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No. 490704
Have a dumbass question that doesn't fit any other threads? Ask away!
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/473321 No. 490716
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Should I just pay off the rest of my student loans right now? I have enough in my checkings account account that if I pay off the remaining part of my loan I'd have about $400ish left over and I have a paycheck coming in between now and when my credit card bill is due (it's usually around $400 but very little of it is frivolous shopping). The only reason I'm hesitating is because it feels like I'm really cutting things close. I always think that the worst case scenario could happen, and even though I have quite a bit of cushion room in the form of my savings, I really like to leave that money for actual emergencies and not "oops I miscalculated and now have to take some money out to cover up my mistake."
I'm paid ahead and there's really no reason for me to pay it off besides personal satisfaction and just no longer having this debt hang over my head. What would you anons do?
No. 490732
>>490724Thanks anon!
My current temp job is ending in two months and I'm trying my best to get a job lined up so I don't have any gaps but it'd be nice to not have to worry about a payment if I have shit luck and get stuck between jobs!
No. 490794
>>490765Nah, mine have been randomly hurting once or twice a year for like a decade. I don't need them out because they'll fit in my mouth.
Just keep up regular dentist appointments, they do actually know what they're talking about.
No. 490810
>>490704It's related to how diabetics have a higher chance of getting chronic high blood sugars that result in sensitive feet and dry skin.
>>490808To add on I've recently gotten a bad grade at uni so that cold have caused it tbf.
No. 491002
>>490999>>491001thanks kind anons. it has really helped me be productive at least a little bit other than doing things i have to do in a day.
btw, i hated journalling first, too. i'm my own worst critic and even writing something simple as a diary entry would make feel cringey and stupid. but then i got used to it and it really helps me put my head in order.
No. 491092
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Kms this is the 3rd time trying to post this porperly
Why am I seeing people using commas as elipses recently? Is it a non-english thing? Is pic related correct?
No. 491094
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>>491092Double posting to add– why does she type lke this? Are the commas more uwwwuwu or something?
(Pic from
>>>/snow/900685 )
No. 491107
>>491094Have no idea where this is from, but reading that one screenshot was enough to get me all annoyed and bothered. Do people really think typing like that is cute?
I believe people abuse the commas like that to appear more "cute" and "innocent" like that girl in that screenshot for an example. She's basically feigning innocence and acting all "i dun kno wat u talkin abt ,,,, am just small,, so baby ,,".
All the people I've seen who type like that are always those ddlg retards who think acting like little kids makes them look all cute.
No. 491114
Yeah see I thought it was some dumb ddlg littles bullshit but I've seen it used outside that context. Crying bc my 13-year-old neice texted me the comma elipses before and there's no fuckin way she's into ddlg stuff
Is it a weeb thing? That turned into a chan thing? That turned into an internet trend? That's my best guess
No. 491180
Japanese anons, or anons who are knowledgeable about Japan, help me out please?
My ex bf was a massive turbo weeb. He told me he was a weeb before we got together, and I thought that just meant he liked anime, the same way that other people like Star Trek and other things. I'm not into anime myself, but I just kinda figured it wasn't a big deal and we didn't need to have 100% identical interests. Anyway, I thought he was just into anime, I didn't realize how utterly obsessed and consumed he was by it, and later learned that his interest in it was mostly sexual. He went on a vacation with his family to Japan, and basically acted like it was the best experience of his life. Went to Akihabara 3-4 times and bought a bunch of stuff (mostly porn). Found out later he went to the Red Light District to get drunk with his friend. He told me that Japan was better than the West because they were less prudish about sex because they never had Christianity as an influence. He said the west is less sexually liberated than Japan. I feel like that's the opposite of the truth, in fact I would say the west is TOO sexually liberated, but I'm kind of prudish myself so I guess I'm biased. Anyway I always thought Japan had much more of a sexually reserved culture? I'm just confused. I feel like he was imposing his ideals onto Japan. Is what he said true?
No. 491182
>>491180They are prudish and conservative in the sense that they expect women to be pure virgin waifus, and degenerate in the sense that there is a massive porn and pedo culture. Maybe they're connected? Girls dont wanna fuck so they compensate with hentai.
Neither of you are wrong really, but it's not some Japan exclusive phenomenon. Men always want slutty pornstars and virginal wives at the same time.
No. 491189
>>491180Akihabara is basically degenerate land so that's probably why he thinks like this.
Japan is absolutely not more liberated. Imo all the weird and disgusting fetishes/kinks exist and are much more common there because they're actually so sexually repressed. It's definitely linked.
Easy example of how not liberated they are : do you know why japanese women sound like they are in pain in porn ? That's because women must be innocent about sex. Culturally it's not proper to show that they want it. Basically it's enjoying sex but denying it because it breaks this innocent image. It's not what happens in real life I think ? At least I hope but that's definitely how japanese women are expected to act.
No. 491393
>>490704Fashion anons please help. I really want to spice my look a little, I'm a brunette and I have below the waist length hair, only one piercing in each ear.
I've thought of getting more piercings but a nose piercing is too cliche
and literally everyone I know has one, and for ears I've thought of getting a daith piercing but the piercesr that I got recommended had her schedule full for two months now and I'm beginning to have second thoughts about it.
My hair has always been long and natural colour, I've done a few dyes but the were all different tunes of brown that faded and grew out, I really wanted to do the highlighted fringe trend but again everyone now has it and it is not
uNiQuE anymore and I would get mistaken for a fan of these tik tok kids..
I'm a poorfag so my wardrobe is pretty boring; jeans upon jeans upon jeans, couple of trousers, basic tshirts and shirts, four old jackets, one or two jumpers, and a few tops stolen from men. I don't have much jewelry/accessories but I always wear the same few pieces over and over.
I don't have a clear idea of what my style is but it definitely isn't easy to find things that I like in stores, I could describe my style best as a hybrid between punk and hippie and some vintage elements, the colour scheme I go for is: navy blue, black, brown, moss green, white, and sometimes red. it is a little all over the place but that is what I feel best wearing.
Now to the important bit, how could I make myself look more interesting but still look suitable for a job?
PS: /fa/ is the most useless board because they're all circlejerking about how expensive designer stuff are better and they never give a valuable advice.
No. 491394
>>491393You need to make a moodboard of what you like, either start saving pictures of outfits and looks into a folder or directly pasting them into the same document until a pattern emerges.
Don't dye your hair or get a piercing just because someone online recommends it, because only you know what's acceptable for work where you actually live, but also remember that piercings and hair are relatively temporary. If you don't like it you can change it back eventually.
No. 491405
>>491180i lived a year in japan, studied japanese and japan for 4 years. worked at two bars while there, here's my take:
japan is a horrible place for women's rights. while they might have rights in the eyes of the law, in every day society women are seen as how you'd see a women in 20th century. they don't take women seriously, men feel like they can take advantage of women and it wouldn't be wrong because women aren't expected to react as harshly as western women do to harassment. it happened to me, as well. every country has its red light districts, you can't judge a whole culture by just looking at that.
while i'm grateful for my experience and the friends and memories i made there, i'm very wary of japan-obsessed people because they're awful, most of the time have next to zero knowledge about the real japanese society. sounds like your bf was just looking for an excuse to abuse women and found it in kabukicho, the red light district he probably went to, in an industry that's by design for men that have
abusive tendencies and don't value women.
i don't wanna be that girl, but i'd say run the other way as fast as you can. try to educate him if you want, but i don't think it'll hold if he's 20+ years old. don't let him demand things from you that he was able to demand from those hostess girls.
No. 491464
>>491393i like the other anon's reply about making a moodboard!
also when it comes to things like nose rings/dyed fringe they can look "trendy" but some variation of those trends has been happening for a while so don't worry too much about people assuming it's associated with something like that. There are women/girls of all styles professional levels with different nose piercings where I live. The dyed fringe thing might "give away" your inspirations if it's specific place/color but when I grew up in the 90s-00s bright colored highlights/fringe were a big thing too so most older people don't associate it with "zoomer culture" or whatever.
Maybe since your influences are punk/hippie looking at some vintage photos might help as well? So you can find things that are still visually interesting but maybe stand the test of time a little better? I love looking at pictures of 80s punks/goths for inspiration.
No. 491634
>>491626Oops, we made a mistake and now you're completely sterile.
Just use rubbers like God intended.
No. 491636
>>491634I think they would have to lop off an entire ball to do that
Like seriously, I haven't heard of it ever being an issue, they would have to somehow destroy both testicles, because though it's hard you can still get someone pregnant with one ball
No. 491653
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How do I meet girls from Michigan in the anime/j-fashion scene?
I’m moving to northern Michigan in a couple of months and want to try to make friends before I get there so I’m not alone. I tried to look up meetups but most of them are dead or locked groups on Facebook
No. 491697
>>491180>he went to the Red Light District to get drunk with his friend>He told me that Japan was better than the West because they were less prudish about sex>I'm kind of prudish myselfhe cheated on you with either a hostess or a prostitute.
japan is known in asia as the most liberal and less conservative country because of its jav and prostitution culture. i would say the japanese are even more cumbrains than most of the west because of what
>>491189exactly because women in particular are not "liberated" that their men are the most degenarate, same with koreans
No. 491715
>>491405Original anon here; thanks for taking the time to type that, it was incredibly insightful. I hope you don't think I was judging all of Japan by the redlight district, I know it's more than that. I think he was cherrypicking things about Japan that he liked and idealizing it. I've always heard that Japan is really bad for women's rights, but didn't know how much of that was true or not. Anyways, I'm not in contact with him anymore.
>>491189This is what I always thought, that the all of the sex stuff came out of repression.
>Akihabara is basically degenerate landthat makes me feel kinda validated, not gonna lie.
>>491697I'm not even prudish by most people's standards.. more just compared to him.
No. 491879
>>491862I think it seems reasonable.
>>491775Emotional intelligence is a horse shit. It's basically just the big five personality trait agreeableness which is basicslly empathy.
No. 492123
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How do you differentiate between milk and vendetta? I want to post about a certain cow i used to be friends with, and although they're moderately milky and have shown up in places like kiwifarms before, I'm not sure if they're quite milky enough to post. I might be blowing things out of proportion since i have bad blood towards them too. I've started compiling a topic list of milk that isn't exclusively personal just in case.
No. 492367
if i got a really nice haircut, shampoo and condition for $20, is it way too much to tip $12? i have like, slightly above waist length hair and multiple times hairstylists have fucked up my hair and made horrible choppy, shapeless layers every time, but this guy did a really good job. considering that i feel $20 for a great cut, shampoo, and condition is very cheap, was it too OTT and a waste of money to do $12? everywhere else around me has a base price of like $50-60 for a layered cut on long hair, with tip on top of that
how much do you ladies with long hair pay for a nice cut that includes shaping, not just some in and out straight across trim?
No. 492516
>>492367Nah, I don't think it's a waste.
People used to fuck up my hair all the time so I ended up growing out my hair but I hate the hassle of dealing with it, so I did some research before finding some old lady in my neighborhood who does hair for cheap. Chopped off my waist length hair to a bob for only $10 and I gave her a $10 tip because I looked so fuckin cute afterwards. Feels so good to find a hairdresser that you love and trust. I go back about every 3 months for a trim and come out feeling cute as shit every time and she still charges me the same $10 every time. Absolutely love her.
A coworker of mine pays about $80 for the whole shebang for her hair, but she only goes about once a year. Tip your favorite hairdresser well, I think they're well worth the extra money.
No. 492589
>>492587 said it heavily depends on the meat's quality. People who live near the Arctic circle traditionnally eat a lot of meat and fish but do fine when it's from animals they hunt and not supermarket processed meat.
No. 492653
>>492582It's very healthy if it's fresh non processed cuts of meat. It's a complete protein source so it contains all the amino acids your body needs for physical and psychological functioning. It's also a rich source of b12 and iron. Iron being a crucial nutrient for women. Eating more meat can help with weight management as it doesn't spike your blood sugar. The combination of protein and fat will leave you feeling full for longer.
It could be that your flatmate eats a keto or paleo diet either for weight loss or to treat a medical condition.
No. 492688
>>492677Make a loud scene next time he does it, be very vocal and clear that you do not want to be touched. Your teachers can hardly stand by and ignore it if you freak out any time he touches you
And yes you're perfectly entitled to freak the fuck out over it and scream at him to stop. Forget about being polite
No. 492694
What are those weird that are often Asian channels? I mean this: think some of them are cool though)
Like is there an industry for this? I remember a funnyish but cringy video where a bunch of Indian kids would repeat p*l shit for money. Is it that? Halp, getting drowned in those channels reminds me of a feverish dream.
No. 492703
>>492491Are you slouching too much?
I managed to pull something by just spending a whole day at the computer in a bad position and it took like a week to feel better. Try stretching or lying on the floor with a tennis ball under your back and make a conscious effort to check your posture.
No. 492748
>>492744yes, it is extremely irritating and drying, which probably upsets your skin/acne even more. was a dumb bitch in my teens and did a similar thing but with hydrogen peroxide. if your problem is oily skin or slow shedding skin, try a chemical exfoliant, i like paula's choice bha liquid (obvi followed by a decent, non-alcohol containing moisturiser and spf during the day). i also use germolene as an antibiotic on open lesions if i've been naughty lol, it does contain alcohol but a less irritating kind, plus i only use it to spot treat and on occasion.
if it is some other sort of issue, honestly go to a doctor. they can put you on antibiotics (helped amazingly for my friend - literally not a singular pimple in sight) or even birth control if it is instead hormonal.
No. 492758
>>492751ah shit, my condolences then, can't do much about that save for changing what kind of birth control. def stop with the alcohol though, can try moving on to gentle nappy rash creams or something similar like that to keep the lesions sterile but that's about it.
there are def things that make cystic acne worse though, so maybe it is worth looking into the rest of your regimen? for me stopping using cerave moisturiser ended cystic acne i used to get on like boundary between my chin and cheeks but frankly idk which one of the ingredients it was. nothing else changed in my life so i'm pretty sure it was that (not on bc). you can use cosdna to like see if the stuff you use has any major acne-causing or irritating ingredients, has been a major life/moneys saver. also since you're on the oily side, i'd still recommend some sort of chemical exfoliant, it helps stuff heal more quickly too since the skin layers are peeled more often (paula is a pricy bitch but i'm afraid to change her, there were some good recs on the skincare thread for other products you might want to check out).
No. 492763
>>492758You're a lifesaver! Tbh i'm pretty clueless when it comes to skin care, I just use a pretty cheap face wash from the drug store and some dove beauty cream. Most products make me break out even worse so I tend to not experiment. I had no idea about cosdna! I'll take a look when I get home!
I did look up Paula's choice bha and I'll probably order it! I've never used chem exfoliant, only sugar scrubs until I heard how bad it is for your skin.
Can I ask what the fuck a toner is good for if anything? I tried a toner once and it made my face feel like It was on fire.
Ty for all your advice!
No. 492780
Do any anons have any advice about feeling more interesting or worthwhile?
In context, my boyfriend has a lot of friends who he hangs out with every day, literally. I’m not as social, I only see friends once a week or so, and I don’t mind it being that way. However I can’t help but feel like my life isn’t as interesting or that I’m not as cool and I always feel a lot of shame in admitting I’ve spent the day reading or with my family or going to church/a church event with my family or roomate, etc, even though I really enjoy those things.
Basically, I’ve convinced myself that my life is boring or uninteresting because I’m not around people 24/7, and my hobbies aren’t necessarily as “cool” as my boyfriends, even after I found out that he and his friends are basically just smoking weed and watching anime every day when they’re not skateboarding, kek. I just want to know what I can do to instill a sense of self-worth about my lifestyle? Is becoming more social the answer? Or do I need to stop thinking social = worthwhile time spent? Self-helpy books and article reccs welcome!
No. 492806
>>492763your face wash could def be a culprit for making your acne worse if it has sls as one of the 1st ingredients. you can certainly get some sls free ones but it's kinda location-based as to what's proper cheap and easily available, I use a polish one bc europoor lol (sylveco chamomile).
if you do go for a chem exfoliant, also get spf of some kind, unless you already use that, as the new exposed skin is obvi more sensitive plus continuous exposure of it to UVa could speed up aging.
yeah, I don't tend to experiment much once I found what works for me, I keep to face wash, bha liquid (nighttime), moisturiser and then spf during the day and hempseed oil during the night to top it all off. I did try out vit c and HA for a bit but those particular products did fuckall for me and I'm not made out of money to trial and error often lol. similarly, I frankly don't know what a toner is exactly for as my only experience is with those godawful clean and clear ones as a teen (also made my face burn lol) but I know some people more into Korean skincare really like them if you want to get into that!
I mean
I hope I'm helpful instead of rambly and confusing haha
No. 492811
>>492809soz didn't mean to be condescending about spf, just know that people not that into skincare generally overlook it as something only albinos in Australia should use lol. that's really good though and I'm sure your skin will be thankful for in the long run!
