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No. 472077
Discuss celebrities with cow potential/cow like behaviours, or celebrities who abuse social media, both past and present.
Previous thread:
>>431019Dan Schneider thread:
>>405637 Tinfoil General thread:
>>369313 Milk from the last thread:
>Miley Cyrus is wilding out after her breakup with Liam Hemsworth, she currently looks like Madonna's long lost twin and apparently uses meth - might join the 27 club.>Rapper Cupcakke declares, on twitter, that she slept with Shawn Mendes. She also claims that he is a gay man with a tiny dick.>Former child star and giant twitter sperg Aaron Carter gets a terrible face tattoo and accuses his brother of being a rapist. Nick Carter responds by getting a restraining order. No. 472082
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james ransone from IT chap 2 has been posting a lot of strange things on his alleged twitter account. some fans are worried he is having a manic episode while others think he's just shitposting. i know some fans also turned against him as he posted about being anti-porn.
apparently he looks through his tumblr tag, kek.
No. 472099
>>472082>>472083whoa i didn't know james ransone was in IT, he's been in a lot of stuff. i love him.
i'm pretty sure he's just making fun of these stupid tumblr children who latched onto IT 2 for weird reasons.
No. 472100
it looks like the twitter said they actually aren't him, so.. ?
No. 472113
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>>472100i am convinced it's him. the account made a statement about being sexually abused, i'm sure if it were an impersonator the real james would have told the account to take it down.
No. 472260
>>472118you can tell he used to use from some older clips of him
>>472091idk apprently he's said in an interview that he has an unverified twitter acc but I heard that second hand and the person didn't link the interview so that could be made up
No. 472270
>>472260also forgot to add, there's an interview from 2016 where he confirms he was on heroin in this video.
dude's had it rough, sucks that fans are being weird to him.
>>472267yeah ignoring is the way to go, especially with tumblr lol
No. 472279
>>472077Aaron Carter was absolutely sexually assaulted as a child. He acted so weird and hyperdefensive in the MJ doc. Not saying MJ did it but he had classic signs of an abused child sticking up for an abuser adult.
I saw some trashy new show he’s in called Family Boot Camp or something. He needs ACTUAL therapy away from cameras. He holds a LOT of resentment toward his family, for
valid reasons, but he also needs to learn healthy coping mechanisms.
No. 472291
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hollywood seems like such a horrifying place to be in as a child or young adult. i feel really bad for ransone, imagine never being able to escape a porn scene from a disgusting flop movie you were coerced into doing as a young adult. i also feel sorry for aaron carter, but i don't know if he ever had a chance. i do wonder if his behavior is gonna escalate or slow down tho.
No. 472447
>>472267there was drama w/ him back around 2009/2010 when those HBO war serials were picking up a following on tumblr, he had a tumblr himself and people were being inappropriate, not drawing the line between fandom & reality.
when i saw he got cast in IT ch.2 i literally said "oh no" outloud b/c i know how rabid fandom kids are today it was not going to shake oit well
No. 472502
>>472447yeah and now the crazy IT shipper people are going nuts because their pet ship was validated (richie/eddie).
oof. poor guy.
No. 472533
>>472531that's so sad. I never got into kpop but I watched a few documentaries on yt a while ago about the kpop industry and it really opened my eyes to how fucked up it is. One of the docs mentiond that other big kpop guy who commited suicide a few years ago and the comments were bombarded with stans saying 'I can't beleive they used his name in this how disrespectuful!' and 'he didn't kill himself because of the industry, he did it because he was depressed!' and yeah, he obviously was depressed but there's no way being intrenched the machine of kpop wasn't also contributing factor.
there's a lot of parallels between the kpop industry and hollywood with kids being pushed into it at a young age by their parents,
abusive managers/producers, kids being over-sexualized..
No. 473141
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came across farrah abrahams while browsing through the net and damn what is this face? I already thought that her face looked like some uncanny valley a while ago but this is a new level of horror.
No. 473806

