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No. 99110
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Hands that look like these.
No. 99112
as previous anons stated, husky voices both on guys and girls, whispering, being behind me and sorta leaning into my space (but also i'm bit touch starved lmao), uniforms but specifically tradie clothes, calloused hands, sorta grubby appearance (i don't like when people are too polished and put together in general), and, most of all, good, witty bants.
also on girls sorta weird teeth are really hot for some reason
No. 99113
>>99110Dude, I'm with you. Pianist hands are on my biggest turn-ons.
(That's why I don't understand this whole incel wrist things, delicate long hands on a man are so much more attractive than the stubby sausages most men have)
No. 99122
i'm not into too muscular bodies but slightly defined arms and thighs look great
>>99110i have a thing for hands with long fingers in general, looks so elegant.
No. 99135
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Very broad, muscular, meaty shoulders.
No. 99364
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I have a thing for heartbeats.
I love feeling and hearing a guy's heart, I think it's because my ex was so skinny you could literally see it beating through his chest. He was also super tall and I could always hear his heart when we hugged and it made me feel really safe and calm.
But now I get turned on even by seeing a guy's neck pulse, I don't know what it is about it.
No. 99367
I find big dick to be a huge turn on, especially if the guy is a grower, I love feeling it grow in my mouth or my hands. When my bf and me starting getting into heavy make out session at the beginning of our relationship I could feel his perfect hard dick through his clothing and knowing he was packing some serious meat down there made me even more eager to fuck him. I also love to hear a guy moan, it sound very open and vulnerable, like he's not afraid to just get lost in the moment and express how much he's enjoying what's happening.
Another big turn on is guys being huge pleaser / giver and loving to eat pussy.
I like soft guys too, ones that like to give a receive cuddle, kisses, petting session.
Maybe a little weirder but I get so turned on when I watch my bf grooming himself after he gets out of the shower, shaving, doing his hair, washing his face, trimming his nails, putting some perfume on… I love that he's super clean and take such good care of himself, even watching him shower makes me want to jump his bone because he's so eager to get every single part of his body perfectly clean, he washes suuuuper carefully between each of his toes, it's the cutest thing ever.
No. 99557
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Ahahaha he used his real email address, how's it going over in Devonshire?
No. 99558
>>99367I think I'm asexual because I don't like any of the things you listed (which are perfectly normal btw anon, not shading you)
Like moaning/noises makes me think of an animal, washing is to be expected, no opinion about a hard dikk and it doesn't turn me on. Just more work to do. Wish I was as enthusiastic about it as you anon. Also the ones who are literally turned on by their bfs heartbeats…bless your souls
No. 99565
>>99564the email is also misspelled so it wasnt an autofill.
I reckon it's a robot upset that chad took his girl or a legbeard getting "epic revenge XD"
No. 99570
>>99565If it's revenge, it's a pretty shitty attempt. All we'll do is have a giggle at the dumb scrot.
Anon should've taken it to /b/ or something.
No. 99628
>>99364Me too. I love when I can feel/hear my bf's heartbeat pounding. It reminds me of how things were in the beginning, before we'd done anything beyond kissing. I purposely do things that cause that, especially affectionate, non-sexual touching.
I also love when I can touch him gently and lovingly and watch his body relax and get comfortable. Especially when he lets out a tiny contented sigh.
No. 99629
>>99364Me too. I love when I can feel/hear my bf's heartbeat pounding. It reminds me of how things were in the beginning, before we'd done anything beyond kissing. I purposely do things that cause that, especially affectionate, non-sexual touching.
I also love when I can touch him gently and lovingly and watch his body relax and get comfortable. Especially when he lets out a tiny contented sigh.
No. 99630
>>99364Me too. I love when I can feel/hear my bf's heartbeat pounding. It reminds me of how things were in the beginning, before we'd done anything beyond kissing. I purposely do things that cause that, especially affectionate, non-sexual touching.
I also love when I can touch him gently and lovingly and watch his body relax and get comfortable. Especially when he lets out a tiny contented sigh.
No. 99631
>>99364Me too. I love when I can feel/hear my bf's heartbeat pounding. It reminds me of how things were in the beginning, before we'd done anything beyond kissing. I purposely do things that cause that, especially affectionate, non-sexual touching.
I also love when I can touch him gently and lovingly and watch his body relax and get comfortable. Especially when he lets out a tiny contented sigh.
No. 99632
>>99364Me too. I love when I can feel/hear my bf's heartbeat pounding. It reminds me of how things were in the beginning, before we'd done anything beyond kissing. I purposely do things that cause that, especially affectionate, non-sexual touching.
I also love when I can touch him gently and lovingly and watch his body relax and get comfortable. Especially when he lets out a tiny contented sigh.
