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No. 327884
>>327850pretty cool. or whatever you want it to mean. it was at one point related to lil b but it's use spread beyond groups with any awareness of the origin of the word, and like the rest of language and slang especially, meaning is fluid and is really whatever the majority of users ascribe to it. on imageboards like 4chan sarcasm and irony are almost more prevalent than sincerity so quite often you will see something referred to as based, when in fact it may not be very based at all.
You probably could have just googled that.
No. 328213
>>328194she asked when, but basically yeah (that and because /cgl/ namefag guys were around and they're shit attention whores). i still honestly think punishing everyone for shitty trolls was a bad idea because now we have an issue with other shitty users…
i don't and will never see lolcow as a girl site because it wasn't when i started using it. this is why i don't take anons seriously when they call it that.
No. 328378
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This might be the dumbest question on all of this site but is the Biore Aqua Rich sunscreen with Japanese packaging and the one with English packaging the same?
No. 328710
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I really don't wanna get banned or something over this but i've been thinking about this for the past days, is it true that lc is entirely run by men who keeps tabs open on us? Someone on 4chan mentioned it and it makes me feel paranoid because it's incredibly ironic and just straight up w e i r d.
No. 328711
>>328708Samefag but I went and checked /meta/ and the closest thing I could find was this post from April 2016
>>>/meta/2430 So, males were allowed to announce their gender in limited cases but it was typically frowned upon. Meaning the total male ban happened sometime after April 2016, likely after the first Admin stepped down.
No. 328717
>>328710fugg, I should stop using lolcow as my diary.
I left another imageboard because there are always no lifers that do that sort of thing. Bloody bugger had some actual info on me. That's why I started writing only half-truths.
What do they even do with that info? Sell to advertisers? lol
No. 328726
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>>328403I mean the packaging on the tube mainly. They are both sold by "Biore" on Amazon so I suppose they are both legit, but the variants are confusing. I am a little worried one with English packaging might not have the same stuff in it as the Japanese.
No. 328734
File: 1542932597565.png (3.92 KB, 248x74, m.png)

Why does lolcow use "It Is Mystery" image instead of the original "It Is a Mystery"? Is it an inside joke? I also noticed mods don't use it that much anymore, so i guess they left.
No. 328739
>>328710>"b-but 4chan said"you're embarrassing and should leave tbh.
lolcow has an all-female team with the OG creator being the only exception. Aside from him there's never been a male on staff. Many Farmhands used to be really active on Discord and participated in voicechats.
>>328734Mystery.jpg is the name of a 4chan tripfag who was a notorious lolcow user and got outed for sperging too hard. "It is Mystery" is the marker for any post that was originally written by her. It's a play on her nickname and the meme.
>>>/pt/368493 No. 328777
okay, i'm putting this here because when i re-read it i cringed, but some of it seems cool too… i had this idea for some uhhhh erotic fiction so i started writing it…. it's a stream of consciousness kind of. should i keep writing it, or is this bad/unhealthy?
"she squirmed from the seething green plasma. horns and nails and clenched teeth. eyes flared emerald…no gentle irises or visage of feeling, but a scheming smirk, already satisfied with herself. she sat on her great legs and preened her hair. thence i wandered, unable to return or escape. the emeralds fixed on me and she turned toward me with the speed of a languid mountain. what she wore on her body, such as it was, seemed to restrain her breasts from bursting out. she traced a nail up her thigh and lifted the cloth draped around her nethers. i glimpsed something fat and hungry before her voice gushed out of her like honey. she bade my approach, and i obeyed. she laid out her palm before me. i walked into her palm, my feet indenting her flesh. she gripped me too tightly. i could not breathe. she laid out her palm and brought forth her other hand, this one with nails that could puncture or slice. her forefinger came for me and, laying on my back, she gently cut a mark above my navel and up my breast. i shuddered from the pain, and assumed this was the beginning of an evisceration. she brought me toward her face uncoiled her long, pointed, slavering tongue and licked the seeping blood off my body, humming and cooing as she did so, like a primitive mother bird handling her young. she told me i was hers now, that my body belonged to her body."
i liked the way i wrote it, but boy do i feel like i'm going down a bad rabbit hole.
No. 328870
>>328777What did I just read.
>languid mountainwhat the fuck is a slow mountain or a mountain with no interest?
>She sat on her great legs>preened her hairEither she dressed her hair or she got a beak, dude.
>glimpsed something fat and hungrywhile talking about her vagina?
>I walked into her palm>beginning of an eviscerationEvisceration definition, to remove the entrails from; disembowel: to eviscerate a chicken.
Girl, why are you writing giantess, gore, sadist, vore and furry fetish porn. What the fuuuuuck.
I think you're too young to be posting here. This is some prime edgy shit. Capped post for future reference, thank you for the laughs!
No. 328968
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What's, physically, wrong with Maisie Williams.
Her face looks very strange, and she didn't grow up in height that much.
Does she have some kind of dwarfism or is that the hollywood child star hormone blocker thing?
No. 328987
>>328976This. Anon
>>328968 you just need to go to a city in Britain and walk about, you'll see.
No. 329127
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>>329084 Wow that's a lot of sperging lmao. Thank you, anon!
No. 329162
>>329159>i know this is the "dumb questions" thread, but try not to out yourself as that new...and why not?
NTA but there's really no need to go out of your way to be a snotty bitch.
No. 329180
File: 1543078560859.jpg (40.87 KB, 500x500, double-winged-cat-eye-makeup.j…)

Are there any tips or something on how to get better at makeup without too much practice ?
My eyes are sensitive so I have a hard time doing my eye makeup 3 times in a row for practice. Having deep set and somewhat hooded eyes isn't helping either.
No. 329301
>>329288I hate hair washing day because my hair is very long and is tedious to detangle and dry.
>>329292Cows definitely aren't normal. Their reasons for hating showers are probablt rooted in autism. A lot of depressed people don't have the energy or care enough to shower. Or they're too socially retarded to know showering regularly is expected.
In short the answer is mental illness of some flavour.
No. 329357
>>329162revealing yourself as someone too lazy to google is pretty much generally frowned upon here, anon. use the catalog or just do a google search for "lolcow spoony" or "lolcow mystery" and there you go. I don't mind it in the stupid questions thread but if someone asks about a cow this legendary they should expect a bit of teasing.
>>329164 admitting they're simply too lazy to read up because they don't even go on the boards this site was made for. /g/ (and much much later, /ot/) were added as an afterthought. For the longest time, had only one board, /pt/.
Spoony was so ingrained in the site culture, the admin even namedropped her when he took his leave because her sperging was
that intense. most active lolcow user of all time, 10k+ posts, constant ban evading until he threatened to out her.
>>>/pt/138635>>>/snow/395336>>329167She definitely did. Some of her old pics have definite marks of shoop (
>>>/snow/397580 )
No. 329707
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Any China anons here? I want to buy this shirt because it looks cool, but what does it read? I ran it through NewOCR and got "Lengjing" from the first two characters, which means "Quiet" according to Google Translate, but it's not picking up the last character.
I just don't want to be that dumbass who could be walking around with "BIG COCKS" printed on their front in another language, unbeknownst to them.
No. 329710
>>329707That's definitely Japanese.
I don't know what it means but I think the characters are the following: last one is に (ni) from hiragana which is strictly Japanese
I hope someone has a translation for you
No. 329711
It means 'calmly' or 'coolly'
No. 330471
>>330459Have you ever heard of the manual settings on a camera app?
Android OS ≠ shitty camera. My phone has a 16 megapixel, 8 megapixel, and 5 megapixel camera. All take really clear and clean photos if you know how to adjust the settings.
No. 330499
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Why are the majority of serial killers in Hollywood movies portrayed as asexual indiscriminate killers when somewhere around half / over half serial killers mostly chose women for sexual purposes?
No. 330527
>>330511>>330507>>330471>>330459"Android" is not a fucking phone brand, it's the OS. Apple makes 1 or 2 iphones every year and they are all the same tier cost wise, so of course they're not going to be consistent. High end phones from any brand have good cameras, most better than apple.
>>330456to answer your question, it's because morons think android is a brand so if 1 phone camera is bad all of them suddenly are.
No. 330733
>>330725Yes. It really fucks up your back and it flattens your boobs over time and make them into literal soggy pancakes. There's even been times where some people have reported their ribs either cracking or getting pushed in. If you do not need to wear them please don't anon. That's why usually when trans men wear them its only until they can afford top surgery and then they don't have to wear them anymore
>>inb4 diD yOu MeAn WoMeNz TroOnZ!!111 please fuck off thanks.
>>330725 No. 330756
>>330733I see, thanks. I'm not an FTM, I just dislike having a bigger cup size. I wouldn't go under the knife either. Sports bras were pretty useless so meh. I guess I'm stuck with a matronly figure no matter how much I diet.
The cons outweigh the pros. ngl I was hoping someone would prove me wrong.
No. 330945
This will probably turn out as tumblrific, but it's been bothering me for a while.
I never wanted to have sex in my entire life. I didn't masturbate until I was about 20 and I have no desire to, it's just something I do to get a dopamine shot maybe a couple of times a month, I'm not at all relying on that and I'm usually done in minutes.
Like, I'm up for doing sexual things, some really freaky shit too because it interests me. If I truly trust a person I might consider having sex with them to make the bond stronger. But I won't be aroused at all, I'll just go through the motions.
I used to read/watch a lot of nsfw content because I was really confused about lacking any need for sex. I thought that maybe I just didn't find my particular niche. But no matter what type of porn I consume, there's no arousal, zero wetness. I just watch fleshy parts of people interact. Most of it is fucking boring too.
I have a girlfriend, luckily she has even less interest in having sex so we cohabitate perfectly. But I kinda feel like I've been missing out? Like maybe we'll bond better if we do the do. And while the idea of having sex with her is something I enjoy, I don't see myself being all that into it, arousal nonexistent.
Is my fucking brain broken?
Well, I know it is. I have a pd and I've been taking medication for it for years and I know some antidepressants make it hard to become aroused. But even before I took them, I had morbid curiosity about sexual acts but no particular desire to engage in them. I never experienced teenage hornyness for example.
I know the things I won't do in sexual situations, the things that gross me out or disgust me. But all my turn-ons are platonic shit like handholding and stuff or are random person characteristics that I really enjoy seeing. And they still don't make me want it.
Am I a fucking asexual? What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm 24, I should be getting it on right now probably. But I don't want to. Never wanted to. It's okay if I'm propositioned and I like the person, but it's still so dry and boring and nothing.
No. 330949
>>330945there's not really anything wrong with having a low libido, and it's cool that you found someone with an equally low one. i mean, you could ask if she wants to try anything to sate your curiosity. i doubt it'll suddenly be your sexual awakening.
my bf and I only have sex a couple times a week and it's enough for us. like, it's definitely a good bonding experience and i wouldn't want to go COMPLETELY without sex, but it's hardly at the forefront of my mind. life isn't really about having copious amounts of sex unless that's what you really want to do.
No. 331059
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why is nazism considered a far-right ideology when the nazi party was literally a socialist party? because as far as i know socialism as an ideology is considered to be on the far side of the left. or is that wrong? what am i missing?
No. 331096
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>>331059they were authoritarian centrists
No. 331814
>>331375The area around the mid section, or navel. People are very divided on this part, with some on one side, some on another. You see
>>331422 is surrounded by middle bit fetishists, due to being in higher education where navel gazing is common.
No. 331906
>>331887It's pronounced like "dee" when the word after it starts with a vowel, like "the apple".
You also write "an apple" instead of "a apple" because apple starts with a vowel.
If you want to add emphasis to "the" in a sentence you'd also probably use the long ee pronunciation. (e.g. That is THE best.)
No. 331929
What's the actual proportion of spectrum-challenged anons here? I see so many times that posts that were clearly jokes, sarcasm or hyperbole or simply to be understood with contextual nuance get serious replies, and sometimes I'm not even sure anymore if it's sperg or just an advanced form of metahumor.
>>331836case in point
No. 331932
>>331929autism is a meme. only tumblrinas and munchies actually want the tism.
but pretty sure actual autism is among us
No. 331961
What's the actual proportion of alcoholic anons here? I see so many times that posts that were clearly jokes, sarcasm or hyperbole or simply to be understood with contextual nuance get drunken replies, and sometimes I'm not even sure anymore if it's boozers or just an advanced form of metahumor.
>>331943case in point
No. 331967
>>331961alcohol is a meme. only tumblrinas and munchies actually want the cohol.
but pretty sure actual alcohol is among us
No. 331978
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Shortanons in the annoying thread complaining about creeps coming on to them brought me to this question: would short men (shorter than me) feel equally as freaked out about me hitting on them or complimenting their height (calling them cute/saying I prefer their height)? Or would a male ego eat it up? Say this is in a date situation.
No. 331979
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>>331964That's not necessarily true. I used to drink solely to get drunk when I was younger, but now I enjoy a well-made cocktail every now and then when I go out with my friends/colleagues. If you're using low grade alcohol it will make everything repulsive. I've found as I've gotten older it's more about enjoying a drink and I'm actually embarrassed to get drunk.
>>331963My favorite cocktails are Moscow Mule and Dark and Stormy. Imo most champagne/sparkling wine is pretty disgusting, unless it's high quality, and like you I hate mimosas. I used to hate wine but found types and brands I like (pic related). Also, keep in mind different liquors have very different flavors and mix well with different things. You have vodka, rum, whisky, gin, tequila, etc. and while you might hate one type you might love another when mixed with the right things. There's nothing wrong with not liking alcohol of course, but if you want to explore it more I'd recommend just trying stuff out until you find what suits you, and always drink responsibly!
No. 331998
>>331978This could potentially bruise a male ego, because instead of taking the compliment for what it is - if they are particularly insecure - all they will hear is that you noticed their height and lack thereof.
Plenty of objectively short men I've met and dated also delude themselves into thinking they're tall. An ex of mine was probably a couple inches taller than me, maybe 5'6 tops, but would lie and say he was 6'. It didn't matter that it was a blatant lie that anyone could see was untrue, it just mattered that it was written on paper someplace to serve as validation.
Short men can be really strange about height.
No. 332057
>>331998Yeah, I used to work with a guy exactly my height (5'6") and he'd lie and say 5'8" lmao.
I just thought if a guy was very visually shorter than me it might be different though. There's nothing to be ashamed of there especially since I'm often the pursuer. Obviously I'm into it.
>>332012I imagine it would be very individual, like you say. For example, I wouldn't call a buff/high masc energy short guy cute since it's obvious he's trying to escape the association there. Just as I'd only call a tall girl a cool amazon if she was into weightlifting/made it clear she's proud of her height.
Also it just wouldn't fit. Muscly manlets aren't cute but soft-feminine energy tall women are.
>>332021Do you think it would be different if it was your actual preference? Or would they still be insecure?
Anyway, thanks for the answers. My main concern here was just that I'd scare them or make them very uncomfortable. But I guess it's different from woman-man than man-woman commenting on small height being cute. Less threatening? Hopefully?
No. 332242
>>332196personally i hate when people suggest mantras to get through the day, but i guess i would apply faking til you make it in the application where even if i feel like a depressed piece of shit, i make myself get dressed and clean or do make up or try and get out of my house.
not so much changing myself into a different personality, but adopting the idea that if i inject a little positivity then hopefully i can reap a little
No. 332516
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What body type would this be considered?
No. 332565
>>332341some people just have an overactive bladder naturally, or if you drink a lot of water it could be that too. also if you've always done it your body might just be on a schedule now. are you peeing a lot when you wake up or just a few drops? if barely anything comes out it might be an issue.
>>332471not a good thing
No. 333539
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I have a trip to Paris planned for next week. Should I cancel with the protests going on? Will they still be going on/how widespread are they?
No. 333925
>>333920Genderfuck was an obscure thing, but it wasn't the same as genderfluid or non-binary. It was basically just another term for drag, or for consciously rebelling against traditional gender expression. It wasn't about actually believing you were some sort of man-woman thing.
Non-binary was not a thing, no matter what crazy teens on Tumblr will tell you.
No. 334885
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Is anyone familiar with a short video where a woman with a somewhat Eastern European accent talks about why men should pay on dates? I remember her saying that women spend a lot of money on their appearance ("makeup 30 dollar, hair 100 dollar, nails 50 dollar") and found her demeanor kind of funny. I just want to watch the video again but I can't find it.
No. 334887
>>334885>why men should pay on dates? >women spend a lot of money on their appearance ("makeup 30 dollar, hair 100 dollar, nails 50 dollar")That actually kinda makes sense.
Also, cute pic.
No. 334927
File: 1544046046852.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.87 KB, 463x380, crazy sjws.jpg)