More of Die Antwoord being shitty people. a photographer, back in 2012:
>I lost all respect for Die Antwoord after witnessing their antics backstage in catering at Southside Festival in Germany earlier this year.>A female vocalist was in her dressing room warming her voice. The dressing rooms were directly below the catering balcony where Die Antwoord were eating. This chick, whoever it was, must have been up next on the bill as her vocal warm-ups were in full swing, consistent and loud. The entire dining area could easily hear her and it sounded kinda nice, so I thought anyway. Yo-Landi Vi$$er, the female vocalist from Die Antwoord apparently thought differently:
>She starts yelling, more accurately; squealing (if you’ve seen their show you will agree) into the air at the top of her voice: Shut the * up!! You can’t sing for *, you absolutely SUCK!!! You know the entire place can hear you? And you *ing suck, so shut the * up! For **s sake!!
>The chick downstairs did stop, and then the entire catering went into a complete hush, bewildered at what had just happened.
>Die Antwoord – with that one outburst of umness, it is YOU that suck! Arrogant pricks.For reference, this is the girl who "can't sing for shit": of this event from Ben Crossman (their old manager):
>“I drew some hearts with a marker on the band sign on the door of Bat For Lashes. I liked her band. Twenty minutes later I was walking past and said hello. She asked me straight up if I was the one who drew the hearts on their sign and I confirmed it. We chatted for a bit and then I asked permission to take a photo of her, as there was a super strict “no photo policy” in the artists area. Around twenty minutes after that, I was sitting upstairs with Yo-Landi, Ninja and Richard (our lighting guy). We listened to the beautiful vocals coming from down below. Yo-Landi absolutely hates it when other woman get more attention than her, so she started yelling at Bat For Lashes from our table. After Yo-Landi yelled all that crap, Leo Herrera, our tour manager, came up to tell her that the organizers were upset and just laid a complaint. Yo-Landi just tries to cause shit and drama to get the attention and act all punk.”This is a video Ben filmed of her tantrum.
No. 473825
>>473806She thinks
Bat For Lashes can't sing? Shut the fuck up. Literally anything is better than Yolandi's anime girl vocals but Natasha outclasses her by light years.
No. 474238
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Oh thank god she got away from him.
No. 474243
>>474238And I thought he was still woth Kate Beckinsale…?
He must be seriously good otherwise he wouldn't get all these rich women
No. 474645
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>>474543Well its pretty obvious what Kate Beckinsale is into.
No. 474685
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>>473141farrah abrahams is uncanny in every facet of her life. Have you ever heard her album, it's strange. It has a bit of a cult following around it too.
No. 474730
>>473141>>473143>>474685That poor kid. We all know how fucked up child stars end up and how fucked up reality stars end up….can you imagine being a reality star in utero? And the reason you're a baby reality star is because America loves watching your mom be completely incompetent at raising you? So far the least traumatic part about her life is that her mom did porn. Those therapy sessions later in life are gonna be like
>Well I've always felt my mom hated me and thought I ruined her life>Therapist: and why do you think you feel that way?>Because my mom wrote a book and an album titled "I hate my daughter she ruined my life" and also I've prepared a DVD compilation of every time my mom says "I hate you you ruined my life" to me starting from before I was born. It's 6 hours long, do you have a DVD player I could just pop this in?>And then when I was born….well, actually lets go to that footage>And when I was conceived….well, it probably looked something like this, can you pull up a browser window on your computer real quick? No, an incognito oneThat being said I do think it's hilarious when kids don't resemble their parents at all because they have their parents' pre-surgery features. She's literally posing next to an amalgamation of all the things she hated most about herself.
No. 475411
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Cry some more you little bitch.
I hope the rest of his career tanks too.
No. 475458
>>475411jared leto seems highkey
abusive. we will find out soon that he forces women to lick his taint, inject themselves with deadly doses of typhus to show dedication, and have non-stop orgies
No. 475552
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The madwoman fucking did it, she somehow found a man even less qualified than Safaree. The race to the bottom has been won, culminating in a ceremony sponsored by Target clearance bridal section and dollar stores expired products.
To put this L to context, Drake is the dictionary definition of a deadbeat, STD-ridden, culture-vulture bisexual warlock whos baby momma part times as the face double of the wicked witch of the west. Yet, somehow even he looks like a prime candidate to marry when compared to Mr.felon rapist, murderer, convicted sex offender and 5 time baby daddy. California is a state where prenup's are worthless, if you upgraded your boo, after divorce you gotta pay to maintain that lifestyle.
No. 475615
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>“I was just being like, I don’t know, hardcore feminist vibes and just not allowing anyone in,” Cyrus, 26, explained, before telling her followers, “There are good men out there guys, don’t give up.”
>“You don’t have to be gay,” she added as Simpson used the heart eye filter on his screen. “There are good people with d— out there, you just gotta find them. You gotta find a d— that’s not a d—, you know what I mean?” No. 475679
>>475612He was the main reason why i didnt watch suicide squad lol.
His acting is bad he should have stuck to being singer.
No. 475748
>>475615Did anyone actually believe Miley is anything other than another attention seeking straight girl who pretends to be bi/pan/lesbian when she’s in between guys?
I try to like her but every time she splits from Liam she becomes an attention seeking wreck. It’s getting old.
Her whole ~ I’m super gaaay~ act while being in a straight relationship only to date women for clout and jump on the next dick like it’s gods gift reminds me of what Pixielocks did.
No. 475797
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Anyone catch the James Franco allegations at the beginning of the month? It was trending. I tried posting about it in the old thread, but it was full. Basically James Franco ran an acting school that was created to satisfy his sexual desires. Multiple women have come forward with stories of Franco sexually abusing them. No. 475800
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>>475797Remember when James Franco hit on an underage girl?
No. 475818
>>475797I believe it 100%. I also remember the stuff with the underaged girl
>>475800 posted.
Remember the stuff Busy Phillips said she had to go through with him while being on Freaks and Geeks too?
No. 475893
File: 1571822901102.jpg (44.47 KB, 618x410, wendy-williams-meghan-markle.j…) Williams is so jealous of Meghan Markle. I think she just hates any woman with a racial background even slightly similar to hers. God forbid if they're better-looking, too.
Wendell, you knew what you were getting into when you married one of thousands of worthless, cheating men.
No. 476155
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imagine being proud of being with a guy who literally look like a thumb
No. 476176
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>>476171probably because miley has been flaunting him all over social media like an embarrassing teenager in her first relationship for the last week.
No. 476181
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I saw this twitter thread that alleges Hailey Baldwin is stalking Selena Gomez. There’s proof of it, and Hailey has apparently skin walked Selena lots of times. Thoughts? No. 476184
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>>476181Hailey was also caught snooping through multiple Selena fan accounts. It doesn’t help that Selena released a new song where she talks about Justin.
No. 476188
>>475458Funny you say that.
This is Channon Rose (who is probably deserving of her own thread tbh) she is an ex porn star who used to party with celebrities. She talks in this video about a weird vampire themed party she went to thrown by a very famous male where he invites girls and pretends to drink their blood or something. She didn't say who it was but people are speculating Jared Leto.
No. 476204
>>475893I feel bad for Meghan because her nobody family has been up the tabloid's ass since the engagement. All the shitty daily mail interviews, her dad selling her PERSONAL letter to him to the press, the selling of their childhood photos, and her fame-hungry half-sister showing up uninvited to Kensington with plenty of photos of her leaving sad in a wheelchair. They act so jealous and vindictive because they can't be royals too.
Maybe Meghan's not a great person, who knows, but her family is
toxic and abhorrent.
No. 476212
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>>475955>Meggy Sounds about right.
When you get retarded shit like this written about you, it’s pretty hard not to feel sorry for her imo
No. 476327
>>476303Lol I’m not trying to convince you of anything, I’m giving you an example of the dumbass shit written about her, which can make people feel sympathy for Meghan.
Royals are irrelevant to me so idc but it’s not exactly hard to grasp why people defend her.
No. 476372
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Are they trying to make her look black or is it just hair/lighting? This chick is coming for Nikki's place right?
These are lightened by me
No. 476384
>>476372Yes, they are. People predicted it a mile away.
I don't know why American media is obsessed with "fake black" celebrities. Her, Cardi B, Iggy Azalea, whoever else. Actual black people exist, so what's the point?
No. 476389
>>476384Isn’t Cardi B at least half black or something? Or Afro-Latina?
Everyone knows Iggy is a white girl and she hasn’t been reverent since 2014z
No. 476399
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Why did dragstars choose IGGY to be thier idol? Isnt she racist and homophobic? She looks like a tranny so I guess it makes sense. But really…thats like choosing katy perry or miley cyrus
No. 476401
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She really needed a comeback. What a genius, just latch onto tranny fannies.
No. 476416
>>476410She only said this
after people pointed out she wasn't black, because that would've fucked up her money. She's described her relationships with black guys as "interracial" before, no one who identifies as black would ever do that.
There are also countless examples of her being racist to actual black women. She's just a snake.
No. 476423
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>>476421This is her dad….I'm not seeing a man with "African roots" inside of him here sorry
No. 476428
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>>476423Clearer, more recent pic (not that it really matters, I just think it's dumb that she's suddenly black
now aha)
No. 476435
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With Afro-latina im guessing she means mulato, and that also means she is partly european too.
Both europeans and africans are foreign to America and the Caribbean, so that comment about taking "our lands" made no sense whatsoever.
No. 476449
>>476446Her dad is most likely a mix of indigenous and European, chill
She's like one fourth black, but mostly euro and indigenous.
No. 476539
So why are the only ones sperging about race LSA outcasts anyways?
Anyways, what do you all think of the Melanie and Timothy battle? Asking because she's been able to perform without anyone harassing her. interesting tbh.
No. 476565
>>476181>>476550I believe that in the twitter thread there’s a picture of JB’s search history showing, and he looked up Selena’s Coachella performance time.
Hailey started going to the same nail tech and gym as Selena. Even wore a cap that says “Bieber” to the gym. Does she expect Selena to run into her?
So much proof of Selena fan accounts taking screenshots of Hailey viewing their Instagram stories..
No. 476567
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Hailey posted this to her Insta story minutes after Selena dropped her new song about JB. Selena’s fans thought it was directed at Selena, and I thought it was a dumb reach.
But then Selena did a “surprise” release of another new single the next day. Possibly to get under Hailey’s skin? Obvious tinfoil, but it caused enough of a stir to the point where Selena told her fans to not come after others: JB still has Selena’s face tatted just inches away from his wedding ring, kek.
No. 476756
>>476725>poor musical talentsAre you saying this to ride on some bandwagon? For a normie she kinda makes good music not gonna lie, and she can sing decently so…
>>476703 It's still weird considering some of the people who burnt her merch and screeched that she's a rapist just half-assedly apologized and continued fangirling.
No. 477171
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>>476563Not nice to bash on your ex that was raped as a teen and put under constant pressure and has mental illnesses as a result. She said to not put women against each other but still has a chip on her shoulder for her ex.
No. 477172
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when are they gonna stop making her look older and older.. the extensions look so silly and out of place. let her be 15, yikes
No. 477188
>>477172I don't think she looks
bad, I actually think she looks nice…but like, for a 28 year old. Not a teenager.
No. 477195
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>>477188she looks like she'd be a late bloomer
No. 477257
>>477172She looks like a step-mom going to pick up her husband's kids from school who are only a few years younger than her.
>>477195God, I know gross middle-aged nerd men are always comparing her to Carrie Fisher so they can project their disgusting fantasies on her (and we're all exhausted of Star Wars currently, or maybe that's just me) but she really would be perfect for a Leia prequel. She looks like both Carrie Fisher and Natalie Portman. She looks a thousand times closer to Carrie Fisher than Alden Ehrenreich does to Harrison Ford or Donald Glover to Billy Dee Williams. Why would they give the prequel movie to those boring dopes when they've got this sitting right in front of them?
No. 477336
>>477263>late bloomeryou keep using that phrase when i think you mean plain-faced
mbb has been … rapidly bloomed before our eyes, she just still looks like a wine mom b/c shes boring to look at
No. 477609
James Blake essay on his mental heath struggles
'How can I complain?''s honestly messed up that he feels the need to validate his mental illness because he's a white male? That's not how depressions works. From what he wrote it sounds like it plays deeply into his ills.Like I get what he means about knowing other people have it tough too, and it's admirable he took that into consideration even during a dark time for him, but his identity shouldn't diminish his feelings – just like he's articulating at the beginning, anyone can be depressed, doesn't matter what race, color, creed, ethnicity, social class, or whatever you are
No. 477670
>>477664>>476539>>476539pot calling the kettle black, but in this case she didn't do anything literally meanwhile you hypocrites constantly think this is either a beyonce youtube comment section or twitter. It sucks because it reads so biased and reddit.
>>477609I think my tits enlarged in size when I read this, so much soy spills out of it. Not only is the shit he says wrong, but also plain attention seeking. And inconsiderate, for whoever is a white scrote and in immense pain reading this article. He could have worded it so much differently, but certain buzzwords are so popular in use I guess.
No. 478540
>>478450>married Aaliyah when she was 15Wth, I didn't know that and she was pregnant too? Why was this allowed?!
And despite all that having happened people still turn a blind eye on Drake…
But what to expect, America also worships Chris Brown.
No. 478541
>>478450I agree with this tweet overall but I think everyone agrees that R.Kelly is a predator and that Aliayah deserved better. It definitely took forever though.
>>478540I don’t think “worship” is the right word but I do think it’s disgusting how he never really expressed sympathy and most people seemed to forgot about it. The worse kinds of people are the ones who accuse others of being racist when you criticize him.
No. 478741
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wasn't sure whether to put this in celebricows or the musician version of this thread, but uhhh Felony Martinez and Oliver Tree are dating i guess
No. 479467
Should we stay in our lane and keep it to e-nobodies because so far we never gave oc-receipts, furthermore, nobody's gonna talk about this? because it doesn't deserve to get bumped.
No. 480630
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Happy for Keanu and glad he's not dating some 19 year old instagram model at his age, but there is no way this woman is 46
No. 480640
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>>480630He could be your father anon, no need to feel jealous.
No idea why everybody always jokes that he must be immortal, he looks like a normal 50-year-old to me. And so does she.
Both are tall, thin and seem to be the shy/quiet type, they look good together imo.
No. 480641
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>>480630she looks fine and normal for someone her age. she just happens to have gray hair. what do you think middle aged women are supposed to look like?
>>480640if i'm remembering right, the meme originated with this image. the problem is 10 plus years have passed and he longer looks like that but that hasn't stopped reddit from beating the immortal joke to death.
No. 480645
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>>480640It looks like they're dating for years. They attended a lot of events together, but everybody was screaming that they're just "buisness partners". Yeah, right.
>>480641>she looks fine and normal for someone her age. she just happens to have gray hair. what do you think middle aged women are supposed to look like?She's hippe artist with no ps done, it's not very common nowadays among celebs. Women are expected to get botoxed and look youthfull forever. Also many anons have unrealistic expectations.
No. 480664
>>480649Her skin/features don't look particularly old but I think anyone with grey hair automatically gets seen as 60+ regardless. Some people grey early but they almost always cover it up, so it's really rare to see.
Honestly who cares though, I'm just amazed Keanu is living up to his 'good guy hype' in the most unbelievable way possible. A guy of his status actually dating an age appropriate looksmatch shouldn't be so crazy but it is.
No. 480673
>>480630>>480645She looks age-appropriate for him, which makes me see him as more mature and genuine compared to the other men in Hollywood who'd have a 21 year old hanging off their arm by now.
And she looks nice too, not like some bimbo trying to deny her natural features. Never got the upset over grey hair myself.
No. 480984
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Twitter is in an uproar because TI apparently came out publicly and said that he's been attending gyno visits with his now 18 year old daughter to confirm with the doctor that her hymen is still intact…
No. 481106
>>480984So every year for her birthday, this girl goes to get an incredibly invasive checkup for the sole purpose of pleasing her father's incorrect idea of purity? And the father coerces her in front of the doctor to sign a medical waiver? And the father seems to be keen to keep her out of any physical activity like sports (and even riding a fucking bike) to make sure there can't be any other possible reasons for a broken hymen? And proudly announces all of this on a podcast?
I can't imagine the environment these kids are growing up in to have this so normalized. That gyno should have called CPS.
No. 481121
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>>480984Addition to this, here is what he says about his wife.
No. 481137
This man is so ridiculous with his standards it's comical, this is some 1840's ass shit I don't even remember TI besides that song he did with Rihanna in like 2007 and then that
No. 481144
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On the gossip front it's come out some A list child actor has her viriginity sold to Epstein by her Mom.
Most are guesssing pic related.
No. 481149
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Also Henry Cavill has been banging his co star since she was 16
No. 481167
>>481160ew that's fucking disgusting. has this been confirmed? what makes it even more gross is the characters they play are supposed to be adoptive father and daughter.
has it really been that long since she was 16? she's currently 18 as of september. also, he was dating a 19 year old until the end of 2018. i hope this dating the recent co-star is just a rumor.
No. 481201
>>481167He's always given me major creep vibes but the casting for the witcher was just so plain wrong. Yennefer is supposed to be sexy, mature and a motherly figure, yet they cast a 22yo. Imo she looks even younger irl, while he's starting to get bald already.
In this video all male fanboys screech about "if the genders were reversed there would be outrage!!!" because the hosts hits on him, but the way he grins at the girl when they mention sex scenes…yikes
>>481168Just google it, there are plenty of pics of him with his student gf
No. 481293
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>>481149There are way too many rumors out there of Cavill being a creep. I’d be surprised if it turned out he isn’t one tbh.
No. 481400
>>481392Looks like Drew Barrymoore
Tbh, I’m surprised that she turned out normal. I mean, I know she was milky at some point but given how fucked up her childhood was, I’m surprised she didn’t end up fucked up for life. Good for her for getting her shit together though.
No. 481409
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Jeff Goldblum is top trending right now for defending Woody Allen. I'm honestly just surprised it's only for that, and not the years worth of allegations against him being a creep that have somehow been kept so quiet he's managed to maintain keanu levels of purity image for all this time (like i literally found out myself maybe a week ago?)… guess it's only a matter of time now until that becomes more public as well now that he's basically out here cancelling himself lol
No. 481422
>>481420Have you SEEN Ronan? He's definitely Sinatra's son.
At any rate that doesn't excuse that Woody Allen fucked his adopted daughter who he probably groomed.
No. 481437
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>>481420>I read a rumor that Mia Farrow cheated on Woody with Frank Sinatra and that Frank is Ronan's (their son) actual father not WoodyI mean….they were married and then remained friends until he died, and Mia herself said it's a possibility. I honestly can't ever hear a Sinatra song without thinking how he married a 21 year old Mia when he was 50, and then treated her like garbage. Mia had to go through Sinatra treating her like garbage and serving her with divorce papers while she was being tortured by pedo extraordinaire Roman Polanski on Rosemary's Baby, and then ended up accidentally exposing her children to the nightmare that is Woody Allen? I feel so bad for her (but also her life is fascinating). Zero sympathy for any of those men, they've really put her through hell.
>>481422>Have you SEEN Ronan? He's definitely Sinatra's son.I mean, this. imo I think Ronan looks like Sinatra, but either way there's no way Ronan has any of Allen's genes.
No. 481461
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>>481144What's the theory behind this? When did he make his money and start his nightmare reign? Drew's 22 years younger than Epstein, so I guess that could work out, I'm just having a hard time picturing the timeline. But it certainly seems like there's numerous other child stars it could be also.
>>481439>It is Drew Barrymore, and she is lighting Stephen King's cigaretteI'm not sure if OP was trying to imply anything with this pic, but Drew Barrymore was literally the Firestarter in King's movie Firestarter. This seems like kind of a silly joke pic to me.
No. 481468
>>481461I get it now. She's
starting a fire for him. Took me a minute….
No. 482141
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>>482132I'm fucking dead. Love you anon
No. 482587
>>481121this guy needs to be put in a forced labor camp. he will DEFINITELY get physically
abusive if things do not go his way, if he finds out his daughters hymen is "torn" or if his wife denies him.
No. 482790
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>>476418Amethyst Amelia Kelly / Igloo Australia is pure trash. Did you live under a rock? I mean just look at her white bean pole self with a stupidly disproportionate implanted ass and check out her hypocritical nasty attitude. The girl is a shameless walking contradiction (recently attempted to back-pedal because of the backlash). She's just a talentless milque-toast aussie rapper acting like a hard, black chick while being a huge racist and homophobic cunt.
No. 483434
>>483373I kind of like her newer releases like Fuck It Up, they're not classics by any means but I'm glad she's ditched the bubblegum pastiche her old label was putting on her. I can't stand her older songs, especially the ones that made her popular in the beginning of her career.
She'll never be a Lil' Kim or Foxy Brown for sure, but it is what it is.
No. 483521
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>>482790her and gwen stefani are forming into the same person
No. 483545
>>482790>igloohide yourself better next time, lippy.
and naw we all tweeted dumb shit and those of us who are young and still in high school still do. No1curr.
No. 483546
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Taylor Swift posted this on her twatter 1/3
No. 483630
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>>483262it's a bit in the same vein as pic related but yeah you're right
>>483545better artists have tweeted worse. she has no redeeming qualities
No. 484249
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Okay I know Millie Bobby Brown doesn't have the best genes when it comes to looking youthful but how is she aging this fast?!?!
Is it the stylists? They need to get fired.
No. 484250
>>484249Is that really a photo of her?? If it's her she looks genuinely 35 here
I don't get it
No. 484251
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>>484250Samefag, it must be the styling. No 15 year old would choose this dress and this hair.
She was meeting Mariah Carey this week so they might've wanted to age her up even more so they looked good together.
But there's some weird pedo "look how mature 15 year olds are we aren't creeps hehe" validation in dressing her like this.
No. 484253
>>484249>>484251This girl is a natural tomboy, and her stylists need to accept it.
