336yeah this is them. like the constant promoting of their webcomic got annoying when they have well over 30k followers. i liked their style but at this point the huge chests are like borderline fetish shit at this point.
No. 854826
File: 1626367614510.png (1.87 MB, 1920x1080, trannyfag.png)

>>854669didnt she turn into a tranny in 2019?
her art used to be good until she 'came out' and started turning her twitter into nothing but her crying for pity and arguing with people. Looking at her art now you can obviously tell that she is a fujo who fetishists the shit out of men.
Why do everytime an artist troons out their art becomes much worse?
No. 854831
>>854826Mental health deteriorates.
Looks like she is focusing more on coomerism too
No. 854835
File: 1626369158108.jpg (Spoiler Image,335.46 KB, 762x593, 111.jpg)

>>854720>>854792dont open unless you want to see pens coomer troon art
No. 854837
File: 1626369350483.png (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1125x1080, trannyfag.png)

>>854835In both pictures, you can literally tell that her 'boy' OC got woman's anatomy.
And wtf
> chest and vagina> is convincing people that this OC is a manSuch an obvious fujo self-insert. This woman really needs help in some porn-related rehab.
No. 854843
File: 1626370575258.png (1.1 MB, 720x900, _E3G9cPqUUAIipvx.png)

>>854826Newfound love for Namie? Shame left is gone though.
No. 854994
>>850508>>850964for more accurate colours and better looking prints, inkjet is better. if you don't really care and are more concerned with saving costs, then go with laser.
>>851057I use a Brother laser printer (mfc-l2700dw). the print quality isn't really crisp but it works fine for me. Laser cartridges last much longer than ink. I like Brother, but maybe look into a higher quality printer, since mine is intended for printing text mostly. I'd be concerned with colouring over top ink print because the ink can run and smudge.
No. 855147
>>854669>>854826>>854837I never followed her/him on IG or Twitter, but i recognized Penporo back in 2017 when an ex mutual a fan of Pen's art which eventually pen followed back my ex mutual. Although sadly i found her old art has more charm and fresh although the coloring on her new art looks more interesting but it was too "pretty-boy"ish that is not really my thing. Admit it, i used to be jealous of her popularity on ig/twit but seeing her new art and personality on twitter changes my mind to not give any shit, why care abt popularity if you can do your art better
>>854843At least Namie's art keeps more interesting and fresh rather than Pen's
No. 855193
>>855185Art discord servers are mostly useless, even the ones run by actual big good artists because most of the time they're only there to drop a link to their next art stream or patreon or whatever, and leave the rest to a mod team. The rest of the server is mostly comprised of amateurs ranging from good to mediocre and bad.
What I found to be the most effective way so far to get some networking is fanzines. Usually everyone in the zine will have around the same skill level or better, some may even have huge followings, even more with the bigger and more popular zines. The problem though is getting accepted into them because the bigger the zine is the pickier the mods tend to be. My suggestion is starting with smaller zines and then slowly going up the ladder while improving your art to match the level of the best ones until eventually you make the cut.
No. 855209
File: 1626408030449.jpg (247.05 KB, 1080x1083, Screenshot_20210715-215007_Pho…)

Am I the only one who thinks Omnia, (The art drama Youtuber) traces all their drawings? Their ugly art style is always changing, they've defended tracing in a video and they've never record themself sketching.
All I know for sure is one of their older drawings is 100% traced, (The Nike drawing).
IDK what do you guys think? (Plus I just don't like them in general. They call anybody they don't like racist, they act like they fact-check when they don't and they've milked the Creepshow art drama dry, (Even though they were barely even a part of it).)
No. 855210
>>855197Same anon as
>>855193I mainly use Twitter as my platform, Insta is fresh ass for artists unless you're willing to become a posting machine. The best you can do on Twitter is have a separate account for your art and don't follow anyone there. Just post your art, use the hashtags etc, maybe only follow friends or smth. Just avoid following other artists as weird as that sound until you get yourself in a good group (either because of a zine or smth else).
Also try to find the best times for posting and don't add too many tags. Twitter's tagging system is shit so if you use too many tags or add a link to the tweet the algorithm will tank your post thinking it's a bot. Posting some fanart for big fandoms can be nice not only for a following but also engagement (from ppl posting comments and such).
Sorry for the long sperg, but those are some of the tips i know for posting art on Twitter.
No. 855230
>>855225Same anon as
>>855210I don't use Insta that much because I hate using apps, but as far as I know Insta prioritizes speed posting. So shit like posting once per day, making as many stories as possible, those will get the algorithm to smile at you because it'll see you as an active user. It's grueling though, because you need to constantly have content to post. WIPs on stories, finished pieces or sketches or studies, you need to keep posting. Insta also likes if you engage with other accounts a lot too, so give people likes and add comments even if it's just a "nice!".
As for the style thing yeah, it's easier to get noticed if you have a style that's more cutesy, pastel anime stuff or that's "aesthetic". Anything that looks immediately pleasing to the eye.
Again tho I'm not the biggest Insta user, dropped it months ago because I just couldn't keep up. Anons who are more active with it might have better tips.
No. 855236
>>855230Its true though… I kinda miss the old IG algorithm (2011-2014) nowadays, hopefully ig fix the algorithm than focusing on new features to compete with tiktok or youtube smh. Back in 2014, gaining followers was easier after looking to my friend who posted sketches of popular anime fanart then gained 100 within a week after she started.
In conclusion, facebook ruins everything they handled.
Anyways, thank you for your tips!
No. 855282
>>855245You’re right she’s indo-Chinese living in Australia. I didn’t know she deleted her deviantart though, I wonder why…
Maybe she’s been selected for hololive soon? She recently upgraded her stream setup and started lives on twitch. Ina her friend got in, so it’s definitely possible!
No. 855294
File: 1626421156112.jpg (66.37 KB, 739x415, images.jpeg-30.jpg)

>>855282Her DA has been deactivated since 2018/2019ish, most of her old art on tumblr got mass privated/deleted, both IG and Pixiv are inactive. Maybe she's afraid her art to get reposted/reuploaded somewhere else?
Her only handle rn is twitter, which she mainly work as an official illustrator at various well-known mobile games (FGO, Arknights, Azur Lane), an illustrator for an upcoming rpg on steam, latest she worked for a vtuber model not sure if she streamed as her vtuber model. (Picrel is her official illust for Azur Lane)
Namie is one of my inspo from her pokemon fanarts in the past, i love the way she colors but sadly i've never get the chance to get her pokemon fan artbook…
No. 855360
File: 1626431559729.png (865.29 KB, 1080x1506, Screenshot_20210716-112550~2.p…)

Is anyone else keeping up with the Stami Studios drama?
She made this everyday ita bag Kickstarter and got $120,000 funding on June 5th 2020. There's a huge backlash against her because many backers still don't have their bags. Not only that, but the ones that do have their bag received a cheaper looking bag than in the photos, the handles rip off as soon as you use the bag, and the "windows" you put on the bag don't have their poppers lined up with the bag so they don't fit properly. It was a bait and switch situation. Someone described the windows as "looking like they were cut with a hot knife"
The comments are hilariously bad Studios is downright refusing to give people refunds for their cheap broken bags, and never posts anything about the bags. She made a new Boba ita bag Kickstarter while this one hadn't even been completed and refuses to publicly acknowledge anything about them.
Recently there was more outrage because a cow (addychansenpai) created a stink on Instagram saying she wanted Stami Studios to refund her order, she did eventually get a refund. This caused the community to get even more mad because "you only get refunds of you have 90k followers!!"
No. 855361
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>>855360Comment screenshots. There's new angry comments every day
No. 855941
>>855705Drop the collectivist bullshit. Even if Belle didn’t pander to coomers none of us would be lining up to support whatever her alternative was. Same for Sakimichan or any other woman that is a “traitor” for doing porn. If she just dropped nsfw entirely most anons here still wouldn’t sub to her on patron and would jus find another reason to not support her.
What matters more to you, your money or your morals? It sounds like you have hang ups that you need to work out. If you think drawing porn or anime is that vile or degrading, then don’t do it. Find another niche or market to put your art into. Anime, coomer and furry aren’t the only art markets that exist. If you are worried about people thinking lesser of you if they find out, you can either drop those people from your life if they think less of you because you drew some porn or just don’t do it and maintain whatever image you have going for you.
Me personally idc. I keep my nsfw and sfw separate because professionalism, but for people I’m trying to maintain in my life if I have to worry about what they’ll think if I do something they don’t approve of, it means I probably don’t really need them in my life to start with.
No. 856165
File: 1626515600891.jpg (30.3 KB, 960x960, 75246657_3543111315699801_5310…)

Idk if this is the right thread to vent on but here goes.
Does anyone ever feel like they lost their passion for art? My art journey has not always been the best, but there are some good times as well, come to think of it. Art used to be something very important in my life, being an artist and pursuing art as a career seems to be the only thing that keeps me going all these years and I held onto it so much so that I forget all of the other things that made me happy. It's not like I hate art now, but it seems like I found other passions while doing so, it's a little heartbreaking for me to wake up every day and art isn't the first thing that's on my mind like it used to.
I'm sad that it didn't work out the way that I wanted, I'm sad that I cannot make my younger self's dream came true and I feel so guilty about it even though I haven't done anything wrong. It seems like I cannot let go of the past and move on. I want to create, I truly do but for some reason, the guilt and the emptiness really keep me away from pursuing any kind of artistic endeavors. My future is looking bleak anons, I'm about to graduate in a year or so, and honestly, I feel so lost…because of covid work has been scarce, I just hope I don't hit neet-dom in the future.
No. 856171
>>856165To be honest, it doesn't sound like you've lost your passion for art, even if other interests pushed it maybe a little further down priority list, otherwise you woulnd't mourn it like this. Would you be able to point out when you started drifting away from enjoying it as much as you did in the past? If it's just last year, that would be pretty reasonable to blame pandemic year that's been tough on many people, depending how they've experienced it.
Other thing would be to ask yourself, do you really miss being passionate about art or is it just the feeling of disappointing your past self, as you've mentioned? It's ok to change your interest and goals in life, and destroying your present self for the sake of pleasing a child you no longer are would be pointless.
If you actually do miss art, go easy on yourself, watch other artists, find out what inspires them, maybe find some connection between your current interests and artistic development, and in time the desire to create will come.
I go through burnout phases regularly, more than once I've thought that I'll just abandon doing art forever but ultimately the desire is so deeply rooted in me by now I know I'll always come back to it sooner or later. Maybe it's the same in your case.
No. 856184
>>856012>I really don't think furry and coomer money is as easy as everyone thinks it is unless you're really willing to go off the deep end and do disgusting moid fetish tier shit that no one else is willing to draw.This is the truth ime, and now that there are so many memes about drawing degenerate shit even on normie places like tiktok there are only more people trying to get into it. Unless you're a NEET with endless time you're better off trying to create what you actually love than putting in the time pandering to an audience you hate by creating work you can't show to your family and friends.
Imo most of the people who think drawing furry or coomer art is a goldmine have never done it themselves, it's the same as people who see how much sakimichan makes and assume that everyone can do the same
No. 856185
File: 1626519737268.png (553.21 KB, 805x702, EenoPVyXsAAvlDW.png)

