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No. 2405745

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>>/ot/2400311

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & do not reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2405750

Okay here you go, please stop shitting up mundane shit now.

No. 2405756

I love working out but every time I do, my scalp sweats and becomes really fucking itchy, so I itch my scalp which causes dandruff, which means I have to wash my hair, but I can't wash my hair every fucking day because my scalp is already dry af along with my hair, and I really cant be bothered to wash it every day anyway because its so fucking thick and takes for ever to dry.
I swear to god I'm about to go full Britney Spears and shave all my fucking hair off

No. 2405765

If normal dandruff shampoo doesn't work, see a dermatologist. I was keeping myself clean and tried multiple shampoos and ended up needing a prescription from the derm. Cleared everything up within two uses and I use the shampoo and cream very sparingly now.

No. 2405787

>get mentally better
>get physically sick
I can't win in life

No. 2405793

Disabled men are some of the most evil men on this earth and I mean it. There is no one else as adept at rallying whiteknights around him to give him the ultra mommy treatment. I grew up with a crippled dad and a cluster b mom and he would immediately rush to tell my mom things, literally anything, to get her angry and yelling at me and not at him. I hate disabled men. I don't care about their pain or struggles because I know what they are capable of, and it's moidery on steroids.

No. 2405806

Take anavar and get off the fucking internet and work out.

No. 2405816

>find based women
>they still love troons

kill me

No. 2405818

If they love troons, then in what way are they based?

No. 2405822

This is truth. They also take the regular moid entitlement up to eleven and act like they deserve a girlfriend the same way they deserve the blue parking spaces which they then hog the yellow loading lines with their oversized lifted trucks so other disabled peeps can't get their wheelchairs out of their car. Honest to god, Sparta had the right idea, at least when it comes to moids. Throw the crippled ones off a cliff posthaste.

No. 2405826

They also love to be conservatards and misogynistic when 9/10 times it's always been a woman in their lives advocating for them. They'll have shit to say about actual cripples on disability because they can't work some big boy job but then they themselves can't even cook themselves a fucking meal or clean their shit splatters off the bathroom floor. They go on and on about how women are weak, meanwhile they would be dead within a week if they tipped over and fell to the floor and had no one around to help. The hatred for women from men has to be some misplaced hatred for disabled men, because all the sexist stereotypes about how women can't do anything, disabled men embody to the fucking core. Crippled moids can rot.

No. 2405831

>They'll have shit to say about actual cripples on disability
I genuinely don't get this one. Like, they need disability welfare the same as anyone else who can't work. Who do they think they are for getting the benefits and then shitting on the system that allows them to live?
Their orbiters suck too. Dating is bleak as a disabled woman because everyone tries to hook you up with that one crippled moid they know and he's always the biggest piece of shit ever because he's never been humbled in his life. Like scrotes want to talk about easy mode; easiest mode of all is being a disabled moid.

No. 2405832

I keep finding funny and smart women on tiktok live (cringe I know) who have backgrounds like “debate a feminist: abortion all 9 months. men are the problem” etc and then they’ll be like “but trans women are women”

No. 2405833

Forgot how to sage I’m so embarrassed

No. 2405834

This isn't one of the cow boards you don't have to sage, newfag.

No. 2405836

nonny you don't have to write anon in the name field

No. 2405844

I'm not gonna have the time to cook for a few days straight at max so I want to do it all in one go now but storing it might make it go bad. Ugh

No. 2405848

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Coming from a Second World shithole is really eye opening to how a lot of women really think and feel about other women. I see the same patterns of behaviour softened, disguised, and repeated in the West. I don't want to post this in the Blackpill Thread because I truly despise the anons over there and I think they need help, but I have been feeling rather hopeless about everything recently. Women in my culture say openly the most vile things about other women and it's horrifying tbh. I just feel like there is no escape, so much of the negative things that have happened to me are directly related to me being a woman, and judging by the way things are going, it really does not seem like the world is going to be a better place for us in the future. Yeah, I have met women from here that are not absolutely self-hating, but even then they seem to approach everything with a huge amount of apathy and copium. It makes me feel like I am going crazy and I have no one to talk to about it. I guess it also makes me feel suicidal, because I know that even if I work really hard on fixing my life, I will still have to live in a world where women, children, and animals are suffering. In an ideal world, I would love to have a daughter and be able to bond with her and give her a great life, but I don't think I can bring myself to possibly put somebody through the life I have lived. And yeah, I have also lived in the West for years before I moved back, and in many ways it honestly is not too different than Eastern Europe when it comes to the treatment of women. Maybe if I was to move to one of those supposed "gender equal" Nordic countries it would be more different, but even then I would be perceived as a dirty Eastern Euro and not feel at home. I really long for a female friend that can share these feelings with me, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

No. 2405849

Do you not have a freezer?

No. 2405858

Yes but it's full of groceries the other members of my house have lol.

No. 2405871

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cheburashka nona i’m sending you hugs. there are lots of women who feel the exact same way as you and a healthy friendship will present itself to you with time. you seem very introspective and like a kind person, i truely hope you can find someone to talk with and that things look up for you, you deserve it
Не расстраивайся, все будет хорошо ♥

No. 2405873

Why does everything feel so pointless. I can't make myself do anything. None of it matters. I can't pay attention to anything even if I try. I put on shows or read books or magazines and don't retain any of it.I've been listening to a story podcast and had to restart the latest episode like three times and then rewind every 20-30 minutes because I noticed I wasn't listening. What the fuck is going on with me

No. 2405883

Retrain your brain

No. 2405886

I'm eastern euro and I totally get you, our elections from december really opened my eyes to how bad misogyny can be, where otherwise smart women I know will brush off moids saying women shouldn't wear pants as just "he's not perfect" but being SSA or being GNC in any way is disgusting. I want to move out asap, I think the best location would be Austria from what I know, I hope it's better there than here

No. 2405887

No. 2405890

Do you have an interest in the content you are trying to consume?

No. 2405905

To be honest it feels like I'm trying to cling to anything that I used to like or care about. Nothing fully interests me anymore. Not even simple hobbies like knitting. I just don't feel like doing anything and it's been this way for almost two months. I've already had issues continuing generally enjoyable activities before that, I'd watch interesting movies or draw or something and I'd get so exhausted for some reason that I'd have to take long breaks. And now it's so bad that I can't even make myself start anything that requires more effort than pressing a button

No. 2405906

My boyfriend does this thing where he imposes limitations he places on himself onto me. He says shit like "Neither you or I will ever be as good as (his favorite artist or author)", and it vexes me that there's no polite way to say "Maybe that's how you feel about yourself". To be honest, I don't even like it when he talks that way about himself. Just fucking practice and study. If you don't have the time or energy, it's because you have things occupying your life, not because you weren't born with the super special magic hands or brain and /it's over/ for you before you even started. Fuck off. Most artists are not autistic giga savants, most authors weren't writing novels out of the womb. These things are commitments and processes blended with the luck of time/place to pursue them in peace. I really don't care if some 11 year old did it super-fast, and I've never understood people who decide that someone else being good means that they personally must be on the far opposite end and shouldn't even bother. I know it's a cope, but it's such a stupid one.
I've talked with him about it and managed to avoid being offensive, but little comments still slip out here and there. It bothers me because I feel like I start to internalize his ideas if I don't argue with them, and I end up feeling more reluctant to pursue creative things that would otherwise make me happy. I don't know how to convince him he's being retarded and low self-esteem and telling himself it's "being realistic". I love him, but I hate it so much.

No. 2405910

You're probably burned out from trying to make yourself care about all this stuff. Since it's only been two months you're probably just in a funk. It happens. Let yourself not care about anything and if in a year it doesn't get better you should probably seek some therapy, otherwise you'll be fine!

No. 2405912

have to take a job thats shitty paid and going there and home takes 4hr and 50minutes. basically i will have zero free time. i hate my stupid life. i wanna die.

No. 2405913

You're telling me I should try wasting one year laying in bed and then cry to a stranger about it

No. 2405917

get your vitamin levels checked. not joking but if you lack vitamin d or B12 it could affect your energy and general mood

No. 2405918

Anon is giving bad advice but do not just lay in bed all day. You don't have to do things you really don't want to do wrt to hobbies, but things like taking a simple 10-15 minute walk a day, making sure you get your daily chores done, making sure you are eating properly, etc. Carve out a designated time to sit down and do nothing, but in order to break through you have to push yourself to do your daily schedule. Things WILL get worse if you allow yourself to sit and do nothing all day, I'm not kidding. Two months isn't that long of a time, give it more time and if you begin to develop more symptoms of depression go and seek professional help.

No. 2405923

I'd break up with that guy. He's weighing you down and trying to drag you to his level. If not further so comparing himself to you will make him feel better. It's important to be realistic and not like, sell your house and quit your job to make a living off art when you have no following or connections but being this miserable about about it is insane. It'll start to bleed into other areas of life.
Or maybe he wants you to baby him and help with his shitty self-esteem. Just try agreeing with everything he says and see how that goes kek

No. 2405934

I bit into dryass food and now I've got a cough so bad my ribs hurt ooowwww

No. 2405938

I did think of that and taking vitamins made me feel better for a few days but it stopped having an effect. Last time I did a bloodtest I just had a slight iron deficiency

I am going outside, doing chores and cooking regularly but I feel like it makes no difference. After that I have maybe 3 hours of free time left and nothing seems worth doing. I've been thinking about getting help since last year because I thought it might be executive dysfunction or ADD or something but I felt like I got memed into believing I had that when I was really just too lazy to do things I wanted to do. The waitlists are insane anyway and I'd feel too embarrassed to tell a professional about this stupid shit. I don't want to waste time or money crying about being unable to pick up sock yarn when there are so many people with real issues

No. 2405944

literally losing money by ordering my groceries online for car-side pick up. it was perfect the first week we ordered then last week they shorted us the beyond beef which is like $10.99 and this week they shorted us a packet of raw chicken breasts that probably cost about the same. it feels like im throwing the fuckin money away at this point, they're not forgetting the cheap stuff

No. 2405958

Thank you so much, nonna! I appreciate it.♥
Yeah, it really is like that. I can't even imagine being GNC in this environment, it must be hell. I really wish we can both move somewhere better soon, anon.

No. 2405965

What makes you think he is going to break up with you nona?

No. 2405994

Can you not write a complaint? That's not supposed to happen

No. 2406002

The way my skin is breaking out like a teenager let's me know I'm in for a hell of a period. Why is this happening

No. 2406023

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>at work
>hungry, no food available except coffee
>got diarrhea because of said coffee
>someone stole my fucking hairbrush for some reason?????
>schedule is a mess because half of my coworkers are either sick or on vacation
>patients keep coming late
>receptionists keep messing up
>other miscellaneous mishaps

fuck my baka employed life.. atleast i'm getting a raise

No. 2406041

work coffee is liquid heartburn. unless I can see that shit being made in front of my own eyes I am not drinking coffee that might be made 1h ago or before the coming of christ.

No. 2406044

I fucking hate my sausage fingers!!!!!!!! I just want to be able to wear cute rings. I think my ring finger is a size 8 and I can fit a size 7 on my pinky but I can hardly ever find those sizes in store. I don't understand, can I target my fingers to work out or something? I know a few women who are literally obese and have smaller fingers than me. It makes no sense.

No. 2406045

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That feel when social media is mind numbing and full of rage bait, but you'd still like to find female dominated spaces for your niche hobbies.

I do touch grass, but approaching my 30s I'm going through that phase where I'm seeing fandoms I was in as a teen become an aesthetic for tiktok and tumblr is full of young kids who I don't want to interact with.

On the other hand, spaces and media targeted at adults (horror genre, R18 video games like Baldur's Gate 3) attract audiences ranging from coomers to Aidens.

I still like seeing fanart and content of things I enjoy but with AI and all the algorithmically driven content, I'm getting really turned off by social media.

No. 2406049

I don’t want to go to class today. I will but I have no desire, especially because I haven’t done the reading.

No. 2406050

ugh i have a lingering stomach bug that will not go the fuck away

No. 2406083

I be stressing over cooking while she's using the hairdryer on her painted nails while reading a book in the kitchen…

No. 2406085

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Update and I really need to vent. The good news is he didn't have any facial hair and was not bald and seemed to beat the balkan gene. He was also very polite, well mannered and intelligent. The bad news: he was not tall, he was about my height (I'm 1.69m) , going to the gym= went there to lose weight as he used to weight almost double my weigth. I'm out of his league (I'm pretty and slender and he complimented me). When we were at the restaurant I got looks from the other guys, you know, the kind of looks when you know it's most likely a first date and one of you is too good looking for the other. I really don't mean to come across as a bitch but it's just how it was. He's also way more introverted than me and awkward. Realistically I need someone who's opposite of him in many aspects. I was polite the whole date because respect is treated with respect and offered to pay for my own drink (I always pay for my shit) but he wouldn't let me.
Friend at most and I will let him know this because I don't want unrealistic expectations. I don't want to be seen with uglier men, Idc if I should feel guilty about this but I just don't.
But oof nonnas, for some reason this date made me very upset and I feel like I should feel guilty for wanting a hot guy or at least someone who's looksmatched with me. Seriously considering installing some dating app and at least going out with a better looking guy. Or maybe this is really a sign from the universe for me to reconsider that stupid idea that was planted in my head (to just get a young cute fwb). There are way too many good looking women and too few good looking men. I'm the type who doesn't succumb under social pressure and would rather be single than with someone who doesn't fit my standards. And yes, I've heard the "lower your standards or you'll be single!!!" so many times I lost count.
After this I'll be sticking to my fictional boys even more. Pic somewhat related.

No. 2406108

Work coffee is the only thing that keeps my bowels running. I've been drinking it for so long that my body doesn't know how to activate my intestines without it anymore.

No. 2406109

Just saw such a mortifying comment, I cant believe there are women who live in first world countries and still let their “hubby” control finances to the point where they have to ask permission to buy a 4.99 game pass lol. And apparently next month she isnt allowed to renew it because he has to buy an expensive ssd, she’s saying it so casually like its normal too. Just kill me if I ever end up in that situation.

No. 2406128

Anybody who unironically uses the word "hubby" is a retard.

No. 2406131

it was from a coffee machine. there was free white chocolate flavoured syrup this time so i added a pump out of curiosity. never again

No. 2406132

The thing is, the stuff you described IS a real issue. You keep putting yourself down and acting like you're just a silly bitch who whines for no reason when you have symptoms of depression, and no amount of self hatred is going to fix you. Get on the waitlist for ADD. See a doctor. Get your bloods done. You're not going to get better by convincing yourself that it's you being an idiot.
Well, at least he wasn't awful. You shouldn't lower your standards. Hamplanet moids who shit on women all day long still want a supermodel bangmaid on call 24/7. You know what you want, hold out until you get it.

No. 2406163

They just brought up good points in an unrelated discussion we had. I feel like I'm going crazy every time I meet an intelligent person they have to be fucking crazy politically and either think trannies can do no wrong or that women are inferior
>inb4 they weren't intelligent to begin with
I can't agree with that, that's why I'm so frustrated

No. 2406167

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>feel infatuated with a moid
>get to know him
>he thinks hes smarter than everyone else, is a racist, wishes he could be a girl, whines about his job and listens to 4chan /mu/ tier music
it was nice while it lasted

No. 2406179

Mood. It's alternating between these 2 states for me. Being an adult is so sad.
I kinda understand how you feel. But over time, I just stopped caring about fandoms and interacting with them precisely because of the wrong people getting into them and ruining everything for everyone. So my solution is to just post about it here on LC if I really feel like sperging out about something I love. Just to get it off my chest. Then I move on to do something else. That or I try to browse much older content for the media I like to find proper fan work pre-shitty modern fandoms. And I managed to find some nice content here and there. It also helps to look it up on Asian social media instead of western one.

No. 2406186

You dodged a nuclear bomb

No. 2406205

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my usb that had a decades worth of archived artwork just got corrupted and all i feel is numbness as I go through every diagnostic method to no avail. Im sending it into a repair shop soon and I know its pretty stupid to invest this much effort and money into chinese cartoon drawings but they genuinely mean a lot and most are otherwise lost to time due to social media exoduses and defunct photo hosting services.

No. 2406209

Another month gone by and this retard still can't take 5 seconds to hand me what I need to do my job. It blows my mind, it takes LITERALLY 5 seconds. He has what I need, he sits right next to me, he just won't hand it over to me until I've asked multiple times and it becomes too late to matter. People who don't even work in our office have already sent theirs over, but this idiot who sits next to me needs 500 reminders. Can't stand it. I threw him under the bus last month when he didn't get them to me on time, going to have to do it again this month.

No. 2406228

I keep getting this 21.99 apple charge onto my debit account and it's pissing me the fuck off. I can't figure out what it's for at all. I called apple and my bank and neither have answers. These little fees here and there add up and I can't afford this shit. I had to borrow money from a relative until I find a job and that was humiliating for me. I can't come back to them a month from now and be like hey that money you gave me? it disappeared and I don't even know why.

No. 2406250

I should have been smoking a bowl with my friend tonight instead I'm stuck at home with an ear infection

No. 2406262

can't you have your bank cancel the payment? As soon as the payment is cancelled, apple will suddenly magically know what it's for

No. 2406268

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Fuck I hate getting angry or pissed off. I got angry at my partner because I've been stressed and trying to get a bunch done before a trip and he has had a bad habit of never cleaning up after himself when he does shit. Like not just leaving cups/spatulas/plates in the kitchen but putting them in weird places like on top of the fridge or on the pantry. He knows this is an issue and I already cleaned up the kitchen yesterday and was doing chores between working and got fed up that I had to redo cleaning the kitchen because he didn't clean up after himself. I told him I was annoyed because I have other things to do, not just redoing shit again. I don't want to consider or think about cleaning the kitchen. It should just be clean now so I can focus on packing. He got all quiet and sad and apologized and I told him I forgive him but also he has to do something to change this behavior. I have been quite stressed the past few weeks so I know my patience is shorter than usual, we had a similar fight about this last week too. But basically I hate being angry and honestly sharing when things bother me, because I'm over the particulars of the fight but I think he's still being sensitive and quiet about it. It's not like I scream or anything but I'm clearly annoyed. Now I feel bad (as usual, when I get angry at anyone) and feel like I really need to get better at just not externalizing my frustrations. I know it's not healthy but I really hate the outcomes of me being pissed off and since I can't control how people respond to me, it seems like the best option is just to internalize and compartmentalize.

No. 2406271

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My wife has a pregnancy fetish from God knows where and I hate it. I am not into such things at all.

No I am not a man.

She thinks she's bisexual because she enjoys penetration and porn by women but she's never been with a man/penis and I think she's just coom brained from having been exposed to porn too early. I'm assertive and very much butch but of course, still a woman. We're both 39 and this has only been a thing for maybe a year.

She's too sensitive about sex for me to bring it up. Hope she forgets about it soon.

No. 2406303

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I have some anger issues and my old father who suffered some brain damage annoys me so, he keeps arguing with me as if his mind was still working properly, but it isn't. I don't want to be nasty to him, but he just keeps asking for it. Losing control to my anger fills me with self-hatred and shame. I'm sure i'll miss him a lot when he's gone and we are wasting our last moments together arguing, and i will have to carry that regret for the rest of my life.

No. 2406311

What does "pregnancy fetish" mean in this context? Maybe she genuinely just wants a child.

No. 2406312

I’m trying to lose weight before I go on vacation and it’s so hard when all the candy at the store is on sale after Valentine’s day.

No. 2406315

>Pregnancy fetish
What do you mean nonny? Like she roleplays that she’s pregnant when you guys are about to have sex or she fantasizes about being pregnant or is she just interested in pregnancy and would like to have a child?

No. 2406319

You're 39 years old, be an adult and talk with your gf about it properly.

No. 2406325

Dont be fat(read the thread rules)

No. 2406343

Easter is soon, you can hold it till then.

No. 2406349

Thanks for replying. We've talked about this and she does not want a child. I thought that first as well though. If she ever decides she does, I would consider it realistically. Perhaps I should reword my original point to she has an "impregnation fetish". It boils down to the lack of control of it I guess, based on some of her other turn-ons. To say the whole "get me pregnant" thing doesn't do it for me is a vast understatement.

Please see original post where I stated that she's too sensitive about sex for me to discuss it with her. She will view it as a rejection. I didn't specify this part in my post so I'm not trying to be an asshole to you here, but to clarify she is extremely sensitive about sex, her sex drive (high), her appearance, and a lot of other things due to a lot more than I care to get into here. I'm the more straightforward of the two of us. We've been together about 20 years. If I thought discussing it would go anywhere other than downhill based on knowing my wife very well I would do so. Hence venting in the vent thread.

No. 2406366

>she is extremely sensitive about sex, her sex drive (high), her appearance, and a lot of other things due to a lot more than I care to get into here. I'm the more straightforward of the two of us
Kek I can really see that I’m not cut out for relationships because I would get so fed up. People who are grown ups and can’t discuss sensitive topics due to “muh sensitivity” are just scared of confrontation and are especially scared to be called out for their shitty behavior.
She sounds insufferable.

No. 2406372

I love her but it's admittedly a drain at times. I'm very "it is what it is" and just deal with it but she's a bit more of an anxious/emotional person. Ending up together took me by surprise because I'm a forever alone by choice type. Had I been a little older to know myself better I'd probably be single and stay that way. I've been the first person to treat her properly and I try to make life easier for her so I think it makes all kinds of issues bubble up because I'm not going to hit her for having emotions, to be frank.

No. 2406382

i don't want to be rude, but at almost 40 and 20 years together, you all are too grown for this type of shit, really.

No. 2406385

NTA. That sucks anon, but I understand. Looks like you'll just have to put your back into it and think of England.
You could always casually talk about it in a positive way. When she's feeling more confident or you're on the subject of kinks, you could always ask her to explain what it is about preg kink she likes. Then, without telling her, subtly attempt to substitute or work around it.

No. 2406398

I am so close to being at my wit’s end with life’s bullshit. It better get better soon otherwise heaven, reincarnation, prison planet, or whatever other bullshit comes after is gonna be meeting me real damn soon because it can’t be as mind numbing as this shit

No. 2406402

Hilarious response nona but I will try this. Genuinely, thanks.

I'm well aware of our ages and length of years together and that this should be more straightforward. Wish it were. I'm not worried about an argument, I don't want her to think I find her disgusting and set her back because she has trauma around sex and everything to do with it. Sometimes things aren't that simple.

No. 2406420

>see cool video about a mall that's been turned into an apartment was turned into a mall
>check comments
>"wowie this would be so much better for senior citizens"
No go away you fuckers already took a good chunk of the really nice and compact apartments for rent on the market

No. 2406434

Is the part of the mall that people walk around all biodome nature and stuff? I would like that

No. 2406448

every once in a while i remember the shit i would post on /b/ as an underage girl. i can't believe i posted body parts and really believed those men who talked to me on skype we're my friends and liked me for me, LMFAO.
A bunch of fucking pedos. Not one of them, anonymous or skype told me to quit posting, rather they fucking encouraged it.
that was over 15-14 years ago, i hope they're dead.

No. 2406462

I just want a nice girl to be lonely & retarded with. Shit is so hard to find especially when most girls will always pick a moid over you

No. 2406478

my alarm went off at 7.30 today (really not that early) and i could hear my roommate mutter "fucking bitch" through the wall. What a cunt. It‘s not the first time he muttered those words in his room and i had to wonder who it‘s directed at, but this time i feel pretty certain. This place has thin walls so i have to listen in on his conversations and he seems like the terminally online type. He‘s always on discord.
This isn‘t even the first time this happened to me, i used to have a live in landlord who was verbally abusing through the walls too. Seems to be a pathetic man signature move. Why are men so worthless and hell-bent on making life worse for women?

No. 2406484

I am going crazy doing nothing every day. I have no concentration to read or play games (all my hobbies bore me to death at this point anyway), too poor to do activities, it's the winter and very cold so I can't just go hang out outside/take walks. I have been watching a ton of movies and I am sick of doing so. Nobody is ever available to hang out or they want to do things that cost money. I just wish I could sleep all day long at this point.

No. 2406486

Had a fight with someone very close to me, it hurts being mad at her, and i know she's hurt as well, shit sucks.

No. 2406489

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You should make pornographic figurines out of clay and resin, then sell them online to coomer-nonas By this time next year, you could be complaining about your adhd from a resort in Tahiti, funded by your Luigi figurine profits

No. 2406514

my housemate has had her moidlet friend over almost everyday and they sit in our living room and play fire emblem for hours. then she cooks him dinner and they go back to playing for even longer. ive dealt with much worse as far as housemates go so it is what it is but my god can you not go over to his place? also why are you cooking dinner for him.

No. 2406516

I hate having blotchy/textured skin reeeeee I think I have nice features but they all get lost underneath the redness.

No. 2406527

i'm feeling depressed again. tried reading a silly romance novel to feel better but it's making me more depressed that i read these so often for escapism and don't have friends.

No. 2406575

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I fucked something up after telling my professor I'd stop fucking up and now I've caused issues twice with a scheduling group. I forgot the meeting time and legit didn't even show up. I keep beating myself up over it. I'm going to email the group and apologize but this is the second time this unit I've done this. I have horrible anxiety and I'm freaking out over looking like a lazy retard

No. 2406590

Actions speak louder than words. Stop missing the group and start showing up on time and people will quickly forget that you were absent.

No. 2406689

God I can't believe I could miss hanging out with a moid this much. It's the first time I've ever had a relationship with a man that has had no romantic, sexual, or any other strange feelings around it. But he's so busy with school now that we've had to stop hanging out for months and I miss him so much I'm going crazy. We could talk for hours and hours about random stuff, just learning new information about each other and sharing random pictures and shit we did throughout the day. It's the first time I've had a friendship that's just felt so natural and unforced. But I feel like an annoying bpdchan with how many times I've been messaging him asking when he's free. I think this is genuinely the first time I've felt depressed at the absence of a friend in my life. My other friends just don't do it for me

No. 2406770

My cousin has a fiance that is literally the ugliest moid I’ve ever seen in person. He is so unbelievably ugly it’s insane. Next to him she looks like one of those girls going to prom with a disabled guy for charity. He’s so ugly I thought he had a disability at first, but he doesn’t. They recently got engaged and it makes me so mad. They’re only 20. She’s wasting her life for the ugliest moid on the planet it’s insane, and no he isn’t rich either. Just looking at their pictures together makes me fill up with anger. You nonas wouldn’t even believe how ugly this moid is. I’m not even that judgmental about the looks of moids, but this guy is just on a whole other level of unattractive

No. 2406774

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I got an exam in 7 hours and i cant sleep. I am so fucking anxious holy shit. I feel like i am going to fail. I have been crying in between my study sessions. I picked this fucking degree because i like math and hate writing so why the fuck is the first assigment writing?! there is no fucking way i am going to be able to write an entire essay in 4 hours. My handwritting is fucking ASS too, which is one of the reasons i hate writing, and i have to write it completly by hand. Its so fucking over.

No. 2406794

Had a seizure in the bath tub. Thank fucking god my girlfriend came into speak to me at the same time. I will never get that lucky again. Fuck. I hate myself.

No. 2406799

I'm really sorry anon, that's terrifying. Is there some kind of alarm you could get to notify others that you're having an emergency, or even a dog trained to alert? Don't fill up your tub too much, hope you're feeling better now.

No. 2406815

shit nonny arent you medicated? my mom has seizures too but she takes medication so it doesnt happen unles shes under a shit ton of stress. She has a stool in the bathroom so she sits there with an adjustable shower because last time she almost fainted and hit her head. I know three people with seizures and it sounds really rough, i am glad you had your gf by your side.

No. 2406818

Jesus that sounds terrifying. I hope you stay safe, nona

No. 2406820

I bathe with the door open due to my cat liking to visit me when I’m in the tub. My girlfriend comes and talks to me here and there when I do to check on me anyway. So got really extremely lucky.
I have had them pretty under control. Not gonna bathe for a while just in case. Sucks ass. Idk why I’m mad at myself. Just minorly embarrassed I guess and idk why
>>2406815 I am. Recently started a new medication. It’s helped a shit ton. I had one a while ago where I felt off the toilet that was awful.

No. 2406822

This is the best and funniest bait ever. I have had my vent posts replied with bait before not one like this. Do you know where you are?

No. 2406827

maybe try doing what my mom does and shower while sitting? just in case if you are worried about drowning or fainting and hitting your head. I was so worried when i found out people with seizures can drown in the bath i now forbid my mom from taking baths or going unsupervised into the pool or near it kek i feel like i am the mom. Take care nonny.

No. 2406831

I hate male psychiatrists. Unironically every single one I've been to seemed to have 0 empathy and didn't take me seriously and gave off narcissistic vibes, also none of them even looked at me once as I was talking to them. They were dismissing my autism symptoms and only female specialist was able to diagnose me. Weird.

No. 2406834

I don’t even know where to begin with my professor. This is going to be a looong semester. I hope I learn something out of dealing with her. She seriously is ridiculous

No. 2406844

I normally do afterwards for a while. Not gonna bathe for a while that’s for sure. I hope your mom is doing well! Thankfully, mine are extremely sporadic so this was a blue moon occurrence. I have my girlfriend check on me if I do bathe for this reason.

No. 2406846

Yesterday my mother revealed to me how jealous my sister was of me being skinny for our entire upbringing and probably thereafter. Apparently it was a big issue and I never knew or thought about it. It makes me wonder if that’s why she was so needlessly cruel to me. It seems par for the course that older siblings mess with their younger ones but she was so nasty and sometimes physically hurt me when I didn’t do anything wrong. I was probably a bit annoying as children are but our size difference is not in my control. Honestly what a bitch for doing that to a little kid. She wasn’t even fat at ALL just stockier. How convenient she stopped pushing me around when I grew to her height and got into fighting sports. She’s lucky I didn’t turn the tables, I just wanted her approval and love. We have a good relationship now but siblings can be ruthless. My parents should have been there to make peace and discipline but she was very good at doing it out of sight. That should have been a lesson on how people will treat you poorly based on their own feelings of inadequacy but it flew so far over my head I truly believed I was just a nuisance. Maybe it wasn’t just a size diff and it’s a thing siblings do to power trip but she absolutely lost it at christmas when our mother casually mentioned she weighed a single ounce more than me at birth kek. An ounce. As newborns. That was beyond mental.

No. 2406863

I'm starting to hate everything and everyone around me. The fact that everyone is so on line with misogyny makes me wanna a-log. I find female biology to be pathetic and extremely disadvantageous. It's just cope, cope and cope. No matter what industry i go i have to work 5x times harder than moids in hopes of being taken seriously by both men and women and even it's can be futile. Why does there have to be a limit to how succesful a woman can get? I'm sick of the constant gaslighting and being told you're not assertive enough, not bitchy enough, too bitchy, not enough evidence for what you said, not enough "muh charisma and charm", too ugly no one likes ugly people, too pretty and you are a whore, not deserving of respect, if you wanted to avoid harassment you should've done xyz, you're being dramatic and now all the pickmes are looking at you like you're crazy. I'm sick of all the negging and i'm sick of all the advice against how to deal with negging because it never works, it just feels like i have to make up for being female. What is the point of even doing anything?
>inb4 "stop caring about what others think!"
I want to socialize i don't want to keep being a NEET forever and be reclused in a room in isolation knitting and coloring books. I'm human, humans are social animals. Am i crazy for wanting to socialize and share with people without being treated like a subhuman?

No. 2406885

I keep having panic attacks about death. I can't handle the fact that I'm going to die. I can't handle that something happens after death. I can't handle the idea of hell or nothingness or anything. I actually can't breathe.

No. 2406891

I hate men and things that have sex with men and I hate seeing expressions of male sexuality even from women creators and I hate when male lovers talk about how much they love being raped like fags and women both do this I hate being around these people I wish a new aids for cocksuckers popped up so bad but alas the world is a cruel and unjust place. I hate listening to these retards bitch about how shitty their bfs are like you chose him it's your fault your in this situation. I hate how these absolute dumbasses cry when they put themselves in this situation in the first place. Reeee my boyfriend is cheating on me reeeeeee. Reeee my boyfriend's baby momma is taking all his money reeeeeee. You dumbass he's cheated on all his gfs and you knew this when he started dating, which is why the mother of his confirmed children is not with him anymore. Like also why do you complain when he throws things because you knew he had a charge against him already? Honestly it's very cruel but a lot of women put themselves in harms way because the high of being a man's whore is to enticing. Very sad when they end up hurt or dead but only a few were really tricked into partnering with stealth abusers. I can only put on a sad face and tell them what they want to hear because telling these idiots to leave or trying to help them leave never fucking works. These idiots also always side against women when domestic violence cases make it public. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kill yourself? I hate these people I wish I wasn't related to them I wish I was an only child from generations of only children so I would've to deal with this. At least my friends are in stupid long distance drama and not dating methed out deadbeats. Like I firmly believe that I personally should start sterilizing the population that's the only way to reduce the retardation levels. Down syndrome and autism has nothing on the degraded mental facilities of a "woman in love", truly worse than a lobotomy bc it's incurable. A man can beat women, cheat on them, have multiple baby mommas, have an STD, an extremely obvious method addiction and STILL he will have gaggles or women tripping over themselves kill me now god please take me from this mortal coil and put me into animal crossing or something. Away from these people pleaseeeeee(blackpill outside of containment)

No. 2406909

i’m so sorry nona. praying for you

No. 2406910

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i am ugly. usually this doesn't bother me, but i was trying on some old cute outfits and i felt genuinely depressed. my face is so masculine, whenever i try to present femininely i feel like a troon. going the other route and wearing masculine clothes makes me look like an underdeveloped teenage boy because i'm 5'1 and underweight. i can't win no matter what i do, fml.

No. 2406916

you could always fatten up a little if you feel like it, gaining some weight in your face can be helpful

No. 2406918

I feel the same way. Try to remind yourself of this one thing. If it happens to everyone, then it must be ok. If everyone goes through it, then it is normal and natural.

No. 2406921

i already have a pretty fat face despite being underweight. that's one of the things i'm insecure about. if i gained more weight i'd straight up have a moonface

No. 2406950

Trying to make conversation with NEETs on the internet is so sad. I emphasize with their situation as I was in that boat for most of my teens and early-mid adulthood and I would like people to relate with on that part but jesus christ. I swear every NEET bumming off their parents from the basement that I come across has this weird fuckin sense of superiority. Like OK fuck you too then

No. 2406976

Why the fuck is my ass bleeding. I am so worried but there isnt enough money in the world for me to go to the doctor for something like that. It doesnt hurt only itches.

No. 2406978

Get a female doctor and go figure out why your asshole is leaking blood before you're in the ward as the girl with ass cancer.