1st time I've been called a-a S-Stacy, I shall treasure this moment!
No. 492816
>>492780There's nothing wrong with you, you don't need to change yourself here.
There are plenty of self help books for more introverted people because sometimes it feels like extroverted people are 'doing better in life' but if you enjoy your solo time then just enjoy it
A book I'd recommend
'Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking'
No. 492850
Am I being ott in my response to my property manager? Our building just had our second fire in six weeks! You could say I'm a bit stressed out, not to mention physically sick. I've been to the ER twice and had to take steroids and antibiotics after the fire in October; my throat was so swollen I was choking on food and drink.
>All the smoke detectors from the last fire has been replace and the detectors from the smoke fire 12/8 are fine. The smoke detector on the second floor is still chirping for a new battery; I have been listening to it for weeks. Apologies for not doing someone's job for them by addressing it sooner.
Edit: It is 2:53am. One of the detectors in the hallway outside of my room is emitting three rapid chirps every 39 seconds, the same detector that chirped thusly at 7:03pm on 12/08 an hour after the fire. The batteries should be replaced after such a fire event, and the smoke detectors themselves should be replaced every ten years as recommended by all smoke detector manufacturers and the federal government. hey, what do I know, I'm just a welfare case waiting to die in the poorhouse system because I failed at life, amirite?
I'm the fool for investing in insured $25 Tripplite surge protectors and $10 14g appliance extension cords and for taking the time to utilize my knowledge of electrical engineering to calculate the combined amperage load of my electrical devices in the interest of everyone's safety.
Fire, shmire! The circumstances of the preventable fire-related deaths of my many friends and neighbors through my lifetime were certainly isolated incidents and not learning experiences. Let those batteries chirp away into oblivion. Who needs 'em? The smell of the smoke will wake us up!
Sunday's incident was THE SIXTH FIRE IN THIS BUILDING DUE TO RESIDENT NEGLIGENCE I have witnessed in less than three years. I had a mutually elucidating conversation with members of the FD regarding the reporting of these incidents while I was being treated for smoke inhalation.
RIP My friends who died in the Ghost Ship Fire in Oakland on December 2nd, 2016. You haven't lived until you've watched loved ones die on the news.
chirpchirpchirp No. 492873
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>>492763I have super sensitive skin and never had a problem using this toner. I really like it because it dries out my pimples and evens out my skin tone.
No. 492888
>>492703I do tend to usually slouch when sitting at a desk for a long time, but yesterday I pretty much sat up straight all day because it was the only way to avoid making my back pain worse haha. It's gotten a lot better today! I've been doing some stretches every morning and night, and I'm trying to stand up and move a bit around my desk every hour or so.
Thinking back on it, it was 100% avoidable since I did everything I usually don't do at the gym (doing a new route as my first warm up climb instead of one I'm familiar with, jumping down from the top instead of climbing down), so I'll take it as a lesson learned the hard way. I've also been reading that my back probably absorbed all the impact because my glutes are weak so I'll start working up my glutes more and being more careful with myself. Thank you anon!
No. 492890
>>492784Lol thank you anon for your perspective, absolutely none offense taken. I seriously don’t know how he has the energy for it, literally if he has at least a 3 hour gap in his schedule at any point in his day he’ll go to his friends house. It seems like he can’t stand being alone with himself which I think is strange. And to defend myself, he didn’t tell me he watched anime/played dnd until we were already in a relationship, I just thought he was a stoner/skater (tbf we’re young so that’s still cool), but yeah, anime/dnd is a huge turnoff for me.
>>492792Thank you, are you my inner voice anon? Lol I’ve started baking recently and I’ve been thinking about getting back into knitting haha, maybe this is the push for me to get back into it!
>>492816Thank you anon! Im college aged so I feel like there’s a huge pressure to be constantly with people, partying 3 nights a week, never eating alone, etc, so it’s reassuring to hear that enjoying solo time is normal. That book sounds interesting, I’ll try to find it at the library!
No. 492891
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>>492780Absolutely love this book. You might not need the whole thing, but there's a chapter or two in there that talks about values and measuring your life/values/self worth in ways that are important and best for you. I have a hard time putting it into words but this book has really helped me a lot. Even though I don't live a lavish life travelling or making cool shit like I see old friends do on social media, I don't give a fuck anymore because I don't share their values and I don't use their "success" as how I measure my own success. I hope you'll come to appreciate how fulfilling your life sounds. It sounds so cozy and quaint, I'm honestly a bit jealous.
Also, I can't find the image right now, but there's a panel from the manga "Roaming the Apocalypse with my Shiba Inu" where the dog says something like "As long as you enjoyed the time that you spent, it is not time wasted."
No. 492987
>>492927A good mental place to start is to remember “my self-worth and values as a person are not defined by what men think of me”. Make sure that whatever it is you do, you’re doing it for yourself and not to try and appease or appeal to anyone else. You have hobbies, interests, thoughts and dreams - focus on these first and foremost, because you’re the person who lives in your skin, and you deserve to be comfortable in it. It is tricky when you’re dealing with insecurity and how others perceive you, but remind yourself of your best inner qualities, and that foregoing societal expectations of “femininity” doesn’t make you a lesser person.
Good luck, Anon! I think you’re doing well so far.
No. 493054
>>493049Stop giving anon bad advice. Being fat doesn't prevent people from looking at you. It just makes the men who chase you more disgusting, and the women meaner. Everyone loves a good punch down, and that's not gonna help the anon in question find value in herself.
>copeLike how you've yet to accept that men will fuck everything and it doesn't matter.
No. 493060
>>493001just get what appeals to you. they're willing to pay, so why not?
I wouldn't normally say this if it was like your friend treating you, but it's a company. they've probably made a generous budget or can use this as a tax write off or something.
No. 493096
>>493064It depends. Fetish as in something all encompassing that I can't enjoy anything else? No. But it is a part of the body I appreciate. If I'm attracted to someone (which is very rare) I will enjoy caressing, kissing, and licking their feet like I would other places like their neck or stomach. Although I prefer it having done to me more because my feet are sensitive.
The guy I had done it to had very good hygiene so it never grossed me out or anything. In the end I think what made it so great was his reactions. He was very embarrassed that he got turned on from it and it was hot as fuck. I liked making him squirm when I called his feet cute and pushed him on his back so I could kiss them. Cringe I know, lmao.
No. 493253
>>493249Thank you anon! I'll definitely try the inside of my elbows/knees and mixing it with a scentless lotion! Every time I try to look stuff up people always put emphasis on the neck so I've only ever sprayed it there or on my chest haha.
Worst comes to work I'll just keep spritzing a little on my clothes lol.
No. 493256
>>493245I don't know much about scents but the two facts I always remember hearing are that scents mix with your skin/oils and that gives them a slightly different smell from person to person. The other is that after an hour our own nose can stop registering the scent but others will still smell it
It's nice that your parents buy you cologne. My dad always gets me floral smelling perfumes and I don't have the heart to tell him my preference lol
No. 493260
>>493256I'm super grateful! It's a very nice Chanel cologne. I guess I'd rather spray less than more since a lot of my friends find it to be a very easily overbearing smell! It sucks to feel like I'm wasting it when it's way too subtle though haha, or maybe I should just learn to embrace that subtly.
Why not make subtle hints about it to your dad? I don't typically buy or wear perfume/cologne so when I started saying stuff about how much I liked it, they were like "oh" lol.
No. 493271
>>492985I don't really watch porn but there's enough other shit to set crazy standards for young women.
I've realized I feel less vulnerable when I wear more "tomboyish" clothes that's why I mentioned the clothes part but I know you're right, I need to learn to stop giving a fuck.
>>492987Yes this is exactly what I need to realize/learn…
Thank you guys so much!
>>492958lol I know this is true but that's not exactly what I want but thanks?
No. 493321
>>493277What a sweet response…thank you!
You sound lovely, and I'm glad you're happier with you current self.
Wish you all the best, too.
No. 493350
>>493347I'm too pussy for that lol
I'm a male poster and all I do is share bs made up stories, why am I even here?
>>493389Does she like female feet or male feet?
Even if I had a foot fetish I cannot imagine being attracted to male feet. Their feet are so fucking disgusting.
No. 493560
>>493538Are you parting your hair into sections/using a concentrator nozzle when your blow dry? Are you blow drying with the direction of the hair cuticle, or against it? Are you waiting more than a couple minutes between washing and blow drying?
There are a couple reasons why just product and a round brush might not be cutting it. Also, use a light heat protection while you blow dry; if it’s been a while since you’ve had your hair trimmed, the split ends could be sabotaging your blowout before you even start.
No. 493689
>>493470Because it was more interesting decades for reason this website is not willing to hear
Don't let anyone gaslight you into pretending the shitty 2010s is more interesting than the 80s-90s when it came to at least stuff like music and social life.
No. 493736
>>493470Why is it always 80s and 90s
What about earlier decades
No. 493745
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Has anyone here played Octopath Traveler? Should I buy it? It's on sale for $35.99 on the Nintendo store and I heard it's really good…
No. 493747
>>493736In the 90s, people seemed nostalgic for the 70s
And in the 70s, people seemed nostalgic for the 50s. But most of those people are older now.
Besides I think a lot of people these days are uncomfortable with romanticizing 50s/60s because of the racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry that took place. While 70s is regarded as post Civil Rights, it seemed like a shitty and depressing time to live in terms of standards of living and politics. 70s movies and music were great though.
No. 493749
>>49374770s black community > 10s black community
speak for yourself.
No. 493750
>>493736I like the 70s/80s more than the 90s tbh
The 90s got spoiled by heroin chic, teeny pop bullshit, and decline in mainstream music in my opinion. But the mid/late 90s still had some really good pop culture moments, fashion, music,and period of economy.
No. 493856
>>493448Maybe he likes earlicking voice works.
…I only know how that feels when a cat does it.
No. 493866
How do you know if you have parental trauma or not?
Unlike a lot of people here, I was never bullied even though I was a super weird, booky kid. I guess I wasn't totally included in things, but I was fine being by myself for a long time. Despite this, I've always been pretty anxious and negative/critical. Hence why I'm drawn to imageboards. I kinda assume that's just the way I am.
A couple of years ago, I went to a therapist because I was having trouble making friends in uni. My therapist really wanted to talk about my relationship with my parents. I thought it was stupid, and for various reasons, I left her before we talked about it. I was having trouble with my parents because I wasn't doing well in uni and had been taking years off and living at home.
Now I'm fine. I've managed to turn my friend and academic situation around. I'm excited to see them at the end of the semester, but I don't feel super close to them, and I've barely called them during the semester.. Part of it is that they're immigrants and I think we have super different values. When I talk with my mom I feel more stressed out, and I just don't think my dad knows how to relate emotionally to me.
I think my parents are pretty good even though they're not perfect. They've definitely been very financially supportive of me. I think they tried their best according to their limited knowledge. Again, they're immigrants, so they're not exactly the most knowledgeable about the best standards of western parenting.
When I was 1, my mom began her medical residency. My parents shipped me off to my grandma and grandpa, who were super loving. I don't think I started living full time with my parents until I was 4 and I started preschool. I don't remember very much about that time, so I'm not sure how I felt about it.
I feel like some people, especially those critical of working mothers, are going to say that this somehow screwed up my childhood, or at least gave me an anxious attachment style. Right now, I'm glad my mom decided to do residency because we ended up with a much higher standard of living than otherwise, especially since my mom has been the main breadwinner in the house.
But idk maybe my ex-therapist was right and my problems had something to do with my parents after all.
No. 494001
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What are your thoughts on the cool girl trope?
A YT channel that I follow called the Take made a new video on the concept of the cool girl and while I definitely agree that these cool girls that are smoking hot, into nerdy/masculine hobbies, eating pizza or burgers while still being thin are definitely a man's fantasy, I just hate how it kind of perpetuates the idea that the moment you're into nerdy stuff or things that are considered masculine interests, you're doing it for attention and for a guy. I'm decent looking and a lot of people are surprised that I'm into robotics, that I work as a software engineer and so on. My idea of a good night is making a juicy bbq steak and playing some vidya to chill. I'm saying this not to sound special and not like the other girls but probably because there are lots of other women that are the same and I just think the cool girl trope reinforces the idea that there are male interests and female interests and women that happen to be good looking and are into these typically male hobbies are doing it for everything but because they're genuinely interested in it or like it.
No. 494006
>>494001You're kinda right, yeah. Moids are always surprised when I talk about my female friends who are really into vidya, especially western rpgs. I think they just don't care enough to get to know the women in their lives - I have met so many Stacys who love Assassin's Creed and whatnot - yet males act like gamer girls are sooo rare.
I also hate that I have to turn into some lorebeard and prove myself just to chat about vidya with males.
No. 494007
>>494001I don't think you will find a feminist who doesn't dislike both cool girl behaviour and also the idea that women fake interest in male hobbies for attention. Theoretically they could get mixed up but there are a lot of context clues that make it obvious when it's one or the other. If you're not acting like an attention seeking pickme who talks shit about other women, nobody but shitty men will care.
In any case, the cool girl speech resonated with a lot of women because they identify with it and see it in their own behaviour. Many of us can easily relate to trying to seem chill yet physically perfect and prioritizing a guys interests and hobbies over our own to impress him, but having the self awareness to know we're just faking it to meet men's unrealistic expectations. If you know you're not faking it, it doesn't apply.
No. 494013
>>494001Another female software engineer with masculine interests here and I think this is the exact reason why the cool girl trope
needs to be ridiculed. Exactly because it perpetuates the stereotype of "hurr women only play vidya to appeal to men". It's the reason why people hate it, because it fetishizes women to the point where when they have interests not typically associated with femininity it MUST be because men find that relatable. There
are IRL women who exploit this role and push the assumption further because of the male-created fantasy and thus damaging every other woman in the process.
While I don't disagree that the "cool girl" title is handed sometimes out on a shoddy, misogynist reasoning, I still believe it's warranted most of the time. Someone like Belle Delphine definitely deserves it. Like someone in the Pink Pill thread said, I don't have to have unconditional love for every woman on the face of the earth to be feminist.
>>494007>In any case, the cool girl speech resonated with a lot of women because they identify with it and see it in their own behaviour.This too. It's important to call the trope out so that women can recognize it when their female socialization is at play. Like I mentioned, I'm a software engineer, and I've met a lot of them working in IT. The girls who see every other woman as competition and constantly try to emphasize their "not like other girls" interests to cement how much of a "cool girl" they are, in order to survive in the male-dominated field.
No. 494021
>>494001I don't think the video was trying to insinuate that liking male dominated hobbies = cool girl. What I interpreted was that a cool girl was a woman who has pick-me qualities, or has something to gain from male attention or a scrote dream girl.
Personally, I like videogames and comics. However, I am ugly, a shut in and don't talk about my hobbies with anyone, so I never have to worry about being thought as a cool girl. I can see most of the misuse of the cool girl title coming from scrotes to give to any woman who dares to do anything but watch beauty tutorial on youtube like they are supposed to.
It sucks that a lot of woman who genuinely do like male dominated hobbies end up falling into the cool girl trap, rather than reaching out to other women who like have similar interests because they feel some sense of superiority to other women or love attention.
No. 494170
>>494053that would definitely
trigger me as a patient. As an ex ana-chan who was also in inpatient, I felt a ton of competition with other ana-chans about wanting to be the most sickly thin one. I don't know if that was just me though, or if that's common with people with EDs. Having a person of authority there (staff) with an eating disorder (that I was aware of) would pretty much guarantee I wouldn't want to get better, but rather try and one-up her. And honestly any staff member at an ED clinic who actively has an ED is most likely doing exactly that, trying to feel like the most sickly ana-chan, and revel in watching other ones gain weight, which is extremely fucked. Also on a totally different level, IMO actively mentally ill shouldn't be in the position of treating other mentally ill people, like at all. Recovered is one thing, active is just dangerous.
No. 494172
>>494053Not sure if this helps but my therapist who helped me through depression had depression himself and was on medication for it. It felt nice that he understood the feeling, but I also felt bad for unloading on someone with the same condition.
If you mean their ailment is untreated or a "secret," however, then that's a big no thank you.
No. 494186
>>493789By “with the cuticle” I just mean directing the air to follow root to tip. It helps smooth the hair vs hitting it with air from the bottom upwards or from the side, which can cause frizziness.
Towel drying should be fine (make sure to pat dry, not rub), but try to get your hair dried ASAP if it’s generally more frizzy. The longer you wait to dry it properly, the less effective the blow out is going to be. Also, not sure what kind of round brush you’re using, but if your hair is particularly thick I would avoid boar bristle round brushes.
They’re so dense that the don’t catch enough hair in my experience (and any hair not being pulled taut by the brush is going blow around and not get smoothed).