No. 99781
Neat, dark, short side-part hair
>>99779Lingerie on women = Suits on men
No. 99819
>>99776Maybe stay in a hotel with a city view on a higher floor. Turn off the lights and fuck in front of the window after dark. Take a walk outside first to make sure nobody can actually see inside. You can see the city. Nobody can see you.
That, or adult settings where everybody there knows there could be public sex going on. They choose to be there and consent to it, so it's okay.
You could also go camping and you have the right to fuck in your tent (cover windows) without running afoul of the law.
No. 99869
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I love size difference with shorter man and taller woman. I'm not tall myself (5'6"), but standing beside someone who is smaller than me just feels…right. It makes me feel capable and protective, silly as it is. I really wish I was 5'10"+ so I could live out the dream of towering over and easily overpowering a skinny little 5'-5'2" guy. I already outweigh them and can overpower them, but with extra height I could reach even higher strength levels.
I'm also into the sex aspect, obviously. Even passing a smaller guy on the street turns me on like crazy, I can't help but imagine just grabbing him by his little waist and going at it. Although I also like bean poles (with a limit of 6'), petit men have always been special to me. My greatest weakness.
Unashamed since I mainly go after shorter men. But they probably know what's up which is why they reject me.
No. 99941
>>99091I like my earlobe bit
there's nerves in there that make it feel really good similar to the neck
No. 100406
>>99625 (same anon)
Also biting and licking.
Recently reached orgasm cuz he was just licking my neck and ears.
No. 100461
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No. 100571
>>100449Ugh yeah, I'm like that too - ticklish all over. What he does is when I try to move his hand/move away he'll (gently) grab me and hold me down and keep tickling. Madness. And he gets this devilish look on his face that's just so sexy…
>>100566OK tbf I was also flickin' the bean, but only for like a minute. He was already going to town before that & my motor was running so hot it just took the smallest touch to send me over. It was my first time getting my ears licked like that, but I'd say it could be common to get off like that.
PIV/cunnilingus does the absolute bare minimum for me (idk y tho), so I'm real fuckin' grateful he's willing to put in some extra effort.
No. 100573
>>100571Okay if you already had done genital touching previously it's more understandable. I'm fascinated by people who are able to come without direct (genital) touch, does it feel differently?
Sometimes I feel like I'm almost coming from sexy shit like ear-whispering and nipple stimulation but it's only a feeling of being super aroused and almost there.
No. 100608
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This is one I'm definitely ashamed of, I've always found him strangely attractive because he is just such a fucking psycho, even after all the allegations came out, I probably need help, I can't be the only one!
No. 100635
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>>100608this is weird one but i kind of understand it, i have a similar hybristo fetish. but i want to make a truly evil man cum in me, to feel power knowing that i dominated him and will give birth to children of his tainted blood. doesn't matter if it's a dictator, serial killer, cult leader, ect. as long as he's reviled by society for being notoriously awful.
it's pretty fucked up.
No. 100644
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For some reason, male forearms really do it for me. Rolled up sleeves are sexy af, especially on dress shirts.
No. 100652
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>>100636No kinkshaming allowed, anon!
>>100644Agreed. I also feel the same way about hands, especially pale & vascular ones like pic related. I like to steal glances at guys’ hands when they aren’t looking in public (lol). I don’t know what it is about them, they don’t even have to be super masculine for me to like them.
No. 100665
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I find men to be super sexy and attractive first thing in the morning. I hate morning sex though which is…ironic?
No. 100671
>>100644This so much! I don't know what it is about it that my heart skips a beat when I see a guy rolling up his sleeves with the forearms exposed. He doesn't have to be muscular at all, just show me some of that forearm hnnnnnnggg
Curiously, bare forearms without rolled up sleeves don't have the same effect. I wonder if there's some psypop explanation for this?
No. 103971
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Man I love big hairy bellies. I want to bury my face in them. Whenever me and my bf are seperated, I ask for him to send me pics of his belly.
Pic related is the ideal male body.
No. 103978
>>100580>>100573I've "come" just through nipple stimulation. It's not the same feeling, for me it was kinda like bypassing the actual orgasm so super aroused -> afterglow
Anyway, a huge turn on is the way my bf plays with my breasts. Idk why it's so different with him, I've been with other dudes but the way they did it was so lackluster.
No. 104055
>>100665I feel you M8.
My bf is super adorable in the morning, but morning sex is meh.
No. 134420
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Guys in (adidas) track pants. Casual sporty clothes in general.
No. 134474
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>>134420This. Basically all name brand athleisure hits the spot for whatever reason. Also way nicer to cuddle in than jeans (I also have a weird phobia of buttons, so I’ve never been a fan of men in button up shirts, which some of my friends find baffling).