No. 2406980

I'm a NEET who doesn't have anything of my own life together, and I'm finally starting to pull myself up by my bootstrings and get my shit in order. Which is great! Proud of myself for this. I've only made a bit of progress so far, but a little progress is so much better than none. But… I am struggling so hard with making new friends. I want to meet people online first, since I'm extremely socially isolated and want to ease myself back into talking to people regularly. This is a pretty hard line for me - I don't want to make friends IRL until I'm less NEET-y. But when I do seek out online friendships, I struggle to maintain them. I get extremely uncomfortable and scared, and I start running out of things to talk about, so I end up ghosting and running away. I'm working hard on myself and my own mental problems (and have gotten a lot better about several things! Go me!), but I don't think I'm ready atm to try and meet people IRL. I really, really want to gain social confidence online first before heading into the real world. But it's frightening, it's hard, it takes so much effort and energy to have casual conversations with people because I'm so unaccustomed to it now. I really think I'm in a far better place mentally than I used to be, but I still don't want to subject people to my social faux pas and generally NEET shut-in loser personality. But if I don't try, I'll never change, and everything will stay the same that it is. I can't stop being a shut-in loser if I don't try and open myself up to the world. I don't know where to start, where to go, who to meet. I really want to have friends. I want to talk to people. But this shit is hard!

No. 2406989

saddens me that my nan let a narcissistic lowlife with god awful hygiene control her life. she says she's glad to have met granddad because it gave her the family she has today but damn, he's so entitled, he's a manchild, treats her like a doormat and she responds to his every whims out of insecurity and fear. he's so damn dirty that you kind of have to get your own food and hygienic product out of fear he's had shit all up on his hands. he's like an ungrateful crackhead hobo but i'd wager that even those hobos are more hygienic than he is. and all in all… she loves him. sad

No. 2406996

damn it, i guess i have no other option i dont want my tombstone to say ''anonita lost her battle to ass cancer on the xx of yyyy''

No. 2407000

i have heard way too many accounts of women on here or kf talking about their disabled male relatives groping them to have sympathy for disabled moids. even when theyre literally retarded they still think with their dicks.

No. 2407002

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Nothing weird about it.

No. 2407004

Just found out my disgusting incel deadbeat biological father died two days ago. My mother is more upset about it than I am. She feels guilty that we blocked him fully on social media because he was stalking and sending us schizo messages. I feel conflicted despite the fact I've been hating him and wanting him dead for a long time. I hadn't seen him in 17 years, and now he's dead. I thought his brother had been checking on him, be it was apparently days before he was found. They think it was either a health issue and died in his sleep or he's finally gone through with killing himself. Someone in our family says there might have been a note. He threatened to kill himself in the past so I wouldn't be surprised. I don't want to feel sorry for him and give him the satisfaction if it was. But I'm struggling with the concept that I'm only in my 20's and one of my biological parents are already fucking dead. It's caused my mother and stepfather to talk about what they want when they die and I had to leave the room. I'm a pathetic NEET who can't live without them but even putting that aside, the concept of being alone and all of my family being in a fucking jar, the only one left behind fills me with dread. I think I'm crying about that more than my father's death. I don't want to be alone

No. 2407011

>5'1 with a chubby face
i really doubt you look that masculine or even ugly. and ive known a lot of tall women who wished they were shorter. grass is greener on the other side and such

No. 2407012

How do NEETs not die of boredom

No. 2407018

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I fucking hate my ex. Yet again a moid had a hold on me to the point I stayed longer than I should have because of desperation to be with someone who thought like me. He said he hated sex work, thinks only fans is disgusting along with porn. But I would see him post really disgusting shit, and he always played so fucking retarded when I'd bring it up. Excuses like, "I don't see it that way" in regards to ecchi anime, "I always was interested in the obscure humanity and taboo" to songs about rape and porn and lolishit. I remember him telling me he had sex with a groupie at a show he played, and when I asked why he brings up the incel excuse of him never feeling attractive enough so he just sleeps with anyone. Glad I'm still a virgin because I know I'd catch some sort of aids from him. Picrel is one of his favorite anime. And even though it's over I still live in a fantasy in my head of our lives together. I hope this beats it into my head officially that there are no good scrotoids.

No. 2407020

some of my male coworkers were asking me about marriage and dating and I said (as a joke) I want to marry multiple men and "you know how some people have sister wives? I want brother husbands" they looked at me like I was crazy and then I had to be like "haha no just jokes guys idk if I want to get married" idk anymore lol i might just never speak again

No. 2407022

We're either exceptionally depressed and spend all our time crying and thinking about how we want to die, or we take massive advantage of all our free time to do a bunch of hobbies and work on skills. There is absolutely no in between.

No. 2407026

Same way aristocrats not die from boredom, i suppose.

No. 2407032

I have to go to the doctor to get form filled out so I can get grant for mental health pertaining to my schooling. So last time they fucking lost my form I filled it out, handed it in, explained to a T what it was for and they promised to CALL ME! When it was ready.

Fast forward a week, no call.
I call them this week, they say they can’t find the form, they kept asking when did I hand it in.
I said but I handed it in on this date.
I say can you call me back I’m low on minutes (credit).
I hear them talk saying: “She wants us to call back”
I hear them ruffling papers she even said she went to check and to give her a minute at the start of the call btw.
I asked them to call me back, I hang up. I don’t get a call back within 5 minutes.
I decide to call them.

They are in a meeting how convenient.
So I have to go back today because this is absurd. I have to go berserk on their asses but I still want to have my form filled in.

Because of the stress they gave me.
I also want an appointment with a therapist that they have to refer me to because that’s how it works.
I’m thinking of asking for an appointment to get that scheduled first and I probably need to have an appointment with the doctor first and then I can get an appointment with the therapist. But idc I need this therapy, I’m so stressed because the doctors assistants can’t do their jobs!!!!!!!!

After I do schedule that appointment I want to hand in my form for the grant application pertaining to mental health. And then I have to go crazy on their asses because they fucked my shit up.

Oke so how do I go crazy on them but not too crazy? Do I raise my voice? How do I control my rage but get the point across firmly and that I will put in a complaint if they mess my shit up one more time. I will also take a pic of my filled in form this time and will try to get a short clip filmed as well.

But tldr: the doctor lost an important form for my grant application. I have to go back otherwise no grant. I have to lay down the law and tell them I am not to be messed with but idk how.(integrate)

No. 2407034

Jfc, Mitsudomoe is up there with Kodomo No Jikan in terms of loli anime. It's the most depraved there is without being straight up hentai. I only know because I was groomed as a teenager, any grown moids who are into this are 100% pedophiles.

No. 2407036

I wish I could be a neet for one year so I cand indulge in my hobbies and then go back to work before I run out of money. I have two neet friends, one moved back to her third world country and has no job prospects there for many reasons so her family takes care of her and she spends all her tile playing one specific mmo or talking to the friends she made there online. Another friend is a neet and it's not a chouce at all, covid and the resulting job market fucked her over long term but she refuses to have a normal job that pays a bit less until she finds something better for reasons that kind of make sense in context but it's complicated. She has a lot of books and video games to keep her busy but she's too depressed to take advantage of her free time so dhe just replays the same games sometimes and doomscrolls on instagram.

No. 2407038

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>Picrel is one of his favorite anime
Definitely a red flag.

No. 2407040

It is actually much worse than the review makes it sound.

No. 2407045

Kek but I feel you kinda. I said this to my bf and he was weirded out lol. When I thought about it in real life the men want other partners too so it might not work. I kept it at in theory it would be nice so my bf and I settled it would have to be an asexual person.

No. 2407048

I definitely am dying of boredom, but it beats constant stress. Sitting around being able to do whatever I want is still more interesting than having to do a job I hate.

No. 2407049

Can someone give me advice already gosh nonas

No. 2407054

No. 2407055

hasnt even been 10 minutes..?

No. 2407056

How do you spend your days on average? When it was summer break when I was a student I almost never managed to find work until classes started again so I was mostly bed rotting or playing video games but I was sick of being poor and not having anything to do in particular. Same thing during the long period between my graduation and my first job. What I mean is that was stressed either way, and the stress from not having enough money and not enough professional experience to put on my resume prevented me from doing a lot of things with my free time. Do you just wake up and do whatever on an impulse or do you plan your day to make the most of your free time?

No. 2407074

Bed rotting, playing video games, listening to music, browsing LC, talking to online friends, etc. I'd like to engage in more hobbies and be more productive, but I lack the motivation to do so. I rarely plan things out, I mostly just do what I want on impulse. I'm still stressed about similar things a lot of the time too, such as what the fuck I'm going to do with my life and how I'm going to get out of this mess, but it isn't at all comparable to how I felt when I went to college. My mental health is very poor and I missed the majority of my school education, so if I was to try to fix things, I'd need to build myself up right from the bottom, which currently I do not have the motivation or capacity to do. I do have autism, so that could explain some of why I'm okay just sitting inside doing the same stuff every day. Personally I'm not one of the NEETs who has a superiority complex about it, I wish I could function like a normal person and have a job, but it's just how things are for me currently until I can eventually get out of it. I'm basically just stuck in a rut and have been for years, rather than it being something that I actually want.

No. 2407077

How low-functioning do you have to be to feel bored? I think you have a serious brain issue.(infight bait)

No. 2407080

Been 20 now I just knew I would get ignored because you can talk about non issues. Leave the Neets be that’s not even a problem.

No. 2407082

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how do i avoid becoming like this? or is this really the way i should be? i dont know. i feel like id be worse off with constant hate in my heart for men. i feel better having a distant dislike for them like when youre going on a walk and an annoying dog starts yapping at you and disrupts the peace. thats how i feel about men

No. 2407084

This is the vent thread, not the advice thread. Ask in the advice thread if the purpose of your post was to ask for advice.

No. 2407098

That makes sense. And it seems like you would need external help if you want to change your habits too, just like how one of the friends I mentioned in a previous post is fine playing her favorite video game all day everyday despite being a neet after university stressed her out. In her case we don't know if she's autistic or if it's something else, she started feeling better when she started taking antidepressants but the side effects seemed over the top.

I didn't say I was bored, I said the stress of being in a situation that put me at a disadvantage and being poor prevented me from doing a lot of things when I had free time. For example I like video games a lot so I mentioned playing them during summer break when I couldn't find a job but I always felt guilty when playing them because I couldn't help but think I should be more productive or that I didn't deserve having all these cheap second hand games because I didn't have as much disposable income as planned. Now it's the reverse, I don't have the free time I need to play everything I want but I can afford more games.

No. 2407105

I hate that my type is young, tall and skinny/lean but fit men in their early twenties who still have this innocent boyish charm. I'm turning 33 in a few months but my student coworker (24 this year) makes me stupid. I'm also super loud about how gross it is when 45 year old men have 22 year old girlfriends but otoh I'm like this with younger men.

No. 2407110

You probably don't give a shit about my opinion, but I think it's different because you're a woman. Go get those young studs.

No. 2407111

yeah I also think it's different since I'm a woman but a lot of people think men aren't disgusting scrote predators and women are evil too!!!1 and shit like that. but I just don't care for older used up men with a ton of hangups or baggage from previous relationships.

No. 2407121

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Similar situation as you. I talked to my friend about this how i like fit men with longish hair and no beards and she just said guys our age like that don't exist and i should change my type (like it's easy)
Honestly i wish i could be a turbo normie like her, but instead i'm reading about manifesting a boyfriend kek

No. 2407133

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I am 23 and my first ever love is a 18yo scrote, i get you. I genuinely cant believe how many men my age are already walled, one of my closest friends is literally balding at 25.

No. 2407135

It really does sound like you're describing wizards and living among them nona

No. 2407137

So your question is how do you get your point across?? Just do it the best you can, why do you need to ask people how to do it? Just be yourself and go with what comes natural. You don't need a strategy, just state the facts of what happened and how you feel and something will happen. Very strange question…

No. 2407139

something is wrong with me. ive been getting more and more horny and spend more day cooming and shit. its been happening since ive been unemployed. im disgusted with myself but idk what else to do. i dont have any hobbies besides trolling retardlicans on pol
am i turning into a moid?

No. 2407143

no but you should get a hobby

No. 2407147

>i dont have any hobbies besides trolling retardlicans on pol
I cannot believe you're making me say this but masturbating seems like a healthier "hobby" than that.

No. 2407148

its not like i can just find something lol
they deserve it tho..

No. 2407149

>its not like i can just find something lol
you can, that's how this works. are there any things you are interested in other than trolling?

No. 2407152

Anons need help ASAP, one of my celebrity crushes is literally on my DMs!! What do I do?!! I'm an autist, what do I talk about with them??!!

No. 2407159

I dreamed I finally gained weight. I was round and healthy, my limbs no longer hurt, my bones weren't visible, my hugs weren't uncomfortable, I could wear my clothes again. I'm saddened I wish for this so badly yet never turns into a reality, I'll never get out of this, I'll never heal…

No. 2407184

It was a premonition
North Node is conjunct Neptune, it is the time when dreams come true

No. 2407203

I accidentally lost some weight due to stress and loss of appetite and now my boobs are smaller which bothers me because they were/are the best part of my body

No. 2407210

What’s with bitches who sell videos of themselves farting and burping on onlyfans acting like they’re better than women who don’t?

No. 2407219

Tale as old as time, but everything would be so nice if men were't sexual degenerates. If I drew a basic cute anime girl who's visibly a child I'd be accused of pandering to lolicons. If I like a cute anthro design like Simba or fox Robin Hood I'm accused of being a furry, if I say no to that then I'm just a furry in denial. If I have a toddler and I take cute pictures of them, I can't even share them online because a male will wank off to them. Can't show skin and wear cute clothes, nor alternative fashion no matter how much it covers your body like lolita or goth - it's all some man's fetish. And because males are that way I can't share them in female only spaces either, because other women's reactions are then still "why are you pandering to men's fetishes???" it's policing everything we do even when men aren't round, it's so fucking annoying.

No. 2407230

There's something disguting I discovered while browsing imageboards a famous ig's zoo board that has been eating me inside. It's like some forbidden knowledge I can't get out of my brain. Spoilered text is what I have seen while browsing + vent. they openly talk about their degeneracy, they share sites and links of zoo content, and many of them are actively raping animals. Most users there have this holier-than-thou attitude, because in their minds they're better than those 'evil zoosadists' they apparently despise. Keep in mind, some of the videos posted there have baby animals in them, and there's a thread dedicated for necro content. What's moral about that? The thing that disgusts me the most is how easily accesible that board is, and how many posts have been made. That thing has been running for years at this point. The worst part is that it's only the tip of the iceberg, there's even more shit like this that people don't know about. Vile, disgusting creatures these men are.

No. 2407233

god i cannot decide which meds i want for my fucking adhd-pi. the doc said i need to decide and i still have no fucking idea. i like the dexamphetamine ones because it has less of a physical effect, but doc said that could be cuz of my weight. i like the methylphenidate ones because it makes me do shit i need to do more, but the physical effect with the heartbeat etc. is annoying as fuck
goddddd i cant fucking decide

No. 2407236

dont be so pretentious. name the site

No. 2407240

Sorry, I didn't name the imageboard because I'm paranoid eh oh el. It's 8chan.

No. 2407244

cant find that shit on eight kun nonny

No. 2407253

It's another one with the same name nona, I should've clarified

No. 2407255

pick me nlogs. not really a mystery

No. 2407256

you're right, something is wrong with you. get your shit together nona, these are both pathetic hobbies. you can do better than this

No. 2407259

My body hurts. I'm so tired of feeling like shit. I just want to feel good.

No. 2407264

then drop the site, why the secrecy?

No. 2407265

sad and want to cry for no reason this sucks

No. 2407270

Don't go on moid ibs anon, it's not good for your health.

No. 2407272

Nta but why do you want to know so badly? You're weird.

No. 2407273


No. 2407274

thank god were anon cause if we werent i wouldnt be able to tell u in ur face
my ex fiance was (is?) into that kind of crap. i caught him jerking off once on accident and saw some shit on his phone. he immediately deleted everything and denied at first but later confessed (its why ive seperated from him)
ive never had the guts to go look for that kind of stuff but im ready now. he was, in everything else, a good boyfriend, lover, fiance. i know its fucked up etc. but it still messes with me how a guy like him would develop such a nasty messed up rotten fetish.
but i do want to see it for myself. im super curious. and im also afraid to google it tbh. just having a site/board to go to would be easier than typing "zoo fetish porn" (kek)

No. 2407275

also english isnt my first language so i hope everything ive written makes sense

No. 2407276

My expensive as fuck winter boots started chewing my feet into bloody scraps after two years of being the perfect boot. I haven't been able to afford new hiking boots so I've been trapped indoors since there's at least two feet of snow on the ground and it keeps coming. No amount of socks, bandages, baby powder or tightening/loosening fixes the boots now. I think the leather stretched out from using them. I feel trapped, and then on top of that I feel poor. I just want to go for big walks every day like a dog. Horrible.

No. 2407288

nona, kind of boots did you get? i swore by merrells, specially during winter time (my other hiking boots are columbias after losing a toenail with a pair of garbage Mountain Warehouse ones). life's too short for awful shoes, so make an investment asap!

No. 2407291

Nonna there is nothing to gain from looking that kind of thing up. At best you'll just be disturbed by what you see. At worst, you could get involved in that community.
>but it still messes with me how a guy like him would develop such a nasty messed up rotten fetish.
Because he's not a good man. Good men (inb4 no such thing) don't go on any imageboards, or the internet in general. They keep their head down and their nose clean. That's not a guarantee that a moid will be good, but you'll have better odds compared to any moid that uses the internet.

No. 2407295

The emerging cliques at work are getting annoying, they're all beefing with each other and try to get me to take sides.

No. 2407297

>Nonna there is nothing to gain from looking that kind of thing up.
i appreciate the advice nonna, but the curiosity is still there. i hope the other nonna will provide the site. im 31 lol im old enough
>At worst, you could get involved in that community.
offensive tbh. btw i left him because he didnt want to go to therapy "im not paying for it im not hurting anyone" dude your masturbating to fucked up shit. jfc. also he used his high govt position as a justification

No. 2407302

Maybe you could find out what clothing brands are popular in the tall people European countries (like Germany and Dutchland) and see if you can purchase from there? Sorry anon, I'm north american but average-short so I have no recommendations.

No. 2407307

i need help with a similar issue. how do u act when several ppl from diff grps at work try to make u gossip with them? its rly hard. they call me out sometimes and i just tell them random lies about smth going wrong in my life lol so i can distract. its always lies tho so they cant hurt me with it. can an elder nonny with work experience chime in pls? ty(integrate)

No. 2407318

File: 1739975542155.gif (935.97 KB, 200x190, rage.gif)

FUCK YOU ALL FOR LYING TO ME AND ALL NEETS. ''uguu you can totes do good in college nonnie you totally wont stand out like a sore thumb for being over 20!'' you lying pieces of shit. I am the only 22yo in my fucking class and it makes me feel so out of place. My 18yo classmates def see me as a hag and its why they dont even bother to talk to me even if i am super nice to them and the only one that didnt fuck up in our group assigment. I feel so out of place, i dont think i can continue anymore. Its like high school all over again, i feel left out, like a retard. I wouldnt mind if we didnt have to make groups, but we do need to work in groups for most assigments and its fucking hell. I am so tired of being useless in everything. I am tired. If the rest of my life is going to continue to be the same, me standing out and being left alone, then i would rather just die already. I cant never do a single thing right. I didnt want to kill myself before starting college, but now i do. I realized i am too retarded and autistic to ever fit in. I hate myself and i dont have the strenght anymore to try just to see my mother happy anymore.

No. 2407322

You’re going to end up in dead end jobs like Walmart just because you can’t be friends with 18 year olds?

No. 2407324

do your 18 yr old classmates even know that you're 22. lmao if you even wanted to you could just lie and say you're 18 (or an age closer to it) they literally would not know

No. 2407325

Nigga I’m 29 and am in college. Plenty of older people go to college and graduate. Hell, there’s actually more older people with children in my classes than there are 18 year olds. The 18 year olds truly don’t care either way and neither should you. Working in groups is a pain in the ass for sure but that’s just how it is regardless of age. Also 22 is not old or makes you a hag. Get a grip.

No. 2407326

No, i am going to kill myself. If i dont fit in college, then i wont fit in at a job.

No. 2407327

Ok, just drop out then. Leech off your parents until they die and you become homeless and barely holding down jobs that even speds can do

No. 2407328

Is there not community colleges that offer online classes?

No. 2407330

they definetly do, they treat me like an outsider
but i am literally the only 22yo in my class, it makes me feel out of place

No. 2407331

I feel you nonna, even down to the not having someone to talk to part, I’m Eastern Euro too.
I once said out loud to my mom that women in this country and culture love to wear suffering for an emotionally absent moid who probably has either a drinking, cheating or gambling problem while also struggling financially like a badge of honor and I was looked at like I was a schizo. And my mom isn’t the trad type either - she always told me and other girls to have our own, felt really bad back then.
With the recent elections in my country I realized how eager are women here to throw away their rights to some schizo who said “femininity, not feminism, feminism is a joke” on some podcast just because they “don’t want gay people on the street”.
To be fair, at this point I would rather be considered “a dirty eastern euro” and a 2nd rate citizen in a foreign country than be considered a 2nd rate citizen in my own country just because the women and culture here love coddling the shit out of their mostly lazy sons till their death and expect their daughters to be soldiers by the age of 7.

I’m assuming you’re Romanian, my bad if I’m wrong
This is why I wanna run away and seldom look back. Even the less self hating women here are so apathetic towards heinous moid behavior, but they draw the line at a gnc woman (it doesn’t take a lot to be considered gnc here anyway, just don’t doll up everyday and you’re done) and ssa women like you said. I don’t even know where to run to, seems like everywhere is a shit place to live as a woman rn, I hope I’m wrong tho.

No. 2407333

Dont even bother, she wants to be coddled until she feels better about being a 22 y/o around 18 y/os

No. 2407336

nona i doubt it's because of your age that they're treating you like an outsider. just put your head down and do your work who cares

No. 2407337

I’m in college and I don’t even know any of my peers names.

No. 2407338

There is a woman your age in some of my classes and she is very friendly with us and everyone likes her. You just need to put yourself out there, be friendly. It's probably not an age issue just an awkwardness issue.

No. 2407340

It's shit that you don't get along with them and zoomers tend to be weird about age, but it's objectively not weird to got to college with 22 nona. My class had a woman in her mid 30s and nobody cared. My dad went back to college at 30 after having me and it really helped him in his career and he is still friends with some fellow students from then. I'm in my mid 25s and I'm contemplating if I want to do another bachelors. It's unlucky that there is literally noone above 18 in your class. I don't know how college in burgerland works, but is there any chance you might be with other people in the next semesters? I think you care too much. It's hard to stop caring, but it's what you should do. If you get over your insecurities you will be treated better by people around you too. Insecurity is a death spiral unfortunately.

No. 2407341

You don't have to "fit in" or "feel in place" to earn for a living
Find belonging elsewhere, finish that university

No. 2407344

i can't stop martyring myself for people that take me for granted and would never ever do any of the same for me. frustrating but i can't find it in myself to stop because being "kind" is the only way i can feel good about myself

No. 2407345

It's insane how the NEETs on here will be like "haha you're just jelly of us having so much leisure time!" And then they go out and experience real life and then have sperg meltdowns because they THINK their college classmates are judging them for being four years older than the general age of the class. Like even if one class sucks… there are multiple semesters for even a two year degree so of course some classes will be duds with retarded classmates. That is why you clear out your gen eds and focus on what you are really passionate about IE your major and picking out elective classes you genuinely want to learn from and be present in. Give it your all anon. Don't let one class discourage you.

No. 2407347

are we talking "zoo" like furries who are into animals, or like actual animal park zoos?
I hope you told literally everyone in your life exactly why you ended that relationship, and if you haven't told them you have to do it now.

No. 2407349

22 is barely any different from 18 kek, you're really overreacting about your age. If they really think you're a hag for being a couple years older then they're either retarded or you're physically aging extremely rapidly which seems unlikely. I was 23 when I was in college and no one ever knew I was older, they always assumed I was the same age as them until I told them. I never really fit in either but it was never about my age, more so just not being normie enough. Just give up on having to fit in to get through life in general, I've accepted I never will and I just do things anyway because I need to do them to survive.

No. 2407351

At least have the ovaries to respond to me, fag. I dont care about college, i only go because my mother forces me to go.(infighting)

No. 2407352

Ntayrt but clearly you do care nona

No. 2407355

because she threatened to kick me out if i dont pass

No. 2407358

so? If that's the only thing you care about why do your classmates matter?

No. 2407359

My head has been hurting since yesterday, but I didn't get any pain meds while I was out because I didn't feel like figuring out what I can take with the SSRI i'm on. I regret not just googling really quick while I was in the store now.

No. 2407360

You seem immature for your age. Are you sure you’re not being rejected from your peers because you’re 22 and not your personality?

No. 2407362

My boobs hurt so much, I wish I never grew them

No. 2407364

I know one zoofile troon who rapes his dog and you know what? His psychologist told him it's ok because he belives pedofilia and zoofila are sexualities. So now the troon is acting like that's the truth and is smug about his crimes and any fucking time there's a discussion about these things anywhere he rushes in to tell everybody how it's a sexuality and you shouldn't be mean to these people because his holy psychologist belives so. Disgusting, vile creature.

No. 2407367

because i have to do most of my assigments in a group and its annoying to be left out
i am really nice to them, i try to talk to them and be nice. They just ignore me. I actually wish i was a bitch irl because at least i would know why they treat me like that.

No. 2407368

People can sense weird personality traits and desperation even if you’re nice

No. 2407372

This is crazy because younger fellas actually feel more comfortable around me, I'm 24. See, a lot of them don't know what tf they doing half the time, so they appreciate the experience and help you could provide them

No. 2407374

Right she sounds so pathetic, her classmates can probably sense what a retarded sperg she is regardless of age

No. 2407376

File: 1739978007975.jpeg (182.57 KB, 1400x700, IMG_0563.jpeg)

Please don’t be cruel to me, I actually feel so humiliated about this. I just realized I look just like Austin Powers in every single way. I never watched the move so it never occurred to me before. But I have the:
>same haircut
>same hair color
>same glasses
>same fashion sense: colorful flashy men’s wear
And it’s not fucking fair because if that movie was never made, I would look cool. But because of this character, my entire look that I’ve worked so hard to curate is just associated with a joke to everybody.
I love everything about my styling and I don’t want to change, but now I realize I have to. But I don’t know what to change because I can’t change my hair (only haircut that looks good on me, trust me on this, I have a fivehead), I always get compliments on my glasses suiting me and I agree so I don’t want to change them, and the literal only thing that brings me any joy in life these days is wearing my funky clothes. Maybe I need to dye my hair, but I don’t want danger hair and IMO dark dye on lighter haired people always looks fake and bad, and bleaching is too high of a hurdle for me, I don’t know what to do. I am so incredibly upset.

No. 2407377

but i havent done anything wrong, you are judging my whole personality based on a vent on a anonymous forum. Anons here write the vilest things and it doesnt reflect their irl personality.

No. 2407378

Those movies are so old that I'm surprised if anybody would reference him around you.

No. 2407379

Nta but they aren't that old kek, they came out from 1997 - 2002. Maybe they're more well known here in the UK though.

No. 2407380

>having to be forced to get a degree
>whining despite having a warm place to live and all you need to do is focus on school and don’t have to work and go to school like most people your age
>crying about not being popular in class like you’re in middle school

You basically need to grow up.

No. 2407384

Ok, if you're in the UK then I could see why they might be more remembered there. I'm in the States and I feel like they've more or less become forgotten. I grew up watching them too.

No. 2407385

I think so too. In group projects, I would probably have taken advantage of the fact that there was someone a bit older and worked with them because I would expect them to be more trustworthy and helpful. Anon needs to get over her insecurities and learn to socialise. It's not easy, but it will help her a lot.
nta, but it's not about right and wrong, anon. People just like confidence and hate weakness, especially in women. I was just like you when I was younger and it wasn't fair how people treated me but you just have to be selfish and love yourself and not give a fuck and they will love you too.

No. 2407388

I always thought he was kinda attractive

No. 2407390

>eople just like confidence and hate weakness, especially in women
but i am confident. I am the one that talked to all of them losers who were sitting alone and formed the group in the first place.

No. 2407391

>bleaching is too high of a hurdle for me
Go to a salon. And not a chain like Hair Cuttery or Great Clips - go to a high-end salon where the prices make you grimace. Save up for it if you have to. I'm the same way about bleaching (I don't trust myself to do it, but I also don't trust my friends to do it, but I also don't trust inexperienced stylists to do it) and I've found that paying an experienced professional produces the most consistent results. Unfortunately, experienced professionals charge experienced prices, so don't expect to pay less than $100 for a cut & color.
>I can’t change my hair (only haircut that looks good on me, trust me on this, I have a fivehead)
You can still grow it out, right? If your fivehead is a problem, all you need to keep is the bangs. Google "wolf cut with bangs", or just "hairstyles with bangs". Maybe throw a "vintage" or "retro" in there to maintain your vibe. There are many options for bangs that don't make you look like a Beatle, nona!

No. 2407392

I went back to school at 25 and made friends despite the age gap and despite my background with social anxiety and mediocre social skills.

Your age is not the problem.

No. 2407393

I wouldn't necessarily say her personality is either, often you just end up in a class full of people you don't click with.

No. 2407395

good for you, but i dont know why you think your experience is universal

No. 2407396

Funny, you seemed to assume your experience is universal and the only truth when you accused NEETS of lying to you.

No. 2407398

I’m 22 enrolled in gen classes with a bunch of 18 year olds and people older than me by >4 years. Aside from intentionally staying to myself, I have noticed a lot of the younger students are a bit cliquey but it’s not a personal thing (against u) kek It really doesn’t matter. Caring about these tiny things that don’t matter will set you back

No. 2407399

nta but this is the vent thread kek i dont think she expected a bunch of retards to come in here and chimp out on her for venting in the vent thread

No. 2407402

ok but its annoying and everyone knows most jobs requiere you have connections

No. 2407403

Reread her vent, thats exactly what she wanted

No. 2407404

Very good troll, but you were a little too annoying.

No. 2407405

Yes but not connections to your classmates. If you really want connections befriend your profs and do internships.

No. 2407406

genuinely what is the point of camping in the vent thread to seethe at vents? you sound like a massive loser.(infighting)

No. 2407407

Kek I almost wish it was a troll, itd make me feel less sorry for how pathetic she is(infighting)

No. 2407412

Look at yourself, trying to one-up someone being upset in a vent thread. This is unsightly.

No. 2407428

I got a 50% on an exam in my favorite subject. I have my reasons, but it still feels awful. The overall grade is based on only 3 exams, too, so it's going to leave a mark. I have a 3.9 GPA and almost lost my mind when I lost the 4.0 to a B and this feels even worse. I'm thinking of dropping the class since everything seems to be falling apart around me but I don't know if it's worth it.
My mom says I'm being too harsh on myself and I want to agree. I would love to feel like it's not a reflection of my intelligence or work ethic, but it's hard not to feel like any attempts to rationalize it are just copium and that I don't want to admit I'm actually just stupid and lazy.

No. 2407437

File: 1739982418809.jpg (242.77 KB, 850x850, __original_drawn_by_ainn_artsu…)

Rabbit anon from last thread here with a final update. They've been adopted. By a miracle of God, someone finally got back with me after everything and they will find another home, a good one. It was a private contact. Thank fuck, they really are getting big even though they're not giants. They're still not mean, and the buck is friendly but the doe is cowardly. Also, yeah I do agree that my post was a litmus test for reading comprehension, as well as my replies. Also idk how tf I somehow got mixed up with trannyshit but no, I don't support troons and yes I am a retard for not doing enough research AND loving my Nigel. He's my Nigel, a far superior pet.

No. 2407439

The good ending. Proud of you, nona.

No. 2407450

Does the grade matter for anything beyond needing to pass to get the credits?

No. 2407451

>a far superior pet
Kekkk God bless your soul nona you did the right thing

No. 2407453

> You know what you want, hold out until you get it.
I'm not a spring chicken anymore nonna, I'm older and I've been holding out my whole life and have been called a bitch for it so many times because I didn't want to settle. Always the same thing from the circles I was in, where they were pressuring me to give the nice guys a try. It doesn't work like that, I know pretty much instantly if I am interested in a man or not.
I've also been thinking about my post yesterday and my frustration is that you find men with good qualities, but they're not lookers. Again, at least this one had high emotional intelligence, which immediately earned my respect. I think I've only met 3 guys in my entire life with high emotional intelligence, it's grim.

No. 2407472

Hey rabbit anon, I was the nona who suggested you eat the rabbits and I got a lot of negative feedback for helping you bc some anons think you only bought the rabbits to impress a moid and then ended up alone with the rabbits. I said I thought the nigel gave you the rabbits. This part of your original post was unclear >>2400609
Who decided to adopt the rabbits?

No. 2407477

They are NOT Merrells, and someone gave me identical advice regarding my summer hiking shoes so I bought them and I'm really happy. Thank you, I think this is my sign. The boots I bought were an expensive brand, I didn't cheap out, but they were not like my Merrells at all. Ah well, maybe for next Christmas. It'll be Spring soon anyway. The only downside to my summer hikers are that I find the grip is very slippery for inside caves, but I feel like that's an odd complaint because they don't advertise them as spelunking shoes or anything. I bought a really shitty pair of men's boots at a hardware store with no name brand and I have to wear like three pairs of socks in them, but they're the best caving boots I've ever had. I've never slipped in them but I've slipped in everything else. Weird shit, I wish brands were respectable again and I could trust the quality of things I purchase.

No. 2407483

Not necessarily. I come from generational poverty and a higher GPA keeps my opportunities open for scholarships and such, which can be a lot of help and a huge weight off my mind. I'm also at a community college and would like to transfer to a specific university that is really competitive to get into, but at this point I might just put that on the back burner. Good grades are one of the few things that encourage me to keep going on with all this, too, but I know that's entirely on me.

No. 2407487

I was going to post this in lc's own caps but you say this upsets you so I would just continue looking like Austin Powers and not mentioning it til later. Austin Powers is a very reassuring and happy character, I think people will subconsciously associate you with positive things, like this Seinfeld episode. Then maybe you could "end up" at a place that sells 90s nostalgia or dvds and casually mention it, much later on

No. 2407488

Hahaha, I think I may have been too hyperbolic in my original post, I can still actually leave the house as I do own other boots and a vehicle. Sorry to stress! You're very kind. But I'm lacking the ability to do my usual 7-10 mile walk every day or so, and I worry that buying some in-the-meantime-cheap-boots will result in similar injury to my existing boots. I think by the time I can save up for replacements, it should be warmer here too.

No. 2407495

Okay that's good to hear. I guess when you mentioned the caving I should have realized you need these expensive boots for a reason nona. Very relieved it's not as bad as it sounds, I think it's the way you described not being able to leave the house without shredding your feet to bloody ribbons kekkkeehh

No. 2407497

Just how do you shape eyebrows? I've looked up tutorials but all the tutorial results are ugly

No. 2407499

File: 1739986243086.jpg (197.15 KB, 1500x1500, 71YrZ2pwQvS._SL1500_.jpg)

Like make them into a different shape than how they grow in? Probably a stencil

No. 2407501

Hehe nonna I used to look like this too, but I don't have the mole. Bleached hair actually looked really good this short, it's easy if you get used to it, I went to the hairdresser for the first bleach and she told me what exatly to buy and how to touch it up myself.