>>334906Well thats what I thought, but believing that apparently makes you right wing (this was a discussion about race)
No. 335192
>>335189there were a couple threads by males with swastikas and naked women posted in /ot/.
typical robot shit.
No. 335194
>>335192It's been a while since the last time we had that happen, they must be
triggered now that Xmas is approaching and they have no one to celebrate with
No. 335556
>>335537just some anon the other day with ~a
ton of milk~ came in to the thread and started sperging it up. they ban evaded a few times with nothing other than a massive hateboner for her. it was pretty funny albeit confusing.
No. 335765
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>>335691>>335748Holy shit, I found her account just by looking up sparkledog on google images. Her name on DA was BlueshineWolf and her YT channel is BlueshineWolf2. It looks like she’s been inactive for awhile, her YT channel is still up but she hasn’t posted in 7 years and her DA is gone. Ends up she’s a lot more milky than I remember because there’s an Encyclopedia Dramatica article and KiwiFarms thread about her.
No. 335766
>>335753I am horrified about what happened to her and who the fuck took that picture and uploaded it to the internet…
>>335756Don't be an asshole. Not everyone is able to tune such content as ~just robot gore spam~ because they are aware that those are real pictures taken of abused or murdered people (women, children, whatever). Don't act like they are in the wrong for not having their empathy switched off.
No. 335776
>>335769Lolcow is not meant to be one of those fucked up sites, none of the femanons come here to post ot see gore so it's weird for me that
>>335756 is weirded out by people being hurt by disturbing pictures of real people.
Lolcow is not 4chan but for women and thank God for that. I was aware of 4chan but never visited it because I did not want to run into cp or snuff while browsing some innocent thread. I bet many anons avoided 4chan for the same reason.
No. 335779
>>335776this so much.
I used to go on 4chan frequently, in particular /g/ because tech interests me, but one time on some other blue board, I think /sp/, someone spammed webs of child abuse. The mods acted swiftly but I got to see it, because it wasn't obvious from the thumbnail what it was about. Ever since then, I completely stopped going there.
If you want to know what the content was, it's in the spoiler
A baby was tied to a board, constantly crying and a guy filmed himself while being naked, urinating on the baby and defecating. While no sexual acts where performed, I fret to think if that's all there was. The poor child. I felt so helpless. No. 335799
>>335756I've been visiting imageboards for 15 years and I've seen all sorts of gore and messed up shit. I still DON'T want to see it clog up the board. It's not the picture that really sets me off (while it is
very disgusting and unsettling), it's the fact that someone is juvenile enough to come here to post gore to ~
trigger the roasties for le epic lulz~. It's cringeworthy and retarded. Lolcow isn't really even on the deep end of the web, this place is very surface level. It's completely understandable that people can't handle photos of bodies of murdered women.
>>335796This. We're not like the pseudo-edgy 4chan where deplorable stuff is bound to happen, it's just an anonymous image board for gossip. The robots post them only because this is a female-centric board and they haven't gotten past their adolescent girl cootie phase.
No. 335808
>>335796that's not what i was saying at all but okay. this site used to allow men on it and guess what, it still happened, because there are people who use these anonymous sites to be edgy pieces of shit. the lack of males didn't make it any better or worse.
the site will be raided because of how the interface is. always.
No. 335833
>>335812nta, but i think the expectations for the site are too high. a chan site is a chan site is a chan site.
if someone saw you browsing this site they'd think it was 4chan, but browsing PULL or KF wouldn't get you any weird looks even though those sites are arguably much worse.
the gore is gross but it comes with the territory.
No. 335855
>>335756For me it's not the gore itself, because like other anons pointed out, most of us came here from other chans and we've been exposed to edgy insensitive shit before.
What makes me roll my eyes is the fact that it is purposefully being posted by males in an attempt to spam and upset a women-only space. It's like toddlers getting ugly and pitching tantrums because they aren't getting their way.
Also notice the gore is always focused around harm to women. I'll probably never see a pair of crushed or mangled balls, or an embarrassing picture of a questionably passed out or dead man who shat himself - and I know for a fact that it's out there.
No. 335862
>>335756Gore isn't shocking to me and
I get off to vids of male torture and suffering but I would still prefer to not see dead/bloody women and borderline CP. It doesn't ~traumatize~ me, but I would prefer to not see it. And on a moral level, I would prefer it to not exist at all.
Also what all other anons said about knowing the motivation behind it.
No. 335987
>>335984Being overweight only makes people look younger over 40. Until then it makes you look older.
Though the study I read was just about weight in general rather than when it's lost, maybe people who drop a significant amount do age differently.
No. 336071
>>336064don't ever look for sex advice in porn, period.
I think you should completely drop the "research" and just let the girl guide you. Don't stress, girls are way more patient and caring than guys, she'll teach you. If she's as inexperienced as you are, it's also a nice thing, because you can explore together.
Just do what you find pleasureable yourself and don't overthink it.
No. 336079
>>336071We're both inexperienced in the sex department.
>>336072Judging by what I've seen there're a lot of ways to fail at eating out. I really don't want to fail.
I guess I am too anxious. I already know that she loves me we've been in a sexless relationship for 4 years and basically would have been married already if our country allowed that and it's unlikely I'm gonna do something that scares her off or hurts her. But I want it to be perfect since I don't know how to just "go with the flow".
It's very unlikely I do something terrible to her, but expecting it not being awkward is really unreasonable.
No. 336120
>>336064anon, do you masturbate? do you know the areas of your body where you enjoy being touched? are you familiar with how much pressure you use when touching yourself? specific speeds, motions, certain fingers?
basically do that on her. she'll more than likely help along the way.
No. 336609
If you guys had a love for someone, or a connection with someone that is very uncommon, like, cosmically special - like, the interests you share, the ideals you share, everything you want for your lives, and incredible sexual and romantic chemistry for many years, having only eyes for each other, and just like, crazy compatibility in general. Like, everything is basically perfect - if you felt you had something with someone like this, what would you give up on them for? What kind of bump in the road would be a relationship-ender? What kind of mistake would they need make to make you give up on this kind of connection?
Provided that there's no cheating or infidelity, or even a risk of that, ever, isn't this kind of connection worth fighting for?
No. 336623
>>336616Are you talking about a really specific hypothetical situation or a real one? Because if it's a real one then just give us the details, it'd be easier to give you advice knowing the full story.
But from my experience some people just don't tolerate lying, even if it's something really small and harmless. Maybe they've been betrayed in the past, so they're afraid of being betrayed again. They're trying to protect themselves by having a zero-tolerance policy against lying.
No. 337519
>>337423My theory (and I’m not an expert on religion or religious, so take it with a grain of salt) is that infant morale rates tend to be so high at the time, people were encouraged to reproduce as much as possible. Homesexuality was seem as a threat to that which is why it was discouraged. Also kinda explains why women were regarded as baby makers and nothing more (although other factors come into play of course).
That + people usually being uncomfortable around things that aren’t the norm probably contributed to the rise of homophobia in those areas.
No. 337546
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>>337541like this, as an example. wide face, small nose. people like to act like women can't possibly have a nose that's too small, and she has a nice nose, but is it me or does this not look a bit odd? (rip rue)
No. 337895
File: 1544540047763.jpg (56.81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Okay I know this is dumb but does not eating correlate to memory loss? i dont have an eating disorder or anything its just sometimes I forget to eat breakfast and whenever I do I always end up losing stuff. I lost my whole fucking wallet 2 weeks ago because of this. I also lost my work keys. Its so annoying am I just a spazz or is there really a correlation??
No. 337908
>>337895It could have to do with your blood sugar levels.
Low blood sugar has the symptom of mental confusion or unresponsiveness. Because your body is used to having food in the morning, your blood sugar stays low when you don't eat something.
No. 337944
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>>337934It's usually used for mixed race people, like half white + half black, half white + half asian.
Pic related, this girl is half white and half asian, but if I didn't know better, I'd think she was fully white, that means she's
white passing, or "passes as fully white".
Usually, that means that the white passing person doesn't get affected by racism and such because people don't think they are anything but white.
No. 338464
>>338452I assume the person they marry would also similarly have those interests, anon. It's not that unbelievable for weebs to fall in love.
What do you mean by
>not doing anything else with their life like these are their sole interestsDo you mean they're unemployed? In which case I agree that is remarkable that someone could fall for someone who lacks independence, but not unheard of. But if you meant that it's just their only interests…again, it's relatively easy to find someone who is also balls deep into fandom shit in their free time.
No. 338975
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W-Would anyone be interested in a >that girl thread? It's like a that kid thread but basically just about a girl you're kinda jelly of. I'm just asking because I never made a thread here before and wouldn't want to fuck up and get yelled at
No. 339060
>>339024Probably depends on what kind of look you're going for. Women who blow dry a lot usually do so to achieve a certain style like
>>339030 if you're fine with how it looks after air drying, there's really no point in starting using a blow dryer unless you want it to be dry quickly or something
No. 339070
Although, I have 4a 3c type of hair, so I guess that changes.
I generally just twist my hair let it dry, and do whatever with it once it is.
No. 339097
>>339071>>339030>>339065thanks, guys. i have fine but thick hair that has verrrrrry little body at the roots, so my mom (who has coarse, thick hair)) keeps recommending it to me since i keep complaining about my roots and she claims it helps her, and she says almost all girls blow dry their hair. i'm just so tired and it seems like a lot of energy to expend tbh. i see a lot of girls with coarser hair than i styling and grooming their hair with hair dryers and curlers often though, so i might pick up on it if it works out. if i use the 'warm' setting rather than 'hot', do you guys think it'll cut down on the damage?
>>339034>>339070i figured plenty of girls don't. i don't really do much for my grooming so my mom was assuring me almost all girls blow dry their hair and that i'm crazy for not. you kind of have to worry about it when you have straight hair bc it lays sooo flat and is so soft without any texture that it just flops.
No. 339145
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how are you supposed to style yourself when you have the same body as chloe? literally my arms never lose fat ( now i have some muscle and they look even more huge ), i have very long legs, long hips, short torso, a cup breast and wide shoulders, a round face and a short neck….by no means am i exaggerating, but am i even salvageable?? at my ana tier body, my arms didn't drop an ounce of fat
oof, i am thinner than her yet i look 10 pounds more because of my skeletal proportions, does anyone have any tips at all because i just want to look decent in dresses for once.
No. 339147
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>>339145That ones been pretty heavily retouched. Here's the original
No. 339148
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>>339145Tbh the clothes are very unflattering, without that outfit she's got a normal shape
No. 339153
File: 1544767468319.jpg (Spoiler Image,381.92 KB, 720x928, 1471508240792.jpg)

>>339150Oh gosh you're right. My bad, this is chloe. Spoiler because she's actually topless here, I think it was for a film.
No. 339162
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>>339147>>339153at least you're posting the non-photoshopped versions
No. 339173
>>331061your q has already been answered but i'll put it like this:
the function of national socialism was corporatist, as most fascist systems are. national socialism was mainly kept in the name to attract german workers who were/would have otherwise been involved in communist or social democratic politics. they did not have socialist policies. one specific morbidly funny factoid that comes to mind is the fact that the #tradwives of nazi germany were encouraged to stay home and make babies and were awarded medals for how many children they could make, nicknamed "rabbit medals." this is a large contradiction of socialist policies as socialism (engel's origin of the family for instance, lenin's writings on women, etc) has historically encouraged a diversified division of household labor among women and men and socialized (public) childcare.
nationalism is not inherently bad as a means of liberation or as a way of maintaining the cohesion of a downtrodden community in times of oppression. logically, you cannot economically control a class you are oppressed by in the same way a class can economically control the oppressed (lack of financial means, political power etc. to do so.) the nationalism of nazism is a specific strain of nationalism that generally accompanies fascist politics.the exclusion of a group of people makes it easier to cultivate feelings of pride and dehumanization (the holocaust) which fascist economies are predicated on, i.e. direct or outsourced labor of those groups receiving the worse end of the nationalism stick. this nationalist aspect also allowed for cultivating an embracing, anthropologically speaking, of heavy militarization by the working class.
watch this video as well if you're interested: No. 339194
File: 1544787435931.jpg (37.75 KB, 318x431, 28381188662_32ca41ff9d.jpg)

