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No. 461062
A containment thread for all the salty artfags of!
- Ask about art supplies, but not too often as it will make the digital artists ree
- Discuss grievances about the art tuber community, but don’t be fooled by any that come to ask for our opinion; they will throw a shit fit because they work oh so hard and we’re oh so mean (but also we’re just haters haha :) so our opinions don’t bother them)
- Waffles may never be criticised because she has an illness and sick people cant be bullied on imageboards
- creepshowart must never be spoken of because that's giving her attention, which makes the farmers ree that this particular attention-seeking cow might seek attention and bring up lolcow like every other discussed cow has.
- Everyone is beautiful and we are above the discussion of appearance unlike the other nonnies!
- Yes, we’re all sick of Arteza and SkillShare.
- Yes, Copics are worth it if you use markers. And yes, they are rediculously overpriced.
- No, this isn’t a TRA safe space, so don’t ree when you see the word tranny. And no, some retard discussing their pronouns doesn’t count as art milk, you turbo autist.
- If you have beginner questions, want to know what art books to start with, or generally need to know how to begin with art, use these links art tuber, enjoy your visit - we hope you find enough content to hit that 10 minute mark, because we are VERY empathetic to how it’s oh so hard to actually create artwork and have a personality in order to create your own content for your channel xoxo
Previous thread
>>440519 No. 461173
>>461155There’s no problem with anime or fantasy, it becomes an issue once it’s a bulk of your portfolio
Make sure to include sketches so they can see your problem solving, including finished pieces with good composition/colour choice/technical skill is a good idea as it showcases your ability to spend large amounts of time on a piece, also make sure to showcase pieces that really represent who you are as an artist - for my portfolio I made sure to include a handful of finished pieces + sketches that revolves around children’s illustration as that’s what I want to work in, and ultimately that’s what really impressed them and landed me a spot in a prestigious school. I’d also strongly recommend including background work as most people’s portfolios will be filled to the brim with figurative pieces, it’ll help you stand out
No. 461343
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>>461341Samefag but I was planning on doing something revolving around pic related and it’s spergfest for the new thread but I’d rather not get a ban
Why don’t we actually draw or make op images for the art thread of all things? I actually kinda enjoyed the one anon had suggested in the previous thread
No. 461415
>>461345Happy D. Artists girls always look like they are retarded.
She made them so beautifull in her older work, but now they all have one eye that is either on the forehead or hanging on the cheek. And no, thats not a stylistic choice.
No. 461429
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Imagine you commission someone and then have to pay 600$ for this at the end. Thats one of her worst paintings ever.
No. 461494
>>461429Holy fuck, the mega chin and badly spaced out eyes have me clutching my sides. How do you get this decent at rendering and still fuck up basic anatomy?
This isn’t a stylistic choice either, it’s just accidentally hideous
No. 461549
>>461525I agree. I always closely associate being an artist with designing and coming up with ideas and worldbuilding, i know it is not always the case but for me it is all closely related. When i see people whose entire career is making money of mainstream copyrighted characters in random poses i think is morally fraught and kinda boring creatively. Its something thats better as a hobby for fun, you know, something you would do as a fan. I think it would be very hard to police thought, most companies turn a blind eye to fan artists because they kida do free publicity for their products and because they will always come across as the bad guys if they start shutting down people lawsuits who most are not getting that wealthy anyways. (Except the notable exceptions)
Sorry to blogpost but when i was like 15 and found deviantart i knew jack about weeb pop culture so i assumed most of the characters i saw were original creations and found it so amazing, it was very dissapointing when i realized that no, they were all from shows and IPs i didn't know yet, so i started looking for and following original content creators instead, avoiding fandoms was a pretty good choice for me.
No. 461568
>>461525Ti be honest I don't mind.
Mostly artist make way better and more creative merch thabthr original creators so I really don't mind. Not everyone has original characters or stories to tell, some just want to make live others characters.
No. 461610
>>461345all she's talking about in the video is doing the no reference series because she basically uses references as a crutch and discards a lot of concepts because she can't find the reference photo that fits.
she even says she still references in the video and another reason she's doing it is so she can see what she needs to work on.
tbf it isn't a bad idea. doing works without using references gives you a way of having to formulate concepts without relying on pictures that look like them or fit and so you can know what aspects you need to practice and study more.
No. 461611
>>461525>BootleggersA lot of IPs don't really care anymore because they realized that it does nothing but alienate their customer base. If the government or whatever bans the sell of fanart it could fuck up a lot of other shit too or if it becomes a state issue rather than a civil one.
Most creators don't really care unless they're indie, and that's because of indie creators do their own merch and selling it whereas other large IPs would rather not waste lawyer fees going after someone who makes a fraction of what they do and doesn't cause legal issues for them like actual bootleggers.
No. 461630
>>461568>>461611even if ips "don't really care anymore" or the artist is "better and more creative" doesn't mean it's OK. if you can make a living going to cons and selling online you should pay for license. if you "just want to make live other characters" work with ips or get a job as merchandise designer. i doubt many artist even try to contact ip owners. i'm OK when artist make limited runs or price to pay production cost. if your career, living & brand is so dependent on fan merch, make it into legal business. many choose not to or dont care or try because it means less money even though theyre supposed to be fans. all in my opinion.
>>461549glad i'm not the only one who feels this. many artists complain about "exposure for payment" while they justify seelling fan merch as free exposure. i have more respect for artists who draw fanart but direct popularity into original merch
No. 461675
>>461652I think I heard a youtuber talking about this, he said concept art is not a full rendered illustration and now this idea is stuck with me.
I also agree concept art is too glorified, I hate browsing instagram and seeing only concept art and it is the main reason I don't use ig anymore. It looks like everyone is trying to get into concept art and if you don't, then you're not in the cool kids club.
If concept artists are painting rocks it is for a reason.
No. 461678
>>461675That quote may have come from Trent Kaniuga. He does a lot of informational videos about industry work, what it entails and how to break in.
>>461647Agreed, a lot of Artubers have no idea what actual concept art is and often confuse it for full blown illustrations and fully fleshed out character designs.
No. 461694
>>461641Anime convention artist alleys did not begin that way, they were created by fandoms for fandoms and their customers go expecting fan art. Comicket is the largest comic convention in the world and consists of 99% fan made comics that the IP holders themselves scout for artists to hire for their own publications. Meanwhile in America the same IPs are recycled over and over again by the same three companies lol. I find it funny that the old school comic artists get
triggered people are selling Superman and Spider-Man Prints because THEY actuallly WORKED for Marvel and DC,,,meanwhile they’ve never made an actual original concept themselves and made a living on someone else’s world and characters. It’s cute that they can’t seem to see the hypocrisy.
No. 461711
>>461630That's why copyright, trademarks, and all that shit are all civil issues. The "legal banhammer" on selling the IP works of something else is between you and the IP holder. If the IP holder cares, you're done for. If they don't care, it's free game. If you let the government or state decide what is or isn't okay for this type of thing, you've basically gutted most forms of copyright, IP, and trademark freedoms and whatnot. That's why they're classified as civil issues, not state ones.
Also, there's a difference between "exposure for payment" for someone trying to get you to draw their uber good amazing idea that's just BOUND to rake in money and they want you to work FOR them vs just doing something of your own free will and profiting off of print sales that leads to exposure for both you and the original IP. One is just slave labor and the other is free will lmao. in fact, many comic IPs scout for people based around doing fan art because they can see how someone will legit draw their characters, which leads to them getting hired in the industry. Sure it doesn't happen all the time but large companies have learned to profit off of a fanbase like a relatively symbiotic relationship.
No. 461778
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>>461675I hope they release the videos of panels but Lightbox Expo this weekend was great for artists like concept artists talking about their method and how it’s not super illustration. EG: Mingjue Helen Chen is an art director at Disney that all the animation nerds cream themselves over because her style is the Disney house style but she shared some of her work for wreck it Ralph 2 on Twitter that’s anything but the character work people think she does. A lot of the talks there with concept artists too were about research and how they iterate, and while they also did have demos for a lot of artists, it’s a better look at the industry than what armchair artists think it is. The “art of” books tend to skew people’s perception that illustration is a big part of it when it really isn’t, like sometimes they’ll bring a drawing into full render JUST for the art book
No. 461781
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>>461778Example of her illustration work, which is what ppl think she does at Disney
No. 462008
>>461914Yep. Concept artists make concept art, production leader greenlights it, some of it goes to the illustrator, production leader greenlights it, then it goes to the 3D modeling team, thus concluding pre-production. And once pre-production is over, the concept artists and the illustrators, who are typically freelancers, are let go unless they are needed again if something in production changes, or if you are a flim like the most recent Lord of the Rings that were doing pre- and actual production at the same time.
Commonly where artists get stuck in 'pre-production hell' is where the illustrator and concept artists aren't communicating enough with the project leader to see if the 3D team can actually make what is being created, a-la Mass Effect: Andromeda.
So, although concept artists are important, you will never find a stable job, are likely to remain a freelancer, and if you want to make artbook art, you will then be the illustrator, which is in even less demand because you don't need as big of a team to only touch up 1/4 of the actual concepted work. All the little concept-wannabes are better off drawing for children's books or going commercial and being part of a comic book production line. Or just learn 3D modeling. Get good enough in that, and people are hiring everywhere.
No. 462022
>>462018I am fucking sick of seeing 'seven deadly sins' and 'disney princesses as' shit, over and over and over. Does no one actually have a creative bone in their body? If you are going to do things that high school boys do in their drawing 101 portfolio because they're edgy, at least make it unique. How about 'Seven Deadly Sins- In Moderation!' or 'Disney Princesses- That's It! I Have No Creative Value and Just Like Disney!' where you just made fanart of the actual fairy tale and use Disney as little as possible.
Subvert expectations, damn it…
No. 462042
>>461909how she keeps insisting on not knowing Anything about nail polish just screams Im nOt LikE oTHeR GUrlzZ
i dont know why i keep watching
No. 462046
>>462018how tf does any of these look like the sin theyre supposed to be. like you can kinda get the general idea from the heart and women shape of lust and the wild look of wrath but like no one would understand the reasoning behind any of the details unless they watched the video.
like the point of gluttony is the desire for food but all we get is TEETH.
No. 462109
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>>461525This reminds me of an artist who used to get on my nerves back in my 2011ish deviantart days. Jerica Winters - super milky about her per se, but she was/is a huge womanchild.
All she ever makes is fanart and it's all she is ever known for. She was pretty popular off of it back in the day (her e-fame has worn off over the years) mostly because of a Daily Deviation award she got, but her art is some of the worst I've ever seen. She loves to draw a lot of action scenes and action characters but all of her art is boxy, stiff, and her anatomy is atrocious. Everyone she draws looks like an uncomfortable same-faced linebacker shrouded in lens flares.
I remember her FAQ on her profile also used to have a part where she talked about how artists will never make any money and you can't make her believe otherwise, unless you have a car and house you bought solely with money you made from making art. I wanted to get screencaps of it but when I search her DA on the Wayback machine, it doesn't seem to go past 2019, long after she deleted all of that cringe.
No. 462133
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>>462109Idk if maybe I've become desensitized to shitty art, but I don't hate this. Yeah, it is stiff, but I went and looked at the profile, and she herself says she isn't a professional, but a hobbyist. And if her account really is that old and she still calls herself a hobbyist, then I'm actually surprised her art looks this good. She isn't stagnating either, the Geralt drawing is from 2018, but this Logan was from 2017.
A hoobyist artist, that progresses on their own want, and has a history of bashing art as a career? I like her already.
No. 462167
>>462109>hobby artist who draws fanart>said stupid shit like 10 years ago Don't see a problem tbh. If she's not invasively
toxic or thinks she's hot shit who cares. I remember when I was a teenager I thought it was crazy that people would actually PAY artists online for commissions - and I wanted to go to fucking art school at the time lmao.
No. 462187
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The Instagram Kawaii Artist Community is full of drama and problematic person. Sometimes they callout each other but most of them kinda hypocrite with their things. Also most of kawaii instagram artist are too care to their follower number, likes and visits. I think is a common problem when most newbie artist only rely one social media for their repution and names.
No. 462201
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>>462187This is more of a me thing, but I find the evolution of the insta./tumblr/kawii artist style to be interesting. Most of them can't actually draw in the traditional sense, but they all learned a bunch of tips and tricks to make their art look decent or passable. By the use of glitch effects, pastel tutorials, texture overlay, and with every other trick in the book they can turn a meh sketch into passable. All those artist in Op's post wouldn't look half as good as a sketch, specifically the top left.
Look at this image. It turned a 30 second doodle in to something passable by copying random techniques I found in pintrest tutorials. Took me about 15 minutes. I just find it interesting the multiple ways they turd polish.
No. 462208
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>>462201most of them draw anime girl, and rarely go out of the box when they become popular. Some of artist doesn't take criticism and act like snowflake sometimes. Honestly it is a devolution for me
>>462203From my observation, they like to cancel someone. I think the stupidest drama from it, someone critic a popular artist with kawaii artstyle and the critic comment is like a gordon ramsay/simon cowell type of crtic, and they got offended with it.
No. 462244
>>462190A bit unrelated, but did Dina really go to FZD?
I think I read it in a comment but I can't remember where.
>>462241Out of curiosity, what do you anons think about Kim Jung Gi?
No. 462312
>>462295>>462300KJG effectively ditched middle school and highschool to focus on just drawing an insane amount, like a sketchbook a day (according to him–I might be misremembering this interview and he may be inflating some things). Like the man has at least 30 years of intense drawing under his belt.
There's also a weird bit where he might've been hit in the head with a swing seat and getting a concussion, but I dunno if that's rumors or playing up the 'incredible drawing savant' angle.
I think it's funny that the man is so goddamn good at drawing that he can draw bestiality and no one cares.
No. 462316
>>462312>concussionThere is no way this is true or else it would be talked about more, Acquired Savant Syndrome is such an instantly hot topic, but I'm going to believe it because it stops me feeling so bad about having that same drive and dedication that he has
kek at the bestiality. The best artists can do anything, the difference between porn and art really is just style.
>>462313He has demonstrated that he can keep it professionally sfw when his work calls for it, but at this point he can do whatever he wants, if people don't like it then it doesn't matter because everyone else does
No. 462321
>>462244>Kim Jung Gitechnically he is probably the best at drawing in the world. It is amazing to watch him draw, yet i don't really care that much for his artworks tbh, the show of craftmanship and the quantity of work he does is what it is really impressive But he is not my favorite artist when it comes to the actual pieces and i don't mean just because of his sexual work, i actually don't mind very racy artwork myself when its done well, its just that after looking at his sketchbooks i end up forgetting about them almost instantly.
I think a lot of people should stop self flagellating after comparing themselves to him. Every other kid now thinks that drawing without reference without thumbnails or anything using only brush pens is some sort of industry standard, no wonder they get discouraged fast, it really isn't at all, thats why he is so unique in the first place.
>"I became a good artist in a few months" >I also think a lot of people lie about their age Online artists lie, a lot, and i mean A LOT! the age one is probably the most common, some artists will try several times to come up with online personas until one of them starts pulling followers, almost nothing on the internet is really as spontaneus it seems.
>Acquired Savant Syndrome is such an instantly hot topicI am perfectly sure that in a few years it will come down to just having money to implant your kid a brain chip at birth thus keeping an elite of cyborgs who can do marvels with no effort above the rest. Transhumanism kinda scares me and makes me tinfoil hard.
No. 462395
>I am perfectly sure that in a few years it will come down to just having money to implant your kid a brain chip at birth thus keeping an elite of cyborgs who can do marvels with no effort above the rest. >Transhumanism kinda scares me and makes me tinfoil hard.Perfectly sure? A few years? Try a few decades at least, we don't even have a PRECURSORY to brain implant/enhancement technology yet, just fiction and speculation. Hell, we don't even know how to cure alzheimers yet, after decades of trying! you don't need to worry about brainchip cyborgs stealing your art job anytime soon.
We're more likely to see artificial intelligence doing that in our lifetime, at least that is in an infant stage and being actively developed. But even that is in ridiculously early stages as far as art goes, mostly just barely amusing gimmicks and unusable auto-coloring.
No. 462465
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A few people have mentioned tinyalgaes new ‘piece’ in the last thread and I honestly assumed they were exaggerating until I saw for myself. What the hell is this????? This bitch is weird ….
No. 462486
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>>461781Not sure if this’ll add much to anything, I basically found an image that looks really similar but posted a year ago by aJVL on DA No. 462492
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>>462435>I'm sure anyone who actually wants to step it up will eventually cave to buying a tablet on their own anyway.I personally know the meme: "you don't need an expensive tablet yada yadah" "look at me doing pro work with a 10 yr old chinese tablet and PS 7.0, its the artist not the tools, git gud scrub" and i get it because i am poor and i have had to manage with what i have since forever but drawing on a piece of plastic while looking at a screen has always felt like garbage and uncomfortable to me, even after years of doing it every day i can't possibly get used to it and i find it un intuitive, if i spent some time drawing traditionally and then i have to use the tablet i feel so bad, a screen tablet or an Ipad is simply so much better in every way and they are the proper tools for digital drawing and painting, over prices as they may be. Non screen tablets are only a step above drawing with a mouse imo, but i guess everyone is different and this is just from my own experience, i like drawing in traditional so much better and all my studies were in traditional anyways but all my revenue comes from digital work, i like the tools that mimic traditional the most even when its not quite the same.
No. 462503
>>462486They definitely ganked the idea and composition of the sailor moon one, she posted it on her art blog two years ago and it has like 8k likes on tumblr. it happens all the time, like how everyone does Mucha ripoffs
No. 462504
>>462503>But it happens all the time, like how everyone does Mucha ripoffsYeah, i feel at some point every single popular female artist from DA was swiping Glenn Keane. All of these Disney artists styles get copied to death.
I personally know someone who became super succesful pretty much banking on stuff he copied from Glenn Keane, Juanjo Guarnido and Rob Madueira. Pretty much skinwalking them. Disney + some anime or comic style is a killer combination online.
No. 462554
>>462395I actually met a man who developed an AI that creates music a while back, we had a multiple hour discussion on how this would impact the art world - it’s a rather unsettling reality, knowing that there is an AI that can create music at the push of a button. Commercial music would be in trouble as there’d be something on the market that can create you endless musical pieces at a fraction of the cost of a freelancer or established musician. You’d no longer have to deal with producers or any middle men, it’d be a very tempting offer
Commercially speaking, AI shouldn’t be disregarded as easily as it is. It’s fast growing and while people will always want ‘soul’ in artwork, that is not the case for things like concept artwork, marketing materials, book/album/disc covers, pretty much anything that can currently be relied upon as a stable stream of income
No. 462687
>>462661Right. Which video/ 50k Youtuber are they talking about?
>>462681Watch it last night and she's not talking about toilets? Can't remember. Kasey is beeing Kasey but I liked this video, honestly. It's nice seeing her doing more than her prompts and working on larger scales. Some colour choices of that big cactus at the end could have been better but overall I like that piece. This pixelated style looks nice.
No. 462735
>>462603Concept artists i bet. They'll go from no drawing and only using photos to not even doing that at all
>speed their workflow.All they care about.
No. 462764
>>462694Holy fuck is this person
toxic. Their impatience and entitlement for something they aren’t even paying for. They talk about how the person isn’t professional, but they’re “friends”? You guys had a 6 hour discord call, have each other numbers, etc. And the way they react to the person asking publicly for credit saying it’s because it’s unprofessional when in reality it’s because they don’t want to give credit
No. 462827
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>>462694>>462780>drawing for free and then letting the other person still call it a "commission"Even I wasn't this dense at 15 years of age lol. Any time you draw for someone for free after they ask for you to draw something for them, it is a
request. There's no due date for a request, it is gift art. You need to strongly emphasize both of these things to your requester, don't try to play along like it's still a commission. Madame went
way overboard with the histrionics, but trying to make a credit/shoutout into a "payment" for a "commission" is something that would make r/forexposure fucking
reel in their seat.
Don't do it, folks.
That said, I don't know what crawled up Madame's ass and died but the story should've ended after the credit ordeal ended. I get the gist here that this blew up the way it did because Madame didn't actually want to be friends with this girl (lol) and felt like Slimur was imposing on her but the way she handled it was fucking atrocious, my god. Even if she thought Slimur was over 18, you just mute/block/ignore annoying people and still leave the credit up for the gift art. The doxing shit was totally unnecessary and only made herself look bad.
Also, furries in general are cringeworthy as hell. Nawnii's channel is half drama and half art, all furry-related or animation meme community related. She reports on a ton of crappy underage drama despite being 22 herself. The only good thing she ever did was help minors out during the Cristali pedophile drama.
>>462783I also agree with this. Just blacklist and move on. Not everything needs to be made into cancel culture.
No. 462988
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Jungkook finally getting his dating scandal
No. 462989
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Another photo of them together
No. 463110
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>>462956At least she didn't post it publicly and actually dox herself. It's sad to see someone learn the hard way why it's not a good idea to overshare with people you don't actually know very well.
>>462985Madame openly said she's doing it because she knows it's pissing people off. She doesn't care about "looking like a fool",
negative attention is still attention. That concept seems to absolutely fly over people's heads, or they are aware and still participate anyway because they want to a-log to hide their own flaws.
Looks like instead of posting art Nawnii's going to milk another drama video out of this. Can't wait.
No. 463164
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>>463138>why is it reprehensible for trash to act like trash so other garbage mongers can eat it up lol it's just trashCase in point. If you know it's low hanging fruit then why are you surprised that people have disdain for it? It's shit content for shitty artists.
There's really not much else that can come from this. I don't see Madame apologizing for anything, she'll probably just wait it out like most cows and continue on per usual once the mob dies down. All the dislike spam is from outsiders, she's barely lost 1k subscribers from this. It seems like her audience simply doesn't care about the fragile feelings of child artists. If she actually apologized you can color me surprised, but a sperg like her is more likely to just double down lmfao.
I expect the next Nawnii video to be nothing but circlejerking and making demands with no bite to them since they clearly don't share an audience. Anyone with a brain would just blacklist Madame and move on.
No. 463176
>>463164You seem kinda
triggered by this ngl
No. 463181
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Uhhhh why
No. 463229
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>>463176I'm just telling it like it is. If you think that's
triggered you clearly don't know what
triggered means lol
>>463218And again, what else can you do than tell people to blacklist her bitch ass for commissions? Y'all are acting like she killed a puppy and drank its blood live on camera.
>>463182lol bye felicia
No. 463270
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>>462187Unfortunately, it's always been that way even before IG was around. Something about having to draw visual diabetes and ayy lmao all the time brings out the worst in people.
Or perhaps it's the other way around, they're such nasty people that they draw exclusively in pretty pink pastels to try to convince themselves they don't have terrible personalities that they project onto other people.
No. 463272
>>463267Not a fan, not a scrot.
If you don't have anything else to say to refute my points beyond pitying the teen or attacking my character then let's leave it there and talk about other salt. You will not change my mind on art ranters being mostly useless.
No. 463277
>>463272i've only been lurking but i think something is wrong with you. you keep trying to shut down discussion for ~~~reasons~~~ while also saying "duur she totes
is fuck whack and retarded, but let's not talk about her tho~~~. teehee did i mention i think she's retarded?~~ i still don't think it's milky tho guise so stop talking about her!"
No. 463284
>>463277>>463282I'm not stopping you guys from talking about anything, both of you keep replying to me because
I am talking about it.
This is fucking silly.
No. 463292
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>>463289who would optionally choose this font.
No. 463294
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>>463289>i wont mention the artist>call out post???
Anyhow this does look like a shit show. The artist being called out is bad, but the callouter probably doesn't understand how much damage their going to cause. A big problem with art community call outs is that a big chunks of the audience is kids/teens who don't know how much power they have. They thing don't harass please warning are good enough
No. 463299
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>>463292>>463293Agreed ,the owner sounds ignorant about the font comment
No. 463308
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>>463294Love there some popular kawaii anime artists joins the cancel trains with their clown emoji.
This is why the ig the anime and kawaii ar community is very
Toxic No. 463310
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This is the only mature comment that i find from this situation
No. 463365
>>463312I get your point, In my mind I never agree with this comment 100%.I think tracing show your laziness and it's like cutting corner?( Cheap and Fast).
>>463308But Unlike the another comment, she actually give a solution and suggestion rather fulling cancel the artist.
No. 463510
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Absolutely vile.
No. 463550
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>>461415I haven't caught up on Happy D in a few years so I kinda forgot what her older work looked like and goddamn, you're right.
No. 463560
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What does this thread think of hopeless peaches?
No. 463565
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>>463560Totally petty reason, but I never liked her because she joins art servers to only post her shitty videos and then leaves until another video comes along. The worst part is that she isn't subtle about it. She posted her videos then just left and rejoined once she uploaded again
Content wise she feels like an algorithm watched a ton of art videos and just shitted her out. She doesn't have any insightful commentary and she's tries to ride trends so all her videos are 'been their done that'. I've only watched her as white noise while I draw. She's not even worth watching because her art isn't the best. Overall she feels like she's trying way to hard to be famous
No. 463772
>>463766I couldn’t stomach watching her whine about potentially losing funds. It’s infuriating that she makes any money solely on her mediocre copic art.
Agreed tho, I hope it leads to better content too.
No. 463783
>>463766NerdECrafter made a similar video on her vlog channel.
tbh i can understand the concern since the machine basically decides what does or doesn't qualify as "childish" content and thus, targetted for kids even if the primary audience for that channel are adults according to their statistics. Jackie mentioned that most of her audience is above the age of 18 according to statistics, but with the new rules in effect, anyone who watches her video would just be counted as a child.
the new rules could affect anyone that doesn't do sports and news cause it said "thousands of other content" that could be "targetted" towards kids based on characters, thumbnails, etc.
No. 463840
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that tangent on the shoulder and the fucked up waist/hip/butt anatomy hdsgdcc i cant
No. 464017
File: 1568993278554.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.68 KB, 600x495, dc1dltf-81bb6d10-f5d1-4e38-992…)