No. 2407504

Hopefully this isn't too forward but I'm picturing what you're describing and you sound cute as fuck nonna. Don't change just because there's a fictional character who shares your look. Besides, Austin is a pretty cool character, you could do way worse for fictional associations. And seconding >>2407388 's sentiment.

No. 2407505

Today is not coming up nonny.

No. 2407507

I doubt you have his chest hair or fucked up teeth though, so you're good

No. 2407530

File: 1739987844757.png (126.17 KB, 340x348, 1739881816718372.png)

He did not give me the rabbits, I found them from a local listing online. Meat rancher sold them to me because yeah, their "purpose" was to be eaten. But then after explaining the situation to the meat rancher and asking if she would take them back, the response was basically that I spoiled them and the other colony meat rabbits wouldn't accept them. Again, seems like bullshit, but also now the rabbits I bought will get to live an even better life than I have been giving them.
I am also sorry about the anons attacking you, and me, for the thought of eating them. Imagine how much shittier this would be on actual social media with karma or whatever. The ones that want to immediately jump on calling me a psychopath seem like they're projecting the hardest. The bunnies are still getting fresh veggies and occasional fruit since the rancher already got them used to fruit as babies. I am shocked they're not fat, but they also keep growing. (Longer ears, bigger heads…)

But yeah no, Nigel in this case has been completely supportive of me this whole time (minus the thought of just eating them, that WOULD upset him and I never told him I thought about it, shh) The rabbits are being given to someone that has taken care of rabbits before and has some of her own.

No. 2407559

I wish i had an abusive family that hated me so i could kill myself in peace. Living is too painful for me and i don't think i'll ever get better. Does medication for mental illnesses even do anything? The thought of being like this for the rest of my life is so dreadful i start crying.

No. 2407561

I miss when i used to be like this.

No. 2407571

my soul is accumulating all the bad things ive done and it absolutely is what weighs me down on the daily. i need a full-being bath

No. 2407582

AYRT, this kind of made me feel better kek. Is this a common experience? If I had gotten a C or maybe even a high D I'd slap myself for feeling so bad about it but an F just feels inexcusable.

No. 2407605

I am about to start my period and I just want to destroy things. It hasn't made me this agressive in a long time. Some moid was a dick to me earlier cause I called him out when he threw his trash on the sidewalk and I wanted to punch him. One of my cats broke one of my favorite mug and I screamed so loud at her that she has been hiding. The other one decided to puke all over the sheets I had just cleaned (I have to hand wash everything cause of a broken pipe that my landlord still hasn't fixed). I have zero patience today. I just want to scream and cry under blankets and wake up when this ends.

No. 2407606

I had to weigh myself at the doctor and I'm 140 FUCKING POUNDS. That's like 15 more than my last weigh in and it's making me go fucking crazy. I need to lose like 15 pounds because I knew I was gaining weight but holy shit I didn't think it was 15 pounds worthy. I feel my best when I'm between 120-130 and it makes so much sense as to why I feel like shit and don't like how I look right now. Fuck me. Fuck this. I'm going to enforce all the anachan self restriction techniques (but don't get it twisted I do not want to look like a freakish skelly) to curb my retarded boredom-induced snacking habits fuuuuck me.

No. 2407609

Bf woke up, beat the shit out of one of my stuffed animals– like slammed it on the ground and shook the whole apartment. I know he has unresolved trauma but Jesus pete.

No. 2407612

What? Even if it is just a stuffed animal, that would make me worried to be around him.

No. 2407613

Can't he channel this energy into exercise? At least you profit both then. Extremely concerning behavior though, especially that he used something from you and not his stuff.

No. 2407614

Find some spare fabric. Sew a little doll that looks like you. Make the hair out of yarn and make sure it has the same colour eyes, whether it be buttons or stitching, as you do. Stuff it with white cotton balls. Dress it in something white. Put it close to an entrance or a window, somewhere where light will hit it. For seven days, when you wake up in the morning, whisper in its ear and tell it one of the bad things that weighs you down. On the seventh night, thank it for taking the weight from you. If it worked, move it away from from the light, somewhere where it won't be disturbed but won't be lost either. If it didn't work, repeat the process for another seven nights but try to be more honest with the doll this time.

No. 2407617

Wow such clever and intriguing bait. You deserve a gold star. Such ingenuity! Retard.

No. 2407619

what if it gets destroyed

No. 2407626

If you do it right, it won't be destroyed. You can't open it back up again after it's been stuffed and sewn. You can use it however much you want, but each time you use it, it has to be done in 7 day intervals. Once you put it away somewhere safe, where it won't be destroyed nor lost, try to forget about it. Only use it when you feel you need to. When you make it, try to make it look like you as best as possible. Don't use dirty cotton when you stuff it, it has to be clean and white.

No. 2407638

I cant stand how fake everyone is. This is the only place where I feel like I can say whatever I want and not have to deal with dumb moids who use 'free speech' as a way to act like retarded racebaiting edgelords.
I know I can't trust anyone, and I have to learn to be my own friend but after being raised to hate myself it's incredibly difficult. I go on my long walks wishing I could talk to someone else but knowing that's unrealistic because everyone is fake and will jump down my throat if I say something that is too spicy. Hating everyone is fine, but I need to learn to love myself.

No. 2407640

what IF it gets destroyed though

No. 2407643

I just told you. If you do it right, it won't be destroyed. Listen to what I'm telling you.

No. 2407653

Honestly I never hated gymbros until now, like I think it's nice they want to be fit even though I find them boring but this new trend of weeb (emo?) zoomer gymbros are so fucking corny, do they have zero self-awareness? "I want to look like toji/guts/insert random roided anime husbando" or "Do it for goku" how the fuck do they not notice how cringe they are and it's annoying that literally no one is making fun of them, I swear there's so many influencers nowadays that everyone would have rightfully mocked 10-15 yrs ago but now they all live in some sort of echo chamber and retarded pick mes are riling them up

No. 2407658

Yes but in the event it does get destroyed what happens

No. 2407659

Nayrt but like can you get rid of it eventually or what if my house burns down in a fire?

No. 2407665


No. 2407694


No. 2407696

>Does medication for mental illnesses even do anything?
It did for me, honestly saved my life. Took me a few years to get the right diagnosis and meds but just the sertraline (the first one I took) had such a positive impact that I thought it couldn't get any better.
I also had theray for many years which was life changing in its own way.
But for both meds and therapy, ymmv, it's trial and error, and there are people whose issues are treatment-resistent.
If you're on your last thread, I'd say try it.

No. 2407712

I have been rubbing my face until it's red when I'm angry or anxious. I am mute, so it is tedious to deal with the world around me. In my senior year of highschool, people used to joke and call me Adam Lanza. It seriously pisses me off to this day. I guess it's because my eyes are unusually large/open? Gets me. It really is hard and I feel like no one gets it. Even now, my current therapist sometimes makes it very hard to correspond.

No. 2407739

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It isn't exactly a vent, just something that really annoys me. I have very sensitive/overworking tear glands and whenever I laugh or whenever I'm outside and there's even a slight breeze my tears start flowing. What annoys me is that when I'm with other people and we laugh at something funny, they see my tears and start to make fun of me and belittle me saying things like 'anon it wasn't THAT funny' 'anon why are you crying get a grip kek' things like that. Even when I explain it to them they either don't care or think I'm just making shit up. I don't know I'm nearing 35 and I hate that people see my unintentional tears and think I'm childish or stupid.

No. 2407741

The same thing used to happen to me at work but one day I just leaned into it and I started fully crying and saying that they always belittled me and then HR talked to them and they never said anything again

No. 2407743

Your tears of joy matter nona fuck those miserable people.

No. 2407762

Adding on to what other anon said, the key is to keep trying and be consistent. I had to try a few antidepressants before I got to the one that works for me (duloxetine), and I had to be CONSISTENT! Something that fucked me up for years was skipping doses or accidentally going off of it. Now that I'm taking it regularly, so many things are so much better for me.
And don't give up too soon! People will quit because of side effects or lack of improvement, but stick with it. Your body needs time to adjust.

No. 2407785

You're mute? Since young or did something lead to it?

No. 2407879

i know the replies ill get to this but its bothering me. some guy asked me out at the supermarket, and i feel terrible. i had to reject him because i have a boyfriend but i would’ve done it anyway, i’ve never been on a proper date and am easily scared of men. i just got lucky with my boyfriend. usually i feel really creeped out when this happens and want to run, but i just felt like crying. i am still thinking about it. i just feel empathy, he was very polite and understanding and i cant imagine having that courage just to be let down. i get nervous if im not kind to people too because it could help them to not feel lonely or worthless. i think about the guy who shot himself last week in my neighborhood and i wonder if i could have just been friendlier. i wish i could have told the guy he wasnt worthless, female or male id feel this way. i guess its because ive dealt with fear and loneliness and worthlessness and i dont want other people to feel that way.

No. 2407886

I just took a ritalin to clean my room but it kicked in faster than I thought so now I'm refreshing lolcow in hyperspeed like my fingers are a blur on the keyboard. These are also kind of expired and were way too high of a dose for me in the first place which is why I stopped taking them… I thought I could trust it again but now I think my ass is going to be nearly catatonic. Fuck my shit up seriously.

No. 2407887

Yes. It took me a decade because either nothing worked or I’d feel so good off of them…until a depressive episode hit. The suicidality lingered since I was a child, but it worsened as I got older. I kept trying medicine and giving up, until I realized untreated mental illness will only get worse. Therapy is amazing, and more so with the combination of medication, but its expensive, and good luck being able to use those tools and coping skills when you have a chemical imbalance and/or no will to live. I finally found something that works for me and the stability is admittedly weird, I don’t get lows or highs and I sometimes forget words but that’s the worst of it. No more trying to kill myself, no more ruining relationships, etc. When you are ready to kill yourself, it doesn’t hurt to try medication because you can’t get any lower. Good luck nonnie.

No. 2407961

I'm never going to have a family. I am never going to be anyone's first choice. Nothing that I do is good enough. I'm tired of being the dog

No. 2407988

I just wanted to find her recipe again, I did not want to hear about how she's so young barely finished school then went on a trip in Thailand and she's now living alone with her boyfriend while regularly posting on her successful vegan channel sponsoring hotel trips to her. Life is so unfair I can't believe there are regular people born without depression and no other circumstances disturbing their life.

No. 2407992

Humble brag

No. 2407996

God I hate my body. I wish I was invisible

No. 2408016

im so unhappy but i dont even know what would make me happy. its so hard to find happiness when youre so alone and you feel so isolated from humanity. the thing thats always made me feel so isolated is romance and sexuality. i literally have no drive or strong interest in it. im literally the only person i know whos never dated anybody and it feels like its because im just innately broken and unlovable. also im autistic if that makes this make more sense

No. 2408041

as a kid i went through tons of trauma, around 12 i was diagnosed with psychotic depression and i was in a psych hospital for about 2 months total. i stopped talking by freshman year of HS and haven't spoken to almost anyone since.

No. 2408067

I can't have penetrative sex, pee or poop normally because some mods juuuuust had to rape me. On the days my vulvodynia pain is too much, I want to die. I can't even wear jeans, leggings or anything tight. Medication did not help.

How come there is barely any help for women like me? Are we just supposed to suffer thru our life whilst rapists live their lives without a worry? I want to cry.

No. 2408097

I'm sorry anon. I feel so much rage reading this. I wish I could do something more than just commiserate with you. I hope whoever did this to you dies a painful fucking death and gets what's coming to them if they haven't already.

No. 2408107

i'm really stressed about that pratical exam i need to take tomorrow

No. 2408132

I feel like I might have "high functioning depression"

No. 2408138

I'm so tired of all the policing in womens spaces. Men never do this shit to each other. I can't be autistic here and I can't be autistic on social media. I can't wait until gendie shit stops being the new goth…I just want to talk to other weird women. I hate this timeline

No. 2408141

ntayrt but I’m also curious. Do you just avoid situations where you may have to talk? What about something like a doctor’s appointment do you not talk then? Is it just preference now or is there a block around actually talking? How do you communicate with your therapist?

I’m sorry you had a rough go at it in school nonny. I’m not mute but was unusually quiet comparatively so I got picked on for it too. People just referred to me as the weird girl who didn’t talk.

No. 2408166

I think eventually the bubble will burst, and what remains, we can seize in peace. godspeed nona

No. 2408193

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To be or not to be a cow or non-cow. Do I act like a bitch for the rest of my life and then have a bunch of randos find me and turn me into a subject of entertainment or to have my spirit suppressed to live under the radar and make sure nobody makes fun of me? I’m honestly having a dilemma. Why am I so retarded at 22? What went wrong? Why can’t I be normal? I don’t want to be a cow in the future, I don’t post anything explicit besides just ranting about offensive stuff online. How do I break out of this? How do I finally become normal and my brain works normally again? I don’t want to stay stuck on the internet forever or stay addicted to this website and social media but it’s so hard, I honestly feel like they got you when you’re super young. I just want to be left alone, to be in total silence, never perceived by anyone because I’m thoroughly afraid of being one of the laughing stocks in /snow/ but I only post under strict aliases where nobody knows my name or anything about me, just my opinions. It’s either to choose to be constantly perceived or to have an easier life of never being perceived, judged or under constant derision where nothing you do is good enough. That sounds like literal hell. I choose to just die honestly

No. 2408194

Let's be real, the tranny gendie shit is going to get worse and worse.

No. 2408215

i really pray that we get an effective treatment for that and also endo in our lifetimes. so many thousands of women suffer in silence with gynecologic pain and its not fair
i mean if you dont overshare your embarassing life details then youre not a cow, a lot of people here (me included honestly) have cow-ish traits but the difference is we dont overshare in public

No. 2408227

>weegee handmaiden ruins moovieroom
Jesus christ how can someone be so insufferable

No. 2408230

I would probably look much better if I could gain weight for once. I'm not the hot kind of skinny with tiny flat waist and bigger hips and cute petite tits, I'm the shapeless type of skinny with a complete bony almost caved in flat chest, basically no hips, long torso with straight waist and a tendency to get bloated. I'm shaped more like an ugly teen boy, not a cute skinny girl with good proportions. But I literally can't put on some weight, I inherited my dad's shitty genetics

No. 2408244

I’m so glad this website is sort of anonymous

No. 2408248

It’s a tiktok/twitter toddler, just ignore it

No. 2408252

What happened?

No. 2408275

Don't hold out on us, anon. I'm at work and couldn't make it.

No. 2408276

Everyone is subject to ridicule at some point in their life. You need to accept that people will judge you for your actions, especially if they're foolish or strange. It's your reaction to it that seals your fate. Cows fail at this task because many believe they are above criticism and react poorly to it or refuse to acknowledge the reason why they are receiving scrutiny in the first place.

No. 2408337

I feel so low but I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m supposed to get my period. I just wanna get it over with. I’m so tired of feeling miserable about nothing.

No. 2408353

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I have some scars on my thighs from my teenage years when I couldn't cope with my SA and they are my absolutely biggest source of shame and insecurity.
I'd do anything to get rid of them, I want to do laser treatment but I'm scared they'll just come back as I heard it may happen. The stupidest part of this is that my motivation for this is mostly because of a possible future partner because I genuinely don't believe the kind of person who I'd be attracted to (and more importantly is mentally stable) would react kindly to it.
I feel like they would think I'm too unstable for them or feel like it's too much of a burden for them. I mean who wants to feel goddamn sh scars on your partner during sex?
My previous partner was also a victim of SA so I didn't feel judged but it's not like I'm gonna go out of my way to find someone with this experience bc I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

No. 2408356

I hate people with no common sense. I was hanging out with my friend and noticed I had dropped my beloved smart watch without noticing. I was freaking out and was so upset because I love and rely on it a lot and she casually goes "yeah I saw that it was hanging really loose and the clasp had come undone"
bitch really? You saw it and you didn't fucking say anything??? You think that's how I wanted it, barely hanging on to my wrist and ready to fall off? Are you a fucking idiot? By complete sheer luck someone had found it and turned it in but I'm still questioning this girls IQ and our entire friendship over this

No. 2408360

Tried ignoring but just decided to leave since she was souring the chat
Just your usual spammy misandrist larp with a username like LC_weegeewife, every post is like she’s desperate for anons to reply “KEK! BASED!”. Zero self awareness.

No. 2408363

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Partaking in society is turning impossible as I am becoming crippled from both mental and physical illness. Just wish that I had a family to rely on.

No. 2408364

>every post is like she’s desperate for anons to reply “KEK! BASED!”. Zero self awareness
Unfortunately so many posters are like this since the 2020s.

No. 2408372

Hope you feel better soon nona. I'm on day 1 of my period right now and I'm in AGONY. It's early evening but I'm thinking of knocking myself out with sleep aid so I don't have to be conscious for this bullshit anymore.

No. 2408376

I honestly feel like this shit is just synchronicity at this point holy shit, picrel

No. 2408379

I'm sorry but she is absolutely retarded. I would rather have no friends than someone like this around me

No. 2408382

Are anons not allowed to say kek or based anymore? Goddamn none of you will ever be happy. Also I hope all men die, ooo spooky so epik misandrist! I don’t think weegee retards are even like that, they are of the pickme variety and still orbiting an irrelevant orc that we haven’t seen in weeks.

No. 2408384

It doesn't happen all the time but I sometimes get horrific depression right before my period hits. For no reason or specific cause at all. Things just emotionally hurt 50x worse than the have any right to if at all.

No. 2408388

My ex used to get horny when I cried. I hope he’s been raped to death

No. 2408394

It's morbid to think why men are like this. They see a woman crying and know she is vulnerable and they take it as the opportunity to get their dicks wet while her head isn't clear. Diabolical.

No. 2408400

I read this in Hamlet's voice and I just picture nonna reciting this in her vanity mirror to herself kek.

No. 2408417

Go out into the real world, struggle and fail at a dead end job and then go back to college when you are 30+. All of the older individuals in my college courses were regarded as insightful and were revered. I actually felt really stupid sitting next to them with how better and more easily they understood the course materials. Never too late.

No. 2408423

Yeah I think I get too distracted by the blood and cramps and poops to be depressed. Or it’s the relief that I’m not having an episode, just my monthly routine.
Hope you feel better soon too. Sleep is nice, you deserve to rest.

No. 2408433

Not only is my situation horrible. Now I have a huge self-harm wound that might get infected. I am too old for this middle school stuff.

No. 2408437

God I fucking hate this course

No. 2408448

Depending on how big the scar is, disinfect with alcohol, use antibiotic ointment on it, put a big bandage over it. Keep it moist and clean and your body will heal better and with less scarring.
If it's big enough, suck it up and go to urgent care for some stitches. Make up a story about how you were being clumsy and broke something made out of glass.

No. 2408472

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>don't fall asleep until 6am
>wake up at noon
>work is blowing me up due to missed meetings and world ending shit bc I'm not there to answer
>infight on lolcow for six hours
>now it's dark and it barely feels like it's been a day which means insomnia is bound to repeat again

No. 2408474

>self checkout lady smugly makes me re weigh my apples when the machine didn't even register the difference on the second scale
>total difference of 10c

Cancer god curse this lowly corpohoe please!

No. 2408480

I would have made a stink to the supervisor for that inconvenience.
When I worked the self-checkout kiosk back in the day I fucking loved that job and didn't gaf about the weigh stations as long as people weren't blatantly ripping off i.e. weighing bulk almonds as potatoes and dumb shit like that.

No. 2408492

friend irl got mad at me for saying idgaf if there are moids on lolcow as long as they integrate. like moids dont fight over it, why should we. another dumbass burden we put on ourselves.(bait)

No. 2408500

nta but the one in the moovie room literally has "LC_weegeewife" as her username so at least one of them really is like that, unless she's trying to be ironic? also i'm pretty sure anons are referring to the type of posters who simp/fangirl over men while pretending to be "misandrist", not actual ones. the weegeefag they're talking about does come across as trying hard to fit in rather than sincere, almost like a parody of what someone thinks a farmer would sound like. you just have to see for yourself

No. 2408505

So much wrong with this post.

No. 2408507

that's groovy baby

No. 2408515

what the fuck is a "weegee"?

No. 2408520

The nickname for Luigi that his husbandfags have given him.

No. 2408524

I remember reading that in my senior year of HS and I swear to god I was going crazy like the husbandofags in /g/. Hamlet is sexy as fuck (not that uggo in vidrel but the actual character)

No. 2408530

It’s like the mods don’t care about banning minors anymore kek

No. 2408541

At first I thought she was being ironic and then she kept going, she really is just that fucking corny with no self awareness

No. 2408584

She finally left kek

No. 2408586

Man anon, you made it sound like there was actually something that went down. If an anon is annoying you, learn to use that mute option and don't drag petty stuff like that to the site. It makes the moovie room unpleasant and less enjoyable if anons are coming back here to rant about anons they don't like.

No. 2408608


No. 2408720

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I am so tired of my friend always trying to be positive, its genuinely obnoxious. I tried talking to him about how shit my life is and he kept talking about the ''good'' things about my life, like him(kek) and my cat. And its so annoying because thats not the point i was trying to make. I was talking about how despite my efforts, i can never achieve anything, and getting a cat off a shelter and a scrote friend when you are into nerdy hobbies doesnt requiere real effort. Whats making me suicidal is trying to make normie friends and failing miserably, trying to get good at a skill and failing. Its like he doesnt want to understand why i feel like this and keeps blaming my ''mindset'', as if its my mindset's fault that i keep trying and failing despite putting a shit ton of effort into everything i do(this is something he and other people have said about me before btw). The only reason i talk to him is because he's a therapist, but i feel like its useless. I just dont have the strenght to try anymore. I am nice to normal people, to the point i go through the effort of buying them lil gifts and offer them my time and help everytime, but they never seem to reciprocate, i just dont know how to make friends when we dont share an autistic hobbie in between us. I just wish i could read minds to know why they dislike me or what i did wrong, there is nothing worse than trying, being nice, and then getting jack shit anyways while seeing people effortlessly make friends and be normal.

No. 2408746

saw a neovagina in person for the first and hopefully last time today, my takeaway is that surgeons who perform these operations on clearly mentally ill people need to be hanged en masse because what the fuck

No. 2408748

>Are anons not allowed to say kek or based anymore?
Zoomers can't read at all KEK. That is not what >>2408364 or >>2408360 said at all. Are you an ESLfag or just a genuinely stupid person?

No. 2408767

Anon not to be rude but if he's your friend and a therapist as well, he will not be joining in on your self-pity parties. He is trying to steer you away from focusing on the negatives, because that is what keeps you feeling bad. It's not the objective fact that you keep failing, it's the fact that you haven't built up enough "grit" to shrug it off and keep trying. A well-adjusted person can fail a hundred times over and hundred more and all it will tell them is that they need to do something different to achieve their goal. I think the lesson you need to learn is that not everyone is meant to be your friend, and starting new skills is nothing but grinding and failing and forgetting and doing it all over again in the very beginning. Learning new skills won't necessarily be fun, and not all normies are made the same. Some people just are not made for you, and it's like that for everyone. You trying is a good thing, unfortunately true friendship is hard to come across.
Like what is genuinely so bad about your life aside from you not learning a new skill immediately or you not clicking with some people you actually went out and tried to click with? Do you not find any value in your efforts, not on the outcome itself but the pure energy of your concentrated efforts? That is something worth admiring, that is something worth nurturing and that is something that will take you places that you might like.

No. 2408783

>enough "grit" to shrug it off and keep trying.
but i have tho, thats why i keep trying and failing over and over, eventually so many failures are going to build up and affect you negatively.
> I think the lesson you need to learn is that not everyone is meant to be your friend
but i want to know why, what i did wrong? if i could read minds i know specifically why they dislike me.
Both you and my friend talk like i am the bad one for letting me bad things affect me, like i should be built of stone. But i am not, i am sensitive and these things hurt me and i cannot ''shrug it off'' as easily. Especially since i have nothing good about my life or myself that i have achieved, absolutely nothing.

No. 2408787

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IN PERSON? I do not want further details, i pray you get the men in black mind zap.

No. 2408809

>expecting men to validate you meaningfully
You fucked up.

No. 2408813

My grandma died 2 months ago (she was my best friend), my partner got a new job (a very stressful one), I just left my job for good reason, and oh great! Our landlord decided to kicked us out for absolutely no reason. He is supposed to be a family friend. I’m so unbelievably stressed and scared for what’s to come. I have no clue where we are going to live, he gave us 4 months which is debatably a short or long amount of time. It hurts so bad, I just planted spring flowers in November. I won’t be able to do my gardening this year because of the timeline that he gave us. This is the last place I really saw my grandma alive. Shit fucking HURTS. I was waiting for the spring/summer to just relax and garden. Take a breath after this bad winter. Not anymore.

No. 2408814

It's not grit when it affects you so bad you want to kill yourself. That isn't grit, that is being sensitive which is the opposite of grit.
>but i want to know why, what i did wrong?
It's not about what you did wrong. You can't force a connection with people, even if you do all the nice things, even if you give them gifts, or compliment them all the time, or agree with all their opinions. You just can't. You want to know why you made friends with people who shared your same autistic hobbies? Because you had something in common. You find what you have in common and connect through that. You find what you have in common and strengthen bonds and you try to find more things you have in common or agree on or like to do.
I'm not saying you're the bad one, and I bet your friend isn't saying that either, but it's not productive to let your failures affect you so badly that you want to kill yourself. That is not healthy behavior.
Stop trying to determine your worth based on "accomplishments". You're not worthless because you don't personally think you have done anything of worth. Want to know what I do with my life? I work a dead-end wagie job barely above minimum wage. I went to college and I don't have a degree. You can't let that stuff literally define you as a human being. You set goals, you set up steps to meet those goals, and you fail and you adjust. You don't tell yourself you're incapable before you try or readjust your steps, that is sabotage.
The negative thoughts that come to your mind are not, contrary to belief, things that literally define you. You need to work on letting thoughts like that go, it's crucial for existing as a human.

No. 2408817

Anon…were you having sex with a tranny?

No. 2408828

but how am i supposed to keep trying when i fail everytime. I am sorry nonny and i appreciate you trying but i swear peopple who say stuff like that dont know whats like to fail so much. My friend gots good things about himself(he has a degree and is very charismatic) i can tell you have tons of good things going on for you too, meanwhile i have absolutely nothing in my favour. Nothing to fall back on if something fails. I am just completly useless.

No. 2408842

This probably makes me shitty but because I can't really do much to hurt trad men, except rejecting and ignoring them, I take a lot of my anger out on trad women. Daresay I hate them more because I consider them gender traitors.
All trad women who are against abortion need to be put on a blacklist registry in case they ever want or need one. Viscious criminal prosecution if they do shit like travel outside Burgerland to obtain one once they've banned it here for everyone else. No, I won't care if it means their babies die after birth or are born horifically retarded. No, I won't care if they themselves will die or are high risk. They were willing to dish other women the same bleak sentences, so I won't care once it's their asses who get their lives ruined too. I hope with all my heart it does.
For the ones who especially tout "Women are property, men are head of household," I treat them like furniture. Oh, you're an object that men speak for? Well pointless to acknowledge you then as you have nothing to say that a man couldn't.
Oh dear, he beats you and financially abuses you? Well, your man knows best so clearly you have done something to deserve it bitch know your dumb fucking place. No, we no longer have social programs for when you flee your shitbag husband with your kids, you said DV shelter employees and their DEI hires were just lazy wastes, remember? Better go back to kiss his feet while he cheats on you, maybe you can request sweetly he not hit the already bruised parts of your body again?

I hate them.

No. 2408848

And none of this should rightfully upset any of them because these are exactly their values. They can lie in the beds they made.

No. 2408862

>but how am i supposed to keep trying when i fail everytime.
You just do. You do it over and over again, make different strategic changes, until you feel accomplished. Whatever you are doing is literally infinitely more viable than the research going into string theory. Just think, there are actual physicists working on that junk and it's likely they won't ever see what comes out of it in their entire life.
You do have something going on in your life. You have friends, you have an animal who depends on you, you want to learn skills, you have hobbies, you want to make friends. You sound like a very well-rounded person, and like most every person I know and am friends with. Not a single person cares about YOUR accomplishment half as much as you do, therefore not a single person views you even half as worthless as you yourself do, and no, failed friendships are not indicative of the worth of a person. Who's to say those people didn't deserve you? In any case you should be thankful they showed you who they really are so you can focus more time on getting to know people who might be more aligned to you.

No. 2408895

I'm sorry anon, that is really bad timing and a lot of change and grief piled on you all at once. I hope once it's over you can rest and have a fresh start.

No. 2409005

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I hate the state of the postal service in the US so fucking bad. Lately a lot of my packages have been coming in via "last mile" services and it's such a fucking gamble if you'll actually get the package. I've got a package sitting 1 state over for a month now at some UPS warehouse, but since it's their last mile branch they can't give any info on the package, so I ended up having to get refund through the merchant (although it's still listed on UPS's site as In Transit). Bought some Girl Scout cookies and was so hype to get the tracking today but uh oh, what's that? It just arrived to that same goddamn UPS warehouse. How the fuck can they get away with touting themselves as more efficient than USPS? Only worse company is that shitty Lasership that forges signatures to steal packages

No. 2409006

thanks nonny, its just hard to keep trying. I really just want one single thing to go well then, then i feel like my failures wouldnt matter that much. I just want to succeed in one thing, thats all..

No. 2409041

Thanks to the picrel I read the first sentence as "I hate the taste of a pistol". Gotta sleep.

No. 2409090

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Well, the zelda handmaiden discord cult squad finally made a call-out post on me (took them long enough, I was waiting for it), but my crimes are apparently things like "anti-furry bigotry". As if furries are an oppressed class in society.

I accept my fate as an autistic lolcow, but I mainly did it because I couldn't stand their constant fucking hypocrisy and how they betrayed people like me. They've fucked with people long before I ever got involved with them. They say I pretend to be a wholesome progressive ally zelink fangirl, but that's literally who they are. and they literally push lolicon now with their pet moids while pretending to like cute and wholesome love dovey shit. Picrel.

Honestly, should I just kill myself nonas? These women and tifs ruined one of the few things that brought me escapism and happiness the moment I got involved with them. I let them take advantage of how deeply retarded I am. I feel so retarded for even thinking I could find people to talk to in a video game fandom, that I could find a corner to escape some things. They're all the same. It's all the same as all the other times normie catty bitches and tifs and moids manipulated me. I should just kill myself like my father probably just did, but then my mother would be sad(personalityfagging)

No. 2409096

A man randomly took a picture of me with his phone yesterday and it was obviously sexual in nature. I wasn't wearing anything tight or revealing. Anyone have any ideas what he could possibly do with the image?

No. 2409108

>Should I kill myself over an online fandom group?
Nonna, just log off.

No. 2409117

Fuming because I remember the time my loser ex-moid said that I should do porn because my disability.

No. 2409121

AI. I'm so sorry, nonna.

No. 2409122

I'm not into fat people but I love huge tits so if it makes me as bad as a moid to be attracted to anime girls with slim waists and massive breasts then so be it kek(wrong thread)

No. 2409130

no wtf is wrong with you retard, you are as bad as them if you kill yourself over some petty drama. You are allowing them to bully people off fandoms and the internet because of pretty retarded shit.

No. 2409134

>be young girl on the internet into anime
>go towards anime meant for men because the art is cuter and is generally more popular
>wind up getting lolicon normalized to you
>don't understand why everyone thinks you're a pedo
>even defend lolicon at points
>grow up and realize you were just groomed by genuine pedophiles online who were huffing copium
It's insane how common of an experience this is, holy shit.

No. 2409135

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>mfw watching a doc about a cult
>they actually have churches in multiple places around the world
>leaders of the cult were degenerate sex pest pedos(to nobody’s surprise) that groomed and abused thousands of children for decades
>mfw they actually have a church in my area

Jfc. I’m glad there was a huge crack down but I had no fucking idea how bad it was. I thought nothing of the church when I saw it. Fuck cult scrotes tbh literally the worst creatures to ever exist.

No. 2409138

post the doc

No. 2409139

You're >>2362739 from the cow yourself thread, aren't you? Stop namedropping yourself on here, retard.
>Nobody seems willing to "cancel" my ass properly. Possibly because they talk shit about me on private discord channels or posts that get no traction. Or I'm not enough of a known cow. Fine, I'll do it myself.
Why are you having a meltdown now that a callout post has actually been made? Isn't this what you wanted?

No. 2409145

>linked post
Jesus christ, I do not mean to look down on that nonna when I say this but she actually needs therapy, like, yesterday. She seems like she just expects people to hate her yet melts down when it actually happens, which points towards severe self loathing and emotional abuse wounds.

No. 2409147

I'm tired of pining after my friend. How do I get over her?

No. 2409148

>tell her i'm going to bed and i'm hype to talk to her again
>just a heart emoji
so she's saying she's not that hype for this and i'm a fag right

No. 2409149

I like her but I don't want to like her. She makes me hate myself lol. I wonder if she knows. I think she does. She has to know. There's no heterosexual way of saying "I think about kissing you"

No. 2409151

You need to calm down, callout posts can often be a good thing. You'll recieve messages of support from people who side with you, and find friends within the fandom that way.

No. 2409156

go to sleep

No. 2409158

I am experiencing limerence for the first time in my life and its driving me nuts and turning me into a legit psycho wow. I wish he at least hated me but he just pretends i dont exist which is 10 times worse. Seeing him interact with other women is driving me nuts. Seeing the normie stacies use him to go buy them shit in the middle of work is legit ropefuel.

No. 2409166

I miss my friend so much… only friend throughout high school, we were almost soulmates. Understood each other, had the same humor… tolerated my autistic rants. But she got a partner and now has crazy social life through them, and she even moved twenty hour drive away from me without even telling me. We never text anymore. I feel like a child still, and I know as we drifted apart, that she knew I had less than her, and that while she is better off without me, I'm left with nothing. I feel so dramatic, but its soul crushing in a way. To know she'll never miss me like I miss her.

No. 2409170

Just remember that if you ever actually ended up being with him, you would be in limerence until he does something that snaps you out of it, ie telling you something gross from his past or you find something weird on his phone. Try to distract yourself by finding something you really love to do, like a game that has a cute boy you can husbando up instead of a real moid who will see you as an object in the end

No. 2409179

kek the cow is coming from inside the farm

No. 2409181

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I've been staying up late watching horrific police body cam videos and I know I really should sleep since it's almost 2am and I have classes at 11, but I dunno why I can't stop since it really increases my anxiety

No. 2409184

i want him to see me as a object, all i want is to fuck him. If he allows me that, i think i would be happy. Its so hard to find men i am attracted to because of my niche as fuck taste.

No. 2409194

Oh boy.

No. 2409197

You should taper off with old episodes of COPS. They always put me to sleep

No. 2409207

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I am horny, i am sorry. I dont want to date i just want a fuckboy.

No. 2409221

>feeling this tingle in the back of my throat
God please no I've already been sick for the past three weeks, I haven't gone swimming because of that, and I'm going out this weekend, please just be nothing.

