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No. 963863
Post any lulzy people you know from the art community that aren't popular enough to have their own thread. Here is an example:
DeviantArt: (warning: NSFW)
Twitter: Artist of Yansim
- Traces to hell and back, which means that she steals assets also
- Is lovey dovey with Alex, the creator of Yandere Simulator even though he is basically a shit person who steals from other people and manipulates others and fetishizes him.
- A lot of their art for Yandere Simulator is very suggestive despite that a of the characters in the game are still in highschool
No. 963996
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>>963908Is that for cows though? Seems more like its for bitterness and strong opinions about shitty art instead of artists who are cows themselves.
this is @fatamorgayna, they claim to be an intersex nonbinary female lesbian but uses they/he pronouns. claims to have did but only posts about it once a week. blogs about their csa experience every day, in which they were fetish roleplaying with another furry tranny when they were 16 and refuses to actually provide evidence for anything they say. has another account for posting literal scribbles they call ‘badbrain art’. currently e-begging on tumblr for hrt
No. 966927
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I haven’t seen this person mentioned on here much, and I’m not sure if this should go on the Artist Discussion thread because it isn’t particularly about art. But is anyone familiar with full-time artist Alyssa D. Silos. AKA Alythuh on twitter and Instagram?
She has thousands of twitter orbiters and she’s very “not like the other girls.” Has to mention anime and gaming every other day. No one can be a bigger anime fan than her because she has a whole room dedicated to ~nerdy~ hoarding. All her selfies are thirst traps. Claims to have been poor two years ago, despite traveling all over the world from a young age before she became successful. She supposedly now owns her very own high-rise condo, even though she was just talking about her landlord. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought you don’t have a landlord if you own a condo? Also, I don’t think she would be making that much money considering she has very limited amount of art to buy on her website. She’s been living luxuriously (at least online) for a few months, before she even had that much art up for sale. Unless her parents help her?
She’s always retweeting people praising her, like pic related. I think she feeds off people comparing themselves to her.
No. 966928
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>>966927Another one. Everyday she retweets shit like this.
No. 966933
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>>966927>>966928She annoys the fuck out of me too. There were some posts on PULL about her posting photographs that weren't hers on her Instagram. When her army of fans were made aware of it, they
of course blindly defended her despite there being clear evidence that she took someone's photo.
Also, a lot of her photos look shooped af. Some even make me question if she's actually visiting the places she's pictured in - it's kind of bizarre. She clearly namesearches on Twitter (keyword: penthouse) too bc she found a tweet from a small account and quote retweeted it to her followers, which lead to the poster being harassed to hell by her stans. Would love to see some discussion on her but she seems to not be very milky at times to preserve her ~anime waifu~ image.
No. 966942
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>>966933Glad someone else recognizes her! I’m with you, I think she has potential for milk, but she curates her online image too much. I looked up this tweet, and holy shit, this person has less than 170 followers. Alyssa definitely searched a key term. The funny part is, why? She tries to put off this whole “support other people!” shtick, but she just had to publicly call out this person assuming this tweet was about her? Which it was, but they didn’t name drop her for a reason.
I think her narcissism itself makes her pretty milky, and the more success she gains, the harder she’ll fall.
She just needs to brag about her condo rental and anime tiddies multiple times a week.
I’ve also seen people call her out on not supporting other artists, and suddenly she’s trying to buy art from smaller artists because of the call outs. She obsessively searches her name like every cow who goes on damage control..
Pic related was my first awareness of her. I’ve also seen people say she photoshops her traveling pics. I’ve seen convincing evidence, but I don’t doubt she’s traveled a ton before. Something is just off. She’s weird.
No. 966943
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>>966933She's been showing up on my timeline for a while now, this one picture specifically made its rounds, and now that I look at it the lightning on her shoes is off and a lot of her pictures in foreign landscapes also look shooped… what the fuck, does she even own the condo?
No. 966946
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>>966943Her Turkey pics in particular looked shopped as hell.
I think the saddest part is, so many of her orbiters are also artists. Many of them say they want to achieve her level of “success” and want to pursue life as an independent, full-time artist when her lifestyle may just be for show.
No. 966947
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>>966946Look at her feet wtf
No. 966948
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Yeah, those look like generic google images search result, she looks especially pasted in on tbhis thumbnail.
I think the "condo" she's been posting from might be an airbnb, the room in
>>966943 looks like a different place, you can see a normal balcony and some trees outside the window and there's no way we'd be seeing trees this up close from the penthouse… is this our new and improved Lillee Jean?
No. 966951
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>>966948>My own condoAlyssa logic: Show off expensive influencer lifestyle online to the point where your fans constantly defend you and say shit like, “High-rise condos aren’t that expensive though so she’s not faking it!! Stop being a hater Alyssa is perfect!” It probably offends her seeing that type of defense since y’know, she busted her ass off to properly own her penthouse despite it being a rental. I don’t know why people defend her by saying it isn’t that expensive when that’s the image she wants to portray kek.
No. 966952
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No. 966954
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>>966952Kinda pathetic when it’s her one job that finances her high-rise lifestyle!
No. 966958
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>>966956Has she ever addressed her boob job? It’s obvious, but I’m wondering if she’s a Jessica Nigri type. I also think she’s had lip injections. What makes her particularly irksome is the fact she tries to play it off like she’s completely self-made when there’s other monetary support.
Nitpick, but gotta love how she flashes the same Sailor Moon wine glass because she’s a ~deeeb~. Her stans are delusional.
No. 966959
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>>966953Yeah, I got that now, but why is she still taking and posting pictures in her bedroom in her mom's place? And what the fuck is up with the weird shoops? Bitch might as well be building the condo in fancy 3D architecture and pasting herself in it, I'm not even sure I believe she's a real person from how sketchy everything about her is.
No. 966961
>>966951I mean, a high rise in Las Vegas is definitely cheaper than in most other large cities, but I think she really wants to come off as more successful than she really is. Her art is not… amazing, by any means.
But yeah, I'm tired of seeing her on my timeline constantly praised for being a skinny girl with big tits who likes anime
No. 966962
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>>966959Plenty of tweets of her tinkering with photoshop, so she’s had years of practice. I’m thinking it’s a mix of shopping and coming from a wealthy family. The excessive photoshop makes her life look glamorous, which piques people’s curiosity and gives her followers. It all drives up her art sales.
No. 966966
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>>966961I just don’t get why she retweets shit like this. I get second-hand embarrassment from how cocky she is.
No. 966975
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Pics she posted but deleted at the speed of light after realizing how ridiculous that door looks from photoshop, kek
No. 966987
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>>966972Sorry for samefagging but she got her boob job in 2017, the same year that hospital bed picture was originally posted. Is she trying to make her boob job surgery come off as a I was mentally ill uwu?
No. 966998
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>>966989Top kek, shows her priorities.
I don’t understand how she supposedly works 13+ hour days when she’s always online on both her twitters posting lewds, retweeting people who asskiss her, talking about how successful she is, and raving about normie One Piece from her ~nerdy~ anime account (@alyafterdark). She spends an awful lot of time replying to people, too. Not to mention she doesn’t have that much art on her shop to begin with. She humblebrags more than actually creating art.
Her entire persona panders to weebs who fetishize Asian women. She also claims to be gay, despite getting out of a five-year relationship barely this year. I think she was with the same guy since she was 16. I can’t find the tweets but there’s girls who ask her if they have a chance with her, and she’s said things like “I’ve actually dated girls before and they’ve been the best relationships I’ve had ;)” If she’s been with the same person since her teens, you’re telling me her most memorable relationships were before age 16? Seems like male pandering idk.
No. 967000
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>>966999Stolen from PULL, but she’s such a businesswoman! You can see Alyssa read and ignored this customer’s messages if you zoom in. But she definitely has the time of day to post about her rental.
No. 967014
>>966927i know shes a cow but why keep bringing up her condo like it's a
valid point.
1- its in a shitty part of vegas where streets are unsafe
2- condos in the same building are affordable on a normal american salary
No. 967016
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>>967014Her whole personality revolves around her condo, which costs approximately $3,000 a month. I get it’s not that expensive, but she tries making it sound like she owns it when she’s renting it out from a private landlord.
She posts several images like pic related where she goes on about “her view” which is just a couple of buildings and an empty parking lot. Nobody would care if she didn’t throw around “buying my own condo at age 22!” every week.
No. 967033
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I finally got curious enough to go look at her shop. Her art style definitely feels incredibly amateur and her proportions are awful, but the thing that caught me off guard the most is this piece titled "bad habits". Is this supposed to look like a child being undressed between an adult's woman's legs? The title really doesn't help how unsettling this piece appears to be.
No. 967040
>>966927Oh wow, she was my twitter cow for ages until seeing her on my timeline for the same shit every other day got to be too annoying and I just straight up muted her. Somethings just really off with this one, I’ve really never seen anyone so self obsessed to the point of retweeting all of that boot licking content about herself. It’s bizarre and just plain obnoxious at this point and I’m comforted knowing that there’s others who got the same vibes on it- her thirsty fanbase who are falling for the sham really aren’t helping either, especially when she’s obsessive enough to sick them on anyone who questions her “self-made-but-also-weird-and-nerdy” image. At least try to be subtle and humble without the bragging.
Straight up there’s no way in hell she got where she is with her muddy art alone. She’s always been rich and just needs to stop lying about it.
No. 967041
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>>967040Whoops, dropped pic.
No. 967118
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>>967041>>967116Not rich or at least upper middle class at all!
No. 967121
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>>967039Nah, you’re not alone anon. Not to get SJW, but she absolutely profits off of black women. She paints them all the same way though. Same bored eyes, mouth, proportions. Same bolt-on tits. It’s like she uses herself as a reference. There’s this tweet where she takes a picture of her fancy couch and says she can’t wait until quarantine is over so her subjects can come pose on her couch and she can paint them. It also had sexual undertones.
