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No. 574186
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
No. 574187
Sorry if it's a shitty thread I didn't know what to put for the picture or the description.
Last thread
>>557223 No. 574347
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>>574344I just looked it up (it's one of the results that pop up when you google her kek)and this is what I found. I know you can delete comments on Youtube but, I wouldn't put it past her to lie about it for pity.
No. 574349
>>574348Sometimes you just have to force yourself to draw things for the sake of practice.
If you really can't think of anything, just go to Line of Action and force yourself to draw male poses in whatever style you have.
No. 574351
>>574347I don't think she's lying. She probably did get one comment saying she should be raped and killed or whatever. But then she probably exaggerated the problem.
I think what's more telling is going to videos that were featured in the YMS video. The ones that still have comments enabled do not have any kind of rape or kill yourself comments, aside from maybe one in a sea of hundreds. And those videos are the ones most fans will be commenting on. Not some random video with a handful of views from tiny tobi.
No. 574377
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>>574369I looked to see if there was anything on Twitter. If she did make a Twitter video about the Kimba video or said YMS was into bestiality, then she deleted it.
All I found was a bunch of stupid Tweets. But her next video is on Sakimichan. Which if it gets backlash, she'll vehemently defend, then delete.
The cycle continues forever.
No. 574403
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For someone with BPD who understands she shouldn't react to things so much because it's unhealthy, she sure does react to things a lot.
But stans just gotta stan, I guess.
No. 574409
>>574377Man, Sakimi's coomer fanboys are gonna dogpile on her ass if she makes a video on her.
>>574403Her channel revolves around reacting to shit so I don't know who she's trying convince she's not. Also her whole "UwU nya rawr =3" is really fucking annoying. She's in her 20's and acts like a 14 year old living in 2009.
No. 574436
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>>574432yeah, but she's gonna get backlash either way.
though it is tiring how she's hyper defendant of cam-whores and prosties. like some people don't like sex work. it's just life
No. 574502
>>574494it's a nice resource full of stock photos of people, clothed and unclothed, to help people practice and improve their flow
not much more to say to it than that
No. 574630
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Am I severly undervaluing art, or are these prices just way to high, even if the buyer got a hard copy.
Even if the art was good, these prices just seem extreme for a soft copy simple lineart, color, and shading.
No. 574653
>>574639>>574630 I don't know, I don't agree in general with artist selling their work according to time spent, because you could have two artist create the same painting, but one needs 3 days and another needs only 1.
Buyers shouldn't pay more just because an artist is a slow worker.The price should be based on the quality of the art itself and who the artist is.
I don't know but $15 dollars for a simple line art does seem like a lot, especially if you're
only getting a digital copy.
And ten extra dollars for a very simple coloring?
No. 574661
>>574630That seems reasonable tbh anon.
If it's any lower than that it would not even be worth their time drawing it
No. 574684
>>574653While I don't disagree that the quality should be the main indicator of what art costs, I think time spent making it is still important. Some works just take longer, even between 2 equally skilled artist, one could spend more time on each piece due to their choice in style, should this person not take account the time spent in that work? As an artist you want to balance between what you think you deserve and what's the guality of your work worth, if people feel like the price doesn't reflect their standards; they just won't buy and that's ok. You should not lower your prices to the dirt just for the sake of getting few commissions that ultimately end up making you work for cents per hour.
>>574630And for this, while the quality is not the most impressive these prices are still dirt cheap, most kids could probably make that money by washing the dishes for 10 minutes.
No. 574685
>>574666As someone who has a
toxic relationship with social media as well, I don’t follow anyone on my art socials. I just upload what I love and occasionally interact with bigger and smaller artists to build connections.
No. 574698
>>574684The reason some works take longer is because there's a lot of detail involed, or the medium is difficult or complex. That is another indicator of cost. If the artist personally just needs a lot of time, it's not fair to factor that into the cost. So you might spends weeks on a painting, but it might not be very good.
You shouldn't lower your prices to the dirt, and obviously everyone can charge what they want, I just think 15 bucks seems a lot, for a line art, that an average speed artist could knock out in an hour at most. Coloring doesn't take that long either especially digitally.
It's not like 25 bucks is a lot of money, I just think it's a lot for what you get. If the person was getting a print, the price would be more reasonable I guess.
No. 574713
>>574666Your struggle is very common so don't feel alone or weird about this. Being constantly compared is part of being a part of artistic community unfortunately and best we can do is hope to get used to it. Try to make conscious effort to stop yourself from looking at followers count, will be hard in the beginning but eventually you can get rid of this habit alltogether - it's what you should do first and foremost.
As inspiring it can be to look at other great artists work, try to minimize it as much as you can. You can even put boundaries of yourself, something like - I'll not spend more than 15 minutes a day scrolling through other people's art. Ideally, cut it alltogether for some time, it was a great help to me when I realized i just spend way too much time looking at other people's stuff and hating my own instead of just focusing on my own development.
If you have a bit of active following already it definitely would be a loss to just abandon it. If your followers are not so engaged though, complete purge and hiatus could be helpful too. I used to have what I'd consider decent following on tumblr years ago (over 1k) but people followed me just for one fandom, never interacted on personal posts or anything that wasn't related to that fandom so it wasn't a loss to abandon that, just to give an example what could be an unvaluable following.
Overall, good luck with everything! you do need an active online presence to "make it" if you want to be a freelancer doing comissions, but it's not the only way - a loooot of professionals have zero online presence but make good money working on some bigger team projects, so that's a way for you to consider too.
No. 574716
>>574630>>574698This really is standard pricing. Artists really shouldn't go lower than this, because then there's pretty much no benefit to them to do commissions in the first place.
You're also assuming that any average artist can draw a picture in an hour or less, but that's actually pretty fast for any artist, regardless of their style.
You have to argue that, though, because if you understood that most art takes at least 2 hours, then you'd have to admit working for 12.5 dollars per hour is not ridiculous in the slightest.
No. 574724
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No. 574726
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>>574724why are they like this
No. 574729
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I only have pencils and occasionally draw completely random pedestrians and people from photos (no idea if I need permission to draw people).
No. 574732
>>574716I already said I disagree with hourly pricing. Not to mention artists can absolutly lie and say their work took longer than it did. There's no effective way to prove how long someone spent on a piece unless it's fully recorded.
I also don't think a full body line art takes two hours for any experieced artist.
Maybe I'm overestimating how quickly people can work, but irrelevant of that, I just think it's priced too high, not only because of the simplicity of the work but also because the commisions are soft copy.
I just think spending 15 dollars for a soft copy simple drawing and coloring is excessive, when you could go to any number of art convensions and gets prints and stickers for the same price.
I didn't mention my own commisions, because no one cares, but mine are priced lower, for the simple ones and for the a little bit of detail I go up in price, and the really expensive ones are the very detailed ones. Depending on where the person lives I also offer a hard copy for a little extra.
No. 574752
>>574732A full body lineart, if it took one hour, would be 15 dollars per hour. Which is not an absurd wage to work at, especially for a skilled profession such as art.
But aside from that, you're also not taking in consideration supply and demand. There are many artists that we would consider to have terrible art, but they can price really high because people want their art so bad.
You may not think the art is worth it, but the mass majority of people think that the prices are fine.
No. 574760
>>574732the reason the prices don't vary heavily is probably because the lineart is what takes the longest for the artist to do. from there, the artist just adds increments of 5 dollars, because adding color doesn't take as long as the lineart.
to have a lineart be 5 dollars, then the flat be 10 dollars, and the full body to be 15, would be to say that all parts of their drawing process take the same amount of effort and time.
No. 574762
>>574754It's not a matter of under valuing art, I reached out a lot to artist and to my followers and looked at prices in general.
I get way more commisions now with my prices lowered a bit and get more money because more people are buying my work.
That piece is fanart, I make original work, and it's not as simple as
>>574630, and my line art usually goes for $20 - $60 depending on how detailed.
I also am signed up to monthly patreons, where 2 prints and stickers/keychains etc. are sent out monthly for approx. 30$ + videos etc.
Like I said, per hour is nonsense, and the final product isn't worth 25$. Four of these would be 100$, and I could buy a lot more for the same amount at an artist convention in my area. Those would be hard copy pieces.
Obviously the prices are going to be different for really popular artists because they only have so much time to do commisions since they have a full time art related career. There's also a difference between people who make art and have a seperate career, and people do make art full time.
No. 574766
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>>574762so you came to a shit-talking forum, to complain about some random person's prices. a person that hasn't done anything wrong, whose prices are extremely average, because you think you're better than them?
No. 574774
>>574766Show me where I said I was better than them? This person in particular isn't being targeted by me. I don't even know who they are. I could have used any number of dozens of examples I have seen on other social media platforms, this just seemed like the easiest picture to use to ask my question on the worth of art. There are so many artist with varying price ranges I wanted to get a second opinion, since I see artists that do similar work, but for lower prices and ones that have a slightly higher price but whose work is much more detailed.
I don't want any one to talk shit, about this person, just to identify whether or not pricing is appropriate or if I'm under valuing their art, nothing here has convinced me yet, since hourly still sounds like bs.
Our art is also completly different? They make fanart (nothing wrong with that) and it's full color, I make black and white inked pieces. Their art style is also quite simple, which again, nothing wrong with that.
Whether one piece of art is technically better than the other doesn't matter and is subjective anyway, and we can't be compared since we don't even make the same type of art.
Never have I said I was better as an artist, and I only responded with personal pricing information as comparison, once it was brought up by other people.
Nice try though, trying to twist my words. If you have nothing to add to the question don't bother contributing.
No. 574776
>>574724Is the one with a shell not supposed to represent trans person…
Or did they want then to draw a male
No. 574786
>>574774You wanted a second opinion but you won't accept anything other than your own
>If you have nothing to add to the question don't bother contributing.Please stop adding to the thread, you aren't contributing
No. 574792
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>>574786Disagreeing with another person isn't the same as not accepting their opinion? I'm not just disagreeing because I think I'm right, I'm saying why I have the opinion I have, and agree with some of the points people have made.
There's art in the same price range that I think has completly average price like this one. The above one was just questioning the value of this type of product.
No. 574795
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speaking of prices. this costs 205$
No. 574796
>>574795this isn't r/delusionalartists.
everyone is annoyed by your self-important attitude.
fuck off
No. 574803
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>>574630this here is dirt cheap and way below most prices. i guess it also depends on how popular the artist is and how many comisions they can take
No. 574811
>>574803Yeah but it's also way worse, just look at that anatomy.
I think you should take into account that artists that do comissions for cheap could also be minors, ie no expenses, or people from countries with a currency worth way less than the American dollar.
No. 574813
>>574811 yeah, but to be fair, anatomy could be attributed to style, the only thing i can see immediatly is the arms are way to long and one is longer than the other. mabe an issue with the neck.
we really dont know where all of these people come from though.
No. 574827
>>574795It’s in euros so:
Line art - $84
Flats - $95
Full colour - $230
No. 574829
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>>574811would this count as expensive? if the og pic is average, trying to find a baseline.
No. 574840
>>574792I think this one is way under priced. I could easily see myself paying $50 for a full body from this one. Idc if its "ugly" I dig this style, it has nice form to it.
Just because good artists are asking for scraps doesn't mean beginners should ask for even less.
>>574829I might count that as expensive, but for two reasons that have nothing to do with the artist's "greed." 1) I'm not at all in the market for this style and 2)Artists are chronically undervalued, namely good artists, so comparing even one of them to this person makes this person look expensive solely because a single artist who's style I love a lot more than this one is asking for less.
All commission prices boil down to is:
>as a buyer, would YOU be willing to pay that much for this style? and
>as an artist, how much money would be worth it to YOU to put your effort in to draw something you're completely uninterested in and possibly have no prior knowledge on?It really doesn't have much to do with skill level or notoriety or anything. The art market is oversaturated, if you just want a nice looking chibi style, go to any of the artists who have desperately lowered their prices to rock bottom levels in hopes of anyone at all buying from them. If you want Mr. XWeebMasterX's art specifically, you'll have to just cough up what he requires. "But so-and-so does it for less" that's your problem, pay so-and-so instead then. He's not being greedy, he's not being expensive. He has a specific tolerance level. he wont put himself through the hoops you want him to jump through for less than he's asking. Its really not that complicated
"Baseline" is a myth, if you can sell your soul for $5 a pop, just do it, you'll get more customers. But most people just aren't willing to put in that effort for that little, even if their art sucks.
Example: You couldn't pay me enough to mail you a print of my art. I do not want to be bothered dealing with that. I could ask $100 to mail an 11x8 print, and get no takers, and be happy, because I wouldn't have to put up with doing a chore for less compensation than I'd require.
No. 574855
>>574840I made OP, thanks for breaking it down, in general I agree, I just don't want customers to get ripped off.
I see a lot of people on Instagram and Twitter selling art, mostly fanart, and the people who buy from them and get patreon are younger and ask their parents for money. It's also that a person who isn't an artist might not be able to identify, whether or not they're paying a reasonable price.
There was a situation with an artist on Instagram, where they used bad paper or paints, or something, and sold a lot of pieces using those supplies and didn't even address it.
I just want customers to get a good value for what they’re paying, especially if it’s from teens or kids. I just wanted a discussion on here since people had a mixed opinions when I asked on my socials.
No. 574882
>>574855Artists using substandard materials for physical commissions is a real concern, but that doesn't apply to digital commissions unless the art is stolen or misrepresented. If someone sees a digital commission sheet and chooses to pay for it, and they receive original art that matches their agreement and the original commission reference sheet, you can't say they were "ripped off".
Art has no legal trade standard because it is a non-necessity and the value is completely up to the artist, as it should be, if people don't want to pay a high price then they don't have to because people don't need art to live. It's true that there is a average rate that commissioners might expect to pay but if an artist charges above the norm for their respective skill it doesn't mean they are ripping anyone off, it just means less people will want to buy their work but it's still a fair deal if someone wants to. This is such a non-problem and I don't understand why you don't get it, do you compile pricing of musician meet and greets too?
No. 574900
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We get it Rae, you can't take criticism.
No. 574904
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No. 574915
>>574905if you realize it's easier to let it go anon, maybe you should? just price your art higher if that's what you think the issue is.
ultimately if people are willing to pay their own cash on stuff you don't feel they should be buying, you can't stop them.
No. 574916
>>574882Dude the value of art is literally what you assign for it. If a kid sees a (digital) artwork they really like and want to commission the artist regarless of price then the value of that work is literally of the value that the kid is willing to pay (excluding ofc the case where the end result is of lower quality than the example). You gotta also remember that art is custom work, it's made to you by someone and every piece is different, it's not mass produced factory work so regardless how shitty the art itself may be, the fact that it's "one of the kind" should always be factored into the price.
Also wtf is with your logic, at first it was all about "omg I charge less than them thus these are overpriced" to "omg think of the children", Sorry but I ain't buying this.
No. 574917
>>574915I don't think my art is priced too low, it was priced too high before. This has nothing to do with my art at all, I only brought it up after it was brought up.
I'm also not trying to stop them, they can decide their own price. I'm not at all arguing that, people just continue to take words out of context and ignore the other replies. I was just wondering if despite the subjective nature of commissions there was a point of excessive cost?
Seriously if you read all of my posts in the thread, you'll see I never said, my art is better, or their art is bad or any shit like that.
I was already done with the conversation and agreed with
>>574851 but someone responded again, with more of the same info as already stated before.
I agree with you completly.
No. 574918
>>574917you never said "my art is better", but you did say that you don't think their art is worth 25 dollars, which is a price people consider average. so you're saying their art is worth less than average
you also said you charge more than them for commissions, meaning you think your art is worth more than what is considered average
just because you don't directly say the words "my art is better" doesn't mean it isn't implied
No. 574920
>>574918I never said their art is bad, I said the price wasn't justified by the product. I like their art, it's not my favorite style, but I do think it's cute. I wouldn't pay 15 dollars for a simple line art. ME, PERSONALLY. If there were more details, then the price would be justified, or if they knocked off,
3-5 dollars. I posted an example of a commision where the price was similar but way more justified for ME.
The reason I charge more commisions, which you would know if you read the thread, is because our art is completly different, and therefore prices can't be compared. I do traditional inking, which are usually very complex and charge 20 -60 dollars.
I'm not saying my art is worth more, because they can't even be compared. I brought this up because people said I undervalued my art, should put my prices up, or I thought my art was better, which I never said. Read my replies.
Like I said people talk shit and take things out of context to try and make you seem like you're saying something <ou're not. All I ever questioned whether there was any sort of metric for commision cost. Nothing more nothing less. Everything else, is people shit stirring.
No. 574951
>>574403this girl is full of such shit. she constantly claims that she's going to stop reacting to things. she made 20+ tweets yesterday alone, 90% of which were her arguing with random people.
if she really wanted to do what was best for her BPD, she would leave the cesspool that is twitter entirely
No. 575031
>>575004I share your feelings. I had never had a twitter until some months ago. I tried to start using it but whenever i posted fanart I would get anxious and not log in until like 4 days later and avoid the app because for whatever reason I got anxiety.
Eventually I decided to stick to just using instagram and tumblr. If twitter starts draining the motivation or joy you have for something, maybe you can use another app. All in all just try to not let other people discourage you. It is hard but can be done. Good luck!
No. 575237
>>575004I think it's natural to be worried if other people's feelings towards you are genuine, especially when you're an artist on Twitter. There are many who will try to drag you through the mud, or take advantage of you.
However, I think it's best not to worry about it. It helps me mentally to assume that everyone has benign intentions, until proven otherwise. Any new people that interact with me, I interact politely, as with a business acquaintance. I keep my distance for a while and maintain politeness until we become friends or I understand their motives for talking to me.
There's no need for you to stress yourself about it. Just try to focus on your craft and the kindness of others.
No. 575345
>>575334Sorry in advance I'm about to sperg.
She tried to use the white of the eggs… Just end me.
Toxic Chamicals." typo.
The cherry on top is her clarification comment (pinned): "It really blows my mind Da Vinci used this paint to create the last supper. Nuts. Gave me a new perspective."
Ironically Leonardo pulled a Rae back then. It was a rushed work and for who knows what reason he decided to mix oils and tempera instead of just doing a fresco (tempera & watercolor).
It deteriorated so fast some experts argue it might as well not be considered his work since it had to be restored so much.
What's left of Leonardo's paint is flaky and poor quality.
"BA in visual arts with an emphasis in painting and drawing" uwu my ass. She can't even bother to read a wiki page.
No. 575397
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>>574795Buttoniris/tsunderemaids on twitter was selling a two character (minimal shading and no background) for 500$, their stuff is good but wow that's a lot for someone who doesn't do backgrounds and does solid color fill.
No. 575399
>>575367He still has subpar content most of the time. Take away his big ass studio and extreme behavior and you're left with uninspired content every other youtuber does. On the other hand as he has so much subscribers and views, the things he is giving away are peanuts to him. I think he is making the same amount if money in one day he is giving away.
I'm actually more concerned about his health. He has a fucking high output and superb qualitiy, and yet he looks more tired than ever in his videos. (Well yes, could also be his age that's getting to him, but I think it's more the hamster wheel he's created for himself.)
No. 575400
>>575397i've been seeing a few other artists (i didn't save caps but i could look them up) charging a few hundreds for simple flat color illos, complete with the caption "only 2 slots" like no shit dude
i know that other anon was sperging about this a bit much but DANG, they make complete sense if their arguments are applied to this particular example…
No. 575404
>>575397excuse me what the fuck, and that's the depressed artist that gained a huge following with her little fun comics about "ahah depression funni" I mean good for her if someone actually bought that
It reminds me of the artist who charged $100 for riping off the Persona artstyle, and when someone commented about the insane price she made a $10 commission joke with paint drawing with a mouse because she got salty "art takes time that what u get if you want a low price" and actually received money from her pals
No. 575418
>>575408Why are you defending idiots who buy that stuff in the first place though lmao
If you could get 500 for shitty art, wouldn’t you do it too? Less work more money. Yeah their art isn’t great but why are you so focused on the money aspect of it, why not their technical skills? It just makes you come off as jealous js
No. 575432
>>575425>>575430$60 for a drawing of a character that most likely takes around 2 hours to make really isn't "nothing". That's 30 dollars an hour.
Also just realized that the drawing we are talking about is 500 dollars for a 2 character piece. For some reason I thought it was 200 bucks for 2 individual drawings, my bad.
If you guys are ok with paying 500 dollars for a 2 character drawing then good for you I guess. It just sounds ridiculous to me and I'd never pay that much for a commission of this quality
No. 575435
>>575334her videos are so damn lazy. She doesn't research properly, and she doesn't even do nice drawings with the medium. Yes she can blame that the supply was bad but even in the videos when she uses supplies bought from a store she makes shitty art.
I used to like Rae but that art youuber clique with her and her friends really screams : i got popular and started making no effort now.
No. 575441
>>575433It makes me suspicious this thread is actually half filled with coomer commissioners that are mad nobody will draw their waifu for free, and that the other half is beginner artists that are so submerged in Dunning Kruger that they become jealous whenever they see another artist get praise or paid for art.
It's great when people are paying any level of artist, why doesn't it make this thread happy knowing that there is the opportunity to get out there and actually be paid? It's a good thing!
No. 575457
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>>575450You're totally right and I agree with what you're saying when it comes to things like concept art or more elaborate pieces. In those cases ridiculously high price tags are justified. Everyone's free to pay however much they want for art commissions, I'm just saying that I would never pay 500 dollars for generic, unpolished anime art.
Delusional artists are a thing and it's not a crime to make fun of or disagree with them and their prices lol
No. 575483
>>575466yeah they seem to not get that yes, while they are bi, if they in fact date the opposite sex, other people wont discriminate them how they would a same sex couple.
All I know about twisted disaster is that I hate her art. I dont like BNHA, but lmfao that drawing she did of Deku was hideous. How she has sold art at cons is beyond me.
Has anyone in this thread gone to a con? How do you go about selling your art? I am interested in going in the future after the pandemic is over but Besides getting a table I am blind
No. 575543
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this artist got popular for drawing the "plague doctor/nurse girlfriends" which, admittedly, i really enjoyed! however, every single post they make is like this.
if you want your character to be seen as a female, why mention that they're trans at all?
No. 575548
>>574724Honestly what would you even do in this situation? You tried to make a piece to celebrate the varying female bodies and then some cunt marches in saying "WHAT ABOUT GIRLDICKS, HMMMM?". If you don't answer they'll call you out for being a ~bigot~ and ruin your reputation and business. What a nightmarish and kafkaesque scenario.
Regarding the pricing debate, this thread is so fucking obviously filled with salty teenage amateur artists who can't stand someone they're jealous of making money selling "overpriced" art. I don't see anything wrong with selling character designs at $500, people fucking sell customized dolls and shit for the same amount and up and nobody minds. Art and design are ridiculously underpriced to begin with, I'd feel bad paying someone only $30 for a full colour portrait if they put like 15 hours into making it. If you can finish a drawing like that in 2 hours so you can justify a $30 price tag then good for you, it either looks like unappealing diarrhea you're completely underpricing your work. Technical skills don't equal consumer appreciation and people here need to learn that if they ever want to become a commercial artist.
No. 575592
File: 1593211807774.png (25.86 KB, 598x356, 1.png)

