File: 1437094352526.jpg (189.83 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nr73cpGX1u1s51juko1_128…)

No. 138644
File: 1437095086974.jpg (34.93 KB, 600x450, buddy-cole-colbert-report.jpg)

>>138636probably. true lolcows can't help themselves. they must either whiteknight, self post, or bash themselves while anon. its a compulsion.
No. 138659
O lawd I knew my time would come eventually.
At least you used a picture I actually kind of like.
No. 138676
>>138664lol I didn't make the thread.
I'd actually really rather it weren't here but I understand that I'm free game.
This is one of the reasons I've been pushing for unique poster ID's on /meta/.
>>138663In April of 2013 the UK introduced a penalty system to those who were in receipt of housing benefit colloquially known as the "bedroom tax".
I had just moved from a hostel for the homeless into a council flat and was attending college in order to get myself out of a bad situation, but unfortunately at the time the only flat avaliable to me was a 2 bedroomed one. I had to accept the flat offered to me or face homelessness, but then 2 months after moving in they introduced this penalty which stipulated that those living in accommodation which had more than 1 bedroom and was in receipt of housing benefit had to start paying an extra £30 a week to the council or be evicted.
I couldn't afford it but I only had a few months until I completed my final exams so I tried to reason with the council but it didn't work and I was eventually served with an eviction notice.
I spoke about my dilemma on Tumblr and somebody suggested that I set up a GoFundMe to gather up enough enough money to temporarily placate the council until I could finish college.
I'm actually a pretty proud person but I decided to put my pride to bed and solicit the funds.
I'm not proud of it, I'm actually deeply embarrassed but also touched by the selfless generosity of the people that did come to aid me, people who didn't even know me, but what can I say, I was backed into a corner.
I had already sold everything I owned of worth, everything, but it still wasn't enough. I was at the most desperate point of my life and had to face throwing away my education and a shot at climbing out of poverty forever or bite back my tears and beg.
Those are the deets.
No. 138680
>>138667Uh, they're naturally thick.
I pluck them into a reasonably neat shape but they're still really thick.
Sometimes I fill in little sparse patches with eyebrow powder which gives them an overall cleaner appearance but also provides the illusion of them being even thicker.
I really like them cause' they're mine.
No. 138692
>>138684Like the South Korean style?
I tried it once but it just made me look really grumpy tbh.
They really only seem to suit Korean girls.
>>138685Eck, really?
I thought it would look worse if people knew that I browsed regularly but then I continued to ignore the thread, like I was running away from my history.
I just want to clear the air surrounding a few things, for example my situation with GoFundMe because I find it really insulting to those that helped me out of an incredibly shitty situation for people here to insinuate that I scammed them or something.
It bothers me.
No. 138706
>you have no real claim to e-fameThe concept of me becoming "e-famous" couldn't be any closer to a fucking nightmare for me.
In real life I am painfully shy and anybody that knows me at face value will comment how little I talk about myself.
I don't want to be famous or known by any measure on here or anywhere.
I'm 23 years old now and leading an irrelevant, unremarkable life.
There is nothing special nor interesting about me or my activities but for some reason some people, including you, insist on discussing me. Well discuss away, but I'm afraid you'll find me rather dull.
>stop trying to get attentionTell that to the OP then, not me.
No. 138724
>>138708I received a poverty grant whilst at university.
It was intended to be used to support myself financially since I don't have parents or anybody helping me but I lived really frugally during my first year, walking everywhere, never going out drinking with friends and preparing packed lunches instead of buying meals.
I managed to save almost all of the grant and decided to use it to do something really nice for myself as a reward. Laser eye surgery turned out to be too expensive so I decided on the ear modification.
I've never treated myself like this in my entire life and I don't feel guilty. What would the grant have been spent on anyway? I can't drive, I have no property, it would have eventually trickled away on frivolous, temporary things or been taken away from me by family.
I knew this which is why I decided to use it then and there on something I knew would make me really happy. Okay it wasn't a sensible depiction I know this, but I'm really happy I did it.
You've never spent money on yourself to reward recent hard work or just because you needed a rare treat?
>>138718I was in Cumbria at the time and yeah it was fucking absurd because the room itself was so small it actually qualified as a box room but the council didn't give a fuck even when I tried to contest.
Irl I'm meek as fuck and had no idea how to defend myself or argue my case. I think it was because there were two storage cupboards that they said qualified as rooms as they could technically fit a single bed but if you saw a picture illustrating the size of them… yeah no. No.
Sorry to hear you've been affected by this though Anon.
I take it there were no 1 bedroom flats avaliable in your area to move into either?
No. 138726
File: 1437104669782.jpg (Spoiler Image,545.2 KB, 1200x1600, 1349307625266.jpg)

>>138708Spoony how does it feel knowing your tits will forever be plastered all over the internet and you're not even profiting from it? At least you were somewhat attractive when this picture was taken, you've just gone downhill since then. Why don't you stop selfposting on the internet already?
No. 138728
>>138724>You've never spent money on yourself to reward recent hard work or just because you needed a rare treatI didn't use my crisis payment at uni for ear modification no. I applied for it because I needed it for day to day living. If I could've done without I would've done so that someone who was also struggling could benefit and not someone who wanted fucking elf ears.
I've lived in the same flat for 16 years. There aren't any one bedroom housing association flats to move to.