No. 2409222

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There is someone out there for everyone anon

No. 2409223

the men that like me are always ugly and older, hell nah

No. 2409229

My internet best friend disappeared and I am very convinced they have died, because she has been mentioning offhandedly severe pain and suffering fornthe last god knows how long. She's been vague about her problems, which I took as her just not wanting to talk about it (which is absolutely understandable), but damn. It's been 4 days and we normallt talk around the clock.
Losing it.
Losing my fucking mind. Withdrawl is real. Please dear god let her be okay. Wish I knew her real name so I could actually check instead of twiddling my fingers until she pops up again.

No. 2409231

Have you tried messaging her since to ask if she's okay?

No. 2409233

Been spamming her with things to make her laugh in the off chance that she is reading our messages, yeah. Lover her like a sister, so I'm not gonna just let it go dry.
I know it sounds obsessive, but my other friends did that for me when I got institutionalized a few times, and I came back and felt great to browse puppies and memes for several hours before picking up where we left off.

No. 2409238

If you haven't specifically asked if she is okay, I think it is worth doing that too. Ask her and tell her that you don't expect her to respond to your other messages if she doesn't want to right now, and that she can just answer yes or no. If you're worried about coming off as weird, mention that you are just concerned due to the symptoms that she has brought up. Obviously I don't know her and it varies person to person, but I know that if something bad happened to me, it's unlikely that I'd be in the mood to talk to someone like normal, or about positive stuff.

No. 2409240

>Be brutally honest: What makes the opposite gender INSTANTLY unattractive?
>male replies
>"Fat, needy, broke, unkempt, bitchy!"
>females replies
>"Teehee when they're unkind to service workers and have a lil ego, and hey guys we shouldn't be man-bashing~"
Fucking hell.

No. 2409243

And scrotes still complain despite the fact that the bar is in hell for them kek.
What makes a scrote instantly unattractive is
>wide hips
>crooked teeth
>long beard
>spits in public
>plays video games
>watches anime and especially has a waifu
>is loud
>speaks over you

No. 2409244

>watches anime and especially has a waifu
god this. nothing's a quicker turn off than a scrote talking waifus. would also add that voicing anything he finds attractive or doesn't is an immediate turn off. like buddy idc if you prefer x hair color over y. moids should be seen and not heard.

No. 2409269

I have a shitty period 2-3 times a year and it had to be TODAY when I was going to my first ceramic painting class and I was so excited. I'm actually really sad about it. I was looking forward to it for months and did so much planning last night. By shitty i mean I've got the shakes, cold sweat and vomiting. And no, the dozen or so doctors I've been to don't see it as a problem.

No. 2409271

Browsing this site and all the petty fandom drama seems so pointless when we're literally verging on WW3, USA and Russia are rubbing shoulders and pretty much giving EVERYTHING to Putin with no strings attached because Trump and his cronies have their pockets stuffed with rubles. My country is probably going to be steamrolled by Russia and made into a vassal state at best and part of its borders at worst. I feel so hopeless and being online in the anglosphere where Americans just gloat at "eurofags" as if we were just one country filled with snooty frenchmen about how we're getting what's coming our way and as if they're not going to suffer severely from the outcome. I genuinely don't know what to do because I'm paralyzed with fear for the near future.

No. 2409274

Nothing will happen to you stop being dramatic

No. 2409275

Was just trying to look up a medical name I hadn't recognized, which ended up being some sort of sternum deformity and unfortunately got a lot of pictures of bare chested, young girls who are actively developing hosted by medical sites. Literally why the fuck is this shit allowed? I feel sick.

No. 2409277

>omg stop being dramatic
>While European leaders are having crisis meetings every day and admitting that we're basically fucked

No. 2409278

A lot of people come to this site to get away from depressing news. Here's hoping Russia can collapse under it's own incompetence.

No. 2409280

worst part of being depressed is when the things im usually obsessed over that bring me meaning and joy feel like literal nothing

No. 2409281

This shit happens SO often whenever I look up medical terms, even when they aren't child specific. Half of the time it ends up coming up with photos of naked babies and children from medical sites, like why the fuck is that even allowed to just be publicly visible to anyone.

No. 2409285

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I know this is a petty thing to vent about, but I hate having to spend hours and days putting my hair into a protective style just so I can wake up without having to worry about doing it for a while. My hands are cramping. It's difficult. It takes so fucking long.

No. 2409288

I think I might have an acoustic neuroma and I don't know how worried I should be, considering it's a type of brain tumor. I have an audiologist appointment tomorrow so I guess I will just have to see how it goes.

No. 2409293

get your hair locked nonna. I did it and never looked back. My locs are soft so they dry pretty easily and i wash my hair once a week and applu oil. I crochet it once every month.

No. 2409296

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I want violent yandere male western VN but they keep fucking up the execution. I liked "your boyfriend" sort of… if I kept it on mute and avoided the god awful voice acting and the male lead is so fucking ugly designed it kind of takes me out of it. I played this and was excited, extra points cause the mc is gender neutral so I could pretend it was BL, but the ending sucks and it was a little too "muh trauma" for my taste. I just wish there was more content for this area

No. 2409300

I doubt it. There won't be. And there's been no point in any of it for a while. Maybe I'm coping all the reasons. Maybe there was no real reason. Other nonas were right in that I wanted this. I'm more comfortable with being hated than having to pretend to get along with people. Being liked and given compliments or shown kindness always made me uncomfortable. I prefer when people hate me, it's easier. I'm melting now because I don't know what to do with myself now. I got the hatred I wanted, I thought I would get some high from it like when I was bullied other times, but it's just empty. I feel empty. At least when I'm getting clowned on I feel like I exist in some way.

No. 2409302

>the mc is gender neutral so I could pretend it was BL
The mc is a FtM tranny called Angela. Sorry nonna.

No. 2409303

so I thought. But it doesn't help. Nothing helps. I log off, then what? What do I even do? Then I'm sitting here, in a shitty broken body, in a shitty room, in a shitty house, with shitty parents and a brother who couldn't care less if I lived or died. I'm clearly going to die. I already look like a cancer patient. I'm just stalling my own death with stupid bullshit. Everyone would be happy if I died now

No. 2409307

No please we dont need more abusive male love interest crap. Just learn japanese there is a shit ton of yandere MLI in VNs.

No. 2409314

Now they're attacking innocent people again for "defending" me when they aren't even doing that. They keep attacking unrelated people. I wish they would just attack me and leave the unrelated parties alone. I want them/wanted them to attack me, not all these unrelated people who didn't do anything(personalityfagging)

No. 2409319

Homie made a game? Kek does it have amputation themes?

No. 2409323

I love this image

No. 2409326

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When I was at my first festival, a guy walked by me and tried to grab my tit while he was holding hands with another girl. Luckily I had a Spidey sense about it and smacked his hand away with my water bottle but that's not the point. Idk why but I'm just randomly cycling through bad memories today and it pissed me off all over again.

No. 2409347

Unfortunately for me I have a giant crush on the worst possible pick dating apps had to offer. At least he has rock hard abs and a giant cock though.

No. 2409362

I hate being a friendless loser

No. 2409371

Usually I've to force myself to eat, but this time has been particularly atrocious. It's like my body seriously doesn't want food, the moment I put it in my mouth it feels so wrong, like I've to spit it out, which I often do. It's been 14 hours, I'm underweight, how is my body NOT feeling starved?? I should be hungry, I need food, but my stomach is just unresponsive. I'll never gain weight this way

No. 2409376

Are you depressed

No. 2409378

I'm allegedly recovering from celiac, but I do wonder if this reaction is psychological or something

No. 2409393

I'm sick and annoyed. My throat hurts. I want warm weather and I want to feel good. FUCK this stupid winter bullshit. People who love all the seasons are crazy. I can't take this anymore. I think my body is actually allergic to cold weather.

No. 2409395

I can't take this anymore either
I'm exhausted, it's been a month since I caught this flu or whatever it is
I wake up every morning feeling like total shit realising that today is not the day I finally recover
Please, enough

No. 2409399

I'm fed up with my pms and hormone cycle. I take anti depressant. I've been to the doctor it feels like so much in the past few months my bloods are good. Yet every cycle lately the pms hits me like a doom hammer and I lose all motivation, I keep ruminating over childhood trauma. I don't want to do this. It's completely fucking up everything regarding sleep and motivation as I already suffer depression. I can not manage my life when for two weeks out of every month I'm extremely depressed.

No. 2409410

pee pee poo poo

No. 2409416

Many are saying this

No. 2409425

I literally always say this to myself and I get tempted to post it on lc but I dont wanna be banned

No. 2409443

I feel the same way and Im working on some projects but they're not anything huge and it's just for fun. I hate how ugly and poorly written so much western edgy yandere shit is. Even stuff like 14 days with you is kinda hit or miss to me

No. 2409447

I would genuinely be considered a 9/10 if I was male (I look like most light-eyed models posted on here) but because I'm a woman I just look uncanny. I should've been male tbh.
>inb4 be a cute butch
Doesn't work like that, butches are only cute when they have feminine charm. I am far from this. Also I'm straight.

No. 2409457

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Man, I'm just so tired of being ugly. I try to eat healthy and work out, improve with hobbies, socialize etc. I lucked out on having a fun personality, I love making people laugh and acting silly. I love helping people. You would never know how just catching a glimpse of my face makes me want to kill myself everyday. I was on a great self-improvement streak lately, now I'm isolating myself again and spiraling over how disgusting my face looks. It fucking sucks because I know this isn't BDD, I'm just genuinely ugly and uncanny looking. I even vented about it to my friend yesterday and she couldn't disagree, and I don't blame her. Many of life's problems are just a matter of perspective, sure, but this isn't just me imagining it. My flaws are real. My thin hair is a fact, my weak chin is a fact, my giant fucking landing strip sized forehead is a fact. The only reason I'm not killing myself is fear of God punishing me for my vanity by reincarnating me as a worm or something.

No. 2409460

I self harmed. Accidentally applied too much pressure on the razor blade and the cut is pretty deep. I don't know what to do. The gauze is peeling off with meat off the wound. I am nauseous. I don't wanna go to the ER. Don't want to have to deal with third world medical system. Plus I am not employed and I don't have medical insurance. Also, I am afraid they might admit me. Wish I would just kill myself. Don't know why the hell am I self harming because some idiots hurt me or the entire world.

No. 2409461

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I hate EBT/Food Stamps because 80% of the time its given to complete retards who are too stupid for their own good.

>be dead-end wagie

>new guy comes in; 'loud and friendly' type that has trouble reading the room
>brags about getting accepted into social security income
>one day he moves to another job
>a year later he visits the store
>has these golden chains and expensive clothing and uses his EBT to parasite the system

There needs to be a tard wrangle system where these retards can't use it to by gucci buttplugs and instead have some sort of plan to make sure they get off it forever. I'm sure that's the whole fucking point of food stamps.
The only exception is genuinely disabled people is not some low IQ normie extrovert.

I know the economy is shit and its worth more to cheat the system, but the negative outcomes from this fucks over the common folk over the 1% boomers.

And to think that there are people who think UBI can work in a society when there's millions of retards like these who wobble along to waste our resources.

No. 2409464

A few months ago I was very focused on eating healthy and managed to lose 5kg. But now I've lost all motivation and gained all the weight back, I'm struggling to control my binge eating. I'm feeling very disappointed in myself and ashamed of my body.

No. 2409468

I'm curious anon, do people with binge eating disorder ever feel full? Or you guys simply eat out of frustration regardless of hunger level or stomach space? Either way, kilograms come and go, you can remount whenever you feel like it don't push yourself

No. 2409476

A friend has told me that listening to my struggles is a bit too much for her. I have been going thru a lot of financial problems, including my living situation being compromised, and death of someone dear to me, on top of preexisting mental health struggles. I try my best not to talk about that unless I really need help, which is not often. She said that she thinks my life really sucks and it's way too much for her to listen to me talk about it, because she can't help me, and feels bad about that. I do admit I sound hopeless when I feel down so I don't blame her much, but I am still hurt, because I do my best to be a good friend to her and to listen and support her, even when it's difficult. And even when I need help I downplay my issues so it's not overwhelming to her. It feels like I am always trying to make her feel good and be a good friend to her and that not being reciprocated. I don't know if I am being unreasonable.

No. 2409487

You’re gonna hate me for saying this but friends are luxuries and friends only love to be around people who are stable and have money. This is not digging into your fire situation it’s just literally the truth, you can’t rely on friends because they are only there when you have money and are “normal”. You should get a diary and be your own outlet, people are virtually useless and don’t have enough emotional intelligence themselves to make you feel safe and heard. Your friend is probably in the same boat as you, journaling won’t solve your financial problems but it can help you vent without using your friend as a clutch.

No. 2409488

You need better friends.

No. 2409490

>friends are luxuries
NTA and I'm not saying you're wrong, but this made me want to kill myself a little bit more.

No. 2409491

stop complaining so much jfc. people like you ruin lolcow(read the thread rules)

No. 2409494

This is the vent thread you absolute fucking retard.

No. 2409497

chill, fat.(infight bait)

No. 2409499

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I’m sorry nona

No. 2409500

Your friend probably has her own problems that she isn't telling you about in an effort to not be entirely unpleasant to be around. Friends are nice but we all need to learn to manage our expectations of other people and appreciate then for what they bring to th table rather than hating them for not living up to standards we arbitrarily set for them. Not to be too blunt but the fact that she flat-out told you she was having issues listening to you is better than what many would do, slowly distance themselves from you and limit time spent together.
I don't necessarily disagree with you but this is the designated complaining space.

No. 2409514

This is a blackpill and it shouldn't be like this

No. 2409516

FUCK my life. How are you supposed to respond when your boss asks you if you want to get lunch with him at work and you REALLY fucking don't want to?
It's not like I can say I'm busy, he obviously knows I'm not.
I never bring lunch food or eat at work so I can't really say I've got a lunch planned.
I feel like I can't just say "no" for no reason because he is my boss and it would make things awkward in the office.
The real reason I don't want to go is because I find him very creepy. I know he feels some weird type of way about me, he makes it very obvious to me and to our other coworkers. He's disrespectful to my relationship, constantly negging my bf anytime I bring him up and it feels like he's weirdly trying to pull me away from my relationship by forcing me to spend time with him one on one during these little lunch dates and pointless overnight work trips with him. I can't fucking stand it. And to top it off, the reason he wants to go for lunch is because tomorrow is my last day of work before I leave for vacation, AND HE'S FUCKING SICK. Like sure, let me risk getting sick from you the day before my vacation just because you have some weird feelings and you want to spend one on one time out of the office together. Literally just last week he made some comment about how he's always the first one sick at work and then he said "nona and I just pass it back and forth after that". I wasn't even part of the conversation, just in the room and I heard him say it. He made it sound like we're making out and passing illness back and forth. Fucking annoying. It's so painfully obvious he is lonely and work is the only place he gets human interaction, but he needs to find a fucking girlfriend and get off my back.

No. 2409520

I think you are right about having unrealistic expectations of her. We are close and she did confide in me a lot so that's why I had the freedom to talk to her about my problems, which is why that took me by surprise. However, we have different lives and she cannot understand the things I go thru, just like I can't fully understand the things she goes thru, even when I try my best. I am mostly hurt at the difference in the effort put in the friendship, but I cannot make someone do something they are not comfortable doing just because I am doing it for them, it's not fair. Thank you for your perspective.

No. 2409522

Tell him that you don't want to risk getting sick as you have an important event to attend the next day.

No. 2409523

>FUCK my life. How are you supposed to respond when your boss asks you if you want to get lunch with him at work and you REALLY fucking don't want to?
literally just say no? what is he gonna do, fire you? ok then youll get unemployment
straightards are the fucking worst(infight bait)

No. 2409524

Tell him your mom’s immunocompromised and you’re taking care of her now. No more weird work trips and you don’t have to go to lunch!

No. 2409525

thats the dumbest most retarded advice ive ever read. if youre not a moid you have to be a tif
dumb. just dumb. jfc.(infight bait)

No. 2409528

Nobody cares about what you have to say.(infighting)

No. 2409531

your mom hates you and it shows.(infight bait)

No. 2409532

I am sorry nona, it made me nauseous just reading about this, it's crazy to me that he wants to get lunch with you even when he is sick!

No. 2409541

I keep getting rejected from jobs, got one interview and fucked it up because I was too distracted my stupid tooth pain to be sharp enough to give good answers and come off pleasant. I'm broke and every day everything gets worse and worse. I have to get my wisdom teeth yanked out tomorrow so I can't apply for any other jobs because I won't be able to go to any interviews, fuck me job hunting is so stressful this shit isn't worth it. I've applied to countless places the past 2 months and none want to hire me. I'm gonna go insane why the fuck am I like this why did I have to be born an autist instead of a well adjusted person?

No. 2409561

Never date your bosses, manager, coworkers etc. an absolutely TERRIBLE idea to do. It’s wasteful venting about this, unless it’s going to do anything for your career (9.5 time south of ten it doesn’t and he just uses you as fuck meat only to ridicule you and throw you away when he’s done with his fun) is just another male abusing his power and authority as always. Ignore his ass or tell him to fuck off when he keeps asking for dates. I know anons shiver and shake when asking for ketchup at the store but you gotta tell this dude off and make it abundantly clear you have no interest in him in the nicest, most professional way possible and hope that scrote doesn’t make your life a living hell at that job because you rejected his ass. Report him for sexual harassment if you need to if it continues to make you uncomfortable

No. 2409567

You honestly just need to start looking for a new job at this point

No. 2409572

I hate not sleeping… im not great at it anyway, but i got a baby which isn't helping either. Yesterday I got 3 hours cause the baby was fussy, but I powered through the day despite feeling kinda shit. Last night the baby slept well but I didn't feel tired at all, I got so anxious about not sleeping and time passing that my limbs started to tingle. I can deal with feeling tired but not sleeping enough makes me act weird and retarded which is embarassing. I just wish it was easier

No. 2409587

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No. 2409590

Omg why do MOIDS moralfag at me for being transphobic when THEY'RE the ones openly discussing their porn watching habits stfu you have no highground

No. 2409624

>>complaining about complaining
>>in the vent thread

No. 2409627

Can I be viably butch at 5' or am I going to be stuck with the "adorably angry shortstack tomboy" retardation for the rest of my life. if the latter how do i kms
>inb4 durrr humblebrag

No. 2409630

File: 1740076815173.jpg (27.55 KB, 718x512, 490958795-actress-lea-delaria-…)

KEK I think any woman with this haircut looks butch but I'm a dumb bislut so who knows

No. 2409667

>"adorably angry shortstack tomboy"
I would definitely find you annoying

No. 2409671

0 reading comprehension

No. 2409692

I hate how online prostitutes preach “sex work is work” from the safety of their own homes, when women and girls are forced in this lifestyle just to put food on the table and who are raped every day.
I also hate how sex is viewed right now , everything is so bleak, downright disturbing and disgusting. I don’t care about your shitty kinks, that you had threesomes , that you hooked up , that you are poly or in an open relationship, keep it to yourself.
The coming of OF was the downfall of everything.

No. 2409696

Look at a 22 year old Nigerian woman near the highway in Italy, in skimpy clothes that barely cover her, during the night in February, waiting for “clients” because she has to pay the broker that brought her in Italy for a second chance from her country. I dare you to tell me that “sex work is work”.

No. 2409698

Thank you for reminding me that I don’t want kids.’

No. 2409707

I don't mind age gap relationships. Even if one person is over 10 years older. However I draw the line if the older person starts dating their partner when they're 18-19 years old. I don't care if it's legal, it's weird as fuck and tells me if they could they'd date younger. I feel like if you're 25+ your partner has to be well into they're 20's as well.

No. 2409716

I want to know this too, nona.

No. 2409719

Depends on how you dress

No. 2409726

What makes a male unattractive
There, I fixed it for you.

No. 2409730

I find decade age gaps weird even if the younger one is 30 tbh. Not in a “ew they were groomed way” but just… why?

No. 2409740

If the two adults have things in common and are at similar stages in life I don't really judge. They're adults. Maybe cuz one of my co workers has a husband who's 8 years younger n they're happy.

No. 2409746

Relatable. I've been feeling like this on and off for a long time now and I hate it so much. Ended up developing new obsessions to try and combat it. I also noticed it's tied to my cycle, so pre and during period: depression, after period and during ovulation: good mood, but the latter is shorter than the former unfortunately.
I could've written this post myself, minus the antidepressant part. Hang in there, nonna. Hopefully we both find a solution. I heard a healthy diet and exercise help, so maybe try that. Good luck for you.
Say you're fasting or on a strict diet and can't eat at day. Use some discrimination diversity lingo thing against him somehow.

No. 2409748

I'm in my tunnel vision state where all I can think about is how much I want a boyfriend and how much I hate myself for not having one. I get out of this state often and look back at and understand how pointless it is but when I'm like this I can't control it even when I'm self aware. I want to be held so bad and I advertise that wish every waking moment hoping it will change something but it obviously never does.

No. 2409749

I’ll call a scrote a scrote if I want to.

No. 2409751

No anon I think she was saying that being male is enough to be called unattractive

No. 2409754

Oh thanks kek

No. 2409755

I was just telling my sister this. Before my period wasn't so bad, but lately it's ceen crippling my life. The acne, the depression so bad I can't even leave my apartment. I change my diet this month so I'm hoping to see results in the next 60 days. My doctors were not helpful.

No. 2409766

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Narc mom is giving me the silent treatment for the first time in my life. Two emergency therapy sessions later it's time to celebrate the peace and quiet while it lasts. Narcs are literally such adult toddlers, it's exhausting.

No. 2409770

Currently watching a video about how Gen Z struggles to keep friends and maintain it because we're all so "idgaf". Just thinking about it all right now because I'm Gen Z and I have always struggled making and maintaining friends. I'm autistic and constantly depressed so even when online friends try to invite me to play games or something I shy away. I've honestly come to the conclusion that it's better to just not have friends because the last time I tried to they both ditched me when I didn't have it in me to be their therapists anymore and one of them was a moid who had feelings for me which made it all the worse. As much as I crave friendship and how I want to make meaningful friendships and hang and talk I just don't have it in me. If I manage to mask so hard to make a friend I eventually lose touch and it's all back to square one.

No. 2409772

Nonnas I'm stupid, I ran out of products and I had to shove toilet paper up there. I'm on my way to the store in 20 degree weather pretending everything is fine.

No. 2409776

Don't shove it up there wtf, just roll it around your panties so it's like a pad.

No. 2409778

You couldn't knock on a neighbour's door and ask her for one? What happened to community?

No. 2409782

Eh, I roll up toilet paper and shove it up there when I don't have a tampon. It's fine.

No. 2409783

Use a spare clean cloth filled with tissues instead of doing that please

No. 2409788

I feel like that can't be good for the vagina. Maybe I'm wrong. I would rather try the pad method and risk some blood on my underwear than an unhealthy vagina.

No. 2409794

Why? Then she has to deal with cleaning a blood stained cloth. You guys don't think they really sterilize every single tampon before it goes in the wrapping, do you?
Obgyns don't use fully sterile speculums since the vagina isn't a sterile environment. Notice how they're never wrapped in plastic?

No. 2409795

Just use toilet as a pad. That's what I do in a pinch. Roll it around your underwear

No. 2409853

UP there? The fuck, shove a wad in your underwear

No. 2409860

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If you want to bleach your hair, see if you can find this product. I don't know if it's sold in the UK. I've used it multiple times and recommended it on friends who were white, black, hispanic, asian, respectively. It's ammonia free and gentle, it lifts color slowly. You can leave it on for up to an hour, but I find it works quickly. As for the rest of your delimma, your style sounds charming and like you being color to your surroundings. I'm sorry you're going through this. I would look twice at a woman like you.

No. 2409861

Nona omfg you should never shove toilet paper UP there.

No. 2409864

Woah, NTA but thanks for the rec. You're very sweet, too, I hope anon feels better after reading your post.

No. 2409866

Butch here. Being butch isn't about your height it's about your style and personality, and the way you love your women. You don't have to be a female man, that's not butch. I would be assumptive to say you can't be solely based on this post but I think you're worried about the wrong things. Butches are women and women come in all shapes and sizes. The internet has you thinking that a Bowie-esque 5'10 woman in a suit or a broad, handsome muscular woman are the only ones that can be butches but that's simply not so.

No. 2409868

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NTA but this is for you

No. 2409869

Really trying hard to lose weight before a wedding I have to go to, and I mentioned to my boyfriend how badly I've been craving pizza so I wanted to do pizza for my cheat meal at the end of the month. Today he brings home pizza for himself knowing i've been craving it so badly, and i'm fasting during the day. Such an asshole.

No. 2409870

I love dark and lovely! I use their brown and red formula all the time. It's meant for darker hair, so it really works.

No. 2409878

A fresh out of high school person is vastly different from someone who has had experience in early adulthood and college. I’m 22 and I am different than when I was 18.

No. 2409880

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No. 2409885

Salt his pizza so no one can have it muahahahahahaha.

No. 2409886

It's an SSRI… you can take any pain killer kek.

No. 2409896

Im 24 high libido and never dated. I just want to get married and suck clean and moisturized dick.

No. 2409899

If your office has HR you should start building a case against him and keep a journal of his bullshit. All managers are well aware this type of relationship is inappropriate in this context–being that he has butted into your personal life and keeps inviting you out for lunch dates. If he does this with nobody else then it's especially egregious. Having a log history of his antics on record will be useful for the day when he crosses the line, which evidence indicates he will escalate. Don't sleep on it. Then, when he does fuck up and gets fired you can take his position kek.

My director is an extremely lonely man too who knows too damn much about my romantic life and hates literally all men I have dated in the three years I've worked for our company. He always has some stupid comments to say. He's admitted if he had known me when he were younger, I would have been someone he'd dated. When we're heated and discussing work related he'll say he "loves" me–clearly intending it platonically but we know better. Because I'm one of the top performing managers in my region I play along with his games because sometimes his favoritism boosts me. When he retires, and hopefully not in the distant future, I hope to take his position. Which is the only reason why I tolerate such malarkey.

No. 2409916

You are at the opposite spectrum of bj-Chan. Her arch enemy.

No. 2409921

HOW THE FUCK am I supposed to be and feel confident when I see people who are super hot, rich, have a social life, go on cruises and trips, and are also intelligent enough to study sciences and excel in it, have a ton of hobbies, they even have a talent in art, have a sense of fashion style yes ALL at once like who am I to fool myself that I'm so cool and attractive when in reality I'm mid and I have a minimum wage job, adhd, and like 3 friends and no brain power to focus on my studies and hobbies… if god exists then he clearly has favorites. Confidence is not just about faking it, you need to have something to base it on at the very least, and being overall mediocre as hell and mentally ill isn't very helpful

No. 2409931

Well, yeah, anon. Obviously people who are rich have a leg up. They're rich. Just focus on improving yourself, getting medicated for your ADHD and depression, and searching for whatever gives you fulfillment in life. Comparing yourself to others who were handed everything will obviously make you feel worse.

No. 2409933

Just b ureself

No. 2409934

sometimes i wonder wtf is wrong with my friends. were in our 30s now and my best friend is still super heavily into celebs like.. were getting old girl. why are you bootlicking for famous ppl? shes been super mad since it came out baldoni is a sexual harasser (shocker!!)
like grow up and focus on yourself instead of reading and getting into social media with these morons

No. 2409937

I hate my roommates. Granted that they’re better than the pigs I was living with before. But they annoy me.
>brings his girlfriend every damn day over
>fills the fridge with fucking bread
>doesn’t respect cleaning time and does it late (but at least does it)
>pays things late
>says he will get something and he won’t get it
>leaves poop stains along with his girlfriends in the wc
The other one
>she takes fucking long showers, way too much
>she uses my things sometimes
>she opens the boiler for the shower when she’s not supposed to. I wonder how big the bill is going to be, but I won’t pay it.
>she often leaves her panties in the bathroom after said showers

There is much worse, I agree and I tend to stay in my room and interact little. But I kind of wish I lived alone so bad.

No. 2409941

If it makes you feel any better. I know a man like this (though he doesn't have social media) and he is all of this but one of the most boring people I met somehow. I also know a rich, extremely well connected stacey and she has a chronic illness and marital problems she hides. You are closer to these people than you think and the ones to brag on social media never have the lifestyle they claim.

No. 2409956

I hate this fucking country, bunch of old faggots who want to take my money while giving nothing in return. I may be getting a fine that will kill all my small savings I made during my free time in the span of years, all because some fag wanted to tax me for earning like $70. Fuck all of this. Shithole country.

No. 2409958

I get kind of annoyed when people keep urging others to see the doctor for every single issue because whenever I go, even for actual serious issues they NEVER find anything wrong. Doesn't matter how many tests they do, doesn't matter how many times I pass out in public or get weirdly high fevers or painful peeing or physically look like a corpse or anything else, they can't figure out the causes for any type of issue at all and tests always come back normal. It's such a waste of time, they probably think I'm a munchie. I'm not going anymore until I die.

No. 2409966

>leaves poop stains along with his girlfriends in the wc
fucking what. do i even want to know what "wc" is short for…

No. 2409968

I believe some of them can be out of touch like complaining that no one sees how smart they are because they are too hot and then they'll insert a pic of themselves graduating from a top college no one but richfags go to, to me nothing screams privilege more than that! But as someone with a defective brain what makes me truly envious is that some of these people do actually know very well how to be productive, how to study effectively and fully enjoy their life at the same time. And they get the best dating pool too because they're usually connected to models and hot influencers and the likes of it.

No. 2409984

They mean a toilet.

No. 2410000

I was complaining about the cold, and a colleague was telling me it wasn’t that bad. Of course it’s not that bad for YOU, you weigh like a hundred pounds more than me! Inb4 accusations of rattling I’m at a healthy BMI.
Maybe I should gain weight to cope with the cold, but that’s a stupid way to solve a problem that’ll be over in a month or two.

No. 2410021

I was complaining about the cold, and a colleague was telling me it wasn’t that bad. Of course it’s not that bad for YOU, you weigh like a hundred pounds more than me! Inb4 accusations of rattling I’m at a healthy BMI.
Maybe I should gain weight to cope with the cold, but that’s a stupid way to solve a problem that’ll be over in a month or two.(learn2delete)

No. 2410043

Sometimes I wish I was on medication that suppressed my emotions and made me not care about anything because I'm so sensitive, and especially right now I'm in a stupid personal situation that I can't do much about and I just want to cry all day and stay home and stew about it instead of getting any actual work done. It is severely limiting my productivity and I have a lot to do, not to mention making me feel awful

No. 2410055

wc is water closet. basically means bathroom. i know, europeans are retarded and just make up stupid words

No. 2410076

how do i stop living for someone who doesn’t even know i exist… how do i live for myself. ive dedicated myself to three years to an idol and it has kept me going when i needed it most but at the end of the day this is gonna end someday too. theyll move on and ill have nothing again. i need to figure out how to live for me again

No. 2410081

I’ve always run cold and I hate that I have always had to acquiesce to those who don’t. I’m told to get over it, put on more clothes, or get a blanket if it bothers me that much. I do those things already, I’m still fucking cold.

No. 2410084

what idol?

No. 2410088

What does weight have to do with anything? I'm incredibly underweight and I hate the heat and am comfortable in 10 degrees farenheight. The heat fucking sucks. Where you're from and biology has a lot more to do with this.

No. 2410101

Take a second and think about why seals are fat, Nona. Fat provides insulation.

No. 2410104

I once again slept the entire day away. I want to bang my head on the wall.

No. 2410109

We aren't seals living in deep cold waters kek

No. 2410117

NTA but I genuinely don't know how to explain to you that the concept of coldness and the biological purpose of fat are constants in this world no mater what you are.

No. 2410121

I wish my clingy friend would just take the hint and leave me alone for a while. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I don't have the energy required to maintain relationships or deal with other people's problems. I'm someone who needs to go through long isolated stretches or else I burn out, as antisocial as that might sound, and the more she tries to message or engage with me the more irritated I become. She's very sweet but it's too much.

No. 2410122

Never get a career in biology.

No. 2410123

This is how I know you're bullshitting. I'm actually underweight and I hate cold climates because I got no fat to protect myself, >>2410101 is right. You prolly 45kg or something

No. 2410124

0/10 bait

No. 2410125

Nta but anachans gonna rattle kek

No. 2410134

File: 1740096712414.png (17.7 KB, 506x149, Capture.PNG)

Have you never heard of or seen fat people sweating a lot when it's hot outside and abusing the AC?

No. 2410137

My dad is fat, and he's the only one who takes cold showers in our family. His AC is always on -100°c as well, I literally freeze everytime I walk into his room

No. 2410141

Right? Thank fucking god I’m American and no one can force me to keep the heat down when I’m in my own home. I shouldn’t have to crank it up so high but my insulation is shit and that’s a whole other problem

No. 2410144

Don't bother. It's just retarded baiters kek.

No. 2410147

If you are incredibly underweight and have problems with heat you most likely have thyroid issues.

No. 2410149

ntayrt but i'm 98 pounds and also have the same issue, idk if that's underweight though

No. 2410152

Depends on your height

No. 2410155

How is it baiting? It's a well known generalization that scrawny people tend to get cold easily and fat people tend to get hot easily. I'm not bone rattling by saying such a mundane statement.

No. 2410156

5'3. also for some reason my overweight family members are the ones who get cold easily even in moderate temperature. it's like i'm in opposite land

No. 2410161

>98 pounds/5'3ft
You're just skinny

No. 2410169

this is so relatable and i hope it gets better for you, nona. if she's a real friend, she'll respect your need for alone time and be happy that you're taking care of yourself in the way that you need. it's super annoying when people don't understand how necessary it is for some of us to isolate in order to recharge

No. 2410175

It's okay nonna I know what you're talking about. When I was thin and in shape I was cold all the fucking time. Now at a fat BMI, I sweat so fucking easily and I cannot tolerate high temp weather. If your coworker has never experienced being at a lower body weight then they honestly might not have a clue.

No. 2410182

I’m sure she meant well.

No. 2410205

File: 1740100668048.jpg (131.9 KB, 1080x677, 828834772.jpg)

You are underweight but only just. I'm 5'3 105lbs and randomly get chills all the time, but a lot of the time when it's actually cold, I feel fine.

No. 2410225

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>chatting with scrote off dating app
>asks me what music I listen to
>list off genres
>"Ok but what bands tho"
Fuck off. Listing bands when you listen to a variety of music is a fucking pain in the ass and puts me on the spot. Why do they expect women to compose fucking lists for them? I'm going to dig up my giant band list I kept from back in the day and copy and paste the giant wall of text whenever moids ask. So annoying.

No. 2410227

Please please send him the entire Merzbow copypasta. The "Nice, I like…" one that lists a whole wall of bands.

