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No. 545052
The previous thread OP forgot to number the damn thing, but here's thread No. #18.
Containment thread for all the salty art fags of lolcow.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies, (because surprisingly that's not derailing the thread digital fags)
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
No. 545283
Anon, there's still room for 100 posts left in the old thread
I kind of doubt artist salt/discussion will die, it's just that this thread is a bit too early.
No. 545336
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Do you guys actually draw? I come from /ic/ and all I can see from the last thread is whining, shitposting and autism.
No one post their work so which explains the zero crabbing. Have a Hogarth.
No. 545365
>>545363tbh I do wish there was an active place to post art and receive critique without interference from teenagers who'll hate anything that isn't porn. The whole "soul/soulless" invention has completely killed discussion on /ic/, since chicken scratched porn will always have soul but anything above a beginner level will be soulless.
Lolcow definitely isn't the place to post our art though, 4chan/kf retards already come here hoping to get funny screenshots, any critique thread would be full of them.
No. 545372
>>545336>all I can see from the last thread is whining, shitposting and autism.That's /ic/ in a nutshell tho
But really, quite a few anons here can actually draw.
I believe you can find some pieces in the board-tan thread on /meta/ and the redraw thread on this board.
But yeah, I wouldn't recommend anons posting their art here if their art style is too recognizable. Don't want people to tie your art to a drama site.
No. 545388
File: 1587735317987.jpg (380.36 KB, 720x1108, 20200424_143452.jpg)

Saw this today and genuinely thought it was a joke at first. Everyone was shitting on it in the replies but I didn't see the artist reply to anyone lol
No. 545425
>>545388Is this new? Looks like she has regressed.
I love how the curvier girls have higher breasts than the normal woman. There also isn’t much difference between the middle and right woman.
No. 545555
>>545448>>545388I’m DYing, some people on the Twitter thread think that people are angry because the pin-up are fat or “plus-sized”.
Why do people defend obesity or fat by classifying it under “curvy” makes no sense to me
Fat =/= curvy
No. 545561
>>545270artists on Twitter are always borderline autistic and/or degenerate furries. Always mid-late 20s early 30s weebs who are desperate for everyone to like them, but at the same time turn on other artists at the drop of a hat if it means a Cancelling will remove the competition.
Wouldn't be surprised if these threads were full of em
No. 545709
>>545684there's no such thing as a
normal body type, and i'm not talking about obese ppl if you're going to ana-chimp out on me
No. 545721
>>545718Oh lolcow you sure love your black and white huh
I'm not saying it's unattainable, it's just simply a body type a lot of women can't get or something most women would consider to be curvy or fit. Nothing about how all women are fat therefore the "normal" would be fat or whatever you delusional farmers think anytime you disagree with someone
No. 545723
>>545705Nope it is impossible to have thighs that fat and have thigh/box gap, doesn't matter ~~~le wide pelvis~~~ meme
Those look like invisible force fields are holding them apart
No. 545730
>>545726Do you look at all these women naked or something? The curviness wouldn't be an issue if added features like no thigh gap, no perky tits, more definition to the thighs and arms, etc was a thing, but the average woman definitely isn't walking around with double D perky tits, huge hips and ass with no cellulite and stretch marks, a thigh gap and flat stomach, if they were then the plastic surgery and fitness industry would be put out of business
The issue is the fact that "flawed" women's bodies are considered so offensive to the art community and it gets boring after a while and doesn't help women's self esteem at all that the average artist claims bodies most women can only wish to have is normal, it also fucks up the standards to the point that attractive women are now considered average thanks to stuff like this
No. 545737
it's a drawing
No. 545738
>>545734>Because x is happening you can't talk about yGenius
Anyway if you're doubting women's self esteems aren't affected by what art and anatomy is presented as normal then you should do some rethinking, it wasn't even until now all artists are drawing the same exact extreme body. Why is the art community not allowed to discuss this issue?
No. 545746
>>545744Most artist starting out aren’t illustrators or animators so they won’t be bothered trying various body types or even facial features (squash and stretch), IG artists or artists like Sakimi have a set body they’ve learned how to draw and don’t deviate. That’s it.
Look also at Loish.
If you want a variety look at traditional painting, not IG or illustrative work.
No. 545752
>>545744We are allowed to talk about this, we are talking about this but I can still call you stupid for it. See I already explained the difference between normal and realistic, but you’re stull going at it. Obviously this body is meant to be normal within artistic interpetations. I mean the headsize is way bigger compared to normal head to body ratio of a real woman but that’s why it’s called semi-realism and not full blown realism. It’s meant to take liberties and it takes them and it’s marketed as fantasy and not representive orf a real life. You want to add realism to what’s meant to be stylized art, because of your own insecurities. I mean real people have lots of flaws, acne, bags under eyes, scars, rash, etc etc, but you never see artist drawing characters with acne, unless the acne is used as a visual cue for the characters role or personality which is usully bullied outcast. That’s because art =/= real life.
No. 545777
>>545771It's crazy how some people will read a negative or mixed thought on something, and then claim it's the same as "censoring" that thing.
Surely, if people were out to censor, they wouldn't even give free engagement by commenting. They'd just mass-report whatever it is until it gets deleted.
They should just come out and admit "I don't like when people dislike the things I like" instead of trying to portray themselves as free speech warriors.
No. 545893
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>>545890We're on an imageboard anon, take a screenshot.
No. 545901
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Someone’s actually defending Sakimichan’s dogshit art here?
No. 545910
>>545907it just makes me want to
trigger them by comparing their work to similar, better and more popular artists kek
No. 545932
>>545925I tend to charitably assume that most of them are genuinely upset by it for some reason, like maybe it hits a specific insecurity they have or something, but it would be much better to work on the insecurity and learn take the intended positive message than to mount a futile campaign to train the entire internet in your preferred commenting style. Especially since they don't all agree? You can see other big name artists in the replies saying they either don't mind or actively like that sort of comment.
Half my feed is full of smaller artists who are always miserable because commenting culture has died and they don't get nice comments anymore. I can't help thinking all the big artists yelling at people for doing compliments wrong might have something to do with it.
No. 545948
>>545932I think commenting culture has died because of Tumblr, iirc complimenting the art directly in the reblog was for some reasons highly frowned upon, you had to leave your impressions in the notes.
A friend of mine is a small artist and she's very frustrated that people don't give feedback anymore aside from the generic "I love this!", she can't grasp what people like and want.
No. 545957
>>545948>>545951These are both things that drive me nuts as a small-time artist. I waste a lot of time hunting in tumblr reblogs to see if anyone left me comments in their tags because of this stupid idea that commenting in the post is rude. Not to mention the insistence that you should never ever delete the caption, so I'm never sure if talking about my process or the characters will stop people sharing it because they don't want to reblog the wall of text.
And seriously, where am I supposed to get friendly crit now that it's taboo to put it in the comments? I actually appreciate when people tell me if I made a dumb anatomy mistake or something, but so many big artists tell everyone not to that all I get recently is radio silence or heart emojis.
I think part of the problem is the needs of big and small artists are too different. Big name artists (especially industry pros) are flooded with comments and have professional editors if they need crit, so I can see why they want to weed out the comments they don't like. Unfortunately, that means small artists are left yelling into the void, unable to tell if people like what they're doing or what they should improve because nobody talks to them.
No. 546002
>>545908the stocking bulge kink was a mistake
>>545947Dunno what software she uses, but it looks like one of CSPs lineart school backgrounds that she may have rendered over.
No. 546021
>>546010I think Sakimichan's popularity has less to do with her as a person and more with her finding her niche at the right time and starting out on deviantart early. Deviantart's features and audience (daily deviations that put her art forward and young weebs being overly impressed by realistic rendering) played a really big part in how famous she got.
She's also good at adapting to current trends, imo. She used to draw a lot of pretty boy fujo stuff, and she's switched to braindead coomer shit because it's popular. Her style can be applied to anything since it just consists in washing out a figure with a diffuse white light and rendering it into oblivion, and that lets her always remain relevant. It's honestly impressive.
No. 546031
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I am one of those who only learned about Sakimi thru her pinup work so i decided to go look around for her older stuff and I wasn't expecting work like this.
I imagine the money must be good now but I wonder if she still loves painting the same way anymore.
No. 546037
>>545932exactly. exactly! all of the examples of comments make me insecure sometimes too, but i know it's because i'm insecure about my art in general and i'm prone to twisting things against my favor. that's not anyone else's problem or responsibility though. i can't imagine being so bratty as to say "when you compliment me i neurotically think of ways that it's actually an insult so YOU need to give me better compliments."
there's one exception i can think of though and that's if people are telling her these things as an excuse to not properly pay her for commissions. sometimes "you're so talented" rhetoric is code for "this is a fun easy gift for you and i assume you do it all the time anyway so can't you just do it for free for me?" but if that's the case she should have just said that.
No. 546043
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>>546039I found nice stuff GISing "sakimichan" before:2011-01-01
No. 546044
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No. 546065
>>545939Ethans egos been inflated to a point that all he's been doing lately is punching down much smaller creators that criticise him
It must be hard to be a youtube millionaire that gets criticisms from small channels
No. 546075
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>>546021I remember when she used to draw Naruto fanart in mid 2000s. She was a teenager back then and I was pretty impressed with her level of skill, and thought she was going to develop into some really interesting mature artist. If anyone showed me what she churns out nowadays, I wouldn't believe it's the same person, lol.
I understand why she does that (anyone would for that kind of money) but I wonder sometimes if it eats at her that she went a commercial route instead of doing more "authentic" stuff.
No. 546118
>>545719>Wah men are actually like this while women aren't. Women of the same age typically are unless they're fat or have a diff body comp… just like how men can.
it ain't that deep fam lmao
No. 546122
>>546035even if you think her anatomy is shit, the reality is that no one's anatomy is going to be 100 at all times for every piece… especially when you pump out a new one every day.
Not to mention, some respect for the hussle and work ethic at least. She's put in 15 years to get to the point she can draw pinups for at min 20k a month, she's more than earned it imo.
No. 546150
>>546131I knew sakimi’s work back when she was working for game companies up in Canada and tbh I respect she can make way much more money doing patreon and pinups and basically being her own boss. She’s making way much more money doing wonky pinups than she ever could with a “real” art job. Her style and wonky anatomy isn’t my taste but like considering how
toxic working for companies can be, especially game companies, like props to her for making that paper
No. 546191
>>546010I don't think that's the case for Sakimichan as other anons have said but I've seen several male NSFW artists start to hide that they're a man once they start to get known or even suggest they're a woman. I've seen this definitely help their popularity as they get even more pathetic followers hitting on them like they were an irl anime girl.
Tho not sure how much of this is rational business strategy and how much is actual trooning out bc of being addicted to porn
No. 546205
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Have sakimi’s copycats ever been discussed here? If so please link me because I find them way more interesting. Especially the shameless ones who think people are stupid and won’t notice tracing. This is by axsens. After she was called out she hid this piece from her main gallery or deleted it on some sites.
Actually, I might dump some of the other shit I’ve found about some of them, because I don’t feel like they’re shamed enough.
No. 546215
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Olchas is another copycat, with a patreon of 223.
i get that a lot of these artists hate to be called out and get those annoying "you're copying sakimichan" comments when their works are too similar, but this one did such an idiotic move. She made a journal entry in 2017 saying that sakimichan was the one copying HER. Not only was she a nobody, but her art was
way worse 2 years ago than it is now. The journal said that sakimi stole her ideas, stole her lighting techniques, and way cover her ass for the fact that she was the one who did all of that. In reality, olchas was copying sakimi in such a blatant way, in fact she still does it. I put some examples in the pic
and here's the journal: No. 546217
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>>546035i'm really sorry for samefagging 3 times in a row, but 20k? lmao she was getting more than that
twice a month back when she had a whole 5,000 LESS patrons than she does now. Try 150k per month.
No. 546266
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>>545908the stocking bulge kink was a mistake
>>545947Dunno what software she uses, but it looks like one of CSPs lineart school backgrounds that she may have rendered over.
>>546035>>546075>>546122>>546131>>546150A lot of people don't realize some people get into commercial illustration because the hustle itself is fulfilling, even if their style is regressive. It's terrible if we come out and admit that to our peers; we're seen as shills (for… ourselves?), selling our souls, etc. It's kinda crab-in-bucket thinking in its own way.
Plus, for all we know, she could be working under a different name for her more serious stuff now. I'd imagine these pinups take her less than an hour or two to pump out now. I cringe at the people who eat this wonky crap right up, but I don't blame her for taking their money at all.
>>546205Customwaifus was probably my most "favorite" just because it's so unabashedly honest about what it is. I don't think she copies Sakimi's poses, but she's definetly studied her tutorials and aims for the most profitable anatomy. Pic related.
Her Patreon is under review as of this posting, so I can't see her new follower count. If I'm not mistaken, in 2018, she was making enough to start going full time.
I prefer working in a flatter style, but it almost makes me want to learn how to render this way just to fleece the sheep that eat it all up.
No. 546268
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>>546161Why the fuck are you defending this garbage?
No. 546273
>>546266LMAO how can anyone even like this? the boobs don't even look like boobs, they are just weird balloons attached to her and it looks like she is falling.
>>546268at least on this one you can say the clothes and hair are well rendered and she went for more bright colors for once instead of her usual faded stuff. anatomy is still garbage though.
No. 546302
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>>546273All of her stuff is like this. It's so busted.
I guess I can at least say, in this one, she actually adapted the character's facial features vs generic one Sakimi adopted over the years.
Doesn't mean it doesn't look weird as hell.
No. 546333
>>546319to be fair… photobashing is the norm in concept art. but yeah it is sad when people this skilled mainly make cultural waste. at the same time, though, if you've existed five minutes in this world you know people will pay top dollar for tasteless crap if it's marketed right
nothing to do about it except roll your eyes and support the stuff you want to see more of tbh
No. 546371
>>546279NTA but this repeating of muh coomer art is getting tiring. She panders to the mouth-breathing horny masses, there's just no point in going in circles about how the titty don't work that way and stocking bulges are gross.
>>546323Yeah this. If she makes a million dollars a year drawing porn then whatever, I wish I got that kind of money for smut doodles. Not all art necessarily needs to be striving for the high art status, some of it can be mindless entertainment. It's not like Sakimichan is even declaring herself to be some pompous bitchy authority on how you should be drawing or how she deserves more recognition like a lot of other Dunning-Kruger artists featured in this thread. Just making bad art isn't really interesting imo, being delusional like thinking every red demon girl is a ripoff of your art is.
No. 546441
>>546384Then make a thread about her then if you hate her so much.
It's not that people are defending her because they actually care, it's just that you fucking "muh bad anatomy" spergs say the same fucking thing every single fucking time she's mentioned.
make a separate thread for her or fuck off.
No. 546451
>>546441Sage your autist sperg. Just ignore things about sakimi and move on, there is no reason for sakimi to have her own thread. The main focus of every piece she makes are people, the fact she has been fucking the basic anatomy over and over again is ridiculous. Especially for the amount of money she makes, the quality feels bad. But whatever, people do whatever they want, good for her that so many people think that shit is good, others will still dislike it.
People defending her are just contributing for the same argument to be on a loop.
No. 546465
>>546458>>546453Are you braindead? You are the one angry about a comment and bumping a thread about this. The post you replied was my first post about sakimi's art ever, I don't even care much about her. I was simply pointing out the complete stupidity of wks rambling about people not liking her shit and then acting surprised that people are still talking about it.
>>546455Then stop bumping the fucking thread with unsaged crying, you are just contributing for the same shit you just complained about.
No. 546470
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So I know lore Olympus has been a thing for years now but I could never read it because the art is such a burning eye sore. But it always seems to reach the top 5 in best comic… but why? I can't be the only one who thinks this is ugly
No. 546493
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>>546372She doesn’t though. Sakimichan only makes about 10 pieces per month, which yeah is good activity, but she used to do 20 back in around 2015. I remember in January of 2016 she had to take the whole month off because of stress/health issues and probably lost at least 60k for not posting that month.
Im confused why some of you criticize her for maximizing the money as much as she can? Why wouldn’t she want to be as rich as possible and maintain her place at the top? IMO her earnings are closer to 2 million. The patreon is probably making at least 1.5mil just from simple calculations, and she’s also got her gumroad which has thousands of packages all valued between $10-$60, she also has her storenvy selling posters, her art books selling copies, and she goes to all the major conventions every year where she’s known for buying 2 booth spaces and sells posters at $20 each. Just do the math and the number is astronomical.
I think she knows that she’s degraded in most ways. The photograph backgrounds are lazy as hell and don’t look good, but it sells anyway so what does she care?
Though for the record sakimi didn’t just turn into a perv-pleaser overnight. She was drawing yaoi sex scenes in gaiaonline back in 2005 when she was a teenager. If I find it I’ll post it. This is one I found but it’s definitely more tame than others I’ve seen.
No. 546519
>>546470I think it probably hits a lot of trope sweet spots. For example, people LOVE them some "Tall Mean Bad Boi But He Wuvs Small Girl So Hes Only Nice To Her" and some "Catty Society of Rich Sexy Demigods Whomst Love To Fuck". And as an earlier poster said, the stylization gets wonky on anatomy often, but the artist clearly hasa grasp of color theory, graphic design, and shiny effects.
It's not my favorite look either, but not every comic can be a super shiny clean manhwa I guess
No. 546573
>>546406I think that's what's actually going on, which would explain how she's churning out a new render a day. Even if she worked fast or on many all at once, it would definetly burn you out.
Her apprentices might render over her sketches while she puts more time in the voiceover tutorials, assuming those are still a thing.
>>546435If she's doing this, I hope she writes a book or makes a documentary about her experience. She's the Thomas Kinkade of fetishy fanart but nowhere near as big of a cow as he was.
>>546486Oh, I've seen her old stuff. It was super busted and the rendering wasn't nearly as crisp as it is now. But admire her drive; it's honestly motivating. She has a really simple and straightforward model that lets her Patrons feel included in the process.
I'm actually interested in discussing this kind of business model, but it draws out some ire.
No. 546590
>>546470I read Lore Olympus, visually I think the artist has a really good understanding of color and composition that makes up for some of the other problems. Otherwise I think it's a prime example of how appealing writing will rescue unappealing art - people read it because they like the story and the art is just good enough not to put them off. It's got some fun details hidden in it too that make it popular with people who know a bit about the mythology, so it's attracting several different types of fans which will be boosting the numbers.
Also, it updates on time and is an easy read. It's like a Saturday morning cartoon, entertaining brain popcorn that shows up at the same time every week.
No. 546597
>>546568I mean we all can’t live in pre 20th century European art academia like you are where everything was just portraits and landscapes. You don’t have to like it but I bet if you looked at any of the photos of the other webtoon top comics you couldn’t name any except lore Olympus. Same if you only saw the titles, you don’t know what any look like except LO because the style is pretty singular to the brand. It doesn’t have to be realistic to have merit, that’s fuckin baby art school ways of thinking
>>546566Bauhaus is too abstract to describe LO’s stylistic influence and the real only similarity it has to bauhaus style is that wow they both use large blocks of colors. LO is more similar to commercial style art of sixties, more UPA/Disney style and color blocking similar to coby whitmore and mead schaffer mixed with modern cartoon Steven Universe-ish influence, vs bauhaus which is just design patterns and shape. Learn an art history before knocking on shit cuz it has colors and you don’t know anything else
No. 546610
>>546600It depends on the IP holder and their own attitude with derivative works. Nintendo is notoriously protective of their IPs in general, they care about their image but people still do things like kickstarters for shit that’s obviously fan art of animal crossing or Pokémon but smart people don’t tag it or they call it a “puppy backpack” not an “Isabelle from animal crossing backpack” so that it’s harder for bots and their legal team to find. But the creator takes that risk anyway cuz people eat that shit up. I’ve seen times when companies demand the creator destroy any existing work once a C&D comes and unless the creator wants to fight them in court, which they probably won’t cuz it’s fuckin expensive, then they have to destroy it (or not be caught selling it or they risk a lawsuit).
Shit like sakimi making a pinup of an “ice queen” that looks like Elsa, Disney can totally take it down if they wanted to but they probably won’t cuz they aren’t as protective of that side of things or are actively searching for it. Like nobody’s parent is gonna buy a print of porn Elsa and give it to their kid because it’s her and she’s not selling it under the Disney name or using any other Disney trademarks (trademarks = official logos or branding). But like, if she was selling it like as a mass market book, claiming it’s from Frozen and advertising it openly then of course Disney will shut it down, it will affect their image if they’re associated with it. Disney totally has the power to tell her to take it off her website and patreon and destroy it with proof but they don’t care as much. Disney has all the money in the world but furloughed 100k employees for the corona pandemic so I don’t think they’re gonna spend the money to pursue some shit like this.
This also applies to everyone selling fan art, sakimi doesn’t get exceptions cuz she has money, she can’t pay off the copyright police but she totally could if they existed. That’s why smaller companies/franchises like Undertale specified what they deemed as acceptable fanart (they said nothing mass produced although that didn’t stop people anyway) or they partner with a site like Redbubble where they grant short term licenses for approved work (RB has a list of IP they have contracts with, you submit to them and it can sell as “official” work but you can’t sell it anywhere else cuz of the contract).
No. 546619
>>546580Other anons already responded about her avoiding the copyrights by not using the character name and altering the designs just enough to make it into an original creation. A lot of people use this trick such as party princesses (the actors who perform at kids' birthday parties) and cosplayers who sell prints. Most companies don't care and especially Japanese ones turn a blind eye to fanworks (see: the Doujinshi industry) because it's basically free advertisement for them but you really gotta know which ones will come after you. Disney is big enough to have altered the copyright law in order to prevent Mickey Mouse from ever falling into public domain and Nintendo, like already mentioned, is exceptionally protective of their brand.
But seriously it's not hard to use the loopholes in the copyright law. Tinfoiling over how she gets away with it because she has money is dumb as shit because in the end even though Sakimichan theoretically makes over a million dollars a year it's still small money in the grand scale of things. It wouldn't be worth it to pursue her or any other fan artist for it as she's not a Chinese labor factory churning out thousands of bootleg Mickey Mouse mugs.
No. 546620
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All this Sakimi talk and I’m surprised no one brought up the ‘spicy’ tshirt designs she did. Yeah it’s old news and I can see why a select few would buy them, but I really find them unappealing.
No. 546621
>>546619Yeah most anons here especially tend to have the most basic baby views of how art works in practice. Similarly, it’s like when someone brings up that a cow went to art school but are a shitty artist, like paying for an art school diploma doesn’t necessarily make you a good artist.
tbh these threads are just waning cuz there isn’t any particularly good milky artists right now or they have their own separate, boring threads. It’s all devolved now into the morality police just chasing themselves in circles about what is “right” on a particularly not so milky artist. Yawn
No. 546628
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>>546626there's a market for that.
No. 546637
File: 1587987595589.png (Spoiler Image,653.03 KB, 1182x972, Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-27 um 1…)