No. 138729
>>138719Aha, actually when it all started the CAB in my town had just been shut down as it wasn't "cost effective".
I travelled to the one in the next town over and I spoke to an absolutely lovely woman but when I explained my case she concurred that it was absurd but that it sounded like I was "between a rock and a hard place".
She advised to keep communicating with the council and try to placate them with small amounts of money, whatever I could reasonably afford, and try to hang on until my exams in June to which I could promptly fuck off to university, which is exactly what I ended up doing.
But I did actually end up getting served with a formal eviction notice and even had to attend a court hearing in relation to it, which ended up just being a tiny room with two desks and a guy sat behind one with a microphone and a potted plant.
I was shitting myself because in my head I was imagining a full-on court room with a fucking jury and a backbench and everything.
No. 138731
>at least you were somewhat attractive when this picture was taken, you've just gone downhill since thenThat picture was taken 2 weeks ago.
Nice to know you find me "somewhat attractive" though :>
No. 138732
>>138706>I don't want to be famous or known by any measure on here or anywhere. yeah right. if this were true you would never post photos of yourself on here or the rest of the internet, change all your usernames and move on with your life.
fucking cry more, i hope you eventually learn to shut the fuck up because you're so annoying.
>>138728this. at least with laser eye surgery you could have tried to justify it, elf ears are fucking stupid.
just go.
No. 138748
>>138728Anon you seem to be confused.
What I received wasn't a crisis payment, it was a poverty grant setup by my university in order to divide funds up amongst the poorest students so that they didn't have to end up walking everywhere in lieu of being able to afford public transport, so that we were able to afford to socialise with friends outside of classes, so that we could buy our textbooks new etc.
Well I did walk everywhere, I never went out drinking, chose to stay in and study as opposed to going shopping with friends, prepared all my own food at my accommodation and ate it at university and I found all my books secondhand SO that I could afford to buy myself something nice at the end of the term.
I am sorry for your situation though.
It's bullshit that they have the nerve to apply this extra charge to the poorest of society for the luxury of living in a two bedroom flat that you don't even want but can't leave because they demolished or converted all the 1 bedroom flats decades ago.
>>138732I did change all my usernames, I've had over 5 in the past year alone and I've deleted my Tumblr 3 times before giving up completely. If people really want to find you they will find you.
>at least with laser eye surgery you could have tried to justify itJust how much money do you think I was awarded here? Because I'm telling you it was never anywhere near enough to cover the cost of surgery on even one eye. Not even half of one eye.
No. 138751
>>138742Er, I actually don't understand what you're trying to say here.
You've linked me to an old spam thread posted in 2012 and this is related to the picture of me in the OP how?
No. 138753
>>138748How to stop people from finding your tumblr or any account on anything realy: a guide:
Don't post pictures of yourself or incriminating info you attentionwhore. It's really not fucking rocket science.
No. 138755
>>138752Were you at university when you received it?
I don't think it's the same fund because the one I received was not a government subsidised fund, it was an independent fund setup by my university specifically that was unrelated to government funding and it wasn't intended for when you're in financial crisis, just when your calculated yearly earnings are below a certain level.
I know what the crisis payments are though but what I got wasn't one.
No. 138757
>>138754….Anon are you okay?
The photo of me in the OP was taken 2 weeks ago and reflects my current appearance i.e. blonde and with new glasses.
In the thread you linked the picture of me is from when I was 19 and I'm wearing a black wig and red scarf.
Are you trying to backtrack on you calling me attractive or what?
How on earth are you confusing these two pictures?
No. 138762
>>138757You realize that anon who posted the tit pic was probably talking about you being attractive in the era the tit pic is from and not your Groucho Marx-ass selfie, right?
Oh and also I never called you attractive. Different anon, turdburglar.
No. 138765
File: 1437107330027.png (397.43 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-17-05-27-15…)

>>138760Urgh dude you're right.
It's a terrible habit, I've always been like this and it bugs the hell out of me too but when it's actually happening I seriously don't see it.
Good night x
>>138761O rite nude.
The thumbnail didn't display so I thought you were referring to the OP picture nvm.
Nn ladies.
No. 138771
>>138706okay uh
idk you seem like a nice person irl and honestly the internet seems to bring out the attention-whore in most of us. like i understand that you probably don't think what you're doing is attention-seeking: after all, people bring you up first, you're just responding. and self-posting threads are made specifically for that purpose. it all sounds perfectly reasonable.
honestly it's just that you have a bad reputation. plus this is a bitch forum. we're always going to find something to complain about, especially the people who already dislike you.
basically just don't give them any more fodder. don't defend yourself, don't respond at all. just ignore it, or don't even go on this site at all, if it's difficult for you to refrain from self-posting.
because having to hear you brought up again and again gets tiresome.
No. 138774
File: 1437108291566.png (34.05 KB, 1899x223, 1433627516519.png)

>>138771>the internet seems to bring out the attention-whore in most of usMost of us were smart enough to not post nudes on the internet, even at 19.
>people bring you up firstBlatantly not true. Tripfagging/email-dropping never helped her case.
>she has a bad reputationWhich she has rightfully earned. She's been a bitch for years, I still remember her during Kooter's first internet crusades before she went nip-modo.
>getting tired of lolcows being brought up repeatedlySpoony, are you aware of where you are?
