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No. 495098
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/476533~It's all made up stories for made up internet points~
Feel free to add your own milky subreddits and note this isn't just a man/trans hate thread, but more of a general reddit thread
No. 495103
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Reddit is just a natural pink pill by itself with the amount of cumbrained scrotes. Pic related.
No. 495107
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What are the thoughts here on academic related subreddits? There’s some interesting posts I’ve found on there by sorting top all time.
>of course mostly stem bullshit>everybody trying to get a pee ache dee in the same fucking field(s) so obviously no jobs in academia>smug math/bio/physics majors who thought they were more “in demand” than the humanities>lots of people leaving academia jaded and broken>tons of plagiarism issues and toxic campus culture vents>occasional abuse/assault/misconduct posts>why would you tell the internet you slept with your advisor or professor anyway No. 495108
>>495103Oh yeah. Someone posted this in the previous thread.
There are also subreddits for "young looking porn" and "too cute for porn"
No. 495111
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>>495107Also you will find some odd troll post like “why does [insert ethnic group] always flunk my classes plz explain reddit” or “why are women not as good at [pick one male-dominated field] than men?” No. 495124
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Has anyone checked out any of the reddit alternatives? A lot of other people also realized how shitty reddit is and an ex-admin even made his own which is interesting. Voat and Saidit are some other ones which are even worse shitholes than reddit.
>>495111Of course that thread was linked to /r/Drama so they can use it as a chance to shit on women some more. Drama should be banned imo, it has the same exact shit that a lot of other subreddits have already been banned for.
No. 495175
>>495124r/drama is full of unnecessary politicalfagging and what appears to be migration from banned subreddits but for some reason it's never been banned
at this point it's just a circlejerk of faggottry and less about actual drama
No. 495263
>>495178This is so true about GC. Top voted comment on a post a few weeks ago about forced births started "I'm pro-life but". On a subreddit meant for radical feminists.
They also are getting way too lax about men. There was a post about DV against women on there the other day and a male was in there commenting about when his ex used to beat him.
I prefer pinkpill, even if I find most of the text exchanges they post really cringey
No. 495537
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/r/femaledatingstrategy can be so cringey sometimes. Imagine sending a wall of text to a man who won't even read it then calling it a win and posting it on reddit lol.
No. 495539
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>>495537had full-body cringe reading this and it only gets worse. thanks for sharing anon!
No. 495553
No. 495556
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this just hurt. I have nothing else to say.
No. 495570
>>495551this, especially since privates are usually desperate to marry someone for the sweet bennies.
not sure what that OP has against firefighters, though.
No. 495678
>>495539>>495537You guys sound like pick mes. Go kill yourselves.
>>495657And you're a retarded leftist.
(Don’t post about wishing bodily harm on a subject or group. (a-logging)) No. 495699
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Frig to the authorities. No bins and no peace until Mom stops telling me to do my homework and clean my room.
No. 495778
>>495570Be wary of infantrymen I think too. Many of them are too much or too fucked up. Cops are understandable because of the DV rates. Lot of guys in those careers have bad relationships with alcohol too
I guess firemen because he'd be practically living at the station? Or how that job will always come first? I've heard the saying "cops beat, firemen cheat" too. So much time away with other women at the station vs at home.
Not sure about truck drivers unless it's the same as prev. Too much time away
No. 495785
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So keeping on the subject of women-orientated subs, apparently pp has been deemed a hate speech sub by /r/againsthatespeece and they're trying to not get banned now and having to add rules. I know AHS tried this shit with GC but it didn't work.
So basically, all the subreddits mentioned here and last thread, the underage porn ones, dead eyes, rape-centric, MRA, MGTOW, that's all ok. But pinkpill and it's cringey userbase is apparently hate speech.
Reddit is a fucking bad joke.
No. 495799
>>495778>I guess firemen because he'd be practically living at the station? Or how that job will always come first? I've heard the saying "cops beat, firemen cheat" too. So much time away with other women at the station vs at home. I don't know what shifts they have in America, but in my country firemen have 4 days on (2 day shifts, 2 night shifts) and 4 days off. I don't think it's that conducive to cheating, I would assume it's because being seen as a tall, fit hero by the general public will turn any dude into a fuckboy.
But, for what it's worth, my dad was a firefighter all his life and also the calmest man I've ever met, with zero
abusive or womanizing tendencies as far as I know. You would think working in emergency situations lends itself to emotionally stable people, but at least the fire brigade lacks the violence/power that attracts psychos to the military and the police force. Maybe it just brings in wannabe heroes and pyros.
No. 495845
>>495839I really hope they use this excuse unironically and r/AHS are forced to close their mouths.
That's how many of them would defend all the rape kink/misogynistic subs, so what's the difference?
No. 495866
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>>495785Look up the thread in AgainstHateSubreddits when they banned AgePlayPenPals. They were defending it and crying about kinkshaming. That's the moment I knew that place was a total joke, of course it is because it's still a place on reddit after all.
No. 495869
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>Coping this hard>>495178Being in radfem places for to long kind of makes you get the "why are you so obsessed with >1% of society?" argument. it's flawed, but you'd think they've had something else to talk about after a while?
No. 495874
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I hope this doesn't devolve into race bating, but the mixed race subreddit has a shit ton "wow the genetic test said I 10 percent Scottish. better find my ancestry". Pic related is oen fo the posters
>> No. 495878
>>495869self-esteem so low, sucking dicks gives you validation and empowerment
women of reddit are so focused on pandering to men that they've become unaware of their own issues.
No. 495880
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>>495875reminds of the cluster fuck that is feminism and askfeminists. The first is decent because they just circlejerk until BDSM murder stats come, but the later is a 24/7 clusterfuck because of the back flips they have to do to answer questions.
> No. 495904
>>495878>women of redditMany of which are just men pretending
>>495875I can't understand where they find empowerment from deadeyes or having a kink for being raped by their partner.
No. 495912
>>495866lmao at that fucking ESSAY about how age play discrimination is homophobia and the alt-right want it banned so therefore it's automatically good.
What a fucking idiot. "When I see alt-right subs and AHS celebrating the same thing I start to wonder" oh gee it's almost like fucking kids isn't a political issue just something people tend to be morally against. Imagine being that thick and on your own bullshit.
No. 496129
>>496124Until women actually start biting men's dicks off sucking cock isn't empowering.
I suppose when men tell other men suck dick as an insult they're trying to empower each other as well.
No. 496130
Do we post in this thread or the other thread? >>495866Jesus christ it's okay to sexualize children as long as you dehumanize them now
No. 496140
No, really. What romantic fulfillment? Males sure as fuck won't fulfill you romantically. The sex and romance you're imagining in your head will never happen to you. Unless you're the top 5% of women, scrotes will treat you like disposable garbage. Don't date.
No. 496473
>>495869>I never understand why women think blowjobs are degradingit's MEN who think they're degrading. men are the ones always saying "suck my dick". they see sex as a power game. has she ever seen the way blowjobs are portrayed in porn? it isn't a loving exchange. it's violent and humiliating even in the more tame pornos. because that's what men like. you can't blame women for seeing porn and not wanting to be humiliated like that.
>>495789that makes sense, now that I think about it.
No. 496663
File: 1576861625956.png (85.51 KB, 1106x500, 13344244422.PNG) reacting to the JK debate was a trip. Anyone see that weird "preferred pronouns are ablest" post there?
No. 496745
>>496194>I’m single tooDo men ever stop to think maybe women don’t wanna put up with a 40 year old who jerks off to 19 year olds everyday, his dick probably doesn’t even work and he’d probably be super critical of a woman he’d be intimate with’s body because he’s used to 23 year olds with bolt ons and innie berginas and bleached anuses.
It’s absolutely disgusting how porn is being normalized, nobody ever stops to say ,”porn is nothing like actual intimate sex,” or y’all about how it gives retarded men false expectations of what women should look like, and if they do, they are immediately ridiculed and then people talk about ameteur porn or BBW porn like that’s any consolation.
Also that old guy was creepy as shit, his poor dead wife is probably rolling in her grave that her husband is jerking off to barely legal teens in hardcore pornography as a means of coping with her loss. Maybe watch an old wedding tape? Or look at old pics of his wife? Nah that’s disrespectful af. Even getting remarried would be less offensive than just sitting at home being an old gross coomer
No. 496758
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Out of all reddit groups I hate libertarians the most. They're worldview is that the government should have 0 regulation. They believe all corrupt business men are just 'bad apples' or the 'free market' would destroy them if all regulation were removed. You can see were they come from if you calculate in how many dumb laws their are from bureaucracy, lobbies, and laws put in the 20's that simply no longer apply, but the problem is they think pic related is the answer.
No. 496818
>>496758Reddit is like the prime example of the kind of people who really shouldn’t be heavily involved in politics or anything where other people’s lives are involved.
Every single political group I’ve lurked on there is always borderline if not full on extreme. They always are the types who don’t want rules or laws, and just seem to want an excuse to act like deranged teens with no consequences.
People like that freak me out so I stopped going to political subreddits because I pray we never are in a scenario where there is nothing to stop weirdos like that from going off.
No. 496941
>>495874>relying on shit sites like 23andmethis is some halsey shit, lmao. basing your ~mixed race heritage~ on suspicious sites that "analyse" your DNA is ridiculous. i think this is an example of how the majority of reddit's user-base are bland and boring people who desperately want to be a part of a minority to feel special. maybe that's why so many of them troon out? after all, 2014 tumblr made it trendy to be a part of a minority.
>>496194this post got more than 20 retarded reddit awards.. redditors truly are the definition of cumbrains.
No. 497017
>>496758wtf are they expecting the ~free market~ to do about clinical trials? even if things like the fda didnt exist you would still have to test medicines before releasing them, which takes time.
are they ignoring that releasing an untested drug could also lead to people getting killed or are they just blindly shitting on muh ebul gubment
No. 497078
>>496839I see what you mean, but I think it's hypocritical of so called anarchists/libertarians like Scrote Molyneux to say they are for individual freedom and then make nonstop tweets all day about how women's only purpose is to have babies.
And some of them take it even further. Orson Scott Card for example is an anarcho communist, hates the government but also thinks gay marriage should be illegal.
>>495874I love how people never do any research about these "heritage" DNA tests or learn how they work. If they did, they would realize how unreliable autosomal DNA is and those tests are basically a scam.
No. 497257
>>497203r/adultery is where men go to whine about how they cheated on their wives after they go to r/polyamory to ask for advice on how to convince their big meanie wife to let them fuck younger women. Both subs are pure cringe.
>>497256Nosleep is honestly just a contest of people trying to out edgelord each other, like people who really don't understand that gross and gory =/= scary.
No. 497319
>>497282I remember that one, it was by iia. He doesn’t seem to post on nosleep anymore unfortunately, but his stories were pretty good and creative compared to the endless pile of darkweb / scary kid / skinwalker / tall pale humanoid with creepy smile - related trash that this sub has become.
Also, his stuff was short and effective, which imo was the spirit of internet creepypasta, not the drawn-out, 26-part soap operas that took over nosleep at one point (to be fair, I’ve checked out long ago, maybe people stopped doing that shit by now). Those always ended up shitty, no matter how interesting the premise was at the beginning. I remember particularly hating that tommy taffy series where the author had an incredibly dramatic writing style, obviously trying to tug at your heartstrings and idk, maybe it’s just me but it was so ridiculous to read stories about a supernatural plastic pedo man that were written like cringy lifetime movies. They’ve always got a shit ton of upvotes, sure enough.
No. 497625
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>bdsm helps abuse victims
Whoa whoa whoa, hol up there
No. 497626
>>497625People keep parroting that sick lie that kinksters made up to to tell abuse
victims so they can lure them in as easy prey.
No. 497955
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>>495537no one that argues with a man like this comes out looking like the winner, so why post the evidence? yes, men are shit but there really is no point in showing them you care so much.
No. 499420
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Rise up gamers!!
No. 499654
>>499427My Dad has severe PTSD from both his own childhood and it got exponentially worse when he joined the military. He's an angry, bitter man who has emotionally abused me my entire life and then used money and gifts to make me feel guilty whenever I challenged him. Do not date military men, if you want a future with them you will not be their only
No. 499692
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i can’t sleep so i decided to go looking for more reasons to hate reddit as if there weren’t enough already and, call me late, but it’s so fucking weird that there’s an entire group of people who post their dying/dead family members while the body is still warm just to farm karma. who the fuck does this ?? case in point, pic related was deleted before i could see the photo but honestly that’s a good thing because wtf
>my wife is fucking dying
>better post to “well that sucks”
No. 499784
>>499782So many women have had anal sex out of pressure and didn't like it. Apparently if you've tried it once you have to tell every partner about it and are also obligated to do it on demand.
This is pissing me off so much because the fiance should have been straight on his way to HR after that shit to put in a complaint, not going home and fucking screaming at this fiance over her trying something sexually 6-odd years ago. The absolute state of men.
No. 499788
>>499774> It is about attraction also. Attraction facilitates wetness, muscle relaxation and loosening of inhibitions, all of which are relevant for someone's consent and enjoyment of a sexual act.oh i didnt realize when you’re sufficiently aroused by someone your asshole self-lubricates to accommodate anal sex. lmfao.
>This is absolutely correct. The problem many posters here have is that they are trying to apply purely rational logic to a purely emotional issue. It does not matter whether it is rational or not that we get jealous that a wife or fiancee performed more/different sex acts with another man than us, it just drives us crazy. We EMOTIONALLY feel cheated and emasculated, she can explain all day long that she does not want to do it with us because it is uncomfortable or degrading in this case but in our head all we hear is a endless loop of she was willing to do it for him even if it was degrading but she is not willing to do it for me and he didn't want to marry her and I do/did. This is an enormous emotional hit and very emasculating. People here saying he should just get over it have no idea what is going through his head right now.… if you EVER have anal sex with a single man you’re then obligated to have anal sex with every subsequent partner even if you find it painful and degrading otherwise he’ll feel cheated and emasculated? holy shit men are retarded. if they’re truly this irrational and lacking in empathy they have no business being in a relationship in the first place. imagine your partner explaining to you that they’re not interested in a certain form of sex because they find it painful and degrading and just selfishly fixating on “but she let another man degrade her!!!”
No. 499813
>>499774and yet that same subreddit will shit all over women who leave their boyfriends because the bf visited prostitutes in the past
people on reddit live in a fantasy world where raping prostitutes is less disgusting and less of a deal breaker than having a consensual hook up.
No. 499844
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>>499825Men are NEVER fucking honest about their pasts in my experience, but yet you have to give them an itemized list of every sex act you tried with every partner lmao. It's none of hs business what she did years ago in college with some guy.
>>499829The answer to "Let's do anal" should always be "you first". It'll die a quick death.
No. 499876
>>499774It's over for that relationship, don't think your ex fiance's coworker calling you a slut with evidence is something you can walk back on
Time to move to a new city and start afresh
No. 500003
>>499788>she was willing to do it for him even if it was degrading but she is not willing to do it for me>for him>for meReally says it all that it's something they see is done 'for' someone rather than 'with' someone. It's just like
>>499825 wrote.
No. 501238
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I don't know why the fuck I just had an argument with a pedo on r/danganronpa about whether or not it's okay for a 15-17 year old guilt tripping/total victim artist to draw porn/fetish shit of characters that appear as high school students.
Their bigbrain arguments:
>japan and danganronpa sexualize minors anyway, see lolis and DR characters, muh pixels
>it's not illegal to draw it and there's no real laws to enforce minors drawing porn
>your lack of faith in humanity that people would molest a child after looking at that
No. 507758
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NoSleep users go insane with the amount of parts they can add to a story
No. 507906
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Bernadette Banner is a youtuber who makes high quality historical costumes.
Someone stole a photo of a costume that she made to sell a cheap Chinese knock off of it. A dress based on a painting that she hand sewed. She made a video where she ordered the cheap knockoff dress to see how low quality it was. In the video she talks about how low quality Chinese clothing and fast fashion are bad because 1) the way the factory workers are treated (spoiler; extremely poorly) and 2) how fast fashion is bad for the environment.
So of course some moron on Reddit accused her of being a cLaSsIsT IdIOt. Because it's not the poor factory workers who work 100 hours a week and pass out because they're not allowed breaks, right? It's the middle class Americans who can't LARP in the absolute best attire. God this pisses me off so much. No. 507934
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>>507928tbf i wasnt the only one
No. 508224
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why do the most retarded posts always get the most likes?
No. 508746
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Gosh /r/sociopath us full of cringe. Even worse when someone with e legitimate aspd diagnoses goes there looking for help, but they get cringe like 'embrace ur dark side!1!'.
No. 508778
>>508746They have to be a 14 year old boy who just watched death note and thinks he knows philosophy
have to be
No. 508781
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Both of his examples literally faked documents saying they were safe to the public and doctors.
No. 508881
>>508746That sub is such a cesspool.
ASPD is rarely diagnosed, When it is the person has to have a prior diagnosis of conduct disorder and is usually incarcerated/has to do court order therapy sessions. Cluster b’s usually never seek out professional help because of their lack of insight and malignant narcissism. (with the exception of bpdfags, they were their disorder like a badge of honor ).
