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No. 2417659

Continue to discuss news stories that upset and disturb you more than usual, crimes, disasters and events that stay on your mind, stories of criminals, victims and survivors that you want to discuss etc. Try to post relevant pictures, names, links to articles, websites etc if you can, so that people can look up the cases for themselves easier.
Previous thread >>2262680

No. 2417663

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Part of me wants to be a detective but then i read about shit like this and realize i couldn't do it.
Imagine the utopia we would have if scrotes didn’t exist.

No. 2417740

The crazy part is that it could be literally any man you know, and you could never know. I can't read this without crying.

No. 2418617

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No. 2418624

i thought it was outlawed to consume bat meat after covid?

No. 2418680

Why is it always bats like why specifically them? Rabies, COVID whatever this is…
Also I wonder if this actually is originating in the Congo in just thinking back to when in early COVID China tried to say the virus was totes not them it was the Africans lol

No. 2418694

Is this gonna be like Wuhan all over again where they blamed the wet markets and bat meat but instead it was because the US had their own pfizer facility in China that researched flus and we ended up creating rona only to admit to it years later?

No. 2418705

theyre bats which can carry very dangerous diseases (be it blood or fruit bat) the government has tried quelling it but seeing the bushmeat is cheap and easy access https://www.africanews.com/2019/10/14/defiant-over-dangers-of-consuming-bat-meat-congolese-still-carried-away-by-its/ this is before 2020 irc its been outlawed but seeing these countries are ravaged by wars and aid is scarce they still go back to eating bushmeat

No. 2418707

Hope this isn't another ebola outbreak

No. 2418756

Yeah, unfortunately, when you're starving you can't be picky about what you eat. I.e. people from Cambodia likely started to eating more and more tarantulas during the genocide/Khmer Rouge dictatorship. Though, I don't think tarantulas have nearly as many dieases as bats and other similar animals.

No. 2418758

Not trying to start anything here but some Congolese guy from my high school has a mother who went back to visit their relatives in Congo very often and she tried to bring a whole frozen monkey in her suitcase to cook and eat it back in her own apartment several times, so I'm not surprised to hear about kids eating bats to be honest.

I assume it will be more like Ebola, with a lot of deaths in the same area but the virus will kill people too fast for them to contaminate other people around them to be spread all over the planet like the corona virus did in 2019 and 2020.

No. 2418763

I don't think it's just about the amount of illnesses, but also how closely related we are to the animal. If it's a mammal the chances are a lot higher that humans can get infected too.

No. 2419235

Bushmeat is traditional African cuisine. Some choose to eat it even when in economically developed countries.

No. 2419541

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No. 2419609

No it said that his death was ‘ruled a suicide by the coroner’. Which means that they consider him bashing his head against the wall multiple times to be him committing suicide.

No. 2419680

>Radcliffe appealed his conviction and indeterminate sentence in 2017, but his request was denied by the court. It was around that time that he began claiming to be transgender and changed his name to Carissa Marie.
This shit is so transparent. I don’t know how anyone falls for it.

No. 2419783

i believe this poor girl was murdered by a male family member. a genealogist who has been researching her case found some potential family matches, but they refuse to speak with her. if she was killed by someone like her dad or a relative's boyfriend then it would explain why seemingly no one has been looking for her since the 80s. they already know what happened to her and they don't want anyone else to find out

No. 2421257

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No. 2421355

Longer sentence then a lot of men get fo sexually assaulting women.

No. 2421370

I just wanted to say that. Bleak.

No. 2421394

No. 2421418

Thanks for the fact check, nona. The man in the picture was convicted of sexually assaulting chickens, but that was not his only offence. He was also in possession of drugs, more bestiality material and CP, which was probably the main reason he got 3 years. He is not confirmed to be Indian and has a different name. There is no mention of his nationality, but he is probably a Pakistani immigrant as the article mentions that the case became notorious in Germany, Spain and Pakistan. The poor animals died as a result of the abuse, and his wife helped him by filming it, although there is evidence that he abused her too.

No. 2421437

in a just world the CP alone would have gotten him far more than just three years

No. 2421582

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No. 2421601

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I do not give a shit what race this guy is. He is a man and therefore he disgusts me. He could be an extra dark Italian for all I care.
He should be in prison for life.

No. 2421608

Did the original image say female instead of male? Just that is enough to make me sad

No. 2421640

Moidlets are so fucking retarded and barbaric. Teen moids should always be trailed as adult moids no teen moid is safe.