No. 138806
>>138791oh, actually I just figured it out.
spoilered images just show up as a tiny grey square in my browser, so that's why I managed to overlook the tits picture attached to
>>138726 until it was mentioned & I went back for closer inspection of the post.
if you're scrolling rapidly, it's easy to miss & think that anon must be referring to the only unspoilered image posted in the thread so far (OP's).
did lolcow change format or something? I thought the spoilered images used to look different– like larger gray squares with an 'x' through them?
No. 138808
>>138806They're still that way for me. big box with a ? on it. Idk what's going on with your browser.
Also wtf spoony stop posting in your own thread omfg.
No. 138811
>>138764Newfag here can confirm found spoony on my second visit to lolcow when i still wasn't even sure what the site was, because she was telling everyone she was spoony in /b/ and talking about herself at length on multiple threads. Looked her up and ugh.
spoony stay out you thirsty bitch
No. 138859
when has spoony ever tried "not making her presence known" like she claims? whenever she's mentioned, she comes flying into a thread self posting "explanations" for her behavior, rambling in too much detail about her life, her choices for doing this or that, acting like an expert on hair, contacts, makeup, eyebrows, surgery, cosplay etc.
its fucking embarrassing. she has absolutely no self control what so ever. like i said
>>138644 its a compulsion unique to lolcows
No. 139105
>>139081I don't think you understand what "milking" is.
Milking is new pictures, new videos, new details, dramatic blog entries etc. This isn't even trolling; this is just sad.
No. 139675
>>138679Lol same here anon
Sheepcream is also lolcow material , i hope see her here someday.
No. 139681
>>138692spoony i liked you when you posted in /b/, i really did. I thought you had learned, changed for the better and left chan boards. Now, you're here…
Spoony y
No. 141315
>>138808really still not spoony.
admin-sama can post my location & IP, if you want, but I can assure you now that I live nowhere near the UK.
jfc but your hateboner for this woman could punch through walls, if simply admitting to having the same browser setup is evidence to you that some random poster 'must be spoony!!'
I honestly feel sorry for this girl.
Can't even post circle lense advice without 'gtfo' immediately following.
No. 141395
>>141371I don't care enough to bother masking my IP or activity and I'm confident that if I were to use a proxy that our ever-competent Admin would know in an instant.
He/she is way beyond my technical skill when it comes to this stuff.
>>141315 isn't me (but I appreciate it anyway Anon).
No. 141586
>backIt's almost like I'm a regular lurker and contributor to this board or something.
I scroll past the thread every day.
No. 141674
>>141647tbh its a bit stupid when there are various people in the thread debating if she is or isn't in the thread and when she does show up people saying "after attention again are you spoony lol".
If you don't want her responding maybe try not seeking her out? It's like /cgl/ all over again. So dumb.
No. 141994
>>141341of course, must be proxies or an online friend.
because it's impossible to conceive of a reality where everyone else in the world does not share your irrational hatred for some random brit girl.
you sound crazy, you know that?
petitioning this thread to be moved to /b/.
If all it takes to turn someone into a lolcow is posting nudes when they're a teen, then this board ought to be a lot more crowded than it is.
No. 142287
Spoony's insta and twitter accounts are both ive_ori if someone feels like scrolling through them for more lols.
It's almost ridicilous how I keep running into her stupid face without even trying.. (I'm
>>138818 ) I found her instagram through Erika's, she was commenting on her pics.
No. 142332
>>142322Why do the
problematic kind of self posting girls almost always end up being camwhores?
No. 142385
File: 1437590771807.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-22-19-40-03…)

>>142287>>138818Okay Beck.
You probably shouldn't try to bitch about people's "stupid faces" when you look like this tho.
Just sayin'.
No. 142397
>>142385>dat everythingLmao
I don't feel bad for this girl tbh, if you're going to talk shit you should know how to hide your tracks
No. 142399
>>142391>>142398Because I am spoony and Beck back up the thread was stupid enough to mention that she found my Instagram through what she obviously didn't realise was a mutual friend who I know very well and speak to regularly.
I already knew who Beck was from our mutual friend mentioning her in the past and our mutual friend doesn't have that many followers on Instagram so I recognised her immediately.
I also know she's a drawfag and she says she visited /ic/, I saw on her profile that she communicates with Shandon AKA Tomorrow who was an old trip from /fa/ and she also just said that she used to visit /fa/. She's also supposedly an incorrigible weeb so it makes sense she'd know me from /cgl/ and be on lolcow today.
Literally took me less than a minute to connect the dots.
Apparently I'm not the only one that does a lot of selfposting ey' Beck :^)
Try not to drop so much identifiable information in one post next time.
>>142395She was just trying to dig up infomation on me and publish it to a public arena.
Maybe she should try not throwing stones from inside a glass house.
No. 142409
>>142399Yeah, but this specific public arena is for discussing you and why you're so annoying. I just don't get how you can't see that no matter what you say or do here, you're going to be painted as the villain. You could come into this thread and prove you'd cured cancer and people would still hate you, and find a way to make it a bad thing. You keep making it worse, at the same time as saying you don't want to prolong things. It's like you're standing there, on fire pouring petrol on yourself and then complaining that it's hot.
If you really hate it so much, then why do you continue to come to lolcow? Why do you seek out relationships with other people under scrutiny for their behaviour. You probably have a decent chance of actually blending into obscurity, which is what you say you want, and yet all of your actions are exactly the same as they ever were.