No. 494251
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Are makeup, fashion, and things related to kinks mostly tied to pickme behavior (in order to be selected by another person) because they are generally subtly imposed on people's minds?
No. 494279

>>494001I got around to watching that Take video and the part about Miss Congeniality straight out murdered my soul. I had never even heard of this movie but it really hits deep that only after the main female character becomes surface level hot her quirky tomboyness is suddenly charming. It should be fucking illegal to create garbage like this. When I was an aloof, tomboyish, nerdy-looking teenage girl the boys hated me and lived to ridicule my ass, but after I grew up and started taking grooming my appearance more, those same guys suddenly approached me to basically tell me how hot I've become. It wasn't cute or fulfilling, like I had reached my hollywood movie fairytale ending. It was sad and degrading that only after I lost 15 pounds and started dressing nice I got to be worthy of respect.
Told those superficial fuckers to go to hell btwGod that video pissed me off. Not because it was badly done or anything, it was 100% spot on, but because the examples described in it were so enraging and made me realize how harmful and destructive the Cool Girl type actually is. That Gillian Flynn dialogue was so, so accurate. Every young woman should watch this video. I'm even embedding it because I think it's just that important.
No. 494328
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I don't know if this counts as a stupid question or not but am I being too picky for wanting someone with a low number of sexual partners? I guess I feel insecure whenever I'm with a guy and I know they've been with so many people before me and it just makes me anxious about them comparing me, is that normal?
No. 494334
>>494305Yes! I would love to know more about VPN and if I even need it. And any other privacy tips.
Pls anons help!
No. 494353
>>494346That's true, but it is another added layer of obfuscation for yourself if wanted. Sure it can be cracked via other methods, but at that point, who cares about
you enough to bother unless you're peddling something extremely illegal? I mostly use mine for accessing region-locked content.
If you are using for privacy reasons though, for proper anonymity you gonna have to do some work in changing your browsing habits during use and not go logging into any of your usual accounts etc. I'd also suggest avoiding any of the main VPNs due to hack and leak issues, like the recent thing with NordVPN and their third party provider breach.
No. 494378
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Why are kpop photos so often edited like this? Sharpened, super smoothed skin, whitewashed, etc. I realize most celeb photos are edited in some way, but kpop seems to have mostly the same ethereal poreless style. Not hating, just curious, and don't wanna get banned for being a newfag in kpop threads.
No. 494384
>>494378Because they'd be ugly then and everyone would stay a weaboo instead of a koreaboo (their better sense of aestheticism is what made weabooism die out).
t. normal human being
No. 494385
>>494285If you have memory issues that you didn't have prior to the injury it's probably already messed you up.
There really isn't anything medically that could be done though. Recovery is just usually not being active and trying not to overtax your brain while it heals.
No. 494514
I just want to be unconscious
No. 494571
>>494569Hate being alive, hate mulling over negative thoughts, meds aren't working, therapy isn't really progressing
I figure, if I hate myself and I am too paralyzed by anxiety and depression to do anything, I might as well not be sad (because I won't be awake)
I took like 5 mg of melatonic and a normal amount of valerian root and I slept 1 hour last night
Also, just found out, you can't buy alcohol after midnight in my state–and I have to wait even longer to buy it because christianity I guess
No. 494614
>>494609>no vidya or anime (anime is a slippery slope into hentai imo since it’s so full of fan service nowadays) >quiet soft sensitive shy boy.. but that’s my type so I’m biased I agree with everything on except for these two. I myself like to indulge in anime once in a while (the non fanservice-y type) so I'd be okay as long as I approved off it and we watched it together. Same with video games.
As for the soft and quiet boy…well I find that a little boring tbh. Sensitive
is good though, I just don't like guys that are too meek
No. 494631
>>494626Do you remember the days where you could log on and talk about your favorite characters and series for hours and even roleplay as them back in the 2000s? All of a sudden, that changed and now fandoms are infested with coomers; even the ones for small children.
I wonder what caused that shift.
No. 494672
>>494634source > adaptation every time
fandoms turn to shit the moment anime onlys arrive. i know i never want anime adaptations for any of my fav manga. you can at least make the argument that manga readers appreciate the art and craft more by making an effort to read compared to anime onlys who can let it passively play in the background. manga readers also have access to more diverse genres. it's similar to books and film adaptations. that said, some anime originals are fantastic and their manga adaptations suck too.
>I once knew a guy who insisted on catching up on One Piece by watching the anime, which I thought was commendable, but essentially a waste of time due to all the fillerthis is a perfect example of what i mean. the op anime is complete dogshit and tone deaf on a shoestring budget. you can't even enjoy oda's art and pacing at your own speed. might as well watch paint dry.
No. 494680
Why do straight women cape for gay men so much? I get that lesbians do it out of concern for themselves, but I can't see any other reason to stick up for a group of AIDs spreaders who are mostly misogynistic.
>>494620>Isn't homophobic, the way a man treats gay people tells a lot about how he sees women deep downSounds retarded to me, but enjoy your troon lover I guess.
(take this to the containment thread) No. 494798
>>494672>>494688>>494680Curious as to how you all feel about the recent trend of manga/anime based on light novels and books?
Not that I disagree with anything you've all said so far
No. 494807
>>494634It seems like some people who like to watch anime prefer to do that instead of reading the manga. I noticed that especially with series like Golden Kamui, Beastars and Kimetsu, with people asking online what chapter they could skip to after finishing the anime.
On the other hand you will see manga readers complain about anime adaptations if the pacing gets changed, has bad visuals or direction, etc. And the other anon is right about fandoms going to shit when the anime happens.
No. 494894
>>494770I was in your shoes in my last relationship. The thing is that you're feeling bad because you're forcing yourself to laugh at unfunny things to make him feel good and he's not aware of it and you expect the same treatment since you know how it feels bad to share something because you see value in it only for it to be shat on. I would suggest you one of two things, either stop forcing yourself to laugh at his stupid jokes to make him better
this includes not complementing things you dont really like to please him, he would say that you changed and this could cause stress ngl, the other option you have is to stop caring about his opinion because his sense of humour is crooked anyway otherwise you wouldn't be faking laughing.
No. 494911
>>494770Sounds like a douche.
>>494894Pretty much this. But I will laugh at unfunny shit for a partner or friend (unless it's something inappropriate) because it's like, why be a fucking drag? If they're having fun, why shit on it? If I really don't find something funny I'll be like "wow that's silly" instead of calling it dumb.
No. 494973
>>494798indifferent since it safely sells and theres occasional gems, blame the consumer not the maker, etc.
it's hard to compare adaptations without reading the original novels in japanese tbqh. there's interestingly executed ones like baccano, nisio isin (monogatari and katanagatari), and welcome to the nhk. shin sekai yori was too wordy and impaired by cour format. i tried reading "acclaimed" fan translated light novels before and theyre usually she-breasted-boobily level but weebs arent going to translate nonfanservice writing. i think its funny that lns set the most hated trends though: haruhi with sol moe and sao with isekaishit.
No. 494994
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ok, what is with the smelly socks meme? is it just american's with their constant shoe wearing because i don't know anyone whose feet, socks or shoes smell so bad that it fills a room. like why would your shoes smell, not even my goddamn gym shoes smell.
No. 494996
>>494994I think my feet smell after about a day, but I don't think it's bad enough to necessarily be a problem (nobody says anything about smell when I slip my shoes off at work)
But I have to assume any sort of meme is just about the utter disregard people might have when considering other people–like taking your shoes off on an airplane
No. 495001
>>494997Wait like 2 months, I guarantee you'll get at least 10
It's really not hard to get creepy messages
I know it's not like a jealousy thing, but if you are insecure–don't be
Even grandmas can get creepy messages, you just have to be in the wrong place (everywhere) at the wrong time (literally at any given time should the moment suit someone)
No. 495003
>>494998I put most health issues under "thing that don't yet exist" because feasibly there could be a cure, we just haven't worked it out yet
Like, there's no cure for cancer, obviously
There's a chance you might not die–but that's not the same as a cure
But that doesn't mean people aren't working on it, but that's just my opinion
No. 495004
>>494997If it makes you feel better, creeps tend to send out messages to girls who they think would be good targets. Creeps don't like challenges or women who they think will outright reject them.
I noticed when I had more insecure wording in my profile and more revealing/niche pictures, I'd get more creepy messages. But that was more than a few years ago.
These days not so much. With the way most dating sites work (Not being able to message without a mutual match) most guys don't want to risk being shut down if they come out the gate with pickup lines and dick pics.
I don't think it's you. I think the game and amount of deception has changed.
No. 495010
>>495006I guess I tried to preface that–but I get your point, thanks
Also, pollution is incredibly manmade and money is really the only reason it continues to happen
It's cheaper to pollute than it is to properly clean things up, which is why companies do it. Heck it's cheaper to get caught polluting and pay a fine than it is to not pollute.
No. 495016
>>495015I'm just saying it's a matter of time
>>495004 does have a good point
No. 495119
>>495113Definitely go to your chiropractor. Also maybe invest in a waist trainer in the meantime, you know those things people wear to get rid of belly fat.
I had a terrible back injury when I was in elementary school from getting a soccer ball to the face. The person we went to did their best to adjust my back and made me wear one of those for a few weeks. Definitely had improvement and I wear a waist trainer when I notice my back hurts a bit again and it feels better soon afterwards. Hopefully this can help you as well!
No. 495341
>>495144They're mentally unwell and don't actually have affection or respect for them, they just have a delusion that they're meant to be together or have been spurned by them or whatever. They'd be stalking an ex but celeb stalkers are usually so socially isolated they don't have any real relationships to turn
toxic so invent them from the media they consume.
No. 495453
>>495393Normal women. There are communities for radfems who want to "looksmaxx", and the posters from there tend to actually be very conventionally attractive.
All the memes about soccer moms and bulldykes are just that lol
No. 495466
>>495393 >>495453
I'm saying this from a completely neutral place since I don't consider myself a radfem but also not whatever the opposite side of the spectrum calls themselves, - but every radfem I've seen myself (either on twitter or youtube) are usually thin, feminine, blonde white women with one really unfortunate facial feature. A huge five-head, extremely gummy smile, strange hairline, etc. It's always specifically one of those.
No. 495485
>>495393probably average shaped, no makeup, and regular clothes.
>>495453you can't be a radfem and also obsessed with looksmaxxing
No. 495502
>>495393It's funny when you see pretty girls online be
radical feminist, the vitriol against them becomes 100x worse because it breaks scrote's stereotype of the "ugly" "fat" dyke lesbian
No. 495596
>>495393Why not just look up some famous radfems.
>>495453Radfems would be reading "beauty and misogyny" by Sheila Jeffreys rather than post about getting prettier. You're thinking of pink pill women.
No. 495750
>>495741Are you reading this site a lot?
I definitely woke up to the dangerous strength of men when I first started processing a trauma that I had been ignoring, but also fixating on the pink pill thread for a while made me paranoid to a point where the fear wasn't even useful. Treat men like oncoming traffic, there are sensible things you can do to avoid dying that way but after a certain point you are just disrupting your own life by completely going out of your way to avoid unpredictable catastrophes. It also helps to keep in touch with any possible good man, such as a trusted friend or family member. Talking with someone who understands that men can be dangerous might might help you contextualise it better yourself.
No. 495987
>>495985you might be autistic. I'm not trying to be mean, but what you wrote is pretty relatable and I recently found out that I'm high-functioning autistic. I'm a woman, and I have girl and woman experiences, but put me against any same age woman with similar interests/experiences and I still come off as weird and eccentric. Only sperg men and eccentric women (who may just be spergs themselves) really like me.
Many professionals are still pretty ignorant on how autism manifests in women, especially high functioning adult women, which may be why your psychologist is unsure.
No. 495998
>>495987Guys, even spergers, only like me if I have sex with them. They block me online if I don't send nudes even if they're a 600 kg neckbeard with 3 teeth missing (real story). Girls hate me even if I compliment their ugly nasty face. I don't understand the world nor do I like it. But even if they respected me I'd still feel drained. Definitely autism symptom I agree. But I can relate to every single label of the rainbow. I'm not special, but I do notice that the GAF score (?) of other people are higher than mine by a ton (mine was at its lowest for 5+ years 20 something), I feel because I almost lived like a feral child that I missed a lot on life. When I was 7 it would be weeks that I'd be allowed to go outside, just an example. Maybe if I weren't put to clinics or if my home life was better I'd have been a different and better person. It didn't help that nobody can sympathize with me, but I don't think it helps since I just want a time machine and different parents maybe and environment.
I don't know what I live for, I work and go to school but I put up a facade that I plan the day before and I don't say a word that's not a script and try to look polished so no one bullies me or memes about me in the irl cow threads.
tl;dr i am a loony
But for now I guess autism will do. I do think you can develop in a later stage of life. Do you agree?
No. 496014
>>495998>I do think you can develop in a later stage of life. Do you agree?I'm an assburger myself and I don't believe this. People hardly change and if they do it's because of trauma/some hardcore life experiences plus deep reflection.
We'll be weird and prone to ostracism for the rest of our lives.
>send nudes Please, please, for your own sake, don't do this ever again. Ever.
No. 496032
>>496014Lol I quit that shit because I hate being a slave of people and I always did, I just thought they wanted to date me I guess because they said so, and later when they told me it's normal I thought that it was normal to do, feels good that I no longer give fake compliments, and I never sent obese toothless grin-kun shit because he lucked out to chat with me while I was trying to get my shit together and understanding the world/reraising myself because I realized that I genuinely didn't understand it. It was really hurtful to realize how evil people are and how evil men are sexually but I got over it. I lie about being a virgin because I don't count that one time I had sex as a 13 (or 14?) year old with a 32 year old grandpa when I was drunk since I feel I should just forget it (I never told anyone because I'm afraid to get hated even more lol) and I don't wanna get made fun of lol.
So autism is ruled out then if it's not something you can develop? Because I swear I can remember a more normal healthier me even if it didn't last so so spergy and nervous/anxious and I was so innocent about people and the world until a year or two despite living with a mom and later mental asylum who made me sleep on the floor for years and also in very cold rooms. Then bpd is only left I think? I can't think of any other problem where you just bawl in tears and hallucinate that your hands are small toddler hands just because you saw yesterday an elementary school celebrating christmas.
Oh well at least it's going better at school/work even if I'm a shitty weird dumb person.
No. 496040
>>496032Idk you sound much more open, honest, and non narc than people with bpd. None of us have any basis to say though, its all just armchairing.
I really sympathize for you though anon and you sound like you are a good person and pretty self aware. I hope you get the help you need and get stable. I know its not allowed but: Imagine a heart emoji here.
No. 496043
>>496040Thanks, I will just do as my psychiatrist say and stick to the healthy stuff i do.
insert hug emoticon. M-merry christmas btw (I will leave this site for a bit since I am drowning too much in it now)
No. 496049
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>>496043Merry Christmas anon!
No. 496058
>>496032apparently bpd and high-functioning autism manifests similarly in women. it's hard to say though, since it seem you lived an unfortunately very traumatic life.
You can't really develop autism, but it can be more of an issue later in life, which is why high functioning women tend to get diagnosed later. I don't think you'll find the answers you're looking for, since you still seem in denial about your childhood rape.
I sincerely hope things work out for you, anon.
No. 496060
>>496032Not meaning to be rude but perhaps you're more of a schizo like
>>496044said? Because of this part
>just bawl in tears and hallucinate that your hands are small toddler hands just because you saw yesterday an elementary school celebrating christmas. People with autism and BPD don't usually hallucinate.
No. 496066
>>496060I'm not an expert, but that seems more like a
trigger response than straight up hallucinations.
No. 496069
>>496067>what makes people believe they can talk to kids or teens as if they were adults?There's a balance there. The idea isn't to reward recklessness or bad decision making with coddling or dismissing bad behavior with toothless verbal scoldings.
Usually the context is to communicate with youngsters in a way that talks
to them and not down to them. You're more likely to get cooperation out of children and teens who feel they are acknowledged instead of being treated like stupids. Kids aren't entirely dumb.
I feel like there's people who take it to either extreme instead of seeing how there's a happy medium.
No. 496486
>>496470some people are VERY prone to alcoholism and others not at all. it has to do with brain chemistry. same with food/sugar addiction.
I don't know if the same is true about drugs like heroin and cocaine, but I watched a video recently of someone who did drugs and she said that most people who do drugs aren't users and that people believe the misconception that all heroine users being like kurt cobaine because of media portrayal and that there are more functional drug users. it's a pretty interesting topic.
also, "internet addiction" isn't a real addiction, same with porn and video games. I mean, I'm not an expert so maybe it could be? but to my understanding an addiction is with something that physically enters your body and does something to your physiology, like drugs. so called internet addictions are more like a compulsion. and something else is that I feel like the internet actually makes my mental problems even worse and need drugs even more lmao.
