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No. 498107
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>>498093Get out of this damn 7 month long artblock. That's all I want!
No. 498138
>>498107SAME! I barely made any art this year, which makes me super sad. I miss making art and be creative but I kind of lost motivation to do anything? I made like maybe four lil pictures this year and that's about it. I used to make so much back in the day. I hope this will change in 2020!
>Any hopes? dreams?Finally moving out! I'm looking for an own place to stay for over a year now because it's a damn impossible thing in my town. But I won't give up on that because I want to be independent for so long now.
Idk overall I hope that 2020 will be the decade of me getting my shit together because nothing really happened in the past 4 years in terms of life because I landed a random job after finishing studying which has the only purpose of getting money out of it and not because I want to do it. See the world and maybe finally fall in love again since it's been a damn long time to feel affection towards somebody.
No. 498172
>What are your New Year's resolutions?
buy more from local small businesses, esp women owned businesses. I've never made a resolution before so I wanna keep it simple.
>What are your goals for the new decade?
once my company takes me on as full-time + benefits, move out of my parents place. I have enough money saved that I can do this whenever I want but I wanted a bit of security before taking the plunge, as I've only worked short term contracts and odd jobs before. I just hope I'll be able to afford at most 2 roommates.
knitting for charity, at least one item per month so I could have multiple things to donate at the end of the year.
after things get settled and I have a better idea of my budget, I hope to take up an instrument and fitness hobby in 2020. start with piano and karate, since I've done those previously, but I do want to learn guitar/bass and I'm interested in bouldering/climbing.
>Any hopes? dreams? expectations?
continue making progress with my mental health, outlook on life, and sobriety. hopefully be less of a retard by the end of the year.
my biggest dream is taking up sax again and joining an amateur community orchestra or local group like that, but I have no idea if those exist around here in the way I'm imagining it.
never thought I'd live past high school, but here I am, actually kinda excited about the future.
No. 498231
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I'd like to get in better shape. I don't really need to lose weight but I miss my muscles. I'd like to save more of my paycheck every month. I'd like to get back into drawing with the long-term goal of making money from my art (I don't need it to be my main income, I'd just like it to supplement my current income). I'd like to possibly see someone about the possibility of me having ADHD, and possibly go to therapy about the things that happened to me as a child. Also I'd like to waste my time better this year – i.e., playing one of my unplayed video games instead of watching a bunch of vine compilations when I'm trying to unwind after work.
My goals for the decade would be to move out and maybe finally start dating, wind up in a relationship, and lose my virginity when I'm ready.
I feel kind of hopeful for the future, anons. I hope we all have a good year.
No. 498238
>>498101I have friends with kids, and I don't mind still hanging out with them. If anything, sometimes they feel bad because they have to tend to their kids sometimes, but it doesn't bother me really. You will have less time for stuff though.
>>498107This. I didn't draw anything this year. Fucking depression.
I want to lose some more weight. I lost 35 pounds from 2018 to 2019, I'm aiming to lose maybe 20 more. And to start working out again. I felt better, had better balance, all that shit when I used to work out.
Try to claw my way out of my NEET life, slowly. That's probably gonna be the hardest one, but here's hoping.
No. 498363
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My resolutions are usually something simple and dumb because I always forget them if they're serious, so it's usually something like "pet more dogs" lol.
New Year's resolutions this year are probably:
- Read 12+ books (again lol, tried this last year and only got in around 9-10 books. Ideally it's 1 book per month but I use my city's library (I'm cheap+free resources my taxes pay for+no space to keep my own books) so sometimes I end up reading and finishing multiple books in a short span of time and then going a while without reading while waiting for book reservations to become available).
- Continue bouldering/rock climbing! I want to be able to comfortably climb higher grade boulder problems by the end of 2020. I just started so if I could comfortably do V2/V3 grades that's great! The ideal goal is V3/V4 though. Maybe buying a harness and starting top rope climbing if I can find a partner, but I'm still a big weenie about heights.
- Get my license. Buying a car isn't even my endgame (and kind of a dumb choice for where I live), but I just want to finally get my license.
- Be more creative. Drawing, embroidery, knitting, or sewing. I like doing all of those things but I'm not very good at any of them so I always end up stopping because nothing comes out perfect, but this year I just want to indulge in doing them. I don't care what the end result is, I just want to create things. Maybe down the line I'll work on perfecting technique or whatever, but for now I just want to have fun again.
- Continue taking care of myself. 2019 started off really rocky but the end of the year has gotten a lot better for me emotionally and mentally. I want to continue to push myself out of my comfort zone, but know that it's also okay if I'm too scared or uncomfortable, and I can try again another time.
- Hoping to land a decent paying full time job! Temp job is ending, so I don't really have a choice but feeling a little more settled into adult life with health insurance would be really nice. Going hand in hand with that, I'd really like to move out this year (love my parents but they're nearing hoarder status), but it might be a smarter choice to save up money and rebuild my savings instead (just paid off my student loans so now my paychecks can finally all go back to me! yay!).