No. 2421660

even in a potato cam photo, you can still make out Andy's shiny dome and his fat fag-gripping ass

No. 2421668

>15-20 shots
What a fucking psychopath, it’s obvious he was trying to impress the guy he was in the car with. He must be a faggot

No. 2421669

>apologizes to his mommy as if he expects her to make this all go away

No. 2421677

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And then he had the audacity to claim he’s innocent when it came time for the trial. He deserved the death penalty.

No. 2421702

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This woman had a tiktok page where she would share how her and her association saved kids in Africa from abuse, sexual abuse, child marriage, starvation, etc. She was very defiant and open about the work she did for children. She suddenly started feeling sick and passed away suddenly. Obviously someone had her killed.

No. 2421720

teen boys are just as bad as grown men. what makes them especially dangerous is that they often travel in packs

No. 2421738

i think it did. You know how moids are, hating us because..?????? but thankfully someone edited it to be based.

No. 2421745

>travel in packs
My god theres nothing worse than a huge pack of teenaged scrotes. They are so loud and amplify each others retardation.

No. 2421858

Somehow I don't feel worried because of that at all. If you've watched any of those videos about bushmeat, it wouldn't surprise you that shit like this happens constantly, we just don't hear about it and it never reaches another continent. Absolutely everything gets eaten, they just bite into a dried still dirty and hairy monkey.

No. 2422571

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Actual psychotics scare the shit out of me

No. 2422573

…So all males?

No. 2422575

Average male, but blackpill incels will tell us that every man deserves a wife

No. 2422576

Kek your post made me laugh so hard because it's true and ridiculous. Moids are incredibly retarded. Sad part is a woman just has to be standing outside minding her own business and shit like this will still happen.

No. 2422592

Death penalty. that poor sweet kitty…

No. 2423357

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I would love to repeatedly kick these women in the side to give them both liver damage. Imagine being so cold hearted to kick a helpless dog. What absolutely bottom of the barrel scum

No. 2423374

This breaks my heart these women are true saints…I hope she rests in peace

No. 2423746

These women would get 3 years in prison while men with child porn get probation

No. 2423780

sort of weird to focus on the dog kicking when they pulled out a gun on a person over plants. like surely that’s more troubling than kicking an unleashed dog.

No. 2424111

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Im a year late to this, but it's a interesting read. I never heard of smutty but it was basically a porn website that allowed csam. alot of which reminded me of old 4chan
And a rabbit hole of other cp websites. It's too long to highlight but I recommend reading it https://osintguardian.com/2024/06/15/operation-unmasking-the-identity-of-the-owner-of-smutty/
kinda ot but I always wonder how sites like these are allowed to be online for so long, I know people say they're honeypots but I don't really believe that

No. 2424161

i fucking hate pedoes so much, reading anything about abuse to kids makes me sick… it’s like a cancer, will it ever lessen?

No. 2424247

Not to dogfags. They could have shot the person at point blank range and they’d still be screaming about muh poor doggo got kicked!!!

No. 2424330

Were they high? Jesus what psychos

No. 2424386

they look like the kind of men shayna would interact with on twitter. just further proof that pedophiles pursue adult camgirls that imitate CSAM

No. 2425097

It’s normal to be upset that someone kicked a dog (or any animal) for no reason. It doesn’t mean that they don’t also have empathy for human victims.

No. 2425269

don't bother arguing with them they'll just sperg more

No. 2427428

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This is what I mean when I say that males are evil.

No. 2427535

Teenage boys need to be raped with sticks. "B-but pedophilia!" shut the fuck up(a-logging)

No. 2427581

jesus fucking christ, why the fuck did he do that?

No. 2427687

How the fuck does a literal child even pull this off??

No. 2427774

I saw an article about two teenaged boys breaking into a single mom with two or three young kids house and raping her upstairs at gunpoint. After they came down, her son said something along the effect of "wait, I know you" because he was too young to understand, and the boys proceeded to murder her and her kids because of that. It made me cry so hard.

No. 2427776

knowing how our legal system is he's gonna get 5-10 years but be eligible for parole in 3.

