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No. 431019
Discuss celebrities with cow potential/cow like behaviors or celebrities who abuse social media, both past and present.
Last thread:
>>392511Leaving Neverland thread:
>>392313Dan Schneider thread:
>>405637Tinfoil General thread:
>>369313Azelia Banks thread:
>>>/snow/771485Latest milk:
>Neverending Ariana discussion>Zheani/Die Antwoord drama continues>Die Antwoord's adopted children>Kim Kardashian announces her shapewear line "Kimono". Announces she will change the name due to backlash.>The Britney Spears Conservatorship>Natalia Dyer & Charlie Heaton (Nancy & Jonathan of Stranger Things) discussion.>Continuous prayer circle for the Stranger Things kids in general>Scooter Braun & Taylor SwiftScooter Braun overview:
>The Taylor Swift/Scooter Braun controversy, explained:>Celebrities managed by or associated with Braun: Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Kanye, Demi Lovato, Carly Rae Jepsen, Black Eyed Peas, Usher, Idina Menzel, etc>Full List of Clients: No. 431028
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Continuing from the Natalia Dyer discussion from
>>430768This was from the 2018 SAG awards, about 4 months after Charlie Heaton was denied entry to the US for coke (right around the release of Season 2, possibly why he wasn't at this SAG)
No. 431032
>>431028something about her reminds me of a young anachan jennifer anniston
anachanniston should be her new nickname
No. 431044
>>431028male actors are getting uglier and uglier wtf
it makes me believe in an incoming apocalypse
No. 431045
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>>430201I only think that way because it's in the best interests of the media to report certain things, otherwise they lose access.
But I'm sure the media wouldn't lie.
No. 431054
>>431048dacre just kind of looks like a mouse to me but he's not super ugly
joe is really presh both in personality and looks but thats just my opinion i dont know how the general public sees him
charlie on the other hand is objectively monstrous, its like they took every child star that lived hard and aged badly after decades of drug and alcohol abuse, and put them all into this one guy who is actually a good 15-20 years younger than he looks
its like a skeletonized edward furlong but without the cute first decade or so of fame
No. 431068
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>>431054>its like they took every child star that lived hard and aged badly after decades of drug and alcohol abuse, and put them all into this one guy who is actually a good 15-20 years younger than he lookskek, this is totally spot on, and without any of the child star trauma (though other non-star related trauma is possible I suppose). It's easy to see how a 25 year old looking like a 40 year old strung out divorcee is missed when we're busy worrying about a 12 year old girl being treated like a 25 year old woman in the media (as we should be). I'm sure that kind of "rapid aging/mature beyond your years" shit feels great when you're a kid, but all they have to do is turn around to see the negative possibilities of that.
>>431062Some band stuff in the past I think, not much else. He has a 5 year old son with a woman he was in a band with.
Either way, someone's missing the opportunity for a movie starring Norman Reedus where Charlie plays the younger version of his character. Someone needs to jump on that while they have the chance before Charlie ends up completely burnt out and ends up looking older than Reedus.
No. 431075
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>>431068Everyone who isn't an idiot knows whats going on. The parents are fine with it, MBB is their little piggy bank. Money Money Money
No. 431083
>>431078She looks like a teen in make up.
Did you overdose anime shit or what?
No. 431087
>>431079This is why MBB worries me the most out of all the Stranger Things kids. She's praised for her "maturity" but it's clear it's a fake maturity that stems from boundaries being crossed and inappropriateness being normalized. The other kids seem normal, not saying there isn't some shady stuff going on in the background with them but the red flags with MBB are glaring.
The show is suppose to end after Season 4 (maybe 5) and it's scary to think about how her career after the show might go. I can totally see her going for "child star gone rouge" type of phase.
>>431082Tbh a few people in the ST fandom have speculated about Natalia being anorexic, but anytime it's mentioned her fans get defensive and excuse people of skinny-shamming her, and point out the fact she was always skinny. It seems like they're in denial, she's clearly sick.
No. 431106
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>>431028i think she kind of looks like nicole dollanganger during her ana phase lol, especially in her ST makeup and outfits
No. 431117
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>>431028joe keery is cute af. I have mutual friends with him and he's actually super cool and nice irl.
I actually googled natalia dyer and first thing google suggested to me is "natalia dyer recovery" lol
i'm sure she's doing coke if her bf is. it's fucking shitty to date a cokehead if you're not also constantly high
No. 431226
>>431078her clothing choices are pretty basic and mature which make her appear older but I still see her as a kid who's just trying to be more serious.
I remember people HATED her after video compilations came out where she was interrupting some cast in interviews and being kinda obnoxious which might have gotten to her as well (pretty sure she deleted social media around that time too)
No. 431231
>>431224This, I was born in the late 80s but the music and technology is still very nostalgic to me because it's either the same or reminiscent to what I grew up with, even though I didn't exactly live through it. The kids are good actors which is always kind of a novelty and the show is appealing to nerds and horror enthusiasts of any age. Plus I imagine a lot of people feel invested in the characters after watching the first (and the only good) season.
People just liking the show isn't the problem, pedophiles and psychotic fans are the problem.
No. 431295
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>>431294forgot to attach photo
No. 431335
>>431226>pretty sure she deleted social media around that time tooI mean….good. I'm sure it's great for marketing when the kids have social media, but that seems like such a terrible idea. We're years away from even seeing the psychological ramifications of kids raised with social media access, let alone child stars with that access. If they do have social media at the very least it should be monitored by their parents or someone who isn't trying to squeeze every last penny out of them. I worry about this with the kids from Haunting of Hill House too – though we already saw the "conclusion" of those character's stories, so hopefully people can't be clawing for more like ST.
Speaking of (not really a spoiler because it's in like, the first 2 minutes of S3) but
was anyone else feeling really uncomfortable by all the makeout scenes this season? It felt like it was really pandering to some sort of audience and it really skeeved me out. No. 431336
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>>431075Man, what the hell is that article headline? From what I’ve seen most people were/are justifiably grilling Drake for trying to get super close to a young girl who’s not even related to him. I bet this article’s some kind of covert postitive PR move that he and his team paid for.
Also I don’t think MBB has a very mature face at all, but fidn it questionablethat she keeps being dressed as some middle-aged woman.
No. 431344
>>431336The reason they dress her mature but simple is bc she has a meaty, bony face and a stick body. Those proportions and bone structures are flattered by outfits that are tailored, with long silhouettes. They can't dress her cutesy or for her age if they want to flatter her looks, and it sunfortunate that as a kid her face ended up maturing way before what's normal.
I've been in the kibbe body type thing before and what they're dressing her in kinda goes along with that idea. They're not dressing the other kids that way, it's just her and it's bc she has this huge, long face.
No. 431410
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So Cameron Boyce died from some mysterious undisclosed illness? Its all so bizarre, poor guy and family but honestly im very curious about what the heck happened
No. 431450
>>431207I loved ST but for me, it has put the nail in the coffin of Hollywood and stardom. Even with a relatively new and fresh show I like, it's glaringly obvious how fucked the system is and it's sickening to watch play out in real-time in 2019. I enjoyed watching the children even in my Mid-Twenties because I had a terrible time as a kid, too, and it felt very wholesome to watch and identify with. There is also a big trauma narrative for Eleven in the show and for other kids. To have that
mirrored and perverted by the industry in real-life without a success story is just disappointing and disillusioning.
I also feel for Ariana Grande. Her life must be a complete nightmare behind the scenes.
Reminds me of the Geoffrey actor from Game of Thrones who quit acting and held some talk being critical of fame. Will have to find and watch that when I have the time. Generally, I'm curious about celebs who quit I guess.
Anyway, I like reading these threads. They're pretty good and celebricow farmers are cool
No. 431498
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>>431493>There's a huge community on Twitter of older women obsessing over and sexualizing Finn Wolfhard specifically, it's extremely creepy and weird. And im talking like, hundreds if not thousands of accounts interacting with each other and talking about how sexy this literal child is.he's a literal child who actually looks young for age,their are some male underage male actors who I find attractive but definitely not Finn Wolfhard
(t. pedochan) No. 431499
>>431494you notice in the first season they spent almost the whole time sexualizing the teens instead, and then after it basically showed people were more obsessed with the literal children rather than the older teens being played by cast members in their late 20s, the sexual focus became the actual children and by the end of season two the pivotal climax was forcing an underaged girl to kiss a male character despite her protests and clear discomfort
they're pandering and they know it and i fully expect next season to explore actual loss of virginity amongst at least one of the younger characters despite them barely even haven gone through puberty
No. 431533
>>431410>>431423>>431412Yeah, I'm really not familiar with this kid at all but the wording of this is what made me pay attention. You can't really die from a seizure unless you physically injure yourself during one. Seizures can be indicative of other illnesses, but if they're saying it was an ongoing medical condition with the implication of history of seizures, he should have already been on AEDs and known what precautions to take. Seizures aren't like heart attacks or aneurysms, you don't just have one out of the blue for the first time and die immediately right then and there.
This is the equivalent of saying "he died of a sneeze in his sleep". You could die from allergies, the flu, pneumonia, and all of those may cause sneezing but to say the sneeze itself was the cause of death would make zero sense (unless the sneeze caused you to crash your car or something).
Maybe tinfoil, but the way this is worded makes me suspect possibly drugs/alcohol were involved. Seizures can occur as part of withdrawal or abuse from either substance, and you can also develop a seizure disorder from alcohol abuse. If they had just said "died in his sleep of an ongoing illness" I wouldn't have given it a second glance, but the wording seems suspicious as fuck, especially since he's a Disney baby. Even if it was something like a tumor or head injury that caused him to have a seizure, you STILL wouldn't say the seizure itself was the cause of death. That plus the "
ongoing medical condition for which he was being treated" wording sounds like rehabilitation in that context.
I really hope I'm wrong and someone just used the wrong wording though.
No. 431544
>>431493I remember when a 27 year old model tweeted him with a comment like 'call me in 4 years time' (when he'd be 18) and she got a lot of shit for it, understandably.
The older Finn fans are creepy af, leave these kids alone ffs.
No. 431564
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>>431075>>431336theres been stuff about drake for years, no one does anything.
No. 431652
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>>431454>>431460Thanks for the name. Probably didn't help that he played one of the most hated character in a TV show ever and contributed to this decisions in a lot of ways.
He probably gets harassed by cancerous GoT fans on the regular still.
Lena Headey gets harassed for playing Cersei often which is a shame because she is the most down-to-earth person and polar opposite of Cersei. Kinda comes with the territory of playing such a role but requires a real brainlet to act like this.
No. 431664
>>431522the girl who plays max had to kiss the boy who plays lucas despite there basically not being any lead up whatsoever to any sort of relationship yet, and she wasnt aware she was going to have to until right before
it was also her first kiss and she said she wasnt comfortable with it at first but they convinced her to do it
No. 431669
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>>431652saged for non-milk
No. 431682
>>431669I love Lena Headey, she doesn't deserve this insane shit where people can't tell what a fictional character is. They should be stoning GRRM to death if they have an issue with a character that
he wrote.
>>431664I can't find the video footage of her saying it but heres a bit from it I stole from an article.
“It was not written in the script. The kiss was not written in the script,” she said. “I get there the first day of filming the Snow Ball, me and Noah [Schnapp] are walking in, seeing the decorations and stuff. One of you – I think it was you, Ross – was like, ‘Oh Sadie, you ready for the kiss?’ I’m like, ‘What? Nope! That’s not in the script. That’s not happening.’ And so the whole day I was stressed out.”
“You reacted so strongly to this. I was just joking,” replied Ross Duffer. “And you were so freaked out I was like oh, well, I gotta make you do it now. That’s what happened. That’s why it’s your fault.”
No. 431726
>>431545>>431677grand mal's are really dangerous. like, death-inducing dangerous, easily. my own father died from hitting his head from a fall so it's terrifying how easily it can happen.
in watsky's memoir he goes into detail about the history of them not only in his family but generally in western civilisation, it's a really interesting read. also made a boppin song about it.
"It's no family secret that Mom's Aunt Polly, who died in 1945, wasn't simply having the"fainting spells" described in old letters from her mother. But those were the days when epilepsy could be legally punished with forced sterilization, and Polly was unmedicated when she died—fell and hit her head on her Freshman dorm bathtub at Sarah Lawrence. She'll be seventeen forever." No. 431841
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>>431545>your brain will cookIt won't. If you're referring to febrile seizures, those are seizures that occur with a high fever (mostly in children) – but the fever is what causes the seizure, not the other way around. People can literally seize for hours/days/weeks on end and don't die (status epilepticus). Sometimes they don't even know they're seizing because they're subclinical or complex. THIS is why seizures are so scary and dangerous. People can be driving and going about their day completely unaware that they're having seizures. Often times people who have seizures in their sleep won't know they even have seizures until they share a bed with someone or they wake up on the floor covered in blood from biting their tongue or something. But again, why I'm so suspicious of the wording of this as the "cause of death". Seizures leave very little trace behind in the brain, and usually only in the moments directly following one, and even then can only be seen on an EEG. If he was found hours later or already dead, there would be no activity left to detect, so unless someone actually saw him have the seizure and hit his head or something, it's very weird that they would hurry to proclaim that as THE cause. Again to use the sneeze analogy, it'd be like if you found someone dead in a crashed car and immediately went "well they had a history of sneezing, so they MUST have sneezed and crashed their car! The sneeze did it!" because that sounds better than drunk driving.
>>431726>grand mal's are really dangerous. like, death-inducing dangerousGTCs are the most dangerous, but that's because of the loss of physical control (aka tonic/clonic phase). But it's not the seizure that kills you it's the complications of it, or the seizure is the result of something else even more alarming.
>fell and hit her head>died from hitting his head from a fallYou said it yourself, not a seizure, a fall caused by a seizure. Sorry about your Dad though, genuinely. I work in neurology and watching someone seize is still one of the most terrifying/heartbreaking things to experience no matter how many times you seen it, because really all you can do is make sure they're safe and won't hurt themselves until it ends. AEDs aren't even administered unless a person is in status usually, because otherwise a seizure begins and ends before it would make a difference. Basically seizures are the smoke, and any number of things could be the fire, but also sometimes smoke is just smoke. They're fascinating, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
No. 432192
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Anybody been paying attention to the Jeffrey Epstein case? Lot of shady sex trafficking shit going on, along with a list of celebrity/politician accomplices
>Bill Clinton spent enough time aboard disgraced Wall Street mogul Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express' airplane that he should be eligible for frequent flyer miles, according to a shocking new report that reveals how often the former U.S. president road along with with the convicted sex offender.>Flight logs reviewed by Fox News show Clinton took 26 trips aboard Epstein's Boeing 727 jet, more than double the 11 flights previously known.>Epstein's jet was reportedly set up with a bed where guests had group sex with young girls.
>According to a 2015 Gawker article, Epstein's little black book contains hundreds of names that a hobnobbing socialite billionaire might keep on hand, however around 50 of the entries were circled by Rodriguez - "including those of many of Epstein's suspected victims and accomplices," according to the report.
>Some of the names in the book include:
>Ralph Fiennes, Alec Baldwin, David Blaine, Jimmy Buffett, Courtney Love, Charlie Rose, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ehud Barak, Tony Blair, David Koch, John Gutfreund, Prince Andrew, Naomi Campbell, Donald Trump No. 432194
>>432192god i hope this busts everything open and they(everyone involved in either participating, or funding and aiding him or anyone else in trafficking and rape/murder/snuff of children) either all get arrested or kill themselves
its been a long time coming
burn in hell you sick fucks
No. 432196
>>432192>Donald TrumpEagerly waiting for the people who talk about Pizzagate as if Trump will stop it to explain this.
He's a freak like all the rest, and loves this disgusting system.
I knew Naomi Campbell was on the list, but didn't know about Courtney Love. I knew her "riot grrrl" feminism shit was fake, but that makes me sad.
No. 432213
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>>432194>>432196I'm not surprised to see Naomi on that list considering the shady shit that went down with that Liberian politician a while ago. I suspect Courtney Love is a child sex abuse
victim turned pedo/enabler(?). Explains why Hole had so much kinderwhore imagery.
I suspect the people on that list are either perpetrators being blackmailed,
victims or enablers. Mind you this is going back all the way to the early 1980's.
>In an affidavit filed last year, one of the girls, Virginia Roberts said that she had had sex with Prince Andrew and renowned lawyer Alan Dershowitz — a member of OJ Simpson's Dream Team — on Epstein's properties.>The walk-through video does not show everything the cops found, such as video cameras hidden in clocks — one in the garage and the other on Epstein's desk. He is believed to have used the cameras to tape his famous friends in sex acts with underage girls for blackmail purposes. >'Epstein required me to describe the sexual events that I had with these men presumably so that he could potentially blackmail them. I am still very fearful of these men today,' she said.Apologies for posting Daily Mail links, but there are a lot of credible Twitter threads with receipts if you look into it
No. 432219
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>>432213A few months back, someone tagged "google Jeffrey Epstein" on a bunch of buildings and monuments in Boston. The general publics knowledge about this horrible man is alarming.
The guy was arrested and deemed schizophrenic or something. I was rooting for him as it was weeks before he was caught and kept adding more.
>Seems that they’re trying to get a message across with the expectation that you’re going to look it up and try to figure out what it is,” said Eloise McMiinn, who was visiting Boston from her native England. “It’s not just sort of done as a joke or anything like that.”
>Karim Osman of Dorchester, who was stopping by Boston Public Library with his two young sons, said, “It’s upsetting and it’s not appropriate for children either.”
>“The language that they chose is meant to be inflammatory,” said Osman. “I’ve noticed a bunch of it around here.”
>Other passersby didn’t understand the message of the graffiti, which apparently targets Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy financier accused of sexual abuse.
>“I was kind of thinking ‘who was Jeff Epstein?’ It’s kind of like why did they put that there?” said Rafael Dunand, a Babson College student.
>“I don’t understand what the message is, it’s lost on me,” said Paul Haimby.Most news stories about this either didn't even say Epstein's name or they didn't mention the ~alleged~ sexual assaults.
No. 432239
>>432192 no one remember this either?
>After the Obama family returns from their post-inauguration vacation to Palm Springs, three of them—Barack, Michelle, and Sasha—will readjust to civilian life in Kalorama, a D.C. neighborhood located just two miles from their old digs. The missing family member? That would be 18-year-old Malia, who’s reportedly off to a new adventure: an internship for mega-producer Harvey Weinsten.>>432219There's no news since March; then again, that's the MA court system.
No. 432293
>>432216Not gonna lie, I personally believe PG is real. There's just way too much evidence to back up international, long-standing pedo rings that both celebrities and powerful political figures are a part of, whether that's through being consumers, traffickers or enablers. I don't even know how anyone can deny it at this point.
I just hate the fact that most of the people who also believe in it are only interested because, like you said, "The democrats bad!!".
No. 432365
>>432293This is where Im at too. They've already arrested plenty of people for doing darkweb snuff CP and child torture type stuff. And its been confirmed almost everytime that the ringleaders had connection to wealthy celebrities and politicans. Doesnt take a genius to figure that out. Only issue is both sides of the political spectrum want to pretend its only the other side. Nah fam, its almost all of them. Almost every celeb has been a
victim or perpetrator of abuse. Almost every politician has at the LEAST, gotten funding from child abusers/rapists/traffickers/snuff purchasers.
No. 432367
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>>431854>>431924>SUDEP refers to deaths in people with epilepsy that are not caused by injury, drowning, or other known causes.>It would be fairly easy to figure out he died from a seizure if he died from either of those causesAgain, this is not "death by seizure", this is the death of a person who happens to have epilepsy – because there is literally no way to prove that someone had a seizure unless they were hooked up to an EEG at the time of the event. Seizures are discharges of electricity in the brain, you can only see them as they are happening, (like lightning). You can't even prove it by watching someone have a "seizure" with your own eyes because unless you can prove what's happening is caused by electricity in you brain, it's not a seizure. These are called Non-epileptic events/Non-epileptic seizures/Pseudoseizures. They can mimic seizures in every way, except since they're not actually seizures because they can't be controlled by seizure medication. Even people who have diagnosed epilepsy can have non-epileptic events.
Think of it like this: you're standing across the street from a house, and sometimes one of the lights within flickers. It may be a problem with with the lightbulb or the wiring or something serious, or it may be someone standing in there turning the light switch on and off. The only way to tell is to have an electrician look through the window so they can see what it is, but the only way they can know for sure is if they see the lights flicker with their own eyes while looking through the window. Even if you take a video of the lights flickering or describe it to the electrician, they won't be able to tell you definitively. If you wake up the next day and find the house has burned down, you would do is a full investigation. If the investigation turned up nothing THEN you would go "well, I guess maybe that flickering light had something to do with it?", but even then there's no way for you or the electrician to ever know for sure at that point.
SUDEP would be a last possible conclusion once everything else has possibly been ruled out, which it hasn't been yet. What they did in this situation was found the house burned down in the morning, and immediately reported to the media that it was caused by a faulty lightbulb.
>I'm sure you know that people can choke on their tongue while having seizures if someone isn't there to help them. Or that they can vomit and asphyxiate. They can't, and in fact that "choking on your tongue" myth is extremely harmful,
under no circumstances are you to put anything in anyone's mouth during a seizure. The worst they can do is bite their tongue, and they're more likely to injure themselves (or you) if you try and shove something in their mouth. Vomiting almost never happens during a seizure, and when it does its usually in children. (I've only ever seen it happen with babies who seize right after being fed, but babies puke all the time anyways). If you found someone choked to death on their vomit, it would in no way indicate a seizure – incontinence would be a much better indication. I think you're assuming people vomit during a seizure because both GTCs and alcohol/drug ODs use the "recovery position" (that laying on your side pose). Recovery position during a seizure is used to stabilize a patient during a GTC so they can't hurt themselves. Recovery position in an unconscious person is in theory to prevent them from choking on their own vomit/fluids. Same pose, different reasons.
The tumor causing seizures can kill you, a metabolic disorder causing seizures can kill you, a head injury
caused by a seizure can kill you, a head injury
causing seizures can kill you, but a seizure itself cannot kill you. If you roll face down in a pool of water during a seizure and drown, what killed you was the drowning, not the seizure. I'm not trying to argue with you, I would honestly just ignore what you're saying if it wasn't that what you're saying is actually dangerous and incorrect information that could injure someone.
No. 432373
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>>432365>>432293>>432216>>432196>>432213>>432192Nope Nope Nope take it to the tinfoil thread:
>>369313Honestly, this whole thread went from zero to tinfoil pretty quickly. Some of us just want to escape the nightmare dimension we're in for a moment and just talk about shallow celebrity bullshit, so keep it separate.
No. 432375
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>>431652I've met her in person and she is such a lovely woman, she's so down to Earth and personal with people and I feel awful that people can't tell the difference between her and the character she played. (also I hope that she isn't still being treated like that from fans seeing as GOT is over)
No. 432421
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I would really love it if she stopped making this face.
IDK if this looks sexy to males and that's why she does it, she just looks like a drooling retard to me.
No. 432455
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>>432421This whole attempt to appear racially ambiguous is stupid.
She looked better when she didn't excessively tan, wore less makeup and didn't look starved. She also has a very youthful face so I can't really take her seriously when she tries to look seductive or whatever that's supposed to be.
No. 432515