What subjects though? Who’s actually going to her ~condo~ when she constantly says she has no friends! All her art looks the same.
Also her last actual painting was in October. No joke. Everything else in her shop is just her restocking items.
Look at the lazy right eye on pic related.
No. 967132
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People are dying, Alyssa.
No. 967135
>>966948please correct me if i'm wrong. isn't this the pic that got really famous because she posted some caption like "my boyfriend moved out after (can't remember) years of relationship, so i completely revamped the place"? if so, what the fuck does she mean it's in her mom's house? was she just living with him…
with her mom? like it's definitely the same room as the first thumbnail in
>>966951>>966943what the actual fuck is going at the hemline of this robe??? and the perspective of her feet. what part of this is shooped, the robe? her whole ass self? i don't get this lmao i've never been more confused
also why is her personal room in her mom's house, does her """CoNdO""" only have a studio and nothing else? it's looking more and more like a rental and i'm not going to be surprised if it's a shared space with how little we've seen of it
No. 967147
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>>967135PULL has been documenting her antics for some time now, and some Las Vegas posters have been able to provide insight on her condo and look up the specifics. She’s in a three or four bedroom condo and claims one of the rooms is entirely a nerd room. Another room is her art, despite not actually creating art in months. She mainly ships orders to customers. She and her sister, Angel, have confirmed reading those threads. So each time they call Alyssa out on something, such as not creating art, she goes on damage control. She just posted a picture of her painting. Someone asked if she’s working on something new, and she said yes and that she just needed a little break. Well that little break sure lasted months.
Anyway, it seems like she only tries making one of her rooms look like an art studio for Instagram likes. Especially because she shows off the same corner.
Speaking of her ex boyfriend, she filed a restraining order against him for unknown reasons. Here’s her being a ~gamer girl~ and flexing by attacking a small account under the guise of “I didn’t develop my interests because of my boyfriend!!!”
No. 967170
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Her “success” timeline is so wonky.
She says she’s been doing this since 2017, but she didn’t really take off until this year.
However, she’s been claiming she’s successful since 2016 despite having a very small following (look at the low engagement on her tweets). I found other tweets where she released her art journals that same year, so I’m guessing the aforementioned sugar daddy from 2016 bought her tits and kickstarted her online shop with said journals and self-defense kit? Either way, it’s misleading as hell to try making it sound like you started from the bottom. She also claims to have been working three jobs at the time, I’ll post proof.
So in or around 2016 she supposedly worked three jobs, which left her physically and mentally exhausted to the point where she checked herself into a hospital in 2017, even though she’s lying about that because that hospital picture because it’s likely from her breast augmentation procedure, which she had that year. Yet in 2016, she was taking trips to Bali, Australia, New Zeland and more. She also claimed she was in debt due to her hospital bills and more, but she’s been traveling non-stop for years.
Fast forward to 2020, when she truly gained clout. She doesn’t shut up about being self-made.
Side note - I hate the way she talks about herself. She’s perpetually cocky as fuck.
No. 967172
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>>967170~3 jobs~ without $200 to her name!
No. 967185
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>>967170so her mom was a single mother and hustled hard to give this woman and her sister international vacations, but also life was really hard and she's "completely self-made", but also she loves being spoiled by her parent/s, but also last year she didn't have a single dollar to her name, but also she got her bolt-ons a few YEARS ago, but also she's been hustling non-stop, but also half her feed is just bragging about the vacations she goes on?
people will believe
anything as long as someone attractive enough is saying it, i guess
>it’s misleading as hell to try making it sound like you started from the bottomcome on anon, surely there's SOME bottom work involved here kek
>>967121i hate everything about this, it looks like dA fetish tier effort and i couldn't believe people would actually buy this. so i went to see if her site has better shit and it… ALL looks like this!? blackfaced white women? what the fuck?
No. 967188
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>>967185I’m going to only lightly mention this because I know this isn’t the place for being PC, but since this point is being talked about a bit, it is pretty irksome to solely see her depict black women rather than the South East Asian women she claims to be representing or whatever. It’s hard to believe black women physically show up to her cOnDo for them to model for her when she is very sporadic about producing art, and the features on these portrayed women are literally her own features.
This is her most recent piece she decided to post after getting called out. Looks like a tatted fetus.
No. 967191
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She’s such a fake nerd and thin-skinned as fuck. She’s only into things on a superficial level, and she doesn’t shut up about One Piece and Jojo. There are several mirror selfies of her where she has the starting screen for the Persona 5 game on her TV in the background, and it’s always the same screen. Also, all of her pics have to have one cheap anime figurine in them.
You can’t even make a slight jab at her because she’ll quote tweet you. Even if you didn’t mention her name. She’ll release her followers into you. Multiple people have had to go on private or delete because they made one joke about her and she found it and told her fans to report said poster.
No. 967192
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>>967191Kek someone made this and she got really upset. Needless to say this tweet is gone and OP went on private.
No. 967195
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Always been so far up her own ass. And she’s right, she only got worse in 2020.
No. 967238
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>>966933so is she just letting us assume she payed for this vacation by herself, to the place where her drug money father got deported, enjoying a 5 star luxury vacation, because shes "from the bottom" and "self made"? does she think nobody can figure out how drug trafficking works?
No. 967248
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>>967238This really angers me because people who live under the threat of cartel violence don’t publicly post shit like this online. The whole “my father sold drugs uwu” thing is something most people wouldn’t humblebrag (?) or even want to mention anywhere on the Internet. Plus, she’s making it seem like it was just ~to get by~. While it’s true most traffickers in other countries pursue it out of poverty, they end up earning a luxurious living. Far more cash than just to make ends meet. I don’t doubt she uses a combination of drug money and sugar daddy bux to this day. Seeing as how her dad was caught, I don’t know why she’d feel comfortable traveling to the Philippines.
She spergged out yesterday about how being Filipino doesn’t make you less Asian than Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people. In 2017, she was more than happy to call herself Chinese. I’m not Asian, but I’ve had friends who are Filipino who feel like they’re less desirable (by weeby men’s standards) compared to other Asians. I’m thinking Alyssa wanted to come off as extra speshul to her simps.
No. 967254
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The left screenshot confuses me. Wasn’t she already sooper successful in 2017? She needs to stick to one story.
>>967252Doesn’t she live on the strip? It would make sense.
No. 967257
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>I get everything I want!!
Not entitled at all.
No. 967280
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>>967248(No one is cow tipping btw that screenshot of her claiming to be Chinese is from elsewhere and just got posted onto here)
No. 967316
>>966956her parents are rich. i've been following her PULL thread. she has a sister who also posts photos of her luxury vacations.
her penthouse is in las vegas and real estate is dirt cheap there. her sister also works in las vegas, so i'm thinking her family lives in or bought that condo for her.
her art isn't anything special, it's actually pretty bad for the amount she brags and allegedly makes off of it. Taking into account business expenses like art supplies, printing and manufacturing costs, shipping costs, taxes and online shop fees, she would have to be making well upwards into the six figure range off her mediocre art to support her lifestyle on her own.
No. 967322
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ok Alyssa
No. 967327
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It’s weird how she hasn’t mentioned this collab anymore. Typically, doesn’t the company mention it first? Before the artist? I’m just gonna assume it died down due to the pandemic. But she’s also a liar so.
Also, why would any anime clothing company approach her? What does she mean by WiFi brand?
She has a bad reputation as far as customer service goes. From defective pepper sprays to lack of responding to inquiries to not steadily producing art. So many other artists deserve her opportunities.
(The second pic isn’t my screenshot, no way I’d like her tweet lol)
No. 967338
>>967191that fucking reply though
>wasn't miss mirage a horrible person?its a disney movie for kids bro
No. 967340
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Oh god, here it comes. Kweer.
No one is saying you’re straight, it’s just that you publicly dated a guy for over five years. So of course they’re gonna “assume” you were with a boy. Love the effort in trying to make it ambiguous though.
No. 967379
>>967170She maybe worked three jobs if her three jobs were painting shitty hippie pinterest art on the weekends, going on lavish trips with her balding white Daddy, and going to raves.
You can also easily tell how disconnected she is from real, blue collar work because it would be physically impossible for her to work three actual jobs at once. This would only be possible if she were doing simple tasks like grocery delivery, dog walking, part time babysitting. She’s just a pathological liar.
No. 967385
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>>967379Her body forced her out of her one cushy corporate job. Please stick to a story for once holy shit. I’m guessing her jobs were a corporate role handed to her through her parents, escorting, and art?
>tweeted from Thailand No. 967394
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>>967387Check this one out lol. There’s aesthetically pleasing, then there’s disingenuous.
No. 967408
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>>967400Someone said it’s rather sad seeing her set up these food platters, drag her fake plants into her bath tub, and light all those fake candles. Just for the pic. And then what? Does she expect us to believe she’s actually eating all of that food? That she’s even actually painting in
>>967405It’s all for brownie points.
There was this tweet that went viral of someone calling her out for making her assistants work together during quarantine while she pranced around her cOnDo in panties. The tweet was silly because this is a Gay couple who already lives together. However, she got seriously defensive. I’m not bothered by her employees working, I’m bothered by the fact she calls herself hot lmao. She’s naturally pretty imo, but she’s so self-absorbed and thinks she’s above criticism because of her looks.
Her sister Angel came to her defense. Angel is just as bad as Alyssa and embarrassingly rides her coattails, despite being the older sister. She said she introduced Alyssa to these two guys and now they’re her assistants. I’m confused because Alyssa was boasting about being a boss bitch at Starbucks wearing business attire to conduct interviews, only to hire people she already knew? Why do I feel like she hired a gay couple for extra asspats
No. 967409
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>>967408While I’m at it.. keep telling yourself you hustle.
No. 967420
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Didn't she go off about how "lonely" and "isolated" being by herself in her condo during quarantine?
Then who the hell is taking these photos?
No. 967421
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>>967420The tweet in question
No. 967451
File: 1588301329460.jpeg (134 KB, 750x850, 35CB8579-4093-461D-8F58-AEAD52…)

