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No. 842196
This thread is to share and discuss any wikipedia articles that we might find interesting. You can also share pages from other wikis or other interesting wikis themselves (ex. lost media wiki). Any topic goes here, try to talk about a variety of things.
You can also try to play the wikipedia game here, share your highest score: No. 842199
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I wanna share the List of Breads. Tell me your favorite bread nonners No. 842208
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>>842199also sharing list of cakes hehe (I want boobie cake) No. 842214
File: 1625055631316.png (20.19 KB, 520x480, Wiki-sisters.png) the official humanization of wikipedia (and her sisters) they remind me of doremi
No. 842231
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>>842226What does that mean?? Sorry I'm not a native english speaker
>>842227I loved doremi as a child, I've been considering rewatching it
Posting the wikipedia page so I actually contribute with something No. 842244
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Tangentially related, but I loved watching "Citation Needed" (playlist, cannot embed: and "Two of these people are lying" ( by the Techinacal Difficulties (Tom Scott and friends). Very fun shows that center around obscure Wikipedia articles. I highly recommend if you're bored.
No. 842388
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>>842224that's so fucking morbid down to the picture, it gives me chills
>>842244thanks for sharing!!
Anyways did you know rodents and primates are very close relatives?? No. 842396
File: 1625073640665.jpeg (24.86 KB, 220x149, CA6C5368-1D62-44D7-A6C4-4926BD…) wiki page for reindeer is the most unnecessarily detailed one I’ve ever seen.
No. 842403
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>>842396one time i looked up the page about stairs and it was also very detailed kek No. 842437
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Remembering the time I wanted to look up how M&Ms were made and learned there was M&M spokescandy lore and a very small but very autistic spokescandy fandom. No. 842458
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I was reading this yesterday, didn't know it was a thing until now thread idea btw!
No. 842467
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>>842458A lot of bloodsports are kinda fucked"Fox tossing (German: Fuchsprellen) was a competitive blood sport popular in parts of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It involved throwing live foxes and other animals high into the air. It was practiced by members of the aristocracy in an enclosed patch of ground or in a courtyard, using slings with a person on each end to catapult the animal upwards. It was particularly popular for mixed couples, even though it was hazardous for the people launching the animals as the terrified animals would often turn on the participants. The result was often fatal for the tossed animals."
No. 842470
>>842467They were absolutely fucked. I knew about bear baiting, bull baiting, dog and cock fights, but never knew about that and the rat one.
Sad that the rat baiting kept happening even after the animal cruelty act because most people don't care about rats at all.
No. 842474
File: 1625079008517.png (1.68 MB, 1023x645, imagen_2021-06-30_134950.png) trades red paperclip, eventually gets a house
No. 843553
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No. 843652
>>842202I'm really frightened of this kind of thing so I end up reading a lot about them. Here's an article about one of the worst radiation accidents, where a device for radiotherapy was found at an abandoned hospital and handled by multiple people. The contact tracking and cleanup aftermath are really fascinating: a list of other incidents similar: No. 843744
>>842202>>843652Many farmers are aware of this, buy anyway fuel for everyone involved
No. 843781
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My country is very ethnically homogeneous historically, so I'm somewhat fascinated by countries that have ethnic minority communities out of immigration from even centuries ago instead of recent currents like mine.
Here's some interesting ones (almost all are from ex-soviet union regions
but I swear I'm not a slavaboo, pls): semi related thing:
USSR failed attempt to create a region for Jewish people. Currently, the population is less than 1% Jewish. Picrel is the flag. No. 843995
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>>842403Now I'm just thinking about how many man-hours went into the Wikipedia article for stairs. Who would even say "man, I really gotta look up these stair things I keep hearing about?"
No. 844209
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>>842202ok I don't know wtf did I expect, but certainely not this. I think I just found my dream job
>tfw born too early to be a radiation priestess with a colorchanging pussy No. 844509 one's an extremely depressing read, but so fascinating you just keep reading. It's about a feral child who was locked in a room in a house for 13 years, and how scientists used her as a test subject. Pretty interesting to read about the effects of almost zero human interaction, sunlight, etc.
She's still alive, actually. Hope she's doing better now.
No. 844524>9/11 and the mortgage crisis of 2001 impacted fashion by bringing in a new wave of conservatism.I swear the second bulletpoint in this section used to have a separate page, now it's reduced to a single paragraph. no idea Brazil was booming with Japanese decendents. the line about spiders lol
>>844509I remember learning about her in high school. Yes, I hope she's doing okay.
