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No. 2405745
A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.
Previous vent thread:
>>>/ot/2400311Follow all the /ot/ board rules &
do not reply to bait.
Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. No. 2405822
>>2405793This is truth. They also take the regular moid entitlement up to eleven and act like they deserve a girlfriend the same way they deserve the blue parking spaces
which they then hog the yellow loading lines with their oversized lifted trucks so other disabled peeps can't get their wheelchairs out of their car. Honest to god, Sparta had the right idea, at least when it comes to moids. Throw the crippled ones off a cliff posthaste.
No. 2405831
>>2405826>They'll have shit to say about actual cripples on disabilityI genuinely don't get this one. Like, they need disability welfare the same as anyone else who can't work. Who do they think they are for getting the benefits and then shitting on the system that allows them to live?
Their orbiters suck too. Dating is bleak as a disabled woman because everyone tries to hook you up with that one crippled moid they know and he's always the biggest piece of shit ever because he's never been humbled in his life. Like scrotes want to talk about easy mode; easiest mode of all is being a disabled moid.
No. 2405848
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Coming from a Second World shithole is really eye opening to how a lot of women really think and feel about other women. I see the same patterns of behaviour softened, disguised, and repeated in the West. I don't want to post this in the Blackpill Thread because I truly despise the anons over there and I think they need help, but I have been feeling rather hopeless about everything recently. Women in my culture say openly the most vile things about other women and it's horrifying tbh. I just feel like there is no escape, so much of the negative things that have happened to me are directly related to me being a woman, and judging by the way things are going, it really does not seem like the world is going to be a better place for us in the future. Yeah, I have met women from here that are not absolutely self-hating, but even then they seem to approach everything with a huge amount of apathy and copium. It makes me feel like I am going crazy and I have no one to talk to about it. I guess it also makes me feel suicidal, because I know that even if I work really hard on fixing my life, I will still have to live in a world where women, children, and animals are suffering. In an ideal world, I would love to have a daughter and be able to bond with her and give her a great life, but I don't think I can bring myself to possibly put somebody through the life I have lived. And yeah, I have also lived in the West for years before I moved back, and in many ways it honestly is not too different than Eastern Europe when it comes to the treatment of women. Maybe if I was to move to one of those supposed "gender equal" Nordic countries it would be more different, but even then I would be perceived as a dirty Eastern Euro and not feel at home. I really long for a female friend that can share these feelings with me, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
No. 2405871
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>>2405848cheburashka nona i’m sending you hugs. there are lots of women who feel the exact same way as you and a healthy friendship will present itself to you with time. you seem very introspective and like a kind person, i truely hope you can find someone to talk with and that things look up for you, you deserve it
Не расстраивайся, все будет хорошо ♥ No. 2405906
My boyfriend does this thing where he imposes limitations he places on himself onto me. He says shit like "Neither you or I will ever be as good as (his favorite artist or author)", and it vexes me that there's no polite way to say "Maybe that's how you feel about yourself". To be honest, I don't even like it when he talks that way about himself. Just fucking practice and study. If you don't have the time or energy, it's because you have things occupying your life, not because you weren't born with the super special magic hands or brain and /it's over/ for you before you even started. Fuck off. Most artists are not autistic giga savants, most authors weren't writing novels out of the womb. These things are commitments and processes blended with the luck of time/place to pursue them in peace. I really don't care if some 11 year old did it super-fast, and I've never understood people who decide that someone else being good means that they personally must be on the far opposite end and shouldn't even bother. I know it's a cope, but it's such a stupid one.
I've talked with him about it and managed to avoid being offensive, but little comments still slip out here and there. It bothers me because I feel like I start to internalize his ideas if I don't argue with them, and I end up feeling more reluctant to pursue creative things that would otherwise make me happy. I don't know how to convince him he's being retarded and low self-esteem and telling himself it's "being realistic". I love him, but I hate it so much.
No. 2405923
>>2405906I'd break up with that guy. He's weighing you down and trying to drag you to his level. If not further so comparing himself to you will make him feel better. It's important to be realistic and not like, sell your house and quit your job to make a living off art when you have no following or connections but being this miserable about about it is insane. It'll start to bleed into other areas of life.
Or maybe he wants you to baby him and help with his shitty self-esteem. Just try agreeing with everything he says and see how that goes kek
No. 2405938
>>2405917I did think of that and taking vitamins made me feel better for a few days but it stopped having an effect. Last time I did a bloodtest I just had a slight iron deficiency
>>2405918I am going outside, doing chores and cooking regularly but I feel like it makes no difference. After that I have maybe 3 hours of free time left and nothing seems worth doing. I've been thinking about getting help since last year because I thought it might be executive dysfunction or ADD or something but I felt like I got memed into believing I had that when I was really just too lazy to do things I wanted to do. The waitlists are insane anyway and I'd feel too embarrassed to tell a professional about this stupid shit. I don't want to waste time or money crying about being unable to pick up sock yarn when there are so many people with real issues
No. 2405958
>>2405871Thank you so much, nonna! I appreciate it.♥
>>2405886Yeah, it really is like that. I can't even imagine being GNC in this environment, it must be hell. I really wish we can both move somewhere better soon, anon.
No. 2406023
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>at work
>hungry, no food available except coffee
>got diarrhea because of said coffee
>someone stole my fucking hairbrush for some reason?????
>schedule is a mess because half of my coworkers are either sick or on vacation
>patients keep coming late
>receptionists keep messing up
>other miscellaneous mishaps
fuck my baka employed life.. atleast i'm getting a raise
No. 2406045
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That feel when social media is mind numbing and full of rage bait, but you'd still like to find female dominated spaces for your niche hobbies.
I do touch grass, but approaching my 30s I'm going through that phase where I'm seeing fandoms I was in as a teen become an aesthetic for tiktok and tumblr is full of young kids who I don't want to interact with.
On the other hand, spaces and media targeted at adults (horror genre, R18 video games like Baldur's Gate 3) attract audiences ranging from coomers to Aidens.
I still like seeing fanart and content of things I enjoy but with AI and all the algorithmically driven content, I'm getting really turned off by social media.
No. 2406085
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>>2397392Update and I really need to vent. The good news is he didn't have any facial hair and was not bald and seemed to beat the balkan gene. He was also very polite, well mannered and intelligent. The bad news: he was not tall, he was about my height (I'm 1.69m) , going to the gym= went there to lose weight as he used to weight almost double my weigth. I'm out of his league (I'm pretty and slender and he complimented me). When we were at the restaurant I got looks from the other guys, you know, the kind of looks when you know it's most likely a first date and one of you is too good looking for the other. I really don't mean to come across as a bitch but it's just how it was. He's also way more introverted than me and awkward. Realistically I need someone who's opposite of him in many aspects. I was polite the whole date because respect is treated with respect and offered to pay for my own drink (I always pay for my shit) but he wouldn't let me.
Friend at most and I will let him know this because I don't want unrealistic expectations. I don't want to be seen with uglier men, Idc if I should feel guilty about this but I just don't.
oof nonnas, for some reason this date made me very upset and I feel like I should feel guilty for wanting a hot guy or at least someone who's looksmatched with me. Seriously considering installing some dating app and at least going out with a better looking guy. Or maybe this is really a sign from the universe for me to reconsider that stupid idea that was planted in my head (to just get a young cute fwb). There are way too many good looking women and too few good looking men. I'm the type who doesn't succumb under social pressure and would rather be single than with someone who doesn't fit my standards. And yes, I've heard the "lower your standards or you'll be single!!!" so many times I lost count.
After this I'll be sticking to my fictional boys even more. Pic somewhat related.
No. 2406132
>>2405938The thing is, the stuff you described IS a real issue. You keep putting yourself down and acting like you're just a silly bitch who whines for no reason when you have symptoms of depression, and no amount of self hatred is going to fix you. Get on the waitlist for ADD. See a doctor. Get your bloods done. You're not going to get better by convincing yourself that it's you being an idiot.
>>2406085Well, at least he wasn't awful. You shouldn't lower your standards. Hamplanet moids who shit on women all day long still want a supermodel bangmaid on call 24/7. You know what you want, hold out until you get it.
No. 2406163
>>2405818They just brought up good points in an unrelated discussion we had. I feel like I'm going crazy every time I meet an intelligent person they have to be fucking crazy politically and either think trannies can do no wrong or that women are inferior
>inb4 they weren't intelligent to begin withI can't agree with that, that's why I'm so frustrated
No. 2406167
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>feel infatuated with a moid
>get to know him
>he thinks hes smarter than everyone else, is a racist, wishes he could be a girl, whines about his job and listens to 4chan /mu/ tier music
it was nice while it lasted
No. 2406179
>>2405787Mood. It's alternating between these 2 states for me. Being an adult is so sad.
>>2406045I kinda understand how you feel. But over time, I just stopped caring about fandoms and interacting with them precisely because of the wrong people getting into them and ruining everything for everyone. So my solution is to just post about it here on LC if I really feel like sperging out about something I love. Just to get it off my chest. Then I move on to do something else. That or I try to browse much older content for the media I like to find proper fan work pre-shitty modern fandoms. And I managed to find some nice content here and there. It also helps to look it up on Asian social media instead of western one.
No. 2406205
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my usb that had a decades worth of archived artwork just got corrupted and all i feel is numbness as I go through every diagnostic method to no avail. Im sending it into a repair shop soon and I know its pretty stupid to invest this much effort and money into chinese cartoon drawings but they genuinely mean a lot and most are otherwise lost to time due to social media exoduses and defunct photo hosting services.
No. 2406268
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Fuck I hate getting angry or pissed off. I got angry at my partner because I've been stressed and trying to get a bunch done before a trip and he has had a bad habit of never cleaning up after himself when he does shit. Like not just leaving cups/spatulas/plates in the kitchen but putting them in weird places like on top of the fridge or on the pantry. He knows this is an issue and I already cleaned up the kitchen yesterday and was doing chores between working and got fed up that I had to redo cleaning the kitchen because he didn't clean up after himself. I told him I was annoyed because I have other things to do, not just redoing shit again. I don't want to consider or think about cleaning the kitchen. It should just be clean now so I can focus on packing. He got all quiet and sad and apologized and I told him I forgive him but also he has to do something to change this behavior. I have been quite stressed the past few weeks so I know my patience is shorter than usual, we had a similar fight about this last week too. But basically I hate being angry and honestly sharing when things bother me, because I'm over the particulars of the fight but I think he's still being sensitive and quiet about it. It's not like I scream or anything but I'm clearly annoyed. Now I feel bad (as usual, when I get angry at anyone) and feel like I really need to get better at just not externalizing my frustrations. I know it's not healthy but I really hate the outcomes of me being pissed off and since I can't control how people respond to me, it seems like the best option is just to internalize and compartmentalize.
No. 2406271
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My wife has a pregnancy fetish from God knows where and I hate it. I am not into such things at all.
No I am not a man.
She thinks she's bisexual because she enjoys penetration and porn by women but she's never been with a man/penis and I think she's just coom brained from having been exposed to porn too early. I'm assertive and very much butch but of course, still a woman. We're both 39 and this has only been a thing for maybe a year.
She's too sensitive about sex for me to bring it up. Hope she forgets about it soon.
No. 2406303
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I have some anger issues and my old father who suffered some brain damage annoys me so, he keeps arguing with me as if his mind was still working properly, but it isn't. I don't want to be nasty to him, but he just keeps asking for it. Losing control to my anger fills me with self-hatred and shame. I'm sure i'll miss him a lot when he's gone and we are wasting our last moments together arguing, and i will have to carry that regret for the rest of my life.
No. 2406315
>>2406271>Pregnancy fetish What do you mean
nonny? Like she roleplays that she’s pregnant when you guys are about to have sex or she fantasizes about being pregnant or is she just interested in pregnancy and would like to have a child?
No. 2406349
>>2406311>>2406315Thanks for replying. We've talked about this and she does not want a child. I thought that first as well though. If she ever decides she does, I would consider it realistically. Perhaps I should reword my original point to she has an "impregnation fetish". It boils down to the lack of control of it I guess, based on some of her other turn-ons. To say the whole "get me pregnant" thing doesn't do it for me is a vast understatement.
>>2406319Please see original post where I stated that she's too sensitive about sex for me to discuss it with her. She will view it as a rejection. I didn't specify this part in my post so I'm not trying to be an asshole to you here, but to clarify she is extremely sensitive about sex, her sex drive (high), her appearance, and a lot of other things due to a lot more than I care to get into here. I'm the more straightforward of the two of us. We've been together about 20 years. If I thought discussing it would go anywhere other than downhill based on knowing my wife very well I would do so. Hence venting in the vent thread.
