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No. 557173
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
previous thread
>>545052 No. 557223
File: 1590241395101.gif (1.12 MB, 367x399, ezgif-2-1fb4db3a049d.gif)

>>557173someone on PULL said that megat0nraid had traced the rin drawing twice, and lo and behold.. (specifically the nose, mouth, and head shape on the right)
when your new icon that you change to DURING BEING CALLED OUT FOR TRACING is traced… well. you're pretty fucked, arent you?
No. 557252
>>557232Do you have the exact video/stream of the tablet, or some of her homophobia-
Like, I knew she was a bit up her ass, but wow
No. 557275
File: 1590248031772.png (793.17 KB, 1024x576, Screenshot_2020-05-23 Screw Yo…)

>>557271screenshot for those who don't want to give her views. listened a little into the video and she is nuts.
No. 557285
File: 1590248917618.png (98.91 KB, 503x383, Screenshot_2.png)

You want to know if an artist is tracing?
Look at how the head doesn't match up with the body. The shoulders are wonky, the neck is too short, it looks like she's hunched over but not really.
Christ does NOBODY in her hugbox have fucking EYES???
No. 557307
>>557293Just cause I think this piece of "evidence" is garbage, doesn't mean I'm riding her dick. I've been the one giving pointers this whole time about how to approach this, since I've called out tracers before and I can tell you but if the evidence shows even smallest possibility that it's just copied and not traced, it's gonna discredit the whole thing. People will use any possible excuse to defend her and if the evidence is bad like in that gif (it doesn't even line up) people will just take that as you (the accuser) being jealous bully and won't care about the rest of the evidence, even if that evidence was
No. 557505
>>557289i already had one of her simps bother me about it, but honestly i still believe it's evidence. if you look st the nose and mouth, they match entirely. on the same twitter i literally say that the whole thing doesn't have to be traced to have tracing in it. that most tracers WON'T trace the whole thing, just parts. and yet they ignore that entirely.. if they're choosing to be dumb blind bitches, that's on them, and doesn't alter the fact that the piece is definitely traced (at least in the parts i mentioned.)
nobody could convince hardcore hugboxies anyway, so it's not FOR them. they would argue her fucking confession. it's for people with eyes who aren't ridiculously biased towards a thief.
No. 557684
File: 1590290961310.jpeg (130.36 KB, 716x503, CA504915-52A2-4CA3-B746-5AC45A…)

>>557474Is this a self-post? Regardless, it was a bit boring, pretty basic opinions.
vid summary:
1) black and white conversations (example is tracing, either good or bad)
2) how defensive artists are (example is art styles being "copied")
3) over monetizing (example is palette and species adopts)
4) people nitpicking tutorials for not showing fat people
5) contention between artists who draw ugly and pretty characters
No. 557686
>>557684I posted the video and honestly I just really dislike everything about the video maker. They're pretty unremarkable and are so obviously cherry-picking controversies to comment on for clout. I've seen a message from them on one video about YanDev I had watched where she gloated how even though all her fans wanted her to, she refused to draw Yandere-chan.
She's just kind of boring and a clout chaser, not a cow quite at this moment but could possibly be in the future.
Also it was another fucking Sailor Moon redraw because this bitch needs attention.
No. 557697
>>557684Personally, I don’t like tracing, no matter how you do it, you won’t learn unless to eye what you’re trying to trace and draw it.
But I guess I can see where she’s coming from, even if clout chasing. I mean, she traces in the vid for this art piece, and it hindered her piece. The right eye is incredibly bigger than the other
No. 557781
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>>557768ntayrt, but yeah, he did. raiko hasn't posted anything since that clown minato a few days ago, either.
No. 557820
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No. 557821
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No. 557831
File: 1590329724050.gif (1.89 MB, 755x800, 03.gif)

tracing since 2013
No. 557890
>>557820Oh fuck dude.
And I bet this was a commission too.
Absolutely disgusting.
No. 557919
>>557821lmao this is the best one yet and highlights how tracing is a piss poor ""learning"" tool. The only part she didn't trace (probably traced from a different image lbr) is the head of the keyblade and notice how it's not lined up with the rest of the keyblade. Tracing doesn't train your eye at all and I don't know why any aspiring artist would want to fuck themselves over by wasting their time tracing.
You become addicted to the way you "draw so well" when you trace and get depressed looking at your art without a trace so you go back to tracing bc your braindead followers don't give a shit either way and when social media is dead and gone and you have no one to kiss your ass anymore you'll just be left with yourself and your inability to draw. So many years wasted when you could've been genuinely getting better. Oh well
No. 557958
File: 1590347177760.jpg (825.29 KB, 2172x3862, 20200525_030626.jpg)

>>557941Her age was outed a few threads back and her first drama involved two other artists (crezz and some other artist) who if i recall were classmates with her in the past. They were the first time who called her out on tracing because Raiko traced over crezz art and the other artist defending crezz basically said "you'd think that 30 year olds would know better but i guess not."
Pic related on the tracing.
No. 557976
>>557958wait whos crezz?
so she trace other artists works too? not just official?
No. 557988
File: 1590350590213.jpg (124.2 KB, 1017x1000, D1BFKEtXQAAsBp2.jpg)

>>557986found the futaba one
for the art crezz did… i cant find it anywhere
No. 557993
File: 1590351967017.jpg (168.72 KB, 1000x1000, D0aY5MgWwAEhiVi.jpg)

>>557988Had to do some digging. Here ya go.
No. 558112
>>558111I sympathize with you very much, anon. I have the same issue, floating on the internet to try and find a place to go.
There are not many art communities out there anymore, sadly. But I'll keep an eye out.
No. 558156
>>558140art anon here. for watercolors, i recc Koi watercolors. it's handy and can be brought anywhere
for sketchbooks, try canson watercolor pad. it's great.
No. 558162
>>558111I wish I could get inside the minds of the people who redesigned deviantart's new layout update, just to see what the fuck they were thinking. It's so unusably godawful now, I hope they feel the looming mass exodus in their wallets.
There really isn't a good place for artists to post their work and amass a following now. Tumblr is dead, Instagram is formatted for undetailed shit work with their tiny, no resolution squares, and Artstation just feels like a portfolio holding space for professionals, with no community or space to grow for amateurs and hobbyists.
It's really a shame. Somebody needs to take advantage of this lacking market, a quality online artist's platform would make big $$$ right now.
No. 558228
>>558162I feel you. I hate the new layout so much and I'm happy to see others agree. It's frustrating because I just came back to deviantart a couple months ago, before they changed it and started uploading there again. I just miss a good platform for artists to grow and connect with other artists.
>>558140As the anon above said: W&N cotman is nice for on the go. It's not too expensive (at least where I live) and more then enough to work with.
No. 558262
>>558111i recently started using newgrounds and unfortunately from a community standpoint i can't really recommend it because as a new artist there i've yet to feel in part of something. i do like it though, it has a decent tagging system, the layout makes sense and you can rate art and not just have the option of like or dislike.
i feel a lot more at home on the discord art servers i'm in, it can be kinda hard to find a good one so i always recommend searching for 16+/18+ servers so you can maybe find more mature people.
No. 558278
>>558162Yeah anon the least the da staff could do is atleast give us the option to change back to the old site but noooo
Its a LITTLE bit tolerable when using your computer but is super confusing and frustrating on your phone i hope they realize this mistake they made
No. 558306
>>558111The new DA layout makes me think I'm mentally challenged because I can't search specific tutorials like I could before. If I can't use it, how can their younger audience? I hate it so much, now if I want to find a photoshop tutorial I need to just Google it and then I can only find videos.
Can anyone recommend a good alternative source for photoshop tutorials?
New grounds is a good platform but the userbase only cares about fanart, porn or if you're creating sequential content. It's not the place for original works.
No. 558315
>>558308Art anon here
for koi
Maybe it depends where you put the piece you painted. If you display your works in sunlight yeah most likely it fades but if its just kept in your sketchbook like mine, its been 3 years and its still nice and vibrant
although yeah, if you really want a quality watercolor that depends on the budget
No. 558323
>>558312I politely insist that new grounds really does care less about non-sequential OC. The site still has much of the original userbase that came there for hentai games, webcomics and parodies of popular series. The newer users came for porn.
Tumblr is still better for single OC works than NG
No. 558367
>>558111Tumblr's been better since most of the worst left for Twitter. I've been getting good, relevant traction and I've been enjoying posting there again. Even my online shops have gained good traffic from it. I think they've also finally fixed whatever issue they've had with their tagging system, too.
Paper Demon is a good option. It's small but if you're looking for a real community experience outside of a furry community, it might be worth checking out.
>>558332Honestly, these threads have motivated me more than the entirety of /ic/.
No. 558380
>>558140I'm assuming you're asking about transparent watercolors here and not gouache:
I've been using Schmincke Horadam for a long time and they're still my default. I started out with a small empty box and selected colors I like but if you're unsure about that you can also get a pre-selected set- I think smaller eight to twelve color sets will be absolutely fine for starting out. I live in a country where Schmincke colors are easily available so they're also easy to replace which is important if you plan to use them a lot and for a long time. They're kind of expensive (about 5€ per half-pan) but they really do last a long time, I actually still have many of the pans from my first selection. If you do paint a lot (or larger, I mostly do smaller paintings) you can also switch to tubes and refill your pans yourself which is cheaper.
I'm recently trying other brands as well and I'm pretty sure that most high quality brands are comparable but in general I would second paying for higher quality if you have the money. I think something like the Daniel Smith (that's an American brand) split primaries set could work quite well for starting out.
I've only ever bought one pan of W&N when I was in a pinch and it might well have been a bad apple and not typical for their quality but I loathe how it behaves compared to my regular paints of the same tone I stopped using it.
For sketching you can pretty much use any papers that are not too thin and smooth. There's fancy watercolor sketchbooks, too, but personally I feel inhibited a bit by overly expensive sketchbooks so I have used some cheaper watercolor sketchbooks but I haven't tried anything like etchr or whatever.
For more ambitious paintings I do think the designated watercolor paper is required if you want to utilize the unique quality of the colors and enjoy how they work. (Idon't go under 300g.) In general the highest quality paper will be 100% cotton. If you don't have a texture preference yet it's best to try some different ones until you figure it out. Hot pressed is smooth, cold press is textured, rough is the roughest. There's lots of brands and the best options will heavily depend on where you live. You don't have to start out with Arches, in any case.
No. 558445
>>558431I can’t wait for that Sailor Moon one to die out already. I love the show but so many people are doing it for clout it’s ridiculous. The same goes for the people doing Ghibli screencaps because they think they’re special for not doing the SM one.
I think what really made me groan was one posted to AANI recently on SPS with Usagi switched up to look black for more woke points and of course everyone there ate it up. Yeah it was drawn nice but Jesus fuck I’m sick of seeing it. God forbid you publicly say anything about being tired of the trend because then you’re automatically wrong and hate fun.
No. 558491
>>558428Digital mediums are just a tool like any other art medium. Quit being paranoid. Lots of artists use both of them together, myself included.
>>558431Some art trends used to be good exercises and just for fun, but now they're exactly as you describe them. I like the junk food analogy. Look what happened w/Inktober.
No. 558528
>>558510whats the context?
I gotta agree with
>>558445, this challenge is SO BORING, if only it was maybe at least more interesting frame or anything honestly. But it seems like it's almost dead anyway.
No. 558534
File: 1590455626594.png (3.34 KB, 223x52, EY55RTKU0AAtVhD.png)

it seems megat0nraid might go DFE mode. she already did pic related to her youtube and disabled comments on almost all videos. her instagram and facebook are gone, and her patreon seems to be wiped clean.
also, her media says 529 at the moment, but there is definitely not that much in there, so she's been hard at work deleting things (although it seems she was deleting even before the callouts).
i wanted to provide some archives just in case. considering she was regularly posting before now and has gone absolutely silent, i thought it was worth doing.
carrd: (inactive since 2018)
youtube: (pic related)
tumblr: (inactive)
instagram: (dead)
No. 558549
File: 1590460266524.jpeg (404.01 KB, 750x851, 1DAC3ADC-D091-4FCA-A587-B75C78…)

Drama in the haikyuu fandom
Fans of a big name artist accuse smaller artist of not crediting, even though their styles are completely different. The only thing kind of similar is colors but you can’t copyright pastel wtf
No. 558569
>>558535Fanart anywhere will do worse than original art, unless your original art follows some kind of generic Instagram drawing style. Keep posting your original work anyway.
If you want to make your original work known, be sure to interact with other original creators as well. Tumblr has a group chat feature now, so it's a good opportunity for you to find groups of similar interests and chat with other creators.
However, make sure you're connecting with them because you want to, not because you're hoping to get something out of it. It's painfully obvious what people's motives are from how they talk to others.
No. 558586
>>558534Holy shit I just looked at her commission prices
I really feel for the chumps who paid 70 dollars for her traced shit…
No. 558589
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In the last few years anyone notice that Vicksigh has been declining in her art and had a sudden artstyle shift?
I'm not accusing vickisigh of tracing but I noticed there's a close similarity between styles and subject matter between her and vaccumchan
Can someone tell me if I'm just a tinfoil-chan or just nitpicking, I've been inside for too long.
No. 558601
>>558589Yeesh these look like they were drawn by the same person..
>>558597>There's no copying happening here, just unoriginality.I don't know if it's just me but I'm starting to seeing more and more of that. Like, don't people get tired of seeing the same shit rehashed over and over again in similar artstyles?
Do you guys think we'll start to see a shift anytime soon where people will start to seek out something different?
No. 558607
>>558601 ayrt, I don't think it's going away, at least not on Instagram. This style of drawing is mostly technically simple and aesthetically pleasing - perfect to glance over for a couple seconds, double tap, and keep scrolling.
Instagram also has a high concentration of amateur artists (I don't mean to sound snooty by this, I'm talking about mostly highschoolers) and this "cute semi-anime girl's head with ethereal hair and acoutrements" thing looks like an achievable goal to them. Anything more advanced and they'll become discouraged and feel like they'll never get to that skill level, but this trendy style is easily recreated if you pay attention to the colours and motifs that are used. It pulls a lot of likes and follows for the artist, and the cycle continues.
I probably sound like I have my head up my own ass, I'm just speculating on why it's so widespread now. I'm bored of it too, but it's pretty harmless.
No. 558647
>>558589I don't think it's a case of copying, her art has just become very generic. It's a pity because her old style was a lot more distinct and interesting.
I've noticed that this happens to a lot of artists as they become more well known, unfortunately.
No. 558651
>>558607Agreed and also there’s the thing too where they’re also either influenced by each other cuz no doubt both are probably following each other or appear on each other’s explore feed, or take away the same things from a similar influence like there’s major Utena vibes and shoujo anime vibes from both. I think it’s similar to meyoco clones tho not overtly, like the subjects are pretty generic and have been around forever, in that they’re clearly artists who know what will get them the most likes with their audience and IG is very like driven with its algorithm.
>>558601I don’t think there’s going to be like a large shift cuz people drawing sad pretty girls will always get likes (like I completely forgot Audrey Kawasaki was still around and her art looks the same from like ten-twelve years ago), but there’ll be definite shifts in subjects and styles. Like imo there’s a lot more cottagecore/soft styles now vs like, everyone doing art nouveau rips like fiveish years ago and like, I’ve definitely seen a lot less like pastel lolita kind of stuff.
No. 558662
>>558549I feel sorry for the smaller artist. It’s annoying to have to deal with that shit when you’re just trying to have fun.
There seem to be a lot of call-outs about “idea-copying” recently but christ I can only think of one recent incident where the 2nd artist blatantly ripped off an idea, but said artist wes only 14 and didn’t know any better.
No. 558750
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>>558637sometimes i wish i was born blind
No. 558754
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You'd think if she traced it, it might've been ya know…
A lot better.
But alas.
No. 558818
>>558535AYRT but not often. My work is 70/30 fanart/original. But Tumblr still seems to be one of the best places for original works since I get equal feedback on both.
That said, my original work covers more generic themes and features animals instead of the usual character art, so it has wider appeal. Like with anything else, it just depends on what your original content is.
Don't let any of that deter you; you never know who may like what you have if you don't put it out there. Be more concerned about putting in relevant tags than whether or not to post. More irons in the fire and all.
From what I'm seeing, most of the people who stayed behind on Tumblr are there for the creators and less for the politics. You'll find a place there.
No. 558821
>>558818That's actually really helpful, thank you!
I've been essentially frozen in place with where to showcase my art because of how Twitter's going to shit lately so it's reassuring to know that Tumblr is still a viable option for artwork.
No. 558932
>>558899Honestly, some of it is, but I think anons exaggerate their claims because some of it is a homage to the original piece ((looking at the spirited away/kiki delivery service))
It was also years ago, and he hasn’t done it since (I’ve only found 4)
No. 559162
File: 1590543838266.jpg (647.03 KB, 2048x1846, 20200527_084027.jpg)