No. 134482
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>>134474Button-up shirts and jeans just aren't cuddly at all. I agree.
I am a fan of kilts, personally.
No. 134488
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Big manly hands, whispering dirty things, grabbing my ass whenever they want, being a bit forceful.
No. 134545
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>>134533oh to have a big handed goth bf…
No. 134546
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>>134545I dream every day…
No. 134547
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>>134533>>134545>>134546fuck yesss! add to that protruding adam apples hnnngggg
No. 134589

>>134545god, Peter Steele was plucked from a vampire erotica or something, wasn't he? he's really not my typical type but the idea of a strong, romantic and subby man with a desire to serve woman is so incredibly hot. unfortunately, i feel like most normie guys who are subby are just lazy, imo, and lack the romantic edge. they want the woman to do all the sexual work. a lazy man is certainly not reversing any societal roles.
at least that's my lame experience, anyway.i always get so aroused listening to this Hozier interview in which he talks about his song, Nothing Fucks With My Baby. best part starts at 1:37.
>standing in awe of your terrifying and terrifyingly strong lover>subverting the idea of being the protector as a man>"you can't be harmed– i can't protect you. it's nothing to do with me; this person is genuinely terrifying, and you know, you love them for it"Hozier's pretty gangly and twinky, especially compared to Peter Steele, but his penchant for crawling out of graves and watching the world burn just to spend the rest of eternal damnation with his lover always sends my heart aflutter.
No. 134693
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>>134545>>134546>>134547the taste here…impeccable
No. 134859
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Adam's apples are such a huge turn on
No. 134877
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>>134425Fuck anon, Boris is so hot to me.
No. 144207
>>144204Here to absolve you of racism accusations, extremely relatable despite me being reverse of you
I come from a kind of small island that has a very particular look to its denizens but it's made it so I CANNOT do men who have a similar "mixed" brown look to me because it feels too incestuous, I can only do white, east asian or really dark men without being like "on god this is some hills have eyes shit"
strangely doesn't apply to women though, unless they
actually look similar to me. It's a little weird tbh
No. 144239
>>144207I kinda get this, I'm not attracted to women that look like me. I like my own features just fine but it feels gross to think of someone that looks too much like me in a sexual way. Though I don't judge based on race/coloring alone but rather a combination of features.
Some potentially obscure turn ons for me
>sleepy people>pajamasalso raspy voices and deeefinitely "pianist hands" god damn.
No. 144447
>>144412We could disinfect it afterwards, you're supposed to do that anyway with popped pimples anyway afaik
>>144414>>144418That's fair. The other thread is called 'fetishes you're ashamed of' & not 'fetishes other people are repulsed by', I'd feel dishonest posting there off the bat. I'll put future pimple-y and waxy spergs there instead.
No. 145370
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Bodies like this
No. 145379
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>>145370I want to rape him.
No. 145384
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Getting fucked by a guy with thick thighs. The bigger, the better. I literally cannot have sex with a man who's got thin legs and weak thighs, it looks so pathetic.
No. 145511
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The slightly messy look. Ruffled hair, 5'o clock shadow… just not perfectly done up. I don't like the trend of men having perfect hair, perfect beard/shave everything.
And these bracelets for some reason. Why I don't know, it's just sexy when a man has something on his wrist.
No. 145514
>>145511Oh my god anon. Those bracelets + a bony wrist and hand make me wanna die (in the good sense).
And for some reason, those same bracelets but worn at the ankle are just so sexy and also very appreciated.
No. 145515
>>145514I went on a date with a guy who wore them and it was sexy af while he was driving.
MAN, I'm gonna go on so many dates once it's possible.
No. 145569
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When men have chunky smiles, not chubby cheeks it's more muscle and thick skin, kind of like chok chok but manlier. They have to be clean shaven. Bruce Willis is a good one, maybe The Rock. Jennifer Aniston is a female example. I call it meaty/chewy faces because I wanna bite the part I circled. Gently though just like to test the resistance.
No. 145573
>>145511>>145514>>145515>men just have to wear bracelets to make women lose their mindsIt's so cute…men would never.
Women are just so full of love we even admire the smaller things; I love women.
No. 146086
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>>145384I agree, I love thick thighs. huge turn on
>>145511agreed. I hate the perfectly groomed look on guys too, especially those beards that are cut so perfectly along the cheeks, looks unnatural. that and hair that looks like it took an hour to achieve the perfect style. I'd rather a cute bedhead
No. 146099
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Chest hair, but in a normal, somewhat light amount like pic related. Chest hair that goes to a guy's neck is gross.