>>432513>slightly partedi think she missed the memo cause she looks like a drooling idiot.
tbh i can't take her seriously because she looks and acts young.
No. 432535
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>>432455speaking of racially ambigous, y’all see this shit?
not only is the quality extremely….off, but she straight up looks like a mixed girl.
No. 432600
>>432535I can't pinpoint what it is but she does not look like herself
As other anons have noted she already had an eyebrow lift probably, a nose job and maybe lip fillers too but it all turned out natural for her but she still looks different in this.
I think she has naturally curly hair though.
No. 432655
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>>432535Why are the covers of the amerian vouge always so bland? I know that the vouge these days is trash but compared to the other ones it always has those super uninspired covers. I always get the vibe that it's more seen as a celebrity magazine (hurr hurr celeb xy is on the cover!) than a fashion one in that case idk
No. 432658
>>4326551. Anna Wintour is blah
2. Grace Coddington retired a few years back and American Vogue hasn’t been the same. She was their best creative director.
No. 432664
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>>432513Seems to me they’re trying to copy Marilyn Monroe’s sultry iconic look
No. 432836
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>>432421They are drooling retards, both Ariana and Kate are into drugs and big dick energy.
No. 432909
>>432897It is, I've never understood why people rate her so highly.
>>432906why did I laugh at this
No. 432913
>>432861I think her PS was a total downgrade. She looked better before, especially the nose and lips. The nosejob is really well done, but… I feel like it doesn't fit her face.
It was very unnecessary but again, she seems pretty insecure about her looks and has probably been through some shit in her Nickelodeon days, so it's understandable
No. 433010
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Amanda Seyfield is, once again, stirring the fucking pot. No. 433055
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No. 433059
>>433055Thats old news and it wasnt even secret. There were news about it all over the Berlin metro back in march.
I agree it's shocking though.
No. 433121
>>433055it feels so weird because i remember being a fan of tokio hotel when they were literally like…kids
its hard to reconcile my own age with reality lol
it was so long ago but feels so recent
congrats to them i guess?
No. 433181
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This Billie throwback tho, she probably had a Twitter Stan account too lol
>>433121Same here anon, I still have my old TH CDs
No. 433189
>>433121God, fucking Tokio Hotel…
>>432535She looks like Vanessa Hudgens here lol
No. 433248
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>>433199>>433242I just looked them, and what a fucking downgrade.
Not this "greasy, sleazecore gay man and his bumbling straight guy friends" type of aesthetic.
They should've either let the past be a faded, fond memory, or just gone ham and tried to bring back that old emo kid energy. There's a scene and emo revival going on nowadays, so it would've worked in their favor if they did the latter (even if it was mostly tongue-in-cheek).
Seriously, who the fuck is paying money to see the guys in the bottom play live? What is there even to see?
No. 433250
>>433233Funny that you say that cause in an interview or something she actually mentioned her as one of her ultimate faves.
I don't care much about her. I like that she does her own thing and doesn't give a fuck about being super feminine and all but she just says too many questionable things and I'm like pls girl shut up you're so sheltered you have no idea.
Also not fond of her casually using bitches as a synonym for girls. The way she talks about "other girls" sometimes sounds like it's coming from a typical sexist dude. She definitely tries a bit too hard and hangs out with too many (older)guys.
No. 433265
>>433248God this brings back memories. Even in my poor easteuro country they were extremely popular, I used to crush on Tom hard but he looks like shit now.
I vaguely remember news about girls cutting themselves at their concerts
No. 433269
>>433055literally WHAT
Isn't Heidi Klum an ex-wife of Seal?
Bill was a kid like 10 years ago (ok, I know that he was already twenty, but still…), that's a huge gap and extremely weird to see the ex-emo kid marrying a normie ex (?) model that could be his mother.
Wouldn't be surprised if she's his beard or something.
If not, wish them the best of luck, but I feel like they will crash and burn soon.
No. 433270
>>433269They're "only" 16 years apart - that's an age difference you see constantly in Hollywood, just with the genders reversed. He's 30, it's not like he's barely legal.
I don't see what's so weird about a broke musician marrying a rich older model.
No. 433319
>>433248bill is the biggest disappointment
how do you go from being such a pretty borderline troon but still sexually attractive teen/young adult, to obviously male but ugly styling almost like a gay fashion designer trying to emulate george michael and failing miserably as you age
No. 433374
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>>433272right. if you're going to marry a younger man/sugar baby why would you go for… him?
No. 433434
>>433055Tom's first ex-wife is also older than him. I don't care if he has a mommy complex or simply likes older women - but Heidi seems like weird choice for Tom since Bill and him hated fame so much that they moved to the U.S. Fans stalked them constantly and even broke into their home in Germany, so of course they value privacy and live under the radar. Heidi is a famewhore per excellence, she has to show the world every part of her life. They have two completely different ways of living.
Has anyone seen GNTM this May? It was a major cringefest and you could totally see that Tom was embarrassed and didn't say much at all whereas Heidi was a hyperactive mess and talked about marriage non-stop.
>>433419I'm sure that Bill is at least bi and he only said Heidi Klum in that interview because she was an obvious answer since she the most famous model in Germany back then. He had to obtain his ~HetEro image in order to sell music to girls.
No. 433439
>>433434he was already married? wtf?
i can still remember all the stalkers from back in the day that would freak out over every little interaction they had with females and the ridiculous shipping between members of tokio hotel and cinema bizarre
damn….im old…
No. 433445
>>433436I know that a girl from my work went to see them for the exact same reason, I guess she must have ended up being disappointed.
The band does not want to admit that their glory days are long gone. They have always been pure cringe, maybe you don't enjoy their new songs cause you don't have nostalgia goggles protecting you from low quality.
At the same time I find it slightly unfair when fans expect musicians to just give up on new music and keep playing their old three hits during the shows. The band has moved on, accept it and enjoy the gig for what it is or don't go. It's simple as that.
I need to add that I am not a TH fan and I never was as I found their music shitty and their image screamed industry plant. I remember buying a TH cap and a pillow with Bill for a colleague who was a huge sperg at the time.
>>433439So he's on his second marriage? Time sure does fly.
I am glad I am not the only one that remembers Cinema Bizzare, that was also a total trainwreck. In a way, Germans tried to rip-off the Japanese phenomenon/'soft power' of pandering music groups before South Korea did. I guess I am glad they failed or we would have an infestation of germaboos as well.
Are those Cinema Bizzare guys still doing something or have they disappeared?
No. 433453
>>433445no idea, im way out of the loop apparently
im almost scared to look them up because i always cringe when i look up guys in bands i used to like because the majority of them age like absolute shit
No. 433454
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>>433453>>433445found some before and after gonna sage all the pics but here you go
No. 433456
>>433445I was a kid during their golden days so I guess that kinda explains why I liked them so much. But yeah, they were never that great. But at least they used to be better imo…
And I agree that you shouldn't expect bands to continue playing their old songs forever. But in this case they kind of advertised their tour as some kind of throwback but only played like three old songs.
Regarding Cinema Bizarre, the singer is quite active on social media iirc (he goes by Jack Strify I think) and I think another member is a drag queen or something.
No. 433457
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>>433454this one was always an uggo but was one of the most popular ones for some reason
he got shipped with bill the most
No. 433458
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>>433457this one is shocking
No. 433460
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>>433458this was the weeaboo of the group
at least he still has a similar aesthetic
No. 433461
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>>433460here was the creepy troon guy that got kicked out for whatever reason
No. 433718
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>>433319If you guys think Bill turned out cringey you should see Jack Strify from Cinema Bizaree. I looked him up on Twitter one day after stumbling across some CB songs and… eugh. IDK what happens to German weebs as they age but yikes.
No. 433722
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>>433718Fucking gross. I can see his fucking pubes.
No. 433723
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>>433718>>433722That's so sad. RIP to this cutie.
I feel kind of bad because it's clear he's trying to be what he once was in that photo you posted, but it's just too little, too late. He couldn't even be arsed to shave, ffs.
No. 433740
>>433718FUCKING SHIT MY SIDES. I was just wondering what these guys looked like now too KEK
What is this called? This is like almost drag queen but more burlesque. Is this just how old semi famous Germans dress now?
No. 433844
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a snippet from their mv from 2014. and despite all, bill claims he's just an lgbt "supporter" - boy, come out already. you have nothing to lose.
used to be their fan until 20-fucking-17 when they made the worst business decision imaginable and tried out a 10-something-stop US tour. which obviously got cancelled several months prior since they had roughly 30 fans left in ameriKKKa. the band said naught and waited several weeks before making a semi-official statement, bill obviously blocked everyone who called him out kek
No. 433846
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oh, also: tokio hotel regularly sells multiple different meet and greet packages a 900 cap gig for 200-2000 freedom coins. the most expensive ones come with a 10 minute talk with the band and a selfie with them! o joy! also: i've heard both bill and tom are raging misogynists but getting into detail would be powerleveling i guess lol
No. 433853
>>433844he's out though
he could very well be bi or gender fluid or whatever the hell kids call it these days, but he's made it very obvious he likes dick either way
No. 433890
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>>433457Dude looks like Karlie Kloss
No. 433925
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>>433445>In a way, Germans tried to rip-off the Japanese phenomenon/'soft power' of pandering music groups before South Korea did.Not just Germans, there were many bands in (Northern) Europe who were definitely inspired by Visual Kei.
Does anybody remember HIM? Same with Tokio Hotel, they had a pretty singer, a fat homely guy, a guy with dreads,… and they've also aged super hard.
Why is it that or when did the makeup trend with bandguys die out?
No. 433926
>>433925ville aged hard and fast because he was a disgusting pathetic perpetually drunk manchild, just like bam margera which was why they were such close friends
surprised neither of them have died yet though i hear that bam surpassed ville on the messy scale so much that even ville was like "whoa dude ok im not talking to you anymore until you stop this shit"
same dynamic as bert mccracken from the used and gerard way from mcr lol
all of these men age like shit because they just dont give a fuck when they're young and then they end up shriveled up bananas before they barely even hit 30, with no stable relationships and a plethora of health issues but still try to hold on to the image from their glory days which basically just leads to them banging mentally unstable stalker fans with stds and being in debt because they think theyre still rich and famous, and usually overdosing or having severe issues like brett michaels whos in and out of the hospital because hes fucked himself up so much with drugs and alcohol etc
i wish rockstars got posted here more they're all so milky and ridiculous
No. 433931
>>433846i mean i'm somehow not surprise they're mysoginist but can you please tell us more about this?
all this TH milk has me thriving.
No. 433934
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>>433926Yeah Ville ruined himself. I get the feeling that he is trying to move on now that he's making boring music with Agents. He got new teeth that makes him look really strange. Idek.
No. 433939
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>>433925Back in good old 2005, HIM was my absolute favorite band. I knew every song of theirs by heart and still do, actually (up to Venus Doom, anyway.) Even though I've matured and expanded the types of music that I listen to, I'm sure the band will always have a special place in my little emo heart. Sorry, just had to sperg for a second since I don't think I've seen them brought up on LC before.
No. 433968
>>431019>>433871oop i'm back. anyway, here are my sources, based off of 10 years of desperately seeking every tidbit of information i could find;
- tom has made shitty misogynistic jokes since forever. probably was something his management persuaded him to do at first but it seems like he's.. truly caught up to it? just search for some recent meet and greet recaps and youll see what i mean. basically, constant jokes about how women are only sexual objects to him (apart from heidi, 'course!)
- bill has straight out stated he doesnt believe men can form meaningful friendships with women
- also said during a m&g i partook most female pop singers only got famous by sucking some good dick, was clearly confused when his predominantly female fans didnt respond too well
- this one isn't directly from me so i'd take it with a grain of salt: anyway, a girl i used to know online quit her th fan career after she was their assistant during their trainwreck us tour of -16 and overheard multiple crass jokes tom made about her
No. 433979
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>>433926I read that Ville and Bam haven't spoken in ages.
Bam had a child last year and is doing worse than ever. There's a thread on kf about him.
>i wish rockstars got posted here more they're all so milky and ridiculousSame.
>>433934As a former fan I'm pretty disappointed about this, after breaking up he said he'll continue doing music similar to him, but the stuff he does nowadays is just boring.
>>433935He dates a girl who looks young enough to be his daughter tho, like your typical aging rockstar
No. 433985
>>433926kek your diatribe cracked me up, so accurate
I definitely had a BRAVO centrefold of Ville hanging in my room but in hindsight his teeth were always very yellow
No. 433996
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Just checked up on a bunch of the rockstars I used to obsess about and ..
No. 434007
>>433997Bam is still my ultimate Celebricow (hough obviously he isn't a celebrity now, so just a straight lolcow). He's been the trainwreck I can't look away from for so many years.
There are still people claiming his behaviour/addiction issues are a result of Ryan Dunn's death even though that was 8 years ago AND Bam was a fucking mess way before that. Fans be delusional. Steve-O had comparable (I suspect worse) issues and accepted the intervention from the group, went to rehab and stayed sober.
Meanwhile Bam looks more like his Dad every day, despite spending so much time on his shows saying his worst nightmare was to end up like him. He's fucked, I won't be surprised when TMZ reports his death. Also tbh I suspect the whole family is a bit fucked considering they all shielded Don Vito…
No. 434011
>>434000As someone in the comment section pointed out: "Problem is…we grew up. Bam didn't."
What kills me is: He is 39 years old. He looks 55 and I'm being generous.
No. 434012
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>>433181Am I the only one slightly
triggered by Billie's hair in that pic on the right? It looks like a balding recovering chemo patient. Not sure if thats and old photo of her, if so didn't realise her hair was always that thin. I thought it was only because of all the dyes she's had done.
Not trying to throw hate, it's just a really unflattering photo, and not in some cute quirky way like they may have been going for.
No. 434026
>>433583Yoo not to blog but I went to high school with that bitch lol
She won “most likely to brighten your day” for senior superlative funnily enough
No. 434033
>>433997>>434000This is the best karma I've ever seen happen to an arrogant punk, I can't believe so many girls used to cream themselves over him when even in middle school I could tell Bam was a huge fucking jerk.
He became everything that he hated: His dad. He's fat and unshapely like Phil now that he's given up the coke benders and bulimia.
The only justice left to be served is seeing this guy get sued and go broke. I hope it happens sooner than later, since all his friends who've sobered up have already abandoned his sinking ship.
No. 434038
>>433968yea I remember Tom having the "womanizer who sleeps with 10 girls a night" image while Bill had the "looking for my soulmate" image (but like he gay).
>>433996weirdly almost wholesome
No. 434086
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So, all the talking about Bam reminded me when back in 2017 IG model (?) Ceilidh aka lilmixedhunny exposed Johnny Knoxville for drugging and raping her. He had gotten her a part in a movie.
Him and Chris Pontius harassed and threatened her on social media.
It angers me that this never really got much attention. And apparently it's not the first time they do shit like this?
This is from a user on PULL
>During one of her streams a while ago after she got arrested she exposed johnny knoxville for drugging her drink and raping her, it’s known that she got kicked out from the movie because of drugs but she also mentioned that they gave her the drugs, johnny knoxville sent her to rehab pretty much just to keep her quiet (she was in rehab twice in 2017, the earlier one) it seems like johnny and maybe the rest of the crew are gaslighting her, the one who hacked her icloud was johnny too. Isn’t Johnny Knoxville married on top of all of this?
No. 434089
>>433993remember how fucked on drugs most of the people on jackass and viva la bam were? well, they all wont have anything to do with bam now because he is literally worse than all of them put together and they've all grown up and found sobriety(especially steve-o who turned out to be a really good guy, and Novak who was notorious for being the worst drunk/druggie out of all the people in their circle) and as far as i know even his family has started not having anything to do with him outside of when hes in rehab, which never sticks
people are blaming ryan dunns death for bams downword spiral but honestly i think theres more to it and he just grew up as such an entitled narcissistic prick asshole that he just refuses to grow up and man up and be responsible for literally anything because he was never held accountable for literally abusing and torturing his parents and ex gfs/wives
i fully expect him to die before 50 if he doesnt turn his shit around
his wife is dumb as fuck though you can tell shes a hanger on and a druggie herself
shes practically a groupie as most of these young girls who marry/date/fuck/have kids with aging washed up male celebrity has beens are
just sucks she had a kid with him
i cringe when the kid is around bam because he probably abuses him too
No. 434091
>>434007lol i didnt see your post before i posted mine but we practically said the same thing
so true
hes one of the biggest cows in the entertainment industry
im surprised worse hasnt happened considering he keeps throwing parties where anybody who wants to can show up
No. 434092
>>434063I mean its a little crude i guess but it probably just depends on her personality and if she doesnt mind that kind of talk.
I wouldnt mind my boyfriend saying he was addicted to my pussy, its not offensive to me and is actually kind of nice? Different strokes and all that.
No. 434093
>>434086well johnny has been fucking around on his wife forever
he literally fucked jessica simpson while both were married, as did bam
honestly it was probably a threesome but she hung out with bam a couple of times in public after
this was while she was filming the dukes of hazzard movie iirc
bams ex spilled all the milk on that shit
No. 434095
>>433926info on gerard way and bert mccracken situation?
i loved the fuck out out of mcr and seem to remember they had some sort of friendship then feud with the used or something
actually any info on gerard way in general is he skeezy? didn't some girl make sexual assault allegations a while back but nothing came of it …?
No. 434096
>>434095i dont have much as i stopped really paying much attention to them many years ago
gerard stopped hanging out with bert because he was such a mess
gerard had an alcohol drug problem but was sober until he met/started hanging out with bert who basically brought him back down into the spiral of crazy shit all over again and fucked him up and iirc he began self harming because of the alcohol, then decided to kick bert and got sober again and has been sober ever since?
i dont know about the assault allegations against gerard
i havent heard that but maybe you're thinking of mikey?
there was a huge scandal with mikey fucking other(almost underaged) groupies while with alicia(who was actually a groupie herself), he blamed it on alcohol when he got found out after one of the girls spilled all the milk and alicia divorced him and he moved in with this groupie girl who had stalked alicia and actually was attempting to copy her, down to naming her cat the same as alicia and mikeys cat, and then mikey asked her to marry him right after he seperated from alicia lol
it didnt last long as far as i know he got with someone else, claims to be sober, and has a kid now
No. 434108
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>>434102Remember that interview he did with Gayle King and he was screaming and trying to menace her? That pedo piece of shit couldn't have looked more guilty if he tried. I hope he fucking rots.
No. 434170
>>434117He probably wont, saddly. Pedos usually get the worst treatment in prison but R Kelly is huge, he's a celebrity that has many fans in prison I'm sure. The other inmates will empathise for his "jailbait" attraction and will just hang out with him.
Very few men actually get what they deserve.
No. 434222
>>434086A few years ago Pontius, Dave England and Preston Lacy (plus Wee Man, I think?) did a tour where one of the 'jokes' in Preston's stand-up routine was about how he raped a drunk girl who they had all tricked into thinking she was going to have sex with Knoxville. He was openly admitting this like it was hilarious.
Everything bounces off them because 'lol that's just how those guys are, what did you expect?' or 'oh well they were probably on drugs so whatever'. Nothing sticks and probably never will. I loved Jackass and its spinoffs so much as a kid/teen but hate them all as an adult.
No. 434239
>>433461replying kinda late to this,but i looked up this guy after tokio hotel were mentioned here.idk where you got he is a troon from,but from a few social media posts i found he looks like a fucking mess.he said on his fb that he is bankrupt and poor and that no one wants him in pretty broken english and had a gofundme campaign that got like 350 euros .he's most likely on drugs and he is skelly af which looks his last fb post he was talking about going to jail because of debt
>>433718whats up with these alternative dudes that can't grow out of their old style and make it a bit more mature and match their age kek
No. 434254
>>434157In Finland? How did they look irl?
I thought Ville said he broke off contact with Bam because he finally managed to stop drinking (and smoking)?
Does anybody know whether his project with Agents is successful? I can't imagine him having saved up enough and starting to work another job at this age is difficult.
>>434239There were rumors that the twins also got treatment for anorexia while being on a break, Tom's normal now but Bill is still skinny.
Trying to be as skelly as possible is already difficult for japanese dudes, but achieving that same look as a tall european man…
Does anybody remember Yohio? It's 2019 and that boy is still trying to make it as a ~visual kei artist~ lol
No. 434255
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>>433718Why do men always have to ruin themselves?
No. 434266
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>>434254>Does anybody remember Yohio? It's 2019 and that boy is still trying to make it as a ~visual kei artist~ loli actually got his latest song in my recommended and gave it a wasnt terrible but he fucking needs to drop the visual key,anime twink aesthetic and fucking grow out of it
>>434255this is an actually nice pic of him compaired to others ive seen.if he had a look like that it would be fine but NO he has to dress like this
i really dont mind people having quirky looks but it has to look at least decent and not like a mess
No. 434273
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>>434239he just looks like a troon to me tbh
one of those really shitty ones that still keeps his dick despite trying to be a female in every other way
so maybe i should have said pre troon
whats that one youtuber that pretended to have multiple personalities and was also a fake troon? thats who he reminds me of
No. 434314
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>>434254i mean, bill obviously used to be anorexic.
No. 434328
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>>434311Why would a het couple go to a gay club?
>>434317I can't remember him ever looking more than 50kg, also couldn't any pics…?
On a related note, if Bill was a kid nowadays (and american) he would have been definitely convinced to troon out.
No. 434335
>>434328germany is gayer than america tbh
almost every male in german media is effeminate if not outright flamboyant with rumors of homosexual nature lol
that group cinema bizarre was literally a representation of german popular music/image at the time, which was all gay/bi/queer pandering hence why they are all drag queens, trans or gender fluid now on all the instagrams
even their metal groups employ homosexuality and queer baiting in their music and imagery
No. 434385
>>434384shes an attention whore of the highest degree
i liked her on project runway the first couple of seasons and was very limited to my exposure on her
her whole >i invented halloween costumes schtick is annoying af
No. 434394
>>434385Most germans don't even know that she has a career in the US and if they do they can't comprehend how. Why would anybody invite or to shows or interviews?
Maybe her voice in english is less annoying, but in german she sounds so highpitched that you can't help but want to punch her. Every german (even the little girls watching germany's next topmodel) hate her like poison.
No. 434514
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Am I a conspiratard for thinking that Rolling Stone made Hasley’s skin way darker than it actually is? It’s not that I’m denying that she’s part black but she always looks pretty pale instead of the typical mixed look. She looks pretty white in most photos of her so seeing this is kinda jarring.
Not trying to start a race spergout. Just thought this was weird.
No. 434520
>>434394I dunno
>>434461, I can hear Heidi's accent, it's not thick and she does speak English fluently, but I find her high pitched and annoying as well. I'm glad she's not on AGT anymore, or Mel either; they were both loud as fuck.
No. 434525
>>434514just looks like she got a tan tbh
black girls, especially light skinned black girls or biracial girls can tan too
No. 434530
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>>434514Nope, you rite. Notice how they styled her hair to make it look more curly and frizzy. They're obviously trying to make her look more "ethnic".
I wouldn't have even known it was her without her name at the bottom…
Comparing this pic to a quick Google image search you can tell that they're trying to exaggerate her "blackness". She's not that dark and usually wears her hair straight.
The photo is ridiculous imo. She's only 1/4 black and doesn't even look it irl. Why try to make her look like some Hallie Berry wannabe?
No. 434535
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>>434530Here's a photo from that same shoot juxtaposed with how she usually styles herself…
Doesn't even look like the same woman lmfao
No. 434538
File: 1563156043608.jpg (42.18 KB, 539x533, a14818fe6943c0e3e5206d4b5e98d3…)