[Image from a short animation about female pubes]
I'm so torn about Alberto Mielgo. His animation ist formally stunning and I've never seen anything like it but I'm kind of marveling at how you can build your career out of being really into hot women and hardly drawing anything else. Is it because he's so completely unapologetic about it? His painting are basically all naked women - he even paints from actual porn idek -, his (three) Emmy-Winning short for Love Death Robots was basically "my issues with romance" (the dude in the film looks like a self-insert) and the story is a flimsy pretext to have a hot young asian camgirl run around naked. I always get the impression he must be really messy irl.
No. 546639
>>546599Speaking of shady tactics (although it's free to read so not really shady in this case), one thing the Lore Olympus author is REALLY good at is weekly cliffhangers. She always answers a question from a previous episode, then introduces a new one right at the end of the update. It's pretty cleverly done because you're always left wanting more information, but you also have some trust that it will be addressed in a later update, so you don't just ragequit.
Actually if the salty anons don't mind some art school sperg, Lore Olympus is a case study in the difference between what makes a good illustration and what makes a good COMIC. If you're learning how to do comics specifically, your goal is to keep people reading, not to have perfect art. Your readers will only look at any one panel for about 2-3 seconds, it's more important for it to look good at a glance than to be a polished illustration in its own right. Each panel should make you want to look at the next panel, and each page should make you want to turn to the next page. They literally teach you to put a 'mini cliffhanger' on every page turn. Lore Olympus is really good at all of those elements; it doesn't matter that each update only has one panel that holds up as an illustration, because it's good at conveying the narrative. As long as the narrative itself appeals to you, that's all you need.
Also like
>>546597 said the style is very distinctive, that's also extremely useful in webcomics because the market is so saturated.
Basically Lore Olympus is putting effort in exactly the right places for the type of product it is, so the ways in which it's low-effort don't matter.
No. 546642
>>546637Dude this is like a ton of men in the art world who have any personal work that involves women, like it’s just super common in general that women are always objectified. Not that this makes it any less gross, I see what you’re saying cuz I am also a woman so like this kind of like “I know what you’re fapping to exactly” kind of art is just gross and super uncomfortable, men just get away with it more cuz sperging kids on the internet will turn on marginalized creators more so than actual
problematic men. But yeah he doesn’t just do women, he’s a movie artist most famously known for work on Into the SpiderVerse so he’s had a career before that.
Idk where I’m going with this but like yeah, there’ll be pages upon pages of like shit cuz sakimichan doesn’t draw boobs and people will throw arms over discourse cuz heaven forbid a fictional 19 year old and 25 year old gets shipped by the fandom so that’s pedophilia but there’s less of an uproar when there’s skeezy art about women done by (white) men
No. 546649
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>>546639TY anon, this actually kind of makes me want to start reading LO just to analyze it this way? Like the art gets rough and anyone who worked a comic under deadline knows there’s lots of shortcuts, but knowing it works well with the writing like what
>>546590 said as well sounds interesting. It also doesn’t seem like it’s a comic well suited enough for print too? Like a lot of older webcomics are formatted to eventually be printed so like updates don’t cliffhanger as well.
Her thread is dry as hell cuz there’s no new milk but all the LO talk is reminding me of Becca Hilburn/nattosoup “I’m the sensei of watercolor comics” cuz she’s sort of the opposite with bad storytelling, terrible technique and no knowledge of color and watercolor. You can see how deliberate LO can be when contrasted to this disaster
No. 546650
>>546621kids are out of school because of corona, so i feel like more have been coming here and shitting up the threads. they just have little or no perspective on the art world and are convinced of ideas they come up with themselves instead of doing a little research.
>>546639this is actually making it sound very interesting lol. i've been thinking about a webcomic idea for some time now and the biggest thing i've been wondering besides story is how much effort i should put into each panel/page. with a simplistic style like lo it seems easy to hit that sweet spot of polished but doesn't take too much time, while with a more detailed style it's a bit hard to figure out what you can skip out on.
>>546649i've seen this page like 3 times now and i still can't figure out which way you read it, the paneling is just so bad.
No. 546673
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>>546649Please God make it stop.
No. 546716
>>546649I'm pretty sure that Becca's biggest problem and the reason why everything she does looks so bad is her laziness and her lack of patience. She tosses the first idea she has on paper, sloppily barfs some color on top of it, goes "eh, good enough" and starts the next piece with absolutely no knowledge gained from the previous one.
Of all the artists mentioned in the salt threads I think her content is the most unappealing. Kara looks repulsive. Rare birth defect repulsive.
No. 546717
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>>546649Oof. Saged for more art school sperg, but that page would be a masterclass on how to guide the eye around if only she knew what she was doing and was sending it to the right places. As it stands, we start at the extremely green shirt, then the girl's arm forms a line with the cat's ear so we jump to green eyes, then the paw is breaking the panel border so we skip a whole panel and follow it down the line of the girl's body, hit the bottom panel (the only one where we can actually take in the entire panel at a glance) and realise we've missed the biggest one on the page, come back to the green shirt again, and now… where do we go?
Note that the blue boxes indicating what we've missed include the PROTAGONIST OF THE COMIC in 4 out of 6 panels.
This page is also characteristic of a comic artist who references manga without knowing what they're doing. Note how the biggest character is looking to the left - against the flow of text (but with the flow of text if this were in Japanese). We're fighting the human girl's line of sight for the whole page, zigzagging between the end of the text (if we had speech bubbles) and her looking at Kara. The tiny gaps between panels work fine in a black and white shoujo manga where the art is very light and soft, but with a western-style full colour background make it hard to spot where the panel breaks actually are.
I was going to desaturate this and gripe about how there wasn't enough contrast, but it actually read better that way because the girl's shirt, the grass and the cat's eyes weren't competing with each other for BRIGHTEST GREEN.
And this is not even getting into the points of action she's chosen to illustrate. The cat seems to teleport from the girl's lap to the grass and back, and Kara teleports from way off in the grass to up on the steps in one panel too.
Things like forming lines within panels and breaking borders can be done deliberately to lead the eye, the problem here is Becca doesn't MEAN to do it, so it's taking us all over the place and making it hard to read.
No. 546736
>>545901Same face,same bimbo body,nothing to see here,coomers still pay for her shit so there's that
Is there anything worth discussing today?
No. 546772
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>>546575May as well, so
>>546585You've probably seen some other artists do similar, but she has a nice and simple combination:
-She has the standard "vote for who you want to see" poll. I think she also did one for pairing two random characters together for her yuri one.
-She prices patron tiers by her artwork "levels." The higher the level, the more hardcore the picture is. Pic related is an example of how levels look.
(The "owned by" is whomever got one of her commission slots, I think.)
What makes it work is that she's extremely consistent with maintaining the levels. She keeps her guarantees pretty consistent.
She used to run a patreon for male characters called Customhusbandos, too, but it didn't make nearly as much.
>>546605NTA but I don't blame you for feeling this way. It makes me wish I could write since written erotica is the popular medium to pander towards women. That being said, it could be due to the fact women are just so horribly undeserved when it comes to things like drawn smut, so it just seems like they aren't interested. People think women don't indulge in visual things, but there isn't much for us to indulge in. Time to be the change.
>>546639This was enlightening. I'm used to doing art for games, which is right between illustrative and storytelling, so comics seem pretty intimidating for me. I love the idea of asking a question at the end and chaining it to the next part.
No. 546776
File: 1588018154497.png (692.88 KB, 864x563, lavender.PNG)

why does she keep shading with red!!??
No. 546778
>>546323honestly, I don't get the mentality that being a sellout is bad.
Idk what's so great about the starving or struggling artist aesthetic other than the ability to constantly complain about how other people are more successful than you and talk about how hard it is to make it in the art word.
No. 546783
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>>546649I know this is such a nitpick after everything everyone else has said but my god her hand looks like it’s been fucking amputated.
Overall while these are definitely smaller issues in her comic compared to the awful pacing and tge characters looking like they’re having vietnam flashbacks when they’re meant to be chilling, every problem in her comic as a whole, also exists in single panels. Like she cannot frame for shirt; every pole is cutting the hand off and from the wrist too, she’s cannot choose which are meant to be important panels so every panel has just as much detail as the next, which makes it a cobfusing read, she cannot set her characters into the frames to give them equal focus and her perspective and angle work is so abysmal that Kara is barely visible in most panels.
Even worse is that this kind of comic would hugely benefit from low and high angles, to actually hammer in how small kara is and how to big world is, and allow us to actually zoom into kara while keeping to other chick visible too but in her comic every panel is from slighly raised angle or straight forward which just makes kara sink into the panels. Like I didn’t even notice kara at first in half of these panels.
No. 546872
>>546772Are you 100% certain this artist is female? I have a hard time believing someone that has a vagina would draw a backwards one. For instance it's really easy to tell some doujin artists are women because they draw dicks backwards. I guess maybe she could have spaced out and drawn it the wrong way, similar to how some artists sometimes space out and draw two right feet.
I know she's trying to emulate Sakimi's style, but her shading is so sloppy and muddy. I can't tell where the light source is supposed to be in most of these.
No. 546903
>>546872Yeah, she made a video once and has a female voice. I’m honestly surprised customwaifus out of all the copycats is the one being discussed here. She has absolutely zero art experience beyond sakimi’s tutorials. Most others have at least been drawing since before patreon’s existence. This girl just jumped in the water with nothing and just winged it. Which is why I’m forever surprised that she’s making any money at all, let alone a full living.
I messaged her once years ago and she was cocky as fuck too.
No. 546906
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Have you seen Liang Xing? He has his patron number hidden but it used to show over 1,000 so he’s making a ton. Ngl he’s a great artist and has worked for some major companies. Which is why I found it so weird that he’s another copycat. He used to do it less noticeably, like copying her original bride dress designs or general themes. But the other day he did this…lost all respect for him. He’s a joke now
No. 546910
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>>546906oh shut the fuck up neither of them are original, they're just basing it off actual art
the pose is fucking stupid regardless
No. 546933
>>546906Sakimi makes enough money to hire and draw from live models like an actual professional, yet she chooses to shit out stuff like this. You can use live models or photo references for non-realistic art– they give you a nice base to work off of so the posing feels more natural.
Both pictures have a problem with the legs not looking properly attached to the bodies, particularly the bent legs.
>>546910NTA but I disagree. The two fanart paintings have way more in common with each other than they do with the original you posted. Both drawings 1) removed the girl's shoes 2) turned a petite, flat girl into a seven foot tall Kim Kardashian 3) are in landscape 4) have her left foot bent 5) give her a weird white loincloth thing 6) make the metal trim on her clothes bigger, pointier, and more ornate and 7) give her some kind of crown thing.
He clearly copied her, but who really cares. You could fill a stadium with Sakimi skinwalkers. Hell, her copycats all seem to even use the same style of watermark she does.
No. 546935
File: 1588055457063.png (520.75 KB, 512x724, Ishtar_1stage.png)

>>546933>removed the girl's shoes >give her a weird white loincloth thing >make the metal trim on her clothes bigger, pointier, and more ornate>give her some kind of crown thingmaybe it looks so similar because it's FANART based on OFFICIAL ART.
I agree their art is shit but nitpicking over similarities about a character/series you don't know is autistic.
No. 546949
File: 1588058976577.png (587.35 KB, 528x790, Screenshot 2020-04-28 at 08.29…)

>>546772>I love the idea of asking a question at the end and chaining it to the next part.You don't have to be super obvious about it either, you just make sure you left something unresolved. To use a boring example, in the last-but-one episode of Lore Olympus we found out Persephone doesn't have a bank account and the update ended with her trying to open one. This week we saw the rest of that scenario, but instead of finishing there it started a new scene with Thanatos being shady and left THAT unresolved. In a print comic it can be as small as needing to turn the page to see someone's reply in a conversation. If you look at existing successful comics and try to spot the unresolved thread on each page turn it's pretty easy to pick up how to do it.
And/or just buy a copy of Scott McCloud's 'Making Comics'. It covers pretty much everything you need to know about the fundamentals of sequential art.
No. 546953
>>546942Depends on who you follow. If you follow a lot of American artists, especially now with the current pandemic crisis handling, a lot of Americans on twitter are starting to turn more to socialism because the US lacks any safety nets or means in case systems fail the individual. Creatives tend to lean more to socialism because the creative system can be greatly exploitative of artists- contract work is super common but it does not come with benefits like healthcare, companies take advantage of skilled workers and underpay/no benefits (example being the recent leak from Naughty Dog is attributed to them not paying a worker), and creative fields tend to be undervalued for the amount of work required. There are no safety nets for Americans in that regards, so if you follow American creatives then many are losing livelihoods cuz of cancelled events or companies folding. I appreciate seeing some of it, being American and a socialist, but tbh I’ve unfollowed artists who get too weird or too retweety about this shit and just follow them on Instagram cuz that’s more image based. Twitter is more like opinion and word based so to lots of people they’re like sounding boards or journals.
>>546948Go read a fucking book outside and stop sucking Reddit dicks, you redpill ignorant cuck. This has nothing to do with the question asked so go drive your pickup truck into a lake while choking on your frank miller comics
No. 546988
>>546946Wow lmao I can only
imagine how shit your art must be if you think life drawing is obsolete.
No. 547012
>>547004You can do both and ask people to pose while you photograph them, though, or even just look at yourself in the mirror. Using yourself as a model is great because you can feel if the pose you have in mind is actually comfortable and natural.
>most good artists also can do most simple poses from head so that's really unnecessaryThe pose in Samikimichan's drawing was a little complex though, that's why anon recommended drawing from life.
No. 547104
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>>546988I'm aware of figure drawing, but the practicality of setting up art studios with live models today eludes me. If it's still being done in those fine art circles I'd be impressed. The closest analogue I can think of is animation studios using/filming references. Plus, your butts clench at purchasing ipads, how are you gonna afford live models and studio space for your anime fanart? Stop being such a fucking crab.
No. 547105
>>545907I sometimes help my artist friend table at cons and she hears "Wow, your art looks just like Disney's Sleeping Beauty movie!" a lot. Like, at least ten times a day. So I can get how it'd become annoying.
To be fair she's always polite and says "Yeah, it's a big inspiration for me!" and doesn't get mad, but I bet it gets old after the tenth time someone says the exact same thing to you.
No. 547111
>>546778>>546784The whole 'starving artist' ideal was conjured up by a bunch of late victorian (early edwardian?) trust fund babies who could afford to do this kind of thing.
It's funny when you hear someone who's supposedly passionate about the arts harping on the old masters but totally ignoring the fact that they had full-on workshops that mass produced commissions with artists working on different stage.
>>546903I just bought her up because she was the first one who came to mind when people asked about Sakimi-clones.
The fact that she jumped in and winged it is what makes her more interesting to me. I think that the artists who do this same kind of rendering and actually have some fundamentals down might feel more intimidating to some of these coomers. I get a slight vibe that there's a "supporting my virtual girlfriend who draws me sexy waifus" thing going on since she had quite a bit of followers even when her style was much worse.
I'm not shocked that she was cocky; she honestly has a Not Like The Other Girls vibe, at times. But for her to do what she's doing, she would have to. It's like she's where Racist Uncle wishes she were at. Forgive the indulgence, but I have a weird fascination with artistic hacks.
>>546949Thanks for the tip! I'll check the book out, too.
No. 547126
>>547108There's no bigger turnoff than artists being super smug and disdainful towards their non artist fans. I see this a lot when there's some art challenges or memes trending (like the recent 6 characters) and these guys go "ARTIST MUTUALS ONLY", it looks like they don't even want to interact with their fanbase.
>>547089Like somebody else said, they rarely credit the artists and the reposts often get more popular than the original posts. Also, let's be honest, every artist is on Twitter now, what's the point of reposting on the same platform?
I guess people are more lenient with reposts from Japanese sites like Pixiv because its navigation and tag system not being the most intuitive (although it's much easier to use now than 10 years ago), but Japanese artists hate being reposted, even with the source.
No. 547145
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So is Scamerella ever going to get any consequences from being the piece of garbage that she is?
Even being MIA for almost two years i still see people sucking her balls, all while she stole what over a thousand dollars?
The bitch even lied about being oh so poor third world bby when she has always been pretty well off.
No. 547151
>>547126pixiv's navigation is only not intuitive if you don't understand japanese, getting a little run down of what each thing says and then using the site is pretty breezy. i think it should be the standard to not repost art at all, most of the time reposts are either uncredited or on the same platform anyway. and even if it's on another platform just giving a link to it should be more normal than reposting the image.
>>547145could you give some sources and context to any of what you said?
No. 547152
>>547151 has been inactive on all social media since early 2019 because she scammed her fans off comission and print money, then sends a crappy apology email being as vague as possible and asking people to "keep it between them" when the story sounds flaky as hell, she's not poor as she claim to be and has always seemed to be from a well off or even rich family (also backed by most pictures of her room, selfies using new iphones and using an ipad pro for art).
No one has been refunded and she ignores all her clients while still being active on private social media, again thats over a thousand dollars since she has used the money to pay for overseas trips to cons.
No. 547200
File: 1588124326633.png (287.39 KB, 562x347, I_think_Neytirix_needs_a_bette…)