Any thoughts on sasuchi95?
I cant believe many ppl still supporting her boring front facing, monotonous composition
No. 559178
>>559165I agree anon, i've been following her ever since i was young, yet she never did such complex compositions or backgrounds. As a fan, i have very high expectation on her art journey…
I still dont get it why do there are ppl who still commission this boring artist.
No. 559239
>>559228For this one, I still able to point out some differences on the head and hand. Clearly there are some similarities on the entire pose especially the legs
>>559234Bruh He didn't even try to change the face from the left one
No. 559240
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>>559237This is what his art looks like without a reference to copy.
No. 559246
File: 1590550198013.jpg (62.42 KB, 765x627, TCvM9zN.jpg)

>>559237The irony, he accused someone of plagiarising his fav artist on a critique on deviantart
No. 559282
>>559237>>559233Anon half of this looks like screenshot redraws
Like, do we know the age of him for half of these, because this:
>>559228 is the shit I did in school.
And is there anything recent, all I see is stuff from 2010-2011
>>559240>>559246I don’t care for the guy, but if you’re going to accuse someone of tracing(as though he continues to do so), be more solid and recent like with megat0nraid
No. 559304
File: 1590556847840.jpg (375.38 KB, 1080x1539, Redraw.jpg)

I was impressed until I saw the years
No. 559384
>>559282Anon, just because it's old doesn't change the fact that he DID trace and in some cases (Faye) sold his traced works for money. IIRC
>>559234 was a commission work, as well.
>>559228 was kind of lulzy because he claimed he drew a cosplayer he saw on the train lol.
He did apologize for it on dA in the past but now he's deleted the apology. I don't think it'd be a stretch to say he got a lot of his popularity from his redraws (that he didn't specify was redraws until called out), and just because it happened in the past doesn't make it okay now. Especially since he thought to change his handle after backlash + delete his apology.
No. 559430
>>559384>”just because it happened in the past doesn't make it okay now”I understand your point anon, but you do understand that he DID apologize and we don’t have current information that he does so today. If all the art pieces that were traced are on his current profile, I would understand being mad about it, but if it isn’t then why is it still an issue?
Wouldn’t it signify growth for him to stop tracing and remove the pieces that he did trace, all the while recognizing that he did so?
Sorry but I want to understand
why this is still an issue for the artist- even after 9-10 years ago
No. 559431
>>559430I think it's nice you have so much faith in people, anon, maybe I'm just a shitty pessimist, but the fact that he changed his handle, deleted those pieces PLUS deleted his apology felt more like him pretending it didn't happen+admission of guilt rather than
>recognizing that he did soIf he was recognizing his mistakes I think the very least he could do was leave the apology up on dA. Also, the callouts were back in 2015, not nearly a decade ago.
It was a big issue because he made bank off it while claiming they were just "studies". Admittedly some of the evidence is flimsy (actual redraws and not traces), but the few that he did traced+made money off on is enough to justify people randomly calling him out even now imo, lol.
No. 559438
File: 1590591900855.jpg (967.8 KB, 1080x1412, 20200527_220047.jpg)

Thoughts on Yueko/Meltedbuns?
No. 559440
File: 1590592189388.jpg (66.99 KB, 1000x447, Yueko photobashing.jpg)

>>559438Isn't that the chick who got screwed over by some tattoo artist in Canada?
I like her work but I hope she does more environment pieces like this.
No. 559444
>>559440I remember the time when a big company who also screwed over her art, then a tattoo artist, more than one tattoo artist also
Her art's lot better compared to lots of famous artists on the net.
No. 559819
>>559438I don’t know her anon, you tell me
>>559477Sounds like meltedbutts
No. 560044
File: 1590654777687.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.85 KB, 1650x1167, IMG_20200528_112039.jpg)

There was this arist I was following on twitter because of his beautiful rendering and storybook-looking illustrations. But I found something sus in my timeline, started looking into it more and lo and behold, the person who exclusively draws little girls is actually a lolicon (his patreon tiers are also labelled as "loli" and he owns loli figures so I'm not throwing accusations). I feel disgusted with myself and feel stupid for believing these were innocent childbook-type of illustrations and not pedofuel. It disturbs me how realistic he portrays children too.
No. 560049
>>560044Yikes. This gives me a nasty skin-crawly feeling. Do yourself a favor and block his ass.
It’s really a disappointment when an artist you think has really cute art turns out to be disgusting! Sadly it’s very common…
No. 560060
File: 1590659079252.png (319.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200528-054104.png)

>>560044Looked him up and his fans are even more disturbing.
No. 560062
>>560060The way he talks is embarrassing.
>>559438I like her art, but personally I can't stand her personality most of the time because of the fact how much she overshares on Twitter, even comes off as a way to get attention.
No. 560096
>>560060Fuck, no. Fucking pedos.
Disgusting, disgusting man…
It is so gross that he is so open about his pedophilia.
He has good art but I can barely look at it without feeling like puking.
No. 560111
File: 1590671986638.jpg (618.45 KB, 1080x2340, 20200528_200918.jpg)

Remember the time when paid-feature are in the verge of rising on insta?
There are 3 of them, one shown on the picture (inactive), shiranou (taken down by insta last year), and artworkfeature_
Shiranou was a content partner with artworkfeature_ and and chocoartft_. They are highly nitpicky when featuring artists, they need small accs to pay quite amount of money which unguaranteed prone to scam, while they frequently feature popular artists
Y'all calling out tracers, yet shiranou was much worse. She leeches of artists hard work reposting the artworks putting her username first then the artist's credit as well. Yet her reposts gained twice of the likes than the original post, this made me furious af. Worse thing is, many ppl miscredit the reposted artworks as her the artist. Thank goodness that bitch got yeeted
No. 560122
File: 1590675066482.jpeg (Spoiler Image,31.8 KB, 466x659, images (7).jpeg)

>>560044Oh god i remember favoriting some of this artist work. After scrolling at his gallery i was shocked with the obvious pedo bait
He draws quite alot of topless toddler girls
No. 560139
>>560044>>560122>>560060Fuck, that's disgusting.
Tell me again about "That's drawn so it can't be childp0rn!!!" FU
No. 560145
File: 1590676323882.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.29 KB, 850x601, __gwendolyn_tennyson_ben_10_dr…)

>>560096I have been following him for a while he has always been pretty transparent about being a pedo, he doesn't straight up shout it but it's very obvious. From what i know about his fb his mom knows too and is okay with it.
No. 560192
File: 1590680285609.jpg (Spoiler Image,347.98 KB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_20200528_103815.jpg)

Some disgusting shit from his pixiv as well
No. 560225
>>560221Found the pedo sympathizer.
Nude art is and feels different, and I've never seen nude art of a toddler with their genitals as the centre of the picture. This is a drawing made by a pedophile for other pedophiles to enjoy. Maybe I'm ignorant, but that's what I think.
No. 560228
File: 1590683200927.jpeg (Spoiler Image,15.13 KB, 554x554, images (8).jpeg)

No. 560238
>>560122>>560044>>560139>>560192If this is as serious and grave as cp why are the people reposting it not taking the basic precautions of blurring/censoring?.
Hell I'm pretty sure if someone found cp they wouldn't even think of reposting it at all.
No. 560245
>>560238lol What?
Those are pedos and they feel safe in their own little circle and probably don't think of it as wrong. They'll repost this shit as long as they are not called out for.
No. 560248
>>560245NTA but I'm sure
>>560238 meant the anons reposting these in the thread not censoring/blurring the pics before reposting here.
No. 560253
>>560248Okay, my fault. Thx.
… But blurring it wouldn't make it less
problematic, would it?
No. 560294
the pedo art is disgusting but
>>560274 and
>>560238 have a point.
if it's rendered so much to where it literally looks like it was referenced from actual harmful images, why are we sharing uncensored versions of that art here? it's just further perpetuating the spread of that content. surely someone can do a crop to still show this creeps work without showing almost realistic renderings of underage children's bodies to anyone who opens the spoilers
No. 560306
File: 1590693220062.jpg (35.37 KB, 625x626, cVNZTvD.jpg)

>>560221report for shit tier bait and move on
No. 560311
>>560303He's doing well and isn't hurting any real people, while you're hiding as an anon wishing bad things to people just because you feel that they draw doesn't fit with your morals.
It's not that hard to defend honestly.
No. 560317
File: 1590694358616.jpg (370.5 KB, 504x772, 20200528_152835.jpg)

I've been looking for a new art community and ran into the Artnoodle (now Artgrove) milk. People found out that the former owner admitted in a dA journal that he was dating a 14 year old when he was 19 and now shit hit the fan.
No. 560347
The artnoodle guy deactivated all his accounts but there's a trick to see old content on dA as long as the deactivation has been recent. I believe if I post it here it can be archived>>560322>>560338He deserves to be shamed for it not defended any more than he was. Every single person in the journal i posted was kissing his ass. Absolutely repulsive.
I feel bad for the girl, from what I've seen she has good art and I don't know why she is still with this pedophile but then again I know nothing else about her.
Oh and you can see with the dA trick that he's posted multiple loli porn pics on there too, who's surprised? I'm not posting them since this thread has suffered enough today.
No. 560385
>>560318I'm not familiar with this artist so I don't really know what platform he uses, but I'm surprised that doesn't break the TOS of whatever website he uses.
With things like anime the characters don't even look human so it's not as disturbing. But this guy's stuff is so rendered I feel like I've been put on a list just from seeing what was posted here.
No. 560459
File: 1590708222135.jpg (17.51 KB, 360x450, Jeff_the_Killer.jpg)

Lavender towne looks like this
No. 560498
>>560475I didn't know that Pixiv also updated their UI and holy crap it's fucking TERRIBLE.
Agreed, there's a serious demand for an art publishing site that isn't absolute shit.
No. 560531
>>560498The pixiv/Deviantart UI for me is doing ok. I also think that there should be an art site with good UI. But I never made my own website so I don't know.
>>558431I understand why you feel that way anon, I thought the Sailor moon redraw trend is cute for a day or two, now it's mostly really repetitive altogether.
No. 560565
>>560559Added to that, all cons have basically been cancelled until 2021 so that probably factors into why some people haven’t been producing a lot of stuff. Like if you were planning to make a zine with a mermay, you don’t have anywhere to sell it other than online, which means you have to set that up and everything too. I’ve seen more people finally start up their patreons and stuff at least but there’s a lot of income insecurity I feel for a lot of artists now.
I know a lot of these artists too that used to do challenges have day jobs and they’ve either lost their jobs entirely or transitioned to WFH so like especially if art is their day job, WFH is a new beast and like since u don’t have a change of scenery anymore then it adds to the stalled production and depression
No. 560580
>>560274I entirely understand your sentiment anon
But like original poster was addressing how easily she was duped into pedo art from the artists generally sfw art
There ends up being a blurred line between general style and pedo intentions in some of this art we've been seeing, I think its important to discuss..
But idk I get it uh
No. 560586
>>560580I think the thing that really turns my stomach is how much the rendering/anatomy/composition feel like they were drawn from reference.
I regret mousing over so much.
No. 560732
>>560565What’s WFH?
>>560556What other anons have said but I think it would be fun to make a prompt a week or something. They did have quarantine monthly prompt but that burned out a lot of artists too.
No. 560795
>>560111nekooosupport is another as well. They were an artist who jumped ship and made a new acc because they thought their profile had been shadowbanned. Constantly complained abt engagement and whined about wanting to start over, now they use their old acc for paid features.
recently they featured an artist with 220k followers so just more circlejerking.
No. 560817
File: 1590777921813.jpg (309.69 KB, 2048x1536, EZHv8-5UEAAHZ85.jpg)

Is this where I can post black Link?
Yes people said it, Yes the artist hid the tweets.
No. 560868
>>560855problem with racebeding is lot of the time the artist does it for internet woke points, and draws the character so ugly besides changing their race that it does a 180 and starts feeling like a caricature. there's also the version where they change an already poc character's race because anime characters are apparently white.
i do think this one in particular is pretty good though.
No. 560999
>>560990I bet. I am not a professional artist yet but it’s still hard to create personal art at home and also work from home.
>>560817This is a good example.
No. 561017
File: 1590793469453.jpeg (66.23 KB, 621x484, EZMO509U8AIyTob.jpeg)

Jen Bartel deciding the best way to resist and stand up against everything that's happening right now is to… ignore it and play Animal Crossing.
No. 561066
>>561017This is so fucking stupid I'm in awe. Like I know this is going to sound tumblr as fuck but holy shit as a white person it isn't her place to promote comfort and complacency right now. Looking away when things are uncomfortable is part of the problem and she's showing her privilege (and her ass) by presenting this as her ultimate act of martyrdom.
Jesus fucking Christ Jen, you're only able to turn your back and ignore everything to keep posting about Animal Crossing because people who look like you aren't being murdered on the fucking street and being arrested while holding media badges. Maybe recognise that you have the ability to ignore what's happening, not because you're a hero, but because you're white.
I wouldn't care if she wasn't posting anything about the protests, but acting like she's PaRt Of ThE ReSiStAnCe for doing below the bare fucking minimum is disgusting and hilariously out of touch.
(tumblr, inTeGrAtE) No. 561161
>>561045You're the one acting
triggered like those idiots on Twitter for a nothing tweet. Stay green boo it's a cute look
No. 561189
File: 1590818136968.jpeg (635.58 KB, 1178x1227, DBE46F02-F711-4677-BC41-A14A0F…)

>>561119Jen pretty much always has been a person who needed to step off of twitter and like go outside and get a hobby instead of inserting herself into like ALL conversations on the internet, like look at her twitter and you’ll get an idea. she’s pretty much known for like “woke” media and same faced static women but comics loves her for some reason (Jen is also Korean and married to a white man for background)
But the first twitter fallout thing was in 2018 around the time when Black Panther came out, she had an interview with io9 on drawing the women from BP and basically said that because she drew black women’s hair “accurately” than that is deserving of praise. When it came out, understandably black creators called her out on her statement both on the absurdity of drawing black women “correctly” is just as important as black representation, even though like Marvel/DC have a track record of not hiring black/poc creators for titles starring them, and the inaccuracy (she deleted the tweet but I remember it said something akin to “drawing baby hairs is important for representation”). She also does not use her platform or any of her statements to lift up or retweet other black creators in her industry.
The biggest thing came from the artist/game designer Chris Kindred, who called her out in her statements there and before, and the thread is here (but jen has deleted her incriminating tweets) where she dm’s Chris about being taken incorrectly cuz of the amount of followers she has making it difficult to converse with peers, Chris emailing her back explaining why he made his opinion public, Jen doubling down on her statement of “accuracy = representation”, Chris responding both to her and her friends (artists Irene Koh and Paul Reinwand). note: Chris was not the only one calling her out on this, many black creators and artists in and around on twitter did as well. Chris puts it succinctly in a tweet at the end where, at this time, they did not hate her but they wanted her to know how statements like this made them all feel
In the end, Jen blocked Chris and basically blocked any body following Chris, calling her out on her performative wokeness and not understanding that using black bodies does not equal the same as representation or helping elevate black artists in an industry and parallel industries with her own social clout. Basically blocking nearly all of black creative twitter for critiquing her.
Fast forward to today, she tweets what
>>561017 posted, pretty much like saying she has the privilege of ignoring the resistance currently with the riots in Minneapolis (and she lives there) and her resistance is being able to draw fan art of FF7. Which rightly has angered not just black creative twitter but creative twitter in general, I added the screenshot of the tweet I’ve seen get traction the most here . Jen and her friends yet again doubling down on not listening to black people, especially as PoC as well who have more privilege, and conflating action as wooby soft fan art
No. 561195
File: 1590818531357.jpeg (774.33 KB, 1246x1450, 7EF2AD44-C053-480F-84D9-053818…)