This look is awful on her. She looks so aged. Even the tan looks horrible.
No. 484273
>>484251thought this was Sandra Bullock in the small thumbnail at a quick glance.
I still think she looks young in all of her pics but like she is wearing a weird unflattering woman cosplay on top and has to act way too mature
>>484249>>484264oh come on, she does not look old or haggard. that's some ageist, nitpicky Hollywood bullshit
No. 484342
>>484260she has some baby fat in her face is all
are we all seeing the same person? I picture a fat druggie with progeria reading these nitpicks
No. 484641
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Megan Fox looks bad
No. 484642
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She's been thru it goddamn
No. 484967
>>484966>>484946Its all about how you take care of yourself and your facial bone structure.
This racebait shit is stupid.
Aging has nothing to do with race.
No. 485053
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>>484251For comparison, I feel like Sophia, who is 17, looks so much younger. Haircut and styling make a big impact.
No. 485061
>>485053Apart from the hairstyle, I think this picture of Sophia proves the opposite. She's not styled in a particularly flattering way, especially those shoes, yet her youthful face manages to make it look "teenager trying on her moms clothes".
Whereas if MBB would be put in the same outfit it would scream "haggard older woman squeezed into a grandma dress".
MBB just looks better in punky boyish styles, but for whatever reason hollywood almost never dresses her up like that for photoshoots.
No. 485072
>>484249she kinda looks like the woman who plays nancy and mikes mom here tbh
shes not ugly or ~haggard~ but she definitely has a mature face
No. 485090
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ew i just saw that halsey is dating evan peters, random pairing
No. 485099
>>485090she is one of the most uniquely intolerable female celebrities i've seen in a long time. i cannot stand anything about her. every. single. thing. about her is so grating.
i dont even like emma roberts, she seems like a basic and boring privileged idiot with impossibly wooden acting skills but for some reason, after learning she bit him during an argument and that they were together for like a million years, i feel a little disappointed that peters and this stepford psycho are no longer engaged.
No. 485111
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>>485100>>485108my personal favorite is how she's always harping on and on about how she's biracial. her dad is half black and her mom is white and she looks totally white, yet she is always going on and on about how her life is
so hard because she's biracial and "feels black." she went on a twitter rant about how hotel shampoos aren't suitable for her ~ethnic hair~ which is just peak cringe bc she has normal ass white people hair kek
No. 485118
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>>485111sage for off topic but halsey reminds of me this this kid
>I am a black woman married to a white man. Our 13-year-old son looks white—blond-haired, blue-eyed, straight-nosed, thin-lipped, fair-skinned white—but he identifies as black.
>Some queer people talk about the existence of “gaydar”—the ability to identify one of their own, whether they are out or closeted. As the child of a white mother and a black father, I have whatever the equivalent is for being able to spot black people no matter how fair their skin or how European their features. I could always claim my people, I thought. But when our son was born, I realized that no special power was going to help me see his African heritage. My husband thought our newborn was albino the first time he cradled him in his arms. He was that white.
>School is the place where kids navigate their identity and relationships apart from their families. In our children’s case, school was also separate from their neighborhood: Each day, they boarded a bus to attend a diverse magnet school about five miles from our home. It was there that he would make his black identity known. His older sister’s being there certainly helped serve as a marker, but she, too, was navigating what it meant to be a racially ambiguous child. Each year, I made a point of chaperoning the first field trip of the school year. My volunteerism was as much a display of parent engagement as it was a subconscious way of helping my children assert their blackness.
>We moved to Washington, D.C., after 16 years in New Haven, and mere weeks before our children started high school and middle school. As the moving day approached, our son’s concerns intensified. One day, while sorting through old picture books, he revealed the root cause of his anxiety. “How will they know who I am?” he asked me. I reminded him that middle school would be new to every sixth grader. He replied, “No, how will they know who I really am? How will they know I’m black? I’ll have to start all over again. This time no one is going to believe me.” No. 485138
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>>484249>>484251Millie doesn't look mature or haggard. She's just a tomboy who looks awkward in girly dresses. In the right outfits she looks great and even younger than her age. That's why Kibbe is legit.
No. 485139
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>>485138these photos are quite old now, but notice that angle from below makes it so you can't see her tear troughs. it's all dependent on the lighting and angle. notice how from the same shoot but from above she looks totally different. she's pretty and i think she looks very pretty in the above photos that everyone is complaining about, she just has tear troughs and a long face. the dress is something out of barbie's 80's sexy sleepwear tho.
No. 485265
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Grammy Nominees are here: if it's just me getting old but who the fuck are most of those people?
No. 485481
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Azealia Banks collabed with Kim Petras, only to find out the producer, Jesse Saint John (who also worked with Lizzo and Charli XCX) is a predator.
She also reneges on her previous defense of Dr. Luke.
No. 485482
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victim recounts their experiences with Jesse Saint John.
No. 485483
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>>485482Him thanking Azealia for putting a spotlight on this.
No. 485484
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>>485481She mentions Dr. Luke again here.
No. 485485
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>>485484>Predators run in packs. They usually don't hunt alone. There are extensive networks of ppl looking to cover this kind of abuse up.Yup.
No. 485488
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>>485487She calls out Out Magazine here, and some of her fans @ed them about this, as well. Wonder if they'll do anything.
No. 485492
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>>485490And in response, Jesse Saint John locked down his Twitter and IG accounts. He's guilty as fuck.
People are dragging him all over Twitter. It's crazy that Azealia Banks was the one to finish him, while all these "unproblematic favs" like Lizzo and Charli kept their mouths shut and just continued working with the creep.
No. 485496
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>>485484More Dr. Luke (not related to the Jesse Saint John thing).
No. 485498
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>Prince Andrew Makes Shocking Move to Quit Royal Duties After Explosive Jeffrey Epstein Interview>“It has become clear to me over the last few days that the circumstances relating to my former association with Jeffrey Epstein has become a major disruption to my family’s work and the valuable work going on in the many organisations and charities that I am proud to support,” he said in the statement.
>“Therefore, I have asked Her Majesty if I may step back from public duties for the foreseeable future, and she has given her permission.”
>“I continue to unequivocally regret my ill-judged association with Jeffrey Epstein. His suicide has left many unanswered questions, particularly for his victims, and I deeply sympathise with everyone who has been affected and wants some form of closure. I can only hope that, in time, they will be able to rebuild their lives. Of course, I am willing to help any appropriate law enforcement agency with their investigations, if required.”Hilarious to me that some people will still have more of a problem with Meghan Markle than this guy.
No. 485514
>>485481miss broken clock is right again for once but
>i genuinely thought the bitch could sing lmao have you ever actually listened to a kim petras song sis?
No. 485520
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>>485514Honestly, Azealia can be a bitch, but she's almost always right when she spits a hot take or insults a public figure. She definitely never fails to offend, but she's also never been a liar, or even outright evil, just harsh and absolutely no-holds-barred. The true meaning of "politically incorrect" without actual hatred.
That's how she ends up doing things like defending people she's had previous beef with (like Cupcakke), and voicing support for Taylor Swift when Candace Owens and Kanye tried it.
No. 485522
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>>485521>He looks like a summer camp r*tard with them big c-cup tiddies under that Jesus shirt.Like…
No. 485525
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>>485522For reference. She probably went too far. I'd call these a B-cup, easily.
No. 485554
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>kim petraswhat? the tranny got famous? Idk the last time I saw him on german tv he was just talking about, of course,being trans but he makes music now? When did this all happen?
No. 485562
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>>485493>with ya square ass jawBased
No. 485776
>>485492>>485481this shit is fucking me up a lot. i have a few connections to Jesse Saint John and have heard of him both through these friends and also his associations with a ton of musicians i like (charli xcx, kim petras, rina sawayama, lizzo, marina, brooke candy etc)……. and yet i found out not through any of them, but by casually going through my IG stories and just happening to catch azealia's that day. what level of depraved monster do you have to be trying to DATE RAPE like that? predators really must run in the same packs because I also remember there being some allegations against Todrick/ Chester Lockhart, the fact that everyone running in these circles (people I looked up to and thought were decent) is keeping so quiet that I would never have known if not for fucking azealia of all people makes me feel sick, maybe because it's literally kinda close to home. I hate being paranoid about whether people are intentionally covering for their rapist friends or if they just didn’t know because these things don’t get nearly as much coverage/ outrage as they should, but kim lurking
>>485493 sadly points to the first option lol. sage for this being more rant/ blog than celeb drama, sorry for rambling but damn I need to re-evaluate who I associate with
No. 485872
>>485860Except for once, the person she's criticizing is actually the more counter cultural / creative one while Azealia is more aligned with the masses both spiritually and psychologically.
This one was bad.
No. 486261
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No. 486522
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nightmare fuel
No. 486658
Grimes - So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth (Visualizer). Miss Anthropocene' release date: February 21st.
No. 487021
Saying Nick Carter is a rapist is pretty understandable tinfoil if you ask
me. If I grew up as a kid star, with parents that (bear with me) actively protected their rapist son, I'd be a little fucked up too. I like to think people sperging over this would also be honest about their brother being a rapist, but whatever. Keeping your kid star's money is also very common, so I find that believable as well.
>>486269I can't speak for everyone, but a lot of nerds project themselves onto rich people with bad personalities.
No. 487043
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I wonder if Pete davidson was cheating on Margaret Qualley with Kaia Gerber. Why can’t he be alone for a damn second before jumping to someone new? It’s weird.
No. 487605
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they have this poor girl looking like diane keaton why
No. 487611
>>487484I never heard a song of her, why is she suddenly everywhere? Rich family? And I agree, she seems very unlikeable. But her fame probably won't last for long anyway.
>>487608What's wrong is that Diane is 60 years her senior…
No. 487625
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>>487605KEK, diane keaton. i think they're going for gloria steinem. she does look like keaton tho
No. 487633
>>487605What the fuck? This is just too much. This isn't even just tacky, it's straight up momager core. I can literally see the Sarah Palin moodboards. Why would they do this to her?
Are they deliberately trying to make her look middle-aged? It almost feels like malice at this point.
No. 488267
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Imagine having access to the finest in life: education, food, culture, travel and then thinking Justin Beiber is a good mate. What's even the point of wealthy people if they aren't even better than us plebs
No. 488452
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Alright I don't keep in touch with celebrities but when will the kardashian/jenner clan and the instagram thottery in general cease from existing?
>>487332lel, her voice is really good. she's unironically a really good singer, her persona's just meh because she's young.
No. 488750
>>488746So people are mad at him and trying to hassle him because of what he wrote in
>>472113 or is there more to it?
No. 488751
>>488746It's also going around that he's transphobic because of this interview from 2016 has re-surfaced. (i don't know how to cap twitter videos sorry!)
>>488749 he was involved in drama capped at the beginning of this thread too. He starred in It Chapter 2 as Eddie.
>>488750 I think it's just separated incidents. i'm personally 'eh' on
>>472113 because he has said himself before those caps that the twitter acc is not his. The acc had a lot of meme jokes, and he doesn't seem like the kind of person to understand that kind of humor. everyone is using these two new videos to claim that the old twitter was his though.
No. 488772
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>>488770Thanks for putting that image in my head, anon
No. 488903
>>488746Will there ever come a time when people will stop trying to force celebrities and other public figures to be spokespersons for wokeness? Sorry for being a
triggered bitch but I see this retarded faggot shit everywhere with people trying to get celebs to be all uwu so and so right’s! Greenpeace mofos and it drives me nuts. Of course they’re going to troll you for annoying them with that shit, and then the snowflakes run to twitter to “cancel” them like somebody cares.
No. 489245
>>486327little late but sky had quite a few run ins with drugs (been arrested for coke possession iirc) and problems with her record label I think
if she knew dr luke or was victimized by him wouldn't be surprised at all tbh
No. 490682
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Bhad Bhabie Danielle Brigoli going off on IG making her management work hard for the money lmao
No. 490695
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>>488746I went to his panel at a con recently and I'm not totally sure how to describe his demeanor but he doesn't exactly disguise his feelings or pretend for the sake of his teenage fans (the audience was small but a lot of teen girls dressed up as IT characters, Richie in particular). One girl came up to ask what he feels about so many people finding community and friends through his work and what he thinks about his "impact" and his response was basically "I don't. I think it's weird. I'm an actor and I get paid to pretend to be someone else for money. I am not that character. You should be impacted by people who actually make a difference, doctors, garbage men, teachers, etc." He overall comes across as a very down-to-earth, no-bullshit kind of dude.
No. 490714
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>>490695tbf before the IT series the vast majority of his fanbase were hardcore military guys, so compared with that a bunch a teenagers won't seem that intimidating
No. 490758
>>490702It was creepy enough when people were shipping the children in the first movie (poor Finn Wolfhard, that kid cannot escape creeps to save his life and he has repeatedly expressed discomfort about it) and then when it was confirmed Richie had gay yearning or whatever it got even more disgusting.
>>490682Why did people give this girl a career again? Wasn't her only claim to fame being an illiterate 14 year old on dr Phil?
No. 490779
>>490682I'm so over shit like this. If the girl likes her hair braided; who cares?
If she becomes bald because tight braids aren't good for her hairtype; who cares?
No. 491144
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>>490695I met him at this con and and talked to him about bands and stupid shit. He said something super touching that I can't imagine hating this dude. He recently put out these $225 sweaters for Christmas - his half of the proceeds are going to charity, and the fans are blowing up his comments with 'GAY RIGHTS' or clowning on him for the sweaters being so expensive as if he's keeping the profit. It's so crazy how last month these same people were crying at not being able to meet him.
He hasn't really addressed any of the 'controversy' at all besides replying Ok Zoomer to someone transcribing his human rights video
No. 491320
>>490714wow I forgot about generation kill and his character. yeah his fans from that are older us marines that don't give a fuck
>>489134>Imagine trying to film a csa survivor saying "gay rights" so teen girls and ppl who sexualize the child actors in IT can justify the hottest new ship and if that actor says no, he's homophobicfandoms are a mistake God damn
No. 491390
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I'm calling it now, he'll get big face tattoos a soon enough.
No. 491413
>>491144that's actually a normal price for something that's hand made and limited run. You don't see people complaining like that over the shane dawson and jeffree star collab, and that's not hand made OR going to charity. I didn't know anything about this actor before
this thread but he actually seems like a pretty good guy.
No. 491613
>>491513Ya ya OK, except Danielle fucking Bregoli isn't going into the workplace, school, or wearing braids in a professional setting. She's an internet rapper. It's a fashion look for an entertainer.
If she was applying to entry level jobs with full braids and a weave, you'd maybe have a point.
How she styles her hair is her business.
Saying exclusively black women can braid their hair is just never gonna happen sis. We live in a global society, putting this much effort into cultural gatekeeping is just going to disappoint you.
No. 491783
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This is not your wailing wall, American problems can be posted on literally a shitton of websites precisely meant for it, including LipstickAlley.
Can we make conspiracy theories about how Kylie Jenner may actually not be as rich as they/she claims to be? I hope whoever is behind that cancerous family will fuck them up. video made me puke and go A-logging tier, which is gay I know. But at least if they are gone instagram culture would die, win-win imo.
No. 491785
>>491783Now that I'm in my 20's, the Kardashians don't bother me quite as much as they used to when I was younger and just getting swept up in the popular culture of hating on them for their wealth and looks. I find their successes quite interesting, and without making value judgments on Kris's character or her relationship with her daughters, I find her ability to be a savvy business woman who went from working in a donut shop to being basically a billionaire fascinating.
You really don't see women doing things like that in the media, as there's always a man hanging around in the background pulling the strings, and she's basically done everything on her own. I don't know really understand anymore why people despise them so much…aren't they basically the epitome of the American dream and in some respects, feminism? I don't think they would be who they are in any other country or culture, and I find it interesting how American culture kind of rails on them but they are basically everything we technically are striving for in this country (US).
I do know a lot of the gossip about the girls behavior in the past with Kim and Khloe, but that's pretty standard for most families working in LA or even slightly involved in Hollywood. It's not like they're causing World War III or forcing people to be something that they're not. So they're attention whores and get plastic surgery and can't keep a man in their life for more than fifteen seconds…meh.
No. 491790
>>491785Kudos for being contrarian, you did give me butthurt. I'm also in my 20s, a rare sight here I know.
>and she's basically done everything on her own.Watch the video again, dear.
>feministYeah, of course they are! It doesn't mean necessarily anything good though. But are they good for women, are they empowering? Nah, when I see instagram they just influenced women to be…well…
Let me just pray/tinfoilhat for some more the real manager or whatever is hiding somewhere ready to fuck them up (financially, but I also want that bruce to go get his ass raped since he let an old poor woman die and nobody cared).
And how's kim lawyer journey going? I bet she'll get an honorary degree either way for paying killers to get out of prison.
No. 492156
>>492133It’s kinda sad. People comparing it to X’s death , but I don’t think JuiceWRLD beat his gf up.
Side note: anyone else annoyed with how X is made out to be a saint these days just cause he died
No. 492164
>>492156Idiot fans who defend with their lives X just and refuse to acknowledge he did shitty things make my eyes roll out of my skull. It's really great that a shitty mumble rap sad boy artist
inspired you so much, but at least fucking admit what a horrible piece of shit he was to women.
I love when his fans compare it to when people brought up the Lori Maddox thing when David Bowie died. I'm not defending him sleeping with a 14 year old but X was literally awaiting trial for domestic abuse charges at the time of his death and already had a long history with violence issues, versus something that happened decades ago. And X was literally caught on tape talking about the people he stabbed and beat with no remorse. Again, what Bowie did was shitty but it's retarded to compare the two.
also Bowie had actual talent and was hugely influential whereas X will only be remembered years from now simply for dying young No. 492229
>>492133Never knew who he was, but it's definitely shocking how young he was. My spouse started tearing up when he saw the news, lost a family member recently due to a similar situation.
>>492222No doubt it's from him popping pills, a lot of young artists in the scene are doing it. That shit is not safe.
No. 492233
>>492229>>492222i barely blink when a person who was abusing drugs every day of their lives dies young. its sad to me only b/c theyre barely out of high school age but when you look at the way they actually live it isnt surprising in the least. if you know someone who
insists on driving recklessly how can you muster up surprise when they get into an accident?
No. 492247
>>492133not to sound like an apathetic edgy fag but i honestly don't feel bad for juice wrld dying
it's clearly his own fault for abusing drugs and pills like they're nothing but candy and this was bound to happen, so instead of mourning over his death and milking it to an extreme, people should take why it happened into consideration and stay the fuck away from drugs, because it's nothing "cool". so many young and talented artists die all thanks to it these days so this entire
uhh sad boy uhh vodka xanax lemme pop sum i have depression i love lean uhh heartbreak trend needs to stop
No. 492687
>>492666Yeah it's tragic that he became a druggie in fucking middle school, yikes, it's not tragic that he had access to the internet like everyone else and still decided drugs were ~~~cool and a way to treat mental illness
I can't feel sorry for someone who had 70 lbs of weed on a private jet and were obvsly distributing
No. 492824
>>492795Not angry about the weed I just think he's a massive idiot when it's going to be legal in IL starting in January
You're an idiot anyway if you swallow pills to avoid being caught with them when there's guns and other drugs the cops are going to find besides the pills
Like brilliant thinking there for such a genius musical youth
No. 492832
>>492830Nta and I usually don't talk bad about the dead, but why are you so
triggered and try to paint him as some sort of
victim? He was a druggie rapper in a private jet who died, I highly doubt you'll find many people who feel sorry for somebody like that…rightfully. He's an adult who died because his own dumb mistake, whether those drugs were his or not and what people he was surrounded by doesn't matter in the end.
No. 492855
>>492825>Pilot is a snitchLol, if you were a pilot operating private planes you'd just witness passengers waving around guns and not say shit?
The pilot was the only person in this entire plane not in the wrong, wtf.
No. 492929
>>492830Nta but that's a good point. Rappers' gang affiliates/superiors sometimes force them to do shit like money laundering, trafficking drugs, straight up giving up their profits to buy guns and shit, even after they are famous. Maybe it was a situation like that?
If he had all the drugs bc it's another Peep situation then it's sad, but also annoying how helpless these people and their fans act; as if they just
had to do drugs, literally
to death, bc uwu depression/anxiety.
No. 493021
>>492830Not the point, dumbass. I’m saying he shouldn’t have swallowed his drugs to avoid jail time when he already was fucked because of the firearms. I’ve personally known people who overdosed and died doing that. Your life is not worth shaving off a few years of potential prison time is what I’m saying.
>>492855I’m not going to argue about the ethics of snitching lmao I was just stating a fact. He’s a snitch.
No. 493047
>>493021I personally believe that the pilot is no snitch because he was just doing his own job and if the dude could've hidden his shit way better than there would be no snitching or death in the first place. There's also the fear of flying a plane while knowing that your passenger has a bunch of weapons around and could possibly harm you. No one would feel safe like that.
The pilot did the good thing tbh, Juice Wrld's own damn fault for taking illegal shit with him in the first place.
No. 493748
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I hate this.
No. 493986
>>493748They're not even hiding what they're trying to do to her.
I feel so bad for this girl.
No. 493999
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>>492855Here's something for you to lick, anon
No. 494093
File: 1576285281044.png (698.6 KB, 474x596, terrible.PNG)

