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No. 392335
There are tards all over the place talking about how it's all a pack of disgusting lies because both Wade and James say that they loved MJ, and are, weirdly, saying that the doc itself is promoting pedophilia. Or that the movie is making too much of a big deal about the fact that this was done to boys. Or that it wasn't factual enough. When people try to make a case against Dylan Farrow or Dr. Christine Blasey Ford by calling 'inconsistencies in their stories' into play, we are rightfully disgusted and tell pigs like that to fuck off. I don't care who these kids sued, are suing, would sue, want to sue, etc. The supposed holes in the story that would support MJ aren't even relevant half the time.
If Tarana Burke was in the audience for the Oprah interview, that's good enough for me.
I think these stans can safely die in all the fires, because the question still remains: why was a thirtysomething man sleeping with children who weren't his? Why did he continue to do it even after he was busted in the court of public opinion? Easiest answer is best answer. He was a pedophile.
If people don't understand how grooming pedophiles work; something I find hard to believe since we have a 'were you groomed as a child' thread right here on lc, maybe the stans should watch Chicken Hawk, which is a very good and very disgusting doc about how these predators think. It's always the kid's idea. The adult is, due to whatever circumstance, just a child at heart and means them no harm. MJ was doing nothing new or even particularly revolutionary when it came to fucking little boys. He was part of a long, gross tradition.
It's weird that such strides have been made w/r/t understanding the ways in which abusers get away with it, but when a celebrity enters the picture, all that knowledge flies right out the window and the asskissing starts. MJ and R. Kelly are guilty as sin. Deal with it.
More information for those who are interested - Why children who have been sexually abused will often tell and then retract their stories, appearing to have 'recall' issues: age at time of reporting for men: 52 years of age!/content/medline/2-s2.0-24669770Characteristics of sex crimes against juveniles've said a variant of this on about ten different sites now and this will likely be the last posts I make about it anywhere, lol. MJ fans need to handle the fact that their idol raped children and either dismiss it and continue to listen to the music, or say 'hey, I can't accept that.' It's pretty simple.
No. 392348
>>392316Yeah, I keep accidentally calling it Finding Neverland and I have no idea why.
>>392335>the question still remains: why was a thirtysomething man sleeping with children who weren't his? Why did he continue to do it even after he was busted in the court of public opinion? Easiest answer is best answer. He was a pedophile.I can't "this" enough. He was spending such a surplus time alone behind closed doors with these kids, sleeping in the same bed with them, even after the public started asking questions. Most guys I know (and hell even some girls) avoid being alone with kids outside their family like the plague because they don't even want the possibility that people will question if something's up. Why the hell would a full grown man continue such beyond red flag behavior when people already were suspecting he was abusing them unless he truly was?
No. 392381
MJ fans like to spread lies and say that there was no evidence against him.
Check out these links, especially the "Michael Jackson's Boys" documentary, it was always obvious what he was doing: No. 392500
>>392478The whole thing used to be on Youtube but I think it was taken down recently. When I went looking for it all I could find were people trying to discredit the
victims with videos like "evidence of multiple interview takes" and "Safechuck and Robson vs. REAL abuse
victims" which is pretty depressing. Imagine trying to actively discredit rape survivors just because you like some dead pedo's music.
No. 392580
>>392500It's amazing to me how people will stan this hard for someone just because they like his media content. I get the denial if it's someone you're really close to and genuinely can't see doing something like that, but for some person you don't know at all just because you like their music? Disgusting.
Honestly, I still listen to Jacko and enjoy his music. Yeah, I think he's a terrible person, but I can still enjoy the art he made. I learned a long time ago to separate the person from their art for this very reason. Just because someone's talented doesn't mean they can't be a monster.
No. 392635
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>>392629>>392313I wanna bring up Harvey Weinstein
I don't know a single person who defended him even the misogynistic,sexist and most religiously fundamentalist people in my family did not defend Harvey Weinstein
because to me Weinstein is a "Perfect Abuser"
Hell most people didn't even who was Weinstein before the scandal
No. 392648
>>392622you're welcome anon! just checking in to say i'm 1 hour 38 minutes in and absolutely nothing has been said that is of any value. both of these men are delusional and obviously have a vested interest in believing jackson wasn't a pedo. they have, really, nothing to cling to. they just keep saying "the media lies" but giving like 0 proof of the totally real bombshells of truth they supposedly have. everything they end up dropping doesn't disprove anything.
it's really fucking sad to see like men in their mid 30s or whatever so hellbent on believing this nutjob, who had countless copies of child nudie 'artbooks' and similarly weird shit, wasn't a huge pedo
No. 392866
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Mj owned a boy scout statue/doll, complete with tiny shorts. How the fuck is this excusable?
No. 392901
>>392896Someone claimed that Jacko was often seen with little girls as well and I SO wanted to post the letter this one girl wrote to one of Jackson's
victims complaining that she can never be one of them… Does anyone know what I am talking about? It was included in one of the masterposts, but I can't find it.