No. 2427789

I read this whole article and I have no words, even after seeing sick shit my whole life

No. 2427847

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Tell me the dude who shot and killed Christina Grimmie at a public fan meet-up full of children doesn't look like a random guy you would see at the grocery store. I hate how women are told there overreacting, are paranoid, schizo, acting like Karens. Every day people talk about the evil of war and police brutality (valid) but always brush women off or call them terfs or radfems for being distrustful of men. There are thousands upon thousands of reports of men raping, murdering women and children and the number never decreases but no one ever acts like this is terrorism. There is no predator phenotype or phsyiognomy, all the men vary in age, appearance, race, etc. Its literal femicide but oh well guess you're all stupid fucking psycho batch Karen terfy cunts for not trusting men or pointing it out. Why is it only women who are forced to censor themselves or be accused of being bigoted or something for stating the obvious. It has always been and literally can be any man you see on the street, but God forbid you ere on the side of caution around them because that means you um ummm uhh are prejudiced

No. 2427908

Not really related to your post but when I read "femicide", it reminded me
>be me
>watch Canadian news one day just cause
>when reporting any news involving a man murdering a woman, they call it out as femicide
>i'm surprised in a good way
>never heard any news station call it femicide before
Canadian news is so based.

No. 2428043

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No. 2428091

Ugly fat ass bitches.

It's the dog haters getting out of containment. They will literally post dog zoophile videos and go "what about it??? Do you not care for children??" like retards.

Mods are fags, she was right. A-logging men should be fine on this site.

Shit like this is why I can never trust when males really want to adopt children without the presence of a woman. They're just too hypersexual and psychopathic to properly care for a child without going into rape ape mode.

No. 2428120

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I have always wondered why men, more specifically teen men, are babied so hard when they do vile shit like this on the daily? meanwhile teenage girls are demonized. Ofcourse i know the answer, but its insane to me that people are constantly bombarded by news like this or >>2427428 and still it doesnt affect how society see teen scrotes.

No. 2428166

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No. 2428176

Japan is literal hell for women

No. 2428231

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Ordinary looking dads. Men are evil. I noticed the first "rule" in the new group, too.

No. 2428232

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>Based on the girl's testimony, the prefectural police believe that Takimoto and his accomplices posed as adult women on dating sites to solicit prostitutes, and had the girl provide sex with more than 100 people

No. 2428238

Wow totally unexpected, didn't see that one coming!

No. 2428246

It really is. And no amount of shitty cute plastic garbage will erase that.

No. 2428302

this just reminds me of when i was around 12 years old my abusive stepdad would frequent this bodybuilding.com forum and one of the threads he would look at constantly was called jailbait and it was hundreds of pages long, filled with men lusting after and posting otherwise normal photos of teen girls, probably photos of their daughters or their daughters friends taken from facebook. really sick shit.

No. 2428350

>hurr females are too emotional
>don't criticise my pedo group in any way or you'll be kicked, I absolutely need my safe space where I can lust after my own children with other genetically damaged XYs
Everyday I'm praying for a virus that just takes them all out. But it's good they have their names attached.

No. 2428588

>They will literally post dog zoophile videos and go "what about it??? Do you not care for children??"
Kek thats what baby monkey haters say and do all the time too

No. 2428593

>this group is created by a Trump supporter
Of course it is

No. 2428606

Gay men should not be allowed to adopt boys, sorry.

Also if the victim were girls they'd get 2 years tops. As soon as a male is raped its a problem?

No. 2428648

You mean Tranada? Kek they don’t care about women.

No. 2428649

male degeneracy has always existed but I have relatives in rural Muslim regions who've told me that young men and boys are now even worse then previous generations, like before men used to try to avoid women, but now they have that misogyny plus extreme porn addiction and it's gotten disastrous,

No. 2428656

men should be nuggets tbh. they can't be trusted around any living thing. they're broken

No. 2428664

>As soon as a male is raped its a problem?
No because otherwise gay serial child rapist like Christopher Paul Neil would've gotten longer prison sentences

No. 2428674

Men shouldn't be allowed to adopt any child.

No. 2429252

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No. 2429263

You couldn't pay me to step foot in India

No. 2429265

Same anon. I feel terrible for Indian women who have no choice but to put up with this.

No. 2429288

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No. 2429298

Why TF do women do this. Is it cultural shit ingrained in them

No. 2429303

Too bad, India is coming to you.