>>493748this is just awful. her whole feed is so scuzzy. i refuse to believe this girl isn't being exploited in some way with her parent's knowledge.
No. 494095
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>>494093thats her on the left in the swimsuit too. it's just so creepy.
No. 494096
>>493999Anon do you sell drugs? You seem a bit
triggered darling.
No. 494885
File: 1576499068650.jpg (119.22 KB, 768x769, gettyimages-1194048182.jpg)

These two look so busted. Khloe in the wild looks like a transformer. She looks so terrible, she's able to divert away from the fact that Kylie's chest is four shades lighter than her face and that she's 21 looking like a 35 year old white woman from florida with four kids from different black men who are aspiring rappers.
How do these two make every fire outfit look like a trash fire and a drag show is beyond me?? Can we PLEASE stop pretending these two are somehow attractive?
No. 494886
File: 1576499272890.jpg (268.1 KB, 800x1200, Khloe-and-Kylie-at-Sean-Combs-…)

>>494885More pictures of the two on the hunt for their next baby daddies.
No. 494887
>>494886I still can’t believe people try to emulate Kylie's "beauty"
She’s legit one of the ugliest celebs for me. Even her sis candle looks better to me than whatever she did to her face
No. 495039
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>>494887the sad thing is kylie was so pretty and looked her age a few years back. not to be that person but I'm sure she looks better under all her makeup even now
No. 495048
>>494903more like
>shoulder pads with plunging bralineis it so fucking hard to have ANY kind of slightly 'conservative' female fashion without us having our midriff, titties, or full thighs exposed? shit is obnoxious
No. 495087
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>>495039Eh. Polite disagree. She looks bad either way. This was from earlier this year.
No. 495105
File: 1576553678847.png (1.66 MB, 1077x1914, Screenshot_20191215-191852(1).…)

Rachel True trying to act so entitled and important because she's an actress, made a fool of herself on Twitter. If you don't know who Rachel True is, she's one of the girls from the 90s film The Craft. Basically a
literally who in today's standards. No. 495147
File: 1576568867007.jpeg (230.45 KB, 640x464, E4F73B68-5A9D-430C-B756-9D9B39…)

>>495135Seconding this, Kendall was tall enough to be a model, and at least looks somewhat like her old self.
Kylie wasn’t “cuter before the surgeries” she looked so unfortunate. Imo , Kylie is trying to emulate the ethnic features of her sister Kim. Big lips, more defined nose, upturned eyes, tan, etc.
They paid so much for surgeries and idk if they’re the ones that made these “baddie” looks so popular. But it’s really boring to look at, big giant lips, big ass, contoured cakeface, and a busty physique. it’s just basic af and literally you see it so much nowadays that it’s not appealing at all, especially coupled with the fact that none of it can be naturally attained.
No. 495155
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Ariana also needs to lay off the lip fillers jfc
No. 495157
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>>495069Speaking of nose jobs
No. 495160
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>>495157bold of her to do to her fans who spend their lives looking at her damn photos. stevie wonder could see this shit.
No. 495168
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I genuinely feel bad for Justin Bieber. I mean, who wouldn't be messed up after being mass bullied and hated by grown adult men all because they wanted to look "cool" and constantly getting death threats because he looked and sounded feminine and sang songs such as Baby and One Time. Had people wanting to send him to North Korea, right wing nutjobs bashing him over his looks and assuming his sexuality (and gender) for years… God,I can see why he is so messed up mentally and acted out like he did.
No. 495360
>>495135Kylie was never gorgeous but I thought she looked cute enough pre plastic surgery. She looks so unfortunate now though and that plus her lack of personality makes me wonder why the hell people obsess over her.
Say what you will about Kim but I think she naturally had good looks. Too bad she fucked everything up with PS. I think Kendall looks the best these days.
No. 495524
>>495500> Most of the crap he did do, was due to the mass hate he had received priorYeah, okay. Source?
It’s easier to believe that he acted like a shithead because he got quickly famous and it went to his head and started to think he was hot shit. That still doesn’t excuse grown ass adults being terrible to him when he was a minor but a shithead is still a shithead.
>>495157She’s 26 years old. Why the hell does he still talk like this?
No. 496182
File: 1576769912647.jpg (674.79 KB, 1080x1440, Skinny.jpg)

>>495168He's looking very skinny lately.
No. 496352
File: 1576792765319.jpeg (81.29 KB, 634x647, ED1198B4-C3B5-41DF-A185-840A1E…)

Ashley Benson has been my #1 celebrity crush since PLL but this pic takes the cake.
No. 496592
>>496563Both times she posted those conversations it looked like something straight up from r/thathappened; typical troon fantasies about teaching ~mean twansphobic hag~ a lesson. And now it turns out her whole life story is pretty much 90% made up shit.
I’m not surprised in the slightest that this person is a pathological liar. People who have no identity beyond their queerness are always touched in the head.
No. 496595
File: 1576845013070.jpg (158.53 KB, 720x1088, Vid.jpg)

>>496286Ntayrt, but it's probably the Justin Bieber in my hood video.
No. 497209
>>495105to be fair she has had to deal with a ton of racist shit since being in the industry, wasnt invited to events the other girls in the movie were, wasnt allowed to accept awards with the girls, and wasnt invited to any of the cons that the other girls have been invited to until she said something
i agree shes kinda obnoxious though
No. 497238
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I’ve seen A$AP Rocky’s (rapper), Steph Curry’s (basketball player), and DaBaby’s (rapper) dick floating around on Twitter. Who’s next, I wonder…
You’d think celebrities would up their privacy game up to one thousand when there already has been nudes of celebrities leaked in the past.
No. 497281
>>497238I hope somebody actually hot is next.
But for real I don't think men really care if their dicks get leaked. It gets people talking (often positively) and memeing. If a womens nudes get leaked, thats an entire different story. She gets ridiculed and insulted at best and her career cancelled at worst.
No. 497321
>>497278he literally looks just like aaron carter now
how sad that it took him half the time it took aaron carter to become such a wreck
No. 497360
>>497238DaBaby's was fake apparently, it's some porn star
>>497281Lol what female celebrity has had their career cancelled because of nudes… also I've seen plenty of people insulting Steph Curry and A$AP
No. 497367
>>497360this, most female celebs get
more famous, like paris hilton. companies also try much harder to protect them from leaked nudes as in the case with the fappening leaks on 4chan.
No. 498059
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No. 498494
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No. 498770
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No. 498864
>>498770She only hates white women as far as I know
Also this guy looks like a hobosexual
No. 498898
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>>498864Not even that, she has nothing but good things to say about Britney Spears, and has been good friends with Slayyyter and Poppy and others.
She just pulls absolutely no punches when she's decided she doesn't like someone or something. No one is safe.
No. 498943
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A fan reactivated slayyyter's old Twitter account. She was an embarrassing Camilla Cabello/5H stan who posted slurs, lmao. No. 498948
File: 1577559339451.jpg (108.79 KB, 1027x1200, EMBpAWJWwAY0A55.jpg)

Speaking of, Camilla Cabello herself had an old account full of racist shit that was exposed too No. 499770
>>481149I know this post is one month old but I can't find anything about it on the internet… how did you know this?
I know that Cavill bangs 18+ teenagers and that he's gross, I'm just looking for anything backing up the fact that he would have been banging a minor
No. 499925
>>499922You sound like one of those idiots who think hot guys cant be rapists.
Since when does being attractive make men feel LESS entitled to significantly younger women? If anything it only increases the odds.
No. 500051
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Oh no baby what are you doing
No. 500056
File: 1577907296051.png (593.77 KB, 575x537, amanda.PNG)

i think she's trying to relive her lost childhood. very sad and i get it. i highly doubt she hasn't been fucked with really hard sexually and emotionally, and in her formative years. honestly if you told me this girl was 16 i'd believe you, so it isn't so bad. she just looks like a very tired teen imo
No. 500207
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>>500055He had a 19-year-old when he was 32.
No. 500319
>>500207Don't see a problem here, 19yo is an adult
Idk, the whole business is full of criminals sex offenders and literal pedos, and you all are worrying about what, big age gaps? it's not like they're marrying anyways, if she likes him, its ok
No. 500332
File: 1577975280130.jpg (90.98 KB, 1881x118, Screenshot_2.jpg)

apparently he's moving on to Millie
No. 500335
>>500071Totally agree. I defended her when she did that big fuss around The Craft cast reunion not inviting her and all, but this is too much. I feel sorry for that woman.
>>500203I don't know why but he disgusts me so much.
No. 500339
File: 1577975748707.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1242x1825, 94C52ABB-7DEA-4D8B-9DF8-0488A7…)

>>500207Cavill is very much a run-of-the-mill dudebro, solidified by his IG content and recent interviews where he talks about being heavily into PC gaming. He just happens to be a half-way decent actor and possess conventionally attractive hyper-masculine features, which is why he's famous. I wouldn't put it past him to be gross about sleeping with women much younger than him, including his cast-mate.
No. 500342
>>500330Ah, sorry, seems i read with my arse
>>500332well ok, now that's disgusting
No. 500405
>>500332There's more on him. has apparently done something "really bad" to be fired by WB.
>"This foreign born probable former superhero knew he would be safe going to this employer. You really have to do some very bad things to get fired. He did bad things. It remains to be seen if people consider those very bad things.">"Henry Cavill/Netflix"I can't find it right now, but I once read another blind item that was being discussed in /tv/ about him being fired from WB for kiddy diddling in a filming location, maybe in SEA? Something like that. I'll post it if I find it again.
I'm just gonna say, there's no smoke without a fire, and there can't be this much smoke without any fire.
No. 500478
>>500469amanda bynes
it's sad bc wasn't she getting better a few years ago? I feel like she had a magazine feature and looked like her old self
No. 500513
>>500478I wonder if weed
triggered her schizophrenia or if she really has faced abuse y the likes of Dan Schneider, how the fuck does he get away with it for so long?
No. 501252
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i normally celebrate intentional weight loss b/c you know how hard it can be to break bad eating habits but idk adele doesn't look as healthy in her face as you'd hope
No. 501268
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>>501255plus she has little to no makeup on. she doesn't look all that different when she's styled.
No. 501276
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>>501268the styling looks weird on her. also reminds me of pic related
No. 501290
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Yikes at the bad editing in justin's new mv
No. 501296
File: 1578185742529.png (1.55 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20200104-185511.png)

>>501290That's gotta be intentional. There's no way this was OKd without it meaning to look like this.
No. 501390
>>501252>>501268Jesus those wrinkles and her sad deflated pancake titties, she looks absolutely horrible… That's a worse case of looking haggard than the Olsen twins, that's absolutely NOT how a 31-year-old should look like. Honestly, she should just gain it back.
Why do you think is that? Did she lose it so fast? Why so much loose skin (especially on her face), it's not like she was deathfat.
No. 501427
>>501415How would you even know which race I am? lol
>>501417She obviously cares what she looks like, otherwise she wouldn't have lost weight.
No. 501852
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Yikes @ her lips
No. 501912
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Bieber posted all these pics of random babies with the hashtag yummy. Talk about being creepy. He can't even take care of his pets, nevermind a baby…
No. 501936
>>501852at first glance I thought it was black Chyna.
No. 502367
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Grimes and Elon Musk are expecting a child
No. 502381
File: 1578520634847.png (Spoiler Image,548.15 KB, 490x574, sad.PNG)