The people claiming to be diagnosed are most likely lying.
No. 509163
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You guys. I went to a kid's movie and there were a bunch of KIDS there and they were acting like kids!!! How dare they No. 509165
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here's the rest of it
No. 509177
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Imagine being so greedy complaining about a damn gift
No. 509193
>>509177>>509179Lmao. I wouldn't even reach to say she's a narcissist or an imposing parents or whatever.
The gift is CHEAP. The truth is she got a bunch of those prints in bulk at a discount and thought the duplicates would make great "gifts" at holidays so she doesn't have to spend time and put effort into giving someone something meaningful or useful.
I would have given the pictures back and told her to give them to her aunties. I hate low effort 'friends' like that.
No. 509197
>>509179why can't she shop for those 'non child friendly' items online? why is it such a bother? What a weirdo
>>509181Not too bad? I think it's a truly awful gift unless the friend is on a level of godparent.
No. 509207
>>509199I get that people are infatuated with their child, but most have enough common sense to realize a bunch of pictures of their baby is not an appropriate Christmas present for their friends.
I think I'm not alone in saying I'd rather not be given anything than a shit gift that will uselessly clot my place.
No. 509230
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>>509163The build up to Avengers Endgame was hilarious, redditors were getting mad about the possibility that children might be there
No. 509343
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the most annoying thing about reddit is that they act like basic shit like this is worth a psa post.
They take the most basic info and act like its some big hidden gem that only they themselves know.
No. 509347
>>509163>>509165What a dramatic and dragged out telling of a very mundane story.
I went to one of the Iron Man films years ago and someones fussy/bored 2 year old ruined it for me, I can't imagine writing ten paragraphs ranting about it though
No. 509357
>>509347What's worse? The idea that all of these adults would willingly go and pay for capeshit/military propaganda or children acting like children?
The real fucking shame is here is paying for absolute mind garbage and feeling like you have a right to say anything after.
No. 509491
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>>509446>be an adult>have childish interests>get mad when children enjoy hobbies and media meant for themThis can't be real.
No. 509528
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>>509272The only difference between a child ranting and a childfree person ranting is unironically the grammar
No. 509621
I can't wait for a vitriolic reddit post from the OP who goes to see The Wiggles perform live and gets ass hurt because the entire audience consists of parents with their children.
>>509603Even then he goes straight to blaming kids for ruining his life over a policy that they have zero control over. Blame the owners of the establishment if anything.
No. 509662
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Do they find sacrificing only one hour to a band that doesn't even make bad music so unbearable? Also why are they so bad a budgeting? I mean you can't travel 24/7, but if you can afford to travel 24/7 without kids you can afford to travel at least once or twice with them.
No. 509664
>>509662Loads of people who don't even have kids can't afford to travel, why are you talking like budgeting is the only factor in whether or not someone can afford luxuries?
/r/childfree is full of assholes but no fucking surprise they can be obnoxious when not having children gets you accused of having a 'failed human life' on the regular. Making fun of parents at wiggles concerts is hardly an insult in comparison.
No. 510033
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The most upvoted post on r/subredditdrama at the moment is one "calling out" TERFs for being "bigoted" and mean towards a supposed transperson. The post that was supposedly brigaded by the evil TERFS was a poorly-taken pic with shitty-applied eyeliner and nothing else, yet it managed to garner 7k upvotes and multiple awards. The trans person in question has a username with the word sissy in it, posts suggestive comments about younger trans people–basically someone who's clearly a fetishist to anyone who isn't a "woke" Tumblrina.
Also, one look into the SRD OP's pathetic post history suggests that he's a sexist incel himself with a victim complex. People think the thread was made not because he cares about transphobia or whatever but because he hates "radical" women.
Pretty milky overall. Apologies for the shit crops.
No. 510034
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Original r/MUA post. Taken from No. 510035
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A peak into the SRD OP's post history.
No. 510071
>>510035>"foid" wow..fuck it mask off I guess
Anyway weird (well not really) how this old ham slice got so many upvotes for a shitty eye liner application. It's as if he didn't even all. The bar is still really low on reddit I see.
No. 511612
>>511575>Reddit typing style Dumb question but can someone explain what features of a post indicates a redditor typed it?
Like is it the paragraphing or some kind of other formatting or?
No. 511639
>>511612Nta but any time I read 'have you no reading comprehension?!' I immediately think of men on reddit lol
Another one is when they write a long post with a ten points and complain when you respond and don't address one out of their ten points. Then say 'aha proof that you have no argument!'
Reddit is male brain
No. 511682
>>511612In order for paragraph breaks on reddit you have to double space. The double spacing only looks good on reddit so whenever it's used on a different site, often 4chan, it sticks out. Double space isn't used in the new browser version any more though.
You can also tell how they talk and what memes they know. Saying stuff like 'karen', 'NEXT!!', 'hold my beer', and so many more are reddit memes.
Any how am I the only one who hates reddit mentioned any place outside of reddit. Anti-vaxx MLM, and aren memes are funny on reddit, but when I see people joking about it out loud, people who've most likely only seen a karen in a meme, it's just cringe.
No. 511707
This is reddit spacing?
No. 512880
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>>512879In defense the op the meme does have a madonna/whore complex ring and it's just a man using feminism as trojan horse for his 'women should be trad thots' view. Of course all the comments miss this and go straight into 'It'S AnTI-SeX'. ask feminism is the most watered down feminism so I don't get why so many dudes are mad at it. They literally stickied a 'feminism helping men' post
No. 513141
>>511612I don't know what it is, but I know I can always recognize if a story was written by a Reddit user; r/nosleep ruined creepypasta.
>>511639"It's almost like x isn't a hivemind and made of multiple users" always makes me think of Reddit.
>>512879The guy who sent/wrote it is probably benevolently sexist in the old school way a lot of boomers are and thinks women are precious and need to be protected. I can understand how annoying and limiting that is, but he's also right that those things are fun, but not empowering. I hope empowering becomes memed out like
problematic did.
No. 513150
>>511707NTAYRT, but is that a triple space?
>>511682Karen is ubiquitous on YouTube and Facebook, and "hold my beer" isn't totally uncommon on them either. I can't speak on Twitter, but I can see them loving "Karen," or Karen-adjacent "Becky." "NEXT!!" is one I don't see very often, though. Mostly, Reddit just makes me think of constant blogposting.
No. 513157
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Really disgusted by Reddit. After watchpeopledie was banned they created watchpeoplebenomore which was the same as the original. People were delighted the sub was back and cheering for it's return in the replies to a comment (news article post about a mom and baby dying in a car crash)that linked it. In the about section the mods were trying so hard to say their sub falls within the rules and DEFINITELY NOT BAN MATERIAL.
Another post that had me disgusted was video footage from a 2 story bus (idk what it's called) in China when they collided with several cars on the highway. People were terrified in the video, being swung violently around the bus and the footage ends with the bus driver being flung out of the bus and dying. In the Fagddit edit they put Robin Thicke's Blurred lines and paused/zoomed in on the hIlArIoUs faces the passengers were making and how funny it was to see horrified people getting swung around. If those faggots were in that situation, I'm damn sure they would make those "funnyxd" faces too. They were also laughing at the bus driver who lost his life. Keep in mind this was on /videos. Not watch people die. They were meming and mocking victims of a horrific accident.
I can't find those posts anymore. Reddit is full of edgey faggots who think they're special and NOT LIKE THE OTHER NPCS with fucking weird ass fetishes/severe sex and porn addiction. Porn/camgirl pics would clog up the /all page, you couldn't go through the front page without seeing some slut with her pussy and tits out. Reddit used to be fun many years ago, really sad to see it go to shit.
No. 513253
>>513160nta but i've always thought these types of antisocial personalities were woefully underdiagnosed, it's just too common to be pathologized. definitely underdiagnosed in men, along with npd. many people are detached losers that actively try to cultivate a more and more fucked up personality. they're trash and should be exiled. they don't have to be this way, they just want to be. male communities especially encourage this.
>>513157so sick.
No. 513278
>>513157>>513157My observation is that all those watchpeopledie and other types of rekt videos mostly come from non-westernized countries. The comments on those videos are usually very dehumanizing. People poking fun at the
victim's race, or if it's a woman they make really crass sexual comments on her appearance (while she's fucking dying…). They're marginally sympathetic when it's a child but the jokes and comments still slip through.
Sometimes a video is leaked that came from a westernized country like the US and the comments are so much more empathetic. Why? Because at that point it hits close to home and contextualizes that this could happen to them. But even then some remain just as bigoted. They're sociopathic hypocrites.
No. 513280
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>>513157>In the Fagddit edit they put Robin Thicke's Blurred lines and paused/zoomed in on the hIlArIoUs faces the passengers were making and how funny it was to see horrified people getting swung around.I've seen similar shit on twitter! I hate it so goddamn much. I've never understood this fad of having clips of people get seriously injured/dying be put to music because it's "funny". And it's not just accounts that exclusively post that shit, some people slip in awful clips into harmless meme videos but cut it off before it gets real bad. I had seen a vid a man took of a woman who had JUST died from being hit by a car. In the vid you see him run up to her body just so he could film it. Fucking disgusting animal. I felt so bad for her.
No. 513302
>>513160lmao I saying the same thing with a relative when we were venting about cruel family member.
In all honesty, I think in general people are just straight up mean more than some sort of pathological issue. People act like jackasses on the internet because it is easy to walk away from the shit you create and you don’t have to apologize for bullying someone you can’t see.
No. 513448
>>513362Let's not forget how these fuckers are
>I HATE WOMEN>LMAO FUCK EVERY NON WHITE PERSON AND LOL WHEN THEY DIE!! HAHA PEOPLE DYING R SO FUNNY>I HATE BLACK PEOPLE>DONT SAY SOMETHING TRANSPHOBIC OR HOMOPHOBIC NO YOU CANT DO THAT!!!>HOW DARE YOU MAKE THAT JOKE YOURE SO WRONG!I fucking hate them so fucking much. How many times a sick, sadistic cunt tried to police my language on reddit or a fucking racist and misogynistic retard get mad at me for not believing in their ideas. I hope they all get killed.
No. 513458
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>>513157Another fine example of this is r/eyeblech, a subreddit full of horrific gore and edgelords tricking people into going there instead of r/eyebleach (which is meant for posting cute pictures).
Some of these idiots bragged about it, posting screencaps of comments from people who fell for their epic trolling, but I’m not scrolling through this septic tank of a subreddit again to find an example, sorry.
Funny thing is, there are more purist edgelords coming out of the woodwork, trying to stop this kind of thing to prevent the sub from getting banned, but let’s be real, there’s no way it would be named this specific way if not to troll people.
No. 513609
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No. 513637
>>513630>married their dream anime waifuKek, I don’t think Reddit gives a shit about Grimes. Also they’re not married.
But yeah. I do agree that they look up to Elon sempai too much
No. 514069
>>508882its fucking annoying. im bpd and its something literally nobody irl knows about me bc it's fucking embarrassing. not to mention all the negative stereotypes associated with it.
saged for blogpost
No. 514105
>>514081learn 2 read: i havent told anyone irl and nobody but my therapist knows. I take my meds, and I'm just saying, its fucking annoying seeing people display it like it's a cool 'quirky' personality trait pissed me off.
also the post wasnt that old.
No. 514244
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>Stop posting your unpopular opinion on unpopular opinion!
No. 514262
>>514248every second post in that subreddit is just "(insert why is X race racist towards white people?)" - "(insert racism)" - "(insert something absolutely bigoted but the person who wrote this makes themselves out to be the
victim and
hurr durr why is everything just so unfair?!)"
it's been basically ran over by bigots crying over not being able to do ugly things anymore or extremely edgy manchilds who now discovered atheism and decide to shit on every single religion out there
No. 514375
>>514248Proof that LCD types ruin everything.
You almost wish you knew what these poor sad fucks looked like so if you saw them walking down the street, you would cross it.
No. 514572
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reddit's real strength is finding the cool girls
No. 514874
>>514575exactly. sleeping around being easier for women only explains one half of the double standard. it only explains men getting high fives. it's no excuse for the absolute vitriol that women get for sleeping around.
if it was just about the relative difficulty of the sexes doing things, you would see similar patterns way more often. where are the men being verbally abused for going to the gym and high fived for being caretakers? after all, the former comes easily to them and the latter doens't.
No. 515048
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"Hey guys, woman are so fussy, am I right? Show me stories of women being unreasonable children!"
Fucking awful.
No. 515245
>>515222>Someone told me that you feminists know what it's like to be a 24 year old virginAnd people wonder why so many other sites make fun of these redditors and their insanely low sense of self-awareness.
>I thought younger girls/women were the least forgiving and most picky, but it seems my entire perception of reality may be warped.Yikes. This is telling.
No. 515332
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From the front page
>Haha my gfs dead fetus looks like this WITCHER REFERENCEXDXDXD
Fagdditors are making oh so funny comments about the dead baby. I'm glad the baby was miscarried, it was saved from a life with that shitty person as a father.
No. 515335
>>515332>HA HA HA EVERYTHING IS VIDEO GAMEZ XDHonestly I think that culture is more obnoxious if anything, worse than dead baby jokes. A lot of redditors are escapist nerds but still, I'm finding a lot of comments in unrelated topics that call back to a fucking video game reference.
They are so damn obsessed, like crack addicts who constantly think about crack. Everything's gotta be about crack/video games.
No. 515344
>>515335>>515332Anons, please check where you're getting your screengrabs. They're literally making fun of reddit's attentionwhore and love for game. If you ever visit /r/gaming, that's literally the type of posts that will be posted.
I hate Reddit as fuck, but I don't want to hate them over fake shit. Anything that has CircleJerk in the name is pretty much making fun of the sub.
No. 515533
>>515222Man goes onto feminism sub and essentially asks > so ladies how do I get my dick wet?
No. 515773
>>515332>dead babyit's a fetus
just an inanimate object so the miscarriage shouldn't be a big deal
No. 516582
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/r/banned and /r/justunsubscribed are sometimes full of abuses of power, but it's often the most victim complex 'what do you mean I was racebaiting?' or 'let me play devils advocate' retards who get to the front. The funniest post was the dude who couldn't understand why a sub with a history of being raided by conservatives would ban a dude named 'magacentrist' on sight
No. 516726
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>>516718most Kyle jokes I have seen just seem like rehashed white trash jokes, not at all a referencing an internet neckbeard type
No. 518664
>>517763"I tried to casually sexually assault my interviewer (BUT SHE GAVE ME THE LOOKS SO SHE WANTED IT! She LAUGHED you guys). Now I'm worried about my application because clearly this is what this situation is all about, MEEEEEE!!!"
Thanks anon. I'm gonna taste the sweet nectar of this golden reddit thread.
No. 518677
File: 1582784852017.jpg (280.18 KB, 1600x900, witch.jpg)

why do people feel the need to lie about such obviously fake stories? this was in a youtube video recommended to me. it's an interesting enough story but you can tell from the writing style it's obviously fake. (this isn't the whole story btw, it's a long ass one)
No. 518693
>>518640Reddit creepypastas always suck anyway.
>I went into a DARK ROOM… IT WAS PITCH BLACK>then a VOICE SAYS… U WILL DIE>THEN A MONSTER ATTACKSThey're always way too sensational and blunt with no proper build up, not at all creative and only based on repeating old horror/slasher tropes. If you're over 16, nobody finds that shit engaging anymore. And if it's not baby's first ghost story, it's some artsy faggot's attempt at overdone prose that reads like a bad fanfiction that goes on for like 10 posts. Nobody even attempts to make it believable.
No. 518752
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>>495098Funny reddit happening depending on where everyone sits on the political scale, but reddit co (the admins) just tried taking over the Donald T subreddit and announced they are choosing new mods for it now.
Meanwhile, activist trans moderators have helped turn usually factual subreddits like science into an anti-thought shithole.
>This photo is strangely relevant to the current condition of r/science on reddit. No. 519511
Why is Reddit so obsessed with sex?
Sex questions or stories are ALWAYS on the front page>I had a huge orgasm from doing kegels, cops where called Yeah seems believable.
No. 519692
>>519613People do lie on facebook and twitter, it's just easier to make up absurd, far-fetched stories when you're (mostly) anonymous. A lot of them are definitely men pretending to be women. Sometimes it's an obvious young person pretending to be 80+, writing out a dark secret they've held onto for decades. You can't pretend to be any random person on your facebook like you can on reddit.
It's weird how some of these contrived stories get picked up by other news sites. Here's some obviously fake bridezilla story posted on Fox News: No. 520794
File: 1583278573025.jpg (65.46 KB, 640x660, 1ydeb5i3znz31.jpg)

>My manly pseudo science is better than your pseudo science
/r/ carnivore, a subreddit full of people who think humans should eat only meat, is so fucking funny. It full of dude bro's who'd make fun of essential oils cure alls, vegan conspiracy claims, and etc, but if their manly meat diet makes those claims it's a OK. I'm not no crazy vegan, but it's also funny when if you compare their posts and /r/vegans post the carnivores always have the more negative side effects
No. 520797
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>>520794I can't tell if the dude said wikipedia was run by a vegan conspiracy or the weird hate boner for beyond beef is funnier
No. 520799
>>520794>It full of dude bro's who'd make fun of essential oils cure alls, vegan conspiracy claims, and etc, but if their manly meat diet makes those claims it's a OKHaha this reminds me of some people I used to know who laughed at religion and said how stupid and irrational it was but then seriously believed in astrology.