>>856171Thank you for your reply kind anon, I feel like i start drifting away from art when i started uni, i didn't go to art school btw, long story short the art school scene here didn't have a bunch of options and tend to be very underfunded. I thought I can balance the workload between uni and art but no lmao, the uni assignment was tew much, so it really either burn or callous me out.
To answer your question it's definitely me miss being passionate about art, disappointing my past self is really just a minor thing. I can totally understand the desire is deeply rooted anon, art is like a drug in one way or another. You can't live without it when you start.
I will try to combine the things that I like or maybe find a different and creative approach in my art journey. I still miss the spark in my eyes when I see pretty art, and I'm trying my best to light it up again after all this time. I hope we can be colleges in the future anon, I wish you well.
No. 856419
>>856012I agree with you. Social media has levelled the playing field so it has opened up a way for everyone to monetize your art, but somehow that has lead to people thinking it's the ONLY way to do art as a job when that's far from reality.
Nothing wrong with working on your social media and trying to cultivate a following. But there's so many artists who put so much time into it, intentionally limit their art to a tiny niche to please their followers and algorithms, and it's getting harder and harder to be actually successful because everyone is doing it.
90% of people trying to "make it" on instagram would be better of if they explored different subjects and styles and put 10 hrs into a solid portfolio piece instead of churning out five 2 hr anime busts to feed the algorithm. What the actual art industry wants is often very different from what people on instagram want.
No. 856457
>>856012Agreed. Doing nsfw and furry isn’t as easy as everyone says it is… especially if you don’t already have a grasp on anatomy or drawing furries. You can’t just decide “I’m gonna do furry and nsfw and rack in a bunch of money.” And then get followed by the dozens flooding in unless you just have god tier art and marketing skills… and if you have those, why do something you hate anyways?
It’s better to just grind doing shit you actually enjoy rather than trying to make a quick buck off of a community of people you obviously look down on and hate. There is no faster way to burn yourself out on doing something than making art you hate to try to get some cash.
Like anon said, people who think it’s easy have never done it. They see others doing it and decide it has to be easy because they’re on the outside looking in.
No. 856595
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>>854854>>854715looks like one of their friends browses lc. The way you draw men is weird ass fuck kou, other than that your comic is ok
No. 856675
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>changing the story to "discord screenshot" because you really want to epicly OWN random anons on some shitpost/gossip board but you also don't want to get cancelled for going on le mean TERF sitekek
They also retweeted picrel (the tweet this is commenting on is on a locked account so can't see the original tweet), so that's another indication to suspect they/"their friend" lurk here and this is them being overly butthurt at anons saying the excessive comic promoting was getting annoying.
No. 857480
>>857383if i was asked that perhaps a year or more ago i'd say that i was jealous of some, but now not anymore. my art is at a skill level i feel pleased with, my follower count is encouraging but not high enough to form an echo chamber or attract rabid wokes or weird fans, and art became just a hobby for me so i don't think too much about it anymore.
a few years ago i cared a lot more about internet clout and followers, so i admit i used to be pretty jealous and salty af of a bunch of people (mainly those artists that draw jackshit and with a following of like +50K). i even tried to draw like them, draw shit i don't care about or just flat out dislike (such as generic hot anime girls) and it was just draining. no amount of followers could aid that.
now i managed to find a balance where i feel content with myself, so my jealousy has mostly vanished.
No. 857523
>>857383Sort of? I don't envy their skill because a lot of them aren't particularly good. But I'm definitely bitter when I see that someone with barely passable skills is able to cultivate an audience and made a living off their work.
And I'm definitely jealous of the artists that can draw whatever they want and make a patreon video a week or so because their partner is paying for expenses. Because I'm lazy as fuck and don't want to work.
No. 857525
>>856595damn never thought posting kyou's funky art would actually get them to respond
>>856675kyou didn't just start posting their comic and worked hard to promote the shit out of it, they already had a preestablished fanbase. also idk no one on here said promoting your artwork is bad we just thought it was annoying when they post the same update like 3 times in a row.
i'm honestly not surprised that they're acting like this because every twitter artist that either lurks here or "learns" that they get talked on here HAS to respond to it in a passive-aggressive way so they can write about how they're harassed or whatever. should have just talked shit in your discord and not even bring more attention to the situation. but kyou has a history of always being a
victim so once again not surprised
No. 857662
File: 1626670164629.jpg (1.93 MB, 1316x2129, lotusbubble.jpg)

Sorry for old milk, but I was skimming past threads and was surprised no one here ever put two and two together regarding the person Loish called out for copying her last year. I'm 90% sure the copycat is Lotusbubble. Loish specifically mentioned details like idea, style, and font, and said she was annoyed that the copycat posted their version before Loish was able to post hers publicly.
On June 5th, Lotusbubble made a post featuring some plants. Five days later, Loish made her callout post, and then finally posted her own plant paintings on June 15th. That alone isn't very damning, or even compelling, but take a look at the font used for the Patreon watermark in both posts. Prior to June 10th, all of Lotusbubble's posts used the same font as Loish, but immediately after the callout tweet she starts using a different one. She obviously saw Loish's tweet, knew she was the person being called out, and changed the font she uses because of it. Either that, or Loish reached out to her privately and asked her to change it.
As an isolated incident, it isn't much, but if you scroll through Lotusbubble's instagram, you can see the exact moment she started copying Loish, even down to using the same style and color choices for her Inktober pieces.
No. 857864
>>857662I remember coming across this artist’s work for the first time and getting really confused because I thought she was Loish. Similar style? Fine, okay. Having similar subject matter? Sure, maybe there’s some leeway. But even copying the font and watermark? Just why? What, is she trying to become Loish?
Sometimes I do come across an artist and think “wow, I wish my art was just like theirs” but that never actually comes true because I have other styles I’m inspired by. And I always end up having different ideas because we have different interests. I can’t imagine what it’s like to just completely copy everything about one artist.
No. 857872
>>857864a lot of people join in the art community trying to chase a market rather than come up with their own ideas. It's just like with youtubers.
In academic art it's a
valid specialization to know how to mimic an artist's style and painting technique perfectly, because people do buy imitations (I knew a girl in my class who became an imitator of a cubist russian, forgot the name of) but in digital art, it's perceived much differently
No. 857918
>>857662Never liked Lotusbubble, she lacks knowledge on what she’s painting and it shows, especially in comparison to Loish (the person she’s mimicking)
But on your topic anon, I 100% believe that it’s lotusbubble in that situation. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but last year the same exact thing happened but loish stated clearly that it was a background piece someone ripped off her patreon. I’m trying to find the receipts rn but I’m pretty sure Lotus was the person who Loish “called out” in this case as well
No. 858043
File: 1626717678502.png (794.84 KB, 1111x576, tick.png)

@tickyicky (former account was @taekoyuchi with 100k follorwers before she nuked it because of teh algurwithm) stealing the character nanami nishijou from chaos head
No. 858053
>>858049nta but
>ocalso idk it's just a basic haircut to me
No. 858063
>>858058I don't see it.
Other than the basic anime uniform and hair, I wouldn't call it stealing.
No. 858122
File: 1626721492273.jpg (352.07 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoCollage_1626719973305~2.j…)

In 2019-2020 an account called cotswoldblonde on eBay was selling fake designer handbags and clothing. My friend saw a listing for a Chanel purse last year and suspected it was fake. She went to a forum to confirm it. The fake purse ended up selling for over 1,000£ to some unsuspecting person.
Fast forward to now, my friend and I are in a group chat of artists and I sent a link to the bird itabag to them. My friend couldn't see it because she'd blocked the eBay user last year… and then it clicked.
TLDR; ohayouclothing regularly sold fake designer goods on eBay and thought no-one would notice. I just thought this was funny lol
No. 858123
>>858043I would def say stealing concerning everything going on with the hair and headband and very similar outfit right down to the blue plaid bowtie.
I know some may say the hair is generic looking but it's the way they hair goes over the headband and the two strands. Call me autistic but if anything this is heavily inspired by that chaos head chara
No. 858221
>>844227>>844210>>844708related topic, I wanna talk about the animations of the Youtuber/Musician Worthikids
while he did do exceptional traditional 2d animations(still does), he's now doing this technique in Blender for his new series
See Blender has this thing called grease pencil that allows for drawing. Kinda like those VR paintings you see done with Quill or Tiltbrush. So the characters he makes heads and bodies are 3D with outline effects while faces and other bits are grease pencil.
The Results are pretty good, his production time for an Episode has been reduced dramatically as well, honestly I hope more developments can be made that can improve these methods
No. 858240
>>858236>>858221This was his traditional 2d animation for comparison
he also did the "Tinder Witches" Short
No. 858309
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False rape accuser Shunao/Furuya Mari is back to IRL conventions even though she promised she'd quit the con scene in her goodbye note. She's not even hiding her art from her other alterego @baelcypher
No. 858458
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>>858389>>858240>>858221Honestly this is kinda depressing in a way, cause while Worthikids puts in genuine effort, humorous writing and excellent sound editing he still gets less then a million views per vid and doesn't even have a Million subscribers yet, while asshats like MeatCanyon get millions of views per video with his badly stilted "animation", he even earned over a 150'000$ to kickstart his shitty original series
No. 858529
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Does anyone remember the fanime community and WINGE? they made an animation to the /jp/ theme song
I wonder what happened to lionessjenna
No. 858586
>>858529if you check in this old thread, there's a few updates about her (sorry don't feel like scrolling through to find exactly which post)
>>609963 IIRC she's still alive and kicking and just does NSFW commissions now
No. 858629
>>858586I found that but sadly her Twitter hasn't been updated in around a year it seems like and the NSFW is gone.
I have no idea about Sids or anyone else. I used to idolize Jenna a lot. Hope she's alright
No. 858638
>>858529I remember drawing this bitch.
Are there any youtubers who do similar animations to jenna these days?
No. 858939
>>858529>>>/ot/610101She draws NSFW these days. Abandoned her Jenna persona and now is now going as dogscribss/sniffsniffimdog but seems to have not touched dogscribss and the 2nd account is gone. From searching around, she left Twitter and uses Baragg which is a site where you can post NSFW content of any kind without getting banned. (NSFW) has a Carrd because i used to love her art and her coloring style years ago when was going as lionessjenna. Her art has improved last i checked, even though she continues to draw shota porn of a character from Inazuma Eleven.
No. 858946
>>858939Also forgot to mention, she no longer draws other characters anymore. Just Tsurugi Kyousuke and takes commissions of this one character whether it's animations or drawings.
She was showing obsessions of this character years ago but was very minimal. But now it's a giant obsession, almost gives me shotacon vibes from this one character alone. It makes you think when you read her profile on her Baraag account which states below
"I just like one fictional character.
I don’t wanna draw anyone else.
I don't wanna talk about random femboy/shota
I mute things I don't like to see.
No commissions but if you want to commission something with Tsurugi I will hear you out, no promises."
She also has a Pixiv account and last i saw, she WIPED all of her non-Tsurugi art and left those pictures up. No. 858996
File: 1626805017522.jpeg (639.44 KB, 2048x2048, B26EE95C-3922-4FD4-B2B0-351308…)