- Hoping my dog will also live well for 2020, but she's a senior dog so I'm not too hopeful, but a girl can dream right? She's my sunshine and I don't know what I would do without her.
No. 498742
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Overall just want to take care of/better myself for once in my life…
I've finally signed up for the gym so I'm going to continue with that and eat more healthily and mindfully.
I want to commit to Greek language classes so I can communicate better with my grandma. It's something I keep promising to do but never follow through with.
I'm going to be a better friend and make time for the people in my life.
I really want to do a dry January because I feel like I have way too much of a dependence on alcohol (potentially looking for accountabilibuddies).
I think this is the year I'm going to quit the job I hate, go back to school and do something completely new so I'm not miserable every fucking day.
I think I've finally realized this year that I do want to live and my life is not that goddamn bad, I just need to put some effort in to make it a life I enjoy.
Happy holidays everyone, I wish you all the best.
No. 498744
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I believe in all of you anons! Good luck!!! <3
Thank you for this thread, it’s nice to be able to let it out. I doubt anybody will read this wall of text, but:
- I want to escape NEETdom. I’m too young for this lyfe bros. I want to get a job ASAP and go back to school after summer.
- Once I get a job I want to build a PC and buy other shit I always wanted. I wanna help my parents too. My twin and I both want to live together so savings should be fine since we share our money (kind of).
I also hope I’ll be able to buy my friends and family fun gifts. I saw people talking about gift buying here a while ago and it really inspired me.
- I want to break up and cut off a lot of relationships online. It sucks when they’re your only friends but I need to distance myself from the toxicity. Hopefully I will find new friends as well.
- I want to start drawing and writing more. I wanna read books I always put on hold as well as classic writers and poets. I would love to get into more manga too.
- This one is a reach, but I also want to read more in French and improve my speech in general. I don’t really care for this one, but I live in a French area so I guess it’s important.
- I wanna finish off the games sitting in my backlog or (usually classic/cult) movies I promised I would watch. But this was last years resolution as well, and I think I did a good job at it so I’m not too worried!
No. 498748
>>498744Samefag, hopefully I’ll stream more and do it more than wth friends. Which leads to my next big resolution that I forgot:
- I want to start using mic in online games, especially since I never used a mic with anyone besides family in years. Hopefully I’ll be able to use it with friends too. Same applies with taking pictures of myself. No one knows what I look like lol.
>>498742 I’m greek too and can’t speak it (even though i really wish I could) but I believe in you! Thats a really kind thing for you to do. Good luck anon.
No. 498800
>>498789Be kind to yourself, anon! I wish you the best of luck this year.
Finally getting therapy is my biggest resolution I want to work toward this year. I have struggled with mental health all my life and now I feel ready to talk about the things that have happened to me and work through it with someone. I went in for a general appointment with my doctor a few months back and I was too scared to mention anything. The first step is the scariest I think, I hope it'll get better from there!
No. 499265
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>>499263You can do it anon! I’m making big changes too! Those are essentially my own goals as well. Sending best wishes towards your way
No. 499276
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I spent the latter half of 2019 getting ready to start up my own business, since my university doesn't give a fuck about my major so I'm stuck with a messy degree that doesn't really mean anything. Despite my mental struggles and overly conservative household, I'm so glad I've found it in me to start my own thing. Even if it doesnt end up being as successful as I wish for it to be, at least I won't worry about dying everyday and burying my creativity with me.
Any anons that are starting their own thing, I'm rooting for you! Don't give up!
No. 499296
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>What are your New Year's resolutions?
I want to start moving more, I'm super sedentary and want to take up walking. also yoga and continuing daily meditation too. practice gratitude and journal about how I feel whenever I need to. I want to get 8 hrs of sleep a night and finally get my shit together with eating healthy. my relationship with food has been so fucked up for so long now and hopefully 2020 will help me bring about a lasting positive change
>What are your goals for the new decade?
make some friends, get a new job I enjoy, save money, move out of my family home, get a boyfriend/experience romantic love
>Any hopes? dreams? expectations?
I really hope I can stop giving such a shit what other people think of me. I'll be entering my 30s in this coming decade and I've heard other women say their 30s were when they finally felt comfortable in themselves. hopefully I'll be the same. hopefully to be happier and more content in my life/who I am
l hope the year of the rat will bring us all good luck with our futures
No. 499453
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>>499263If you want to grow something small, I recommend a spiderwort/wandering jew plant! My friend is a huge plant lady and gave me a small cutting of hers, and it's slowly been taking over a tiny part of my desk and I have to keep repotting it (and I put some of the extra cuttings into its old pots to just grow more) because it grows so fast. I don't have a green thumb AT ALL, but this plant is so fucking forgiving and it just feels so nice to see something grow and flourish under my care. They're meant to be hanging plants but I keep mine in a pot on my desk and I'll usually repot when the stems grow too tall and start flopping over.
