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No. 392511
Last thread:
>>369217Leaving Neverland discussion has its own thread now:
>>392313Latest milk:
>Cardi B admits to drugging, robbing and raping men in the past>Prosecutors drop charges of Jussie Smollet after he was accused of staging his own assault >Australian soundcloud rapper Zheani accuses Die Antwoord of grooming and abusing her - interestingly enough, the videos and IG posts she made about it have since been removed>Johnny Depp's defense claims Amber Heard is the one who abused him and cut off his finger, turns out he's just a lying drunk>Grimes still being a dumb embarrassing edgelord>Ariana Grande managed to go an entire thread without pissing anons off>Various celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Sam Smith are coming out as ~queer~ No. 392517
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>>392511Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale look like completely different species. He looks like he's from some planet where everyone lives underground and eats grubs for sustenance or some shit. She's gorgeous and went to Oxford ffs. Wtf is she doing?
No. 392522
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This a shoop or what? She doesn't look like this in candids
No. 392532
>>392517>>392519>>392521She's 20 years older then him
she is Investing the long run
No. 392534
>>392532>investing in the long runat the rate he's going downhill?
>>392530i don't understand. she's objectively hot, i'm sure most dudes would jump at the chance to fuck her regardless of the fact she's in her 40's, so engaging in a relationship with a 25 year old D lister is such a weird choice. i swear his dick must be magic to get women like ariana and kate.
No. 392542
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After her alleged suicide attempt I started looking things up about Paris Jackson and is just me or does her relationship with Macaulay Culkin seem a little… not normal? I mean, there's pic related and who the hell sits on their godfathers lap like that? They also have matching tattoos together and in an interview he said this about her
>'I’m going to warn you now, I am very protective of her so just look out,' said the actor, who played Kevin McCallister in the 1990 mega-hit Home Alone. 'I am a very open book when it comes to things but like with her, she is beloved by me.' 'I’m just letting you know if we want to start going down that road it’s going to be a dead-end, you know, but I mean that in the fact that I love her so much,' said the Manhattan native. Macaulay kept it short when asked how Paris is doing, responding that 'she’s tall, and beautiful and smart - it’s great.'
That's a really weird way to talk about your goddaughter. And if they are fucking or whatever it's fine since they aren't like blood related but I'm sure MJ didn't make him the godfather of his child so he could fuck her as soon as she was legal like ??? Yikes. It just seems weird to me. Does anyone else think this is weird?
No. 392569
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Kate Beckinsale’s previous boyfriend was 21 and they dated for a year, I think she’s just using Pete for his peen and attention.
Pete is obviously very unstable atm and I hope he gets the help he needs, because at this rate he’ll probably end up overdosing or something
No. 392594
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>>392532He's never been good-looking but def looked better pre-Ariana. It's like she sucked the soul out of him or something
No. 392607
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>>392594He was so cute and looked stable with Cazzie.
I think him and Ariana only fucked and took drugs together, I wouldn’t be surprised if he stopped going to therapy when he was with her.
No. 392621
>>392542It's definitely not right, but then again, Cullkin is not right in the head. He's definitely messed up from being a
victim of sexual abuse as a child
No. 392636
>>392569>>392532>>392592>>392618In the words of Germaine Greer
"Well, I'd like to reclaim for women the right to appreciate the short-lived beauty of boys, real boys, not simpering 30-year-olds with shaved chests."
No. 393146
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This tattoo is pretty stupid tbh. We know men are terrible but to write it on your body is cringy. However, Billie Eillish doesn't really understand the whole "I hate men" thing and why women say it. She's like 16 so maybe when she's older she'll understand why double standards don't matter for men. A man getting "I hate women" is different.
Also her typing is so dumb, why can't these celebs type normally?!
No. 393149
>>393146I mean both are pretty cringy and pathetic in my opinion not trying to "Women are just as bad as men" but rather I'll use this exampleS
If someone shits themselves in public it doesn't matter if its man or a women its equally pathetic
No. 393163
>>393150>>393160I mean I understand why some women hate men(Its completely reasonable to me)but getting a tattoo on how much you hate men just seems like too much effort in my opinion
Its like Identity politics
No. 393482
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>>393414i know AB has her own thread now and i know she's out of her mind, but her reactions are still sending me
No. 393670
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>>393662i don't like him but he's not wrong. milkier than his shit is that she's so assmad that she's now posting pictures of slaves being whipped and asking him to draw that too, because somehow they're both equally offensive. because there's a very natural parallel between a fascist dictator having been killed by an anti-fascist/anti-nazi people's movement and slaves being abused and whipped by plantation owners, obviously
how delusional can one person get? jesus christ. victimizing mussolini as if he was as slighted a slave is insane
No. 393693
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>>393670samefag but people are roasting her so hard in the comments and it's pretty delicious. she was a model and actress and is a MEP so she's a celeb in her own right i guess
No. 393928
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>>393670Lmao Alessandra Mussolini is a huge lolcow in Italy, she spends her time getting BTFO'd mad on the internet because people send her memes about her fascist grandpa and she threatens to go to the police.
Pic related: she says she reported to the police the user who posted the picture above. A picture of Mussolini with some cats.
No. 393967
>>393662I literally don't get it. Why is she allowed to be famous, a politician even, why did she keep his name, seriously why?
He might not have killed Jews, but he did build concentration camps in Africa, he was a failed mini Hitler.
No. 394243
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in case you guys were worried that grimes would grow up any time soon and stop pandering to the lamest demo possible, reporting in that grimes is still VERY COOL and #relatable to teenage boys and is still referencing that she looks like bowsette or something. who needs clothes when you have video games anyways?
No. 394425
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>However, one lyric in particular — "I like women and men" — has caught the attention of pretty much everybody, with people assuming that Ariana is opening up about her sexuality. Didn't someone call this in the last thread? No. 394426
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No. 394431
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>>394425Start eating pussy and then you can come and talk to us, this is Miley levels of qUeeRnEsS its obvious shes just doing it for attention.
No. 394503
>>394468>>394471Damn, I would have believed it a
little bit if it weren't for this.
That's why she's conveniently saying she still doesn't feel the need to label herself or come out as anything…
Either you're bi or not bi. I don't care if you've never had sex with a girl, as long as you at least WANT to? But she's conveniently saying she isn't bisexual.
~Sexuality is fluid~ Yeah true but it seems like the new thing for girls to say nowadays to be cool and ~queer~ and especially for attention from men
Not to be all SJW and snowflakey, but self awareness is recognizing that being a bi white girl isn't going to make her that speshul and oppressed.
No. 394533
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>>394503>>394425I really wish people would stop acting like who you fuck makes you anything special. If you're in the first world, let alone famous, most people don't really give a shit about your sexuality unless your public image was that of some sort of hetero sex symbol.
Call the press when someone who can make an statement about it like Aaron Rodgers wants to come out.
No. 394572
>>394569Most of the bi gatekeeping on this board (and in general) is coming from other bis. They think girls like her, shoe, Jill, etc. give them a bad rep or something and call them fakers even though they probably
are bi.
No. 394638
>>394601>>394569You're so naïve.
No. 394757
>>394572I think it's less to do with gatekeeping and more to do with pop stars and cows using bisexuality for attention. So many pop stars have come out as bi for press only to later go back on their word (Bowie, Gaga, Jessie J)
If some rando actor came out as bi I don't think farmers would be nearly as judgmental.
>>394600As opposed to Muskrat, who's pure and virginal?
No. 394786
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>>394569I've never really understood this argument. I understand always having dated someone of the opposite sex and then realizing you're attracted to the same sex and being open to it moving forward….but unless you take some action what's the point of announcing it?
To me this feels like going to a museum, seeing a painting and saying "pfft…I could paint that", never picking up a paintbrush but announcing to everyone publicly that you're a painter now.
>Just because I've never painted before doesn't mean I'm not a painter! I COULD if I wanted to, I just never have! Therefore no one can get mad when I'm asked to teach a college painting class.>I've only ever eaten vegetables my whole life, but I like the smell of steak. I've never eaten any meat in my life but idk I'd probably like it if I did. I'm an omnivore everybody!! Of course I'll host your BBQ Competition Show, I'm the perfect representative! I just think
thinking girls are pretty ≠ wanting to eat pussy No. 394812
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>>394805Lol just watch heather mcmahan's britney 911 ig highlights, brit has been off the deep end, it's sad
she does the weirdest skits, acts strange, dresses strange… No. 394829
>>394812heather mcmahan is weird. she's acting like she knows exactly why britney does the things she does. she's a quirky mom, she's got kids to take care of. she does shows in vegas multiple times a week, of course she's gonna look worn out at home. she's just exhausted. britney even had to explain her kids film some things for her, of course she's gonna act doofy in front of them. have any of these people ever had a family member like this before? maybe i'm just lucky i have a family member who acts similar to britney when she's being silly.
and i don't get the weird nitpicking about the rugs and furniture. she's not an interior designer, maybe she buys certain things because she likes how they look. she's got the money so she decorates her house the way she wants.
sorry about the sperging, i don't get people who overthink everything celebs do. britney is fine, she knows she's distressed and getting help is the best step in the right direction.
No. 394851
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Idk what this is about but jfc Azealia Banks this is not a good look
No. 394857
>>394851Nope, take it to the Azealia thread.
>>>/snow/771485OP should've included that one as well when making the thread.
No. 394923
>>394805Eh. I love making fun of delusional celebrities but I actually feel really bad for Britney.
Like she was obviously pushed into stardom at a young age, was heavily sexualized as a minor, inevitably has a breakdown because of it all and ends up being the butt of jokes also because of it. She also seems be rather nice compared to other celebs (especially towards her fans) and doesn’t really make a jackass out of herself anymore. I feel like they’re other celebrities out there more worth ripping on.
No. 394945
>>394923>She also seems be rather nice compared to other celebsa friend of me had backstage tickets during Britney's top period, it was together with a Madonna concert.
She said Britney was incredibly kind to her back-up dancers and to everyone in general. Madonna seemed like an entitled cunt though.
No. 395241
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No. 395275
Art Angels sounds a lot more pop, maybe that's why she hates it now.
No. 395404
>>395254>that $3 mesh topElon really doesn't give her shit to get nice clothes with, does he? She is far, far too successful for this bottom of the Dolls Kill bargain bin aesthetic.
It's not difficult to have a cool, somewhat unique style (and you can do this without spending thousands
or even relying on secondhand if you have a bit of know-how), but it's like she and her stylists don't even try. It's sad.
No. 395415
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>>395404You'd think she'd try and stand out with her style as it's a major part of her persona, yet she looks worse than the normal girls insta wearing that top. Funnily enough she said in an interview a while back stating she's not going to wear what people think she's going to wear. I think she said she was going to dress glam. Great how that turned out.
No. 395499
File: 1554512868336.png (378.81 KB, 1104x1262, p.png), apparently Beyonce may be suffering from a dissociative disorder. I feel like a lot of celebrities and public figures do, honestly. Humans aren't really meant to be products for mass consumption or constant entertainers.
Solange reportedly also has bipolar disorder. According to the thread, she openly discussed dealing with depression in the past.
If these things are true, it explains the elevator video from years ago. Solange at her worst in the middle of a fit, Beyonce dissociating and smiling through it all.
No. 395726
>>392542Take this with a grain of salt because I read it on a blind item, but apparently Paris was sexually assaulted several times by one of her disgusting relatives, and Macaulay was assaulted by Michael too, so they both bonded over the fact that they were
victims. Again, it's probably not true but makes some sense
No. 396141
>>392663I like billie's music but I also feel like she's at too young an age to be thrust into the spotlight so quickly.
me and a friend discussed this the other day- she strikes me as someone who's not mentally "there", and I can't imagine fame won't do a number on her psyche. imo even though I think she has talent and potential her young age is a factor that's going to damage her and make her more susceptible to problems later on.
No. 396560
>>396483It's so weird that she hangs around these kind of men and hasn't somehow been destroyed by them enough to realize this shit isn't okay? Like when she posted about the "I hate men" tattoo. Yeah obviously the tattoo itself was excessive but the fact that she didn't see the difference between "I hate men" and "I hate women". Maybe she's just young but it blows my mind. She must be
extremely protected. There is no way she isn't somehow being discriminated against because she is a girl, or harmed in even a little way. Especially around rappers…
No. 396667
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I know shes struggled with eating disorders in the past and was in recovery but Lily really seems to be slipping back into old habits. Doing that movie where she had to basically act out her eating disorder on camera probably didnt help. Shame because shes a pretty girl and seems sweet.
No. 396860
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No. 397112
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Bieber poetry
No. 397154
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>>396860>>396940She's fucked. If she had accepted the plea deal, she would have got 2 years and then released after a few months because of good behaviour. Now she's playing with fire because the federal government is a different calibre. They are now accusing her of money laundry too for which you can get a maximum sentence of 20 years apparently. I doubt she would get so much prison time but she will definitely sit longer in prison than Felicity Huffman for example. Lori is probably hoping that her case disappears like the Jussie Smollett one. The law is for poor people and the rich ones can do what they want.
No. 397190
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Marina has never been fat or chubby or anything, but has always had a rounded face and a broad upper body that goes with having a big chest (which I assume she's had reduced recently? she's talked about getting it done before) but she's looking really sick lately, it's so weird to see her go from the glowing persona she had for "Froot" to how sickly and worn out she is now. Industry pressure or personal issues, you think?
No. 397194
>>397190sorry for being off topic but I have the same body like her and the same chubby face despite being healthy and fit. I'm not saying I'm pretty as her but I was always very conscious about looking big because I'm really tall and couple that with broad shoulders, I still avoid looking at myself in the mirror.
I also hate having bigger breasts (they're not huge just big enough) but it just makes me feel massive.
I started to diet because I want to look sickly and petite. It sounds stupid but I just can't stand myself anymore.
No. 397321
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>>397315she's 17… this styling is tragic. hollywood is horrible for these girl. did she try to 'defy' gender roles by getting a pixie cut like all these tumblr kids, only to slather on 10129391230 lbs of makeup and terrible cheap jewelry? at a certain point, if you're out here going ham on the makeup and other traditional feminine styling to make up for the fact that you now have short hair, i don't think it ends up being subversive. she calls herself queer so i'm guessing the totally kweer haircut is a large part of that kweerness
No. 397322
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I don't know her, but she has an anime profile pic on instagram and looks like a thai ladyboy (or Ezra Miller in drag). And only 17?! No way…
No. 397327
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>>397322yes. her whole insta is the typical bad activism "women and trannies ra ra ra" while posting super hypersexualized photos of herself at 16 and captioning 'artsy' photos of herself with her boobs out as "Went to Paris / pretended to not be American / pretended the world isn’t shit / @chrishoran20 and i got our hands on the new perfect @muglerofficial collection 😛"
it's really cringy and i wish her parents would prevent her from doing this. sad. she's just a kid but this tumblr tier shit is so embarrassing and just makes feminism/'left' activism look terrible
No. 397374
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>>397190It's when I saw this picture that I got really worried.
Also, did she really get her chest reduced? I still see it so big compared to her waist. Sometimes even bigger
No. 397379
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>>397374>>397190I don't think she's had a reduction. Or it was a waste of money if she did because they didn't change that much. Her breasts are still very large. I think it's mostly the weight loss. That and maybe she's styling herself a little differently to minimize them. You'd be surprised how drastically you can change the apparent size of your boobs with certain bras.
I agree that she's starting to look a little unwell though. I hope she's okay.
No. 397592
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Fucking finally
No. 397594
>>397592As bad as WW's situation is/was, I couldn't help thinking that if this was happening to any other woman, she'd be laughing,
victim-blaming and being as un-empathetic as possible.
She's been so nasty, and essentially built a whole career off that nastiness. I found it hard to feel bad for her.
After coming out of this, she'll either be a little kinder, or become even more horrible in a misguided bid to reclaim some personal strength.
No. 397622
>>397374I love Marina and her music but this particular picture freaked me out too. If you just look from her neck down it's fucking weird.
Hope she's okay too, it seems like she's in a good moment though. I don't even identify with her ~good vibes~ now - even tho I still think the music is nice - she's more than 10 years older than me so maybe I'm gonna get to that level of confidence and chill.
No. 397656
>>397592I saw a post on reddit about Wendy and the comments were weird af. All the guys users were complaining about the way she behaved around her kids and drug abuse without acknowledging how
abusive her husband is.
No. 398273
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meanwhile grimes on twitter
No. 398374
saw someone mention this in a different thread, but a rapper from australia named zheani accused antwoord of sexually assaulting and trafficking her and exposed them for being liars and fakes
zheani's song where she talks about what happened to her (includes screenshots): detailing everything: main points:
>zheani claims ninja got her high in south africa and raped her and shared nude pictures of her with others>ninja stole da's aesthetic from a street gang>ninja tells yolandi how to act and speak and writes her lines>ninja and yolandi retaliate by sharing links to zheani's nudes, threatening legal action against her, and getting her music removed from streaming services No. 398386
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>>398324This is her official statement. Recasting climate change in a 'fun' light is the stupidest shit. The last thing it needs is to be personified as some sexy, artsy femme fatale. Literally will do the opposite of raising awareness. People already don't take it seriously to their own detriment.
>>398274Grimes is so dumb but ecofascism is a boogeyman bullshit smear and nothing she has done is reminiscent of "ecofascism". This guy is a fucking retard and his comments piss me off more than her. Her concept album bullshit isn't radical or doing harm by being too radical, wtf. She COULD do harm by downplaying the most serious existential crisis that humans and animals alike have ever faced by turning a serious issue into some lighthearted, faux-deep synth-y titty-focused trash (like her album art), however. There's no 'reasonable' interpretation of a lame, schlocky, middle school tier album concept as being ecofascist. This is literally the opposite of radical thought ("my goal is to make climate change fun") and this album sounds terrible. No offense but she should've thrown in the towel after Visions.