No. 142411
>>142398If it's not her, 1) Spoony is just showing her ass again (figuratively this time) and 2) this girl probably doesn't browse Lolcow and won't find out some random posted a screencap of her Insta.
If it is her, Spoony is kind of justified in dragging her in return.
No. 142417
>>142413I'm not Spoony, I just don't care about this and I'm here to laugh at people tbh
Nobody ITT is innocent
No. 142421
File: 1437593310906.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.65 KB, 720x1280, poony.jpg)

Poony I made some fanart for you
No. 142424
>>142408I've been studying all day beb, but it's a nice suggestion x
>>142409I don't really know how anybody could expect me to scroll past this everyday and not come in and attempt to defend myself at some point.
I've been ignoring it for days but I find Beck trying to drag me too hilarious for inaction, especially since she obviously had no idea that Erika and I were so friendly.
I'm certain anybody else would do the same if they were in my position, but I'm not interested in doing it in an unidentifiable way and sneaking around and having the thread devolve into "omg ur spoony" anytime anybody has anything remotely not negative to say about me so that's really the only difference.
You are right though.
You are completely right, I'll never ever not be painted as a villain by people who literally know nothing about me and most who only know of me through second hand information and this bizarre idea of who I was back on /cgl/ when really the reality was that I was only ever an exceptionally irritating, young, dumb tripfag.
I'll probably leave once I return to university.
No. 142427
>>142423Oh shut up man everyone in the UK spends their entire student loan almost exclusively on alcohol (or weed). It's a rite of passage to piss it away and then never pay it back.
>Inb4 spoonyNo, just a grouchy britfag.
No. 142428
>>142426no the brunette is really cute tbh. Poony sux
>>142427fuck off useless cunt
No. 142431
>>142427I didn't even spend mine on alcohol or weed and it made for a fucking boring first year. The ears were still worth it tho.
I wonder if people would be more or less outraged if I spent it on vodka and drugs instead of weird surgery?
No. 142437
>>142427>>142431US is currently suffering from a student loan crisis because of dumb fucks like you, I hope your country goes the same route.
Drugs or ugly elf ears, it doesn't matter. Get a job.
No. 142445
>>142437It's got literally nothing to do with what the students spend the loans on. We get a set amount of loan based on our family's income from the government, and once it's gone, it's gone. It's not as if the students who spend their loan on drugs are taking out second or third loans. The students who spent it all sensibly are in exactly the same position as those who didn't.
Furthermore the government fucked over students here by promising not to raise the tuition fees from £3000 a year to £9000 a year and doing it anyway, which they knew full well every single student would default on (Because we don't start paying them back until we earn over 21k a year, and it takes 130-ish years to pay it back at this rate, and they're written off after thirty years.) before they ever introduced it. University used to be free here, and nowadays not much has changed besides the debt going through a few more people's hands before landing on the taxpayers lap.
No. 142447
>>142439still not spoony.
is that seriously the only response anyone itt can come up with?
u mad, brah
No. 142449
>>142444Are you from the US? The 2008 banking crisis is a separate issue from the student loan bubble that popped. It popped way sooner due to the 2008 crisis, but it's a separate issue apart from surrendering to the weight of jobloss in general (which was happening in the US before the banks going…bankrupt).
Colleges, like the housing bubble had a huge surge, except in 2008 enrollment increased due to individuals losing their jobs. People took out loans irresponsibly and spent them on things other than education (which is fraud in the US). People are now realizing their 50k education gets them a job that does not make enough to pay that loan back. Much of the 50k taken out by the majority of students was in excess. The government made loans to be 100kplus while a degree only costs 20k. Now, many are defaulting on their student loans sending higher education institutions into a lot of turmoil.
The banking crisis was related to the housing bubble where people defaulted on loans, and now the government is facing the same problem with educational loans.
No. 142459
>>142453I feel you.
someone is trying way too hard to force out the milk.
I'm honestly surprised that this discussion is still in /pt/.
the primary thing that anon seems to be mad about is 'she wants attention'…so the solution is to give her more attention by making an entire thread about her? uh, ok.
>spoonyif the samefagging in this thread was that bad, I have faith that admin-sama would mention something about it.
No. 142515
>>142471>inb4 a person of Sub-Saharan African descent is telling me to fuck off to /b/Okayyyy……
Anyway! I bet if everyone collectively shuns her she'll stop. If you see anyone using "m8 :^)" you know what to do. Lmao.
No. 142588
>>142437Hi, Murrican here with a $35k loan from my graduate degree and tbqh the loans are better spent on weed and booze. My campus still can't fucking rationalize why the tuition doubles from undergrad to graduate despite taking less courses and using less materials.
I'm glad Brits have the opportunity to spend money on the shit they enjoy instead of wasting it on "fees" and hiked rates that are never fully disclosed. Good on them. I don't even like Spoony but I hope she spent her shit on Dragon Dildoes just to spite the US system.
No. 142592
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>>142590>£9k a year.Fuck, that's just about my rate for each of my four semesters for two years including living expenses. Comparatively cheaper, but so outrageous still.
>>142591Le ebin maymay xD
>mfw no undergrad debt tho No. 142607
>>142520she was self posting here pretty recently and she will probably do it again. she deserves a thread to be honest just so she will learn a lesson.