No. 2429376

>just further proof that pedophiles pursue adult camgirls that imitate CSAM
Yes, and it's a logical fallacy to think that most pedophile's sexuality (or really men's sexuality in general) is merely black and white. In reality, it tends to be on a spectrum because they'll stick their dicks in anything. The dudes fapping to 2D loli porn or "safe" DDLG alternatives would not hesitate to go after an actual child or consume legit CSAM if they thought they could get away with it. I hate that so many people are naive and argue "muh lines on paper" or "camwhore doesn't look like an actual child"; to a man, if he can believe in the fantasy long enough to coom, that's good enough for him.

No. 2429430

Nobody has ever posted a “dog zoophile video” on here, you’re just desperate to bring it up because you fuck dogs yourself.(infighting)

No. 2429619

Holy shit I’ve followed her for years I’m devastated to hear this. The work she was doing was incredible, I hope her school can continue on and all the kids she rescued stay safe

No. 2429640

There are so many gross Indians in the US now. Can’t go on errands without running into smelly rape gangs roaming the streets(racebait)

No. 2429711

i believe that many people don't want to accept that teenage boys are capable of horrific violence because that would mean realizing their own male offspring are potential ticking timebombs. it's probably frightening to imagine that someone you have birthed and raised could turn on you like a rabid animal the instant he doesn't get his way or harm women and girls for his own gratification

No. 2430279

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Chinese engineering moid/ricecel from a wealthy family drugs and rapes 50+ women across the UK and China from the years 2019 to 2024. He took 1277 videos and tried to claim they were all "consenting to bring his fantasy to life". Multiple videos have them begging and protesting, one of them has the victim saying "I hate you" while he brags that the sound ventilation in his room is "very good". Many of the victims remain unidentified. He also kept a "trophy box" of victims' belongings.

No. 2430293

Just saw this on the news. Absolute scum of the earth

No. 2430295

Same in the UK

No. 2430305

Guess Reynhard Sinaga is no longer the uks worst serial rapist

No. 2430365

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I read a pretty weird article on Buzzfeed "News" today. It's not nearly as bad as most of the things already posted itt, but I just needed to post it somewhere because it's driving me insane.

No. 2430368

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Samefagging to add that this part made me kek. Sometimes it's exactly the person you expect.
If we don't have a BDSM hate thread (or equivalent) already, I feel like we should. It comes up a lot, especially on certain /snow/ threads.

No. 2430370

I've heard about the Bambi Sleep garbage that troons use. Some moron on KF tried it and said it messed him up. Iirc he claimed it made him dumber and he couldn't stop thinking about it.

No. 2430391

The only reason the UK (who gives convicted pedophiles only two months) was so harsh on him is because he raped moids and not women. I dont want to doompost but frankly I'm pretty sure the UK is going to bail him out to china

No. 2430405

Mk ultra for autist

No. 2430425

If hypnosis can create real results, can moids unironically be hypnotized into being less violent through their goon material?

No. 2430463

That's exactly the part that's so funny to me. Plenty of scrotes using this stuff to ruin their own lives (there's this one middle-aged man quoted who claims Bambi Sleep "made him seek out gay sex on Grindr"). Although reading back my original post, I want to make sure I don't downplay the contents of this article. It's primarily about the guy in >>2430368 using erotic hypnosis as a guise to prey on young women unfortunately, which is less funny.

No. 2430514

The bambi shit is exactly what my 18 y/o mormon friend got into and he’s literally fucked for life lmao, I tried to semi-help him due to him being a mormon and all but instead he doubled down. It’s all so retarded kek

No. 2430518

For life? What happened?

No. 2430525

He’s just gone full degenerate (following along with the themes of the hypno shit) started posting himself in femboy gear on reddit and pedo-pandering, dming several pedophiles privately. He was enabled by some shota-con neonazi girl and now they’re travelling Cali together meeting notorious discord pedophiles. I’m sure he’ll sober up when he’s older but I don’t doubt his idea of sex and consent will be fucked for life, I just hope he doesn’t molest anyone!

No. 2430822

Anyone who claims this "ruined their life" is just engaging in fetish talk. There's literally nothing special about it, they wanted to do all that degenerate shit and have something else to blame. I will say that if someone is in an abusive relationship and pushed into doing certain things, that's more than a little different from simply listening to this corny fetish hypno bullshit.