>>575543checked their twitter. yikes
No. 575597
>>575592Why are ALL pro LGBT artists like this??? Why can't I just enjoy lgbt characters in peace???? they're no different from straight characters and it's so annoying to have lgbt characters treated so differently. Straight characters are bland and boring and gay relationships are either straight ones in disguise or just as bland and boring.
Are there ANY decent pro lgbt creators??
No. 575712
File: 1593232437771.jpg (242.71 KB, 833x1141, 20200627_063036.jpg)

sage for no milk, but hell, Happy finally really improved her facial anatomy!
No. 575731
File: 1593238299215.png (191.19 KB, 1000x707, EbdT9Y9UcAAdxXp.png)

Enormous skull + thick stumpy neck. Never change, meyoco.
No. 575733
>>575466Wait, I’m confused anon, are you annoyed that TD is acting “oppressed” because that whole stereotype of “then why aren’t you with the opposite sex”-thing?
It’s kinda basic snowflake behavior out of TD. I wouldn’t be surprised if she isn’t even bisexual and thought that “well I recognize that girl is cute, therefore I must be bisexual and be apart of a minority”- but that’s neither here nor there for that kind of discussion
No. 575741
File: 1593239923307.jpg (543.07 KB, 1026x509, tobi.jpg)

To be fair, I'm fine with Pewdiepie and Jenna but, Gabbie is being currently dragged because she bitched at Youtube that she was shadow banned when it more than likely was people not being interested in her shitty music. And Shane is being held accountable for pushing the narrative that James Charles was a predator and then saying afterwards he needed to be humbled.
>You hold other creators accountable and that puts you on some moral high ground?? But it's different when it's you?
Pot calling the kettle much? You held people like Onision and Shannon accountable but, that somehow exempt Shane, Gabbie, and even you from it? Dumbfuck.
No. 575745
>>575741She's lumping in Shane with people like Pewdiepie. Pewdiepie had his controversy a long time ago, has never done anything like it again, and did a respectful apology. Shane responded by saying that James Charles deserved it and then bounced off Twitter (or at least pretended to). Shane will continue to support, be friends with, and defend Jeffery Star.
Their controversies aren't even comparable. She's just lumping them together to make Shane seem more reasonable and make her dissenters appear more unreasonable.
No. 575788
File: 1593257515097.jpeg (38.32 KB, 501x612, images (5).jpeg)

>>575597>gay relationships are either straight ones in disguise or just as bland and boring.These ocs are the 1st thing that come to mind
No. 575789
This ISN'T a straight couple???
No. 575793
>>575789Yeah, its not
>>575790>no one knows these ocsExcept that the person who made these ocs has over a 800k subs on youtube and is one of the first gay couple ocs that pop up when you google it
No. 575806
>>575548I'll be real anon, I think trans is a bunch of BS but I have to ask, if someone really doesn't include "Girl dick" in their line of characters and they may even be vocal that they don't think transwomen are women, can their art business really take that much of a hit? I would like to think that if the person is still decent despite not believing in trans and they have a genuine good or unique art style, they can still prevail and make it.
But I'm not active on Twitter and I know this is where that bullshit tends to happen so I can't say that I know just how it is for an artist who doesn't believe in the ideology and what can happen to their art business if it's found out.
No. 575811
>>575712Oh wow, that actually looks really nice!
>>575733Yeah anon, it's exactly that. As a lesbian, I just get really annoyed when some bisexual people who are dating the opposite sex act like they face oppression because to the outside world, they are viewed as a heterosexual couple and they're like all "But it's Bisexual erasure when Gays/Lesbians don't acknowledge the struggles of bisexual people" and I'm just like bitch, you're not gonna face any discrimination being a heterosexual couple, chill out.
And yeah, I'm not even sure if TD is actually bisexual and not doing exactly what you said where she thinks that if she thinks a girl is attractive, that makes her bisexual. I think she did share in an old video that she dated another girl before but she was like a freshman in high school when she did but that was high school, people are still developing at that time n their life.
No. 575813
>>575788Iirc the person drawing this is a "gay male" aka a fujo escaping the stigma of it by claiming to be a he. It's always obvious if gay couples are drawn by women or men. Looking at her work I'm almost one hundred percent certain this is one of those girls who claims them wearing dresses while identifying as male is breaking gender norms and projects that onto her oc. Don't buy them being a gay dude for a second
Sage for sperg, but the amount of people like this really annoys me
No. 575835
>>575774Honestly, if no one gave a shit, then why do people engage in delusional artist forums? It’s funny as hell that some people expect so much for a piece of shit work, even funnier when some dumbass pays for it.
Damn, now I’m wondering how many artfags here overprice kek
No. 575890
File: 1593282091671.png (736.76 KB, 703x841, s.png)

soeymilk cracked and added a dick person kek. i hate 2020
No. 575896
>>575890Where is the trans-person? It looks the same as before.
Anyway, not to start a gender discussion in an art thread but, I hate this whole 'womxn' shit. If mtf trans people transition, then whats the issue with just saying women? And if "Non-binary" people don't have a gender then there is no need to call them women. Women/Woman isn't some ghastly, horrific word.>>575895The clam is just a cute way to draw a bush I think.
No. 575904
>>575899Ah, I see it now. Gross.
>>575898Damn, they made her add a fucking dick to a picture of women lmao, could've just said one of the people is a tranny that got srs or something. But that might've risked her getting cancelled or something.
No. 575932
>>575890I don’t understand why people are saying “add a dick, because TRANSwomen”. Isn’t the whole part of transGender is having disphoria? You know, the Aspect of The disorder that makes said person bothered by parts on them that are of the opposite gender than they see themselves as??
Why would someone being trans want to see a penis on the “trans representation” when they’re actively disgusted by it?
No. 575954
>>575896it's so weird when people lump nb people together with women, it's almost like they don't even consider it to be a separate thing. some nb people also love to call themselves lesbians, they really need to stop with this shit.
>>575932people who want shit like that added to everything are really disgusting, and honestly just trying to pass up their weird fetish as representation. i'm not even a transphobe like lot of people on this website, but even I find it disgusting that these people are trying to shove dicks on women every chance they get.
No. 575965
File: 1593291907689.jpeg (158.39 KB, 750x552, C23B31B8-6F95-4DB7-9A45-C6BC9D…)

It’s crazy the amount of Destiny art that this person saved.. even if it’s from people who saved her work and send it to this Twitter…
It’s also weird how this page reads like a eulogy, it’s creepy af how much they’re trying to prove Destiny as a saint
No. 576061
>>575514Agreed. It's really appealing and can see it working well in any media.
The people who attempt the 'ugly' style and lack a grip on certain concepts tend to have the most hideous shit. This is a far cry from any of that.
>>575441>It makes me suspicious this thread is actually half filled with coomer commissioners that are mad nobody will draw their waifu for free, and that the other half is beginner artists that are so submerged in Dunning Kruger that they become jealous whenever they see another artist get praise or paid for art.Don't forget the potential overlap to where they feel obliged to these artist's time and want a cut of their userbase. The combination of DK Syndrome with Crabs in a Bucket leads to this.
>>575548I'm noticing that anyone in that situation is really better off saying nothing. Being assumed that you're a quiet transphobe fades away faster than responding positively or negatively. Especially since, if you reply with pandering, they'll expect more out of you. If people assume you're a bigot because you didn't respond to their question, they're setting themselves up to be flagged for harassment if they're persistent.
Why don't they bother trans artists for this stuff?
>>575954I don't get this either. NBs are always policing women's language but wanting to be included in things that are specifically by and for women. I don't think people on this site are transphobic, they just think as you do but more vocal about it. No one beats around the bushes here with girldick bullshit here.
No. 576135
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>>576107Yeah, I think you’re right, or it’s one of her friends, either way, they ain’t slick- like, this is shamefully obvious
No. 576251
>>575441> the other half is beginner artists that are so submerged in Dunning Kruger that they become jealous whenever they see another artist get praise or paid for art.This thread seems to be dominated by these types even more than usual now. The constant whining about someone having expensive supplies or "overcharging" (i.e. asking the price consumers are willing to pay) is so obviously deep rooted in jealousy and bitterness over someone else's success. People keep bringing up how someone like Sakimichan doesn't "deserve" the ridiculous amount of money she receives each month just because of their favourite "her anatomy sucks" cope. I'm sorry to tell you all this but you're not entitled to fame and money no matter how much technical skill you have because
art is not a meritocracy.
>>576061>Why don't they bother trans artists for this stuff?They don't have to, they're already drawing tons of girldicks to slap on everyone's faces. The point is to colonize female creations and keep those dumb cis staceys at check so they know their places.
>they're setting themselves up to be flagged for harassment if they're persistent.Only if it were so easy. If you don't reply they just keep pulling out bigger guns to bully a reaction out of you. If you keep calm and never address the drama, they'll start harassing everyone who likes and shares your art with "Hey you know this artist is a transphobe right??? would be sad if we had to cancel you too you know…..". The tranny cultists are fucking insane and go above and beyond to punish an artist who doesn't pander to their mentally ill asses. Especially because the artist circles are so woke and an artist's income depends much on their social reputation it's particularly depressing.
No. 576348
>>576251>art is not a meritocracyanything that you make a business out of, becomes a meritocracy. i'll take my thirty dollar loish prints over
>>575397 anyday, thanks
No. 576349
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it doesn't even matter what she's talking about. the manner in which she talks about it is so childish and obnoxious
No. 576354
>>576304Nayrt but complaining about literal nobodies pricing their work "too high" or how someone doesn't "deserve" their success isn't milk, it's just pathetic
Like you said we're here to rip on stupid stuff artists do. We're not here to whine about how much literal nobodies are charging, or how our own OC donut steel art should be so much more successful than Sakimichan's and how it's not fair boohoo
No. 576371
>>576351it's a matter of opinion at that point. i'd have something custom made for 500$, yes, but i'd personally prefer buying something i can probably hang up without wanting to rip it off my wall everyday.
continuing on that analogy, i'm actually curious about loish's commission charges (if she's ever free lol). i do remember seeing artgerm's prices and i can definitely buy an original artwork from him for around 500. it is what it is.
>>576354fair enough. it IS artist salt thread after all
No. 576389
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What exactly is she trying to argue here???? That as you get older your stupidity still shouldn't be held accountable?
No. 576481
>>576389Jojo doesn't live in the same world as we do. She's been in business since she was a child. She's had a few controversies already. She has loads of adults around her that help her make decisions.
Jojo deserves criticism, not just because she's probably mentally older than a typical 18 year old, but because she's also surrounded by waaayyyyy older adults helping make her decisions. Criticizing her is in a way criticizing them.
No. 576543
>>576533God, I never liked this kind of character shipping. It’s the type were the ocs were made on the intent to represent a relationship, which isn’t bad in of itself, but most, including this one, is just so heavily rooted on being some weird fetish.
Like, stop spreading that shit around like HIV, claiming that it’s made for representation, when really it’s There to fulfill the person’s own fetish
No. 576629
>>576251Lol. The literal point of this forum is to be salty and bitch about stupid shit artist do. don't act like you're some sort of intellectual on this site talking about real, just problems in the art community. you're here to bitch and whine and complain just like the rest of us.
I'm suspicious that a lot of anons are artistsfags themselves and are getting insecure and annoyed when people talk about money.
The original art sperg anon posted was a dumb example but they have a point. There are ways to determine the average price of art, and those criteria are pretty fullproof although there are exceptions.
Saying art has whatever value you assign to it is fucking stupid, because I could sell a Gucci plain white shirt for 600 dollars and that would be a rip off as well, even though there are people who pay that price.
It's actually possible to make fun of delusional artists and the people stupid enough to pay their ridiculous prices at the same time.
It's also funny to see people whine about the value of art. Art is a product just like anything else, it doesnt have inherently more value than any other product.
No. 576661
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>>576533Japanese highschool setting huh? very feminine gay boys are part of anime/manga history so it's not like it's someting new, but is it unwoke? only twitter can decide. the author is just a weeb fujo
No. 576740
>>576629There's a fucking spectrum of topics to discuss besides "intellectual high art" and seething over someone's $100 character commissions. I'm not in high school anymore, being jealous over someone making money fair and square isn't interesting. The thread keeps being derailed back into the "how dare this bitch earn her living doing drawings I don't like" territory and it attracts an equally boring and cringy userbase.
>Saying art has whatever value you assign to it is fucking stupid, because I could sell a Gucci plain white shirt for 600 dollars and that would be a rip off as well, even though there are people who pay that price.No, a ripoff would be someone charging you $10 for the same brand of coffee you could get for $5 across the street. If a Gucci plain white shirt became a huge viral meme and every rich brat wanted one for the brand, the price tag would be justified. All in all most designs are just plain clothes and the price comes from the privilege of getting to wear a luxurious logo. Art isn't absolute and the price is set by demand and prestige, nothing else. Like it or not.
Anyone can learn perfect anatomy if they study and practice hard enough but even if your stuff was fit for the biology books you can't slap a price tag of $500 per commission on it if you're a no name artist with no following. Or, you can do that, but nobody will be paying for it. I've seen subpar artists have their commission slots filled in seconds and them dragging their feet working on what they were paid for and constantly being hateful towards their customers. Yet these artists keep getting business simply because they have a brand and a style everyone wants a piece of. I'm sure someone thinks your favourite artists are overrated garbage who don't deserve the recognition they're getting on a constant basis as well.
And as for your "y-you're just insecure!!" strawman, I do art as a side business and earn good money from my day job because I couldn't give less shits about constantly networking and building my brand like one has to do in order to actually make a coin with art. At least I realized this early on and got an actual fucking degree instead so I can afford a roof over my head.
No. 576756
File: 1593449707420.jpeg (332.94 KB, 844x1200, 479684CA-9924-4894-B8B5-F8F2B8…)

>>576533Who is this artist trying to fool by calling themselves a guy, compare that to pic related by a male mangaka. Guys don’t care about flowery high school romance feefees, they think about sex just like the cumbrained straight guys.
No. 576766
>>576756i agree there are some stylistic differences you can pick up on between men and women's art styles, but c'mon now. interact with a real life member of the opposite sex if you really think none of them create subject matter or art around the topic of emotional connection. men have feelings and if anything express them through their work/art more than anything else.
>>576543i'm lost. i know what you mean but i'm missing out on the weird fetish going on here you're referring to? the fact the artist is into fujoshit/shipping?
No. 576889
>>576766>there are some stylistic differences you can pick up on between men and women's art styles Now
this is a topic I'm always interested in. Especially when it comes to erotic art. Sometimes the lines do blur though.
No. 576924
>>576889Fat agree. It’s a really interesting topic because it makes me wonder how some of my viewers think I’m a guy based on my art.
I wonder if there is some baseline sexism because when I tell my own viewers my actual gender, I get quite a few Comments changing from “wow you’re art is good” to “you’re art is good, I would have never suspected you being a female”.
It’s all innocent, but it rubs me the wrong way.
No. 577078
>>576923Like what artists though?
>>576906 Since I only followed one of his blogs I thought Ryo Suzuri was a woman, until I found out his real name and that he worked for Capcom. Also, after seeing him draw stuff like a guy fucking a monster’s throat wound/vagina I thought yeah this has to be a guy
And then a lot of people are surprised when they find out that women draw hardcore stuff as well
No. 577109
>>574724>>575890Fuck the retards saying there needs to be a cock in the picture, and fuck her for giving in. If these commenters like dick so much, they should draw it themselves.
>>575932Because they're posers who want to keep their dick while also earning woke points for being twans wimmin.
>>576756This made me laugh. What manga is this, anyway?
>>576906I met one cis fudanshi in college that drew a lot of Kiribaku stuff. That said, though, he probably
did look at/draw porn, but had the social tact not to talk about it. Male yaoi writers/fans tend to be more drawn to bara or comedies.
No. 577141
>>576756that's true
cartoon men drawn/written by women> men
No. 577304
>>577078Sorry to derail a little, but is Ryo Suzuri really a man? On one of his early accounts he is listed as a woman. And it wouldn't be odd for a woman to draw hardcore gory stuff.
Though if he is a man, he's probably not a straight one.
No. 577566
What? You completely lost me there anon.
No. 577577
>>576924>it makes me wonder how some of my viewers think I’m a guy based on my art. I used to have a small following for NSFW art on tumblr and 4chan, I mostly drew solo pin-ups of popular anime girls or whatever "draw your character wearing this" trends. I never shared photos or personal details other than my age and gender, but many users decided I was a guy who was just pretending to be a girl to get more attention/commissions. They wouldn't believe that the only reason I wouldn't share photos was because I wanted to keep my privacy, they said if I wanted to be successful for my art then I would get more attention anyway for sharing selfies like other successful girls who do it, and so to them the only reason that I wasn't sharing photos was that I must be a man. After that sometimes people would point to certain bits of my style as proof that I was a man like if I drew clothing that only men like etc. My following didn't change but it really frustrated me to see the dumb things that they decided were proof
I don't think you can ever know for sure whether than artist is male or female but imo with western hetero art there is usually a sense of personal wish fulfillment in art drawn by men of what they would like to see whereas women are usually just trying to create an image of a beautiful character that others will like or they can imagine themselves as.
No. 577612
>>577577As someone who is Western and making ero art, there's a weird thing where they expect female artists to be way more transparent or meet certain tropes. They get excited over the idea of you being female, but also blame you for "having it easy" (which isn't true).
It doesn't help that I'm female and like draw more het and yuri. But the way I draw my het should be a giveaway.
No. 577658
>>577577>and so to them the only reason that I wasn't sharing photos was that I must be a man. This happened to me and a lot of other people I know. Call me a tranny or a man, If I don't want to show my face that's that. What the hell? Some people get so pushy over it too, some feel like they're entitled to see your face after you've seen theirs. In general, people are so obsessed with getting pictures of you if you're a girl that I often just pretend to be a guy most of the time.
>certain bits of my style as proof that I was a man like if I drew clothing that only men like etc.This is the worst one. I draw anime girls being sexy because I'm sexually attracted to the female form. That and I also dabble in hetshit and yuri lol. I don't get how that makes me seem "male" to people.
No. 577852
>>577823There are tons of them, but none have really stuck with me. The genre seems to be filled with small channels with annoying voices (which defeats the purpose for me). Also, they often have crappy personalities. It's also hard to find them, because a lot of the channels do, like, one video where they talk and draw, and that's it.
Creators I could find that consistently talk and draw:
Hopeless Peaches, TwistedDisaster, Yukibunns, Spo0ksi, ChaoticToons, Mute Chan, MadLibbs, HilariouslyScary, McKay & Gray, Oliver's Antics, LemiaCrescent, LeslieLu Marie, akai storm, Piper Sweeney, Katzun, LittleSatyr
Creators that talk and draw inconsistently/or did one video: Shasti_x, ArtCrumbs, dweeblet, rebelInksArt, Nezziemonster, TheZodiacLord, Mako Makes, SnickerDoodlez Angel, vaporcore, AruvaChan, pixele, Plushie Deer Productions, Apselene, Emily Loves Cookies, Opellie, Cabbage
It goes on forever. It’s kind of a shit show
No. 578164
File: 1593641851752.png (17.83 KB, 942x796, 6AD05A68-A8D4-482D-812B-DA1D6E…)

A 14 year old drew this
How does that make you feel
No. 578167
File: 1593642265484.jpeg (877.29 KB, 1638x2048, D0724897-78A0-483F-811D-EBE1D4…)

>>574186Anyone remember Oceanchan? I used to love her art when I was 12 but when she started drawing with thicker outlines/more saturated colors I lost interest.
For reference, this is new art -
No. 578168
File: 1593642299696.jpeg (457.68 KB, 600x776, 0264BADB-6C87-4EA2-98E8-343914…)

>>578167And this is old art
No. 578171
File: 1593642756577.png (486.81 KB, 1276x1076, Screen Shot 2020-07-01 at 18.3…)

>>578164This is so petty but found their reddit account and this is something they appear to have drawn 6 months ago.
No. 578180
>>578164are you expecting people to start despairing over this, all that makes me think is that they shouldn't talk about their age/personal life on the internet being so young.
>>578167this is a lot more charming, i don't know why you would want her to get stuck on that nicely detailed but very 14 year old deviantart user style.
No. 578205
>>578168Never heard of this artist, but I agree her older art looks better.
Doesn't mean she regressed, both images look like different styles to me.
I've always been more into the softer shadows so I prefer the older one, but I can see the appeal in the newer one.
No. 578229
File: 1593654447713.jpeg (Spoiler Image,42.14 KB, 435x328, F1F87DBC-648B-4811-AFC2-EBC689…)