>>142515lurk this thread
No. 142638
>>142588A lot of it goes to dumb fuck tenure professors who teach like shit and are bitter as hell. I work for a college and my friend is a part time instructor and … fuck…tenure professors have all the fucking benefits in the world and it's like pulling teeth to fire a bad one. Not only that, but staff and part timers have to pay 10% into retirement boards and most is spoiled on the tenures.
College tuition in the 'merica has to be one of the biggest scams including textbook fees. Especially since our economy has zero need for grads in Psychology. Might as well get a job at target.
No. 142649
>>142647I fucking am loving the direction this thread is going actually I want to see this whole thread derailed with discussion on college tuition
This does need to be moved to /b/ tho im tired of seeing spoons ugly mug
No. 142651
>>142649Oy' ;__;
>>142647I'm kind of bemused by its presence tbh because I consider myself a completely average 23 year old woman.
It's weird, I'm nowhere near interesting enough.
No. 142656
>>142654I was actually more going for the vampire aesthetic but watevs.
idk why people think I'm obsessed with elves.
No. 142658
>>142651gurl it's because you keep insisting on this "completely average i'm not interesting" defense.
nobody is even saying it's not true i think the fact you consistently defend yourself on these forums is why this is a thing. like you HAVE to be enjoying this attention cause you keep feeding into it. it's pointless to play the "ohhh…little 'ol me?" crap.
idegaf if somebody selfie posts
no lulz live here
No. 142673
>>142650This. Thread is screaming to be moved to /b/
No interest at all in some girl some people hate from other boards. How is she even relevant on /pt/?
No. 142675
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>>142672>>142671>>142666>>142662You guys aren't Vampire Hunter D fans I take it?
No. 142676
File: 1437619114278.jpg (112.61 KB, 570x380, nosferatu_1.jpg)

Nosferatu had pointy ears. Can't think of any other vampires though.
No. 142677
>>142669spoony that tumblr was garbage
> I kind of believe that once people understand how dull and uninteresting I am they'll drop this persona that they've built up of me in their head but the only way to do that is to communicate with people one gave 2 shits about you that's why you had to come here and start self selfposting srsly gtfo and get psychological help.
No. 142686
File: 1437619441958.jpg (110.67 KB, 1301x963, ugly.jpg)

Spoony has psychological issues and she needed a nosejob not weird ears
No. 142701
>>142695I think a lot of people posting here are easily riled and annoyed but I think we all agree pretty much that this belongs in /b/
Would I consider her a cow? Absolutely. Am I getting any lols from it? No and im tired of seeing her jowls on /pt/
No. 142708
>>142707bitch is so familiar
i hate it when lolcows visit lolcow
No. 142709
>>142705You call me attention whore but want me to show my tits/face? You're the one that should kill herself.
>>142707Nope. I'm just sick of cunts that won't shut up about some nobody like Spoons.
No. 142875
>>142812Kek Beck was never my friend, I don't even know her, but if you're not Beck then you're Kelly and my point still stands. Also Erika thinks you're a creep.
This thread is actually giving me more lulz from the continuous bickering and accusing me on putting on wigs and samefagging when I was fast asleep in bed.
Never change lolcow.
No. 142894
>>142884>why are you giving people actual reason to hate you?Because I learned a long time ago that it doesn't matter what I do, people who know nothing about me who hold a grudge against me for things I did as a teenager, as
a kid, things that had nothing to with them, they are going to continue to stalk and harass me no matter what.
They're never going to let it go. They're going to hate me anyway so I don't care what anybody thinks anymore and I haven't for a long time.
I don't like it and I want the attention to go away which is why I deleted my tumblr and lock any accounts that get posted here.
Even if I stop posting here you know it's never going to stop though right?
I have been devoid of drama for literally 6+ years now, I only keep a private Tumblr that I don't link anywhere, I don't trip, at one point I dropped off the map completely and still I saw threads being posted on 4chan via the searchable archives all the time saying "where's spoony, where did she go? Is spoony dead?" almost every week.
You think this is going to stop if I just stop visiting lolcow? It won't. People are always going to be hunting me down, trying to find accounts that belong to me and posting them to places like here so I fucking give up.
No. 142899
NO ONE gave a fuck on here about you until you started self posting. the only shit that was spoken about you was in flan's thread, which died fucking months ago, pretty much. no one here cared until you started talking about yourself. and who cares if a few people asked about you on 4chan? has anything actually come of it? did they throw dead pigeons at your windows? ofc not. you're just self obsessed and want to believe that people care more than they do.
your excuses fucking suck.
No. 142907
>>142899You say that because you can only see what you can see.
What you can't see is the stream of messages I was recieving to my Tumblr daily before I deleted it, which is the 4th time now by the way, the Facebook messages, the friend requests, "hi spoony I remember you lol :p", the threads on 4chan that are still being made weekly to this day.
Nobody cares about me? Tell that to people seeking me out, tell that to the OP, tell that to people in this thread posting details about me. Tell that to yourself, you're in this ridiculous thread too.
I'm bad for posting in this thread in the first place but in my eyes I was being amicable.
I genuinely thought it would give me an opportunity to understand why the OP and others hated me when to date nobody has given me a reason bar "you fucked up in a /b/ thread where a girl was calling you a jealous slave because you were defending black people so you posted a picture of your skin which included part of your lips and hair to prove you were white but I identified you so now you're a selfposting whore".
I am so fucking tired of this bullshit and people will not leave me the fuck alone even when I'm anonymous.