Plus not all protein bars are full of junk. Probably all of the mainstream ones are but there are good ones and you can make your own.
No. 521592
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>>521591It was in response to this
No. 522039
>>522031they're not children. anime loli porn (which is just CP as far as i am concerned) is disgusting, but anime porn of high schoolers isn't really a big deal (certainly not enough to warrant this reaction). i know the whole "they aren't real" thing is a meme, but in this case it makes sense, because the issue with dating/being attracted high schoolers is the manipulation part of the dating dynamic which isn't the same as with
literal children.
No. 522131
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All the redditors coping with 'smart people give birth later' ignoring the link very real link between old sperm and autism. Like the study's title is the kindest way to say autism. No. 522338
>>522310Not to mention
toxic,low-IQ degenerates.
No. 522380
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Found this freak. He's a 'mtf' and lives with his girlfriend, an actual woman, he has been in the military and has worked for SWAT police. He has wondered if his desire to 'change sex' is just a fetish but he was quickly shut down by TRAs. He dresses like mixture of a miserable middle aged social worker and a 1980s matron who hosts jello salad dinner parties in her backyard.
No. 522381
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Look at that hideous dress. Those sleeves are an eye sore. He looks like a grandma ready to play bingo.
No. 522382
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I wonder if he's going to call himself Diane, Beverly, Lynne or Doreen? He has a legit grandma fetish.
No. 522383
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Yeah he actually went out looking like this.
No. 522387
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No. 522391
so i just watched the gabriel fernandez series and checked around reddit to see if people were similarly upset. feeling majorly aggravated that this many lazy, indifferent fucks were specifically in fields that centered around children, it also struck me as odd that the teacher would tell gabriel "yes, some parents do that [hit their children with belts]" effectively normalizing it to him, then only is prompted to "see if i need to report it" when he mentions she'd hit him with it until he'd bleed. of course it only got worse from there and she still didn't appear to respond with appropriate levels of concern.
everyone on plebbit of course is defending, IF NOT PRAISING, her because "uwu you don't know what it's like to be a teacher, she has 30 other kids to deal with!! my daughter is a teacher and it is hard!". disgusting. the social workers and police officers were losers that absolutely should have been charged, but the teacher was a total dumbfuck and a loser and did not do enough, yet anyone pointing out that she's no hero is condescended to. the "nuanced intellectuals" on reddit always have to come out with some bootlicking bullshit, it's so annoying. she wasn't the worst, but her "concern" for this child considering all of his injuries is laughable.
i say this having been a child that was abused and who had multiple teachers who would REPEATEDLY report, check in, make sure their reports went somewhere, and would go well beyond "what their job requires", keeping me in class if they were concerned, calling my non-immediate family members and friends to investigate themselves and not being satisfied with simply reporting, and i'm so glad they did. those teachers made me feel someone actually gave a shit, especially when CPS workers are often cold. there is no excuse. the faux outrage on reddit that's so easily calmed by "teacher here, it's so easy to point fingers!!" is annoying as fuck.
No. 522519
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>>522496I actually mildly sympathized with the OP of that post, but then I went into the comments. Someone posted their book cover.
They knew exactly what they were getting themselves into.
No. 523677
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I bet the only time a women initiated a conversation with him was to ask why he's like this
No. 523749
>>522519This is so funny, it's illustrated like a novel for 8 year olds
Who did this?!
No. 523914
>>522389I kind of agree with
>>522388 . Like this person looks a bit unnerving but he doesn't seem to aspire to look like some underage girl at least. My sense of style has been objectively worse at times and at least they're not trying to appear younger.
>been in the military>worked for the SWAT police>former member of two organizations with high rates of violence against women Now this is what we should be side-eyeing.
No. 524312
File: 1584034691811.jpg (82.28 KB, 749x531, kiLHEDm.jpg) usual Reddit cumbrains only care about
le poor oppressed women in le oppressive Arab countries when the girls are young, hot, and there are boobs involved. Otherwise they wouldn't give a shit about anything else that goes on in those countries, like rampant corruption.
No. 524779
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The sub is the definition of 'fuck you i got my rights'
No. 526201
>>526141I read through the thread and this woman is doomed. If anyone tells her that this is fucked up she's like but…but…but. He's never done this before. But…but…but.
The rare person who says this isn't a big deal and he was just playing a character (like that character is coming out of thin air) she jumps on it with Hoooonestly, that's what I think it is. He's such a good boyfriend usually uwu.
She's giving it a day until she can think about it and then they'll talk meaning she'll say how it was hurtful but she knows he didn't mean it and he'll apologize but not mean it cause. It'll gnaw at her forever until she either leaves or she lets him ruin her life.
No. 526214
>>526141ehhh, I’m done believing anything in r/relationships at this point.
>Caucasian female with Indian male>I told him to be rough>eliminate the white raceThis smacks of a /pol/ tard fantasy about a white whore who betrays her race with a pajeet and also wants him to be a bad boy (because those dirty women never want the nice guys) and then is surprised because he treats her like shit, which of course all eastern men are hardwired to do, even though they act sweet at first. Bonus points for roleplaying as a dumb bitch in the comments to get everyone riled up.
It’s no longer enough for them to rant about it in their own circlejerks so they shit out this type of “cautionary tales” on reddit where people are easily trolled.
No. 526215
>>526201It's the same as every woman on here looking for advice when their man does something fucked up, there's this need to preface the post with "oh he's just wonderful and this is the first time he's done this horrible thing"
We make so many excuses for them that we talk ourselves out of having a backbone and everything gets swept under the rug so the man is oblivious and happy while worry festers in our head for three more years of dating the pornsick dickhead
No. 526221
>>526214This verbally
abusive type of race based domination exists, there's porn out there of blacks abusing whites, vice versa and every combination imaginable
No. 527011
File: 1584501291358.jpg (22.29 KB, 640x398, ceJVCI5_d.jpg) hating Incel undergoes numerous plastic surgeries to look like a model–spoiler alert: he's still an insufferable cunt. If anything his behavior is even worse now that he's somewhat good looking. Look at his comments if you want to see how hateful he is, I'm freaked out after reading his history and his face is really unsettling. He seems like a psychopath that is out to murder people.
No. 527074
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>>527011 Lmao his house is literally a dump. I guess he doesn’t care, looking at his post history all his cares about are ONS and hookups. Where is he getting 140K tho for weird orbital bone eye implants and leg length if surgeries and shit?
No. 527138
>>527018lmfao those actually rot and dissolve the underlying bones they're screwed onto
Cheekbone/jaw implants are for literal retards and he's gonna look like a melted garden gnome in 5 to 10 years
No. 527142
>>527074Imagine spending 140k to be a mediocre gymlet that will hit the wall in 5 years with no assets to speak of.
He would score more poon by investing or just spending that money on sex lmfao
No. 527587
>>527463He's basically a tranny, that's why.
>Ginger male market failure>Attitude towards women is distinctly catty>Elfin bone structure, extremely effeminate features>Extremely dysmorphic>ManletHe should be popping them mones instead of getting bogpilled, which I'm sure he will eventually. Catch him on egg subreddits in a couple years.
No. 527688
>>527594He feels the need to mention that he's totally getting hotter tinder hookups in his catty responses to reddit women, which strongly suggests that he's either getting none or majorly lying to himself. 5 bucks says he's also an awkward twitchy autist in real life, with a body language that would make Jordan Barrett look unfuckable, let alone a fugly filler monstrosity.
Dick is not a benefit in the dating market, it's a liability that needs to be mitigated with positive factors like wealth. A 5/10 can get 20 natty non-manlet gym rats within 5 minutes of signing up on Tinder. Why go for a mentally ill poorfag that looks like a bad taxidermy of those gym rats? No one sober or above 3 would even consider something like this, which is something he could've gotten without getting surged up. It's is however clear that he wants to bang hot babes, and that's when he will slowly begin realizing that they don't give a shit about hooking up with tinder trash for free. In the meantime, his health will begin deteriorating and his appearance will get more and more grotesque. The best outcome for him is to eventually get his 15 minutes of fame on Botched.
Tl;dr F
No. 527732
File: 1584564467035.png (1021.62 KB, 633x885, reddit.png)

Does anyone remember that guy who was karmawhoring his dying wife on /r/pics?
And even after her death, he began promoting his travel instagram @thewanderingwidower
No. 527737
>>527732ill take the alogging ban for this
i would singlehandedly fucking brutally murder someone if they did this to me and if i physically couldn’t, i would make sure someone else does
this guy deserves absolutely nothing but pain and misery.
exploiting and profiting off your dead fucking wife. when she clearly can’t consent because she’s fucking basically dead already. unbelievable. someone just fucking kill him already.
No. 527740
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This subreddit is literally filled with degeneracy and emotional abuse
No. 527749
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No. 527751
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I feel so sorry for this woman
No. 527762
>>527760because she’s fucking retarded obviously
>>527757yes that’s disgusting, so maybe she should get off her fucking ass and leave him instead of waiting for cumbrain redditors to convince her not to.
No. 527807
>>527757Well she is being incredibly stupid. They're fundamentally incompatible but she's hemming and hawing over this relationship because she's holding out hope that someone will tell her the relationship can be saved and that he will change.
He blatantly told her that if shit hits the fan it's abortion or bust. She's setting up their child and herself for catastrophic failure.
No. 527869
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>>527732>loving our final moments>lovingLoving what? All of the reddit clout you're going to get? She's fucking dying…
No. 528149
>>527029I agree, like why the hell does SkincareAddiction have a Coronavirus Megathread? It's not skincare-oriented either, it's literally about "sharing updates". There's an entire subreddit for coronavirus already ffs.
(As an aside, I'm really sick of getting alerts whenever people post sales in the PSA tag on SA. I get multiple alerts daily for stupid shit like "Travel size of Great Value moisturizer 5% off in bumfuck, Minnesota!")
No. 528196
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Remember guys, you can always become your own girlfriend if you're ugly and have 0 ambition to do anything with your life. see this kind of post very now and then, I'm tired of retarded men becoming a woman as a cop out. Enjoy your regret and severe depression in a few years yall.
No. 528346
File: 1584643344292.png (75.65 KB, 929x840, grave.PNG)

>HA HA unlike you emotional normies I, the logical robot, can see why we should build over graves
I'm not saying they're wrong, but nothing stops a redditor from showing how 'unaffected by emotions' they are.
No. 528372
>>528346>who cares? Gee, maybe the deceased has descendants who'd care, or maybe historians or genealogists.
For being big brain logic masters they sure can't think rationally for shit and project what they feel onto situations where what they'd do with their own bodies doesn't fucking matter.
>hurr there not gonna be any land left! Has he never heard of mausoleums where we stack human remains…vertically? Dipshits don't even realize we don't bury every single human corpse side by side into a dirt plot to begin with. Retards the lot of them.
No. 528718
>>528346Then they wonder why they're lonely, can't get ahead in their jobs, and depressed; because you suck at relating to people and building meaningful connections, you absolute dickheads.
>>528372But everyone deserves an ugly poorly designed McMansion to fill with Funkopops and cats, and if you don't agree with that then maybe you're a fascist.
No. 528757
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>>528751A bunch of normies in general are on 4chan because of epic '/r/4chan', 'r/greentext', and youtube videos about 4chan posts. But I am interested in what they argue about anon. Most redditors share beliefs with 4channers subconsciously (le logical redditor and 4channers both share an 'if x weren't successful that means x bad. No third factor like oppression') world view, but to a lesser extent.
Also have you seen the fuckers who sue /r/4chan as a way of getting advice? No. 528759
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>>528757Any how the people debating the 4chaners are funny because sometimes they just go strait for the jugular
No. 528791
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>MY MUM IS SUCH A BITCH SHE SAID I'LL NEVER LOOK LIKE A REAL GIRL ain't wrong though. All the plastic surgery and hormones in the world can't make trannies into legit women because they're biologically male. Why is it so hard for them to accept that?
No. 528835
>>528791>"Looks more like a girl than most girls in real life!" Not a compliment. Just goes to show how pornsick men have gotten so desensitized to seeing plastic surgery bodies, a pound of makeup, and filters in every online photo that it makes actual women irl seem less than themselves.
These men don't like women, they only like caricatures.
No. 528840
>>528835Not to mention the fact that a woman would be nitpicked to death for having the audacity to think she's pretty on the internet.
If she tried to self compliment all the replies would be tearing her down saying she's only pretty because she got surgery and is wearing makeup, or the photo is purposefully filtered so she's not actually pretty, and how she totally wore that low cut top just because cleavage.
When a man does it, it's all #SLAYQUEENYAAAAAS
No. 528843
>>528791Kek at all the comments saying that his mother must be jealous as if it's clearly not the other way around. Seething scrote will die mad about his mommy issues and autogynephilia.
Also love the comments saying "omg yas queen slay your mom must be BLIND!" Hmm, no, I'm gonna trust the input of the sane woman who sees this monster in real life over the braindead cult that's going off of one heavily filtered and carefully posed photo. The picture's not even that good and this is the troon at his best, so imagine how manly and awkward he looks in reality.
No. 528868
>>528856I'm being critical towards his looks because this is a MAN being propped up for shit women routinely get torn down for. That's the point.
>>528858>>528864Please distinguish yourself as a separate person, you tried to make it look like you were me and I'm really suspicious of your motivation.
Ugly women are more womanly than a male playing dressup.
No. 528869
>>528868You linked the wrong posts, and I wasn't
passing for you. This is an anonymous imageboard, moron.
No. 528871
>>528869>you linked the wrong postsI linked the posts addressing you because you decided to butt in to a reply that was only quoting my post with "weh I'm actually an ugly girl and suuuuuper pathetic."
It was sus af. If that's not what you intended that's fine, consider it verification.
No. 529272
>>524312Reddit is full of socially inept retards that make every girl near them want to call the cops. Same faggots who only go for "personality", if and ONLY if the girl is hot. Why don't they ever "orbit" the average or "ugly" girls on their college campuses, even the one shy girl that checks them out they ignore. Their one chance at game and they throw it away, eventually flocking to r/depression, r/SuicideWatch, the like. Cumbrain fucks never learn though they deserve everything that's coming to them.
>>527074All the Hollywoodesque surgery and botox won't buy you class and definitely not sex appeal, that 140k probably came from benefits/welfare or fraud, God knows..
>>529280Imagine sperging about some shit that happened hours ago, where the offending posts were deleted and derailer banned.
Stop trying to shit up the thread. Farmers don't like trannies, get over it.
No. 531165
>>528843He’s probably an emotionally
abusive, nasty piece of shit. Almost all trannies are. It is a trait of the mental illness that they all have.
No. 533570
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holy fuck
No. 533695
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I swear redditards who dislike Fortnite are way worse than the hypothetical "Fortnite kids" they keep talking about and I truly do not get the Fortnite hate. Yes, it's popular with the kiddos, but it's also just a game like any other. And there are plenty of other games that are just as popular with those kiddos (i.e., that CoD franchise in that commenter's flair). I'm a grown adult who like fortnite , easy-to-hop-into time with friends online, and I play with mostly other adults – youngest in our usual group is 15, oldest is around 34 I think. I've encountered just as many kids in any online game (PUBG, CoD, Siege).
I know Minecraft had a bit of the same reaction, but it feels like Fortnite gets even more flak for being for kids. Is it because it's also cartoony, and they keep updating it with trendy things like dances and outfits to keep it relevant? To me all these things people hate it for (big fan base, updates, unique style) make it all the more fun
No. 535469
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No. 535481
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Is it wrong that I wold unironically date this guy she described
No. 535604
>>535481lmao, even fds women are reddit pickmes. imagine feeling the need to clarify that "this isn't about the money" and bending over backwards trying to prove it when it absolutely should be about the money. also wtf lmfao
>actually wanting the man to stay overnight and live with you without providinga man will do all that romantic nonsense she likes when he invests material resources in you. if you actually give a shit about useless gestures, get him to invest and he'll start performing them. if you cost him $0 he won't even bother to get you a macaroni necklace because he'll know you'll stay around regardless.
if her moid paid he'd actually be my perfect man, but like i said, they immediately cease being comfortably distant the moment they start paying.
No. 535747
>>535604>>535587I already posted this on another thread
anyone have this weird almost uncanny valley like feeling when browsing FDS, I assumed it would be a space for women who are a little odd or GNC to find good high quality men and spot out redflags but actually going to thesespaces it just feel like spaces it feels idk very basic, like a space the mean girl who bullied me in highschool would hangout in
No. 536101
>>535747>like a space the mean girl who bullied me in highschool would hangout inLol anon. You're literally describing LC.