No. 398387
>>398274>this guy talking to Grimes about how she's erasing the responsibility of the ruling class>as if she caresShe's literally getting fucked by the ruling class and calling other art hoes to get into ugly, drug-fueled threesomes with them, lmao.
This is the same woman who implied everyone who's not a singer like her is an NPC.
No. 398405
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>>398206damn she was so stunning during the electra heart era, can't believe shes lost so much weight
No. 398414
>>398374this was talked about extensively in the last thread and was even mentioned in the op of this one.
>>398206i feel like the weight loss has aged her. she's still beautiful though.
No. 398629
>>398623I remember finding Bella Hadid's old Tumblr page from her teens, and it was full of thinspo.
Their mother really did fuck them up.
No. 398782
>>398623Without even watching the video I can bet their mother insulted their looks and probably encouraged them to get PS too. You can't help but feel bad for people with overbearing "stage parents" who want desperately to live through their kids because they're too aged to pimp themselves out anymore.
Reminds me how much I fucking hate mothers who project their own vanity onto their children in general.
No. 398879
>>398623>Their bodies are big and bulky and they eat like menFucking what? I'd off myself if my mom was like that.
>You'll have to go back on your diet. The models in Paris are a bit on the skinny sideSubtle dig there too. At her own daughter. I don't know who these people are but I'm horrified. They're going to get really fucked up with their mom using them for fame and being smug about it on camera.
No. 398931
>>398623Wew this is fucked up, for years I heard about Yolanda being such a "nice person who raised two nice, humble girls"… seems that only the part about Gigi and Bella being nice and humble is true.
Bella looked really good here, she should've stopped right there with the surgery but I guess that with a mother like that, BDD and PS are a natural consequence.
>volleyball is a very masculine sportWat
No. 399477
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Kim K wants to be a lawyer and is doing an apprenticeship.
>The passage rate was 2.8 percent for apprenticeship test-takers, compared to the 53.4 percent passage rate for American Bar Association approved law school graduates. guys think she'll pass the bar?
No. 399481
>>399477I didn't think Trump would win the presidency but here we are.
Wasn't her dad a lawyer?
No. 399483
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>>399481Yeah he was OJ's defense attorney
Ross played him in The People vs. OJ Simpson
No. 399562
>>399477i’m proud of her tbh. guarantee all the fragile reddit neckbeards will be foaming at the mouth to “prove” it’s not a legitimate accomplishment or pursuit just because she’s a rich famous woman.
hear me out, she’s actually not a bad barometer for determining whether you’re speaking to a covert incel or not. i’ve met so many people who wish the most extreme shit on this woman because… she got her start of fame from a sex tape. not because she broke a law, or hurt someone, or threw a lit cigarette into a fire and set the whole damn thing ablaze. she was just a
victim of revenge porn who turned it all around, yes with the help of her affluent family, but she did it nonetheless.
go kim.
No. 399566
>>399562I kinda agree with you on this anon. She isn't dumb for sure, the way she's handling the PR disaster that her marriage is and for the fact her parents are brilliant in their own fields. Her momager is the most accomplished momager to date and her dad was a very accomplished lawyer.
She is involved in a lot of law related charity things and has been giving voice to
victims. She could do some good for sure. Besides, the incel butthurt is enough to make it worth it alone.
No. 399572
>>399562>revenge pornHer mom released it, she's not a
victim of shit. She copied Paris' scheme.
No. 399574
>>399562Ew, I find it so disturbing when women applaud Kim for "MaKiNG ThE BeSt Of HeR SiTuAtIoN".
She's a literal hoe who released her sex tape herself, got a billion surgery and gave a million young girl massive insecurities and for some BDD, she's the embodiment of everything that is disgusting with our society.
No. 399578
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What's this whole deal about Britney Spears apparently being held hostage in the mental health facility? Apparently her dad won't let her leave? of her fans are being retarded spreading around the hashtag #FreeBritney and bombarding her mom's social media with comments about whatever they're assuming.
No. 399634
>>399477She won't work as lawyer because she doesn't need to obviously, she's doing this out of passion. Apparently it's both because of her father and because of the case of that woman who was given life sentence for killing her pimp or something like that, and Kim helped her with her lawyers.
It's good that she's using some of her spare time for education
No. 399664
>>399656>odds are stacked against herShe has the money to fully focus on it, she can hire tutors and doesn't have to work a part time job or anything until she's ready to take her bar.
Deleted this so I could add that I don't think it's a bad thing for her to do though. I'm not going to kiss her ass for being inspirational but she's undeniably a role model for so many girls, so working on her education serves a purpose there at least. The babies, the body and now the job is all very early 2000s "women can have it all".
No. 399666
>>399662You should take a look at the last thread, it was discussed a lot there.
Anyway, it shows that both Watkin and Anri are liars, and that Watkin did send revenge porn. Watkin outright mentions Satan and blood rituals, too, and references sexual magic with the "gush" stuff, but all the stans go "Umm it was only once it doesn't count he's a buddhist! We don't even know!! None of these screencaps mean anything! >:(".
It's also been shown that he does have a "thing" for girls/women who look like his daughter, though not in Zheani's stuff.
He and Anri really tried to misrepresent this whole thing as her being some ugly whore who was obsessed with Watkin, but anyone who's not a brainless fan can see that they were bullshitting.
No. 399710
>>399578She was hospitalized for not taking her meds.
>>399639If she's doing this because she's passionate then good for her but people are saying she's doing this because she wants to move onto politics.
No. 399722
>>399578I really feel sorry for Britney. She has been in
toxic showbiz enviroment since her childhood. It’s no suprise she ended up to this mental state.
There must have been some traumatic shit in her teen years. Her sister had a baby with rapist shitbag Dan Schneider.
No. 399726
>>399722woaaahh is this tinfoil or real?????? Jamie Lynn’s baby?? I never heard this before
Fuck sorry asking for spoonfeeding I can look it up I’m just shocked
No. 399734
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>>399711That email Zheani used as proof was in no means an invitation. In it Ninja asked for her phone number because he wanted to talk about something important, which could be anything, really. Pic related.
Also, Yolandi did reach out to her after Ninja showed her Zheani’s tumblr, that much is true. And for sure, spreading revenge porn (even if the porn came from a former customer of her private snapchat [I cannot find any confirmation that the email to Sharlto Copley is legit]) is horrible! Not to mention Ninja admitting that he choked a backup dancer. Ninja’s a dirtbag, but I don’t think Zheani’s telling the truth either.
No. 399770
>>399666>It's also been shown that he does have a "thing" for girls/women who look like his daughter, though not in Zheani's stuff. Not really. It's just been the subjective opinion that every girl he bones looks like his kid and it's a reach.
Also him being degenerate doesn't mean he traffiked anyone. Like the amount of reaching because of clout is cringeworthy.
No. 399797
>>399562the reddit incels raging at her is hilarious. she's everything they hate, turning a pointless sex tape into a multi billion dollar franchise, starting businesses, having a family and now studying law when she's almost in her 40s, an age where incels believe women should just die off. I don't like everything kim k does but this move is nice to see.
>>399722Growing up under the spotlight and being judged from a kid into adulthood will fuck you up mentally. Brit became less than a human and like a zoo animal on display. tinfoil but there was something sinister going on for people to know where she was or what she was doing all the time like someone wanted to just break her down
No. 399817
>>399734Her video for "The Question" has a screencap of his email to Copley. It was a photo of her sucking his dick. I can't go back and screencap it now, but it's there. I think there's an imgur post in the timeline with all the screens she shared in the video. The Snapchat stuff came after, when he was trying to drag her name through the mud and get the heat off himself.
The timeline Reddit post was originally written by a DA fan who was pretty hostile to Zheani right from the jump. He's calmed down a little bit now that Ninja and Yolandi have royally shown their asses, but he's definitely still somewhat biased.
No. 399818
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>>399770>It's a reachYou really think this….
No. 399819
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>>399818….And this don't look the least bit similar and it's a "subjective reach"? Are you absolutely sure?
No. 399831
>>399819While I won't deny Ninja is gross and pedophilic as fuck (pretty sure one of his texts to Zheani was something like "what if I was your dad and we fucked"), the only similarities I see between them is the angle.
Also what a shame that their kid apparently took after Ninja more than Yolandi…
No. 399865
>>399574>she's the embodiment of everything that is disgusting with our society.I'd say people that rape and murder other people are far more disgusting. After that probably people that don't care about the planet.
The worst we have to offer as humanity definitely is not vain people that want to get attention.
No. 400029
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Does anyone remember Courtney Stodden? She married Doug Hutchinson when she was 16 and he was 50. They did all sorts of weird interviews and photo shoots. Overall, produced some grade A cringe content.
Now she's back trying to be relevant again. It's sad that she's now 24 and still looks a decade older.
No. 400093
oh my, I thought this was Lindsay Lohan at first glance
No. 400155
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does Brie Larson fully understand Ayn Rand's political beliefs
No. 400227
>>400155who gives a shit
people post quotes they don’t fully understand literally all the time
No. 400266
>>400262maybe too wholesome
he goes to that anti-gay church chris pratt goes to
No. 400281
>>400258Elijah Wood and Joseph Gordon-Levitt
(JGL has always given me the creeps for some reason tho)
No. 400420
>>400335yep, but she turned out pretty good and never went thru a public mental breakdown or something like a lot of other child stars. iirc she spoke about hearing on the radio about guys having a countdown to when she turned 18 (might be confusing her w someone else. she went to harvard right?
>>400401yeah it seems like the child stars who have struggled the most have awful, greedy parents (macaulay culkin, corey feldman, lindsey lohan, britney spears etc.)
No. 400438
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something is so off about billie eilish and finneas. why does his girlfriend look exactly like his sister?
No. 400443
>>400438I remember in that video where she showed off her underwear at a concert, she looked over her shoulder at him for a second, then just kept going. It was weird. That, and the fact that they both wrote a song where she sings
>I like it when you take control, even if you know that you don't own me, I'll let you play the role. I'll be your animal>I'm that bad type, make your mama sad type, make your girlfriend mad tight, might seduce your dad typeReminds me of Ninja from Die Antwoord's greasy-ass lyrics.
The gf picture makes it even weirder. I won't even be surprised to find out something "happened" during homeschool.
No. 400447
>>400443from a billboard article:
"He starred with his parents in 2013 family drama Life Inside Out (which his mother co-wrote), playing the troubled teenage son who discovers his musical talents."
wonder how much the mom borrowed from her own family? i think it might be like lil tay and her older brother, except billie seems genuinely mature and well-adjusted. they just all seem TOO normal, except the brother…
No. 400485
>>399818I know they're "performers" and they have an "image" to maintain but… this is such a weird picture to take with your child. It reminds me of those photoshopped pictures where it's a seemingly innocent selfie and then there ends up being a demon in the background.
>>400029I remember them from that marriage boot camp show. I'm pretty sure they ended up getting divorced. I don't keep up with her but she seems potentially milky. There was a screen recording from one of her lives that was going around on Twitter a couple months ago. A bunch of people in the chat were speculating she was on drugs because of how she was acting and she was very obnoxiously and loudly denying it. (it totally seemed like she was on coke)
No. 400487
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They really did this.
No. 400509
>>400487Just to point out, OreImo was in like, 2013, lots of people forgot about it (unless it's a thing on reddit?). If they wanted to pander to teens they'd go for Darling in the TrasHH or something like that.
He also posted a touhou pic before so is he basing his anime knowledge on 4chan from a few years ago based on a google search?
No. 400521
>>400514I don't understand why the oreimofags haven't moved onto eromanga sensei since it's oreimo lite
I think the shows are both trash even if I like the char design, what a waste of art and animation for a lousy incest anime
No. 400625
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>>400487they already changed it but her new banner isn't any less embarrassing. Also, what's up with her birthday date?
No. 400626
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>>400625elon on the other hand
No. 400667
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>>400626this is so fucking embarrassing. this is an almost 48 year old man.
No. 400709
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>>400446Yeah their family dynamic does seem a little weird
No. 400723
>>400667I'm godamn concerned for our future gen. Like will these kid's grow up thinking this is how full grown professionals should act?
Like when I was younger I thought doing all this outrage stuff was funny, but now I look back on it and think of it as really cringy and immature.
But with people like musk activly encouraging it. Will kids on 100 layers of irony become adults on 101 layers of irony?
No. 400777
>>400258Drew Barrymore? She was a fuck up for a while but eventually got her shit together and managed to be stable for quite a few decades.
Dakota Fanning also seems normal, which is surprisingly since a lot of her roles as a child were very dark and not kid friendly.
No. 400846
>>400443The fact that an underage girl sings stuff like that is… concerning.
>>400777Yeah, Dakota is also well adjusted. Her sister Elle too.
Also Sofia Vassilieva, Abigail Breslin and Chloe Moretz haven't had scandals that I know of either.
No. 401005
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Ugh…her existence is so sad to me.
No. 401031
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>>400155She's a full blown narc 100%
No. 401340
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britney got released from the hospital for a day on easter…saging cause i dont think its milky but wow she looks so sad and out of it the more i read of this situation the darker and sadder it gets
No. 401343
>>401340Britney's family is so messed up and her career's demise is literally a result of this conservatorship which allows her family to pimp her out despite her obvious discomfort with continuing her career.
It's honestly sickening how much she's been exploited for money from her family to Kevin Federline who demands $60,000 in child support. Even as a lifelong fan of hers, I am dying for her to break free and take control of her life on her own terms, even if it means retiring. Her legacy was great up until Circus but she hasn't been the same since then. You can tell her heart just isn't in performing anymore and that's okay. I'd rather her retire and be happy than to have another album where she's basically a puppet for all the leeches who depend on her.
No. 401416
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>>400438Not gonna lie, thought that was Billie with a new dye job at first glance before doing a double take. Checked out the girl's Instagram and she really does look like a tanner brunette version of Billie. After seeing some of the borderline sexual shit Billie's done and now this, I wouldn't be surprised if there's something up with her . family.
No. 401420
>>401416Billie's lyrics are way too sexual imo for there
not to be something sketchy with her fam. At the very least they've allowed their minor daughter to create music about her sex life, which is slimy.
No. 401512
>>401421>i like it when you take control>even if you know that you don't own me, i'll let you play the role>i'll be your animal>my mommy likes to sing along with me>but she won't sing this song>if she reads all the lyrics>she'll pity the men I knowlyrics from her song "bad guy", another cut with weird lyrics considering they're written by both Billie and her brother include "my strange addiction"
i admittedly like the album and the song but it's still pretty fuckin' weird that siblings are penning these lyrics
No. 401530
>>401512okay, but that's one song. none of her other songs have "sexual" lyrics. (my strange addiction is not sexual lol?) and if you consider the rest of the song, it's clear she was just trying to be as edgy as possible to go along with the bad guy theme
brother's gf have similar face to sister + suggestive lyrics = incest apparently
No. 401802
>>401530If it smells like it, looks like it…
It’s so convenient that everyone loves her and Finneas is invisible on the side. I wish one of the gossip blogs would go deep into this.
No. 401813
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I spotted Eric Stuart in a livestream (or I think it’s him?), he looks pissed kek
No. 401913
>>401902She looks terrible
>all is well>i am strong"Strong Britney"
No. 401930
Before reading what
>>401356 linked and doing a bit of my own research I thought Britney's situation is pretty normal - I thought she's getting the help she needs, and of course sometimes it has to be forced. But now I feel so heavy-hearted. They own her. She's a product, nothing more. It's like… human trafficking happening right before our eyes. She filled the motion and almost immediately they've put her in a mental institution. Scary shit
No. 402076
>>402070>fire imagery/metaphorssuggestive, sure, but not "sexual" which would indicate something more explicit/direct
and even so, aren't most people sexually active at 17? why should it matter if she hints at it in her music?
No. 402187
>>402076Yeah you right if she's not literally saying "hello i am doing bdsm shit and i got fucked in the pussy without lube lol" then it's not inappropriate.
You dense fucker.
No. 402625
>>402622You're supposed to be anonymous, don't input anything into the name field you dork.
And no there is no Marilyn Manson thread but you could talk about him here, I don't think celeb milk needs to be fresh. Does it?
No. 402856
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No. 402880
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>>402856Damn, that's Olivia Munn? Good comeback.
Someone with the surname Cocks should not cast the first stone.
No. 402917
>>402880NTA but have you ever actually read the blog she's going in on? It's so completely and utterly harmless, holy shit.
>posts about both men and women>never criticizes bodies or looks>criticisms are good humoured snark that never gets particularly mean spiritedCritiquing the clothes celebs are given to wear for a day by designers is harmless, she's just butthurt they made fun of her clothes. On the other hand, going after people with much less power and status than yourself for SJW points knowing your fanbase will attack them is low af. She could go after fashion magazines that really do harm women… but they give her jobs and could take legal action against her if they wished so nope.
No. 403157
>>400808I found a clip in a billie eilish "funny moments" video of her making a joke about his (her brother) dick being small.
Found the original clip
(At the 2:16 mark)
But that could just be sibling banter, i guess.
Looking for that clip though, i came across some "billie and finneas sibling moments" videos.
No. 403161
>>403157I guess to a 17 year old, that might be a funny diss at your sibling? That’s really not top 10 sibling diss material though. She doesn’t want him to get girls?
There’s also clearly tension between his girlfriend and Billie. Claudia puts him in all her social media, YouTube vids, etc… but there are no interactions with Billie lol. She’ll tag Billie out of politeness at her own damn concert in a story, but the rest of the tour might as well have been a Finneas solo.