hey have any of you heard of an artist with the name "Ionro"?
i remember that there some sort of drama surrounding her last year about drawing pedophilia, incest, and rape
>i found this from someone trying to defend her
saged for no real milk, i just want to know if anyone knows about this person
No. 464058
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>>464017Imagine proudly saying you like rape and incest and then getting when people think you're a fucking degenerate. How stupid is this bitch?
No. 464060
>>463840I think this is really cute and I don't see any anatomy issues -braces for the
No. 464073
>>463832to my knowledge, non-personalized ads pay even less. YT already takes, I think 50 or 60 percent of normal ads per however many views as it varies between the type of channel (Beautytubers can make a lot per ad vs artubers who make a lot less per ad for the same number of views) and how many views, which is why so many art tubers already have a lot of ads in their videos because YT not only takes a chunk of the money (the flat rate they take is the same per all channels to my knowledge) Arttubers in general get less per ad in comparison to beauty gurus and other channels.
Not to mention, it could potentially impact what they can actually say and do in their video because it was mentioned they could be straight up demonetized, and lose access to notifications, comments, etc. and basically not even get engagement on their videos if they get marked as "childish content" according to what Jackie said at least. So not only do they lose money, they also can't engage and interact with their followers. Which, unless they ACTUALLY make content for kids actually ends up hurting them in the long run.
Plus, since a machine is doing this, we all know how that goes… Bots suck ass for doing this type of work, especially with no way of appealing it in a way that gets the bot off of your ass. Their copyright bots suck, this new one is going to be equally bad or worse than that one. It's a horrible system considering they won't even have a person managing or supporting it just like their copyright.
Ik it's easy to be like "haha time to get a real job" but ya know.
No. 464078
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I'm so sick of this no talent bitch omfggggg
No. 464080
>>464078>redraw meme>the redraw looks worse than the originalThis a huge pet peeve of mine, just look at how she fucked up the sleeve ruffles and made it look like the sleeves are actually tubes wtf
the face is especially bad, all the emotion of the original is lost on some asian caricature making a weird duck face??
No. 464083
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>>464078Reminded me of this
No. 464091
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>>463840ugh this art style gives me Time2Slime flashbacks
No. 464093
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>>464092But was it really 14k followers cute? Or $25 for an adopt with stray coloring cute? Most of her popularity came from networking and people praising her for being "so good" at art for 16 when it's actually just the peak of polished turd art. She's 19 now and her followers have dropped in half bc she's inactive.
And yeah, she did multiple Bee and Puppycat fanart pieces.
No. 464125
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I know this person is pretty old news,but I was wondering whether or not Atari still thinks that 'traditional artists are so rare!'
No. 464133
>>463878>>464073Thanks for explanations.
Actually I think it's good that children will be more protected from ads/ product reviews since children are so easy to manipulate. I also understand why yT says everything that's targeted towards children or mainly focuses on themes/ things that's pretty popular around children falls under the new regulations no matter how old the actual viewer may be – because how can they make sure that's really an adult watching and not a kid using their parents device. (Especially since they are not allowed to collect personal data on kid's content so there will be no data that could show it's an adult watching.) It's easier to just shelve the content in safe kids mode instead of getting into hassles with authorities. But: This whole cancelling of interaction between viewer and content creator/ other viewers is bollocks. It's the whole opposite of Social Media and degrades kid's content to a one way content delivery system like cable tv. And yes, algorithms categorizing content will probably error-prone at the start. (On the other hand: There are so many creators that a reviewing process through an actual human would be too time consuming. So bots with veto is the worst and best solution IMHO.)
No. 464153
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>>464058Ok im gonna try and go more in depth now
The original call out post was deleted unfortunately but you can still see the preview and text and images in the journal in the comments was there before the whole thing happened, i wasnt aware of the drama until i noticed that she deleted (hidden?) almost half of her gallery and disabled comments even up until now. She hides some of her other posts sometimes even tho there nothing wrong with them
She was insistent that there was absolutely nothing wrong with what shes doing, her main ocs was pedophilic i guess, im not entirely sure about the ages because its been a while but i think its a 14 (14) yr old boy and a 27 yr old man in a relationship, later changed to 18 and 23 after the call out but she changed it again and i dont understand anything anymore. I think there was also implications of pedophilic relationship with the underage character and his dad but he also calls his bf dad yikes
Her art is good n all but jesus she creeps me the fuck out. Mostly at how passive aggressive she is
No. 464157
>>464133Yeah. no one has any issue with them actually protecting kids. The issue is how their bot will Flag your content as "childish" or "child targetted" (because of colorful thumbnails, content, characters, etc.) even if your audience is primarily above the 18 according to your statistics, and count all of those viewers as if they are children anyways. So even if you make content that is primarily watched by 20 - 25-year-olds, if the bot flags your content as "childish" because of a colorful thumbnail it treats your entire audience as if they are younger than 13.
It's a dumb and overreactive system. Google is a massive company, they should be able to hire people to at least do some measure of human work into maintaining YouTube. Or at least creating a system where you can reach a human to discuss and talk about whatever issues your having instead of some automated and pre programmed bot.
No. 464170
>>464157I'm not sure if this will be such a big problem. Depends on the database yT/ Google is going to use to train the algorithm. But as their plans have such a big backslash now, maybe they are going to rethink/ fine-tune the part about colourful thumbnails or playthings in the background. I mean, it's just one marker. One has to tick more than one probably to get shelved. But, well, I don't know the algorithm, obvously, so we just have to wait what happens.
I also may think if yT thinks yor video is for children, they will also just shelve this one video and not the whole account? Either way, yes, I get your point, it's somehow concerning for creative yTubers but I'm not sure if it's really the end of them how some create the impression.
No. 464205
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>>464080Agreed Anon, some redraw are butchered the original
No. 464295
>>464158Lolcow is going to end on some FBI lists if there really is a thread featuring true degenerate artists lol, but i am down.
>>464205This is why Fan art is a double edge sword, if you are not very good or have a unflattering style it will be glaringly obvious. You are literally putting this famous Intellectual Property drawn by professionals side by side with your amateur art, you are making your own shortcomings more evident.
No. 464348
>>464347I feel like sometimes there're some neat ideas in her work but she fails to properly excecute them successfully
I sorta liked sloth and greed in some ways but I really hate how she airbrushes all the soul in the image and what she did with greed's expression
No. 464449
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I was watching Nawnii's drama video on Madame curiously as it was linked in other threads when I happened to scroll down and see the category on the video.
Now, I'm no professional on video categories on YouTube but I very highly doubt that the drama video would be classified as film or even animation for that regard.
Is it just me who gets salty over storytime artists that don't really animate but classify their videos as animation?
No. 464456
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>>464393Yeah, that proove it. Imagine if sailor moon was drawn in this style at the bottom of the row especially the left
No. 464466
>>464456this proves my point exactly. think of original sailor moon, the 90s long-limb anime style. it is a look, one that has become notable. then, look at the redraws. you can tell who stayed true to the source material by taking it the extra mile, and those that wanted to cash in for quick instagram clout. the entire first row has some sort of effort put in. even the first panel if the second row, just by looking at it and not knowing who the artist is, has some sort of motivation beyond likes to make the image. they look like genuine fans that want to stay true to the shows original aesthetic.
eveything else looks like garbage. these are what happens when you Teen Titan's Go-iffy Sailor Moon. Half-assed, lack of vision, and completely removed from the tone and motivation of the original work. the last one in row 2 looks like someone is just now learning how to blend in paint tool sai but forgot not to shade with black. middle of row two, i can see working if the show was re-imagined in a fanmade horror-like spin on sailor moon, a la Jhonen Vasquez' work before invader zim. the entire bottom row should honestly quit or go back to high school art 101.
No. 464504
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>>464465I agree. I think it's cute, and it has that sort of exaggerated late 90s to very early 2000s to it. It's very reminiscent of Satoru Akahari's art style in the 90s, and I think that's exactly what the artist was going for, so I appreciate it and don't see it as a failure.
I like the middle one in the second row, too.
No. 464530
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>>463840I don't like meyoco. I unfollowed her when she tweeted this (pic related), since it's just rude as hell. You don't need to be a professional to be able to tell when something looks off in some art. Yeah, it's annoying to get critique in art if you don't want it, but suck it up.
No. 464538
>>464530I think what people online need to understand is getting unsolicited critique is part of being online but so is being ignored lol. If an artist gets a critique and says nothing to you you're not in the right if you're
triggered that they don't care. That being said I don't agree with her. People who don't draw can still dislike things and critique them.
No. 464547
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>>464530Speaking of meyeco, her anatomy is getting worse. Prefer her knockoff fresh_bobatae because doesn't focus on one aesthetic and palette
No. 464550
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Maybes it's just me,but I don't like these sorta tutorials.They tend to just say 'NO! Don't do that' and don't get into much detail
No. 464554
>>464348I definitely feel that way about these deadly sins, I really like her reasoning behind what she's done for them but the finished designs just don't communicate her good ideas at all.
Greed bugged me because I loved the idea of a businesswoman demon in a 'fancy tailored suit' but then she drew the sloppiest cheap suit in the world.
No. 464582
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>>464550This reminds me of when I’m browsing Pinterest and find pins like this. There’s always people in the comments going “but muh style!”. Pic related not the best example
No. 464588
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>>464550>>464582There is something very amusing about tutorials by people who can't really draw very well. Both the tutorials and the comments feel like a weird purgatory. I remember DA tutorials being bad but they made a bit more sense because there were very few resources online 15 years ago but today with how easy it is to find books and courses or very detailed infographics that stuff is surreal.
No. 464609
>>464550The biggest problem with stuff like this is the medium. You simply can't stuff an entire art book into an Instagram/YT tutorial. You end up simplifying the facts so much its simply easier to say "don't do this" instead of "don't do this because, but if". The second biggest problem is the fact you're seeing the 5th evolution of that tutorial. Artist A makes a tutorial, artist B applies it to their work, artist C ask artist B for tutorial, artist B makes tutorial and it goes on and on with the tutorial slowly making less sense with each rehash. The worst part is artist B most likely doesn't know what they're talking about and just recites artist A without getting anything.
>>464588From what I've seen on art discords for some reason art books are really unpopular or rarely mentioned. In most servers the art resource center is simply Pinterest and deviantart tutorials or Proko if they feel fancy.
>>464530I feel it's more the mode of art you're in. If you're a Proffesinal who wants to keepa clean profile you would never make an art critique in fear of drama. If you're a more casual beginner, who's usually bad at art, you'd feel free to critique art.
No. 464615
>>464612A lot of people think that all criticism is
valid/good criticism.Following the advice of someone who isn't good can be detrimental to a person's art
For example,I used to follow HC Brown's tutorials when I was younger and before I realised she was shit
No. 464662
>>464530Frankly though, she's not all that wrong. Sure unsolicited critique is something everyone just has to accept getting at some point but the matter of a fact is that a lot of this critique is coming from beginners and is frankly useless. Mistakes are something everyone makes and the higher your skill level gets the better you become at seeing them, so having someone just come and "critique" your art by pointing out every single mistake you already knew, can be annoying, especially if they end up pointing at wrong stuff which can do quite some damaging to someone less experienced.
Another problem I'd say is that some of these people can be rather entitled, they believe that because they critiqued your work, you now have to devote yourself to them in some sense. I used to just kindly thank people even if the critique was useless till I realized that to a lot of people it gave them a boost to try to start somehow mentoring me as if they knew at all what they were even talking about. At this point I still try to be nice but a lot more honest and tell people if their critique doesn't land. You would be surprised at how bitter some of these people get about it. Like they'll always tell you how you should be able to take critique as an artist but can't take criticism towards their own critique. They just become very annoying to deal with, because even if most people probably have a good intentions, there's still a good proportion who just uses the supposed "critique" to get some sort of foothold of the artist because of who knows why. Anyway this became such a rant but having dealt with these so much myself, I can understand why people get pissy about it. Ofc there's also those who're just shitty at art and don't want it to be pointed out but I'd rather highlight a real issue.
No. 464678
>>464670Not really sure if you're trying to reply to me or what.
>The last time someone cared enough about my work to try and critique it was in art school nearly a decade ago, so it's like, wow you get so much engagement you have to strategize about how to reply, poor you. but yea you being bitter is putting it lightly.
For real though haven't really had the issue in a good while since I'm no longer that active on social media but I used to interact with people on forums and comment sections etc and when you're known to be someone who responds to everyone, it's suddenly not so easy to ignore the one critique while you responded to every other comment.
No. 464689
>>464678It wasn't a direct reply to you, but yeah in fairness since my biggest issue was no engagement I hadn't considered that someone might have a reputation for replying, that would make it hard to ignore people.
>>464680That was probably happening when I was there too tbh, I was just too grouchy to sympathize an hour ago.
I have been shown the light, forgive my bitter ways.
No. 464698
>>464639That and the books that these kids likely bought were the ‘Draw Like Manga’ books.
I had those too, and my art really struggled for a long time. I threw most of those away, with the exception of my Camilla D’errico anime book, and my Flores & McSpadden Manga Boys book. I kept D’errico’s since I genuinely like her and the other for fashion inspiration. I have other books too, even a collection of some of Leonardo DaVinci’s sketches, plus a ton of modern art books. Yet, with the age of the internet, even my own mom saw me drop 80$ on the Fallout 4 art book and said ‘Can’t you get that online?’
People seem to think that books are out the door, and I would rather like to see co-existence.
No. 464729
>>464717I totally get what you mean, I agree. But the other issue I have is a lot of these upcoming/young artists don't want to branch out and actually search for books or resources for fundamentals and go to these sites and end up copying what they see others draw. Now don't get me wrong, copying can help with learning, but you need those studies and fundamentals to get better.
Either way, I feel like we're also in a good place where if you're looking for that book you can't find a physical copy of in stores, another artist or fan of these type of books are happy to upload scans of them if you have to go that route. Maybe that's just me..
No. 464731
>>464717>and other fundamental heavy art books rarely appear in book stores But today is so easy to find stuff , coming across a James Gurney or Scott Robertson book today is just as easy and likely as it is to come across any other book. The internet makes both things a google search away.
Kids 10-15 years ago might have not been seeing this information online but kids today do see it and simply willfully choose to ignore it.
>>464698About 99% of those "how to draw manga" books were trash and i know its haram but there was one series i remember that wasn't bad (i think it was actually a japanese translated series of books), Everything was pidgeonholed to anime, sure, but the stuff about perspective and proportions and general composition concepts was not actually misguided and the art was decent, i feel those are okay for kids who may simply be getting into it as a hobby because they like anime and if they want to pursue art further then they can move on to other more in depth material. I've met professional artists who have fond memories of those and the "How to draw the Mrvel Way" books, they get unfairly maligned i think. Lets face it, taking a 15 yr old weeb, insulting the age appropiate hobby he is excited about, throwing his anime in the trash and forcing him to do stuff from Bammes and Bargue studies and telling him he can only suck certain academically approved artists cock is not the most pedagogic approach. Only for the kid to go back to cartooning anyways later in life because most contemporary mainstream commercial art is not exactly classical realism and the realistic work is done with 3d and photos.
No. 464734
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>>464731Are you thinking of this series anon? I see people making fun of them on twitter sometimes and I'm sitting there sweating because I had about 5 of them. There was one that was nothing but drawings of characters taking off and putting on coats and sweaters and such which was insanely useful before google images existed.
No. 464738
File: 1569181901396.jpg (972.16 KB, 1500x1003, IMG_0329.JPG)