No. 146102
>>146101Male-touch starved. I was dumb and didn't go out until my 20s. When I started dating and a guy first held me romantically, it was mind blowing. I know it sounds stupid but just a simple hand hold or cuddling with a guy felt really good for me. It was all very new
Then the pandemic happened and I haven't done anything with a man for a year. Thankfully things are opening up in Europe and I'm gonna make up for lost time.
No. 146106
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>>146105Playing with hair could be a thing.
Anyway if you feel touch starved you could ask your friend (female or male) to hug you.
No. 146266
>>146130 > like a guy constantly rubbing my labia majora but not going in to rub the actually sensitive parts for a long period of timeHaving dated guys that would spend the tiniest amount of time actually doing shit for my pleasure and who would rush through it.. I can see the appeal of this. Having lots of time dedicated to slowly building up the excitement.. teasing for a long time before reaching the clit.
I watch a lot of porn with submissive guys in it and while the pleasure for them is drawn out and edged… they end up getting a whole 45 min session concentrating on their dick, I'd love to experience the clit tease version of that!
No. 146289
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>>146130>>146280Ugh. I used to love getting teased like this, but it doesn't do anything for me anymore. I feel like I've lost a lot of sensation since I was a teen. What I'd do to get these feelings back and enjoy being teased again…
No. 146313
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For men
>Pregnancy, there's nothing more romantic than getting dicked down by your partner to make a baby. Plus being pregnant makes women look so cute, the side effects suck ass, but that glow is beautiful.
For women
>I love tall, like 5'10+ waify ethereal looking women. Bonus if they have dark, wild curly hair.
For both genders
>This is a weird one because I rarely see it ever talked about in kink spaces, but cardiophilia. Anything heart related drives me crazy and is my ultimate kink.
No. 146573
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>>145370See: yuzuru hanyu
No. 146585
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>>145370Checked out his twitter and meh, what a disappointment… Looks like an ugly white ftm (weird proportions, hips way too wide for a man), posts like a flaming fag.
No. 146609
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>>146585He does waist training, that's why he's got such a feminine body.
No. 147078
Longtime lurker and I felt the need to put in my two cents. I’m really big into bilingual guys apparently. I can’t explain why but it just makes my pussy throb like nobody’s business. This in particular is what got me into it the thought of being impregnated/bred specifically by a guy of another race. I guess the impreg part stems from when I was a cum-brained, hentai-loving prepubescent. The interracial thing comes from the fact that I’m black and relationships like that are taboo in my family. They just seem to fit together perfectly
No. 147112
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>>145370Thank you anon his butt poses aren't my thing but I'm in love with his beautiful androgynous shoots
No. 148271
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I want to be abducted by an alien and become their slave
No. 148274
>>147078Damn, anon, I have a pretty big
and shameful German fetish. Thank you.
No. 148322
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>>148312Me too. My bf has the most beautiful dark hair, think young Atsushi Sakurai but with curly hair. He cut it off when his ex broke up, she had told him that most women find long hair disgusting (this might be true, I googled it and it seems to be a thing). I've since confessed to my fetish for long hair and now he's growing it out again!!! I feel blessed.
No. 148327
>>148322Wow, lucky!!
>>148326lick them obviously
No. 148336
>>148330ugh yes. i remeber watching a tiktok where a boy raised his arm and he had moderate armpit hair and that was how i discovered that i was a sexual degenerate.
also degenerate turn on: watching guys spit the toothpaste after brushing their teeth. idk if im too normie/vailla that i get wet at the smallest things or if im too fucked up that only very specific things turn me on.
No. 148937
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>>148867sup bb wanna shove a dildo up my ass?
No. 149091
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>>148285Me too, i really get turn on when guys with glasses fix them in the middle of a conversation. And i love it when they clean their glasses and don't realize they are showing their stomach/underwear.
No. 149096
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>>149091>they don't realize they are showing their stomach/underwearand then you can see their happy trail
No. 149523
>>149508that's so hot
so hot instead of "sage" i wrote "anon" in the email field kek
No. 149569
>>149508I have had that same thing happen with my husbando. Not recently, but when he would be super tired after a long week of work and we lived apart, when I came to bed he would appear awake. I'd ask "are you awake?" and either respond "no" or nothing and smile.
Then he would come in for a big passionate kiss and its unlike anything he would normally do. I agree that they don't feel embarrassed and at least for husbando, awkward. There was another night where he had a boner while asleep and it was all exposed and dripping. He had to work in the morning, I always joke about pouncing him when these things happen.
I've threatened to record him when he does this, he doesn't believe me. I tell him about all this stuff and it gets him so worried, he also generally sleep talks. My favorite memory of that is him mumbling "Trash cat, trash cat".