>>967447Her mom is a business owner who is now with someone who’s very wealthy. Yeah, living with your parents is perfectly fine, but even at Alyssa’s “lowest” her desk set up for drawing wasn’t terrible.
Also what is happening in pic related? Can she please shut up
No. 967467
File: 1588304686657.jpeg (317.55 KB, 1242x1338, EBE5DDDA-E0D7-4649-8E4F-23F9B8…)

Serious question - do other artists post these types of pics each day? I will say, she’s proof that sex sells.
No. 967478
File: 1588309453825.jpeg (360.64 KB, 1242x1837, 05DAE084-3E56-4B75-B8A3-47B498…)

It’s interesting how she vaguely words her posts that mention her exhibitions. She’s done a few exhibitions in a few states, Japan, and South Korea. She is super quiet about them now, however. For someone who brags about everything, I’d expect her to bring them up each month. There’s speculation she paid to be featured or that she rented out a gallery to exhibit, which is totally possible. It’s the fact she makes it sound like she was “invited” to do these things when her art isn’t worthy of international invites.
No. 967481
File: 1588310181836.jpeg (88.52 KB, 1200x747, A8D72ADC-375E-4D1C-9616-47BFAD…)

>>967478Turns out this exhibit was at Portland State University. Set up by a good friend of hers who was only a student at the time, not a major deal. Also, in her exhibition description, she stated she went right into freelancing after high school. Didn’t she work a corporate job and a total of three jobs at once?
If she truly went into freelancing, she’s admitting she had all that privilege to do so.
No. 967526
>>966966She got ""rich"" from her art but notice nobody ever praises her art specifically, only the image she portrays and her selfies. Nobody has ever retweeted one of her artworks in awe of the masterpiece - getting rich from art nobody actually likes is mighty suspicious. Her feed is just retweeted compliments about her appearance, if the art comments were being made she'd RT them too. And yet.
Definite sugar baby with a copy of photoshop, or possibly even just using someone else's apartment as her "condo" while staying at home. You can't say any of her images of the condo look like a truly lived-in abode.
No. 967529
>>967385Another one
>creative living was a last resort for meLots of bizarre ways to say "I run an online business selling merch with my shitty art on it" like I've never seen an artist struggle so much with describing their occupation
No. 967533
>>967467Are you being sarcastic?
Of course sex sells, Kim K is proof of it. Are you a Puritan or something?
No. 967610
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I legitimately thought the right hand had sausage fingers. I understand she tried adding a shadow under the fingers, but it lacks technique. It makes that hand look bee-stung compared to the left.
No. 967711
File: 1588359290366.jpg (583.78 KB, 1644x2048, IMG_20200501_144800.jpg)

>>967530She has a color wheel hanging up in her house too, I thought it was so weird the first time I saw it.
Like a someone playing dress up thinking, "yes, my high school Painting 1 teacher had this hanging up in our classroom!! Everyone will know I'm an artist if I have this!"
Like, if you're such a true purveyor of the arts like she tries to make the three art books she puts in every photo suggest, you'd think she would get some prints or something?
The only art I've seen hanging up on her walls is her own.
No. 967747
File: 1588363464438.jpeg (389.25 KB, 1513x1143, 994B5B33-3537-4A5B-8EDE-F7C811…)

>>967711Let’s not forget she only hung up her own art and only retweeted people kissing her ass and degrading themselves because they don’t look like her up until recently. When other anon forums called her out, she tweeted asking people to share their art so she can buy small artists’ art. She is in under no obligation to promote other artists, but she’s been ~successful~ for four years (according to her splotchy timeline). Why is she only now doing this? I can’t find the tweet, but Angel posted saying she reads over the PULL threads lol. Anyway, you can’t ever say anything about Alyssa because her sister will come for you super fast. Sad life when your sis is your only real friend.
No. 967748
File: 1588363542537.jpeg (203.58 KB, 744x938, 29DF1D32-21F5-43D0-BB90-9C8C69…)

>>967747Featuring the staged cheese platter
No. 967751
>>967744I don’t care about her escorting either. I wouldn’t pay her any mine at all if she wasn’t such a liar lol the fact she can’t even admit to herself that she’s an influencer and not an artist. That, and the weird blackface art thing. That’s always bugged me.
Her sister’s twitter is a lot better, even though even she can’t resist bringing up the HIGHRISE too much. Plus she has a few photos of Aly where she actually looks like a human being, and she isn’t as annoying.
No. 967791
File: 1588372128657.jpeg (307.52 KB, 1589x943, 611A96F9-1612-4D99-BF64-C1A02C…)

>>967747So the day all the condo drama went down was April 19th. This is when a ton of tweets/memes making fun of Alyssa’s flexing started to pop up. It started because of that tweet to the left that got over 13K likes. A lot of people in the comments were talking about how they can’t stand Alyssa showing off everything. Notice how that tweet was sent at close to 3 p.m. One hour later, Angel tweeted the tweet on the right. It’s obviously a response to everyone growing suspicious of Alyssa, since a lot of people were attacking her that day. What an oddly specific convo with grandma to bring up lmao. I guess they shared a house with 16 people??
I also like the way she implies Alyssa owns the cOnDo that she’s renting.
No. 967795
File: 1588372533109.jpeg (50.08 KB, 750x214, 86B52EA7-84EE-4238-B400-C56376…)

>>967791Bonus: A stranger replying to Alyssa’s tweet. I’ve legitimately seen people say they quit their job to pursue Alyssa’s freelance lifestyle. It’s definitely their fault for being impressionable, but Alyssa will like these tweets and give them false hope.
I feel like Alyssa gets a pass because she’s a woman of color. But if she were a white woman drawing Black women, that would not go over well. Anyone who comes after Alyssa gets told they’re sexist, racist, or have internalized misogyny for not wanting to see a ~bad bish~ succeed. However, I don’t think it’s a sustainable model. Her business depends on her fans. The internet will find a new e-girl to dawn over in a few months. Remember when people were obsessed with Dakota Rose? Jessica Nigri? Belle Dephine? These women are fads. What I hate most is that Alyssa has Pixielocks levels of self-importance. Like when Jillian claims she’ll never have to work a regular job again! Right as YouTube doubled down on demonetizing and she started losing Patreon supporters. Depending on online supporters is a risky lifestyle. You’re only 22. You haven’t “made it” yet when your situation can change at any time.
No. 967887
File: 1588384435225.jpeg (378.43 KB, 1800x1280, 29C179A8-2A86-40B3-AACB-213BAF…)