>>842403This reminds me how there's tons of wikipedia pages in different languages that people edit to be extremely long, similar to how fan wikias are.
No. 844595
>>844524>Had no idea Brazil was booming with Japanese decendents.All of America is pretty diverse in general
Brazil also has an Arab community. has a Japanese community too, to the point that one of its presidents was from a Japanese family. interestingly has a huge Indian community (they're the largest ethnic group). the Welsh community in Argentina is somewhat interesting as well, apparently they were dynamic enough in the past centuries that they even developed their own dialect these are just some, of course. You'd probably take years triying to research all communities in all American countries, kek
No. 844644
File: 1625282706296.jpeg (33.55 KB, 397x404, bridged_grain.jpeg) death has always been really scary to me. And just situations where people get killed in horribly confined places in general. For instance, the 2009 Nutty Putty Cave incident where a man went spelunking and became stuck upside down in a super tight cave. He ended up dying of a heart attack because of all the blood going to his head and upper torso and his body was never retrieved. Another tragedy I find really horrifying is the teenager who died trying to retrieve a shoe that fell inside a rolled up, heavy gym mat at his school. It's like getting trapped upside down inside a toilet paper roll. He ended up dying of asphyxiation, but I just can't imagine the terror of realizing youre stuck and being unable to breathe, all of the blood rushing to your head. I sound like a psychopath describing this but I dont know, it's just my worst fucking fear. Especially since in this situation he died doing something so mundane, something you couldn't even think of as remotely dangerous.
No. 844679
>>844509Oh no, I hate this one. This fucked me up so fucking much.
>Genie developed a tendency to masturbate in socially inappropriate contexts, which led doctors to seriously consider the possibility that Genie's father subjected her to sexual abuse or forced her brother to do so, although they never uncovered any definite evidence.>Regardless of where she was she constantly salivated and spat, and continually sniffed and blew her nose on anything that happened to be nearby. She had no sense of personal property, frequently pointing to or taking something she wanted from someone else, or situational awareness. Doctors wrote that she acted on impulse irrespective of the setting, especially noting that she frequently engaged in open masturbation and would sometimes attempt to involve older men in it.This is beyond fucked up.
No. 844691
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>>844524>list of -gate controversies>penis gate>"While performing at a concert in Stockholm, singer Lenny Kravitz squatted and his pants split open revealing his penis to concertgoers."Oh my god this is hilarious
No. 846037
File: 1625444345458.jpeg (175.65 KB, 1500x1025, 35F22997-0234-4D52-B779-36FE91…) section on common names for roly-poly bugs is super entertaining.
No. 846093
File: 1625453048127.jpg (44.78 KB, 548x405, image0 (12).jpg) article always gets a chuckle out of me based on the names and what organism gets chosen for which person
No. 846601
>>846458more like a crappy, underfunded coroner in a city with a median family income of 39k with 30% of the population below the poverty line did a shitty job on a black kid's body, then a funeral home dgaf because it's a private business and they just want to get paid.
Seniors homes, mental institutions, and death care are rife with corner cutting and gross shit in the USA.
No. 847653
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the tamam shud case has always weirded me out.
>man is found dead on beach with a note in his pocket with the Persian phrase "tamam shud" which means "its over/finished"
>they locate the book the page was torn from and there are phone numbers scribbled in the pages, along with random text that looks to be a secret code.
>the text has never been decoded and the man is still a "John Doe"
there's a lot more to this case and it's worth a read
No. 847705
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>>847584>>847473I looked up the reindeer article's edit stats to find the top contributor because I wanted to see how much of a weirdo this person is. It probably
is a fetish thing since there's no mention of having autism, any Wikipedia user page typically hints at one or the other, academics don't have time for this shit lol,_essays,_and_other_creations No. 847710
>>847653i always considered it solved after reading this article journalist goes looking for beach man's living relatives and ends up marrying one of them
No. 847745
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The scottish wiki kerfuffle will never not make me chuckle. Its always good reminder that you shouldn't rely on it as the or only source and that behind every article there's probably a troll or an ego driven fuckster who can't stand the possibility that he might be wrong.
The scotts wiki: don't have any knowledge of the scots language so I don't know if it's been fixed or not.
Some other related pages: No. 847882
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I've found out about Demon Core recently, it's such a sci-fi thing that this simple and unassuming sphere is so dangerous>>847709Cargo cult is crazy, it felt like reading fiction the first time I've encountered the term!