No. 150580
Ya know in porn when the guy holds the base of his dick as he slowly slides it in…that's really hot for some reason. I don't know why but it drives me crazy, especially when he continues to hold it as he thrusts in and out, like guiding himself, fuuuucckkk
>>149666Same! Especially since my ears are particularly sensitive. I find it really intimate and erotic
No. 150735
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this body
No. 150751
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the hair is cute though
No. 150753
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tell me you wouldnt peg(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 152641
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I love guys with moustaches and dark hair like on pic related. Especially paired with slight stubble and buttoned-up shirt.
>>100046Good Taste
No. 157640
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oh you know. genuine monogamous love where my boyfriend doesn't masturbate over porn on the side, I don't get cheated on, and we're both fine with regular sex where nobody LARPs abuse
that's God's cue to laugh obviously
No. 158406
It is not a "turn on", merely a preference, but goodness do I adore the idea of having a romantic relationship with a teacher. Having been the teacher's pet my entire life, it is both a blessing and a curse to have been taught by unattractive individuals– either in appearance or personality. Only in my final year did I develop a crush on a teacher. In my anticipation I always imagined it to be something thrilling and exciting, as I get along well with my teachers and I could be proud of them for who they are, as opposed to if I developed a crush on a silly, immature peer. However, it has made classes far more distracting than ever. He simply is so charming and attractive, I oft become lost in daydreams without realising it. Because of some complications with my report card and whatnot, he speaks to me frequently after class, as to fix this issue. Fortunately, I have no delusions about him. He definitely does not treat me any different than my classmates, and he is much in love with his wife, which I respect and adore for him. Yet I still love the idea of him holding me and kissing the top of my head, and making him laugh… Ahh, in all sincerity, it has far less to do with sexuality, and more with an underlying yearning for pure love from a safe and experienced person, or so I reckon. There is another teacher whom I feel slightly warm towards, yet he is similarly as questionable… It merely is the case that he teaches one of my favorite subjects and is a younger person. He also is tall and not unattractive. Sometimes, when we speak, and are the only ones left in the classroom, I simply wish we could become closer, especially considering covid. That we would have little space between the two of us, and then even less, and then our lips would touch, and so forth…………………… ahhhhhhh, i hope to see him soon, but i become shy in his presence. reeee
No. 158649
>>158406I laughed heartily at this comment
>>158472same lmao
No. 160704
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I like it when a guy looks like he's just come from some kinda fight, maybe a slight nosebleed, split lip or blood coming from his temple or eyebrow area. hair all disheveled and panting, maybe a little sweaty. I like watching pro wrestling a lot for this reason, especially new japan pro wrestling since they have backstage comments after the match and you can see the guys in all their sweaty, panting post-fight glory. they don't bleed enough though which is a shame
No. 160836
>>160716I'm tormented by this in a similar way. My ex was the most attractive man I've ever known, my exact type physically. But I loathe everything about him now and so when I think about him I only feel repulsed. Sucks he had to kill such a positive thing for me. If I ever end up dating again I fear I'll avoid men I'm actually attracted to because people with similar looks are subconsciously linked with being an
abusive piece of shit in my mind.
No. 160871
>>160704Those Kenny Omega post match interviews from like 2017-18 NJPW.
No. 161004
>>160994This is an interesting one given it's based in the future
I might be thinking that because months before reaching 30 I was like "yeah I can just masturbate from here on out" My interest in sex just switched off like that.
No. 161140
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>>161097Since men are conditioned to be very proactive when it comes to sex and you don't want to actually have sex with someone against their will, you'll probably need someone who's a bit subby but not too much. I just want to hear cute little moans, not feminize them or physically hurt them.
No. 161315
>>160994I'm 30 and love guys my own age but sometimes I like the idea of fucking an inexperienced guy maybe of 25 (I don't think I could go younger) I've always been into older men but sometimes the idea of guiding a younger guy and having him being all excited and eager and cute really appeals to me
>>161004>I might be thinking that because months before reaching 30 I was like "yeah I can just masturbate from here on out" My interest in sex just switched off like thatthe opposite happened to me lol
>>161140> I just want to hear cute little moanssame
No. 161865
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>>161692not a low bar, that sounds incredibly hot. I'm jealous, anon
No. 165600
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What the hell, I have never been so turned on by a visual stimulus than last night when my bf and I had cam sex and in the beginning he just slowly stroked his dick while still clothed. It was completely mesmerizing hnnngghhh, like I'm of course very turned on by him naked and it's incredibly hot to see when he cums but him just sitting there, looking at me and moving his hand over his pants, jesus christ. Maybe it's the hand movement, it was so gentle and sexual and reminded me of how he touches me? I just felt it in my bones somehow, I have no idea, it was all I could think about today
No. 167001
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I would 100% participate in his weird murder-cannibal roleplay, I have been into this kind of messed up shit for years and to realized a friggin hollywood rich and attractive man is into it feels like such a missed opportunity.