Back at it again with retweeting these type of replies
No. 968009
>>967795I don’t think her work looks like “white” people at all. It looks like she uses herself as the model or uses anime fantasy or some hybrid of the two. Her skin palettes are so muddy and gross. That’s the real shame.
She probably won’t last long after the art phase is over since she’ll be escorting and claiming something else like streaming.
No. 968052
>>968041>She's had lots of work done and photoshops the fuck out of herself.You mean she isn't built like an extremely long legged anime character via genetics alone? Say it ain't so anon!
>>968030You okay? kek.
No. 968103
File: 1588436211637.jpg (56.94 KB, 629x476, balloons.jpg)

>>967319nice spot anon, this isnt super fucky but is evidence shes messing around with ps
im still not convinced
>>966947 and
>>966928 weren't manufactured in ps, a lot of her pics seriously look like she took indoor pics of herself and shooped herself onto the background, shes already admitted to doing just that
No. 968200
>>968030>>968187Aly isn’t even rich though I’m so confused why this keeps being brought up
She is rich in social media followers if that’s why you guys mean???
No. 968248
>>968244On the surface it looks rich but looking deeper into it
The vacations she’s going to are 3rd/2nd world countries, you can live like a king on very cheap
The stupid high rise condo thing she keeps bragging about just shows how she’s not rich? Rich people don’t brag about this stuff constantly, especially when the condo she has is a lowtier one on the strip.
Also the whole “freelancers can’t make 4K lul”, yes you can. I’m not popular online but that amount of money is obtainable, it just takes considerable amount of networking and luck to secure contracts.
No. 968267
>>968250I’m not trying to school you though lol??
There’s a group here that says she’s rich and downplaying it, playing rich but actually poor, another that says she comes from generational wealth, so which is it?
Her stealing photos and using her personal army makes her a cow, but focusing on her perceived wealth just looks like mad poorfags.
No. 968270
File: 1588466006775.jpeg (517.15 KB, 750x1140, 6F854A01-CD75-44B9-91B5-CCF0B2…)

So is it all-nighters or waking up early?? Because even in her “I stayed up all night uwu” shots she looks done-up. She rarely creates new art and has at least four assistants (this is according to her). Hmm.
No. 968272
>>968267Ah, I see your point. I thought you were referring to the anon that pointed out that defending her business model is as brainwashed as when poor people defend billionaires because they believe they’ll somehow become one someday. An American phenomenon it seems.
I think it’s a mixture of support from her family, her looks, her sponsors, etc. When people ITT call her rich I don’t think they mean it quite literally, of course compared to Bezos or Musk she isn’t even half a drop in the bucket, but she makes a lot of money for someone with little talent and skill. However yeah I see a lot of people on twitter who buy her BS and think she’s a grillbwass badass with fat stacks.
No. 968276
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>>968274This. Yeah, she isn’t exactly rich, and in about two years I’m sure she’ll have to resort to getting a full-time job elsewhere, but it’s the fact she perceives herself to be so rich that is laughable. “Owning” a high-rise isn’t milky in and of itself, but going on about it and acting like you bought it is something else. Only retweeting people buying your art and worshipping the ground you walk on is pathetic. Sending your followers to mass report people who make a joke about it is dumb. And, stealing pictures, which I think has only been mentioned in other forums, is stupid when you get angry that other people steal your art.
For those who don’t know, there’s proof she’s stolen pictures of popular destinations. When confronted about it, she ignores it, but Angel has defended her saying she just uses other people’s photos because she didn’t take enough landscape shots of said trip. That Alyssa only takes selfies (which shows how vain she is) and doesn’t “get the chance” to take pics of the scenery. She actually does travel, but she used to steal photos from small photographers. People have found this out and proven it by reverse Google searching. Which is shitty.
Anyway, pic related shows how impressionable her followers are.
No. 968323
>>968321Sakimichan is an excellent example of someone with an amazing work ethic and tons of technical skill, regardless of whether you’re interested in what she does or not—she delivers.
Aly only just recently made a tweet saying she’s working on a new “piece,” likely because we’ve said she doesn’t create new work, and the pic she posted was of the back of an easel and literally no WIP posed to show off her HIGHRISECONDOHIGHRISE view.
No. 968342
File: 1588486781527.jpg (197.94 KB, 1280x1811, 66iFUVc.jpg)

Are we still posting lulzy not big enough to have their own threads? Cause I have one I had the misfortune of befriending years back. Rex Equinox does weird fetish transformation art who I'm fairly certain traces a lot. She's somewhat known in the UK costume scene as a Xenomorph cosplayer with her neckbeard bf doing Predator. Outside of tracing probably a good portion of her commissions. She was always whining about her shit relationship and not so subtly e begging people cause his fat ass never went to work meaning she was the main income. There's a docu style youtube vid of her with the bf from years back on their shared youtube account. Serious creepo serial killer vibe from him never once looking at the camera man only ever the floor. Started distancing myself after that. Thread reminded me of her and checked her DA and still uploading traced looking shit.
No. 968344
>>968321> You're ignoring the fact that she isn't making enough art to justify that ind of income. Do you have receipts to back that up or?? There are plenty of things that don’t deserve to be bought but are still popular(KJ makeup for example). like it sucks she clearly doesn’t have artist prowess but she has the marketing and branding skills, and honestly that’s all you need to make money.
So to clarify, a good “artist” she’s not - a good business woman - maybe? All she needs is 1% of her following to buy her shit and she’s set.
No. 969796
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No. 969808
File: 1588762855581.jpg (41.8 KB, 800x748, iuCXF0XAGE.jpg)

>>969797What passes for inspiring art in 2020:
No. 970358
File: 1588868887787.jpeg (433.55 KB, 750x832, 1C309539-D921-4E7C-8EAB-935598…)

~pan~ ft. Sailor Moon glass
No. 970359
File: 1588868958848.jpeg (400.52 KB, 750x791, E558FBBD-8964-418B-B90C-990F51…)

>>970358retweeting praise about her. Get a new shtick.
No. 970422
File: 1588878860535.png (2.59 MB, 750x1334, 37641B19-6E4B-4893-AB76-D48D4B…)

>>970411So I searched twitter but I’m on mobile so the searches are kinda vague and not too detailed but from what I got
tldr: “white woke queer muh oppression” artist pulled an Ariana grande and drew herself in brown face 1/?
No. 970423
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>>970422The “self portrait”
No. 970429
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>>970422She locked her account. I don’t follow her and I don’t wanna follow cos that’s too obvs
No. 970433
File: 1588879302548.jpeg (195.36 KB, 750x990, 2D413483-586A-4FD3-9AD4-2BF331…)

apparently she’s been blocking people too. I’m curious what she’s saying or if she’s gonna be private then come back like nothing happened.(self-posting, racebait)
No. 970456
>>97044Who cares? Well
>>970411 asked
No. 970486
>>970422This is so funny LMAO
I swear the quarantine is making everyone rapid
No. 970595
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>>970433learn to draw, lia.
No. 970596
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>>970595>>970433"You guys draw too many white people! THINK ABOUT BLACK REPRESENTATION!!!"
>Only draws white people No. 970608
>>970598A dark grey monstrous insectoid covered in blood = a black person
anon please say /s
No. 970634
File: 1588904420505.jpeg (323.76 KB, 750x768, 43E0E07C-F92E-4E15-A703-C7C239…)

>>970433Lmao You must be one of /those/ people.
Lighter skinned folks shouldn’t identify with other skin colors but their own, but it’s okay when
you do it hmmm. Sounds like a lot of self hatred to me lol.
(Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting)) No. 970699
>>970684Personally I don't think it's that racist, just cringey. It's on the same tier as people who are fat irl but draw themselves skinny, or are average but draw themselves as gorgeous.
I guesss the most offensive part of it is that it seems like racial fetishization. Everyone knows basic instagram artists love drawing thick-lipped black/ambigiously brown girls, but it's really funny seeing some white chick go so far she draws herself as one.
No. 970811
>>970409This is her classic go to tanned beach caucasian bimbo, I bet if she drew her naked, there'd be tan lines.
I also follow her on twitter and she literally did what any person trying to avoid drama should do - close for few day, blocked the biggest idiots and drama queens and comment absolutely nothing on the subject. She didn't even delete the pictures. My bet is she will open the account in few days, just so she doesn't loose blue checkmark. I follow her and her clique (Bartel, Wada, Anka etc.) for few years now and didn't even register there is any drama.
Such a non drama outside of some black beach bimbo being bored during quarantine.
If you want some loolz, look into Jen Bartel. Her picture is probably next to "stupid woke mediocre artist twitter celebrity" definition on Wikipedia. She's also hardcore opinionated and reads pretentious AF. Nothing major, but funny.
No. 971022
File: 1588972143137.png (164.18 KB, 528x394, ahhhhhh.PNG)