>>578224There’s nothing wrong with tracing your own photography or using tools like design doll that are specifically for artists to use. It’s not uncommon for manga artists take their own photos or have their assistants get them because they have deadlines and the tracing saves time. Also, if you don’t already know how to draw using a model will be a crutch and it’ll probably be obvious that something 3D is being traced over.
It becomes a problem when artists trace images that are copyrighted or used without the permission of the person who made it. For example, this mangaka’s career got trashed for a while because she blatantly copied a photo from a modeling shoot someone else took. But some other ones have been able to get away with it because their art looks more like a homage, like Hirohiko Araki and Takehiko Inoue.
No. 578230
>>578224they do that to speed up comic
nothing wrong with that as in nothing wrong with cheap mass produce products
but ofc they are usually not a great artist from begin with so I doubt they can do better than 3D model
No. 578231
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>>578229And here’s one with Inoue, because he copied a lot of basketball game photos while making Slam Dunk but changed them to look like the characters.
No. 578232
File: 1593654720781.jpg (Spoiler Image,271.9 KB, 1839x3000, Ebx-mzAXYAE-xVt.jpg)

>looking for MHA fanart on twitter
>this is the first thing I see
fuck coomers
No. 578359
>>578346Do you analyse the language used by weather reporter to see if they use the full spectrum of the spoken word to it's fullest potential, striking a balance between efficiency and poetry and standing on a millennium of words before it?
You're looking at a single frame of a basketball manga, it's not created as an example of using reference images to create a better artwork, it's just meant to show a bunch of guys jumping with a ball.
No. 578376
>>578362Fucking clickbait. Just shows that she knows that 200 bucks for oil paints are unsurprising.
I think Jazza is the only one from those entertaining youtubers who is able to understand the pricepoint of supplies and does not roast them all the time as if cheap stuff is da best.
No. 578404
File: 1593701802273.jpeg (204.02 KB, 750x515, 4A0C7185-0E52-4714-B65C-D08EB8…)

>>578362Yeah the video really bothered me. Her implication, despite understanding all the work put into the paints (and
oof, how she laid them down to show the camera), basically implies to the company “all your handmade items are not worth past this $90 factory made paint, so lower your price”.
Rae, sweetheart, you do know that with some paints, you need the skill to show how good they are, right? God, the literal ego from this amateur artists is unbelievable, its like she’s in denial how bad at art she really is
No. 578405
>>578362This is why I can't stand any of Rae's "review" videos. She doesn't know what the fuck she talking about but she drones on as if she's an authority on art.
The Gucci pen review is the most obnoxious. Yeah, of course it's a dumb Gucci pen, but she's constantly harping about how shitty it is because it exploded, as if it happened out of the blue. No. It exploded because dumbass Rae held it over an open flame. ANY pen would explode. Rae is so fucking stupid it's infuriating.
No. 578409
>>578404It irritates me, just like when I saw her complain about the price of the Carand'ache Luminance. She does know that an artist with a solid fanbase and talent can make that money back with a couple pieces + all the prints you could sell aside from that.
If you actually know what you're doing, the profit margin is so high, so of course the materials are going to be expensive. Not only are you paying for all the work and materials that go into making them, you're also paying for the decades of research and development, the fact that it's a famous brand, and the fact that you could make that money back with one single piece, depending on the artist.
No. 578412
>>578362This idiot says that "gold lake" is not opaque enough….its a transparent pigment! Its not suposed to be opaque!
Also, Old Holland is more expensive in the us because of taxes and duty. Here in europe its very reasonable priced and absolutely worth the money. Since you get the best selction of pigments and oils in there
No. 578423
>>578224other anons mentioned it but 3d models can be quite stiff so i don't think even when comic/manga artists use them they trace them 1:1, more like use it as an example. and reference pictures taken by the artist or in the public domain are 100% okay.
>>578232anon no one cares about this low hanging fruit. post it in the shitty art thread, this thread is for actually discussion and not just spamming bad pictures.
No. 578448
>>578167This anime style is really outdated , reminds me of artists that were popular in the mid and late 00's like joodlez, kurot, kaze-hime who have faded away since then.
The styles that are popular now will also go out of style and i wonder if current popular artists will adapt or fade away. Artist styles that used to be hot in 2017 like vicki sigh have become boring because so many have adopted a similar style. The only internet artist who i can think of who has managed to retain their popularity over the years and have their style still look fresh is loish, but I'm sure there are others
No. 578486
>>578362kek @ her berating the packaging and comparing it to chanel. it's not expensive for the same reasons that chanel is expensive. when you buy chanel you're paying for the brand, not the product. this paint is not "designer," it's just very high quality. who gives a fuck about the packaging? it's probably not even sold at that high of a markup, considering how much labor goes into every single tube of paint.
also, of COURSE colored pencils have a bunch of padding, they can break. a tube of paint isn't going to snap in half like a pencil might, so the padding would be superfluous.
No. 578509
File: 1593722272307.png (73.14 KB, 1231x342, 2020-07-02 (3).png)

TwistedDisaster always talks about being an author and the book shes writing, but has anyone actually seen how she writes? Her captions, tweets and journals are practically unreadable….simple spelling errors and random cut off sentences everywhere. I want to see her book if its all like this No. 578541
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>>578502idk, but these are her socialblade stats.
No. 578549
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Ariel Versace (rightfully) got Creepshow/Shannon's channel demonetized.
No. 578554
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I don’t understand the appeal of merryweather’s art. It’s just meme turned into UwU animu girl for coomers.
No. 578561
>>578549What’s sad is that Shannon still prob wont change, she’ll pull the whole “everyone just hates me because I’m the worst :)”
Such a disgusting deflection from her actions
No. 578562
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>>578549She’s such a scary Karen
No. 578572
>>578561Creepshowart said Tobi was 100% right in their video on her.
10:30 - Doesn’t understand the criticism that she’s overemotional and overreacts
30:05 - Thinks the reason people think she’s changed and has an ego is because her Youtube numbers are doing well
I'm sure you can find more in there, but I don't want to sit through more.
How can you think someone is completely right in their criticism against you, when you don’t understand it?
No. 578578
>>578572that Karuna Satori tweet is still her twitter banner, btw.
did she even watch tobi's video? kek
No. 578673
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Kek, Shannon does the only thing she knows, complains online to send a wave of her brainless followers- please don’t let her win this
No. 578719
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>>578562it's more apparent in this picture, but the images looked manipulated in some way. i'm not sure if she used a filter, but in this image, her eyes look abnormally large. the skin gives me that "skin smoother filter" vibe. this could be a result of a low res cam and a lot of makeup, so i'm not sure.
what i am sure of, is that the deadass expression she keeps giving the camera looks lifeless and dead, as if i'm looking at a lifelike blowup doll.
also shannon's eyes are blue in this pic, but not in that pic. do her eyes change color?
No. 578785
>>577577if you were active in /a/ drawthreads I think I remember this shit(or something similar). anyway, my condolences for witnessing sexist neckbeards trying to analyse your art, must be frustrating. and then they wonder why we won‘t be open about being female, lol.
I used to drawfag there back in the day, and only did the cute requests I liked or the ones which actually depicted the character doing something which makes sense (and sometimes just silly stuff).
my deliveries were always of pretty high quality for these threads and some especially persistens fuckers (maybe samefag) made snarky passive agressive remarks complaining that their degenerated requests were mostly ignored, like we owe them something.
If the people already behave like this for anonymous drawfags on some imageboard, it is no wonder that so many artist/mangaka are very secretive about their personal stuff
No. 578794
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Cute artt but WHY is it so important to note they’re both trans? Feels like these “woke” artists are almost fetishising transgenders
No. 578812
>>578719>>578793she posts these to boost her self confidence, but when you make alterations to the photos, that seems like it would defeat the purpose. fans are going to hoard over you, no matter what, so by posting altered photos, it just sets it in your mind that the fans love the fake version of you, and the you you isn't good enough.
also, if you're that insecure, don't post pics till you have actual confidence in yourself. relying on other people to give you confidence instead of having it in yourself will only lead to
toxic attention seeking behavior and unhealthy mental statuses.
No. 578815
Imo It’s fun to see people kinda scramble to try and clock what kind of person you are, just by going off you’re art.
>>578448Very good observation anon. Looking back I now realize that a lot of those artists were kinda samey too. At least now I think people try to get away from that kinda basic animu style and are more experimental.
>>578785>drawfag on /a/You’re brave anon. The autism on there can wear anybody out. Especially when they’re deadest on getting you to draw they’re shitty coomer requests. I feel that /ic/ is kinda similar but you’d expect that behavior from a bunch of art crabs. I do love the “your style,my style” type meme that people sometimes post on there. Some of them might be fishing for free OC art for sure, but it does make me feel happy when they react so positively to their character being drawn in a different style/by a more skilled artist. It’s a very wholesome experience.
No. 578818
>>578813Are you new here? Harping on trannies isn't a recent thing.
>>578794This is also that plague doctor artist - tbh I wouldn't have noticed these two are supposed to be trans - with her it genuinely feels like she puts it in the description for clout.
No. 578827
>>578794This is like the cheapest imaginable pandering. You could draw a fucking pet rock and say "btw its trans uwu" and the clout just comes rolling in. You don't even have to be creative anymore about it. At least before people slapped on vitiligo and scars or whatever was the stupid aesthetic trend at the time.
>>578813>m-muh twansphobia!!!get your ass back to twitter
No. 578832
>>578815yes this is why I stopped doing it there. nowadays, if I feel the need to drawfag I do it at /tg/, sure it has it‘s own share of autism spergs reposting their overly complicated characters all the time, but that’s not too bad imo since it‘s more of a challenge.
>my style your style yeah I like that meme, it‘s always fun and interesting to see all the different stylizations.
>I feel that /ic/ is kinda similarlol that reminds me of that anon who was extremely obsessed with ruan jia some years ago, he tirelessly sperged about learning to emulate his artstyle and being able to render like him- when some other anon did a rework of one of his attempts which actually looked more like rj could have done it, he went super hostile and tried to shittalk other anons skills since everyone was laughing at him
No. 578894
File: 1593793735589.jpg (97.19 KB, 1080x819, SNCIw9I.jpg)

>>578794Yeah, op anon chose a dumb example. There are instances of fake woke people, who just do lgbt art for mainstream praise, but this artist actually thought these drawings through. Only female wasps have stingers and this drawing shows a fake stinger being attached and painted. So it's not like they just said "uwu they're trans give me praise".
No. 578902
>>578894thank you for this context, now the OP looks disingenuous or like they were purposefully trying to misrepresent this just bc it's trans related
this is an actual exception to what was just discussed
No. 578920
>>578915NTA but yeah shit is super uncomfy. Thought I just had pcos but it turns out I was intersex and of course since i was like 17 I went to tumblr about it - instantly got a wave of flase info and opinions saying intersex people are trans at birth and it's like?? That's literally not true lmfao why else would they give us AFAB like it takes 5 seconds to THINK and use words you already know
>>578894Honestly tho this art is cute I dig it
No. 578935
>>578894honestly this is an interesting idea, and a lot better than just slapping the trans label on anything and everything they draw.
>>578928agreed, especially on the dark skinned characters with european features thing. they change the skin color slightly to get woke points, but won't take a few minutes to reference poc people and change their face slightly. of course it can be argued that some poc people have facial features that lean towards european, but in my opinion incorporating that only works well in realistic styles, most of these artists work in cartoony or anime styles so they should make the distinctions between the races they draw more apparent.
No. 578940
>>578920>>578935Rewriting cause my grammar was shit.
The art is cute and it's nice to see an artist put thought into their work and not just pander to sjw audiences, and expect a mountain of praise.
Artists paint for woke points, but not to actually represent people. It's not at all thoughtful in the same way some artists will paint characters with eurocentric facial features, like little noses, but then just give them a darker skin tone and act as if they really did something.
It also doesn't help that "ethnic" features like big lips, are so popular right now a la Kylie Jenner. Every single oc I see drawn has big lips, but then they can't even bother to draw poc correctly.
No. 578941
>>578939Go to tumblr, there are plenty of people there drawing for woke points. Especially cringey are the white, straight people who makes jokes at their own expense and are pandering to minorities as if that makes them any less priviledged.
I don't mind putting in minorities just for the sake of representation, but it's clear that so many people don't actually care beyond that.
No. 579126
File: 1593826735724.jpg (114.24 KB, 1280x1296, __reebok_kamikaze___by_ineeka1…)

i usually quite enjoy the trend of fashion girl with big shoes but like.. this aint it chief. i see so many people jump on trends without understanding what makes them popular in the first place.. you have to be able to draw the shoe detail well and not just make them giant on an ugly ass drawing
No. 579131
File: 1593828331143.jpeg (553.72 KB, 1242x1380, BD6ECEC1-5A0F-42ED-B2B7-A3CEF8…)

>>579126This is just a crisalys clone, like the meyoco clones. Copied her general aesthetic and stylistic decisions to a T. It’s also the same pose from this recent post from her but drawn shittier, what’s happening to her knees?
No. 579157
>>575932I follow a few trans women and 0% of them have any dick dysphoria, in fact they encourage acceptance of visible dicks and such, as well as general acceptance of other more male traits or things women would have a crisis over if we had 'em
So I can see why they would wish to be included in art of women even while presenting male traits and or dick
It makes sense if you follow trans people, it's a perspective. Dysphoria is not considered to be a requirement of transness anymore, though cis people tend to speak on behalf of trans people and spread inaccurate info in regard to dysphoria and whether you can just wake up and decide you are a girl/boy (trans concensus is this is fine, but cis people tend to argue against this while supporting/representing trans folk)
No. 579174
>>579157This literally makes zero sense, there’s a reason why people transition to another gender, some out of trauma others from dysphoria with their current gender.
I know that this isn’t the right place to talk about this - so imma sage
But holy fuck, you don’t just change genders because you’re bored. It’s an unfortunate mental disorder to have, the literal definition is to not see yourself as the proper sex that you were born as, NOT “well, I align well with this specific gender role, so let me just say that I’m this sex”
No. 579218
>>579215I posted one reply in this entire thread aside from the post you're responding to, and it was actually making fun of
>>579157, ironically enough. Calm down lmao.
No. 579223
>>579157Thanks, you just bolstered the point that dicks don't belong in women's body positive drawings.
Imagine being male, breaking your brain with trap hentai, and going on to demand women bend over backwards to "represent" you in their art based on women's bodies.
You really thought you were doing something with this post, lmao.
No. 579243
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>>579131>>579131The pose is identical because they most likely used the very same reference, or one of them is a huge copycat
No. 579271
>>579126>>579131>>579243fuck, you weren't kidding. i think the yellow background one is a copy of crisalys though. its the same thing but with less skill.
>>579130not making the skin have those weird flushed rash patches, dont make the face so tiny, make the skirt follow some kind of physics, not have huge gross ears, make the pose actual crouching instead of just floating..
No. 579356
File: 1593886444358.png (472.74 KB, 679x465, waff.png)

>>579292>>579351I don't understand why she always needs to make a "character"? Why not a landscape, since she keeps harping on about being unable to do lineart and "details" with the pastels? or an animal? Or a chunky robot or a car or jewelry or something?
Pic is her end result of choosing to do a "yoga instructor character" There's all sorts of interesting yoga poses she could have picked but she did this because ????? Sometimes it's like she's not into art at all anymore.
No. 579416
>>579411Damn, I haven't watched a video of hers in so long, I missed that info - you're probably right.
Regardless, I can't imagine how taxing a schedule like Kasey's or Waffle's is over the span of years.
No. 579467
>>579408Now that you mention it, yeah her sketchbooks take longer to fill even though it is mainly where she brainstorms for videos.
Before she uploaded a lot but her content was the same, ugly girls with whatever art supplies the subscription boxes have.
No. 579660
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I don't know if Creepshow changed her mind about Shane, but she did retweet this post.
No. 579680
>>579678It's a meme referencing Shane's latest scandals, the shades are not really named that lol.
Notice that's not the real Shane Dawson account, someone on twitter is just goofing on him.
No. 579726
>>579719I use this moodboard generator when I'm feeling uncreative It's kind of a challenge, like finding ways to incorporate the photos into a character design. Also sims and pinterest.
For the genrator, you can check the boxes on the left side to get different color schemes. If you only have warm checked, it will only produce warm colors. Underneath the box that says "Enter nothing" is two boxes that say topic suggestion and weight. If you want something specific then put it in topic suggestion, and type the number of photos you want in "weight", eg. putting "cat" in topic suggestion, and 3 in weight will give you 3 photos of cats.
Idk if this website will be helpful for you at all, just thought I'd add that.
No. 579728
>>579715Recently discovered and it's great. I know you just said that you already use pinterest but they have really well-organized pinterest boards that I've found very helpful. Their artists of the week are nice for studying as well
No. 580081
>>579842Add to your google search
-site:pinterest.* To avoid getting it in your results
No. 580082
>>580051Milesart or sineater, they're really fantastic.
Roberto ferri is great too
No. 580295
>>578829If she ever ends up actually doing this, it's going to be a shitshow of misinformation, but I doubt she'll even do it. I think she'll probably sit down to research her first case and get overwhelmed by how much information there is to sift through and how much work it is to lay it all out in a way that viewers can understand.
Either that or she'll just read some wikipedia articles and writeups from r/unresolvedmysteries and try to summarize a summary. I KNOW she's too lazy to look through police documents and court transcripts.
No. 580304
>>580295I feel iffy about True Crime stuff when it comes to recent crimes like murders and missing persons. That's why I don't watch a lot of True Crime youtubers, because it feels exploitive. The amount of people I see talking about JonBenét Ramsey makes me sick.
It's different when it's coming from an individual rather than journalists. If it's more like Buzzfeed unsolved, that would be better. Or maybe she'll stick to talking about urban legends and mysteries.
I agree though, rae can't even do her research on art supplies and techniques, I don't trust her when it comes to this either.
No. 580400
>>580394In all honesty, recent anons are starting to sound like this one where they think this forum has all of the answers, when really they’re just being lazy af.
Like, “who do I follow to be inspired?”, “I’m not original, so how do I make original character designs”- normally I’m not bothered by beginner artists, but I feel like this really isn’t the place to take short cuts into becoming a better artists
No. 580416
>>580400Agreed. I was a beginner artist long ago lol but I didn’t need to be spoonfed the most basic shit. Though, back when I started, there wasn’t a plethora of resources available to me like younger artists have now so there really isn’t any excuse to not do a google search for what you need.
In all fairness, there is some good advice from well meaning artists here (as far as traditional/digital tools are concerned).
No. 580476
>>580304Hard agree, I especially hate when True Crime content related to recent murders or missing persons cases is presented with a funny/silly tone. I was turned off Buzzfeed Unsolved when they did an Eliza Lam 'investigation' and drank the water at the hotel as a joke. Like, you're talking about a young woman who died alone and terrified under mysterious circumstances, have some respect.
There's no way Rae will do enough research on whatever she's talking about. She studied oil painting and she still sucks at it, so what chance does she have to make a good TC series?
No. 580699
File: 1594136009592.jpg (349.28 KB, 974x909, copycat.jpg)

@ariimaw on instagram was probably talked about before but this whole 'art theft' thing boggles my mind, her style is a copy of kawaii artists like Yamio Rose at her prime, how do you try to copyright a style that you copied yourself??
No. 580874
>>580756It depends anon, on what type of art school.
>art school for fine arts/Visual artsIf you want to teach fine arts and paint and most likely becoming an art school dropout
or do you want to be an illustrator?
No. 580898
>>580890(this is the same person) I also forgot to mention that being in school helps with opportunities such as internships and having a mentor. In my experience having a professional illustrator help mentor me through school and the summer has helped me stay on track with my goals and set up a time table for myself.
Another thing is is that it depends on your school. I have friends in schools across the country (in schools like SCAD, CCA, MassArt, etc.) and theyve all done pretty different things from what ive seen. My school wont hire a prof unless theyre still a fully working artist, so none of my profs are retired and just doing it for the money. Because of my profs and theyre connections from jobs theyve had ive had opportunities to do editorial illustrations for TIME, storyboards for independent projects, local art for the city the school is in, etc. Most big name schools look nice for a diploma but its all about what the school offers you and what you get out of it.
No. 581074
>>581065It really depends on what you think you can feasibly do with the resources you have and how easily you think you can do it. You mention art as a career but do you know WHAT aspects of art, like you mention animation and illustration but those are broad terms. You HAVE to be specific with yourself, what part of animation do you want to do and what research have you done into it?
Or are u satisfied with doing art just as a hobby and a hustle on the side? Like would artists in your area make enough money to live independently (and no, just being able to pander to fandoms doesn’t make a living since there’s tons of artists already out there). Do you have the money and resources to afford schooling or do you need to take out loans? Can you look into doing online classes and workshops instead, like CG master academy or schoolism, or do you really want to go to an immersive school? Did you look into other careers that are art adjacent, like merchandising or coding or production or business?
We’re a dang milk forum that exists to make fun of cows on the internet so why like are u not turning to actual people with career experience and advice on other dang websites? You’re obviously still indecisive and we’re not an advice forum
No. 581091
>>581065To be honest, if you don't make art your full career, art will not be any part of your income. You might draw for fun once in a while, but anyone working a non-art, full time job is not going to have the time nor energy to maintain a side hustle as an artist.
You really just have to decide. The illustration and animation industries require a lot of discipline and willingness to do what your client/boss wants. Art school is good for learning how to work around other people's desires and also to try new things with the benefit of knowledgeable outside input.
Basically, if you're doing an art degree, you have to be sure you're willing to stick with it and carve out a practice for yourself. Otherwise, you're left with a useless degree and four wasted years. I was in your position, I chose art school, and I don't regret it. Just make sure that illustration/animation/concept art is absolutely what you can picture yourself doing for the best part of the rest of your life, or there's no point.
No. 581194
>>581179Kek, god no, but it looks good because it means that you have “experience”, or if you want to become an art teacher of sorts.
Also, learn to type ‘sage’ in the email/subject box
No. 581446
File: 1594249775760.jpg (120.66 KB, 2048x898, EcH3hmZUcAA6osM.jpg)

why doesn't anyone wanna play ValiDate??
No. 581499
File: 1594257783337.jpg (330.25 KB, 2048x864, My eyes burn they are all so u…)