No. 499466
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>>499457Same lol, and I also move countries à lot, perfection
>>499453Thanks for the suggestion anon! I meant mostly in the sense of herbs and veggies since my parents used to tend entire gardens and keep bees, but I've wanted to green up the home as well - does it thrive in low light conditions? If you know of any indoor plants that can survive indoors in an environment with no lighting for 6 months, I'm all ears!
No. 499501
>>499466Not same anon as before but a major indoor plant lover:
I really suggest Sanseveria, Peace lily's, and pothos for low light conditions!
Peace lily's and pothos need at least some light but I've kept a sanseveria in my no light/no window bathroom for a couple months and it did ok, didn't thrive or grow, but didn't die either.
wandering jew/tradescantia are very similar in needs to succulents so I'd only recommend them if you have medium to bright light.
IF you can keep the humidity high enough some ferns are low-light tolerable as well.
No. 499728
>>498744>- I want to break up and cut off a lot of relationships online. It sucks when they’re your only friends but I need to distance myself from the toxicity. Hopefully I will find new friends as well.I did this this year, and it's been hella difficult because apart from
toxic and self-absorted, they were clingy as hell. When I left and I tried to explain them that it was because I really didn't feel cared about with them, they had this big kneejerk reaction and reduced everything to "B-BUT U LEFT US FOR BETTER PPL!!! UR LIFELONG FRIENDZ!!!". If I'm honest know I wish I just had quietly ghosted them and fucked off with my life to avoid the drama, but this way at least I understood how not worth it they were.
It was amazingly autistic and I'm still hurting over how I was treated by this people who I believed I could at least try to talk with. I wish all you all the lucks anon, I hope you find better friends too. It's not easy specially when you are too used to your old friends and the new ones may feel underwhelming in comparison, but it's not good either to let people tie you to them using the weight of the years you had in common when you aren't really happy and feel trapped.
No. 499806
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The last 3 days I dreamed(in the literal sense) about living in a quiet house on the countryside. Today I even dreamed about my relatives making fun of me moving in to one. Guess that's my resolution for the next decade, lol.
No. 499834
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>>499821I'm wrestling with dermatillomania so I know what you're going through anon. I used to have trichotillomania– there are old pictures of me where I have no eyebrows because of it.
No. 499859
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No. 500005
2020 is the start of a new decade and i am so excited for the prospects!
i'm in a relationship with such a wonderful man and i really want to see him in my far future, with us growing old disgracefully together. our plan this decade is to save enough to buy a house! i haven't felt this in love in such a long, long time. it's amazing.
i managed to lose just under 60lbs in 2018 but spent the majority of 2019 gaining it back in a downward spiral. so now that i know i can lose weight, my main goal is to exercise regularly to tone up. work out, meal plan, less snacking. i'm a bad comfort eater so i need to stop using it to make me feel better, because it doesn't. plus i miss wearing skirts and dresses without looking frumpy.
on the topic of mental health i need to get back on medication. i never figured out which was best for me and i don't feel comfortable going back to counselling before i can get my horrid mood swings and depression and anxiety in check. i've lost out on a lot of opportunities in 2019 because of mental illness and i really need to start accepting other people's help, rather than bottle up my feelings. i'm in a better place now with a better support system than i had years ago, so i must use it to my advantage instead of trying to push everyone away.
i'm dropping the horrible friends i've kept all these years that don't appreciate everything i do for them and treat me like a therapist, and only talk when they want or need something. i have plenty of great friends who truly care about me and go out of their way to arrange dates to hang out, and who communicate their woes but don't use me as a punching bag. i don't need to keep people around if it's bad for my health and mindset. there's a difference between being there for a friend vs a friend coming to you with verbal abuse and then apologising frivolously but doing it all over again. i'm not here for it!
and lastly, learn to drive. i wanna go out of my way to visit different places across the country, whether it's for a convention or for a little weekend trip. i'm going to visit as much tacky tourist traps i can with people whose company i enjoy! i love a road trip.
No. 500016
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>Join dancing class for the first time
>Lose weight
>Eat healthy again
>Go to all doctors to get stuff done with my anemia and thyroid problems
>Get allergy tests done to get rid of my acne
>Do not cut contact with my friends (due to all the stress I just barely talk to people lately, not like I dislike them and I appreciate that they reach out to me)
>Get more job experience, so I can get paid job as graphic designer
>Get better at dating girls
>Make more friends irl
>Take better care of myself
>And stop blaming myself for not being financially independent while being 22
No. 500083
I'm planning to read more because I habe like 200 unread books. Not really a resolution because I have been reading more the past 2 months. Another thing I wanna do is cut out sugar and cook at home more but I don't think that will happen because I hsve been planning on doing that for years and still haven't done it lmao.
>>500077Those sound great, anon! I love the idea of the video blog.