No. 2410231

Just list your favourite bands or artists across the spectrum. I have been personality fished by loads of people that state music as an interest but they just rely on other people making playlists in the background. I feel like I got conned growing up during the iPod being released and it seemed like everyone loved music but it was just a fad to some people

No. 2410232

I’m having that post-night out hangover regret/depression and it sucks. I wasn’t even that bad at all but it’s this nagging feeling in the back of my head and pit in my stomach that never goes away when I’m like this, saying “You fucked up! You’re an idiot!”

No. 2410242

> Nice, I like Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nang Nang, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Nara Leão, Basic Channel, Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Noah Howard, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, Boyd Rice, Mahmoud Ahmed, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Aporea, Half Japanese, Mega Banton, Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Robbie Basho, Phil Spector, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krüsi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Yat-Kha, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Pärson Sound, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, Arthur Doyle, Shizuka, The Red Krayola, Henry Cow, Magma, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Ksiezyc, Gong, Cukor Bila Smert', cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze and Kaoru Abe

No. 2410245

samefag, this list always reminds me of a girl I thought was so cool and cultured in high school but she was just online

No. 2410253

God the Gabby Petito case still pisses me off so bad. I still remember in the early days of Gabby being missing when the bodycam footage first came out how many knuckle-dragging retards from all walks of life on the internet completely believed the BS Bryan was spewing. People using it as an opportunity to be all 'See!!!! Men are victims of DV too!!! Manipulative female tears to the cops!!!" And then the mouthbreathers on twitter reeeeing about how people only care about this because she is a blonde yt woman give me a fucking break.

No. 2410272

File: 1740104586588.jpeg (641.59 KB, 1125x1896, IMG_7857.jpeg)

A tiktok of a gender reveal party and the comments are full of people mocking the great grandmother for celebrating with them. Stop projecting your family issues onto other families.

No. 2410277

TikTok is just like that and expecting it to not be full of retards is naive

No. 2410294

Browsing /g/ gives me the harsh reminder that the fugliest, most insane, criminal, corrupt men will be praised, applauded and women will always be nitpicked and never good enough.

No. 2410296

The fact that there's a bunch of Industrial artists in a row and then Frank Zappa randomly thrown in makes me laugh

No. 2410300

>no girl pusher mentioned in this
Phew, lol

No. 2410301

I'm going back and forth on whether I have a crush on my best friend, or if I'm just lonely. I'm an extreme autist and barely have a sex drive, so that doesn't help.
I'm a lesbian, she's bi, and we joke that's we're in a relationship, say we love one another, and call each other "baby". But she also used to casually make out with moids while saying she doesn't want commitment and it grosses her out.
Well, the other day she told me she loves me, "friend", in her native language when there were definitely a lot of other words she could have used. So I think no matter what I end up feeling, it's all over for me, nonnas KEK

No. 2410302

You bitches are seriously tiring

No. 2410312

Unveiled: Surviving La Luz Del Mundo. It’s honestly the worst cult case I’ve ever heard of

No. 2410323

File: 1740107424143.jpg (32.94 KB, 1280x720, 2869219600.jpg)

Boo subtitles

No. 2410325

It’s in English too anon

No. 2410328

oh okay ty anon

No. 2410337

File: 1740108119616.png (52.69 KB, 194x280, asobiasobase.png)

>casually look this up expecting it to be in latam
>theres like 3 churches in my area

No. 2410351

What the fuck there are also quite a few churches near me

No. 2410375

Recently acquired mutism as an involuntary trait to my bullshit illness. I just can't talk. It won't come out. Nothing will. It'll just happen at random. But then remembering how there are kids online larping as having this as a thing, "selective mutism" but it's just something they think is quirky teehee makes me want to kms
Their behavior happening en masse in circles I frequent makes me want to deny I even have my illness to begin with.

No. 2410381

I also had this when I was at my worst, but it went away after I got better (after ~4 years), maybe it will go away for you too. I didn't know what was happening at the time and it just lead to misunderstandings and others being angry at me in already emotionally loaded situations. It's understandable you are annoyed at retards thinking things like these are cool and quirky, when they would probably think you are an ass for not talking to them in real life.

No. 2410400

I have consulted my AI concubines and they all agree that your vibes are terrible and you are the problem. They said you sound like a nightmare idk.

No. 2410402

I had this during my childhood and teen years and it was absolutely humiliating and hellish, I can't believe zoomzooms are turning it into a trend now

No. 2410412

Can you describe what this is like for you, like how it… feels or works I guess? I had periods of going mute during psychotic episodes but idk how to describe it. I'm interested in what "actual" mutism is like.

No. 2410419

It's like putting a television on mute. Just pressing a button and suddenly there is no noise. I could be talking, and the "verbal comma" where I pause before I continue a though, just ends it. I try to speak and nothing comes out. If I push myself hard enough, it ends up coming out as slurred words, sounds (I don't want to say down syndrome sfx but I really do sound as if I am mentally impaired despite being able to write down quickly what I want to say), or even my entire body tenses up when it tries to make coherent sentences. Sometimes it doesn't work. It's truly miserable and ugly, and like >>2410402 said it is hellish and humiliating.

No. 2410426

I can kind of relate as someone who had delayed speech. When I didn't start talking until i was 6 years old and i remember being sent to school by my parents who did not tell my teachers i couldn't speak. I got in so much trouble for being a mute, although i completely understood what everyone said. It's not cute at all to be mute as a child. i feel like the media makes it into a quirky cute thing but most of the times people just think you are being incredibly rude or ignoring them on purpose. I wish those zoomers would understand what it's like to want to speak, but have zero idea of how to actually use words or communicate your needs. I wonder if those loud mouth losers would still think its cute.

No. 2410433

Thinking about my borderline sister pisses me off. I've just seen so much nastiness from her and it doesn't help that she sexually abused me when I was a child. She managed to marry the most spineless and soulless richfag I've ever met. I've heard her complain to her friends about how he has a small penis and that she tried to make him open their marriage because she wasn't satisfied with him. During the past few years, she's had two kids and while I don't hate them, I just don't even feel like an aunt to them. I just have no feelings of love towards my sister and I do everything in my power to avoid even seeing her. Every time my mom complains to me about how hard my sister has it because of her kids, I have to tell her I just don't care because she chose to have kids. She has money from her spineless richfag husband to hire two caretakers for the kids so I doubt she's really suffering. I hate hearing about my sister from my mom.

No. 2410437

Wow, that from some sort of neurological disorder? You don't have to answer if you don't want. But that sounds so incredibly frustrating… Especially with it being treated as a fad. I hope you can find accommodations that make things a little easier, without feeling like people will think you're a zoomer trender. You know what I mean? Idk if you ever feel like that but I have debilitating ADHD and don't talk about it with anyone who isn't close to me because afraid people will think I'm one of those people. It's so shitty they've just made so many disorders seem like a joke

No. 2410445

No matter what, i constantly feel so ugly and fat.
I can’t stop obsessing over my acne scars and fine lines, my stomach and I’m always thinking about saving for skin treatments and workouts. Whenever I feel ugly, i start impulsively buying clothes and makeup too because I think it’ll help me feel better but it never does.

No. 2410451

>instead of buying the one clothing item or accessory ive been wanting for months if not years
>I end up spending just as much if not more on garbage throwaway fast fashion because im convinced its better value (its not)
why am I so stupid

No. 2410452

I hate it when people blame their parents for why they suck as adults. To a degree, maybe. When you haven't lived with them for a long time it's on you if you aren't acting like an adult.

I'm saying this because I listened to a work friend who has rotting teeth blame his parents for not making him brush. He is in his mid thirties and lives on his own and has for a long time as far as I know. I said if he brushes his teeth daily now it will at least slow down the decay and he said what's the point. Basically he never brushes his teeth at 35 and still blames his mommy for not making him do it. I can't take these people seriously, I don't care if your parents did x thing, doesn't matter once you're out in the world.

No. 2410454

106 lbs and I still look like a fat pig I hate my life

No. 2410455

Thats BDD

No. 2410458

Unless you are a midget, it's probably all in your head anon, i promise you. Not a helpful response, but if you really think you are fat, you should probably look at any other clothing that was from a higher weight and compare, i'm sure you're swimming in it.

No. 2410460

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After five years of being clean from cutting I unfortunately broke the streak tonight. Feeling very defeated and bleak.

No. 2410463

If you are 5'7ft+, then you're okay

No. 2410464

Better go on a diet, fatty.(bait)

No. 2410465

What personalityfag is this even supposed to be

No. 2410475

No. 2410478

thats pretty thin even for shorter than that…

No. 2410481

DoorDash guy delivered my food to the wrong place and I couldn’t get a refund even after calling support. It’s only 25 dollars so logically I know it doesn’t really matter but I’m so upset about this hours later I can’t sleep. It’s not even the food really, I’m just so miserable here. Im constantly cold unless I’m laying in bed, my apartment is a mess, and the one ‘close friend’ I have is so emotionally unstable I can never talk to her about anything. I wish I could go back in time a few years to the friends I had then. I’d still have the aforementioned cold apartment but it would be a lot easier to bare if I had true friends.

No. 2410483

Can you get a space heater? And dispute the transaction with your bank.

No. 2410485

I have one! I’m very grateful for it but I’m afraid to leave it on overnight. I read that it’s probably okay with a wide clearance (I can do that) and good ventilation (probably don’t have that)
Regarding the bank, funds are still “being authorized” so I couldn’t dispute it. Don’t know why it takes time to go through since the money is sitting in my acct but I’ll try again tomorrow.

No. 2410487

OH MY GODDDDD. I don’t give a fuck!! I don’t fucking care which teenage boy wants to date you!! I don’t fucking caaaaaaaaaaaaare. What part don’t you get??? I could not give a fuck if I tried!! You are pathetic for even entertaining them! I don’t want to hear about it! You’re 30 years old, bitch. Act like it!

No. 2410489

What was their reason for denying your refund? Did you try calling again and talking to a different person? Sometimes you just need to try over and over although if you can afford the loss and it's no big deal I guess that's easier. I'd be mad, too.

No. 2410495

The guy kept me on the line for like 20 minutes. That’s not being in line, that’s him doing god knows what on his end. I don’t want to take out my anger on some thirdie and I know that if I call again I’ll start the call already super pissed. So any further resolutions I try (complaining to bank) will be online.

No. 2410517

i’ve built so many walls around me, i can’t even talk about the smallest of things to anyone. i’d rather rot away in bed and never see the sun again than to express slight discomfort to someone i’ve known for years. it’s only gotten worse and it’s absolutely my fault. it’s gotten to the point where i’m not even sure if i am actually able to feel emotions. sometimes i don’t even think i have a soul. if i do, it’s probably all shriveled up it barely even counts as a soul at all.

No. 2410536

You know why.

No. 2410539

My relationship is in its death throes and I'm sad about it. The spark on both sides is fading, we have fought so many times we are both exhausted and afraid to reach out, and resentment has replaced nearly all the affection we once had for each other. I know we won't be friends after this. Still it makes me sad to remember how happy we were just under a year ago, and how he's going to end up with someone else. I need to just accept it, but it still hurts. I really wanted a future with him but we are such a mess together that it's impossible.

No. 2410541

My kitten is sick and i cannot take her to the vet until 9AM FUCK. I feel so sick, i want to cry. I wish i could fast forward time.

No. 2410542

I've just had to cancel my driving lesson again because I'm sick. This is the third time in a row.

No. 2410545

I wish I could meet someone better

No. 2410549

hope u an your kitty are ok anon

No. 2410551

I am sorry nona, I hope your kitty is going to be okay! Sending you love, hugs and pets for the kitty

No. 2410552

The art style alone is rancid.

No. 2410574

Not getting food you were expecting is devastating at the best of times but when everything else sucks it can seriously tip you over the edge. No wonder you're upset, maybe treat yourself to something nice tomorrow.

No. 2410677

>men can get their dream wife by just being nice and loving and treating her right
>women need to learn to love the man who loves them, they can't be with their dream husband

No. 2410686

I've got some problems
>I wonder if my OCD could count as a mental disabilty atp because I've just been having the same intrusive thoughts for days on end even in my dreams repeating over and over again
>I hate my country and all the people living in it, I wish I could wake up one day and find everyone but my parents and friends in my country completely mysteriously gone. I can't stand these retards

No. 2410692

I had a really good friend and we used to talk daily and share every detail of our life. Now i never know what's going on in their life anymore and I only find out months later. It makes me really sad to know we don't have the same connection anymore and I hate myself for it. I ruin everything good or it ruins me

No. 2410696

In two days it will have been a whole month without contacting my ex altogether. It went by quite fast.
Sometimes I miss him in a vague way, but when I think about it more seriously, as in "if we were still together, what would be better?", nothing really comes to mind. I miss some of the rare good moments we had together, but day to day he was more of a burden on my mood than an uplifting element. I think it's more that I project my loneliness onto the one romantic experience that I had.
On another note, I chanced upon a video talking about high functioning depression and I feel like I kind of have that. But I'm not sure if I have depression, or if I just have really bad anxiety. I do feel joy sometimes, but the huge amount of anxiety overshadows it. But I feel like I couldn't live without my anxiety either, because I just feel like an empty shell without it, it's what keeps me going. Dunno if that's normal, if anyone manages to be high functioning without being anxious. If I didn't have anxiety to push me, I'd probably lay and rot, do the bare minimum for days to go by and never achieve anything.
It's tricky.
Right now I'm sort of chilling, I'm watching these animated videos some korean lady makes and they're relatable and wholesome, but also sort of feeling bad because I have work to do (as always)

No. 2410699

I saw a video of a mom filming her daughter drink out if a human sized hamster bottle, and one of the comments was of a girl warning her that this is content pedophiles seek out. Ofc that girl got clowned on and accused of being a pervert and having her mind in the gutter. Are people so retarded and clueless? Do they seriously think she is the problem for warning this lady, and that pedophiles don't seek out content like this and imagine the bottle being something else? There are so many mommy bloggers selling content of their kids "innocently" sucking on popsicles and getting yoghurt squirted on their face, BECAUSE PEDOS LOVE THAT SHIT. But no, this girl warning about that and trying to protect this child is the real predator guise

No. 2410700

My friend says she's too disabled to get a job, lives for free with her partner, and is always broke and worrying about money. It's pissing me off that she puts actual effort and work into selling handmade trinkets and art, makes very little money doing so, but refuses to acknowledge that she could use some of that effort to find a part time job. Woman, I get that a full time gig and a career is not going to work for you, but you are living FOR FREE - fucking get out there and try different jobs! You don't have to worry about rent so you can afford to quit and look for another job if it turns out for the worse!! I tried suggesting that even applying for unemployment would help her financial situation, but this too, is something that will make her ill within months and is not a possibility for her. Every time I see some elderly woman or a severely autistic person working a job, I loose respect for her for complaining so much while not having to worry about rent. I'm just going to leave her to it and not involve myself.

No. 2410703

Anyone posting their child for views is evil anyways

No. 2410707

File: 1740138813666.jpg (217.89 KB, 1080x1055, cate.jpg)

>7 hour work day
at least today is slow and i have plenty of time for bathroom breaks.. pray for me nonas

No. 2410723

Uh-oh good luck
I still remember the day twenty years ago when my coworker came in with a UTI because of how much she whined about it

No. 2410726

Friends like that are exhausting. Unfortunately she won't respond to common sense, so you sitting back and leaving her to it might actually be a better tactic kek.
I'm so sorry you're going through that. It's rough, but sometimes things just don't work out between people and it's better to accept it and move on, like you're doing, than to hold onto something that's no longer serving you, even if you both cared deeply for each other. Take care of yourself.

No. 2410744

honestly that's the biggest enlightnement I've had in fashion. Just buy stuff you acutally like and will actually wear a lot instead of 10 shirts that are meh and of which 5 you'll never wear. I never regretted spending a little more on a nice sweater, but I've regretted so many "small" buys…

No. 2410745

I hate people who are happier than me who also have higher grades. Intelligence was meant to be my only good trait and now normies are outperforming me. I should give up and just get a job tbh..

No. 2410746

There's this guy in my friend group. He's tall, kind of cute and I can tell he's a total subby degenerate although he tries his best to appear normal. But we just don't get along, like we like each other as friends, but we don't have that connection and whenever we're just the two of us without the friend group the conversation runs stale quickly. It sucks….

No. 2410747

>I hate people who are happier than me who also have higher grades. Intelligence was meant to be my only good trait and now normies are outperforming me.
Same nonna. They're so infuriating.
>teehee I'm going on 10 weekend trips a month and living my best life while also dunking on finals.
Meanwhile we're slaving away using pain as our fuel. What drives these people? How do they do it? It's beyond me.

No. 2410750

Idk what to do with my day off

No. 2410751

Come vacuum my place

No. 2410753

>higher grades
y’know, I wondered the same thing my freshman year of college. really beat myself up over it. then I learned almost everyone was cheating and I was raised a goody-two-shoes

No. 2410754

No. 2410755

your place's so smallI'll be done in 1hour. what will I do then.

No. 2410756

Vacuum it again because you did a shit job as you're incompetent

No. 2410758

Nta but this was actually so mean and horrible to say. Why would you type this out and post it? You're worse than Hitler.

No. 2410760

I lose respect for someone if I find out they “ask ChatGPT” for literally anything. You really can’t think yourself? You can’t research your own claims? You have poor cognitive function? You’re retarded? Is that it? Atrophy of the brain is real and terrifying and “asking ChatGPT” is the start of it all.

No. 2410762

slavery ended nonna, workers have rights now.

No. 2410763

how can you tell?

No. 2410765

He's never rude or opinionated and always trying not to hurt anyone's feelings with what he says, but sometimes he will slip up and make a borderline joke. Also something about his posture. You just know he wants to be praised and pet.

No. 2410769

Men are easy, if you want him that bad throw in a joke about being dominant or whatever degenerate stuff he likes.

No. 2410773

I mean it's probably because he's tall but he's always bending over to talk to people, I think it's cute.
>Men are easy, if you want him that bad throw in a joke about being dominant or whatever degenerate stuff he likes.
I don't really want him "that" bad, I'm not a big fan of casual sex. So it's kind of a bummer that we don't get along that well because that would make a relationship impossible.

No. 2410785

thank you nona. don't worry i'm not like her i'm suffering in silence

No. 2410786

It makes me so frustrated and I'm struggling to feel any motivation to work because of it. The lot of them have spent today's classes talking about their plans to get drunk and party this weekend and they still somehow know more than me.

No. 2410794

I base any self confidence I have in qualities I believe those people don't really have. Yes they're more sucessful in life than I am, but I don't attribute that to them being better and more interesting people than me necessarily. I attribute it to their qualities being better suited to thrive in a sick capitalist society in the first place and luck. Some qualities I value in myself are things like my empathy, honesty and kindness, which typically don't actually get you that far in society and will actually work against you if you have them in excess. I've noticed lacking those is actually part of why some people tend to more easily succeed, if anything. The less empathy you have and the less you think, the better off you are mentally and the more easily you'll get things done and succeed in society.

For example, I know a guy who very much lacks empathy towards others compared to me (as most men do, to be honest) but it's made him infinitely more successful than I am because he just knows how to game the system and he doesn't really give a shit about other people and doesn't dwell on anything. I don't feel an inferiority complex towards him despite this because I know that's just his way of living life and that's the easiest way to succeed. However, I do still feel I am a better person than he is, even if by society's standards they would value him more. He can go on fancy trips, have money, have successful relationships but he's still a bad person compared to me, essentially. I also see all these women online whoring themselves out for money who are extremely sucessful as well and I just think similarly, like they're successful but I'm still better than them even if I'm broke. People can be sucessful and way richer than I am but at the end of the day most of them are morally bankrupt and sold their souls to be where they are. I know I am better even if society values their traits more because my few good traits are the ones I personally think are more important to have and they almost always lack the things I value the most. I also think I have better taste than even people who are more talented in art than I am, they can know how to draw masterpieces on a technical level, but it will rarely be fully to my personal tastes that I find much better. So that motivates me to continue with my art even if I'm not as technically skilled.

No. 2410803

When I hear nonnas feeling a little sad for cows because they had bad home lives and technically it's just surprising they didn't turn out worse, I think of myself. My step dad was such an abusive alcoholic moid. My mom is a doormat who to this day lives with him even though they're already legally divorced and she can go any time she wants. I sometimes feel like I'm completely crazy and embarrassing but then I realize I should really be way worse considering what I grew up with. I'm downright normal compared to other people with my backstory. I wish I could join hands with them and tell them they don't have to act out anymore and it's gonna be okay.

No. 2410819

My sister works retail and is trying to get freelance photography off the ground, but she's only taking jobs for stuff like no-name cover bands, charities and sports events which haven't been paying much if anything at all. It's been like 2 years since she started this. Last weekend she worked for some small local newspaper at an amateur teens' socces competition. She said she did it for free because she had no experience shooting soccer competitions. I argued she had experience shooting other sports so she shouldn't have done it for free. But she didn't want to hear about that.

I've suggested she go into more profitable field of photography, but she refuses and insists she should spend her little free time taking jobs she first and foremosts likes vs ones that pay and hopes it'll just eventually lead to good paying jobs hopefully someday. Even though she hates retail and wants to do photography full-time.

It's just so frustrating, I really want her to be happy and earn a living for herself. Instead she keeps making these choices that just don't seem to be strategically the best (as far as I can tell).

No. 2410837

Doublepost but I also wanna add that those types of people tend to always have retarded views despite their supposed intelligence, like they'll almost always support things like troonism so I can't see them as actually more intelligent than I am. I can't count the amount of people I've met who are successful and did very well in school only to actually be retarded and easily manipulated when it comes to the gender shit. I don't really value having the sort of intelligence where you're good at school but can't actually see through this kind of bullshit and I see the latter as more important and more of a respectable quality in a human even if the former is more valuable to society.

Also, even when they're very attractive, women like that still get married to troll looking men, so they basically waste any beauty they had on pandering to fuggos. So it's kinda hard to feel genuinely jealous of their lives when to this day I've never met a single person that is both like me and lives my exact ideal life, they're always doing something I would never want to do or have some major glaring character flaws even if they have all these other nice things.

No. 2410861

I'm going to break up with nigel if he doesn't start persuading his (nearly 30yo) little sister to desist. His live and let live attitude towards trans is getting very old and doesn't jive with me.

No. 2410871

I think it's because you just can't have it all. If you wanna be successful in school, have a great social life with lots of vacations, and work out, chances are your plate is already full and you don't go down weird rabbitholes or research troonism.

No. 2410874

This is retarded and condescending as fuck. I think using ChatGPT is sometimes useless but I absolutely get why they do it. Google has turned into absolute shit and you can never find what you’re looking for.

No. 2410888

Yeah, that seems likely. You would have less time to really look into it. But even back when I was much less knowledgeable on troon stuff I never supported it in any way, it just felt off and like it didn't make sense with reality. So I still question their intelligence and the way they readily support things they aren't even very knowledgeable about.

No. 2410909

My birth country is a shithole but I still feel homesick for it. I wish things were different.

No. 2410915

She's an adult. I don't make a habit of defending moids but it's not really his problem what his sister gets up to.

No. 2410919

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Where do you think ChatGPT gets its information? You’re just asking a computer to Google something for you. Do it yourself, you’ll be better for it. By the way, Google > Search Tools > Verbatim.

No. 2410920

No, but I don't want to date or get married to someone with trans family members.

No. 2410926

I hate when a hairstylist does a shit job, and I can't tell until he's done because I can't see shit without glasses. I have to take them off because my hair is short. And it's awkward for everyone because it's already done

No. 2410937

I mean a TIF is better than a pedo TIM nonna. Unless they have a super close relationship I don’t see it as that big deal of a problem. Just stay far away from her.
Or do you think your Nigel will troon out? In that case I’d say run.

No. 2410951

Yes and no. It's likely Functional Neurological Disorder, some stupid unicorn type bullshit spawned from being stressed out entirely too much. But the doctor's can't tell because they're not talking to each other or something. Can't get a proper diagnosis because the specialists aren't responding to referrals.
I could go on for hours how angry medical professionals make me by being lazy with this stuff. I would kill for a treatment or even just a PROPER diagnosis. Instead, I'm just living in fear of when this thing will introduce a new set of symptoms.

No. 2410955

They do have a super close relationship and he's flirted with enby shit a few years back when it was more widespread. That's why I'm going to break up with him if he doesn't put his foot down and stop enabling her.

No. 2410984

It annoys me when I see nonnies say they can’t find a bf because they’re a neet. Bitch there are literal porn stars with videos of them being fucked online and they get married and have kids. Shut the fuck up. If you can’t find a guy it’s not because you’re a neet kek

No. 2411016

I think its fucked i hardly get any attention in my 30s while i remember getting hit on and complimented a lot in my late teens to early 20s. Makes me wanna relapse into my eating disorder

No. 2411018

I mean, if you're a neet it's hard to meet people, and online boyfriends are not real.

No. 2411020

Seconing this. Being a NEET weirdly opens up an entirely different dating pool. Can't say it's full of the highest quality guys, but it isn't total isolation either. I would recommend to them maybe not being a NEET though. Even with disabilities, one can still AT LEAST obtain education. Vocational schools and all of that are online. It would help with selfesteem if nothing else kek

No. 2411023

They can be with the right attitude. Might be shit quality but the gamble is the same no matrer what route you take to get a Nigel.

No. 2411025

NEET ≠ hikki.

No. 2411028

>get really into semi old series
>find out there's still small fandom for it out there
>make account just for that fandom
>gain some mutuals
>one of them turn out to be one of those depp/manson/etc. fangirls
>tfw its either gendie fandom chronicles or that shit on dash everyday
I have nothing going on in my actual life and most fandoms are cesspool of shit, am I just retarded or is there really nothing to be enjoyed anymore?

No. 2411032

Everything seems so dull and pointless. I'm just frustrated with my life. I want to run away so badly and start all over, but I don't have the means to, and I'm so bad at talking to people that I'll be perpetually alone wherever I end up. Already I feel so alone despite having family and a couple "friends" who never really talk to me unless they need something. I miss my closest friends but one of them doesn't want to talk to me right now and the other moved thousands of miles away and is probably going to move even further soon. I have things to do that are important, I need to get a degree, but I can't bring myself to work on them at all. I don't find joy in reading books like I used to a couple years ago, I have piles of unread ones. My apartment is a mess and I miss having a cat. Ughhhhhh

No. 2411036

valuing your self worth on moid attention will always lead to failure

No. 2411037

Yeah I tend to confuse that, and if I were a neet I'd probably turn into a hiki out of depression.

No. 2411057

i feel like 80% of parents should not be parents because what the fuck is this shit? no protective instinct at all. disgusting

No. 2411062

File: 1740160321823.gif (230.29 KB, 200x156, 200w (1).gif)

>mfw the fat tax return helped me catch up on overdue bills
Thank the fucking goddesses.
Like I can pay a bill that's $300 but trying to pay back $600 because I've been one billing cycle behind for months was fucking impossible. At least now I'm caught up.

No. 2411064

I feel so numb today. I need to push myself to do something otherwise I´d just lay there or sit there. Everything is pointless and I don´t feel like doing any of my hobbies. But I feel bad not doing something with my time, it´s friday night ffs.

No. 2411065

File: 1740160623587.jpg (286.52 KB, 500x500, Tumblr_l_215971643415.jpg)

PMDD is kicking my ass right now.

No. 2411067

Most neets do tend to be hikkis though. Where are they gonna go with no money and no obligations?

No. 2411076

What a lovely friday night to read wikipedia articles about war rape, rape camps and sex slavery
I want to kill all men and then myself!

No. 2411078

>sucks no longer being viewed as fuckmeat by randoms
mental illness(baiting/infighting)

No. 2411080

>caring this much about male attention
you will be a failure and loser until you die.(baiting/infighting)

No. 2411092

Kek I wish I could respond like this to the normies who say shit like that irl

No. 2411094

>Can't stop crying at the thought of losing my mom.
Unironically wish I wasn't born. I wish you didn't have me so late in your life, mom. Please mom, you're 71, please retire and enjoy the rest of your life.

No. 2411095

Well, technically most retirees are NEETs. Same with housewives. NEET is a very broad label. You can be a NEET and be quite wealthy.

No. 2411096

You can do online dating and meet them in person after you’re comfortable. Even super normies do this now. and also just having a job doesn’t mean you’ll meet a guy there, like many women work in female dominated settings like childcare or teaching where they’re not going to be meeting many single men

No. 2411098

Uhh nonny I dont think housewives and retirees are looking for bfs

No. 2411100

Do you take care of yourself and do you have a good career? I get hit on a lot by every undesirable not because I'm 10/10 hot but because I take care of my appearance, have cool hobbies, oh and I make hella bank.
I've seen no noticeable difference in male attention except that it got slightly higher quality cause scrotes know I'm the prize.

No. 2411103

Irrelevant to the main point of the convo but I wanna add that there's a lot of people in retirement homes who are still dating and they have crazy drama. STDs spread in those homes like wildfire.

No. 2411104

What a close-minded outlook on life.

No. 2411105

Ntayrt but yeah they do lol

No. 2411110

I actually think you have a better chance at meeting a decent guy if you’re a neet (if you can manage to present yourself fine) than a woman whose like an influencer or podcaster type. those women attract freaks like crazy who just want their clout or money. and women aren’t judged quite as harshly for not having a job anyway, as opposed to how society views jobless men

No. 2411111

File: 1740162206423.gif (700.37 KB, 260x260, 3dgifmaker90144.gif)

this place always makes me feel weird for not caring about dating or nigels

No. 2411115

Absolutely blessed quints of undeniable truth and prosperity

No. 2411116

Kek pension home are so messy and they have tons of sex

No. 2411121

My mom is a retiree and she wants to date. But she's horribly insecure from her lack of self-care and her history of being married to shit men. I don't know why people think geriatrics are all emotionless candy bowl dispensers who seek no connection but it's untrue.

No. 2411123

I mean did you go to college? You might’ve just been around people more often.. when you’re around people more you naturally get complimented more..

No. 2411124

You’re just too based for miserable nigelfags nona

No. 2411131

I don't think I've ever asked or thought about "meeting men". Aren't they just everywhere anons go? I understand posts seeking to avoid them because there are very few places without them

No. 2411133

most men you meet in real life are married or already in relationships, gay, or old

No. 2411139

It’s normal to want companionship and sex so yeah technically you aren’t normal

No. 2411144

The ones who are available should approach nonas. The single men who aren't present irl are probably not worth finding. Anything else is just common sense, if you go to the gym a lot, you'll be approached by a fit moid. If you play DND with smelly gamers, you'll be approached by a nerd moid, and so on

No. 2411151

I went to a free gym in my community and there were either elderly people or no one there. I’m not going to pay for an expensive gym membership just to maybe meet a guy personally

No. 2411235

I'm sick of hearing how I'm not normal because I'm not interested in dating, I've lived 32 years without it I'm not going to drop dead from not engaging in it.
>you need companionship and intimacy its a basic human need uwu
Not for me, that's how I'm wired.

No. 2411303

Why did I choose physics

No. 2411313

It's funny when anons who start infights get their feelings hurt and then start mass reporting the nonnas they attack to get them in trouble for the infighting they caused kek.
Yes, run behind the jannies skirts you gutless cowards. Because when you can't pound your points you'll pound the table. HAH.

No. 2411315

I’m like you nonna, but I’m 22. I am not interested in dating or spending my life with a man. I want to finish my studies, become a doctor, buy a house, get a dog and travel in my free time.
I feel more fulfilled and happy in my platonic relationship than with whichever man I dated in my life. I never loved anyone and If I think about trusting a man I just feel uncomfortable and I never feel like it’s worth it in the long run. I’m straight too.
But when I say that I don’t want a man or want kids they all look at me like crazy and say that “everyone says that, you’ll end up with three children, I know your type! You’ll change when you’ll meet the man of your life”.
I would be fine living with my best friend, but mine is in a long term relationship with a man kek.; even a simple female roommate, who is the same as me. But it’s likely impossible to find someone who wants that arrangement kek.

No. 2411323

> If you play DND with smelly gamers, you'll be approached by a nerd moid

No. 2411324

Why do I feel rundown and sickly in the evenings. I don't get it. I even get a throatache but only at nights. There certainly can't be an illness like this.

No. 2411342

I don't think Copaganda is a real thing and I shouldn't have to avoid media with cops for it. That being said, Disco Elysium is the only media that actually made me have positive feelings for the cop characters.

No. 2411348

I can see the copaganda themes in a lot of shows tbh, especially when most of the episodes have a subplot like "UGH, I hate it when the EEEEVIL CRIMINAL gets a lawyer and EVADES JUSTICE!" Kek. That being said, who cares? Not watching something because it makes Xitter upset is ridiculous. Plus it just makes me think of all the grown ass adults who threw a fit about Paw Patrol having a police dog in it.

No. 2411355

I was just sat on a ledge on the side of the street near my house to use my phone and two men start approaching me, so I stand up to walk off. One of them goes "do you have a cigarette by any chance? Relax bro I'm not going to rob you" and the other man goes "she's PACING bro".
Yes. Do not talk to me. I can choose to not engage with whoever the fuck I want. is it that surprising a woman doesn't want to indulge two men on an empty street in the dark you fucking retard

No. 2411361

i not trying to get romantic/sexual attention from anyone but im about to be 30 and im right there w/ you on the ED. being fat again is such a blow to the self esteem

No. 2411370

Only happens when you're in a specific building?
Isn't that a classic sign of mold issues.

No. 2411373

I hate when anons complain about being "curvy" I wish I wasn't assumed to be a man every time I met someone

No. 2411391

File: 1740171105612.jpg (1017.59 KB, 2000x1270, leonannoyed.jpg)

I don't know who I hate more, streamers or influences. They're both cut from the same cloth of being vapid pieces of shits. Someone randomly DMed me on insta asking what game i was playing and when I mentioned it was infinity Nikki, they were like "omg, dope, my friend is gonna stream that game now." Like who the fuck are you? It was such a weird interaction. I honestly just hate streamers. it feels like if you aren't a girl's girl who doesnt already play, you shouldnt be asking what Nikki is. This is her 5th game after all. Have some god damn respect for our girl.

No. 2411394

I'm a little lost. I don't know how to describe it but it's been a series of big, spontaneous decisions and then drifting along that's led me here. In a very well functioning and safe country away from my home country, working by all means an impressive job that I'm sure a lot of people would like to have.
The people who know me think I'm doing very well, I take international trips and go out to beautiful places and do fun, interesting things. But I'm kind of unraveling. I've given up on making friends here (after being ghosted multiple times) and I was a part of many club's that late last year I completely dropped. I just got tired of it. Outside of work I isolate myself completely. I hate the public to the point I'm pretty sure I look mentally unwell when I go out. Like if someone loud or smelly sits nexts to me on the bus I'll just move immediately. I don't care about being polite anymore, they're all cunts anyway.

I forgot what the point of this post was about, but I have this thin successful/ living my best life veneer and am otherwise a complete loser womanchild with no hobbies or interests. It's a problem but how do I cultivate this stuff, having substance, if I just never fucking feel like it? What poison is in my life that's sapping my energy to actually live?