>>581466Yeahhh, gonna skip this one. No, thank you.
No. 581516
>>581510That was my first thought too, like surely calling it Validate is self aware and mocking, it must be a parody. But you never know with these types, it could have been a play on '
valid' (their fav word for what we are obligated to do for men in dresses) rather than validate.
No. 581518
>>581499I mean Rocky, Yolanda and Arihi have cute designs, but the others are so boring and pandery. You can't tell what personality's most of the characters have from their
designs, and there is nothing interesting about most of them.
I thought one of the appeals of dating sims is that the characters all have different and distinct looks, so why are some of them literally wearing plain t-shirts and pants?
No. 581592
>>581345We all know only the usa has an internal market demand for art, everywhere else we just barter items on the street like in the bronze age, have no national production of tv/movies/books/comics or any semblance of a cultural scene. Our overlords, the usa, graciously offers us non murican artists career opportunities (if you pay 400.000 dollars in tuition) because the founding fathers created the art/design industry in the 1800s and decided to share it with us.
This is the most dumbass gringo take I have ever seen, on god. I guarantee you most creative jobs are actually not in the usa, and they pay the bills just as fine. Even inside the us, most artists don’t live on hollywood/videogame/NYT paychecks either. Take a look outside your mom’s basement for 5 seconds.
No. 581648
>>581644The way you put stuff works in the usa is incredibly reductive, Networking and getting jobs in the usa professional art market is actually fairly tricky. If it were that simple, a big chunk of professional artists wouldn’t have to have dayjobs, alas that’s the actual status quo. Becoming a part of the “inner circle” that gets jobs through references requires much more than casual meetings at cons. Even being really good isn’t enough sometimes.
Unless you’re talking specifically about AAA videogame visdev or mainstream animation, there is not a radical downside to not being physically in the usa. My bet is you’re an aspiring artist who is overly romanticizing the opportunities the usa has to give you, and sorry to break it to you, it’s not all that it’s made out to be unless you study in big networking universities like calarts.
What I’m saying is that looking down upon the opportunities your country has to give is gonna do your career no favors, it’s okay to want to go to the foreign market, but its easier to get started out with jobs in your country and build a portfolio as you seek opportunities abroad. You never know which networking with people in your country’s creative industry might land you with a job abroad either, it’s a globalized world and a lot of creatives work remotely now, someone who lives and works in your country might actually be prolific freelancing foreign jobs. Keep an open mind and dont pin all your hopes in the usa because it’s far more fucked than you’d believe at a cursory glance.
No. 581664
>>581650I agree with
>>581652 if these people that you’re communicating with are that bothersome, just leave them. If they’re bigger than you, get your exposure/reblogs from them and leave, unless they’re really that bad, don’t deal with them.
But yeah, I don’t think it’s essentially trans ppl or those who are actually in the LGBT community, instead I think it’s the people who are borderline fetishistic/there for woke points, and this was brought up before, but most people do recognize how
toxic twitter has become (especially since the anti-porn rule on tumblr), but they find that they need to keep Twitter for branding. It’s really sick, so don’t feel like you’re alone when you say fuck Twitter
No. 581731
>>581499Why are they so obsessed with exaggerated ugliness? Why does almost everyone have to be fat?
Do they think if they keep insisting long enough, everyone will actually believe this is attractive? It's actually bordering on offensive that this is the "progress" they imagine.
Arihi would be cute if it wasn't for the instant noodle hair, though. Yolanda's design is kind of cute, too.
No. 581742
>>581471Because most of the "developers" are there just to hang around doing nothing. If you check what these people are actually responsible for with the game they're "editors", "writers" and "designers". They basically create a big bundle of wish-fulfilling garbage, then get one schmuck to write the code and all that boring work while they keep on adding more self insert characters. That's apparently the case with this one as well, like 20 fucking artists/writers and one person attempting to program it. Even if it was your run of the mill renpy engine visual novel it still takes a ton of work. so I doubt this is going to get past the initial hype and get released. I'm placing $5 on the "after 6 months of radio silence it turns out they had a falling out due to internal drama and 'artistic disagreements'" bet.
>>581499For a game celebrating diversity they all look identical. They all have similar fashion senses, hairstyles, body language, skin colours and apparently no other ethnicities exist than "black" and "ambiguously brown".
>>581650Yeah I'm fearing the day someone realizes that I haven't put my pronouns on my bio or retweet political stuff sans some feel-good gay things and starts calling me out for being bigoted. When I saw that one artist being bullied into including a trans woman into her female body celebration artwork I felt chills go down my spine, I'm never going to go unprotected with my art twitter account again.
No. 581746
File: 1594313392370.png (126.68 KB, 680x483, 6efbc85d24586c517e87695a679b5b…)

>>581499I just realized they made the only Arab character (Inaya) a visibly hairy woman with a unibrow. I wonder why they didn't include an Asian guy with buck teeth and a rice hat saying "me so soly", that's about as stereotypical. Highly recommending people to check out the character bios in general, some prime cringe material right there. Did they just throw darts at a globe with the nationalities they settled upon? The only two Asian natives are both black with western names.
Also what the fuck is that 42.9% merchandising budget they're describing on the Kickstarter page? Are they planning to erect a golden statue or something?
No. 581753
>>581746Yeah, if I was them, I would have waited on the merchandizing, work more on marketing- since that is how people with find your game. I’m pretty shocked that it’s so low.
But you guys, this is a dating sims game, they are relatively easy to make coding-wise. If there is really only one person working on the code, however, I can understand them being a bit bothered by it. Who knows if they’re even good at it or if they pull a yandere-dev
No. 581765
>>581757Not a question directly tied to you, but wouldn’t animation opportunities be greater in Korea/Canada because that’s where most of the “animation” work happens because it’s cheaper in other countries?
Then in places like the USA, it’s easier to get a story boarding job
No. 581843
>>581644I'm the anon that said there are no job opportunities outside the US and I thank you because you worded it way better than I did. You said exactly what I wanted to say I was also kind of salty and didn't want to write a lenghty message.
>>581378>>581395>>581572>>581592>>581635>>581785I said what I said because I tried to get into the industry and found nothing like in the US. Obviously I know that the US isn't the only country that has a developed art industry, I know Japan, Korea, China and Canada (and others, probably) have a business in creating and outsourcing shows and comics, but I live in Europe. Can you name me some big things created in Europe? Shows, comics, videogames? If you do chances are they were made in France or the UK or northern countries.
There are local schools no one knows the names of, if you graduate you can become a teacher or you can go on making art as a freelancer but good luck selling a piece a year at "conventions" only very few people go to. Oh, and no Digital Art and stylized artwork of course, nobody wants to see that shit here, unless you want to make some silly illustration for a school book or a magazine. Comic conventions? In my country there are two and everyone goes there to buy figurines and cosplay, I don't think there is something like an artist alley. I know people in the videogame industry (which, again, is VERY small, and all I can see from them are mediocre works, visual novels with bad artwork that will never have a future as a proper game and desperate artists who don't know what they're going to do after spending time and money in a school that trains them to be in an industry that basically doesn't exist in our country.
Not to mention that without a professional education you're nothing.
I only speak from experience. You don't know what you're talking about if you seriously think that the art industry and opportunities in the US/Canada/Japan are the same as in Europe.
No. 581858
File: 1594330388133.jpg (96.42 KB, 757x1056, girls_know_best_by_picolo_kun_…)

I hate how much clout and an actual industry job Gabriel Picolo got with his shitty uninspired art, he's just an uber-privileged asshole who was supported by mommy and daddy well into his twenties until he started copying shit from tumblr.
No. 581862
File: 1594330889590.png (558.76 KB, 1280x1571, 6bbeab5c3894147fa26220f14c6c31…)

>>581859He's working for DC comics, not just an somewhat sucessful instagram artist, that's underdeserving when he's a hack.
Did you miss the part were I said he got famous by copying concepts and styles from tumblr artists but no one batted an eye in Brazil because they didn't know.
Also "networking", his family is rich, call it what it is.
No. 581868
>>581858Let me guess
They’re lesbians and the dark haired one is a total Tom boy and non binary and the brown girl is super fem and fluffy yet educated
Adventure time 2.0
No. 581872
>>581862Wow he used the same aesthetic, that sure is stealing. You also call people wearing clothing in a similar style copying? Being privileged in itself doesn't mean anything, you can't go up in the artist world on your parents alone, they have the artistic skill to back up what they are networking.
>>581868You do realize those are teen titans characters? What kind of race bait it is to call the "brown girl" "yet educated"? Also sage your shit.
No. 581876
>>581872I don’t watch kids cartoons. So how am I supposed to know?
And she looks brown?
Fuck off
No. 581879
File: 1594332367884.png (1.03 MB, 1118x814, midnightchannelpicolokun.png)

>>581872Are you kidding? The facial features and concept is literally the same that punziella did for years, he just added thick black lines.
All of his art is basically style copies of first page deviantart or what was popular on tumblr.
Don't even get me on trying to pass digital art as traditional like he used to do back in 2015, look at that atrocious hand crop.
No. 581912
>>581843>Not to mention that without a professional education you're nothing.This makes me believe you're just stirring the pot just for the laughs here but I'll assume you're not in case of maybe showing you that you can be a bit more hopeful about your future in Europe.
1st of all, there is handful of art schools in the world that yes, are enough to have you hired because of their reputation / connections. But it's only a few. It's impossible to be a bad creator if you manage to finish Calarts or Gobelins because you'd just not be able to graduate in that case, so obviously you'll have a job after these but outside these extremely rare cases, no one EVER cares about your education in the artistic field. Only thing that matters is your portfolio, ALWAYS.
Hardly anyone ever can make a living selling art at conventions even if they have massive conventions like USA does, so if this is what you want, you need to start being realistic. I know many talented illustrators, they keep up their presence online, they attend local events, they do storyboards, they illustrate magazines, they sell posters, they get commisioned by clothing brands to create prints, they do collaborations; so anyting you could do in USA as a freelancer you can do here because thanks to the internet the borders are nonexistent. And local clients are paying too so you don't even need to look for USA clients.
Videogames industry is REALLY strong in central / eastern europe. My country ALONE has a lot of development studios shipping succesful products, 11bit studios, Techland, Huuuge Games, Reikon Games, Artifex Mundi, CD Projekt Red and this is not even a 1/10 of places that are known world-wide and hire artist ALL THE TIME. You can have a very good and very secure job creating online / mobile gambling games which are made by COUNTLESS studios across europe that are just not in the spotlight like, idk Ubisoft in France that probably pays their artists less.
There are videogame companies like Wooga in germany that are always looking for talented digital painters for their products; there are studios like Platige Image or Dash Dot Creations that create their own thing as well as outsource for other big projects from anywhere in the world and are always open for 3d artists, concept artists, animators, designers etc.
Thing with videogames, theres no good school anywhere to learn how to make these, it's just with the experience. You just gotta go and start working, and stop relying on some fantasy there's a place that will just magically put you at some well known studio. Go to job fairs, send your portfolio, do gamejams - this is how you build your connection and learn enough to earn a job.
If you maybe reveal what country you are from and what career exactly you want to pursue in arts I would be able to help you a little better.
No. 581921
File: 1594339743481.jpeg (231.79 KB, 750x793, 21A1FD21-4CC6-4CE2-B833-FE5760…)

That symmetry tool……
No. 581928
>>581921And this is why you don’t use it lmao.
Also rip TD saying that nothing bad will happen this july, just gives her another excuse to not do commissions
No. 581983
>>581843At this point, on the off chance you’re not a troll trying to start shit, maybe the reason you can’t get a job in your area is this self defeating attitude. You talked a lot but all I can see is shallow justifications for why you can’t succeed which would magically be fixed if you were in the usa or calarts or whatever, which tells me that you’re likely overlooking opportunities because you don’t bother to look because “no big things are made outside of england and france”.
Honestly if you’re as whiny and grating about your field as you are in this thread no wonder you’re not being able to properly network, no one wants to work with someone with that mindset.
No. 582032
>>581921This is why she needs to stop being lazy and cutting corners. I feel like if you just you draw it out instead of relying on copy/pasting/symmetry tricks, it'll look a lot better but maybe I'm wrong? I don't know everything and maybe I'm just too used to drawing it out and not using that symmetry method because every time I tried, it always looked wonky but jeebers… That sketch is horrifying and it looks like the eyes are too close together.
>>581928>another excuse to not do commissionsHold up are you serious? Does she not even work on her commission queue or is she just painfully slow with them?
No. 582034
File: 1594360693723.jpeg (60.23 KB, 600x511, 6892A34F-9092-417A-B4DC-478EE6…)

>>581858He’s also a secret adherent to rectionary brazilian right wing politics, people have receipts of him liking such pages on facebook, and talking in common dogwhistles like “brazil is going to become Venezuela”. His friends on twitter swear he’s not a bolsonaro supporter, but he also never spoke outwardly against him when every other non far right brazilian artist under the sun has (which passes the image that he’s staying quiet to keep getting profit from both sides, great for business but terrible for your reputation with your peers). Keep it in mind, this info has been rolling around for years in the brazilian art community as a lot of professional illustrators and twitter artists alike hate his guts, but he never really made an effort to dispel those rumors openly, however whenever that discussion gained more traction on twitter a couple of his close friends, some of who are also successful illustrators themselves, went around trying to white knight him. He also spoke at a panel on an LGBT centered art con about lgbt brazilian illustrators…. when his “lgbt claim” is that he is asexual (still dates girls though!). Man is cringe, There’s a lot more, some of the info I have is privately shared from people close to him and would be identifiable to me so I can’t say it, just know that his behavior sometimes is on par with the anime con artists at the weeb artists and musicians thread.
On the merit of his art: it’s bland and his linework is messy, even in professional illustrations. He does basic colouring and shading, then throws a noise filter on and that’s that. He’s been doing the teen titans as egirls schtick for years and people still lap it up, hence why he got the DC contract, they have recently hired a lot of people that are twitter popular, rather than properly trained comic book artists. I’d be lying if I said most people aren’t jealous of him getting this much money and high profile jobs over such lackluster skills, but the illustration industry is not based on merit, but mostly privilege and luck.
Pictured is one of the illustrations he was comissioned by coca cola to do which were run as digital ads. It has the care and polish of something slapped together in an afternoon. He was probably paid a ton of money for it too, coca cola usually never partners with illustrators in Brazil, can’t say I expected anything different though.
No. 582046
>>581859I have to agree. While I do like his portrayal of Raven (not so much the other Titans), I can see why his style would appeal to people and how some comic studios would be interested in his work. Compared to some of the other stuff I've seen in these threads, it's nowhere near the worst I've seen, boring and repetitive sure, but not ugly.
>>581863E-Girl? I feel like he made Raven look more hipster-ish but still having some oodle of occult undertone. I mean sure it's an overdone style but what could you see picture Raven wearing if she had an every day wardrobe? lol
>>581876You may not watch Kids Cartoons but Teen Titans, at least the show is a fairly older one, like early 2000s and se. I'm gonna assume that maybe you're younger but the show was quite popular for those of us who were in middle school to high school during the years of 2003-2006 when the show was relevant. And seeing that the artist is in his mid 20s if I'm not mistaken, he probably grew up watching it.
>>582034That's quite a lot about him. The asexual thing is cringe I will agree but I dunno man, I think I'm pretty indifferent to his art because when it comes to media studios, they don't really care how good it looks, just if it can attract attention from the average watcher. I mean look at the Total Drama Island franchise, the art is shit but yet it still was successful lol.
No. 582074
>>582046He has a huge following with young people, and with DC making an effort to draw in new younger audiences it makes sense to hire a person who became wildly popular for making fanart of their characters with gen Z aesthetics. As far as I know the raven comic was competently done, but nothing special (but let’s be honest most of DC isn’t high art either). Anons here hate it, but the truth is that you’re often hired based on aspects unrelated to your sheer technical skill (connections, self marketing, money, social media following, identity politics, optics, the place you live, etc), and the mainstream part of the industry prefers the more mild and palatable aesthetics. They also just tend to hire people based on their reliability as a worker, so even if you’re a genius you don’t get very far without work ethics.
By the way, the info I posted is widely known in the artist circles as he is one our most popular social media artists, but this is mostly kept in contained private discussions, and when it happens openly its small scale and in portuguese. For context on the bolsonaro thing, brazil is a much more politically charged country than the us, in the usa until recently you could stay neutral and say “I’m not voting” and people wouldn’t care much, but as the entirety of latinamerica has a heavy and violent political past with democracy struggles, everyone is constantly stressed out about parties and voting, and the “potential dictatorship” card is played heavily by both sides of the political spectrum. So for one of our most prominent social media artists with a huge platform with international contracts with dc and coca cola and what have you to stay basically quiet for (assumed) the sake of profit when everyone and their mom had manifested about the antidemocratic homophobic president (remember the asexual lgbt panel?) and then release a 3 year late milquetoast apology when the situation turned truly dire with COVID19… let’s say a lot of people, particularly artists, were airing things out openly on the timeline that day.
Do not get me wrong though everyone wants to get paid in sweet sweet dollars so that just aggravates their dislike of him, but with culture and national art industry context in mind I think not all, but a lot of it is warranted. He doesn’t need to worry however, he made it international so the way he’s been playing the reputation game is probably the safest one with long term career achievements in mind. Big corporations don’t care if some illustrators in brazil secretly dislike you or if you’re not politically immaculate, as long as you’re not a liability and they have something to gain from you that’s all they need.
No. 582177
>>582173All I can say is that thank god someone else properly explained the trauma side of this whole event. Is the work disgusting? Yes, I would never want to see it on my dash. But Shannon’s handling of it, denouncing that trauma would lead to people drawing their experiences is pretty gross.
I pray one day that she’ll be sued by a multitude of sources, because she isn’t like South Park which (mostly) pokes fun at things, she takes it to a personal level of exposing people to an audience, and withholding them in a negative light.
No. 582231
File: 1594404316026.jpeg (183.44 KB, 1200x675, A842D44F-12CF-4FC2-8769-2FEF62…)

>>582050when i saw him in the top hat i immediately thought of inner circle members kek
No. 582240
>>582206i just mean like the lingo the validate pun is based on, that you need to tell everybody everything is
valid all the time. i've seen the idea that you're a bigot or need to "unlearn" your preferences if you don't want to date somebody propagated a lot. on the far end of this you have the "suck my girldick assholes" but i just find this whole idea that you need to constantly question who you're attracted to and to basically ignore your instincts to be gaslight-y as fuck. like if you know you're not attractive maybe work on that instead of guilting and threatening people into liking you.
No. 582243
>>582173Lmao, Google doc full of bullshit.
I was already skeptical when it tried using random Tumblr posts with absolutely no sources as "evidence", but then it went on to cite Psychology Today and David Ley, the same "sources" that run the retarded, psuedoscientific cycle of "Porn is healthy!! No such thing as sex or masturbation addiction!!" articles and ignore the effects on the human brain, as well as the human trafficking in the porn industry.
One of them (the researcher interviewed in the PT article) literally claims "kinky people" are a "minority" the same way LGBT people are. It's complete garbage. I was gathering articles to debunk this whole mess at first, but then I realized this isn't even about facts, it's just degenerates coping hard and trying to guilt people. Plus, more people will end up reading the doc and taking it at face value anyway.
I'm so tired of cumbrained "kinksters" latching onto CSA
victims and LGBT people to try and force the world to encourage their disgusting sexual tastes. If you're truly "not hurting anyone", how difficult is it to shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself? Why does everyone have to participate in your exhibitionist-tier BS?
Fuck Aggy, fuck 4Lung, fuck anyone who puts "PEAR" in their bio, fuck "MAPs", fuck dd/lgfags, and fuck any "woke" brainlets who defend this bullshit.
No. 582248
File: 1594405635992.png (134.27 KB, 1310x885, Untitled.png)

>>578362lmao, so i checked up on this vid and the top comments are all calling her out for clickbaiting and being uptight about the price. DIdn't she complain a while back that her analytics weren't good? This is why, her audience is getting annoyed.
No. 582256
>>582243What is PEAR?
Yeah, I’ve seen people put elements of their trauma in art before but it’s usually either sad themes or something abstract. Straight up drawing that CP type of shit all the time wouldn’t be healthy, it would be wallowing.
And even if it was really trauma related and not a sick fuck pedo it’s still not ok to put it on the internet. You don’t get to whine about people side eyeing your nasty ass drawings that you put out there
No. 582272
>>582256"PEAR" is "pro expression, anti regression", an acronym/sort of movement created by 4Lung regarding any and all kink. It's typically used by self-proclaimed "MAPs".
>Yeah, I’ve seen people put elements of their trauma in art before but it’s usually either sad themes or something abstract. Straight up drawing that CP type of shit all the time wouldn’t be healthy, it would be wallowing. Exactly. Trauma-based art isn't the same as the shit these people draw, but they're banking on no one calling them out on their bullshit and it's nauseating.
>>582257You too anon
No. 582404
>>582401>friendly anon wants us to all enjoy art togetheror
>Cunning anon wants to recognize the style of artists that lurk here to call us all out for being meanies?
No. 582417
>>582404Kek definitely the former anon. I doubt we can decipher your identity from MS Paint scribbles. You can always claim copycat.
I just think it’s a neat accessible idea to boost creativity and original content in lolcow.
No. 582485
>>582422nta but it's at least two people, since all I know is some drawings are mine and some are not mine, lol.
I actually was the one who started the thread to share my current hobby (doing one no-pressure drawing a day) and to help people find something fun to do in quarantine. I post around once a day, since it is my hobby. It's awesome to see other people participating and enjoying themselves too, however many there are.
No. 582727
File: 1594492280583.png (2.35 MB, 1421x2229, 2020-07-11 23.20.14.png)

Can anyone well-versed in digital art tell me if this person is drawing every individual pore or is this a brush of some sort? Because the pores disappear at the hands etc. I only work with traditional so I'm really confused. Must've taken a long time if it's not a brush.
No. 582784
>>582727get photo
filter > noise > median (the ear is a dead giveaway)
then paint the details back in
pores are just a scatter brush
No. 582818
File: 1594504863961.jpg (112.63 KB, 1080x1350, xF4oSso.jpg)