How bad is it to have sexual thoughts about your crush? I feel weird if it's about someone I know in real life, kind of like I'm being rude and disgusting. I usually only fantasize about 2d boys but lately I've been having dirty thoughts about this guy and this is the first time I've ever fantasized about someone I am acquainted with. We have never even had a real conversation, to make things worse. Is this normal or am I being creepy?
I also kind of want to stop because I get embarrassed afterwards thinking about what he would think if he could read my mind lmao
No. 339214
>>339194It's completely normal, anon-chan.
It is more concerning that you've had thought about 2d boys, but we have little control over who we are attracted to.
Don't worry. It will be awkward at first, but if you start dating he'll be very interested in what you thought about him back then.
His ego would get a huge boost if someone thought of him sexually, that's just how men are. So it's probably fine by him and you don't have to worry that much.
No. 339221
>>339220oh thank you so much for solving my life-long question.
I was never taught that and I'm pretty sure my mother doesn't do that, so I started doing it by myself and it felt like I'm some kind of freak doing something wrong. Good to know I'm not.
No. 339222
>>339220other anon here
now that we're on the topic, is it normal to also wipe the back every time? I just feel like it's moist there too and it feels gross. I'm not sure if I'm just being neurotic about this.
No. 339238
>>339223>>339228whew thanks for the reply, guess I'm normal after all haha.
>I just can't get used to wiping "the right" wayMe neither, I always kind of rub so that it's clean enough…but I don't think I should do that anymore because my vagina is getting irritated. Like I said i'm pretty neurotic about wiping and cleaning down there and I never learned the right way (who the hell besides your mom could teach you this anyway?)
No. 339252
>>339238nayrt but i just dab the pee away from the generalised vulva-crotch area, rubbing is supposed not that good bc you can get an uti from rubbing your faeces in. idk how you can cover
all areas wiping front to back, i wipe the anus separately with a hand behind back. love this sacred knowledge sharing kek
No. 339274
>>337895Your brain literally consumes glycogen to function. Macronutrients are broken down into simple sugars and stored as glycogen.
After about 12 hours of fasting and once the glycogen reserves run out, the body starts breaking down lipid cells to release ketone bodies. Said ketones function as an energy source for the brain.
Essentially you see a sudden drop in cognitive function once your glycogen depletes and once that shock subsides and you run on ketones you go back to normal.
If you want fast-acting macros then look at simple carbs, sugars and plenty of fluids. A chocolate bar before a big school test, for example, works well.
No. 339384
>>339381what if it's about someone the person who is asking about it doesn't know at all? that is, there's kind of no reason to be polite about it? would you then think they're potentially just trying to conceal their attraction to that person?
(this isn't a question about my attractiveness, just saying, though i feel like i've made it sound that way)
No. 339397
>>339374>>339384Are you esl? Saying "not really" isn't polite at all. It's super rude because of the roundabout snarkiness and the tone in which this phrase is said. It's actually more rude than just flat out saying "no" and moving on.
That person doesn't think the other is attractive, plain and simple.
No. 340349
>>340288The only time it makes me mad is when anon A responds and carries on as if they're me (the OP), and the conversation delves into a fight with secondary anon B. Then anon B, who means to insult anon A, winds up typing something to insult me the OP because they don't know anon A isn't me. Usually this happens when I post something and don't come back to lolcow to shepherd my post for several hours to a day or so.
It sucks to be insulted on a personal level for shit I didn't do.
No. 340367
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>>340340it would be nice if posters were given random tags in each separate thread to avoid people pretending to be other anons and identify the spergs easier, would still keep it anonymous but eliminates sperging
No. 342225
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what’s you guys’ favorite christmas song(s)?
No. 342625
>>342620You still have a chance to do better than my 26 year-old virgin ass lol.
I think more of my friends lost it in college… but, like, freshman year.
No. 342656
>>342620Maybe. I always assumed people had sex after/prom.
I didn't lose mine until college when I got in shape, started taking care of myself, and being more sociable.
No. 342748
>>342620i’m 22 and in the same boat. being ill and mostly absent throughout high school + introverted + living desolately isn’t a very promising combo.
i’ve had guys show interest in me/trying to do sexual things to me in the past but i’m fucking terrified of men and those were the closest to male friendships i’ve ever had. i’d rather lose it to someone i’m comfortable with than to some rando at a party/someone i want a platonic relationship with. i don’t have any regrets in that regard yet, which is good i think. it will take whatever time it needs, anon.
No. 342774
>>342620Honesty, most sex is disappointing and you're not missing out on much.
Sex is entirely male pleasure focused and the main act of PIV is inherently risky to women (pregnancy, STDs, injury/death).
I know it can be enjoyable with someone you love, but it can STILL suck with people you love.
I wouldn't race to lose your virginity, unless you want a pointless and meaningless memory to look back on.
No. 344061
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>>342532Generation z person
No. 344179
>>344166I wipe on and away from my butthole. The "don't wipe forward" thing sprung up because some women actually swipe the dirty paper towards/in their labia after they've taken a dump. That is literally putting shit in your vadge.
As long as you're not using the same dirty paper to wipe your labia you'll be fine.
If you only did number 1 then it's negligible.
No. 345204
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What's the difference between a repulsive retarded incel ranting about how women should remain pure and celibate until pregnancy because biology and a repulsive dyke radfem ranting about how women should remain pure and celibate until pregnancy because biology?
No. 345251
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>>345204Incels want to control women for their own benefit, radfems want to protect themselves and see celibacy as a safe alternative to sex. I don't think women should refrain from sex for feminism's sake unless they actually want to, but there is a logic to women being conservative about sex.
No. 345261
>>345255Thank you, anon.
My thing is 2D only.
No. 345271
>>345238Pretty much. You probably got that from watching too much yaoi and seeing shota getting abused or something
Sounds like you're feeling guilty over it and wants someone to tell you it's fine kek don't forget this site is full of disturbed people
>>345255They're literally representating children, you don't have to like little boys in rl to have pedophilic tendencies.
Even if it's just drawn it's a copy of a child's body, pureness an vulnerability
No. 345338
>>345261good to see you hiring for the one sicko in the thread to validate your pedophilic tendencies.
>I'm just attracted to moms raping their kids not gross gay sex xDddget help.
No. 345574
File: 1546114983354.jpg (124.08 KB, 1600x1000, 1310975130393.jpg)

Can I have some artist's advice please?
I paint normie things like landscapes, but also like to draw fan art of anime characters sometimes. (Pic not mine) No shipping or sexual content just normal drawings.
I have been wondering if I should upload it all on the same blog/social media under my name? Or should I use a separate account and identity for weeb art? I don't wanna split up like that but at the same time I don't think people who wanna see my serious art wanna see my anime pics. And maybe they think lowly of me for those pics. What to do.
No. 345667
>>345585>>345663Thanks for the input.
I have some professional art/commissions there, but it's a blog not a portfolio.
No. 345789
>>345738No you idiot, your label is asexual. Everyone must have a label in today's world!
No. 348003
>>347304Wow anon, same here! I plan on using just my name, no family name. You could use that or a nickname.
I also think I need to already have a folder on my phone with my work, so I can upload consistently. Life can get in the way, and having that to fall back on would be great.
No. 348005
>>347304>>347387>>348003I'd also like to put my art out there more, but I really hate the idea of having my real name out for everyone to see
I'd suggest you start with a nickname and maybe just your first name just in case.
No. 348668
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I see a lot of these "photo with a cropped section of extreme close-up of the subject's eye, repeated over and over" pictures on Tumblr. Can anyone explain to me why they are popular? Where did this aesthetic motif come from, and why is it so prevalent now? What is the meaning?
No. 349977
File: 1546795493662.gif (325.84 KB, 500x296, FC37EACC-54CD-47C6-8086-C86D8A…)

what’s a really good affordable camera for beginners? i wanna be more active on instagram and take pretty pictures but idk where to start. i’ve only ever used my phone.
No. 350038
>>350026I almost suggested a usb or hard drive but…you don't have a computer.
Why do you not own a computer? Even a little netbook or something?
No. 350052
>>350034I don't really know how DropBox works besides "cloud storage" but I will look into it! I have no idea what the interface is even like, aside from being linked to Snapchat videos from anons on lolcow. I felt the website was poorly designed in those instances so I dismissed Dropbox entirely but I will look into it for these purposes. Ty
>>350038Yeah I really miss having a computer, I feel like half my fingers are tied orsomething when trying to navigate the OS'es of my tablet and phone. Hopefully this will happen soon. I have an online shop too that is almost impossible to run from these devices…
>>350042This is what I've been doing for the last year or so, but it's really a pain in the ass to remember what photos are newly saved and need to be added to the flash drive, across two devices. I literally email pics to myself to get them from the tab to the phone or vice versa it's just not ideal… I also have like 2 zip files of backups and a bunch of duplicates. It just gets messy. I even use a duplicate file remover but like I said it just gets overwhelming and cumbersome to juggle all this.
I guess it boils down to the fact that I need a computer, really. I haven't had one for like 3 years since my old ass Dell crapped out. My life is embarrassing kek
No. 350059
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>>350053Itayrt & just to be sure, are you referring to pic related? Just wanna confirm before I dive in.
So what happens if this company or app or whatever goes out of business in a year? That's my main point of hesitation in committing to cloud storage. Also, would I be able to back up the cloud onto a flash drive? I just don't trust these servers to keep running forever (I barely know what I'm talking about but I hope you get my drift lol).
No. 350070
>>350059Yeah. And mega doesn't show any signs of going anywhere. I'm sure it won't for a long time, it's a really popular site. But if it did, they would definitely warn you before and give you ample time to dl all your stuff and move it somewhere else.
>would I be able to back up the cloud onto a flash drive?Yeah, if you want lol. What's stopping you from using a micro SD or a regular SD like everyone else though?
No. 350108
>>350070Thank you very much for helping me!
And lol, good point. I have a large flash drive that I've been using so I defaulted to that. But in fact I do now have a microsd with 64gigs so I'll use that instead. Doyyyyy
>>350074I am very paranoid about this. Have you ever lost* hundreds of personal and curated photos or files, never to be seen again? It's actually devastating. I won't go through it again!!
I've actually contemplated for a moment printing all this shit out for physical copies but that's expensive as fuck and a little insane, especially for non-personal photos. Then my kind is like "WELL WHAT IF THERE'S A FIRE" and it just gets ridiculous from there haha
Also I'll just be frank I'm a NEET poorfag and have been for a long time but I'm working on it.
No. 350110
* my MIND thinks there will be a fire. Another reason I need a computer– I can't type for shit on these touch screens despite using them for years.
No. 350289
File: 1546852134411.png (106.01 KB, 326x243, tumblr_inline_p7g8dvzAdQ1s48u4…)

i've never been able to masturbate with my hands, it gives me little to no pleasure. i dont have any toys so the only way i can get off is using the massage setting on my shower head and using that as a dildo, but that's really inconvenient and annoying as i can't look at porn at the same time. am i doing it wrong? is it normal to not be able to get off with fingers? does anyone have any guides or tips? i just wanna beat it to material rather than just thought.
No. 351040
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>>350634I'm from another part of Europe and imo, French culture is seen as more classy than Italian culture. People love the sound of the French language, there's French skincare, French movies and the stereotypes of France being romantic and elegant. I've never been there myself but that's what I usually hear from people with francophile tendencies.
Italy is stereotyped as having good food, sunny weather and hot men. I think that's it?
No. 351051
>>351033why do you have a cupcake maker and not a waffle iron? are you a sim?
also just make crepes they're superior
No. 351472
>>351403Iron supplements are famous for making people nauseous enough that they puke
Buy the special iron pills that are gentle on your stomach and keep track of how much you're taking
No. 351507
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I’m reading an English translation of a Russian book, and I’ve noticed for some reason that the names of some characters (pic related) or names of towns seem to be shortened/split in half with a dash. Why is this?
No. 351512
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Is it true that the holes that commonly appear in the back of Bonne Chance Collections dresses are for leashes and collars because the store caters to the uwu sub ddlg crowd?
No. 351810
>>351509Thank you anon!
>>351785It is envy. Mexicans aren’t the only nonwhites to bitch about white women, you see black women doing it all the time online, saying we have no lips, no ass, age like shit, etc. From what I’ve seen and heard, white women are like a prize to nonwhite men and that probably makes women of their own race jealous.
No. 351821
>>351810I was referring to both genders on both sides. Both mexican men and women love to bitch about white men and women. The dudes are CLEARLY envious of white men and desperately wish to be white, it's so fucking sad. I'm sure the same is true for the women though too.
And I don't really hear black women being so envious about white women. Black people are super chill and don't talk as much shit but when they do, it's not as obnoxious as when mexicans go about it.
My bad if this turns into a racebait discussion, i know it probably will.
No. 351869
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>>351865Buy it and make it a personal mission to brainwash their baby from womb to become a Moomin diehard fan.
No. 352018
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>>351865No, I literally just bought a niece a Rupert bear egg up for Christmas, she's not going to have a clue who he is but one day she'll ask and someone will have to EXPLAIN.
No. 352062
File: 1547125218585.gif (910.4 KB, 480x272, My life sorry for the speed of…)