No. 2430861

nta I also understand that teenagers can be dangerous, but the point is that male teenagers today are especially worse because they have those urges combined with porn-brain rot that they've had since youth

No. 2430870

send him to china

No. 2430878

>He was enabled by some shota-con neonazi girl and now they’re travelling Cali together meeting notorious discord pedophiles
what the fuck, how old are they?

No. 2430907

He’s recently 18 and she’s turning 21, we both knew him since he was a young teenager which makes it even weirder. It’s entirely on him don’t get me wrong but all of the factors combined together makes for a fucked up situation. He always says ‘I’m happier like this!’ but that’s an entire part of the sissy hypno shit, it’s one step off trannyism imo! I remember he was browsing troon threads here and sadposting in my dms that ‘anons on this lolcow site hate people like me’… That was the sign I needed to give up on his retarded ass and blocked him lmao

No. 2430925

China won't do anything, his dad is a CCP officer and he's rich. No charges are being filed against him in China, despite them being made aware, and his homes haven't been investigated.
He'd walk free there and rape again, the country is full of lunatic scrotes torturing/abusing women, children and animals.

No. 2430956

If all this online hypnosis shit worked, men en masse would be listening to milquetoast audio tracks like "I love going to the gym. I am confident around people. I am bored of video games. I spend time productively." and getting the benefits from it. Imo these sissy hypno people are just doing fetish shit they wanted to do anyway and claiming they got brainwashed into it

No. 2431023

Men are doing exactly what you described it just doesn't work

No. 2431027

Kek moids can be meme'd into anything. They always hate on anything that's popular with women but scrotes are the first retards to fall for trends. It's just that scrote trends are always sex related.

Moids don't want to go to the gym. They all want to be faggots who watch their current trendy "mommy dom" porn and sit on their flabby frail or fat asses. The state of modern men is truly sickening kek

No. 2431029

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Men going to the gym doesn't really change them much

No. 2431034

Notice how he’s obscuring his face

No. 2431038

Scrotes who go to the gym are less likely to be into this shit though kek. Of course there will be a few terminally online neets who just hit up the gym only to go home and watch anime then sleep.

No. 2431381

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>Fifteen people in South Korea were injured, two of them seriously, after a pair of fighter jets accidentally dropped eight bombs in a civilian district during a live-fire military exercise, local media reported.

No. 2431385

that doesnt happen because there are literal locks against this in the planes,this was deliberate not surprising how many edgelord incels are in the korean army

No. 2431398

This isnt true, the guy that groomed me when i was 13 and went on to rape some tranny who then killed himself is a gymrat. You are dumb if you think going to the gym changes men, if anything it makes them feel more confident to be assholes.

No. 2431407

Kek no offense but you sound disconnected from reality. Gym scrotes go to the gym to make up for their wounded masculinity and the moment they gain some muscle they use it on others. They're still the same retards, only with more strength so they can beat and rape better

No. 2431781

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Another day another young woman (17) killed by a male.

No. 2431949

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It depends. casual gym-goers are usually average-ish, but those who are obsessed with the gym and use steroids, as you said, tend to be deeply insecure about themselves

No. 2431969

>accidentally dropped 8 bombs
Aint no way. I will eagerly await this investigation.

No. 2432023

Translation for the non-PT nonnas:
Victoria's dad always picked her up, but the car was broken when she went missing
Vitoria Regina de Souza was last seen at a bus stop in Cajamar (SP). The body was found in the woods in the city
Yes, it's so easy to drop multiple live bombs on civilian districts by accident, it happens every other day! Be so for fucking real. This was a scrotoid who was mad that he wasn't getting laid by his Genshit waifu and tried to murder people about it. If it was a woman who did this, it was 100% sabotage by a moid seething over women. It's South Korea, their scrotes are barely human at this point, they're zombies fueled by microdick syndrome and kiddie porn.

No. 2432577

Recently got a book from my mom about a fictional retelling of what may have happened to Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon. I know about alot of true crime cases, but it is the first time I had heard of this one. The writer firmly believes that their deaths was not an accident but foul play and links to two videos from this Youtuber "Alternate Theories", claiming they must have been uploaded by someone involved with the case.

I've only seen the first video so far but it seems to have poor English and be poorly made, likely with Windows Movie Maker or something similar. I think that gives credibility that it could have been made by a Panamanian.

Either way, it sounds like a pretty harrowing case. I think this re-affirms that Central America is just not a good idea to travel to, especially if you are a young single woman. There is way too much cartel crime and organ trafficking in these areas. Especially if you completely stand out as a foreigner that is unfamiliar with the language and culture.