(Im not sure if this is the right thread for this but I thought you guys might enjoy it)
this guy Lucas_rays has gone viral for the painting in top left of picrel, which to me seems to very clearly be a photo/ digital drawing badly photoshopped to look like a canvas. I checked out his portfolio and from what I can tell all of his “pieces” are like this; digital art photoshopped into real spaces to look like canvases. They’re also (imho) not very good and give the vibe of being heavily traced, but he’s built up a huge following because he largely posts selfies (although looking at them I suspect they are also very shooped) and generic “relatable tweets” as in the bottom left screencap.
He kinda gives of an Alythuh vibe to me in that he seems like he’s more interested in being seen as an “artist” rather than actually building his skills, hence all the photoshop and not wanting to admit that his work is all digital. As well as all the Facetuned selfies and generic content to cover up for his bad art, which is something Alyssa is also very guilty of.
No. 858998
File: 1626805091675.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, 293E1063-DD4D-4D3F-A63C-56D1AE…)

>>858996heres a bigger version of the first image so you guys can really enjoy the terrible shooping
No. 859050
>>859046I'd say to start with sfw art and gradually do some ecchi, that way it won't alienate your sfw followers but it can attract some coomers. Then eventually make a nsfw only account.
It's not really a good idea to start with nsfw coomer shit because even if it makes more money I'd say it's much better to have a wider audience willing to pay you little by little with the occasional coomer than a couple few horny guys and just that. Plus people pay a lot for shit like full sfw reference sheets of their furry OCs.
No. 859130
>>858939>>858946Whoa.. I've always loved her art but both her Twitter accounts have been inactive for like a year now. It's bizarre to see this, feels surreal. She really is only drawing one character from inazuma eleven and nothing else now. Huh
What about Sids and the others?
No. 859298
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>>859133>>859130>>859143Scrolling through her Baraag, here's some choice posts i found from her. Sadly, she only draws this character cause it's who she loves the most. It is a shame cause she had some nice animations on her dogscribss account and was pretty interactive on Twitter with some people and iirc, was open for commissions.
No. 859932
>>859298I'm remembering when I was a kid watching this series and making "friends" with adults who liked it too. Turns out most of them were actual groomers
If you're an adult fan of a children series, please conduct yourself maturely I beg of you lmao.
No. 860333
>>858529some people from that community still do things. I was a tiny part of it, and I don't even draw anymore but it's cool to see who improved or didn't. It's kinda upsetting thinking back on it now though, I was only a minor and there would be raids on the forums where people from /b/ would spam pornography? I'm a firm believer that minors should stay off the internet because of that. Not even just me, but most 'fanimators' were around 13 years old?
Mewdoubled (Mewtripled now) used to be pretty popular and she animates professionally now. That's the only person I can think of who actually did something with their art.
No. 860542
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>>859921Here's one. Got blocked after reminding this cow of the trade.
I_love_josuke removed me on discord and doesn't answer twitter dms. Don't trust these people
No. 860550
>>860369Been dabbling in furry commissions for several years so hopefully I can help.
For styles you'll find that there's certain 'cliques' such as the Disney style, the toony fursuit style, the kemono style (basically how a lot of Eastern furries draw), and there's a lot of more niche styles too. For example drawing soft pastel furry girls with big eyelashes and some kind of e-girl aesthetic is super big atm because of artists like bratblush. Earthy toned furries that are kind of cottagecore (mushrooms, little bugs, plants all over them) are also popular. I know people tend to think you can just draw a furry and immediately get a billion commissions but you're going to need to network and get your art out there a bit. Find the people who draw in a way that appeals to you and follow them, maybe draw some fanart so they can RT it and bring in some of their followers who are also interested in that aesthetic. Basically you have to be a little invested/engaged in the fandom if you want to make money off of it.
Traditional commissions are very popular, people still love having something they can hold in their hands and it stands out among all of the digital artists. I'd say the best bet here is making convention badges - those headshots you see w/the fursona's name on it that people will wear to furry cons. These are really popular especially if you offer ones with some kind of theme or gimmick, like making them mixed media with ribbons/scrapbook paper as decoration.
Honestly there are plenty of furries with less conventional styles and if you draw good enough then you will get a following over time.
No. 860602
>>860596Tbh I only draw SFW on main so I can't be much help, I do have a locked NSFW account but I only let friends and mutuals/followers I trust into it so it isn't part of my public brand at all.
I think if you're looking to basically make an entirely new persona for your NSFW work then it might be worth changing some things up, but maybe another anon has more experience with this and has better advice.
No. 860696
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Coomer Steven universe fanartist Mahmapuu posted this to 'own the haters' and all hell broke loose on western art twitter
To note she complains about people finding cartoon porn revolting all the time, even on her callout for actual confirmed pedo omelettecounty she had to defend lolicon/shota for not reason at all
No. 860713
>>860704It depends on the franchise and company. Drawing porn of Nintendo characters for example is a complete no go unless you know a thing or two about gaming the system. Sega and capcom allegedly don’t seem to care about fan content unless stated otherwise.
Also, about the furry art thing, I somewhat agree with you despite being a occasional consumer of anthropomorphic content. I always found the juxtaposition of seemingly Disney styled animal characters involving themselves in the most degenerate garbage this side of e621 to be downright depraved.
No. 860913
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What's with this subgenre of artists that purposely type horrendously?
No. 860978
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>>858996I know this was 2 days ago but ty for posting this Anon, this is hilarious. A male Alythuh! He even poses with the one dirty paintbrush (with the finished "painting"??) like she does. Also his website has some gems. Look at that stoned horse, what a guy.
No. 861037
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>>860978>>858996Found this comment lol
Doing an acrylic underpainting or sketch for an oil painting is a common thing, but you can tell by the way he said it he genuinely has no idea which type of painting this "portrait" looks like, so he went with "both" as the safest answer lmao
Real answer is a mixture of photoshop and faceapp
No. 861469
>>859709I do ink and wash so I normally do only 1 or 2 with some minor lifting. I'm still learning and worried about making my colors too muddy.
I've seen some pure watercolor painters with gorgeous vibrant work who do as many as 50 glazes. They work very thin.
No. 861536
>>861391thank you for your tips, anon! Generally, I'm avoiding arteza, but a youtuber I like (arleebean) reviewed their cotton paper and I decided to try it out. Though I've found out about Baohong now and bought a few small blocks on sale previously. Good to know that you're using Baohong as well, I know it's well liked! When it comes to my watercolours, I have White Nights, a couple of primary Daniel Smith tubes and a few of Roman Szmal Aquarius ones.
>>861469Fifty glazes is impressive! I have started watching a few watercolour youtubers and their work looks amazing. Watercolours sure feel very different after ink.
No. 861731
>>861654I like how Ross works with colors, but you're not being picky at all. He pretty much only seems to be able to draw the same type of semi-anime cute girl.
Reminds me of how back in the day people used to shit on Ilya Kuvshinov for "only drawing cute anime girls" despite him showing many times that he's able to draw much varied stuff. Ross on the other hand is a copy-paste of the same pretty face over and over.
No. 861831
>>861731>Reminds me of how back in the day people used to shit on Ilya Kuvshinov for "only drawing cute anime girls" despite him showing many times that he's able to draw much varied stuff. Is this a joke? Ross has gone downhill when you compare his current art to his old stuff yes, but acting like Ilya is any better is hilarious.
>>861827Balance studies and original works at a ratio that works for you, apply things you practiced in your studies in your original pieces. This one might be controversial but: completely stop giving a shit about social media. It doesn't exactly foster a good environment for improvement, plus if you get too caught up in trying to grow your following, you eventually get stuck drawing what people want to see and there's a chance that everything you do ends up being very derivative.
No. 861981
>>861828 and >>861831's points about social media. There are certain young artists out there whom you can tell get their style references almost entirely from internet-famous artists, and I feel like this is what makes twitter/ig/youtube art so homogenous. And honestly, sometimes seeing how ridiculously good one of your peers is can be paralyzing.
Another, more practical tip I can give is to thumbnail absolutely everything before the sketch stage. Sometimes it's too clear that someone started with, say, a character's really detailed face then sort of decided everything else around them as an afterthought. This is what makes most online art look cheap and lazy imho. When you compose a thumbnail first, not only does it give your entire work perspective and movement, it also makes certain poses less daunting because you think of it as a whole rather than a tetris of body parts.
No. 862418
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I've come to the conclusion that faux feathers, or at least faux peacock feathers dont exist.
I've seen the artisans I follow use feathers in their work, only for some fans of them to plead that they use faux feathers instead.
I went scouring the internet for these elusive faux feathers, and all I got was some listings for real feathers being advertised as fake. The material description on these feathers would just be, "100% fake feathers"
It's just a scam to make the bleeding hearts feel better about using real bird feathers.
If you care so much about real feathers being used in an art piece then dont buy the piece, bc I legit believe that artists just say the feathers are fake to give you peace of mind.
No. 862436
>>862428OP you replied to
I dont see the problem in it as well, but we live in an era where vegans scream animal cruelty at every little thing unfortunately.
No. 862571
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>>862418They all look rushed but he should've put more effort into the Valorant one, that style has much more rendering and plasticity to it and he translated it to "let's make my regular shading more angular"
No. 863433
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I love Trickywagon's vlogs and her art, but sometimes she can reach yaoi hands level of strange proportions.
No. 863580
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Im sorry but this made me laugh, why do so many female artists pull this shit
No. 863584
>>863580Usually an NLOG thing or a
internalized misogyny thing. Need those special points
No. 864129
>>863581I used to be mutuals with this person. They were so insufferable I wasn't surprised that half their friend group hated them and made a separate group chat. They only found out because it got leaked and they lost their shit.
They have bpd and I'm pretty sure they adopted a kitten for aesthetic purposes. But after they adopted it, they made a twitter thread justifying him and emotional support animals, citing shit in MLA… On twitter. We don't talk anymore and they moved private twitters because their friends would link it to talk how annoying they were.
No. 864766
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>Tick tock Twitter
Remember when Artfol's devs wanted it to be the next big thing? Whatever happened to it anyway?
No. 864797
>>861828Having your own website is the absolute best. Even having your own blog format site can be fulfilling as a secondary option.
Basing your entire art career around a stage that weighs your art the same as a one-word hot take is never good for your progress.
For anyone who doesn't have the means to make a website, any platform that lets you customize your space is good. Shit like twitter should be used to advertise your website, and nothing more. Even then, there are better
>>861827>>861981>thumbnail absolutely everything before the sketch stageTHIS THIS THIS. Thumbnailing is the equivalent of outlining for an essay and it just makes things go so much better and faster. You can do shitloads of thumbnails in a few minutes which means less time you spend on the actual sketch, and more likely you get a stronger one to work from.
I still do traditional sketch->scan/photo, so it's extra important that I thumbnail. I've even used a basic gridding technique to transfer the thumbnail I like to a sketch. I do this because I tend to panic and overthink unless things are compartmentalized.
I keep it basic by using large divisions. By using large divisions, it suggests what to work on instead of stiffly emulate what's exactly in the square. I can quickly plot the picture down and then go over details to marry the sections.
Doing this has cut my drawing time down by 2/3rds.
One thing that's helping me improve is pre-planning my colors with digital art. I know this should be common sense, but it was one of those things I started taking more seriously and applying to my digital work instead of just traditional (I think my common sense got lost in the conveniences of digital). I use sites like Colorpalletes and Colorhunt and go from there. Mixing them whatever I have open at the time and figuring out my own pallets is fun and makes stronger pieces.
No. 865196
File: 1627435258424.jpg (156.71 KB, 720x708, 20210728_011709.jpg)