What is the safest way to browse 4chan? I would like to read the /toy/ board, but don't want to be exposed to random child porn raids that I have heard happen from time to time. I tried reading archived threads on nyafuu but they drive me crazy cause I can't enlarge the tiny pictures without clicking on a file name which then opens the pic in a new window. Plenty of broken links too. Is this my only option?
No. 352077
>>351799I know plenty of men who prefer a deeper voice over a high one. I have one friend who sometimes complains about women with high voices because it hurts his ears.
So don't worry, eveyone has different preferences.
No. 352083
>>352080I was literally browsing /toy/ a month ago and while I didn't personally see cp, I saw posts by people complaining about it not being deleted for some time. Same situation as on lolcow I suppose but with a higher chance of happening.
Dunno what about my post made you think I am underage.
No. 352088
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>>352083You admit you know that it happens here too, and yet here you are.
No. 352100
>>352088It happens here rarely and I usually check /meta to see if there is something skeevy going on. Huge chance someone already mentioned it there. Then I don't browse for a while till mods take the trash out.
Note there is no third party lolcow archive website or app so I don't have a choice of how to browse this imageboard (which is an option w/ 4chan). I enjoy lolcow and to stop browsing because of the occasional raids would be like letting robots win.
Lolcow is pretty unique, tbh I would gladly browse another toy sperg board instead of 4chan/toy/ but I haven't found any which covers all the bases at the same time (fashion dolls, bjds, Pokemon figures etc).
I don't understand why you are trying to pick a fight with me over such minor bullshit.
No. 352821
>>352720Agree with this (although also not from experience), even sucking from a straw is forbidden unless you want to dislodge the clot and have more dentist bills.
Give it a good month, it took about that long for mine to be safe for straws/particle food. If he breaks up with you or cheats for it he's an asshole lol.
No. 352956
>>352675If you can't wait much, do what
>>352821 said and wait AT LEAST a month. But honestly maybe you should wait even longer than that. I had to remove my wisdom teeth and it's fucking painful, it hurts sooo fucking bad afterwards. I seriously doubt you will think about sucking anything for a couple months, even after it's healed, because the pain is so bad that it will be enough to scare you for a while.
No. 352966
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>>348703Old, but I found another pic as an example. I've seen it earlier than PR's stuff, so it can't be based on that.
Seriously, who/what inspired this?
No. 353174
>>353163Eh, I have huge tits too and they tend to be pretty numb majority of the time. I’d say it’s pretty normal the bigger they are, iirc there’s a limited amount of nerve endings there and the larger the mass then it goes without saying that the further apart these nerve endings will be
I wouldn’t be too concerned if that gives you any peace of mind
No. 353246
>>353241One of my classmates and also my cousin both received letters about torrenting movies once, they both had to pay thousands, yes.
Obviously this is not guaranteed that you will have to, but it occurs, yeah.
Why download? Streaming is widely legally available? Such unnecessary trouble.
No. 353262
File: 1547315523129.jpg (47.82 KB, 325x550, c5431c0922954b7199f6d739ace589…)

I see this kind of picture posted often on this board when we talk about certain cows, is it a meme or is it actually true?
I ask because my old employer had the same exact eyes as the bottom ones when she got angry. I've always thought it was really weird, and she was actually batshit crazy and oozed psycho murderer vibes. Whew, I did the right thing by leaving…
No. 353273
>>353241I've only ever received one email for downloading copyrighted content, and it was just a warning. It really varies per person and your ISP I think, but I think physical letters are a little more serious. What did the letter say? If you plan on continuing to download such content opt for a VPN, or like
>>353246 said and just get a subscription.
No. 354985
>>354984ill get sick much later in the day after having a panic attack and when im feeling better. same with the shooting pains.
but of course, anecdotes arent medical opinion.
No. 355126
>>355107one youtuber that immediately comes to my mind - if you like comedy bois - is kurtis conner. i don't know if he identifies as a feminist or shit but he's very supportive, even in jokes.
Cody Ko and Noel are more lowkey but watch their stuff on Russ, you can see that they're not edgy morons about women
Call me a sensitive snowflake, but yeah I hate it when the youtuber I like suddenly shits out some women-hating edgy content. I feel genuinely hurt and betrayed lol. Usually that's when my subscription ends. So tired of this trend of "the feminazis at it again!" vids, wish we would leave tHe EdGe in 2018
No. 355297
>>355256>then so must be most of modern youtubeUnfortunately, sort of. Chris Fleming and the McElroys are the only soyboys who get a pass because they're actually funny (or at least the McElroys were a year or two ago).
Now that I think about it, I don't really go to youtube for funny stuff because most of if… isn't. Tumblr and more or less twitter are better for that. I usually only watch pokemon videos, kpop boy fancams, cooking asmr, and beetle fights on YouTube. That "pastry chef attempts to make _" series is entertaining enough too though.
No. 355640
File: 1547829248298.png (277.02 KB, 796x343, cheeks.png)

sorry if this is really dumb but ive been wondering this for a while. what do people even mean when they say 'high cheekbones'?
do they mean the type of cheekbones that the girl on the left has, or emily browning, for example? because, to me, while the girl on the left has higher cheekbones than emily browning, i don't feel that this looks more aesthetic. am i wrong here? are people actually talking about like, protruding cheekbones rather than height when they say 'high cheekbones'?
No. 355926
File: 1547861691622.jpg (26.39 KB, 500x364, Rinoplastika_nosa_foto-_video-…)

I wonder sometimes if I'm actually ugly and no one has told me yet. I have a nose that looks just like the "before" in pic related. I've always been self-conscious about it but not to the point of getting surgery. A lot of girls considered ideally pretty have slightly upturned cute noses with no noticeable bumps. Would contouring work? Could I ever be considered attractive with a prominent nose?
No. 355929
>>355926i can't get over how sad that girl looks in the picture lol.
anyway yes, a lot of people think aquiline noses are nice. i would've never looked that the before pic and thought that girl needed a nose job.
No. 355958
>>355926The after is a bit of an improvement. It's not something that would make or break your attractiveness but it does make the rest of her features flow together a little better.
I think you could achieve something similar to this with filler. They last on the nose for a few years rather than a few months like the rest of the face. Might be something to consider if it really bothers you and surgery isn't something that feels right for you.
>>355952>I don't think she looks good before or after but it's not at all because of her nose. Her eyebrows are downturned like she's sad all the time and her mouth area is in permafrown mode. Having hooded eyelids doesn't help that.ow. why'd you have to come for me like that anon?
No. 356329
>>356319I've never dated a guy like that but some of my friends have, they're usually pornsick redpillwd types. I don't understand how a woman can bear to be with them.
Dicks aren't pretty but as long as they're clean they're fine.
No. 356344
>>355926>Could I ever be considered attractive with a prominent nose?Absolutely. There are plenty of successful & pretty celebrities who have larger/prominent noses and I'm sure you could find tons of people who find them attractive. Dita von Teese, Meryl Streep, Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga, Uma Thurman, Gisele Bundchen, Paris Hilton, Rachel Weisz, etc. don't have little ski slope button noses but are still considered beautiful to many.
And like
>>355929 said, a lot of people actually love prominent noses. It can look elegant and classic as long as you rock it with confidence. I know it sounds really cheesy but if you radiate confidence nobody will care about the size of your nose. I know a girl with a prominent nose that sounds similar to yours and even though she's conventionally attractive and gets compliments all the time and has no trouble getting guys, she's so insecure about her nose and can't stop bringing it up. I've known her forever and not once have I ever thought that her nose was ugly or she needed a nose job, but what's ugly is her constantly complaining about her "ugly beak" and tearing other women down.
No. 356352
File: 1547925232922.jpg (6.33 KB, 300x225, 21DejQuoT2L.jpg)

Why do bananas sometimes smell like cheese? Is it the chemicals/insects spray put on them? How come no other fruit ever smells like that?
No. 356356
Maybe it's a certain brand you buy? I have never, in my many years of banana consumption, sniffed a cheesy banana.
No. 356363
>>356356Haven't payed attention to which brands have the smell/which ones don't but I'll certainly do that from now on, thanks anon! (Although I have noticed the cheaper ones tend to have the smell more often)
I just wonder why the grocery stores don't wash them off first? Whenever I wash them off at home the smell is gone.
No. 356925
>>356909End Highschool, early college.
>>356895Thank you anon, I'm going through this from the start!
No. 357036
>>356975You don't HAVE to, but if you have particularly sensitive skin or you're trying to fix something it's easier to do that so you know which products are causing problems immediately, should they arise.
I switched up my routine basically overnight and it was fine, but wasn't trying to fix any major skin problems like persistent acne.
No. 357639
>>357627was in the same boat, I was even going to apply to art school but then wound up dropping art completely after high school and didn't do anything but doodle for like 7 years. after i was gifted an ipad i decided to get back into it and have improved leaps and bounds just by drawing every day and using references.
if you enjoy art as a hobby it's definitely worth getting back into. it's never too late. you will definitely improve if you put a little effort into it. i feel like i finally have a hobby i don't have to force.
No. 357911
>>357625he's a clinical psychologist who rose to fame after speaking out against
a proposed bill that would legally compel people to use preferred pronouns, including the bullshit ones like bunself/xirself.
because these actions could have potentially ended his career and landed him in jail, he was championed as hero of free speech and went on a lecture circuit where he continued to gain notoriety. he then became known for championing men's rights and acting as a father/authority figure to loser males and telling them to 'buck up' and 'clean their rooms.'
his political views lean conservative. he is christian, supports traditional gender roles, and said he would have voted for trump.
No. 357956
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has michelle phan had work done? she looks so different to me. or is it just the different makeup style or like weight loss or something? her face just looks slightly off in her recent instagram pictures.
No. 358076
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>>357956Damn I didn't even recognize her. She still had work done in pic, but imo she looked better before.
No. 358096
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My lips are weirdly colored, like around the outer part they are a lot darker mauvish-burgandy color and in the center they are a light and pinkish. Why is this? Is there a way to get rid of this? For the recond, they aren't chapped or anything. I have tried to draw kind of how they look.
No. 358185
>>358131I would say possibly but it could vary from person to person. From my experience, it naturally caused such vivid dreams there was no need to really try making it lucid. I would be between half awake and asleep while having conversations or doing things if I wasn't in bed in time & it would be hard to tell the difference between the two.
Don't take a higher dose than recommended or too often and you should be fine. Be careful with long term use because antipsychotics can be horrible to come off of.
No. 358192
>>358131Seroquel only gave me the most uncomfortable sleep ever. Like you're not sleepy and comfy but your brain is forced to shut down and the only way to relieve the terrible impression that you're going to pass the fuck out is to lay down.
If you're going to lucid dream on that shit you're in for a world of nightmares and ghouls.
No. 358233
t. just woke up from a lucid dream on seroquel
No. 358252
>>358248I’ll be honest, some cheating I can empathise with; those with abusive partners, partners who have been deployed for a very long time and might not return, partners that are in long term comas. Yeah, it’s shitty, but people crave human touch and to feel wanted. I don’t agree with those circumstances but I can empathise with why someone might reach a breaking point and be desperate for someone else to hold them.
But I’m regards to what you were saying, I’d be severely disappointed if my partner were to cheat on me because of a mental breakdown - that shows that they’re hugely volatile and I can’t place a lot of trust in them in case of another breakdown, and more likely than not they’d try to use poor mental health as a justification for the cheating rather than an opportunity to go to therapy and better themselves.
No. 358262
>>358252But if there's no desire behind sleeping with them, I don't see how it's as hurtful as the other. I'm not talking about someone that has desire, outside of the mental illness induced impulsiveness and that the breakdown just made them unable to control themselves. I'm talking about someone that is like, maybe self destructive and slept with someone they don't like or something as a means of self harm. Obviously it's difficult to be in a relationship with a person like that, but I'm talking purely what is jealousy inducing and very hurtful, like I'm talking just raw feelings.
Realistically, yeah, it's going to hurt because it can potentially dash dreams of a functional relationship, but I'm just talking jealousy/the act itself hurting.
No. 358268
>>358263>Of course it hurts, my hypothetical partner still fucking cheated on me in that scenario. If they can’t hold back on these impulses they shouldn’t enter monogamous relationships, because one of the biggest dealbreakers for most people is if you sleep with someone other than your partner i'm not saying it doesn't hurt. i'm saying it's not the same as the other and is less hurtful because desire isn't the motivator, yet men don't see the difference.
>Just because it’s ‘self-harm’ (really though, how exactly. This sounds like someone trying to wriggle out of responsibilities)it's not. 'sex as self injury' is recognized in psychology and psychiatry. sex can absolutely be used as a form of self harm and self sabotage.
No. 358415
>>358408No, why would you think it odd? Genuine question back.
Unless it's fetish-y or racist it's perfectly fine and common. I'm mixed and have characters of several different races. If anything it would be weird to have something set in the west in the modern day and not have some brown/black people.
No. 358551
>>358442That makes sense, although I'll admit most of the asian ppl I meet are asian-american with the same mannerisms as me or others. That's when it gets difficult and I don't assume anything until the person tells me lol
>>358517lol what
No. 358580
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To any fujoshi out there, what is appealing to you about yaoi?
I have a hard time understanding the appeal, even at my deepest and cringiest weeb phase I liked straight anime boys so I could imagine myself dating them.
pic unrelated
No. 358586
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>>358580idk, it's just hot. same reason why guys like lesbian porn.
No. 358656
>>358580I dislike shipping because in 95% of the cases the subjects end up out of character, but if I want some kinky porn with fictional guys most of it will be fujo. It's infuriating, either you have porn drawn by guys that focuses too much on glorifying dicks and being shit to women or porn art by fujos that forces the characters into seme/uke tropes and sometimes goes full omegaverse.
If I read any fujo stuff then it's just for a sadistic humiliation kink, but damn do I wish there was more solo and straight art that panders to women for some characters.
I've seen artists that draw straight shipping stuff get bullied on twitter by the rest of the fandom and it's so tiring.
No. 358901
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What do you guys think about the new abortion legislation in NY? The gist of it is that now in NY a woman can have an abortion, for any reason, up until the baby is born. I've always considered myself pro-choice but this just feels wrong to me. Was wondering what others were thinking about it, particularly other women.
No. 358907
>>358901>>358901Women who late-term abort normally do so because it either endangers the life of the mother, or the fetus won't function properly after birth.
See the Hartley thread in snow.
No. 358911
>>358901Abortions are best done as soon as possible. The only women seeking an abortion past the 2nd trimester would be those whose lives are in immediate medical threat, or perhaps those who came from an abusive or some kind of other difficult situation where they were not able to seek counsel sooner.
All the NY legislation does is give health practitioners the ability to perform the late abortion in good faith and judgement over women's lives. It doesn't mean wanton harlots who just loooooove the sensation of having their insides sucked out and damaging their bodies with pregnancies they don't actually want for months will be able to prance into an office and get one without good reason.
As someone who's had the unfortunate circumstance of having both a D&E abortion and a pill abortion, I'd have sooner taken the latter if I knew the horror of the former and if circumstance granted it to me.
No. 358912
>>358706 but also because it lets me imagine an ideal world where men are separate from the bullshit actual males have (mainly their shitty soulless version of sexuality)
>>358656>porn art by fujos that forces the characters into seme/uke tropes and sometimes goes full omegaverseI'd rather have that then having them be your usual shallow bathhouse slut or someone who claims to want to be in a monogamous relationship but can't because they think they can base a relationship purely on lust.
No. 358985
>>358912exactly, its a fantasy of how we wish men could be but they never will.
taking the girl out of the equation also gets rid of eyeroll worthy gender roles/norms and uncomfortable feelings about women not being treated as true equals (especially in japanese culture) or being treated as nothing more than a pair of bouncing udders. some of us even find it kind of cute when the submissive character steps outside of those expected gender rolls and is allowed to be kind of "girly." annoying fujos treat it like some lgbt thing, but yaoi is more of a feminist thing seeing as it doesn't reflect gay culture in any sort of way. most of the men in the stories are completely monagamous and never cheat on their partners. its straight womens fantasy, mainly written by straight women for other straight women.
No. 359264
I am bothered by how yaoi fandom is the norm among fangirls/shippers. Sure bl couple fluff is cute but when it comes down to business I don't wanna be cucked by a man. Show me a dude who actually loves pussy and isn't a sexist idiot. Now that is the ultimate fantasy!
>>358985>its straight womens fantasy, mainly written by straight women for other straight women.And even if it's written by women it's still all about men pleasing men's bodies. God forbid a man was portrayed as attractive for women and pleased women's bodies in our own fiction.
No. 359293
>>358580I would rather be attracted to both halves of a couple and experience actual romantic/sexual interest in the characters I'm shipping rather than having to just tolerate a girl I feel nothing for. I can like her as a character, don't get me wrong, but if I'm actually shipping (ie looking up fanart, fic, etc), a character I'm not attracted to is a waste of space who contributes nothing.
I have never felt the urge to self insert, I can't relate to that at all. I don't want to be with a character, I just want to see them be cute and sexy with someone else who I find cute and sexy. There's a lot of good and logical theory about why girls like m/m shipping, but the core reason for me is that simple.
No. 359464
>>359392Yeah same I want to see things I'd enjoy irl and can relate to.
I do like "bottom guys" - if they are being femdommed, that is. Why should only men get to have all the fun in comics/fanworks?
No. 359546
>>359515there are a bunch of places like this in northern europe. lots of tiny villages near beautiful nature. these places often wish that more people move there, as most people move away to the big(ger) cities. going on a vacation to such a place is a nice thing, but living there? what kind of climate and culture are you used to? there are small things that foreigners ignore when they move here (such as daylight savings, people being "introverted") that they can't handle. i'm born in northern europe and have lived in all of the three countries you mentioned. while they are beautiful and have a lot of positive qualities, there are things about the cultures that really rub me the wrong way.
i have this same romanticised idea though, i would love to move to a tiny british village even though i know reality is far from my idealised dream.
No. 359548
>>359543They do draw phantom dicks/faceless self inserts sometimes though. It's not all lesbian or solo lol.
I would be for more phantom vaginas/faceless women/PoV in porn, and clearly other anons want something similar.
I draw some like this myself, but the men I draw are of weird taste so I'm not posting lol. No. 359561
>>359549You believe showing a straight man having sex is for lesbians? Kek
>>359548Anyway yes this. I want female pov.
No. 359768
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>>359543Every doujinshi is filled with cock glorifocation, I don't know what you're talking about.
>>359549>>359565>lesbians want to see straight sexThis is the logic /u/ trannies use about straight porn. Imagine being this stupid. Imagine thinking that by having a female character involved the art would have to focus on her and not the guy. Imagine being so insecure about women you'd rather watch a butchered ooc version of a male character get fucked in his yaoi hole that magically works like a vagina because the doujinka never had sex and wants to self insert.
No thanks, I'd rather watch a guy moan in pleasure while having sex with a woman.
No. 359931
>>359899Hentai is made by men for men and no matter how you phrase it women don't enjoy watching those characters "get fucked sensless" because they're obviously degraded, humiliated and treated like toys.
Why is it so hard for you to understand something so simple? Women are not the target audience of hentai.
No. 359971
File: 1548442920534.jpg (Spoiler Image,473.44 KB, 692x1200, 51683140_p5.jpg)