>>502367OH MY GOD, what an embarrassment. could this just be some lame 'art' commentary on pregnancy or whatever? musk already has like 9 kids he neglects to tweet about memes and catgirls to his legion of drooling fanboys. i knew grimes was a dumbass but i didn't think she was this stupid. i guess she's this desperate to tie him to her permanently. lord knows she can't stop bragging about her relationship with him. dumb to go ahead with this pregnancy if she is pregnant, because her appeal was that she was a young, drug-addled mpdg cool girl. he's going to lose interest even more. grim.
pic related was what she posted on insta
No. 502407
>>502381i think this will tank her career and cool girl image, but it's probably the smartest move she could've made. her time as a galaxy-brained edgelord was already rapidly running out, and i'm sure she was aware of it since she's allegedly been trying to get knocked up by Musky since AB leaked her messages last year.
she'll never have to worry about money again, and she won't have to depend on putting out anything of actual quality anymore. she can stay pandering to her pretentious weeb crowd and spewing word salad about being a digital elf cyborg kween magic fairy anime artist angel goddess, but they'll be over her by the time the baby pops out.
i won't make any preemptive comments on her as a mother, but that child will certainly have an interesting upbringing.
No. 502428
>>502410because she's a chronically embarrassing child that actively wants to impress faux-deep horny, weeby kids.
>>502407i guess, but if she was smarter she could've used her fame and success already as a platform to become fabulously wealthy herself. she's pitiful.
he's going to dump her not long after she gives birth and she's going to be a mess. this is a high school relationship and i don't think it's entirely about the money. i think she's just desperate to have a part of him and keep him tied to her in some way. her novelty will wear off tho, and throughout the years it has shown that he really wants to turn his girlfriends into brainless trophies, not have an equal, though i guess grimes will be happy to become that. i really doubt that he gets anything out of her pseudo-intellectual bullshit, he just wants to LARP as a creative college kid with his womanchild girlfriend. if she's angling for marriage, i don't think she's going to get it. the outspoken 'feminist' that grimes is, is in for a treat though:
>As we danced at our wedding reception, Elon told me, "I am the alpha in this relationship."
>The sale of PayPal vaulted Elon's net worth to well over $100 million. The same week, Nevada went down for a nap, placed on his back as always, and stopped breathing. He was 10 weeks old, the age when male infants are most susceptible to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). By the time the paramedics resuscitated him, he had been deprived of oxygen for so long that he was brain-dead. He spent three days on life support in a hospital in Orange County before we made the decision to take him off it. I held him in my arms when he died.
>Elon made it clear that he did not want to talk about Nevada's death. I didn't understand this, just as he didn't understand why I grieved openly, which he regarded as "emotionally manipulative."
>I wasn't interested in Botox or makeup or reducing the appearance of the scars from my C-sections. And no matter how many highlights I got, Elon pushed me to be blonder. "Go platinum," he kept saying, and I kept refusing.
>by which I understood he meant, Our status quo works for me, so it should work for you. He filed for divorce the next morning. I felt numb, but strangely relieved.
>I've worked through some anger, both at Elon for rendering me so disposable, and at myself for buying into a fairy tale when I should have known better.
>She is, by all accounts, a lovely, bright, and very young person, and better fitted to my ex-husband's lifestyle and personality than I ever was. Although she had dark hair when she and Elon first met, she is now blonder than I've ever been.
>said they tried to anticipate his mood by following news of his personal life, even tracking the hair of actress Talulah Riley when she was his second wife, believing Mr. Musk was happiest when her hair color approached platinum.i think he likes to bimbify successful women with their own careers and gets off on destroying every authentic part of them. i think that's what he's attracted to, the domination/chase in getting them to surrender their formers selves to him. he tanked all of the careers of his exes and complained relentlessly about their own interests/their psychological independence.
No. 502476
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No. 502525
File: 1578566409314.jpeg (39.69 KB, 275x275, E3B0708F-0752-4BF2-86C2-FCCE73…)

>>502476god he looks like a pete davidson impression of himself
>lyme diseasewhatever you say Justin
>>502522oh anon don’t believe everything you read in the tabloids!!! Selena and J were just looking for back alley options to buy penicillin and CBD oil
No. 502538
>>501427I mean, she could have lost weight for health reasons?
People were shitting on her for being fat (while they don't usually do on fat male
singers) and now that she's lost weight you guys wanna shit on her for how her weight loss affected the rest of her looks.
I'd get it if she was milky and a bad person like, idk, Luna, but come on…
No. 502561
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>>502367>>502381noooooooooo this loli sick weeb will get a child noooo. I'm so fucking sure that she will do some weird ass performance when she gives birth or so like streaming this on twitch or idk you get it, some edgy ass try hard shit like she always does.
>>502475your post made me check on them and it was the second big WHAT? after preggo grimes lmao No. 502564
>>502381Why is everyone taking this at face value? I'm fairly sure this is just her being "pregnant with the creation of her next album" or some shit
The second image where the nipples were censored is so similar with only the hair moved that it points to them being two variations of one cgi composite
No. 502743
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Stop trying to make Yummy happen. It will never happen.
No. 502749
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>>502745Begging for success lmao. They also made Billie Eyelash to shout him out
No. 502773
>>502583Hope she will stop microdosing then and that being a mother will make her grow up. She is trying to become this ~ethereal AI goddess~ when she is actually petty, bitter and worried about bland things. Like calling AB fat lol. I agree though that Muskrat is the real cringe factor in this reationship and
>>502428 really makes you think. He sounds dumb af.
No. 502799
File: 1578662287917.jpg (242.42 KB, 1084x1200, DxEo_uOXQAM4aWJ.jpg)

>>502428Imagine this ugly ass thing telling you that it's alpha lmfao
No. 502816
File: 1578668090481.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.37 KB, 720x1004, IMG_20200110_112951.jpg)

>>502749Also this was his face after telling his wife ”If you weren’t so hot I would’ve gotten rid of you a long time ago”
No. 502963
>>502840So we are not allowed to have any other edgy fantasy tv show because GoT exists. Fuck people who wanted the Witcher to get a quality tv series for years (not that we got it, but I digress), read the books for the 100th time or play a non-canon video game. Got it.
You are retarded.
No. 502984
>>502684From what I understand, it's severing a business relationship. They're no longer beholden to the duties expected of royals (public appearances, speeches, charity work, general stuff that makes the public feel like their taxes are going toward something) and yeah, not getting tax money anymore. However, they're also not protected by the royal family's considerable power and fair game for paparazzi, journalists, and other scandal. See what ended up happening to Diana post divorce/separation. Even with Britain's cutthroat tabloid media there's a vague veneer of respect toward the royals and any presumption of that will get shot to shit. They've already been pretty brutal toward Meghan and Harry so I can only imagine how much worse it might get.
I'm interested in seeing how they spin it. Good for them tbh. Probably the best time to do it too with the royal reputation at a low with all of Prince Andrew's bullshit.
No. 503023
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Janelle Monae reveals she's non-binary
No. 503073
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>>502507>I guess his team been seen how well it's worked for Selena with her "lupus". Sorry….what? Lupus is literally a provable condition, lyme disease is usually just a nebulous diagnosis that can't really be tested for. Plus she very clearly had prednisone face (aka "moon face") and got a kidney transplant? If they were going to fake a disease there are thousands of easier ones than lupus, that wouldn't literally bloat her entire face and require an organ transplant.
Can't tell if your vendetta is against Selena or lupus itself, but it's a wild accusation to make either way lmao
>>502840>i'm sick of men getting away with this behavior.Who's the "men" in this situation and what's the "behavior" they're getting away with? I've never played the game or read the books or anything but even I know that series is beloved
>>503023Blech, a retweet of a SU gif? instagram smol bean soft boi uwu behavior. Embarrassing.
No. 503091
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No. 503347
>>503023god fucking dammit I actually like her music
hopefully she'll be lke all the other "femme nonbinary" women and just keep being a woman instead demanding retarded "neutral" pronouns. miley and other girls have went through a "genderqueer" phase and not trooned out or fallen into the "theythem" insanity but those women are also younger than Janelle, so yikes
No. 503403
>>503352Idk, it can really happen. Japanese actress Hashimoto Kanna is only 20 and has been told by doctors she's already at risk of strokes and heart disease cos of how much she drinks.
I would totally believe that Selena had a kidney transplant at least in part due to her substance abuse.
No. 503431
>>500339His chest is very hairy
But the rumours are really scary
No. 503565
>>503431I love you anon.
>>503474Would buy it tbh. Such wit!
No. 503697
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>>503434Late reply but yeah:>>503643She's not white. Britbongs hate non whites and even white non British cos they are so stuck in their own arse anything foreign is immediately bad. I say this as a Britbong. For instance compare the press between Kate and Megan and you'll get the jist.
No. 503715
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>>503682Her family are a bunch of absolute lolcows, particularly her half-sister Samantha who has been cut off by all three of her children. She never misses a chance to sell a sob story about le evil Meghan and intended to release a book which never materialised. She's one of my favourite cows; arguably her finest moment was when she got into a car 'accident'(? would not put anything past this narc) and compared her plight to Princess Diana's.'s also a big Tommeh Robinson fan.
There's also Thomas Markle, who pitched a massive public drama over whether he was attending her wedding, has repeatedly given paid interviews for British media outlets, and most egregiously, released an intimate letter she sent him to the public. Absolute class act. has pretty much stayed silent through the whole thing and allowed the two to dig their own graves.
Fwiw, I feel like most of the distaste around Markle is that she's accustomed to being an American celebrity and it hasn't translated well to British media. The Vogue stuff, visits to women's centres, and speeches she makes read a lot more like the side projects of an Angelina Jolie figure rather than something a royal would do.
No. 503726
>>503697She's not white and she's pretty. So there's that weird comparison to Kate all the time trying to knock Megan down all the time.
>>503715Isn't Samantha like 56 or 57? Imagine being like this nearing your 60s kek
No. 503756
>>503653Am the only one noticing that the candle is actually from a perfume/fragrance brand called Heretic? Why is everyone acting like Paltrow made it (or that it would smell like HER pussy)?
Her site is literally just a bunch of curated items from other stores.
No. 503785
>>503782All those you mentioned (except Amy maybe) were child actors who didn't even get jobs as grown ups, hence not having a lot of money to spend (at least that's what I assume, cause I don't really know).
But known addicts like Selena, Ariana, Demi, etc, for example, don't look like shit cause they keep making millions and can afford high quality
No. 503829
>>503643I always wondered that too and after reading too much UK tabloids, I know why:
People in the UK thought that Meghan wasn't 'the one' for Harry. He is the most popular royal right after the queen. The public loves him so much that they've forgiven him quite a lot of mistakes which would have certainly hurt any other royal like the Nazi costume or that he killed animals in Africa for fun and prestige. This was 2004/2005 and he changed a lot since then. He loves kids, he is fun and he's the patron of several charities such as the Invictus games. Harry is seen as someone who suffered a lot due to his early loss of his mother Diana and who grew up to be a sincere and good person.
Now to Meghan. She is a divorcee, a D-list cable TV actress, mixed race and American. Plus her family is a mess who will give non-stop interviews about how awful she is. Meghan is seen as low class, an opportunist who wants to marry someone rich and powerful.
Now with Megxit people start to believe the things her family said about her: that she is using people to get what she wants and then ghosting them. Meghan did this to her own family who paid for her private school and University and then left them. She also used the connection through her uncle to get into acting. She ghosted him too. She married a Hollywood Producer and with his help she got the role in Suits. She divorced him after that. Then she married into the royal family, got an extremely expensive fairytale wedding, her house was renovated for several millions and all was paid through the British tax payers. Now she calls the British
toxic and leaves again.
Oh and people also don't like her bc she announced her pregnancy on Eugene's Wedding day, and their resignation from the royal family on Kate's birthday.
There's so much more but I don't have time to write it all down right now. Maybe later.
No. 503873
>>503829They said she came straight outta compton on the UK tabloids. The princess duke of whatever wore a racist brooch that referenced african slaves at dinner with her. She isn't even 100% black and they hate her that much already.
I think the final straw was when they started saying racist shit about the baby, and that's when she and harry pulled out because he knows what they did to Diana.
Meg did in a few years what countries tried to do for decades lol
No. 503914
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>>503829The royals as a whole are an outdated concept that really need to be taken down a peg, but holy shit the UK media fucking obliterates Meghan for literally anything. Not because she deserves it but because she's American and Black. It's amazing that in this day and age harassing a woman like this is acceptable if she's visibly not white but there you go. I hope them leaving destabilizes the Royal family more and they finally start to fall apart.
No. 503949