>>434535she has worn her hair curly before plenty, and its summer so she might have just tanned
ya'll are reaching
shes black
No. 434556
>>434555she identifies as black but rarely wears her hair natural because the few times she has, she got made fun of for it
when she wears it natural she looks just like the photoshoot so i dont get the big deal either
No. 434566
>>434564except if you go on sites like lipstick alley, even light skinned fully black individuals are not fully black and are white passing even if they're 10 shades darker than an actual damn white person kek
who gives a fuck other than miserable race baiters who feel a constant need to perpetuate victimhood even when its not an issue
No. 434586
File: 1563160157746.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.79 KB, 634x696, 9687588-6692729-image-m-53_154…)

>>434026do you have any milk? also from the area and kinda vendetta hate her because her cousin bullied me lmao (although there are plenty other reasons to hate her…). did you watch the documentary? what was with the ending where they imply she's bi and have some fling with a girl? tbh she always came off that way, especially when she cut her hair like this lmao
>pic relatedspoiler to not clog up thread
No. 434696
>>434622Depends on how they look though tbh
Usually in America if you look black you're black, some mixed people show one race more
No. 434763
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>>434748a quick google search is your friend, anon.
No. 434777
>>434763I googled "halsey parents" before and those pics werent there.
But yeah to me her dad looks at least a little bit white. He looks like 1/8 white to me rather than half.
No. 434796
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>>434696tbh it's so stupid when some try to make black people accept even very mixed people as "black".
like meghan markle. some really argue she looks "more black than white", but fucking look lmao.
No. 434876
>>434864I'm an Eurofag and no one would call her Black in my country. Most people would call her mixed, or White with some Black ancestry.
Americans are the ones with the one-drop rule obsession.
No. 434891
File: 1563212491111.jpg (53.61 KB, 271x299, wolf_in_sheeps_clothing43.jpg)

>>434026That was when she wore her "mask"
No. 434892
>>434876This. I wanted to tell that anon they sounded like a self-hating brownie LARPing as a white European online so they could play the DNA Olympics.
It's literally almost always miscellaneous brown people with really bad complexes who get the most anal over who can be considered "white". It's so pathetic
No. 434947
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They both look horrible
No. 435033
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>>434995>so is their kid sadly.Why would anyone think Blue Ivy is ugly? She literally just looks exactly like Beyonce herself did as a kid. I've never understood it.
No. 435037
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>>435034It looks like none of their kids took after Jay-Z much. They're so cute.
They really dodged a bullet, lmao.
No. 435150
>>434586Not much but her friends sometimes post about how wonderful she is and how the big bad media doesn’t portray her story with her side of the story, and how great of a friend she is yadda yadda,I have a few screenshots but I don’t know if this would be the correct thread for them.
She was the grade above mine, spoke to her a few times but I didn’t know her all that well.
Her yearbook photo was taped on our psychology teacher’s wall, which I found strange after the whole thing came out. Michelle gave it to her obviously, and there were other graduated seniors in the wall but still.
After the whole thing came out in the news she was gone for months but came back to school and participated in after school fundraisers and whatever. I was at a fundraiser for another student who had passed away, and she came to it and instead of laying low she drew attention to herself by asking a “funny” question to her friend who was on stage asking if she could take her dogs to prom. This was the first week she came back to school, and every time she walked by the halls would be silent. Idk it was weird. She did go to prom though, with a date too, like watch out buddy.
No. 435179
>>435177I think she's a very talented and hardworking singer and I respect her for that but I'm turned off by this controlled and calculated image of her. It feels like she's never herself whenever she's off-stage. I think it's cause she's not very bright so she doesn't wanna ruin her image by saying dumb shit. Also claiming to be feminist while staying with her old ass cheating man…lol..
This mysterious, untouchable image of hers just makes her fans crazier than they already are.
No. 435182
File: 1563268385558.jpg (99.42 KB, 1139x1080, sketch-1563267444774.jpg)

>>434556I mean…how could you not make fun of her for this shit? No one cares that her hair is curly. They made fun of her because she styled it into an afro in an attempt to show how black she is when she doesn't even have the curl pattern that lends itself to an afro (at least not without a lot of effort)
It looks way better here
>>434514 and I don't think she looks black in that photo at all. I don't even think that's what they were going for, just looks like a tan to me.
She does try play up her "blackness" when she's trying to be woke on Twitter or in interviews, but it seems like she's calmed down from that a bit since the whole "I'm a black woman" and hotel shampoo thing. At least afaik.
No. 435185
File: 1563269481472.jpg (243.12 KB, 1134x842, 0b8.jpg)

>>435179>controlled and calculated imageAbsolutely. Remember back when these pictures surfaced and her PR team was desperately trying to get them off the internet? It's almost creepy how sanitized her image is, you have no sense of her personality at all.
No. 435226
>>435182>>435204Meh… American society is so racist that I can see why she would say and do stuff like this. I'm black and was bullied (by mostly black kids) for how I dressed, what I liked to listen to, read, eat, etc. because it wasn't what other black kids liked. Yes, it was stressful but I got over that by the time I started college.
Because she's visibly white but knows she has black ancestry, it does place her in a weird zone of American society. Especially nowadays where everyone is a wannabe activist who gets off on being "woke". If she said nothing about her background, somebody would dig up her family photos and post them to twitter saying she's "hiding" or "ashamed" of being part black.
Looking at this stuff, I don't think she's purposely trying to be offensive or convincing. She's just not intelligent and is doing what she thinks she should be doing.
No. 435263
>>435182How bored and spoilt must Americans be to cry about people asking them about the colour of their nipples and not knowing which pop artist to like.
I can't believe this is considered racism and oppression when there's a war in my country that the world doesn't give a shit about because we're white commies.
Wow. She must have it so hard.
No. 435370
File: 1563300549025.jpg (90 KB, 634x903, 16119020-0-image-a-16_15632886…)

Does Justin Bieber just send his wife to defend him on twitter all day like a fucking cuck or what? Its getting old and he looks more pathetic everytime she does this kek.
"Hailey Baldwin Bieber is coming to the defense of her husband Justin after the lead singer of Tool, Maynard James Keenan, seemed to slight the pop star for sharing some of the band's song lyrics last week.
Upon learning that Biebs had posted words from the track The Pot via his Instagram Story last week, Keenan reacted with a tweet simply saying: '#bummer.'
Hitting back at the rocker, model Baldwin, 21, tweeted how the Parabola singer was 'childish' and must be 'unhappy' with himself to make such remarks."
No. 435374
>>435370Rock music purists and some "oldschool" musicians can be really pathetic tbh. They hate you if you like pop and hate you if you like their own music because you couldnt possibly understand it. Hating Bieber is 2008 teenager behavior.
random example, I love NIN but theyve alienated a lot of their fans by insulting CDs and trying to exclusively sell their stuff on vinyl (ignoring the fact that early albums were on cassette…where are those versions?) and they also tried to get those damn kids off their damn phones by recently not selling tour tickets online. They forced fans to wait hours at the venue to buy tickets, then come back at a later date for the actual show. It had so much backlash. Idk if its all Trent Reznor's doing or if he has some horrible publicist/marketing team. People have jobs lmao.
No. 435376
>>435374can confirm trent reznor is a piece of shit who was doing the same things marilyn manson and his crew were doing back in the 90s and 2000s to groupies
really sick shit and i dont know why people hold him to some standard as if hes a nice guy or something
No. 435387
File: 1563302106659.png (239.39 KB, 681x511, D_nQzkcW4AEshmp.png)