Oh well, they’re all immature and probably can’t navigate these complex emotions and relationships. Really hoping Billie and her brother aren’t doing shit behind the scenes.
No. 403171
>>403161Same here.
It does seem a bit weird that he wanted her to turn off the video after she said it though, but I'll leave it there, considering there isn't any actual proof of anything going on, i hope all is well.
No. 403674
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She wants what hatsune miku has
Also someone said that this would be elon musk funded he doesn’t even buy her clothes
No. 404534
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Any farmers think Dan Schneider, creator of The Amanda Show, All That, iCarly, Zoey 101, Victorious, Drake & Josh etc. is a creep? Or I guess actively follow news of him, just waiting for him to be outed? There’s been claims of him being an abusive prick (shocker) circulating for years, which include him raping Amanda Bynes, being the true father of Jamie Lynn Spear’s (Britney Spear’s younger sister) baby, his obvious foot fetish, among other disgusting allegations. Even actual footage of Ariana Grande playing with her feet, which he made her do for a children’s TV show.
As of last year, Nickelodeon “parted ways” with Dan amid more mainstream conversation of him being a pedophile. Supposedly they parted ways because Dan demanded a bigger studio and he threw a diva tantrum, but Nickelodeon cleaning house and not wanting to be associated with Schneider for when he is outed as a predator is more plausible. Should be noted that Dan hasn’t tweeted since the allegations went more mainstream.
No. 404537
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>>404534samefag but I know we discuss child grooming in the industry here from time to time, but Dan Schneider keeps getting away with it. Every year some new blind items about him are discussed, and more footage of him being disgusting to the once underage actresses he hired for his shows surfaces. Pic related but this is one of his former actresses speaking up about him recently. Wonder when the other women will come forward, if ever.
No. 404539
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Anyone else catch this youtube drama with Doja Cat and London Yellow?
>London Yellow makes some "lol meme" video called "Doja Cat Please Marry Me"
>seems really obviously like he's trying to be "cool/relatable/memeable" while also using the name of a more popular artist to boost views on his videos
>literally most of his videos are at less than 90k views before this, some even as low as 10k
>this song comes out and he suddenly blows the fuck up
>somehow no one notices this
>his creepy fans start to harass Doja on twitter
>"lol just memes y u mad" when called out on harassment
>harassment is pointed out to London Yellow
>he literally fans the flames and encourages his followers to help him get his waifu, rather than discouraging it as one might if it really were "just memes"
>doja cat blocks him
>he makes a song called "doja cat please unblock me"
>his fang so fucking NUTS
>start bothering Doja about this stupid fucking meme on social media, everything from just being annoying "lol memes" spouting aspies to actually being misogynistic dweebs spouting really gross shit at her
>london yellow still does nothing and in fact likes several videos defending his actions as "just memes u guys :))"
>sometime during this Doja releases a video in which she's just like "stop, this is stupid, and it's obvious you're a clout chaser. your fans are actually harassing me."
>London continues to ignore it and fan the flames for attention/views
I love how women can be literally harassed for ignoring a guy, by hundreds of fucking people, and if she blocks him then she's the bad guy.
No. 404569
>>404562From 2009: have been calling on bigger stars like Ariana Grande to speak up about him. Dan appears to be liking tweets from time to time, but he doesn’t post anymore. Twitter users have posted screenshots of Dan blocking them when they call him out.
No. 404671
>>404535Video related covers a lot of stuff.
>>404537Ooh Alexa Nikolas, I remember her. I'm glad that she's speaking up.
No. 404720
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>>404599Holy shit I know what video you’re talking about! Her phone kept going off, and she’d make weird faces at it. I don’t remember the part where she references Dan, but most people probably think that Dan is a friend of hers who is just being playful. I don’t doubt she scrubbed the video off her channel. Of all the starlets Nick has produced, Ariana is their biggest one. She’ll never come out with the truth, one of the B list actresses would have to step forward first. According to a blind item on City Days & Nights, two stars from two separate Nick shows who had just received their own spinoff (Ariana Grande and Jeanette McCurdy) planned on exposing Dan Schneider in October 2017 when the MeToo movement started. But they didn’t go through with it. There were also claims that one Victorious star (Ariana) has the actual worst momager. Her mom, Joan Grande, actually told her to sleep with Dan, and Joan received hefty sums of money. This is probably true because Joan milks Ariana’s fame every single day. Joan strictly tweets about Ariana and daily reminds everyone that her daughter is the most famous Pop star in the world. At least we have Alexa Nikola starting to speak up. Her whole character (Nicole) on Zoey 101 was about a boy-crazed 12 year old who was literally diagnosed with a disorder that’s about being obsessed with men. How fucking gross. Ariana has benefitted too much from Dan to outright expose him, but the smaller stars have started saying something. I can’t wait for the day Dan is busted.
No. 404738
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>>404720Here is the blind item confirmed by Enty regarding Victorious and the actress who was most sexually active and
abusive of drugs. I know this could come off as a bit stupid, but Victorious actually was suddenly halted by the network. There wasn’t a proper ending to it, they just cancelled it despite it being the most successful show on Nick during that time. We also know Ariana does drugs. And this is only as it pertains to Ariana. One of the stars from All-That gave an interview where she verifies that Dan is in fact
abusive. She said Dan cussed her out on set, had a huge tempter, and that he told her to cut it out with making the audience laugh because she’s stealing attention from the other actors. Noah Munck (Gibby on iCarly) also gave an interview. He didn’t deny the allegations, and just said he’d feel devasatated if the rumors are true. He also said it’s evident that Dan has a foot fetish. Also makes sense as to why Ariana Grande blew up right after the spontaneous cancelation of Victorious and Sam & Cat.
No. 404739
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>>404738About Joan Grande.
No. 404740
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>>404732Yeah, virtually all of the big female stars boycotted the awards and were made to seem like divas. They said Jennette McCurdy didn’t show up because she was angry that she wasn’t making the same amount of money as Ariana. Yet all the male actors showed up. Ariana is pictured here, and is the only big actress who went. The other woman is the woman who played Ariana’s grandma on Sam and Cat, and she is very old. Ariana is Dan’s most loyal female star. Each time that threads about Dan’s predatory behavior resurface, fans tweet to Ariana telling her to say something. She’s a very active twitter user and responds to fans each day, but she never responds to the allegations.
No. 404754
>>404744i cant find anything either, but the people behind the scenes probably know something.
i wouldnt be surprised if it played a large role in lindsey being so messed up.
No. 404765
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>>404740Something is definitely up with Dan and the Grandes. Dan has only been posting on Instagram now, but only every so often. Most of his posts are ~teehee so randum!!1!~ the times he does post, to appeal to teenagers. But in between that, he’s only posted about Ariana and Frankie Grande. And this was already months after he got fired from Nickelodeon. Looking through his posts, the ones he posted last year (when he was fired and conversation of his pedophilia sparked even more) there are zero comments. He turned off his Instagram comments, and now heavily filters them. His recent posts only have one comment on them. But he freely milks his connection to Ariana when she does something “innovative.” He’s probably off of Twitter now because he can’t turn off comments on his tweets and people always make jokes about him when they see Dan’s name.
No. 404844
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Dove looks like a mtf tranny now. How did she get this ugly?
Keep telling yourself and fans ur natural sis
No. 404866
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>>404537Found on twitter. She posted this after exposing Schneider.
No. 404880
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>>404877Yeah, I thought it was hilarious as a kid. Looking back it’s really fucking disgusting that they made her have “male OCD” and basically kicked her off the show once they had already made a mockery out of her (and abused her). There’s dumbasses in her comments who call her “dick crazy” after all these years because of her character on the show.
It’s truly amazing how Schneider gets away with it each year. They say he’s even worse than Weinstein, and that he is held to a higher regard in Hollywood because of at least 10 successful shows of his + royalties. Here’s a long blind. Apparently Viacom has confronted Schneider, but Schneider also gathered dirt on the head of Viacom. Now they have to keep everything hush hush and basically have a pact. They threw a lesser known producer under the bus to distract people from Dan.
No. 404881
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>>404880This was posted two months before Dan got fired from Nick, too.
No. 404896
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>>404882I hope both Dan and this disgusting piece of shit, Sumner Redstone, are destroyed soon.
May they stay alive to see everything they've built on other's pain come crashing down, and then die miserable, lonely deaths.
No. 404921
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>>404882From the same month that the two actresses (believed to be Ariana and Jennette) were going to expose Dan.
No. 404922
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>>404882>>404896The person that Dan and Sumner used as their sacrificial lamb.
No. 404940
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>>404937He’s the owner of Viacom. Viacom owns Nickelodeon. The really long blind item that’s above says that the reason Schneider (“The Producer”) is getting away with his abuses is because Viacom can’t do much about him, since Schneider has dirt on Sumner (“The Protector”). I don’t know what atrocities Sumner has committed so maybe someone can elaborate, but basically he’s Schneider’s big daddy.
No. 404976
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One can only hope. Alexa’s posts were only the beginning.
No. 405260
>>404940I don't know much about this situation but it sounds like typical pedophile/degenerate behavior to keep a trust going, like here's dirt on me and I'll have dirt on you so neither one of us can say anything. He's probably a pedophile, too.
>>404976Hoping they speak out soon. I don't understand why Ariana can't? She has so much power with her stans, what is the worst that could happen to her if she spoke out? She has the most power and money out of any of the
She loves making herself a
victim and milking anything, but won't when it comes to something that could help other
victims out, too?
She would be painted as brave for speaking out, and people will feel sorry for her, and further her mentally ill damaged narrative. I don't get it. I think something is shady about it. I hope Jeanette and the other girls don't have to do it alone. Or Ariana will pull a Katy Perry and be silent about it. I'd like her a lot more if she used her influence and money to squish these gross bugs.
No. 405272
>>405260They might have something on her that hinders her from telling her story. Or maybe she signed some sort of NDA?
Perhaps she doesn't want to deflect attention away from her music career.
I don't really get why she hasn't said anything either. (Tinfoiling a bit but I bet the whole Hollywood/music industry is run by a bunch of creeps who will refuse to work with her if she outs one of them, consequently ending her career.)
No. 405274
>>405260Their pedo ring is likely a pipeline that starts with Dan grooming and abusing the starlets so that Sumner can have his share, too. Anything Sumner has done is obviously big enough to be Dan’s “protector” since Dan blackmailed him, but the difference is Sumner is going to die soon. He’s in his mid-90s, and apparently the outing of Dan will also be the fall of Sumner. Sumner will be rotting, but Dan is in his early 50’s and will suffer the consequences more. They always pedal the same weak excuses for firing someone/when an actor leaves a show, too. Supposedly Alexa Nikolas quit Zoey 101 because she had beef with Jamie Lynn. Sam & Cat ended because Ariana and Jennette “hate” each other. Miraculously, all the actresses who boycotted Dan receiving Nick’s most prestigious award simply “couldn’t make it,” despite Dan being surrounded by all the male actors and Ariana, of course. Dan gets fired from Nickelodeon because he threw a bitch fit over studio space (months after the #TimesUp movement starts). While there could be some truths to these, it’s always the same unbelievable cop out.
Thinking about this now, and I also think it’s weird as fuck that Gibby would go shirtless on iCarly every other episode. It seems that each time Shneider’s abuse surfaces, there’s new clips of actors doing foot fetish work. It doesn’t end, it’s always something new that people are still piecing together.
I feel the same way about Ariana, too. Of all the Nick actors, there’s no doubt she’s their cash cow. She has a whole rabid army of arianators ready to attack anyone. It seems Dan has a different “it girl” each decade. In the 90s it was Amanda Bynes. In the 2000s it was Jamie Lynn Spears. Now it’s Ariana, and her and Dan are still close. I suspect she’s keeping quiet because of the settlement between her family and Schneider. She actively dodges any criticism of Dan, and I think it’s sad that all the smaller stars are the ones putting in the work right now. Especially because people don’t take them as seriously. Jamie Lynn is known as the girl who got pregnant and got Zoey 101 cancelled, even though she was raped. Alexa Nikolas is known as the boy crazy girl who was only on the show for one season. Victoria Justice is now seen as a watered down Ariana Grande, and every time her name comes up people bring up that stupid meme of her being jealous of Ariana. Ariana has the most “credibility,” and if she were to speak up right now, then the other girls can too. But she’ll likely just wait until the others say something first, then she’ll band wagon. After all, she was the Victorious star that was always having sex and doing drugs on set. Unfortunately, people will probably pay most attention to her story.
No. 405277
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No. 405279
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No. 405318
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>>405316Found in the comments. First part is about Erin Sanders who played the nerd on Zoey 101. Also explains why Dan monitors his Instagram comments like a hawk.
No. 405374
>>405274I feel so bad for Amanda Bynes. Trauma can
trigger serious mental illness and so can drugs - if both were rife at Nick then no wonder she's messed up.
No. 405388
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>>405382He’s about to turn 96… how is he still kicking? People are currently fighting for his wealth, and he’s been suing others left and right. I’m betting that the actresses will come forward once he does actually pass. That line about his embarrassing sexual desires, disgusting. Dan will have no “protector” then (but let’s face it, he’s probably being protected by others now)
No. 405410
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She also hearted this comment.
No. 405422
>>405409>>405410I feel so bad for her, but I’m also really glad to see her looking so much better! Remember this alarming Vine? It gets to me how back then, people called the video “satire.”
Things are lining up right now. They’re pretty much already focusing on the death of Sumner, bound to happen very soon. Probably why Enty of the blind items site City Days & Nights said that some of the women plan on coming forward super soon. Alexa, Erin, Jennette, and evidently even cast members from “Henry Danger” are dropping clues about Dan. I’m really hoping it’s this year.
No. 405424
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>>405422Double post but this was when she boycotted Dan’s acceptance of the Nickelodeon legacy award.
No. 405428
>>405422Wow, this is my first time seeing this.
I hope it's this year too, he needs to be outed asap.
I hope everyone effected gets closure
No. 405566
File: 1556813740774.png (726.04 KB, 1064x829, Screenshot_1.png)

>Ariana makes a tweet about how journalists are trash
>Journalist misunderstands it to be a response to the myriad of thinkpieces about Ariana's racist behavior, but it was actually about some gossip blogs being mean to Ariana's friend
>Journalist receives thousands of death threats, suicide bait, people telling her she deserved her rape, people calling her a tranny/ling ling/ching chong etc.
>Journalist DMs Ariana, apologizes for the misunderstanding
>Ariana half-assedly apologizes back
>Journalist asks her to tell her fans to stop the harassment
>Ariana responds with "well u were mean so they're gonna be mean back. sorry that they're doing that tho :/ but im not gonna say anything cause they'll just keep doing it anyways. peace yuh"
>Journalist publicizes the DMs, now receiving even more hate than before
>Ariana doesn't further address the situation or the cultural appropriation allegations at all
Funny that an anon was just complaining about Ariana not using her platform to speak up. Even when the opportunity is handed to her on a platter she refuses to use her audience for good and decides to be a child about it. Maybe being diddled/pimped out when she was 13 caused her to be stuck in the mentality of a tween.
No. 405583
>>405582Who? The Asian? Didn't know we had Ariana stans here
And learn to sage idiot
No. 405605
>>405456I think it depends if on if you want to believe them or not. They've definitely built up credibility since their inception. "Enty" (the site's admin) is an entertainment lawyer who keeps anonymous. A lot of news sources have written about him. Enty claims that only a small handful of people know his real identity, and those people are good connections who are also in the industry. It's rumored he is close to Robert Downey Jr, who is just one actor of course. Enty was outing Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and others years before #MeToo started. He's also posted about big relationships that are ending, such as Brad and Angelina's way before they go public with it. He mentions that he knows celebrities read his site for a fact because he'll get angry emails from their PR/the celebrity whenever they even
suspect a blind item is about them. Here's an article on it and how he gets away with it:>>405544I second a Dan Schneider thread. There's just way too many things that can be discussed that haven't even been posted in this thread. It'd also be nice to have in the back burner for when he is exposed.
No. 405609
>>405605double post but there's also the fact that this
>>404880 was posted exactly two months before Nick fired Schneider and before Schneider had to sell his home. Anons in the past thread have also referenced the blind items on CD&N so I guess it does depend how much faith you have in celebrity gossip in general.
No. 405622
>>405566>>405568Why are these fans wasting so much of their time "protecting" some egocentric millionaire who will never return the favor? Go play outside or at least a video game or something, goddamn.
Also lol at Arianna who used to be the shade of milk being darker than an actual brown woman.
No. 405941
File: 1556861215887.png (583.9 KB, 916x596, 1532853339394.png)

>>403157I found this on another celeb thread.
Sage bc no milk
No. 406064
>>405622This is basically what means a fandom
toxic. instead of liking an artist for their music, they take it personal. It's crazy. These are all disgusting people who have never been taught manners. I wouldn't do any of that shit, even in my teenage hay day obsessing with bands.
No. 406209
>>405969This, especially with how Ariana preaches about mental health. If
one random irrelevant person told her to kill herself she would go cry about it on twitter but it's okay for her fans to tell other people to.
No. 406420
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No. 406422
>>4064203 people who abused others but got a pass for being musicians, so worthy of respect and admiration!
The thing that gets me most about CB is that he's just a dime a dozen rnb singer. There have been countless like him with similar songs and similar skill levels. His songs aren't even memorable or iconic the way MJ and 2pacs are. I actually feel like he gets MORE credit than he deserves because of the abuse, if he didn't become so notorious for beating Rihanna, people would've forgotten about him the way they did loads of others from his era. But men are always keen to defend a woman beater so they overrate his talent and importance to the industry.