>>503833>>503881It's very sad that being an opportunist is worse than wearing Nazi costumes and killing African animals for fun. But even if Meghan wasn't an opportunist, she would be still treated badly, I think. The Royal family is conservative and racist.
People think that she changed Harry and he's her puppy or whatever. There's this video now blowing up, where Harry and Meghan were attending the premiere of the Lion King instead of the 30th anniversary of the IRA bombing. A lot marines died, several people were crippled for life and children became orphans. This anniversary was scheduled 11 months beforehand to make sure that Harry is 100% coming since he's the Captain General of the Royal Marines. He cancelled his duty a few weeks before and attended instead the Lions King premiere with Meghan. They got apparently 3 million pounds from Disney for their foundation to attend this premiere. At the reception Harry shakes the hands of the CEO and then asks for a job for Meghan with a quite voice so that others wouldn't hear about it. You could still hear what he said luckily lol. The CEO was very embarrassed and Harry was also kind of nervous while she acted like she didn't know what is going to happen. It's apparently against the Royal protocol to use your power and title to get things and jobs. People think she asked him to do this and I have to agree. Very shameful indeed but no reason to hate on Meghan the whole time. They should concentrate their hate on the Pedo Prince Andrew and his relations to Epstein. Maybe all of this is happening to distract the public?
No. 503955
>>503949She was Yacht girl aka "prestigious whore" who sucked dick for money and work. She quite literally used her ex and she's using Harry now. God knows he looks like he knows he's made a huge mistake, but the running theory is she has dirt on him and he's nervous. Honestly, I think her "wild American"ness appealed to his childish badboy bullshit and he got caught up with a woman who's way more manipulative than he can wrap his insulated head around and now its too late. You don't need to give two shits about the royal family to see she's the walking stereotype of greedy American rich whores.
>>503949That's a good possible explanation though it's sad to think the family would throw him to the wolves like that. But of course, this is the royal family so there's also more rumors that since he's probably a bastard the royals are jumping at the chance to get him out of the family. It's like Game of Thrones but better.
No. 503966
>>503044Are you me? Everytime i try to ask someone who claims to be nonbinary, all i get is 'i hate gender norms'
girl, me too, but nonbinary is stupid bullshit. I could care less if my son plays with barbie dolls, but that doesnt make him nonbinary.
No. 503973
>>503697>>503914That's not the whole truth.
Kate got a lot more negative press than Meghan since she dated William for 8 years before marrying him. She was called ' Waity Katie' because William would cheat on her and call it quits but she always waited for him to come back to her. She was portrayed as someone without any dignity and an opportunist similar to Meghan nowadays. Her mother Carole was portrayed as a pimp who wanted to marry off her daughters to rich and powerful men. Kate has been criticised for her style and for being to skinny. Then her nudes ( I think she was actually topless on a yacht) appeared everywhere in the tabloids. They all laughed at her. They had to sue the press to remove these pictures.
I think the positive press started between her first child and when Meghan appeared. They got bored with Kate and now they are ripping Meghan apart like they did with Kate years ago.
No. 503974
>>503961I'm an American girl, I know a whore when I see one
>>503963She's being
abusive, so yes it sad. Anyone being abused at the hands of a Narc should garner sympathy if not only to piss off the narc. She was given everything she wanted from his family and when it came with rules and receipts she just goes "fuck it, I'm out". Classic Narc childish behavior. You can't hold them accountable because everyone else is mean. Her family's mean, his family's mean. It's not a surprise she quite literally needs to beg and suck for work, she seems absolutely intolerable.
No. 503977
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>I'm an American girl, I know a whore when I see one
…huh. K.
Not gonna lie, you sound miffed that your fantasy ginger prince got stolen by a "whore". Gotta protect that helpless, naive adult man from the evil succubus he willingly married and procreated with, I guess.
No. 503978
>>503977>defending a literal royal>oh no the w-word that can be used for men tooharry's a whore too, but his father is a bigger one.
t. pretends to have followed the discussion
No. 504048
>>503977I think he's ugly as fuck, not my type at all.
>>503984They're gonna go crash with a millionaire connected to the Clintons for a bit. Megan's just gotta go leech on some more connections until Harry's reputation is in the gutter. Can't wait to see what he gets hooked on in LA. They'll divorce shortly after they get there, L.A. is where marriages go to die.
No. 504123
>>503974how is she 'intolerable'? her banana thing was so embarrassing but what has she done that's so awful? you sound weirdly aggressive about her.
>>504048what reputation? harry has had a terrible reputation at least since the whole nazi costume thing
No. 504272
>>504123Harry is wildly popular in his country. The UK isn't as outright obsessed as being WOKE about Nazis like 16 year olds who can't name 4 countries involved in WW2 US are. It's not the first time someone's dressed up like Hilter and it won't be the last. Harry's actively done work to change his reputation, where-as Megan's come into the situation with a divorce under-her-belt, some questionable media of her floating around, and nothing she's said or done publicly has done much to change minds. Stepping out of the royal family after letting them throw you the most popular wedding on the planet, earning one of the most coveted titles in the world is pretty selfish.
>>504263That was my thought, that this appearance was scheduled to closely to a procedure and she's still numb.
I don't think her management knows wtf to do with her. Honestly, her career as an A-List name should've been over after her and the Beebs split, but it feels like someone is pouring in resources to keep her relevant. Her voice isn't particularly strong, her personality isn't memorable, I'm sure she was being setup to be the "revenge" success against Justin but she's just not an entertainer. Whoever is doing her work is trying to morph her into Chrissy Teigen.
No. 504301
>>504150It's always weird to me how everyone seems to view her as sweet and soft when her character from that wizards show was so harsh and mean. Now she creates this whole sweetest person on the planet persona. But that's just an image, and she was vomiting in Fallon's sink screaming "fuck you" soo…
I would not be surprised if she used alcohol and drugs heavily, its common for everyone why wouldn't it be for celebrities. Especially since she hung around with literal crackhead Justin Bieber and the Weeknd. Her face looks completely different, her jaw is NOT moving.
No. 504669
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nothing says motherhood like edgy papercuts all over your pregnant belly
No. 504795
>>504272So basically britbongs hate Meghan just because she's American? Because that's what it looks like to literally everyone outside of the UK.
>>503973>"Waity Katie">The tabloids spread her nudesThis is literally why the UK yellow press is a running joke in every other part of Europe. God I hate the Brits.
t.eurofag not from the UK
No. 504807
>>504669I thought from the thumbnail it was paint.
I hope she’s not on drugs while pregnant.
No. 505145
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A whole Twitter news story
No. 505147
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>>503914It's no wonder she said she was done, lmao. She couldn't even breathe without these people finding something to sperg out about.
Fucking avocados.
No. 505221
>>505219Being witty =/= intelligent. The only interviews I've seen where she could be considered "smart" are ones where shes clearly fucking with the person interviewing her and then everyone believes her. Example being "I surgically removed my retinas" or whatever the fuck that was.
She's a spineless hipster coolgirl. She makes some good tunes but good lord elon musk/grimes baby is nightmare fuel and i want out of this timeline.
No. 505242
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Selena Gomez started to buy copies of her own album in order to get the #1 spot on the charts. No. 505278
>>505257This is what I always hear from people who have never been there
>inb4 "I've been there and everyone was really mean to me! :(("it's not because you're black, but because you can't bother to learn to say fucking hello in a language that isn't English and then act pissy about it when you're in a country where English isn't an official language, in a city that gets millions of tourists like you every day
No. 505349
>>505346When it comes to Europe, the Brits are leading in the following categories
>ugliness>pettiness>racism >trashiness>bad food>bad accents>bad weather>unattractive royalty (except for Meghan and Diana)>boring landmarks>most retarded tabloids>bad fashion>ugly "celebrities">worst "culture">worst "humor"Why are they even relevant anymore? They cannot do
anything right. The only worthwhile things they've pushed out in literal decades are David Bowie, Harry Potter and The Spice Girls.
Can't France or some Scandi country take their place? I'm sick of it. TBH everything decent they've done, some unknown French, Eastern European or Swedish person has made a better, less retarded version.
(racebait) No. 505352
Daily Fail: ”Justin Bieber 'asked to leave' gym in LA after Taylor Swift arrived for her training appointment”
In reality: Taylor Swift booked the place in advance and Bieber was asked to leave because he didn’t.
Sorry, Bieber, no one is buying that you are sober enough to actually exercise, and no one is buying your single either. No. 505354
>>505278from my limited work experience the stereotype is true and many French people can't be arsed to learn English and instead expect the whole world to pander to them. They are literally calling an English speaking line and get shocked and offended that there are no French speakers available. They also write long rambling emails in French even though we communicate in English only. Forcing us to rely on google translate can lead to many misunderstandings that could be avoided if they sent a few simple sentences ('I want train morning' works even if it was google translated from French). This doesn't happen with people of different nationalities.
Very rarely we get a nice French person that tries their best to speak English. It is very appreciated and a nice surprise! The one time I got screamed at was when a French lady called and was
triggered that I don't understand her.
No. 505364
>>505345Nobody said France wasn't racist, we just said the French aren't as anal about who has black blood in what percentage and it's true
There was just a famous Brit bitching about his nieces being one fourth black. French people don't even consider one fourth black people to be black
No. 505410
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literally how shit of a nation do you come from to be that jealous of us
No. 505435
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Pedowood is getting bolder lately. This poor girl’s stylists have received so much backlash for repeatedly dressing her like this, yet it keeps happening. I feel so bad because she obviously has no one looking out for her, not even her own parents. She’s the same age as my younger sister and I can’t even imagine letting her go to an event dressed like this knowing she’ll be surrounded by a bunch of creepy old men.
No. 505531
>>505508amanda bynes, who's also been in the industry since she was incredibly young, was meme'd for years on end due to her mental breakdown and erratic behavior. hell, britney's 2007 breakdown is still a prevalent meme
today even after all the awareness that's raised about mental health and empathy for the mentally ill.
the point is people will preach about mental health awareness day in and day out while still memeing celebrities whose trauma and abuse are clearly catching up to them
No. 506004
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I get the feeling that people who were saying that Meghan is a manipulative famewhore, are totally right.
Apparently she called the paps to take some pics. She expected praise for juggling a baby and two dogs at the same time. Instead she got criticism especially from mommies how dangerous it is for the child because if a fcking squirrel ran in front of her, she would have lost control over the dogs and fell with Archie. It was a reasonable concern. Nothing else negative. Then Meghan decided to sue the paper because they are interfering with her privacy kek. It's a PUBLIC park which means she's fair game plus they decided to be private citizens and no Royals anymore. She could have walked the dogs on their private island where they are currently staying. Meghan loves the attention and she's so happy to see the paps but the papers are not allowed to say something critical. Also her bodyguards didn't protect her because she called the paps. If someone jumped out of the bush, they would have smacked the camera out of the hands and there would be no smiley-hee-hee pics.
No. 506025
>>506004In the eternal words of lolcow "this isn't milk"
I don't know why people let themselves get manipulated by the media to the point they think a photo of a woman walking her dogs in the park is even news
No. 506142
>>506057She really can’t sing at all. I admit I find some of her songs catchy and genuinely enjoy listening to them, but I’m fully aware it’s all ghost singing from random people or her “friend” Julia Michaels.
Her fans chalk it up to her lupus but anyone whose been watching her for a while knows she has a horrible voice. I think she’s a bit retarded for continuing with her singing career when she knows she can’t sing. Oh well.
No. 506155
>>506004Even if Meghan sucks, the British press and BRF seem terrible on their own (I mean, look how they treated Diana). So I really can’t feel sorry for them when they try to play the
victim after the Harry and Meghan fallout.
No. 506199
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Maybe its just me but does anyone find the fact that 18 year old selena gomez started dating 16 year old justin weird?
I know its not a huge age gap but the fact that Justin at the time looked like he could be 12 and was shorter than her made it worse.
and wasnt there a video circulating of her slapping him too?
No. 506213
>>506209Because men develop differently than women moron.
Most 16 year old boys look like children and arent fully developed yet meanwhile most 16 year old girls look their age.
Its just weird to go after a guy who looks 12.
No. 506228
>>506213Most 16 year old boys aren’t Justin fucking Bieber lmao
Either way, there are laws in place that make it safe for teens to date like this. It’s a complete non-issue
No. 506417
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>>506414Imo him being so fucking huge makes him even more scary than he already is to begin with. No woman could defend herself against him. And the actresses they cast to play what were supposed to be strong or mature women look like kids. The entire situation is so gross.
No. 506426
>>506213>Men and women develop differentNo. It depends on the person, what's they even supposed to mean? I knew girls who didn't start developing until 17 and I knew girls who started developing in 5th grade, I also knew boys who started growing beards in 5th grade and I knew boys who didn't get their first chest hair until after high school
Neverless, 2 yr age Gap is nothing regardless of the situation, if anything I'm actually glad about it unlike most guys who will date as young as the law allows
>But he looks 12So? Are babyfaced people not allowed to be in relationships?
>>506407>Young fertile femaleWhat's with idiot males pretending to be bio experts? How would you even know if she's fertile without having access to her medical records? And do healthy but infertile women not deserve good relationships or something? Jesus
No. 506436
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>>506199You deliberately chose a picture that's misleading af, as if she's some huge predator looming over him.
This is how they looked like back then they started dating.
Also, who gives a shit about 2 years than this exists too
>>506407 No. 506444
>>506417>>506421 the show is mostly based on the first and second book in which Ciri is like 9-12, at the end of the book saga she is (I think) 17. The first witcher game starts 5 years after the last book, this screenshot is from the third game, so a bunch of time has probably past. I reaaaally didn't had the feeling of Yen looking so young in the show, tbh…
obligatory still scary as fuck
No. 506448
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>>506213Selena's always looked young for her age too though.
No. 506457
>>506435I agree with you, but the Wojak meme is cringey so your point seems less
valid. Did you come in from R9k or something?
No. 506459
>>506448>>506417the show aged Ciri up (to it's detriment tbh). I understand that Cavill is a creep but please inform yourself about basics of the show you are criticizing as you come off as ignorant otherwise.
The Yennefer casting is shit tho, Chalotra did her best but Yennefer is more like Eva Green than a young adult girl.
No. 506496
>>506407cavill is just a chad with incel tendencies, he would be nothing without his face/body
dude just wants to sit at home and vidya and creep on 20-somethings like half the nation's men
No. 506545
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>>506448wow, it's already starting. this kid is in for a lifetime of annoying performative shit.
No. 506557
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No. 506603
>>505508I kept your post in mind until I saw the videos of him being a dick to fans. They'd be delighted to see him, and he'd just repeat "Did you download/buy my song?" over and over, giving them obviously sarcastic/manipulative praise if they said yes, and cutting the stream on them mid-sentence in annoyance if they said no.
There's no excuse for that, he's just an asshole.
No. 506607
>>506603I'm lowkey not even bothered by that because Bieliebers are kinda dumb.
My favorite video of those is that one with the chick who connected to him and says (in either Spanish or Italian idk) "I don't speak English" when he kept asking her to buy his song lol.
No. 506614
>>472077I think it's because they called it pop music, she still doesn't understand that she
does make pop music even if it is "alternative" sounding.
No. 506694
>>506692I know you don't. Im just bitching at the people who like him
Ironically, you also had more mature looking ladies in the 90s too
No. 506793
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>>506407>>506696reminder he's an incel who thinks women will accuse him of rape for being talked to
No. 506813
>>506696This anon
>>500405 posted something similar. Pedophilia is always that thing that gets people in Hollywood going
why though.
No. 506921
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>>506917some of the comments blaming her are so fucking disgusting and upsetting
No. 506998
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>>504669apparently the pattern on her belly is a Icelandic symbol for eternal healing or something like that. Idk who in the right mind would do this, this bitch is cray and I absolute hate the fact that two weirdos are getting a child. I really hope she will proof everybody wrong on this but sadly I don't see a child with a decent normal life and this makes me sad.
No. 507000
>>506793He’s trying to guilt women out of their own sexual agency and self defence in a huffy and childish manner, like a child who was told he can’t rip up the flowerbeds stomping around like “well now I’m not going outside EVER AGAIN!”
He for sure sympathises with Weinstein and those like him because he’s pulled the same shit.
No. 507162
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No. 507384
>>507363Why is it when a celebrity dies someone always has to come out of the woodwork with a totally unnecessary interjection on “why I am not sad this person is dead”?
It is a shitty way to go and his little girl is dead, too. Let god deal with dead and their faults.
No. 507406
>>507384God isn't real. People can mourn for his little girl but we all know they'll just spend money on whatever boo hoo memorial scam his team gonna come up with.
>pls donate to help the rich have safer helicoptersSo if anything it's prime time to remind everyone that he was a rapist.
No. 507443
>>507384I feel bad (especially for his family, since one of his daughters died too) but my grief only goes to an certain extent particularly for him because of his past actions. I’m honestly not trying to be an edgelord but again, it’s hard for me to mourn someone who was probably a rapist. I know thing aren’t black and white and he had some good attributes despite his actions but still. It’s kinda a mixed bag for me.
On a slightly unrelated note, this makes me want to stay the fuck away from helicopters and other small planes. Too many people die from those things. A lot of them celebrities.
No. 507457
>>507451Children lose parents all the time and nobody pays attention, the only reason people care about this particular loss is because the person who died is famous. And since it's focusing on him, how people feel about him as an individual is always going to be relevant.
It's got nothing to do with karma, people just feel compelled to comment on the situation because it's being discussed everywhere and no surprise that some people find it hard to mourn a rapist.
No. 507522
>>507363The thing about celebrities dying is that, unless it's someone whose music/acting/etc. I personally enjoyed or affected me, it doesn't make me any more sad than if someone I barely knew or had heard about in passing died. I'm not mourning Kobe's death; I think it's sad, sure, and I feel horribly for his family and friends. But I didn't know him, wasn't a fan of his, so I'm not bent over in sadness. It just feels… weird. A bit shocking. Celebrities seem like these interminable, untouchable figures who are above most of what most normal people experience - and when they die it's a reminder of our own mortality.
You're not required to mourn - you didn't know the man - but I really don't get why people feel like they need to take to social media and post about ~friendly reminder that [deceased] did [bad thing] uwu~ because it doesn't change the mind of anyone who was affected by their passing. Someone isn't going to see that and say "oh, in that case I don't care." This happens literally every time a celebrity dies. What does it accomplish?
If he hadn't been accused of rape, would you be mourning him?
No. 507538
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>>507534If it was someone you personally cared about, you would say it wasn't the time and it was disrespectful
Has a single person tweeting this garbage even mentioned his name in the context of his rape trial prior to today? I think rape is unforgivable but I also think that tweeting about how he and his daughter deserved to die before his body is even cold isn't holding someone accountable for their actions, it's just being spiteful and provocative to get attention.
No. 507611
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This dress looks like it cost $30
No. 507621
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>>507611damn, that looks stupid. she looks like a dollar store barbie. but the opera gloves are the biggest offense honestly
No. 507623
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>>507611And then theres Lana who actually bought her dress at the fucking mall and looking like a granny. She should have won AOTY but not with this dress.
No. 507629
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>>507623this is sooo matronly. the sad thing is i'm going through the macy's evening dress list rn and literally almost everything they have geared for straight up old ladies is nicer than this. this dress is below macy's tier.
No. 507631
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>>507623>>507629She also really should have worn her hair down like the night before at the pre Grammy party.
No. 507674
>>507623She's in her mid-30s so it looks appropriate.
>>507611How trashy.
No. 507710
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>>507611>>507623TBH going through the photo gallery makes you realize that most of the outfits were shit to begin with. No. 507720
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>>507719I will end this dump with this one kek
No. 507733
>>507712She looks stumpy.
>>507719Tess holiday? Why is this fat sow even invited?
>>507720>>507725And who the fuck is this?
No. 507746