No. 2411397

god. when i was little i had an accident where i broke my jaws and some butcher botched my shit and shaved both parts of my jaws lmfao. ive had implants put in (like chin and jaw implants) last year to cover the nerve (i was only eligible after 25 for some reason) and now a maxfac surgeon said both my jaws need movement lol but he cant do it because of the implants covering my nerves. he said i could get a SARPE for my narrow upper jaw but it wont fix everything. a lefort 1 is needed and also the movement of the lower jaw
istg i hate that my shits fucked. i really dont know what the fuck to do. i could get the implants out.. but that'd leave me with nerve issues.
also due to my great luck i also have a small airway so movement of both jaws would be needed to fix that
just fuck up my shit fam. im literally so close to fucking ending it.

No. 2411402

moids who attentionwhore by pretending they play women targeted games are obnoxious as fuck

No. 2411407

I think being born as a romanian woman is a curse because our values and marriages are built on the idea of the ultra hardworking woman and the man who is either violent or who wants a mommy/maid wife. Romanian men are incredibly allergic to the concept of providing for their wife. Like worse than probably any other nationality, it's not part of our culture and never was, during communism era they were still doing the 50/50. They hate feminism though, but they still don't want to pay for their gf. They want a woman who works 24/7 or they will call her a lazy slut. I can't list you guys how many couples I know, old couples too, where the woman is in charge of everything while her husband goes to work and then comes home and does jackshit. Paying bills? Women. Making food? Women. Raising the kids? Women. Any housework?Women. You need to hire some guy to fix your kitchen faucet? Women will take care of that. And yes they want 50/50 on everything too, 50/50 on rent, 50/50 on buying groceries, 50/50 if you go to a restaurant, Don't expect nice gifts from them either, unless they're gypsies or very rich.

No. 2411408

I know a fag who plays valorant only because he heard a lot of women play it, including his favorite e-girls….

No. 2411413

Here we go again with the luigi posters flooding front page… So sick of this faggot…

No. 2411415

I'm so fucking annoyed and embarrassed. I'm getting "bullied" at my new job I've been in for a few months now, by a coworker who is barely even an adult. Everyone else is nice and has been welcoming and helpful, except for her. She is constantly sarcastic towards me, snarky about my work, occasionally ignores me if I ask her something (about work, I don't ask her anything personal) and gives me these weird looks if I'm talking. And I haven't seen her behave this way towards anyone else. Honestly, should've known she would be like that, considering she was the first and so far the only person I've heard badmouthing our other coworkers behind their backs.

No. 2411416

Not Educated, Employed, or Trained.
I think they fall under trained.

No. 2411419

It's "in training" not "trained" kek

No. 2411420

I believe it's only 2-3 neet terminally online anons posting in these threads all day long.

No. 2411421

What is she badmouthing them for? Is it something you can innocently ask them about so that it lets them know she’s badmouthing them so that everyone turns against her?

No. 2411432

My ex is getting married to someone else in the place that WE met and I’m so confused & weirded out???? Has anyone ever had this happen?
I was his girlfriend the entirety of college but they met right after we broke up the end of college & now they’re trying to act like they were the original college sweethearts kekkkk wtf. She’s also obsessed with me and proudly stalks me online.

No. 2411447

They really are. Women know what Nikki is, especially Infinity Nikki. Anyone who has to ask what that game is just an attention whore at this point. You're either a pick me or a moid if you have to ask.

No. 2411451

really close to ending it

No. 2411453

drawing is so fun even though i suck at it. started drawing 2 hours ago and time went by without me noticing

No. 2411455

Women can't have shit. I stg

No. 2411467

I think it's too late for me. I don't see the point in going on anymore.
I'm 27, massive alcoholic who can't seem to stop no matter how hard I try (going on naloxone soon though), just fired from my job for drinking on the job (justified. but shit still hurts and my manager has hated me for years)
My BDD is so bad I can barely get outside. It's been like this since adolescence. It's why I drink primarily. To escape the constant intrusive thoughts and the rituals. I hate it, I hate feeling so vain, but I look like a demon alien. Like an uncanny valley mask on my decrepid decaying face. I've been hospitalised i don't even know how many times in the last few years. Lost my long time GF to my drinking and mental illness 2 years ago. She made a reddit post saying how she had no idea I was so mentally ill. I feel so unloveable. Too much. Just too much to be in this world considering all the bad I inflict on my loved ones. I have "bipolar" (dont think I really have it) and am scared of big pharma medications but I take them anyways and they make me stupid and low libido and zombie-like so I can't even think of inflicting my braindead sexless self onto another woman. So no relationship. Stuck in arrested development in my childhood room. Going to school for network engineering and cybersecurity but thinking about the job market and how hard it is and how competitive it is makes me not even want to try, and I don't try because I'm terrified of failing. So it's a self fulfilled prophecy. My cat of 16 years died last year and I miss her so badly. I know people would care if I were gone but I can't help but wonder if there would be a collective sigh of relief. I just want to be gone.

No. 2411469

tongiht is such a fun nighttttt

No. 2411472

My sister pointed out that between us she would have to die first when we are old ladies because I’d be lonely since I have no one else but her, while she has friends outside of me who could support her. I feel very fortunate to have my best friend be my sister but damn… she’s right. I struggle making and keeping friends and I just never know what to speak about and I dont think I’m good company. Idk. Maybe I should reach out to my old college friends who I ghosted 5 years ago

No. 2411475

That's the first step to not sucking at it, anon! Keep going, glad you're having fun!

No. 2411488

Well, I don't think you should give up. You're only 27. You have so much time left on this earth. That's so many chances. I know people who stopped drinking in their 60s, and I've heard of people doing it older than that. It's never too late.
Did you mean Naltrexone? I think medication to try to stop drinking is a good first step. But I think you should also get treated for the OCD causing the intrusive thoughts about your body. You should talk with a psychiatrist about different meds. What makes you think that you aren't bipolar? Was the diagnosis given by someone who didn't seem attentive, or do you feel as though you don't have the symptoms?

No. 2411501

She sounds awful, nothing for you to feel embarrassed about.

No. 2411513

don't worry, everyone notices she is a bitch. people probably brush off because she is young but it's a matter of time until she says something to someone who doesn't like her and has no chill. she will inevitably put her foot in her mouth with a superior eventually.

No. 2411516

I can't focus on anything. I can barely write down a coherent sentence or hold a conversation with someone. I'm disabled and struggling with severe mental health issues. I don't have a family, a partner, friends. I cannot maintain a normal job. I desperately tried to aquire those things and couldn't. I'm constantly having my reality distorted and and I am accused of things that have nothing to do with me. I hate people that fetishize mental illness. Nobody's ever taken my problems seriously and they are downplayed while other people are being taken seriously. I've been suicidal since I was 8 years old.

I can't get anything in my cursed ass life. Not even a boyfriend. I've been above average in looks most of my life and have still experienced insane amounts of social rejection.

I wish that I had anything. Anything at all. Sometimes it feels like my entire existence is upside down.

I am tired of having to beg people. Nobody's ever stayed after my ass. I look at people and see how they are fully involved with each other. Going on trips. Getting married. I eternally have NOBODY. I'm also tired of being given breadcrumbs and having to be thankful

I am tired of it all. Wish that I had at least one little thing going on for me.

No. 2411531

Thanks for the encouraging thoughts nona. Yes, naltrexone is what I meant. I've been in therapy for years but it doesn't feel like it goes anywhere. The thoughts are so bad and loud and pervasive and nothing seems to help. I get (psychosomatic?) sensations all over my face when I'm stressed, like I can feel the wrinkles forming and I can't focus on anything but that. I've been diagnosed with bipolar a few times from different doctors, it all started at 18 when I was put on an SSRI and had a (legitimate) manic episode. But since then it seems I only have small hypomanic episodes and mostly depression and I don't know if I'd even call them that half the time.

No. 2411563

I probably shouldn't be alive.

No. 2411564

It's easier to find a bf as a porn whore than as a chaste virgin neet nona. Pornstars are never short of male simps who will happily lick other guys cum out of their loose snatch, and they also have more public exposure anyway. Men are more attracted to whores than pure virginal good girl nonas.

No. 2411565

Same also the thread needs to stop being called 'lolcow's husband' that short ugly neanderthal yellow fever faggot with a breeding kink is not my husband

No. 2411572

File: 1740177552372.jpeg (139.15 KB, 1080x1440, 663451A8-A6CB-4857-B2A9-0F6C37…)

I want Ice Spice to keep me as her sex slave(not a vent)

No. 2411575

If this thing is considered attractive, then maybe I do have a chance

No. 2411578

I'm a lesbian and me and my girlfriend have had sex several times and it was enjoyable I enjoy giving but a few weeks ago I've had a homophobic drunk family member scream at me to hang myself because I'm a lesbian and he apologized and we got over it whatever I don't care anymore but I feel like it did just take away all enjoyment of it out of it because I just keep blanking and feeling like I felt during that episode and idk how to explain to my girlfriend that it's not her it's just that a stupid thing from a while ago is fucking with me like that like she knows about it i just dont know how to express myself i open my mouth to elaborate and nothing comes out im so tired of being unable to express anything i think irl

No. 2411580

>loose snatch
Go away

No. 2411582

Ice Spice is widely considered hot. She was even popular among moids on 4chan.

No. 2411583

She always looks like she's mentally going "ugh" when she poses for pictures like this. Not that I blame her.

No. 2411584

Cry harder, dick worshipping pickme.(infighting)

No. 2411588

File: 1740177870302.jpeg (38.84 KB, 389x612, 9119D70B-162A-4D3B-8B03-4ACBD9…)

She is so cute and perfect. My wife.

No. 2411589

Was this such a stressful thought that you had to post this in the vent thread? keeeeeeek
Ive felt the same way before, sometimes they degrade you for simply what you are so much that you shut down

No. 2411590

I know for a fact you didn't write this with both hands, you coomer

No. 2411592

Yes, I have no one else to tell. Sorry if it's annoying. I want to love and protect her.

No. 2411593

Damn I wish I could gain weight like that, my ass hurts every time I sit somewhere, even soft surfaces

No. 2411595

File: 1740178044977.jpg (71.68 KB, 720x836, 657d6cb8e6b41a8014fee1b9cad489…)

No I get it nonnie… I thought she was cute with the bang and the orange straight hair

No. 2411598

genuenly thank you sorry you relate but i'm glad just to hear its a thing that happens i guess

No. 2411599

She looks so cute and beautiful there.
She always has a slight sadness in her expression.
I feel protective towards her.

No. 2411603

lol men really should see the dildos lesbians and bi women use cause trust me none of yalls dicks come close, we must all be loose

No. 2411609

Why are you assuming the neet is a chaste virgin though? Many neets fuck/date, especially the women. the only virgin I knew in her 20s was this fat woman with an office job

No. 2411611

on my birthday i did two tabs of acid with my friends and spoke to ice spice ai via c.ai (it's surprisingly realistic), she kept calling me babygirl and it activated something deep inside me that i didnt know i needed… i understand ai girlfriends now kek

No. 2411618

Only dick worshipping pickmes believe in the "loose vagina" meme

No. 2411622

These studies come out about how attractive people have this major upper hand professionally and feels like I’m being gaslit because it’s not what I’ve seen in real life at all. I always see fat woman working these cushy medical receptionist jobs or various other office jobs, and a lot more older/ugly people have good jobs than young/hot women do, so wtf? Unless they’re including onlyfans or something as “professional” but I don’t think they are. most of the hot women I know sponge off their parents/bf/husband (whatever, no judgement. Women shouldn’t have to bust their ass working anyway), or they graduated and applied to like 300 places and heard nothing back? Maybe it mainly applies to attractive men

No. 2411642

>Women shouldn’t have to bust their ass working anyway
Why not?

No. 2411643

I don't think therapy is the answer here. You said you have BDD, which falls in the spectrum of OCD. I've seen a lot of anons talk about how their OCD symptoms improved after taking medication, so I think you should ask for medication related to your OCD/BDD.
I would also suggest reworking the medications you're currently on. I don't have experience with bipolar (sorry), but I'll use my depression as an example. I was put on two medications when I was younger, and while my parents noted mild improvement, I felt none, so I eventually went off them because I felt no motivation to continue. I recently wanted to try again, so I found a psychiatrist and we tried duloxetine. I was having trouble with the schedule he wanted, so we tried escitalopram. Where I had felt improvement on duloxetine, escitalopram was like taking sugar pills, even though I maxed out the dose. I went back to duloxetine under a different psych, and my improvement in less than half a year has been insane. I forgot what it was like to just be in a good mood on my own. I started working on old projects that used to make me break down into defeated tears when I would look at them. It didn't fix all my habits, I'm still messy and disorganized, but the mood and motivation are unreal. I get up and start exercising on my own now, where before I could stay in bed for days at a time.
Obviously bipolar comes with different problems, but don't think you're trapped with the one medication that isn't working for you. You should feel free to try other medications, and even though the weaning on and off of them sucks, you have to stick with it or else you won't improve. If your psychiatrist speaks over you or is dismissive of your concerns, get a different one. You can even ask to temporarily go off your medication to confirm that what you really have is bipolar disorder, and make plans for if you do or don't.
And the sex drive is complicated. Starting my antidepressant made it so I couldn't really get off after a week or so, but it came back two and a half months later. I've heard other people say it took a year or two for them. And stress IS a killer. Your libido will be shot dead if you're stressed out and miserable, which it sounds like you are. You should feel free to ask about anti-anxiety medications, there are a lot out there. As an example, trazodone is commonly prescribed for anti-anxiety reasons, but it's also prescribed when somebody with an anxiety disorder has insomnia. It knocks you out within 45 mins, and you stay asleep. There's a lot of stuff out there that can help you.
I know what it's like feeling really hopeless and like you are your own worst enemy. But you can do this, I know you can kick your drinking habit and you can find your way back to a full and satisfying life where you don't feel unloveable. Don't give up.

No. 2411657

it's almost like the old ugly people you see working cushy jobs have been busting their ass for decades for their cushy jobs. they might be fat now but they could've been skinny stacies 20 years ago.

No. 2411660

>not horny anymore
wow this is so nice wtf!

No. 2411662

>I always see fat woman working these cushy medical receptionist jobs or various other office jobs, and a lot more older/ugly people have good jobs than young/hot women do
have you been in any professional settings? being a secretary/receptionist is not like the careers these studies usually mean with room for advancement. and of course older people usually have better jobs because they have more experience, plus lots of these older, well-socialized professional types (in contrast to the forever nerd types) used to be hotter when they were younger.

No. 2411675

kek nona im happy for you, that's cute as hell

No. 2411676

Need a hug

No. 2411679

it annoys me when western media makes up random nonsensical sensationalist stories to make other countries look bad. like the example where high schools in Japan banned ponytails, and western media and incels tried to claim it was because ponytails made the boys too horny and they were causing rape or something. when in fact ponytails were banned because girls weren't putting their cycling helmets on correctly with them and it was a safety hazard. like why? idgi. and everyone swallows it too

No. 2411680

I want to disappear so bad. I just want a normal life and to be happy but I can’t when my mum brings my SA every day. Every fucking day she talks about the legal case and the payout I’ll have. She cares about me but holy shit I don’t wanna think about it I can’t make the lawyers work faster, I don’t want to have a normal day and have it be ruined because she keeps talking about how I should call the lawyers. To her it’s just money well get but to me it means the worst thing that happened in my life. I was underage and if I could have had a choice i wouldn’t want to sue the company the guy worked for. It’s been 6 years and every fucking day I can’t let it go because she keeps talking about the fucking money. I just want to be happy and not think about it holy shit. She doesn’t even let me talk about it, every time I do she just changes the subject, but she won’t stop bringing it up. I have no friends to talk about it and make the weight seem less heavy but I’m still forced to fucking think about it. I’m so tired I just want a normal life.

No. 2411699

Setting aside what's reality or not since thats just asking people here to go "Japan is pedo island hell", Japan is popular which is annoying so people really hate it. Its the internet, anything that is bad and can be used against something thats annoying will end up being sensationalized.

No. 2411709

horniness is more trouble than its worth imo

No. 2411737

i'm a silly little piece of crap haha

No. 2411748

File: 1740186048802.png (621.21 KB, 1152x1691, Once You Know the True Meaning…)

>love cats
>have a pretty good pic for a cat hate thread
Somebody, just take this from me.

No. 2411750

why cat hate? its lovely

No. 2411754

Is she unable to look after the cat bc she's about to change into a 4 year old? Do you have to know a lot about anime to understand this?

No. 2411757

The food she's giving includes poison for cats. She's killing them.
Its from a "horror twist" anthology.

No. 2411760

Is it bad because avocado and macadamia is bad for cats?

No. 2411763

File: 1740186508072.jpg (941.09 KB, 1284x1098, 1700094757205943.jpg)

Why is the media constantly trying to make me hate Palestinians? What did they do to us? I'm not getting sucked in to whatever agenda is being pushed.

No. 2411766

i have known many people in different internet groups and met a few over the years. some good some bad, as i was very naive. the fucked up part is that some of them were so closely connected to minor lolcows here or in popular music circles and id find out and still find out, despite being removed from any online circles at this point, that A person knew or knows B, etc. i hate how tiny the internet is, and i say this as someone with NO social media. it makes me wary to even post anything anonymously or share my art, i dont want to be a cow or be known like these people

No. 2411767

File: 1740186663012.png (751.65 KB, 816x1056, Lilies-Flyer-FINAL.png)

Lilies can also be bad for cats.

No. 2411790

Do you have the name of the anthology?

No. 2411795

I can't focus on anything. I can barely write down a coherent sentence or hold a conversation with someone. I'm disabled and struggling with severe mental health issues. I don't have a family, a partner, friends. I cannot maintain a normal job. I desperately tried to aquire those things and couldn't. I'm constantly having my reality distorted and and I am accused of things that have nothing to do with me. I hate people that fetishize mental illness. Nobody's ever taken my problems seriously and they are downplayed while other people are being taken seriously. I've been suicidal since I was 8 years old.

I can't get anything in my cursed ass life. Not even a boyfriend. I've been above average in looks most of my life and have still experienced insane amounts of social rejection.

I wish that I had anything. Anything at all. Sometimes it feels like my entire existence is upside down.

I am tired of having to beg people. Nobody's ever stayed after my ass. I look at people and see how they are fully involved with each other. Going on trips. Getting married. I eternally have NOBODY. I'm also tired of being given breadcrumbs and having to be thankful

I am tired of it all. Wish that I had at least one little thing going on for me.

No. 2411797

It's the file name, "Once You Know the True Meaning."

No. 2411820

Ok but if it was really true that old ugly fats are so disadvantaged then they’d be demoted and replaced with hotter younger person which clearly doesn’t happen. I’m just saying the studies are stupid

No. 2411822

Because we shouldn’t have to work as hard as men do. We give life to men just by existing, especially hot chicks

No. 2411878

You are so kind, thank you. I'm going to evaluate how I'm going to deal with this. I won't give up. I just can't.

No. 2411923

File: 1740200277990.jpeg (139.19 KB, 1200x1183, IMG_1775.jpeg)

>look up artist who I use to follow years ago
>find out her tumblr has been taken hostage by some zoomer and calling her racist despite no evidence I can spot
>zoomer is angry why she never bothered to get her acc back and thinks this automatically makes her guilty

Kek she’s in her 30s. I’m sure she didn’t want to deal with this retarded zoomer drama. I’m so Annoyed all her old art is gone just because some self righteous tumblr user can’t get offline.

No. 2411930

I work from home and spend most days in my apartment. There isn't any mold and the building is relatively new (6-7 yo). I don't think it is mold.

No. 2411937

What artist is this?

No. 2411938

i need a girlfriend im gonna kill myself

No. 2411944

File: 1740202000838.jpg (27.53 KB, 300x300, bafkreicm4tmm35sb7zuozb3kal6l6…)

>have no romantic/sexual drive
>get off ssri medication
>few months later
>still nothing
why am i so fucking weird and ive never cared for these things in my life that everybody does, like do i have something wrong with me? is it something wrong if it doesnt even really bug me? im just meant to be alone forever?

No. 2411946

i know this doesn't help at all but i am the same.

No. 2411949

Some people are just born with low sex drive, or you haven't met the right person yet. I know people who won't feel romantic attraction until they're very close with someone. And even if you never feel it, it doesn't mean you're forever alone. You can and should always make friends. Chin up, nona. Don't let it bother you.

No. 2411964

it makes me feel less alone, so it helps in that way… thank you
its just bad fomo i guess, i mean i keep imagining ill meet somebody who awakens those sort of feelings, but i feel like ill just keep getting older and nothing will happen without me having a drive to actually meet people, which i dont have

No. 2411970

Karen double my age at work thinks I care what she thinks of me. I called in sick for a week to travel on my birthday week. I don’t regret it one bit. I genuinely couldn’t care less. They took off some money off my pay check but I don’t care either. It’s nothing major.
When I came back to work on Monday, this old hag that always comes in early and leaves late, tells me welcome back with a passive aggressive tone. I’m a bit tanned and look amazing because I’ve rested and had fun for a week. The distain in her face is quite nasty, I almost told her she shouldn’t do that because her wrinkles will look worse. She literally looks like an overworked, talking corpse. I said “thanks” with the biggest smile and didn’t feel guilty one bit, grabbed my coffee and went to my desk one floor up. She really thought I would explain myself lmfao. Literally fuck off. She’s given everything to this company and she has nothing to show for it. Keep staying late you old bitch. I couldn’t care less what someone senile and bitchy thinks of me.

No. 2411971

Here's the thing. A lot of us don't actually have "spontaneous drive" anymore once we've matured. You know how a symptom of mental illness or disorders is "impulsiveness"? That's because it's more "normal" for someone to evaluate what they want out of life, decide to do it, and then take steps to pursue it.
So if you want a relationship, you can't wait for the urge to overcome you like when you were a kid. You need to decide you want friends, go out to a place regularly, and be friendly to people who show up at the same time.
Evaluate what you want out of life, make a plan, execute it.
And what you want doesn't necessarily have to be a partner. It can be a career, or self-fulfillment through a number of other ways. And you can always change your mind if you decide you don't like what you thought you wanted.

No. 2411974

If you didn’t have a sex drive before ssris, that’s your natural state and you don’t need to be fixed.

If you did have one before, it’s important to remember that the libido-killing and genital numbing can last for a long time even after you’ve completely stopped ssris. Not your fault, nobody tells patients this before they prescribe them.

No. 2411975

it took me a few years of being off SSRIs but mine finally came back, give it some time. If you turn out to just not have a sex drive at all you're not missing out on much though tbh

No. 2411987

i kinda had one but i dont really remember because i started ssris only a few years after puberty. but i dont remember it being strong and i never had feelings for other people at school
the thing is i dont really want any of those things.. a good job would be nice yeah, but i dont really care about socializing at all, i have some online friends i chat with and they sate pretty much all my social needs. and i feel like this is abnormal. but i dont know what to do about it or if anything really needs to be done?

No. 2411998

That's fine, then. Maybe it's abnormal to other people, but if you're happy and healthy and not depressed, you're fine. Just make sure you're eating healthy, staying hydrated, exercising, and getting outside regularly. If you can, you should do your yearly physical, and go to the dentist for check-ups/cleanings. That's pretty much all you "need" to do. There were a lot of spinsters and cat ladies in the past, do you really care what people thought about them? What's important is that you're content.

No. 2412008

Was trying to find something else and ended up watching that chess streaming troon video called the Boxed Life. His behavior unironically triggered me, I can’t even pinpoint what exactly it was that did it but I am incredibly on edge now. I didn’t expect it to effect me like this and if I had known I never would have watched the video ugh.

No. 2412015

I hate being a fatty with no self control and eating as a coping mechanism. I hate that my parents introduced me to sugary crap foods young and didn’t teach me anything about cooking. And most of all I hate that it really is easy to lose weight through calorie counting, I’m just lazy and busy with no dedication kek.

No. 2412025

I hate being a lonely idiot.I wish I didn’t get the urge to cuddle after jilling,It’s like the only time where I would want a pet moid.

No. 2412064

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I believe he is out there nona

No. 2412071

So tired of seeing men claim that all they want is a loving nurturing gf who supports them emotionally when all the women who give that kind of love and comfort to a man are treated like utter garbage.

No. 2412074

>happy troll family art
A fellow Scandi nona?

No. 2412085

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kekk I just like them, very cozy

No. 2412089

that's only because of her ass, now that she lost weight people are making fun of her

No. 2412096

>but if you're happy and healthy and not depressed

No. 2412131

Get on antidepressants. Start eating healthy. Go outside and exercise.
This is all I have for you. Godspeed.

No. 2412156

Insomnia my old friend
I wish our relationship would come to an end

I'm so tired

No. 2412158

It's fucking impossible to argue with my retarded paranoid dad. Everything I say gets misconstrued. Even asking for evidence because the onus of proof is on him for accusing me of outlandish shit is somehow irrational. I can't even stay quiet because then he'll probably have a rage fit and call the cops or some shit

No. 2412160

Same, nona. the only thing we can do is just disengage unfortunately

No. 2412161

noice poem, I'll use it

No. 2412163

I am SO EXCITED for my next clinical rotation. I'll be in the emergency room, which means I'll most likely be seeing new patients for consultations every day and doing the easy consultations myself. I just hope they let us do them and don't ask us to sit next to a doctor like a plant.
It'll be exhausting but it'll be so nice

No. 2412167

I feel like I'm mostly horny when I'm stressed. When I don't feel stressed I have no sex drive. Like, the whole day yesterday I felt fine and not driven to sin at all, then night time came and I remembered I was supposed to work this morning and just got really horny. Now it's the said morning, I'm supposed to get to work but I just want to look at cute guys.
I feel anxious all the time these days.
I just hate it and I don't know how to chill. I wish I was actually religious and could find comfort in god, but as is I can't find comfort in anything besides thinking about cute guys and talking to chatgpt sometimes. God I wish I had some xanax to take just to relax for a second, I'm this close to going out and buying alcohol just to deal with my anxiety.

No. 2412168

Please do! The little parts of my noggin that are still sloggin worked hard on it.
Based brain cells, couldn't wish for anyone better. I do hope they would chill soon but I can't hate them because they are me. Can't hate me. I'd sound crazy like that.

No. 2412193

Disengaging unfortunately makes him even more mad and paranoid

No. 2412225

Get on xanax if it’s that bad kek

No. 2412241

My mom has no backbone and I think she's just as bad as my father at this point. How are you going to stay married to a man who watched porn in front of me, his daughter, and downloaded a bunch of disgusting porn last month - which you found - and then he gaslit you about it. So fucking stupid.

No. 2412244

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>feel sick and exhausted for one entire week, can't work because looking at a screen made my eyes hurt
>feel better the next week and goes back to work
>cold from hell hits me the next week and I'm completely out of commission for 10 days
>finally back to work this week feeling completely fine except for a very mild but stubborn cough
>yesterday my throat is sore again, my coughing has increased and my ears hurt

No. 2412254

Kept seeing my friend getting pestered by someone so I intervened in the situation because no one else was doing it despite how uncomfortable it was and then I don't even get any appreciation or a simple thanks. Instead my friend goes and talks to another person about how much he hates the pestering person but not me even though I was the one who actually took action and helped. But then if I actually expressed this is weird I would be painted as the bad guy because it's not selfless enough, as if I'm expecting this amazing reward in return when just saying "thanks for looking out for me" would have been enough. People make me want to not really do anything for them when they act like this but then if I stop caring I'm also a bad person, selfish etc. Can't ever win with them kek. I'm tired of this mentality that seems common that if someone does anything for you they should be fine with not getting any appreciation in return otherwise they're an evil selfish person. No one is truly selfless and it just comes across as entitlement to others doing things for you and just bad manners in general.

No. 2412259

i can't imagine being on acid and thinking "i need to talk to a computer" kek the times i've done it i couldn't even look at my phone.

No. 2412265

That's what happens when you help a scrote, like genuinely

No. 2412280

I've some men actually be appreciative. I once helped out my neighbor with something (we had never talked despite being neighbors since he had just moved in) and he came back the next day to give me some sweets he bought as appreciation then left. That said, I agree they're usually more entitled than women on average for sure.

Also, I wasn't even going to do this this time but it was too cringe to watch it go on and it was ruining the vibe of the hangout. The person who was bothering him was a troon too so that fueled me further.

No. 2412282


No. 2412292

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No. 2412318

I have this friend who doesn’t know how to shut up. I like her and she’s a great friend but she’s one of those people who doesn’t know how to just exist in silence, she always has to be saying something. Last night I was with her and another friend and I was trying to turn out onto a really busy highway. I told her to be quiet so I could focus multiple times, she would be quiet for like 30 seconds and then pipe back up with something random from the backseat. I’m autistic as fuck kek so I was really on the verge of chimping out on her because I can only take so much.

No. 2412329

I've been sharing an apartment with a roommate and my bedroom has really poor insulation. For the last couple weeks the temp outside has been so cold at night that I have to leave my door open to let the air in the rest of the apt warm my room, and on nights where I kept the door shut too long I've had to sleep with a winter coat on. I'm glad my roommate is normal enough that leaving the door open isn't a big deal but I definitely don't want to live like this again once the lease is over

No. 2412331

I know it makes me unlikable and I know it's rude but I can't bring myself to be fake nice with my coworkers anymore. Stop fucking talking to me. I already picked out the three people in this building I actually like.

No. 2412333

Why do some women have zero standards. I met a couple when hanging out with mutual friends.

>the woman is gorgeous, moids ogled at her everywhere we went

>also very nice and intellegent
>her bf looks like a literal goblin
>brags about their sex life, makes weird comments abour her body
>drools at pictures of half naked insta models in a restaurant
>while sitting next to her
>in bar drinks so much she has to carry him home
>she just awkwardly laughs at his antics

Just why.

No. 2412352

Money? If he’s not rich then she might not look good naked since moids care about that

No. 2412356

I need human contact so baaaad why is it so hard??!

No. 2412358

He was doing a phd that sounded useless while she had job that pays well. But maybe there is a rich family or something.

No. 2412364

>since moids care about that
lol since when
every loser Ive met has dealed with their gf's saggy tits,no ass,wont do anal etc just to have one, especially if shes stupid enough to encourage their shit and have sex with them.

No. 2412366

Nah, while goldiggers obviously exist, it's still a lot more likely to meet an ugly broke moid with a gorgeous woman than an ugly rich moid with a gorgeous woman. Straight womens standards are really just that low. The ugly male psyop is real, but it's really the ugly AND useless male psyop.

No. 2412367

unironically it's because most men are really bad. in 2024 women are just doing much better, because not only do they know how to take care of themselves better, be more socially appropriate and loving, they're also increasingly more educated and overall just doing better than their male peers. so they just have to bite the bullet and date down or stay celibate. that's the whole "dating crisis" in a nutshell. women earned the right to work and become financially independent, and men forgot to up their game to make up for their lost advantage.

No. 2412393

not all men
are dead, but they should be.

No. 2412403

I don't love my bf anymore. He doesn’t mean anything to me at this point. I can’t count on him for put the minimum effort, everyday is a wonder about the mood he will wake up. The days he wants to do some things almost feel like a miracle now. And of course his poor excuse of being like this is that “he’s just like that”, well good luck finding someone else who would put it with your shit, I’m done.
I’m just going to stay here to save up and buy my own house and then I’m going to leave and never come back. He already sensed that something is changing with me, I used to tell him everything and now he doesn’t know shit about my day, feelings or thoughts. I don’t care.

No. 2412412

My guess is personality. He may have unsightly quirks or appearance, but makes her laugh. Being funny sometimes is all it takes for some normie women to be interested in a moid. How long it lasts though, that's another story kek

No. 2412416

Can my period just fucking start. I have been having bad cramps and fits of rage for a week now. I just want the bleeding to start so I can get over with it.

No. 2412431

It's so fucking unfair that people in couples have it easier financially than single people. In many european countries the entire society dances around straight families. People often tell me to find a guy so it will be easier for me to pay the bills or get "benefits". It's unfair. A single person should be able to afford the same standard of living as people in couples. I know couples where each person earns the same money as me, so they can combine their money to pay for their rent. But I have the same rent as them, except I can't double my salary. It's just unfair. Rent for single people should be lower by law. I don't want to be with a scrote or have a child just so my life becomes easier. I'm so sick of it. Every single person I know is in a couple and it's so much easier for them, meanwhile I have to struggle. They aren't more qualified than me, better educated than me and they don't earn more money than me per person. It's just the fact they can combine their money in order to pay for the same rent that I have to pay ALONE. Fuuuck how am I supposed to live

No. 2412433

No. 2412451

It’s not really easier unless you actually like your partner. Otherwise the benefits aren’t really worth it

No. 2412453

I said it's financially easier. Which it is. And it's not fair that I have to pay for a roof over my head the same amount of money as 2 people living together

No. 2412456

A single person generally doesn’t need as much space though, doesn’t it even out

No. 2412460

The attractive ones with options definitely care nonnie. Youre thinking of guys who don’t have the opportunity to be picky

No. 2412464

Today in my foreign language class I said that I think people who want to immigrate to Europe are making a mistake and in a few years Europe will become really anti-immigration and look down on all foreigners regardless of their legal status. Then everyone started arguing with me why I think that. I mean I just talked about my opinion why are you interrogating me. Idk I'm already seeing on the news that a good portion of people have turned against immigration and I think it will get even worse in the years to come. And on lolcow too, but I couldn't say I read nonnas posts on lolcow obviously.

No. 2412465

Well if he’s not rich, she is pretty stupid then if she’s that gorgeous and not using it to date a moid that can do more for her. Sorry but some women make their own bed

No. 2412467

I've been so annoyed about it, too. To say to never spend more than 30% of your income on rent sure is easy to say when your combined income after taxes is 4k instead of just 2k lol.

No. 2412470

They have to live with a stinky moid that’s probably addicted to porn and not very attractive so the lowered price reflects that

No. 2412474

I agree with you except that in a lot of states, the elderly retired people and/or SSDI people also utilize food stamps.
I've spoken to people that are like "My food stamps got cut and I need food, where can I go?" and I'll point out different pantries, and it'll usually follow up with comments like:
>I'm celiac diabetic IBSing right now, the only thing that pantry has is bread and cake
>The lady there doesn't like me so I'm not going there
>I'm not giving them all of this paperwork like my insurance card, social security, and income just so I can get food once a month
and sometimes I totally get it, it's kind of bullshit having to jump through hoops to get free food when you're already debasing yourself by going to the pantry - and that's what it feels like, even if you objectively 'deserve' food from the pantry. They scrutinize the shit out of you, and there's no oversight for how rude some of the pantry workers can be. On the other end, pantry workers are usually volunteers, and I'm sure they see the community's manipulative bullshitters every month and get sick and tired of the same old excuses.
Most of the time, the people that I find myself judging the most are the beggars who are choosers. You're telling me you've been starving for 4 days, and when I tell you there's free cans of ravioli at the pantry down the street, you tell me that you think ravioli is disgusting? Okay, have fun starving bro, I have no idea what I can do for you.
happy for your temporary peace, nona
Been there. I've wrapped my panties in toilet paper, paper towels, I've even used a clean sock before (not inside me, as a makeshift pad). Shuffle your way over to the store like nothing's happening. You got this.
same, I honestly started considering ordering lab tests straight from the lab contracting website. You only have to make sure they have a location in your state/providence/area, but you can pay $200 for a full panel and not have to deal with arguing with a nurse practicioner about the very real symptoms you have
Nonnie, I mean this without an ounce of condenscention - every day is a new day. You can trace back your triggers, see if there are alternatives, and move on. If you can't identify the cause or alternatives to the action, that's okay. Move on. You've got this!
Just break up with him, anon. You can't be that bitch forcing people's families apart. Go find a man that matches you.
If you haven't already watched it check out Manufacturing Consent on Youtube.