Stole this from /ic/ because it's utterly priceless
No. 464747
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>>464738>>464741Aw, damn I remember these, don't forget this one. She looks like some sort of burn
No. 464751
>>464731If the weeb kid only draws weeb shit, and thinks his art is amazing when it is lacking fundamentals, then he should absolutely work out of those books. You come across as someone who thinks telling other people ways to improve their art is bad. You can’t just say ‘use a reference’ without teaching people how to actually use references productively. If you want to get better, you need to learn. If the weeb is fine stagnating, that is on them. If they post it online, cool. If I say his art is bad and there are ways to improve, I can do that. He can ignore me, or cry like a baby, but that isn’t going to stop me from seeing his art and the flaws it has. It isn’t ‘sucking certain academically approved artists cock’ when, in order to improve, they are who everyone says to look at. Who gives a fuck if he returns to cartooning later, the entire point of drawing realism in the beginning is to draw better cartoons later. Or maybe pick up a book about creating stylized characters, like the one with that exact title by 3dtotal publishing. That book has, like, five different artists in it, and all of them say similar shit in the beginning. Learning not to draw weeb shit will improve your weeb shit in the long run.
No. 464756
>>464751No one said you don't need the other material or study something else too, just re read what i said without the prejudice or the "its my style weeb" straw man.
I never really liked the animu hating bandwagon that build up in art communities in general, and i said it as someone who trained mostly traditionally, the bias started on forums where if a "pro" scoffed at something it would be taken out of context, pushed to the extreme memed into dogma and repeated ad nauseum and still is like that in some spaces. It became a form of bullying almost because even really good and pretty creative artists who were improving a ton got shit on for being influenced by a style. and those "approved pro artists" where usually some random douchebag that photobashed his way into a AAA videogame company in the years when the demand was super high but quality standards were pretty low. Most hyped content was brown and grey space marines and minotaurs, it was never about doing master studies of Zorn versus tracing Naruto, it was more about what flavour of big breasted elf was better.
No. 464776
>>464756I’m happy anime got shit on. You need to think why it got shit on, it isn’t because it just is anime. There are various styles within anime, like Dragon Ball vs Sailor Moon, or Naruto vs Fruits Basket. Anime has different styles within itself that artists have materialized. The issue, and why pros don’t like it, is when new artists use anime as a crutch and just copy the people that came before them, like tracing Naruto art, without modifying the style for them. One case study I like is Avatar: the Last Airbender. It is a western anime. It isn’t classical western animation, like old Disney or Hanna Barbara, it is uniquely western anime. They took anime and modified it and made it new. Same for the original Teen Titans. But when a new artist comes along and only uses that one book or show as reference, their art is the copy of the end product, and not the process to it. There is education being missed out on if you only focus on one style of art.
No. 464832
>>464824Which is funny, considering she and Sugarbones once went on a public rampage against another small artist for the inexcusable crime of… making a heart-shaped bag. You know, the totally original design that Sugarbones plucked from the depths of her magnificent brain. I can't believe she had any creativity left after making [spins wheel] Moomin [throws dart] BDSM pins. It was an ita bag too, so it wasn't like the other artist was making a bum bag like Sugarbones'.
But no, they sicced their audiences on a smaller artist without stopping to rub their collective two and a half braincells together and consider that maybe, just maybe, if you don't want your shit sToLeN, make it fucking original.
No. 464876
>>464832I'm in the same boat as you anon,
Cheyenne & Lana make $$$$ weekly, if a smaller artist from a different country decides to make a 'Heart Shaped ___ Bag' it shouldn't hurt them as artists but nah, it was about "muh feelings" and their big egos and they can do it cause they don't hold accountability for the actions of their fans.
And it's funny cause Sugarbones makes profit from mainly fan art, which in turn is ridiculous for a "stolen bag idea"
I personally don't like Sugarbones mainly due to the fact that she's a weeb who does borderline child-like BDSM art and people on AANI love to lick her ass cause she has the money to order expensive merch from Alibaba. Cheyenne & Lana both are white girl artists that are big headed.
No. 464944
>>464776>I’m happy anime got shit on.Stoped reading right there, the rest is just the same meme all over again.
>muh generic western styles > other stylesLike what you like and don't be a stuck up prick about it.
No. 465076
>>464832Woah, seriously? I didn't see anything about this. Does anyone have any caps?
Was it that heart ita bag that had a KS recently? It looked completely different, obviously…
No. 465081
File: 1569257763001.png (319.44 KB, 594x410, 34314543657547.png)

>>465080samefag but the warmup sketch tweet didnt post
No. 465083
>>464547except Bobatae's stuff looks like hot garbage. the oni girl's face looks lopsided as fuck and her eyes are ugly as shit.
it's just all weaboo garbage.
No. 465089
>>465080I don't really see anything wrong with this other than it seems creatively lazy. Quality wise, it's on par with
>>465081Kind of sweet really.
No. 465150
File: 1569270848731.png (2.31 MB, 1920x1080, drawing.png)

anybody else getting more and more annoyed with waffles? her recent video ( got me riled up. she's slamming the pencils against the table and each other, wondering why the lead keeps breaking, then she gets to drawing the prompt (which, let's be honest, she completely disregards to draw another cute girl standing awkwardly with her wrists snapped). she can't use pencils for shit. she colors like a toddler, pushes the pencil too hard and gets streaks, then tries to use the blender to get an even gradient (she uses the blender pencil just as badly)
pic related is the final product
apologies for
triggered rant
No. 465173
>>465150Looks like it was colored with children's crayons.
Waffles doesn't bother me too much, except her annoying laughing between every word that sounds like she's hacking up mucus
No. 465179
>>465089honestly, the hair in
>>465081 actually looks like it's a lot better rendered and the shading looks a lot less lazy, but still lazy looking.
Also kinda grossed out that he's drawing a pic of whats suposed to be his grandma as a young adult and she has booty shorts and midriff. yuckkkk
No. 465180
>>465150why does she always draw those mitten hands?
doesn't she giveaway these used supplies?
No. 465205
>>465150There was so much potential with the materials provided, she could’ve done studies or something like what Dina did with the chameleon pens. Anything would have been better than the same stock standard girl just standing there.
I wish Waffles would try more with other subjects, crack open a book and work on her flaws (ie same faces/bodies, same themes). She can’t expect to always be happy with her art and her progress if she doesn’t push her limits and doesn’t work on her visual library. As they say, variety is the spice of life and seeing the same things over and over again is like having the same meal every day of your life.
No. 465206
>>465150Damn, how do you even make colored pencils look this bad? People can achieve better than this just with Crayola. I know she's unfamiliar with the medium but would it kill her to look at a Lachri video first?
I usually enjoy waffles but lately I've been avoiding her videos because she's pretty clearly stagnating. I wish she'd branch out more with animal studies or even doing fantastical creatures like the dove dragon she did. Please no more toothy girls with mitten hands.
No. 465210
>>465179what's wrong with midriff and short shorts? little over half of the HS/College aged girls in my town have this combo as their daily clothing choice.
>>465181Genuinely one of the most entertaining Artubers.
No. 465224
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>>465213the worst part is that youtube see's him as a good arttuber. The standards are so low for arttube this guy is seen as the 'dishin out truth bombs for the normies' guy. I have to admit the fact he's had multiple industry jobs is better than most arttube, but in the end he's the same 'top 5 tricks to improve your art' shit with an edgy 2cool4U vibe.
No. 465233
>>465150OmG, yes! I don't know if she's bored of her own shit or if she has stress in her daily life but I'm getting really tired of all this slamming and her weird, over-exaggerated hand waving. It's not edgy or cute, just clumsy and dumb and makes her look like as if she doesn't value the art supplies. Poor kid who gets the stuff afterwards because the leads are probably broken multiple times.
>>465206I'd love to see her draw only backgrounds or, if she insists on those boring girls, draw them at least within a scenery/ with a full background. Characters floating in an endless void is still beginner level.
>>465029Can't stand her either. Her attitude and voice is annoying af.
No. 465283
>>465233It’s drawing for a good thumbnail.
A character with no background/minimal background will get more clicks because you can see it better at a tiny size.
Thats the big problem with online art right now, full pieces and nicely finished work isn’t rewarded because it doesn’t make a good thumbnail/ takes longer so you can’t pump it out as fast to take advantage of algorithms.
No. 465297
>>465181I feel like that some of his videos are decent when it comes to teaching his viewers a certain topic,but he doesn't really get into too much depth
His clickbaity construction video is basically just the phrase 'break down things into small shapes' stretched out for an entire video
No. 465311
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Cow cross-over special Lanajay x Kasey Golden
No. 465326
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>>465324Sorry, I keep clicking new reply instead add pic. So pic, something like this cost $150. Fair right? Unfortunatelly it's traced or painted over a photo(artist posted ref pic), artist has no understanding of anatomy and form, can't do anything but trace or badly copy photo. In result people pay $150 for shitty, broken portraits that looks nothing like op, other desperate, greedy losers are defending him and blaming it on clients not knowing how to art direct. $150 is not much but then burned clients wont trust anybody and I have to deal with bullshit to prove I don't trace and I'm able to produce good illustration that's fully my creation and not traced from other artists. I can't point out tracers because critque is bannable ofense and I get like 2 book illustrtion contracts a year from this dumb subreddit. IDK, just wanted to vent.
Tracing references is obviously nothing bad by itself but it's only acceptable if artists know what they're doing.
No. 465347
>>465339on reddit and forums it's mainly because mods are selling commissions too and they don't want their art to be critiqued. Critique is frowned upon on artstation and other more pro-oriented places becuse some noobs are spamming with "photobash is not a real art" (concept artist doesn't consider themselves to be artists anyway, it's a design job) or thinks that using references is bad and it's just annoying. Some people don't get that they should never openly critique something that was approved by a commercial clients, because a lot of things that are tacky or weird are clients preference, sometimes they require psd file with layers to modify it themselves and artist is allowed to show only this version. Also, some artists somehow accumulated a
toxic fanbase who'll jump on anybody who dares to critique their precious artist.
It suck, there's no good place to get critique besides handfull of small forums. Everybody migrated to facebook and artstation or instagram to farm likes and followers, pros won't help unless they're your friend or you're great already because they don't want to deal with butthurt newbies after the only reasonable advice is "study fundamentals". Only way to get good critique is to save for atelier lessons or online mentorship. ModernDayJames does free critiques of his challenges entries, but it's super basic stuff and imo those challenges aren't very helpfull.
>>463550she wants to be Audrey Kawasaki, but she don't know how to stylise BJD-like face and body proportions in appealing way
No. 465467
>>465438Ugh, those fucking converse and mismatched socks… she intentionally makes herself even uglier for some reason
Also, has she always been that size or has she gained weight?
No. 465549
Saged for non-milk.
So I am halfway through the last sketchbook in my collection from high school. I'm in the market for another, but the more I see of illo I don't like their paper, and the paper I have right now is a Pentalic Nature Sketchbook since the paper can hold ink and marker really well, and can hold okay when i use water. It is 210 gsm paper, but the only issue i have is the spiral binding and cardboard backing are bending just from being in my bag or on my lap while on the tram. Does anyone have a go-to sketchbook they buy when they need a new one? I have been using a different brand every time i swap to a new book and I really can't decide.
I have used Bee Paper, Pentalic, Strathmore, Canson, Kohn-i-noor, etc. Just looking for opinions from fellow ink/marker artists on their choice of sketchbook paper.
For full illustrations I do use Arches hotpress or Strathmore bristol, for more context.
No. 465560
>>465549I haven’t used them thoroughly yet but I splurged on a bunch of various sketchbooks and all media books from Cottonwood Arts when I saw them in person at Lightbox expo. Their books are glue bound but they have hot press books and are really reasonably priced, it’s run by a small Korean family who want to make their books affordable by lots of artists. The paper is a really good quality too, their cold press is about 300 gsm. The only bad part so far is my markers are bleeding behind the tone paper sketchbook (70gsm) but they also have marker paper.
But I am also the same, it took a lot to find the sketchbook I liked before I found cottonwood. Like I’m still iffy on moleskin cuz they’re expensive but I liked their paper thickness and the size
No. 465603
>>465549I would like to second Cottonwood Arts. I used their C1 Recycled sketchbooks and it holds marker pretty well, but I would recommend the B6 version.
If you got the cash and don't mind buying in bulk, you can get the parts needed to bind your own sketchbook amazon. Get a binding machine, some spiral binding, chip board (or leather) and 100-120lb cover stock paper.
No. 465808
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>>465715 is my current sketchbook, best price for your money, its huge and i am barely at half this thing after months of doing studies on it. Not very portable, (its heavy) but great if you are like me and use mostly pencil, fine markers and ballpoint rather than ink and watercolor.
No. 466118
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>>466116Oops dropped the pic
No. 466120
>>466116Not worthed but I'm always amazed that 99.9% of what people reshare in stories is this kind of stuff
Like. Okay is bad but can we stop publicly hanging people on the plaza?
No. 466173
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>>466163On that note, what will anons be using this Inktober if they’re participating? I’ll be using a brush pen because I love the fluidity of the lines they produce but I have absolutely zero control over it currently
No. 466254
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>>466173i always use inktober to practice drawing with a quill pen or whatever this is called in english
No. 466267
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>Look up artist with videos about their biggest pet peeves>A gazillion trillion results found is like all that amateur artists do all day is think about menial shit to complain about when they are not complaining about art teachers or people not wanting to pay thousands of dollars for their low quality art
No. 466339
>>466267Gonna have to disagree on thinking up shit all day line. They just recycle the same few concepts
>When you ink on the sketch layer >can't draw hands >Friend bumps I to your arm while you draw>good doodle got ruined by inking >expensive art supplies >can you draaaw me.>Drawing the other eyeIts always this same-y stuff. Its at its worse when the joke is being made by some kid who's in denial about the fact they're bad at art. "It's not the fact not being able to draw hands is something only bad artists can't do, but its the natural order of things. Why look at all my friend who cant draw hands. Its completely normal to not be able to do that and it speaks nothing about my skill level if so can't draw hands"
The dumbest peeve I heard was when an anime artist said it was racist, they were asian, when people asked "so you like draw anime"
No. 466407
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One issue I see with adopts inherently is the fact that the design comes before the story (if they are used for a story)
Characters are tools used to tell a story,and character designs are tools to help inform the character,but when it comes to adopts,the character design comes BEFORE the story or characters
No. 466408
>>466339The "can you draw meee for freeee" one is something i see all the time on social media and it never made much sense to me. I've been drawing since my teens and drawing for money most of my 20s, i still have not had one single person in any context come up to em and tell me "can you draw me for free", not friends, not random strangers , not other students, coworkers, not family, not customers, not one, even when they ask it would be accompanied by "how much would it be for..?" .
In fact most of the time is me the one who have had to ask people "can i draw you?" when im doing studies or want to use them as reference or make a present or something like that. If you are live drawing in some coffe shop drawing random people is the whole point.
Don't get me wrong, i bet some people do get ask something like that in an inappropiate context and i had my shares of crooks offering me shitty deals or scams but never right of the bat "can you draw me for free just because". MY take on it is that is such a popular meme because a artists like exaggerating when they think it would make them look more solicited. Like they have a million people a day just begging them to draw them.
No. 466503
>>466490She reminds me of fahr sindram. Good art but cringey posts, videos, etc.
Plus both their styles remind me of that old Tokoyopop indie artist stuff.
No. 466504
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Is Cyarin really autistic or did she say it to gather more attention?
No. 466518
>>466504She is and this is cute art why are you
triggered lol
No. 466529
>>466518The rendering is pretty cute but the orbit on the right is completely higher up, even though the rest of the face isn't angled upwards. The eyes, nose and mouth are also all at slightly different angles.
I think this is pretty common for Cyarin though, her faces are always wonky.
No. 466575
>>466532Nta and yeah it's hip but I do actually follow her and she has mentioned it on Twitter before this.
>>466571Holy shit wtf how is this not satirical.
No. 466586
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>>466529nta, but that's how the girl looks irl. Her face is unsymmetrical. The art itself is still a little off, but it's not because of the eye placement.
No. 466589
>>466571damn, the guy talks with all the confidence in the world so I have to at least give
that to him kek
Would've thought he was trolling but he actually does do art outside of this one video so it's probably real
No. 466592
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Nah. I know the guy. He really thinks he is an "artist"
He has this YCH on his fa. And yes he is serious.
No. 466599
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why do black characters always have to be fat. and hairy. and stumpy. why are people so obsessed with "diversity" except they pile like 50 "different" traits onto one person like they're black and overweight and have vitiligo and are in a wheelchair and overly hairy. why are they afraid of drawing a pretty or handsome black person.
No. 466606
>>466602And whenever they go the “diversity” route they’re always black, not East Asian, west Asian, middle eastern or indigenous.
Then there’s the fact that most interracial couples in tv/movies are white man/ woman of color it’s very rarely white woman/ man of color.
(Racebait) No. 466609
>>466606because white liberal women want to view ethnic women as infantile
victims to save and not attractive and sexual beings?
(Racebait) No. 466619
>>466611I don’t think anyone wants to be represented by ugly hambeasts. There’s not “no way to win”. Just be a reasonable, sane human being about things. The whole fat positivity movement is spearheaded more by white women like Tess Holliday and Ashley Graham, anyway.
Then again, you’re not Hollywood, and probably not even an artist, just someone who makes excuses for silly things for racial reasons, lol.
No. 466623
>>466619Or maybe black people and fat people and all the exceptional individuals should write and draw their own fucking comics instead of harassing white artists for inclusion and then complaining anyway.
If they don't tick as many boxes as possible the sjws will still whine they are excluding X minority. So yeah, you get fat autistic genderfluid black eskimos. There is no way to win, it is fucking tabu to have a character who is white now, or even a character that is just a normal person without pronouns or some disability .
>you’re not Hollywoodi suppose you are
>and probably not even an artistnice implication
>just someone who makes excuses for silly things for racial reasonsAnd yet i am not the one whining because "why all white people don't draw what i think is racially right"
(Racebaiting and infighting.) No. 466626
>>466623You don't create shit, we didn't beg or “harass” you or anyone else to make anything and nobody invited you into this discussion. We can talk about how actual creators choose to write or draw us however we please lol
>it is fucking tabu to have a character who is white now, or even a character that is just a normal person without pronouns or some disability .This is just delusional
No. 466636
>>466633tbh I haven't even seen that happen very often. A lot of western media has mostly or all white characters and it's still kind of normalized. It's so common I barely even notice it
This might sound bad, but I almost prefer it that way too. They're writing what they know. Half the time, I'd rather have that than watch them grossly misrepresent someone like me, push bad stereotypes and let their biases and ignorance jump out
Unless they're really good at what they do, I just don't want the headache lol. Don't need a daily reminder that some gross caricature or stereotype is what they think of me when I'm just trying to enjoy media
No. 466637
I get that the only way things can improve is if they keep trying and we keep giving them feedback, but it's all so tiresome
It always has to be some learning experiences and two step forwards, one step back thing. And then of course we have to figure out whether it’s just naive ignorance or actual intentional malice from the creators.
I just wish we were all on the same page
No. 466641
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>>466630>black Indian woman>Jameela JamilLet's not, anon
No. 466665
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>>466646>>466641Yes because these two women are so clearly two entirely different races
No. 466672
>>466665Good lord you’re a dumbass they look nothing alike
Let’s hope you’re just a greasy incel and not a woman that has to wear foundation because if your colour perception is like that you must look like absolute orange shit
No. 466676
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>>466666I must be crazy they are so clearly a completely different color because that's how race works lol.
No. 466678
>>466674Wow you really got us anon
You found “sjws” on an artist forum, you must be so proud of your wits, what are the odds of that happening
Can we stop feeding this idiocy and go back to discussing art now
No. 466680
>>466663India and Pakistan are not black countries. Are you American or something?
>>466665>>466666They…They literally are. Is this the meaning of that "I don't see color" shit? Some people have actually been completely blind all this time and go through life thinking all dark skinned people look the exact same? Crazy.
No. 466686
>>466684Can you two shut the fuck up and stop derailing the thread?
Anyway has anyone here ever mounted paper on wood for painting? What techniques did you use?
No. 466688
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>>466685Great. So by your logic I'll be sure to Google absolutely everyone just in case I offend a snowflake
(Racebaiting and infighting) No. 466690
>>466688You're a fucking retard. Just deal with it and stop frantically digging through images of unrelated people trying to make it look like you weren’t wrong.
Jameela Jamil isn't black and she doesn't look even remotely black.
Noticing something so basic doesn't make you a snowflake. Do you call Russians Chinese too? Buy some new glasses.
No. 466704
File: 1569573628510.jpg (69.27 KB, 708x988, corelpainter2019.jpg)