Meanwhile Grimes …
>I have also eliminated all blue light from my vision through an experimental surgery that removes the top film of my eyeball and replaces it with an orange ultra-flex polymer that my friend and I made in the lab this past winter as a means to cure seasonal depression. No. 435391
>>435384after he got with her he started pretending groupies werent his bread and butter, calling them all fat and desperate and claiming no one would ever sleep with any of them, when he was quite literally partaking in their services beforehand and probably still was at that point
basically that whole "im a family man now and any girl im not married to is disgusting and i wouldnt touch any of my fans with a 10 foot pole" kind of thing that old famous people try to pull so their wife doesnt leave them and take half their money
he clearly didnt think they were gross enough when he was getting them drunk and having them do beer enemas with manson back in the day
No. 435398
>>435396ikr, at first I thought that somebody faked it but when I checked it for myself I thought this must be a fucking joke lmao
I'm all about artsy-fartsy creators and musicians but grimes is just straight up cringe.
No. 435486
>>435391didn't he start insulting fans on twitter after he announced his engagement and they proceeded to insult mariqueen with racial slurs?
i liked NIN as well but if you're 25+ and sitting on forums calling your favourite singer's wife all sorts of slurs and names, you probably need to seek help over unfulfilled lewd gothboi trent uwu~ fantasies. same delusion as kpop stans. not necessariy defending trent for the shit he did during his coke years, but he is certainly not as heinous as marilyn "wifebeater" manson. NIN fandom is spergy in general
No. 435529
I really liked the last thread image.
>>435263>there's a war in my country that the world doesn't give a shit about because we're white commiesWhere are you? None of the current communist countries are majority white. Maybe you're in Georgia or something?
No. 435577
>>435226Not denying that American society is racist or has odd boundaries about race but I honesty think most of the shit she says is in her head. It would be one thing if she was mixed race and actually looked it. What she would be saying would be pretty
valid imo. But she’s mixed race and hardly looks it. Most Americans would classify her as white. Not saying she had it totally easy but I highly doubt she had the typical mixed race experience or even closed to it.
Besides, going beyond race, Halsey’s always seemed like the type of artist to point out how “different” and “unique” she is, so her constantly bringing up her mixed race heritage probably gives her more special snowflake fuel.
No. 435578
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No. 435599
>>435581>>435583the whole fucking franchise is pandering. James bond is the epitome of male fantasy.
its a dumb fictional spy movie and the shits been done to death, its good they're pandering to something else for a change since thats practically the role of 007 at this point.
people complaining about the actor before we’ve seen anything about it other than her role, something that happens with every other big movie once casting is settled, sound no different than incels whining about politics when feeemales and queers exist in something they like
another movie wasnt necessary i think, but iat least SOMETHINGS changed
No. 435682
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>>435370Maynard is such a self absorbed cunt, it's unbelievable. So what if Bieber likes your stuff ? What a whiny bitch, he thinks Tool is above everything, for intelligent people only uwu, when it's mostly fake deep, unnecessarily long and pretentious stuff. His fanbase is terrible too, always reeeeeeeing about Fibonacci and their superior intellect and music taste.
Oh and,
he's been accused of rape in the past but somehow no one talks about it , Tool even toured with the Smashing Pumpkins recently, what a disappointment in SP.
links : No. 435690
>>435682I agree. I like some of his songs, but he is a massive tool
pun intended. He is generally classicist and snobbish. I'm not sure how I feel about his accusations, tho. The story seemed flawed and flimsy.
No. 435814
>>435682 and I don't give a shit about Bieber at all, I know he's an ass too. I'm just super annoyed by Maynard's snowflakey/cow tier attitude. The tweet he responded to here was not about how Bieber is trash, it was simply about his music taste, as if it was the worst thing about bieber, lmao. Like, it's such a dumb argument when as you said there are plenty against him, yet Maynard just wants to be edgy and acts like a 16yo metalhead (he's
55 ffs)
It's only a #bummer for him because he likes to look down on every popular thing and act as if he's the only person who's intelligent enough to listen to his own music bc he's a self obsessed prick ; not because of
ANY of the reasons you gave against Bieber.
No. 435815
>>435794Nobody here actually cares for him, but maybe you were too young to have seen the era where 12-15yos thought it was the coolest thing ever to despise Bieber. I remember other teens in school legitimately getting angry/judging other teens for liking Bieber (this was during the "One Time" and "Baby" eras). So we grew up associating Bieber hate = edgy teenager, because when he first gained fame, he didnt give anyone reason to legitinately hate him.
obviously later he became a dick and the "haters" finally had a leg to stand on lmao. but yes, there was a notorious era where hating him for no reason was cool, so I do not trust some old rock musician to actually hate him for being a dick. You really think this male is holding another male to his actions? Please.
No. 435861
>>435859the only reason it would suck to be Justin Bieber is if he was raped/molested as a child
otherwise, he's a privileged snobby white kid whos had thousands of females throwing themselves at him and brought in tons of money for being a basic boring mediocre singer attached to a dick, who chose to go full retard and fuck up his own life with drugs and a cult
i dont feel bad for him
theres no winners in this situation they're all cunts lel
No. 435895
File: 1563391581806.jpg (Spoiler Image,253.28 KB, 720x974, IMG_20190717_221437.jpg)

>>433978>>433233Yeah I feel the same. They wanted to cash in with an Avril for the gen Z and they found a random girl at the mall whom they modeled in a quirky persona.
Spoilered pic to not clog thread
No. 435964
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>>435682>Tool even toured with the Smashing Pumpkins recently, what a disappointment in SP.Not surprising since Billy is a bit of a cow himself
No. 435980
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No. 436003
>>435870Look at how he turned out. He's like drugged up 24/7 and super involved with Hillsong. There's no way he had a good childhood.
>>435964Oh wow uh…Billy Corgan isn't aging well is he.
No. 436016
>>436003Corgan indeed didn't age well. But at least, he's not a druggie / drunk 24/7 and interacts with fans on a daily basis. NOT defending some of his cow tier views in any way,
blog but I saw him live recently and he was very good. His voice didn't age unlike the rest of him, (he often sounds like a cranky old dude on insta) But yeah, he's a tiny bit of a cow too, there's no denying that. Still disappointed in who he chooses to associate with.
Reminds me of Billie Joe Armstrong who's always been super into defending minorities, for equality etc yet chose to work with fucking Morrissey a few months ago. Fans were not happy to say the least.
Would be very nice to discuss rock stars who are total cows (apart from Marilyn Manson obvs)
No. 436021
>>435373 and calling maynard out for his behavior doesn't make someone a bieber stan. maynard james keenan is an elitist edgelord, as are almost all alt males, as i said. and ik it's like, super taboo to admit for some pathetic reason while on an anonymous imageboard, anon, but biebs was a talented kid, he played like every instrument by like 13 despite him being pretty poor and from a single teen mom household. i was never a fangirl but it's 2019 now and biebs never claimed to be a berklee music grad. his early albums were catchy teen pop and unpretentious. idk why people refuse to give this kid kudos still in 2019 tbh
>>436003idk why you guys act like he turned out such a mess. he had everything at his disposal at like 13 and there's 0 way he didn't end up raped or abused, and even if he hasn't, i'm sure people have really fucked him up hard. fame is a destructive force on adults, and someone experiencing that during their primary yrs of development will no doubt be affected, but he really hasn't handled fame all that poorly??
No. 436026
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>>436016>Would be very nice to discuss rock stars who are total cows (apart from Marilyn Manson obvs)I don't see why we can't, they're celebrities. They're not cows at all but Janet Weiss recently left Sleater Kinney right before their tour and new St Vincent produced album.
No. 436027
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SA. Does anyone else find this response weird? Leave it to a woman?
No. 436030
>>436023yeah he like assaulted paparazzi (so what) and similar shit bc he has never had privacy. literally who cares, a child or young adult growing up under the eye of constant scrutiny with 0 space to become themselves and grow is no doubt going to lash out at some point, and that's really… not that bad? every rich kid ever has a dui btw, like, imo, unless he became a somalian war lord, i really dont think it's bad. you'd think he constructs and personally plants pipe bombs in parks w the way people talk about how he's such an asshole, jfc
>>436027lmao it's so funny i always found her to be a cool girl somehow. i think mostly because i believe fred armisen is definitely an undercover piece of shit and she fans his balls on the daily
No. 436033
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>>436026I want Annie Clark milk.
No. 436039
>>436030paps are assholes but it's not really an excuse to physically assault them? like. normal people don't just attack people, because it's a bad thing to do. duis are still shitty things shitty people do, regardless of whether they're rich kids or not. again, his prescription drug addiction and all the other stupid shit he's done are like hallmarks of being a child star growing up badly.
no he's not a terrorist or that bad in the scheme of bad shit celebs do, he's not raped anyone, and people who think it's edgy and cool to hate him still are embarrassing. but it still doesn't mean he's handled fame well. and defending people like scooter braun says a lot about him as a person.
No. 436064
>>436048Are there
any male comedians that aren't secretly creeps??
No. 436076
>>436064Gonna kind of ask something similar but
Are there any male rock stars that aren't/weren't awful?
I know nothing is sacred anymore but it's so disappointing when you have to learn about someone whose art/music you love be total scum of the earth. It's to a point where I'm not sure if I should even care anymore and just appreciate the music they created because literally all of them suck as humans lol
Also as rock stars I feel they get even more free passes than celebrities have. How many underage girls have they all fucked?
Kinda related but not but the talk about Bam Margera and Johnny Knoxville and such is jarring because like every other teenager obviously I liked them and had no way of knowing what horrible people they were.
>>436016So is Billie Joe Armstrong okay?
No. 436078
>>436076i have yet to see anything bad about chester bennington tbh
or any of the other guys in linkin park for that matter
off the top of my head, i cant think of many other semi popular or very popular rock musicians from a band that didnt have at least one piece of shit
No. 436096
>>436095you're literally acting like he's not a cow and anons are some how wrong for criticizing him as if he's special and above being shit on here
who would go that hard to defend someone if they werent a fan?
if you want to defend someone who gets posted about, lolcow is probably not the place for you
No. 436313
File: 1563479816769.webm (1.87 MB, 480x360, the haylor song.webm)

this is old and has been buried to the corners of internet but i found a snippet of it, it's hilarious. halsey's diss to taylor swift with terrible singing.
No. 436396
>>436313seriously, how DID she get famous? this shit is so embarrassing. here are the lyrics for all that are interested (it's officially called 'the haylor song'):
[Verse 1]
Once upon a time, when albums were debuted
Haylor was conceived, we panicked cause we knew
She'd hurt him, she'd hurt him
She'd hurt him, him, him, him, him
At first we didn't care, we figured she'd back off
She'd always got around, we thought she'd take a walk
And desert him, desert him
Desert him, him, him, him, him
But she's still here, in the city
And we realized that we can agree
That we knew she was trouble when she snagged Styles
How could we allow Taylor to get him with her fake smiles
It seems he's her's now
We knew she was trouble when she got Styles
So shame on us now
This fandom's getting kind of hostile
She's gonna put him in her "ex boy pile"
Oh, oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
[Verse 2]
Now Harry's got it bad, they're walking in Times square
The fans can see it all, he doesn't even care
He's blinded, he's blinded
He's blinded-ed-ed-ed-ed
We heard that 'they're so in love' from whispers down the street
But all she really wants is a track for her CD
I hope he sees, I hope he sees
I hope he see-e-e-e-es
She's so anal, a control freak
When he realizes he'll dump her next week
That we knew she was trouble when she snagged Styles
How could we allow Taylor to get him with her fake smiles
It seems he's her's now
We knew she was trouble when she got Styles
So shame on us now
This fandom's getting kind of hostile
She's gonna put him in her "ex boy pile"
Oh, oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
And the saddest fear starts creeping in
That we'd be pissed off
If he loved anyone or anything, yeah
And now we're getting angry cause she snagged Styles
My dashboard hates her
Let's just say this shit better be worthwhile
Cause if he dates her
She's gonna put Harry through some tough trials
And write an album with his name on file
No. 436405
>>436396oh my god this just
triggered dark repressed tumblr memories
iirc she wrote multiple songs about Harry and Taylor lmao. And there was more cringe too I wish I could remember
No. 437252
>>437212This is super fucked up, but I'm honestly glad her career isn't taking a hit for this. Men get away with this shit all the time, it's honestly refreshing to see a woman doing the same and see all the "MUH DOUBLE STANDARDS" tears cried by MRAs over it.
Not to mention, the guy's entire intention was to fucker anyway. He was happy to pay her for sex even though he was engaged. By fucking him, she was simply giving him what he paid for.
No. 437413
>>437246>>437385Prove it? Noone cares that you personally thinks it's a lie, there is no evidence that says she raped and drugged people and no
victims either.
No. 437977
File: 1563825141027.png (872.14 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20190722-124559.png)

Miley is gross and not in a cool edgy way
No. 438231
>>438090But they were paying her to sleep with her. She was a hooker who they hired and then instead of just taking the money they intended to give her, she took all of their money. HOW is stealing bad from people who pay for sex? Men who go to prostitutes deserve
much much worse treatment then stealing.
No. 438338
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>>438330Dacre is a milkless angel
No. 438609
File: 1563937116464.png (342.39 KB, 832x677,…)

Saw this in my recommended and just…who is dressing this girl? Noah and Finn are dressed like normal teenagers and MBB is wearing a blazer with shoulderpads. Why.
No. 438721
File: 1563970027467.jpg (120.54 KB, 962x1194, 15401288-7194723-Vintage_inspi…)

>>431344This. If you put MBB in the cutest, pinkest girly outfit available, you won't see a teenager but an awkward woman with harsh features. She needs edgy clothes, which goes along with her long harsh face and then she will look like a teenager.
No. 438722
File: 1563970094242.jpg (47.79 KB, 407x610, g15q3i-l-610x610-dress-millie …)

>>438721Here she looks 13/14 and not like a middle aged woman
No. 439013
File: 1564005794636.jpeg (174.59 KB, 1260x1260, F86AB5E5-540B-45B6-BF83-3D12C3…)

Ariana looks especially aged and plastic in this pic, can’t put my finger on what exactly it is. I’m surprised she approved this photo to go around.
No. 439017
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>>439013Because she's looking exactly like this
No. 439021
>>438338What is that on his face?
>>438721She has a long face but I wouldn’t consider her features harsh, it’s most likely the makeup.
No. 439030
>>438722This is so cute, I'm sad MBB will never have an awkward teen goth/emo phase. I stick by what one other anon said before about her: theyre trying to make her pass as an adult woman to make pedophilia teeter into normalcy ("well, if she /looks/ 18, can you blame /men/…?")
To think that in 1989, adults playing teens in Grease was considered weird. My galaxy brain is creeped out.
No. 439035
>>438722Tomboyish looks definitely suit her way better than these "glam" looks that age her like 30 years. She has these almost andro, boyish features that don't work well with anything hyper-feminine.
I get the feeling that besides the obvious mainstream agenda, she kind of wants to be more girly herself, though. It's unfortunate, but I can understand it.
No. 439208
>>439028Did you read the article? It mentioned people shipping ‘Tomdaya’ and losing their shit on Twitter when it turned out Tom Holland and Zendaya are not an item.
I’m not talking about people making a portmanteau of (an actual) couples names like Brangelina. I’m saying shipping culture is garbage and needs to fuck off back to fictional fandoms where it came from.
No. 439298
File: 1564072492078.jpg (56.05 KB, 970x546, stranger_things_3_netflix_1280…)

>>438362Eh, I hear many people saying it here but I don't really see it? In Stranger Things she looks 100% like a kid, even in the latest season. They just give her a too mature styling irl, even though she's so young.
>>439271I think one or two threads ago the Riverdale cast was discussed and someone said those two weren't actually dating, it was just PR. So I'm not surprised.
No. 439299
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>>439298Vs how she gets styled in real life. Can you see what they're doing there?
No. 439328
>>439317youre right
but also remember she almost certainly has a stylist and has a team apply makeup. they should have steered her away from these looks that age her so harshly
No. 439340
>>439328They should be giving her more of a casual, effortless Kirsten Stewart or Cara Delevigne aesthetic.
I've known Hollywood's stylists were kind of shitty (or just became that way) after Jessica Lawrence stepped on the scene, though. It's tragic the things they were doing to her, makeup/hair wise.
No. 439641
>>439271I watch the comic con interviews of the riverdale cast on YouTube idk why but they're always such immature dickheads in interviews.
I've heard rumours that KJ is gay and Cole. There's always tension with them in interviews or KJ and any dude.
No. 439669
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Natalia Dyer had an old face when she was TWELVE. This is ridiculous, I can’t believe she’s only 22.
No. 439751
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>>439669She just doesn't know how to dress for her type. She looks her age when she's dressed natural. She also doesn't need so much make up.
No. 440161
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>>440156>>440159Example 2
Once has to be completely blind to think she looks young let alone younger than Elleven
No. 440188
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Amber Heard was so beautiful, she goofed so hard with those fillers.
No. 440498
>>439060>she would insist on only being filmed/pictured on one side of her face (her "good" side)This is old news, there's been articles on this since at least 2014 if not earlier>>439669This is some uncanny valley shit. It literally looks like they took her face from today and shooped it onto a 12 year olds body.
>>439751>She just doesn't know how to dress for her type. She looks her age when she's dressed natural.ntayrt but I think it's a lil unfair to compare how she dresses now to how she dressed when she was 12 and call than an improvement based on "dressing natural". She's dressed exactly her age here
>>439669 , which is a 12 year old in 2009. Of course she knows how to dress better than she did when she was 12, we all do.
No. 440531
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Armie Hammer is weird asf <a href=""></a></p>— jay (@jackieburkhartq) <a href="">July 27, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Has anyone seen this demented sick shit? Armie Hammer filmed his own son sucking on his toes for more than 5 minutes. The same Armie Hammer who admits to being into weird kinky stuff with his wife. Fucking gross
Putting the link to the tweet just in case the embedded one didn't work: No. 440547
>>440531Sis you can
see the embed didn't work, why not delete the shitty post and repost with just the link? The delete feature is made for shit like this.
No. 440550
>>440547eh, it's already posted anyway, just click the working link and move on.
anyway, on the subject at hand - what the hell was armie thinking? putting a video up of your own kid like that for million to see, what an idiot and a creep. i'm glad people are calling him out for this
No. 440562
>>440550>just click the working link and move onYeah but…no? There's literally a feature specifically for you to fix shit like this, like
>>440547 said. You can't just be shitty when people are annoyed that you don't know how to post on the site. No one's gonna click on this cause this post is a mess.
No. 440690
Has anyone heard about the taryn manning thing? (One of the actresses that was in orange is the new black)
I keep seeing articles about her saying the show hurt her, and that no one cares. she was hacked: No. 440714
>>440701NTA but hon, someone else claimed she did.
No. 440843
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>>436056josh homme did the same thing, i like both of their music but still shitty. sad that kind of thing is considered tame in rock/alternative though
>>435397100% not surprising tbh, this is the way i feel about david byrne with the rest of talking heads, in that his autism made him basically borderline
abusive to the rest of the band. i remember some sjws getting pissed at chris and tina poking fun at him acting like a vampire due to his eccentricity, and interpreting it as ableist or whatever.
his thing as an awkward quirky old man now kinda reminds me of deniro, who fucked prositutes and was a massive cokehead (he did a line with belushi the night he died, same with robin williams, which was probably was a big factor to his suicide with the guilt he felt) back in the day.
>>436087i swear, all these famous men get passes on the weird and messed up shit they did back in the day because they’re old and charming now. i’m not even a fan of queen but i sideeye the living members now, because they probably fucked tons of teen groupies, yet are loved by typical uwu leftist types. bowie was extremely lucky when he died before #metoo, even though the maddox story was never proven. they should go for jimmy page considering there’s plenty of evidence of his relationship with lori maddox, and he’s still alive.
sage for famous old man hate sperging
No. 440864
>>440843I always felt like David used his aspergers as an excuse to get away with treating his band members like shit. It's pretty well knows that he has a massive go and was a huge control freak ever since the band first worked with Brian Eno. I mean they even asked him to do a reunion to fix the bad blood between them, but he had to ruin it by acting like such a petty stubborn asshole lol. I know Tina acted obsessed and a little bitchy but it's clear the tension within the band mostly came from him, and it didn't even have to. He's a great artist but he's always struck me as obnoxious
On jimmy page, yeah he's a certified creep. There was literally some kind of interview/confession thing done back in the 70s where he talked about having weird sex dreams with teenager girls in them. And there's also that story of him kidnapping that 14-15 year old prostitute, I think that was Lori maddox you mentioned. I don't even understand how he's getting away with it because these stories are popular, it's not like they're buried or anything. Mick jagger was definitely into that scene as well, hell most Rolling Stones songs are about fucking teenagers. It's like some weird accepted part of the "classic rock" fandom and no one really questions it, even when 8 out of 10 of these rocks stars had clearly fucked underage girls, it's bizarre. Bowie included, unfortunately, I wouldn't put it past him.
No. 440923
>>440843>>440864im in a fb group for discussing talking heads and everyone there is constantly making excuses for DB because they exhault him as some kind of autistic role model, meanwhile he was verbally
abusive to pretty much everyone but also specifically signaled out tina making her re-audition for the band … idk how other fans can excuse that
No. 441061
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Ariana Grande is such a fucking weirdo… People always end up forgiving her because she cosplays as a 14 year old to the public despite being nearly 30 and grown as hell. I dont care if she is vocally talented, her music is recycled stolen garbage and she has the nerve to claim feminism while roleplaying as a pedophiliac fantasy.
No. 441065
File: 1564417609219.jpg (Spoiler Image,124 KB, 1200x1200, D4WH8DtWwAALSjY.jpg)