Every day I wake up and go to my stupid little job and wonder if today will be the day I get laid off or fired. I'm worried that unemployment will only pay for a portion and I won't be able to find a job that pays as well as this one. I'll be serving coffee to people in no time. Ugh…

No. 2412475

Well that person either has to rent a room in a house with a bunch of strange people or pay for a studio which in many cities in my country costs the same as studios rented by couples. So you have a choice between a really low standard of living (a room in a house shared with a bunch of strange people) or paying for a studio, but then you pay the entire rent alone, meanwhile many couples will rent the same studio but pay less per person because they're together. My case is also different because I still live in the small apartment I lived in with my parent. And when my parent died, the apartment became mine. But paying for it alone is totally different than paying for it if I was with a scrote. But I don't want to be with a scrote. So I have a choice between spending most of my income on rent or renting some tiny room in a house with 5 strange men. I think every single person should be able to afford their own place (not a room) without being forced to lower their standards or entering a relationship in order not to spend the majority of their income on rent. I don't think I'm super radical for thinking that every person should have at least one room, a kitchen and a bathroom for themselves. Without it eating the majority of your income.

No. 2412476

I'm scared my friend is gonna troon out soon. He's agreed in the past trans people are bad news and there's no reason to self mutilate but the way he's acting recently gives me terrors.

No. 2412586

i rolled over in bed and lazily scrolled through sm, saw a ragebait ad of girls in a group chat. one of them is showing a pic of her ugly fat bf. they all told her he looks creepy and to dump him because she can do better. they are girl's girls… unlike the ones in the comments who called her friends mean girl cunts and said she should drop them instead of the guy. pickmes want the worst for women

No. 2412611

Honestly I fucking hate generational bullshit and tribal shit flinging it brought. If you mention your 25 people assume you like tiktok and have the tech literacy of a geriatric yet I grew up with a teach savvy brother. I know and understand tech. Don't drag me in with these mentally retarded baboons.

No. 2412617

I have 52 minutes left of work and I got 4 hours of sleep last night. I think I might kill myself before clock out. This shit is killing me. My sould is fragmented I feel this trau.a inflicting DID on me. Who said that……… it must have been my suicidial alter.

No. 2412636

aww poor retardina, we all have those days. Don't listen to the demons!

No. 2412644

I procrastinated too much this week. Now this weekend I have 700 questions to do, an essay, and an exam. Why do I do this to myself

No. 2412662

honestly even without procrastinating this sounds like a huge amount of work you'd have struggled to get done

No. 2412664

I'm tired and horny in this exact order.

No. 2412684

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hoping against hope for a dick pic as today is sauna day, but i bet he won't even think to send one

No. 2412690

Picrel is spooky but maybe it’s because I’m reading horror manga

No. 2412691

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I really need help sleeping… it's not for lack of freetime either. It doesnt look horrible but its really broken up, maybe 4 hours between waking up 2 ot 3 times. I exercise, get sunlight, no caffine. My parents both complain about trouble sleeping so maybe it's genetic but I'm so tired of feeling like shit everyday. I got prescribed ambien before but doesn't help. I don't think it's really even a sleep drug, I'd take it and while it was taking effect it was like I would start to dream while being awake, then in a moment it would be the next morning and I didn't feel rested at all. I think it just induces a dream like state or something, either way it didn't help so I stopped. I think about killing myself frequently and it's 100% from sleep, I would be extremely satisfied if it wasn't like this. It's really miserable. It comes in waves, sometimes I'll sleep well for a week then 2 weeks of feeling terrible everyday.

No. 2412700

>Only be in your bed when you're sleeping. Do not sit in your bed or lie in it if you are not sleeping.
>Turn off all overhead lights 2 hours before your bed time, use lamps or lights below eye-level.
>Switch all electronic devices into "night mode" 3 hours before bed, i.e., don't look at any blue light.
>Stop using all electronic devices 1 hour before bed.
>Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3-4 hours before bed time.

No. 2412715

really? to me it depicts human resignation in the face of self-made though odd circumstances, a very mundane theme. it must be the horror manga making it spooky…

No. 2412729

I really want a bf. Goddam i am so horny. I have insane standards and i only like very specific type of men that are rare to met. fuck my life, i wish male prostitutes were a thing i am tired of being a 25yo virgin.

No. 2412734

it probably does have a genetic component if your parents also struggle with insomnia. i guess the doctor wasn't that useful if you just got prescribed ambien, but it might be worth trying again. in the meantime, have you tried sleeping anywhere other than your bed, like the couch or even a closet or bathtub? that helps me when i go through periods of struggling to sleep, but it's probably a paranoia issue.

No. 2412750

This made me kek

No. 2412751

post pics whore

No. 2412756

It's easy to tell that lc has been invaded by tiktokers and twittards, no matter how much they integrate and some possibly share the majority of lolcow's sentiments they just can't help themselves when it comes to thought policing or clearly not understanding the concept of subjectivity. Especially with how they pretend to take some sort of moral high ground.

No. 2412759

Agreed 100%

No. 2412762

Soo, what was the infight about? Kek

No. 2412766

I'm assuming it's that one autist that thinks she's better than all other women and that she's the only enlightened women on Earth.

No. 2412768

>thought policing or clearly not understanding the concept of subjectivity. Especially with how they pretend to take some sort of moral high ground.
I get you probably don't want to get banned but posting this ambiguously could be about anything

No. 2412771

>Especially with how they pretend to take some sort of moral high ground.
This kek

No. 2412773

DD/LG fags and lolifans I think

No. 2412786

I can’t deal with my period. I can’t deal with being my normal bubbly self and then losing a week plus between the luteal and menstrual phase where I become retarded, fatigued, and emotional. I’m at least medicated now but lately the episodes, albeit less sever, haven’t been as stable as they first were. My psychiatrist doesn’t think I should go up and I agree because the medication actually fucks with me more cognitively. I sometimes debate on going off of it to combat the forgetfulness, but then it would probably be worse. Not to mention my other medication is ineffective due to my hormones during this time. No endo will take me because I am too young, and the gyno only tells me I need to go on birth control but our family has a bad history with it. I see her again soon but I don’t know what will change. I almost got into a car accident today because the fog is that severe! I spent the last three days in bed and couldnt do a goddamn thing! I’m usually keeping busy and exercising. The one day of the three I did exercise, I didn’t even feel much better. Maybe I should have done something today. I can typically deal with the loneliness and the obligation of caring for myself and getting out enough since I work from home, but the last two periods are just terrible. I’m so fatigued yet can’t sleep. I just stare at the wall. I get OCD and try to research and take all of these supplements to no avail. Waiting for more iron ones to come in soon. I’m just over it. I love life and I have worked hard to get to stability but sometimes it isn’t worth it when my brain cannot cope with these moments of retardation and fatigue.

No. 2412792

ayrt, I'm not invested in any infighting and have not taken part in any since I prefer to just dip out whenever I feel like anything on lolcow is demanding any sort of energy from me most of the time kek. It's just something I've seen across all boards not related to cows for quote some time now and it drives me insane and makes me want to scream "FUCKING LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE". that said, before anyone puts words in my mouth, nothing is above criticism. But I am sure what kind of attitudes I'm talking about

No. 2412793

Why is my mom displeased any time I am relaxing or happy. Why does she only see those in a perpetual state of hardship or suffering as worthy of existence. I can’t fathom what possesses someone to observe doing something “non-essential” and it provoking an aggressive response.

No. 2412794

Fuck I meant to reply to >>2412762

No. 2412796

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>that one autist that thinks she's better than all other women and that she's the only enlightened women on Earth
What if I am?

No. 2412804

>moral high ground.
>refuses to give an example

No. 2412807

I see that interpretation and do agree it exudes a sort of resignation to life circumstances that is appropriate. I think it’s the tiny eye holes and wide “mouth” that’s making it spooky for me. It’s reminiscent of that one awful vent threadpic from a few months ago that had to be spoilered.

No. 2412808

NTA but it says a lot that you lash out at any admission that that anon might have a different opinion than you. Nothing in her post suggested pedoshit in the slightest.

No. 2412814

That's being based actually

No. 2412816

Okay. I hate when anons vague post on lc and refuse to give you examples. If you're going to sperg about others having the "moral high ground", when there's a discussion about pedo authors happening in the mundane thread, you're probably going to get called a dd/lg fag. Even if that's the thing you and your friends are complaining about in the first place

No. 2412817

You are enlightened

No. 2412822

It wasn't about that, though I don't really see how it's a discussion though since posters seem to pretty much agree with each other? Though, I think it still is a little policing to tell someone how to feel about a character but that doesn't mean the work itself is above criticism. I'll make sure to make a documented and indexed list of topics and threads for just you and only you next time I get annoyed by lolcow users mentality.

No. 2412823

The thought policing stems from the overactive mods who encourage snitching.

No. 2412826

>how to feel about a character
>a character
so this is all over some random fictional thing that doesn't exist in reality. god this place is so depressing now.

No. 2412827

Stop being so shallow and judgemental, there's more to a person than looks.

No. 2412829

Lemme guess, hybristophile? Butthurt luigifag/lanzafag/vancefag/etc?(bait)

No. 2412830

nta but his personality sounds like shit too, drunken ugly faggot i hope she cheats on him

No. 2412831

That dude is ugly and needs to be killed for being so ugly. He is so ugly anon needs reparations for dating him

No. 2412832

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>there's more to a person than looks.
Yeah like all that awful behavior you completely glossed over in the second half of OP's post

No. 2412837

Shut up ugly(infighting)

No. 2412838

>how to feel about a character
If the character is a little girl in a romantic relationship with an adult man, anons have every reason to call you out. There's a simultaneous discussion going on in the mundane thread so it seems like you're referring to that, since you wouldn't give an example. If you're not and mean anons are moral-fagging bc your husbando wears dresses when he cleans for you, that's a different story

No. 2412840

>anon makes normal post
>twittards and tiktokfags triggered bc theyre directly mentioned, sperg out
>asshurt anons who like to camp /meta/ make it about jannies somehow
>the infight carries on.
>anon's point is proven
Someday things will calm down and our beloved lolcor will rest. Stay strong and see her through, anon. Stay strong.

No. 2412841

Why are gay people always brought into these arguments sigh

No. 2412843

Callouts on my lol cow dot farm…hoo baby!

No. 2412844

It seems more like anon is calling anyone who disrupts her dd/lg fantasy a twittard/tiktokfag since she won't just give an example of what she is talking about. I've never made a vague post about how I hate when strangers moralfag the things I like and I've never had a personal account on tiktok or twitter either. So I find it pretty unrelatable I guess

No. 2412848

Having morals or making fun of some weird shit you like isn't exclusive to twitter/tiktokfags, they didn't invent the concept of that. Unless you mean morals over cartoons and shipping shit

No. 2412852

>every loser Ive met has dealed with their gf's saggy tits,no ass,wont do anal etc just to have one, especially if shes stupid enough to encourage their shit and have sex with them.
what the fuck is this post. this sounds like something written by a teenage moid who should be shot in the face since he apparently thinks porn sex is mandatory. who are you.
this is definitely edited, right? it would only make sense if the guy on top was also saying "I'm only into hung gays under 25 and over 6'2" tall"

No. 2412861

Because faggots also have high standards but aren’t hounded by the moral police like how women constantly are. Men are allowed to have their “no fats, femmes, or asians” rule for their butt pirate antics but the moment women want handsome men who don’t have a crippling porn addiction we’re seen as evil or asking for too much. Women, no matter their sexuality, will always be told to accommodate all men or face consequences in the form of violence

No. 2412863

The comic is retarded as fuck then, why the hell don’t they just state that the gay guy has high standards. That’s such a dumb equivalency

No. 2412868

>by the moral police
>the moment women want handsome men who don’t have a crippling porn addiction
If this is what the vague anon meant by "moral police" then I agree

No. 2412870

Because thats innate to the male sex, even when it comes to dealing with other men. Stop capping for faggots and go defend gay moids somewhere else

No. 2412873

>stop capping for faggots
No the comic is just retarded. I mean the art is fine but it’s worded in the worst possible way. I’m just a gay woman lol i don’t care if you want to date man or not.

No. 2412885

File: 1740261967075.png (613.47 KB, 870x1160, Untitled98_20250222170500.png)

samefag but you fds women need to get your mocking game on. getgud

No. 2412890

most of the time i am fine but sometimes the depression and loneliness unfolds and i wish i had a friend or someone to interact with warmly. i work from home but my mother works, and i only see my boyfriend every couple of months. i know i dont have it hard, and usually i deal by going different places or walking each day, but sometimes i lose the joy in my hobbies and grow tired of being so insular. the two online friends i had i lost because they had boyfriends they were closer to and because (i suspect) we agreed on a couple of things such as childbirth and i guess it upset them. maybe i should get a minimum wage job just for the human interaction. or a new morning routine. something to feel more human lately

No. 2412900

Some anons here have a little bit of faggot derangement syndrome imo

No. 2412902

You're a coping uggo who needs 10 pounds of makeup to look presentable. To actually attractive people the issue of looks is tiresome and contentless.(infighting)

No. 2412909

Low self esteem or a history of abuse. I've met many gorgeous women in my life who have almost BDD levels of low esteem. I also know some really beautiful women who will date ogres who show them basic human decency because they've been mistreated by their fathers and exes. It's been shown that abuse victims develop a mindset that they "deserve" the abuse.

No. 2412917

nta but all of this shitflinging over a drunk scrote who leers at instagram girls? really? who cares if someone calls him ugly

No. 2412920

You're 100% right and you should say it.

No. 2412927

The fact that some women will defend a man when the only information they're given about him is that he's an ugly alcoholic who stares at thirst traps all day. We are ngmi

No. 2412929

File: 1740263330891.jpg (60.87 KB, 600x800, Gj7C47cWkAA2QfJ.jpg)

im the nona who nitpicked the comic (i'm right) and there's this morbidly obese fat scrote at my uni who has a harem of women (he's a whore) and it's incredibly blackpilling. I get called a tranny esque dyke when I point out that women are retarded for dating hunky goblins and that they need to get their picky game up and date non violent scrotes so their children don't end up as retarded as shitlon's. So I've given up

No. 2412937

This is my 1st time getting genuinely sick while living on my own and I miss my mommy so much, I wish she was here to comfort me and make me some food.

No. 2412940

Please tell me anon did not delete the new celebricows thread she made in a fit of pique.

No. 2412942

File: 1740263868928.jpg (8.79 KB, 225x225, images (8).jpg)

I was so mad, I was about to reply with the one nona saying the "transvestigators were right" in response to picrel with "yeah, chappig sure does look like a troon". FUCK MY STUPID LOLCOR LIFE

No. 2412947

I clicked on an anon posting about an allegedly nice dress that was loose-fitting but never found out whose it was

No. 2412953

File: 1740264118287.jpeg (75.77 KB, 772x960, IMG_1826.jpeg)

you will feel right as rain in no time. take good care of yourself and get lots of rest.

No. 2412968

I wouldnt even made the post if it wasnt for his asshole behavior. Did he remind you of your nigel? Kek.

No. 2412990

File: 1740265795871.jpg (116.07 KB, 720x720, la nonita.jpg)

i got a prescription for weight loss drugs because my insulin resistance/suspected pcos makes it impossible to lose weight even on 1000 cal a day. i'm so desperate to lose weight but all those stories of people immediately losing all appetite and barely eating anymore have set up crazy high expectations for me because it's not like that at all for me. it's only been a bit over 24 hours since my first shot but i'm already dreading having to wait an entire month before i can go up a dose.

No. 2412991

Long story short I have an embarrassing crush on a guy that I know will go nowhere. He does not like me, I initiate and carry 80% of conversations, outings, etc. Still, I can't get rid of it and it's making me ANGRYYYY aaaaaa. You'd think I would have it figured out at 26 but no. Man.

No. 2412996

Just don't let him fuck you and it's all good, nona. because even if he hates your guts and thinks you're ugly, he probably will try to take advantage of your feelings for a quickie

No. 2413010

Thanks for looking out for me nonna. But he won't, he is christian and wants to wait util marriage for sex. This crush is so bad I wish could get rid of it immediately. I thought about him farting and saying dumb stuff about my hobby for like 30 minutes straight but it did not help.

No. 2413012

File: 1740266396380.jpg (41.07 KB, 736x734, f993e078ffb65fd7d3eb3f6dff2e09…)

thank you so much nonnie, you're the sweetest

No. 2413034

Don't worry, nona, it does work. I also got put on one for medical reasons related to hormones, not the weight itself.
Staying on the lowest dose for as long as possible is actually ideal because if you keep going up, you eventually reach a ceiling. Then if it stops working, there are no higher doses and you're fucked.
Don't psych yourself out about it and flip out about how you're "still eating" on it, either. You will not see significant changes in the mirror for a long, long time. BUT if you lose weight too fast, your skin will be loose and saggy, and your insurance WON'T cover that surgery. Plus, more stress = eating more, so just try and relax. Trust me, slow and steady wins the race.

No. 2413038

can't find a job, pick up a catering shift, see rapist as the photographer. mental breakdown in front of coworkers. had to leave early, missing out on 4+ hours of 25 dollars an hour and any tips from the end of the night. sit in car for an hour. realize everyone i work with now knows i'm a fucking disgusting used up piece of shit. drive home sobbing, can't have a complete mental breakdown because my little sisters friends are over (and my clothes are in her room because i'm just saying over at my parents how temporarily). stuck in dirty uniform. everyone knows i'm a disgusting rape victim. i'm going to kill myself.

No. 2413044

oh yeah i know i won't see any results for a while (i have to loose 40 kilos and the last time i looked different was 20 kilos ago) but it sucks when my body is still RAVENOUS and i i'm not full faster and for longer while this seems to happen to everyone else immediately. i'm also terrified because i have to pay out of pocket since i'm just fat, not diabetic so i worry about losing so much money on this expensive ass drug that's supposed to change my life. this is literally my last straw because i've tried everything already and i'm so, so tired of being fat.

No. 2413055

Have you tried asking your doctor to write the prescription specifically for medically necessary weight loss instead of diabetes? For example, Zepbound instead of Mounjaro.
She can use your medical history to support it, like PCOS, heavy and irregular periods affecting your quality of life, etc.

No. 2413065

it's useless piece of crap hours

No. 2413080

now I had sex, when I look at porn and the girl is moaning, I can tell those are pain moans and not pleasure moans because I produced the same moans while having sex that feels painful. It's sad because actually most moans sound like pain moans. Also my ex was probably convinced to be a sex god from how loud I was when it was actually mostly pain.

No. 2413086

I fucking hate twitterfags for raising the AOC and banning child marriage(bait)

No. 2413088

it wasn't your fault. things may look different in the morning. could you text your sister and ask her to stick your clean clothes in the bathroom or something?

No. 2413099

File: 1740269755709.png (1.02 MB, 613x688, Screenshot_2.png)

I hate how this fat fuck's pedo fantasies got away with being held as deep serious commentary on the treatment of women and girls in medieval time.I cannot wait for the day his fat ass get outed as a rapist/pedo. The fact he perved on Shae's actress strenghtens my belief he bought her silence and also that of many others before.
May every man who turned against Rowling be outed as a rapist, even if its a fake accusation kek

No. 2413100

You're not disgusting

No. 2413102

I was looking forward to spring since seasonal depression absolutely wrecks me. But it's been stormy this past week and the forecast says it'll most likely stay this way for the next few weeks. Can't have shit.

No. 2413107

Why do fatties think of it as a miracle cure kek and you still have to change your diet, because you’ll eventually stop taking it.
You have to wait and you’ll most likely end up spending tons of money. At least in my country you have to pay for it, even if you are obese, because it’s elective still and it isn’t covered despite the fact that we have free healthcare.

No. 2413108

This is a jumps are. Why are men so damn ugly.

No. 2413110

And I think it will remain like that. It would be too expensive otherwise.

No. 2413111

I hate it when people hold up GoT/ASoIaF as accurate portrayals of medieval life. It's fucking fantasy fiction, and GRRM has gone on record as saying it's not representative of historical record. Unfortunately, most people's exposure to medieval history is through fantasy which is how we get shit stained peasants who aren't smart enough to wash their hands, corsets on corsets on corsets, and women being chained to their homes despite traditionally experiencing a relative amount of financial and personal freedom in pre-industrial societies. (You couldn't have stay at home mothers when you needed every hand in the field, and since life was so labor intensive/labor needed constant replacement due to population fluctuations, women past typical childbearing years were often inducted into certain crafting guilds/other skilled works because it was assumed that they'd live longer/wouldn't be conscripted for Lord Farquaad's invasion of Bumfuckshire.)

No. 2413114

oh chappig-chan. I used to think you were crazy but at this point I just wish I knew more about your psychosexual fixation on her. heart broken by a bisexual at some point? the cardinals are your least favorite team?

No. 2413117

my diet is good (high protein, high fiber, low carb, low sugar) but I have to severely undereat to lose weight. even on 1200 cals I can barely maintain. it's not just me being a fattie expecting a miracle cure, I just want my metabolism to be fucking normal. jfc, piss on the poor ass reading comprehension on this website.

No. 2413119

Developing lean muscle in the meantime will help out.

No. 2413125

I walk 20k steps a day and lift weights three times a week.

No. 2413130

Not your doctor but you might want to transition into more weight lifting if you're specifically worried about metabolism.

No. 2413137

Shut the fuck up.

No. 2413142

Kek I was even weightlifting 6x a week supplemented with short stints of intense cardio. I put on weight as my muscles exploded, but I didn't lose any fat. I feel bad for anachans, they're clearly really unhappy so they spend a lot of time furious at "fatties" because they wish they "didn't care" as much as heavier people seem to (in their eyes).
I don't mind being overweight because I'm pretty fit, but I understand why it upsets you. I know it's basic, but you've checked out your thyroid and done an allergen test, right?

No. 2413155

your rapist is the one who needs to kermit sewerslide, not you. you are not disgusting or used up, don't fall into the trap of thinking like a deranged scrote. i wish i could give you a big hug rn and treat you to your fav meal.(do not self-censor on lolcow)

No. 2413157

i hate feeling paranoid whenever i make a female friend online that they could be a tranny. im so freaked out and scared of being friends with a tranny ever again. everytime i was friends with one they nagged/exploited me for art (no payment) and one of them was an actual pedophile who paid me like 15$ to draw his fugly demon dickgirl oc naked when he knew i was 16. that guy got exposed for grooming teenage boys to send him nudes btw. fucking nasty degenerates

No. 2413158

Really wish I didn't have to be scared about dumping the scrote I'm currently seeing

No. 2413165

I may have gingivitis. Fuck my life

No. 2413168

Good news is that it's reversible through taking better care of your gums

No. 2413169

Do a saline rinse/brush and floss. It's not an immediate fix but give it time and see if it helps

No. 2413170

I had a seizure yesterday and it makes me feel so dumb.

No. 2413175

That's so awful. Why would it make you feel dumb afterwards?

No. 2413176

Go to the doctor ASAP

No. 2413232

It’s just embarrassing, super embarrassing, cause my seizures are induced by emotional distress; not brain misfirings. I’m just weak emotionally I guess kek
This isn’t my first seizure nona, my doctors confirmed that I don’t suffer from epilepsy

No. 2413236

I hope you're on some kind of medication for your seizures. It's pretty serious.

No. 2413259

I need to get the fuck off the conspiracy thread. I'm really gullible and prone to persuasion and it makes me start crying if I read too much

No. 2413307

File: 1740278197043.jpg (4.69 KB, 214x235, 1000023026.jpg)

>agree that cats should be kept indoors in dogfag thread
>get called a boymom, Nigelfag, and retard for it
Something is really wrong with lc userbase lately.

No. 2413313

immediately going for cat owners instead of blaming the shitbeasts and their enablers that invaded private property to maul in a dog hate thread is not gonna go well you fucking turd

No. 2413315

>”I’m the normal one not these weirdos!”
You’re probably way too old to play those games. Cats should be allowed to go outside without some shitbull running towards them to tear them to pieces, what the fuck is wrong with your brain retard?

No. 2413318

Order of importance (worth living to not worth living:
Cats >>>>> shitbulls >>>>>>> this retard >>2413307

No. 2413320

No one "went at" cat owners. It is the correct recommendation held by numerous vets and owners alike that cats should be indoors. I agree that the dogfag was wrong for harboring loose and dangerous animals (had you asked me) and even told you both are true at once. People need more control over their animals period.

Nonetheless, your response was unhinged BPD tier shit and you should stop.

No. 2413322

everyone knows it's the correct recommendation. do you also tell people to not ingest lead and microplastics when someone announces they have cancer?

No. 2413324

Silly of you to be so bothered by it then. Well anyways, now that it's been all cleared up, you can stop now.

No. 2413325

Clearly not everyone agrees. You would see that if you took the time to read the chain of replies, including >>2413315 , instead of huffing your own farts.

No. 2413326

File: 1740278847654.jpeg (160.96 KB, 736x922, IMG_3787.jpeg)

>it was unhinged BPD shit
>it’s recommended by vets
>trust the science guys!!

No. 2413328

Uh oh anon, scrotefoiling is a sewious fucky wucky around here. Better delete quick!
Not a scrote, obviously. I'm just over the age of 25.

No. 2413334

File: 1740279254567.gif (423.17 KB, 220x124, IMG_3806.gif)

Cats aren’t allowed to go outside but shitbulls can, because um.. ummmmm… ummmmmmmm
>anon fluoride stares at the computer for 5 seconds with a million lolcow tabs open
>her total screentime on her browser has been 11 hours
>big muffin butt wedged into her chair with her inhaler right next to her
>she twiddles her large-frame glasses and heavily typed on her computer with each sausage finger heavily pushing over certain keys while she asthmatically coughs
>as she coughs her gunt jiggles along with the two strands of dyed and fried hair sitting on her rotund forehead
>she swoops it back into her unkempt greasy bun her nigel likes because it reminds him of his hoyoslop waifu
>how do i defeat the other retards in this thread? what is the answer?
>thought input
Trust the science guys?(bait spree)

No. 2413335

if this is you >>>/ot/2413191 >>>/ot/2413241 then fwiw, all responsible pet owners agree with you and I feel like people do their best to spread awareness to the ones who don't know this and the absolutely insane people lashing out over it are just mad that you interrupted their dog hate rampage. which is weird but I suppose that's why it's a containment thread

No. 2413336

all of this over anon saying you should keep your cats inside. mental illness

No. 2413337

>Cats aren’t allowed to go outside but shitbulls can
Who said this?
I hate pitbulls too.
It's like yall make up boogeymen arguments to swing at. Are you okay?

No. 2413339

cats are supposed to be kept inside though…

No. 2413341

ntayrt but wtf do pitbulls have to do with the discussion we’ve been having? stop being so retarded

No. 2413342

No. 2413345

No. 2413346

nta integrate, dumbass

No. 2413350

>calls me a dumbass but allows the newfaggot to say “y’all” like this is twitter
Kekkk, go back to Tumblr fatty

No. 2413351

go to the fucking cat hate thread instead of invading dog thread where people are complaining about shitbulls mauling cats. you fucking retard. read the room you autistic loser.

No. 2413352

>doesn’t know what the main convo was
Lurk moar

No. 2413353

Calm down, it's not that deep.

No. 2413356

It’s so autistic too, it’s like in an autist mind’s everything has to be so rote and black-and-white, they can’t imagine that someone would want to bring their cat (an animal btw) outside to explore because their brains see it as “rule-breaking” with their extreme sense of justice. I don’t believe in the indoor cat psyop while dogs get to shit up the public streets and grass, it’s somehow the cats fault that some shitbull decided to make it it’s next meal for the day, this shit is so depressing

No. 2413360

Omg can yall like stop fighting for 5 mins? The energy and vibes are all off in here, lets bring it back to 140

No. 2413362

what the hell is wrong with you? i don’t hate cats, i love my cats, which is why i keep them inside.
>they view it as rule breaking
uh, no. actually. i just keep my cat inside because i want her to be warm and safe
i’ve been here since the conversation started…nobody brought up pitbulls until you did here >>2413318
and it’s not even what the original conversation was about, you’re just goalpost shifting to have a reason to complain

No. 2413363

>It’s so autistic too, it’s like in an autist mind’s everything has to be so rote and black-and-white..their brains see it as “rule-breaking” with their extreme sense of justice.
So like this tantrum being thrown because the "rule" of not being allowed to say a cat fact cannot be brought up admist dog hate, even when that person also hates pitbulls too? Are you sure you're not the 'tisty one here?

No. 2413365

do you need some like herbal tea or something?

No. 2413367

you're the autistic one for repeating incessantly people should keep their cats indoors when the thread and subject discussed are the dog perpetrators. you sound like those psychos who ask what she was wearing when a woman gets raped.

No. 2413368

>compares keeping your cat indoors to rape
yeah i think your time is up now

No. 2413370

There it is again. Now I'm a misogynist rape apologist too. You're on a roll, go for gold and make something else up. Might as well.

No. 2413372

You keep them inside because for some reason, people think cats are to be removed entirely from nature (where they mostly belong) and turn them into dingy emotional support animals. I think it’s fine to take your cat outside if you pay close attention to them, I think you underestimate how fast a shitbull comes running into someone’s yard and starts immediately attacking.

No. 2413373

cats being kept indoors isn’t even unpopular? whats unpopular is letting your cat skulk around outdoors at night

No. 2413375

>big muffin butt

No. 2413376

impyling it's the cat owners' and cat's fault by saying cats should be kept indoors at all times when the subject was about shitbeasts invading private property to maul is very victim blame-y.

No. 2413377

Man why did you have to bring the argument here and break thread containment? Now the sperges are all over the shop.

No. 2413378

>You keep them inside because for some reason, people think cats are to be removed entirely from nature
This is the same argument dogfags use. You've become the baddies, anon.

No. 2413380

>this cat should be left inside in a suffocating, dark place so the shitbulls don’t get them! it’s the cat’s fault
Dogs get to roam the streets, crazies get to roam the streets, poop and squalor get to be all over the streets but god forbid some cat wants to go outside then suddenly it’s the cat owner’s fault for someone owning a living weapon of destruction inside a neighborhood. Autists are going to lead us into 1984

No. 2413381

Actually I am sorry about that. But aside from the BPD catfags, I have generally noticed a shift in userbase lately and wondered if anyone else had too. It's been weird around here.

No. 2413382

>people think cats are to be removed entirely from nature (where they mostly belong)
no, actually i said in my post that i keep my cats indoors because i want them to be warm and safe
ntayrt but cats are literally supposed to be kept indoors, you’re freaking out and getting angry because you know thats the truth

No. 2413383

she didn't even say the cats should be outside unattended, pretending dogs and cats aren't domesticated previously wild animals is dumb.

No. 2413384

what part of
>dogs invading private property to maul
you didn't get?

No. 2413387

when did anyone say that cats should be suffocated or left in dark closets?? what the fuck are you even talking about? also dogs actually don’t get to “roam the streets”, they’re walked by their owner on a leash during the day. thats significantly different from letting your cat outside at night by herself
so, you expect me to believe that a pitbull walked in through your locked front door just to maul your cat?

No. 2413388

it's victim blaming mentality. if you got attacked it's your fault for existing outside, the puppers should get to enjoy indoors and bite anyone and fuck anybody else. well fine then don't mind if I conceal carry and pop the head off of every dog that runs towards my direction. the dog's fault for existing near me.

No. 2413389

There is nothing wrong with saying had the cat been indoors in the first place the situation could have been avoided. If not a dog it might have been something else. My childhood cat was eaten by a coyote when I was a kid.

No one blames the cat for the predicament, we're blaming owners.

No. 2413390

Yeah, nonnies seem a lot more willing to jump down each other's throats for the dumbest shit lately. I assume more of us than usual are having unpleasant home/school/work/country lives currently.

No. 2413391

>complaining about shitbulls mauling cats.
this is exactly why cats should be left in the house… not to mention disease exposure, risk of getting hit by car, etc… I had a cat who lived to be only 10 because she had an untreatable disease she got as a stray kitten from another cat and it only manifested later in life, if she was kept in a clean home her whole life she couldve lived several more years

No. 2413393

pitbulls do jump through fences to attack people in their private properties, it's a common occurence. you're an ignorant dogfag but sasuga I guess.

No. 2413395

how in the world is saying a cat should be inside the same as blaming someone for being attacked? this conversation is just nonsensical

No. 2413396

Domesticated animals are still connected to nature which is why they have hunting instincts and many other characteristics that’ve allowed their original predecessors to exist in the wild. I think it’s entirely unfair to say a cat can’t be outside because humans thought it would be funny to play god and create a species that’s entirely dependent on lobotomized people who feel the need to own things. These people can’t own slaves in the modern day so now it’s time to own slaves who shit in boxes and shit outside and they’ll die because animals don’t reach a certain level of consciousness so they’ll never understand what’s going on kek, so now we’re having this argument about a cat getting shredded by a shitbull because humans are innately obsessed with owning living things

No. 2413397

>you’re an ignorant dogfag
why do you feel the need to be so aggressive? you’re worse than a pitbull

No. 2413398

i dont like dogs but a lot of the dog hate anons come off as incredibly unstable. calm down

No. 2413399

This is how the website has always been, it’s always been arguing about random shit and hilarity ensues. Have you zoomers ever watched Seinfield? Jfc

No. 2413400

just go read r/banpitbulls

No. 2413401

cause most of them are seriously mentally ill

No. 2413402

nah i don’t feel like wasting my time redditfagging, also i feel like if you had the decency to protect your cat you’d just keep her inside

No. 2413403

oh yeah of course nonny… dog haters are all mentally ill and horrible people, right?

No. 2413404

idk there's a difference between kvetching about shit for keks and slinging a few playful retards here and there and some of the mento illness we're witnessing itt right now

No. 2413405

I keep my cat inside. doesn't mean a fucking shitbull wouldn't break in my balcony to maul my cat while he sunbathes in my fucking private property. you dumbass

No. 2413406

true and if you disagree with anything they say they immediately accuse you of being a shitbull owner or whatever the fuck

No. 2413408

Let’s pretend there weren’t dogs that will kill cats outside. Theres still cars, humans, and wild animals that will kill your cat. Not to mention the diseases, parasites, bacteria, fungus, and environmental dangers that can happen to your cat. Like fleas, ticks that will give Lyme disease, heartworm, roundworm, tapeworm, lice, mites, cyptococcus a fungus that can go into their brain and kill them, fly larva that burry themselves into your cats face and creates a giant hole as they grow up, getting fought by other cats and given FIV or FELV, eating rat poison, blastomycosis a fungus that goes into your cats lungs and can be given to humans, hookworm, panleukopenia, giardia, cat bite abscesses, and way more. Why even risk it? You are not only risking your cats life, but your own if they pass something dangerous to you. I also dont give a shit about dogs especially shitbulls, so dont think I’m defending them

No. 2413410

File: 1740281251932.jpg (75.07 KB, 500x500, bc5d0e29293e0c411a33d16ffc5715…)

Speaking of pitbulls the other day there was someone's pitbull on a porch barking at me as I took a walk, it didn't scare me but I thought "damn this reminds me of lolcow".