No. 496494
>>496470like another anon said, brain chemistry has a lot to do with it, but i think a lot of people are easily psychologically addicted, like, there are a lot of people out here saying they're really addicted to weed and dramatizing, claiming it's physiological and they're "waking up in cold sweats" (lol) because they didn't smoke a joint today, when we know it's not. and some people just don't get addicted as easily, so maybe that's your situation too. i choose to use some drugs as a way to self medicate because my depression is treatment resistant and doctors refuse to give me older classes of anti-depressants because suicide risk, but i can pick up and drop things comparatively easily too, i just really really really don't want to feel the way i feel, nor can i afford to literally, but it's not addiction. some people do get physiologically addicted easily though, people who are genetically pre-disposed to alcoholism or drug addiction in general.
but i think we're seeing a lot of people use "addiction" to talk about psychological addiction that are trying to claim it's physiological to play it up, when it's really just psychological. some people feel the need to be on drugs to escape how they feel or their reality, and i think that plays into a large part of drug use and eventually addiction, too.
No. 496714
>>496666I'm in a similar situation, but my ex wasn't extremely
abusive, just an ass I guess, idk. I'm going through the same thought process as you too. Apart from going to therapy, maybe try to do things to occupy yourself? Like finding a hobby, trying to plan for the future the best you can, stuff like that.
It will take time until you heal, maybe it will leave scars but it will get better eventually. I know it fucking sucks and that you probanly have these thoughts often or some days it gets a lot worse, like it's the first day since the shit happened, but it does get easier. Just keep going to therapy and do your own thing. Best of luck anon
No. 496749
>>496746My spouse is a craft beer freak and he swears lots of different kinds of beers pair with certain foods. Usually sweet or savory stuff. Sometimes I get a whiff of his beer and yeah it looks different and I can smell the fruit or coffee or nuts added in the brew, but underneath all that, it smells like the same cough syrup. I guess it's an
acquired taste. I'd rather just drink something non alcoholic like water and enjoy my food as is lol.
No. 496789
>>496788I get why you say that, but I also want to know more about your specific viewpoint
Also, any perfume recs?
I really like citrus and "pink sugar" if that helps
No. 496800
>>496786you can drink chlorophyll water to get rid of body odor… it worked for me. but then I switched to capsules and it fucked up my stomach. but I already had a lot of stomach issues.
I've heard parsley has the same effect, maybe you could put parsley in a blender with some water and drink it? that sounds gross but it might work.
No. 497165
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maybe a gross question but what do you do after a guy comes in you? like directly inside w/o protection. I'm a virgin and not planning to do this but it was just on my mind.
this is assuming you're not trying to get pregnant btw. do you just go off to bathroom and push it out with your muscles over the toilet? it's surely gonna drip out if you just leave it, so what is the method?
No. 497184
>>497178i think it's only popular for christmas in the uk. i don't know why, you guys have terrible taste in food anyways. honestly quorn has a great alternative turkey that's less dry, so why even eat turkey? it's certainly not worth the colon cancer.
also the only turkey that is not dry is brined or fried.
No. 497212
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Why does the sky turn pink/purple in winter but not in summer?
No. 497369
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All the talk about robohusbandos in the Dumbass and Prediction threads got me daydreaming.
Can anyone recommend media with male robots dealing with female humans, or just about male robots in general? Platonic relationships would be great/preferred too. Books, Movies, Music, Games, Manga etc are all good.
No. 497397
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>>497369Data from Star Trek The Next Generation is my favorite robot character from televised media. His character is interesting because he’s largely motivated by his own self edification and a desire to become more human. I liked that they never made him too human, the stiff roboticism of his movements and behaviors contrasted with his goals was entertaining and made character growth feel more well deserved.
The obvious downside is that he’s part of an ensemble cast. You could probably find a guide to all the Data-centric episodes but at the end of the day his story is still intertwined with episodes that largely aren’t about him. TNG is a good show but it’s not short, the effects are dated and the first season can be rough. So unless you are intrigued by the show in general it’s hard to recommend. If you’re still interested I’d look into viewer guides that steer you around the worst of the first season when the writers were still figuring the characters out. You can also wet your toes on a couple of episodes centered on Data, the one about him and his ‘daughter’’, “The Offspring”, is great. All that said I easily forgave the show’s flaws, it’s still a pretty good show and Data is great.
If you do decide to watch be aware his character arc concludes in the films and that there isn’t any romance (terrible first episode aside).
No. 497408
Zettai Kareshi (manga, I think there's also a drama)
The one Black Mirror episode with Domhnall Gleeson
You might also enjoy the visual novel Nameless, it's about a bunch of bjds turned alive and not robots but it works the same (girl gets husbandos from objects). It's very anime/manga tropey though (there's even a shota husbando - yikes, vut at least no sex scenes afaik) which is why I dropped it
No. 497432
>>496199Thank god I've never been sexually assaulted, but I have to assume it happens when you're in a relationship with your assaulter
Or, unfortunately, multiple people at once
And some women have to go through the absolute hell that is getting sex trafficked
No. 497446
>>497441Trans-identifying male/female
So a TiM is also known as a transwoman but this term takes away the designation of "woman."
Ott.. Over the top? Not 100% on that one tho
No. 497720
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So I'm going to Tokyo for a month in august/september. This will be my third time going there and this time I'm travelling alone. Is there a way to meet people (tourists or japanese ppl) so that I'm not completely alone for a month? My japanese language skills have gotten pretty bad though.
I've read that some people recommend guide groups but since it's my third time I don't really want to do a lot of sightseeing in touristy areas again. But I also kinda don't want to be lonely and sad for a whole month help
No. 497728
>>497712Confession: I have samefagged/LARPED on the 4chans in order to get people to actually respond and respect my opinion.
Confession: After much experience, it works. It's sad, but I do it so people will pay attention to what I'm actually saying and not automatically dismiss it because I'm a woman.
Confession: I'm not like a femcel or anything. I'm married and shit. But I do this kind of a lot.
I love the asshole of the internet and it's really entertaining for me. SO SUE ME. Pretending to be a dude makes people respond to me more rationally and have an actual conversation and think I'm funny …. And better.
No. 497733
>>497731Yeah, me too, honestly. I feel dirty with the LARPing but OMG this site and the Worse One provide me with an outlet for the shit-talk I wish I could find IRL but I never would cuz "principles."
I need the shit-talk. I'm saying I argue with the nazis and pedos and gross-o's, btw.
It's a trashy place but when the hubs is at work and I'm drinking I eat that trash UUUUPPP.
So sue me!
No. 497739
>>497720dude so easy!! learn up some basic colloquial/casual japanese, trust me it goes a long way (for banter)
when we were there we'd get split up while at a bar/on the street and being drunk aussies who talk to everyone we managed to make heaps of friends.
one night a girl straight up yelled at me in english that I was cute and I yelled it back in japanese, we're still friends. honestly just don't be scared, try and get out and experience some of the night life. there's amazing bars where there's a person from every country pretty much.
also touch base with people over instagram you know if they live there so you can have someone to meet up with.
we played soccer with a bunch of strangers in the middle of the street in shibuya at 3am. get amongst, be brave, have fun, stay safe.
keep us posted on how it goes dude! proud of you for doing something like this by yourself. it'll do you wonders.
No. 497746
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Does anyone know what these types of illustrations are called? I love the cozy tiny room look.
>>497739>one night a girl straight up yelled at me in english that I was cute and I yelled it back in japanese, we're still friends.NTA but this is so cute anon omg
No. 497771
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>>490704does anyone know which post has the most replies to?
No. 497811
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>>497799AH Thank you anon!
No. 497816
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>>497799NTA but thanks, I love these too. Posting my fav.
No. 497854
>>497829I had no idea there is a new board.
Why hasn't it been added to the menu?
No. 497949
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>>497814This ban was retarded, nowhere in the site rules does it say gender crit discussion is limited to one thread. Your knee jerk reaction as a mod just makes me think you're a butthurt tranny who hates that more and more people are seeing through your shitty, invasive ideology.
If there are MtF mods on this website they should get demoted and banned, same with handmaidens. You're not right to run a space primarily for women and try to silence those of us who are tired of your tranny agenda bullshit.
No. 498008
>>497949Gonna reply to you because everyone is treating you like you're crazy and that's not a good look considering I know there's many more people who agree with you than it seems
I do agree it's weird and obnoxious how mods are so against gender crit/pink pill discussion, I also find it annoying how female spaces are always called to more "fair" and "tolerant" than male spaces, which can have casual misogyny in its board culture and that's seen as fine and dandy, but if SOME elements of hating men or troons is on here then it's "too political, guise"
No. 498016
>>497952Nitpick, but you don’t have to be radfem to not worship the ground trannies walk on
Never met a man that doesn’t think trannies are vile and they’re by no stretch of the imagination radfems
No. 498039
>>498035This and also you'll be surprised at how many men don't take care of their hair, or just do not care. It look greasy and gnarly most the time. Plus if he's 25+ most men start to shed or lose their hair, and it happens on a frequency way more than how female hair sheds so you'll look forward to long ass strands of hair in every nook and cranny.
Long hair on men tends to be nice in imagination only.
No. 498199
>>498197lol I do this too
"thank god it's a new decade so I can forget the old decade"
No. 498263
>>4982611) more likes on social media, attention
2) get men to swoon over how hot they are
3) they feel cute
No. 498270
>>498261Legs don't get as cold as the rest of your body, just stockings or tights are usually fine. Obviously they want to look cute, maybe they'll suffer a little for vanity's sake, but it's not THAT uncomfortable.
I'm currently planning my packing list for a winter trip and I'll be taking a couple of shorter skirts to wear with heat tech uniqlo bottoms like
>>498262 mentioned. I just don't like looking frumpy and I know my legs can take a bit more cold than the rest of me.
No. 498320
>>498313Thie anon probably thinks "cute outfit" means a miniskirt and bra set.
All people look better if they dress well. Dressing well = looking worse does not compute.
No. 498342
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>>498341Anon assumed OP meant pic related by 'cute clothes' and went full retard kek
No. 498464
>>498456>>498457Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re right. Looks like she was projecting something onto me.
I guess I got confused because I really didn’t expect anyone to have such a strong reaction to something like that.
No. 498529
>>498528lmao anon I have that too. I think its easier to binge 10-20 min videos rather than committing to TV series, I guess? Since yt vids are more of short lived entertainment/background noise for me personally.
On another note I am suspecting I might have ADD since I can never sit through shit without losing interest/attention. My boyfriend mentioned I might have it by the wave he observed me by his side. Any anons who are taking add/adhd meds? Does it help with sitting your ass down and focus on studying?
No. 498538
>>498537oh yeah I feel that honestly, I dropped shows and anime for a while because they feel kinda boring and not fulfilling enough. I fully relate to that view on youtube videos too.
They released The Witcher on Netflix and it's a pretty fun watch tbh, I would recommend if you are into that kind of stuff anon!
No. 498596
>>498557In my experience?
When I was 3, I was singing a particular line from Summer Girls by LFO when my sister's asian friend came by
I loved the song, but it didn't even register to me that someone else might not understand that I had been singing the song all the time and could only remember so much of the song
For those unfamiliar,
"New Kids On The Block
Had a bunch of hits
Chinese food makes me sick"
No. 498636
>>498608>>498609it depends on which languages you are exposed to in the womb and as a newborn, when you start developing your internal sound distinguishers. some people quite literally cannot hear certain sounds well because they never developed that capacity.
then it depends on how close the sound system of your target language is to your internal one. if they're not so far apart, less accent as you can actually hear the minute differences between sounds when pronouncing foreign words.
aptitude can then come in to bridge the gap, or you can find other sounds that approximate what you want.
look into linguistics, this area is called phonetics.
No. 499035
>>498987Adults go in that store all the time. Who's to say you're not buying for your young niece? Or a friend's little girl?
Maybe you just like the jewelry. No one really cares, anon.
No. 499820
>>499787If you’re going the H route pick a name not associated with yourself at all.
You can choose American or Japanese characters. Furry and anthro is also another way. Tons of niche stuff there but it’s a little risky but they pay well. You just have to think about how much you want to be involved with that group.
Pinups sell well too. It doesn’t have to be full on H to get money.
I don’t know your skill but look at YT mikeymegamega for drawing breasts. His style is cute and has appeal to weebs.
Good luck anon
No. 500049
>>500040Lol I think it was the spiderwort plant and it was posted in the 2020 new year thread. I remember cause I saw it too and I took a clipping of a pothos yesterday to try!
Thanks for the reminder anon! I think I'm going to try to find the spiderwort too.
No. 500347
>>499749I was popular for a brief period of time as a freshman when I pretended to be a 'cool' girl who never showed emotion because I read it in a shoujo manga(I know). People thought I was queen bitch for rewarding attempts at bullying or mocking me with silence and one-liners and giving people bitch glares. Those bullies would often try even harder to get my attention to the point where I ended up befriending most of them; and yeah, the bullies were the cool kids. I was also the thinnest I had ever been and got good grades. I never ever talked about nerd stuff or myself much in an attempt to come off as mysterious.
Anyway, this only works if the bullies are also the cool kids.
No. 500473
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>>500432having some big ugly conspicuous scars on my arms meant long sleeves even when inconvenient or disgusted stares and anyone who sees it having a permanently altered perception of me for the worst.
having to explain those and the worse ones on the less visible parts of my body to future partners and knowing it limited my dating pool to mostly unstable men (stable men can pull equally pretty girls who DON'T have grotesque scars that openly scream their instability so i can pretty much rule them out even though i'm more stable now)
both of those things forced me to stop dissociating from the brutality of what i was doing to myself. really thinking about the grossness and the violence i was inflicting, and how permanent and visible that violence was. how it told the world what my problems were and made the shame worse. people looked at my scars in disgust and it hurt but i realized it was entirely justified, because what i was doing was scary and violent and invoking of natural disgust. i suffered many summers in long sleeves before getting a cover up tattoo and now everyone wants a closer look at the cover up tattoo and i can't let them. or they ask what the uwu ~meaning~ is and i can't tell them. all of these things are frustrating to deal with and motivate me to resist the urge (after ~10 yrs of cutting and ~3 yrs of abstinence i still get the urge)
self harm is easy when you're dissociated from what it is you're doing to your own body. i have to resist the urge to sink into that blackout state where all there is is your inexpressible pain and the blade (or whatever) that can release it. there is no quick or easy way, just pure effort of resistance, and the same old platitude bs of "find a hobby, distract yourself" but honestly most of it for me is physically restraining myself and forcing myself not to move towards the blade stash no matter what until the urge passes
No. 500475
>>500436Not all new music coming out is hiphop. You just have to look a bit further than the most popular artists to find good new stuff.
Some of my favourite albums that were released in the past three years include:
MGMT - Little Dark Age
Slowdive - Slowdive
Franz Ferdinand - Always Ascending
Nick Cave - Ghosteen
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Polygondwanaland
The Symposium - The Symposium
Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising
None of these are hiphop and some might be to your taste.
No. 500488
>>500432I was selfharming for a huge part of my life (12 years or so). I thought I would be always doing this. I have been clean for three years.
The only advice I can give is to fix the underlying issue that makes you self harm and/or change your life circumstances so that you are happier (Easy, I know). IMHO if you self harm you probably have MUCH bigger issues that you need to take care of first. Self harm is an effect of something horrible going on with you. You really need to feel that you are worthy of kindness and care.
A therapy might be worth considering if you can afford it or get it from your health care with no extra charge! If not, maybe give the Matthew McKay DBT workbook a shot (it's the Luna Slater one lmfao)? I own it and it is supposed to help you develop healthy coping mechanisms. I think there are also workbooks for people wanting to stop self harm floating around on the internet as well.
I keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck!
No. 500491
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>>500437>>500473Thank you for sharing anons.
>>500488Thank you. I don't have health insurance so I can't go to therapy, but I did find the book online! It feels awful because I do pretty well on most days, I honestly feel pretty good and no longer depressed because I've changed a lot of big things in my life, but sometimes certain small things just set me off and I feel like I'm losing control and I end up cutting. I know it's because I live at home and my (very loving and well meaning) parents just do insidious shit that just sets me off sometimes, and I take after my dad who's a big temper tantrum throwing manchild sometimes, but unfortunately I've only been able to just start saving up to move out (just finished paying off a big loan, on top of starting to look for a full time, big girl job). I hope the workbook will do me some good. Thank you again.
No. 500531
>>500466Adding on, here are her posts
>>483263>>485531>>498559 (Not confirmed to be her or not but replies to literally everyone in her meltdown like NEETlita. They also complained in vent thread about it.)