No. 406427
File: 1556951941539.jpg (330.55 KB, 1188x824, 1482053062204.jpg)

>>392517Ariana Grande boasted ages ago how ridiculously big his dick is.
Kate Beckinsdale is known for her Penis fetish.
Most of them probably consider him nothing more than a freakishly massive penis on legs.
No. 406450
>>406427Why are you weirdos still being so dramatic about the age difference it was just a fling and there are millions of rich dudes in their 50s marrying broke barely 18 year old model girls. pete is a grown ass rich famous 26 year old lmao he can handle himself a hot as hell woman for a few months
No. 406451
>>406450Thank you. A 26 year old man in a relationship with an older woman is not a
victim lmao. Could not care less. Kate should get that young shlang a lang.
No. 406513
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>>406465whats not going on with her daughter
No. 406679
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No. 406764
>>406362unpopular opinion but I always thought that Madonna should've stopped after "Confession on a Dancefloor". It was her last solid and good Pop Album and the last one that had some kind of interesting concept going on. I don't mind if older artists still make music but what's super cringey about Madonna today is that she just doesn't allow herself to age, therefore it's even more obvious how much older she is than everybody else in her most recent collabs and music videos. Everything just looks off and stiff, just like her face.
She did some cool stuff and some good songs in the past but damn I feel sorry for everybody in that recent video, they all look so uncomfortable around her lol
vid related bc remembered when this song was everywhere. No. 406829
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>>406787these are ones are from before she was 18
No. 407122
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>>406876>>406683enty posted this earlier, it's about grimes/musk. shooting up indeed
No. 407248
>>407225>>407216You mean something new after a few sites reported on that diss track video?
Gotta admit it is pretty ballsy to basically have a music video made entirely out of receipts, we couldn't have farmed much better ourselves
No. 407271
>>407270One of the male royals is a cheater according to Crazy Days and Nights.
Can't remember whether it's willaim or harry tho. Maybe William.
No. 407302
>>407298I don't get it. What is there to hate?
Meghan haters are like the normie version of simplykenna haters, lmao.
No. 407324
>>407323i think its because shes supposed to be "royalty" now, and their behaviour, especially the british royal families, always gets nitpicked to an even higher degree than normal celebrities.
tbh though her behaviour, although i guess shes done some stupid things here and there, and she sounds a bit entitled and spoilt sometimes, is probably on par with if not better than most younger royals over the last 30 years. i personally think shes quite cute tbh.
No. 407382
>>407367I'm from Britain and most people I know like Meghan. Women like her style the same way they like Kate and people genuinely favour Harry and its nice to see him married idk lol. I've noticed most anti meghan stuff comes from Americans, weren't her family going mental in the press faking an illness and all sorts to not go to the Royal wedding and her half siblings who are far older slagging her off for being spoilt.
As long as she keeps dressing nice and smiling most of the British public will like her.
No. 407403
>>407395I'm neither Brit or American, but when I read a Daily Mail article on MM, all the saltiest comments are typically from Brits. The nice ones get downvoted to hell, while the nasty ones are typically in the "best comments" section, lmao.
I know the internet is where all the roaches creep out to make themselves seem loud, popular and powerful, but I think that combined with the voting system says at least a little bit about public opinion.
No. 407429
>>407410There's a specific subset of American celeb chasers who are obsessed with the royal family for sure. They are small but they are loud. My friend is one, and while I wouldn't call her a brit-a-boo she fucking despises Meghan Markle with such an insane passion. She hate follows this girl and always tries to "prove" to me that she's a she-devil succubus who is going to steal all their money. She also worships Kate and Diana.
Either way I don't get the Meghan hate and never will. Except for the dress. The dress was terrible.
No. 407484
>>407298>>407302Apparently Harry came across Megan in the yachting circuit.
No official merchandise.
No HRH title or Prince or Princess designation
No announced place of birth.
No announced medical team.
Wonder if it was a surrogate?
No. 407492
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>>407484I heard this rumour too and I tend to believe it. Her arms and legs are very thin even when she was allegedly carrying a child. Every part of her body was the same as before except for her belly. She's also wearing high heels while in her third trimester. Yeah right sis. And don't come with 'every woman carries her weight different!11!' because there are way too many coincidences involving Meghan's pregnancy.
Kate is even thinner than Meghan but you could actually see that she was pregnant for real. She did gain weight overall and in her face and she didn't walked in high heels.
Another celeb who did this charade like Meghan is Angelina Jolie. Her first pregnancy was real, because you could see her body becoming softer. Her second pregnancy was the same as Meghan's: super thin body with a big belly and walking on ridiculous high heels.
No. 407505
>>407501I'm sure it's just a surrogacy. She is older and probably didn't want the health risks associated with childbirth. Same as Angelina as
>>407492 says. I don't know or care about celeb babies but it makes sense. If you have the money, why risk it yourself when you can pay someone 10k to do it for you? (probably more with the NDA's involved). You could even get them to be a wet nurse for the kid.
No. 407550
>>407492>Her arms and legs are very thin even when she was allegedly carrying a child. Every part of her body was the same as before except for her belly. You realise there's actually no need for a pregnant woman to gain much weight during pregnancy? You only need an additional 200/300 calories per day in your final trimester and that will be used up by the growing baby so won't translate to significant weight gain for the mother. Most of the additional weight should come from the baby itself.
Heels are rarely comfortable so if she could survive the discomfort doing the media circuit as a TV actress, I'm sure she could manage ten minutes on her feet as a pregnant duchess, consiering she only has to walk to the car.
No. 407575
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>>407216>>407225Nayrt, but I think anon means Yolandi's newest post and the other person that entered the scene. On her Instagram, Zheani recently introduced a guy that says he has lots of proof of Ninja being
abusive, even towards Yolandi. There currently are two posts on his account, but he hasn't spilled the milk yet and seems like a poser to me.
No. 407578
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>>407575In the video the guy just threatens Die Antwoord, seems like he was on tour with them and filmed them backstage. He sounds like a creepy ASMR creep (why is he whispering?) and I am pretty sure he says "Soon my kitten" in the end. Not sure if this will help Zheani's case.
No. 407579
>>407564This. Those are not pregnancy feet and ankles.
Other visible signs during the third trimester are enlarged breasts and thicker hair.
No. 407607
>>407578Meanwhile, Ninja and Yolandi repeatedly attack Zheani's appearance and make a point of having any and all of Zheani's IG posts deleted (including ones that don't mention them), her music taken off streaming platforms, etc. Since the "crazy fangirl" and revenge porn shit didn't fully work, they're fixating on the word "catfish". It's like repetition and character assassination are their only options at this point. They're really showing themselves to be low, immature, awful people.
Yolandi said "The truth will come to light" or something about Zheani, but it seems like there is no real "truth" on DA's end, no receipts, nothing that actually clears their names. If they were even the "peace-loving, vegetarian Buddhists uwu" they claim to be, they would've stopped talking about her a while ago, lmao.
No. 407619
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>>407492she has definitely gained weight in her face, pic related. she has undeniable pregnancy face.
No. 407629
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>>407581God, I totally forgot about this year. Agreed that last year was great but this year was so try hard, also the guest list sucked with all those irrelevant people lol looked like straight out of good ol' Poker Face times lol
No. 407639
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>>407638I really hate to say it but I feel that Kendall hat the best look going on imo
No. 407644
>>407629This year's theme was
Notes On "Camp" by Susan Sontag.
Camp is, by definition, "try hard". No. 407646
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>>407639I preferred Céline Dion's "pull the lever, Kronk!"-chic.
No. 407647
>>407629>this year was so try hardI mean…that's kind of the theme. It's camp.
Half of them didn't even really follow it, though.
No. 407649
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I love Ciara's hair in this.
No. 407650
>>407429Yeah I don’t deny that there are some royal obsessed Americans out there but I think it’s pretty safe to say that most Americans aren’t too preoccupied with the Royals aside from the big events.
I also don’t get people who are also obsessed with their apparent drama, regardless if they’re British or American. I don’t deny that Meghan is a bitch to an extent but I’m sure virtually all of the royal family has their head up asses. I don’t think the drama was solely caused by Meghan being a turbo bitch but rather a clash of egos. But I have more important shit to worry about than the royal family from a different country.
No. 407651
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>>407645apparently anna wintour is a bitch and shit on heaps of people's outfits for trying too hard but like thats her whole thing isn't it?
No. 407653
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>>407645>praising Jmes Chrles and sleeping on Billy PorterAnon, no.
No. 407655
File: 1557247757670.png (1.26 MB, 1304x1502, metgala.png)

>>407644people going off theme feat the olsens vs. demi moore. idk i think demi looks classy, the olsens always look gormless af.
either of them are better compared to chandelier coked-out katy perry
No. 407656
File: 1557247973035.jpg (151.62 KB, 720x1081, FlorenceWelch_MetGala.jpg)

Look at these sleeves. She's like a final boss in an RPG.
No. 407657
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>>407653ezra being ezra is my actual favourite look at this good thing go
No. 407658
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How can some of them be so low-effort?
No. 407660
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>>407658I mean, what the fuck? Might as well not show up.
Nothing iconic at all.
No. 407663
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>>407660compared to shit like this yeah exactly, why show up?
No. 407664
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Kudos to this guy (or whoever styled him) for understanding the theme.
No. 407665
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>>407660even this is relatively low-effort but still something to look at/kind of gorgeous. I know this would be hard to dress for but don't go the opposite way, unless you want to literally fade into the crowd.
No. 407667
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I don't know what's try-hard about this because Kim always looks like a blow-up-doll. And Kanye didn't even bother to put on some nice/extravagant clothes
No. 407668
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Is it just a running "thing" for models to dress very basic? Is it a side effect of allowing others to dress you for so long?
No. 407669
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This one's beautiful. Everything is so cohesive.
No. 407671
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I have to admit, Bella Hadid looks damn good.
Jeremy Scott looks disgusting in the face, but his outfit is pretty good, too.
No. 407673
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Halloween costume-tier, but at least it fits the theme, I guess.
No. 407676
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I don't like how this looks, but somehow, I appreciate it (especially the stockings).
No. 407680
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>>407655I think it's unfair to shit on Demi but at the same time letting the Olsen twins do what they want.
Here's Gweneth and she ignores the theme on purpose every damn year.
No. 407682
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Don't like Priyanka Chopra, but she looks good here. The makeup really makes this work.
Nick Jonas tried. That's all.
No. 407683
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>>407669they're kinda similar looks but i live for both of these
No. 407685
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Saoirse Ronan and Florence Welch are tied for best sleeves, IMO.
No. 407686
>>407645he didn’t dress in theme at all lmao
did u guys see the video of him wandering around aimlessly in the background alone? it’s hilarious, no one there cares about him
hopefully it puts him back in his place and he realizes that he’s only relevant amongst tween girls
No. 407687
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Lupita is one of the most beautiful women on earth imo and nothing can make her ugly
No. 407688
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>>407629Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga essentially just brought back their old personas. Somehow, it looks so humdrum and boring.
I swear she's worn this dress before. And what the fuck is with that hemming at the bottom? Whoever made this dress should be fired.
No. 407689
File: 1557250849100.jpg (133.17 KB, 720x1081, MileyCyrus_MetGala.jpg)

Miley Cyrus didn't even try at all.
No. 407691
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Mindy Kaling's look is just tragic.
No. 407692
>>407686Did you read Sontag's essay? He certainly met #9.
9. As a taste in persons, Camp responds particularly to the markedly attenuated and to the strongly exaggerated. The androgyne is certainly one of the great images of Camp sensibility. Examples: the swooning, slim, sinuous figures of pre-Raphaelite painting and poetry; the thin, flowing, sexless bodies in Art Nouveau prints and posters, presented in relief on lamps and ashtrays; the haunting androgynous vacancy behind the perfect beauty of Greta Garbo. Here, Camp taste draws on a mostly unacknowledged truth of taste: the most refined form of sexual attractiveness (as well as the most refined form of sexual pleasure) consists in going against the grain of one's sex. What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine. . . . Allied to the Camp taste for the androgynous is something that seems quite different but isn't: a relish for the exaggeration of sexual characteristics and personality mannerisms. For obvious reasons, the best examples that can be cited are movie stars. The corny flamboyant female-ness of Jayne Mansfield, Gina Lollobrigida, Jane Russell, Virginia Mayo; the exaggerated he-man-ness of Steve Reeves, Victor Mature. The great stylists of temperament and mannerism, like Bette Davis, Barbara Stanwyck, Tallulah Bankhead, Edwige Feuillière.
No. 407694
File: 1557251056476.jpg (352.29 KB, 773x1024, gettyimages-1147421081-1024x10…)

This is just beautiful
No. 407695
File: 1557251299788.jpg (139.31 KB, 720x1081, KristenStewart_MetGala.jpg)

Looking like an extra from the movie Hackers.
No. 407696
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>>407633i honestly wish she'd worn this to the main event instead of the after party
No. 407697
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Zendaya essentially did a sci-fi Cinderella cosplay. I kind of love the glowy effect of the dress.
No. 407698
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>this guyThat's Hamish Bowles! Of course he understood the theme, dahling!
Hamish Bowles (born 23 July 1963) is an English fashion journalist and editor. Since 1995 he has been the European editor-at-large for the American edition of Vogue. No. 407701
>>407651Whose wife is this about
>>407682With the headpiece and the bodice it reminded me too much of some of the looks from last year.
No. 407704
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Aquaria looked fucking good.
No. 407705
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I like the hat(s), but I can't help but feel Janelle Monae could've done so much better.
No. 407708
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Why would she do this to herself? She looks so frumpy and stumpy.
No. 407712
>>407653>that I've actually seen photos ofNow I've seen other photos and my opinion has changed. Thanks, anon.
>>407704Uh no, he doesn't. He looks like an angel/devil mop or something.
No. 407724
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>>407691she looks like one of those double sided sequin pillows that you brush to turn the sequin the other color
No. 407739
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>>407697loved the little performance they did too when the dress lit up
No. 407749
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>>407629the other stages of this outfit
No. 407766
>>407749yawn. that's the thing about gaga. her schtick at any normal gathering looks so ~KOOKY~ but when she's put next to people who are supposed to have creativity, this is what turns out…
>>407639her body looks amazing and it upsets me fml
No. 407771
>>407684They might have been invited.
Grimes is looking sickly and rough lately!
Maybe she was too busy shooting up heroine with elon.
No. 407779
>>407579jfc pregnancy is not always like this. you realize there’s people who exist and have given whole ass birth with NO outward signs of pregnancy right. there’s people who’ve LOST weight while pregnant.
it’s fucking autistic and retarded to hyperanalyze this bitch’s ankles and act like you’re in on some big secret. you’re not. skinny pregnant people exist. my own mother looked like a stick bug in pics while pregnant with my older sister and you could literally only tell she was pregnant if she was photographed sideways. all bodies are different so get this retarded tinfoil out of this thread and put it in the conspiracy thread where it actually belongs.
No. 407784
do have to get invited though. Do you seriously think anyone with a little bit of money can just get in ?
No. 407789
>>407658whoa I thought that was Taylor Hill
also these people definitely didn't even try
No. 407794
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>>407697lindsey didn't seem to like it
No. 407798
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>>407779seriously. just look at Hila Klein (h3h3's wife), she was super skinny before she got pregnant and is now 9 months with 0 visible weight gain other than her baby belly. not everyone becomes super bloated during pregnancy. in fact excessive bloating is usually a sign of serious health complications.
No. 407803
>>407664>>407698I really enjoy this because he looks friendly and like he's having a fabulous time.
This event is kinda surreal with the theme and the different approaches because it highlights the self-importance of this industry and a lot of it is too stiff and calculated for me. No mystery there. But it's also fun to play on that in a playful manner. Some of the looks are cool
No. 407804
>>407794Lmao, doesn't she have a failed reality show to get back to? Was she even invited?
Imagine being a grown women publicly shitting on someone 10 years younger than you. Pathetic.
No. 407810
>>407579>>407564>>407492Aren't the women in the royal family on a strict exercise and diet regime? I remember there being some talk about it before her wedding last year, in addition to Megan already being a vegan before she married into the family. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a fitness regime in there too. She also was a model and an actress, hollywood is very hard on women who so much as gain a pound of water weight. There is no way that she, with her schedule and background, is going to risk gaining any kind of extr pregnancy weight.
Instead of seeing this as an awful sign of what strict beauty standards women are held up to even while pregnant, you decided to tinfoil her not being pregnant at all. Good job.
No. 407815
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I can't decide if I like this event or not. But I like this look.
No. 407827
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>>407821okay, I guess I'm not that familiar with Harry or fashion or the hype. Just thought it was refreshing to see a guy in a blouse
No. 407828
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i never realized how much benedict cumberbatch's wife looked like a female version of himself.
>>407815wow, a blouse..groundbreaking…
No. 407831
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>>407815Harry's outfit sucked, and it's fucking hilarious. I remember his fans hyping him up with the whole camp theme and he come out looking so boring lmfao. Totally destroying "
ToXIc MaSCuliNiTy" This bitch thought he did something huh.
No. 407833
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>>407828I know, I know, you're right, Meryl
No. 407835
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this is so cute
No. 407836
>>407816Oh lol the file said Abbey Lee, I was thinking that is not what I remember her looking like.
Taylor's so cute despite picking a lazy outfit though
No. 407839
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>>407834>>407837so can anyone explain to me pls why or how her belly deflates everytime she sits down? It reminds me of Beyonce's fake belly kek totally preggo youuu guyz
No. 407841
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>>407813Numerous celebrity women have been accused of faking their pregnancy because "the bump collapsed". The reality is pregnant bellies aren't always perfectly round, and the clothes Meghan has to wear are very tight. There is maternity friendly shapewear that pads the bump out a little to provide support and a smoother look, sometimes it's also done to keep the belly button from showing through tight clothes.