>>582727I follow Mary, she has all these brushes for sale as part of a set, and if you're a patreon she gives you lessons and shoutouts. She also does livestreams drawing and I'm pretty confident it's not just a photo edit.
There are plenty of digital artists who create specific brushes for pores and skin textures, although, imo, it's sometimes too much, and more deatail sometimes make it look less realistic.
No. 582826
>>582736It's wild y'all actually think this is an edit when you can see the lil details are all slightly off once you zoom in. Like the eyelashes are too thin, the hair too painterly, the pores wouldnt be found on an actual photo of a Kpop star and are all kinda uncanny valley-esk. Also lmao at the person who mentioned the noise layer. They're pores, not different colored pixels!
Just because some of you are too lazy to ever paint something this realistic (which looks kinda ugly IMO too much detail in weird places) doesn't mean everyone is. Portrait realism is so common too lol
No. 582839
>>578362I'm super late to this but jesus fucking christ this video made me cringe. I haven't heard of her before and have no idea of her background (please don't tell me she has a real art degree because I refuse to believe it) but she seems to have made literally no research on this subject and only offers a test run of "let's see how this single stroke works on my canvas, lol" that basically shows nothing, complete with "lmao i think this cheap one that's completely different shade for comparison is a prettier shade!!!!". How about testing how they blend together compared to the cheaper ones? Introducing what technical, professional benefits they have over more affordable options? Their longevity? Talking about how they are made other than "handmade"? She basically bought a $200 set just to say "lmao don't get this it's not worth it!!!" like some beginner painter was going to spend that amount of money on their gear to begin with. I actually clicked on the video because it was in my youtube recommendations and I wanted to hear the educated details on what makes this paint so expensive and what functionality quality oil paint has in general and all I got was a shitty middle school doodle level painting in the end. I'm personally offended by this. It's insulting to the work that went into creating these high quality paints.
And why does she keep on bitching about the lack of black paint? Professional artists don't need fucking black pigment, you're supposed to get dark shades by mixing others together, this is fucking color theory 101. Also fuck those annoying lolsorandum cutaways. Jesus they got annoying.
No. 582842
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>>582826>Also lmao at the person who mentioned the noise layerthis person?
>>582784salty cause I called out your tricks, or just dumb?
median reduces noise, not adds it.
No. 582858
>>582849>degree in oil paintingYou're fucking kidding me anon, what college did she graduate from? Podunk University for the artistically impaired? I took only a few classes on oil painting in high school and even I was tearing my face at this dumbass fucking video, I physically can't understand how she's completely oblivious to so many standard practices. The overall tone in the video was bratty and annoying in general but this just made it a whole lot worse.
I also checked her art and woof, this is quite literally every freshman year art chick drawing "artistic" uncanny portraits from bust up and eyes. I guess she's not doing anything nasty or awful but uneducated videos like this just drive people off from improving and teaches them not to appreciate the humongous amount of work that goes into creating quality art supplies and what benefits they have and when you should be using them. Gonna go check out her thread though, this should be a good read.
No. 582896
File: 1594514761202.png (896.12 KB, 594x592, drawwaffles.PNG)

Why is it so hard for some anons here to believe that some people work hard to make their art look how they want it to and are really good at it as a result.
Not even defending Marys_artwork, but it's not unbelievable that someone could be that good at photo-realism without cheating.
>>582855I know waffles must be going through some shit right now with her parents and the whole corona shit (considering she's has some kind of auto-immune disease), but all of her videos feel so boring. I hope she's able to make more interesting stuff once all of this is over. Even if it's just some studies like the stuff she posted on her insta, pic-related.
No. 582920
File: 1594519425912.png (64.55 KB, 1425x752, Capture.PNG)

>>582658No kidding, lesson learned. Even the girls there are fucking messes. Look at this anon's insane requirements list to join their secret special Discord and tell me this isn't insane.
No. 582966
File: 1594528699383.jpeg (387.54 KB, 1242x1171, F135954F-1FCD-41E7-831F-FA1194…)

fucking furries man
No. 582983
>>582050>Who the fuck has a wedding on a Monday?People who don't want to pay the exorbitant weekend rental space fees. (No idea who this person is btw, not defending them, I've just known people who've done something similar)
If it had to do with a specific date I would've just like, gone to the courthouse and gotten married on that day and then thrown a fun reception party some other weekend. The anniversary would still be that date, people are weird about wedding traditions though. sage for ot
No. 583023
>>582920What parts of these are "insane" requirements? ID/Voice verification for female only discords is standard practice today because so many trannies and undercover men have infiltrated and ruined them from the inside. Purges for the inactive members are reasonable because some people join just to lurk and leak shit forward. Overall this seems to have strict measures to keep out the retarded woke content police Aidens who love picking up a fight and pick up the canceling pitchforks if someone draws something they don't personally like. Ngl I'd join this discord right away, too many have been ruined by nonexistent moderation and ineffective measures of keeping troons, scrotes and twitterfags out.
This is what cancel culture literally made communities into, you have to jump through so many hoops just to meet likeminded people you can trust.
No. 583031
>>583023First, the fact that all users who are interested in joining are required to provide all of this information, yet we don't know anything about the person running this thing. They could be a scrote or troon for all we know. Especially on fucking 4chan.
Additionally, you have this Discord being created inside of an already existing community. If you want a girls only art Discord, cool! Make a separate thread for that, don't just take over another community's general and start advertising.
I get the desire for all of the verification steps, but it turns people off from applying (that's a lot of shit to do just to get into a 4chan Discord), so that Discord is going to be dead on arrival (which it already seems to be).
No. 583083
>>582990>>582966You autists really can't read the tone huh?
And so what if this was unironic? No one is forcing anyone to pay. Art is a luxury.
No. 583158
>>583155Samefagging just to truly drive in the message that the average consumer on Twitter has absolutely no idea on how to value art. They have no concept on what art is or should be worth, they barely understand the value of service based jobs in general (such as the comparisons to plumbers and lawyers with no basis for how those careers are trained or function, and the exonerate this lack of understanding exceedingly well). This is why so many artists sell their art for less than $10, or why people come into this thread to cry and complain about someone charging $25 for a full body commission. Sure, I and many others wouldn’t pay this man thousands for his art, but there clearly are people who are willing to pay it and that’s what gives him the gumption to price it the way he does. Value for art is about the supply (which is why many dead artists work are so highly valued and sought, they will never produce new works again), the notoriety (known artists will always be able to charge more), the style (most people admire a specific artists style and pay for their vision, otherwise they can outsource their work to anyone), the skill, expertise, vision, and so on. Art is so hard to price because of all the factors that are considered, and the different markets. The online commission market is an absolute joke, but so is the gallery market. Value isn’t inherent and is subjective, but none of the replies are aware of that notion. They see a big price tag and assume everyone will think the same as them, probably from being too used to underpriced artists advertising their $3 kofi emergency commissions. It’s ouroboros eating itself, people become acclimated to these prices, then artists set these prices because they’re scared they won’t get work otherwise, and then the cycle endlessly continues because people neglect educating themselves on art and economics. This isn’t even about this furry in particular at this point because his prices are cartoonishly high for this particular market, but I’m just appalled by the attitudes most people have in regards to art. It’s as if art is valueless to the majority, while still being highly desired to the point of people entitling themselves to it and whining over it. Fucking bonkers
No. 583220
File: 1594574971188.png (506.78 KB, 762x549, Screenshot 2020-07-12 at 1.26.…)

i'm so late on posting this bc i forgot about it but this NEEEDS to go here. this has to be the worst sailor moon redraw i've seen yet. literally all of the rest of this girls instagram @krisssstyp is shitty pinterest instathot matte paintings/paint overs on procreate (same shit like heymaryjean, bluesssatan, every other shitty instagramthot artist), this is the only thing she's ever posted that isn't that procreate hyper realism style.
not surprised if this is how she actually draws when not tracing a reference photo for photo realism. shit is uncanny valley as fuck
No. 583224
File: 1594575864479.png (2.04 MB, 3512x3272, Oh youre one of THOSE.png)

So I've been following the development of Lovesick (which is supposedly supposed to be better than YandereSimulator EVENTUALLY) and this is the design of the protagonist drawn by I guess their lead artist? I'm not sure if I can find their social media but…
No. 583262
>>583155>>583158Preach. Professional artists sell their work for thousands a piece, even complete no-names go for $500-1500. You could never walk into an art gallery and buy a commissioned portrait for $35 like you could online, and you could never buy graphics from a web designer for $15. I legitimately feel bad for some talented artist who only charge $60 for a 20-hour work and most of the time the client attempts to haggle the price even lower or straight out scam the artist out of free commissions.
>>583243It doesn't even look like anime, it looks like an aborted calarts fetus that watched one anime series in 2007 and tried to draw the influences from memory.
>>583246This image is simply funny because it's true. A lot of furries work in highly paid tech positions and have a ton of disposable income to blow on luxuries like art. Dropping $500 on an illustration of their perverted wolf OC getting a blow job from a deer while wearing diapers is like buying a coffee or a nice shirt to someone who earns 80-120k a year and has a side hustle with bitcoins. If you want to make real money with art your best bet is to target furries because they're always willing to pay up, but remember there's a reason why so many artists list "no furries/anthro" on their commission rules. But if you have no problem with the sickest fetishes and obsession they'll develop over you then go for it I guess.
No. 583278
File: 1594582099358.jpeg (139.79 KB, 720x686, 21E734AE-C562-411F-9363-DAAE3C…)

This thread is hilarious
No. 583281
>>583223Oh my gosh, sorry, I came back to this thread after awhile and I realized I didn't have to write an entire essay on this lol
>>583262Exactly. And then artists lowball themselves for an audience who doesn't value art, and then blame themselves. Regardless of skill level or follower count, $35 or $15 is way too cheap for personalized work. But, all of this is relative to the market, and the market value for a lot of the communities these artists find themselves in (where the consumer can't fathom finding value in art), so there's very little anyone can actually do. I just wish the artists underselling themselves knew that it wasn't their fault. Online spaces are filled with idiots yelling about how digital art isn't worth $10 because they grew up learning about art on deviantart and neopets.
No. 583286
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people still acting like having a low follower count is oppression because jen bartel or whoever the fuck wont rt their shit art No. 583296
>>583286It's literally not about follower count, though. 20K followers won't do shit for you if they're all broke high school kids, but 5K followers when a good amount of them are working professionals with disposable income will do you just fine.
I don't want to get bloggy, but I have significantly less followers than one of my art friends with great social media numbers. Our art appeals to different groups. They do lots of fanart, I do more normie-friendly watercolor stuff. I have no issues getting freelance gigs, they struggle to fill up their commission slots. It has nothing to do with their skill level. They're great, but it just wouldn't make sense for them to drop their commission prices to double digits just to get some kids who need a payment plan for a $50 commission, you know? Pinterest Jessica on the other hand will easily shell out the money for a me to paint her baby's birth flower and do some pretty gold brushwork on the name. Plus even if you do get these bigger artists retweeting (I almost said reblogging, kill me) your stuff, their followers are probably just as fucking broke as yours are if you're both drawing MHA and Haikyuu all day. I sympathize with this artist. They're probably not making a lot to begin with, the pandemic definitely hasn't helped, but this anger is misplaced. You need to fix your target audience.
No. 583301
>>583296you said it perfectly, they're all too obsessed with status to see it
i've watched some youtube videos where pros talk about how work didn't just come to them and that they did research and emailed a bunch of potential clients and companies with a proposition and portfolio. you get rejected a lot this way but it's how the pros do it
No. 583327
>>583321they really want to be oppressed so bad…the reason why they don't get work or attention COULDN'T POSSIBLY be because there's something at fault with them! it MUST be everyone else that's the problem! part of being an artist is realizing your art isn't shit and then taking the steps to fix that, by studying and improving. if they aren't self aware enough for even that, then i don't need to see their artwork to understand why they aren't being hired.
>>583322i couldn't care less who this is or her as a person, i'm just glad that someone said that. a lot of these people really need harsh reality, and her thread was obviously not directed at great-but-undervalued artists. the majority of the small artists crying about having no followers are as the other anon said, deviantart base tier artists. and this is the least of what they would hear if they did have any attention lol. hearing you aren't good enough and rejection is daily feedback for professionals
No. 583333
>>583314This is not even true though. I have seen people with shit art have massive following for other reasons and people with really good art not even pass 500 followers.
That's like arguing that people like Trisha Paytas or Nick Avocado making a circus on camera have top quality content because people throw their money at them on onlyfans and they get loaded.
Take a stroll through IG and you will find many 12 year olds with huge followings compared to skilled artists because they draw easily digestible things, popular topics, art trends, jump into bandwagons or they make "relatable content" or virtue signal which is super popular right now.
A lot of the artists with massive followings I see in these comment chains I have never heard of before outside of their art discourse takes being shoved in my timeline for going viral… (not their art).
I think in a way this is a self serving cycle, to keep coming up with art discourse so all these people can gain followers over hot takes then act like it's solely due to their masterpiece art skill. Very ironic.
No. 583336
>>583333What you’re missing is that when you bring your art to social media, it’s less about the art than the marketing. I see great artists with tiny followings…. because they post once every 3 months and only have one sm account.
There’s art jobs where you don’t need to do all the marketing, the normal maybe less glamorous jobs that all these egotistical ‘artists’ don’t want or want to put the work into.
On social media, you are a content creator first, artist second. You have to have personality and marketing skills.
No. 583341
>>583326>>583327While I do think a lot of people whining about muh algorithm and not getting a decent coin from commissions being simply bad artists with a low skill level she's painting with a brush way too wide. Learning how to work the algorithm feeds and search engine optimization is crucial to gaining an online following. There's a reason why so many people put "What's your favourite x/experience with y?" style questions in their posts, it's meant to be the call to action mechanism to encourage the viewer to engage with the post for a bit longer whether it's staying focused on it or interact with it by commenting or liking. The algorithm is optimized to push the post with the most engagement to the top of everyone's feed.
If you want to get technical, this twitter thread she posted is a prime example of how to play the algorithms - say something controversial to make people engage with your post more be it retweets with comments or angry replies. It's going to be pushed to everyone's feeds for the next two days. The content matters as well, for example you need to avoid using certain words and overuse some others to
trigger the algorithm. These are just a few basic examples of how they work and how much they affect a person's exposure. It's not as simple as just "be a good artist and put your work out there uwu". Social media algorithms are constantly criticized for favoring companies and names that already had a big following leaving others to fish for pennies. It's not just a bitter cope.
In addition to this a lot of people fail to see that the way most individual people become popular is through some of their work going viral by a stroke of luck and them being smart enough to continue striking the iron while it's hot. You could be a nobody who just posted a single art piece out of boredom or someone who has been trying to make a career for 10 years. It doesn't work so that you just keep drawing and improving and at the finishing line the universe grants you a great deal as a compensation for your effort.
>>583336>On social media, you are a content creator first, artist second. You have to have personality and marketing skills.Exactly. And this is exactly what she's tip-toeing around in her rant. She keeps going on about how you just have to "improve and work hard" without ever mentioning how much it is based on your marketability except a small tidbit about "diligent self-promotion".
No. 583342
>>583338Not every online artist does commisions. Some just sell prints and merch + doing sponsorships. There's more ways to make money than just take commisions.
>>583336Not always. There are some artists who built up a pretty respectable following who are artists first, and simply use youtube and instagram as a platform, instead of it being their job. I'm not that active in the community, but someone like Lachri comes to mind.
No. 583343
>>583333If an artist does all their marketing right (and researches it), posts consistently, seeks work out by finding and emailing clients/companies, tries the routes of art that aren't twittertier style such as Etsy listings or Facebook mom groups or craigslist, even tries furry or NSFW art (which are the easiest art markets to find work for), price themselves as dirt cheap, and STILL can't find a single person to commission them? I think it's fair to say that they need a great deal of improvement.
And if they're good at art but not doing any number of the things I mentioned, or other methods that I didn't, then they need to work on those areas. If you want to be an online artist, you have to also improve your marketing skills, consistency, range, etc.
Also, a lot of industry professionals for movies, TV, and video games hire off of ArtStation, of which, none of these people could make it on if they want an industry job.
No. 583346
>>583341>The content matters as well, for example you need to avoid using certain words and overuse some others to trigger the algorithm. I'm genuinely curious here so don't read snark into my post, but what words
trigger the algorithm and which ones are to be avoided?
No. 583351
>>583346Swear words for a very elementary example. Dropping f bombs and such isn't allowed on a good christian social media site, Youtube removed monetization from videos overusing swear words altogether. So you have to be mindful of how the
platform ranks you as a marketable brand. As for what words are favorable it sort of depends on the subject matter, usually they have to be popular search terms and keywords related to what you post and what your followers are looking up outside of your content. This is why companies have dedicated SEO teams researching their demographics and mapping how to attract their attention better, it's an actual science if you want to succeed.
No. 583352
>>583342That's the thing, we're at the center of a culture which insists upon monetizing everything. No one draws for themselves, but for the attention of it. So many teenage hobbyists open commissions without being prepared for it, because they think that's what an artist is supposed to do. If we aren't making money or gaining notoriety for our skill/hobbies/talents, then what good are they? We are only how we benefit the society, even the online one.
I understand the frustration with not finding work when you genuinely are trying to make art into a career, and all of the nepotism in the industry is exhausting, but there has to be a force outside of monetary gain or likes driving you to continue doing art. Otherwise, what's the point? If you want money, study STEM or finance. And if you want attention, become an instathot or facebook normie.
Why is it not enough to want to improve and be good at a skill for yourself? Even within the pursuit of a career in the field? Why must there be a reward for it all, and why are we entitled to it?
No. 583354
>>583352>That's the thing, we're at the center of a culture which insists upon monetizing everything.There are hundreds of people writing, and painting, who are only doing it for themselves, they are probably just not posting on social media or trying to make a career out or it.
People need to eat, ya know. Of course people are going to try to make money off of things they're passionate about. The idea that monetizing your art strips it of it's inherant worth is nonsense.
No. 583362
>>583358All of this. Art as an industry is known for abusing its workers and underpaying everyone except the 1% cream of the crop who licked the right boots. You barely get rewarded and compensated for your effort and hard work. You absolutely need to have a drive other than money or fame to keep going because the chances of you making even a
decent salary are as sure as a dice throw. If you're only in it for the money you might as well just ditch all your artistic integrity and start tracing or stealing ideas, drawing fetish porn, buying fake followers and pull other dubious tricks to make a quick buck.
No. 583376
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>people with over 8k followers pretending to be smol artists
No. 583384
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>>583314This was kinda funny. Especially when you get the people who are like, “what about my oppression????”
Like, jfc that wasn’t at all what she was talking about
No. 583388
>>583358Ah ok, I misunderstood you. There are plenty of people that act like if you can't truly put a price on art, and if you do, you're selling out or something. Although I disagree that people can still be happy with only creating.
If you make art and no one really cares about it, it's normal to get demotivated. If you never planned to make a carrer out of it, you're less likely to get bummed when you don't have a lot of followers, but if it's something you love doing and are sharing with people, and people don't interact, it can be demotivating since external validation and love is really important for people, especially in regard to their passions.
Obviously you can still be proud of yourself, but chances are the fact that no one notices you is still really depressing. That's the reason there's so much tragedy porn about artists like van gogh, who weren't succesfull during their lifetime.
No. 583427
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Kek 1/2
No. 583429
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Kek 2/2
No. 583536
>>583376I saw multiple popular artists posting under that #NobodyArtistClub tag and god it was frustrating. You're NOT a nobody if you're a professional artist with like 8-15k followers and consistently getting 200+ likes and RTs on your work, that's a sizable fanbase.
>>583427>>583429Holy SHIT what a dense dumbass.
No. 583550
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>>583314aaaand it's gone. Fucking mind-boggling.
No. 583576
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Feels pretty weird seeing this anger from a 33k account.
No. 583726
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>>583715I mean I agreed with her initial tweet too but also I've seen several creators who have a shitton of Patreon supporters despite looking like shit. Sometimes it also matters about who you market yourself to, and normies who don't care about technical skills will eat anything up as long as it's "relatable".
No. 583729
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>>583333Max Ulichney was sort of commentating on this shit earlier and I think this tweet sums it up the best. Social media and art are two different skills. Unskilled artists can enjoy popularity as long as they get real good at making the same mediocre algorithm bait daily. The whiny shitters on twitter can beat their fists all they want but no matter which way they look at it they have to improve at least ONE of those skills if they want to feed their narcissistic that badly.
No. 583773
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I unfollowed this artist on insta after seeing this story. I don't mind artist marketing themselves, or wanting more engagement, but throwing a fit and complaining that they aren't getting enough retweets and likes?
Sometimes it doesn't matter how talented you are, or how good of a person, you just won't ever make it big, that's just how it is. Seeing artists whine about shit like this is an immediate unfollow for me. Your not entitled to success, and even if you think you deserve it it might not ever come.
No. 583865
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Someone posted receipts on twitter of the thread.
No. 583896
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>>583536Thank god somebody called it out
No. 583908
>>583492She's hit or miss. The scene she animated of Alastor in HH where he is singing/dancing is super floaty. He just doesn't feel like he has any weight or is connecting with the ground. You can see this in some of her other animated works, as well.
However, she can also put out a lot of really quality animation. So I'm excited for the finale.
No. 583932
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>>583923From what my industry friend tells me, she’s married to the art director of Naughty Dog, John Sweeney. I’m not saying her art is bad or anything but she is speaking as someone who benefits from privilege. I don’t think she even addressed having connections in her tweets.
I think I’m just annoyed with industry people trolling the threads and blacklisting people who don’t agree with them. Like the person in the middle tweet probably isn’t even an artist but this attitude is pretty gross coming from so-called “professionals”.
No. 583941
>>583940I have never even heard of "artist privilege". Last time I checked, being an artist isn't easy. If you don't sell out at least a little bit, and/or if you only care about making art for yourself, it will lead to you being a starving artist. If you get a job in the professional industry, it's no different from a 9 to 5 desk job.
All the while, everyone on Twitter is up your ass about if you're progressive enough or if you draw enough variety or if you draw certain races correctly.
No. 583946
>>583944no one can tell which artist is lgbt or not unless they check their bio for it or it's in their username.
as for industry, diversity hires are really, really big. that doesn't mean there isn't also discrimination or hardship in certain places, but from what i've seen, no one is more privileged in the art world
No. 583953
>>583930I agree that this is lazy. she's not really funny or interesting enough for videos like this to be entertaining. might as well just watch a compilation of tiktok art hacks and save yourself from having to listen to her "yas queen" bullshit
I remember a few years ago she used to make drawing tutorials and I felt like they were actually pretty useful for beginners. the low effort content is making her art stagnate
No. 583960
>>583773holy shit the entitlement here, to blatantly say that you DESERVE 10k likes is insane
it reminds me of all the people who would qrt or reply to their art and say "dont let this flop" it just comes off as begging for likes and attention
No. 583964
>>583940Nepotism is the only privilege in the field that I can really think of, but it's prevalent in any single field. Having the privilege to connections or being able to afford to go to a good school known for building connections is a privilege. Or the rich people who can do art as a full time career right off the bat because they have the money to cover them until they can make it in the art world (this is especially true for gallery artists).
So most artistic privilege is directed at rich people, who have the money and connections to progress and ladder climb at an accelerated rate compared to normal people who have to work hard for connections or work a job do art after work or have to go to university for a more lucrative degree.
People having a large social media following is NOT privilege, no matter how many kids on twitter whine that it is. Most of those people had to work or play the social media game to earn those followers, it's not something given to them just by merit of being born.
No. 583967
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Any of you farmers doing Artfight this year?
the whole site is a shit show and one of their mods is bordering on cow, but hey, free art.
No. 583978
>>583967Participated a couple times, but the site is so fucking laggy and keeps going down every so often that I just got annoyed.
Plus, it's only really good if you're attacking your friends or you want to use it as a drawing warmup.
It's tedious to use for sure, I get why you need to fill in a shit ton of boxes for points but…eh.
No. 584045
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has anyone here heard of hero hei? i used to be subscribed to him and agreed with his points but then eventually it became so obvious that he simps on the entire nation of japan that i unsubscribed(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 584057
>>583916The name
is misleading, "nobodyartistclub" at least to me implies that you're a literal nobody without a fanbase, i.e. someone with way less than 1000 followers and getting minimal engagement on their posts, like 30 likes 0 RTs tops. I have a hard time imagining someone with 8000 followers being a "nobody".
>>583932This. I swear the people benefiting from some sort of a lucky privilege, in this case their husband being an art director at the company, are always the smuggest fucking people about their success and always try to play it off like everyone else isn't just trying hard enough. Reminds me a lot about this another artist I know who got a position via her boyfriend and she's exactly like her. And by far not the only one either.
I mean there's nothing wrong with pulling strings because that's what you gotta do in this world but being dishonest about how you got where you are right now. Sperging about muh hard work when you got an industry insider rubbing your back is an all around bad look to have. Once more - she wasn't talking about hard work regarding bootlicking and networking, she was just implying that people who hadn't "made it" like she had were just incompetent artists who should spend more time practicing.
No. 584066
>>584045First of all you're not meant to write anything into the name box, leave it empty.
To answer to your question I don't like him too much. I do think that crunchyroll pushing an sjw dialogue in their dubs is cringe and people flipping their shit over anime tiddies is equally so, but this dude is basically an anti-sjw reactionary and I find him to be as biased as the group he claims to criticize, making a big deal out of things that really aren't. For example the dude makes videos on some rando twitter sjw getting offended over whatever as if it was actually someone influential or mattered for that case. A lot of stuff is blown out of proportions just for the sake of pushing a video out and I don't like it.
I wish there were more youtubers over in the gaming and anime circles that would not play favors to either side. Anime youtubers are doing pretty well but I wish there was more anime/gaming news youtubers especially who had that down.
No. 584086
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>>583932/ic/ has a post about it
pretty sure that might be the reason she deleted her tweet. perhaps someone already called her out on it
No. 584091
>>583940>>583964I don't think cis/white/straight privileges apply in art because the field loves token minorities but money speaks the loudest and it can buy you a ticket to enjoy the spoils of nepotism. For example where I live there is one prestigious art school that is basically the only way to genuinely enter the industry, but it requires you (in addition to affording to go to school) to have the funds to live in the most expensive city of the country and the privilege of having attended serious art prep classes only arranged in this same city. A lot of the most recognized artists of our history have been the offspring of wealthy parents and the "tortured, poor artist" stereotype was born from their romanticized view of poverty.
All in all, art has always been for the privileged because to be able to spend all your time on something so luxurious and self-indulging is a big ass privilege in itself. Graphic design and similar commercial busywork is the blue-collar version of art, it doesn't give you the freedom of doing whatever you want because you're always creating someone else's vision.
>>584086Pretty sure this is why she deleted the tweet so abruptly, people were confronting her about her "hard work uwu" being just utilizing her fiancee's connections. Her art is subpar and she knows it, she was trying to cover up her tracks with the spergout when she's fully aware she's in no place to brag about her skill and effort. I'm honestly so sick of industry people trying to bullshit their followers into thinking that it's all "hard work" and not just rubbing shoulders with the right people.
No. 584167
>>584086how can we know if her bf recommended her or she started to work for ND and date her coworker?
it is 6 years after all
No. 584222
>>583967Which mod? I've been participating and hanging out in the Discord every so often, but the general chats are filled with teenagers who have fights over whether to
trigger warn for BUGS or not kek
No. 584267
>>584246Isn’t that what “working Hard in the art industry” essentially is?
You work on your art skills, but you also learn to work with others, how to build solid/profitable relationships. After all, people do get noticed for their skill/art style/process, but then it’s what people do with that attention which matters
No. 584304
>>584297Nah, with enough practice you can get to a prof. level. I've never had art classes other than in school, and I wouldn't really call those a real art education.
It depends on what you want to improve in. The fundamentals are really important, and the quickest way to improve is to master the elements of art and the principles of design (there are tons of books about them out there). After that you can pick up any medium and learn the specific techniques and rules needed to master it. The reason so many prof. artists can pick up any new medium and master it quickly, is that they have the basic skills needed to master any medium.
If youre just looking into specific classes on oil painting or watercolor etc. then those classes won't do much that you can't find for free on youtube. At most it can help because you'll get critique on your work, and have someone looking over your shoulder, although that's not always a good thing.
No. 584313
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Jesus christ you anons are dense motherfuckers.
>Person who most likely got her position through nepotism makes an aggressive twitter thread flaunting how she had to work hard to get where she is now
>She's implying that other people who don't have a career as successful as she does should just work hard "like her" to become an artist inadequate enough to be paid for commissions because now they clearly just "aren't good"
>People tell her she's being condescending and rude painting everyone who's not as popular and social media savvy as being unskilled artists, she replies calling them just a "small minority"
>Someone makes the point about her being married to an art director at Naughty Dogs and the timeline of her being hired and then moving up in the company lines up with her going out with the said art director
>She immediately deletes the twitter thread with a hurried apology despite actively arguing people not agreeing with her just a moment ago
>"B-but it's not her fault she's used her network to further her career!!"
>"That's not the problem, the problem is that she's outright stretching the truth about success in the industry correlating with your skill level when it's more about meeting and pleasing the right people, thus taking a dump on every skilled artist who's scraping for money instead of enjoying prestigious positions"
>repeat the same argument about how we're talking about what she said in her twitter thread reflecting her lack of self awareness
>"B-but doesn't hard work mean exactly that?? like taking advantage of your network??"
for the last time that wasn't what she was telling people to do, she was literally telling people to just get good with their art. Which is ironic for someone who presumably got ahead with connections in an industry already notorious for extreme nepotism and back-patting. Get it through your heads. Fuck.
No. 584331
>>584313What are you on about anon?
Did you just want us to confirm that she’s a bad person.. and that nepotism is bad?
I believe that most anons here recognize that, but are Talking about something else.
No. 584333
>>584331you are the only one talking about something else
the problem was her talking bullshit that you just gotta git gud and that is it while she herself is married to the art director… come on
No. 584345
>>584316>>584313Honestly you two, learn how to read. You really think her husband forced 70k people to follow her? There's plenty of people with amazing connections and even better skills from the industry who don't have even 1/10 of that following, she did it herself. She has been working in the gamedev industry since 2008 whereas Sweeney has been a freelancer until 2012, when he joined Naughty Dog.
But sure, you two go off, get into relationships with highly positioned gamedev people, see how far you can go without the skill. Spoiler: not so far.
No. 584409
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>>584313>painting everyone who's not as popular and social media savvy as being unskilled artistsYou know her original thread starts with "some of you" right? Not "literally every single artist who is less successful than me needs to git gud lmao." She even clarified further in the thread prior to its deletion seen here
>>583867 she isn't talking about good artists who need boosts or just suck at social media, but artists who are mediocre yet feel entitled to attention and money regardless. We know for a fact they exist because they get posted in this thread all the damn time. You're taking this shit way too personally. Condescending or not, she's right.
No. 584411
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She addressed her "connections." 1/2
No. 584562
>>584222Rainy, she had a public breakdown on their twitter and tried to ban the "f to pay respects" meme + insulted a bunch of underage users on AF's official twitter account among other things
their mod Biscuts also yelled at a child for 11 minutes straight in a voice channel (her friend had been banned for mentioning suicide and she was asking if her friend could be unbanned) in front of 9 other users, its why they dont have voice channels in the discord server anymore
No. 584593
>>584483I genuinely believe she didn't realize how much controversy her thread would stir up, hence why it was so snotty in the first place. I think she only expected a little bit of salt that would be quickly drowned out by the vast majority of people agreeing. Because really, saying "the first step to being successful at art is to not suck at art" shouldn't
actually be controversial, but here we are.
I know people keep trying to derail about how condescending she was but like, that's really the worst thing you can say. She was kinda mean on the internet. Her statements were still true.
No. 584608
>>584345You must be naive. You can go very far without the skills and with connections, and she is a very good example of that. No matter what she says it's obvious she got where she is now with her connections rather than her art skills, and as soon as someone mentions that she has a fucking breakdown on Twitter.
Her husband didn't give her 70k followers , the position she gained by having connections with him did.
No. 584621
>>584612>You're naive as shit if you think mediocre people don't get hired through referrals. This is for the most part correct, referrals are the only thing that will get you hired if you're mediocre / have to beat different candidates on the same level as you. But no, you can't go "very far without the skills and with connections" in the artistic field, sorry
>>584608. In the more vague areas of expertise that require so called "soft skills" that are impossible to measure, yes. But art is hard skill and if you don't have it, it's not gonna work. So if someone has zero connections and great skill only they'll definitely make it, it just may take them a slightly longer time.
I'm in the industry, I know how it works, but you don't have to take my word for it, once you get in yourself you'll see.
No. 584622
>>584595I swear the people repeating "but what she's saying is right!!!" are just looking to be edgy and trying to wash the beginner stench off their skin. I guess that's why people like Rae and Holly got popular to begin with, they have a bad attitude and patronizing hot takes all the time and their audience thinks by blindly agreeing they're "one of the pros" too. I sure as hell lose my mind over zero skill babies whining about not being popular enough too but I'm adult enough not to throw patronizing public tantrums about it, especially seeing how this topic strikes a nerve with people who are actually talented but stuck at menial jobs because they don't have the connections to climb the corporation ladder.
>>584612This. Inadequate people get hired all the time in the gaming industry through their connections. That's why Zoe Quinn got all her positions.
No. 584659
>> >>584622>I guess that’s why Rae and Holly got popularnice use of a different industry. You know, YouTube, a platform aiming at a younger Demographic and is focused on the user’s personality. Kinda a shock that speed paints don’t do as well as videos with a background voice, huh?
Also, kek “beginning to smell like beginner artists”, it’s beginning to get sad that people just use the corporate latter as an excuse to why they can’t grow as an artist.
No. 584692
File: 1594816338609.png (184.29 KB, 680x383, Ecqhyg8UEAAuPkW.png) megat0nraid/raiko is back, it seems.
No. 584693
File: 1594816400314.png (164.15 KB, 476x802, f4ef73169452fc1148b6c296acbd7c…)