One thing that bugs me about those "aesthetic" instagram artists is how so much of their art is just polish.
I'm just using acatcie as an example, but here you can tell that she spends way more focus on slapping random shit on her drawing so she can call it aesthetic than into actually triying to fix her anatomy. If her art was a cake it would be 90% topping.
Note: the left drawing was very likely done in five minutes so Acatcie could fake more progress than in reality but it still makes it obvious that her priorities are wack
No. 865246
>>865196These people think that more sparkles and random use of colors = progress. That's not progress, if anything it's just a minor difference in how you color, but your skill level remains as it is.
>>865202 You nailed it down. How an artist draws hands (and also feet) is the quickest way to gauge progress (or lack of).
No. 865312
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>>852867not that it really matters anymore, but apparently the guy the author was after didn't actually get his face exposed. it was a picture of a rando he was using. he changed his @ a few times and probably deactivated after it came to light that he was using someone else's picture to play
No. 865458
>>864129She is truly awful. Iirc she adopted a purebred kitten and started feeding it solid food too early, which people told her not to. Ofc she was all "uwu I'm just a first-time cat father learning along the way!" Sure, idiot.
She also once spilled something on her mac, (obviously) damaging it, and decided the best course of action was to pour water on it to clean it. She was also advised not to do this as well, as most people with functioning brains knew it was a stupid idea. It's ok tho, cuz she's a spoiled, rich Chinese American with 'top percent' parents from mainland so she can just buy new macs when they get water damage kek.
No. 865678
>>864766>>864798The problem with artfol is that the devs were kinda retarded and decided to make it app only first and you literally can't browse anything on desktop. How the heck are you supposed to have visibility if only the people that are already in can know about it? Word of mouth advertisement majorly affected, not to mention it's dumb and inconvenient because most digital artists work on computer.
The thing with deviantart is that you could go around and check anything you wanted without needing an account.
I freaking hate the forced app-ification of everything so much
No. 865714
>>865196I actually saw this on my explore the other day and debated posting it here lmao.
This is exactly my gripe with a lot of the art I see on insta, a bunch of unnecessary details slapped onto bad anatomy to make it all shiny and pretty. I think a lot of younger artists and normies think more detail = more impressive, so they get lost in that and don’t notice flaws in the underlying structure. I used to be super confused when I saw art with good coloring and shit anatomy but I understand now. If you want to impress teens and kids you don’t really have to understand light and structure as long as you use pretty colors.
No. 865873
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Anyone seen this tweet? is saying XP pen and Huion are great alternatives, but tbh I keep hearing that they have lots of driver issues and what not.
No. 865893
>>865873GOD same. Wacom is far from perfect but my Wacom tablets never game me any problems, managed to resist falls and stuff being dropped on them and still managed to last 5+ years of constant use. Meanwhile I had a friend that bought a Huion a few years ago because it was slightly cheaper and it was nearly useless out of the box because of driver problems. It was a damn headache to get it working.
I honestly think people's main issue with Wacom is its prices. Many of those artists are hobbyists that don't really want to spend a lot of money on thigs but want good results. But I'd rather take a stab on my wallet and buy a Wacom that I know I can rely on for literal years to work nicely than to go cheap and buy one of those alternatives.
No. 865952
>>865873I had a xp pen tablet, didn't really give me any issues outside of doing that thing where it makes lines outside of where you want them. But that was a quick fix in the xp pen settings, literally just had to turn something off.
But then again, since I've never been paid for art I'm a hobbyist and I'm sure someone who's gonna use it a lot more than me would run into different issues.
No. 866233
>>865873Owned both wacom and huion, currently with a huion. From my personal experience people either hate huion or love it, I think what I would deduce from that is that they have consistency issues in the factory maybe. I've gotten lucky and for me the quality between a wacom and a huion has been even (at least for screenless tablets, I don't own any screen tablets) and I only stick with huion because of the price lol. Currently I own a huion HS611 in grey and it's lovely, as for wacom I previously owned only the intuos 5.
I have no idea about XP pen though. Never owned one of their tablets.
No. 866332
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Thoughts on Yoshi Yoshitani? She’s been getting some shit for these posts and more. Couldn’t get more screenshots since she locked.
No. 866333
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>>866332Also you probably already know but her comic looks very unfortunate as well, so some people have been defending her because of the fat girl lead. I’ve seen both right and left-leaning types shitting on it though.
No. 866338
>>863581god i hung out with her once and she was honestly so god damn rude. I remember the group we were in (with several other artists) we were discussing our school life and she mentioned she went to a private school in a certain city. in an attempt to relate and get to know them i mentioned i went to one as well, but she completely brushed me off or acted like what i said was insignificant to the conversation.
It left me with the worst impression and i did not want to bother with her for the rest of the day. The funny thing is i had her blocked before i even met her, so i guess my intuition was right.
No. 866451
>>866332is this a thread about a light skinned mixed race person crying about being seen as white and how that's so offensive and hurtful wah wah being seen as white is such a disadvantage in society :(
idk anything about yoshi but i did like their art whenever it came across my TL and was feeling sorry their art was being dragged bc of this starfire comic (like the artist of Nubia had happen to her) but guess i don't have to feel sorry for them i can feel the smug ego from just these tweets alone
No. 866454
>>866332This reads like a race fetishist or a massive cope with insecurities regarding her own race seeing how she's absolutely white passing herself. The amount of American identity politics brainrot is staggering.
>>866338>omg she was like so rude she BRUSHED ME OFF during a conversation I was trying to have about myself as a complete stranger like GAWDThis is the worst kind of petty post in the artist salt threads, are you like 16 or something?
No. 866470
File: 1627548976997.jpg (Spoiler Image,634.8 KB, 1200x1200, meatchan.jpg)