No. 407842
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honestly living for this
No. 407843
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and the memes are pretty good on twitter A+
No. 407844
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>>407841This. Her fake belly even moved by mistake when she visited the National Theatre in London. Anyone with functioning eyes would see immediately that she's wearing a fake belly
No. 407855
>>407641I can't find any of the tweets I read this from atm but supposedly some group from youtube bought the tickets and they were the ones that invited him
And others were making jokes that he charged people so much to see him so he could afford it. That being said he should have scammed people out of more money so he could've gotten an outfit that actually fits the theme.
No. 407858
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>>407848Meghan squatting with her big belly
which is impossible if she was really pregnant. Where does her baby go? The baby needs space. Pls can someone explain?
No. 407866
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Hailey Bieber breaking her back to get a good photo, blending into the carpet.
No. 407867
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>>407866but the spotlight was stolen…
No. 407911
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>>407900>This is a pic of him coming out of the afterparty at 6 am. He looks traumatized.>person stares into space>"They look SO TRAUMATIZED. What have they seen?!"This is why I can't stand VC, no matter how much a conspiracyfag I am. Constantly reaching for the sky. You'd have to be the most suggestible sort of dummy to take anything from that site at real face value.
No. 407999
>>407977>someone who unironically uses the term femcel pretending to be the final word on politicsThey do, even normies.
>>407986>EEST timezoneFucking kek, guess that explains why you didn't get the memo.
No. 408008
>>407977>femcelswatch out anon they might circlejerk back and call you a handmaiden
there's a reason multiple ot threads are on my hide list at this point
No. 408019
>>407687Hard disagree, the make-up lowkey makes her look ugly…
>>407683This is so gorgeous, very Lana Del Rey in her Priscilla Presley-wannabe phase. I would love to wear it, holy shit
>>407739So cool!
>>407835Looks like a Barbie as politician outfit
>>407843Love the JRPG/korean MMO style
No. 408027
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Lmfao Kylie looks tragic.
No. 408046
>>408041yeah it looks really bad in this pic but it looks actually not so bad in others
but i disagree irt to kendall being an ugly stepsister. her outfit is gaudy as all hell but that’s theme and she looks way better than kylie imo.
No. 408053
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For all the naysayers, she really was pregnant, she simply hid the gained weight well.
No. 408058
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>>408053Harry looks so tickled. Very cute.
No. 408060
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>>408058He smoll. Also has the nose of his mum.
No. 408061
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>>408058he's so cute here, too! britaboos.
No. 408080
>>408054Kek that was my post too. If you don't see the difference, you're an idiot.
Women say "I hate men" because they rape and murder and abuse, men say "I hate women" because ??? fill in the blank
because women won't touch their little chodes
because they're "naggy"
because something harmless
inb4 >not all men!!! women do too!!
No. 408082
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It appears that this married former athlete turned multiple reality star is grooming the almost legal teen in his life to be what he wants. I find this just as creepy as the foreign born A- list model and her relative.
No. 408119
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>>408100>>408092I'm not sure if you are being intentionally stupid or if you are just hateful.
No. 408121
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>>408082>I find this just as creepy as the foreign born A- list model and her relative.Oh yeah I remember that one, Liz Hurley with her nephew.
No. 408157
>>408142>>408145Nothing to do with being a landwhale, it's simple anatomy lol. She's too old, her baby was a surrogate, the royals are old school and not into that, so they hid it. The baby was two weeks late anyhow according to her "due date".
Why are you so invested in it being real? It's gossip and it's fun to talk about. It's more fun for me if it's fake so I'll go with that.
Love people claiming Archie has her nose when she's had plastic surgery out the ass, btw.
No. 408181
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>>407894lmao what are you talking about. It's true that as you age, preagnancy becomes more dangerous but your assumptions are straight up wild. My mother had me at 35 and she was extremly active, running around all day, travelling internationally up untill the end.
Some women's preagnancies are harder on women than others. Also need I remind you that up untill very recently in history, most women were doing hard labour while preagnant. They werent wearing heels but they were working in factories and taking care of their 5 other kids. That shit still happens today. Meghan squatting while bending and wearing heels for one hour a day is nothing compared to that.
Please get your retarded tinfoil elsewhere.
Are you some royal purist or are you just salty that you were unable to move during your preagnancy ?
No. 408182
>>406764If that's an unpopular opinion, then I
ll agree. Confessions was her last truly great album in my opinion. Everything after has been dogshit.
No. 408184
>>408157Babies are late all the time! I was born on the 26th, was due on the 7th! Thats not even a good squat, like if thats an impressive squat to you, you
truly are a landwhale. I'm loosing my mind lmao… i dont even care about the royals but it's just so obvious how you're just salty that she was prettier and more physicly able than you during her preggo phase
No. 408207
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>>407900>Vigilantcitizen That website is just a marketing pro-mo scam!
>pic related! No. 408220
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>ENJOY! No. 408235
File: 1557368206644.jpeg (215.61 KB, 1858x1116, 274E51E6-0818-4651-BAB4-99AB7A…)

Her daughter is looking surprisingly normal, I never realized tho how that Larry Birkhead guy looked like such a mongoloid. Anna Nicole Smith had the strangest taste in men. No. 408257
>>408157>She's too oldlmao she's 37, not 47. Women routinely gave birth until their early forties before the widespread use of contraception.
My mom had me at 35 with no complications and stayed skinny during her entire pregnancy.
No. 408393
File: 1557414976052.png (268.84 KB, 940x1222, db.png)>BBC radio presenter fired over racist royal baby tweet - CNN>On Wednesday, the BBC Radio 5 Live presenter tweeted a black and white photo of a man and woman holding hands with a chimpanzee in a suit and a top hat, with the caption, "Royal baby leaves hospital.">Amid widespread accusations of racism, Baker deleted the tweet and said he was sorry the "gag" had "whipped some up." He claimed the connotations had not occurred to him because his "mind (is) not diseased."
>In a second message, Baker said that the tweet was "supposed to be a joke about Royals vs circus animals in posh clothes but interpreted as about monkeys & race, so rightly deleted. Royal watching not my forte." On Thursday, the broadcaster said he made an "enormous mistake."And now he's having a bitch fit on Twitter. This is a 61 year old man. It's kind of obvious what he was trying to say, I don't know why he's backpedaling.
People are really trash. This baby is just barely out of the womb, and grown adults are already ready to fling shit at him. He's not even half black (not that this would be justified if he was, or full black), but trust backward and/or geriatric Anglos to hold steadfast to the one drop rule, I guess. Hopefully, he doesn't grow up with a complex.
No. 408413
>>408393The forced hey look I'm working class style of language is annoying me more than anything here. 'HERE'S TO YA ARCHIE, SORRY MATE. MATEY. MATE-O'
Like you said, it's a 61 year old BBC presenter. For fuck's sake, stop trying to be relatable to young people who read LAD Bible or something - it's really cringey.
No. 408416
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>>408414>"mutt child"/pol/ really needs to get the fuck off this site. I wish there was some way to run them out for good.
No. 408424
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>>408345She was a successful Playboy model but she also had a reality show when reality shows were new and it was honestly pretty entertaining. That's also why she's an icon in American pop culture.
No. 408811
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>>408269>I miss ANS so muchI miss her too! I was sobbing about missing her the other day, DEEP GRIEF SOBBING!
No. 409046
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Fresh off the Boat was renewed & Constance Wu kind of went off the rails.
No. 409048
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Gemma Chan (who costarred w her in CRA) said that she liked this tweet on accident, but lots of other people who've worked with Wu have said she has a reputation for being difficult.
No. 409049
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No. 409051
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last one
No. 409068
>>409051This seems very
valid. Her original Tweets are a fair response to losing a more interesting job…presumably were posted for the benefit of those people at that other job. Otherwise I'm not sure why she did it.
No. 409132
>>409068did you even see this
>>409046 ? you must be a teenager raised online if you think it's "a fair response" to tweet out that shit in public. She had a histrionic fit and is now lying and saying was misunderstood. yeah very
valid lol
No. 409162
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>>409051twitter isnt impressed lol
No. 409671
>>408100harmless? cunts like her are the reason why people have a hard time believing rape
victims. fuck off
No. 409789
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Dunno if it was discussed. This is so messed up if real. Rebel Wilson also said she improvised the scene in The Hustle she's touching Anne's boobs pretending to be blind without telling her beforehand. No. 409952
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Stan Lee's ex-manager charged with elder abuse against comic book co-creator
>The former manager of Stan Lee has been charged with elder abuse against the late comic book legend, a Los Angeles court official said on Monday.
>Keya Morgan was charged on Friday with five counts of elder abuse, including false imprisonment, fraud and forgery stemming from an incident last summer when Lee was 95 years old, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Superior Court public information office told Los Angeles City News Service.
>In court documents last year, Morgan was accused of seizing control of Lee’s Hollywood Hills home and hiring security guards with orders to keep away relatives and associates before moving the comic book creator to an unfamiliar condominium. No. 410013
>>409981In short, impulsivity.
Obnoxity is impulsive. It's constant chatter, loudness… a collection of impulsive, vexing behaviors under one umbrella.
Fatness is also largely impulsive. Eating feels good, but most of us stop once we've had our fill. Impulsive eating (similar to emotional eating) and if you have ever been around a genuinely obese person you will understand what I mean by this.
Grabbing someone's boobs is absolutely impulsive. Most people, good decent people, have thoughts of grabbing someone but we do not because we are aware it's inappropriate. Obnoxious, impulsive people do not have this filter.
No. 411574
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>>411034I watched this thinking "Meh, they've
been saying "nigga". They even said it on "I Don't Dwank". Ironic that they're going on about "freedom of speech" while deleting people's comments and censoring Zheani, though".
Then, I scrolled through the comments and wow. I tried to find another source about this, and there was this., this site is one of many venues that first put them on the map - if anything, if they were innocent, the author would be defending them. I know there's a handful of DA stans still here, so)
>At the end of March, dancers who also suffered abuse came forward in private to Zheani in support but then disappeared and started praising Die Antwoord on Instagram in stead. Threatened? Paid off? Lawyers? One specific dancer in Cape Town (of which we have the name) will probably come forward. We won’t out her, because it is her own decision to deal with it and come forward in her own time. There is another one in New York. There is another one in Paris. My first phone call to Zheani lasted just over 90 minutes. Lots of things were discussed. The following day I had 2 people come to my house who did a 2 hour interview which I recorded.Honestly? I'm convinced. These "Buddhist vegans" (lmao) are
cancelled cancelled.
No. 411582
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>>411574More on this. I kind of knew she wasn't the animal lover she pretended to be when I found out about her owning a teacup puppy on her (now-deleted) IG.
According to this guy, she also had thousands of rats drowned for a music video.
No. 412321
>>411574>>411582I don't think they are going to be "cancelled", because I don't think the vast majority of DA fans are super SJW or activisty.
Like even as a former fan of DA I've always known they were fucking edgelords, most of the fanbase are edgelords, if anything this kind of thing fits that edgy image just fine. I don't think they're really going to suffer a big dip from it.
(Not saying this stuff isn't shitty and won't make them lose some fans, I just don't think it's going to be the end of their image/career, all things considered).
No. 412595
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>>412593After he outed a bunch of people from being pedos (Tom hanks included) his body was found in Route 66
Tom posted this
No. 412598
>>412597 rabbit hole goes deep.
But in short
He posted a video of 4 girls cleaning up a Turkish bath in barely any clothes after outing everyone for being pedos and then died a week later
Reddit had the video but I’m not going to post it
No. 412600
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>>412597Warning once you see all of this you won’t sleep for days
At least I didn’t
No. 412603
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>>412595Guess who’s also involved
No. 412606
>>412604* I went to a party at Seth Green and Clare Grant’s Malibu house.
>[Can we find this address?]* I hitched a ride there with Tyler Shields and Ana Mulvoy-Ten >[Look up everything about Tyler Shields in particular]
* The night ended with only Seth, myself and Seth’s brother-in-law, Bill Johnson.
* As we were about to leave, Seth pulled back a book case revealing a secret room.
>[Zoning laws in Malibu might require such remodeling to be registered]* He then said “This is where we keep the children!”
* There was another room with a lot of bunk beds (Possibly for guests) but the top room in the house was decorated with a kids theme with stuffed animals everywhere. Also as we were leaving I noticed a VERY bad smell, it smelled like something had died.
* Wanting to believe it was all a joke, I tried to put the secret room and children comment out of my mind. However, this was not an option after the following conversation at Seth and Clare’s house on
No. 412607
>>412606While eating dinner with Seth and Clare, Seth said “We need to have a talk about chicken.” Having researched pedophile rings I suspected that "chicken" was a codeword for "children".
>[Can we confirm this lingo because wouldn't this mean his show really means Robot Children?]* During that conversation everything hit me like a ton of bricks. He told me that they were into having sex with children.
>[Any Google/Facebook/Amazon employees have access to whatever smartphone microphones picked up?]* I asked him if they were involved in sacrifices and rituals. He said they weren’t, but they rape kids, so maybe they were lying about that too? Who knows.
No. 412609
>>412607The connections are endless.
Seth green's wife Clare Grant was in a mag
Featuring "Girls with Corpses" The producer "swears the corpses are real" Featured in other episodes are none other than the Troma Film crew.
No. 412623
>>412595>>412600>>412603>>412604do you guys ever step back for just a second and realize how fucking dumb you are for believing all this shit lmfao q anon i'm wheezing
not to mention that dude didn't post the video of the kids, literally one person on reddit
claimed that he did and all of the qtards ran with it
No. 412664
I thought we had a tinfoil thread for this shit? You girls really need to get a grip.
How can you seriously read through this shit without noticing that it's made up?
>He then said “This is where we keep the children!”Such a natural thing to say to someone you don't know all that well.
>I asked him if they were involved in sacrifices and rituals."Hey bud, Seth, say, are you involved in any satanical rituals? You know, blood sacrifices, crucifixes and shit?"
>>412609>The connections are endless.Well of course they are considering you keep making them up.
No. 412735
>>412623I did some digging. The video was first posted on /tv/ with comments like "movies with this theme?", multiple times, starting from May 2. don't know the original "source" of the strange video, I just saw someone on /pol/ link the original /tv/ thread. Frankly, I don't know if I even want to find out where it came from.
Then someone posted it on /pol/ with "you pizzagate retards were close but not close enough, keep digging". Kappy died a day after that, and he does mention using 4chan and 8chan in the 50-minute livestream video, so I guess people jumped on it.
No. 412779
>>412735Okay, so there's a video of girls at a Turkish bath. No sound, no nothing, and this is somehow proof of something?
It is not. People who think this is some sort of conspiracy are only meme-ing themselves into believing this shit because they have nothing else in their lives to worry about. Maybe instead of looking for "dark secrets of the leftist elite" and putting countless hours into that, look at places where child prostitution is actually rampant and maybe try changing something for the better for once. FFS, this is making me so angry.
No. 412782
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>>412778The eye patch is one thing, but the tiara?
That eye patch will never be cool, in any context.
Her performance cost $1M +.
No. 412791
>>412779The video itself is just creepy, honestly. Multiple very young girls with no parents in sight (or even any adults besides the one filming them for some reason), none of them looking like they're happy or playing, but more like they're working. Two of them are wearing matching swimsuits for whatever reason, while the others are standing at a sink, backs turned. There's also seemingly no real point or reason for such a video to be taken, except to show that…I don't know, the girls were there. I could always be wrong, but all the little details makes me feel like it's not some innocent "Oh haha good memories fun Turkish bath house vacation :')" clip taken from a clueless family member's page. The kids don't even look like they're having fun.
Also, why would something like that get so popular in "fringe" groups that it'd find its way into the hands of /tv/ pedophiles, who decide to disseminate it in webm form and make creepy comments like "heaven being prepared for me :)"? Even before the Kappy shit, non-pedos were replying "What the fuck is this?" to the post, so it's not just conspiracyfags seeing it as "off".
I don't think it's related to this actor, but it's definitely suspicious as fuck regardless. The child trafficking stuff is honestly closer than some people seem to think.
No. 412808
>>412779The video literally shows a pump of lube
2 girls are cleaning and the other two are terrified on a corner
None of them look Turkish and they are dressed in not much more than a thong and a tiny swimsuit
Is that normal to you?
No. 412816
>>412808>>412791You guys just interpret shit into it.
>The kids don't even look like they're having fun.Kids often don't look like they're having fun. Without sound we have no idea what is going on, they could simply be playing "put water on the stone thingie". Kids can look extremely serious while playing, I know I have tons of pictures of myself as a little one where I'm not smiling while playing.
>why would something like that get so popular in "fringe" groups that it'd find its way into the hands of /tv/ pedophilesWe have no idea where this originated from, right? So how do we know it's from a fringe group and not just someone's FB?
It looks off because someone posted it on fucking 4chan and it has no sound, no other information and the comments next to it are weird.
>The child trafficking stuff is honestly closer than some people seem to think.I totally agree, but why do we have to make some Hollywood conspiracy out of it?
>The video literally shows a pump of lube No, it shows a pump without anything attached to it. It's a bath, I have at least 4 different pumps like this in my bath but no lube.
>2 girls are cleaning and the other two are terrified on a cornerIf this is what you call cleaning they're doing a shit job at it. They are putting water on a hot stone. We have no reason to believe the other two girls are terrified, they're in a corner but you can see that they are talking.
>None of them look TurkishTurkish baths exist outside of Turkey as well.