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>>507712that neck is literally the stuff of nightmares. she's such an odd beard, lol
No. 507751
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Wow I was too young to know about this Kobe case so I'm reading about it now and it's sad as fuck people are defending him to this day.
>He then denied three times that anything had happened with the woman to police, and when informed that the accuser had made an allegation of sexual assault against him, told the officers, “Is there any way I can settle this whatever it is, I mean…?” asked Bryant. “If my wife, if my wife found out that anybody made any type of allegations against me, she would be infuriated.”
>Police then inform Bryant that the accuser “has a bruise on her neck,”
>According to the police report, while he was being questioned by the officers about the alleged sexual assault, Bryant said, “I should have done what Shaq does,” adding, “Shaq gives them money or buys them cars, he has already spent one million dollars.” The report added, “Kobe stated that Shaq does this to keep the girls quiet.”
>Det. Winters further stated that the nurse told him the vaginal injuries had most likely occurred within “24 hours,” and that the accuser had “a small bruise on her left jaw line.” Also, that examiners had found “blood excretions” on Bryant’s T-shirt “to about the waistline.” The blood, testified Det. Winters, had “the same DNA profile as the victim in this case.”
And then his defense using the classic techniques of bringing up her sexual history (as if that makes someone deserving of being sexually assaulted?) and questioning her mental state. I feel really fucking bad for the journalist who lost her job by trying to draw attention to this again as well. Someone like this should not be celebrated.
No. 507756
>>506793>>506805Exactly. Legit the same dudes who go 'not all men!!' as soon as you mention something male related and
toxic. He's a piece of human garbage and i'll always be pissed he was chosen in the Witcher series
No. 507757
>>507751They're probably the same people defending Michael Jackson eternally, and calling everyone who doesn't stan feminazis or racist huwhite women/coons.
I felt indifferent about this guy until he died, and it's only now that I'm finding out he was a rapist. I feel bad for his daughter, the other people who died on that helicopter, and his family, who will suffer the fallout of this, period. I don't care if someone replies with some rant about how he's Jesus for the little children or whatever. Maybe he shouldn't have raped someone.
No. 507761
>>507000Exactly! He's doing the 'it's the women's fault i cant date.' gaslighting.
>>507720>>507717The grammys is a joke and it always feels like who will out do eachother with the over the top ugly. This is all bad
No. 507794
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>>507623this was lana's original dress but it got ripped
I actually like this one
No. 507857
>>507719this dress would've looked cute on some one with a smaller body at a different event, like a charity auction or something more casual.
Though I do have to ask, why was she even invited? she doesn't do any thing music related and I haven't seen her in magazines in years. I though all her hyped dried up already.
No. 507883
>>507719Didn’t think lirika matoshi made anything this big. How depressing to have your arm fat lumps totally fill a bishop sleeve.
It’s bad when tess is better dressed than people sized people. What’s with the limp half added drapery they’re all wearing?
No. 507894
>>507700Kids deserve better idols than rapists. I am sorry for anyone who idolized Kobe without realizing what a pos he was (so excluding rape apologists, obviously).
I hope you realize that rape
victims feel like shit when people all over the world mourn rapists like they were heroes, like what they did was irrelevant and forgivable. Are their feelings less
valid and/or important than Kobe's fans'? Maybe the fans should have stopped loving their shit idol once it was revealed that he is a violent piece of trash.
I bet a female rapist would not get away with it and nobody would mourn her, no matter how talented at sports or music she would be lmfao.
Stop idolizing criminals and then acting hurt when people remind you what kind of human you are crying your eyes about.
No. 507898
>>507749That's minimal feminism at best, why are you so scared of being branded a radfem on an anonymous board that you're deflecting it in advance?
>>507733A slutty gay protrump musician apparently, I'm depressed such a contradiction exists. "impeach this" was written on his ass.
>Ricky Godinez, known by his stage name Ricky Rebel, is an American singer-songwriter, dancer, musician, and recording artist. Politically, Rebel is known for being pro-Donald Trump and advocating for LGBT rights. No. 507920
>>507898Lolcow hates radfems. You’re not allowed to post radfem or even mildly feminist stuff here.
>>507725I guess even being photographed on a red carpet isn’t enough attention now. Gotta let strangers see your anus or you’re a boring prude.
No. 507960
>>507894>>507897I don't see what's so hype about calling out a DEAD rapist. I mean ok, good riddance? Bringing it up just seems useless. And I say this as someone close to a rape-survivour.
>>507901Yeah but we don't pick our parents do we so it doesn't really matter. I was raised by a single mother too. Losing a dad while young fucks you up majorly.
No. 507989
>>507979It’s counter productive to pretend he was a hero because he could play a game well. How fucked up is celebrity worship when ability to throw matters more than how many girls he raped and strangled.
Harvey Weinstein made movies people like, should we all just forget what he was because hey, sure he raped kids but he also did stuff we life so mentioning the rapes is in poor taste. Should we have some respect for Weinstein? Fuck no. Should we pretend throwing balls is such a special and precious skill that it outweighs being a monster cause some idiots value the ballgame more than their own daughters?
No. 507993
>>507960>I don't see what's so hype about calling out a DEAD rapist. I mean ok, good riddance? Bringing it up just seems useless. And I say this as someone close to a rape-survivourHaving a friend/family member who experienced rape doesn't make your trash opinion hold more weight. In fact, it makes it worse. You sound like people saying they could not have said sthg homofobic since they have gay friendslmfao
What is actually useless is allowing people to glorify another rapist cause he was good at sports. We are literally talking one of the bare minimum requirements of not being a human turd.
No. 507999
>>507993I wasn't even condoning people glorifying the man as some flawless hErO. I still think it's dumb to bring up the rape because it's not what this is about. It doesn't change what happened for the woman and the man is dead. It's about these families that are now broken. There's no need to insinuate things about how this means I don't stand with
victims lol.
>>507989Weinstein has traumatized dozens upon dozens of women. Not truly comparable how we speak differently in these cases considering the circumstances (y'kno one being actually alive and prosecuted atm).
No. 508003
>>507538>>507598yea… seems like
that kind of person who, you know… does that kind of stuff. Waiting till their dead to ruin legacies of certain people because now they can't defend themselves. A sad pattern.
No. 508023
>>507913retardo pls sage.
Also why ? What does it matter to you? You go on any other site and there’s a user bias, 4chan users will sperg about how all women are ~muh roasties~ and on Reddit you see nothing but how “white men are just as oppressed as any other person!!1” why are your panties so wadded up at some man or transgender disapproval? Unless your a man or trans, then just scroll past it and move on, or go on reddit or another imageboard, the problem isn’t the radfems, it’s you getting your feefees hurt over some ladies on an imageboard expressing their opinion anonymously.
Sage for OT but I love the radfems on here, do not drive them away. Because this is the only known place to find ‘em for many
(>>>/2x/) No. 508036
>>508018Exactly. Also, anyone who would defend rapist males on the basis of being part of any collective or social group should rot.
They and their endless muling are the reason that abuse and dehumanization of women within that collective is constantly being covered up and normalized.
Children shouldn't have to look up to rapists.
No. 508061
>>508023And this is why you should be banned, no1curr about ~muh feminism~ when all you do is cry about how everything offends you.
Fuck off to tumblr.
No. 508112
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>>508018>>508036You all first. Why tell other women in certain social groups with less power to make a change? Looks like a certain group of feminists are very hypocritical. Very eye opening to anyone lurking.
And stay on your shithole board. Not here.
Speaking of Grimes, has anyone explained how the fuck Elon Musk ~celebrity extraordinaire~ got these government connections? It's ridiculous at this point.
No. 508128
>>508105none of these so called rape crusaders gave a fuck about kobe bryant or the person he raped until after he died. THey just need an excuse to be edgy and cool on the internet. All of the things said here are disgusting af. But its what i expect from a bunch of troglodytes.Again while i will never condone what he did he stepped up to the plate, admitted to his wrong doing and changed. here's what he officially stated because i doubt any of these bitches actually read up on the case. Probably just saw one of their "QWUEENS" mention it and took it from there.
"First, I want to apologize directly to the young woman involved in this incident. I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colorado.
I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.
I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil case against me will go forward. That part of this case will be decided by and between the parties directly involved in the incident and will no longer be a financial or emotional drain on the citizens of the state of Colorado" =>
No. 508131
>>508128>statement written by a team of high paid lawyers that still insists it's a misunderstandingwow epic basketball man truly changed
celebrity worship is so retared
No. 508134
>>508130well then you shouldnt speak on it if you didnt do your research. Also why should i be fair to people who basically said and im paraphrasing, "his kids father is a rapist so its good that these girls are now fatherless, sisterless, and their mother is forced to be a single mom. My mom was a single mom and she turned out fine LOLOLOL" like i was a kid as well when this took place but guess what i did i read up on the case saw his sincere apology and saw the fact that he owned up to it. Obviously his apology doesnt change the fact that he raped someone but for you guys to say he deserved to die like that with his daughter? What a lot of people are saying on here is fucked up and borderline psychopathic. Like do you think after finding out 2 days ago that their father and sister are dead articles and woke twitter feminists screeching that LOL YOUR DAD WAS A RAPIST HE DESERVED TO BURN IN THAT FIRE" like no. I will always defend the
victim but i will also always defend those children who didnt choose who their father was and who shouldnt have to see people finding anything they can to decimate him especially when only 3 bodies have been found so far. Like let people mourn before writing up woke think pieces and shit tf. These are REAL people.
No. 508145
>>508134you're impossibly stupid, anon. congrats. not knowing about something in the past and then learning about it doesn't mean you haven't done your research. i have said like, nothing in this thread or anywhere else about kobe. my point was simply that a lot of people that are indifferent about his death likely had no clue it happened until his death and until the topic was raised again, because young feminists probably hadn't been furiously googling the legal controversies that sports stars were in the middle of almost 2 decades ago.
and sorry, for a lot of people, having a rapist for a father is worse than having no father. i can't speak for his girls but i can say that my father is an abuser who has sexually assaulted people and unfortunately he remained in my life PRECISELY BECAUSE of the warped general thought that a morally bankrupt parent is better than no parent at all, and he subsequently (and predictably) compromised my health and financial safety. repeatedly i was told all throughout my life that i was lucky to have a dad, with no regard for his actions and how they'd affect me. that is fucked up and that happens a lot, especially when it comes to fathers.
yes, they're likely suffering because they've lost their family member, that's unfortunate, but sorry, this is what comes with the territory of being a public figure. no one is targeting his family members. they aren't him. i'm sure the general grief is a lot more striking than 3 twitter feminists saying "whatever" to his death. they have a lot more on their plates than the opinions of bloggers. and there's hardly any huge blowback against him. what reality are you living in?
>but for you guys to say he deserved to die like that with his daughter?no one said this, freak.
No. 508149
>>508131at least he fessed up to it unlike most of pedowood and elites like epstein and spacey who just lied or played the
victim card to justify their abuses. doesn't make it right but at least there was an apology statement and an admission of guilt
No. 508219
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>>508212I wonder the same thing, anon.
Her new face is scary
No. 508243
>>508112re: elon
something something south africa
No. 508260
>>508225>>508159Yeah, idgaf about Kobe, I just care about how people choose to bring up stuff on certain social media and whether it's productive. Admittedly I shouldn't care either way because people will say what they want. I think it's useless to bring up the rape now. It ain't deeper than that and it's certainly doesn't mean dismissing what he did. That's all, folks.
>>508230Stating a hard fact isn't needed in a situation like that so it's good you didn't.
No. 508290
>>508225People on social media: #MeToo support women, listen to women, rape is inexcusable
Also people on social media:
rapist dies Life is short guys! Keep your loved ones close! Enjoy every moment! So sad! I'm gutted! What a hero!
I literally follow a dude who wrote that there is no excuse or forgiveness for rape about a week ago, yet was posting shocked and devastated variations of the above about Kobe. Cognitive dissonance is real.
No. 508302
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>>508221No unfortunately. Its like she told her surgeon she wanted to look like a lightskinned picasso rendition of yung miami.
No. 508315
>>508260>loudly and publicly holding a rapist accountable for his actions>useless>everIt's not about Kobe, it's not even about his death, but it's ALWAYS important and helpful to vocally hate on rapists, both to support
victims and make rapists/potential rapists see that there might actually be consequences for their actions. Ignoring it and staying quiet for any reason is neutral at best, severely damaging ay worst.
No. 508320
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>>508302That is absolutely edited you moron. Are you a Nicki stan? kek
No. 508414
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Justin Bieber is 25 years old. Jesus fucking christ this photo needs to be used for an Anti-Drug Campaign. He looks like one of those 'Before and after Meth' posters. I predict he will commit suicide (they will kill him off) in the next 5 years.
No. 508417
>>508362Nicki is bitter because the music industry want to replace her with Cardi, who doesn't even write her songs and is a industry plant. Cardi B doesn't particularly care for rap as much as Nicki does, who had to grind before getting her rap career. They are both horribly insecure and petty, I can't wait for the new wave of female rappers to take their place, because they are far less embarrassing and
No. 508440
>>508417>>508417Prolly the future of the Kardashian kids in like 2040 or shit. You know those little fuckers will end up in rap or buy themselves into the modelling industry.
The girls will end up with black men and Kanye's kid be ending up with the next white girl prodigy. It's predictable before its even happened.
Next rapper prolly gonna be mixed latino n shit
No. 508502
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>>508378It's time to get new glasses you blind bitch
No. 508516
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>>508502I think you're mistaken, anon. Look at her face without makeup and editing.
No. 508525
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>>508519Keep what up? They're just random pics of her without makeup.
Here's another I found, doesn't look like it's from a video.
No. 508529
>>508525that doesn't mean she looks the same in
>>508502, the left is clearly edited. are you just trying to make a point that she's ugly or something?
No. 508542
>>508507Nah man that shit was funny as hell and Nicki had it coming
As they say, you can take the girl outta the hood but you can't take the hood outta the girl.
No. 508615
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apparently, Kobe was NOT found guilty of the rape and the girl admitted that she lied. It was an allegation and it never followed through in court.
Huh, really puts things into perspective No. 508618
>>507999'Weinstein has traumatized dozens upon dozens of women'
lol kobe definitely pushed himself on more than one woman, its not behavior that just happens once anon…i slipped up and raped a woman OOPS never again…
No. 508622
>>508615where is your source that the
victim admitted she lied? I haven't seen anything about her recanting. and what it is with your filename, is this
>>508003 you too? "that kind" and "certain kind" of person is "a pattern", what kind of woman is the certain kind?
No. 508623
>>508621…you don't think the woman who tweeted about the case after his death was the
victim do you? you aren't that fucking dumb, are you?
No. 508624
>>508615Anon actually do a bit more research in to this. I think the crash was pretty horrible and horrific but the
victims underwear from the time of the rape did NOT in fact have any other DNA on it than Kobe’s, they found other DNA on a pair of unrelated underwear another time she came into the doctors office and she later admitted to wearing dirty underwear. Gross and humiliating but not incriminating, and no. Usually if you find tearing on the vagina the sex was not consensual. Use your critical thinking skills. And that reporter was reinstated. She’s a rape survivor herself and of course what she posted may have been insensitive but seeing people celebrate a rapists life can be pretty
triggering for a lot of people
No. 508629
>>508628Why the fuck would you LIE about details and embellish them?
That just makes you less believable. That doesn't make any SENSE.
No. 508630
>>508629I don't know, and I honestly don't have a strong opinion on whether or not Kobe raped her, don't think anyone will really ever know except the two of them. just pointing out that the
victim did not recant as you made it seem, and I still don't understand the 'pattern of a certain type of woman' sperging.
No. 508634
>>508632Huh, this happens all the time? That's news to me… So it's normal for people to mix up rape cases like that? Really?
Then why did she brag about it?
No. 508637
>>508636Lol, common, that's literally the #believewomen meme at this point. Come on, no counterargument at all? There has to be something…
Hell, they got evidence on Weinstein, and Woody Allen, but not Kobe?
No. 508642
>>508637What evidence did they find on Woody? Mia Farrow's crazy ass word, because police investigated the allegations with his youngest biological daughter and came back with nothing. if you are talking about the korean adopted daughter that was gross but no "proof" they did anything until she was legally an adult.
you could almost say…they found MORE evidence for Kobe…hmmmm
No. 508643
>>508638>>508639Not an argument
>>508642Fair, where is it? Why would they hesitate to publish it by now?
No. 508648
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>>508159This is the only
valid post on any of this.
I'm tired of these weirdo Twitter exchange students of questionable gender trying to convince everyone ITT that this man was innocent and that the living
victim who carries trauma is a liar. First they tried racebaiting, and now they're just going full rape apologist mode and caping for other known predators.
He wasn't innocent, and neither was Michael Jackson. I hope that one day people will stop excusing rape whenever the rapists are rich and famous. At the very least, I hope they don't act this way if/when it's their children getting victimized.
Moving on, Tinashe really retweeted this shit. I know it's an Ariana Grande reference, but it was kind of unnecessary, even in the original video.
No. 508649
>>508648Remember, this isn't the 1940s anymore, you can't just point a finger at someone and cry rape. You have agency. I just don't understand where was her evidence? She lied several times, and they even gave her a month to come back to re-account her story and flubbed that up as well. She bragged about getting a big settlement out of it and how she had sex with him. He was tried in court, and he was not found guilty.
Now you all are trying to shut it down. No one mentioned race-baiting wtf.
Where is the Ariana Grande reference, I don't see it?
No. 508652
>>508650Don't forget the "no evidence" insistence, as if it hasn't been confirmed that she had vaginal injuries, that her blood was on his shirt for unexplained reasons, and he didn't outright say "I should've paid her off to make her go away like Shaq does with all the girls" when the charges first came up.
They really think they can erase history.
No. 508665
>>508656what are these arguments? Calm down and stop being emotional
>>508650I'm not a male ffs
Have a better argument instead of crying "MAN, MAN"
>>508652Ok, now we have something, was it confirmed? I would like to see it. I just don't understand why she bragged about it afterwards and then talked about getting a settlement. It sounded more like regret.
(/2X/ poster, possibly bait) No. 508670
>>508665You can read the details of the entire case here: and vaginal trauma that the nurse stated was "not consistent with consensual sex". Vaginal injuries that were "too many to count". A bruise on her jaw, and all the other injuries within the same 24 hours of the incident. Blood on his shirt "up to the waistline".
Why would he lie and claim he never had sexual intercourse with the woman, only for his semen to have been found on her person, and her blood on his clothing? That alone is a far bigger lie than "I overslept for work" and "I cleaned my face in an elevator" combined. An innocent man would probably say "What do you mean "rape"? I admit I cheated on my wife, but I never raped anyone" right off the bat, not after he's been caught red-handed (and bloody-shirted). If he was innocent, why did he agree to apologize in exchange for her dropping the case? Why didn't he have any counter-evidence?
I couldn't find any evidence of her bragging, just some guy claiming she did at his party. No proof she was even at his party, no recording, nothing at all.
No. 508677
>>508665are the gc anons really trying to make it look like there's a scrot invasion now?
>>508676That's the textbook copout for every rapist. If they find fluids they just say there was consent.
No. 508680
>>508532I was only comparing the two because both have high opinions of themselves and are vocal about it. I never implied that Kanye was a terrible person in general (Good for him for helping out others)
>>508542It was hilarious and Nicki deserved it. But it was still pretty ratchet.
No. 509499
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>>509485definitely. he is also unattractive. i do not care what you girls say, putting him in a floral skirt is not hot. his oblong face and narcissistic bullshit is such a turnoff. he has possibly an even more punchable face than onision.
No. 509520
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>>509499He is hot when he dresses normally (like in this picture) but yeah he is a major attention seeker and acts cringy quirky and fake woke.
and i wish he would stop queerbaiting.
No. 509521
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i found these pictures of amy schumer when she used to be skinny and pretty
No. 509543
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>>509521Amy Schumer was never really fat imo. I remember all the talk about her being brave for being a fat girl in Hollywood, but when I saw Trainwreck I was expecting her to be a lot bigger. With the way Hollywood talked about her body I expected her to look like Tess Holiday, not like a normal white woman.
No. 509574
File: 1580600086918.jpg (305.36 KB, 1360x910, 2016_06_17_6700_1466144031._la…)