yo humble bundle has corel painter 2019 for their $25 tier + some other brush packs and photo editing software says "lifetime perpetual license that supports up to 2 devices."
in other software related news,
if you have ipad pro & mac & csp:
"Version 1.9.4 will support the new Sidecar feature for macOS 10.15 Catalina to be released by Apple in Oct. 2019.
You will be able to connect your iPad to a Mac for drawing and painting in Clip Studio Paint. While using Sidecar, you’ll also be able to use the Clip Studio Tabmate."
No. 466770
>>466707If there are any YouTubers you like you can search their handle and skillshare and their codes and affiliate promos should pop up. Alternatively just punch skillshare into YouTube.
>>466760That's so sweet anon I wish every kid had someone like you. Since she's still so young you could make the tablet a shared activity, like playing exquisite corpse together with it so that you're showing her how you use it?
I got a value brand tablet at 11 with generic software and loved it, but also it led to spending a lot of time alone on my computer. If you can nurture the idea of sharing her creativity with real life people along with teaching her then that's could be nice.
No. 466772
>>466760That age seems fine to start digital art. Maybe something like paint tool sai? My little cousin picked it up pretty quickly.
Just don’t watch her draw, I’m shy about art too. Help if she seems confused about something
No. 466810
Oh, sometimes the man is white but the woman is Asian. Those depictions sometimes feels like it’s indulging a lot of shitty fetishes dudes have with Asian women, so I guess it’s hardly a win.
(racebait ot) No. 466811
>>466777Not gonna happen, the novelty only lasts so long, strive to find joy in the challenge or take on new mediums or different styles.
>>466760As soon as possible is the right age. I know i am going to get shit for saying this but there is such a thing as starting too late, specially with the competition on the art market nowadays. Having all the information and tools readily available thanks to the internet means you gotta use them, if not the other kids who do will trample over you when it gets real.
No. 466829
>>466820>Not everybody needs to make a living out of artToo bad for her if she decides she does want to get serious when its already too late and every contemporary she competes with has several years of training over her. She will wish she started sooner but you can't turn back time.
>people picking up drawing in their 20s and 30s and getting industry jobsThis is not the norm, and is even less common now than what it used to be some years ago when a lot of jobs opened up that weren't as profesionalized. And will be less common for the next generation, art is getting crowded.
Also "industry jobs" says nothing, see how you like being a 35 yr old entry level grunt working under a 25 yr old art director for peanuts. The filters are never outwardly stated but it all adds up on getting people out of the career.
No. 466831
>>466820The anon you responded to isn’t wrong. No one is talking about ‘child prodigies’, just being practical in the modern age. I am a purely traditional artist, but I love hand-drawn animation. I knew I would be in over my head when I signed up for an animation class for my degree. And sure enough, I had to both learn how to animate, but how to draw with a tablet, and there weren’t any with a screen so I could watch my own strokes. I learned how to extend keyframes the same day I learned how to program keybinds in Photoshop. And the moment I finished the class, I knew I could never be an animator. I simply had no time to learn the ins and outs of digital work on top of my traditional workload, plus my job and other schoolwork. I loved animating, but even being a kid that grew up surrounded by computers, I am reserved to the fact that I just don’t have the time to learn.
I have my degree now, it is only an associates of generals, and I do plan to go back and get a bachelors someday. But now I am 22, and between my job and other events in my life I’d rather not discuss, university is just not on my mind right now. Maybe I’ll learn digital when I go back to school, but not when I am living paycheck to paycheck. It makes me wish that I asked my parents for a tablet back when all I did was watch anime and play Garry’s Mod. Maybe that time could have gone towards something useful.
TL; DR- Yes, get your kids in as many art forms as they’d like. If they like art, show them all the ways to make it. Don’t demonize exposure to a medium simply due to age.
No. 466847
>>466831Learning how to animate isn’t that hard, it’s just not a good idea to start with a class where they expect you to have the basics figured out. Drawing with a tablet has a steep learning curve and starting with animation before drawing with it is a bad idea.
The idea that at 22 you’re too old to pick up animation is just wrong. It would take an hour a week for a few months to a year or faster if you have more time.
Generally people start with digital drawing> then simple looped gifs> slightly longer un looped gifs > short animation> longer animation
No. 466850
>>466847>The idea that at 22 you’re too old to pick up animation is just wrongHave you looked at the demo reels and films from Sherydan or Cal arts or Gobelins, etc? these are 20 yr olds who are going straight to industry jobs and getting experience.
Its not about being a prodigy or not being literally able to learn at a certain age, is more about the real world implications of starting on something too late, in that aspect art is not different than any other career, try starting to learn engineering or law at an age when most of your peers are already graduated and at senior level experience, its an uphill battle that is best avoided by starting early.
No. 466852
>>466850People start law and engineering at an older age all the time though???
Most people don’t start by knowing exactly what they want to do, and a lot of people change their minds when they learn what’s out there.
No. 466857
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The "muh style isn't an excuse" and "you have to take critique good". 2 art related circlejerks in one one. The hate bandwagon is going to be big
No. 466865
>>466862What a great argument anon, gee…
I don't even know what the pushback is about, its pretty obvious common sense that is better to work on your skills as soon as possible, specially in a highly competitive field. But maybe some anons want to keep the illusion alive that they are going straight to lamboland and blow everyone out of the water when they finally choose to get their shit together, at age 50.
No. 466873
>>466831This is a load of bull. Of course it is better if you start working at a skill at a young age but you're not taking in account dedication. Some people can progress much more in a single year than other people in 10, check the art improvement memes if you don't believe me.
I studied animation and I was in a class with people in their mid twenties (some in their thirties) who suddenly decided to pick it up. They had some drawing experience but they had never owned or used a tablet before in their life and had 0 experience in digital art, much less animation. In a year they all had industry jobs. Hard work pays off.
Of course some luck is required to land a job like in any other career. Personally I got stuck freelancing and I'm done with the instability. I'm on a break to earn money outside the art bubble to be able to afford what I think I need to push my career forward at a later age, be able to move where the art jobs are and in the meantime further my education to have a wider range of skills.
Non-screen tablets were a luxury product when I was a teenager and of course part of me is bitter that I couldn't get started as early as possible like people do now, but in no way has "starting late" been a problem for anyone I know. Nobody gives a shit, you're the only one self-conscious about it. Take the chance that art is your presentation card you can hide behind in this industry, because in almost any other job out there your employability clock is constantly ticking as you age. As long as you're not older and trying to get into a trainee program, art is one of the least ageist jobs I have personally dealt with.
No. 466878
>>466865Depends on what they’ve been spending their time doing anon.
There are people who top up their pension by having a second career in art at age 50 and find some success doing it.
No. 466949
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>>466837Hey kind anon, thanks for your advice, it really helps and i even got to finish it right on time! Its for a class btw
No. 466950
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>>466857Every artist does this when controversy comes up. Every single time. Sure it gets more people to look at you, but it really shows how much of an attention seeking hack you are.
No. 466982
>>466902Exactly. Dedication means jack-shit if you don't have the fancy piece of paper that says you spent money to learn something, from a place where if their name is on that piece of paper, employers care.
It is honestly just better to not get into art as a career at all after a certain age. Better to treat it as a hobby you do on the side. If you work a shitty 9-5 or something, but dedicate your free time to your passions, not learning how to draw with a tablet doesn't matter as much.
No. 466988
>>466857I saw that drawing yesterday and it took everything I had to hold back from giving “UNWANTED CRITICISM” since apparently (popular) twitter artists still have their panties in a bunch over people giving critiques they didn’t specifically ask for.
They seriously act like a bunch of rotten children when someone has the audacity to call them out on a glaring flaw like this douchebag and that jacked up hand.
No. 466998
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>>466986ask and ye shall receive.
No. 467017
File: 1569645179335.jpg (Spoiler Image,196.57 KB, 843x1200, EEYRZr3WsAAVUM9.jpg)

I usually don't despise art styles this much but I finally found one. This is by froggywithfries, an animator for Planet Dolan. Which itself is a pretty shitty channel too, IDK if it counts as an art channel though. The ugly button nose and my little pony eyes mixed with bright colors and the bad anatomy thickness just make this so garish. The chicken wings also just look like shit.
The Planet Dolan channel is weird too, what is their audience supposed to be? They make videos on topics like school stories but then have NSFW thumbnails.
No. 467263
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>>466950You can almost hear him crying behind his computer with these tweets
No. 467326
>>467213I loved her 2018 Inktober, ofc there were cute girls but I liked her interpretations of the prompts and how she was using the dip pens/ inks. This year's Mermay was annoying to me because of her emphasis on those stupid bLuB fIsH, maybe I'd have found them cute if I was 10 but….
>>467275This. I think she should take a break too. Seems to me like she's only pumping out vids because YT is probably her only "job" and means of income.
No. 467343
>>467174Don't buy it , it is not worth it. >Adobe is started to act like EA or Bethesda
"paint running out" it just a silly excuse to get more money.
No. 467347
>>467326I also thought she might be getting a bit burned out on the subscription boxes. I bet they're her main source of income, but she gets about 4 now. She does 2 videos a week, so the boxes make half her videos in a month. She might be in a bit of a trap where she can't cut the number of videos she has to make without either losing a sponsorship from 2 boxes or becoming a sub box only channel.
I know this is the sort of problem a professional youtuber signs up for, but it's still kind of sad to see it happen to a channel you like. (Assuming I'm right about this of course.)
No. 467357
File: 1569764006150.png (770.1 KB, 722x377, kek.PNG)

>>467356this was some pose theft drama
No. 467360
>>467357"pose theft" has to be one of the most idiotic of all types of art drama.
>Oh hey, I drew my character standing like this so no one else is allowed to.It's bullshit.
No. 467378
>>467356Just, no.
There is no theft here. Stolen art is traced/ reposted art. If this is art theft, then Tolkein needs to rise out if his grave and have a few words with Blizzard about WoW. They are clearly copying, since they have a game with elves and dwarves and orcs and… magic, and… questing…
No. 467437
>>467347Why not then make three videos a week?
If yt is her only job I don't see how that's a problem.
No. 467443
>>467437No I mean if she wanted to do FEWER than 2 videos a week (because she needs a break or whatever) the sub box sponsorships would make that hard.
She's very private about her personal life but IIRC she had a day job before she got ill, I imagine her current number of videos is her maximum capacity.
No. 467514
>>467508Anon the only legit rule is "one ink piece per day in October, post it with the hashtag". It has to be ink, other than that it's wide open. You want to dilute the ink and paint with it that's fine, using dip pens is fine, fountain pens are fine, gel pens are fine, penciling first is fine (Jake Parker does and it's his challenge). If you look at Jake Parker's blogs about it he lists loads of tools that aren't old-fashioned dip pens, like brush pens and fineliners. As long as it's INK and not paint, charcoal, chalk pastel or anything else it's fine.
People exclude watercolor because it's NOT ink. Digital is frowned upon because the point is not to be able to erase and you can erase digital 'ink'. As long as you're still using something you can reasonably call ink you don't need to stress out about it.
No. 467579
File: 1569803975676.jpeg (410.4 KB, 1242x1875, C9C425D5-26EB-49BB-8BC7-B7F74D…)

>>467547Is it really purist for people to be expected to use ink throughout INKtober. That’s literally all that is expected of people for this challenge yet there are artists that still refuse to inconvenience themselves so minimally and will reee at anyone who points out their bullshit
No. 467627
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No. 467630
File: 1569812630403.jpeg (657.66 KB, 1242x1555, C4DE0ED9-F7DA-4B82-AE56-7D4876…)