No. 2432582

Wait, how do we know he was an incel?
Is this how I find out the South Korean army is full of the same gachaincel scrotes who wish death upon women on their 4chan equivalent?

No. 2432655

Not sure if I should mention this here or the true crime thread, but statistically they probably just lost their way and died from dehydration or exposure. It’s shockingly easy to get lost in the woods much less a jungle like they were in. So many of the missing cases in national parks are just people who wandered a bit too far of the path to relieve themselves, take a photo, look at something a bit closer, and not be able to find their way back. It’s incredibly common and easy to do even if you’re an experienced outdoorsman. Honestly I find that more terrifying than being potentially preyed upon as a tourist.

No. 2432856

It's shocking how easy it is to get lost and die in the wilderness. It doesn't have to be in some remote hostile land either, people have gotten lost and died in places that were easy to walk in and frequented by families and dog walkers. Bodies get stuck in the weirdest places and sometimes don't get found until they're reduced to scraps of clothing and some bones. Dogs and wildlife will eat them if they're not found soon enough and that can make it look like there was some foul play involved when the person maybe just wandered off the path and couldn't find their way back. Dehydration and hypothermia are deadly and it's super easy to get both of these without realizing it.
IMO the majority of the missing persons cases, especially missing kids, in rural or remote areas, are down to this. Inb4 dogs will find them, yes, they do, but not always. Dogs run off to eat shit and sniff piss all the time. If a dog runs off to poke at something weird and stinky in the undergrowth its owner will probably assume that it's investigating a dead squirrel. Sometimes rescue and recovery teams only find the body because they literally tripped over it or walked into it.

No. 2432906

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Oh sweet, can we get woman's rights back too? No….? Ok….

No. 2432911

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No. 2432912

>Erin Reed
I implore you to read his KF thread.

No. 2432915

She's going to get so much shit for this, sadly.

No. 2433036

You’re completely right. Search parties try their best but there are so many cases where the decedent is found in an area previously searched. It’s a bit similar to people who disappear along with their car with no trace, only for decades to pass and their car is found in a body of water with them still inside it. Things just get missed and it’s hard to search for people in nature.

No. 2433891

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This story is from 2014, but I only learned about it today. The murder got sentenced to 40 years in 2018

>Gaeta has been held in the Kitsap County Juvenile Detention Center on $1 million bail since his arrest August 9th. Two days earlier, Jenise Wright's body was found after an intensive search involving hundreds of law enforcement officers and others.

>An FBI team with search dogs discovered the girl's body covered by a wood pallet and submerged in a muddy bog in woods near her Bremerton home.
>Authorities say they linked evidence found near the girl's body to the DNA of Gaeta, a high school student with no criminal history. A search of his bedroom turned up a blood- and mud-covered shirt and a bloody towel.
>Court records showed Jenise Wright suffered brunt-force trauma to the head and was strangled and sexually assaulted. her body appeared to have been moved between a half-hour and three hours after she died.
>Her underwear and shorts were found 15-20 feet away from her remains. She was last seen by her parents when she went to bed August 2 at her family's home in a mobile-home park.
>Officials have said there were no signs of forced entry at the residence and no indication Jenise taken from her home.
>Gaeta has been described by James Wright, Jenise's father, as a close friend of the family.
>His residence was two homes away from the access point to a wooded trail that led to where the body was found, according to court documents.
>But the strapping teen depicted smiling in Facebook photographs reportedly had a violent streak that manifested itself off the wrestling mat.
>In response to the question 'Wanna fight?' posted on the site Ask.fm, Gaeta wrote: 'No. I don't fight. I just kill people until the point where they're dead.'
>Replying to another question, 'What's the latest thing that made you smile?' the high school student portentously wrote: 'A child crying.'
>James and Denise Wright reported Jenise missing on August 3. As authorities began investigating her disappearance, three children - aged eight, 12 and 16 - were removed from their care.
>After she went missing, it emerged that James wright was arrested in 2000 on felony charges of child molestation in the first degree after an 8-year-old girl said he inappropriately touched them after a night of drinking.
>More than a year later, in June 2001, the charges were amended to include third-degree child molestation after a 15-year-old girl who was babysitting the girl during New Year's Eve 2000 said that Wright touched her breasts and put his hands down her pants.
>An FBI team with search dogs discovered the girl's body covered by a small wood pallet and submerged in a muddy bog in woods near her Bremerton home.