>>440882>>440997Stfu handmaidens. Amber was abused and she won the case, as it should be. Johnny is convicted. Yes she was always after his money. You can be a
victim and a goldigger at the same. Big surprise for you I guess. Both are substance users too. And no, Johnny didn't won the defamation lawsuit but he is allowed to proceed the lawsuit in Virginia.
No. 441074
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Leonardo DiCaprio's gf posted this pic on instagram, and when people rightfully pointed out that Leo's likely to dump her when she turns 25, and how the couple in pic related spent their relationship cheating on each other (lol), she went to her IG Story and ranted about how people need to be filled with less hate and mind their own business. Cringe
No. 441081
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Same posting but this is what I meant. It's staying in Virginia and she'll most likely loose since there's too much evidence showing that she obviously was beating him up. An ex-girl friend also came out and said Amber would beat her and then threaten to turn the story around if she tried to do anything about it. Public opinion of her also dropped since the pictures came out so my main point was I doubt she'll actually get away with anything whether it be legally or socially.
No. 441083
>>441003Ugh. I never got her appeal.
Her songs are cringe and her aesthetic is so try hard.
>>441074I bet when he eventually dumps her, she’ll change her mind. What’s it even worth anyway? His looks peaked in the late 90s/early 2000s.
No. 441095
>>441073He admitted he did write messages in blood and paint after spending months saying Amber was a liar and he never did it. They're both
toxic. If she's nuts, so is he.
No. 441096
>>441081I've only found articles where the ex herself says Amber's arrest at the airport was blown out of proportion.
>constant white women eating shit in dubai jokesWhile I tune in there for their banter on black women, that site has never been fair to women of any other race. That LSA thread is full of white woman haters and Depp stans so the amount of WK in his favor is unreadable. When you wanna examine evidence together we can do that anon but posting a thread title and going "well' there you go the black women have spoken, Amber is the devil" is not gonna cut it.
No. 441103
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So lady googoo launched her own make-up line and it's surprisingly very dull looking. I thought it will be some artsy shit lipsticks with real virgin blood or some shit like this. No. 441325
File: 1564457217045.jpg (76.58 KB, 450x600, Art Elysium presents John Lege…)

>>440188Looks more like weight gain than fillers to me, I mean look at her arms compared to here.
No. 441404
File: 1564474657225.jpg (30.5 KB, 306x442, IMG_8700.JPG)

>>441325she got fillers from the hell and back, anon.
No. 441423
>>441404Literally everyone who gets fillers looks like a bloated corpse, I don't get why people continue to get them. BDD's a hell of a drug I guess.
>>441401His lawyers admitted doing it.
>Depp’s lawyers also claimed that he was in a state of shock when he “wrote on a mirror and walls in blood and oil paint”. no, I don't believe this drunk old piece of shit was the
victim in any way in their relationship. If anything they were both
abusive to each other. He's pursuing a defamation suit in a state neither of them even lived in because no one else would hear it.
No. 441428
>>441423I know he admitted doing it, i said he never denied ever that he wrote on the mirror. Saying that they were both
abusive is just
victim blaming. she was even beating him when the kids where with them.
No. 441513
File: 1564494110806.jpeg (Spoiler Image,121.33 KB, 1242x699, AF9829D4-29CC-4F64-96AA-5AFE8C…)

>>441423She never went to the hospital in shock with a chopped finger a burn from a cig on her face.
No. 441538
>>441096I will never get Lipstick Alley and their love for Depp and DiCaprio.
Every single one of their "Leo has a new gf"-threads (and he's had a lot…) are filled with more autistic nitpicking than on PULL
>she's too tall, she's too skinny, she looks too young/old, she has a manface, she has a caveman brow bone, her feet are too big, why does she not wear makeup, why is her hair like so flat, where is her ass/are her tits…They're convinced that he's secretly into black women and only using those young blonde models as a "beard"
But why him? lol He hasn't looked good in decades.
>>441074Her mother also married a rich dude and got her at a young age, so she was probably raised like this.
No. 441788
>>441538it gets wilder, theres a big group of people hell bent on the idea that chris evans is going to marry a black woman and have a mixed child just because a physic said so…
>>441573you can see in some threads there's genuine inside info time to time but having to weed out all the larpers is tiring, maybe lc has spoiled me but i would kill for a site like that but with imageboard etiquette
No. 441993
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>>441707She probably knows there's an expiration date on her career and is milking it for cash before it inevitably declines (arguably it already has with the whole awkward sex assault allegation scandal). It's what she's known for, after all, and bad publicity has probably destroyed any longevity-why wouldn't you make enough money to set you up before you fade into production or whatever it is she decides to go into?
No. 442216
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Does anyone else feel like Ariana’s team plant a lot of PR stories - especially about PR relationships? Idk if this is tinfoily but her relationship to Nathan and Big Sean were announced just as she had collabs with them, with Pete all the drama of their get together and break up was played out perfectly in time for the release of the sweetener and TUN albums. A few months ago there was a rumour on some fan accounts that she was dating Mikey from social house that just came out of nowhere and now he’s playing the love interest in her new song and has boyfriend written over his face on the cover art… I feel like it was her own team that started the rumour and that they use fake fan accounts or something to further her PR
No. 442524
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big yikes
No. 442642
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The Kennedy Curse strikes again.
No. 442667
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major vom
No. 443239
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>>443129They will use a surrogate I imagine. He's such a shitty human though.
No. 443324
File: 1564859516293.jpg (82.63 KB, 719x900, 2bfc9be334181619997ac1868ca010…)

Are any germans following this major cow?
>he's 47, she's 18, but he knew her before
>he has a 17-year-old daughter
>they want to get married soon
>constantly say or post inappropriate stuff
They're on a tv show now and he does gross stuff like slapping her butt and then offering other men to do the same, he tried to initiate a foursome and he defended their relationship by saying that "girls nowadays are already ready at the age of 15".
No. 443328
>>443324lmao thought it was Jan Böhmermann at first but at the second look I def recognized this trottel Micheal Wendler. Just read that they are expecting a child.
The last time I saw him it was when he participated at the Dschungelcamp but quit because everybody wanted to make him suffer lol He really needs the sweet €€€.
No. 443425
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>>443328>Just read that they are expecting a child. Please no…
>>443374She's not? She looks just like your regular girl.
>>443417Because he is a washed up country singer.
No. 443426
File: 1564874309604.jpg (90.8 KB, 950x620, laura.mueller-michael-wendler-…)

>>443425Like father and daughter…
No. 443432
>>443324>he defended their relationship by saying that "girls nowadays are already ready at the age of 15".That's some incel tier logic
>>443425>>443426Does she not have parents? who the fuck allows this shit to happen
No. 443437
>>443324I feel bad for her. Imagine wasting your youth with some middle aged loser and then saddling yourself deeper by having his child.
She'll be one of those cool young mothers desperately trying to replay her youth while making a fool outta herself.
No. 443599
>Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly feeling so broody that she is considering using a surrogate to become a mum at the age of 70.>She is currently in a relationship with 22-year-old Sophia Hutchens, who is also transgender.previously:>Next question, please! Caitlyn Jenner Opens a New Window. confirmed during a wide-ranging 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer Opens a New Window. on Friday, April 21, that she underwent gender reassignment surgery, but didn’t want to say too much about the procedure itself.>“I’m not going to dwell on that subject,” the former Olympian, 67, told Sawyer, 71. “It’s not an appropriate question to ask a trans person.” Jenner did, however, reveal that she went under the knife this past January. No. 443619
File: 1564920009855.jpg (79.81 KB, 637x664, gagadan.JPG)

>>443594Fully agree on this. It's pretty much common knowledge in germany that this guy is an absolute moron. But now that I think about this, I feel that this is just another PR stunt because both of them are part of the z-celeb show "Sommerhaus" which is just for people who really need attention for that period of time. The pregnancy rumor just reminds me of another "scandal" couple that were part of she show that faked everything, from being in love to expecting a child and having a miscarriage.
His chick is also an IG model, so both are into it for the exposure for sure.
Speaking of people being in love: Looks like gaga is in a relationship and it isn't bradley cooper. No. 443624
File: 1564921805453.jpg (1.12 MB, 1125x1892, D278D151-1567-4DB3-9B10-31A01C…)

Bam Margera is having another breakdown
No. 443627
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>>443625All his old friends reached out to him, trying to get him to seek help, but his reaction was just releasing never seen before footage of former druggie Novak on a heroin binge.
No. 443690
>>443594i'm not gonna defend her, she is clearly stupid but being stupid isnt something that requires such a punishment as having this loser in your life.
Also are you trying to imply that grooming isnt a real thing? Are you the sperg that went on and on about hating your daughter if she posted nudes on 4chan at 15 a few weeks ago?
No. 443709
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>>443624Imagine being so fucked up that you post a video of yourself abusing a guy who's just trying to do his job and think it's funny. his poor kid would be better off without him.
No. 443757
>>443735How is it not grooming when he even says gross stuff like "I swear, I didn't touch her when she was 17 hehe"?
People hated him to begin with, but now most are only shitting on the girl, saying she's dumb, she'll regret it, that she embarrasses herself, that her parents must feel so ashamed for her blah blah, nobody is really concerned for her.
No. 443777
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NDT in with the bad takes no one asked for. He really has become one of the biggest milkshake ducks of all time. All he does is make the internet hate him more and more, he should have quit while he was ahead.
No. 443787
>>443777This sounds like one of those 4chan/reddit/youtube guys who think they're so lOgIcAl!1!
Like, I'm sorry but a medical doctor making a mistake while trying to save you is not in any way similar to a guy mowing down people with a gun.
No. 443790
>>443777I remember there was a woman who claimed that he raped her, and when she asked him why he did it, he supposedly said some faux-deep bullshit like "Maybe some things are just meant to happen, or happen for no reason at all".
Nobody paid much attention to the allegation, and it seemed like she herself wanted to just speak her truth into the void and move on with her life (it was a blog post that she revealed this in, can't remember the name), but ever since reading that, I've seen the bullshit leaking out of his eyes.
That post comes as no surprise.
No. 443792
>>443790Same anon, I found the blogpost. It's more angry and disjointed than I remember. looks like what was actually said was:
>All I remember is seeing him in the hallway at the astronomy department at UT Austin, and I asked him, “Why did this happen?” He responded, “We are in this alone, and we are in this together”.I remember believing her because it's exactly the kind of BS someone like him would say.
No. 443824
>>443709>Where can i find the idiots guide of how to not be dumb for this moron!damn dude SICK burn
>>443787>>443809Yeah, he thinks he's being COOL and LOGICAL but what he's really doing is sounding like a dumb edgelord, and even the analogy doesn't even make sense? He's acting like those 34 deaths weren't decided by and carried out by 2 people. 2 people kill a combined 34 people in 48 hours, no one person causes 200 car accidents in 48 hours. And if one person did it would be just as much of a spectacle? For someone who's whole personality is "I'm smarter than you!" he sure is fucking stupit.
No. 443828
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>>443777Well, he's getting dragged on twitter, so at least there's that.
No. 443854
>>441073handmaiden isn't a radfem term? It's always been used as an insult towards women who put mens interests before their own.
Some of you really gotta stop being so paranoid about radfems infiltrating everywhere lmao like on one hand radfems are "old useless white women" but on the other hand they apparently are this co-ordinated group infiltrating websites to spread their evil agenda. Grow up.
Also someone can be nuts and still a
victim. Take this black=and-white thought process shit to reddit. They lack the nuance you do, too.
No. 443941
>>443777Onision is that you??
I hate this guy so much.
No. 443964
>>443926neil degrass tyson is probably on the lower end of autistic edgelord, of the bunch. aka, he's the most personable one of the bunch.
let that sink in.
No. 444792
File: 1565101512497.jpeg (155.17 KB, 720x997, 3F61CC0B-F93B-4B6F-A1B3-F20FB6…)