I've been following Neytirix for a while and used to I guess–like her art? But her latest pieces I'm having some issue with.
And it's bringing to my attention that she's not a good artist yet she has 423K subscribers and is YouTube verified.
No. 547203
>>547202Yea I like the way she does lineart so I guess I might've looked away from the obvious anatomical errors when I first started watching her.
A shame.
And that definitely makes a ton of sense. Her coloring isn't that bad either she's just very amateur.
No. 547232
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more power to them, but i don't really get talented people choosing to make their art unappealing. her professional work is not like this so i'm puzzled. i guess she cares more about telling a story than making it look pretty, which is fine. but her stories seem to be mostly autobiographical so i don't see why has as many followers as she does
No. 547260
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>>547104Most artists who do art with very photo realistic bases hire live models, this is from Adam Hughes’ deviantart where he shows how he used it for his cat woman covers, but it’s not uncommon as you think. It’s mostly cuz lots of beginners and internet artists will do anything but interact with live people or something that is not cost effective. But if you just google live drawing and your area, there’s chances there’s local places who do classes or sessions out of their studios, and I’ve had friends who work for game and art companies who do model workshops for their artists weekly. It’s not an archaic thing, it’s tbh the most important thing to learn if you want to nail any drawing that looks like a human
No. 547263
>>547260not to mention a photo reference will not give you the same sense of volume and weight as a live model
but these are of course points that a serious artist would consider, i understand where the anons calling out sakimichan for not giving a shit are coming from
No. 547281
>>547260you're talking about two different things though
going to live drawing sessions is beneficial - yes
expecting an ANIME artist to call in a model for reference - fucking stupid
No. 547306
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Anyone know or following Deepeearts on twitter? Seriously this girl is the biggest fakeass. I saw her often do artists support threads and shit like art store threads as well. At least she like the replies at least? Seriously, don't ever hope you'll get help from her.
No. 547314
>>547292Even if, in this case sakimi, did get a live person - then people would complain she’s not social distancing or her job isn’t essential to endanger others
The goal posts keep moving and the entire point is fucking stupid anyways
No. 547317
>>547306This is the most obvious clout-chaser on twitter and whines everytime someone calls her out on that. I never had a direct interaction with her but had to block her account so that I don't have to see her tweets at all. I laugh about all the people kissing her ass in hopes that she'll somehow support them.
>>547314You do know that there was a time before social distancing and we can talk about how her bad decisions in the past may have lead to where she is today? Besides, I agree that even having live models won't save your art if you're really just shitting out artworks by the minute and don't care about the actual quality.
No. 547379
File: 1588168048231.png (376.24 KB, 1080x937, k068kywuqmv41.png)

So I found this posted over at KIA-of course the neckbeards are frothing at the mouth over it. Personally I never thought her work was "fatphobic"-I do think sometimes her work looks a little off (like in the boob/arm section of the pic on the right) but I wonder if this is actual outrage and not 3 people just complaining as it usually is.
No. 547385
>>547380I mean yeah I do think its got an obvious click bait edge to it but I just thought it was funny people would care. Here is the link if you want to see all the neckbeards fuming kek>>547381This. I always just thought it was her style so I was suprised to learn she give anatomy tutorials.
No. 547392
>>547306lmao I’m mutuals with her and I will say it’s kinda sus how she’ll do all these art share threads to “help support smaller artists” and then complains if someone DMs her directly to request that she RT something specific to help then get exposure. like… both things serve the same purpose stop whining
also her Qinni tribute was totally a clout-chasing measure lmao
No. 547702
>>547682It depends on how much you use it. Noise filters and the like used to be just for added texture to a piece to make it look less boring.
But now it's used as a backbone for a lot of amateur artist works since it creates that interest to hide the actual flaws.
So as like a sprinkle on top, I'd say it's not bad but if you're using it on a piece that is so obviously bad without it–it's frowned upon.
That's just my opinion however.
No. 547708
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>>547671basically the whole reason why this bitch and their followers are even popular when they churn out the most mass produced and generic shit on insta
No. 547755
>>547292I'm not knocking live drawing for practice and study, calling up your girlfriend to bend over for and model her ass for a coom pose, or even studying anatomy in general. But concept artists and kids' books illustrators are not going to be calling live models in just for one or two pretty pictures, and I don't even see a big market for those detailed Norman Rockwell-esque illustrations in complex settings where having models would be warranted. You get people like in
>>547260 which is pretty neat and admirable, but I can't imagine this is widespread practice anyway just because there's less demand for that sort of work to begin with. There's a reason there's more film/game studios than painters' workshops these days.
With regards to sakimi, lol even a shitty 3D model could help, sure. But this is less about her needing to use live models for specific art pieces and more about needing to practice figure drawing from live in general. But all sakimi and her clones need to do is shit out the same mechanical coomer work monthly so does it matter at this point? Not really.
No. 547761
I don't get why people even expect Sakimichan to create high art other than to just drag her down with some warped "she doesn't deserve the money because her anatomy is shit" crab bucket mentality. She's creating popcorn entertainment for people and making a bank so accurate anatomy isn't as important as high grade rendering. Why do these people keep on going about how she has some sort of a moral responsibility to hire models or draw from life? It's clearly not what she's going after so even debating it is a moot point. She makes money without David-like proportions and realism and if she's contempt with just creating sparkly rendering then I guess that's it. It would be much more interesting to actually debate if she had Holly Brown/Racist Uncle tier delusions of grandiosity but as she's practically just printing money with shiny things I find it really hard to care.
>>547708>>547710>>547715>>547722>>547753I swear these posts give me some major selfpost samefagging vibes unless we have a really bad underage twitter faggot raid going on
No. 547776
>>547748lmao can you not read?
I said studying life drawing is good, but expecting a SINGLE ARTIST to HIRE A MODEL to pose for SHITTY CHEESECAKE pinups is FUCKING STUPID
No. 547803
>>547761Thats a lot of text to say "i dont care", but I agree that I also dont see the problem either. I really dont think its a lot of people saying this, certain parts of the internet have a tendancy to overexaggerate things.
>>547786Yeah agree-she has the right idea in avoiding engagement especially on twitter which is terrible for this sort of thing.
No. 547827
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What do you guys think abt @withapencilinhand on insta? I liked him a little before he drew fucking 'ahegao isabelle' and now im skeevied out
No. 547828
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ahegao isabelle
No. 547841
File: 1588256826199.jpg (703.88 KB, 2289x1225, PicsArt_04-30-09.26.15.jpg)

Can meyoco knock off die already??
No. 547853
File: 1588257681309.jpeg (Spoiler Image,111.84 KB, 1069x1073, wat.jpeg)

>>547827Followed him for his portraits and technique, got tired of all the mediocre nudes.
Wtf is that clitoris?
No. 547869
File: 1588261885521.jpg (270.27 KB, 620x948, 1588197682955.jpg)

Someone posted this on the Moo thread and just… yikes. What the hell is going on with her tits? It almost looks like she drew one boob and copy pasted it. Plus it looks like her boobs are trying to detach themselves from her chest and fly away. Her hair looks like Play-Doh, and the tail looks half-assed and unfinished. Her leg is just broken. The stock background looks like shit, it's way too busy and it clashes horribly with the hearts and glow around her head. Why didn't she just draw Isabelle's office instead of copy pasting in what looks like Queen Elizabeth's drawing room? This drawing is definitely in the top ten worst of hers in my opinion.
As an aside, I don't mind that Sakimi makes money with bad art, I just like making fun of bad art. If people will pay for it, good for her.
No. 547884
>>547882Exactly, also some of his portraits can be proportionately very wack too, maybe thats just his style though
Very nonsensical but his nude portraits of mostly women also weirds me out
>>547857Ah so sorry i forgot to turn off the bluelight filter
No. 547894
>>547887I'm gonna sperg for a moment but I honestly prefer her not having her own thread. Don't get me wrong, I despise her unfunny pickme ass, her inconsistent stories, her obvious clickbait and bullshit uploads for attention, and her obvious lurking on here which she consistently brings up to show how 'self aware' she thinks she is, but giving her her own thread is exactly what she wants.
i don't even think it's about her being boring either. her voice is annoying, her videos are poorly made and mass-produced and she doesn't even use her own shitty art for them anymore, so many of her stories are obvious exaggerated, pure bullshit, or her putting herself in an angle to where her edgy preteen fans who believe anything she says will continue to push the narrative that she's a
victim (even though most of her drama she starts or inserts herself into). I'm sure if someone cared enough to look into her stories or claims, she'd have plenty of milk.
but she barely makes art, creepshow art as a name at this point means nothing because all of her videos are clickbait surface level drama channel bullshit with art that isn't even hers playing behind it. she obviously lurks here for ammo to use, so giving her the relevance of having her own thread or mentioning her is just feeding her ego. i'd rather she just stay in the corner looking like the irrelevant clout chaser she is
No. 547923
>>547877please learn to read. all i said was that not all of them are similar to her art.
>>547887her videos/personality/art are way too boring for a thread. i never got the anons who used to spam her videos here, all the info in them is stolen from here anyway and it's way more accurate to read up here if i wanna know about some drama going on.
No. 547935
>>547894>>547887Yeah, I really don’t like her either, and giving her a forum dedicated to her, hell, even giving her the slight attention here gives her more subscribers and attention.
Someone who likes to victimize themselves while indulging in drumbass drama ( that normally does not try fix the issue because she profits from it ) and being a
toxic individual, is something that I really don’t support.
No. 547965
File: 1588289026698.png (78.83 KB, 1080x606, dont be like this.png)

>>545890>>545893I don't get this attitude either. Comparisons are meaningless and dramawhores that want to toss around "copy" accusations when you know they're false are not even worth the time or effort because other people will already see that they're full of shit. It's so petty to get upset over empty comments typically made by minors.
The only time you would need to address the issue is if some other artist starts threatening you with court documents. "Lawsuit threats" aren't enough, they need to show me that they actually got in contact with a lawyer over this absolute crap and their lawyer didn't laugh in their face and tell them to go home.
No. 547973
>>547761>>547804I agree with you both. Why would she or anyone else in this market feel obligated to hire a model just to draw something based on a FOTM character that might be forgotten about in a year or less? They know their audience is too lowbrow for any of that. If she were working on some high budget original IP? Sure.
It makes me think of the Twitter artists trying to rake in new views with day-0 fanart of a newly announced character. Anatomical and technical issues won't be relevant; people are just looking for art of the new waifu/husbando. Churning it out within a few hours tops all. And even if the glaring errors are pointed out past acceptable rendering, the saying "there is no such thing as bad publicity" comes to mind.
No. 548020
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>>547869Speaking of, I found this on a Facebook art group. Any mention of Sakimichan will get you mobbed by everyone else in the comments for being mean.
Out of all the artists to copy, why Sakimichan? Say what you will about her, but at least she doesn't shade with black. It makes everything look dead - the only thing that looks dead in Sakimichan's stuff are the cold, lifeless eyes of fictional characters that are whored out for those sweet Patreon bucks.
No. 548043
>>547894I might be wrong, but I believe she self-posted in here a while back, only to cry on Twitter about lolcow bringing up her dead brother and
abusive sister or something. She's much more popular and somewhat credible nowadays, so I'm betting she'd suffer a massive mental breakdown if someone posted all her milk. I mean look at her reaction to the Jeffree Starr interview or when Blaire White blocked her on Twitter.
I honestly think she's bound to get a thread on kiwifarms in the future. Even her fans are picking up on the fact her life stories range from exaggerated to straight up fan-fiction. Also her fishing for compliments and basically begging people to call her pretty is weird, I mean the majority of her fanbase are underage girls.
No. 548092
>>548078Same, she reminded me of and had me crave ice cream sandwiches when I was a kid lol
However, those thin eyebrows remind me of an era long gone
No. 548102
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>>548097Mostly its a grey area. Meyoco also got her artbook published in japan
No. 548106
>>548102As far as i know, allow us to upload fanarts there as long we drew it by ourselves.
>>548097Whoa, congrats to her. Serioulsy im not impressed at her art at all thanks to her pissy yet petty personality on selling her merch online. She hates her homeland sooooooooo much yet she doesn't want to ship her merch there. Good thing that she got many paypal disputes after fans got her merch safely, karma is real.
No. 548119
File: 1588336361249.jpg (78.95 KB, 900x643, meet_the_artist_meme_by_sasucc…)

>>548116>>548103ntayrt, Sasucchi95 is pretty popular but the only drama i recall involving her was the time she got shit for a "meet the artist" meme where she had listed children as a dislike
No. 548138
>>548119Okay but why did she put her weight
>>548131holy shit lmao
No. 548244
File: 1588355982530.png (972.18 KB, 1125x2436, meyoco tutorial how to.png)

psd files if requested
No. 548261
>>548244>>548245Gonna second this anon, it's cringe and stinks of vendetta and jealousy. At least proof read your shit for typos and grammar mistakes before posting it. It's gonna be a long ass year when the lockdown and the upcoming summer vacation allows seething underagefags to post their teen drama here.
I honestly miss the time we would discuss artists who had actual drama instead of nubile art class 101 high schoolers reeing about inoffensive popular boring weeb artists and how they don't deserve their followers.
No. 548262
>>548210>>548163Yeah… I do say her art has nothing interesting like wow incredible art. I do concern why don't she try improve on compositions, angles, or perspectives to make her art look dynamic.
At least she drew better than you two anons. Your art might be good but still won't be as good as her level
No. 548272
>>548180She didn't sell her merch in her own country just because she hates how
problematic people there (political, religious-centric,
problematic af). Heard from artists who have attended a con with her, they claimed that she's a difficult person. She acts snobbish towards her boothmates. She often tweets about her bashing her own country.
I'm no longer support her bc of her racist attitude.
No. 548294
>>548244Idk why anons are so mad
this is a salt thread, tf you expect? Reasonable discourse?
At least it explains how easy and copy paste these #aesthetic art styles are for n00bs
How bout you mad anons make better ones of an actual cow's style or something?
Multiple people dog piling an anon that at least posted content is counter productive af
No. 548296
File: 1588361913191.png (62.81 KB, 933x340, Capture.PNG)

so Webtoons is holding a webcomic contest. Are any of you entering? The rules are complete bullshit though. from the looks of it only already popular artists have a chance. I would've entered if it weren't for that and the fact that whenever I try to enter the website my browser labels it a threat.
No. 548307
File: 1588363065455.png (1.02 MB, 1125x2792, meyoco tutorial how to cringe…)

-Try my best to not blogpost here
Hello anon i'm the creator of this knock off tutorial. This is my first time making tutorial,so i don't except anything good here.(note english isn't my first language)
Honestly make this is for fun aka shitpost if you can call this too
. I understand why anon thinks steps 8 as vendetta or jealousy posting.(probably my edgy humour lol) Also art this picture is rushed that why look sloopy and bad
No. 548312
>>548244“Step: 8 commit Seppuku”
Racistuncle is that you?
No matter what, Anon, please don’t tell people to commit suicide because their art is uNoRiGinAL
No. 548320
File: 1588364487078.png (181.34 KB, 363x326, meyoc.png)

>>548307anon it's not that hard to draw the eyes looking in the same direction
No. 548327
File: 1588364985331.jpeg (470.71 KB, 750x678, 46027B27-6525-4CB2-8017-68CFFA…)

>>548320Hey anon, I think you mean this one, it looks 2x as bad
No. 548357
>>548352>but to say that she's actually telling people to commit suicide when it's just some unfunny meme is hilarious of you(s)It's just another sign that this thread (and others) is basically filled with the type of snowflake that'd normally get mocked here. They just come here to vendettapost about people they're just as bad as, if not worse.
Like, this exact form of exaggeration (someone writing "commit sudoku" has now become "you LITERALLY told people to kill themselves!!") is one of their main tactics, especially in their "callout" posts. It's a manipulation tool to make their sperging over petty subjects seem somewhat justified. It only works on literal children and other deficient people, though. It's like weaponized virtue-signaling.
The meme/shitpost tutorial isn't good, and probably a vendettapost in its own right, but it's also not really a big deal worth all the (You)s. 100% chance that there are some salty meyoco copycats ITT.
No. 548378
File: 1588374015851.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1815, 546F8758-BF0D-4D40-BAC2-A682B1…)

May have already been talked about, but what's with this black hands shit? She colours them black in irl pictures too.
No. 548379
File: 1588374086243.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1242x1820, A1F85CA7-A029-4116-8361-CED815…)

>>548378Samefag, here's an example of an edited selfie.
No. 548382
File: 1588374468113.jpg (146.07 KB, 1080x1350, EWuTRWEX0AM45uN.jpg)

>>548380>>548381NTA but her photos definitely are edited. In this pic she basically drew over her entire hand. I can believe she really does have some kind of condition that darkens the skin on her hands, but I'm guessing she feels self conscious about the way it actually looks so she edits them to look this way instead?
No. 548431
File: 1588383496208.jpg (67.2 KB, 700x467, 5c3466fd0dc24-comic-pants-5c2f…)

>>548378Seems like an art cope technique for being unable to draw hands, so she made it a part of her style. theres a strapless bikini comic she does where she draws her hands normal from the same period, but it was an easy hand pose.
No. 548434
>>548103Love her coloring techniques
Dislike everything else
From her same face to her constant reuse of poses, generic backgrounds, etc
I used to really look up to her and wanted to learn from her style, but the threat of same face syndrome scares me.
No. 548435
File: 1588384224005.png (504.45 KB, 809x590, Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 6.43…)

>>548431>>548386this is what she had to say about it 4 days ago
No. 548470
>>548438Theres buergers disease
But youre right it probably just a gimmick
No. 548497
>>548470Yeah like
>>548438, black tissue means dead tissue and with buerger’s disease, it’s because blood vessels get damaged and lead to tissue death. If she had this as a child, then she really wouldn’t have fingers, not just coloring. I more believe the red panda thing, she’s probably a furry that keeps a “non furry” art account to be taken seriously but also doesn’t want to separate the red-panda part of herself. I know a few people deep in furry who have accounts like this but they can’t stop referring to the fur aspects of themselves.
No. 548538
>>548360Try my best to not blogpost
Instant regret ,I rather spent time for studying alphonso dunn book(ink tradi drawing).Mostly doing this shitpost in my freetime and do it because i don't want to forget how to use digital
>>548352>>548357This thread actually went downhill after the stupid catfight when anon asked "which one better?Ipad or cintiq(display tablet)" in the last thread.
This thread community is probably a mix of tumblr,twitter and little bit of ic(aka less autistic of ic with sensitivy like tumblror twitter)
>I also some anon followed the tutorial in another thread. Glad it helpedProbably plan to make salty tutorial in the future. And dont worry i learned from my mistake.
Sincerely tutorial creator
No. 548578
File: 1588403048046.jpg (14.42 KB, 259x300, image0.jpg)