>>561189This reply sums it up the most as to why her fan art tweet was yet again another performative action If you also search “Jen Bartel black” on twitter you’ll get tweets from other people frustrated at her tweet (she has also since deleted it) and the extent of her blocking everyone who has opposed her, like I said I’m blocked from her tweets cuz I either follow Chris or retweeted him cuz she runs block chains. A lot of prominent black comics folks have called her out as well, but also probably in parallel or direct opposition, there been campaigns to also boost black creatives on twitter today as well
But basically she’s been a performative tumblr sjw forever and people are pretty much waking up to the fact she’s insufferable and like on Karen levels of not listening to others
No. 561196
>>561195I remember now, Leslie Hung an artist for Snotgirl comics basically drew incest fanart and when everyone was calling her disgusting Bartel was one of the first people to instantly defend her, stating that it was some kind of purity thing.
The whole situation was shit but I've never trusted Bartel since, she just defends any of her friends and then jumps ship when things come at her or blocks.
No. 561197
>>561193Yeah pretty much! I used to follow her on twitter but god she really needed to go the fuck outside cuz ANY little discourse that happened on twitter or something in art twitter, be it like tracing discourse or diversity discourse or lgbt stuff, she ALWAYS had to insert herself into. And she has stans as well, like if you have that many followers then yeah you’ll get them, but she’s so clueless about what having that many followers means on a platform that like she constantly sticks her foot in her mouth.
the biggest thing I remember is that she got a tumblr and then uploaded like FIFTY images in a row to populate it, like so anyone who followed her on tumblr, their dash was just nothing but her art. So of course people on twitter asked her to stop cuz she was flooding the dashboard and she quote tweeted some rando being like “it’s MY tumblr, you don’t have to follow it” so of COURSE her stans went after the poor person who tweeted and she basically targeted
No. 561230
>>561196Listen… i would be against them for any other fandom
But thinking incest is the most
problematic thing with the devil may cry series is absolutely hilarious. We just gonna ignore all The Other Canon Satanic Shit ?
No. 561233
File: 1590823336476.jpeg (3.18 MB, 1668x2002, 6765BFB4-C58E-4BBC-9634-7D4266…)

>>561221She’s a comics darling for basically having a large following for her art. Just google her and you get tons of examples of her work but she’s done covers and series for marvel, dc and image and books for publishers like chronicle which she did the cover for a big women of Star Wars omnibus. Her coloring style is pretty recognizable if you’ve seen it before but imo she’s pretty much just like one of those IG artists who draw pretty, sad women and then have a billion followers
No. 561234
File: 1590823637372.png (582.47 KB, 490x600, 107C96E8-7286-474A-9404-A6EDF4…)

>>561221This is the black panther drawing in question from the first incident in 2018.
>>561213Yuppp, I think now people know and are more unafraid to screencap when she says dumb shit. Luckily Chris Kindred didn’t hide behind his statements and that thread is still up but creative twitter pretty much is a master of subtweeting and keeping the petty receipts between each other. Creative industries tend to be really small and people tend to know one another really easily, especially if they do the comic con circuits like she does
No. 561251
File: 1590827270983.jpeg (332.91 KB, 1995x3037, 44AADA15-023A-41B4-9A24-4E1436…)

>>561248The thing she wanted praise about in the first shit that got her in trouble on twitter is drawing Nakia & Shuri’s hair ~accurately~ was representation in comics. She’s done covers for Black Panther before too for Marvel as well, but it’s also a systemic problem because there aren’t really a lot of black artists who work for big comic companies
No. 561284
>>561232no im with you
i like DMC, i recognize its fiction, a lot of people on the internet apparently dont
No. 561337
>>561221>>561248>>561305i'm not sure why the fuck anons always feel the need to diss someone's work when the artist in question makes an ass of themselves online. it comes off as less legit, more "finally got a chance to talk shit about this person so let's also exhibit my salt at her earning more/being more popular for her art than me"
like there's no way anyone can defend the hands/shoulders here
>>561251but what the fuck is
>>561240"i can't make out which way the ring is facing" seriously? that's your salt against someone who literally said "animal crossing is an act of resistance" lmao
i'm not saying she's a god-tier artist and us plebes can't say a word against her, i'm saying nitpicks of perfectly average art don't do anything to help legitimate arguments against cowlike behavior
>>561199this however i would love to know more about because what the fuck lmao
how insecure do you have to be with a following of i dunno – nearly 200k on twitter? what?
No. 561402
>>561337Hey anon, I hope you’re not the same as:
>>557307This forum isn’t made to distinctly ‘cancel’ cows. It’s made to literally post opinions, even if it’s as retarded as:
>>561240There are other forums/sites that look into fixating on and formulating/demonstrating why “so-and-so” is a bad person rather than being a run-on open forum site
No. 561429
>>561402Dude chill we're not the same anon, like what even made you make this reach? I mean OMG 2 entirely different people having a similar opinions? How could this be?
I'm the one who pointed out the bad evidence btw and I have said nothing about jen, as I didn't know of her before this and her art doesn't interest me either. You said this is for people to have opinions but it's kinda weird for you to instantly try to lump 2 randos together for having a differing opinion from you, this place isn't a hivemind, even if it sometimes tries to be.
No. 561496
>>561339>understandable criticismstry harder
>>561402Yeah, no one's looking to cancel anyone anon. my only complaint was that going on about "but the hands doe!" eclipses potential/legit milk and is generally annoying as shit, especially when it escalates from "those hands" to "yeah the entire art is complete garbage". it happens every thread and it always ends up looking almost personal with so many anons kek
No wonder the thread's in /ot/ though, cheers and to each their own
No. 561497
File: 1590866643309.jpg (232.09 KB, 2896x2896, 20200531_032242.jpg)

>>561495The last person she collaborated with was an artist on twitter named Kanonushi. She coloured his art. Also i checked their cards and… copying. Even to the writing. How unoriginal can you get Raiko?
No. 561582
File: 1590873945533.jpeg (1019.54 KB, 1274x1579, EBB5E388-2465-4DA9-98B0-A85E28…)

>>561337So echoing
>>561213 she’s quick to delete and bury most controversies she’s been in on twitter, if you search people said she had some beef with Charlie Bowater (a book artist, I think because Jen did some sailor moon art that looks surprisingly alike to Charlie’s), and some stuff against antis and CP on twitter (if you search her name, people are digging up those tweets like on here) pretty much also just spends all her days like name searching herself and liking tweets she’s in, that’s why a lot of people are blocked by her too because she runs a script that’s available on chrome called blockchain where you can mass block a large string of people, like someone’s followers. She hasn’t deleted this but she buried her explanation and apology in a tweet to the artist Elicia Donze and is currently trying to make up for it by retweeting stuff but the damage is done
No. 561637
File: 1590880661665.jpg (131.19 KB, 848x1199, EZNsgaAUcAArYI7.jpg)

>>561420i'm not sure she's tracing there amazingly, because her anatomy is shit like it was when she didn't trace on main. however, i'm still sooo pissed she won't just.. acknowledge it or apologise. own up to your theft, for fucksake
No. 561639
File: 1590880701955.jpg (120.14 KB, 1013x1440, f6a71e44_original.jpg)

>>561637who does she think she's fooling with this shit?
No. 561836
File: 1590901510246.png (14.81 KB, 740x532, May31_2144.png)

>>561639holy shit she ran
No. 561837
That is ACTUALLY hilarious.
No. 561850
>>561836>>561837wow, that was fucking fast. hilarious, considering she spent a few days creating all the art for it.
archive of this very short lived runaway account: the carrd No. 561921
File: 1590918457420.png (416.58 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20200531-174056.png)

>>561912I think its
valid that she deleted those death threats if they upset her but srsly. DEATH THREATS OVER AN ANIMATED PILOT?but what did i expect most her fans are kids theyre as mature as the shows humor
No. 561926
File: 1590919392591.jpg (44.5 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)

I still don't understand in what part Lavendertowne's art style people found interesting or amazing? Her artstyle looks so meh and basic with her clickbait-y thumbnails that will brings you dissappointment
No. 561947
File: 1590924446014.jpeg (20.31 KB, 529x443, images (4).jpeg)

>>561936Really? I heard alastors design is a design viv made back in highschool and in all honesty its extremely cluttered and it shows
No. 561954
>>561921>>561750Most of her points were pretty good, but I can see why people would react negatively to her. Not only are HH stans not really the sanest people, she's pretty condescending in general. It might just be a natural thing about her, some people can't help that.
I kind of dislike that she made Alastor markedly less cutesy (I feel like the "cute but creepy" appeal is one of the most important, uniform aspects of HH's designs), though, and I want her to admit that she redesigned Vaggie like that because she relates to that kind of look more, or wants to cosplay as her.
She got way too defensive about the character's body being "fat", and she even does her own eye makeup the same way she drew Vaggie's, lmao.
No. 561962
>>561958This isn't a 'calarts style' thing, this is a universal design strategy across most character design for cartoons. It's been happening since the golden age. That being said, having these design stereotypes in mind, it makes them easier and more fascinating to break.
Consider that Ursula from the Little Mermaid is a villain created using a lot of round shapes, but she still reads as a villain. That has to do a lot with queer coding, sure, but it basically undermines the idea that all villains are sharp and all heroes are round. It's called 'shape theory', and you see it through a lot of character design.
That being said, a lot of shows don't follow this rule at all. It's a base, and you take from it and expand from it how you will. But at least having a basic knowledge of shape theory will help someone understand better how to craft strong silhouettes or interesting character shapes etcetera.
No. 561988
>>561957There's just like…no reason to make a skinny, tall character chubby and short to be "strong and confident". That was some bullshit. In fact, if we're going by the shape theory of roundness being for friendliness, suddenly making her chubby and less physically imposing (rather than say, more angular/muscular, and also taller in stature) would actually undermine her strength. That was the only character whose body type she changed, too.
Sorry, it's just suspicious. Many of these internet fandom people are obsessed with self-inserting.
No. 561994
>>561990old vaggie is just this spindly strange skinny bean, just like the rest. It might be stronger to make charlie smaller and 'rounder' and vaggie taller and more 'imposing' or whatever. In a way that might make Charlie stand out even more as a main character if everyone else is big and she's little.
Though honestly meppity's character designs tend to lean towards long limbs spindly people too, so I see why that ended up being the style for 3/4 characters in these redesigns
No. 561995
File: 1590939334469.png (216.56 KB, 860x1205, 87-877488_vivziepop-hazbin-hot…)

>>561990True, the original design isn't imposing, but she's definitely pointier and more angular.
No. 562004
File: 1590941330600.png (254.71 KB, 916x802, 351afbddcdc2162423bd44755db2b2…)

looks like megat0nraid's having a bit of a spaz.
No. 562005
File: 1590941461501.png (13.78 KB, 565x139, 6eb4d3071cc813a777621efa36f229…)

>>562004for anyone doubting its her
No. 562018
File: 1590943245690.png (140.26 KB, 623x710, 34g34g34f34f3.png)

the screenshots are really old, so disregard posting times
No. 562019
File: 1590943268196.jpeg (291.03 KB, 750x761, 02C000BE-A6BD-45BC-9518-9AB9B6…)

Sorry to ruin your flow anon but I found this ironic
>Her real name is Avie
>was sent 12 Mins apart
No. 562034
>>562012Oh yeah, there's no doubt about animation taking a long time (especially HH's, with
those designs) or Vivzie's planning lol, my point was mostly about the lack of news/ WIPs about it continuing, anything about the actual production over just "hey, give us your money" Vivzie's been vagueposting about ~big things coming soon~ for ages but she seems a lot more excited to work on Helluva Boss than HH.
No. 562036
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No. 562046
>>562042id just say watch yourself if its even slightly controversial or features police in any way anon but other than that post away
>>562044i imagine anon is afraid of getting accused of taking focus away from current events etc
No. 562048
>>562042I don't think still posting your art on social media would be in bad taste unless you try to pass it off as activism when it's not. And like
>>562046 said, avoid subject matters that are even slightly related to current events.
No. 562076
File: 1590948631806.jpg (139.92 KB, 921x484, WhiteSaviour.jpg)

another instagram artist preaching fake woke "activism" with obvious pandering.
No. 562081
File: 1590949157909.png (38.01 KB, 597x341, 2d16213fb1b5ca0256e64cb07e9ae2…)

>>562004>>562005>>562010according to miyanoai on twitter, a friend of hers, it isn't her. she apparently has personal issues going on at the moment and is staying away from twitter for that reason.
No. 562099
File: 1590950564720.png (78.23 KB, 915x374, 7772b01d5c03ff30c5ca7a0f583a00…)

>>562004gone like the fucking wind
No. 562126
>>562123Omfg this person, I cannot.
Hey clan of Metr0raid’s gascious fumes, if you’re in contact with her, for God’s sake tell her to just apologize. This running away, acting like nothing ever happened is so bad that you’re literally digging your ditch rn
No. 562171
File: 1590958055093.png (39.91 KB, 508x522, Screenshot_5.png)

>>562126Wow, now we REALLY know you were a sockpuppet. Why use your own art as the profile pic???
No. 562189
>>562164Twitter and Instagram for not only sharing art but interacting with other artists and growing a fanbase as both an artist and "influencer" which is growing more and more common. I get the majority of my work through word of mouth from friends and fans so there's no denying having a relationship with those who follow you matters a lot.
ArtStation is great as well for more of a portfolio website though it's geared mostly to concept art and IDK what the engagement is like.
Tumblr is still alive and it won't hurt to cross post there though it's a bit of a meh website nowadays. DeviantArt is definitely dead and y'all need to accept it.
No. 562200
>>562018From what I gathered from
>>472832 and
>>474145 Kristia/Avie/Loki/Raiko's trail of usernames are
@edgy_asketchy (accused of tracing nomura and crezz and rebrands)
@megat0nraid (accused of tracing soejima and rokuro saito and rebrands)
She's prone to angry meltdowns and siccing her fans/friends on the haturz. They bought her a switch apparently lmao
No. 562201
>>561961Oh yeah she’s a real hypocrite cuz she’s CONSTANTLY spouting her mouth off on twitter and deleting it. Luckily people do remember and are screencapping now but like comicsgate and extreme fake woke sjw like her are so similar in their rhetorics sometimes. Like of course they’re on opposite sides of an issue but they way they thirst for validation and praise from their followers is so alike.
She’s definitely trying to appease people by showing she’s so progressive and concerned but like, shut up Jen you have just as much white privilege as white people when you show your ass like this. Get a dang hobby
No. 562257
>>562042it's only a bad idea if you're going to use it to pretend you actually care about POC people. like pretty much everybody making art for the black lives matter hashtag. Did you forget that artists are some of the scummiest fuckwads online? They'll use any tragedy for clout. I'm pretty sure if 9/11 happened today there'd be artists drawing the twin towers for clout.
saged because nobody actually cares
No. 562410
>>562001Oh god dont even get me started on that. An artist i follow who i will not name with a big following got pressured into spreading the word of this blm shit. She never said anything about it so people took offense to that but really she just never really heard anything about that till now.
She doesnt even live in america its kinda disgusting when you force a non american to join in your activism as if america's problem is everyone's problem, you dont see much of these fuckers spread awareness to this scale over other injustices in the world. She made a post about this giving her reason why she didnt bring this topic up and apologized but did put donation links and people still wasnt satisfied and they ripped her to shreds in the comments she just eventually deleted it. This is why i dont mention anything about this in my account i dont want to be part of this political toxicity plus plenty of people are talking about it anyway
No. 562454
File: 1590976411530.png (238.68 KB, 470x697, yhtuzhkwv0cx1etkkghc.png)

>>560817love this, it reminds me of racebent Tifa.
No. 562612
>>562572not op but you could try drawing fanart (using hashtags for that of course).
Fanart of other people’s oc’s. People usually eat that shit up especially if the art is decent and above.
challenges, and prompts. (Hashtags again)
If you have a following on other platforms you could inform them about your twitter too.
If you want a following real quick on there you could sellout and make woke art lmao
that’s all I can think of, any anons got anything else to add to this?
No. 562671
>>562612>>562572Hashtags don’t work the same on twitter than as IG or other things. On twitter they’re more like a way to categorize your tweet into something? And they trend depending on how many people participate.
The biggest one is portfolio day and it’s quarterly however I think because of that, people get really confused. But you see a lot of engagement just by tagging a tweet with it. If you identify as female, the Visible Women hashtag is where people got a lot of traction, it was set up by Kelly sue deconnick and is meant to promote women in comics but has kind of expanded to women in the art industry in general
No. 562903
File: 1591020085887.jpg (25.98 KB, 396x396, WgmQ032.jpg)