> they are dressed in not much more than a thong and a tiny swimsuit Have you seen swimwear for children? These aren't thongs, their pants with frilly shit on top as you can clearly see when the one girl turns her back. There is nothing out of the ordinary with what they wear. If you want to bring up that two are wearing the same thing: Maybe they're siblings. Maybe they're friends. Maybe their mums thought it would be a cute idea.
>Is that normal to you?Girls in a bath wearing bathing suits? Yes.
In the end we don't know enough about the video to make some guess as to what is going on here. Imagine the sound being like
Woman: What are you guys doing?
Girl swinging the thingie: We're putting water on the stone so it'll get hot.
Giggling noises from two girls in background.
This may not be what is happening in the video, but we don't know that. No one knows that.
No. 412820
>>412816How come multiple, uninvolved randoms find it creepy if it's completely innocent?
As was said before, it's not just conspiracyfags who said "WTF" to that clip. It just looks creepy, we don't know where it's from, and there's no reason for that shit to have ended up on 4chan unless it was from some place sketchy enough to keep pedos lurking with such interest that they'd download clips from it, make webms of them and then repost said webms in the first place. There are tons of groups like that. The filename implies it came from an FB page, but not all FB groups are "innocent".
The no adults thing is one of the biggest warning signs that it's not just some family clip IMO.
If you don't think so, that's okay, but until we get some information, you're kind of in the minority here. It's just a shady video. I'd personally still find it creepy and weird if I saw it at random anywhere other than 4chan, with absolutely no context or "pizzagate" shit attached to it.
No. 412830
>>412820You can take any video of a kid playing by themselves, not laughing as manically as some people here remember their childhoods, for 15 seconds without sound, put it on 4chan with a cryptic comment and people will think it's spooky.
>The filename implies it came from an FB page, but not all FB groups are "innocent".How about: The video itself is completely innocent, got uploaded to FB ("Spa day with the little ones! [nail emoji] [dancing red lady emoji]") and then some creep took it from there? That's one of the reasons many mums don't upload their child's face to the internet, because there are creeps on it who'll take your pictures and use them for their perverted fantasies.
While how this video ended up on 4chan may not be kosher, the video itself may well be.
I'm not saying that children aren't sexually exploited all the time, they are. Could this be some super creepy video? Sure. It could also be something entirely innocent and 4chan idiots sperging out about it even though no one knows anything is stupid.
Can you at least admit that there is no lube bottle?
No. 412905
>>412830Look in the right hand side at 0:01-3
What is that? A family album or ?
No. 412907
>>412623I really dont understand comments like this.
I dont get why people have some sort of superiority complex over not questioning the presented reality.
I guess its to comfort yourself or make yourself feel safe?
Considering people literally believe in fairytales and religions, people do the absolute most when it comes to the possibility of children being molested/raped/traffic by seemingly normal people as if its some mysterious unheard of non existent concept that only exists in crazy peoples heads or something.
People in power fuck kids, period.
No. 412912
>>412830We just…don't know. I also don't get why you're being so defensive about this questionable video with no adults but a bunch of kids in swimsuits looking forlorn that no one has found the source of. Did you take that video or something, anon?
I'm joking, but seriously. It's not at all peculiar to think the clip is weird, especially with the complete and total lack of context attached. I'm not even the anon who said it was lube.
No. 412920
>>412907i don’t think anon is doubting the fact that people abuse their power. they’re doubting the validity of 4chan and reddit posts as actual hard hitting evidence of something nefarious, which is smart, because it’s fucking 4chan and reddit. some mentally ill individual dying after making schizoid posts on the internet doesn’t mean their ramblings are suddenly more
valid. you still need concrete evidence to back shit up with, more than some sketchy video with no sound. this isn’t the conspiracy thread, naturally people aren’t going to just take shit and run with it the way you do. you should probably move it there anyway bc the video itself isn’t proven to be linked to any celebrity, just someone on the internet claiming tom hanks is in on it somehow(?)
>le questioning realitykek. if only everyone was as enlightened and omnipotent as you. teach us your ways, anon.
No. 413022
>>412905Seriously can you screenshot? Because I see nothing there.
>>412907I believe that CSA is real and that lots of people in powerful situations are involved with it. I mean there was that case with the British TV presenter a while back, right? Michael Jackson is also absolutely guilty in my book. But for this video there is 0 connection to celebrities which makes me wonder why it's even in this thread.
>>412912I'm defensive because
we don't know and I won't jump to "satanic rituals CSA underground bunker sponsored by Madonna" from a video that's perfectly explainable just because retards on 4chan and reddit think it's spoopy. These are the same people who thought that cheese pizza referred to CP and actually shot up a pizzeria looking to rescue children from a non-existant basement, so excusive me for being sceptical.
Please, just take it to the conspiracy thread because it's not actual milk and there's no real connection to celebs.
No. 413025
>>413022You're missing that no one replying to you jumped to "satanic CSA underground" or whatever. Multiple people who aren't into conspiracies said "Creepy, wtf" seeing it. And it is. Whatever innocent explanation you have doesn't mean anything until you can provide actual proof, because it's just as
valid as the point of view that it looks off and might have a less innocent explanation.
You say we should take it to the conspiracy thread, but you're randomly bringing up the shooting and other shit no one talked about. Just let it go. The 15-second clip is creepy to everybody but you, apparently. If you're so bent on it being nothing bad, find the source, prove it's innocent, and then call us all dumb bitches or something. It's not that deep.
No. 413045
>>413025Are we only arguing whether it's creepy? Because maybe it is. It's not to me, but I can see why it may appear creepy to others. I also never brought up the shooting, there's at least two people in here arguing with you. My only arguments are "It may be entirely innocent, we don't know because there's no sound on this thing and we have no context" and "children wearing swimwear in a bath is normal".
But there are tons of creepy videos and straight up CP out there.
How do you connect this video to this thread? Where is the connection to any celebrities?
No. 413150
Point and laugh, people; point n laff. they still think Shane is a chomo/animal-fucker and are now stanning James Charles in the last page.
I’m surprised they haven’t talked about Onion boy tho…
No. 413174
>>413170I took like one look at this girls Twitter and she's very delusional. These kind of people are obsessed with celebrities and making up stories about them.
I definitely know a lot of celebs have skeletons in the closet, but this Tom Hanks one is not it.
No. 413195
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>>413170This woman is obviously mentally ill. We don't need to fill the thread with false accusations from every delusional shizophrenic.
Anyway people are talking about Khloe's new nose job.
>She didn’t mean harm, but when I was around nine I overheard [my mom Kris Jenner] telling her friend I needed a nose job. I was shocked; I hadn’t even thought about it. I’ve grown into my face but I’ve had makeup artists tell me, ‘You should get a nose job.’ I’m so happy that I never have.Sad.
No. 413210
>>413205Anon said "this Tom Hanks one", referring to this certain conspiracy around Hanks. They did not say he didn’t have ANY skeletons in the closet. Also, can we please stop with this bullshit. The celeb thread had its up and downs, but this is just annoying. There is a conspiracy thread where you can discuss your delusions
No. 413212
File: 1558522159012.jpeg (Spoiler Image,86.1 KB, 800x1280, 6DEB044D-1245-48C0-955E-96F02A…)

(Reposting bc I forgot to spoiler the image. I’m very sorry.)
>>412905NTAYRT and not
>>413022 either but very interested in a screenshot, too because all I see is literally just the head of a pump bottle which could be anything. Considering that this is a spa some kind of soap or massage oil pump bottle wouldn’t be too much out of the ordinary.
I’ll have to agree with the other anons on everything else, too. People find it creepy because of the framing. 4chan isn’t a place where happy family times are being shared so obviously people would consider this creepy without any context. The lighting makes it more ominous, too.
But as
>>412830 said: If the exact same video was posted by a woman on Facebook who’s on vacation in turkey or something like that, no one would bat an eye.
Also, especially the kid talking to the camera makes me believe this is much more innocent than people make it out to be. The way she’s swinging the jug and her entire, her facial expression…
Unless the person she’s talking to is about to abuse her for the very first time ever, there’s no way in hell this is the face or body language of someone talking to their abuser while being that exposed in a setting like that.
No. 413245
>>413241>Green Mile is about being sympathetic to a suspected pedophile murderer. Their evidence that he isn't was solely psychic messages delivered by the suspected pedo. It is also anti-death penaltyI'll admit this
triggered me.
No. 413256
>>413241>big which is about an adult woman who has a sexual relationship with a child who has an adult body. At the end he walks away and you can see it was a childI have already posted this a couple times but it relates to what you mentioned
I have a cousin who is a 28 year old 6'3 adult man but he's Intellectually disabled and has the mental capacity of a child and he cannot live on his own and currently he is a relationship with a 30 year old woman and she has no diagnosed mental illness
its kinda the same situation of an adult man with the mind of a child
No. 413280
>>413263The problem is probably exactly that: their money.
They often want surgeries and fix something that’s just not possible, but they have enough money and there are enough corrupt doctors that they’ll get what they want, no matter if it’s possible or advised.
A decent doctor will try to make a surgery look as natural as possible. But that also only works to a certain degree. In that case said decent doctor will advise you not to do it. If they still want it anyways… well…
No. 413407
>>413241I photograph lost shoes and abandonded pieces of clothing all the time, I think it’s hilarious. Nobody else probably does, but some people just have a shitty sense of humour. It’s not that deep.
>>413245Green Mile is an adaptation of Stephen King’s novel of the same name.
No. 413415
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No. 413427
>>413415Moby is really selfish lol
Isn't he the dude who made that boomer tier So Deep music video about smartphones?
No. 413436
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>>413433It seems one sided. Wouldn't be the first time.
Another dude, author Jonathan Safran Foer, divorced his wife over an email exchange with Natalie. No. 413453
>>413241>pro-pedo theme>Green Mile is about being sympathetic to a suspected pedophile murderer. Their evidence that he isn't was solely psychic messages delivered by the suspected pedo.Anon, did you watch the movie, or just read the wiki?
John Coffey (the one with psychic powers) killed the pedophile/murderer.
Coffey was put on death row because he was found holding the dead children after Wild Bill raped and murdered them.
Coffey was the one with powers - not the pedophile.
>It is also anti-deathfucking lol, at this and your entire post
No. 413454
>>413241Didn’t he just star in Big? Not like he wrote or directed it. And I know anons on here are gonna rip me a new one for “It was a different time!” excuse but the 80s were just barely getting aware of pedo shit both inside and out of Hollywood. I highly doubt it could be remade today.
Also the photography shit just sounds like he’s weird and/or pretentious. Not a predator.
Not saying that Hanks doesn’t have any skeletons in his closest (I’m sure he does) but all the shit you posted sounds really reaching. Come back when you have actual or at least plausible evidence.
No. 413477
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No. 413606
>>413515>>413533the cat thing is honestly the most dirt i have on him but
i don't doubt that natalie portman would find him creepy, everyone else does too.
he's not in any way vegan
maybe he grew a conscience but i doubt it. wish i could prove any of this for you but receipts would be hard to come by. please enjoy regardless.
No. 413622
>>413454I mean, anyone who has actual evidence ended up as "RoadKill Lol!!!!!" on Route 66, so uh…
My point was there are some weird things that he's done and continues to do (nobody mentioned the sexy baby contest, look that shit up: he is shouting "sexy feet!" at his 6 year old daughter or whoever it is)
And those things are just there, not conspiracies. Just things he's posted. I've read some of the actual conspiracies about him and they're awful and seem reasonably legit (for example the woman posting pointed out that she is not being sued for libel, which surely she would be if it were false)
I actually really like Hom Tanks and really hope this stuff isn't true. But just pointing out some non-'spracies in the public sphere which align with the actual 'spiracies.
No. 413643
>>413606quickly looking at google all it says it that he is vegan for decades.and the only reference to a cat i found related to moby is that he had a cat(is that the cat you say he abused?) as a kid which he loved so much he decided to turn vegan.
i dont doubt he could be creepy or weird(i dont know enough about him to have an opinion)but saying those things without any proof doesnt make what you say do you even know that stuff in the first place?
No. 413662
>>413634If you really think million/billionaire men
don't do messed up shit just because they can, I have a bridge to sell you
No. 413687
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>>413665anon you're about to be shook when you realize this is a parody of a very real show and industry where people
actually exploit children. why don't you focus your efforts on the child pageant industry where actual, verifiable exploitation is occurring?
that's not even his kid, qfags are so gullible lol
No. 413701
>>413693They clearly were
abusive to each other but I think it's kind of obvious that she was the instigator in a lot of things. Her little video that she released was enough to convince me that she's a liar.
No. 413712
>>413693Depp's statements of course have bias and mitigate his behaviour but the conflating evidence shows substance abuse and domestic violence. MRA faggots are quick to side immediately with a man. If people were truly so enlightened and knowledgeable maybe they'd fuck up until their case goes to court and evidence is examined
My own bias leads me to think Depp is a wanker.
No. 413835
>>413665Hanks only has one daughter and she's 37 years old. Stop linking these mentally ill weirdos on twitter and reddit as if it's proof of anything.
If you want to talk about Hollywood men who abuse their power, then talk about MJ, Polanski or Weinstein. What's the use in making up paranoid rumors when actual abuse is happening.
No. 414361
>>414223>Fuck that, we goin' to the moonWhy is this a meme in pop music now? Beyonce sang "Call my girls and put 'em all in a spaceship" in the song/video "Apeshit", too.
Like, not to sound like an insane tinfoilfag, but what is this in reference to, and why did they choose this?
No. 414531
>>414482She's been doing shit this whole time.
When you write about Rothschilds you sound like conspiracy-chan further up btw.
No. 414846
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this was brought up on the attractive men thread but i think it fits here. thom yorke was rumored to be cheating on his dying wife with a younger model/aspiring actress. there's not much proof though just reddit rumors. thoughts?
No. 414868
>>414864yeah this drama is from 2016/2017 ,it's not at all recent. sorry should have mentioned that.
he made his first public appearance with the model a couple of months after his ex died. people suspect that they were together before the divorce.
No. 414873
>>414864That’s the problem, anon, because there are rumours that they’ve been seeing each other since 2013, 2014 etc. No one knows the exact dates.
Personally I don’t think Thom and Rachel had a good marriage and I don’t know if she struggled with cancer while all this going on or if it came later. Maybe being divorced from him was a dying wish, who knows.
Seems like he’s been having a long midlife crisis.
No. 414885
>>414694The boosting each other up among celebrities I also see in real life is the part what made me realize it. If you can't recognize it in the real world you clearly don't have a succesful network nor a job. You must be a very happy person if you have genuine friends who wouldn't ditch you for someone else if they give them better opportunities. I have yet to be convinced normal people aren't as fake or potentially as fake as celebrities in the socialite branch. Insanity is subjective anyways :^).
>>414531>conspiracy chanI tried to read some of it but their websites are so flashy and use seizure inflicting colours. And wayyyy too much text, could as well read better things.
Anyways I knew she had been doing this for a while but I just had to vent how she re-re-re-re-re-did it again. And also perhaps it was because I saw hilton commenting on that one footage a stan posted on instagram, calling her a pathelogical liar. And also mentioning these ancient things I guess I am admittedly late to the boat, as I am with celebrity news always with the exception of this phase when I had an addiction to celebrity gossip when I was sorta neeting, but better saying stupid shit on a website for autists than irl right? Iksdee
Also, since there are LSA outcasts here, how good is the tea on LSA? Like objectively? I took a glance and it seems all made up since there is the incognito function. I wouldn't want to join since non-blacks get shood away and that's fine, but I would still like to lurk if it gives exclusive tea.
Or are there any other ways to keep myself updated to celebrity news? How about vogue? I like how they write. Also does anyone still watch TMZ lol? Does it even still exist?
No. 414904
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>>414868SA. here he is with her in 2014. not that it's proof of anything
No. 415151
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>>414846it's so weird that this got brought up. i swear to god that i was just talking about this with my best friend and how we both thought he was so gross for doing that to his partner. thom and rachel were never married but they had been together since united and he was absolutely dating this chick while rachel was dealing with ovarian cancer, which is a shitty way to die. rachel, to her credit, just got on with things and taught italian studies at oxford right up till the end of her life, she was a pretty amazing person.
thom yorke started to go downhill for me right around the time he started atoms for peace with flea, i thought he'd lost his fucking mind and was having some insane mid-life crisis. for someone who supposedly gave such a shit about the environment he was jet setting like a motherfucker for about five or six years, living in both LA and london. i can't even see him in LA or the US period. now of course he does gross old man stuff like wear expensive suits with ugly sandals. it turned me off radiohead and they were my favorite band from the past decade, i saw them probably twenty times by 2009 but after this shit with rachel i was disgusted by him. he used to be so cute and now he looks half-dead, pic related.
their son noah apparently did drums on the suspiria soundtrack with him. can't find a picture of him anywhere. i don't know if the kids use their mom's name, which is owen, or a hyphenated form of both parents' names or whatever. but can you imagine this chick being your stepmom while your mom is dying of cancer, no fucking way. he's gross for even subjecting his kids to that. they also had a daughter named agnes. sorry for the infodump but i was a huge radiohead stan back in the day.
No. 415165
>>414904This same woman was supposedly spotted as far back as 2011 at a last minute DJ set he did, at Low End Theory with Flying Lotus in LA. Old Radiohead message boards were particularly buzzy about her because she kept popping up every time he did a secret show. There were pictures, which sadly seem to have disappeared from the net. At that time, his son would have been ten and his daughter only seven. There was also a persistent rumor that he fucked Kate Hudson after Coachella which at the time, used to get torn to shreds by fans with comments like 'Doubtful, he's a genius!' and the truly perceptive 'He would never do this in a billion years!'
Seemed like he finally caught on that he could get with starfuckers and did so, much more openly, around 2010. He's been trash for some time now.