Please Armie Hammer dm me one of these days.
No. 167049
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>>167048With something like this?
No. 167698
>>160704My bf sends me photos after his fights (sport, not street lol) and it's so FUCKING HOT.
He's just smiling but the bit of blood or bruise sends me.
No. 167720
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>>167698That’s so wholesome, anon.
No. 167748
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I'm a huge simp for men with great smiles–in particular, really straight, well sized teeth that are even length across, with a thin-ish upper lip that's kind of 'heart shaped'. It's the cutest thing to me and I'm not sure why. I'm not a fan of this idol (Yuta from NCT) but his smile is 100% the type of smile I love on a guy. Another example is Rocky from Astro. I have no idea of other men who have this type of smile so sorry for the lack of examples but man is it cute. If yall have any recommendations of non-asian dudes with this type of smile pls lmk.
No. 167750
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>>167748Ricky Whittle maybe? His lips may be too full for you and he’s more the sexy type so he tends not to do the huge boyish smile all the time but when he does he looks so adorable.
No. 167792
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>>167748The guy from bidgerton? He's a qt
No. 167809
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>>167748How bout Ross Lynch?
No. 167852
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>>167792>>167809Thanks anons, I appreciate it! Rege Jean Page is hot but idk if he has
the smile. I think the guy's smile has to have some negative space near the mouth corners. Ross Lynch's smile is cute but same thing.
I feel like I'm never gonna find a guy whose smile tops Yuta from NCT's and it's so unfortunate bc he's not cute when he isn't smiling. It's hopeless, kek. Thx for dealing with this sperg, I appreciate you anons. <3
No. 167883
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blonde beards.
bonus if they have blonde eyelashes.
too bad most men with these qualities look like rosy-cheek babies.
No. 168168
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>>167883looks like the yes chad meme lmao
No. 168173
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>>160704i can relate entirely, although I am a little bit ashamed of it
No. 169779
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Femboys, crossdressing guys, whatever you wanna call them. God they're wonderful. Words cannot express how much I'd like to fuck one.
No. 169794
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Male Muscle worship, but not like steroid freak muscles, I'm speaking more of a natural peak human physique
A Warrior, A Soldier, A Boxer/Full Contact Karate fighter, A Buff Hardcore Punk Rocker
Someone whose body bear scars and toughness and I wish to worship such a man's physical body
No. 169801
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>>169797>>169798Okay maybe I've been posting him a but too much, but he's the Ideal physique I want in a man
I also find the Barbarian aesthetic as a whole hot, not even the idealized harlequin romance book cover but more the realistic somewhat dirty, probably smelly naturalistic take
No. 169814
>>169808A sperg with an unique way of writing who kept being banned multiple times a week for a while.
Greatest hits include making posts about wanting to fuck retarded men, spamming about a pedophile book and possibly was the one who wanted to fuck her/his nephew.
No. 169835
>>169814 >Greatest hits include making posts about wanting to fuck retarded menShe just wants a sweet aspie man… one that has some romanticised version of aspergers rather than the reality of male autism.
A sweet boy like Arnie Grape.
No. 170036
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i think it's so sexy when fit men wear fundoshi
No. 170767
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I have this fantasy of having a guy stand/sit in front of me and I instruct him to stroke himself for me, but I'm a rude little tease and tell him constantly to stop and keep going and he has to obey my every word lol. I want him to describe how good it feels and how badly he wants me, and I'd tell him how hot he looks touching himself and omg he'd be so flushed and desperate and whiney hnngggg. And kinda wanna do the same thing but in front of a mirror with his hands tied, edging him til he's crying and I tell him to look at himself as he cums. Mirror sex in general is really hot
Also this other crazy idea I have of me and a group of girls with this one guy, completely stripped with his hands tied behind him, and we're all having a little party drinking and laughing and occasionally going up to the guy to tease and mess around with him, parading him around and having fun until he's begging. I think the idea of having a guy showing off and presenting himself, expressing himself in a sexual way is really hot in general because it's expected for women to do that, usually in skeevy and gross ways. So the reverse is refreshing and exciting and hotttt
No. 170865
>>170767oh my god yes, I like the idea of the first one a lot, especially to make him edge. keep him going for what would feel like forever for him until he's a complete mess. I wanna hear those desperate moans
>Mirror sex in general is really hottotally agree, I want to be stripped, felt up and then fucked all in front of a mirror, having the guy force me to watch every single moment, getting turned on by getting to see myself have these things happen to my body. I also kinda like touching myself in front of the mirror too. is that weird lmao? I wonder if there's a term for this?