From Jake on the Inktober FB.
Hoping the thread doesn’t devolve into another debate on ink vs digital for Inktober because it gets irritating having to see it go down every year.
No. 467779
>>467658Blogpost but this will be my first year doing Inktober, the previous years I did Drawlloween (twice) and then Drawtober (but I don't care about either prompt list this year, I still want to do a challenge though). I'll probably make the prompts ~spooky ~ but who knows lol
>>467600>>467660Yeah, Inktober has become a status thing. It's less about the actual challenge and more about the face value of "I'm doing it". Personally, I don't see what the point of doing it is if you're not going to respect the rules- it's a challenge, you're supposed to be challenged
No. 467782
>>467660yeah to a degree even jake has probably realized that it's more about the clout and people take it way more seriously than what it is meant to be.
Between people who debate over whether or not you can use digital art even if you still maintain the inking portion to improve your digital inking/lineart (cause I mean if you mainly work with that may as well improve those skills), whether or not it can be only traditional black and white ink vs if color inks (such as watercolor and bombay inks) are okay, whether or not copics count as ink, or even whether or not you can color an inked picture that you did (either by copics, watercolor, etc.) or whether it has to remain purely ink and black/white, whether you can follow your own prompt list or not, etc.
People just became too serious over it and to a degree, do try to "police" what other people can do over the "spirit of inktober" even if it's something as simple as whether or not you can or should color an inked picture you created. Meanwhile, Jake basically just wants people to shut up and do the challenge in the way that is most beneficial and/or fun to them rather than arguing over how someone else does the challenge.
No. 467929
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I know that the video probably means well, but I just find the name of the video to be hilarious
No. 468123
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I really think Minnie Small has some kinda mental issue. How many times is she going to re-arrange her rooms?
No. 468124
>>467579>>467597That's kind of what I meant when I said the focus is on linework. Like, yeah use SOME type of ink, but don't stress about it being ink and dip pen only or somehow you're failing at it. I would even argue that if you wanted to add colour with another medium that's fine too, as long as the focus is the line work. Either way, I'm using dip pens and brushes with inks but some people can't afford to go out and buy a whole new medium to use for one month out of the year. Kind of a waste for a lot of people.
>>467658I literally just jump between a couple different prompt lists and pick whichever one I have an idea for, and usually go with my first idea. I don't have much time every single day to draw so I find this is what helps me at least get something out. I keep it pretty simple too, if I have more time I'll do something more fancy but if I get home at 9pm and work tomorrow morning I know I'm not gonna be able to put out my best work lol Accepting that fact takes a lot of the pressure out of it and enables me to actually complete pieces.
No. 468132
>>468127Eh, don’t even need that, Jake has stated many times that a ballpoint pen will suffice
>>468123It’s a decently small space that has to fit many functions, I don’t think she switches it up an unreasonable amount. She said in the video that the way it is now doesn’t accommodate all of their needs and that’s why they rearranged it a bit and added more storage space, unsurprising considering two peoples worth of livelihood has to fit in that single room
No. 468267
>>468250High stabilizers + digitals ability to turd polish. Also a lot of the worse digital artists aren't doing digital because they think it suits them, but because they're young children/NPC-lite who're easily persuaded by sponsored tablet reviews.
>>468222>the problem here is you can't draw, period.It's kind of a harsh truth you have to tell a lot of begging artists. You can't draw exaggerated expressions, because you can't draw expressions. You can't draw expressions, because you can't draw faces. You can't draw faces because you can't draw 3d forms. you can't draw 3d form because you simply can't draw. All those 'how to draw hands tutorials' are just bandages to a bigger fundamental issue in their art.
No. 468279
>>468250Well it's definitely easier to draw digitally than it is traditionally. I know many people who paint very well in person, and eased in to digital very quickly. It's easier to make paintings and fix mistakes on Photoshop with layers than doing a giant oil painting mixing colors on your own, unable to resize, erase etc. It's the different tools that make it easy and the fact that the computer is doing some of the rendering for you.
>>468267Yup pretty much agree. It's just rendering made easier with cheesy stuff kids are getting into. On top of that, there's been tons of tracers and people who just warp portraits on insta with procreate. Tracing has never been so easy before
No. 468341
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>>468338Save yourself the watch
No. 468342
>>468279>Well it's definitely easier to draw digitally than it is traditionally nothing is as intuitive and straightforward than drawing traditionally, what digital makes easier are corrections and also tracing and cutting corners but the actual drawing i think is harder or at least more uncomfortable. Drawing a curve 10 times before you get it right and then still having to lasso select it and warp is not something you'd have to do just drawing with a pen, only one mindful stroke and you are golden.
>>468250Theres a lot that can be done with photomanipulation and 3d. You can still be aware of principles and doing a good photobash or a 3d composite to trace over takes its own set of skills but someone who is able to do that and get good result may still not feel comfortable just drawing something from scratch without relying heavily on digital shortcuts. Theres a lot of working industry artists that would cry themselves and ragequit if they had to do a comic book or work in a stylized way, like animation demands, in fact there are examples of some who have tried doing comics and still comes up looking like a stiff traced picture with halftones. It just not the same set of skills for everything.
No. 468346
>>468342I concur, a lot of traditional artists flop when they transition not everyone succeeds. It’s about skill sets.
I’ve seen this argument ever since the Wacom was invented. Digital doesn’t automatically make you better. Just like $200 watercolours won’t.
No. 468375
>>468341jfc why would you post this. If this is all I could come up with for day fucking
one of this month long challenge I would quit and pretend like I wasn't even going to do it in the first place
No. 468379
>>468346I transitioned to digital and I disliked it. It made my life much easier but it just felt so joyless and artificial. I really like the feeling of putting pencil to paper.
I think the best way to describe digital is it makes things easier but not simpler.
No. 468388
>>468346I know someone personally with this issue. Her pencil work is incredible and she is super amazing at portraits, but you wouldn't know it looking at her digital attempts. She's been doggedly trying to convert for 2 years with zero improvement, and someone who reviewed her portfolio recently told her to throw her tablet away and stick to traditional.
>>468341What the fuck is this.
No. 468581
>>468267I love this quote
>You can't draw exaggerated expressions, because you can't draw expressions. You can't draw expressions, because you can't draw faces. You can't draw faces because you can't draw 3d forms. you can't draw 3d form because you simply can't draw. Admitting you can't do something is the first step to maybe being able to do it someday
No. 468613
>>468611I genuinely think she's burnt out. She's mentioned being "art blocked" but I think she's the opposite, with all those art boxes she HAS to do art for every week, like it or not. Now she's also doing Inktober for the clout.
(I lost my shit when she painstakingly drew in the Inktober girl's curly hair, and even commented on "you can't block curly hair in shapes like I usually do, you have to put in some effort"…. only to end up colouring the entire thing black, effectively blocking it in one big shape and covering all the details….)
No. 468628
>>468613Omg exactly! She went on and on about the hair and she was excited about how she'd gotten it right then painted over it. And the voice over wasn't live either so it's not like she recorded her thoughts on the fly then changed her mind.
I do agree she must be burnt out, it must be tiresome to pretend to be excited all the time. Her tone lately sounds on edge and impatient but trying to make the show go on. I wonder if youtubers are happy for a free video theme opportunity baked in for them or they wish they had never started doing unboxing videos?
I wonder if she can afford to take a sanity break. I think she should.
No. 468738
>>468609Eh, the end result had a boring face that made it underwhelming.
And this is more nitpicky, but the texture on the tights grossly remind me of self harm scars
No. 468773
File: 1570099509759.png (87.98 KB, 707x800, Screenshot_2019-10-03-06-38-43…)

I feel like a creepy stalker, but this dude has completely given up on art
No. 468782
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>>468773Apparently he's unhappy with his art and trying to improve. Time will tell I guess.
No. 468790
>>468782I thought that was apparent.
But anyway, hopefully he’ll find the confidence to post again, because man, I know how bad it feels when posting art that I can easily see/feel something wrong with it
No. 468811
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>>468801Because it’s something a teenager can easily afford to do in between classes and get a few hearts on socials from it?
Anyways I found a verified cow this time! God I hate the LA scene.
No. 468874
>>468863What does going pro mean to you?
If it's an industry job like games or animation, then yeah, you'll be left in the dust if you don't pick up at least the basics in the required software. You can certainly work traditionally but you'll be limiting yourself if that's where it stops for you.
If it's gallery, or tabling, niche freelancing or like a YouTube thing I'd say it wouldn't matter as much.
No. 468882
>>468863Like another anon mentioned, it depends on what industry you want to break into. You have to be willing to compromise in some way;
- either learn digital so that you can access industries such as: concept art, game/movie design, animation, graphic design, product design (notice the trend of them being design oriented? Digital cuts out many steps and speeds up workflow along with making it easy to edit drafts)
- stick with traditional but set your sights on physical formats: book illustration, portraiture, gallery artist, art teacher, comics, children’s illustration, art therapy (publishers still adore traditional art, in particular watercolour and ink so that’s a decent avenue)
Or go freelance/be self-employed and do whatever you want, but be prepared to struggle at first
No. 468909
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>>468787Speaking of comments, I found this one supremely stupid
No. 468912
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>>468909Not from the video, but youtube comments always have the worst hot takes.
No. 468927
I mean, I’ll agree with the commenter, but I don’t agree with the massive amount of shitty art doodles that comes with it
No. 468989
>>468369It doesn't help that if you've not got a display tablet when going from traditional to digital there's that disconnect from drawing down but looking up.
I hated it so much I just got an iPad and an Apple Pencil, and already my digital art has improved faster than it did on an older graphics tablet.
Was thinking about getting that 'paper-like' screen protector too that gives you the sensation of drawing on paper when you use your iPad but £30 seems ott.
Anyone recommend it?
No. 468995
>>468863I think it's easier to market yourself and sell work and maintain an income if you get into digital art but you can still be a professional artist and do traditional art.
My mum's boyfriend is a full time traditional artist and it's actually really interesting to hear about what he does to market himself and sell his work, compared to people that do generic digital art of pretty girls and pop culture stuff to sell at cons.
It's all just down to what you want to make, and then learning about how other people market themselves that make similar things.
Like, my mum's boyfriend is constantly sending huge pieces to galleries and exhibitions, but my friends are selling at conventions and online.
Either is achievable, but I will say that unless you're the offspring of an already famous traditional artist, getting up there in that world can be insanely difficult.
No. 469058
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>>468912Getting told you can't draw obviously means you can't draw well,i wonder if that pointless brainfart sounded smarter in her head
No. 469227
File: 1570215014370.png (1.82 MB, 1388x757, 21443534564654657.png)

RossDraws out here looking like a moron as usual.
The final render of this hair looks so shit. He hides all his laziness by blowing it out with "color dodge" No. 469231
>>469222Yep, and she moved to Portland. And then complains about Portland. Like, as a resident there my entire life, the reason she had to live in the warehouse district is because of Californians moving here en mass, forcing rents to be raised, creating a mini-housing bubble that is due to burst anytime. Her complaining about being forced out of her apartment is a problem of her own creation by moving here 5 years too late. I think I remember her complaining about the homelessness issue in Portland- Here is the thing, all the homeless people that got kicked out of San Jose and other California cities, came here! Like, seriously. Portland smells like piss because Californian rejects like Creepshow came here, and the ones that remained homeless piss in the streets. She is literally part of the problem she complains about. Maybe if she got an actual job, because there are fucking plenty in the area she lived in, she wouldn’t have an issue finding a place to live that wasn’t blocks away from a chemical processing area.
BTW, when she posted about a fire that forced her to evacuate a while back, and the fact she complained about Portland, she literally ddosed herself. She posted pictures of the fire from the same angle the newspaper did. She must have marbles for brains and lost a few. Fucking moron…
No. 469254
>>469234Hashimoto's doesn't even warrant quitting your job, let alone not going on holiday. If Qinni can manage a Japan trip while on the heart transplant list, Jackie can pack some extra synthroid and manage.
…speaking of Qinni, is she ok? She hasn't posted since her Japan trip in May but she does have twitter likes as recent as August. I really hope she found a donor but her silence is worrying.
No. 469351
>>469345Not the same anon, but I used to like her because she was so different from other art Youtubers at the time. We have Disney clones, animation/comic rejects, and whatever the fuck Kasey is, and then here comes the black sheep, that says fuck and did art that is a different take on the ‘cute tattoo girl with witch aesthetic’. It was when she started actually talking about herself, what happened in her life, and just the general laziness of her video-making that turned me off to her. The final straw for me was when she made that video about her ‘online stalker’. Talk about a load of shit. Even in the early days of Myspace and Facebook, people knew if blocking wasn’t stopping harassment, you private your account. Instead, she thinks she is smarter than everyone in the room and makes the fakest of fake stories I have ever heard for clickbait. So obsessed with popularity and being the most liked person in the room, she makes up a fake story to seem sympathetic to the common viewer.
No. 469389
>>469254It probably doesn't but i'll admit idk much about it. Though it always kinda seems like… ehhh… whenever someone says x illness doesn't warrant quitting your job cause other than like, cancer there practically isn't any illness that will "prevent" you from working so to say.
Ik that Jackie did work as a teacher through which is why she was so knowledgable for the competency for kids. Given that it seems she worked mostly with like 5 - 10-year-olds, babysitting 2 or 3 for a couple of hours is a handful in and of itself. I can only imagine handling 15+ in a classroom for 8+ hours a day 5 days a week. If I had any type of illness that could cause me fatigue on a regular basis, I would probably stop doing something like teaching too. Teaching (especially young kids) already requires a lot of energy, it doesn't need to be compounded with something that already causes you to have a lack of energy or require.
tl;dr: you never know how someone's illness impacts their lives/jobs and saying that an illness doesn't warrant someone quitting their job is kinda eh.
No. 469400
>>469234Wouldn't you want to stay home for the rest of your life because you would need LITERAL PRECAUTIONS to go somewhere else
Wow I can't believe someone doesn't have the energy to work a full time job but does have the energy to sit on a plane for a period of time and then enjoy themselves
Wow incomprehensible
Unspin this web of lies
No. 469450
>>469431I wonder how big the share for Jake Parker is. He seems to be the chilled guy, saying "Use just Ink, and have fun" lika a mantra – but the logo he created doesn't come cheap for other companies, I guess. Bet he's falling asleep laughing every night (but especially this month) because this thing blew up and advertises his persona and his work constantly.
>>469449Exactly my thoughts.
No. 469464
>>469450Seriously, he is the only winner. His box got made with mediocre supplies, it got shipped and sent to shitholes that don’t even know how to use them, we are made to bare witness to the art of subpar personalities while controversy flies over if the name of the event even matters anymore, and he gets to take a cut of that premium price profit while laughing all the way to the bank. And all he had to do was cower to the pissbabies that don’t want to pick up an actual pen and paper.
It is the epitome of ‘do anything for clout.’
No. 469477
>>469470The entire argument going on about not having to use ink for inktober is really a bunch of people getting upset that they were potentially going to end up being automatically excluded from the biggest art trend of the year. Thus, they not be able to potentially make a profit nor earn any clout from inktober.
Jake wasn't going to enforce crap but we all know that there are some crazy members of the art community who would have tried to police the hashtag. Imagine someone drawing dragons/human hybrids during MerMay. There would almost certainly be some nutjob out there looking to make a drama video/post about it, complaining that said artist was "breaking the spirit of MerMay."
No. 469480
File: 1570306481468.png (355.16 KB, 720x1085, Screenshot_20191005-131236~2.p…)

Anyone else hate this artist? They are huge and their melty faced moes trigger me. Now they're copying that one other huge IG artist
No. 469512
File: 1570314054027.jpg (259.33 KB, 720x1120, 20191005_171659.jpg)

Wtf are those hips. They are bigger than her whole chest.
The caption also says this is Zatanna's new design. I am not familiar with the character but I'm pretty sure that looks nothing like her. Like you can't get hired for a known comic and change the character because it doesnt match the one fucking face you can draw
No. 469515
File: 1570315159146.png (30.73 KB, 247x390, zatanna.png)

>>469512Zatanna's most iconic look is some variation of this- tuxedo top/ bodysuit, top hat, fishnets, gloves, basically a magician/ magician's assistant mix. There are literally ZERO elements of Zatanna in this design lmao, looks like a generic samefaced hipster Jacquelin girl
No. 469518
>>469512This is not an original idea of hers. This is the same witchy woman with tan skin and purple hair that she has drawn over and over again in her youtube videos. Crop top with straps, jean shorts, kimono jacket and boots are all copied from said character copied again and again.
I would feel embarassed if I put so little effort into redesigning someone else's character.
No. 469547
>>469540Sage bitch
No. 469567
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>>469512DC Comic readers don't seem that happy either: was the person who decided to bring Jacquelin on board deserves to be fired.
No. 469590
File: 1570335436126.jpg (472.5 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191006-071303_Chr…)

>>469567If "Zatanna" and the blonde chick next to her swapped wigs, nothing would change…. Jacquelin has a serious sameface problem
Not to mention, if someone showed you the "Zatanna" drawing with no context, just "This is a redesign for a popular DC character", it'd be impossible to tell who she's supposed to be, and that's the sign of a bad design. Period.
No. 469609
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>>469567Yeah there’s this division in DC who is hiring mostly like, social media popular artists like Gabriel Picolo for that Raven book (which was fine) and Cara McGee for that black canary book, but honestly like most of those people don’t seem to really do sequential WELL. They’re all well known for like, pinup or static art like Jacquelin so like the overall book it’s like, what’s gonna be inside?
There’s a second Zatanna book too, for younger kids, with illustrations by yoshi yoshitani which I think is still slightly like, you wouldn’t know it was Zatanna unless the title, but yoshi’s style is way more diverse than jacquelin’s imo
No. 469611
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>>469515Yeah Zatanna’s whole schtick is that she’s a magician who was the daughter of a magician that actually does real magic so like, adult version of her has variations of her fishnets costumes (look at Ryan Sook’s run of Zatanna’s Seven Soldiers arc, I’m a Zatanna fan and that’s my favorite of her stuff). I’m thinking whoever is writing this YA Zatanna is trying to do the whole like “young hipster witch” look that’s popular now and I’m not super into it at all (like at least put in fishnets or something?)
There HAS also been a younger version of Zatanna in comics, this is from the Joe Quinones drawn run of a Black Canary and Zatanna book and, while it’s still really weird and monk like imo, it still is very much like “young girl with mystical background” and not generic jacquelin girl
No. 469614
>>469524She changed the thumbnail, used to be a ‘horror to handsome’ has been changed to ‘horror to wholesome’.
Guess comparing her to the k-pop equivalent of true crime fans has struck a nerve… Still accurate though.
No. 469618
File: 1570344419916.png (413.06 KB, 983x940, D48627AD-D1DE-489C-8980-967272…)

The rubbish that gets posted on /ic/ gives me life. I love how these dickheads will go on about ‘soul’ and how much they study their fundies but still produce shit like this.
4chan being 4chan though still makes it a hellhole to use if you’re not a self-hating masochist with severe internalised misogyny, so do anons know anything similar art critique wise (casual) but that has more women, preferable even female majority?
No. 469620
File: 1570344760661.png (14.31 KB, 590x79, 98A96F7D-5031-414F-A318-77A728…)