On webtoon, there's an artist called uru-chan who for some reason pisses me off. she always gets praise for her artstyle but it's honestly just manga. Also, what is up with all these cute girls in frilly clothes? looks like a character called emily howard from little brtiain.
No. 563163
>>563084No, it’s from local artists. They’ve shown and told me they’ve traced for a number of reasons but for art they don’t talk about tracing I still like to double check because they’re lying to their fans, really.
I won’t say anything about it publically but it’s strange to me that they have no issues with tracing what so ever.
I guess it works if you want to get into comics (I’ve heard they trace a lot because of deadlines) but for an illustrator you’d think they wouldn’t do that.
Who knows, maybe all pro illustrators and artists trace.
No. 563235
File: 1591046297946.jpg (2.53 MB, 3206x3264, collage.jpg)

>>563214It looks like she has a weird case of same-face syndrome. Her characters look different from each other, but in a way that makes them look uniformly ugly as hell. I just looked at some of her art and they all have some type of potato nose and huge lips, so none of them really stand out.
Her style is unappealing, she doesn't experiment with any kind of out of the box coloring/shading, and she seems to only draw the same 3/4th point of view characters over and over. It doesn't really make for very interesting content.
No. 563498
>>563384Katnipp and applecheeks. Chey Barton does packing vlogs too when her store is open. Katnipp especially, she mixes in packaging with her studio vlogs with very good insight about running a business and now she has employees. She also runs her business out of her home in an office space so it’s nice she has that separation.
>>563391Oh dude, no, baylee parrots a lot of what other, more successful artists do to the point where the baylee board thinks she’s blatantly copying katnipp illustrations down to the pastel aesthetic. Like, baylee is too lazy to find alternatives to vistaprint even though she’s had hackers take her account so she shadily creates sub accounts instead of using other print houses or looking for one locally. She actually pays more to print her prints cuz she insists on using non-Canadian companies so she pays hundreds in customs to import them, AND she admitted in a vlog she paid a pin manufacturer as friends or family on PayPal even though she admitted she knew it was risky cuz you can’t get your money back if they messed them up (because she didn’t want to pay the extra like 20CAD in buying as goods fees)
Plus idk what you’re watching cuz I stopped watching baylee’s vlogs cuz she barely does anything for hours and then you watch her cats eat all her shipping materials and barf it up on the floor while she films and leaves it there cuz she thinks it’s cute.
No. 563518
File: 1591082658099.jpg (75.61 KB, 900x685, bKemF5H.jpg)

>>563425Eh personally I think Arofexdracona's style is much more visually appealing. I feel like she's able to put a more serious spin on her characters and they don't come out looking as derpy as the way Twisted Disaster's tend to turn out. I think she has a better sense of anatomy as well, she seems to be quite varied with the bodies she draws and her monster designs are actually quite good.
I feel like out of the trio of TD, ZodiacLord, and Arofex, Arofex is the best of the two. Not that it's a competition or anything but it's clear that Arofex has the much more engaging style while ZodiacLord is kinda catching up. She used to do the same derpy Steven Universe-esq style like TD did but after visiting her gallery, I think she's trying to branch away from that.
No. 563709
File: 1591107447042.jpeg (8.77 KB, 242x208, B66E5D5E-119C-4632-99BD-8055E9…)

>>563558True nuff. Baylee just tries too hard to where her hair is breaking and falling off in clumps cuz of the pink and now she’s gotten into wearing old lady nightgowns so she’s turning into the pink haired version of this character from the oblongs.
No. 563859
>>563840The only art I've seen is either from Russian artists and they didn't seem to have gotten any backlash, or art that have a black characters on it. Most artists I follow posted a black box though.
If you really want to keep it save just wait a bit with posting.
No. 563909
>>563840I was actually going to come here and talk about this;
If there was ever a time to get your art out there, now is the time. All the top artists that flood the tags with bullshit are being silent and SJWing for a few hours and clearing the tags out. They'll be back, since most of them really don't care and are doing this for clout and image, but it's a few hours to push your art a little further that it would on a regular day.
It's free real estate.
No. 563916
>>563909Yeah, and people assume you're a dick.
IMHO Russians are mostly racist and anti-lgbtq+ so it's not surprising they keep to their normal routine.
No. 563952
>>563919Depends on where you live or who your audience is. Most brands I’ve seen have no politics but other artists have blacked out their IG and when they used the #blm tag they got reprimanded for it. Sucks for them.
I think it’s dumb. They haven’t been active since 2015 and now this? A bit sus.
But if you don’t post about it and promote something else instead you’ll probably be harassed as an American
No. 564065
File: 1591131838872.jpg (1.9 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg)

since this is the only active art thread i know of, i was wondering if i could get some help! this is a sketch of mine where i tried to get the pose as close as i could, but something looks wrong! the face looks all sorts of bad but that wasnt really the focus so is there any way i can get my poses to have more fluidity?
No. 564086
>>564065Maybe you should post in this thread
>>>/ot/243951Also, take a screenshot, don't take a photo of your screen.
No. 564107
>>563919A lot of black were saying that the black boxes do nothing and are more of a performance piece than actually doing something like donating and signing petitions. They also clog up the tag so you can’t get updates on what’s happening with the protests.
The black boxes were stupid to me at the beginning imo. It makes more sense to post about things that are actually helpful rather than post a black square and go “well that’s enough activism for today”
No. 564504
File: 1591173315378.jpg (Spoiler Image,406.23 KB, 1588x2176, il_1588xN.1872133364_k8w5.jpg)

>>564501Here's the most memorable NSFW art of a black woman, but there's plenty more nudes and sexual art. When she posted this without a NSFW warning, a shittton of people complained that they opened up Instagram at work or school and this popped up. She at the time, doubled down and refused to censor or put up a slide, but now puts more effort into censoring photos.
#muted #blackout
No. 564512
File: 1591174430085.jpg (Spoiler Image,662.41 KB, 1080x1080, black bodies.jpg)

>>564504It's crazy to me to make black bodies your main motif, and then when it comes time to use your largeish account to help, you opt for silence.
No. 564525
>>564516Right, this is what rubs me the wrong way. You really see people's true colours in 2020. Never assume a positive reason for something without proof.
(Also she doesn't seem to have any black friends based on photos she's posted, so all this art is kinda like viewing black people as pretty aliens rather than friends imo)
No. 564568
>>564424At this point, whether or not people want to say it with these posts, they’re jumping on the bandwagon for clout. I think it’s pretty common sense that the ‘right side’ is the protestors (not rioters or people who participate in violence), but the need to post stuff like ‘Blackouttuesday’ is pretty retarded because the only support shown is one that is silent.
Like, where’s the trend of a person saying how they just donated to the NAACP or some other charity(while providing a link to the website to donate)????
No. 564574
>>564529She lives in Shepherds Bush in London. Shepherds Bush is directly beside Kensington, which is where the Notting Hill Carnival is held.
I used to live around there as a kid, and went to school in that area, and it was an entirely multicultural school.
No. 564575
>>564501Wait, so when white artists are not featuring any characters of color in their art it's bad but then if they do… it's also bad? Please explain.
Also how do you tell a difference between fetishization and stylization?
Concept of having to make black friends for a sake of having a token black friend is also completely ridiculous.
Literally the only thing is weird is that George Floyd face sculpt, idk why would she do that, even if it's for charity it kinda sounds like attempt to get attention first and foremost.
No. 564586
>>564569I remember when I first saw her stuff and noticed all her art looked like her. Now she's sorta created a black woman character to sculpt instead, but everything is the same character. I kinda think it's a self-insert character since some of the NSFW art features a skinny white partner for the black character, and her boyfriend is skinny and white. Plus they all have her bodytype.
There's a woman posted in the art cow thread on /snow who had a black self-insert oc which makes me wonder. People also assume her characters are bodypositivity intended to support x bodytype when it's all just indulgent art of her own bodytype. I've never seen her post anything in support of women's rights or anything, only cow blogposting. She even claimed to not know what "white feminism" was while being one.
No. 564696
>>564606Ok, so now those people are dumbasses.
I wonder if they’re the same people who just repost the same “pro protest” shit without donating
No. 564707
>>564575Yeah, exactly. You have no black friends? Oh, so you're a racist. If you have them though, it doesn't matter and you're a racist for bringing it up as if it somehow doesn't make you one.
If you include people of color in your art, you're stealing, you're appropriating, you're cherry-picking. If you don't, however, you're racist.
I don't see how this sculptors work is in any way inherently racist though. It's not like she's making borderline mammy statues or something.
No. 564718
>>564707Writers are going through the same thing too. Extensively research and try to write about a POC during X era? You're not a part of that culture and will never understand! Include POC as characters in general? They weren't written well enough!
They tell these authors to write what they know, so when they do write about medieval fantasy or whatever with white characters, they still get shit because no POC. You literally can't win.
No. 564742
File: 1591196839609.jpeg (579.12 KB, 1125x1605, 561D23D0-1A0C-4C0E-AAA5-938F80…)

Does anybody know who this is and what they’re talking about? I’m kinda curious
No. 564789
>>564785Stop being so butthurt over non-amerifags not giving a shit about your stupid politics
>>564788This. I've literally seen tweets basically saying that "staying silent just outs you as a racist" so you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, there's no winning in this shitty game
No. 564791
>>564788>>564789Literally no one has said shit about people posting art right now. They only care if you're being a dick about it. So post or don't post no one cares.
Bunch a fucking hammertoes in here.
No. 564804
>>564783well, do you know japanese? gonna be hard to engage with people there as an english speaker.
>>564791schoolfags are starting to get real annoying here.
No. 564807
Sage for non-milk, more of an art rant/sperg;
So, yesterday everyone was posting their little black boxes, virtue signalling that they care and what not, flooding everyone's feeds, and honestly, it makes me want to delete Instagram now. With it being non-chronological, I am still getting black boxes I apparently haven't seen, literally posted a day ago. It says so in the timestamp that it has been over a day, and I am still getting 'new' boxes. I'm tired of it. It makes me kind of proud to follow so many foreign artists that don't care about American bullshit, since I still see some of my favorite art, but when it is post after post after post- Like, I get it, your mad or whatever, but Instagrams non-chronological feed is more frustrating now more than ever. I bet I am still going to be seeing black boxes posted yesterday days from now due to this bull.
No. 564917
File: 1591221047058.jpg (594.49 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200603-164925_Twi…)

Kristia's going nuclear again
No. 564920
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No. 564933
>>564781Yeah this literally happened to me. I made an insta story about making some art I was proud of and instantly got a DM from someone I'd helped before (finding a manufacturer for something) telling me I was being insensitive and that I shouldn't be posting that.
I just liked her msg and shoved some BLM shit in my stories to shut her up. Thought police wtf. People use the internet to escape real life bullshit. I don't even live in America and don't watch the news so I didn't even realise this shit was happening until I got that angry message lol.
No. 564941
>>564933B-But anon, even if you don't live in America, racism exists everywhere!!!
I don't think the people bitching about this kinda shit understand that artists often don't just post their art for the lulz but because it's literally their job.
No. 564953
File: 1591225830108.jpeg (435.76 KB, 750x1055, 22CD4103-95AF-4E35-B833-301575…)

>>564920This person responding to Megat0ntrace has a wild moral compass when it comes to tracing, Also fat kek that she says that tracing isn’t illegal because “she doesn’t HuRt tHe oriGinALL artists finAnciALLy” . Dumbass twitter handle doesn’t know what plagarism is or the fact how morally shit her reason is
No. 564959
>>564920Wasn't she on her 30s? She legit acts like a teenager. That's not how quotes work girl.
Either way she would be fine if she just admitted and stopped throwing a pity party for herself. She is digging a bigger hole for herself.
>>564953What is the point of defending someone who traces? Just go enjoy the original content she traces from, you are just getting a bad version of someone's else work.
The length someone goes to defend her is uncanny, she was getting paid for this crap.
No. 564995
File: 1591234291500.jpeg (54.98 KB, 1024x682, 987A7F2E-11D8-43A9-BC13-5F3D3A…)

I was looking through the megat0nraid tag and uh… yeah anyone who does their makeup this badly has to be unhinged
No. 565004
>>565002Why is she referring to herself in the third person???
We know it's you on this account.
No. 565007
File: 1591237504088.png (17.04 KB, 600x150, 3.png)

>>565005Seriously.. no one wants herself killed..
No. 565021
File: 1591240431423.png (49.33 KB, 430x892, Rossdraws Kickstarter damage 1…)

Seems like the delivery for RossDraws' Kickstarter has been pretty rough, the first ones couple of backers have almost all reported damaged goods.
No. 565025
>>565009Lol, can I get mine too?
>>565002this account, who is most likely run by Megat0nraid, is sad af. I’m actually staring to cringe at their replies:
>if she chooses to apologize directly to the people who commissioned herThis person is so dense
No. 565136
>>563384I really dislike baylee's artstyle but the convention videos and general art buisness videos are very satisfying to watch.
Just started watching trickywagon since she's from the UK (like me) and I feel her pain about shitty UK conventions.
No. 565243
>>565159no idea about other countries, but at least in mine shipping in envelopes is waaaaay cheaper so it's worth it for books, but also envelopes go up to 2kg in weight so they could have used some extra padding to prevent damaging.
>>565160exactly, honestly i'm getting tired of this shit on twitter. not of the protesters who rightfully demand change, but of the people who want to police every little thing about the movement, """how to be a good ally""", and just the us government and police system in general.
No. 565267
File: 1591278552433.jpeg (223.52 KB, 828x809, 0AAFB4C4-898D-40E0-9B1C-C43096…)

What do you guys think about the whole Aaron Blaise is cancelled thing?
No. 565270
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No. 565272
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No. 565273
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No. 565274
File: 1591278737437.jpeg (142.58 KB, 750x1334, A33FF262-7D60-477B-90D2-9707AF…)

No. 565277
File: 1591278781616.jpeg (142.89 KB, 750x1334, D6EAC878-CD48-4AFE-A342-76A5E8…)

No. 565326
File: 1591286405251.jpg (69.6 KB, 1100x525, EZn-v8mX0AcJJA6.jpg)

literally worse
No. 565447
>>565326Heh, her boob looks lip-sided and her hips look broke in the 2020 one
Hey op could you give the artist’s name? It looks like all they draw are busts with stick bodies
No. 565472
File: 1591303016385.jpg (313.22 KB, 1986x1277, anatomy ref.jpg)

>>565447That's what breasts look like though
No. 565481
File: 1591303689738.jpeg (43.4 KB, 367x525, 8CCC0CCE-F04F-4424-979B-C65F8C…)

Guys, I get the feeling that this image is superior than the rest for its shape language and understanding of anatomy /s
Honestly, I think it was better for the piece if she stood still and her hair did most of the movement for her
No. 565502
File: 1591304935733.png (372.05 KB, 1080x807, Screenshot_20200604-230330.png)

>>565447Not op but the artist is pantieschan, tbh I quite like her art even though all the women she draws look the same.
No. 565510
>>565502Was about to post the same tweet, I think it explains why she stagnated like this.
All she seems to draw are character commissions and rp characters, usually just with lineart and flats, no backgrounds, simple poses. She doesn't need to improve her colours, anatomy, or really anything because that's not what commissioners/patrons would pay money for, or she wants to be as fast as possible.
I know this thread gets mad about the idea of some artists treating their art more like a business than a skill they should always improve, but it just works for some people.
No. 565766
File: 1591338467564.jpeg (412.08 KB, 1280x1280, 7BC0DB0F-454C-4941-84A9-52CB8C…)

I live in LA and started seeing this ugly shit all over the place.
She apparently has a boutique now and I don’t see the appeal. All she EVER draws are these badly proportioned ugly 3/4 pictures of “hot” deformed girls
No. 565775
File: 1591339415304.jpeg (378.87 KB, 750x1292, 68EC9733-F3AA-468A-A9FD-CB0E7D…)

>>565768Definitely the worst part. She actually gets displayed in art shows/galleries.
I get it’s bc she is a female minority street artist but damn, all her work is THE SAME.
No. 565782
>>565777It’s just boring , ugly, and repetitive. Looks like bratz fanart with the same expression 95% of the time. There are so many more interesting AND talented artists that can be showcased.
Drawing one thing over and over shows lack of imagination and skill. And gets boring real quick. You’ve seen one of her drawings, youve seen them all.
No. 565784
File: 1591340121045.jpg (74 KB, 465x599, 465px-Kotakoti_aspiring_artist…)