>>584692in case you doubt its her, heres her sperg about 'referencing' from her tumblr (1/2)
No. 584697
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>>584692head looks very traced, hand is fucking backwards.
No. 584698
File: 1594816874885.png (807.34 KB, 914x887, 3g34g.png)

comparisons of her new chibi art (josuke and above) to her stuff from soullaire, which was confirmed to be her.
No. 584702
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while it seems like she's actually improving, its still really shitty of her to just run away from any responsibility by pretending to be someone else yet again. she does show sketches in her youtube videos, at least.
it's also interesting that she went so far as to switch drawing programs. i guess she'll try anything at this point to escape criticism.
twitter: (requires login)
instagram: No. 584703
File: 1594817739805.png (127.59 KB, 500x500, tumblr_2dc4392fdb64c8757de8064…)

>>584702well, when i say improving.. i mean sometimes. this doppio is not one of those times.
sorry about the spam also, guys. just wanted to share info.
No. 584704
>>584702That face still looks traced, m8.
What a rotten cunt to escape her criticism. This is, what, her 5th time larping as another?
No. 584709
>>584692Wait, so how do we know it’s the same user and not just some rando who also traces?
Mega had a very simplistic colouring practice, and I know people can develop their skills, But she, at her level, as a tracer, in 3 months?
I mean, I’m not surprised if it is her, Instead I’m shocked that she has the capability and desire to just use different aliases/“art styles” everytime she is found tracing- with that type of motivation, she should’ve learned how to draw years ago
No. 584798
>>583158Ok but there is also a basic principle of selling which is price to sell/price to keep
If an artist charges over 1k for personal commissions, you can be pretty sure they don't want to do them.
No. 584917
I feel like this could be said here and I want opinions on this.
I can't stand people who steal art, Not only tracing, but color picking, using the same ideas in the same exact way. No I don't mean generic red demon girls, I mean blatant copied stuff. I see so many people just straight out stealing. I would post examples but I don't want to focus on individuals, but you guys know what I mean, all those meyoco copycats, people who blatantly color pick rei_17 art.
I know inspiration is part of the creative process, but at some point it's just stealing. It kinda infuriates me how people even defend them, megat0nraid being one of many examples on this.
Am I being too extreme on this? maybe too idealistic? Isn't art supposed to be hard fucking work? yeah anatomy is hard, study it, yes color theory is hard, study it.
No. 584926
>>584917You may want to provide some examples because you threw me for a loop with the colour pickers.
To me I’m iffy about the need to colour pick. Like, I don’t do this, but I understand if an artist does this for character consistency Or they just like the pallet, but I feel like it’s a lot more fun when you have to randomly choose the colours, see what fits, see what you like, because at the end of the day, sometimes when people apply these colours they just make the work look funky because the person doesn’t know how to make the form mold together
No. 584931
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>>584917>>584926not the person who started the topic but it's a very interesting thing. I remember when some reddit user made an animated illustration of Link which - in my opinion - is way too similar to the tutorial that person used, at least too similar to be just signed with artist name and not credit the author of the tutorial. But then, a lot of people disagreed and argued it's different enough - and yes, it's not untrue that the fanartist created every individual part of his illustration all by himself, but it's also undeniable it's directly taking the aesthetic of tutorial's illustration. Attaching both side by side, how do you feel about case like this?
No. 584941
File: 1594857446698.jpg (1.13 MB, 1200x1405, example_1.jpg)

>>584926I'll give one person as an example I found today, I've seen more that do stuff like this, but I don't follow them so I don't remember atm.
btw, I don't mean to shade this person I just feel they fit my point, but there are more out there.
Left is the person I believe steals and right are some examples of rei's work. To me it's a bit beyond the "influence" zone. You are welcome to see more o rei's work and have your conclusions. The first example is the most obvious imo, but the second you can color pick some tones and see they are waaay too similar, and there are some elements that resemble each other.
Third one is an example that fits a bit more in the influence zone, but the way she shaded the skin and used the shadows and over saturated tones in some lines. You are welcome to color pick and see how the whole shading works in both examples and take your conclusions.
My point is that the third example is acceptable at some form of inspiration to me, but first and second feel like stealing. I want anon's opinions on this, because I wonder if I am seeing things. Am I being too extreme? I understand there a gray area, but this feels like it crosses the line.
No. 584954
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>>584952I completely agree a color palette isn't stealing, but when you color and shade things so closely (ex hair), would it still be inspiration in your opinion?
Idk, color picking wasn't an option before digital, so I guess it wasnt seen as stealing before.
But I do understand your point, using combinations of colors isn't an exclusive thing to anybody.
No. 584958
>>584954It's cheap and a cop out to developing a more individual style, but it's not stealing. If we transfer this to a traditional medium, would it be considered stealing to paint hair with the same techniques. Not really.
It leads to pieces that look very similar, but then again, you can look at any number of artists in the past, who have very similar looking work because that was just a popular style. Nowadays, because of the internet, there isn't a specific style that is popularized in america or in europe. Trends come and go, and these clusters of artists who have identical looking work, are just a microcosm of the way an art style used to dominate culture.
No. 584972
>>584968Yeah, exactly. Obviously there are extreme examples of artists copying an artists ideas on top of shading and coloring exactly like they would, but most of these copies aren't just between two artists, but if you look there will be dozens with the same techniques for coloring and composition. This
>>584931 in particular is really striking. But a lot of the times, there will be differences in texture and color etc. It sucks and it's unoriginal, but most of the time, it really isn't stealing.
No. 585039
>>585027Like I said, I don't mean to throw any hate at this person, it was just to bring up the subject and have a discussion on it. I don't know or follow them, I didn't mean to imply they have bad intentions.
>>585032That's really not what was being discussed at all. I wasn't implying referenced artist created something incredibly innovative, I was questioning the line between stealing and inspiration.
No. 585104
>>584917Ironically enough rei_17 was outed copying multiple times during last summer's big drama blowout despite being a huge bitch accusing others of stealing but anyway, imitating your idols has always been a part of an artist's journey. You can't help it. You experiment with styles that inspire you to find a mish-mash of different influences that you can settle with. I really can't be too mad at all the counterfeit meyocos because most of them are pretty young and a year from now their style will be completely reworked. It's annoying and feels cheap, yes, but it's also something
every artist is more or less guilty of, either consciously or subconsciously.
>>584954How is something like this "stealing"? Triad palettes and using complementary colors for shading have always been a thing, even before rei_17. She just brought it up in her tutorials so many times that a new generation of artists learned of it that way and then credited it to her.
>>584958This. I was just visiting an art museum and thought about how trends have always steered the way people paint and draw. Even more so because art schools back then hated experimental new wave material AND styles considered "old-fashioned" so everyone was stuck repeating the same themes and techniques. It's like a force of nature that will never go away.
No. 585123
>>585104I think the first 2 examples in
>>584941 go a bit beyond triad palettes and using complementary colors for shading. But anyway, I didn't know all that stuff about Rei, that sucks, I thought her art was ok but it leaves a bad taste if she is such a bitch like you said.
>>585081 said, yeah they are kids trying thinha out and it's completely natural to every artist to do so. I personally don't agree with posting or not crediting when it's so close to the source, but I understand many do this as experiments.
No. 585314
File: 1594927346543.jpg (527.16 KB, 810x2553, Screenshot_20200716-142149_Chr…)

>>585282Speak of the devil who refuses to accept her sins.
More in here No. 585335
>>585314This fucking bitch acting like she doesn't know the difference between tracing and rEfErEnCinG. She still won't admit she traces art.
And if you're good at mimicking styles, you won't need to trace official art to make your drawing look right. She's just spouting a load of bullshit and she can't draw.
No. 585372
>>585314Omfg, she goes on to protect her ass with the dumbest shit:
>“ There seems to be what you call the "same face syndrome". But it's really nothing more but "consistency". Dude, fuck her. I’m not sure if megat0ntrace will show this bs excuse, but the ‘“”artist”” herself confirms that she doesn’t give two shits of what she does, and now will “ keep doing art the same way” Because everyone targeted this uwu one person instead of supporting her bs
No. 585378
File: 1594940205070.jpeg (570.75 KB, 750x786, F871873B-8209-4ABA-965F-95D7A7…)

Wtf is this comparison, was this art piece even presented as one of her traces? Did she just call herself out while trying to claim that her “harassers” are dumb?
No. 585379
>>585378Congrats megat0nraid.
By putting the actual reference you used to trace, you've outed yourself you dumb bitch.
No. 585404
>>585388It’s their body. If they mutilated it because of a trend, that’s fine. If they did it because they’re dysphoric, that’s fine. At the end of the day, this literally does not impact people.
Also video was unnecessary if all you wanted to talk about is transgenderism
No. 585410
File: 1594947143891.jpg (464.46 KB, 1080x1164, Screenshot_20200716-174314_Chr…)