No. 2406366
>>2406349>she is extremely sensitive about sex, her sex drive (high), her appearance, and a lot of other things due to a lot more than I care to get into here. I'm the more straightforward of the two of usKek I can really see that I’m not cut out for relationships because I would get so fed up. People who are grown ups and can’t discuss sensitive topics due to “muh sensitivity” are just scared of confrontation and are especially scared to be called out for their shitty behavior.
She sounds insufferable.
No. 2406385
>>2406372NTA. That sucks anon, but I understand. Looks like you'll just have to put your back into it and think of England.
You could always casually talk about it in a positive way. When she's feeling more confident or you're on the subject of kinks, you could always ask her to explain what it is about preg kink she likes. Then, without telling her, subtly attempt to substitute or work around it.
No. 2406402
>>2406385Hilarious response nona but I will try this. Genuinely, thanks.
>>2406382I'm well aware of our ages and length of years together and that this should be more straightforward. Wish it were. I'm not worried about an argument, I don't want her to think I find her disgusting and set her back because she has trauma around sex and everything to do with it. Sometimes things aren't that simple.
No. 2406489
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>>2406484You should make pornographic figurines out of clay and resin, then sell them online to coomer-nonas
By this time next year, you could be complaining about your adhd from a resort in Tahiti, funded by your Luigi figurine profits No. 2406575
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I fucked something up after telling my professor I'd stop fucking up and now I've caused issues twice with a scheduling group. I forgot the meeting time and legit didn't even show up. I keep beating myself up over it. I'm going to email the group and apologize but this is the second time this unit I've done this. I have horrible anxiety and I'm freaking out over looking like a lazy retard
No. 2406774
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I got an exam in 7 hours and i cant sleep. I am so fucking anxious holy shit. I feel like i am going to fail. I have been crying in between my study sessions. I picked this fucking degree because i like math and hate writing so why the fuck is the first assigment writing?! there is no fucking way i am going to be able to write an entire essay in 4 hours. My handwritting is fucking ASS too, which is one of the reasons i hate writing, and i have to write it completly by hand. Its so fucking over.
No. 2406815
nonny arent you medicated? my mom has seizures too but she takes medication so it doesnt happen unles shes under a shit ton of stress. She has a stool in the bathroom so she sits there with an adjustable shower because last time she almost fainted and hit her head. I know three people with seizures and it sounds really rough, i am glad you had your gf by your side.
No. 2406820
>>2406799I bathe with the door open due to my cat liking to visit me when I’m in the tub. My girlfriend comes and talks to me here and there when I do to check on me anyway. So got really extremely lucky.
I have had them pretty under control. Not gonna bathe for a while just in case. Sucks ass. Idk why I’m mad at myself. Just minorly embarrassed I guess and idk why
>>2406815 I am. Recently started a new medication. It’s helped a shit ton. I had one a while ago where I felt off the toilet that was awful.
No. 2406827
>>2406820maybe try doing what my mom does and shower while sitting? just in case if you are worried about drowning or fainting and hitting your head. I was so worried when i found out people with seizures can drown in the bath i now forbid my mom from taking baths or going unsupervised into the pool or near it kek i feel like i am the mom. Take care
No. 2406863
I'm starting to hate everything and everyone around me. The fact that everyone is so on line with misogyny makes me wanna a-log. I find female biology to be pathetic and extremely disadvantageous. It's just cope, cope and cope. No matter what industry i go i have to work 5x times harder than moids in hopes of being taken seriously by both men and women and even it's can be futile. Why does there have to be a limit to how succesful a woman can get? I'm sick of the constant gaslighting and being told you're not assertive enough, not bitchy enough, too bitchy, not enough evidence for what you said, not enough "muh charisma and charm", too ugly no one likes ugly people, too pretty and you are a whore, not deserving of respect, if you wanted to avoid harassment you should've done xyz, you're being dramatic and now all the pickmes are looking at you like you're crazy. I'm sick of all the negging and i'm sick of all the advice against how to deal with negging because it never works, it just feels like i have to make up for being female. What is the point of even doing anything?
>inb4 "stop caring about what others think!"
I want to socialize i don't want to keep being a NEET forever and be reclused in a room in isolation knitting and coloring books. I'm human, humans are social animals. Am i crazy for wanting to socialize and share with people without being treated like a subhuman?
No. 2406910
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i am ugly. usually this doesn't bother me, but i was trying on some old cute outfits and i felt genuinely depressed. my face is so masculine, whenever i try to present femininely i feel like a troon. going the other route and wearing masculine clothes makes me look like an underdeveloped teenage boy because i'm 5'1 and underweight. i can't win no matter what i do, fml.
No. 2406980
I'm a NEET who doesn't have anything of my own life together, and I'm finally starting to pull myself up by my bootstrings and get my shit in order. Which is great! Proud of myself for this. I've only made a bit of progress so far, but a little progress is so much better than none. But… I am struggling so hard with making new friends. I want to meet people online first, since I'm extremely socially isolated and want to ease myself back into talking to people regularly. This is a pretty hard line for me - I don't want to make friends IRL until I'm less NEET-y. But when I do seek out online friendships, I struggle to maintain them. I get extremely uncomfortable and scared, and I start running out of things to talk about, so I end up ghosting and running away. I'm working hard on myself and my own mental problems (and have gotten a lot better about several things! Go me!), but I don't think I'm ready atm to try and meet people IRL. I really, really want to gain social confidence online first before heading into the real world. But it's frightening, it's hard, it takes so much effort and energy to have casual conversations with people because I'm so unaccustomed to it now. I really think I'm in a far better place mentally than I used to be, but I still don't want to subject people to my social faux pas and generally NEET shut-in loser personality. But if I don't try, I'll never change, and everything will stay the same that it is. I can't stop being a shut-in loser if I don't try and open myself up to the world. I don't know where to start, where to go, who to meet. I really want to have friends. I want to talk to people. But this shit is hard!
No. 2407002
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>>2406950Nothing weird about it.
No. 2407018
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I fucking hate my ex. Yet again a moid had a hold on me to the point I stayed longer than I should have because of desperation to be with someone who thought like me. He said he hated sex work, thinks only fans is disgusting along with porn. But I would see him post really disgusting shit, and he always played so fucking retarded when I'd bring it up. Excuses like, "I don't see it that way" in regards to ecchi anime, "I always was interested in the obscure humanity and taboo" to songs about rape and porn and lolishit. I remember him telling me he had sex with a groupie at a show he played, and when I asked why he brings up the incel excuse of him never feeling attractive enough so he just sleeps with anyone. Glad I'm still a virgin because I know I'd catch some sort of aids from him. Picrel is one of his favorite anime. And even though it's over I still live in a fantasy in my head of our lives together. I hope this beats it into my head officially that there are no good scrotoids.
No. 2407074
>>2407056Bed rotting, playing video games, listening to music, browsing LC, talking to online friends, etc. I'd like to engage in more hobbies and be more productive, but I lack the motivation to do so. I rarely plan things out, I mostly just do what I want on impulse. I'm still stressed about similar things a lot of the time too, such as what the fuck I'm going to do with my life and how I'm going to get out of this mess, but it isn't at all comparable to how I felt when I went to college. My mental health is very poor and I missed the majority of my school education, so if I was to try to fix things, I'd need to build myself up right from the bottom, which currently I do not have the motivation or capacity to do. I do have autism, so that could explain some of why I'm okay just sitting inside doing the same stuff every day. Personally I'm not one of the NEETs who has a superiority complex about it, I wish I could function like a normal person and have a job, but it's just how things are for me currently until I can eventually get out of it. I'm basically just stuck in a rut and have been for years, rather than it being something that I actually want.
No. 2407082
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>>2407054how do i avoid becoming like this? or is this really the way i should be? i dont know. i feel like id be worse off with constant hate in my heart for men. i feel better having a distant dislike for them like when youre going on a walk and an annoying dog starts yapping at you and disrupts the peace. thats how i feel about men
No. 2407098
>>2407074That makes sense. And it seems like you would need external help if you want to change your habits too, just like how one of the friends I mentioned in a previous post is fine playing her favorite video game all day everyday despite being a neet after university stressed her out. In her case we don't know if she's autistic or if it's something else, she started feeling better when she started taking antidepressants but the side effects seemed over the top.
>>2407077I didn't say I was bored, I said the stress of being in a situation that put me at a disadvantage and being poor prevented me from doing a lot of things when I had free time. For example I like video games a lot so I mentioned playing them during summer break when I couldn't find a job but I always felt guilty when playing them because I couldn't help but think I should be more productive or that I didn't deserve having all these cheap second hand games because I didn't have as much disposable income as planned. Now it's the reverse, I don't have the free time I need to play everything I want but I can afford more games.
No. 2407121
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>>2407105Similar situation as you. I talked to my friend about this how i like fit men with longish hair and no beards and she just said guys our age like that don't exist and i should change my type (like it's easy)
Honestly i wish i could be a turbo normie like her, but instead i'm reading about manifesting a boyfriend kek
No. 2407133
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>>2407105I am 23 and my first ever love is a 18yo scrote, i get you. I genuinely cant believe how many men my age are already walled, one of my closest friends is literally balding at 25.
No. 2407148
>>2407143its not like i can just find something lol
>>2407147they deserve it tho..
No. 2407184
>>2407159It was a premonition
North Node is conjunct Neptune, it is the time when dreams come true
No. 2407274
>>2407272thank god were anon cause if we werent i wouldnt be able to tell u in ur face
my ex fiance was (is?) into that kind of crap. i caught him jerking off once on accident and saw some shit on his phone. he immediately deleted everything and denied at first but later confessed (its why ive seperated from him)
ive never had the guts to go look for that kind of stuff but im ready now. he was, in everything else, a good boyfriend, lover, fiance. i know its fucked up etc. but it still messes with me how a guy like him would develop such a nasty messed up rotten fetish.
but i do want to see it for myself. im super curious. and im also afraid to google it tbh. just having a site/board to go to would be easier than typing "zoo fetish porn" (kek)
No. 2407291
>>2407274Nonna there is nothing to gain from looking that kind of thing up. At best you'll just be disturbed by what you see. At worst, you could get involved in that community.
>but it still messes with me how a guy like him would develop such a nasty messed up rotten fetish.Because he's not a good man. Good men (inb4 no such thing) don't go on any imageboards, or the internet in general. They keep their head down and their nose clean. That's not a guarantee that a moid will be good, but you'll have better odds compared to any moid that uses the internet.
No. 2407297
>>2407291>Nonna there is nothing to gain from looking that kind of thing up.i appreciate the advice nonna, but the curiosity is still there. i hope the other nonna will provide the site. im 31 lol im old enough
>At worst, you could get involved in that community.offensive tbh. btw i left him because he didnt want to go to therapy "im not paying for it im not hurting anyone" dude your masturbating to fucked up shit. jfc. also he used his high govt position as a justification
No. 2407307
>>2407295i need help with a similar issue. how do u act when several ppl from diff grps at work try to make u gossip with them? its rly hard. they call me out sometimes and i just tell them random lies about smth going wrong in my life lol so i can distract. its always lies tho so they cant hurt me with it. can an elder
nonny with work experience chime in pls? ty
(integrate) No. 2407318
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FUCK YOU ALL FOR LYING TO ME AND ALL NEETS. ''uguu you can totes do good in college nonnie you totally wont stand out like a sore thumb for being over 20!'' you lying pieces of shit. I am the only 22yo in my fucking class and it makes me feel so out of place. My 18yo classmates def see me as a hag and its why they dont even bother to talk to me even if i am super nice to them and the only one that didnt fuck up in our group assigment. I feel so out of place, i dont think i can continue anymore. Its like high school all over again, i feel left out, like a retard. I wouldnt mind if we didnt have to make groups, but we do need to work in groups for most assigments and its fucking hell. I am so tired of being useless in everything. I am tired. If the rest of my life is going to continue to be the same, me standing out and being left alone, then i would rather just die already. I cant never do a single thing right. I didnt want to kill myself before starting college, but now i do. I realized i am too retarded and autistic to ever fit in. I hate myself and i dont have the strenght anymore to try just to see my mother happy anymore.
No. 2407330
>>2407324they definetly do, they treat me like an outsider
>>2407325but i am literally the only 22yo in my class, it makes me feel out of place
No. 2407331
>>2405848I feel you nonna, even down to the not having someone to talk to part, I’m Eastern Euro too.
I once said out loud to my mom that women in this country and culture love to wear suffering for an emotionally absent moid who probably has either a drinking, cheating or gambling problem while also struggling financially like a badge of honor and I was looked at like I was a schizo. And my mom isn’t the trad type either - she always told me and other girls to have our own, felt really bad back then.