>>565775why do these remind me of dakota's drawings kek
No. 565802
>>565775Why do these drawings remind me of Myspace? This style seems so dated to me, like the kind of stuff you would have seen on DeviantArt fifteen years ago.
She must do a good job of self-promotion and being productive. Mediocre artists can get pretty far if they put out lots of content and market themselves effectively.
No. 565904
File: 1591365217220.jpg (803.76 KB, 810x3109, Screenshot_20200605-085223_Twi…)

Not sure what's her endgoal here. If Kristia could stop larping and apologize and quit claiming being doxxed, it will all end. Putting your name out in public and someone saying your name isn't doxxing, you psycho.
No. 565910
File: 1591366022719.png (643.51 KB, 470x593, gfhhy.PNG)

I find it very odd that all of a sudden white artist are hoping on the blacktavist wagon to show solidarity. Seems pretty fake.
No. 565939
>>564916What the fuck kind of analogy is that, Australian forest fires are in no way comparable. It's people losing their homes and livelihoods plus a whole fucking continent burning is a pretty global issue. The more fitting comparison would be being worried about the looting and violence in American neighborhoods but you're supposed to root for these criminals, it's like you'd cheer for the forest fires because they're killing t-the white ppl.
>>564933>>565550Don't give in to them. Even if you post BLM shit as an apology they just get a rush of power and start pushing their luck further. You give them an inch, they will take a mile. It's not even limited to BLM, artists get bullied all the fucking time for being ~insensitive~ just because some salty faggot has a domination fetish and thrives on making others feel small and miserable. Female artists in particular are generally quite sensitive and easy to boss around, so they're treated as common punching bags. I literally stopped posting art publicly and packed my bags to fuck off social media because I got too tired of seeing this happen all the time, genderbents are now transphobic and drawing only white characters is racist.
>>565784>>565808I let out an ugly snort at how accurate both of these descriptions are, holy shit
No. 565990
File: 1591380395158.jpg (668.18 KB, 1080x1080, comments.jpg)

Mab graves writing a whole lotta nothing in regard to BLM, because heaven forbid having an opinion about the hundreds of videos of police hitting, shooting or gassing protestors. This "listening" stuff is a cop-out, as is the suggestion there is anything confusing about this that requires research.
No. 565993
File: 1591380549804.jpg (245.1 KB, 1080x727, Whole lotta nothing.jpg)

>>565990Note the cowardly choice to have comments switched off despite the fact her comment section is usually filled with giddy stans who I couldn't imagine arguing about this.
Also the irony of posting this with an image of handwritten text "listening" (cropped to save space here) then switching off comments.
No. 565998
>>565993Also pretending to have no internet access in America in 2020, a very 00s excuse which isn't gonna fly here. It takes a few minutes to scroll Twitter to get a handle on what's happening.
The white women's guide to getting the fuck outta there when it comes time to saying a single supportive word about the rest of humanity1. #muted
listening 2. Act like this is an incredibly complex issue which requires 15 years of study before a reaction is possible
3. Do not comment about the riots or anything that's actually happening
4. vaguepost about yourself and your family
5. no call to action, throw some shit in your stories because heaven forbid you ruin your aesthetic
6. done
No. 566085
>>565910>I find it very odd that all of a sudden white artist are hoping on the blacktavist wagon I sure fuckin don't. It's the same formula every time ffs.
Just like what people did with Qinni. Lots of artists online depend on their audience for income and support. Of course they're gonna join in and try to get as much positive attention as possible.
No. 566120
>>566024The videos have nothing to do with art.
Reasons why most artist are posting or not have more to do with social media backlash than anything.
>>566085Agree, americans are a very big audience and consumers of art online, so it was expected that even foreigners would fall into the same formula to please them.
No. 566145
>>565998>2. Act like this is an incredibly complex issue which requires 15 years of study before a reaction is possibleFor anyone outside of America or even Americans who aren't black it
is a complex societal issue that requires first hand experiences and extensive knowledge to understand. Think back to that recent viral video where some white boy is showing a thumbs up from his window to the protesters and the protesters throw an object through his window glass and he starts screeching "WHAT THE FUCK WE'RE ON YOUR SIDE WE'RE ON YOUR SIDE". You think you understand but you don't, most of the people rioting are so mad they don't
want whitey pity points.
You people demand everyone to post spicy takes about the BLM movement but still pitch a fit when they share a narrative based on their limited knowledge and one which clashes with yours. Of course if you just want copy and paste black box "im listening hurr cops are pigs white ppl should shut up" even that isn't enough because you actually have to add a "call to action" despite being told to shut up and ~listen~.
No. 566426
>>566411Doubt it. They're a whole ass adult and they've been doing this for years.
Find it hilarious how she condemns YouTube animators for being "basic" and "uncreative" when she herself is uncreative in the edgy way.
No. 566484
File: 1591467392265.png (23.76 KB, 799x394, Capture5.PNG)

>>566318She's 19 and her art looks like this? That's pretty sad.
repost bc forgot to sage
No. 566763
File: 1591515562801.jpg (Spoiler Image,237.7 KB, 1209x1661, 1582305366588.jpg)

Such a shame this guy is a raging pedo, his use of colors is damn impeccable. I've come to accept at this point that talented men are all highly likely fucked up.
No. 566823
File: 1591533332348.jpg (227.17 KB, 1400x990, 1579624137451.jpg)

>>566805alkemanubis, comes from buenos aires
great artist, just wished he could stop with the pedoshit, because he is incredibly talented.
No. 566886
File: 1591549277839.png (2.25 MB, 1440x1419, octo.png)

>>564504Update on this, she has posted several BLM posts to her main feed so I consider it redeemed. I see a lot of people
only posting to stories meaning there will be no trace on their main account.
Also noticed a couple of people saying the sculpture is a weird thing to do which I saw here. I don't think it's weird, but I do think donating it to the family or giving them the sale price is weird, last time I looked they were on 12 million so I think they're good. Most funds stop accepting donations past about 10 million so I think the sentiment would be lost at this point.
No. 566887
>>566667I hate the way she shades. It reminds me of old DA Shading tutorials where they tell you to airbrush all sides which results in gross pillow shading.
>>566762In my experience, Twitter has been a decent experience getting commissions but Discord is really where I've gotten a lot of my commissions. try joining a bunch of art groups on Discord, that's where your best chance of getting noticed is imo bc if people like your work you can plug your less noticed blogs.
No. 566976
File: 1591563915984.jpeg (116.13 KB, 640x561, 7D18F86A-B567-495C-BD64-09ACD0…)

Octoplum responding to criticisms of her George Floyd sculpture
No. 566977
File: 1591564020805.jpeg (155.37 KB, 640x705, 6FC6F4BD-F38E-42EF-AF81-A5C3A1…)

No. 566983
>>566977Setting the cows hilarious response aside to sperg for a minute
>It lacks some essence of beauty I can see in himHoly fuck people are retarded. He's just a random ex-con who was unfortunately killed by a racist cunt. There's no need to make him out to be some kind of angelic being, he doesn't have an "essence of beauty" jfc.
What's the point of making this sculpture anyway? Is she selling it and donating the money?
No. 567000
File: 1591567607518.jpeg (292.84 KB, 640x909, BE67E6C0-8948-4742-B2BC-4F352D…)

Her full caption
No. 567001
File: 1591567671403.jpeg (384.62 KB, 640x855, 64EA2FE7-F22C-40E3-81DF-55AC60…)

The rest
No. 567012
>>567004Yeah I understand she was trying to show support but this really isn’t the way to do it, it’s also a incredibly
fresh wound right now she started sculpting very soon after his death iirc so it makes her seem rather clout chasey
No. 567019
>>567012The whole sculpture was a bad idea in the first place. It's just weird and tasteless to sculpt a murder
victim's head and then sell it to someone, even if the money will go to a good cause. She didn't need to do this in the first place, she's acting like she was bestowed this assignment by god and is now being persecuted for it. Just sign some petitions and donate to some fundraisers like the rest of us.
No. 567026
>>566993Ok, but has theis girl’s art changed AT ALL in the last 4 years?
I feel like it’s digressing, but then again, all I see of her art are these posts
No. 567027
>>567022It’s weird to me that she’s acting like she didn’t expect backlash? She’s completely playing the
victim here with her “I want to die” shit how manipulative can you get?
No. 567054
File: 1591574395024.png (1.19 MB, 1250x1030, 257100.png)

>>567026I dunno. You tell me.
No. 567108
I mean, I don’t watch Craig of the Creek, but I think they have pronounced African Americans without white-ish palms
No. 567242
File: 1591606087787.jpeg (682.98 KB, 2048x2048, 283149D8-3177-494B-86DE-4B6173…)

>>567215You're welcome anon. Sorry if it’s low quality, I didn’t want to spam and post them individually.
No. 567286
File: 1591611935318.png (280.01 KB, 1736x1162, jkbn.png)

Never subscribed to her, but her apology showed up on my YT homepage and I decided to take a look.
Apparently, Lovely Lauren got cancelled on Twitter for being "transphobic" and "racist".
No. 567287
>>567242they're all cancer aside from the bottom left.
even then there's nothing about her that represents free speech/press in her design itself
No. 567295
File: 1591612315376.jpeg (214.26 KB, 838x2048, EZ4bT8TUEAEJ0js.jpeg)

>>567291They're also reaming her and sent death threats over her drawing pic related, and making fun of non-binary/genderspecial people on Tumblr. No. 567349
File: 1591620077879.png (586.55 KB, 1438x2194, Backup.png)

>>567036I noticed people are doing the
are u ok hun thing on her backup account now.
>tfw you make the blm protests about yourself No. 567359
>>567349Also worth looking at @artistnakazzi account on Instagram. She made a post tagging octoplum and a few other people, and interestingly one of the
r u ok hun people is in the comments, crawling to the same girl who trolled octo.
No. 567439
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>>567295Reading this Twitter is pretty fucking nasty- the girl doesnt deserve this whole “cancel” post
>being transgender isn’t a mental illness >looks up gender dysphoria on DSM-5Kek
No. 567525
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>>567442Anon I don’t know what you mean by that, the only
valid point the thread creator had was of the drawing of the girls’ ocs being nasty.
Like, the thread creator is REACHING
No. 567535
>>567525This is what made me stop taking that entire "callout" seriously from the jump, lmao.
most problematic thing about her IMO is that one character with fluffy hair who gets bullied for being "charcoal-skinned" and is portrayed alongside literal monster children, basically implying very dark skin is monstrous. That's some golliwog/zwarte piet bullshit.
No. 567564
>>567545Dude, looking at her likes:
>>567525 Of course she’ll like this retard humor.
I really don’t think that makes her an overall racist jfc
No. 567566
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>>567525>make the illegid racist-transphob say sorry for all of their misdeeds and then they can be welcomed back into society UwUHonestly, I just looked at this twitter thread to see the evidence for myself, and honestly wow, fuck the creator of that twitter thread for using shit piece evidence: HUMOR that can be misconstrued in a number of different ways and not understanding the context of
>>567295 No. 567693
She sounds like some kind of really bad anime villain. I've never seen someone lose it this bad.
It's not even really funny at this point just incredibly sad and pathetic.
No. 567940
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Does anybody have anymore info on this? Apparently destinytomoon faked being trans lol
No. 568225
File: 1591802089979.png (257.52 KB, 1080x1083, 20200610_111413.png)

Any idea which one of her many tracers/copycats this is about?
No. 568228
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>>568225I support her on patreon and here's the piece she hasn't released yet, just to help figure out who did it.
No. 568236
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I've been lurking here for a good while, and I've been wondering what do you think about Mioree? She has had (up until very recently) a pretty bad case of sameface going on, yet I never see it discussed on any platform. Her rendering is lovely but I've always wondered, why would anyone spend 100s of dollars on a commission that has the exact same face as every other one.
No. 568261
File: 1591809949427.jpg (925.11 KB, 1080x2019, 20200611_001513.jpg)

Does anyone know whatever happened to artofphillydelphy? Her art is amazing and gorgeous. Sadly she stopped uploading at 6th of December 2019, her facebook account got deactivated as well. I saw one of her posts on Instagram that she mentioned she was undergoing medications… I'm worry about her…
No. 568273
>>568261I just looked at her Instagram and in one post she mentioned she has depression and BPD and apologized for being away for so long, so this is probably not that unusual for her.
Also, side note, but the way she draws these super childish faces on characters with their tits out makes me uncomfortable lol
No. 568281
>>568273Well you can see clearly why she draw like that on her bio. Himegyaru and Lolita dolly art style is her preference.
It's just a drawing, you think a fictional matter could affect reality? If you dont like her art, why don't you just leave away. Istg anons are so stupid here
No. 568297
>>568281Could've sworn this is the artist salt/discussions thread, not the "I need to love every artist that's posted in this thread" thread.
Look at the actual pedo art posted earlier in here if you think that a fictional matter couldn't affect reality btw
No. 568305
>>567777saw that she deleted a lot of her art in twitter
the only ones left are the recent ones made this year plus some few ones from last year.
scared that people might dig up more proof of her tracing maybe?
No. 568326
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>>567940To add onto the destinytomoon discussion, I found it funny that this twitter handle used the creator of Sonichu as a trans icon kek
No. 568362
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>>568346Exactly. I can understand uguu~ moe anime faces with huge eyes but this just looks bad
No. 568448
>>568359This feels more like damage control.
All of the things mentioned in the call out video were already addressed to Creepshowart in Tweets or DM's with her. There have also been many videos stating the same points against Creepshowart.
But now, when there's this video, where the only difference is that it gets really popular and compiles all the claims at once, she responds?
Not to mention starting out with the whole, "I was homeless and it was terrible and I could potentially have PTSD"?
No. 568455
>>568359>>568448How about the fact that she doesn't understand the concept that when you compare someone to their estranged father (which they probably hate or did bad things to them), they would be hurt and insulted? As well as it just being a generally fucked up thing to do.
How dumb is she?
No. 568478
>>567242I'm not educated in art in any way, just a commoner who likes looking at art, so idk if there is a certain term for this, but like… I feel that some of these e-artists feel that good character design = adding as many bells and whistles as possible. Add more colors, more shapes, more accessories, add wings floating around them and glasses and purses and weapons and vines and stripes and scars and… You get the point. This is also how I feel about the Hazbin Hotel characters.
What I think a good character design is, something that is simple yet iconic. Like maybe a character that has 1 or 2 really cool features that stand out, but not ALL of the features. Take the top right girl for example and take away some of the things - no words up her dress, no scar over her nose, no faded roots. Tone it down a little. It'll look far less cluttered and be a better design imo. Having "No" and X's in like 5 different places is just overkill.
No. 568483
>>568357>>568359this person made a Kimba the white lion video, turned off comments when the YMS video on it came out, and complained that she got rape threats on Twitter for her video
weird that creepshow didn't do the thing she does with everyone else and made a video on her critic for that
No. 568507
>>568506Truue. I just meant that in my post highlighting madam/spechie/Shannon
Their Apologies videos are the worse. They don’t really apologize, because they still don’t think they did anything wrong. they word it in a way that blames some underlying issue and dissociate themselves from their actions
No. 568549
>>568526I think that's what pissed people off though because they subbed and made her channel grow for story time and edgy but uwu relatable commentary but she slowly evolved into a drama channel for more views and her original audience is feeling like they were conned by her fake personality at the start of her channel which she now claims was just a result of stress from being homeless? And who she is now is how she grew from the experience? Thats a bs cop out Shannon you changed for money and clout or you were always a bitch and the uwu shit was just to get gullible art kids to sub to you when you have 1 no art skills 2 no editing skills and 3 no actual content besides gossip. Now you make up fake click bait and spread false gossip. Stop acting like a
No. 568563
>>568527If you're attracted to prepubescent bodies rendered that lovingly and painstakingly, you're a pedophile.
No, it doesn't automatically mean you'd act upon real children, or you'd download real child pornography. But yes, it means on some level, you are attracted to minors.
Where do we draw the line? If you say "It's just art," what about a sketchbook recreation of a real nude of a child? What about real child nudes with a sketchy filter overlayed? At some point, "it's just art" doesn't cut it anymore.
Our porn consumption doesn't always reflect something we'd do in real life, but on some level, we do desire what we're seeing on the screen. There's no reason to draw sexy children if you don't like sexy children.
No. 568566
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>>567687>>567690>>567734>>567739>>567769while i would find it hilarious if it was her, one of her friends has said she's taking a break from the internet due to a loss in the family, so i'd like to believe that myself. however, remembering the screenshots from her discord when it got leaked, the whole 'anime villain' mentality is hard to forget. (she's loki)
No. 568589
>>568563Not meant to be racist or anything, since i looked up that the artist comes from Argentina… and it's in South America… There's another artist from South America as well used to be known as Cristali… which is way blatantly disgusting as Cristali asking minors mostly of his fans to send nudes even sending his nudes to them. I've heard him that he also sold traced nudes in his Patreon.
Thank god Cristali got arrested last year for distributing CP and he's now in jail…
Why do they both are sickos
No. 568690
File: 1591875188552.png (207.06 KB, 640x416, 798222.PNG)