No. 848793
File: 1625753087479.png (1.71 MB, 800x1067, imagen_2021-07-08_090440.png) you know that a common difference between modern Paganism and New Age is that the former focuses more on the external world and the latter on the inner life of the individual?
No. 866325
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>>866299there's a similar thing that if you needlepoint a belt for your bf he will either break up with you before you can even finish it or soon after you gift it to him lol
No. 875087
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No. 881185
File: 1628956104357.gif (1.32 MB, 480x235, 2j6go.gif)>Males intimidate females into mating by attracting predators; they tap on the water's surface and create ripples that catch the attention of predatory fish. From there, it is in the best interest of the female to mate, and as quickly as possible, to avoid being eaten by predators. Typical mating positions of water striders have the females on the bottom, closer to predators, so the risk of predation is much higher for them. Females succumb to copulation to get males to cease signaling to predators.Water, Earth or Air males ain't shit.
No. 881191
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What a beautiful thread, thank you for it.
>The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC, founded in 1971 as the Behavior Research Institute) is an institution in Canton, Massachusetts, United States, housing people with developmental disabilities, emotional disorders, and autistic-like behaviors. The center has been condemned for torture by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture>The JRC is known for its use of the Graduated Electronic Decelerator (GED), a device that administers electric shocks to residents through a remote control >As of 2014, nearly 90% of the center's residents were from New York City, and about 90% of the residents were racial minorities>The JRC is incorporated as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization. In 2020, it received $1.7 million in COVID-19 relief funds. No. 881226
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>>881191Founder and GED inventor Matthew Israel avoided prison time by agreeing to step down. WTF. Also…
>Employees are encouraged to file anonymous reports against each other, and are forbidden from making casual conversation. The negative write-ups that result from these anonymous reports are called "performance improvement opportunities". Sometimes management will direct an employee to bait another into breaking the rules as a test to see if they will do it. For example, an employee might try to start a casual conversation with another employee at the direction of management. The conversation will be recorded so that staff caught breaking the rules may be disciplined. Residents are also restricted from socializing with each other. "It was basically like we had to have enemies. They didn’t want us to be friendly with nobody." — Isabel Cedeño, former student. All employees must sign an agreement, which claims to be legally binding, not to talk publicly about the JRC, even after they no longer work there. No. 881337
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I want more people to contribute!!
I'll contribute with this No. 881485
>>881352This one was me
>>881346Anyway, yes, absolutely. Megumi Ogata's voice turns me on. Komaeda is sexy, women are sexy, and middle aged women are generally based as fuck. Of all the things that arouse me, that's the thing you take issue with? Really? Anon, I'm unironically developing a piss kink after falling down a dark hole on AO3. I want to give Komaeda a snowball. I want to draw all over his face and body and make him cry like a little bitch. I want to get him so worked up that he dry humps my leg to completion, scarlet with shame. I want to finger him and film it and put it on the internet. Sometimes I secretly imagine him with a pussy and think about eating him out. Getting turned on by a middle aged Japanese lady's nice voice acting is so low down on my list of concerns that it doesn't even register.
No. 928229
Males reach the peak of their sex drive in their teenage years, while females reach it in their thirties.[why?][52][53] The surge in testosterone hits the male at puberty resulting in a sudden and extreme sex drive which reaches its peak at age 15–16, then drops slowly over his lifetime. In contrast, a female's libido increases slowly during adolescence and peaks in her mid-thirties.[54] Actual testosterone and estrogen levels that affect a person's sex drive vary considerably.
People in their 60s and early 70s generally retain a healthy sex drive, but this may start to decline in the early to mid-70s.[56] Older adults generally develop a reduced libido due to declining health and environmental or social factors.[56] In contrast to common belief, postmenopausal women often report an increase in sexual desire and an increased willingness to satisfy their partner.
Aging adults often have more positive attitudes towards sex in older age due to being more relaxed about it, freedom from other responsibilities, and increased self-confidence. Those exhibiting negative attitudes generally cite health as one of the main reasons. Stereotypes about aging adults and sexuality often regard seniors as asexual beings, doing them no favors when they try to talk about sexual interest with caregivers and medical professionals.[57] Non-western cultures often follow a narrative of older women having a much lower libido, thus not encouraging any sort of sexual behavior for women. Residence in retirement homes has affects on residents' libidos. In these homes, sex occurs, but it is not encouraged by the staff or other residents. Lack of privacy and resident gender imbalance are the main factors lowering desire. No. 928230
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I edited this. Wonder how long will it take for some nutcase to revert it back.