>>548575my thoughts exactly lmfao. anon's entire point was that it was easy to do yet failed miserably. now they're upset they got made fun of too. some of these people have no clue where they are at.
In other news this person has almost 50k followers and possibly the laziest shit art style i have seen recently. "uwu aesthetics" have gone too far if this dogshit gets you attention on instagram
No. 548593
File: 1588407922168.png (731.48 KB, 532x884, e08e5b7f8eb021962e2e2e2b43b192…)

>>548379>>548378all the pics/vids in her IG story her hands are totally normal
maybe shes just a 21 pilots stan?
No. 548730
>>548296>>548316The thing about only already popular artists winning is actually not true. I was interested in the contest, so I read the current Tapas thread concerning it and the one from 2018. The old one is full of people complaining about popularity being such a big factor, but in the end when the winners were announced a lot of them were "underdogs" that none of the posters in the thread had expected to win.
It also says right there that it's a purely skill-based contest and the level of engagement would be measured reasonably and most likely according to circumstances (like how long the entry stayed up, how popular someone already was and the ratio of subscribers to likes/comments and so on?).
So I'd say you should definitely go for it if you want to! Especially since the webtoon crowd seems to be very easy lol
No. 548844
File: 1588444502370.jpg (48.21 KB, 499x657, _20200502_192820.JPG)

>>548578Kind of ot, but why does everyone seem to have 10k+ followers on instagram now? Everytime I go onto my explore, I get shown the most bland, generic moe art, most that isn't even well drawn, and when I click on their account they have 30k followers
I used ig 2014-2016 and back then it would only really be good artists that could get that type of following, but now I use it again, it's like I'm on a whole different app
Here's an example of someone who I keep getting recommend, she posts nothing but these same faced shitty sketches, but has 24k followers. I thought she was 12 but it turns out she's 19 years old
No. 548873
>>548818I'd also recommend you draw in pen, or at least don't erase anything, if you make a mistake just move to a clean piece of paper and try to draw it again.
At the moment when you make a mistake, you correct it so you're not really retaining WHY it looks wrong. Drawing in pen will force you to sit with the mistakes and see them properly, that way over time you learn which mistakes you normally make and start to correct them before they happen. It sounds like you're slowing that process down by fixing every little thing.
No. 548889
File: 1588453928192.jpg (42.42 KB, 500x375, tumblr_o4tztpJEx91qkn25so4_500…)

>>548818it sounds like you're too in your head and haven't worked on the physical part of drawing enough. i treat a lot of my drawing process like a workout with equivalents to stretching and warming up and doing mindless grunt work before doing anything that requires thought or creativity. started doing these exercises last year and nothing else has given me so much noticeable improvement. even family members who used to say nice things about my art no matter what are starting to go "oh…you've REALLY improved now!" Anyway, it takes the anxiety out of doing confident lines. It may not be 100% perfect every time, but my muscle memory is good enough now that I can feel confident that my hand won't go wildly off course or extremely jittery when inking my drawings. Do that and some croquis. They might look horrible when you don't rely on any shortcuts but that's fine. No one has to see them!
No. 548918
>>548881Tapastic and Webtoon both have its pros and cons, but if you're just looking to post a comic for fun without expecting any attention on it, Tapas is the way to go. If you're looking to grow an audience and get known for your comic, Webtoon is the way to go.
Tapastic gives you a lot more creative control, such as being able to schedule your uploads, and you will be notified if someone comments on your work. Tapas also tends to be a lot more LGBTQ+ friendly in its userbase, and more diverse in terms of art style and story.
Whereas Webtoons is a very reader-centric environment and most of its demographic is the Wattpad demographic as well. There's a rating system which keeps up the quality control. However, I've heard from smaller creators with relatively low social media following that they get bombarded with low ratings, as fans of popular series tend to downvote other series to make their favourites look better by comparison. You will not receive notifications if someone comments and you must check manually. However, it's good for getting attention if your story is the type that appeals to this demographic.
That's basically what I've seen and this is all a matter of opinion, but I hope this helps.
Saged for kinda ot.
No. 549027
File: 1588474784411.png (1.15 MB, 758x778, l8fl2bht8qe41.png)

anybody else absolutely hate the art for lore olympus … like wtf is this garbage inconsistency
No. 549031
>>549027Oh my god just scroll up, there’s someone explaining art inconsistency is normal in comic books, even professional ones and that lore olympus is actually good for what it is, a cheesy wattpad romance
Can people please shut up about it already
No. 549309
>>549273Holy chimpout, Batman.
A little inconsistency is to be expected in any comic. But the inconsistencies
>>549027 showed are really prominent. It doesn't look even remotely like the same character. I think the main issue is that her eye/pupil size changes too much, and each panel seems to give her a different jaw/head shape.
I don't know why so many of the WKs in this thread bring up money. Rob Liefeld made tons of money– that doesn't automatically mean all the criticisms of him are bad faith and rooted in jealousy. The reason why LO and Sakimi come up a lot is because they, like Liefeld, are well-known– the more people see a piece of mediocre art, the more likely other artists are to point out its flaws.
No. 549342
File: 1588512638486.png (895.55 KB, 3000x3000, 1257833_inagreenhoodie_party-s…)

i recently started using newgrounds and it's pretty swell because you can find artists with good art who don't have that big of a following. well i started following this artist called InAGreenHoodie who i thought had a pretty cute, kinda minimalist style. looks like they didn't find the followers they had enough though, because they announced that they would stop doing good art and just work on shitty ~uwu relatable~ comics. it's pretty sad to see artists care about numbers more than about putting out quality works.
No. 549343
>>549342It’s because being a sellout
is a bad thing - it wasn’t “invented by Victorians” as some anon said earlier. it’s a bad practice not just in art, but in in any industry. Quantity over quality, no quicker way to completely lose your soul.
No. 549373
File: 1588520470402.jpg (613.69 KB, 1080x2018, 20200503_223632.jpg)

I've seen someone who posted a thread of this artist. Bruh… Instagram peeps sure is blind isn't it? They always gives unsolicited critiques to already high end masters while at the same time they compliment artist like this that doesnt even study the fundamentals who wants to pay 10 dollars for art like shit? Skip-
No. 549386
>>549273Lmaooo, some anons like myself HAVE read this shit taste comic. All characters are generic in the way that satisfies a middle/high schooler’s own self-insert and The inconsistency is abhorrent.
it’s on the level of Steven universe, actually much worse because at least the characters in SU all look distinguished from each other and have the same basic unique shapes and not depending on colour. You know that scene where hades and his bro’s go to the human realm, I wouldn’t tell the difference between them, and they had to use coloured text to show the difference. I’m tired of each male characters suddenly growing a yard long nose and looking like a hades recolour because the artists on staff don’t care to learn how to draw the character for the sake of their “own style uwu” - the females have it worse too, they all look like Persephone without the pink or the “smol girl” when standing next to someone
No. 549396
>>549081Just how long does 'the run' have to be? One successful project isn't your end-all-be-all. An artist can have different target audiences and brands over the course of their lives, if they wanted.
That short run could net you more than enough to retire early (if you're REALLY lucky), invest in bettering your skills, being a learning experience, or move on to something bigger and better. Just because the end product shows inconsistency and stagnation doesn't mean what they're doing off-the-clock might. Time is money, and deadlines and audience demands are a thing.
This isn't coming in to cape for these creators; a lot of artists need to realize, if they want to do this for a living, what makes them the most money may be their most simple, sloppiest, silliest, stupidest, and easiest-to-digest shit. This means more funding for your real passions. Though there's still a matter of finding a balance.
If you're doing art for the sake of art and yourself, none of this applies.
If you're not trying to pay the bills with it, reading this post was likely a waste of your time.
And if you know who your audience is, a lot of what I just vomited out might be irrelevant.
But if you're getting mad because the lowest common denominator on social media aren't appreciating the time and skill you took into putting into a composition, and the hours upon hours of study and craftsmanship that made it possible, you should either re-consider why you're making this art, who you're making it for, if not yourself. Are the same people who eat up these "relatable" scribbles the same people that you want as your target audience?
>>549343Since you have admirably atrocious reading comprehension, I'll clarify: I was talking about the concept of being "starving artist" as an ideal that came around during the Bohemian movement, which sprang about during the tail end of the Victorian period, not selling out. They do NOT mean the same thing. Artists selling out to the wrong crowd and fucking themselves over is a tale as old time. Abandoning the idea of being a starving artist is not "selling out" if your goal is to pursue commercial art and make a living.
Selling yourself out implies sacrificing your principles. No one HAS to post UwU Dumb Shit to succeed unless they want the UwU Dumb Shit audience. If you hear yourself going "so I have to bring myself down to this level to succeed," then ask yourself why you're even putting time into this in the first place? Why is this the end all, be all point for success? Is this how you define it? Why are you even comparing yourself to someone with a ton of followers who eat up the most inane, redundant art? Is that the crowd you really want? And if it is the crowd you want, quit hoping they'll develop tastes and play to it. Otherwise, don't sell out and go make the effort to find your audience that will appreciate your growth.
No. 549415
>>549373The reason high end artists get unsolicited critique from kids is because they're professional artists, and thus they should be absolutely flawless in these kids' heads. It's easier to criticize a gourmet meal for not meeting your standards vs a mcdonalds burger. These shitty arts don't get criticized by kids because they see them as being on the same level as them, and since they can't draw like this it looks insanely good to them. It's an art style they could do, so they aspire for it.
It reminds me of a youtube vid i watched which split art youtubers into 2 categories, aspirational and inspirational. A less skilled artist is more relatable to a broader audience who's interested in art and drawing because they see that art style as an achievable goal for themselves
No. 549421
>>549386>>549273I'm art school sperg anon and I feel like I should clarify that it's still
valid criticism to say the character models are inconsistent (they are) and the story is cliche (it is, don't ask me why I like it). My point was to explain why it's so popular despite those problems.
The artist can get away with the characters being so inconsistent because they're so strongly color-coded that you could still understand the story with just colored blobs. That's great for readability, which is key in a comic. BUT it doesn't mean it wouldn't be better to have strong color-coding AND consistent character models.
Like if you have to pick one or the other then you should prioritize readability, but if you can have good readability AND your panels hold up as illustrations that's still better.
No. 549516
>>547887I think
>>547894 summed it up perfectly. But don't think you're the only one who finds her absolutely annoying. It's pretty obvious that she's a clout-chaser and that she exaggerates her stories. I think the sad thing about her is that the kind of commentary content she makes could be good if she wasn't so bad at it. If she stopped exaggerating her stories, stopped the cringe self-deprecating humor, and at the very least, used her art more (even if it's not that appealing), it wouldn't be as bad.
I know people don't like Twisted Disaster and she has her annoying quirks too but I'd much rather listen to Twisted then Creepshow because at least Twisted uses her own art and doesn't really clout-chase, at least not that I remember.
No. 549590
File: 1588550666840.jpg (159.71 KB, 1378x2048, 95787001_2619283544999171_7210…)

spotted another 'digital artist' in the wild
No. 549593
File: 1588551022789.jpg (38.27 KB, 960x498, 96358751_10158251904147943_316…)

>>549590i'm not the only one who thought it was a trace over and even when i looked on the op's insta and saw their timelapses it still looked a bit traced
No. 549667
>>549415At least they learn the fundamentals rather than milking content by crappy sketches nd post them on their IG. Please keep in mind the artist on the pic is not a kid anymore, a young adult who needs to improve their art. They don't even understand anatomy, fundamentals, coloring, and rendering. What company who wants to buy crappy sketches like that for the illustrations?
Feel bad to say this, they wasted their whole time on IG rather than actually studying fundamentals. Like the other artists, they used to be a beginner but gradually they improve and improve on art.
Anon, you probably need to stay away from this forum then study some art.
No. 549670
File: 1588560399835.png (3.12 MB, 1211x2048, Screenshot_20200503-224026.png)

Does anyone else wonder if people who hold art contests on insta choose shitty art on purpose? Because I've seen so many where the entries that win are much worse that some of the others. For example, the one I've shown is so much worse than the pieces that were chosen as runner ups.
No. 549714
File: 1588564842375.jpg (23.27 KB, 346x499, 51ZVZqfPOiL._SX344_BO1,204,203…)

It's taken me this entire thread to realise LO stands for Lore Olympus.
It took me long enough to realise you weren't talking about the awful pic related, too
No. 549788
>>549714It’s weird, it’s a loli book but it runs multiple anti irl cp and anti pedo campaigns in the ad sections.
So they’re clearly stating fiction shouldn’t be mistaken for real life. Idk how to feel about that.
What do you guys think?
No. 549791
>>549788It's weird how it looks so innocent. Like, these aren't sexed-up fantasy lolis. The illustrations on the cover look like normal children going about their lives. It's creepy.
I think the ads are more for liability for the magazine. Like, if they end up found in some IRL offender's stash their asses are covered. That, or they really want pedos to keep it fantasy only and to keep buying the anthology.
No. 549796
>>549794What is more likely: some insta art thot pumping out shit to advertise a procreate brush set would actually bother to do a 1:1 likeness or just blur filter>trace to pump out content for the algorithm.
Also as if that's an impressive skill to begin with and not an easy in to impress normies with pedestrian taste, especially digitally.
No. 549797
Are all semi-popular artists think that art is a personality trait? I'm friends with a company of artists that are considered well-known in my country, and all of them seem to me like fucked in the head weebs. I'm a little weeby too, but not so popular and I don't even consider my fanarts a serious artwork. I noticed that if I try to discuss anything aside from fandoms or art cons, they are not interested. If we discuss real life, everything comes to other artists discussion, and the more popular they are the more they consider them a "nice person", and everyone else have "shitty artstyle". Their merch isn't even that profitable, and they don't do much to gain more money or following. But they definitely think that they are almost like Sakimi-chan, or Loish, or whatever. Is it a popularity thing, or I'm just "lucky" to stumble upon people like this? Judging by what I see on the internet there are a lot of artcows and artists in general who think this way.
No. 549798
>>549796I thought it was traced at first too but looking at it close-up I'm not so sure anymore. Those eyebrows look very artificial.
What's the name of the artist? I wanna take a look at their profile.
No. 549943
File: 1588615376131.png (362.25 KB, 828x1792, BFAE0FAC-26E6-4C4D-A652-10C412…)

Why is Kasey always so fucking rude? I used do watch her a lot because I liked her simple art style but god damnit her character is off putting.
She just comes off as a bitter old hag 9/10.
No. 550136
>>549590She probably tracing the basic outline of the face. Hence the perfect positioning but everything else seems to be of their own skill.
I saw her account and in many clips you already have the base sketch down with all the portions or in big chunks the sketch is drawn out. which seems like she sketch on top of the picture take a screenshot of the progress then combines them in the video.
No. 550234
>>549522Right. I mean sometimes I do think that Twisted exaggerates her stories sometimes like how in her recent video about MLM/Pyramid schemes, she was going on about how some of her friends went homeless to which I have to question that because of how she said she was homeless when she actually wasn't but aside from that, she's just easier to listen to, she has an admittedly good speaking voice that I actually don't mind listening to and she doesn't fucking self-deprecate as bad as Creepshow does.
>>549797I wish I could give my 2 cents but I honestly don't know much of any artists in my RL. I'm usually the only one who likes doing art when it came to my old friend group and I can admit that I can be a little nerdy/geeky when it comes to animation and video games but I'm also into music and love talking about that. I'm just really introverted and don't have much of a social life lol
>>550171I think that
>>550201 said it best, it's mostly time and effort but the key to Sakimichan's rendering is intense shading and highlighting to give that extra hint of life to the coloring so just focus on detailing when it comes to shading and highlight. Use real life references to help get a feel.
No. 550264
>>550255I used to follow Nerdecrafter, it's a shame she turned into a monetized sob story. I loved her review videos, but then she started constantly crying about her disease, how she didn't have a childhood, how she got fat, etc.
I thought she said she quit her job so that she could focus on getting back in shape… Well it's been ages and she's still chubby. I got the feeling she quit because she was making enough money on Youtube, but instead of being honest, she decided to blame it all on a disease she's milked to the point, it sounds like stage 5 cancer.
No. 550512
>>550255I finally watched this video and is she really surprised that people don't want to interact with an acne-ridden overweight woman with a hunchback? She was probably under impression everyone at the event was going to recognize her and beg for collaborations.
Also I just remembered that she allegedly ignored NexJen's DMs, so it's not like Jackie is supportive towards other creators.
No. 550563
>>550560Right. It also doesn't help if the YouTuber in question is getting commission based on how many they sell or if they want to keep receiving bigger and better tablets for free consistently to sell or auction off for clout.
It's smart but a bit greedy.
No. 550608
>>550604It depends on your art style. I like adding subtle gradients to add the notion of depth without going through the effort of actually rendering stuff. Also look neat for backgrounds.
Overall gradients work best when they're subtle and used in rather simple/flat art styles but then again they're a tool like any other. Play around and see if you like them.
No. 550618
File: 1588713928652.jpg (162.76 KB, 1080x1059, IMG_20200506_042242.jpg)

Non milk but I fucking hate these kind of retarded chain messages. "Artist support" kinda shit is usually created because the artists who create it want attention themselves.
No. 550619
>>545336>>545372Old but I assume the majority of people who post ITT are small artists who aren’t that great and probably average 200 likes per piece they submit to Twitter.
There’s too much whining and autism for any real/successful artist to want to spend time here.
No. 550620
>>550618Gosh this reads like a scam ad lol
Do these easy steps and get 1 million followers!
No. 550681
>>550577I have to agree. As much as I love original art, it's a given that Fan Art will always be more popular as it appeals to the masses and it's just a compromising thing that an artist can do to drive traffic to them and then if they do have original works, hopefully they're interesting enough to their new viewers to give it a look.
>>550604It really depends on the art style for sure. The only time I ever really do a gradient effect is when I color character's eyes but that's about it as I just prefer a more simpler color style for my own work but I've seen some really nice styles that did utilize the gradient style.
No. 550713
>>550255I've noticed she usually name drops big youtubers in her videos and always saw it as a desperate attempt to get noticed by them
she has shown her pewdiepie mug, mariah elizabeth's merch, simplynailogical nail polish, etc
idk maybe she's genuinely a fan of them but it does come off a bit like she's trying to leech off of others fame
No. 550810
File: 1588744429580.jpg (63.7 KB, 375x481, Image0.jpg)

hopefully the "tutorial" trend on instagram ends soon and i can stop seeing shit artists who teach you nothing posting these every god damn day. none of these tutorial artists have any clue what they are talking about and they all end up being "start with a circle and then add details and congrats you drew the mona lisa!!!!"
"i keep getting requests for a tutorial" bitch no you dont you just wanted to hop on a trend so just say that.
No. 550814
File: 1588744702786.jpg (44.96 KB, 557x519, 24375429697821343.jpg)

another Meyoco clone is rising in the ranks but at least this one has actually aesthetically pleasing art maybe even more so than meyoco
No. 550834
File: 1588749622498.jpg (68.59 KB, 1080x1080, 91393144_568059280734099_82526…)