>>535768I guess it's because women tend to settle for men below their worth because society sometimes punishes women who date within their league for being "shallow." I don't see what's wrong with dating a short guy if he doesn't neg you or have a Napoleon complex about it though..
No. 536306
>>536180FDS gets hate for the same reason boobs reach the main page of reddit
Redditors are usually whinny man babies
No. 536307
>>536180i stan fds specifically because it
triggers reddit trash and highlights how dicks can't take even a fraction of what they're dishing out lmfao
No. 536401
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Reddit is a parody of itself, if this was posted on tumblr it would end up on r/thathappened lol
No. 536478
>>536466I know it's necessaryautist but I know guys into books/movies can get obsessed with this "critic" persona and their choices of books they obssess over tell a lot.
>>536468Good single parents are high value though because they have a doubled burden. As for FDS it's a refreshing subreddit because the rest pander to men, this one is normalfag tier but doesn't give men asspats for doing the bare minimum.
No. 536636
>>536614She said
good single parents.
It's more of a mentality. No one is going to respect women like who anon brought up
>>536627, but there are plenty of discerning women who wound up single parents through no fault of their own, like a cheating or violent ex spouse. They still have their educations, careers, and keep everything together despite their burdens which requires a degree of character and maturity.
I will agree that single parents tend to lean on the more trashy side though, genuinely good people in bad circumstances seem like the exception and not the rule.
No. 536663
>>536642The same applies just as equally to men, I'd never date a single dad. Even if single parenthood is not an indication of any trashiness or negative stereotype, the fact remains that becoming a step parent is a huge fucking deal and nobody should be criticized for not wanting any part of it.
The problem is that single parents don't seem to particularly want to date each other, for the same reason childless people don't want to date them. Single dads in particular are always looking for a fresh new replacement mommy who doesn't have kids of her own.
No. 536773
>>536627you seem like a pressed moid whose cope is the single mom meme
if the single mom in question is a stacy it won't affect her in any way lmao
No. 536823
>>536614My older cousin is a single mom thanks to her ex who was already a single dad when they started dating and her number one advice to me was to never ever date somebody who already has a child. Doesn't matter what gender, just don't do it, it's never worth it. Only a saint could cope with that.
She's a very intelligent and attractive woman and wasn't even super young but nevertheless fell for the wrong guy, didn't listen to her family telling her he's shit and got pregnant too quickly without marriage. Despite her "high value" she's been single ever since (~5 years?). No non-trashy guy would date her and she's at least smart enough to keep those away from her daughter, since no dad is still better than a shit stepfather.
No. 537345
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>If celebrity donates for Corona then good
>If celebrity Cardi-B then bad
>reddit.exe has stopped working
You should have seen the meltdowns that happened when the kardashians donated for corona
No. 537376
>>537370Because the guy who metooed her said he found a used condom, meaning she had sex with him after drugging him to rob her, so it got turned into a rape story.
Keep in mind, the context of this situation was that she was a prostitute and he was paying her to come to his hotel room to have sex with him.
No. 540012
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I hate Reddit humor. I hate this. I hate all these awkward, unfunny nerds who write what they think are snappy comebacks but would fall completely flat or ruin a conversation in real life, and that's even if any of them had the charisma to pull it off (they don't.) I hate how much all these beta males suck each other off with imagined fantasy scenarios that would only serve to remind everyone of how much of a loser they are IRL if they were ever spoken.
No. 540040
>>537376They are so desperate to be
victims, it’s truly so pathetic.
No. 540136
>>540129i just find it interesting how they will defend actual rapists who all happen to be men but they will make up LIES about women without any proof.
If i were Cardi-b id sue for defamation.
No. 540137
>>540064i almost dated a guy who was really into reddit; he would browse it a lot when we were hanging out.
he was the typical redditor male; scrawny, white glasses-wearer, in computer programming. he was cute and nice enough and listened to all my points about feminism. he would make a lot of awkward or sexist jokes that were pretty upsetting and it was annoying to constantly have to tell him how wrong the retarded jokes he learned on reddit were.
turns out he was trying to cheat on his wife with me. men who frequent reddit are just about as pathetic and slimy as you think they’d be in real life.
don’t let them get close to you, anon. trust me, redditor males are a dime a dozen.
No. 540339
File: 1586744854492.jpg (89.08 KB, 640x800, reddit.jpg) cosplay pic on Reddit is heavily photoshopped. Everyone in the thread is praising the cosplayer saying she looks like ScarJo when she literally looks like a wax figure.
No. 540375
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>>540339Eh, she uses makeup or photoshop for her cosplays. Here's another one she did.
No. 540440
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Was on r/redscarepod and look who I stumbled upon(necessaryspeed4)
No. 540524
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>>540449She says in that thread that she's an agoraphobic NEET whose only friend is her nephew, but she constantly talked here and on Reddit about her boyfriend/husband who's technologically illiterate and only eats vegetables.
Also, I looked into the nephewfucker posts, and the ages kept changing from thread to thread. I'm confused.
No. 540545
>>540524I also wanted to point out that it's weird for her to claim to have such a special connection with her nephew while she Nigels so hard for her actual husband. Shouldn't she be looking to him for an emotional connection rather than her fucking nephew?
>Also, I looked into the nephewfucker posts, and the ages kept changing from thread to thread. I'm confused.If this woman isn't just a compulsive liar she's an actual fucking pedo. Disgusting. Why isn't there a /snow/ thread for her yet kek.
No. 540548
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>>540545I also went through her reddit history and she's absolutely lying about not having posted on here for months because I'm pretty sure I've seen this same post nearly word for word in one of the threads here.
No. 540556
>>540548She or he often takes discussions from here and then post on Reddit.
>>540545Good lord where is the nephew fucker post? Hope it's a lie too.
I remember her obsessing over an underage boy photobook and then turning around to claim that radfems were pedos? She's been hating on radfems while posting a ton in radfem subs, it's weird that she hasn't been banned from them.
No. 540558
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>>540556Not that anon, but here.
No. 540563
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>>540558Here's her again. 1/3
No. 540567
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>>540566Here's her saying that radfems are pedophilic.
No. 540570
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>>540567Remember, this is the same woman who thinks it's "really adorable" and "makes him pure" that her husband can't use a smartphone, since it means he literally couldn't look up porn if he wanted to.
No. 540573
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>>540556>She or he often takes discussions from here and then post on Reddit.The OP post is actually from THIS thread lmao wow.
>>535747 No. 540574
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>>540570Also note that this same husband has had Neo-Nazis in his family and collects what she says he described as "illegal books" on warfare.
This is really strange.
No. 540577
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>>540574>now were both preparing for when the world collapse's Happy ending?
No. 540585
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A lot of the female-oriented subs are full of delusional women
I like hatereading /r/smolbeansnark because I find the antics of Caroline Calloway to be amusing. But every other post is talking about race or some shit to virtue signal. What do TERFs and SWERFs have to do with this girl?
No. 540587
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>>540584This is my favorite necessarysperg post
No. 540600
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>>540579So, as of 10 months ago, she was 27. But in
>>540558 (6 months ago), she was 36. In
>>540563 and the other caps in the set, she was 25. In
>>540449, she only says she's "nearly 30 years old".
I feel like it's also worth noting that she says in
>>540566 that her nephew looks like her older brother, and that he's his father, but she's also said that her older brother passed away. She didn't state the age he died, but she said her parents described him as a "shy, sweet boy", and that her (lesbian) sister has a male friend she's very close to and cuddles because he "kinda looks like" the brother.
It really does seem like she has some latent feelings for this older brother.
No. 540622
File: 1586821377208.gif (2.18 MB, 350x218, 75458433236.gif)

>>540572Looks like her typing style, but do you have proof it's her? I want to make a thread and include this in the OP.
>>540587I have no words.
No. 540830
File: 1586871166652.png (871 KB, 1419x657, dudeshaveitrough.png)

Saw this on the front page and thought her reply was great. Why am I not also considered brave for having a normal male haircut?!
Meanwhile, lots of the replies are saying it's ugly and she looked better before.
No. 540859
>>540830No one insecure would actually shave off their hair and then post a photo on reddit for strangers to judge.
This is an attractive girl who wants attention, sorry. For the record lots of women do shave their heads, but because they're ugly or fat they're told just how unfeminine they look and that's the end of it. She looks way better with hair, everyone does. I hate shaved heads.
No. 540862
>>540064Might be too late to chime in, but my predatory ex and coworker was on Reddit constantly when I knew him. He deleted his account after I called him out for sleeping with me (a teenager at the time) when another scrote asked what the story with the "crazy fuck buddy" was. He'd offhandedly mentioned his age and location enough times that someone definitely could've found him. He also mentioned his of-age girlfriend here and there, who I only really knew existed after he'd fled the state when he broke it off with me.
That was a few years ago and he's now back on Reddit as a mod for a video game subreddit.
No. 540879
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>>540830>>540853My esthetician shaved off her head to go through a hair transition since she spent years straightening her naturally curly hair.
Tbh i think black women look lovely with shaved heads, i assume its mostly a cultural thing since most traditional african cultures sport shaved heads, while any other ethnicity just gives off that crazy college feminist look.
No. 540893
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/r/roastme has some actually hilarious burns on some posters. However, if you're female and don't have some glaring "flaw" like crooked teeth or something, at least half of your insults will revolve around you being a slut or will turn into some turboincel rant against women being insecure and needing attention.
No. 540923
>>540892Your first point is correct anon, but you lost me at ugly.
She's annoying because clearly someone insecure or even someone who doesn't need the validation of others would not be posting pictures to reddit like that. That's the sole reason why her post is retarded, you don't have to feel one way or the other about her cranium and what rests on it.
No. 540938
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More sped4 milk. She claims to hate kink and unnatural sex so much, yet came to LC to post her incestual fan-fiction about fucking her nonexistent nephew. Did she think farmers wanted to see that shit?
No. 540940
>>540938She also got redtexted and outed one a thread (don't remember which sorry) as being the anon who had posted about wanting to fuck men at knife point.
Interesting person.
No. 540963
>>540954there's also a huge cultural difference like
>>540879 said.
No. 541152
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No. 542717
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>>542698I don't know what to say without resorting to a-logging.
No. 542719
>>542698>Additionally she takes medication which knocks her out cold, and this impacted our sex life. I like how he can say this without missing a beat when there are so many glaring problems with this. How could someone be getting a restful sleep when they're literally in a drug induced stupor with a pig moving them around and literally entering them. Just writing that makes my skin crawl.
They already have sex on her days off, why the fuck do they need to have sex when she's worked a long day?
>>542717It truly is disgusting, isn't it. It's sexy to penetrate an unconscious person and to share this with Reddit. These men get to feel included like they're a part of this sick fucking fantasy.
No. 542735
>>542724I hope it's fake, is this how you treat your partner and
healthcare worker? If she works long hours she should be spoilt by her partner when she comes home in corona times.
No. 542814
>>536180It's more that their advice is just bad. The main thrust of FDS should be to be skeptical of men and their intentions. Very skeptical. That's what young girls used to be taught by their families, especially their mothers and grandmothers. Don't give in to their thirsty desires for sex, don't let them gaslight you, don't let them get you involved in fetish shit or drugs.
Instead it takes on their weird, impractical, Black Twitter like vernacular and advice where they're all "kweens" and it's somehow practical for every woman to marry an MD at a Bank or a Partner at a large law firm.
I also have a degree of skepticism towards the userbase because a lot of them seem to be current or former sluts (there's even af few former camgirls there) who got buyer's remorse, and really, nobody should be taking advice from people who were so short sighted and stupid since their "advice" is going to be colored by internet disease and bitterness.
No. 542866
>>542804All the redditors congratulating her on their "communication" when really he just gaslit her into submission…
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
No. 542882
>>542866If you read a lot of the replies, they're Indian and East Asian guys gaslighting by doing the whole "you don't know how hard it is to be an asian guy in our society, we're not considered to be Chads QQ, try to be more understanding".
There's also an SJW chastizing her for not understanding "racial issues that PoC face".
We really live in a clownworld don't we?
No. 543092
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>>542698This website is completely fucking degenerate. If I was Steve Huffman or Alexis Ohanian I would be embarrassed about the type of culture I allowed to flourish on my website.
No. 543412
>>542882The average Redditor is both misogynistic and racist, but will heavily favor a sexist guy over a racist woman any day of the week.
>>540064I'm under the assumption that in real life, any geeky looking straight dude with glasses and interests along the lines of gaming, rock music, programming, and anime/manga have a good chance of being Redditors. I'm usually right over half of the time.
No. 543734
>>543715>Or is it because there's bigger solidarity against sexism than there is against racism?Bingo. For example, I saw a post on r/LivestreamFail (really popular subreddit) hating on two female streamers for acting coldly towards a black homeless person. The two streamers weren't in the right but the way that subreddit responded to them made it seem like they were literally reincarnations of Hitler. Irredeemable.
However, that same subreddit still goes on to continue support sexist male streamers who cheat on their wives and whatnot.
No. 543742
File: 1587407206199.jpeg (423.84 KB, 750x1028, 92D0D0B3-84A3-42F5-8B3D-9D22E7…)

I thought r/MakeMeSuffer was for shock images (as someone who doesn’t use reddit) but after actually looking on there most of the content is stupid memes and autistic shitfits over some low hanging fruit group like PETA/Antivax/Flat Earth.
Is this seriously what kids consider to be disturbing now? Maybe I’m desensitized since my generation grew up looking at blue waffles and 2 girls 1 cup for kicks, but fucking come on. A dog dying or someone having an opinion you don’t like is enough to make you physically uncomfortable?
No. 543749
>>543734There are so many racist males on reddit heck i see them saying n
* all the time so this has nothing to do with racism since most redditors are racist… has to do with them just hating women in general.
No. 546603
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A lot of my subscriptions are to subreddits related to TV shows I watch to keep up with news, updates, and discussions. But this post from the Black Mirror sub made me want to unsubscribe. So if you're a woman whose husband fucked a pig for the whole nation to see, you're a bitch for no longer wanting to sleep with him or no longer wanting to be associated with him after he made you and himself into a laughing stock. And all the comments were in agreement with OP. I am so done with this website
No. 546635
>>546603OT but I fucking hated Black Mirror and this episode in particular for how the disgusting pig fucking was done as a 2edgy bait and how they actually made him carry it out and how stupid, lazy and unrealistic the whole setting and the "lesson" was.
>huuurrrr stupid sheeple are so attracted to drama and scandals on TV they miss everything happening in the real world!!!Fucking Rick and Morty levels of tryhard big brain intellectualism.
No. 546729
>>546603This doesn't surprise me. I'd unsub if I were you since I doubt it would get better. According to reddit, they hate wives that can leave and aren't locked down as property. Bet you that if she stayed, they'd still complain about her being a gold digger who is only with him for the power/money or something. Other eps of BM are worse, like White Christmas or the entire history of you.
Nosedive and uss callister were good though
No. 547122
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Drama on r/curly hair dictiating who gets to use the phrase ‘big-chop’
In a non-surprise move, Reddit remains an echo chamber
No. 547128
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>>547122the stupidity of policing what people call a haircut. who honestly gives a shit? it's not like they're using some religious or culturally-specific term.
No. 547193
>>495178I understand what you mean by the GC subreddit. When they focus on talking about radfem stuff, it's alright since it's one of the few spaces on that site to do so. I just dislike how so much of the content on there focused on hating anything trans and veers into alt-right conspiracy theory territory.
Despite its libfem leanings, I used to frequent r/AskWomen since the responses can be fun to read. I've kinda stopped after noticing how many posts revolve around men, relationships, and stuff that is stereotypically attributed to women. Also the mods have some strict policies regarding what they consider derailing and invalidation or whatever. They go so overboard in trying to be accommodating that they come across as "too sensitive" and I'm over it.
PinkPilFeminism is the only one I can really stomach nowadays, but there are some cringeworthy posts clearly written by younger people and "nOt My NiGeL!!!11" types.
No. 550974
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Every week or two a tranny post will hit the front page, I'm so tired of seeing this shit. how they're all fucking guys?? I've only seen one Female to Male transition hit the front page.
No. 551653
File: 1588913683847.png (292.94 KB, 494x534, Screenshot_2020-05-08 r Consum…)

>browse /r/ConsumeProduct/ to laugh at consoomers
>it's filled with MGTOWs, neo-nazi edgelords and tradthots
No. 551658
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>>551653>the slippery slope>not a slippery dip of the improving quality of life for women who now have control over their reproductive systemMen really stay labouring under the delusion that they, and by extension, kids, are the ultimate goal for any woman no matter what.
Meanwhile on /r/breakingmom, the joys of marriage and kids.
No. 552339
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I felt sick reading this
>Can you get a Brazillian butt lift at 16 with parent consent?
What drives me crazy is how no one is giving her a hard no and telling her she's fucking retarded. It's obvious as fuck she wants it to be either Instagram famous or for irl attention or both. It's disgusting how nearly everyone wants to get surgery to please and cater to men's fantasies. Call me a RadFem all you want. This isn't right.