No. 392912
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>>392905Yes here is the other. Guess it's supposed to be a girl? Weird how she's clothed and he's in a teeny tiny boy scout costume
No. 392913
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Here's another one of his boy dolls. Odd.
No. 392928
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>>392913wtf the doll looks like safechuck and spence so creepy
pic related is one of michaels paintings
No. 392957
>>392928This is lowkey hillarious at least, unlike everything else.
All these dolls are white, I don't know much about MJ but does anyone know if he hung out with any poc children at all? I know about Lenon but he was fairly white passing.
No. 392972
>>392957emmanuel lewis, but i dont know that he molested him. he was also just creepy and used people that were famous, like lisa marie or elizabeth taylor, so who knows with that.
jordan chandler, brett barnes, and gavin arvizo looked kind of hispanic, so he may have been into sort of ethnic hispanic looking kids, but afaik, no real black kids around or anything
No. 392983
>>392913i feel like he was probably jerking off on these statues/mannequins.
it's really odd
>>392928king of the pedos
even the name neverland, where you "never grow up" reminds me of the current male narrative that 12 years olds are at peak fertility and 30+ (or even 25+) have hit "the wall"
reminds me of the pedobait lyrics in martinez songs too…
>"Kids forever, kids forever>Baby soft skin turns into leather"pedophilia is probably one of the "perks" of the elite which, like all men and their perversions, jackson based his whole life around and did it in plain sight
No. 393129
>>393126My brother was molested for years by my Uncle and my mother knew about it didn't tell anyone becasue she was afraid my father would kill her her brother(my uncle)
That was her actual reasoning behind it(I just don't understand human beings at times)
No. 393231
>>393126MJ very clearly picked his
victims carefully. A boy from a well-functioning family with a protective mom would not be a good choice. He needed the parents to be easily impressed and easily gotten rid off. And there are sadly a lot of shitty parents out there.
No. 393465
>>393347Yeah watching the documentary I just got madder and madder at the parents. You let your kid sleep in the same bed with a 30-year old man, he's placing your hotel rooms further and further away from his and your son's and your only thought is "gee, that's weird"? These obsessive stage parents fucking knew what was happening, they pimped their children out in exchange for a luxury lifestyle.
I don't think anyone born after 1985 fully realizes what sort of a fucking worldwide GOD Michael Jackson was during his prime, I can fully accept that these naive kids felt absolutely privileged to "make him happy" as they put it in the documentary. And that's why their parents should've stepped in and put a stop to it. They didn't. And because of that their children are forever scarred. Over some money. God damn.
No. 395630
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>>395493>>395512Michael had many many influences in regards to dancing. Even the moonwalk (which before MJ was called backslide) you can see videos of people doing it back into the 1920s
Also spats and cropped pants combo was not originated by Bob Fosse lol. It’s been done many times throughout the years. Pic attached is Fred Astaire who MJ many times credited as one of his biggest inspirations. Sammy Davis jr, James Brown, etc…
He drew moves from many dancers and they were in turn inspired by those that came before them. That’s not “stealing”.
No. 397681
>>397674>Whether or not he molested those boys is irrelevant tbh. He was obviously a pedoThis. I can't understand for the life of me how anyone can deny he was obviously a pedophile even if they don't believe the
No. 397691
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apologies for the shitty layout but I just cant believe this I used to admire david theres no reason for him to use his influence like this what a delusional creep
No. 397787
>>397701my older sister is lesbian woman she is also a devout catholic
she supports the catholic church despite all the shit they did to women and the sexual abuse they did to children
its impossible to change her mind
people will defend their views even when when they are wrong
No. 398147
>>397787Tell your sister she’s going to hell for her sinful ways (homosexuality)!!! And for defending pedos!
Nah jk, but tell her that she won’t get into the pearly gates if she doesn’t leave her lesbianism behind.
No. 398444
>>398442HBO responds to claim Leaving Neverland has been pulled from its network
And reveals that the film was its "second most watched documentary".
Dan Reed's hard-hitting and controversial documentary film Leaving Neverland has not been pulled from HBO, the US network has confirmed. Defends Her Choice to Interview Accusers in Michael Jackson Doc Leaving Neverland
"It was important enough to me to take the hateration."
Apr 11, 2019 No. 398476
>>398147God isn't against Homosexuality he's against sodomy
That's her logic and defence
No. 404505
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Aaron Carter's intense defending of MJ is very odd to me after watching the Lou Pearlman doc and finding that he acted the same way. He vehemently denied the idea that Pearlman could have been a predator in a strangely childish way. I think, among his drug and ED problems, Carter has been sexually abused by both these people but can't come to terms with it. His denial is so much stronger than anyone else's, even in the face of so many accusations, that it feels like he's trying to protect his psyche.