No. 170873
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>>99091I need to grow out of it
No. 171002
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I walked in on construction workers my parents hired to build an extension to their house sucking eachothers dicks right there in the new room. They didnt see me though, so i hid around the corner and listened to them first. It was pretty retarded what they were saying.
>What've you done, what do you call this?
>I cut a hole for an electrical box
>Its round.
>So! Havent you ever seen an electrical box, its rectangular
>What, this wont work?
>The only thing that this is going to work for is a glory hole
>A glory hole? whats that?
>Where the hell did Jack find you anyway?
>Santa Monica Boulevard.
>Figures. Well you just go place your face up to that opening, and ill show you what a gloryhole is used for
>Oh, glory hole.. we had these at the sex shop on the boulevard
>Well then, pretend youre on the Boulevard, and get hungry on my cawk
>THAT i know how to do
and then he sucked his dick on the construction site. It was pretty hot to watch, ngl
No. 171027
>>170873you mean being attracted to varg in general?
>>170881you degenerate, anon
>>171002>>171018what in the fanfic hell? lmao sorry anon but this sounds fake
No. 171088
>>171027>>171018No, its all true, infact the next day i was anticipating seeing more stuff so i spied on them a little and
in my backyard during their breaktime, three of them were throwing coins at eachothers coin piles? It was kinda
like they they were throwing dice but it looked stupid. And the conversation was even dumber
>Ah fuck>Yeah, pay up buddyhe seemed to searched his pockets, but he had nothing
>shit, wheres the rest of my money>Youre not going to pull that are ya?>Im serious, how much money did i lose to you guys?>Youre a shitty actor, now cough up the dough>Yeah, unless you want to take it out in trade>Well lets wait for Stan, he'll lend me the money>He's inside talking to the guy who owns the house>When he comes back out, i'll pay you what i owe you>Bullshit! Youre going to get good on your bet, right now.then one of the guys pushes him down into a kneeling position
>c'mon guys, whatre you doing!?>youre gonna pay up your 20 dollar debt right now>I dont have it right now, you know im good for it>yeah? well you better be good AT it buddy. Go on, clear your debt.>yeah c'mon, give me my $20 worth>What if the homeowner comes out?>Then stick it in his mouth too (?)>Get busy on it man, its better than giving him $20.and AGAIN, he sucked the guys dick but this time they had a third person watching from behind. It was the weirdest
No. 171092
>>171089I swear this happened, retarded shit around my neighborhood.
I only have one more story though, this happened in front of my house before school started, two men were standing around a car with the hood up, it looked like it was broken down. Its not as interesting though.
>Let me guess, theyre not driving you to town are they?>No, not till morning i guess>If youre lucky…>What do you mean by that?>Youll find out, but if i were you, id take the keys from Jack and get yourself out of here>How am i supposed to do that, he has them strapped to his belt>Well i know where theres a spare>Really? Can you show me?>Sure, but only if you show me whats inside those pantsThey then kissed really hard and closed the hood of the car. They drove off. I think they were lovers but this was ages ago
No. 171135
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>>171088holy shit this is some watt pad level cringe right here. like not even archiveofourown or fanfiction net this is just watt pad like literal children fanfiction
anon this is a phase don't worry you'll grow out of this gay shit eventually
No. 171155
>>171145So, My Immortal?
I don't know, i'm not sure anon can top it. She is good and should be applauded for her style and substance. Sure. But it's not easy to beat a champ like that. Although now i sort of want anon to try it. Make lolcow proud!
No. 171160
>>171141alright, it happened in MY bedroom this one, the same construction company outsourced some electricians to install a ceiling fan. It was two guys this time, my parents invited them in just as i hung up with my boyfriend Blake who was in Chicago at the time.
>I thought you guys would never get here>Sorry we were late, we had trouble finding the placeas they were coming in, i realised they had no shirts on, just wearing jeans with some electrical cabling over their shoulders.
>I gotta run downtown, the room is upstairs, the bedroom. If you finish before i get back, just lock up>ok..So after my parents left, i thought id listen in again, no way would they do it a third time. They were acting really suss
>Hold up, lets check out this place>This guy must be fuckin loaded, fuck yeahHe then jumped onto my bed, i could hear it creaking from the hallway. They WERENT being subtle
>This bed was made for a king>Looks like it, huh?>WHATRE you doing? Get off me!>Not until you shove that BIG dick up my ass>Why are you always talking about my dick?>Because im a horny motherfucker that thinks about sex all the time>Well why dont your just start by suckin on my big dick>And you'd think id have a problem with that?They then started fucking really fucking loud, but that wasnt even the worst part. The guy sounded like a warthog finding a truffle. Sweating into my bedsheeds.