With the recent elections in my country I realized how eager are women here to throw away their rights to some schizo who said “femininity, not feminism, feminism is a joke” on some podcast just because they “don’t want gay people on the street”.
To be fair, at this point I would rather be considered “a dirty eastern euro” and a 2nd rate citizen in a foreign country than be considered a 2nd rate citizen in my own country just because the women and culture here love coddling the shit out of their mostly lazy sons till their death and expect their daughters to be soldiers by the age of 7.
>>2405886I’m assuming you’re Romanian, my bad if I’m wrongThis is why I wanna run away and seldom look back. Even the less self hating women here are so apathetic towards heinous moid behavior, but they draw the line at a gnc woman (it doesn’t take a lot to be considered gnc here anyway, just don’t doll up everyday and you’re done) and ssa women like you said. I don’t even know where to run to, seems like everywhere is a shit place to live as a woman rn, I hope I’m wrong tho.
No. 2407341
>>2407330>>2407326You don't have to "fit in" or "feel in place" to earn for a living
Find belonging elsewhere, finish that university
No. 2407347
>>2407230are we talking "zoo" like furries who are into animals, or like actual animal park zoos?
>>2407274I hope you told literally everyone in your life exactly why you ended that relationship, and if you haven't told them you have to do it now.
No. 2407367
>>2407358because i have to do most of my assigments in a group and its annoying to be left out
>>2407360i am really nice to them, i try to talk to them and be nice. They just ignore me. I actually wish i was a bitch irl because at least i would know why they treat me like that.
No. 2407376
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Please don’t be cruel to me, I actually feel so humiliated about this. I just realized I look just like Austin Powers in every single way. I never watched the move so it never occurred to me before. But I have the:
>same haircut
>same hair color
>same glasses
>same fashion sense: colorful flashy men’s wear
And it’s not fucking fair because if that movie was never made, I would look cool. But because of this character, my entire look that I’ve worked so hard to curate is just associated with a joke to everybody.
I love everything about my styling and I don’t want to change, but now I realize I have to. But I don’t know what to change because I can’t change my hair (only haircut that looks good on me, trust me on this, I have a fivehead), I always get compliments on my glasses suiting me and I agree so I don’t want to change them, and the literal only thing that brings me any joy in life these days is wearing my funky clothes. Maybe I need to dye my hair, but I don’t want danger hair and IMO dark dye on lighter haired people always looks fake and bad, and bleaching is too high of a hurdle for me, I don’t know what to do. I am so incredibly upset.
No. 2407385
>>2407372I think so too. In group projects, I would probably have taken advantage of the fact that there was someone a bit older and worked with them because I would expect them to be more trustworthy and helpful. Anon needs to get over her insecurities and learn to socialise. It's not easy, but it will help her a lot.
>>2407377nta, but it's not about right and wrong, anon. People just like confidence and hate weakness, especially in women. I was just like you when I was younger and it wasn't fair how people treated me but you just have to be selfish and love yourself and not give a fuck and they will love you too.
No. 2407391
>>2407376>bleaching is too high of a hurdle for meGo to a salon. And not a chain like Hair Cuttery or Great Clips - go to a high-end salon where the prices make you grimace. Save up for it if you have to. I'm the same way about bleaching (I don't trust myself to do it, but I also don't trust my friends to do it, but I
also don't trust inexperienced stylists to do it) and I've found that paying an experienced professional produces the most consistent results. Unfortunately, experienced professionals charge experienced prices, so don't expect to pay less than $100 for a cut & color.
>I can’t change my hair (only haircut that looks good on me, trust me on this, I have a fivehead)You can still grow it out, right? If your fivehead is a problem, all you need to keep is the bangs. Google "wolf cut with bangs", or just "hairstyles with bangs". Maybe throw a "vintage" or "retro" in there to maintain your vibe. There are many options for bangs that don't make you look like a Beatle, nona!
No. 2407392
>>2407318>>2407326I went back to school at 25 and made friends despite the age gap and despite my background with social anxiety and mediocre social skills.
Your age is not the problem.
No. 2407404
>>2407390Very good troll, but you were a little too annoying.
No. 2407437
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Rabbit anon from last thread here with a final update. They've been adopted. By a miracle of God, someone finally got back with me after everything and they will find another home, a good one. It was a private contact. Thank fuck, they really are getting big even though they're not giants. They're still not mean, and the buck is friendly but the doe is cowardly. Also, yeah I do agree that my post was a litmus test for reading comprehension, as well as my replies. Also idk how tf I somehow got mixed up with trannyshit but no, I don't support troons and yes I am a retard for not doing enough research AND loving my Nigel. He's my Nigel, a far superior pet.
No. 2407453
>>2406132> You know what you want, hold out until you get it.I'm not a spring chicken anymore nonna, I'm older and I've been holding out my whole life and have been called a bitch for it so many times because I didn't want to settle. Always the same thing from the circles I was in, where they were pressuring me to give the nice guys a try. It doesn't work like that, I know pretty much instantly if I am interested in a man or not.
I've also been thinking about my post yesterday and my frustration is that you find men with good qualities, but they're not lookers. Again, at least this one had high emotional intelligence, which immediately earned my respect. I think I've only met 3 guys in my entire life with high emotional intelligence, it's grim.
No. 2407472
>>2407437Hey rabbit anon, I was the nona who suggested you eat the rabbits and I got a lot of negative feedback for helping you bc some anons think you only bought the rabbits to impress a moid and then ended up alone with the rabbits. I said I thought the nigel gave you the rabbits. This part of your original post was unclear
>>2400609Who decided to adopt the rabbits?
No. 2407499
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>>2407497Like make them into a different shape than how they grow in? Probably a stencil
No. 2407530
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>>2407472He did not give me the rabbits, I found them from a local listing online. Meat rancher sold them to me because yeah, their "purpose" was to be eaten. But then after explaining the situation to the meat rancher and asking if she would take them back, the response was basically that I spoiled them and the other colony meat rabbits wouldn't accept them. Again, seems like bullshit, but also now the rabbits I bought will get to live an even better life than I have been giving them.
I am also sorry about the anons attacking you, and me, for the thought of eating them. Imagine how much shittier this would be on actual social media with karma or whatever. The ones that want to immediately jump on calling me a psychopath seem like they're projecting the hardest. The bunnies are still getting fresh veggies and occasional fruit since the rancher already got them used to fruit as babies. I am shocked they're not fat, but they also keep growing. (Longer ears, bigger heads…)
But yeah no, Nigel in this case has been completely supportive of me this whole time (minus the thought of just eating them, that WOULD upset him and I never told him I thought about it, shh) The rabbits are being given to someone that has taken care of rabbits before and has some of her own.
No. 2407696
>>2407559>Does medication for mental illnesses even do anything?It did for me, honestly saved my life. Took me a few years to get the right diagnosis and meds but just the sertraline (the first one I took) had such a positive impact that I thought it couldn't get any better.
I also had theray for many years which was life changing in its own way.
But for both meds and therapy, ymmv, it's trial and error, and there are people whose issues are treatment-resistent.
If you're on your last thread, I'd say try it.
No. 2407739
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It isn't exactly a vent, just something that really annoys me. I have very sensitive/overworking tear glands and whenever I laugh or whenever I'm outside and there's even a slight breeze my tears start flowing. What annoys me is that when I'm with other people and we laugh at something funny, they see my tears and start to make fun of me and belittle me saying things like 'anon it wasn't THAT funny' 'anon why are you crying get a grip kek' things like that. Even when I explain it to them they either don't care or think I'm just making shit up. I don't know I'm nearing 35 and I hate that people see my unintentional tears and think I'm childish or stupid.
No. 2407762
>>2407559Adding on to what other anon said, the key is to keep trying and be consistent. I had to try a few antidepressants before I got to the one that works for me (duloxetine), and I had to be CONSISTENT! Something that fucked me up for years was skipping doses or accidentally going off of it. Now that I'm taking it regularly, so many things are so much better for me.
And don't give up too soon! People will quit because of side effects or lack of improvement, but stick with it. Your body needs time to adjust.
No. 2407887
>>2407559Yes. It took me a decade because either nothing worked or I’d feel so good off of them…until a depressive episode hit. The suicidality lingered since I was a child, but it worsened as I got older. I kept trying medicine and giving up, until I realized untreated mental illness will only get worse. Therapy is amazing, and more so with the combination of medication, but its expensive, and good luck being able to use those tools and coping skills when you have a chemical imbalance and/or no will to live. I finally found something that works for me and the stability is admittedly weird, I don’t get lows or highs and I sometimes forget words but that’s the worst of it. No more trying to kill myself, no more ruining relationships, etc. When you are ready to kill yourself, it doesn’t hurt to try medication because you can’t get any lower. Good luck
No. 2408141
>>2408041ntayrt but I’m also curious. Do you just avoid situations where you may have to talk? What about something like a doctor’s appointment do you not talk then? Is it just preference now or is there a block around actually talking? How do you communicate with your therapist?
I’m sorry you had a rough go at it in school
nonny. I’m not mute but was unusually quiet comparatively so I got picked on for it too. People just referred to me as the weird girl who didn’t talk.
No. 2408193
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To be or not to be a cow or non-cow. Do I act like a bitch for the rest of my life and then have a bunch of randos find me and turn me into a subject of entertainment or to have my spirit suppressed to live under the radar and make sure nobody makes fun of me? I’m honestly having a dilemma. Why am I so retarded at 22? What went wrong? Why can’t I be normal? I don’t want to be a cow in the future, I don’t post anything explicit besides just ranting about offensive stuff online. How do I break out of this? How do I finally become normal and my brain works normally again? I don’t want to stay stuck on the internet forever or stay addicted to this website and social media but it’s so hard, I honestly feel like they got you when you’re super young. I just want to be left alone, to be in total silence, never perceived by anyone because I’m thoroughly afraid of being one of the laughing stocks in /snow/ but I only post under strict aliases where nobody knows my name or anything about me, just my opinions. It’s either to choose to be constantly perceived or to have an easier life of never being perceived, judged or under constant derision where nothing you do is good enough. That sounds like literal hell. I choose to just die honestly
No. 2408215
>>2408067i really pray that we get an effective treatment for that and also endo in our lifetimes. so many thousands of women suffer in silence with gynecologic pain and its not fair
>>2408193i mean if you dont overshare your embarassing life details then youre not a cow, a lot of people here (me included honestly) have cow-ish traits but the difference is we dont overshare in public
No. 2408353
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I have some scars on my thighs from my teenage years when I couldn't cope with my SA and they are my absolutely biggest source of shame and insecurity.
I'd do anything to get rid of them, I want to do laser treatment but I'm scared they'll just come back as I heard it may happen. The stupidest part of this is that my motivation for this is mostly because of a possible future partner because I genuinely don't believe the kind of person who I'd be attracted to (and more importantly is mentally stable) would react kindly to it.
I feel like they would think I'm too unstable for them or feel like it's too much of a burden for them. I mean who wants to feel goddamn sh scars on your partner during sex?
My previous partner was also a victim of SA so I didn't feel judged but it's not like I'm gonna go out of my way to find someone with this experience bc I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
No. 2408360
>>2408248Tried ignoring but just decided to leave since she was souring the chat
>>2408252>>2408275Just your usual spammy misandrist larp with a username like LC_weegeewife, every post is like she’s desperate for anons to reply “KEK! BASED!”. Zero self awareness.
No. 2408363
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Partaking in society is turning impossible as I am becoming crippled from both mental and physical illness. Just wish that I had a family to rely on.
No. 2408423
>>2408384Yeah I think I get too distracted by the blood and cramps and poops to be depressed. Or it’s the relief that I’m not having an episode, just my monthly routine.
>>2408372Hope you feel better soon too. Sleep is nice, you deserve to rest.
No. 2408448
>>2408433Depending on how big the scar is, disinfect with alcohol, use antibiotic ointment on it, put a big bandage over it. Keep it moist and clean and your body will heal better and with less scarring.
If it's big enough, suck it up and go to urgent care for some stitches. Make up a story about how you were being clumsy and broke something made out of glass.
No. 2408472
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>don't fall asleep until 6am
>wake up at noon
>work is blowing me up due to missed meetings and world ending shit bc I'm not there to answer
>infight on lolcow for six hours
>now it's dark and it barely feels like it's been a day which means insomnia is bound to repeat again
No. 2408480
>>2408474I would have made a stink to the supervisor for that inconvenience.