Next op pic pls
No. 469626
>>469618Literally no reason to go on ic/ except to grab torrent links.
As far as the communities go, can't think of anything like it, is abandoned, cghub died, i don't know if crimson daggers is still a thing and artstation is used as portfolio only. Most artists just form their own little private discord and hangout groups with peers they know personally so they can give and receive feedback. I used to join one that only had like 10 members and every night there would be a few of us just streaming and chatting while doing our daily studies, that pretty much disintegrated and haven't networked my way into a new one.
You can try Level up and Character Design Challenge on fb. Lvl up has a lot of what you would expect from fb though, and is mostly just people self promoting but if casual critique is what you are after its ok.
No. 469629
>>469609I think the difference is Yoshi has obviously thought about it at least a bit. She's kept the black and white color scheme and tried to hint at her classic tuxedo costume in an age-appropriate way with the shirt and waistcoat combo.
Jacqueline's thought process seems to have stopped at 'goth witch girl'. She's even made the rabbit grey so it's ~gothic~ when the reason Zatanna has a rabbit in the first place is that WHITE ones are used in stage magic.
I think Zatanna is a genuinely difficult character to design as a child/teen because her most iconic adult costume can't really be made appropriate, but you can at least make a design that says 'grew up around stage magic' and not 'I know nothing about this character but witches are on trend'.
No. 469696
>>469567In theory, Jacquelin is the perfect fit: her art is all about pretty witchy hipster (I meant "stylish") girls, she's young so there'd be no "How do you do fellow kids", and she already has a following herself, so in DC's eyes there's an audience right there, ready for them.
In practice, though… no.
No. 469700
>>469688Depends on the story you want to tell I guess? Her costumes have normally been ones she wears on stage as well, so if you're writing her as a kid superhero you don't need to change it much at all. There's a flashback in Seven Soldiers of Victory that shows her on stage as a child wearing a very slightly redesigned version of her classic tuxedo costume and it doesn't look inappropriate in context. I think as long as her costume is obviously a COSTUME it's not too difficult.
It looks like the new comics are going for more of a 'street clothes' style, which is harder IMO. Most of the iconic elements of her costume just wouldn't look right incorporated into an everyday outfit for a child. I think Yoshi's done a decent job from that perspective.
I'm tempted to say… stick a top hat on the character and see if you can guess it's Zatanna, if you can then the rest of the outfit is probably fine. I think Yoshi's would pass that test but Jacqueline's wouldn't.
No. 469712
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>>469700>There's a flashback in Seven Soldiers of Victory that shows her on stage as a child wearing a very slightly redesigned version of her classic tuxedo costume and it doesn't look inappropriate in context.This is it btw:
No. 469784
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>>469622I think it's from people who interpret it to literately (even with a broken arm?), they think of oddly specific incidents that would prevent you (what if they have a disorder?), or people really bad at time management.
No. 469797
File: 1570387060986.jpeg (35.43 KB, 284x299, F7265B8D-4EEB-4CEB-890E-4EE4F3…)

>>469629Zatanna was in DC’s superhero girls recently with a more different look to her: she has purple hair this time like jacquelin’s but her costume elements are from her 70’s. This is one of the most out there of a Zatanna design but I think it has enough elements to recall the character instead of being woefully generic like jacquelin
No. 469821
>>469788Parents, deployed soldiers, doctors, anyone that owns their own business, anyone above AGM in any profession, not to mention farmers and truckers-
Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people do work everyday, as a requirement of their job. Drawing once a day is not a job. It is a hobby. It is easily doable. If you can't do it as a hobby, then maybe doing it as a profession isn't for you. Might be authcap to you, but to me, it sounds like you don't like being called lazy to you face and blame 'The Man' for said laziness.
>>469790If it is two-part, why are you leaving the only part that promotes actual improvement out of the equation as secondhand? You can think about drawing, but if you don't actually draw, you won't improve.
No. 469869
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>Danica: The intention was that her expression in her face was supposed to be awestruck
….Bitch where
No. 469895
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>>469763How are people getting worked up over this, these types of lips are typically used by porn artists. I could randomly stumble across a lewd artist, and even if it’s sfw one of the biggest giveaways is always the blow up doll lips. They’re drawn to look like they’re always ready to munch on cock, regardless of gender
No. 469906
>>469883At the same time, you could do super shiny fully rendered by byoofyful art studies everyday but never improve on the subject matter or.. relatability of your art?
I mean, of course you can improve on your rendering skills if you render everyday, but that won’t make the subject matter any different. People have to live life to interpret life.
No. 469909
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>>469763>>469895Someone translate this to English please
No. 469915
>>469909>>469911Pretty much. You can make anything racist if you try hard enough.
>>469912>if everyone started drawing men to have sharp ass jawlines and cheekbones with the body of GI Joe's there would be people protesting outsides of the artists door lmaoI highly doubt that. Guys don't seem to care how males are depicted. If majority of the males in hentai were overweight old geezers, that's the only time I can imagine guys getting up and arms over depiction of males.
No. 469919
File: 1570403793846.jpg (94.96 KB, 632x960, superman.jpg)

>>469912Excuse me what? Dude men are drawn with jawlines that could cut through steel and they're often so ripped that their bodies develop a whole new set of muscles to show off to because clearly being just the strongest man alive is not enough. This isn't even just about superheroes andcomics but the way men are overall represented in media. They got just as shit expectations as women do so let's not try to act like women are held somehow at unfair standard when men in media are only good enough when gym is their second home. Yea women get fucked over both in media and art but it really applies to men just as much.
No. 469950
>>469923And women don't enjoy being sexy or have any power fantasies regarding that? It's fucking retarded to say that any sexy slender woman is for "male gaze" when tons of woman _enjoy_ presenting their sexuality because it makes them feel powerful. This idea that good looking man is a power fantasy but a good looking woman is not is just belittling women.
>>469926If you knew how to read I mentioned that it's not just comic thing. Super man is extreme example so I went with it. It's just one example of how both genders are given rather unfair expectations of beauty. Even if you tone it down and think of porn for example, I really don't see that many guys who don't have massive cocks and nice pod.
>>469933I was discussing society's standard for both men and women, not male standard fro woman. But if you wanna go there, them perhaps every disney prince with big eyes, beautiful smiles, nice jawlines, etc. Hell go to this guy's real life disney gallery and tell me every young dude is not a total catch made to appeal to women's ideal.
No. 469958
>>469950‘Sexy femme fatale’ isn’t a power fantasy, it is 100% about the male gaze. Look at how women draw one another in media for each other - it will be nothing like how men like to depict us.
You can’t claim that media created by men is a woman’s power fantasy.
No. 469967
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Ladies shut up Disney is setting far too high a bar for these men the poor babes
No. 469991
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>>469967Oh yea 'cause chicks don't get the same treatment am I right?
And like honestly wtf is wrong with chicks in lolcow acting like bitter unwanted women in their 40's? I don't think I've ever heard a self loving woman use the word male gaze unironically, but you see it all the time in here. If a woman is sexy it's for dudes, if male it's sexy, it's also for dudes. If a man is unattractive it's variety but if a woman is unattractive it's stereotyping. Like honestly there's no pleasing you people ever. So what even if something were for dudes, doesn't mean women can't enjoy it too? I hardly ever see dudes whining about too good looking men in cartoon making their beer bellies look unattractive, well maybe some incels do that but for the comparison, that is rather sad.
(Calm your tits) No. 469995
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>>469967I see the point you're trying to make and agree with you to a certain extent but Kristoff is really no the best example to use
he's a tall,square jawed,handsome Nord
No. 470030
>>470002Anastasia was in 3 cinderella movies and in 2 of the movies she was portrayed as a good person. In cinderella 2 she found her own love and became very close with cinderella and in the 3rd movie which is retelling of the first (and imo one of the best disney princess movies), she was stringed along by her mother's desires for power. She wasn't a bad person, she just wanted to be loved but at the end she finally stood up to her mother and found confidence in herself. She's not just an "ugly on the inside and out" but instead a very complex and admirable character who learns to defy her mothers massive pressure put on her and listen to herself. There's actually a lot of characters like her if you just dared to actually look around you.
>>470023You fucking serious? What about femcels or nicegirls? There's plenty of normal men creeped out by some actually dangerous and obsessive chicks out there. I mean the did you know that girls are actually bigger stalkers than boys?Just look at K-pop, for every crazy insane male fan there's dozens of as crazy female fans. Saying that Incels are somehow only dangerous group that exists is fucking retarded. Yea incels are pathetic and I wouldn't want one close to me but there's plenty of men who probably hold very similar feelings towards certain groups.
No. 470084
File: 1570426069350.png (12.03 KB, 370x320, 27105256@2x.png)

How does it feel to be the "cool girl"? Been browsing 4chan/reddit a bit too much?
You have better places for art inspiration than dudebro cliques.
No. 470105
>>469919Nigga the point is that men have a whole wide variety of attractive characters to admire and identify with as the characters are given plenty of different body types, even for the ones that women are supposed to find sexy. Using some jacked up male power fantasy superhero from Marvel is a shitty, tired hyperbole. I don't even really give a shit about the anime tiddy debate but this is just intentionally misunderstanding the point completely.
>>469915>Guys don't seem to care how males are depicted.You ever seen them go fucking nuts over reeing about beautiful anime men or boy band members women find attractive? Whenever art has male characters depicted as something women would actually like instead of being a buzzcut space marine men can stroke their ego cocks over, they lose their shit.
No. 470115
File: 1570432586735.png (848.54 KB, 1280x796, 5c3ce53f.png)

>>470110>As someone whose watches a lot of animeSo you have never been on /a/ or other equally shitty male dominated sites in your life? Male anime fans DESPISE fujos and anything that appeals to them, to the point of feeling betrayed when Kyoani made Free. Ever paid any attention to how korean men on netizenbuzz comments respond to boy groups (pure unadulterated loathing as the lowest form of entertainment because girls like them) compared to girl groups (beloved by all genders of the public)?
Men hate cute boys that girls enjoy, they just disguise it as disgust for their music/characters/etc for credibility. One Direction, Justin Bieber, Edward Cullen, are the biggest examples I can think of in recent years. They can't stand it when women's taste doesn't match up to their preconceived notions of what we like. The internet tells them we all want middle aged dad bod silver foxes when lmao fuck that.
No. 470116
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>>470110This is such a lie. Men have a huge chip on their shoulder about attractive men that aren't hulking behemoths.
All attractive anime boys are "fujoshit", all K-pop male stars are "faggots", etc that real women could never, ever really want. Hell, look at how much they seethed about girls liking Edward and Jacob from Twilight back in the day.
They're so pissy about women liking attractive young men instead of ugly old apes that they'll even make jabs at
little girls about it. But it's okay when they lust after young girls, even when they're in their 60s. Funny how that works.
No. 470117
>>470115>to the point of feeling betrayed when Kyoani made FreeLol, remember when male anime fans were literally celebrating the KyoAni fire that killed several people, and said it served them right for making Free? When have any of the so-called "femcels" who "sound like they're 40" celebrated incidents that killed people because the studio or company pushed out ecchi/male gaze-y anime? Never.
That anon can go somewhere else with that "no, I have never seen guys go apeshit over depictions of cute dudes" bullshit.
No. 470118
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>>470117>remember when male anime fans were literally celebrating the KyoAni fire that killed several people, and said it served them right for making FreeJesus wtf. I have been avoiding male discussion of anime for the past few years, where was that? /a/ I'm guessing?
My last memory of /a/ is when they got absolutely BTFO by the success of YOI. Good times, I stopped going on there shortly after.
No. 470119
File: 1570434176212.png (802.31 KB, 974x525, old.png)

>>470116>>470110>>470115women even back in the 1950's were also complaining about seeing the same gruff stoic action stars who were between their 40s-50s and just wanted to see a handsome man near their own age on the silver screen
No. 470121
>>470118Yup, /a/ and Twitter. It was pretty disgusting.
That image, lmao. That and the KyoAni shit just go to show that they really can't stand when things aren't pandering to them. Fragility of the highest order.
No. 470127
>>470126I don't think any women in the fandom or art scenes have a problem accepting this, it's men who can't handle it.
They sperg out at us not liking decrepit old crones and neckbeards because it makes them feel bad about themselves.
No. 470130
this is purely anecdotal but I know a few couples where the woman is older that have age gaps of 5-20 years and they seem happy enough.
but I dated a guy 13 years younger once and I just didn't like it. I felt like his mother. My current partner is 3 years younger than me and this works for me.
(Derail) No. 470133
File: 1570437278321.jpg (55.92 KB, 600x847, IMG_20191007_100817.jpg)

My art goal is drawing beautiful, but not lanky beanstalk bishounen. A bit of anatomically correct muscle.
No. 470138
Not trying to minimod but can you all go and argue in the pink pill thread instead of here.
>>470130 also, how the fuck is your past relationships relevant to this thread?
No. 470152
File: 1570443433533.jpg (16.71 KB, 236x326, 6cd1f531b53edc55c613861688f90b…)

What is "set"? nothing is set, just draw what you like how you like it, i guarantee almost everything has an audience. There are about a trillion ways artists approach character design, so stop acting like the only thing thats canon in the world is Superman or generic moe , that only projects what you consume. Would you be happier if superman was a bishie and Sailor Moon was chubby and hairy armpits? will that shut you up?
No. 470170
File: 1570446472816.jpeg (907.66 KB, 1242x1874, DA49FD3E-6412-4968-89C5-82B071…)

Okay, it’s just getting fucking ridiculous now, how is this in any way inktober. Why does everyone go full retard over this challenge month.
No. 470211
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Enough PP sperging, i just wanna draw cute grills for gods sake
No. 470260
>>470231Umm guys disney, dreamworks??? You even saw what kind of fangirl reaction jack frost got when he was introduced, what about older hiccup?
This concervation is fucking annoying at this point, you people complain constantly how there’s no shit for you but there’s shit for the other party, even when people point out that yes you got toys too. Then you even complain how the other party likes something and how that’s bad, even if you a specific taste yourself. This whole discussion is full of hypocrites and contadictions.
>>470260Lmao, just let them be themselves; a bunch of women afraid of their own nakedness.
Comics industry is moving forward and slowly including more and more variety, yet everyone still complains, of fucking course you won't have a nonmuscular or mediocre superhero; they are fucking übermensch and überfrauen, why would you want a superhero who's not top performing on aesthetical standards?
File: 1570480042641.jpeg (193.92 KB, 1209x846, 7CED42CC-D629-4A3A-8D66-63009B…)

>>470298“ This Channel isn't for little baby children.
If you want to draw something pretty with your little crayon, go somewhere else. I'm not going to hold your hand, I'm not going walk you to the top of the mountain, I'm not going to hold back.
I'm here to make the big girl and big boy bills. To get paid, to learn fast, and to tell you what's what.”
No. 470361
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>>470348I feel like these type of videos are some type of subconscious way of saying "I'm bad at art" without the shame. These 'just being brutally honest advice' videos are usually aimed at beginners, but they always stroke the viewers ego by saying how they're better than other artists, well other beginners, because they watch 'brutally honest art tips' videos. The people who watch his videos always have a "I'm bad, but I'm better than those losers in their hugboxes"
Also pic related in the comment section said that "storytelling" was what her art was missing.
No. 470378
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What are those red noses and porn lips? I usually like exaggerated anatomies, especially in animation but his seems so off to me, as well as his anatomy stylization.
No. 470409
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Has anyone else seen a lot of “vent artist” complaining about people saying “mood” to their vent art? If you make edgy shit then it attracts edgy people. Sorry no one is playing into your “woe is me” bs
No. 470436
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>>470431And they make art like this. Is the irony not lost?
>>470427What the artist could be getting at is a lot of commentors minds shut off and they obly reply with something tangently related. Ive seen youtube videos with in treating points, but the comment section has all these basic jokes like they didn't watch the video and only reacted to the title
No. 470443
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>>470433Id like vent art if it was actually had some intresting aesthetics, but nope it's all I used neon colors, I put a black scribly lines on their face, I put red text with mean words, they have cutting marks, I curse, and I curse a lot. Very rarely do they explore unique mental issues with unique metaphors. Its always the same slock. Like imagine if one of those vent artist direct NGE. It'd be horrifying
No. 470451
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>>470447It’s allegedly KattvTalk
No. 470495
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do any of yall know kirarinn? their style is really annoying he has a huge case of same face syndrome
No. 470507
>>470443>>470471This exactly. Every time I see vent art, it's some piss poor, edgy garbage that nothing but white and red scribbling on a black canvas. It's always kind of disappointing that these people can actually draw something with meaning and emotion, but waste on shit that no-one cares about. Occasionally, I'll see some good vent art that actually has a purpose and message, and it often can and will end up as one of my favourite pieces by the artist. However, the shit that I usually see makes me immediately and greatly dislike whoever posted it. If it's not productive, interesting, or meaningful, keep your attempts at pathetically seeking asspats off of your goddamn professional, public account.
Offtopic/blogposting, but there's a cow who is a friend of mine. she does the exact some bullshit. Unintelligible scribblings depicting an eating disorder she doesn't have (very, very occasionally skipping 1 or 2 meals for a couple of days because you're upset is not a goddamn eating disorder) and self-harm issues when she has never once cut. She posts this bullshit to her public account that has a decent following. When people ask questions, she either ignores or gives a curt response saying she doesn't want to talk about it. I feel like this a trend for the majority who post 'content' like this though. They depict stuff in their vent that is completely untrue or unrelated to them. I almost feel like it ties into the snowflake
victim-complex. Anxiety and depression aren't as special or unique anymore, and they definitely don't bring the same amount of attention, so claiming you have sh and ed tendencies fixes that. Not divulging details makes people even more worried about you as well. Anything for that precious attention your art isn't getting you, I guess.
No. 470607
>>470495>samefacethis isn't really sameface. i think that people misinterpret sameface in anime because their features are so simple. the 3rd and 4th girl are but the rest aren't.
what's really bothering me is that blatant patchouli knowledge rip off and whatever the fuck is happening with the folds and creases in their clothes.
No. 470624
>>470614Same face is a
valid criticism tho, what does it say about the person when they can only re-imagine the same or similar face over and over again? Even if you use, "but it's beautiful!" excuse as to why things need to be same-facey, it's still stupid because there's various different forms of (conventional) attractiveness to draw from anyways. It just seems a little regressive and boxed in.
No. 470642
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>>470614But that's not "anime". Same faces in anime allows ease of animating, this is just an illustration image, not mentioning those legs lol. Anime like KLK which has a hUge cast manages to not be same facey, no one else has an excuse tbh. Most productions are just cheaply produced which makes anime has the sameness that people complain about.
No. 470672
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>>470532That’s interesting considering what her art looks like.
No. 470693
>>470642anime is used to refer to the art style too but go off.
>Same faces in anime allows ease of animatingliterally not why they do it.
No. 470720
>>470700The actual fuck are you talking about. The big eyes in anime aesthetic came from Junichi Nakahara from the mid 1900's and the aesthetic of girls being quiet (hence the small mouths and other features) but having a very lively inner life and thoughts (again, hence the big, expressive eyes). The style caught on, became a staple of the anime style and that's where it came from.
Also are these people constantly bitching about le anime sameface meme like it was fresh stuff fucking 17 years old and just struggling to get out of their weeb phase? Character designs aren't limited to everyone having the same face shape and eyes, in something like
>>470495 I can still tell the characters apart due to different expressions and body language alone. Taking "sameface syndrome" as a literal thing is actual high school level artfag 101 fart sucking, it should be used to refer to ALL the characters being the same cookie cutter blandness with no variation or distinguishable traits to them. Like almost any character Glen Keane draws looks identical, not only because the face is the same goddamn face he's been drawing since the 80's, it's also because they're the same sort of quirky, naive, sort of awkward borderline MPDG disney princess archetype with the same personality and expressions.
No. 470724
>>470708>respects Shoe0nhead and Blaire White>hired a pedo>design thiefWHEW. Artist fucking discarded lmao.
The child porn and bestiality are really bad too.
I had no clue this Vivzie person was a disgusting pickme.
Man that sucks, I really enjoyed the shorts of that series too.
No. 470729
>>470720Doesn't make it any less uninteresting and boring, though.
>>470726The best musical artists tend to not have songs that sound the same and it's different from what many anime influenced artists do.
No. 470738
>>470720If that’s your goal sure but you’re not exactly a good artist if you can only draw one face no matter the expressions you add. You can be
triggered all you want but it shows a lack of skill.
No. 470795
>>470793Oh no. It appears that I too have copied that artist years ago with a similar drawing. /s
They need to get over themselves. The idea of having a character or figure looking into a mirror really isn’t that original.
No. 470796
>>470793Oh no, someone drew a girl putting makeup on in a mirror, the fucking horror, burn the witch.
These artists need to calm the fuck down about what they think is 'truly original works of art' and realize that half the shit they make is anything anyone could come up with. When it's something more complicated than literally what mirrors are made for, then they can start to complain.
No. 470797
File: 1570592479388.jpeg (32.94 KB, 449x684, 78A94E65-E1AB-4860-B9A7-AFAF9A…)