I pretty much ignore Chloe Rose, she's as mediocre and boring as the rest of her YouTube friends, so I had no idea her stuff sells for such a high price.
I mean relatively high considering it's middle school level artwork.
And I have no doubt that it'll sell. Everything else she puts up sells fairly quickly.
Still seeing THIS for $600 was a small shock.
The power of popularity.
No. 585424
>>585420well of course theres others that sell for more. Thats true for anything. Even for an original I wouldnt guess that it was worth that much though, and Ive purchased my fair share of originals
>>585410Im surprised to see that her shit goes for that much but also not surprised at all because she has a big enough fan base. I wouldnt pay that much for that but people arent buying her work because shes a great artist they're buying because they're her fans.
No. 585445
>>585425Lol you're really explaining what an original is? Uhmm nobody is confused about that or why they're more expensive. Anons are only saying they didn't realize that a chloe rose piece was that valuable, and they also pointed out exactly why it's that valuable Lol
It's because she's a popular YouTuber.
Pretty cut and dry.
No lesson necessary.
No. 585586
>>585410came here to whinge about this. the thing that really got me about that video was her going 'go buy a print before they all sell out'. Like, I know they'll sell out because as everyone says, it doesn't matter how dogshit the art is if the youtuber is popular. but the arrogance, fucking hell.
this is very mean spirited of me but I really wish she'd apply to Disney so they could tell her just how remedial her skills actually are. that fucking castle on the wall behind her. fuck
No. 585706
>>585388I don't know much about this person, saw like maybe one video of hers last year but I'll be honest. I don't buy into trans stuff and I think she's gonna regret it when she gets to like 25. 19-20 is still fairly young but then again, I'm in my very late 20s so anyone under the age of 21 feels young to me lol. Either way, with how these teens calling themselves trans and seeing how a lot have been de-transitioning in a good number in the last 3 years, I just feel she's gonna be another one of those statistics and I hope she has the mental fortitude to live with her rash decision.
But at the end of the day,
>>585404 it's her life, not ours and
>>585407 is right that this isn't the thread for trans talk, take it to the gender critical thread.
No. 585738
>>585410I think what bothers me about this is the simplicity of it. There isn't any texture to the lily pads. They look almost plastic. From a distance, I thought the brown things in the middle were supposed to be ducks, but I think they're supposed to be dirt? It's not really clear.
What typically drives up the price of an artist's original works is originality. Most famous artists we're taught - Monet, Picasso, Van Gogh, Michelangelo, etc. had a style that was clearly their own, started a movement, or had paintings that were incredibly impressive.
This painting has none of those things.
No. 585775
File: 1595018683222.png (689.99 KB, 1097x2039, 1594933780994.png)

>>583224that drawing isn't as bad as her other drawing…
No. 585809
>>585410I guess she can sell it for that price since she's that popular, but she's literally one of the least interesting and mediocre artist on youtube. Sometimes her art is decent, most of the time is awfully boring and mediocre and sometimes it dips into straight up horrible territory.
The problem with all of these artists on youtube is that they don't realize their audience is kids because they keep doing challenges like "I PAINT WITH MUD??", and they think people are actually watching them for their
incredible skills. So their ego inflates way quicker than their art can follow.
But tbf, that painting is not that bad.
No. 585936
File: 1595041878710.jpg (79.09 KB, 768x960, 58376327_2273185226253345_9025…)

>>585378Is anyone else sick of the Persona art style? At first I liked it but now it feels like everyone is trying to imitate this art style to the point where it's become basic and overdone.
Same thing for Ilya Kuvshinov and all Ilya-lite knockoffs. Ilya is good at drawing exactly one (1) attractive anime girl face. Why are they hiring Ilya to do designs for whole ass movies now? And do I just not have an eye for a design or are these designs very boring looking?
No. 586013
File: 1595064428659.png (3.56 MB, 828x1792, CE610B1B-9887-46D6-A041-A61B18…)

>>586005it’s more these posts that i’m referring to
No. 586015
>>586013>>586014This only furthers
>>586005 point. The latter seems cleaner but they're both the same instathot aesthetic.
No. 586017
File: 1595065841999.jpg (944.93 KB, 1079x1858, Screenshot_20200718-195314_Ins…)

Breaking: JDL drew a girl that didn't have purple hair and tattoos.
No. 586046
File: 1595078510515.jpeg (685.22 KB, 1800x1666, D86F2A88-020D-46A6-8025-A39C8D…)

>>586013I did this to humor you anon. Idk these artists, but while looking on pizza’s account I noticed how all the poses are generally the same, but much less stiff. So maybe the other guy takes this as inspiration, maybe not. Idk they all look the same to me
No. 586074
>>578578Sage since irrelevant, but Creepshow is a narcissist, who won't ever listen to any sort of criticism. Tbh though, Tobi and Creepshow have similar personalities. Both go out of their way to try bo be quirky and relatable. The main difference is that Tobi desperately tries to make videos look fancy and "unique" (and fails miserably), while Shannon mass produces lazy rants about current drama (that has nothing to do with her).
Also, surprisingly the Faceapp filter-obsessed whale Shannon has enough self-awareness not to say anything too controversial. Tobi is an autistic bitch, who lucked out on one hot take, but is too retarded to release a streak of multiple reasonable videos.
No. 586114
>>586086Most people can only do one page a week. You'd have to have some very simple art (or be a really fast artist) to do three a week.
Advice: either don't worry about not being able to draw so many pages (being able to draw one a week is good), practice speed drawing, or simplify your art so it's faster to draw.
No. 586142
File: 1595103449654.png (536.85 KB, 1164x653, flee.PNG)

>>586074Tobi spews out "hot takes" left and right, not realizing how retarded her opinion is until she's told consistently by many people. Creepshowart is the same way, but usually picks a "hot take" that goes with the mass majority's opinion, so she's seen as less stupid.
Meanwhile, Tobi is on her Twitter talking about how she totally doesn't fetishize gay men for being obsessed with yoai. She criticizes people like Tati and defends Shane, while simultaneously saying she's "stopped caring about that side of the Internet." She constantly talks about stepping away and not reacting to things, while always being involved and reacting to everything.
Also, this is wholly irrelevant, but who in their right mind would have something like this on their car (pic)? Much less DATE someone with it on their car?
No. 586281
>>586273yeah, I thought the quality and model consistency has improved a lot since the pilot, and the animation seems a lot smoother. Maybe because there aren't 5+ characters in every frame of every scene this time?
the music sounds incredibly outdated though, like an early 10s Kesha ripoff.
No. 586282
>>586273Srsly, good for you.
For me, it's just not my jam. Too much Autotune and their voices are kinda annoying. Also I'm bored by that trope of the emotionally abused stripper. And the style.
But yes, the animation looks way better than that first episode.
No. 586318
>>586282Same. I really tried to like this- hell I watched it 2 times-, but it just made me cringe because it just reminded me too much of what me and my friends would make as middle schoolers/highschoolers Except this is made professionally…As a group project…. by near 30 year olds..
Idk, at the end of the day, it’s like an animated version of 13 reasons why, but doesn’t portray suicide as a main subject
>>586273anon, stfu, you can literally see the warping the animation has NOT gotten better(I’d argue worse because now they’re using puppeting) only the consistency because they finally realized that they do need to minimize the designs
No. 586326
>>586273>>586318Honestly the character designs in HH aren't that bad. Theyre very overcrowded and all have the same general shapes and color pallets, sure, but when put into a comic they arent that bad. Vivzie is good at comics and thats where her character design stands out the most because your eyes actually have time to look over and consume everything thats happening. One problem ive always had with vivzies animations is that they are extremely fast paced and you cant even see whats fully happening half the time because she uses excessively bright colors with similar hues and its a nightmare to watch.
Not saying vivzie is by any means a great character designer either, i actually hate angel dusts design and the stick figure bodies they all have, but i wouldn't necessarily say theyre awful either.
No. 586328
File: 1595132040471.jpeg (228.08 KB, 1080x1257, EdLaffzU8AEIjuk.jpeg)

>>586324 Came in to say the same thing. Apparently she's a Cartoon Network storyboarder that's worked on shows like Ben 10 and Clarence. At first I thought she was joking but I guess she's serious?
No. 586337
>>586326Samefag from
>>586318But I never meant to complain about the designs, personally, I like much of vivzie’s designs and I’m happy that when you actually look at the newer animation, you can see that they did cut down on some of the details of the characters in order to improve the consistency. However, I do think that much of this “wonk” in animation is due to vizie’s overall artstyle.
When you look at the characters, just standing, there’s movement. Now, think about applying them to take simple actions, It’s difficult because the animators dont adapt the artstyle Into the characters movements and instead break them down, into readable poses- which take away that movement and contrasts with How vizie animated in her original works(timber/die young).
No. 586346
>>586337I get what you're saying. That kind of rubbery cartoony movement you see in older cartoons like Ren and Stimpy or the noodle like limbs in Invader zim.
But I like to argue that in her older stuff she over used it to the point it hurt the eyes visually. Like another anon says her style is best for comics, but for animation it just gives you a headache. So the animators must have adjusted.
I still see massive room for improvement. The only reason I can say it's good is because lately we have been getting crap in terms of western animated series.
Though I can still honestly say I dislike Vivzie as a person for obvious reasons.
No. 586373
>>586318>>586273The animation is good, way better than in the pilot of Hazbin Hotel. But for some reason I can't stand when someone tries to introduce serious themes and moments(like sexual abuse and prostitution, in this case) with these kind of juvenile characters, both in design and personality.
Like, was Angel supposed to be attractive and sexy in the beginning? He isn't, his design is not appealing in that way, so it comes off as uncomfortable and cringy. Because his character is flat and was played off as a joke in the pilot, giving him a sad 2deep4you backstory filled with trauma feels off. I didn't like seeing a pink twink cartoon spider? getting banged at all, and I can't even take it seriously. I guess the furries will be all over this though.
Cherry's parts were fine, they fit her pretty well.
No. 586382
>>586273The animation, storyboarding and direction in this is so much better than the hazbin pilot. It looks overall smoother, the characters look way more consistent and the transitions and pacing are considerably more dynamic than in the music numbers the pilot had. I could buy this being an actual music video, the song is fine for an indie production too. And I'm saying this as someone who didn't like the pilot episode at all. The only real first-viewing complaints that I have are that I still fucking hate Angel dust's voice and that it's a bit too long which makes it turn into white noise after around the 4 minute mark.
>>586376His written dialogue in the pilot was godawful but I still appreciate the character trope myself. A prostitute/porn actor hating the profession while acting like they love it is a pretty common phenomenon in real life as well and a good share of sex workers use sex as a way to self harm, I feel like introducing characters that aren't just sluts for the fun of it is important to show how sex work isn't just ~glam life~.
>>586373Gonna be honest his character design is made to appeal for the target audience which is the edgy sparkledog type crowd so you need to look at it through those lenses. Keeping that in mind I think it's fine even though I don't like the aesthetic. However sometimes it really does feel like his character in particular gets judged more harshly because he's made to appeal to girls the most and everyone jumps head first to ree about muh fujopandering or whatever the fuck.
No. 586390
>>586273i don't know what this is or who made it, but the music is so bad lmao. It sounds like 2014 radio edm, but a bit emo.
it's going to be a hit with all the edgelords who had their peak in high school.
No. 586395
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>>586387Even though I do think the most important part of a game is gameplay and that visuals don't matter as much, if they were trying to make a better version of yansim, they could've tried to make the art look better by commissioning a person who can draw well. If you compare it to the art by kjeck (maybe even Mulberry if you squint hard enough),lovesick's art looks worse imo
No. 586400
File: 1595152847963.jpg (66.66 KB, 579x864, SeeknDestroy.jpg)

>>586395It's fucking stupid because there's a ton of fan artists in the server that draw so much better, for FREE. A ton of fanart for the game.
And yet for some odd reason, the developer chose this chick. Who, by the way, is in her 20's already.
Image related is fanart by user SeeknDestroy or Witchere.
No. 586404
File: 1595154071864.png (47.02 KB, 743x361, Screenshot_11.png)

>>586402She's been criticized heavily on a certain subreddit to the point where she gave a statement trying to justify her shitty art style.
So I'm pretty sure the developer knows she's not the best, but he isn't getting rid of her which tells me that it's possible they're friends of some sort.
Don't wanna hurt her fee fees cuz she seems like the type to go apeshit if you criticize her art. She's one of those, "IT'S MUH STYLE" people.
No. 586431
>>586416it is, no way most sane person would love to eat another human's flesh outside of very, very specific circumstances.
can someone explain to me why vore/inflation/cannibal fetishism goes hand in hand with being an online artist so often?
No. 586461
>>586395I think yan dev is an idiot, but the people who made love sick are even dumber.
"We made a whole game in a week durr"
Not really. They ripped every asset from Yan dev. I would be impressed if they made an entirely new game, but really they just fixed a few scripting issues and didn't implement any new ideas. They even have the same sounds and animations.
I just find love sick to be just as petty and drama filled as yan dev.
No. 586462
>>586412I think that's Vivzie's problem. She never grew up past her emo phase and fetish's. She has this weird thing for the broken young twinks. But her fans are the same way so we might find it weird but she's giving that weird fandom what they want.
You know how many girls are drawing fan art of the rape scene in the car or how many openly loved the idea of this character being abused? It's easy because he's fictional and so goofy it's hard to humanize him.
But, Vivs scape goat to all her characters being horrible is "Well that's why they're in hell"
But yeah, the animation is getting much better
No. 586465
File: 1595168859644.png (112.64 KB, 500x538, me-renegade-kangaroo-renegade-…)

>>586455This girl is the living version of these memes.
But yeah, if they go through this shitty project I hope they know they can choose another artist and just say she was the first featured one.
But I'm rolling my eyes with the love sick crew. They should technically be done with the game by now since they claimed it was so easy to do it all in a week.
No. 586505
>>586387Is that really the trope they’re going for?
“Teehee, we’re better than yandere simulator” (
shows no actual Gameplay, Art used for official trailer looks like shit- animated worse than most animation memes )
No. 586518
>>586505They are honestly just as lulzy as yandere dev.
If you look at game play they just ripped the whole game and build and didn't change anything. They just made Yandere Chan skinner and changed the code so the frames per minute are slightly faster. That's literally it.
They are currently riding the "We hate Yandere dev" train for attention.
Even the name is unoriginal. "love sick" is a mode in the original game. These guys are just Yandere dev 2.0
No. 586523
>>586518>>586505>>586461why would you guys even bother to form any opinion on those other autists when the point is that they
triggered yanderedev into a meltdown
i'm just thankful for the milk
No. 586576
>>586441It's just that some of us have friends that are trans. It's not that much deeper anon please go bore someone else with your complaints and don't derail the thread because trans people are a
trigger for you.
(no1curr) No. 586594
>>586441Then go do it and stop trying to derail the thread sperging about how trans artists
trigger you, no one cares
No. 586659
>>586613agreed. it's way easier to shit on other women for the same shit male artists get away with (and establish entire careers from).
>>586609"back to twitter" is going to be the next "hi scrote" im calling it.
>>586634a venn diagram of the people who use the word "degenerate" unironically and the people who describe anything that makes their ass red as "cringe" is a circle.
No. 586706
>>586328How can anyone believe she was serious about this?
It literally sounds like every tumblr shitpost circa 2015.
No. 586750
>>586382The storyboard and animation looks better because vivzie wasn't the person who did it.
>>586390The song is definitely a 2010 kesha rip off though since if you know vivzie you know shes obsessed with keshas old music. The song is also fan made which means that vivzie just went out of her way to make a music video for it bc angel is her little baby who, like another anon said, she loves more than the series protagonist.
>>586699I used to like her comics like zoophobia (the comic where angeldust, charlie, and a fuck ton of other characters actually come from) but she completely dropped her comics to pursue hazbin hotel
No. 586783
>>586699Def a smaller group of people. No one reads the web comics she pushes out unless they are huge fans. Funny thing is people have always helped her with her animations. Even her die young animations.
The main reason why "her" animations are getting better is because she's getting more removed from them. People def over credit her as this amazing animator when she has a crew of 40 people who have to make something out of her character designs
>>586760Yeah it's def kinda weird. Angel dust is suppose to be a side character but she is more interested in his story than Charlie's. And if she really is dating the voice actor for him than… poor guy. She's obviously only interested because she can project her baby onto him.
She always gave off huge fag hag vibes
Again I praise her team, they are amazing. She reminds me of Butch Hartman; except for the religious BS. She's riding off her team. But I can't bitch all that much, she credits them and pays them very well. It's not her fault her blind fans think she still animates
No. 586786
>>586784Oh thank goodness
Anon from
>>586783 No. 586791
File: 1595208184713.jpeg (328.31 KB, 1936x1936, A40BF579-D031-4E92-8061-70A083…)

>>586750I liked the facial expressions better in this than in the animation. also watching the storyboard made me realize that they didn't put his hand in the reflection in the final lmao
No. 586800
File: 1595209970193.png (600.25 KB, 867x900, expression.png)

>>586791Yeah, I agree. I'm not sure why they changed the expressions. They showed much more fear and anxiety.
No. 586870
File: 1595219289750.jpg (98.53 KB, 615x577, 1579960636072.jpg)

>>586842>>586817This was his original design btw
No. 586874
>>586867That's the account for the artist of these posts
>>586455>>585775>>586387>>586404Sorry for not clarifying.
No. 586886
File: 1595223606379.png (1.7 MB, 1914x976, susu.png)

Do these drawings kind of look like traced photos of Zendaya and Lili Reinhart to anyone else?
No. 586894
Might wanna include some examples.
No. 586904
>>586613It's good for women to make self-indulgent tropes, but among all the "fujoshi-pandering" characters there are still good and bad ones. Angel is just badly written and flat, no matter the audience he's made for. Or are you saying that because he's made by a woman as a self-indulgent character he's automatically good and cannot be criticized? Don't make this about fetishization when it isn't.
Also he, along with the whole cast of hazbin hotel, is supposed to attract an adult audience, but completely fails at that and instead attracts 14 year olds on tumblr.
No. 586923
>>586904You can say that a character is one-dimensional because (things that they did or said) or that they don't experience enough development because (things that happened) and that they could be improved by (whatever). That's
valid. But if your only reason to dislike or not appreciate a character is because "it's a 2008 yaoi fanfiction trope tumblr teenagers booo!!!" it's not exactly smart big brain analysis and makes it seem like you're more annoyed at the thought of the author having a self-indulgent character than the character's writing itself.
No. 586940
>>586659"Back to tumblr" has been a phrase on this site for years, it just got updated to "Back to twitter" after the big tumblr porn wipe that made every woke idiot migrate to Twitter.
>>586518Agree. They're only doing this to piss yandev off (which they absolutely managed to do) and now are creating hype with the promises of being totes better and faster developers than he was, a lot of artists have hopped on board to draw the female protagonist to milk the ongoing hype. The game is never going to happen and people will be bored of "bow-chan" in a while.
>>586791>>586800That's a really good usage of expression. It's a shame they didn't make it to the final animation, maybe they were just hard to translate into moving parts. I'm glad they got competent people into their team though. Also for the people screeching "It wasn't vivzie who animated them!!!!" - like no shit? I think everyone knows there's a huge team of animators working on it, I doubt anyone thinks it's just her doing everything alone.
>>586870The more the series gets different animators and storyboarders the more the designs will be refined into ones that are easier and faster to replicate and keep consistent. Like these are fucking hideous. I personally don't enjoy Vivziepop's character design style and the more people attend the project to sand off the edges (quite literally) the better they become. With that music video I already noticed they were a lot smoother and easier on the eye.
No. 587045
>>586996Any completed work is good for a portfolio. Especially if they can make her designs look good.
A lot of these guys wouldn't get such an easy chance like this again
No. 587090
File: 1595266299076.png (916.79 KB, 1732x2678, MY EYES.png)

When you didn't think it could get ANY worse.
She draws a male.
No. 587094
>>587090She's going to be one of the main reasons why people hate the game. The art is repellent
Bet by next month there's going to be drama videos about these cows
No. 587121
File: 1595269271984.png (143.7 KB, 867x488, redo.png)

>>587090This is apparently her redo.
Which is…basically just the same.
No. 587125
>>587121Thicker than peanut butter kek
I'm getting Holly Brown vibes with that awful hair and tumblr nose
No. 587141
>>587090>>587121Out of ALL PEOPLE… They chose this person. Hell, they got so many nice artist that are willing to volunteer for free but they chose…this. I am more than sure now that the reason why this shitartist is a part of the project is because its one of their friends. Well and on top of that she strikes as a person who would guilttrip them because muh mental illness.
And they really are telling everyone how better their game is? Kek
No. 587151
File: 1595273801288.png (574.9 KB, 2005x2048, Screenshot_20200720-153516.png)

I think Shortcake's bio speaks for itself.
No. 587156
>>587090the audience of Yanderesim/Love Stick don't want a thicc, white, weeb high school girl as the main character, drawn in post-tumblr style, and Senpai to look like her brother, is that really hard to understand ?
to be fair, I assume the Love Sick team asked/hired her to do the art, it's not her fault her style is like this, but they should really have found someone that fitted the aesthetic a bit more.
No. 587175
>>587090This girl's art style is godawful. It looks like she's not even putting an effort into it (that shading…) and what are these proportions? It reminds me of the things you would find on deviantart.
There's no doubt she's guilt tripping whoever's in charge of the project into keeping her as the artist.
No. 587182
>>587181The whole point of the project is to be better. Yandere Dev set the bar low for art, but these guys.
This chick seems emotionally manipulative. The "Woe is me" type.
I still say they should replace her and just say she was a starting artist to get their idea off the ground.
But she isn't the only problem… their voice actors also suck ass
No. 587205
>>587090God damn he literally looks like a bimbofied Ronn Moss, I'm in fucking tears. How the hell did she get the position of being the official artist? Was she the girlfriend of one of the head developers? Or did she just strut in claiming she can draw and they took her in because she was the first one to offer her help?
>>587151>Welcome to hell!Yeah this is a pretty accurate description of my personal 7th layer of hell
No. 587220
File: 1595285560565.jpeg (721.52 KB, 750x1084, 657FDC75-7526-4AE0-B274-E4FA9E…)

>>586839Doesn’t it feel great to have to classify types of women instead of calling them all women?
No. 587264
>>587256The problem is even her concepts are shit. A better artist could be inspired by them, but they would need to make so many changes it wouldn't be her art anymore.
It's on her though. She saw the character models and didn't take them into consideration at all. If these are commissions she isn't listening to what they want at all
No. 587272
File: 1595295156746.jpeg (187.78 KB, 1265x1272, 26DCCAEA-A139-47E2-81DD-18B460…)

>>587090The fan art of him is better than the actually official art.
Pic: SeeknDestroy/Witcherries
No. 587276
>>587274Honesty, I was just about to post that.
Shame that even with the artist’s name, I can’t seem to find their insta or Twitter. Their art seems pretty good
No. 587295
File: 1595298659364.png (25.89 KB, 325x261, 07cd174f6bef62ed1cc33744ae7faa…)