When I worked the self-checkout kiosk back in the day I fucking loved that job and didn't gaf about the weigh stations as long as people weren't blatantly ripping off i.e. weighing bulk almonds as potatoes and dumb shit like that.
No. 2408720
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I am so tired of my friend always trying to be positive, its genuinely obnoxious. I tried talking to him about how shit my life is and he kept talking about the ''good'' things about my life, like him(kek) and my cat. And its so annoying because thats not the point i was trying to make. I was talking about how despite my efforts, i can never achieve anything, and getting a cat off a shelter and a scrote friend when you are into nerdy hobbies doesnt requiere real effort. Whats making me suicidal is trying to make normie friends and failing miserably, trying to get good at a skill and failing. Its like he doesnt want to understand why i feel like this and keeps blaming my ''mindset'', as if its my mindset's fault that i keep trying and failing despite putting a shit ton of effort into everything i do(this is something he and other people have said about me before btw). The only reason i talk to him is because he's a therapist, but i feel like its useless. I just dont have the strenght to try anymore. I am nice to normal people, to the point i go through the effort of buying them lil gifts and offer them my time and help everytime, but they never seem to reciprocate, i just dont know how to make friends when we dont share an autistic hobbie in between us. I just wish i could read minds to know why they dislike me or what i did wrong, there is nothing worse than trying, being nice, and then getting jack shit anyways while seeing people effortlessly make friends and be normal.
No. 2408748
>>2408382>Are anons not allowed to say kek or based anymore?Zoomers can't read at all KEK. That is not what
>>2408364 or
>>2408360 said at all. Are you an ESLfag or just a genuinely stupid person?
No. 2408767
>>2408720Anon not to be rude but if he's your friend and a therapist as well, he will not be joining in on your self-pity parties. He is trying to steer you away from focusing on the negatives, because that is what keeps you feeling bad. It's not the objective fact that you keep failing, it's the fact that you haven't built up enough "grit" to shrug it off and keep trying. A well-adjusted person can fail a hundred times over and hundred more and all it will tell them is that they need to do something different to achieve their goal. I think the lesson you need to learn is that not everyone is meant to be your friend, and starting new skills is nothing but grinding and failing and forgetting and doing it all over again in the very beginning. Learning new skills won't necessarily be fun, and not all normies are made the same. Some people just are not made for you, and it's like that for everyone. You trying is a good thing, unfortunately true friendship is hard to come across.
Like what is genuinely so bad about your life aside from you not learning a new skill immediately or you not clicking with some people you actually went out and tried to click with? Do you not find any value in your efforts, not on the outcome itself but the pure energy of your concentrated efforts? That is something worth admiring, that is something worth nurturing and that is something that will take you places that you might like.
No. 2408783
>>2408767>enough "grit" to shrug it off and keep trying.but i have tho, thats why i keep trying and failing over and over, eventually so many failures are going to build up and affect you negatively.
> I think the lesson you need to learn is that not everyone is meant to be your friendbut i want to know why, what i did wrong? if i could read minds i know specifically why they dislike me.
Both you and my friend talk like i am the bad one for letting me bad things affect me, like i should be built of stone. But i am not, i am sensitive and these things hurt me and i cannot ''shrug it off'' as easily. Especially since i have nothing good about my life or myself that i have achieved, absolutely nothing.
No. 2408787
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>>2408746IN PERSON? I do not want further details, i pray you get the men in black mind zap.
No. 2408814
>>2408783It's not grit when it affects you so bad you want to kill yourself. That isn't grit, that is being sensitive which is the opposite of grit.
>but i want to know why, what i did wrong?It's not about what you did wrong. You can't force a connection with people, even if you do all the nice things, even if you give them gifts, or compliment them all the time, or agree with all their opinions. You just can't. You want to know why you made friends with people who shared your same autistic hobbies? Because you had something in common. You find what you have in common and connect through that. You find what you have in common and strengthen bonds and you try to find more things you have in common or agree on or like to do.
I'm not saying you're the bad one, and I bet your friend isn't saying that either, but it's not productive to let your failures affect you so badly that you want to kill yourself. That is not healthy behavior.
Stop trying to determine your worth based on "accomplishments". You're not worthless because you don't personally think you have done anything of worth. Want to know what I do with my life? I work a dead-end wagie job barely above minimum wage. I went to college and I don't have a degree. You can't let that stuff literally define you as a human being. You set goals, you set up steps to meet those goals, and you fail and you adjust. You don't tell yourself you're incapable before you try or readjust your steps, that is sabotage.
The negative thoughts that come to your mind are not, contrary to belief, things that literally define you. You need to work on letting thoughts like that go, it's crucial for existing as a human.
No. 2408828
>>2408814but how am i supposed to keep trying when i fail everytime. I am sorry
nonny and i appreciate you trying but i swear peopple who say stuff like that dont know whats like to fail so much. My friend gots good things about himself(he has a degree and is very charismatic) i can tell you have tons of good things going on for you too, meanwhile i have absolutely nothing in my favour. Nothing to fall back on if something fails. I am just completly useless.
No. 2408842
This probably makes me shitty but because I can't really do much to hurt trad men, except rejecting and ignoring them, I take a lot of my anger out on trad women. Daresay I hate them more because I consider them gender traitors.
All trad women who are against abortion need to be put on a blacklist registry in case they ever want or need one. Viscious criminal prosecution if they do shit like travel outside Burgerland to obtain one once they've banned it here for everyone else. No, I won't care if it means their babies die after birth or are born horifically retarded. No, I won't care if they themselves will die or are high risk. They were willing to dish other women the same bleak sentences, so I won't care once it's their asses who get their lives ruined too. I hope with all my heart it does.
For the ones who especially tout "Women are property, men are head of household," I treat them like furniture. Oh, you're an object that men speak for? Well pointless to acknowledge you then as you have nothing to say that a man couldn't.
Oh dear, he beats you and financially abuses you? Well, your man knows best so clearly you have done something to deserve it bitch know your dumb fucking place. No, we no longer have social programs for when you flee your shitbag husband with your kids, you said DV shelter employees and their DEI hires were just lazy wastes, remember? Better go back to kiss his feet while he cheats on you, maybe you can request sweetly he not hit the already bruised parts of your body again?
I hate them.
No. 2408862
>>2408828>but how am i supposed to keep trying when i fail everytime.You just do. You do it over and over again, make different strategic changes, until you feel accomplished. Whatever you are doing is literally infinitely more viable than the research going into string theory. Just think, there are actual physicists working on that junk and it's likely they won't ever see what comes out of it in their entire life.
do have something going on in your life. You have friends, you have an animal who depends on you, you want to learn skills, you have hobbies, you want to make friends. You sound like a very well-rounded person, and like most every person I know and am friends with. Not a single person cares about YOUR accomplishment half as much as you do, therefore not a single person views you even half as worthless as you yourself do, and no, failed friendships are not indicative of the worth of a person. Who's to say those people didn't deserve
you? In any case you should be thankful they showed you who they really are so you can focus more time on getting to know people who might be more aligned to you.
No. 2409005
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I hate the state of the postal service in the US so fucking bad. Lately a lot of my packages have been coming in via "last mile" services and it's such a fucking gamble if you'll actually get the package. I've got a package sitting 1 state over for a month now at some UPS warehouse, but since it's their last mile branch they can't give any info on the package, so I ended up having to get refund through the merchant (although it's still listed on UPS's site as In Transit). Bought some Girl Scout cookies and was so hype to get the tracking today but uh oh, what's that? It just arrived to that same goddamn UPS warehouse. How the fuck can they get away with touting themselves as more efficient than USPS? Only worse company is that shitty Lasership that forges signatures to steal packages
No. 2409006
nonny, its just hard to keep trying. I really just want one single thing to go well then, then i feel like my failures wouldnt matter that much. I just want to succeed in one thing, thats all..
No. 2409090
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Well, the zelda handmaiden discord cult squad finally made a call-out post on me (took them long enough, I was waiting for it), but my crimes are apparently things like "anti-furry bigotry". As if furries are an oppressed class in society.
I accept my fate as an autistic lolcow, but I mainly did it because I couldn't stand their constant fucking hypocrisy and how they betrayed people like me. They've fucked with people long before I ever got involved with them. They say I pretend to be a wholesome progressive ally zelink fangirl, but that's literally who they are. and they literally push lolicon now with their pet moids while pretending to like cute and wholesome love dovey shit. Picrel.
Honestly, should I just kill myself nonas? These women and tifs ruined one of the few things that brought me escapism and happiness the moment I got involved with them. I let them take advantage of how deeply retarded I am. I feel so retarded for even thinking I could find people to talk to in a video game fandom, that I could find a corner to escape some things. They're all the same. It's all the same as all the other times normie catty bitches and tifs and moids manipulated me. I should just kill myself like my father probably just did, but then my mother would be sad(personalityfagging)
No. 2409135
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>mfw watching a doc about a cult
>they actually have churches in multiple places around the world
>leaders of the cult were degenerate sex pest pedos(to nobody’s surprise) that groomed and abused thousands of children for decades
>mfw they actually have a church in my area
Jfc. I’m glad there was a huge crack down but I had no fucking idea how bad it was. I thought nothing of the church when I saw it. Fuck cult scrotes tbh literally the worst creatures to ever exist.
No. 2409139
>>2362739 from the cow yourself thread, aren't you? Stop namedropping yourself on here, retard.
>Nobody seems willing to "cancel" my ass properly. Possibly because they talk shit about me on private discord channels or posts that get no traction. Or I'm not enough of a known cow. Fine, I'll do it myself.Why are you having a meltdown now that a callout post has actually been made? Isn't this what you wanted?
No. 2409181
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I've been staying up late watching horrific police body cam videos and I know I really should sleep since it's almost 2am and I have classes at 11, but I dunno why I can't stop since it really increases my anxiety
No. 2409207
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>>2409194I am horny, i am sorry. I dont want to date i just want a fuckboy.
No. 2409222
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>>2409207There is someone out there for everyone anon
No. 2409233
>>2409230>>2409231Been spamming her with things to make her laugh in the off chance that she is reading our messages, yeah. Lover her like a sister, so I'm not gonna just let it go dry.
I know it sounds obsessive, but my other friends did that for me when I got institutionalized a few times, and I came back and felt great to browse puppies and memes for several hours before picking up where we left off.
No. 2409243
>>2409240And scrotes still complain despite the fact that the bar is in hell for them kek.
What makes a scrote instantly unattractive is
>bald>belly >fat>wide hips>crooked teeth>long beard>smells>spits in public >plays video games>watches anime and especially has a waifu>conceited>is loud>speaks over you No. 2409285
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I know this is a petty thing to vent about, but I hate having to spend hours and days putting my hair into a protective style just so I can wake up without having to worry about doing it for a while. My hands are cramping. It's difficult. It takes so fucking long.
No. 2409296
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I want violent yandere male western VN but they keep fucking up the execution. I liked "your boyfriend" sort of… if I kept it on mute and avoided the god awful voice acting and the male lead is so fucking ugly designed it kind of takes me out of it. I played this and was excited, extra points cause the mc is gender neutral so I could pretend it was BL, but the ending sucks and it was a little too "muh trauma" for my taste. I just wish there was more content for this area
No. 2409307
>>2409296No please we dont need more
abusive male love interest crap. Just learn japanese there is a shit ton of yandere MLI in VNs.
No. 2409326
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When I was at my first festival, a guy walked by me and tried to grab my tit while he was holding hands with another girl. Luckily I had a Spidey sense about it and smacked his hand away with my water bottle but that's not the point. Idk why but I'm just randomly cycling through bad memories today and it pissed me off all over again.
No. 2409457
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Man, I'm just so tired of being ugly. I try to eat healthy and work out, improve with hobbies, socialize etc. I lucked out on having a fun personality, I love making people laugh and acting silly. I love helping people. You would never know how just catching a glimpse of my face makes me want to kill myself everyday. I was on a great self-improvement streak lately, now I'm isolating myself again and spiraling over how disgusting my face looks. It fucking sucks because I know this isn't BDD, I'm just genuinely ugly and uncanny looking. I even vented about it to my friend yesterday and she couldn't disagree, and I don't blame her. Many of life's problems are just a matter of perspective, sure, but this isn't just me imagining it. My flaws are real. My thin hair is a fact, my weak chin is a fact, my giant fucking landing strip sized forehead is a fact. The only reason I'm not killing myself is fear of God punishing me for my vanity by reincarnating me as a worm or something.
No. 2409461
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I hate EBT/Food Stamps because 80% of the time its given to complete retards who are too stupid for their own good.