No. 552342
>>552339The users likely don't see any issue with a 16 year old wanting to do this since they likely had similar thoughts at their age. On top of that, if you are a out here participating in the sub reddit, I'm just going to assume that you have no issue what so ever with plastic surgery and hold it in high regard.
To put my two cents, i am saddened that body types are seen as trends rather than just a reality. People are out here getting pampers buts and bolt ons to become an insta thot clone. The body positivist movement should be fighting against this bullshit, not encouraging women to embrace diabetes and assisted sponge baths.
No. 552448
>>552342>The body positivist movement should be fighting against this bullshit, not encouraging women to embrace diabetes and assisted sponge baths.Good grief stop complaining about fatties. They do. And you know what they're called for it? A bunch of jelly uggos who are suppressing women's choices and how dare they shame what makes other women happy.
So as a result we get shit like this, a society who thinks it's acceptable that teenagers be encouraged and allowed to change themselves to match some arbitrary ideal.
No. 552980
>>552946>>552339Where I live boobjobs are super common and I know like 4 girls who got boobjobs as quinceanera gifts from their parents because their boobs wouldn't grow any bigger, and yeah plastic surgery as gift at age 15/16, it is as mental as it sound.
When my family was in a better financial situation my mom also offered to pay me a boobjob but I was an underweight skelly at decided to pass up the opportunity and just gain weight.
No. 557339
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>doesn't break it off with this man as soon as he mentions 4chan
>shocked when he does shit like this
No. 557466
>>557340Lmao, all these women are way above average apperance-wise, atleast 8+
Why are ugly men so picky?
No. 560337
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I just discovered /r/blackpillfeminism on reddit and I'd love some other opinions. They basically believe men have bred women to be submissive and pick-mes, so basically it's all biological and there's nothing we can do to change it. They also believe it's biologically programmed in men to rape. So I guess there's nothing that can be done about that either.
Isn't believing patriarchy is biological tradthot shit? They flat up say "socialization exists but it doesn't matter that much" lmao ??????
No. 560365
>>560360I agree but saying men rape because they are biologically programmed to gives them an excuse. Men choose to commit rape. Nothing in their biology makes them commit the act. There's not a need to rape like there is to eat, drink and breath.
I think women are more emphatic but I have no idea if that's biological or socialized. I don't think women are more submissive, they are just forced to be because of male violence. I think males are biologically more aggressive due to testosterone, but I don't think that reflects on womens biology at all.
No. 560420
>>560418"the things I want discussed aren't being discussed on LC so I'm going to throw shit fits about it in threads and call everyone a radfem".
Anyway blackpillfeminism is retarded.
No. 560603
>>560434>>560432I've seen people say there have been all kinds of scrote raids but aside from the gore TOR spammer, has a farmhand ever confirmed these raids? It just sounds like
No. 561369
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Apparently butch lesbians are just failed men impersonators? And men are seething in the comments at women pointing out that they're not trying to look like them
No. 561388
>>561372I hate men but I hate
men who use reddit the most.
No. 561390
>>561372If it was an attractive straight girl dressing up like this people would think she's hip and cool wearing all this street smart shit. I'm surprised they're not going to go full fearmongering claiming butch lesbians are pedos because they "want to look like 13 year old boys". Because "wanting to look like a lesbian" is naturally not an option.
Also I'm not trying to shit on bisexuals because I'm one myself but jesus christ I'm
triggered over the amount of arrogant "bi girls" claiming butch lesbians are obsessed with them and so mad that they can't fuck these super hot bi girls that they hate men and hate everything feminine. I don't know where the fuck these women pick their dates from but like all the butches I've met have been lax and more on the shy side than anything.
No. 569283
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The GOMI refugee subreddit r/blogsnark is currently having some nuclear-tier level meltdown over rabid SJWs, reddit politics, claims of censorship, and banned mods coming back under new identities.
>apparently the mod mango_lacroix is an old user/ex user, was previously banned (?) and then brought back under this new name
>several members want to be like Moses and take their people out of Egypt, threatening to create new private subreddits for their little tribes
>factions split down the line, with the uber SJW types calling out any and every post they don’t like as “whatever-ism”, and the more catty ones reporting them, leaving the mods backlogged for a week
>discussion on former members Trippsnark and Sarahsnark keep getting deleted by site admins on reddit for reasons unknown, leading some to believe there is a “conspiracy” behind their banning
No. 569374
>>569343>autistic mods on an online gossip spaceNot surprising at all. The part where they felt the need to not only filter out any posts that criticized them by blocking the word "mod", but also
personally downvote said posts and delete them, only to claim "it's all just a reddit glitch" is an unexpected level of pettiness, though. Who has that much energy?
Them admitting to filtering out the word "black" and then backpedaling on that was funny, too.
Even the argument that seemed to spark everything off looks so inconsequential and dumb. If the other girl felt so "attacked", she should've just blocked her and stopped replying, and the mods should've warned them both to stop arguing. What was the need to shadowban and mass-delete? People can't disagree with each other on Reddit anymore?
No. 569380
> Even the argument that seemed to spark everything off looks so inconsequential and dumb. If the other girl felt so "attacked", she should've just blocked her and stopped replying, and the mods should've warned them both to stop arguing. What was the need to shadowban and mass-delete? People can't disagree with each other on Reddit anymore?You hit the nail right on the head. Unfortunately with Reddit, I see this happen too often or at least with this current uber sensitive crowd on there. The site has turned into this two-faced hug box where even the slightest hint of dissent from whatever the prevailing opinion is on a particular subreddit creates chaotic meltdowns.
I swear these people act so new to the internet so I am beginning to assume it is true that a lot of them are fagbook rejects.
No. 569463
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>>569434Example of the Mormon thing. It became even more apparent after the political drama. No. 569470
>>569463I didn't know that there were so many mormon users on /r/blogsnark, but it's not surprising to me at all. I noticed the hyper liberal ex-ONTD users.
What I'm saying is that the conservative Mormon mommies and the liberal SJWs are two sides of the same coin. They love policing people to make themselves seem better and use it as an excuse for their less-than-ideal behavior.
No. 569474
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>>569470I was surprised too, but it started to make sense when you consider that they were always in some gossip/tea that you would only know if you were also mormon.
This seems to go over the heads of most of the posters on the sub.
I agree on your second point. The mormon moms seemed to have assumed that they had an upperhand on the subreddit culture, which they came to realize, wasn’t the case. No. 569608
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>>561430They're pretty much in style right now.
No. 569950
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Self-proclaimed psychopath talking about how much he likes killing small animals and hurting little girls aged 3-5.
Why does society allow people like this to exist? No. 569952
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>>569950Cherry on top: People in the comments encouraging him, and requesting photos/videos of the abuse.
This reminds me of that zoosadist group/KeroTheWolf bullshit, and I feel sick.
No. 569955
>>569950Mhm, the wanting to abuse 3-5 yo girl could make sens if OP was actually abused at that age.
Not armchairing but if this is not not fanfic this really reads like red flags for trauma induced sociopathy.
No. 570242
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50 bucks says this dude is an MRA
No. 570247
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The Blogsnark drama is still going. Now it really is Mormons vs the Reddit Libertarian Army.
Downvote brigading on a Tyson Gardner thread causes OP to allegedly make 2nd thread.
The reddit fags now are claiming there’s a mormon mod conspiracy. Most hated mod mango_lacroix claims she’s Jewish…when last week she was black? Who knows what is going on.
No. 570256
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>>570247 of a now deleted comment that some rambling buffoon left in the thread.
And yes, Tyson Gardner is an ugly, creepy, greasy faced weirdo who apparently was messaging/grooming young girls online (much wow). Never heard of this man before but he was on a TLC show after popping out a bunch of test tube babies with his concubine. No. 570653
>>570250>>570517Honestly? Everyone gets that. If you’re black prepare for “hurr hurr you have no dad and commit crimes”, if you’re Asian “hurr hurr you look like a girl/something about porn or rice”, if you’re a good looking white man they talk about all the dicks you suck and if you’re a nerdy looking white man you get the virgin comments.
I’ve seen some hilarious roasts but they are few and far between because Reddit is not funny, but yeah, with pretty girls you will get plenty of incel rants from guys who are angry they will never have sex. It’s really obvious who they are.
No. 570968
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The absolute state of this site— debating a fuckin cartoon’s sponge sexuality
No. 570973
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Wtf is this shit.
No. 570985
>>570977>>570977You're kidding right?
It's not a given because there are tons of people who don't love their children
Her father isn't in her life so she probably feels like it isn't a given because of that as well
You should show affection to your children because they need it, not because it's something you have to consider whether you enjoy
No. 570989
>>570968Speaking of your pic, I thought Todd coming out as asexual in Bojack Horseman was just pandering and and trying too hard. Good show otherwise though.
Going back to Spongebob, I always thought he was just a child in an adult’s body, which is why he doesn’t care for romance. I doubt his creator was trying to make a statement on asexuals and whatnot. If anything, it was probably a nod to the fact that seasponges are asexual in terms of reproducing.
I also feel that 99% of people who claim to be asexual are either sexually repressed or just immature. Which is why I feel that making them apart of them LGBT community is dumb. But that’s a whole nother topic.
No. 570990
>>570977How so?
She knows that her mom most likely resents her for being born and is upset that she isn’t affectionate with her. How is that being a brat?
No. 571189
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It just keeps getting better and better.
How many more days until blogsnark finally detonates? No. 573079
>>570242jfc. How is this even a roast? This is fucking awful redpill/MGTOW/Incel tier vomit. It's a personal attack on the girl disguised as a roast. The scrote absolutely 100% believes his own fucked up words. And of course it gets upvoted. Fuck reddit.
>>557340This pic is obvious bait but let's just say for an instant it's real. There's hardly a discernible difference in attractiveness between these girls. They're all pretty. But this scrote clearly has a singular type and whoever doesn't conform to it is ugly. So whoever made this couldn't have made more obvious bait or has retarded, unimaginative standards.
No. 573189
>>570242>weird perversion of men fucking a "fresh" teenage slutWell there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth! That's why women should always side-eye older men in their 20s and beyond who want to fuck with a teenage girl. They even admit it's a perversion, not out of a genuine interest in her. How can they? They're so vastly different. Even when I was in my early 20s, I couldn't relate to my 18 year old self anymore and couldn't imagine the type of person who wanted to seriously date someone fresh out of high school if not still in one. Yikes.
Everything else is nothing but projected bullshit of course.
No. 574226
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No. 574375
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Guys I'm spiraling. I just watched this and everyone, EVERYONE in the comments is on the woman's side. The ones who aren't are being downvoted to hell. I saw the video on twitter and the people who were against the woman, and all happened to be conservatives. I hate conservatives….yet I'm agreeing with them for the first time ever and it's starting to make me feel like I'm crazy.
I personally don't see how a white woman can screech about racism to a black cop. When that cop is off duty, they are a black man and they actually know what it's like to be racially discriminated against. I'm sure that cop isn't killing blacks and I'm sure they need to put a roof over their heads hence why they are still a cop despite being against the system.
No. 574398
>>574375remember the mayor of DC is a black woman and she sided with cops. Cop may be black but he's still been trained and part of an institution that kills black people, and this cop is in riot gear and if things got violent would still attack protesters. Plenty of minorities can be "sellouts" for their people, like anti-feminist women.
I found this confession pretty interesting, sure there are others like it. No. 574414
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Imagine getting trapped into a marriage with a weight gain fetishist.
No. 574415
>>574401>>574405I hadn't watched the video until now, and damn she has a white savior complex. White people need to chill the fuck out and let black people lead.
> A white woman shouldn't be yelling about racism against blacks to a black man.> it's not up to white people to speculate if black people have been brainwashed by white masterminds just because they work in a system dominated by them.These statements sound slightly absurd to me, not sure if I've drunk the koolaid. Yes I get that black Americans should probably lead discussions on this, but if something's the "truth" it' shouldn't matter who's saying it.
No. 574416
>>574414Gross. Thank Christ she found out before she signed anything.
Always freaks me out to think about the weird shit people are hiding from their partners.
No. 574417
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>My [22 F] boyfriend [24 M] asked me to take a pregnancy test, and I caught him drinking the pee?
>We are both, I thought, staunchly anti-kink.
I can't with this shit.
No. 574422
>>574401>>574405Nta but people always say that all white people are complicit in racism simply because they are white, so is it really that wrong or different to judge somebody on the basis of the job they've chosen themselves? As a white person you have to prove via actions that you aren't racist but somebody who actively works for the institution that caused all that fear, violence and death shouldn't be judged because maybe only maybe he actually thinks differently? Them maybe experiencing shit in their private lifes isn't an excuse either.
You're giving them the benefit of the doubt too much.
No. 574424
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White straight woman catfishes as black lesbian woman online for money.
>10 year age gap relationship
No. 574493
>>574424If she dated a 27 year old when she was 17 and even commited to marrying that same man all by the tender age of 21 then I don't know why this man suddenly expects her to start making smart decisions? With an
abusive upbringing and an old partner who constantly talks down about her "how do I explain this to simple lil wifey" no wonder she wants online escapism.
Maybe she's a lesbian and you married her so young that she didn't even have the time to figure that shit out?
No. 574503
>>574499Nah, I've seen crazy people on the internet long enough to know people do this shit. One woman literally did it IRL for years, and had a whole documentary made on her.
Unless you mean it was proven to be fake, in which case, source?
No. 574596
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>>574573Reminds me of another abhorrent reddit thread I saw earlier in the week
This woman sees a CHILD as a passion project and a mechanism to play white savior. Not a living person deserving of unconditional affection and support. (if it were simply about giving an orphan a good home, the race would have no effect on her decision). I could easily see her as the type to talk down to a black police officer.
No. 574659
>>574651kek.. strawman sally
White people don't get to yell at black people about BLM, even if that black person is a cop, period.
(b8 m8s) No. 574822
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Why do people fall for these obviously fake stories?
The guy who wrote this obviously read some article saying a preference for completely shaved pubic area is pedophilic, got angry because that's 90% of his porn preferences, and made this up so that he could read other men bitch about it and feel validated. Thousands of upvotes, "I'm a woman and I agree with you, OP" and a shitload of comments.
No. 574833
>>574822kek this is so flimsy
>psych class lmao how many pussies has this man seen in his life compared to porn?
No. 575448
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No. 575521
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Thread about the increasing numbers of FGM in /r/europe, and of course it doesn't take long for the "but also circumcision!" comments. Someone even called it "male genital mutilation." I have no idea how they can make such ridiculous, bad faith arguments. No. 575524
>>575327I saw a comment on r/politicalcompassmemes about Ansel Elgort's accuser that said "we should rape her so we know for sure that she's not lying about being a rape
victim". It got ~50 upvotes before it was removed
No. 575718
>>574276Reminds me of the fedora or bacon stuff from a few years ago. Just some smug redditism that they think is intelligent but is actually cringe to everyone else.
>>575650I dislike them too. A lot of them clearly have low self esteem and pander to the lowest common denominator to try to make themselves feel better. It's pathetic to witness.
No. 576836
>>576818They also banned r/rightwinglgbt. I've met a few nice fellow dykes. You have no idea how hard it is to find a lesbian, let alone one that has right leaning or conservative views.
I'm surprised they banned chappo trap house
No. 576857
>>576818I'm so sad about r/GC. I hadn't lurked there in years and it seemed like the community was going a little downhill in terms of getting a bit hivemindy, but it will always be a place that changed my life. The first time I was exposed to ideas that really made me question the version of reality that was fed to me. It was a huge milestone in my intellectual development and I'll always remember it and be grateful for what it gave me. Fuck Reddit and fuck censorship forever.
It's extra retarded that the_donald is the sub that's making headlines with all this because I tried to check there a few weeks ago, just to see what it was like, and it looked like they had all already decamped to their own Reddit clone site. But libtards who don't know anything are crowing about Reddit standing up to teh hate uwu
No. 576864
>>576831I lurk a few foreign language subs incl r/pikabu & c/China_irl etc to get perspectives from other parts of the world.
Wouldn't people just use actual porn sites for porn?
No. 577037
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>>576818Banned: /r/gendercritical
Not banned: /r/theredpill, /r/MGTOW, a billion woman abuse porn subs
Also not banned: /r/itsafetish, /r/LGBdroptheT
They didn't even try to make it look like they're not targeting women.
No. 577062
>>576857I read that the_donald was banned for brigading which is funny considering that GenderCynical was created with the sole purpose of brigading GenderCritical. It's always been common knowledge that the stalker sub is downvoting shit there constantly and occasionally posting in it too.
The sub is still up so I guess they're fine with brigading if it's done by a bunch of misogynistic men towards women hmmm.
No. 577075
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>>577037>/r/itsafetish, /r/LGBdroptheTBasic rundown on those reddits?
No. 577107
>>577037And MGTOW only got quarantined because of that coast guard who was discovered to be plotting a domestic terrorist attack in DC. A bunch of news agencies reported that he was an active member of the sub for years, and they STILL didn't ban it.
Several high profile murders in the last few years have been committed by radical incels. It's no secret this ideology is harmful and indoctrinating. Reddit protecting them is shameful.