IIRC she posted in the annoying thread before too
No. 500551
>>500545If you’ve been on birth control for at least a week or two already, you’re probably fine. Had nothing but unprotected sex with my husband for 3+ years and nothing happened. Wasn’t fertility related either, managed to get pregnant immediately after stopping bc. I’m not sure how regular you are with taking your pills, though.
Take the plan b if you’re really really worried about it, but just know that you definitely will be dealing with the nausea for about a day, maybe longer. It might be worth it for you if you’re a particularly anxious person though. PS: You’ll probably only puke if you have a weak stomach.
No. 500662
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what word were they trying to use? what were they trying to say??
No. 500667
>>500665so they're just calling themselves annoying? that's it?
that doesn't seem very noteworthy. why did it become a meme
No. 500701
>>500672if your teeth are like overcrowded, do floss daily or have fun with inter dental cavities as
>>500686 said, otherwise, if your teeth are less densely packaged and you've not flossed and lived just fine up to this point, don't bother, flossing is such a pain lol.
t. overcrowded teeth chan with inter dental cavities
No. 500719
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Saw this in Erin's thread, I was wondering if the picture she posted in the story is from a game or something? It looks cute.
No. 500783
>>500778I think it depends on if you're a sweaty person who naturally has strong BO or not. I've had friends who practically never sweat meanwhile I sweat buckets just sitting around and smell like a teen boy some days. And going completely off antiperspirant and deodorant (when I was an unemployed shut in for a few months) never helped me personally.
Maybe give it a test run if you have vacation time?
No. 500893
>>500759I know it, but I've never played it, so I didn't know how the rooms looked like.
No. 501005
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Am I a bad person for asking my boyfriend to leave the groups he's in dedicated to porn, mostly IRL? He was in a facebook group that's just girls posting ""lewd"" images, I asked him to leave because I was really uncomofortable, he tried to just say that it's all because he just supports them, he used to mod for camgirls before he met me, etc… I have Borderline and I'm scared I'm being the horrible toxic example of one..
I haven't asked him to stop on this but he was talking about how many porn dedicated discords he's in too, and in the one we're both in that has a nsfw channel, he's constantly talking in it. I also can't tell if it's just me being uncomfortable because porn makes me uncomfortable in general, due to traumatic past stuff..
No. 501007
>>501005It's so painful seeing these posts of girls having no boundaries because of bpd. You're not overreacting, it's gross to be so openly porn addicted.
>mods for camgirls I would dump him if I were you, he sounds pathetic and guys like that never change.
No. 501065
>>501005Leave him, he sounds like a pathetic beta. You can do better.
You’re not automatically a monster for having BPD either.
No. 501097
>>501005>multiple porn-dedicated discords>constantly in NSFW channel>FB group of women posting lewd imagesPutting up with cumbrain shit is an entire mistake. If he won't quit, he's not worth your time. Also
>mods for camgirlsI'm sorry but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Don't do this to yourself, anon.
No. 501110
>>501005>he used to mod for camgirls before he met me, LMFAO.
No offense anon, but the only thing I can think of that's more pathetic than this is being the woman that stays with him.
No. 501165
>>501005Anyone who does this into a relationship
(even though I have to say, if the person I had a crush on told me they're into multiple porn discords, I'd side eye them and my crush would fizzle out so fast) is a cumbrain asshole completely disrespecting you.
Don't be a doormat and dump him without looking back, this shit ain't normal or healthy.
No. 501198
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>>501176Yes. Wear what you want. It's not your fault dd/lg retards and pornography have poisoned some people's perception of anything cute to make it sexual on a woman (and honestly, the very notion that anything a grown woman wears that's not literally men's clothing or the equivalent of a potato sack must have some implicit sexual connotation is kind of irritating). Larme is literally just girly, non-sexualized vintage fashion. I see it and think of an American hipster/boho girl's more bougie sister who likes old movies, "quirkier" clothes and having old-fashioned picnics in forests or something.
You don't need to explain yourself or reassure anyone that you're not a pedophile, that should honestly go without saying. Cumbrains are the ones who see the color pink, maybe some braids or pigtails and anything feminine and conclude it must be some fetish thing. As long as it's not jojifuku, you're good, anon.
Also, like it or not, the 1997 Lolita movie was disgusting in subject matter, but its aesthetic was good. It was a very stylish film, but the iconic looks were absolutely wasted on the bullshit misrepresentation of the book. In the same way, the action movie Sucker Punch was kind of trash, but its concepts were high-level. I think we're all mature enough to accept this.
No. 501204
>>501201NTA, but I got more of the idea that she's used to seeing the fashion get shit on, so she's trying to insult it (and herself) before anyone else can, almost to smooth out any possible negative reactions (though it's clearly backfired). She even said "I mock it since I know it's bad". Kind of like a "Y-Yeah, haha, it's terrible (((pls no bully))) " thing.
I might be wrong on this, though. I kind of have a habit of assuming the best case scenario when someone mentions liking J-fashion, but being concerned about backlash.
No. 501208
>>501198>the very notion that anything a grown woman wears that's not literally men's clothing or the equivalent of a potato sack must have some implicit sexual connotation is kind of irritatingthat made me kek hard anon, very true. Tumblerinas have got such a hate boner for anything that isn't men's clothing and I just love my skirts and my vintage clothing so very much. One of my adulthood dreams is to be able to dress elegantly to my workplace everyday freely without being judged by these potatobrains and bothered by cumbrains.
In the other hand I'm gonna give them that western fashion brands do shit tier clothing. I haven't gone to normie fashion stores for a while but the last time some female friends dragged me into some of them everything was trashy cheap looking clothes and as one of my friends called them there were plenty of unwearable "k-pop croptops" for everyday life(I've got very little idea about the k-pop fashion scene honestly). Thanks got I can order clothes online and I've got some asian fashion stores that do decent looking stuff in my city or otherwise I may probably be considering men's clothes too.
No. 501210
>>501198Would you mind sharing how you viewed the overall aesthetic? I understand that it was set in the ‘40s, but I didn’t notice any particular color scheme or especially stylish backgrounds/decorations/scenery. The candy store was cute, at least.
Lolita just wore the same outfit in various colors/patterns. I found her to be really gross and irritating, too. She was much more tolerable in the ‘60s version. I’ve never read the book, however; perhaps she’s supposed to be portrayed that way.
No. 501220
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>>501210I liked the way the film itself was primarily warm-toned, sometimes almost foggy. It felt like the whole thing was a hazy spring/summer vision, and fashion-wise, it worked well with the milk braids she often wore, crop-tops, light blue with pops of red, etc.
I also liked that one scene where she was in a school play with the white flower crown, but I can't find any good screencaps of it.
IMO, the book makes it clear that Humbert is an unreliable narrator, and doesn't paint him in a flattering light, while the 1997 movie just plays things almost as exactly as he says them, and it annoys me a lot. Maybe the Sue Lyon version is better, I haven't seen that one.
No. 501237
>>501172Pretty much all news is partisan. Always has been, always will be, so the way to correct way to stay informed is to aim for a balanced diet. Watch some Fox, some CNN, some Al Jazeera, some Breitbart, heck, maybe even info some infowars, with idea being that their opposing fake news bullshit will cancel each other out, leaving at least a slight approximation of the truth. Though if you want an easy option that requires less commitment, I can stomach Tim Pool as a neutral commentator. His track record of being a former far left 'Vice' media reporter now disgusted by the insanity of his assumed party does a lot for his credibility.
No. 501288
>>501263it's a very laid back and non-serious job, plus a lot of my friends that work there are cool
>>501278IG we're just from different places that don't take things as seriously
No. 501340
>>501325>liberal arts degree>high paying job>easy>not stressfullol
pretty much any liberal arts degree you're going to have to work your way up the ladder or be well connected to make decent pay, unless you want to be something like a teacher or psychiatrist which you need additional special schooling/training/certification for. teaching in massachusetts pays decently, but the cost of living in the boston area is astronomically high so it doesn't mean much. if you want a job that requires not working hard and no specialized education you could be a receptionist at a salon or something
it's not like there's a lot of easy low level jobs that pay well out there for people with minimum education, especially when you factor in that you're an immigrant and i'm assuming your hypothetical employer would have to sponsor a work visa for you
source: I have liberal arts degree, used to live in boston, and have a high paying job
No. 501346
>>501340I said not too demanding because I'm a bit of a lazy bitch but I can work hard if I try. I'm doing an MPA right now and might do law school or another masters next if it helps with higher pay.
I'd get my girlfriend to move to Canada if I could but unfortunately she is working off her massive student debt with a low-paying wage slave job. I was going to apply to a school in Massachusetts to be with her but it's so expensive.
My life plan is to be with my LDR girlfriend somehow. I know … It's pathetic. But I have no life goals or ambitions. I just want to be with her because she's the only one who makes me happy.
No. 501347
>>501346if you're lazy and unambitious why would you spend time getting a law degree… probably one of the most demanding careers which requires you to be highly motivated and, again, you will have to be willing to put in a lot of time and effort to work up the ladder to be successful
I know two people with an mpa, one is a bartender and the other is a researcher who makes like $60k. network within your department and get internships, just getting the degree isn't enough to be guaranteed a good job. focus on a specialized field or subject and know everything there is to know about it so that you can set yourself apart from everyone else who has an mpa
honestly, it seems very stupid that you're considering doing additional MA and JD programs when, like
>>501327 mentioned, you could instead do some sort of tech related program where jobs are plentiful and the pay is generally higher for entry level jobs. but honestly most employers probably don't even want to deal with the fuss of sponsoring a work visa unless you're exceptionally talented or accomplished
No. 501351
>>501347>>501350I never thought of doing tech. I’d have to go back to school for that which I don’t mind. I might have to do another bachelors unless there are postgraduate degrees. What degrees do you recommend?
I was a dumb, depressed teenager who didn’t have a career path planned once I graduated. I deeply regret going down the path I’m on now because I thought it was the easiest and I didn’t think long-term things like job market and income. I’m probably going to sound conceited but I have natural intelligence that makes me pick up things quickly so doing a 180 career change isn’t too worrisome to me. It’s going to be weird entering university again as a ”mature student”
No. 501383
>>501325If you just want a cozy office job, study business and specialise for HR. You will have to intern during the summers but most of my friends who studied with me got a job easily in HR if they wanted it. They pay decently, but they're not very high paying.
If everyone could get a high paying job, they wouldn't be high paying anymore. Sorry. They are stressful, involve lots of studying and ultimately sacrifice in terms of free time and relationships. I work in finance/tech (COBOL) and I had to fight tooth and nail to get this job and prove myself enough just to stay here. My boyfriend was pissy that I was neglecting him, so I dumped him. Now I'm single and working 11hrs per day but at least the pay is good. You don't want a high paying job, you want an easy job, and I'm sorry to say but you don't have the luxury of being choosy with that degree.
No. 501395
>>501369according to litfags there's only like five different types of stories you can tell. despite that limited number there are so many variables that create an infinite number of ways to rehash the same archetypes.
pacing, world building, characterization, and syntax are all vital things that could flipped and mixed around to add variety to any cliche.
the thing about cliches is that their presentation is something that is rehashed repeatedly through the repeated usage of the same presentation.
if your writing, world, and characters are well made then the cliche will just blend in with the rest.
basically if you think it's good write it, and if you wanna publish pay an editor to fine tune it.
No. 501448
>>501369Writing sperg-out inbound.
The main cheat for being creative is to stop getting inspired by other works of fiction like most derivative mediocre writers do who just repeat tropes they've seen or read before (which is why modern-day set plots rarely involve smartphones since they're written by boomers regurgitating ancient plot points from before everyone had those) but instead be inspired by reality like most writers people think are original.
E.G. most fantasy fiction is straight forward McGuffin quest heroes journey's fodder that would never happen IRL so need to be heavily contrived because the genre has just been copying LOTR for 80 years straight. But people go crazy for how unpredictable and grounded GoT is when GRRM is simply copy and pasting the War of the Roses to the extent that Westeros is just a map of Britian with Ireland above rather than beside it.
Same for say crime fiction, everyone's seen media where the anti-hero detective hunts for the genius master criminal and they have a twisted cat and mouse game rivalry since the writers are all just copying Sherlock and Moriarty from fucking 130 years ago. But if you simply look up real serial killer cases you will find some real fucked up stuff no sane person would come up with and some really unexpected twists since IRL random shit happens all the time. Which is how Thomas Harris wrote the Hannibal Lecter novels and why the prequel is so much worse because he became too self/genre-referential and stopped basing it on real life criminal cases and psychology.
Same goes for dialog, instead of copying the stiff practical way people talk in media pay attention to how real people talk past and over each other and how the better they know each other the more of it is subtext and body language.
Same goes for action scenes, read or watch accounts of real life shootouts, battles and street fights and you'll find more thrilling and intense occurrences than your usual hero is completely unharmed while shooting all the unnamed goons who die instantly and doing impossible things like blowing up a car by shooting the gas tank and such generic shit.
So basically if you want to write fantasy just learn lots of history and take notes of obscure interesting situations that might fit with your world, adjusting the order of events to string them together into a coherent narrative that flows from one part to the next and fitting your most suitable characters to best explore them into the roles of the individuals involved.
No. 501494
>>501493fat men seem to care less about being fatasses. i've met literally one guy that bought into the HAES "losing weight is impossible" BS and he was a poorly adjusted tumblr fag. fat girls seem to fall
victim to HAES/FA much easier
No. 501495
>>501493didn't you kind of answer your own question by listing fat people you know that aren't
No. 501514
>>501493it's entertaining though. I work with this fat girl who constantly does crash diets. Went from keto, to Mediterranean, to vegetarian to full ""vegan"" all with the guise about how everyone including her doctors says it's super good and it sheds the weight right off and helps her with PCOS, nevermind the fact she just downs tequila and cheese its every night then bitches about how unhealthy all dairy products are, or the fact keto and vegan diets are literally the opposite of each other. Tries to go to the gym and bitches about how "it hurts!" so she stops, claims men are always after her and stalking her, even claimed a man was following her because he looked at her through his car window for a second and got several cars in front of her, bitches about not having a lot of money then posts on snapchat all the shopping sprees she went on, going to the movies and buying tons of alcohol and getting manicures weekly. Still fat, still full of herself
I have more fat people stories but that one is the most recent. Most fat people I meet are extremely unbearable, minus the ones who are only chubby because they're old and their metabolism slowed naturally.
No. 501526
>>501518Well every fat friend I've had has been nice but quietly insecure and self deprecating, and sometimes sad because they had to take a lot of shit from men (being insulted and ignored). Do our anecdotes cancel each other out?
Maybe it's because I'm not American, I just don't see that type of rude fat girl outside the internet.
No. 501628
>>501598>>501568Trump is just brain dead.
Magaheads are brain dead too. Most of them would be appalled if they ever found out that r/t_D was taken over by Israeli/Russian Jews in 2016, before that there was a lot of anti Semitism on there, after the takeover, all non-Zionist mods got purged and a new anti-Muslim, pro-Israel ethos was established and continues to this day. (Nothing to do with putin, or the mueller report into Russian collusion, more likely they are similar to the RT media organisation: opportunistic and zeroed in on a way to make money; I suspect they were funded by the Russian billionaires/banks that trump is heavily indebted to, doesn't really matter, they made no impact on the election because the sub was
toxic af and off putting to normies).
But, one policy they did stick to promoting was Trump's anti-war ethos.
Establishment want wars to profit off, and also to make examples of rogue nations that don't chip money into the international economic system run by establishment billionaires.
That's pretty much why Trump got elected. Normies are sick of the wars. And sick of the economy being shit for everybody except billionaires. He was the only politician since Carter who campaigned heavily and in a convincing way on ending wars and improving the economy for ordinary people. Trump's campaign was positively anti-establiment. And it stuck with ordinary voters. Obama tried that but he really only got elected because of the black vote and the liberals virtue signalling, he was always going to be a stooge of the warmongering establishment (as he proved with his wars, and also by screwing American taxpayers by bailing out banks while repossessing ordinary people's homes, busting teacher and health worker unions, and so much more).
Trump has delivered on a good amount of his promises that he campaigned on: improving the economy, raising wages, more jobs, bringing factories back home, scaling back warmongering.
Despite his obviously retard behaviour, the country is in a much better position than Hilary could ever hope to bring!
She gleefully bragged about killing Gaddafi (a progressive leader that, despite media slander, used Libya's oil money to look after his own population instead of allowing foreign billionaire-owned oil companies to profit off of his oil and kept the population safe from ISIS/Al Qaeda).
That last sentence is why Hilary/Obama backed the rebels in Libya's civil war. And why they went into Syria, and why everyone except Trump, is eager to invade Iran. Countries that do not submit to one of the world powers, are countries that are more likely to refuse to take part in the (((international central banking system))). And that can't be allowed, in case other countries try to extricate themselves from the central banking system, and thus stop kicking money up to the billionaires.