No. 928232
A rainbow party is a baseless urban legend spread from the early 2000s. At these events, females wearing various shades of lipstick reportedly took turns fellating males in sequence, leaving multiple colours on their penises,[36] ignoring the fact that in such a situation the colors would blend. Rainbow parties were covered on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2003, and became the subject of a juvenile novel called Rainbow Party.[36] On May 27, 2010, the television program The Doctors discussed the topic with dozens of teens, parents, and professionals. However, sex researchers and adolescent health care professionals have found no evidence for the existence of rainbow parties, and as such attribute the spread of the stories to a moral panic.[36]
Similar stories concerning teenagers using gel bracelets as coupons or signals for sex also arose at the time, with a similar lack of corroborating evidence.[37] No. 928234
Party and play (PnP), also called chemsex or wired play, is the consumption of drugs to facilitate or enhance sexual activity. Sociologically, it refers to a subculture of recreational drug users who engage in high-risk sexual activities under the influence of drugs within sub-groups.[1] This can include unprotected sex during sessions with multiple sexual partners that may continue for days.
The drug of choice is typically methamphetamine, known as crystal meth, tina or T,[2] but other drugs are also used, such as mephedrone, GHB, GBL,[3] and alkyl nitrites (known as poppers).[4] The term slamsex is associated with users who inject the drugs.[5]
Some studies have found that people participating in such sex parties have a higher probability of acquiring sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, by having unprotected sex with large numbers of sexual partners. For this reason, it is considered "a public health priority".[3]
The practice is nicknamed "party 'n' play" ("PNP" or "PnP") by some participants. Others refer to it as "high 'n' horny" ("HnH"). One academic study calls the practice "sexualized drug use" or SDU.[6]
The term PnP is commonly used by gay men[1][failed verification] and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in North America and Australia, while the term chemsex is more associated with the gay scene in Europe.[7]
Methamphetamine is often used recreationally for its effects as a potent aphrodisiac, euphoriant, and stimulant.[8] It has been further described that "an entire subculture known as party and play is based around methamphetamine use."[8] Gay men belonging to this subculture will typically meet up through internet dating sites to have sex.[8] On such sites, men often include notations such as "chems" or "PnP".[8] Since stimulant drugs such as methamphetamine drastically delay the need for sleep, increase sexual arousal, and tend to inhibit ejaculation, PNP sexual encounters can continue for many hours or even days.[8]
The same drug-induced loss of inhibitions makes PNP enthusiasts more vulnerable to more immediate threats, such as robbery, date rape, assault, or murder, by someone whom they meet for sex.[15] Men in the chemsex scene have stated that sexual consent is not clearly defined and there can be a perception that anyone at a "party and play" get-together is assumed to consent.[16]
The phrase party and play – and pay has emerged as a warning that partying and playing may result in neurological damage,[17] and leads to bareback sex which increases the chances of contracting HIV, and of resistance to HIV drugs.[12] No. 977292
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Female and male: the terms are not etymologically related. Male originates from Old French masle, a shortened form of Latin masculus. Female originates from Medieval Latin femella, a diminutive of femina.
Innocent: often wrongly believed to have the original meaning of "not knowing", as if it came from Latin noscere (to know); in fact it comes from nocere (to harm), so the primary sense is "harmless".
Woman does not originate from "woven from man", nor from "womb". It came from the Old English wifmann ("woman person"), a compound of wif ("woman" – cf. "wife") + man ("human being"). Adult human males were called wer (as in weregeld, and world, and possibly also be the first element in "werwolf", man-wolf). Mann, the word for "person", eventually came to be used for adult human males specifically. Both "wer" and "wyf" may be used to qualify "man", for example:
God gesceop ða æt fruman twegen men, wer and wif
(then at the beginning, God created two human beings, man and woman) No. 977332
>>977317There is no such thing as an "alpha" in a wolf pack. An early study that coined the term "alpha wolf" had only observed unrelated adult wolves living in captivity. In the wild, wolf packs operate more like human families: there is no defined sense of rank, parents are in charge until the young grow up and start their own families, younger wolves do not overthrow an "alpha" to become the new leader, and social dominance fights are situational.
>>977319People still believe it
No. 2255539
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Another one from Wikipedo.
No. 2424026
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Alt wikis have some insane stuff