No. 415319
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>>415151>he used to be so cute and now he looks half-dead, pic related.not to be shallow but he really does. he looks much older than his band mates and contemporaries
>>415165>There was also a persistent rumor that he fucked Kate Hudson after Coachella which at the time, used to get torn to shreds by fans with comments like 'Doubtful, he's a genius!' and the truly perceptive 'He would never do this in a billion years!'not surprising. there's a lot of hero worship for thom. a lot of his fans will shut you down if you even bring up his cheating as a possibility.
No. 415415
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Someone posted a drake dick report, capped before they get it taken down. No. 415424
>>415420Eh if you kept up with Drake milk you'd know he's a huge ho with a
toxic dick and weird kinks but not a pedo. His whole harem is full of big booty hoes, some of them being straight up obese. All the confirmed milk from his crew points towards him just being a sensitive ho who slings dick at fat bitches if they got an ass and tits.
No. 415429
>>415426It's how his whole brand was built, he will hop on anything to come off as hip and cool. He probably was trying to come off as a cool mentor. In reality, he came off as creepy which is why he suddenly would not address it at all.;
>“And there’s a willingness to be the punchline that others don’t have. It’s not a dominance of music with him – it’s a dominance of popular culture.”>After exploring and leveraging all these sides of his identity to the fullest, Drake embarked on a riskier strategy – allying himself with different cultures. His whole career is based on him hopping on whatever is hot right now and its also why he's often called a culture vulture. The pedo rumors are people not understanding legitimate criticism about Drake. No. 417958
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Her ass looks like a shoulder.
No. 418178
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>>417958I was just about to post his kek. Not that this is news, but her ass looks just as grotesque as Kim's, if not worse. I feel bad for Stormi and all the other Kardashian-Jenner spawns who are gonna grow up thinking this is normal.
No. 418238
>>418178nah ill feel bad if one of the kid's doesn't find it normal and realize their stuck with the Kardashian name forever.
but who cares they got money
No. 418329
>>417958Oh god is this kylie? I can't even tell anymore. I didn't expect them to go this far. It was sad watching kendall and kylie go through all of these phases. Remember when everyone thought kendall was the "natural" one haha. She could have been the only naturally pretty one.
They all must be so fucked up in the head to have the need to do this to themselves. Some light plastic surgery and injections to enhance your feature because you're rich, sure. But god they take it to horrifying levels.
No. 419006
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Beyonce fans are so annoying. >YASSSSS QUEEN OF SHADE LOOK HOW MAD SHE LOOK YASSSSS the hell do you know if shes mad or not? She always looks like a dumbfuck with that stupid brainless expression on her face unless shes on stage.
If she was actually mad about jay z getting attention from other women, the bitch wouldnt be perched in his mansion all these years later and constantly spawning his kids. She is a product. And the relationship is fake as fuck for keeping up appearances only.
No. 419022
>SHES SUCH A FEMINIST LEMONADE WAS SO POWERFULPretty sad when your little sister has to try to fuck up your man because hes consistently fucking other women. Wouldnt be surprised if hes still fucking/escorting out Rihanna and Rita Ora.
No. 419032
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>>418758>I wonder how her unshooped pics look now…She probably looks like, pic related.
No. 419429
>>418688'she smelled like a pterodactyl'
'like kissing a fossil'
i'm dying
No. 420484
>>420306fuuuuuuuuuuuck this is creepy as hell, so is what she wrote in the description for the video
i really want to see him suffer
No. 420486
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No. 420488
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>>419982My favorite swiftspiracy is that she was and/or is a /b/tard at heart. Actually, I straight up believe it.
No. 420531
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>>420501Lmao congrats dude, you just exchanged a supermodel and the mother of your child for a bridge troll
No. 420545
>>420531I think GaGa is actually beautiful but man, that’s a hideous photo of her.
I thought it was an open secret that he was gay though so idk what to make of this.
No. 420587
>>420531Why are you using that as like… a bad thing? He left a supermodel (if true) to be with someone he's been working with very closely for the last like, three years on that movie. It might've been hard for them to not catch feelings for each other. It happens.
Sometimes chemistry is a thing, why is it being weaponized against unconventionally attractive women and against the guys that end up falling for them?
No. 420846
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old as hell milk, but why aren't these ariana pics out in the mainstream media? would someone with a lsa account make this blow up? tan, the collar bones, ummm hair…
No. 420880
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Anna Nicole Smith: Portrait of an Icon, Signature Edition
This book combines never-before-seen photos of intimate moments, stories, and personal words of Anna Nicole Smith, combined with new details about some of her darkest secrets. Brought to you by her best friends, Pola Atteu and Patrik Simpson, who insist Anna was a not-so-dumb blonde. She was a smart, shrewd woman who played the role of the dumb blonde—it didn’t play her. Anna Nicole was funny, beautiful, sexy, and naughty. She was a wonderful mother, a true confidant, but most of all—a friend. Atteu and Simpson knew her and knew her well-kept secrets too. Anna was larger than life. This book is to memorialize and celebrate her life. The world suffered a great loss when she died and the outpouring of grief made it clear that Anna Nicole Smith was more than just a celebrity—she was an icon.
[attaching a free pdf link of this book for anyone that's interested in reading it]
>I tried to upload the pdf but it said that the file is to large. No. 421079
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So to my surprise zoe saldana shared snippets from a hillsong concert in her insta stories, I would like to think that she doesn't know much about them but seeing as she knows Chris Pratt I'm not so sure about that, just how many famous people are in that cult…
No. 422134
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One of the Harvey Weinstein accusers, Paz de la Huerta, is having a prolonged nervous breakdown a la Amanda bynes. I don’t really know what to make of it but the e-begging for vague “medical costs” in a way that just becomes every cow is so eerie
No. 422266
>>421297It’s just so irritating when people complain about Kardashians being stupid. Somehow you still know their names and everything they are doing.
They won the fame game and made tons of money from it.
There are thousands of insta models and celebrity wannabes who can only dream of being Kardashian.
I’m not saying that Kim is genius of our generation but she has done something right. It’s naive to think that celebrities are even close to the image they are selling to the public.
No. 422280
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>>420874Speaking of gay rumours, what are some celebs anons think are gay/bi? Besides the usual suspects of Travolta, Cruise etc
Richard Madden is bisexual and is dating Sam Smith’s ex Brandon Flynn.
Also I feel like I see a lot people saying Kendall is a lesbian.
No. 422286
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the embarrassing "charcoal grill" err, I mean "7 rings" hand tattoo disaster, how does it look nowadays?
it couldn't have faded already, but I haven't found pictures of ariana's hand tattoo ever since.
I want to see how this mess looks after all these months. allegedly she didn't get it lasered away either… can anyone provide images/videos?
No. 422323
>>422309that is true, but there are many videos of her and whatnot… or she gets asked in an interview or paparazzi about it; they are usually good at spotting even the tiniest things and blowing it out of proportion, so I think my question is
I don't follow this girl at all, but am a sucker for tragic tattoos; especially on celebs.
No. 422351
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>>420488there have been gay rumors for just as long if not longer for swift. like old myspace caps of her flirting w/ girls floating around. personally, i don’t find it that surprising — it’s all about the smokescreen of the public image after all. these recent pride posts etc have been a long/slow time coming and it seems there’s a shift taking place. maybe because she’s turning 30, or because she finally ended that contract she’s had since debuting.
No. 422511
>>422266Honestly, I think Kris is the brains of the operation.
I think Kim’s vapid but not completely stupid and probably is aware of what’s she doing though.
No. 422945
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So Bella Thorne did an absolute powermove and leaked her own nudes after being threatened to have them leaked.
No. 423002
>>422981Also her response in
>>422947 seems like it was just made to be viewed by others
No. 423040
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No. 423041
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No. 423043
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>>423042Elon just likes being a dick and trolling people. Nothing new.
No. 423047
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>>423043>47 years old man>"trolling"???
Why does he act like this? He's not a teenager anymore jfc. Does he have a mental disorder or something?
No. 423082
>>423052What he did was douchey but making fun of his looks (which he absolutely has no control over) is a low blow tbh.
Ib4 being told I’m being “too nice”
No. 423101
>>423086I know but the damn media is reporting it like they want him to die or something and it’s kinda making me nervous about it.
I hope God’s on his side though all this and makes a quick recovery.
I have yet to see them live (since they weren’t planning to come to my state anyway) but I hope to see them at least next year. Hopefully Dave’s fully recovered by then.
No. 423182
>>423082I agree that people shouldnt make fun of his looks but what he did wasnt "douchey" it was straight up aweful. I knew these kind of teens at 16 who thought similar shit was funny and they all turned into aweful men.
It's okay to do some edgy dumb shit as a teen, we all have, but no good person on earth, ever, has found this kind of shit funny.
No. 424067
>>423539fuck taylor. the cracks are starting to show and people are realizing that she is way, way out of her depth as a popstar. she doesn't have the presence or charisma to keep people interested so she's resorting to her usual woe is me
victim song with a corporate lgbt twist
No. 424410
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Bella Hadid is getting shit because of a pic she posted while traveling to Saudi Arabia bc OFFENSIVE and she's a RACIST posting a dumbass pic of her boots in front of the planes got enough attention from people it even got in some news sites where I live
Btw it fucking
triggers me how muslims think they are so special and anybody that even mentions anything related to their untouchable shithole religion is automatically racist (and should be executed).
Worst is she's apologizing for this bullshit so basically admitting reason in what these people are saying lol
I don't even care about her, just wanted to sperg because fuck, internet is stupid.
No. 424414
>>424410Oppression Muslims face in Christian/Secular countries - Not being allowed to wear a Hijab in certain situations,Having to share a room with women,having their religion occasionally criticized
Oppression Non-Muslims face in Muslim countries - Murder,Torture,Rape and Imprisonment
No. 424415
>>424410Isn't she literally half Middle Eastern? And to be honest, it's kind of silly seeing people from Arabic communities complaining about racism. The racism and ignorance in their own communities toward others is just something else entirely, but a dumb photo where a supermodel probably wasn't even thinking is cause to cancel Dior and scream from the rooftops?
I'm tired.
No. 424422
>>424420I know. They act ultra-nationalistic and untouchable, even when they treat women and minorities like shit, basically what any SJW would lose their minds over if it was here.
I'm a leftie myself but seeing western people defend that to feel good about themselves makes me want to puke.
No. 424431
>>424410>it fucking triggers me how muslims>muslimsIt's mostly Saudis and Arabs from the Emirates who are this unhinged and have a superiority complex over being filthy rich thanks to oil and having colonized North Africa and spread Islam. It's obvious it stems from nationalism since they sperg so much about their flags on the planes. I've never seen North Africans or Muslims from any parts of Asia acting like
victims of racism in their own countries while also being spoiled brats in adult bodies and threatening and insulting everyone and everything. It's not like Saudi Arabia was an example of how to uphold human rights anyway. They need to shut the fuck up and boycott Dior in silence like normal people while trying to hide their insane foot fetish, goddamn.
No. 424442
>>424420I just watched a documentary on Saudi Arabia. No one and absolutely NO ONE from the west should be apologising to those cunts and no one should be travelling there. Always pisses me off when celebs go there to perform for something.
sage for sperg and off topic.
No. 424448
>>424410I don't blame her for apologizing. Saudis own a lot of shit all over the world and having a bad relationship with the country as a celeb can be really shit for their career. Offending such a rich and far-reaching country can create a lot of bumps on the road and ultimately her industry is entertainment. I don't think celebrities should be political actors. It's never sincere and their influence tends to puncture rationality. Stans follow these people like prophets, I don't want them to preach anything ideological regardless of the validity of the stance tbh.
Politicians on the other hand should take a firm stand against Saudi Arabia because it's truly a shitty place that is behind a lot of what is wrong with the Middle East. It's their job to lead the countries they're representing and they should be guided by humanitarian ideals. Celebs should just look nice and make pretty things.
No. 424449
>>424448i agree with you, i hate the idea of having responsibility for your art/talent. I hate that everything
has to be political, and be given meaning, and if someone interprets the meaning wrong, the person who made it is the one who apologizes for doing it, not just for hurting someone's feelings.
No. 424452
>>424099honestly when someone starts releasing ~politically~ tinged music, if they werent doing that before as their MO, their catalog immediately goes to shit from then on out until they stop
shes not an activist so she can stop pretending and just do her job, or she can fuck off into political fodder hell
No. 424761
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I think ppl are on to her ED so her PR team was like POST EatING STORIES
No. 424834
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>>424761She seemed healthier/fuller last year, shame she seems to have gone back to her ana behaviour (see: ana pose in oic attached)
No. 424857
>>424819do you mean "Any truth to the rumor that certain celebs are used as payment in entertainment deals?"
if that's the one you're looking for they're moved the new part to the "celebrity dark room" sub-forum, you need to have an account and invite to access that.
No. 424862
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>>422280How about Jake Gyllenhaal? The rumours have been going around even before he starred in brokeback mountain, though that movie probably made the speculation stronger. I've heard that he and Austin Nicholas (from one tree hill I think?) had a serious thing going on.
Don't forget about Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, River Phoenix, Keanu Reeves, Heath Ledger…..
No. 424874
>>424857Oh that's a shame, i wanted to read their royalty cosplay speculations..
Thanks anon
No. 424881
>>424874no problem, but don't worry it's not difficult at all to get invited, it really just takes about a few mins/ hours.
>>424862honestly I think 90% of hollywood guys have done some gay shit at least once. I can imagine that the freaky ass sex parties and clubs they all attend encourage it, and they probably blackmail each other with this kind of information too. even if they don't come into the business into guys they're gonna come across experimentation, maybe by force in some instances
No. 424912
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The rollingwiththedevil guy from the midst of the Zheani/Die Antwoord drama recently deleted everything from his IG, but now he's back. This post seems to be about Tokkie and his older brother Andrew.
He just posted this.>You know what you have done to this family!!! You can send your spies after me (fine I'll just keep feeding you disinformation. You can hire people to attack me again (fine as I have nothing to loose and am ready to die to expose the evil in you! You try and get inside my head with whitch craft and black magic but I have defence now and the cards have been dealt. After what happened to Tokkies brother Ardrew you go make a music video rewarding Tokkies violence, No wonder you hire security to protect you from your "hood friends". You front that you are gangster, you wanted the gangster life now you gonna have to live and die with it. #artimatatinglife #lifeimatatingart #pleasedonttakemeforapoes>PS, I'm back on the edit, just had to move and do a few jobs as London is expensive. #dieantwoord #brotherstabsbrother #parentingTo refresh anyone's memory, this is the guy that released that video of Yolandi and Ninja using the n-word and complaining about censorship (despite the fact that they censored Zheani's content), exposed them for tax fraud, and alleged a bunch of fucked up things about them. He's worked with them for years, and made art for them (most notably that one big grafitti piece of Yolandi in the Baby's On Fire video) that they wouldn't allow him to credit to himself for "image" reasons. He has lots of footage from their time together, and says he is in the process of editing a full-length documentary exposing them. This article goes into things:'s something from it to put the caption of this particular IG post into perspective:
>So, Meisie is the sister of a boy called Tokkie. See, Yo-Landi adopted both kids from an extremely poor neighborhood in Johannesburg called Fietas. The neighbourhood is right under the iconic Johannesburg broadcast tower (Sentech Tower). Meisie and Tokkie also has an older brother, who at the time of the adoption was around 15 years old, but I guess he was too old or not cute or weird looking enough for Yo-Landi to adopt as well. Someone should probably find out what happened to this older brother? So…I guess he's alleging that Tokkie stabbed his own brother, and that Ninja and Yolandi rewarded him for it. This is pretty horrible if true.
No. 424928
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>>424912Some words from the owner of the Watkykjy site.
Personally, I believe him because his site was one of the first to put DA on (they're still in the header, actually), but then it progressively went silent on them.
No. 424929
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>>424928Fietas is one of the poorest areas of SA, and is where Ninja and Yolandi first adopted Tokkie and his siblings from.
No. 426045
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>>424862Oh damn lmao I’ve never heard about Keanu but there’s a bunch of stuff.
I had no idea the Jake Gyllenhaal rumours happened BEFORE Brokeback, I wouldn’t be surprised, Wonder when he’ll get a beard and have a kid and a marriage contract like Bradley Cooper.
Idk about DiCaprio being gay, more likely messed up from being molested and passed around by that creep first manager of his.
River Phoenix I can see being gay as well as being molested, that kind of drug use cant just come from nowhere, even in Hollyweird.
>>424881No doubt, There’s also the male casting couch which I feel is rarely talked about openly, probably because straight men playing gay for roles is considered to be way more shameful? Then there’s that whole Velvet Mafia thing as well.
No. 426158
>>426045Yeah River Phoenix grew up in a hippie cult called the "Children of god" where all the children were abused and forced to have sex with each other, it was really sick. The rumours are that he and Keanu were secretly together and it destroyed him when River died (which i read is a bit of a conspiracy since the "overdose" story is real shady but that's a different topic). I heard Johnny Depp was one of his lovers too but idk about that.
I agree about Dicaprio being abused and passed around, a lot of photographs taken of him when he was young are very creepy. It made me realise that a lot of these photo-shoots actors do are for the elites and others in the industry to collect and kinda "bid" on them sexually, if that makes sense. And yeah, I believe they blackmail these guys to get them to do god knows what, if they don't comply they're probably threatened with having all sorts of dark secret info exposed to the press.
No. 426163
>>426045That makes it seem as if there's a correlation between being molested and turning out to be gay.
Anyway, I've never seen anything About Keanu that points to him being anything but 100% hetero, he seems to have dearly loved his wife.