Obviously I'm a short-sighted idiot because I keep thinking "nobody would hate somebody for no reason when they've literally no drama and have gone to great lengths to drop off the map completely, there has to be a reason and I want to understand why".
No. 142917
>>142907 then get some fucking clue and stop showing yourself on an anonymous board
I'm a newfag and was not the first time I saw your face here
No. 142948
>>142924You keep saying I'm namedropping all over the place but I don't recall doing this outside of that one self post thread on /b/.
You say I'm doing all this stuff to excess? Show me proof, give me links, or shut the fuck up and stop making baseless accusations because at this point it sounds like your bandwagoning and don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.
No. 142953
>I am so fucking tired of this bullshit and people will not leave me the fuck alone even when I'm anonymous.
You're not fucking anonymous though! You talk about yourself incessantly, to the point where it's as easy to tell when it's you from the content of your post as when you're actually selfposting pictures! Are you just genuinely unaware of how many details about your life you constantly insist on talking about and derailing threads with?
>Obviously I'm a short-sighted idiot because I keep thinking "nobody would hate somebody for no reason when they've literally no drama and have gone to great lengths to drop off the map completely, there has to be a reason and I want to understand why".
People hate that you do nothing but talk about yourself. Every reply in this thread about yourself is making it worse, because we're sick of hearing you talk about you.
That and you still have an internet presence. You were a chan cam whore, compared to someone like ruaridoll, who was actually internet famous, disappearing should be peanuts. She managed it, why can't you? But of course! you don't want to vanish. If you did, you'd stop trying to be friends with internet famous people, you'd cut contact with all the people you know from the chans, you'd stop involving yourself in drama, you'd stop posting so many identifying details here (Speaking of, stop ending your posts with an x)
No. 142958
>>142953Who am I friends with that's internet famous? When the fuck was I every a chan?
Where the hell are you getting your information?
No. 142977
>>142967"Friends" is plural, who are the others?
And I was never friends with Charms, she sought me out but we're not friends.
No. 142984
>>142977Hey you!
Read this advice>>142959
No. 143006
>>142977Surely the fact people find your tumblr/other social media profiles every time you remake them is proof enough you're interacting with people notable enough to get you noticed. Maybe you don't consider them friends, but that's completely beside the point, the point is you publicly interact with people you know full well this site is watching.
One more thing I don't understand. If you really hate all this shit being done to you, why do you do it to other people?
No. 143036
>>142887>>142889Ok spoony samefags a lot but I can assure you I'm not her. I just chatted with her before sort of so I felt compelled to comment.
>>142894If you don't care what anybody thinks then why have you been ITT for the past 3 hours (since I last posted that comment) defending yourself? If you really didn't care then you'd ignore this thread instead of making things worse for yourself. Your words don't match your actions.
Spoony… people only care because you make your presence super obvious on what is supposed to be an anonymous message board. No one ever, EVER discussed you before you started posting about yourself on here. I never saw anyone mention you. This is going to sound harsh, I don't mean it to be offensive, but in the grand scheme of things you're a literal nobody. The only reason people know you here is because you make sure to make yourself known. You don't actually do anything. You don't run a popular instagram/youtube/whatever like almost every other topic on this board. You don't produce any content to gain a following or any sort of attention from the masses.
So what other reason do people have to talk about you? No one would care about your past shit if you didn't ALSO do stuff on this board, too. I mean I could make a thread about swami/guy/whatever tripfags from back in the day solely dedicated to their 4chan antics but absolutely no one would care because they're totally irrelevant now. You are posted here because you're continuing the same behaviors and that's why people are posting about you. How can you not see that?
No. 143040
>>143006No, you've got me confused.
I don't mind people haranguing others that have done wrong. Sometimes people deserve it, sometimes they need it.
In my teens I did a lot wrong.
I was such a little shit, I underestimated the internet at the time which was something I was still fairly new to and my life was totally off the rails.
I 100% deserved that backlash; I needed it in order to snap me back to reality and pay attention to what was going on in my real life.
I was 15 when that started and I'm 23 now, I haven't had any drama for over 4 maybe 5 years now, for the most part I browse the internet in peace and obscurity and its wonderful.
I just want to be left alone Anon.
I want to be able to browse lolcow in peace. I want to be able to keep a Tumblr and interact with people the way almost every other person on Tumblr can and does without my entire existence coming under scrutiny and people reposting pictures of and telling me I'm a whore and that my hair is extensions and I'm photoshopping my eyebrows or whatever.
Sometimes I'm brusque and act without thinking, like in that white girls thread when I was trying to defend people against another irritating race spammer that was probably racist-chan, I acted without thinking, thinking they'd shut up once they realised I was white. I genuinely thought I was doing a good thing but again, I didn't think.
I went about addressesing this thread wrong because I didn't anticipate there'd be people still hanging onto stuff that occurred 8 or so years ago, I thought people would be more amicable. I was naive and honestly believed I could communicate with some of you properly for once.
I could understand if I was off doing all these terrible things but I'm not. The worst thing I've done is participating on this site the same every other user here and occasionally not thinking and mentioning details of my life that some of you are familiar with because I want to join in on discussions.
I have known and spoken to some of you in this thread for years, since early /cgl/, and I'm so tired of it guys. If I can't communicate with any of you then fine, I'll just stop posting in this thread from here on. This was obviously a mistake.