No. 577113
>>577041It couldn't have been made anymore clear that women were the issue for them. /r/itsafetish has far more hateful language and far more male posters than GC and thered"women are literally equivalent to children and here's how to abuse them so they won't leave you"pill and MG"The next spree shooter is posting here"OW are far more sexist. The distinguishing factor here is that GC is a community for women.
>>577107This is the kind of shit that makes it clear that 'diversity initiatives' in social media companies should target actual biological women for roles that involve product decisions. There's no fucking way that this kind of selective removal would have happened if there were a reasonable amount of real, not-extremely-online women involved in the decision-making process.
No. 577120
>>577075itsafetish, documents autogentaphilia aka granny's saying that illegal hentai helps them feel more feminine
lgbdropthet is more like lesbians, gays, and bis coming out to say that the trans community needs to be separate
No. 577134
>>577118/r/GC was the only women-oriented community (except for lolcow I guess) that was actually worth visiting. Oh well.
/r/TheRedPill has far-reaching consequences because it more or less teaches young men that they need to abuse women to keep them in line (and teaches them how to do it), and MGTOW is pretty much identical to /r/incels but with more divorced boomers and less explicitly violent content. /r/pussypassdenied is basically the same as the violent porn subs + MGTOW but without the excuse that people are just beating off to it.
No. 577139
>>577134Yeah and now ot is the only worthwhile board for women to talk freely.
I hope spinster takes off but I wish it wasn't in a twitter format, I hate that.
I hope a womad-like community can emerge from this mess
No. 577177
>>577134>/r/pussypassdeniedI see this shit in /r/all all the time, though I never actually click on the images. It's fucking pathetic.
It really says a fucking lot that there's crickets when women are abused, raped, and beaten (which is on the news near constantly), but the most popular posts on reddit are almost always women committing relatively minor wrongs. Entitled bitchy karens are upvoted to hell and back, and sometimes they deserve it, but there is a very conspicuous lack of similar energy for male wrongdoings. It's like the bad shit men do is so normalized, so pedestrian and mundane, that nobody even notices. Who cares if a child is gangraped by men when there's a middle aged woman out there being nasty?
No. 577207
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>>577177>It's like the bad shit men do is so normalized, so pedestrian and mundane, that nobody even notices. Men (and women, but mostly men) think of male violence as a force of nature rather than as conscious actions taken by a person with agency, which is why narratives about violence against women are often framed in terms of the woman making a risky bet and losing. It's pretty fucked up if you think about it.
The outrage against "Karens" on social media is fucking insufferable, and it's clearly drenched in misogyny, but if the reddit admins don't give a damn about the presence of subreddits that LITERALLY give tips on how to deceive abuse women then they sure as shit aren't going to care about the Karen spam. You just know that if a sub that merely documents male violence like /r/nametheproblem got any traction it'd be gone in a heartbeat too.
No. 577555
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No. 577556
>>577542Pretty much every modteam for "female" subs has at least a few TIMs on it. 2XC has zero actual women on their modteam.
>>577549This is genuinely fucked up. I've been spending less time on reddit naturally over the past year, but this is the nail in the coffin. There's pretty much no reason to go there anymore.
No. 577562
>>577549Also, notice that r/GenderCritical is banned, but not r/GenderCriticalGuys.
Another one: r/FreedomisMatriarchy is banned, but r/FreedomisPatriarchy is still around. Both fetish subs.
No. 577581
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PSA femaledatingstrategy just made an actual website, you will have to message the FDS team either on reddit, twitter, or instagram in order to receive a code to make an account. They do verify users first to make sure they are women.
No. 577605
>>574375>I saw the video on twitter and the people who were against the woman, and all happened to be conservatives. I hate conservatives….yet I'm agreeing with them for the first time ever and it's starting to make me feel like I'm crazy.I don't get why people feel the need to whip themselves over agreeing with "conservatives". Maybe its because people are accustomed to the polarizing name-callings but you shouldn't take them seriously. I get called SJW for saying liberal opinions, and nazi some other day for having conservative opinions. I dunno, it just feels ridiculous every time I see someone feeling guilt over sharing a few opinions with someone who's different.
It's like if I stopped eating food and water because there's photos of Hitler and Stalin both eating food and water.
>>574398I support reforms but getting rid of the cops is shit that only a stunted college kid would support. Look at the delivery trucks being attacked in Minneapolis because they're being attacked by rioters on powertrips because rich corporate sugar daddies will bail them out. Some even stopped working because they didn't want to be killed or have their life ruined by shit they were never a part of. Cops are there so there's no incentive to do horrible shit to legitimately innocent people.
But I don't think cops are 100% innocent creatures that can do no wrong, there will always be shitty people anywhere, and those shitty individuals should be accountable for.
Reforms is a good step, the knee choking was clearly an uncommon practice. And making weedlmao drug arrests less of a priority can work too (weed has been the highest rated arrest count in the last decade) and so on. But reforms can only be done if you're calm, persistent, and have good evidence to back up your claims.
anyways I vented too much and went off-topic but fuck it
No. 578356
>>578161Good, reddit should burn.
They straight up left redpill/MGTOW sites up but deleted a bunch of anti-porn ones
No. 578408
>>557340pedo scale
natalie is a kid here
No. 578470
File: 1593715556631.png (7.67 KB, 576x86, 1.png)

>>557340> Why are men obsessed with rating women???Most upvoted comment on the thread. Men are so fucking broken they relly think rating women is normal behaviour and the issue is the "incorrect' ratings
No. 578492
>>578470The only thought behind each one of these ratings is 'makes my peepee tingle this much'
Have fun arguing about how your dick tingles are smarter than some other guys dick tingles!
No. 578493
>>578408yeah, she's like 14 in this pic. I love how he made sure to choose a picture of her where she was clearly underage, like he went out of his way to find an old one and not a recent one. typical pedophilic scrote.
>>578470this. having preferences is normal and all but rating women on a scale is not, let alone creating spreadsheets like these. unattractive men in particular think they are entitled to exceptionally hot women lmao.
No. 580148
File: 1594047959791.jpg (1.91 MB, 806x5128, wtf.jpg)

This sub is like my birth control with all the horror stories about slack husbands and shitty boyfriends, but occasionally there appears a mother who is so wholly unaware of herself that it's depressing.
No. 580167
>>580148So her parents are anti-child for not making enough of a fuss of her kids and her brothers are anti-child for choosing to not have kids of their own lol. She even took her parents to therapy with her and made them apologise .. yikes
I come from a not so kid-crazy family. My dad has no patience to be around kids and my brother never wants any. If I became a single mother to six kids and showed up at their houses I would have to suck it up and keep my visits pretty fuckin short, nobody in my family is inclined to want to spend too much time around that many kids. Add in this womans emotional issues and I'm sure they all wish she'd discover this thing called family planning.
The bit where she says people see how well behaved her kids are so they pay for her dinner or their groceries… maybe they see her alone with 5 kids in tow and currently pregnant and think she's struggling?
No. 580172
>>580148This is such a weird story, it seems like the mom and her family could both be in the wrong? It seems like she's leaving info out because treating your sister/daughter like that is pretty fucked up if there's no reason for it beyond what she said (but I get the feeling that many reddit anecdotes like this are drawn in the most flattering light possible). I get that it's
valid to not want to spend much time around kids but honestly it's part of being an adult and a good family member to be polite and tolerate them to a degree when they're in your family and especially as close as grandchildren/nieces & nephews. She does sound obnoxious though and who knows what the full picture of the situation looks like.
No. 580193
>>580167>>580172It sounds more like her family has been frustrated by her poor reproductive choices. I read her post history and it says she used to be married and had 5 children in 7 years. She was basically pregnant over half of the time during that relationship and it sounds like a recipe for disaster. She has another child on the way but calls herself a single mom so clearly whoever got her pregnant this time didn't stick around, and her ex is a deadbeat who doesn't see his children.
People pay for her groceries and meals when she takes them out to eat. It means random strangers see that she's struggling and feel sorry for her so they help. They're not aware of what led up to her choices unlike her family is, so it's disingenuous of her to compare the kindness of strangers to her family whose kindness she likely wore out by now. She doesn't talk about a job or childcare so she's likely unemployed right now too. All of this doesn't paint a picture that she's a beacon of responsibility so I'm sure her family and brother are shunning her for that moreover than being 'anti child.'
At family events she sounds strange, like an entity who appears and then isolates herself with her children without saying anything to anybody. I understand she's feeling like an outsider, but if it bothered her so much that they didn't even know her new baby's name, then it was up to her to introduce the baby to the family. Instead she let her own young daughter try to introduce a baby by herself and just…why would she triangulate her own kids like that? Why does she think the communication problems in her family have nothing to do with her and that things just happen to her for no reason? Why does she think the only thing that matters is how happy her kids make her feel, and not doing what it takes to make sure her kids feel centered and happy?
And tbh her take on mother's day brunch is petty. Clearly they all wanted to GO OUT for brunch on mother's day which is custom! This woman just didn't have the money to pay for herself, her kids, and her own mother so that's why she took great offense when they said they were going out to eat because it meant she had to admit she was broke, or spend money she couldn't afford. So she turned it into an 'anti child' problem so she wouldn't have to feel ashamed. Someone with money wouldn't have made that into an issue. Why did she think rolling into her mother's house, using her groceries, dirtying her kitchen, and then leaving a chaotic mess to clean would have been a "gift"? Lmao, she's downright delusional!
No. 580197
>>580172I feel like she's expecting her parents to fill the void that's there from her splitting with the kids dads. I mean she states that they are good grandparents but then goes on to complain about them anyway.
I looked on her profile and she's had all sort of drug addictions including heroin.
No. 580205
>>580148She's either oblivious or she left things out on purpose.
Don't get me wrong, shitty relatives who exclude one black sheep exist, but the fact that apparently everyone outside her immediate family does this too is kind of fishy.
I feel really bad for her but considering she's had a decade long hard drug problem, 5 small kids and delusion thinking people pay for her things because her kids are well behaved instead of feeling bad for her really makes it seem her familys behavior towards her is not just about being "anti-children"
No. 580217
>>580148Honestly, I've met so many parents who tell you how great their kids are only for them to be absloute terrors. I also find it really hard to believe these kids are angels simply because they're kids. It's not heir fdault but kids are loud and messy, having 5 around would be stressful. If a member of my family had 5 kids and 1 on the way I'd be side-eyeing, too.
>>580193She 100% went round to make grandma give them a free meal and freaked out when she reminded her they were going out.
>>580205this isn't surprising. it read like a druggie rant. They always put in too much info/dwell on childhood shit/post becomes a mess of useless info.
No. 580218
>>580193I love how the takes on here are so different to the reddit responses of other mommies telling her to simply cut off her entire family forever and never speak another word to them.
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a personality disorder there. Her post history goes into drug addiction and issues that started in her teens, spent many years in therapy, personal therapy, couples therapy, family therapy. All that therapy and she's still ranting on reddit. You'd think she'd be more concerned about the two fathers of her kids doing zilch for them. Six kids, two deadbeat dads and most of the other moms are telling her to throw her whole family away.. An ex heroin addict single handedly raising 6 kids with nobody to fall back on.. good job reddit moms! That'll definitely benefit the children.
No. 580223
>>580218It's forever frustrating to me that men get to just opt out of parenthood with little legal or social backlash, and it means I feel bad for a lot of the women on /r/breakingmom quite often, but God damn do they make their own issues sometimes. Telling an (ex-)addict to abandon her family is completely retarded.
Also honestly her family might fucking hate her because they've been picking up the pieces every time she went on a bender. If she had a heroin addiction and 2 deadbeat Dads, SOMEONE was there to look after these kids/pay for their shit/keep social services off their ass, etc, and I'm imaging that was Grandma. Or/and the eldest children (hmmm to her daughter being the one carrying around the baby/showing him off). Maybe even the brothers. If her dumping her kids onto her brothers became a habit long enough ago, that might be why they don't want to deal with their own kids. No shit they're warey of her. Addicts are a fucking nightmare.
No. 580315
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I wouldn’t be surprised if this was made up by a troll just to show how much he hates “roasties” (a lot of AITA/Relationship stories come off like that) but it was funny watching Twitter go “Yass Queen” even though OP sounds vapid and self centered.
No. 580330
>>580315>>580316Definitely a fake story made up by some moid who lacks the creativity to imagine the damaged relationship of a daughter who let down the expectations of her controlling and strict mother. He didn't even come close, and you can tell someone fake wrote it cause there's hardly any focus on that important, actually emotionally painful aspect. It's mostly ranting about prostitution. The stupid scrote didn't even attempt to make his daughter character sympathetic or likable.
It's almost comical how he writes like he expects us to believe that their biggest blowout, highest turmoil, and her worst 'Am I the Asshole?' moment was telling her mother's husband that she's a ho. Suuuure. Oh and then the daughter's own husband clapped, agreed, and said "Yeah babe you're a full on prostitute and shoulda lied." LMAO r/thathappened
No. 580367
Can't screenshot right now but linking, It's the ops only post too last partner cheated on me and the thought of his dad getting involved and humiliating, chastising and punishing him.. it just wouldn't happen. Whole thread is either fucked up if it's real or it's some experiment to get people hating on an imaginary cheating whore of a daughter
No. 580384
>>580367Quotes from the father of the year
> he is a far better person that she is. She will realize one day how much she messed up by destroying their relationship. She will never do better than him. > I have a better relationship with her husband than I do with her. > I had respect for her at one time, but that was long ago. > I told my wife my decision doesn't affect her, but I can't have anything to do with our daughter anymore > I don't worry about losing my wife because her relationship with our daughter is separate from mine with her.Old man has a weird boner for his (ex) son in law, fuck his wife and daughter tho
No. 580593
>>580445No man on earth is out there getting humiliated and 'disowned for good' by his dad because at 30 years old he cheated on someone. They don't have kids, I've been the cheated on partner and I divorced and moved on with less butthurt than this father in law.
Few posters mentioned the dad giving off major honor killing vibes. Doesn't give a damn what his wife thinks about his behaviour either. Ah yes honoring marriage is so important to him as dismisses his wifes opinion on throwing their daughter away for good.
I lean towards thinking this is fiction by a man whose wife cheated, like this is what he wished had happened, that his wife was totally ostracized from society and his father in law called him up and said look my daughter is nothing but a whore but you sir are the greatest man alive.
No. 580612
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>>580605>conventionally attractive and probably makes more money than the average man on the sub could ever dreamNo wonder they're seething and can only bring up her age (and "tightness", kek).
What a shame. She's too successful to "marry up" to a man who browses misogynistic subreddits and jacks off to cuckold porn in his free time. We need to alert the young ones so they can one day hope to settle down with jobless neckbeards who don't have a wall because they never once peaked in attractiveness.
No. 580629
>>580612Oh god, the comments are so fucking unhinged.
>We need to alert the young ones so they can one day hope to settle down with jobless neckbeards who don't have a wall because they never once peaked in attractiveness.This is exactly what they want.
Also, the concept of female hypergamy is fucking dumb. So, it's hypergamous for a woman to marry someone with more money, but not for a man to marry someone much younger and hotter?
Also, literally all men who frequent mysoginistic subs are hypergamous, they're just too narcissitic to realize it. They all want women way hotter than them, and with more money to support their financial failure ass.
No. 580635
>>580612How many upvotes did this get? This shit reads like a stephen king novel. You mean to fucking tell me I'm going for my masters just to settle with a guy that works at his dad's gas station? FUCK no I'd rather let my reproductive organs shrivel and die alone.
but also their user has MAGA in it so why am I even shocked.
No. 580651
>>580605the amount of assumptions from this one pic is hilarious.
>careerist women are their own worst enemyhaving money and being alone is better than paying your good for nothing exhusband alimony because he didn't do shit!
No. 580660
>>580605It almost looks like a stock photo and the bio doesn't say a whole lot beyond 'I work' yet all these guys are projecting qualities onto her, getting all worked up over who they imagine she is… and best of all what they imagine dating her would be like. Guys letting their imaginations go wild, daydreaming about rejecting her.
I mean, the sadness of it all.
No. 580669
>>580635Reproduction is incredibly costly to females and the price tag of gestating the wrong nut can be pretty catastrophic. Most female animals vehemently resist sex and regularly murder the offspring if it's too inconvenient/substandard. In order for the species to win, the females have to lose as individuals. By being a mother, you're advancing someone else's interests by default, whether you also happen to find it personally fulfilling or not.
From an evolutionary standpoint it is better for a female to let the goods expire instead of selling them short, which is something all moids understand when they try to manipulate you by creating a false sense of urgency. In the past they could just rely on the fact that you'd literally starve to death if no one married you, but that option is long dead for them. Today their only remaining option is repetitive shrieking and cheap sales tactics like the "biological clock" meme.
>>580629There is literally nothing wrong with hypergamy because it serves the interests of children first and foremost. I doubt any of these phalloid entities would want to be fathered by a useless beta male, so why do they wish it upon their own children? It's because what's good for the male is bad for the species. Sexual socialism and deference to males is inherently wrong because it decreases the quality of human race as a whole. In the end, they're expecting you to indulge their "natural" sexual inclinations while yours are to be brutally repressed, which is ordinary male reproductive bargaining disguised as morality.