Cara Delevigne married her girlfriend Ashley Benson
For some reason I have soft spot for them. Though Cara is rumoured to be a serial cheater. I’m still happy for them.
At least they seem to have fun together. Pic related: sex swing shopping
No. 445528
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>>445508Get them coins girl lmao
No. 446437
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No. 446448
>>446437I was running in here to post this. Good fucking riddance, if it's true. Sucks that he evaded punishment, though.
I wonder if he was "done away with" by some people who didn't want him exposing others.
Rightfully, literally everyone who made trips with him to that island should be arrested, too, or at least called in for questioning. His flight records and contact book are public knowledge at this point, so it wouldn't be hard.
No. 446453
>>446437He was under suicide watch,they either killed him or let him kill himself to protect someone.
I just hope it doesn't work. Fuck whoever was involved, they should all rot.
No. 446476
>>446472What facts? The
victims themselves have categorically denied Trump was there. Call Trump whatever you like, but he's never shown an interest in anyone under 17, in anyone who didn't look like an adult. He banned Epstein from his club as soon as he was starting to see who he was.
victim-blamed and slut-shamed a 12 year old rape
victim whose entire reproductive system was destroyed by the rapist, and later Hillary laughed about it because she knew the guy was guilty.
The Clintons don't consider average people human, that's why the dumpy cunt thought she could win on a smug platform of "I'm not Trump, that is all."
Like in 2016, only Bernie has a snowball's chance in hell of beating him, but the retarded pedophiles that they are are going to pick aggressive girl-sniffing and fondling on camera, senile, racist uncle Biden.
No. 446482
>>446472Anon are you fucking retarded? Do you think anybody who doesn't like the Clintons are all Trump supporters? Jesus, what black and white world do you live in…
Good riddance to the guy, but he had fucking powerful names. Our government is corrupt.
No. 446483
>>446476The Clintons are vermin and so's Trump, he's been accused of sexual abuse by at least 22 women and one of them did say he raped her when she was 13 with Epstein (who Trump made comments about liking women "on the younger side" years before he got arrested).
>Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.
>Both Defendants let Plaintiff know that each was a very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability and means to carry out their threats. Indeed, Defendant Trump stated that Plaintiff shouldn’t ever say anything if she didn’t want to disappear like Maria, a 12-year-old female that was forced to be involved in the third incident with Defendant Trump and that Plaintiff had not seen since that third incident, and that he was capable of having her whole family killed.Epstein was only free because Alex Acosta gave him literally a reverse plea deal where he gets a joke sentence if he DOESN'T give up his co-conspirators. Who Trump went on to make Secretary of Labor (which deals with people trafficking kek).
No. 446486
>>446476>Call Trump whatever you like, but he's never shown an interest in anyone under 17NTA but what about all that stuff about his daughter? My sides
Agree on the Clintons though
No. 446498
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>>446467>a man who looks like him I just don't know. Maybe he is dead, but I've lost faith in anything these people are telling us.
How do you commit suicide while on suicide watch?
Pic related is being spread around. Sip or spit.
No. 446535
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This is just pathetic. Who do they think they're fooling?
No. 446540
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>>446523Some are disputing that. I personally can't tell.
No. 446543
>>446482Not all of them are Trump supporters but a lot of them are. The Clintons do shady shit, sure but to honestly believe that they kill everyone that pisses them off is retarded. If that were the case, Monica Lewinsky and Anthony Weiner would be dead.
Also you seem really angry about my post. Did it touch a nerve? Lol, go outside.
No. 446547
>>446544I wasn't involved in the Clintonposting, but I agree. I've hated the Clintons (and just the fakeness of the democratic party in general) ever since I heard about Libya and Haiti, and it makes me sick how Hillary tried to champion herself as the "progressive" option just because she happens to be a woman who's (superficially) less messy than Donald. I think he's trash, too. It makes no sense to me how he could've been elected when he's a proud criminal, a pervert and a generally sleazy fuck. Where are the standards for these candidates?
Some Americanons are just so blind to everything outside their own country (despite their government absolutely loving to stick its hands into everyone else's countries) and it's annoying as hell.
No. 446549
>>446544>All Americans are misogynistic alt right trashLol if you’re gonna make such a oversimplifying and broad statement, I
wouldn’t call others stupid.
Also that post you replied too seemed critical of Trump. Why would someone who is critical of Trump be “alt right?” You seem as dumb as the “amerifats” you seem to be accusing.
No. 446551
>>446549American education really fucked up when your reading comprehension is that bad. What I said is both the democratic party and the republican party are mysoginistic right wing trash. Also no one mentionned the alt right, what are you on ?
also sage your milkless shit retard
No. 446555
>>446549NTA, but I read that comment as the US Dem. and Rep. are right-wing in the broader context of other developed nations’ political spectrum. Like even supposedly hardcore leftist Bernie Sanders would be center-left in other spaces.
I have a very poor grasp of other political systems (and even the US’s, tbh), so I don’t know how true that really is but a lot of self-identified Democrats
are opportune conservatives.
No. 446596
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No. 446601
>>446540Can't tell about the nose, but his ear does look different to me. Unless it swells like
>>446591 said.
But whyyyyy was there even a picture released? To "prove" he is dead? How often to we get photos of someone like that dead?
>>446547I'm American and I agree. But to be fair, they encourage this black and white thinking
so much, I actually think their goal is to start a war between conservatives and liberals. They enable it all. It's infuriating and there is nothing we can do. Nothing is ever black and white.
I was actually hoping all this coming out could unite us better, because
everyone has ties to this man.
Everyone. Republican and democrat.
And like
>>446483 said, Trump isn't so innocent either. I think they are all in on this while Americans are too busy fighting among
each other.
No. 446837
>>446832I personally think its best for them to finally split for good hopefully, I mean they only go married super fast cuz Miley got jealous seeing him with other girls and wanted to get him back for herself
Hopefully they can move on for good cuz they never seemed like the perfect match to me
No. 446857
>>446832Are they actually getting divorced though? Their relationship seems weird. I can see them taking a break and getting back together again.
>>446835>>446596Wouldn't have expected Matt Groening or Stephen Hawking to be this degenerate but I am not surprised. No one is safe. Kind of glad I never got that Lisa Simpson tattoo now.
No. 446944
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>>446903she already started lmfao
No. 446948
>>446835Crippled men always strike me as degenerate and sexually frustrated, I'm not the least bit shocked that Hawking had a dark side.
Just disappointed that it's true.
No. 446950
>>446540I get that it's a fun conspiracy theory to think they swapped in a fake Epstein patsy to suicide, but c'mon.
We have hundreds of threads on the website where cows make themselves look like different representations of their image everyday. We know a lot of it has to do with the angle of the picture, the camera lens, and lighting for the most of it.
It is the same man.
No. 446976
>>446950>>446948Can we make a thread about Epstein cause I really want to talk and read about all this without having to go to other places like reddit or some shit (Unless someone has a recommendation to go) Because I know the subject doesn't quite belong here, doesn't really belong in the tinfoil thread, and also doesn't really fit into the USA general thread either. Unless nobody wants one then it's whatever lol. It's just super important and interesting to me. The whole thing is falling apart and everyone is involved with him.
Like, doubt these guys went over there just for some dinner and drinks.
Please don't let Keanu be involved please don't let Keanu be involved please don't let
No. 447132
>>446987I’m good, wouldn’t touch that
toxic cesspool with a ten foot pole
>>446976Second this!
No. 447217
>>446991She’s definitely actually queer.
No. 447232
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Dove Cameron or Trisha Paytas?
No. 447386
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>>447363+ there are mitski posts, joke posts and such littered all over the blog, so i'm kinda …. sus, reminds me of soeren big time
No. 447405
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>>447402who means "visit" when they say "i went to x college"? that always implies that you attended the college, if i was just visiting a college campus i would never i say i "went to" it.
it is sus that she deleted her social media but shes done that before, she deleted her tumblr ages ago.
No. 447410
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>>447409they sound like a cow tbh
No. 447418
>>447410A month ago they were upset that their Mitski callout wasn’t getting any exposure, now it blew up and they need time and space? Conveniently right after people started asking why there isn’t a police report and they said they would make a post explaining everything. Normally I’m the last person to doubt an alleged sexual assault
victim, but this is person is a cow through and through. I don’t believe a thing they say.
No. 447420
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>>447418is this what an 18 year old girl is supposed to look like?
No. 447422
>>447420Sorry to be edgy but who would rape that?
No. 447425
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No. 447427
>>447420What a vile, disgusting piece of shit.
This is probably just another psychotic attempt at garnering attention since they probably recieve none in real life.
Why the fuck would you ever go to tumblr to post about your years old rape and child trafficking?
No. 447430
>>447418a quick scan of their old blog and i found out that they did heroin at some point ("bro fucc drugs also fucc cigarettes because it was easier to quit H than it was to quit smoking")
and they were, or still are friends with izaya, a crazy kinnie druggie who is talked about in the animecore thread on /w/.
No. 447433
>>447363dude this is wild. Like yea believe
victims etc but for the life of me I cannot imagine Mitski as a pedo pimp. Like, I will legit cut my left hand off if this turns out to be true
No. 447435
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In 2018 they were reblogging photos of mitski onto their old blog (ehlersdanlos)
No. 447450
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>>447435If someone had trafficked and raped me, I probably wouldn’t be reblogging photos of them
No. 447455
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>>447450it's a ~traumatic bond~
No. 447456
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>>447450>no report on paperUh…
No. 447501
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>>447363trannies don't like mitski because they've meme'd her into being associated with terfs.
No. 447507
>>447501this post was glorious. the tranny who made it literally turned out to be a hentai addict.
I don't think this is a widespread thought though. i've seen a lot of popular posts about her similar to the ones about hozier and florence welch. (mostly bad jokes about them being ethereal/other worldly combined with stan twitter-esqe "step on me mommy" shit.)
No. 447515
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This person just keeps digging this hole deeper.
No. 447516
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>>447515>I NEVER SAID THERE ARE NO RECORDS ON PAPER! >>447456>There is no report on paper.The duality of man
No. 447532
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He came out with the full narrative.
No. 447533
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Copypasting here just in case as well:
more information so yall will leave me alone.
i dont care about where exactly these things happened. i know it was in new york, in a small apartment or dorm (the whole cover story for me being there was me being a distant relative? maybe that would have allowed more time to stay with her in the dorms, etc.)details on exactly where tf she lived when this stuff happened are frankly irrelevant to the bigger picture. when i was 11 and still prepubescent from the time i met her began flirting with me and complimenting me a lot. within probably a day of meeting her she had kissed me and began manipulating me when i felt bad about our age difference. she reassured me that those laws are just laws that dont matter, that try to keep love apart, etc. she called herself my girlfriend from that point. later on in that stay with her she got me drunk (which to me as an 11 year old i was like Hell Yeah Im An Adult Now) She forced me to perform oral sex on her and attempted to make me penetrate her, somewhat forcefully. this pattern continued whenever i was with her of grooming, abuse, then being showered in love, compliments, gifts, alcohol. her other family members knew what was going on, and i don’t wanna elaborate on that further. they made the transaction. her father is a sexual abuser. i came back to see her when i was older (was forced to, because that’s what trafficking is and my parents are taking me somewhere and at that age what am i supposed to do? i still believed she loved me and she treated me very sweetly to keep my complicit. she would compliment my singing or piano playing and stuff like that. truly tried to make me feel special and loved while still using me as a sexual object. once i was pubescent forced penetration became more of the norm. but there was always forced oral sex, and usually alcohol, probably laced with benzos beforehand. the last time i saw her was years later after i had experienced a great deal more abuse and my dissociative disorder was more severe. I was in memphis, i lived in charlotte at the time, but family/money was in memphis. I was taken to the concert, but first my dad asked me “Do you remember this album at all? A singer named mitski?” and i had a gut reaction to seeing the cover of Lush. After this, i was taken to the concert. There weren’t a lot of people there. She played mostly songs off of Makeout Creek iirc. I went backstage and we started talking and it all came back to me. She told me “ you remember me, right?” and I said “i don’t know” and she responded, faking sadness, with “how could you forget your first girlfriend?” we kept talking for a while and i told her i needed to escape my family and she convinced me we could run away together. i was taken to a hotel “for the night” she raped me in a similar but more violent fashion than before, I don’t wanna describe. She made me take a shower to remove any evidence (something my family made me do after any sexual abuse) I was abused further in that hotel by other individuals. When mitsuki was leaving, I asked if I would see her again, and I told her I was sorry (my self esteem was so low i thought i deserved it) She told me she’d never see me again and she never loved me or cared about me, and it would be better for everyone if i committed suicide. paraphrasing here. but once i hit a certain age, it’s like i was disposable to her and other pedophiles. i believe she had more of a preference towards prepubescent and adolescents in early puberty. Thanks for coming to my ted talk this barely covers it but here ya fucking go leave me alone.
No. 447541
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They are now responding to comments on Reddit about this situation. Their grammar and syntax seems way more formal and put together here then what they’ve written on tumblr.
No. 447544
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>>447541Here they say that the FBI already knew about mitski being a pedo sex trafficker
No. 447564
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>>447532>i lived in charlotte at the time, but family/money was in memphis. I was taken to the concert, but first my dad asked me “Do you remember this album at all? A singer named mitski?” and i had a gut reaction to seeing the cover of Lush. After this, i was taken to the concert.i found their dads Instagram. he posted a lot of concert photos, but very conveniently never posted photos of this mitski concert, i went back to the date the concert happened, and nothing is there for those dates involving mitski. their dad also seemed like he was involved in their life in a positive way, not an evil sex trafficker.
their dad is dead and it’s evil that this sick fuck is tarnishing his memory like this. imagine your own child claiming you’re a sex trafficker for internet oppression points while you’re six feet under.
No. 447590
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someone from mu got him to admit that the allegations were a xanax induced hallucination.
No. 447591
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No. 447592
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No. 447593
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>>447420these troon trolls ruining peoples lives based on lies and retarded shit has got to stop holy shit
No. 447644
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>>447632His response.
>I never said I was enrolled, I just VISITEDhas now become
>Actually, I WAS enrolled! My parents told them I was just so smart No. 447651
>>447644ahahahaha this fucking sped
literally like Soren ghostwrote this
No. 447667
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So, this is what he looked like in 2013. Wish ages were available somewhere, because I have trouble believing he's 18. Also, here's the song he wrote about it:>a song i once thought lost to time and memory, rediscovered on a summer night, played from my soul. >for mitsuki m, liza w, amy l, shawn m, vivian f, and all the others that i wish i could forget, but i cannot, and never will. i am haunted by the memory of you all collectively and individually, as a group and as individuals.i never know whether to see you as humans or as monsters, as your thoughts, concepts, motives, actions, beliefs, diagnoses or as biblical evil incarnate. i was left wondering; "why? why me? why now? why this? why am i here? why am i alive?" i still ponder these questions every day, and for some there may never be closure or answers. the evil planted within me from young will never flourish. i am the master of my own body, mind, and spirit. i am my present self, reborn by blotters, forged by abuse, programmed to be what they wanted, resilient enough to keep trying, strong enough to prevent myself from dying. i begin anew with the thoughts of those who abuse still ever present on my mind, but it's grip has loosened. it never ends, but it gets better. >i will never be what you want me to be; complicit, passive, and ashamed. No. 447718
>>447715Not surprised Katy Perry would be a creepy fuck.
Didn't she force a kiss some guy on the X-Factor and think there was nothing wrong with it?
No. 447720
>>447715I seen this. Couldn't give a shit about Katy Perry but the actual accusation from the guy posted to Instagram (because of course), sounds like a scorned has been.
>posting to prove women are EVIL not just men!!1>my girl was cheating on me and my TODDLERlol. ok.
No. 447735
>>447734and now they're scrambling around for "b-but it's real!!"
the amber person has also deleted every post mentioning mitski …. just delete your whole blog, this troll quest didn't go as planned huh
No. 447737
>>447734that's the most annoying part. you'll still have people saying "isn't she a child trafficker" months later.
>>447706he wiped his tumblr lol. but he was still arguing that it was totally true even after Mitski put out her statement. I wonder what made him want to run.
No. 447752
>>447742Pretty much a lot of the bigger accounts I follow on twitter believe it or at least are sympathetic and have begun smearing mitski in other ways.
If this was a guy and the accusations were plausible, everyone would likely ignore it and pretend he’s a great guy being scorned. But because it’s a woman, people are so quick to believe some very weird allegations that are not credible at all
No. 447773
>>447706It really pisses me off that this guy has done this just when elite sex trafficking is something being talked about and taken seriously for the first time due to the Epstein thing. Like he obviously got the idea from reading actual sex trafficking
victim's stories. Fucking creep.
No. 447898
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mitskithroaway on tumblr claims to know amberdollars (1/4)
No. 448461
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No. 448476
>>448461This is kind of sad to see. Doesn't anyone in her life care about her? Directing a film about love and sex is one thing, but there's literally nothing empowering or ethereal about working with fucking PornHub, of all things. She couldn't get backing from anyone or anywhere else for her own projects?
Something tells me that this was seen as a logical conclusion to her leaking her own nudes, too, either by her or her agent(s). "Well, you're already seen as a slut, so why not run with it? Work with PornHub!" logic with a dash of self-hatred. Just more fake feminism encouraging women and girls to fuck themselves over under a banner of false "empowerment", as usual.
As a sidenote, with both her and Kanye allying with PornHub, the apparent success of this shitty corporation in making itself more and more acceptable to the mainstream is so fucked up. I hate that "sex positivity" has taken this retarded turn, and I hate that an orgasm is considered more important than human rights.
No. 448540
>>448461i feel very sad for her. she's clearly spiraling, i don't keep up with much celeb gossip but it doesn't seem like anyone in her life is setting healthy boundaries for her, everyone in her life just enables her every whim.
is this another miley cyrus-esque thing where a formerly abused and exploited disney child star acts out for a few years in a very sexual & explicit way?
No. 448566
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Apparently the sister of the person accusing Mitski of being a child trafficking pedophile came forward to say that their accusations are false and are just delusions. Cue everyone on tumblr claim "SHE'S JUST COVERING UP THE PEDO RING!!!!!!!"
No. 448597
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>sorry you’re uncomfortable by the exploitation and degradation of women but suck it up and don’t make people feel bad for exploiting and degrading women
God she’s truly insufferable
No. 448691
>>448461Yuck. She was always the inferior Tancy.
>>448683Ding ding ding we have a winner
No. 449067
>>448597honestly, just like 99% of girls who do porn, she was raped and molested as a child
not excusing her behavior, just saying with the advancement of technology and ease of uploading hardcore pornography, girls who are abused are quick to defend it very aggressively because porn and living to please men is all they know
No. 449155
>>448461CDAN has referred her as a ’future pornstar’ for a while. I guess they are right..
It’s embrassing but I have always had soft spot for Bella. This might be a last straw for me though. If she is going to direct ~artistic porn~ then why does she have to do with fucking pornhub? She should have made this project with some trendy indie porn company.
No. 449200
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No. 449203
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No. 449748
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No. 449749
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No. 449750
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from her 'film ph' account if anyone is wondering, after her vacation with sisters and friends in Mykonos
No. 449755
>>448490It's edgy lol
Is dumb tbh unless you have a contract with PH or partnered (and I'm not talking about their modelhub or community amateur porn program). Adult content creatorm and porn ppl have strong opinions about PH, not everyone is like 'if you can't beat them, join them' attitude (esp if is easier and lucrative in your case). Even Stoya.
No. 449770
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>>448533pic related, also:>I was sexually abused and physically growing up from the day I can remember till I was 14..when I finally had the courage to lock my door at night and sit by it. No. 452562
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No. 452563
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No. 452564
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No. 454164
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Die Antwoord's been dropped from two venues. recap, aside from the Zheani stuff, they've been exposed for
>making false sexual assault accusations just because they flat-out didn't like some guy they were touring with (Ninja attacked him, then when he left, quickly spun a story of him groping Yolandi in a toilet, told her to stop laughing before telling the staff, and praised Yolandi for her "oscar-winning performance" after the fact. She went right back to laughing and smiling again as soon as they were in a back room, then switched back to covering her eyes/face to pretend to cry when they came back out. All on camera. Video/article here:>Ninja choking black backup dancers (he openly talked about doing this to Zheani in a text)>neglecting their adoptive children, who they seemingly adopted as fashion accessories, and rewarding their adoptive son for stabbing his own brother in the neck, later making it look "cool" by adding it into the lore of their latest music video>Yolandi calling Whitney Houston a "crack whore bitch" and making fun of her death>Yolandi randomly calling a fan in concert a "black cunt" and screaming that he's "not welcome there" in Afrikaans, on video. The fans were mostly foreign, so they didn't know what she was saying and just kept cheering, but he looked uncomfortable>illegal offshore bank accounts (Panama Papers)>their sound guy (seen in the video of them making up the sexual assault, it's the guy who couldn't find his glasses) being a pedophile (followed tons of preteen bikini models on IG)At this point, only their dumbest fans remain on their side.
No. 454165

>>454164Samefagging. For those curious, all of this shit is explained in-depth in Edwin's YT videos on the subject. This is the latest installment (funny how they talk about free speech after trying to censor Zheani and anyone/anything else who speaks out about them).
Full set of Edwin's videos:'s also a DA fan who keeps an updated record of these events, but it's not very comprehensive. He leaves out anything Edwin has put out, which makes this incomplete, because Edwin's actually communicated with Ben Crossman and Zheani personally, publicized phone calls between Ben and Yolandi, posted footage that's not available elsewhere, etc:, a photographer describes his personal experience with DA, and this is from way back in 2012.>Lost all respect for Die Antwoord after witnessing their antics backstage in catering at Southside Festival in Germany earlier this year.
>A female vocalist was in her dressing room warming her voice.
>The dressing rooms were directly below the catering balcony where Die Antwoord were eating.
>This chick, whoever it was, must have been up next on the bill as her vocal warm-ups were in full swing, consistent and loud.
>The entire dining area could easily hear her and it sounded kinda nice, so I thought anyway.
>Yo-Landi Vi$$er, the female vocalist from Die Antwoord apparently thought differently:
>She starts yelling, more accurately; squealing (if you’ve seen their show you will agree) into the air at the top of her voice:
>Shut the * up!! You can’t sing for *, you absolutely SUCK!!! You know the entire place can hear you? And you *ing suck, so shut the * up! For **s sake!!
>The chick downstairs did stop, and then the entire catering went into a complete hush, bewildered at what had just happened.
>Die Antwoord – with that one outburst of umness, it is YOU that suck!
>Arrogant pricks.It seems like Yolandi's really bitter about anyone who can sing. Both Whitney Houston and this woman.
No. 454474
>>454433Idk I'm pretty damn poor myself but if someone actually poorer than me stole something from me (like a homeless person or a person in a third world country) and it wasnt my last money to survive on, I'd be upset but not that much.
And it's not like these johns needed that money anyway because they were spending it on prostitutes and drugs.
No. 455021
>>454981From the article it sounds like it was her son, who she now considers a daughter. It really worries me when people take any "kids say the darnedest things" quip or them not fitting into gender stereotypes and proclaim them trans. When I was 9 I (a girl) wanted to only wear shorts and t-shirts from the boys section of clothing stores and hated anything pink or "girly". If I were like that today would people just claim I was a trans boy? As opposed to you know, being a tomboy? I've grown a liking to more feminine things nowadays but still feel androgynous while being comfortable with my gender.
I don't want to say kids are dumb and have no agency over those things…but kids can be dumb. They want to be dragons sometimes too. I feel like you shouldn't burden kids with these issues, and especially NOT put them anywhere near hormones or surgery. If they grow older and into their teens and still have issues or legit dysphoria then they should have counseling to see which option really is best for them, instead of enabling them at the drop of a hat to change things without giving them any thought of consequences or the future.
No. 455033
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why does alyson stoner look like she's trying to do low-key blackface or something??
also, I haven't even heard about her since I was a kid and watched camp rock and her face in general is either unfortunate or looks like she has had some bad work done
No. 455034
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>>454997>>455021she gave him this books which is about being whatever you want to be, which is of course not bad but damn you change your mind so many times as a child.
The amazon summery of this book:
>>A young girl discovers that playtime is as boundless as imagination in this empowering, rhyming picture book. I can be anything that I want to be, I'm a princess, a pirate, and I'm also just me! Her name is Eleanor Wyatt, and some days she's a princess, some days she's a pirate.Eleanor's parents have taught her she can be anything she wants to be, from a ninja to a cowgirl to a fairy with wings. She can even star in her own book! Join Eleanor and her friends as they romp through tea parties and sword fights and to discover the best treasure of all―being yourself!
>>An Imprint Book: "Eleanor Wyatt demonstrates that a girl doesn't have to limit herself to one identity… May resonate with children who don't self-identify according to societal expectations." ―Kirkus Reviews. "In this playful book that gently breaks down gender expectations, readers will find plenty of empowering messages encouraging creativity, individuality, and freewheeling fun." ―Booklist No. 455045
>>455034the thing that pisses me off the most about this is that it's about being
okay with yourself and not slotting yourself into a box, which is what changing your sex does, slot yourself into a box.
No. 455149
>>455033I know it's fake, but when I read her name or see her, all I think of is this, lmao.
Also, other anons probably won't get what you're saying, but I see it. It's like whoever styled her just went digging in the "rejected looks" catalog of some mid-2000s RnB singer. The pixie cut coupled with the hoops and plunging neckline in gold absolutely scream "Older woman who's been more or less desexualized in exchange for a "soulful", deep image", but that's not even her story, lmao.
No. 455208
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how tf does butthole eyes keep bagging beautiful women? this is andie macdowell's daughter, who appeared in 'once upon a time in hollywood'
No. 455262
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I can't believe this piece of shit movie made by human scum, about human scum, played by human scum, isn't getting any critism apart from the bruce lee thing.
Literally made to glorify and normalize child rape, domestic abusers, sexual assault and misogyny, while mocking those who criticize the elite in hollywood. #Metoo wasn't that long ago, but people have already forgotten and gobble this shit up.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who is disturbed by the close up ass and foot shots of a girl who is supposed to be underage, or the glorification of a child rapist. It feels like I'm taking crazy pills.
No. 455321
>>455262I watched the film the other day without realising what it was about and what are you talking about? It was a fictional story based on the true events of the nights leading up to the murder of Sharon tate with QT doing a lot of misdirection throughout the film?
I usually hate QT, but I did enjoy this film but I have read a lot about olden Hollywood and the crossover with the cowboys etc in the 20s and 30s.
Who was the child rapist in the film?
No. 455326
>>455321Roman polanski? Who you know, raped a 13 year old girl.
And yes thats the "plot", but anyone with eyes and who are knowledgeable about the fuckery in hollywood can tell its just QT bragging about himself and people like him getting away with the shit they do.
No. 455330
>>455326Tbh I knew nothing about Charles Manson murders, Sharon Tate or who Roman Polanski was, I thought it was a Nicki Minaj alter ego for a while if I'm being completely honest. And he wasn't glorified at all. The funny thing about him and Sharon is that their entire plot points in the move were inconsequential to what happened, but was defined as the moment the 60s ended in America.
As someone that didn't know much about the Tate Murders or the Manson Cult I didn't feel like the film was glorifying pedophilia since it was never part of the film.
No. 455331
>>455330Also Roman came across as a cuck the entire film since she was predominately hanging out with the guy that got killed along side her. It was implied they were having a physical relationship too, or that's how I took it. I don't think the Polanski guy got much screen time he was just a plot point to cement the time line.
I didn't know about him raping a 13 year old. If anything I wouldn't have known of this film didn't come out cause he never came up.
No. 455351
File: 1567080995328.jpg (270.08 KB, 1200x1600, Alyson_Stoner.jpg)