>>568359>>568498"all the criticisms made in this video against me were
>still has her Twitter banner the comment from Karuna, which is something tobi called her out for since it's petty, immature, and stupid No. 568789
>>568774Is mewtripled the same as mewdoubled? because i remember her from her making fanime back in the day
i remember her being kind of a bitch but not racist. wow.
No. 568807
>>568359A note on the ‘homeless in Portland’ thing about this; I live here. I lived here when she did. No one here has an issue with people living in their car on public property. In fact, Portland can’t seem to move on what to do with our overwhelming homeless population. Shannon complaining about all the things that happened to her, in the safety of her car that can drive away, falls on deaf ears.
Also, if she was in Portland the last few years, working 2-3 jobs, at part-time, she would be making at least 2800 a month after taxes since the minimum wage has been increasing every few months to eventually hit 15$. You can easy find an apartment within budget for that. You just have to go 30 mins out of the main city. And with Portlands robust public transport, she doesn’t even need to drive.
She is whining and complaining about a situation that was easily fixable, but she doesn’t have the braincells to realize that. Maybe in that Vegas heat, her shit will start to stink.
No. 568814
>>568228so did anyone figure out who the loish copycat is in question?
i checked miorees, cyarins, and lord_gris' account and none of them had anything similar so I'm confused who she's referring to that's big enough to be on her radar for copying
No. 568843
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>>568814I’ve been reading the twitter thread, and it sounds like the artist IS young, and possibly is using Loish’s patron to learn but also use their ideas- hence:
>>568228I assume that the artist who stole the idea probably took down their image in fear their name will get out. But from what it sounds, theyre a replicant of Loish’s style- it doesn’t narrow anything down, but there is a possibility that they also took other ideas from loish’s patron
No. 568852
>>568527Bold of you to assume a male artist who draws only unclothed preteens
isn't a pedo
No. 568868
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>>568774This Andrea seems like a huge attention-whore bitch.
No. 568874
>>568855It’s because, as loose claims, they took an entire concept that she had on patron before she could publish it- mimicking the style and idea to a ‘T’
But then again, no one knows the artist or what the post looks like so
No. 568886
File: 1591904862057.png (709.84 KB, 1080x1334, 20200612_034640.png)

>>568566She's still active in her AtticRen account on twitter. It isn't new that she sockpuppets and fakes her identity
No. 568887
File: 1591904998895.jpeg (260.62 KB, 1448x2048, DxWd2DxVYAAHYN5.jpeg)

A quick look at the old art kristia posted on atticren and you can tell its her just by the lines and colors alone. (Plus tracing)
So yeah she's been scamming people for so long and asspatting herself kek
No. 568906
>>568886So Megat0nraid popped back up with another account and is still commissioning with traced works? Sad kek
I guess she thinks it’s ‘safe’ now that “it’s awfully quiet”
No. 568910
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>>568774While I’d love to see any bna get dragged down… this person is purely being petty and even if she had one point that lowkey made sense… she’s exaggerating way too much lmao
I’m even surprised michelle replied to her in such a calm way lmao
No. 568911
>>568566But can we really believe the word of her friend?
They could very well be an asspatter, a white knight, or someone who just wants everyone to get off their friends' back.
I would've thought she'd at the very least post about a death in the family on her main before going awol since she obviously enjoys the attention.
It's not to say that there isn't an inkling of that happening to be true – condolences– but there's so much evidence of her lying and cheating others from the price of her commissions that are just straight up traced to the barely visible video trying to prove herself.
No. 568931
File: 1591915165710.jpeg (363.31 KB, 1608x1124, EE9A378C-17DA-4726-A12E-B9F232…)

>>568910Now, it could just be me, or this girl running this whole crusade is straight up delusional
No. 568945
File: 1591919091788.jpg (29.34 KB, 671x1127, Di3gNOaVsAIe59b.jpg)

>>568887>>568886She even pretended to be some cosplayer too
No. 568946
>>568944Honestly, I wanted to write that down when looking at her twitter. Her art and animations are mediocre, and it appears that she too followed the trend of BLM, not once mentioning it before.
But in her posts, She tries to make herself sound like a
victim for racism, calling herself “brown” since only “white Asians and East Asians have (put her)down” despite appearing to pass as a ‘white asian’.
No. 568950
>>568948Wasn’t that years ago too??
Like, from the beginning of her career on YouTube when she was saying how her mom and sis were “”””
No. 568951
>>568938I've seen another Filipina girl use the term "white Asians".
People in the Philippines just seem to call pale-skinned filipinas/filipinos and other Asians "white Asians" a lot.
I think it's nitpicky for anyone to get huffy about this, it's clear they don't mean "white" in the western racial sense, just their literal skintone. It's not that deep, IMO.
No. 568954
File: 1591921057993.png (421.7 KB, 599x621, b03a5b560133d6c5da621cec0021a8…)

>>568886>>568887here she is pretending it isn't her..
No. 568957
File: 1591921275124.png (233.3 KB, 721x509, dc1vjdhaog031.png)

>>568955and compare it to art she posted on main..
No. 568958
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not to mention, when this was posted, people like that lala escargot rp account who is friends with her didn't try to say that some of the art isn't even hers while they vehemently defended her. you can see it posted on atticren, not megat0nraid, here: No. 568967
>>568950being homeless and having
abusive family are really fucked up things to exaggerate about
No. 568980
File: 1591927697968.jpg (266.16 KB, 1080x1132, wtf.jpg)

>>568965Interesting how she cancels Michelle over a character speaking in AAVE when she herself drew pic related.
No. 569035
>>568566Well, I wonder how it's like to be batshit insane and not do anything in your time to learn to draw instead of tracing.
Is there any confirmation on her age? I swear she larps way too much about this game to be considered healthy. Does she think she is a highschooler?
>>568886I swear every single account she makes she puts up a ko-fi with it. I know many people live off drawing fanarts and shit, but does she legit plan on ripping off Soejima's and other weeb artists work for life? ffs the delusion.
No. 569055
File: 1591947291939.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1235, 172BA92A-A462-4850-8F29-523FE2…)

I think the dullness of these character designs really encapsulates the mediocrity of pizzabacon's art. she had so much from the source material to work with, and this is what she came up with?
No. 569056
File: 1591947360613.png (549.93 KB, 1424x1998, 2020-06-12 12.32.07.png)

This is so symbol drawn how can it meaningfully help any beginner?
No. 569066
>>569055Wow. I'm actually impressed by how bland these are.
>>569056What a shitty tutorial. It doesn't even show you how to draw those ugly instathot lips properly.
No. 569100
File: 1591957790413.png (4.23 MB, 1800x1764, CBD08BDF-FD3F-4BCD-B932-5BE32D…)

I know everyone is sick of seeing the Sailor Moon redraw shit already but this guy has bugged me for a while (which is why I blocked him on IG because he kept showing up in the explore section, now it’s being suggested to me on twitter). He literally traces a fuck ton of Sailor Moon art/screencaps and has the audacity to sell it online. The pic above was his “redraw”…
It’s just incredibly annoying seeing these types of people gain followings.
No. 569105
>>568501She gave such a shit defense for it too.
"I just say things in weird ways to be uwu quirky, so I don't think it's weird to compare someone to their father that they clearly resent"
saying things in a weird way and saying someone is just like their estranged father are completely different. fucking moron
No. 569110
>>568950>>569105lets be fucking real. if her family was actually
abusive, she'd know why saying what she said was disgusting
No. 569143
>>569102yeah but i don't think that's the point op was making. every one of these "attractive" posts always have the same features. you can look at pictures done by hundreds of different artists, and all of them look like the same people because that's the "style"
imo, it always comes off as trying to draw "flawless" people, that either appeal to what the artist wishes they were, or appeals to the viewers who think it's "so pretty omgggg"
No. 569172
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megat0nraid using her sockpuppet from the last controversy.
No. 569186
File: 1591976798985.jpg (259.33 KB, 2048x2048, ZHC.jpg)

ZHC's new video features his assistant "Johnny" stealing the art work of a smaller youtube. First is from the youtube video and second is the instagram artist.
No. 569197
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>>569177I wouldn't call his art awe-like, but you saying his concept art is 'stiff and muddy' is making me really question what your own art is like.
No. 569199
>>569197Maybe I searched for the wrong artist. I thought this was the guy's website: obviously be older work, but didn't find anything new on his artstation etc.
No. 569227
File: 1591984760415.png (89.98 KB, 299x310, Screen Shot 2020-06-12 at 1.58…)

please tell me im not the only one who finds soniastegemanns work to be completely mediocre, uninspired, and lazy af?
No. 569316
>>568444after the civil war, confederate soldiers destroyed their flags and patches etc. these statues were made way later very quickly and cheaply as a way to discredit the civil rights movement. look up 'the lost cause'
they dont have much if any historical value
No. 569333
>>569055The oversized, shapeless feet and round lip shape are a big giveaway this artist is inspires by Bratz dolls. I also think this is the cause of the racially ambiguous art everyone makes now
>>569068and even possibly the inspiration for Kylie Jenner to originally go ham on the lips and inspire all the copycats.
No. 569408
>>569382Considering the fact that her thumbnails more recently look similar to Moriah Elizabeth's (almost identical sometimes), do you think they have actually became friends, and Moriah has given her advice to use her name and thumbnail designs for clout,
or do you think they aren't really close or friends at all, and Jackie is just incredibly tackie and uses people she barely knows for clout?
No. 569416
>>569408Moriah Elizabeth recently did a q&a. At about 18:25 she mentions that "the art community on youtube, I don't know them. I dont know if they even know who I am."
Idk if that means she isn't actually friends with Jackie or not, but it does provide some insight.
No. 569417
>>569408>>569416She also says that she wants to do more collabs moving forward. impossible to glean anything from that specifically
Jackie has used people's names she wasn't friends with before, though. e.g. using Simply Nailogical's name when she just has a cutout of her
No. 569425
>>568563Do you think if an artist just draw kids once made the artist a pedo? Maybe its just your westerner mindset where everything goes free where you can express your kink to everyone in real life. You think fictional affects reality? No. It's just art doesn't cross the line anymore you said?
Liking a show with a kid as a main character makes you a pedo? No. Drawing fictional kids? No.
Y'all just busy accusing artists while real life child trafficking happened real life. If you really concern on real life, stop reporting those fictional stuff
No. 569429
>>568563I remember seeing a twitter post by FBI (or CPS don't remember which) that told people to stop misusing the report function on people who aren't actual criminals or breaking laws. The truth is that the whole loli/shota has already been researched heavily across all countries; Japan itself even issued a ban on those subjects in the early 2000's, but they realized that it doesn't affect the number of cases of child abuse. The earliest conclusion was from 2012 by Denmark that explicitly state that weeb drawings don't lead to pedophilia.
Also I remember some fat dude who had those stereotypical hipster soyboy looks, who got busted for child abuse. He tweeted constantly about hating animu (and calling anyone who likes anime a pedo) and the next day he would tweet creepy shit, being near a nursery school and taking pics then calling himself "pedobear" it was legit disgusting. There's certainly a trend here of these weirdos who do more harm to society than the people they call out for drawing impossible tentacle porn hentai. I could write up a big essay on anime/cartoon not being a good reference for your sexuality but nows not the time. (sorry for the vent)
No. 569436
>>569425Someone mentioned earlier he reposts real little girls on his facebook, why do you imagine that is? He has an innocent fascination with pretty little girls? Come on bro, even people who do love kids, like teachers and moms, barely repost random kids, that's just weird.
When are you going to believe someone who dedicates their life to drawing naked little girls might have an interest in little girls? When they repost actual child porn? Or is photography and film just "art" too now?
Btw nice strawmanning, literally no one said you're a pedophile for watching kids cartoons, they said you might be a pedophile if you spend your days drawing 9 year olds' vaginas as they sit on pool floaties and other childish activities.
No. 569449
>>569445Getting a bit off-topic from this thread now but I really, really believe Dan Schneider of Nickeloden fame is a pedo. Why else would he have suddenly cut communication with the outside world and gone into hiding after a prolific career at Nick.
Anyways, the sad thing is, people who have a sexual interest in little kids probably have an excellent interest in how to entertain little kids and understand their state of mind as far as TV shows, cartoons, etc. I am not at all implying that anyone who creates content for kids is a pedo, but it's not surprising that the industry would attract some nasty people for the wrong reasons, both the cartoon industry and live-action kids shows.
>>569445 No. 569455
>>569449Did you see the dan Schneider video by blameitonjorge? It made me so much more convinced that the child of the zoey 101 girl is his daughter.
But yeah, I think you’re right about how they take advantage over these poor kids. It just makes me sad that the whole pedo ring in Hollywood is most likely still happening and may not stop because how much power they have and how there’s just so many
No. 569456
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>>569451Absolutely inappropriate and creepy behavior, I just googled it.
And before anyone tries to defend this, there is a big difference between finding children cute and delightful, versus following them around irl, trying to photograph them, and commenting on their "tight pants" and calling them "UUUNGH HEAVEN."
I've been hearing so much about various famous cartoon creators being creepy. Truly disappointing.
No. 569466
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>>569428>>569456I though this was a big exaggeration but from her twitter posts and the episodes she's worked on, it might be true
No. 569473
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Oh boy here it comes
No. 569479
>>569473I'm sorry but artists or famous people deserve to get "cancelled" when they do stuff like this on their public social media. Just keep your page apolitical, or post nice messages that can't harm anyone (Stay safe everyone, thinking of you all uwu)
Literally just be smart and cognizant about what you're posting for others to see, or go on an anonymous website to sperg. Just keep posting the ugly ecchi artwork and no one gets harmed.
No. 569483
>>569382The worst part about her reviews is that she doesn't do any research and then blames others when she fails. Like here she uses a blue shirt even though the technique works best on light fabric and then acts like there was something wrong with the tutorial.
>>569416But the thing is that Moriah and Jackie have done a collab before No. 569487
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>>569479I wasn’t arguing against it or rolling my eyes, just stating this has started to go around and twitter is gonna have a field day with this one because a lot of people (me included) detest her art, and now there’s a tangible moral reason to openly hate on her.
And yeah you have to be incredibly dumb to do that in the current political climate, if you wanna be racist or pro-cop just do it in your private twitter, not in the giant one with 600k followers, it’s like asking for a callout to happen.
With that said I don’t think she’s gonna be as affected as jen bartel because she has never marketed herself as woke or progressive, and a lot of her fans are edgy weebs who agree with those sentiments.
No. 569509
>>569487why should someone be cancelled just because they don't support a specific cause
it's not call-out worthy. it's just someone having an opinion
No. 569512
>>569487lots of people, especially lolcow anons, are desperate to see sakimi fall. Something about her mediocre-but-extremely-successful makes losers' blood boil.
Twitter is only used by 20-30% of internet users, though, I'm sure she's fine and won't give a shit.
No. 569519
>>569513I think people put too much emphasis on opinions. Obviously it's not good for business to have an opinion one way or the other on polarizing issues, but that doesn't make her a bad person. That doesn't make her cancel worthy.
Her art is shit. If you think she's shit, then that's enough. You don't need to go digging for reasons to hate or cancel her (unless they're actually cancel-worthy things, like being a pedo, scamming people, being a legitimate racist, etc.)
No. 569522
>>569519>>569513I get your point, but honestly I would still dislike her art even if she was a great person. I don't like her art, couldn't fucking care for her opinions. I just feel that going through her likes is a bit of a reach. You can still hate her and her art, but there are way worse people out there, like people posting the stuff etc.
>>569519You said it all anon.
I understand people wanting the ones look up to to have an opinion on stuff, to resonate with them and all, but still… they value unqualified people's opinions too much.
No. 569525
>>569523Disliking someone for their opinions is fine. Not giving someone your business because you disagree with them is fine.
Cancelling someone for opinions is completely different.
No. 569533
>>568945the original photo of the cosplay is from this guy's facebook account, his name is Vinni. From megat0nraid's p5 group photoshoot. I checked the page of the photographer in their shoot but the guy deleted the p5shoot album so i couldnt get a proof, the original face of the photo is faced up. if you look closely, the eyes nose and mouth doesnt line up/fit with the angle
basically, The guy is also a friend of Mega irl
No. 569576
File: 1592054207079.png (459.09 KB, 584x589, adamsketches.png)

not traced, but it is copied with no credit on his Instagram
No. 569634
File: 1592062688679.jpeg (160.88 KB, 865x828, EaYby8VXYAE8iVQ.jpeg)