>>359899>Anons: I want to see straight erotica from a woman's perspective.>This anon: You want to read degrading hentai made by and for men! Lesbos!???
Anyway, don't look at this yumejoshi pic anon, you'll turn into a lesbian.
No. 359993
>>359980probably because its easier to imagine a man pleasuring you when theyre doing it with a woman. you were already told that but all u keep screeching is "lol gayy"
looking at two dudes fucking is the most boring taste in the world. srsly are u a 13 year old discovering her first yaoi doujin
No. 360004
>>360000Middle eastern is fine. Getting historical, you can say levantine but no one will know wtf youre talking about.
>>360003Uh no.
No. 360007
>>360003As someone who is into linguistics this confuses me because Arabic and Hebrew are classified as "Semitic" and they haven't really been historically connected to Europeans. Considering all the historical reasons, Middle Eastern seems like the right word. Persians' language is Indo-European and there is the whole Proto-Indo-European hypothesis, so I understand them being classified as Caucasian. Turkish is classified as "Turkic", which is a language family originates from Central Asia. Turks whose ancestors migrated from Central Asia would be classified Asian but Turkey in its current form is fairly heterogeneous (so are Saudi Arabia and Iran but not as much as Turkey) with different ethnicities, I'm not sure about the statistics on which ethnicity's genes are more common in the population
Would be cool if a historyfag informed us about the topic
No. 360042
>>360007Historyfag here and
>>360004 is right. Arabid/Levantine are the most acceptable
No. 360170
File: 1548461792735.jpg (71.15 KB, 600x726, 27-Bow-Nail-Art.jpg)

>>360169Something like this!
No. 360172
File: 1548461967175.jpg (288.71 KB, 1200x1200, opi-reykjavik-has-all-the-hot-…)

>>360169If you don't have this in your collection, you're not living.
No. 360173
>>360170That is lovely! But I don't have the tools to do something like that unfortunately
>>360172Ugh that is gorgeous. I have a similar shade in a flat color. Dusty rose it shall be!
Tysm anons
No. 360183
File: 1548464097698.jpg (27.44 KB, 375x500, 5f6b92c7c844e28016c9abf5a66fcc…)

>>360173Also if you're a rich bitch, are good at saving money, or just flat out don't care, you should totally get this. It's kind of hard to find and expensive now but it's so freaking pretty and everyone irl notices it. It's called Yokohama Twilight. I usually get my refill from ebay. I love OPI so much
Sage for nail polish sperging
No. 360186
File: 1548464995549.jpg (54.64 KB, 1024x731, IMGP7495_zpsa1f5c20d.jpg)

>tfw poorfagOPI is soooo good. Especially in the sun. And tbh if you're not using Seche Vite topcoat it's hardly worth it!! That shit makes the crappiest polishes look like gemstones on your fingertips.
One of my faves is
Peace & Love & OPI. I put a base coat of gunmetal (
Garage Band by Sally Hansen to be exact) to really make it pop without wasting too much of the OPI
No. 360191
Would you guys be interested in a nail care/nail art thread in /g/?
>>360186I am a complete buffoon when it comes to painting my nails, but a coat of seche vite and a clean up with a cotton bud dipped in nail poish remover makes everything looks good. Even if all your other polishes are crappy cheap ones, it's a really good investment. It actually ended up not being as expensive as I thought. I had it mixed up with nail envy, which is definitely out of my budget.
No. 360201
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>>360169Just make sure it's not that toxic like having formaldehyde or toluene. OPI is a good brand for that, I was looking at their pamplona purple
No. 360209
>>360191Yes please!
>>360191It really is a worthy investment. I found a 2-pack on Amazon for $9 and it felt like Christmas lol
No. 360282
>>360280They have different proints like bands and all, each one of them unique and serves a certain purpose, I'm just tired of going thrugh all of them when I want a specific one
I am a loon. A goth. Finding things in my closet is like diving for trash.
No. 360325
File: 1548508579549.png (5.51 MB, 1125x2436, F62C338A-4E12-46F7-AFA1-BFBC1C…)

>>360289Yes it makes you shorter and more likely to have bone related issues.
Pick up a dumbbell and weightlift to increase your bone mass.
No. 360351
>>360349I mean. I won't argue that.
So is your answer that it's individual?
No. 360365
>>360351Nope, every single man is exactly the same anon. Wtf? Of course it's individual. Are you okay?
Btw I'm a different anon.
No. 360845
File: 1548622318716.jpg (35.2 KB, 234x620, d3ca7b099c301f32544b65c60fbe3a…)