No. 580685
>>580674The male psyche is governed primarily by fear of rejection, mate guarding and cuckoldry anxiety. If you look closely, every single authentic male take on human relationships tends to be rooted in these.
The moids in that post say that feminism "lied" to women, but they regularly lie to themselves about their own inherently negative sexual value. Ironically, rejecting this truth is also natural for them because it's a biological requirement in their reproductive strategy. They need to be delusional and full of optimism bias in order to "shoot their shot". Unfortunately, it translates into a lot of heartbreak and unmet unwarranted expectations when most of them quite simply can't get laid.
The particular moid in question is advocating that young and attractive women limit themselves so they can be impressed with less, but he hasn't thought even once about pursuing this for himself. The average male would be a lot happier if he didn't surround himself with hugbox media/opinions that set him up for colossal amounts of disappointment by promising him a supermodel, given that most males are not even supposed to reproduce.
Lastly, males almost never seethe about women they're not attracted to, especially if they're obsessively fantasizing about rejecting them. Attractive 30 year olds chap their asses because they're the epitome of something they can't have. Hence the cathartic cope that is "the wall" - the age when a high quality female might finally consider the incel in question because she's "old and no one wants her". Of course all this vengeful nonsense somehow co-exists with the acknowledgement that women "ride the cock carousel and then land a beta provider", which effectively eliminates the need to settle "before the wall".
Can you really blame incels for being psychotic when reality buttfucks them every single day?
No. 580831
>>580612They say this then those lurking women hop on over to breakingmom and survivinginfedelity to see what reality really is. Women should never settle and reddit males are seething that theyre low quality with nothing to offer in a healthy relationship.
But honestly, that screenshot looks like its from a fake bot tinder pumps out to attract men since theres so many more men on dating apps than woman
>>580657KEK and Lauren lied. She has a marriage and a baby and she
still went back to her career.
No. 581052
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It's a new headache every day with this website.
>Before the whining about "mansplaining" begins, I'm a woman, so don't waste your nail polish.
No. 581092
>>581052Something about imagining a male redditor crying as he types his moral fable of "
abusive" women that demand chocolate is just so funny to me.
I don't even know where to begin, this post is the full package
No. 581288
>>581279I wish it was fake but it's not. She's been verified as the actual daughter of the murder
victim in the r/MarieAnnWatson subreddit and there are news stories of her including her name (Sandi). It's just a broken woman who internalized the Christian mindset of women being the root of all evil.
No. 581343
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>>581288Idk, she seems pretty woke on the anti-woman, Christian mentality (sorry for the shitty collage, I’m on mobile atm) you look at her recent post history, she also criticized the christian belief that women who’ve had sex before marriage are somehow used up. I don’t think she sees women as evil but is also weirdly bitter towards a certain type at least? Idk, looks like a really weird person with a lot of emotional baggage.
No. 581422
>>581092Sounds like what men have been empirically observed to define as abuse. Studies show that one of their ideas of "domestic violence" is "not being served a hot dinner", I shit you not.
I remember this one every time a scrot goes "atchuly men are just as likely to be
victims of DV". Sure, when your idea of DV is "my tendies aren't hot enough".
No. 581433
>>581209Males subconsciously loathe themselves so much they have an almost organic need for compensatory fantasies. Every 4chan green text and reddit cool story is exactly that, and I've never observed such a zealous dedication to convoluted self-soothing delusions even in ficwriting yaoi fangirls - this is one of the main psychological differences between women and men. This post is 100% an autistic male coping fantasy stemming from resentment towards a hypothetical inaccessible attractive woman and his lack of means to prevent her from exercising selection, for instance.
>>580605The scenarios are very predictable and usually revolve around a) fictionally punishing a fictional woman for some scrotal idea of injustice (abandonment, cuckoldry or rejection) b) fictional female sources of narcissistic supply that are also supposed to "teach" other females how to be more beta and c) pinpoint projections of things the male hates in himself the most.
Funnily enough, that's what all porn and (as it is today - ancient erotic art isn't porn) and other male entertainment is about, so women who actually think that it's mostly about "the male visual nature" and "sex appeal" are taking male coping statements at face value. It's their maladaptive means of dealing with abandonment issues and the ever-increasing sense of loss of reproductive leverage, which is why it's getting progressively more snuffy, clingy and psychotic in terms of depicted scenarios.
No. 581506
>>580669>>580685I'd read your books, anon.
>>581492It's honestly unbearable. Every time I bother to check Reddit, there's a new post on Unpopular Opinion written by a "woman" calling out other women for committing some perceived slight against all the poor mens, always with a bunch of awards. "If the genders were reversed," "false rape claims should be punished more severely," "women have it easier, men die more!"
The misogyny is rampant, and worse is that Reddit hasn't anything to make it better. The Karen freakout vids also make the more violent comments acceptable.
No. 581613
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Holy shit
No. 581616
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Old but gold
No. 581621
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>>581613>Those poor childrenLmao.
Quoting Matthew 18:6 KJV in a thread about a Catholic priest raping a child.
>6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.Apparently, this person also posted an article saying that CP should be legalized: here's a screenshot of them admitting to using r/jailbait: No. 581622
File: 1594286244874.png (428.52 KB, 900x800, 2k2XV1F.png)

>>581621Just found this. What the actual fuck?
No. 581629
>>581619 and I went on to read the original thread this morning and this one, and I agree that it's totally unlikely, it's like the Boston bomber situation all over again. The title on that original post suggests it's confirmed or some shit, so stupid
No. 581631
>>581622This is linked in the bottom of the original post but idgi. Some edgelord posts a really disgusting fantasy they're capable of thinking up, she says wtf, they say they were rising to the challenge, she says they won. I'm assuming whatever challenge this is, is to write the worst thing imaginable and she was agreeing that what he wrote was fucking abhorrent? There's no context in this screenshot and one edgelord posting some gross twisted shit may be gross and twisted but doesn't prove or link anything
(I don't even agree that this is ghislaine lmao I'm just in the habit of saying 'she' now to differentiate)
No. 581636
>>581631The way that the same person posted an article arguing for CP, talked about using r/jailbait, and seemed fascinated with ages of consent just weirds me out. Joking with and upvoting someone who posted shit like that just looks even worse.
FWIW, the person seems more scrotoid than female to me. I don't know if it's Ghislaine or not, but they're definitely a creep.
No. 581700
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these clowns would not last a single day as a woman
No. 581712
>>581700Yeah let's make men feel better about themselves and showcase some lanky nerds or fat guys with "dadbod" in msm OH WAIT THAT ALREADY FUCKING HAPPENS.
It's never enough.
No. 581770
>>581700Yet every other fucking sitcom has a fat husband with a hot wife. The biggest sitcom on TV has 4 nerdy men as the stars matched up with way more attractive women.
Men really couldn't deal with being a woman. The worst part is they think these roided out men are what women want to see? It's still all male fantasy bullshit.
No. 581930
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Former Reddit CEO admitted to knowing about Ghislaine trafficking children and brushing it off. No. 582030
>>581749>>581636It's not her. The circle of leddit powermods is really tight-knit, and apparently some of them know maxwellhill personally. Powermods are also major gossips, so if it were Ghislaine then there would have been leaks about it years ago. Fun theory, but maxwellhill is just a garden-variety sperg like most link-spammers.
>>581930This was after the first Epstein trial where Ghislaine basically got immunity from being tried. Literally everyone who knew who Epstein was at that point knew she was a pedo. There's not much Pao could have done aside from avoiding networking events. She's still a fucking moron for admitting this tho.
No. 582294
>>582282>Every GC sub including /r/detrans just got y'alled.Good.
>Violent misogynist subs still untouched.Lame and unsurprising.
No. 582304
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>>582294Yeah, how dare detransitioners have a voice and a space for themselves. Everyone knows nobody ever regrets transitioning, it was just a bunch of LARPing TERFs.
Reddit is for good, high-IQ content like this.
No. 582308
>>582300Even the milder subs for men like askmen are full of misogyny and just blatant retardation. I just read through a thread the other day where the question was something like, what are some red flags you ignored in a relationship and why. More than half the responses were "I stayed in it because she was hot," and a bunch of idiots chiming in and saying shit like "yeah man you gotta stay away from the hot ones, they're ALWAYS crazy lolol idk why that is"
Like gee, with men mostly seeing women as nothing more than sex objects, harassing them constantly when they're just minding their own fucking business, and attractive women getting the worst of this, it is TRULY A COMPLETE MYSTERY as to why "the hot ones" tend to have trust issues which can show up as "crazy making" in a relationship.
No. 582340
>>582327That sub was made just to brigade and mass report anything that they didnt like. Its crazy. Banmalehatesubs did that too with every female focused sub. Blatantmisogny and banfemalehatesubs were among theor targets. Theyre both unbanned and the male one is now banned. Theres others though that are still active like the promalecollective and people_drawing_women being modded by an actual pedophile.
Subs like pcos and endo got attacked too just for being a place for women to vent
No. 582429
>>582359Have the admins been leaving the private sub alone? I have some friends on there and they seem to really like it. It'd be nice if there were a similar private sub for all (real) women.
>>582370They probably didn't understand what the sub was actually for, listened to some powermod TiMs who said it was a GC hate sub, and rolled it back once they were somehow informed as to what it actually was. There are probably dissenters among the admins, but I doubt they give a shit about women and are more of the MRA variety. If there was even one GC woman helping determine what gets banned then /r/theredpill would have been gone in the first wave.
No. 582482
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About fucking time
No. 582486
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>>582482>they banned r/GenderCritical before banning theseIt's all so tiresome.
No. 582491
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Don't give them any hint of forgiveness. Look at what's still up:
> /r/MGTOW: massive misogynist hate sub, has radicalized thousands of young men at the very least, has a body count attached to it
> /r/pussypassdenied: a subreddit for incel/abuser catharsis, /r/beatingwomen plus sincerity
> /r/theredpill + network: a literal field guide to abusing, manipulating, and deceiving (mostly) vulnerable women
> /r/whereareallthegoodmen: incel hide-out under a thin veneer of celebrating the fact that some women sleep around and regret it
These subreddits have undoubtedly had a severe and direct negative impact on at least hundreds of women. The fact that they celebrate violence against the group of people who by far, UNIVERSALLY receives the most disproportionate amount of violence and abuse is ignored, and subreddits catering towards this group are banned because a tiny group is not affirmed by what the most universally oppressed and marginalized group on earth says there. And, of course, the replacements where there are replacements are run by the tiny group - including places like PCOS where they definitely don't fucking belong!
Spread the word far and wide. Reddit is fine with hosting how-tos on literal (actual, material) violence against the most targeted group of people on earth but unwilling to let them speak with each other because it makes a much smaller group of people uncomfortable. Instructions or and celebrations of actual, real-life violence against a huge group of marginalized people are okay, whereas non-affirmations of a tiny group of people are taboo. The fleeting unhappiness of a transwoman browsing the internet is more important than a woman who's being made financially dependent on a predator who's gotten his tips on /r/theredpill. This is fucking disgusting.
Sorry for the sperg-out, but I'm actually kind of angry.
No. 582605
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>>582370The amount of TRAs and trannies on r/GenderCynical, r/AgainstHateSubreddits, etc who were cheering when r/detrans got deleted really exposes how fucked up those people are.
They really don't want anyone who doesn't fit their narrative to have any sort of voice or platform.
A few of them kept saying detransitioners should just head to another sub called r/ActualDetransitioners or something, but that one is owned by an MtF, no actual detransitioners in control. It's twisted.
No. 582630
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>>582482>mfw those were allowed to exists in the first placeI want off this hell planet
No. 583125
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This can't be real, right?
No. 585210
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please tell me I'm not the only one that saw this mess of a thread on relationship advice. literally most of the thread was reddit trying to convince a woman with a pixie cut and a bald husband that finding multiple long hairs, repeatedly, on her shower wall is "normal". these hairs coincidentally only appear after times when she hasn't been at home.
with this thread and the thread where they managed to pressure a woman into letting her disgusting fiance borderline sexually assault her, im surprised that there are still men on there with enough audacity to claim that realtionship subs are biased against men.
No. 585226
>>585210Can't find the link, but it reminds me of that study that said when women only talk a small percentage of the time, men still think women are equal or even dominating the conversation.
A few women post their objectively
abusive spouse stories, posters say to break up/call the cops, that means the sub is biased against men. They don't see all the other posts where the situation isn't as clear cut and the woman is told to CoMmUNiCaTe with her boyfriend who is pressuring her into uncomfortable sex acts/open relationships.
No. 585251
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I know men don’t know shit about makeup, but if he has been married to her for years, has he not seen her put makeup on once with the sponge. This sounds a little fake to me tbh, but I would not put it past some people to be this retarded.
No. 585252
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No. 585256
>>585251>>585252What a fucking moron. I almost wonder if he did it on purpose. If not, it's probably fake because
1. How did he just assume it was a cleaning sponge, and never bring it up to her? Not even a "Thanks for the rack, love, makes it so much easier to clean the bathroom"?
2. How did he never see her put on makeup, and how did she never see him using her sponge to clean the bathroom?
3. Do they have only one sponge, and did she only put her makeup sponge on the rack? If so, why? If not, why did he keep choosing her makeup sponge to clean?
No. 586094
>>499825Men will always be inherently crazy because evolution fucked them psychologically. Madonna/whore exists because a man's reproductive strategy makes him want female promiscuity and female fidelity simultaneously. The average man instinctively cannot grasp that women who like sex generally like it with everyone else and "loyal" chaste women generally don't care for sex with everyone including him, which leaves him eternally stuck in a loop of fidelity anxiety and mate guarding (as described by that reddit cuck).
To top it off, they also evolved to be aroused by the sight/idea of cuckoldry so they can quickly try and shovel the competitor's cum out of the female. It's a major reason why they're so easily conditioned by porn.
No. 586186
>>586164The study has found that semen displacement occurs whether the dick is intact or circumcised. There is little functional difference between cut and uncut unless the dude has phimosis.
Men deploy more aggressive "fighter" sperm and are observed to be more aroused if they suspect infidelity. Also:
>Goetz and Shackelford (in press) have uncovered preliminary evidence that a substantial proportion of wife rapes involve husbands who suspect their wives had been unfaithful.Tl;dr it's a cum shovel.
No. 586205
>>586197All porn is cuck porn - in the end, you're watching a more virile man bang a woman you wish you could have. Most men feel deeply ashamed of what evolution tells them to be aroused by, but most compartmentalize or "punish" the object of their desire instead of facing their own sexuality.
Men who are specifically into theatrics highlighting the cheating narrative (aka self proclaimed cuckold fetishists) have simply come to terms with their own nature.
No. 587157
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Leave it to Reddit to turn a news story where women were flashed by police officers into an excuse to cry about penis shaming
No. 587213
>>586955>Some hobby subreddits are so goddamn whinyAll subreddits are whiny. Every single fucking one. I'm literally at a point where I am only able to follow joke subreddits where everyone is larping in some way or another.
No kind of serious or interesting discussion can take place on reddit without eventual whining, political arguments, or depressed/anxious people playing the
victim and listing every fucking sad thing that has ever happened to them, and how the conversation taking place is just re-traumatizing them in some way.
No. 587570
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This sub is a good reminder to not rush into having kids but holy shit some of these parents are so fucking bad.
This bitch "doesn't like" her six year old cause he does normal six year old things like ask too many questions and sneaks out of bed. He doesn't throw tantrums but he has an attitude sometimes, ooooo~
But go figure, she had this kid when she was a child herself so she has no idea how to parent and gets trolled by normal kid behaviors. Yelling isn't normal from an adult. I bet her son does harmless shit on purpose to press her buttons sometimes since her yelling is some of the only focused attention he gets. Image being "not liked" by your mom cause of this.
No. 587621
>>587570There's only a tiny part of me that ever considers kids but posts like that really help me to snap back out of it. I grew up with a dad who absolutely hates the sound of kids voices. It fucked me up to feel like such a nuisance any time I opened my mouth to engage with him or ask about something just because I wanted to learn. I got therapy years ago and argued with my therapist when she told me I'd had a neglectful childhood. She was right though.
Now as an adult I've weirdly inherited the same short fuse when it comes to high pitched voices and repetitive questions, noise in general. I realistically can't have kids and constantly engage without it becoming overwhelming. Kids pick up on that frustration and they assume that they have some fundamental flaw that makes people reject them. I don't think the poster even realises that kids pick up on these things and that the effects are lifelong.
No. 587679
>Association for Psychological Science>biologistsfirst of all the study that is being claimed shows sperm are more aggressive with suspected infidelity doesn't show what you think it shows:
"The results did not support the hypothesis: Men did not produce higher quality ejaculates in the sperm competition condition relative to the control condition." you should just reread everything you've linked. The first BBC article you linked has criticism from actual biologists at the bottom that said the cum shovel study is faulty and implausible.
and just look at the other studies the authors of this paper publish, its 80% cucking fantasies. Some scrotes at a psychology department write their porn fantasies all day to the ire of biologists and you're like "you can't criticize them because this is Real Science and they are professionals"
No. 590302
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1/3 The r/detrans mod had to step down due to outside pressure, to make sure the subreddit isn't further targeted.