Obama was cucked to that system. And so is Hilary. Trump is the only one who isn't. He doesn't need the Establishment's money or the 'prestige' they can offer like board memberships or speaking tours.
The CIA have been gunning for Trump since day 1. They don't particularly care about the billionaire bankers, but they do care about the USA being number 1. And the easiest way to ensure that is by going after those countries and forcing them to submit to the central banking system (which runs on the petrodollar, ergo, the US dollar). Russiagate, the Syrian gas attacks, the impeachment evidence, the Iran false flag incidents throughout 2019 such as the impounded tankers and the attack on Saudi oil fields, the location of Soelimani at the Iraqi airport, and more, all came from the CIA! And all were intended to either get Trump removed from office do that he could be replaced by a neocon, or bully him into escalating the war in Syria and invade Iran.
Hilary would have happily invaded both Syria and Iran no matter how flimsy the CIA's evidence was (just like Trump did to Iraq in 2003).
Trump has repeatedly told them to fuck off and help him figure out how to end the wars. They don't like that attitude.
Israel is a factor too, but mainly in that Israel's interests happen to coincide with the central bankers' and the CIA's.
Ironically, it looks like Iraq is going to expel US forces now in response to the assassination, so the Iraq war might be over! The CIA's lack of patience to just wait and hope that a neocon or neolib gets elected in 2024, combined with Trump's incompetence and poor decision making abilities (by agreeing to bomb that guy at the CIA's request), may have ended the Iraq war!
All that's left is to make peace with the Taliban and leave Afghanistan and we'll be at peace!
(And hope that the CIA doesn't back 'rebels' in all of those countries, which is inevitable. The CIA just can't fucking help themselves!)
No. 501636
>>501351Don't do another bachelors ffs. Do a postgrad.
Don't be so hard in yourself either, the mockery here is just teasing. You're obviously capable enough to get that arts degree, you'll be well able to get a postgrad!
If you like tech, go for it. There's loads of post graduate masters degrees and certifications aimed at career-changers.
But, I'd avoid tech because if you were into tech, you'd know it by now.
Try HR, as the other poster said. Super cushy. And quite well paid.
Or maybe teaching? Summers off work and decent union pay.
Or maybe, if you're artsy, try design?
No. 501659
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Does diet coke ACTUALLY make you gain weight?
No. 501670
>>501667most people who drink diet soda
only drink diet soda and not even water.
No. 501838
>>501395that's a good point, nothing is completely original. the question for me is, how to put an original enough twist on one an old story-type without it being a blatan copy and paste retelling? I guess that's up for debate.
>>501448interesting, I enjoyed reading this.
No. 501904
>>501882 said. Pick a language that you really love and want to learn out of passion, and don't be intimidated if the language you want is something difficult for English speakers to pick up like Arabic or Russian, if you genuinely love it, you'll make it happen.
And don't fall for the meme that you should learn a specific language solely because it's "useful". So many people try to force themselves to learn Spanish but because they don't actually care about the language or culture they half ass it and never grow beyond a basic level.
No. 501933
>>501919No I dont. I also don wash behind my ears. Or my ass. Or my hairs
what kinda question is that ?
No. 501945
>>501919>>5019443rd question
do you take a bath/shower EVERY day?
No. 501958
>>501943I love lotions after showers/bathe
>>501945I don't shower everyday
>>501919I don't focus on them, but I do "wash" em
No. 501961
File: 1578418315668.jpg (261.69 KB, 1759x2048, dress 1.JPG)

I love this dress so much, but the model is wearing a small and is 5'11 and the length is described as 40 inches. I am 5'1. If I wanted to get this dress anyway, and have it tailored would it likely have to be shortened at both the skirt and the torso?
Do any of you guys know approximately how much that costs(usa anon)?
No. 501970
>>501968No, I was asking because a coworker at work called me weird for:
-washing my ENTIRE body everyday
-putting lotion/nivea/vaseline on my body after washing everyday
-and not washing my hair every single day
She would say you only need to wash your privates and armpits, everything else trickles down and you don't need lotion for your body. I was like, you have to be fucking crazy. But, everyone else wasn't phased and agreed with her so I'm trying to see if I'm the crazy one or not.
No. 501978
>>501970You don't need to wash your entire body with soap everyday unless you work in a really dirty environment or sweat a lot, it's actually not good for your skin.
I don't think it makes you weird though, your coworker is the weird one for being weirded out by your washing habits lol.
I do put on lotion after every shower like you unless I'm feeling lazy (which is often tbh). I wash my hair every two or three days.
No. 501987
>>501970I mean, she's right about lotion. You don't need it unless your skin is dry or you're worried about looking ashy. It's not a necessity at all, you've been marketed to.
Showering is such a personal thing though, and some people don't seem to get that. Some people shower daily, some every two days, some several times per day. It depends on your skin, the climate you live in, the clothes you wear, your skin condition.
Some bitch once made fun of me for using gentle bar soap (which in my country is most soap) instead of shower gel for washing my body. Like, what the fuck do you think people used before shower gel was invented, why the hell do you think soap on a rope came into existence? Some people really are sheep.
No. 502001
>>501811Every night, but sometimes I just sleep in the t shirt I wore that day since I change my shirts daily anyway.
No. 502015
>>502010>hold your camera as far away from you as possible, and then zoom in because it causes lets warping from the camera lensDo you mean to zoom in while taking a photo or to crop it after it's done?
I will give snow a shot.
One more question, what is tye best way to have a cutesy pink filter on your photos? can you do it with snow?
No. 502020
>>502015Zoom in while taking the photo! I've personally never done this since I've figured out my One Good Selfie Angle, but I've seen someone say it works for them.
Snow has
a lot of filters. I personally don't use them but I wouldn't be surprised if they did have cutesy pink one (I just did a quick scroll through them and a lot I randomly picked had very subtle filters). I mostly stick to the stickers and some of those have a color filter on them depending on which one you pick.
No. 502279
>>502272I grew up sorta pizza faced and I clearly thought a lot more of it than other people. One of my friends in high school had severe acne, and I'd only notice it on occasion. It's weird to describe, but unless I really pulled myself out of that moment, I didn't notice it or give a fuck.
My skin is better now, but I have the decency not to point out other people's acne, whether it's a tiny one or they're a huge pizza face. I'd like to imagine that most other people are as decent, and if they aren't, you shouldn't try being friends with them anyway. Only middle schoolers are petty enough to be disgusted by it, adults realize acne is an unfortunate fact of life and out of most people's control.
No. 502335
>>502272Fat and acne are treated the same in depending on how you're carrying yourself.
People tend to think better of fatties who are hygienic and can dress nicely. It's the same if you make an attempt to take care of your acne and look presentable otherwise.
People won't think much of your acne unless you make it blatantly obvious you're not trying to take care of yourself ie. Having a face so oily from not washing that people can see your grease slick yards away.
No. 502364
>>502360Dying from exposure is incredibly painful. While you're not enjoying the terrors of shock-induced delirium, you get to experience the divine sensation of your extremities seemingly going through extreme temperature changes, from boiling pins and needles to cold thawing numbness, as your vasomotor tone decreases and your labored respiratory and cardiovascular system begins to fail you.
Exposure kills drunks, anon. People too inebriated to save themselves or know better. Sane and sober people know what a shitshow it is.
No. 502417
>>502397I used to carry an Everlane knapsack for school in 2013, and they really improved the designs on them too if you wanna check them out.
I also looked around Lululemon and I remember they had decent laptop bags (I know it's for yoga but I think it could carry up to 15 inches), so you can check that out too.
I also see a lot of working professionals carry a Mat and Nat faux leather bag if that's the kind of look you want!
No. 502444
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may i get the link to 2X i have it but i lost it help
No. 502452
>>502439How is this traditionally feminine?
I feel like there are way more dudes into weird porn than there are women
Not to say there aren't women who like weird porn, but it's overwhelmingly dudes
[spoiler]for a second I thought this post was about Habbo Hotel making a comeback
No. 502462
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>>502458>>502439I don't know what you guys are talking about, loads of girls like Hazbin Hotel. It's just that men now feel more comfortable enjoying "feminine" cartoons, which does have a lot to do with MLP (and Steven Universe, honestly) IMO.
The designs scream "2008 scene kid", too. Alastor and Angel Dust are basically fujoshi bait for the reasons stated in pic related.
No. 502465
>>502452Cause I remember stuff with this colorful, flamboyant style being popular with mostly women back in the day. You know those 2000s to mid 2010s years on deviantart, myspace, tumblr, ect, hell I remember certain video game franchises having a large female fanbase undercurrent because of the characters being colorful and flamboyant in their designs, and also some of the males being cute and whimsical. I just dont see that anymore? but maybe I'm mistaken. But I'm also only in my early 20s so I don't feel like I aged out at all to see this, considering many of these people were in their early 20s/late teens when this was happening too.
Lol habbo hotel
>>502458Alastor is cute isn't he? And that Angel Dust dude.
>>502462I see some girls but way more men being loud about it and super duper hyped about it, I mean even lolcow doesn't like it that much idk. I just see mostly dudes into shit like this nowadays and I can kinda tell by the discussion and fanart being pumped, because women were generally more into introspecting and theorizing characters/shipping/ect back in the day as far as I remember. Or maybe everyone just gives less of a shit like that internet complaint thread said and I'm just confused
No. 502494
>>502466>>502465I feel like there's multiple reasons that could be behind this. I'm autistic as fuck, so I'll try to break them down. Sorry if this is disjointed.
1. Female sexuality and creativity isn't really embraced online the same way it was in the past (unless it's in very direct service to male sexuality, eg the rise of dd/lg). There used to be a dedicated online culture for girls and women to enjoy BL/shipping as a hobby (or even self-inserting via OCs), to the point where it often became destructive and obnoxious IRL (yaoi paddles at anime cons). Nowadays, with the "anti-fujoshi" complaints and increased pressure on women (especially women who are considered privileged in the current cultural paradigm) to be contemporary political "allies" to men and male-aligned women, many girls and women who would've otherwise approached these things with enthusiasm are far more cautious. They're largely keeping their content on fanfiction sites and anonymized spaces, while their main social media accounts stay clean to avoid negative judgment. Men aren't held to fire nearly as much for being sexual degenerates (or for their self-expression in general, no matter how embarrassing) so they're fine with being "horny on main". Women fear being "cringe" more than men do.
2. A lot of girls are into K-pop more than 2D these days, so they're probably more into shipping, writing about and drawing their oppas. I think many of the women/girls in fandom of yesteryear were literal 14-17 year olds, but these days, the younger crowd's point of fandom is composed of K-pop guys. Tokio Hotel, One Direction and various J-rock bands also had their dedicated fangirls back then, but the K-pop boom is massive in this era. Older women are probably more demure and calm about things, so the intense fervor of the past just isn't there. BTS and other groups are hogging a lot of attention.
3. Hazbin Hotel is an indie production. I'd wager that the last real eras of booming fujoshi (and general female-focused fandom) culture in regards to western content were the Jack Frost from Rise of The Guardians/Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon ship, The Onceler fandom, the South Park fandom, the Gravity Falls fandom (Bill Cipher/Dipper shipping was huge), and the Rick and Morty fandom (they shipped the eponymous characters), the Superwholock fandom and (maybe) the Avengers/general capeshit fandom. Notice that most of these are large productions with wide reach via places like Netflix, TV and so on. Hazbin Hotel being a 100% independent production means the lion's share of people who will find out about it will be the sausage fest of internet "cartoon nerd/degenerates", not the same people who gravitated to the aforementioned fandoms. The one exception to this I've seen is the fandom for the short "Welcome to Hell" (quite a bit of fujoshi popularity there, which I suspect was on purpose), but I'm pretty sure it didn't really "pop" as much as it could've because it was an indie production, and like I mentioned earlier, the internet cartoon nerd scene is a sausage fest. I kind of want to include Homestuck in this somewhere, but I don't really know how large the yaoi scene for it was in comparison to everything else. Indie media that has the male stamp of approval just gets farther, point blank.
4. Hazbin Hotel isn't an anime, and is also marketed as an "adult cartoon". Anime is more of an open platform for shipping and character focus in general (most likely because of Japan's cultural/aesthetic aspects of bishonen characters and focus on building lasting personal relationships between characters), while western cartoons are in kind of a complicated place. People don't really ship Bojack Horseman, The Simpsons or Family Guy characters like that. There are the exceptions listed in #3, but it's no coincidence that most of those franchises are/were targeted at young people. This isn't as true about Rick and Morty and South Park, but their ratings are/were PG-14, and their wide availability made them a bit more accessible to the mainstream, meaning kids would come across it anyway, while Hazbin Hotel's creator specifies it's for adults right off the bat, and it being indie makes it easier to avoid/ignore. Younger people tend to fixate more on the relationships between fictional characters (I guess it's a safe way to process their own hormones, and sort of a wish fulfillment thing), while adults generally watch adult cartoons to laugh, unwind and say "Damn…kinda hits close to home" whenever there's a scene that talks about serious topics.
5. There are more "attractive" female characters in Hazbin Hotel than male ones. Off the top of my head, I can count maybe 3 male characters that look sufficiently humanoid enough to appeal to most male-attracted female viewers (Alastor, Angel Dust and the main character's dad). Meanwhile most of the female characters are quite conventionally pretty, and human-looking with only small monster quirks, like oddly-colored skin or black irises (and in the most "out there" case, being a cyclops). A lot of western media falls
victim to the trope of "ugly/odd-looking men, pretty women, and women who might be a bit weird-looking, but are still pretty", and Hazbin Hotel only strays slightly from that path. This will help foster a male fandom, who'll be happy to sexualize the female characters and ignore the male ones (except to self-insert here and there), but this alienates a female side of the fandom who would be drawn in by handsome/cute male characters.
One other thing I do want to point out is that I'm pretty sure it's
still mostly girls and women writing a large amount of fanfics, not just for Hazbin Hotel, but most media in general. Male fans are just louder about their fanfare (probably because of #1), and I suspect they commission more fan art that panders to what they want, so their numbers seem more inflated.
No. 502506
>>502494>They're largely keeping their content on fanfiction sites and anonymized spaces, while their main social media accounts stay clean to avoid negative judgment. This definitely happened to me, in 2006 I could yell about my ships all I wanted but I've now resorted to having a protected anonymous account to contain all my "degenerate" shipping&fandom stuff in. It's so sad that we've regressed to this point, men can shake their dick anywhere they want while women are driven back to chastity unless they're e-thots directly pandering to men.
Regarding Hazbin Hotel, in all honesty calling Angel Dust "fujo pandering" is like calling any hypersexual flamboyant gay stereotype character (like Mr. Garrison or Big Gay Al from South Park) "fujo pandering". Like you said I think the target audience is supposed to find the main character and her girlfriend the major fap fodder.
No. 502509
>>502505No one expected Tom to cosplay as Shrek either but it happened too.
I swear to God why do so many people remember Tokio Hotel now? Back when I was into them, it was only me and some cholo dude I wasn't even friends with in my entire high school who knew who they were lmao.
No. 502520
>>502506>>502494Honestly, it feels like as each decade passes you see less women expressing their sexuality (outside male-approved male-gaze shit) and less women-gaze things out in the open. I'd say you could have seen this in the media as early on as the 60s, I would say it was quite present in music a lot during the 70s,80s,90s, and a lot of the 2000s, I'd say it was quite present in fiction and fiction fandoms during the 80s-2000s, but now it has disappeared, all of it, in a supposedly more Feminist century, that has been telling girls their sexual preferences and interests (outside male gaze approved shit) is "cringe", and their self-expression is "cringe", and men dressing up to look any way more attractive for the opposite sex through grooming, fashion, and being trim is also "cringe" or "gay". Lol.
I just realized hazbin hotel has beautiful female characters and only like 3 hot guys. Man that is so lame. Especially since this was created by a woman it makes it even lamer. Women need to make more fiction with beautiful boys and well-written stories, I get Kpop is the "thing" now but we also need to go back to fiction since I feel like Kpop heavily skews more to the under 18 side of womanhood.
No. 502531
>>502520>I just realized hazbin hotel has beautiful female characters and only like 3 hot guys. Three? I can't think of a single hot guy in it. The female characters are humanoid and defined so they're easy to look at, thus attractive, the men consist of stick limbs and overly cartoon faces that only maybe someone with a very specific niche taste would find "attractive". Even Angel Dust's voice is so grating it strips off the last hopes of the character being able to be taken seriously.
Otherwise I agree about everything. Men attractive to women are instantly labeled as "gay" and we're being force fed the idea that they should only like older, selfish dadbod losers to avoid making men insecure.
No. 502604
>>502600did you two by any chance stop beacuse he got a gf and now hes feeling guilty beacuse they're actually still together?
other than that its unfortunately common for people have all sorts of weird sexual neurosis and hangups, might have just grown up religious or got touched as a kid or something
No. 502632
>>502621If I go under $1k in my checking I get worried, so I guess that's what I consider "in the red."