Looks like Sakimi actually made an "apology".
Funny how she states she's only on twitter "for the art", but at the same time she didn't think about liking those tweets in an account with such a massive following without expecting people to cancel her.
No. 569664
File: 1592066300460.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1546, 2020-06-13 09.37.24.png)

my instagram is absolute cancer full of woke types that draw shitty pictures and call it activism. at this point if i unfollow everyone that posts dumb shit no one would be left
No. 569669
>>569666This. Nothing ever happens.
She's making $25k a fucking week. Degenerate coomers will not care whether or not she is racist.
No. 569671
>>569576Maybe it's just me but, I don't see the problem here. They only referenced the pose and you aren't required to credit for that. Referencing a pose isn't like tracing, taking a character idea, or an outfit design. You only noticed because it's the same character. If they had used the pose but drew an oc or other character it might not have been as noticeable.
The real crime is that they had a full body reference and still managed to muck up the anatomy that bad.
No. 569699
>>569664How is this fine? It looks like an
abusive and
toxic relationship to me…
No. 569702
>>569647One of the videos was from a radical puppet who emphasized that George Floyd deserved to die because he was not an ideal citizen
She can have her beliefs but it shows how twisted she is
No. 569760
>>569634I call bullshit on the "I also don't follow American politics closely"
Either you're straight up lying because you're liking shit from people like Candace Owens who is notorious for spreading alt-right misinformation. Or you're so irresponsible and stupid to not look further into what you're liking. All the dumbass coomers in her replies going "DON'T APOLOGIZE!" are just as bad because they don't want politics to invade their jerk off material. Like an anon said above, no matter how much people try to say "You can have different opinions with someone and still be friends!", your political opinions are a reflection of your morals. Point blank.
No. 569862
File: 1592098367618.jpeg (257.92 KB, 1988x1093, DHYwG9CVoAAEzUX.jpeg)

>>568444I have a friend who works in a foundry where metal statues are made, and I guarantee you copies and molds of those monuments still exist. You know all those famous statues from Greek and Roman antiquity? Well, most of the ones in museums today aren't originals; they're recasts, apprentice studies, and copies made during the Renaissance. The fact of the matter is that originals rarely survive the test of time, but that doesn't mean their existence goes undocumented.
Also, these statues don't have much artistic value in the first place; as another anon mentioned, most of those monuments were erected between the twenties and the sixties, and are not particularly impressive sculptures in the first place. Robert E. Lee himself was opposed to civil war monuments. What these statues stand for is an incredibly ugly side of U.S. history, one that should not be glorified in monuments. If these statues must survive, they should be in museums, not in front of government buildings.
No. 569889
>>569854successful artists don't need to whine about being credited because they tend to have very distinct styles that are recognizable at first glance. i think the issue is smaller artists being bitter that they don't have as large a following as others. "i mean, they do art, and i do art, so why aren't i as popular???"
it's easier to say you WOULD have a larger fanbase… if only people wouldn't steal your commission opportunities by cruelly leaving out your twitter handle
No. 569921
File: 1592106393483.png (6.34 KB, 806x44, Screenshot_8.png)

Beloved by…who? Their simps???
No. 569980
>>569947Agreed. Also jumping in to say it's disheartening as a smaller artist to see your art stolen and claimed by someone else. idk it just felt like someone was taking advantage of the fact i was unknown as making it easier to get away with passing it off as their own?
In my case, due to my small following, reposting/theft made my comfy circle of followers feel dodgy, like an acquaintance came over to my party and pissed on my couch. oh well.
No. 570118
>>570057I’ve seen it multiple times. The apology wasn’t enough, apparently. I read it. It could’ve been worse. I’ve seen shittier apologies, personally. Also read from someone “you only apologized after you got caught”.
The art community is a big heaping pile of shit, sometimes. Drives me up a damn wall.
No. 570161
File: 1592143045478.png (177.61 KB, 1080x1169, Screenshot_20200614.png)

Does anyone actually go through these threads looking for random people to give money to just because? I highly doubt these do anything.
No. 570162
>>569382I used to really like Jackie but you're right, lately she's been insufferable. I always found her a bit cringey, but her audience is a lot younger tbf. But lately it's like she looks specifically for bad craft kits. and the name dropping, god.
This video was particularly bad. She hardly did any research and then acted all disappointed that things didn't turn out properly. not outright blaming the kit, but still acting confused even though she didn't heed any of the advice she got from that moriah video.
No. 570370
File: 1592168917219.jpg (1.9 MB, 1920x2560, Au.jpg)

>>570335Her art in the last month.
It's just mostly girls standing around or posing awkwardly.
No. 570427
File: 1592179141766.jpeg (265.44 KB, 750x894, 5A6641B2-99F1-4928-A066-35B51C…)

I really want to know what happened lol
No. 570449
>>570427"No one else was in the room when it happened…"
Man now I'm incredibly curious about what they've said.
No. 570458
>>570427so far, nothing interesting.
calling out on 'hypocrisy', being 'disgusted as it became less about exposing her tracing in a respectable way and more about publically shaming her as a human being, not an artist'. going on about the name even though it wasn't a doxx. complaining they were 'dogpiled' that it was done under good will. false information (that we interrogated her friends for her new @, soullaire) and spreading a narrative that we're all horrific bullies and whatnot.
i want to hear them out. currently waiting for a response back.
No. 570468
>>570461I’ve never understood the mentality of saying “there’s no death threats because I have never seen it”. Like, ofc not, the people sending the death threats are not going to be public about because they KNOW it could backfire on them and would prefer to privately contact the person because that makes them an “easier target”.
I don’t believe that in every case there’s a death threat, just personal dm saying how said user is very disappointed, but it just rubs me the wrong way whenever people(an outsider to the drama) say that there wasn’t one because they didn’t see it. It’s kinda like abuse, not everyone is going public about it, especially if the account is a dead/anonymous account.
No. 570474
>>570468Then again who tf cares about "death threats" on the internet? It's not like she was doxxed and people are actually going to her house or stalking her.
I'm pretty sure everyone who's ever gotten a decent amount of attention on the internet has dealt with people telling them kys or that they wanna kill them, and it's very easy to shrug that kinda shit off tbh because who cares that much about what random trolls say.
No. 570797
File: 1592249096980.png (377.5 KB, 1080x1850, 20200616_032154.png)

Okay so since we're being accused of doxing megat0nraid/Raiko i might as well add this in here. SHE'S BEEN HAVING CALLOUTS TO TRACING SINCE 2010 LOL
No. 570798
File: 1592249158749.png (376.37 KB, 1080x1850, 20200616_032210.png)

I dont need to know whatever language she speaking in to understand the context that Raiko has been doing this scam since forever ago
No. 570804
>>570797TROLL. Somebody has the audacity to accuse me of stealing drawings from the internet. Maybe they wanted me to draw on their face as proof that I drew everything on my albums. Hmp.
>>570798Kristia: Apparently I'm an art thief! Whoohoo.. Used to be called a hack but now I'm a thief! Amazing!
Edelweiss: A lot of people are jealous. Just let them be.
Kristia: Wooow! I'm now the national art thief.. I've been drawing for 15 years!! I'm already considered a legacy…. ((the last one is a word play on magnanakaw(thief) and magna cum laude(which doesn't have any direct translation to Filipino
I tried my best at translating some of her comments. It's a bit hard since she's using a lot of slang but she definitely has a tone of sarcasm with the comments
PS. I didn't know she was pinoy. I'm mutuals with one of the persona cosplayer osted on this thread. Really thought that was just mere coincidence.
No. 570888
>>570845I’ll say it again, despite the op of the whole “callout” posts,
>>568931Despite her trying. To teache “those whites”, I think she’s “whiter” than the person she’s trying to call out. Does that make her racist? /s
No. 570984
>>570804yeah. she also pretty much suicide baited a lot in her facebook a lot back then too. to the point seeing her do it constantly and the flow of worried comments from her friends got too sad to see. in the end she seems to only want attention
No. 570998
File: 1592285999602.jpg (71.09 KB, 750x843, 207.jpg)

Back in 2010, she got angry because I asked her (in a civil manner) on her formspring account why she claimed that she drew Tetsuya Nomura's art (a sketch of Kairi from Kingdom Hearts). The art wasn't traced it was really the official sketch. I told her she could have credited Tetsuya Nomura for the sketch and claimed that she colored it. I never trolled her.
Waiting for her reply, to my surprise she deleted her formspring account (admission of guilt?). And when I looked at her facebook she already vented her anger there. The rest was history.
Anon, if you still have access on her facebook account you can see in her art album the same sketch I posted here except she flipped/inverted the sketch and colored the hair black. She used Nomura's sketch to make Kairi into Xion (also a character from Kingdom Hearts).
No. 571024
>>570998WOW She's had issues for this long. amazing.
Can't see other pictures, I'm afraid it's all unrelated stuff on that account now like her cosplay. (It's probably private settings)
No. 571048
File: 1592303864789.png (591.99 KB, 720x1280, 15.png)

>>571024p sad that she chose to trace. i think her art was decent enough tbh. she really wasted her skills that had so much potential.
No. 571050
File: 1592303979441.png (1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 03.png)

No. 571051
File: 1592304011811.png (1.25 MB, 1024x1024, 07.png)

No. 571053
File: 1592304170924.png (1.91 MB, 1400x969, 17.png)

yeah you should be.
its sad that you had to TRACE
No. 571056
File: 1592304276055.png (679.58 KB, 720x1280, 14.png)

people paid for this….
No. 571092
>>571067>>571089it's a shortcut that skips all the hard work involved in learning. someone else itt said it but tracers tend to be alright or even good at coloring, since they can't bullshit that most of the time. but their linework and anatomy is super fucking staggered.
tracing can be a useful tool for learning from references, but when you don't try and draw it freehand afterward is when you've fucked up.
No. 571112
File: 1592314127654.png (150.15 KB, 1442x808, _kasumi official & traced.png)

>>571053She also traced this. The left one is megat0nraid's traced art. The right one is the official confidant art.
No. 571162
>>571094Thank god someone said it. I never understood the idea that “as long as you learn by breaking down the shapes”- it’s a shit idea because it takes the skills of an amateur artist to break down shapes, not a beginner.
The only way that tracing is good is when you don’t trace over the lines, but instead trying to replicate the image on your own, figure out why the lines/colours/style fit instead
No. 571329
>>571307no one wants to see your 2 hour tirade over the latest
problematic webtoon you don't have to consume.
No. 571418
>>571410This sucubus girl is crazy and unstable, looks at her post history, the artist just asked her for image references and to not change her mind after approving a WIP and now she's trying to frame it as racism?
Her reddit posting history bellow, seems like an e-thot with bad communication skills: No. 571434
File: 1592413033403.jpg (98.83 KB, 564x968, 0001.jpg)

>>571429Ok, just looks at the girl talking to her self in the DMs
No. 571438
File: 1592413295865.png (82.48 KB, 585x985, 0004.png)

And that's just 5% of it all.
No. 571439
File: 1592413351486.png (555.18 KB, 1457x3366, Screenshot_2020-06-17 r projek…)

>>571438Plus her raging on reddit that people are not taking her side and calling the artist a scammer and racist.
No. 571497
File: 1592419438976.jpeg (620.68 KB, 750x1188, A5E78D22-6FC0-4E39-A350-86A324…)

>>571439(final line under last point says “policy, so going to make bank for a reversal”
She’s nuts and I hope the bank doesn’t actually end up giving her her money bank. The artist didn’t “sneak in a policy”, it was laid out when she sent her the bill. Also it looks like she made a reddit account using the artist’s handle in order to slander her. 100% certified crazy.
No. 571498
File: 1592419485192.jpeg (144.84 KB, 750x793, 1CAB9C24-41C1-499E-B456-57C400…)

>>571497Bill with terms and conditions listed (ie no refunds).
No. 571501
File: 1592419634255.jpeg (90.22 KB, 745x757, D92CA4AF-6EA2-4195-8F27-272163…)

>>571498Fake reddit account is empty now
No. 571502
File: 1592419699242.png (237.1 KB, 750x1334, 0F8A1300-63BD-466B-BF6D-9F7BFD…)

>>571501Sin made an AITA post using this fake account and the text was removed so I didn’t bother screenshotting that, but this is just some of the comments on it. What the fuck is wrong with this autist lol
No. 571656
>>571307The video basically describes what was described here, the content is fanficion-y that applies primarily to author’s own fantasies/kinks
With the discussion of a show being made- for lore Olympus- I wonder if more people will realize how wack the comic is
No. 571695
File: 1592446088689.jpeg (863.34 KB, 1242x1386, 69252E8B-C3B9-402E-8933-0909EF…)

oh lord the regression of it all
No. 571698
>>571307a video with
valid points but that guys channel is cow material in itself imo
No. 571699
>>571695this is genuinely so unfortunate, 2019 one is so much better with proportions.
>>571685I think casual, nonartist viewers (and children) are drawn in by hyperrealistic art and copying things.
No. 571706
>>571698How so?
Like most yt commentators, their opinions can be taken with salt
>>5716951 fear, art regression
No. 571740
>>571701tbh i found using twitter is just the simplest option. Make your account -> join Privatter with your twit account -> password-lock / follower-only lock your links to the porn. Makes it easier because you can up worksafe-ish crops for the content with the link.
If you don't want the images to be saved + reposted, joining twitter and then syncing to a poipiku account will let you block right-click saving and also offers password-lock/followers only options. But you'll need to know some Japanese.
No. 571905
File: 1592499492306.jpg (108 KB, 589x720, 2020-06-18 185134.jpg)

i… i don't see it
No. 571920
>>571905Anon, idk if you seen how they draw bodies(aka: up until the kneecaps) just let them have this /s
But they’re definitely a beginner artist when you look at their work
No. 572009
>>571948wtf is this gross ass alvin and the chipmunks animated art style looking bs? why does the character have meg griffin eyes? is she meant to be an alcoholic? why is her head deformed? why the strawberry shortcake style plastic hair?
TD is so fucking irritating for this exact reason. all she ever does is talk shit about things she has 0 experience on, 0 knowledge or research on, and 0 idea about other than "what she's heard". she does this to shit out videos and i think it's either because she's already milked dry the same 3 talking topics that got her the most views, and because she really doesn't do shit in life other than sit in her room and draw. she has no lived experiences of her own to speak on. she does shitty commission work for private clients and uses that as an excuse for her to not practice and improve her artstyle. at least holly is funny to hate, TD is blander than fucking milk.
No. 572152
>>572091Exactly. I'm amazed at how much self awareness she lacks. I try to like her because she's the only one who makes topics and then bam, she says something so fucking tonedeaf that I'm screaming.
Like gee, maybe if you didn't have a Gofundme for a wedding when you weren't in a good financial place, you could've used that money to find a new home quicker and get out of your father-in-law's house like he requested. Or maybe you can just continue working with the tools you have now? You don't need an expensive ass computer to get art done. I fucking use a Dell Laptop and it's enough to get my art done no problem. No one fucking cares about DPI when you're mostly just doing simple drawing commissions. And I think she's now realizing that the people who support her financially are mostly teenagers and teenagers do not have a large income to spend on her. The GoFundMe was ridiculous, of course she wasn't gonna make that much off of her teenage fanbase.
No. 572155
File: 1592534001462.jpeg (594.03 KB, 750x976, BB46F8AA-CCFF-4CF7-8D18-549DE8…)