Gonna make a long post about tablets and maybe it'll help someone out. I do art for work and I currently use XP-Pen's 12.9 artist pro, I own a 10.5 2017 ipad pro, and I used an old Intuos pro (Still works, been 8 years!) and a Cintiq 27 qhd daily while I was in school. I'll include my art so you can gauge if my advice is worth taking into consideration (lol).
XP-pen's biggest issue is the high IAF (initial activation force), which is what
>>866046 is talking about, but once you get used to it it's honestly serviceable, I have a really light hand when drawing and it works for me. I prefer using my xp-pen over my ipad pro so much that once I got my xp-pen, I stopped using my ipad pro daily. A lot of people are big fans of the ipad pro but I find that the pressure sensitivity is kind off, for instance, the same brush in csp will perform very differently on the desktop (better) vs the ipad pro (worse), and I've tried messing with my pressure curves to no avail. I've had friends who mentioned the same issue to me before as well.
Older wacom tablets are great but if you go too far back (intuos 3 or so) you will probably run into software compatibility issues. The newer Intuos are not built as well as the old ones, and the new surface eats nibs like crazy. Wacom's budget friendly screen tablets are not great (wacom one for example has tons of known issues), the consistently reliable ones are the pro lines, BUT they rarely go on sale and the last models are way too old to be worth the same price they came out at. Find secondhand or wait for the new Cintiq pro models, Teoh Yi Chie on youtube mentioned wacom would be releasing news about new tablet in june/july this year, but it hasn't happened yet, probably got delayed due to covid. P.S his tablet reviews are also very in-depth and useful if you're looking for a new tablet!
XP-Pen and Huion both just released their first 16in 4k models, and from what I've read, Huion's one is superior for drawing and you only need one usb-c attachment. The XP-Pen one has touch functions but you need a second usb-c cable to go above 50% brightness and they put the damn ports on the top of the tablet for some reason. Teoh's written review also mentions the drawing experience is not good, janky sensitivity, hopefully fixable with a software update? Not known if it's a hardware issue.
In general, if you want a screenless tablet, a used old wacom intuos pro would be a really sound investment that will last you literally years, but the cheaper xp-pen screenless are good as well, especially for hobbyists. For screen tablets your options are not as great and it's probably best if you get a tablet that you can try irl because everyone's preference for IAF is different. I've never had any driver issues for my xp-pen after 3 years of consistent use and the drawing experience on the ipad pro (to make something complete and good enough for sale/work) is mediocre imo, a desktop set up is best (this is preference based!).
Also, for posture issues, I don't really see this function mentioned but you can set up your screen tablet to use it as a regular screenless. I realize this sounds kind of dumb and counter intuitive but it's very helpful if your screen is big and you want to rest your neck, I often switch to screenless mode to do details on my monitor so I catch any details I missed and sketch/do line work in screen tablet mode for better control. It's an option! Sorry this was so long and anecdotal, I hope it's at least useful to someone.
No. 866490
>>866484You're welcome, happy it helped. (Deleted and reposted my last response to fix a typo) You made me remember something I forget to mention in my post!
>>866470If you're ever wondering whether you should get a smaller or a bigger size, it's almost always a good idea to spend some extra money and get something bigger for a better drawing experience/posture/help with drawing from your elbow and shoulder, it will pay itself off, having a cramped drawing space might put unnecessary strain on your wrists.
No. 866684
>>866035>>865458>>866338I wish I saved caps from her private twitter before I broke mutuals with her. She hosted a tabletop RP group called project wvnderland, and she pretty much got upset if people made nsfw art of their ocs outside of the group. Explaining how she was a CSA
victim and was groomed in an RP group therefore nsfw is banned. Someone pointed out that she only called out people who has female nsfw stuff about, implying she had internalized misogyny. She lost her shit after that. I think she said something along the lines that as an AFAB she couldnt be misogynistic. This resulted in half the members in the RP group making a new discord server where they got to RP with their characters without her bitching.
Then sometime later, a roommate / member of the group announced that he was sick of her shit and was moving out of her apartment. She got so upset that she @ everyone in the server asking them to block the former member lmao. Like some of the members didnt even know this guy very well. Why should they listen to heartmush? She also had a nsfw period no one knew about. But she decided to bring it up and share her nudes on her private.
Saging all of this because I don't have any caps. I regret not taking any, but I don't really care about it anymore. I'm not surprised other people have similar experience with buns. My friend in another server said buns was really annoying because she kept advertising her art and adopts, except this wasn't her server. So, it came off really self absorbed. Her family is super rich and I recall her auntie giving her thousands of dollars for her birthday.
No. 866686
>>866684Same anon before, but she actually attempted suicide over the RP group discourse and her friends shit talking about her. She got diagnosed with tachycardia a few weeks later and doctors didnt know how to treat it. That's why she adopted an emotional support cat to "help" with her symptoms.
I remember one time her vet noted that Taro was a boy name, but taro was actually a girl. So bun posted how taro is a NB king ^_^ on her private twitter.
No. 866864
>>865873It seems like most of the problems are with the display pens for ALL brands (Wacom included). I use a tablet/screenless, and my XP-Pen is a massive improvement and comparable to my experiences with my older Intuos. The drivers aren't as fickle as the Wacom drivers were.
I've heard good things about XP-Pen's display pens, but it seems dependent on what batch you get from the factory. I think they're at least better about upholding their warranties.
No. 866891
>>866454That’s not the point I was making? This was a group conversation and most of the people in the group were meeting for the first time. the point wasn’t me saying “Oh boohoo she’s ignored me because I was trying to make the conversation about ME!!” Have you ever fucking talked to someone you just met and tried to find common ground with them? She kept fucking bringing up her school and I tried continuing the conversation on common ground to get to know her. it’s not that hard to fucking understand unless you’re autistic.
The issue I had wasnt just because she wasn’t entertaining me but because she was looking down at me because I didn’t have the same fucking rich privilege as her despite going to private school as well. In any other situation i would forget about it and just chalk it up to it just being an awkward situation, but having dealt with people like that for a large portion of my life it’s fucking obvious when someone’s trying to be a bitch to you on purpose.
No. 866994
>>866987I was talking to my friends about heart mush, and I just remembered another situation. You know how in university, professors now ask for your pronouns? Bun wrote a long email to the dean freaking out on them how the school was being inherently trans phobic for forcing transkids to either out themselves to strangers or to stay hiding in the closet.
Another thing about her privates was she would rant a lot how people in her classes hated her. Or they made fun of her art, and sometimes she goes on drinking rants lmao. At first, I felt bad because bullying at school sucks. But then I found out she was a bpd chan, so I'm not even sure what she said actually happened.
No. 867054
>>866891Your post sounds like a whole lot of "she hated me because I'm not a nasty ass rich bitch just like all the rest of the staceys I keep coming across" projection, anon. She's a ridiculous spoiled BPD troon with ego issues but this is just personal bickering that should stay in your DMs, not milk.
>>867040Rule number 1, always assume your private account gets leaked. I can guarantee that screenshots of your private have been posted to group chats and people have dissected them with others. I've seen personal accounts with only an extremely small handful of "trusted, close people" be leaked because you can never know which one of your "friends" has a festering vendetta or follow you only to pry. People have a weird belief that you can control what you share into social media but that's not true at all, you can limit the audience but you can't get inside their heads.
No. 867168
>>866470>A lot of people are big fans of the ipad pro but I find that the pressure sensitivity is kind offI'm glad you posted this because I thought it was a problem that only I had. My iPad's pressure settings are weird no matter how much I adjust them in Procreate. It just doesn't feel as natural as drawing on a tablet.
Tbh I sometimes feel like I'm not using my devices correctly because everyone sings praises about the iPad Pro and Cintiq but I prefer my XP-Pen so much more than either device. I know it sounds crazy but it's like "why can't I figure out how to make these tools that are supposedly good work for me?"
No. 867179
>>867040I broke mutuals before lockdown so my memory is hazy as fuck. I remember she had to move privates because her tweets got leaked. But when she made her private, it got leaked again she had a break down. Last I remember, it was a fake kpop stan account to detract her former friends. I think her display name was bastardly hours or something similar.
If you befriend her, I'm sure shell give you her private. Considering she gave me it despite us being only mutuals.
No. 867417
>>867369Seriously though, she’s known for being a massive bitch on her private accounts while still trying to keep up a sweet, ditzy image on her main.
I remember when she jumped on the ‘mimir’ creature thing without giving Dr. Moricky any acknowledgement (I know they didn’t create the actual meme but rather the creatures) and got called out, but instead of properly owning up to it she was just like “I’m sorry I was slow to give credit to Dr. Moricky and I won’t do it again uwu!!” I bet she was seething since she obviously wanted all the applause for something she didn’t even invent or popularize.
No. 867814
>>867801It depends. Sometimes people just want to keep personal life updates to a select group of mutuals. Sometimes they may have say, an
abusive ex that stalks their social media for example. Or they're interviewing for jobs and want to keep their public twitter clean.
Then again, a lot of people just use them to talk shit.
No. 867878
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What brush settings should I apply in paint tool SAI so the result would look something like this?
No. 868517
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How do people read this and how do you even type like this?
No. 868524
>>868517It’s easy to type like a retard when the person typing is a retard.
Probably disabled autocorrect and started ignoring any mistakes to show everyone how to seem mentally disabled by text without being an actual mentally disabled person.
Is it me or is that the new fad? Like back then when people would write stuff like
>xddd voy a ksa mñn pk mi mama me pga xDDSince it was easier with the old cellphone keyboards, but now there’s no excuse other than to seem uwu wetawded.
No. 868888
>>868524This artist is just one example of it but I've definitely seen it a lot and at an increased rate. I've also seen people go from typing normally to typing like this so I'm not sure what's up
>>868653A lot of her tweets don't make sense but I also don't really understand what they're trying to say beyond the retatded typing
No. 868931
>>868896I know who you mean and these artists type much worse somehow and have a larger following. It's a pretty big niche of retard typing. Johnny was at least legible
>>868901I was mainly complaining about the typing and the prevalence of this Homestuck tier typing now
No. 868956
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I know this is the art salt discussion but can any anons suggest tutorials or videos to learn how to get better rendering? Every time I try, it looks like absolute ass and I’m sick of it. Being a self taught artist is hard when a lot of the people who inspire you gatekeep their knowledge and brushes for whatever reason.
No. 869015
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>>868956You get one book when it comes to a formal source. Also
I don't particularly agree with the gatekeeping part especially in today's age where convention artists feel more inclined to stream and thus give you material to perform black magic with.
No. 869063
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>>869015Anonette, thank you so kindly. I am not saying all artists gatekeep but some that I follow won’t even share their brushes and it’s such a strange thing. It’s like refusing to let someone use your pencil because only YOU can use a Ticonderoga. But this resource is very much appreciated.
No. 869079
>>869063NTA and also not a gate keeper (I've shared brushes with friends and followers when asked) but what's this entitled mindset that you are somehow entitled to have an artist's brushes for free or otherwise just because you like their art and want to emulate it? Custom brushes don't even matter until you're actually competent with a hard round brush, and by the time you can render anything well with a basic hard round you also hopefully reached the realization that brushes are a preference/style thing and you're better off sometimes just messing with the settings yourself to get something that works for you.