>be dead-end wagie
>new guy comes in; 'loud and friendly' type that has trouble reading the room
>brags about getting accepted into social security income
>one day he moves to another job
>a year later he visits the store
>has these golden chains and expensive clothing and uses his EBT to parasite the system
There needs to be a tard wrangle system where these retards can't use it to by gucci buttplugs and instead have some sort of plan to make sure they get off it forever. I'm sure that's the whole fucking point of food stamps.
The only exception is genuinely disabled people is not some low IQ normie extrovert.
I know the economy is shit and its worth more to cheat the system, but the negative outcomes from this fucks over the common folk over the 1% boomers.
And to think that there are people who think UBI can work in a society when there's millions of retards like these who wobble along to waste our resources.
No. 2409500
>>2409476Your friend probably has her own problems that she isn't telling you about in an effort to not be entirely unpleasant to be around. Friends are nice but we all need to learn to manage our expectations of other people and appreciate then for what they bring to th table rather than hating them for not living up to standards we arbitrarily set for them. Not to be too blunt but the fact that she flat-out told you she was having issues listening to you is better than what many would do, slowly distance themselves from you and limit time spent together.
>>2409491I don't necessarily disagree with you but this is the designated complaining space.
No. 2409523
>>2409516>FUCK my life. How are you supposed to respond when your boss asks you if you want to get lunch with him at work and you REALLY fucking don't want to?literally just say no? what is he gonna do, fire you? ok then youll get unemployment
>NOO I CANT SAY NO U DONT UNDERSTAND NONNIEstraightards are the fucking worst
(infight bait) No. 2409525
>>2409522thats the dumbest most retarded advice ive ever read. if youre not a moid you have to be a tif
>>2409524dumb. just dumb. jfc.
(infight bait) No. 2409630
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>>2409627KEK I think any woman with this haircut looks butch but I'm a dumb bislut so who knows
No. 2409726
>>2409243What makes a male unattractive
>male*There, I fixed it for you.
No. 2409746
>>2409280Relatable. I've been feeling like this on and off for a long time now and I hate it so much. Ended up developing new obsessions to try and combat it. I also noticed it's tied to my cycle, so pre and during period: depression, after period and during ovulation: good mood, but the latter is shorter than the former unfortunately.
>>2409399I could've written this post myself, minus the antidepressant part. Hang in there, nonna. Hopefully we both find a solution. I heard a healthy diet and exercise help, so maybe try that. Good luck for you.
>>2409516Say you're fasting or on a strict diet and can't eat at day. Use some discrimination diversity lingo thing against him somehow.
No. 2409766
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>>2405745Narc mom is giving me the silent treatment for the first time in my life. Two emergency therapy sessions later it's time to celebrate the peace and quiet while it lasts. Narcs are literally such adult toddlers, it's exhausting.
No. 2409794
>>2409783Why? Then she has to deal with cleaning a blood stained cloth. You guys don't think they really sterilize every single tampon before it goes in the wrapping, do you?
Obgyns don't use fully sterile speculums since the vagina isn't a sterile environment. Notice how they're never wrapped in plastic?
No. 2409860
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>>2407376If you want to bleach your hair, see if you can find this product. I don't know if it's sold in the UK. I've used it multiple times and recommended it on friends who were white, black, hispanic, asian, respectively. It's ammonia free and gentle, it lifts color slowly. You can leave it on for up to an hour, but I find it works quickly. As for the rest of your delimma, your style sounds charming and like you being color to your surroundings. I'm sorry you're going through this. I would look twice at a woman like you.
No. 2409868
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>>2409866NTA but this is for you
No. 2409899
>>2409516If your office has HR you should start building a case against him and keep a journal of his bullshit. All managers are well aware this type of relationship is inappropriate in this context–being that he has butted into your personal life and keeps inviting you out for lunch dates. If he does this with nobody else then it's especially egregious. Having a log history of his antics on record will be useful for the day when he crosses the line, which evidence indicates he will escalate. Don't sleep on it. Then, when he does fuck up and gets fired you can take his position kek.
My director is an extremely lonely man too who knows too damn much about my romantic life and hates literally all men I have dated in the three years I've worked for our company. He always has some stupid comments to say. He's admitted if he had known me when he were younger, I would have been someone he'd dated. When we're heated and discussing work related he'll say he "loves" me–clearly intending it platonically but we know better. Because I'm one of the top performing managers in my region I play along with his games because sometimes his favoritism boosts me. When he retires, and hopefully not in the distant future, I hope to take his position. Which is the only reason why I tolerate such malarkey.
No. 2409921
HOW THE FUCK am I supposed to be and feel confident when I see people who are super hot, rich, have a social life, go on cruises and trips, and are also intelligent enough to study sciences and excel in it, have a ton of hobbies, they even have a talent in art, have a sense of fashion style yes ALL at once like who am I to fool myself that I'm so cool and attractive when in reality I'm mid and I have a minimum wage job, adhd, and like 3 friends and no brain power to focus on my studies and hobbies… if god exists then he clearly has favorites. Confidence is not just about faking it, you need to have something to base it on at the very least, and being overall mediocre as hell and mentally ill isn't very helpful
No. 2410123
>>2410088This is how I know you're bullshitting. I'm actually underweight and I hate cold climates because I got no fat to protect myself,
>>2410101 is right. You prolly 45kg or something
No. 2410134
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>>2410122Have you never heard of or seen fat people sweating a lot when it's hot outside and abusing the AC?
No. 2410205
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>>2410149You are underweight but only just. I'm 5'3 105lbs and randomly get chills all the time, but a lot of the time when it's actually cold, I feel fine.
No. 2410225
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>chatting with scrote off dating app
>asks me what music I listen to
>list off genres
>"Ok but what bands tho"
Fuck off. Listing bands when you listen to a variety of music is a fucking pain in the ass and puts me on the spot. Why do they expect women to compose fucking lists for them? I'm going to dig up my giant band list I kept from back in the day and copy and paste the giant wall of text whenever moids ask. So annoying.
No. 2410242
>>2410227> Nice, I like Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nang Nang, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Nara Leão, Basic Channel, Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Noah Howard, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, Boyd Rice, Mahmoud Ahmed, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Aporea, Half Japanese, Mega Banton, Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Robbie Basho, Phil Spector, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krüsi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Yat-Kha, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Pärson Sound, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, Arthur Doyle, Shizuka, The Red Krayola, Henry Cow, Magma, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Ksiezyc, Gong, Cukor Bila Smert', cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze and Kaoru Abe No. 2410272
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A tiktok of a gender reveal party and the comments are full of people mocking the great grandmother for celebrating with them. Stop projecting your family issues onto other families.
No. 2410301
I'm going back and forth on whether I have a crush on my best friend, or if I'm just lonely. I'm an extreme autist and barely have a sex drive, so that doesn't help.
I'm a lesbian, she's bi, and we joke that's we're in a relationship, say we love one another, and call each other "baby". But she also used to casually make out with moids while saying she doesn't want commitment and it grosses her out.
Well, the other day she told me she loves me, "friend", in her native language when there were definitely a lot of other words she could have used. So I think no matter what I end up feeling, it's all over for me, nonnas KEK
No. 2410419
>>2410412It's like putting a television on mute. Just pressing a button and suddenly there is no noise. I could be talking, and the "verbal comma" where I pause before I continue a though, just ends it. I try to speak and nothing comes out. If I push myself hard enough, it ends up coming out as slurred words, sounds (I don't want to say down syndrome sfx but I really do sound as if I am mentally impaired despite being able to write down quickly what I want to say), or even my entire body tenses up when it tries to make coherent sentences. Sometimes it doesn't work. It's truly miserable and ugly, and like
>>2410402 said it is hellish and humiliating.
No. 2410460
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After five years of being clean from cutting I unfortunately broke the streak tonight. Feeling very defeated and bleak.
No. 2410485
>>2410483I have one! I’m very grateful for it but I’m afraid to leave it on overnight. I read that it’s probably okay with a wide clearance (I can do that) and good ventilation (probably don’t have that)
Regarding the bank, funds are still “being authorized” so I couldn’t dispute it. Don’t know why it takes time to go through since the money is sitting in my acct but I’ll try again tomorrow.
No. 2410696
In two days it will have been a whole month without contacting my ex altogether. It went by quite fast.
Sometimes I miss him in a vague way, but when I think about it more seriously, as in "if we were still together, what would be better?", nothing really comes to mind. I miss some of the rare good moments we had together, but day to day he was more of a burden on my mood than an uplifting element. I think it's more that I project my loneliness onto the one romantic experience that I had.
On another note, I chanced upon a video talking about high functioning depression and I feel like I kind of have that. But I'm not sure if I have depression, or if I just have really bad anxiety. I do feel joy sometimes, but the huge amount of anxiety overshadows it. But I feel like I couldn't live without my anxiety either, because I just feel like an empty shell without it, it's what keeps me going. Dunno if that's normal, if anyone manages to be high functioning without being anxious. If I didn't have anxiety to push me, I'd probably lay and rot, do the bare minimum for days to go by and never achieve anything.
It's tricky.
Right now I'm sort of chilling, I'm watching these animated videos some korean lady makes and they're relatable and wholesome, but also sort of feeling bad because I have work to do (as always)
No. 2410707
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>7 hour work day
at least today is slow and i have plenty of time for bathroom breaks.. pray for me nonas
No. 2410723
>>2410707Uh-oh good luck
I still remember the day twenty years ago when my coworker came in with a UTI because of how much she whined about it
No. 2410726
>>2410700Friends like that are exhausting. Unfortunately she won't respond to common sense, so you sitting back and leaving her to it might actually be a better tactic kek.
>>2410539I'm so sorry you're going through that. It's rough, but sometimes things just don't work out between people and it's better to accept it and move on, like you're doing, than to hold onto something that's no longer serving you, even if you both cared deeply for each other. Take care of yourself.
No. 2410747
>>2410745>I hate people who are happier than me who also have higher grades. Intelligence was meant to be my only good trait and now normies are outperforming me.Same nonna. They're so infuriating.
>teehee I'm going on 10 weekend trips a month and living my best life while also dunking on finals.Meanwhile we're slaving away using pain as our fuel. What drives these people? How do they do it? It's beyond me.
No. 2410769
Men are easy, if you want him that bad throw in a joke about being dominant or whatever degenerate stuff he likes.
No. 2410794
>>2409921I base any self confidence I have in qualities I believe those people don't really have. Yes they're more sucessful in life than I am, but I don't attribute that to them being better and more interesting people than me necessarily. I attribute it to their qualities being better suited to thrive in a sick capitalist society in the first place and luck. Some qualities I value in myself are things like my empathy, honesty and kindness, which typically don't actually get you that far in society and will actually work against you if you have them in excess. I've noticed lacking those is actually part of why some people tend to more easily succeed, if anything. The less empathy you have and the less you think, the better off you are mentally and the more easily you'll get things done and succeed in society.
For example, I know a guy who very much lacks empathy towards others compared to me (as most men do, to be honest) but it's made him infinitely more successful than I am because he just knows how to game the system and he doesn't really give a shit about other people and doesn't dwell on anything. I don't feel an inferiority complex towards him despite this because I know that's just his way of living life and that's the easiest way to succeed. However, I do still feel I am a better person than he is, even if by society's standards they would value him more. He can go on fancy trips, have money, have successful relationships but he's still a bad person compared to me, essentially. I also see all these women online whoring themselves out for money who are extremely sucessful as well and I just think similarly, like they're successful but I'm still better than them even if I'm broke. People can be sucessful and way richer than I am but at the end of the day most of them are morally bankrupt and sold their souls to be where they are. I know I am better even if society values their traits more because my few good traits are the ones
I personally think are more important to have and they almost always lack the things I value the most. I also think I have better taste than even people who are more talented in art than I am, they can know how to draw masterpieces on a technical level, but it will rarely be fully to my personal tastes that I find much better. So that motivates me to continue with my art even if I'm not as technically skilled.
No. 2410837
>>2410794Doublepost but I also wanna add that those types of people tend to always have retarded views despite their supposed intelligence, like they'll almost always support things like troonism so I can't see them as actually more intelligent than I am. I can't count the amount of people I've met who are successful and did very well in school only to actually be retarded and easily manipulated when it comes to the gender shit. I don't really value having the sort of intelligence where you're good at school but can't actually see through this kind of bullshit and I see the latter as more important and more of a respectable quality in a human even if the former is more valuable to society.
Also, even when they're very attractive, women like that still get married to troll looking men, so they basically waste any beauty they had on pandering to fuggos. So it's kinda hard to feel genuinely jealous of their lives when to this day I've never met a single person that is both like me and lives my exact ideal life, they're always doing something I would never want to do or have some major glaring character flaws even if they have all these other nice things.