No. 2433896

it boggles my mind how someone who rapes and murders a child doesn't get an insta life sentence.

No. 2433958

I thought so as well but after learning more about this case it does sound kind of suspicious. Their backpack was found after several months with all its contents intact. There was a video missing from the camera. After they disappeared, the tour guide spent 30 minutes looking into the girls rooms. What business would he have being there? The connection with the youth gang and the string of deaths afterwards is super strange too. Someone or group of people were clearly trying to cover their tracks.

No. 2433968

>I just kill people until the point where they're dead.
most intelligent scrote

No. 2433975

>Why can't I find anything about this from any reputable news sources?
Because I guess it may or may not have actually happened. Georgia authorities says it's a lie and that the rest of the women are fine, while thai people (and the orginal three women) seem to believe it 100% happened. I don't see why either side would lie so it's complicated

No. 2434393

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No. 2434613

I wanna know which part of the bible told him that

No. 2434705

I hate this YouTuber and I hate the way it always looks like she’s forcing a look of compassion in the thumbnail. She just looks constipated.

No. 2434757

She's batshit crazy as well.

No. 2434812

Why specifically? I’m interested in more reasons to hate her.

No. 2434814

What makes you say that? I figured that anyone who can make mukbang content whilst talking about a murder case isn't the best nor the sanest person out there so I don't doubt it, but I'm curious to know if you have any other examples of her being batshit crazy aside from her insensitive content.

No. 2434843

Oh no sorry, I've talked about how insensitive she is before but after watching one of her most recent videos and she still insisted on making up fake details and dialogue about real people. Seeing as shes a shrill, manic bulimic I would expect nothing less.

No. 2434855

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He raped Louise, the 26 year-old woman who was his ex, prior to killing her, her mother, and her older sister with a crossbow. It's miraculous that women can trust men at all really, considering what some of them are capable of doing to us

No. 2434934

fags, esp these ones obsessed with their social media image, are narcissists. they don't think of their children as individuals, just dolls, dolls they can rape, males are dolls that they can slap a dress on and mutilate for tranny approval, females are dolls they can hypersexualize to sell to pedos and/or treat like a pet parrot that "yas queen"s them everyday.

No. 2434942

better yet, send him to India, North Eastern women can't live peacefully but scrotes like this are never brought to justice?

No. 2435005

NTAYRT but this youtuber I prefer also did a video

No. 2435278

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India - not even once.
>The Israeli woman and her homestay operator were said to be stargazing with three male travellers in Koppal town in southern Karnataka state on Thursday night.
>Police said three men on a motorbike approached them and asked for money. After an argument, the men pushed the male travellers into a nearby canal before sexually assaulting the two women.
>Ram L Arasiddi, a local police official, said one of travellers had drowned and his body was recovered on Saturday. The other two men swam to safety, he said.
>Sexual assaults on women have become a prominent issue in India, where police recorded 31,516 rape cases in 2022, a 20% increase from 2021, according to the National Crime Records Bureau. The real figure is believed to be much higher given the stigma surrounding sexual violence and victims’ lack of faith in police.

No. 2435290

Well, at least he didn't kill his wife

No. 2435293

Old Testament christians are so fucking demented.

No. 2435360

Doge was a female dog and would be a man hating radfem if she could talk

No. 2435691

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No. 2435693

I like that terf Shiba is a meme on here. I hope it gains more popularity.

No. 2435745

Why is it so hard for the majority of american women or just normie women in general to realize that men fucking hate them? Men hate women.

No. 2435750

Disgusting. Males live life on assisted tutorial mode, they can rape, torture, and mutilate a woman and then attempt to kill her and get 8 years in jail just to do it again. When will people wake up and realize males are not human?

No. 2435757

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Why do we release these moids? What the hell are they going to contribute to society? They never change and never will. How do you cut someones arms off and get 8 years? Stay away form moids, period. Always carry a weapon. Treat them like you would a dangerous animal.

No. 2435767

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I remember being confused as a child when I heard the full penalty for rape in my state was only a few years. I was thinking "How? It's one of the most inhumane, demonic crimes you can commit…" When I was older I realized the world simply hates women. This sick bastard shouldn't have lived to 74 and died of cancer he should've been killed by firing squad like that piece of shit in South Carolina (picrel)

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