Why is this mindset so common amongst younger artists today, especially within merch/con scenes where if you don't share your supplier you're selfish and don't care about the growth of your other artist peers blah blah, stop fucking asking to be spoonfed everything and try failing a couple of times on your own before you find something that works, that's actual growth. This shitty naive "we should share helpful info with other artists!" is what led to the rise of retard tier "anatomy/art tutorials/tips" done by absolute amateurs who have no idea what they're talking about and end up spreading misinformation and shitty art short cuts, saturating and overshadowing actually good anatomy breakdowns done by competent artists.
Half the sperging wasn't meant for you, just in general, anyway my advice is to render with a hard round brush and do value studies until you feel confident, then move into colors, then when you're decent, move into doing drapery studies to really understand hard edge/soft edge, ie. edge control. Keep a study ratio of maybe 40% studies 60% original pieces where you apply the things you just studied, and keep studying instead of posting them on social media for feel good points, don't bother posting them at all if possible, it's not good for growth unless you're already able to be self critical. Go look up COAX illust on youtube, he's a korean game artist who does paintovers and gives a lot of really good tips on rendering and practical advice. Also stop believing people are gate keeping advice from you and "weh being self taught is so hard" when you didn't even bother to look up the basic books recommended to beginners in every art thread. It will help.
No. 869092
>>869079Jesus christ, I know half of that sperg wasn’t for me but it’s pretty normal to ask people what materials they used to finish a piece. Every painting I’ve seen lists stuff like “Oil on canvas”, etc. How is it any different?
The reason I asked here for help is because I don’t know where to start even though I’ve looked and watched tutorials but I personally couldn’t comprehend their vague statements. These artists can be great at art but they aren’t teachers.
So what is the point of gatekeeping information? It’s insecure, especially when the brushes don’t make the artist. If someone says, “I did this with a hard round brush that wasn’t modified”, then, someone like myself could try to figure out how they made that default round brush work for them. Anyway, I mentioned that a handful of people that I follow were like this to those who asked but any other artist that I’ve dm’d have been helpful and have pointed to resources for me to look at (like drawabox). Some people who are self taught (like myself) just need an actual book to understand the concepts instead of vague tutorials or speed paints that show the process but don’t explain the ideas behind it. There’s so many books out there, how is anyone supposed to know what is actually helpful without some guidance?
Looking through this thread, it seems like all of the big youtubers that are recommended are actually not the people you want to learn from.
Anyway, thank you for the advice, I was just looking for resources that had actual explanations behind it instead of the usual “you just need to draw and then you’ll get it” because that’s a load of baloney. Some people draw for years without studying anything and their art stays stagnant. I just want to move on from where I am right now instead of plateauing.
No. 869094
>>869079Forgot to add this to my original response, but all of those big youtubers are the main reason why I find it hard to find actual good resources. It took me ages to find a good teacher providing free anatomy lessons because it was buried under all of these videos by rossdraws or someone or the other.
Also, I never expect anyone to give their brushes for free. I’m down to pay an artist for their resources because they took the time to make them. I wouldn’t make them give that out out of the goodness of their heart when gumroad exists.
No. 869098
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>>869063Nagu (Ms. I have every trophy that an anime artist could ever want) posted her bit about sharing brushes before and it's more along the lines of "I want you to think for yourself" instead of "there should only be one me."
No. 869100
>>869092>>869094The point is no one owes you advice or guidance, anon, and it's very entitled to expect someone take time out of their day to reply you and give you free advice just because you're self taught (stop holding onto this as a identifier, no one cares and this mindset will hold you back). Even if you're offering to pay, it's still condescending because it comes across as "I'll pay you, tell me what brushes you use and give me your psds", etc. Is it really that hard to understand this concept?
> all of those big youtubers are the main reason why I find it hard to find actual good resources.It's your own fault for looking to youtube of all places (and nowhere else) to look for drawing resources when there are tons of other places to look. I'll even give you a few for free: Parkablogs for good reviews on tablets, artbooks and watercolor art supplies. James Gurney (also on youtube) talks about his watercolor/gouache process and more abstract topic like how to see things as an artist/how to approach paintings that will help you regardless of whether it's digital or traditional. Marco Bucci has free resources on how to approach color theory and how the greyscale to color approach is limiting. You could also bother reading the OP of this exact thread to figure out exactly what books are recommended to beginners such as yourself. Just scroll up.
>Every painting I’ve seen lists stuff like “Oil on canvas”, etc. How is it any different?No one fucking says "did this with brush #24 from XX artist's custom brushes pack!" for digital unless they're trying to promote the brush or someone is asking them, which brings me back to my first point. People are not gatekeeping if they don't want to reply beginner#10385 for asking "WHAT BRUSH!!!" again for the 3844935th time. That's literally it. You may not like that I'm being really bitchy about this but it's annoying when beginners talk about how hard it is that they're self taught and how it's confusing to start out and a bunch of other excuses when it's clear they didn't put in as much work as they claim, in your case, reading the OP.
Also, a lot of times beginners fall into the trap of hoarding a shit ton of resources (like custom brushes) when they don't even understand the basics, it harms more than it helps, and then they get defensive when other artists call them out on their shit, then double down and refuse to listen (see
>>869082), so it's not hard to understand why some artists are actively gatekeeping info.
No. 869103
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Anons, any recommendation for an online art class to learn basic anatomy that doesn't break my 3rd world country bank? Self-learning isn't doing it for me. I'm thinking of trying out Class 101 or Skillshare since I saw a lot of ads on social media about em. Anyone has any experience with Class 101, Skillshare or any other online art class? Ta!
No. 869114
>>869103 for you being an anon entails some knowhow in piracy. Pick Vilppu since Proko's inspirations are better than the man himself.
Also the anon behind has the real library but has to hide from rats who don't like free access to premium Proko.
No. 869526
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People are probably familiar with him (or her, just used to it) but I'm not surprised he's still full of shit. He used to be notorious for drawing exclusively CP but that's to understand the context of the second & third tweets (when he rebanded and tried to pass it off as "I-I got groomed into it!"). I followed on and off when his project launched and it was pretty much a disorganized mess with some e-beg, the chapter 1 is available for free and it's not worth that $35 preorder but that's just personal taste.
No. 869531
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>>869526feat this hypocrisy feat, really ironic considering that she used to sexualize 10 years old child with a "13 years old role play age" while +20 at this time. (at this point it's old milk but she still brings it up as a
victim time to time) I heard she had this mightier than thou personality whenever it came to art so I wasn't surprised to read this rant shit kek.
No. 869691
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>>869526this person talks about fetishizing when they're displayed name literally reads out "father pussy"
No. 869894
>>869531this is yaoigoddesskeale back from the deviantart days, they've been an insufferable asshole since 2003. they used to draw kingdom hearts and sonic porn and would cry about yaoi fangirls, despite being one herself. even back then she'd complain about popular artists and not being praised enough, despite always having a sizable following. had a male self insert OC she'd draw raping shotas. also frequently stole money from her followers by opening commissions and never following through.
don't buy for a second that she drew shota bc she was traumatized, the fanart she posted from her gaia online days to tumblr were all done with glee. she was drawing shota for years before any creeps were commissioning her through patreon. it's just impossible to get away with posting that kind of art in 2021
No. 870066
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Why are most artist/ social media personalities like this? Fucking insufferable.
My girlfriend says at least people aren't hating us like they did 10 years ago but I hate it.
No. 870092
>>870074Yeah I think Fran overshares her life a lot especially the topics that she brings up for her young audience.
OT since she's not an art youtube but bestdressed on tiktok also broke up with her boyfriend and told everyone she's queer because she thought a bee keeper was cute when she was at a farmers market when she was 13.
When will everyone stop thinking they're queer(spicy straight).
No. 870342
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>>869557>>870070Ooooh, I remember this chick, she's fucking obsessed. Also, Arin Hanson? Come on now.
No. 870347
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>>870342Says she drew shota to cope with
muh dysphoria by the way, just say you were horny back then.
No. 870352
>>869531Why are aidens so insistent that yaoi is for or even about them? Why do the men and women who draw anime dudes fucking need to cater to them?
>>870347The fact that she claims her mediocre fetish art is supposed to be atonement for being a pedo kekk.
No. 870493
>>869531As if anyone other than fakebois wants to fuck fakebois kek
Fujos are literally into the fact that there's two dicks, no one is fetishizing her fat aidenoid ass
No. 870781
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Anons how do you actually feel about posting art online, if you do so? Do you have a goal in mind, like amassing a big enough following to someday profit from it in whatever way or do you just like sharing despite the risks of others possibly stealing your art?
I'm asking because I deleted all my social media some time ago and was thinking about making some new accounts now. I feel like I need a legitimate reason to post though, as if just doing it for fun would inconvenience others in some way. I may be thinking about it too deeply, but I couldn't find many opinions from people that weren't doing it for financial reasons (think like traditional painters and people looking to get into the industry). Basically, what's the point of posting if you're just a hobbyist that doesn't even plan on finding artist friends this way? Is it okay to post just so others might see and like it? Do you even need a reason?
No. 870784
>>870781Wanting some rando to look at something you put effort into and say “good job” is enough of a reason imo.
Do what pleases you. Maybe you will make a friend by accident.
No. 870796
>>870781To happily sperg with others about the content one draws and enjoys, which is much easier and fun if you are a semi-good artist. If you're part of a "fandom" it's also a nice way to give something back in hopes they also enjoy it.
Just doing it for money and likes sounds like a grade A plan to exhaust yourself.
No. 870976
>>870781I don't agree with them, only because they're projecting their own needs onto others. I make art because I enjoy it AND I like connecting with people, but I don't post everything I make. Likewise, I 'm not into people who spam shitty, stagnating doodles.
I have no problem with people who like using art just to find attention and validation. It's no different than any other performance artist.
But saying 'what's the use of creating if you aren't going to share' is silly. You can do what you want.
No. 871001
>>870781Damn, I’m actually in a similar situation. Deleted my art insta a few years ago because the attention made me feel weird, and I wanted to improve more and figure out what kind of art I wanted to make before posting again. The only reason I’m considering going back is because it’d be nice to have a little spending money from commissions, but that’s it. I like just drawing whatever I want at my own pace and not taking it too seriously.
I also don’t think creating something only for yourself or a few others is worthless. I have a lot of drawings that are inside jokes between me and my siblings, but if I ever tried to show them to a wider audience I’d probably just be met with confusion. The drawings are still worth it to me because I can look back on them and laugh.
No. 871002
>>869894>yaoigoddesskealeHoly shit, I haven't heard that name in a long time. What utter hypocrisy for her to be doing any of this, and the gal she has to say she's changed. What happened to her art, it looks so weird and messy compared to her old stuff.
>>870969Yeah, she was a huge known scammer on DA back in the day. I think she would say because she was a "professional" and moved on from her old comms she didn't have to refund the money she stole, the snake.
No. 871403
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Disabled artist puccanoodle with her wheelchair and broken legs, dancing lmao think she sent her $20k service dog back too, she never mentions it anymore
No. 871505
>>870577i've been wondering if she'd ever show up in this thread, i didn't have to wait long. she's super cringe. her art is okay, but i definitely wouldn't spend any money on her shitty quality DTG shirts she shills.