Lipstick Alley always claims that Leo is gay, but that's only because they're salty about not being one of the young, blonde and blue-eyed models he dates lol
No. 426184

Here’s a creepy clip of Leo with convicted pedophile Brian Peck, the executive producer of Growing Pains Stephen Marshall is also a convicted pedophile as well as Leo’s first manager.
Brian Peck is also close with Charlie Sheen who allegedly raped Corey Haim on the set of Lucas.
He also had a cameo in the Xmen Series which of course was directed by Bryan Singer who would have pool parties with underaged boys that Kevin Spacey attended.
It’s like a plague, everywhere there’s a predator, I can’t understand why any parent would want their child in this kind of environment.
>>426158That’s heartbreaking about River, Atleast he’s at peace now.
Oh definitely and I wouldn’t be surprised if casting agents were used as well to procure a certain type of boy, it’s disgusting how deep it runs.
>>426163>That makes it seem as if there’s a correlation between being molested and turning out gayNah, I didn’t say that, but maybe those Hollywood pedos identified that he was gay and used that to their advantage?
No. 426187
>>426184*As well as Leo’s first manager Bob Villard
Ugh sorry for the double post
No. 426202
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>>426163He was very much in love with Jennifer and I believe he never recovered from losing their baby and then her. He very well could have been bisexual, but I dont think theres a question at all that she was who he considered to be the love of his life. Dave Navarro was close to them and confirmed saying that he and their other friends were all really affected because she was such a good person, and that they all had to pull it together for his sake because he was so depressed. The pictures of the two of them from the babies funeral always break my heart.
No. 426488
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Keanu is most likely bi.He had a fling with trans actress Jamie Clayton a few years ago
>An eyewitness to their July 16, date at the Chateau Marmont told the tabloid that Keanu and Jamie looked every bit the loving couple on their night out: "They're definitely smitten. "The fact the Jamie's transgender doesn't mean a thing. "Keanu likes her and respects her no matter what." "Jamie was acting all giddy on the way out of the restaurant when Keanu wrapped his arm around her lower back…and he went in for a kiss."
No. 426490
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So many feels.
No. 426620
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No. 426705
>>426202TIL the night she died she was at a party at Marilyn Manson's house, she was dropped home by a designated driver, but then she drove back alone to the party in her own car and died instantly when she crashed, with all sorts in her system.
The family tried to sue manson for supplying her with drugs and telling her to drive back over, whereas argued the party had no drugs (pretty unbelievable) and also that he had told her to come over the next day, not that same night. She was also on prescription medication at that time. The case was settled privately out of court.
I would imagine Keanu hates Manson's guts but his music is on the John Wick film, so maybe not.
No. 426755
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So that’s what happens when you hang with (are groomed by) a talented genius (crazy ass dude) for 36 years?
No. 426975
>>426620I hope this means that she is writing a book to spill the tea. There is no doubt she has been abused by her parents and the entertainment industry sickos.
I just want Britney to be happy
No. 427090
>>426620This is the same woman who posted Minion shit and random quotes. I'm getting annoyed at people thinking there is something wrong with her because she posts random shit. She has always been like this.
Yall should take more interest what her dad is doing with her money: suing a fan for claiming he's deleting positive comments and spams her insta with creepy ones. Every time she posts, there is a good number of people posting mean comments about her (and they get the most likes) making her seem instable and crazy -> conservatorship justified. Even Britney's mom and cousin noticed this shit and called it out.
She'll probably write a book about her past when she's finally free.
No. 427141
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Anyone else hear about the latest Kardashian scandal? Kim dropped her new line of shapewear, but people are jumping on her for trying to trademark the word "Kimono" as the brand name. No. 427142
>>427141can non-japanese asians stop trying to appropriate japanese culture to be offended?
her and kanye are weeaboos. kanye has giant anime statues and kim started that stupid weeb perfume line already. next.
No. 427158
>>427145Amazon the company have actually been in a 7 year dispute with the Amazon government for the use of the .amazon domain, which Amazon the company have apparently won use of this year.
So in that case a company took ownership of a resource which should be reserved for people from that country
Presumably people are worried Kim will be going around trying to shut down Kimono shops for "using her name" which is something crazy rich people like to try and do
No. 427492
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Stop being sooooo edgY Miley u r cuttign me
No. 427618
>>427091How about this, dumb cunt you don't know anything, don't talk
No. 428077
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No. 428389
This is wild. Good on her tbh. I would have freaked tf out at that guy who asked the question.'ve watched most of Jamie Dlux's videos they're really crazy and well-researched.
No. 428522
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No. 428526
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>>428522…curious how she left out the one with her busted fillers
No. 428529
at least everybody who’s seen her IRL knows it ain’t true lol
No. 428536
File: 1561932916883.jpg (63.31 KB, 728x546, aa43a20ebed24676ab756b20ac35a8…) Swift Slams Scooter Braun’s Acquisition of Her Back Catalog, Accuses Him of “Bullying”Today (June 30), Scooter Braun’s media holding company Ithaca Holdings LLC. announced its acquisition of Taylor Swift’s former label Big Machine Label Group. The deal gives Ithaca Holdings Taylor Swift’s catalog, namely her first six albums.
This is what happens when you sign a deal at 15 to someone for whom the term ‘loyalty’ is clearly just a contractual concept. And when that man says ‘Music has value,’ he means its value is beholden to men who had no part in creating it.
When I left my masters in Scott’s hands, I made peace with the fact that eventually he would sell them. Never in my worst nightmares did I imagine the buyer would be Scooter. Any time Scott Borchetta has heard the words ‘Scooter Braun’ escape my lips, it was when I was either crying or trying not to. He knew what he was doing; they both did. Controlling a woman who didn’t want to be associated with them. In perpetuity. That means forever.
No. 428551
>>428522The Dan Schnieder stuff is only made like 99.99% more obviously true when she does shit like this. Comparing your child self to your adult self, and feeling the need to highlight that you totally look the same?
Gives me weird vibes.
No. 428642
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Loads of artists such as Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, etc. are publicly cutting ties with Scooter. I don’t doubt Scooter and Dan Schneider are good friends. Seems like Dan sold Ariana to Scooter. Dan is also admittedly close friends with music producer Dr. Luke, who was Kesha’s abuser and rapist. All these pigs are the same person.
Not only that but Scooter insinuated Kris Wu was buying bots when his single beat Ariana’s on the charts. Scooter liked a lot of racist tweets about Kris.
If pic related is true, this is not a good look on anyone Scooter manages. Especially since Ariana is now a “bi queen”
No. 428660
>>428642Under Ariana’s recent tweets or just by searching her name on twitter, you’ll see a lot of recent tweets of people telling her to break ties with Scooter. Uh oh. I’d post screenshots but my data is bad right now. People are also reaching out to Demi Lovato and warning her about Scooter because I guess she just signed onto him. People are telling her he’d be terrible for her mental health.
I’m just waiting on the Scooter Braun #MeToo posts to start. Ariana probably won’t drop him seeing as she is still friendly with pedo Dan. Unless she bandwagons hard enough I guess.
No. 428663
>>428660demi just liked his wifes post and made her own post saying hes a good man lol
im ashamed that im so into this right now because im 30 years old but i still get entertained by celeb drama when it involves so many people like this
guilty pleasure i guess
No. 428671
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>>428663not all that related but since she was mentioned, demi liked a bunch negative posts about the jobros
No. 428677
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No. 428692
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No. 428697
>>428536Taylor's net worth is over $320 million. I'm dumb but why couldn't she buy her former label and rights to her old music herself? Taylor loves to portray herself as an underdog/
victim and I find it sus that she's also framing this as a #MeToo moment idk
No. 428699
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selener's mom made a statement
No. 428703
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Not a celebricow but Lil Nas X has come out
No. 428712
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>>428697[Big Machine Label Group CEO Scott Borchetta] wrote, “Taylor had every chance in the world to own not just her master recordings, but every video, photograph, everything associated to her career. She chose to leave.”
No. 428731
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>>428522This bitch is really just a famous version of Shoe at this point, right?
The “uwu I’m so small and childlike” shtick is always annoying but it really becomes pathetic when you’re in your mid 20s. Nothing wrong with wanting to perceive yourself as cute but idk why these women go to extreme lengths to infantilize themselves
Pic related. Her brother also likes to live in delusion. Guess it runs in the family
No. 428752
>>428720I don't like her either, but the hate she's been getting since years already is unjust.
>>428673>hey booWhy is Demi Lovato still a thing? She's a druggie with a fanbase of preteens, talk about a good rolemodel… (and if any of you have ever watched an interview with her, she sadly really is dumb af)
>>428746She only looks young because she's short, dresses weirdly and draws extra attention to her big head (vs her short body) by piling on makeup and extensions, it's not like she's got youthful skin or anything. I don't think she will age well.
No. 428755
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>>428752Anon, pls. I don't care for her but I can admit that she looks young. Realistically, I would probably think this is a 16 yo in way too much makeup. I see a lot of legit 16 yos that look like this, or older, tbh. Her features do look young. She has nice skin, too. Idk what you're talking about. The pic she posted on insta was hideous tho fr.
No. 428778
>>428697one of her complaints is that this guy got his clients to "bully" her during the controversy over kanye's 'famous' video, BUT if i remember correctly it was the RECEIPTS that "bullied" taylor; her own words coming back to haunt her that she gave her consent but wanted to turn around and play the
victim card anyway. i cant stand her, shes all lip service
No. 428800
>>428798Yeah, I think she's probably a mean girl at heart, but it really bothers me that she got flak over that when clearly he took many (disgusting) liberties that she never approved of, and
that was her issue with it.
No. 428915
>>428836I would say that somebody making a life-size realistic naked doll of someone and posing them next to naked dolls of other women and famous accused abusers is pretty disgusting tbh, even if Taylor Swift is a bad person herself. Doing that to anybody is creepy and gross.
Saying that though, it was definitely more Kanye than Scooter and I believe the video was linked to the label she's currently under anyway so she hasn't avoidd working with people associated with it.
>>428868I wish more people understood this. The promiscuity can be a coping mechanism because it downplays the perceived importance of sex and helps a person "lessen" the impact.
>>428697iirc they offered to let her buy her masters if she signed herself into an album-for-album contract. So to buy back the masters of one of her old albums, she'd have to put out another under her label.
They still could have sold the label to Scooter if she'd done this, so she would have ended up working for Scooter. Considering how angry she is about him owning her masters, I doubt working for him for the years it would take to buy back her masters would have been any better for her.
No. 428924
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>>428836>>428836It's not disgusting to make and feature in your video an uncensored nude wax figure of a woman whose fans are primarily children? And to just do that in general to a woman you've publicly embarrassed already? That's really disgusting and really showcases his entitlement. There's a reason why deepfakes are invasive, why Congress is considering enacting legislation, and why people are embarrassed that these things are happening. Now imagine instead of some no name fatass from Schenectady doing shit like this and uploading it to chans, it's Kanye West, and he receives no public punishment for this kind of entitlement. He should've been cancelled over it. Taylor plays the
victim like mad, but she was pretty gracious to even give him the ok on that line in what seemed like an attempt to squash their beef, then he not only calls her 'a bitch', but does this? That's way over the line, imo.
OT but he doesn't get enough shit for publicly and proudly admitting that he jerks off to his wife's sisters and imagines fucking them, and for making Kim turn herself into a legit monster because of his porn addiction.
No. 428941
>>428775Crazy how a child shoved into the limelight of an acting career before they know the difference between right & left might not actually have talent for acting as an adult!
But for real, her image has been allowed to be trashed in the media owned by the same corporations as her (pedophilic) abusers to support this exact feeling about her and what those people do to kids. Imo.
No. 428943
>>428703good for him, i hope he is happy and he stay positive
>>428708 unlike what this anon says, coming out IS importat for a lot of gay people
No. 428988
>>428924The entire male-dominated current hip-hop scene is like this, and it pisses me off that nobody seems to care.
Kanye probably did this to Taylor because he would've also done it to Nicki, if she crossed him or offended him in any way. He has little to no respect for women, and that mindset is encouraged.
No. 429002
>>428924>He should've been cancelled over it.He should have been cancelled the minute his drunk ass walked on stage to say that the teenage girl next to him doesn't deserve to win.
Just look at him and his wife's family, they're trash.
>>428988Yes, and so are all other rappers.
On the one hand woke black
victims on the other hand sexist af millionaires.
No. 429024
>>428988>Kanye probably did this to Taylor because he would've also done it to NickiHe 100% would.
He did it to one of his exes. Amber Rose's sexdoll is in the video too and he made sure it was ALL showing with her. In the video, it pans over her while he's rapping about girls who got his dick or something.
And the entire thing is filmed like a really long snuff video. After the song ends it just alternates between zooming in on titties and briefly passing over the covered up men dolls.
No. 429040
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What kind of person is dumb enough to fall for this?
And why does he get away with supporting Trump?
No. 429145
>>429040human beings are retarded
theres a reason why religions and cults exist and have forever
its just not often that culture is completely and utterly "celebrity" obsessed like they are in this day and age, hence why its easy for celebrities to quite literally form their own cults
No. 429205
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>>404837Here's a pic of the tongue kiss in question.
No. 429214

Perez Hilton released info about Britney yesterday. Cliffs stolen from LSA thread:
>Independent outsiders have determined conservatorship is as it should be>Those around her genuinely care about her and worry about her>She isn't happy being in the conservatorship (no surprise)>If conservatorship ends, she will absolutely die>Currently heavily medicated for mental health issues/needs to be>She has issues with very basic needs (hygiene, finances, etc.)>Is not allowed to drink alcohol or do any kind of drugs>Confirmed that Britney had substance abuse problem in past>Britney was high on ecstasy when she married Jason Alexander>Lots of friction in Britney's camp w/ mom/dad/lawyers/management>Britney and her mom were severely estranged for last decade>This year was the first year Lynne/Britney really reconnected>Sam Asghari not a negative influence, but is just along for the ride>Britney calls all the shots in relationship w/ Sam>Britney not a prisoner; has a lot of liberty and freedom>Is obsessed with being thin>Googles herself to see what people are saying about her>Currently not capable of doing interviews/performing wonder how much of it is true.
No. 430097
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>>419982Secretly gay? LOL shes wishes.
They only way she could be less subtle is if she dry humped women on stage, and even then people would just say its girls being girls.
No. 430109
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>>430104>where exactly in my post did i say or suggest that?
>taylor is not a lesbian. she's pandering and has friends that are girlswhats actually funny is people shitting on her thinking she was being an attention grabbing straight ally, when they've been shitting on a lesbian the whole time.
When nothing but the pride performance pic goes back years and years, back to when her violinist was kicked off the tour with no explanation because the PR people got worried.
No. 430115
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>>430112Well at least I know who the bearding articles are designed to fool.
No. 430127
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>>430122Tell me, was the Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell coming out shocking for you?
No. 430188
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>>430097she's rumored to be engaged with her actor bf. it's a long term relationship and she hasn't been showing him off to the public. kristen and ellen are different cases entirely.
No. 430189
>>429205that's def not a kiss
>>430188yeah…if she were a lesbian/bi why wouldn't she just come out? she doesn't really have anything to lose. the portion of her fanbase that she would've alienated she probably already did after getting involved in politics
No. 430272
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Why are her pics so heavily filtered? Either her eyes really are shit and no one from her team screens her posts or she is cripplingly self-conscious. Possibly both.
No. 430687
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No. 430768
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I know we're all worried about the Stranger Things kids, but should we be more worried about the Stranger Things adults? Joe Keery's the only one that doesn't look like shit from that original high school bunch. Natalia Dyer dating Charlie Heaton just gives off real icky "TND and Jonny Craig" vibes. (pic from the Season 3 Paris Premier yesterday)
No. 430773
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>>430768This dude's supposed to be playing an 18 year old in season 3. He's only 25 and that's already unbelievable.
No. 430796
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>>430778Joe Keery's a qt. Joe (Steve) is 27, Charlie (Jonathan) is 25 and Natalia (Nancy) is 22. He's only 3 years older than her but them dating is so unsettling. Maybe because she does still look like a teenager and he looks like a strung out middle aged man? And already has a 5 year old kid?
like, Natalia you can do so much better than this, please love yourself.
No. 430805
>>430796Natalia is actually 24, she confirmed her age in a recent interview. I'm not sure why the internet says she was born in 1997, but she was apparently born in 1995. It was also basically confirmed by Finn Wolfhard who tweeted about celebrating Natalia's 21st birthday a couple years ago when she should have been only 19.
But yeah agreed, his obvious drug use and weird past doesn't make him seem like a good match for her. There were rumors of them possibly secretly getting married a couple of weeks, it's most likely gossip but it's a little worrying.
No. 430814
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>>430805Good catch anon, that is weird.
>>430807Seems like a safe bet. Coke is what Charlie was detained for previously. But it's a show about the 80s and coke was huge in the 80s, so REALLY they're just getting in character!!! You're totally right about the cheekbones though, it does throw it off. Another pic from yesterday where you can see how thin her hair is, and the outline of her collarbones on her shoulders, and her wrists/hands here
>>430768 just all seem alarming. She's always been skinny though so it's hard to tell? I dunno.
No. 430936
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>>430814I always feel sorry for Natalia when I see how she looks like now. First she had an ED, now the coke… if you look at pictures of her pre-Stranger Things she looked like a completely different person. There's even the audition tape for Nancy on Youtube, and her face looks much fuller there. It's way more jarring when you see the comparison.
No. 431013
>>430773they genuinely look horrid now its insane
joe is qt though and seems to be actually aging better than he looked in season 1
No. 431021
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>>431019 No. 447792
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katy perry got accused of pulling some dude's pants down at a party. seems fishy, people have been calling him out