I keep most of my money in my checkings, though, and am slowly building my savings in a different account via auto transfer. Currently my savings account only has around $900.
Also I have an IRA with contributions from my employer, dunno if that counts.
No. 502691
>>502621if i'm not at zero before my next paycheck I consider myself good.
>having savingswhat is that
No. 502707
i think i have schizophrenia, not sure bc im not completely out of touch with reality. should i go see a therapist immediatly? or can i wait bc i dont want to miss on work. im also kinda afraid of what would happen to me if i did go, like, would i be hospitalized? i did try to kill myself twice but that was bc of depression.
last year, i started hearing sounds in my head (bells ringing, doors opening) and seeing hallucinations (spiders crawling on the ceiling, walls vibrating or turning into other colors, people hiding behind my back, shadows on the wall). this year, i started to hear voices and animal sounds (mostly at night) but they're not harmful, just a man saying hello or hey, a dog barking or a woman whispering sentences in a foreign language. i had delusions before when i was a kid, and a few months earlier. like i thought i was the only human and everyone else were either robots or hologram and that my friends and family were planning on killing me but i think im over it now. im in my early twenties btw
No. 502716
>>502707i was in your position once and it started very much the same way with me, unthreatening sounds and slight hallucinations whatever. go to a doctor or psych (therapists are only there to listen and chat, not qualified to prescribe anything) and let them know because it's a slippery slope for the things you hear and see to become threatening. nip that shit in the bud sis, it's not real and you don't need it.
no they won't section you or put you away unless you're a threat to yourself or others.
No. 502748
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Which poster do you anons prefer—left or right?
No. 502780
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Are kanken bags actually decent or are they just an overpriced and dying meme
No. 502798
>>502780I have one and its durable but it doesn't lay sturdy like that loool
The doghnut backpacks are better imo, and they come with a laptop pouchie
No. 502820
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>>502798nta but I've never heard of them and just went to check them out and fuckkkk this colorway is so cute!!!
I have a small anello bookbag that I love and has served me well everyday for the past two years.
No. 502841
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My sister wants to go into 3D modelling. I'd like to get her a Udemy course but since I'm not really knowledgeable about 3D modelling, I don't know which software to recommend her and therefore, which course to get for her. I heard that while Blender is popular, it's not an industry standard. Zbrush + Substance Painter + 3ds max seems to be the way to go or nah?
No. 502870
>>5028413DS Max works best for hard surface modelling such as cars, buildings and machines. It also has animation tools and other cool features, but I used it mainly for modelling in school.
ZBrush is a sculpting software and works better for organic shapes such as humans, animals and other more fleshy creatures.
Substance Painter is used to create and add texture to 3D models, both hard surface and organic, but it doesn't have any modelling or sculpting tools on it's own.
I really like these programs, but after school was over and I didn't have access to them anymore I switched right to Blender without problem.
The best thing about Blender is that it has both hard surface modelling and sculpting tools in one. It also does textures really well, and the online community is very helpful and has a lot of clever tutorials out there for free. So if your sister is unsure what to get, starting out with Blender is a really good option in my opinion. It's a surprisingly powerful program that honestly doesn't feel like it should be free, considering the stuff it can do.
No. 502917
>>502911Cut your nail(s) short until the white part is very thin, then wait for it to grow out, repeat until the nailbed is unified.
If you keep that nail long, stuff will get under the white part in the nail bed and it'll take more time healing and look gross. It happened to me.
Good luck, anon!
No. 502929
>>502912Merphy Napier is my favorite booktuber, she is the only large-channel booktuber who reads a well rounded assortment of books/primarily non YA, at least that I know of. There's also Elliot Brooks but she mostly only reads fantasy and some historical fiction and some manga.
Another channel I sometimes watch is shadesoforange but she pretty much only reviews horror/thrillers.
There's nearly an infinite amount of book youtube channels, but most of them are really small channels. The best thing to do is search for the names of books you're interested in or the genres you're interested in.
No. 503021
>>503003XL would be way too big, L might be too. Try some on at a store or look at a size guide online, 32F is hard to fit and I wouldn't take a chance on just ordering something blind.
>>502780I like my kanken but get the no. 2 instead of the original, it's way more durable and less prone to fading. Also the leather trim/straps look nicer and more stylish imo and less like a kid's bookbag. Pricier but worth it.
No. 503046
>>503003Yes, I am a 32G anon that has ditched underwire bras. I usually wear a medium or a large in sports bras. I can usually eyeball the fit and coverage
I like the under armour seamless longline bra. I wear a large. It's a good alternative to a regular bra because of the straps. I avoid racerback sports bras when I'm not working out.
No. 503114
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I was gifted something fairly expensive recently by a relative but not to sound ungrateful i have no use for it…my phone and laptop kinda do all the work i need for everything. What should i do? Should i sell it? i just need a different approach to this situation.
No. 503134
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How do I fuck with this wannabe freedom fighter? I usually wouldn’t ask but i really hate dumbasses like this
No. 503145
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A friend said they wanted children in the future and thought it was weird I mentioned fertility testing. Is it really that weird? Wouldn't you want to know if there might be issues to address before you pursued having children?
No. 503443
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Is there any lets players on youtube that actually play a whole game anymore? Anyones you recommend? I watch Call Me Kevin and while I enjoy his personality I just couldn't care less about the random games he plays. I'm currently watching Maxmofoe's Pokemon lets play and I realized how much I've missed watching lets plays like that. I'm not a big fan of twitch streams since I really can't be bothered to watch someone be gone for 10 minutes to pee all the time.
>tl;dr recommend me some lets play channels
No. 503478
>>503467I was referring to the Kissing Booth (a movie on Netflix) whose book was published on wattpad. It's still there, but the author is now selling it in a more polished form with a traditional publisher. Some lady on wattpad also got a publishing deal by writing Harry Styles fan fiction. The Throne of Glass series was discovered on fiction press. I think developing a fanbase and engaging with them will help book sales if I choose to publish traditionally. Idk. I'm not an expert, just an amateur.
>>503459I have tested the waters with wattpad but the user base is annoying (all tweens and teens). it's operated as a "social media" for books whatever tf that means. you can make money from there akin to a YouTuber if you get sponsored as a Paid Story. It's confusing and I don't know if that's more of a hassle than just finding an editor then a publisher.
No. 503517
>>503513NTA but
"you're a prude1111!!"
said 90% percent of the time by internet autists with extreme mental problems who become intensely flustered just by talking to a cashier
the irony of it all
No. 503518
>>503513no? i'm very open about consuming porn and i've been using tinder to hook up for awhile now. i just don't like seeing children drawn in sexual ways. can you explain why you think i'm a prude? i'm being genuine here because i truly don't understand how not to be bothered by loli/shota/etc sort of art.
i have no issue with pornographic art if it doesn't depict child characters
No. 503523
>>503498>a-am I retarded for sharing the opinion t-that majority of the world shares…???You're not retarded for that but you're retarded for this stupid post in general, especially when the discourse has been blazing full speed for the past year.
It's okay to be bothered with whatever you see in art and feel uncomfortable and dislike it. But they're still just drawings, you really can't call FBI for someone drawing shotacon. Just don't look at it.
No. 503524
>>503498Oh this again.
Lmao anon that kind of thing is on the same line as gore and shit. People into that are a small minority and It makes most people uncomfortable. Literally block/report etc. if it rattles you so much. Makes life more bearable I’ll tell ya what.
No. 503525
>>503523>retarded stutteringnta but yeah i can tell you're a
triggered animefag. probably one of those bpd farmers who like to start shit. it's the "STUPID QUESTIONS" thread
>>503524if someone wants to be disgusted by lolicon and shotacon let them. why do you sound like you're lowkey defending it?
No. 503566
>>503553Mostly how you handle situations. You can wear classy attire but if you fly off the handle at the slightest provocation, you will not appear classy.
If someone tries to upset you, attack you, etc the "classy" response would be thoughtful, calm, or nothing at all, as appropriate. Being considerate of others and careful with emotions of others.
Clothes, posture, hairstyle, name, hobbies etc matter too. My Fair Lady with Audrey Hepburn shows the differences pretty well I think.
No. 503578
>>503572>>503573one of the airlines I applied says it's necessary I have an EU passport so I guess i gotta do the process and take pics too
thank you anons
No. 503591
>>503586it generally is, yeah. plenty of ftms have literally broken their ribs because of them. you can only wear them for a short period of time but even then, that only refers to decent quality ones not the taobao-Ebay ones. a medium to high impact sports bra in your correct size would prolly be the best, it will still minimise them but in a safer way. do not give into temptation and size down though as then you'll risk rib deformation again.
also nothing's wrong with bigger tits anon! they're all warm, soft and cute! if they are bothering you that much you can go the breast reduction surgery route, my aunt had it done when she was in her late 20s because of her back pain, but if it's only mental then just learn to accept them honestly.
No. 503649
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Am I too old to know what an X-gender is or is that only a thing in Japan?(pp/gc baiting)
No. 503784
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Are the people at christian colleges weird? This mostly depends on the college I assume, but if you could imagine a college that puts faith, hope, and spirituality without out right stating Christianity would the people their be hardcore religious? The same question for a college that puts 'christian' in their title and brags about it. Like are they openly chaste against sex and drugs, do they go to church often, do they make God a part of their personality, and do they share the conservative beliefs like red beck Christians? To put mroe context this will be in the NC/SC area
Also are christian colleges accepting of different denominations of Christianity? Orthodox to be specific.
No. 503823
>>503657Save money
Plan out what your apartment will look like
Make sure the lease doesn't fuck you over
Find multiple back up apartments
Save money
No. 503908
>>503904Despite the undefined waist, are your hips still substantially (10+ inches) bigger? And is your bust small? I would say my body is similar if that's the case, and I find fitted dresses still look good, sometimes with a belt to fake a more nipped in look. Depending on the type of party, a loose-ish sweater dress with a belt might also work. I find the slight oversized aspect makes my shoulders look smaller.
Disclaimer that I'm not an anon who is super educated in fashion, just my own body.
No. 503922
>>503908Not substantially bigger but yeah my boobs are non existent.
It's a rather big, formal party so I want to wear something more classy/sexy I will definitely look into dresses with belts, maybe something puffier too. Thanks anon!
No. 504054
>>504050People here are so paranoid lol. How the fuck is Japan a violent country?
I went to SK with my family and didn't have a problem.
No. 504176
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>>504073I used to make my own energy drinks with water, caffeine powder, electrolyte powder, taurine and glucuronolactone. You can use sparkling water and flavour it with squash concentrate to cover the bitter taste of the caffeine powder. I don't know what that would be called outside the UK, it's pic related. I would take it as a preworkout and I used to bring a bottle to work with me if I was tired.
No. 504184
>>504095nta but never knew coffeine overdose can be considered a suicide method worthy of keeping in mind kek
I need to research it just in case
No. 504391
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Are automatic litter trays useful or overpriced garbage? Just trying to make daily litter cleaning less gross now that I have two cats who insist on using the same box despite the fact there are two others in equally discrete spots. I don't want to spend a lot of money on one if they aren't worth it or will scare them mid-shit or something.
No. 504469
>>504458I was bullied extremely badly by my class teacher when I was 10 - 11 because I’m a retard who can do maths, write properly or pay attention. She would berate me in front of the whole class and everyone would laugh. She would shout in my face for minor things until my ears rang and I felt numb. She made everyone else in the class hate me. She would turn any mistake I made socially into something far more sinister. I kept telling my mum but she didn’t believe the extent of it until a friend confirmed it, then after my mother had a word with her she would always mock me for it, tell me to go “crying to my mother”. Things had gotten better for me at that point because I had learned how to piss around in class and make everyone laugh, she used to be a popular teacher but by the end of it everyone was winding her up. I’m in therapy for her treatment of me as I was hurt by being singled out and made a pariah.
>>504467Im sorry that happened to your bf, does he have adhd, dyslexia or something like that? I sure hope teachers treat those kids better these days because they where fucking emotionally
abusive to anyone who struggled with anything when I was at scchool.
No. 504500
>>504499"samefag", I found this one if someone could find the other one I'm looking for…
No. 504502
>>504458I've had at least one per year since middle School. The worst was 6th grade where my teacher encouraged my classmates to join in. I was afraid to go to school and made my first suicide attempt because of the daily harassment. Even now, almost 20 years later, I'm still affected by it on a fairly regular basis.
But teachers are normal people. Some are amazing and some are bitter cunts that take their personal issues out on students. And there's no competition for teaching jobs so the good ones are probably on the fewer side. I don't know how bad your bullying was, but if it's something you can't help thinking about you should really try therapy.
No. 504506
>>504458I had a math teacher in highschool that knew I didn’t understand the work but she still made me go to the board to write out assignments. I would wind up standing there far after everyone else was done until she would berate me in front of the entire class. I would stay after for extra help but she would just sit at her desk and make me look at the textbook. She had me removed from the class when I started crying from the embarrassment.
Coincidentally I went to college and got completely retooled in math by an amazing professor. After her I had another professor, a woman from Russia, who had taught at my highschool for a year. She said my math teacher was a massive bitch and made HER cry too! When she asked her how to do grading American style the hs teacher told her she wouldn’t help because it was her own job to do it.
No. 504518
>>504458Me. I had a teacher who, for whatever reason, hated me. I still have no idea why. I swear I was a good student in school, didn't cause any trouble, did my homework etc. but for some reason she one hundred percent couldn't stand me. She would constantly embarrass me in the front of the whole class, single me out, judge my tests and homework more harshly, yell at me for any bullshit reason she came up with etc.
What makes an adult, a trained professional working with kids, act this way? Still fucks me up to think about it, I was a shy nerdy girl so I didn't have the guts to go talk about it to anyone so she got away with it too. Fuck teachers who abuse their power, I doubt they even realize how far their effect carries with the kids.
No. 504545
>>504518I feel like some teachers only go into the profession because they subconsciously want to have power over someone, even if it's a young child. Same thing with nurses/police. Thank god I've never had a teacher like that before.
I had a lot of trouble in school too, I struggle with dyscalculia and ADD. I remember hiding in the bathroom and pretending to be sick to avoid math class since it was so humiliating to not understand. It's still a big problem for me today, but thanks to a really good teacher I had in elementary school I got a diagnosis and it's much more manageable.
No. 504625
>>504469Regarding my boyfriend, he's suspected he has ADHD, but never been treated for it. Thankfully his line of work doesn't require much brain power, but he still struggled terribly when he had to do training. It included days full of filling out paperwork.
Either way, he says if we have a child and they turn out to have a learning disability, homeschooling would be the route he'd want to go. I've personally seen teachers in school not know how to handle children and their learning struggles and just seethe about the "bad seeds".
>>504545>some teachers only go into the profession because they subconsciously want to have power over someone, even if it's a young childA bit OT, but these types of cases remind me of how bad of a teacher Nemu was despite her saying how much she cared about the children. Hopefully she's not back in the education field.
No. 504743
>>504717If it's like Fire Emblem's, I like it.
If it's like Pokemon's, I dislike it.
Persona's is a hit or miss.
Usually I think it's just 'meh.' I can see where you're coming from.
I think I like BOTW's combat, but honestly I'm awful at combat ingame.
I couldn't pass GTA V's first mission for a good hour because I'm so bad at shooting… lol No. 505097
>>505082>What do kidnapped people do when they have to pee/poop?Jaycee Lee Duggard (kidnapped when she was 11, help captive for 18 years) mentioned in her book that her kidnapper just gave her a bucket thing to pee/poop in, and he'd come in occasionally to empty it. If you read her book I'm pretty sure it's near the beginning-ish? She lived in his shed.
>What if the kidnapped person is a very hairy woman?I think it depends on the kidnapper. I'd assume they'd shave her?
>What if the person they kidnapped has an std?Then the kidnapped person would likely get it themselves, get mad at their
victim and mistreat them even more.
Michelle Knight is a woman who was kidnapped alongside 2 other girls, and she mentioned that her kidnapper mistreated her the most due to not meeting his standards. He kidnapped her because he thought she was a teenager due to her small stature. And, of course, he got even angrier at her when he found out she was actually a single, adult mother. I'd assume that things such as a hairy woman would cause the kidnapper to act the same way, if that makes sense? I'm not good at explaining things.
No. 505138
>>505135True, but regarding
>if you dislike someone maybe don't be friends with them in the first placeHow can I dislike someone I don't know? I met them, got to know them better, they maybe considered me a friend, then I realised the more I got to know them the more I didn't like them as people. It happens.
No. 505152
>>505138Yeah that's a
valid point I guess.
>>505142Because imagine thinking you're friends with someone and one day they just block you out of nowhere with no explanation.