>>550831yeah this artist follows all of the "aesthetic trends".
No. 550836
>>550736She's a bad artist, has nothing to do with the medium. It's also a bad mindset to have to just blame your medium on things, instead of taking a look at yourself and improve your skills.
These arttubers are so quick in making excuses for their lack of skills, new medium, they didn't had time, they got other hobbies they want to do…
No. 550861
>>550704this dude has been discussed so many times already, what's the point of posting one of his videos without saying anything about it? smells like a self post honestly.
>>550810"make the peach look like it's made out of latex to be a good artist!"
>>550814>>550834at least the dango one is different from what i've seen meyoco do (do correct me if she has done that too though), the can one is just pathetic because it looks so sad if you compare it to meyoco's original.
No. 550862
>>550861those cans are better than the one from
>>547841 at least.
No. 550963
File: 1588782759542.png (797.96 KB, 1146x640, what.PNG)

>>550736Why on earth are her lines so messy? You'd think a "Pro Artist", even in a different medium, wouldn't be making such half assed and poorly formed lines.
No. 550979
>>550967No this is not, this is like a definition of a chicken scratch. A lot of professional artist can have messy sketches and a lot of them do but they tend to use far fewer lines and longed strokes and theirs are usually more confident. Look at the chest area even, she cannot do even a simple curvy stroke and instead every line is shaky and wobbly. It's
Form is an issue too obviously but with sketch this messy, it kills any form you even may have had.
No. 551063
>>550255Watched the video on incognito because I don't want this shit in my recommended and looking through the comment section, so many of the creators she complained about in this video actually apologized in the comments–despite having ten times more subscribers than she does.
It pisses me off that she complained about them so heavily, and didn't think that MA Y B E they're social anxious (as many YouTubers tend to be) or just can't handle large crowds of people and/or fans.
All of this is so childish and the subtle notes of "was it my face?! It was probably my face" yes. Honestly. If I saw you walking up to me I would quickly shuffle away cuz you look like a whiny asshole.
She had absolutely no empathy for a lot of the creators and just went by how long they interacted with her which is…very narcissistic to say the least.
What a salty bitch.
No. 551089
>>551086Oof yea I understand that. The fear of the company coming at you about your comments…but it still says something where you recommend a product you don't have much faith into to an audience of what you know is full of kids or teens.
But money is money I suppose.
No. 551144
File: 1588812127395.png (242.42 KB, 1075x1089, Screenshot_2020-05-07-07-35-31…)

Am I the only one who hate these guide to comment or interact with artist as if we aren't labelled entitled and oversensitive enough?
Also what's with the "Don't say someone's OC reminds you of x" it's natural to compare a thing to another you know and hold no ill intention (unless they're accusing).
Imagine being conceited enough to think your mary sue is so original, but insecure enough to lose all confidence once a kid on the internet says it resembles her favourite anime character.
No. 551145
>>551089 >>551086
She was given the tablet too for exchange of the review by the company so yeah that’s tricky. I more trust reviewers who buy their supplies and disclose they did with their own money because they’re not bound by a contract or fear with a company. I appreciate she did tests on MediBang and krita tho, most people don’t do tests on anything other than like photoshop and that’s kind of inaccessible for a lot of people
No. 551162
File: 1588815848207.jpeg (126.77 KB, 512x465, 786C2CD0-8A9D-4A42-9E03-0EEE5D…)

picrelated great example of piece using gradients.
>>550604>But how much is too much gradient? no such thing.
>And is it really necessary to use it in your artwork? absolutely
>Or is it just filler to hide mistakes?of course not!
No. 551172
>>551162Wow that map brings back some memories. It looks so much worse than I remember it looking
>>551163You good, anon?
No. 551174
>>551163Yes… yes… you can say it… I believe in you… you can say it…
>>551172She just needs a little time to think..
No. 551203
>>551163Awww come on anon
Let it out, you got this, come on pss pss pss pss come on
No. 551250
>>551144I hate this too. As long as they're not saying 'you copied [character]' I think artists should just take it as a compliment and move on. Most of the time it's baby teens who do that and what they're trying to express is 'this looks professional' or 'I like this as much as I like [character]'. They're trying to say something nice, just let it go.
Artists might be happier if they tried to interpret comments charitably instead of taking everything as an insult.
No. 551254
>>551144To be honest the "your OC looks just like x" sounds rude even though it's probably not supposed to be, a lot of people take it personally when they're trying to create something original and a random person kind of dismisses their effort. Some more malicious commenters even use it as a passive-aggressive insult to make fun of it, and you can never be sure of the intentions behind the statement. However it's childish to have a huge public spergout about your originality being questioned though but I see no harm in telling people that it's lacking tact to bring it up. I also think there's a difference in tone between saying "This character reminds me of x" and "This character looks just like x", the latter is much more brash and can be read in a more accusatory way.
Sort of related but I once deadass had a person claim that I copied character x with my character design even though I had never even heard of the character I supposedly plagiarized, they didn't even look like each other but had a similar (quite generic) color scheme. Like literally started nagging me about it and insisting on how I totally ripped it off. So personally I'm a bit on the edge with comments like this but I've learned to ignore it.
No. 551258
File: 1588838086020.jpg (82.33 KB, 1080x972, 95657238_229497408353499_74505…)

Prefer 2018 style than 2020 style. seems to glossy to me
No. 551307
File: 1588850634565.png (830.58 KB, 805x1156, facehues.png)

>>551295Like a lot of these art trends (red noses, blush on knees/elbows) it's an exaggeration of real local hues. Artists see someone do it, don't understand the reason or the overall lighting context, so they mindlessly replicate it until it looks stupid.
No. 551317
>>551307Yeah this is also related to the blood vessels and how thin/thick the tissue is in those areas. The hue guide u posted is very useful to get more natural variation in the face and the pic posed by
>>551258 at least shows some knowledge of the warmth in areas like cheeks and noses, but the original photo is probably this Kpop boy wearing TONS of pancake makeup. I think that’s why the 2018 one looks more natural and the 2020 one looks sunburnt, they’re making up natural coloring but it’s too intense so it’s more jarring while we expect 2018 boy to look this smooth
No. 551412
>>551144Not relevant, but why the fuck do these people shade the eyes like this? They're spherical, not sunken in. Maybe spend some time w/eye anatomy instead of whining over inane comments.
>>551254I've seen it used as a backhanded insult, too. But it's very hard to tell online if it's someone making an innocent but positive comment (which they may like it BECAUSE it reminds them of a character they like–and sometimes they're nice enough to point that out) vs some thought-out sniping that doesn't cross the line into accusation.
Digressing a bit, but is there a way to open the floor to teach people how to give good art feedback if they actually want to give the artist something useful? I see people who can't draw to save their lives, but seem to really get off on giving critique. I figure if they're going to spend their time doing it, they should learn how to actually do it so that their feedback isn't completely overlooked or laughed at. Plenty of people who can't draw or paint can have an eye for certain things and probably don't want to start a fight over good intentions.
Even saying something like "I love your work, but I feel like, after a few pieces, this medium isn't your strong suit," can be more productive than some long-winded rambling about how 'the nose is too long' despite it being part of the character's design.
I'm asking because it's an issue I see often, but I feel that it hasn't been addressed due to the critics not wanting to be critiqued, and artists (understandably) having their own mentors they go to for teaching and advisement, or (irritatingly) prefer an echo chamber. I'm not even sure where I'd start writing about this as a somewhat formal guide.
No. 551421
>>551412To be honest, I think you'd struggle to find anyone interested in it. Partly because of
>the critics not wanting to be critiqued, and artists (understandably) having their own mentors they go to for teaching and advisement, or (irritatingly) prefer an echo chamber.but also because artists are all different in what they find helpful. Anything you tell people to do, half the artists are going to hate it.
No. 551457
File: 1588880220410.jpeg (130.28 KB, 1200x848, A58266DC-FE15-48BE-B42F-222585…)

>>551441(Not the previous anon but another art anon) On the insides of the cans, the moon tangents with the edges of the inside and the cloud tops are awfully close tho one or two are really tangenting (the bigger issue with them is the weird sizes and how the form of them don’t follow the circular shape of the can). The tops of the cans as well, the lines tangent to each other. These all make this drawing very flat cuz these are amateur mistakes that only understand copy and not form. Compare to actual meyoco, everything follows the form of the cans and things overlap, which suggests form and roundness
No. 551513
>>551461I agree with
>>551493 but also look up painting instruction by actual teachers and don’t dismiss cross-mediums cuz there’s a lot garbage out there and u wanna learn the basics at first. James Gurney is a good person to start with cuz he’s a master of color and light, he primarily works in gouache and opaque watercolors on his channel but a lot of things can be applied to oil and acrylic. Proko is also a good resource- he primarily has lots of drawing tutorials on his site but he has and links painting resources. Skillshare sponsors every YouTube cow under the sun but they also look like they have beginner friendly resources on there for both oil and acrylic painting. Look up a lot of traditional painting at first since that will teach u how to think like a painter, which is way different if u do like primarily line art and color on top/underneath digitally, and restricted palettes/color theory
No. 551540
>>551258i think the second one wouldn't look like a burn
victim if the artist had used a pinkish background to match the color palette. the first one looks ok, if not a bit bland tbh.
No. 551555
File: 1588894920477.png (5.84 MB, 1125x2001, CE63FE24-9A91-4FF9-B31E-0646C1…)

Lmao Minemikomali on insta made a story where she complained that people on her newest post were comparing a character from a different show to hers. Too bad I checked the post and literally 1 person compared her character to someone else… Jesus Christ why, why are Instagram artists so fucking sensitive.
No. 551604
File: 1588903093595.png (378.42 KB, 750x1334, 8876360fde7013acb0ec42dc55775e…)

>>5516013D models tend to have a blocky and stiff look to them. That and the art style is almost always a generic anime style like pic related.
No. 551614
>>551545i love this thank you anon
i wish more artists would incorporate colored light bounce on skin as well as all the undertones that happen naturally.
No. 551617
>>551601using 3d models isn't a problem if they aren't all you use to draw the human form, and you're backing up the usage of them with actual knowledge of how to render form and space, like
>>551616 said it's usually only clockable if the artist is using them as a crutch
No. 551622
File: 1588906163480.png (181.72 KB, 792x700, asfdsfsdff.png)

>>551607here's an example of what i mean. the extremely simple creaseless clothes are the biggest giveaway. if they used a reference for the poses, why not use a reference for some clothes too? this to me says that they only know how to trace or doodle from their imagination, so they traced the bodies and made up some clothes and hair with no reference.
this person fully credited the pose doll so this isn't an example of someone being sneaky.
No. 551655
>>551652learning to draw things good is a combination of honing your skills and making conscious decisions about how you render. you don't necessarily need an art-station level rendering of an environment for a character background, but if you want to ground your characters–or do art in general, really–you will need to learn how to draw spaces.
i suggest looking at movies, drawing from life, learning about composition (i know loomis is a meme but his books will help) and color coordination–and generally just setting aside time to train SPECIFICALLY on backgrounds, since they're what you're weak at.
with enough time your hand and eye will improve, and you'll be able to draw better backgrounds faster because you have the foundations.
those are more important than any shortcut.
No. 551709
File: 1588927695897.png (134.49 KB, 480x714, Screenshot_20200508-014502~2.p…)

Why you gotta make a post explaining you can draw more faces but you're too boring to try
No. 551713
>>551461>>551667Yeah be forewarned that there's a big difference between oil and acrylic when it comes to set up and clean up time. Acrylics are water-soluble and you just need to be careful they don't dry on your brush. Oil paints need to be thinned with either refined plant oil or solvents, both of which are hard to dispose of. If you use solvents, you have to have a well-ventilated studio or you'll gas yourself with the fumes, and the leftovers have to be disposed of as hazardous waste. Plant oil is less
toxic but you still can't just tip it down the sink like you can with paint water. There are specific techniques that are only possible with oil so sometimes it's worth the trouble, but acrylics are definitely more beginner-friendly.
I'd be inclined to say 5 basic colors rather than 4, you can get a true cyan/magenta/process yellow in acrylic so if you get those, black and white you'll be able to mix literally any color you need with practice. But yeah don't cheap out on the paints, it's a false economy.
No. 551722
>>551713You can also get artist quality water-soluble oil paints snd non-
toxic mediums nowadays that have the benefits of both oils and acrylic. But if you have a background in more illustration style digital art, I would actually recommend gouache as the traditional equivalent.
No. 551754
File: 1588942995811.jpg (65.67 KB, 715x400, bm.JPG)

>>551733It doesn't seem backwards to me. As
>>551738 said main characters are usually more simplistic. Big Mouth made its main characters more visually dynamic than the background characters and that's why it feels overwhelming and ugly.
No. 551756
>>551709>>551710Is it possible to avert same face syndrome while still retaining a quasi-anime style? I’m kinda tired of anime and manga being synonymous with issue.
Speaking as a artist myself as any attempts to distance myself from it has resulted comments comparing my style which kinda annoys me…
No. 551794
>>551652>>551655To add to that: I found Framed Perspective 1 and 2 by Marcos Mateu-Mestre to be really good to learn to draw proper perspective in 3D space. I also enjoyed his other book Framed Ink. Although it is about drawing comics it is also handy for coming up with composition ideas for single pieces, so my drawings have some sort of story behind them and are not only characters existing in a random environment.
>>551709Note how the mc style is pretty and the bg cast is not …
No. 551850
File: 1588958725181.png (11.54 KB, 116x162, the best one.PNG)

>>551709ok but can we just talk about this face here because I actually love him.
I really wish manga artists would go all out with crazy and unique faces, seeing how as manga is usually known for being absurd and "extra" I guess.
No. 551993
>>551976that's even funnier considering in the description of her drawing of the fish person she says she doesn't want to share the species because it's a "closed species"
umm, bitch?? it's a fish person. it isn't anything special.
No. 552006
>>551162This is a pisstake, right?
God I forgot how trash early Neopets art was lmao
No. 552008
>>551993not to wk, but that's a bit of an nitpick.
"closed species" is mostly a term from Deviantart. A lot of artists have them, and many have entire groups dedicated to their species. You can only make an oc of that race if you join the group and agree to the "rules", so the artists never openly share their close species details.
Not to say that makes Minemikomali any better.
No. 552018
File: 1588994926526.png (1.12 MB, 1943x2770, trying this one again.png)

um???? any advice on drawing portraits so that they don't look like creepypastas???
No. 552025
File: 1588996104720.jpg (378.37 KB, 1050x576, fundys.jpg)

>>552018Start with the fundamentals of the shapes that are in the head
Doing that first will help will proportions
As my personal preference of portraits, I don't draw every single tooth in a mouth cause it can look a little awkward
No. 552035
>>552018Anon I think you are caring more about details than structure,I'm by no means a expert is taught with books but for values and specially with b/w I squint n focus on only the visible values, try to use 5 going from the darkest to the lightest and don't shades too much for now.
Also what personally helped me to find depth in the face is to visualize as if I'm carving it.
Don't overwhelm yourself trying to make it perfect an alike it's more important that you understand how the skull affects the plane and shadows.
No. 552043
>>552013Can't argue with that. The idea of a close species makes as much sense as adoptables.
But just wanted to point out that it's not a term or concept unique to just minemikomali.
No. 552055
File: 1589005681743.jpeg (164.68 KB, 1280x499, 1A75D148-0A5B-478B-AD05-C1E23F…)

>>552025, I think u got it almost there with explaining the shape fundamentals but I don’t think your circles understand the form of the head enough.
>>552035 is the most right in the structure is most important before going into the details cuz you want to basically set up the foundation for the house that is your painting. Like you have to think about volume and form before going into the details just so everything harmonizes.
Another anon linked a Proko video about drawing heads above you which you should watch. Knowing the fundamentals is important and you should start breaking down the head into shapes and how you can translate 3D shapes into 2D. I’m an art school fag so I did a quick trace of the original photo to show you: the red is how you can think of the features and how they sit on the round skull of the head, unfortunately the photo you chose the ellipses of the head shift from up to down because of the lens of the camera (that’s the circles on the side) and the blue is the skull inside the head but it’s a little bit wonky cuz of how the photo warps the face a little. Its cool tho that you’re starting up painting digitally but before diving into it, look up some fundamental tutorials and like foundational work. Then practice a lot
No. 552056
File: 1589005931287.png (2.3 MB, 1800x1800, 7A30259F-722E-4BED-B61F-355D6D…)

>>552055Also adding cuz I mentioned it, just remember cameras and what photographers choose to capture heads matters as focal length affects the accuracy of the head. That’s why you should draw from life when you can, like just draw yourself from a mirror a lot, cuz it’s best to translate what your mind sees as 3D into 2D and not 2D into 2D because things can be inaccurate like this
No. 552108
>>552018use shadows, ffs.
if the eyes are a line, then draw a line, not an eye. Draw what you see not what you know.
No. 552137
File: 1589040437336.jpg (22.38 KB, 250x250, maki.jpg)

>>551850Sorry to be an OT weeb on main but try the series Yowamushi Pedal, there's a guy there with that exact face lmaaaooo (I love that series)
No. 552250
File: 1589059455898.jpeg (91.89 KB, 947x844, A3EB9A20-A6D1-4AA0-B06B-E4DD0D…)