No. 2410919
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>>2410874Where do you think ChatGPT gets its information? You’re just asking a computer to Google something for you. Do it yourself, you’ll be better for it. By the way, Google > Search Tools > Verbatim.
No. 2410937
>>2410920I mean a TIF is better than a pedo TIM nonna. Unless they have a super close relationship I don’t see it as that big deal of a problem. Just stay far away from her.
Or do you think your Nigel will troon out? In that case I’d say run.
No. 2410951
>>2410437Yes and no. It's likely Functional Neurological Disorder, some stupid unicorn type bullshit spawned from being stressed out entirely too much. But the doctor's can't tell because they're not talking to each other or something. Can't get a proper diagnosis because the specialists aren't responding to referrals.
I could go on for hours how angry medical professionals make me by being lazy with this stuff. I would kill for a treatment or even just a PROPER diagnosis. Instead, I'm just living in fear of when this thing will introduce a new set of symptoms.
No. 2411062
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>mfw the fat tax return helped me catch up on overdue bills
Thank the fucking goddesses.
Like I can pay a bill that's $300 but trying to pay back $600 because I've been one billing cycle behind for months was fucking impossible. At least now I'm caught up.
No. 2411065
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PMDD is kicking my ass right now.
No. 2411098
nonny I dont think housewives and retirees are looking for bfs
No. 2411100
>>2411016Do you take care of yourself and do you have a good career? I get hit on a lot by every undesirable not because I'm 10/10 hot but because I take care of my appearance, have cool hobbies, oh and I make hella bank.
I've seen no noticeable difference in male attention except that it got
slightly higher quality cause scrotes know I'm the prize.
No. 2411111
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this place always makes me feel weird for not caring about dating or nigels
No. 2411235
>>2411111I'm sick of hearing how I'm not normal because I'm not interested in dating, I've lived 32 years without it I'm not going to drop dead from not engaging in it.
>you need companionship and intimacy its a basic human need uwuNot for me, that's how I'm wired.
No. 2411315
>>2411235I’m like you nonna, but I’m 22. I am not interested in dating or spending my life with a man. I want to finish my studies, become a doctor, buy a house, get a dog and travel in my free time.
I feel more fulfilled and happy in my platonic relationship than with whichever man I dated in my life. I never loved anyone and If I think about trusting a man I just feel uncomfortable and I never feel like it’s worth it in the long run. I’m straight too.
But when I say that I don’t want a man or want kids they all look at me like crazy and say that “everyone says that, you’ll end up with three children, I know your type! You’ll change when you’ll meet the man of your life”.
I would be fine living with my best friend, but mine is in a long term relationship with a man kek.; even a simple female roommate, who is the same as me. But it’s likely impossible to find someone who wants that arrangement kek.
No. 2411348
>>2411342I can see the copaganda themes in a lot of shows tbh, especially when most of the episodes have a subplot like "UGH, I hate it when the EEEEVIL CRIMINAL gets a lawyer and EVADES JUSTICE!" Kek. That being said, who cares? Not watching something because it makes Xitter upset is ridiculous. Plus it just makes me think of all the
grown ass adults who threw a fit about Paw Patrol having a police dog in it.
No. 2411370
>>2411324Only happens when you're in a specific building?
Isn't that a classic sign of mold issues.
No. 2411391
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I don't know who I hate more, streamers or influences. They're both cut from the same cloth of being vapid pieces of shits. Someone randomly DMed me on insta asking what game i was playing and when I mentioned it was infinity Nikki, they were like "omg, dope, my friend is gonna stream that game now." Like who the fuck are you? It was such a weird interaction. I honestly just hate streamers. it feels like if you aren't a girl's girl who doesnt already play, you shouldnt be asking what Nikki is. This is her 5th game after all. Have some god damn respect for our girl.
No. 2411407
I think being born as a romanian woman is a curse because our values and marriages are built on the idea of the ultra hardworking woman and the man who is either violent or who wants a mommy/maid wife. Romanian men are incredibly allergic to the concept of providing for their wife. Like worse than probably any other nationality, it's not part of our culture and never was, during communism era they were still doing the 50/50. They hate feminism though, but they still don't want to pay for their gf. They want a woman who works 24/7 or they will call her a lazy slut. I can't list you guys how many couples I know, old couples too, where the woman is in charge of everything while her husband goes to work and then comes home and does jackshit. Paying bills? Women. Making food? Women. Raising the kids? Women. Any housework?Women. You need to hire some guy to fix your kitchen faucet? Women will take care of that. And yes they want 50/50 on everything too, 50/50 on rent, 50/50 on buying groceries, 50/50 if you go to a restaurant, Don't expect nice gifts from them either, unless they're gypsies or very rich.
No. 2411416
>>2411095Not Educated, Employed, or Trained.
I think they fall under trained.
No. 2411488
>>2411467Well, I don't think you should give up. You're only 27. You have so much time left on this earth. That's so many chances. I know people who stopped drinking in their 60s, and I've heard of people doing it older than that. It's never too late.
Did you mean Naltrexone? I think medication to try to stop drinking is a good first step. But I think you should also get treated for the OCD causing the intrusive thoughts about your body. You should talk with a psychiatrist about different meds. What makes you think that you aren't bipolar? Was the diagnosis given by someone who didn't seem attentive, or do you feel as though you don't have the symptoms?
No. 2411572
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I want Ice Spice to keep me as her sex slave(not a vent)
No. 2411588
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>>2411583She is so cute and perfect. My wife.
No. 2411589
>>2411572Was this such a stressful thought that you had to post this in the vent thread? keeeeeeek
>>2411578Ive felt the same way before, sometimes they degrade you for simply what you are so much that you shut down
No. 2411595
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>>2411592No I get it
nonnie… I thought she was cute with the bang and the orange straight hair
No. 2411599
>>2411595She looks so cute and beautiful there.
She always has a slight sadness in her expression.
I feel protective towards her.
No. 2411643
>>2411531I don't think therapy is the answer here. You said you have BDD, which falls in the spectrum of OCD. I've seen a lot of anons talk about how their OCD symptoms improved after taking medication, so I think you should ask for medication related to your OCD/BDD.
I would also suggest reworking the medications you're currently on. I don't have experience with bipolar (sorry), but I'll use my depression as an example. I was put on two medications when I was younger, and while my parents noted mild improvement, I felt none, so I eventually went off them because I felt no motivation to continue. I recently wanted to try again, so I found a psychiatrist and we tried duloxetine. I was having trouble with the schedule he wanted, so we tried escitalopram. Where I had felt improvement on duloxetine, escitalopram was like taking sugar pills, even though I maxed out the dose. I went back to duloxetine under a different psych, and my improvement in less than half a year has been insane. I forgot what it was like to just be in a good mood on my own. I started working on old projects that used to make me break down into defeated tears when I would look at them. It didn't fix all my habits, I'm still messy and disorganized, but the mood and motivation are unreal. I get up and start exercising on my own now, where before I could stay in bed for days at a time.
Obviously bipolar comes with different problems, but don't think you're trapped with the one medication that isn't working for you. You should feel free to try other medications, and even though the weaning on and off of them sucks, you have to stick with it or else you won't improve. If your psychiatrist speaks over you or is dismissive of your concerns, get a different one. You can even ask to temporarily go off your medication to confirm that what you really have is bipolar disorder, and make plans for if you do or don't.
And the sex drive is complicated. Starting my antidepressant made it so I couldn't really get off after a week or so, but it came back two and a half months later. I've heard other people say it took a year or two for them. And stress IS a killer. Your libido will be shot dead if you're stressed out and miserable, which it sounds like you are. You should feel free to ask about anti-anxiety medications, there are a lot out there. As an example, trazodone is commonly prescribed for anti-anxiety reasons, but it's also prescribed when somebody with an anxiety disorder has insomnia. It knocks you out within 45 mins, and you stay asleep. There's a lot of stuff out there that can help you.
I know what it's like feeling really hopeless and like you are your own worst enemy. But you can do this, I know you can kick your drinking habit and you can find your way back to a full and satisfying life where you don't feel unloveable. Don't give up.
No. 2411748
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>love cats
>have a pretty good pic for a cat hate thread
Somebody, just take this from me.
No. 2411757
>>2411750>>2411754The food she's giving includes poison for cats. She's killing them.
Its from a "horror twist" anthology.
No. 2411763
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Why is the media constantly trying to make me hate Palestinians? What did they do to us? I'm not getting sucked in to whatever agenda is being pushed.
No. 2411767
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>>2411760>>2411757Lilies can also be bad for cats.
No. 2411923
File: 1740200277990.jpeg (139.19 KB, 1200x1183, IMG_1775.jpeg)

>look up artist who I use to follow years ago
>find out her tumblr has been taken hostage by some zoomer and calling her racist despite no evidence I can spot
>zoomer is angry why she never bothered to get her acc back and thinks this automatically makes her guilty
Kek she’s in her 30s. I’m sure she didn’t want to deal with this retarded zoomer drama. I’m so Annoyed all her old art is gone just because some self righteous tumblr user can’t get offline.
No. 2411944
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>have no romantic/sexual drive
>get off ssri medication
>few months later
>still nothing
why am i so fucking weird and ive never cared for these things in my life that everybody does, like do i have something wrong with me? is it something wrong if it doesnt even really bug me? im just meant to be alone forever?
No. 2411964
>>2411946it makes me feel less alone, so it helps in that way… thank you
>>2411949its just bad fomo i guess, i mean i keep imagining ill meet somebody who awakens those sort of feelings, but i feel like ill just keep getting older and nothing will happen without me having a drive to actually meet people, which i dont have
No. 2411971
>>2411964Here's the thing. A lot of us don't actually have "spontaneous drive" anymore once we've matured. You know how a symptom of mental illness or disorders is "impulsiveness"? That's because it's more "normal" for someone to evaluate what they want out of life, decide to do it, and then take steps to pursue it.
So if you want a relationship, you can't wait for the urge to overcome you like when you were a kid. You need to decide you want friends, go out to a place regularly, and be friendly to people who show up at the same time.
Evaluate what you want out of life, make a plan, execute it.
And what you want doesn't necessarily have to be a partner. It can be a career, or self-fulfillment through a number of other ways. And you can always change your mind if you decide you don't like what you thought you wanted.
No. 2411974
>>2411944If you didn’t have a sex drive before ssris, that’s your natural state and you don’t need to be fixed.
If you did have one before, it’s important to remember that the libido-killing and genital numbing can last for a long time even after you’ve completely stopped ssris. Not your fault, nobody tells patients this before they prescribe them.
No. 2411987
>>2411974i kinda had one but i dont really remember because i started ssris only a few years after puberty. but i dont remember it being strong and i never had feelings for other people at school
>>2411971the thing is i dont really want any of those things.. a good job would be nice yeah, but i dont really care about socializing at all, i have some online friends i chat with and they sate pretty much all my social needs. and i feel like this is abnormal. but i dont know what to do about it or if anything really needs to be done?
No. 2412064
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>>2412025I believe he is out there nona
No. 2412085
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>>2412074kekk I just like them, very cozy
No. 2412131
>>2412096Get on antidepressants. Start eating healthy. Go outside and exercise.
This is all I have for you. Godspeed.
No. 2412168
>>2412161Please do! The little parts of my noggin that are still sloggin worked hard on it.
Based brain cells, couldn't wish for anyone better. I do hope they would chill soon but I can't hate them because they are me. Can't hate me. I'd sound crazy like that.
No. 2412244
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>feel sick and exhausted for one entire week, can't work because looking at a screen made my eyes hurt
>feel better the next week and goes back to work
>cold from hell hits me the next week and I'm completely out of commission for 10 days
>finally back to work this week feeling completely fine except for a very mild but stubborn cough
>yesterday my throat is sore again, my coughing has increased and my ears hurt
No. 2412280
>>2412265I've some men actually be appreciative. I once helped out my neighbor with something (we had never talked despite being neighbors since he had just moved in) and he came back the next day to give me some sweets he bought as appreciation then left. That said, I agree they're usually more entitled than women on average for sure.
Also, I wasn't even going to do this this time but it was too cringe to watch it go on and it was ruining the vibe of the hangout. The person who was bothering him was a troon too so that fueled me further.
No. 2412364
>>2412352>since moids care about thatlol since when
every loser Ive met has dealed with their gf's saggy tits,no ass,wont do anal etc just to have one, especially if shes stupid enough to encourage their shit and have sex with them.
No. 2412460
>>2412364The attractive ones with options definitely care
nonnie. Youre thinking of guys who don’t have the opportunity to be picky
No. 2412474
>>2409461I agree with you except that in a lot of states, the elderly retired people and/or SSDI people also utilize food stamps.