the way she hangs onto DISNEY ARTIST" "FORMER DISNEY ARTIST" etc is really annoying, obviously she isn't the only one that does it. Ex. Laura Price. but that combined with the mid tier art and grating voice makes her so unwatchable.
No. 871536
>>870457Yeah I hate the rip-offs too. Snail created her own style which is simple and distinctive, and although people can argue 'you can't steal art style,' it still seems like bad taste to mimic one person's style in a way that it's obvious who they're 'taking inspiration' from…
and I actually don't mind the art style, I think it's pretty cute lol. I think it loses the meaning when it's copied though.
No. 871635
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>>871002It's funny how she pretends to dislike her old smut, but didn't she also scam her 25k kickstarter for bjd's and a trip to Japan for "research"?
She also has a tiny kiwifarms thread for those who are interested. Milk has been stale since 2018, but who knows maybe she'll generate some new stuff.>>871559I was thinking along these lines too. Disabled my ass. This is not broken legs literally dying of chronic pain. In other videos she can be seen jumping off the pad comfortably and what I assume is standing comfortably for a long period of time at an arcade.
Shiiit, maybe I should pretend to be disabled for money too.
No. 871673
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did anyone else hear about the Tuna/TinaFate1 grooming drama?
>tuna is a coomer artist with 147k followers on twitter
>one day he gets a message from a girl on his patreon asking to be friends
>he accepts it and they become friends
>gets more flirty/sexual over time
>he assumes she's an adult because they talked in vc and she had "an adult voice"
>she wants to send him nudes
>he asks her age, she reveals that she's 17 (he's 19)
>he CONTINUES TO TALK WITH HER SEXUALLY until his scrote brain goes "hm maybe i shouldn't do that"
>he gets out of the situation by ignoring her because he "didn't want to be rude uwu"
>she gets pissed and then accuses Tuna of grooming
>makes this whole letter acting like he's the victim in all this
>goes on a hiatus… for a week
>comes back today and doesn't mention anything about the situation, only talks about his art and how he's so happy about all the positive messages he got from his fans
tl:dr coomer artists and their fans are retarded
No. 871678
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>>871673samefag, here's his return statement
No. 871749
>>87167317 and 19 is literally a two-year age gap though…
I swear it's such petty drama. If it had been anyone else, no one would have given a fuck because two year age gaps are common as hell.
If he was fucking 56 and she was 17 then I could get the outrage but ffs it is literally two fucking years. I wish people would stop acting like they got preyed upon by a gross adult when the adult is literally not even 3 years older than they are and barely into adulthood themselves.
No. 871962
>>871673Lmao what a petty bitch. She's not a little innocent kid and was watching porn already, and obviously only cried
victim when he stopped giving her attention. 17 is already legal in most places anyway.
No. 872166
>>871673Only correction I would make is that both Tina island the 17 year old are both girls.
Anyways this situation is not resolved, I’d say keep an eye out on it. There was a thread a while back, and I’m kicking myself in the ass for not saving it, not sure if it was deleted but apparently Tina forgave the accuser. The same one who accused her of grooming them and essentially slandering her. I predict this isn’t the end of this situation. Shame because I like some of her art obvious use of the fill tool aside.
No. 873703
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>>872150Because Twitter is more interested in sad violin backstories or sticking it up to cartoonish rude people than they are with art which they'll no doubt remember for 20 seconds before consooming the next art.
No. 873756
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Any of you following the AetherionArt shitshow on Twitter? DaftPina made a video on him showing off his private screen caps from his discord, where he uses the n and f slur as well as bitching about his lack of romantic success. The guy later claims he’s black and gay, and he was pretending to be retarded which of course leads to some dipshits thinking he’s pulling a 4D chess 300iq power move on Daft.
Personally I think he’s retarded for using slurs in a public area. I do think he’s black though I doubt he’s gay, maybe bi. That being said, this was a new low for Daft. People can post edgy shit in their discord’s, his concern trolling about him “spreading an evil ideology” is lame as fuck. I guess he ran out of groomers to cover so he decided to do this lame ass virtue signaling. With how obsessed he is with calling others out, and projecting his insecurities like with tracing I wouldn’t be surprised if this was him projecting again. I get the feeling Daft is hiding something.
No. 873772
>>873756You can go through all the people being like "yikes" "I liked his art but unfollowed" and they are all under 18.
The dude is a hentai artist and who the hell cares if he says faggot and nigger, its just edgy discord shit posting every normal person does when around people who are not constantly ass hurt looking to feel persecuted.
Even on aetherions tweets the replies are all either "BASED" or some underage kid trying to leech off the art by saying how they are not homophobic and totally heckin
valid so follow them.
I'm sure Daft super super cares about this and in no way is just a shit stiring future sexual predator trying to keep his own image clean for when the inevitable accusations come out. Also wouldnt be suprised if he monitized the video he shilled while stiring up drama.
No. 873958
>>873756this is a giant pile of nothing. There's zero reasons for coom artists to play woke, sooner or later, they will draw or engage in something '
No. 874213
>>873756>private screen caps from his discordAnd there you have it. I've seen the so called horrendous stuff he's saying and while edgy, it doesn't seem anything that's inciting anything evil.
And the whole comment of "Don't owe you shit" that DaftPina retweeted is no excuse. Highly suspicious that DP never reached out to get a comment from Aether considering he went out and actually interviewed John Bob. When you give someone who actually groomed a 15 year old girl a platform to try and defend themselves but not a guy who made edgy comments then your credibility goes way down. Never liked DP before but sure as well don't like him now. I hope he gets serious ramifications for this.
No. 874297
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>>873703OT but I'm sick of posts like these going viral every other month when it's clearly just OP messaging themselves for clout. And yet people believe they're real conversations every time.
No. 874377
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>>874213Why is he so committed to this lmao? It comes off as projection. It’s a scrawny white wristlet morally posturing over a scrawny black wristlet over the latters lack of romantic / sexual success. Not shocking since lots of nonwhite dudes tend to be super incely. Some people are finally taking notice of Dafts continued hypocrisy. Nick DeOreo and Augie have both commented how this is lame as fuck.
>>873772Daft gives me sexual predator vibes. When you look at how he talks to people, how he intimidates people using his platform, how he seems to get off on treating others like garbage, I could easily see it. He seems unusually comfortable being as hypocritical as he is.
No. 874406
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>>874297>Acknowledges that art doesn't pay for bills as well as other jobs.>Acknowledges that no one likes self-love taxes aside from the most dedicated fans>Doesn't use the 34.5k YouTube channel for the income>Would rather look at this and say this has a futureI don't get it.
No. 874902
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>>873756Followed it a bit but lost interest. There's so many people like Aetherion in the NSFW art scene that get a pass, so why the cancel dart landed on him in particular is weird. Like he even said in his response he's always been an edgy weirdo on his twitter so anyone running to play
victim/virtue signal looks dumb. Also the more unproblematic/woke you try to come off as on social media the harder your inevitable downfall will be. As for Daft I only know him from the Shexyo tracing drama but this+picrel's a bad look
No. 874979
>>874902everyone's rightfully asking him why he went to this after interviewing admitted predators so freely.
The big problem with commentary/tea youtubers in general is that their career/livelihood relies on the misery and crimes of others. Channels like j aubrey and TRO do long content very sporadically without a set schedule and that allows them to pick and choose carefully; when you have a schedule to follow (especially a weekly, biweekly one) you end up scrapping the barrel. No big drama has been happening in the art community for months now, except maybe creepshow? She's more tea-leaning though
No. 875192
>>875098Genuinely Do it, then. See where it gets you.
So many people on here bitch about shitty art making a ton of money and how "I can totally do that". Seriously pick up some marketing skills and and you'll be making 7k in no time lmao.
No. 875555
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coomer artist: draw porn 80% of the time, make money out of nsfw commissions, talks about OCs' sex life
also coomer artist: "why I am only known for porn, stop saying I'm horny"
I'll never understand people claiming to be asexual while consumming and even creating R18 content as if it's some sort of deep shit a few people can understand with their souls.
No. 875767
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>>875757Cartoongirl7 was such a huge inspiration for me when I was a 13 yo baby weebling. This piece in particular was so popular and it was all over DA and Tumblr.
I went through my old DA account because of this post and it's so interesting to see how my taste in art and what I find inspirational changed so much. Ah, the nostalgia.
No. 875779
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>>875757I've been trying to find Pikiru's old art. It was moe/uguu bug eye stuff, but damn its nostalgic to me. I found their DA, but they deleted all of their older shit ('08-'10). Now they just draw those psudo 90s anime "screenshots", which is disappointing .
No. 875797
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>>875757Pic related who used to have a presence in the tumblr Adventure Time community. At the time I kind of was obsessed and had a crush haha. I was a teenager, what can I say. Since they struggled with mental health I just hope the disappearance was career related instead of something more dark.
I do wonder how many cases of artists "disappearing" is in fact just a big brand change. I've easily had 3 separate art identities online.
No. 875818
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>>875757mivvu, i always thought she had an anime style that really stood outand loved the graphic-ness of it. genuinely sad she deactivated a year or two ago
No. 875822
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>>875779her old art was pretty cute despite being generic. now I wouldn't be able to tell her apart from any other 90s anime screenshot artist. I wish she didn't totally abandon her normal style for an aesthetic that people will get bored of soon anyways
No. 875848
>>875555Sage for blog post, I half considered myself ace because I literally did not feel sexual attraction for years (as a fully grown adult). Didn't even masturbate, the feelings just weren't there at all.
I don't believe it when people who engage in or create sexual material are pretending to be asexual, they're deluding themselves at best but probably straight up just lying because they're embarrassed to publically show their coom art.
No. 875910
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>>875822Yeah, the oldest stuff she has available is from her era where she drew creepily bug-eye characters (where she overdid sparkle effects). Just a few years before she had a distinctly 2000s- moe style I really liked
No. 875996
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>>875757Nuriko-kun/Banafria comes into mind. She was one of my earliest inspiration for digital art years back. I always like sort of painty style she did picrel, it gives a romantic-impressionism feels. Used to be big during 2011-2017 as she was well known for doing fanarts (tourabu, kagepro, magi, hxh, etc.) and an original series project called ParaShi alongside Bassara, her DA friend. Her presence remains unknown recently as she left DA since 2014 to different platforms, twitter inactive since 2016, IG and Tumblr are abandoned too on 2018. I really miss her of her art also she has a great potential if i think about it…
No. 876012
>>875757There are 2 artists dropped off from Instagram for more than a year, remains unknown:
>>MinmonstaA very godly detailed copic drawing artist. Left Twitter and Instagram since Dec 2019 leaving all owed commission as early as Oct 2019. Based on her last post she had accepted for an apparenticeship work for tattooing, presumably she left instagram due to busy life due to the occupation she has but she has left more than a year. Both of her friends have't heard any news or condition about her and her cousin didn't reply after being contacted via fb.
>>CyomeKawaii artist based on France, back in 2018 she had struggled a lot of personal life, had issues on mental/physical health, many times hospitalized. I remember reading one of her donation post about she was getting to be kicked out of her apartment. Bad things still happened until 2019. She used to do digital then she stopped and stopped posting since January 2020
No. 876081
>>876012cyome spent donation money on switch games, furry ears and clothes, and then ran off with the money she got from commissions.
i'm baffled people still comment "hope you're ok bb uwu" on her ig when they've obviously been scammed.
No. 876103