I really feel like early DeviantArt kind of demonized using references and it held me back a bunch. I understand about not heavily referencing someone else’s work but since I was a dumb kid I thought that bled into any reference at all. Drawing a person just standing there was simple enough without a reference but I thought that good artists all just drew their work 100% from memory. I feel kind of dumb realizing now that people take poses from pictures or real life and make their own thing out of them and that a lot of work I was idolizing probably did the same. Did anyone else feel like this?
I can’t remember specifics off the top of my head but I remember some pre-tumblr call out posts from popular dA artists about how they were taking certain references and pasting them into one customized reference and going off of that. The artist was one of those kinda boring people who only do hyper realistic pencil portraits, but the specific call out was from some big Lord of the Rings piece she did. At the time I thought it was so scandalous but now I realize that planning out a piece like that is just smart.
No. 552388
>>552333Well, aside from the 'bait and switch' where she complains about trailers only showing the pre-transformation character design, but then two out of three examples show the transformation prominently in the trailer. And says 'transformation happens a lot in fairy tales but it's not normally the main character', when several entire classes of fairy tales revolve around transformation of the main character.
The other 4 are reasonable though.
No. 552392
>>552281>>552289NTA but I put this on 2x speed and here's a summary, you’re welcome:
>tracing is a useful learning tool - you notice more about how a piece of work is made (line weight, shading etc.) by copying it exactly.>it's the same principle as drawing from life>see also: master studies, historical techniques that used early projectors, pinholes etc.>there's a conflict between people who value the product and people who value the process: people who value the product don't care if the artist traces to save time, people who value the process do care if the artist traced because 'cheating'>social media and youtube are making the process more visible due to posting WIPs etc.>we treat artists with a lot more reverence than other public figures and feel sort of betrayed when we find out they take shortcuts>references Holly Brown and Josh Draws tracing scandals, gives personal examples of how revealing something was traced even if you credit causes people to stop respecting the art>tattoo artist tells her most of them trace>art prof says 'it looks so realistic people think it's traced, so why not trace it? You'll save time'>admits to tracing some of her own work that was copied from photos to save time (she was already copying the photo - just started tracing instead of eyeballing it)>'if you don't have the skills, tracing is bad, if you do have the skills, people think you traced'>We accept other timesaving tools like scanners + digital art programs, why is tracing different?>talks about cancel culture and people being cancelled on flimsy evidence - personal examples of being accused of stealing her own art etc.>points out as a photorealist artist, you can overlay her not-traced paintings onto the reference and they LOOK traced - this is enough to get yelled at.>26:00 interesting thing about her work as a social media manager and how online outrage spirals out of control in a matter of minutes based on one person freaking out in the comments, and your options for handling it are really limited.>admit to tracing ahead of time - people don’t respect your work>admit to tracing afterwards - people respect it even less because they feel deceived>don’t admit to tracing - live in fear of being found out and cancelled>don’t trace - burn out and possibly still get accused of tracing>don’t trace and work in a more cartoon style so it doesn’t look traced - don’t get to practice the things you want to practice>don’t do the art challenge in the first place - bummer>doesn’t mention the option of doing it but not posting it?>cost/benefit analysis - thinks tracing to do MelaninMarch is better than NOT doing MelaninMarch because better representation for POC(everything after this point is boring law stuff and she admits she’s really confused by copyright law)
>34:00 copyright law - long ass talk with lots of examples can be summarised as ‘copyright law is deliberately vague so IDK make a judgement’ (this is true)>41:00 goes into how photographer owns copyright not model>really hard to find original source online>back to Fair Use and subjective difference between ‘derivative works’ and ‘transformative works’.>social media has made it much easier to both find images to trace and track down traced images retrospectively No. 552453
>>552392I'm the anon who asked for a summary but holy shit I did not expect this much effort, thank you!
Well since we got the summary might as well chime in.
Ok so the first point, I partly agree with but there's a lot I disagree with. I do help few people online when it comes to art and a lot of them do portrait studies and then approach me when they cannot figure out what they did wrong. On these cases I usually trace the picture and compare the traced line-art to their copy of work (and sometimes I trace that too), because it's far easier to see the differences in flat line-art than it is in what's meant to be a 3 dimensional picture.
What I don't agree though is that tracing is effective learning tool, because really it is not. Tracing is useful for breaking down a picture into simpler forms and observing it but not for making a master study. When you learn art, you learn from your mistakes more than from what you did right and this actually applies to every other skill, not just art. Tracing does not allow you to make those crucial mistakes that force you to learn and it does not also make you think what you're doing. When we copy we have to constantly compare our work to our reference and think why things this way and not that, we have to measure distances between the objects, compare shapes to other shapes to make sure they're right, match the sizes, etc etc. When you trace you can turn this whole progress off so it ultimately becomes meaningless.
She admits to tracing some of the studies that she was originally eyeballing and honestly, that's just turning to a lazy solution. Art is not easy, everything you can learn from tracing, you can learn thousand fold by copying so she's really just shooting herself on the foot if she thinks it's gonna carry her longrun.
Next she talks about people valuing the progress vs end result. On that I agree, people definitely do spread out like that and I can say I'd probably fit more into caring about the progress than the end result. Now I also do not entirely agree that people cannot accept tracing as part of art, look art big artists like yuumei or wlop for example, both use 3d models in their works and trace over those yet people still respect them for their skills. It's because if both wlop and yuumei were told to draw the things they use models for they totally could but a lot of artists frankly can't.
She talks about crediting and how it loses you respect but ultimately why would you care? Obviously if you trace a picture it's objectively far less impressive than if you drew it on your own, or is she bummed that people are not willing to praise you for the work you didn't do?
Weirdest thing she mentions is how if you don't trace you get burned out but that speaks to me about her lack of skill more than anything. Art becomes easier the more you do it and the more you learn, something that seemed complex can become easy second nature after you study it enough and if she feels burned out very easily without tracing it really proofs that she's just projecting here and using tracing because she lacks skills and not for just to save time. There's plenty of ways you can fix your drawing progress without tracing btw if you feel like it's not working for you, most of it does come down to becoming better at art but also being efficient at what you already can do, if you have to rely on tracing to do one or both of these things, then you just lack the skill.
She said it's better to trace for a melanin march than not do it at all but honestly I think on key thing as to why tracing is frowned upon online, is that online it's very easy to steal and it's also very easy for the copyright holder to lose track of their work. If someone traces your work, someone else could trace the traced work, etc etc and eventually your work (or a cheap copy of it) is spread all over the internet, possibly sold around without you getting even a slice of bread out of it. On a last note she mentioned about the professional who said that if it looks traced, why not trace but a guy who can achieve a traced look without tracing has far more options to go for than a guy who can only achieve good by tracing. Any skill is a skill that is south after in some ways and can be utilized but tracing does not require any skill behind it, thus your "talent" becomes worthless.
Anyway this kinda became a long ranty answer but while I do believe that tracing does have it's place and can be a good tool to help you save time when saving time is actually important (for projects especially) a lot of people try to use it just as a replacement for what they cannot do and that's gonna cause issues later on for artists who don't trace and for artists who get traced from.
No. 552460
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>>552453You're welcome anon. Believe me I expected to sit back and doodle for half an hour and then write you a 1-sentence summary, but it turned out there really was 55 minutes worth of points in there.
In terms of content it's a mix of good points and overreach, I think. I take her point about tracing saving time if you're a photorealist anyway (she mentioned editorial illustration too where turnaround time can be like… an afternoon), but pic related is her work and I'm not convinced tracing is doing her any favours in terms of skill.
It's possible she really does need to do some tracing to figure out where she's going wrong, some people 'see' more accurately when copying than others, but if that's the case she should be doing that for practice not on finished pieces IMO. I'd say… tracing can be useful in the same way looking up the answers in the back of the textbook is useful when you REALLY don't get it - it's fine under that specific circumstance but it should be your absolute last resort, and if you do it a lot you won't learn anything.
The copyright section is a bit of a mess, but also interesting to me because I work with copyright in my day job. I'm a Britfag and we don't have a 'transformative works' exception, so everything that she mentioned as confusing and borderline over here would just be infringement. I don't know if that changes my perception of what's 'acceptable' as an artist. To my mind this is a big issue, because copyright is there to protect artists from misuse of their work. If I were the photographer I'd be pissed off that someone used my work as a base without asking and under UK law they wouldn't really have an excuse.
No. 552482
>>552478i think the third traced one looks better than the others in that row, but those look a bit more experimental. otherwise all the non traced ones looks better.
honestly for this kind of realistic style tracing sounds so backwards, just getting the outline won't make you be able to grasp the form, the lightning and texture, but actually drawing it will do. traced or overpainted realistic art is so obvious because it usually lines up perfectly while being very plasticy or underdeveloped in texture.
No. 552511
File: 1589132543014.png (796.64 KB, 1195x2048, Screenshot_20200510-123444.png)

Thoughts on Anoosha Syed/foxvilleart? She is a children's book illustrator and has done posters for the McElroy brothers live shows among other big projects. I enjoy her coloring, but her anatomy is oof. She's not cowish, I just think it's interesting that she's "made it" considering the quality of her work.
No. 552525
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>>552519This made me lol, anon. McElroys were probably a bad example kek. She's actually done quite a bit of work for some bigger conpanies. Even worked with Karamo Brown from Queer Eye reboot.
No. 552526
File: 1589139015777.png (1.57 MB, 1271x2048, Screenshot_20200510-142411.png)

>>552511 samefag but the way she draws babies is so disturbing to me
No. 552538
>>552511 >>552511
Her art really makes me feel uncomfortable and I'm not too sure why. Most likely the weird ass looking hands but it just makes me feel off
No. 552551
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Destinymoon just really loves milking the pity eh
No. 552559
>>552551>"this is a fetish"lolol what the fuck? even in underwear you HAVE to label their sexuality
at least both characters look disturbed but goddamn lol
No. 552563
>>552511It has that 1950s vintage kids book feel and those weren't always the best in anatomy either. Some artists get by on their style and she's one of them.
It also looks pretty marketable compared to most weeb and tumblr art which are just doomed to Etsy forever. Nobody in the West really wants anime and ugly misshapen politically correct art to represent them.
No. 552578
>>552551Tbh, how often does anyone see the girl on the left (in these kinds of clothes) irl?
I just find it funny that the people who draw the girl on the left often put her in unflattering clothes and then complain
No. 552579
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Another one
No. 552603
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>>552579>Making everyone fat>Making everyone brown>Giving random characters vitiligoLol this is the most transparent virtue signalling I've seen in a long time
No. 552610
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>>552595I really hate to think that we have furries here but apparently someone did it
No. 552685
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Does anybody know rinotuna? He's an instagram artist who published a good chunk of books even though his art is shit.
No. 552688
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>>552685I disagreed at first cause the pic related honestly looked fine but then I looked him up. What is the top left twin tail girl supposed to be doing??? Is it a top down perspective? She looks like a midget.
No. 552692
File: 1589178820218.jpg (877.81 KB, 1006x1712, whackshit.jpg)

>>552688Yeah, it's supposed to be a top down perspective.
Here's a whack as shit drawing from one of his books.
No. 552695
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so did sakimichan just now realize her loyal fans drool over the thighs-squished-by-stockings thing or is this just how bad her anatomy is now? i also really really hate how tiny her ankles ended up.
No. 552707
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>>552695Nah she's been doing this shit for ages. Pic related: her infamous Zero Two piece with six fingers from 2 years ago has the same fucked proportions.
No. 552708
>>552526Not gonna lie this style looks like those disturbing bot-generated Elsa and Spiderman youtube videos. But seeing she's a children's books illustrator this kind of style is understandable imo.
>>552610To the cowtipping furry cumbrain tranny following this thread: neck yourself asap you fucking loon
No. 552711
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And people keep supporting trashy tutorials like this…
This tutorial had nothing but "use refs guize!!!"…
It's also funny how in her older works she had a promising anatomy and things looked basic, but nice but she decided to switch to "adventure time anatomy" cheebz.
No. 552719
>>552549I feel like most anons here are teenagers/college students who don’t understand how the professional market works. They have this image that a professional artist must have spotless art, but the industry often prefers people who are reliable/have a good work ethic and connections, rather than the actual absolute best draftsmen. You can get much further by being competent, reliable and good at marketing yourself than by being a virtuoso. Of course both can happen at the same time, and it’s better if you do, but it’s not a prerogative to professional success.
To just go “wow how did she work with X if her art is wonky sometimes” is missing the point, illustration is a service, not gallery work.
Just look at that peter morbacher dude, fantastic art but fucked himself out of the industry by being horrible to work with (hence why he only does patreon stuff).
No. 552721
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>>552719yeah. reading your loomis is only half the battle of actually working in art, and it's like a lot of people are surprised not everyone in the business's work looks straight off of artstation. spend less time sperging over someone's wonky eyes or whatever and more time studying their methods of self promotion
No. 552732
>>552721Yeah that’s been a problem in concept art/production art like of course artists will put their best, most polished work on public sites like artstation if they’re allowed to but there’s so much photo bashing, paint overs and tracing like in the pro world depending on the industry, you don’t have to be fuckin Rembrandt or something. Especially in movies and games, it’s just straight up photomanips sometimes cuz you make art fast, you don’t have time to work on one painting for three weeks
lmao also yeah if you’re making it doing merch and cons and shit too like most weeny baby anons see, now you see COVID has fucked everything for the future now too.
No. 552740
>>552460I don’t think tracing is helping this girl either. I’m the camera anon who did the paint over and she has a similar problem here where her traced art is way more stiff and flat than her untraced art. It’s not the camera warping it like above but it’s more that, she knows facial structure enough to push expression on the left side images to make them feel more natural while the right hand images are very posed. Especially in the eyes and that’s more jarring in a human face that’s near realism.
This girl is a portrait artist so her experience is different but tracing is pretty common especially like in concept art and comics because, like she said about editorial, you have to draw so fast. So it’s common to trace shit like landscapes and buildings or models from blender or sketch up. Like if it’s a building that’s only gonna be in one panel and you need one angle, comic artists have to do probably 2-3 pages a day for monthly books so who has time to figure that shit out from scratch.
No. 552752
>>552719This. This should be the first thing you're taught in art school. If you want to be a commercial success there's no point in trying to create technically flawless art. Sakimichan's anatomy is notoriously bad but the average person paying for her patreon sub isn't going to care. All that matters is that your art is eyecatching and accessible to the basic consumer who holds the money, a virtuoso who's not willing to please the masses or is simply unable to create calculated eyecandy isn't going to be earning the big bucks or collaborating with recognizable brands. Yeah it might suck that the business straight out throws your principles out the window but that's just how it is, when you order food at a restaurant as an amateur you're more interested in how the food tastes than the nooks and crannies of gourmet cooking. Most people order the extra large burger with fries rather than wine-braised lamb loin with fennel genoise.
>illustration is a service, not gallery work. A perfect way to put it. With commercial artwork all that matters is the ability to sell your work and to network with the right people, i.e. being a salesperson. Not by being a righteous artist aiming towards perfection. That's also why salty Twitter artists who aim towards the goal of one-upping each other in superficial technical skills never make it big, they're too busy being unapproachable and peppered with bad PR so that nobody wants to be involved with their brand. Literally all of my artist friends who "made it" did it through connections and people-pleasing art, not by unique, jaw-dropping pieces.
No. 552755
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>>552719I just mentioned him here and summoned his annoying pedantic presence into my timeline almost immediately. You might know bugmeyer aka peter mohrbacher from his multiple recent dramas:
>the one time he stole @ArtofChira’s artwork to promote his art podcast, got politely called out and was a snarky rude asshole about it throughout the whole endeavor, even when he was clearly in the wrong.>the one time he tried to do a callout and hashtag against ProCreate for cancelling an illustration comission with him because he did not follow the requests for modifications from the client, and ignore basic rules of client-artist communication, resulting in procreate refusing to use his artwork because it was not what they paid him to do. They still paid him btw.He himself has said that he went independent because he couldn’t stand anyone in the industry (or rather, no one could stand his arrogant and hard to work with behavior and he was effectively blacklisted). He also is incredibly late on his book’s kickstarter delivery, and keeps being unprofessional about it.
Yesterday he posted this, basically asking for free work from one of his sucker fans, for what you can assume is gonna be turned into merch for his patreon or his kickstarter. He has over 1500 patrons, on top of kickstarter money and some freelance work for whoever is courageous or uninformed enough to still hire him, surely he has enough money to pay for someone to model a coin for him, and yet he delivers this absolute joke of an answer. Yes peter, providing services to other people is transactional, that’s the literal definition of your creative job. you’re not anyone’s mom and no one has to make shit for you out of good faith.
Basically he’s a huge cow whose above average art skills got to his head, who lucked out enough to get a ton of suckers to validate and stroke his inflated ego after getting blacklisted out of the illustration industry. His cowness would be more fun to watch if he got any open flack about it, instead he’s quietly hated by a bunch of people in the industry.
No. 552760
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>>552755I just checked his kickstarter, which raised 200k dollars in 2016. And it’s still in print proof phase, with some of it’s internal artworks not even done yet. Being in proof stage means it has not even been printed and bookbound yet, after a whooping 4 years. But there’s more…
No. 552765
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>>552760The coins he was begging for someone to model for free on twitter less than 24h ago? Already promised as an “apology” reward on his kickstarter, with intentions to be turned into official merch afterwards. They’re admittedly not even a finished mockup yet, which means that it doesn’t have the 3D map, and by extension no established manufacturer or product proofs. It’s a given to say it’s stupid to promise things that you don’t even know if you’re gonna be able to manufacture when your kickstarter for a BOOK is already four years late, but the fact that he wants some sucker to do it for free when he profited over 200.000 dollars on it is hilarious in it’s brazenness. Him being a whiny chucklefuck when people want to be paid for specialized work that he wants to profit on indefinitely (future merch plans) is just the cherry on top.
I bet he complains when he gets job offers “for exposure”, but then again in peter’s world rules are only right or wrong when it suits him.
No. 552841
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>>552695The squished thighs in stockings has been a coomer trend for a little while.
No. 552854
>>552755man why the fuck do good artists have to be like this
i admire his work so much, it's clear he works hard and has a great aesthetic sense, works on some really good concepts, but then this shit is completely inexcusable
why can't these big ass artists just be happy with the money they get, remove head from sphincter, and i dunno – wild idea – maybe act right?
No. 552981
>>552626>>552631>>552632yall got me 44 new followers tho i regret nothinnnn
>>552637bitches like her arent my ppl
No. 553009
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>>552981Enjoy your fucking new 44 out of 63 followers and a fucking heap of attention, must be an achievement for you.
Just funny that this little fucker has no shame to put patreon link on her own attention-whoring thread.
No. 553030
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Ive been trying to improve my anatomy but there’s one thing that I can’t find reference for
Sometimes I’ll see art I like with the kneecap pointing in and the foot pointing out and it confuses me. is it a stylistic choice or are some ppl more flexible?
No. 553111
>>552981Fuck off back to your coomer furry comic you delusional tranny degenerate, not only are you completely retarded for thinking 12 RTs is "blowing up" but also the worst fucking kind of person who only stirs shit to get more exposure attacking someone more popular than they are.
>>553036Yes. That's the point with most of these people. Including the faux woke motherfuckers who claim an artist is (insert buzzword for a bigot) and then enjoy the likes and retweets coming in. That's why you should never join a twitter lynch mob, like 80% of the time the accusations are completely made up by someone who thought they deserve more followers.
No. 553122
>>553072kek trannie apologist
>>553009> pro anything basically and this is how you get all the clout from wokey gang instead of getting it from your skill. Sad, really.
No. 553163
File: 1589281966668.png (85.63 KB, 978x583, Screenshot_20200512-041109.png)

You guys she's so obviously a troll, stop giving her attention and just move on.
If you're hate following her, just unfollow. She isn't particularly milky anyway.
No. 553191
>>553179Imagine if it was the same person who posted this:
>>548244And backtracks to say that it was all a joke
No. 553215
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So I was watching the artist videos from Vid Con last year and I think I found Waffles? Not 100% though. Referenced from Baylee's video and Katelyn's. Seems Waffles was wearing a blue shirt and then a panning shot in Katelyn's video shows a girl with brown hair in a blue shirt who isn't in any of the other photos (from what I can see anyway)
No. 553216
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>>553215And here's the panning pic I saw…
No. 553333
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>>553225She's been drawing herself with light brown hair since 2017 for all her Meet the Artist videos. Didn't include the 2019 thumbnail because it's in B&W, but she uses the same brown color in the video there too. It's weird because I also thought she was a redhead for some reason?
No. 553339
>>552460god, sorry to bring back an old topic but there's so much overthinking in this lady's video that it's just stupid.
tracing is a shortcut that takes next to no craftsmanship, creativity, or skill. so if you want to use and develop those areas, you should mostly avoid it and only use it when you really need to save time or meet a deadline. it's like lipsynching. few would care if a talented singer occasionally lipsyched at a concert if she had a sore throat or something. but if she did it a lot, people would start to doubt her singing ability, and if you only ever lip synch, you're not even considered a professional singer anymore. so with art, if someone commissioned a realistic family member portrait due tomorrow and you can't get the lips to stop looking wonky, tracing them is understandable and it doesn't revoke your artist cred. but why are you completely tracing works that are supposed to be your personal self expression? it's just not skillful or creative, simple as that.
as far as tracing as practice, if you're attempting a complicated new style or subject matter, it can be hard to even know where to begin, so tracing a relevant a couple times can help your mind "digest" the image and break it down into lines that you can understand. but if you're tracing a cute girl and you've already drawn 1000 cute girls before, what exactly are you learning? it can even be counterproductive because the process of tracing isn't the same as the what the original artist did to produce the image. it doesn't teach you what kind of pren pressure they used or how quickly they moved their pen,for example. so you could reinforce all the wrong techniques.
No. 553418
>>553348The headshots OP posted in
>>552685 are fine imho, but a lot of his figures in
>>552688 are hella jank. Still, not terrible all things considered
No. 553452
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there’s an artist on twitter called @megat0ntaid, where almost all her art is traced. yet nobody seems to care. if you call her out on in her league of simps say that “she’s just referencing” the art. also she gets PAID for this art.
No. 553453
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>>553452this is her art when she decides not to trace
No. 553526
File: 1589385359366.jpg (356.63 KB, 720x1429, 20200513_175533.jpg)