>>970811When I went to FIT I remember my friend showing me one of Jen's tweets and it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. FIT has a shitty illustration program don't get me wrong but she comes off self important than what she actually is. I hope she at least gave artist who emailed her some good advice but i highly doubt it.
No. 971034
>>970685Definitely self-hating, her skin tone doesn't usually tan so it's not like this is "me in the summer"
Just a little weird.
No. 971207
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she can’t possibly be getting enough orders for a warehouse…? this posturing is getting insane
No. 971208
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>>971207also, why does she even have easels if she’s only using them as stands for paintings she did ages ago? all she does is rotate them to face her selfies. come through obsessive compulsive tendencies
No. 971239
>>971207that was probably a joke
No. 971267
File: 1589011718480.jpg (444.95 KB, 1024x1024, EWVHRzkU0AEHlIs.jpg)

>>971207That's not enough for a warehouse
All that stuff can fit onto one industrial/garage storage rack
Life would be easier if she had an actual office with a desk but i guess it isn't her "aesthetic" or photograph worthy
No. 972800
File: 1589284228732.jpeg (227.66 KB, 750x660, F5B68B42-3EEF-4797-8F8A-60DDC2…)

I like how every single thing she does is so calculated. Like how she read her thread and decided to tweet this as a blanket explanation for the fact that she doesn’t actually make any art.
No. 972804
>>972801She’s definitely slowed down a lot since people started calling her out, so at this point an individual thread will probably be really slow.
I know a lot of Filipina women and they’re very carefree, outspoken, and hilarious individuals who aren’t reminiscent of aly in any way. I’m sure that people wouldn’t group you into a very limited category that only fits influencers with boobjobs.
No. 972812
>>972804Yes because my fellow artists don't thrive on validation towards their looks, and they actually post art. But today the girl has made excuses about not making art in months, which apparently for a full time artist is something she can afford.
>>972800If she was a full time artist who really came from nothing, she won't be able to afford months to take time off from her sole means of livelihood. She clearly has a guarantor (safest assumption is her family) because who's gonna pay the rent for that high rise unit…
No. 981627
File: 1590946655394.jpg (385.33 KB, 1080x1347, Screenshot_20200531-193101_Twi…)

>>970423Do you know when's the best moment to be say sorry for percwived racial transgressions? When the are BLM riots and it gets you most woke points.'m not even Western European/American and don't give an eff about racial issues in the US, but I do find it hilariously tone deaf and out of place, especially after nobody cared after 24 hrs when original thing happened. Way to go making ir about yurself, Babs.
No. 991199
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I mean, this is shitty but gotta love the ~tiny~ part
No. 991240
File: 1592803179343.png (1.21 MB, 1440x1549, Mcgon.png)

Not milk but I noticed Sarah McGonagall does the same insecurity RTs as Alythuh. It's hard to find talented women to follow who aren't up their own ass and uncomfortably neurotic, sarah is a good example. Always blogposting and framing common knowledge as word-shattering insight.
No. 991380
>>991240Oh my god I'm so tired of this girl and was pretty much waiting for her to end up on lolcow. I tried following her for her art, but wading through all of her egotistical tweets just wasn't worth it.
She heavily romanticizes bad time management skills and inefficiency as "dedication" and brags about "working a billion hours" on tiny details that either don't show in the final photos or could have easily been shopped in. She also
constantly brags about "doing everything herself" when it eventually came out that her dad is a theatrical design professional, so she's had an invisible, highly skilled "assistant" helping with every build. She also reuses huge pieces built by theatrical crews, "leftover" professional set pieces, walls, etc without crediting anyone or mentioning it. It's "all her" until people start asking specific questions and she admits she had "a little help".
Last Halloween she ran out of time to finish this Joker makeup look, so instead of the final makeup she posted a picture of herself having a meltdown over poor time management, with a long ass caption about how desperately hard she worked on all these other things.
Mostly I'm just tired of watching her publicly suck her own dick. It's gotta be exhausting being so obsessed with yourself.
No. 992083
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Soeymilk rant
No. 992087
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>>992083The drawing in question…
No. 992090
File: 1592880589572.jpeg (299.85 KB, 750x502, 32D8ABE1-C7DB-42D0-93D3-5CC14B…)

>>992087VS Soey’s normal, obviously adult body and face
No. 992108
File: 1592881723746.jpeg (570.48 KB, 750x1140, 92129EEE-6E02-4FD2-A03C-36BDAC…)

>>992087The issue with this is that as an artist who has painted many semi-photorealistic adult women. She knows anatomy. So she knows this isn’t what she looks like, and that those are not the limbs of a woman. And if she truly believes that is what she looks like, well. Someone needs a reality check. It sounds like she really believes people are just jealous of her….?
No. 992188
>>992174it’s a drawing fully viewable on instagram retard.
cool it drama queen.
No. 992207
>>992069I've always wondered about her, the way she presented herself was a little too self-romanticized.
Her relationship with her partner has a huge age gap too.
No. 992224
>>992203no I’m not. YOU chose to jump to that conclusion. not once did anyone on here even say the sketch is sexualized. it’s just quite simply a child, and not an adult. that is anatomically obvious. no need to act purposefully obtuse. i never would have even noticed it if she didn’t spin a ridiculous lie about it being “her” instead of going about her business. you can look at the caption and see she edited it to say she used herself as reference to backpedal. i am not a puritan, just allergic to cow tendencies.
>>992207he’s a yellow fever creep. before he even got with her, he was only dating asian women and painting them nakedconstantly as well. but she obviously benefits from the relationship greatly, so whatever she’s into i guess.
No. 992247
File: 1592904230902.png (Spoiler Image,384.25 KB, 574x427, dunno.png)

>>992087>>992090Hate to defend a potential cow, but this feels like a reach. She's pretty small chested when she's not bending over? And while I'll agree she softened her features and made her head too big, it doesn't really look that far off from her otherwise. Her defense post was sorta cringe tho.
>>992224Is there actual milk on this girl?
No. 992255
>>992247The ears are tiny. The body is tiny. The shoulders are tiny. The arms are tiny. The hands are tiny.
It may not be sexualised, but anatomically it’s painfully obvious it’s a prepubescent girl lol. Your comparison literally shows that. She’s thin but she still has an adult body, adult ears, an adult face, adult shoulders, adult arms. I’m no moralfag but her pulling such a ridiculous lie out of her ass because she couldn’t handle people pointing out the obvious when so many of her followers are artists and very visually attuned was surprisingly dumb.
It doesn’t have to be a matter of morale or taste. I’m just saying, that’s not a depiction of a woman by any means. Like flat out lmao.
No. 992438
File: 1592921805416.jpg (116.02 KB, 626x787, download (2).jpg)

>>992087ot but why does she draw tacky trash like picrel when she's capable of doing that? i guess its because tacky sells
hands still are way too tiny for that to be an adult
No. 992446
File: 1592922534665.jpg (1.4 MB, 1218x1694, Oneiric Note_RSZ.jpg)

>>992438was going through her archives and found this which actually looks like she mightve referenced a kid or something. a little creepy but i dont think shes a pedo.
shes so good but nearly all of her art is bdsm/sex themed or some instagram sex workers portrait. it's a waste of talent honestly.
No. 992566
>>992301>weirdly pressedI’m a fine artist so I (and plenty others) immediately noticed. It’s not a matter of being “pressed” it’s just visually obvious.
Young girls often have breasts, yeah. They’re still children. Dunno what’s not clicking.
>>992469This is hilarious. No, you do not have an underdeveloped neck, underdeveloped hands, underdeveloped ears, underdeveloped shoulders, etc. This isn’t just “petite”. You’re def not an artfag. Or a good one at the very least. Why you’d try to claim you have actual midget proportions is beyond me. Y’all will lie about anything.
>>992446No one is saying she’s a pedophile. I def don’t think she is. Delusional however—maybe. Like the anon above.
No. 992636
>>992069This thread derailed like crazy with anons taking things way too personally, but you made a great point.
> It’s pretty known that in fine art, pedophiles and ephebophiles routinely look for art of children and young people and invest in artists that paint heavily coded images.Epstein paid out the nose for questionable fine art of young-looking women and girls. She's not a pedo, but pedo-pandering just to make a quick buck is incredibly morally bankrupt.
No. 992852
File: 1592948190216.jpg (173.68 KB, 1300x866, 122548098-hot-air-balloon-flyi…)

>>966947I know I'm late to this, but I quickly google searched "turkey air balloon" and found this picture with the same exact balloon. It could have just been taken the same day, but it's just as plausible that she found the rest of these professional pictures and just shooped them in
No. 993319
File: 1592982965389.png (445.06 KB, 899x684, 204a64a70322c5fea895e7726daf96…)

Soey romanticizes young girls. Honestly, age gap relationships…it's mostly a large, blaring sign of issues. I.e. she gets off on it. But, not illegal, just… kinky. Most artists are.
On another note,
Most of male art Twitter is ugly as fuck right now. Left and right people getting exposed for misconduct. I can't believe schools didn't have a rule against fucking students!
No. 993328
File: 1592983417722.png (154.06 KB, 892x993, 9cd53e08b70790ca08e6203a0e670a…)