>>455082>>455096>>455095she's basically styled like a washed up rnb singer like
>>455149 said, plus it looks like she's wearing foundation about 6 shades too dark?
No. 455374
>>455372Never saw The Pianist. Not a big Hollywood fan I guess. What rape case in 2009? Has there been more
victims I'm only aware of the one in the late 70s with the 13 year old.
Idk how I was so oblivious. 2009 I moved out of my mums and didn't have satellite TV anymore? I was busy.
No. 455390
>>455368I don't think anon is even upset, just pointing out how derivative the look is, but it's a peculiar kind of derivative because it's taken from such an odd, seemingly random pool.
Either those Missy Elliott (and other hip-hop) features had the world's biggest impact on her mind, body and soul well into adulthood, or whoever's in charge of branding her figured out she didn't have much in the way of public image, and was like "So, she was a back-up dancer for some "urban" artists as a kid, and also acted for Disney as a teen, but she is an adult now. Nobody really remembers her as their favorite Disney actress, so we can't go off that….Hmm….Wait, I've got it. Let's take that urban, black-ish angle, but in a soft way, so as not to incense anyone too much. No microbraids or Fashion Nova dresses or anything like that, keep it tasteful. Keep the pixie cut, it's great. We'll have her cosplay as someone who could be Missy Elliot's softer, more girly understudy. This persona is a little up there in age by now, sings luxurious, soulful ballads about love, and has pushed out an album or two, but never got too big. The energy of an underrated fave that might spark a bit of nostalgia,
not an unpopular actress people only vaguely remember. Yeah, we've got this".
The final result is just sort of awkward to anyone who can see what they're doing.
What they really should be doing, IMO, is giving Alyson that sprite-like, fairy thing Emma Watson had with her pixie cut, or even MBB just before she grew out her hair and started getting "aged up" for looks, but I guess that's considered too "basic" for the current era. Instead, we're getting "Miley Cyrus in her "wild" era, but older and more sanitized", carrying what I mentioned above, and also a hint of "Former talk show host and/or advice columnist who lost her way as a result of a bad marriage and a nasty crack addiction, but has since found Jesus, is glad to be alive, and wrote a self-help book about life, marriage, soul food and love. She and Oprah don't really get along, but she's good friends with Jada Pinkett Smith. Gets invited to events because of her past fame, not current".
No. 455407
>>455374>What rape case in 2009?Read this and educate yourself: Pianist is a great and heartbreaking movie, too bad that Polanski is a living turd. I would not call it a typical Hollywood movie tbh.
No. 455457
>>455390Are you okay anon?
>>455407It fucks me up when assholes and sociopaths make art that seems empathetic and human.
No. 455471
>>455457I agree with you, it's really depressing to find out that the great piece of art that has moved you to tears was made by a rapist/pedophile/other type of scum.
Sometimes it's impossible for me to stop liking the thing because of who created it (as I liked it for so long that it became 'mine', in a way), but usually I will not seek more content by the person on purpose. I still feel disgusted by what they've done and how they tricked me into thinking they are a decent person.
No. 455604
>79-16=63Assuming he's been making women have sex with him for 63 years,
>63/10000=~79That's 79 women per year.
>79/12=~6.5 Almost 7 women per month. Assuming he started having sex at 16 (unlikely), and it was 10000
No. 455734
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>>455644>>455263she's pretty, she just has that sad girl brooding face that doesnt look good when smiling. she looks really pretty when not smiling, and less so when smiling. she has an ok smile, it's just that smiling doesn't positively affect the rest of her features. she's pretty, and much prettier than pete, that's for sure
No. 455891
>>455356Can you autists stop freaking out over Charlize Theron letting her son wear dresses and call himself a girl when there are adoptive parents in the world like
>neglecting their adoptive children, who they seemingly adopted as fashion accessories, and rewarding their adoptive son for stabbing his own brother in the neck, later making it look "cool" by adding it into the lore of their latest music videoThis shit is a million times worse than letting your kid temporarily larp as a woman because it makes him happy. inb4 tumblrfag, I don't like trannies either but this is such a non-issue when there's actual celebrity child abuse milk (if you can even call it that) upthread.
No. 455924
>>455359I was born in ireland in 1993 and I know about the manson family and sharon tate etc. it was massive story everywhere. stop blaming being irish for your ignorance
why would you even watch the movie if you had no clue who anyone was or the significance of their roles in the movie
No. 456176
>>455970They are still coerced into sexual acts in order to get work. QT is just as much of a casting couch director as the rest of them.
I mean, he forces actresses to do life threatening stunt because of his fucked up power play thing, so I doubt that he wouldn't force the foot shit too.
No. 456178
>>455330So you know nothing about the story, yet you feel the need to argue with me about the film, a story you know nothing about?
No. 456431
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No. 456473
>>456458But to get to the penis, they'd have to get past his face, personality and reputation.
How are they beating those levels? Grinding with even shittier, non-famous guys for years? It seems too hard.
No. 457342
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No. 457626
>>457620Not gonna lie, I thought that was her on the right while scrolling.
You have to admit, it's similar. They even used her lyrics. I'd sue, too.
No. 457900
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The anniversary of mac millers passing is coming up. His fans are gathering at blue slide park to pay respects.
No. 457912
>>456176QT doesn't force anyone to do anything. He's still considered prestige, despite the fact he was Harvey's boy wonder. What he does do is suck up to his actors. He gives them a lot of personal attention, partly because he's an ascended fanboy and partly because he himself is a frustrated actor. Contrary to what many people think, a lot of directors still treat actors like idiots and blocks of wood that magically learned how to speak, so having a director ask about old war stories or your process or your input on character backstory makes them feel happy and valued. QT does all of these and he does it as a matter of course.
When the rough stuff comes, of course Uma is going to feel like she's got to do it. He was •so good• to her. Forget about his foot fetish shit, they sit around and laugh about it. Small price to pay for someone to treat you like a human being.
(This does not excuse him. It is how he gets away with it.)
No. 458255
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No. 458257
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don't know if i agree that much of what she steals can be cultural appropriation so much as the literal skin darkening, but still….. you love to see it
No. 458263
>>458257I think she does both and sometimes people conflate one for the other.
For example I'd say the pink car and trap house, several artists' songs, the 7 rings and tour clothes are "plagiarism"/copying.
And then her self tanner/surgery/fake aave(she grew up speaking "proper" with her millionaire parents) is cultural appropriation. Just my 2 cents though.
No. 458275
>>458255>>457620I don't know if this is unpopular opinion but I thought one big point of fashion is to inspire others and get inspired by others..? Like what's the problem of using a reference for a look lol. It's not like they copied 100%.
Or is it only "being inspired" when the other person does not belong to any minority and immediately turns into stealing if they are. I'm tired
No. 458346
>>458305I'm guessing they just wanted the luxury of big brand names. "Ariana Grande wore Versace and Chanel on her Sweetener world tour, in special outfits they made just for her" is a bigger, more iconic flex for a mainstream artist than "Ariana Grande had this internet-famous designer, Creepyyeha, specially create this outfit for her world tour". Also, when accused of copying a smaller public figure: "Oh, we're the same? Nah, mine's Versace, luv".
I think a lot of "trendy" celebrities and/or their agents and PR teams are like that. They'd rather take designs created by less popular creatives, ask brands that are rich in name, but broke in ideas to make replicas for them to wear, and then later it's "So and so steps out in the hottest thing from Prada" in all the publications. It just looks better on paper.
No. 458724
>>458662Is she making babies with this guy? -
"Petty was convicted of attempted rape on April 5, 1995. Court records obtained reveal that Petty was 16 at the time and his
victim was a 16-year-old girl. The records also show that he used a sharp object when he tried to force the girl to have sex with him.
He served almost 4 years in New York state prison for the crime. He is now classified as a level 2 sex offender, indicating that he has a “moderate risk of repeat offense.”
No. 458812
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>>458766This was so boring. I expected better after We Appreciate Power, Venus Fly and Kill v Maim (which she keeps changing the thumbnail for, for some reason).
It looks like a rejected music video for a fast remix of Genesis. The "casually reading Art of War" thing is especially cringy because you just
know she doesn't read. That combined with the soft neon red/blue lighting, the architecture and her clothing, I initially got war flashbacks to when male imageboard users write embarrassing psuedo-intellectual posts about "reclaiming Evropa" with photos of Greek statues attached, sometimes with neon Tumblr vaporwave filters slapped on. I was thinking "Ugh, is Grimes going full fashwave/(alt) tradthot? First the loli hentai shit, now this. Didn't know Elon was of that breed" until it panned out to show all the dancers, and I was like "Oh, nevermind". Also, she needs to stop with these sloppy ponytails. She looks like a greasy pinhead. With a budget high enough for a music video, she can afford to get her hair done.
No. 458817
>>458766How did it get to this point?
I still like to listen to her older albums Halfaxa being my favourite. The Art Angels was absolute trash and I dread what the Miss Anthropocene will sound like. It just sounds like some generic pop music at this point.
No. 458857
>>458817She has always been really interested in pop music and seemed to want to produce pop music instead of sticking to the less accessible older Grimes brand. It's not unexpected but she could at least make
good pop music. This is just chipmunk noise…
No. 458987
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>Never had a persona
No. 459023
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>>458987>Never had a personalol, okay.
No. 459030
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Am I the only one seeing this as some BPD love bombing?
No. 459106
>>458766The song is pretty bland and the instrumental has already been used by i_o who produced this: look of the video is cool but of course she always has to edit and direct her own videos and she's terrible at it. Why isn't she embarrassed by all that stupid hand waving?
No. 459124
>>459030Being told you look hot without make up is hardly the biggest sign of 'love and appreciation' in a long term relationship. I'd be creeped out by the whole public display
Shallow love bombing sounds about right
No. 459327
>>458275Unpopular these days but I agree with you. Referencing the outfits of someone as fucking
huge as Rihanna on your moodboard isn't cultural appropriation. Gets really fucking tiring listening to these people whining about this shit.
The skin darkening, fine, definitely kinda weird. Liking Ri's outfits ain't it though.
No. 459456
File: 1567914238471.png (216.63 KB, 675x517, anniversary.png)

Not a peep out of ariana grande's mouth about the anniversary of MM's passing. WOW!
Nothing….>>457695>This bitch couldn't be any more unlikable if she tried.Damn. I guess she doesn't have to try. It just comes easy and naturally for her.
No. 459578
>>459538>that's a big fucking reach, she doesn't owe the world a comment.When he passes, she certainly felt she did.
When the grammys came around, she certainly felt she did.
The anniversary of his death, nothing.
No. 459699
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>>459633MM is a sensitive subject for SOME PEOPLE.
No. 460136
>>458766jesus christ is this what she actually sounds like?
How did she manage to get Elon looking sound sounding like this?
No. 460146
>>460025She usually does sound like shit when she sings live.
I remember her saying she's a studio singer rather than a live singer and she fucks up a lot.
Recently she had a instagram livestream and sang some songs and she sounded pretty good. It's weird as fuck
No. 460162>US singer Lana Del Rey has come out against the furry community, calling them “gross”.
>During a livestream with her fans on September 4, someone asked if Lana was a furry and her reply was clear: “I’m not a furry, you guys are gross.”
>The Grammy-nominated artist was mid-vape when she said that furries are gross.I love this, and I especially love the fact that this article has "Furries are seen as part of the LGBT+ community." in big-ass letters.
Note that she has an MLP figurine in the background.
No. 460177
>Furries are seen as part of the LGBT+ community.oh god pinknews. I'm convinced they're satire and run by the right in an attempt to make the gays look bad.
Anyway she didn't lie. Like 1.2% of the furry community aren't into bestiality and shoving their fetishes in everyone's faces.
No. 460195
>>460093Lmao this cope. Did the Beyhive cult cancel you or something?
>>460162I'm now a Lana stan, thanks.
No. 460300
>>460289she doesn't really get away with it, that's all manufactured. most people are sick to death of her obvious insecurities over no longer being kWeEn of the rap game. and everyone knows her career has been in the toilet ever since Shether.
it's also an open secret that she pays gossip blogs to only report positive news about her and to delete the negative comments. most of her instagram posts have comments disabled or limited, and if too many "haters" catch wind of a post she will delete it. this is why she loves airing her dirty laundry on her queen radio podcast, because it's just a one-way bitchfest where she pwns da haterzz while an army of supplicants sniff her asshole and tell her it smells like cinnabon
No. 460359
>>460289she pays news outlets to keep quiet about her scandals and gives money to her fans to draw attention away from the bad stuff. people started noticing her antics after the cardi drama, queen radio etc.
No. 460415
>>460398Mariah is very talented but she destroyed her voice and almost never sings live anymore. She also doesn’t dance while singing.
>>460401Then name a living female vocalist who can sing that well live while doing difficult, taxing choreography. I’ll wait.
No. 460487
>>460482breath and stamina are the easiest things to gain, but that doesn't mean her
singing is good.
No. 460593
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Why does everyone hate Meghan Markle? I mean I think British Royal Family is basically just state funded Kardashian family but it’s still weird to me how much hate she gets.
No. 460594
>>460593The only hate I saw for Meghan was coming from her dad and half siblings with stories in the American press. Essentially calling her spoilt and demanding and how she gets what she wants all the time because she's tenacious. Like oh no, she was married before and now she's a princess! What a bitch!
I'm UKanon and most people speak well of her. There were some old racists in the media here that made jokes regarding their mixed baby. That was gross and embarrassing.
No. 460600
>>460593i think it's because some royal family stans either can't project themselves onto her, or have certain things in common with her and have a sense of begrudgery towards her. ("she's not xyz things, she doesn't deserve it!" and "i'm also xyz things, what makes her so special?!)
>>460594It's true that most people don't have a problem with her, but she also has a devoted hate cult on social media. I'm no fan of the royals, but these people talk about her like she's the devil.
No. 460609
>>460600Perhaps it is true that some royal stans or whatever would turn their nose up. However, the royal family has been unconventional for a few decades, we've even King Henry VIII to thank for divorce. Charles and Camilla. Prince Andrew and Fergie.
I think a lot of the British public are still sympathetic to the two princes due to Diana. She's still doted on, and a lot of people are endeared to Harry. I watched their wedding and got a bit tearful but im a sap.
No. 460611
>>436033She‘s so attractive though if not a little spoopy these days.
Any way I find those pretentious interviews where her main goal seems to be to humiliate the interviewer very cringey. these things prerecorded, and I remember some interview where she sat in this bright pink box and just said whatever bullshit to the interviewer. I think she can be pretty up herself.
No. 460880
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>>460611Yeah, it's like she's trying too hard to build a personal mythology or something.
Side note, I can't imagine anyone dating Cara Delevingne without sharing in a common habit or two.
No. 461074
>>460593It's because she's American and mixed race, so she's regarded as unsuitable. It's stupid as fuck, but people here are unreasonably protective over William and Harry after Diana's death even decades later. Some of the comments I've seen from people suggest that these grown men are still children/can't make their own choices and it's weird.
NGL, I've seen people say they're glad that the trashy side of her family were the white ones. If it was the inverse, I feel like the vitriol directed towards her would be worse. Her father/sister are awful, but the public over here (as well as trash rags like the DM) paint them as
victims. I doubt that'd be the case if it was the other half of her family courting the media.
No. 461440
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Does anyone know what this is about?
No. 461451
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>>461443What does a fifteen year old actress know about skincare? Endorsement of a preexisting brand is normal but being the face of a whole line looks tacky for someone that isn't that successful
Her target audience are having too much fun making fun of her acting in the video, the only way her integrity can be salvaged is if it turns out to be some surreal viral advertising for a role.
No. 461943
>>461918God, what a garbage song. All of them have no chemistry going on and most of the time you only hear the nasal voice of Ariana. You barely hear Miley and Lana's part just seems so out of place.
The video is also a mess. After watching miley's part, I feel like I need a damn shower because she only looks dirty in the filthy way. Dislike.
No. 461972
File: 1568403500516.png (698.49 KB, 720x1131, Screenshot_20190913-143700(1).…)

Sam Smith attempting to stay relevant. Didn't he already "come out" like a year ago?
No. 461975
>>461918I've watched this video twice today and I couldn't attempt to him you the meoldy or recite lyrics. It's a shit song. I like the idea of who is collaborating, just wish they did a better song. I think ariana needs a break,i get she was relevant and popular for a while and they want to cash in, yet the recent bout of sigles has been trash.
She should have stayed in the sweetener era longer regardless of her breakup from Pete and had TUN as a stand alone single and released a deluxe version with TUN and 7 Rings. I have a lot of opinions on the matter
No. 461992
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>>461918I know this has been said before but I just can’t get over how different she looks over such a short period of time. Do you think this is just from weight gain? I feel like even a year ago she looked like a totally different person
No. 461994
>>461972>>461983Yes, it was mentioned here
>He actually considered getting a sex change because he says he "thinks like a woman" sometimes.
>"I had breasts when I was 11 years old! I have a very feminine body. When I move, when I have sex with men, it's very feminine. I am feminine in many, many ways," he added.yikes.
>>461982Just being gay these days ain't special enough, since it seems normal in many places, so they need some new ways to get attention.
No. 462025
File: 1568411317197.jpg (212.11 KB, 1003x1200, ariana_grande_photo_jon_kopalo…)