Kekw imagine being so mad that a 13-14yo doesn't want to do your commission that you subtweet them. The user is 20yo
No. 553717
File: 1589418202276.jpg (469.65 KB, 836x1386, what.jpg)

and I thought fresh_bobatae was starting to develop and lean into her own style
No. 553803
>>553761i almost want to make like a better version of these, but i don't want to get accused of copying. my art style is different.
>>553750>aparta part. also, it's really popular in japan within the last few years and kawaii asian girls always post it on IG.
No. 553806
>>553753>>553761I agree, the "copy" is actually better. Notice how in the bottom one, the straws are a different color when they're under the liquid, which is more realistic. Like you guys said, they're also more creative.
The only things I like better about the original is the way the cups are tilted together, and the color reflections on the plastic.
No. 553962
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>>553897Thank you for speaking the truth Anon
No. 553980
File: 1589498263268.jpg (133.47 KB, 735x1014, 285c2c2524538fa88ee310a6495e40…)

Does anyone have a tutorial on how to color like pic related? Or at least a speedpaint video of a similar artist painting?
I know the theory, but whenever I try doing it, looks like a muddy bootleg. I wish I could understand the process better before exercising it again.
The closest I get to this is Marco Bucci's tutos on coloring, but it's still a bit different. It can be in japanese, btw.
(Artist is rei_17 on Twitter if I am not mistaken)
No. 554001
File: 1589501720060.jpg (264.7 KB, 1868x4055, EX2n_ikUYAEm04C.jpg)

>>553453Anon you missed the opportunity to post this one as their untraced example
No. 554020
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This was from the fatphobia drama with sakimichan but I had to take this because destinymoon of all people had the nerve to say this. Hoes mad because sakimichan be making that coin. No one is gonna pay 3 dollars for your shitty chicken scratch caricatures of pocs.
No. 554033
File: 1589506259157.jpg (351.33 KB, 2048x1496, 20200508_225755-1.jpg)

>>553980Saw this in an art discord the other day, maybe it'll help.
"The text is talking about the concept of taking colors that are all over the color wheel (great jumps in value change) and how it can be counterproductive in defining the parts of the drawing that you want to stand out. Rather than throw a ton of the same blue down, pick other colors (yellow, green, red etc) with fewer value changes to give off a more cohesive atmosphere. You can pick severe changes, but try to blend them out with the base color so they don't all compete for the viewers attention, but rather work together to create atmosphere."
No. 554035
File: 1589506358577.png (2.96 MB, 2048x1496, 20200508_225858.png)

"The second picture is literally just saying that before they had this knowledge it was hard to discern the main subject of the composition and the colors were muddy. However, with this new knowledge their current drawings now have easily identifiable subjects of composition, and there is a cohesiveness that brings the whole drawing together. In the sense that everything doesn't get washed out or bleed in to each other. The bottom line just says so long as you are aware of this principle even just a little, it can really change the outcome of your artwork a lot so give it a try. You can make changes in three editing phase as well."
Sorry it's not really a tutorial.
No. 554042
File: 1589507887725.png (720.69 KB, 2048x1275, Screenshot_20200514-215305.png)

Might look better than her coconut hair
No. 554045
File: 1589508926336.jpg (184.56 KB, 736x1137, d142c16ad92bf806eb8c4ada83e614…)

>>554035>>554033Thanks anon, this actually helps a lot because of the side by side comparison, and I can actually kinda understand the side notes. If I ever find something like this I'll post here, as well.
Another art in the same vein.
Polite sage.
No. 554061
File: 1589516723327.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1053x1237, C05E3BF6-C348-4B23-AD1F-39F122…)

how the fuck do you fail to notice the hand it is literally right there
No. 554090
>>553980dude fuck rei_17
i still cant get over how she shit talked fgo on weibo but as soon as fgo wanted commission her she acted like fgo was the best shit
No. 554148
>>554090we have a shitton of bad artists acting like they should be the moral compass of the world and you are… mad an actually good artist because they didn't like a shitty game, but did commissions for it anyway?
>>554130the only thing detailed is her hair lmao, she couldn't even be bothered to render the keyboard and what's on screen more.
No. 554250
>>554090Yeah fuck her. She's a massive cunt to other Chinese artists, talks mad shit about everyone while acting cordial face to face and cries plagiarism when the piece that supposedly plagiarized her was posted before hers was. FGO isn't apparently the only thing she fakes interest in, she trash talks a lot of stuff but pretends to like it to pander to her audience. She also had posted how all the "shitty artists" FGO employs are beneficial to her because they highlight how much more talented she is, which is a really dickish thing to say out loud and a one-way ticket to creating a really bad reputation within the industry. Additionally she also locked a foreign artist out of her house for something and left her stranded.
It's a damn shame too, I loved her CE art so much but read about the drama later and was completely disillusioned. It's always disappointing when someone with mad skill turns out to be a douchebag.
No. 554331
File: 1589581877662.jpg (66.73 KB, 1080x1063, 20200515_152812.jpg)

Jackie is slowly becoming more and more annoying to me. Is she really so famous that she thinks people won't believe it's really her? Plus the whole video calling out other YouTubers for basically not being interested or excited enough about meeting her, it's starting to seem like her ego is blowing up way too much for how shit her art is.
No. 554335
>>554033>>554035Very interesting; thanks for sharing, anon. I'm working on improving my own coloring process now beyond simple coloring book styles. Even w/o this style, I think this is a good push in the right direction when it comes to choosing a pallet.
Values and subtlety, when a piece called for it, were always a harder point for me.
No. 554383
File: 1589591162253.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1788x1125, A23F9B28-60CD-4E37-BAC7-9A40BC…)

From LavenderTowne’s most recent video where she redrew a page of a comic she made when she was 14. Her old art was crude but at least it’s somewhat charming. I hate her bug eyed noodle armed characters and these two panels really accentuate how little improvement she’s made in over a decade
No. 554404
>>554394Damn, I didn't see any backlash when I watched it. I just saw a bunch of her "grains" taking her word as gospel and saying shit like "omg I'm so disappointed. I used to like xx."
I need to go check it out again. I hope she hasn't been deleting comments.
No. 554408
File: 1589595138802.jpeg (271.05 KB, 663x307, CDD23CD2-B1D5-4FEA-99F0-A82A9E…)

>>554033>>554035>>554045This process is called hue shifting if I’m not mistaken, or at least a more exaggerated version of it. I’ve only seen it mentioned in regards to pixel art but I think it would work the same for drawing.
There are more examples on this site: if this isn’t what you were talking about.
>>554383The way she redid the girl makes me wanna hurl
No. 554412
File: 1589595468239.jpg (296.29 KB, 3072x2304, 1568949338839.jpg)

>>554383The new one is way worse. Imagine being worse at drawing than you were at fourteen.
No. 554474
>>554344Just google "rei_17 drama", there are a lot of discussions summarizing her drama especially in the FGO subreddit. Here's one comment and the replies to it that do a good job running it down. Summary: Last year some Chinese artists had enough when her art was used for a special summer event on Fate/Grand Order despite her constantly shitting on the game and the artists and decided to start leaking her behavior from Weibo (A Chinese equivalent of Twitter) which turned out to be not very pleasant. Some of the original callout tweets have sadly been privated but other resources exist.
She keeps all the drama off her pixiv and twitter and has a professional face in front of her international followers, but apparently lets it all hang loose on Weibo to write some really nasty shit in Chinese to trash the very same artists whose asses she just finished kissing on other sites. And to be perfectly honest I think paying lip service to fake an interest in a popular franchise while shit talking it, the creators, the artists involved and the fans who like it
is dishonest as you're profiting off the fans with your work yet letting them know how much you despise them and only use them for money and clout. I get that you need to pay the bills but there's a difference between being commissioned to do something you don't care for and repeatedly lying to use someone else's creation to milk for your own benefit. And like
>>554365 said it's not just that she didn't like a game she was commissioned for, it's because she was a sociopathic cunt about how much she hated it.
One of the artists she bashed loudly was pako, probably the most popular (and objectively talented) artist FGO has. Yet he was a fucking professional about it, didn't comment on the drama coming out about how this crazy bitch shits on his art and even RT'd her CE art out of courtesy. Now that's admirable.
No. 554481
>>554478Nah, she took a dump on pako (and Miwa Shirow) too. The Chinese-speaking fans said that she posted about pako's art being terrible but gonna have to admit I don't have English receipts to back it up but here's a baidu thread in Chinese and someone summarizing it in English . I had completely forgotten that she also attacked fellow competitors in a pixiv drawing contest to make herself win.
But true though, it appears that she had a huge hate boner for Wada Arco which is just sawing off the branch you're sitting on since she's such a huge name in the Fate franchise and a well-liked artist. You reap what you sow.
No. 554485
>>554365>>554474okay that's way different and really shitty, especially the disgusting death threat part. to the trash with another artist.
also is it just me or whenever there's a drama with a chinese artist they are way more extreme with threats than we usually see artists from other countries? like a few months back some artist was claiming that people were stealing their style and they also made some hardcore threats from what i've seen of the translations.
No. 554490
File: 1589623610642.jpg (Spoiler Image,432.57 KB, 1080x1827, Cursed.jpg)

>>554489Pic related. Forgot to attach
Saged for offtopic kinda
No. 554495
>>554491yeah i was thinking along those lines, but wasn't sure if i was overgeneralizing chinese artists. i also feel that the whole social score system is a really stressing thing to live under.
>>554490the fact that this is completely unoriginal somehow makes it even worse. instagram is a trash heap and it's only good because it has a usable tagging system, and it's easy to get started on a following because random bots will follow you.
No. 554732
>>554524I know that she and her mother blame her behavior on autism(which I can understand to an extent) but this is diluted.
it’s been 4 years, so I hope that she chilled, but It’s austonishing how she was able to thrive despite being a little shit
No. 554766
File: 1589683614233.jpeg (923.44 KB, 1125x1422, 8E5040C9-67FD-42A1-BE7E-C4C3AE…)

did anyone catch this?
No. 554771
File: 1589684106826.jpg (367.79 KB, 1080x1063, IMG_20200517_105527.jpg)

>>554766Bluesssatan has no real knowledge of how anatomy works. They're only good at rendering pretty faces. If you scroll down their gallery where they had to drawing things that aren't just portraits, you'll see how janky their perspective and anatomy is.
That, and they supposedly profited off of someone else's Procreate brush set.
No. 554793
>New Instagram Artist dramaAn artist named centip3des and celia._.uwu have been accused for copying bigger artist __0111___(Alma/Peachu).
-Centip3des decided to quit instagram because of the death threat and harassment of Alma whiteknight
-celia._.uwu make clarification post in instagram and decided to stand up her/himself
>Artist related to drama:Centip3des what wrong with artist nowdays who claim their art style be original.
Massive screencap incoming
No. 554798
File: 1589701627778.jpg (339.15 KB, 1080x1921, 20200517_144217.jpg)

>>554793Alma dm to Centip3des
No. 554814
File: 1589703358460.jpg (130.96 KB, 1061x1728, 20200517_150938.jpg)

>>554793Alma's insta story
No. 554850
File: 1589713522344.png (336.81 KB, 720x596, 20200517_190035.png)

I dunno if this is news to anyone but i found pentagrins twitter in another thread
No. 554923
>>554906Pentagrin was lowkey friends with a girl named stories, who said to be 8 years old. Stories got salty at Digby the goat because he didn't believe she was 8; so Stories, Pentagrin and another girl made a Discord Server to take him down.
However, it seemed like if Spoctor, who was one of the biggest channels on the comunity didn't believe it either, so Stories took screenshots of Discord messages of Spoctor "Grooming" her, so she and Pentagrin could make videos named "Stay away from Spoctor".
Spoctor had a huge backlash from it, but a few other people, like Ponder sprocket, defended him. It was Stories who was teasing Spoctor, both of them were underage but Stories was like 12-14 years old, and many other things that were found out to be a lie from Stories and Pentagrin.
Both of them deleted their channels, the third girl felt guilty and showed the Server and some information about Stories and Pentagrin planing this. They tried to come back, but people were, and still are, mad at them for lying, so the new channels didn't last long.
That's how I remember it went, if you want more details you can watch the videos made by Ponder, Just a Robot and Digby.
No. 554955
>>554906>>554923Before the whole Spoctor ordeal, she was already a bit known on DeviantArt for her shitty Black Butler knock-off ocs, which she insisted were totally not ripped off and all the obvious similarities were just coincidences.
After some time Spoctor was proven not to be a pedophile, she made a very bad apology video in which she did not really apologise.
No. 554968
File: 1589748241834.jpeg (Spoiler Image,428.05 KB, 1700x1435, EGOwkdoXUAAVuAq.jpeg)

This piece by pentagrin was already posted in the bad art thread, but it's too awful not to share here as well while we're on the topic.
No. 554992
>>554968Even if we take away how tasteless this is, this looks like trash.
Cone breasts, I'm gonna scream.
No. 555029
File: 1589759767191.gif (2.61 MB, 589x616, cc21790a22ed.gif)

>>554001What could be done to get this bitch to stop?
No. 555094
File: 1589784147931.gif (2.62 MB, 480x476, 9074961D-4716-4045-9679-D829DF…)

>>555080she’s selling her traced art as prints too
No. 555098
>>5550944k likes for traced shit
This is depressing.
But I don't know what could expose her other than a call out post from a popular source, but even that would be autistic.
No. 555104
File: 1589788066121.gif (1.6 MB, 1580x2224, ED87CC40-B0C1-4D1D-8E48-31C0A5…)

>>555098If it’s coordinated she’ll be spooked. And then she’ll say she’ll kill herself like the last time she was exposed heavily.
No. 555231
File: 1589821891190.jpeg (237.14 KB, 907x2046, 72145C11-2496-429A-8109-7D54E9…)

so you gave that police woman drawing skewed legs but magically you’re able to suddenly draw them just fine. It’s still fucked tho… that head is a squashed potato.
No. 555270
File: 1589826863361.jpeg (194.92 KB, 637x900, 3AABDF36-63F6-4BDA-B64E-E6F27D…)

>>555231it looks like she traced the eye from this. she didn’t trace the chin so it ends up looking squished and fucked
No. 555274
>>555272I'm guessing she takes a lot of pride in being able to 1:1 copy the Persona style
so even slightly deviating from it in the most noticeable features like the eyes can prove she's a hack
No. 555285
>>555266Asperite is very nice and a lot of fun to play with, but it's also geared more towards pixel artists who deal with animation and could benefit from layers. I'm guessing you're on Linux if you're talking about compiling (and running MSPaint on wine).
If I were you, I would stick to MSPaint for a few pieces until you get a good feel for whether or not you like pixel art, then decide you want a more robust toolset and go through the effort of compiling Asperite.
No. 555387
File: 1589845599219.png (45.4 KB, 1024x768, grafx2-screenshot.png)

>>555305If you want to play around with some other pixel art tools besides MSPaint, you can look into the tools listed on this page:, some have a very specific style or use, but they're all free so you don't have to commit. There's also this list: list GRAFX2.'ve had it before. No compiling, just the usual Windows installer. The interface takes getting used to, but it has layers, animation, and pretty robust tools that might put it on-par to Asperite, maybe beyond that. If you're comfortable in MS-Paint, you might enjoy this for your learning. Pic related.
No. 555416
File: 1589852770044.png (45.89 KB, 739x359, phewwww.png)

>>555283>Her fans really think tracing means to copy/paste somethingHaha.
No. 555436
File: 1589854104445.gif (68.66 KB, 512x512, gif.gif)

>>555416That person is beyond help.
>>how come the eyes, mouth, base of ear, jawline, and nose all align perfectly then? don't you think that's a bit more than "referencing"?>Not at all. That usually happens when you use a reference, but the jawline is off as are the facial features. The lips are too simple to call traced and they're slightly off too. No. 555488
>>555231Christ this literally looks like a barbie doll you dropped on the ground. How do you even come up with a pose that awkward?
>>555442>none of these line up brah!!!I actually laughed out loud.
No. 555504
File: 1589875083234.jpg (56.94 KB, 816x640, 47c.jpg)

Why are there so many artists who copy/imitate the persona style? It's so boring.
No. 555518
File: 1589879763338.gif (1.26 MB, 626x640, megat0nraid.gif)

more of megat0nraid's awful tracing (seriously, look at the fucking shoulderrr)
No. 555591
>>553452Did she delete her account? I can't find that handle.
>>555525>lmao wypipo!!!!XDDDDkekI can't wait until all the twitterfags get themselves banned permanently.
No. 555593
File: 1589900700364.png (149.8 KB, 598x458, Screenshot_1.png)

>>555591Aw you got my hopes up anon.
Nah it's still there, are you typing it correctly?
No. 555594
>>555593Oh I see, the post mentioning her had it typoed as "megatontaid". Thanks for the headsup.
The sad thing is that I like her coloring technique but shit is so obviously traced, one look at the hands she draws and you can see it miles away.
No. 555601
File: 1589902258415.jpeg (326.12 KB, 750x989, A4D6A4D6-1BC1-4797-930C-13412F…)

convenient starting point to begin recording your drawing, huh. Gotta prove that you’re not tracing after all.
No. 555602
wow a 3/4 view shoulder-up shot of the character you've drawn billions of times over in the style to the point it's become almost muscle memory, good show I totally believe you're not tracing now!!
She's absolutely disgusting for leading her fans on like this so they'll keep eating up her traced artwork.
Also, the fact that she uses the line tool to lineart rather than hand-linearting it is a huge tracer move. And not only that, it looks so lifeless and ugly. Just line your own shit.
No. 555648
>>555636The fact that she has her own account full of her traced art is actually really upsetting. This and she's still got a shit ton of followers?????
What will it take to make people see???
No. 555670
File: 1589916242408.png (519.52 KB, 2262x2380, course 1.png) anyone here gone through this art curriculum? Is going through this a legit way to improve your art?
No. 555683
>>555670never when through it, but it seems well put together and really through. it's also a nice touch that he included free resources for lessons and recommended books that are widely available as pdfs for those who can't get it.
but also anon the way your question is worded kinda leads me to believe you don't know how improving your art works. it's more about rigorous practice and study over doing some specific curriculum someone came up with. you don't have to go in a specific order with what you work nor do you have to neatly divide them into really specific times you do them for.
No. 555702
If I ever needed proof of my dyslexia it'd be this instance right here
Thank you anon
No. 555709
File: 1589924283741.png (118.79 KB, 1318x578, screenshot 1.PNG)