>>993319or the schools do have rules and I'm naively retarded.
Here's a bit from a thread on Jason Latour. They go on to say he stared at their partners chest anytime they were around, and Babz said they experienced a similar thing from him. Ha.
No. 993332
File: 1592983901132.png (183.08 KB, 889x1063, bef7905ec857f5cc0eceb4beee0ad7…)

And, Cameron Stewart. Pedo.
Also we can bring in Noah Bradley into this thread. That fuck is the king. But all of these guys don't have milk anymore. Dead cows. Herded out… Glad Aly and Jen Bartel are still around for milk!
No. 993434
File: 1592991425656.jpeg (335.59 KB, 750x1072, A0CE5447-4AA8-4526-8276-00CDB8…)

This passive aggressive caption lol
No. 993482
>>992247nta but,,, are you blind? compare the size of the ears (also she has pretty big ears damn), the size of the breasts, the shape of their mouths. I don't buy it for a second she used herself as a reference lol
When I first looked at it I thought it was a sort of Alice in Wonderland reference, nothing more to it, her reaction is whats suspect here.
why is she acting so pressed over one comment?? geez, for an artist she sure has a thin skin
No. 993517
>>993482I’m a little surprised at the denial. No one is denouncing her talent, in fact her talent is what makes her response to this more shocking. I wasn’t disappointed in the image so much as her flimsy lies in response.
She has the visual and anatomical knowledge and skill to know that’s not her. If you are familiar with her work, you also know she’s drawn self portraits before and in none of them does she look like a child. Even if you want to argue that the portrait is highly stylized, you can see that no other portrait of petite women she has made depicts them with the bodies of children, either, and they clearly have adult features and development. Even in the doodle she posted in response to the backlash she gave the fucking chibis more womanly features than she did that “self portrait.” They all have fully developed necks, shoulders, ears, etc. How does she know to make cartoon women look like women more than an art piece she spent hours on? No argument holds up.
No. 1005101
File: 1594387180556.jpeg (146.35 KB, 828x508, 37BCC958-E9F5-4FA4-B104-DB756B…)

>>1005092So soey is defending kent and calling him the most respectful man she’s ever met. Is it just me, or is constantly soliciting your (apparently, predominantly asian) students to pose nude anything other than pervert-status?
i would be far from surprised if other men defended each other and calling it ~fine art~ to only ask their thin, female students to pose nude, but this girl is all kinds of brainwashed.
No. 1005106
File: 1594387827090.jpeg (383.34 KB, 828x925, C3F4ADE2-70E4-43F9-BBDF-8B8148…)

>>1005101*to clarify, i’m not defending her ex bf. but i find it very sad that she sees herself as her teachers soulmate, and not his prey, like she was a special case and not just another 18 year old girl he was lucky enough to jump on. it’s just sad to see such a talented and beautiful girl waste many of her formative years with an old man with yellow fever that stays with her only because he knows she’s as good as it gets for him. could hardly call that love. his past is very obvious, you can deduce this just from scrolling his ig alone.
No. 1006811
>>966927>>991199Very late to the party, but there's a very public old website called where one of her distant great uncles kept track of their clan. Some of her ancestors were famous Filipino folk musicians. The oldest confirmed ancestor they tracked was even appointed by the Spanish army back then to direct an orchestra. Two ancestors were renowned musicians / film score composers in the Philippines back in the 20th century. Their family even has a crest, which you can't get if you aren't royalty or nobility during the olden times.
The information on the website
almost checks out, errors aside. One of the pages has her's and her sister's names listed on who I assume to be their mother's page. Her name was written as Alicia, but her birthdate was correct (May 9, 1997). Her sister's birthdate was also correct because there were people on Twitter greeting her a happy birthday around February 13. (I only mentioned the sister here because she was also very public in defending her back during the aphobiakills mess.)
All her claims about being "self made" and getting rich through art is bullshit because she was already from a family who have been already wealthy for at least 6 generations.
No. 1011901
File: 1595563442047.png (2.82 MB, 1802x1628, Silos Family Crest.png)

>>1006811"Self made artist" my ass, her family name has already been prominent since the Philippines was a Spanish colony (at least).
(necro) No. 1040090
File: 1600298956208.jpeg (592.75 KB, 1570x2048, 6D5A61C1-E6F5-42CB-B0E2-240EF1…)

It appears that Alyssa has upgraded to using other women as photo op accessories as well.
No. 1040092
File: 1600299051276.jpeg (443.91 KB, 828x953, F98D1F0A-7D0D-4D59-929F-5A6960…)

>>1040090Also, still ridiculously simulated
No. 1040094
File: 1600299093113.jpeg (471.86 KB, 828x933, F882BE13-CA73-4F3E-8926-F1C99D…)

>>1040092And lastly, an honorable mention. Embarrassing.
No. 1040276
File: 1600334914823.png (471.48 KB, 447x464, arm.PNG)

>>1040092the fuck is this poorly shopped arm
No. 1040589
>>1040307I think it's the halo of many different colors all along the edges, looks a little sus
Alythuh is genuinely slim and pretty aside from bad shoop, it's the tryhard photoshoots themselves that are most amusing, along with the muddy highschooler art.
No. 1040809
File: 1600401990604.jpeg (522.32 KB, 828x887, 084E47AA-AC2D-4794-AB5E-20595D…)

This shows how bleak things are. Alyssa’s entire brand revolves around her material gain and her appearance and not her shit skill or inability to create something of actual value. It’s sad that she’s going to continue to skate by on her looks alone while your average joe things that this is in any way attainable for them—not to mention why is a shitty overpriced ~*highriseee*~ the end all be all to these people? She’s selling a fantasy.
No. 1040810
File: 1600402099263.jpeg (531.67 KB, 828x788, 18F7E06D-0663-4EB2-A49F-C5D008…)

>>1040809+the way she retweets all of these… vile
No. 1040811
File: 1600402223113.jpeg (76.93 KB, 828x224, 7425FCA5-3F38-4273-9DFF-CDD539…)

Inherited wealth and pushed up tits will do that.
No. 1040813
File: 1600402368936.jpeg (514.76 KB, 1792x2048, FE41B9FB-BF64-4F5A-9AFD-9EA392…)

>>1040811Last of pic dump. I’m assuming she’s designing cheap garments that will be made by seamstresses in China. I also don’t understand her weird obsession with drawing black women only when she isn’t black.
No. 1040828
>>1040811At this point I can't tell if she's just a sex worker cosplaying as an artist or a daughter of a rich family trying to come off as an "Girl Boss Influencer"
Her whole persona, home and art appear so superficial and staged, her condo doesn't even look "lived in"
No. 1040850
File: 1600409385543.jpeg (521.51 KB, 1590x2048, A55AB0B9-F1CE-433C-AEE3-D2140B…)

Ed Hardy called, they want their early 2000s bling design back.
No. 1040856
File: 1600410952732.jpeg (124.63 KB, 593x865, EBFED1BE-D29C-4393-90E7-02A6A5…)

>>1040853You get a bad vibe because it’s deceptive, disingenuous, and overall harmful. The carefully curated inhuman version of herself is retarded. She looks a lot more normal in pics other people post, not that you’ll find many of those anywhere because she’s peddling a delusion.
No. 1040890
>>1040813this is a non-artist type's fantasy of what "designing" looks like
>bust of david that's going to topple over when she tries to snatch the measuring tape>another statue that's there for no reason except to also topple when that tape is pulled>pantone cards stuck in five different places>pantone cards stuck on… mucha printouts? what are you doing with this>oh god, ANOTHER bust?!>someone explain to me why two "figure sketches" are on the wall below the tiger artwork when neither are the kind you use for fashion construction>those two sticks of dried flowers stuck on the wall when there is no flower motif to be seen literally anywhere in any artwork/design>don't even make me go into whatever the fuck's going on with that mannequin>two fucking bras stuck on a hanger in the corner JUST in case you forget she's a whoreWHAT is happening here
No. 1040959
>>1040813 not to amateur designfag but this layout makes my head ache. It's somehow bare and tangled/cluttered at the same time.
I can't put my finger on why it sucks so much. The scale of everything is so off. She takes the palette so literally, like she printed out one of those color palettes from Pinterest and found everything around her house that matched it exactly.
There's something uncanny about it, like it was made by AI.
No. 1041252
>>1040828My money's on sex worker from a middle class/umc family. Her whole flavor is very Vegas.
I've known plenty of privileged young people who were able to do art because they were born rich and they do not behave like this. This is a tacky poor person's idea of what a luxurious life looks like. her whole persona is a skanky Halloween costume of a "successful pop artist."
As other anons have pointed out, her art is…..amateur at best. everything looks like she struggled to render it. Lots of boring, heavily photo referenced, sexualized (black?) women. As far as I can tell, she says nothing with her art. Mild tinfoil but this is probably because she can only paint what she knows which includes: being a staged sexual object and sex worker.
No. 1041394
File: 1600486289001.jpeg (554.13 KB, 1614x2048, E3ED439A-37F6-4080-B6C4-972CD5…)