I've spoken to people that are like "My food stamps got cut and I need food, where can I go?" and I'll point out different pantries, and it'll usually follow up with comments like:
>I'm celiac diabetic IBSing right now, the only thing that pantry has is bread and cake>The lady there doesn't like me so I'm not going there>I'm not giving them all of this paperwork like my insurance card, social security, and income just so I can get food once a monthand sometimes I totally get it, it's kind of bullshit having to jump through hoops to get free food when you're already debasing yourself by going to the pantry - and that's what it feels like, even if you objectively 'deserve' food from the pantry. They scrutinize the shit out of you, and there's no oversight for how rude some of the pantry workers can be. On the other end, pantry workers are usually volunteers, and I'm sure they see the community's manipulative bullshitters every month and get sick and tired of the same old excuses.
Most of the time, the people that I find myself judging the most are the beggars who are choosers. You're telling me you've been starving for 4 days, and when I tell you there's free cans of ravioli at the pantry down the street, you tell me that you think ravioli is disgusting? Okay, have fun starving bro, I have no idea what I can do for you.
>>2409766happy for your temporary peace, nona
>>2409772Been there. I've wrapped my panties in toilet paper, paper towels, I've even used a clean sock before (not inside me, as a makeshift pad). Shuffle your way over to the store like nothing's happening. You got this.
>>2409958same, I honestly started considering ordering lab tests straight from the lab contracting website. You only have to make sure they have a location in your state/providence/area, but you can pay $200 for a full panel and not have to deal with arguing with a nurse practicioner about the very real symptoms you have
>>2410460Nonnie, I mean this without an ounce of condenscention - every day is a new day. You can trace back your
triggers, see if there are alternatives, and move on. If you can't identify the cause or alternatives to the action, that's okay. Move on. You've got this!
>>2410861Just break up with him, anon. You can't be that bitch forcing people's families apart. Go find a man that matches you.
>>2411763If you haven't already watched it check out Manufacturing Consent on Youtube.
Every day I wake up and go to my stupid little job and wonder if today will be the day I get laid off or fired. I'm worried that unemployment will only pay for a portion and I won't be able to find a job that pays as well as this one. I'll be serving coffee to people in no time. Ugh…
No. 2412684
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hoping against hope for a dick pic as today is sauna day, but i bet he won't even think to send one
No. 2412691
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I really need help sleeping… it's not for lack of freetime either. It doesnt look horrible but its really broken up, maybe 4 hours between waking up 2 ot 3 times. I exercise, get sunlight, no caffine. My parents both complain about trouble sleeping so maybe it's genetic but I'm so tired of feeling like shit everyday. I got prescribed ambien before but doesn't help. I don't think it's really even a sleep drug, I'd take it and while it was taking effect it was like I would start to dream while being awake, then in a moment it would be the next morning and I didn't feel rested at all. I think it just induces a dream like state or something, either way it didn't help so I stopped. I think about killing myself frequently and it's 100% from sleep, I would be extremely satisfied if it wasn't like this. It's really miserable. It comes in waves, sometimes I'll sleep well for a week then 2 weeks of feeling terrible everyday.
No. 2412832
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>>2412827>there's more to a person than looks.Yeah like all that awful behavior you completely glossed over in the second half of OP's post
No. 2412843
>>2412838Callouts on
my lol cow dot farm…hoo baby!
No. 2412852
>>2412364>every loser Ive met has dealed with their gf's saggy tits,no ass,wont do anal etc just to have one, especially if shes stupid enough to encourage their shit and have sex with them.what the fuck is this post. this sounds like something written by a teenage moid who should be shot in the face since he apparently thinks porn sex is mandatory. who are you.
>>2412832this is definitely edited, right? it would only make sense if the guy on top was also saying "I'm only into hung gays under 25 and over 6'2" tall"
No. 2412885
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>>2412873samefag but you fds women need to get your mocking game on. getgud
No. 2412909
>>2412333Low self esteem or a history of abuse. I've met many gorgeous women in my life who have almost BDD levels of low esteem. I also know some really beautiful women who will date ogres who show them basic human decency because they've been mistreated by their fathers and exes. It's been shown that abuse
victims develop a mindset that they "deserve" the abuse.
No. 2412929
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>>2412917im the nona who nitpicked the comic (i'm right) and there's this morbidly obese fat scrote at my uni who has a harem of women (he's a whore) and it's incredibly blackpilling. I get called a tranny esque dyke when I point out that women are retarded for dating hunky goblins and that they need to get their picky game up and date non violent scrotes so their children don't end up as retarded as shitlon's. So I've given up
No. 2412942
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>>2412940I was so mad, I was about to reply with the one nona saying the "transvestigators were right" in response to picrel with "yeah, chappig sure does look like a troon". FUCK MY STUPID LOLCOR LIFE
No. 2412953
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>>2412937you will feel right as rain in no time. take good care of yourself and get lots of rest.
No. 2412990
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i got a prescription for weight loss drugs because my insulin resistance/suspected pcos makes it impossible to lose weight even on 1000 cal a day. i'm so desperate to lose weight but all those stories of people immediately losing all appetite and barely eating anymore have set up crazy high expectations for me because it's not like that at all for me. it's only been a bit over 24 hours since my first shot but i'm already dreading having to wait an entire month before i can go up a dose.
No. 2413012
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>>2412953thank you so much
nonnie, you're the sweetest
No. 2413034
>>2412990Don't worry, nona, it does work. I also got put on one for medical reasons related to hormones, not the weight itself.
Staying on the lowest dose for as long as possible is actually ideal because if you keep going up, you eventually reach a ceiling. Then if it stops working, there are no higher doses and you're fucked.
Don't psych yourself out about it and flip out about how you're "still eating" on it, either. You will not see significant changes in the mirror for a long, long time. BUT if you lose weight too fast, your skin will be loose and saggy, and your insurance WON'T cover that surgery. Plus, more stress = eating more, so just try and relax. Trust me, slow and steady wins the race.
No. 2413055
>>2413044Have you tried asking your doctor to write the prescription specifically for medically necessary weight loss instead of diabetes? For example, Zepbound instead of Mounjaro.
She can use your medical history to support it, like PCOS, heavy and irregular periods affecting your quality of life, etc.
No. 2413099
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I hate how this fat fuck's pedo fantasies got away with being held as deep serious commentary on the treatment of women and girls in medieval time.I cannot wait for the day his fat ass get outed as a rapist/pedo. The fact he perved on Shae's actress strenghtens my belief he bought her silence and also that of many others before.
May every man who turned against Rowling be outed as a rapist, even if its a fake accusation kek
No. 2413107
>>2412990Why do fatties think of it as a miracle cure kek and you still have to change your diet, because you’ll eventually stop taking it.
You have to wait and you’ll most likely end up spending tons of money. At least in my country you have to pay for it, even if you are obese, because it’s elective still and it isn’t covered despite the fact that we have free healthcare.
No. 2413142
>>2413125Kek I was even weightlifting 6x a week supplemented with short stints of intense cardio. I put
on weight as my muscles exploded, but I didn't lose any fat. I feel bad for anachans, they're clearly really unhappy so they spend a lot of time furious at "fatties" because they wish they "didn't care" as much as heavier people seem to (in their eyes).
I don't mind being overweight because I'm pretty fit, but I understand why it upsets you. I know it's basic, but you've checked out your thyroid and done an allergen test, right?
No. 2413232
>>2413175It’s just embarrassing,
super embarrassing, cause my seizures are induced by emotional distress; not brain misfirings. I’m just weak emotionally I guess kek
>>2413176This isn’t my first seizure nona, my doctors confirmed that I don’t suffer from epilepsy
No. 2413307
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>agree that cats should be kept indoors in dogfag thread
>get called a boymom, Nigelfag, and retard for it
Something is really wrong with lc userbase lately.
No. 2413318
Order of importance (worth living to not worth living:
Cats >>>>> shitbulls >>>>>>> this retard
>>2413307 No. 2413320
>>2413313>>2413315No one "went at" cat owners. It is the correct recommendation held by numerous vets and owners alike that cats should be indoors. I agree that the dogfag was wrong for harboring loose and dangerous animals (had you asked me) and even told you both are true at once. People need more control over their animals period.
Nonetheless, your response was unhinged BPD tier shit and you should stop.
No. 2413325
>>2413322Clearly not everyone agrees. You would see that if you took the time to read the chain of replies, including
>>2413315 , instead of huffing your own farts.
No. 2413326
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>>2413320>it was unhinged BPD shit >it’s recommended by vets >trust the science guys!!Kek
No. 2413328
>>2413326Uh oh anon, scrotefoiling is a sewious fucky wucky around here. Better delete quick!
Not a scrote, obviously. I'm just over the age of 25.
No. 2413334
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>>2413322Cats aren’t allowed to go outside but shitbulls can, because um.. ummmmm… ummmmmmmm
>anon fluoride stares at the computer for 5 seconds with a million lolcow tabs open >her total screentime on her browser has been 11 hours >big muffin butt wedged into her chair with her inhaler right next to her >she twiddles her large-frame glasses and heavily typed on her computer with each sausage finger heavily pushing over certain keys while she asthmatically coughs >as she coughs her gunt jiggles along with the two strands of dyed and fried hair sitting on her rotund forehead >she swoops it back into her unkempt greasy bun her nigel likes because it reminds him of his hoyoslop waifu >how do i defeat the other retards in this thread? what is the answer? >must>compute >orthodox >thought input >dont >think>outside>the >box>do>as>you’re>toldTrust the science guys?
(bait spree) No. 2413335
>>2413307if this is you
>>>/ot/2413191 >>>/ot/2413241 then fwiw, all responsible pet owners agree with you and I feel like people do their best to spread awareness to the ones who don't know this and the absolutely insane people lashing out over it are just mad that you interrupted their dog hate rampage. which is weird but I suppose that's why it's a containment thread
No. 2413337
>>2413334>Cats aren’t allowed to go outside but shitbulls canWho said this?
I hate pitbulls too.
It's like yall make up boogeymen arguments to swing at. Are you okay?
No. 2413350
>>2413346>integrate >calls me a dumbass but allows the newfaggot to say “y’all” like this is twitter Kekkk, go back to Tumblr fatty
No. 2413362
>>2413351what the hell is wrong with you? i don’t hate cats, i love my cats, which is why i keep them inside.
>>2413356>they view it as rule breakinguh, no. actually. i just keep my cat inside because i want her to be warm and safe
>>2413352i’ve been here since the conversation started…nobody brought up pitbulls until you did here
>>2413318and it’s not even what the original conversation was about, you’re just goalpost shifting to have a reason to complain
No. 2413376
>>2413370impyling it's the cat owners' and cat's fault by saying cats should be kept indoors at all times when the subject was about shitbeasts invading private property to maul is very
victim blame-y.
No. 2413382
>>2413372>people think cats are to be removed entirely from nature (where they mostly belong)no, actually i said in my post that i keep my cats indoors because i want them to be warm and safe
>>2413376ntayrt but cats are literally supposed to be kept indoors, you’re freaking out and getting angry because you know thats the truth
No. 2413384
>>2413382what part of
>dogs invading private property to maulyou didn't get?
No. 2413387
>>2413380when did anyone say that cats should be suffocated or left in dark closets?? what the fuck are you even talking about? also dogs actually don’t get to “roam the streets”, they’re walked by their owner on a leash during the day. thats significantly different from letting your cat outside at night by herself
>>2413384so, you expect me to believe that a pitbull walked in through your locked front door just to maul your cat?
No. 2413388
victim blaming mentality. if you got attacked it's your fault for existing outside, the puppers should get to enjoy indoors and bite anyone and fuck anybody else. well fine then don't mind if I conceal carry and pop the head off of every dog that runs towards my direction. the dog's fault for existing near me.
No. 2413389
>>2413384There is nothing wrong with saying had the cat been indoors in the first place the situation could have been avoided. If not a dog it might have been something else. My childhood cat was eaten by a coyote when I was a kid.
No one blames the cat for the predicament, we're blaming owners.
No. 2413401
>>2413398cause most of them are
seriously mentally ill
No. 2413403
>>2413401oh yeah of course
nonny… dog haters are all mentally ill and horrible people, right?