>>555703I guess the reason why i asked if it was a legit way cause I saw a 4chan thread saying it was shitty and completely useless.
No. 555766
>>555709Yeah they’re idiots, like they’re ragging on what are basically foundation teachers like of course Proko is gonna teach look is, they’re both teachers who teach from life. They just can’t fap it if they can’t draw their anime waifus, like they don’t get hard at actually drawing a real person.
But yeah the real way to improve and expand your artistic abilities is to develop a lot of foundational knowledge so that you CAN draw anything later in any style and not be hampered by like tracing and copying other artists. It’s basically like learning to stretch before you run a marathon, like you’re gonna have to learn how to do it and if you run without stretching, you’re gonna hit walls later that are gonna suck and make you fall down
No. 555791
>>555766>>555738>>555733>>555723>>555703>>555670so once one goes through the curriculum over several years, is it okay to branch away from realism and start finding your own art style?
I've been meaning to get better with art nowadays since my art style doesn't match up with the comic ideas that wound up in my head. only issue is that personally, don't like photo realism as an art style and much prefer semi-realism to stylized for most of my work. I don't know, I just find trying to be as realistic as possible restricting since my inner perfectionist will scream at me the moment I draw a arm wrong.
sorry for the long post by the way. I tend to overthink too much.
No. 555829
File: 1589943260231.jpg (100.69 KB, 1200x675, EYaCgSnUYAA2xZZ.jpg)

posted three hours ago.. with the caption 'we live in a society'.
if anyone can find the source of the head, that would be amazing. it looks so fucking different to everything else, especially the stupid hat.the right hand look odd too.
it seems people are actually starting to take notice of this on twitter, too, with megat0ntrace and everything. hopefully this time she won't threaten to kill herself!
No. 555844
File: 1589947748868.gif (2.29 MB, 314x380, ezgif-7-280572cc7f89.gif)

Hmm, this one is a bit of a doozy. I feel like I'm on the right track with this, but I'm not 100% instantly convinced like the other examples. The nose/jaw just don't quite add up.
No. 555846
File: 1589948512214.gif (1.9 MB, 368x425, ezgif-7-9cf57a202052.gif)

>>555844i had access to the sketch from the commissioner. it matches better there. especially in the neck.
No. 555847
File: 1589948561732.gif (2.86 MB, 565x680, ezgif-7-7c9edeef5ac1.gif)

>>555846and akechi's hand
No. 555850
File: 1589950493270.jpg (113.65 KB, 900x1200, EYV_jSAWAAEies8.jpg)

a masterpiece from megat0nraid i found when looking in replies about her tracing on twitter. kek the fucking anatomy
No. 555853
File: 1589952106042.jpeg (382.95 KB, 895x1280, FB197EF9-7460-4F5D-87DF-2208E6…)

>>555791Yeah basically. They’re called foundations for a reason but you should know them enough to where when you draw things in your “style” that it looks like you know what a thing looks like. Like it’s fine to venture into stylized and semi realism when you develop how you work at a thing but a think I think to remember is like, whatever you’re trying to do be it like environments or people or something, you’re still trying to replicate reality in a way so like when something is off because you either don’t know how to use reference or don’t know like how to show volume or make it look intentional, then people will know it looks wrong.
Like a lot of these exercises are just really meant to build up a visual vocabulary in your head but also provide the education enough to where like you can be confident enough to push your stuff in terms of style but retain something that looks “natural”. It’s hard to describe in words but like my visual example is these Jin Kim drawings vs this Baylee Jae painting (I frequent her board cuz I hate watch her). But you can see like, Jin Kim is an animator so he has the knowledge of how humans look and move to where even tho Anna is very stylized, these drawings are good enough to inform the 3D animators on how Anna should come across. Vs Baylee, cuz she obviously was drawing FROM Jin Kim’s drawings in the frozen art book, the figure is very off and stiff because she lacks the foundational knowledge to build a person that doesn’t look like she copied it from a Disney book or a doll.
I think really, especially if you plan on doing comics, is to really let go of the perfectionist part of your mind but make sure you know your basics enough to where you don’t have to trace really simple parts as a crutch. (I’ve done comics tho and because u have to draw so fast sometimes, tracing is common) Like make sure to study whatever you’re interested in like characters or coloring or whatever but like realism doesn’t have to be your “style”, think of it more like a tool
No. 555858
>>555821I’ve freelanced for various industries but basically yeah, you build connections in your network through your stuff and eventually that gets you more work and builds your reputation. Like you don’t have to go to art school but the one thing people forget is that going to one gives you access to a network of your peers from the get go as long as you’re not fuckin weird or choose not to interact as well as the connections the school has and it’s resources. But tbh it’s way more easy now cuz of social media, like most of the jobs are people who find me on twitter or artstation or like they’ll get recommended from people who know my work on there.
I think the biggest thing people don’t tell you is like, (I’m assuming you’re an illustrator just generally) know exactly what your portfolio should be for in what industry you want to be in/get work from. Like if you want to do children’s books, have a portfolio geared to that. If you want to work on video games, be knowledgeable of what kind of games u wanna work on look like and what their artists are producing, if u wanna get into merchandising or graphic design or comics, then have that stuff in your portfolio. Lulusketches on YouTube I think has good videos about what to do about your portfolio and gearing it to industries and I think she’s very helpful on that.
But yeah basically like, getting your work out to people will help build your network and help you get work. Also don’t be an ass online or gain a reputation of always being late on your deadlines or breaking NDA’s, if you’re starting out you don’t have the protection a lot of people do. Like there’s a bunch of people I know that were never hired back for work cuz they won’t shut up online about being lazy. But yeah it sometimes just takes a shot in the dark
No. 555859
File: 1589953268025.jpeg (57.61 KB, 340x484, E1D7CD23-EF31-42E2-AE12-05142E…)

>>555829Can anyone see if this lines up with the head? Partially the jaw area looks like a match but I’m not for certain
No. 555880
File: 1589962221131.png (90.92 KB, 565x680, TLPIYtwo.png)

>>555856>>555855oh, you're my hero. i actually assumed you were getting these from lolcow, so i was posting them (this and the margaret and elizabeth) for you to find, lol. i was asked if i knew your identity, since they assumed you were making all the overlays.
the commissioner actually gave me the sketch in order to seek out tracing, so you should be all good. i couldn't find anything directly for akechi's face, but i did find the hand and another anon found the face copied from rin.
No. 555913
File: 1589968776947.jpg (666.66 KB, 1236x768, LOL.jpg)

Megat0nraid's friends are really something. Not a fan of utapri? a quick check at her old deviantart says otherwise!
her dA's
No. 555921
>>555636Honestly the megatontrace account is really bad. If you want to actually get attraction to the tracing, instead of making an account for it, it would be far better to make a single post and then keep linking the proof into the replies. No one wants to scroll through an entire account for the proof when you could just make a master post about it. The thing about this is that with everything seperated, it's really hard for people to retweet or comment on this issue, because if they do retweet, it's gonna make them look stupid if it's just a single image and the people who see that retweet are only going to look at the thread itself but won't bother to check out the account.
So if ANYONE here wants to actually bring awareness to this. Take ALL of the proof, make a single tweet about it with few images linked to it and then start linking the rest of the proof under that tweet, so that everything is literally in one post. Making an entire account is not bad but having everything scattered is. No one is gonna notice your account and effort, you have to actually present everything in easily digestible form.
No. 555958
>>555921>>555922>>555927Honestly, we didn't really think it would "take off." Images were being investigated and posted. The intent was to go out into the open once there was enough, but time makes fools of us all.
Thank you for the tip. I'll start to compile images for one masterpost. I'll also investigate copyright law and plagiarism sources.
No. 556075
>>556071The way she holds her pen and draws is driving me into a frenzy
And her sketchy lines really promotes the amateur theory.
You can pick up things after tracing for years, and oh look, this image is of another 3/4th bust shot! Wow what a drawing marvel!
I can't watch this anymore, the way she holds her pen was driving me absolute bonkers.
No. 556084
>>556071Doesn't she have OBS or some shit? Why is she recording her screen like that????
You can't even really see what she's drawing.
No. 556089
>>556087I mean how can anyone see anything from this angle, the lighting and how many times her hand goes in front of the image?
But your points are
valid and I got the same impression. This kind of feels like that one artist who draws without an undersketch that ended up with really wonky proportions. I remember seeing them talked about in here before.
No. 556123
File: 1590007948873.png (927.37 KB, 1119x525, sailormoon.png)

>>556071 fucking hell it's so obvious that she knows nothing about colour theory or anatomy when you compare her art to another persona copy (kunoMD)
No. 556147
>>556120Click-baity hacks and comparison videos.
Neither Chloe nor Rae know how to draw something without just copying the reference image.
No. 556149
>>556131Yeah no kunomd is trash
Don’t forget he and his gf went on stream and made fun of some random artist’s art
No. 556150
>>556149Holy fuck wait THAT WAS HIM???
I've seen that video but I don't know why the name KunoMD didn't register in my memory. Does someone have the video again?
No. 556152
Well I guess I have someone I need to unfollow.
No. 556153
>>556071 im one of her ex friends. Can confirm she doesnt hold the pen that way. I've seen her in an art contest when she drew Aya from Parasite Eve from scratch but with horribly shit ass anatomy but either way She doesn't hold the pen that way.
Also With that lighting she could easily have posted a near white pre made "sketch" and draw over it let's be real. Can't believe people are simping so fucking hard for her. She's making this a real treat to watch because honestly those people whiteknighting for her? Pretty sure she shittalks them behind their back.
i can't specify too much but she slandered a budding artist a few years back who was getting more traction than her at the time and had them ostracized. Afaik they were close friends. So yeah fuck "Raiko". Two faced bitch.
No. 556155
Those thousands of followers are pity following her at this point
But you keep that shit on your private accounts or to yourself
No. 556159
>>556155Should've just posted her here.
The way they talk about it is way meaner than it needs to be though. They just blast her publicly and attack her character and can't even really articulate just what is so bad about her work. And the whole "How is this VAGINA more popular than my bowfwendu" part was just obnoxious.
No. 556160
File: 1590017141789.png (5.93 KB, 256x70, 704933eb20ecdc2f9da146ecde5e11…)

>>556071>>556084here's what @margiejojofan told me when i asked for a video of proof. why didn't she post the OBS recording if there even was one?
No. 556162
File: 1590017330008.png (10.02 KB, 293x203, 215f0e6be622ac96e29c012fd70295…)

>>556160it also wasn't 20 minutes.
No. 556166
File: 1590018391404.png (162.73 KB, 1920x1080, unknown.png)

>>556071Looking at this closer, you can tell she's faking some shit. I got into my SAI and I am not seeing any options for new. Whenever you open a new file, it asks for the size. She either opened from "create from clipboard" which makes an instant canvas of what was draw before, or open recent where she can choose what to open
No. 556167
File: 1590018585401.jpg (61.27 KB, 516x960, muh tracing.jpg)

>>556164 Actually that leans in more personal and non-art related so i don't want to derail but the tl;dr is she basically started dating this fuckboy, related to cosplay.
Raiko and her friends thrive in belittling and making fun of people they disliked. Used to have way too much public drama. In the cosplay scene at least, I've seen them ostracize people who weren't up to standards. As for art, yeah I only know that one artist that Raiko slandered. Don't know where they are now.
ANYWAYS have some tracing related shit.
No. 556173
>>556151he claimed they broke up to calm the hate, but people on his campus said they're still dating
fucking LOL
No. 556193
File: 1590026064181.jpeg (535.93 KB, 1242x1106, F29EDF1F-2D29-455A-8C6B-D053BF…)

She is so far up her own ass.
No. 556198
>>556166Holy shit anon I didn't notice that. Yea when you click on new it will always show a box in the middle of the screen where you pick the height and width.
But that's the first version of Sai, which means it doesn't have the 'paper' color function—and the color was instant. So it's quite possible she made a template with the color that she just picked from her recents menu. I bet she'd explain it like that but it's very suspicious because she could totally have a certain color for her undersketch that you cannot see from the angle and lighting—which doesn't disprove that she traces.
No. 556199
File: 1590028182797.png (118.11 KB, 1056x1034, Screenshot_20200520-192802.png)

>>556071I really hope this is sarcasm or someone very young and stupid.
No. 556284
File: 1590059288398.jpg (Spoiler Image,130.99 KB, 1094x1018, EYUqmxFWsAELGAV.jpg)

>>556270here's the overlay i found for the hilda one. i didn't make this. the original is an anime cutscene from persona 5. (spoilered for game spoilers)
however, i totally agree with you too, when i looked at it i saw immediately the 3d models resemblance..
No. 556325
>>556323I didn't think about the erasing thing
That sounds really plausible actually
No. 556342
>>556329Didn't mean to bump earlier. Anyway, here it is. opacity isn't turned on in the Haru video, but either this or a similar method could have been used in other videos. I posted this to @harrdseed if you were curious.
No. 556351
>>556342…Holy fuck anon.
I think you got it.
No. 556368
>>556071Lmao, why the sudden change in vid footage of her drawing process? It’s so suspicious because how bad the view is, basically covering the canvas- such a bad video for casual viewers. It’s a basic call out saying “See?! I don’t trace, see my hand in the process???”
Also, at the beginning, did she just press the undo tool to bring up the image?
No. 556389
File: 1590077011971.png (396.29 KB, 763x1088, pepe silvia.png)

>>556342Here's a method that she can do with one layer and no preserve opacity. It would also explain why she feels the need to block everything, since she really wouldn't need to if she was using the preserve opacity method.
No. 556395
>>556389>>556342Bless you all anons. There's no doubt she's using these methods.
I honestly can't stand her and all her ass-kissing fans who like to get scammed by buying traced pictures.
No. 556398
>>556395Just a note. The method I showed in
>>556389 probably isn't what she does all the time– it's just when she's recording. The rest of the time she probably just reduces the opacity to like forty and traces on a new layer.
Also, there's even a way she could completely remove the faint original image (even with just one layer) so posting the picture in the speedpaint also doesn't prove anything. Literally all she would have to do to get rid of the onionskin to make the image postable after tracing it is change the contrast and brightness levels.
Yeah, yeah, Occam's Razor and all that, but given how different her sketching styles are between
>>556142 and
>>556071, there's no way she
isn't tracing. It's easier for me to believe that she'd jump through a bunch of hoops to get away with it, honestly. We know what her actual sketches look like. They're a sloppy, feathery mess with no shape building, not this weird pristine shit with no feathery lines whatsoever.
No. 556616
File: 1590104263723.png (739.31 KB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20200521-183602.png)

Ergojosh is live on twitch rn. A fine artist you guise
No. 556620
That's what it's supposed to be?
All I could think of was closed mouth ahegao
No. 556626
>>556623Sorry lol I deleted it because I fucked up the sentence but yeah. The chat is talking about ahegao and he said "y'all are obsessed with ahegao" and there's lots of people in the chat that are like "what's that?"
It's kind of messy kek
No. 556630
File: 1590105072444.png (729.3 KB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20200521-185036.png)

Saged since it's not really milk, but ew lol
No. 556655
>>556630Is he drawing usagi?
Look at the hair
No. 556697
File: 1590115942510.png (260.35 KB, 1090x1480, LOLL.png)

>>556199I'm in Phansite's discord, and have a look what he said here.
No. 556718
File: 1590121652157.png (705.39 KB, 1024x2048, persona_3_dancing_moon_night__…)

>>556708 she could just be using the 3d model ripped to mmd, same with the haru she most likely copied for the hilda commission
No. 556736
File: 1590127783597.jpeg (211.88 KB, 1200x945, 75988D2D-2FD8-4525-8D46-8B2AF4…)

>>556533Probably the worst one yet. It amuses me how all these obese artists like Twisted Disaster like to draw canonically skinny characters as chubby or fat
No. 556768
>>556736i expected it to be wonky clicking on the video but this is absolutely atrocious, i didn't think she could outdo herself.
it might be because she doesn't attempt to do angles like that very often?
No. 556822
>>556819and the dislocated shoulders, ugly shading and penis nose. i think only the hair looks decent, everything else is just kinda ugly.
in other news, raiko disabled comments on her "see?! im totally not a tracer!!!" video kek
No. 556830
>>556736For me, the only issues are the eyebrows, nose and mouth.
Idk why but the eyebrows urk me the most, like, I actually went to her deviantart to see if round-brows was a trait in her art
No. 556927
File: 1590178822668.png (392.21 KB, 729x1201, rokuro tweet.png)

Oh shit! Game ogre. The artist she traced from is aware of the situation now. She's gonna have to check herself before she shreks herself.
No. 557041
>>557039I'm so sick and tired of Lavender Towne's art
It's so bad but she has such a huge hugbox so she doesn't feel the need to improve because it's "just her style" fuck off.
No. 557153
>>557141i will forever stan istebrak idc if other anons say she's arrogant, she clearly knows what she's doing.
love life drawing seem pretty helpful too.
No. 557157
>>557141Sinix is most helpful to me, though his videos focus more on conceptual stuff than raw drawing.
Most art youtubers are trash though, and anything they could teach you you could find just as easily in a book, 95% of the time.
No. 557161
>>556819>>556822>>556830h-how dare you pedo weebs not love this ~realistic~ usagi redraw!!!!
Anyway I thought the Sailor Moon redraw challenge was a cute idea when a lot of Japanese artists were doing it because the idea was to redraw this iconic character in your own style to show how you would implement the design, but a lot of people latched onto it just for virtue signaling and one-upping each other in wokeness. I've seen so many fat Usagis, black Usagis not even resembling the original design at all and even someone redrawing her as a stereotypically Asian girl with the caption "anime is too white" or something. Redraw challenges aren't fucking redesign challenges you idiots. I know it's not that serious but it still ticks me off that people have to turn every fun light-hearted meme into a snappy political clapback.
No. 557167
>>557141Most art youtubers are awful teachers, even if they are good artists. On top of that, they have to play the algorithm game to get their videos noticed and make money, so their content isn't always going to be formatted helpfully either. You're way better off looking off site at resources like Proko or Ctrl Paint. If you're willing to spend money, there are decent books you can invest in or even a Schoolism subscription (which is on sale right now IIRC).
YMMV but I know my art didn't improve until I stopped trying to learn from youtubers and popular artists online and started learning from actual teachers.
No. 557486
>>557228what do you mean?
i don't think she's even muslim anymore.
No. 560163
File: 1590677085461.gif (2.21 KB, 50x50, Heart.2.gif)

just a lil test
No. 567936
>>556736Do you think it might be because some artists tend to draw things that look similar to themselves? Like in this case, because Twisted is obese, she may inadvertently apply that to some of her work and may not realize it? Not saying that this depiction of Usagi looks obese but she does look chubbier.
>>556833I'm guilty of this. I do tend to draw skinny characters and I'm skinny myself lol I have drawn fat characters in the past but they never really looked all that great since I don't draw that kind of body all that often.
>>556925This too. While my diet has changed in my adult years, when I was a teenager I would eat a lot of junk food from chips and cookes on the daily and no matter what, I never put much weight on at all.
>>557157In your opinion, why do you think most art youtubers are trash? I honestly don't have much experience with Art tube, the only channels I ever watched a bit of were Holly Brown, Twisted Disaster, ZodiacLord, LavenderTowne, and that one artists who's an Asian girl who wears a horned headband and I'm aware that most of the ones I mentioned are considered crap. But why is this? Why is it hard to find good art tubers or is it really just down to personal taste?