>>875897I’ve seen people try to explain that asexuals can have a sex drive, they just can’t want to have sex. But I’ve seen others take it farther and say that they can want sex, but only to orgasm, not out of sexual attraction to the other person. Tbh I think horny artists might call themselves ace as a cope for not being able to get it in real life, whether it’s because no one wants them or they have their own hang ups about sex and see art as a safe place to explore sexual ideas.
>>875797That’s the scary thing about artists disappearing, you never know whether they got bored / burnt out and just decided to do something else or if something worse happened to them. It would be nice if it became more normal to post a goodbye message or something so people don’t have to worry.
No. 876120
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>>875757Runmonsterun was one my favorite artists for a while and a huge inspo to me, but she just seemingly abandoned all her accounts and projects without a word. Did some digging and found her portfolio site and it seems she's doing well in the animation industry now, keeping things professional and not posting any more art to social media. Sucks she doesn't post anymore, but I'm glad she seems to be doing fine.
No. 876287
>>875767correct me if im wrong, but isnt cartoongirl7 the same girl that a now dreamworks director dated? like the background was the dreamworks director used to be a college professor and met cartoon as a student in one of his classes, and they had a huge age differenced but dated for a long time.
I think they broke up a long time ago but i just had that memory from the old da days
No. 876495
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>>876287Yeah, that's her. They met in one of his physics classes iirc and I always thought that was kind of weird, but they seemed like a nice couple despite their age gap. Ben/e1n isn't a director at Dreamworks though, he's at Disney.
No. 877229
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>>876925Fetch Hogarth's book on figure drawing, know this torso, adapt it into something slimmer by redlining drawings that you consider credible, continue redlining if you think that your uneducated interpretation of what heads, arms, hands, or legs look like are inherently bad.
No. 877608
>>876012Anon-chan, you dont know how much of a terrible person and a scammer Cy0me is? She is my biggest artist cow personally. The times when she would manipulate the fuck out of her bf who left his family (his parents were against her) just to be with her and end up getting shittalked at in her own Discord, while working jobs for her and then cheating on him.
She never finished 4(!) And more year old orders with no refund. She also never sent her "acrylic charms" to anyone.
There used to be ig account that would be a project of various artists - they'd do scammed people's commissions for free and that was THE ONLY time when she finished…one work. The exact work that was already drawn by a different person.
Tbh Cy0me thread was the only good thread on PULL that I looked at. Could find the archive sometime.
No. 877847
>>875555Ngl this isn’t even the first time I’ve seen a porn artist say they’re tired of the porn/coomer scene and then actually transition into gore(not guro/sexualized) I think for a lot of people it is just the extreme expression/emotions they like and the horny part is secondary. Obviously you don’t get good at drawing porn without thinking about sex a lot but if you’re drawing it all the time you get desensitized too. I don’t think acesexuality is real period tho and most artist claiming ace in fandom are just saying that to not get flirted with and weird sexual stuff from their audience
>>875849These are my favorite people to observe. would you mind linking them?
No. 877851
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yoaihime is 24 what the heck
No. 878045
>>877899What would be the point of this, if there's a possibility that someone could pin your art style, assuming you'd be sharing art in said discord. Bad idea all 'round.
plus I'm with
>>877935 in that once popular artists catch wind of a server (or ANY platform for that matter) it's almost instantly ruined for everyone else. Drama is also inevitable. The landscape for artists on the internet hasn't really changed, it just got louder.
No. 878284
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What is this about?
No. 878341
>>878255Oh come on
nonny, you're comparing the average farmer artist here to the cesspool that is /asg/? Where the average /ic/tard is drawing just to become a popular coom artist on Twitter and every 2 days some schizo comes by to tell everyone talent and Asian jeans r totally real and if you don't have either you might as well give up? I'm not saying it's perfect here (if I'm being honest I'd foresee a farmers only art discord also becoming a bit of a hugbox if the /m/ rate your art threads are anything to go by) but at least with a farmers only art discord you'll know you get to avoid 2 things:
1) retarded scrotes who derail and ruin the rare good threads on /ic/ for teh lolz
2) twittertards with glass hearts who are more concerned with policing other people's content and language
Also ideally the discord would be friendly for both hobbyists and serious artists who are looking to make a career out of it, just people looking to improve properly in general, you know? I know it has almost 0% of working out but it's fun to think about what it could be if it would!
No. 878388
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>>878284I think it’s this thread, it was in their likes and Yoimonz is mentioned at the end of it to clear up misinformation. No. 878449
>>878341>2) twittertards with glass hearts who are more concerned with policing other people's content and languageCome on anon this thread is always infested with this type. We should have a counter on
saying "days since racebait or drama over moralizing fictional characters" and I will assure you it would spell 2 at most.
No. 878476
>>878341Please make an art discord I’d love to be in a server with everyone here
Most art discord’s have people who think fictional characters have human rights
No. 878571
>>878551Personally I dedicate all free time I have to drawing. It's definitely not as much as I'd prefer, but it's all I can do. It's just part of my unwinding time paired with listening to music/videos/etc.
I've no intentions of selling it or getting clout though, so it's easy for me to just do it for pure enjoyment.
No. 878852
>>878551Hey anon, I was in a similar situation recently. I work 40 hours/week and what helped me was setting a time where I stop doing everything and just focus on drawing(traditional or digital). I know you said you have changing shifts but maybe you can plan around the shifts and say "Oh maybe I can draw for an hour this day, two hours this day, etc". If you use a planner, I would highly recommend jotting down "draw for x hours" as a reminder for yourself.
I know you're looking to make a few bucks but focus on just getting into that consistent schedule again. It'll put less pressure on you and you can focus on making art without the background thought of profiting. When I got back into art a couple months ago, all I thought was "this isn't good enough to sell" but I forced myself to just focus on the process and I'm finding it easier to make time for nowadays.
No. 878959
>>878551I know this might only work for me but what I do is I push myself around sleep time and find what sticks.
Depending on my shifts I'll either start drawing some time before bedtime or wake up some time earlier than I'd have to get ready for work.
If any of those attempts "worked" and I had a good flow, I'll feel naturally more pumped up/greedy and will slot time for art so I can get more done.
Obviously, I don't want to lose sleep hours long term but I'm willing to sacrifice a night or two if it helps me figure out which work shift goes with with my early or late "art shift" and adjust sleep times with the knowledge.
Plus, doing it at the end/start of the day releases me from the nagging feeling of having to get things done during the day that normally leads me to cleaning/panicking/procrastinating/guilt.
Sorry I'm awful with words and english.
No. 879034
>>878388This is some legit high school level bullshit.
Weird chick had a crush on me, ruined me and my friends trip to Japan with her complaining, I rejected her love confession and now she's running around the internet saying she rejected me.
Everyone involved is in their 20s btw.
No. 879398
>>879034>>879087To be fair to Saruei here is her rebuttal The fact that the dude is airing some dumb personal shit that happened two years ago when she is debuting as a Vtuber is clearly to stir some drama out of jealousy. I'm not even a Saruei fan, for having followed her for 10+ years since her DeviantArt/Skyblog days she's always come off as arrogant and kinda weird but it really looks like she got fucked during this whole ordeal.
No. 879609
>>879260Sounds like if you need a long talk with your fiancé. Having money for groceries is a
valid reason to be a worker bee but you are two people now and the burden of earning money is on both of your shoulders. Your fiancé has to understand how important art for you is and that you will need time and space for it. Sure, ideally you'll find a time & place that fits both of you. But I don't think your fiancé is in any position that you have to beg or even negotiate.
No. 881513
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I like how op was trying to be sympathetic towards harmonyskish, but then they respond like this. What a bitch.
No. 881666
>>881662fastest way (could be soul sucking): Have a bland art style, hop onto trends (making something a tranny, hatsune miku), or draw detailed anime girls
less debilitating way: do what you want and grow your own following
This is coming from an ex-semi popular artist, Twitter is a shithole and instagram is selling your soul to satan, if you’re trying to be popular quickly. Good luck though anon
No. 881688
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>>881662Don't give a shit about quality and spam art as much as you can if you are a generic anime artist. Picrel is 10k.
No. 883163
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Anyone know what's up with sacisaccu on Twitter? She's a pretty decent artist, but she's been threatening suicide for a week and now just Tweeted she needs $300. Most of her followers are young, too, and she's getting pissed that they are concerned for her wellbeing.
No. 884322
>>884055Well to be fair, the husband is enabling her narcissism by never giving her the speech about how unimportant non-elites are in the art world and how little of a future they have without a major overhaul.
Of course, I still hold the belief that a "redeemed" TwistedDisaster wouldn't be a good artist anyway so there's not much reason to nudge her towards that.
No. 884552
>>884322True, her husband does tend to spoil and enable her behavior. I was re-watching her videos about her wedding and how her and husband met and it seems that he was always doting on her and going on and on about how "cute" she is which uh, hey if she can find someone, anyone can but still, it's not so much that he's clearly the breadwinner and supporting her financially but just how she acts like it isn't true.
Like it's clear that when it comes to financial security and stability, she needs him more than he needs her.
If she just worked on being more honest about her situation and also stop with the whole "I'm an adult" (you're almost 30, we get it. You don't have to keep saying that lol), she really wouldn't be that bad.
But yeah I also agree with
>>884365 that people like her really shouldn't be giving advice on how to make it as a freelancer. What they should do is be honest that the reason they are able to pursue it is because they have partners who help support them.
>>884472Never heard of this person but wow, that is pretty bad lol.
No. 884972
>>884552Nona she has a whole thread it's
>>>/snow/1076135 if you want to know more about her.
No. 885039
>>884878Oh yeah her and her constant "I'm feeling sick so I'm just gonna rest today" excuses. You bring up a good point that she's not even good at doing freelance with her huge ass backlog that can span 1-2 years old that haven't been finished.
I have to wonder why she gets sick so often. Like is she really getting sick or she one of those people who whenever they have like a light cough going on or a temporary headache, they act overly dramatic. Because I notice in most of her videos she always has to mention how she's not feeling well.
No. 885094
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posting this here cause the vtuber thread is closed and this is still art related/about an artist but I love how the vtuber whose whole concept is "artist" drew the 2 worst chibis here
No. 885757
>>885094Vtubing now just feels inauthentic. Those companies pick VAs based on personality and other shit to fit in stupid tropes which means when they need to grab someone for the "artist" role there's a 50/50 chance they'll be a crap artist with a funky kawaii marketable personality.
>>885674Still though, the difference is too jarring. There's drawing the proportions a little weird but still cute, and there's that crap that looks like baby's first chibi on DeviantArt. The fact that she's supposed to be the "artist" in the group just makes it worse.
No. 885766
>>881634I've seen this one Twitter artist with +10k followers, their art has terrible anatomy and is over-rendered but every once in a while they'd do an art raffle ("one fully rendered piece for one of my followers! RT + follow to enter") which is how I'm guessing they got so many followers.
They also mainly draw for a fandom with a younger demographic so it's likely 99% of their followers are children looking to get some free art. I follow a bunch of good artists from that same fandom and it's telling that none of them follow this artist lol.
No. 886163
>>886142why are they controversial? didn't they just get announced?
sage for no milk, just curious
No. 886222
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>>885757>Hololive Indonesia>Getting any semblance of thought from the company>Getting that from the same company who booted HoloCN without any remorse>>886163Pic related and that's it? /vt/ doesn't show too many qualms aside from saying they're overdesigned and that IRyS weirdly exists outside of a group.
Also new thread when?