Thoughts on woman with crazy long hair?
You remember back when you were younger in school, and there was that one girl who was odd and had knee length hair? I'm that girl. I take care of it now, it's not in a giant braid like when I was a kid but I still get negative comments on it from time to time. I just think it's a part of me, it makes me feel feminine. For some woman it's their curves, wearing heels all the time. For me it's my hair being long.
No. 360854
>>360845You'll never know what people around you irl truly think of it because those that don't will keep it to themselves. If you only keep it because it's the thing that makes you look feminine, maybe you need to work on your confidence or other areas of self presentation.
I'm also a long haired girl and I accepted long ago we look like gross crazy Amish to most people, but I keep it because I like the elven fantasy look. If it genuinely makes you happy then hell yeah keep it, only do it for yourself
No. 360864
>>360830Depends on the person.
From the people at my uni I've met a lot of snob trash, one guy straight up told me all art is worthless because it won't remain after humans are gone. A lot of people clutch onto their success as compensation for other things in life and want to feel like they belong to an elite.
Basically, you'll know- just trust your intuition if somebody makes you feel uncomfortable. Red flags are if he mocks emotions, takes shows like Dr House or Big Bang Theory as a guide to life (my cousin is kinda like this, oof), if he talks a lot about how important his work is (implying thecwork of other peoplis lesser) etc.
No. 360870
>>360864Yeah, I guess I'd find out pretty fast since I make art in my free time and it's my biggest hobby.
Just seems like there's a lot of cocksucking of STEM majors at the moment, and while they deserve it since it's hard work, it's silly that the work of people who study people are undermined or seen as dumb. Classics majors who know a shit ton about ancient Greece and Rome are just as impressive to me as people who can make robots. It's all cool to me lol.
I just don't know the likelihood of someone who constantly has their ego stroked developing the same view as me. I'll admit it would be tempting if I was in their shoes.
No. 360880
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>>360845imo, only do this if your hair is thick, not necessarily the strand thickness, but just make sure you have enough hair to do this because obviously the longer it gets the stringier it starts to look. hers looks horrible. i notice a lot of the women that do this have that kind of white trashy color and generally have a white trashy look about them. this might look nicer if your hair isn't blonde or mousy brown.
my hair is butt length bc im lazy and i still get lots of compliments on it, but i think butt length is really the absolute maximum bc beyond that, it starts to look white trash religious culty, especially if you look like really american with like, anglo ancestry
imo, this looks way more feminine than that pic
No. 360890
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>>360881i know it's a natural color. my hair is a mousy brown and i hate it. obviously im sure some people might like it, ymmv, but it doesn't often look great, especially when coupled with very long hair, which already has a tendency to look neglected. it just looks unkempt. it's just a double whammy of trashiness to me
very dark brown hair, especially when it's multi-tonal, can make very long hair look the best, in my experience. this is still way way way too long imo, but it just looks more elvish and elegant in comparison to the mousy blondes and browns
No. 360893
>>360845Once hair goes past your hips it’s stops being nice and turns into “which fundamentalist cult is she from? Her best friend is a horse” vibes.
>>360890Wife number one lovingly tends to wife number sevens hair.
No. 360896
>>360893>Once hair goes past your hips it’s stops being nice and turns into “which fundamentalist cult is she from? Her best friend is a horse” vibes.I've seen a few Latinas in town with hair past their butt and they pull it off pretty well, but the majority of them who have their hair that long are never older than college graduates. They looked like the urban sporty types, not really cultish or elven.
That reminds me, I've seen an Asian woman at a theme park with hair down to her ankles. It was in a ponytail and at first she didn't look like she even had extremely long hair until she turned around. Really elegant and looked like it had extra care done to it.
No. 360900
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>>360892why dont you try henna and indigo? it worked for me on my mousy brown hair and no damage for me at all. pic related is hendigo. you can buy it already mixed so you dont have to fuck with trying to get the right color
or you can just dye with semi permanent dye? it should take pretty well on your hair?
>>360893>Wife number one lovingly tends to wife number sevens hair.kek, so true, but i think this is basically the best case scenario for ultra long hair. the sad thing is that the wrong length can take gorgeous hair and make it look terrible. her hair is beautiful and it'd be so much prettier at hip length. super long hair basically only detracts from your beauty imo
No. 360904
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>>359515Swedish anon here! Lived in Stockholm all my life but I own a little house in a small village too.
Idk it might just be the Stockholmer in me but living in a small village is nice nature wise but it get's really boring quickly. There's not much to do there so usually most swedes own a house in a bigger city and travel during the holidays to a house in the country. It can get lonely and finding jobs can be hard there.
Also, depends on where you're from but some swedes from smaller places can be a bit racist too.
On the other hand, there's places 30 minutes/1 hour away from central Stockholm that might work for you. Like pic related. It's not too remote but still pretty nature-y. Some even allow you to have horses on the property too and you'll be surrounded by forests.
I've heard that Sweden needs more scientists so you'd probably find a job somewhere in Stockholm.
No. 360942
>>360896Honestly the fact that they’re Latina is enough to make them not look like a fundie cult. The Hispanic community just doesn’t have that weird Mormon history like Anglo americans do.
That’s something that really only happens to us white girls. We grow hair past the hips and it’s sister-wives or horse-girl. Super long hair on women who aren’t white still looks weird imo, but it just doesn’t give off that aura of “I got married at 14 because Jesus said”
No. 360949
>>360947Most of the Indian people live up in the city so I’ve never seen an Indian woman with super long hair. When it’s about waist length the Indian women I’ve seen looked great, they took care of their hair and it was nice.
Probably I just don’t know enough Indian people to notice
No. 360950
>>360830>Business major looking to become a CPAyou'll probably be outearning most STEMfags tbh. People hear about engineers in the Bay Area making 100k+ and think that's the norm. Most STEM jobs aren't in demand and don't pay too well.
College guys might be cocky but the slightly older guys out in the working world will likely be more humble
No. 360958
>>360947Native American/Indigenous Indian or overseas Indian?
I've seen both wear their hair really long in a braid.
No. 360962
>>360958People from India
>>360956Yeah, but Americanized Indian girls usually cut their hair to an average length.
No. 361051
>>360985I should have been more clear. I don't feel anxious about my body being dehydrated. I just all of the sudden anxious (tight chest, suddenly feeling the urge to take deep breaths, heart beating hard) for no reason but then I realize it's bc I need to drink water.
I wonder if it's a sign of something else though, like maybe low iron since I'm currently on my period.
But it's a good thing to carry and drink water like you do anon!
No. 361106
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>>361095Asian people aren’t naturally skinny they have to work out and diet to stay thin.
Most traditional households cook heavily at home so also that’s a massive influence combined with the beauty standards and pressure being hard
No. 362053
>>361095Are you sure they're not skipping breakfast/supper also? And how calorie dense are those high carb foods? Plain popcorn for instance is high carb but mad low calorie.
Could also be that they're more active either intentionally or unintentionally. I've heard that people who are more animated during communication/fidget more burn some extra calories.
No. 362066
>>361095They legit just eat better. That's it.
That's really it. My in laws are chinese and they eat very healthy and cook good home cooked meals. A lot of asians dont eat fast food and over processed shit.
No. 362171
>>361095I rarely see any skinny Asian women outside of Asia. As soon as they start to eat our fatty food and no longer have to meet the strict beauty standards of their home countries they all balloon up.
I'd even argue that most of them have to eat less than euro or black girls, because they're on average much Shorter, with less muscles.
Plus, we as outsiders obviously only see skinny idols and actresses. Normal Korean or Chinese women are also often fat or at least appear so, because not working out + short legs + a few extra pounds can easily make you look very stocky.
No. 362175
>>362172Anons randomly introducing themselves in threads like this
>Hey this is pretty cool found this from the fashion threadSudden intense kpop fangirling (more than usual)
Just a general feeling.
No. 362183
>>362175Guess I haven't seen these posts but yeah that kpop thread was a bit surprising to see.
>>362177Being here for 1-2 years doesn't make you an oldfag.
No. 363577
>>362309Thank you anon, I've never been a reddit user so it didn't occur to me. Will give it a try.
>>362294You don't say.
No. 363899
>>363884How so? Is it the gameplay, the story?
If it were just me, I'd wait for the sale. However, my bro is persistent so…ugh
No. 363902
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>>363899I guess the story? The gameplay is nice, but I think it's uh.. very clear that they put way more energy and making everything look 'good' than focus on the story. There's a lot of moves that look cool but are way too much (Like I'm sure you saw the ship move, if not pic related). The whole first part of the game is just "Heyy guys remember this!?" I feel that's probably gunna be the entire game tbh. The music is nice tho.
No. 364059
>>364047Wait then what did you mean by "you can access it on your main UK account with no issue?"
I had to buy dlc for djmax respect with a hong kong account (since I own the hk release of the game) and I can't access it on my main US psn account or my JP psn account. Both dlc AND dlc sharing are region locked to my knowledge. Pretty sure games aren't though.
No. 364072
>>364059I mainly use my JP PSN account but I'm able to access US DLC for my US region games.
If that's your case where you can't even accesses it all even though the regions are compatible, it must be the publishers choice.
No. 364179
>>364175Fuck it why not.
He’s tried soliciting you so might as well see fin he’s an idiot.
No. 364208
>>363967Hey, anon, thanks! I was reading a bit more about region switching and a lot of people do it so I guess there shouldn't be any problems.
I presume you're also
>>364072If so, which games do you recommend? I'm learning japanese and read NHK news with little issues but I'd like to play some games in Japanese only for the immersion and practice.
No. 364297
>>364215Thank you! I'm browsing the store now.
>>364253Thanks, any recommendations?
No. 365009
>>364361I have several questions for you:
>how long did you stay in Japan? A year or a semester?>how fast did you improve, when did you start being fluent if you are?>how much did you study Japanese while there? Did you have more intensive Japanese classes at some point in uni?I was studying Japanese in college but other classes made it impossible to improve as much as I wanted and I was too poor to move anywhere, let alone do an exchange year in Japan. I'm considering going to Japan after I graduate since I've got the money so I can learn faster in my everyday life but not sure if it's going to work as well as I'm hoping for. And not gonna lie, but I'm really jealous of people in my classes who had their uni exchange in Japan because they either improved fast and are fluent or they didn't improve much but were slacking off and getting good grades because college there is easy mode.
No. 365934
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How do you get your life back on track?
No. 366055
>>360097there's no way that's legal, anon. i hate that people act like driving cars is normal and that you're abnormal if you don't drive. i got into a car crash and now have very bad anxiety, but i always was very anxious about it. it's very dangerous and people always act like it's such an irrational fear.
most of my family is in medicine and they've seen horrible things from car crashes.
>>366044take a driving course and just get your license so you can drive so people won't mock you and act like you're a stupid lunatic. that's what i did. just drive around your neighborhood slowly and practice. the driving license test in the US is very simple and you just literally go around a corner. i legit almost peed my pants dealing with one of the instructors because i was so anxious. people still act like i'm insane for not driving though, but it's not as bad as them judging you for not being able to drive at all. you can't live in the US and not drive, apparently.
No. 366072
>>360781Wtf? Your sexuality is definitely moulded by your lived experiences. Also, it does partially influence how you navigate life.
>>360767If it bothers you, maybe think about why you're a sub. Like make sure it's not a defense or coping mechanism.
No. 366073
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>>366072>replying to old posts>ctrl+f "sub"fucking radfems
No. 366398
>>366159Nta but I have heard that from plenty of women into bdsm, that they were abused but now they are doing bdsm to feel in control.
Not healthy at all but it is a real thing.
No. 366439
>>366398Isn't that almost the exact line of thinking that is behind promoting "sexual empowerment" for women?
That women are in "control" of their sexuality and desires so therefore men can't control/abuse them?
No. 366773
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guys with really developed pecs have really boobie looking pecs that kind of look nice.
do you guys think i can perk up my boobs more by really developing my pecs?
have you guys ever seen any progress in this department by developing your pec muscles?
No. 366879
>>366773 >>366843
get a big stomach, it will hold the boobs up all the time & they will never sag. Free plastic surgery 10/10 only McDonalds needed!
No. 366944
>>366942Pansexuality was first defined as being attracted to cis people and trans people. It came about before non-binary was a thing. They used this mainly to bully bisexual people for not being woke enough to like troons.
Of course, after a year or two troons started complaining that saying bisexuals, straight people and gay people couldn't be attracted to trans people and it needed a whole new label was transphobic. So pansexuals redefined the term to mean "basically bisexual but more into androgynous people."
And then Tumblr blew up non-binary into a thing, so pansexuals had a handy out and started saying pansexuality meant being attracted to men, women and non-binary people. They then resumed bullying bisexual people for not being woke enough, until bisexual people were forced to redefine bisexuality to also mean being attracted to non-binary people, making pansexuality obsolete again.
No. 366956
>>366952I’m one of the anons complaining about it, and here a few things that always ruin what could be a good lesbian couple:
- they’re lesbians just because. It adds absolutely nothing to the story, it doesn’t impact their characters whatsoever and there was obviously little to no thought put into it
- they’ll act like a het couple in the sense that none of the problems they come across will be wlw specific, and almost always there’s a “woman” and “man” dynamic involved. One will be hyper feminised and quite meek/submissive, while the other is very masculine in their behaviour, often larger than the femme, and extra points if they make them dress like a teenage boy.
- it’ll come off as fetishisation if there’s an absurd amount of gays in the story, almost every single relationship will be wlw when real life isn’t like that at all
- and lastly, they somehow never ever face any sort of homophobia. It’ll often be set in a modern time and everything will reflect reality, except how everyone is apparently just fine and dandy with everyone being a lesbian. These women seemingly never gave any sort of struggles to do with their sexualities
Long story short, don’t make them lesbians unless you actually have good reason to, it’ll impact the story in a meaningful way, and you treat them like actual human beings that will have faced struggles
No. 367015
>>366999Because a woman doing something wrong is considered 10 times as bad than if a man did it
Seriously, even if it's just being bitchy or what ever
People can admit men are slobs, violent, sloppy, loud, etc but point the finger at women and talk about how they don't want to be around women because "wahmen are bitchy :(", never mind men starting fights, screaming, crying, etc
With cheating, people will admit men cheat more, but act like women deserve to die for cheating, but a man cheats? Poor baby just wasn't happy
A man who gets put in prison for fucking a 14 yr old is a poor innocent victim being punished by the system, a woman who fucks a 17 yr old is an evil child molester and proof women are just as bad
Everytime a man murders or abuses, the finger is almost always pointed at women
Like when the streamers girlfriend threw cardboard at him because he wouldn't put the game away and be with his family, he beat the shit out of her while she was pregnant, in front of the kids. And of course what were the comments focusing on?how she was an evil abusive woman and had it coming
Chris Watts case, mom gets blamed for the fact the dad murdered his family because "she TOLD him to turn the lights on not asked him"
The best part about all of this is that you aren't allowed to bring this up, you can shove the evidence right in their face, and they will still pull the whole "but this doesn't happen!! It's actually happening to poor oppressed men!!evil women!!! Men get blamed for everything!!" Shit
No. 367029
>>366979>men only wanting women with good looksAh, ah, ah.
Don't forget that women must now also have good jobs, pay half the bills, AND do most domestic functions like cleaning and cooking!
The playing field is already so unequal I laugh when men say they only want someone pretty when there's so much more that implies these days. They're vain, and they also want a slave.
No. 367051
>>367049I have the same issue and it does help a bit, anon. It's not a miracle worker though.
Do you wear your hair back a lot? Don't scrape your hair into tight ponytails or buns, it'll put pressure on the hair around your temple and make any thinning around there worse. Also, try caffeine shampoo (and leave it in for about 10 - 15 minutes). It usually doesn't smell very good so I follow it up with regular shampoo but it does help.
No. 367054
>>367051Thanks for the advice anon, I suppose it's worth a shot then!
I actually tend to wear my hair down, and when I use a ponytail only tie up the back part and leave the front of my hair loose and tucked behind my ears. I think in my case it's just genetic. I'll try out the caffeine shampoo as well then!
No. 367058
>>367054Hope it helps, anon!
In my case it's genetic too, I never wear my hair up. For the caffeine shampoo I personally use Alpecin, which is actually for balding men, but I've been using it for about four months and I do see some difference. It's the caffeine that's important though, so I don't think the brand matters so long as it's a caffeine shampoo.
No. 367318
So is my friend Alice crazy or what? I don't really see her anymore but I was just curious if this was a sign of something.