>>470793Woah, a woman’s reflection in a vanity. How original. Definitely stolen!!
No. 470818
>>470793Sometimes I want huge ego artists like this to stfu and stop being narcissists.
If you're gonna call out an artist call them out, but nah they love using manipulative language like: "HmmmhHmmmm i think a BIGGER artist did something similar
insert shrug emoji" they're just full of shit and trying to make themselves look good
No. 470821
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>>470793What the fuck lmao, the lengths these bitches are going with their reaches. They're not even remotely similar, this is just unnecessarily catty and egoistical. Ghadaax's art seems to have the same extremely generic subject matter and composition in almost every drawing, it's almost impossible to find someone doing something similar.
No. 470835
File: 1570618314765.jpg (344.45 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20191009-114748_Twi…)

>>470793Wow, literally all I said was that a girl sitting at a vanity was far from an original concept and she blocked me. What a special snowflake.
No. 470842
File: 1570621310377.png (161.39 KB, 750x389, image0.png)

i also got blocked instantly lol
No. 470942
>>470937What I got was that the whole video was basically TD’s view on the Madam drama.
Also, idk why TD always complains about how she life sucks, “ oh but she understands how privileged she is!”
Saying is different from actually understanding,
She puts her problems foreword, with or without realizing for pity points; she says her computer sucks and is dying, why can’t she get a new one? Oh wait, she bought an iPad for drawing, so there’s one of the fix, she’s not loosing money, why? Because she’s still able to work.
She used the computer as one of her points as to why is may not be able to produce stuff to her commissioners, yet here she is on the side, posting doodles on her ipad
No. 470952
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I'm quaking in my boots
No. 470969
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Ceroblitz posted a manifesto and a bunch of people are scared they're going to off themselves No. 470970
>>470969Random quotes
>I feel like I've failed in life because I have never been able to hang with anyone in person throughout my entire life to feel close enough to talk about anything personal, which extends to my family who never really tries to understand me. (I’m sure im not alone in that) I don’t know what having a “best friend” feels like at this point in life and all I can do I envy people who can find happiness with friends or partners. I always get sad when I reflect on my position, which doesn’t get me closer to what I want. When I see that someone has a group of friends they have already done so much with, traveled, hung out with consistently, shared new experiences I just…. break down inside because I have never experienced that, and feel like I will never get to experience that feeling.>And yet for some reason, When in the presence of others, I feel the need to show what I’ve achieved socially to show that “I’m fine”. I talk about my successes and never my struggles, some sort of thing to make me feel that I don’t actually have it so bad, but also not to bring down the mood. Gotta consume media to keep up and talk about things! The funny thing is I can’t even fully enjoy any stories in games/shows anymore because ALL of them reflect on people having active social lives that give their lives meaning. The only thing I can even imagine making now a days is something to show this… overwhelming loneliness– to be quickly lost and forgotten in the recesses of the internet. No. 471019
>>470970At least they have their 17k followers to lean on during such troubling times.
As much as I’d like to feel bad for them, literally every artist I know feels the same or has it worse than they do… and they don’t have even a fraction of the support this person is receiving on social media.
No. 471096
>>470969 It just sound like the usual woe mes from a teenager who is ~not like other girls~ . Just a call for attention and brownie points. And i smell self posting in here.
If there is no one there and you are so lonely there is no reason to even write anything. You just want the people who already know you and you know are there to read your emo charade to feel so bad and to kiss your ass a little, maybe gauge who gives a shit. Typical narc.
No. 471104
File: 1570705086144.png (477.72 KB, 839x447, HazbinHotel.png)

>>470707The character designs are 2007 Tumblr as hell and the animaton is too jerky for my liking. Also this artist seems to have never heard of compositon and contrast because she scatters the characters all over the screen and everything is pink and red so I have absolutely no idea where to look. I like the idea of the series but it's probably going to hurt my eyes too much for me to be able to watch
No. 471243
File: 1570724592053.png (493.92 KB, 720x676, D6Uu4iLU0AE0F9a.png)

>>471124The pedo thing was a couple in her comic were an adult woman and a 12 year old teacher student. After backlash she changed his age to 17 and pretended it never happened lol
No. 471284
>>471243WTF is his hair doing?
Her designs are so random and abrupt.
No. 471300
>>471104i never like her animations they move to fast to make a show, as animate song they are ok (her furry kesha videos that make her viral) but for a show? noah and the design are so boring just a vomit of colors
>>471108 >so the fatties can reee some more what does a person been fat someting to do with this? she is a pedo and into bestiality anon
>>471243the designs here, how did her come became so popular? also making him 17 don't do much when he still looks like a kid but maybe it's me yuck
No. 471409
File: 1570757877358.jpeg (112.31 KB, 500x750, C1FB1308-5A66-483B-A8CE-5F3754…)

>>471243Oh my god. Are those coon tails.
I miss trashy scene OCs from the 2000s
No. 471470
Can't remember, have we discussed Jordan Persegati before? Afaik, he doesn't really do anything notably milkish, but the quality of his art now depresses me. I remember a few years ago, I had watched a couple of his speedpaints and followed him on Insta. Personally, even though creepypasta bullshit is a plague, I thought his art was pretty decent. But holy shit, it's incredibly mediocre now. His style is so much worse, and I don't understand why. The only thing that has slightly improved is the fluidity. The style feels amateurish compared to before, not to mention his incompetence at drawing a generic 3/4 angle. Everything is an ugly bust. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how to draw anything more actually, considering how deformed the few pieces with hands and arms/sleeves look. I wonder why he still even does the weeb shit when his other stuff is actually still nice. He did some sort of building/architecture piece that pretty good, and although it kind of feels a bit over-rendered, the horror stuff he does is decent and even reminds me of Silent Hill. Still, all of his anime art feel like polished turds at this point
No. 471481
>>471470Don't know him, but checked him out and you're right. I'm actually getting nostalgic for my teen weeb years when I admired this whole copic plus colored pencil shtick … it feels so outdated now.
How old is he? Doesn't it get tiring to stay with that tween edge crap? I mean drawing creepy/edgy shit is one thing, but creepypasta of all things?
No. 471668
>>471663ugh I hated this video I get that the original creepypasta wasn't exactly youtube friendly but why not just do one that you dont have to change or remove parts from?
her lighting in some scenes make no sense, the characters hair/eye shapes and length keep changing. She cant stay cohesive to save her life.
No. 471745
File: 1570865566968.jpeg (28.28 KB, 300x300, 5E9114BF-4AA4-4AEA-A3F5-EED88A…)

>>471712That guy had a god complex over a few pats on the back, in reality it wasn’t as good as other artists he criticized.
His portfolio was full of stagnant same face same pose, sausage fingers as the next… only they just had beards and swords.
No. 471750
>>471745It's pretty fucking convenient to delete everything. He hasn't improved in over two years. If he'd really "hustle" like he's always pretending to, two years should be enough time to make massive improvements. He's the embodiment of /ic/.
You posted one of his better pics, most are just trash.
No. 471763
File: 1570874202137.png (468.99 KB, 894x671, 2019-10-12 20_48_08-(4) how NO…)

>>471755I think most of his art is of his personal characters, don't know if he had a story or comic to accompany them at any point. I feel like he talked about it somewhere before deleting all his art? Can't remember.
I also miss when he used to try tutorials and shit. There's a million drama channels that cover every single mildly interesting thing that happens in the youtube community, his 10 min half-assed commentary isn't really necessary. I don't know if he deleted all of his art off the internet to avoid criticism or what, but out of all the arttubers on the platform, he was definitely nowhere near the worst - and he's pretty good at editing, too, so while his artwork might be mediocre, his editing style makes him stand out.
No. 471782
File: 1570883007966.jpeg (545.29 KB, 1223x1844, 60C413DB-DC95-4E68-8400-6CB926…)

Am I alone in thinking you gotta be a special type of degenerate to draw “aesthetic” surreal animal gore?
No. 471785
File: 1570884191546.jpg (1.1 MB, 1060x1481, SmartSelect_20191012-233913_In…)

>>471782Anon, just because people make art like this doesn't make them a degenerate. I'm sorry your tastes are incredibly basic and you probably have a blown up canvas of a beach in your house somewhere next to a sign that says "This is home"
No. 471789
File: 1570885330981.jpg (109.48 KB, 1200x800, Morbid-Anatomy-Museum-Walter-P…)

>>471782I love animals, i love anatomy , i love skeletons , ero guro and and spoopy stuff. You are not a degenerate for wanting to draw a zombie cat just as you are not a degenerate for drawing zombie people and kewl demons. I even had a vegan friend, who was an animal rescuer and activist, and she liked to collect skeletons of critters she found dead and was into taxidermy. It is surprisingly common.
No. 471793
File: 1570886321227.jpg (492.36 KB, 768x953, 1Zdzisław_Beksinski_surrealism…)

>>471791one is surreal horror and the other is a petty and mundane self insert.
Dark imaginary is a thing in art. You just have to deal with it, it can't all be cute and brightly saturated weaboo girls with Glenn Keane faces.
No. 471801
File: 1570887514029.jpg (32.86 KB, 496x357, 1570655091369.jpg)

>>471796>you're acting like the only two kinds of art is this "dark imaginary" >And preferring the edgy one doesn't make you special?You are the one that is acting all surprise that dark genres exist and calling people degenerates for liking it.
No. 471803
>>471801Still an edgelord, and now also
triggered because you got called out on it!
No. 471906
>>471871i am not into artubers in general but maybe vid related?
Also, not related but i recommend anons to look for "urasama naoki no manben" series. Its a mangaka interviewing other mangakas. No. 471938
File: 1570909764857.png (213.87 KB, 403x335, bestIcoulddopals.png)

>>471924For reference, this is the part anon is refering to
No. 471941
>>471924the video.
anyone else annoyed as fuck that kasey didnt even use screenrecorder? all the reflections annoy me to no end
No. 471975
File: 1570930347534.jpeg (779.82 KB, 1125x1935, 17EDE45C-E5FB-41A1-AA86-AF2FD6…)

No. 472031
>>469926Yep, and when you have an artist that draws guys in a way that it's not to the standards of heterosexual males it tends to make them uncomfortable. Like Kris Anka who is bi and tends to do a lot of beefcake and draws men in a way he finds attractive.
> Alex Ross doesn't exactly sexualize characters but he tends to make them hyper-realistic and gives male heroes visible bulges and that makes comic nerds nervous.
No. 472070
>>471975The way she draws hands look off to me but I can’t place why
Perhaps because the palms appear short and the fingers go too far back? If that makes sense
No. 472123
>>472070She has nails like thorns. lol
And sausage fingers.
Also the same arm hanging down absolutly straight looks weird to me. Usually hanging arms are bend forwards a bit.
No. 472236
File: 1570997052485.jpeg (358.87 KB, 1800x1300, 5AB53849-A83A-4E38-94CA-73DD8F…)

I’ve never came across an artist who drew such abnormally long necks. It’s so off putting like how can draw this and think it looks good
No. 472285
File: 1571006231504.jpg (Spoiler Image,627.55 KB, 3184x2024, R4rWdCn.jpg)

Another day, another transgirl masking their pedophilia and incest fetishes with 'I do it to cope!!'
No. 472366
>>472285I just saw their instagram.
Cutesy characters with child body types doing erotic things and they all talk like Elmer Fudd.
Yep definitely a pedo.
No. 472368
>>472318She was comparing the petiteness of those features to similarly diminutive features of a child, not saying that they are pedophilic. Saying that something is disproportionate because they are the size of a child’s instead of a full grown adults isn’t calling the artwork pedophilic.
Fuck me, the reading comprehension on this site is fucking abhorrent.
>> 472323Everyone has a waist. It refers to your midsection, so absolutely anyone of any age or sex has a waist.
No. 472495
File: 1571063432536.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-10-14-16-27-10…)

This begging artist didnt even said why she needs that money xD(xD)
No. 472655
File: 1571093843729.png (9.89 KB, 562x134, kasey.png)

Bit of a random post, but I feel that this comment under Kasey's most recent video sums up her viewers nicely (saged for non milk)
No. 472744
>>471912also isn't that the point of gore pictures. the artist clearly wanted the viewers queasy. so they purposely drew a gorey picture. im always confused, not everything people draw is fucking fetish and don't blame the artist for people finding it so.
the purpose of art is to invoke emotion, commentary, or whatever through visuals. sometimes its porn, sometimes its suppose to fucking creepy gore shit.
No. 472797
>>472729It was ridiculously clear what she meant.
>>472735I like some of it, but her attempts at making 'sexy' art in her style is just disturbing.
No. 472812
Don't know if anyone cares about webcomic drama, but the comic Erfworld has been permanently shut down following the suicide of the author's stepson. Reddit/4chan has been doing some digging and apparently the stepson was an autistic man who was charged with raping a 14 year old this year. Apparently the author released a 30 minute audio to paid supporters of the comic basically blaming the
victim for everything and using his stepson's autism as an excuse, but no one has leaked/transcribed it yet.
It's hard to gather info because Reddit is in delete fucking everything mode but here's some archived threads. No. 472823
File: 1571130143273.jpg (322.55 KB, 1080x1241, IMG_20191015_165949.jpg)

>for inktober
>visible watercolor palette filtered monochrome
No. 472826
File: 1571130691364.jpg (1.11 MB, 630x1024, ZTVSegy.jpg)

> says she doesnt trace. lul ok
No. 472829
File: 1571130819907.jpg (885.66 KB, 644x1024, CwMOqrV.jpg)

i think she's worth to look up and just have a laugh at how obvious it is when she isn't tracing. she's been called out before but her retarded fans who worship her ass can't see its tracing and they're all "its referencing!!"
lmao no honey it aint
No. 472831
File: 1571131278572.jpg (106.45 KB, 570x580, rdH7xBB.jpg)

>>472823ew wtf. and i scrolled a bit more and
No. 472832
File: 1571131590837.jpg (148.01 KB, 1080x282, PYWE2TW.jpg)

Oh man Megat0nRaid AKA Kristia Anne Suarez. Bitch is a guilt tripping manipulator who pity parties in public and scams people off with her really badly done commissions.
she had a big ass drama way back in feb im pretty sure. don't got much screens of the shit that went down besides this one
people involved was mpd_crezz and another, forgot name. called her out in PRIVATE for tracing crezz' art and then she went batshit insAANE and went to make her fans attack the people who called her out.
No. 472839
>>472823Lol I hope someone calls it out
But really, it's easier for them to do it in color and filter than to just use black?
No. 473040
File: 1571156893327.jpeg (200.38 KB, 750x920, 2650ABED-E866-4B77-B749-1864D3…)

I love TD’s barely visible iPad pieces
No. 473471
File: 1571243953182.jpg (Spoiler Image,516.8 KB, 1214x599, jeanettehayes.jpg)

Just found out about this fine artist who is now ripping off a furry artist. Apparently, Vice and NYT have both praised her work even though she's had a history of pulling off shit like this. Why is the fine arts scene such a joke?
No. 473593
File: 1571261174537.png (93.76 KB, 586x752, sL4mPUy.png)

Looks like Becca's bitching about not getting free PR from Jetpens again.
>>473562He's a pedo, no doubt about it.
No. 473617
>>473530I just checked this thread to see if anyone had posted about this video yet, haha.
How can she be so bad at oil painting when she has a degree in it? Like, did she pass with the minimum requirements?
It's not like she's rusty - doing art for her channel is her job, so she hasn't really got an excuse?
Was her art school just really shit or…?
No. 473621
File: 1571263151445.png (62.58 KB, 602x507, FVG0Ier.png)

>>473593She's been at this game for several years now. While her channel isn't totally dead, it sure as hell isn't pulling in decent numbers. It never did, no matter how industrious her tutorials and streams were. I don't think she really has a right to complain about not being popular enough to get PR. She's reaching Holly Brown levels of bitterness and lack of self-awareness. This kind of behavior is embarrassing for a grown woman.
Face facts, Becca: A family-friendly The Borrowers knockoff comics with an ugly How To Draw Manga art style obviously isn't pulling in much of an audience. Even Baylee knows how to read and ride trends and she still can't draw worth a damn. Youtube success (and thus, the precious free stuff Becca is after) is not about pouring your boring passion project into every space it'll fit in hoping people will like it. It's catching eyes, staying trendy and getting clicks.
Also, Jetpens is not a Japanese art supply distributor. Its primary focus is and always has been stationary. Art supplies take a backseat to pens, pencils, and notebooks. They're also a business, and won't just give away free things to anybody that asks just because they've bought from them before, no matter how important they think their contributions are. They're about advertising and generating sales through sponsorships. Not coddling the feelings of a thirtysomething struggle artist. It's pretty sad that she's mad almost 5 years later.
No. 473641
>>473614She's like it in her videos too, just snotty remarks all the time. She comes off really bitchy to me so I've stopped watching her.
She barely gets 50 likes.
No. 473642
>>473633prok, marco bucci and moderndayjames have pretty much the only ones i liked so far, they basically just tell you stuff that you can find on a Loomis or Scott robertson book but on short video format but it is still well put out info.
Feng Zhu's channel, (Fzd) is nice too, but its not really a fundamentals channel.
No. 473779
File: 1571293954146.png (5.2 MB, 1703x2404, ok.png)