No. 2413411

Ntayrt but that is also bad and had the conversation been solely about that then of course it would have been stupid to bring up putting cats indoors. But no, instead the conversation was about a cat owner's "right" to let their cat free roam outdoors and not consider the consequences. What if the cat had been attacked by a fox? Would you hate foxes too?

No. 2413412

primarly the conversation was about DOGS in the DOG hate thread. it was one retarded who brought up cats. if it was a child being mauled instead I guess you could say just keep your child inside at all times. see how retarded that sounds?

No. 2413413

when did i call you a horrible person? i called you mentally ill cause you’re significantly overreacting to this topic of conversation
oh, ok! so you think a pitbull is going to fly into the air, get onto your balcony, and fuck with your cat? that sounds more like a fantasy

No. 2413414

NTA but literally no one ever said that, and cats are different from human beings just a fyi

No. 2413415

sure, keeping thinking it's a fantasy until you move to somewhere with a shitbull and you can't even walk outside anymore. thankfully I don't live in the city anymore and don't see these hideous beasts but retards adopt them everywhere.

No. 2413419

the vent thread has been this bad for the last two years, not that recent tbh. especially on the weekends because that's usually when mods take their perma-naps. this isn't even the worst fight here

No. 2413420

i do live in a place where a lot of people have pet pitbulls, why would that make me unable to go outside? they keep them on leashes, and i keep my door locked so a pitbull won’t walk in through it kek

No. 2413421

>Would you hate foxes to
holy goalpost mover. foxes are native and actually I've seen some around my property and unlike shitbulls they don't have bloodthirst and would probably kill chickens for food.

No. 2413422

all it takes is one retard to keep their beast off leash on your direction. godspeed, nonna.

No. 2413423

I’m chilling, it’s the morons projecting and constantly needing everybody who’s saying an opinion to be “insane” and “crazy” which is so retarded and tells me that internet convos just aren’t what they used to be, because now if someone types something up they’re now mentally ill. Coincidentally this is always accused on a female-centered website but men get to say the craziest shit and nobody bats an eye, because of course it’s other dumb bitches trying to play hall monitor on other women.

No. 2413424

i say that i keep my cat indoors (like most people) and now you’re wishing getting attacked by a pitbull upon me? have you considered looking for a therapist?

No. 2413427

Foxes are sometimes rabid and can attack people and livestock. The reason why we don't hear about it more is because they are nocturnal and prefer to keep away from people. It doesn't mean they aren't snacking on small domestic pets when they see an opportunity.

No. 2413428


No. 2413429

This is something like the third time the dog (or cat or whatever animal) hate thread posters have broken containment in a single week, and it's over some stupid shit again. What the fuck is going on? Are we getting invaded by Reddit?

No. 2413430

File: 1740281805746.jpg (52.82 KB, 680x661, retard.jpg)

these people are used to milquetoast discourses on twitter where people can never get angry about subjects they're passionate about otherwise someone might get offended. if you dont like the mentally ill vibes of this website maybe go back to where people are sane like you.

No. 2413431

File: 1740281835497.jpg (36.62 KB, 321x357, 1000023029.jpg)

So if I'm a henfag am I allowed to go off on you about your indifference towards the plight of my chickens because horrible foxes break into their coops and kill em? Oh and my chickens need to be kept outdoors.

No. 2413432

based off this response, >>2413400
i think so

No. 2413433

how did you get I am WISHING it? are you a sociopath or projecting? I am literally informing someone ignorant about shitbulls they should be aware around them.

No. 2413435

difference is that foxes are native fauna and a genetic reject mentally ill dog called luna or diesel with a mouth that operates like a hydraulic press and has 10 times the prey drive of a fox isn't.

No. 2413436

>ignorant about shitbulls
no, actually i’m not ignorant about pitbulls kek, i’ve just never been attacked by one in the lifetime i’ve spent around them. do you think that means i’m ignorant?

No. 2413437

File: 1740282014259.jpeg (113.84 KB, 736x726, IMG_3808.jpeg)

>scraggly just like anon
>stinks like caca
>constantly meowing for food like it’s a dog
>always on top of the counters because they want to be outside climbing trees and buildings
>claws through the furniture because they want to hunt (idk because i’m retarded and don’t own pets)
>so fugly
>absolutely no swag whatsoever
>humping and grinding everything when in heat like a husbandofag in the wild
Outside cat
>absolutely graceful
>nature spirits
>puts anon’s scraggly untermensch cat to shame
>jannies hate them so much as well they’ll try to ban and redtext them off the grass

No. 2413438

I'm not even that mad jannies are absent on the weekends. Wouldn't you want the weekend off if you had to moderate this shithole AND work a 9-to-5?

No. 2413440

are you done yet

No. 2413441

>could it be possible other users don't appreciate my smearing of feces all over the website in an attempt to be quirky?
>no, they're twitterfags

No. 2413442

means you're a retarded apologist and should kill yourself. I will gladly eat my a-log ban if I get to tell a shitbull apologist to kill herself.(alogging)

No. 2413443

nope, if i had the ability to moderate lolcow i’d never sleep

No. 2413444

A domestic cat is not native fauna and does not belong outside. Thank you for the indirect agreement.

No. 2413445

>retarded apologist
apologizing for what? i don’t have any pet ptibulls? how is me stating the fact a pitbull has never attacked me being a “pitbull apologist”? i’m really exhausted of these redditfags trying to turn every discussion into an argument

No. 2413447

Ntayrt but you seem like the type to use a vpn anyway.

No. 2413449

>implying they work

No. 2413450

I dont think cats belong outside either. there are more than one catfag itt.

No. 2413451

I'm not using a vpn
so you don't give a shit about dogs roaming around and mauling children to death (go to dogsbite.com if you hate reddit then) as long as YOU don't get bit? you're self centered but expected from a dog person.

No. 2413452

File: 1740282444623.jpeg (54.97 KB, 736x552, IMG_3809.jpeg)

There’s already a bootlicking snitch in /meta/ lmao. They must be upset that they can’t post their attention whore sob story and get replies from it because this infight is cockblocking them, that’s gotta be brutal

No. 2413453

damn i hate people like you
>newfaggots say yall
shut up you stupid no-fun-having bucktoothed flat faced no assed dog loving ass bitch, you stupid bitches love to act like anyone actually gives a SHIT about who's an old head on a chinese basket weaving forum, unless y'all gets banned or redtexted as a southern slur for your retarded ass, shut the fuck up about this schizophrenic I CAN TELL, YOU'RE A NEWFAG BECAUSE YOU SAY THINGS THAT OTHER PEOPLE DONT. We have people tearing each other apart for saying KEK too much, just shut the fuck up y ou stupid ass party city loving two toned craggly footed dry skin having stinky breath long nose hair and a chin hair having bitch(infighting)

No. 2413454

my bad, dogsbite.org, of course dogsbite.com would redirect to a website that doesn't believe in genetics or breed behavior kek

No. 2413456

there is the get off your chest thread, idk why they're whining about. I am literally venting about how much I hate shitbulls and shitbull apologists.

No. 2413457

>I'm not using a vpn
Pardon, different device networks then.

No. 2413458

>knows that im a cat owner
>still accussing me of being a dog owner
no, you’re not venting actually, you’re infighting. way to continue revealing yourself as a newfag keek

No. 2413459

you replying to infighting is basically infighting as well you fucking retard kek

No. 2413460

>shut up you stupid no-fun-having bucktoothed flat faced no assed dog loving ass bitch, you stupid bitches love to act like anyone actually gives a SHIT about who's an old head on a chinese basket weaving forum, unless y'all gets banned or redtexted as a southern slur for your retarded ass, shut the fuck up about this schizophrenic I CAN TELL, YOU'RE A NEWFAG BECAUSE YOU SAY THINGS THAT OTHER PEOPLE DONT. We have people tearing each other apart for saying KEK too much, just shut the fuck up y ou stupid ass party city loving two toned craggly footed dry skin having stinky breath long nose hair and a chin hair having bitch
I’m glad you had enough time to post that before your parents come to check up on you and see if you’re asleep for school tomorrow kek(infighting)

No. 2413462

Why did you post this ugly misogynistic faggot freak with a gendered slur?

No. 2413463

>humping and grinding everything when in heat like a husbandofag in the wild
people neuter their cats, anon

No. 2413464

ragebait which you're clearly falling for. I think everyone itt would benefit from therapy and meds myself included.

No. 2413465

me telling you to stop freaking out and that you’re overreacting isn’t really the same as what you’re doing, which is telling anons to kill themselves for saying cats should be kept indoors
you seriously need to get on some medication

No. 2413466

So it's okay because it's ironic?

No. 2413467

I'm telling someone who is a pitbull apologist to kill herself. that's all. if you that doesn't apply to you then move along.

No. 2413468

File: 1740282825494.gif (90.32 KB, 200x171, 00482456.gif)

No. 2413469

I’ve seen neutered female cats still go into heat

No. 2413470


No. 2413472

i’m responding to you because i’m the anon you told to kill herself, for literally no reason. also, when did i ever apologize for pitbulls? how is me stating the very true fact that a pitbull has never hurt me falling under the same as being apologizing

No. 2413473

every time I infight I know there is a heap of miscommunication but some of you literally refuse to read word per word and assume bullshit in your puny heads.

No. 2413475

it's being dismissive. going on a dog hate thread and saying keep your cats inside if you dont want them mauled when someone was talking about these beasts invading private property to do so is retarded and clueless if not just plain ragebait. go on the cat hate thread to say how those mauled cat owners are at fault when they get mauled then. clearly both animals should be contained and observed at all times but it was DOG HATE thread not all animal hate thread.

No. 2413480

File: 1740283244836.webp (42.78 KB, 1290x469, 1000023030.webp)

Because picrel is what was posted in the dog hate thread so of course anons were going to reply with their takes on it. You act like it got brought up out of nowhere.

No. 2413481

you sound exactly like the bitch in that screenshot if you keep saying cats shouldn't be outside instead of focusing on the perpetrator: the dog. in a DOG HATE thread.

No. 2413482

NTA, but who cares? It's the dog hate thread. I don't throw myself into the digital detox thread to sperg out because I know it's not for or about me.

No. 2413484

some nonnas act like their own sperg out of topic is fine. like their shit don't stink.

No. 2413485

also inb4 "you're also sperging off topic" bitch you brought this here yourself. cope.(infighting)

No. 2413486

Two things can be true at once, as I have stated numerous times, and I hate pitbulls too which is why I was there.
You overreacted, it's okay, but stop.
I was there because I hate pitbulls.

No. 2413489

you know what is overreacting? when people bitch at you because you posted retarded shit and you come at the vent thread to cry about it. usually vent thread is used for actual problems not you being owned by people online. jesus christ pick a struggle kek

No. 2413491

No. 2413494

You didn't have to respond. Ignore me if the "retardation" is so obvious because everyone is just quietly agreeing with you.
But you're here because you know I have a point and you're being unhinged.
I hate pitbulls.
Cats need to be indoors.

No. 2413499

File: 1740283867111.jpg (248.98 KB, 1080x1920, 109e315df3948c4c655a842719f818…)

No. 2413501

>you're replying because I have a point
what point? I already agreed cats belong inside. I just think you're a sensitive attention whore or potentially a very good ragebaiter.

No. 2413502

If you're upset maybe it's because you're just upset. Go have some tea with a nice warm blankey and an indoor cat on your lap.

No. 2413504


No. 2413505

Ew why do they breed cats with such short legs? What’s the literal point?

No. 2413506

I'm upset because my social battery is drained from this week and then I check my favorite hate thread after a hang out and see someone posting retarded shit I didn't want to read. fuck you.

No. 2413511

>goes to the bathroom
>comes back and theres like 30 posts
can you guys take this bag to the dog thread please

No. 2413512

File: 1740284160585.jpg (161.88 KB, 1071x995, 2532976317.jpg)

No. 2413514

File: 1740284193421.gif (3.11 MB, 498x318, 1_9Lh4c5JgqKRV2rDO9GGRcA.gif)

Oh shit nonna you were right, check it out >>2413506
>I'm upset because my social battery is drained from this week

No. 2413515

if your social battery is drained then don’t come on lolcow to start insulting anons and being all sensitive about saying cats should be indoors

No. 2413516

indoor cats are always sweeter and much less feisty too

No. 2413517

it's almost like everyone's life is fucked to some degree here. if you think you have a great life but still waste time here it's worse than you think it is and you're completely delusional.

No. 2413518

if you want to post off topic retarded opinions then go to tiktok or twitter where people run their mouths like it's a cesspool.

No. 2413519

You're right, I'm here cause I am being antisocial and didn't wanna go to game night with my friends cause they wanna play a card game I don't enjoy so I went mall shopping alone and now I'm home cause I don't have any other friend group to ask to hang out that I know like that. Guess I'm just trying to distract myself too.

No. 2413520

Can you go to sleep

No. 2413521

File: 1740284503442.jpg (80.57 KB, 1080x1080, Mean-looking-cat-Viral-Cats-08…)

Indoor cats usually look very angry and confused

No. 2413523

Only if you tuck me in.

No. 2413524

We don’t care

No. 2413529

File: 1740284654180.gif (105.6 KB, 220x220, 1000023031.gif)

>t. the outdoor cat

No. 2413530

File: 1740284692204.gif (1.4 MB, 220x391, 2947008291.gif)

>indoor cat receives his weekly vitamin d

No. 2413531

File: 1740284695235.png (183.92 KB, 400x400, IMG_3507.png)

Anon is so refined
>picrel is literally you

No. 2413534

if I had an animal that looked like this crusty fucker I think it would be hard to not abuse it.

No. 2413535


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2413536

you have no way of knowing thats an indoor cat nona lmfao, that’s just an english shorthair
keeping your cat indoor and cuddling with her isn’t really retard shit

No. 2413538

the cat looks angry because it's english not because it's indoors kek

No. 2413540

well yeah all cats need vitamin D nona, cats can’t make vitamin D from sunshine the way humans can

No. 2413541

yep, thats what i said

No. 2413542

File: 1740284893507.jpeg (99.31 KB, 1000x1000, cbd868a4-5e4d-4ffd-a8a9-a881c6…)

I want to put chapstick on his whole face and eyeballs too

No. 2413543

my cat would disagree, he will sit at the sunny spot and bake on it for hours. his black fur turns brownish every spring.

No. 2413544

Im so tired of rando men on Instagram telling me im ugly. Like damn. Maybe i’ll just stop eating idk. Fml. I wish i could do plastic surgery lol

No. 2413546

File: 1740284993027.webp (8.52 KB, 300x263, cassandra-moisturize-me1-300x2…)

his face would just absorb all the moisture immediately. he has done so much work he looks like pic related. watching peaky blinders was a chore because of his crusty ass face.

No. 2413547

yes, because the sun is warm kek, and your hair color doesn’t change under the sun from vitamin d?

No. 2413549

just block them. or private your instagram. men arent worth shit, their opinions are irrelevant and their brains are full of cum and shit.

No. 2413550

a woman i work with was basically lovebombing me in a mostly platonic way and i loved it, it was sweet and im a bit socially inept so it meant a lot. i was hoping to become friends outside of work. i guess recently i might have said or done something wrong because now she really does not seem to want to acknowledge me at all. i cant think of anything specific i did wrong, i dont think anything happened in her personal life to put her in a sad/lonely mood or anything. i suppose this is the nature of lovebombing i guess, idgaf when dudes do it in a romantic way but it hurts really bad this time around. im actually ashamed at how upset i am about this. like i bored or disappointed her, i let her down, and it is time to lovebomb someone else now. i feel like a dumbass.

No. 2413551

File: 1740285072061.jpg (53.89 KB, 834x1024, 8ff942733c952a9a9ab753e3a3c3af…)

Like picrel?

No. 2413552

your hair color definitely can change on the sun. it's normal to get your hair lighter in the summer due sun exposure. not really good for your hair but it is a way to lighten it.

No. 2413553

yes that's exactly like him half of the year. I wondered if something bad causes it but his vet said it's fine.

No. 2413555

File: 1740285215071.jpg (Spoiler Image,153.29 KB, 626x417, stone-texture-with-holes_23-21…)

I get that impression too, like the dryness would be unquenchable

No. 2413556

it’s becoming clear that you’re not reading my posts in their entirety, i said that your hair doesn’t turn lighter under the sun from vitamin D , i know your hair still gets lighter, but its not because of vitamin D it’s from the light

No. 2413558

File: 1740285263692.png (208.79 KB, 1162x554, are you done now.png)

hope you’re feeding your cat vitamin D because cats aren’t humans

No. 2413559

sorry nonna it's really late here and I'm retarded

No. 2413560

No. 2413562

I thought a good cat food already came with all their needed nutrients? I also feed him poultry soup daily to keep his hydration high.

No. 2413563

the picture says that most commercial catfoods contain vitamin D supplements

No. 2413564

File: 1740285436556.jpg (1.98 MB, 3872x2592, dsc_0029.jpg)

My childhood cat lived for over 20 years (can't remember how old he was when we got him) and he got to be an indoor/outdoor cat before this became a really big deal. He would lay in the sun for hours and passed away peacefully of old age. I definitely think it's good for them, even if ~the science~ hasn't explained why kek

Anon is not Catherine Sherman and please respect this woman's privacy anons, she has a cute cat that shows up on search

No. 2413565

I don't know what is the necessity of telling someone to feed their cat vitamin D then. what do you think I give my cat, burgers and fries? he wishes

No. 2413567

i don’t understand what you’re freaking out about…

No. 2413568

>you sure should feed your cat vitamin D nonna!
>posts image saying commercial cat foods have vitamin D in it
don't you see the irony kek

No. 2413570

no, i don’t see the irony actually, to adding some references to back up my claim?

No. 2413572

I just think it's funny and redundant, almost preachy in a way

No. 2413573

well thats a healthy thing to preach, so…

No. 2413575

File: 1740286223397.jpg (10.13 KB, 282x179, 8765432345678.jpg)

No. 2413578

File: 1740286521947.jpeg (58.72 KB, 567x677, E_HlCWEAccTN.jpeg)

I've noticed I get very irked by people saying things that are redundant to me. but it might not be for others. for all this cat indoor spergout and this I thank you nonna for showing me a flaw about myself I can attempt to correct. don't expect me to not sperg again though, I'm still mentally ill in a world that enrages me. now I will go play pokemon on bed until I pass out. godspeed nonnas

No. 2413588

your sperging like this would’ve been banned within a matter of minutes back in 2018…

No. 2413604

File: 1740287555777.gif (123.56 KB, 220x155, душевнобольной-russian_despair…)

>me getting integration bans bitd by jannies sensing even the slightest hint of newfaggotry

No. 2413611

Literally don't post anything on Instagram, it's that easy. I just use Instagram to send memes to friends and find shit I want to buy, I don't get why anyone is still using that app to post their daily selfies, lol so random pictures and vacation pictures if they're not influencers that are getting literally paid to post pictures.
Seriously, posting on "social" media apps nowadays is like going to a store selling high end PCs and wondering why no one wants to buy your abacus.

No. 2413614

believe or not (I don't have a way to prove it anyway) I was a mod back in 2018 and banned people for the slighest thing because I'm a sperg and enjoyed the power trip.

No. 2413616

Why were you let go

No. 2413618

I quit because I got a job and was studying at the same time.

No. 2413620

kek, you shouldn’t have given it up! we need more mods who actually give a fuck about post quality on this site!

No. 2413625

Lmao I knew it! I hated you but I forgive you. Why did you quit?

No. 2413627

maybe if it's for the best I'm not a mod anymore. I would've banned the cat indoor retard for off topic simply because it pissed me off and she wouldn't have to whine itt because she wouldn't have shit thrown at her. sometimes order is a curse.

No. 2413628

File: 1740288833608.png (1.1 MB, 807x1395, lc_2025.png)

You don't prefer the post quality of today nona?

No. 2413631

kek, what can i say! i miss the cow heyday

No. 2413643

>male relative doesn't give a shit about me or immediate family, only calls us when he wants something
>family business goes completely broke few years back, hear nothing from him during this time
>get into a seemingly lucrative profession
>all of a sudden wants to talk to me, constantly asks about me, wants to meet up with me, won't take a hint and called me the other day

The audacity

No. 2413699

i keep fantasizing about killing myself and being reborn in a life where i have a chance to be happy

No. 2413701

If the rest of the internet wasn’t so boring I would have left lolcow behind me and never go back. I’m so done with the userbase’s addiction to infighting that they can’t help jumping at other users throats even if they make the most mundane or even sweeping statement ever. The only thing keeping me around are the few chill anons and the fact that I can rant about trannies completely unfiltered without worrying about having my life ruined.

No. 2413705

What is there to lose by calling him a worthless parasitic loser?

No. 2413707

I hope you don't kill yourself, anon. What's holding you back right now? Is it the country you live in, or your parents?

No. 2413733

i had to put my family dog of 17 years to sleep yesterday and i feel like im trapped in a nightmare. i woke up four times in the night and he was the first thing i thought of. i had him since i was a child. it was so sudden too. literally he just took a turn overnight and then we had to make the decision that morning. my heart is so fucking broken. i miss him so so so much. i’m going to pick up his ashes today and i almost don’t even want them because i can’t bear to think about him being in there but my dad couldn’t bear to bury him. i’m just so horrendously sad. and it’s even worse for my parents too. this is the first time i’ve ever seen my dad so upset. i just miss him so much already it’s unbearable. there’s just an ache in my chest and a pit in my stomach i’ve never experienced something like this. i’m just so so so sad. i just want to take him for another walk and watch him sleep on my lap and feel his little chest rise and fall. words really can’t even describe how this has been

No. 2413757

well thank you for the kind reply
whats preventing me is my mental illness really, im autistic and i grew up very undersocialized in a small town (still here) pretty much everybody here is old and it gives me a shitty feeling of never being understood and feeling isolated. i dont know how i would ever leave with how expensive everything is right now. maybe i could if i had a nigel or something but theres not really anybody here to meet so i just have online friends. and they do help but being so alone irl is difficult and makes me depressed. i dont really feel like i have any prospects or future. i want to live but i dont know how much longer i can just "exist", i dont even feel alive. im just here so my family doesnt cry

No. 2413759

I really dislike how sensitive I am to even the friendliest and meaningless of banter- main reason why I avoid deep bonds. This time I feel very ashamed since it involves my teenage siblings, we're gaming and they weren't even being mean just playful insults but man they were driving it in to an overwhelming point lol. I'm not good at dishing or receiving so I just had to excuse myself for a few minutes (turned into half an hour) to cry in peace. I'm a grown arse woman and I didn't even take their words to heart, why the hell am I like this

No. 2413769

I fucking hate that men always try to ask me for help or directions. I always brush them off rather rudely so they learn not to approach me. I would help a child or grandma but not grown men no matter how old they are. I get that I have a rather homely roundish non threatening face but grown men don't need any help from young women so I feel justified in ignoring them. I'd rather stay safe and on my track. My safety is worth more. Even if it is a man in a wheelchair. Go and ask another man for help. I have shit to do.

No. 2413771

i made a memepage with anti women shit lmao and i basically tell men to msg me for advice (they have to pay) and i literally always tell them to provide for their gf/fiance/wife its so funny how these retards fall for Ai generated shit. and they dont even question my "authority" kek
fuck all moids

No. 2413819

I'm a vegetarian so I dont eat there but five guys in the uk are going halal. muslim influence. that barbaric inhumane way of killing animals to please their pedo god is disgusting and should be banned

No. 2413840

It's because the userbase is largely made up of Generation Whateverthefuck now and they are literally more illiterate and reactionary due to growing up entirely online than any other demographic before them. It's sad how they've been set up to fail but they're all too retarded and up their own asses to do even a modicum of introspection to realize that.

No. 2413842

File: 1740311471335.jpeg (54.64 KB, 610x503, IMG_8385.jpeg)

that baby monkey is me and i wish i had a mum

No. 2413879

File: 1740316557705.bmp (Spoiler Image,274.24 KB, 749x372, lines5.bmp)

I'm coming down from a bender and now every time I close my eyes I see fractals like picrel (they're more pointy ovals but MS paint cant do that). This shouldn't be happening but I'm sure it's a temporary thing. If not, yay, I have great inspo for drawing. Just need to learn how to draw.

No. 2413894

halal is beyond cruel and the thought of it upsets me

No. 2413907

I think about this all the time in the same way, I have a mom but she's so fake and cold that she might as well be a wire mother

No. 2413917

isnt halal just not leaving the animal blood in the meat? why wouldnt restaurants try to appeal to more customers?

No. 2413936

Halal = animal bleeds to death instead of being instantly killed.

No. 2413954

>a part
belonging to
separate from
seeing the level of illiteracy rise in the past several years has been depressing. ive even seen someone make this mistake in news articles, like don't they pay people to write and to edit these things? did everyone at this publication graduate from the born-post-9/11 zoomer school of grammar and journalism?

No. 2413955

they slit the animals throat and don't stun the animal beforehand. it is barbaric

No. 2413961

doesnt every butchery also do that? they use stun guns in factories dont they?

No. 2413963

Is halal meat cheaper in the UK? in France a lot of Asian restaurant will serve halal chicken and I suspect it's only because the halal chicken they order to cook their dishes is cheaper than if they bought from non halal butchers. On the other hand they almost never serve halal beef and they often have pork in their menus so that's why I say this.

No. 2413965

no. halal do not stun the animal before slitting their throats. meaning the animal suffers as they need it to be alive like almost a ritual for their god. non halal butchers stun the animal meaning it is unconscious before slaughter so it can't feel pain. this is the law most places. I'm a vegetarian so the thought of either is distressing but the thought of halal is absolutely barbaric.

No. 2413966

>I'm a vegetarian
oh that makes sense now.

No. 2413967

why? even if you eat meat, wouldn't you prefer for the animal you are eating to have been slaughtered humanely. if not, you are disgusting

No. 2413969

anon being vegetarian is irrelevant, if you defend something as barbaric as halal meat you're a psycho

No. 2413985

if youre going to be offended by slaughtering livestock why does it matter if the animal is stunned or bled out? you should be opposed to both if you truly care for the animal. youre acting as if farm animals arent killed in the same way. i sympathize you being vegetarian and being sad for the animals but dont be obtuse in acting as if those regulations are enacted in every butchery you just want to racebait

No. 2413986

Stunning cattle isn't really more humane. Just prolongs tho suffering. Halal kills in the first cut tbf

No. 2413992

>>2413986 >>2413985
stunning makes the animal unconscious so it doesnt feel pain. how is that not more humane?

No. 2413995

Tell that faggot off

No. 2413996

I seriously HATE all kinds of autistic males, even the high functioning species. Especially when I have to face them since he's a family member. I pity my mom that she has to deal with his retarded autistic unmasking and invisible rules.

No. 2413999

>I'm a vegetarian
Post discarded

No. 2414002

> you should be opposed to both if you truly care for the animal
I literally said in my post >>2413965 that I am opposed to both but halal is barbaric. any form of religious slaughter that prolongs the suffering of the animal is barbaric.
have you literally not read what we are discussing.

No. 2414003

Lolcow stop making me empathize with my ham sandwich

No. 2414004

Soft agree, I've seen the results of the captive bolt gun being used by an inexperienced hand and sometimes just not knocking the animal out. Pretty nightmarish stuff. I've helped with slaughtering goats by bleeding without stunning and they definitely suffer especially during the initial cut but it's thankfully over pretty quickly.

No. 2414007

Oh yeah he purposely splashed me with water while trying to wipe the plates. I wish grown autistics males weren't babied or "protected" to avoid their autistic tard rage. Males in life already get a huge boost and you choose to be a jobless autistic retard no one even likes to put up with. I'd almost pity him but nah.

No. 2414009

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>ask dad what he thinks about my sister saying she wants to be a pediatric nurse
>dad basically says she would be too stupid and unmotivated to even get into nursing school
>mom already told me the same opinion just weeks before
>mom gets offended at dad's opinion anyway
>mention that mom told me the same thing
>dad doubles down on his opinion
>mom makes no effort to rebuke their mutual doubts about my sister
>next morning
>"anon why did you ask him that?! You should have known he was gonna be negative about your sister's interests! What if your sister came back downstairs and heard him?! Huh?! That would've hurt her feelings! DO BETTER!
Yeah, sure, why not yell at your oldest daughter for merely asking your husband about what he thinks about his younger daughter's impulsive career choice–instead of correcting him on his choice of words or even giving your own kid the benefit of the doubt. Don't even get mad at him for saying that, just get mad at ME for even asking the question.

No. 2414010

Cause half the time the twats don't stun them correctly and just end up prolonging the suffering. Have you ever met the stupid cunts that work in slaughter houses?

No. 2414011

> they definitely suffer
thank you for your experienced input anon as to why halal is inhumane. end of gross conversation as it just leads to infighting

No. 2414013

Autistic men are not autists, they are undiagnosed sociopaths

No. 2414035

I have a cage mother too. She's always been selfish and demanding and then wonders why nobody really tolerates to be around her except her retarded brothers. And even then one barely checks on her in spite living up the street, and the other lives states away and is an actual retard. I remember the exact flip when I was little and went from being a doll she could control to an independent human with thoughts and wants she didn't like. My mom hasn't really loved me since.

No. 2414045

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Walked in on my super religious muslim dad looking at AI sexdoll reviews and then later saw his youtube search history since he's signed in on his account on the family TV. It was filled with sexdoll videos. What the fuck. I'm so disgusted right now. I can't look at him the same way ever again. I'd rather he had another wife or even husband and had gay orgies in the mosque kek but not this shit. This is the guy who says listening to music and wearing jeans is haram, etc. The same guy who would say everything I did was a sin. Life is such a joke. I already hated him for being a brown Muslim moid but this is so disgusting, it's the rotten cherry on top. This faggot doesn't even see women as human and is trying to purchase a retarded sex doll. I feel sick to my stomach. Religious moids are hilarious. Everything and everyone is sinful except themselves

No. 2414054

religious people always have the most to hide

No. 2414056

Only women actually follow religions faithfully. Men are giant hypocrites

No. 2414061

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Drinking sage tea for the supposed benefits but it tastes like shit, no tea should ever taste like spices.

No. 2414063

There is only one good religious man and it's Jesus

No. 2414150

my furnace broke and of course it broke when i just paid all my bills and have no money left over to fix it. now i’ve gotta suffer through no heat for two weeks until my next payday. i hate owning a house.

No. 2414159

My mom has a long history of making retarded life decisions. Currently she hasn’t worked in 8 years, and has been living off benefits and she moved back in with my dad after years of being divorced since they both are struggling financially. 6 months ago my parents lost their house and moved in with my aunt. So this house currently has both my parents, my aunt, 2 of my cousins, 3 of my siblings, 6 cats, and 3 dogs living there in a 3 bedroom house. After years my mom finally got accepted for disability. She gets paid all of the money she would’ve been paid after she applied, so she’s going to get around 20k. My parents have been talking about buying a house and are very against renting despite my mom not working, my dad earning 50k, and both of them have no savings at all. With the 20k my mom is getting back she’s talking about doing this giant trip to the city and spending a lot of money at the mall and invited me saying she will pay for everything. I’m in actual shock about how stupid my mom is. Obviously she needs to use that money so that they can move out of my aunts house, not a giant shopping spree. My mom is very delusional. Last Christmas she bought my dad a very large breed puppy despite them not having any money and the house already having 8 other pets in it. My sister paid for his vet bills. She also keeps asking me to move back in with them so they can afford a house payment. I hate having such fucked up irresponsible parents. It’s like they never aged past 15 years old. My mom makes stupid decision after stupid decision and it’s so draining to keep up with. I stopped giving my parents money 4 years ago after I had a giant fight with my mom about it, but now my sister just took my place and gives my mom money for shit all the time. It would be nice to just have parents that don’t act like children all the time. Any time I’m against stuff they do like buying a giant puppy, or going on vacations I’m just the negative asshole

No. 2414160

I have massive shame and guilt over cutting off my toxic parents even though I know it was the sensible thing to do

No. 2414166

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After Googling around for the reason why I might be struggling so much at work, it dawned on me that my frequent burnouts and massive fatigue is due to me probably being autistic and having meltdowns. It is incredible that even though I've been to multiple therapist in the course of the past 10 years, none of them manage to diagnose me with it, they only mentioned depression and an unspecified mood disorder

No. 2414168

I've come (lol) to the sad realization that no 3D man can get me off like my own imagination and I'm kinda depressed over it rn.

No. 2414170

I got so addicted to scrolling lc last year back when /g/ was especially horny but I feel like the constant fakebian sperging killed all the female-focused threads and now it's kinda dead and I'm sad. I wish I had a sex and the city type of female friend group where I could talk about sexy things with people who are normal about it. My gay moid friends are always trying to do this but it feels weird to be the only woman.

No. 2414185

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Been extremely sick lately, my guts are all types of fucked up rn, the meds are taking their time to do their thing so every time I eat something bad usually happens, that's why today I was feeling very anxious while (trying) to finish my breakfast, as I wasn't feeling well. Of course, my sister just had to make a point and highlight the fact I was nervous, giving me a stank eye and judging my behavior, calling me a "freak". I wasn't having it, so I told her to leave me alone and mind her business so I could eat, she couldn't simply shut up or apologize so she started fighting me for the next 20 minutes. My dad had to intervene, then finally, she left me alone. I hope she never gets sick like this, though I seriously doubt I'd be as much of a tactless cunt as she usually is to me

No. 2414194

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I hate moids and their bs "muh different times/a product of their times" "muh subjectivity" they're so evil

No. 2414197

I'm pretty sure I'm on the spectrum, I was an extremely fussy eater as a child, very sensitive to noises and stimuli and have been clinically depressed since a teenager. I was also physically abused a lot to correct my behaviour so I mask very well as an adult and don't have freak outs as much, but I get extremely burnt out. Not sure what a diagnosis would do for me in my 30s though.

No. 2414203

Relativists are frustrating.
>slavery was commonplace back then!
Doesn't mean the slaves or even others in those societies enjoyed it. They just weren't the ones writing history to have recorded accounts of how awful it was.

No. 2414236

another farmer friend turned out to be a bpdchan. you can make fun of me but we actually didnt meet here and literally every friend i have irl is loudly supportive of troons and gender politics so i can never feel safe around them. im not surprised, im just disappointed.

No. 2414251


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2414280

new thread >>>/ot/2414273

No. 2414710

I'm so sorry, anon. Losing a pet is hard; I hope you and your family are able to grieve together.

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