Does anyone get pissed about YouTube apologies? Like, one video sent out saying “I’m sorry” and you see the comments asslicking saying “wow they’ve grown so much UwU”
Honestly, I’ve never liked spechie’s apologies because they never addressed what she is doing, it’s like she (and it seems like many other YouTube apologies) disassociate their actions from themselves.
No. 572157
>>571961"Because I base my videos off of research and personal experience" lol Research can only get you so far and since she has no experience in it, I don't see why anyone except her gullible teen fans take her advice seriously when they'd be better off getting advice from someone who actually I dunno, created a webcomic?
>>572009I don't think Twisted drew that talk sprite, just lined it but I agree that it's one of the most jarring things I've seen in awhile. Like normally I love cartoony styles but there's something a little off with this one and I can't put my finger on it.
I also agree that she clearly had no life experience outside of her early years in adulthood like her first job at the school she worked at. It's annoying how she tries to paint herself as an expert in certain things that she has no obvious experience in.
No. 572161
>>572156>the only reason she can afford to live alone is because her husband earns all the money.Fucking thank you anon, glad someone else said it. This is the shit that really bothers me with Twisted Disaster and her lack of awareness. It's pretty clear that if her husband wasn't making a good amount of money, there's no way she could support herself on her art alone considering how much she complains about lack of funds in some of her videos. And even though in the video she said she makes money, it's clear that it alone would not pay the bills consistently unlike her husband who has a conventional job.
Like fuck, I wouldn't rag on her for this if she was just honest and stopped acting like she makes good money from her commissions when it's clear that's not really the case. And the thing is, if she actually practice and improved her style, she could attract older people to her art who don't mind spending a little more as opposed to her relying on teenagers and young adults who don't have as much money to blow.
No. 572277
File: 1592566578568.jpg (450.68 KB, 1080x1616, 20200619_142655.jpg)

I can't find the original QRT but people have been sperging over these scary Karen drawings and claiming it is fanart for racists. Did people become so retarded that they forgot the existence of satire and political caricatures? If these people who need to spread outrage over someone's obvious satire are the woke ones I'd rather be asleep.
No. 572356
File: 1592582975883.jpg (1.41 MB, 2048x1720, pixlr_20200619123824821.jpg)

I don't necessarily dislike the newer one, but damn, his comfort zone is a bit too comfortable.
I would be embarrassed to post this, honestly.
No. 572358
File: 1592583309946.png (138.44 KB, 592x268, karen.png)

>>572277it's accurate tho
No. 572362
File: 1592583585776.png (1.05 MB, 1669x2048, Screenshot_20200619-121853.png)

>>572277I think you're thinking about this
Twitter is fucked
No. 572382
>>572356The second one is too cute. It’s not bad though but it doesn’t really fit the character.
>>572362Much like “Ok Boomer” Twitter really ran the Karen meme to the ground. Art is cool though.
No. 572481
File: 1592600913307.png (650.32 KB, 1080x1430, 20200619_165954.png)

I understand being upset at the homophobic comments but man, Cyarin needs to get off her high horse when it comes to people "copying" her. She didn't invent drawing outfits, or the thing where people draw on paper and color digitally. Yeah the other artits' inspiration is obvious but they're not even heavily referencing. The artist is also from Algeria where there are strict laws against LGBT people, not that it excuses being homophobic but it's just an entirely different culture
No. 572485
File: 1592601198307.jpg (254.34 KB, 2048x1087, IMG_20200619_171030.jpg)

>>572481Samefag but just noticed she posted this as evidence for copying. Laura you don't own poses, sorry if less skilled artists reference bigger artists work?? It's not cool to put them on blast like that. It's clearly not traced and they tried to change it up too.
No. 572499
>>572481it's so obvious that this kid is a kid. but hey cyarin is so far up her own ass she can almost see the light.
>subtle comments like these are some of the most common forms of hate we have to enduregirl… what? gays are getting killed all around the world and you complain about a 12-year-old not being woke enough. she's such a pissy retard
No. 572500
File: 1592603700475.png (167.79 KB, 534x878, dfdfdfgf.PNG)

"I'm getting people so mad UWU"
No. 572564
File: 1592620421125.jpeg (55.17 KB, 960x636, 1581863879709.jpeg)

clip studio paint is 50% off right now sisters!!
No. 572617
File: 1592632485101.jpg (219.51 KB, 561x587, explainhandspls.jpg)

>>572500This girl doesn't deserve 1.6 million followers.
There are so many artist that do the same boring drawings better than this narcissist.
No. 572618
>>572617i was gonna comment on the ass, then i saw the whole legs, then i saw the arms, then i saw the glasses
what the fuck is this lol. throw the whole drawing away
>>572564has anyone used the Frenden brush pack for CSP? I was considering purchasing it, it would be good to know how useful it is
No. 572642
File: 1592641350915.jpg (1.71 MB, 3248x2624, sameface.jpg)

This artist does amazing backgrounds, but she has the absolute worst same face syndrome.
No. 572647
>>572642Honestly I feel like most artists in Instagram have this problem nowadays, but this artist at least manages more expressions.
>>572646Sameface can become a problem when every single piece they make have the same stale expression.
No. 572651
File: 1592645198347.jpg (277.88 KB, 1080x1670, Pepper.jpg)

>>572642Isn't she that girl with the OC that looks a lot like Ariana Grande who loses her shit whenever somebody brings it up?
No. 572655
>>572646Agreed. I can still tell all these characters apart just fine. They have varying facial features even if the expressions are toned down, I don't see how it's "same face syndrome". For a lot of people in this thread it just seems like a cope to deal with them being jealous of more successful and/or talented artists, just like pointing out nitpicky anatomy flaws even when the overall tone of the drawing allows a more flexible interpretation. Same face syndrome is more like when you have only one exact type of face and expression with identical features you keep repeating, something like
>>571905 is much more closer to the definition.
No. 572702
File: 1592660151780.png (476.23 KB, 1014x630, 15345.png)

How they used to draw about a year ago vs now (old blog deleted but the name and age both match)
No. 572704
File: 1592660257785.png (374.07 KB, 400x400, HWmpktIx_400x400.png)

>>572702Also this one, the most recent arts are mostly trans flag miku & cie.
No. 572773
File: 1592673636612.jpeg (411.36 KB, 640x1125, 3345FAF5-9913-4D1B-8597-AAD240…)

>>572481Do I even have to explain the amount of things that is wrong with this
Also have any of you guys seen her streams? I checked some of them out (it might just be me) and I can’t help but cringe every time she brings up how many viewers there are.
“omg we’ve been staying up at 200 viewers guys.” not the exact quote, but why does it matter?
No. 572774
>>572773Oh no istg.
Declaring, bullying is okay to small non lgbtq+ artist.
>Hatred is a choiceSomebody drop her down from her high horse, she needs realization of being such pissy and narcisstic. Laia, dont be such a white knight defending, babying Laura. Shes wayyy older than the one she called out.
Laura, a dutch artist being an idiot, retarded, white skank at her finest
No. 572786
File: 1592677139157.jpeg (264.39 KB, 2048x1260, EaOuM4EXsAIHSX4.jpeg)

I will never understand why artists with THIS art style always gets attention. Everyone obsessed with bimbo lips now.
No. 572787
File: 1592677236739.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1562x2000, Eak1ov4XsAE7N2n.jpeg)

It's seriously so bland and poorly executed. Name one artist that does a similar style to this and well done. Only then will i appreciate it.
No. 572790
>>572702I feel like not much changed… lol
>>572735Oh most definitely. If she referenced things more, it could make all the more difference but I'm sure she would just use the excuse of "I'm too busy, I have a large commission queue so I don't have time to reference everything". I also notice how she depends so much on copying and free-transforming parts to such a numerous degree and I feel like that also contributes to how the eyes can look wonky.
>>572737You're right anon. I highly doubt using the typical Paint Tool Sai and Photoshop "broke" her old laptop, it's clear that the gaming was the culprit. I'm not sure about her old computer but it's clear that she's just can't be bothered to fix old working machinery. She strikes me as one of those people who always needs the next, new current thing but she lacks the funding to actually do it so she really can't afford to be choosy. Like what she said about her Huion, so what about the DPI? It still works and it's stupid to want to get something so expensive that you can't afford instead of just keeping at it with what you currently got. She's not this grand scale artist like she tries to pretend to be.
No. 572853
>>572655I don’t know how you can look at her art and not notice that every single female character has the same nose and lips and eyes. I think it’s just as bad as
>>571905 ‘s same face. Her being a great artist doesn’t mean she is free from criticism of how all her faces look the same, nor does it mean anyone who criticizes her is merely jealous.
No. 572864
>>572787>>572786Honestly it's not that bad, for the amount of followers they have it's not awful.
I've seen worse art with a lot more followers
No. 573199
>>573195You must be new here.
Post screenshots.
No. 573265
>>572647This is my stance on sameface, too. It isn't a big deal in cartoony work where the artist has a good handling on expressions. This artist could still push it more and has potential.
So many artists try to fight sameface syndrome by giving their characters "unique" features but still keep the same stiff facial expression.
>>572763What style are you going for? If you're just going for basic rendering, the stuff that comes with the software itself w/personal tweaks are what I've had the best experience with. Otherwise, I can try to help. I've played with lots and I know the marketplace can get overwhelming. There's a pixel art and a pastel-style set I'm in love with, for example.
>>573195It makes me kinda mad they're associated w/cottagecore
No. 573293
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No. 573294
File: 1592770304874.jpeg (461.21 KB, 750x926, 8A667C07-3F6E-439B-B0A3-9CA4AB…)

>>573293Shit like this and trying to recreate really commonly known paintings like starry night are the extent of their artistic capabilities. They are so popular on IG just look up the art hoe tag
No. 573371
File: 1592788392917.jpg (473.6 KB, 1079x1804, Screenshot_20200622-111343_Twi…)

Noah Bradley (who also runs the At Camp twitter) is being called put for being a predator. (1/2)
No. 573372
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>>573371(2/2) I had no idea he was such a creep but after following Art Camp for awhile I started getting weird vibes and unfollowed. So I'm not surprised at all I guess. Apparently he's into some real MRA shit too?
No. 573373
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>>573372And here's his edgy Onion-tier desktop he boasted about w/ associated tweet: No. 573394
File: 1592796003788.png (680.78 KB, 1300x1900, tobitweet.png)

>>573349Yeah. Personality isn't much better. As a different anon mentioned earlier, she made a video on Kimba the White Lion, then complained on Twitter about the negative comments when the YMS video came out, while also refusing to watch the video or read a summary of it.
She then deleted the video and all her tweets (only one tweet is still up:
No. 573471
>>573349Wtf Shane helped orcestrate a plot with two other mid thirties millionaires to ruin another YouTuber by making up allegations of him, a teeanger, being a 'dangerous sexual predator' over vitamin gummies and when he is called out for it Shane says the teenager deserved it and he's so sad and anxious he can't be held accountable for his actions and is even doubling down as if he did nothing wrong.
Like I fucking hate Shannon but at least she's not dumb enough to stan Shane Dawson
No. 573474
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>>573373>>573371>>573372I've never looked to deep into ArtCamp but followed him for the references packs and general advice, he always seemed narcissistic but it's not so uncommon among artists so it didn't stand out to me. Good thing people outed him, he doesn't deserve the attention he's getting. For what it's worth it's good he openly shared the 48 laws of power in the past so there's no wiggling his way out of this now, whatever he says we know it's either "surrender to recover", "make your
victims feel smarter", "feign honesty & generosity" or some other shit.
Btw, creating an "art commune" in a context of him following rules like "create a cult-like following" sure seems interesting…
No. 573481
>>573371Every man in the replies who is accepting his apology, praising him for it and saying things like "it's all in the past now, we all do stupid things in our youth" need to be on a list somewhere.
I'm so disgusted, ever since I was a tween I always dreamed of working in Massive Black even though it was an unattainable goal. There's nowhere that's safe.
No. 573565
>>573481There are
abusive men in all fields of work. Art industry is especially bad because it's already a place where connections matter more than skill. This is why starting your own art business or going freelance is really the best option for women. Getting "into the industry" means kissing male ass
No. 573579
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>>573568Bradley talking about these rules of power is by no means thing from the past, I think they were already married or about to get married when he was posting this on his twitter, according to timestamp, so there's no way she wouldn't know. Scrolled past someone on twitter claiming he cheated on her right before marriage but zero source on that. With all the context though seems like something he could do.
No. 573589
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>>573565Going it alone might be the best option but it's also not going to get you anywhere if you're constantly running up against
abusive men in positions of power that have each others' backs. It's all coming out right now, Cameron Stewart, writer and artist for Batgirl, was recently accused of grooming teenage girls.
Also Charles Brownstein, the leader of Comic Book Legal Defense Force (a non-profit that is meant to help comic artists with legal issues like protecting their IP etc, so exactly who independent female creators should be able to rely on) is also trending on twitter right now for being sexual predator.
Trying to read about these two I then ended up reading about Warren Ellis, another comic book writer and artist who is also a PoS. I had never heard of him but his Wikipedia includes work on on various famous comic lines such as Xmen, Iron Man and he even wrote the screen play for Netflix's Castelvania
I just wanted to look at some art today.
No. 573599
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Was pretty excited to see an artbook centering around an artist's oc but a lot of the art in this book feels unpolished. I see the goal and like the story but the art could have been better. I've seen Ross' older work and this is quite a drop.
No. 573606
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Fucking called it lol. Bitch couldn't even leave it up for an week.
No. 573621
>>573606I bet Shannon is loving this
Does anyone know how old Tobi is because she def a minor (16-18)
No. 573666
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"yaoi addict"
"behind you"
No. 573693
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>>573625I always thought she was mid-twenties.
No. 573724
>>573696tobi has been to therapy for years and still acts like a bitchy teenager?
>>573719i don't watch many drama channels. what other ones have BPD?
No. 573796
>>573789No. Shannon got into an argument with some random person, and they cut themselves. She then mentioned it in a video, acting like they did it on purpose just to
trigger her, fake crying over it. When in reality they just did it because they were having a mental lapse.
(video mentions it around 4 min in to 6 min)
No. 573828
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>>573474>>573373>>573371>>573372>>573579I looked through the wallpapers and holy shit this man is deranged. See attached for a few that unnerved me. If he really believes this, dude's a straight up sociopathic freak.
No. 573840
>>573838Yeah. Any time I watched a video by her, I would always skip the first 5 minutes. Then I would skip forward ten seconds any time she started going off on one of her "uwu quirky wordage" spiels.
She is incredibly unfocused, unfunny, and uninteresting. She has nothing to say, she just releases hot air.
No. 573911
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>>573855I just checked his wife's site and the whole landing page basically reads like "hello, I'm an escort"? (The painting is an image of herself). It's so weird. I can not for the life of me imagine she would've chosen to present herself this way as a professional without him telling her how hot she is and how she should present herself that way or whatever. He's scum.
No. 573935
>>573855tbh looking at who is "forgiving" him in the comments it's mostly other men. not to generalize, but…
>>573828wow, didn't know it was possible but somehow these wallpapers and going into details is much worse than that simplified chart. disgusting someone can genuinely live like this.
No. 573952
>>573935It's not even like it's their place to accept apologies directed at the
victims, they're the only ones who can forgive those actions.
No. 574095
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>>57394698% of the whole book is of similar quality. The best excuse for all of the delays was that the art would be of higher quality. Instead it looks like a collection of WIP pieces with a story.
No. 574129
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tl;dr: I'll bitch about creators I don't like but, I'll defend rich white men that could care less about me to the death idc about ur personal feelings dumb jews uwu
No. 574142
>>574129We get it anon, she’s “a bad person”
Tbh, all the drag that she’s getting kinda feels unnecessary, like, in her channel, the videos she puts out appears purposely opinionated while ppl like Shannon try to be “stakes of information” (despite knowing they’re heavily bias)
No. 574147
>>574142She's just a more loud unholy fusion of Creepshow and Holly Brown, purposely edgy and a fujo. All the "drags" she's getting are people telling her that she's being a hypocrite for being so passive about Shane who's an actual shit human being vs her giving Creepshow (albeit
valid) harsh criticism. Also Hi Tobi stan
No. 574157
>>574153Samefagging, but I brought up her channel size because of the fact that she isn’t like Shannon who has built her career on giving “””insight””” on drama, people had respected Shannon on that, until recent activities where she has directly accused an individual rather than being like Tobi who is hasn’t and impulsively made a video to say that she supports the scumbag Shane.
To rephrase It doesn’t seem hypocritical, but more ignorant. While Shannon wasn’t ignorant of her actions