>>1041252I think her extreme shallowness is also a factor. She doesn’t showcase anyone or anything in her life unless they can be used as a photo prop. I’m sure in her head all criticism is jealousy but surely an entire large community of artists, creators, and hardworking self-employed people saying “you’re a fraud” will have a drawback eventually. She’s a ghastly person, and she can’t keep this up sustainably for as long as I believe she thinks she can. She probably looks at reasonable criticism and backlash and thinks “I’ll show them all, I’m going to be so rich and they’ll be so jealous.” I think that’s what this whole cough cough ‘clothing line’ nonsense is. She thinks she’s facing some sort of adversity and is going to prove everyone wrong when in actuality she’s fueling an ugly lie.
No. 1042412
File: 1600658606158.jpeg (85.57 KB, 828x224, 0C53F605-8DDC-4F9E-B4F9-0AF939…)

Here we go
No. 1042419
File: 1600659182011.jpeg (217.65 KB, 828x688, 959A0E2B-647D-4E71-88DC-326A31…)

>>1042412Both direct responses to being called shallow and disingenuous on
No. 1042421
File: 1600659407282.jpeg (137.97 KB, 828x362, 11F38096-3E8A-46A2-97D5-6E2082…)

>>1042419Oh, she’s also shopping for a warehouse kek
No. 1042519
>>1041394I know this is 2 days old but holy fuck is this staged (in a bad way). From where Alyssa's sitting, her angle of the model in her painting is completely different from what she can likely see. Lighting is completely off too (big shiny highlight on the arm of her painting, while model is actually sitting /against/ the light, which would actually make her mostly covered in shadow). Even the pose is different: model has chin down, arms relaxed, while Alyssa's painting has her chin tilted up, arms pushed forward in a "tense" position.
inb4 I'm called out for nitpicking: yeah, it's common practice to take a photo of a model from a different angle, then keep them posing there to reference for certain features and details. But she's not even retaining the lighting, the folds of the red sheet or even the flowers of her model. She clearly just wanted another pretty picture of her life for her Insta feed.
No. 1042539
>>1040890I didn't zoom in until I read your comment but holy shit at everything in this picture. It looks like an art project (again, by a high school student) trying to represent what fashion design might be with no actual knowledge. My favorite part is the scraps of fabric loosely and messily draped on the mannequin for no reason.
Guarantee her "fashion" will be sweatshop kimonos with some slutty embroidery on it or something.
No. 1043564
File: 1600845003481.jpeg (187.66 KB, 828x482, DA88FA1E-B032-4EB8-ACE4-B61EC4…)

She really, really wants everyone to know she’s an artist guys.
>green-lighting new projects
No. 1043566
File: 1600845031642.jpeg (325.32 KB, 1552x2048, 5212EDB3-842D-428A-AFF6-925DDE…)

Peak fashion.
No. 1048542
File: 1601488765202.jpeg (452.3 KB, 828x872, AF2D3445-5390-41E2-A761-C464EA…)

>two random poorly rendered Pinterest-tier pieces on one easel
>nobody who is actually painting would do this as it would get in the way
>no sheet laid to prevent paint spill
She literally scooted that shit outside to take pics with and put on display
No. 1048557
>>1048542Its like she has only ever seen people paint in anime and movies so she sets up her props all prim and proper in that aesthetic way, not even the "messy" paint shelves look real.
Also the sun isnt even done rising and the painting is already at that stage? Did she start at like 4 am while it was still dark?
No. 1048615
File: 1601497151678.jpeg (340.79 KB, 828x951, 3853DFA6-A729-4DFE-816A-497A16…)

Her arrogance is funny. Aly, business is doing better than others because of your fake tits and fake life.
>>1048557For someone who claims to have such good and pure intentions supposedly, everything she does sure is disingenuous. Desperation practically oozes from her with every staged selfie.
No. 1048642
File: 1601498911925.jpeg (154.66 KB, 551x667, 9FC0A6D8-A606-4351-9984-22FCDC…)

If she’s going to make a self portrait, she really needs to learn how to paint skin tones and stop giving every girl she paints literal blackface maybe
No. 1048683
>>1048642HAHA of COURSE this is a self-portrait of her painting, because "look at me I'm a painter" is so much more important than actually being good at it.
Many anons have pointed out that she's all presentation, no substance. This is the most perfect microcosm of that.
No. 1048768
File: 1601508598136.jpeg (149.66 KB, 750x860, 93C89313-F29E-4FC0-9A55-BFD8BD…)

>>1042905I’m really confused because her timelines never add up. She used to stalk her PULL thread religiously, and someone called her out because she kept saying she was always busy! But she kept using the same recycled paintings each time she posted that she was creating new art. Also, her online shop was just the same paintings on sale for a long time. She wasn’t creating anything new. She posted this in response to the speculation.. but then she goes on to announce her new “clothing line” that she’s been designing for months and says she constantly works 13 hour days. She was unproductive for months.
What happened to that Hot Topic collab?
No. 1048774
File: 1601508855666.jpeg (316.49 KB, 750x929, B3E42444-EF16-42EF-A685-81986A…)

>>1048768Not like the other girls!
No. 1147217
File: 1612084897726.png (20.62 KB, 578x121, 1611945772734.png)

Coming from the art salt thread to talk about my favorite twitter art cows.
Mediocre twit artists:
Loved111333 / lovelyoneee333
>20 something girl who allegedly has ptsd and did>Bullies and harass anyone who speaks up against them. Accused any critique against her as racist attacks>is currently stalking a 15 year old biracial girl who called her out for being a bully>Claimed that she doesnt mean to lash and hurt people, that was her did>art is terribleForgedivory
>this is loved's sister. >tl;dr follows the same suit as aboveAlterego/genkibutch
>another artist that suffers DID>claims that they are japanese/latine/black, but refuse to share any selfies… Their alternate personalities may be different races>always complains how non black skilled artists get more attention than her because she is black>shitty artTeachlko
>everytime there is drama, teachicko is always involved>like loved and forged, she bullies and harass anyone she does not like>if you say you do not like how explosive the discourse she causes, you must be a racist or a pedophileTajmerk
>actually is good at art>threatened to draw incest porn of peoples IRL family>is involved in a lot of discourse like the above listedCheorrysoda
>a mutual of the listed artists above.>does not start drama but tend to hype and spread them like a cronydestinytomoon/orquidiart
>white latine (but she insists shes Jewish now!)>claims that the white gays have bullied her because lesbians were uncomfortable how she fetishized them>faked being a trans mtfsucculentbud
>destiny's bf/gf/partner (insist that their gender changes everyday)>was notorious on tumblr for editing splatoon fanart to darken a character>always shit talking and is involved with discourseRecently;
>javi_draws made a post shitting on paris Hilton y2k fashion>listed company above accuses her of being antiblack and tried to dig up old tweets as evidence>found tweets: javi venting how americancentric twitter news is during the height of blm>meyoco blocks multiple artusts vague tweeting all of this, and is accused being racist as well>javi explained this was about notre dame. A few arab artists (with 20k+ followers) defended her>twitter blew up with accusations of javi supporters being racist, to a black artist who said discourse was too much was a 'coon' to people making vague tweets that we need to do better, to more harassment of nonamerican artists who do not understand the big deal>>691728>>725338end and the start of these art salt threads has caps of the recent incident
These people are involved in other discourses which were touched in other threads such as accusing lovelyrosebun blackfishing, and etc. Theyre small artists who tend to attack artists with 10k+ followers.
No. 1147573
>>1147217Bless you for this anon, I always see these people on my radar because their shitty ass takes make their way in to my feed somehow.
Most of them can't draw, they depend on causing such an insane amount of drama to get attention and followers and know if they didn't they'd never be able to attract a following with their art alone.
Teachiko and alterego are without a doubt the worst ones imo, will be monitoring this thread from here on out to report on these shits.
No. 1147625
File: 1612134118022.png (34.49 KB, 598x438, Screenshot_2021-01-31 freddie …)

>>1147217I don't think this girl is an artist but she was involved in the Javi drama making a list of people that had defended Javi
(I don't think posting the actual names on cowfarms would cause harm to them but still gonna post them just to make sure)
No. 1147629
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>>1147625funny extra thing to add
No. 1147635
File: 1612134897555.png (38.26 KB, 598x404, Screenshot_2021-01-31 no Twitt…)

>>1147217Melanimity was also very involved, including by making the "white people need to stfu but black people that don't agree with me also need to stfu" takes that got other black people calling Heybiji a "coon"
No. 1147695
File: 1612142504291.jpg (62.53 KB, 750x910, 1611978689137.jpg)