I met Alice through some mutual friends while I was taking a break from college. A few months later, I returned not knowing very many people, so it was cool to have a friend on campus to hang out with. We did a lot of stuff together, and I had fun. But soon I stopped hanging out with her because I thought she was kind of annoying and we didn't have compatible values.
One thing Alice liked to do that was kind of weird was call me "mommy". No big deal, I did that with my friends. She would sing "[my name] is my mommy." But as Alice became more annoying, I got annoyed at that deal too.
Alice and I stopped hanging out. Last semester, she and another girl named Lisa started hanging out. Turns out Lisa and I had a lot to talk about Alice. Apparently Alice had told Lisa all about my dating history which was weird.
But what was even weirded was that once Lisa and Alice were hanging out in a common area in a dorm. Alice was sitting on the floor and singing the mommy song in front of Lisa and everyone who walked by.
A year before we hung out, Alice had been sent to inpatient for a couple of days over break. I figured it wasn't a big deal, since I also had mental health issues and had been sent to crisis before.
But I wonder now what exactly Alice had or has. I feel like unlike another anon, I haven't had experiences with people with serious mental illness or personality disorders, but now I wonder otherwise.
No. 367322
>>367134You know you can just google your tdee and find out right?
Search engines aren’t new.
No. 367324
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How do we not have an active lesbianism thread? Would love to contribute to one, just curious.
No. 367325
>>367324What is there to discuss?
Lesbians aren’t a different species.
No. 367368
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>>367355Sacrifices mostly.
>>367352That’s what I mean. We’re all women, and a thread specifically to sperg out over bisexuals vs true lesbians and slapfights over whether or not someone’s celebrity crush is good looking or not. Beyond sexuality what do lesbians specifically have in common to chat about? Being seen as porn by gross neckbeards? That’s the man hating thread.
Plus lesbian anything is always troon bait.
No. 367558
>>367557it seemed like a bad idea just because lesbians as a whole only have sexuality in common. It’s weird to assume all gay women need a safe space to chat about gay stuff that they all share via their gayness.
Anon seemed determined that thinking lesbians aren’t a hive mind is an anti-lesbian hate speech
No. 367564
>>367558>It’s weird to assume all gay women need a safe space to chat about gay stuffHonestly wtf are you talking about. Straight people gather to discuss their interest in the opposite sex specifically all the time. It wouldn't be weird for men to have a thread to talk about girls, we have plenty of threads about boys, and gay people certainly have more to talk about than those threads considering it would also include issues with sexuality rather than just relationship stuff.
Wanting to discuss common interests and issues relevant to themselves with similar people isn't being a hivemind. It's bizarre that you would think that.
No. 367565
>>367562Hey I said troons will totally take over and just be gross but secret-lesbian-society anon says it never happens.
Nobody is stopping you, one person just couldn’t see the need for a thread proposed like lesbians are a hive mind.
No. 367573
The only thing I had an issue with was anon assuming all lesbians will have things in common due to being lesbians.
That’s like saying all Chinese people will get along because Chinese. There is nothing in the world other than an attraction to women that is universally lesbian, so it seemed weird to assume that you’d all have something to chat about instantly.
No. 367605
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>>367377The Lesbians … MY people …
For real, just make a thread, it will be alright. The sperging about tranny-invasion needs to stop and doesn't warrant a total halt on topics. Personally, I'm not sure if I will contribute as a bisexual but that's fine.
No. 367607
>>367573…are you blind? Chinese people gather to discuss Chinese things all the time. We have several threads for people from specific countries. There are subreddits and /int/ threads and websites and forums for different groups of people because even if you can't assume they will 'get along', they have things in common and enjoy talking to people from the same background with similar experiences.
It sounds like you're trying to be casually woke by not assuming anything about people but it's starting to get really divorced from reality.
No. 367608
>>367607Misunderstanding=casually woke.
Next level.
No. 367610
>>367605Why would you? We already have a bisexuality thread.
This is the number one reason why I'm against it. It will just turn into Bisexuality Thread 2: "How do you do, fellow wuh-luh-wuhs?" Edition. I want to commit a hate crime against every bisexual in existence at this point so sharing a thread with them is gonna be a no from me, dog. I'm half convinced they're the only ones who want it in the first place tbh.
No. 367612
>>367384I'm not even a lesbian but lesbians
do have their own culture going on. Not all of them engage in it, but just like gay men do, lesbians do as well.
No. 367622
>>367610I have never seen a bi thread here but good to know, thanks. Sorry you're so hurt and bitter. And yes, sometimes under a blue moon bis and lesbians have things in common and you wouldn't even know it's a bisexual commenting and
gasp they can even get along. Not that you would know
No. 367625
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>>367622>Sorry you're so hurt and bitter.Yeah, sure I am. Sorry you look like pic related right about now.
>sometimes under a blue moon bis and lesbians have things in common and you wouldn't even know it's a bisexual commentingNah, you guys are like troons. You think you're flying under the radar but we can always tell. It's just that unlike me, some lesbians don't mind. /end derail.
No. 367630
>>367628It was the third one, anon. I was one of those obnoxious little teenagers who made a big stink about being a real kweer because I thought Ruby Rose was pretty. Then I grew out of it and realized I'm just straight, like most people.
You suck at this, I'm kinda disappointed.
No. 367637
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>>367622Why don't you just make the comment or post your thoughts in a bi thread then lol
Literally just make your own thread it's free. You can post as much as you want in it
No. 367640
>>367150i'm on the tall side, not an amazon though.
>>367322i'm not asking if eating 1k cal is going to make me lose weight, i'm asking if it's
too little. i'm eating way below my tdee, i'm just wondering if 1k is borderline ed territory. there's a reason for why i posted this in the stupid questions thread.
No. 367695
>>367688>implying being biphobic is a shit character traitits no shitter than being transphobic and 99% of the retards who bitch about it would agree with that sentiment lol. sit down and stop trying to meme your sjw tripe into being red pilled, tumblr radfem.
>>367691just because we're both women doesn't mean i have to tolerate you.
No. 367753
>>367691It's just one farmer, anon. I made the original post
>>367324 but I'm actually bisexual myself but primarily interested in women. I thought it would be nice to have a place where we could all discuss lesbian media like books, tv shoes, movies and give feedback and recommendations. Discuss dyke style/fashion choices and more serious things like coming out stories and how we all discovered we liked girls etc. I don't really understand the bisexual ree'ing on both sides. You can contribute to a lesbian thread without outing yourself as bisexual. Just don't talk about being straight/ loving men? There are plenty of threads for primarily heterosexual interests and discussions. I apologize for the infighting I started among fellow anons.
No. 367762
>>367753>I'm actually bisexual myselfHoly shit.
>>367610 called it.
No. 367788
>>366956>>366952I dont think having lesbians 'just because' is really an issue. Its like having heteros just because. It makes sense for people to be lesbian for no reason cause thats essentially how people exist irl. I wish more people would just let fictional characts be x minority without making it out to be apart of some sjw agenda
I think the only reasons it tends to feel forced and unnecessary is when its fetishized and if it has the male/female dynamic like you said.
But bi anon, you shouldnt worry about it too much. Especially if theyre just minor characters. Just avoid those red flags and you should be fine
No. 368019
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Does anyone know where this figure is from or who the artist is?
No. 368080
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>>368063God, my eyes rolled to the back of my head with some of those sentences. Brown seems like every other try-hard edgy nutcase tbh
It's funny because now it's super common for edgy artists just slap bondage on cute stuffed animals and having swastikas everywhere and think that they're ~*challenging society*~.
No. 368283
>>367812autophagy is not inherently bad. it can prevent lots of illnesses, or at least this is what nutritional science is telling us. intermittent fasting is great for autophagy. cell death is bad when you're talking about ana-chans and heart muscles.
1k is way too low, anon. go keto and stick with 1.2k a day.
No. 368421
>>368409i think the same as you, i think that anti vaxxers are pretty stupid but id say their numbers havent really changed as dramatically as people make it seem. like you said its always the same few facebook groups, and a lot of people on reddit who claim to be children of antivaxxers or even just some of the people posting antivaxx shit are obvious trolls. its only gaining attention rn because its an easy target to make all the self entitled people feel ~rational~ and smart.
its also laughable when people start reeeing about how anti vaxxers cause measles outbreaks, in a rich deveoped country like america a measles outbreak usually means a few hundred people at most in the entire country, there are also other factors such as illegal immigrants who may not have had the measles shot in their home countries, and also if the measles vaccine is given under 1 year of age it can fail to protect the child against measles and make them susceptible to catching it. even if it was solely the antivaxxers causing the outbreaks then that would mean their numbers wouldnt be higher than a few hundred or a few thousand tbh.
No. 369091
Is my brother a repressed homosexual? I think he is, but my family refuses to see my view.
>is 40
>hasn't had a gf since high school
>tall, conventionally attractive, educated, employed
>aggressively despises women
>said he believes women "destroy civilizations"
>pro-life despite not being religious
>says he can't find a woman attractive if she has a "particular type of nose"
>rambles about wanting a wife and kids someday, makes zero effort to meet women
>had a 'crush' on a girl but never acted on it, raged when she kissed another dude and called her a whore, slut, etc
>went to bangkok by himself
He is not autistic, NEET, or a weeb. What do you guys think?
No. 369102
>>369097I just wasn't aware being latent meant being oppressive insofar as being anti-choice, and concerned about the actions of their opposite sex crushes, no. Seems like a reach.
The brother is clearly a dejected man who now scorns women for rejecting him despite his desire to want them.
No. 369409
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Did anyone try this? I feel like buying one since it would save time and money instead of going to a laser removal salon, but my body hair goes from dark blonde to almost white depending on the area. I don't know if I should spend almost 500 bucks on something which supposedly shows results long after the trial period is over.
No. 369485
>>369420(personal opinion)
>Why do trends become dated?Because everyone starts doing it and it isn't "special/unique" or whatever anymore
>And why do we think "dated" = bad?Everyone's doing it so it's not "cool" anymore
No. 369641
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>>369409no but i tried pic related (tria) on my dark brown pubes and it works
No. 369826
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what the fuck is this shit? i didnt ask for this youtube
No. 370248
>>370233No porn on IG and facebook is shit. Depending on what youre into you might need to check forums and boards and stuff for decent porn.
Why couldnt tumblr just follow in the footsteps of half of their userbase and start begging for money? I mightve donated if it meant I wouldnt lose what was essentially the only decent porn site in existence. They probably wouldve gotten more from it than they ever will from ads now that everyones gone.
No. 370258
>>370233Ugh ikr, i cant get off to much anymore because I really liked that tumblr had a lot of home videos that were authentic instead of your run of the mill scripted brazzer video.
>>370237Have a convo about said grandma and ask questions unless you already know info about his grandma. It takes two to tango so if hes not contributing or responding then I wouldnt feel bad about it, thats not on you.
No. 371594
>>371590My bf likes to cuddle a lot and is very affectionate. My past boyfriends have been the same, I'd go as far as to say that they've all liked that even more than actual sex.
>it serves no purpose to themIf you date actual human beings instead of assholes you'll see that this isn't true at all.
No. 371927
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I have two stupid questions both vag related.
1. Why do I have the urge to piss every time I orgasm and am done masturbating?
2. What's the cause of a pimple on a vagina?
In the past couple of years, I've been getting one pimple on my vagina approximately every half a year (not in the same spot) and when I get them, they hurt like a bitch.
No. 371935
>>371927You’re meant to pee after sex or masturbation. Prevents utis.
Same cause as any other pimple. Could be an ingrown hair, could be a larger pore that blocks easily. I get the same thing.
No. 372487
>>372476in that case you need to find jobs
before you move. the landlord will likely reject your application if you don't have a job where you're moving to. you need to be looking for both things at the same time, even if you have money saved up you're risking a lot by moving in without a secure job.
No. 372613
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Where does @sheslethal stream live?
No. 372949
>>372942I have no common sense and I skipped science at school.
this though
>>372938I can understand
and this
>>372941I'm going to work on
so thanks
Honestly, I have no iota of a scientific mind. I thought gravity might have something to do with it and then my brain froze. Water's so fucking heavy. It does my brain in. I wish I was a science-y, physics-y person because space and all that is really interesting. Brian Cox helps a little bit. Stephen Hawking gave me panic attacks.
No. 373122
>>373060>Maybe you have a strong personality, the way you talk, or deep-ish voiceI have none of it, which is why I find it surprising. I'm not particularly feminine or masculine or a tomboy, I'm shy with people I don't know very well and most of the people who asked were girls or women my age and gay guys. It was also never said like an accusation and an insult so far, but more like casual questions "are you a lesbian, do you have a girlfriend? that's cool"
>>373071I'm really close to my friends so that makes sense for the times when I was hanging out with some of them. I've had people ask me this when I was by myself though.
No. 373171
in grade school and high school everyone assumed i was gay because i didn't let guys treat me like shit, and i made it clear i was not interested in them. i also have a deeper voice for a girl, imo. in high school, people thought i was dating my best friend. when we had a falling out for a period, random people were going up to ask us what happened, like we broke up or something lol
No. 373226
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Can anyone help me translate this envelope someone gave me? I don't even know what language it is.
No. 374038
>>373245My sister, she said she found it at a convention
>>373235Thank you so much!!
No. 374700
>>373434>>373439Thank you for the answers anons!
I have more dumb question material for this thread, why do people fast when they’re trying to lose weight? Does it even work?
(Is starvation mode a thing?)
No. 374741
>>374731It's anonymous and female oriented. I'm sure a lot of women on other sites would admit to, for example, thinking male trannies are men if they were anon.
Plus a lot of us came from 4chan and got a front row seat to severe women hating so we cant deny the pornsickness and violence in them. And we're a bit of a mean site since it's built on gossip, so even if you don't gossip you're still used to a lack of hugbox and a lot more criticism.
No. 374762
>>374731On top of what's already been said: 1. libfem is mostly composed of tumblrtard hugbox ideology, which most anonymous imageboards' userbases tend to loathe for good reason; 2. lots of us are nerds and weebs so we've seen first-hand what AGP troons are like.
I don't even think a lot of anons are truly radfem, we're just gender critical and radfem just happens to be the most accessible expression of that.
I dream of the day when we'll all go full xenofeminist but I'm not holding my breath. Making fun of and being outraged by troons is easier and a lot more fun than delving deep into feminist theory.
No. 374908
>>374741Nta but tbh lolcow is the only place I’m honest about trannies because people flip out and may dox everywhere else. The best you’re allowed in public is ‘I don’t know enough to give an opinion’
If you can seperate the obviously insane man haters (the psychos who say boys can’t be raped etc) from the rest of radfem ideology it’s actually worth a look. The ones not calling for murder are just focused on women’s rights.
No. 375174
>>375169Some things are permanent, but majority aren’t visual. There’s scarring, stretch marks, and your skin may sag a bit from being so stretched out. One of the things to look out for is that abdominal muscles will stretch out and separate, the only way this can be fixed is through abdominoplasty. I imagine that like anything that strains and injures the body the younger you are the more likely it is your body will manage to bounce back and heal itself pretty quickly. Don’t have kids if you just feel forced into it, don’t let social pressure get to you in regards to this - it’s life changing in so many more ways than women are willing to admit. I wouldn’t be surprised if it shaved years of your life, it happens to other animals so why not humans.
With all the risks and commitments involved, it’s really not something worth doing unless it’s something you truly want and will greatly increase the quality of your life. I love my kids but I wouldn’t recommend having them to any woman who doesn’t feel certain about wanting them
No. 375773
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Is the muffin time song a weird call for help from TomSka? Is his success too much pressure for him?
No. 376513
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Does anyone here know of any media that features a sleazy, shitty, loser female character? Like a female neckbeard/incel of sorts?
I can only think of Tomoko, who fits exactly what I'm looking for, but I've kind of grown out of reading about high schoolers.
Webcomic/novel/etc. doesn't matter.
No. 376539
>>376513my lesbian experience with loneliness comes to mind. it's not
as sexuality focused as the title may lead you to believe, it's mostly mc trying to cope and overcome being a neet for 10+ years
No. 376594
>>376513>>376513The movie 100 yen love is really good!
The main character is a complete disgusting Neet sleaze bag that decides to try boxing just because, it's also low key feminist for a Japanese movie.
No. 376722
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Is there a definitive way to map your buttons for Beatmania/Pop'n ps2 games?