No. 2413408
>>2413356Let’s pretend there weren’t dogs that will kill cats outside. Theres still cars, humans, and wild animals that will kill your cat. Not to mention the diseases, parasites, bacteria, fungus, and environmental dangers that can happen to your cat. Like fleas, ticks that will give Lyme disease, heartworm, roundworm, tapeworm, lice, mites, cyptococcus a fungus that can go into their brain and kill them, fly larva that burry themselves into your cats face and creates a giant hole as they grow up, getting fought by other cats and given FIV or FELV, eating rat poison, blastomycosis a fungus that goes into your cats lungs and can be given to humans, hookworm, panleukopenia, giardia, cat bite abscesses, and way more. Why even risk it? You are not only risking your cats life, but your own if they pass something dangerous to you. I also dont give a shit about dogs especially shitbulls, so dont think I’m defending them
No. 2413410
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Speaking of pitbulls the other day there was someone's pitbull on a porch barking at me as I took a walk, it didn't scare me but I thought "damn this reminds me of lolcow".
No. 2413413
>>2413403when did i call you a horrible person? i called you mentally ill cause you’re significantly overreacting to this topic of conversation
>>2413405oh, ok! so you think a pitbull is going to fly into the air, get onto your balcony, and fuck with your cat? that sounds more like a fantasy
No. 2413430
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>>2413423these people are used to milquetoast discourses on twitter where people can never get angry about subjects they're passionate about otherwise someone might get offended. if you dont like the mentally ill vibes of this website maybe go back to where people are sane like you.
No. 2413431
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>>2413421So if I'm a henfag am I allowed to go off on you about your indifference towards the plight of my chickens because horrible foxes break into their coops and kill em? Oh and my chickens need to be kept outdoors.
No. 2413432
>>2413429based off this response,
>>2413400i think so
No. 2413437
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>scraggly just like anon
>stinks like caca
>constantly meowing for food like it’s a dog
>always on top of the counters because they want to be outside climbing trees and buildings
>claws through the furniture because they want to hunt (idk because i’m retarded and don’t own pets)
>so fugly
>absolutely no swag whatsoever
>humping and grinding everything when in heat like a husbandofag in the wild
Outside cat
>absolutely graceful
>nature spirits
>puts anon’s scraggly untermensch cat to shame
>jannies hate them so much as well they’ll try to ban and redtext them off the grass
No. 2413451
>>2413447I'm not using a vpn
>>2413445so you don't give a shit about dogs roaming around and mauling children to death (go to if you hate reddit then) as long as YOU don't get bit? you're self centered but expected from a dog person.
No. 2413452
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There’s already a bootlicking snitch in /meta/ lmao. They must be upset that they can’t post their attention whore sob story and get replies from it because this infight is cockblocking them, that’s gotta be brutal
No. 2413453
>>2413350damn i hate people like you
>newfaggots say yallshut up you stupid no-fun-having bucktoothed flat faced no assed dog loving ass bitch, you stupid bitches love to act like anyone actually gives a SHIT about who's an old head on a chinese basket weaving forum, unless y'all gets banned or redtexted as a southern slur for your retarded ass, shut the fuck up about this schizophrenic I CAN TELL, YOU'RE A NEWFAG BECAUSE YOU SAY THINGS THAT OTHER PEOPLE DONT. We have people tearing each other apart for saying KEK too much, just shut the fuck up y ou stupid ass party city loving two toned craggly footed dry skin having stinky breath long nose hair and a chin hair having bitch
(infighting) No. 2413465
>>2413459me telling you to stop freaking out and that you’re overreacting isn’t really the same as what you’re doing, which is telling anons to kill themselves for saying cats should be kept indoors
>>2413453you seriously need to get on some medication
No. 2413468
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No. 2413480
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>>2413475Because picrel is what was posted in the dog hate thread so of course anons were going to reply with their takes on it. You act like it got brought up out of nowhere.
No. 2413486
>>2413481Two things can be true at once, as I have stated numerous times, and I hate pitbulls too which is why I was there.
You overreacted, it's okay, but stop.
>>2413482I was there because I hate pitbulls.
No. 2413494
>>2413489You didn't have to respond. Ignore me if the "retardation" is so obvious because everyone is just quietly agreeing with you.
But you're here because you know I have a point and you're being unhinged.
I hate pitbulls.
Cats need to be indoors.
No. 2413499
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No. 2413514
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>>2413390Oh shit nonna you were right, check it out
>>2413506>I'm upset because my social battery is drained from this week No. 2413521
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>>2413516Indoor cats usually look very angry and confused
No. 2413530
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>indoor cat receives his weekly vitamin d
No. 2413531
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>>2413512Anon is so refined
>picrel is literally you No. 2413536
>>2413521you have no way of knowing thats an indoor cat nona lmfao, that’s just an english shorthair
>>2413518keeping your cat indoor and cuddling with her isn’t really retard shit
No. 2413542
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>>2413531I want to put chapstick on his whole face and eyeballs too
No. 2413546
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>>2413542his face would just absorb all the moisture immediately. he has done so much work he looks like pic related. watching peaky blinders was a chore because of his crusty ass face.
No. 2413547
>>2413543yes, because the sun is
warm kek, and your hair color doesn’t change under the sun from vitamin d?
No. 2413555
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>>2413546I get that impression too, like the dryness would be unquenchable
No. 2413556
>>2413552it’s becoming clear that you’re not reading my posts in their entirety, i said that your hair doesn’t turn lighter under the sun
from vitamin D , i know your hair still gets lighter, but its not because of vitamin D it’s from the light
No. 2413558
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>>2413543hope you’re feeding your cat vitamin D because cats aren’t humans
No. 2413564
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>>2413553My childhood cat lived for over 20 years (can't remember how old he was when we got him) and he got to be an indoor/outdoor cat before this became a really big deal. He would lay in the sun for hours and passed away peacefully of old age. I definitely think it's good for them, even if ~the science~ hasn't explained why kek
Anon is not Catherine Sherman and please respect this woman's privacy anons, she has a cute cat that shows up on search
No. 2413578
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>>2413573I've noticed I get very irked by people saying things that are redundant to me. but it might not be for others. for all this cat indoor spergout and this I thank you nonna for showing me a flaw about myself I can attempt to correct. don't expect me to not sperg again though, I'm still mentally ill in a world that enrages me. now I will go play pokemon on bed until I pass out. godspeed nonnas
No. 2413611
>>2413544Literally don't post anything on Instagram, it's that easy. I just use Instagram to send memes to friends and find shit I want to buy, I don't get why anyone is still using that app to post their daily selfies, lol so random pictures and vacation pictures if they're not influencers that are getting literally paid to post pictures.
Seriously, posting on "social" media apps nowadays is like going to a store selling high end PCs and wondering why no one wants to buy your abacus.
No. 2413628
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>>2413620You don't prefer the post quality of today nona?
No. 2413757
>>2413707well thank you for the kind reply
whats preventing me is my mental illness really, im autistic and i grew up very undersocialized in a small town (still here) pretty much everybody here is old and it gives me a shitty feeling of never being understood and feeling isolated. i dont know how i would ever leave with how expensive everything is right now. maybe i could if i had a nigel or something but theres not really anybody here to meet so i just have online friends. and they do help but being so alone irl is difficult and makes me depressed. i dont really feel like i have any prospects or future. i want to live but i dont know how much longer i can just "exist", i dont even feel alive. im just here so my family doesnt cry
No. 2413842
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that baby monkey is me and i wish i had a mum
No. 2413879
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I'm coming down from a bender and now every time I close my eyes I see fractals like picrel (they're more pointy ovals but MS paint cant do that). This shouldn't be happening but I'm sure it's a temporary thing. If not, yay, I have great inspo for drawing. Just need to learn how to draw.
No. 2413985
>>2413967>>2413969if youre going to be offended by slaughtering livestock why does it matter if the animal is stunned or bled out? you should be opposed to both if you
truly care for the animal. youre acting as if farm animals arent killed in the same way. i sympathize you being vegetarian and being sad for the animals but dont be obtuse in acting as if those regulations are enacted in every butchery you just want to racebait
No. 2413992
>>2413986 >>2413985
stunning makes the animal unconscious so it doesnt feel pain. how is that not more humane?
No. 2414002
>>2413985> you should be opposed to both if you truly care for the animalI literally said in my post
>>2413965 that I am opposed to both but halal is barbaric. any form of religious slaughter that prolongs the suffering of the animal is barbaric.
>>2413999have you literally not read what we are discussing.
No. 2414009
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>ask dad what he thinks about my sister saying she wants to be a pediatric nurse
>dad basically says she would be too stupid and unmotivated to even get into nursing school
>mom already told me the same opinion just weeks before
>mom gets offended at dad's opinion anyway
>mention that mom told me the same thing
>dad doubles down on his opinion
>mom makes no effort to rebuke their mutual doubts about my sister
>next morning
>"anon why did you ask him that?! You should have known he was gonna be negative about your sister's interests! What if your sister came back downstairs and heard him?! Huh?! That would've hurt her feelings! DO BETTER!
Yeah, sure, why not yell at your oldest daughter for merely asking your husband about what he thinks about his younger daughter's impulsive career choice–instead of correcting him on his choice of words or even giving your own kid the benefit of the doubt. Don't even get mad at him for saying that, just get mad at ME for even asking the question.
No. 2414045
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Walked in on my super religious muslim dad looking at AI sexdoll reviews and then later saw his youtube search history since he's signed in on his account on the family TV. It was filled with sexdoll videos. What the fuck. I'm so disgusted right now. I can't look at him the same way ever again. I'd rather he had another wife or even husband and had gay orgies in the mosque kek but not this shit. This is the guy who says listening to music and wearing jeans is haram, etc. The same guy who would say everything I did was a sin. Life is such a joke. I already hated him for being a brown Muslim moid but this is so disgusting, it's the rotten cherry on top. This faggot doesn't even see women as human and is trying to purchase a retarded sex doll. I feel sick to my stomach. Religious moids are hilarious. Everything and everyone is sinful except themselves
No. 2414061
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Drinking sage tea for the supposed benefits but it tastes like shit, no tea should ever taste like spices.
No. 2414159
My mom has a long history of making retarded life decisions. Currently she hasn’t worked in 8 years, and has been living off benefits and she moved back in with my dad after years of being divorced since they both are struggling financially. 6 months ago my parents lost their house and moved in with my aunt. So this house currently has both my parents, my aunt, 2 of my cousins, 3 of my siblings, 6 cats, and 3 dogs living there in a 3 bedroom house. After years my mom finally got accepted for disability. She gets paid all of the money she would’ve been paid after she applied, so she’s going to get around 20k. My parents have been talking about buying a house and are very against renting despite my mom not working, my dad earning 50k, and both of them have no savings at all. With the 20k my mom is getting back she’s talking about doing this giant trip to the city and spending a lot of money at the mall and invited me saying she will pay for everything. I’m in actual shock about how stupid my mom is. Obviously she needs to use that money so that they can move out of my aunts house, not a giant shopping spree. My mom is very delusional. Last Christmas she bought my dad a very large breed puppy despite them not having any money and the house already having 8 other pets in it. My sister paid for his vet bills. She also keeps asking me to move back in with them so they can afford a house payment. I hate having such fucked up irresponsible parents. It’s like they never aged past 15 years old. My mom makes stupid decision after stupid decision and it’s so draining to keep up with. I stopped giving my parents money 4 years ago after I had a giant fight with my mom about it, but now my sister just took my place and gives my mom money for shit all the time. It would be nice to just have parents that don’t act like children all the time. Any time I’m against stuff they do like buying a giant puppy, or going on vacations I’m just the negative asshole
No. 2414166
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After Googling around for the reason why I might be struggling so much at work, it dawned on me that my frequent burnouts and massive fatigue is due to me probably being autistic and having meltdowns. It is incredible that even though I've been to multiple therapist in the course of the past 10 years, none of them manage to diagnose me with it, they only mentioned depression and an unspecified mood disorder
No. 2414185
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Been extremely sick lately, my guts are all types of fucked up rn, the meds are taking their time to do their thing so every time I eat something bad usually happens, that's why today I was feeling very anxious while (trying) to finish my breakfast, as I wasn't feeling well. Of course, my sister just had to make a point and highlight the fact I was nervous, giving me a stank eye and judging my behavior, calling me a "freak". I wasn't having it, so I told her to leave me alone and mind her business so I could eat, she couldn't simply shut up or apologize so she started fighting me for the next 20 minutes. My dad had to intervene, then finally, she left me alone. I hope she never gets sick like this, though I seriously doubt I'd be as much of a tactless cunt as she usually is to me
No. 2414194
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I hate moids and their bs "muh different times/a product of their times" "muh subjectivity" they're so evil
No. 2414203
>>2414194Relativists are frustrating.
>slavery was commonplace back then!Doesn't mean the slaves or even others in those societies enjoyed it. They just weren't the ones writing history to have recorded accounts of how awful it was.