>>461992here eyebrows don't look as high anymore
No. 462034
>>461918Garbage song. Lana really looked like she doesn't want to be there.
So I'm just gonna drop this one here. It's more pleasant to the eyes and ears. kek
No. 462047
>>462025They look the same height, I think it's just the eyeliner giving the illusion since it's so heavy. Makeup aside, her jaw definitely looks wider here
>>461992 maybe a higher quality camera lens?
No. 462068
>>462047weight gain or fillers imo.
also what a weird video. ari and miley hoeing up, meanwhile lana is like super out of place and dressed in like a tshirt and sitting around. also the music itself was garbage.
No. 462084
>>462034I got kind of bored with her ever since Electra Heart died, but I think Marina has really struck the perfect balance between pop and musical artistry.
That video and song was such a breath of fresh air from that other mess (only LDR's voice worked in the angel song).
No. 462096
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>>461992Damn for a hot second, I thought Dua Lipa released a new music video
No. 462097
File: 1568429745602.png (25.22 KB, 598x196, -17- Sam Smith changes pronoun…)

>thanking alok who said fucked up things about little girls and thanking mermaids which is a charity so infused with controversy right now several other celebs have spoken out against themWell hes looking for attention, but it will not all be positive and its what he fucking deserves kek
No. 462134
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this is such a tragedy
No. 462159
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>>462134now he looks like a drug free version of pete doherty
No. 462169
>>462134just like the rest of the cast of stranger things, he was never cute.
im glad, like with all netflix shows, people have stopped giving a shit. its so annoying having a show exalted for its "nostalgia" when most of the fan base is under 16
No. 462949
File: 1568654044526.png (1.07 MB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20190916-101140.png)

>>461992Oh look it's Ariana Grande in literally the exact same hair and outfit she's been wearing for the past 5+ years
I came to post pic related. Literally yuck. Disgusting. I am not here for sinewy greasy old looking haggard wannabe-dyke Miley. She looks like a child molester.
No. 462952
File: 1568654220338.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20190916-101615.png)

Here's another nasty ass pic of her. Seriously what is this. She looks like she went from abused to abuser. I can't put my finger on why exactly I get that vibe from her lately. She looks deprived and depraved
No. 463131
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Shut up, Elon. Your defense is falling apart faster than your face.
No. 463202
>>461918Wow I thought anyone could do a basic rap song with some flow but apparently these 3 are incapable of that. Miley's verses were straight up reminiscent of middle schoolers making up rap lyrics on the fly. Zero flow.
Also Lana doesn't belong in this song at all. This is a mess.
>>462134He is ugly in both pictures. Why is this deformed dude so opposed to getting a nice haircut?
No. 463205
File: 1568748407434.jpeg (85.18 KB, 600x753, image1-e1568712595332.jpeg)

I dont post here a lot and dont know if anybody pays attention to Real Housewives shows, but Katie Rost from Potomac has succeeded in making herself completely white now.
No. 463206
File: 1568748471025.jpg (68.41 KB, 600x768,…)

>>463205What she looked like before, for reference.
No. 463228
File: 1568751952464.jpg (67.01 KB, 600x777,…)

>>463227She has clearly bleached her skin or gotten some sort of skin lightening procedure. Also, I do think she's biracial, but I doubt just simply aging causes you to lose your melanin like that. Add the contacts, hair and probably using the lightest filters you can for instagram, and it very clearly adds up to some deep seeded self hatred. Interestingly enough, two other women from the Potomac version of Real Housewives claim to be 100% black and not to have had any surgery/cosmetic procedures to make themselves lighter, but they both have blue-green eyes and very light features and get a lot of questioning for it. She's probably doing this to look like them which makes it more fucked up. Heres another before pic.
No. 463257
>>463228That's so sad, I at least hope that in her earlier years she was tanning so that the level of bleaching isn't as much as it appears.
It must be a real deep seated issue for real housewife types to risk all the premature aging that comes with all those procedures.
No. 463283
>>463205My mom is obsessed with the Real Housewives shows and she told me that woman in particular gets very upset if you assume she’s white. It’s one thing if you have naturally very light skin for a black person but if you get a bunch of plastic surgery to look white and get pissed when people assume you are? That’s doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. There are some deep levels of self hatred and denial going on there.
Shame though. She was really pretty before.
No. 463306
>>463205I just looked her up and she looks like a obvious black woman, she is alot darker in that photo you posted. She probabaly uses some instagram whitening filters too look lighter than she actually is.
Farmers need to stop exaggerating because other than her botched face her skin color is the same.
No. 463311
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>>463306Its not a sudden transition. She's been lightening her skin since she was on the show years ago lol. She refuses to acknowledge her black side and has bullied the hell out of Robyn and Gizelle for not saying they're biracial/white. Shes totally cow material because shes crazy and obsessed with race herself. Thats why fans are calling her out. When you go from looking like pic related, to looking like finona apple or an olsen twin like she does in the picture of her with her fiance, people are going to be thrown off. Instagram filtering or not its still a reflection of someone who has issues with their race.
No. 463328
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>she told me that woman in particular gets very upset if you assume she’s whiteI think you might have Katie confused with another housewife on the show, Robyn. Robyn identifies as african american and would get upset when people pointed out that she doesn't look like the average black person (i.e. green eyes, very light skin, plus the blonde hair). She complains about how people say she looks biracial or even mistake her for a white women. She and Katie got into an argument because Robyn wouldn't acknowledge that she obviously has mixed ancestry and is not "just black". Later Robyn had a DNA test done that revealed she has over 60% European/Caucasian ancestry, but she still identifies as a black woman.
Katie is the opposite. She's biracial but doesn't have any ~exotic~ features so she spent a lot of her screen time trying to emphasize that she's biracial and not just another light skin black women. Like anon said
>>463311 , she has some deep identity issues.
No. 463468

Copied timestamps from LUA
>8:00 Nicki Minaj beggin 6ix9ine for Fefe & Blocked his fashion nova deal
>16:24 How Nicki Minaj started the Drake Vs Meek Mill beef by emasculating Meek & got Quentin Miller beat up
>25:00 Dares Nicki Minaj to say he's lying because he has proof & sources
>27:30 DJ Akademiks Threatens To tear down Drake if he steps out of line like Nicki Minaj
>32:50 Dares the barbs to make Pop Smoke's Welcome to the party successful if they think they made Fefe successful.
>35:50 Akademiks Tells the story of how Nicki Minaj disrespected Meek Mill for being broke using Drake
>48:00 Goes in on her brother for touching 5 yeah old girls
>Nicki hired shooters against the chipmunk AK because of her butthurt
>Nicki is trying to make it seem like it is over the chipmunk comment, in reality it's because of the shooters she hired on his ass, posted his number online for barbz to harass, she's harassed and bullied people for years behind the scenes, her blocking his brand deals and trying to get him fired multiple times and she sent Budden and Karen Civil rants threatening to make him stop calling her out
>She claimed FEFE but 90% of the profits went to tekashi, because it was in reality his song
>Nicki started the Meek/Drake beef by egging Meek on to have a go at Drake
>Nicki ordered Quentin Miller to get beat up, not Drake, because he wrote the letter claiming not to be Drake's ghost writer
>Nicki likes to humiliate the men she dates, i.e. when Meek was coming up and didn't have millions and she wanted to do fancy shit that he couldn't afford so he told her to pay for it, she would say shit like "Drake wouldn't ask me to do that"
>Nicki has multiple convicted pedophiles in her circles and she doesn't mind it, among them are her husband, her brother and tekashi
No. 463480
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>>463468>AK does not care that people say (that his monetary situation correlates with his weight, i.e. the longer his money gets, the wider his body gets.)>AK points out it's a prime example of how unprofessional, childish and ridiculous Nicki is to deal with>AK thinks Nicki is a legend but acting like an absolute clown over him not liking her new tracks>Nicki is a professional victim and a nightmare to work with, as she does not take any responsibility for anything ever>Nicki has a legitimate obsession over Cardi B, she spends a lot of time DAILY stalking her social media and asking industry people what she is up to>Drake does not fuck with Nicki anymore because of her being a professional victim and her continuous attempts to manipulate him to do her bidding>Nicki wasn't blackballed to make way for Cardi B - but because of her bad attitude, unprofessional behavior, manipulation of everyone she can, victim mentality and constant bullying of many people for obscure reasons>Nicki is not as wealthy as she pretends, she has long money but she's by no means as wealthy as she pretends No. 463489
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Aaron Carter has gone off the rails again (obviously, he hooked up with Trisha Paytas again) and Nick filed a restraining order against him.
Apparently this is stemming from Nick Carter having past sexual assault claims come up?
Aaron just claimed he was in recovery from inhalants swear this dude always claimed he never touched drugs but was underweight because of an eating disorder?
I know he's a product of child star abuse but here ya go
No. 463493
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>>463489As I'm reading about it I just wanted to add this (samefag)
No. 463577
>>463489Ugh part of this makes me sick for both obvious reasons of both of the brothers being fucked up druggy woman abusers and rapists, but also the fact that Trisha's ego inflates more and more everytime a washed up hasbeen sticks his dick inside her. There are no winners in this situation.
>>463491Might as well be because she has done the same thing, just transitioning to Korean instead of white lmao.
No. 463831
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>>463730Leslie Carter did, yeah. Aaron now says she raped him for 3 years as a minor
They're all off the rails but Aaron is at 200% crazy
No. 463835
>>463542LOL, I've been following this shit in K
*farms so I feels good seeing those shit bags get pissed
No. 463845
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>>463835sage for OT, even Null hates vics fans at this point, he publicly chastised them on his twitter for harassing the judge. It's funny how some of KF turned the tide so easily against vics attorneys when they failed. It's almost as if, shockingly, lawtwitter was correct that it was a frivolous lawsuit all along.
back on the topic of the case they had another hearing today and the judge wants to put it into mediation because he wants it off his plate I guess. My assumption is that he's already made the rulings in dropping all the charges but the mediation is a last ditch effort to come to a negotiation that vic and his counsel save face and pay for jamie/ron/monicas fees on their own volition and maybe for a lesser price but I doubt his attorneys will bend given their bumbling incompetence thus far. at this point it's clear vics attorney and rekeita the grifter don't care about Vic himself but the money, so vic is going to get screwed over; he'll have to pay the defendants fees, he'll have been milked by grifters and he'll never see a role in the entertainment industry again and forever be remembered as the sex pest with a frivolous lawsuit who'll accuse anyone of libelslander at the drop of a hat and sue them thus rendering his reputation permanently buried lmao
No. 463846
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tekashi 1169 whathefuckever is apparently name dropping and snitching on a bunch of famous gang members particularly bloods
genuinely have a feeling something going to happen to him, smh
cardi tweeted because he said he knew of her but didnt put her in the same circle of the gang that he was a part of
this could get interesting
No. 463847
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>>463846then she liked this tweet, basically affiliating herself with a certain Bloods subgang
No. 463866
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Saw this on tumblr in a “Stranger Things cast + Improvised Scenes” post with some other gifs with people being like “wow, everyone’s so talented!” but like… this quote absolutely horrifying to anyone else? Like, jesus christ a grown-ass man working a child to a breaking point like that is not something to be impressed by, it’s something to be alarmed by.
No. 463867
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>>463866Also I did fact check because tumblr’s full of shit a lot of the time, and it is a real quote. Is it even legal for minors to work “ten to twelve” hour days? Aren’t there laws in place for that? Also 10-12 hour days 4 days in a row….that’s a full time job. That’s more hours than most adults work in a week. How is any of that legal?
No. 463869
>>463866honestly that scene scared me for that very reason, when he was choking her, it legitimately looked like she was being choked
if they did that multiple times and making it look that real, i do feel sorry for her because it looked painful and exhausting despite however they accomplished making it look so realistic
No. 464182
File: 1569037364997.png (1.56 MB, 900x1368, sg.png) article looks like a rehash of the Zheani drama, but if you scroll down, it shows that Die Antwoord's former manager, Jay Savage, testified that Ninja's always been a fucked up, power-hungry person. Also, more women seem to be coming out against Die Antwoord. This time, it's a "Nazi rocker" girl with a swastika tattoo named Dionna Dal Monte who Ninja wanted to fuck. She claims to have regretted the tattoo, even before it made her infamous, but Ninja made it a point to yell "swastika girl" very loudly the moment he met her. This whole story is getting wilder and wilder.
>Just as Jones allegedly presented himself as an expert in the field of the occult to Sparkes, Carroll says he came across as knowledgeable about what he assumed was her key interest.
>"[He kept] telling me how much he enjoys Hitler, his band name and everything that he goes about is reminiscent of Hitler and how he would like to build a cult similar to what Hitler had," Carroll said.
>Caroll said Jones was persistent in wanting to see the tattoo, asking her relentlessly to see it until she obliged.
>"I showed it to him and he was like 'Oh my god, oh my god', and he started to put his hands in my shirt - it was like a shirt dress you wear with stockings - and he started to literally put his hands on my breasts inside my shirt," she said.
>"He's grabbing my tits while I am trying to push him off. I said 'Get off of me, get off of me', and he's grabbing my breasts. He puts his hand under my shirt dress, into my stockings and literally tries to put his hand inside my vagina."
>During the short ordeal, she initially froze out of shock before fending Jones away, running to another room to find her husband.
>"When I finally got him off of me, I grabbed my husband," she said. "I said, 'Let's get out of here.' I ran out of there very fast."
>Days later, she told her husband what happened. It wasn't until she heard Zheani's song, The Question, that she revisited her alleged ordeal.
>"I knew that for sure she was telling the truth because there was one specific phrase that I knew for a fact that would only come out of a person that would spend time with Ninja," Carroll said. "He told me that I am beautiful and that I am very similar to his daughter." No. 464459
Miley Cyrus and Kaitylnn Carter broke up. I honestly thought their entire relationship was staged.
>>464065He’s gross. And not even cute. I don’t know why women thirst after him.
No. 464830
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>>464182wow, I'm SHOCKED Ninja's obsessed with Hitler. Wait, no I'm not. Have ya'll seen this particular picture a photog took of Yo-landi at the Adelaide Future Music Festival in March of ’12?
No. 464878
>>464829She's been in an
abusive relationship before, and took on a hard shell even though she was secretly vulnerable and hurting. Now, she treasures a relationship where she doesn't have to do all that. The problem here is that she wants to apply her experience to relationships as a whole.
She's blatantly ignoring the fact that these talking points are also used by gaslighting,
abusive men who will steer you onto the path of destruction, then screech about how they're "the head of the household" and that you need to submit.
This "Let your king be your king" rhetoric ruins so many women's lives, because it's used to shut down any conversations or criticism, isolate them and deny them much-needed personal agency. I've even seen one cult/harem situation that operated from that very foundation.
Even if we're ignoring all that, let's not pretend many of these "kings" she speaks of aren't useless and happy to live in squalor. That is, if they're not just leeching off their "queens", thinking that barking commands and complaining all the time makes them the "king".
She probably (quietly) justifies domestic violence in certain cases, too. It's a shame. She may not be a tradthot per se, but this is tradthot shit.
No. 464913
>>464829i do feel bad for her given her shitty life experiences
abusive family and boyfriends, living in the innercity, being illiterate and having a child at a young age
she saw american idol as her way out but unfortuntely, your history always catches up with you no matter how well off you end up
No. 465025
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The mess that is Cupcakke, Camila Cabello, and Shawn Mendes…
>Cupcakke implies on Twitter that she fucked Shawn Mendes because he was racist while exposing that he has a small weewee and is gay >Turns out the racist screenshots of Camila Cabello were fake? >Turns out there were racist/questionable statements by Cupcakke towards East Asian people>Cupcakke goes on ig live and says she's quitting music and is taking down all her music>what the fuck is going on Stan twitter feels vindicated at her leave since she made fun of Chungha. People who bought tickets for her concerts are left confused. No. 465046
>>465025its funny because cupcakke actually didn't even mention camel or her man at all. she just said "the racist one from that lil pop group" and all the camilla stans jumped up defensive. whatever theyre claiming about faked screenshots these days, they all know themselves and who they stan lmao
and to be honest, the DMs were origianlly leaked by UK hackers who also leaked things like demos and DMs with other celebrities, so i'm not buying they're fake
No. 465665
>>463867>>463866Shawn Levy is the director. Him an the production crew probably were on set ten to twelve actors but the actors were not. The actors union is no joke, they're very strict about how fairly their members get treated. Most actors on sets spend most of their time waiting in their trailer for the set to be ready. That particular scene had a lot of set up, filmed at multiple angles so the set up probably is what took 12 hours.
Actors get into their roles. When you need to fake scream for hours, fake exhaustion, fake fear, that can easily turn into real exhaustion in fear.
No. 466650
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Not sure if this really belongs here, but I can't believe this isn't fake. What the fuck was Ivanka thinking, lmao? At the United Nations, girl?
She's not that liberal, early 20s "#NoBra #FreeTheNipple" Miley Cyrus sort of public figure. Is she deliberately trying to fuck up her and her father's brand?
No. 466653
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>>466650Lmao, I couldn't post that without this
No. 466727
>>466650There are so many more important things to care about when it comes to this woman than whether or not she wears a bra. The fact that her dad, who is president, openly said he wanted to fuck her, for instance. Or the fact that she works in the White House despite that being hugely inappropriate and a conflict of interest.
Also, we need to get over being shocked by nipples. They aren't intended for sex and everyone has them.
No. 466764
>>466650I don't like her and much less Trump but having nipples protruding through clothes can happen to anyone. It's not like she was dressed immodestly or something.
And kind of related, I really hate how much Melania Trump is mocked in the news for her accent and anything she does really. It's all done in bad taste and she doesn't seem to be a bad person to deserve all the negative press.
No. 467163
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Kanye's new merch for his album "Jesus is king" is beyond fucked up. He literally depicts himself as jesus. How has he not gotten any criticism for his cultish sunday services yet?
No. 467185
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>>465166There’s a blind item about her abusing adderall and that’s why she’s so skinny and raisin in the face looking. It’s concerning. Would also explain her weird ig posts.
No. 467200
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>>467194especially compared to how she looked just a year ago
No. 467201
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>>467185>Looks up her age>Turns 27 in Novemberher turn to join the club?
No. 467256
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>>467185Not enough nutrients 'cause being Vegan
or she's been breathing in too much rock
No. 467262
>>462949I'm so fucking sick of straight pop-princesses trying to profit off of gay people and/or "come out" as a publicity stunt. It's so fucking transparent. They're literally just trying to cash in on gay people being "cool" now.
>>467185I fucking hope so. She's an attention-hungry leech that contributes nothing to society. All she does is waste people's time and headspace. She'd let someone shit on her face if it meant she could make headlines.
No. 467979
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The child star curse claims another victim
No. 469298
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>>458782LOL omg its true.
It seems almost everyone who wants fame/power are severely fucked up. From the anime cosplay girl to the biggest Hollywood megastar