Please someone help me and don't say "du wutever suits u, dude." There isn't a single way that suits me on 9 button and some maps make certain button combinations are impossible. I'm close to going back to DJMax, at least those games have a fucking pause button and more than 2 good songs per game max.
No. 376739
>>376730Well, tbf I bet a lot of games aren't worth trying on a dreamcast controller lol.
I'm very comfortable with DJMax's 8 button on a dualshock 4. I just can't find a comfortable configuration for bemani games on any ps controller, especially not one that involves the
No. 376855
>>376835Third anon chiming in that it tastes horrible, and has the consistency of stringy slimy snot. I've heard that it depends on the person and their diet, but I personally wouldn't know. I can't even have it in my mouth without it
triggering my gag reflex so swallowing is out of the question. I don't know how people do it.
No. 376930
Since we're talking semen and blowjobs: anyone here ever had GI problems after swallowing?
The first few times I gave blowjobs I swallowed and ended up having explosive diarrhea a couple hours afterwards. Obviously I stopped after the 3rd or 4th time when it became obvious there was a pattern of swallowing semen -> explosive diarrhea and I haven't swallowed since but I'm curious if other anons had similar problems because according to google it isn't common.
Sorry for TMI
>>376895>>376903I've got one too. I'm not particularl hairy and it isn't coming out of a mole or anything so I always thought it was weird. Glad to see I'm not alone kek
No. 378109
>>378099fuck palmettos. i almost ripped open abdominal surgery stitches getting away from one a few years back and the bitterness has grown.
>>378090redneck meth heads are some seriously scary people. they will sell their kids for a hit.
No. 378202
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what is the purpose of rebloggy? it just seems like a place that reposts tumblr content without the source (which annoys the hell out of me when trying to find the artist of some drawing that i liked)
No. 379433
>>379380"Stan Loona" has turned into a meme for the last year or so, and they don't have a massive following but just a very visible, very loud international fanbase that skews the perception of how popular they are.
They're pretty special in the way it's basically some rich person's pet project so despite their lack of popularity (and possibly profit), the production values are extremely high and they have a lot of releases (individual singles for each girl, adding up to 24ish songs for their solo projects alone; then two EPs as a full group). Diverse, sometimes very experimental (for accessible pop) discography is an appealing factor.
But yeah, if you don't like Kpop, you probably won't like them either. The rabid fanbase can be annoying even as someone who likes the group, too.
And there is a random Kpop chick named Luna, which can make differentiating between Loona and Luna confusing to someone not into Kpop.
No. 380360
>>380336i don't mind openly bisexual men but i can't stand so-called "straight" men with a "dick fetish." you see them on reddit all the time, talking about how they'd never kiss or date a man and are totally straight but they want to suck dicks all day long.
closet cases are unattractive.
No. 380381
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Is applying for jobs by sending copies of documents + resumes etc via mail still standard/normal in other EU countries and the US?
Because I'm tired as fuck having to print/get a new copy for almost every second job ad I see. It would be way faster to just scan and send it, but instead I have to get multiple copies, buy envelopes and pay the shipping (which can sometimes be a bit expensive since it has to be via express).
It's not a bank breaking expense but it pisses me off so much that I have to spend money on some shit company and they don't even answer. Not that I'm expecting a mail back but come the fuck on
No. 380445
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>>327795farmers, how do i tell my mom she smells? i know for a fact she doesn't shower very often and she smokes. her car smells gross, the bathroom smells gross after she gets ready in it in the morning (literally almost gagged when i walked in, and she was just doing her hair), and SHE smells gross, like sweaty sausages and cigarette smoke. i literally told her a few weeks ago but she just got offended and my dad insisted that she didn't smell and it was suuuch a lie, plus men are weird and gross and like female BO anyway. i don't have beef with my mom in general but she needs to stop being messy and being stinky. wtf am i supposed to do now?
No. 380467
>>380445ugh that's such an awkward and touchy situation. he BO is especially touchy so I would try to focus more on the smoke because it's less… personal, I guess. Tell her something like "Sorry mom I don't mean anything personal against you it's just that I'm really sensitive to the smell of cigarette smoke and I know most non-smokers are too but they're just too polite to say anything to people who do smoke." Make up some lie about how you have a coworker who smokes heavily and everyone at work is bothered by the smell and they talk about it behind his back but nobody wants to say anything to him because he's nice, and you wouldn't want your mom to ever be embarrassed or judged like that. Maybe if you word it like you're concerned for her she might take it better?
And/or maybe try to give her some fancy, nice smelling soap or shampoo as a hint? Don't make it obvious of course, try to pass it off as you wanting to spoil her and give her a nice treat. If you don't think she would believe that, buy it and use it like once and be like "Ugh I feel so bad, (best friend/boyfriend/whatever) got this for me and it's so nice and expensive but I already have so much soap. I don't want it to go to waste, why don't you take it?" so it's more casual and friendly and less "take this fucking soap you smelly bitch" (even though that's what it is lol)
No. 380486
>>380472it's recent, come to think of it. i really don't know why though. last year she started smoking again but just these past few months (i'd say since maybe last summer) her clutter has gotten out of hand and she stinks more often, like sweat, and so do the spaces she occupies. it's so weird because the house is super clean and looks great otherwise (because of me cleaning it constantly) and she doesn't look like a gross person so it kind of shocks me whenever she smells bad.
i can't ask my dad because he doesn't think she does, he said so himself. i think men don't notice BO as quickly as women do though.
>>380467smoking is way more personal for her, i'd rather not mention it because she gets really angry, as she stopped smoking for years but picked it up again. i can put up with cigarette stench, not her BO.
i was talking to her earlier and just said "can i ask you something?" and i asked her how often she showered and she said every three days. i just told her "i've been wondering how to say this to you - you need to shower more. i'm sorry but you smell." and she seemed to take it okay. but who knows if she'll change, lol. she's always coming up with excuses for being gross and messy. i was just arguing with her a few minutes ago because she's mad i "moved her stuff" like a fucking hoarder… nearly every vent post i make ends with this: i need to move out.
unfortunately that won't be for a while since i'm in undergrad and don't have a job atm.
No. 381358
>>381357Yeah I was just asking because I was curious, but isn't all that you mentioned in
>>380381 due to a lack of internet infrastructure?
No. 381511
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Chinese anons
What does this mean on this menu?
I’d like to order lobster but I have no idea what that character means or why it isn’t in English.
No. 381677
>>381675Crystal snowball*
You know a ball you can shake and then the glitters or snow will float all over the globe
No. 381984
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how do you get over binge eating? i know the answer is p much stop binge eating, but its like everytime i take a bite of anything, i start inhaling whatever food i can get my hands on
does anyone that used to binge have advice to offer?
No. 381995
>>381984Take time to enjoy the meal. I sometimes distract myself when I'm eating by playing a game that makes you want to be focused. Like I play Pokemon and doing battles make me want to put my food down real quick and make a move. Of course, that'll come with greasy buttons at first, but remembering to use a napkin helps me slow down as well.
Do you feel anxious when eating? Maybe that's why you eat fast?
No. 381997
>>381984- Find out the reason why you binge
- Stop having easy tasty snacks around (you can't eat what you don't have)
- Eat regularly and make sure you don't go to the point where you feel like you're starving
I dropped about 30kg by dealing with my anxiety and eating more vegetables. Adding psyllium to smoothies etc. helps with keeping the hunger away.
No. 382024
>>38176710-11 but 11 when I saw the video
No. 382025
>>382004>>382007>>382008It's actually a very good question, anon. I'll answer you as someone who's been there since thread 1 but dropped at some point because the milk went completely dry and the threads went to shit.
In the very beginning she gained fame by becoming the "thicc Samus", in other words a cheap cosplay with aliexpress Samus Zero Suit bodysuit and a lot of shapewear. In her very first thread she came in to defend herself in a very obviously fake innocuous way, then turned into a complete bitch in a matter of few replies, started flaunting her money and that's also where the "I've gotten more contacts and money with that cheap spandex suit than you ever have" meme came from because that's about word to word what she said in her post. That's where it all started.
In a nutshell:
>She made false rape accusations for clout>Completely inept with costume making but kept on praising her skills and her famous "eye for detail" despite getting things wrong all the time>Before getting her Twitter account banned she was CONSTANTLY starting fights with various people>Lied about being a fan of the stuff she cosplays from, which is often considered against the etiquette in the cosplay community, acts like a knowitall by citing wikipedia knowledge but having zero genuine understanding of the characters or plot in the franchise >Didn't credit photographers or people she commissioned for cosplays until much later when she got into trouble various times>Buys Patrons and Followers on social media>Ghosts conventions (i.e. hangs around the venue without getting a badge and borrows one from a friend to go outside), another cardinal sin>Harassed multiple other people at conventions>Had a massive vendetta against another cosplayer who was judging a competition she didn't win with her shitty Mewtwo gijinka outfit and kept subtweeting her all the time>Growing up she was a spoiled guidette brat who had a Twitter history full of "My mom didn't get me the car I wanted, I want to stab that worthless fucking whore" tweets>On a related note she has ridiculously huge daddy issues but this should be obvious>She drove KBBQ, the guy who made a lot of props for her, out of the community with her personal neckbeard army and struck him repeatedly when he was down (such as trash talking his work and completely ruining the Saber breastplate he made for her just out of spite) because he didn't want to fuck her and because she found out that he had said to a mutual friend that Momo should chill out with the drama>NEVER mails out her patreon rewards>Pocketed money that was meant for a charity>Stole a design from the Milk Party manga and made it into her own OC>Stole a design from independent creators by having replicas recreated by another party (a Red Riding Hood themed outfit) and even admitted this because she claimed it wasn't "stealing" because "Red Riding Hood is public domain">Took lewd photos while cosplaying as a loli character to "Piss off the SJWs lmao!!!", then claimed it was actually an aged up version and kept tripping over her own two feet trying to handle the situation>Got liposuction done and lied about it, tried shilling some dieting product and claimed she had lost weight because of it and exercise. Admitted to multiple lipo sessions later ONLY because during a heated twitter argument her friend accidentally (or not) let it slip>Got multiple cats and obviously had no idea how to care for them, one of them got respiratory issues because she kept making props and causing fumes in her already pigsty apartment. She got a kitten from a shady backyard breeder and planned to take it to cons as an accessory (a "therapy cat" or whatever).>Lied about going to an university and was heinously bad at it too, was visiting conventions during the time the big finals were supposed to be>She actually lies about almost everything in her life to the point it's hard to know which parts are true and which aren't, such as being SO fluent at Japanese that she was one of the Umineko manga scanlation translators despite the group denying this, and making up a story about being fired from her job because she did cosplay despite gloating before that she quit it herself to become a full time costhotEtc. etc. Basically an unhinged person who does shitty cosplay porn but can't live without drama. There used to be a lot more to her than just being your run of the mill trashy costhot.
The big blowout happened when she got #MeToo'd, a lot of cosplayers came forward and accused her of sexual harassment. To be fair it was just her being embarrassingly autistic and lacking of self control by getting touchy-feely with people for edgelord points. Nevertheless it was still sexual harassment and she got her ass cancelled hard after that. Beyond that point the drama has been boring because she quieted the fuck down and lost her Twitter account so there aren't many social media spergouts like in the olden days. Nowadays the threads are a garbage fire because obsessed newfag anons just can't let it go and Momo is fading into obscurity as "that one thot who touched a vagina without consent".
No. 382053
>>381995>>381997thanks for the pointers, anons. i thought about it for a bit and kind of narrowed it down to a few things. mostly stress, boredom, and this fear that if i dont eat as much as i can while i have it, i wont have food later
i do occasionally stop eating for a day or two out of guilt and get why that seems leads me right into gorging myself sick the next day. idk i always figure ill have the strength to do it if i tried in order to make up for eating too much, but i just go on to pig out anyway
man.. typing all this out is starting to make feel a bit ashamed seeing just how little self-control and common sense i have lol.
Geez, i really appreciate the help anons. i guess ive got a bit to work on
No. 382060
>>382025Samefagging to clarify
>Ghosts conventions (i.e. hangs around the venue without getting a badge and borrows one from a friend to go outside), another cardinal sinObviously meant to go "inside the convention" with a borrowed badge, I'm sleep deprived so my post is full of unstructured rambling anyway
I also wanted to add that in the beginning of her career she used to sell herself as an "Arabic PoC cosplayer" for added exoticism and bragged about wearing a hijab to a Trump event because she's a Muslim. The thing is that she's part Lebanese (50/50 christian&muslim country in the Middle east) and during her high school days she told people she was Italian, so who knows what's the case. She has never celebrated Ramadan and drinks like a sponge, plus her family doesn't seem to practice Islam in any way either and both of her parents even support her porn career. She hasn't brought her being muslim in a few years now though so who knows what's the truth.
No. 382101
>>382060>>382025>>382043Don't forget that she very publicly, and repeatedly, told everyone the people bringing up the assaults were just "timed vendettas" and "dramatic" and to not believe them. They only wanted attention, my dudes!
She's also told many people to die/drink bleach when they poke fun at her bad cosplays.
Lied about being robbed in Peru and used it as an excuse to be racist and swore an entire country was full of shitty people.
Lied about being harassed and stalked in multiple public places because she's hot and sexy and her "fans" are creepy stalkers.
Selfposted her nudes on /cgl/ which led her to whiteknight herself in that thread and get banned, then subsequently attacked her first thread here because of the drama. (I was there for it, god it was hilarious)
No. 382480
>>382053It's alright, don't beat yourself up over it. It's not a bad thing to save food and have leftovers. I make sure I have enough 2 cup Pyrex containers in the cupboards for food and my fridge will be filled with a few prepared meals to eat for the next day or two.
I sometimes still binge myself because I get anxious intrusive thoughts about leftovers from time to time so I just try to finish all I can enjoy before throwing the food out, but I'm working on it.
You got this anon!
No. 382583
>>327795I need help. Call me insane, but I have applied an ad on this penpal website and clicked on the option that I only send and want to receive decorated mail, nothing else. Okay, so I worked my hardest in making it beautiful and adorable, she even said it herself. But when she wrote me back she wrote me a very sweet letter, an at least you tried tier letter. Not decorated, not even a sticker, colored paper, or something like that. Just written in plain ballpoint with lined paper.
I am sort of disappointed because international post stamps are expensive. How can I lie my way out of this? Or should I just wait until she sees my letters are more cafefully crafted? Easter is coming so I want to send her an easter box full of gifts only from my country.
Man I’m such an asshole.
No. 382710
>>382667It's a complicated answer with many different factors at play as a Google search would tell you. Don't believe "it's because of the trans-Atlantic slave trade!!!!" though, because that's far from the beginning or end of the continent's troubles. Also, I'm embedding a YT video on the subject.
>The School of LifeYeah, yeah, I know, but he makes a lot of
valid points. No. 382793
>>380467>And/or maybe try to give her some fancy, nice smelling soap or shampoo as a hint? Don't make it obvious of course, try to pass it off as you wanting to spoil her and give her a nice treat. If you don't think she would believe that, buy it and use it like once and be like "Ugh I feel so bad, (best friend/boyfriend/whatever) got this for me and it's so nice and expensive but I already have so much soap. I don't want it to go to waste, why don't you take it?" so it's more casual and friendly and less "take this fucking soap you smelly bitch" (even though that's what it is lol)Not that anon but woof this sounds familiar, people (family members, friends, coworkers) have been doing this to my mom for as long as I can remember. Deodorant, too. Our bathroom was always full of scented soaps and deodorants in their original gift packaging because she never opened any of it. Sometimes I did, but the gifts came in faster than I could use them.
She doesn't smoke and does shower every day (afaik, I moved out years ago) but never uses soap of any kind because she says it's bad for the environment. Even when she does laundry she skimps on detergent. I started washing my own clothes early in life because she'd always wash my clothes along with my father's sweaty and disgusting workout clothes without any detergent, so my clothes would come out much smellier than they went in.
I haven't thought about this in years and honestly never thought of my mom as being particularly smelly, though possibly that's just because my dad's BO is so bad it overpowers everything else. Nobody ever gave him soap though, I guess because he's a man and it's considered normal for men to stink.
No. 382900
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>>382889The only thing similar I can think of is Artemisia Gentileschi? But she doesn't contain knights in her art iirc so I'm not sure.
No. 382915
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>>382900that one is caravaggio, this is gentileschi's.
No. 382918
>>382915Thanks for letting me know!
my bad, I just googled her name and picked an image