>>472823>>472832Oh GOLLY, am I overjoyed to see this cow in here. I know this character she's traced over and noticed the similarities at an instant. It baffles me how nobody's called her out on her blatant tracing, especially when the image in question is from a popular series.
No. 473839
File: 1571316497740.jpg (99.49 KB, 1024x581, _misc__floofy_fluff_by_galaxyp…)

>>473623I always wondered how those teenage artist would grow up. Most of them want to live off of private comms and con merch, but there are a few who want to join the industry it'll be a giant wake up call.
That flat cartoon-y style you mention looks decent, but is used to cover up bad fundamentals. Its borderline impossible to critique art like this because the style is so embeded in the art work. You cant critique them on fundiemntal because they have a style that prevents that. You can only push them deeper into style hell. The only way for them to improve us to drop the style, which will make their art 5 times worse, but it will give them the chance to improve. Also the fact the art community isn't for supporting on more serious art books, but loves Pinterest tutorials made by literal randos a bunch of kids are going to get a shit art education. They all have inflated who's from their blind fans and big account numbers. They'll also be way to used to how internet drama hadles their problems instead of being discrete. In 10 to 5 years I foresee a bunch of art lolcows making 'I was rejected from Nickelodian!?' videos with their shity SU style.
No. 473849
>>473835Ew I can't stand those wet mouth sounds
Those drawings are pretty small, boring and unfinished looking. And having the clock right next to her makes it seem like an assignment that she's forcing herself to do.
Generally Minnie is good at studies, but she's just too boring to be of any interest to me
No. 474017
File: 1571348097634.jpg (931.48 KB, 1080x1626, 20191017_183113.jpg)

These weird feet are killing me.
No. 474088
>>473779Laizy_Boy04 already attempted a callout but her braindead fans defended her till the biyter end and death threatened laizy to delete the callouts. Kristia Consistently posts wips now but lol you can tell when she isnt tracing because her art is shit.
Man if anyone does another callout im ready with the popcorn to see her lose her shit again lmao
No. 474095
File: 1571366702358.jpg (844.8 KB, 4500x2310, UnDsv9r.jpg)

>>473779people do call her out, sometimes. but yeah as other
nonny said they're shut down real fast because of her dead brain fans.
see example of said dead brain fans. fuckin retards
No. 474101
File: 1571367154077.jpg (675.84 KB, 1786x654, uP8tHNK.jpg)

Ok but i have to mention that Kristia has SCAMMED people off of money with pity posts like these and it angers me because people like her are the reason i become so distrustful of funding shit.
bitch definitely bought her new ipad with the scammed money
No. 474143
>>474130Is doxxing allowed because i found her dad on facebook and we can honestly go message the dude about if the 'real estate scam' be real or not LOL.
then again it's already painfully obvious it's a scam as she never bothered to update it with anything especially legal proceeds and shit.
also i saw on her discord server bitching about how she wanted a switch but had no money and her braindead 'friends' deadass bought her a switch. what idiots.
No. 474145
File: 1571372886459.jpg (1.03 MB, 2129x1332, 8YCIQLH.jpg)

yknow it's hilarious to think that she's already 30 and still an immature bitch and acts like this.
No. 474146
File: 1571372999418.jpg (540.78 KB, 671x1302, 9qoQ1ct.jpg)

Can anyone tell where Kristia got this by the way? besides tracing she also sockpuppets this account and posted a fake "cosplay"
No. 474148
>>474146This is such an obvious catfish that it's embarrassing.
Cropped to make it hard to reverse image search, too.
No. 474475
File: 1571462327384.jpeg (592.68 KB, 1682x2048, EHG15qEX0AIOd6K.jpeg)

>>474468Seriously how does someone thats like 30 and has an art degree still draw like a high schooler.
No. 474485
>>474468Becca Hillburn AKA Nattosoup. She's been brought up here and there in the last few threads but there isn't a dedicated thread for her. Honestly she doesn't really need one. As whiny, bitchy and annoying as she is, she isn't very milky beyond her complaining and trying to shill her 'all-ages webcomic' that nobody gives a shit about. The majority of her small pool of watchers come to her for swatches and art supply reviews. She presents herself as a friendly, welcoming and pleasant artist that just wants everyone to create and have fun, but stick around in her streams or follow her on Twitter and you'll quickly see how bitter she really is. It kind of reminds me of the streams Holly Brown would have with potato pedo and her underage Romanian friend, where they'd talk and 'joke' about killing Baylee Jae.
She and Holly are a lot alike. Industrious and eager to teach others, but stubborn and lacking in the skills to succeed. To Becca's credit, she does seem a hell of a lot better at living like an actual adult and taking care of herself. They're both also art supply hoarders that tend to show off their materials more than actually using them. As helpful as Becca claims to be, I get the feeling that she does all these reviews in hopes that companies will add her to their PR list. Jetpens was probably not the first company/website she asked for free shit from, considering Faber-Castell has given her free stuff in the past.
>>474475I don't think her art is that bad. She's about the same age as Jellybee, Baylee and Lemia and their art's worse. I wouldn't call Becca's stuff pretty or skillful, but there's worse out there. She's definitely in a rut though. In the half decade she's been on YT her art hasn't improved or changed one bit. 6 years in and she's still painting the same muddily watercolored girls with the same big, gaping mouths and jellybean noses. I know it's completely objective but there's just something fundamentally off-putting about her style and I can't quite put my finger on it.
No. 474540
>>474475 Her art is so muddy. Like, there's hardly any piece she's rendered with color that has a sense of direction or clarity. She just keeps layering and layering until nothing is readable. She especially has trouble with darker skinned characters. I think she needs to learn more about values and saturation, because it looks like she just jumps right in with heavy saturated tones instead of building slowly.
she also needs to check her attitude. I think part of the reason she hasn't gotten as far as she has is because she has such a nasty streak when she doesn't get her way. I know she's a mod of Artist Alley International on fb and discord, and she only puts on that nice display for it, but she's fake as hell. She wishes she had half the success that the people in that same group had, and she lets that attitude spill out on her personal socials and it's a bad look. She needs to grow up.
Plus, I don't think she's this helpful for the sake of other people looking for resources. I think she does it to see what she can ultimately gain from it. This was made clear when she made a whole video whining about how helpful she's been and then not getting enough money or enough of an audience then threatening to pull her resources.
No. 474558
File: 1571501276610.jpeg (80.62 KB, 400x539, 1.jpeg)

>>474540Yeah I can't stand her attitude. She just needs to drop the 2008 relevant anime style she so desperately clings to. No one likes it. Also her subject is just a self insert looking child character in a terribly boring comic that hurts to look at because the coloring is so bright and wonky.
Pic related is an example of her drawing something actually cute and appealing. She should ditch her shitty how to draw like a weeb in the 2000s style and go with this. Still vaguely weeb but that's not a bad thing if done well. It's cute.
No. 474609
>>473623I think a lot of it might be the product of algorithms favoring people who frequently post content. Fully rendered paintings are going to take a while even when an artist's gotten good at finishing them fairly quickly. Someone who does a lot of detailed work just won't be able to churn out content every day (or sometimes even multiple times a day) like someone working with a simple, easy style will.
I think part of it might also have to do with simple, flat colored/cel-shaded work reading better as a thumbnail/on a tiny phone screen than full on paintings do.
No. 474674
>>474670took one look at her Youtube and I can clearly see why Jetpens wouldn't want to work with her. Most of her videos get under 50 views, why would they waste their time dealing with her?
She seems to be stuck in the idea that working hard should be rewarded, regardless of the quality of said work.
No. 474799
>>474670Wow she's offputting.
I got curious and looked through her videos and saw this sketchbook tour. Listen to how she complains randomly at the beginning about subscribers/comments
No. 474913
File: 1571593825665.png (713.56 KB, 728x387, comics.PNG)

>>474670Found her comic in the description and what the fuck is this.
No. 474917
File: 1571593958639.png (335.53 KB, 349x336, eye contact.PNG)

>>474913It's not outright bad, but just awkward
No. 474920
File: 1571594155016.jpg (110.11 KB, 457x701, kns.jpg)

>>474670She co-writes How to be a Con Artist with Kriska. How they behave and address things is as different as night and day. Especially in her earlier posts, Becca/Nattosoup's responses have a borderline bitter and griping "how dare they not" tone, whereas Kriska was always more solid and professional in her responses and able to highlight what did and didn't work for her without that entitled undertone.
Pic related is an example of the contrast.
No. 474921
Can't spell.
No. 474924
File: 1571594744796.jpeg (970.98 KB, 1242x1162, 7B04760D-BB20-4FA7-AA04-FD0C33…)

>>474799I only got a few seconds into the video until I was immediately put off by the opening image. Hands don’t work like that unless she’s dislocated her joints.
No. 474934
>>474925Don’t watch the above videos then. She’s constantly stroking her own ego saying how “BEAUTIFUL” her watercolors are.
Her personality alone is enough to drive people away if the shit art didn’t do so already.
No. 474940
>posts bandwagon fanart of canonically underage character with fetish gag from a show she knows nothing about>toxic fandom get upset about it and report it>post gets taken down>proceeds to re-upload the post repeatedly>gets reported repeatedly>claims that she has other art online that actually breaks the guidelines, just not that particular fanart therefore it's unfair (?)>instagram actually deletes her account>:OI'm all in for freedom of speech but if she had actual content that broke the guideline,s it's fair game it from IG. And I say this from a place of love.
I wish artists had a sns spot for nsfw content. With Tumblr down, there's not many places left that are not furry based…
No. 475048
>>462229> videoDid anyone else grit their teeth when she started kissing Sakimichan's ass? Ironic, considering how over-blending was one of the bullet points in the video.
Also I fail to comprehend why anyone, even a turbo-zoomer, would want to use a phone for digital art. Wtf.
No. 475066
>>469936Is Crowne Prince an enby? She doesn't have her actual gender listed anywhere and has only ever referred to herself as "they". With the name "prince" it's pretty much a given, but I was just wondering.
Also if she's actually 30 and can only draw like your typical warrior cats fan, that's pretty sad.
No. 475072
File: 1571629560200.jpeg (698.4 KB, 750x1103, DD5CFA24-D260-4C69-8D60-4ED62F…)

It’s INKED guYs, I swEaR!!!1!!
No. 475077
>>475072It is inked. Look at how dogshit the lineart is when she put marker over it. It’s bleeding and smearing with the marker, she did it all in a single-hour sitting instead of letting ink breathe like you are meant to. I mean, c’mon, tip #1 for coloring ink pieces is making sure your ink is ACTUALLY dry and not just sitting on the top layer of the paper…
Also, look at the pupils. She doesn’t even know how to use a white gel pen without having the nib of the pen carve out the previous layer. She is one of those artists that actually relies on software and has zero technical knowledge of the craft beyond the screen.
No. 475251
>>475181I can't stand artists like her that table at conventions. She should just stick to comic cons and avoid anime cons if it incenses her this much. Anime convention goers do not owe her stuck up ass anything just because she hates fan art and looks down on print wall artists at cons like every other failing indie comic creator jfc. Convention attendees don't give a shit about what your notion of
valid art is Becca they want cute keychains and anime fan art.
No. 475414
>>475315>>475398Mormonism technically is Christianity (it's in the name - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), but yeah, it is more like a cult. I was raised in the religion, but glad I got the hell out of it before it ruined my life as an adult. Sadly my mother is still indoctrinated and I've given up trying to help her because it's an empty cope she just won't let go of.
>>475093> pirate mage boyThat thing? I thought that was XJ9 from MLAATR.
No. 475431
File: 1571701602654.jpeg (292.19 KB, 1242x1384, 0780742A-7FF3-4C0C-BE9C-3B0FA2…)

It was already mentioned on this thread about a month ago, but what is up with all these artists doing art style ‘comparisons’ with Sailor Moon? This artists rendition of Mars and Venus look like completely different characters, and then they write it off as ‘part of the art style.’
Saged for sperg
No. 475472
File: 1571707433080.jpg (128.71 KB, 1500x1500, 71LJYirFqAL._SL1500_.jpg)

Anyone here using a Huion Kamvas? how do you like it? I am saving some money and was thinking on getting the new Kamvas pro. have a Huion pen tablet (no screen) which was great for the price and have worked with it a lot but is an older model with older drivers and doesnt get along too well with PS, which is driving me nuts.
No. 475490
File: 1571711036602.jpg (120.29 KB, 1100x718, 2017vs2019.JPG)

Sorry for the low quality, had to lift it from her instagram. Left is 2017 and the right is 2019. The main differences is the body shape to me, but other than that, there's no real improvement. I'll find another piece closer to the newer on in body shape.
No. 475496
File: 1571712241590.jpg (54.9 KB, 581x588, September2017.JPG)

>>475490Same anon, but here another piece from 2017 of her's which is closer to the 2019 piece.
No. 475522
File: 1571723759706.jpeg (649.5 KB, 1191x1230, B2BB29C2-DAE4-492A-A1A4-7261F8…)

>>474986Becca strikes me as one of those people who think just cuz you work hard at something then you’re owed success however, her work is so juvenile and out of touch where she’s trying to push it like she doesn’t work smart enough even though she’s surrounded by a lot of talented artists on the internet. Becca also does really shitty $1/$5 commissions at cons and tbh that just brings everyone down. I followed her blog for random AA reviews and it always was kind of shitty she did that
It’s semi related but I saw wendy xu post this on twitter and it so much applies to her but also like baylee and holly etc
No. 475762
File: 1571779082312.jpg (26.01 KB, 270x370, W_i_t_c_h.jpg)

>>475496this one is cute imo, reminds me of w.i.t.c.h
No. 476159
File: 1571872267860.png (606.66 KB, 734x377, Screen Shot 2019-10-23 at 7.06…)

Holy shit… the background looks like someone smeared their period blood on a white canvas.
No. 476166
>>476159Well Kasey did pretty much that when she painted with her blood
What is that supposed to be, a monster? It's just a shapeless blob with a dumb face
No. 476195
I've seen mastodon crop up more and more among artists, is it a meme or is it good? It seems like a weird mesh of discord and twitter from the outside.
>>476168If the art block is not induced by stress, this is definitely the way out. Especially useful advice if you're going through a grueling several months long art block.
No. 476259
>>476250'she mentions it on and off'
'do tell'
No. 476295
>>476280>>476142'Waffles finally admits'
Like I said, Kay.
No. 476357
File: 1571923546688.jpeg (719.1 KB, 2048x2048, C70949F3-1877-4D1B-B7B5-AE4C21…)

Anyone else hate PuccaNoodles. These are her latest "serious" drawings (didn't even include her doodlier/chibi drawings) and they always look the same.
Girl facing the same direction, her mouth being red is the only color in the whole thing, disastrous messy sketch lines, her original characters have the blandest ugliest character design ever.
Her favorite original character Biscotti is just a very obvious self-insert of her where she ships her with her other character, some guy who's always being ~sweet~ and ~perfect~ and treating Biscotti like a goddess because she herself is single and you can tell how desperate she is for guys to look at her because when she's not spitting out these shitty 5-second drawings she's posting selfies.
She is a storyboarder and has actually worked on some cartoons. Not sure how she even gets hired since her animation and storyboarding are some of the most mediocre shit. I guess since she's a ~storyboarder~ that's the excuse she gives herself to make these half-assed drawings.
If i remember right she used to actually put some level of effort in her drawings but I haven't seen her do it for years. It's all been this shit.
But even then her animation reel with effort put into it has some of the stiffest most boring animation I've ever seen.
Also just to top it off she loves tweeting about sheet music and showing off how she can read it just because she's Asian and her parents had her learn piano.
Also she made a gofundme for $18 grand a while back because she needed surgery and as for as I know she never gave an update or even pretended that she used the money for an actual surgery.
The bitch has 99k followers on Twitter and 30k followers on ig. Just baffles me to no end.
No. 476366
>>476357Those are clearly her sketches (she tags them as such on instagram) and she doesn't make money off of them so I don't see the big deal. So what if she uses her socials to post quick drawings?
>she loves tweeting about sheet music and showing off how she can read it just because she's Asian and her parents had her learn piano.I went pretty far back her twitter and saw two posts of sheet music and one vid of her playing the piano. So you hate her because she likes classical music? And what the fuck is that random race comment jesus
>she herself is single and you can tell how desperate she is for guys to look at her because when she's not spitting out these shitty 5-second drawings she's posting selfiesSeriously are you okay? I saw like four selfies which is a pretty normal amount for a personal twitter account and there are none on her instagram. No idea where you got the desperate thing from since she doesn't seem to post about men at all
>Also she made a gofundme for $18 grand a while back because she needed surgery and as for as I know she never gave an update or even pretended that she used the money for an actual surgery.The only interesting part
Is this some vendetta?
No. 476376
>>463581It's been posted like 10 times already, maybe let's add it to the next op?
No. 476379
>>476195It is. It's made up of different things that are called "instances" that are basically moderated by their own admins and rules, similar to how a discord would be. is good for if you're an average run of the mill artist whether you do SFW or NSFW.
Baraag and Pawoo is good for if you draw anything
problematic but there is a lot of loli/shota stuff on them. But their rules are "anything fictional goes" so if you can stomach that (or just mute/block the people who post it really) you don't have to worry about being called out because you did something vaguely
No. 476456
>>476336His overpains are alright. He doesn't turn everything into a masterpiece. He usually focuses on a single concept, what he sees as the biggest problem, and tries to fix it, or at least explain how it could be fixed. His strongest skill is lighting/rendering, so it's usually that. I prefer his paint-throughs, you get to see the entire process from start to finish, he comments over the video explaining why he's making the choices he does, and the community gets to comment and actually affect his process.
Sometimes, due to the language barrier and his sense of humor, he says things that I'm sure some would misinterpret and sperg over, but I don't personally think he is arrogant or anything.
I think if you want to watch him, start with the older stuff. There are certain core concepts that he stopped explaining because he's already said them so many times, and I think the switch to ipad has made his rendering look clay-like. There might be things he's changed his mind on since the older videos, but overall the content is solid. I don't think you'll get worse by watching him, if your aim is digital art in a painterly style.
Also, if you're a beginner, I recommend his three part series, starting here: that's not the style of painting you're looking to learn, then I'd find someone else.
Also, you sage by putting sage in the e-mail field.
No. 476619
File: 1571970829812.png (1.24 MB, 2621x3489, Seismo's Mouth Page 1 (english…)

Example of her More Recent Art/Comics:(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)