But as i was listening, my phone started ringing, and i tried turning it off, but i accidentally answered it. It was my boyfriend and what he heard was the sound of heat and sweaty men. He was super quiet after that incident, he wouldnt believe me either. It was so embarrasing
No. 171180
>>171160thank you anon for this.
finally, the official lolcow trilogy we needed. fuck harry potter. this is what the kids should be buying. im making the merch.
No. 171257
>>171180Gosh, so many bad memories, i really repressed these due to how shocking the construction company got. I remember as they were finishing
off the plastering on the extension, there was only one guy left from the company. He had this really huge terrible goatee. And from the living room i could hear him getting off. It echoe'd around the house he was moaning so loud. I was watching TV when i heard this happen happen in own foyer.
>Oh fuck oh man i could really use a blowjob, oh fuck i want some headknock knock
>paper delivery mister>ohhhhw fuck ~~~the guy opens the door, towering over him. No shirt. Only jeans. It wasnt even his fucking house, he was just answering our door now.
>Arent you a little too old to be delivering papers?>I turned 19 last week>Get in here>Whatre you doing sir?>Shut the fuck up, youre going to suck on this daddy dick for a while>Im not a fag>Neither am I, now suck on itAfter he sucked his dick
>Fuckin piece of meat spits, now get out of here you little queer>Please sir, can i have my newspapers back>And if you bother telling your dad about it, its dead timewhat the HELL is wrong with construction companies and cock sucking? I think he was raped, but why was he still worried about the newspapers?
No. 171369
>>171192I've always thought this sounded fun. Unfortunate so many manlets are too busy crying about
being a manlet to just chill. Nothing kills the attraction more than a lack of confidence. They think we're the ones who make a big deal about their height when it's more often them. Where is my positive short king? Kek
No. 171938
>>170865I'm late but I absolutely agree, there's something about watching yourself and someone else having sex that's so exciting; it's like it would be weird and awkward out of context but in the passion and heat of the moment it's incredibly hot. I often fantasise about a guy taking me from behind, wrapping his arms around me and whispering for me to watch us and saying how good we look. I think it has something to do with a little praise kink i have too lmao.
And you're not alone with getting off alone in front of a mirror - i sometimes do that too. Again it seems like something I'd be too embarrassed to do, but when you're horny everything changes lmao. I turn myself on to be honest, as narcissistic as that sounds, even if I don't like my appearance most of the time. I just find it hot watching myself react and respond to pleasure for some reason.
No. 172078
>>171938> I often fantasise about a guy taking me from behind, wrapping his arms around me and whispering for me to watch us and saying how good we look. I think it has something to do with a little praise kink i have too lmaoexactly this, I almost got all shuddery imagining that whispering. I also have a praise kink lol
>I turn myself on to be honest, as narcissistic as that sounds, even if I don't like my appearance most of the timelmao are you me? I'm exactly the same. I don't think I have the best body or the prettiest face but I'm attracted to the ~female form~ in general so when I'm horny I just kinda appreciate myself, though it's more just imagining someone else there with me than my own body. I've never known any other woman who does this tbh, it sounds like some 'men writing women' shit
No. 172173
>>172111>>172168yeah I basically use this thread for my vanilla turn ons and the other for the kind of thing I'd not openly admit to someone unless I was sure they'd not judge me, not always a case of being ashamed/unashamed
>>172102hope you find the glasses wearing guy of your dreams, anon. I'm a big fan of glasses too
No. 172305
>>172284Oh yes!
I always got that oddly at work someone talking over your shoulder or near your ear would cause that tingly shivery feeling, a bit like a jumpscare but in a nice way.
No. 173458
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not sure if I should be ashamed or not, but I find guys smoking cigarettes to be really fucking hot
No. 186104
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This is an incredibly embarrassing turn on, but I guess that's what this thread is for.
But anyway, i love men in period costume, especially frilly pirate shirts. They're so flattering, anytime a guy wears one it makes him hotter. Bonus points if he has long hair.
No. 186142
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Good oral hygiene in general is really attractive, but specifically brushing my partner’s teeth and generally having my fingers in their mouth for whatever reason. It’s very intimate, to put your fingers in someone’s mouth, almost carnal even. It requires trust on both ends, so that I don’t hurt them and they don’t accidentally bite my fingers too hard. The only other person who would do this to you besides the person you love is your dentist and the only others you’d ever do it to are like old people who need help with dentures or something. Doing this with your partner is a very exclusive and sensual thing to me. I think it also shows how much you care if you are willing to clean someone else’s mouth, and is an act of sincere devotion.
No. 186718
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I do not know why but I want someone to do this to me