It just feels like no matter what I do, I try to take a patient approach and make people understand, I try to fight back, no matter what I always end up villain.
Please just stop and let me live my life now.
No. 143042
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No. 143068
ive been on the chans for a long time and i can only say this:
spoony has been self-posting since the dawn of the internet. she is ruthless in her self-posting. i remember her self-posting all over my homeboard /r9k/ for days and days on end. she is truly sick and needs help. i remember she would post this "which /cgl/ girl would you do" picture on /r9k/ nearly EVERY day and pray people would say it was her.
spoony is like a fucking tumour that cannot be eradicated
No. 143087
>>142909Nia stopped responding because people called her out on her shit. Hell, even when she moved all the way to the other side of the country, she had such a bad reputation after spreading drama for 3+ years on /cgl/ that nobody in the Cali cosplay/lolita scene wanted to associate with her.
Nikki still is around, she just doesn't trip anymore because she realized that identifying herself resulted in immediately having her opinions disregarded by the majority of her audience, & any statements posted were immediately called into question.
Also Nikki is autistic, ffs. She's on an entirely 'nother level of lolcow.
If the majority of the hate itt stems from the fact that spoony 'derails' threads to talk about herself…
you realize that it takes two, right?
if you stopped responding 'hi spoony' or 'shut up spoony' and drawing attention to it, then she'd be just another contributer, esp. considering that she's stopped tripping.
you vendettafags are honestly the most amusing part of this thread.
>inb4spoony No. 143098
>>143076>nobody is paying attention what you did in the past!!>immediately following>>143068kek.
dude, I was on /r9k/ at the time too.
I remember seeing spoony & thinking she was annoying as shit, seeing her selfposting called out on a constant basis, but when people claim 'nobody cares what you used to do! we're just mad 'cause you crave our attention'
…but the majority of posters here are bringing up posts that were made literally years ago as a reason to hate this chick…
idk man.
you're not making a convincing argument, here.
No. 143122
>>143098person you were replying to
im only bringing up past shit because this thread is here and it is pathetic. im bringing it up as proof that she has been shitposting about herself since the beginning of time and this isnt the first or the last time
No. 143124
>>143108please explain why this thread was made, then.
because as far as I can tell, it's because
>self-posting attention whore!90% of the attention she receives is from people who feel the need to respond to her posts using her old tripfag
>posted nudes as a teenas if countless others haven't done the same, not a reason to make someone a lolcow
>misused money from the guv'ment on ear surgerythis decision was probably the most questionable, but also isn't really milk. What people decide to do with their money/bodies is their decision. If she was a welfare queen like Octo-mom, popping out kids in order to afford twinkies and tattoos, yeah, I can see the lol potential in that, but making that comparison is a real stretch.
No. 143132
>>143124LOL WHAT
she literally posted WHO SHE WAS and said SHE'S LITERALLY SPOONY, in the "are you attractive" thread. presumably to fish for compliments, and it worked. anons said "oh ive always thought you were pretty" and shit, and every since then, the bitch has been on a roll inserting herself into many threads.
No. 143158
>>143132spoony has been around on lolcow since the beginning or very nearly. I've had my suspicions for months before she ever outed herself by mentioning her old trip.
I'm pretty sure she was on staminarose as well but it's difficult to say, to my knowledge she failed to name herself by the s-word once during that forum's lifespan.
outing yourself in one thread =/= clamoring for attention.
I have a feeling she probably thought it wouldn't be a big deal by now. obsessive vendetta-fags like yourself have clearly proven that theory wrong. (inb4spoony, I will willingly share my IP with you all if it comes down to it)
most of the time I see people ragging on her for her brows, calling her haggard, telling her to get a nosejob, lose weight, etc.
so if a few compliments from /b/ are really all it takes to make you lose your shit and start screaming SELFPOSTING WHORE all over /pt/…it reflects more negatively on you than on the subject of your ire.
No. 143164
>>143158Not who you're replying to but off the top of my head: that time she posted herself and her new elf ears in a thread that didn't have anything to do with her and samefagged responses saying she looked great/cute within an incredibly short timeframe
She's done plenty of stuff like that on here. Lots of people here don't even know what spoony has done in the past and are still irritated by her attention whoring.
No. 143170
>>143164>>143161Look, I'm perfectly willing to be convinced if can make a convincing argument.
If you think her self-posts/samefagging constitute a good reason as to why this chick should be considered a lolcow, please refer us to said posts so we can have some context instead of just taking your word for it. Or post screencaps, whatever's easiest for you. It's just that every other thread in /pt/ has multiple references to & proof of ridiculous behavior.
It's only here that we have to take anon's word for it & rely on anecdotal evidence/accusations rather than reading it for ourselves and making up our own minds.
You can see why there are still skeptics, yeah?
No. 143183
Deleted my post since I apparently don't know how to post crossboard links.
>>143170go to /b/ and look at the self-post thread and the white girls appreciation thread She also posted in a circle lens thread and got called out but I can't find that one anymore. Then again it might've been on /cgl/, I don't remember.
No. 143195
>>143185Ah, you're right. I checked that thread and someone there pointed out she self-posted in OC's thread as well. Checked that one too and there she was.
So that's at least 4 threads where she has selfposted in.
>wah wah leave me alone I don't want attentionSuuure you don't.