No. 505210
>>505158same, i ghost everyone. i feel much more alone around people and much more depressed as a result. i guess i have friends, like, i can contact them at any time and they'd help and i'd help them, but i don't really consider them friends, though they consider me theirs, and i haven't really responded to them in years. i've always been like this and they've known me since i was very young so they're used to it. i've not met anyone i admire anyone enough to want to be their friend. it takes admiration and inspiration for me to want to be friends with them and everyone is just such a let down. i don't really get anything out of talking to people anyways, so what's the point? the few things i enjoy, i enjoy more by myself. plus like, people change and you grow out of them, they grow out of you, etc. i don't know why people get overly attached to friends or even hang out with people they can't admire. so many people are friends and are very social with people they don't even like. it's so strange. (note: i don't mean that it's unacceptable for people to have flaws, i just feel like their priorities and desires are all in the wrong place, so it gets frustrating and overall too tiring.)
i've spoken to sooooo many people in an attempt to find likeminded friends, and i just don't click with them. the search is emotionally exhausting. and a lot of people who are "introverted" are never as introverted as i feel. everyone is calling themselves introverted while they're all over social media, hang out with multiple people at a time, texting and calling people up the wazoo. i can't even begin to consider hanging out with more than one person at a time. what a waste of time and energy.
No. 505379
>>505375tbh I think it is some made up shit too. But I feel like a sexual connection is always somewhat present in normal relationships. I know for me personally, I can't develop a sexual connection without the emotion bond to
trigger it.
No. 505451
>>505442omg lmao i have definitely noticed that at least 1 other person on the RS sub she's most active in (i'm just a lurker there tbh) posts on lolcow, they were trying to ID something dasha wore in /g/
some of bloobird's posts come off seriously unhinged and i wonder if her posting style on here is the same
No. 505462
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Anyone know how I can view someones followers/following lists from insta? And how I can view similar users? I used to use alternative instagram viewer sites to work around the login prompt but they no longer seem to be working.
>inb4 just make an account and add them
No. 505485
>>505424Because that's what's best for your skin and hair…
I live in a cold area and don't exercise so it's not like I'm sweating
No. 505521
>>505507Then y do I get told that I smell NICE?
Just google how showering everyday is bad for your skin and hair
No. 505547
>>505522I don't think that anyone here is outright against it. Not everyone is going to understand the appeal of staying at home or they question if it really is the woman's own choice. I've taken more shit IRL for mentioning that I'm a housewife than I ever have on LC.
>>505537It's inappropriate and nearly always backfires. The more kids get a certain view point pushed on them, the harder they push back against it when their older.
No. 505560
>>505507Dead skin doesn't smell like anything, and unless you are physically touching dirt it takes more than a day for it to build up on your skin.
You don't need to shower every single day.
No. 505563
>>505507ntayrt, and I shower every day, but showering every couple days is enough to get off the buildup on your body, especially if you're thorough. that's usually what is being referred to when dermatologists say you don't need to shower every day. your forearm is not going to get nasty if it doesn't get washed for a few days and my elbows and legs DO get really dry from daily washing.
if anon doesn't at least wash her ass/labia/underarms every day she's nasty, though.
No. 505605
>>505563How the fuck do you wash your labia??
I thought you weren't supposed to wash your vagina..
No. 505735
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>>505509Nah, tried it and it won't work.
No. 505818
>>505684Thank you, anon!
I feel like a child for not knowing this lol
How do you wash it? With body wash or water? I assume non scented body wash, right?
No. 505936
>>505932Safari still gets your data if you use their browser. They know you open it, your add ons, cookies, and trackers.
>>505834Yeah if you put in the work. Codings main selling point is that you can learn it online and get a job without a degree. Of course if you do want to get a job without college you should have a lot of projects, help out with open source stuff, and go to meet ups to get connections for a job
No. 505969
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Dear medicalfags I'm so sorry if this is a really stupid question but I ordered a bunch of stuff off Aliexpress a couple days ago, should I be concerned about my packages with this coronavirus outbreak?
No. 505976
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>>505969Oh shit now u got me wondering as well, how tf does it spread
No. 505982
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>>505979Thanks for the reassurance
No. 506007
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>>505999i use this arch ballet band and other exercise equipment/exercises meant for ballet. it works. arches can easily be built and ballerinas spend so much time building them, you don't even realize. if you're very hypermobile too, the ballet exercises and equipment really helps. obviously ballet is bad for your bodies, but the basic exercises meant for arches and ankles are great.
No. 506010
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>>506007this is another type of ballet arch builder i use. they're both really good and help to align my whole body. highly recommend.
No. 506058
>>506052Mfp has a bigger database I believe.
Other than that, it'll take some time for you to figure out how what fits into your plan and where to get it. Just start out slow and maybe try to see what you're eating now and how you could adjust that to your macros
No. 506097
>>506092I had one but if you do get one make sure to buy a spare battery because otherwise it was have shit battery life.
This is the case for brand new laptops as well fyi
No. 506166
>>506164Samefag, but I just asked my bf who commissions artists where he found them and he said that he mostly just commissions friends, but sometimes he asks in the /aco/ discord or commissions someone he finds on 4chan in the various drawthreads or discussion threads
Hope this helps you!
No. 506170
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How do I stop being obsessed with Germany? I feel as though they're the greatest country on Earth but I listen to a lot of German music and they're constantly complaining about poverty and how the rich are treating its citizens but I really like Germany because they have a nice bill of rights(Grundgesetz).
Basically, I'm a Germanboo and all my friends get annoyed that I have a German-sona and an obsession with German mythology and I constantly research German culture, such as their habit of adopting Anglo names when publishing romance novels or their obsession with work. Should I move to Germany? I'm not European but I just want to be closer to my favorite Neue Deutsche Harte bands.
pic related is my favorite German animal.
Sorry if this all sounds cringey. I know it does.
No. 506179
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>>506171Thanks. That how it seems from the music I listen to that criticizes the society but man their music is so good.
>>506172It's not that interesting. Maybe 4-5 years ago I tried to learn German on duolingo so to get into the mood I made a persona I would use to go into it to learn German. Anyway, it didn't work because I had too much of an issue trying to pronounce everything and I gave up after a week but I still use the persona to roleplay.
I kinda imagined her looking like Ulrike Goldmann (pic); Like a sexy goth but with brown hair.
>>506176USA, but I visit the German heritage center every Oktoberfest because they sell cheap cowboy hats for the festival.
Sorry if I sounded a bit manic. I was reading about German planes a few days ago and I just became really obsessed about going to Germany because it's such a cool country and I feel as though it's underappreciated.
No. 506184
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>>506181I only recently found out about that fact two days ago but it was so intriguing that it made me want to read some haha. Thought it was an interesting little factoid but I will admit other than the Grimm's Brothers (and that one book which I won't name) I don't think I've seen any German books at my local bookstore.
No. 506195
>>506179>>506170This is so autistic and pure at the same time. Please enjoy the music and whatever is left of our culture with all that passion but never actually set a foot in one of our bigger/popular cities. Not even in the south.
t. someone from Hamburg who loves her city but recognizes what an ever increasingly bad shithole it can be
No. 506219
>>506170Germany is a good country (Western, high living standards, rich I guess) but I don't think it'd live up to your German-boo expectations.
I'm really curious though, how did you come to like Germany so much? What sparked the interest?
(Personally I think german sounds really cool and raw in music so I listen to german bands sometimes)
No. 506243
Do you think I have the right to get jealous and angry at my girlfriend for meeting and befriending this one dude 2-3 months ago and already calling him her best friend even though I was her "best friend" before (I am aware of how childish this sounds), telling him the things she usually told me and when I asked her why, she said that "I don't feel comfortable telling you things anymore" even though I've never judged her or said anything wrong to her about it, I only kept encouraging her to talk to someone and not bottle her feelings up? She also keeps on tagging him everywhere on her social media, dedicating tags to him on her tumblr, keeps on posting their chat all over the place as if that dude is the funniest person around and comments stuff like "i just want (insert dude name) to wake up and talk to him nngh", but never mentions me anymore. Last time I checked she mentioned me in October 2019. I confronted her about it several times before, but we end up fighting every single time and she makes me look like I'm just being unnecessarily jealous and that they're just "only friends" and that he knows we're together but it really doesn't even look like it nor feel like it.
(I also feel like she pays him more attention than me ever since she met him, because he's a tall dude and apparently has abs and she's bisexual, meanwhile I'm a dumb little lesbian so maybe she's more into men than women. It just feels like she's trying so hard to impress him, the dude who's 23 and jacked off to his 16 year old ex gfs tits.)
I am aware that I must sound pretty insecure right now, but I have really fucked up trust issues and we've had an incident in the past before where she almost cheated on me with a friend of hers, so I cannot shake off the feeling that she's doing it again. Rip to this relationship and the nearly 2 years of being together I guess.
No. 506246
>>506243Red flags everywhere.
If she's not physically cheating on you, it does certainly feel like emotional cheating. It's huge betrayal of her to say she's "not comfortable" telling you anything, and would prefer to go to this stranger she's known less than a year. And she has a history of possible infidelity? Hooooooo boy.
You're not jealous.
You're not insecure.
You're observant, your gut is trying to tell you something, but what's holding you back is the sunk cost fallacy. It's only 2 years anon, not 20. Don't waste another day on a person who couldn't give two shits about how you feel right now.
No. 506247
>>506219Not op but I also fell in love with the German language and this was all due to a song by Lotte Lenya, that I heard when I was like 11 or so.
I took clases to learn German and learned more about the culture and it's free education. Made me want to master German and not be so sad about debt.
No. 506248
>>506243dump her, it's already over
>>506245No one at a company is going to think you're a 'psycho' or 'weirdo' for checking in about a refund. Just give them a ring and calmly ask about it.
No. 506257
>>506224English and German both fall under the Germanic language family, however english has substantial amount of romance loan words and influence due to the Norman conquest and the elite of england speaing mainly only french till the 1500's, as a former Germanboo I think anon
>>506170 should definitely look into old english as i did, when english was more clearly a germanic language No. 506258
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>>506219I'm back.
I moved to the city I grew up in and learned that it was settled by German immigrants in the 1800s and I thought that was cool but when I was going through my scemo phase, I would just listen to Psycho Teddy in German on repeat. Back then, the Youtube algorithm recommended me a bunch of German bands (Oomph! being probably the first band I really obsessed over). A lot of people at my highschool were really obsessed with Germany as well (my US history teacher had a German and Prussian flag he had set up on a little stand on his desk), my best friend in highschool was also obsessed with Germany but she was blonde and blue-eyed so she was probably German ethnically, idk, and another guy I was friends with was would constantly shout random stuff in German.
My father also learned German and went to Germany as well for school I think.
But the people have always been pretty friendly at least on the internet in my opinion. Also their music has been really good for the past 300 years with Bach who initially I thought was kinda boring when I would play it as a kid but as I grew older I later learned his music was actually genius for its time for an age where a lot of composers would make music and later be completely forgotten because their music didn't have that spark, that genius, that sure a child of the modern era might consider boring but they won't forget the melody.
Oh, and the memes about Germany are funny.
No. 506266
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This just made me remember a burning question that i need serious answers to. I am currently bilingual and know french and english. My dad never taught swiss german so I never took an interest in it until recently.
Thing is, I love Japan a lot, and will be making several trips there within the next decade. Learning Japanese has been quite hard for me outside of the 4 lessons I got to take two semesters ago (everything clicked much easier then).
Both german and Japanese have my interests bc weeb shit and also my family being swiss.
I am thinking from a business perspective, which will come in handier? Knowing Japanese or German? I am going into the digital marketing/advertising world and wonder if one could be more beneficial. I have EU citizenship but doubt I'd ever solidly move there because of my partner. Thanks in advance!
P.S - pls no "why not both?" me because I do not have the time and capabilities to hold onto 4 languages.
No. 506283
>>506170I hope you're a troll. I get that some Americans might like France or something but
that is weird af.
>I feel as though they're the greatest country on EarthMaybe thinking about what happened 75 years ago helps you in that regard…
Most Germans don't like living in Germany, don't listen to german music, don't read german books (other than in school), don't watch german movies and many also don't even like their own food. You'd definitely would be disappointed if you ever went there.
No. 506323
>>506243Anon PLEASE dump her.
Oh my gosh just reading that makes me not like her. I don't even know her but I don't want her to be happy.
No. 506328
>>506325>How many of you here have good friends that you feel like you can truly be yourself around?none. i've never met anyone i can be myself around.
>If you don't, does it bother you?yes, it's why i don't talk to people.
>If so, how do you cope with it?i just don't talk to people. i feel a million times more alone being around people than i do alone. they cause me problems and tire me. it doesn't matter where i meet them, how different their hobbies are or upbringing is, the same shit happens every time. none of them listen or even try to understand what i say. i end up wasting my breath and feel so tired.
No. 506349
>>506325One or two. I usually meet them through a hobby and then find out through conversation that we have more in common and can let our guards down so to speak. But I rarely see them in my adulthood, and I'm sure it will become increasingly difficult as they branch out into their relationships and start families.
Am I ever my truest self around friends? Not really. My true self is annoying and cynical so I've been told. When I'm around others I repress a lot, because I realize the real me is too much and could only be tolerated in small doses. Sometimes I feel I come across better over text than irl because at least no one is passing judge on my tone and facial expressions (resting bitch face here).
I'm not bothered because I feel like this happens to everyone to a certain extent. Like everyone is always trying to please everyone else's standards and expectations. I don't feel alone in it. Just a little sad.
No. 506446
Is anyone here good at physics? I need help with a problem, let's say we have a cylinder above a fluid which acts with a drag force on the cylinder as F=-bv, and now if the cylinder is only halfway in the fluid so its top base is above the fluid, will the drag force act on the cylinder when it goes both up and down or only when it goes down?
Stupid place to ask this question I know. The problem is my professor said there were 4 equations that describe the motion of a cylinder in water but I know only 3 (when it's fully above water, partially submerged and fully submerged) and I thought maybe that would be the last one
>>506325I have about 1 - my childhood friend, I can show different parts of myself to different people so I don't feel stunted, even though I can't show all of myself to everyone, I don't mind.
No. 506534
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How do I not spill my autism when directly interacting with my crush?
Just thinking about it I feel like I'm going to throw up.
No. 506572
triggered sjw memespeak and the red exaggerates it for maximum gags, or that's what I think. Maybe an oldfag could chime in.
No. 506654
>>506590People just like to pat themselves on the back for being "more cultured" and "less racist" than others for simply watching a non-english movie.
>It makes me want to get into to more South Korean cinema too.I don't get it, sorry but that just sounds silly. If you said I watched a horror move and liked it and therefore I'm gonna check out other horror movies too, okay, same for liking the work of one certain person, but liking one movie from a country and then deciding that all movies from that country must be good…? Makes zero sense. You don't here people saying "Oh I like italian movies" - "Which genre?" - "All" either lol
No. 506689
>>506283seconding what
>>506670 said, ofc some people (especially in international fandom spaces like twitter/tumblr/whatever) prefer everything to be in english or whatever the original language is, but the average german person does watch their tv shows in german, watches german movies, listens to german music and likes german food. tf are you even on about? of course i'd rather live near my friends from the US, but i like my german healthcare too much for that.
No. 506691
>>506654>liking one movie from a country and then deciding that all movies from that country must be good…? Makes zero senseNayrt but many styles and movements are influenced by locality e.g. German Baugh and Russian neo-primitivism.
I don't think anyone is advocating for only watching films from a specific country ever, but of course if you like certain traits about films coming from one country you want to search for more. For example I'm sure there are good American documentaries and bad Asian horror films, but the horror films I like most are Asian and most American documentaries I've watched are terrible and so I tend to stick to those search parameters.
No. 507112
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any anons know how to open a caboodle train case (pic related) without the key? My dumbass lost it and the other key's inside kek.
No. 507127
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>>507094I used to refer to fellow farmers as "cows". I didn't fully understand the difference since I started on /ot/ but a kind anon corrected me after my third or something post where I did that.
No. 507237
>>507094I didn't sage at first, mostly because I was used to 4chan and never used it on there. I use it on almost every post now, but honestly, I still don't really get why it's considered so important. I've never had the inclination to hide saged posts, I come here because I want to see what people have to say, whatever that may be. I guess other people just want to skip all the chat and go straight to the milk, but that seems super boring to me. Lack of sage is a good way to pick out the newfags/samefags though, it's worthwhile for that alone.
I don't remember doing anything particularly dumb because I had lurk moar drilled into my head long before finding lc.
No. 507240
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>>507234Its competing with Little Women and Parasite for best picture in the Oscars, so people are making the whole thing about race and shit
No. 507358
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>>507354Speaking of which, why are hardcore rock/metal fans so much meaner than electro fans?
The disparity between me going into the comment section of EDM songs and going into the comment section of anything related to hardcore rock gives me whiplash.