No. 590306
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>>590303Comment confirming this was due to "hostile forces", aka insane plebbit TRAs.
No. 590423
>>590326they weren't doxxed, she said TRAs stalked her on discord to find posts they could use against her on her other social media.
>>590329i think the current mod isn't a complete doormat, and i'm glad "allies" and non-questioning trans people aren't supposed to post. so not hopeless!
No. 594133
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on r/SkincareAddiction with 6.3k points. wtf, there is basically no difference for a $650 treatment and both photos clearly have some sort of blur filter on them, plus the lighting in the second one is so different that his skin is a fully different color. the angle is totally different too. I don't get it. are people applauding this because he's male or…?
No. 594140
>>594133Almost all males get upvoted to max and reddit gold when they post on a female-centric subreddit like makeup or skincare addiction.
"omg ur so brave uwu"
No. 594147
>>594137>>594140and there are likely barely any comments calling him out that I saw, at least. til if you want your skin to look good for upvotes just buy a shitty droid. & yeah it's the same with makeup subs, men are applauded for the bare minimum
a similar post of a woman's micro needling results on the same sub has 300 upvotes lmao
No. 594168
>>594133he also posts gifs of his dick on reddit kek
and his bio says #girldad. woof
No. 594179
>>594171I understand perfectly, you're mad about praise a random man got over his skincare because of a hypothetical situation where a woman didn't get praised? You're a bitter person lol
>>594162Exactly, I've seen similar gradual results on both men and women.
No. 594188
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>>594181Probably her first time outside of Twitter.
>>594179Nah. It's because when men post on female subreddits, they're one hundred percent treated better and if you show any indifference or dissent, you're a terf. Like, when a man with a user name "sissybitchboi" posts his shitty makeup on /r/makeupaddiction and gets 10k upvotes and 30 gold.
pic related (name doesn't have sissy in it but I could find that if I needed to)
omg yass kween so brave
That's why but uhm, it's very clear you do not see that, like
>>594181 said.
No. 594195
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>>594179>>594188Samefag and I found it, ayyyy
No. 594220
>>594199why is this asherahsgarden worthy? Nothing said here is wrong. The farmhands here are full out retarded sometimes.
>>594204yeah most of us don't give a shit about being accepted into make groups. That's pick me shit. Enjoy it.
No. 594224
>>594223because women don't want them in our groups. They derail constantly and chimp out if not given constant praise. They use women for emotional support. You have to limit what you say because men sperg out over slight criticism. Plus they'll hit on you/others in the group and create issues. Suddenly you can't talk about your sexual health and shit because you have a bunch of moids getting off over it. Sooner rather than later they WILL take over the group and cater it to other men. Look at any feminism subreddit.
Why is it such a strange concept for women to want spaces without men? People understand this when it comes to men wanting male only spaces, like mancaves and dumb shit.
No. 595100
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Women who post on r/relationships are the biggest fucking doormats I swear to god
No. 601898 god the comments.
>but more men commit suicide>but lesbian domestic violence!>hurr women in divorce courts are monsters (lmfao)>actually I think it's 50/50 between gendersman, nothing like raging on a Tuesday morning. All the comments are like "b-but the women do THIS!"
No. 601910
>>601898I love these arguments because they've been debunked or clarified further multiple times yet they still keep parroting them.
>but more men commit suicideBecause they choose more fatal methods to do it. Men almost always use firearms to off themselves because there are more male gun owners than female. Women use overdosing which isn't nearly as effective as shooting yourself in the head. Women top men in the "attempted suicide" statistics for this reason, they're much more likely to survive their attempt while men aren't.
>but lesbian domestic violence!The studies done on this are very limited and the results are contradicting and people using the statistics conveniently forget that lesbians are much less likely to experience domestic violence at the hands of another woman than a man.
>The CDC also stated that 43.8% of lesbian women reported experiencing physical violence, stalking, or rape by their partners. However, the study notes that, out of those 43.8%, only two thirds (67.4%) were female (as lesbian women tend to be in heterosexual relationships before they come out), which would narrow the actual statistic down to 29.6%. In contrast, 35% of heterosexual women and 61.1% of bisexual women reported physical violence, stalking, or rape by their partners in the same study with 98.7% and 89.5% (respectively) of perpetrators being male.
>hurr women in divorce courts are monsters (lmfao)Men: It's the wahmens job to take care of the kids!!!
Also men: why do wahmen always get sole custody reeee I mean I don't even want the custody of my kids but I'd like to drop by once a month to be the cool parent pampering them
>She is far from alone. Despite the common perception that women make out better than men in divorce proceedings, women who worked before, during, or after their marriages see a 20 percent decline in income when their marriages end, according to Stephen Jenkins, a professor at the London School of Economics. His research found that men, meanwhile, tend to see their incomes rise more than 30 percent post-divorce. Meanwhile, the poverty rate for separated women is 27 percent, nearly triple the figure for separated men.But yeah women are monsters in divorce courts right
>actually I think it's 50/50 between gendersWomen are much more likely to die at the hands of their male domestic cohabitant or suffer severe injuries. Men are also much more likely to be repeated offenders, 90% of the persistent domestic abuse is committed by them. in other words a woman might throw a glass at her husband or hit him once, but a man is more likely to give his female partner a critical beating on a regular basis.
No. 601982
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This is really old, but it's still disgusting
No. 603310
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I know I shouldn't expect any less from literal incels, but this is one of the most hilariously psychotic takes I've ever seen.
>women don't wanna fuck me, therefore I shouldn't have to pay taxes
No. 603316
>>603310Imagine going through life being surrounded by pickmes begging for your attention, having women cater to everything for you, you can be fat and it's funny or "uwu dadbod", when you're offensive or have bad manners you're a comedian king, you get praised for not beating women, cheating, etc, nobody bats an eye if you live with someone someone who supports you financially and even get praised if women cook, clean, and pay for you. You get to have women to push out your children and can step out anytime you'd like with only small monthly payments, you get praised as a god if you're a single dad, 99% of industries openly accept you, you can be the biggest piece of shit to your girlfriend or wife and it's her fault because she needs to communicate, if you rape someone everybody will defend you and call the woman a liar, no one microscopes your flaws and bashes you just because your eyes are 3 milometers closer than everyone's liking, and on top of all that and all the benefits you get, you can still play
victim and cry oppression and get coddled for it
No. 603488
>>603472yea, i saw that other post about people with
abusive parents in the unpopular opinions thread and instantly came here to see if someone else had been reminded of that sub. i don't know if that's the case for you but i'm guessing it is lol.
i feel like a lot of these people maybe don't have the greatest parents- but no one does. doesn't mean you have to nitpick everything they do so you can post about it on your reddit hugbox.
No. 603502
>>603488Nah I've been reading bpdlovedones today out of curiosity. They have the weirdest criteria for identifying people as BPD such as repeatedly not being able to cook chicken correctly, while shitting on the ability of therapists. People with BPD sound like a mess and I don't really want to be around them, but it doesn't really make sense to blame everything bad on those having BPD because all kinds of people can be
abusive. Complaining about people with personality disorders just strikes me as the modern day form of praying for demons to be cast out. It's just a huge scapegoat.
No. 603507
>>603502yeah, BPD definitely feels like the 21st century version of 'female hysteria' or whatever. even actual psychiatrists tend to just freely give women that diagnosis.
the chicken thing is so funny though- i've seen people complain because their 'nmom' gave them an ugly gift? stuff like that. i read through the bpd subreddit a while ago and none of the posts seemed very bpd specific. just a scapegoat, like you said.
No. 603737
>>603472Tbh bpdlovedones was somewhat helpful for me right when I was getting out of an
abusive relationship with someone with bpd. They're one of the only groups that doesn't try to make endless excuses for bpd behavior or bring up their traumatic pasts to illicit frankly undeserved sympathy for these people. That said, you can tell a lot of them are just emotionally stunted dudes slapping the bpd label on their ex-girlfriends bc they can't be bothered to examine the ways in which they disrespected her throughout the whole relationship. Their advice is mostly sound though. There's no point in trying to fix these people. It doesn't work. The only solution is to leave, whether people want to accept that or not.
No. 603767
>>603472Women with bpd are apparently magnets for men with dismissive attachment styles so as much I can relate to the pain of knowing a BPDer and cutting them off.. I've seen it be painfully obvious that many of the men on that sub have maladaptive behaviors and are just blind to it as they point the finger at their 'bitch ex' The ones with multiple bpd exes are my fave lol
We all have an attachment style, some of them clash horribly in relationships and I swear half the posts on bpdlovedones are just that issue and not bpd.
No. 603791
>>603472my sister posts in those and other similar subs and she makes up so much shit even though actual bad things have happened to her so that she wouldn't need to. but i guess the reddit asspats and being
victim of everything are too addictive to her.
No. 607722
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Redditors are so boring
No. 607728
>>607722are these supposed to be unpopular opinions? most of them seem popular to me, especially among men (most
white men say twerking is unattractive but only because they think the action is whore-ish)
No. 608488
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So "Karen" started out as being a name for middle-aged white women who did things like call the cops for no reason, asked to speak to the manager, complained about food to the waiter after eating 3/4 of it, etc…. and now it's just any woman that a man doesn't like. Lmao.
This guy is fucking 27 years old and complaining about this shit. Also, his comment history is honestly disturbing. He's commented on "little sister" incest porn in which the actress is wearing a baby onesie. He failed his masters degree. Complains about "not being able to talk to women." I worry for the safety of his mom and sister, seems like the type to snap.
Fuck, Indian men are the worst
No. 608587
>>585333yeah, they're all significantly older in 1 and 2 unless anon's on about V3 or another episode
lots of gross kid stuff in AE
No. 608592
>>608401i said something similar to the last sentence earlier in this thread. good to know its not just me who picked up on this.
men love gaslighting women and calling them crazy. difference now is that they can call their ex girlfriend a manipulative
toxic bpd bitch and no one can call them out on it because then you're delegitimizing the 'abuse' they went through.
No. 608664
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On the subject of incels, there's this dude that keeps popping up in the body dysmorphic disorder subreddit I follow. His post history is nuts, he posts like every single day, usually to incel subs asking what's wrong with his face and why it makes people "physically uncomfortable," posting screenshots of him asking girls on dating websites to rate pictures of him and his friends or experiences with random women in public that he construes as them having some sort of automatic reaction to his appearance. I would feel sorry for him because I know mental illness and specifically BDD is a bitch but he doesn't take any advice on how to improve his looks (or advice to get therapy) and if anyone says he doesn't look that bad he'll screenshot their comments and post them to other subs calling them delusional, blind, etc., just super aggressive. I think he's made quite a name for himself with his constant shitposting.
No. 608674
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>>608664damn, I just looked at his profile what the actual fuck. Every post it's like
>How do I fix my dead soulless eyes?>Smile>REEEEEEEEEEE
>How can I improve my looks>Shave and get a haircut>REEEEEEEEEEE No. 608685
>>608664I love how we live in a world where very little pressure is actually put on men looks wise… and yet these dudes still exist. They don't have to worry themselves sick about looking good, society just about expects them to shower and that's mens version of being presentable.
He really only has himself to blame for his obsession.
No. 608860
>>608841I got married at 21
Seperated at 24, good times lol
No. 608862
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>>608841yes there's a lot of overlap with r/fundiesnark.
No. 609020
>>608841Tons of mormon fags lurk and post there. They go to snark about their "sisters"; it explains why some of them have really good milk on people, and/or why they are being invited to people's parties (like with Freckled Fox), or are related to someone. A few bright redditors figured it out but most of them are too dumb to get it.
It was the fundie/mormon crowd too who were the primary cause of the blogsnark race wars a few months ago.
No. 609159
>FDS is MGTOW for womenAhhh this isn't even some incel subreddit. ONE comment mentioned that all they see is posts reminding women they shouldn't settle or degrade themselves with no recognition.
Like what? Why is it the narrative that women encouraging self esteem and confidence is just as bad as a group that encourages misogyny? Fuuuuck off.
No. 609178
>>608592Yes and they also use women’s past traumatic experience as a way to further belittle them. They will hijack their partners childhood trauma and make it their own. They will dehumanise their partner so much that this will be easy; she’s nothing but a succubi and her past
abusive relationship and CSA trauma is just another stick she beats you with. They are sick in the head lmao. They don’t deserve to be in a relationship. They don’t even have psychological issues, they’re just being men.
No. 609228
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>>609186Those people would probably call the kkk “male karens”. They are clowns of the highest degree and should all rope
No. 609277
>>609186Does it seem like a lot of those Karen videos are people goading for a reaction? Like the camera person is either following them around a store for not wearing their mask right or clearly antagonizing them for some other perceived wrongdoing.
People are fucking idiots for their anti-mask shit, and I think it's retarded every time I see someone with their mask under their nose, but I see both men and women doing it and I sure as fuck wouldn't follow some middle aged man around with my phone trying to make a point about it. It's easier to call out women because you're probably not going to get beat up/murdered.
No. 609284
>>609075Should we start a sports thread? I feel you, but I rely on Tumblr for hockey fandom, and that fucking sucks as someone who hates RPF and delusional fatties who've never been in the same room as a guy in the show but think they have deep intimate knowledge of hockey culture.
>>609162I feel like they're all faking being attracted to some of those gross losers, like imagine being such a severe pick-me that you have to pretend you'd fuck the midget from Game of Thrones.
No. 609361
>>609289I hate those people just as much as the no masks. And I hate how it seems like every other person you meet is trying to exploit this situation to their benefit in some way. They all can fuck off to hell.
>>609171I remember when those videos were all the rage like twoish years ago, when youtube was still cracking out good amounts of adsense for low effort content. I used to watch this one dude's reddit narration videos, and it has been hilarious to see him lose his fucking shit over his views dropping from the upper 100,000s+ to barely scrapping by with average 300. Now he's an angry broke ass retard and can't seem to figure out that people are not interested anymore in that kind of content, so then he tries to jump on internet controversies weeks after they are even relevant, still gets mad as fuck that no one cares.
No. 609376
>>609284I used to be part of the hockey fandom on tumblr and you're absolutely right, something about the sport attracts the most delusional weirdos. I left a few years back when there were posts going around trying to cancel Ovechkin and insinuating that any adult who followed the draft was probably a pedophile KEK at least on Reddit I can get the occasional in-depth breakdown of tactics or underlying stats.
I would definitely contribute to a sports thread but sadly I feel like your average farmer would have 0 interest
No. 609486
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>>609162i deadass think that at least half of posters on that subreddit are straight men. just looking at the top posts you can only see the same couple of men reddit bros love to circlejerk over and over (cavill, fraser, driver, reynolds and others). it just feels like a massive reddit cope that the average "ladyboner" there is a middle-aged man.the other portion of posters are 50-year old housewives
No. 609513
>>609486only like 1% of women under the age of 35 would think these guys are "hot" and no women over the age of 35 speaks like this. most probably a male op who thinks this is how they think women speak.
idk if this subreddit was used by young women there would be cole sprouse, joshua bassett and guys like that. none of these men look good. if its a female op i genuine feel sorry for her low standarts.
No. 609521
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>I'm an adult male so no one cares about me uwu
I truly can't get over how whiny and obnoxious the threads on r/AskMen are. This OP also posted something about "letting his female friend know her opinions are always factually incorrect" and the typical incel-tier "romantic gestures are creepy if you're unattractive." Maybe your friends don't talk to you because you're an asshole with a victim complex.
No. 609634
>>609598He said it was a pilonidal cyst in another comment, which is indeed a very simple surgery. They just drain the cyst and stitch it back up.
Not sure how people not asking about his ass cyst means "people don't care about adult males."
No. 609816
>>609376What the fuck @ the draft thing.
What are people on????
I just want to see if the leafs are getting anything good,i dont want to date every hockey player i see.
Also Ovechkin is an absoloute beauty,hes russian so of course he supports their leader.
i checked the leafs tag once on tumblr and regretted it. People are weird when it comes to real humans on tumblr..
No. 626675
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I have never even read FDS but I came across this in a medication subreddit of all places
>If you date 100 bad men it's you that is the problem not men
>Women should make subreddits about how not to ignore nice guys instead of teaching each other how to avoid abusers
His history includes a red pill spin off subreddit, how surprising.
No. 662213
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Men do these kind of jokes extensively on women and minorities protecting themselves under the pretense of dark humor, but when a woman does the same to the them she's a piece of irredeemable shit. It's not the first one I've seen upvoted to hell with all of the comments insulting the girls on the titoks. But I never see all this vitriol and upvotes for the countless of men who say worse misogynistic shit. I actually never see them upvoted at all on reddit. I can empathize how it can be seen as offensive but it's a trend on tiktok. It's obviously a joke. This is exactly what dark humor is. And men do these kind of jokes on others all. the. time.