>>1147592Tajmerk is working on a secret project with warner brothers I believe?
Picrel: taj threatening to draw incest of people's family over the fictional pedophilia discourse to prove a point
No. 1147704
File: 1612143174898.jpg (288.93 KB, 1079x1079, CollageMaker_20210131_17330962…)

>>1147672Because of tea's username being a typo, you can find more details via teachiko instead of teachlko. I found a lot of gossip through this
Here is teachlcko posting a minor's selfie and asking her followers what they think her race is.
No. 1147706
File: 1612143280748.png (1.69 MB, 1741x2048, Screenshot_20210131-172825.png)

>>1147704Sameanon, but i also found a validate writer subtweeting teachlko about her shit talking about life (possibly about them)
No. 1147717
>>1147704Thanks anon! Yeah, that’s the one. This bitch really has the audacity to call people a racist every 5 seconds but will pull this racist shit on a kid at 22 years old.
She made a callout post calling those artists who made TMNT porn pedos but when it comes to a real minor, it’s fine to leak their selfie from their locked account to trash them whilst encouraging her audience of several thousand followers to keep reposting it and bullying her. I don’t know how she gets away with this in her woke friend circles.
No. 1147744
File: 1612147904597.jpg (221.04 KB, 1078x1570, 20210131_184844.jpg)

>>1147717The drama can be found here first linked post is insane because OP was born and raised in japan and is ethnically Japanese. They are acting as if OP is a white girl even though she has clear asian traits.
I notice something similar where an artist called javi draws a white British when that was not true at all. I wonder if these people are trying to force whitewashing on actual
POC to elevate their excuse of harassing people because "white people sucks, so this behavior is OK"
No. 1147766
>>1147760>>1147760LMAO so much for mocking Javi, Fatma and others for locking their accounts and "not facing concequences" or whatever.
Did she block because of people calling her out for
>>1147704 or only because of javi related stuff?
No. 1147789
>>1147760I think she went private because she wanted to post a selfie? I guess she cant handle criticisms on her own selfies compared to a japanese teen
>>1147766Nothing was ever confirmed. It was speculated and therefore racist.
No. 1147812
File: 1612153383294.png (171.04 KB, 478x554, Screenshot_2021-02-01 Bug Enth…)

I was thinking maybe this would be to old to post but the other anon posted screenshots from 2019 so here it goes. Some more Tajmerk and Teachico potential milk
Posting this cuz tajmerk caling them a "coon" reminds me of people calling heybiji a "coon" too.
I don't completely understand the misgendering part cuz idolomantises has "he/they" on profile now, but maybe that wasn't the case before, dunno. No. 1148328
>>1147888jfc no it's not.
You're just burrowing yourself into a corner because you don't want to walk out of it with the internet being FINE. Not great, but FINE.
Cuz then you'll be wrong and all your protests would be just whining.
There's only as much anti-blackness as you feed yourself. Draw whatever the hell you want–if someone says shit about it then ignore it, if it continues THEN speak out about it.
Jfc they're all just weak weenies that want clout and attention without working for it. Fuck the fuck off.
No. 1148673
File: 1612225859060.jpg (309.55 KB, 1080x1788, 291n281jsw8wn.jpg)

Fucking hell, Theese people never want to move on
No. 1148676
>>1148673Ah yes let’s counter racism by making sweeping generalizations of certain groups
Social media was a mistake
No. 1148695
>>1147888This is the same artist who got upset because heybiji retweeted december tweets calling out discourse seekers as narcissistic abusers, and as someone with npd she took it personally lol..
>>1148328I agree, I stop following artists that constantly spoke about duscourse everyday, and now my TL is drama free. But encouraging that would have these types calling you antiblack
No. 1148855
File: 1612236541199.png (33.81 KB, 598x444, Screenshot_2021-02-01 moon riv…)

>>1148695>and as someone with npd she took it personally lolAnd in this case "taking it personally" means "immedeatly triying to get people to give you money from it" lmao
I'm not sure if the irony is lost on her or if she just absolutely doesn't care
No. 1151222
File: 1612392095906.png (1.76 MB, 1519x2048, Screenshot_20210203-144113.png)

After leaving twitter because her DID alters was harassing people without her realizing it, Guess who is back?
No. 1151270
at least I know this acct is still good to keep blocked, saves me time worrying what new acct with a shitty (or worse) name she'll use to narc with
No. 1154436
>>1154193Lol, true.
Maybe they tought her apology was actually good enought that if they tried to publicly pile her again some people would actually see through their shit this time, but I dunno
Also, from the 2.5 people that have commented on it (not part of the main gang), if these people suddenly remember to care expect them to use arguments such as "well why is she still locked then, huh?"
No. 1154448
File: 1612659158079.png (96.43 KB, 398x569, Screenshot_2021-02-07 ♡Thugs B…)

>>1154193Tajmerk is still throwing shit at other people tho
No. 1154451
File: 1612659278266.png (226.79 KB, 478x551, Screenshot_2021-02-07 ♡Thugs B…)

>>1154448Part two
>it's actually fucking heart breaking to see how many people still follow herSomeone's a lil jelly lmao
No. 1155235
File: 1612737320276.png (32.82 KB, 598x344, Screenshot_2021-02-07 Twitter(…)

>>1154193>>1154436And after a bit Melanimity (now Melonyn) notices Javi's apology and, golly jee such a stupendous surprise, doesn't take it anybody know anything previous about this girl? She sounds a potential drama chaser. I'm curious to know if she has any past milk.
No. 1155256
File: 1612738862874.jpg (204.15 KB, 1736x2048, 20210207_235845.jpg)

>>1155235> draws picrelated A lot of tweets are related to infighting or any other artist dramas.
Only after that this artist started getting clout, eg they had 700 on 30th jaun but the javi drama, along with other infightings gave them clout.
Seems like a super petty person to me.
No. 1155260
File: 1612739300572.png (23.54 KB, 598x233, Screenshot_2021-02-07 hal no T…)

>>1155235This girl too. She also gives me mighty bad feelings.
She's not even black or
poc, so she doesn't even have a reason to be personaly offended. Also her account was created this January, is it that common for people to create a twitter account and immedeatly start jumping on this type of stuff?>>1155256Ye I noticed that part about the clout too when I saw her mention she was at 800 little after the Javi stuff. Now she's at 1000.
Really telling how you can gain followers that quick that way smh
>Seems like a super petty person to me.>>1147635 No. 1155309
File: 1612741919539.png (75.35 KB, 535x502, Screenshot_2021-02-07 jonas(si…)

>>1154104Alright so apparently they did see it, but some of them (including miss "someone called me out for being a narcisist, gimme money") are now saying they just didn't wanna read cuz it was too long.
Write a quick twitter apology: they will find anything they can nitpick and throw even more shit at you
Write a longer google docs apology triying to explain it better: they won't read it cuz goldenfish attention span and will possibly somehow find a way to make one single tweet/comment about how writing a long apology is actually bad (and hopefully leave you alone quicker cuz they didn't actually bother reading the document to nitpick it?)
At least Sleepy Mia is being a bit more understanding than Melonyn and greatgalaktyka No. 1156966
>>1156204Was her tumblr something like this?
>gala calls someone out for being problematic for the 8th time this month>she gets anon hate, 'why are you so selfish?'>she replies with ACKTUALLY this is VERY ABLEIST, because I cannot help being an egostical asshole! Thats just npd. Do you hate neurodivergent folx?I dont think I bumped into her blog on tumblr, but Ive met similar types.
No. 1164233
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Sage because not directly art related but it's about the same gang that cancelled Javi. Not sure if the situation itself is completely milky because they at least did it with good intentions and it still isn't completely clear, but Melonyn, Teachiko, Angel Face, etc… were all sharing too hell and back the hashtags #findsai and #helpsai because of a black trans woman that had supposedelly been kidnapped and were sharing her gofundme (melonyn was even sperggin again about other
poc not being supportive of black people again) but it turned out the kidnapping was a lie (sai claims something else happened that made her feel very threatened, but it's not very clear).
Greatgalaktyca's first response is funny (she later changed her tone when it seemed more clear) have no idea who that white boy is supposed to be btw)
Some people started defaulting into "duuurr if you actually donated to black trans folx's go fund me's they wouldn't need to scam you to get your attention, so scamming is actually good" but now it seems it's kinda going more in a "noooo you can't say you immediately knew it was a scam that's transphobic". Basically they're going through the stages of grief right now.
No. 1185141
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I was curious what that group of artists is up to by now so I went to check succulentbud/jay and was unsurprised to find he's still out there canceling people lol
No. 1185142
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>>1185141the comission in question
No. 1188781
>>1185141It's…it's a commission.
The artist had no say in what gets drawn????
And even besides that, who the fuck cares????????????