>>587293lmao, she doesn't need to be modest tbh
No. 587309
>>587295I mean she's not but okay.
Tbh tho I don't think anyone would want to get on Shortcake's bad side. Don't wanna be caught in her otherkin rage.
No. 587342
>>587295As a public figure they have to be as kind as possible. It would destroy her rep if she trashed another artist and a bunch of unwanted drama
Shortcake seems like a cow in the making and is going to fuck up. She's fucking up right now. But she will never leave on her own either. It will be a beautiful fuck fest because Shortcake seems like the immature twat who will go down kicking and screaming
No. 587387
File: 1595316634280.png (7.33 MB, 4297x3987, 7BCE015B-D6F6-4B0E-A14B-E4A673…)

>>587369I think they are fan of love letter even though it’s shit. They are really trying hard to make the love letter team to notice them or something.
No. 587389
>>587387"Look how good my art looks in an official looking game menu"
I don't blame her, it does look good. Anything is better than Shitcakes work. But I don't think they're going to finish the game at all
No. 587392
>>587387I wonder if the dev team is kicking themselves over taking this
>>587151trainwreck in as the official artist and not something like that. Because I fucking would be.
No. 587409
File: 1595321332334.png (1 MB, 1351x1267, 111.png)

>>586400>>585775Here's a full body comparison by the way.
No. 587414
>>587409One would have to be braindead to think the right one will sell in any way as well as left one.
Doki doki literature club's success was mostly thanks to the art style. If the game was free but as unappealing as the style on the right it would never become viral.
No. 587444
File: 1595328274631.png (31.96 KB, 599x106, 12.png)

"the proportions don't look right, I know, but it's my style, it's not me who doesn't know how to draw"
No. 587450
>>587444I almost feel bad for her seeing her reply, it's true that she's a twenty year old still hiding behind the muh style argument but she's also a nobody autist that offered to to take part in a indie project (for free?) who is now being torn to shreds by hundreds.
If the head dev cares so much he needs to offer her an art direction role to save face and get someone else in there immediately or else the whole ship will go down and she will get all the blame
No. 587453
File: 1595330149506.png (110.9 KB, 592x824, ss1.png)

>>587450>>587452I wouldn't feel too bad for her if she acts like this.
No. 587456
>>587450I agree, but if the head dev wanted to be serious, he might would've looked for a 1) more skilled artist 2) an anime or more anime inspired artist.
tbh, I don't really care for anime, and you CAN do this game in a non-anime style, but I would lie if I said it didn't completely alienate a good portion of the game's target audience. It's about a common trope in anime, so the audience is weebs who want pretty anime girls.
But yes, I feel bad for her and I think the devs should take some of that responsibility.
No. 587460
>>587450>>587452>be 20>be like this >>587151 >>587220Is that not enough to bully lol
No. 587470
>>587453So she supports trans people so what. She's obviously trying to rile this dude up, even if she is immature. Saying you fucked someones mother is like the most basic shit you can say on twitter to troll people. Nothing special or unique about it so what. It's nothing heinous or creepy either.
>>587460Nah, she's a little cringey and young and dumb. We can critisize her for sure, but this is not milk, there's a dime a dozen of these types of artists out there, and it's not likes she's getting paid for this or has thousands of followers.
No. 587479
>>587470While you're right to a point, this is still behaviors that shouldn't be overlooked just because it's not AS bad as it could be.
Anons keep bringing up the young factor but if she's 21 years old it means she's now legally able to make the choice to consume alcohol. If she were, say, 18–then I think personally I wouldn't be as floored with this behavior. But she's not, she's a 21 year old woman and that isn't as young as you'd think it is.
If the behavior is deplorable and cringy enough to laugh at, it's milk. This is milk. She may not be a lolcow just yet, but she's definitely on her way.
It's also been found that she's been involved in drama before–just deleted and renamed herself.
No. 587483
>>587476I don't think you know what a cow is. This ain't that milky, and she ain't special. Anons will call anyone and everyone a cow nowadays.
>>587479I do know that even young adults are impulsive and immature. She's just that. Unless she starts getting defensive, rude, uppity or really arrogant, she isn't any more of a cow than the hundreds of small artists like her. She only has like 1000 followers. I don't see anything special enough her to declare her a cow. I don't know about any previous drama though, so she might be idk.
No. 587485
>>587464yea this. the "yandere" just looks like your local chunky weeaboo, not like an actual japanese high school girl
and it's just funny that someone woke like this drew a japanese character very white looking, same with her male character design. idk, i just checked and all of her characters, despite their ethnicity, has the same facial features/structure lmao
No. 587491
>>58748830 year olds also aren't that old compared to 40 year olds. And 40 year olds aren't that old compared to 60 year olds. And 60 year olds aren't that old compared to 80 year olds.
There isn't some age limit on being immature and stupid, 21 year olds are adults. Can't believe people are trying to excuse her cringey behavior and ugly art with "b-but she's young".
No. 587496
>>587493>she just has art you don't like lmao.>Until she does something that actually warrants her being brought up other than politely accepting criticism then just leave her out of the thread.What?
Is this not the artist salt thread? Where people are allowed to be salty about artists?
No. 587499
File: 1595333847593.jpg (222.33 KB, 1085x1765, 837492384.jpg)

>>587493childishly arguing with people about trannies and evil terfs on her professional twitter art account all the time isnt cow behavior? ok whiteknight
No. 587500
>>587499You're joking.
Please tell me you're joking.
No. 587503
I meant "you're joking" as in, please tell me these posts aren't real because holy shit she's worse than I imagined.
No. 587505
File: 1595334310940.jpg (367.88 KB, 1087x1865, 837492384-1.jpg)

>>587503LMAO ok sorry, i thought you meant that that's not so bad and i'm overreacting. but yes, look through her media on twitter and she spams low effort shit like this all the time while arguing with terfs.
No. 587509
>>587501Wait, then why is she so special?
I countless other threads this has been the norm with other artists. It's never just about the art in general–this is ARTIST salt, not just ART salt. The artist themselves are fair game.
>She literally hasn't done shit so it's annoyingBut she has? Have you not seen all the "MUH STYLE" replies she's given to countless people as an excuse in order not to improve? Sure she says she takes the criticism and accepts it, but she hasn't yet shown that she's used the advice. A post in the subreddit had critiqued the design for the protagonist of the game and she used the style excuse–while disregarding anything else that was in the critique.
You can say you're taking the advice to get people off your back, but are you really doing it? She hasn't shown any proof.
No. 587517
>>587494I bet you're one of those moralfags on Twitter who think everyone will turn into a tax-paying normie mother of 3 with a mortgage the day they turn 30 and them enjoying any kind of media outside of reality TV or art house movies is "sad".
And how in the fuck do you think people grow up except by learning from past mistakes that pile up as you age? If you excuse everything with "b-but they're just so young uwu" they will grow up to be 35-year old entitled adult babies who never had to deal with the consequences of being an idiot.
No. 587559
People defending Shortcake. We have cows younger than her. She is on snowflake level right now but yes, she's on her way to becoming a cow. She has all the makings of one.
All yall need to go back to the discord server and cry. She needs to face consequences for her behavior. Even children get some kind of consequence. She's 21 years old. She can face back lash
>>587493The age limit of cows are 18. She's well above that. If anons wanna laugh at her dumb behavior she posts online they can. Most cows here are not even 30 yet, what's your point?
No. 587571
File: 1595343425970.jpeg (375.17 KB, 750x873, 1301B2AB-60DE-4BD3-9C19-DDFF61…)

It does look like they’re more than willing to use free artwork (this was a fanart sent by a fan- and I assume that there was no payment involved)
No. 587577
File: 1595344092765.png (583.7 KB, 1000x2250, EddLTlXWAAIs_Ph.png)

Here's the new design for "Bow-kun." It was announced that this is just an official design and not the official art. I think Love Letter is just becoming fujo-tumblr flavored YanSim.
No. 587578
>>587577If they wanted to keep the bow motif couldn't they have just given him a bowtie or something?
And it looks like he's a cutter because of course he is. Can't have an edgy game for 14 year olds without kawaii self-harm and depression.
No. 587581
File: 1595345361075.jpeg (265.8 KB, 750x755, 3E3D0C07-CFDD-4285-ACD7-57C940…)

>>587577> is just an official design and not the official artYou mean concept art?
It isn’t the official design if it’s a concept of an idea lmao
>>587450Initially I would have agreed with you anon, but after looking at the devs own twitters and websites, they seem pretty lulzy too.
I mean, they call themselves better than yandere simulator despite using their presets and animations, and apparently there was already drama that doesn’t involve bow-Chan’s concept artist. Hell, I don’t even think that they gained the attraction from their “yandere-concept”, but instead from the art of bow-Chan herself
No. 587585
>>587571Okay this is really just artists trying to push the dev team to pick one of them instead of the crap shortcake is pushing out.
>>587577One genderbent male option means "fujo-tumblr flavored"? I don't follow your logic anon
No. 587598
File: 1595346535262.jpg (75.95 KB, 1080x171, Screenshot_20200721-114533_Dis…)

>>587581They literally called it "official design" in the discord.
>>587585I think that statement stems from the fact that both artists have horrid artstyles and are both involved in the western Ensemble Stars community.
No. 587624
>>587607It's the Tumblr style, it is to me at least. It might have gotten more common to see because people migrated over to Twitter after the nsfw ban.
Tumblr style is mostly ugly, but it doesn't always equals bad anatomy, it's just that a lot of people with that style can't draw properly lmao
No. 587644
>>587598Wow, thanks for clarifying anon.. these people really don’t know what they’re talking about..
official design is Still a piece of concept art, whether or not it is depicted in the desired art style- which, at this point, I’m not sure it they’re going to have “official art”
No. 587656
File: 1595354645875.jpg (164.91 KB, 1039x417, Screenshot_20200721-135942_Dis…)

>>587644>I’m not sure it they’re going to have “official art”How ironic because they just announced that they don't even have an "official artist."
I think Love Letter will need a thread in the future because everything is a mess and from lurking in their discord for 10 minutes, I saw that most of the staff is under 25 ad stupid.
No. 587662
>>587656didn't they just say Bow chan isn't supposed to be chubby?
it was just Shitcakes "style"
No. 587712
File: 1595359966201.png (818.91 KB, 2048x1537, Screenshot_20200721-153018.png)

Hi, Shortcake!
No. 587738
File: 1595361119623.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1460, 20200721_154926.png)

I don't get how this muddy, boring, stiff and honestly disgusting to look at "art" gets so popular in Instagram. Am I missing something? Genuinely disturbed by Scooby and Velma here.
No. 587748
>>587738they all look either high or dead or both. such a weird empty stare
to answer your question: people are easily impressed
No. 587834
>>587293wow, her stuff is way better, i also started looking through the bowchan tag because of her and literally every artist draws this character better than the original artist.
i was thinking of making a separate thread for love letter, would snow be the correct board for that? also anyone have thread picture suggestions?
No. 587863
>>587738I hate this girl's art so much goddamn it's ugly. At least the eyebrows are looking normal for once.
In her specific case she built a following doing artsy aesthetic videos on youtube doing stuff like 'Filling out my sketchbook 🌟' and what's in my bag and what have yous. I've watched a few of her videos just out of curiosity and they're not bad, but they're not good either. They're the type to attract teenage viewers who like pretty things and nothing too challenging I guess.
No. 587870
>>587865The original game is called Yandere simulator but it's being made by a guy who's taking 6 years to finish and he's still no where near finished and his code sucks.
So some people riding the hate train made the same game by ripping his and added a code that makes the frame rates a little better, nothing new. However the team, including the artist are more of cows than the original dev. At this rate the project will be abandoned, but plenty of milk will flow from both sides
No. 587913
File: 1595377102633.jpg (48.75 KB, 264x400, aa.jpg)

>>587738anon's I can't this is some creepy uncanny angela anaconda shit wtf
No. 588012
>>587905I like ohnips art and don't care about her Dream Daddy controversy, but didn't she support Shadman drawing underage girl dating simulator parody of DD?
I can't stand her personality though. YT kept recommending her Thirsty Thurdays/Tuesdays speedpaint videos and I muted it because she just sounded so grating even though I like her art
No. 588032
File: 1595400315407.jpg (131.47 KB, 900x900, 60b9f890dd8f42bda05e448afb48fb…)

>>587918She's gotten herself into hot water a couple of times tbh, so it was only a matter of time before they came for her in full force.
If it wasn't for DD, it was for the dreads or sexualizing teen anime characters.
No. 588172
>>588139>>588032Fucking channer edgelords istfg
Y'all bitches think Shane Dawson is the peak of comedy and think idubz is intelligent don't you lmao
No. 588222
File: 1595437139346.jpeg (71.72 KB, 694x900, EZkTT-qWsAACd7N.jpeg)

>>588032she draws herself dark-skinned when she's this pale and believes reverse racism is a thing lmfao does she think she's oppressed bc she's not allowed to yell the n word in public. The racism against black people from other minorities can be just as bad if not worse than from whites. Minorities that pass for white want the best of both worlds and are annoying af
No. 588321
File: 1595445466650.jpeg (126.18 KB, 1125x375, 867CAC0C-5CD7-494B-AF89-94A061…)

Witcherries is on the team for loveletter now
>>587409 No. 588326
File: 1595446060464.jpeg (953.9 KB, 1242x1618, C29A58D0-C21B-4A12-86B9-9F8BA3…)

Guess they got spooked
No. 588347
>>588303Funny that she dragged channels like Troom Troom or whatever they called, but she does the almost exact same content, just a slightly different context. Only stupid art hack / challenges of no value and nothing informing.
But I don't blame her for not doing actual art, since non of her subs would like to see that.
No. 588372
>>588326lmao get reckt.
In all seriousness though, shortcake or whatever could be still be credited (and should be) as a concept artist since she made the concept art
So it's a win-win?
No. 588381
>>588326Yikes last time I checked her Twitter was on this post:
>>587712And in the comments everyone was confused because they didn’t know what she did. I wish I screenshotted her response because she copy/pasted the same response to each comment, telling them that she was fighting TERFS, a while ago (despite being just month old tweets)
No. 588387
>>588347Right? like she is doing the same thing but still had the nerve to complain about them lmao. Not gonna lie, her illustration or whatever sucks, but her realism is average and sometimes decent so idk why she doesn't do that. I wouldn't mind watching her recreate a picture. Hell I used to draw along with her back when she drew some donuts with some pencils a subscriber sent.
Anything is better than this low effort videos she keeps doing.
No. 588483
File: 1595471812266.jpg (306.47 KB, 720x1067, 20200722_223604.jpg)

The hazbin hotel fanbase is such a plague
No. 588485
File: 1595471841414.jpg (375.42 KB, 720x1125, 20200722_223549.jpg)

No. 588512
>>588496Tbh Hazbin Hotel OCs are the equivalent of like early 2010 DA OCs. Overly edgy with like, to purpose just to be edgy.
Some of the folk who make them just want to rouse a reaction or they're prime in their edgy phase lmfao
No. 588555
>>588483Ok, I can get dumb edgy 11 year olds making ocs like this because they don't grasp the true severity of Mengele's actions and WHY making a cartoon oc based of him is in poor taste. Not excusing it, but I could understand this coming from an immature child artist.
The artist who drew this is 19 years old though. Who the hell makes it that far in life with today's political climate without reaizing how cringey and insensitive a Mengele cartoon oc is?
No. 588580
File: 1595489872253.jpg (149.39 KB, 720x1168, 20200723_093804.jpg)

So i guess shortcakemoji is nuked?
No. 588581
File: 1595489931990.jpg (61.56 KB, 503x1199, IMG_20200723_093850.jpg)

>>588580Pic related is kirbysupreme art
No. 588583
File: 1595490121155.jpg (110.84 KB, 720x697, 20200723_094207.jpg)

>>588581>>588581Seems like every artist in this hole but witcherries are friends.
No. 588604
>>588483It's a very easy style that anyone can pick up and it's edgy as hell. It amazes me how the show attracts every bad fandom into one hotpot. You can check anyone of these profiles and they are in another shitty fandom like Steven universe, homestuck, undertale, whatever.
But shame on the artist for basically making fan art of a fucking Nazi. Who the fuck idolizes shit like this?
No. 588608
>>588587The game isn't attracting the best kind of people anyway. But I can understand why Witcherries is so damn smug. There is no one in this fandom to compete with her. Every other artist on her level wont touch this game with a 10ft pole.
If they make her lead artist it will get her a ton of fans. Hell it's currently getting her fans now. She would be stupid if she didn't take this chance at easy internet fame
No. 588631
File: 1595497350508.png (264.35 KB, 1446x344, krk.png)

>>588587Nope, remembering how cringe their staff acts, she's still there.
>>588608Honestly she is not too smug, still remains to be polite. Really do wish they just got rid off shortcake because she brings nothing but shame to their hell of a project, but she always spregs that 'I designed bow-chan!1111111'.
No. 588650
>>588631That's Shortcakes problem. They were a nobody so no one gave a fuck about what they did. Now that they are in the public eye, all their dirty laundry is out on display.
But honestly this whole project is a shit show. Once the hype dies down people will be making drama vids about the whole situation
No. 588656
>>588611This. Witcherries' style doesn't suit the game's concept all that well, considering it's built on anime clichés. It would be like playing Ace Attorney but the artstyle is Detroit Become Human. It doesn't fit the tone.
Imho, the current lead artist does a decent job. Technically, severely less skilled, but the art conveys the mood of the game well, in all its immaturity and tropey-ness.
No. 588694
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>>584692AkechiGoro7 is also megat0nraid/vannicecream pretending to be a white knight. It's hard when you have narcissistic personality disorder cause they're chronic liars and delusional people. Worse part is they keep lying to themselves. It'll take a miracle for them to apologize and tell the truth.
sigh No. 588812
>>588694At times I wish that someone could hack, to “expose” that they’re the same person and how unstable they are.
Maybe then videos on this chic will go out there, because this could be some juicy content.
Also, has anyone found out if she still traces, like, if her line work is the same as another artist? I seen Mega do a gif of her art process and it looks ungodly traced. She needed to draw lines in the face to draw symmetrically (it looked horrible) then erased it (long pause) then she draws a face perfectly
No. 588897
File: 1595527079535.jpg (198.63 KB, 680x523, IMG_20200723_195653.jpg)

savisavichan keeps bragging over how "uwu kinky" she is over past weeks when the only thing she drew were girls in bikini or random ahegao faces. This picture is a second hand embarrassment
No. 588966
>>588897Is this a joke? It has to be a joke. Not even the dumbest most pea-brained twitch neckbeards think this isn't overdoing it.
>>588948Ana Valens/Phil Wythe is a lolcow, it's well known that he's a tranny. He has a thread on KiwiFarms and it's filled with documentation of him being an overall unstable piece of shit and fetishizing lesbians and not being able to shut up about his girldick. So not surprised at this at all.
No. 589078
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>>588694>>588812>>588820megat0nraid / vannicecream is possibly still tracing. i dont know about you guys, but this seems very fucking traced to me, specifically the shading. comparing how detailed the cel shading is compared to how theres NO shading on the face or hair..
No. 589080
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>>589078this one also seems traced, albeit from a photo. she's probably getting comfortable in her new account, and sliding back into old ways.
No. 589105
>>575548I'm going to agree with the other two replies, ignoring troon requests is best.
Treat them as though they just said "nice boobies, can you draw my fetish character for free? OwO" because that's really what it amounts to.
No. 589120
>>582173>>582243Well put. I felt my gag reflux act up when I read the section of the Docs basically goes like
>lgbt pedo content is ok bc straight pedo content exists, why are you being a double bigot against the lgbt MAP community??like what the actual fuck?
Between this shit and the Cryan apologists I'm extremely concerned for zoomers, though I'm thankful that the top comments are people calling out the MAP bullshit.
No. 589122
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>>589102The thing is she got clip studio paint which has 3d assets to help artists.
While others use it well without TRACING, our lovely little kristia here surely does a 1:1 tracing and tries to draw the head on her own. Completely fucking it up as she has NO understanding of anatomy whatsoever.
Also why the fuck is she doing tumblr nose. The style looks like a rip off another artist i cant recall but as always. No originality.
No. 589284
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>>589272no, it is her. it may look 'good' from afar, but if you look closely its chickenscratch. she always had some kind of grasp on painting, even if it's shit.
No. 589288
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>>589287i mean, the most obvious evidence about vannicecream being megat0nraid came from one of her simps themselves.
No. 589315
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Kek that shitty game made by trolls is getting clout everywhere rn
No. 589371
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>>589367Lol, messier than I've expected.
I've noticed there's a free demo so I've played through 2 routes. Character descriptions are definitely the worst part of the entire experience, and when you start at the bottom it can only get better later, so it did, it wasn't completely awful; I've definitely played much worse visual novels in terms of both visuals and writing. Though with the amount of artists working on the project it's odd they wouldnt have an art director to keep an even style for all the characters. Guy on the right is so ugly and unpolished.
No. 589378
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>>589367The thread on Kiwifarms has been keeping good track of it.
I wouldn't mind seeing a thread for it here if their Kickstarter explodes into an absolute shitshow.
One of the artists had a breakdown over her stupid ugly self-insert's route and character being ridiculed for being insufferable on top of everything else. Pic related.
No. 589383
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>>589378They also have a color chart for their hearts. It put into perspective as to why Anoki's path was written the way it was written.
No. 589385
>>589378don't make a public game then wtf
the level of childishness of these people is astounding
No. 589432
>>589371judging by
>>581499 they're all indeed supposed to have clashing art styles. it's terrible.
>>589385seriously why would you draw a self insert into a game if you couldn't handle any criticism about how they/you look. like people being mean online is brand new.
No. 589449
>>589371Personally I like the style on the right, it’s an interesting look because the style/colouring depends on blocks- the style on the left is Just too ugly (generic) despite the “ReSeArCh” done. If you look up Dakota natives, they don’t look as bad.
>>589409>>589414Yikes, can’t say that I didn’t see that coming from pseudo-woke people who believe their work is going to enlighten the plebs of society, especially if they promote this shit:
>>589383Absolutely disgusting controlling behavior- and the fact that some people can’t see what’s wrong with this ultimately scares me
No. 589465
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Validate has so much money and so many artists, yet they still chose to trace anime screenshots kek.
No. 589471
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>>589467They are also stealing backgrounds off internet.