Have you guys seen the audio of Amber Heard abusing Johnny Depp, mocking him for calling for help and so on?
It's such a slap to the face for many people, especially how so many of them were bashing on Johnny Depp for being her alleged "abuser". I don't know what to think of this besides yet tbh, I've also heard from a lot of sites and people that Johnny isn't the only one innocent either and they abuse each other, but with evidence like this it's pretty obvious who abuses who. And the most fucked up part is that Amber Heard kept portraying herself as the only innocent one and claiming that he did horrible things to her, but then she chopped his finger off and said all of those things to him. audio of them arguing.) of him looking very uncomfortable while she claims to be in love with him or something like that.)
No. 509577
>>509574this is totally conjecture and projection from my part and i'm not claiming this is facts but it honestly sounds to me like this was an
abusive relationship on both sides. reminds me of being gaslit constantly and then just losing your temper (which isn't okay) and abusing back. idk, like i said, i don't know what happened to them but i don't really have any goodwill left for men to put my neck out for johnny depp at this point
No. 509586
>>509574The audio call makes them both look bad. The video where he “looks uncomfortable” is just biased shit. Take anything coming from an “ibelievedepp” twitter account with a huge grain of salt. Has a woman whose come forward about abuse ever had entire twitter accounts dedicated to defending her?
Anyway it’s not like Depp actually faced any consequences. They’re divorced, and she donated his settlement money. He’s still getting movie roles and endorsement deals. His career suffered because he’s a druggie addict alcoholic and has been for years.
No. 509587
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>>509559She has really small features (nose and mouth) with round cheeks and deep nasolabial lines so her face makes her look fatter than she is.
If she had a more conventionally attractive face she would be described as buxom or thicc like Christina Hendricks and similar sized women.
No. 509595
>>509593Because you asked people what they think and I gave my thoughts. I apologize that they were not to your liking. Johnny Depp won't read this and marry you.
>Wall of textI don't think you know what that means.
No. 509626
>>509618You're contradicting yourself heavily, that's all OP.
>intelligentNot sure how I can make an intelligent comment on the situation when I don't know them. And I am sure nobody itt knows anything about it.
No. 509651
>>509642Who are exactly the contrarians?
unrelated but meh:
>>509646 No. 509919
>>509574Amber has a history of domestic violence. She hit her ex girlfriend and what a surprise also Johnny. Johnny on the other hand has no history of domestic violence. He dated a lot of famous women like Winona Rider, Kate Moss and Vanessa Paradis. All of his exes described him as a loving and great person. When Amber tried to paint Johnny as an
abusive alcoholic, no-one was questioning her allegations and jumped on the Johnny-bashing-train. It's so ironic that Amber is a spokesperson against domestic violence and she portrays herself as a feminist although she's a sick narcissist who used the metoo movement and cancelling culture to get what she wants.
No. 509989
>>509919This Johnny Depp? guy who's been known for violent behavior all the way back to 1989, down to assaulting a police officer who responded to a call to his hotel room, addicted to drugs, spends $30k a month on alcohol?
The guy in this video? one who dated a 17 year old Winona Ryder when he was 26, and is still 23 years older than Amber Heard? That's the non-violent, innocent little sweetheart to you?
Because of a clip where she admits to hitting him back
They were only together 15 months. She moved on from this and donated her settlement money to charity, but now JD and his flying monkeys want to punish her for speaking out.
Abusive men with money and power can be the most terrifying thing in the world, sometimes.
No. 510049
>>509989You seriously don't know anything about what's going on. She admitted hitting him many times and always starting the fights.
the story of the punch is false, there were people present that said Johnny Depp never punched the dude.
No. 510216
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>internet comments hurt my feels
No. 510275
>>510216she had the power to be the bigger person in this incident aka pretend like she didn't hear the fan shout her ex-boyfriends name at all, because no matter how shitty he was to her, she's an artist whose main job is to stay professional and act professional, but of course halsey is halsey and she has to blow things out of proportion to make herself look like the biggest
victim ever over one (1) single fan saying something wrong. this is like some middle school shit.
No. 510281
>>510267Isn't she with Evan Peters now? Why would she even care about her ex or someone yelling her name?
This is all probably an attempt to get attention for promotion, yeah
No. 510349
>>510216Ugh. This a true cow who belongs on this thread. I'am so sick of the entitlement from such mediocre "pop stars." Majority of them especially Halsey would not even be relevant without social media. Also lol at getting that
triggered from a word.
No. 510467
>>510386>>510389I don't give a fuck about Ed Sheeran but this is so fucking stupid. Drake and all the other shitty rappers (and yes I'm black and I like black music inb4 someone says I am a butthurt white person) get overhyped for writing their own raps, stealing other people's ideas ALL THE TIME and while Ed Sheeran is nowhere near original at least he's involved in the composition of his music and has to some degree musical talent and artistic ability. Drake is someone who's presence is all over North America because the rat kept releasing 1000 albums and mixtapes back to back and never let up with keeping himself in the limelight, also that motherfucker steals so many ideas from underground rappers and is unoriginal as fuck, but yet there's a movement to bash the semi creative artist and not the overrated rapper with hypebeast fans.. lol.
I bet this is all North Americans who are okay with shitty trap music eating up all the other forms of black music for the past decade but have a hate boner and hives for "safe" sounding pop for some bizarre reason
No. 510471
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I'm angry Megan the Stallion has to get on twitter and "apologize" for being seen with a white man because black men (and some pickme black women) were having collective meltdowns on social media for a whole day
Meanwhile male rappers chase after non-black women and white women all day every fucking day, even put them mostly in their videos or disparage black women and those fucks never apologize. Like 80% of black male celebrities in the limelight rn who debuted after the 90s lust over non black women.
No. 510472
>>510467*for barely writing their own raps
No. 510503
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God some celebrities are INSUFFERABLE with their attempts to make their children look "woke". That one hasbeen from 90210 who fucks Megan Fox took his kid out yet AGAIN in a damn princess costume and keeps claiming its because his kid wants to. In the same interviews hes saying the kid is getting made fun of in school. No kid enjoys being made fun of and they're not going to keep doing something they can change by just dressing normal if they can help it. This is clearly being forced by his parents for attention or whatever. You're still both hasbeens who barely get work anymore, and its getting old that you're using your child like this. Charlize Theron is still doing the same thing. I think Sandra Bullock is doing it with her kids too. Its different when they reach the age of like…Jayden Smith or whatever, then its on them and they're doing it themselves to be ~cool~ and quirky. But these kids are still really young and its obvious they arent in control of the situation at all.
No. 510511
>>510503Most parents don't let their little girls out in costumes just because "they wanted to."
The kid is going to grow up to be a super brat who's too used to getting what he wants, because the spineless parents wanted to use their kid's decisions for woke points and attention.
They know he's being bullied but won't do anything.
No. 511322
>>510467I just don't like ugly men, anon, it's not that deep; I think Drake is an ugly loser (and predator) too.
>>510503I agree. If the kid likes the Elsa costume that much, why not get him into ice dancing or fashion design? That way he can learn to channel his interests in something more interesting and productive than being the class weirdo.
No. 511558
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I can’t believe this was the same fat bitch in our highway from a few years ago
No. 511596
>>511489She's bipolar.
Tbh seems to be common in singers, i think Kanye is having a manic episode too with all the jesus stuff.
No. 511631
>>511296I feel bad for her. I honestly thought she was getting better, but this shit clearly set her back with a vengeance. I didn't even think it was mania when she congratulated Grimes, but now I'm not so sure.
Also, no defense for the insane redneck neighbor who thought it made sense to pull a gun on someone over music.
No. 511767
>>511750 also he does have meltdowns remember?
>>511718nah he definitely seems autistic, he can be both.
No. 511999
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>>511636I believe it too. I don't understand why they would give young boys a fucking elsa dress to wear on a daily basis when even girls don't do that? This is some weirdass grooming, I feel so sorry for them.
The worst example is Liev Schreiber's son. Fucking disgusting.
No. 512019
>>511999I think Schreiber is unironically just fucked up. I thought so after seeing that picture, but felt kind of confirmed when I saw that his Twitter bio talks about his children being "shockingly attractive". Creepy shit.
>>512007Are you new or something?
No. 513083
>>511999I loathe genderists as much as the next radfem farmer, but children have a far from clear understanding of gender presentation/expectation bullshit and even sex differences so it’s actually not uncommon for them to express wanting to “crossdress”(or play with toys intended for children of the opposite sex) without their parents encouragement or interference. It just happens to be frowned upon by the families and society at large, which makes me think these celebs are not necessarily doing this for the sake of attention whoring and some of those kids probably want to. In regards to bullying, at that age all it takes for a kid to stop being an asshole is a patient talk.
Now this case in specific skeeves me the fuck out considering how sexualized Harley’s design is and how she is(was?) very desired by the male audience. Lo and behold, this image ended up serving as reference for a Shadman “trap loli” drawing(bulge and all, gross). OT, but anyone more up to date with Shadman milk know if the parents of this poor kid took out legal action against him like Daphne Keen’s? They fucking should.
No. 521278
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Love Is Blind was a shit storm.
No. 521279
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For some reason Gigi was super hot to me… until like six episodes in and my boyfriend says she reminds him of his ex lol
Also the conversations were so fucking abrupt in the show sometimes
Pictured is Mark being comforted by his mom, who said the two of them should run away together minutes before walking him down the aisle. Yikes