No. 143198
>>143185I remember that thread. the circle lenses post was literally up-close shots of her eyes.
it wasn't her whole face
she didn't mention her old trip
if you guys hadn't popped up like 'hi spoony'
her identity would have been entirely irrelevant.
and yeah, since the majority of circle lense stock photos are on dark eyes, it is actually helpful to see them on light eyes when you're talking about matching/blending your own eye color with a lense…examples like the one posted are the reason why circle lense threads are now a constant on /cgl/.
No. 143201
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>>143198> defending spoonyhi spoony
No. 143222
>>143219lmao are you serious rn???
first of all, spoony was fucking warned by admin for self posting so fucking often
ask admin, idiot
and no one else posted in that thread aside from that 13 yo girl that got reamed for seeking attention
No. 143230
>>143201still not spoony.
you're just embarrassing yourself, dude.
No. 143233
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People need to stop trying to make spoony happen.
She's not going to happen.
No. 143234
>>143200i never said she made the thread fool.
>Why post your Tumblr and then delete it to stop people browsing it um maybe because she's BATSHIT.
No. 143251
>>143213>mentions old trip w/out posting face in 'are you attractive'>people jump down her throat itt w/out ever responding directly in that thread?>posts pic without mentioning trip in a thread specifically for self-posts>[quote]fucking stupid cunt cow attention whore disgusting as fuck ass[/quote]if the sight of someone's face causes people to sperg out like that, it honestly just makes me feel sorry for them & their mental disabilities.
>>143222>warned by adminpost screencaps? because I've searched through most of /b/ trying to figure out what you're referring to and i'm still perplexed.
or are you talking about moot?
bcuz again, years old milk. it's soured by now.
No. 143263
>>143257because there are literally no admin posts in the threads you're trying to reference
>ctrl+f "admin"see results.
No. 143318
>>143282because when ad hominem is the best defense you can come up with for your vendetta, it's kind of hard not to question why it exists.
I don't see my posts as 'white knighting', idgaf about spoony, but I do resent the fact that the top space on the front page is being taken up by someone who has no milk to give other than the infuriated, obsessive autists who keep bringing her up.
No. 143356
>>143290I actually just wanted her to stop making posts where she was clearly identifiable ("anon namefagging" I guess?, perhaps "nonfagging", opposite of "anonfagging"), only in one particular thread that was getting derailed. I did not say she was banned from nonfagging or self-posting across the whole board or site. The way I worded it was vague, though, so I can see how people interpreted it that way.
At this time no such ban is in place for her or anyone else, but I do intend on adding some kind of policy to discourage certain kinds of self-posting in /pt/ eventually. A proposal for such a rule is at
>>>/meta/1072 but may change.
No. 149305
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I'm going to turn this thread into a "spot the spoony" thread. I see her everywhere and it's so annoying! Why can't she just stop posting herself on the internet?!
No. 149308
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Her eyebrows btw are getting thicker and thicker. Gross, they aren't her natural eyebrows.
No. 149309
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As someone with actual naturally thick eyebrows, I know hers are fake as hell. She needs to stop lying!
No. 149549
>>149452No, fake implies 'not natural'. Don't take it to the extreme.
Those are not her natural brows.
No. 149627
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Not defending spoony but I have seen close-ups of her brows posted to /soc/, one that I saved, and they look pretty real. Some people do just have super thick brows; look at Cara Delevingne.
No. 149642
>>149640Dude. Stop.
I can't see any eye pencil, it's pretty obvious when it's used.
idc if you hate her, she's pretty annoying, but her brows are obviously natural. Stop dragging it out.
No. 149644
>>1496411. Do you know that clear eye pencil is a thing?
2. Do you know that people can chose eye pencils of a specific color to match their hair?
3. Just because she's not wearing it in the areas where her skin is exposed does not mean she is not wearing it.
4. Look at how shiny her brows are
No. 149645
>do you know that clear eye pencil is a thing?How is she supposed to be filling in her brows with a "CLEAR" pencil? Do you understand what clear means?
Anyway this discussion is boring, there is no drama here and I'm sick of seeing this thread bumped to the top of the page.
No. 149664
>>149627Ok so she naturally has ugly thick eyebrows. But she still fills them in (which she admits)
>>149342It's /soc/, everyone there is a 10. But it's funny she got a lot of 5s. Unless you look like Adriana Lima (will make /soc/ extremely jealous) you will not get 5s lol. I just find it funny an ugly weaboo got 5s. Usually they get always 8s, means she is really ugly.
>>149657She fills them in with an eyebrow powder I think.
Regardless, I don't think she needs to thin them out because she will always be ugly. In fact I dont think she needs to wear makeup at all. Bitch will always be ugly.
No. 149919
>>149308I really hate looking at her ugly mug. It
triggers me so much.
No. 151882
>>149865Spoony I said that I'm going to turn this thread into a game. I want you all to spot spoony while you browse the internet. It's an easy game, really. Also you're implying I post my face on 4chan. Are you fucking stupid? I dont btw take selfies, people take pictures of me.
>>149866Spoony I really want you to die because no matter how hard I try, I see you literally everywhere. I'm not a bully, I just want you to stop using the internet / post your mugshots on the internet.
No. 152083
>>151882You're obsessed and this thread is just sad. You actually sounds lulzier than spoony at this point.
>inb4 spoonyI actually feel embarrassed for you.
No. 152099
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>>151882>I really want you to die>I'm not a bullyHave I got news for you Anon…